#but im agonizing over it
Honestly, I think one of the biggest ways that we can see how much Wilson's cancer diagnosis affected House was through the whole ticket scenario. Obviously, House plays pranks, he always has, it's nothing new. But since getting out of prison, he has been so careful not to violate his parol. Don't get me wrong, he was upset that in his mind, Foreman was trying to replace Wilson, but I don't think that's why he reacted the way he did. At least not fully. He wasn't completely sure that his actions would lead to the damage that they did, but House isn't stupid, he had to have known that it was a possibility. He acted rashly and impulsively and tried to play off his actions like it was just a joke. We see all throughout the show that when House feels cornered, he lashes out and hurts himself and the people around him. I think he acted out because he was scared and he didn't know how to cope with it, so he did what he always does and became destructive. Like I said, House is an extremely smart man, I refuse to believe that he didn't consider that his actions would result in the destruction that they did. And it makes me wonder if it was House's way of punishing himself or if it was his attempt at hiding. If he was sent to prison, he would be leaving Wilson involuntarily, so he could pretend like it wasn't his fault. He wouldn't have to face the situation or watch as Wilson got sicker and sicker and eventually die. Instead, he could sit in a jail cell and pretend like everything was fine and avoid it all. Or maybe he blamed himself. Maybe he felt guilty. Maybe he felt like he didn't deserve to be there for Wilson in his final months, and he thought Wilson deserved better then him, so sending himself back to jail was the kindest way to separate them so that Wilson could be surrounded by others. He could've blamed himself for not realizing Wilson was sick because he never even considered it until Wilson told him. I can just see him beating himself up over the idea that, who doesn't realize their best friend is sick with cancer? How could he possibly have missed it? Was he truly that self-centered and selfish that he paid so little attention to his best friend that he completely missed the fact that he was dying? Or maybe he thought back to all the times he screwed Wilson over, and all the times he hurt him and manipulated him, and he thought that Wilson deserved better in his final months. I'm not sure which it was exactly, and maybe it was something else entirely, but I believe with all my heart that Gregory House, whether consciously or unconsciously, was trying to get himself sent back to prison, before he changed his mind and realized that he wanted to, needed to, be there for Wilson.
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cubbihue · 28 days
With fairies roughly being the size of a pencil, I gotta ask how ITTY BITTY was baby!peri? I need to know how TINY he was 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Here's a size comparison! Very tiny. About the size of the tip digit of your pointer finger!!!
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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chickenickie · 5 months
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"You wanna say that again, kid?"
i need psychiatric help! _(:3_| L)_
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lbhslefttiddie · 25 days
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"Shen Jiu, you really are a demon!"
in which yue qi saves an injured fox kit, which turns out to be an young fox demon. once he's recovered enough strength, he adopts a human form so that he can talk to yue qi properly, but ends up being caught by the slave traders as well. Since he can change form, it would be pretty easy for him to escape, but if he's discovered as a demon he'll never be able to return, and he has no home or family anyways, so he decides he would rather stay and help qi-ge, who will probably get himself killed without someone to stop him from doing stupid shit.
when shen jiu saves yue qi from death by horse carriage, and subsequently is bought by qiu jianluo, fairly quickly qjl realizes he is not human, and delightedly gifts him with a enchanted collar, which renders him unable to chnage forms, stuck in him demonic form and unable to change to full fox or full human shape. like this, he cannot leave the qiu manor at all without immediately giving himself away, even if qjl hadnt also locked him up. like this, he has no choice but to wait until yq makes his way back to the qiu manor at last, but when he's finally freed, he's initially almost feral from how he's been treated, and very nearly kills yqy...
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beatcroc · 1 year
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what, didn't you know most amphibians shed and eat their skin? what did you think was going on there, peppino? this is normal frog stuff. come on now.
many more sketches bc i had way too many thoughts about this to try and illustrate all in a comic. horrid beast fp agenda ❤
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terezicaptor · 5 months
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the eepers. sleeppilled napmaxxers if you will
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quinns-art-box · 4 months
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sort of a part 2 to my kaede birthday drawing!! i just wanted to draw her in a lot of different sweaters 💖
(all the stills under readmore)
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lighthouseshepard · 3 months
it is. done.
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valtsv · 11 months
i <3 spiralling for hours about whether it means i'm an evil manipulative person if i don't feel much in the way of emotions but mostly perform them for other people's sake before being like wait. it doesn't matter if nobody can tell the difference. and just like that i'm fine again.
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ethosiab · 4 months
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[Day 29] boob window hypno ftw
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lostandbackagain · 1 year
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I commissioned @littlestpersimmon to draw my favorite character ever, dustfinger from inkheart, and I have not stopped staring in actual awe since he finished it. my coworkers can vouch that I cried in public over seeing it for the first time lol.
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vani-ash · 5 days
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Behind the scenes “ส่วนน้อย (Yellow leaf )🍂 via instgram - icezysnap
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zoroslost · 9 months
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Déjà vu
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tennessoui · 4 months
'do you specifically like former padawans? i think i could offer mine, she’s adventurous, she’d wear a wig if we asked nicely. ' - lolllllllllll
quinlan, earnest: she was never much of an actor but maybe like we could get mace windu to act out skywalker's lines, you know, real singing in the rain type shit, so it feels natural
obi-wan, aghast and mortified in some upper levels bar: please just let me die
quinlan, matter of fact: not without trying everything else first
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getosugurusbangs · 8 months
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all the valentine’s drawings i did for friends
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razberrypuck · 1 year
hey um. neither of them will ever say anything but qmariana and qcharlie can't comprehend how the other could possibly still love them, after everything. when they're both around, it's like they're magnetically attracted to one another; they still hug and kiss and hold hands and lean against each other and feed into each other's energy (because "you're all I have left" is a mutual sentiment, isn't it?) but they can't understand how the other isn't absolutely disgusted by their presence. I killed our daughter, twice. I tried to hurt so many people. I killed our daughter's best friend in front of her. how could you not hate me? how could you not?
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