#but i'm also curious as to why i'm avoiding him like the plague
selfshipping-haven · 8 months
He's still in my mind....GET HIM OUT OF MY MIND
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Lake: cbf!soap x reader
The lake water was warm against your skin. Your been in it all day, drinking up the sun and enjoying your time with Johnny. You lost count of how many times he had splashed water on you or threw you into the lake with a mischievous laugh.
It had been good. You had fun messing around with him, especially when the trip had been overdue, but there were questions burning in your mind.
It was just past five by the time you had decided to dry off. You laid out on your towel on the wooden dock, covering your face from the sun with an extra towel.
“Not asleep are ya?” Johnny wondered softly in case you were.
“No.” You moved the towel and gave him a small smile. “Could be though, I’m tired.”
“I know, it’s great.”
His hair was tousled from drying himself off as he sat down on the dock next to you. His legs hung over the edge and he stared out at the water, a summer breeze taking up the silence.
There was nothing else to do but ask.
“Why do you want to join the military so bad?”
Johnny paused and glanced at you with an uncertain look on his face.
It had been a couple weeks since the two of you had made up and in that time the military had been a topic you both avoided like the plague. The only time it was even discussed was the agreement that he went to Herefordshire every other weekend to visit his cousin.
You didn't have an issue with it...or at least you tried to tell yourself that. You didn't want him to leave you and join the military but you couldn't exactly stop him from doing what he wanted with his life.
Even when it felt like it was without you.
"Ah dinnae ken...it just feels right." He said after a moment of thinking. "It's something I think I'd be good at."
"But you're good at a lot of things." You sat up. "Math, science. You're also the best artist I know-"
Johnny shook his head and though there was a smile on his face, his eyes were filled with worry. He turned away from you as if to hide from you and he pick up a twig on the dock to through it in the water.
"I cannae see myself in uni doing any of that. The military is where I see myself."
You frowned and felt your chest tighten. You should know better than to try to convince him otherwise, once he set his mind on something that was it.
Maybe he was right, maybe he'd end up climbing the ranks and becoming one of the best. You didn't doubt it, he was good at everything he did and considering how fast of a learner he was, he'd be there in little time.
But it was the fact that he had forgotten all about you. It was like he was so willing to get away from his hometown, from you that it was hard to believe that he didn't have some ill feelings toward you.
It was all you could think of: "Why do you want to leave so bad?" "Why do you want to leave me?"
You sat down beside him to have some sort of closeness with him and looked out at the water that reflected back the golden rays of the sun.
"Well don't forget me when you're some military hero." You tried to joke but it didn't come out all too happy and John seemed almost offended by it.
"I couldn't forget you, I wouldn't." He stated firmly but you said nothing. "I'll come back any chance I get."
His eyes looked desperate and angry. Almost as if he were trying to convince himself more than you because you already knew he could forget you and that the chances of him coming back were slim.
It was inevitable and maybe that's what made it true.
"I was just curious." You shrugged and looked away from him, the pain in your chest too unbearable when you looked at him. "You're too young to join right now anyway."
"Even though I'm ready."
You scoffed and shook your head.
In two years they'd let him join. And in two years you'd lose him.
A/n: haha angst feel free to send asks if you want more fluff or something because all that's on my mind is angst for this series lol
tag: @elysian0612
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griffonsgrove · 9 months
General Dating Headcanons | Black Hat
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Black Hat X Reader fandom: Villainous/Villainos words: 1132 cw: none!! enjoy! a/n: Hi hi!! ive really been wanting to do headcanons for Black Hat for a while, I'm open to asks and requests so dont be afraid to drop a suggestion in!!
Black hat is by no means an easy boss. He’s ruthless, unmerciful and bitter, and you are no exception in the Eldrich’s case.
At first.
When you were first hired to be an employee at Black Hat Organization, Black Hat treats you as he would any of his other employees.
With zero respect.
He has very little tolerance for inefficiency
But you were absolutely determined to live up to his impossible expectations.
Maybe you spent a little extra time organizing his paperwork, or added a smidge more arsenic to his tea than usual (he had a sweet tooth for poison occasionally) and maybe you even bothered to dust some of his prized artifacts and tomes from his glory days as villain, making them look as new as the day he got them, and so many other things you did that seemed to make his life a little bit more stress-free.
At first, he thought nothing of it, it wasn't uncommon that his henchmen would grovel at his feet and suck up to him, it amused him really. 
But overtime the eldritch realizes that you wanted to do these little tasks. 
But why?? He was the most feared being in existence, and you went out of your way to do the smallest task to appease him. You seemed to worm your way into his thoughts, even as he sat perched at his desk in the wee hours of the night. Why were you just so…sweet! You should be cowering in fear!!
Speaking of fear, he loooooooves to scare the shit out of you, popping up when you least expect, out of the shadows, morphing into some unspeakable abomination of eyes and mouths (possibly) scarring you, always got a kick out of him.
After working for him for some time you were the only one, he seemed to tolerate, you managed to do your job with little to no flaw or mistake, unlike his scientist.
Dr. Flug admittedly was slightly envious.
He’d never admit it but, Black Hat enjoys holding conversation with you from time to time. He allows you to ask questions, most of them being about all the things he had witnessed and accomplished in the eons he’s been alive. He almost admired the way your eyes lit up in wonder as he explained. Almost.
You enjoyed these little private conversations too, occasionally the demon would ask a question or two about yourself, which you would happily answer. He may show no interest on the outside, but on the inside he's curious. Something he rarely feels.
He does have a reputation to uphold however, and still threatens, yells and demeans you just as he would any of his other employees.
Gotta keep you on your toes, ya know? 
But deep down you know. You know that he secretly enjoys your company and is too stubborn to actually admit it.
You even dare to go as far and say that he was a friend. Don't let him hear you say that though.
hooo boy
When I say this man is conflicted
The mere thought of love made Black Hat’s face morph into an ugly scowl, something he thought was near impossible for him to ever experience. The man had no heart for goodness's sake!
Oh, but then you had to weasel yourself into his life, his home, with your sweetness, didn't you?
Let me be clear when I say that this old man has never experienced these kinds of feelings before in his lifetime, and when he does, he thinks he’s possibly dying.
Did I also mention dramatic??
When realization dawns on him, he is absolutely floored, and the first thing he does is avoid you like the plague, which confuses you and raises a bit of concern. He rarely calls you to his office, and when he does, he avoids eye contact or just faces away from you entirely, barely acknowledging your presence.
Definitely becomes moodier, and more irritable as his feelings fester.
It’s not until you confront him one evening, when the manor is still and quiet, everyone having retreated to their respective rooms hours ago. That he finally confesses.
And being the extremely old fashioned eldritch he is, he formally asks to court you, how could you deny such a tempting proposition from the lord himself??
Of course, you say yes, why wouldn't you?? It’s an honor to be courted by Lord Black Hat!
Surprisingly, nothing changes much at first, he’s still very new to these feelings.
You both come to the agreement to keep your courtship strictly private and away from prying eyes, as I’ve said the man has a reputation to uphold.
God forbid Demencia finds out either. 
With all that being said, you both take things very slowly, which thankfully you were patient and understanding about, he's experiencing all these things for the first time.
It’s a good thing you're there to help guide him, right?
He may not have ever been in a relationship, but he isn't stupid. This demon is a straight up gentleman, and extremely chivalrous. Call it old-fashioned if you must, But the man is a charmer.
Despite his villainous persona, Black Hat shows rare moments of unexpected softness when he's alone with you.
He might not admit it, but he secretly enjoys quiet evenings, perhaps reading or just spending time together in one of his private studies. He personally enjoys reading the Necronomicon to you.
Black hat also has an uncanny ability to find and present unique, often mysterious gifts. They might be rare artifacts, darkly enchanted trinkets, or even personalized items that reflect his understanding of your tastes. You keep every single one of them.
He’s surprisingly a good listener and remembers just about anything you tell him.
Which by the way, this man spoils you.
When it comes to dates, Black Hat goes all out. He arranges extravagant, exclusive events, whether it's a candlelit dinner on a rooftop or a private screening at the manor. 
He once brought you to another dimension to view the downfall of an alien civilization, how romantic!
Black Hat, in his own twisted way, is fiercely protective over you. He might not show it overtly, but anyone who dares to even look at you with disdain will face the Eldrich’s fiery wrath.
Overall, Black Hat is surprisingly a good lover and partner. Your life never seems to be dull with him around, and you're incredulously grateful and honored to be able to see this side of him, even if it's behind closed doors. He has a hard time conveying his feelings and being vulnerable, but you're patient and understanding and eager to help guide him.
He never would have thought love was possible for him until you came along.
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perseephoneee · 10 months
have yourself a merry little christmas (jamie tartt x f! reader) ficmas 2023
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꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ happy day 1 of ficmas!
prompt: you and jamie are forced to participate in a holiday talent show
a/n: feeling very sad bc i'm not at i was feeling festive in mystic falls but this made me feel slightly okay. i wish this was better but i hope it's okay though *cries* also here are the videos i was referencing throughout this fic video 1 video 2.
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ ficmas 2023
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You're still determining whose idea it was to have a holiday talent contest with the Richmond team, but whoever it was had your most profound hatred. Not because you wouldn't enjoy watching the team make fools of themselves, but because now you were pressured to participate.
It happened about a week ago when you stayed late at the facility. You stayed late to finish a project for Rebecca and noticed later how low the sun had gotten. Peering out your window, you swore over the passing sunset. Fatigue plagued you, and you knew you'd probably just pass out in bed when you got home. Deciding to freshen yourself up, you ventured downstairs to the kit room, where you knew Will kept extra towels. You just wanted to wash your face, waking up your bleary eyes for the road. As you entered the room to grab a towel, you could hear voices from the showers.
Should you have walked into the men's room? Probably not. But you were always curious, and you were already in the room by the time you felt any hesitancy. Peering around one of the corners, you could hear the soft sounds of singing coming from one of the stalls. The raining water dampened the sound slightly, but it didn't suppress the beauty of the voice you heard.
