#but if you are a bibro you would
hi Supernatural community 👋🏻
As a long time member, an elder if you will, I would like to remind you all that telling any of the actors to unalive themselves is super fucked up and absolutely never okay
I don’t care if you don’t like them
shut your fucking mouth and be respectful or don’t interact with them at all
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lol-jackles · 5 months
I’d love to get your take on this post. I don’t agree with it. Supernatural was about Sam’s hero journey which the finale completes the arc established over the 15 seasons.
Why is it difficult for people to see the basic and timeless story construct?
Supernatural is Sam Winchester's Hero Journey, it's all here in the "Hero Journey" tag. Dean Winchester is a very popular character, the awesome sauce but not the main course, which I explained in the "Support Protagonist" tag.
Link. Here I had thought Will viewed the finale through Destiel-rose-colored glasses but it turned out he was interpreting it through BiBro-stanning-lens. And Will's proof that SPN is just as much as about Dean as it is about Sam is, wait for it, "Dean was given a myth arc"', as in singular.... out of 15 seasons. Did he mean season 10? Because according to Jensen, season 10 was a “rare Dean centric storyline” and how "Dean's rarely in this position of being the focal point of the general story's motivation," (X). Is Will disregarding Jensen's own words?
Will: "you can't remove one brother without the whole thing falling apart."
True you can't remove Sam, otherwise there is no story. Once Jared planned to leave SPN, WB canceled the series. Remove Dean and with some minor tweaking, SPN will mostly still be the same (X) but it probably wouldn't have lasted 15 seasons. It would be more like Buffy with 7 seasons. (X)
Will: Sam returned to the ordinary world and got a wife and child because it did it for Dean.
Actually Dean gave his blessing and permission for Sam to return to the ordinary life he always wanted for himself. It's why season 15 clumsily shoehorned "Drag Me Away" episode just a few weeks from the finale to remind the audience that Sam wanted out of the hunting life since he was a kid. Yes Sam went to hell for Dean but it was unquestionable that Sam also did it to save the world. It set Sam apart from Dean's motive for going to hell which was only to save Sam, he didn't care about the world.
Will: "everything Sam did was for Dean".
Yes, by giving up his own desire for an ordinary life so that Dean wouldn't be alone. Sam told Charlie back in season 9 that he only stayed in the hunting life because he loved Dean. But that's not enough for AA stans and even some Bibro stans because they may have realized that Dean and the hunting world is the "belly of the beast" that every protagonist enters as part of their hero journey arc, which goes against their personal biases or agendas.
Will's Anon was only talking up to Return of the Jedi in their Star Wars analogy and Sam never became a witch and he never "used his powers". Holy smoke that was the whole point of depowering Sam after season 5 so that he doesn't end up an ex dues machina! Or am I mis-reading Will's writing and he was actually talking about Sam's power in the first 5 seasons?? Regardless, Sam is NOT a witch, what the heck is Will smoking???
Will, listen to me carefully: Luke's hero journey goal was to become a Jedi. Sam's hero journey goal was to return to the ordinary world. It was never supposed to be a one-to-one comparison, Kripke never said that.
Now we come to Will's streaming value argument by using the 2023 chart to "prove" that the Carry On finale isn't driving equal watch time for each season. How is that supposed to even make sense? Will is ignoring the very basic human nature of simply tiring out from watching so many episodes. The rate of decreasing viewership from season to season is fairly consistent. Unlike hellers, the general viewers will start with the first season and gradually peter out.
A bad series finale will kill the popularity of the show and gets memory-holed. A disappointing series finale will put a big question mark in the rewatch value. "Carry On" finale did none of this because it made narrative sense, as Jensen said when he paraphrased what Kripke told him.
See my "Carry On finale is awesome and here's bunch of reasons why" tag.
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samwinchestermydude · 2 months
also funny thing about staying exclusively in Sam/Bibros/Wincest/samdean circles is that the stalest takes here will be hot in the wider fandom. Like you will see shit like “my unpopular opinion is that s1-3 were the best” , and saying “both sam and dean would sacrifice the world to save each other” will get people mad you as if that hasn’t actually happened in the show. But i think the most funniest thing is whenever examples of sam doing morally questionable things to save dean are presented and I’m way too samdean pilled so I am like wow that’s so hot of Sam. Only to realize the point of the post was for people to be like wow look at Sam he’s actually some psycho with no emotions who’s secretly an awful person but hides it. Dean is actually the real normal one in the family and his actions to save Sam are completely normal and justified in comparison because he was forced and brainwashed and groomed into thinking Sam is his job.
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scoobydoodean · 14 days
I don't have a problem with bibros following me or interacting with my content (why would I?) but I do think it's funny that some of you follow me or reblog my content frequently while complaining on your own blogs or liking posts on other blogs about how much you hate many of my posts 🤭. I'm not hurt—your opinions mean less than nothing to me. But I can't help but plant one little thought in your heads (which contributes a lot to my lack of respect for you).
