#but idk I don't want anyone to see this and feel bad so better safe than sorry
wild how the more i'm working on recovery. the more i realize how fucking bad i miss her.
#which still feels kind of insane and embarrassing since i didn't technically know her myself#(my alter did. i however barely interacted with her.)#but she knew me. she fucking knew me and saw me. i've talked about this in earlier posts but that's still the main thing that hits me.#i feel like nobody else has ever ever known me like she has. i've never felt that seen. and she loved me. she cared about me. she knew what#was underlying my outwards appearance and behaviors. she saw it and loved and cared for it. and because she knew it so well she didn't take#anything personally. (again. not douchey behaviors. just like... bragging for example. or being guarded. idk)#also there's so many things we relate on? felt like i could connect with her better. i think she and i would have been friends.#i dont know it's just#with everyone else it feels like a fucking obligatory social game i need to navigate#say the right things. act in the right ways. present yourself in ways they'll understand and interpret well. blah blah#i'm not even going anywhere with this i just miss her so bad and i'm fucking lonely and want to be seen like that again but i don't think#it can ever happen. because i got to be 100% myself but it was in a safe way and that's how she grew to know and love me#but it wasn't ME who made that decision to be vulnerable. and it was through a specific way that can't be done again because i'm here now a#an alter so it's guarded. and i can't be selfish and demanding and fully myself here because system morals are too strong for that.#even if the aforementioned thing COULD happen again. i haven't seen anyone who cares and understands and sees so deeply like she does.#it's just#i don't know#i just want to be myself and loved and seen for who i am.#but instead it always just feels like i'm having to navigate and manage social expectations and That's It.#maybe i just need to be friends with another narcissist. so i dont have to fucking mask anymore. only concern is if i'm actually being#myself - i have a high pitched voice and talk fast and talk a lot and am kinda obnoxious and high energy and#attention-seeking and dislike being alone and. yeah. that's annoying to the majority of people. which is why i am Not myself around anyone
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wosoamazing · 8 months
Summary: You get sick at training and no one can get a hold of Leah
Warnings: Sick, angst??, IDK
A/N: decided to give you all another fic. I hope you like this one, I don't know how good it is.... also please do send requests in, I want to make sure I'm writing things people will enjoy.
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Training today just felt harder than usual, yes you had off days, but something was different, it wasn’t just that you weren’t playing as well, you were hotter, you were running out of breath quicker than usual, you head hurt slightly. Everyone around you noticed but didn’t want to say anything, your teenage hormones were at their peak currently, as Leah put it and you were quick to snap at anyone for no real reason. You stayed quite about it though and just tried to push through, that was until you felt like you were going to pass out and you decided you should probably sit down. So, you went up to Jonas.
“Y/N, how can I help you?”
“Umm, I’m just feeling a little hot, was just wondering if I could sit down for a bit,” “yeah sure why don’t you go inside to the dining room and sit down there, it will be cooler in there than out here, lunch is only 25 or so away anyway,” “Thanks Jonas,” you said, and you turned around, probably a little too fast as everything spun, you stumbled a little and shut your eyes, hoping that no one noticed you continued to make your way into the dining room and sat on one of the chairs, everything was still slightly spinning but it wasn’t too bad. Just as you were about to rest your head on the table you heard footsteps which grew louder, until they stopped, and Katie was standing next to you.
“Hey,” you mumbled.
“Hey, Jonas sent me in here to check on you. You okay?”
“No, I feel like crap” you replied. It was the truth. In an effort to feel better, you shut your eyes and rested your head on the table, it was cool to touch, Katie put her hand on the back of your neck, and she winced at the heat that was radiating off you.
“I think you need to go see a medic.”
“No, I’m fine.” you snapped.
“Okay, well I’ll leave you to it then,” she stood up starting to walk out.
“Katie,” you softly cried out, she looked back at you “can you stay?”
“Only if you let me get a medic to look at you,” she tried compromising.
“Fine.” You sighed. Katie messaged someone on her phone and a few minutes later one of the medics came in. “38.7, not too bad, get her to take two of these and try and see if you can get her sister to take her home, if she is still here in about 45 minutes, we will come check on her again. Also get her to drink the rest of that and another one at least” The medic said to Katie pointing at your water bottle, Katie nodded. “Oh, and have one of these,” Katie screwed her face up at the sight of the emesis bag she really couldn’t handle that type of sick, “look she shouldn’t need it but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Katie nodded agreeing with that statement. She got you to take two Panadol and to drink some water before you fell asleep. She did wake you every ten minutes to drink some more water however you didn’t really remember that.
“Hey, can you sit up for just a sec,” you look up to see the medic, she takes your temperature and checks your breathing. “39.1” the medic and Katie look at each other you place your head back on the table, and whimper slightly at the movement of your head, however the table felt nice on your head as it was cool.
“Where the fuck is Leah! Why isn’t she answering her phone,” Katie yelled becoming more furious with Leah by the second.
“Why don’t you just take her home?” Kim asked.
“Because Leah is a genius. Who doesn’t give their 16-year-old sister a key? and she refuses to let me take her to mine.” Katie replies
“You could call Sarina,” you decided to chime in.
“What’s her number though?” “Give it here,” you put Sarina’s number into Katies phone, Katie quickly pressed the call button and to her amusement Sarina picked up.
“Hi Sarina, its Katie McCabe, I am really sorry to be calling but we have Y/F/N here and she isn’t feeling well at all, and we have been trying to get a hold of Leah for 45 minutes but she won’t answer, and we understand she is doing important media duties however Y/N does have a temperature of 39.1C, and we think it would be best if she went home.” There was a pause, Sarina must’ve been talking “Okay, thank you so much, so sorry again. Bye”
“She’s coming,” everyone let out a sigh of relief, they hated seeing you so sick and helpless knowing that Leah was the one thing that might make you feel better.
“Leah?” you questioned, starting to cry.
“Yeah, she’s coming, like 10 minutes,” Katie said as she started to rub your back, you placed your head back on the table and continued to cry, you just felt so sick and wanted your sister.
“Hey, I’m here.” Leah said as she rounded the corner, her heart melting at the scene in front of her. You were still crying head on the table, Katie was still rubbing your back looking like she might cry at any moment, she just wanted to help, and she couldn’t.
“Oh, bug.” Leah cooed at the sight, and she continued towards you, you lifted you head up tears still falling. She kneeled down beside you and put her hand on your forehead, she winced and looked at Katie, “39.1 last we checked.”
“Bug, I’m so sorry I didn’t come sooner.” She said, ready to cry herself.
“Can we go home?” you whimpered, as she pulled you in for a hug, she noticed the slight dampness of your skin.
“Let me go talk to the medic first,” she said as she stood up.
“I’ll go get her stuff for you,” Lia said as she went to the locker room. The girls remaining all looked at each other, you couldn’t resist a smirk.
“Why do you have two bags Lia?” your sister questioned.
“Le, don’t do this, I’ve spoken to Jonas, and he agrees that you’re going to need help, come on I’ll drive you home.” She replied.
“Carry me?” you whined looking at your sister who sighed before picking you up and taking you home, the girls all made eyes at each other as the three of you walked out.
“Le, I’m back” Lia said as she walked through the door. “We’re still in here.” Leah replied, she was sitting up against the head board of her bed, you had your head in her lap and your body laid parallel to the headboard, your training top was on the end of the bed and you were just in your crop top and training shorts, Leah had taken your shirt off in hopes of cooling you down, your sweaty body was making the sheets slightly damp, as she rain her fingers through your hair.
“Hey” Lia said softly as she walked into the room, carrying the bag of items she bought to help you. “What you got in there” Leah asked looking at the quite full bag.
“Just the essentials,” Lia pulled out some medicine first, then some hydrolyte, followed by a thermometer “I guessed you didn’t have one of these,” she pulled some more items out “Oh and I got some of these,” Leah’s brow furrowed at the sight of the emesis bags, “they might come in handy one day” Lia said as she shrugged.
“Thank you, Lia for everything not just for today” your sister replied.
“It’s no problem, how is she?”
“I don’t really know, she never gets sick it’s been years, I’m just really worried. Should we check her temperature again?” with of nod of Lia’s head they pulled the thermometer out of its packing and checked your temperature. “Shit,” Lia’s brow furrowed “39.5, what do we do Li, do we take her to the hospital, the doctor?” Leah said heartbroken a tear rolling down her check.
“She hasn’t had any medicine yet has she?” Lia questioned.
“I think they gave her some Panadol at the colony but other than that no”
“Okay well we’ll give her some ibuprofen, and help her take a lukewarm bath, and if her temperature hasn’t gone down or if it goes up after 30 minutes, we can take her to the hospital, how does that sound?” Leah just nodded agreeing with Lia, she just wanted to help you but in this moment she felt helpless. “You give her the medicine and I’ll start the bath”.
“Bug, can you wake up for me?” Leah said softly shaking you. You sat up, leaning against the headboard, resting you head on the wall.
“Here can you take this, it will help you feel better,” Leah said handing you two tablets and your water bottle, you took them and then went to lay back down on Leah, but she stopped you, as the bath was now ready.
“Bug we’re going to put you in the bath for a little while,” you groan at Leah’s words, she helps you up and places you in the bath still clothed. She let you sit there while she went to get the pair of you new clothes, nothing fancy of course, just some PJs. After your bath Leah helped you get changed before carrying you back to the bedroom.
“Oh, you didn’t have to Lia,” she said noticing Lia was just finishing off changing the sheets on the bed.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s all good, here have this” she said as she placed a pillow down for you and Leah. You laid between the two girls with your head resting on Leah’s arm, they rechecked your temperature and it was now back to 39.1, they weren’t super happy with it but happy enough not to take you to the hospital, you spent the next four days in bed sick, Leah and Lia both trying to help you get better.
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Saturn the father you always wanted and always have. Saturn in da houses, and why your life sucks. Im blunt here so don't complain don't read if you can't handle the reality of saturn. Saturn in the first house - okay you don't like to try when you present yourself, you think people should just instantly respect you because youve been through many trials in life... well people usually dont know how to talk to you because you have a stick up your ass. Saturn in the second house - everyones greedy, but when you are, its not cool. Well it isn't because when you are greedy you act like a goblin. be more mature its okay to be greedy but your acting like its a virtue stfu. Saturn in the third house - everyone thinks your dumb af, and you are only because you lack confidence to drive your points home. you just need to learn how to communicate better, your not dumb but you act like a dumbass. Saturn in the fourth house - sad boy/girl now everyone knows you had a rough childhood but would you grow up already, everyone else has but your still stuck being sad about how life has treated you (or your momma/dadda) grow up your not getting any younger you can't change the past stop wallowing. the past has taught you well, use it to your advantage or let it hold you back. Saturn in the fifth house - pretend players who get played everytime. Always gotta pretend like they are fun but whenever you do try to have fun with them they are annoying. yes you could be fun in the bedroom simply because everyone knows your too sensitive to break someones heart... because your heart is the most broken. Saturn in the sixth house - the real try hards always putting in 100%. suck ups to there boss or whoever is above them. but when there authority disrespects them they go rogue and try even harder just to spit in there boss's face. i respect it because i got cap here Saturn in the seventh house - if your a bad person good luck in this life, because your karma is received ten fold by your partners, they always like to complete your karmic cycle because thats just how it works idk. so better act right or your partner will ruin it before you ruin yourself.
Saturn in the eighth house - will do anything to get to the top. no pain is too painful. well it all is, but the ends justify the means. when they put there foot down the whole room shakes. so when your making a move make sure its the right one because your power plays are on display for everyone and itll make or break you more than the other placements. Saturn in the ninth house - lazy asses, always looking for an easy way out. they know what the right thing to do is, but the likelihood of them doing it is never. its because saturn restricts there luck/ mind and they just have woe is me energy and its annoying make better choices, and if you dont stop crying about it. but if they act right saturn blesses them the fuck up. Saturn in the tenth house - okay these people think they are better than everyone and deserve everything, but they never receive the applause they crave. its never enough even if the whole room is looking at them they suddenly don't want it anymore. there karma everyone can see, and if its too good it feels like a curse, and when its bad and reality comes crashing down they just want to hide but they cant. own your life or it will own you. Saturn in the eleventh - there community will give them there karma, always these people dont have a place where they feel safe. because they never make anyone feel safe around them, then cry when no-one gives them that favour. stfu and treat us better and maybe we will do you better. Saturn in the twelfth - okay apparently this is where saturn is in its joy, and i guess its because god/ spirits judge you. and i guess thats a good thing because if anyone should judge you its him. except the pain here is you have ultimate freedom, you rarely get signs on what to do. will you make the right choice or the wrong once? well they are lucky because they always get there karma quickly so they can always recover fast. but these people struggle to empathise because they don't feel the energy of the room. sooooo just grow up you got the best saturn, and your karma resides is in your empathy. disclaimer - saturn wants you to be the best. and no one is.... so i like to think if you want a sense of direction (where are you going wrong) look at the saturn house and if you are successful congrats your doing saturn right. but be careful he always thinks you can do better, and he loves to humble you. so be-careful out there.
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restinslices · 4 months
Can I request a scenario where the lin kuei brothers, after rescuing the reader from an enemy who was torturing the reader, react to the hijacked!reader(idk, if you read/watched the hunger games especially mockingjay, if you didn't then hijacking in hunger games is a form brainwashing involving the venom of tracker-jackers(mutated wasps whose venom can cause hallucinations and can painfully kill a person) to alter the memories of a person in a negative manner), who reacts violently towards them and bring afraid of them, calling them a monster and verbally berating them.
I haven’t seen those movies in years but I watched some videos and looked at the wiki so I hope I got it right! I also added a Drabble for everyone as a “my bad” cause I took so long.
