#but im not too good with Native American names
threefeline · 2 years
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A few doodles of Gislaine's closer family.
Their vampire mother(Xernea) and Satyr step-father(Alanus) with a full monster form Xernea. She met Alanus when he was the victim of a stagecoach robbery and basically just left out in the cold to die.
Gislaine and their son Rowan
The late Murdoch. He at least got to see his son for the first few months of his life before he died.
And their younger brother(shorter, Loch) and Loch's husband Dova.
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Loch and Dova have been married for a few years, having gotten married shortly before Murdoch had been killed. Charolette comes into the picture a little later but she's got an older brother named Amias!
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meloartist · 4 months
Yeah, I also want to see 2 season, especially Destiny and my favorite Delirium, but I'm also curius who will play Remiel and Duma.
[i think this ask was pre-s2 announcement bc 2022 but YEAH]
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i'm a HUUUUUUUUUGE duma stan you dont even KNOW
#sandman#the sandman#duma#asks#answers#continuing my trend of answering asks from 2022#anyway im on my duma sign language train#i consider duma's domain to be the *concept* of silence. like as an audio phenomenon. that doesnt mean he cant talk!!#i'm glad that in the lucifer comics they respect him and usually seem to be able to understand him without oral speech#potentially bc (per canon) he *can* mentally project what he wants people to know#but i think they missed an opportunity to actually have duma tell lucifer in *words* that he is both deeply loved And a little bitch#like creatures like lucifer know every language so????#(also. signed angel conlang anyone??? with WINGS???)#(actually i think that's impractical since it needs to be usable during flight. but having different forms is also awesome.)#lucking out on this that the sign for me too/same seems to be the same in asl & bsl#ultimately i don't think that duma should need to speak a human signed language at all -- but for clarity idk which to pick you know?#considering that this is an english-speaking comic with a british writer with a largely american audience#*probably* asl bc i am american and don't want to mix myself up but#anyway if you are a native speaker of asl. if i ever do more comics with duma and others i Will need help#i know a few asl words but i do Not have a good grasp of grammar#so please feel free to correct or suggest or dm me idk !! i really want to interact w the d/Deaf community more#always open to language critique#and i kind of would love help designing angel sign conlang. bc the concept of duma giving lucifer a name sign lives in my head forever#fwiw i'm fully on the duma/lucifer qpp train by the way. like duma has been PINING.
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carmsgarms · 2 months
just wanna hug you for the jkr post bc my former friends made me feel insane for not validating their continued engagement 💜
Bestie listen youve unzipped me and im about to go off. Harry Potter was my entire life until she literally couldn't shut the fuck up about trans women being perverts and infiltrators. I was a lonely neurodivergent weirdo and Harry Potter brought me solace as a kid. I read each of the books at least 7 or 8 times, that shit is INGRAINED in my brain. One of my best friends of 10+ years is my friend today because the first thing we bonded over was seeing the last HP movie. I used to be deadset on my 2nd tattoo being my pottermore wand with my hogwarts house. I wanted a fucking HP-themed wedding. The first funko pops I bought were Harry Potter ones. My first serious boyfriend told me he wanted to propose to me in front of Hogwarts castle (this was something he said to guilt trip me when i dumped his ass) ((also thank the gods that never happened he was a shithead and so is jkr)). My mom for some godforsaken reason let me help her name my youngest brother when he was born because she couldn't think of a name and my 10yo ass fuckikg picked DANIEL because of Daniel Radcliffe. I was in DEEP.
And you know what? Aside from the books I camped out to buy on release day and the DVDs that are crammed in a box somewhere in a storage unit, I have gotten rid of every single Harry potter thing I owned because I grew the fuck up and found better things to like. Sure I'll watch the DVDs again every few years to feel the nostalgia again because a good chunk of the cast are great people (we fucking stan Dan Radcliffe and David Tennant in this house ) but I'm not giving jkr another cent of my money or an inkling of my time beyond that.
You are so valid and you are allowed to be upset if your friends continue to engage with Harry potter content.
Anyone who days "uwu my nostalgia" ask them if they still sleep with their fucking baby blanket too.
My former boss wouldn't shut the fuck up about the new video game when it came out. At least once a week he'd ask me if I'd played it yet and every single time I would tell him "I'm not engaging with that franchise anymore. JKR uses money to fund anti-trans legislation." And he'd always spout some bullshit about nostalgia or "but it's SO good" or "yeah I just try to separate the art from the artist / oh but the devs who worked hard on the game! / but playing the game doesn't actually support her! (yes the fuck it does if the game does well it boosts her platform)"
And especially now that my wife has come out, I'm extra ready to fight the next grown person who tells me they ~separate the art from the artist~ like fuck off. There are better things to spend your time and energy on. I hope everything JKR makes flops hard. Everything shes done since the last movie has been a disgusting cash-grab and none of it is even good. I'm beyond thrilled that BG3 has had a wild runaway success and a longer-lasting player base than the fucking game she put out. Nothing has ever disappointed me more than JKR being the way that she is.
Oh but the lore and world building? The ability to make your own character in such a fun and magical immersion world?bDnd has better lore than Harry potter ever did and the lore adds up and makes sense. If you look at her shit beyond the surface level she is actually fucking TERRIBLE at world building especially when she tries to do it without being a fucking racist ((does anyone remember when early drafts for the American magic schools that were using Native American imagery and it was all REALLY FUCKING OFFENSIVe and let's also not forget "no-maj" being the least fucking creative thing she ever came up with)
"But my hogwarts house" PLEASE choose a better Personality.
I have more nostalgia for Avatar the Last Airbender these days since i got into that when it first started airing when i was 12 (and look if you're really into the fuckin houses as your Personality you can get that with ATLA! Water tribe forever bitches)
"But the characters!!!" Please. There are better characters ALL AROUND YOU. pick up a fucking comic book. Yknow Superman actually has a similar structure, he's got the nerdy Normal friend and the love interest and it's a goddamn shame none of the movies include his bestie Jimmy because he's just as important as Lois Lane is.