You seem to tolerate me because you do hate a lot of the deancrit running rampant in your own community and like seeing Dean defended. You are willing to put up with what you consider to be anti-sam content for the catharsis of seeing someone stand up for Dean. Maybe instead of reblogging from me then making posts to all your followers making sure they understand that you hate my opinions half the time, you should examine why you have to do any of that to begin with. Why do you have to defend reblogging from me? Why do you follow me if you don't like me? Why do you have to come to a blog containing a lot of meta you can barely tolerate written by someone whose interests in the show barely align with your own just to see Dean defended? Surely content that defends Dean in a satisfactory manner while being "fair" to Sam exists in swaths within your own community since you all like the brothers equally? I mean—if it's really true that all of you love Sam and Dean equally, then surely plenty of you are willing to put your own fingers to the keyboard and type out your own thoughts on the subject of deancrit and don't need me to do it for you. Surely you're not scared that all of your followers who definitely love both brothers equally like you do would rip you to shreds.
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seenthisepisode · 1 year
hi! I saw your post about the why episode title change why 11 scenes cut why lamp etc etc and I know some of it but not all, and I was hoping you could elaborate on spngate— if it’s not too much trouble— or point me in a direction where I can join you in the spn gate?
I feel ashamed for HOW LONG i let this ask just rot in my askbox (it's from january, apparently, now it's april. i thought maybe two weeks passed but NO. it was months. ANON I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART) but now with the power of this url and the wine i am currently sipping, let me give you the best, most thought-out answer that i possibly can.
I don't know how long you've been following/watching spn, so I won't get into real deep iceberg theories that go back to season 8 and jeremy carver, for the purpose of this essay answer I'll just stick to the year anno domini 2020, and will try to do my best to tell you what happened.
Okay, maybe 2019. So, in june 2019, when the first scripts and drafts for s15 are presented, these things happen: 1. apparently, according to Berens, the confession scene is the first thing that was written for season 15. 2. Jensen Ackles is sat down and asked if he would be okay with this. (question is asked: why would they ask jensen if all he does in this scene is look at cas, he doesn't say anything, he does not confess, it changes nothing about his character, etc.; if you put the real tjlc tinfoil hat on you'd ask hey , maybe they asked him if precisely that is okay, if he is okay with the fact dean is practically silenced here but that's Deep) 3. Jensen apparently is okay with that, because it happens.
also this thing happens around the same time: 1. they write the ending for the brothers, and no matter what version of the finale we're talking about, Dean dies 2. Jensen Ackles is Not Okay with this. he calls Kripke who then, in a call and/or email assures him it's a good ending (Jensen says that) and also very quickly after that Jensen is announced to play Soldier Boy in Kripke's The Boys. make of that what you want
They film, blah blah, march 2020, covid happens, they stop production right after they film the confession. Last episode to air is 15x13, last episode they film is 15x18, they almost have a plane crush when flying to vegas con, and then, a loooong break until august 2020. Now, from what we know, there were two versions of the finale - the pre-covid finale they were supposed to film if the filming schedule wasn't interrupted, and the finale that happened.
What was supposed to be in the Original Finale/Pre-Covid Finale, we still don't know exactly, but from what the cast said, there was supposed to be a big cast reunion, Harvelle's Roadhouse in Heaven, Kansas Band (why are they dead?) playing there after Dean gets there and so on.
Anyway. July 2020. Misha does a livestream with Michael Sheen (the SuperGood campaign) where he says he is going back to filming the last two episodes in a few weeks. he said it LIVE. it's on youtube. people analyze the background from Misha's livestreams and photos and conclude he is in Vacouver, where spn is filmed. He also says that he is going back filming in a few interviews. Also here.
August 2020. They go back to filming in august 2020 to film 15x19 and 15x20.
August 20th, 2020, Misha's birthday.
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I wasn't on set TODAY. so casual. of all days i wasn't there today.
August 24th, 2020, day 6/8 of filming 15x19, Angel with a Shotgun is hash tag Song of The Day while filming scenes of 15x19 (scene 28, 31).
September 4th, 2020. ALL THEY FILM, for the whole DAY, is one scene. They usually film a few. They film one. Song of the day? The Night We Met.
Somewhere before the episodes starts to air again, Dabb says only 30% of the audience will like the finale. Anyway, everyone concludes, Misha is filming, destiel is more or less going canon, but everyone including bibros is sure Misha is filming and will be there for the finale.
Originally, "Despair" was called "The Truth".
Finale airs.
It feels shorter (apparently it's not) but it does have an additional ad break. For Walker. But it feels shorter because of the "carry on my wayward son" cover montage that lasts too long and later it's discovered thanks to scripts that dropped that there are ELEVEN scenes that were filmed,, but didn't make it to the episode. The script that drops is also very telling, where scenes are just [OMMITTED]. It was explained that they wanted to have actor there but they didn't want actors to quarantine for two weeks to film one or two scenes BUT then that's exactly what they did with Jim Beaver lmao.