Also it is 5:09pm. The danger time (look at previous post. Weather shit) is until 7pm. I’m hoping we stay fine but bitch it’s raining and I hear thunder and saw lightning. Send help😭
Bitch I’m proof reading and my lights flickered-
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Anger is much easier and better to feel than sadness or grief, so he forces himself to feel that instead 
The second he realizes that you've been taken by enemies, he's in a rage 
He's visibly more angry and harsh towards everyone 
He hardly sleeps or lets himself relax because that means he's not looking for you 
Someone could take a break to sit and he's asking why they aren't doing anything to help 
Once you're found he's relieved and wants to see you immediately 
All that stress slips from his shoulders when he sees that you're alive and safe 
That stress is immediately dumped back on his shoulders when instead of pulling him into a hug, you run at him and wrap your hands around his throat 
As you can imagine, he has no problem pushing you off, but he's thrown so off guard because why would he ever expect you to attack him?
You don't come to your senses and his confusion rises when you attack him again by jumping on him and trying to strangle him again 
If you weren't trying to murder him, he'd be impressed with how you hang on despite how many times he's hit you 
Having to knock you out takes a lot out of him mentally. I mean, come on y'all. You were missing for so long and instead of hugging and loving each other when you finally saw each other, you attacked him like a wild animal and he actually had to defend himself 
When he's told what Hijacking is, all that anger comes back 
Some sick fuck took you from him, tortured you in various ways and managed to change your memories to something negative. How could he not be angry? They destroyed you with such precision. It was sick. 
Bi-Han is advised not to see you again. Anyone could guess that he wouldn't listen 
He had hope that maybe you just needed rest, but that didn't seem to work 
You forgot you were strapped down and tried to run at him again. You fussed with your straps in an attempt to get free and yelled in frustration 
Bi-Han doesn't know what to say. In an attempt to comfort you, he says “we'll fix you”
“There's always something wrong with me, isn't there?” You sneered with resentment. 
He kept talking to you and it seemed like no memory was left safe. Every single memory was tainted. The image of him was tainted. Why? Why did this have to happen to someone as kind as you? Why not to him? Or, as dick head-ish it sounded, a random Lin Kuei member?
All his efforts go to finding a way to reverse it. And I can see him being angry at Liu Kang because he can't reverse it. It fuels a resentment he already holds for him
“Grandmaster, I have been instructed to not let you in this room” a Lin Kuei member said in his best stern voice. Bi-Han didn't have time for this. He had just been informed that somehow Liu Kang couldn't save you, which made absolutely no sense to him. Liu Kang, this powerful god that created the universe itself couldn't fix this one person in the universe? Someone who deserved to be saved the most out of everyone?
“Your Grandmaster didn't give you this order, did I?”. The Lin Kuei swallowed hard and tried to stammer something out, but Bi-Han pushed him out the way and went inside the formally blocked room. 
You looked over at him, still with hate in your eyes. Your brows were low, your mouth in a deep frown, your arms and legs strapped to the bed. Your face was less bruised than it was when you first arrived, so he guessed he was thankful for that. 
“You look like shit” you said. 
“I've been worried about you” he answered honestly.
“Bullshit. You lie. You always lie”
“Who told you that?” he stepped closer to you although he knew he shouldn't. “Our enemies made you think this. They lied to you. They tortured you because they knew it'd hurt me. Because I love you”. He wasn't sure he's loved anyone as much as he loves you. But you wouldn't believe him. You kept saying he was lying and you had no idea how much it killed him to see you, but not have you. 
You stared at him blankly while thinking. You smirked at him and motioned for him to come even closer. He didn't though. The various wounds he had kept him from keeping hope of you changing. 
“Do you think your father let out a sigh of relief when he realized he was dying and getting away from you? Your mother as well? Being around you is the worst torture imaginable and I can't wait until I'm set free too”. 
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Kuai Liang vows that he'll find and bring you back home no matter what 
He's also uneasy and on edge the entire time 
No stone is left unturned. He's checking every possible area and is suspicious of everyone 
He knows you'll have some sort of trauma, so when you're found, he tries to give you space 
Just enough time for doctors to look you over 
When he visits you the last thing he expects is for you to do is scream and try to get away from him 
He tries to get closer to you and comfort you but you keep screaming and accusing him of trying to hurt you 
He's confused. He would never do such a thing to you. He hardly even play fought with you because he was so worried about him accidentally hurting you 
You keep clinging to the doctors and yelling at him to stay away 
He just doesn't understand how something like this can happen. He keeps trying to comfort you but you're terrified of him
He has to be dragged out because he doesn't wanna leave at all 
When he's told what's happened to you he's confused how this is even possible and he wonders if he can ever get you back 
It's not necessarily just “I want my partner back”. It's also “they didn't deserve to have their light taken away”
You stay terrified of him so he tries to stay away from you 
He checks in when you're sleep and he peeks at you when you're not paying attention 
A two way mirror is a way to watch you as well 
Honestly he'd rather have you angry at him than afraid of him
You look so broken and shaken and it's killing him 
The same way he vowed to find you is the same way he vows to save you 
Meanwhile he has other people talk to you for him. He's trying to see if maybe someone else can make you realize that he's not some monster that you've been brainwashed to believe 
It doesn't seem to work, but he keeps trying. He refuses to give up on you. 
Kuai Liang was warned that this could possibly be a bad idea, but he didn't care. What was he supposed to do? Not try? Just let you sit and rot? No. Maybe he didn't have any magical abilities that could cure you, but he could still try. 
He watched through the 2 way mirror as Tomas approached you. You were a lot nicer to him and more comfortable around him. As bad as it sounded, it made him feel awful that Tomas was your comfort instead of him. 
Tomas tried to ease you into a conversation about Kuai Liang and he watched you tense and sit up. Did you think he was going to rush in and attack you? No. There had to be some parts of you still in there. 
“Kuai Liang isn't a bad person. You've been lied to-”
“He killed your family”. 
Tomas cleared his throat, uncomfortable. “Kuai Liang was too young to-”
“They’re all killers!” You snapped. “They'll kill me! He'll kill me! Did he send you in here to weaken me?!” You looked around the room in fear and Kuai Liang stupidly ran in there to comfort you as a reflex.. He realized his mistake when he caught your eye and you fell out of your bed trying to get away. 
“HE'S HERE!” You screeched like a banshee and crawled to the farthest wall. “HE'S HERE! HE'S HERE!”. Tomas gripped Kuai Liang’s shoulders and pushed him away. He knew he shouldn't have been in there, but a part of him still fought back against the younger man. 
“GET AWAY! GET AWAY FAST! HE'S HERE! HE'S HERE! HE'LL HURT ME!” You kept screaming and clawed at your face. 
Tomas closed the door in Kuai Liang’s face with a remorseful look. The man stayed there and listened to you scream and destroy things around you. He didn't move or cover his ears. He deserved to listen. It was his punishment for not finding you in time. 
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This is gonna sound bad, but when you go missing, he already assumes you're dead 
Hope for the best but prepare for the worst type shit 
He's no stranger to death and obviously he doesn't WANT you to be dead, but he prepares himself for if that's the case 
Don't think he's not searching tho. He’s always looking for you. He's not even eating 
When they find you he's so relieved 
He has the doctors tell him how you are because as much as he wants to see you, he knows he gotta let them do their job 
He feels so bad because all the reports he's getting are terrible. Each bruise he's told about shatters him 
He brings flowers when he's finally allowed to visit you 
When you attack him he's thrown completely off guard 
He doesn't even really defend himself at first because he's never had to defend himself from you 
At first he thinks you're angry with him because he failed to protect you. When he's told what really happened, he wished it was the first one instead 
He blames himself for not protecting you, so he'd understand that 
You being tortured and your memories being toyed with? It was terrible. He'd say he wished the tables were turned and he was tortured, but he'd never want you to feel how he feels 
He keeps trying to communicate with you but you keep screaming and trying to kill him 
Honestly he'd deal with all of that without any complaints. He just keeps being told it's not a good idea and not good for your recovery 
The insults, the foul language, the physical attacks, none of it hurts as much as the knowledge that there's a possibility he won't get you back 
He has gifts sent to you but never says it's from him 
He has old pictures sent to you too hoping that it'll spark something 
He'll keep trying to save you even if it kills him 
Tomas’ heart thumped hard and rapidly in his chest as he walked to your room, bouquet in hand. He knew flowers wouldn't solve whatever happened to you, but he hoped it'd cheer you up somewhat. He had finally been allowed to visit you after what felt like forever and while he wasn't happy to see how bad you looked, he was happy to see you alive. 
He pushed the door open and your frame came into view. Bandages covered the bruises on your face and body, but thankfully you had showered since you arrived. He hoped feeling clean gave you a sense of relief or peace. He just hoped you felt better. 
You saw Tomas and your brows furrowed- no. That couldn't be. You wouldn't look at him like… nah. 
“Tomas?” You said. 
“It's me”. He turned to set the flowers down and immediately heard people yelling your name. He turned, scared he'd see you having some sort of medical complication. What he didn't expect was to feel you shove him against the wall then onto the ground. 
“MUTT! POISONOUS MUTT!”. He screamed as he felt something pierce his shoulder. It was a scissor. He hadn't even seen you grab it. How were you that fast and why were you doing this?
“Stop!” he shouted. You stared at him with loathing and hatred, which was something he couldn't wrap his head around. He winced when you pulled the scissor out. 
He blocked you from stabbing him in the chest. You looked angered and pushed on your hand to try and stab him. “What's wrong with you?” he whispered, his eyes wide in fright. 
The scissor was ripped from your hand and you were pulled off him by multiple doctors and others who heard the commotion. He got to his feet and watched as you kept trying to break free from their grip. 
“MUTT! POISONOUS MUTT!” You repeated. “HE KILLED HIS FAMILY! HE'LL LEAD US TO OUR DEMISE! POISON! TOXIC!I HAVE TO KILL HIM!” You screeched and kept struggling. He held his bloodied shoulder in disbelief. 
What had happened to you?
Once again, apologies it took so long. My writing break was timed POORLY
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tin-wufborf · 2 months
Tin's Favorite Sterek Fics (Part 14)
Hello, and welcome back to Tin's Favorite Sterek Fics! I truly cannot believe we've reached part 14 of this series, but I have had a lot of fun along the way and am so happy to be able to share all of these wonderful fics with you all!
As ever and always, thank you all so much for your continued support of this series. It continues to blow me away how many of you have liked and shared the previous parts. We'll probably be coming to the end of this series in the relatively near future, but I'm thinking of maybe doing some themed rec lists if anyone would be interested in that? Idk, we'll have to see how I feel when this series is all said and done.
Okay, that's all from me today. I hope you all have as good a day as you can, if not a great one. Oh, and don't forget about that Bad Friend Scott McCall warning.
Smoochies and squeezies!
List and links to previous/next part(s) below the cut.
DISCLAIMER: This is me warning you all that some of the fics I've included in this list may cover explicit, dark, and/or "taboo" subject matters. I cannot express enough how little I care what anyone thinks about any of that; all I want is for you to use caution when reading anything I've listed here and to please review and heed whatever tags the authors have provided in order to keep yourselves safe. Your experience from this point on is your own responsibility, not mine and not the authors'.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17
Consigliere by neil4god (NR | 5/5 | 7,042)
It's been years since Danny left Beacon Hills behind and everything that happened in it. He moved on, joined the FBI and forgot all about his junior year of High School. At least he tried, but with Stiles Stilinksi leering at him from the FBI's most wanted board, well that makes it kinda hard to forget, and now they want to know all about it. They want him to talk to Stiles, worse still, they want him to wear a wire while he does it.
Stilinski Orphanage by pineneedlepants (M | 1/1 | 10,514)
Throughout the short months Derek has been spending at the Stilinski Orphanage, he's come to a few conclusions. One, for the Stilinski's, bullying is a zero tolerance thing. There are hundreds of kids staying under their roof and they want things to be peaceful.
Of course, with that many children in one place, with different backgrounds and ethnicities, not everyone follows this rule. The thing is that because the Stilinski Orphanage is actually very popular and well respected, kids circle in and out in a decently fast cycle. Enforcing the strict no bullying rule isn't always as effective, and so sometimes, these bullies get called to the headmaster's office and then transferred to another orphanage, in a place that's far, far away from Beacon Hills.
Except Derek knows better.
He's pretty sure the Stilinskis eat the 'transferred' bullies. Not that he really cares.
-- Happy Early Halloween!
Snow Flirting by thepsychicclam (M | 1/1 | 11,396)
As Beacon Hills get pounded with foot after foot of snow, single dad Stiles can't quite keep up with his four year old, his job, and shoveling his driveway. Derek makes his teenage son shovel Stiles' walk, and that just leads to Derek helping Stiles out with a whole bunch of other tasks. That's okay with Derek, though, cause any chance to be with Stiles is okay with him.
stop, drop, and roll by thepsychicclam (M | 1/1 | 12,237)
Stiles knows he's in trouble when he invites the Beacon Hills Fire Department into his third grade classroom and he can't stop staring at a certain scruffy fireman. But after the third graders take a field trip to the fire station and participate in the fire department's holiday canned food drive, Stiles can't ignore his crush any longer.
Would You Like to Make a Deal? by the_sporadic_writer (NR | 4/4 | 14,180)
Stiles never meant for everything to spin this far out of his control, never thought it would turn out this bad. Never thought that he would enjoy playing as the resident human and enjoy spending time with a pack of wolves. Never expected to get tangled up with Derek Hale of all people, and never thought that he would have enjoyed their time together.
OR, the story where Stiles is a demon and got more than he bargained for when his boredom got the better of him.
A Tiny Bit of String by bunnymaccool (T | 1/1 | 14,382)
The pulling of a single bit of string can sometimes, perhaps, unravel the entire piece of knitting.
Sometimes the universe decides it has taken too much... and chooses to give back.
little boy lost by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli), smartalli (T | 1/1 | 14,862)
If someone asked Stiles to write a parenting book, Stiles would say the best and most important rule is to love your kid. Just love the hell out of them, and make sure they know it.
The second most important rule would be don’t turn your back on a curious three year old with supernatural speed.
