#but in other news. louis is how i sleep in the car.
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It’s Not A Big Deal
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: Dean's in for a rude awakening when he finds out exactly what you did when you got stranded in another universe.
Tropes: Fluff, Frenemies (Dean and the Reader), Awkward Situation, Multiverse Problems.
Word Count: 3.1K (I promise I didn't mean for it to happen)
Warnings: I'm gonna label this 18+ just to be sure. There is some swearing (only a few times), Heated Kiss, Sexual Innuendo, References to Sex/Past Sex (it happens quite a bit). Soldier Boy being Soldier Boy (Everyone knows he’s a warning).
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person
Main Masterlist
A/N: Okay I know that I should be working on my other fics, but I had this idea after reading an INCREDIBLE fic by @justagirlinafandomworld called "Stranded" for @jacklesversebingo and I couldn't help myself.
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Sam squeals the car into the parking lot of the motel so loud that Dean and you can hear the high pitched scream of rubber on asphalt from your room on the second level.
"If he ruins those tires he's going to pay for them." Dean grumbles under his breath from where he sits at the small wooden table under the window, wiping down his gun with a clean rag. The sunlight that came streaming through dramatized the sharp angles of his jaw and the soft sleepy strands of his hair that still stuck up from when he woke up an hour ago.
"I don't know what his hurry is." You don’t look up from the worn paperback perched in your lap, gently turning the page. "If he's that eager to get back here to tell us something he should have just called."
“Maybe there was a sample sale on hair gel.” Dean laughs at his own joke and you can sense him look up from the gun to try and catch your eye, but you don't raise your gaze from the text.
“That’s pretty brave coming from someone who owns 90% of the products in that bathroom.”
“What? I do not-“
“Really? If I walk in there right now there won’t be seven different half-used deodorant sticks?”
“They’re different smells." Dean says defensively. "And shut up. I don’t comment on how many books you bring with you. Don’t know why you need to shove a million in your bag and then just buy one while you’re here.”
“Because I might not feel like reading the ones I bring. I might want to try something new. And this book,” You wave the book in your hand for emphasis. “Is very good and I don’t have it back at the bunker, and it was only two bucks!"
“But the others ones might be good too. You don’t know.” Dean sighs, looking at you like you're insane. "You just let them sit and rot in your suitcase."
Today was the last day that you would be staying in Louis, Illinois. The current case that the three of you had been working on together had been solved, which meant that the townsfolk were no longer dealing with a zombie outbreak and you were at peace to settle down on your pull out bed with a good book, taking a few moments for yourself.
You desperately needed at least five, but you also wished that you were already back in your room at the bunker.
The bed there didn't have as many springs that stuck into your back at odd angles and didn't squeak whenever you moved an inch. Your inability to find a comfortable position meant that the mattress squeaked all night long and Dean had thrown his pillow at you to make it stop. He hadn’t been pleased when you returned it back to him. Then again, you had hit him in the face with it as hard as you could when you did.
And like hell you were going to give Dean Winchester the satisfaction of sleeping in bed with him. You’d had to do that one time on a hunt where there were no extra rooms and Dean refused to let you sleep on the floor or in his car. He said that you might make it spontaneously combust.  So you'd shared the bed and learned that he was the biggest blanket hog you’d ever met, not to mention when you woke up he was spooning you and you couldn’t be certain, but you thought he had tried to cop a feel at least once.
If anything you’d maybe sleep in Sam’s bed, but the guy was so much bigger than you he took up most of the space, so you were stuck with the pull out couch.
You couldn't wait to be home. You liked going out on cases, but you liked that you had a home now, a space that was only yours, and someplace where you could shut yourself away from the world. And most importantly, away from Dean Winchester, who had been the bane of your existence since the night you met him for the first time.
Of course this wasn't too bad either. Taking a few moments of quiet for yourself while Dean cleaned his guns and sorted some of his tools in his duffle. The two of you were getting more comfortable around one another. When you’d first met there had been a lot of screaming and several "she's not going to be there is she?" and "what the hell is she doing here?" questions that Dean moaned to Sam over and over the more the three of you teamed up.
You weren't used to working with other people, well, now you were,  but before it had just been you and the endless road. But as it began to happen more and more you tried to fit comfortably into the swing of things. Dean and you would occasionally bump heads, but it happened less now than it did before. After five years you'd hoped that the two of you could be more civilized, for Sam's sake at least.
Sam and you got along much better. You didn't understand what Dean's problem was with you, or why he hated you so much. He was always correcting you, insulting you, and snatching things away from you as if you hadn't been hunting your entire life. Occasionally it wasn't that bad, like right now, but it had been much worse a few years ago.
When you'd met Dean you'd hated him, thought he was a dick, but the more the two of you spent time together on cases the more you saw that he did those things to hide what he was feeling and the more you saw how big his heart was.
You believed that your relationship now with him had progressed to a sort of symbiotic relationship, but honestly it was more like passive aggressive roommates who fight over whose turn it is to clean the dishes.
Dean still tended to get high and mighty sometimes and annoyed you without end, but you stuck around and in Sam's words "bickered like an old couple."
Sam had gone to grab some snacks and fill the tank at the gas station down the street twenty minutes ago, leaving with a joyful "Don't kill each other."
So far there were no casualties, but apart of you itched to beam Dean in the back of the head with the paperback just for a little bit of excitement.
Sam bursts into the room out of breath. "Okay I-"
"Where's the fire Sammy?" Dean sighs looking up from his gun.
"I ran into someone when I was at the gas station." Sam says it all together, as if it's one sentence.
"And?" You move your hand in a come on gesture hoping that Sam will get to the point.
"Well he's- he's-"
The man that pushes into the room past Sam is not Dean, he looks like him, but that's not why he's so familiar. He's muscular with dark brown hair that hangs a little longer than Dean's, over the top of his ears, while a few strands fall forward on his forehead. He's allowed a dark beard to cover his cheeks, but his eyes are the same piercing green that they were the last time you saw him. And if that wasn't enough for you to recognize him, the dark green superhero suit would be a dead giveaway.
Oh shit.
"Ben?" You drop your book onto the thick carpeted floor in surprise.
Two months ago you had been unwillingly transported to another reality, a reality where superheroes were real, people had powers, and where you met a version of Dean that you actually got along with better than the Dean in your reality.
You hadn't told Sam or Dean what happened between Ben and you. You weren't about to admit out loud that you actually got along with another version of Dean or admit that you found the other version of Dean aka Ben, attractive. So attractive in fact that you had spent a good amount of the time in the other universe in bed with him before you came back to your reality.
Ben doesn't respond, instead he crosses the room in several powerful strides, and hauls you up off the pull out couch.
"What are you-"
One of his hands tangles in the back of your hair, pulling your mouth against his in a furious kiss that steals your breath away and silences whatever you were going to say next. A part of you registers that Dean and Sam are still in the room, but it's quickly swept away by how it feels to kiss Ben. You hadn't forgotten him, anything but that. Sometimes you actually kind of missed him, when you were lonely or when the Dean from your universe annoyed you too much. Because Ben annoyed you too, but at least at the end of it there was a way to relieve the tension. With Dean the only place you put all your frustration was into the hunt and there were only so many times you could bash a Djinn’s head in.
Ben's tongue brushes against your bottom lip, begging for entrance, and you let him in, bringing your hands up to the back of his neck to thread into the long strands of his hair. The strands fall between your fingertips, feathering out from your grip. You moan softly into his mouth as he deepens the kiss, feeling the familiar scratch of his beard against your cheeks, and feel his hand begin to slip down your back to rest on the curve of your ass.
Well, he certainly hasn't changed.
"Fuck I missed you sweetheart." Ben murmurs against your mouth squeezing your butt to emphasize the point. "You and this sexy fucking body."
"Ben." You roll your eyes with a snort.
"What? You didn't miss me?" He raises an eyebrow, forcing his mouth into an attractive pout. "Because you certainly seemed happy to see me a second ago." His free hand gently traces your plump lower lip with the pad of your thumb.
"I did and I am happy to see you, but what are you doing here?"
"Thought so." Ben leans his head back down towards yours, ignoring your question as he tries to kiss you again, but before he can Dean interrupts.
"What the fuck is going on?" Dean shouts, standing from the table under the window, and points his gun at Ben's unprotected back. "Who the fuck are you?"
Ben half turns over his shoulder eyes flicking from the gun to Dean with a sigh. "Look the only thing that's gonna do is piss me off. And you don't want that kid."
Dean makes a face. "Who the hell are you calling kid?"
"Now why don't you two fuck off for a few hours, let me give her a proper hello." Ben turns his dark eyes back on you, cupping your chin in his large hand.
"Y/n? You want to tell us what's happening? Or who this guy is?" Sam asks, but you can't look away from Ben.
You really had missed him. Ben was even more attractive than you remembered. The day that you'd left his universe, Ben had asked you to stay, well, had asked you in his own way. He'd said that he wasn't done with you and if you had stayed he would have made it worth your while. But you had to come back. You weren’t sure how Dean and Sam would survive without you and also because the universe that Ben inhabited was more terrifying than yours, and that was saying something, given that you dealt with demons on a daily basis.
"Guys this is Ben." You clear your throat. "Ben this is Dean and Sam."
"Ben as in Soldier Boy? From the fucked up reality with the people with superpowers Ben?" Dean sputters. He lowered the gun slightly, but he's still looking from Ben to you like he's just walked in on his parents making out.
"Yes." You say it slowly, trying to find a way out, but there really isn't any way to hide this.
It's not that big a deal, is it?
Ben releases you and turns to look at Dean, eyes skating over his body. "So that's Dean?" He tilts his head to the side. "Kinda scrawny. The way you described him made me think he'd look a little more like a man and less like a fucking pussy."
"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Dean takes a step towards Ben, holding his gun steady out from his chest. You noticed that Dean did try to puff it out more after Ben's insult.
"You heard me." Ben smirks, welcoming the challenge.
"Whoa!" You step between them. "Calm down ladies there's enough Prada to go around at this sample sale."
Ben's eyes narrow in confusion at your comment, but he doesn't back down from Dean.
"I'd say that you left a few details out of your trip!" Dean shouts looking from Ben to you in disgust. "Did you sleep with me?"
"What?" You look at him like he’s crazy.
What does he mean?
"You, and him." Dean gestures wildly with the gun. "Did you sleep with me?"
"What are you talking about? No I didn't sleep with you, I slept with him and it was only once!" You shout back.
Ben clears his throat.
"Fine. A few times.” You correct with a sigh.
“But- you- him-“ Dean’s head turns from Ben to you. “Him- you-.”
“Yeah. Me and her fucked.” Ben says it slowly like Dean is a child.
Honestly he was acting a little bit like a child.
Sam is holding back his laughter behind a hand while Dean’s eye begins to twitch aggressively.
This is exactly why I didn’t tell him. They aren’t the same person! Dean is Dean and Ben is Ben. Someone who shares the same face. And probably the same other things that I’m not going to think about right now because that seems crazy.
"How many times is a few?” Dean demands.
"Why does that matter?”
"HOW MANY?" He shouts so loud that you think the people in the next room over were probably having a wonderful time listening to this soap opera.
Because it kinda did sound like one right? The main character never gets along with someone and then gets transported to another reality through a colorful portal and immediately clicks with another version of him. And-
Maybe I need to rethink my life.
"Well..." Your face scrunched up trying to count exactly how many times that you and Ben had sex. It was difficult. Not that it was hard to remember, you knew that you weren’t going to forget it anytime soon, but just the amount of times the two of you were together was more than you could count on your fingers.
"Well what? You were there for five days!"
"I mean..." You shrug.
“Why?” Dean groans pinching the bridge of his nose as if trying to scrub the images from his brain.
Honestly, if he’d told you that he had sex with another version of you, you probably would have had the same reaction, but you were not about to admit that to Dean Winchester of all people.
He’s not gonna win this argument. Especially not when he's waving his gun around like a psychopath.
“Because he's-“ You  glance over at Ben who winks at you. “I don’t know. He’s just kinda-.”
“Everything you’re not.” Ben raises his eyebrow at Dean.
“Sammy you gonna weigh in on this?” You look at Sam expectantly hoping that he can jolt Dean out of the never ending loop he seemed to be stuck in.
“Nope. I’m staying out of it.” Sam holds his hands up in surrender.
“I cannot believe you slept with me!” Dean shouts again.
“Stop saying that! I didn’t sleep with you! I slept with him. Can we please move on-“ You groan.
"Same thing!"
"What? How is it the same thing?” You plant your hands on your hips glaring at Dean.
"He's me from another universe!" Dean is gesturing wildly with his gun now. “How would you feel if I slept with an alternate version of you?”
“It’s completely different!”
“They aren’t us!”
“He sure as hell looks like me!" Dean snaps back. "What did you close your eyes the whole time or something?"
Your cheeks flare bright red with Dean's question. "No I didn't!"
“And I don’t look like you.” Ben grunts crossing his arms over his chest and giving Dean a once over again.
“He also doesn’t act like you.” You add.
