#but idk taking requests and expecting myself to get them out quickly stressed me out
girlvinland · 1 year
Do not let me attempt Whumptober this year. There is a voice inside of me saying “oh, think of how fun it would be to do Whumptober with a certain collection of OCs at my disposal!”
That is the devil speaking.
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tomhollandisabae · 2 years
lonely- simon "ghost" riley x f!reader
fandom; call of duty
summary; after simon had left for his next mission, you were faced with the biggest challenge of your life and you had to get through that all by yourself.
warnings; angst, pregnancy, fluff, mentions of death, english is not my first language
words; idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
a/n; this idea was stuck into my brain since last week and once i couldn't find anything similar to it anywhere to read, i decided to write it myself. also you can send me your requests!!
a/n2; f1 fans please don't come after me i know you're expecting the 2nd part of the story with lewis but i have no motivation to write it😭i'll do it some time, but i don't know when. uni has been draining me out so much.
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"please take care of yourself " was the last thing you told simon -your husband - before he left for yet another mission.
now it had been 12 months and there was no sign of him. however, a lot had happened in the past year, but most importantly you had given birth to a beautiful baby girl -all by yourself.
when you had found out that you were expecting, simon was long gone and you had no way to communicate with him. the only thing that you could do was to get through this pregnancy all alone. thank god that maternity leave was a thing, otherwise you had no idea how you could manage having a baby all by yourself.
whatsoever, you couldn't be mad at your husband as a matter of fact that you had found out about your pregnancy only one week after he had left, while the guilt was everyday eating you alive.
you had no idea how he would react though. you were aware of his past and how his father had treated him.
simon is a lovely human being... towards you. he's a sweet, loving and caring husband and you are absolutely sure that he will make a great father.
you had went through a lot during your pregnancy and you could admit that it wasn't an easy one; mood swings, cravings, morning sickness, back pain etc.
the worst part of it all was when you went into labour. you had spent hours and hours trying to bring the little bundle of joy, that you and the love of your life had created together, into this world.
and after many hours of pain and screaming you were finally holding your baby girl in your arms. the first thing that you had noticed about her were her eyes -same as her father's- and that made your eyes well up with tears.
now it had been almost 4 months since you had given birth and the constant stress of taking care of a baby by yourself had tore you apart both physically and emotionally. you were barely sleeping, you had lost your appetite and were actually a walking wreck.
some nights you would spend them in your bed crying yourself to sleep, wishing your husband was here to help you out.
currently, you were taking a shower as you heard your daughter crying. sighing deeply, you got out and wrapped a towel around you as you made your way to the nursery.
you took her in your arms and sat down on the rocking chair, lowering your towel and starting feeding her. once she was fed, you put her back to sleep and went into your room, changing quickly and laying on your bed.
you brought both your arms over your eyes in an attempt to block out any kind of light source and bit on your bottom lip trying not to cry, again.
as your mind wander in different places, you didn't hear the front door opening and closing as well as the heavy footsteps on the staircase.
you only raised your head as you saw your bedroom door opening, revealing your husband.
immediately, you were flooded by many different emotions as you jumped up from the bed and attacked him in a -suffocating- hug.
simon chuckled lightly and wrapped his arms protectively around you and kissed the top of your head.
"i can't believe that you're back." you pulled away for a moment "you're actually back." you embraced him again not having noticed the tears that were spilling from your eyes.
"i'm sorry it took me too long my love" he mumbled on top of your head as he squished you in his arms.
"i missed you" you lifted your head up, looking at him.
"i missed you y/n" he leaned down and slowly brought his lips on top of yours kissing you softly and yet so loving.
sooner or later, however, you broke away as you looked up at him with a huge smile.
"i have to show you something" you said excited and grabbed his hand, leading him out of your bedroom and across the hall way.
you glanced at him anxiously as you slowly opened the door of your baby's room. you turned on the lights and guided simon inside.
you were looking carefully at him as his expression changed from a curious one to a shocked.
"love..." he exclaimed as he turned to look at you while his bottom lip was trembling.
"i found out one week after you left. i had no way to tell you, simon, i'm so sorry" the guilt took over you.
"shh it's okay." he wrapped his arms once again around you as you sobbed into his chest.
"i just... it was awful, simon. first the guilt that there was a way to tell you, but i was too stupid to think about it and second all the pain, the emotions, everything... i just feel so... useless." you cried out.
"hey" he grabbed both your cheeks and looked you in the eye "you're the strongest woman i've ever known in my entire life, y/n. not only for going through a pregnancy and labour by yourself, but also for being able to get through that with being aware of a chance of me never coming back again and yet you got enough courage and look where that brought you love."
it was true. every time he would go on a new mission, the curiosity of his well being would kill you. every single day you were checking you mail for a letter that would be proclaiming your husband dead.
"i love you so much simon" you raised on your tiptoes and buried your face into the crook of his neck.
"i love you more sweetheart." he lifted your head once again and kissed you softly.
you were so grateful for the feeling of his warm, soft lips against yours, kissing them with so much love and care. every single time you would be in his radar, this man would worship the ground you were walking on.
finally, you pulled away with a small smile.
"come on" you guided him towards the crib where the newborn baby was sleeping in soundly.
carefully, you picked her up in your arms and turned towards simon that was looking at his daughter as if she was the most precious thing on earth.
"do you want to hold her?" you suggested.
"i... i don't know how" he admitted and you kissed his cheek smiling.
"that's why i'm here for. i'll show you how." you said and just like that you handed the small baby over to your husband that was feeling as if he was holding the most fragile thing in the world.
"she's... so small." he stroked lightly her rosy cheek with his thump.
what took you aback was that her little hand enveloped his pinky finger, holding it firmly. you gasped and his breath hitched in his throat.
"wow she didn't even do that to me. only knowing you for a few minutes and she's already a daddy's girl." you complained jokingly placing your hands on your hips.
"really doubt that. there's no one better than you." he kissed your forehead and your face broke into a huge smile as you wrapped your arms around your husband, admiring the way your daughter was rested in her father's chest, not really believing that you had finally built a family with the man you loved most in the entire world.
at that moment, you couldn't be more happy.
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the-traveling-poet · 11 months
hi! I really like the way you write, and I wanted to make a request… can I ask for a Levi x member of the special operations squad where the reader gets kidnapped by Kenny? And when they found the reader Levi founds out Kenny “tortured” the reader? Like they find her full of bruises and such? Idk if it’s comfortable with you, please warn me if it is! Thank you so much 💕💕
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The stress of the ruse had paid off, for once. Under Captain Levi’s guidance, Armin and Jean has successfully lured the merchants into their warehouse where the rest of the squad apprehended them for questioning. As the last remaining cadet of the original Special Operations Squad, you’d been personally tasked by Levi with scouting the perimeter of the warehouse while he got the answers they needed from the rich men. But while out on patrol, you catch sight of something you weren’t meant to see, leading to your capture…
Pairings: Levi x Kidnapped!Reader
Warnings: Language, suggestive comments, torture, descriptions of violence and injuries, SFW, torture, ends in fluff, s3
Taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth
A/N: Ofc Anon, and thank you! I love this request, and had so much fun writing it! Don’t worry, I was plenty comfortable writing this, thanks for the worry lovely 🤎 Sorry for the wait! As always, if anything in this request doesn’t meet your expectations, I’ll happily re-write.
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Sweat dripped down your brow as you sheathed the blades connected to your ODM gear back into the holsters at your hips. You took your time stretching out your arms, legs, and back as Sasha and Mikasa made quick work of tying the two men’s arms behind their back with the same scratchy twine the men had used to restrain Armin and Jean previously. Connie checked over the two other boys in the center of the room as they rubbed at their sore wrists and removed heir disguises.
There wasn’t much for you to do now but wait as Captain Levi prepared to question the wealthy men about who had hired them for the (rather poorly done) job of capturing ‘Eren’ and Christa’.
“L/N, come here a second.”
Your Captain’s sudden call shook you from your thoughts as you turned on your heel and jogged over towards him.
“Captain,” you greeted softly, chancing a glance to the man tied at his feet. Disgust crawled up your throat from your stomach just looking at the man who’d mistaken Armin as Christa and attempted to satisfy his own perverted desires on the boy. Thought he’d never gotten that far, you’d still never forgive the man.
“I need you to patrol the perimeter of the warehouse. It’s by no chance we got this far without having been apprehended.” Levi muttered, sparing you a glance over.
“I need eyes out there, until I can survey myself.” Levi continued, giving you a hard stare.
Saluting him quickly, you turned on your heel to do just as he requested of you. But before you could, a thin hand clamped around your shoulder. Freezing, you glanced down at the hand on your shoulder and met the owner’s eye.
Levi stared hard into your eyes, his gaze never wavering. “Stay close. No more than thirty yards from the building at all times. The second something seems off, you report it back to me immediately. Understood?”
The look in his eye concerned you slightly. It looked as though he worried about something you couldn’t quite see just yet. But you were quick to shake the thought from your mind.
You nodded to him, your eyes shining with determination. “Will do, Captain.”
For a moment he stalled, staring down at his feet. “Levi. Just Levi to you, when we have moments of privacy like this,” he murmured, only meeting your eye for a second before turning on his heel.
Feeling heat rise to your cheeks, you could only hum in acknowledgment before taking off. There’s been an unspoken relation blossoming between the two of you for some time now, but neither of you dared addressing it just yet. Not while so much was at stake. So instead of dwelling too long on the way he interacted so softly with you in moments of privacy, you forced the thought to the back of your mind until you could find the time to sit and think on it for awhile.
Anchoring your hooks into the nearest wall, you stop up towards an open window and up onto the roof high above. You had to shield your eyes against the light of the sun after having been in the dark warehouse for awhile. After a moment you let your hand fall down to your side as you looked over the area.
Nothing out of the ordinary, you thought. Civilians milled about the streets below, buying various goods from vendors set up on either side of the road. It wasn’t too busy, but busy enough for anyone to slink through the crowd unnoticed and disappear. This thought is what kept you on your toes, honing your gaze on every individual person in turn. Once you’d assessed all you could see from your vantage point on the roof, you activated your gear to shoot you to a neighboring roof for a new perspective on the town.
For roughly twenty minuets you’d kept up this routine; find a sturdy roof, survey the area, watch the civilians for any form of threat or disturbance, and then move on to a new area. So far you had nothing new to report back to Levi, so you decided to stay out a little longer and subconsciously enjoy the breeze hitting your face. You stayed within precisely thirty yards of the warehouse in all directions, just as ordered, until a movement down below urged you further away.
A man. No, two men. They slipped out of the crowd and darted for a dark alley. It could be nothing, but regardless you crouched lower on the roof and leaned over the side to investigate.
A stray beam of sunlight reflected off the metal clasps of their leather harnesses hooked over their chests and thighs from under their brown cloaks, causing your brow to furrow in concern.
Before you could do much as blink, they’d grappled onto the ally’s walls and started to ascend the building. Whispering a curse to yourself, you hastily moved away from the ledge.
No civilian had access to ODMG. These men had to be the ones tailing you all. Though how many more of them there were, you couldn’t be sure. You decided this needed to be reported to Levi, but a sudden thought crossed your mind, causing you to pause. The men were traveling further away from your position. Their final location, unknown to you.
Do I report this to Levi now and risk losing sight of them…Or follow and stop them before they can act?
Luckily, or rather, unluckily, your decision was made for you.
Upon standing up to activate your gear, you heard a shout from below. Snapping your gaze down, you were met with the two men from the ally peering over at you from a lower roof. Feeling fear sink into your gut, you spun on your heel and took off.
You couldn’t head back to the warehouse, that would lead them right towards the others. You had to improvise…
Swinging down towards the streets, you ducked into an ally much farther away from the warehouse than you were suppose to be and held your breath. For a moment, all was silent as you waited to catch any sign from the two men tailing you. But then your blood ran cold when a muffled chuckle sounded just behind your ear.
With a near silent shriek, you spun around and stared up into the eyes of the tall man behind you. His body was mostly hidden underneath his long beige trench coat, and you could barely make out the wicked grin he wore from how much of his face was shadowed by his hat.
“My my, what’s a pretty thing like you doing playing dress up in this here alley?”
He held a small dagger in his hand, using the tip of the blade to gesture to your ODMG straps. Before you could draw your own blade and challenge the near giant, a pair of footsteps echoed off the ally walls behind you.
You chance a glance over your shoulder, only to see the two men from before. You were cornered.
You knew you were too far from the others to cry out for help, and were too outnumbered to come out of this unscathed. But you’d be damned if you just sat there and gave up.
“You son of a bitch, you’ve been tailing us!” You growled out, clutching the handle of your blades tightly.
“That’s no way for a lady to talk. Set ‘er straight, boys.” The man before you chuckled, lowering his knife slightly.
Fooled by the false sense of security by having lowered his blade from your chest, you failed to notice one of the men from behind you running your way. By the time you unsheathed your blade and spun to counter his strike, it was too late. The tall man swung at the back of your head once you turned; the hilt of his blade slamming into the base of your skull and blurring your vision. You ungracefully crumpled to the floor, blades falling to the ground at your sides. Just before the world around you went completely black, you faintly heard the man’s voice ringing out.
“Seems we’re ‘boutta turn the tables on them with this here gal.”
You slowly opened your eyes with a groan, head spinning and stomach churning with nausea. Your arms were tied behind your back tightly, and your legs bound to the rickety old chair you sat in. Your mouth was gagged with a grey rag that tasted of body oder, which really didn’t help your nausea.
You couldn’t tell where you were; just that it was dark and damp within the four walls you resided. There weren’t any windows in the room, depriving you of the knowledge to what time it might actually be.
Shuffling your arms and legs in their metal confides, you tried your best to remember how you’d ended up here.
Those strange men in the plaza…The knife pointed to your chest…The squad…
The sound of a heavy door creaking open startled you from your memories. In walked the same three men from before, each partially hidden beneath cloak or trench coat.
“Wakey wakey little girl. It’s time to answer some questions!” the tall man sang, the shadows no longer covering half of his scraggly face. He grinned down at you, tipping his hat to you in mock greeting. Feeling enraged at your situation, you spat at his feet.
“Kiss my ass, old man. You forced me here, the least you could do is tell me where I am.” you spat back.
“Oho, feisty one ain’t cha?” the man chuckled. “Fine, I’ll tell ya; You’re in my humble company.”
“More precisely?” you pressed on.
“Oi oi oi, calm your tits girlie!” The man wiped a hand down his face in mock exasperation. “Alls you need to know, is your bound head to toe. And ya ain’t got no one here to come to your aid. Now,” he took a step towards you, mockingly extending a hand to you.
“The names Kenny. The Ripper, if ya will. My boys here have some questions for you on my behalf while I…Well, that’s of no concern to ya. Behave, and I’ll make sure they don’t mare your pretty face up too much, yeah?”
Grimacing at the smell of his breath fanning over your face, you turned your head away and clenched your jaw. “I’m not telling you a damned thing.”
“Very well then,” Kenny grinned maliciously, pulling away from you and letting his two lackeys step forward. “Have fun you three, I’m off to business as usual!”
He started to leave the room, but as his stiff hand met the door’s handle, he glared over his shoulder at you, then smirked to the men standing before you. “Oh, and boys? Don’t spoil her too rotten just yet.”
Once the door was shut behind him, one of the men cracked his knuckles and gripped your chin tightly in his meaty hand.
“Hope you’re always this feisty. I enjoy me a nice, feisty woman,” he grinned, smacking your face away. With a grimace, you mentally prepared yourself for what was to come.
And you prayed. To what, you didn’t know. But nevertheless you prayed that Levi would find you before they had their way with you, cause you knew there was no way in hell you’d tell them anything. No matter what they did to you.
Explosions rocked the four walls of your confinement, ceasing the sharp pain your captor’s knife caused against the skin of your collarbone.
“The hell…” he mumbled, just before another loud ‘boom’ shook your chair. You raised your head up sluggishly, looking towards the door. Your captors shared a look, before turning to you one last time.
“We’ll be back, pretty. Just gotta check on the boss man. Don’t fret, we’ll have fun again soon. Rest up, your legs are gonna need it~”
With that ominous threat hanging in the air, the two left, leaving you alone in the darkness. You shuffled in your chair, feeling your dirtied uniform shirt cut away from your shoulder falling down towards your elbow. You choked in a shuddered breath, feeling your own blood coat your lips. One of your eyes was nearly swollen shut, but that’s not what concerned you at the moment.
Despite your weakening limbs, you fought to slip out of your cuffs. After several moments of painful struggling, you realized it was no use. Just when you’d resigned to sitting back against the chair, a rattling sound echoed across the damp room. Looking up towards the door, you saw the handle jingle one, twice, thrice…and then it stilled.
You held your breath, fearing the men had returned to finish removing your tattered clothing, but this wasn’t the case. The door was thrown open with haste, the sudden brightness of torchlight nearly blinding you. Once you were able to fully open your eyes again, you gasped.
In strode three figures all dressed in brown capes, one holding a torch while the other two held heavy rifles over their shoulders.
The one in the middle let his gun clatter to the ground with a bang as he rushed towards you, causing you to flinch in fear.
“Y/N! Y/N, relax,” the voice spoke just above you. Relief flooded your being when you recognized the voice.
Levi had come.
“It’s just me…Just me…We’re here…Calm down.”
It was only then you realized you’d begun to thrash against your restraints, wanting nothing more than to sink into his embrace where you knew you would be safe. As it was your muffled cries could be heard through the nasty cloth in your mouth, which was quickly removed by Levi. Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you finally met his eye.
“We’ll talk later. For now, hold still. We’re getting you out of these cuffs, then we’re leaving.” Levi rushed, sinking to his knees to begin picking the lock chaining your legs to the chair. You were faintly aware of Mikasa and Jean working on freeing your arms, but all you could really focus on was Levi crouched between your knees, making fast work of the chains that held you captive.
Once you were free, Levi stood and looped an arm around your shoulders to help you stand. As you steadied your stance, he looked you over quickly.
“You think you can walk?” he asked quietly.
Wiping some stray tears away from your eyes, you nodded and started to move. With Levi and Mikasa’s assistance, you were able to follow after Jean as he led the way out of the room and down some halls with the light of his torch.
“Where…Are we?” you panted out as Levi and Mikasa guiding your movements.
“Some shitty abandoned store about two miles west of the warehouse we holed up in,” Levi answered curtly. His sharp gaze never left their surroundings.
Along the way, you saw men and women alike crumpled on the floor. They laid completely still, not even breathing. Drops of blood scattered around their bodies painting the floor and walls, and when you looked closer, you saw blood freckles across both Mikasa and Levi’s hands.
Gulping down your nausea, you turned away from the sights on the floor and focused more on your breathing.
Once you were safely outside and in the company of the squad, you did a quick headcount out of habit.
“Eren…Christa…Where are they?” You asked aloud. The other were silent, fists and jaws clenched.
“They got to them before we could. But we’re tracking their captors just as we did yours.”
Once Mikasa had released her hold on you, you turned to Levi anxiously.
“You should have gone for them first. They’re just kids, we need to go-“
“We’ll discuss this on the way there, L/N.” Levi cut you off, but he didn’t sound so harsh when he spoke. Looking into his eyes, you saw worry and relief swimming in his gaze as he stared back at you. Slowly, you nodded your understanding.
After another silent moment, Levi released his hold from around your shoulders and barked orders to his squad to prepare to ride out, all the while keeping you near him and in his sights.
As you followed him around, you tried your best to fix your torn and bloodied clothes. This didn’t go unnoticed by Levi, who quickly shrugged off his cloak and draped it around your shoulders to hide what exposed shin you showed, much to your relief.
“We’ll get you taken care of in the wagon. Hange’s meeting up with us soon,” he murmured, furrowing his brows as he watched you hug the cloak tighter to yourself.
You nodded, keeping your head down. Or at least, you had tried to, before he lifted your chin up slowly with his fingers to meet his gaze. You stared back inquisitively, still fighting off the anxious shivers that wracked your body.
His eyes flicked across your face, as though searching for an answer to an unspoken question. Heaving a sigh, he finally looked away, but kept his hand holding your chin.
You opened your mouth to speak, but Hange’s excited and breathless tone tore both your attentions away from one another.
“Wagon and horses are ready! Pile up, we’ve got some kids to catch!”
Sighing, you allowed Levi to help you up into the wagon away from Hange’s insistent questioning.
“Not now four eyes. She needs rest, not interrogated.” With a glance over his shoulder towards you, his tone softened. “She’s been though enough on our behalf today.”
Night had fallen before you’d reached this chapel Hange had told you about. They’d taken the time to fill you in on what had transpired while you were held captive. And in turn, you’d told them the horrors of the room you’d been chained in for hours.
Before long, Levi rode up alongside the wagon you sat in. You’d made sure all the while that he could hear your recount from where concersed with Hange. He shot you a look, then quickly tied his reins to the wagon and hopped from his horse over the wooden railing to swiftly take a seat beside you once Hange had ridden ahead.
Hot, you couldn’t help but think.
“How are you?” he asked softly, shuffling a little closer to where you sat curled up on yourself.
“Better, now,” you murmured, shooting him a kind but small smile over your hunched shoulders. You scooted a little closer to him as well, ready to use to the excuse you’d just thought up of being too cold, should he ask.
He eyed your still torn clothes and glared; not at you, you knew, but at the state those men had put you in.
“Hange told me…” You started off lowly. “And…that man as well…That was Kenny the Ripper, who grabbed me. He’s working with the MP’s? Didn’t he used to, yknow…kill them?”
“Seems so,” Levi sighed, beginning to gently remove your borrowed cloak. Assessing your state, he brought a clean cloth from his pocket to the cut on your collar bone.
“After capturing you, he was able to send his men after the rest of us and take Eren and Christa. We chased them through Trost, and lost several of our men, but we…I, was able to to question one of them before ending their life. The information they gave me led me to you. Though, not nearly as soon as I’d have liked it to.”
You took in this information silently, content with just watching him clean off the cuts marring your collar bones, arms, and torso. After he was finished, he brought up a small case from under the bench and produced a needle and thread.
“I’m sorry; this is going to hurt.” he warned, looking up to catch your eye. Gritting your teeth, you shifted yourself to face him and avoided watching what he was doing. As he prepared the thread, you closed your eyes to prepare for the sting that was to follow.
But it never came. Instead, you felt a soft touch on your cheek. Startled, you opened your eyes to see his hand brushing away a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered. “Though I’m relieved we found you in time, before anything worse could happen…I’m sorry; that you ended up in such a situation.” Levi whispered, holding your gaze intently. Fighting back a blush, you just stared back.
“The moment I realized you hadn’t returned…I panicked. I cost us lives in my haste to find you,” he continued, rushing out his words now in urgency.
“I couldn’t find you fast enough. I can’t-I couldn’t bear to lose my last cadet. Not after…I couldn’t lose you.”
Touched by his words, you found the sudden strength and courage to reach out to lower his hands from your arm where he’d been preparing to stitch you up. You took his hands in yours, and leaned your head onto his shoulder.
“I didn’t tell them a thing. Not one. And it may have been…well…torture…but I’d have done it all over again to protect you, Levi.”
You looked up at him with a smile, noting the slight color rising to his cheeks.
“I’m glad it was you who found me. I was waiting for you.”