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So yeah. I also remember Misha at a con (DarkLight?) where, after asked about the original ending, he answers that the original ending was something that would be better explored in fanfiction anyway. Theory rises he filmed and was cut off the episode without his or Jensen's knowledge because Misha sat down his kids to watch the spn finale (which was the first episode they were supposed to watch ever, why would he do that if he's not there?) and then, CW SPN twitter posts a goodbye video that has everyone from the cast and their mother BUT MISHA AND JENSEN ARE NOT THERE. Jensens sexy silence starts.
November 25th, the Spanish Dub. 15x18 drops in Brazil and Dean says "and i you" to Cas, after he confesses. No "don't do this cas" but "and i you". Tumblr stops working for two hours, people on discords are screaming, no one knows whats happening, someone claims Jensen was called in September 2020 to record some adlibs? To record the muffled sobs Dean does while on the floor. Theory is supported by the fact that in the Bazil version? When Dean sits on the floor? The sound that plays are birds. Chirping birds. Sounds don't match, what was Dean saying while crying on the floor, question arises.
Everyone decides there was a Rogue Translator who managed to hide from The CW Sniper (who is the reason actors just dont tell us everything) and translated some kind of Original Script. Voice Actors are invited to a podcast where they debunk this saying that it was added because the translator felt this was the right response or something like that. Anyway they debunk the fact that there existed, at any time, a version of a script, that maybe was send to them, where Dean says I love you too. This was a wild night, no one slept.
And like. I could make this post longer, but I am planning to, one day, make a huge masterpost with real sources about that because honestly you could write a book about it.
But tl;dr spngate is a theory that misha did film for the last 2 episodes and the changes they made were truly last minute (september 2020), they were going for a canon destiel, possibly human!cas engame, dabb was always on our side, and it's based on stuff like jensen actively hating the ending to the point he made his prequel after 2 years of radio silence, 11 scenes just cut from the finale, misha saying he is going back filming, and people like mark pellegrino saying the last scene he filmed was with alex and misha. also the onion field. why lamp is the theory that cas is represented and symbolized by lamps throughout the show and when dean dances with a Lamp in a drug induced dream instead of, say, some kind of a lady he is actually thinking about cas.
also there are little things like when jensen at an online con before the finale says that oh yes i am wearing a grey flannel but tomorrow? who know it could be blue and green. and we all collectively lost our shit. like when he said he is most excited to "tackle" with cas in season 15. or that "dean has no taste, clearly". WHY WAS YOUR PERMISSION NEEDED JENSEN
there are a lot of things i didn't mention here because i simply can't unflod this whole thing just like that but
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but if you understand this picture you might be entitled to financial compensation
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trials-era-sam · 5 months
I love you all but I feel like now I’m in this weird position where I’m not into wincest enough for the wincesties (I always say I don’t actually ship it and I feel like i don’t but idk) but I’m in wincest circles too much for people who don’t vibe with that, I don’t love dean enough for the bibros but I love him too much for some sam stans
Idk i didn’t use to feel this way and idk if it’s because the fandom changed or I did????? idk
it just feels like I used to be able to interact with people more easily and now it feels Awkward to try to interact with mutuals I haven’t really spoken to before and idk if it’s just how I come across (which. valid) or if it’s my opinions lol it doesn’t help that a lot of the friends I’ve made on here aren’t really in the fandom anymore ig, but I’d love to make new friends too <3333 and if we’ve been interacting ofc this isn’t about you at all!!!!
Idk I’m just. in my thoughts
anyway if you feel like interacting please do I would Love ♥️♥️♥️ (but also don’t feel forced bc of what I just wrote lol I’m okay I swear)
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arwenadreamer · 1 year
This one goes out to all the Bibros and Sam AND Dean lovers. If you're not a fan of one of the brothers, please don't answer. (Also, if you love them both, but missed Cass so much that his absence soured the finale for you, please don't let that cloud your answer or refrain from answering.)
Please reblog so it reaches more people.
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lightofraye · 2 months
Smearing A Reputation?
It kills me how some people--likely part of the so-called Ackles Army, abbreviation is AA--think that I and other blogs are trying to ruin Jensen's reputation. (And/or Danneel's.)
All simply by pointing out our speculation of his marriage, his career, and possibility of abuse and so forth. Now, for the anti-Jensen blogs that I've been talking to and occasionally reblogging me or me reblogging them....
Folks, 99% of the time, they don't even say anything. They don't care. They're pro-Jared and fight back against the nonsense of the anti-Jared/pro-Jensen blogs/tweeters/etc over ridiculous claims.
Some of them are just wild. I've seen the anon asks and just... stare in complete and utter disbelieff.
I'm a fan of both men! I'm pro-Jared/pro-Jensen (even though it doesn't always sound like it, I know). I'm absolutely anti-Danneel and that causes AAs to come and attack me because I'm pointing out imperfections in real human beings, not gods.
I'm bibro in that I adore Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester as well!