It was true, Ben didn’t. And for some reason you got along with him more. You didn’t understand what Dean’s problem was, but for the better part of five years he’d been treating you like you hadn’t been hunting your whole life. Not to mention the first three years were spent with Dean barely saying two words to you without some kind of insult attached.
“That’s beside the point!”
“How is that beside the point?” You demand.
“I can’t believe you did this!”
"I didn't kill anyone Dean. I didn't torture any babies or kill any puppies. We are consenting adults! We had sex-"
“No no no!” Dean puts his fingers in his ears. “Lalalalala.” He sings to himself to avoid the image.
"And we're gonna have it again. So the two of you should clear out, unless you're in to that kind of thing Deanie.” Ben wraps his arm around your shoulders to pull you into him, but you don’t take your eyes off of Dean.
“Fuck I’m gonna need so much therapy after this” Dean groans putting the gun down on the table. Which was a good sign because now you weren’t worried that he would accidentally shoot Sam in the foot.
“Really? After everything you’ve gone through that’s what pushes you over the edge?” You ask him in shock.
“Yes. Are you happy? You’ve driven me to the point of insanity!” Dean snaps.
"You're acting like a child."
"I am not! I am having a completely normal reaction to finding out you slept with Wannabe Captain America!” Dean gestures to all of Ben who looks at Dean like he can’t tell if it’s an insult or not. 
You take in a deep breath to calm your racing heart. “Why are you so upset that I slept with him Dean? I don’t understand how this is so earth shattering to you that two people had sex! You have sex with people all the time-“
“Not with you!”He snaps back, but then clears his throat when he realized what he just said.
“He is not YOU!” You shout rolling your eyes for the millionth time. At the rate he was going, you were sure they were going to roll out of your head. 
“As important as this conversation is… can we maybe put a pin in it and go back to why he’s here?” Sam asks diplomatically.
“No-“ Dean says at the same time you say.
“Yes! Ben why are you here?”
“Don’t really know.” He shrugs taking a long hit from a joint that seemed to materialize out of thin air, while tightening his arm over your shoulders. “All I know was that I was fighting Homelander and someone hit me from behind. Then I ended up here.” Ben’s eyes trace your body. “But I’m not complaining, especially not because I got to see you again doll.” He winks.
“Homelander?” Dean repeats. “That is the stupidest hero name I’ve ever heard in my entire life.”
“He’s anything but a hero.” You fight the shudder from the last time you ran in to him. “Think about Superman if Superman was a narcissistic sadist with a massive inferiority complex, no weakness, and an obsession with perfect hair.”
Dean looks Ben up and down with a heavy sigh. “I’m disappointed that I couldn’t have at least been a bit more like Batman.”
“Trust me. You don’t want to meet knockoff Batman from his reality either.” You respond.
"I guess I'll start doing some research." Sam says slowly, looking from Ben to you while hiding a smile.
He’s enjoying this way too much.
"Good." Dean frowns at Ben, before he claps him hard on the shoulder. You saw Dean fight the wince when he felt how solid Ben was. "Let's get you home buddy." His eyes dart from Ben to you. "Before you do anything else that'll scar me for life."
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Thank you so much for reading! Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are not required, but are always appreciated! 😊
Taglist: @roseblue373 @mrsjenniferwinchester
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allywthsr · 10 months
WISHLISTS | (l.norris)
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summary: Lando and you check your kids‘ wishlists
wordcount: 1.7k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: kids
notes: I think it’s cute, what do you think?? Also Lando is older in this than he is right now :)
advent calendar
”Are they both asleep?“
”Yes, we should look at their wishlists now, and see what we can order or not.“
It was later than normal in the evening, but both kids were little troublemakers and did not want to sleep today, both of them were buzzing with excitement over Christmas. They spent the day at nana and Pop's house, and Lando’s parents made a wishlist for Santa with them today.
Louis was about to turn six years old and little Sofia was three and a half years old.
Both of them were opinionated and knew exactly what they wanted. So when Lando’s parents brought up the idea of making a wishlist with the kids, how could you say no? Normally that was a thing that Lando and you did with your kids, but you hadn’t had the time yet, so you were thankful Cisca and Adam did it for you. This year, Louis was old enough to try and write it himself, it almost made you cry looking at his scribble that had been corrected by Cisca or Adam many times, but still, it was the cutest. He was growing up too fast, when you looked at Lando and saw the little pout on his lips when you showed him the paper, you knew he was thinking the same.
Sofia‘s list was written by Cisca, and Sofia had decorated it with stickers and random streaks of colorful pens. The ’Santa‘ on top of the paper was written by Sofia, the wonky letters were different sizes and the second ’a‘ was the other way around, but you were proud of your little girl.
Lando and you sat on the couch, you were in your fuzzy socks and sweats, relaxing with your favorite hot drink, while Lando was drinking some water and was also dressed in sweats and a hoodie. It was almost Christmas and you barely had presents for your kids, a few you both picked up on some errand runs, but nothing specific.
You cuddled up to Lando and held the wishlist of your eldest in your hand.
”I‘m ready to see what an almost six-year-old wants for Christmas. I can’t believe he‘s six, we are old, Lando.“
”Probably a car like mine, yesterday he said: ’Daddy, I want to race with you every weekend‘, so I guess we need to get him in F1, and talk to McLaren about it.“
He let out a high-pitched giggle. Lando said he wanted to wait for kids after he retired, but Louis happened because you weren’t careful enough, and when you broke the news to him, he wanted nothing more than to raise this baby with you. He was only twenty-three years old when you got pregnant, and not ready to retire yet, so he gave it a year to try it out, in the end, the three of you managed it well and he didn’t need to retire. Sofia was planned, you wanted to give Louis a sibling and now he was the best big brother you could imagine for your girl. Both of your kids were totally daddy orientated, whether they were crying and needed cuddles, or they wanted to play with someone when daddy was around, he was their first choice. But when daddy said no, which barely happened, they ran to mummy and asked you, and if you said yes, you were the favorite for the rest of the day.
With your head on Lando’s shoulder, you started to read out loud.
”Alright, dear Santa, I am a good boy and have a few wishes. A new big boy bike without extra wheels, a kart like daddy had when he was younger, the new cars racetrack, a cars lunchbox, new cars, construction trucks, a real bunny, a camera like daddy, my own helmet. Thank you, Santa. That are some wishes.“
”He certainly knows what he wants, but I like most of them, we can work with that. I also love his spelling, cars with a z or boy with an i.“
You pressed a kiss to Lando’s cheek, ”he‘s all grown up, he wants a big boy bike and a kart. I don’t think I can endure another Norris in a kart.“
”Don’t worry baby, I‘ll be with him.“
You talked about putting Louis in a kart when he shows interest, but so far he only loved cars and watching daddy drive around, for a week he wasn’t able to stop talking about driving himself. Lando loved that, he started around the same age and couldn’t wait to put Louis in a kart, especially since he had his own karting team.
”I think the bike thing is something we can give your parents, we can get him the cars things, do you think he wants the lunchbox with lightning McQueen or someone else?“
”He loves this Ryan car, he’s orange and ’looks like your daddy‘, maybe we should see if we can find one with him on it.“
You hummed in agreement, ”What about the construction trucks?“
”Sure, there's probably a set with different cars inside, that would be nice.“
Again you nodded your head, ”I don’t like the bunny idea, animals shouldn’t be something that’s gifted for Christmas. We can talk about that with him next year, but not for Christmas. I want him to understand that a pet is not just a cute thing that you can pet all day long, it’s work and commitment.“
”Yeah, I agree, we’re also away a lot, we can’t take a bunny with us to the tracks, and taking care of two hyperactive kids is a chore.“
You two chuckled, ”Well, they clearly have that from you, you’re always hyperactive, Lando.“
”And I‘m proud of it, we can’t deny that they’re mine.“
”We definitely can’t. What do think about the camera? I saw on Amazon a few days ago, that there are kids cameras, not expensive and does the job.“
”I like that. And I want to make a helmet for him.“
”Do you have his measurements?“
”No, but I‘ll say Santa needs his head size if he wants to make a helmet.“
”That’s sweet. And we also have that new swing play set outside for both of them, that should be enough presents from us, right? He’s going to be spoiled from the rest of our family anyway.“
He hummed quietly and kissed your forehead.
”Onto the next one“, you mumbled, grabbing the page that lay next to you.
”Dear Santa, I am the best girl, I want for Christmas: a new Barbie doll, a new Barbie doll, a new Barbie doll, a new Barbie doll, a bunny, a pretty pink purse like mamas, a bunny stuffie, pets for my Barbie’s, the dogs from paw patrol, new hair clips, a T-shirt from uncle Carlos. Thank you, Santa.“
”A T-shirt from Uncle Carlos? What is wrong with her?“, Lando was confused.
”I think Carlos told her multiple times over Facetime a few days ago, that she should wish for a T-shirt from him.“
”I have to call him tomorrow. But why has she listed the Barbie doll four times?“
”We should call your mum and ask.“
He pulled out his phone from his pocket and clicked on FaceTiming his mum. You two greeted her with waves and ’hellos‘ when she picked up.
”We went through the wishlists and why did Sofia list the Barbie doll four times?“
”I have no clue, darlings, when I told her, I’ve already written it down, she kept on repeating I need to write Barbie doll multiple times, or else Santa won’t get her point.“
”She‘s truly Lando’s child.“
”Oh yes, I can remember Lando also did something similar when he was young.“
”Are you calling me old, mum?“
”No, my darling.“
”Cisca, we thought you and Adam could get him the bike? Or do you have something else?“
”We only have small things yet, we would love to gift him the bike. He said he wants a black one with orange and bright yellow stripes, like daddy’s helmet.“
”That’s fine, I don’t know if you want to buy it with him or without him, should he be with you while picking it out?“
”Maybe that’s better, we can say Santa told us to buy it with him, so he gets the one he wants.“
You two nodded, ”And with Sofia, we need to check first, what dolls she has and which she does not have, we don’t want to gift her some she already has.“
”Sure my darling, let us know if you have any ideas for her from her wishlist.“
All of you said your goodbyes and Lando and you went back to discussing Sofias list.
”We have to check her Barbies tomorrow when she‘s at daycare, as well as the pets she has for them, I like the hair clips and the stuffie, does she want the paw patrol dogs as stuffies or normal toys? The bunny is obviously a no.“
”Yeah, bunny’s a no, but maybe as stuffies? You know how much she loves stuffed animals, she can also play with them as if they’re normal toys. What about the purse?“
”I don’t know yet, maybe we find a kids purse somewhere?“
She may love her daddy more, but she was imitating you, all the time, playing dress up with your bags and shoes whenever she was bored.
Lando hummed to the purse idea and sighed.
”She‘s three and already wants a handbag, and I thought you would be the only one for a while.“
”She‘s a true girl, next year she‘ll ask for makeup.“
”I won’t allow her that, she can do that when she‘s eighteen.“
”Lando, when she‘s fifteen she‘ll be doing her makeup, like it or not. If she already wants a handbag, that’s the next step, soon she’ll have a boyfriend.“
”No, she doesn’t need a boyfriend, she has me and Louis, she doesn’t need different men in her life.“
”So you don’t want to have grandchildren?“
”Louis can make them.“
You decided to drop that topic, you wouldn’t be able to change his mind today.
”And what about the Carlos T-shirt?“
”I‘m not even going to give you an answer on this.“
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gyll-yee-haw · 9 months
Hiii! Can you please write something for Louis Bloom? He’s sooo bad but he is just so hot I have a hard time hating him 😭 Merry Christmas!
Hiii! Merry Christmas for you too, anon, thank you for this wonderful gift, my first request since I came back <3
Hm yeah, if people don't want us to fall in love with psychos, they need to stop hiring Jake Gyllenhaal to play then yk...
Warnings: oral (male recieving), balls worship, manipulation (from both sides, but heavier on his), description of violence, blood, accidents and other typical Lou Bloom activities (he doesn't hurt reader).
Like 1.7k words
You were new in town. You didn't know about Louis's reputation. The two of you had just started going out and you didn't know much about his job... all you knew was the gleam in his eyes whenever he talked about it, always mentioning he was very successful. You also knew that he worked VERY hard, cause more than once you've seen him spend the entire evening out, or simply drop everything he's doing when he hears about something that could make it to the news. And you would watch his material on TV smiling proudly at his hard work.
You couldn't imagine how hard it must be for him to witness such horrible, tragic events and document everything... again... you didn't know him very well yet.
Time passed and the two of you only grew closer. Louis was fascinated by your innocence... about how you would always receive him with open arms and whispers of "my poor Lou" after a particular long night, or how you'd be horrified after seeing his images on TV, saying things like "oh baby, you must be a hero, how can you endure this kind of thing?".
It just drove him crazy. He was living a double life... he would be the most absolute cruel and unhinged man on the dark streets of LA, and come back to you as a man of many sacrifices. Just when he thought it couldn't be more perfect, he has this idea: the worse his job looked to you, the more you would admire him.
The next night was the first night he came home covered in blood. You almost had a heart attack.
"Lou!" You ran towards him. "What happened to you? Are you hurt?"
"No, it's okay, baby, I'm okay..." He put on his saddest face. "I just... I was out there doing my job, you know... but I... Oh, my love, I did something terrible..."