His eyes took on a new emotion; one you’d never seen before. Mirroring the look in your own eyes, you knew that whatever had been brewing between the two of you, was blossoming into much more.
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devildomimagines · 3 years
Is it okay if I request head cannons of the Brothers reacting to an Mc that’s like Nezuko from demon slayer? They’re an adorable bean that doesn’t talk much (they make grunting, humming, and soft sounds) but they do wholesome things for the brothers like help them with errands, listen to them rant, and just be a comforting presence for them. Don’t get me started on how nice their hugs, headpats, and cuddles feel! Idk if you want MC to be a demon but if they are, they were a muzzle to keep their fangs in check (they take it off when they eat), they can shrink to a Chibi size when they hide or run away, can regenerate should they lose a limb, and they understand curses and demonic language.
How the Demon Brothers would react to an MC like Nezuko
Heck yeah Anon! Sorry for the delay, it’s been a while since I watched Demon Slayer myself so I wanted to rewatch some episodes to refresh haha. The scene I painted for myself was that you came to Devildom as a human but got turned into a demon by some sort of accident. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy!
Finally, someone that sleeps just as much, if not more than him! He loves it!
MC’s presence is very comforting to him and he comes to expect MC anytime that he feels sleepy (so all the time lol)
Tired cuddles are his favorite, you’re both not quite awake but not totally asleep and when you pet his head, he swoons.
He would be surprised when you understand that he was drawing a curse trap for Lucifer and shake your head no to try to talk him out of it.
Belphie would actually be relieved you’re a demon now because it would make you less fragile and be able to recover from any physical injuries.
The two of you together in the kitchen means destruction, there are no if’s, and’s or but’s. You’re both ravenous.
He was pleasantly surprised when you first changed size to match him. He’s nervous when you change to your chibi size, you were already small and now you’re smaller?!
There would be no need for you to get smaller for him as he has no problem carrying your average size.
Delighted when he took you to a small restaurant and the entire menu is in demonic language but you had no problem reading it and picking out what you wanted. That means he can take you to other places too!
Like his twin, also relieved you’re a demon to make you stronger and less likely to be hurt accidentally by him or his brothers.
Absolutely adores when MC changes size, it’s so cute how small you are.
Although MC doesn’t have a lot to say, they listen to everything that Asmo has to say and he lives for the attention.
He loves hugs! He is not afraid to ask for a hug when he needs one. As the Avatar of Lust, he doesn’t often get head pats but is amazed how much he enjoys getting them from MC.
He’s blown away when you picked out exactly the perfume he wanted from his collection. He asked, “can you read this?” and pointed to the symbols. When you nodded, he squealed with a giggle and hugged you.
Asmo doesn’t mind you being a human or demon but being a demon means that you can stay with them longer.
He finds having MC around very calming to his rage. 
No matter the size, MC’s weight against his body as he reads is grounding and their humming is his favorite sound.
Satan loves your hugs away from prying eyes and holding you hand as he guides you through the marketplace to his favorite cafe or book store.
He was impressed when you picked up a book and seemed to understand what it said, even though it was in a demonic language.
Like Asmo, he doesn’t mind if you are human or demon because you are you. But he is drawn to finding how to turn you back since it is unprecedented and learning how to do it is something he’s never learned before.
Insanely flustered the first time you shrink to fit in his lap as he was gaming. Although you had figured the smaller size would be less distracting, it was in fact very distracting because of how cute you are.
You’ve always been a good listener, really the only one willing to hear out his rants about the latest anime release. Your nods and grunts of encouragement spur him on.
Any physical affection gets him flustered and blushy. Head pats, hugs, and hand holding just mess him up with it. He loves it but won’t admit or ask for it.
Stunned when you pointed to the symbol that matched the game Levi was describing. He picked up the manga with the symbol and nodded enthusiastically, “Exactly MC! This is the manga it was based on!”
Torn between keeping you as a demon here in Devildom or changing you back to the human you were. Ultimately he would want it to be your choice but he hopes beyond hope that you’ll stay by his side.
As your first man, he is still very protective over you. He knows what it’s like being a new demon so he helps in any way he can.
He gets a little spooked the first time you change into a smaller size since he can’t do that but picks MC up without a second thought. I feel like he played a big part in helping raise the little bros so holding a smaller being is second nature to him by now.
He’s such a tsundere but we all know he loves hugs and headpats. He will always reach out to hold hands in public so everyone knows you’re his.
You confused Mammon when you stopped him abruptly. He followed your pointed finger to see a curse mark on the floor. By the looks of it, it was Satan’s work, most likely meant for Lucifer. He took your hand and walked around, “thanks,” he squeezed your hand and kept walking ahead.
While he would love to have you around, he would understand wanting to turn back. The accident didn’t leave you with much of a choice in the matter of turning into a demon. He would be supportive of whatever you chose.
Somewhat misses verbal confirmation of yes’s and no’s but adjusts pretty quickly to visuals of shaking or nodding your head.
Intrigued when you first changed size in front of him. That wasn’t something he or his brothers could do so maybe that was something unique to the human-to-demon transformation.
Lucifer isn’t really into pda but appreciates your touches in the privacy of his office or room. His favorite are your soft hugs, it makes the stress of the day melt away. He will wrap a protective arm around you in public to make it clear to those around you that you are not to be messed with.
His eyebrows shoot up when you start humming along with one of his cursed vinyl records, as if you knew what was being said. Then he realizes you do know what they’re saying.
He is the most dedicated to turning you back. He has made himself personally responsible for returning you to the state you arrived. Absolutely will not stop searching for a way.
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ultimately-mediocre · 4 years
hewwo, could you please write fluff for uhhhhhh nagito ig? idk i just want to make a request :) maybe a date at the fair or smth?
ty for sending in a request! and I’m always a sucker for Nagito so ty for that too hfhfhf I did end up diverging a bit from the date idea so lemme know if you’d like me to try again! Hope ya like it!
*Note: this is probably a bit canon divergent as it involves the 4th island but Nagito hasn’t yet received the monokuma files. Or you can just imagine it takes place in the Island Mode if you prefer :)
Nagito x Reader Fluff -
Your feet hit the ground faster than your mind could keep up with. You needed to get to Nagito’s cottage as fast as possible, the idea of wasting time made your stomach churn.
He was supposed to have met you at Nezumi Castle nearly an hour ago now. The two of you were planning on exploring the new island together, but he had never shown.
You didn’t want to think about why he hadn’t shown up, especially not with the way things were on the island. The only thing you could do to keep those worries at bay was focus on the sound of your feet hitting the wooden deck beneath you, and silently pray that you wouldn’t hear an announcement ring out.
Knocking was the last thing on your mind as you finally reached his door, pushing it open as fast as you could manage. Your eyes darted around the room frantically. Everything in you was prepared to scream for help at the first sign of trouble, until you found him. And you finally let yourself stop.
He was sat down on the floor, his back against the wall near his bed, with his legs drawn in close to his chest. He looked like he’d been snapped out of a daze by the sound of the door slamming open. He stared up at you with startled eyes while you caught your breath in the doorway.
“Why are-“
“Thank god you’re alright.” You cut his question off, closing the door behind you as you moved to go sit in front of him.
“I was worried sick, I had no idea where you were, I had no idea if you were even....,” you trailed off for a moment, not wanting to admit the fears you had. Saying them made the weight of them too real.
“I’m just glad you’re okay.”
He furrowed his brow slightly, looking a bit lost as to why you seemed so distressed.
“Why wouldn’t I be- oh,” realization hit him quickly, and his eyes shot over to the clock on the wall, he had lost track of time.
“I’m so sorry I... I didn’t mean to keep you waiting like that,” his apology came out frantically, like he was worried you’d leave before he could get it out.
“You shouldn’t have even come to check on me. For scum like me to leave someone like you waiting.... and after you were nice enough to give me your time in the first place? All because I was too wrapped up in my own self pity. How disgusting. I don’t-“
You cut him off again, not wanting to let him get too far into a self loathing spiral. You frowned slightly, and reached a hand up to place it on the side of his face, gently brushing aside the hair that had fallen into his eyes as you did so. Your thumb rubbed his cheek softly in an attempt to calm him.
“Not scum.” You stated simply, something you made point to remind him anytime he got like this.
He froze for a moment, consistently caught off guard by the affection, no matter how many times you had given it before.
He closed his eyes, allowing himself the privilege of leaning into your touch and smiling softly.
“....Not scum.” He repeated the affirmation back to you after a few seconds of hesitation.
It was small grounding technique the two of you had come to use often in these situations. It didn’t always work, but the reassurance was still nice.
“I am sorry though. I didn’t mean to make you worry.” He mumbled, opening his eyes to look at you again.
“It’s alright.” You used your hand to push the remaining hair out of his face, and moved to sit beside him with your back against the wall.
“Right now I’m more focused on whatever was stressing you out so much it made you lose track of time.”
Nagito sighed as you rested your head on top of his shoulder, looking down at you nervously. It was like he was worried if he told you, you’d pop out of existence.
“It’s just... things have been good lately. You’ve been so kind to me, even though I don’t deserve it. You make me... happy. And I can’t help but think about how lucky I am that you even care about someone like me.”
He paused for a moment. Seemingly unaware at how much you had begun to blush hearing him say that, as he hugged his knees closer to his chest.
“And knowing how lucky I am... it just makes me know how much it’s going to hurt when that luck turns. Even if I know eventually something beautiful will come of it... the idea of seeing you in such despair is.... unnerving.”
He met your eyes nervously, worried he was upsetting you.
You gave him a small nod, encouraging him to go on, so he did.
“When you asked me to come with you to the new island today I couldn’t help but think of all the ways it could go wrong.”
You noticed him picking at his nails nervously, and reached down to lace your fingers between his.
“I’m not going to leave you Nagito. I promise.”
You gave his hand a gentle squeeze to distract him as you spoke.
“Your luck isn’t the thing that’s making me stay with you. I’m here because I care about you. I made that choice myself, and I can handle whatever consequences that come because of it.”
He frowned a bit, and lowered his head to rest it on yours.
“But you don’t know that. The possibilities of something going wrong are endless. You shouldn’t have to suffer, not because of me. There’s nothing to be gained from that.”
You sighed softly, you knew he was trying. He didn’t mean to be contradictory, he just needed things to make sense. Nagito’s mind worked off of rationalizations, and you knew his lack of coherence when it came to you worried him.
You moved your head up, and he followed suit. The two of you shifted so you could look each other in the eyes.
“You’re right,” you started gently, “there are endless ways that things could go wrong. But that just means there’s endless ways that they could go right, too.”
You leaned your forehead against his as he thought.
“And I’ve decided that whichever cards we end up being dealt, I won’t regret having chosen you.”
He pressed his forehead further against yours, as if he was trying to share his thoughts with you that way.
“But what if-“
“No what if’s.” You shook your head slightly.
“No hypotheticals. Not right now. We’re safe right now. We can be happy right now. And there’s a chance we always will be.”
He furrowed his brow, trying his best to understand how you could be so casual about this.
He had expected you to be more upset. He had expected to be the one trying to comfort you, though he didn’t expect to be good at it.
You moved to hold his face with both of your hands, and rubbed your thumbs gently over his cheeks once again.
“Don’t worry too much Nagito.”
You pressed a soft kiss onto his forehead.
“Just remember how good things can be. Just have hope.”
He smiled at your words, and lifted his head to kiss your forehead in return.
“Of course.” He said simply, before gently pulling you onto his lap and into a tight hug.
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skzfelixity · 4 years
The request I'm about to do OH HONEY ISTG ITS GOING TO SOUND RIDICULOUS AND STOOPID BUT I'LL TRY (maybe a bit long?) So it's basically a Harry Potter X True beauty (Han Seojun) like the reader who has studied in Hogwarts for a while decides that she also wants to experience like the normal muggle school (the reader is a muggle but never got the chance to like go to the normal school and had to go to Hogwarts) so she starts at they school and like Seojun takes an interest in her and they start dating but Seojun still doesn't know that she is like a witch and one day a situation had come up where the reader was with Seojun and she like HAD to use her wand. She likes starts telling him about her Hogwarts house (mine is Gryffindorput you can pick which everyou want💕), like the wand, potions, flying brooms, Diagonally and stuff. PLEASE THIS REQUEST SOUNDS STUPID BUT IDK WHY I LIKED IT😭
This idea was so creative, it’s not stupid at all! Plus, I love crossovers. I got so excited to write it and I am a gryffindor too! But hear me out, Hufflepuff!Seojun-
Magical Girl | Han Seojun [True Beauty]
Muggle!Seojun x Gryffindor!Muggle Born!Reader | Harry Potter AU
Summary: You decide to leave hogwarts and attend a school full of muggles. Meeting a very interesting muggle, you find yourself falling for him. No one knew about your secret until you had to help your boyfriend.
Warnings: none
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You liked Hogwarts, you really did. Your friends, teachers and the places were amazing but you felt the need to attend a muggle school before graduating. It would be your 6th year if you didn’t leave. Your parents were so glad to have you back, you could spend everyday together. They didn’t have the chance to see you grow, at least they will be by your side for the rest of your school years. You missed them too and the friends you’ve lost since you left for Hogwarts.
You used to meet up with your old friends from elementary school when you came back home for holidays but after your 3rd year you stopped talking to each other. No particular reason, it’s normal for friends to drift away without realising it. According to your parents, they didn’t live here anymore so you surely had no one familiar to look forward to.
The day to go to school quickly came. You wore your Gryffindor scarf around your neck, it felt weird not wearing your usual robe that you were so fond of. Well there’s always Haloween for that, don’t worry. Your wand was inside your right boot, there was a risk of it breaking but you took it anyway. You weren’t going to leave the wand alone at home, that’s way more dangerous than having it with you.
You made your way through the hallway, girls and boys stepping aside for you to walk pass them. You didn’t really pay attention to their looks of jealousy and admiration since you were too caught up in the thought of your backpack being heavy. You didn’t really need to carry a bag at Hogwarts so this was new to you as well. Seojun, who was munching on his milk bread, wondered what all this fuss was about.
“Did you see the new girl?”
“Yeah, she is really pretty!”
New girl? He got his hopes up at the mention of a new student. He had been waiting for a girl who would finally interest him, could this be his lucky day? Nah, he told himself to not overreact but when he saw you, oh god, butterflies. His stomach did a double back flip twice. You were for sure the prettiest girl he had laid his eyes on.
He complained to his mom yesterday about not liking anyone from school, coincidence? I think not.
He rushed to you, fashion model catwalk and hands in his pockets. “Hello there,” he smirked at your surprised face. Well, you didn’t expect anyone to talk to you that fast. You got nervous because someone talked to you, that someone was a guy, a really tall and handsome guy. You managed to greet him back, your hands gripping tightly on your backpack, which seemed to be getting heavier and heavier.
Seojun obviously noticed how uncomfortable you were and got the backpack off your shoulders in order to slide it to his shoulder, “Let me help.”
Taken aback by his kindness, you stopped walking. Seojun panicked when he didn’t see you walking beside him, too afraid that he invaded your personal space. He needed to play it cool though.
“Oh right, I didn’t introduce myself,” he turned to you and gave you a small smile, “Han Seojun.”
You stepped closer to him, shaking the hand he had out for you, “Y/N L/N.”
“Nice scarf, by the way.” You thanked him with a shy grin. The scarf meant a lot  more to you than he knew and you didn’t expect anyone to compliment you on it. Everyone was more focused on your face but he wasn’t and that was what made him stand out. You led the way, letting him carry your bag until you reach your classroom.
“My desk is that one in the back. No one is sitting on my right so,” He winked at you as he handed you your bag. You thought that wink was the hottest and cutest thing combined. You were too affected by it to hear the teacher entering and calling your name, “Y/N?”
Your head snapped at the teacher’s direction, your cheeks turning pink. Seojun chuckled at you, he noticed the affect his wink had on you and noted to try it again later.
You ended your speech, everyone clapped and told you how pretty you looked. You sat in the back, next to Seojun. You turned to look at him, only to find him looking at you already. “What?”
He shook his head and looked at the board ahead of him. There was just something different about you, he could feel it. He wanted to find out what that something was and get to know you better. Great, you’re stuck with a goofy simp.
You found yourself falling for him and you started pushing him away once you realised. Dating a muggle was something that you never had to worry about but now you were stressing over it. It wasn’t like he liked you back, he had a lot of people that would love to hang out with him but he chose you. He walked you home almost everyday, he ate lunch with you, he bought you snacks and he was always by your side. These were enough to assume that he had a crush on you. 
You looked at him as he fooled around with Chorong in the hallway. You definitely have a crush on this boy too but you were scared at the thought of dating him. You were different from others and dating a muggle was more difficult than it sounded.
You needed to know if he really liked you though. The question was bothering your chest, maybe because you liked him a lot. You dragged him away from his friends, finding somewhere quiet to talk.
“What are you doing?” Seojun raised an eyebrow at you. You never approached him so it felt weird, he always talked to you first. Let’s just say his heart was about to explode. You slammed him on the wall, making his eyes widen. He couldn’t have done something to make you mad. Then why did you seem mad?
Your expression softened, realising that you didn’t dragged him here to use avada kedavra on him but to ask him if he liked you.
“Do you like me?” You looked into his eyes, watching him relax as the question fell out of your mouth.
“You scared me, I thought I did something wrong!” He let out a sigh of relief and placed a hand on his heart. You must have been a little intimidating but you couldn’t help it. The whole thought of liking and dating him had been eating you away for some weeks now. You were angry at the fact that you couldn’t be completely open with your significant other. That’s why you avoided him, you didn’t want to have feelings for him.
“And yes, I like you,”  he admitted as if it wasn’t a big deal. With your assumptions proved right, you turned to leave. One part of you wanted to stay and ask him out but the othert told you to run away. However, Seojun stopped you from doing so, “I know you don’t like me back but you shouldn’t just leave like that.”
You froze and turned to face him. He really thought that you didn’t like him, that was your plan anyway. You managed to keep your feelings to yourself but it didn’t feel right. Pushing all of the fears and doubts aside, you impulsively decided to tell him how you felt too. It would only be fair if you were as honest as you could be with him, “I actually like you too.”
He didn’t believe what he heard. All the time you pushed him away, told him to leave you alone and not bother you meant that you liked him? He didn’t understand other people’s feelings anyway but that was far away than what your actions told him.
You started dating, spending more time together. Dating him wasn’t as hard as it seemed before, he was a gentleman after all. Your worries grew bigger though, what if he found out that you were a witch? What if he found out and break up with you? You had to push those thoughts away to be able to enjoy time with him. You should focus on him, you will worry when the time comes.
You were walking home from school, hand in hand. You were talking about your day and how boring classes were when you heard a cat meowing. You tried to find where the sound came from. Seojun nudged your side and pointed at a tree near you, a white cat was stuck on a branch. “Should we call-”
“Don’t bother, I can save it,” Seojun walked to the tree with you following behind him. When he was about to climb up the tree, you grabbed his shoulder, “It’s dangerous, you will get hurt.”
“it’s okay, I got it,” he started climbing up the tree, which was a kinda tall one. As he was about to grab the branch, his other hand slipped. You were prepared with your wand behind your back, there was no way he would climb up there safely.
“Arresto Momentum!” You yelled out with your wand in hand. Seojun was prepared to hit the ground but he didn’t feel anything. He opened his eyes to see that the ground was a few inches away from him. “I got it my ass,” you let him down slowly, making sure to not hurt him. Seojun’s eyes were wide open and they landed on the wand in your hand. “How did you do that?”
“I am a witch,” you straight up told him. There was no point in finding excuses, he saw everything after all. As he took his time to process what you said, you rescued the cat using your wand.
“A w-witch?” He didn’t say anything for a long time so you expected him to run away but you were far wrong from it.
“That’s so cool! Can you teach me too?” He stood up from the ground and ran to you. You chuckled at him, relieved that he wasn’t weirded out or frightened by you. You had been worrying for nothing. “I can’t teach you dumbo, I can tell you about the world of magic though.”
He nodded his head enthusiastically and sat under the tree that the cat was stuck on a few minutes ago. You sighed and sat down, this was going to be a long evening.
“Letters to attend Hogwarts, the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry are sent to kids who are considered magical when they reach the age of 11. Neither my mother or my father are wizards so we were really confused when I received mine. They were reluctant to let me go there but I ended up going. I don’t regret it even though I spent all my years there apart from holidays, I learnt a lot.”
Seojun was carefully listening at you, curious about the new world he had learned about. “You lived there?”
“Yes, Hogwarts is divided into 4 houses. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. I am a Gryffindor!” You smiled proudly at the memories with your friends and all the wins in Quidditch your house had got. “Each house has its own colour, animal and values.”
“Which house would I be in?” Seojun asked you, the excitement in his eyes was so clear. You had known him for a while now and you have thought about his Hogwarts house a lot. “Most likely Hufflepuff,” even though you weren’t the sorting hat, you were sure Hufflepuff would be his house. “It values loyalty, justice, patient and hard work. Its colours are canary yellow and black.”
“I would love to go to Hogwarts, it sounds like an amazing place!”
“It really is. There is also Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. Diagon Alley is a shopping area. There are restaurants, shops and you can get all the supplies you need for Hogwarts from there. Hogsmeade is a village, where we go for our school trips. It has everything your stomach desires! I love the sweets there.” You laughed at the memory of one of your friends stuffing their mouth with sweets from Zonko’s Joke and having a stomachache the next day.
“Do you think I can go there?” He asked definitely hoping for a positive answer. He sulked as you shook your head, “Muggles are not allowed.”
“Muggles?” He frowned at the foreign word, liking the way it sounded.
“Normal people, we call you muggles.”
“Aren’t you a muggle too?” His question brought back the memories of others asking you if you were a muggle born. You sometimes envied halfbloods and purebloods. They didn’t have to get teased for being who they are. “I am considered a muggle born.”
He stayed silent as he noticed your change in mood, he will remember to question you later. He desperately tried to find something else to ask so you wouldn’t be thinking about it any longer.
“Do you really fly with brooms?” He was pretty sure that the flying broomsticks was a myth but he couldn’t find something better to ask. Better laugh at him than being upset.
“Yeah, they didn’t let us transport with them in school.” He widen his eyes, so it wasn’t a myth? He was shocked that people for once were right for something they hadn’t seen.
“What a bummer, I bet it would be nice to move around in a broom.” He won’t tell you but he used to ride brooms when he was little, pretending that he was flying. You agreed with him, it would make your feet hurt less for sure. “Can you show me a spell?”
“Someone might see, idiot!” you reminded him and playfully smacked the back of his head. There was no doubt that if he was a wizard, he would have been caught by muggles.
“Right... tell me about your favourite spells then,” he still wanted to learn about spells even though you couldn’t perform them.
“Well I have a lot. There is Lumos, a charm that illuminates the tip of the caster's wand, allowing the caster to see in the dark. There is also the levitation spell, a charm used to make objects fly. I like amortenia, it’s not a spell but a potion. It’s a love potion and it smells differently to people according to who they are attracted to.” You felt so proud being able to explain so much about magic. When you first started learning, you never imagined you would be explaining these to someone.
“Can you make the potion? So we can smell each other...” You laughed at his ears getting red. “I don’t think we need it but I can try,” you caressed his cheek as he blushed more.
“Can I see your wand?” You nodded and handed him your wand. You wouldn’t give it to anyone but you trusted him enough to not break it, he isn’t Ron Weasley. “Do you need wands to cast spells?”
