#but i'm also insane and think strangers on the internet will hate me and then i resent myself lol
bobbinalong · 7 months
i'm losing a bit of steam for my prestonbart month, so i will suspend it for a few days
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trigunsbbygirl · 1 year
More Reverse Isekai Hcs with the Twins
another one with more focus on Vash, but Nai is there too. V relationship with reader so absolutely nothing going on with the twins.
also mention a not sfw song at the very end
•Vash loves window shopping. there's so many interesting things on Earth! Vash drags you around to each store and always ooo's and ahh's at everything. obsessed with stickers and animal shaped things (especially when it comes to cooking.)
•he bought animal cookie cutters and immediately tried them out and was both slightly disappointed and dying of laughter when the cookies came out way rounder than when they went in. Vash frosts them very seriously either way, holding in laughter at how they look. he can't hold it any longer when you catch his attention, holding up what was meant to be a bear, decorated with nothing but a small 'c:' on its face. you're wavering straight face and almost serious voice saying "he chonky" has him losing it.
•every once in a while when Vash is putting something in the oven, he'll quote that copypasta "Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?" Nai wants to smack him everytime he says it.
•speaking of, Vash quite likes internet language. he's not excessive with using them, but sometimes Vash'll be like 'look at the doggo/pupper!' he also starts saying lol and pog. he doesn't say them in public much though. he's still trying to learn about the difference in online culture and offline culture.
•unlike Nai, Vash finds merchandise fascinating. he loves looking at plushies, figurines and charms, he thinks it's all so cool! Vash buys you all matching phone charms. it makes him so happy whenever he spots it dangling from yours and Nai's phones.
•but speaking of, Vash finds out about the figurines of himself and if he can, he's absolutely buying them. he's looking at them and is all like damn I look so cool! and rubs it in Nai's face that he has not only more, but cooler figurines.
•Vash recreates the poses of them too, aiming his finger gun at you, before yelling out a bang, lifting his arm up in fake recoil. you gasp, griping at your torso, dramatically falling to the floor. "help me Nai, I've been shot!"
Nai rolls his eyes at the two of yours antics, making his way towards you and picking you up. As he makes his way towards your bedroom he says, "I have to give her medical attention, don't bother us."
Vash's eyes widen as he gets up to follow Nai. "Now wait a second!"
•the dorks actually do know how to share you. it was a little rough at the beginning but they've learned and figured things out pretty well! they don't fight for your attention, but they do get a little jealous, and pouty if you give too much attention to the other often. they're both pretty touch starved so good luck lol. however they do read eachother well and know when not to try and get your attention from the other.
•Vash would've loved the time when mustaches and the peace symbol were insanely popular.
•speaking of mustaches, Vash once came home wearing one of those fake glasses with mustache and nose disguises. when you turned to welcome him home he responded with a serious face, "who is Vash?" you fake a gasp asking who he is and what he's doing there. before Vash can respond, Nai is getting up with a grin on his face. "well since we don't know him, we can kick him out and make sure he can never get back in."
Vash nervously laughs, waving his hands, "we don't need to go that far haha.."
Nai laughs back mockingly,"why not? you are breaking into our house, stranger."
Vash immediately yanks the glasses off, "look! its me! Vash!" you gasp and run up to him, hugging his side. "Vash! there was a tall scary stranger in here! I'm glad you're here to help Nai protect me!"
Nai watches as Vash coddles you. he'd be lying to himself if he said he hated the antics you two do. he watches you give Vash a kiss on the cheek before walking over and pulling you away from Vash. "I'm the one that protected you, why are you praising him?" he asks, staring at you with narrowed eyes. Nai may look angry but really, he just wants kisses too.
•Vash loves bees! he'll go out to the little garden he's been working on and watch as bees and butterflies come by. it's one of his favorite pastimes.
•Vash is very involved with the community. he always offers the neighbors any extra food he's made and seeing if anyone needs help. he's happy to mow someone's lawn or weed a garden and do any small chores someone may be unable to do. Vash also goes around and tries to volunteer a lot since he can't really work. as much as he likes exploring hobbies, he gets a little restless being at home so much.
•Vash wants to try eating everything and that doesn't just include meals. somehow Vash learned that dandelions are edible and the next time you two take a walk, before you truly realize it, you're watching Vash shove the yellow part of a dandelion flower into his mouth.
•but seriously he really does want to try eating different plants. Vash does a lot of research and is always giving Nai suggestions of foods to incorporate into meals.
•if Vash could, I could absolutely see him working in the medical department as a pediatrician. he loves kids a lot and he's great at playing with kids, comforting them and making sure they feel as happy as they possibly can be at the hospital. he always jokes around with them, gets to know each kid he works with and always tries to be there for them when they're sad or scared.
•likewise, I know I said Nai would work at a book store, but I like to imagine Nai could become a surgeon. he's not lost to the irony in it, that he's saving lives, but it's just something he's taken an interest in. he wants to learn about human anatomy. (idk how to explain it really but it just makes sense to me. he'd be good at it too, never gets tired, steady hands, keen eyes, very precise)
•prank Vash a little bit when it comes to the modern era. tell him that when the plane lands everybody claps and applauds the pilots. Vash almost did that the first time he went flying, he lifted his hands up, but he was confused when no one started clapping. he catches on quickly that it was a prank.
•Vash combusts if you ever sing E.T by Katy Perry. stare at him as you sing it and he'll get so red in the face. he's covering his face with his hands and curling into himself and whining out to stop.(he doesn't want you to though)
•same with if you prank him and show him that The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang. go up to him and tell him you have a cool popular song to show and he lights up, Vash likes pretty much all of the songs you show him. when the song starts, he's bopping his head to the beat and tells you, smiling, it's cool so far. then the lyrics start and Vash's smile immediately falls and he blushes so hard. he can't even look at you and you're laughing your ass off at his reaction.
•Nai, the boring fucker, would just raise an eyebrow at you. he either doesn't fall for your pranks or just has no reaction. shame.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 8 months
PSA regarding cultural exchange and internet culture. Its a rant but its something that needs to be said
I'm already seeing the Qsmp admins calling for understanding and patience with the announcement of the Korean CCs that will be joining, and it frustrates the hell out of me that any of it needs to be said because people on the internet are so poisoned by cancel culture that this opportunity to engage with Korean culture is beginning with stress.
Its an issue that extends far past this server unfortunately, the modern standard for morality on the internet is insanely unrealistic and honestly very anti-human. So many people, most people actually, do problematic things in life and make mistakes, which is completely normal. Its how we are and how we're supposed to be, its how we learn and grow. But having someone get dogpiled/harassed online and potentially even risk losing a career for saying or doing something vaguely problematic that they should be encouraged to learn from is so incredibly harmful and makes the online place more toxic than communal.