"What do you mean, Lou? What happened?" You asked nervously.
"You know I'm not supposed to interfere on the scene, but... I couldn't help it... there was this child... he was very hurt on the accident, I just had to help him!"
You hugged him and cried proudly, trying to calm him down, telling him it was okay... oh, little did you know he was calmer than ever as he lied and manipulated you, smirking into the hug as he watched you fall into his trap.
But his need for your attention and affection grew completely out of his control. His storied became more and more absurd and he started to... cause some... situations on purpose, just so he would have new stories to tell you about how brave he was.
Louis was always the type to be behind the cameras, but more than once he filmed himself dragging a victim of a car accident or carrying an unconscious person around, heavily editing it afterwards, to make it look like he was saving them... and he didn't even sell those images, they were only for you to see, with the excuse that he was so humble and didn't want the fame, he just wanted to help.
But he just couldn't fool you forever, no matter how hard he tried. The absurdity of his stories increased drastically and he didn't know where to stop... Louis was smart and cold when it came to the lies he sold for the television, not when it came for the ones he told to you.
And that's when you decided to investigate.
You knew that every time he allowed himself to close his eyes, he would sleep very heavily, since it was so rare. But you needed to make sure of it. So you planned a pretty exhausting night for him...
"Hi, baby" you greeted him with a smile, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as soon as he walked into the apartment that night. "Hope you're not too tired..."
"Hey, love. I'm fine, What do you have in mind?" he smiled back, not suspecting anything.
"Wanted to treat you real good..." you said, moving your hand down his chest, over his shirt. "You deserve to relax a bit..."
"Yeah?" He smirked and you nodded, big doe eyes acting innocent, like you knew it would drive him crazy.
You guided him towards the sofa while he kissed you passionately, his hands softly on your waist. He sat on the sofa and you kneeled on the floor, in front of him. The look on his face made you forget about your plan immediately. And the part of you that remembered it, felt extremely guilty... you couldn't do that to him. He was such a loving, caring boyfriend, you had no reason to suspect he had been doing anything wrong.
He unbuttoned his shirt, as your hands worked on his pants, pulling them down to his knees. You could see through his underwear that he was starting to get hard.
"Come on, angel, let me see those pretty tits, huh?" He asked in his sweetest tone.
You didn't hesitate to remove your top, playing with your tits in front of him, watching his smile grow wider and his dick get harder.
"Lay back, Lou... let me take care of you, okay?" You insisted. "Just relax, I'll be so good for you... put on a show like you deserve..."
"Fuck, little girl..." he frowned, dick now throbbing. He obeyed, though, letting you pull his underwear down.
As his cock sprung free, your mouth watered. What a fool you were! Acting like you could control him when you were down that bad... cock drunk before even having a taste...
You grabbed his shaft, tongue running up and down slowly, getting him wet. You started stroking him as your mouth went to his balls. You sucked and caressed and drooled all over them, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he moaned in pleasure. Louis was the type to hide his moans, but he barely could when you worshipped his balls this good...
You could tell he was getting impatient and the last thing you wanted was to lose control of the situation. If he decided to be in charge, you knew you were in trouble. So you took his shaft in your mouth, little by little, until it hit the back of your throat. You moaned as you did it, hands squeezing your own tits as you tried not to gag. Every movement you made was designed to keep him entertained, to keep him lost in the moment.
Your head bobbed faster as his words and praises got more and more filthy. As he went from "Fuck, you're doing so well, my sweet angel, keep going, you're making me feel so good" to "Fucking whore, so hungry for this cock, bet you can't wait to swallow all I have to give you".
And fuck, you were grateful when he came down your throat, giving you an unexplainable feeling of joy as you watched your man so satisfied, so... calm... maybe a little... sleepy.
"Come on, Lou... let's go to bed... you must be so exhausted." You suggested. He didn't argue, even though he didn't like not returning the favor you just did for him. He just had a long day, and he would be able to please you harder and better in the morning, not now.
The ache between your legs after sucking him off and not getting any attention afterwards worked as some kind of fuel to carry on with your plan. You left him sound asleep in his room, closing the door and walking to the living room as silently as possible, finding his computer there.
Not a single suspicion you had before could have prepared you for what you would find there. That wasn't the sweet Louis you knew... the way he dragged extremely hurt people around the streets, positioning them like they were toys... he didn't seem to be... helping them. Took you a while to understand that it was all fake. He had been creating entire scenes from scratch, he was a fucking actor... you shivered as you heard a woman screaming for him to stop as he manipulated her body like a doll... the way he told her to shut up...
"You know that's really none of your business, darling."
Your blood froze. You wouldn't dare to look up, but you could feel him standing beside you. How long has he been there?
"Lou, I can explain..." your eyes filled with tears.
"I know you can." He sighed, sittind beside you on the sofa. "But I don't really wanna hear it."
You flinched as he raised his hand, but he just rested it softly on your cheek, wiping a tear away.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, sweetheart... you know I could never do that..." he reassured you. "You need to know a few things about me."
You sat still and he saw that as a sign to continue. "You see, I don't hurt anyone. I just... find them in a very bad situation and... I have to do my job, you see. And my job is not giving people the truth, my job is to give them something they wanna watch..."
"But... Lou... that's wrong..." you gathered strength to finally speak.
"Then tell me, little one, who's so bad? Me? For giving people entertainment... or is it the people who find this entertaining?" He continued caressing your cheek. "And that would include you, I'm afraid... cause you watched everything I ever showed you and you fell in love with me while you did so."
"I didn't... I didn't know..." you tried to justify it all to yourself more than to him.
"I know it's shocking, my love." He brought you closer to him, giving your forehead a kiss. "You're new here... LA, Hollywood... every magical thing you see on TV is absolutely filthy behind the cameras."
Maybe he was right, and you hated it. You knew you were being manipulated, but you just couldn't... not see how it all made sense.
"Come back to bed, princess." He offered, his voice was calm as if nothing had happened. "We can talk more about all of this tomorrow. There's so much I need to show you."
His calm attitude indicated that he knew you were sticking around, even after he revealed his true self. The fact that you took his hand and followed him back to the bedroom, showed he was right.
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ughgoaway · 9 months
home for christmas // day 11
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content warnings; swearing, weed and just general anxiety lol
a/n; omg the second to last fic already!! (if we ignore the 2 I haven't finished from past days...) anyway when it's a flashback the text is in italic, I hope it's clear what's happening lol <3
word count; 1.9k
(this fic takes place after they've gotten together)
12 days masterlist
“Darling, you've got everything, don't worry” Matty assures you as he locks the front door and grabs the bags from your hands, refusing to let you carry them. 
“Are you sure we have your mum's gift?” You ask chewing on your lip anxiously.
“Yes, we-”
“What about Lincoln’s gift? Do we have that, too?” you say, interrupting Matty and chasing after him as he walks down the concrete stairs to the car.
He pauses where he stands, drops the bags, and pulls you in. Wrapping his arms around your waist, Matty starts to speak but stops himself. One hand slides from your waist up to your lip and pulls it out from between your teeth.
As his hand slides back, he begins to reassure you, “My darling, we have absolutely everything. We’ve also got Louis present packed, annies ready in the car, and buzzing to see her nanny. You’ll be fine, okay? There’s no need to panic.” he gently smiles and pulls you closer. Instinctively, you burrow your head in his neck and breathe him in, matty smiles and presses a kiss to your temple.
“Sorry. First Christmas as a couple with your mum just has me panicking a little. But you're totally right, it's fine.” You mumble into Matty's jumper. Eventually, you pull your head back and shoot Matty a nervous smile. Reluctantly, you both pull away and finish your walk to the car.
“Are you excited, Annie?” You ask, reaching back and ticking her stomach lightly. You can't help the massive smile that fills your face at her excited giggles. She weakly slaps your hand away as she laughs.
As you get in, you immediately spin around to look at Annie in the back. She's sitting in her car seat with the happiest look on her face. ready with a poorly wrapped present gripped in her hands, the one she had made ready for Denise.
She insisted on wrapping it herself and wanted to keep it with her the whole journey, just to make sure it arrived safe. Next to her was a little lunchbox filled with snacks for the journey. You could tell Matty had been stuck with a screaming child in the back of his car on this trip far too many times to not be prepared.
She nods assuredly, “So excited! And im gonna stay awake the whole time to talk to you and Daddy.” she says confidently.
Despite it being 7 a.m., she was filled with enough energy to power your journey back to manchester, so you almost believed her.
Not even 1 hour later, Annie's gentle snores could be heard from the front of the car. You shot Matty a fond look, and he was already grinning to himself.
“Ooh she almost made it to an hour this time, a new record!” he joked, flicking his eyes up to the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of his sleeping daughter. You watched his eyes light up as he looked at her. He stared at her as long as he could, but soon enough, the road demanded his attention.
Every other time he’d brought a girlfriend home he was wracked with nervousness, chewing at the skin around his nails, and quizzing her on facts about his family before they arrived. But he knew it would work with you. It always just worked with you. 
In his peripheral vision, Matty couldn't help but notice your jiggling legs. Clearly, you were still filled with nerves about spending your first Christmas with his family.
But Matty couldn't be less anxious if he tried.
Denise saw how Matty looked at you that night at the nativity play. She saw the light in her son's eyes as you spoke. She knew it was over for him the second they walked into that room, and all he did was seek you out. So she already loved you. If you made her son that happy; how could she not?
But Matty sympathised with your nerves. He decided there was only one way to really calm you down. It was time to bring out the embarrassing teenage stories, the first of many you would hear this Christmas, he's sure.
“I’m gonna tell you a story to try and calm you down, okay, sweetheart?” Matty said softly, moving his hand from the gear, resting it on your shaking thigh in an effort to stop your bouncing leg.
You look over at him with pinched eyebrows, “Okay..” You start suspiciously, “What kind of story?” Your hand slides over his on your thigh, and you intertwine your fingers without a second thought. 
“Ah now you have to promise to not laugh at me or hate me afterwards, yeah?” he says with a sly smirk on his face. Snapping his head between you and the road, Matty waits for your tentative nod to continue. 
“Okay, so this is the story of the very worst Christmas of my life, just so you realise there's nothing you could do to fuck it up worse than this.” Matty squeezed your hand as he finished in what he hoped was a reassuring gesture.
“Cmon, how bad could it be?” You say innocently,
“Well, it was the first time my mum found out I was smoking weed, so needless to say it wasn't great”
Freshly baked gingerbread sat on the kitchen side, underneath it, a decorative Christmas blanket embroidered with each name of the Healy family. 
“Boys! Gingerbread!” Denise shouts up the stairs, midday on Christmas meant it was time for both her boys to run off to their rooms and use all their new gifts, Denise has been hearing the strumming of Matty’s new guitar all day.
Matty comes tumbling down the stairs, obviously excited at the prospect of freshly baked cookies. He takes in the living room, which his mum had been cleaning in preparation for visitors later. The Christmas tree sat in the corner, covered in a mixture of homemade decorations and ornate ornaments.
It was Louis job at the tinsel, so it was a bit haphazard, but he's pretty sure his mum adjusted it once Louis walked far enough away. Warm lights string around the room and the tree, creating that Christmas arua his mum strived for. Finally, sitting atop the tree was a slightly wonky angel, put on by Louis as Matty held him up. Denise didn't have the heart to adjust that one.
Right now, all the lights just looked hazy to Matty. Maybe it was the christmas spirit! or maybe it's because he was stoned out of his mind..
Ross had hooked him up with some nice stuff for Christmas, and Matty had decided what better time to smoke it than just before Christmas dinner. Just as the munchies kicked in, Matty could swoop in and eat his weight in turkey and stuffing. Then he would go up to his room and fall asleep in a food coma, overall a very solid plan.
He didn't, however, factor in his mum's early baking mixed with his lowered inhibitions. He also forgot to factor in his mum wasn't an idiot and when he came down stinking of weed with red eyes, she would connect the dots.
Just as he was reaching for a gingerbread man, he felt his hand get slapped away, and Denise snatched his wrist. She pulled him in and grabbed his face between her hands, smooshing his cheeks as she did. 
Of course, hearing that also sent his dad running in from the sofa, a newspaper still in hand. And soon enough, both his parents were standing in front of him with their hands on their hips, waiting for an answer.
Matty simply smiled a dopey smile at her, his red eyes blinked heavily as he looked at her face. But before long, that grin was wiped clean off.
“MATTHEW HEALY. ARE YOU HIGH RIGHT NOW!” his mother shrieked out.
Matty weighed up his options; is he honest about being high and risks his mum never speaking to him again, or does he try and figure out a way to lie and hopefully get away with it? I
f he gets caught lying, he's sure he won't be alive to see next Christmas, but if he gets away with it, then he can happily go back up to his room and finish his zoot.
Apparently, his stilted silence and shifty eyes answered any question his parents could've had. Pretty soon, he felt the wallop of a rolled-up newspaper on the top of his head.
As he tries to way his options, the smell of gingerbread is the only thing on his mind, the munchies kicking in earlier than he thought. The warm spices fill his nostrils as he imagines the feeling of biting into a warm soft biscuit. 
