#but if you're 12 you probably shouldn't be on this blog in the first place...
manga-and-stuff · 2 years
For my family's secret Santa, I drew my 10-year-old niece. And according to my sister, she's really into comic books and Harry Potter these days.
So naturally, I am getting her the first few volumes of Witch Hat Atelier.
I mean, it's kind of a comic, and it's kind of like Harry Potter. Only, unlike Harry Potter, it's actually well written and the author isn't a bigoted billionaire.
Anyway, this way I am not only getting my niece something that's (hopefully and most importantly) right up her alley, but this could also turn her off Harry fucking Potter, and it might even get her interested in manga.
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pakunod-a · 3 months
Idia Shroud, who..
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...can't fathom how you ever got around to talking to him. He was convinced you were too good for him.
...seems to be a bit more gloomy than usual.
—oh, no, it's not you. He just can't process how such a lovely human being could ever be his friend.
...can't believe it's been so long since you've first DM'ed him. He didn't even have to do anything at all.
...has a hard time believing you wouldn't up and find someone else to befriend. You're.. probably his first genuine friend. Why wouldn't you want to stay good friends with him?
...is your closest online friend. You've met a little short over a year ago, and now he's a little too attached.
...is one of your closest confidants. Despite not being friends with you in person, you trust him with major things, like your game accounts, your Magicord account, your IP address <3
...is your duo on most games. You support him, and oftentimes, he lets you carry.
...doesn't trust you when you say that your "friends" are only with you to hang out. They must have ulterior motives, no?
...is very, very fortunate he installed an app that lets him see through your webcam. You were so ethereal, it was unbelievable.
...thinks you look like a masterpiece crafted by the very hands of a god themselves. This is who he's been talking to all this time? He's breath-taken.
...starts slowly getting insecure every time you try and turn down his offers to game together. His mind starts going to the worst possible places imaginable.
...can't have you getting any ideas of leaving him. You're basically his best friend, dare I say his platonic? lover. You put your Minecraft beds together. You went to the Heart Island on Genshin Impact with him. He does all your dailies for you whenever you aren't available, and vice versa. You're practically married at this point.
...is waiting for the right time to strike. Not now, but soon. You shouldn't suspect it. If he fails, he risks losing his beloved friend.
...monitors you closely. It's just a matter of time, you know. After all, you're playing hard to get. And Idia does love a good challenge.
...watches your every move. You like to sing in the shower, don't you? You sound so talented.. undeserving of someone like him. You enjoy the company of cats? How coincidental.. he does too. You have so much in common already.
...has your room set up next to his. You'll live with him, eventually. When he finds the courage to do it.
Idia Shroud, who will forever be your Player 1. Won't you be his Player 2, too?
long note below here, skip if not interested
A/N: hello :)
it's been a while, how have you all been?
i apologize for being on a hiatus of some sort. and for the rushed and short idia post T-T
it's going to be the start of a busy year for me, i am graduating after all.
i have lots of posts i need to publish and rewrite, but unfortunately my schedule is too packed, and the only times i feel free enough to write are after-school hours, which are 8 pm - 12 am for me.
i might just end up reuploading more fics from my old blog, or writing a bit more for other series i'm into. (hxh, obey me, twst, mlbb, genshin, and hsr <3 perhaps trese if anyone's heard about it? 👀)
but if i ever come back to posting, what kind of content would you guys like to see?
my requests and inbox(?) are always open. please do drop by and say hello, or drop a request you would like to see written by me. i find that requests or ideas from others often get my brian going.
if you wish to find me elsewhere, my tiktok and my discord users are both pakunod.a :)
i would like to come back again with posts for you to read, or a few of my practice drawings for you to see.
perhaps in the future. :)
as always, stay safe, keep yourself healthy, stay hydrated, and always love yourself. <3
- 1, Yuan
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 9 months
Stop the Harassment
After everything that's happened, you guys sure make it easy to quit a fandom. Let's be real here, who wants to be in a fandom where you harass minors, bully people so much so that they try to commit? First it was cosplayers, now even creators who caused no harm are being violated and bullied.
Sure I might lose followers but I sure as hell won't just be staying silent about this, not when my friend has already suffered through enough, I know the culprit, I'm just staying silent on behalf of my friend because they don't want this thing escalated. I shouldn't even feel like I'll be targeted after this because what kind of community have we created that we should expect the worst?
My friend has been nothing but nice to the rest of you and for you to treat them this way after they've been through so much after what you guys did in the first place just sickens and disgusts me to my core. Even before this whole thing they came to Tumblr for refuge because of their difficult time but you guys don't care about that right?
No because apparently what you do in this fandom is you tear someone apart who found comfort here to make them feel so bad that it's either they quit or commit.
She took responsibility saying that it was a mistake but no, apparently people have to be flawless for any one of you to accept them right? Is being a minor a crime? Is that it? Because last time I checked, Tumblr was an ages 12+ app so why are we so concerned? Regarding the allegations, they don't interact with mdni, even if they did in the past it was probably by accident.