“Not really. However, casting a spell without a wand requires a lot more concentration so we use wands a lot.” You remembered the time when you tried to cast a spell without your wand and made everyone in the room disappear. You never tried it again.
“Are you really fine with me being a witch?” You asked him as he handed you back your wand. He gave you a small smile, “Of course, why would I not be?”
“I don’t know...”
He really liked you, the fact that you were a witch wouldn’t stop him from being with you. “If anything, I like you more now!”
You held his hand and you both stood up to leave. In the end, you had nothing to worry about. He still liked you the same, no changes in his behaviour. Loving this certain muggle definitely made your life easier.
“Do you think our kids will get their letters for Hogwarts?”
“Probab- OUR WHAT?”
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Opposites- Peter Parker x Female Reader
   Kody: sassy reader for the win
   Movie/Show: Spider-Man: Homecoming / Infinity war / Endgame
   Request: hi, how are you? i hope everything is okay! it's ok if i ask for some peter×reader where the reader is all sass and peter is all shy and cute maybe? idk, don't really have something specific in mind, but i really like your writing thank you! 💕 @loudbluepancake
   Possible Triggers / Warnings: cursing, puke/throwing up/vomit, angst because i suck, Peter being to innocent for his own good
      people always say opposites attract. That two completely different people could cherish each other. You didn’t really believe in such superstitions for most of your life. That was until you met Peter Parker in chemistry class, it was like your whole idealism was thrown into orbit. 
   it was sophomore year and you despised anything science related. Mostly because you sucked at it- okay that’s the only reason. Your teacher had issued some work packet, about six pages to be finished by the end of class. The urge to throw yourself out the window was growing by the second. 
   you guessed your internal struggle became visible at one point because you felt a light tap on your shoulder. 
   your head snapped to the left like an owl, startling the brown haired boy in front of you “What?” you said rather harshly due to your stress. He purses his lips together, contemplating whether it was a good idea to come over to you after all, he just had to listen to Ned.
   he holds out his hand, offering it for her to shake with a nervous smile “I’m Peter- uh Peter Parker. I saw you were um- struggling? I can help” he says, stumbling over his words a bit, something he usually did. You eyed him up and down, noting his nervous stature. 
   narrowing your eyes for a second, you sigh “Yeah clearly. I’d appreciate that. I’m Y/n by the way” you reach and grab his hand, shaking it twice before letting go. “Pretty- i mean your name is pretty. Sorry” he apologized quickly. Watching him trip over himself was kinda funny.
   “Well i hope i don’t look ugly either” you said, a small grin on your face as his drops to a worried look. “No!-” he exclaims, earning a harsh shoosh from the teacher in front of the classroom and a few weird stares at his outburst. Peter takes notice and smiles nervously around the room. 
   he turns to look at you and sighs “That was joke wasn’t it?” his face scrunches up. He looked cute that way “Yeah, but i would actually like your help” you admit with a half smile. He blinks mindlessly for a moment before exhaling deeply “Alright”
   and that’s how it started
   six months later
   after your quick encounter, would would always bug Peter on chemistry work when it didn’t make sense to you, so most of the time. “I- I’m busy Y/n” he spoke, not looking in your direction “With what?” you asked, not believing him in the slightest. He was such a bad liar.
   his hands clench a bit as he crosses his arms “I’m going out of town for a bit” he says and Ned nods along with him. Ned didn’t look like he was lying, so you figured he was in the dark too? Unfortunately you were a hot head “when you want to buck up and tell me the fucking truth, delete my number” 
   Peter looks up at you, his mouth opening to say something. He wanted to say something, anything really, but he knew he couldn’t. How was he supposed to say he was going to Germany to fight Captain America with Tony Stark. Oh yeah he was also Spider-Man!, but he really wanted too. 
   his mouth closed and you took that as your cue to leave. Turning on your heels, you walk towards the door of the classroom “Y/n!” Peter calls out, but instead of turning round you lift your hand up and flip him off. As you walk out the door Peter drops his head onto the table. 
   “That girl has too much sass for her own good” Ned says, Peter just folded his arms and sighs, but he did agree. You on the other hand were huffing and puffing as you walked out, trying to calm yourself down and convince yourself that Peter blowing you off shouldn’t hurt as much as it did. 
   two weeks later
   you were sitting at your desk looking at your chemistry textbook and taking notes. The truth was you had been taking Peter’s study techniques to heart and were actually passing because of it. You had just gotten so used to Peter coming over to help you study for tests that you assumed he’d be there. 
   maybe it was selfish of you too expect him to bend to your will, but he was your only friend other then Ned and Maybe Michelle, but she was more of a loner at the moment, but she’d come around. You liked watching him teach you because he was confident in the way he spoke.
   but you loved his shy side, because you could get an reaction out of him by anything you said- that sounded more mean then it should. You were brought back to reality once you hear your cat meow next to you, since they were sitting on your desk. 
   “Do you think he has a girlfriend and that’s why he blew me off?” you ask your furry fellow who nuzzles it’s head into your hand. “It’s not like i would care if he had a girlfriend. We don’t even like each other like that” you shrug your shoulders, the words not feeling right as you say them.
   “Are you talking to your cat?”
   “What the fuck!” you shout and jump out your chair to face your window. Perched on the windowsill was a guy in a red and dark blue spider suit. Spider-Man. He raises his hands up in defense, almost falling back out the window “Okay okay, maybe i should have knocked” he joked.
   was he- making jokes?
   you turn to your desk and grab from the stack of textbooks, chemistry. You chuck it at him and he catches it “Yeah that’s not gonna work” he says with an amused laugh, but it’s cut short s you throw your english book next and it hits him straight in the head. 
   “Ow! What is your problem?!” he shouts and throws your books onto your bed. You deadpan and gesture to the room “Your in a 15 year old girls room you fucking creep!” you shout back. “If it makes you feel any better i’m also 15!” he says, dodging more flying books and throwing them on the bed.
   “It doesn’t dipshit, your still a man!” 
   “Okay okay, i’m sorry!” he apologizes, letting out a groan as he grabbed his his side. You narrow your eyes and drop the book you were holding “What’re you hurt or something?” you question, He lets out a small laugh “Ran into a mugger on the way here- i mean i live around here”
   “Right and you stopped by my room because?” you say, not fully trusting spider boy over here. “I heard you talking to yourself- well cat and thought you needed some company” he shrugs. At this point you thought he was either a creep or a really nice dumb guy. 
   “Why were you talking to your cat. Don’t have friends?” he said and you life up the book again to throw it at him “No no no i mean like you seem like a nice gal, so i assumed you would have friends?” he quickly mustered up the words. You roll your eyes “Nice save” you say before sitting on your bed.
   “I have three, one is busy with crime documentaries, one is building legos, and i’m not talking to the third” a frown overtook your face. Spider-man stepped through the window and sat down, leaning against the wall “What’s the reason?” he said, sounding unsure if that made sense. 
   “He’s a dick and lied to me” you reply, hoping off the bed to sit on the floor, but still lean against the wooden frame of said bed. “How do you know he lied?” Spider-man questioned “He shoves his hands under his armpits and doesn’t make eye contact with me. He’s also just a shit liar”
   Spider-man went silent after that, mumbling something to himself before eventually speaking up “Maybe he had a good reason?” he said and you rolled your eyes. “I told him everything about myself and he lied to me. Maybe everyone else was right”
   “Everyone else?”
   “Most of our other classmates and people in our year in general think i’m obnoxious, loud, and just overall an overbearing attitude. Ned, my other friend just calls it sass.” cracking a smile, you advert your eyes to your hands to mindlessly pick at your nails. 
   you weren’t able to see as Spider-man’s fist clenched before sighing “Does he know about what they say about you?” he asked, already knowing the answer “Nah” you shake your head “I didn’t want to worry ‘bout lil old me. I guess someone got to him”
   “I don’t think that’s true”
   “How so spidey?”
   “If i was your friend i’d never believe what other people say about you. You don’t seem obnoxious” he says. That was kind ff sweet of him “Well you don’t seem like the kind of guy to fight Captain America, plus some other avengers but i saw the news yesterday”
   he reached behind to scratch the back of his clothed neck “That’s on the news already?” he asked. You lift your head and nod “Yeah dude, some people stayed back and recorded it i guess” you shrug, thinking that was a plausible answer. “Aw man” he whines, making you chuckle. 
   “I think you held your own for a good amount of time. i would have probably died, but i can’t shoot webs out my wrist so it only makes sense” you wave your hands a bit “Hey! i also have enhanced strength, reflexes, and speed. I’m amazing” he gloats. 
   “Alright Spider boy don’t let that go to your big head” 
   “It’s Spider-man, thank you very much” he replies with as much sass “I’m already rubbing off on you, get out of here before you become my clone” you joke, standing off the ground, Spider-man doing the same. You saw his mask move as he laughed a bit.
   “I should get home and you better call your friend, even if it’s just yell. I’m sure he’d want to hear your voice after how long?” he asked, going over to the window “Two weeks” you say, stepping towards him “Yeah he definitely misses you. See you around”
   “yeah yeah i will. See you round Spidey. Get that rib checked out by the way” you point at him in a mock scolding tone. He shakes his head “I will too, bye” and with that he fell back out the window. You went over and looked at the sidewalk just as he swung passed you. 
   he waves and you do too before shutting the window. What a weird dude. You look back at your desk and spot your phone “Dammit” you mumble and walk over slowly, like the device was going to jump out and bite your damn finger off. Once your close you grab your phone and swipe up, unlocking it. 
   you click on the green phone button. It opens up and you click contacts until you see ‘P.B Parker’ it was funny at the time you made it, now it seemed stupid. fuck, why did this seem so hard all of the sudden? You quickly click the call button before your mind could make you pussy out. 
   it rang once, then twice.. “Hello?” you press the phone to your ear, feeling nerves nip at your skin “Hey Parker” you say and it went silent for a few moments “It’s- uh It’s nice to hear your voice, i thought you’d ignore me forever” he says with a nervous laugh. 
   “Nah, i don’t have enough friends to do that. What were you really doing the past two weeks?” you ask, hoping to get straight answer from him “I was working with Tony Stark, i got an internship with him. I wanted it to be a surprise” he said. “Now i feel like a bitch”
   “Don’t- i. I should have said something. I don’t like when your mad at me Y/n. It’s both scary and depressing” he admits, which made your chest feel a bit warm “It’s because i’m so amazing i know” you reply, making him chuckle “Yeah, you are”
   you two ended up talking on the phone for hours about nothing and everything. He seemed more confident in the way he spoke as well, but you will always like the shy side of him. It was also the night you figured out you liked your best friend. 
   one month later
   “Hey guys, Peter’s in his room. I’m making turkey meatloaf” May says as she steps aside so you and ned could come through. May wraps her arms around you and squeezes you tightly “May. Losing. Oxygen. Tell my mom. I love her” you say dramatically and she laughs, letting go.
   you smile as she kisses your forehead before going back to the kitchen “Five bucks says she burns it” Ned says and you nod, shaking his hand. Both you and Ned walk into Peter’s room, not bothering to knock because you both suck “Where the hell is he?” Ned asked and you shrug. 
   “May said he was here, so she probably doesn’t know he’s out. I’m not snitching’” you raise your hands, pushing the door a bit with your foot. Ned rolls his eyes and goes over to Peter’s bed placing the box of legos down “I’ll call him” he says and you nod, taking a seat at his desk. 
   Ned lifts his phone to his ear and you could hear as it rang a rang, but Peter never picked up “I’ll text him were here and i guess will wait?” he says, unsure. You shoot him a shrug “Whatever you want to do dude” you reply. Ned sighs as he texts rapidly on his phone before looking at you.
   “You are no help sometimes, you know?” 
   “Fully aware. Now let’s build that death star thing to rub it in his face” you suggest, going over to sit next to Ned “It’s just death star” he says and you roll your eyes this time “Yeah whatever. Now open it up before i put legos in your shoe”
   a couple hours later
   “I don’t even know what it’s supposed to look like, but damn that’s cool” you say, looking at the fully built death star in the hands on Ned “Yeah! We have to take a picture for Peter-” Ned stopped talking as you both heard the window to the left of you both. 
   you tilted your head to watch as the the similar figure wearing red and dark blue suit clung onto the wall. What. The. Fuck!? Both you and Ned are stunned into the silence at the fact that Spider-man just crawled through your best friends room. 
   was this a normal thing for him?
   you were just beginning to process what was happening until Spider-man reached up to grab his mask and rip it off his head. You should have looked away, but you didn’t and what you saw some reason made you feel sick. The dorky face of Peter Parker.
   Peter slowly crawled across the ceiling until he was a few feet to the right of his door. He lifts his arm and shoots a web, slowly pulling it closed. Once he could no longer do that, his feet detached from the ceiling and he was dangling by one arm for a second until that detached as well. 
   he went to the door and used his hand to fully shut it, letting out a deep sigh. He turns around and his whole body freezes up, his  brown eyes going back and forth between you and Ned. Ned drops the death star, causing it too crash onto the floor and break apart. Damn- 
   Ned stood up abruptly while you looked around, reaching for the trash can beside his bed. You grab it and release the lunch you had earlier in it. “What was that?!” May called from the kitchen. Peter looked back and the door with a worried look “UH! Nothing! Nothing!” he shouts back.
   he looked back at Ned, who looked like he was bubbling with questions already “Your the Spider-man, from youtube” he breathes out. Peter pats his chest as his suit deflates around him. You look up for a moment, wiping your mouth to see Peter just in his boxers. “I’m not. I’m not” Peter repeats
   fuck, Shit, Damn- 
   emotions were everywhere at the moment. Wait did he have abs!? “You were on the ceiling you dipshit!” you shout at him, pointing up with your finger. Peter looks like he’s about to implode “NO i wasn’t. Guys what’re you doing in my room?!” 
   is he- trying to- turn this on you guys?
   “May let us in. You said we were going to finish the death star?!” Ned explains hastily. “You can’t just bust into my room!” Peter shoust back just as the door opens, causing him to stand next to Ned as smoke came filing into the room. Jesus, was the house on fire- oh nevermind. 
   damn you owned Ned five bucks. May came in laughing to herself “That turkey meatloaf recipe is a disaster. Lets go to dinner. Thai? Ned, Y/n you wan’t Thai?” she says, reaching up to take the clip out of her hair. Ned smiles “Yeah actually-” 
   “No he’s got a thing”
   “A thing to do after” Ned corrects, smiling nervously as May looked at you, waiting for your answer “I just puked in this trash can so” you say simply making May’s face become worried “Okay, i’ll go get some stomach medicine” she says, grabbing for the handle 
   “Maybe put on some clothes” 
   Peter purses his lips together and grabs a grey sweatshirt off his desk chair quickly. May smiles and closes the door, Peter going back to standing in front of both of you. Ned raises his hand gesturing to the door “Oh! She doesn’t know!” Ned says. 
   Peter sighs before turning back to ned. “No, nobody knows. Well Mr. Stark knows, but that’s because he made my suit, but that’s it” he explains, showing his arms through the sleeves of the sweatshirt. “Tony Stark made you that? Are you an avenger?” Ned says in pure disbelief. 
   Peter’s mouth went agape for a moment until his head did that cute, stupid little nod thing “Yeah basically” he says, shrugging his shoulders. Ned dramatically leaned against the bunk bed “Oh Jeez” Peter went to stand directly in front of him. You finally stood up and stood next to Ned
    “Dude, you guys can’t tell anyone about this. You gotta keep this a secret” he says in a hushed tone. This is a first seeing him so serious “A secret, why?” Ned says and you facepalm next to him “Seriously?” you say, whacking Ned’s arm. who swats your hand away. 
   Peter’s voice suddenly got very high in pitch “You know what she’s like. If she finds out people are trying to kill me every single night, she’s not going to let me do this anymore” he says, gesturing to the door every couple words. “Come on Ned please” Peter begs. 
   “Okay, okay, okay, kay I’m gonna level with you.I don’t think i can keep this a secret ” he says and Peter sighs, turning his head away “This is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me” he says. He acted like he just found out that he himself was Spider-man instead of Peter. 
   “May can not know. I can not do that to her right now, you know?. With everything that’s happened with her I- please” he pleaded his case once more, his voice cracking a bit. It would have pained you to see him like that a little more if the urge to strangle him wasn’t there. 
   “Just swear it okay, both of you”
   “I swear” Ned says and Peter looks at you. “Yeah i swear, for May’s sake” you make sure to point out you were still pissed at him. “Thank you” Peter says anyway. “Okay” you shrug your shoulders. Peter ran a hand through his hair “I can’t believe this is happening right now”
   “Is the internal freakout kicking in Spidey?” you say with a small grin on your face. “Can i try the suit on?” Ned asked “No“ both you and Peter say at the same time. “How does it work? Is it magnets?” How do you shoot the strings?” Ned kept the questions rolling. 
   Peter grabbed his arm, leading him towards the door “I’mma tell you this at school tomorrow okay?” he said and Ned nods as Peter grabs the door handle “Great. Wait ” Ned says and they both stop at the door. Did he forget about you. “How do you do this and the Stark internship” he asks. 
   Peter gives him a strange look “This is the Stark internship” he says and Ned smiles, nodding “Oh” Peter shakes his head and shoves Ned through the door “Just get out” he says and shuts it. He turns his back and leans against it, exhaling deeply. 
   you take a seat on his bed and grab your black sneakers so you can slip them on. “What’re you doing?” Peter asked, pushing himself off the door “Leaving. What does it look like genius?” you snap at him as you stand up once more “But May said she’d bring you some-”
   “I’ll tell her i’m fine. I just want to go home” you say and go to grab your bag off the floor when Peter shoots a web at it, pulling it towards him “I know your mad at me” he says “Oh so he is a genius, what do you want? a cookie. Give me my bag Peter” you say bitterly. 
   “I wanted to tell you, i really did. Especially after that night in your room-”
   “Don’t even bring that up”
   “Y/n please, just let me and explain” he begs as you walk towards him and go for the handle, but he shoots a web onto it before you can even touch it. You sigh and look at him with a glare “Fine” you submit and he nods, dropping your bag beside him. 
   “I was a normal kid my whole life and then my world was flipped over. I could do things no one else could and it was awesome, but i knew i couldn’t tell anyone but at the same time i knew i could help people. So i did and it became my new normal”
   you listened quietly, trying not to give off any emotions or whatever “then six months ago i met a girl who couldn’t do her chemistry work, so much so that she was breaking her pencil and didn’t even notice. Everyone calls her obnoxious and full of attitude, but i think she’s perfect”
   “Are you flirting with me Peter?” you asked and he smiles sheepishly “No- well yes, but i’m trying to tell you i like you. Like- like like you” he said then immediately averted his eyes away from you. “Oh” you breathed out, in shock yourself.  
   a few moments went by and both of you didn’t say a word, just stared at each other awkwardly. Peter seemed to become antsy by the second because out of nowhere he grabs your face with both of his hands, planting his lips on yours. It took you a second, but you kissed him back.
   pushing him away, you wipe your mouth “Peter i just puked in your trash can dumbass!”
   two years later / senior year
   “I fucking hate bridges” you groan, slumping down into your seat. Field trips sucked ass, especially when you had to drive over a bridge. “You’ll be fine” Peter reassures, wrapping an arm around you. You narrow your eyes and look at him “When we drive off this bridge and die. I’m blaming you”
   Peter shook his head before his face dropped and he looked at his arm. The hairs on his arm standing up. He takes his arm from around your head and places his hand over the hairs, causing your head to fall back “Ow. What the hell Peter?” you glare, 
   you sit up in your seat and spot what he’s looking at. Oh aliens- that’s fucking great. Wait your boyfriend is a superhero “Peter” you say, but he looks at the back of the bus before reaching in the front to tap Ned in the face. Ned takes out his earbud and looks back at him.
   “Hey Hey. I need you to cause a distraction” 
   “Ned don’t” You say, but it’s too late, Ned spots the spaceship, his face lighting up “Holy shit. We’re all gonna die!” he shouts, getting the attention of everyone on the bus. “Peter” you say again. Everyone gets out there seats and strats to crowd the back of the bus. “It’s a spaceship!”
   Peter reaches into his backpack and pulls out his web-shooter, slapping it on his wrist. It connects automatically. He points it out the window on the other side of the bed and shoots a web at the latch, pulling it open. You grab his arm, finally catching his attention “Peter for fucks sake think about this”
   “It’ll be fine. I always come back, you know this. I’ll see in a couple hours okay?” Peter flashes you a smile. You sigh and nod “Fine, come back soon” you say and he nods, leaning down to peck your lips. “I Love you, bye” he spoke quickly before launching himself out the window. 
   he had never said i love you before
   you were at home, religiously watching the news on your phone, switching to other channels if they didn’t have any view of Peter.  Speaking of Peter, he was currently holding onto Doctor Strange as something was beaming it up “Peter just let go” you say to yourself. 
   but you knew he wouldn’t
   you watched as the light post that was keeping him down was ripped out the earth and your boyfriend shot through the air, leaving earth with that spaceship. He was gone, but he would come back. That’s what he told you. Like she had been watching herself Mj’s contact appeared on your phone. 
   scrambling across your bed, you grab your phone, answering it “Y/n” she says before you have a chance to explode on her “He’s gone Mj What am i supposed to do?” you say, your words breaking like you had forgotten how to speak. Mj waits a few seconds before responding.
   “He’ll be back. No get some rest it’s late will meet at the cafe next to your house with Ned”
   two days later
   “Y/n, you looked like you haven’t slept” Ned points out, causing you to send a glare his way “Yeah no shit, my boyfriend is in fucking space and i haven’t seen him for two days, but yeah thanks for pointing that out dickwas” you snap, leaning back in your chair. 
   Ned purses his lips and looks around, begging for Mj to show up with your drinks already. “He’s my friend too, my best friend. I’m scared, but you know Peter. He’ll be back” he says. You look at him and sigh “Yeah i’m sorry Ned” you say and reach across of the table, opening your hand. 
   Ned takes your hand into his and you smile “You guys having a seance without me or something?” you both turn your heads to see Mj standing in front of the table. She places the drinks down, one in front of you and one in front of Ned. “God, did we have to chose a table outside it’s hella freezing”
   you laugh at Mj’s comment “I needed the fresh air. My room smells like depression and doritos” you say, making Mj snicker this time. You lift up your drink and look at Ned who is frozen in fear. “Ned” you say, placing your cup down.
   Ned doesn’t say a word, only lifting his finger, pointing at something between you and Mj, who had taken a seat next to you. Both you and Mj turn around to see people- people turning into dust and floating away like a old dandelion you blew to make a wish on as a kid. 
   Mj’s eyes widen “We have to go!” she shouts and just as you were both ready to take off- “Guys” you both turn to look at Ned. He’s staring at his hand, watching as he came apart and floated away “Ned!” you shout and jump out the seat, going over to him. 
   Mj grabs his hand, but he goes right through it. You can see her eyes watering, you can’t remember ever seeing her cry before “Ned, it’s going to be okay” she says. “I- i feel weird” Ned spoke. You both lift him out the chair, but it’s too late. The last bit of him had flown away.
   “Oh god” Mj spoke, looking at her own hands, she was fading away as well. You grabbed her shoulders, both of you in tears at this point “Mj you can’t leave me, okay? That’s not how this friendship works. Your to stubborn for this bullshit” you spoke through sobs.