“Oh my god! What happened after that?” you asked laughing in disbelief, sure you knew young Matty would've been a twat but god you wouldn't have guessed something that stupid.
“Well needless to say that Christmas was ruined. My dad shouted at me for a good 15 minutes, you know the usual parent stuff. The dangers of illegal drugs, the addictive nature, how bad smoking is for your lungs all of that. But the real kicker was my mum.” Matty said, glancing over at you, the wicked smile he had whilst telling the story had dropped into a sort of sad but fond one.
Matty lightly giggles at your response, “No no, that was the worst part. She did nothing. She didn't go mental, she didn't threaten to kill me or Ross. She simply stood by my dad until he finished, shook her head, and walked away. In total silence.” Matty flicked his eyes over to you only to see you with your mouth dropped open. 
“What did she take away your new guitar or something?” You ask, sitting up in anticipation of Denise’s response. You knew she was a fiery woman, so you were expecting the worst.
“ooh or did she ban you from seeing Ross? You didn't dob him in, did you?” You gasped at the scandal that was unfolding before you. 
A few seconds of silence fill the car before you say, “Well… karma is a bitch I suppose” with a shrug. Matty can't help but burst out laughing at your blase reaction. 
“Too right it is sweetheart. But you'll be happy to know she got her own back soon enough. She found my stash in my room, and instead of just taking it, she swapped it out for oregano. The next time George and I tried to get stoned, we were sorely disappointed.” Matty chuckles as he remembers his mum's petty antics. 
“But yeah, obviously I still smoked weed after that, but I always made sure to at least try and cover it up” Matty recounted as if he was doing his parents a favour. 
You can't help but roll your eyes at his response, “oh how chivalrous of you Matthew” you sarcastically say, lightly pushing at his shoulder. 
“Hey! At least I wasn't ruining her house with the stench of weed anymore. Although that was particularly good weed from memory… I wonder if Ross remembers where he got it from?” Just as he was mulling over the idea of phoning Ross, Matty heard the worst thing he could possibly imagine. 
A small voice piped up from the back and simply said, “Daddy, what's weed?”
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vintageshanny · 1 year
Play Something For Me - Part 5 - Meet Me in St. Louis
It’s the return of Elvis and Ruby! I hope you all enjoy! Thank you to everyone who’s liked, shared, and commented on my writing. It is so encouraging and means so much to me. ❤️
Writing Prompt: Elvis in a car
Content: Fluff, smut, 1973 Elvis, 18+
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October 31, 1973
Ruby let her thoughts wander as she absentmindedly strolled down the sidewalk with her shopping bags.  She had walked to the store to pick up some candy for the trick-or-treaters that would be flooding the neighborhood later.  Ella would be home from school soon and would need help putting the finishing touches on her costume.  As usual when she was alone, she found her mind drifting to Elvis.  To her knowledge, he had not tried to contact her in the almost two months since they had admitted their love for each other in Las Vegas.  She had seen the news stories about his rant against the Hilton on closing night, rumors of a falling out with his manager, and his divorce being finalized at last.  She knew he must be going through a lot of turmoil, and at first she had tried to convince herself that was the reason for his silence, but it was probably time to face the music - she had just been a convenient distraction for him, and now he was back to a life that had no room for a single mother in St. Louis.  As if the weather sensed her melancholy mood, raindrops started to pour down with no warning.  “Dammit,” she muttered to herself, looking up at the sky as if that would stop them somehow.  
“Be careful baby, sugar melts in the rain,” an unmistakable deep voice called out.  Ruby glanced over with surprise, just now noticing the fancy black car that had pulled over to the side of the road.  She saw Elvis’ handsome face gleaming at her from the back window.  Her jaw fell open a little bit as she took a step closer.  “How did you know I have candy?” she asked, unsure of what else to say, looking down at the brown paper bags that were starting to get soggy.  “Now honey, ya know I was talkin’ ‘bout you,” Elvis chuckled.  “Now get in here ‘fore ya float away with your candy.”  The rain soaking through her clothes assured her that this was the only sensible decision.
“Aw, honey, you’re soakin’ wet, you’re gonna catch cold,” Elvis murmured as he pulled Ruby in close and planted a big kiss on her lips, which were still hanging open slightly in shock.  “How are you, I mean, what are you, um, why are you here?” she blurted out awkwardly.  She could see his lopsided smile drop a little bit at her less-than-welcoming reception.  “I mean, I haven’t heard from you, I just thought you didn’t want…” she trailed off, trying to backtrack on her initial hostility.  “I do want, honey,” Elvis said, looking a bit dejected.  “I’ve had a lot goin’ on, and I tried ta call ya a couple times, but ya ain’t got no answerin’ service.”  “Oh,” Ruby said, feeling stupid.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you called.”  She did most of her seamstress work from home, but she supposed he could have called when she was out running errands.  Or, knowing his schedule, maybe when she was sleeping.  “I just figured you didn’t want to see me again.”  Elvis looked up sharply.  “I drove all the way here, baby,” he said.  “Of course I wanted ta see ya.”  Charlie cleared his throat softly from the driver’s seat.  “I guess Charlie wants credit for drivin’ me here,” Elvis said with a hollow chuckle.  
Ruby swallowed and looked down at her hands.  “Elvis, I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered.  “Ya are?” he asked, tilting her chin up toward him.  “Of course,” Ruby admitted.  “I was just feeling worried.  I have all these feelings for you, and then I didn’t hear from you, or I thought I didn’t hear from you, and I’m scared.”  She could feel herself beginning to tear up.  “Oh, Ruby, you ain’t gotta be scared of me.  I told ya I had a lot goin’ on, but I’m here now.  Ya know I wanna be with ya.  There’s a reason we’re back in each other’s lives, and I ain’t throwin’ that away.  Understand, baby?” Elvis gazed at her, waiting for an answer.  Ruby nodded and let him wrap her hand in his own.  “Ya sure are a sight for sore eyes,” he said, his smile reappearing now.  “Really?  I probably look like a drowned rat,” Ruby laughed.  Elvis’ eyes lowered to her chest and his grin grew bigger.  “Naw, baby, ya look really good like this.  Jus’ make sure no one else lays an eye on ya.”  Ruby followed his gaze down and gasped a little bit when she saw how her sopping wet blouse had molded itself to every contour of her breasts, her nipples prominently poking through the fabric.  She could feel her face flushing bright red as Elvis chuckled and pulled her in close to him.  “Mmm my red Ruby, you’re actin’ like I ain’t seen ya naked before,” he whispered in her ear, sending a little shiver down her spine.  “Elvis!” she whispered shyly, her eyes darting toward the front seat.  “Charlie ain’t listenin’ to us, are ya, Charlie?” Elvis called out.  “No, boss,” came the reply from the front.  “Jus’ drive us to Miss Ruby’s house,” Elvis instructed and leaned back toward her.  His hand gently caressed her chest as she succumbed to the pleasure of his soft lips pressing against hers.
Ruby felt like she could go on kissing Elvis for hours, but they pulled up in front of her house in just a few minutes.  Elvis looked out the window and surveyed the sky.  “I guess we should get inside while the rain’s let up.”  Ruby noticed the downpour had disappeared as quickly as it had come.  It was as if it occurred at the perfect time for Elvis to rescue her and woo her back into his arms without a second thought.  Maybe this is all happening for a reason, she mused.  “Uh, what should I do, boss?  Wait here, or…” Charlie trailed off uncertainly.  “Nah, go to the hotel.  I’ll call ya if I need ya,” Elvis responded, grabbing a small suitcase and opening the door.  He hurried around to help Ruby get out with her wet grocery bags.  Ruby glanced around nervously, hoping none of the neighbors were watching.  Elvis wasn’t exactly incognito in a silver jacket with rainbow flames licking the shoulders.  She smiled as she looked him up and down.  He seemed to have gained a little weight since she’d seen him, but she didn’t mind at all.  It actually made her flush as she thought about laying underneath him, his body pressed into hers.  Elvis looked over and smirked as they climbed the steps to the porch.  “You’re gonna make me blush, baby, the way you’re undressin’ me with your eyes like that.”  “I’m sorry,” Ruby murmured.  “I just don’t know how you get more handsome every time I see you.”  She loved the way her compliments always seemed to both embarrass and please him.
Ruby set the bags of candy on the kitchen counter and turned to see Elvis surveying the living room, looking at the framed photos of her and Ella.  “Where’s your girl now?” he asked.  “She should be home from school any minute, actually,” Ruby commented.  “If you’d rather go, I understand,” she said, looking away nervously.  Elvis turned to look at her in surprise.  “Oh, do ya not want me to meet her?”  He looked a little hurt again.  “No, no, you can meet her, I just didn’t know if you’d feel comfortable, or-” she stammered out before Elvis cut her off.  “Ruby, I love ya.  I want to be in your life, but that means ya have to let me in,” he said as he walked closer and took her hands in his, looking directly into her eyes.  She could feel them watering as she nodded and said, “Okay.  I’ll let you in.”  Elvis smiled with relief and held her close to him.  “And Elvis?” she added.  “Yes, baby?”  “I love you too.  I’m so glad you came.”  She could feel his embrace around her tighten.  “Baby, you should get outta these wet clothes,” he murmured into her hair.  “Are you just trying to see me naked again?” she teased.  “Nah, there’ll be plenty of time for that later,” he laughed.  “I can’t get all excited when we won’t have the time for me to take care of ya properly.”  Ruby smiled at this and leaned up to kiss his lips before going into her bedroom to change.  
She returned to the living room to find that Elvis had made himself at home on the couch with some peanut butter cups from one of the grocery bags.  “Elvis!” she swatted at him playfully, “Those are for the trick-or-treaters!”  Elvis looked up at her with a big grin and whistled lowly.  “You look beautiful baby, even if I can’t see those pretty nipples anymore.”  He laughed as Ruby’s face turned scarlet.  “Aw, red Ruby, your face matches your dress now,” he continued to tease as he pulled her onto his lap.  She smoothed out her red dress with rainbow stitching at the waistline.  She was too embarrassed to say that she had picked it out so they would match a little bit with their rainbow colors.  Instead she leaned in and licked the chocolate off Elvis’ lip.  “You’re a messy eater,” she teased him.  “I can think of something really messy I’d like to eat,” he whispered in her ear, his fingers digging into her waist.  “Elvis!” Ruby squealed, shocked but delighted by his naughty innuendo.  Just at that moment, the doorknob turned and Ruby jumped up off his lap.
“Mom!  I’m home!” Ella called out as she walked in the door.  I’m right here sweetie, and we have a guest,” Ruby said nervously.  Ella turned as she walked into the living room and her jaw just about hit the floor.  “You’re - you’re Elvis Presley,” she announced in awe.  Elvis stood up from the couch and reached his hand out.  “You must be Ella.  I’ve heard so much about ya,” he said with a grin.  Ella reached her hand out and shook his, looking like she was in a trance.  “Why are you in our house?” she stared over at her mother in confusion.  “Oh, I’m jus’ an old friend of your mom’s,” he said, smiling down at how her hand was still shaking his.  She dropped his hand then and gasped.  “You did meet in Germany, didn’t you?” she asked accusingly.  “My mom said she only caught a glimpse of you.”  “Well, we may have had a conversation as well,” Ruby said softly, trying to think of how to get herself out of this uncomfortable situation.  “Then when she came to my concert in August, we got a chance to talk again.”  Elvis smiled over at Ruby, trying to help her explain his presence.  “Your concert?” Ella asked in disbelief, looking at Ruby once more.  “You went to Las Vegas while I was gone?”  Then a look of realization came over her face.  “Are you…dating?” she asked.  “Are you dating Elvis Presley and you didn’t tell me?”  Elvis looked at Ruby questioningly also, realizing that she must not have mentioned a thing about him.   Ruby cleared her throat nervously.  “It’s, um, kind of a long story, and I think that’s enough questions for right now.  I can explain it all later, but you need to finish getting your costume ready for tonight.  Trick-or-treat starts in an hour.”  She turned and walked into the kitchen before either of them could question her any further.
Ella went into her bedroom to get ready, and Ruby could hear Elvis’ heavy footsteps walk up behind her while she was pouring the bags of candy out into a big bowl.  “So…ya didn’t even think to mention me huh?” he asked, sounding a bit disappointed.  Ruby turned to find him standing directly behind her, blocking her against the counter.  “Elvis, it’s not that I didn’t think to, I mean, I just didn’t know what to say.  I didn’t know if I’d even see you again.  I didn’t want to get…anyone’s hopes up,” she tried to explain.  Elvis nodded slowly and sighed.  “I understand, baby.  But, I should probably tell ya, my hopes are up.”  He leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.  Ruby stared up into his beautiful face, noticing how his long lashes fanned over his cheeks. “I think I didn’t want to admit it to myself,” she said softly, “but so are mine.”  Elvis leaned down and pressed his lips gently to hers.
