#but im glad i did this. its a fun short practice for me to get back into drawing
orykorioart · 1 year
ooh for art requests, maybe magnus, carey, and ducks (wooden or otherwise)
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Here’s them carving ducks!
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I’m open for sketch requests! (Some requests I might not be able to do - sorry!)
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
hi ur writing is literally amazing can i ask u some stuff regarding it/how you go about writing/advice? feel free to ignore this if its not something youre comfy with
were u ever nervous to post fic? i just posted my first one and am like. super embarrassed (i also have a Guilt Complex that influences that lmao). if so, did you find it easier as you kept writing?
also how the hell do you write endings/get the motivation for them? youre really good at tying things together nicely at the end (or the occasional Leave 'Em Wondering) and im curious about your process for it. i can pretty steadily get up to the scene i started the fic to write but after that brain and motivation go honk mimimi
anyways thank you for sharing your work with the internet! i love reading your stuff its always a highlight in my day :)
Hi there, anon!
So first of all, I absolutely LOVE questions about writing, so please always feel free to send me any you may have! I'm such a nerd, I really love talking about the process and I'm happy to discuss it or share advice and so on!
Secondly, omg you're so sweet! Thank you, I'm so glad you like my writing!
Now then, lemme answer your questions! I apologize in advance for the LENGTH of these answers, but I seem to be incapable of writing about this sort of thing without it turning into an entire essay.
Yes, absolutely, I was extremely nervous when I first starting posting my fics. Some of that may have been that I hadn't written fic in a while and I was nervous enough about sharing, but I was extra nervous about messing up characterization. I wasn't used to writing for characters that I didn't create myself. I got nervous again when I started posting smut, too lol.
The thing about this type of anxiety in general is that exposure therapy really is the cure. It's like that for a little bit at first, but the more you do it, the more you prove to yourself that it's no big deal. Nowadays, I have almost no anxiety when I'm posting something fluffy and even most smut pieces are easier for me to post, too.
Another piece of this is remembering that the reason you write fic is for your own enjoyment. You're putting it on the internet on the chance that someone else might like it, too. But really, you have to focus on the things that make you happy. It's easier to deal with posting anxiety if you keep your focus on the joy of creation rather than the adrenaline of sharing. It's hard to do, but it gets easier the more you do it!
Okay, so endings! Uh, here's a fun fact about me, endings are my weakness lol. I have a lot of practice starting things and then never ending them because I absolutely get bored at a certain point. So I know exactly what you mean by the brain going to honk mimimi land.
For me, the trick was to write short stuff. Most of my fics are just scene length. This allowed me to get some practice with writing more endings because I didn't get bored when I was pretty much just writing one scene. So I found a couple things that I like to do for endings specifically, but then I also discovered a way to sort of keep my brain engaged while writing longer stuff.
It kinda all comes down to what you want to leave the reader with. That final paragraph or sentence can really deliver an impactful emotion. So you kinda have to think about what the rest of the scene is about, what specific feeling do you want the reader to have when they get to the end? If you're not sure, you can also frame it as what kind of feeling do you want to have at the end?
One technique I like to use is tying everything back to the beginning. I've used it multiple times, but it's probably most obvious in this Barbatos drabble. The first and last sentences are the same, but you don't have to be that blatant about it lol. That was mostly a stylistic choice. But if you look at the third paragraph and the last paragraph, they are parallels of each other, but they're different. What they convey is that something has changed by the end. So by repeating pieces of the beginning at the end, I'm deliberately illustrating what changed in the middle.
It's like thinking of the ending as a sort of summary of everything that happened in the middle of the story. If you're writing something longer, you can apply this to individual scenes as needed. But you might end up with an entire scene at the beginning and an entire scene at the end that do the same thing (rather than a couple of paragraphs).
Another thing I like to do is leave an implication of further action that isn't included. Something like "You wouldn't leave his room until morning." or maybe "You had a feeling something like this would happen again soon." Like this isn't really the end, but the rest is up to your imagination!
This is more specifically about the last paragraphs/scene/sentence, though. It's good to think of a way to recall the entirety of the story you just told, leaving the reader with the overall feeling you were going for.
But when it comes to longer stories, if you're finding you make it to one scene and then stop, well, that might be the end of your story. For this kind of thing, it really helps me to think about what the end game of the story is. For instance, in my longest fic, The Threads That Bind, I knew it was a Barbatos x MC love story. So the "end" couldn't happen until they had confessed their feelings to each other. A lot of other stuff happened before that, but it all contributed to that final plot point. And there isn't much story after that. The final scene is their confession. (There is a spicy epilogue, but that was just a bonus lol.)
So if you can decide before you even start writing what the goal is, you can write to that goal, filling in a bunch of cool scenes along the way. It doesn't have to be that you know exactly what happens or what the final scene is. When I started writing Threads, I had no idea how the confession was going to go. I just knew that Barbatos and MC had to end up declaring their love somehow.
But I tied that into the rest of the story with the theme of the threads. It was a visual anchor as well as a metaphorical one - magic let them see threads binding them together, but the feeling of belonging to each other was kind of the point of it all. So I was able to take that concept that I'd already used and incorporate it into the final confession scene.
NOW THEN all of this might also be easier if you're an outline type of person, but I most definitely AM NOT. Other writers swear by an outline and you'll probably find a lot of information on how to use one if you Google it.
But outlining for me is like pulling teeth, so I never do it. I write my first draft in a fever dream, with the end goal and a handful of ideas about overall themes and a couple things that I just think would be cool or fun to write. I spend a lot of time daydreaming about the story first, too, but I don't write anything down until I'm writing that first draft.
I could probably write a whole book on my methods for writing, but my biggest piece of advice for this kind of thing is EXPERIMENT.
The best part about writing is that aside from the basic fundamentals (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc), there are NO RULES. So if you're finding you're always struggling with finishing, try out anything and everything that might help you with that. Try writing outlines, try not writing outlines, try ending your story with the scene you were working toward, try thinking of a new scene you want to write as the ending scene. If it works, great! If it doesn't work, no problem! Just chuck it and try something else.
Sometimes the best thing for me to do is to ask myself what would be the most fun to write next? And then just going for it. My opinion is that you can always edit things later!
Anyway, I hope some of that helps! I'm sorry I really rambled quite a bit, but like I said, I love talking about this kind of thing lol.
Good luck, anon, and I believe in you!
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lake-archive · 4 months
Rank 6
AO3 Link
Fandom: Persona 5
Characters (main): Protagonist / Joker, Morgana, Luka (OC), Anja (OC)
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The protagonist receives a text on IM
Anja – Heey! You’re [Name]–San, right? 
– Luka?
– Who are you?
Anja – Haha, sorry for the sudden text! I borrowed my brother’s phone. I’m Anja by the way! 
Anja – Anyways, I wanna go and do watch a movie today but Luka’s been acting all worried. So I wanted to ask one of my male friends but he has no time. Guess that comes with working on cases and stuff.
– What kind of friends do you have?
– What are you talking about?
– Aha…
Anja – That’s beside the point. I heard that you two are close and we met before. So I think I can trust you! Can you meet me in front of the movie theater in Shibuya? 
Morgana – So, what’s it going to be? Will you hang out with Anja?
I’ll go
Decide later
The protagonist meets up with Anja in front of the movie theater 
Anja – Ah, over here! (She waves one of her hands for the protagonist to come over) I’ve been waiting for you [Name]–San!
– Is this a date? (+1)
Anja – I mean, you can be my practice date if you like. Don’t want to get your hopes up now~
– Couldn’t you have asked someone else to watch a movie with you? (+0)
Anja – I tried but everyone is busy. Guess because of the short notice. But I’m glad that you made some time [Name]–San! It’ll be worth your time, I promise!
Anja – Don’t worry about the tickets, I already bought them. Let’s go inside!
The screen fades to black before transitioning to the theater
( Anja and I watched a movie together. It seems to be one based on a mobile game but I don’t know much about its source material. It’s something involving male idols )
The screen transitions to after the movie, back in front of the movie theater
Anja – Man, that was fun! Then again, I suppose they stuck close to the source material so I expected as much~
– You seem to be really into it. (+0)
— You enjoyed that, didn’t you? (+0)
Anja – Yeah, I did. Seeing the story visualized has a different feel to it after all. The writing of the original game was already pretty vivid but seeing the expressions on screen does give it a bit of a different feel to it! I felt even more with the characters than I did when just reading the story!
Morgana – This is way more than ‘getting into it’... 
Anja – Oh, and hearing every line voice acted? I was almost shaking! The voice actors filled the story with so much life! Aaah, maybe I'll go back and drag someone else to watch it with me again!
— You’re very enthusiastic. (+0)
Anja – Eh? I am? I didn’t notice, sorry! I didn’t mean to bore you!
— Did you have fun? (+1)
Anja – Yeah, I did! Thanks!
— Do I have to come along next time too? (+0)
Anja – N… No. Not if you don’t want to!
Anja – Sorry for having you dragged out here. I’ll make it up to you. Anyways, gotta go. I still need to do some work. See you!
( I feel like my bond with Anja is growing deeper… )
In front of Leblanc the protagonist’s phone rings and he picks up
Luka – Hey, heard you accompanied Anja today. Good job! She wasn’t being a handful, was she?
– Not more than usual. (+0)
– She sure is lively. (+0)
Luka – You sound as if you barely survived her. Did she let out an overly passionate speech again?
— Maybe a bit but it was fun listening to her rambling. (+2)
Luka – Woha, really? That’s good at least!
Luka – I’ll owe you one big time! Thanks for taking care of her! Anyways, see you!
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foxboyclit · 3 months
for the piping hot OC asks
🔥 for Iphis (though i have a pretty good idea already but also. im love him), 👙 for Minisstra, and 👀 for Howl
these were so fun ty!
🔥 : What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
i joke about "just pull a knife on him and he'll cave" but to get him flustered past the point of coherent speech is to just speak to him in a clipped, direct manner. he'll be overflowing with sauce talking to someone but the minute they give him an order or bully him a little he shuts his mouth
👙 : What kind of underwear do they use? Is it pretty or functional?
okay yes she has practical undergarments for daily use cause who would fight in something that delicate but thats not why you asked this question. besides talking about her lingerie sets are more fun for me
i will say, she did get them custom made because lbr, nice underwear is made only for cis women and the rest of us just have to struggle. she has the money why would she bother wearing something that doesnt fit
she has a short, sheer black nightgown with lace covering the chest, maybe padded in a way that gives her more perk/cleavage. lace panties to match the top, of course extra fabric to keep everything tucked in but tight enough to be a tease. and of course stockings with a garter strap to keep them up. although recently the image of her in like, a leather corset has been rotating itself in my mind. give her a classic dominatrix look she deserves it
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
Howl really isn't sure, they like what they see in the mirror when dressed because they're wearing what makes them happy, undressed theyre like yeah. thats me. its fine i guess. they're aware that theyre not conventionally attractive (as far as humans/more common elves go, they dont know much about shadar-kai beauty standards) and they're a little glad, they don't want that kind of attention anyway.
oc asks that are h-o-t-t-o-g-o
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Balad to cap
Ok so why didn’t i ever read chapter 73. I forgot about it? I have zero clue why that happened.