"But all the strong female characters!" It is 2024 please I beg you to find other female role models (I will again point to Avatar the Last Airbender and Literally Any Comic Book Featuring A Woman. Captain Marvel is actually really good. Battlestar Galactica is also chock full of strong female characters and that came out in the early 2000s!)
Bestie i genuinely feel bad for all the fucking white people who can ignore all the bullshit JKR has done and said and all those sad saltine cracker flavor type people whose entire personalities are Watching The Office and Enjoying Harry Potter And Star Wars. Grow up. Move On.
If it's that important to you (and i mean the general you here not you specifically), please do what I did and Marie Kondo that part of your life. You don't need to hold onto the safety blankie you had as a child. You don't have to hold onto the pair of shoes that got you through high school and are out of fashion and falling apart. You give it a sendoff. Say "thanks for getting me through that part of my life but I'm moving on" and you move the fuck on.
I did something really sappy for my 30th birthday - I said goodbye to the franchise. I mourned what could have been. I went to Universal studios ((also bc Simpsons land and fast and furious ride and ET and a bunch of other stuff are there)) but I stopped into Harry potter world to do everything once and say goodbye to that part of my life since it was something I had wanted to do for most of my youth, and my friend who i became friends with because of harry potter was there with me. We drank the fucking pumpkin juice, had breakfast at the three broomsticks, appreciated all the little easter eggs around hp world, rode the hagrid ride, and ate a chocolate frog I wore my trans rights shirt and dressed gay as hell, my friend is trans so he just ~existed blissfully~ . I think every Harry potter fan needs to acknowledge that the franchise was good for them in the 90s, mourn that part of their life, and move on.
Bonus: me being Gay as Fuck in front of the castle. I hope JKR fucking rots and fades into obscurity and people come to realize she's worse than HP Lovecraft.
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alittleplaytime · 17 days
hii! im trying to get over my phobia of bugs, so i decided i would try and see the good side of them :]
if its okay, could you share with me some of your favourite facts about bugs, and/or some cool images of bugs? no pressure, though! ^_^
oh, i'm so happy and proud of you anon! as a very avid bug lover, i always love hearing people try to be more open to them, even just slightly!!
a few fun facts:
a single dung beetle can move about 1141 times it's own weight! it's like if a human pulled SIX double decker buses, all on their own!
male stoneflies are like, the gym guy of the bug world - sometimes they'll do pushups as a way to impress a potential mate!
male giraffe weevils use their looong necks to fight eachother, much like actual giraffes!
some tarantulas have been found to essentially keep frogs as pets! the spider will offer safety and protection to frogs while a frog will eat any insects that may try and attack the spiders eggs!! (this habit has also been seen in some other spider species too!)
and here's some photos!!
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rosy maple moth (dryocampa rubicunda), also known as the great silk moth! this species is a small north american moth. it's recently surged in popularity due to it's adorable colours and tiny size, even having plushies made after it!
sources: image one, image two
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humming bird hawk moth (macroglossum stellatarum) is named for it's resemblance to the humming bird as they feed on the nectar of tube shaped flowers using their long proboscis while staying in the air. this species is found across temperate areas of eurasia such as portugal, japan and spain!
sources: image one, image two
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cecropia moth (hyalophora cecropia), aka a giant silk moth is the largest native moth found in north america! their wing can even span up to five-seven inches (13-18 centimeters) wide!
source: image one, image two
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the peacock spider (maratus volans) is a jumping spider native to australia (my country!!) with only one species residing in china! much like the bird they're named after, peacock spiders will display their bright feathers as a mating technique, paired with a dance! it is widely believed that females will kill a male if they find their dance unsatisfactory but this is fortunately, for the men, untrue! she will instead ignore him or move her abdomen side to side to display her disinterest. the maratus sarahae (first image) is one of the largest species! image two is a maratus azureus!
source: image one, image two
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sabertooth longhorn beetle (macrodontia cervicornis) are some of the largest beetles in the world! it spends most of it's life in a larval stage which can last up to 10 years!! after which it will only live a few more months in which it will reproduce. sabertooth larvae are planted under the bark of dead or dying softwood trees as they will burrowing inside it!
source: image one, image two
i hope this was enjoyable!! i had a lot of fun doing this hehe
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thenumber-e · 4 months
OKOKOK!! Gimme all ur Craig family headcanons, cousins, etc! 🥺💖
GASP my favorite thing ever i have an entire google doc dedicated to this shit i fucking love this family tree
ok starting off with the whole family lore to make this easier
thomas is craig’s biological father, aka why they look pretty much identical in post covid. though craig is from a previous marriage, and this also feeds into a different headcanon so yeah. basically, thomas’s previous wife was lilith marsh- randy’s sister. her and thomas later divorce when craig is about two, and thomas gets custody. he later married laura, they have tricia, and then yeah that’s how the tuckers came to be.
back to lilith. she’s randy’s sister, meaning craig and stan are in fact cousins. they also looks realllyyyy similar.
anyways i’m going back to thomas. his brother is skeeter, hence them looking really similar. so that means skeeter is craig’s uncle, and him and red are cousins.
so yeah that’s the family tree lore, but i have so many headcanons for this so let’s see if i can remember them
so first of all, for the marshes. grandpa marshes wife, idk if she had a name or whateva i forget, im gonna call her shelly, so shelly is a family name now. basically grandpa marshes was reallyyyy short and shelly was reallyyyy tall, so the fam can go both ways. randy got the short genes, meanwhile lilith got the tall genes. so yeah, shelly and stan are really short, idk about shelly idk how tall she should be but stan is 5’4 (5’4.5)
ONE OF MY FAVORITE HEADCANONS- PERUVIAN CRAIG okokokok so basically, shelly (grandma) is peruvian, though she moved to colorado and met grandpa marsh. then yeah all that fun stuff happened. then yeah lilith was born and then she married thomas and shit and then BOOM peruvian craig. i also hc thomas having native american roots, so craig is a bit darker than his cousins
i think that’s all the lore for this so i’m just gonna do stupid headcanons now that i have in a google doc somewhere and im too lazy to edit them so just take them raw
Craig and Tricia always argue, and Craig has probably broken his nose from hitting his face on the ground after Tricia tripped him. But despite that, they’d do anything for each other. They act like they absolutely despise each other, but actually love each other more than anything. Tricia also gets along with Tweek really well, and they’ll tease him sometimes.