But to see people constantly claim we're smearing reputations... um... no? I've had accusations thrown at me in the past and likely will in the future that all I do is put down Jensen, that I say he's weak, incompetent, useless, you name it.
He is exhibiting traits of someone who has been abused--first by his father, physical abuse in the name of "love" (which Jensen has admitted and talked about in conventions)--and then emotionally (and potentially physically, as I suspect Danneel is responsible for the injury/scar on Jensen's nose) for over a decade.
It's not incompetence. It's having one's Self eradicated all in the name of "love". It's an abuser holding children hostage to manipulate the victim into behaving, into doing what they want. Danneel has never loved Jensen; she loved his fame, his money. Nothing more.
This isn't "smearing". This is looking at public information. Social media photos--be it candids or at premiers or whatever... There's no real warmth. There's no real love. There's no real affection. Not even a month before they were married, Jensen completely ignored Danneel when she wanted him to escort her down the red carpet during one of her film premiers.
It's listening to her speak in interviews. It's listening to her in candids. It's reading her tweets from long ago that she then scrubbed as best she could--but ah, screenshots exist. She was never kind to fans. Even to those who didn't even post about her, she was cruel.
She was also cruel to Jensen. More than once. Made up lies about him.
She has no reputation to destroy. She's... essentially a nobody. No one recognized her during the One Tree Hill Prom Charity Event in the photos. They were shocked that she was the character Rachel.
Oh I know. "But she was nice to so-and-so during a photo op!" Right. And how do you think they even knew who she was? She had to tell them! And perhaps cajoled a photo with them.
Because otherwise? The only one anyone recognizes would be Jensen and even then, maybe. He's not mainstream. Not yet. Amazon has had a lot more misses than hits with their streaming service. Supernatural isn't mainstream either. Big Sky was, but short-lived.
I'm not saying this to dunk his career. It's an observation that he isn't quite there yet.
Regardless... no one will recognize Danneel. Some might recognize Jensen.
We're allowed to write these as we want. Block us. Stop reading us. Live in your little delusions if you want of a perfect couple in a perfect marriage with the perfect career.
I'm seeing abuse. I'm seeing someone in pain. And it isn't me.
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eisforeidolon · 11 months
I am not sure how long you have been in the SPN fandom (I have only been in it for 3 years) but I was wondering has the infighting about which J is actually the better one always been a thing? I sometimes see some fans really hating on them for what seems like very petty reasons and projecting all kinds of jealously, codependence, and envious behavior especially onto Jensen. I love Jared but the way some Jared fans act like Jensen has or had some creepy obsession with him makes me wonder if this is something that has always been around or manifested more after the prequel situation.
It's been around 11 years for me, being properly in the fandom. I binged the series just in time to catch the start of season 8 airing real-time, and came to tumblr when I realized fanfic was not going to scratch the itch of sharing speculation about what would happen next. So far as I'm aware, from personal observation and seeing people who've been around longer talking about the what the fandom was like? It's always been a thing to some extent, but the extent has varied a lot depending on when and what part of the fandom you're in.
The extreme Jensen stans - generally called Ackles Army (AAs) - have always been upfront and loud about hating Jared over anything and everything - almost literally to the point of insisting he's breathing wrong. They overlap a lot with hellers because of a generally shared desire to get Jared off SPN and away from Jensen, convinced he was in the way/holding Jensen back/throwing jealous tantrums to control Jensen and the show/whatthefuckever.
While some extreme Jared stans didn't bother to hide, a lot of them insisted they were totally fans of both prior to prequelgate and maybe some were - to an extent. For the most part they could blend in, because most of the time? Jensen and Jared were in pretty synchronous agreement - doing publicity together, agreeing the brother bond was the center of the show, not really doing a lot of other projects, etc. But over time, long before prequelgate, well it just always so happened that if either J got solo attention or there was some perceived difference? According to these supposed bibros, Jared was not capable of even considering making a bad decision ever, while nearly everything Jensen did alone was somehow embarrassing or suspect and supposedly reflected badly on him. They didn't necessarily want Jensen to go away, just know his place as the cheerleading subordinate. Of course now that Jensen and Jared are doing separate projects and attention for Jensen does not automatically mean attention to Jared, with the handy kickoff of prequelgate to claim extra totes legit justification over that misunderstanding they sorted out in a single phone call ... well, here we are.
By and large the AAs/hellers have always been more extreme - in terms of sheer quantity of assholes openly wishing not just failure but actual harm on Jared and sending death threats to him and other fans. But in terms of petty back and forth bullshit dragging the actors, these days they openly do a lot of the exact same nonsense: J is ugly! J is an alcoholic/druggie! J is a complete failure post-SPN! J is abusive to fave!J! J is obviously jealous of fave!J/trying to sabotage fave!J! J only did X because fave!J did Y so much better! Only fave!J was essential to the show, it was his character's story!