"Birds flying high, you know how I feel..."
Whoever was singing sounded like an angel. You didn't even know that any of the boys were singers, but now you were more than intrigued. You got lost in the singing, your back pressed against the tile wall, to the point that you were late to notice the sound of the shower turning off. Snapping out of your reverie, you waited until said player left to compliment their singing. Of course, said player ended up being Jamie Tartt.
"What the hell, Y/N!" Jamie swore, a hand held over his heart as he came around the corner and saw you.
"Why didn't you tell anyone you could sing?" You slouched off the wall, arms crossed, as you looked at Jamie with a sly smile.
"Why'd you got to hide in the men's bathroom like that?" He looked at you with furrowed brows, a slight blush coating his cheeks. You had never caught Jamie off guard before, and it made butterflies dance in your stomach. Having a crush on Jamie was a given; anyone with eyes could see how gorgeous he was. The difference is you've had the pleasure of seeing him grow.
"Does anyone else know you can sing?" You inquired.
"No, I keep that to me-self," Jamie mumbled, shoving his hands in his shirt and avoiding eye contact.
"You have a beautiful voice," you said smallly. "See you around, Tartt." You walked out of the bathroom, leaving him behind as you daydreamed about Jamie's voice all the way home.
The next day was when he got payback. Office days can be extremely long and tiring; sometimes you just like to hunker down with some tea and focus on finishing your work. You had your door closed, feet curled up under you as you worked on finishing your reports. You sang softly to yourself to pass the time.
"I've been meaning to tell you, I think your house is haunted; your dad is always mad, and that must be why."
Jamie burst in the door, finger pointing at you and expressing I-got-you-now.
"Bloody hell," you swore, jolting back and almost knocking over your tea.
"Well, well, look, whos been keeping a secret?" Jamie smiled, sauntering over to your desk. You gave him a pointed glare.
"Were you eavesdropping?"
"Maybe," He said, his accent making it sound like 'may-bay.'
"Have you heard of privacy?" You sighed.
"Have you?"
"Touche," you smiled. Jamie was still looking at you, as expected. You gestured for him to spit out whatever he wanted to say. "Spit it out."
"You'll see soon enough," Jamie cooed, walking backward from your office. You didn't trust whatever he had up his sleeve, which was proven later by Ted bounding in with his usual enthusiasm. You liked Ted; he was unbelievably kind and hilarious, but you were pretty suspicious when he came in with a shit-eating grin.
"Y/N! I'm so excited to hear the news," he smiled, hands in his pockets.
"Uh, what news?" you raised your brows, fingers stilling on your keyboard.
"That you'll be performing in our little holiday talent show that Higgins is putting on this year," Ted laughs. "When I saw your name, I have to admit I was surprised. I didn't expect you to sign up-- but I'm so glad you did."
Jamie fucking Tartt, that little shit. You knew this was his doing. By the heavens, you wanted to tell Ted right now that this was all a mistake, but seeing how excited he was made you pause. You had never performed in front of people before, not since you were 8 years old and forced to be in a school-wide production of Peter Pan. But you could work this to your advantage. If Jamie thought he could get away with this, then he was in for a treat.
"I'm also glad I signed up," you chuckled, clasping your hands on your desk.
"Be warned though-- Beard and I have a pretty nifty performance up our sleeves," Ted finger-gunned, skipping out of your office with a wave. Oh, you were in deep shit.
The holiday talent show was later that weekend. It was Higgin's idea to get everyone together, especially since many of the boys couldn't go home for the season. Keeley was the one who thought having a friendly competition would be exciting. The prize was, of course, a ridiculous crown someone bought and dinner on the team. It was being hosted at Higgin's place, a very comfy home near Nelson Road. You were dressed in a simple but classy maroon velvet dress that you paired with boots and a sparkly clip pulling back your hair. Christmas crackers were exploding from the tote bag you carried, the gifts for the team and your co-workers. Gift-giving was in your nature, and you couldn't come empty-handed.
Keeley was the one who answered the door, dressed in black with pearl accessories and looking every part a gorgeous holiday ornament.
"Oh my gosh, Y/N, you look amazing!" Keeley gushed, pulling you inside and suffocating you in a hug.
"I could say the same for you," you laughed, taking off your coat and shucking it in the closet.
"This old thing? Just something I found lying around," Keeley smoothed down her dress, sending you a sly smile as she wrapped her arm in yours. "Did you bring gifts?"
"Of course, that's my MO," you playfully smacked Keeley's arm as she took the bag out of your hands, putting it under the tree directly to the right of the foyer. Several people were already there, and you took time to say hello while graciously sipping the sparkling wine that was provided. When Jamie came in, you ended up in the corner with Sam discussing your favorite holiday movies (you were trying to convince him that Die Hard was a Christmas movie and that any other opinion is wrong). Your voice got stuck in your throat.
You had seen Jamie dressed up before, but somehow, in the warm light from the fire, it seemed so different. He was wearing a simple black blazer and button-up, but it's like he was stripped bare for you to see. He looked devilishly handsome, and you would be lying if you said you didn't have butterflies dancing through your chest and lungs.
Unfortunately for your sanity, Jamie noticed you and took a pause before sending you a small smile. You waved back, a flush crossing your cheeks as you turned away to continue your conversation with Sam. You were saved from any more awkward reactions by Beard announcing it was time for the talent show to commence. Everyone gathered in the living room, some boys sitting on the ground like kids listening to story time and others (like yourself) standing in the back, excited to watch the festivities commence.
"Thank you for coming to my home tonight," Higgins started, taking a slight bow when everyone whooped and hollered. "I'm excited to spend the season with my friends and family and even more excited to see what you guys have in store for us! Without further ado, I'm pleased to welcome our esteemed coaches to the stage."
More cheering commenced as Ted, Beard, and even Roy "ascended" to the stage (a carpet thrown on the ground). Roy looked exasperated to be there, but Beard and Ted were putting on their game faces as the music started, and they performed "Love Shack" by the B-52s. You couldn't stop the laugh from leaving your throat as you saw them honestly give their all.
"I am so glad I am here to see this," Jamie whispered, coming up on your right and sending you into a mini heart attack.
"Gees, you scared me," you sent him a glare, for which he only winked back.
"Roy looks so happy to be here," Jamie smiled, pointing to Roy, who was playing the tambourine with the same enthusiasm you had for paying your taxes.
"I'm sure it was all his ideas," you answered, bumping Jamie's shoulder with your own.
"Oi, when is Roy Kent going to sing!" Jamie yelled, proceeding to get flipped off by Roy right as Ted and Beard broke into choreographed dancing.
The night continued in much the same fashion, with you and Jamie giving your commentary the whole time. Sam did spoken word poetry, several of the boys did dances, and Rebecca, dropped the mic with a chilling performance of Holy Night. You were having so much fun with Jamie that you forgot he had signed you up to perform.
"Okay, okay, we got a treat tonight. Our very own Y/N is performing with a special guest-- Jamie Tartt!" Higgins announced, gesturing for you two to get on stage. Jamie looked at you with confusion, and you suppressed the laugh that wanted to escape.
"Oh, didn't I mention I signed you up to perform with me," you smiled cheekily, winking at him as he looked at you flabbergasted. You hopped on the stage, ignoring the nerves spreading throughout your body as Jamie reluctantly joined you. The rest of the team was having the time of their life watching Jamie be uncomfortable, and you were enjoying your revenge. He sent you a death glare right as the music started, and you kept your eyes on him to not die of stage fright.
"Have yourself a merry little Christmas; let your heart be light."
"From now on, our troubles will be out of sight."
Your voice carried across the room, and you saw a few surprised looks as everyone registered that you could actually sing. Feeling more confident, you turned to your friends and sent a small smile.
"Oh, here we are, as in olden days, happy golden days of yours."
Jamie came in with that croon that you couldn't get out of your head, and the jaws that dropped in the room were astronomical. He started playing it up for your friends as you made up your own dance on the "stage," even figuring out a harmony at some point.
The energy was palpable, and, by its end, it received standing ovations. You took Jamie's hand in yours, taking a bow. Ted came onto the stage, holding paper crowns and silencing the audience.
"I think we have a unanimous winner, don't we?" Ted asked, earning applause and a 'hell yeah' from Rebecca somewhere in the room. Ted crowned Jamie a red crown that he situated perfectly lopsided. He gave you a smile as he took the blue crown from Ted. You bowed your head as he placed it on, ensuring it fit perfectly. The kindness in his eyes was suffocating, and without caring for everyone in the room, you grabbed him by the lapels and kissed him. You could vaguely hear everyone in the room cheering, but you didn't care as Jamie kissed you back, wrapping an arm around your back.
You both smiled at each other and laughed at your friends' faces. Dani even took photos, which he was already sending to the team. Wrapping your arms around Jamie's neck, you looked at him and buried your face in his jacket.
"We're never going to live this down."
"I'm still going to get you back for making me sing," Jamie whispered, earning a chuckle from you.
"I'll look forward to it."
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꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ tagging people who liked original post
@kibberz @alexobsessionturner-blog @vigilanteavengerqueen @librais2close2delirium @infinetlyforgotten @dancemajor1 @thedrunkoncoffee @jamieroyjamieroy @nickelbelltower @whosyourdaddienow @jjmaybanksrings @duocoastal@ihavenousername14@thefuckisgender@redbull-princess @spiderywoo @omg-just-peachy @setyourtrackers @tfbnny @gothemcityshipper
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chiharuhashibira · 11 months
hi! I hope your day is going well, do you do requests with all the hashira? If so, i would like to request the hashira reacting to tomioka with a gn reader being his tsugoku, they werent even aware of the tsugoku but they find out theyre complete opposites! The reader is nice, talkative, sometimes loud and overall a really bright person to be with, while tomioka is tomioka, they have a good bond tho
Its okay if its not possible or you dislike the idea! No one can force you to do stuff, thanks and take care!