Its a very fun chapter too, it feels quite chill and is a good transition alongside tying up loose ends
I’m glad it talks about Alya being like “why tf are they over there” 
God I’m still so curious about the seeds planted of clues for Juleka’s identity, plus idk why but I’m still 90% certain adrien will randomly find out
I know he won’t but my brain is convinced
Help genderfluid Anarka i love her to pieces she’s such a terror (and i adore when you make her speak in a scottish accent, it’s so dear to me)
Interesting.. Luka teaches Kim guitar? I’m curious about Luka’s totally normal life aside from the furry for a sister, he tries so hard…
Now thats an interesting tidbit
Luka can tell how in her own head Juleka is? Very intriguing for him to call them delusions… I wonder how different pieces of this fic would be if they were from another perspective, especially the sheer level of danger the characters are in and how monstrous Juleka sees herself vs the reality of her protecting herself 
My thoughts are going to when she Prince Shining (that was his name right?) It’s one of my favorite original Akumas behind Wicket Witch and Little Red (which I am realising now is because of the background to them… Akuma hit harder when there is a buildup, huh. Something to keep in mind for my own writing.) That was fun to see, how worried the class was vs how confused that made Juleka
How people perceive others and myself has always been interesting to me, so this is right up my alley
Back to Luka
Oh curious, of course Luka would want to protect Juleka… I wonder if Marinette will try to make him a holder as well, I’m not sure if that secret identity would last the hour to be honest
The fact that we still don’t have much model Juleka content (aside from a piece of art you did a few years ago, or maybe that was someone else) makes me feel crazy! It’s an aspect of her that I’m really curious to see how you write it
I’ve got fun concepts for her in my own shit, and ANYWAY! Ui brought it up because Anarka was talking about sending Juleka there. 
Sorry, I’m both making notes on like 2 pieces of writing, writing 2 different scenes in totally different chapters and writing this and reading chapter 73 and cooking dinner. Can you tell I am diagnosed with ADHD? 
Woohoo for Fei saving people
Fei being scared and unsettled by Juleka is so funny help-
Aww, Juleka giving Fei interview practice is adorable
I need to reread at some point to see if we get to see how marinette sees Juleka compared to Panthera (hey, it’s me being obsessed with how people perceive others again, tbh that’s prolly why I am so excited to write my miraculous thing, there are some… extra layers that should make it funny) 
Sure you dont have a concussion Juleka, like I’ll believe that
Oh my god if eel insane 
Not Juleka slagging off herself to Rose she is so insane 
This chapter is full of revaltions
Insane about everything her what the fuck
this is mostly me freakign out, sozzles its also really short. time for chapter 74!
this was a really good chapter i feel insane that i forgot to read it
i wanted to set up the mood for season 3- i hope it makes you excited!!!!!
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purplecraze · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast AU 25
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 10:32 PM
"pff.......I'm curious: what did you imagine I'd look like in the time I didn't show myself?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 10:32 PM
"Umhh, sure not like a 17 yold grumpy teenager"
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 10:33 PM
"why thank you;;..."
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 10:33 PM
He laughed
"But im glad you are like this~ my pretty Panna~"
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 10:34 PM
"--!!!" he face practically glowed and he quickly turned away. "o...oh...."
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 10:35 PM
He giggled, god he was so cute!!! He wanted to grab and kiss him all over so bad!
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 10:36 PM
well, so did he. but he didn't for obvious reasons.
so instead, there was just an awkward silence.
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 10:39 PM
He giggled awkardly, god, he was happy that despite everything they managed to have an awkard teen romance
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 10:42 PM
"......." Fugo looked outside. they spend quite some time making jam (well, Narancia did), having a snow fight and moving all the supplies.
Damn it..... why are winter days so short?
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 10:44 PM
"Wanna try making lunch together? We still have some time before the sun sets
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 10:46 PM
sigh. "don't you mean dinner? I still have what you brought to my room earlier... I don't think we'll make it in time and have a peaceful dinner. you should make something and eat it in your room."
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 10:47 PM
"Lunch, dinner, whatever" he sighed
"Then we will try to cook tomorrow...and warm it up or is gonna taste all gross"
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 10:48 PM
"I will, I will." he closed his eyes, sighing again. "Sorry. I wish I could spend more time with you..."
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 10:50 PM
"Its ok; today was fun!" He smiled at him
"We will spend more time together tomorrow! We could try to make some pasta mh? You shouldnt have problems to touch the spaghetti, and there are some tomatos in the dome!"
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 10:51 PM
"......alright~" he smiled at him. "I'll look forward to it."
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 10:52 PM
"Me too!" He smiled going toward the kitchen to grab some stuff to eat
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:05 PM
Fugo watched the other until he left out of sight, then head up the stairs back to his room.
If Narancia hadn't mentioned it, he probably would have eaten what was left as it is, but he obediently used some magic to warm it.
He ate and then lay on bed for a while, waiting for the night to fall.
He had gotten so used to it over time, but... lately, he had grown scared of the night once more....
What is broken can be mended, what is wrecked can be restored, but.... there is no possible way to restore a life....
Maybe he should find ways to restrain himself more. If he'd switch rooms with Narancia, the other would have some more freedom. if he'd go to the other side of the castle, he might not even hear him. He'll just have to barricade the windows better, and--....
And stay in that terrible room again.
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:09 PM
Narancia made himslef a quick dinner and then got in his room, bathing and changing in his sleep clothes, that now comprended of the jacket the other gifted him last night.
It was warm and still smelled a bit like lavander, it sure wasnt the same at getting hugged, but there was something calming to wear that.
He curled himself in bed and hugged the pillow, another thing he realized he started to do often nowdays
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:14 PM
there should be used jackets enough if you'd ask nicely. and you do deserve a nice reward for so obediently staying in your room for once, since
The fucking monster is RIGHT outside your door, it seems.
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:17 PM
nara was aready asleep when the noises started, at first he didnt cared, but maybe after a while they got a bit too close to comfort.
He rubbed his eye and then looked at the door- well, its enough sturdy to keep Fugo out right?
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:18 PM
it is, even if it sounded like he was trying. but he kept lurking in the global vicinity.
Before too, even though it was quite far from the castle, he had come to Narancia and got rid of the wolves.
was he..... seeking him out?
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:21 PM
Nh...He wondered if Fugo was feeling alone? or maybe in pain?  did his fever got back and was feeling sick?
He got out the bed, nothing wrong to get close to the door as long he didnt open it right?
He placed his ear to the wooded door, trying to ear if the other was doing his classing angry monster noises or if something was wrong
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:24 PM
he sounded like he 'normally' does, for as far as it can be called normal.
just panting and scratching and whimpering and angry noises.
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:27 PM
Nh...still, must be painfull right?
"Sorry bud, i cant open it- we will see eachother soon ok? i miss you too, but we just have some hours to wait!"
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:30 PM
whiny pitchy sounds, almost like some kind of complaint.
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:31 PM
He snorted "I know i know! But i cant let you in!"
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:31 PM
tantrum, ruccus, stuff getting destroyed
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:32 PM
"You arent gonna change my mind dude! Break as much shit you want!"
God he didnt even knew if the other could understand him
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:33 PM
maybe, maybe not. but he seemed to have exhausted itself around 3 hours later. just more pathetic sounds of whining and moaning.
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:35 PM
Narancia sighed, he spent those 3 hours half asleep, half waking up from the noise.
As Fugo got quieter he got back to the door
"You should go back to your room and sleep yknow? Morning you would be glad to get some well deserved sleep"
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:37 PM
the sounds died down over time. but they didn't sound like they were leaving.
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:38 PM
despite being a flash eating monster, Narancia felt sorry for him...
"Want me to chat with you till the sunrise? Is not that i cant really sleep at this point"
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:39 PM
no change.
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:40 PM
"I take it as a yesss" he said in a sing a song voice
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:43 PM
some....weak pitched squeak, like a sigh
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:49 PM
He giggled "You keept me awake now you deal with it!"
And so he started to chat about wathever he popped up in his mind
"---and thats how i grabbed a pidgeon bare hand--"
"--And like- they made this baloon, that flies! because its full of  hot air! I dont know how it works, maybe you can explain it to me later!---"
"-and i got so scared! Like i was sure to die dude--"
"--and from that day on they stared to call him leak eye luca, stupid name right?--"
"--That was probabily one of the best pies i ever had in my life, we should try to make one too!--"
"--Man i was crying like a baby that day--"
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:54 PM
there came no sound from the other side. was he even still there?
though, it sorta FELT like he was listening.
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:55 PM
He yawned after a while "Yknow, i dont mind you making a mess, but we could spend more time togeter if we both got some sleep at night, but guess sleeping is hard when you are like that uh?"
purplecraze — 09/21/2021 11:55 PM
orange-plane-boy — 09/21/2021 11:59 PM
"Gee, i can immagine" He yawned again
Does hurt that bad?"
purplecraze — 09/22/2021 12:00 AM
no reply.
the sunlight was slowly starting to peek through the window.
orange-plane-boy — 09/22/2021 12:01 AM
"Nhhh" he rubbed his eyes and checked the sunrise, getting close to the window
purplecraze — 09/22/2021 12:01 AM
yet another night with minimal sleep.
orange-plane-boy — 09/22/2021 12:03 AM
Ah, its ok- he just hoped Fugo wolunt freak out to turn normal in front of his door
purplecraze — 09/22/2021 12:03 AM
no such panic was heard
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spinaroos-47 · 2 years
How do you design the outfits for people (like your GG ocs and young Darius/Eberwold and stuff) They're all so pretty!!
Thank you! I was actually thinking of one day making a post about how i make up witchy outfits! This ask isnt going to be that but Im glad to answer my process!
In short, its a lot of observation, references and extrapolating from there
And here's the long version:
For younger Darius and Eber i mostly did small changes to these outfits i did when they were even younger, around 17, with some changes + adding some flare of their current outfits as well
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And in turn, for Darius' outfit i took inspiration from the photo in reaching out where he's booing Alador + the boots he used in TTBK.
Eber was mostly improvised, kept the main aspects of his current outfit (and the hollow mind one too), the raggedy bits, shorts/skirts, no sleeves, little boots, wrist things, and implemented them in different ways
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And also on these i started adding details they have now, like the wrist bands on Eber and a cape + white gloves for Darius
(plus i had been sketching some ideas for casual outfits for current Darius and those have been inspired by the outfits I have for a non toh oc of mine because they kinda fit Darius' vibe and he also has a bit of diamond shape motif like Darius. That's where the sash thing comes from)
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(titty window was a suggestion from a friend)
Another important thing i keep doing on a lot of characters is that a common shape for the neck of the shirts is V that Hunter, Lilith and many other characters have. Its all over the place when you stop to look for it. And other really common thing is that theres a lot of long shirts that have a belt or waitsband, extremely common
I did answer a bit of how I designed Cain and Salem's outfits here but in short, it was a lot of referencing both Hunter's outfits, concept art for coven scouts/Hunter (i actually found more concept art for coven scouts but haven't took the time to really absorb them) and also the hollow mind portraits.
Something I haven't shown a lot here yet is that Ive designed casual outfits for all my main four GGs (sorry Alexander and William, you're too hard for me to design stuff for now :'3) which was really helpful on figuring out on what feels like Boiling Isles' fashion. Might do a post about my process on that + the uniforms of my other GGs and their physical appearances
(fun fact, Cain has a lot of stuff that I drew on older versions of Hunter, including the scar across the eye)
So yeah, lots of observation, references and a healthy dose of extrapolation and improvising. And taking vibes from other places helps too. I think even some stuff from my old Hunter aus have seeped into some of these designs too, like the Hunter Whispers outfit, looks pretty similar to the 17 year old Darius outfit i did so it was probably an unconscious reference (which also, remembering again, i did also base on the shape of his hollow mind shirt. See, i keep remembering things that are or could have been inspirations for these things fjsndnd)
But its also a thing you have to get some practice going on before it feels right and turns into something easy to do
I myself have struggled a lot with Darius' outfit on his early 20s, this is actually the fourth attempt or so. Here's the previous attempt, from before i decided to make him younger than Cain + his outfit at 17 because i also found it while looking for the other photo and i don't think i posted that drawing before
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His hair was a challenge to decide. But im happy with the final result!
Here you go, a bit of the process i go through!