Stiles is currently failing at the second rule. Badly.
Claudia's Puntastic Life series by JoMouse (6 works | G | 15,410)
1. Holy Guacamole (G | 1/1 | 4,278) Derek runs into an old friend on Halloween. Inspired by that scene of Derek with the kids on Halloween - you know that one. 2. Kiss You Instead (G | 1/1 | 3,712) Derek has been invited to join Stiles and his pun-loving daughter, Claudia, for Christmas cookies and present wrapping. 3. The Happy Couple (G | 1/1 | 2,492) Derek and Claudia decide to surprise Stiles with breakfast in bed, but that's not the only surprise in the works. Day 2 of Sterek Valentine Week 2020. Theme: Breakfast in Bed. 4. It's Lit (G | 1/1 | 2,550) Claudia is scared of fireworks; Derek tries to help out. 5. Full Moon Ficlet #140 - Stir (G | 1/1 | 704) Stiles comes home to a flour-coated kitchen. 6. Spring has Sprung! (G | 1/1 | 1,674) It's Spring and Derek is thinking about the future.
Keep It Together by ravingrevolution (T | 1/1 | 23,129)
“What if I guess what you are?” Derek asked.
Stiles sighed. “Why do you even think there’s something to guess?”
Derek cocked an eyebrow at him. “You’re taking a cold bath and showing no signs of being chilled. A normal human would be shivering by now and your body temperature hasn’t dropped at all.”
Which, okay, fair point.
Start Small, Like Oak Trees by SmallBirds (M | 1/1 | 24,237)
The months following Allison's death have passed Stiles by in a haze of monotony. He sleepwalks through days that seem to lose their color, an unwilling passenger in a body he no longer trusts. Eventually, he thinks, he'll just fade away. He isn't sure anyone would notice. Then, during a spur of the moment grocery run, he stumbles upon Derek Hale attempting to console a lost child, and for the first time in recent memory the world doesn't seem so awful. He's not sure what he'd been expecting when he eventually convinces Derek to move into the Stilinski's spare bedroom, but a newfound passion for weeding and topsoil certainly isn't it.
I found you hidden in plain sight (why'd I take so long?) by Gorgeousgreymatter (E | 7/7 | 25,419)
Stiles is pretty sure he’s hallucinating. He’s got to be. There’s no other plausible explanation, he thinks, as he sits on the sidelines of the lacrosse field and feels the cold, hard bench underneath him, the roar of the crowd at his back like the worst white noise machine in the world.
There’s no other reason why he sees it, the hulking, black figure of a wolf peering at him from the treeline behind the bleachers. Its eyes flare in the glaring glow of the stadium lights, but they’re the wrong color, he thinks: blood-moon red instead of cobalt blue, but the familiarity of it all makes his stomach roll and clench.
Between Dogs and Wolves by artemis69 (T | 1/1 | 25,934)
"This is…not four million in cash,” remarks Stilinski.
“Isaac. Did you fail to get my money back and decided to pick up a stripper on the road to bribe me? Because let me make this perfectly clear: this would totally work. Well done.”
The mafia!AU where the Hales owe four million to the Stilinskis, Laura rents Derek (but not as a stripper), Stiles gets a new favorite, Derek gets a new boss, a new puppy and a new family.
Sometimes they break people, but mainly, they just snark at each other.
I've Lived A Better Day by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere (NR | 18/18 | 32,819)
When Stiles comes across a rogue Alpha during his first year at Berkeley, the ensuing fight doesn't exactly go his way. He calls an unlikely ally to help him with his transition, and finds out his new pack isn't quite who he might have thought it would be.
Stiles is now left with the task of trying to figure out how his old life will fit in with his new, but that is not without its challenges.
It's A-Boat Time! by Fae_vorite, isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) (T | 1/1 | 33,681)
He could hear the others talking outside, Scott and Isaac freaking out over something and Stiles snapping at them to shut up and help him get inside.
“Dude, how the fuck can you expect me to stay calm right now! Seriously, that’s a fucking tail!”
“We can talk about it later, just get me inside before someone fucking sees me! I don’t want to end up in a fucking aquarium!”
“Christ, you’re heavy!” Isaac grunted. “How much does this thing weigh?!”
“Shut up and walk,” Stiles snapped.
Blindsided by AClosedFicIsNeverRead (E | 16/16 | 39,664)
Derek exhaled tremulously and tried to stay calm. He called several more times, growing steadily more frantic each time, before allowing the truth to settle in: Stiles’ phone was off. “No. No, no, no, please, no,” Derek whispered to himself, barely able to see the screen through his tearful eyes. What had he done? Had he been so blinded by rage that he dismissed Stiles' call for help?
- OR -
Fuming over Scott's betrayal, the Alpha is out of his mind with anger. When he receives a call from Stiles in that incredibly inopportune moment, he does not even let the teen speak - just screams at him, blames him for everything, and hangs up. But then Erica and Boyd show up, frantically insisting that Stiles is out there somewhere, likely hanging onto life by a thread after being tortured for hours... Will they be able to find Stiles before it's too late? And just how much of the Stiles they know will be left if they do manage to track him down?
The More That I Know You (the more I want to) by LadySlytherin (M | 1/1 | 43,656)
When death, in the form of hunters, comes for a family of Kelpies seeking refuge in the Preserve - in Hale territory - the Hale Pack is too late to save them. Before he dies, the male Kelpie presses a precious bundle into Stiles’ arms and begs the Emissary to take responsibility for it, which an initially reluctant Stiles does. When he agreed, Stiles had no idea what the sight of him with a baby would do to his esteemed Alpha, Derek. If he’d known, he might not have been so reluctant to agree.
let's get lost by hot_damn_louis (NR | 12/12 | 57,232)
Stiles was used to hiding things from those close to him. He hid his grief from his dad, his anger from Scott, and the deep sadness from everyone else. Somehow, he can't seem to hide anything from Derek, who is now acting more and more like a real person. Maybe even a friend. All Stiles wants is to feel normal, and Derek seems to be the most normal thing in his life.
Intention by AlliDee12, ReadablePlot (E | 14/14 | 125,612)
The idea of making things better clings to Stiles: He needs to undo even a fraction of what he did, stop it from happening again, make something around him better in a way he can't for himself.
And things do get better, for all of five minutes.
A Teenage Love Song by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) (E | 26/26 | 155,834)
Stiles is sick and tired of how much he fucks up. His dad is disappointed, his step-mom judges and his step-brother can do no wrong. It's not that he doesn't love them, he just gets so tired of being different. Now he's being moved lock, stock and barrel to Beacon Hills aka the town his mom grew up in so they can go live in his grandma's house and his father can get him back on the straight and narrow.
It's going to suck.
You're stronger than you know by Littleredridinghunter (NR | 15/15 | 234,195)
Set at the end of season 2, Stiles survives his encounter with Gerard and his goons, but it isn't easy.
The pack are letting him down again, his dad is not speaking to him, his life is just generally falling apart.
Until he has to get a bronze dagger to kill a siren and his whole world gets flipped on it's head!
My summaries are rubbish but I hope you'll still give it a chance!
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jewishcissiekj · 8 months
hi let's talk about her
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Honestly I have so much to say about her. so much. so here's some of it
-Asajj was last seen in canon in the Dark Disciple novel. Where she died. I would never recommend that book to anyone so if you haven't read it yet please don't. In short, after becoming a Bounty Hunter in The Clone Wars she grew out her hair, got a cool yellow Lightsaber and for some reason teamed up with Quinlan Vos to try and kill Dooku. They didn't manage to do it. And Asajj died (was fridged) trying to protect Quinlan. The Bad Batch will not contradict that, as was said by the creators. So this is just a summary for anyone who hasn't read it because I wholeheartedly believe that book is bad
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-I have not watched a single Bad Batch episode in my life. As a disclaimer. I started the first one, watched their TCW arc and saw memes screenshots clips and spoilers but I do not know this show. I will watch it now that Asajj's there tho
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-She does not have the same outfit anymore! It's a change, and we haven't gotten a clear look at her new design so idk how to judge it yet. Might be to look less recognizable, but it has a very different vibe than any of her prior outfits. There's a leftover shoulder pad and probably some other stuff from her last design but I feel like they kinda clash with the new one and tbb's design language in general. The Bounty Hunter look has a very TCWish feel to it and this one is a sharp turn in another, much more casual direction. I'm not inherently against it but I guess we'll see how it looks in action soon
-In my opinion the hair looks like shit. I don't think she should have hair ever. I don't understand why she can't be bald. Why is she bald when she's evil and has hair when she's a padawan (good) and when she is "redeemed"? guess we'll never know. It's a leftover from the cancelled Dark Disciple TCW arc design (and the Dark Disciple cover and promotional material ofc) and it's bad if you ask me but to each their own and if you like it good for you
-Her Lightsaber!!!!! Same case as the hair in terms of irl development but I like it so much better. The yellow just fits her character and it's pretty. Would love for her to find another one and get back to dual-wielding (I know that won't happen)
-The bag and pouches make me so happy as a design element do you think she carries a (tooka) cat in there
-Now, visually she looks great and the animation style is smoother and nicer than TCW (as is the quality), but what about the direction the character's going in? I didn't like her being dead before, but I felt like it was somewhat better than her being shoved into being a cameo character in new content. If you can't touch her after a certain point, you also can't mess her up. But I do wonder where they're going with her. A few questions:
-Asajj in canon is a directionless character. Also, a partially nonsensical and inconsistent character in her choices and storylines. I've talked about it a lot but in short she just feels messy. What's her purpose in life? Her motive? Her origin story doesn't really make sense, even. She's a Bounty Hunter, sure, but why? If all she wants is revenge on Dooku and maybe money (which was pretty much the case in Dark Disciple), what's she doing after the Empire? And more importantly, why?
-Obviously, the question I haven't asked yet because I don't like it: How the fuck is she alive? Nightsisters have a weird relationship with death but seriously, how?
-She's a Force User after the Rise of the Empire now, so what does he do about that? Is she founding The Path? Fucking around and finding out? Making a not-Jedi-not-Sith order with other force users she finds? Is the Empire after her? Do they know she's live?
-What about her girlfriend? Is Latts Razzi safe? Is she alright?
-Why is she in The Bad Batch show? Are we making her into a cameo character or is there a purpose? Why'd they bring her back? For fun? What is she doing after the show? Floating in dead space? Cameo-ing? Will we have a book?
-OK enough for tonight but if we see Quinlan Vos in the show I'll become violent (/neg). We probably will (he might just get mentioned idk).
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thesharkbait · 1 year
“ The Day We Met ” (M)
chapter two - bittersweet goodbyes
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Chapter two - next
story tags/warnings : ot8/reader, male reader, polymerous pack, possessive hints, mature series, bdsm, strangers to lovers/mates, fantasy, courting, fluff, angst, mc is just a sweetie pie, male omega reader, alpha!seonghwa, pack alpha!yunho, alpha!mingi, beta!hongjoong, beta!yeosang, omega!wooyoung, alpha!san, alpha!jongho, mean wooyoung, wooyoung hates reader?, reader is the same height as woozi from svt, 18+ only no minors
chapter warnings : fluff between felix/reader, jealous joong?, this chapter is just y/n settling in mostly, bdsm mention, collaring
length : idk - med (?)
a/n note : (heart divider by @cafekitsune)
Leaving home had to be one of the hardest thing y/n has ever had to do. Having to part ways from the packs pups lead to many tears and cuddles, as they didn’t want there ‘second mom’ to leave. There would be no more singing nursery rhymes and rocking a sleepy pup in his arms to sleep. No more making funny faces to make a pup laugh or convincing them to eating with little airplane motions. No more waking up to birds chirping to the sound wind-chimers blowing in the wind with his best-friend knocking as his door for a morning walk in the never ending field of flowers. Y/n, even though his heart felt like it was being stabbed knew this wasn’t the end of the world even though the packs pup were like his own children, but it sure did feel like it. The life before him held many opportunities whether good or bad he was finally ready, he had to be. Gripping onto his light blue suitcase y/n looked up at felix once more with love-filled teary eyes.
This was the part he wasn’t ready for, the bittersweet goodbye. When y/n met felix they had just presented, even though they were both omegas they had loved each other dearly but they weren’t mates. They had experienced everything with each other yet this is where y/n would have to learn to survive without his best friend. He knew he couldn’t depend on felix for the rest of his life, “please lixie..don’t leave me” y/n whimpered out in a wobbly tone, his breath erratic. “Who will i aggervate when im bored, or when i run out of chocolate!” Felix knew the omega would be like this. He would be lying if he said this would be easy for the both of them. Change is never easy for anyone with a fragile heart, but they had to be strong. They would see each other again he would make sure of it.
“You’ll be fine pup, plus i will be calling you every chance i get. You better not forget about me when your all coupled up with your new pack okay?” Letting out a hearty laugh felix wiped away y/n’s never ending tears, the chestnut haired omega always got emotional went it came to just about anything. It was then everything dawned on felix as he felt his own tears falling down his face. It was then everything dawned on felix as he felt his own tears falling down his face as he heard y/n beginning to sing his favorite nursery rhymes like he would do for the pups but now it was for felix.“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear how much I love you please don't take my sunshine away..” Looking over one another's features for the millionth time felix gently caressed y/n's cheeks placing a passionate kiss on his lips, “i love you see you soon” y/n smiled through the tears before they parted ways entering their planes.
The betas had spent all morning cleaning up around the house along with a overly excited alpha seonghwa getting ready for hopefully their new pack member and omegan helper. It was safe to say that the pack was restless. Luckily the pack seemed to get a few hours asleep before being waken by yunho double check over everyone. “I dont see why everyones so excited, we are perfectly fine without some outsider who probably smells like some country whore” wooyoung gritted out as he brushed his teeth with a sleepy jongho who was getting dressed. Not everyone in the pack was happy with what was happening that being their beloved omega wooyoung. Although this wasn’t a surprise for the rest. Wooyoung was one of the most territorial in the pack while their pack alpha was the most possessive. Wooyoung couldn’t see how everyone was actually excited with having another omega, wasn’t he enough? Plus how would the new omega even fit in, he was the same height as woozi yet wooyoung didn’t find it cute as he did with his hyung.
