#but if u asked my Why its DES and not like just DER or DAS like i literally dont know i cant explain man
andronauts · 1 year
things i like abt the german language as someone trying to learn german
-words are pronounced exactly the way theyre spelled
-english is germanic, so many words are similar enough that u can easily figure out the meaning jst by looking at the word (Milch=Milk, Buch=Book, Bruder=Brother, Schwester=Sister, etc etc)
-other words are just word+word and german is so Literal with naming shit so if u know some words its easy to kinda figure out what smthng means (Handschuhe = literally, “Hand Shoes” = Gloves)
-vocabulary is So Easy to remember bc of these above 3 points like frfr
things i hate abt the german language as someone trying to learn german
-CONJUGATIONS as well are horrible (especially PAST TENSE VERBS and literally every conjugation of the verb WERDEN) (its so HARD to remember and understand)
-PLURAL VERSIONS of nouns are so DUMB (it makes NO SENSE)
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ajarofpickledtears · 2 years
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#so many signs telling ppl not to go swimming in specific places cause its not safe and you might get dragged under and/or out to the middle
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
fun German thoughts aka I just realised something
der See - the lake
ein See - a lake
die See - the sea/ocean
das Meer - the sea/ocean
ein Meer - an ocean
the difference between a lake and the ocean is whether it's feminine or masculine
also, the plural "die Seen" is most commonly used for lakes, even though according to the dictionary it is apparently used for oceans as well but I haven't seen (hah) or heard it used that way
also 2.0, I only just realised that "sea" seems to be mostly (only) used as plural (a haven't read or heard "a sea" at least) so that would kinda mean that in German "die See" is mostly singular and in English plural and I just think that's interesting
hence why I probably picked Translation Studies as a module this semester lmao
also 3.0, I think Meer would mostly be translated to ocean and See to sea, and vice versa
71 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 8. Mai 2022
I love love love idioms and stuff like
for example, in English you have "it's pouring buckets" which is pretty much the same as the German "es schüttet wie aus Eimern"
then we have stuff like the one I mentioned yesterday (?), "skeletons in your closet" vs "Leichen im Keller (bodies in the basement)", which have the same meaning and are similar, but not the same
another example: "bull in a china shop" and "Elefant im Porzellanladen (elephant in a porcellain/china shop)"
there are things like something I just thought of when outside, an idiom referring to when someone is complaining about rain and they arr told "du bist doch nicht aus Zucker (you're not made from sugar)" - even though I don't think there is an English equivalent, the reasoning behind it could still be understood: sugar dissolves in water, so someone doesn't need to be "scared" of the rain cause it won't hurt them
and lastly, there are idioms that are very cultural or historically influenced, or where most people probably neither know nor care why those exist. ones I can think of right now is, to tell someone that they are "schwer auf dem Holzweg" - in this case, "auf dem Holzweg sein" means that a person is off the track, or, of it's more as a threat/warning, that they don't know what's coming for them. also, when I look up "Holzweg" I get "logging-path" as a translation.
to my non-German speaking friends - can you make sense of these?
"Du kannst mir nicht das Wasser reichen (You can't hand me the water)"
"Mit ihr ist nicht gut Kirschen essen (It is not possible to comfortably eat cherries with her)" - this translation is a stretch because... this is actually quite hard
77 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 9. Juli 2022
tfw u got headaches and you don't know if it's from tension, not drinking enough, not drinking water, or the temperatures
82 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 17. Juni 2022
ok pride flag favourites from this twitter thread
(favourite cause they are relatable in some way)
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253 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 1. Juni 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
just found fun maps of Germany
was originally just looking for this
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but got one with the actual different Aldi logos and an image depicting a few different ways to divide Germany 😂
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626 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 6. April 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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dailydianakko · 5 years
Undying Au-Fuck
I woke up the next day in my coffin. I walked out of it and put on some black eyeliner, black eyesharrow, blood-bed lipstick and a black really low-cut leather dress that was all ripped and in stripes so you could see my belly. I was wearing a skull belly ring with black and red diamonds inside it. (Da night before Diana and I rent back to the skull (geddit skull koz im goffik n I like deth). Holbrooke chased Pool away. We flew there on our brooms. Mine was black and the broom-stuff was blood-red. There was lace all over it. Diana had a black MCR boom. We went back to our rooms and we had you-know-what to a Linkin Park song.) Well anyway I went down to the Grate Hall. There all da walls were painted black and da tables were black too. But you fould see that there was pink pant underneath the black pant. And there were pastors of poser bands everywhere, like Ashlee Simpson and the Backstreet Boys. “WTF!” I shouted going to sit next to Lotte Gothic Night’fall 666 and Barbara. L’Ote Gothic Nightfall 666 was wearing a black leather mini with a Good Chraloote t-shirt, black fishnets and black pointy boots. Barbara was wearing a long gothic blak dress with blood red writing that was all lacy and came up to your thighs and black boots and fishnets. Vampire, Dracula and Diana came. We started to talk about who was sexier, Mikey or Gerard Way or Billie Joe Armstrong. The girls joined in cause they were bi. “Those guys are so fucking hot.” Andrew was saying as suddenly a gothic old woman with a black beard and everything came. She was the same one who had chassed away Paul yesterday. She had normal tan skin but she was wearing white foundation and she had died her hare black. “……………….HOOLBROOKE?1!” we all gasped. “WTF?” I shouted angrily. “I thought she was just wearing that to scare Paul!” “Hello everyone.” she said happily. “As u can see I gave the room a makeover. Whjat do u fink about it?” Everyone from the poser table in Gryiffindoor started to cheer. Well we goths just looked at each other all disfusted and shook our heads. We couldn’t believe what a poser he was!1. “BTW you can call me Miranda.” SHE CALLED AS WE LEFT to our classes. “What a fucking poser!” Duana shouted angrily as we we to Transfomation. We were holding hands. Vampire looked really jealous. I could see her crying blood in a gothic way (geddit, way lik Gerard) but I didn’t say anything. “I bet she’s havin a mid-life crisis!” Su’cY shouted. I was so fucking angry. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day we sat angerly finking about Helbrooke. We were so fucking pissed off. Well, I had one thing to look forward too- da MCR concert. It had been postphoned, so we could all go. Anyway, I went to the common room sadly to cut classes. Diana was being all secretive. I asked what it was and she got all mad me and started crying all hot and angsty (rnt sensitve lesbian gurlz r so hot). “No one fucking understands me!1” she shouted angrily as her green and blonde hare went in her big blue eyes like Billie Joe in Boulevard of Borken Dreamz. Shee was wearing black baggy paints, a black MCR t-shirt and a black die. (geddit insted of tie koz im goffik) I was wearing a blak leather low cut top with chains all over it all over it a blak leather mini, black high held boots and a cross belly fing. My hair was al up in a messy relly high bun like Amy Lee in Gong Under. (email me if u wana see da pik) “Accuse me? What about me!” I growled. “Buy-but-but-” she grunted. “You fucking bastard!” I moaned. “No! Wait! It’s not what it fucking looks like!” she shouted. But it was to late. I knew what I herd. I ran to the bathroom angrily, cring. Diana banged on the door. I whipped and whepped as my blody eyeliner streammed down my cheeks and made cool tears down my feces like Benji in the video for Girls and Bois (VALK that is soo our video!). I TOOOK OUT A CIGARETE END STARTED TO smoke pot. Suddenly Avery came. she had appearated. “You gave me a fucking shock!” I shouted angrily dropping my pot. “Wtf do you fink you’re doing in da red team’s room?” Only it wasn’t just Avery. Someone else was with her too! For a second I wanted it 2 b Andrew or maybe Diana but it was HObrooke. “Hey I need to ask you a question.” she said, pulling out her black wanabe-goffik purse. “What are u wearing to the concert?” “U no who MCR r!” I gasped. “No I just saw there was a concert dat a lot of gothz and punx were going 2.” She said. “Anyway Diana has a surprise for u.” XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day I wondered what the surprise was. Meanwhile, I pot on a blak ledder mini, a blak corset with urple lace stuff all over it, an black gothic compact boots. MCR were gong 2 do the concert again, since POOL had taken over the last one. I slit my wrists while I moshed 2 MCR in my bedroom all night, feeling excited. Suddenly someone knocked on the door while I was trying on sum black clothes and moshing to Fang u 4 da Venom. I gut all mad and turned it of, but sacredly I hopped inside dat it was Diana so we could do it again. “Wut de fucking hell r u doing!” I shouted angrily. It was Picies! “R u gonna cum rape me or what.” I yelled. I was allowed to say dat because Holbrooke had told us all 2 be careful around het and Nelson since she was a pedo. “No, actshelly (geddit, hell) kan I plz burrow sum condemns.”s he growld angrily. “Yah, so u can fuk ur six-yr-old gurlfriend, huh?” I shouted sarkastikally. “Fuker.” She said, gong away. Well anyway, I put on some black eyesharow, black eyeliner, and some black lipstick and white foundation. Then I went. Den I gasped…………………………………………………………….Pieces and Nelson were in da middle of da empty hall, doin it, and Finnelan was watching!1 “Oh my god you ludacris