#but i'll never understand r2 and c3po
😏 top 5 favorite star wars droid scenes (can be from either canon or even fanfic)
i haven’t read very much star wars fic at all (actually only one short fic about B1 droids and… well, 🥰 some super secret very exciting and amazing work by a friend which would 100% make this list if not for the veil of wip mystery) so i will be pulling these from canon!
1. BD-1 is probably the droid of all time to me (like,, he's an expedition droid he's basically that two-legged cat video 🥺 he saves cal multiple times and the two of them are both so alone before they find each other it's!!! THE mood as far as droids go for me). really hard to pick just one scene but probably the scene on ilum because of how that whole level acts as a crucible for their relationship. cal at his lowest and BD-1 showing him that love is risky and cal i think understanding that being a jedi is about taking the risk in loving something (the world, people), and understanding that the risk belongs to you and any hurt that comes from love never gives you permission to lash out at innocent people. (you can however murder fascists the jedi code permits this)
something about the thesis statement of that game as forgiveness and sort of saying 'it makes sense that you were afraid. it makes sense that you were angry, and here's a hand reaching out to touch you despite it all. the empire is everywhere and here, in this outstretched hand, there's gentleness despite it all.' ANYWAY yes BD-1 in that scene and the moment they become inseparable just... always makes me cry.
look at BD's little face. we are best friends now 🥰
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*andor spoilers for number 2*
2. that scene in andor after [redacted] where the camera focuses in on B2EMO, the dialogue washed out and faint and you can just feel his grief. i love what everything Cassian-adjacent has done for droids, but it absolutely broke me to hear B2 say "i don't want to be alone. I want m-m-maarva." that scene as cementing the depth of feeling that droids are capable of... the way B2 is treated by the narrative and by those around him. spoken to like he's maarva's other son and not just her droid.
3. everything K-2SO says in rogue one but especially the scene where he's like "Jyn... I'll be there for you" and there's this extremely heartwarming music playing and then he goes 😐 "Cassian said I had to." 🙄
4. when C-3P0 and R2 crash land on tatooine and 3P0 does nothing but whine and complain. basically
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the whole
"where do you think you're going?!"
"well, i'm not going that way."
"it's much too rocky! this way is much easier."
then kicking R2 and storming off and R2 just like "¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 'guess you'll die' and rolling away peacefully, humming to itself. then C3PO lost in the desert muttering "!! he tricked me into going this way" 😡
5. oooo i'm going to be gay and say another BD-1 scene. this is during the Trilla fight on Zeffo where she (good for her. valid of her. always) Force-yeets you across the room and is about to do a very beautiful again very valid downward strike to finish you off and BD-1 activates a particle shield between you and her. heroic work by BD because it triggers by far the best Trilla scene, even including the opening fight on Bracca. look at his smug little face he loves cal so much 🥺
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kanansdume · 2 years
AP-5 might be the only time I have thought that a character who is CLEARLY meant to be something of a knock-off of a previously established character that a lot of people tend to like, is actually BETTER than said previously established character.
I love AP-5. So much. So so so so much. His relationship with Chopper is adorable and wonderful and they should get way more airtime in the many filler episodes this show has than they do.
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