Let me explore this one but it'll be in an HC form~
Like how they will react after knowing that Giyu has a jolly tsugoku! No hard romance here (but romance-suggestive) and completely SFW~
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑶𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒔
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐬 + 𝐆𝐍 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Content Warnings: None-Completely SFW 🌸
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(Image is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner)
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🌸𝐆𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐢 𝐇𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚🌸
❥ Gyomei isn't the type of man who judges. But he can't hide how astounded he was when he knew that you were Giyu's tsugoku. He even thought you were Tengen's tsugoku at first because of how talkative and confident you are.
❥ Gyomei is very understanding. Nothing has changed since Gyomei knew you were the Water Hashira's tsugoku. He is still nice to you. Even advises you to try to help Giyu come out of his shell.
"You seem to have a good bond with Tomioka-san, even if you're total opposites. I think you should help him cheer up some time."
🌸𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨🌸
❥ The boy doesn't care at all. He instantly forgot what you said a while ago.
❥ Whenever you try to talk to him, Muichiro will continue to ignore you. It seems like the boy is very distant. But one time that you managed to hold a conversation with him, apparently he remembered you being Giyu's tsugoku, so he brought it up.
"Uh, you seem to act different compared to the Water Pillar. It's surprising knowing you are his tsugoku. But okay. Why are you here again?"
🌸𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐢🌸
❥ Mitsuri is very astounded that she went to the point of pinching your cheeks. She looked at you, then at Giyu. She can't believe that you can put up with the Water Hashira's attitude.
❥ But yes, she's very sweet, and nothing changed after she knew your connection to Giyu. Mitsuri still acted friendly to you, even asking you at lunch sometimes to get to know you. Apparently, she's interested in knowing more about water breathing, as she is curious if that is the reason why Giyu acts like that.
"You know, tell me more about yourself and your Water Breathing! I'm so glad you aren't shooing me away. But yes, eat! Try this sakura mochi! I don't usually share, but you're cute, so eat!"
🌸𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮🌸
❥ As he was curious about Giyu, Kyojuro remained friendly with you after knowing you were a tsugoku. Like Mitsuri, he can't believe how you can put up with the silence that Giyu has. And yes, the revelation of Giyu being a bit talkative to you surprised the man as well. You were total opposites!
❥ Kyojuro is just happy to know that you aren't giving up on Giyu. Yes, this man is so pure-hearted. He would often cheer you up whenever he saw you around, while also acknowledging the presence of Tomioka.
"Hi Y/N-san! Hi Tomioka-san! I hope your day is great! If you are free some time, you can drop by the Rengoku estate and train with me! We can have a delicious lunch afterwards too! My treat!"
🌸𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚🌸
❥ Giyu is unconcerned by the sudden attention you received after the Hashiras learned that you were his tsugoku.
❥ Oh well, the Water Hashira remained calm after all that fuzz. But yes, he still avoided everyone (except you) like the plague. You are close, but that doesn't mean that he will be close with the others too.
❥ Despite the attention that others seek from you because of your jolliness, you still made sure to spend time with Giyu. Practices? That's just one of the many things you try together! Apparently, Giyu is adventurous around you! But yeah, he's still insecure.
"I don't know how you can put up with me. But thank you. I appreciate this."
🌸𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐮 𝐊𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐨🌸
❥ Shinobu was horrified when she knew you were Giyu's tsugoku! She just can't believe a person so bright and jolly like you would be around someone like him. She would often try to convince you to train with her instead or explore other Hashiras Breathing styles, as you and Giyu seem to be incompatible. The girl is just so concerned.
❥ But yes, she's obsessed with you. Her behavior toward Giyu occasionally creeps you out, but maybe that's because she also seems to secretly like him. When you're with Shinobu, she always asks about the Water Hashira, aside from convincing you to be a part of the Butterfly Mansion.
"No one likes Tomioka-san. I don't know how you can do this with him! But if ever you change your mind, I will welcome you. But, hmm, what are Giyu's dirty secrets? Does he snore? I want to tease him!"
🌸𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢🌸
❥ Tengen finds it unflashy that you were Giyu's tsugoku. He doesn't have anything bad against Water Breathing but he just finds the Water Hashira so gloomy, which is definitely not you!
❥ Like Shinobu, Tengen is obsessed with you. The man finds you flamboyant, and he wants to take you in as his tsugoku instead. He even says his wife would love to have her! (Not as a wife, but as a part of their estate—as their baby XD)
"My wives would love you! Why don't you just join me? Be my tsugoku! Tomioka-san is just too gloomy!"
🌸𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚🌸
❥ Sanemi was also horrified. More horrified than Shinobu. He wasn't expecting you to be Giyu's tsugoku at all. For him, you were just like the sunlight, and Giyu was just like trash. (Apparently the lad adores you secretly)
❥ Sanemi would act less harsh with you, but he will still curse you whenever you act "like an idiot," especially when you're with Mitsuri. But yeah, the Wind Hashira also asked you to be his tsugoku, which you always politely declined.
"Your loss, though. That fucker doesn't deserve a talented tsugoku like you. But if you ever change your mind, don't go to Tengen or Shinobu... Those two are dimwits. Be my tsugoku instead."
🌸𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨🌸
❥ Mitsuri likes you as her friend, so Obanai isn't rude to you, even if he knew that you are Giyu's tsugoku. He is horrified, yes. But he isn't the type of guy who would hate you for that.
❥ But sometimes he mocks you for choosing Giyu over Sanemi, especially whenever he sees the Wind Hashira dismayed by your continuous rejections. Of course, Sanemi's his friend, so he'll side with him. But yeah. You don't talk with each other that much unless Mitsuri makes him talk to you. And yes, Obanai would just talk about Kaburamaru.
"You know, you're wasting your life as Tomioka's tsugoku. Just go with Sanemi. He can help you better."
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𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉!
So sorry if this request took me too long to write hahahahahaha!
But anon, if you are still here, thank you for the request~
Feel free to request, reblog, or comment!
Ja ne~
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
hii bonny 🤍
i‘m also very curious about what happened in crossroads can you maybe still post what is in your drafts 🥺
This is a random scene from my notes on my phone, set somewhere (I think? It's been a long time since I wrote those notes..) after his (failed) tattoo appointment. It was unfinished, so I cut off the last part of it that was a little scrambled and ended in an open sentence haha.
Only a warning for angst, being drunk and smoking. That's it.
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It's not hard to realize that he's not the same person you used to go out with years ago- if not just by the way he visually changed, but also internally.
Still- if you had the ability to open up his chest and repair all the damage done to his back then soft heart, you'd do it in a beat of your very own with no questions asked. Then again, maybe you shouldn't- maybe you should just leave him alone just like you were told to years back. Did it do any good?
Did he grow up well? Are his piercings and tattoos his choice, or were they just a decision of rebellion against his parents after you left?
Had you already fucked him up too much to have someone save him?
"Hey- oh, you're cold." He notices the second his warm hand finds your rather cooled down, naked skin fleetingly, before he sits down next to you on the large rock in Taehyung's backyard. The music is still booming inside the house, and everyone's clearly conversing and having fun- so why is Jungkook out here with you of all people?
Especially after avoiding you like the plague?
"It's fine." You say, pulling your knees up to your chest, heels of your shoes scraping a bit before they find hold on an edge. He runs his fingers through your hair, his cheeks a bit reddened and nose shiny from the alcohol he still holds in his hand, before he sets down the beer bottle into the grass in front of him. "I get a headache from the loud music." You mumble, looking at a frog jumping into a bush. Taehyung fails to really maintain a proper garden- everything's wild and untamed back here, and you actually like the sight.
"I swear he keeps turning it louder every song." Jungkook chuckles, clearing his throat before he pulls out a slightly crumpled pack of cigarettes- offering you one that you take rather reluctantly. You're not sure when he started to smoke- but you won't question it either, just as much as he doesn't question if you still smoke or not, apparently. "I won't stay much longer. They're getting too wasted for my taste.." He mumbles to himself, before he lights his cigarette- holding out the lighter to you. "Taehyung keeps kissing people on the cheek."
"Well, you're pretty bad already too." You sigh, lighting your own for yourself before you give it back to him-
noticing the pink glued yarn on it, right before he snatches it back to put it into the small cardboard box he stuffs in the front pocket of his blue sweater.
Does he know that he still keeps something of you with himself?
Or did he forget that it was yours years back?
"Not really, no." Jungkook laughs, though he does rub his eyes a little, and it stings because his timing to your thoughts couldn't be anymore painful. "Really. Why do you think I'm drunk?" He accuses with a slightly playful hint in his tone that you don't feel fits the moment.
"Cause you're out here with me." You simply tell him, avoiding eye contact because he's been avoiding you the entire night until now.
"Hm, you have a point." He shrugs, taking a long drag of the cigarette between his fingers before he continues. "I can't handle you when my brain works, I guess." He laughs, and you just silently smoke next to him, watching the ash from it fly off with red sparks every time you flick it off. "I wanna ask you why you left." He says, lowly, seriously, and now you start to feel the cold too.
Or maybe it's just him.
"But I'm not drunk enough to do that." He chuckles, leaning back a little, moving his neck until it cracks- a habit he still has.
"Is that why you're here now?" You ask quietly, worried about his answer, somewhat- but at the same time, you're already scolding yourself for not letting it go. "So I tell you without you having to ask?" You continue nevertheless, brain too fogged up from the amount of alcohol to really sustain the ability to think thoughts quietly it seems like.
"No." He shakes his head, before he huffs out a long drag of smoke. "I just wanna.. pretend? Remember? Fuck." He laughs to himself, face in his hands for a good moment, cigarette burning on it's own tucked between to fingers.
It takes you a moment to realize he's probably crying. Or trying not to. You can't tell.