idiot!” they both shooted angrily when they saw me. Finnelan ran away crying. Dey got up, though. Normally I wood have ben turned on (I luv cing the sheep of wuter) but both of them were fuking preps. “WTF is that why u wanted condoms?” I asked sadistically. (c I speld dat) “Only you wouldn’t give them to me!” Pisces shouted angrily. “Well you shoulda told me.” I replayed. “You dimwit!.” Nelson began 2 shoot angrily. And then………I took out my black camera and took a pic of them. U could see that they were naked and everything. “Well xcuse me!” they both shouted angrily. “What was dat al about?” “It wuz to blackmail u.” I snarked. “So now next time you see me doing it with my girlfriend you cant fuking rat me out or I’ll show dis to holbeook. So fuck off, u bastards!” I started to run. They chased me but I threw my wound at them and dey tripped over it. Well anyway, I went outside and there was Paul, looking extremely fucking hot. “WTF where’d Diana?” I asked him. “Oh she’s bein a fucking bastard. She told me she wouldn’t cum.” Vampire said shaking her hed. “U wanna cum with me? 2 the concert?” Then….. she showed me his flying car. I gasped. It was a black car. She said her rummate constanze had given it 2 her. The license plate on the front sed MCR666 on it. The one on da back said ‘AAKEW’ on it. ……….I gasped. We flew to the concert hall. MCR were there, playing. Vampire and I began 2 make out, moshing to the muzik. I gapsed, looking at da band. I almost had an orgasim. Gerard was so fucking hot! He begin 2 sing ‘Helena’ and his sexah beautiful voice began 2 fill the hall. ……….And den, I heard some crrying. I turned and saw Diana, cryin in a corner. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Later we all went in the skull. Diana was crying in da common room. “Duana are u okay?” I asked in a gothic voice. “No I’m not u fuking bitch!”s he shouted angrily. She stated to run out of the place in a suicidal way. I stated to cry cuz I was afraid she would commit suicide. “Its ok Akki.” said Vampire comfortly. “Ill make her feel better.” “U mean you’ll go fuck her wont you!” I shouted angrily. Then I ran 2 get Diana. Vampire came too. “Diana please come!” she began to cry. Tears of blood came down her pail face. I wuz so turned on cuz I love sensitive lesbun gurlz. (if ur a homophone den fuk of!) And then………………………….. we herd sum footsteps! Vampire got out her blak invincibility coke. We both gut under it. We saw the janitor Meenotar there, shouting angrily with a flashlight in his hand. “WHOSE THERE!” he shouted angrily. We saw a rat come. It went unda da invisibility cloke and started to meow loudly. “IS ANY1 THERE!” yelled Mr. Menotaur. “No fuck u you preppy little poser sun of a fukcing bich!” Vampire said under her breast in a disgusted way. “EXCUS ME! EXCUS ME WHO SED DAT!” yelled Mr. Norris. Den he heard the rat meow. “RAT is der any1 unda da cloak!” he asked. The Rat nodded. And then……………………….Vampir frenched me! She did it jus as…………………….. Mr. Mentouar was taking of da cloak!1 “WHAT DA-” he yelled but it was 2 late cuz now we were ruining away frum him. And den we saw Duana crying n bustin in2 tearz and slitting her rists outside of da school. “Diana!” I cried. “R u okay?” “I guess though.” Diana weeped. We went back to our coffins frenching each other. Diana and I decided to watch Lake Placid (c isnt da deprezzin) on the gothic red bed together. As I wuz about 2 put in the video, my eyes rolled up and suddenly I had a vision of something that was happening now. There was a knok on the door and Fafnir and da Mystery of Magic walked into the school!1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day everyone talked about the Misery of Magic. Well anyway, I woke up the next day. I was in my coffin so I opened the door. I was wearing blak lacey leather pajamas. Then I gasped. Standing in front of me where………………. B;loody Lotta Nighdfall 666, Vampire, Diabolo, Diana, Dracula and Barbara! I opened my crimson eyes. Barbara was wearing a tight black leather top with pictures of bloody roses all over it. Under that she wart a black poofy skirt wit lace on it and black gothic boots that was attached to the top. Vampire was wearing a baggy Simple Plan t-shirt and baggy black pants and Vans. Diana was wearing a black MCR t-shirt and blak jeans and a leather jacket. She looked just likee Gerard Way, and almost as fucking sexy. Vampire looked like Joel Madden. B’loody Lotte Nightf’all 666 was wearing a tight black poofy gothic dress that she had ripped so it showed of all her clearage with a white apron that said ‘bich’ and other swear words and MCR lyrics on it kind of like one dress I had seen Amy Lee wear once. Darkness (who is Avery) was there too. She was weaving a ripped gothic black dress with ripped stuff all over it and a lace-up top thing and black pointy boots. So were Hannah and Wangari. It turns out that Darkness, Diabolo, Hannahs and Wangaru’s dad was a vampire. He committed suicide by slitting his wrists with a razor. He had raped them and stuff before too. They all got so depressed that they became goffik and converted to Stanism. “OMFG” I yielded as I jumped up. “Why the fuck are u all here?” “Akki something is really fucked up.” Duana said. “OK but I need to put my fucking clothes on first.” I shouted angrily. “It’s all right. We have to go now and you look kawaii anyway. Your so fucking beautiful.” Diana said in a sexy voice. “Oh all right.” I said smiling. “But you have to tell me why your being all erective.” “I will I will.” she said. So I just put on some black eyeliner, black lipstick and red eyeshadow and white foundation. Then I came. We all went outside the Lucbh room and looked in from a widow. A fucking prep called Chole from Purple Teeam was standing next to us. She was wearing a pink mini and a Hilary Duff t-shirt so we put up our middle fingers at her. Inside the Great Hall we could see Holbreooke. FAFNIE was there shouting at Hobroooke. Finnelam was there too. “THIS CANNOT BE!” she shouted angrily. “THE SCHOOL MUST BE CLOSED!” “PAUL IS PLANNING TO KILL THE STUDENTS!” yelled Fafrnir. “YOU ARE NOT FIT TO BE THE PRINCIPAL ANY LONGER!” yelled Finnelan. “YOU ARE TOO OLD AND YOUR ALZHEIMERS IS DANGEROUS! YOU MUST RETRY OR PAUL WILL KILL YOUR STUDENTS!” “Very well.” Holbrooke said angrily. “Butt we cannot do this. We can’t close the school. There is only one person who is capable of killing Paul and she is in the school. And her name is…………………………………………………………………..Akko Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way.” Diana, Hannah, Barbara, Darkness, S’ucky, Vampire and B’loody Lotte Nightfall 666 looked at each other………I gasped.
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choiriinsani · 4 years
Über Deutsch
well, i have finished my deutsch learning in duolingo. wkwkwk, such an experience. to learn without teacher is not really my style, because i ask a lot and confuse (more than) a lot. how hard is deutsch? to be honest, harder than english, but much less than japan. and other language with (other than) latin alphabet, i guess. the grammar is quite different than english. but compared to other language in europe, i guess deutsch has the same level of them. with different point of difficulties. 
i started my deutsch learning because my friend encourage me to use duolingo. why deustch, simply because i had my class in deutsch as my additional class in high school. i thought it could be a basic lesson for me to continue learning it in duolingo. well, what we know is a drop, what we dont know is an ocean WKWKWKWK. believe me, the thing you had learned in high school was totally nothing and didnt help at all wkwk. in the end, i felt like being trapped because i cant just escape from learning it. i need to finish it once i started. so to be prices, how hard is it to learn german? here are the list
1. gender
this is the first world problem of learning german, and other european language ( i guess). most of european language has gender for its nouns. every. single. noun. without exception. english also used to have gender as well. but eventually, the rule vanished. why. idk. just google it. moreover, the gender are 3. maskulin, neutral, and feminin. how do you do the gender of the noun?
in english, we say the bird, the book, and the guitar. in deutsch, we say der Vogel, das Buch, and die Gitarre. all ‘der, das, die’ means the. Der is for maskulin noun, Das is for neutral noun, and Die is for feminine noun. how do you know a noun is maskulin, neutral, or feminin? well, you cant make assumption like “oh, the dog sounds more manly and cat is more like a girl. i bet the dog is maskulin and the cat is feminine”. in this case, you are right. der Hund (the dog) is maskulin and die Katze (the cat) is feminin. but, das Madchen (the girl) -- that is supposed to be total feminin -- is neutral. many of the noun is just random. you really need to live with it to know which gender are they. fortunately, deutsch also has rule for some of them. you can recognize the gender by its ending. like, the -ung and -schaft ending are feminin, no doubt. the -chen ending ist neutral, must be. the -ist and -ling ending must be maskulin. and of course there are still many other ending, i just cant tell you all of them. 
ah. and all the plural stuff is simply ‘die’. no matter of the gender in singlular, they become ‘die’ if you make plural
this, gender, is the root of (almost) all of the problem of deutsch problem. let’s have another one
2. case
this one another tricky stuff. in english, we only have subject and object. ‘I’ and ‘she’ for subject, so ‘me’ and ‘her’ for object. that is all. for the first learner from indo, it must be hard to adjust. because either for subject or object, we always use the same one. in deutsch, there 4 cases. nominativ, akkusativ, dativ, genitiv. basically, nominativ is the subject, akkusativ and dativ are object, and genitiv is well, idk how to say it. for example, ‘ich’ is for nominativ, ‘mich’ is for akkusativ and ‘mir’ is for dativ. that all means ‘aku’. or ‘du’, ‘dich’, and ‘dir’ that all means you. what is worse is, the ‘der, das, die’ stuff also change based on the case. ‘der’ become ‘den’ if it is on akkusativ and become ‘dem’ in dativ case. ‘die’ keep being ‘die’ in akkusativ but become ‘dem’ in dativ case. 
wait. genitiv. what is it? it is like “employee of the month”. ‘the month’ is genitiv. i dont know how to explain it. but, yea, that is the example. you get it, huh
because of this case, there 6 translations for ‘the’ in deutsch. they are der, das, die, dem, den, des. “ha? den and des? you dont mention it!”
believe me, you dont want to.