   Mj’s knees buckled under her and you fell with her. As soon as her lower legs touched the ground she was gone. You didn’t know what to do, your best friends and vanished in front of your eyes. Like you were on autopilot, you grab your phone from your pocket and click the phone icon.
   ‘P.B Parker’ you click the call button and it goes straight to voicemail 
   “Please leave a message after the tone”
   “Peter. Ned and Mj vanished into thin air and i don’t know what to do. Your usually the logical one and- fuck Peter why did you leave. I’m so scared and all i can think about is how you told me you loved me on the bus, you really know how to make an exit”
   as you spoke you saw your hand beginning to fade as well “shit- I love you too Peter Parker” your boyfriend would never hear that message.
   titan (sorry in advance)
   Peter Parker clung onto Tony “I don’t wanna go” he kept repeating like he could convince the stones to let him stay. 
   “I don’t wanna go Mr. Stark”
   Peter fell, taking Tony with him “Y/n- find her and make sure she’s alright please. I should have stayed with her- i-” Peter was choking on his words “I’ll find her kid” Tony assures him and Peter cracks a small smile, before looking Tony in the eyes.
   “I’m Sorry”
   and the universe lost Spider-man
   23 days later
   “It’s been 23 days since Thanos came to earth” Rhodey spoke as pictures of the avengers and other people related and were blipped flashed on the screen. “world governments are in pieces and parts that are still working are trying to take a census and it looks like he did-”
   Natasha stopped speaking for a moment “he did exactly what he said he was going to do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures” as Nat spoke Tony saw Peter’s face and quickly looked away “Where is he now, where?” he asked.
   “We don’t know, he just opened a portal and walked through” Steve replied, leaning against a table. Tony sighs, a bitter smile on his face before his head turns to see Thor sitting away from the rest and points at him “What’s wrong with him?”
   “uh he’s pissed. He thinks he failed, which of course he did, but you know there's a lot of that going around ain’t there” Rocket chimes in, sitting on the floor. “Honestly, until this exact second i thought you were a build-a-bear” Tony says, point at Rocket.
   “Maybe i am”
   “We’ve been hunting Thanos for three weeks now. Deep space scans and satellites and we got nothing.” Steve admits to the room before looking at Tony “Tony you fought him” he adds. “Who told you that?” Tony asked, holding onto his robe. 
   “Your a fighter”
   “No he wiped my face with a planet while the bleaker street magician gave  away the store. That's what happened. There was no fight.” Tony corrected. “Okay” Steve nods, noting Tony’s agitated behaviour. “Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?”
   Tony shakes his head “Pfft! I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn't wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming.” he says. He was starting to act like a child. Steve sighs “ Tony, I'm gonna need you to focus.” he says, trying to calm him down. 
   but Tony’s anger was already bubbling up and ready to boil over “and I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It's too late buddy. Sorry. You know what I need?” he asked, standing up from the table. He reaches into robe and pulls out a camera and a cellphone. “I need you too watch this and listen”
   “What is this?” Steve asked, looking at the tables contents. “Oh you know just some things i asked Happy to grab from Peter’s apartment. Let’s have a look shall we?” Tony said. Everyone in the room looked tense at the mention of his name. 
   “Friday play the video on the screen” Tony instructs as he steps back. Everyone turns towards the screen and the first thing they see is Peter, laying on his bed with a smile. He turns the camera and shows you peacefully sleeping on his chest, wearing his shirt. 
   “Peter if your recording me, i’m going to break that camera” okay maybe you weren’t sleeping. The camera is placed on his chest “You uh- looked cute” he spoke and you shook your head, leaning up to kiss him, it only lasting a couple seconds. “Friday pause” Tony says. 
   “Why are you showing us this?” Steve asked, but his questioned went unanswered. “That right there is Y/n L/n. B to C student at Midtown high, only child and all that. She was also the kid’s girlfriend for three years. He told me to find her and i did”
   “Friday play the security footage outside of Steamin’ mugs cafe” Tony says, Friday replying with a ‘yes boss’ before the footage of you crying on the phone before you vanished into nothing. Natasha looked away, having see that too much for her own good. 
   “I’m kinda happy for her. At least i didn’t have to tell her i watched him turn to dust in my arms, but you know i got here the last thing she said to him. It’s a real tear jerker. Wanna listen?” Tony says, going over to grab Peter’s phone off the table. 
   “You made your point Tony” Rhodey says. Tony turns to Steve once again “ I said, ‘we'd lose’. You said, ‘We'll do that together too’ and guess what, Cap? We lost and you weren't there. This is what we lost. This is who we lost. You didn’t know her, but it matters. It matters is because they’ll never see each other again  ”
   five years later
   (Kody’s endgame so no death lmao)
   everyone was in front of the destroyed base. Thanos was gone and everyone was still around to see it happen (i wish). Doctor Strange has just finished returning everyone to where they belong. “I must say i did not think we would win” he admits.
   “Thanks for the optimism buddy” Rocket says, looking up at him. Peter stood up from the rumble he sat on “I need to see someone, can you bring her like- here?” Peter asked Strange, who already knew who he was talking about because- it’s Doctor Strange what do you expect?
   he nods and backs away to do his thing.
   you took a large gasp of air as you saw light. What happened? Didn't you just vanish? It was only a second ago. You look around and see people staring at you strangely. “Aw damn my head hurts” you heard Mj groan. You instantly tackle her to the floor “and now it hurts more”
   “Yeah cry about it i just saw you vanish”
   “I’m here too, ya know?” both of you turn to see Ned and the hug became a group tackle as you both smiled and embraced each other. That was until you were pulled into a orange portal out of nowhere. You end up facing a bunch of rubble and debris.
   “What the fuck?! I’m so tired of the super magic bullshit!” you shout. 
   you turn your head and see a couple of avengers like Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and thor stare at you. You already met Tony. “Hi Mr. Stark’ you say, raising your hand for a awkward wave. Tony smiles and gestures his hand to Peter who was standing, in a new suit might you add and a nervous smile. 
   you didn’t care much for embarrassment after that and ran towards him, practically leaping into his arms “I’m back” he says, digging his head into your shoulder “Yeah no shit, you went to space you dumbass. I think i called you a hundred times or until my phone died”
   Peter let out a breathy laugh as his arms tightened round you “I’m sorry,no more space okay? Just you and me on earth. ” he suggests and you nod “Yeah i like that. About what you said on the bus by the way” you let go a bit to look up at him. 
   his nervous, shy stature set in quickly “What uh- what about it?” he asked, hoping for a good answer. “i love you too dork” you smile and he sighs “Oh thank god. I was about to dust away again’ he says and you whack him in the arm “What?” he asked, slightly hurt. 
   “Too soon Peter” you explain and he nods “Right” he says and a silence falls on both of you. Was he going to do anything “Oh my god- Kiss her!” Tony yells from behind you both. Peter’s face flushes in slight embarrassment before he shrugs, grabbing your face. 
   you both share a sweet kiss, long overdue by the amount of time spent apart. Even if it was just two days and five years to everyone else. Both you and Peter end up spending weeks together, alone just cause you could. You made Peter promise no more space trips and he begrudgingly agrees. 
  a girl with two much attitude and a boy who was too shy somehow managed up the nerve to talked to said girl. They were polar opposites and some would say completely different people, but they managed to fall in love and make it through anything. 
    who wouldn’t want love like that
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    Kody- i haven't slept yet and i pulled this plot out of my ass. It’s 8am and i’m going to go pass out. Anyways, peace. 
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
Aggressive Negotiations (part one)-- Anakin Skywalker x fem reader
Okay so I’ve gotten a lot of requests for Anakin seeing reader dressed up for the first time, and I also got a “stuck-in-the-closet” trope, and a “handcuffed-together” trope, so I thought I’d knock out three birds with one stone and just combine them all. Enjoy ;)
(Ps I hope you all don’t mind that I always make reader a non-jedi? Idk I just prefer it when they both have their own strengths.)
Read it on ao3
Wc: 2.6k
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The thin material of the dress stuck to your legs, and you tugged it down self-consciously. Fancy red dresses were not your usual cup of tea, but tonight you had a mission, and the entirety of it depended on your ability to seduce the Prince of Krygo.
For once, you wished Anakin had failed at a mission. He had been sent before you to drive Separatist forces away from Kygo before they could take over the rich mining planet, and had succeeded in not only that, but saving the Prince’s life. Of course, this meant a banquet of celebration was to be held, with Anakin as the guest of honor. 
Then, rumors of Count Dooku’s presence at the ball were revealed, which is where you came in. Anakin could not get the information alone-- he needed a more… direct source to the knowledge, one where the Prince would have his guard down and he’d be completely open to divulging important information. The Council was obviously “under-the-table” about suggesting you fill this role, and still won’t explicitly tell you what they suggest you do. But you got the idea. 
Not that it made you uncomfortable. You were perfectly fine with exploiting a man’s weaknesses for your own good-- in the most respectful way possible. It was mostly the fact that it was Anakin who would be by your side tonight, and it was also Anakin who was your secret lover, and Anakin who had a bad habit of becoming possessive and jealous whenever he felt like his attachment to you became threatened. Therefore, you had to have a talk with him before all this.
“Anakin, sweetie, baby, my love,”
“Pookie pie. Boo bear. Apple of my eye.”
“Yes, Y/n. Cut it out with nicknames.”
You leaned over the couch where he was sitting and reading his war reports, looking at him sideways. “You know I love you, right?”
“I do...” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Then you know that whatever happens at the ball, between me and the Prince, it means nothing.”
“What are you planning on doing, exactly?”
Now he was sitting up, alarmed. You hugged his head to your chest, kissing his cheek from behind to try and diffuse the situation.
“Nothing too elaborate. Just get him in a position where he has no choice but to tell me where and why he’s hiding Count Dooku.”
“I don’t like what you’re implying.”
“It’s nothing like that, Ani. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“But he might.”
“I won’t let it get that far.”
“You’d be surprised how hard it is to control someone in a situation like that.”
“You speak from experience?”
“No-- no of course not. I just don’t want you to be in that position.”
“Anakin, I know how to handle myself.”
He was rigid beneath your arms, quiet.
“This wasn’t supposed to be that elaborate.”
You drew patterns into the leather armor over his chest, as if you could draw the stress out through your fingertips.
“It’s not. I just thought I’d warn you, in case you see something you don’t like. I don’t want you to think I enjoy his presence, or him. I love you, and that’s all that matters at the end of the mission. Okay?”
“I still don’t like this,” he sighed, finally relaxing back into your arms. “But I trust you.”
“Thank you,” you kissed the top of his head, inhaling his scent. You could feel his unease, but both of you knew there was nothing you could really do to help the situation. You had to get the information out of the Prince, and he was notorious for favoring human women like you. The setup was perfect-- all you had to do was lure him in, set the trap, and then spring when the moment was right. You both knew you had it all under control, even if it did make Anakin nervous.
The one thing you didn’t really think about before agreeing to this, however, was the fact that you would have to dress up. Like… dress up, dress up. It was a formal ball, which meant the ladies had to wear gowns and men had to wear suits. You didn’t know much about fashion, and what was expected for this ball specifically, nor did you even own anything fancy enough to wear. So you went to Padme, who more than gladly lent you a dress that was both elegant and sexy… more so than was probably appropriate.
It was a necessary evil.
Step one was getting the dress, and that part was over. Now began the more difficult phase of the mission: actually putting on the dress and becoming that seductress, even though you had never really done anything like this before. Even more nerve-wracking— you’d have to face Anakin, who had never seen you in anything but your daily clothes before. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, smoothing your dress down again. It’s not like you had anything to be nervous about— you looked amazing. The dress clung to every inch of your body, the red hue of it popping out against your skin color. Your hair was styled and draped over your shoulders, and you had done your makeup dark and alluring. 
You were just nervous to see Anakin’s reaction… or was that excitement?
A buzzer startled you out of your train of thought, signaling that it was time to head down to the party. Anakin must be right outside, waiting for you. You took one last look in the mirror, and then turned to open the door.
The sight of him took your breath away, as per usual. He was dressed in a black suit, form-fitting and dark through and through. You’re not sure why he favored the black theme, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t flatter him. He looked dangerous, and the tilted smirk he was giving you added to the bachelor aura. 
“Y/n…” he murmured, immediately fitting his hands around your waist. 
“Yes?” You asked when he didn’t continue. He held you a couple inches away, admiring every inch of you. You squirmed under his greedy eyes. “Do… do you think it’s good enough?” 
“Good enough?” He finally met your gaze, lifting his brows incredulously. “You’re enchanting.” 
Your cheeks flooded with heat, the intensity behind those words loaded with truth. His voice was low, slightly raspy as if he was holding himself back from dragging you into the room and having his way with you here and now, mission be damned. A big part of you wanted that, but a bigger part of you enjoyed standing here, being inspected as if you were the most beautiful girl in the galaxy under his intensifying gaze. 
The shift in Anakin’s eyes made you feel like you were on top of the world, like you could do anything. If he thought you were so beautiful when he looked like that… well, maybe you could do anything.
“You look incredible,” he breathed, sliding his hands further around your waist to pull you closer. It was only when he nudged your arms around his own waist did you realize what he was doing— he wanted you to feel the lightsaber he had under his suit jacket, reminding you of the mission, how he’d be watching and protecting you from afar.
You should have known before even opening the door that you would be watched every second of this ball, even now in the hallway of the palace. Something shady was going on on Krygo, and you two were the main targets.
“Let’s head down to the main event, yeah?” He suggested, pulling away and offering his arm. You gathered your composure and hooked your arm around his elbow, allowing him to lead you down the stairs, through the grand hall, and into the ballroom.
It was exactly what you’d imagined— a small orchestra on the stage, playing slow violin waltzes, elegant lace dresses spinning around the room, dress shoes tapping over glossy marble floors, and an overwhelming floral scent from the thousands of purple roses adorning the room. 
You spotted the Prince across the room— he was dressed in a delicate white suit, accented with silver and gold, black hair gelled back with a single curl hanging over his forehead. He was striking, but in a different way— a mischievous way. Those mossy eyes were hiding something. 
The Prince stopped the whole room with a raise of his glass. He tilted it toward Anakin and you, thanking him for his service to himself and the planet. A murmur of gratitude travelled around the room, and his glass lowered. The ball resumed, but the Prince’s eyes stayed locked in your direction— this time, landing directly on you. He flicked his head, motioning for the two of you to approach.
“You have your knife with you?” Anakin grit between his teeth as he led you toward him.
The arm that wasn’t hooked onto Anakin’s brushed by your side, feeling the minuscule lump of the knife you had slid into the band around your thigh. Your dress had a slit on that leg, providing you easy access for when the time came to use it. 
“I’m all set,” you whispered back. He looked at you quickly, his eyes full of hesitance and fear. It was gone in a blink.
“Anakin Skywalker,” the Prince purred as the two of you approached. The rest of his company filtered away. “Or should I say, General Skywalker?”
“Please, Anakin,” he smiled, charming as ever. 
“How are you enjoying the ball so far? Does it live up to your Coruscant-ee standards?”
You didn’t like the Prince’s tone of voice. He had a playful lilt, as if everything he said was mocking, a game. It was irritating and unnerving, and made it seem like he knew something you didn’t. 
“I can’t say we have many dances at the Jedi temple,” Anakin answered coolly, accepting the drink that the Prince handed him. “But this far exceeds any expectations I might have had.”
“I’m glad you think so— you are the guest of honor,” the Prince bowed his head, lips curling impishly. “And for you, my lady,” he handed you a flute of champagne, similar to Anakin’s.
You took it, smiling sweetly in response. Inside, your nerves were firing out of control. You couldn’t do this— how were you supposed to flirt this man up with Anakin right next to you? It felt too unnatural, too wrong… You needed him to leave, and soon;  before the Prince dismissed you, and your only chance at getting him alone for the night was gone.
“I regret coming off as ungrateful, but I believe I see Captain Wel-Solley. We haven’t talked since the battle of Geonosis. You don’t mind, do you?”
You sighed in relief as Anakin excused himself, unhooking his arm from yours.
“Of course not, go ahead,��� the Prince encouraged, ushering him with a sweep of his hand. Anakin nodded once and left, fingers lingering on your arm. You knew what he meant by it— 
Be careful.
You took a sip of the champagne so you could have a moment to gather your thoughts before hurling yourself headfirst into this mess of a mission. The Prince was already looking at you as you lowered your glass.
“And what do you think of this ball, m’lady?”
“Call me Y/n,” you smiled a bit, leveling your gaze at him. “And I think it’s beautiful. I’ve never been to a ball this extravagant before.”
“So you’re experienced in gallant culture?”
“My mother was princess of Fauna, before the Separatists took over,” you lied. “I grew up in a palace much like this one.”
You’re not sure where that story came from, but you always were a terrific liar. You knew you needed to find a level ground with him, create some kind of unifying factor between the two of you. Why not choose his status? You trusted your gut to just go with it.
“The daughter of a Princess. So that makes you… what? A princess as well?”
“I’d assume so,” you laugh prettily. “It’s no matter to me. I’m not bound by a royal lifestyle anymore.”
“So what do you do? Travel with Republic war generals to keep their morale up?” 
“Actually, I’m more of a diplomat,” you swirled the champagne around in your glass, feigning absent-mindedness. “I negotiate treaties, keep the peace when possible.”
He tilted his head, scanning your figure. You could see the appreciating glint in his eye but pretended not to notice. Funnily enough, his face was his weakness. While his voice and demeanor gave you the impression he was spinning a trap around you, his face gave away all of his emotions. You could almost read his thoughts— how you looked so enticing, elegant but teetered on the edge of scandalous. How could an outside like yours be paired with an inspiring, intelligent interior? And a member of royalty, at that? It must be too good to be true.
“Besides,” you continued nonchalantly, “you know the Jedi… their morales don’t require much upkeep.”
“Oh?” The Prince was intrigued. “And what are you implying?”
“Well, they teach against that sort of attachment,” you inform him, a sly smirk spreading across your lips. “A pity, really. It’s been a while since I’ve had any… fun.”
The Prince picked up on that quickly. His grin turned equally sinful, eyes darkening just a shade.
“Well, if you finish that drink, I’m sure we can find something more worthwhile to do.”
“Yeah?” You took a sip and bat your eyes innocently. “Like dancing?”
“Like dancing,” he confirmed, and you both laughed.
Got him.
You scanned the room for Anakin as you took your next sip, finding him dancing with an older woman by the window. He immediately turned to catch your eye, just barely nodding.
You swallowed the last of your champagne, setting it on a silver platter as the server walked by. “So where would you like to continue this?”
You attributed your newfound boldness to the alcohol in your system, as well as the high you got from your recent success. It was almost too easy how he fell into the palm of your hand, but you weren’t going to question it. Now, you had to get him all alone.
“My bedroom is quite large,” the Prince suggested. “There’s lots of room for dancing.”
“I’d hope,” you played along. “I can get quite… sloppy with my steps. No one ever taught me how to dance like a lady.”
“A princess with a dirty technique? I guess I’ll just have to teach you how to do it right.”
His arm stretched out to you, and there it was. Your golden ticket to success. You hooked your arm around his elbow, and he began to lead you out of the ballroom. Anakin’s eyes were palpable on your back as he watched you leave.
Just as you crossed the threshold, you began to feel funny. Your head grew light, vision blurring in and out. Your stomach dropped, and you suddenly felt very faint.
“Are you okay, m’lady?” The Prince paused. “You’re complexion has turned a little pale.”
“Excuse me, I’m alright,” you held onto his arm a little tighter so you wouldn’t fall. “My excitement is getting the best of me.” 
“I must admit, I’m just as eager.”
You continued on through the halls, but with each step your grew worse and worse. Before long, your knees could no longer hold you up, and you could barely see two feet in front of you. The last thing you saw before blacking out was the Prince smiling cruelly down at you as he lowered you to the cool, marble floor.
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ughitsnic · 4 years
Do You Still Love Me?: Tom Holland
Tom Holland x Reader
Finally after nearly a week and with the help of the prompt list i finally finished this. its kinda sad I wont lie, so im sorry im currently very heart broken so yes i hope you enjoy, requests are open :)
Driving down these familiar roads was always hard, you drove in silence fighting back tears as you think about the last 3 years of your life, how you gave everything to one man. How you moved in together, traveled the world, sacrificed everything for his career. You slow to a stop at a red light. You let out a long shaky breath, you had not been back in so long. You look out of the window at the handful of people walking down their streets, how you and him once walked down the same streets hand in hand, not a care in the world your whole future together ahead of you. You swallow the lump in your throat as you look at the old apartment building. A smile forming as you thought back to the time where you both locked yourself out in the middle of the night to get a pizza, it was so cold, and he was freezing but despite that he gave you the sweatshirt off his back just so you could be warm. He was so caring, so loving with all the little things he did. You wipe your eyes as you drive down what seemed like a never ending road. The break up wasn't mutual, he believed it was. You didn't understand why but you were afraid to ask. Especially now because you see him having fun on social media. It had been 7 months but the wounds were still fresh, only for you it seemed. It appeared as though it had never happened to him. You spent so many nights in tears wishing he was lay next to you as you drift off to sleep, more often than you would care to admit. It hurt so much, you wish you could just forget, like he had. Was it ever real? Did he think of you? Did he read back on your texts? Did he still have all of your pictures, did he look at them every once in a while? It was dumb, you felt stupid that you were still hung up on him. You couldn't even look at his friends- your friends, but couldn't bring yourself to unfollow him on twitter. You were not fine, at all! You wipe your eyes as you parked up outside of your parents house. You check your phone, your heart racing as his name lit up your screen.
Tom: im back in London this weekend maybe we could hang out like old times
Tom: no pressure ive just been doing alot of thinking lately and I miss you
Whilst you were surprised to see his text, you couldn't bring your self to reply you couldn't hurt you self again… could you?
Throughout the week you looked back on the relationship, not only the good, but the bad. How you guys would get into fights about how you didn't want pizza again for dinner or how he would complain about you having to sleep with the TV on, or that he would go out drinking 3 nights in a row and he would reply that it was no big deal and that he was just living his life. Was all of the heart ache worth it for the good times. Cuddling in bed in the mornings stealing kisses as you would watch the sun rise, picnics in the park which would last all day watching movies and sharing headphones, karaoke nights that turned into karaoke mornings with multiple complaints from neighbors.
Of cause you had to text him back, you had to see him again and not just his pictures on Instagram. You wanted to hold him again, closer than you had ever done and not let him go. It was foolish, and you knew it. But here you are, sat in your car waiting outside of the cafe you spent so many hours together just talking about anything and everything. You see him get out of his car so you follow, adjusting your top as you step out. Your heart pounds as you lock eyes, forcing a smile you walk over, unsure of what to really say, Tom struggling too.  Neither of you spoke until you had gotten your drinks and sat on a table outside in the sun. you rest your sunglasses on your head.
“So” you clear your throat, “how have you been?”
“Good, really good actually” he breaths. “Well, honestly not great but good. Does that make sense, like I'm happy, I'm making movies, partying, meeting so many people but I could still be better” he rambles on, his hands moving as he spoke. You nod.
“I saw far from home the other day actually” you spoke slowly, his eyes lighting up.
“Did you like it?”
“Yep” you take another sip of your drink. “That mysterio guy was cute” you trail off, his smile fading quickly.