There's a legitimate line to draw between something we should encourage someone to reflect upon and a genuinely irredeemable act, and if you can't tell the difference you then shouldn't be speaking about it online. To all the people who dramatize an easily fixable situation, you're part of the problem of people not knowing how the fuck to act when there's miscommunication, differences of opinion or people doing/having done something problematic but not ill-intentioned. Genuinely good people are being either pressured off the online space or terrified to ever make a mistake because people who don't touch enough goddamn grass are so drama-addicted that they make a situation negative when it literally never needed to be. You're toxic and you're making everyone else toxic, the problem is not the person who accidentally said something offensive in ignorance but is willing to learn from that, nor the person who misunderstood a situation and could be convinced to reflect on their actions, the problem is you, adding unnecessary fuel to the fire and blowing shit out of proportion when it could be resolved so much easier. If you're someone who does this, I hate to sound like a boomer but holy shit you should be ashamed of yourself. There's enough bad in the world as is, stop posting and do better.
And here's the funny part, and I don't care how many people this pisses off: current online cancel culture is xenophobic as fuck. People in different cultures have different ways of life, and though that doesn't necessarily excuse some of what goes on in other nations, the current standard for "dealing" with culture clashing takes no account to how someone's culture can make them act differently than you, and they shouldn't be demonized for it even if some of what they do isn't the best. People from multi-ethnic backgrounds, especially children of immigrants, understand that some of our parents say the most cancellable shit imaginable but are still good people at heart. Strangers online wouldn't understand that at all, and their need to complain about everything online with such hostility and lack of nuance would and is doing the exact opposite of what it should be doing; instead of getting people to see different perspectives and learn why their behavior can be harmful to others, thus encouraging them to do better, online witch hunting either drives them away from wanting to interact with anyone, and/or actively pushes them further down problematic avenues where they aren't demonized for harmful behavior.
I am so sick and tired of everything thinking cancel culture is normal, because it is so incredibly not. Its exhausting seeing the same thing play out over and over as someone who's actually interacted with people of different ages, gender and ethnicities, and who knows what these people are like in their hearts, while also knowing the internet would eat them alive without a second thought to who they are or why they act the way they do.
People say and do problematic things, it doesn't mean they're bad people. It means they're human. I encourage everyone to remember that.
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
I saw your post in which you defended Mace Windu and it is such a good post. Thank you.
At the moment I debate with someone on twitter and it is super frustrating because they are saying Mace is a potential villain because he hates the Sith and wants to kill Anakin in episode I (even through he doesn't admit it).
I'm slightly shocked that someone thinks like this. Could you maybe help me to argue that Mace isn't a villain and a potential child killer?
Hey there!
I appreciate you asking me this, but honestly it looks to me like this is a debate you just won't "win" and you should quit while you're ahead.
Firstly, because those are two arguments so ridiculous and baseless that they have to either
be made in bad faith, AKA you're arguing with someone who's literally grasping at straws and making bullshit arguments for the sake of having the last tweet. In which case you can quit interacting with them because this is a victory in and of itself.
be made by someone completely insane and/or who has made their own headcanon about it. In which case, you might as well quit because there's no way you'll change this person's mind.
But, secondly, being pro-Jedi on Twitter is hell.
I'm not kidding, there's literally SO many people who think the point of the Prequels is the Jedi's failure that if you try to dispel the notion, a rain of (factually incorrect) anti-Jedi arguments falls floods your notifications, and it inevitably devolves into "this guy missed the point of the Prequels".
I'm training myself more and more to take a page out of the Jedi's book and just "let go" because the shit I see sometimes is just infuriating. Like this one, I saw last night:
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Out of 154 collected quotes where George Lucas talks about the Jedi, their relationship with Anakin and their rules (namely the attachment one), he is only critical about them twice.
But I didn't reply to this.
I drafted the tweet, then deleted it because this is such a big subject that you're not gonna be able to dispel it with a single tweet (and fuck getting Twitter blue, are you crazy? but even if you did, you really think anyone will read your essay of a tweet?)
And also because last year, I got into an argument re: if Qui-Gon was a better master for Anakin than Obi-Wan (my opinion is "nope"). And I argued the hell out of my case. You know what I got in return?
Fucking nothing.
All I got was the people I was arguing against (who kept piling on on like the 5th tweet in a thread instead of reading everything from the beginning, which was messy in and of itself) just... stop replying.
At some point when you're in that deep, you think it'll inevitably end with your "opponent" going:
'well argued sir, you have completely changed my mind for I have now seen the truth; jolly good show'.
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Instead all you get is... nothing. They stop replying.
You don't get the satisfaction of an admission of defeat and you don't wanna be the person spamming "WELL?! NOTHING TO SAY?!" because that's just pathetic.
So all you're left with is an hour of your life gone, WASTED proving "I know more about a fictional universe than you, Internet stranger".
My suggestion is: break the wheel, turn that outrage into creativity and instead of getting into debates with people whose minds you'll never change, write a fanfic/draw a comic/shoot a short film that will transfer the emotions you feel re: Windu to anyone witnessing it.
It's a much more productive approach than arguing with someone whose either grasping at straws or genuinely thinks MACE WANTED TO KILL A CHILD????!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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hainethehero · 24 days
Me again!
“When did the rules of fandom and fanfic become so absolutely strict & rigid to the point where people aren't allowed to like what they like??!!!” – bit off topic, but oh boy, have you not noticed the rise of “purity culture” in fandom in the past 10(?) years? People have been getting a LOT of hate for ships they ship or tropes they like. It’s definitely not restricted to buddie fandom or 911 fandom.
“Why do you care if people really like Eddie or not? Are you the Eddie police?” – This made me laugh. And the answer to the first question is pretty easy – if people really like Eddie, they’re more likely to post content about him that I can reblog and enjoy, such as fics or gifsets or meta etc. If everybody disliked Eddie, I’d have nothing fun to read/look at/engage with! So in that sense, I do care to an extent.
“I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, they like him. And I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, it's also respectfully none of your concern.” – Well, you’re right it’s not my concern per se, except that if I go scrolling a diaz/eddie-named blog, hoping for good Eddie content to reblog, and I run into a heap of BT posts or LJFR posts or Tommy posts, it’s a bit of a jumpscare/disappointment (which has happened several times). And yes, I filter tags, but people don’t always tag appropriately!