3. adjective
at first, i thought it will be safe to speak without ‘the’ in german because it wont problem you then. if you want to say “i need a strong coffee”, you dont need to think about ‘is cup a feminin, neutral, or maskulin’. let’s just remove ‘the’ from the sentence and i will be fine. but, deutsch wont let you escape from confusion
the adjective that follow the noun changes based on the (once again) the gender and the case of the noun. ‘a strong coffee’. 
what gender is ‘coffee’? it is maskulin
in what case is ‘coffee’. it is akkusativ
but, wait. what is ‘coffee’ and ‘strong’ in german? well, it is ‘Kaffee’ and ‘scharf’. 
so how do you say “i need a strong coffee”? it is “ich brauche einen scharfen Kaffee”
fyi. even before you think about the adjective, the article (in this story, it is ‘einen’) also affect how the adjective works. because ‘Kaffee’ is maskulin, it uses ‘einen’. if it is feminin, it will be ‘eine’, and ‘ein’ if it is neutral. it also work for 'my’ (and other possessive pronoun) and words like ‘every’, ‘each’ (what is the name for it? idk). well, it should be number 4. but, tbh i dont know how to say them in title wkwk. sorry
4. plural
just put ‘s’ or ‘es’ in the end of word to make plural. it is in english. in deutsch, you have more option, like ‘e’ or ‘n’ or ‘en’ or ‘er’ or ‘r’ or (of course) ‘s’. or, umlaut. the double dot on the top of the word. yes, it is called umlaut. are there rule? i guess there are some.  but i cant take it wkwk. 
5. verb
well, it is less hard than the 4 first. it also appears in english, like “i work” but become “she works”. you just need to put ‘s’ in verb for ‘he, she, it’ subject. or put ‘d’ in deutsch. there are at least 4 ways, put ‘e’ or ‘st’ or ‘t’ or ‘en’. here are the examples
“ich arbeite”, “du arbeitest”, “er/sie/es arbeitet”, “sie/wir arbeiten”. they mean “i, you, he/she/it, they/we work”. wait. there are 2 ‘sie’? well, actually 3. let’s move on to the next one.
sik, sik, lupa yang bagian ini. the perks one is, it also apply for modal verb (in english, you apply can, will, must to all pronoun), past verb (in english, you apply the same for all pronoun), and have/had (the have/had that works for perfect tense). can, will, must, past verb, have/had have their own forms depend on the subjects. in this case, it is even more confusing because they tend to be irregular. 
the next will be facts of deutsch. they not the hard parts of deutsch. enjoy!
6. pronoun
there are at least 9 pronouns you can use. ich for I, du for you, er for he, sie for she, es for it, sie for they, wir for we, ihr for you (plural), and Sie for you (formal). maybe you can translate ihr as ‘kalian’ and ‘Sie’ as ‘anda’. remember, ‘Sie’ with capital S. and yeah, totally 3 ‘sie’. how do you differentiate? sie that means ‘she’ have ‘t’ ending for its verb, and ‘sie’ that means they have ‘en’ ending for its verb. the to be is in the following
ich bin, du bist, er/sie/es ist, ihr seid, wir/sie/Sie sind. well, it is 5 in total. quite different from english that is only have am, is, and are
7. alphabet
they have total 31 alphabet, 27 common alphabet plus 4 that are quite common. the 3 are, a, u, and o with umlaut. remember umlaut? the double dot on top of the alphabet. it doesnt apply for alphabet, fortunately. only for a, o, u. so it becomes ä, ü, ö. it can be typed as ‘ae’, ‘ue’, ‘oe’. do you know the soccer player named ‘özil’? sometimes his name is type ‘Oezil’ on the back of his jersey. i guess the font is not supporting the umlaut.  
and another one is the ß (it is called eszett or scharfes S (means strong S)) that surprisingly pronounce ‘s’, and can be typed as ‘ss’. like in ‘groß’ that can be typed as ‘gross’ (means big, great, tall, but not dirty)
8. noun
the noun of deutsch is started with capital. always, no matter where it is. do you realize that i do it before? haha. just to tell you it is a noun. maybe its help you translate the deutsch. maybe
9. pronounciation
how does the ‘R’ is pronounced in deutsch? it is like you gurgle the water in the back of your tongue. but as you cant always have water in your mouth, you can use your spit wkwkwk. quite tricky when K or G meet R. because both alphabet is produced in the back of the tongue. but the sound of ‘R’ in the end of syllable vanishes. pronounce it as if no R there wkwk, poor R. 
‘why do i even exist then’ ask R in the end of syllable
other than that, surprisingly, it is easier than english. of course, in my point of view haha. i mean, deustch is consistent with what they have. the AIUEO and  ä, ü, ö sound like how they supposed to. the consonant works the same. the exception is just a few. (um, well, at least that is how i hear them wkwk). different from english, and totally different from french. wk
other than that, you will hear a lot of ‘kh’ and ‘sy’ sounds. the ending -en isnt pronounced clear. it is like you gulp it. it is like you gulp the -en. like how the british guy pronounce ‘button’. the ‘W’ is pronounced like ‘V’ in english. the ‘Z’ sounds like ‘ts’. the ‘S’ is like ‘Z’, but ‘S’ that follow other consonant sounds like ‘sy’. ‘EI’ is pronounced ‘AI’.
how are the umlauts pronounced? i cant really tell. the ü, ö is like the basic U and O, but not so round. im sure you dont get it wkwkwk. my pronounciation is not that good as well. just make it like you do more effort to pronounce it, and you will be marked as right
10. spelling
to be honest, it is quite tough. in one syllable, you can find 4 consonants (at least that is the worst that i have found). most of them are started with ‘sch-’. but, you will also find many ‘sch’ or ‘ch’ spelling anywhere. the common ones that i find are ‘schw-’ like in schwein (swine), schwer (hard), schwanger (pregnant), schwester (sister), schwarz (black)
11. tense
there only 6 tenses. past, present, future. double it with perfect tense in each of them. funnily, you use ‘(present) perfekt’ to express the action in the past (instead of the simple past tense. different from english, isnt it?). because the simple past tense and past perfect tense tend to be used for storytelling, to make it more fancy i guess. use them in casual conversation makes you being seen as someone pretentious wkwkwk. so, present, future, and (present) perfect are enough for common people
12. how do you say it?
