#but im scared im not doing what the prof is expecting with this assignment
nessvn · 10 months
im so exhausted but it's literally all my fault lol. one of these days i will learn to manage my time alas it is clearly not today. nor will it be next week lets be realistic.
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werebutch · 8 months
certified major loser here‼️im 20, been in college since i was 15, should have a bachelors degree already and very much do not, we rockin w an AA and technical program. i’ve dropped out like three times 💪 im not sure what college situation you’d be in (community vs uni, state vs private) but honestly the biggest things i’ve learned from trying and failing a LOT is that… it’s all chill. everyone’s at least a little scared and confused, mistakes are part of the learning experience, not knowing smth or asking a question doesn’t result in a duolingo bird level instakill (idk if that even made sense). there’s more of a sense of community than not because we’re all pretty much in the same boat. a lot of profs are nerds about what they teach and want you to know about it very very badly bc of that (i.e., ask questions. all of them. any that pop into ur head). i wrote a paper about Lil Nas X for cultural anthropology and my prof remembered me two years later. there is an incredible amt of freedom: with most general degrees, you can take whatEVER the FUCK u want roughly whenever the fuck you want so long as it falls into natural science, math, social sciences/humanities, or phys ed. you are more than allowed to drop a class, change your major, take more or less credits than expected, graduate a term early or late, pretty much anything. go ham. like 80% of my elective credits by choice were biology classes. queer lit was a baller time and counted for english cred. i’m gonna wrap this up bc it’s so long— don’t take anything before 9am (you’ll suffer), check the credit requirements early on so u have a vague idea of what to take, ASK FOR HELP WHEN U NEED IT whether it be a prof or advising services or the damn cashier’s office, expect to walk a fucking shit ton if it’s a larger campus, CHECK RATEMYPROFESSORS, enroll as soon as classes open, do NOT shirk your language classes if you didn’t take them in highschool, for the love of god bro don’t take more than a full time course load (15 credits at most institutions). yes, you could probably do it alright, but that is the DEVIL TALKING saying you’ll be fine. sorry this so long but i’ve been doing this so long i have so much to say. if u want more specific advice just say and i’ll be back‼️—local professional loser idiot with no bitches, no money, and a toy car collection
Hi sorry I read this, was comforted, and then didn’t respond..SO SORRY.. I’m doing community but I plan to transfer after 😸 I will probably end up taking a lot of biology and hopefully I’ll get an art class in next year.. right now I only have 4 classes in total cause I tend to be a bad student and I wanna feel it out. LMAO. I’m mostly scared about doing really bad and not being able to keep up with assignments but the only one who can truly help with that is myself SO WE WILL SEE. I’ll try my best. Cause seriously I have no idea what I’ll do if I dont.. thank u for this btw I hope you’re doing well 😸♥️
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Just venting, feel free to ignore.