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tparker48 · 3 years
Request for WildtinyandGiant
One week ago:
You and your friend would sitting in the locker rooms of the university's gym as the two of you were talking. As time went on, your talks switch to mere curiosity as the two of you went to the far side of the locker.
"you know what just dawned on me"
"What's that, you never did have a competition on who has the bigger member"
"Ehe, im not doing that"
"Ah come on! We already did muscles, we already compared who can belch the loudest, hell we even did who hold their farts the longest. And besides, I bet mine is bigger" you said with pride, groping your hand around your bulge as you jostled it in place "good ol' prize and joy"
"You really want to do this?.."
"Damn sure! Tell ya what, I'll go first" You said as your hands raced to unfasten the tied knots. Drawing out the string as you pried the middle away with your thumb. Your other hand reaching through to dig into you briefs as it pulled out your shaft. It was still warm from the workout prior as its scent illuminated into the open air. Dropping it over your hand before letting it slouch off the waist band. Its tip just drooping past the pocket. "There you see, I showed you mine. Now its your turn."
"Fine.."he sighed "Don't think I can talk you out of it" he said unfastening his strap. Drawing a finger inside, but soon reached his hole hand as he pulled out his shaft. Hoisting it up, it bent against the waistband as its length swelled. Getting even longer as as his hand reached his belly button. As it it did, the head would finally reveal itself as its bulb peeked out from behind the strap. Its fluffed up edges tugging against it, but soon let up as it pulled out the rest of the way. "There it is, my pride and joy." He says holding it up a bit, before Letting onto his shorts as its tip alright stretched past his knees.
"Holy- you've that stored in your pants?! How do you even fit it all in there"
"Heh, well I've had some practice. And from the looks of it, mine is clearly the biggest"
"Only by an inch! How am I supposed to compete with a snake like that?!"
"Aww, don't feel bad bud. Yours got girth, its like mine's younger muscular brother" your friend teased. Wiggling his shaft around as its length waved in the air.
"Bullshit!" You grumbled stuffing yours back into your pants. Heading out the door as you grabbed your gear.
"Where ya going."
"To workout! Need to let off some rage"
"Alright, you and your shaft have fun"
"Shut it you!"
Current Day:
It would be in the middle of the afternoon as you sat in your dorm. The area seeming to be in a constant standstill as as you gazed on your phone. As it started to ring, a notification would appear on the screen from friend.
"Hey man, its me! Hope you're not too busy today, need some help with a little project. Meet me at my dorm in a few minutes. I'll explain it all there" the message said. Slowly closing the window into the top part of the screen as placed your phone down. "He's usually on top of his projects, what kind of thing could he be doing now?" You pondered to yourself. But shook it off as you went to grab your backpack and went for the door. When you arrived at the door, your friend would be sitting there in hus gear as slouched against the wall. Gazing down at his phone before looking towards you.
"Hey! Glad you could make it!"
"Thanks, good to see your doing well too" you said in response "all that training in that academy's really bringing out those shoulders. You sure these aren't balloons" you said with a light punch.
"Har har"
"Hehe..so, what's up that you wanted to meet me at your dorm"
"Er..I'll tell you inside" he said as he tugged at his gear. Ushering you inside as he held the door open. Nodding, you obliged as you entered in first. You friend soon closing the door as he placed his bag along the table. "Remember the time when we used to to one up each other before the academy"
"Yeah? We still do every once in a while"
"Right...and do you remember when we measured our dicks"
"Yes, still can't believe yours was bigger though. And after all the workout I did to get it that way...why do you ask"
"Well..the academy wants to try out new drills to get improve their recruits resilience. For that, that tasked me to stuff someone well..." He pointed at his crotch as looked away.
"You're kidding.."
"Afraid not, they want to make that we won't crack on the job. And for that, they think what better way to it than this. They wanted to assign me a partner to take part, but I really don't confortable having one of my comrades in my pants. So.."
"You called me here to see if I could help."
"Yes..so far as everyone else goes, you're the only one who's really seen what I have stored. If the others did, I wouldn't hear the end of it. If you can, I would really appreciate it."
"Hmm...give me a minute. I have to use the restroom"
"Oh..of course, it should be that door over there" he assured pointing towards a door off to the side.
"thanks." You said in return, heading towards it as you went inside. Closing it behind you, you looked into the mirror as clasped onto your head. "what does hell am I to do?! Stuffed in his pants?! That's way too much to handle!" You yelled in your head. "Calm down, calm down. Surely it can't be as bad as it seems. I mean wouldn't be as stuffy, i hope. And his shaft is...well his shaft. It would be like sharing a room with an inflatable. A warm, squishy, soft...gah! What am I doing, fantasizing about!" You said to yourself. "But, he trust me enough to ask if I wanted to do this..and I know how much he wants to be in the academy" he said taking in a deep breath. Looking at the mirror one last time before heading back out.
"So, what do you think man"
"I'll do it"
"Ah thanks, I appreciate it. Really."
"Yeah yeah, don't get sentimental on me" you said smiling back. "So, how do get started?"
Well.."he said looking towards his bag on the table. Zipping it down as he took out a ray "I think this will explain it better."
"A shrink ray? Sheesh this academy really has it all."
"You'd be surprises at what they have"you friend said with a smile. "You ready?"
"Ready" you said as you closed your eyes, spreading you arms out as welcomed in the ray. There a slow humming sound coming from in front of you before you felt a bolt of some kind hit your chest. The second it went away, everything felt compressed as your size diminished towards the ground. Your body stopping at 5 inches as you stood along the carpet underneath you "well, that is a feeling im not gonna get used to.." You said to yourself, before two pair of boots would land just an inch away from you as you followed up the legs the were attached to. Meeting at your friend face as he slowly squatted down to retrieve you.
"Alright, let's head there before it gets too late" ypur friend recommended. Putting you into his pocket as he grabbed his things
An hour later:
The academy's training ground would be filled with recruits as they each started their exercise with their tiny partners. As they worked on their conditions, You and your friend would soon arrive as the two of you went towards the lockers. Stopping at his door, he pulled you out of his pocket as he placed you on the bench. Undressing himself in the process as he changed to his workout clothes.
"Okay, the conditioning is simple, we just gotta pass a few drills our captain has and we'll pass" your friend says as he changed into his shorts.
"Only a few drills, can't be that hard right"
"Yes, but he's strict on the training. You may have endure a heck of a lot during. More or less because-"
"Recruit! Are ready in there?" The captain yelled.
"Er, yes sir! Be right out. Alright lets get you you in. Try not to struggle alot would ya buddy?"
"You can count on me!" You salutes. Your friend picking you up into his palm as he opened up the front of his shorts.
"Glad to hear" He said with a light smile. Slowly easing you inside as his hand slipped past his waist band. The shaft would already be in contact with your legs as you felt them spread slightly apart. The bulk of its length soon glossing along you back as it started to push your form into the fabric. The space was warn, as the aroma from the organ filled the space. But even with your clothes still on, you could still feel the warmth from its surface as part of it glossed over your neck. It was only until your legs cradled the head of the shaft did your decent stop. The hand that guided you soon slithered its way out as the flap sealed over head.
"Its gonna get a little hot there bud, but I'll try to let up the pressure if I can"
"Recruit!" The captain shouted again
"Coming" Your friend shouted back. Making sure his shorts were secure as he made his way to the door.
"You'll-Gch! Do great out there" You muffled with the compressed space. The shaft behind you wobbling in its limp state as the head bobbed between your legs. With each sway, it would feel like you were riding a horse with no equipment as you body constantly bucked on top of it. "And you make sure you're on your best behavior" You said to it. Slowly placing your hand along its puffed ridges, but retracted as its length clenches in response.
"E-easy in there!" Your friend shivered from the outside.
"Sorryy" You whispered.
"Alright recruit! Lets get down to down to business. You have your partner secured?"
"Yes sir!" Your friend yelled as he pointed at the uneven shaped bulge in his pants
"Good, then report to the first station"
"Yes sir!" Your friend saluted. Soon beginning to jog towards the first test as he awaited for instruction. All the while, he would constantly look at your bulge as the fabric of his briefs hugged a little more tighter than usual. "Hold still for a sec bud, just need to adjust things and-"
"Recruit! Is there a problem" The captain question.
"N-no sir!"
"Then begin. Commence the sit-up trials!"
"Yes sir!" Your friend responded.
"Man, he wasn't kidding about the captain being strict" you mumbles to yourself. Adjust yourself partially as you layed your side along the fabric. In this position, the area seemed more comfortable as you were now able to bend you body around. But the sudden of shuffling would bring you back into that compressed feeling as a hard surface contacted your side. The shaft back you cushioning its blow. But mashed its girth into your side as it touched your cheek. After a second, the pressure would let up. But soon return and it squished you into the shaft once more. This time returning each blow with a pound as the weight of the shaft thumped at your back. "Gch!...Gch!...Gch!"
On the outside, your friend would planked along a mat as he continued his exercise. His arm elevating his body upwards, before bending as his body laid flat against the floor. "That was a close call with the captain. Can't have any mishaps like that for my sake. But its even worse for them in there" He said to himself. Raising his body upward as he gazed down at the hefty bulge underneath him. "How's it going in there bud?" Your friend whispered.
"Well, a little cramped in here" you muffled from inside "but so far so good. Exactly how long do this last?"
"Just two more lifts should be good. The we can head to the other test and-"
"Recruit! Push ups" the captain voice boomed from the sidelines. Startling him for a split second as he drew his body down to the mat with a heavy thud.
"Ah, sorry bud. You okay?"
"Never better.." You said dazed from the impact "Your cock cushioned the blow. But now its even more-gch! Cramped" you muffled from underneath.
"Just two more, and it'll let up" Your friend assured. Gazing back at the captain as his eyes never left him. Letting out a deep sigh as continued his lift. Upon his decent, your position would let up, but the long shaft that was once behind you now rested just beside you as it blocked your side. You tried to adjust yourself, but the last push up wedged you between his inner thigh as the shaft hugged you into it. Your friend soon getting back up onto his feet as he noticed the change. "Alright finished. You're a little wedged against my thigh, everything good?"
"It's..fine" you blushed against it. The smell of sweat now beginning to become more present as your friend start to walk. "Don't think about, this is fine, this is fine" your coached yourself. Resisting the urge to embrace it as your friend was on the move. But as its flesh began to throb, the temptation was becoming more harder. "I think I can handle this. What's the next test?"
"Alright recruit! Proceed with next trial, squats!" The captain yelled.
"Yes sir!" He replied. Hastening towards the next section as he place himself along the line on the floor. "Alright, here we go" he confirmed to himself. But was mostly directed at you as he spread his legs slightly apart. As his feet aligned with his waist, he bent his legs as he descended towards the ground. His his shorts coming up in the. Process as the sleeves of his underwear climbed up his leg. Hugging into his crotch as he could feel your form protrude from the inner part of his leg. Pushing itself even more into it as he rose back up to his max height.
The walls would cave in on you as you body could barely budge between your friend's legs. With each dip that he would take, the end of his crotch would press down on you as it smothered you to he bottom of the briefs. Its scent now ripe from the previous workout as your nose couldn't help but take it in. "Hold together, hold together" you yelled in your head "Don't think about it, just focus on keeping still and-" Before you could process the thought, your friend lifted up from his position as he stood back up from his squat. Before you had time to even adjust, the long shaft in front of you would start to slouch into your space as it scooped you back into the flesh in his inner thigh. The hefty sac inside now catching you leg between its hairs as the bulky length blocked your way. "This situations getting worse!" You muttered. Pushing at the shaft laying in front of you, but its form only swelled more as the head began to poke into the fabric. Holding you still as your friend finished the last set.
"Alright, one more to go. Everything good buddy"
"Is? Is what?"