here are some (i hope to be useful) phrases to know about
guten tag (hello), guten morgen (good morning), guten abend (good evening), gute nacht (good night)
enstchuldigung (excuse me)
danke (thank you)
es tut mir leid (sorry)
ich liebe dich (i love you)
Tschüss (bye), bis morgen (see you tomorrow)
there are some other to be honest, but let’s just wrap it here. i believe every language has its own difficulties and simplicities. as the beginner, i admit that i was shocked that deustch was this hard. i thought i will be on the same level as english. and since i’m not surrounded by german word, phrase, or culture it will be harder to learn it in a longer way. it applies the same for other language that bahasa indo didnt derive from. where the sosmed, movie, and music are performed mostly in english, it will be a challenge to learn other language
as the conclusion, “think before you speak” phrase is clearly applied here. and, know you now why it is called “grammar nazi” instead of just “grammar police”. yg terakhir becanda, sotoy aja aku mah
dann, Bis zum nächsten Mal
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babyawacs · 4 years
compared how life is and shouldbe these monsters shuffled sexual assault with harms w ith exploitation with fraudtricks with intel murder tricks then need alibis and see howthey can make the survivor oftheir shit as guilty aspossible throw objects shuffl e standard stigmas shuffle harms noone belongs near letalone on intimacy medifile holoc aust mengele worthy they overtaped allalong  charging it how batshitnuts isit thistim e with that guy oneofthe simplest dirty tricks itis guilty liable causing government with control accomplcies shuffle pr oxies and harms play plausible deniability even now rightnow heart on edge ajoke this is inthis healthsins group agegroup  fi nd backleg heartkill on suffocations on pathogen on d e h y d r a t i o n  g u t s lock guts subdue murder trick murder tri ck there were no issues its found as subdued  countless times itsone ofthe things they gotaway with //// dehydration gu ts subdue harms heart implant signal 2035 find so buttonpusher these knwo how and why th e ylock guts /// xray radar 20pm on is 2015  2028 /// #lawyers paved ways with apologies? use those that wereonthe case w ith that result on delaytactics  in loe meanwhaile  //// someone nonhostile controlle d sleeptime tests zombi with elevator in bhalflife engien alyx or halflife2 engine reward nonhostile and less horror memes its really wanting to sleep on intelcoma  /// xraym urderer aims heart is // breached barricades to? inchamber or grocerystores? notjust cinema. sowhat. another email . ////  the germans shuffle sexual assault. with minors. before+during+after daytimecharging. under risk as they nutit quellit to repeat. then reinterpret if a volleyball tweet boner counts as: /// twenty?years time. on sth like sexuality germans efforted virgin fool hooowmanytimes withall their might: theyknew da ycivillian asthey shuffled at the same timeothers efforted pervert hooker sexslave  as themmmm shuffled charging both daytime asthe causing hosting governmetn +timecontrol acc omplice was tweaked to: mingled on private intimacy like whenyou have aboner and ifit fits totheir current molest trick replacedphone duringmail is //// @deutschland @bi ld @bild_de @phoenix_de  oohbhittte fuer euchhat doch irgend eine prostituierte eine ae h...schmmmmmink-idee oder einen v i s i o n aeren aeh e i n d r u c k und als oberzuhae lter gehoert alles somit euch allein sonst: hochverrat and aeh d e u t s ch l a n d oder  zurueckgeblieben hoffnungslos ver aeh jungfert hauptsache am sack /// and and and and and compared to hitler what would have hitler eversaid?... and...and...eva?braun?????..... mqy??? ve!??.. // yooooouknowme im doctor l a h v e whatwomenwant is m y aeh ..aeh...  .. professsssssion and @all @world germans. shuffle. standard. stigma s. throw objects. at?who? @deutschland  .@law @law @laws @lawyer @harvard_law @ap @reuter s @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @lawyercom die #deutschen kranken an einem sys tem das die aerzte als kontrollinstrument benutzt,von anfang an so baut und als privilegie rten verteilungsmechanismus  eine der beguenstigten ehemals ddr privilegiert genannten e in ast des kontrollsystems wehe dem der da reingeraet /// #50percent of intels woul dagree, the other50percent would too but they a r e the rapers so.. //// sero toleran ce with sexual assault  scums imply simpl y its sexuality frivolous gains frivolous h a b i t s as lifestyle sexual assault as s exuality for frivolous gains repeated during daytime charging whats happening ris king anything to what happens is the fraudsystem empowers some that are immune from int elcomas and those euphemistically nicemilden their sexual assault on civillians as u s i n g them so what theydontmind and that makes regularly e xcesses deed  repeats becomes habit becomes prerogative beco mes excess becomes monstrosity becomes ge rman nothinghappensness then alldie thenthe germanfix: letmore because nothinghappened then reinterpretation if nothinghappensness isnot trickable  I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #T HINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss xraymur derer radar? /// xraymurderer radar likel y abvoe or abvoeadjanentn or adjancentbuidligns nazi or control who drove away 1537 rightbeofre it restarted /// im drowsy froma badmix isit a bdad gasing orlympahbti ciamed or 1400 1408 posioenrsuffoctaotror /// lawyers sero tolerance with degradati on of performance itis notjust thatguy that ivnents those things and analysed this thatw ay and is principally a smartie  itis creates solutions allalong andor fixes and wit h this information solvesit that way wow  or meh or hmmm or   fail in simple: value is not just subjective topersons but also onthe outcome a n d the highlight of things youwoudlve overlooked or and noone to t rust lets ssee what an independent thinks despite limitedinfo this stuff is invaluabl e insome situations luck to my customers is notjust inventions but that economics think ing is near physics thinking and mba is burnthrough clutter  so techtalent (if aninvent ion works,letalone three ofem) is multifactor interdependency abstract factor economics ne ar physics thinking is whats this allabout effectivitiy for what howto best efffffffffffici ently and effectively and it grows  in humanbeings if undamamges the peak of cognitive abilities isnot 40 sports is mid 20s? midlate20s?  incognitive its upto high age th e germans did anything to braindamamgeme and suffocateme tothisvery hour 1400 1408 e ither they understand whatthey got or they g l a dl i e s t ask anyone else itis ha rd to explain but i have no gain fromit not even kudos sure not food and thatnothign t hey poison and cockroachdrug too  itis performance whilethey urinate intothe tank and t he sugar  for the flavour  and then cant w e hit it with a huge concrete rod so it is towhat we degrade it to better deed typed *********** publish :  bots compare the se analysis works to and the medifile of scanned and confirmed incidents and fidns compar es to: ************ notarstampit itis  tenyears socialmedia five sixyears thinktank blog but analysis and emails twenty yea rs ******* bots compare it to and  this while themedifile the real stuff ha ppening tothat  compares to ******** they morons that dont evenknow whatthey damamge  in good intent and scums that killtric k uzsually inbad intent //// suffocati on mild from checktricks 1400+-2 /// xraymurderer is back nazi or control /// .@law @law @laws @lawyer @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @lawyercom sero tolerance with sexual assault  scums imply simply its sexuality frivolous gains frivolous h a b i t s as lifestyle sexual assault as sexuality for friv olous gains repeated during daytime charging whats happening risking anything to what happens is the fraudsystem empowers some that are immune from intelcomas and thos e euphemistically nicemilden their sexual assault on civillians as u s i n g them s o what theydontmind and that makes regularly excesses deed  repeats becomes habit becomes prerogative becomes excess bec omes monstrosity becomes german nothinghappensness then alldie thenthe germanfix: l etmore because nothinghappened then reinterpretation if nothinghappensness isnot tricka ble  I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. pa ypal.me/ChristianKiss //// itis nonhostile morning whosnew /// nonhostgile testthe mes betweeen pun nomore sexjoy tears then trainride whereitriedtourinatesoemewhere thenns ome atomic pun thensome halflife2 or alyx engine theme alllinall nonhostile puns andactio nable like elevator and zombi huntingyou /// replacedphone 354 maybe cockroachdrug he roine detox it and repair the personwith drugtherapy find leftfotaiemd pathogen maxybe maybe gasing copycat ifnonhostile donotharm nonhsotile isnot theproblem usually / /// nonhostile gasing with teary side effect? 2am maybe elephant ? video is interesting robot walks through some constructionsite of chernobyl new covered cleanedup site withsome scientists ///// bbecause itis i nt e l i n t e l itis which trick works rightnow so we b r i e f the fools they use thegermans host fools? wedontjust let em know which o t h e r fools they used or that thegame is waht allthese and these and them overlooked is thegame but w h a t is played a n d w h o e  l s e knew allalong what find xraymurderer maybe abov e aboveadjacent or adjacentbuildings /// isthere any file where bullshit is stored notlike: he changes his tshirt and pullover once a day afterwakeup and makeshis bed twice aday butmorelike makes his budget calculations under aminute with alllllllll his expe nses ahead without checkingback types his creditcardnumbers inlogins and his iban etc and logs in abysmal things without failtypes etc youget theidea bullshit uses keypa d without looking atit his computer andor phone is penetrateable with effort: and compa res to: not bullshit like his logo itis b l u e and and and  the desktop is clutttered but morelike he cant solv e supersudokus anymore after them them and them were onthe case onthe walls and deedtyped reported suffocatiosn and poisons he solved those sudokus in 50minutes and level1 in 1h our15+-15 verifed and confirmed and a hugepile ofthem over more than 7years and now he tries sevendays and fails  twice after them and them and them did this. and this. an d this. typed as this. he is not a retard from it but its not as before or isit m ore like: and the granny grampy retard doodoo this mishap is a proof of how nothing happe ned but then that guy mishap this so we must germangerman german german german ness his r ights away and its the confirmation how german we were before to germancure his granny g rampy doodoo ness no childsexorgies as germancure there were thousands but thatdoesnt c outn he was ondrug unless we interpret sth as boner then its frivolous sex and we can german sth about it  //// bbbbbbbbbbbb ombout assmolester 2049 jailem enforceprevention /// where did the clowns compare the level ofthe case in threeemonths comparable onlinecourse lesseducated and in a mo nth fourweeks class nov2018  febr-may2019 t hats everyday 8hours a f t e r sufffo cations dmamages poisons  but before  inten sified murder killtricks 2020 germans shuffle stigmas then atomic calculus basics of nuc learphysics mit course and abit basic python new heartaimed 1 946 is repalcedphone from pathogen gasing allday is I am Chri stian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? P ay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