Regarding minors reading and writing nsfw shit, I've said it before and I'll say it again, blocking is a thing? Can't y'all all comprehend that? Is it really that difficult to understand that you even have to spread personal information to others? For all you know my friend could now be targeted and preyed on by some creep because they found out they're a minor.
People are gonna ask me who it is but I can't answer for them, they just want peace and I want to clarify some things because I can't just let people think my friend this apparently "horrid" thing within the fandom without defending them, you were the one who interacted with them first (WITHOUT MDNI IN YOUR BLOG) and now they're getting pinned and taking all the blame when you didn't even care to tell her that suddenly you put it in your blog?
Not only this but what do you have to stand to gain in all of this? I wonder what was your motive to tear someone down and let your little minions do it for you because you don't wanna be involved.
The fact that you let this spread and let people do this to them without taking accountability for how this started or at least telling people to stop because what you caused just baffles me because how can someone have such inability to feel remorse and guilt, you've been awfully silent haven't you?
Probably because it's better to have someone take the blame regarding the harassment right? Because some people are standing up for them, though I know that some refuse to talk, I know they're also here to support them. You are one of the only people who knew of their age and damn did you make it easy to find you.
I don't even know how one person is capable of doing this to another, which I suspect you've been leaving some of the anon asks to them too when they've been nothing but nice to you, the least the rest of you can do is cut them some slack, Dms is a thing right? Block and move on, as simple as that. But no, the rest of you just had to spam it on other creators' accounts with the mixing of some false allegations.
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Not only that but this? Can't y'all just leave them alone? You all act as if they personally killed your parents or something, it's like they committed some sort of crime in which they didn't.. you all did by spreading their PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL information. None of you truly knows what happened and yet you all act like you're some sort of detective, have you all not learned anything from what happened to Vincent (Inquisitore) and Viper, apparently Milo is now also getting targeted for some silly video?
I wanted to post the other less filtered version of this post because I was so mad for my friend but in regards to people in my blog, this is as filtered as I can get it. If any of you ever harass her again, we WILL find your account and you best believe I'll have no shame to tag you, even more so if you've blocked me.
What's up with always hiding behind anons? You're scared of what people might say to you because YOU as an ADULT has been harassing a minor? That's what this is right? The rest of you are scared if the consequences of your actions because you know to yourselves that you've done SOMETHING wrong.
This is such a shit show, what even is this fandom anymore? I swear that not onec have I been in such a shitty one and I've been through all sorts of fandom, never as toxic as this one, great job y'all, you guys just beat the toxic k-pop stans in my list.
Though some of you are so kind and wonderful, there are still THOSE bad people out there who seek to tear someone apart for whatever petty reason.
I'm taking a break from all this and though I still will be writing behind the scenes so that I'll have the strength to keep going, you all disappoint me as a community.
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thaenad · 1 year
I didn't want to blow up the replies lmao, but other thoughts I had related to your post about whether additional marking and warnings are needed on feedist or kink social media content:
You kind of touched on this in another post, but bodily consent and reading or seeing things you don't like are not equivalent and framing it that way plays directly into good ol' anti-kink swerf & terf ideology. (Like you said, the whole "kink shouldn't be at pride because seeing someone in a collar makes me uncomfy" thing)
I just think that adding a trigger warning to any and all kink content, like I said, doesn't do anything tagging doesn't already do, and also frames kink as something bad and scary that we have to do everything in our power to protect people from. That's a branch of the anti-sex and anti-porn… tree (metaphor got weird sorry) that's currently leading to stuff like the legislation trying to make its foothold in the US rn requiring gov IDs to access porn
There is research that suggests trigger warnings don't actually do anything (I haven't done a deep dive into the actual research articles though tbh)
In terms of the aspect of this issue of feedist posts that are tagged with 'fat', which non-feedists vocally dislike: tbh, I've never seen a feedist post that was tagged 'fat' and didn't also have like 12 feedist-related tags. When people are complaining about there 'always' being 'so much' feedist content in the non-kink tags, idk maybe it's rude of me but like, if you didn't like it the first time you went into the tag, then blacklist the tags and terms you don't like before you go back to the tag a second time. I agree that feedists probably shouldn't use non-kink tags on their explicitly kinky posts (which is different from fat feedists posting non-kink photos of and text posts about themselves from their kink blog), but there is an easier fix than trying to make the feedists who don't really care about how they tag change how they tag.
If somebody doesn't want their content to be shared and potentially reach people who don't want to see it then like… I do absolutely get it but social media/the Internet are public 'places' and we don't have control over where the content goes after we put it out there. Maybe that's also harsh but the only way to make 100% sure no one sees your posts if they don't want to is to not make public posts at all.
You're right, the first time someone sees content they don't like, they won't know what tags to block, but if there was a warning that said "⚠️ this is a feedist post! ⚠️" someone who doesn't know what feedism is will still read the post and then be like 'oh, turns out I don't like that', so the warning doesn't do anything for a newbie either.