#i am the worst person on the entire planet right now#i got my grades for this past semester tonight#and they are fucking awful#an A#an A-#a B- (in English- usually one of my best classes)#and a C+ in Physics#my parents were expecting As and possibly a B at worst#because thats what i told them i would get but I didnt tell them that on the last day of my Physics class there was a homework assignment#due that i didnt know about and missing that homeowrk assignment is proably the reason for my awful grade but mostly my parents are angry#that i didnt tell them about the missed homework assignment because I was fucking terrified and apparently if i had told them it would have#gone much smoother but because i didnt tell them they dont trust me anymore and theyre talking about how this will affect my going to a#very expensive school in the fall and how if anything like this happens again because im ‘scared’ i can just go be scared at community#college and get horrible grades there#and now i feel like the absolute worst fucking person in the world because they know that i dont usually do things like this and theyre so#fucking disappointed and im angry at myself because i know i should have just told them about the missed homework assignment the day it?#happened but i didnt and now they both hate me and god im a fucking awful person#and my dad is having me email my physics prof to find out how much the assignment was worth so i can find out how much i fucked up#but anyway no one fucking cares#no one cares rhena#rhena speaks#oh and my dad keeps making the point that everything went wrong bc i was scared and if i just did the right thing even though i was scared#none of this bs would have fucking happened#and i feel fucking awful because he says that its my fault for doing the wrong thing bc i was scared and hes right i should have just#fucking got over it and stopped being a baby and just did the right thing#but i didnt and now my parents are angry and dissapointed and they dont trust me and i fucking ruined everything#i should just stay at fucking community college and fuck up my life there instead of forcing my family to pay 40k a year to fuck up my life#all the way in fucking Tennessee#vent#rant
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stuclyblrs · 6 years
as usual here’s my first thoughts of the semester
being in shanghai in general
i havent rly seen much of the city yet so idk cant comment
but life here is def different from nyc this isnt necessarily a super walk able city (but subway lines are pretty extensive)
in terms of academic life same thing very different like my dorm is 20min by bus to campus (not sure how long the subway takes tho) and its not really walk able compared to nyc where i walk literally everywhere on campus. additionally, here is one academic building and the dorms so rn its 5pm and ive been in the same building since 9am or so...... its nice to not have to rush to classes cause sometimes they can be far apart but i could see this getting old quick
the building is pretty nice tho idk everything thats here but i wanna find a better study spot than the library cause its soooooo small and gonna be a nightmare near exams
food ????? idk where to buy some or even how to cook LMAO so idk how im going to eat while im here today i ate lunch and will eat dinner on campus (no meal plan but we have a dining hall) but idk what im gonna keep doing lol
soooooo its been a while (a full year lol) since i last took chinese so im nervous lol im already a little overwhelmed with the amount of work we have for this class which is expected cause its the same amount of workload from elementary i (lucky korean is a bit less even tho its still a lot) but idk man i just dont wanna get behind and do poorly again especially since im in china....... i need to speak chinese........
my prof seems nice but its hard to say if she will always be this easy as a prof since it was the first day - i guess i can make further judgement once she starts actually teaching and to see how hard she grades stuff
there are some assignments that im rly unclear about tho since there more like idk stuff for chinese as a language here compared to in nyc since everyone except for native speakers are required to take it so idk how things work
calc iii
ummmmmm not off to the best start lol
my professor is hard to hear and idk what he was going today the stuff we were doing is stuff ive (supposedly) learned before but i dont understand anything he told us ???????
and not sure what the workload for homework will be since its every week + we also have a quiz every week yikes i miss my calc ii prof
physics ii
huhhhhhhhhh im scared marty
i was hesitant to come abroad b/c of physics - i just started the major last semester (ie when i took physics i) so im still v shakey on physics and Yeah i didnt know one if this class would ~count~ as physics ii (ive been told its fine lol cause like it still is a lower level class so it should be fine right) and two what the workload for it would be like here in shanghai lol especially since my physics i professor was very unconventional
additionally taking physics ii with the professor that teaches it in nyc is kind of like a rite of passage kind of thing w/in the physics majors lol (not that deep whats more importatant is me doing well and being on track for the rest of the major)
with that also being said i was unsure b/c i didnt want to take myself out of the community within the physics department cause everyone i met was so amazing (as in students idk many profs) and i have like a group of ppl that i tended to do work with so i dont have them to rely on anymore
okay so back to first impressions its kind of hard to say anything abt my prof yet cause stuff we did today was rly basic (like talking about the charges of a proton/electron lmao) but for the class itself......... big yike cause there’s only 6 ppl including me in it and thats too small for me personally and im the only study-away student (or just non-chinese student in general) in the class so i feel like i stand out a lot and that im the odd one out skldjfvnjdfskv i dont like it :(((((
opinions will change once we actually get into the material and start doing hw lol 
memory politics in china
i manged to get this to count for my cultures and contexts core ayyyyyyy
actually tho in general i wanted to take some kind of chinese history/culture course cause you know........ im in china but tbh there was nothing good (like no straight chinese history class like ?????) so this was the most interesting out of what i could take relating to china
overall seems okay idk im just not a writing person and this requires three main papers and like 9 one-page assignments
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friend-clarity · 5 years
Ontario's failing schools
From the executive summary of the report: When the results of these additional surveys were analyzed, it was clear that York is not an isolated case. After pooling the results of the five surveys, we found that only 44% of survey participants could be classified as functionally prepared to do well in their university studies. An almost equal percentage (41%) were identified as at-risk. The remaining 16% were classed as dysfunctional. Family background did not make a difference: neither first-generation university attenders nor international students were more likely to be dysfunctional or at-risk.