Both sides are constantly justifying themselves with the ol' OMG THEY STARTED IT! nonsense. Sure, the self-serving justifications differ just a little where the Jensen stans pretend to be amnesiac and blind to the really gross and reprehensible shit sent directly to Jared and basically everything the real Jensen says, while the Jared stans insist no one should object to anything they say because at least it's not wishing death on anybody (despite how much they lose their shit over even the petty nonsense when it's being directed at Jared). As if it's not obviously a constant back and forth of copycat stupid that has everything to do with each side trying to "prove" their personal superiority in being fans of The Better J by talking shit on the internet.
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deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
I - I keep seeing people on Twitter or in my tumblr tags being like "well that will end my clowning now, upset this is the answer we got but glad to know for sure it wasn't romantic" and I'm like.
Oh. Honey. No.
I hear you're feeling betrayed right now, but that's NOT what just happened.
I know bibros or wincies will take that second half and run with it like oooo he said brother. But. That second part, it seemed to me, was his attempt to not upset, to not get in trouble, to say either you don't have to see Dean this way if you don't want to or you don't have to see Cas as having a gender and therefore defining Dean, or characters can be romantic without it being a sexual moment where they got to kiss.
Honestly I can read what happened *next* a lot of different ways
But to *me* that first half before the break was the actual answer to the question.
Jensen Freaking Ackles, the ultimate Dean Winchester Kin, together with Bobo the one who would know what thoughts Dean had in that moment and what he was trying to play into it across his own face, said, on stage, on video, to an audience in public, that Dean was inconsolable with his head in his hands, not just because he lost Cas, but because he realized he didn't tell Cas "I love you too" and he should have
And the heller part that audience got to its *feet*.
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
Hi !
First,Thank you for this blog it’s very interesting I like that you don’t sugarcoat it and just say it like it is, I’m the same so here is what I think
Jensen is a professional actor/entertainer, he knows what sells and what people like, he can go overboard , but that’s just how he likes it 200% or nothing.
He’s a shy guy but he he gets the job done as long as he doesn’t offend himself or compromise his values or look tacky or cheap.
He played all sorts of roles regardless of their sexual preference, he has no problem with that.
With dean he started playing straight and he didn’t compromise no matter the pressure/danger he was under (to his wife and kids too)
He’s true to himself while doing his job as an entertainer, which lets face it, it’s all about the pandering even when you don’t feel like it or believe in it yourself, it their livelihood.
At first most of spn fans were either Sam or dean’s stan , then a fraction was created and called themselves bibros and they became loud enough to the actors and creators to see them and try to give them what they want(it’s only fair to please your audience after all)
Misha then came and at first even j2 fans liked him they even read fanfics about him and everything was fine , but when Castiel’s favored dean over sam and Misha had fans and even he himself fell in love with the fanfics about him, then all hell broke loose, fandom wars started, people who loved Cas/M turned on him and the fandom became a war Zone .
I know who started it because I was there from day one but that’s another conversation.
Jensen and jared knew that the brothers relationship was it for them , they both mastered the art of pandering (go to reddit and read what people who worked on the set say about the real atmosphere behind the scenes or in the conventions in general) spoiler alert it was not perfect.
But again it’s their livelihood and they both had undeniable chemistry so they used it ( like any other smart actor would do)
Tinhats thought it was Ok to call Jensen/dean gay for jared/sam (they don’t differentiate between them , I know because I was a bibro/ Tinhat myself)
If jensen dared to hangout with another person man or woman, colleague or not without jared , then he was either covering for them both( hiding in the glass closet) or he was simply betraying jared or was pandering ( like he shouldn’t pander to the other side because they don’t deserve to scraps from their favorite actor.
Jensen was called repeatedly “the king of bibros” because he always, still is all for the brothers.
It was about their relationship , and everything else revolved around them.
When the show ended and the actors went their separate ways and started to hang out with their families/friends/colleagues , jensen in general keeps his friends from all those years, he keeps in touch and keeps them around , I think his wife convinced him that the spn world still had a chance, she wanted to do something ( her turn after waiting all those years, as did gen)
She too wanted her chance , started Twwon had her implants because she was going to be a big star ( taking the attention from the real latino star and treating her like a background actor) again a subject for another day lol
Jensen made this show for his wife, he was told that no spin off would take if it didn’t have one of the shows leads in it , so he decided to narrate the thing in order for it to take and stand , it wasn’t enough, they needed ratings and thought if they would bring in dean it would be the perfect addition.
Now the bibro king became the back stabbing friend, the snake , the abusive husband to jared , and to his wife and kids too lol .
Bibros admitted that they were indeed jared’s fans from the get go but they had to pretend to like dean/jensen .
Some bibros are calling him homophobic too btw , because that would prove he was bad in every aspect not just to jared .
Misha was pandering to his own fans , it’s were his money and fame came , and that’s why they do it after all, they do it for the money and fame and it’s a great way to live , anyone saying otherwise can live in lala land for eternity, i don’t care lol .