Ella cleared her throat behind them and they nervously jumped apart, looking like two kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  “If you two are done playing kissy-face, can you tell me if my costume looks okay?” Ella asked as Elvis and Ruby tried to suppress their smiles.  Ella was wearing a pink dress that Ruby had made and had her hair in braided pigtails with big bows.  “I wanted to be Marcia Brady, but mom made me dress as Cindy instead,” Ella announced with some disappointment in her voice.  “Probably no one will even know who I am because my hair’s too dark to be Cindy.”  “You can dress as a teenager when you are a teenager,” Ruby said.  “I’m practically a teenager,” Ella mumbled.  “Well, I think ya look mighty cute,” Elvis said with a grin.  “Plus ya don’t wanna grow up too fast, people give ya more candy when you’re younger,” he added.  Ella considered that and nodded in agreement.  “I think you’re onto something there, Mr. Presley,” she said, sounding pleased.  “Please jus’ call me Elvis, dear,” he said with a warm smile.  “Okay Elvis dear,” Ella said, making all three of them giggle.
The doorbell rang and Ella grabbed her trick-or-treat bag.  “My friends are here!  I’m going, mom!” she called out as she ran for the door.  “Hold on, give me a hug,” Ruby said as she pulled Ella in close.  “Be careful and stay together.  Don’t forget your overnight bag,” she added.  “Don’t worry, we’ll be careful. And I expect the full long story when I come home,” Ella said sternly. She gave Ruby a quick kiss on the cheek, waved goodbye to Elvis, and rushed out the door.  “Overnight bag?” Elvis asked.  “Oh, yeah, she’s staying over at a friend’s house after trick-or-treating,” Ruby explained.  “Hmm, we have the house to ourselves?” Elvis said, his endearing crooked smile coming out in full force, making Ruby’s heart melt and her core tingle.  “Well, after we give out the candy,” she said with a wink.  As if on cue, the first group of kids rang the doorbell.  “You should stay out of sight so you don’t cause a commotion,” Ruby instructed as she went to grab the bowl of candy.  
Ruby returned to find that Elvis had already opened the door and was signing autographs for a group of starstruck parents while the kids looked on confused, wondering where the candy was.  She thought about scolding him but saw how much he seemed to be enjoying himself and decided to just let him have fun.  Elvis continued to pass out candy with Ruby and sign autographs until the last trick-or-treater had come through.  They sat next to each other on the couch, Elvis’ arm around Ruby’s shoulders.  “I guess we had just enough candy,” Elvis announced, looking at the empty bowl on the coffee table.  “Actually,” Ruby said with a sly smile, “I set aside a bag of peanut butter cups for you since you love them so much.”  Elvis’ face lit up like a little boy’s.  “Aw, that’s sweet of ya honey,” he said, kissing her forehead.  “Do you want me to get them?” Ruby asked.  “Well, I s-s-sorta had a different treat in mind right now,” he murmured, his hand creeping up under the hem of her dress.  Ruby’s heart started racing.  “Mmm, I think I could help you with that,” she whispered.  She stood up from the couch and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the bedroom with her.
As soon as they got to the bed, Ruby pushed his jacket off his shoulders and pulled his shirt off.  “Oh, God, I’ve missed this,” she whispered as she ran her hands lightly over his chest and stomach, feeling the hair tickle her fingertips.  She loved the way Elvis always seemed to tremble slightly when they were intimate with each other.  It reminded her that he was just a human being who got nervous like anyone else.  She smiled as she took in how beautiful he looked.  Elvis smiled back shyly as he unbuttoned his pants and let them drop down to the ground, revealing his bare body to her.  “‘M sorry, honey, he’s not quite ready yet,” he motioned down to his soft cock hanging below the slight swell of his belly.  “No need to be sorry, he probably just needs a little loving,” Ruby said as she pulled her dress over her head and removed her bra and underwear.  Elvis stared at her naked body in admiration as she pushed him onto the bed.  “Let me take care of him,” she whispered lustily.  
Ruby started placing gentle open-mouthed kisses on Elvis’ lower abdomen and thighs, making a circle of wet spots around his cock as she caressed his balls in her hand.  A low moan came from his lips and she moved her mouth closer to his shaft, letting her warm breath tease him.  His moans grew louder and Ruby watched in awe as he started growing hard before her eyes, the head of his cock peeking out from the foreskin.  She leaned in and kissed this most sensitive spot, letting her tongue run over it, and Elvis let out a symphony of moans.  “Oh, Ruby, he’s sure ready now,” Elvis called out.   Ruby gave him one last lick and then laid next to Elvis as he turned to roll on top of her.  He reached down and ran his fingers through her folds, making sure she was wet enough to enter.  “Damn, baby, you’re so wet.  Is that cuz of me?” he asked with a proud grin.  “Of course,” Ruby blushed.  “That’s what happens when I get to lick all over your body and hear you moan my name.”  “Well, there’s plenty more where that came from, sweet red Ruby,” Elvis whispered as he thrusted into her tight little hole, the full weight of his body pressed against hers.  “Oh, Elvis, this is what I’ve been waiting for,” Ruby moaned, the pleasure consuming her immediately. “I know, baby, I know ya needed me to come take care of ya,” Elvis grunted as he continued thrusting deep inside of her.  After two months of waiting for this moment, the ecstasy washed over the two of them with an intensity Ruby could barely take.  She couldn’t stop from calling out Elvis’ name over and over as her orgasm hit so hard her entire body shook with pleasure.  With sweat falling from his forehead, Elvis stuttered up into her with a satisfied groan, filling her up and collapsing down onto her soft body, his head nuzzled against her chest.  
“Oh, wow, Elvis, that was amazing,” Ruby whispered rapturously as she ran her fingers through his sweaty hair.  “It sure was, sweet red Ruby,” Elvis responded.  “Elvis? Y’know how you have that, um, extra layer on your, y’know…” Ruby trailed off, for some reason feeling embarrassed to say the word foreskin. She could feel him tense up slightly as he realized what she was referring to. She quickly blurted out, “Well I love it! When you, um, go inside of me, I can feel it move back and forth a little bit and it feels amazing,” she ended in a whisper, her face turning beet red with this admission. Elvis relaxed and let out a little laugh. “I’m glad you love it, baby, I guess we were made for each other. Cuz he sure loves bein’ in there.” “I think your whole body is just perfect,” Ruby couldn’t stop the compliments as she continued to stroke his hair. He didn’t say anything more, but she could feel him smiling against her chest.  He leaned up and gave her nipple a little lick, laughing at how it sent a shiver through her overstimulated body.  Ruby blushed and smiled down at him.  “Y’know what I could use now, baby?” Elvis asked, looking up into her face, his eyes twinkling.  “Some peanut butter cups.”  Ruby laughed and kissed his sweet lips.
Tag list: @ellie-24 @whositmcwhatsit @thatbanditqueen @be-my-ally @missmaywemeetagain @from-memphis-with-love @lookingforrainbows @peskybedtime @shakerattlescroll @arrolyn1114
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haggamennon · 1 year
♡Light Shower♡
How He treats you and one of your dates:
Louis x Herbivore!GN!Reader (Romantic)
(The Shishigumi Lions just being goofy and giving moral support to Louis)
TW: Fluff, Angst, and other things.
(not that much scary but if you feel uncomfortable reading, please, don't read)
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Since you are a Herbivore, he would have maximum protection over you. He notice that tou were really shy near the other, he thought it was cute.
When the night comes, when everyone is sleeping, He spends hours talking to you on video call (even if you have been talking all day).
(he became more protective over you, and always keeps in touch with you, afraid of losing you).
To him, you are everything, he even told his dad that He won't need an arranged marriage because he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
If there's anyone bothering or even taking your attention away from him. He'd make sure to show the person that you're taken.
When there are any holidays or when it is weekend, you two decide to have a movie night. In my mind, I think he's a huge fan of cartoon (Since he lost half of his childhood with... you know what....My Poor Baby😭😭😭)
He would sit with you on his lap while watching it. If any climax happens, he'll start asking a thousand questions about it...
He even gave you a gift. Two necklaces, one with a padlock and the other with a key, they were really special for both of you.
He stayed with the padlock collar and you stayed with the key one. (He said it was because he only had eyes for you and wanted to show you that he would never leave or betray you, and he kept his promise)
TW: Mentions of Anxiety, Depression and fear.
When He got disappeared during the festival, you started getting anxious, you couldn't find him anywhere.
You texted and tried to call him with your phone, but nothing. After a some months that looked like years, He appears just to unenroll from school...
When He comes to your dorm, to give you one last goodbye kiss. But all He saw was you with red eyes and your cheeks fur all wet from crying. He just realized that he might have made a big mistake by leaving you behind, but He didn't have a choice...
For the past one hour, He spent it by hugging you and apologizing a lot in between the hug.
He kept the promise. He never took off the necklace, nor did you.
You were so sad and worried that you just were happy and relieved that he was safe. You cried during the hug, making the crook of his neck all wet from your tears.
He keep contact with you after he left. He promised to hangout with you during weekends.
He always spoil you with gifts and flowers (you dorm basically is a garden from how much He cares about you)
When He told you that he was the Boss of the Shishigumi, you almost freaked out. You knew they're a gang made of Lions and they eat meat.
You were waiting for an day to tell him about your number mark...
One of your dates:
It was Saturday, you have finished your homework and were leaving the bathroom after a nice bath, you notice there was a left message from your Boyfriend.
"Hey. Ready to go out for dinner and spend some time together?"
"Yep. I just left the bathroom, I'll put my clothes and meet you outside the school. Just 15 minutes and I'm there, See you there♡"
"Okay, I'll be waiting♡"
You put on a casual outfit and uses a perfume and other things just to look perfect to go out with him. You pick up a jacket, to keep your dorm keys and your School ID Card with you all the time. You headed outside the building and went to the gates of the school. When you exit the place, you saw an expensive car parked near the school, Louis was leaning against the car, waiting for you while he thought about something else.
"Hey Louis!" You make him jump a little, making him look in your direction and give a slight passionate smile. "Sorry for making you wait here, hehe..."
"That's alright. How are you doing, anything new at school?" He asked as he walks towards you and give you a soft kiss on your lips.
"Just the usual things... Oh, right, Els told me that a new member entered the Drama Club, she said he's a Dall Sheep. He's quite a teasing type of guy, most of the carnivores hate him already..." You giggle at the end of your sentence.
He let out a soft laugh. "Looks like they are already replacing me, that's good, to be honest." He opens the car door and waits for you to enter. "Shall we go? There are some people who have been wanting to meet you for a while."
"Should I be scared about it?" You make a joke about it as you enter the car and wait for him to enter the car, you notice that there's a Lion driving the car and you get a little more nervous but you wave it off. "Oh, by the way. Where did you want to bring me?" You look at Louis with a soft smile.
He gives a slight chuckle. "You will know when we arrive there~" He says in a teasing and excited tone as he closes the door and tells to the Lion to start driving to the destination. During the way, you two start talking about some things, about the school, about his business, and how each other looks beautiful on this night.
Once you two arrive, a Lion opens the door for both of you to exit the car, you look up at the building. "W-woah, this sure is a huge building."
"I know right" He chuckles. You two start heading inside and he leads you to a dining room, that is covered in decorations and the table only has meatless food, it seems that Louis ended up asking them not to show any kind of meat in front of you... " Welcome to our major criminal organization that controls the Black Market, The Shishigumi"
You notice some Lions walking into the dining room and they seem really excited to meet you. Louis gives them an angry look, maybe he has to maintain a serious and dominant posture to keep them in line. When they see the expression on his face, they seem to chicken out and leave, having left a few more dishes on the table.
"Let's start eating then, those Lions don't eat vegetables so we'll have to enjoy it while there's still time, haha." He sits near you and both of you starts eating.
When the two of you were done eating, some Lions came over and started clearing the plates from the table. You sit there and talk for a while. When it was already late, the two of you started walking towards the main hall.
When you were at the gates of the building. You started talking with him. "I really liked this date..."
"Did you? What was the best part of our date?" Both of you stop outside the building gates.
"I think the best part of this date was hanging out with you. Every time you're around, time seems to stop. What I mean is I enjoy every moment when I'm around you" You hug him, time seems to stop and neither of you wants to break the hug.
"Was that a declaration of your love for me?" He makes a joke and you laugh, he breaks the hug and now he's looking at you with a passionate look on his eyes.
"You can think of it that way if you want." You look at him with a smile. "I think it's a 'see you next Saturday'..." you start walking towards the car but you stop and turn towards him, you kiss him and start running towards the car. "See you some other day! I love you! Bye!"
Louis froze, not knowing how to react. In the background, inside the building, you can hear male voices celebrating, it seems that they were spying on you two from afar, haha.
His face become all red and he couldn't even say a word. He could only see you walking away, his heart started beating wildly, it felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest.
As you entered the car, there was a Lion with a happy face. He starts driving to Cherryton then he breaks the silence "Haha, He sure loves you" He compliments your relationship. "I'm glad you make him feel happy, he seemed quite sad before unenroll from school..."
"Thank you, I really hope he isn't making so much trouble with you guys, ehe" You say to him, with a gentle voice. You keep looking outside the window, seeing some stores still open. As you arrive to your destination you say goodbye to the Driver and walk inside the school gates.