"Can't you at least say sorry?" He suddenly says, and once his hands are gone from his face, you can finally spot all the lights from the inside of the house behind you reflect in his glassy eyes like they're mirrored. His tears don't fall until he blinks-
then they're gone again, the lights and the tears, frustration replacing all of it, shaking you awake especially when you realize he's looking right at you.
"I can't." You tell him, bottom lip quivering as you keep it together the best you can. "I can... only say sorry for not being able to say sorry." You laugh, and he shakes his head.
"So you just.. left, fucked me over, and you don't regret that at all?" He argues so softly it hurts. It would feel a lot better if he yelled at you- because you can deal with anger, with resentment and all of that, you grew up with it, it's normal-
this isn't. You don't know what to do.
"Never said I didn't regret it." You deny, killing the burning cigarette bud by scratching it over the rock you're sitting on. "...I just can't say sorry for something I.. didn't do." You deny, and at that, he looks at you standing up, hugging yourself, before your heels sink into the soft ground, making you trip-
and him get up too quickly as he stumbles just as much, almost falling into the bushes with you if it wasn't for the flimsy fence your back hits instead, his hands on either side of you, face right next to yours.
"What did they do to you?" He asks, and you want to scream, yell, call police or whatever just to get out of it-
because you can handle him hating you. You're okay with him using you as the villain and reason he ended up mending his relationship with his parents. You can handle being the breaking point of the young Jungkook who finally woke up and realized that his parents and home had always been trying to help him. You can handle that.
But you can't handle tearing all of that apart. Not because he doesn't deserve the truth, but because you won't get a happily ever after anyways.
"They had something to do with it." He keeps going, only slowly giving you space again, and suddenly you want him close again, just so you don't have to look at him. "I know they did-"
"Jungkook-" You start, when you hear the door of the house opening, glass door swinging open, some people laughing as they walk out as well, shattering whatever moment just transpired between you both as you slip right underneath his arm. "I should get home now." You tell him with a tight-lipped somewhat smile, but his face is dangerous.
"Hoseok drives you home, right?" He asks, and you nod, unsure. "Cool." He says, completely catching you off guard as he walks past you. "I'll tell him you wanna go. I'll just go and say bye to Taehyung." He says, making you look after him confused, before you realize.
Hoseok mentioned he'd drop someone off on the way to your place.
And apparently you now know who that someone might be.
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twistedhoneycomb · 10 months
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hey tumblr... I'm back and I come bearing gifts
here's flake's relationship chart!! I was inspired by my extremely cool mutual @chiimiraa to make this so go check out her stuff🙏
note: all the relationships are platonic
some more info on all the dynamics:
Gangle: feels a little scared of them due to their standoffish nature, but finds them interesting and sometimes wants to try and draw them. flake is neutral and has no real opinion on her
Ragatha: she's curious about them, although they never really interact. she thinks they seem nice and hopes they can get to know each other more. flake thinks she seems nice and hopes the same, but isn't sure about approaching her yet
Pomni: feels anxious about there being another addition to the circus after herself. she sort of wants to talk to them, but feels too scared. flake is similar, they know she was the one directly before them, but doesn't feel comfortable interacting
Kinger: he is terrified of flake because they ate a worm from his insect collection without any second thought when he showed it to them. avoids them like the plague ever since. flake thinks he's funny and is sort of confused why he doesn't interact (they don't see anything wrong with what they did)
Zooble: thinks they are extremely chill and really enjoys hanging out with them. they have a great time. they like that flake just lowkey dgaf.......... /ref and flake loves hanging out with them, they like that they take them seriously and doesn't mind their inability to speak. also they bond over hating jax
Jax: he LOOOVES to make flake insane by teasing them. his favorite hobby. flake despises Jax with every fiber of their being down to the last pixel. hates him. HATES.
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theflyindutchwoman · 10 months
I read your reply to an ask about Tim and Isabel laughing together about the meditation and I think there are quite a few strange things in that episode. I do not really understand what the writers were trying to do, because to me Tim and Lucy’s communication is all off this episode. And communication is what they are so good at and really their strong point. It starts with Tim inviting Isabel to Lucy’s place and forgetting to tell her (I can forgive him on that, he had a good reason to forget..). But Lucy thinks it is weird, but says it only to Tamara. Isabel’s presence affects both Tim and Lucy’s behavior in a space (Lucy’s apartment) they are usually so comfortable. It is such a contrast to how close and cosy they were just before she arrived. 
Later Tim expresses to Isabel that Lucy is different, but does he communicate this to Lucy really? When Lucy and Isabel are in the car waiting, Isabel suggests they should turn off their mic, so Tim cannot hear and they talk about what being undercover entails. When Tim asks later what that was about and Lucy makes a joke instead of being honest, it gave me an iffy feeling. Cause no wonder he is already a bit defensive when Lucy wants to be vulnerable and says she is worried he won’t be able to handle her being undercover. I think he might suspect that the conversation he was cut out from was about discussing undercover experiences. On the one hand I think it is great that Lucy brought up her worries about how going undercover will affect their relationship and that she cares how it affects him (which is kind of how I read what she said). On the other hand she is not involving him in how she feels about it and what worries she was for herself. 
Also a bit sad that an episode that involved a lot of them not communicating well with each other ends on that note too :(
Sorry, this was a a lot of thoughts  and I do not if it makes sense. I am very curious what your take on it is :)
The way I see it, Isabel was used as a catalyst to propel this part of the UC storyline : how this is going to impact their relationship. Up until this point, Lucy and Tim had avoided that topic like the plague. Even after Noah's remark that UC was a relationship killer or his question as to why she hadn't done any op since finishing UC school… Isabel's return is what forced them to finally start this conversation. So I get why their communication was a bit off : this is only the beginning, where they themselves are trying to figure out how they feel and are unsure on how to proceed.
In some ways, it is a parallel with 1.01, when Isabel crashed back into Tim's life, pushing him to open up to Lucy. This is how their bond started… And this is the same here : Isabel showed up (almost) unannounced and soon after, Lucy and Tim started to be more open about their feelings. You can see the progression between 5.20 where he shuts down and try to pretend that everything is alright and 5.21 where they actually start to hash this out.
But yes, like you said, there were a few strange things… And I'm not sure if that was on purpose or if something got lost in the execution. Let's start with Tim inviting his ex-wife to Lucy's apartment… I get the idea behind this. By having Isabel coming over, it sent a clear message : Tim is basically living with her and he didn't want to hide anything from her. 'A place of honesty'. Plus, it made the transition in the scene easier. Just like I can understand why he didn't tell her… It's not like there isn't a precedent of his brain going blank when he sees Lucy in the shower. Don't get me wrong, it would have been preferable to ask her if she was OK with this beforehand… But as it was a last minute thing, I can get over it. The problem is that all these points were negated right away. If this was supposed to show them as a united front, then having Lucy being weirded out a bit changes the narrative. Especially since, like you said, it goes unaddressed. And that's really where the scene goes downhill for me. She is not only relegated to prepare the coffee while Isabel and Tim go to the living-room to talk (they could have stayed in the kitchen), she also has to sit on the floor, practically at their feet… Let's just say that this image made me very uncomfortable. I doubt it was intentional but still. And even without all the implications behind this, having Tim and Isabel sitting together with Lucy on the side contradicted this idea of united front. It completely threw off their dynamic and as it directly followed that lovely scene at the very beginning, it made the contrast even more jarring.
And it didn't end there… I feel like the writers suffered from a tunnel vision problem. They were so focused on making Isabel friendly that it sometimes came at the detriment of Lucy and Tim, as individuals and as a couple. The thing is, I really appreciate that they wanted her to be friendly with the both of them. She wasn't used as a device to come between them (not in a love triangle way) and that is so refreshing. But the execution didn't fully come through. Her scene with Tim at the station, where she laughs with him about the meditation, felt too much like a joke at Lucy's expense. And her scene with Lucy in the car, when they turn off the mic just to mess with Tim, came across as almost callous in light of his insecurities regarding secrets. And I don't think that was the intention at all in both cases. The scene between Lucy and Isabel was great on paper : Lucy has always looked up to the other female agents (Capt. Andersen, Nyla, even Angela though we don't have as many scenes). And she was already curious of Isabel when she met her in 1.03. So it made sense that she would want her opinion. And I liked that she felt comfortable enough to joke with her or that there was no jealousy/rivalry. But the camaraderie went a little too far when Tim or Lucy became the butt of the joke - at least, for me. Although the 'keeping secrets' part was addressed a bit in 5.21… So there's that. And it was clear during the episode that Isabel was overcompensating : I can't imagine how hard it must have been for her to go back to her old life, facing the people who saw her at her worst. It just needed a few tweaks here and there to make it more seamless.
As for that final scene in 5.20, I actually get where Lucy is coming from. She does open up first by sharing how much she loves undercover. She is being vulnerable here. She is aware that this is a sore subject with him and I believe a part of her might be afraid of his reaction as well. And that's why she wants to know how he feels. She knows his baggage here. Besides, that's her MO. They always focus on the other. Had she touched on how she felt, Tim would have jumped on that, instead of his own fears. There's also the fact that it is her choice to pursue UC, so she might consider her own worries to be her burdens, if you know what I mean. They are both learning how to be in this relationship, so they are bound to make some mistakes. Since 5.20 served as an introduction for the undercover mission in 5.21 and for that whole UC arc, I didn't mind that their communication was still off by the end of that episode (though I get it). I think the hesitation and the fear that were palpable helped a lot as well. So is the fact that they took a step in the right direction in 5.21 : they kept maintaining a line of communication and they both shared some of their fears. It's a work in progress in so many ways and there should be more to come. Maybe once we get to the bottom of this arc, everything will fall into places. I hope this helps a bit :)
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soartfullydone · 2 years
When did you go from loving Feysand and ACOMAF to hating everything after ACOTAR? I'm genuinely curious
Thanks for your question!
It was sometime after I had finished ACOMAF, maybe about midway through ACOWAR when I fully realized my feelings and acknowledged them.