"Ah, coming! Just hold on a bit longer buddy. One more and then I'll let you out." Your friend assured. Hurrying off onto the next station as he got back onto the floor. Taking slow movements, laid himself belly first against the mat as he adjusted his weight away from his crotch area. But a foot would plant ontop of his rump as it ushered back down.
"Butt down recruit! I can tell the difference" the captain said. Drawing his foot further against it until was all the way flat across the. Further.Your friend would shimmy in response as your bulge was engulfed by his shaft's. The increased weight soon starting to throb even more as he felt its length grow between his legs.
"That's better" the captain nodded. "Now, Plank position!"
"Yes sir!" Your friend responded. Arching his chest upward as he pointed his chin towards the ceiling. All the while, the weight from his body would carry downward. Locking your prison in place as his waist barely moved off the mat as your groans muttered from underneath.
"Excellent! Now, hold it there for 30 seconds" The captain said, holding a stopwatch in hand as he readied the timer.
"I just hope this doesn't take long.." Your friend said in his mind "My shaft's making it hard to even hold still. But I have to if I want to pass."
"Got to hold it, Got to hold it!" You said in your predicament. The compressed muscle now constricting you from moving as the shaft pulsed at your cheek. With each shift it would grind into your side as the sounds of rubber squeaks lingered inside. His sac barely moved along with it, but the hairs along its loose skin would tug at you legs. But went nowhere as the waist above kept the up the pressure. You closed your eyes as you tried not to think about your friends shaft next to you. But even though you weren't tempted to see it, its presence still lingered in your mind. The warm flesh along your side, the frowsty aroma of its scent as it, Drenched into the surrounding fabric, and the rhythmic shifts of the hard on bumping into you. Nudging you as your mind struggled to push it away. "I give up!" You yelled to yourself. Nuzzling yourself against the fleshed pocket as he leaned your head along its length. Its form pulsing in response as it pushed back.
"Gch! Ah!" As you rubbed along your friend's shaft, it would make him shutter from the feeling as his shaft started to react. Encouraging the rest of his body to move as well. "what are they doing there!" He gritted.
"Don't let up on the winning stretch recruit. Ten seconds"
"Y-yes sir!" He replied with strain. Forcing his way down as he tried to contain the heightened sensation in his shorts. But the rubs would not stop as the light pokes into his shaft started to come back.
"Come on damn it" Your friend gritted through his teeth.
As the captain said those words, Your friend crashed onto the mat as it landed with a heavy thud. But soon became more lively as his body wiggled fron the sensation. "D-Did I pass captain?"
"Yes, you passed recruit. Congratulations on being one of many to move up the-" Before the captain could finish, a blur darted by him as your friend dashed to the locker. "where are you going?"
"Need to tend to something! Be right back!" He said as he slammed into the locker room. Running towards the far corner as he hid along side the wall. Unfastening his string, he pulled open as everything de-compressed. His shaft swinging along with it as you clinged to its side.
"Mmm...oh hey buddy" You hummed "How'd the test go"
"Nearly blew a load on the floor with your wiggling!" He said flustered "But..I passed. And you look like you just had the best sex in your life."
"well let's just say things got a little..heated" you chimed in. Poking at the side of his side.
"Oh boy" Your friend laughed. Rolling his eyes a bit as he gazed back at you. "Well at least it got you through the test. You can come out now if you want."
"Sure sure, I can come. In about an hour or so" you replied back, barely wrapping around his shaft and brought in for more nuzzling. As you gave a tender squeeze at it, your friend would let the waistband snap back around against him as he rubbed he grabbed his stuff.
"Arlight, if that's what you want. An a hour in my shorts and hugging my shaft like a tinder date. But I suppose I got myself to blame for that."
"You got that right. Didn't know this tinder date was sensitive to the touch." You taunted in response. The area soon clasping around you as your friend started to walk.
"Quiet you.." Your friend said as he clasped his crotch "Im only sensitive when I haven't released a load. And if you keep up with all that cuddling you may get drenched in there" he said groping his shaft a little. Adjusting his shaft to be more comfortable as he went out of the locker.
"Sounds like another bet. I'll gladly take that on"
"Just sit in there cock boy, enjoy the ride. Besides you would lose that bet too."
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haik-choo · 4 years
karasuno first years out late w/ their s/o
request: Could you write how 1st years (yachi too pls🥺) going out with their s/o late at night ?
a/n: this is such a cute little concept i -- 
-tsukishima, kageyama, yamaguchi, hinata, yachi
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tsukishima kei.
not gonna lie, he’s often awake late at night. he’s a night owl and doesn’t mind sacrificing his sleep to watch some youtube videos
occasionally, he even goes out late at night, slipping past his parents and brother’s room and softly closing the front door with his headphones covering his ears and his hands stuffed in his pockets
so when you text him at 3am and ask if he can go out with you to the convenience store, he agrees in seconds to meet you at the halfway point between your houses
wastes no time in putting on his sneakers and a hoodie; he wants to get there quickly so that you aren’t left out by yourself
tsukishima knows there’s creeps out there, which is exactly why he jogs to the halfway point and is relieved when he’s the first one there
as soon as he sees you in the distance he fast walks to catch up to you, and slips his hand into yours
he totally brings bluetooth earbuds so that you two can listen to the same music instead of his wired headphones <3 uwu
is always on the lookout for any weirdos, and if he spots someone eyeing you up he shoots them the nastiest glare
eventually wraps his arms around your shoulder while your hand is sitll in his and its that cute little thing where your arms is across your chest holding his hand </3
pays for whatever you get at the store, ignores your complaints and tells you to shut up when you continue to insist on paying
“im trying to be a good boyfriend for once, for the love of god PLEASE shut up”
secretly takes a candid photo of you at some point in the night and sets it as his home screen -- NOT his lock screen, and when you see it he outright denies having taken it
tsukishima: you told me to take a picture of you
you: stop lying i know you’re a closet hopeless romantic 
convinces you to stop at the park and eat the snacks you both got there, music still humming in your ears as the moonlight washes you both in cool tones
tsukishima when he’s alone with you is so soft -- he literally kisses your hand and temple and mutters very softly “love you” 
all in all, tsukishima kei is the perfect night-owl boyfriend to go on snack-runs with 
kageyama tobio.
"why would i go out right now. do you know what time it is. i have practice in the morning”
kags really out here kinda hurtin’ your feelin’s ngl boy doesn’t understand the vibes LOL
honestly you probably woke him up, he’s asleep at like ten every night (even tho he still has homework to do he just flat-out ignores it LOL) 
only agrees to go out walking with you because you said he could bring his volleyball and you’d toss a few for him....and also because he’s a little worried because it’s so dark out
doesn’t walk with you to the park but meets you there LOL
he deadass has his wholeass duffel bad with the ball, two waterbottles, two towelettes, volleyball sneakers and everything
“you know,,,,we’re not playing a game, right, tobio?”
“yeah???? and??? what’s your point”
acts nonchalant but is totally having fun and is lowkey glad you asked him to go out so late because it’s cool out, there’s no one to bother him, and you just look...really good under the stars
he’s not a cheesy person but...god you just take his breath away sometimes. not that he’ll ever say that though
you ask to take a break like thirty minutes in because you are LITERALLY dying meanwhile he hasn’t even broken a sweat (”you’re already tired? maybe you should workout more” “shut UP kageyama”)
you both sit on the bench, and you’re lowkey waiting for him to reach for your hand but they’re just folded in his lap as he stares out in the nothingness of night
kageyama can’t take a hint. we know this. he’s incapable of knowing what you want unless you flat out tell him; so you have to be a very honest person
he doesn’t even really initiate skinship, not because he doesn’t want to, but just because it never really crosses his mind
plus he doesn’t feel the need to constantly show affection because he thinks it’s obvious that he likes you
despite this, he is good at spotting weird people, and he’s pretty protective of you, so you’re completely safe with him. trust him, he’ll keep you safe
all in all, have patience and stamina because kags will play volleyball with you until you pass out. also, he loves you 
yamaguchi tadashi.
is in bed by 11pm but doesn’t actually go to sleep until two am because he’s scrolling through tiktok on his phone
sees your text about wanting to go out for a late night walk and maybe go through the little forest near your house and automatically sends a text that says “ill meet you at your window! can you pack some snacks? :)”
he walks all the way to your house, even if it’s more convenient to meet halfway because he wants to protect you! he’s not the strongest nor is he the most intimidating, so all he really has to offer is his presence
despite not being strong nor scary, yams literally has eagle eye. you can’t tell me that he can’t read people in a heartbeat -- he’s extremely perceptive 
also texts you to not bring a jacket because he’s bringing on of his own for you !!! so sweet what the hell
he waits at your front door and when you step out he automatically pushes his volleyball jacket into your hands and he takes the bag of snacks from you and sticks out one of his hands UGH such a gentleman
lets you ramble about anything and stares at your side profile as he listens 
joins in with a few quips here and there but ultimately is pretty quite and lets you speak or lets the silence cozy into the conversation
sees that there’s a guy sitting on a bench up the road and he switches places with you so that you’re further away from the stranger 
also wraps a protective hand around your waist until you both are past the random dude but yams will glance behind yall every once in a while
when you two reach the mini forest he ends up taking the lead claiming that he knows a good spot
and damn, he’s right
it’s a little clearing that is illuminated solely by the moonlight and he sets the bag of snacks down beside him before sitting down himself, apologizing for not bringing a blanket that you two could sit on 
pats the spot next to him so that you sit right beside him and he leans back with his hand on yours ONGMIRG 
is the super cheesy type and tells you that you look really pretty and that,,,he kind of wants to kiss you
you: *experiencing heart palpitations* and you did this for what. 
yamaguchi: ...because i love you?
you: *K.O*
all in all, yamaguchi is the boyfriend that completely indulges your late-night escapades <3 
hinata shoyo.
is either completely fast asleep and doesn’t see your text or was awake and not planning to sleep for the next five hours, no in-between
but if he’s awake and sees your text, he agrees right away and asks where you want to meet up and what time because homeboy probably has to bike to get there AgAGAGAGA
literally doesn’t even show up in sneakers. he’s wearing sandals and shorts with a short sleeve top 
“i came in my pjs”
“i see that.”
asks if you two can bike around instead because he doesn’t want to have to wheel his bike around for like an hour 
he tells you to hold on tight because the bike was built for one person, and when you press against his back his warmth is literally so,,,comforting 
has no sense of awareness and will scream going down a hill in the middle of a neighborhood, no fucks given
so, no, he doesn’t notice any weriod people even if there are some around
you always end up running into some weird people and you get new interesting stories every other day because let’s be honest hinata is a magnet for crazy shit and crazy people (usually crackheads) 
you both just ride around as he talks about his day, usually his sister always comes up in the conversation( “she asked me to marry you the other day” “doirhgAEROIHFGRE SHOYO WHAT” “what? i told her i would. i keep my promises!”)
after like thirty minutes he begs for a break and you stop at a little 24/7 ice cream store that is run by the sweetest elderly couple
you share a sundae because you don’t want to eat too much this late at night
he plops on the bench right outside the store with his bike leaning against the metal handles, and h snuggles up to you and watches you scroll on your phone
he talks a little here and there, but for the most part, he goes quiet, and it’s during this time where you’re unaware of his gaze that he just takes his time drinking in your features in the yellow light of the lamppost 
he can’t read the mood most times, but this time he does, and he stays quiet, and he thinks to himself
that he really will marry you one day
all in all, hinata gives you the impulsive young teenage experience of late night bike rides while eating his fair share of ice cream
yachi hitoka.