“your absolutely strange questions about what I envision for Eddie/who he'd end up with (I think u should be concerned with what you envision for him & not some stranger on the internet” – Why is it so strange to want to know what somebody else thinks and perhaps gain a fresh perspective? I already know what I would like for Eddie. I was curious about what you thought.
“He'd still be Buck's best friend if BT ended up as endgame
He'd be in a polyamorous relationship with them and get all the d*ck he wants (my personal preference)
Or the writers will give him another gf” - Anyway, so you like the option of eddie in a throuple with buck and tommy? Ok cool! My curiosity is satisfied!
What gets me about the whole "purity culture" in fandom that you're talking about, is that YOU'RE DOING IT. 🤣 you're doing it right now!
What's adding to this disease of purity culture in fandom is what most of the toxic buddie stans are doing RIGHT NOW. Yall are hating on Tommy with absolutely bad faith arguments and using every opportunity you can to deny the fact that you just don't like him because he's in the say of your preferred ship.
"I got a jumpscare seeing Tommy when I was looking thru the eddie tag" lmao okay that was funny. But like, the insane hatred for him is so weird. Y'all know whether buddie becomes canon or not, you can still make them endgame through fanfic right????
And yes, if more people were concerned with how they felt about their characters, instead of how other feel, we would avoid all this fandom war. You asking if people who had Eddie as their pfp really liked him or not IS entitled. You don't know why they have him as their pfp, so why question it? You're not entitled to know.
And in the referred ask, you wanting to know how someone who liked BT and Buddie would envision Eddie fitting in to the relationship- was totally your confusion at not being able to fathom that people could like both and still want buddie or BT to be endgame. Which is a trait I've observed in MOST buddie stans and some BT fans (which I DID address in my OP).
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Do me on favor. Don't open reddit. I did it. It was a mistake. I regret being born. And I hate my life.
Spoiler? Maybe?
People are defending AI even though they are artists themselves. People still believe that Jake is the reason that we can read secret chats. People praise the diamond system. People shit on Everbyte. It's chaos. WHY
You're seriously my hero! Like, really. You absolutely can't imagine how much I adore this warning and how kind this is to. I don't want to make it a big story and I don't know how long you're following me. But actually, it's easy to trigger me and I'm avoiding Reddit like hell. Before and especially after Moonvale and I would never have looked there. But getting this warning, it's insanely lovely to me. And I really appreciate it.
Reddit has always been a very weird place to me and even though I know some people there are absolutely normal etc. But on Reddit people tend to forget their manners even faster.
I absolutely don't want to know what is going on there.
Actually, don't call me crazy, I know it doesn't make much sense for all player who did not play Duskwood before, but I also imagine that we're able to read chats because it's somehow a leftover from Jake, haha. As I said, I know it's unlikely but somehow, I don’t know. I don't have an explanation for it, why we can read chats, I mean, but I will definitely keep it as headcanon.
But I believe I know what you're meaning and I can imagine the real hate towards Everbyte there has absolutely insane dimensions.
In general I would give everyone the advice to always stay out of internet scandals. It's not worth it. It's not worth your energy. And I can tell you this as person that used to use these hate waves and scandals etc. on the internet as a form of self harm. (Yes, that's a real thing)
Don't spend your energy for such kind of things. You will never win. In any way. The possibility to changes someone's mind is less than 5%. And even if, fighting with some strangers.. I know why some think that's not a big thing but in the end it always affects your mood. Otherwise you would not have started it. So please, just don't do it to yourself.
And as I said before, critism is okay, but when you start hating someone... The possibility that someone will change their options or their behaviour is almost not there. You're worth more. Your time is worth more.
I mean, if they like the system, that's okay. But defending AI art... Yes, no. xD I don't know what you can defend there.
Anyway, as I said, I really appreciate your warning and I pass this on to everyone else in the fandom.
Stay safe. Also mentally. 💚
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djsherriff-responses · 4 months
Idolomantises is a known abuser who will accuse people of being liars/pedos/racists/etc for bringing it up. Most of it was under previous aliases of his, and he'll accuse you of deadnaming him if you mention his old usernames that he had when he was more blatant and less secretive about being an asshole to people he doesn't like (who were mostly kids, or were/are acespec/arospec). He also doxxed a bunch of people in 2020 and falsely accused one of those people of pedophilia because he mistook them for someone else
I've seen some posts floating around about that , with most posts being only available through the internet archive. While not all claims against him has solid evidence (from what I've seen at least) , it does make his criticism towards Vivziepop and other creators all the more hypocritical
This is not me saying Vivziepop ,as a person and artist , shouldn't have her actions criticised, far from it. But it's really obvious when you look at his art and posts, a lot of his criticism of Vivziepop is either self projecting or him being unaware he does the exact same thing he's criticising
Same face/body syndrome with a few odd out liners? Yep, while Viv prefers skinny twigs while idol likes hour glass shapes they're both guilty of having a clear preference in design (every artist has preferences, some are just better at branching out or making up for it)
Under development or poorly written relationships? Lili and Sera are supposed to be married but they act more like they just started dating which results in Lili coming across as a much worse partner
Sex jokes that's just sexual harassment? I'm gonna be honest Lili (and various other characters of idols) are far too comfortable pushing others' boundaries and inserting their horny feelings onto strangers. I know someone gonna say "oh you just hate sex workers-" Lili doing sex work while being in a relationship is not an issue, her mocking Sera's insecurities regarding intimacy and hiding sex toys in her brother's bedroom is the problem
Lore that's tweeted about but never in the actual source material? Idol has made posts and even an entire blog about the lore of his monster and girls comics (which is not a bad thing) but if you've only read his comics , which is most likely considering how posts can be lost or even deleted, you'd just get a gag a day series of strips. The lore idol does end up putting in the comic just makes it more confusing if not outright concerning, like , did he think through the implications of sex demons having heart eyes after losing their virginity? How exactly did a power point presentation on hell having eugenics expand on any of the characters?
Focus on shipping/ship teasing while claiming to have a plot outside of that? Along with the lack of implementation of lore in the source material, you just gotta look up what he chooses to focus on in a majority of his comics, as well how many if his ocs stories involves a relationship or some kind of romantic/sexual tension with another
I have a friend who keeps more up to date with his comics than me, particularly the bug comic (I'll admit to preferring monsters and girls over that) and the tonal whiplash of idol having one episode be about children in school dealing with PG topics like getting a new step dad to then jump into the sex life of a celebrity is generally insane
TBH if/when I make posts on him I rather focus on his art more than anything else, with some commentry on what he says (and later deletes) on his side blog. The worst he's done to me personally is call me a mad hoe for a vague post about him being a Vivziepop hater, I rather let people who've been harmed by him speak their truth than try speaking over them
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miiilowo · 2 years
Aren't you a minor? You cant get diagnosed with a personality disorder until you're an adult. I know this is going to sound condescending, but you're very young and still Going Through It. Having something to point to and say "this is why Im like this" may sound good in theory, but pathologizing your experiences often isn't the way to go especially with how insanely ableist health professionals are towards people with npd in particular. Basically what Im saying is try not to stress it, alleviate your negative symptoms how you can, and things will work out
every response ive tried coming up with for this makes me look like im stupid and confirming your suspicions and overreacting all at once, so i'm just going to put down what I have to say in defense of myself and leave it.