So, tl;dr, there are tools available to all of us to help curate our online experience, and it's cool when everybody uses them, but also, the mindset of feeling like you have to do your utmost at all times to never cause anyone else discomfort is not very helpful at the end of the day and isn't a very fun time either
all good points here, I think I’ll let this ask stand on its own!
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its5amandimbored · 4 years
Part one of my fowl twins memes/review/reaction Ok so I reread all the artemis fowl books and made memes on them which you can find down here (I'll be keeping the fowl twins stuff in there too, just to keep everything together)
Artemis fowl memes
Now the original reason I was rereading the books was because I was prepping up to read the fowl twins so I figured since I'm already reading it might as well keep this going and keep making memes but I also realized since
1. This is the first time I am ever reading it
2. It's the sequel/spin off to my child hood book series
I would want to talk about some parts and not just make memes. plus I've always liked just having my reactions to things, I'll usually pause a show or movie or stop reading to take a picture and talk about what I thought of whatever I thought was worth mentioning, I've done it for episodes in shows I like along with the artemis fowl movie back over in my main blog. I know I usually do memes but I hope you like this.
this should be fun since I'm going into this completely blind but yeah. I was really excited for this I absolutely adored the twins in the artemis fowl books as some of you may know, I am sad they yeeted artemis off to mars which is basically the only thing I know about this book I've been trying very hard to avoid spoilers.
Also you probably shouldn't see this until you've read the book or be prepared for spoilers. Fair warning.
Anyway on to the memes/review/reaction thing
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Wow ok we are off to a bizarre start. Myles and beckett haven't even entered the story and we already got our antagonist chopping off fingers. Also imagine you're talking to some dude who's trying to live forever and you're like "I'll help you" and he cuts off your fucking pinky out of nowhere.
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This boy has a tie made out of his dead gold fish?? I have no words.
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Love how artemis straight up went into space before anyone could stop him or bother him about it.
Also the fact that he built it in the barn. The same place he built the laser in the 8th book while he was supposed to be exercising makes me think he built this while he was supposed to be exercising, he launched himself as butler came in to yell at him
Also kind of mad. Like eoin colfer sent him on a FIVE YEAR space mission?? Like I completely understand wanting to keep the main characters out of the way at first to like avoid having them upstage or divert attention away from your new characters that you're trying to develop but I understand that in the first book or two. I thought at some point we would have some of the main characters from the original show up. I really wanted to see adult artemis, see how he's changed and developed and grown. I mean last time we saw him he went through the traumatic experience of DYING. And I really wanted to see him interact with the twins. We got him with the twins in the last book and 6th book and it was fun seeing him be a protective older brother who the twins adored but still teased mercilessly. But back then the twins were toddlers! I want to see them older, see how that's developed. Now if we get artemis there'll have to be a pretty big time skip or artemis will have to randomly just come back to earth. They could've just had artemis like move away. Like. He would've been out of the way but could've come back in another book. Even if it's just for a scene or two. And like it's not unrealistic. Artemis at the end of the book had lived 15 years, was legally 18 and was physically like 17 (foaly aged his clone up a bit by accident so he looked older) and the twins were 4, they had just turned 4 and here they just turned 11 meaning artemis would have been alive for 22 years, legally been 25, and looked 24. Legally, physically, emotionally and mentally old enough to live by himself (even if the physical, legal, emotional and mental are all different ages lol) and he probably would want to. He's kind of been traumatized by this family and his old life style it would make sense to want to leave that. I don't know. Got pretty upset at that.
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Love how this series has killed off so many characters to only immediately bring them back (holly, butler, opal, artemis, basically everyone except root) that they just spoiled their own series to go "yea we'll kill of these characters and then bring them back" on page 12
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My last two brain cells every night without fail. Wow I've never related to anything more in my life
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Myles honey. You can be a man of science and still be dramatic. Look at your brother. I alread commented on my post from the 5th book about how dramatic as shit and extra artemis is and how he stages everything, from scheming to his actual plans, like a goddamn drama movie. Even how he announced things is dramatic.
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
Come Over | Elijah Mikaelson
Hey Lovelies! This is my first post on this profile! If you're curious feel free to pop over to my other handle: @sweetpeasgirl where i write for riverdale! However this blog is for all fandoms! It's all very exciting and I am happy to take on a new project. Anyway this is my first time writing for Elijah/TVD/TO so I hope its good! Also my first smut oh no oh god. Lemme know what you think!
Description: Based on the song "Come Over" by Sam Hunt. Y/n finds out Elijah Mikaelson is a vampire in the worst way possible. She freaks out and runs. Elijah follows after. It comes to a crossroads at her apartment.