Laura is stepmom, not biological. Craig’s real mom was Peruvian, which Craig got that from. She also had black hair, hence Craig’s black hair. She was actually Randy’s sister. He actually doesn’t remember his mother, because his father and her got divorced when he was about two. Thomas (obviously) got custody over him. Laura is very overprotective of Craig and Tricia, but not in an annoying way, but she would definitely kill for either of them without hesitation. She can be very short tempered, which her children definitely get from her.
Thomas is actually a really good dad. His brother is Skeeter, hence them looking so much alike. Sure, he’s had his ups and down, like similar to when he first learned Craig was gay, when he learned he was also autistic, he found it hard to accept it. But of course, he knew he had to. He’s just such an awesome dad, and would do anything for his kids. Him and Craig have the average father-son bond, just a bit closer. Craig usually disappears into his room, but will gladly spend time with his father if he isn’t hanging out with his friends
Despite canonically calling her Grandma, Craig calls his grandmother Nana. His grandmother felt terrible when she learned about the Peru thing, so she insisted on giving Craig another $100. But when Craig realized he couldn’t back out of it, he took it and instead gave it to Tricia begrudgingly. She comes over a lot, usually to bake, and loves to cook and bake with Tweek.
His cousins do get a bit confusing, even to Craig. Stan is his cousin from his mothers side, and they look wicked similar. People often get the two confused. Red is Craig’s cousin from his fathers side, so both him and Tricia are related to her. Usually her and Craig get along relatively well, because Craig claims she’s a “not lame girl” unlike most of the ones in his class.
Randy is his uncle, and Craig absolutely hates him. He’s one of those uncles that tries to get the entire family to love and adore him, which is usually ruined (although it never existed) by him getting drunk and high all the time, basically ruining any bond he’s ever had. Craig doesn’t even call him ‘Uncle Randy’ or anything. Just straight up Randy. Skeeter is his other Uncle, and he usually hangs out with him along with his dad. They actually get along well, and make bets on the stupidest things, like which raindrop would win the race on the window
OK BOOM that’s the basic lore i’ll probably do more of a detailed post on family life cus i fucking love the tuckers they’re so amazing but alas i’m lazy rn so ill feed you this
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spicyseonghwas · 9 months
ok so his name is Stephen he moved here from Texas in early september he's like 5'9 or 5'10 (to my barely 5'4) hes half native american half mexican he's built literally like toji and he's a Sagittarius i know how to write his birthday in roman numerals he plays football (really badly but he loves it that's what matters) i can write his football number in roman numerals too it's LVIII he's got hot cocoa colored skin a voice like Felix talks like a fucking white douchebag fsr and his hair is longer than Yeosang's ever was and it's dark brown curly fluffy as fuck he stole choi sans jawline and hasn't been arrested for it yet he has trauma but also the nicest ass he acts like a fifteen year old even tho he just turned seventeen and is also the hugest gentleman he has manners somehow im madly in love with him
he has my number
✨he's single✨
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voidwritesstuff · 2 years
Fandom: in sound mind
♡Sorry for the long post! Im on Mobile and I cant add a read more :( also sorry for any military inacuracies! (Spelling???)
CW:Alusions to PTSD,talk about food, nightmares, war, war related trauma. Food poisoning, Lucas literally shot himself in the foot. Suggestiveness. Talk about religion (catholic/christian)
->reblogs and comments over likes!
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♡Has some old records with music from the sixties, plays them when he misses his buddies or wakes up from a nightmare.(helps him relax)
♡knows how to Cook but he has no actual kitchen, this lead to him experimenting a bit too much and getting food poisoning.
♡still has the whole set of drums, sometimes he plays when he needs to let out his feelings. and he plays very loudly. The perks of living in a cabin in the Woods!
♡coffee addict, a microwave and a coffee machine are all the commodities he has.
♡cant sleep in a normal bed, hes too used to sleep on a cot,even pillows that are too comfortable prevent him from sleep. Though I Belive that he could get used to it again with time (his back needs It)
♡Back issues aside hes pretty well physically, Strong inmune system, very strong (can Haul all his groceries in one go), toned muscles (which have earnt him some bedroom eyes), has a shit ton of resistance and endurance. His knees tend to crack a little but thats about It.
♡likes to limber up and excersice outside, shirtless (people who have gone for a walk on Elysium park at early hours of the morning got some eye candy for breakfast)
♡he wakes up at the ass crack of dawn, even the birds are telling him to go back to sleep. Always makes breakfast in time to watch the sunrise.
♡hes a sucker for an all american breakfast,he sometimes Cooks it when he feels like treating himself (which is not often, mind you).
♡has picked up some books that talk about ww2, some that he was recommended (some from desmond or other people hes talked to). The one that hes read the most was a book recommended to him by Wheeler.
♡Every night he prays, at first when he was younger he was your run of the Mill, "born in a catholic family" Beliver, but after the war he Turned to religion as a way to cope. Hes not going to Mass every sunday but every once in a while he pays a visit to the old church of milton haven
♡Father Ted Krill has invited him over for some tea, Lucas has done some repairs here and there too.
♡When he feels particularly lost or in dispair he carries around a small rosary, plays with it absentmindedly (it was alphonso's).
♡when I tell you this Man can SING. HE HAS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL VOICE (if we consider his vynil cannon. He can sing). Sings in the shower and on the road if a song he likes plays on the radio.
♡humms while doing things
♡has a habit of poking his tongue out when hes concentrated.
♡hes very good at fixing cars and other engines. Hes lived in his van for a long time so he figured he might as well learn how to fix the van himself.