I do agree with you completely, but youre assuming quite a few things about me which i dont particularly enjoy
youre very right about it sounding condescending. I am very aware this is coming from a place of good faith, but you are a stranger on the internet, and i do not know you. you do not know me.
I'm not gonna pretend i know everything, and im not gonna pretend everything i experience is because. eek! the disorders! but im also not gonna sit back and pretend that everything i experience is Just Because Hormones lmao
I know thats the case for a lot of it, but my parents tried to tell me that about everything ive experienced from sexuality to gender to my (now diagnosed) ADHD, stress responses due to trauma, and being depressed for several years (it was because i had adhd and didnt know how to cope with it).
all of that has been confirmed and agreed on by a professional, not just me dicking around and getting positive feedback from my friends. so, hearing that has become incredibly exhausting; The whole 'well, youre a kid, so its just because youre experiencing changes and you feel bad' sort of argument. I get it. I'm glad you care, i know this isn't in any way malicious, i know you're trying to help.
I have my reasons, im not jumping to conclusions, im not pathologizing everything i do, and im very well aware that doing so is a bad idea. I actively avoid doing that as much as possible because i fucking hate it. I am an advocate for Just Existing, because i used to be like that, and am actively unlearning it. This is not me desperately clawing at an explanation, this is me noticing a pattern of behavior, getting curious, and looking into it for future reference.
i have less than a year until im an adult and i think knowing that so i can talk to a professional about it to see if im right is like. not a bad idea
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 9 months
hi, this is 90sfatal. personally idc what any of you have to say about me but do you not realize that you’re upset over a minor who has clearly not been educated on the evan/emma situation.. instead of attacking him maybe it would be helpful to provide the evidence that evan is a victim to abuse & not the abuser. & i understand being upset i didn’t defend evan the way you all wanted but i have devoted years of my life to supporting evan & his work even when the world seemingly hated him. i have defended that man countless times & will continue to do so when it comes down to it. excuse me for bantering with a mutual & then messaging him privately to educate him. y’all wouldn’t know about that tho bc you’re not in my dms
letsxriot asked: if you guys don’t like twitter so much then why do you watch our every move.. saying twitter is insane is valid bc we are but at least we have the balls to speak what’s on our minds freely without hiding. you’re the ones going out of your way to send our tweets to a gossip blog anonymously. that’s so strange to me. just don’t look at what we have to say if it bothers you so much. all i do is talk about my fav on there & interact with my friends.
i understand that perhaps this person is your friend and you are familiar with him on a deeper level, and that because of this you would feel differently about their statement/how it should be received. with that said, being 17 is not in any way a shield nor an excuse to say outright false, defamatory, and outlandishly offensive things about someone you dislike due to stan war/stan culture.
this goes for you, him, me, and everyone else: what we post on the internet, between friends or not, is public forum and subject to strangers opinions and critique. i know for a fact i have said things on here that ruffled peoples' feathers; i have had entire accounts on here and twitter created for the sole purpose to flame me, dox me, cancel me etc... you're right that we are not in your dms and we don't know if you had a meaningful conversation about why what he said was unacceptable and harmful. i'm glad you did and i certainly hope that he took what you said to heart and will stop confidently spouting lies.
if you have indeed been a fan for years and witnessed the hate that evan received and defended him, then i feel that you'll be able to understand why it's reasonable that some folks would be bothered. he didn't say ''evan peters is an ugly hoe'', he literally accused him of abuse, racism and nazism. it is normal that people would have a reaction to that.
also, i mean, to be fair.. i, and i presume others, are speaking to twitter/fandom twitter as a whole, not directly to your account to disparage you personally. the fandom on twitter currently, is dominated by people who never made a single tweet about him before 2022, many of you guys are teens or just outside of that, and tumblr skews older so it's not unusual that there is a disconnect. that's why i'm here, on tumblr, and not on twitter yelling at anyone to get off my lawn. this entire exchange is a microcosm of that app and why i tend to not engage; it is generally a negative vibe for me, but that doesn't mean you or anyone else should not enjoy it with your friends.
no one is forcing your hand to read a gossip blog nor keep tabs on what my readers send me on here. you used to follow me on here/twitter, stopped, and now are following me on here again because you saw someone send in an ask about twitter happenings a few days back, and wanted to send me a message about it. so in all fairness, you clearly do care what others think and it feels like you and your critics are both utilizing this blog as a vessel to engage in some sort of back and forth about disagreements. to be clear, i've deleted tons of stuff from my inbox about twitter beef. respectfully, i'd prefer that drama stays on the appropriate app and not involve me. criticizing a post, tweet, video, etc. is fair game but this should not be personal. this is the internet and you're certainly entitled to your own feelings and opinions - so are the people who read this blog, who are no more "anonymous" than you or i. like i said before, i fully believe that muting/blocking and not engaging with people who bother you is the best course of action. this fandom is never going to all hold hands and sing kumbaya but it doesn't have to be a negative and hateful experience.
i'm gonna go have my edibles and a bubble bath.
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naylor · 10 months
I'd say I can't believe people get mad at you for thinking we should treat people with basic human decency and that they don't actually personally know strangers who produce music they like but also I absolutely can believe some of those people who think they're the final authority on everything would take it as a personal affront that you won't participate in being an asshole on the internet.
Don't have to post if you feel like it would start shit, just wanted to tell you that I agree with you and think the way some fandoms react about things is sometimes so far past the line of reasonable behaviour they couldn't even see it with a telescope
very few people have come and directly say shit to me about this but i know what they have said in the past about me in their private group chats
honestly all i'm saying is that i would listen to this song if it wasn't because it started a massive online hate campaign for a total stranger just because he broke up with taylor swift and i personally believe that's insane people behaviour and i don't want anything to do with that so i choose to distance myself from the song entirely including not even knowing what it says
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
I use my likes as a bookmark function so I like personal posts to show people support and then unlike said posts a few days later so that's the context otherwise this might come off as more random. anyways. thinking of what you've said about toxic positivity and I have to say being in those circles, it does also get to the point where it feels like you cant even talk about the things you do like and why, because the mentality of just of "if you dont have the same views 1:1 to me then it's a personal attack" so it's more of a personal anecdote but those spaces are severely allergic to any serious discussion even if its positive criticism and analysis lmao
Listen I've got ADHD. "This might seem random but" is about how I start 90% of tangents.