Yunho went up to the omega embracing him from behind followed by gently nuzzling into his neck to scent him, “be nice it’s not as bad as you think? i though you wanted to be the head omega, you did say you wanted someone to take care of like we take care of you. We love you, i love you we are not replacing you. We all decided this together remember? We need this to go well, for everyones sake” the alpha hummed out trying to calm and reassure his annoyed mate. As the pack alpha, yunho understood where his mate was coming from and why he was acting this way. He knew wooyoung wasn’t actually upset but pent up in. The alpha was probably the most excited for having the chance at having someone to help balance the pack. Don’t get him wrong he loved his pack with his whole being but he always felt as if something was missing and he knew everyone else did too.
Fighting between the pack had gotten worse over time, with the uneven number of omega and alphas only made the fights more intense. Not to mention having a pack full of doms made ruts and heats harder on the betas especially yeosang. Wooyoung was more dominant than some other omegas in the industry were but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t give up his control some times. He loved his alphas and had no problem dominating his betas in bed but everyone knew he wanted another omega too, yet he was stubborn and refused to let anyone near his pack.
“Lets go everyone! We have to be there by three o’ clock, manager-hyung said their already at the facility!!” hongjoong and yeosang’s voice rang out sweetly while rushing everyone out the door and into the van. Seonghwa beating everyone to the van took his place in the front, “do you think their a girl or a male? i doubt it will be a male meaning how they are almost rare to find but by the description i think their a male.”
“They said their from a secluded pack so im guessing a girl” mingi stated confidently before being shoved to scoot over by a cranky san. “Would yall shut up already?! God we better be stopping for coffee before we get there”
One thing about coming from a secluded pack in the woods to a big city wasn’t the big buildings and fancy hotels no no it was the amount of people. Not only was y/n’s hand shaking from being nervous he was also excited, so much that he happy scent began to feel almost suffocating in the small car for the company’s designated driver. The drive to the company building from the airport allowed him two hours to take a cat nap and mentally prepare himself for his new lifestyle. Being a omegan helper meant he was to act as the packs personal mate which meant he was there to offer them comfort, affection, scenting or anything the group particularly needs. They also help with heats or ruts which in this case he will as both partys gave their consent.
As the car pulled up to the company y/n hurried with gathering his hand held things such as his phone and shark plushie, before he went to get his suitcase from the trunk. Luckily, the worker assigned to him didn’t seem in a rush but only annoyed as he struggled for a bit. Y/n made sure to put on his best friends large hoodie for extra comfort in the car before the arrived or else he is positive he would have been scolded. “Welcome, i’m Kim, i will be guiding you to hopefully meet the pack who you will be joining to be their new omegan helper.” Y/n quickly bowing in respect before going to shake her hand only to be politely denied which made him slightly embarrassed. Choosing to brush it off he followed behind her to one of the empty rooms with a large two way mirror. It was as if y/n was in some foreign paradise. The building was gorgeous and unlike any back where he stayed but he would have to just get used to if he was going to be working for a famous group.
“Here you will wait and since they already know you scent from your application i will bring you a piece of their clothing for you to scent. If all is well you may enter through door beside the mirror whenever you are ready. Also you can see them but they cant see you so don’t worry everything is still anonymous.” she stated calmly before closing the door. Pulling out his phone he quickly texted felix that he had arrived to the building followed by a string of messages about the size of the building and how fancy looking it was.
Glancing around the room y/n rolled his suitcase to the two way mirror while clutching his plushie he stared at the mirror at the eight men starting to fill the room. “Oh my god” he whispered to himself in amazement it was like looking at god like men. It was then when he started to feel underdressed. Nibbling on his bottom lip y/n shifted in his spot beginning to think he was at the wrong place, “..maybe i should have worn something else.” Once attempting to fix his fluffy head of curly chestnut brown hair he sighed in defeat. Broken from his star-struck state the worker walked to him handing him a heavily scented hoodie but this time from the presumed pack alpha. Clutching the cloth he took a cautious whiff, peppermint, he identified almost instantly holding the hoodie close to himself feeling his heart begin to race it made him feel a sense of safety. “I’d like to meet them now if thats..okay” he stated softly with butterflies in his stomach. Nodding her head in relief Kim, his designated omegan worker, grabbed y/n’s suitcase and opened the connecting door while y/n stood behind her.
“I will be just outside the door if you need me” kim gently pulled y/n from behind her earning a betrayed look from the omega. Kim whispered to him a few encouraging words before exiting the room with a kind smile. Gripping onto his suitcase handle and hand held things which now included the pack alphas hoodie y/n inhaled a shaky breath. “I- hello im y/n l/n, its a nice to meet you all. I promise to do my best and help the pack” his voice wavering.
The silence that filled the room almost made the omega follow her yet the next thing that happened surprised him. Suddenly he was being embraced by a cheesing beta, “Oh my gosh you do smell good just like chocolate cake and oh god you’re so small!” hongjoong embraced the omega in a bear hug with a smile that could heal the world. Y/n felt like his heart was going to jump out his chest as he began purring softly. Yeosang joining in hugged y/n from behind. He could almost cry from the betas hug alone it felt like home.
“i told you they would be a girl!” screamed a proud alpha. “um im sorry? im a boy did i enter the..wrong room i was told to come in here if i accepted the scent on the hoodie” y/n questioned pointing at the cloth in his arms, he was almost embarrassed but by the woodsy-peppermint scent filling the room he was sure this was the one. Seonghwa tried to hide his laughter as mingi fell quiet his face slowly turning pink.
“Im sorry for that, hello y/n im Yunho also the packs alpha that was Mingi one of our alphas. Thank you for accepting us really, you dont know how long we were searching for a omegan helper that met our requirements. One that could well handle all of us” yunho spoke up from behind hongjoong who was still holding onto the omega.
“Joongie you have to let him go so we can finish introducing,” reluctantly the head beta let go only to be replaced by a smiley alpha. “Hi i’m Seonghwa another alpha that was hongjoong our lead beta, then theres yeosang a beta he’s a real sweet heart i promise, and this is jongho an alpha he’s also our maknae. Then there is san an alpha, and our precious omega wooyoung.”
Y/n stood in silence remembering each name, face, and scent. Yunho, pack alpha woodsy-peppermint, mingi - cinnamon, seonghwa - red wine, hongjoong- hazlenut, jongho - bonfire and smores, yeosang - honey and fresh flowers, san - freshly made coffee, wooyoung pack omega - vanilla. Suddenly when he was remembering the last one the omega scent seemed to turn slightly bitter as he made eye contact, did he do something wrong? Walking up to them he bowed respectfully maybe he should apologize yet when he went to speak he was cut off.
“You just got here and.. i cant stand you already” the packs omega gritted out before walking out the room pulling san with him. The packs head beta sighed acting like nothing happened while releasing calming pheromones. He knew the omega was upset but not then the way one would think so he wouldn’t mention it. It would take some time before wooyoung would actually get along and talk to their new pack member normally. Especially when y/n came in smelling like other unknown omega. “Come we already got your room ready i think you will love it, here let me get that for u” pulling y/n’s suitcase hongjoong led them to the van they originally came in. “Don’t mind him he didn’t mean what he said okay? He is just not in the best of moods today.” Yunho spoke softly not to scare y/n while gently placing his hand on the omega’s lower back to guide him out the door.
Walking into the packs penthouse y/n gasped as he toed off his shoes. This was nothing like at his old pack house, no it was more spacious not to mention expensive. There were no pups running around playing tag resulting in stuff being knocked over or any babies begging to be held. No field to go running through to make flower crowns. “Come ill show u to your room, me and sangie decorated it. We tried to make it seem like you were back at home but we didn’t know really how so we just kinda made it soft looking?” hongjoong said with a giggle setting the omegas luggage don’t on the floor. The beta couldn’t seem to stop himself from helping the omega. He was just so genuinely happy that he couldn’t help wanting to know everything y/n was willing to tell him. It had been a while since the pack had been interested in meeting someone new that would potentially become apart of their pack. “I can help you unpack if you’d like. Also if you don’t mind me asking, how was life back where you’re from i mean like in a secluded pack and all.”
Y/n listened to the beta ramble on. Hongjoong hadn’t left his side since they met back at the facility, even when they got into the van he insisted that y/n sat by him. Even now that they are at the packs house when the others went to the pack alphas den the beta stayed. “That would be great, and well it sure is different than being here i mean in the city and all not to mention a different country” y/n giggled he couldn’t help but be flustered by the other giving all of his attention to him. “Back at home me and lixie’s job was to watch over the packs pups while the parents did their own jobs within the pack. I loved my job the pups were like my own in a way, they would even call me momma at times” y/n smiled at the memories his scent becoming sweeter. “i would sing them to nusery rhymes and put them to sleep while lixie feed and played with them. Back at my old home there was lots of woods and spacious fields so me and lixie would go on picnics almost everyday.”
Hongjoong unpacked the omegas clothes while listening to him share his life stories, this was all new to him as none of his pack members ever lived in a secluded pack. Picking up one stack of folded clothes he paused. These didn’t smell like y/n, no these weren’t his. Why were someone else’s clothes with his? Jealousy ran through the betas body almost instantly. Why was he jealous already over someone he had just met him, yet he couldn’t help feeling jealous every time the omega mentioned his friend by their nickname. He felt as if the omega was already theirs. Now that he thought about it why was he wearing someone else’s hoodie.
“Oh here ill do those” y/n quickly suggested while picking up felix’s heavily scented clothes. Taking a deep breath before shoving half of the stack of clothes into the dresser leaving the other half on his bed to include in his nest. “Is everything okay? if you’re hungry i can cook something this is the last of my stuff here.” The smiling omega stood up dusting off his legs while watching the beta.
“oh no im fine i mean yes, yunho wants to have a meeting all of us tonight to make sure everything was covered on your application like the packs ruts and heat schedules. Also he wants to make sure the other more personal things are covered” fake smiling hongjoong joined y/n standing. Guiding y/n to the kitchen joong showed him where everything was before excusing himself. “If you need help with anything just call out”
Once he was by himself a call rang through his phone the name sending a bright smile to y/n’s face. “Lixie!! what took you so long to call me back?” the omega whined with a playful pout as he set up his phone to pull out the ingredients to make a small meal for the hungry beta making sure to include the rest as a thank you gift.
“Im sorry baby i had to get settled in first. How has my precious omega been hm? are they treating you well?” felix said while staring at the now busy y/n. “Are you about to cook?”
Reaching into the fridge he replied calmly, “Yes im making something small yet fulfilling. Its gonna be a thank you meal for them accepting me and all. Maybe ill even make your favorite cookies.” Exhaling y/n washed his hands to begin mixing the dough for the sugar cookies.
Felix shook his head knowing this wasn’t the only reason his best friend cooking and baking cookies,“what happened you only make my favorite cookies when something has happened, or do u miss me” felix said teasingly while making a kissy face to the camera making y/n roll his eyes.
“They are all nice really..and i just miss you a lot thats all. This is gonna be the first time i have to shower alone” he stated softly while cutting up some meat for the handmade ramen he was making for the pack. Y/n didn’t want to tell him how hurt he was when one of the packs members didn’t bother to hide how much he disliked him already. Not only that but how it was their omega who seem to be upset with him. He would have been fine if it wasn’t a fellow omega, omegas normally stayed together. “But i have your clothes to help build my nest with so ill be okay”
After a few hours of talking with felix, y/n reluctantly hung up the phone. Nibbling on his bottom lip he began wrapping up the small batch of cookies he made just for the other omega, “maybe he will like these too.” Placing the wrapped cookies on the counter he wrote a small note, for wooyoung-hyung only from y/n ending the note with a small heart. Y/n smiled to himself hiding the gift somewhere he knew the omega would find them.
Later that night in the living room sat the whole pack and y/n. Yunho holding a cheery yeosang in his lap with while the rest sat in a circle around them with y/n towards the middle. “As you may know, in our pack we are quite possessive with whats ours. Some more than others like joongie and woo, as you’ve see in the application process. There is a few packs like ours such as BTS, SF9, NCT and OnlyOneOf, but before we go further into that as pack alpha i would like to make sure that what you agreed to in your file is correct. In your file you said you are comfortable and consent to bdsm related things correct?” San wrapped his arms around wooyoung scenting him as his cat-like eyes made eye contact with y/n, he started whispering to the omega in his lap with a sly smirk.
“Yes i consented to it now in person and on file. I also agreed to helping with the packs needs, of any sort” breaking eye contact, y/n spoke confidently. Although his voice seem to come out softer than intended. Y/n was no stranger to such topics as he and felix often talked about it, they even went as far as trying it out them selves. This was how the omega found out his preferences, without a doubt he was a submissive. It was more than obvious that he preferred not being in control which was why yunho didn’t bother questioning y/n on such. Yeosang then slide off the alphas lap going to sit by his fellow beta who was becoming restless, “calm down baby he’ll be ours soon, go sit behind him. i’ll keep watch of the others.” Slowly sliding behind y/n hongjoong pulled the omega into his lap. Gliding his nose against his neck hongjoong glanced at wooyoung smirking. Keeping eye contact he continued to lightly scent the omega in his lap. The beta knew what he was doing, placing a short kisses on y/n’s scent glands, teasing the glaring omega across the room. Y/n leaned back into the betas chest as the smell of hazlenut washed over him. Letting out short breaths, y/n held back a whimper his face flustered as his eyes glossed over he mumbled out, “..please joongie.” The beta to chuckled before lightly shushing him.
Walking into packs nest Yunho grabbed a small jewelry box, glancing at the black velvet collar inside. The elegant looking collar had the groups name branded on the front followed by white lace, a small sliver bell in the front, and a keyhold in the back.