♡latino-native (this hc is originally from birdsandcake on Instagram). His dad is Native american and his mom is mexican (this addition is mine tho).
♡when I tell you he can dance! hE CAN DANCE HIS ASS OFF. He hasnt danced in a while but hes a bit self conscious about it. But he still dances every once in a while (latín blood baby!)
♡likes rock music the best. Has learnt to play some on the drums.
♡when his Friends and him were talking about band names, one that stood out to Lucas was "The Ragtags". For him, it described his friend Group very well.
♡on particular bad nights he only eats MREs and cheap beer, since that what his Friends used to do when they were stationed in their camp.
♡showers in the army were SHORT. So now he takes long ass showers that have his water Bill Sky high. He doesnt care, he has the money to afford it.
♡he washes his Plate in the sink of his bathroom (cannon) and Desmond has been begging him to get a dishwasher or a proper kitchen. It drives desmond wild for some reason.
♡When he feels like fucking with people he talks in the NATO phonetic alphabet. Desmond is sick of his shit
"Ive been craving some Papa Alpha November Charlie Alpha Kilo Echo Sierra"
"You can just say that you want pancakes"
"This is more fun"
"Fun for you"
♡desmond has learnt the NATO alphabet by heart. And once he replied in it and now its a competition to see who can spell the longest words (hey they gotta kill time somehow)
♡Lucas cares for desmond as if he was part of his military buddies. Fiercely protective. In return,Desmond offers his psicologist insight when Lucas asks for it or Des feels like he needs it.
♡Lucas recently adopted a dog called Radio (this hc was originally made by birdsandcake in some doodles they made). After the game, desmond is Open to this New pet, and cares for it when Lucas is out.
♡lucas has found Radio and Desmond asleep on the one person couch. He found it endearing.
♡Lucas uses hearing aids (this hc is also made by birdsandcake)
♡for his birthday, Desmond gave Lucas his old vinyl player. Lucas was overjoyed.
♡his relationshipp with desmond is purely platonic, and truth be told he missed having Friends. They have a stupid ammount of inside jokes.
•the time Lucas tried to do one of those cakes in a cup and almost burnt down the house because he left the thing in the microwave for a long time. Known as "the microwave cup-cake incident"
•the time Desmond told him something in spanish which was far from what it actually meant, Lucas laughed his ass off for weeks. They call it "Lost in translation"
• Lucas told him about the time he literally shot himself in the foot (he was young and Alphonso let him out of his sight for five minutes). Now every time he goes to practice his aim on his makeshift shooting range desmond says "dont shoot yourself in the foot" to which Lucas replies "too late"
♡Lucas defenetly still remembers VIVIDLY the scold Alphonso gave him when he shot himself in the foot. Lucas had to do 200 pushups with Alphonso sitting on his back to make sure he didnt "do anything stupid". He slept for 12 hours afterwards.
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whatthe4355 · 2 years
Alright, fuck it
Here's my Scooby Doo media conservation rant
Alright, so where to start. I guess let's start with the beginning, with shows first
Scooby-Doo Where Are You! (SDWAY)
There's technically 2 seasons. Some people call it three. I denote the season by the change in intro and tone.
Anyway. If you want to watch the Classic SDWAY you can't. Not exactly. You may be able to find parts streaming but not the entirety. If you're lucky you'll find the "Best Hits" of season one (what a knight for a fright, hastle at the castle etc) but you won't find certain ones that are, in a word, obviously insensitive. It wasn't as bad in the "first season" so there's only a couple missing episodes (you can find them on DVD, most of the issues w/ first season are native american insensitivity). The second season is the one people forget about, and OOF does it age like milk. This season is where you get the chase songs with actual lyrics(the infamous "I married an ostrich" comes to mind) The rather offensive episode in a Chinatown section of a city is in this run. Usually , you only get Jeepers! It's the creeper! From this run if you get any at all.
Summery: it is morally ethical to pirate this one bc of lost albeit offensive content.
The New Scooby Doo Movies (TNSDM)
You might be wondering in the heck this is. Well, this one is the second series of Scooby Doo, and honestly probably aged the best out of the 70s Scooby Doo. Youve got real comedians, the globe trotters, Batman and Robin and even the Addams Family! It's a lot of good self contained fun for 45 minutes. Unfortunately, you HAVE to pirate it. I'm not sure if there even is a DVD release of these (I have the Batman and Robin one on VHS).
Summary: there's no legal way to watch this. Do yourself a favor and pirate this one. It holds up the best out of the original three Scooby Doo shows.
The Scooby Doo Show (TSDS)
This third show ages a tiny bit better than SDWAY, but still has some era consistent casual racism and bad taste indigenous portrayal. It's better than the first show, and to the point companies aren't afraid to stream it. It's a little uncanny at first watch as it feels nigh identical to SDWAY, but shifted about 5 degrees to the left. Overall a step down from TNSDM, but solid. I will note, this show title technically covers an era of Scooby Doo, but for simplicity and sanity Im just referring to it as The Scooby Doo Show.
Summary: Pirate if you want to. it's good fun and would suggest watching instead of SDWAY if you really want old Scooby Doo legally.
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy Doo (the series)
I'm not sure what to say here honestly. I haven't delved too deep into this one. Scrappy-Doo's annoying factor varies wildly from episode to episode and can range in role from either Fred or Velma for the episode. Weird fuckin stuff.
Summary: pirate if you want, I'm not your mom. You can't really watch legally last i checked
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy Doo (the shorts)
Oh gd there's more of him? Okay. So I don't know if these are actually preserved or not but they sure as hell arent gonna be streaming. Short form, widely disliked, failing era is a recipe for media loss.
Summary: Cryptid. If you can find it, archive and save it. You might end up with the last copy of this show or something.
The New Scooby Doo Mysteries
How is there three series with Scrappy Doo in a staring role and not Scooby Dum? Ask Hanna Barbera, because I sure as hell don't know. Is this one preserved? Again, I don't know.
Summary: much like the other two Scrappy Doo Shows, I don't know if this is preserved. Probably?