“That's not funny”
“It wasn't a joke. We aren't together. I can look at other guys Tom” you quickly regret saying anything, the tension was thick in the air making it almost impossible to breathe. You wanted to show him you were doing more than ‘good’ without him, that you were great, that you had moved on.
“What have you been up to?”
“Working mostly, i'm doing good though, Ive been saving to get my own place and maybe a cat… how Tessa?”
“She misses her mum” Tom confesses
“What?” you felt your palms sweat. His brown eyes full of sadness, like he could burst into tears any second. He quickly clears his throat.
“she can roll over now" he forces a smile, quickly moving on from what he had said.
"I don't believe that" you try to joke, thinking back to how hard it was to get her to sit and give paw. 3 full days you both spent sitting on the kitchen floor trying to get her to sit on command.
"I told you she was a smart dog. She's so hyper nearly all of the time. At night she brings a toy to bed" he gets his phone and shows you a picture. "She will only lie on your side of the bed now" you felt your eyes sting with fresh tears.
“Its her side of the bed now” your voice is quiet and full of sadness.
“Do you still love me?” tom questions. You were taken back, you couldn't even look him in the eyes. You open your mouth to speak but no words come out, quickly you wipe your eyes.
“Of Course i still love you, and I hate myself for it” you struggle. “You hurt me so bad Tom. I never wanted to break up, i never wanted to fight with you, i was willing to sacrifice so much more for you but none of that was ever good enough for you, i dropped out of university to come to america with you, i left my family, my friends, i quit my job. I sacrificed Christmases and birthdays to spend time with you and your family and your friends” your voice grows louder and louder the more you get worked up to the point where you were now crying, you dont bother to wipe the tears, ignoring that your makeup is now a mess. “Would i do it again? For you? Always” you voice cracks. “Because i love you. Do you love me?” you finally look up at him to be greeted with red eyes and tear stained cheeks.
“I- I” he struggles, both of your hearts breaking all over again. “I physically cannot put into words how much I love you and exactly how much I miss you y/n. I'm sorry I was so selfish, I was a shitty boyfriend and I was lucky for those 3 years and I should be grateful for those years but I want more. I want to wake up next to you, I want you to be the first person I see in the morning and the last I see before I close my eyes. I don't expect you to say yes, but i would love to take you out to dinner tonight, on a date at least 1 last time”
“Tom” you breath.
“I need an answer” he begs
“It's never going to be the same” you cry.
“That's the point!” he stresses. “That's the point! This time, i'm going to put you before me like i should have done before”
“I don't want you to put me first, I want to be your equal” you wipe your eyes with the back of your hand.
“So what do you say? dinner?”
sorry idk what that was either
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 37
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4.3k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: idk how i feel about this chapter. but hey i always doubt myself so whats new? its a bit packed maybe? lol thank you if you still read this story ILY! also i REALLY want more requests so send as many as you want!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : read the chapter first, the requests are at the bottom because they contain spoilers!
Chapter 37 : His chapter
April 11th, 2018
We had decided to fly to Paris as soon as Olivia got her weeks off. The filming was going better than planned and she was allowed to take a few more days than we had expected. I only had one show in Paris and the very next day, I had to be in Germany but I knew she'd prefer to stay in France with her parents for a while. We hadn't discussed when she would join me but I still hoped it wouldn't take too long.
The flight was long and I had brought only the strict minimum, leaving the rest to my crew after asking them to bring everything. I would join them there and I hoped Liv would come with me to my show. I had even kept a few tickets for her parents if they were interested but I had to admit it was making me nervous to see them after so long.
I turned to look at her around the middle of the flight and she probably noticed because she turned her head my way and sent me a small smile. I reached out for her hand and she let me take it, even squeezing my fingers as her head leaned on my shoulder. I knew she was tired and I was surprised she wasn't sleeping by now even if it was a pain in the ass to sleep on a plane.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked in a low tone, the left corner of her lips raising up as her eyes scanned me. "Do I have something on my face?"
Her lips curled more and her eyebrows raised. "Okay, what's up then?"
"You're pretty." I just replied, half-closing my eyes and sending her a fond smile. "I sort of want you right now."
Her eyes moved around quickly before meeting mine again. "I think people would notice.” She chuckled and I smiled more, moving closer to be able to whisper.
"How about I join you in the bathroom in a few minutes?" I asked before moving slightly away and sending her a small smirk.
My eyes dropped to her lips and she licked them, making me groan low. She was not answering but I couldn't take my eyes off her lips. Just thinking about where they've been and realizing it had been way too long since I had felt them around my cock. Of course, I didn't expect a blowjob on a plane, if only because the bathrooms were always very tiny, but I could definitely fuck her quick and fast.
"Did you ever do that before?" she asked low, taking me out of my daydream. I looked up in her eyes and shook my head, making her raise her eyebrows. "Liar."
I chuckled. "I promise. I never did." I insisted. "But I'd love it if it changed today."
She looked around nervously again and finally nodded. "Okay. You cough and then knock once. I'll unlock the door."
Quickly, she got up and walked past me and I let my eyes follow her until she was out of sight. I waited a few minutes, shaking my leg slightly and when I finally got up too, I walked slowly to the bathroom and coughed before knocking once. I saw the notice on the door changing and quickly walked in, closing the door and locking it. It was hard not to be pressed on each other in the small room but we still had some space between us. She remained motionless, her head tilted and her lips pressed together as she smiled at me. I could see excitement in her eyes and I loved it.
"You know we could actually get banned from this airline if we get caught." she whispered, making me smile more.
"Let's not get caught then." I just pointed out as she nodded.
Her hands slipped under my shirt and I felt her fingers rub on my chest and brush on my nipples before moving back down and reaching my pants. She unzipped them quickly and searched for my dick before taking it out. I thought she'd be stressed and a bit scared and that I'd have to do everything but clearly, she had decided otherwise and I liked it. There was something very hot about her deciding to be more forward when it came to sex. I normally preferred to have control but when she would get horny and almost jump on me, it always made me want her even more.
"I didn't think it would be like that." she murmured, staring in my eyes, as her hand stroked my cock slowly, from the base to the tip.
"What do you mean?" I asked just as low, realizing it was tough to focus on her words instead of her hand, or the way her lips moved when she talked.
"I didn't think we'd always be so horny for each other. It's not like it's new."
My lips curled and I shrugged. "It sort of is." I just replied, bending down to reach her lips with mine. "Don't stop, use both hands."
She smiled against my lips and I felt her other hand push on my pants and boxers a bit before she grabbed my balls. I groaned low against her mouth before both her hands handed on my dick, pressing around it as she jerked me off a bit quicker. I could feel my cock get harder with every stroke and even if I didn't want her to stop, I knew we had to do quick.
"Move those damn sweatpants down, petal." I whispered against her lips again, making her chuckle.
"I know I should have dressed up but honestly, I hate being uncomfortable on a plane." she explained before grabbing my upper lip between hers and sucking on it gently. "At least they're easy to take off?"
I smiled more and chuckled, shaking my head slightly. "Sweatpants look good on you." I admitted. "And yes, they're easy to take off." I just added, pulling her sweatpants down and making her smile more. "Show me your tits."
She shook her head and rolled her eyes before moving her shirt off. I groaned when I realized she was not wearing a bra and my hands reached for her breasts as I ran my thumbs on her nipples, feeling them get hard against my fingers.
"These damn bathrooms aren't made for people like me." she grimaced, leaning against the wall behind her. "They should make them bigger."
"But I love having you close to me." I argued, raising my eyebrows with a small smile before making a quick head movement.
She nibbled on her bottom lip but moved one of her feet on the toilet and quickly, I reached between her legs, groaning when I slipped a finger inside her.
"How are you so wet already?"
"I touched myself while waiting for you." she admitted as my head moved up fast to meet her eyes. 
She smiled and chuckled at my facial expression and I just shook my head before crashing my mouth against hers. I started finger fucking her and rubbing her clit gently but she just squirmed and I just brought my hand to my cock, stroking it with her wetness before moving closer, putting it against her thigh. I brought her other leg back down and she moved a bit again as I pulled back slightly and then pushed myself close to her again. I could feel her thighs press on each side of my dick and her warm pussy wetting the top of it and it was driving me insane. I moved back and forth for about a minute as let her fingers grip my hair and she smiled as her eyes roamed on my face.
"I want to feel you inside me so bad." she whispered, making me smile, too.
I grabbed one of her legs quickly, moving it up, and used my other hand to hold my cock as I pushed it slowly against her walls. Her hands gripped my hair tighter as I slid inside her and I saw her eyes flutter close and her lips part. I remained still for a while as I panted, feeling her throb around my dick and knowing it could literally make me cum in only a few seconds.
"No cunt like yours, I fucking swear." I breathed out with a groan.
I closed my eyes and felt her lips brush against mine before I started fucking her, bringing my thumb to her clit, rubbing it in motion with my thrusts. It took her about two minutes to moan louder against my mouth and I kissed her deeply as she shook against me. I waited until her body relaxed and moved slightly away, sending her a smirk. I grabbed my cock as it slipped out of her and she blinked a few times.
"Move your panties up."
Her eyes got bigger and she licked her lips as I jerked myself, my eyes still looking into hers. Quickly, she grabbed her panties and moved them up but held the top to allow me to see her pussy. I brought my hand to her face and moved a lock of her hair behind her ear as I shook my head slightly.
"Holy-, you turn me on so much."
I let my fingertips brush against her cheek, my movements on my dick faltering, and I felt her hand wrap on half of mine and my cock. She started stroking me harder in motion with my own movements and it took only a few seconds for me to feel an orgasm reach me. It was the way her fingers pressed against mine and the way she bit her bottom lip, looking at me through her eyelashes as if she still wanted me even if she had already came. She let go of me and I looked down, aiming at her panties. My cum fell on her pussy and in her panties as I stared at it. I watched my semen slide down her pussy to fall in her panties and let out a low curse word. That was a fucking nice way to own her.
Her hand reached for my cock and she kept nibbling on her bottom lip as she pressed her fingers around it until the tip to milk me and make sure she didn't miss a drop. The lock of her hair had fallen back in front of her eyes and I desperately wanted to kiss her more.
"Fuck, pet, move your panties up, now."
I didn't have to ask her twice. I could see dark spots on her panties and I knew that was exactly were my cum was. She brought her hand over them and rubbed herself a few times, letting out a whimper. She pressed her lips together to stop herself from being louder and when I saw her move her sweatpants up, I put my cock back in my pants and stared at her for a few seconds.
"I'm getting out first." she whispered and we switched place and she just opened the door and looked around for a second before leaving quickly.
I remained standing there for about a minute, motionless and a bit in shock of what had just happened and when I finally sat back next to her, she cuddled me as best as she could and reached for my hand. She moved her face and kissed my jaw as I squeezed her hand tight.
"That was hot." she whispered as I turned my head to look down at her. "I can't stop thinking about your cum in my panties."
Her words made my body throb and I brought my lips to hers, kissing them gently.
"Welcome to the mile high club." I murmured with a smile. "I'm glad we joined it together."
April 16th, 2018
Living at her parents' wasn't worse than living at my mom's, although I had to admit that I would rather be alone with her, simply because I knew we didn't have much time left together 24/7. I couldn't deny though that seeing her talking french and laughing with her parents made me smile. I knew she didn't see them much, just like I barely saw mine, and being there with them made her happy, which was pretty much all I cared about.
Before we got there, I was wondering what she'd tell her parents. Now that our friends knew and my mom did too (knowing her, she had probably told my dad and my brother by now), I was unsure if she wanted to tell her parents that we were together or not but she had surprised me by taking my hand in hers and kissing my lips gently from time to time. Of course, they had seen me a few weeks before when she had talked to them on skype and we had interacted, but I was not really sure what she had told them before I got back home and I was pretty sure I remembered her mom telling her something in french. That being said, it was not my place to decide and I just went along with what she said and did. Knowing she was not hiding us to them was a big step though, I believed, and the fact that we were more and more open with the people around us gave me hope that we would be official soon.
I loved the way she moved around their house like she was used to be there even if she barely visited. I loved the way her eyes scanned everywhere she could whenever we'd go outside, whether it was grocery shopping or just to take a walk. I loved the way she'd close her eyes and inhale deeply, as if this city was hers and she had missed it. I know she lived a few years here before she moved to Ireland, but how much could a 6 years old remember a city or even a country?
It took me a few days to think about it and watch her being so free, happy and in love but on the sunny afternoon of april 16th, I told her I wanted to get some pastries and left after borrowing her father's car. I was starting to be used to the town, even if Olivia's parents lived in a suburb (or 'arrondissement'), but I drove until the city to get what I needed. I had checked online and I could have easily ordered it, but I wanted to see it first and make sure everything was perfect.
The jewelry store was big but seemed quite empty. The walls were a pure shade of white and the classical music playing was soft enough to be soothing. I knew what I wanted and it took me half an hour to get everything in order but I literally stared at the ring in silence for half that time. It was a big move, I knew it, and I didn't necessarily wanted to make this official, or a big deal. I just wanted it to be a sign of commitment and love, nothing more. No pressure and no promise, except for the one to love her forever, no matter what. I had hesitated and at first, I had thought a necklace would be more appropriate. A small golden heart or something like that could have made the trick, and I knew it would make her happy, but at the same time, it would have seemed like I didn't really want to throw myself in this relationship. It would seem like I just wanted to test the water first, and honestly, that's not what I had in mind. We had a few random discussions about marriage and every time I mentioned it, she didn't seem scared, and didn't try to change the subject. Perhaps I got the wrong vibe, but at the same time, I felt like I could read her like an open book. I felt like I knew her better now than I did back then, even if we had spent over a year apart.
Yes, it was probably crazy to buy a promise ring for a girl I had broken the heart of over a year ago, and expecting her to just say yes and jump in my arms, but after the pregnancy scare we had had a few days before, I felt like this was the right thing to do. It was crazy how seeing only one bar on the test had made me sad and relieved at the same time. I was not ready for a baby, but I wanted a family with her. I wanted to marry her and give ever everything she ever wanted or would ever want. Perhaps I would have ended up in a jewelry store if she had been pregnant, too, but it would have seemed forced, and I didn't want her to believe that I wanted to marry her just because I didn't have any other choice. In fact, we both had many choices, but it was this one I made, and I was going to stick to it.
I thanked the seller and put the box in the pocket of my vest before leaving. On my way back, I stopped at a cafe to get pasties and coffee and when I heard my name, I felt my heart jump in my chest.
A british accent didn't go unnoticed and I frowned, looking around myself until I saw a familiar face that I hadn't seen in two years or so.
I smiled and raised my eyebrows, walking to her and kissing her cheeks. She was stunning and her smile was so big it made mine grow too.
"It's been so long, how have you been?" I asked, pushing my hands in my pockets. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, a photoshoot, but it's my day off." she explained, tilting her head on the side before moving her shoulders up. "What about you?"
"I'm uhm, visiting." I said, a bit uncomfortable and not knowing what I could say or not. I sighed and just shook my head. "I'm with Olivia. We're visiting her parents."
Maya nodded, not losing her smile, and she licked her lips. "Yea I saw you two dated and then broke up. Are you two together again?" I stared at her in silence for a few seconds and she nodded again. "You must really love her, huh?"
This time, I sent her a fond smile and glanced down at the floor before looking up and breathing in. "Yes." I confessed with a nod before Maya took a step closer, putting her hand gently on my upper arm.
"I hope it works, then." she told me sincerely. "And invite me to the wedding!"
I frowned and chuckled, feeling my heartbeats accelerate. The last thing I needed was for that information to leak and I started wondering how the hell she found out when she just shrugged.
"I mean, whenever that happens. You two will get married at some point, right?"
I felt all the stress leave and my body relaxed just as my lips curled again. "Yes, of course." I just let out. "I mean, probably, I guess."
Maya laughed and it made me chuckle too. "Go back to her, I'm sure she misses you already."
I raised my eyebrows and chuckled, knowing she was probably right and after we said goodbye, I ordered, got my food and left. It was not surprising to me that Olivia's face seemed to illuminate when I walked back inside and she ran to me, wrapping her arms around my neck as both my hands were taken by coffees and a box of croissants. She kissed my lips and I closed my eyes, answering the small kiss gently, knowing that her parents were most likely watching us.
After we ate, I wanted to help with the dishes but they wouldn't let me and I joined her father in one of the rooms in the back. He was looking for something in the drawers and I just put my hands in my pockets. I knew he had noticed me, but I was not sure if I should talk, or what I should say. He used to really love me, and I was wondering if it was still the case, or if he disliked me, now.
"You two are back together." her father told me with the biggest accent before I nodded. "Good. You were always my favorite. Don't tell her."
I laughed and shook my head as he glanced at me and sent me an amused smile. "Thank you. I've hurt her though, I'll never forgive myself for that."
"Use that feeling to remember that you can't hurt her ever again." he added, grabbing something in the last drawer and moving back up. "Or I'm gonna have to hate you. Father's duty."
I nodded and smiled. "I promise." my smile fell and I cleared my throat, playing and twisting the fabric inside my pockets. "What would you say if..." I stopped myself and licked my lips. He turned to me and at the point, I had all his attention. "What would you say if I asked her to marry me?"
He stared at me a few seconds and sighed, turning his whole body my way and he took a step closer. He was tall, way taller than me, and his light eyes reminded me of hers, but unlike Olivia, he had severe traits. He had broad shoulders and although he had salt and pepper hair, he didn't look his age. I've always thought he was a funny man, but I knew he was strict, too, and when I was younger, I used to think he was a bit scary, but not anymore. Her mother was very different. She was short with a round face, pretty much like hers, and when I thought about it, they were very look alike. Both her parents were smiling all the time, though, and they were always welcoming, that much I could never forget.
"Is it serious?"
My eyes roamed on his face and I sighed, my hands still in my pockets, before I finally nodded. Instead to answer, he just handed me an envelop and it made me frown.
"This is hers. This is all the letters she wrote to you when you went on tour." he explained as my grip tightened on the paper. "It's hers, and I don't think she ever intended on giving them to you, and I found them in the garbage bin one day and decided to keep them. You should give them back to her. I want to say you should read them but I'm really against invasion of privacy. I didn't read them either."
"Does that mean you would be okay with us getting married?" I asked with a frown, feeling the envelop burning my palm.
"It means that as long as she's happy, then so am I." he just said. "It also means that you shouldn't ask me if I'm okay with it. If she finds out, she'll kill you."
I laughed and nodded. "I can count on you for keeping this secret?"
"Of course, son." he let out, putting his hand on my shoulder and making me chuckle low at the nickname.
It was his turn to laugh and when we heard my name being called from the kitchen, we both looked in that direction and I shrugged, sending him a small smile before going to join Liv. She was staring at her phone and she grimaced, looking up in my eyes.
"I don't know how bad it is but," she shrugged and handed me her phone. "You tell me. You're the famous one."
I chucked but grabbed her phone to read as the title popped up in caps. 'Together again?' With the article, there was a picture of me at the airport and they mentioned my earring before adding a picture of Olivia who was now wearing only one earring, identical to mine. Of course it made sense since she was the one who gave it to me but was this really a proof of anything? At the bottom, there was a picture of us together at the fair and I smiled a bit when I saw she was holding the bear I had won for her and they had used it as an other proof that we could be dating again. This article didn't mean shit but I couldn't say they were wrong. Something was in fact happening between us.
"Do you want me to take off your earring?" I asked, looking up at her.
"No! God no, they can fuck right off with their stupid article!" she quickly let out, making an amused smile appear on my lips. "Does what they wrote bother you?"
"Does it bother you?" I threw the question back at her, raising my eyebrows.
She looked down at her phone and nibbled on her bottom lip for a few seconds before shrugging. "Yes because that's none of their business. But not because people may know we're together."
"We're good, then." I just shrugged, taking a step closer and wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer. "They're just running out of things to write about, so they have to write crappy articles like that. The good thing is, that picture of you is very nice."
She grimaced and I laugh. "It's horrible. They always snap those when I look at my worst."
"Lies." I whispered, bending down slightly to kiss her lips. "By the way, I kept a few tickets for my show, for you and your parents. You'll be there, right?"
She shrugged a shoulder and stared in my eyes. "I don't know, won't it just fuel the rumors?"
My eyes roamed on her face and I leaned my forehead against hers before whispering.
"I don't give a fuck."
(for the first one, i promise theyll talk about it soon!)
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Matchup!  (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Hi :3 Can I request an Ikesen matchup??♥️🍡
I’m ~164cm,straight, slightly chubby and have long straight brown hair and I have darn brown eyes c:. I’m also a Scorpio, ENTJ or ENFJ and I’m like kinda Slytherin or Ravenclaw.
I’m hardworking, competitive, and ambitious. I’m also quite observant, independent and mature. I would consider myself an ambivert? Cause sometimes I would be really sociable and talkative but sometimes I just want to stay in bed and read a book c:. I’m always cheerful and optimistic and I already look at things positively (like a half full kind of thing). I also can’t hide my emotions well and I’ve been told that how I feel is always written on my face. I also hate people beating around the bush or sugar coating something, I prefer the truth hence me always being blunt. But when I get serious I tend to be scary? Like I wouldn’t tolerate anymore bs and I would be extremely blunt and set things straight. People tell me the difference is like night and day. Idk but I know I’m just weird :p
I also have a really weird taste in food, like I can eat a lot of spice and I tend to try weird food combinations even if there is a risk it won’t be nice. And I cook a lot! I also have a sweet tooth so I would always bake different kinds of pastries and sweets.
I really enjoy music, especially singing and playing the guitar! I also like reading (especially fantasy and mythology), drawing in an anime style or creating rotoscope animation and taking notes. I also really like kpop but I’ve been into Japanese music recently. I think I do quite well in school where I always get a 3.5 GPA and above in my subjects (I’m a science stream student so I take bio, chem, math). I really like romance and comedy and I really really REALLY HATE horror movies.
In terms of my emotions I tend to express it when I need to but there are cases where I conceal it and try to smile so that I wouldn’t bother them but at a certain point I’ll just suddenly burst into tears, this usually happens when I’m stressed. But when someone needs help, I would always be there and give a solution first then comforting them later.
So yeah, that’s all :3 I’m sorry it’s kinda messy and long but there’s no rush ‼️ Take care ♥️🍉‼️ And THANK YOU 💖🌸🍥
Hi hi, love! ❤🌻Thank you so much for the request! Sorry for taking soooo freaken long with this!😱❤🌻 Hehehe hope you are keeping safe and well and I hope you enjoy this dear! @aashleymayyy​ 🌻❤🌼
So I match you with………….. Ieyasu
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When you arrived in Azuchi, it was as if a hurricane arrived with you. You were cheery and upbeat, quickly making friends with everyone, well all but Ieyasu. You reminded him waaaay too much of Mitsunari, and for that reason, he stayed far away from you. He didn’t need another beam of sunshine shining down on him with their endless optimism and positivity, or so he thought.
The day started out like any other and you were working hard around the castle as per usual. The maid loved working with you as you seemed to introduce them to new improved was of cleaning plus, your hard work motivated them to work even harder, so that work would get done pretty quickly every day. 