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: THIS IS AN 18+ ONLY FIC!!! NSFW, Smut (oral female receiving), 18+ (I feel obligated to say it ;) )
Word count: 3413
Tags: fluff, some angst, SMUT
(Photos not mine but mood board is :) )
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I turn the TV off, to turn it on again
Staring at the blades of the fan as it spins around
The clock on your nightstand reads 11:34. The remote control is heavy in your hand. Nothing on the TV is interesting to you even slightly right now. Your room is sweltering and dark. Your bed is a mess, the comforter crinkled and shoved to the foot. Messy beds are always more uncomfortable. Any day but today you would care.
You glance down at your phone, not surprised in the slightest to see another missed call. That makes 22. Almost a new record. Two more and he’ll start a new one. That’s just his type. Persistent. It’s why you fell in love with him. He didn’t give up. You sigh and block the call, placing the phone face down on the nightstand. Your whole body feels hot.
Clicking again on the remote, you come across a reality show. It's trashy, the accents are harsh, it screams “daddy’s money”. It’s perfect. Maybe it’ll be enough to take your mind off of the events of this evening. Off of him. The girl on the show runs into the arms of a handsome man. You turn the TV off almost as fast as you had turned it on.
You had been picturing tonight in your head for a week. The Mikaelson Ball. Dining and dancing and elegance. Nothing your usual life regularly allowed. It was supposed to be special. The invitation alone was magnificent enough to make you swoon. The dress had almost made you faint. The necklace did. It was all perfect. He was perfect. And then it wasn’t.
Your phone buzzes again on the nightstand. You forgot to turn it off. Or maybe you left it on purpose. Your head feels fuzzy, though, and you don’t want to think about it. You wish his face would get out of your mind. Your eyes drift to the fan above you and you try to count the blades as they go around and around. You lose track easily, and you don’t care. It doesn’t do anything to soothe your molten skin.
Counting every crack, the clock is wide awake
Talking to myself, anything to make a sound
You pick the phone up once more, ready to scream at it. Every part of you feels like it's on fire and seeing his name on the screen pushes you over the edge. You don’t know what you did to get tangled in all of this but you’re ready to claw your throat out. Instead, you throw the phone as hard as you can against the pile of comforters. It stops buzzing but your skin is still sticky. You feel sick to your stomach.
“Why did you pick me, why couldn’t it have been someone else,” your tone is harsh but it’s not like he can hear you, “it hurts Eli. Make it stop. Please!”
Your voice is barely a whisper and it turns to cries quickly as the anger dies out. All you can see, swirling around the depths of your mind, are his fangs. The way his brown eyes died to a blackness. The stark veins against his sculpted cheeks. He had looked every bit as beautiful as ever. Still elegant, still handsome. Still Elijah. But dark. Dangerous. That’s what scared you. Elijah was still Elijah when he was ripping a heart from a chest.
It felt like a blur when you saw it. One minute he had his hand on the small of your back. You had been taking a stroll in the garden. It was like nothing you had ever seen before. Beautiful hedge walls and roses of all different colours and a magnolia tree like you had only ever imagined. The moon wasn’t quite full over your heads. He was finally about to kiss you, something you had been silently pleading for for months now. Before his lips could touch yours, though, there was a hand around your throat. It had squeezed to the point of you almost passing out before Elijah had time to rip you away from your attacker. You didn’t see him move, you just saw his hand break through the mans sternum and rip his beating heart out of his chest. As soon as you saw his face, his eyes, you bolted.
“I’m scared, Eli. I miss you. I’m scared that I miss you and a thousand other things. I need you.”
You look at the dress hanging on the back of your door. At one point it was a delicate, pale pink number. It had off the shoulder straps that, really, had no point but were beautiful. There was satin cream ribbon to lace up the back and the sweetest of sweetheart necklines. Now it was splattered in blood, the satin ribbons stained. One of the sleeves had ripped when you ran. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever owned and it was ruined in less than an hour. Fairytales were supposed to end at midnight, not nine o'clock.
“I wish you would come over.” You mean it.
You just want him to explain. To show up and sweep you off your feet and tell you that he won’t hurt you. You shouldn't even need the reassurance. You know him. That's your Elijah. Somewhere deep down you know that. But it's not making you any less afraid right now. He had been protecting you, but no one has ever ripped out a heart for you before. You’re allowed to be afraid of new things. You’re allowed to be afraid of things that are frightening. That’s what being human is. You still feel like a traitor, though, when you feel afraid of Elijah.
Your voice is silent in the darkness, “I wish you could hear me. Come over, Elijah.”
Your phone beeped. You pick it up in time to read the screen. Call ended.
I told you I wouldn't call, I told you I wouldn't care
But baby climbing the walls gets me nowhere
Call ended. Call ended 12:43. Twelve minutes and forty-three seconds. Elijah had been on the phone with you for almost thirteen minutes. Crap.
You think about how far away the Mikaelson mansion is from your apartment. Twenty minutes tops, and that’s your driving. Elijah’s driving? Ten, if you’re lucky. You could try to reason with yourself. Maybe he hadn't heard you. Maybe he doesn't want to see you. Maybe he hung up because he got tired of hearing you whine. You can’t help the dry laugh that falls from your lips. It’s Elijah. You probably only have five minutes now.