compared how life is and shouldbe these monsters shuffled sexual assault with harms w ith exploitation with fraudtricks with intel murder tricks then need alibis and see howthey can make the survivor oftheir shit as guilty aspossible throw objects shuffl e standard stigmas shuffle harms noone belongs near letalone on intimacy medifile holoc aust mengele worthy they overtaped allalong  charging it how batshitnuts isit thistim e with that guy oneofthe simplest dirty tricks itis guilty liable causing government with control accomplcies shuffle pr oxies and harms play plausible deniability even now rightnow heart on edge ajoke this is inthis healthsins group agegroup  fi nd backleg heartkill on suffocations on pathogen on d e h y d r a t i o n  g u t s lock guts subdue murder trick murder tri ck there were no issues its found as subdued  countless times itsone ofthe things they gotaway with //// dehydration gu ts subdue harms heart implant signal 2035 find so buttonpusher these knwo how and why th e ylock guts /// xray radar 20pm on is 2015  2028 /// #lawyers paved ways with apologies? use those that wereonthe case w ith that result on delaytactics  in loe meanwhaile  //// someone nonhostile controlle d sleeptime tests zombi with elevator in bhalflife engien alyx or halflife2 engine reward nonhostile and less horror memes its really wanting to sleep on intelcoma  /// xraym urderer aims heart is // breached barricades to? inchamber or grocerystores? notjust cinema. sowhat. another email . ////  the germans shuffle sexual assault. with minors. before+during+after daytimecharging. under risk as they nutit quellit to repeat. then reinterpret if a volleyball tweet boner counts as: /// twenty?years time. on sth like sexuality germans efforted virgin fool hooowmanytimes withall their might: theyknew da ycivillian asthey shuffled at the same timeothers efforted pervert hooker sexslave  as themmmm shuffled charging both daytime asthe causing hosting governmetn +timecontrol acc omplice was tweaked to: mingled on private intimacy like whenyou have aboner and ifit fits totheir current molest trick replacedphone duringmail is //// @deutschland @bi ld @bild_de @phoenix_de  oohbhittte fuer euchhat doch irgend eine prostituierte eine ae h…schmmmmmink-idee oder einen v i s i o n aeren aeh e i n d r u c k und als oberzuhae lter gehoert alles somit euch allein sonst: hochverrat and aeh d e u t s ch l a n d oder  zurueckgeblieben hoffnungslos ver aeh jungfert hauptsache am sack /// and and and and and compared to hitler what would have hitler eversaid?… and…and…eva?braun?????….. mqy??? ve!??.. // yooooouknowme im doctor l a h v e whatwomenwant is m y aeh ..aeh…  .. professsssssion and @all @world germans. shuffle. standard. stigma s. throw objects. at?who? @deutschland  .@law @law @laws @lawyer @harvard_law @ap @reuter s @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @lawyercom die #deutschen kranken an einem sys tem das die aerzte als kontrollinstrument benutzt,von anfang an so baut und als privilegie rten verteilungsmechanismus  eine der beguenstigten ehemals ddr privilegiert genannten e in ast des kontrollsystems wehe dem der da reingeraet /// #50percent of intels woul dagree, the other50percent would too but they a r e the rapers so.. //// sero toleran ce with sexual assault  scums imply simpl y its sexuality frivolous gains frivolous h a b i t s as lifestyle sexual assault as s exuality for frivolous gains repeated during daytime charging whats happening ris king anything to what happens is the fraudsystem empowers some that are immune from int elcomas and those euphemistically nicemilden their sexual assault on civillians as u s i n g them so what theydontmind and that makes regularly e xcesses deed  repeats becomes habit becomes prerogative beco mes excess becomes monstrosity becomes ge rman nothinghappensness then alldie thenthe germanfix: letmore because nothinghappened then reinterpretation if nothinghappensness isnot trickable  I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #T HINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss xraymur derer radar? /// xraymurderer radar likel y abvoe or abvoeadjanentn or adjancentbuidligns nazi or control who drove away 1537 rightbeofre it restarted /// im drowsy froma badmix isit a bdad gasing orlympahbti ciamed or 1400 1408 posioenrsuffoctaotror /// lawyers sero tolerance with degradati on of performance itis notjust thatguy that ivnents those things and analysed this thatw ay and is principally a smartie  itis creates solutions allalong andor fixes and wit h this information solvesit that way wow  or meh or hmmm or   fail in simple: value is not just subjective topersons but also onthe outcome a n d the highlight of things youwoudlve overlooked or and noone to t rust lets ssee what an independent thinks despite limitedinfo this stuff is invaluabl e insome situations luck to my customers is notjust inventions but that economics think ing is near physics thinking and mba is burnthrough clutter  so techtalent (if aninvent ion works,letalone three ofem) is multifactor interdependency abstract factor economics ne ar physics thinking is whats this allabout effectivitiy for what howto best efffffffffffici ently and effectively and it grows  in humanbeings if undamamges the peak of cognitive abilities isnot 40 sports is mid 20s? midlate20s?  incognitive its upto high age th e germans did anything to braindamamgeme and suffocateme tothisvery hour 1400 1408 e ither they understand whatthey got or they g l a dl i e s t ask anyone else itis ha rd to explain but i have no gain fromit not even kudos sure not food and thatnothign t hey poison and cockroachdrug too  itis performance whilethey urinate intothe tank and t he sugar  for the flavour  and then cant w e hit it with a huge concrete rod so it is towhat we degrade it to better deed typed *********** publish :  bots compare the se analysis works to and the medifile of scanned and confirmed incidents and fidns compar es to: ************ notarstampit itis  tenyears socialmedia five sixyears thinktank blog but analysis and emails twenty yea rs ******* bots compare it to and  this while themedifile the real stuff ha ppening tothat  compares to ******** they morons that dont evenknow whatthey damamge  in good intent and scums that killtric k uzsually inbad intent //// suffocati on mild from checktricks 1400+-2 /// xraymurderer is back nazi or control /// .@law @law @laws @lawyer @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @lawyercom sero tolerance with sexual assault  scums imply simply its sexuality frivolous gains frivolous h a b i t s as lifestyle sexual assault as sexuality for friv olous gains repeated during daytime charging whats happening risking anything to what happens is the fraudsystem empowers some that are immune from intelcomas and thos e euphemistically nicemilden their sexual assault on civillians as u s i n g them s o what theydontmind and that makes regularly excesses deed  repeats becomes habit becomes prerogative becomes excess bec omes monstrosity becomes german nothinghappensness then alldie thenthe germanfix: l etmore because nothinghappened then reinterpretation if nothinghappensness isnot tricka ble  I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. pa ypal.me/ChristianKiss //// itis nonhostile morning whosnew /// nonhostgile testthe mes betweeen pun nomore sexjoy tears then trainride whereitriedtourinatesoemewhere thenns ome atomic pun thensome halflife2 or alyx engine theme alllinall nonhostile puns andactio nable like elevator and zombi huntingyou /// replacedphone 354 maybe cockroachdrug he roine detox it and repair the personwith drugtherapy find leftfotaiemd pathogen maxybe maybe gasing copycat ifnonhostile donotharm nonhsotile isnot theproblem usually / /// nonhostile gasing with teary side effect? 2am maybe elephant ? video is interesting robot walks through some constructionsite of chernobyl new covered cleanedup site withsome scientists ///// bbecause itis i nt e l i n t e l itis which trick works rightnow so we b r i e f the fools they use thegermans host fools? wedontjust let em know which o t h e r fools they used or that thegame is waht allthese and these and them overlooked is thegame but w h a t is played a n d w h o e  l s e knew allalong what find xraymurderer maybe abov e aboveadjacent or adjacentbuildings /// isthere any file where bullshit is stored notlike: he changes his tshirt and pullover once a day afterwakeup and makeshis bed twice aday butmorelike makes his budget calculations under aminute with alllllllll his expe nses ahead without checkingback types his creditcardnumbers inlogins and his iban etc and logs in abysmal things without failtypes etc youget theidea bullshit uses keypa d without looking atit his computer andor phone is penetrateable with effort: and compa res to: not bullshit like his logo itis b l u e and and and  the desktop is clutttered but morelike he cant solv e supersudokus anymore after them them and them were onthe case onthe walls and deedtyped reported suffocatiosn and poisons he solved those sudokus in 50minutes and level1 in 1h our15+-15 verifed and confirmed and a hugepile ofthem over more than 7years and now he tries sevendays and fails  twice after them and them and them did this. and this. an d this. typed as this. he is not a retard from it but its not as before or isit m ore like: and the granny grampy retard doodoo this mishap is a proof of how nothing happe ned but then that guy mishap this so we must germangerman german german german ness his r ights away and its the confirmation how german we were before to germancure his granny g rampy doodoo ness no childsexorgies as germancure there were thousands but thatdoesnt c outn he was ondrug unless we interpret sth as boner then its frivolous sex and we can german sth about it  //// bbbbbbbbbbbb ombout assmolester 2049 jailem enforceprevention /// where did the clowns compare the level ofthe case in threeemonths comparable onlinecourse lesseducated and in a mo nth fourweeks class nov2018  febr-may2019 t hats everyday 8hours a f t e r sufffo cations dmamages poisons  but before  inten sified murder killtricks 2020 germans shuffle stigmas then atomic calculus basics of nuc learphysics mit course and abit basic python new heartaimed 1 946 is repalcedphone from pathogen gasing allday is I am Chri stian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? P ay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@all @world
compared how life is and shouldbe
these monsters shuffled sexual assault with harms with exploitation with fraudtricks with intel murder tricks
then need
alibis and see howthey can make the survivor oftheir shit as guilty aspossible
throw objects
shuffle standard stigmas shuffle harms
noone belongs near letalone on intimacy
medifile holocaust mengele worthy they overtaped allalong char…
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Author Spotlight: KlaineShip2 Day 2
Day 2: Recs!
Because Klaineship is a translator, this is in two languages so it’s long and I’ve needed to put it under a cut tag after the first one. But I really recommend clicking through!!
Tumblr media
Please recommend 3 - 5 of your own translations.
Look under the cut: Being Kurt Hummel by @flamingmuse, Where there’s smoke by @itslaurastone and How Hard You’re Trying by @wowbright
Okay, so let me start with the translation I am most proud of. It's @adiwriting​ 's 'Hearing Verse' about Deaf!Blaine. I collected all her Tumblr and AO3 posts and one inspired work by @justasmallbloginabigklainefandom​ into one big 63-chapter-piece (over 150.000 words) It's called 'Musik nur, wenn sie laut ist' 
on AO3 and fanfiktion.de
What I love the most about this fic is, that it tells Kurt's and Blaine's story from their first meeting through their whole life until they are both old men. In the beginning there is a lot of struggling on both sides to overcome the differences between their lives and experiences as a Deaf-Hearing-Couple. Alongside Kurt I got a deep insight into a world I didn't know existed. It's called Deaf Culture. I had to do a lot of research to get everything right and I really love the German title that came instantly to my mind, when I'd started reading this Verse. It's the title of a song from the 80s by the German singer and songwriter Herbert Grönemeier , that tells the story of a Deaf girl, who 'listens' to music as loudly as possible (as does Blaine in the story as well) to feel the beats of the bass guitar and the drums vibrating through her body.