Now jensen is losing the bibros , the tinhats , the j2 fans and they are all calling him the worst things ever and body shaming him and age shaming him all because his ex tv brother had a tantrum and decided that his fans can do his dirty work, and they as usual didn’t disappoint and according to them he can handle it he has a lot on money he’ll be ok (I agree)
I think it’s was then that jensen decided that fu*k it , I’m going to do whatever makes me feel comfortable, I’ll say my peace, and what’s on my mind , I’m done covering for my so called colleagues (even though he’s known to let things go quickly, he doesn’t like conflict, just Ask jessica alba and MW) he chooses to have fun and concentrate on his own fans for a change.
Misha hid the confession from him for three years (and the rest of the people in management too) and he let it go even though he could have made a tantrum like someone else did , and he would have been in the right because this involved him personally, it’s his hard work for 16 years not just some show he didn’t know about in advance that doesn’t even concern him, but he didn’t he must have done something in private like a professional person would do, but we didn’t hear anything about it .
He’s in the middle of the two biggest ships on spn and no matter what he does or says he’s not going to win with either of them, because they both are going after him and his wife and family on line and in real life ( like at his door step and his daughter’s school too pretending to be one of the parents)
How to pander to one side without losing your life or reputation ( they both now call him the worst of names , homophobia included by both sides)
Sorry this took so long, there’s more if you’re interested I’ve been here since dool and I witnessed everything.
Hello Anon, thank you for stopping by and discussing this like an adult. I appreciate seeing your ask even if it takes a moment to read. Your post touched onto a lot of things even some of which I didn't really dive into to tell you the truth. I joined this fandom via joining Tumblr late December 2022 close to January 2023. I'm open to receiving any and all information provided it's based on facts not based on blind opinions or simply "so and so said so" kind of deal.
Some bibros are calling him homophobic too btw , because that would prove he was bad in every aspect not just to jared . He’s a shy guy but he he gets the job done as long as he doesn’t offend himself or compromise his values or look tacky or cheap. He played all sorts of roles regardless of their sexual preference, he has no problem with that.
He’s a shy guy but he he gets the job done as long as he doesn’t offend himself or compromise his values or look tacky or cheap. He played all sorts of roles regardless of their sexual preference, he has no problem with that.
He’s true to himself while doing his job as an entertainer, which lets face it, it’s all about the pandering even when you don’t feel like it or believe in it yourself, it their livelihood.
If you didn't see I got a little heated with someone who insisted the dictionary is wrong with what homophobia means because "authors use it this way" and claimed people don't actually fear gay people, which is 100% not true. Some people genuinely fear homosexual people, it's just fact. I agree with you, no matter what Jensen says or does these days it's going to upset people. One thing is certain, this fandom is so divided these days it's crazy. I also do not think Jensen is at all homophobic nor do I think he discriminates against LGBT people. He has what we call boundaries and that's that. "Destiel doesn't exist" and getting annoyed at Destiel questions from people who KNOW his stance on it are in my opinion just looking for an argument.
When the show ended and the actors went their separate ways and started to hang out with their families/friends/colleagues , jensen in general keeps his friends from all those years, he keeps in touch and keeps them around , I think his wife convinced him that the spn world still had a chance, she wanted to do something ( her turn after waiting all those years, as did gen) She too wanted her chance , started Twwon had her implants because she was going to be a big star ( taking the attention from the real latino star and treating her like a background actor) again a subject for another day lol
Okay I am not going to lie here, I am curious about the highlighted tidbit here and why you think this was to detract attention from who I assume is Lindsey (or Odette)? As for The Winchesters, don't get me started on that disaster they call a show....
Misha was pandering to his own fans , it’s were his money and fame came , and that’s why they do it after all, they do it for the money and fame and it’s a great way to live , anyone saying otherwise can live in lala land for eternity, i don’t care lol .
Bingo... It was all about the money for Misha this entire time. Otherwise, he wouldn't have nearly this many vocal fans if he didn't pander to the hellers and Destiel shippers.
At first most of spn fans were either Sam or dean’s stan , then a fraction was created and called themselves bibros and they became loud enough to the actors and creators to see them and try to give them what they want(it’s only fair to please your audience after all)
Tinhats thought it was Ok to call Jensen/dean gay for jared/sam (they don’t differentiate between them , I know because I was a bibro/ Tinhat myself) If jensen dared to hangout with another person man or woman, colleague or not without jared , then he was either covering for them both( hiding in the glass closet) or he was simply betraying jared or was pandering ( like he shouldn’t pander to the other side because they don’t deserve to scraps from their favorite actor.
I believe this is still 100% true to this day Anon. I really do. I can understand why like 10 years ago or more many thought they were in a relationship but today, it's kinda silly. They are busy living separate lives in separate states now. Jared even said recently they see each other a lot... at Supernatural conventions and still text a lot. Not a whole lot of actually seeing each other anymore from what it sounds like to me. Plus, when is the last time they actually hung out together outside of being in the same hotel/area for a Supernatural convention?
Thanks for sending this in Anon, I really would love to hear more from you!
EDIT: I re-read your ask and also want to know more about this tidbit.