You jump to your feet and begin making your bed, your pulse thumping loud once more in your ears. He’s been in your apartment before, but that was when he was just Elijah. Not the Elijah with fangs and black eyes. Now he’s different. Mysterious. Who knows what he’s seen. What he’s done. You never thought your apparent was shabby by any means but would he? You know your life can’t compare to the wonders he’s most definitely seen.
You move to the kitchen, which is, by default, the living room as well, and begin picking up mugs and newspapers and anything else out of order that you can see. You sneak a quick glance out your kitchen window, into the parking lot below, just in time to see a sleek black car speed into one of the only available spots left. You can hear the engine purr from your fourth floor apartment. You know exactly whose car that is and thus aren't surprised when Elijah Mikaelson steps out from the drivers side and slams the door shut, not even bothering to lock the door. You gasp at the bang the metal makes and his head whips up, his eyes locking with yours from the ground.
You close your eyes for just a second. There's no way he could have heard that. When you look back to the ground, he’s gone. Before you can sigh there's a knock at the door.
I don’t think that I can take this bed getting any colder
Come over, come over, come over, come over, come over
You move to the door but you don’t open it. You place your palm on the wood trim and try to picture the man on the other side. He’ll look like Elijah. He’ll smell like Elijah and probably talk like Elijah, too. But is he still the same Elijah?
“Y/n, I know you’re there, open the door. Please?” His voice sounds the same, his accent penetrating the barrier between you and tickling your ears.
“Elijah,” your voice is but a whisper and you know you should be the only one who can hear it, “I’m scared.”
“I know, love, that’s ok. I won’t hurt you, though, and I need you to open the door. I just- I need to see you,” his voice cracks, just barely but it’s there.
That’s all it takes for you to slide the lock and open the door. In front of you, for the second time tonight, is a man you don’t recognize. He doesn’t have fangs and his eyes are his usual deep brown but they look shattered. His hair, usually styled to perfection, is a mess, like he had been running his hands through it for the past few hours. His suit jacket is gone, leaving him in slacks and the dress shirt he had been wearing at the ball, only now it’s untucked and the sleeves are rolled haphazardly up his arms. Elijah Mikaleson looks disheveled and you’re terrified again because this Elijah, hurt and upset, looks further from himself than the Elijah from the garden.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. God, I’m so fucking sorry,” his voice shakes as he stands in your doorway, “please let me explain, baby.”
You swallow at his words. Baby. That's new.
“Eli, you know you can come in whenever you want,” your eyes look to the ground, feigning interest in the knots of your hardwood floor.
“I want to hear you say it,” you can feel his eyes burning into your lowered head, “I need to hear that you want me to come in, Y/n.”
This time it’s your voice that breaks, “of course I want you to come in Elijah.”
He sighs and steps over the threshold, standing mere feet away from you. You feel so small next to him in nothing but a pair of plaid sleep shorts and plain tank top. Your bare feet, for the first time since getting home, are cool against the floor.
He reaches to touch you and you flinch away, “baby, god, no. Please don’t be afraid.”
Your chest aches at the scared look in his eyes and all you want to do is run into his arms but you need answers.
“What happened back there, Elijah?” You feel pathetic at how quiet your voice still is.
“He wanted to hurt me, torture me. And he knew he couldn't. So he went for you, because he knew I would retaliate,” his eyes land on yours and you can see that he still wants to rip that man limb from limb, “he was a werewolf, Y/n. He wanted you dead, I had to do it.”
He sinks to his knees, his voice dropping lower and lower until the last words are just whispers. His words ring in your ears again. Werewolf. A werewolf wanted you dead. You felt faint.
“Why was a,” you say the word carefully, “werewolf trying to hurt you?”
“Because I'm a vampire, Y/n,” his voice breaks fully this time.
You don’t know what to do. Not with the rapid beating of your heart nor the new information you’ve just acquired and especially not with the crying Mikaelson on his knees in your hallway. Your Elijah, the man who pulls your chair out at restaurants and opens your doors and always has a hand on you when you’re around his brothers, is a vampire. You’re not even sure what that means, there are so many questions running through your mind. You want to ask each and every one of them but, seeing the man in front of you, somehow now doesn’t feel like the right time.
Your heart flutters looking at Elijah. His hands are in his hair again, pulling desperately on the strands. Your heart falls into a thousand tiny pieces at the sight. How can you be afraid of someone being so openly vulnerable to you. No man has ever gotten on his knees for you. No one has ever begged on their knees for you. It’s breathtaking, all you need to push yourself into him and wrap your arms around his neck.
“You should be terrified of me y/n,” he chokes into your chest, “I’m not good for you. I'm a monster, baby.”
His words shred at your heart. You run your fingers through his hair, smoothing the soft locks beneath your fingers.
“No you’re not. You're still my Elijah.”