The Thirteen Ghosts of Scooby-Doo
Fully saved and on a free platform to boot. You can stream on Tubi as of writing. Piracy also works too.
A Pup Named Scooby Doo
Okay we are out of the dark age of Scooby Doo. This show is available on itunes, but only the first two seasons. The rest you're going to have to pirate.
Summary: just pirate it. Its wholesome and fun.
What's new Scooby Doo?
This is a great one, and unfortunately in rights limbo between Netflix and HBO max. It's basically all you want from the original Scooby Doo minus the casual and rampant stereotyping. This is the show that really made em want to make this rant. It's the show that revived Scooby Doo on tv, and got reruns of the old stuff onto boomerang.
Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue!
For all intents and purposes, it's a spinoff of the main series. 2 seasons, both available on HBO max*mimes vomiting* and only one on DVD. About the half baked approach you'd expect from Hanna Barbera for home release.
Honestly, either piracy or streaming works. It's just not a great show imo.
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated
There's so much good to be said about this show that I'd need another post to cover it. To give just a brief glimpse of it's splendor: at the time it ran, there was a flash game updated weekly where you played out that week's episode in game. Like, just a masterful take on Scooby Doo.
Summary: it's on Netflix. Go watch it. If you can't afford that, pirate. Any way you can watch it, DO IT.
Be cool Scooby Doo!
A show that probably deserves more love than hate, harkens back to the era of "whatever goes" tv, in a good way. Animation is pretty not good, writing is decent.
It's on boomerang, but what else is on there?? Pirate if you're bored.
Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?
A poor man's revival of the new Scooby Doo movies. It forgets a lot of what made that show work in general, and focuses on the celebrities heavily.
Also on boomerang. Pirate if you really want, id recommend just rewatching the new Scooby Doo movies.
Velma. No. Just. No.
The creator is a right wing transphobe and you should not even give her the satisfaction of a hate watch.
If you watch this one I'm not your friend.
Movies will be a separate post tomorrow, this took a while.
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sereniv · 10 months
hi! i saw one of your posts about native americans reconnecting, but i have a hard time understanding things so i thought i’d just ask you specific question:
So, i wanna reconnect to my native side, but i dont know if its disrespectful or not. Basically, i look really white and dont tan easily. I have some native features and all but they arent that noticeable.
now some backstory about my native side:
i know two or more of my relatives died on the trail of tears on my moms side that i know about. We have their information and stuff like that where it shows that they are native. then i have 2 more ancestors i know of who were my great great grandparents. they were native and i believe they lived in a reservation or tribe. I think my great great grandma died in like the late 1800’s. Then, their grandchild, whos my great grandma, you could tell she was really native by looking at her if that makes sense. she died in 2004.
my great uncle on my dad’s side also lives on a reservation too.
i know i have more native ancestors because the native ancestors i know of for sure, have like 5+ children or a bit less.
most of my native ancestors were like in the 1800’s to early 1900’s.
i know i belong to a few tribes, one of them being cherokee. My mom told me the other tribes but i forgot the names.
neither me or my parents grew up around the culture, but i want to learn more about my family and where i come from and be involved in the culture.
Would it be disrespectful if i called myself a native or reconnect?
sorry if this doesn’t make sense or if its too long i’ve just been wondering about this for a while
have a good day <3
Wow this is a lot!
ok so
Firstly, though i get what you are meaning, there is no one way to look native. But i assume you mean looking sterotypically native, but again that doesnt hold up to mean much in terms of you being native
Secondly, when it comes to reconnecting (and calling yourself native) you should ask yourself why its important.
For me, i had always struggled with identity especially on forms, though not as native. I was told i was native but it was unclear because no one would talk about it.
Then i connected with a cousin and learned some info and found out i have Yaqui heritage and it felt like a piece of the puzzle. But that created a new emptyness that needed a piece and i still have that, and thats the actual reconnecting
Reconnecting looks a lot of ways, but the biggest thing is community. what are you doing for the community either within your tribes or indian country as a whole
this can mean learning your language (what im doing), learning your history (i am slowly). getting involved which can mean many things from donating to participating
but it shouldnt be a preformance. you should still be you. finding out youre native or reconnecting doesnt mean suddenly you are now more spiritual or that you have to look or be some certain way
Reconnecting is catching up on what you didnt grow up on. its going slow. its understanding your place in the community
now everyone is different, but for me i dont think ill ever feel Native like i belong. ill always feel like an outside ill always doubt myself.
But ive tried ignoring it and "just being white" like ive tried in the past and it always feels like a lie. but it would also feel like a lie if i didnt include being white (italian), because i am white. but i am also native.
Recognizing your privileges as someone who looks white and (if like me) grew up white is important.
But also internalizing that being White isnt bad. Which sounds silly, but a lot of mixed people nd people reconnecting tend to see their white side as tarnishing. as bad or boring
White as a race doesnt exist. Race doesnt exist BUT it exists in our society, therefor its still an important distinction in conversations
For example. White privilege, not Italian privilege But Italian heritage and ancestry, not white heritage and ancestry
What i always tell people is before focusing on claiming native, is to first claim your white side. Because every "white" culture (maybe except british idk lol) has its own music, language, history, food, traditions and customs, etc.
For me im big on family and ancestry, to imagine the people and their lives who came before me. I like thinking about it
So being italian i feel pride, not because i grew up italian culture, but because that is my history. i was always told i was italian growing up. that is part of me. same as being scottish/irish. it all is a story and im interested in that story
But i always knew more about being italian and scottish/irish, rather than Mexican/hispanic/native. and thats because my dad wasnt in my life which is why it was a big part of me that felt empty
Now you dont have to have struggled with identity or anything like that
but you have to have a reason. And the thing is, is you can even NOT claim native. You can say you have native heritage, you can learn you can do everything youd do if you claimed it, but recognize that You as a person just arent native your history is, but maybe you just cant feel that connection
and thats fine. But hold out on claiming native until you can tell whether or not you Are. And that is different for everyone.