It's hard to choose a favourite part from such a long story, but I'd say it's already in chapter 3 called 'Versprecher' (Fumbling). I'll add the original part for those of you who can't speak German. ;-) (the ASL signing is written in CAPS LOCK) and if you want to check out why Kurt's fumbling here you may read the footnotes of chapter 3. ;-)
U-M-Z-I-E-H-E-N ? buchstabiert Kurt und nachdem Blaine ihm die Gebärde für 'umziehen' gezeigt hat, nickt er und wird ganz aufgeregt, als wolle er ihm eine richtig tolle Story erzählen. 
ICH ZIEHE IM AUGUST NACH NEW YORK. ICH GEHE ZU N-Y-A-D-A SCHULE . ICH STUDIERE SCHAUSPIEL ! Er gebärdet mit solcher Begeisterung, dass Blaine ihm noch nicht mal wegen seiner schlampigen Gebärden einen Vorwurf machen kann, denn sein Enthusiasmus ist einfach ansteckend.
WOW , gebärdet Blaine, er muss die Tatsache erst mal verdauen, dass Kurt tatsächlich zum Ende des Sommers auch nach New York ziehen wird. Die ganze Zeit hat er sich ausgeredet, Kurt auf ein Rendezvous einzuladen, weil er sich kurz vor dem Abschluss nicht an jemanden binden wollte, aber jetzt gibt es dafür keine Entschuldigung mehr. 
GRATULIERE , fährt Blaine fort, als Kurt ihm seinen Kaffee in die Hand drückt. ICH ZIEHE AUCH NACH NEW YORK . ICH BIN AN DER N-Y-U ANGENOMMEN WORDEN .
WIRKLICH ? Kurt strahlt übers ganze Gesicht und Blaine liebt diesen Anblick. Er fragt sich, wie es wohl wäre, mit Kurt zusammen zu sein und derjenige zu sein, der ihm jeden Tag aufs Neue dieses Lächeln entlocken kann. ICH WILL SEX IN NEW YORK.
Blaine ist so überrascht und schockiert, dass er sich an seinem Kaffee verschluckt und sich heftig hustend an der Theke abstützen muss. Kurt eilt vor die Theke zu ihm, klopft ihm auf den Rücken und schaut ihn betroffen, aber vollkommen unschuldig an, so, als hätte er nicht gerade gesagt, dass er Sex sucht.
DU WILLST SEX IN NEW YORK ? vergewissert sich Blaine noch einmal und betet, dass keiner seiner Freunde ausgerechnet jetzt durch die Tür hereinkommt. Sie würden ihn ewig damit aufziehen.
JA ? gebärdet Kurt, als wäre Blaine verrückt, weil er das so überraschend findet. Es ist nicht so, dass er sich Kurt nicht als sexuelles Wesen vorgestellt hat – seine Gedanken sind sogar viele, viele Male in diese Richtung gewandert, jedes Mal, wenn er die Duschen für sich alleine hatte – aber er hat Kurt nicht als den Typen eingeschätzt, der so offen darüber spricht.
ICH BIN ÜBERRASCHT DASS DU MIR DAS ERZÄHLST. ICH HABE ES NICHT ERWARTET , erklärt Blaine, und versucht, die peinliche Situation einigermaßen zu entschärfen. Kurt muss annehmen, dass er total naiv ist. Wenn er nicht vorher schon dachte, dass Blaine noch ein Kind ist, dann mit Sicherheit jetzt.
Ungefähr in der Hälfte von Kurts drolligem Versuch, einen richtig langen Satz zu gebärden, fällt bei Blaine der Groschen und es dämmert ihm, dass da wohl ein Missverständnis vorliegt. Er beginnt zu lachen. SEX ? gebärdet er und wartet, bis Kurt nickt, dann buchstabiert er es: S-E-X ? WAS ? NEIN ! antwortet Kurt, er schaut sich hektisch im Laden um und wird feuerrot. DU HAST S-E-X GEBÄRDET , erklärt Blaine, und kann nicht aufhören zu lachen. DU SAGTEST DU WILLST SEX IN NEW YORK . NEIN ! Kurt schaut entsetzt und Blaine findet die ganze Sache absolut liebenswert. A-R-B-E-I-T . ARBEIT , korrigiert ihn Blaine und zeigt ihm, wie die Gebärde richtig aussieht, und während er noch vor wenigen Wochen ziemlich genervt gewesen wäre, ist es um ehrlich zu sein ein Fehler, der jedem unterlaufen könnte, der es nicht besser weiß.
SCHON GUT . ES IST WITZIG , gebärdet er, als Kurts Gesicht immer noch keine Anstalten macht, wieder seine übliche Färbung anzunehmen. WITZIG NEIN . ICH VERSUCHE DICH B-E-E-I-N-D-R-U-C-K-E-N .Blaine versteht sofort, was Kurt buchstabiert, aber irgendwo vorher muss er wohl was falsch verstanden haben. Wenn Blaine schon zögert, mit einem hörenden Jungen auszugehen, dann hat Kurt sicherlich kein Interesse daran, mit jemandem zu gehen, der taub ist. MICH BEEINDRUCKEN ? WARUM ? fragt er und hält den Atem an. DU BIST SÜSS .
* * M-O-V-I-N-G? Kurt spells and once Blaine teaches him the sign for moving, Kurt nods and gets excited like he’s about to tell him some really good piece of gossip. I MOVE TO NEW YORK IN AUG. I GO TO N-Y-A-D-A SCHOOL. I STUDY DRAMA! He signs so excitedly that Blaine can’t even lecture him for his sloppy signing because his enthusiasm is just so damn contagious.
WOW, Blaine signs, letting it sink in that Kurt’s actually going to be moving to New York as well at the end of the summer. While he’d been talking himself out of asking Kurt out because he didn’t want to get attached to anybody this close to graduation, he didn’t have an excuse anymore. CONGRATULATIONS, Blaine continues as Kurt hands him his coffee. I’M MOVING TO NEW YORK, TOO. I GOT ACCEPTED INTO N-Y-U. REALLY? He signs, his face lighting up in a way that Blaine just loves. He wonders what it would be like to date Kurt, to be able to be the one to make him smile like that all of the time. I WANT SEX IN NEW YORK. Blaine’s so shocked and caught by surprise that he actually chokes on his coffee and has to hold onto the countertop while he coughs heavily. Kurt rushes around to stand beside him and pat him on the back, giving him a concerned, but completely innocent look like he hadn’t just implied that he was looking for sex. YOU OK? YOU WANT SEX IN NEW YORK? Blaine signs again, praying that none of his friends will chose this exact moment to walk in the door. They’ll never let him live it down. YES? he signs like Blaine’s somehow crazy for finding that surprising. It’s not that he’s never thought of Kurt as a sexual being — he’s thought of him that way many, many times, whenever he can get the showers to himself — but he didn’t like Kurt was the type to talk about it so openly. I’M JUST SURPRISED YOU TOLD ME THAT. I WASN’T EXPECTING IT, Blaine explains, trying to make up for the amount of embarrassment he just caused. Kurt must think he’s completely naive now. If he didn’t think Blaine was a kid before, he certainly will now. I WANT SEX IN NEW YORK? YES. WHY W-O-U-L-D I GO TO SCHOOL THERE, IF NOT LEARN HOW TO SEX?” It’s about halfway through Kurt’s adorable attempt at signing a long sentence that things start to click in Blaine’s mind and he realizes that they’ve probably had some sort of misunderstanding along the way. He starts to laugh. SEX? He signs and waits for Kurt to nod before spelling it out. S-E-X? WHAT? NO! Kurt signs, looking around the shop frantically and turning beet red. YOU SIGNED S-E-X, he explains, unable to stop laughing. YOU SAID YOU WANT SEX IN NEW YORK. NO! Kurt looks horrified and he can’t help but find the entire thing adorable. W-O-R-K. WORK, Blaine corrects him and shows him the proper way to sign it and while several weeks ago he would have been annoyed, it honestly is an easy mistake for somebody who doesn’t know any better. IT’S OK. IT’S CUTE, he signs when Kurt’s face shows no sign of going back to its normal color. CUTE NO. I TRY I-M-P-R-E-S-S YOU, Kurt signs. Blaine understands what Kurt’s spelling immediately, but he’s still sure that he’s misunderstood somewhere along the line. As much as Blaine’s reluctant to date a hearing guy, he’s sure that Kurt has no interest in dating somebody who’s Deaf. IMPRESS ME? WHY? he asks, holding his breath for the answer. YOU’RE CUTE. (If you want to know how Kurt could mix up the signs for work and sex, go and check the footnotes on chapter 3)
Tell us what inspired you to translate this I just had translated 4 or 5 works up to that time and I loved the story and most of the chapters are less than 2000 words so I thought it was a good chance to see if I could go through with such a big project. I started posting in July 2016 when I was 10 chapters into the story with translating and managed to post at least once a week, so by March 2017 it was finished. What me inspired the most was the real life aspect of the story. It's an up and down of happy, sad, desperate, funny and every day family life with everything in between. And Kurt and Blaine as Dads of three girls are just priceless.