another either or, except this time she’s either fast asleep or stressing over homework and the nine tests she has the next day
when you ask if she can go on a walk with you she’s hesitant because she doesn’t want to get in trouble with her mom and she’s a total goody goody and terrified of doing anything reckless; but then she remembers that her mom was on a business trip and so she, very cautiously, says yes
you: good. i’m outside your door btw
yachi: i never had a choice did i
you have to meet her at her house because she’s way too scared to walk by herself at night; she might even make you factime her as you commute because she’s worried for you
jumps at every little thing, even the crows cawing make her shit herself
instictively grabs onto your sleeve and nervously look around the entire time, to the point where she doesn’t hear what you say
so you offer to go to a little cafe that’s still open and right away she nods
she’s so adorable, she bows really deeply when you two walk into the store and apologizes for it being so late
and finally, because you two are safe, she’s calm and smiling as she sips at her strawberry smoothie
awkwardly and very shyly reaches out for your hand on the table and gently lays her palm on yours
canon: yachi totally has freckles and you can’t convince me otherwise 
her face is red and her freckles are just on display you can’t help but coo at her and tuck some hair behind her ear because god could she get any cuter?
you two end up staying for like a hour and a half and very shyly she asks if you could walk her home 
and this time on the walk she’s not overly cautious and seems to enjoy the nighttime breeze and your hand softly clasping hers
does that cute thing where she lays her head on your shoulder or arm while you both are walking and looks up at you through her eyelashes and asks if you could give her a kiss on the cheek </3
you: stop. please. im going to die.
when you’re at her door she literally just stands there awkwardly for a few seconds before tilting her head upwards and pressing her lips to yours and then promptly running inside
video calls you three seconds afterwards to make sure you get home safely 
all in all, you might need to be the impulsive one, but yachi enjoys spending late night time with you more than she admits. also please kiss her thanks      
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iwaisuke · 3 years
confessions; but not remembering it
ft. kita shinsuke, sakusa kiyoomi x sick fem!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and then i rushed bc i was getting tired 🙃 also. sakusa's is a little ooc. sorry ab that
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
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» the clean yet musty smell of rain filled the gym as the boys practiced. it was a surprisingly humid and rainy spring day today here in the country side of hyogo
» "achoo" you had been sneezing and coughing all day. you also had a terrible headache but took some medicine to see if it would help. the spring allergies really getting to you
» you didnt reay have the time to be worrying about yourself. As a 2nd year manager of the inarizaki team, (recommend by suna) and the boys working so hard practicing for nationals there was no way you'd let this little cold get in the way. you had to work just as hard as everyone else!
» "hold on, im about to hang up your jerseys to dry"
» "i got you guys some fresh towels!"
» "i can run and grab that coach. im headed that way anyways"
» the coach called for a short break to rest up for a bit. everyone was sore and exhausted from practicing every day. "here. i filled your water bottles up!" handing them to all the boys. "y/n you're all wet" akagi sounded concerned.
» "hm? oh its alright. I'll dry off in a minute. i took the shortcut to the drinking fountain to refill your waterbottles instead of taking the long way" you nonchalantly said. "so you ran through the rain like an idiot?" suna threw a clean towel over your damp hair and ruffled it. "suna!! stop!! you're gonna ruin my hair"
» "like i said. its alright" you reassured the boys.
» kita, on the other hand had noticed your fatigue. although he wasnt as perceptive on peoples feeling and thoughts as well as others, he could easily pick up signs like yours. he admired you dearly for how hard you always work for the team. how you willingly did anything to make them smile. how you always put others first before yours. needless to say, he had a bit of a crush on you.
» "l/n san. i think you should take a break too. there's no need for you to be running around for us while we're resting" kita assured you. "i still have a few things left on my list to do.. but afterwards I'll take a break!" kita let out a sigh. you were stubborn sometimes and kita knew you were the kind of person to not stop until you're finished.
» "I'll be right back. i gotta grab the laundry"
» making an excuse to leave, your heart was beating fast. you knew kita's words were the kind he'd say to anyone, but it made your heart feel fuzzy when he'd look out for you.
» the stone cold captain who you thought he was, actually was so kind. he was just a little awkward like you, and a little blunt with what he said sometimes. but you learned the great qualities he carries and how much he actually cares about others well being. he was a hard worker and you couldnt help but absentmindedly fall for the captain.
» running up the stairs to the second floor of the gym, you felt a shift in your step. head becoming dizzier than it was just 5 minutes ago. legs trembling, you started falling before feeling a presence behind.
» kita's arm wrapped around your waist, supporting you in efforts to not letting you fall over. "i told you to rest l/n san" kita said sternly. "you wont benefit anyone if you keep overworking like this."
» you knew kita was right, but you really didnt want to rest knowing you'll be letting the team down by not working hard.
» "i promise I'll rest as soon as im done with this one thing" pleading with kita. he let out a sigh, knowing you really wouldnt until you did finish so he allowed you to do so.
» finishing grabbing all of the dry jerseys and bringing them downstairs to pass out to everyone, you didnt really notice atsumu and osamu spiking volleyballs at each other until aran yelled
» "y/n! watch out!" honestly, you were too tired to move out of the way so you figured, it do be like that sometimes, and allowed the ball to hit you.
» or... so you had planned the ball to hit you.
» kita stood in front, blocking the impact of the spike that you had prepared yourself for. there was agitation in kita's eyes. more than you usually noticed when then twins were miss behaving. concern washing over, he looked you straight in the eyes
» "... is there something wrong kita san?" lifting up his hand to your forehead, he let out a sigh. "why didnt you tell me earlier you had a fever", then walking over to the coach meanwhile atsumu and osamu come over to apologise for being reckless.
» "get your stuff. we're going home" kita said bluntly.
» "huh? but practice is-"
» "please l/n san. for me"
» kita would only take yes for an answer this time. no if's ands or buts. so here you were, walking home with kita. only the sound of raindrops hitting your shared umbrella being heard.
» muscles starting to ache a little more and your legs becoming more tired than they were when you left the gym, you began to walk a little slower every step
» "get on my back l/n" "its ok kita san, i can walk. its already enough that you're walking me home" "i didnt ask if you wanted to. im telling you to"
» you couldnt tell if it was the fever that made your face warmer or if it was kita's words. nonetheless, you got on kita's back. he was a lot stronger than he looked and you couldnt help but stifen at being so close to your own crush like this.
» "relax. I'll make sure you get home." he reassured. you leaned into his back, warmth seeping in, your eyes began to feel heavy.
» "kita san" "yes?" "thank you for always watching out for me"
» a comfortable silence was met as the sound of rain filled your ears.
» "kita san" "hm?" "did you know..." your voice softened "i like you a lot kita san"
» did he hear you correctly? if he wasnt paying attention he wouldve missed what you had said, being drowed out through the pitter patter of water. now his heart thumping louder than ever before.
» "l/n san-" he was about to go on but was met with the gentle rise and fall of your chest and the soft snores of you on his back, knocked out from exertion. kita let out a light chuckle, finally relieved you were resting.
» you had missed the next day of school, but when you came back the whole volleyball team bombarded you with love.
» "WE'RE A FAILURE TO NOT NOTICE YOU FEELING SICK" atsumu cried. "how could we let our one and only precious manager get ill for taking care of us" akagi, clearly dissapointed in himself. "please let us know when we can take care of you too y/n" aran said.
» "its no big deal. really!" waving your hands in defense. "it was just a small cold. but i do have a question though"
» all the boys gathered around to hear what you had to say
» "how did i get home?? i really dont remember what happened after i almost got hit by atsumu"
» it shocked the guys honestly. you genuinely didnt remember a single thing due to your fever. "wait? you don't remember kita taking you home?" suna replied, your face becoming red. "k-kita san took me home-?" "yah. he left in the middle of practice to do so" osamu added.
» immediately, you got up to find the captain that apparently took you home the other day. he was in the storage closet cleaning and grabbing the equipment for todays practice.
» "kita san" "oh. l/n. glad you're feeling better" his smile brightened the musty closet. "about that, im sorry for troubling you and having you take me home the other day. i honestly dont remember what happened after i almost got hit by atsumu. my mind was really fuzzy that day, but im truly thankful for you going out of your way for me. it really means a lot"
» kita was dumbfounded. you really dont remember? "no need to apologize l/n. it was my responsibility as a captain. and afterall, what good would i be if i couldnt even take care of the person who means the most to me"
» your heart raced. 'person who means the most to me' ? cheeks blushing a rosy pink, you were internally thanking the musty store room from being dim.
» with arms full of equipment, kita walked by you and stopped.
» "by the way l/n san. did you know?"
» ears perking up at the vague yet familiar line
» "i like you a lot too l/n san"
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» now we all know sakusa HATES germs and for the past week and a half, he's been telling you to keep up with washing your hands, wearing a mask at all times even when you eat omi it doesnt work like that. pls especially since you are prone to getting sick easily no matter how hygenic you are. your immune system just hated you. PERIODT
» you remembered sakusa scolding you for running out of hand sanitizer and then the next day you were out of commission. bed ridden with laryngitis, cough, slight fever, the whole works. it was like your body was making fun of you or something
» you texted komori, asking him to take notes in class for you and relay homework information while you were at home resting up. but there was one request you had and made komori PROMISE.
» "he's probably gonna notice your absence y/n. he'll find out about it either way"
» "well if you dont tell him then he wont know. its not like he even cares about where i am like that"
» "thats what you might think. but i know he's gonna say something i can garuntee it"
» the next day at school, sakusa did notice your presence missing. it was quieter not having a 3rd person in the group of friends. not having you around to talk to him when komori was gone.
» pulling out his phone to text you, he asked where you were that day.
» "on a family trip :D !!! forgot to tell you, but I'll tell you all about it when i come back!" you wrote, attaching an old selfie of a different trip you went on to make it more believable.
» you had hoped this silly cold would get better in a day, but soon that day turned into 2 and then 3 and then 4... you pretty much missed the whole week of school at that point
» Friday rolled around and komori was on his phone all day. sakusa noticed his cousin fidget in his chair more than usual and it irked him to see him like that
» "what's with you today?" one eye raised, sakusa finally asked. "uhhh nothing really" komori wasnt very good at keeping secrets lets just start off with that, but he was trying his best.
» "well clearly somethings wrong. you're fidgeting." "well haven't you noticed somethings been different all week?" komori hinted
» sakusa sat there in thought. nothing's been different? he ate the same breakfast he usually does every morning. all his studies have been well. there were no tests this week so there was no reason to be anxious like komori was and even if there was, he would've done well anyways.
» "just tell me what it is." sakusa was starting to get annoyed. "y/n..." komori started. "y/n?" "do you know where she's been this week?"
» did you not tell komori about your family trip? you usually told komori everything, but then again you didn't tell him either until he asked you about it.
» "she said shes on a trip?" he nonchalantly said. komori's eyes started watering. "A TRIP TO THE HOSPITAL THATS WHAT IT IS" he blurted out. komori didnt mean to let it slip , he was just so worried about your well being.
» "hospital?? what are you talking about. did she get injured on her trip?" "no omi. shes been sick all week and her mom just texted me saying she went to the hospital today because shes had a fever for 3 days straight. there is no family trip"
» sakusa's heart shattered. you were sick and didnt even tell him?
» before both he and komori knew it, his legs were running faster to get to the hospital than he had ever imagined he could ever run.
» and there you were. fast asleep in a bed with an IV drip. your face flushed, forehead sweaty and shallow breaths escaping your chapped lips. you were a hot mess but sakusa didnt care. stepping to your bedside to greet your mother she explained to him that she had to go to work and asked if he could watch over you until she gets back.
» sakusa said yes without even hearing the whole thing. his heart and mind saying yes to whatever it took to get you to feel better.
» gosh how he hated hospitals, but what he hated even more was the fact that you were in the hospital and he didnt even know.
» the doctor came in for their evening round and ensured sakusa that you were indeed getting better! your fever had broken not too long ago and your body was working extra hard to heal itself up!
» "is there anything i can do to help?" sakusa asked. he felt helpless in this situation just watching your face distort in uncomfort every now and then, and coughing your lungs out.