He’s in the middle of the two biggest ships on spn and no matter what he does or says he’s not going to win with either of them, because they both are going after him and his wife and family on line and in real life ( like at his door step and his daughter’s school too pretending to be one of the parents)
I heard of someone taking photos outside of their kids' schools but did someone actually do this?! This fandom, man.... the level people stoop to here....
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angelsdean · 2 years
i think people often forget how many bibro go to these cons, i mean they're sending death threats to his wife, to him, to misha when they're saying something they don't like. i don't blame him for wanting to please everyone as best he can, i just wish he shouldn't have to.
yea these cons and esp the j*2 panels are just full of the worst fans and unfortunately he's stuck in the middle between destiel fans who want him to validate the confession and /those fans/ who want him to condemn anything related to destiel. And people can say what they want abt him but i really do not think he's anti destiel, def not in recent yrs, (i know there were comments made ages ago) but like looking at recent yrs, esp post-confession and how involved he was with the scene, suggesting the bloody handprint !!!, being excited abt fan reactions and sharing reactions vids with misha, and just being obviously close friends with misha who views the scene as a romantic declaration of love and having conversations with him about the scene, there's just no way IMO that he genuinely Hates destiel.
But he's in a horrible position where anything he says one way or the other will get ripped to shreds by either side, so he tries to straddle the line and stay neutral and fucks up and fumbles his answers and gives these half-ways amazing destiel answers and the backtracks. And i get that's frustrating, i do !! As a hardcore destiel fan i would love for him to just openly talk abt the confession and validate dean's feelings for cas but when i step back and look at the whole picture and just how vile those other fans can be, i also do get why he plays it like he does. I'm someone who hates conflict too and if i were him speaking in a room mostly full of j*2 fans who have a history of getting nasty and personal when they're upset then yeah i'd probs try and say something "safe" to not ignite their wrath.
And people are allowed to feel how they feel of course! People are allowed to be upset by his response. I do think it was bold as hell to even say dean would say 'i love you too' and hug cas in a room full of those fans. Like that alone must've pissed off hardcore j*2 fans. And honestly i am latching onto that 'i love you too' because it's just !!! Dean was literally upset he couldn't say anything back to cas and if given the chance he would've literally said 'i love you too' and anyone watching that would've immediately read it as romantic! So yea if he had to cushion that statement with a 'it was like losing a brother' whatever. It's not the end of the world for me. And truly, it doesn't even matter what actors say at the end of the day. Destiel literally is canon and they belong to us now anyway<3 ***also not saying he shouldn't be criticized either like yes, be critical of people when they mess up ! but also, crucially, people are people, meaning they will mess up. i am very much a fan of 'actors are just some guys'! which means, like some guys, they will say stupid shit and not have the perfect responses to everything and fumble and probably not say what they meant or put their foot in their mouth about it. ok, enough abt all this now lmao back to what matters: destiel in gay love.
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italwayshadtobeyou · 11 months
It's always interesting to me when people say that the minor and supporting characters are all closer to Dean than to Sam. Sure, Dean has more friends/frenemies/drinking buddies in their group, but there are quite a few who either don't obviously have a favorite brother or who seem to favor Sam.
Among mentors, you have Missouri. She's almost motherly toward Sam, but downright disapproving of Dean. If they weren't hanging around her town looking for favors from her, her barrage of insults and interruptions would qualify as bullying.
Among Hot Chicks,™️ you have Meg (who tries to make out with both brothers plus Cass, whether or not they consent), Ruby (not in it for Sam's sake, but still, obsessed with him and not with Dean), and Rowena (who has far longer and deeper conversations with Sam than she does with Dean). Eileen twice makes a play for Sam, not for Dean. Sarah Blake wants Sam to try a relationship with her; she doesn't pay much attention to Dean. And those are just women who know about Sam's hunting and appear in multiple episodes. If we get beyond those, I'd say that Jess and Madison are also memorable characters, and they're definitely more interested in Sam than in Dean.
Among other contacts, there's Kevin (who doesn't exactly love either brother, but seems a little less suspicious of Sam), Garth (who meets Dean first, but quickly takes up hugging and chatting with Sam as well), and Billie (the multiverse's most reluctant bibro, considering that first she wants them both permanently dead, and then she needs them both for her plans).
Crowley is his own special category: He hits on everyone he meets, makes better headway with Dean than with Sam, shares a motel room with Dean for weeks if not months, and also rhapsodizes about Sam in fetish gear and administering him "love injections." While Crowley hardly qualifies as a friend of either brother, his stalking of them indicates a warped fascination, and you might be able to infer something of his preferences from the fact that his phone contacts list includes them as "Moose" (Sam) and "Not-Moose" (Dean).
That's not a bad list! It isn't super-long, but it's hardly nobody. In fact, given the quality of those characters, I'll take them over the list of Dean-leaning friends.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
And now, we see it.