But recognizing your history and heritage is a great way of connecting without Being. its hard to explain
The reason why i claim and not just recognize is out of anger at assimilation in the family. native and italian. out of the feeling of loss, never have grown up with any of it because of assimilation
I have family who is enrolled, i have family who speaks italian. and im bitter because i always felt ..something about that even though i could never put it into words. and still cant really
So ask yourself why claiming native is important. what does being native mean to you? for me it feels like defiance and it feels like embodiment and it feels like reconnecting (though because of disability i cant do even half of what i would like, but i do my best)
I feel so much anger and sadness and longing and in a way worse than i was before i learned more about my heritage. i feel even more broken in pieces especially when i cant participate because no one records anything and i cant make zoom calls because im always too tired
or when theres memes and i dont get them, italian or mexican or native or yaqui
and this is common ive found for mixed and people who are reconnecting
its a commitment. that you can go back on i guess
but for me thats not an option even if i wanted to because i would again, feel like im lying
First thing you want to do is sit on it, think about what is important, connect with your other sides be interested in that
ask yourself what this all means and address your initial feelings
and remember that you can recognize your history, your heritage, without claiming it.
which can sound confusing. but it feels different. you refer to it differently. You are an ally, rather than being.
i feel like im in the middle, the line always moving. back and forth but always in the middle
And ive seen people ive talked to, realize that they dont connect to being native. That acknowledging their history, and even being involved while not claiming feels right. that claiming never had heft to it. it was empty words
but acknowledging can feel just as meaningful as claiming could feel. full, and meaningful and like a piece to your puzzle
So really introspect, think about it, get involved
and for other people's sake, only claim if you Are. because its not like a Queer identity where you can try it on
it can hurt people if you just try it on.
And i know for me it felt like i had to make up for lost time right away. but i realized that i have time. it shouldn't feel like making up for lost time. you accept that the past happened. and thats it
talk to people, learn your language, your history, know where you are in a conversation by sticking to what youve experienced and letting others talk when its something you havnt experienced
and just be in the present. there is no rush, there is no alarm. And it can feel that way, like you have to cram everything in.
But when you claim native it should be because you Are native. And that means you have always been
because native isnt just one thing. and it is also not blood quantum
and it also isnt just 'a feeling' (like, in a sterotype way)
Its really hard to explain but basically, slow down. you have all the time in the world to figure these things out. your heritage and history arent going anywhere.
when i talked to my cousin, i felt waves of emotion all kinds, and it felt like i had to rush. almost like before this information floated away i had to catch it
and it was anxiety inducing, i guess thats what it was, anxiety
but now i feel more normal. still have issues lol, but i feel i can relax more and know that i have all the time in the world to reconnect. even if that means learning a new word a month if thats the best i can do.
i could go on but i think this is long enough sorry i tend to type a lot 😅
sorry if i didnt answer everything, you can re-ask and clarify if you want
edit: also idk if i put this already but you should look into your tribe and contact them or family members like cousins and actually like confirm that you have history with that tribe thats where you start when reconnecting
it can get complicated if you can't figure it out and it doesnt mean you aren't native but cross that bridge when you come to it.
and this is just one story, one feeling, one opinion
i recommend going to reddit in the the mixed subreddit or native american (theres no real sub for mixed natives so you can try both) and asking your question you asked me to get a more well rounded view
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clownmaggot · 1 year
hi hello r u italian by any chance bc ive noticed ur italian is so good .. -italian anon
Hi!! Unfortunately no, I am not Italian! However, I do research because I *super* don't trust Google Translate, and in general you can find some really good phrases from native speakers ( TI FACCIO UN CULO COSÌ is the phrase of all time ever, for now. ) Like why in the name of GOD would I try to slap " I'm gonna kick your ass " into google translate when there are diamonds like " Im gonna make your ass this big " with a hand gesture???
And thats another thing too, as an artist who loves to do expressions, HAND GESTURES????? MY BROTHER IN CHRIST I AM DINING. IM EATING SO GOOD RN.
But yeah sorry if this was a kinda disappointing find for you. :( Americans are unfortunately real and one specifically wanted to learn every rude phrase and gesture possible for a Warioware inspired well of anxiety that is Peppino Spaghetti.
BUT ANYWAYS NOW THAT I KNOW UR ITALIAN AND WATCHING ME >:) I wish you a very, please fact check me on anon if I get something wrong!!!! I would really appreciate it (if you want to) . :> Thank you for the compliment, hope your day/night is good!
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lux-s-mind-com · 1 year
Purpose of this acc (plus a bit of an introduction)
Hello fellow reader or writer or poet or human, I’m Lux (that’s my pen name). I’m making this acc for a rlly cool idea I found on pinterest and that was to write a diary entry but rlly dramatized like the scene of a book. And to do that every day. So from now on I will use this app that I think was made to blog with these funny tags that make sentences to write my dramatized diary entries. They will probably be mostly fake, so dw if I write sm that sounds like an insane person wrote it, saying they see ghosts or smth. I will also write some random thoughts in here bc it’s fun and that way it feels more like a blog to me.
Now that you know what the inspiration was, why do I need a whole acc for it? Bc I JUST CANT WRITE A DIARY ENTRY EVERY SINGLE DAY. So I will use the internet to put some pressure on me. Thank you for being part of this.
