#but if anyone ever wants our life headcannons for an mc with mental illness i got you thoroughly covered lolol
differenteagletragedy · 10 months
if you're still doing requests could I get some hcs about the ol boys and a wheelchair user mc (like uses it p much 24/7). or cane user!
Hi, sure! Here are a few :)
-- If you use a wheelchair in Step 1, Cove has got you. He's always got you, but he's going to be savage about it when he's little. Does a shop owner down by the shopping street not have an accessible store entrance? That little boy is going to make them cry.
-- Do you need a ramp? Derek will build you a ramp.
-- Cove is so clingy and Derek is so "please let me take care of you," Baxter is the one who is most like "hey, tell me if you need help with something, nbd." Like I think you'd actually have to tell Cove and Derek to chill a little bit at some point, but they'll definitely listen
-- If you're a cane user and a little flashy, Baxter would like to buy you a fancy cane.
-- Baxter also would still like to dance.
-- If someone stares or says something inappropriate, then Baxter is either going to eviscerate them in a gentlemanly tone or make them feel so stupid, whichever you'd prefer (he knows, you don't have to tell him). Derek is going to have firm words, and he's not really the fighting type but he'll flex a little if they won't listen. It depends on if Cove is more cold or warm, but he'll either destroy them or focus solely on you.
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missneko-otaku · 6 years
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A Faint Affection (MC x Yasumasa)
(Writer’s Note: I am new to SLBP fandom. I just discovered it recently. Even in the fanfiction world, I am new. So there are terms that are new and alien to me, like headcannons, fluff, the like– tho some I have a bit of a clue (just a tiny bit) what it is, but, still, I am clueless in so many fandom/ fanfiction terms. This will be my first time, writing a fanfic. So, please, be a little forgiving if my work seems not to satisfy you for I am not perfect ^ↀᴥↀ^ .  And if there is some bit of grammatical errors (or regarding characters), please do forgive me (and correct me in what part, etc. too), for English is not my mother tongue. I am more of a reader than of a writer by the way. But I write from time to time. So, yeah..umm hope you like it. ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ
 PS. I want to say thank you for these blogs: ieyasu-tacogawa.tumblr.com and bmp-slbp-matchup.tumblr.com (Rose-chan..!!˶⚈Ɛ⚈˵) Some of their posts provided info that helped me get a better understanding of Sakakibara Yasumasa’s character (and confirmed some of my assumptions about him). I only knew him mainly in Tokugawa Ieyasu’s (hey hubby~! ♡ ♡ ♡ (ㆁᴗㆁ✿) Look, I finally finished writing a chapter!) main story route. I didn’t know if he had many event stories in the past, if it is then too bad I wasn’t able to play it! Anyway, I have this little crush on him. And I can’t help but imagine some sweet scenarios about him (≖ᴗ≖✿) so here I am, ended up writing a fanfic for him. I hope that you like it as much as I do!)Sakakibara Yasumasa
A Faint Affection (MC x Yasumasa)
-Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3/ Chapter 4/  Chapter 5/ Chapter 6-7 *new
Chapter 1
Pale Moonlight, Burned Fishes, Sighs
It’s been a few weeks since I have begun living as Yahiko, under the care of the Tokugawa Clan. Replacing my brother as a poison taster to save him from the magistrate’s irrational displeasure because I turned him down, bluntly, not letting myself succumb to his desire for me to be his bride. I disguised myself as a boy and let that fool magistrate sent me here, unknowingly, instead of my little brother Yahiko.
It was the only best solution at that time. Well, as if I had any other options to begin with. We are just a normal family who owns a small restaurant in Kyoto, born under no titles. Powerless and weak to those who have it.
I’m the eldest daughter. And being the eldest just means the responsibility falls on my shoulders: to protect my mother and my little brother. Since my father passed away because of war, leaving us and the restaurant behind, and a duty for me to take, it is no surprise for me to think and act this way. I will do anything to protect my family. That, I swore to myself ever since he left us.
Of course, it is no easy feat. Who on earth in their right mind would throw themselves unprepared in such situations just that so easily without thinking first the consequences that will come later? Right?!
Oh yeah, there is one. Me.
I may not look like it right now but living and pretending as a boy here in this place full of lords, samurais and who knows what’s more, is surely very difficult. Even mentally. It is like throwing yourself into a lion’s den or getting cornered by a pack of wild dogs. Everyday feels like I’m stepping on a sea of needles, giving me an unpleasant feeling in my stomach every now and then. Anxious that someone might know my little secret.
To make matters much more challenging than it already is, I have to not let myself get in trouble. And when I say in trouble, get into the nerves of Tokugawa Ieyasu. The young lord of the Tokugawa clan who seems around the same age as me or so, I think. An ally of Lord Oda Nobunaga, the Lord of Fools. He’s deceptive and ruthless young lord masking himself with that trickster smile of his.
As I remind myself of these, I almost cut myself with the knife I am using. The kitchen ladies here have asked me to lend them a hand as they prepare an early feast. The Tokugawa clan won a recent battle, making the cause of all these ruckus in the kitchen. Looks like it will be a busy afternoon for all of us.