As for the actual discussion, 500% yeah. While I mostly rant about toxic positivity cause it's most of what I deal with, toxic negativity can be just as prevalent. It's the main reason I even mentioned reddit in the tags of the post I think you're talking about. When the changes for the daily system in my current mmo came out, anyone who talked about the good things got accused of "forcing positivity" for the act of not making yet another post about how awful the bad parts of the system were (which they were but also the good parts were just as good as the had parts were bad. Its a fascinating duality)
But honestly go onto any internet connected multiplayer game reddit after a change and you'll see what I'm talking about. Criticism skews towards hateful and positivity is accused of being forced.
I just find that small fandoms within tumblr tend towards being very insular groups that expect positivity. Like to the point where someone in my main mmo apologized for saying "hey do not buy this because charging $20+ for this is downright predatory" because it was "negativity." The act of letting people know a business is trying to steal money with a pretty cosmetic you'll never see for more than 3 seconds at a time being considered negativity in a fandom is insane to me, frankly.
Which if I wanted to argue a cause with nothing but anecdotes, I'd say it likely comes from the way criticism of big name fans within small fandoms will often be met with a response of "Ugh I don't need this negativity in my happy place" regardless of the context or validity.
At the same time tho I 100% know what you mean by pushback against positive criticism even within those same spaces that I find toxic positivity to be prevalent in. Just look at the fact that "im a hater" posts get so many notes. No post about a personal belief can be rb'd on tumblr without easily influenced people altering their personas to fit it here (see: the way funny bitchy posts between friends getting popular and resulting in being rude to strangers). Saying you like something thats (fandom) universally accepted to be bad can be grounds for mockery etc.
At the end of the day it does boil down to what you said at the end, people hate any serious discussion of their favorite media, regardless of whether it's positive or negative. And any variance from the (perceived) fandom universal belief will result in pushback of some kind.
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kurokoros · 2 years
If they don't put the stage play on Netflix, what's the point, because I'm from a non English speaking country. How am I supposed to know stuff when that play won't be in our theaters? It takes also so much time to translate it in order to be played. It's stupid, honestly why not give us the information in the actual show? Or make a separate mini series. They just should have given us more episodes within the show, even if they are just "filler" ones. God I hate this so much because I just know as an international fan I keep losing yet again, which makes me upset. Every time someone claims the Duffers are geniuses I have to laugh because did we watch the same show? Stranger things had so much potential, it hurts me physically what they have done, especially to the characters, worldbuilding aside but the way they assassinated 70% of the main characters for action plots is insane to me. Def hard to be a Steve stan when we get nothing each season.
I'm not a huge fan of any secondary media for works of fiction that have direct tie-ins to the primary media. Like, a huge part of why I refuse to get into the MCU is because it's basically impossible to enjoy later films without having watched everything else.
With Stranger Things I think it would be fine to do tie-in media that's part of a shared universe, but has absolutely nothing to do with the Hawkins characters. Because why the hell do we need a prequel about Hopper and Joyce? In stage play format? When nothing sci-fi has happened in Hawkins yet?
S4 was an absolutely shitty attempt at trying to tie everything into a nice big bow with Vecna/Henry/One and I absolutely hated it. Like, wow Duffers you introduced three new characters with mystery backgrounds??? Obviously they're all the same fucking person. And now we need a prequel about Hopper, Joyce, and Henry Creel? I'm already mad about the Creel murder retcon because a huge part of S1 was how Hawkins is a small town where nothing bad happens, and then the town is suddenly bombarded with missing person's cases (and a suicide that doesn't make sense), and the Duffers directly took away from that premise when they threw in a mysterious family murder that no one mentioned for three seasons.
I'm not even going to talk about the stage play anymore. I'm not going to watch it purely on principle because I can't think of a worse waste of time than a tie-in stage play. Like... we know what happened with the last stage play tie-in to a major franchise.
I'm just pissed about how far Stranger Things has fallen from S1 and S2. The early seasons actually focused on the characters and their trauma. Now everyone is a caricature with a vague semblance of personality, the worldbuilding is inconsistent, and the plotlines are horrible. I know some people think Stranger Things is slow-paced and somewhat boring, but I really do wish there was more filler to fully flesh out the characters. They could even add more action to the filler. Win-win.
I haven't trusted the Duffers' writing since S3 when they did that to Hopper. I also don't like the way they made Steve into kind of a loser. blah blah blah people will argue that it makes him endearing because the internet loves pathetic wet men, but there's a clear shift between S1-2 Steve and S3 Steve specifically, and the shift is that they made him stupid and took his charisma out back and shot it because they're insecure nerds who hate jocks.
The Duffer Brothers don't have teeth. Regardless of what they say, they aren't willing to make bold choices with their storytelling. They aren't willing to flesh out their characters more, or delve into their trauma. They aren't willing to make the world--the Upside Down--a real threat to the characters, because that means raising the stakes and needing to come up with more clever solutions to the plot than "El screams at the monster until it dies".
Regardless, I'm not watching the stage play. I'm only watching S5 because I still want to see how the story wraps up, but I'm not going to hold my breath about it being good.
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2xmiu · 1 year
essay-like thing about batman and co
ok ok don't hate me for this but do we really *need* the batfamily? (or batman incorporated but this is mostly about the batfamily so)
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no wait hear me out hear me out.
the best batman stories, the ones that make you go 'oh shit batman!' are ones that don't really give batman a sidekick, or if they do, the sidekick has a point. the long halloween, the dark knight returns, a serious house on serious earth (even though that's not my favorite by a long shot), the killing joke. all of these give batman limited friends. and that's a good thing! no one with a great support system is dressing up as a bat and beating the shit out of mentally ill people! bruce wayne is not well, and that's kind of the point. the best batman stories question if bruce is just as insane as the villains he's fighting, and if it's right for him to do this.
so he shouldn't have a good fifteen people telling him that yes it's okay and yes he's a good guy. there's no struggle in that except for 'okay yes you say that but what if you wrong?'. which i think you can achieve much better and more interestingly (idk if interestingly is a word) if it's just one or two people, like jim gordon or alfred (excluding a robin telling him this because that's a child).
also, you can't really honestly say that every single member matters. i'm okay with dick grayson and jason todd (tim drake is on thin ice and damian is on even thinner ice). batgirl's good too, and so is batwoman (this is mostly because she's hot and i'm really really attracted to women). but bluebird does not matter. neither does the signal, or any batwing, or jarro. especially jarro. spoiler does not need to be here, and i think orphan should have stayed her own thing (because i actually really like her concept but she shouldn't have to be summed up by being a batman sidekick). huntress should have stayed seperate, like azrael.
bat-mite should be purged from existence and i hate him. mr mxyzptlk better.
not a lot of time should not be spent in the main batman run on these characters (excluding whoever's robin at the time). i mean of course some time should be spent so they're not 2d characters flapping in the wind, but not too much time. if they're good, interesting characters, they should get a spinoff where we can explore them without taking up batman runtime. if they're not, they should slowly fade out of existence.
thank you for listening! criticism is welcome, i'm obviously not the end-all be-all of batman. everyone's perspective is valid (mostly) and if you do enjoy a thing don't stop enjoying it because a stranger on the internet doesn't. again, thank you for reading.