There is no one, and I mean no one, left to prop up the bibro, wincel and adjacent lanes dialogue. Mr J2 Heart Of The Show has exited stage left for Dennis, who while nexstar is conservative, has history running their more liberal stations like Austin. i mean it's white liberal but. it exists.
his frame of reference will be purely on the way The Winchesters and its style bounces back the network. Not J2 BlahBlah [stuck in 2010] bullshit.
so much sky is falling crowing trying to build anxiety and it's like. no guys. this is literally part of the planned purge. Beyond all the PR you ever read about Pedowitz he was a symptom of the Atlanta-New York abandonment and promoted in the same wave to further murder black entertainment.
The new guy doesn't care, he just wants ratings so their new england region stops tanking. In fact they actually need their primetime to skew at least white liberal because of that. That's what this whole buying CW thing is, a response to the Tribune-Spectrum dispute offlining Nexstar-Tribune owned stations over dispute about fees and rates. Nexstar needs its stations to turn profit.
And during primetime for the way buzz generates and travels, they absolutely need the major markets Gray has under wraps. So unless you guys are DEEPLY invested in what the goddamn cw morning local news has as opinions, the only change you're gonna notice is better tv with higher ratings and budgets. Oooh. scary.
it's gone. Every. Last. Piece. Of your old guard. Has been cleaned out.
god all that time they squalled the boycott did nothing. so basic. so. very small brained. So unaware of the media domino effect.
your gods are gone. Now, there's only The People, and the chains slapped on Nexstar and WB both right now for compliance.
Sorry, sweeties.
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uwu "but pedowitz brought misha back s7" anyone with an IQ above 5 at the company would have because the ratings on the network were starting the same spiral the post-finale boycott did. That's not buddy shit. That's business, asshat. Catch a clue.
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holding-out-for-hea · 2 years
You are one of the few unbiased fans whom I truly admire hence asking, was the TW finale worth it? I mean if I start watching will it be satisfactory? Because I saw a picture of Jensen being Dean and was very very disheartened to see he was not looking like Dean or giving any dean vibe. I even got a little angry on him for that. Did it matter while watching the episode?
Hi anon! First, wow, thank you 🙏🏻 I very much appreciate that and take it as a huge compliment. 🤗
To me? Yes. Yes it was worth it. All season I had thought this was the direction it was going in, and I was very happy with it. If you’re a bibro, like myself, I feel you’ll very much appreciate what it is.
It’s not perfect. There are some things that require a healthy dose of suspended disbelief. And there was SO much negative talk going around about it, it was very hard to not view the whole entity as tainted. But trust that Jensen knows, and has ALWAYS known, what SPN was about. I completely understand how you could see those stills and feel not thrilled about it.
I very much liked the first half of the season, and I was much more “meh” about the second half. Now, that may very well be because once they found out they didn’t get the back order for the season they had a lot to jam in the latter half. There are clunky moments. Some interesting choices. Some…. Cliched dialogue. But I was invested because I love Sam and Dean. I love the Winchester story. Their tragic, tragic story. Being in the world was a happy place for me. I always respected that many would NEVER come around to it, but that world was too important to me to just ignore it. I HAD to see. I’m happy 🤗🤷🏻‍♀️
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bradycore · 2 years
sorry long ask feel free to ignore. what i see way more than actual w* samblogs are samblogs who just have somewhat close proximity to w* circles. like 0-1 degrees of separation. which makes some sense given that a decent amount of sam centric (or even just... sam-inclusive? sam-as-character-not-adulterated-through-destiel) content comes from like bibro types and just ppl who don't aggressively block for suspected wincestie leanings. just normal dissemination of content i guess. but it does cause one to rub elbows with people ur average destiel stannie would consider war criminals. the whole thing with samblogs Being wincest shippers gets into tired old "adjacency crimes" stuff, but tbf it can also be annoying/distressing to have a samblogger rb something of yours and in a few hours your notes are filled with w* types who probably wouldn't have seen the post otherwise. just my too sense
yeah that makes a lot of sense! and “even just… sam-inclusive?” is kind of what i was trying to get at. blogs who just treat sam as an actual character might be seen as sam-centric by people who are used to ignoring him, and that might be part of why they decide most w* blogs are sam blogs.
i think the other thing i wanna note is that like. AS a samblogger i get w*ncesties in my notes sometimes and it IS annoying and distressing and it’s partly just because i have followers that have that 1-2 degrees of separation that obviously i can’t screen for just from their blog. and i follow and/or am followed by dozens of sam blogs who are just as anti-w* as the people who go around saying “why are all the sam blogs w*ncesties”.
we SHARE your annoyance and distress. there’s usually no reason for it to be aimed at us instead of the actual w*ncest blogs, and if the sam blog IS too close to those circles for your liking, curate your content and block them. i fully agree that sam blogs tend to have less degrees of separation from w* than say hellers, but it’s still incredibly frustrating as a sam blog to constantly be associated with it, because that association is still inaccurate! you know?
sorry for the rambling response, and i appreciate you sharing your thoughts :)
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