I read ACOMAF in two days, which is wicked fast for any reading experience. So I was riding the highs the book was giving me without fully thinking them through. I remember being so excited that the characters I was shipping in book 1, Feyre and Rhysand, were actually becoming a real thing that I was ignoring all the things wrong with it. (Note: I shipped and enjoyed Feyre and Tamlin in the first book, too, along with Nesta and Lucien. It's not hard for me to ship things if I think it could be fun.) When I finished the book, I sat there, thinking over everything and kept asking myself, "They're together. So why am I so... unsatisfied?"
I didn't have these answers until ACOWAR, when Feyre was being so vengeful against a whole court because of her hatred for one person and treated Lucien like a toy after what he did for her UtM. When Feysand attended the war meeting with the other High Lords, a scene I had been waiting for for a loooong time in excitement, and it was like watching a middle school production of Mean Girls. Everything was so much... cheaper and poorly written than I wanted it to be. And SJM ripped off the Troy line: "The sun was shining when your wife left you." I came completely out of it at that moment because it felt like I was reading someone's OOC fanfiction, but nope. This was penned by the author in utter seriousness.
But subconsciously, the moment I began to hate ACOMAF, Feysand, the Night Court, the whole thing wasn't because of the sacrifice to Tamlin and Lucien's characters or even Feysand's characters. It wasn't the retconning and over-reliance on sexism and empty girl power as "themes." It was when SJM used Rhysand to say with her whole chest that the Night Court isn't actually a court that lives in perpetual night because he can't control the arc of the sun. That their nights are just somehow better than everyone else's, and I remember being so... disappointed by that. How weak sauce. How unimaginative. Because she has him say this, while fully ignoring that the Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter courts each maintain their respective seasons despite the tilt of the earth. If they can maintain their court state because of ~magical reasons, why couldn't the Night, Dawn, and Day courts do the same?
I know it sounds like a small thing, but it is a perfect example of SJM's laziness as a writer but also a failure of characterization and world-building, which are all problems that plague the series from the second book on. And the fans wouldn't be dealing with so many of these problems were it not for that second book. ACOTAR sparked my imagination in incredible ways because of how full of possibility it was, not just for Feysand but for all characters and the world. ACOMAF killed that imagination because everything was flattened down and compressed into Feysand and Velaris, which were... boring.
It snowballed from there.
I hated how the Suriel's prophecy was changed from Feyre needing to stay with Tamlin to avoid UtM from happening to Feyre staying with Rhysand to... ??? Because the narrative impact just isn't there like it is for the first book. I hated how the Children of the Blessed became nothing. I hated how Calanmai, one of the few things in the book that made these characters fae-like, became irrelevant. I hated how Rhysand went from being a frightening and formidable villain whose motives you couldn’t quite read to being an uwu soft boi who’d been secretly in love with Feyre the whole time. I hated how the story went from Rhysand doing truly heinous shit (twisting the bone in Feyre’s arm, the body paint, the forced kiss) to suddenly Doing No Wrong (except sssh, he is, we’re just never going to address it as wrong ever. Quick, brush it under the rug, it never happened). 
I hated that it felt like I was reading about 15-year-old elves, and not at least the badly-behaving Silmarillion kind. I hated that Amarantha and Hybern had agents secretly infiltrate every court, and then that information totally vanished. I hated how humans didn't matter. I hated how "be glad of your human heart, Feyre" became utterly meaningless because Feyre became indistinguishable from Rhys and his Inner Circle. And to date, I hate the 500+ pages of trauma dumping for a measly 100 pages of action, if you’re lucky. I hate how none of the characters do what would actually be in character for them, but instead do what SJM wants them to do.
That's simply not engaging writing to me and why I walked away.
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darcyolsson · 11 months
actually how do you feel about the queer rep in tsc in general, b/c i feel like it's so good but also sometimes. Bad. like Anna was so messy imo, both as a nonbinary character and her relationship to Ari. but at the same time she writes so much queer rep for such a big and mainstream series.
i think the short answer is "overall very good, but not perfect, as can be expected from a cishet woman in her 40s"
long answer is yeah, it's a bit of a mixed bag sometimes, but generally good. i think she treats her queer and her cishet characters equally, without putting too much thought into certain sterotypes she wants to avoid, which does lead to a few questionable moments. (though she does avoid killing her queer characters like the plague, which, so true. keep that up)
i think a good example of this is how both magnus and matthew, two of the most prominent bisexual characters, are both known for being very flirtatious people, which is a negative sterotype i think most authors as dedicated to writing rep as cc would want to avoid. at the same time, there's also slutty characters who aren't bi (jace, isabelle, anna) and bi characters who aren't slutty (mark, kieran, helen). would it be better if she had avoided this stereotype altogether? i don't know!
same goes for the way cetain characters talk about magnus' femininity. though it's generally respected and generally admired, it's absolutely used as the butt of a joke like... all the time. would it be better if no one made fun of it, even though magnus' femininity is also explicity admired in-text by just as many people? i don't know, you tell me.
anna is......... a lot to unpack, isn't she. i can't really say how i feel about her gender identity since i'm not nonbinary myself, but i do think that if cc set out to write a genderqueer character she could have made that more explicit. i get that tlh being set in the 1900s leads to some complications, but i think a sensitivity reader may have helped her a bit here.
i do think her and ari's romance lacked a certain depth that other couples were given (and same goes for helen and aline, though they are obviously not main characters). i think this is mostly due to the way cc writes her male and female characters, or rather, their romances. it's a little hard to put into words but i feel like, in the end, her female characters are the ones who are regular people while the male characters often step into the sexy love interest role, ready to admire the Main Girl any opportunity he gets. that's not to say that most characters don't carry elements of both these roles sometimes, but it kind of leaves us with, like, Lesbian Sheep? does anyone get what the fuck i'm trying to say?
basically, when your romances depend on men being sexy dreamboats waiting for a girl to slowly fall in love with him, it's hard to write one without a man in there. the reason why ari and anna don't read as romantic is because they're both rational, three-dimensional people, whose main purpose in life is not getting the attention of some girl, when cc's romances almost always depend on the core dynamic being Regular Girl x Universally Admired Guy Who Would Kill Himself For Her If She Asked. (sizzy is a very notable exception to this, with izzy being the universally admired guy, while simon is the regular girl.)
basically, think her desire to write all her women as relatable, rational people for whom romance is not the single most important thing in their lives is preventing her from doing it. i'm very curious to see if twp will give us a better take on a lesbian romance but i don't count on it unfortunately!
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 months
Hey :D I watched a few movies with Jake and I was wondering what are your fave movies and your least fave? Just curious!
hi anon!!! i hope you've enjoyed the movies you've watched so far!!! 💖 i've made it through almost his entire filmography, i think i'm missing 2 of them? yeah, that's about right. i'm avoiding nocturnal animals like the plague so maybe one day i will be brave enough to watch it and complete jake's whole filmography. it was pretty easy to select my 3 least favourites, but my top 3 had me questioning everything. i just love so many of his movies, it's not my fault! thank you so much for asking this question! i love rambling.
Demolition (i remember watching this movie and i loved it so much that i watched it a second time right away. it holds such a special place in my heart and it always will!)
Brokeback Mountain and Love & Other Drugs (it feels criminal to put them at the same level but i just love them too much okay!!! they both make me cry a river)
Road House (yeah <3 jake has so many amazing movies but the rewatchability factor is very important to me and i've watched the movies mentioned above SO MANY TIMES and what's the other one that i also watched an alarming amount of times? road house. it's funny, it's pretty, it's not boring, it's not too long, it's got some depth, it's just so good. ambulance would also qualify, i love it so much too. if i was smart i would put wildlife because it gave me a similar gut punch as demolition did the first time i watched it, but i'm not smart so my vote goes for the gyllentitties)
The Sisters Brothers (i love john morris & his multiple accents so much and there are elements of the movie i liked, but... it's so long... it's so boring... it's so yeehaw gold rush... it's one of the few movies of jake i have on DVD and i can assure you it won't be played very often <3)
Highway (call me boring and lame and everything you want, but i don't like alcohol and weed and stuff centered around those topics so it's kind of obvious that this movie wasn't for me. pilot's cute, i like him, but yeah. it took me forever to find this movie online in english and not spanish or russian? for some reason? so the intensive research was not all that worth it. if i ever watch it again, it's for pilot)
Life (i love david jordan and his yo-yo!!! i love him so much!!! i watched 2 alien movies in my life and they were essentially the same and i did not like them. why do they always let the aliens inside the spaceship??? aren't astronauts supposed to be smart? it's so stupid that they just think it will end well. it never ends well! so yeah i'd rather watch accidental love than life and that says A LOT.)
honourable mention for spirit untamed. i will never watch spirit untamed. i grew up watching spirit: stallion of the cimarron and my spirit would never!!! i can tell that jake's voice acting improved a lot between this movie and strange world and that's all that matters.
as a bonus, i'll give you the 3 movies that pleasantly surprised me! moonlight mile (i wasn't expecting much? i don't know, i thought it would be pretty meh but it was so good! i really liked it and it's definitely one of my rare comfort watches because jake hates me and doesn't do enough movies i can just watch easily), end of watch (it's so... intense. i almost threw up because of a certain scene, i thought i would have stopped watching before the end but i loved brian taylor so much) and stronger (one of jake's most underrated performances like woah this was so painful and so good and so yeah! i really liked it. you can tell that jake was passionate about telling this story and it deserves a lot more recognition). i'm done rambling now, thank you again for sending this! 💖
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rexnatori · 2 years
Swap AU Taishakuten.
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@siaech and I had a funny conversation at about 3 AM once and from there was born an idea that i'm honestly surprised no one else did yet.
The entire concept is just switching a lotus for a pitcher plant and going ape with it.
more under cut!
So basically, Taishakuten if he was born with a spiritual entity that is basically just a huge cannibalistic plant than he's forced to feed regularly with flesh and blood or otherwise it drives him mad and does it anyway, but without being able to discern who. and if he was broke and had a mommy that isn't just a plot device.