His head lifts from your chest and he captures your eyes with his serious ones. He looks awestruck.
“Your Elijah?” His accent is even thicker with all the emotion.
You smile for the first time in many hours, “of course, Eli.”
He sweeps you up and into his arms so quickly you get dizzy. Before you know what’s happened, he has you sat on your kitchen island and he’s standing between your legs. Your arms are still clinging tight to his neck while his hands hang dangerously low on your hips.
“And you’re mine, Y/n.”
His words makes your body sing, “All yours.”
He closes his eyes, his hands tightening deliciously on your hips, “say it again. Please, baby.”
“I’m yours Elijah. I’ve always been yours.”
His lips crash hungrily onto yours. He wraps his arms around your lower back and you tangle your legs around his waist to avoid falling off the countertop. He kisses you like you’ve never been kissed before, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth and biting down harshly before soothing the sting with his tongue. You're enamoured with this side of Elijah. You’ve seen his gentleman side, it was magnificent, but this side of him? It was everything you didn't know you needed.
He pulls back, only putting a fraction of space between your bodies but it feels like too much, “please don’t run from me again.”
Your lips brush his when you speak, “Never, Eli.”
He pulls your mouth back to his, a hand tangled in your hair tugging gently at the roots. You can’t but moan against his lips and squeeze your legs around his waist. You grab blindly at his shirt, trying desperately to undo the buttons. Your fingers fumble and he chuckles into your mouth. He releases you to pull his shirt off, dropping it mindlessly on the floor, his lips never leaving yours.
His chest is sculpted like the finest marble and you can’t resist running your hands over his skin. He feels strong under your fingertips. He lets out a groan as you slide them back to his shoulders to the nape of his neck. His lips move over your jaw, down your neck, kissing and sucking a trail to your throat.
His hands grip the edge of your tank top bunching the material in his fists, “may I?”
Always the gentleman.
You nod your head before the words can leave your mouth, “please.”
He smirks, his eyes shining, as he begins pulling the tank top tantalizingly slow up your chest. You raise your arms over your head with his movements, lowering them back to his torso when he drops your shirt with his. His chocolate eyes meet yours again, seeking permission. You can’t fight the small smile as you nod. His smile that greets yours is breathtaking.
His eyes flick down, taking in your bare chest like a child in a candy store. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, much like he did to yours only moments ago. His hands slide up the curve of your waist, trailing a new kind of fire wherever he touches. His thumbs graze the sides of your breasts and you just barely stop the moan, closing your eyes to regain the little control you have left.
“I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, you’re stunning Y/n. Absolutely beautiful.”
Before you can process it, his mouth is around your breast, pulling your nipple into his mouth and sucking gently. It sends a spark of electricity to the deepest part of your stomach, building an ache that you’ve felt before but stronger. Blinding. It’s white hot. You don’t try to stop the moans, you don’t want to. His tongue swirls around your breast, teasingly slow, making you feel every little movement. It’s dangerously addictive.
“Elijah,” you breath his name like oxygen.
His lips let you go, moving down your chest, trailing kisses down your abdomen, pulling praises from your lips as he goes. His eyes find yours when he sinks to his knees for the second time tonight. His hands grasp your shorts, covering your hips easily. You’re a wanton mess in front of him, practically fully undone from the simplest of touches.
“What do you want me to do, baby, you have to tell me what you want.” It's good to know he’s breathless too.
“Eli, I-” you moan as he presses a kiss to your inner thigh, sucking gently at the skin, his eyes still locked on yours, “I want you.”
He pulls his lips back, “you want me to do what, baby?”
You groan at the devilish smirk on his handsome face, “I want you to kiss me!”
“As you wish.”
He pulls your shorts off first, slowly dragging them down your legs, kissing all the way down and back up again. When you're left in nothing but your panties he presses the first kiss to you. It’s hot and sends shocks throughout your entire body.
“More, now. Please, Elijah.”
He chuckles but does as told, pulling the remaining material down your legs before hooking your legs over his muscular shoulders. He wastes no time attaching his lips to your sex, sucking delightfully. He swirls his tongue over your clit, stoking the fire building in your stomach. He drags his tongue down your slit for what feels like an eternity before he plunges into you. You throw your head back and close your eyes, mumbling praises into oblivion. You can feel his eyes on you, soaking up every inch of you.
Your hands find his hair again, not seeming to want to be apart from him, “god.”
“That's not my name, baby,” he mumbles against you, stopping his ministrations.
You open your eyes and lock them with his waiting ones, drawing his name out in your best attempt at being seductive, “Elijah.”
His eyes darken but this time you aren't scared. No, this time his eyes make him look dominant. Sexy. His tongue attacks your clit again only this time faster and hungrier. It makes the fire in your stomach white hot. He’s unrelenting, bringing you closer to the edge with every pass of his tongue. He's pouring everything he has into pleasuring you and you can feel it, literally. You squeeze your thighs around him tighter, ready to explode
“Come for me, baby.”