Once you arrived to your dorm room. There was just you there, probably your roommates went to a party... You go to the bathroom and take a nice shower again, and put a shorts and one of Louis T-shirt (that you stoled from him and now it is your pajama).
Once you lay down the bed, you check your phone and you see a message left from Louis.
"Did you arrive safe and sound?" He texted to you
"Yes, thanks for taking me on this date, I loved it^^" You sent it to him.
"Good. I'm happy you liked it, now take a rest. I love you ♡" He sends you a photo of him on his bed, smiling at the camera. "If you dare send this photo to someone else I will kill you😒"
You reply "You look cute on this one, I'll put it as my cell phone's wallpaper♡" You start to slightly laugh about it. "I love you too♡ Goodnight, Bambi"
"Night, Sweetie♡" He replies your message and you put your phone away to charge it.
You look up, staring at the ceiling with a passionate smile on your face. You start thinking about how lucky you are from having a wonderful boyfriend. You start to feel sleep consume you, you end up falling asleep with a small smile on your face.
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I hope it was nice enough to make your day a little better, took me 3 days to do it, cuz I'm lazy.... this was an Idea that I had, well then...
Byeee! 👋(Also, if you want any character, my door is always open for ideas, just ask me and I'll bring it to you all)
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eratolasting · 2 years
Tapes (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Summary: @lunatictardis 's raffle. One day you buy a new tape to listen to and find yourself enraptured by the narrator's voice.
Warnings: Use of the name "Sara" x2, voice kink, hand kink, breeding kink, stranger sex, semi-public sex, car sex, fingering (f receiving), soft choking, slight degradation, use of the word slut, squirting.
Word Count: 4.1k
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Finally it was the weekend. A day off of work was exactly what you needed. Not even just to relax, to get things done around the house. The week had been busy, and the dishes were piling up, you needed to do laundry, and vacuum. After sleeping a good few hours, you got out of bed and started about the chores you needed to do that day. 
Before, however, you placed a new cassette tape into your player and started it up. You liked to listen to something while you did chores, it made it go by a lot faster than if you were folding laundry in silence. Pet Sematary, that’s what you’d gotten at the store recently. Stephen King books were always good, but you had little time to actually sit down and read them — so, listening was always a good option. 
A man's voice started up with a simple “Pet Sematary by Stephen King.” You tilted your head slightly at the voice. Even from those simple few words, you decided you liked whoever was recording it. They had a nice voice. “Louis Creed, who had lost his father at three and who had never known a grandfather, never expected to find a father as the entered the middle age, but that was exactly what happened…” 
You paused your plate scrubbing to listen better, a soft tingle growing in your lower belly. Oh fuck, he had a nice voice. 
“...although he called this man a friend, as grown man must do when he finds the man who should have been his father relatively late in life. He met this man…”
You weren’t even a full paragraph into the book yet, and you were rubbing your thighs together, your hands gripping the edge of the counter as you imagined this same voice whispering sweet nothings to you, telling you how badly he wanted to fuck you, saying how pretty you looked with your face all flushed and his fingers around your throat. 
Your brow knitted together and you closed your eyes, biting your lip as you took in a breath through your nose, trying to calm the heat rushing through your body. This was a bad idea, apparently. You'd get nothing done today at this rate… but what was the harm in a little play time before you actually got your chores done. 
You kept the tape on as you touched yourself, leaning against the counter with one hand gripping it and the other between your legs. 
"Fuck, the things I want to do to you. Wanna stuff my cock into your tight little pussy and just ruin it. Make sure no one else can ever make you feel like I do. Rub that puffy little clit for me, baby… yeah, that's it. Good girl." You could literally imagine him talking to you. 
It guided you through not one, but two orgasms. Once you were thoroughly satisfied, you washed your hands and restarted the tape. Maybe now you could focus and get some work done. 
“Louis Creed, who had lost his father at three and who had never known a grandfather, never expected to find a father as the entered the middle age, but that was exactly what happened…” 
You sighed softly as you worked around the house, getting a quarter ways through the book before you were done with everything you needed to finish that day. You flopped onto the couch, turning the player off before you picked up the cassette case. You flipped it over to look at the back, seeing if there was any information. 
You didn't know why you were so interested, other than you hadn't cum like that in months, and especially not by yourself. 
Seeing no information, you placed the cassette back into its case and got up. After mulling over it for a good few minutes you got into your car and drove to the store you bought it from.
“Hi there, how can I help you?” The worker asked, a short girl with blonde curls and a welcoming smile.
You didn’t know how to word this, even though you’d thought about it for the entire drive. What did it matter that you wanted to know who this man was, and if you could get more of his cassettes? Would this woman even care?
“Yes, hi. I bought this tape a few days ago and—”
“Oh, is there something wrong with it?” She asked, holding out a hand for it.
“No, no, definitely not! I was actually wondering if you had some information on it?” You bit your cheek, trying to not blush or feel embarrassed. 
“Well, we do keep a catalog of things. What did you want to know?” She asked. 
You hesitantly handed it over and she looked at the front covering. “Ah, Pet Sematary. This is a good one. Are you looking for more Stephen King, or—?”
“No, actually. I was wondering if the person who read it has any other tapes? His voice is… very calming—and he’s good at doing characters voices. Very interesting to listen to!” You were beginning to ramble, so you shut your mouth.
“Let me check, though I don’t see why he wouldn’t have done more.” She smiled at you and went around the desk. 
She opened up a large binder and flipped through a few laminated pages before placing her finger on it and sliding it down until it stopped. “Ah, alright. Edward Munson did the voice-over for this one. Now, let me check the computer.” 
She moved to the big box and typed slowly on the keyboard. “It takes a few minutes to load, but it should give tell me what we have in stock of his.” She smiled at you.
You nodded and smiled back, waiting as patiently as you could manage with your toes tapping softly against the linoleum flooring. 
The computer beeped and she leaned into the screen, squinting. “Okay, Edward Munson… Pet Sematary… let me see…” She tilted her head and nodded, “Yes, okay. We have a few things he did in stock. Funniest thing, though. He’s local.” 
“What?” You asked, unsure you heard her right. “Yeah! He’s from here.” 
“Well… do you have any information on him?” You asked.
She scoffed softly. “I’m sorry, but do you think computers can do everything? No, I’ve only got basic information in here. Says where the tapes came from, is all. Hawkins Studio. It’s where our local bands record tapes and records, too.”
You nodded, slow. “Well… thank you for your help. If you direct me to the tapes, I’ll get another one.” 
She pulled out a few options for you, and you decided to go on the set of the original Lord of The Rings. That would be interesting. It wasn’t until you were in your car that it had finally settled in with you that this man, Edward Munson, whose voice you’d masturbated to, was… was a local. He was from Hawkins. 
You swallowed thickly, tapping your fingers against the steering wheel. You had a choice to make, here. You could go home and continue to just listen to him… or you could take a chance. See if he was single, maybe? Jesus, how stupid was that? Though… your friends had been telling you to get back out there.
You sighed, and pressed your forehead against the steering wheel. What was the worst that could happen, here? He could reject you, that was all. 
Your heart thumped in your chest as you started your car back up and began the drive to Hawkins Studio. You hoped, hoped that they would give you some information on him. 
However, once you parked in the little lot of the building, you sat in your car for a good twenty minutes, working up the nerve to go in. Finally, after hyping yourself up, you got out of your car and went inside. 
“Hello, do you have an appointment?” The receptionist started off quickly. 
“Uh, no, actually I—” She cut you off.
“Would you like to set up an appointment? We don't allow people to just walk in and use the studio space.”
“No, I’m not here for—” 
“Well then I will have to ask you to leave. The studio is in use at the moment anyhow.” 
You stood for a moment, shocked at how this was going so far. You cleared your throat, “You don’t understand, I’m not here to use a studio.”
“Oh, are you with the band? We don’t allow…” She made an ugly face, searching for the words, “...groupies into the space either. For good reason, too. The last time it happened there was a lot of cleaning up to be done and no one was happy about that.” 
“No! No, I am not a groupie.” You laughed, though it was strained, dry. “I just wanted some information on someone who has used the studio before.” You explained.
“Oh, I see—” The phone rang, “One moment please.” 
You groaned, pressing a hand to your forehead. This was going great. 
After her quick conversation and setting up an appointment with someone, she looked back up at you.
“What was it that you wanted to know, dear?” 
“Edward Munson, I was wondering if you had any information on how I might find him or contact him?” You asked.
“Oh, I apologize. We don't give out information like that. However…” 
“You’re looking for me?” 
Your face turned bright red as you heard the voice… his voice, that voice, right behind you. You swallowed thickly, and you couldn’t turn to look at him. You were too embarrassed, caught in the act of trying to find him. You didn’t think you’d get far with this anyways, so finding him on accident? 
Slowly, you turned, brushing some hair behind your ear sheepishly as you took in his figure. He was taller than you, with long curls and beautiful brown eyes. In his hand was a cup of water, and there was a good bit of sweat dampening his bangs and coating his upper lip. He was dressed in a cut-off Metallica shirt and black jeans with holes in the knees, complete with chains and a studded belt. 
This was…not exactly what you had expected when you had heard his name, his voice. 
However, you weren’t disappointed. Not one bit. He was handsome, even in his boyish way. 
“I— yes.” You released a breath, “I was—I heard—I got a—” “Woah, woah, sweetheart. Just take a breath for me, okay? You’re fine.” He smiled at you. It was friendly, sweet.
You did as he said and took a breath, closing your eyes in the moment to calm yourself. 
“Now, try again.” 
“I got a cassette tape, one that you recorded. And I thought—I may try to find you since you were local. I…enjoyed your reading.” You explained.
He smiled a little wider. “Yeah?” He asked. “It’s a pastime of mine, one that makes me more money than the band does.” He chuckled and lifted his wrist to look at his watch. “We’re done with the studio space in about an hour. You can come in, if you like metal music? Then we can talk afterward.” 
You hadn’t expected such kindness, but you nodded anyways. You liked whatever music. You were sure that whatever you heard of him you would like, anyways.
Your body was already hot allover from hearing his voice again.
He nodded towards the hallway. You followed him down it, and into a door. 
“Guys, this is… Oh, I never caught your name.” He laughed a bit, “Sorry about that.” “Sara.” You responded, smiling at the group of men in the room. “Sara,” He repeated. “Well, you can call me Eddie. This is Gareth, Michael, Pete, Jared, and Tyler. Sara came here looking for me because she listened to one of the books I recorded on tape.” He grinned.
The guys grinned back, all sharing looks. 
“You can sit here, sweetheart. We’re just about done. Just make sure you keep quiet ‘cause we’re working on an album, alright?” 
You nodded, your lips curling up into a smile as you sat on the couch Eddie had directed you to. 
You watched as Eddie picked up his guitar and slung the strap over his shoulder. The other few got into their places, and the music started. Your cheeks flushed as you watched him, watched the way his hands moved over the strings, the way his fingers plucked at them, how his veins were displaying themselves because of how hard he was working.
You were fucking done for. A sexy voice, and sexy hands? He was easy on the eyes, too. By the time they were finished you’d heard a few of their songs, and your panties were thoroughly soaked through — you’d kept imagining his hands all over your body, with him whispering the dirtiest things to you.
You bit your lip as he put his guitar back into its case, and you stood.
“So? How did you like it?” He asked, grinning at you.
You nodded, with a smile. “It was good. Can’t wait to buy the record when it comes out.” You admitted, brushing some hair behind your ear. 
“You’re too kind.” He laughed and picked up his case. “Walk out with me?” He asked.
You nodded. He said his goodbyes to his bandmates and the two of you walked out of the studio with the group oogling at you from behind.
“So, you were looking for me, right?” He hummed, as he opened up the back door of his van. There was a mattress there, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he lived in it. Not that it was a huge problem if he did. “What were you wanting?” He asked, sliding his guitar case into a space to keep it out of the way.
“Oh, you know. I was just — “ You didn’t know what to say. In all honesty, you never even thought you’d find him. Luck was just on your side, it seemed.
“Just — ?” He prompted, standing back in front of you, facing you now. He lifted his hand and softly brushed some of your hair behind your shoulder, his fingers delicately brushing against your neck. 
You gasped softly, not expecting such a touch. He grinned. 
“Just —” You began again, but your words caught in your throat as he took a step closer to you. So close, that you had to tilt your head back to look up at him. 
“Just—” He was mocking you this time, playfully. “Use your words, sweetheart. Tell me what you want.” Eddie smirked. His fingertips delicately brushed along the top of your shoulder and down to your arm. You shivered slightly. 
“You.” You finally spat out, your brain a little fuzzy from the soft touches after you spent a whole hour thinking about him touching you.
“Me?” He chuckled. “You want me? But you don’t know me.” 
“I don’t care.” You breathed and broke the space between you to press your lips together. 
You could feel his smirk against your lips as his arms wrapped around you, pulling your body flush against his. Here you were, in an open parking lot, with his band members still leaving, throwing yourself at him. A stranger. Someone you’d never even met before today.
You couldn’t care, though. Especially not with feeling his cock twitch against you. It wasn’t hard yet, and you could still feel how big it was. 
His hand slid down to your ass and he walked you backwards until your knees felt the edge of the van, hiding the two of you between the open doors of the back. 