He's kind of a huge bitch. Sarcastic, a bit egotistical and overconfident on his own power, snippy and sadistic, yet very socially awkward. While still kind at his core, he oftentimes protects other people by ridding of whatever danger and staying away. and then eating said danger, probably, because otherwise he becomes the threat (more than he already is, the bastard).
Spiritual Entity
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His spiritual entity divides in three (and four if you want to count the locus/heart)
The primary weapon consists in vines filled with sharp thorns that he uses to rip apart his prey. He can also simply retract the thorns and use them as regular limbs, but why would he do that.
The secondary weapon are roots that can emerge from any eye on his body. They can attach to prey and suck out the life force and/or blood out of them. This, funnily enough, doesn't hurt the victim, so it's more of a stealth-type weapon he hardly ever uses. These roots can grow flowers whenever there's an excess of energy from feeding, but he mostly doesn't take them out.
The tertiary weapon is always in the outside. The pitcher plants on them are what require feeding to sustain his energy and sanity. The longer these guys spend without feeding, the more it will take a toll on Taishakuten's self control, until he's unable to control the urge to eat and goes mad. May Trayastrimsa have mercy on whoever is close by when that happens, if ever, as he avoids starving like the plague. Most of the time he will eat demons from the borders of the Abyss and the outside of outer Zenken, but a few celestials have been unlucky to find him at his lowest point.
Moreover, he's morbidly curious, even in a somewhat innocent child-like way. The unknown is for him, made to be explored, and will aproach anything or anyone that catches his attention. Such as an unconscious noble celestial in the borders of Zenken Jo. What he does with what he finds depends in his mental state and if it can be eaten or not.
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andromedagarcia · 1 year
wrote a little something for the wonderland AU, featuring the three siblings and @hinataxsunshine and @airi-of-hearts ♡ hope you guys like it!
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A curious friendship, that between a rabbit, a mouse, and a serpent.
The sun was setting, the sky looked wounded, the crimson color of spilled blood, like that which covered the white roses blossoming in the Red Queen's garden, yellow clouds like gold spreading on the horizon, as if a painter (Cass, maybe? But she had buried her tools for art with Soma's body. Her words being there's no point in creating anything when all love has died, Andro, you know all my creations come from the heart) had drawn them with their brush.
'So what you are saying is that...'
Andro's voice was interrupted by her younger sister, who started laughing out of nowhere. First, it was nothing but a chuckle, prolonged in time. Then, it was as if someone had just told her the best joke she had ever heard in her entire life. She held her belly with both hands, bent over, tears streaming down her face. Had she stopped crying, since he had died? Would she stop crying? The Mad Hatter was becoming madder every single day.
With a flick of her black wings she signaled Hércules to do something. The soldier obeyed, not only because she was his Commander, but also because she was the oldest of the siblings, the one that had raised them all. The reason why they were in this mess? Could she have avoided it? Doubts plagued her mind and spread like a cancer, but they were not of any help, so she set them apart.
'You want to join our flanks.' The air heavy with lavender, the King of Hearts' favorite flower. What once had been a shiny, lustrous, green garden, in which hedges were shaped into a million different animals, both big and small, fountains threw up glistening water into the air and a hundred types of flowers grew, now was an unkempt mess, one that Andrómeda did not recognize as home.
Her dark, snake-like eyes focused on the people in front of her. A white rabbit and a mouse. Her natural prey. She didn't wait for an answer, a long, sharpened claw leaving an ugly mark on the wood of the table she had, until then, been sitting behind. Now she stood up, circling it, as she liked her lips with a long, forked tongue.
'Wine?' She offered, while she considered their words. 'It's not poisoned, don't worry about that.' She made sure to add, because while Mira may have used those tactics, that was not the White Qu... Mad Hatter's style.
'I will.' Hércules quickly said, leaving his now weeping sister pulling her own curls, rocking back and forth, whispering he's coming, he's coming, he's coming and she'll come and kill us all and she'll come and cut our heads off and the first time nothing will happen, nor the second, nor the third, only I will faint and then on the fourth he will forget his name, was it the fourth, was it the fifth? A fifth one, a sixth one, a seventh one, an eighth one... He'll die then, I'll die with him, The White Queen will die and the Mad Hatter will be born, she'll be born in Bethlehem like the Sphynx of the Second Coming, she's here to stay, the Mad Hatter... But I'm wearing a veil, shouldn't I be the Mad Veil-er? Oh, no, I do wear a hat too, don't I?
Andro resisted the urge to grimace, or to yell at her brother. He would probably be drunkest person in the room in about an hour, making a fool of himself, consuming alcohol being his way of dealing with this whole mess. She was, however, tired of playing his mother. She walked back to Cass, who was sitting under a withering tree, with a white stained dress that reeked of death and looked the part, as well, the veil over her face, not dark enough to keep her from seeing her little sister's features.
'You're wearing a hat too, Cass. It's fine. No Sphynx is coming.'
'No, I'm the Sphynx. I only bring death and pain and death and pain and other things that start with d such as... death, and pain, and despair and doom, tears? DECEASE, DISSOLUTION, DEMISE, DESTRUCTION.' Her voice grew louder and louder, until Andro crouched by her side and placed a calming hand on her shoulder, silencing her instantly. She raised her head, big, bewitching, beautiful brown eyes looking at her, filled with tears. 'He's dead, isn't he?'
'He is.'
Bawling. Lamenting. Mourning. Sobbing.
The cycle starting, once again. How long now, until she forgot?
The Jabberwock stood up, stretching her menacing wings, looking at both rabbit and mouse and promising herself she wouldn't eat them, no matter what her instincts told her. Because she needed their help.
'Just tell me there's a possibility of bringing her back.'
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onyxgalaria-art · 1 year
Mascot 5th Anniversary Post
Howdy-hey! Figured I'd post something different today! Today [August 20th, 2023] is special because it's the 5th anniversary of my online mascot, OG! He's gone through a lot since his first design, so I drew up every major version of him!
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Click "Keep Reading" if you want to learn more about each design!
V1 [August 20th, 2018]
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The first ever design of OG! I remember designing him while in my bedroom at a residental treatment center I was staying at! I was rebranding after a traumatic experience and wanted a new mascot. I came up with "TheOGEscargoon" because of my Escargoon phase. :P
Strong resemblense with the source material; I can see him being the most vulgar/unfiltered of the bunch.
V2 [Sept 2018]
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I expanded on the original design, but added more to it. One of the more memorable designs in my opinion. Honestly, I like his outfit here; mainly the shirt! Still closely resembles the inspiration, but he lost the shell.
V3 [Jan 2019]
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First version to include the snail stocks and shoes for some reason. Wanted to play around with the type of clothes he would wear; not sure why I thought about Peppa Pig Gucci of all things. Bro seems cool, very chill and carefree.
V4 [May 2019]
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The date of this redesign is a bit fuzzy, but this version is a personal favourite! Swapped the Escargoon-ish facial hair with a simple goatee. Another outfit I love, might make this an alternate outfit along with V2 and V3. This was also around the time I rebranded to "OpalGalactic"
V5 [Sept 2019]
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The first human design of him. I knew right away I wanted to make him a cyborg, but IDK what I was thinking with the weird face plating. Moving away from the main inspiration at this point, my least favourite design tbh. Around 2020, I rebranded again to my current username "OnyxGalaria"
V6 [Jul 2020]
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Didn't like the color pallete/outfit of V5, so I made things make sense in a way with the colors and outfit choices. Getting closer to the latest version, but he still had that weird face plating that messed with the mouth placement a lot and I avoided bright colors like the plague.
V7 [Nov 2021]
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One of the longest gaps for redesigns, but this is a top favourite! I remember really liking this design a lot, especially being proud of his prosthetic arm! :D Stuck with this design for a long while.
V8 [Feb 2023]
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For some reason, I wanted to do another redesign for him. I think I wanted to go for a VTuber vibe with this one. Part of me still likes this version, but at the same time, I'm not sure why I decided to use this design for a while.
V7.5/9 [June 2023, current]
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The current design of OG. I decided to combine the aspects I liked from V7 and V8 to make a happy medium I call V7.5! I'll be keeping this design for a long while [hopefully]!
And there you have it! I like to think OG grew with me; not just by design, but how he shows off what I like in a character!
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ambersky0319 · 1 year
NNT Rewatch: Episode 2
College orientation is done, Camp Nano begins in two days, and I have plenty of free time right now! So! Time to continue the rewatch!
Also I should probably say, this being a rewatch, I will talk about things that happen later both in this season and the story in general
Okay so first of all, Netflix, you're asking to skip recap when this scene wasn't in the last episode
Secondly okay then her father wasn't laid up in bed sick when she escaped, but I wonder if he encouraged her to leave on her own because he knew he was/he'd get sick, or if he knew he'd just slow her down bc. I mean. He IS old
Gotta respect the holy knights still calling him Majesty when there to arrest him and while banging on his door-
Love characters with parental-related trauma, whether it's just related to the parents or the parents caused it. And Elizabeth (though not known yet) has BOTH of those
Anyway she'll be seeing holy knights burst into her father's room in her nightmares for a long time I'm sure
Also what was that roar. Like jesus you'd think one of the new generation had transformed then and there with it-
Also also Elizabeth's dress when fleeing is actually pretty cute and separately I like that purple cloak, and I gotta remember to draw her in it at some point
Final also give this poor girl a hug :(
It's interesting just how many demon types there are depicted in the intro (at least a huge variety in appearance) yet we don't really see a lot of them
First season it's the red and gray demons, then we see more humanoid ones (Meliodas and the commandments), and Grayroad, but then there's this hulking demon in the intro and some dragon-like ones. There's one I'm curious if it's what Galand is beneath the armor. And there's tons of - again fairly humanoid - demons in the Cursed by Light movie.