Barbara Kay: Universities shine a light on Ontario's failing schools The authors wrote: “Students with high self-esteem based on false feedback are much more difficult to teach because many cannot take criticism and feedback without assuming that it is personal."
Barbara Kay April 30, 2019 A new study, “Academic Skill Deficiencies in four Ontario universities,” offers solid, but troubling evidence that the secondary schools feeding universities are falling well short of expectations on the skills-building front. In fact, this study, conducted at four Ontario universities — York, Western, Waterloo and Toronto, which together enrol 41 per cent of Ontario undergrads — found that “only about 44 per cent of students felt they had the generic skills needed to do well in their academic studies, 41 per cent could be classified as at risk in academic settings because of limited levels of basic skills, and 16 per cent lacked almost all the skills needed for higher learning.”
16 per cent lacked almost all the skills needed for higher learning
The study team, co-led by York University Department of Sociology Professor J. Paul Grayson, and Western University Department of Sociology Professor James Côté, included associate professor of sociology Robert Kenedy of York University, and researchers Liang Hsuan Chen of the University of Toronto Scarborough and Sharon Roberts of the University of Waterloo.
The study was motivated by Grayson’s and Kenedy’s frustration in having to teach students they deemed unprepared in the critical thinking and research and writing competency required for their social sciences courses at York. Wishing to know the students’ point of view, in late 2017 they surveyed 22,000 students from all disciplines and levels of study enrolled in the faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies at York. They posed 50 questions to students of all demographic backgrounds. Skill questions focused on writing ability, test-taking, analysis, time and group management, research, giving presentations and elemental numeracy. A year later, the same survey was performed at the three other universities cited. The results were consistent across the board.
Clearly the secondary-school system is failing to meet basic pedagogical objectives, and is failing to cull incompetent students
And, as noted, the results were dismal. Students in the at-risk and dysfunctional groups received poor grades, were more likely to consider dropping out and reported dissatisfaction with their university experience overall. One student’s comments summed up typical complaints: “Not enough time on tests. Have difficulty citing. We are not taught. Have difficulty with multiple-choice, short and long answer questions on tests. We should be taught how to cite properly!”
Notably, the authors say that these “effects held independently of students having good grades in high school, of being a domestic or international student, of being the first in their families to attend university, of gender, and of having spoken English in their homes while growing up.”
One cannot blame the universities for these student deficits, which, the authors observe, are often irremediable over the course of campus residency. Clearly the secondary-school system is failing to meet basic pedagogical objectives, and is failing to cull incompetent students. University students should be honing already-absorbed competencies, not learning them from scratch, nor should university-level academics’ time be wasted in remedial instruction.
But pedagogues K-12 are often in denial of the problem, because they are themselves in thrall to the “self-esteem” zeitgeist, about which so much ink has been spilt. They are giving good grades to work that does not merit it, because of the prevailing “all must have prizes” culture they operate within. In a 2008 study, psychology professor Ellen Greenberger found that two-thirds of university students believe that if they’re “trying hard,” their grades should reflect their effort, not their actual achievement. One-third of the 400 undergrads her team interviewed for the study felt they deserved a B grade just for attending most of a course’s classes.