You made your way to the castle Archive as you have hundreds of times before. You low key was hoping to see Mitsunari there, to discuss the new book you had been reading. You were so lost in thought as you walked through the hallway that you bumped straight into Ieyasu. The pair of you went tumbling down onto the floor, with him having broken your fall, as you were now on top of the prickly porcupine. This was the first time you had ever seen his eyes, big vibrant green eyes widened when he realized that the two of you were nose to nose. You couldn’t hide the blush spreading over your face. Even though Ieyasu avoided you like the plague, you couldn’t help but be attracted to him, there was just something about him that had you captivated. 
None of you made an attempt to move, both of you blushing furiously, when all of a sudden Masamune appeared out of nowhere and started teasing the two of you, “Wow Ieyasu if I knew you would move this quick to win the lass’ affections, I would have pounced long ago, oooh well I guess I will just have to steal her away from you then,” he said with a wink. You didn’t think it was possible to go any redder. You looked back at Ieyasu apologetically, and as you moved to get up, you lost your balance spraining your ankle. 
Ieyasu simply let out a long sigh, “geeez first you pushing me down on the ground and now you go around hurting yourself, just how clumsy can one person be.” Before you could quip back, he picked you up and carried you to his manor. He couldn’t help but give a slither of a smile, as one look at your face gave away your every thought. He gently placed you down on his futon and started gathering up herbs to make you a salve for your ankle, to soothe the pain and swelling. As he was treating your injury, your eyes drifted out to his garden, and you couldn’t help but break out into a big smile at the sight of a baby fawn nibbling on the grass outside. You then stuck up a conversation with the porcupine, asking him all about the deer prancing around outside. 
After he patched you up, he put on some tea, and the two of you continued to chat over tea. At first talking to Yasu was like talking to a brick wall, but soon he started opening up a little, which made you beam in delight.
The next day you decided to cook something for Yasu as a thank you for patching you up and as an apology for falling on him. Your ankle was feeling good as new when you woke up that morning, so you decided to do your chores and then get cooking. You found Masamune finishing up in the kitchen and decided to ask his advice on the best dish would be to make the resident hedgehog. 
You basically skipped your way over to Ieyasu’s manor carrying an array of spicy foods. When Masamune revealed that Ieyasu liked spicy foods you were over the moon, it was not common to find a fellow spice lover. Ieyasu’s maids let you in and led you to his room, you gave a small knock and then entered in. At the sight of you, he rolled his eyes, “don’t tell me you hurt yourself again, also didn’t I tell you to rest your ankle today,” he said in a cold tone although, the look of concern in his eyes definitely didn’t escape your observations. Ignoring the blunt tone you sat down in front of him and presented him with the thank you/apology gift. His eyes widened slightly in shock; he didn’t expect you to come all this way to give him a gift. 
He grumbled a thank you and put on some tea. The two of you sat and sipped on tea, enjoying the spicy food together. As you sat and ate, you spotted an array of mythological fantasy books on Ieyasu;s bookcase. You were buzzing in excitement. Ieyasu simply blushed and looked away, reading fantasy books was a bit of a guilty pleasure for him, “you can come over and borrow them sometime if you like them that much, but you better not tell the others or else.” 
In the weeks to follow you spent more and more time at Ieyasu’s manor, it was just so quiet and peaceful there, and his room always radiated a warm, comforting aura. Often you would sit quietly in his room and read his collection of books. This had become such a regular occurrence that you have even claimed a spot in his room as your own, it was the spot on a comfy yellow chair in front of a big window overlooking the garden. 
When Ieyasu needed a break, he would make the two of you some tea or the two of you would go out to a teahouse for some sweets and tea. Through all this time spent together, you got to know Yasu a bit better.
You loved his blunt, truthful personality. He would say things as they are, without sugar-coating it. Yes, he was contrary, but you had soon come to find out that it was just his defence mechanism, and thanks to your observational skills, you could easily decipher what he was thinking. 
Ieyasu loved that that expressive face of yours. He loved the way your thoughts and emotions flickered across your face like lighting. What did Ieyasu also find incredibly amusing during your time together, well that would be your weird food combinations. 
Often after spending the day reading at his manor, it would get too late to go back to the castle, so Ieyasu set up a room just for you. Which meant the two of you would have dinner together. You loved to cook so even when you would have your meals at the castle you would always insist on cooking your own foods. Ieyasu, after writing his last report, would find you in his kitchen cooking up some weird creation. He usually can’t help the small smile forming on his lips as he watched you. Most days he would sit on the counter top or simply pull up a chair and watch you cook keeping you company. He would always laugh when a weird combination would fail, and you would pull the funniest of faces at the vile taste. 
Ieyasu loved your cooking and would always eat up everything with that faint smile on his face. If it truly was a flop, he would laugh and let you know his honest opinion, causing both of you to laugh and then cook up a different dish together. Speaking of cooking Ieyasu always has something sweet on hand when he knows you are coming over for a visit or to read. He has come to realize you have a sweet tooth and will be sure to present you with different sweets or pastries during each your visits. Even though he doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, he will always indulge in the delicious pastries you make for him.
Truth is, the more this boy spent with you the more he fell utterly and entirely in love with you. He loved that you could relate to him with regards to being ambitious and competitive. 
Your optimism and warm, cheerful personality actually helped him to heal and grow from his past traumas. You had quickly become the bright light in his dark word, your endless amounts of optimism pulling him out of the pit of despair and back into the sunshine. You had shown him that there was strength in love and positivity, and lately, he had found himself smiling like a fool whenever you were around him.
He also loved that you, like him, was rather blunt, although it seemed that you were slightly blunter then him when it came to matters of the heart. Like one day, when you found out that the Oda forces were going off to war, you decided it was time to confess your feelings. Ieyasu came to your room the night before their departure. Honestly, things were getting awkward, so you spoke up, “Ieyasu can we please cut through the bs, I’m just gonna come right out and say it, I freaken love you and well if you don’t feel the same way that okay, but I just…” you didn’t even have time to finisher your sentence when you were suddenly pulled into his strong warm embrace, lips covering your own in a sweet kiss. “Geez with that scary, intimidating face from earlier I thought you were going to tell me you hate me or something,” he joked before pulling you back for another kiss. It was true whenever you would get serious your face would turn scary, not that Ieyasu minded all he cared about at that moment was having the love of his life in his arms.
Whenever Yasu would go off to war you would always sneak in a few small anime style doodles for him to find, to remind you just how much you loved and missed him. You would always be surprised when you would get clumsily drawn doodles back whenever a scout would deliver war reports and updates to the castle.
As the two of you continued into your relationship Yasu couldn’t help but fall more and more in love with you. He loved that you were mature and independent, always there to offer him real and proper solutions to problems before comforting. Even though Ieyasu was slightly shy when it came to his emotions, he instantly knew whenever you were faking a smile or upset. That fake smile could never fool him as he would gently pull you into his arms and in the sweetest of voices, ask you what was wrong. Of course, you would always burst out into tears, as you low key had a tendency to bottle things up. Yasu would simply be there, an ear to listen to your every problem, tenderly stroking your back as you spoke and giving you small sweet kisses as you would tell him you every burden.
With Yasu you can expect loads of sweet cute kisses on the nose and forehead. 
Often the two of you cuties are simply sitting together nestled in each other arms, each reading their own book. If the two of you aren’t enjoying a quiet evening in, you are laughing and cooking your new spicing creations together for dinner. 
Ieyasu can’t help but thank his lucky stars every night for having met you. Every night without fail as you gently drift to sleep in his arms, he will pull you close to his body and trail small kisses from your head, forehead, nose, eyelids, cheeks and finally lips while whispering in the most tender of voices how much he loves and adores you.
Other potential matches…………….. Shingen 
I hope you have the best day! Sending you lots of hugs! ❤🌻🦊
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malecftw · 5 years
Your writing is AMAZING, I love it! Do you think you could do something where the reader and Shawn never get into fights, but they do over something dumb and the reader starts crying and Shawn feels bad so he drops whatever it is they are fighting about?!
A/N: So I had to rewrite the entire thing since it got deleted when proofreading why am I such a dumbass. Anywhooo thank you nonnie for requesting this. Hope you like it, don’t hesitate to let me know ;)
I’ve started up various taglists so if you want to be tagged in my future work shoot me a message or hit up my ask box. Please include which taglist you want to be added to specifically.
Word count: 1670
Warnings: angst, argument, cursing, idk if you can give a warning for fluff but... FLUFFFFFF
Taglist:  @shawn-youth
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I rolled my eyes at Shawn’s words, causing him to get even more annoyed with me. ‘Yeah y/n. You roll your eyes at me. You have nothing to defend yourself with anyway.’ He stood on the other side of the kitchen, leaning against the stove and looking at me angrily. ‘Shawn I just asked if you could do some more chores. I’m literally doing everything here.’ I said, not willing to continue the argument but also not ready to back down.
‘Everything except for actually working and earning money.’ He muttered quietly, but still loud enough for me to hear. His eyes immediately turned sorrowful but he knew the damage was done and it was too late to take his words back. It struck a nerve. It’s been a sensitive subject for me ever since I started living with him. I was currently finishing up my last year at university as a science major. The only reason why I hadn’t gotten a job yet because Shawn assured me I didn’t have to. 
He said he earned enough money for me to focus on my education and future, knowing the added stress of a job would burn me out since I was already drowning in papers, exams, and classes. He constantly reassured me, saying he didn’t mind, that my future was important to him. Not once had he made a comment that led me to believe he was insincere about this subject. It didn’t free me of the guilt that was gnawing at my soul though.
 Every single time I bought something nice for myself or went out with friends, this little voice in the back of my mind told me I was being ungrateful. I was brought up to always be grateful for the things I receive or the gifts of others and I made sure I showed my gratitude to Shawn every chance I got. That’s why his comment hit me so hard.
‘Nice one Shawn, nice one...’ I said disappointed as I took my coat off of the coat hanger. He stalked over to me instantly when he realized what I was doing. ‘Y/n come on. We both said things we didn’t mean. Come on, don’t do this you know I didn’t mean it I was just angry.’ He said without taking a breath. I looked up at him, tears already threatening to spill over. ‘You may not have meant it, but you knew how much I struggle with that subject and you still decided to use it against me.’ 
I slowly tore my arm out his big hand and took a step towards the door. ‘Don’t worry, I have my phone on me, I’ll call you if something's wrong. Just don’t... Don’t flood my phone okay.’ ‘Just please tell me you’ll come back?’ Shawn asked. We’d both made a deal at the beginning of the relationship to never go to bed without clearing up a fight or argument. Now he was looking to see if I’d break that promise. I didn’t trust my voice so I just nodded before turning my back to him. Shawn bowed his head down in defeat, knowing the best thing now was to leave me be with my thoughts to figure things out.
I didn’t look back to him when I closed the door of our condo, allowing the tears to fall freely and without shame, as I made it out of the building.I started jogging when I got outside, the sharp wind slapping me across the face. It didn’t take me long to reach my destination considering it was right around the corner from our building.
As I entered, the waitress shot me a worried smile and allowed me to sit down and collect myself before coming over to take my order. ‘The usual please.’ I said, avoiding her gaze. I was no stranger here. Usually, Shawn accompanied me though. I used to drag him along with me because I loved the place so much. Until one day it had finally grown on him enough for him to come here by himself on the days I had class and couldn’t join him. I’m guessing it was pretty obvious he was the reason for my red, teary eyes. I don’t think I’ve come here without him in the past year, not counting the times he was on tour. Usually, when he was touring I didn’t really come here that much, the entire place reminding me of too many lunch dates that my heart couldn’t handle.
I looked outside, observing a dark cloud that was flooding over the city. It looked like something out of an apocalyptic movie. Shawn was definitely going to be worried about me being outside in this kind of weather, he never stopped worrying about me.
Not too long after I’d placed my order, the waitress approached me. She put down my favorite tea on the wooden table, accompanied by a cake pop that strongly resembled the head of a little kitten. It was a cute sight really but I looked up at the girl questioningly. ‘That one’s on me. I figured you could use a little pick me up.’ She said smiling. I didn’t really know what to say, surprised by her random act of kindness so I thanked her and made sure to remind myself to leave her a nice tip when I left.
The warm, sweet taste of the tea made it down my throat, warming my insides and I immediately felt better. I knew Shawn hadn’t meant what he’d said, but it still hurt. I don’t know if he realized how much of a big deal the money thing is to me. I hate being dependent although he’d never view it like that. My education was a temporary situation and in turn also a temporary problem, yet I couldn’t help but think about our future.
Like any relationship, ours was completely based on trust. Maybe even more so than a normal relationship. Having a boyfriend that toured the world wasn’t really a regular thing so if we didn’t have full trust in one another we would’ve been over a long time ago.
After a while, I decided to message Shawn. This was stupid. I asked him to meet me here and started a timer on my phone, from the second I’d sent him the message to the second he’d arrive. I knew him, it wouldn’t take long before I’d see his beautiful face and kind smile walking through the door and I was right.
He looked at me and smiled as he went to sit down, shooting the waitress and grin as he acknowledged her. He looked hesitant and a short silence overtook us before I spoke up. ‘7 and a half minutes. I believe that’s a record, Mr. Mendes.’ I laughed lightly, trying to set the tone for the rest of the evening. He looked surprised, most certainly not expecting that kind of welcome as he eyed the numbers on the phone I held up in front of him.He quickly regained his composure though and played along. ‘Well, Miss. Y/L/N. If a pretty girl calls, you answer.’ He said smirking when he saw my rosy cheeks as a reaction to his compliment. 
The mood turned a bit more serious when the memories of our fight flooded back to him. ‘Y/n I...’ He started but he got interrupted. The waitress that served me earlier was now standing at our table with a genuine smile on her face. ‘I didn’t want to disturb you two so I just got you your usual order.’ She said as she carefully placed a cup of black coffee in front of Shawn accompanied by another cake pop. Shawn had the same questioning expression on his face that I’d had earlier and I laughed silently when the girl said: ‘It’s on the house.’ His mouth slightly formed an O-shape and the waitress looked at me smirking. Shawn quickly thanked her, making sure she realized how much he appreciated the gesture before returning back to the conversation after she left.
‘I’m sorry y/n. I know it doesn’t mean much because what’s done is done but I can 100% say I didn’t mean what I said. Truth is I had nothing on you so I used that as the worst most pathetic and untrue argument. And a lie on top of it all. I know how hard you work and not a day goes by that I’m not the proudest boyfriend alive. If I could take it back I would.’ He rambled trying to get every word out at the same time.
I took his hand in mine, trying to stop his word vomit. ‘Look, Shawn. We both messed up. We both said things we don’t mean and we both could’ve handled things differently. I was just stressed out cause of all the papers I have to finish but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you and that’s no excuse. We’re a team and we work best as one. I’m sorry the entire argument happened because honestly, it was stupid it’s already cringing me out thinking back to it.’
Shawn sighed in relief, taking a sip of his coffee before speaking again. ‘Y/n I totally understand how rough it must be to tackle a heavy education like that and so much housework. If you tell me which chores to do I will do them. Just one thing... Please please please don’t make me do laundry because we will end up with toddler socks and white shirts gone pink.’
At that, I laughed out loud. Seeing Shawn so insecure about something as simple as doing the laundry was adorable. I got closer to him and grinned. ‘Fine. No laundry. Wouldn’t want you and the washing machine stressing each other out.’ Shawn laughed and shook his head.
From a distance the waitress was looking at you two, smirking at the sight of both of you laughing. 
Cake pops could cure any sadness.
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No Surrender Pt. 5
Request: hey i love your writing!! i was wondering if you could write something where the ready and bucky are in the same hydra facility and try to escape together. idk maybe that’s bad but i love your writing!!
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Summary: In the winter of 1945 Hydra captures Sargent James Barnes. After months spent unconscious, he wakes up in a cell with you and a new addition on his left side. Quickly it becomes clear that being locked up together may be the best bout of luck either of you has had in a while… Maybe together the two of you have a chance of making it out of this hell alive. Now, 69 years later the two of you are brought back together, scars and all. War changes everyone it touches but maybe, together, you can both find some kind of peace.
Warnings: Just fluff and feels. 
A/N: Well. This is the end of the line (couldn’t help myself). Thank you all for being patient with this one as it’s taken me a hot minute to circle back and wrap it up. I hope you enjoy the end of this story! 
Tags are open!
@mywinterwolf @disagreetoagree @breezy1415 @peachthatdrinkslemonade @wonderlandmind4 @stevehesaidabadlanguageword @buckysstar @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @siriuslycloudy2  @krugeforeveryone @jewelofwinter @get-loki @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @wildmoonflower @cutie1365
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Two days later Bucky is about ready to scream.
It’s been nothing but an endless sea of paperwork and protocol—getting reestablished as, well a person—setting things up with the V.A., finances, procuring necessities like clothes and a cell phone. He was exhausted.
Steve was off helping Hill and Stark with something to do with their new plan they were calling ‘The Avengers,’ leaving Bucky blissfully alone. 
The bliss was short-lived at best. 
Alone, it was hard to shift his focus from the shadows flitting around in his mind, almost impossible to calm down his instinct to be prepared to fight at any moment. 
He finds himself wondering about you, how you’re doing, what your day to day was like, and wanting to just hear your voice. After staring at his phone and pacing for almost an hour he finally gets the gumption to call you.
It feels like the phone was ringing forever, certainly long enough for him to doubt his decision. Hell, you were likely helping Steve and the rest right now. He felt silly and more than a little useless until-
“Oui?” Your voice is cold, tentative. Of course, he’d forgotten to send you his number.
“Hey, Y/N, it’s-”
“Bucky! Is this your number now?”
He lets out a little awkward laugh, “Yeah, as of yesterday. I’m a fully functional modern American.” Functional, could he tell a bigger lie.
“Excellent. How are you?”
“Well… I’ve got some time and was wondering if that invitation was still open?” Silence hangs a little longer than he expected.
“Of course. Come on over.”
“If you’ve got other plans… I don’t wanna intrude.”
“You’re not intruding. I… Please, I’d like for you to come.” Something in your voice makes concern rise in his chest. “Do you need a ride or anything?”
“Nah, I’ve got Steve’s bike. Fifteen minutes ok?”
“Perfect.” Was that relief he heard? “I’ll see you then.”
It’s just before noon as the bike thunders onto your quiet street. Just like a few nights ago he feels like a nervous kid at the thought of seeing you. Add that to his concern he can’t shake that he’s imposing on your life—he’s a wreck. Doubt, anxiety, and a million other emotions swirl in his mind as he knocks.
They all flee when he sees you though.
He had been so used to you being a vision of poise in your well-tailored creams and whites, your vibrant lipstick, hair always exactly where you wanted it… Right now though, you remind him more of the woman he first met. Beautiful still but haunted and hurting.
The circles under your eyes are dark, lips a little too dull. Your hands tremble a touch as you gather your cardigan tight around your frame, the oversized garment covering your teeshirt and leggings.
You offer him a half-smile, “Come in.” As he follows you up the stairs the scents of coffee and cigarettes hit his nose.
“I just made a fresh pot of coffee if you’d like some,” you say once in the kitchen. Before he can respond you turn to the cabinet, taking a mug down with a shaking hand.
“Y/N?” He asks, coming up behind you, plucking the mug from your grasp and taking your hand in his. “What’s wrong?” You say nothing, your eyes cast down at the floor.
He shouldn’t be here, he knew it was a bad idea. He releases your hand, “I can go. I didn’t mean to-”
“Please don’t,” frantic, red-rimmed, eyes shoot to up, your hand suddenly grasping his tight. You look surprised by your own reaction.
He remains frozen, unsure of what to do. Well, not entirely. What he wants is to gather you in his arms, wants to breathe in the smell of your hair, kiss you until you smile… None of those things are right, he knows this, but desire doesn’t always listen to the rules. Sternly he reminds himself who you are--decidedly not his--and who he is--someone undeserving of a dame like you. 
Your tongue flits out, moistening your dry lips as you hold his gaze. “I just…” You take a tentative half step forward, closing the small space between the two of you and rest your forehead against his chest, breathing deeply.
Bucky’s heart thunders, so hard he knows you must feel it. When your hand releases his he expects you to pull away but instead your arms wrap around his torso, holding on as if you’re scared he’ll run.
It takes him longer than it should to get his arms to curl around you. He’d embraced Steve and even you briefly since being back but here, alone, this is different. It had been… shit decades since he’d held anyone or been held like this. An ache he’d been forcing down begins to rise to the surface at an alarming pace.
You turn your face to press your cheek against his pounding heart. “I don’t… I don’t want to be alone…” Your breath hitches and he holds you tighter.
“Ok… Ok,” he breathes into your hair stroking your back. The two of you stand for a bit, holding on with all your might.
“I’m sorry,” you release him, wiping a few stray tears from your eyes.
“For what?” He couldn’t fathom something you’d need to apologize for.
Turning to the coffee pot you gesture to your self, “For me. I’m… I’m just tired…”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” without thinking he cups your face with his metal hand, turning you back to him. A tear sneaks from the corner of your eye, instinctively he dashes it away with his thumb. “Here,” he takes the mug you had as well as one that must be yours as it still has a bit of coffee in it, “let me.”
“Black?” He asks as he pours, noting the lack of sugar or cream near the pot.
There are papers strewn on the little breakfast nook table so he heads that direction, both mugs in hand. You sit heavily in one of the chairs, wrapping your hands around the warmth of the mug, breathing deep. He takes the spot opposite from you.
Bucky sips the coffee, it’s damn good and the silence that hangs between you two isn’t uncomfortable.
With your eyes glued on the steam rising from between your hands, he lets the details of you sink in. Silver strands wink in your hair making it seem to sparkle in the sunlight--beautiful despite its disheveled state, the lines on your face are so fine as to almost be imperceptible, freckles lightly dust your nose and cheeks, cheeks that are slightly sallow as though you haven’t been eating enough. A muscle ticks ever so slightly near your right eye, and there’s a nicotine stain on your right index and middle finger.
Your eyes rise to meet his. While your body may not show the decades of your life he can see them clearly there. He can’t help but wonder if he and Steve had, in some sick way, been luckier…
“Do you wanna talk about it?” His voice is soft. The corner of your mouth ticks up a bit but you shake you head no.
“You have your own ghosts to deal with, you don’t need to trouble yourself with mine.” Tentatively you take his hand in your own. “You being here is enough.”
Admittedly, he’s somewhat confused as to how his presence could bring anyone comfort. Hell, he could hardly be alone with himself comfortably… Still, it does feel good to know he can do this for you.
“You won’t be burdening me, Y/N. After everything, you’ve done for me… Let’s just say I have space for your ghosts too.”
Swallowing hard you take a shaky breath, averting your gaze back to your coffee. Bucky worries that he’s said the wrong thing, somehow made this worse, until after a moment you speak.
“I… I went to see Peg the morning after the party. It…” He notices your accent is more pronounced as your emotions surface. “It was not a good day for her.” Your eyes squeeze shut, “She didn’t know me.”
For a moment you just breathe, holding his hand in a death grip. “She’s the last… the last person who truly knows me knows because she lived through it all with me and… when she’s gone… I feel like a part of me will die too.”
It occurs to him at that moment, Steve must have felt something like this when Bucky didn’t know him. The thought makes something ache deep within him. Some day he’ll find a way to make that up to Steve.
You shake your head, “I’ve stared in death’s face so many times and not been afraid… but this… I’m terrified.”