Just. I'm really curious why we had so many humanoid ones. I would've loved to see the more beastly or monstrous looking demons throughout the show more, if only because the designs look so cool
But then we also don't know how much of this art can be considered accurate since the goddesses are portrayed with only a single set of wings, so (assuming that this was art depicting stories passed down by humans) maybe none of these demons exist
It'd be really cool if they did tho
Also at the bottom we have two human armies facing against each other, one blue the other red, and supposedly fighting on their respective sides. So it's interesting to see humans being depicted to be split on who they should support in the Holy War, if anyone, kinda like what I assume was going on with Rou and the humans who attacked the Fairy King Forest in the first Holy War
One day I'll analyze the Sins' armor and how it fits to each of their characters perfectly
But today is not that day
I just. I love the colors in this intro and every scene is just beautiful
Also Elizabeth and Meliodas, while standing hand in hand, are fairly far apart and I'm pretty sure in future intros they're MUCH closer together
Holding hands to show that their lives are intertwined/connected - hinting at the curse they're plagued with. But there's also distance between them that Meliodas is likely putting there, trying to keep Elizabeth at arms length to avoid accidentally activating the curse.
Like. Cmon. Elizabeth is closer to HAWK in the intro right there.
Alright I'm gonna be overanalyzing EVERYTHING if you hadn't caught on so here's more
In the scene they're lying in the grass Elizabeth is sleeping (or at least has her eyes closed) but Meliodas' eyes are wide open. Could be referencing how Elizabeth will die/has died but will come back (reincarnation -> sleep cycle) whereas Meliodas will continue to live (never truly dying -> awake). Like he closes his eyes for a moment then springs up, kinda like a brief respite before getting back into the thick of things
I'm definitely reading too far into it and idk if it makes sense but I'm fine with that
Too bad we don't see more of the Necropolis. I feel like it'd be interesting to explore more.
Especially the differences between there and Purgatory imo
And we're back with the sexualization
Like even if Elizabeth was just naive she's a TEENAGE PRINCESS you're telling me she doesn't know proper etiquette and what would be considered inappropriate behavior?
Meliodas just dodging her question so effectively that even when she hits the nail on the head (sorta, could what he did really be considered a crime when everyone else was dead?) he just says "well, maybe" and she just. Doesn't bring it up again I think?
Anyway I also just love the look on his face when he says maybe-
But also I love that there's a path leading to nowhere on this hill. Meliodas sells Vanya ale regularly from the looks of it (we see it in episode 1) so I wonder if the path is just there for when the boar hat is in town
Also it's a crime Meliodas became king of Liones
Man knows his stuff about alcohol and he seemed to actually enjoy running the tavern. He should gave just remained a bartender. He didn't even really WANT to be ruler of ANYTHING
I mean. Sir. Look at him then compare him to literally every person around you. You think he can SEE what's going on???
Wait I forgot Twigo wasn't a holy knight
Also apparently I accidentally quoted Meliodas in Eternal (Gelda saying "That twigo guy" in ch 19)
Surprised we don't see more people other than Mead say they're buddies with the Sins, but at the same time it makes sense bc the Holy Knights? But like damn you telling me not one grown ass arrogant bastard decided to scare people by saying this?
I actually love a lot of the villager designs in Vanya. Like there's so many types of people (body type wise at least)!! It's great!!!!
Girl practice your aim better
But also Elizabeth's reaction to Meliodas getting nailed in the face with a rock is gold 😂
Also also Meliodas didn't budge after getting a - pretty decent size - rick straight to the face
The way he just ushers Mead off like "alright we're going and you're mine now let's go"
"why are they hitting me" boy you're literally between him and the villagers?????
Why wasn't the rock-throwing stopped until AFTER Mead was gone??????????
Mead looking all cheeky and Meliodas just like "Brat. You're gonna regret this." when Mead insists on eating before telling Meliodas anything
While I am miffed over them not using more of Elizabeth's physical abilities in the show, I do absolutely love just how big her heart is and how she's such an empathetic person
Like she figures out what Mead's deal is before going to confront him and connects with him through it and just ughshfhdh
The shock on this kid's face when he suddenly realizes he's talking to someone who will completely understand him
Also he looked so surprised when Elizabeth got down to his level and like
This just shows a really healthy way of talking with kids and trying to get to the root of the problem. She starts with what she's heard, then gets to his level and connects with him and just.... my heart....
And like. It WORKS. He opens up about what's really going on because Elizabeth opened up to him
The way they just look at Meliodas - who wasn't paying attention lol - after Mead's explanation
What tf are these knights even thinking like. Mdudes you got no powers. You ain't holy knights. What if the village just decided to mob you? Every single one of em looks twice as strong as you
They should've mobbed the two idiots
"That's the power of one of the Seven Deadly Sins" I mean. The sword thing? Not really? Since pretty much ANY Holy Knight could've removed the sword. Just happened to be him
But if we're talking his kindness to do it? Like him just having a big heart? Then yeah
Wonder if Mead was gonna ask if he was a Sin or just a Holy Knight
That lil push and "Go on" and the village and like ajdjfjfjfhfjfjf
I love this episode so much and I always forget how much I love it
Also! Perfect Time still playing in the background! I don't remember much about future seasons but I don't remember it playing much in more emotionally triumphant scenes rather than physical
Like the fight with the DK and even SD, while somewhat emotionally charged, were more about the physical triumph than the emotional
Perfect Time in this episode doesn't kick in until AFTER Meliodas pulls the sword and then it plays in the background, lasting until the scene changes to the Boar Hat
It was used to emphasize this as a win, because it was a win for these people's spirits and less about Meliodas' physical win
I love the foreshadowing of Gilthunder's story, because while we don't know much about him or what the fuck that raven is and why it looks so evil, we know they're connected somehow but don't know how
Also the raven is outside observing Gilthunder, through the glass, maybe highlighting how Gilthunder is trapped under Vivian's vigilance AND how Vivian cannot truly see Gilthunder (who's in a chair blocking the view of the window and therefore letting him hide from Vivian)
That is a really nifty power of Gilthunder's and it's a damn shame we NEVER SEE HIM USE IT AGAIN
Love seeing the customers starting at Hawk in shock but also nervously lol
I do love all the foreshadowing to the curse without blatantly showing that foreshadowing
After Meliodas confirms there's something Elizabeth is meant to do, he says "And I have something that I'm meant to do" and while it's clear to people who know he's talking about how he has to break the curse to first time watchers it could mean something much different, like he's meant to protect the people or save them (because, as revealed later, that's why he's the sin of wrath - he failed to save the people of Danafor but also he's protecting THESE PEOPLE now too)
Him catching and then throwing the spear back will never NOT be epic
Wonder how close Meliodas got to hitting Vivian's raven
It's been a LOOOOOONG time since I last listened and watched this outro oml
Also poor Diane having to walk while everyone else can just pass the nights sleeping
She's been sleeping in the forest to prepare for how long she'll have to walk awake once she joins everyone else
And that's episode three! Yknow I thought I was going fast-paced with Eternal but now I realize we get introduced to some of the characters REALLY FAST
Anyway if you got this far, you're fantastic! Lmk what your favorite nnt race is if you want and - if YOU want to ramble too - why?
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mjrnl · 3 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝐕
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SUMMARY: In the picturesque town of Esmeralda, Italy, a homeless girl named Fioria survives alone on the streets. Her life takes a turn when she discovers an abandoned castle hidden deep in the woods. Within its crumbling walls, she finds rare and beautiful Smeraldo flowers, which become her lifeline. However, as she tends to the flowers, Fioria stumbles upon a revelation that changes everything—an unexpected encounter with a mysterious boy with a mask. This serendipitous meeting intertwines their fates, revealing a past filled with pain, hope, and a bond that blossoms like the flowers she cherishes.
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GENRE: romance, fantasy, angst (aka pain)
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A/N: This is inspired by an Italian story about Smeraldo flowers—which is a fictitious flower, also an inspiration of BTS’ song “The Truth Untold.”
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The incident from yesterday still lingers in my mind. That guy has been occupying my thoughts like a relentless plague. He’s so strange, such an enigma. I should be worried about him stalking me and avoid him at all costs—but curiosity keeps drawing me back to his oddness. His peculiar identity evokes a smoky fog of mystery around him. It’s now reaching into me, wrapping me in its enigmatic grip.
He’s hiding something. What is it, though? Is he a serial killer? Does he have some sort of dark impulses that’s why he’s distancing himself from me? Is he mental?
Looking back on what happened yesterday in the tree house, he looked so scared. He seemed like a little boy about to get scolded for something he didn’t do. He kept avoiding my gaze, nervously nibbling on his lips. I could feel his anxiety throughout the entire encounter, and it made me intensely curious. The way he acted yesterday floods my mind with a million questions.
“Fioria, could you lend me a hand here?” Mrs. Pattinson called out from the entrance door.
“Sure, sure! Coming!” I hopped out of my stall and rushed inside the antique shop.
She carefully handed me a tiny, old, rusty, and dusty chandelier. “My back hurts so much. Could you hang this up there?” She pointed to a spot on the ceiling covered with spiderwebs.
I looked up. “Alright.” I grabbed a chair and stood on it to hang the chandelier. Once I finished, I returned to my stall.
My forehead immediately wrinkled as I caught sight of an envelope with a tulip on my desk. Curiosity piqued, I took the envelope and opened it without a second thought. And I was right—it was from the masked guy.
I’m sorry about our awkward encounter yesterday. I was too stunned to gather my thoughts. I am truly sorry. I’ll explain everything to you tonight in the treehouse. Please come. Take the tulip as my apology.
Thank you,
D. Dickhead.
I rolled my eyes and crumpled the paper, shoving it into the pocket of my dress. I picked up the flower and stared at it. “You’re pretty, but I won't take anything from strangers from now on.” I shrugged off the thought of what he wrote and focused on serving the tourists.
