#but im a silly billy who loves romance. sue me
ghostlyheart · 2 years
my guidja manifesto
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Okay so.
Guillermo is off being schrodinger's vampire. Nandor is in his bookworm era. Laszlo is emotionally constipated over his boy growing up. Colin Robinson is living his best boring life. What's Nadja up to?? The club is dead(?) or at least severely damaged. She doesn't have a clear next step. The Guide is like "so we're going to fix up everything up and reopen the club right??" And Nadja just shuts that down like "no. That was a failure I'm not doing that again." And the Guide's like "well that was my home and you forced me into changing everything and I don't have anywhere else to go now. what am I supposed to do?" And Nadja wants to be all like "not my problem" but maybe she does feel the tiniest twinge of guilt because it sort of was her fault. Not that she would ever admit that. So she's like "Fine you can stay here for now." Plus she's getting restless with all her housemates off on their own and conversation with an identical doll version of yourself gets stale after a while. The Guide is like "oh yeah girls night every night!!" and Nadja is not super thrilled about that at first but. They DO end up spending a lot of time together by virtue of everyone else being occupied. And yes the Guide is clingy and overeager. But also kind of a laugh? And sweet in her too intense kind of way? Nadja HAS missed having close female companionship after all these years. And after a while they open a bit to each other: The Guide about trying to regain a sense of self after reconnecting with her memories and reconciling her old parts and new parts, Nadja about her fear of fading into nothing without ever accomplishing something significant with her eternal life and how the nightclub feels like proof that she can't break out of the rut she's in. They figure out that they have a lot they can empathize with each other over as immortal women who have Seen Some Shit. Nadja realizes somewhere along the way that she cares about the Guide more than she's comfortable with. And maybe those feelings develop into ~something more~. That's where my concrete thoughts end and basically I think they should kiss and end up as scheming girlfriends trying to figure out a new way to take over the world/tri-state area together <3
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