And finally my fav part! Some facts about me:
I love jazz and bossa nova (I’m also half brazillian) and my fav bands are currently Return to Forever and Lamp WE ARE MARRIED IF YOU LIKE ANY OF THESE TWO ESPECIALLY IF IT’S RETURN TO FOREVER, ONLY OLD PPL KNOW THEM :(
Edit: I also like indie rock and I’m starting to like classic music too, so I just like anything that is instrumental and good
I’m good at latin >:) (and it may stay so if I cut excuses to learn vocabulary)
I’m 15 and genderfluidflux, normally use mirror prns but also others sometimes, I’ll put it in my bio if it changes (google what the things mean if you don’t know) and I’m mixed (brazillian and white, w native american (in brazil, duh) and african roots)
I like the sky a lot, it’s often in my pictures and was in my poem of yesterday :D
I have 3 novel wips (aka just bad involved ideas) for which I still don’t have plot nor the 1st draft (I keep writing poetry or just short texts to avoid them) 
Edit: I’m writing on a short story rn and IM ACTUALLY MAKING PROGRESS?? So yeah short stories are dope. I also love poetic use of language aka Shakespeare and good world building aka fantasy and good pacing aka Poe’s short stories
And lastly, I have an insta acc on which I post poems (also for Escapril) and pictures of things I like (not sky-pictures, already posted too many of them and that was a bad phase), so check it out if you’d like to read some poems :P (user: lux_the_poet_of_the_7_seas)
Now I’m gonna go watch Dead Poets Society cuz pinterest has been spamming me w it.
Edit: forgot to add that I love purpur tones but beige tones match me (and the whole poet/writer thing) more, plus I also like beige tones
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galewingpirates · 6 months
One Piece: The Movie
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(Movie spoilers below)
Ok so. First of all, I want to 100% recommend this movie as I had a great time watching it (even if the intro’s captions are fucked to all hell). It’s super fun, and also I cried a lot.
The start of the movie is really fun, Nami gets some of her gold stolen and yells at the guys to get it back for her but they’re bribed by the thieves with food which was fun
At one point Luffy and Zoro are so hungry that they smell the tiniest bit of Oden and use some wood they’re floating on and some planks to row towards this oden boat at like- motorboat speeds and it’s very funny
There are also a lot of good expressions in it! It’s great! They’re goofy! The image I used for this is actually from the movie, it’s wonderful.
The ending made me cry a lot, I KNEW Woonan was going to be dead, it just seemed too obvious to me that he’d be long dead by the time they got there.
The part where Luffy ate oden off of the ground reminded be of the time Zoro ate (I think it was a rice ball?) off the ground. Also the grandpa + Woonan’s backstory made me cry
I absolutely sobbed at the ending, omg the wall of writing by Woonan killed me.
There are some really weird depictions of native americans in this?? And I feel like I should put this in as a disclaimer before you watch it- The main villain has a swordsman named ‘Golass’ and. It’s a weird, actively problematic depiction, let me tell you that much. I’m not gonna include a picture here, you can look it up if you want to see it.
Other than that glaring issue, the movie’s pretty good. I had a fun time with it, at least.
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mo0dy-succubus · 1 year
I'm still working on request so please bare with me, the fact that I have been getting alot of requests while working on other stories is wild I'm getting there pls I just need to focus before people send to much
Anyway to save my mental health from shattering from request and burning myself out I want to do something
Things abt me that literally Noone asked for:
1. I am short for my height like really really REALLY short(guess me height and you will get something from me idk I refuse to pay tho)
2. Eating gluten makes my stomach hurt I don't have celiac disease or wheat allergy, just gluten sensitive which is sad bc I love intalian food
3. I have 3 sisters and no brothers
4. One of them (besides me) likes kpop too
5. I won a math trophy, despite sucking ass at math,like VERY BADLY
6. I like cats
7. I have some very unpopular opinions on kpop that might get me canceled (anyone interested in hearing them???? 👀)
8. I like anime!
9. I cosplay and I have always been interested in the hobby (AAHHHH MY COSPLAY IS BAD AFFFF)(guess who I cosplay if you can ill drop hints if you want)
10. I'm a big flirt
11. Despite being one I catch feelings to fast
12. I also lose feelings too fast it's not you I swear it's me
13. Apparently I must have been so fruity that my mom and sister knew I was gay even before I came out (I came out as gay in 4th grade ik ik very young) look idk what gay ass things I did in my childhood for her to expect that 😭😭😭
14. I love stuffed animals.
15. I own 2 squishmallows but I want more.
17. I watch educational videos for fun and entertainment
18. I also go to sleep with educational videos on(Ted ed, minuteearth,kurzgesagt etc)
19. I'm interested abt black holes
20. TMI, TMI,TMIIIII, when I was in middle school I was jealous of my sister who got her period before me (I'm the 2nd oldest)
21. I jinxed myself and got my first ever period when I was in 7th grade (funny story)
22. when I start my period the first day of it is utter HELL the cramps awesome shitty, but the 2nd day till I end I have nothing at all, I was blessed to not have period cramps😌😌😌
(Ok enough tmi...)