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gor3sigil · 2 months
hi i dont really know how to introduce myself, so i hope you dont mind if i skip that part.
i just wanted to ask about that post you made a few days ago. in one of the last paragraphs you mention how hatching is painful. but is it supposed to feel like my entire world is cracking apart around me?
what you mentioned in the beginning of the post, about how the people around you felt about masculinity, that very aptly describes a lot of my fears of reactions to me identifying as masculine, which is what started me crying and ultimately spurred me to message you.
im just so scared
i have lots of trans people in my life, i just dont know how to talk about this with most of them (see: Very Scary :C) ive spent my whole life using femininity to take down peoples walls and help them feel comfortable around me. what the hell am i supposed to do as man? can i even still behave that way? will people even still trust me? will they like me? will they feel safe around me? its unbearable. every time i think about it my brain tries to run away, there's just so much fear.
is this normal at all? to be scared like this? i mean, considering i too struggle with the radical feminist narrative you mentioned? i dont believe the narrative, but i fear it. and then i get insecure and i cant stop thinking the insecurity an indication that manhood is the wrong direction for me.
am i making any sense?
Hi, it must've taken lots of strength to write all this so congrats to you. My answer will be based on my own experiences so take it with a grains of salt. Yeah, your world will definitely shatter too. Because even if you're just socially transitionning, if you do so while being surrounded by trans friends, most of them will change the way they percieve you so your interactions may change. I know that's scary, but you have to trust the process. If they're good friends, they won't like you less or anything. That's the hardest part I think. As you read in my post, coming ot made me lose tons of friends, most of them trans, because they treated me badly after I came out.
And yes, you are making sense. I went through the exact same fears as you. The fear of not being deemed as safe anymore. Unfortunately, I don't really have any solutions to offer you, appart from building your own community, online and/or IRL. Like I said, most of my trans friends were kinda crappy about me being masc and I struggled for years to feel comfortable in my masculinity as a result. Because I did the same as you, me being a "woman" was my way of saying that I understood the struggles of others and was safe. Let me stress one thing. You are still okay, you're not a bad person. Even if you discover new things about yourself, even if you're transmasc, even if you're transitionning (if you do), you are still very much the same person as before, with your understanding of a number of issues, with your own pas experiences.
It's a point I really can't stress enough. As I said in my post, you are still worthy of love, support, tenderness, being understood, being heard, being listened to, being comforted. One thing I noticed is that my previous friend tended to dismiss my feelings and/or be "rough" with me thinking that it was "affirming" because I was a man now. Let me tell you that that's BS and don't let anyone treat you this way.
Maybe try to test the water, idk if you came out already or not but maybe in your presentation or just by talking about transmasc specific issues with them, see how they react. That being said, I really do hope that your friends will be understanding. Or that by explaining to them how their behavior is wrong they will understand and act differently, because sometimes people so shit cause they don't know any better. I hope this helps, and I really wish you all the best. If you ever need to talk feel free to reach out again. Take care.
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sanhwaism · 11 months
i just read MEET UP FOR A COFFEE AND A SMILE and AAAA ITS SO GOOD !!! can i 🤭 mayhaps request san x gn!reader who feels rlly bad about their body or just has confidence/low self esteem issues and san does his best to listen whilst also reassuring his partner that they’re a beautiful person?
thank you so much 💌 i love your writing !!
한슴 (BREATHE) | C.S
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pairing ⟡ bf .ᐟ choi san x gn .ᐟ reader
synopsis ⟡ feeling down because of so many insecurities, all you want is to be swallowed by a black hole and never perceived again. slowly, but surely you understand that you don't have to deal with these worries alone, but instead let your lover prove to you how worthy of love you are.
genre ⟡ established relationship, hurt/comfort, romance, a sprinkle of angst??? at the beginning, fluff!
warnings ⟡ reader is emotionally struggling; a bit of self hatred and some venting; mentions of a lost appetite and san touching body parts (arms, stomach, legs, etc); pet names; tears inducing! (idk about you but i! sobbed! writing this!)
wc ⟡ 2.8k
author's note ⟡ my first ever request :,) and it's so comforting :,) thank you so much for motivating me to write this one shot @megumisthv sobs ㅠㅠ it means the world to me knowing you love my writing <3 anyone reading this, a gentle reminder that you are not alone and are so beautiful inside and out. i love you.
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"jagiyaaaaaa, i'm home!" you barely hear the familiar, comforting voice of your boyfriend coming from the hallway. in a panicked state, you try to wipe away the tears as quickly as you can and get yourself up off the floor. your legs are slightly trembling and your hearing feels muffled. you can't recall for how long you have been crying all by yourself, engulfed by the darkness and coldness of the bedroom. bedroom that you and san share, and which feels warm only when he is around, when he paints the four walls with his delightful laughter, his heavenly voice or just his pure presence, when you're safe and sound in his embrace. there are no worries, no bad thoughts or terrible, terrible inner voices that mess up with your mind.
but it can get suffocating when you're alone, it's so much more difficult to tell yourself all the heartening words he can say to you when things get rough, when you start forgetting your worth. when overthinking makes it harder for you to breathe or look at yourself.
there are moments like this evening, when you can't stop asking yourself what does he see? what could san possibly have found in you that made him fall in love and what can san still see in you that doesn't make him want to leave? you can't wrap your head around it. all you see when you look in the mirror is someone with so many imperfections that it's hard to believe you are even lovable in the first place. worthy of his love. you wish you could radiate confidence next to him, but how is that possible when you feel like your thoughts swallow you whole? making you feel so insignificant?
it breaks your heart. and it evokes such sadness and disappointment inside you. because you understand that there isn't much you can change. that you may, unrightfully so, bring san's mood down and make him feel guilty. you love him so dearly — that's why you're so afraid of losing him.
there are moments like this evening, when all you do is cry your heart out because he's not around, all curled up in a ball while tightly hugging your knees, your flushed face hidden between them. but no matter what, you don't feel better. not even after the hours that had passed by.
"waaaah, baby, baby, i saw a new shop on my way home and it has soooooo many cute things," he squeals. ''i couldn't get inside because i was rushing to see you but i spotted a plushie that looked just like byeol! ah, really, we should go there together!" you hear his excited chattering while he takes off his coat and sneakers. in the bedroom, you try your best to look like you're in a deep sleep, your tears clothed eyelashes softly touching the skin of your under eyes.
and there are moments like this evening, when you can suddenly feel yourself being pulled away from your corrupted, self destructive bubble by a gentle touch that saved you so many times before, in the past.
"y/n? aegiya? hey, hey, hey, what's the matter? honey, what's wrong? why are you crying?"
at first, san innocently thought you just fell asleep while waiting for him and he was ready to close the bedroom's door, but he missed you too much and wanted to take a look at his lover before leaving. to delicately trace the line of your cheekbone with his fingertips, to stare at the way you look so peaceful and beautiful while sleeping with hearts in his eyes. it's what he does every time, but this time something was off. you couldn't fool him, not when it comes to your truthful feelings.
in a desperate way of needing to protect you, san swiftly changes his position, from crouching besides the bed to sitting at the edge of it, leaning towards you. he is panicking internally, but he wants to help and showing you this side of him right now won't do. for how long have you been crying? for how long has his precious lover been hurting themselves?
his heart feels crushed by the way you sob his name out and hide your face in the soft pillow. "sannie... i am sorry. i am so sorry."
"shh, it's alright. i am here, baby, i've got you. whatever it is, i am here," he reassures you in a hushed tone. "don't hide from me, beautiful, look at me. please, y/n."
san's voice sounds wretched and a bit shaky, as if it's hard for him to control his emotions. a big weight is taken off his shoulders the moment you decide to turn around and gaze up at him, all teary eyed, looking so exhausted. mentally and physically exhausted. even if there is so much unspoken worry in his eyes, his unforeseen smile takes you by surprise, but warms your heart and makes you forget about everything for a split second. it's a genuine, soft and loving smile, the familiar curl of his lips whenever he's encouraging you about something.
"can i hug you, my love?"
the whispered question makes you choke up. until this exact moment, you had no idea how badly you yearned for san to wrap his hands around you, to push away all those bad thoughts for you because you can't bear doing it all by yourself anymore. so you nod your head and reach out to him, his fingers gently interlocking with yours to pull you in a tender embrace. he lets out a long sigh, one of his arms wrapping tightly around your waist whilst his other arm hugs your shoulders, offering them a small squeeze as if he's trying to comfort you. in this vulnerable position, you feel him beginning to slowly rock both of your bodies from side to side because he knows it calms you down. after a long minute, his sweet voice lights up the room.
"what happened, jagi? do you want to tell me?"
you sniffle as silently as you can, rubbing your cheek against his broad shoulder while you try to find the right words to speak up. you hear a soft ''take your time'' coming from san's lips that soothes your hazy mind, his hand finding the perfect spot to caress the top of your head.
"do you love me, sannie? like, really love me? for who i am?" you shyly ask him. it's such a stupid question, you think while wiping away with your thumb a hot tear that just rolled down your cheek.
san is taken aback by your questions, but he immediately pushes that aside, knowing it's human for everyone to have their doubtful and insecure days. he promptly answers you. "i love you for who you are to the moon and back, y/n. i love you 3000, i loved you yesterday, i love you today and will surely, definitely, more than one hundred percent love you tomorrow. aaaand the day after tomorrow, beautiful."
he lowers his head so he can leave a light kiss behind your ear and continues to whisper to you. "and so on. for the rest of my life. i love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest."
not only your body, but your dark thoughts as well seem to melt away the more san comforts you, the more he envelops you in his adoration.
you slowly rise your head and meet a pair of cat-like eyes fondly looking back at you. san softly hums as he leans in and kisses your forehead, the intimate gesture compelling you to close your eyes in content.
"i just... gosh, i hate the way i look, the way i act, i think, i speak, i hate it all," you let out what has been eating you inside. you sigh as you feel his lips turn into a pout against the skin of your forehead. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't sadden you even mo–"
"ah, how dare you apologize for such thing, aegiya?" he gently scolds you, but his frowning quickly fades away once he understands the gravity of the situation. "when i say that i love you, i mean it especially in moments like these. even if my heart hurts to see you this sad and all i want to do is keep you in there, protected from everything, i do want to witness every part of you. no matter how awful you think it is. i am not leaving, y/n. i am willing to love you through all of your ups and downs."
the wicked voice in the back of your head tells you to deny his confession, but san feels your uncertainty and slowly raises his hands, cupping your face as you feel the warmth of his palms against your cheeks. you inhale deeply, — an attempt to stop another wave of tears.
"hey. can you do something for me baby?" he quietly asks you, with hope written all over his face. the second you agree with him, your boyfriend breaks into his well known dimpled smile. "thank you. here, hold my hand as tight as you want, okay?"
you listen to him and grab his hand, san bringing yours close to his mouth and kissing the back of it affectionately. he helps you get up.
"follow me."
"where are we going?" you ask, a bit anxious and san can sense it from the way you've tightened your grip on his hand.
"don't worry, we aren't leaving the bedroom. come on, come on!" he cutely giggles, gently shaking your hand.
without any more questions, you walk behind him until both of you are facing the long mirror on the wall. you can't help but frown, visibly confused as san makes you stay in front of him, your back facing his front.
"give me a few more minutes of your time, my love. i promise it will be worth it."
you can't help but softly smile at him. "san, you know i would give you my every second for the rest of my life if needed."
he dramatically clutches his heart, shutting his eyes tight while his head falls back. "aing! wah! ouch, baby, my heart!"
his playful reaction sparked an amused chuckle out of you. your lover smiles, clearly very proud of himself for making you laugh a bit. and very proud of you for allowing yourself to feel better.
"do you have the slightest idea how brightly you radiate when you smile? when you look at me with those pretty, sparkly eyes of yours? do you have any idea how lucky i am, mm?"
you instinctively bite your lower lip, looking away from him. you yelp when you feel his fingertips all of the sudden tickling your waist. laughing, you want to protest, but his face expression softens your heart.
"don't look awaaaaay, my plan won't work if you do thaaat!" he admits, all sulky and with begging eyes.
"okay, okay," you mutter, fighting another giggle.
smiling again, san stops his tickling. instead, he comfortably lets his hands rest on your hips. "this time, can you try looking at yourself in the mirror rather than looking back at me?"
you close your eyes for a brief moment, gaining some inner strength to look at yourself without breaking down. when you open your eyes, you notice san patiently glancing at you.
"mm. ah! no, no, eyes on yourse– that's it," he lets out a breathy giggle, patting your hips. "good job."
his praising gives you more courage, even if you still find it hard to keep your eyes fixated on your face and body. "um... where do i look?"
"just listen to me and your eyes will follow naturally, okay?"
you hum, leaning onto him slightly. he notices and with a cheerful sound escaping his curled lips, hugs you from behind.
"i love your eyes. their color, their shape... those gorgeous eyes have seen so much. witnessed so many memorable moments, but also unpleasant ones that helped you grow as a person. i also love your nose. really, ah, i really love your nose, did you know that, jagi?"
san raises one hand and softly traces the line of your nose. when his finger reaches the tip of it, he gently taps it as he lets out an adorable "boop!". you close your eyes and laugh at how endearing he is.
"i also love when your nose wrinkles like that when you laugh. you're so cute," he whines. "why can't i just make you pocket sized and keep you in there? because i wouldn't be able to kiss you and cuddle with you then!" him answering his own question is a very amusing sight for you.
"ah, and your cute cheeks that i always kiss and–"
"and sometimes munch on them." you teasingly finish his sentence. he pouts again, as if he got caught.
"but they look munchable! it's not my fault!"
while you're giggling at him, san's fingers move a bit lower, to the corner of your lips. you feel your face starting to heat up.