The translation of @flamingmuse 's wonderful 26.000 words about Kurt Hummel 'Being Kurt Hummel'  on AO3 and  fanfiktion.de 
Tell us what else you love about the story, and what you love about your translation of it
@flamingmuse is one of my absolute favorite authors when it comes to canon compliant stories (though I also love her 'Near Misses'-AU). We share an endless love for Kurt E.Hummel and the way she describes him is 100 % my head canon. For me the translation has been a big deal because it was the first time for me to translate explicit sex scenes. I didn't have a beta back then and I think I edited it a thousand times before I finally dared to post it.
Quote one of your favourite parts
This is from chapter 3 (in opposition to flaming muse I splitted the story into 7 chapters)
Nur wenige Stunden später fällt es Kurt wie Schuppen von den Augen. Nicht wegen Blaine, der nach der Verkündung der Abschlussballkönigin im Schulflur unerschütterlich ist und unglaublich lieb auf der Tanzfläche, sondern wegen all der Anderen.
Menschen ändern sich nicht einfach. Er müsste es eigentlich wissen, denn er ändert sich schließlich auch nicht, aber er war so naiv gewesen, zu glauben, dass er auch in dieser Hinsicht anders wäre. Hoffnung kann so verführerisch sein.
Er betrachtet sich in seinem Ankleidespiegel, bevor er sein Abschlussball-Outfit auszieht und fragt sich, was seine Mitschüler sehen, das er nicht sieht. Ja, er trägt einen Kilt, aber das ist ein Kleidungsstück für Männer. Selbst wenn er das ein oder andere Teil aus einer Damenkollektion trug, war er darunter immer ganz klar männlich gewesen. Er hat niemals versucht, ein Mädchen zu sein. Er ist kein Mädchen.
Kurts Augen sehen Männerschultern, einen maskulinen Brustkorb, den leichten Schatten von Barthaar auf einem männlich markanten Kinn. Er hat die Frisur eines Mannes und seine sehnige Kraft. Er hat einen männlichen Adamsapfel, die Hüften eines Mannes und die ganz und gar nicht zierlichen Füße eines Mannes.
Seine Stimme, sein Stil und sein Herz machen Kurt nicht weiblich. Sie machen ihn nicht zu einer Königin, welchen Sinn man diesem Wort auch immer geben mag.
Aber wenn seine Umgebung ihn ansieht, wird ihm klar – erinnert er sich – dann sieht sie anscheinend etwas anderes.
* *
The scales fall from Kurt's eyes mere hours later. Not about Blaine, who is steadfast in the hallway after the announcement of Prom Queen and kind beyond belief on the dance floor, but about everything else.
People don't change. He should know that, because he doesn't change, but he'd foolishly thought that he was different in that regard, too. Hope is such a seductive emotion.
He looks at himself in the full-length mirror before he takes off his prom outfit and wonders what his classmates see that he does not. Yes, he's wearing a kilt, but that's a man's garment. Even when he's worn women's pieces, he's still clearly been male beneath. He's never once tried to be a girl. He isn't one.
To his eyes, Kurt has a man's shoulders, a man's chest, and a man's faint scratch of stubble on a man's jaw line. He has a man's hair, a man's height, and a man's wiry strength. He has a man's Adam's apple, a man's hips, and a man's in no way dainty feet.
His voice, his style, and his heart do not make Kurt female. They do not make him a queen in any sense of the word.
But when the world looks at him, he realizes - he remembers - they must see something different.
Tell us what inspired you to translate this
When I first read this fic I'd been instantly captivated by flamingmuse's talent in explaining what's going on in Kurt's mind. Through her eyes I could finally understand why he acted the way he did. His brittleness, his snarky way, his closed-off-ness (is that a word?). She let it all seem completely clear to me. So this is why it's been one of the first stories I'd felt the need to translate, but because of said sex scenes I procrastinated it a bit and it took me half a year to finally post it.
# 3: Translation of another AU I instantly fell in love with. It's  @itslaurastone 's  'Where There's Smoke'  on AO3 about Firefighter!Blaine
Tell us what else you love about the story, and what you love about your translation of it
I come from a firefighter background myself, so it's been interesting to compare German and American firefighter-specifics and explain them to German readers. On my German fanfic account I gave it a German title. There it's called 'Wo Rauch ist, ist auch Feuer'   .  This story had some tricky puns and quite challenging long nested sentences (can you say that? In German it would be 'Schachtelsätze') in a very poetic language that challenged my translating skills a lot and for those who know the story..... there is a poem I had to translate as well. Fortunately from chapter 11 on I had a wonderful beta, @klaine-rants, who also happened to be very knowledgeable about American Football and together we did quite a good job if I may say so. (including a hot shower sex scene  ;-))   an example:
Blaine got to his feet in one fluid motion, curling his body around Kurt's back to kiss and nip along the edge of Kurt's shoulder, giving Kurt a wonderful view of his long lashes, heavy with moisture and fanned out slightly across his cheeks. He felt his breath hitch as his heart clenched in his chest.
Blaine kam mit einer einzigen eleganten Bewegung auf die Beine und schmiegte sich an Kurts Rücken, um seine Schulter küssen und beknabbern zu können und er erlaubte Kurt einen wunderbaren Blick auf seine langen Wimpern, benetzt mit Wassertröpfchen und Fächern gleich auf seinen Wangen ausgebreitet. Kurt stockte der Atem und sein Herz setzte einen Schlag aus.
Quote one of your favourite parts
"Wenn du so in die Feuerwache hüpfst, werden sie dich für ein geistesgestörtes Rotkäppchen halten, Rachel."
"Oh, mich werden sie für gar nichts halten. Uns werden sie für dankbare Bürger halten, die sich den unbesungenen Helden von New York City erkenntlich zeigen."
Kurt schnaubte verächtlich und drehte sich auf dem Barstuhl um, um sich weiter mit ihr zu unterhalten, während sie sich die Haare vor dem Badezimmerspiegel richtete. "Du willst ja nur diesen Feuerwehrmann, der dich wegen", er deutete mit den Fingern Anführungszeichen an, " 'einer möglichen Rauchvergiftung' genauestens untersucht hat, mit deinen überragenden Hausfrauenqualitäten beeindrucken."
Sie lehnte sich aus dem Türrahmen und fixierte Kurt mit einem sartanischen Grinsen. "Oh, fängst du jetzt damit an, Kurt? Denn dann werd ich dir jetzt auch mal was erzählen." Sie schob die Hüfte vor und zeigte mit ihrer Haarbürste direkt auf ihn. "Du hast gesagt, du willst, dass er wiederkommt und dich rettet."
Kurt stotterte: "Das hab' ich nicht! Ich habe nur gemeint ...oh, Gott!" Er verbarg stöhnend das Gesicht in beiden Händen. "Hab ich das? Ich weiß nicht, was in mich gefahren ist, er ist einfach ..... Ich steh nicht auf dieses 'Jungfrau in Nöten Ding', überhaupt nicht. Es ist nur .... Locken! Und diese Hosen. Und sein Lächeln, bitte sag mir, dass dir sein Lächeln aufgefallen ist?"
Rachel schaltete das Badezimmerlicht aus, kam die paar Schritte auf Kurt zu und nahm ihn fest in den Arm. "Er war wirklich süß und er schien nett zu sein. Ich versteh dich ja."
Kurt fuhr sich ächzend mit beiden Händen übers Gesicht. "Ich kann dort nicht aufkreuzen. Ich kann einfach nicht. Wahrscheinlich wird seine kesse, wunderhübsche Freundin hereinschneien, sie werden sich vor meinen Augen küssen und er wird ihr genau dann und dort einen Antrag machen und es wird ein weiterer Beweis sein, dass ich die schreckliche Angewohnheit habe, mich immer wieder zu Kerlen hingezogen zu fühlen, die ich nicht haben kann."
Finn, Sam, der gutaussehende, verführerische Spanier aus seinem zweiten Jahr an der NYADA, der unglaublich heiße, junge Mann aus Wyoming mit dem zähen Südstaatenakzent und jetzt ein Feuerwehrmann. Footballspieler, ein Ausländer mit Oldtimer-Motorrad, ein Cowboy und ein Feuerwehrmann – jetzt fehlten ihm nur noch ein Indianer und ein Polizist und er hätte die 'Village People' komplett.
Rachel gab ihm einen Klaps aufs Knie. "Nein, Schluss damit. Es ist viel zu lange her, dass du überhaupt an jemandem Interesse gezeigt hast, seit der Sache mit Thomas. Du musst dich einfach der Welt stellen. Hör nicht jetzt auf, wo die Sache gerade erst ins Rollen kommt!"
* *
“You're going to look like a deranged Red Riding Hood skipping into the station house with that, Rach.”
“Oh, I am not going to look like anything. We are going to look like grateful citizens, thanking the unsung heroes of New York City.”
Kurt snorted and spun around on the bar stool to continue talking to Rachel as she primped in the bathroom mirror. “You just want that fireman that checked you over for,” he made finger quotes in the air, “'possible smoke inhalation' to see your amazing house-keeping skills.”
Rachel leaned her head out of the doorway and affixed Kurt with a droll expression. “Do you want me to go there, Kurt? Because I will so go there.” She jutted her hip out and pointed her hairbrush at Kurt's face. “You said you wanted him to come back and save you.”