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dorefasolsido · 10 months
1. What would you do if your pet suddenly started to talk to you, but nobody else could hear it? Would you assume you'd gone mad or simply be happy for the company? Would you try to convince your friends and family or would you be satisfied keeping it to yourself?
Lol I'd suspect I'm a little bit insane, but I probably wouldn't mind. I was always curious about what Luci would have to say to me and just in general what cats actually think. I'd be chatting to him for hours, though I doubt he'd want to chat with me as much lol.
2. When you answer the phone, what do you typically say? Is it different depending on whom the caller ID says it is (if you have caller ID)?
Usually I say "hello?" or if it's my parents or friends I say "hey" or something similar. I very rarely answer phone calls from unknown numbers since I absolutely hate talking on the phone.
3. Is there a food that you only recently started to like? If so, what is it and when did you start liking it? How often do you try again foods you don't like to see if your tastes have changed?
Hmm, I mean, it's not something I didn't like before and then started liking it, but for example, I've never tried Korean food until this summer, then I finally did and ended up loving it. Now I'm in the process of exploring various dishes, but everything I've tried so far has been delicious.
But as for how often I try foods I don't like to see if I will like it now, I don't usually do that. The only thing I really actively dislike are tomatoes, and there's no way I'm giving them a fourth chance.
4. Who would you NOT want to read the surveys you've posted on here? What would most likely happen if they did read it? Is there anyone you actually wish would read your survey answers but whom doesn't?
I don't want anyone I know to read this lol, that's a fear of mine actually and the reason I was so reluctant to start this even though I always liked the idea. I don't mind if internet strangers read the stuff I write here, but someone I actually know reading this and recognizing me would be mortifying. I don't think anything special would happen, I just like to have a place like this, separate from my everyday life, where I can vent about my feelings and maybe even the people I know.
5. What three things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years, and why?
I think since technology changes so fast, it will be something we use now, but I'm not sure what. Maybe cash also. It's already starting to go in that direction in some countries.
6. Do you watch Glee? If so, which song do you want to hear on there that they have not yet done? If not, which TV show do you think has the best soundtrack?
I've never watched it, but as for the best soundtrack, Attack on Titan has absolute killer soundtrack. I'm not even super big on soundtrack in general but that show's music just hits different.
7. What do you find to be the most irritating piece of clothing to wear wet? Are you the type of person to go to great lengths to avoid getting your clothing wet? What about your hair?
I hate wet clothes omg. I'm not sure which I find more irritating tbh because all of it is horrible. I wouldn't say I go to some particularly great lengths to avoid it, as it usually doesn't happen unless I'm caught in a summer downpour.
As for hair, I don't really mind. It's a bit more annoying now that I have bangs since they go absolutely crazy when they're wet, but oh well.
8. How often do you witness discrimination? Do you ever speak up about it when you do see it? Or would you only speak up if the discrimination was directed toward you or someone close to you?
I wouldn't say I witness it too often since I live in a pretty homogenous country, but I've definitely seen it towards women or the Romani. If it happens in my circle, I'll call it out, but I'm a little bit too awkward to do it in public. Maybe one day I will, when my social anxiety goes away.
9. Do you think you would be able to pull off a crime perfectly, without being caught? What about other lies? For example, cheating on your partner without getting caught? Would you be able to get away with it?
No, I don't think pulling off a perfect crime is nearly as easy as it is sometimes portrayed in the media, and also, it's definitely not something I'd be very good at. Same with cheating, I just wouldn't see the point in that.
10. Are you the type to get embarrassed if your parent/parents acts/act your age? Do they do this often? Or do you think it's stupid to put an age on the way one can act?
I'm firmly believe it's stupid to put an age on how people should act because it's not like you turn 30 and suddenly you can't have fun. Or at least I hope so, since I'm two years away from that lol.
Anyway, I was never embarrassed by my parents and I also don't think they ever really tried to act my age or anything like that. They're just doing their own thing.
11. Do you know anyone who has divorced and remarried the same person? What do you/would you think of someone who does that?
So not quite remarried, but my dad's friend divorced his wife and then kept living with her and their daughter for years. It was an interesting arrangement to say the least, but if it worked for them, then I have no business thinking anything particular about it.
12. Do you say goodnight to anybody before you go to bed? If so, does it feel weird if you go to bed without saying it to them?
I say goodnight to my sister, but it doesn't feel too weird when I don't. Sometimes she just falls asleep earlier than me and sometimes I go to my hometown for a few days/weeks and she stays here. In those cases, I can't say goodnight to her and it's okay.
13. How do you react when you're scared? Do you scream, jump, cover your eyes, etc.?
If it's like a jumpscare, I mostly just flinch and slightly gasp.
14. Who is the best storyteller you know? What do you find best about their storytelling? Is there an interesting story of theirs you'd like to share?
Hmm, my uncle is pretty good at storytelling. He just has this way of talking that engages you right away and he really knows how to deliver the punchline or create suspense. I can't think of a specific example but yeah.
15. When you check your e-mail account, how much of it do you delete without even looking at it? Do you have a separate account for junk like this?
I never delete my emails lol. Maybe I should, but I just don't really bother, there's way too much.
16. Do you strongly dislike (or even hate) any bands or musical artists? If so, what caused such a strong negative emotion towards them?
Nope, not really. If something's not my thing, I'm just not going to listen. That's really all there is to it.
17. What are you listening to? Is it something you would normally be found listening to, or just something you've started listening to recently?
I listen to rock/metal, which I've been listening to basically since middle school, though maybe the bands have slightly changed. Also, now I'm definitely more into K-pop too, with BTS taking number one spot, of course. That's a pretty recent thing though.