"i love your lips. the shape of them. so mesmerizing, baby," he whispers and your eyes follow his, staring at the way his fingertip barely touches your cupid's bow. you don't move, barely breathing while he traces the shape of your mouth. "your thoughts always come out through those lips. and you always bless me with the way you talk, the way your voice sounds. and the way you pucker your lips when you lean in to share a kiss with me. how soft they feel against mine. i strongly believe they were made for me."
you become aware of how hot your cheeks have become. san notices that as well and smiles, muttering a "cute" under his breath before moving lower with his hands, making sure to lovingly caress every inch of your skin.
"your shoulders. you carried and still carry so much weight on them. and i admire you so much for that. you are such a strong person," he speaks softly and his words touch the deepest corner of your heart, making it flutter against your rib cage. to know he appreciates you for the battles you went through the same way you admire him for fighting his own struggles is very comforting.
"but my shoulders are broader, baby, so i don't mind if you throw some of that weight on them, if not all of it. your strong boyfriend can handle it!"
his fingers slowly move down your arms. "i love your arms too. the way you always wrap them around me. you make me feel so loved," san whispers, softly kissing your right shoulder. "so loved. i love when we snuggle up to each other and i get to be the little spoon."
"mhm, i know. you're always so excited about that." both of you laugh at your words. san kisses your hands one more time before going lower on your body. once they reach your stomach, he interlocks his own fingers against it, smiling to himself.
"i love your stomach, baby. so much. it always makes me so happy when you fill it with yummy food. when i bring you to the best restaurants and we sit there, enjoying each other's presence and the delicious meals we chose to eat. i know it's hard to have a good appetite sometimes, but i want you to know how proud i feel when i look at you enjoying your favorite food. the way you go nom nom nom nom nom nom," he cutely mimics. you giggle, shaking your head. "really! it warms my heart."
he takes you by surprise when he crouches down behind you and hugs your legs, clinging to them with the sweetest look on his face.
"sannie, love, wha–"
"i can't forget your legs, jagiyaaaa! those legs that i love so much. they bring you to so many places. they brought you to me," he sighs in content, hugging them a bit tighter. "the way they move whenever i make you dance with me in the living room or kitchen. ah, i'm so thankful for them."
this whole time, your eyes have been following san's hands without even realizing. with his help and gentle care, you managed to draw imaginary, precious flowers all over your body. from the corner of your eyes, to all the way down where you ground yourself. everything feels like a breath of fresh air, thanks to him. and you will probably never know how to thank him enough for everything he does for you. but as you turned around to press your lips against his in an intimate kiss, you secretly made a promise to him. that no matter how difficult the real life gets, he has the key to your heart, a heart which will always beat for him. that you will forever allow him to ease up your mind and help you breathe.
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡ taglist: my loveliest @yuyusuyu
{💌ྀ��} masterlist
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rapuaurinko · 4 months
This is really chaotic
Also it's my opinion, if you disagree that's totally fine, but you won't change my mind
So starting from the bottom, the D tier, we obviously have Solid, only started respecting his younger sister after it turned out she's much stronger than him and saved their whole family, bullied her before and was a bitch. He may have a neutral/decent relationship with his other siblings but that's because they were also bitches to Noelle
Langris is in the D tier too for obvious reasons, like sorry, but that's true. Maybe bro changed later, maybe he even held hands with his brother and fought by his side later, but that's only because Finral was a good brother to him, so fuck Langris
In the C tier we have Nozel. AND DON'T TRY TO CHANGE MY MIND. I get that he couldn't tell anyone about the curse, but what's that gotta do with letting his younger siblings THAT HE HAS POWER OVER bully Noelle??? AND JOINING THEM?????? Bro said he wanted to protect her, but than didn't protect her from her own family who she should feel safe with. No one can make me like you, Nozel Silva. Byakuya Kuchiki did it better.
I also placed Baro in the C tier, maybe because I don't really remember this arc, but I think he wasn't a good brother? But I wouldn't say he was the worst. I DON'T REMEMBER, SORRY.
Now we're starting with the B tier, which is a tier for people who are brothers but I can't really rate them? Maybe they didn't act really 'brotherly'??
(I know that now you're probably scared because you haven't seen a certain someone, but bear with me please)
We're starting this tier with Gordon, Gordon has a younger sister, they seem to like eachother, are really similar and that's all we know. So he's in the middle.
Next we have Neige who I also may not remember but he listened to and trusted his brother, so idk what to do with him, but I won't just ignore him here 🙄🙄 Kay, next
Kiato. Once again, him and Kahono have a close relationship, but we can't really say something about what kind of brother he is from that, maybe they just get along well. So middle tier for him.
Next is Kirsch. The guy is a beauty obsessed narcissist and Mimosa doesn't like him, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a bad brother?? And even tho I didn't pay much attention to him I don't think we see him interact with his sister much?? And that's the reasoning behind this
Than we have Lumier, who's also a brother even tho I almost forgot (I keep forgetting who's sister Tetia was 💀). And I mean we either saw him with Licht, or Licht with Tetia during the flashbacks so we can't say much about his skills in being a brother, they just had a good relationship
And last in this tier we have the Zogratis brothers, Dante and Zenon. Well they are bad people, but it doesn't mean they're bad brothers. Once again. IDK WHAT TO SAY ABOUT THEM, NEXT TIER
This tier is special.
It's the Gauche tier.
Putting aside the way he acts and reacts to his sister, he might be too obsessive about her, like not letting Asta talk to her, howEVER, THE WAY HE GAVE HER A MIRROR THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR COMMUNICATION BUT ACTUALLY IT'S ALSO TO PROTECT HER?? THIS IS SO CUTE, COME ON.
Every time I think about them I curse Tabata that he made Gauche the way he is because if he didn't have those disgusting reactions to her I woul probably love his character.
We also have two honorable mentions, and those are one, Magna Swi-
It's one of the reasons I love him 😞😞
The other honorable mention is Klaus, Klaus is also older brother material for many (like four kids at best), love him
Moving on to the A tier, starting with a questionable choice that is Asta and Yuno.
Maybe they're not really brothers, but they are brothers to me. They irritate eachother any chance they get but at the same time we can see that they are really invested in the rivaly, like most of the times if not all we see Yuno smile is when he's talking to Asta, they're so brothers, THEY SHARE A BIRTHDAY
Next we have (manga spoiler) Nacht who I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT BECAUSE HE WASN'T IN THE TIER LOST I MADE TO PREPARE MYSELF??? But he goes to the A tier because yeah. I don't like this guy, but his backstory with his brother is so sad AND THE WAY THEY COMPERED NACHT AFTER MORGEN'S DEATH TO NIGHT WITHOUT A MORNING KILLS ME. HE LOVED HIS BROTHER SO MUCH, I CAN'T :((
Another manga spoiler, but my dearest Yami Sukehiro???
Too bad Ichika saw him as the worst man alive later 😀😀 CAN'T WAIT FOR THEM TO INTERACT IN THE UPCOMING CHAPTERS
(end of manga spoilers)
We also have Fuegoleon in the A tier, because we can see that Leo admires him a lot and we can also see that Fuegoleon cares.
When it comes to him being Mereoleona's brother however-
I meam he's the victim of having an older sister I guess, bro had to fight for his life- (I love Mereoleona sm)
Leo's also in the A tier, like come on, he cares so much IDK WHAT TO SAY IT'S 11 PM SORRY, BUT HE DESERVES THE SPOT.
Now moving to S tier!!!!
We have three characters here
One of them iss
En Ringard who appeared in likeee
Idk, not many episodes, but he was so brother that he brothered kids that weren't his siblings
Also insulted Solid, so good job 🥰🥰
Second in the S tier is (manga spoiler) Morgen (almost forgot about him too even tho I'm literally after writing about Nacht???) BRO LITERALLY SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR HIS BROTHER, NO BETTER WAY TO SHOW HIS LOVE FOR HIM IMO, MORGEN AND NACHT MAKE ME SAD SOMETIMES, I HATE HOW THEY HAVE TO FIGHT BECAUSE OF THAT BITCHASS LUCIUS
(end of manga spoiler)
And the third one is Finral
Finral's only mistake as a brother was leaving, so I still think he deserves a S tier in his brothering skills
That's it, thanks for reading this bullshit with possible mistakes, typos, and grammatically incorrect sentences. Also possible information I watched this shit one year ago.
Tier list in case someone forgot:
S: Finral, En, Morgen
A: Fuegoleon, Leopold, Nacht, Yami, Asta, Yuno
Honorable mentions: Magna and Klaus
Gauche tier
B: Kiato, Gordon, Lumiere, Kirsch, Neige, Dante, Zenon
C: Nozel, Barro
D: Langris, Solid
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
(mafia hoseok, slice of life, fluff, stockholm syndrome, meta stuff, this is a little self-indulgent and very self-referential, a tiny bit smutty at moments but i wouldn't call this nsfw, blood, violence, guns)
i wanna write a story with mafia boss hoseok who adopts his sisters children after they die cuz of mafia reasons along with his fiance. hoseok of course, decimates the rival group who took them away from him, but after the fire and revenge has settled, there is just hoseok, just hoseok and two kids who need him.
it's not that bad, the little boy one is mainly taken care of by his men. hoseok does his best to keep them safe and separated from his criminal empire. gives them everything they could want, trusts only his inner circle of 6 to look after them.
the older one- a plucky 13 year old girl is a little bit more of a handful mostly because she asks too many questions about things hoseok cannot answer without being culpable "why do you have blood on your shoes? what kind of handgun do you carry and can i see it? why do you always talk really softly at home but yell loudly when you're in the basement?"
hoseok- knowing that the basement is a literal torture chamber, sweating, "don't you just want money for shopping or something?"
"no, i wanna become your partner, the way that mom was"
"you are literally 13"
"didn't you start when you where my age?"
"can't i just? get you a new handbag or something?" idk i just love the idea of hoseok- whose tired of his job and pissed off by it on a good day vs. a 13 year old who just wants to be a crime princess so bad.
They but heads near constantly, when she's caught sneaking out from her all girls school to smoke cigarettes, when she buys a moped with the card hoseok got her, when she tries to leave the country to go to fashion week like her mom used too (of course hoseok goes with her- but still- she's not very good at asking for permission vs forgiveness)
Obviously he's like- barely adjusting to being a parent, and grieving the loss of fiance and sister too. he's lonely and struggling with the things in his life that aren't the crime bits, he's not against admitting that, but allowing anyone, woman or man, into his life barely 5 years after they've passed feels like a betrayal.
it goes like that, slice of life, mafia man hoseok and dad hoseok chased togeather. he tries his best to show up for dance recitals (the young beta boy really really likes balet and god forbid hoseok stop anything, even convention, from getting in the way of his pups dreams,) regularly scolds the alpha girl for trying to bring her boyfriends around, "you're too young to have boyfriends" "they're just my friends boyfriends" "still, wait until you're 16- or better yet- 18"
There just isn't a shortage of problems concerning the kids, it's one thing after another. Until one night in his study, hoseok's ledgers spread out in front of him while he reclines on a tufted sette, one of his men comes to the door, an ipad in his hands and a guilty look on his face. Hoseok snaps his fingers without looking up. "we- ugh- caught her reading fanfiction again, not the appropriate sort boss."
Hoseok groans because holy fuck he was no prepared to deal with a teenage girl in his mid 30's. let alone puberty again. But then again, he's a little curious, reads a few lines of the fanfic....
Only to find out it's an exact copy of his and his ex's life, down to the things that they've said on their first date. Their first time, even her untimely death down to her last words, words that he hasn't told anyone ever. Hoseok doesn't sleep as he reads through it. The only thing that's different is their names. here, here are memories even hoseok has forgotten. It's impossible, how could someone know all this?
oh, someone knows, and he's going to tear them apart.
Of course he finds the author. using the resources of his criminal empire to track them down. he has his men abduct her. the perfect crime, executed down to the moment she's snatched. he knows the autorities will never find her or even a hint of his orginization. he brings her down into that torture room and decides....not to kill her after talking to her.
hoseok is like something out of a romance novel, the kind of one she publishes irl and not the kind that she writes and posts on the internet. intimidating and beautiful with his crossed legs, red hair, strong jaw and piercing eyes. Of course, she only publishes things as fanfiction when she feels she needs too. other stories that she feels are more polished and less an extension of her own emotions, get the published book treatment. She's already absorbing details of this, the bite of the ropes against her wrists, the damp feeling of a cloth pressed over her mouth, it's a little bit fucked up but she's only thinking "this is gonna make for some good fanfic" and not about her safety.
hoseok has only met two types of peopke, the ones that are smart and scared of him, and the ones that are stupid and unafraid.
so what if she's got a bit of a deathwish, hoseok is a little impressed, having made grown men cry and piss themselves in that very chair, she's not afraid of him whatsoever. that alone, is what keeps him from killing her. maybe it reminds him a little bit of his exfiance, the way she looks at him without fear, like he's not the boss or dad, he's just hobi.
"So you mean i'm going to stay with you, your prisoner, until you figure out how i know what i know?"
"Yes that's the jist of it. Until you confess."
"there's nothing to confess, i just- thought of it on my own, i don't know what to tell you." hoseok looks for any connection, any of the fanfic authors family, if they were connected to his fiance in any way, but truly- there is nothing in her past that connects her to him, she wasn't even living in his city before now.
it's simply a trick perhaps, or just a coincidence. Hoseok doesn't believe in coincidences.
Only, Hoseok isn't cruel enough to keep her downstairs after the first few days when his interrogations turn more...conversations. Maybe he pours over the fanfic's and asks her about specific lines the one, "nothing's broken you yet, so you have no reason to belive this will too" thats been his personal mantra for year. how could she know things that he's never told anyone is beyond him.
The house has plenty of rooms and hoseok has plenty of men to keep an eye on her, he probably puts a tracking anklet on her just incase. and of course he finds her writing on bits of paper because he won't give her a laptop.
and then Hoseok's nice gets her fingers in everything. fucking shit up as she has a talent of doing. maybe hoseok intends it to be casual "this is my friend, she's going to be staying here for the time being, be nice to her and stay out of her hair" why does hoseok feel the need to suggest the kids be nice to her? she's literally a prisoner.
but of course, hoseok's nice looks at her, turns to hoseok and says "🥺 you got me my favorite fanfic author for my birthday uncle hobi?" immediatlly- the jig is up, they talk, the mc is really kinda nice to the kid because she's not an asshole.