» patting sakusa's shoulder, the doctor told him that just being here for you is enough. "you gotta be a strong boyfriend for her alright son? she'll be able to go home tomorrow first thing in the morning if her fever doesnt come back"
» sakusa slumped in his chair at your bedside, the doctors words ringing through his head. 'boyfriend huh?' he thought to himself. "if i was her boyfriend..." he whispered to himself, "i would be a failure for not even knowing my girl was sick..."
» to kiyoomi, you were beautiful. even now in this sad state you were in. deep down he locked these growing feelings he had for you inside of him because he always felt like you were a better match with someone else and after this stunt you pulled of lying to him about going on a family trip, it only made him feel worse.
» it was now night time and you finally began to stir in your sleep, the fever finally gone. sakusa reached out to move some hair that was stuck to your face, fingers tracing the outline of your jaw. your eyes slowly opened and met with his dark orbs.
» "y/n?" "saku- wait this is just a dream. omi wouldn't be here. he hates hospitals" you let out a forced laugh and then a sigh through your sore throat.
» you reached out to sakusa's hands that were resting on the side of your bed. "omi would never let me hold his hand because he'd say im passing germs to him so hopefully dream omi wont be the same" you were aimlessly talking to yourself, not even realizing that this really wasnt a dream.
» he squeezed your hand in return. hoping that you wouldnt let go any time soon. a funny smile appeared on your face just at the thought of him. "even if you're stupid for not realizing how much i like you... i cant wait to see you again omi" you whispered before falling asleep again.
» sakusa didnt know what to do. he sat there frozen in his chair. it was his first time hearing you call him omi. heck. you literally just confessed to the boy. his brain was running wild. groaning in distress he let go of your hand to step out for a breath of fresh air now that you were back asleep.
» it was 5am and your mother came back to the hospital and thanked sakusa for staying by your side. He left in a hurry to make sure you didnt see him there.
» Monday rolled around and sakusa was waiting outside of the school gates for you. he had planned on asking you about your "trip"
» "good morning sakusa!!" your bright and cheery voice rang through his ears. honestly he was trembling inside. the memory of you confessing to him still fresh in his mind.
» "how was your trip?" you stopped dead in your tracks. "haha... it was good !! sorry i forgot to get you a souvenir" you were trying to play it cool but sakusa could tell you were forcing yourself. "i wouldnt want a souvenir from where you came from so its fine" sakusa's words threw you off. "i - im not sure im understanding what you're saying sakusa?"
» you felt a tug on your hand. "dont you mean omi?" his voice husky as he whispered into your ear. cheeks flushed, your brain felt like it short circuted. you've always tried your hardest to not let it slip that you want to call him omi since he hated when people called him that.
» sakusa smirked at your cute reaction he got out of you. letting go of your hand he began to walk into the school leaving you at the gate dumbfounded. "and by the way. you're just as stupid for not realizing how long ive liked you too"
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
thank you for your order! enjoy~!
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blxetsi · 4 years
Can I get some Reiner content pls? Hcs with the kids, cooking, date nights, embarrassing moments, pets, anything!
tysm for requesting !
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reiner braun dating headcanons (modern au)
college!reiner braun x gn!reader
warnings: nothing i think, lol meations of his weird parents 
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- reiner would be SO NERVOUS around you when he realized he liked you
- definitely started out as friends to lovers, you knew each other through a mutual friend bertholdt, but really became friends when you shared a class one semester
- when he realized he liked you it was in the most mundane situation ever,,, you, reiner, annie, porco, and bertholdt had gotten together for a movie night, and he was literally just about to put his hand on ur shoulder to ask if you wanted a drink (he was gonna get one for himself) and his hand stopped mid air when he realized he had butterflies LMAOOO
- this mf would become sooooo on edge around you,, like you knowing he had a crush was the end of the world 🙄
- annie and bertholdt would talk to him about it (and by that i mean annie would call him a big baby while bertholdt nods along) and then he'd become more relaxed with you once more
- when you two started dating he became nervous ALL OVER again
- insecurities and doubts came seeping into his mind and he wouldnt help but be overbearing at times
- he just wanted to be a good bf 🥺 he doesnt want you to leave him 😭🤚
- you two talk about it one night and it helps calm his doubts
- thats also the first night you two slept in the same bed 🤩
- he was so blushy the next morning, he couldnt look at you without his face and ears becoming red
- is a total tiny spoon idc idc
- sometimes he babysits his cousin gabi when he goes home, so when he took you with him for the first time (it was christmas break) you got to meet her !!
- shes a hyper little thing but so sweet, and she practically DEMANDS that reiner let her paint his nails for him 😭🤚
- you also meet her friends too !! but she tells you that the blond boy falco is her BEST best friend, as opposed to her regular best friends
- you can tell reiner is on edge during family dinners, especially the one you guys had on christmas day, and when you two get to campus you ask him whats wrong
- he tells you that his relationship with his family is a bit strained, primarily his parents
- he loves them of course !! but sometimes they just make him feel,,, not good
- but he reassures you that its okay, and that hes glad they didnt start anything when you were there
- you dont believe its okay but you dont push him
- he brushes the tip of his nose a lot, especially when hes nervous
- its not him like,, picking it or anything he'll just rub the tip with the knuckles of his index finger, he looks rlly cute doing it
- also tries to get you to go to the gym with him, bertie, and annie
- if its something youre into then great !! he keeps inviting you, but if you arent into it he gets a little sad :(
- but its okay ! you try to see him after his workouts with water and something for him to eat
- this is what makes him bring up living together
- i mean, annie practically lives with him and bertie now, whats one more person ?
- and its better because you wont have to come all the way from your apartment to his just to wait for him,,, you can be at HOME and do stuff until they come back from the gym
- it takes a little bit of swaying, but then he brings up being able to spoon him EVERY NIGHT and youre sold 😐👍
- you dont want to ogle at your bf so much,, but seeing him carry boxes from the foyer of the apartment to his bedroom where youre unpacking things is a,,, sight to see
- you asked him to just keep holding the box he had in the doorway of his room while your eyes roamed his arms and chest,, specifically his biceps and pecs
- he just stands there like 🙁 until he finally says "y/n please my arms are getting tired just tell me where to put it" lol No ❤️
- after you move in with him and bertie, things get a bit more cramped, specifically in reiners room
- its nothing you two cant handle, just with your things there sometimes its hard to find things, or youre bumping into dressers and tables and beds
- and lets be honest reiners room isnt even big enough for REINER
- so after a year of enduring it, you two decide to get a place of your own !!
- you got two bedrooms so one you could turn into a shared office and the other you could make your bedroom, and this makes things WAYYYYY easier
- by the time you move in youre already so close to your two year anniversary
- you dont think anniversaries are that important so you guys just went out to see a movie last year, but this year ?? reiner has something PLANNED
- and u know this bc you mightve accidentally found his laptop still open in the office,,, with "anniversary plans" written out in a google doc,,, and reiner was in the bathroom and you were nosy,,,
- so you snooped and read it all 😐🙄
- when reiner brings up youre anniversary youre distracted so you say "babe ill do what you got planned dw"
- he just looks at you like "how did you know i had something planned 😃⁉️"
- after that awko taco moment you play it off like "oh i just assumed lol" AND HE BUYS IT !! AHAHAHAHHAHA
- you two go out dressed to the NINES 🤩✨ and you had this weird night on the town 😭😭
- you guys did that food trend on tiktok where you do rock paper scissors and the winner gets to choose drinks, food, dessert etc..
- then you took everything and had a little picnic in the park, and you watched the sunset together 🤩🤚
- then he took you to a fireworks show they had near downtown, and watching the colours mix with the stars in the sky was so beautiful
- it started raining after tho 😭😭😭 and you two had to run back in the rain to the car like it was a MOVIE
- it was an unconventional kind of anniversary date but it was so fun, and reiner was so glad you enjoyed it
- then he brought up what you two would do after college
- "so,, graduation is in a couple of months, and ive already got a job set. and i dont know about you but, im staying in the city after we graduate. i just wanted to know if youll be moving out or, going somewhere else..."
- your heart BREAKS bc youre so sad hes just assuming that youll leave him after graduation, WHICH YOU WONT DO
- you have a paid internship at a facility in the city, so you tell him exactly that and that youll stay with him if its what he wants
- you can tell hes more than relieved, and get so blushy when you kiss his wet face all over
- "reiner i love you."
- but he tells you the exact same thing
- "y/n i love you too."
- and he really does
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ive just realized this and all of my other dating hcs arent actually headcanons so much as ideas that i put in point form 😐🤚 gotta work on that 😁👍
anyways requests open hope u enjoyed
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theblackrivergame · 3 years
Hi hi it's me again and I played thru the demo and I gotta say I'm very hooked to the world and the characters! I really liked how sweet the flirty dialogues were (I went for Annos :blush:) I wanted to ask some more about thym’ani - their appearance besides arms. Are they different in facial structure? How are their eyes positioned? Are their noses, lips, ears, teeth different? What about their hair? Do they have eyebrows, eyelashes and body hair? Are their second arms on the sides or in front? Do they have longer torsos? Do they have additional...pectoral muscles.. grimsby voice 4 nips...maybe more? How many fingers do they have? Nails? Blood color?...........im so sorry for the barrage of questions I'm just a nerd for fun fantasy/sci-fi species
hello again! I'm so glad you liked it, this ask made me very happy haha. and it's no problem! I'm very happy to answer lol. one of the disadvantages to choosing to make the thym'ani kind of widespread was not really getting to write the mc ogling them to really get in a good description... I did mean to put something out on the blog but I've been frazzled the past few days. prepare for an infodump now though I guess! cut because Long
their two sets of eyes are positioned very close together - if you look at a thym'ani skull, both the top and bottom eye fit into just one recess in the skull, and they butt up against each other in the way that insect eyes do (there's a thin membrane that keeps them from rubbing at each other, but it mostly just looks like a line). each eye has its own separate eyelid but they close from opposite directions - the top one blinks down, like ours, but the bottom one blinks up, and so each eyelid has a similar mechanism to our top set of eyelashes, but the hair is EXTREMELY fine and short (so that they don't get them in the other eye lol). they tend to have defined cheekbones, so their faces can sometimes look very sharp and bony. oh... and their eyes do that thing that cats' eyes do when you shine a light on them in the dark lmfao
the rest of their facial structure is basically the same as humans, though they do often have thin noses and small nostrils (they tend not to be good divers and swimmers, despite the extra arms... they're not great at holding their breath. conversely, because they breathe shallower, they're less affected by poisons and underground gases)
their faces also tend to be longer than human faces both to accommodate the extra eyes and also because the actual part of the skull that holds the brain is larger than in humans... they have long foreheads that usually slope back from their brow a bit (they do also have eyebrows). like that look that the elves in lotr and the hobbit movies have with the hairline starting quite high above the long face, that's quite common among thym'ani in general. their faces aren't always thin, though - Annos' face is a little softer and rounder than the elves tend to be.
thym'ani who spend a lot of time on the surface (like Ia and Enarra) have skin colours that are congruous with the vast array of human skin colours, and their hair is the same, but if they spend a lot of time underground (particularly as children) with no sunlight, their skin changes to a variety of metallic colours (from silver all the way through to nearly black and back to golden tints) due to a pigment caused by a chemical process that produces vitamin d based on their artificial lighting. there's a really metallic sheen to their skin when it's like that, practically reflective in some lights. when their skin is like this, their hair is usually glossy and has a metallic hue as well. this also applies to their tongues... Annos' tongue is silvery just like his skin lol.
they do also have body hair (although generally less than most humans and it tends to be very short and fine like their eyelashes)! thym'ani hair can be funny in that it tends to be more easily "won over" by the sun (the term for when their hair and skin turns to a more human appearance) and it's a quicker process the shorter the hair is. a thym'ani who makes semi-regular trips to the surface can end up with metallic-coloured skin and long hair but ordinary black/brown/ginger/blonde body hair and eyelashes lmfao
their second set of arms is kind of anchored in a different way than human arms (and their top set). there's a second ball-and-socket joint below their scapula, which is rotated slightly outwards, so that the bottom set of arms tend to hang naturally with the palms pointing outwards. they can still twist them inwards, and pull them across their body and so forth, but it can get fiddly due to just. taking up more space. it also means that their bottom arms have a slightly greater range of movement behind them than our arms do. they don't have extra nipples (sorry to disappoint XD) but they do have an entire set of muscles on their backs that are similar in shape to pectorals that help move their bottom set of arms.
it's brought up briefly in-game if you go to Soillere's scene as a thym'ani pc, but their top set of eyes are somewhat linked to their top set of arms, and vice versa with the bottom set. if they're doing multiple complex things with their hands at once, the top set of eyes will naturally track their top hands, etc.
uhhh what else did you ask... they have four fingers and a thumb on each hand, but on their bottom set of hands, the thumb is on the opposite side of the hand (this helps them interact with stuff behind them). their fingernails are pretty much the same as ours.
their blood is a very very dark red that's just one point of blue away from being purple, basically. it doesn't change colour with their skin but it does make their veins more visible if they have light/fair colouring.