He broke the kiss, and grinned at you. “Climb in, sweetheart.” He quirked his brows at you. 
You did as told, climbing into the back and he followed after you, closing the doors behind him. He turned back to you and tilted his head, looking you over as you sat, with your chest heaving, on the mattress. 
“Seems like you’re just a little slut, hm? Come to meet me only to be fucked in a parking lot. Pathetic.” 
You flushed, but you liked his words, so… you nodded, slowly, spreading your legs apart for him to display how wet your panties were beneath your skirt.
His eyes met with your core, and he laughed, a barking, loud laugh. 
“You’re mine and I don’t even know you. Tell me, what were you thinking about so much that you are already soaked without me so much as touching you.” 
“I-I— um… Thinking about your hands… you touching me while you… while you talk to me…” You bit your lip. “Oh, really?” He asked, amused. He climbed up onto the mattress, and his hand disappeared beneath your skirt. You felt his fingers press against your soaked core and you moaned, falling back to let yourself rest on the mattress. “Like this?” He mused, rubbing his fingers against you. “You like my voice, baby? Think it’s sexy?” He teased you, his finger pressing against your clit. “Want me to tell you how fucking pretty you are? How much I wanted to just tear your clothes off and fuck you right in front of that receptionist the moment I saw you, heard you say my name?” 
Your brow knotted together and you nodded, your lips parted as you moaned for him. 
“God, I did, sweetheart.” He sighed, kissing your jaw softly. His fingers hooked in your panties and pushed them aside before he pressed one into your dripping cunt, curling it. You whimpered, grabbing a handful of his hair as your other hand gripped at the sheet beneath you. “Wanted to rip this pretty skirt off of you and bend you over her desk. Wanted to make you look up into her eyes as I railed the fuck out of you. Let you take me over and over while anyone could just walk in and watch us.” You moaned loudly, tilting your head back further as his lips trailed across your throat. 
“God, you’re so fuckin’ pretty… and you’re all mine, aren’t you? Bet you want me to stuff you full with my cum, breed you fuckin’ full with my babies. Don’t even know me…it’s so dirty.” He sighed, pressing a second finger into you as he sucked a spot into your neck. 
Your face was red, hot, and your legs were spread as wide as you could get them for him as he fucked you open with his fingers.
“Oh, fuck.” You cried out, your back arching. 
“Hmm?” He asked, a low chuckle in his throat. “What’s that, baby?” He pressed his lips against yours softly, before pulling back to look you in the eyes, “You want more? Tell me that. I’ll give you everything you want, sweetheart. So fuckin’ perfect for me.” He sighed, happy. 
You nodded, “Please, please, fuck me. Fuck me and cum in me.” You moaned, your pussy clenching around his fingers.
“Such a dirty girl..” He hummed, leaning in to kiss you again. He pulled his fingers out of you and climbed over your legs to position himself between yours. He pushed your shirt up, his hands toying with your chest and plucking at your nipples delicately before his fingers trailed up to your neck. He grabbed your throat as he kissed you, holding you in place as his tongue dived into your mouth and explored it. 
You couldn’t fucking handle it. You whimpered, your hips moving up because you wanted — needed to be touched. 
He chuckled again, and let go of your throat to undo his belt and his jeans, shoving them down only enough to pull his cock out. You broke the kiss so you could look down at it the moment you felt it touch your thigh.
“Fuck—” You whined, your lips parting open as you saw just how big it was. He was going to split your fucking body in two with that monster, but you couldn’t wait for it. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he guided his cock against your folds, rubbing himself against you. Your panties, however, had a different idea as they slid back into place before he could stuff himself inside you. You both groaned, and he reached down with both hands to rip them apart with no issue. 
It was hot, you had to admit. Him ripping your clothes open. You felt a little woozy from that, but thankfully you were already laying down.
He positioned himself again, and slowly pushed in. You moaned, your head tilting back as he stared down at where your bodies connected until he was fully sheathed inside of you. He was breathing a little heavily, his breath mingling with yours. 
“Fuck, you’re tight.” He hissed. 
You couldn’t help but agree, the stretch of him causing a soft burn inside of you. You didn’t care. It felt so fucking good. 
He slid his fingers up and into your open, awaiting mouth. You closed your lips around them, sucking and running your tongue over them as he groaned and softly shifted his hips inside of you. You could taste yourself on his fingers. 
“Shit, such a good girl, taking all of me like this… and raw, too? How fucking dirty. Don’t even know me and you’re letting me fuck you… fuck, it’s so hot.” He groaned, pulling back and thrusting back into you.
You cried out as he hit your g-spot, your eyes squeezing shut. 
“Fuck, that made your little pussy flutter around me. That feel good, sweetheart?” 
God, you couldn’t even think. His fingers were in your mouth, his cock in your cunt, and he was talking to you, telling you what was happening. You could fucking die.
“Bet you don't give this pretty pussy the attention it deserves. If it was mine I’d be stuffing it full every fucking day. Every chance I got.” He groaned, finding a set pace for his hips.
“God, you’re so tight I don’t think I can even—fuck.” He didn’t finish his sentence, his hips just sped up. 
“Gonna pump you so full of my fucking cum, I bet it’s going to just spill out of you. Gonna make sure you give me a baby, huh? You like that, don’t you? The thought of giving a baby to a stranger? Yeah..” He sighed, resting his forehead on your shoulder. “Fuck—”
You were a mess. Moaning, whimpering, whining as he fucked his fat cock into you. There was nothing more you wanted right now than to be his. For him to stuff you full every fucking day and to make sure you were never without an empty uterus. 
“Mmm….ah—” You gasped out as a new sensation began to rise in you. Your belly was growing hotter and hotter by the second, and it was something akin to an orgasm… but different. 
“Keep going, Eddie, please —” You cried out to him, only urging him to speed up. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, I can’t take it—” You gasped, your back arching up as he reached down between you to rub your clit with his spit-soaked fingers. 
On a pull out, it happened. The pressure in your body released and you squirted onto his thick cock, screaming. 
He laughed, loudly, amused. “Wow, you are a fucking slut. You like this way too much.” He laughed some more, before shoving his cock back inside you and kissing you deeply, his hand on your throat again to hold you in place.
His cock kept going and going and going until that pressure built up again—and you made an even bigger mess. You whimpered and whined, your cunt fluttering and sucking him in deeper. God you’d never… this had never happened before. 
“Shit…gonna fill you up, yeah? So fuckin’ hot.” He sighed as he broke the kiss. Sweat dripped off of his forehead onto your throat as he watched the way your pussy greedily sucked him in again, the sounds of your combined sex’s making loud noises in the van. 
“Gonna fuckin’ — fill you to the brim, shit, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum—!” He let out a strangled moan as he bucked his hips into you roughly.
You were almost thankful for him to be finishing. You didn’t know how much more of it you could take.
“Fuck, shit—” He sighed, his hips slowing before they finally stilled. His lips pressed against your skin wherever they could reach before they met yours again, and he slowly pulled out and dropped onto the mattress next to you.
“Well… it was very nice to meet you, Sara.” He grinned.
. . . . . . . . . .
Tag list: @eddiemunsons-girl @spiderrrling @syddsatyrn @mayeddieandstevegf
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desertfangs · 1 year
"I had a dream last night, Daniel, and you just so happened to be in it," Lestat said.
This went to a predictably naughty place. I'm thinking about continuing this but I'd need to do so on AO3 with an explicit tag. If that's something anyone would like to see, let me know. Otherwise, I'm sure your imaginations are as good as Daniel's. ;)
“I had a dream last night, Daniel, and you just so happened to be in it,” Lestat said. 
Daniel opened one eye. Lestat was kneeling on the bed beside him in the place where Armand usually slept. He wore jeans and a t-shirt and his blond hair was flying loose around his tanned face. His blue-gray eyes looked down at him in a penetrating, intense way that made Daniel flush. He closed his eye and pressed his face deeper into the pillow. 
“Oh yeah, and what were we doing in this dream of yours?” 
Lestat grinned. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” 
Daniel shifted onto his back and glared up at him. “You’re the one who woke me up to give me this breaking news.” 
Daniel was held under by the sun longer than most of the others, with the exception of Louis, and he’d awoken to an empty bed, promptly drifting back into a mortal sleep when he did. Sometimes he liked to sleep an extra hour, particularly in Armand’s bed. He always bought the softest sheets. 
He sat up, the sheet falling from his chest, realizing as he did that he wasn’t wearing anything at all. Some nights he put on pajamas but last night he and Armand had… opted not to. He ran his fingers nervously through his ashen hair. 
Lestat gave an appreciative look to his bare chest. “I don’t know if I should say. It was quite… risqué.” 
Daniel rolled his eyes. Lestat was perched on the bed and Daniel was naked under a sheet. He could handle whatever Lestat dreamt about. “Try me.” 
Lestat’s eyebrows flew up. He leaned close so that Daniel could feel his breath on his neck and smell the spiciness of his cologne. “Is that an invitation?” 
Daniel swallowed, heat rising in his neck and cheeks. He hadn’t fed yet so there wasn’t much blood in him but even still the thought of Lestat’s fangs in his neck made him want to grab Lestat and wrestle him down against the mattress. Instead, Daniel pushed him back out of his personal bubble. 
“Just tell me.” 
Lestat beamed. “Well, were driving across the country. Your maker was there insisting we find a different car and then the tire blew out. So you had to fix it. You were the only one who knew how.” 
Daniel stared him. “Fascinating. You know Armand can change a tire. Can’t you?” 
Lestat waved a hand, signaling that it was unimportant. “The tire couldn’t be fixed so we found an abandoned farmhouse to stay at during the day. You insisted we needed to clean up, so you pulled me into the shower with you.” Lestat trailed a finger down Daniel’s chin, light and gentle, leaving a trail across his face. “The things I did to you against the tile.” 
Heat shot through Daniel and his mouth went dry. Lestat wasn’t even giving details but he could picture it well enough: his hands soaping up Lestat’s taught, tan body, Lestat pushing him against the cool tile as the water ran over them, Lestat’s lips on his throat. He thought of the oversized shower in the bathroom only feet away and all the things they could do in there. 
Lestat leaned back and then climbed off the bed, backing up as if he was going to head for the door. “Well, I just thought you should know.” 
Daniel threw a pillow at him. “You’re an asshole.” 
“Quite a thing to say when I just shared something so personal.” Lestat caught the pillow and set it neatly on the bed, which was more aggravating than just throwing it back. 
Daniel rolled his eyes again. Lestat headed for the door. “Where are you going? Aren’t Armand and Louis out at the opera?” That had been their plan, anyhow, which was why Daniel had opted to stay in bed for a bit. 
“As you may recall, I am the esteemed leader of our kind and I have business to attend to,” Lestat said, squaring his shoulders and looking down his nose at Daniel in the haughtiest manner he could manage. It might have been more chiding if it wasn’t so damn sexy. 
“Really, what business?” Daniel asked, scratching at his chin where his stubble used to grow. 
Lestat glared harder, folding his arms over his chest. “I’m sure there’s business. I just need to get back into my email. And call Marius.” 
Daniel snorted. Armand had taught Lestat how to keep his internet accounts secure by using obscenely long passwords. He’d done the same for Daniel when he’d moved back into Trinity Gate, making him change everything so a long string of nonsense. But Lestat had missed the lesson on how to use the password keeper, and thus was always getting locked out of his email. 
Daniel picked up his phone from the nightstand. “Tell you what. I’ll call Marius right now and tell him you’re taking the night off.”
Lestat’s face dropped. “You wouldn’t.” 
The truth was, Lestat had been blowing off work and ignoring Marius’ calls for the past three nights. Daniel knew because Marius kept calling and texting him instead, demanding he put Lestat on the phone. Lestat managed to mysteriously disappear whenever that happened.  
“Hey, I’m just trying to help out a friend.” Daniel smiled. “You’ve been working too hard. I should let him know you need a night to yourself.” 
Lestat pounced. Daniel didn’t expect it, but he should have. Living with Armand should have taught him better.
Lestat was on top of him in seconds, reaching for the phone. Daniel tried to keep it out of his reach but Lestat was fast and strong and soon he was straddling Daniel and pinning him to the mattress, the weight him hard and heavy. His fingers closed around Daniel’s and the phone and he plucked it out of his grasp. He held it aloft victoriously, laughing. 
Lestat shook with laughter on top of him and Daniel became keenly aware of how naked he was and how there was only a sheet between them. Lestat either heard his thoughts or realized the same thing because that winning grin of his spread across his face. He tossed Daniel’s phone behind him and it made a thunk when it landed somewhere on the carpet. 
Lestat’s fingers danced on the sheet over Daniel’s abdomen. His breath hitched. His cheeks burned. “I thought your maker bought everyone those designer pajamas from Italy.”
“Will you get off me?” Daniel demanded, trying to sound annoyed instead of desperate to have him to do the opposite. 
Lestat leaned down close to his face and stroked his cheek. Daniel sucked in a breath his dead lungs didn’t need. “I certainly could.” He bent down closer and put his lips right up to Daniel’s lips, so close he could feel them there, but stopped short of touching them to Daniel’s. A whine escaped Daniel’s lips, unbidden, and Lestat smiled, the movement brushing against him. 