Of course hoseok begs her to go along with it because...he really doesn't want his nice to know that everything she read actually happened, and he's got a sweet spot a mile wide for her underneath their bickering. of course also doesn't want to let her know that he did infact almost kidnap and torture this woman. and she agrees to befriend her...in exchange for a laptop.
Things go like that for a while, and for a month, he gets used to someone being there when he wakes up, he gets used to hearing laughter when he walks in, maybe she starts to get close to the kids a little bit- the nice especially, maybe one time hoseok gets a panicked text from the mc, "Minji's boyfriend broke up with her. sos bring ice cream."
The four of them of course leave the compound, go shopping, which then turns into going to the pet store, getting a dog (that his right hand man jungkook eventually takes in because none of them are prepared to actually take care of a dog). The works, maybe they go to one of those destruction rooms and smash some stuff, or go paintballing, the m/c hitting hobi in the chest and grinning "got you." it turns out mafia bosses are generally good shots, but mafia princesses are also really good too." And on the way home, the kids tired and asleep in the back, the m/c also nearing sleep in the passengers side, hoseok looks over at her and realizes that being the kids parents, being here for minji and hanyu has gotten alot easier since she's been around.
It's not that she does any of the child rearing at all, but- adult company is nice. Hoseok's not sure he can call her a friend. when he pulls in home he looks over, and finds that she's staring back at him.
"Are you really like the man i wrote into that story."
"Yes." he admits, they haven't talked about why he's here, in a while. she looks contemplatively at him for a second, then yawns. looking back and minji and hanyu in the backseat, "i'll get him if you get her right?" and they do, they bring the both of them inside and hoseok stays awake all night with a lump in his throat.
life continues like that, blood and domestic bliss in equal measure. a few times has he come home in the middle of the day to her writing in the main recreation room with Hanyu playing with his leggos around her, "i like her, she lets me be quiet without asking me to talk lots" or spinning with him to loud loud music. hanyu really only likes balet for the spinning and twirling.
of course hoseok is curious what she's writing after a while. and is more than a little curious why she doesn't try and leave. she still has to wear the ankle monitor, but hoseok would take it off if she asked.
"honestly i'm getting so much good material from this experience and you have good taste in decor and food gets made for me every morning by seokjin- and he's a fantastic cook and an even better beta reader." Seokjin is also a really good shot, and was in the black berets before i hired him is definitely not what hoseok says. "Why wouldn't i want to stay, i don't have to worry about anything here."
"accept for your bodily autonomy????" she waves her hand flippantly, "yeah, that never mattered to me so much as long as i can write. of course he gets curious of what she's writing, hoping to find more hints of how she can know what she knows. she finds bits and peices of his men in them and writes them off as just fanfic fodder. tells minji not to bother her too much.
he doesn't really like her next project about a heist with 3 lovers who get through it after years of sexual tension only to finally confess after one member gets shot- only, why are they like jimin? tae? and jungkook all close over taehyung's hospital bed. she's gotten close to all of them, but not closer than hoseok is to them and even he didn't realize they were all in love. how have some of his longest gang members, and appart of his inner circle who have been adversaries for the better part of the last 5 years finally getting over their enemies to lovers stick? how did he not notice?
he chalks it up to a coincidence until the next time it happens, because Namjoon and yoongi have been at each other's throats for years. Who would have thought an isolated job in the mountains that lead to them being snowed in with only one bed would...lead to their eventual coupling.
after that, hoseok starts to pay attention to what she writes. he's just in the middle of a deal gone bad when he remembers what she's written the year before, something about a car bomb- he avoids getting into the car until it explodes (a la bily) and comes home a little singed and scarred.
she's in the living room, the kids are asleep upstairs, and when she stands up, hoseok feels that feeling again in his heart, that peircing ache, the same one he gets when he thinks of his dead fiance.
i'm imagining him kneeling before her, taking off her anklet, fingers lingering over her skin a little too long. looking up at her, hoseok has not knealed for many people.
"you're free to go, but before i do, i'd like to offer you a job." it's hard to describe her value to hoseok, even harder to explain it to people who don't understand, she writes, and hoseok reads them, and about 70% of the time, the events she puts down on paper actually happen. he tries to ignore the other little things that don't, she's....a really good writer. and she knows by now that anything she writes he'll tare through. even the more...smutty sections that she tries to hide. he ignores the way that tales of submission make his blood burn, the way she describes touches and hands, hoseok tries to find pleasure in his own but it remains frightfully our of reach (and maybe 3 doors down).
maybe hoseok takes her to one of his functions, the ones that he usually hates with politicians and celebrities, because he wants to treat her, wanting to give things to people isn't a feeling he's felt in a while, i imagine them dancing underneath the stars, him asking her "if you were writing this right now what would happen." "if i were writing this, you'd have already kissed me."
maybe, someone gets wind of it, maybe theres a mole in hoseoks organization that tells tales of hoseok's secret weapon. his weakness. hoseok is not prepared there is nothing in her writing that says where she is or what happens only....that last one, it's tangentially mentioned, maybe minji is the one that finds it, hoseok explains it to her the situation, why the m/c is here and what lead her to their lives, maybe he's loosing it a little and she's the levelheaded one, hanyu is in the doorway crying, maybe when they came to take her she sacrificed herself for him, told him to hide and he did. that alone, that lone would make hoseok go after her, not the living breathing terrified thing in his chest- because this- this is almost exaclty like what happned with his fiance.
minji is 14 now, 14 and smart, smarter than hoseok, "she wrote something- i know she did- here- it was in an ask- here" hoseok scans it, and the gang mobilizes it. maybe hoseok's gang asks him why, why he's willing to go to these lenghts to save her, "it's not about securing a method of income, this has never been about money."
when he finds her, she's tied up, much the same way that he was tied up, and hoseok is soaked with blood, from his red hair down his back, she always did get unnervingly graphic with her murder scenes and it feels the same way that she wrote it, white hot rage that drips down his back in time with the cooling blood. he wonders if the bruises on her face feel the same for her. he unties her and then cups her cheeks, looking down at her while she grabs his wrists. "you came for me." is all she manages to choke out, "i wasn't sure you would."
he kisses the side of his face, "of course i'd never let you go, do you feel and see the blood i'd shed for you? is this enough?" hoseok is a little fucked up, and she knows this, she knows that deep down, beneath the softness that the people he loves cultivates in him, he does not mind the killing. he'd kill again for her in a heartbeat. he's going to kill again for her and he needs to know that if she stays.
hoseok is not convinced that she should.
he takes her home, washes her off. blood dripping down the drain and the two of them pressing hurried kisses against each others mouths, even if they taste like blood a little bit, they want each other too bad, all of this built up just breaking between the two of them. hoseok spends too long listening to her heartbeat. too long but she just washes his hair while he does, a tender geasture. he's not sure that his ex ever washed his hair.
the kids are glad to see her, a little bit scared to find hoseok more hollow than he was when he left. because he knows the last time something like this happened he was too late. and there are more than a few indications that he almost was too late, in the bruises that ring her body, her own blood that he wipes from his hands.
the next day, hoseok meets with minji, hands her her first gun, "you're to report to me, you don't make tough decisions, you let me make them for you, if you have questions or need help, ask. you don't make stupid decisions, and you don't tell anyone about anything you know." She scoffs, "thats a given."
later he ends up wrapped up with the main character, touching her again and again, verifying that she's alright that she's here, and she's just scribbling away at a piece of paper while he drags his lips up and down her arm. "is this still about getting inspiration for you?"
"maybe, but you're the best inspiration i've ever come across."
yeah i wanna write this, but i probably never will~
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kaycode1999 · 9 days
Hi! So, tbh I had a hard time choosing but I think I would go with Transformers Animated 2007, mainly bc THE AUTOBOTS ARE SO TINY 🤧
And overall it's a great twist to the story
(Although if you want to just pick whichever universe would suit me best)
Anyways, onto my personality:
I consider myself to be very outgoing and extroverted with a slight fear of confrontation (Be it known, if my guts tell me to run I'm out of there). Many people also say that my presence is extremely hard to ignore, that they relate me to the color yellow and I'm easy to spot on the crowd (probably bc I speak loudly and don't stop). I also like to see the nice in everyone and everything, and I am hopeful for stuff to change for the better.
On the downside, while I tend to be very happy overall, I have big moodswings where If I'm reminded of a big insecurity of mine (my weight, for example) I can get sad immediately. Also doesn't help that I'm a daydreamer and overthink a lot. Honesty would be a very important for there to be comunication in the relationship, although It's very easy to tell whenever I'm upset since I become cold and shut up.
In general, I do a lot of Physical contact (ofc, I ask first if the other person is comfortable with hugs and stuff) and like complimenting my partner.
Should also mention that I'm responsible but not organized, very carefree and silly
I like history (mostly Movements for the rights of the people, be it for the POC community, Lgbtq+, workers, etc), swimming, astrology and hearing people talk about their interests.
My dream aesthetic is a mix between cottagecore and Overly feminine clothes, I LOVE Pink and Orange, they are my favorite colors ♡
Although I tend to have problems with taking care of myself (I believe it's because of my adhd, but I'm getting better at it :D)
My pronouns are She/They, I'm a demigirl, demisexual and demiromantic, and have to get to meet people for me to fall in love.
My type would include people who like to tease (like compliment a lot just to watch the other person blush), people with many hobbies and have a sense of helping others. Bonus points if they ramble about their interests and we can have discussions about themes like History or personal morals.
Who I don't want: (Idk if they are included or not but just to be safe) none of the children please, also not anyone who is a hypocrite or coward bc not my type :/
I match you with
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TFA Prowl
He is more on the introvert side though he converses with people easily. His personality works well with extroverted people as his calming presence brings a nice balance.
As I said he has a very calming personality so you don't really have to worry about confrontation with him
He adores your positive outlook and sweet nature. It’s one of the reasons he fell for you to begin with.
The good thing about him being calm means that he's able to handle any mood swings or sadness you might have. He's very good at helping you through it and making you feel better.
If you're feeling insecure he’ll always make sure you know how much he loves you and that he thinks you’re absolutely beautiful
Because he really does think you're gorgeous. He’s from Cybertron so he doesn't understand the issues you have with your body at first. But he's very intuitive so he quickly begins to understand that human society makes people feel bad for not having the exact body types they deem acceptable so he understands why you feel and react the way you do
Communication with him is very easy and he's also very in tune with you. Most of the time he's gonna know how you're feeling before you even say it
He’ll give you space if you need it, or if you just want him to be there with you he'll do that too. Whatever you need
He's not used to physical contact at first but he likes it if its with you
He helps keep you organized and you also help him loosen up and have fun
He is fascinated by human history so please talk with him about all of it because he is eager to learn and he is all about furthering the rights of marginalized people
He's been to space so he'd be happy to tell all about what he's seen and learned
He doesn't want to nag you to take care of yourself like he's your parent or something. So instead he will help you to find products or ways of doing things that will help you
We've seen how he is with Bumblebee so he is definitely someone who likes to tease, but with you it's more flirty. If you tease/flirt with him he's definitely a flustered mess, but he’ll turn around and do the same to you
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literallyrave · 7 months
Jason getting an unexpected surge of pit madness and one of the batsiblings (up to you) tries to help him out of it. Jason is semi lucid maybe because these have been happening for a while and he's desperately trying to not hurt his sibling and begs for them to go away :') good luck with the writing/creativity block<3
Fudge Cookies
I love this ask so much!! This is the first time writing for something that wasn’t an essay so please bear with me, this was really fun to write overall!! idk if I did this right because I’m not to fond of pit madness but it’s still a fun concept so this is my take on it
Warnings: PTSD, aggressive behavior, language
It was getting bad, really bad, extremely fucking bad. Jason was supposed to be getting ready for patrol. He went to Wayne manor to get one of his gadgets fixed up since the bat cave seemed to have every death trap and work bench in history. Jason was in the batcave, leaning against a wall trying to keep calm, focus on his hands, the colors he was seeing, anything but the pounding in his head and the urge to choke someone until they take one last breath.
There were footsteps, of fucking course, they weren’t heavy like Bruce’s, not as steep as Dick’s, and not as feathery as Tim’s.
“Do you plan on leaving or are you just gonna lean on my workspace?” Damian said with Witt, hands on his hips as he gave Jason a glance before noticing Jason’s eyes and how they looked glassy and angry
“Are you feeling alright?” Damian asked with a stand offish tone before letting his arms go down to his sides
“Fine just- want to be alone” Jason stumbled, his gaze looking away from Damian, his voice just wanted to make him pounce
“Because leaving you alone with the most deadly weapons would keep you and everyone feeling safe?” Damian replied, always so damn snarky, Jason thought.
He wanted to reply back with his own snarky, almost demeaning reply but he could only muster up a “Jesus I’m-I’m fine okay? I’ll be out in a minute, go.” Jason shivered, he crossed his arms over his stomach
“Seriously? You’re obviously not okay, Jason. I’ll go get father-“ Damian’s voice was cut off by a “NO! Do NOT get Bruce- Just-“ Jason lets out a shaken breath as he pinches the bridge of his nose. Frustrated, and scared, thats what Jason was right now.
"Fine. But I can’t leave you here, what’s wrong?” Damian’s voice was still normal but more with a hint concern when he didn’t get a response, only Jason’s eyes aimlessly looking at the wall to Damian’s right.
Jason was out of it, he wasn’t hearing a voice or anything other then the sound of a crowbar hit his ribs, his bones snapping. It made him aggressive thinking about what he could’ve done, how weak and hopeless he felt. He snapped his head forward when he heard a loud *SNAP* in front of him to be met with Damian’s hands clasped together before putting them down.