I hope this helps and wasn't totally incoherent! thank you again for your ask! <3
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b0rista · 4 years
Oh my god, oh my GOD you gave me the most ridiculous brainrot with those hcs of the Titan trio in a gloomy city, I literally haven’t stopped thinking about it all day. If you’re still open for requests, could you maybe write something similar, but with the reader having a crush on bertholdt, or being his s/o in that au? Thank you so much if you do, I hope you have a lovely day! 🥰
♡︎ : PLEASE I'M SO GLAD THAT YOU LIKED ITDK I LOWKEY FELL OFF AT THE END BUT TYTY 🥺 and tbh i was THIS CLOSE 🤏 to turning it into a bert x reader post so you like read my mind PLSKD. and i hope you have a lovely day, too!! 🥺
reader x bertholdt version of this! i suggest reading those headcanons first because i absolutely refuSe to attempt to explain the atmosphere again because i'm illiterate gegsgdgh
if you'd like a music recommendation for when you're reading this, literally just play the band cigarettes after sex and you'll get the vibe i'm tryna put off 😭
also this is long and dragged out and im SORRYYFHF
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because there isn't a whole lot to change (other than bertholt's feelings for annie; he's older, so in this version, he's over it entirely), everything will be the same as it was in the first part. the four of you, all living in extremely gloomy territory. you're only close with eachother, and it's the sour scent of cigarette smoke and green tea keeping the lot of you sane. that, and the rain. the sweet, senseless rain.
as before, bertholdt's in his twenties, and currently working as a philosophy professor's assistant. his workplace is at a local community college, where you and the other two occasionally visit.
the same goes for the others, as well— while annie's a policy analyst, reiner's taken up certified training. again, not much is different from the first version, if anything at all. what you do for a living is entirely up to you. as for lodging, you're still sharing an apartment with annie, and the boys still visit far too often than remotely necessary. for such a big city, the four of you don't really get out much. really, if you ever do, it's with eachother. you're a very, very tight-knit posse.
back during your college campus days, you're liking toward bertholdt was merely platonic. after all, not only were the bunch of you focused on your academia, but he was always the quieter sort. back then, you were more close to reiner, and even annie, who's worse. still, that didn't mean the two of you didn't interact quite a bit. whenever you were struggling with your studies, he was always offering to help. if we're being entirely honest, there were quite a few exams that you'd have likely failed if it weren't for his assistance.
now, the two of you have grown far more comfortable with one another. of course, college was years ago. as time went on, you'd managed to get closer to him, and vice versa. all four of you are close, despite you having turned their trio into a quartet only a mere matter of years ago. somehow, it felt as they were waiting for you to join them.
if you read the part before this one, you read the instance of which you were hassled on the subway, ultimately leading to an actual buddy system in your favor. well, your friends claim that it's in your favor, anyway. really, it feels like babysitting. they don't like whenever you board the underground train by yourself, and you've been caught trying once or twice. the first time, it was by reiner, who nearly bit your head off. the second time, it was by bert, who was mildly displeased.
instead of scolding you, though, he only boarded the same train as you, offering to see you home. unlike reiner, bertholdt isn't aggressive, especially towards you. if anything, he's protective. he doesn't like it whenever the lingering eyes of a stranger land on you, and he sure as hell isn't fond of the thought of another man taking you home. if you're the more flamboyant sort, and you're unafraid of a fling or two, he'll be quietly bitter. of course, he'll never tell you what to do with your life. he'll tell you to be careful with who you trust, and to stay safe. he's only one call away.
back to your feelings, though. currently, your quiet crush on bertholdt is rising with every given day. it's a struggle, bearing feelings for a man so closed off. nevertheless, it's uncontrollable. fortunately, your pining towards him is more subtle than it is obvious, so he's yet to actually realize. that, and he's fucking oblivious. annie and reiner, however? they're as observing as they come. they know about it, and while they don't tease you, they do root for you. reiner more than annie, because annie's horrible at that sort of thing. still, 10/10 friends.
as of right now, you have three pieces of bertholdt's clothing in your closet. a sweater, a scarf, and a t-shirt. he hasn't asked for any of them back, so they're practically yours. they were all loaned to you on seperate occasions. and although he'll never tell you, there's an actual reason for why he hasn't asked for them back— one time, while you were wearing his sweatshirt, he caught a brief glimpse of you from afar: you were bringing the collar to your nose, inhaling the bittersweet scent of his cologne, his scent. you looked so pleased, and it fucking melted him. he can't bring himself to take anything back that he gives to you.
cuddling. all of you cuddle, though it's a bit subtle. whenever the four of you gather at you and annie's apartment after a rough week, you all have this moment where for hours, you simply sit in silence, watching the rain pour atop the cityscape from the other side of the balcony. the television is lowly drumming in the background, and glasses of tea mixed with pure whiskey sit ontop of the coffee table behind you. you do this as a group, and it's weirdly cinematic. when annie's head isn't rested against your shoulder, you like to press the bottom of your chin onto the top of bertholdt's head. from behind him, your arms lazily wrap around his shoulders, and he sinks into you. this is such a weekly occurrence, neither of you even think much of it. after all, reiner and annie are falling asleep ontop of one another beside you. when they do, you and bertholdt often have a quiet conversation. it's sweet, and exactly what the two of you need.
one time, he took you to an ice sculpture festival. it was the midst of winter, and there was one showcasing in the city. of course, the other two were invited. however, they both claimed to be "busy," when really, they went out to see a movie so the two of you could actually do something together. that being said, you went as a pair.
it was actually fun, to your surprise. not because of the sculptures themselves, but because of how much bertholdt actually liked them. for being so closed off, he showed quite a bit of interest in them. y'all know he's artsy. you couldn't help yourself— as he was silently gawking over a ten foot sculpture of a roaring tiger, you called him cute.
of course, knowing him, he immediately started to flush. due to the weather, he easily pinned the redness of his cheeks to the cold. you, of course, were smarter than that.
speaking of the cold, you were freezing. while you made sure to bundle up, you didn't think to bring a scarf. the blisteringly cold wind tickled at your exposed neck, earning itself a shiver from you. you may not have thought much of it, but he certainly did.
from directly behind you, you felt a hand move to hold your hair out of the way as a large, burgundy fabric coiled itself around your neck, immediately encasing you in its warmth. glancing both behind and above you, you saw bertholdt, snugly tying his own scarf around you. from the looks of it, he thought nothing of it. you were cold, and he wanted to fix that. still, the brief collision of his palm against your bare skin was enough to make you melt.
cigarette sharing. this is just,, a thing. the entire group does it, you and bertholdt especially. there have been plenty of instances where you've snatched a dart from in between his lips, bringing it to your own. vice versa, as well— he's a bit more gentle with it, though. when he reaches for your lips, he's careful, and his knuckles ever so slightly graze against your face as he tugs the cigarette from out of your mouth. to this day, you debate surprising him with a quick kiss to his hand.
speaking of kisses, several have been placed on your forehead. despite not being an item, after a particular rough moment, bertholdt's incredibly tender whilst comforting you. by your shoulders, you'll be pulled into an embrace, where he'll bury his nose within your hair while quietly reassuring you. using your chin to raise your face, he'll place a soft, sweet kiss on the center of your forehead. it's short, but effective.
this man is your personal umbrella. if it's pouring rain—which it usually is— and you're without coverage, he is your coverage. he'll either pull off his jacket and use it to cover your head from the rain, or you'll be sheepishly pulled into his chest, where he sacrifices his back to keep you dry.
if the two of you ever exchanged your feelings toward one another, it would be through a dramatic, rainy confession.
you likely went first, blurting out what you felt through a flash of frustrated impulse; it was pouring down rain, and somehow, the two of you had gotten into a conflict in the parking lot of bertholdt's apartment complex. now, you were shouting at him, "perhaps it's because i love you, you goddamn imbecile!"
and he just,, stared. you stared in horror, he stared in utter shock. now, the two of you were drenched, and you were absolutely mortified.
after a couple of moments, you would falter. digging into the left pocket of your coat, you would pull out your pack of marlboros— despite the rain, you moved to get a smoke. "fuck this," you said, "i need a cigarette."
however, right as you flipped the top of the pack open, it would be abruptly smacked out of your grasp, rendering you speechless. and before you could even regain those words of yours back, they were quickly halted by the lips of another, shutting you up for good.
with multiple year's worth of pent up emotions, you and bertholdt kiss beneath the weeping sky.
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highpoly · 3 years
so modeling those two were actually pretty fun and its fun to model because its kinda like solving a puzzle. i think its also good for me to model a head multiple times so i can always learn and it feels good to learn and practice
so the first one i worked on was male student (i havent gotten that far in nier rein please spare me if they have real names im just using what they used before revealing them) and i’d say the face part was good but the forehead part was a little painful to get through tbh and i think it was too.... “long?“ it kinda looks like his hair floats on his head if that makes sense instead of it looking like its growing from his head but oh well
now female student was a little easier but i had to redo the forehead area a little more because i think i merged too many vertices so i just did some quick fixes. then the hair was kinda painful but i did the best i could but i enjoyed that way more than male students hair............i hate modeling short hair. anyways i did some new things for modeling hair and it was pretty fun. it was good practice and glad i got to do it
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hayjeon · 4 years
Practical Tips on getting your fics out there!
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I’ve gotten an influx of these types of questions here recently, and the more i thought about what i was gonna add, it became really long :(  
disclaimer: a lot of the things i bring up are just from personal experience as a writer on this site, what my followers have told me they appreciate, and what i tend to look for when im looking for fics to read! If you don’t like these tips then pls move on :) 
although i’ll mention them, i’m also not going to be focusing on cliche tips like “write for yourself” or “grammar issues” cause those are pretty obvious!