18. Does/did your school bus stop directly in front of your house? If not, where does/did it stop?
Oh we don't have school buses here. At least not in my hometown, but I think even here in the capital, there are no actual school buses. I always went to school by foot anyway, since it was 5 minutes away from my house.
19. Do you parents have any collections? If so, what do you think of those collections?
My dad has a huge collection of vinyls which is actually so cool, I like to go through it once in a while and look at the covers. He also had a collection of his sports medals, but I'm not sure where that is anymore.
Mum mostly collects books, so we have plenty of those at home.
20. Are there any movies you watch when you're feeling anxious or depressed? If so, what are they, and what about them calms you down and/or lifts your spirits?
Hmm, I do usually turn to those cheesy high school comedies when I don't feel mentally well. They're just so simple and predictable that they're very comfortable, especially those I've watched many many times.
21. Would you rather see a band/artist perform in a small club, an arena, or at an outdoor venue? Why? Which one have you been to most recently?
That depends on the band/artist. I love big concerts in arenas/outdoor venues, but there's something pleasant and cozy about going to a club with 50+ people and enjoying a smaller gig too.
Most recently I've been to one of my favourite local cover band's gigs, I go there pretty much every month and it's always a fantastic time.
22. Do you have a favourite role of Johnny Depp's? If you don't like him, what is your favourite role of an actor you like?
I mean, probably Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean since that's a series of my youth lol
23. If you were in a competition to win your dream prize, and you were allowed to decide what the competition would be (trivia about your favourite band, a foot race, singing, etc.) , what would you choose and why?
I'm actually not sure there's anything I'd 100% be the best at lol
24. What is your least favourite thing about the English language? Are there any other languages you prefer besides English?
I guess if I had to pick one least favourite thing about English, it would be the articles. My native language doesn't have them so I still sometimes mess them up even though I've spoken English my entire life.
As for other languages, I really like Japanese. I like what little I know about how it works and I like how it sounds. I want to go back and try to properly learn it at some point.
25. Would you be upset if a long-term partner confessed that they had committed a serious crime before you met? How do you think it would affect your relationship?
I mean, there's no way it wouldn't affect the relationship. Say I've been with them for two years and they suddenly come and are like, oh yeah, I murdered someone five years ago, btw. Even if they did it in self-defense, it would be a problem since they never told me. It may be awkward to mention something like that on a first date, but it's also wrong not to mention it before things get serious.
26. Who, out of the people you know, do you think has the most messed-up relationship? Have you ever spoken up about it or do you stay out of it? Have you ever been in a relationship that was really messed-up?
Well, Ochi, my sorta friend. He's been in this on and off relationship with a guy who's involved with some pretty dangerous people and everything I've heard about their relationship has been beyond toxic. Like, I really think Ochi might be dragged into that world too and that won't end well for him. And I have tried talking to him many times, everyone tried, but he just doesn't listen. I'm not sure if anything can be done unless he realizes how things stand on his own.
As for myself, not that messed up, but I have had a pretty unhealthy situationship for a while.
27. What emotion have you been feeling most commonly lately? Do you like feeling this way? If not, have you done anything to try to change it?
I'm not really sure, but whatever it is, I don't think I particularly like it.
28. Why did you/your parents choose to live where you do now? Would you move right now if you were able to? Why/why not? If so, where would you like to go?
So basically, when I was choosing where to attend university, I could've chosen a city closer to my town or the capital which is a bit further away. I chose the capital without hesitation, and I'm glad I did because it's far more exciting here, and had I moved to the other city, I would've likely ended up moving back to my hometown and that would have been horrible.
I quite like it here, I've liked it from the start and I don't expect that to change too much. But I would also move somewhere abroad if I could; maybe Germany, or maybe even Japan.
29. Is there a song that you think, lyrically, describes your childhood? Have you ever had a song describe your life perfectly, each and every word? How does it make you feel when you come across songs like this?
I don't know about my childhood, but I always felt like H. by Tool somehow speaks to me, even though it doesn't actually describe my life. Like, it hits just the right strings within me, and it's difficult to explain why, though I've been trying to figure it out for years.
Also, Jimin's Like Crazy or Alone.
30. Do you tend to befriend people who are of a similar, smaller or larger weight than yourself? (Even if it doesn't matter to you, you can admit it.) Has it always been this way?
I'm really not sure lol. I think most of my friends are around my weight? It's never been a factor for me, and since I was underweight for a long time, most people I befriended were heavier than me.
31. List a random fact (each) you know about 5 of your favourite survey takers:
There are a few on here I've been following, but I'm still way too new and awkward to tag them and say anything lol.
32. Whenever you have a question about something random, are you more likely to ask Google or someone you know? Does it depend on what exactly you want to know? Do you do both?
Probably google it, though it depends, if I'm mid-conversation with someone, then I ask them, and if they don't know, then I google.
33. How old were you when you went on your first date? Was there anything you would change about the experience? How do you think it shaped your expectations? If you've never been on a date, what did you like best about the last meal you ate?
Well I've never been on like a proper date, so last meal I ate was spaghetti, and I just generally like spaghetti.
34. If you had to serve a meal to an ambassador from another country that symbolized your country's culture, what would you choose? Do you think s/he would love it as much as you do?
Stuffed paprika maybe, that's super popular in this region.
35. If someone broke into your house and robbed you, what could they take that would piss you off or upset you the most? To what lengths would you go to get it back? Has something like this already happened to you before?
Definitely my laptop or my phone. My whole life is on my phone, and I need my laptop for work. I would contact the police for sure, but tbh, they aren't that great at actually retrieving stolen stuff around here. And our house has been broken into twice (well the door was unlocked, so not really broken into), but they didn't take anything very expensive.
36. Do you enjoy watching the special features found on most DVDs? What do you usually enjoy more: the deleted scenes, the bloopers, the audio commentary, or the behind-the-scenes footage?
I did like to watch behind-the-scenes footage back in the day when I watched DVDs.
37. Do you care at all about the Stanley Cup playoffs? If so, which team are you rooting for, and is it different than the team you're sure will make it to the cup? If you don't care, is your family the type to get right into a sport, or is the topic of sports rarely spoken about in your house?
I actually have no clue what that is lol.
38. Have you ever had your own flower garden? If so, what are/were your favourite flowers to plant?
I haven't, I'm not a plant person at all.
39. Would you ever date someone who is exactly like your youngest (or oldest, if you're the youngest) sibling? Why/why not?
I get along with my sister well, so I guess it would make sense, but I also think such a person might be a little too intense for me lol. I don't know, maybe that's not too bad anyway.