A sudden loud voice calling me, snapping me back to reality.
“Yes..!” I reply back hastily.
“After peeling those potatoes, can you wash the greens on the basket please?” asks by an old kitchen lady with a basket full of freshly picked mushrooms who is in a hurry as well.
I nod at her and before I get to say something, she rushes inside the kitchen without even looking back at me.
“Sigh..” I exhale as I finish the last remaining potatoes I have yet to peel.
I finished peeling the potatoes after what seemed like endless to me. I peacefully go with a hint of smile painted on my face, a wooden bucket in my right hand and a basket full of vegetable greens on the other to the well. Just a few walking distance from the kitchen. I stride, looking up into the huge clear sky above me when suddenly–
Before I know it, I stumble upon something hard in front of me, making me lose my balance, fall to the ground and sending my vegetables flying mid-air.
“Hey!! Watch out where you are going!” a familiar irritated voice, snaps at me.
When I look up it is no other than Yasumasa Sakakibara. Oh great. Of all people that I have to bump into, why this guy?
“..I-I’m sorry.” is all the word I can utter under my shaky tone, afraid that I might annoy him even further. I don’t want to put myself on his bad side after all.
He looks down at me with eyes full of usual contempt in them. He is mean and ruthless to almost everybody who is below him. But he isn’t usually like that towards other retainers who he thinks is the same level as him or to someone above him. I don’t even know why he is always mean like that, especially to me. I can feel it somehow. It’s as if he hates me like how he naturally dislike women. Or is it just me? Or because I look like one a bit that’s why he’s more irritated?
“What are you looking at boy?!” hisses lord Yasumasa back at me, his eyes glaring.
“Nothing milord.” I hurriedly pick up all the vegetables that have fallen on the ground while he walks pass at me, arms crossed, still hissing like I even inconvenienced him badly or something.
That man.
I can only sigh in my mind as I think him together with lord Ieyasu, a pair that I would like to avoid getting into trouble with.
Oh well…
Though I find myself amazed by the fact that despite his horrible attitude to me all the time, not once it did give me enough hard ill feelings to harbor against him. It’s like I became a bit accustomed to it now. But, I do now wonder if he ever been even kind to anyone in all his life.
The feast ended nicely. It is past evening, very late, silence hangs over the still cold air of the night. Tiredness starts to creep within me as I clean the tatami floor by wiping it with a dry cloth. They sure had totally enjoyed themselves seeing the place is a real quite a mess. You can smell the alcohol lingering in the room. Bottles of sake everywhere.
Well it can’t be helped, not only they won but the fact that they returned alive from the battlefield is a big miracle to be joyful and thankful about. Thinking about it, I feel a little happiness flow within me for their families and loved ones.
After wiping the entire tatami floor, I go out with my hands full of bottles of sake when I pass lord Yasumasa on the hallway. I bow and greet him with sincerity because he returned safe as well– knowing that he, of course, sure has a family too that waits for him.
“Hmpf.” sighs lord Yasumasa in an irritating manner as our eyes meet after I took my bow at him.
What..?! (sighs)
I try not to let that simple act of his usual meanness towards me to bother me at all. As I stare at his back where the moonlight showers his silhouette with its pale light, I notice that there’s something odd on the way he is walking. I fix my eyes on him for a few more seconds when he–
He topples on the side of the hallway’s veranda and lands himself onto the outside garden with a loud thud. From the sound of it, you could assume that it is a painful fall.
It happens so fast my body isn’t able to react at all. I am staring at the somehow funny scene while my mouth agape and my eyes in huge astonishment at the very, very rare scene that only, I am able to take a hold of. Though it lasts for only seconds.
After a delay that lasted with a blink of an eye, my senses come back to me. I hurriedly let go of the sake bottles on my hands and go straight at lord Yasumasa, who is still unconscious, unmoving from where he landed himself.
Is he dead??
He is sprawled out, lying flat on his stomach.
I try calling his name, but no response. I move him, now his face upwards towards me. I try again calling him, lightly tapping his face, his cheeks and forehead that feels a bit hot because of the shock it took. Still he isn’t responding at all.
There we are outside in the broad moonlight, his face completely bare for me to see. His caramel brown hair bit tousled in a mess, his eyelids, his cheeks…his forehead and his nose, faintly glowing because of the pale moonlight above us. For the first time, lord Yasumasa looks…so beautiful and vulnerable.
Waiit!!! Get a hold of yourself! It’s the moonlight that does the trick..!
I unconsciously slap him a bit hard out of surprise from the sudden unusual thought that came to me.
“O-ouch.” Yasumasa murmurs. The sprawled out man at last has got his senses back. Or so, I thought…
He moves a little bit, his eyes twitching from the slap I just gave him. Then like a child in pain, he falls asleep again.
Oh my… I give up.
Surely, I can not wake him and get him back into his senses nor lift him by myself up to his chamber. So, I, at last call for some help.
It is morning.