23. Did gymnastics
24. Since I did gymnastics I have very muscular arms and legs.
25. I'm losing it tho in my arms haha but my legs are thick compared to how I look and I feel like it looks weird
26. I'm a Capricorn I'm not into astrology bc idk much abt it lolllll
27. I had long hair before I cut it to my shoulders (my mom thinks I have long hair do to native Americans genes)
28. I love video games
29. I love legend of Zelda and animal crossing<3
30. I'm a little kid at heart if you can't tell
31. I like dancing!
32. Am I good at it? No absolutely not.
33. Dream pet is a hedgehog
34. Nobody knows how to say my middle name
35. For the longest time I never knew how to spell my middle name
36. I suck at holding pencils, my hand writing is crappy now bc my mom gave up on trying to teach me bc I apparently was THAT BAD
37. im single 🥲🥲🥲
28. SOME MEN, NOT ALL, scare me to death
39. I like to tell ppl my cousin is famous
40. (Last one for tonight!!!) I like graphic novels
This was fun I was wondering if I should do another soon 🤔🤔🤔
Well in the mean time I'm gonna try to finish these requests all at once wish me luck and pray I don't die 🤚😔
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harmcityherald · 1 year
not celebrating our break with england. not celebrating scott key writing the star spangled banner. not celebrating the destruction of an indigenous native culture. not celebrating dropping two nuclear bombs on japan. not celebrating the salam witch trials. not celebrating dumping out water jugs on the arizona mexico border. not celebrating the assassination of martin luther king or the modern day blm riots or the turning back of the clock to put the bible in schools. not celebrating this nation who grinds the poor and hungry and homeless in a meat grinder. not celebrating the nation that holds the dollar bill more precious than human life. not celebrating the nation who mothballed the space program and gave it over to the likes of elon musk who, like many of his dollar hungry cohorts should be impaled alive on the steps of the us capital building. the building that has the insulting audacity to cap the dome with an american indigenous native born hero who we ground into the dirt. not celebrating the nation that has caused more revolutions and behind the scenes assassinations and the toppling of governments worldwide in greater numbers than any other nation. not celebrating the country that created and still runs Guantánamo. not celebrating the nation that sees itself as the rightful ruler of the whole world. So what am I celebrating? Im celebrating my family. and we will have a nice fire and light off our illegal fireworks and they all have their favorite drinks and even this old dried up prune may even drink a wine cooler. will be my first alcohol since the aortic explosion. We will smoke mucho buddha thats for sure. Im not completely unpatriotic, you know. I believe in the true ideals of america as a melting pot of all peoples. we can all sit around the fire and have a round robin. I will start, my name is gregory and my family came from greece. The island of Lemnos. but also and perhaps most importantly I am american. and you and you and you are american too. don't you see that this way of looking at ourselves negates any racism as false and incoherent. The only true americans were the original native cultures. we destroyed them. starved them. gave them blankets infected with terrible diseases that they wrapped their babies in and that's our legacy. so we celebrate today as the day we broke from england. why? we were tired of paying their taxes and many in the colonies were hungry for power and breaking from england meant that now kings and grifters could now fill that vacuum. freedom of religion? yeah, only if its puritan christian religion other than that we will burn you at the stake. from its very inception our nation has trampled on the blood of innocents, and raped every benefit to be found here. Im the old man and not the rebellious teen of the family. Im supposed to be helping brainwash my youngers today by telling them what a great nation we live in and why we should blindly follow the stars and stripes to the grave if asked to do so. yes Im going to light off some gunpowder today. maybe drink one, ONE wine cooler, smoke copious amounts of cannabis, eat a good meal and enjoy the company of my family. we do this on many weekends maybe excluding the out of state fireworks and of course I don't drink anymore but I told them pick me up something small and I will join in as they hammer their crown royal and Hennessy. Old pops is the master of the weed ceremonies. so it will be a nice night at the manor. that's MANOR not MANSION. just throwing that out there for the...uninvited. anyway, you can hold it against me that I don't celebrate the way you do. one thing about me is I blindly follow nothing. perhaps Im celebrating the america that has yet to be. The future one we work towards where things are fair and honorable. I can't celebrate the one we have or any of its past. so heres to the future I hope it gets here sooner than not.
and remember its shoot a republican with a roman candle day. That's one I can get behind and support.
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iconic--trash · 2 years
⚠️ warning⚠️ personal post
as a native american i dont celebrate thanksgiving. ive gone to a thanksgiving dinner a couple times because close friends invited me, but to me its not a holiday. its a day to mourn the atrocities committed against my ancestors and the racism and well, nonsense we still have to put up with
in particular this year i mourn my great-grandmother on my dads side. all i really know about her is that she was put through the horrendous boarding schools meant to whitewash native kids and cut them off from their culture. she had only one child, who then had one (biological) child, who then had me and my two siblings. im one of her few descendants and i dont even know her name. it was erased from history. so i mourn her and the life that could have been if the boarding schools had never happened.
the thing im dreading is that i work on thanksgiving. and i just know that everyone at work is going to be cheery and talking about food and wishing everyone a happy holiday. meanwhile im mourning for my ancestors.
my plan is just to keep to myself and not think about it too hard. thankfully i spend the majority of the time alone anyway, just cruising the warehouse isles.
i didn't write this to say that no one should be celebrating thanksgiving day, or to shame anyone or to have a 'viral post' or whatever. i just wanted to write out my thoughts before i go to work tomorrow night to prepare myself for it
that having been said, i do hope everyone has a good holiday and that your relatives dont cause you too much psychic damage
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artofapeach · 2 years
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@hazbinhotel01 Okay, there are earlier asks, but I’m skipping to this one because I have GOT to get it out of my inbox
No. No there absolutely cannot.
Not a lot of people know this, I think, so I’m gonna go into long post mode. Prepare yourself.
Disclaimer, I’m Black, not Native American. I’m just repeating things I’ve heard; please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
That thing you mentioned? It’s part of Native American culture (probably a specific tribe, but I’m too stupid to know which one). I think it’s a religious thing, from a closed religion. When a religion is “closed”, that generally means that unless you go through these special steps to be included, you can’t take from aspects of it.
Unfortunately, people very much do! Saying something is your “spirit animal”? Smudging? That’s all from Native American tribes that we SHOULDNT be using, because there’s so much more into it that we don’t understand and we’re kinda just…simplifying and making a mockery of it.
No, Pokemon should not make something based off of this creature because it’s from a CLOSED religion. That’s number one.
But there’s also a second point, which so many people don’t get.
From what I’ve read? This thing you mentioned? YOU DONT SAY ITS NAME. You don’t say it aloud, you don’t type it out, you don’t you don’t you don’t. Saying it’s whole name calls it to you. Even more so when it’s winter and you’re near trees. You don’t! Want! To say it’s name! Ever!
If you MUST type it out, censor it. Replace the vowels with asterisks or something. But please do not spell it completely out.
That’s why I had to answer this ask like this. And it’s why I had to answer this first, because every time I looked at my inbox, I saw it’s name and I’d freak out. No, I’m not Native American, but I am a space witch who believes all religions to be true for those who believe in them, and with it getting closer to winter and me living close to a wooded area, IM NOT TAKING ANY CHANCES
Again, if anyone has more info, PLEASE correct me if I’m wrong. I honestly would have loved to look this up and fact check myself, but uh…can’t very well search if you can’t type it’s name :)
TLDR, no, pokemon should not make something based off it because it’s from a closed religion and saying it’s name can call it to you, so having a Pokémon based off it might not be good either. I’m Black, not Native, so take what I say with a grain of salt
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