Kurt sputtered, “I did not! I just meant...oh, god!” Kurt covered his face with both hands with a groan. “Did I? I don't know what has gotten into me, he just... I don't have a damsel in distress thing, I don't. It's just...curls! And those pants. And that smile, please tell me you noticed that smile?”
Rachel switched off the bathroom light, and crossed the small space to give Kurt a tight hug. “He was really cute, and seemed nice. I don't blame you.”
Kurt scrubbed his face with both hands, groaning. “I can't show up, I just can't. I'm going to see his beautiful, perky girlfriend bounce in, and they'll kiss in front of me, and he'll probably propose right then and there, and it will just be further proof that I have a terrible habit of being attracted to guys that I can't have.”
Finn, Sam, the handsome and alluring Spanish boy from his sophomore year at NYADA, the incredibly sexy young man from Wyoming with a drawl that was thick like honey, and now a fireman. Football jocks, a foreigner with a vintage motorcycle, a cowboy and now a fireman. Throw in a Native American and a cop and he'd collect the whole Village People set.
Rachel slapped at his knee lightly. “Nope, no more of that. It's been too long since you even showed interest in anyone since Thomas. You just need to put yourself out there more. Don't stop now when you're just building momentum!”
Tell us what inspired you to translate this
There are two aspects that made me love this story from the beginning.
One is the firefighter aspect. It required much less internet research than the Hearing Verse, because I am familiar with the topic.
Second is the wonderful mix of utterly adorable, sweet and funny moments with really tough and hurtfull stuff. Kurt and Blaine fall for each other right from the beginning, but it takes them 3 1/2 chapters to finally go out on their first date. Both of them have been deeply hurt in the past and are very careful of giving their heart away. And then there is some Burt and Finn as well and that is a treat I could never resist.
#4  is the translation of @wowbright 's  'How Hard  You're Trying',  Part 26 of my 'Best-Of-Missing-Scenes- Staffel 3', a collection of my favorite missing scenes written by different authors to fill in all the gaps and voids of logic.
Tell us what else you love about the story, and what you love about your translation of it
It deals with the fact that Mr Schue has been elected 'Teacher of the Year'. Though we all know that Will Schuester is far from a good and inspiring teacher, Glee always wanted to tell us how great he is. And Kurt, though rolling his eyes at almost everything Will says in Glee during all three seasons seems to be perfectly happy with him being 'Teacher of the Year' as well. This story tells in a very comprehensible way Kurt's thoughts and struggles concerning the voting.
Quote one of your favourite parts
"Weißt du", sagt Kurt und reibt die Nase an Blaines Schulter. "Vor einem Jahr hätte ich wahrscheinlich für Coach Sylvester gestimmt. Also – als Lehrerin des Jahres meine ich."
"Wirklich?", fragt Blaine. "Aber sie ist so schrecklich."
"Ja, ich weiß. Aber sie war die einzige Lehrkraft, die wirklich wusste, was sie tun sollte, als David mich gemobbt hat."
Blaine reibt mit dem Daumen über Kurts Ellbogen.
"Und außerdem – obwohl sie gemein und fürchterlich ist und auch nach drei Jahren immer noch nicht meinen Namen gelernt hat – hat sie mir zugetraut, die Cheerios zu einem nationalen Titel zu führen. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Mr Schuester das je tun würde. So sehr er auch immer davon redet, wie toll es ist, anders zu sein, hat er doch keinen Schimmer, was er mit meiner Stimme anfangen soll."
Blaine seufzt. "Du hast so viel Besseres verdient, Kurt. Du bist der einzige von uns mit einem Stimmumfang über drei Oktaven."
Kurt küsst Blaines Schlüsselbein. "Als ich anfangs zum Glee Club gekommen bin, war ich voller Hoffnung. Wir waren nur zu fünft, und nur zwei Jungs, und ich – ich freue mich, dass die anderen Jungs auch dabei sind, aber es ist, als hätte Mr Schue sich in Finn verliebt und das war's dann. Also, nicht verliebt – aber du weißt, was ich meine."
* *
"You know," Kurt says, nuzzling his face into Blaine's shoulder. "A year ago, I probably would have voted for Coach Sylvester. For Teacher of the Year, I mean."
"Really?" Blaine says. "But she's so … awful."
"Yeah, I know. But she was the only faculty who really knew what to do when David was bullying me."
Blaine rubs his thumb over Kurt's elbow.
"And anyway, even though she's rude and horrible and still hasn't learned my name after three years, she trusted me enough to lead the Cheerios to the national title. I can't imagine Mr. Schuester ever doing that. For all his talk about how great it is to be different, he doesn't know what to do with my voice."
Blaine sighs. "You deserve so much better, Kurt. You're the only one of us that has a three-octave vocal range."
Kurt kisses Blaine's collarbone. "I had a lot of hope when I first joined Glee Club. There were only five of us, and only two of us were boys, and I – I'm glad that the other guys are in it, too, but it's just like Mr. Schue fell in love with Finn and that was that. Well, not in love – but you know what I mean."
Tell us what inspired you to translate this
Like the other parts of my Missing-Scenes-Collection this story remediates the fact that the Glee writers often messed up gloriously. Sometimes due to time restrictions, or to serve the plot or the dramatic arc (like making Blaine a junior all of a sudden) or maybe because they just forgot (like Blaine's Sadie Hawkins-trauma). I don't think I could love this show as much as I do, if it just was the Glee story and nothing else. It's fanfiction what made the Klaine story so precious to me. All the little glimpses into their heads and hearts, all the missing scenes, comprehensible explanations of completely unlogical actions ..... all the inspirational sparks those authors came up with.
I wanted to share this with my German readers and they like it quite a lot. There is a lot of discussion and ranting about plot lines in the comments for my translations.
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artemis-pendragon · 8 years
Teh Final Problm
Chapter 1
(AN: dis is my frist attmpt at writing a fanfic for dis fandom so dont flame mah story ok preps fuck u if u do ill come find oyu and lok u in a murder prison okay!!!111!!!1!! also tanks to Sue for da help love u girl!!!11!)
Hi my name is Eurus Dark'ness Dementia Sue Vertue Holmes and Im rly smart and pretty and I have long wavy black hair taht reaches dwn my back to my shoulders and eyes like limpid tears in my pale wite face and evrybody thinks i'm crazy but i'm really a genus lol. I have 2 brothers and they where rly mean to me when we were kids so i'm going to make them figre out puzzles to escape a prizon and maybe die (gettit cuz i'm a genius.) I'm not related to Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way from My Immortal but I wish I was cuz shes a major fucking hottie who likes to tortue ppl for no reason 2 which iz cool and edgy lol.
I wuz on a plain but I was suddenly a child and my mummy woldn't wake up so I screamed and walked around crying cuz everyone was i gnoring me and I need attention all the time or I kill people. A phone suddenly rung and I answered it and some fucking prep named Jim Moriatea said “hello I'm Jim Moriarity welcome to the final problm” and I askd for help but he woldn't help me cuz he's a fuckign prep.
My oldest brothr Mikroft was watching some bad het porn thats older then he is even tho hes gay (idk why he was wtching het porn he just was okay???! if you dont like teh stry den gtfo!!11!!) and den he herd somone that sounded like me say his name so he grabed his umbrela that's also a sword and startd walking around looking for me. He thought he saw me go up the stares and got rlly creeped out. Den da painting of John Locke started crying tearz of blod and he loked really paniky bcuz he's scared of me lol. Also a clown jumped out like in dos scry movies from da 80s and he got out his umbrela sword even though its also a gun but he didnt tink 2 use that yet (haha hes so stpid I cant belieive were rleated!!)
“I dnt have time for this,” Mikroft said anstily looking madly at da wallz. The fake child laffed at him and said “theres all the tim in da world.” Mycraft was even moor scrad now and he ran around his hovel mansion and finally took out da gun (dont ask me y he caries around a loaded gun or how he loads it since its a unbrela handle he just doz ok!!11!!!) and ran out into da big room wif all da railings.
Suddenly Sherlok appeard!!! He wuz standin on da railing and looking at Mycrofte all epicaly and Mycrof yelled “arggghhhh help me Sherlock!!!” in a rly sacred voice but Sherlock was just running an experimence so he said “hey bro!” and John was also there and de laffed at him for beliving it wuz real. Then dey relized I must exist since Mikroft wuz rly scrad of da clown and blod and da little girl!!! they also thought I wuz locked up as a child and escaped since I shot john as his therapist which I did for shits and gigglez cuz im brilliant and lik to play dressup okay?! Also they left da room and took da creepy girl dat had run up the stares and also da clown with them (also I know dat dey put those pple at risk of bein shot or stabed but it wuz for a good cause ok!!! stfu preps if you dnt like da stry get out!1!!) Den my brother sherlock's bestie John sed that he convinsed Sherlok to scare Mikroft becuz udderwise Mikroft would nvr tell him da truth.
“Are u just gonna leave now?” mycroft said. He was angry but also rly scared becuz Sherlock and John turned of his securty even tho they knew I might try to kill him (haha arnt normal ppl so stupud lol!! to all u amazing brillant geniuses out der your da best!!!)
John told Mycrofte to cum to 221B if he wants help but might have ta weight cuz theres sometimes a line. “Thers an east wind cuming he said and then left wif sherlock.
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