1. accessibility of your blog 
when you’re trying to get your name out there, make sure that you’re creating an inviting experience for any potential followers! this includes:
a memorable url! be creative!
have some fun designing your blog’s aesthetic! (i love cute blogs because it reflects a bit of the writer’s personality), and (i prefer blogs with white backgrounds because it’s easier to look through/read, say, in contrast to a pitch black one where the words need to be white!) 
put your masterlist link in your bio (even better if you can link most recent fic! found this most helpful when i revisit authors that i like and can easily see if they’ve updated or not)
an organized and easy-to-navigate masterlist (personally, i prefer masterlists organized by band, instead of types of fics ie. i hate when i have to choose between drabbles, oneshots, and series masterlists; i really prefer to see them altogether!) --> see section 3 
organized tags (if you’re going to be posting a lot of non-fic-related content like pictures or videos, tag them properly so followers can sort through and find your fics easily!), or (if you’re going to be writing in different mediums like drabbles, or answering asks, make sure to use a unified #mine or #writing or #fics to centralize your content) 
2. get your name out there!
write write write! once you have some fics that show your talent, don’t be shy! 
join writing groups: when i first started out, I joined a bunch of groups that would reblog my fics in the midst of the content of much bigger writers; these blogs developed a following, and as a result of my content mixing in with bigger blogs’ content, so did my own tumblr! there’s been a stigma recently with these groups, but im sure you can find one thats supportive and not clique-y! 
send your fics to rec pages: what’s the harm? the only bad thing that can happen is that they ignore you! who cares! get out there! 
if you can do the above, i really encourage you to ask your fave writers for advice/to read your fic: again, the worst that can happen is that they say no or don’t respond or don’t have enough time, but it’ll be a good opportunity to get some feedback! i for one read (or try to read) every single rec that falls into my inbox. if i like it, i’ll #rec it, and if i don’t, unless the writer asks me for feedback, i move on!! 
utilize your tags!!: i’m not entirely sure if this is still the same or not, but from my memory, it’s the first 3-5 tags that matter the most? so utilize them well; push back the tags that aren’t really relevant (ie. #writing, #fics) and push more the main subject line of what you wrote (ie. jungkook fluff, bts smut, namjoon angst). these will populate your fics into the tags better!
headers!: when i’m scrolling through an infinite page of fics, the headers catch my eye the most; try being creative! you can find a lot of info out there on how to make ur headers super aesthetic, but i can share my tips too! --> see section 3
3. your masterlist 
here are some practical tips! 
organize by band, not type of fic/member/centralize your masterlist: i went onto a blog recently and clicked their bio mlist link to find a page full of 20~ish “JUNGKOOK MASTERLIST”/ “JAEHYUN MASTERLIST” and when i clicked on each one, they only had like 2 or 3 fics per member. i think it would’ve been better if she’d centralized all her fics! that keeps whoever is looking interested and more likely to click on another fic while browsing
add info about the fics!: when scrolling through a masterlist, it’s easy to get lost; try to add some snippets of info (ie. a short sentence you liked from the fic, a quick summary, a description of the au/scenario, or even a header!) this all gives some info about the fics you have tagged! 
headers: this isn’t a requirement, but i personally love a good header on fics i read and i love making them myself as i finish up a fic and get ready to upload it; here are free sources: unsplash for HQ stock pics, crop/edit/filter in VSCO, and then add aesthetic script with fontcandy) 
try to fill it up!: after i visit a blog after reading one good fic, i usually browse through their mlist to see if there are any more that i’d be interested in. if there’s a lot to look forward to, i’ll almost always follow; try to write as much as you can in the first few months to try and fill up your mlist and give blog viewers a reason to visit your blog again, follow, or even reblog your content!) 
4. try not to reproduce cliche fics: 
honestly tumblr’s writing community (and armys) has grown insanely these past few years and, unfortunately, even from my perspective, in the past 3-4 years, all the writers have sort of become blended together in my brain. but, i can say that the ones who consistently stand out are the ones who produce consistent content and think outside of the box! 
i tend to gravitate towards fics that have really interesting plotlines (ex. btssavedmylifeblr’s VOID is always a surprise to read because it’s sO unique! i usually don’t read ot7 fics but this one is legit my fave) 
I know it’s tempting to try and just write typical smut fics to try and gain some traction, but tumblr is already too overloaded by that kind of content; try to write something that’s special and unique! this will set u apart from the thousands of other writers here --> see next section
5. create unique fics: 
this is also personal to my writing style, but i get so bored writing just casual fics about the members, and it affects the fics i choose to read too; i prefer unique fics which you can achieve through: 
circumstance/au: create a fun au!; don’t just create an arranged marriage, create an arranged marriage in joseon dynasty, or between a werewolf and a hunter! (shameless self plug); don’t just give me friends to lovers, but give me spiderman!jungkook friends to lovers! (ie. cupofteaguk’s exchanges)
jobs: give them out-of-the-ordinary jobs; don’t just give me enemies to lovers, but give me rival!anchors who end up loving eachother! (ie. jimlingss The Newscasters)
fun dialogue: create good back-and-forth, (something i’m still working on!)! this will help your characters develop personality, and that way, readers will start to develop that themselves as well (ie. dad!yoongi from insemination wars by prolixitae is such a specific character that i love so much!, or obiwrites’ garden characters were so memorable!)
create memorable personalities: don’t give me a flat character, try to develop 4d personalities in all of your characters! (im still working on this too!) this way you can really make an impression on your followers! a great way to practice/recognize this is: “Ask my Character.” Can your followers ask a specific character a specific question, and would you be able to deliver an answer that is very specific to that character’s tone/voice/personality? If yes, then ur doing well! If not, try to think of ways that you can make tht specific character from a specific story, really unique and separate from your other characters.
6. some practical writing tips
be yourself, write for your own pleasure, blah blah blah; yeah you know already haha but here are a few more practical tips! 
grammar check: if you can, try and hone your grammar! makes for an easier read 
write like you: i personally LOVE this by obiwrites, but even the way she writes exudes her personality and is so specific; try not to be caught up in adding hundreds of synonyms and exquisite language; in fact, simpling it down and being more concise and honest with your writing is better than a superfluous sentence; this will also give ur characters so much more dimension and funk
use those commas/sentence variation: try to use more commas; this will feel like you’re the narrator to your own story; it also makes it more fluid to read in my opinion, over those short. clipped. sentences. (ie. “he came over, sitting down on the corner of your bed with an expression you’d never seen before” over “he walked over. he sat down, looking sad.”) 
half-half dialogue/narration: a fic with too much dialogue can get confusing, and a fic with too much narration can get dry; try to balance them out, and weave in and out of each! 
quality over quantity: don’t feel burdened to write a 30k word fic. in fact, i think some of the shorter fics (ie. any of versigny’s stuff) made a bigger impression on me over the longer fics because they were short, left me wanting more, and were just so high-quality in such small quantities. try out your hand at drabbles and one-shots, and don’t feel too burdened to try and develop a series right off the bat! 
abandon pigeon-holes: i’m guilty of this; i start series and then end up with no vision for the stories and they end up giving me writers block. its okay. just stop or discontinue them or leave them on a hiatus; it’s okay. your priority is yourself, and if abandoning certain works are part of that, then go ahead. it’ll help you progress more. 
and finally.......
i’ll add more as they come up! but if you liked this, then pls lmk! i’d love to give more tips and tricks; i think i started this blog 3-4 years ago when there weren’t as many writers here, but im glad you’re thinking of starting out/wanting to grow more! don’t feel intimidated! it’s not all about the notes/followers but creating a blog you’re proud of. 
so write what you’re proud of, or interested in, and keep going. i truly thoroughly had so much fun writing this post. if there are any writers who read through this and have some more advice, pls msg me! 
all the best to you! 
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mammonstan · 4 years
Mammon x GN!Mc
Its currently midnight when im making this and I was hit with inspiration so here is a fluff fic where Mammon cheers Mc up after a bad day ♥︎
As soon as Mc stepped foot into their room, the walked to their bed, and sat down on it, covering their face with a pillow and screaming.
In their opinion, this entire day was a load of BS. Getting threatened by demons? Yeah, they could handle that. But when they tried to run away from them and got lectured by Lucifer for running in the halls for over an hour? Yeah that absolutely sucked. That was only the first thing that happened that day, and at this point they just wanted to anything but be reminded they exist.
Mammon, who came to check on his human, as per usual, and realized how distressed Mc was. He stood by their door for a second, before getting an idea, and walked into their room.
"Hey, Mc, stop moping to yourself! The Great Mammon is here!" He said, grinning at them, sat beside them, and slung an arm around their shoulder.
Mc just looked over at him, and sighed. "Mammon, can't you tell I'm really not in the mood for whatever dumb thing you're gonna do next?" They said, sounding incredibly annoyed, somewhat catching Mammon off guard.
"Hey, come on, get out of that RAD uniform and get in some casual clothes. I'm gonna teach you how to have fun: Mammon Style." He said, standing up, dragging Mc up with him.
Mc gave him a glare, before sighing and giving in. "Alright, alright. I'll have fun with whatever 'Mammon Style' is."
Mammon nodded, and took his arm of their shoulders. "Thats what we like to hear! Get dressed and meet me at the front door with your wallet!" He said, quickly walking out of their room.
Mc sighed, and closed the door to their room, wondering what they just got themself into.
After their not-so-quick change, they grabbed their wallet, and walked out to the front door, standing by Mammon.
He perked up as soon as he saw them, but quickly hid his expression. "Whats the big idea leaving me waiting for so long like that! A lot of people would kill for The Great Mammon's time!" He said, putting his hands on his hips.
"The RAD uniform is a pain to take off," they said, walking to the door and opening it, "don't we need to tell Lucifer we're heading out?"
Mammon scoffed. "That jerk? We don't have to tell him anything! We're supposed to be having fun out here!k," he said, walking out of the house, "anyways, you did bring your wallet right?"
Mc rolled their eyes, and held it up. "Yes, I did. Did you?"
He grinned, and held up his bright yellow wallet, which looked very empty. "Yep!"
Mc raised an eyebrow, and put the wallet back in their pocket. "Ok then, didn't expect that," they mumbled under their breath, "well, what ia having fun 'Mammon Style'?"
Mammon held up Goldie, and smirked, "I'm glad you asked! Today, we're gonna spend a bit of cash on you!" He said, throwing an arm around their shoulder.
Mc looked very confused, "Aren't you, like, dirt poor?"
Mammon huffed, "No! But thats why I asked you to bring your wallet. Why do you think I asked you to bring your wallet? I know its full of Grimm, and that's all Mammons doing, baby!"
Mc nodded, "You put Grimm in my wallet, and not in yours. That makes total sense."
He scoffed at them, and shook his head, "No, no, no, no. Whenever I lik-... choose someone, they'll be filthy rich! Still don't know how it works or why I can't use it on myself though..."
Mc nodded, and looked at Mammon, "Well then, lets just go have fun, 'Mammon Style'."
After almost 5 hours of Mc and Mammon spending all their Grimm on food, clothes, and decorations for themselves, they finally decided to head back to the House of Lamination with all of their stuff. They knew they would get interrogated by Lucifer at the front door, he'd been texting them quite a bit through out their spending but they had ignored it, so they jumped in the window closest to the staircase that went to the hall with Mammons room, and laid out everything they bought for themself.
"Hey, Mammon, you wanna try some of the chocolates we got?" Mc asked, holding up light blue chocolate box they had just pulled out of a bag.
"Is that even a question you have to ask me? Yeah!" Mammon said, setting aside some of the bags, and dragging Mc to the couch in his room, and turned on his TV.
Mc gave him a smile, and leaned against his shoulder. They absentmindedly opened the chocolates, as Mammon put an arm around their shoulders.
"Hey, Mammon. Thank you." Mc said, wrapping one of their arms around his waist and burying their face into his side. "I had a good time today."
Mammon was incredibly flustered, and glanced away from them, "W-Well, You were being so negative I could practically feel it from my room! I'm surprised it didn't effect everyone in a ten mile radius! It was killing my mood!" He said frantically, trying to think of an excuse.
Mc laughed, and lightly hit him, "Ok, ok, if I'm about to 'kill your mood' again, I'll let you know so you can cheer me up again."
Mammon blushed furiously, and it took him a few seconds before he wrapped both his arms around them, resting his chin on their head, before saying a very soft, "I'm glad I made you feel better.
Ack- sorry if this was short/not very good but i was hit with inspiration and Mammon love so i too,, anyway here is a picture of mammon for the end
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