“You should lay down. Zoning out while feeling fatigued could mean you have hypoglycemia, do you not consume enough sugar?" He thought he was simply fatigued? Jason wasn't necessarily mad about that, it was better then him knowing he felt a need to quite literally beat someone to death and that he was reliving hell.
"Damian. Go. Please" He practically begged as his breaths sharpened. He didn't want to hurt anyone, but if he kept hearing this nagging, aching voice he would.
"I really don't necessarily like you but i know that you clearly need help, and said 'help' cannot be provided in the bat cave of all places" Damian didn't dislike his brother at all but he did right now he was being stubborn! Thats how Damian viewed it so he went on, and on for about 20 seconds before Jason practically lunged forward
"Listen, you are being a fucking- Damian, i'm begging just- don't talk" Jason's eyes became glassy as he walked off. Damian was opened his mouth to speak but was cut off
"I-I'll go to my room just- leave me alone" Jason walked as if he was drunk. Damian watched from a distance, following behind Jason to make it to his room until he came to a stop halfway in the hallway.
Jason nearly fell on his ass if his hand wasn't leaning on the wall. Nothing was off about the house just an anomaly, said anomaly being the chair he was sat in for months that felt like a decade. Jason knew it wasn't real but it was unnerving with the silence. He stared at the blood on the back, the arm rests with the ropes before snapping out of it. Walking forward until he got to his room. He slammed the door closed as he stumbled to his bed with a cry.
Damian was worried, he cared about his family even if he didn't act like it. He wasn't good at comforting people, so when he is told more then two times he should be alone he wanted to leave him alone. But he also didn't want his brother to feel alone. He remembered those cookies Alfred had made, chocolate chip with fudge in the middle, a complete sugar overdose that Jason *somehow* liked.
Jason's head pounded like a small alien was trying to take over his brain. He took the pain killers in his bedside drawer, which obviously wouldn't cut it off but would at least ease it, even if it was only a tiny bit. He laid on his bed as he felt like he was melting, the sounds of everything that had happened, the voices, everything was too much until there was the small click of his door opening. The talking in his head stopped and they sounds were fainting as glass was lightly heard tapping the carpeted floor.
He sat up, seeing cookies sat by his door he wobbly went to the plate, picked it up and brought it back to the bed. He unconsciously picked up a cookie and bit into it. His favorite cookie since he was 9. The fudge was warm and the chocolate chips were cold. He looked down at the plate, about to pick another one up before seeing a blue sticky note that read 'i've made Alfred make another batch. He says they will be done in about 28 minutes. Please come down into the living room by then so we can play chess PS: i will win' was wrote in red pen ink. Jason rolled his eyes as a grin threatened his lips. The pounding was like a light heartbeat now, no voices, no sounds, no anything. Maybe it was just low blood sugar after all.
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In another world, not twisted wonderland, a broken phone sits, deep in the woods.
To whoever finds it and powers it back on, they're greeted by a slew of texts and voicemails from a contact that simply reads "Mama".
(✨: this is a drabble type thing I wrote a little while back (a month or so ago), but i didn't feel it was one to post on my main. It DID however feel right to post as some Yuna lore, so maybe that will stick out to someone idk. It sucks but also it's lore so IDC)
Voicemail Log-
Friday, August 23, 20xx, 4:53 PM:
"Yuna, I don't know what game you think you're playing here, but your father and I do not appreciate it. You are going to come home right this instant young lady, or there WILL be consequences..."
Friday, August 23, 20xx, 7:09 PM:
"Alright, Yuna. You win this time. I shouldn't have snapped at you earlier, and I'm sorry for that, but you really should come home. It's going to be dark soon, and I don't want you out this late. There will be a plate for you in the kitchen. Be careful."
Saturday, August 24, 20xx, 11:36 AM:
"I've sent you countless texts. Please at least read to them? I know you're upset, but the least you could do is check them. Then again, I barely know if you're listening to these. You're not even calling me back...
I've got to return to work now, but please call me back when you can, Yu."
Saturday, August 24, 20xx, 5:30 PM:
"I see you still haven't read my messages, Yuna. Or returned my calls. We are-
Your stepfather and I-
I'm starting to get worried, Yuna. Please come home soon."
Sunday, August 25, 20xx, 9:34 AM:
"I just called your father to see if you'd somehow gotten him to pick you up. He said he hasn't heard from you since Tuesday. I also called Minerva's grandfather to see if you and she were staying together, but he said she was currently abroad and that you hadn't stopped by in the slightest. You better come home soon, young lady."
Sunday, August 25, 20xx, 10:15 AM:
"Yuna if you don't come home soon, I'm calling the police. This isn't funny anymore and I don't appreciate you ignoring me like this."
Sunday, August 25, 20xx, 11:27 AM:
"I know you think you're just playing some funny little prank on us or something, but you really should come home. Everyone is going to be worried sick."
Monday, August 26, 20xx, 4:53 PM:
"I've called the police. Honestly, when you didn't come home on Thursday I should've called but...
I don't know. Please just be safe, Yuna. I'll stop harassing you for now but. Just know that I love you, ok baby?
Please be careful and get home safely and soon, ok? Even if you're just. Staying with your father for a while..."
Monday, September 2, 20xx, 4:26 PM:
"I went to the station today. They wanted to ask me if there was anyone that might have taken you or done something to you. You barely trust your own friends and family to help you with things, let alone strangers, so I was hesitant to think you'd been abducted but. I don't know. Maybe you were? That would explain all this but then who would have grabbed you? Where did you go? This is all too much for me, though... If you don't want to come back for my peace of mind, though, just do it for your father?
...I love you."
Sunday, September 8, 20xx, 6:49 PM:
"Am I a bad mother? Is that why you just up and left the house? I told you I was sorry and I want to talk about what happened a few weeks ago, but you haven't even picked up my calls, let alone read the texts I sent you! Did I really do that bad of a job raising you to be respectful that you can't even look at your phone just to talk to your mother? Or are you just being petty? That I'm still with Robert and you don't like him? That he's your stepfather, and that's that?
Are you still mad about the divorce? Because that happened 7 years ago, Yuna. I don't want to be the one to tell you to get over it, because you were still younger, but your father and I have moved on, so why can't you?
I don't know why you think it's acceptable for you to keep this 'missing person' act up, but you're going to be in so much trouble when you come home."
Sunday, September 8, 20xx, 8:06 PM:
"I'm sorry. That wasn't fair to you. I hope you're still safe wherever you are."
Sunday, September 15, 20xx, 4:45 PM:
"I'm sorry for yelling at you, Yuna. Please come home."
Sunday, September Monday, October
Monday, October Tuesday, Nove
mber Wednesday December Thursda
y September Monday, September Tuesday, September October November
???, 20xx, 6:08 PM:
"You were right, Yuna. I'm sorry."
???, 20xx, 6:11 PM:
"Please come back."
???, 20xx, 6:19 PM:
"I need you here. Please."
???, 20xx, 6:27 PM:
"Honey, please."
???, 20xx, 6:34 PM:
???, 20xx, 6:45 PM:
"I miss you."
???, 20xx, 6:54 PM:
"Yuna, are you there?
... Yuna?"
???, 20xx, 7:03 PM:
"I love you, baby girl. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you."
Wednesday, December 18, 20xx, 9:32 AM:
"They finally found your stuff. By a lake in the woods. They didn't find any remains or anything, though... Just. Just your belongings. Like you disappeared without so much as a trace.
They think you're dead but. That can't be right... You're still alive and you're still out there and you're going to come home alive and okay and we can just pretend this never happened, right?
I'm sorry I failed you, Yuna. I love you."
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spaceless-vacuum · 1 year
Hoe about yandere twilight and aware reader who is some what protective and clingy towards twilight like they almost always lod on to some part of him when leaving the house like his hands and anyone who seems to show some type of sass or anger towards twilight reader defends him before he can
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Twilight can get pretty self conscious about his habits. Some part of him always fears his emotions are too much and he wants to keep you by his side all the time but he's worried about being too clingy and putting you off. The man is super soft for you and he just wants to have you with him all the time. He aches for you when you're not there or somewhere he's deemed a safe spot. He has to know where you are all the time and it haunts him when he isn't aware of your location.
Once he comes home he's on you like glue. While outside doing farm work he often has you inside relaxing or helping him out. However you are too much of a distraction and he finds himself just staring at you instead of getting anything done. When you spend your time with him and pull on his arm when you're standing next to him it makes his heart flutter. He loves being validated by you holding onto him tightly. He wants you so bad he needs you here and you're just as happy to be with him. It convinces him his darling was literally made for him. Why else are you so perfect for him?
Oh Hylia forgive him he knew the day would come that he would absolutely fall for you, but so soon? You're already here for him? Oh stars, you take his breath away! You love him, you Love him!! He goes crazy over this. He was so messed up over the idea that he might say something to push you away or have you dislike him so having you cling to him and actively defend him sends him straight for the moon. He was convinced you would take too long to warm up to him so when all of this happens you steal the breath from his lungs. 
He is so clingy and lives for affection and physical touch so he just eats it up. Affirming him whole brushing a hand along his arms or better holding his cheeks! He just melts into your touch; and when people are unkind and you defend him? Once they're gone he will smile from ear to ear. He won't say it too often but seeing you like that? Oh you like him don't you~? It makes him feel like he's on top of the world. He loves seeing you like that and he will pull you into a kiss because he's so giddy because of this.
Twilight is so sweet but he is also so interesting as a yandere because his objection is not clear at first. He isn't sure why he wants to be around you so often and you can pick up on this; but he's more tough than he seems but he doesn't like to show it off because he's trying to settle back into his life at the farm and the peace that comes after the adventure is over. He wants a soft life with you but isn't sure how to approach the subject. So he tends to just show up as Wolfie before coming around in hylian form. Having you be clingy makes him more secure. Ever since Midna left he's been worried about people leaving (and maybe some doggy separation anxiety and fears of being alone) leads him to seek this out from you a lot.
Ahhh! Idk I love this idea so much because it plays into his love language so well. He both needs and craves praise and has a constant nonverbal attentive form that just scratches an itch in his brain. He is over the moon about this. It just makes him feel so much more secure as Twilight has never had a relationship before that didn't end in heartbreak. 
Taglist: @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate
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thatbennybee · 21 days
Viva and Branch are kinda weird to me i feel like they get along only in one front and thats safety they both kinda have a similar story in terms of They Saw Their loved one leave them behind or die in front of them and they both in some terms secluded themselves but Viva seemed happy with it seeing how her colors aren’t muted or anything if anything as we saw she is still like Poppy
Branch was secluded by his choice and he was miserable while Viva was happy in her own little cage yet seeing them interact (while just for a little) i don’t really see how they get along outside of probably paranoia
If i can put it in words lets say Branch and Viva can both do Ballet Street Style lets say Viva and Branch (Grey) both do it perfectly but stay in a spot not letting them go and move but when Branch got his colors he uses more space being more free while Viva stays still (if that makes any sense)
Idk i just dont feel like Viva fits sure i love Poppy has family but i hate that she’s… there like she was added like last minute
No... Viva definitely fits, she was just rushed. Viva is a parallel to Poppy in the same way that JD is a parallel to Branch. ☝️🤓 It's quite clear she is.
Viva is the result of not having someone like Branch in her life to make her see that her way of life, while temporarily effective in keeping other safe, was still not being free nor happy. JD is the result of what Branch would be like without meeting someone like Poppy. Someone who was headstrong enough to change their worldviews. Viva and JD didn't have that person.
The whole point of Branch and Viva having that one candid moment was important.
We have no idea if Viva was grey at some point or not, but regardless, that's not a fair point because the entire Pop Village went great for a short period of time and they're all fully vibrant, including Poppy. Branch was grey for like 20 years and has permanent effects from it, big difference.
Viva could've been grey and just gained them back like anyone else. I don't see how that's a point. 🤔
Moving on—
Branch wears his heart on his sleeve and openly talks about the bad things in the world, Viva hides hers so she doesn't have to think about the bad things and forces herself to think only about the good.
Poppy does the same thing in Trolls 1 and tried to force positivity through Trolls 2 and both times, it backfired. The difference is that Poppy had negative reinforcers that changed her behavior and thought process, while Viva was somewhat given positive reinforcers to stay where she was.
By that, I mean that she believed that hiding and staying that way would keep them safe. It was effective, yes, but she wasn't growing or changing because she was essentially proven correct. Meanwhile Poppy had a mindset that only worked within her sheltered bubble of life, but when her worldview was challenged, she had no idea how to handle it and choked.
Viva chokes too when they all leave her and her worldview is shattered when told that life outside isn't how she remembered it.
Branch is pretty candid when talking to viva and how he heavily relates to her, but shows her that there's other ways for her to grow. I don't see how Branch healing mentally would make it so Branch & Viva couldn't get along.
I think having someone who understands your fears better than anyone else world actually make it easier for them to bond and for Viva to heal in a way that is healthier than refusing to talk about it.
Branch and Viva could bond in ways other than safety, it's quite clear that Branch has no problems being silly or having a good time when he wants to.
He literally says it directly to Viva that he used to fear the world like she does, but he doesn't anymore. He's not that same person overly obsessed with safety and fear of the unknown. He just knows when it's a time to be serious and when isn't and he can take it easy.
Poppy has learned this lesson herself considering how she was quick to see that Viva wasn't being serious and focusing when asking her important questions. Viva just didn't really get the air time to learn the right lesson and it sucks. :[
Anyways, Branch having a level head and having a more serious approach than his peers doesn't mean he can't just have a good time and I feel like that could actually be a really good lesson for Viva to learn. You can want everyone to be safe, but also know when to reel it back and see that everything will be okay.
I think him and Viva would get along really well once she stops putting on the persona of being overly happy when she's not and is honest about what she's been through. I think he'd be able to find creative and familiar ways to bring her back into Pop Troll society without overwhelming her. They're all survivalists after all. :]
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