Gently, he takes your other hand in his. “I know it’s not the same as living through it but… I’d-” He struggles to find the words suddenly. “Well, I’d be honored to know you, to truly know you, Y/N.”
Your eyes hold his once more, he swears there’s a little more light there than before.
The rest of the day is the best day Bucky can remember from the last 70 years. There’s no hurry, no stress, just you.
You talk about your life before the war. Growing up in Lyon with your older sister and twin brother. Days spent running through Renaissance era streets, Roman ruins, and more modern fare.
Summers spent with your mother’s parents in the Auvergne countryside. It was so similar and yet so different from his own childhood in Brooklyn. He loved watching you light up as you remember little details, things you hadn’t thought of in so long.
Every time a record ends there’s another ready to go. Leisurely, the two of you munch on cold chicken, bread, cheese, and fruit for lunch while Bucky reaches back into his fractured mind for memories of his own childhood.
He’s surprised to find that even without Steve to back him up, how talking helps him grasp things, make sense of the chaos. It’s nice even if it aches a bit to remember them, his Ma and Pa and sisters.
As the sun begins to set you both settle on the patio, whiskey and cigarettes in hand.
“You know,” you sigh out a cloud of smoke as you stare at the sunset, “I still haven’t ridden a rollercoaster.” Your head rolls, resting on the back of your deck chair, to look at him, a small smirk on your lips.
Your laugh rings in the quiet evening. “Surprisingly, there haven’t been many opportunities. And…” You pause as though you’re unsure of your next words, stamping out your cigarette to stall. “And, I was waiting for you.”
For a few moments, you hold one another’s gaze, unmoving, hardly breathing.
“Well,” he clears his throat breaking the connection. “I guess that’s one thing we can still do. I think the rest of my promises are a little too late to keep.”
“How so?”
“I’m sure you’ve had pizza, Brooklyn doesn’t have a baseball team anymore, and I’m pretty sure all the dance joints I knew about closed a long time ago.”
“We don’t need a joint to go dancing you know.” There’s a spark in your eye as you pick up your phone, music beginning to play from unseen speakers a moment later.
Bucky feels his mouth go dry. You hop from your chair and stand in front of him, hand extended, eyes wide and expectant.
“Dance with me.”
“I…” he averts his gaze heart suddenly racing faster than the swinging beat of the song. “I don’t know if I remember how.”
“Only one way to find out.” He glances up at you, unsure. “Haven’t you kept me waiting long enough Sergeant Barnes?”
He can’t help but smile at the playful grin lifting your lips. It had been long enough.
Taking your hand he rises. This was a fast song, he knows there’re steps involved but he can’t quite remember them. His brows knit, body frozen trying to find this buried knowledge.
“Hey,” he glances down at you. Your face a mask of understanding, “Stop thinking so much, just listen.”
Closing his eyes he focuses on nothing but the music, its fast beat, energetic dips and sways, and the feeling of your hand in his. In an instant his mind is filled with smoky clubs, the sensation of sweat dripping down his back, laughter, salt on his tongue, whiskey burning in his throat--and the dance.
It takes a couple of songs to fall into it but on the third you’re both in sync, moving to the music, dancing the Lindy, smiles huge. As the music wraps up he spins you out and rapidly back into him, pressing you close to his body.
Your head falls back and you laugh breathlessly. “And you were worried,” you tease.
“Doll, I’m just gettin’ warmed up.”
“I bet.” Suddenly your lips are on his.
Of their own volition, his hands rise to cup your face just before it registers that he cannot do this. You’re DumDum’s wife, or… widow rather but still… You’re also a good person, someone who’s spent the last seven decades fighting for the right side whereas he-
Instead of holding you closer his hands gently push you away as he steps back. He tries to ignore the surprise and hurt in your eyes, tries to deny the fluttering in his gut.
“I’m sorry I-”
“No,” he cuts you off. “I… I just… I should go.” He takes a few more steps back. “It’s… I told Steve we could do dinner and,” his words are tripping over themselves almost as fast as his heart’s beating. “Yeah, I just have to go.” He doesn’t look at you as he goes through the open patio door, can’t look at you because he’ll loose his shaky conviction.
“Bucky,” you lay a had on his shoulder as he reaches his jacket. It’s gentle but he flinches nonetheless.
“Thank you for today, it really was wonderful.” He doesn’t look back as he bolts from the warmth of your home.
Steve doesn’t ask any questions when he storms into the condo without a word, neither does he say anything for the next few days regarding Bucky’s near-total silence. He gives him space, without leaving him alone entirely. It’s a tactic Bucky remembers using with Steve back when they shared a shitty apartment and Steve was often in a mood. He appreciates it.
After waking up in a cold sweat the fourth night since his afternoon with you he paces his room for hours, feeling like a caged animal. He can’t tell if he wants to scream or cry or punch something. All he knows is that it feels like there’s a swarm of hornets in his skull and he’d give anything to make it stop.
He doesn’t know what possesses him but he suddenly goes to the desk where he’d laid the beautiful journal you’d gifted him. With a shaking hand, he touches the letters on the front—reminding himself that those are his initials, his name. Opening the journal for the first time he pauses. A letter addressed to him in your delicate script lays against the first page.
Swallowing the guilt bubbling up he opens the unsealed envelope:
I want this to be a place just for you so leaving an inscription seemed wrong. In my years I’ve found that, even when it hurts, putting pen to paper to account for both my sins and triumphs reminds me of who I am—who I’ve been. Use this book as confessional or time capsule (or not at all), whatever soothes you. On these pages, as with those who love you, there is no judgement—only freedom. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I hope that in time I can repay you the debt I owe.
His eyes burn with tears. How could you think, truly think, you owed him a debt. You who’s presence drove him, helped him survive the hell he found himself in. You who never stopped looking for him. You…
With your petal soft lips, smoky voice, and gentle touch. Who was one hell of a dancer, soldier, and spy. You… who he undeniably wanted with every fiber of his being and could not allow himself to have.
Wiping away tears he refuses to let fall he fishes a few paperclips out of the office supply organizer on the desk. Carefully he aligns your letter on the first page, clipping it in place. Despite your reservations about leaving an inscription, he wanted your words here.
Initially when he thought of writing in this journal he thought he’d only put down good things, because you were one of those good things. However, as the pen hits the first page what pours from him isn’t good.
He writes until the sun brightens his window. Pages upon pages filled with horrific things… things he’d done or had been done to him. A few times he had to stop, stomach-churning from the memories. But now, as dawn chased away the shadows in his room, he felt lighter somehow.
Taking one last look at your letter he presses his lips to his fingertips and then your swirling signature before closing the journal.
Moving quietly he heads to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. The routine is soothing, clearing the remaining shadows inside of him.
When Steve gets up a little over an hour later he looks surprised to see Bucky in the living room reading a book.
“Morning,” Bucky says as Steve cocks an eyebrow.
“Morning.” He pours a cup and heads to the living room.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence Steve speaks, “You ok?”
Bucky doesn’t answer immediately. He doesn’t want to lie to Steve but his gut reaction is to play tough for him, to make everything seem better than it was. That wasn’t good for anyone though.
“A little better.” He takes a deep drink to give himself a moment more. “Not ok… but-” He shrugs, unable to find the words.
“That’s just fine, pal.” Steve takes a deep breath. “I think I’m going over to see Peggy. She’s had a good morning so far. Wanna come?”
“Are you sure?” He did want to see her. But… you may be there and he wasn’t sure how to apologize for being such an ass just yet.
“Yeah. I think…” A shadow crosses Steve’s features for an instant. “I think it would be good for her to know that you’re a secret she doesn’t have to keep anymore.”
Bucky nodded. If he could take that off of her, of both of them, he would.
A million times on the drive over he thinks to ask Steve if you’ll be there. He just can’t quite find a way to word it that doesn’t sound ridiculous or like he doesn’t want to see you—which he does, desperately.
As they pull up he swallows the question and steels his nerves. If you were here so be it. He’d deal with his jackassery like a man.  
Steve doesn’t knock, just opens the door and leads them into a townhome similar to yours. 
They head up to the main level. Things were slightly less open than your place, it hadn’t been updated for a decade or so. There were more personal touches in this space, however. He notes family photos on the walls, some framed children’s drawings, and pauses--it hadn’t occurred to him that Peggy had kids, a husband, a family.
“You comin’?” Steve goads at the base of another staircase. Bucky nods following him up.
A nurse reclines on the sofa in the small open sitting area at the top of the stairs. She smiles upon seeing Steve.
“Captain Rodgers,” her eyes widen a bit when they notice Bucky but she says nothing. “Miss Y/N is in there, she’s still having an excellent day.”
“Thanks, Amanda.”
The men head down the hall and your laugh rings out of an open door making Bucky’s heart lodge in his throat.
“I’ll be right back Peg.” You head out of the room to meet them looking polished and vibrant, so different from when he left you.
Bucky expects scorn but you, of course, offer him nothing but a gentle smile.
“I’m so glad you could come.” Your voice drops, “Steve, you and I should tell her we have a surprise and then you can come in Bucky.”
“Sounds good,” Steve smiles at him. All Bucky can do is nod before the two of them head back into the room.
He’s not sure he’s ready for this. In his mind Peggy is young, vibrant, overflowing with moxie… But as soon as Steve’s golden head swings out of the door waving for Bucky to come in he knows he has to find a way to handle it. For them. For all of them. With a deep breath, he wills one foot in front of the other.
“What on earth are you two up-” Peggy says as Bucky enters the room. She stops, a shaky hand catching the gasp falling from her lips.
She looks smaller, her hair white, but her eyes glint with a fire that is still distinctly Peggy Carter. Bucky can’t help but smile.
“James,” she was the only one who called him by his first name. “It… is it really…”
“Hey Peggy,” he says softly, reaching his right hand out to take her fragile extended one. He keeps his left hand tucked firmly in his pocket.
Her gaze shoots to Steve and then to you, “You did it.”
You shake your head, “Not exactly. But, he’s home.” Bucky feels your gaze on him but is unable to meet your eyes.
“We’ll give you two a minute,” Steve says leading you from the room.
For a moment Bucky stands awkwardly, unsure of what to do.
“You look awkward with your hand shoved in your pocket like that, James.” His cheeks burn a bit. She laughs, eyes sparkling. “Come sit,” she gestures to the chair by her bed.
Slowly he takes his hand out and does as she requests. She reaches for it and he obliges. Tenderly Peggy studies it, running her frail fingers over the joints.
“Y/N told us what they did,” she gives his hand a squeeze with more strength than he expected. “I’m so sorry we never-”
“Don’t.” Peggy looks at him, a tear threatening to fall. “Y/N said the same thing. Knowing you all looked, that you tried, that’s enough Peggy. You did all you could.”
“Did we?” She looks into the middle distance for a moment, seeming to struggle with something. “Regardless, here you are and I get to finally thank you.”
“For what?”
“Because of you, I met, Y/N. Without her, I don’t know where I’d be but I doubt it would be anyplace good. She’d disagree, of course, but she has kept me going many times.”
Bucky can’t help but smile, “She has that effect doesn’t she?”
“Indomitable, that’s how Howard described her. Never to her face, of course,” she laughs a little. “He’d be damned if he ever got caught saying something ni-” Bucky takes a ragged breath and Peggy stops.
Stark had been in his dream the night before… What he’d done.
“Look at me,” Peggy says, voice stern. He does. “What happened was not your fault. Do you understand me?”
Bucky blinks in shock, “You… you know?”
She nods, “So does she, Steve too I would think.” He must look as terrified as he feels because Peggy grabs his hands in hers.
“We tracked you. From the moment there were whispers of a man with a metal arm… but we were always three steps behind. There were times she was close to finding you…” Peggy pauses, gathering herself.
“If you’re scared that she doesn’t know, hasn’t known all along, the things that…” He nods not wanting her to continue. “Well, don’t be.
“We’ve all done things, James. Terrible things that haunt us, things we’ll take to the grave.” She tucks a strand of his hair back in place. “But we did them of our own volition. In a way, your hands are cleaner than any of ours.” He snorts an empty laugh, unbelieving.
“You know,” her tone was lighter as she takes him in, “you were always the one that got away for her.”
“What d’you mean?”
A smile fills Peggy’s face. “She loved Dugan, truly, but you were always the ‘what if’ that never got to be. Just as Steve…” her voice cracks a touch. Bucky squeezes her hand. “A lot of us had those what-ifs back then. You move forward and build your life, a good life, with what is there but it doesn’t mean you stop wondering… stop wanting.”
“I… She deserves more than me, Peggy.” Bucky’s head spins a bit. How could she know?
“Shush. Both of you have a second chance, something so many of us would have given anything for, don’t you dare waste it because you’re afraid.”
He manages a nod, barely able to keep the tears at bay.
The two of them talk for a bit. He tells her how he met her niece, how much she helped, and Peggy gushes about how proud she is of her. She tells him about her family, how it had been to see Steve again. It feels like only a few seconds before there’s a gentle knock at the door.
“Mind if I pop in?” Steve asks, beaming at the two of them.
“Of course not,” Bucky stands, giving Peggy’s hand a gentle pat. “You two chat.” Her frail hand wraps around his before he can step away.
“Don’t forget what I said, James.” That fire burns in her gaze and he nods, knowing better than to ever argue with Peggy Carter when she has that look.
The nurse isn’t in the seating area but he can hear someone downstairs. Through the sliding glass door, he sees you leaning on the balcony railing. Before you can notice him he positions himself in such a way that he can still take you in without being seen.
You have one arm across your chest, the other leisurely brings your lit cigarette to your lips. After a deep inhale you puff a perfect ring into the air, grinning with self-satisfaction. Bucky can’t help but smile too—he’s not sure he’s ever seen you quite like this, so relaxed.
Howard had been right when he’d called you indomitable.
Despite the way his breath catches in his throat he moves into your line of sight. Despite the riot of his heart against his ribs, he opens the door. Finally, despite the weight of self-loathing resting on his soul, despite his past, despite everything… he cups your face in his hands without a word and kisses you deeply.
Immediately, you melt into him. If he’s being honest with himself he expected you to pull away, push him off, reject him—but no.
Every nerve ending sings. His fingers tangle in your hair. Your tongue flits out teasing him. The world falls away until two soft laughs from inside make you both freeze.
“I do love it when people listen to me without argument,” Peggy says with a laugh.
Bucky looks at you, cheeks almost as red as your lips but your smile is so bright he knows you’re not the least bit ashamed.
“Though I didn’t expect you to take my advice so soon, James.” Bucky turns, grasping your hand in his, to face Peggy and Steve.
“Wasted enough time,” he says smiling down at you.
“I should have known you’d stick your nose into this, Peg,” your tone one of false annoyance.
Peggy laughs as Steve pushes her onto the balcony. “That’s what you get for having spies for friends, my darling.”
The four of you spend the better part of the next two hours in easy conversation as music plays from the small speakers in your cell phone. Mainly the guys listen to you two tell stories of your time in the field together, memories of your mutual friends, putting pins in some of the time he and Steve missed.
Peggy bobs her head along to a song that’s just kicked up. “It’s too bad we couldn’t all have gone dancing together. We’d have turned heads.” Steve gives her a sad smile as she looks at you.
“Well,” Bucky says with a twinge of mischief, “someone told me the other day that you don’t need a joint to go dancing. I bet we could figure something out.” He tugs you out of your chair, “Come on.”
“What’re you up to?” You say with a laugh.
“You’ll see. We’ll come get you two in a minute.”
Without further explanation, you follow him downstairs. When he and Steve had gotten in earlier he saw a sitting room on the second floor with a record player. It would be perfect.
“Help me push this furniture out of the way will ya doll?” Turning to you he flashes a bright smile. Your eyes glitter as you nod.
It doesn’t even take ten minutes to get the space suitable. He even fixes the lighting to give it a dim feel while you pick an album you know Peggy will love and start it playing.
“Will you go get ‘em?” He’s almost giddy—it’s such a foreign feeling but he’s glad for it.
Peggy’s giggles trickle down as Steve carries her down the stairs, insisting all the while she can walk and demanding to know what they’re up to.
As they come into view Bucky spreads his arms wide, “Welcome to your own private dance. Best part is, you’re in full control of the music.”
“Bucky!” Peggy exclaims as Steve sets her on wobbly legs. “Oh, this is wonderful!”
The opening notes to a song Bucky just barely remembers hearing before kick up.
“I think I owe you a dance,” Steve says taking her hands.
“You’re damn right you do, Captain Rogers.”
You and Bucky hang back for a minute as Peggy and Steve begin a slow, tender, movement in the cleared makeshift dance floor. When Bucky looks down at you a tear finds its way down your cheek.
He immediately wipes it away with a cool metal finger. You catch his gaze, your own filled with joy and a little sadness.
“May I?” He holds out his hand much as Steve had a moment before to Peggy.
“I suppose, Sergent Barnes.”
Bucky pulls you close. As the singers croon “It’s been a long, long time” he can’t help but note how perfect it is for all of you.
There was so much loss, so much pain, but Peggy was right. Here, in the circle of his arms was his second chance at a life. 
Looking up into his eyes you whisper the lyrics, “You'll never know how many dreams I dreamed about you.”
He stops your dance, takes your face in his hands, and plants a quick tender kiss on your lips. 
Looking down into your eyes he’s overcome with excitement, and terror, and happiness as he realizes that you were worth the wait, worth the fight--but he didn’t have to fight this, not anymore. To you, to this feeling, he could surrender. 
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tinkiisms · 4 years
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SPEED: I’m not a speedy RPer tbh. If I’m really pumped about a current thread and my partner and I are both online replying, I might shoot back and forth, but generally it takes days to weeks to put out my replies to any given thread. I have a job irl--and I 100% treat this as a hobby and don’t want to let it stress me out by writing with people who expect me to reply instantly--otherwise I would just stop.
REPLIES: I prefer mid-length to long threads (not novella level tho), especially with partners who I’m rather comfortable/familiar writing with. I tend to enjoy exploring what my character is thinking and feeling, so one-line dialogues can be fun to quickly develop a rapport between two characters for an initial meeting or a little side-thread to enjoy a ship dynamic...but for threads that I’m really going to be interested in and want to reply to most, they are the plotted ones that are multiple paragraphs. Single or two paragraphs are my regular mid-length threads.
STARTERS:  I will write a starter for anyone who I’ve plotted one out with, or by request/call without much plotting if I’m familiar enough with their muse that I know how I would want to set up a plausible meeting with them and Tinker Bell. If I’m not quite familiar with a character I might be less inclined to write a starter and rather my partner writes one for us to begin with. And I treat starters written for me with priority!!!
If somebody makes me a starter and I don’t reply to it within a few days--unless I’m not replying to anything in which case I’m low activity at the time like right now lowkey--LET ME KNOW. Writing a starter someone asked for and it being never answered is very frustrating and a way to make me quickly lose interest in RPing with someone, so I never want to do that to anyone else. (Weirdly, I care way more about ignored starters than dropped threads. Like if you drop a thread I’ll probably forget about it, but I never forget who liked my starter calls and didn’t answer the starter I gave them....)
INBOX: Always open for IC & OOC memes from my memes tag. Always open for IC & OOC questions for/about my muse! I don’t reply to everything immediately honestly. I’ll reblog some memes and not answer all of them, but then go back later when I’m feeling the inspiration again to get to them. It’s not my primary/preferred method of starting RPs, so not my first concern to answer--but if my partners want to continue them into threads, that’s also kind of what they’re for!! I answer them more as jumping off points to reply to rather than little drabbles of my characters reaction. So I’m always willing to turn them into threads, never hesitate. Assume it’s a go.
SELECTIVITY: Not super selective. I consider myself semi-selective because I’m technically open to RPing with non-mutuals--but at this point I basically follow back every blog that looks decent (not full of OOC and un-cut posts, has about/rules page that’s not just a link to a wiki page) whether I know the muse or not, so that tends to be all the ppl I’m willing to thread with anyway.
(I’m still not mutuals-exclusive because I can imagine a situation where maybe I enjoy an RPer’s style and am interested in their character and writing with them, but they regularly reblog stuff that I don’t like. I’m not bothered to thread with them even tho we’re not mutuals, bc I’m just here for the writing rather than following their inspo posts lmao)
WISHLIST: My wishlist tag is here, but instead of scrolling through it...My wishlist is honestly just finding RPers whose writing really clicks with mine so I find it easy and relaxing to reply to threads with them, instead of trying to force myself and get stressed for not being able to make it flow when this should just be for fun? There are ppl who I really want to write with, whose blogs/muses I like, and who I enjoy talking to OOC, but then when I actually get to our threads I’m like....eh, idk what to say here. And others who I want to have a hundred threads with because every time I go to reply, it just comes easily and I’m inspired.
+ Our characters have interesting dynamics and plots, potentially we ship our muses so I can squeal over them! It’s not something I can exactly just point at and say “who wants to do this specific plot with me?” It’s like, once you find a good partner, keep expanding your verse, your muses’ relationship, your plot ideas, and your friendship OOC to make this hobby really worth the time.
HONEST NOTE: I’m not the best writer. I’m not the best role-play partner. I take a long time to reply to things, and I drop threads if I’m not feeling it, but it never means I don’t WANT to write with you or that I have no interest in our threads. I just don’t want to let this become a stressful activity for me, because I can only write when I’m feeling the inspiration. I can’t just grind out replies like that, because my imagination is very picky, I guess?
And I’m very much a perfectionist in the self-sabotaging way so if I’m trying to write something and don’t feel like it’s good enough to share, I’d rather just not do it at all...(like taking a 0 instead of a higher but still failing grade bc if u didn’t try then u didn’t really fail, which is ridiculous but i’ve always been like that even in school--anyway my point is DON’T STRESS ME OUT I HAVE ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION)
My honest note is just, I’m always ready to plot and discuss and try to thread, but please don’t expect too much from me and end up disappointed bc I don’t live up to expectations as an RP partner. I’m just doing my thing here and putting in the effort I realistically can with my mental state. I want to have fun writing with all of you, just give me patience and time and enjoy what we do get to see from our characters, and I also won’t judge you for being slow with replies or dropping things.
tagged by: stolen from dash​
tagging: anybody who wants to do it why do we have to be tagged or tag ppl like just do the mun and muse memes you wanna do??
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mysticmikalla · 6 years
oMG i'm so excited!!! would it be okay if i request some angst between jumin and the f!mc? i'm always seeing the bois getting jealous over mc, but never the other way around. so for this request could you please write a scenario of jumin blatantly letting another business woman flirt with him and him (out of pure business interest lmao bcs old habits die hard) flirting back? and mc/reader gets mad/jealous and idk just like arguing, and mc not talking to him, and like just angst but fluff (+)
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Aye aye, thank you!!!! Your angsty but fluffy wish is my command!
It wasn’t as if you were blind to all the stares Jumin got from women all around him
Hell, they even shamelessly flirted with him when you two were out together, disregarding your presence completely and undressing him with their eyes right there in front of you
But you never really let it get to you, because the more they came onto him, they more he shut them out using polite words but  ruthlessly enough so they’d know better than to try again
So you were never bothered by it, not really
Not until he gave you a reason to be
It was as if you were invisible, standing behind him and listening to words hinting affection that weren’t directed at you, but at a neatly-dressed woman with lustful intentions in her eyes
You knew that look too well, it was how every woman looked at him, but it was Jumin’s tone that felt foreign
Your heart squeezed painfully in your chest as the woman walked away with a smug smile plastered onto her face, probably satisfied at the mutual affection she had gotten from the handsome corporate prince 
Jumin adjusted his tie and slowly turned around, a small smile rising on his lips upon seeing you
“Hello, my love.” He greeted you cheerfully 
But when he approached you to give you a peck on the lips, he was met with your cheek instead
“Is something the matter?” He his brows pulled together in a frown, searching for your gaze
But you stubbornly refuse to look at him, your skin crawling with jealously and mistrust
“Who was that just now?”