With that you fall into something you’ve heard about but never thought possible. All you can see, all you can feel, is Elijah. He consumes all of your senses as you fall apart, over and over again, under his touch. In the midst of falling apart you catch Elijah’s eyes and fall all over again. He looks like he’s in pure bliss watching you come undone because of him. You know in all your falling you murmur his name more than once. You know that he loves it.
As you come down from your high, you go to unwrap your legs from his neck, only to have him wrap you around his waist and pick you up. You can’t help but giggle at his determined look.
When he starts walking toward your bedroom you ask, “what’s on your mind, Eli?”
“Round two,” you giggle again when he kisses your forehead.
“I'm glad you came over, Elijah.”
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adventurousrecovery · 7 years
You Wish
I was beaten and I let him. By the end of our relationship I was being called names, accused of doing things I hadn't done, constantly put down, and anything I did was never good enough. Our relationship ended and I had no idea who I was. I fell apart only to put myself back together. Five years later my ex contacts me via my artist page. I had recently changed the name on my personal page, making it difficult for clients and weirdos to find me. I am glad I did so. I finally enter into a relationship after 5 years and shortly after am contacted by my ex, who is now married with a kid.
(December 11, 2017)
Ex: Hey, Caitlin! How are you!?
Me: I am doing well. It's been a tough year with changes and losses, but has drastically taken a turn.
(December 12, 2017)
Ex: I'm sorry to hear you've been through some stuff, but I'm thankful things seem to be getting better! Listen...I was going through some stuff and stumbled upon your old gameboy. I thought you might appreciate getting it back.
*sends picture of the gameboy*
Me: Yes!
Ex: Awesome! Well I'm not sure what your schedule is like these days, but just let me know and we'll figured something out.
Me: I live in Terre Haute, but occasionally come south for the weekends and appointments. I will be down south this weekend, but not sure if I will make it to Eville on Sunday. I have numerous things in Evansville Monday and plan on attending AOC.
Ex: Ok that's fine. Just send me a message when you're in town and we'll work something out!
Me: Sounds good!
Me: Did you happen to find any cartridges that went with it?
Ex: Pokemon Special Pikachu is in it. If there were any other cartridges you had that are missing I'm more than happy to replace them. The kids used them...so there's no tellin where they may be at this point!
Me: Naw, that's fine.
( I only wanted my Pokemon cartridge because I was obsessed with it as a child and the most important of the few I had. I never contacted him. My weekend was so overwhelming with the introduction of my dog to my family while being reminded as to why I limit visits. I was so upset and anxious by being home that I thought it best to return to Terre Haute. I did not inform him. I didn't have to. I owed him nothing. I spent the week reflecting on how far I had come since he had broken up with me. I needed to remind myself of the person I had become.)
(December 23, 2017)
Me: I will be in Eville this evening. Is there a time that works for you?
Ex: Shouldn't matter too much. I have a house over by UE off walnut. Where will you be?
(Why mention the location of your house? Attempted bragging? Did he expect me to stop by, alone? Pffft....please.)
Me: I will be at AOC. I may also be somewhere before or after that depending on my sister and her choice place of meeting for Christmas exchange.
Ex: Ok just let me know when you're in town and we'll figure it out.
(His grammar and punctuation became sloppy compared to when he first messaged me. I did not respond, but 3 hours later he felt a need attempt to gain control.)
Ex: I'll just plan on meeting you over at AOC if that's ok
Me: Sure, before or after? The parking lot is jank because it is under construction so parking is on the side streets.
Ex: Probably before. What time will you be there?
Me: Hahaha no clue because I am currently making Christmas treats and it is not going well.
(The treat making not going well was true. However, I did know what time I would arrive, 6:30 when it started at 7:00. I needed time to compose and center myself.)
Ex: Lol it's all good. Whatever works for you is cool with me.
Me: I will try to be there 15 min early, but it is in the big building not the small.
Ex: Ok when does it start? 7?
Me: Yes
Ex: Cool
(3 hours later)
Me: I'm here. The entrance that faces Lincoln is open with the flag pole
Ex: What are you driving?
(Why did that matter? I kept my description minimal. The lack of lighting and parking on the side streets would make it difficult for him to locate my car.)
Me: My Pontiac, but I'm inside.
(I wanted it to be clear that I was not stepping outside. If he wanted to meet he had to put forth effort. I had contacted other members and informed them of his history and that we were meeting. They were there for safety. He arrived 10 minutes before the meeting. He brought his son and wife. Members acknowledged his arrival, greeting him with hugs though he hadn't been to a meeting there since we dated. I know because I was terrified I would see him there after we broke up. He avoided eye contact. In fact, he handed me my gameboy while having a conversation with someone else, not even looking in my direction. I thanked him. His family left. I expected more, but was happy it was over. I thought maybe he had changed was going to make an amends considering it is a 12 Step program. Nope. During the meeting, he further messages me and it took a completely different direction of weird while confirming his narcissistic personality.)