Time flew by, and it's already six p.m. The streets are almost empty now, with only a few people looming around. I sighed in exhaustion and took the tulip from behind my ear. I couldn't bring myself to throw it away, so I kept it with me.
I packed my belongings into boxes and stored them inside the Antique shop. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, a thought crept into my mind. What is he doing by now? Is he truly waiting for me tonight? I won’t go. I’ll simply let him be. I have no desire to see him again, let alone get to know him. He's just a total stranger.
But yeah, curiosity always gets the best of me. I’m naturally curious, so here I am—in the woods—making my way toward the treehouse with a flashlight in hand. I'm scared of the dark, but they say we must overcome our fears, right? It's not like there's a wild bear or, worse, a ghost lurking in the shadows, waiting to devour me alive or snatch my heart in the blink of an eye. Ghosts don’t do that, right? They’re supposed to be penetrable. And as for wild animals, they won’t bother me as long as I keep quiet and respect their peace. I’m just a girl passing through their forest with no bad intentions.
The sound of crickets chirping and the dry crunch of leaves on the ground grew increasingly eerie as time passed by. Then, I heard something approaching—oh boy, a bear. I just hope it isn’t some wild boar or anything worse that I can think of.
Something appeared in the beam of my flashlight. A sudden, unexpected presence that sent a jolt of terror coursing through my body. With a gasp, I recoiled—my heart pounding in my chest, and I instinctively shut my eyes tight. The forest seemed to hold its breath as I braced myself for whatever fate awaited me. Today is my death, I thank everyone and anything that has been part of my—
“Hey! Are you hurt?”
The voice interrupted the thoughts in my head. My body was still trembling in fear, anticipating for the grim reaper to come fetch my soul. I cautiously peeled open my eyes, half-expecting to find myself confronting the specter of death. I found myself seated on the forest floor, crouching as my hands shielded my face.
Slowly, I lifted my gaze, angling the beam of my flashlight toward the figure before me. His voice—recognition flooded my senses. It's him. Relief washed over me like a tidal wave as I realized he wasn't some wild creature—but the masked guy. 
"It’s just me. Are you alright? Are you hurt?" he repeated, his tone laden with concern, cutting through the darkness with a worried expression.
"You… I swear to the heavens above, I almost died," I muttered, my hands clutching my head as I struggled to steady my uneven breaths.
He moved toward me and tried to assist me, but hesitated. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.
"The fuck not. Isn't it obvious?" I snapped, frustration seeping into my tone. "Why do you keep apologizing for heaven's sake?"
He flinched at my outburst, his words catching in his throat.
I sighed, regaining my composure as I pulled myself back to my feet. "Why are you out here anyway? I thought you were supposed to wait for me in the treehouse. I almost had a heart attack, you know? I could practically feel the grim reaper standing beside me."
"I was worried about you on your way to the treehouse. It’s dark, and I forgot to bring you a flashlight, so I was going to come get you instead. But you actually have one, so..." He scratched his head timidly.
"You should've just told me we could talk in the morning instead. You didn’t need to let me walk through the woods at this hour. It’s so dark."
"I’m sorry."
There he was again, apologizing. Why does he keep apologizing for everything?
"Forget it. Let’s go now."
We walked in silence as we made our way to the treehouse, the only sound being the crunch of leaves underfoot. Eventually, we reached our destination, and the sight that greeted us took my breath away. The treehouse was bathed in a warm, golden glow from the fairy lights that adorned the balcony, casting a magical aura around it. It was simply mesmerizing.
"Pretty," I whispered, unable to tear my eyes away from the enchanting scene before me.
I felt his gaze on me, and when I turned to look at him, his words caught me off guard. "You're pretty."
I blinked in surprise. "What?"
"I said, let's go inside. It's cold out here," he replied, diverting the conversation.
He ascended the ladder first, and I followed closely behind. As I reached for the rungs, he extended his hand to help me climb up. Once we reached the balcony, he guided me inside, and the warmth of the treehouse enveloped us, despite the cold breeze outside.
The interior of the treehouse was just as stunning as the exterior. Bathed in a soft golden hue from the fairy lights, the whole room seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow. Dreamcatchers hanging on the ceilings, adding to the dreamy ambiance.
"Do you live here?" I asked, my attention fully captured by the beauty of my surroundings.
He was busy arranging fluffy mats and blankets on the floor, along with some pillows. Placing a heater in the center, he then moved to a small cabinet filled with books, took out a quilted jacket, and walked towards me.
"Wear this. It tends to get really cold here since we’re surrounded by trees. The heater won’t be enough," he said, offering me the jacket.
I blinked, then down at the jacket in his hands. Accepting it, I slipped my arms into the sleeves and pulled it on. A smile spread across my face as I felt the warmth envelop me. Though the jacket was a bit too big for me, I didn't mind. I looked like I was being swallowed by it, but the comfort it provided was undeniable.
"Thank you," I said, gratitude lacing my words.
We settled on the floor, facing each other. The oversized collar of the coat nearly covered my face, stopping just short of my mouth.
I sensed his nervousness as he took a deep breath, trying to ease the tension. "Do you want anything? I can make you a hot chocolate. I also have a few vanilla croissants in my bag if you want," he offered, his voice slightly shaky.
Feeling his discomfort, I nodded, allowing him to take charge. “Just hot chocolate.” I said as I shifted my attention to the pile of books beside me, selecting one to peruse while he prepared the hot chocolate.
Once he finished, he returned to me, handing over a steaming cup. Sitting down, he straightened his posture and extended his arm towards me. "I’m Dante," he introduced himself, his hand hovering in front of me. I glanced at his hand, then met his gaze and shook it firmly.
"I live near Via Torttina street with my parents. It's not too far from the main town, the one with the—"
My eyes widened in surprise. "The one with the huge gate?"
"I guess? It wasn’t that huge, but yes. The one with the white gate," he confirmed, his gaze fixed on me as if he was anticipating something.
"You live there? Inside that huge mansion?" I couldn't help but feel a tinge of awe.
"Yes," he replied simply.
"Wow. Rich," I recalled passing by the mansion and felt somehow familiar with it. 
He scoffed. "Nah, I can’t say that."
I rolled my eyes. "So you’re one of them. Those rich kids who pretend to be humble and say they’re not rich when it’s obvious that they are." Taking a sip of my hot chocolate, I changed the subject. "Anyways, next question. How did you know me?"
He shifted uncomfortably, his gaze dropping to the floor. "We went to the same school. I’ve seen you reading alone in the library, so I began watching you from across the table. I doubt you noticed me."
"You've been watching me? While I was peacefully reading?" I cringed, feeling a sense of violation. "Doesn't that seem kind of weird? I had no idea someone was actually watching me while I minded my own business." Another sip of hot chocolate followed.
Suddenly, he seemed to panic, his demeanor shifting. "Is that so? Am I weird now?"
I chuckled. "Unless you can give me a valid reason why you've been doing that. Because stalking is weird." I cringed. "And creepy."
"I swear I have no bad intentions," he insisted.
"Well, then explain yourself," I pressed.
He nervously bit his lip. "Will it sound creepy if I say it’s because I like you?"
"Yes," I replied bluntly.
"Oh," he looked crestfallen. "I just admired you, that's all…" His voice trailed off into a whisper.
Suppressing a giggle, I couldn't deny that he looked adorable. Even with the mask on, I could imagine his full face with the exposed half. Now I was curious why he was covering half of his face with a mask. "Can I ask you something?"
I sort of snapped him out of his thoughts. “Yes?”
“Can you take off your mask?”
His body stiffened, anxiety evident in his poise. “No,” he answered quickly, his voice tight. “I’m sorry, but… no. I can’t.” He shook his head. 
“Why?” The question weighed heavily as it left my lips. I was staring at him, puzzlement evident in my voice. Why does he look so scared whenever I mention his mask?
“It’s…” He struggled to find the right words, exhaling in defeat. “I just can’t, really. I’m not comfortable without it.”
“Why, though? You look stunning, honestly. You don’t need to cover half of your face. Just looking at your right half, I can tell you’re good-looking,” I reassured him, lacing my voice with sincerity.
He just kept shaking his head. I can tell there’s something bothering him. He was fidgety and he was unable to remain still. “I swear you won’t like it,” he said.
I rolled my eyes. “Oh please, that insecurity you’re feeling? It’s all just in your head. Just take it off.” I urged, reaching out toward his face.
But before I could make contact, he abruptly stood up. “Can’t you listen? I told you, I can’t. If I take this off and show you what's behind this mask, you'll realize how ugly I am. It would scare you, and you won’t want to talk to me anymore like we’re doing right now. Being ugly is like being a monster in people’s eyes.”
I felt a tinge of pain, especially when I saw his eyes water—his beautiful eyes glistening as tears welled up in them. I couldn’t speak; his words struck something deep within me. I feel bad now. Why was he so insecure? How could he be so insecure when he looked so gorgeous?
Looking up at him, I realized he was towering over me, his gaze fixed on mine. Gathering my resolve, I stood up and faced him. “You think I’ll judge you just because you’re ‘ugly’?” I cocked an eyebrow at him. “I’m not like that, okay? I don’t judge people based on their looks.” Crossing my arms, I continued, “You know why I came here? I wasn’t supposed to follow what you wrote in that stupid letter, but I was curious about you. I wanted to get to know you.
"I owe you, alright? Those Smeraldo flowers that you let me steal helped me survive. Without them, I wouldn’t have had anything delicious to eat. Back when I hadn’t discovered the castle yet, I would exhaust myself trying to find flowers everywhere—literally everywhere in this village. It was hard." I closed my fists. "That’s why I owe you those flowers. And now, you’re here standing right in front of me. You don’t need to keep hiding and watching me from a distance just because you’re scared to show yourself and afraid I might judge you. I won’t, okay? I’d even be glad to have a new friend. It’s a struggle being alone, without any friends. So I’m asking you right now," I extended my hand for him to shake. "Would you like to be friends with me?”
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chapters: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten
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