One of the Grayson et al study’s authors, James Côté, co-authored the 2007 book, Ivory Tower Blues: A University System in Crisis, which reported the results of an in-depth analysis of the self-esteem movement’s consequences at Western University in the faculties of arts, social science and natural science.
The authors wrote: “Students with high self-esteem based on false feedback are much more difficult to teach because many cannot take criticism and feedback without assuming that it is personal. Experimental research suggests that such people attempt to preserve their self-esteem, not by altering their behaviour so that it becomes more based in reality, but by attacking the source of the threat.” More than one-third of the profs they interviewed identified fewer than 10 per cent of their students as “fully engaged.” Over 80 per cent of professors said they had dumbed down their course work, and had reduced the frequency and difficulty of assignments.
But even when course work is made easier, the students are not prepared. One student wrote to professors Grayson and Kenedy: “IM IN FIRST YEAR AND IM DOING SO BAD AND IM SO SCARED BC IM FINDING IT REALLY HARD TO MANAGE MY TIME AND MY ANXIETY HAS GOTTEN SO BAD AND IDK WHAT TO DO AND IM SCARED OF GETTING KICKED OUT AND IM JUST SCARED.”
This study might well have been called “Scary cultural chickens coming home to roost in Ontario universities.” Over to you, Premier Ford.
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mattelodchikova · 7 years
sweet thank u angel i’m not doing great rn and i have a lot of assignments to the point where i’m pulling all nighters every night and like it would be so much easier if i didn’t have shit going on at home but i’m trying to get work on myself and these assignments and i can’t do it by myself but no one will help me??? like i get that people have their own issues and i respect that but i feel like i give so much to people and then get ignored when i’m in need and idk how to balance things
hey baby im in a pretty similar situation as u rn n i totally feel u :(( n im rlly srry u hav 2 go thru it bc i kno how much it sux :(( my #1 advice in terms of 4 ur work is 2 ask for extensions on some or at least one of ur assignments !! it may not seem like much but being able to take the load off a little bit for like a day or even a couple hrs can b mad helpful !! n ik alot of ppl r scared 2 ask for extensions but profs can b kinder than u expect n also the worst thing they can say is no but at least u tried !!! so theres that option !! if u dont wanna do that,, just talking to ur profs abt things ur confused on can also b mad helpful n its literally their job 2 help u understand n honeslty they just want u 2 succeed !!! in terms of how ur feeling rn ik it sucks 2 feel like u give so much and 2 nvr get anything back its hard :(( whats worked 4 me is 2 let ppl kno ur feeling that way !! sounds kinda obv/dumb ik but often ppl can get so wrapped up in their own issues that they dont realize the things they do r affecting others so if u communicate 2 them the way their actions make u feel then if theyre good ppl theyll make an active effort 2 change!!!!! i hope this at least kinda helped n i hope things get better/easier 4 u my love n im always here 2 talk if u need❣️❣️💞❣️💞
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oh-capt · 7 years
ahem. so. i was trying not to expect anything in class today but i really wanted something at least yknow. and the prof is yapping away blah blah blah and finally we get a 10 minute break. i leave for the restroom, come back, and plug into my music. and then!!! the boy came!!! and he sat down next to me and we just started talking and he asked me if i had fun at the festival and im just trying not to gush my eyeballs out. then prof starts class back up, glares at us and tells boy to move across the room bc were doing “group projects so shut up already”
except i wasnt paying attention and when i tried to partner up, prof yelled at me saying i couldnt make a group of 4. so i ended up grouping next to some girls who were sitting right next to boy. suck my dick professor
and as im writing my assignment, me and the boy and talking quietly and helping each other out which just pissed off the prof even more but whateverrrrr. after class, me and boy talked some more and then he asked me for my number and now i have it on my phone and im terrified of this new power. because i will do nothing with it
he really wants to meet bow the chameleon. im v tempted to invite him over but my parents scare me. i know what theyll think of a boy coming over and then they will KNOW and i will DIE
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