Ex: Hey listen...I wanted to stay and talk with you a bit, but you seemed upset. I didn't want to ruin your night or anything. Since I had the family with me I didn't think it would be best to stick around...especially if you feel any animosity toward me. I just wanted to give you your gameboy. Thought it might make you happy to have it back after all these years. If you're upset with me about something please let me know so I can do my best to fix it. Praying for you...and I sincerely hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Caitlin.
(He assumed I was upset, creating a situation that doesn't exist so he might wiggle his way into my life and feel better about himself. My happiness is not nor was it ever dependent on the return of my Gameboy. Therefore, there is nothing to fix. I mended myself.)
(Minutes later)
Ex: Can I call you or you call me when you leave there? I don't want there to be any unresolved issues anymore. I can feel there are. *gives me his number*
(That's a fuck no. I will not provide a means of further harassment.)
(2 hours later)
Ex: It's been 5 years. That's a long time to hold onto something. I can't make it better if you don't let me. I'm here when you're ready to talk.
(He thought about it for hours. What makes him think he has the power to "make it better"? It is clear that it is bothering him more than it has me. I was given 5 years of being single to rebuild my life and become the woman that I am. I am aware of his manipulative, sneaky, and narcissistic games. I have the advantage. I worked through the emotions surrounding our relationship. He jumped into another relationship before ours was over, distracting himself from whatever core issue is now currently eating at him.)
(December 24, 2017)
I received a message from my ex's wife via my artist page and personal page.
Wife: Good morning Caitlin. I hope this message finds you well. I read your blog and am saddened by the picture you've painted of (insert Ex's name here). He is a excellent father and husband, nothing like what you have depicted. (Insert ex's name here) has never spoken badly of you and only said that he ended the relationship between you and him because he didn't see a future with you and didn't want to lead you on. This was before I met him and I understand people make mistakes. But he is not the monster you make him sound like. The time you had with him was a fraction of the years we have been together. I have been in a relationship with him since August 2013 and while he has flaws like everyone, he has grown into a wonderful, god-fearing, hardworking man. You do not know who he is. While you were in his life for a season, you cannot possible know who he is now. I'm not saying that he didn't do anything to hurt you. What I am saying is he is not the same person he was when he first started recovery. We recently moved into our first home and while we were moving one of the kids found your gameboy. The only intentions Abe had were to do a kind deed in the spirit of Christmas. In no way was he trying to be malicious or cause you pain. (Insert ex's name here) is a changed man from what you knew. I urge you as a sister in Christ to forgive as Christ forgave us. He has moved on and is happy and that's all he wishes for you. I pray you find happiness and wish you all the best. Merry Christmas.
(While viewing this message I accidentally highlighted the conversation, emojis popped up while I attempted to scroll and hit the thumbs down. I did not know how to take back, but I assume it did not go over well for I received another message.)
Wife: Obviously you aren't at a point in your life where we can handle things like mature adults. I'm sorry to have wasted your time and mine. Either way, I hope you have a good Christmas.
Me: Due to the holiday I had the intention of waiting to respond, but because I am not technologically savvy, I accidentally hit a thumbs down and it was misinterpreted. I have and had every intention of responding, but due to the holidays I request that out of respect and consideration for all involved, we each take time to spend time with our families. Merry Christmas!
(First of all, why am I of any concern to his wife? Second, why is my blog of any interest? Third, for one to assume I have not healed or endured such a painful process is quite judgemental. Determining my happiness based on your life aspirations and experiences judgemental and close-minded. Healing, happiness, and truth are dependent upon the perspective of the individual to whom it matters most, myself. Lastly, my words are not untrue because they come from a different perspective. All that I have written is based on my personal perspective and experience in the time I spent with him. I would like to think he is a changed man and I hope to God he is, but the abuse happened. He did not lay a hand on me, but physical touch is not required to meet the criteria for abuse. I continue to see him as the person he once was for I never saw who he became. Why would I? Our relationship ended and there was no reason to reconvene and share stories. Abuse is a form of trauma and it took its toll on my mentality and I admit I am still affected by those past experiences. For example, I was driven by fear, paranoia, and convinced everything had an ulterior motive and that returned in my writing of this post. It doesn't mean it is wrong. I was shown what was not to be tolerated in a relationship and for that I am thankful for I have refused to settle for less than what I deserve. I did not deserve him. I deserved much better.
I spoke to my sponsor, as one does when such an issue might arise in recovery, and saw my part. I should clarify this posting is not a form of retaliation or intended to do harm, but is a personal perspective of true events. I know what I want and how I would like this to be "fixed" assuming that it can be or needs to. However, my request to my ex is recovery based without the influence of others and should be left at that. That request cannot be guaranteed and for me to take action in an attempt to force things to be "fixed" is handing my problems to God only to snatch them back again. I pray for God's will and his timing, that should the opportunity arise I be given the words to speak that others may hear to reach resolution.
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