The weather is nice because I can see the sky above me so clear and blue. Even the sight of the warm morning light is breathtaking. I always wake up early to help out, mostly the kitchen ladies. Somehow because of the good job I always do aside from laundry, it became a habit for them to ask me out for some help they needed in preparing to serving meals all day. (And if you’re wondering what happened to my previous job title, I don’t know how it happened but seeing my usefulness on how I help out the kitchen ladies much better than being a poison taster, lord Tadatsugu promoted me into an errand runner. Yes, for me this is a promotion because at last my life wouldn’t be in death’s door anymore.)
I am in the kitchen grilling some fish for the lords’ breakfast. The breakfast we are preparing for today is a light, typical one: hot rice, grilled fish, miso soup, some pickled vegetables and tamagoyaki– knowing they are exhausted for sure from drinking hard last night.
While doing so, fanning the grilling line of fish in front of me, the last night’s events seems not to get away from me. Or should I say, the many scenes from last night’s are etched completely in my head.
I was able to get some help last night. A young man, one of the servants of Yasumasa himself, who was cleaning heard me and offered some help for the old ones were still busy having their lively, idle talk. We were able to drag and get the drunken lord Yasumasa to his chamber. I thank his young servant but soon he left us to get back to what he was doing.
We were alone. The candle light flickering, casting some shadows on the walls and giving lord Yasumasa’s sleeping face a glimmer.
I laid out nicely his bedding on the tatami floor.
“Lord Yasumasa, I will put you into your bed now.” I said almost like a whisper to the man sleeping like a log.
I tried to lift him up but ended up dragging his body into his bedding.
“Sorry.” I sighed, feeling guilty and apologetic because how I dragged him like a rice sack surely wasn’t a polite and proper manner to do so to a samurai lord like him.
I lightly put his arms on both sides and tucked him into bed. I found myself, unconsciously, looking at him in his sleeping demeanor. I stared at him, almost tempted to touch the features of a sleeping Yasumasa who was defenseless.
He looked very different. Like the man in front of me was a another whole new Yasumasa. Kind and innocent, not in his usual snarling, mean facet. It was very strange to me and intriguing at the same time. I never thought he could look so innocent as this just in his sleep.
“Oh..you are really handsome.” the words loosely slipped from my mouth without hesitation after the realization that it wasn’t the moonlight’s trick outside nor the flickering effect of the candle around us. Lord Yasumasa, without his usual meanness, indeed is really handsome.
Come to think of it, I was, like, in a trance. I was weirdly staring at him, kneeling beside him without a flinch, for some time.
I left him in his chamber, quietly closing the wooden sliding door.
Waiit! Why am I thinking about him?! Get back to your senses, girl! You should be focusing on your work right now. Grill the fish well until it’s nicely cooked.. Yep, that’s the smell of grilling fish starting to cook wel—???!!!
Puff of clouds and the smell of burnt smoke was spreading into the still morning air around me. My fish are burning to a crisp!
We go and start to serve their breakfast in the main room. Everyone is visibly tired, yawning and if not, looking half-asleep still. Together with the maids, we serve one by one their trays, chopsticks. Soon, follows bowls of brown rice, pickled vegetables, sliced tamagoyaki rolls and lastly my perfect burned grilled fish. The head cook is really angry at me but because there is no time and to top of it, there is nothing to substitute for it, we don’t have a choice but to serve it and think of an excuse which up to now– we haven’t thought of yet.
But, oddly, my mind is afloat to something else. My eyes are wandering in the room, as I serve and put down lord Ieyasu’s less burnt grilled fish– the only, if not the best, not totally burned one.
He’s not here, huh? I think to myself.
“Ohh..seems something is different on today’s fish?”
Hearing those words, my attention drifts back to lord Ieyasu’s sudden morning remark. Through his eyes and feigned childlike smile painted on his fair face that is directed at me, I know then that he has seen through me the blunder that we or more exactly, I did earlier just this morning.
I feel a cold sweat run through my skin as I am kneeling just beside lord Ieyasu. And I could see that he sensed it. If glares could kill, so does lord Ieyasu’s blank eyes and his quiet smile.
Before I could say anything, he cut me so swiftly.
“I hope this will be the last time. I am not fond of someone playing with my food, whoever did this, tell him, he should throw himself into a cliff or something instead of ruining my morning appetite. Maybe perhaps I’ll be more glad. Don’t you think?”
And all I can do after that what seemed like a death wish to me is to gulp inaudibly.
I remove lord Ieyasu’s grilled fish from his tray and go out of my way from the main room. I walk, feeling thankful that he didn’t cook me alive and that the others are so tired that maybe they didn’t bother complaining about theirs.
I stride nonchalantly now in the hall when my eyes catch a glimpse of a figure. He is walking on the other side of the hall. He is yawning and slightly dragging his feet. He overslept? Well, who wouldn’t. It is the first time, though, that I see him late for breakfast.
If it wasn’t for last night, I wouldn’t bother thinking at all about it, dragging his feet, waking late for breakfast and all. But because I know, I can’t help but get distracted by his trivial movements.
As I expected, he is wearing his usual meanness, self-confident facade again. It’s like what I saw last night was just all but a dream.
I bow at him as he passes me without even giving a glance.
..! Why am I sighing? Am I disappointed?
I shake my head deliberately and head to the kitchen.
@ieyasu-tacogawa @shiranata
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