He titled his head at your question, wondering what it had anything to do with your cold greeting
He’d actually had nearly forgotten he had been talking to someone prior to you. The conversation being so bland and routine that it escaped his mind almost immediately after seeing you
“She is the owner of a famous coffee business looking to expand to Korea,” he explained, “We might soon close a deal with her if everything in her end works out.”
“Does the deal involve you entertaining her advances towards you?”
He studied your face, perplexed to find your brows pulling together and eyes narrowing as you spoke
“Is that what has been troubling you?”
You scoffed, “Seeing your fiance flirting with another woman isn’t exactly the best feeling in the word, you know?”
Jumin has taken aback by the sudden harshness of your tone, “I didn’t do it out of malice, MC. It’s simply a business deal.”
“Not to me!” You argued, “You don’t have to come onto them to get a deal done. You make deals with businessmen all the time just fine without it.”
“It is just a business deal, my love. You are being irrational about this.”
He reached for you one more time, but you pulled away from him, too irritated to allow yourself to feel his touch
“I’m not being irrational! I can’t believe you would do that for the sake of a deal!”
“It’s what I’ve always done. I have never had a problem with it.”
“But that was before…. you know, me. Us.”
Jumin meant no harm by what he said, but it felt like someone knocked the air out of you as he uttered those words
“Nothing has changed.”
You blinked at him, taking a few seconds before fully processing his words. Nothing had changed?
After everything you had been through and all the things he said to you over the course of your relationship, nothing had changed?
You shook your head, a disbelieving sigh escaping you lips, “Nothing has changed, huh?”
“That’s not what I meant-”
You waved him off, “I know exactly what you meant. I’m going home, Jumin.”
“I thought you were spending the weekend at the penthouse?”
“I change my mind, I don’t want to be with you right now. I want to be alone.”
It was his own heart that fell too big for his chest right now, threatening to suffocate his lungs
“Let’s talk about this, you are not thinking straight right now.”
“You’re the one not thinking straight when it comes to women,” you spat, regretting your words immediately after they left your lips, “You’re just like your father.”
Just like your father? Really, MC?! You cursed yourself all the way home, wanting to smash your head into the wall for being so goddamn stupid
You got in the shower once you made it to your empty apartment hoping to relieve your stress, movements as heavy as your heart, Out of all the things you could say to him, you choose that! How fucking heartless are you?!
And when you curled up in your bed, thinking about how you should be with him right now, you muttered, “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
You had never seen that look of betrayal in his eyes before, and it would not leave your mind as you tossed and turned, hopelessly attempting to fall asleep
You had never been one to lash out like that, to purposely hurt someone because they hurt you. But jealously made you blind, wanting him to feel what you had, to hurt him as he had hurt you
But, hah! Joke’s on you, MC, you feel even worse now
He had called several times and sent innumerous texts, either asking for forgiveness or for a chance to talk
You didn’t reply to single one of them, out of shame and lack of words to say to him. He didn’t even try to stop you as you left the C&R building, probably too hurt or angry at your words to chase after you
You wanted to be alone, but you didn’t want to feel alone. And right now, the feeling was eating you away as you replayed the downwards tugging of lips when you used something he entrusted you his feelings towards against him
Stupid, MC, stupid, you damned yourself before finally drifting off into a restless slumber
Jumin woke up tired the next day
Mornings were usually when he was most productive, but even willing himself out of bed was an exhausting challenge
He was usually a quiet sleeper, but now his bed sheets were all over the place from moving too much during his sleepless night
As he would begin to drift off, Jumin tried reaching for you across the bed, only to be met with your cold pillow bitterly reminding him that you weren’t there
You were probably home alone, and knowing you, you probably spent the same restless night as he did
And it was his fault
He couldn’t believe he had been so naive. Of course you were hurt, he could now see your reason for being so
If only he had realized it sooner and apologized instead of being stubborn, you two would have shared a night of laughter and passion, but that was an impossibility now
His heart sunk a little lower each time he got your voicemail, and he restlessly checked his messages, hoping to see your reply, even if they were harsh words
Anything was better than your deafening silence. It was as if he was transported to the time before he met you, and it was suffocating how Jumin couldn’t share his thoughts with you
You had visited him on a Friday, and with Sunday evening quickly approaching, he made his mind to go to your apartment despite your wishes to be alone
He was expecting you to yell at him, to be so upset you wouldn’t answer the door when he knocked, to even cuss him out
Jumin was not expecting you to be at the other side of the door of his penthouse, about to knock
There was a moment of silence when your eyes met, him being surprised that you were there and you searching for hurt or anger in his eyes
“I was on my way to see you.” It was him who spoke first
“I guess I beat you to it,” you gave him a soft smile, and he swore his heart immediately felt a thousand pounds lighter upon seeing it, “Jumin, I-”
“Let’s talk inside.” He stepped aside so you could enter. Having you in his house was a feeling he knew he would never fully get used to. Not only were you safe, you were with him, you were there for him
The house felt cold and empty in your absence, and only now did he realize how much you truly made it a home
“I’m sorry.” You breathed once he shut the door behind you. He kept his distance,  painfully remembering how you didn’t want to be touched by him few days prior
“There is no need for you to be sorry. I’m the one who should be apologizing.” 
“N-no. What I said to you…No matter how hurt I was, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry, I can’t believe I said that to you, I didn’t mean it. You’re nothing like your father when it comes to that, and I hate myself for saying it.”
His eyes softened while you spoke, and temptingly he stretched his hand out for you to take. Relieved that you didn’t reject his touch again, he gently pulled you towards him, “Please don’t hate yourself, my love, I know you didn’t mean it. But I understand why you said it. I wasn’t thinking of how it would affect you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” You murmured against his chest, “I know you didn’t mean it, either. I may have overreacted a bit, I’m sorry.”
He placed a tender the top of your head, “I’m the one who acted irrationally, not you. I guess I was doing what I had always done, and I didn’t consider that you might not be okay with it. It was selfish of me to say that nothing changed.”
Jumin brushed your hair over your ear so he could see your face better, and tilting your chin up, he murmured, “Everything has changed. You have no idea of the impact you’ve had in my life. I’m ten times the person I used to be because of you, MC, and I don’t think I’ve properly thanked you enough for staying by me all this time.”
“And I’m sorry for hurting you. I was an idiot for doing what I did, I know I would be hurt if I saw you do the same.”
“I would never do that.”
“I know,” he chuckled, “Which is one of the many reasons why you’re so much better than me.”
You nuzzled further into the warmth of the embrace, feeling his chest rise up and down as he breathed, “That’s not true. We’re both still learning how to do this.”
“I guess we are,” he agreed, drawing circles with his thumb in between your shoulder blades, “You must be tired, what do you say we finish this chat in the bedroom? We have a whole weekend of catching up to do.”
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randomfandomimagine · 6 years
Solace (Sam x Reader)
Character: Sam Winchester
Fandom: Supernatural
Categories: Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Angst
Title: Solace
  Requested by anon:
Can I request a Supernatural/Sam imagine where the reader is saved by the Winchesters but loses her sister, and he comforts her and just fluff? And time goes by and she's there for him when he loses Dean (before Castiel pulls him out of Hell), idk if I make sense just lmk if you can! Thanks!
  WARNING: Mentions of death.
I ran, I ran as fast as I could. Every step could be the last, my heart could stop beating any moment. Just as soon as the beast that chased us got ahold of me. I didn’t even know what it was, or why it wanted to attack us.  But I wasn’t going to turn around or stop to find out. I just knew that I was terrified of it and me and my sister had to escape from it.
I briefly looked over my shoulder to check on Jennifer, but my sister was nowhere to be seen. I slowed down, having my heart beating even faster than before. It couldn’t be…
Then, all of a sudden, a nerve-wracking scream could be heard, resonating all around the forest I was navigating. My heart sunk to my stomach, which suddenly felt empty and heavy at the same time.
“Jen!” I shouted, and I waited several seconds just to receive no answer.
I hesitated, wondering what I could do. I wanted to get back to her, but I was so afraid that my legs wouldn’t really respond. I was frozen in place, the panic growing stronger on me as a cold claw took ahold of me until I began shivering.
Then I suddenly made my mind, realizing it was the right thing to do. What I wanted to do. What I had to do, it was my duty as her sister. I had to go look for her.
I began running the opposite direction, that where the scream came from. Where the beast was. I ran, trying not to think about anything, about the fear or anxiety. Just about my sister.
However, it was hard to keep my mind blank. It was dark, and the trees before me appeared to be people towering over me. The moonlight behind me cast shadows all around me that tricked my brain into believing the beast was near. So I closed my eyes and kept running, using my arms as a guide not to run into anything. Until I did.
I screamt at the top of my lungs when I ran into something. It was too soft to be a tree. And it was alive.
I opened my eyes and squirmed when I felt something grabbing me by the shoulders. I was shaking in sheer panic, hearing my loud heart resonating in my ears.
“No, let me go! Don’t touch me!” I couldn’t help but to shout, even if the beast wouldn’t understand me and wouldn’t oblige.
“Calm down!” To my surprise, I was received with a human voice. “I’m not gonna hurt you!”
“I said let go of me! NO!” I started throwing punches, kicking, anything that I could to get away. I was freed from their grip, but I still heard them very close to me, breathing, whispering, moving.
It was a male voice, a deep one at that, and they were trying to say something to me, but I was too rattled to understand it. Then, a bright light suddenly shone before me, illuminating the darkness of the forest around me and blinding me for a moment.
“Hey, hey, hey!” The man said to get my attention, desperately trying to calm me down. “I’m here to help, I’m not gonna hurt you!”
The light shone around us and it fell over him as he tried to make me see that he was human, that he meant no harm. The comforting sight of his kind green eyes finally eased my anxiety and I began to calm down a little.
“It’s chasing me…” I breathed out, feeling exhausted because of the stressful and frightening situation. “It was gonna kill me, I-I…”
I didn’t even know what I wanted to say, I felt delirious. I just wanted to go home, to be somewhere safe. I stumbled forward slightly, but his strong arms enveloped me kindly.
“Don’t worry, my brother is taking care of it” His big hand patted my back as I feebly rested over his torso. “It won’t hurt you, you’re safe now”
“I’m safe” I repeated groggily, closing my eyes and resting.
He was a complete stranger, but his presence soothed me. His improvised embrace felt safe and comforting. And his deep voice gently whispered sweet nothings to me. I was safe, the beast wouldn’t…
My mind worked slowly, but it was trying to tell me something.
“C’mon, we have to go” He softly pushed me so I started walking, and I absently obliged. “The car is close, we’ll get you out of here”
Wait, the beast. My sister! We couldn’t leave, she was still there!
“Jennifer!” I suddenly jumped up, feeling the adrenaline rushing through my veins, and I clung onto the man’s green plaid shirt as he shone his flashlight down on us. “My sister is still there! We gotta save her!”
I pushed him away to try and get closer to the place where my sister was. It couldn’t have been too long since I bumped into him, around a minute, she could still be alive. And if his brother was taking care of the monster, maybe she was okay, she was safe with him like I was.
“No, we have to go!” His gentle tone drastically changed into an authoritarian one, stern and grave. “You can’t go in there!”
“But my sister-“ I was shocked to see he committed to this new attitude as he vehemently shook his head with a scowl.
“No, I’m sorry to do this, but…” He sighed in resignation, and before I knew I was hoisted up onto his shoulder.
“What are you doing?!” I hit my fists against his back, also kicking my legs to protest.
“Saving your life” Still carrying me on his shoulder, he then began walking.
The forest slowly became more and more open and the trees grew distant from each other. My heart felt smaller as the place where my sister was supposed to be became further away from me.
“No, put me down!!” I kicked, yelled and punched, but he was solid. And he didn’t seem eager to do as I say. Even if he was saving my life, I was mad at that stranger for making the choice for me.
“Jen!!!” I screamt, calling for her.
“Be quiet, please!” He shushed me urgently. “You’ll attract it to us!”
I just started sobbing, having a terrible feeling growing in my gut. 
I was resigned, and overall I was exhausted. I leaned my butt against the hood of the black car, waiting for the stranger’s brother. And hopefully, my sister as well.
I felt distant, like this couldn’t be real. Like this nightmare would end soon and I would be safe. My sister would be safe. But no matter how much I blinked, it was real. There was no escaping it.
“Hey” The man gently nudged me in the arm. “I’m Sam”
It took my befuddled brain a few seconds to take in what he had just said. He had introduced himself, and I realized I was supposed to do the same. Even if my limbs felt heavy and it took a lot of willpower to just raise my arm to shake his hand.
“I’m Y/N” I feebly replied, forcing myself to look into his eyes. They were back to being kind and sweet, and I found great comfort in them.
“Y/N” He repeated with a forced and somewhat awkward smile. “Your sister’s name is Jennifer, right?”
I winced at the mention of her name. My instinct told me that something happened to her, and it wasn’t only the apprehension of how much his brother was taking in bringing her back. I also felt it in my heart, in the emptiness of it.
“My brother’s name is Dean” He quickly added, as though he realized he had bothered me and wanted to put a remedy to it. “He’s older so he won’t stop bugging me and ordering me around”
I appreciated his efforts, I really did. He was a strange who had saved my life and he was going out of his way to comfort me and distract me even though he didn’t have to. He was nice. But I just couldn’t be bothered to show any gratitude, or any other emotion for that matter. I just wanted to close my eyes and forget about everything. I was exhausted.
“Y/N” Sam sweetly called me, stroking my arm until I looked into his eyes. “It’s gonna be okay, you’ll see”
“Thank you, Sam” I managed a weak smile.
A second later, he quickly turned around when a sudden noise startled us both. Sam immediately positioned himself before me in a protective manner, also taking ahold of my wrist to keep track of where I was at while he couldn’t look at me.
“What is it?” I whispered in fear, peeking from behind him since he was too tall for me to look over his shoulder.
“Wait” He replied in the same tone, tightly holding on to me.
We waited a few seconds in expectation, almost holding our breaths in fear. However, another few seconds passed and we could distinguish a figure. I had a feeling like only one of our siblings had made it. But was it Dean or Jennifer?
I definitely held my breath as they ran over to us, out in the open, until the moonlight fell over them and we could tell who it was. It was a man. Not my sister.
“Dean!” Sam exclaimed, breathing out and letting go of me in relief.
“Sammy!” His brother ran to meet with him. He was covered in blood, sweat and looked utterly exhausted. Almost as much as I felt myself.
They met in a hug that let me know they were very close. But they soon focused their attention on me as Sam eyed me sadly and Dean with curiosity.
“Who’s this?” The latter asked, looking me up and down.
“This is Y/N” Sam gently tapped my shoulder as he introduced me. “I found her in the forest and managed to bring her here”
“Do you know my sister?” I piped up, tugging at his jacket. “Please, Jennifer was in there! She’s my older sister, she’s-she’s a little taller than me and…”
“I’ve seen her” Dean made a gesture with his hands, as though to calm me down. “I’m sorry, kid”
“What do you mean ‘I’m sorry’?!” I was starting to lose it, I had gone through so many emotions in such a short period of time that I felt overwhelmed. I couldn’t breathe.
“Y/N” Sam tried to calm me down as well, but I wasn’t having any of it. Especially when I realized Dean wasn’t answering. I needed an answer, and I needed it now.
“Answer me, dammit!” I shouted, hurting my throat, as new tears arrived to my eyes.
“I couldn’t save her” Dean gulped, and I recognized the look of guilt and regret in his eyes. But it wasn’t enough for me, I’ve had enough.
“You couldn’t save her?! But you’re here, aren’t you?!” I pushed him as hard as I could, even if his brother had just saved me, even if I didn’t know him other than his name. I was furious.
Dean then held me by the shoulders, he suddenly seemed angry. He shook me a little, sobering me up a little and letting me see through the grief.
“We just saved your life, risking ours to do that!” Dean pursed his lips as he shook me once more. “You’re welcome, kid!”
“Dean!” His brother exclaimed, scolding him.
“Look, I’m sorry…” He sighed, softly letting go of me. He was back to looking repentant after his brief anger. “I am, really, but I did what I could, it was too late for your sister. I just couldn’t help her…”
I nodded, feeling my lips trembling and a lump in my throat. I feebly fell to the ground when I felt all my remaining energies leaving me. I just sat there, bawling my eyes out, hopeless.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N” Dean briefly rested a hand against my shoulder and soon after I heard the car door being opened and shut again.
“C’mon” Sam came closer to me, and he gingerly held my hands and softly pulled at them. “We’ll get you home”
I wanted to refuse, to just sit there forever and cry my eyes out. But I knew it was no use, it wouldn’t help. I might as well get out of there, leave that damn place behind. So I took a few seconds, deeply inhaled, and allowed Sam to pull me up.
Our eyes encountered once more and to my surprise he engulfed me in a warm hug. And despite it all, despite it being the embrace of basically a stranger and the circumstances, it felt nice. I needed that comfort and I was at least glad that I wasn’t completely alone. I felt safe with Sam and Dean. Especially with Sam, with his kindness and softness.
I wiped my tears even if I felt like more would come and lingered on the hug just for a little bit longer. Sam’s big hands soothingly rubbed circles in my back, helping me breathe better.
“Sorry” I then broke away and dried my cheeks again when a few straggled tears fell down them. “I’m fine now”
“It’s okay” Sam dedicated me another one of his sweet smiles.
I turned around to the car and Sam’s hand on my back guided me to the back seat. Once I was seated, he closed the door for me and sat on the copilot seat.
Both brothers looked at me through the rear view mirror. Dean’s eyes tried to transmit his guilt again in a silent apology. Sam’s similar ones were laced with concern and sadness.
I just closed my eyes to become blind to everything, to the whole world. Even if my sore body, exhausted mind and aching heart reminded me of it anyway.
The car started moving and I felt a little bit lighter when we slowly left the forest behind. It reminded me of the fact that I was alive, and that it was thanks to them.
“Thanks for saving me, guys” I mumbled, even if my voice sounded lower than I intended. But I couldn’t make it any louder than that.
“No problem” Sam kindly replied.
“And Dean” I said in spite of myself, even if we started on the wrong foot. “Sorry that I got mad at you, you tried”
“It’s okay, kid” He muttered. “You were right”
I wanted to say something else, to let him know that he shouldn’t feel guilty. I was sad and a little angry, but not at him. Just at the world for being so cruel. He wasn’t the one to blame.
But exhaustion was winning me over and the murmur of the car’s engine became distant as I completely gave in to it.
That car had become like a home for me. I didn’t know the first time I rode on it, but I would spend hours on end sitting in that back seat, accompanying Sam and Dean during their hunts. I longingly passed my fingers through the shiny black hood. It had been so long since I last saw it. Now it was a symbol of hope, a sign that I was at the right place. That, after all this time, I would go back to somewhere I could call home again.
I walked slowly, feeling anxious about the whole situation. It had been so long, and maybe I wasn’t wanted there. But I wanted to be there, I needed to at least try.
When I was close enough to the door, I took a deep breath and raised my fist. I hesitated for a moment, thinking that maybe I should think twice and leave. He had lost his brother, he needed time. But also comfort, not isolating himself. Still, I didn’t want to overwhelm him. But I was determined, so I knocked and impatiently waited.
A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal a tall scruffy man with familiar, kind and sweet green eyes. Even if his hair was disheveled, he had stubble and there were dark circles under his eyes. He looked down to me and frowned, slightly surprised.
I bit my lip as I waited for a reaction, but he just stared at me. Then he looked me up and down, since after all it had been years since we last saw each other. But I couldn’t wait any longer, I just threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.
“I missed you so much” I sighed, feeling almost complete again. Sam had become very important for me, and his absence was very notable.
“Me… me too…” He replied after a moment of shock, and he wrapped his arms around me as well. His big hands against my back felt comforting and familiar.
“Then why did you run away? You… You just disappeared, left me alone” After all we had gone through, the three of us hunting together. After what Sam and I had.
“I know, I’m sorry” He gently put his hands on my waist and softly broke the hug to look into my eyes. “I need some time, I needed to be alone”
“You could’ve just said it” I muttered, noticing we were extremely close.
“I was afraid that, if I did, I would never leave” His hand tenderly cupped my cheek, I could see the love in his eyes, that loving glance he always dedicated me hadn’t vanished. It was still there despite it all. “If I said goodbye, I wouldn’t have been brave enough to stay away from you”
“But I wanted to be there for you, Sam!” I frowned, feeling a weight in my chest, heavier than ever. Even if it had been there since the day I met him, but he usually made it lighter, not the other way around. “I still do, you know? That’s why I came here”
“I’m so glad you came” I thought I wouldn’t see it so early, but Sam showed me a smile. A sad and somewhat forced one, but still a smile. “You looked for me, you… you came here for me”
“Of course I did! I didn’t want you to be alone!” I took his free hand and tightly held it in mine, urgently. The thumb that lingered in my face amorously stroke my skin. “I’m here for you, Sam, like you were for me”
Sam nodded, and even if I could see his eyes getting a little watery, he seemed satisfied, almost happy. He turned around, still not letting go of my hand, and took me with him.
We were in a small hotel room, as messy as Sam looked at the moment. We arrived to the bed and he lied down, so I did too. He held me close against him as his strong arms urgently wrapped around me. He hid his face in the curve of my neck and nuzzled his nose against my shoulder.
I knew he needed that. He had been isolated for too long and his brother’s loss was a tough blow for him. Dean and him were very close, and even I, that didn’t know him as well, missed Dean. For that I let Sam hold me to shield himself in the embrace, to find comfort in my presence.
I tried to put myself in his shoes, even if I knew him so well that I could tell what he was thinking and feeling. After all Dean had done for him his entirely life and especially after what he did to keep him safe, Sam felt guilty. But also alone, lost, broken, desperate. I didn’t even want to think about the period in which we were apart, about the things that he might have done to numb his pain.
“I’m really sorry, Sam” I kindly stroke his hair to show him my support. “I know what loss is, and that it feels cold and empty and awful”
“Yeah” His voice sounded a little shaky, but knowing how sensitive he was I wasn’t surprised that he hadn’t already broken down and cried. He was strong, but he didn’t need to hold it in.
“I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, it’s painful and it makes it even more real” I gulped, trying not to think too much about my own experience. “But I’m here for you if you ever want to vent, you know that”
Sam looked up at me and held my face between his hands. Then his lips softly pressed against mine in a delicate yet grateful and passionate gesture. He nodded again.
“I know. Thanks, Y/N” But he didn’t seem too eager to share his emotions and thoughts at the moment. “It’s enough for me to have you here with me. I feel a little better already, just holding you in my arms”
When he hid his face back on my neck, I knew that it wasn’t enough. But it was all he had, and he was gonna hold on to me. Sam still felt sad and empty, but we had each other. We had found solace in each other time after time. He was there for me, and I would be there for him. It felt like we would never be apart again, because things felt a little less horrible when we were together.
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