40. Was there something you were afraid of as a child that just seems silly to you now?
I remember a film I caught once with some aliens that had eyes directly on their brains and they scared the shit out of me. I actually found that film later and thought they looked really funny.
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harryfeatgaga · 11 months
I know that you mentioned that people being Islamophobic but also people are being very antisemitic I’m the one who someone threw a coffee at the other day and you wanna know why? Because I said my full name while registering for something and the person behind me said “that’s a Jewish name” all I did was nodding my head and he literally threw his coffee at me and yelled “JEWISH PIG!” and do you think anyone did something? No one cared! No one cared when my grandparents had to go through the Holocaust and no one cares here in America that I’m Jewish actually they do care because they sprayed Swastika on my friend’s house in NY, punched someone I know in San Diego because he was wearing a yarmulke and threw a coffee at me. Not to mention they keep shouting gas the Jews and this is just in America the hate is even worse in Europe so yay the Nazis are back. And please post this I think it’s important people know how scary it is to walk outside these days as a Jew.
I am so incredibly sorry that happened to you that is so insanely fucked up and evil people are so so evil this is a scary world we are living in, i know i'm just a stranger on the internet but i'm sending you and your friends and family love and healing 💗
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Love On-Set (Pt. 10 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Word count: 1.2 K
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
<- Previous part (09)
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
What Comes Next...
The last three months have been hectic, in between shooting the last scenes of season three, the premiere, and the interviews that always follow. The Internet is going insane because not only Billy, one of the villains from season 2 changed and got a love interest, but you and Dacre, outside of the cameras, are together. The fans absolutely love it. But after the events and all the talk shows and YouTube channels wanting you both for a meeting, you had to call it out eventually and head back home.
It's not that you don't like it, the attention and the fans all rooting for your relationship, but you also like the private life, the one you get to share with Dacre alone, as well as your friends and families. But not everything is broadcasted. This moment is an example of that.
Seated on the sand, you watch the sun rising, casting its light on LA, lighting up the blue sky, mixed with the ocean ahead of you. Both your cellphones were left at your place, and the beach is empty. This moment belongs to you alone. Well, to you and the paparazzi that took a few pictures of you some minutes ago, but he's gone now.
“What are your plans after season four?” Dacre asks, his deep, strong voice being carried by the fresh morning wind.
Billy and Amy survived, unlike Hopper and Heather. It was a pleasant surprise you only found the day before shooting the last scenes of the Battle of Starcourt. And of course, you're already down for the next season, and everything you know so far is that Billy and Amy left with the Byers, and are now in an established relationship. The rest will only come when you get the script, which will take several months. “Uhm... Season five if the characters make it that far.”
“Uhm... And after that?”
Giving Dacre a glance, you wonder where he's going with this. Season four is only due to next year, and the production won't start in at least five or six months. “I don't know. Some studios are calling me but I'm not interested in the roles they have. What about you?”
“I'm thinking of holding to Stranger Things only.” He shrugs his shoulders, leaning closer to place a quick kiss on your lips. “Then I want to make a pause. Settle down, focus on my personal life.”
“Sounds good.” Raising an eyebrow, you can't help but ask. “And am I on this personal life thing?”
“Only if you want to.”
Blushing, you bite your lip. “Only if I want to.” You repeat, the wind suddenly stronger, messing with your hair. “I think I do, Mr. Montgomery.”
“There's something else I've been meaning to ask you.” His voice gets serious, and he pulls away so he can stare into your eyes.
“What is it?”
“I was thinking about going to Australia.” Dacre starts, holding your hand in his. “My family still lives there and I want to formally introduce you to them, not only through video calls. And there's a lot of places I'd love to show you.”
Oh... That's something. “I'd absolutely love to go, Dacre. Just tell me when and for how long.”
“That's the thing...”
“What's the thing?”
“I was thinking about staying there... Until the shooting for the next season starts.” There's insecurity in his voice and you know why. Dacre was only renting this house in LA because of the show, but his home is in Australia. “But honestly, going back there, and staying literally half a world apart from you is too much.”
“Yeah, I'd hate it too...” Holding your hair so it'll stay away from your face, you look at the ocean. “But this is... Something. I mean, I could rent a place near yours and–”
“We literally shared the hotel room, and now I either spend the days here or you stay at my place, so I guess that would go on for a few weeks until you decide to just stay with me.” Dacre has this cocky tone and a smirk, so you playfully punch his arm.
“Oh, don't tease me!” A small fight, filled with giggles start, as you try to slap him. But Dacre easily holds your arms, and suddenly, he pushes you down until you're lying down on the sand with him hovering above you. “I'll go with you.” You burst out because the possibility of not going didn't even cross your mind. “But only if you give me that amazing massage in the back after the flight because I know it takes like 48 hours to get there.”
“If we're lucky we can find a 24 hours flight.” When the wind pushes some hair over your face, Dacre moves it away before leaning down to kiss you, slow and passionate. “But yes, I'll give you all the massages you want when we get there.”
“You should really be more careful with the things you promise, sweetheart.” You tease, pushing him off of you. “So. When do we leave?”
“What about next week? Enough time to buy the tickets, pack everything, and to enjoy LA a little longer.”
“Speaking about enjoying LA...” Smiling, you stand up, taking off your shoes. “I'll go for a swim.”
“Babe... You can't swim.” Dacre keeps the half-smile as you walk backwards, eyes on him as you move closer to the water.
“Yes. I really wish I had a strong boyfriend to help me out but apparently–” You stop talking when he stands up, walking fast until he reaches you, and in a swift motion, he lifts you up, parting your legs so they'll be around his waist.
“You were saying..?”
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you giggle when the waves start hitting your back, soaking your clothes. “I was saying I do have a strong boyfriend.”
“Interesting how you change your mind so quickly.” You feel when his feet stop reaching the bottom, and the two of you just stand there, floating, and despite knowing you could die here, you feel safe with Dacre.
“It's gonna be amazing, you know... Australia. The two of us.” You mumble, a hand caressing his cheek. “I am quite scared of the wild animals they have there, but I know you'll protect me.”
“I sure will. I did save you from a freaking Mind Flayer, didn't I?”
Giggling, you nod. “That you did.”
With the calming waves surrounding you, you kiss him, deep and sweet. It tastes salty from the water, but soon enough the taste of his lips overcome everything. And it also tastes like promises, spoken and unspoken. And you know that wherever you are, here or on the other side of the world, you will be fine, and happy, and safe. With Dacre, you don't have to be afraid of what you feel anymore, you can just let it out. You can trust him with your whole heart.
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelaninn @foccus @multific @uncookspaget @kellysimagines @peakascum @thisbreakableheaven @nope-thanks
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