Lestat’s tongue slid into his mouth, warm and tentative. Daniel kissed him back desperately, hands digging into his hair to pull him closer. Fangs nicked his tongue and electricity exploded in Daniel’s mouth, his vision going white as the little droplets of blood shot through him. When Lestat pulled back, he was panting and Daniel’s chest heaved as his dead heart pounded, veins tight with a lack of blood. 
Daniel threaded his fingers deeper in Lestat’s hair and pulled him back down, kissing him again. His tongue moved against Lestat’s with ferocious need. Lestat made a noise that was low and primal, his fingernails digging into Daniel’s shoulder until they pierced his skin. The pain jolted him, heightening the pleasure of their mouths moving together.
When they broke apart again, Lestat leaned back, a wicked gleam in his eye as he looked down at Daniel. “It just occurred to me that since we have the house to ourselves, you can make my dream come true.” 
Just occurred to him. Right.
Daniel smirked. “You want me to teach you how to change a flat tire?”
Lestat laughed. “Much as I’ve love to see you greasy and sweating with the effort, I think we can make better use of the shower, non?” 
Daniel’s pulse raced and he nodded. 
Lestat beamed. He climbed off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. Daniel hesitated for a only moment, trying to calm his excitement, before he got up and followed him in. 
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judasofsuburbia · 2 years
writing a new easy chapter and thinking about steddie’s teenage daughter going through a one direction phase. sees the WMYB music video one day on tv and becomes completely enthralled.
her dads, ever supportive of her interests, try to listen to them too. watch their music videos on the computer after she goes to sleep.
steve thinks they’re charming and fun. eddie feels a migraine coming on.
“aw c’mon eds, they’re cute!” steve says. “it’s like her nsync!”
“yeah and it was painful enough to go through that with you,” eddie retorts.
steve gives him a look. “just…be nice, okay?”
eddie grimaces at the computer screen. he was more so hoping his daughter would have a metal phase. or hell, he'd even take a goth phase. he sighs and mumbles, “alright, alright.”
now eddie’s perfectly content to have one direction be something their daughter shares with steve. even if their first album plays so much in their house that eddie catches himself humming it sometimes and groans petulantly. privately, of course.
yes, eddie’s content with not being into them until steve and their daughter get tickets to their show and steve gets the flu the night before. eddie is calling everyone: robin, nancy, max, lucas, dustin, hell even HOPPER but no one’s available to chaperone her. so he tells her that he’ll go to the concert. out of pure love.
the arena is a bloodbath. eddie's been to metal shows his entire life but he's never seen anything like this. he's making panicked eye contact to any other dad he sees and they all kind of shrug. a "well, what are you gonna do?" he's never feared for his life more. his daughter is over the moon though and that’s what matters.
the light dim and the boys take the stage. his daughter is gripping the seat in front of her, jumping up and down, screeching at the top of her lungs. eddie sits back and takes a long sip of his beer.
it's gonna be a long night.
but it wasn't a long night. the boys put on an incredible show and eddie finds himself amazed by their showmanship and charisma. they cover wheatus' teenage dirtbag and eddie's suddenly standing, shouting the lyrics along with them.
his daughter's favorite is louis (sometimes niall on a rogue day). he's finding his favorite is zayn. something about his bad boy rebel persona reminds him of himself at that age. but like, the fabricated teeny bopper celebrity version.
yeah, okay, he does know the lyrics to WMYB and yeah, okay, he does hold his daughter's hands and belts the lyrics out with her. he holds her as she cries when the boys leave the stage, shushing her gently and stroking her back. he lifts her spirits by getting them into the merch line and letting her choose whatever she wants.
somehow eddie ends up asking for two adult larges of the tour sweatshirt. his daughter squints her eyes at him but has an all knowing smile on her face.
their daughter passes out on the car ride home and eddie carries her inside. he slips her boots off and tucks her into bed. steve is awake when he enters their room. pale and sickly, but otherwise competent.
"how was it?" steve croaks.
eddie slyly hands him a sweatshirt. steve beams at him and slips it over his head. when his head pokes out the other side, he realizes that eddie has put his tour sweatshirt on. the same knowing smile that was on their daughter earlier is now on steve's face as well.
eddie clears his throat and scratches the back of his neck. "do we have an extra CD i could have in my car?"
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somethingboutafic · 8 months
Favorites (under 100k)
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Quiet People Have the Loudest Minds by 2tiedships2 (M) word count: 38,065 The one where Louis is a nonverbal omega who has accepted the fact that he will never find an alpha that will treat him as an equal. On the other hand, he’s never met anyone like Harry.
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Home calls the heart by Itsmotivatingcara (M) word count: 44,091 A series of unfortunate events lands Louis Tomlinson in the heart of Texas. After running from his life in London and a performative marriage, he leaves a scandal in his wake. Home calls the heart, as his Nana always said. Though her words couldn't be truer when he decides to take up her offer to watch over Hyacinth ranch while she travels abroad. He figured the worst he'd have to deal with would be the meddlesome goats, some repairs and an errant spirit or two. That is, until the gorgeous Cowboy next door makes his presence known. or a romcom au.
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Red Brick Heart by hazmesentir (E) word count: 98,194 Uni AU. Harry had turned up at the halls of residence expecting fun, new friends, and maybe a life experience or two. What he doesn't expect is a surprise roommate who's loud and dramatic and obsessed with tea and is maybe, actually, all he's ever wanted.
14 notes · View notes
kingsofeverything · 1 year
1k words of harry’s pov after Louis leaves at the end of tshu PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!
lol yayyyyyyyyyy i think i've posted part of this before but maybe just the email. i hope i didn't post the whole thing. it's called the drum beats out of time:
If he drives straight back to the flat, he could be in bed by midnight, but he doesn’t. Harry backs his car out of the garage bay, sits there with it still in reverse and watches as the door is slowly lowered until it’s fully closed. Even then, he doesn’t head down the drive toward the road for another minute or two, and when he eventually leaves, he turns right instead of left and wanders around aimlessly, driving until he’s low on gas before he goes home. 
It’s a little after one in the morning when Harry finally gets the key to turn in the lock and he stumbles inside the empty flat, but he isn’t tired, or is too keyed up to sleep, probably. Still, he walks back to the bedroom, pulling his clothes off on his way through the dark flat. Harry feels around on the top of his dresser and finds his laptop, settles onto the bed with it, figuring he’ll distract himself for the next little bit before two o’clock. He just wants to stay awake until Louis leaves, as if his being awake and aware makes a difference. As if he’ll feel Louis’ absence more acutely once he’s no longer in this time.
He opens Netflix, but ignores it in favor of checking his email. There’s a short message from Zayn, telling Harry to keep in touch, and reassuring him that Louis will make it to 2023 just fine. Which he can’t know, and Zayn admits as much, but he says he has a good feeling about it. Harry’ll reply to Zayn’s email later, maybe in the morning or maybe in a few days. When he’s not feeling as raw as he is tonight. 
Harry clicks over to Netflix and watches the pilot episode of Friends, something he’s seen dozens of times and doesn’t have to focus on or keep up with, something he can pretend to watch while he zones out and thinks of Louis and watches the minutes pass on the digital clock in the bottom right corner of his laptop screen. At one fifty-nine, Harry closes out Netflix and stares at the clock. His heartbeat gets incrementally faster, and when the numbers change to read two o’clock, Harry gasps involuntarily and his stomach flips almost violently as he thinks of Louis being taken away from him. Because that’s how he sees it, even if it’s nowhere near the truth. For the next few minutes, Harry continues to watch the clock, and when it’s five after two, he bites his lip and closes his eyes, letting the few tears he has left roll down his cheeks. 
Blinking to clear his vision, Harry stretches his fingers, then opens a new email message. 
To: futurelou
Subject: hi
You’re probably in 2023 already, which is totally fucking with my head. I miss you so much and you just left a few minutes ago. I hope the trip wasn’t bad or uncomfortable…….. Sounds like you’re on a train or something instead of traveling through a wormhole into the future. Idk why I’m emailing you other than I thought of you (haven’t stopped thinking of you, actually) and wanted to talk to you, so here I am. Now that you’re not here to distract me, I’m going to buckle down and figure out what I’m going to do at uni. Eventually. I love you. 
Always yours,
“It’s fucking raining. Shocking, I know,” Harry says, phone wedges between his ear and his shoulder, fiddling with the key in the door, and finally locking it through sheer force of will. At least that’s something he won’t have to deal with in London—wishing for Louis to be there every single time he tries to lock or unlock the goddamn flat. 
Harry hurries to his car and slides behind the wheel, but rushing doesn’t do a damn thing because he’s absolutely soaked. The ends of his hair are dripping rainwater onto his already wet clothes. He wipes his phone dry on the upholstery of the passenger seat, pulls his hair aside with one hand and squeezes some of the water out before twisting it up into a bun and asking, “How is he?”
“I don’t know,” Zayn answers quietly. “It’s not like we talk. He comes to work, he stays late, we avoid each other, and repeat.”
Harry sighs. “I just miss him.”
“I know, mate. I, um… I do too. It’s weird. Listen, when you have time, I want to talk to you about the stabilization of the wormhole.”
“What about?”
“Nothing now. And no big rush. Just when you get settled with your sister, give me a ring?”
“Not sure what you think I can help with. I mean, I’ve got Louis’ notes, but…”
Zayn clicks his tongue and Harry rolls his eyes, knowing what comes next. “It’s nothing to do with Louis’ notes. Want to bounce some ideas around in that curly head of yours. And, Harry, please think it over. You’d be such an asset. You already are.”
Harry scoffs. “I’m not even starting uni until September, if then, and I told you I’m not strong in maths. I don’t see the point in studying physics if I can’t handle—”
“I might know a guy who can tutor you. Just think about it. And let’s Skype soon. Yeah?”
“Yeah, alright.” Harry looks at their old flat through the rain battering the windshield, turns on the wipers and watches them swish back and forth. He mutters, “Wish you could give him my love or something.”
Zayn laughs and says, “He’d kick my arse. How about… send me some of his tea. I’ll sneak it into the break room. It’ll be like a secret gift from you to him.”
Harry smiles, but then his eyes begin to water and he bites his lip and nods, even though Zayn can’t see him. He takes a breath and tries to keep his voice steady. “Thanks, Z. Get some sleep. It’s late there.”
“I’m off tomorrow, so no worries. Safe travels, mate. Anything I can do, just let me know.”
Harry hangs up and sets his phone in the cup holder, rubs his eyes with the cuff of his flannel shirt, and checks the rearview mirror before backing into the road and taking off. It’s still dark out, the sun won’t be up for a few hours, and the roads in Donny are dead quiet. A stark difference from what he knows he’ll find in London, especially since he’s due to arrive at his sister’s sometime around half-nine. 
The repetitive whirring sound of his tires spinning on the street is almost hypnotizing, so Harry clicks on his radio and flips to his most recently made and most listened to playlist and sings along to all of the sad songs that somehow seem to lessen the ache of missing Louis. 
Eleven weeks down, two hundred forty-nine to go. 
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maddieskywlker · 2 years
I Want A Ring, I Don’t Mean on The Phone 
Pairing: Javy “Coyote” Machado x Reader
Word Count: 2,692 (oops)
Warnings: None, just fluff....unless you count how long it is as a warning (my bad y'all, I got a little carried away lol)
Summary: Coyote and y/n have been dating for two years. Coyote is planning a big surprise for his girl on their trip to visit his family in New Orleans for Christmas.
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*Third Person POV*
Coyote was looking forward to bringing y/n home to New Orleans for Christmas, and to seeing his family for the first time since his last deployment post uranium mission.
 Javy laid in bed beside y/n, watching as her chest rose and fell in her sleep. “Baby wake up, we have to finish packing,” Javy spoke and she snuggled closer to Javy. He chuckled and poked her side, "Come on love bug, we gotta get going soon.” Y/n peaked through one eye and Javy smiled at her, “Good morning sleeping beauty.” She groaned again and sat up slowly, “Good morning Javy.” He sat up and kissed her temple before getting out of bed.
 “Did you finish packing last night while I was working or did you need to finish,” Javy asked while brushing his teeth.
“I just have my toiletries left to pack,” Y/N groaned, looking at Javy’s muscular back from her spot in the bed. Javy smirked and looked over his shoulder, “well shake a leg buttercup we got a flight to catch.” Javy finished brushing his teeth and got dressed while y/n finally got out of bed and got herself ready. “I’m gonna start loading up the car, if you hurry we can make a coffee stop,” Javy kissed her forehead while she sat braiding her hair.
After braiding her hair and grabbing her shoes, y/n grabbed her carry-on bag and purse, she met Javy outside and climbed into the passenger seat. “About time princess,” Javy smirked at her. “Oh hush I could go back and take longer if you want,” she giggled playfully as they drove off, stopping at Starbucks before the airport.  
After a 3 and half hour flight, Javy was buzzing in his seat and ready to be home. “Excited much?” Y/n giggled at her boyfriend watching him squirm around in his seat as they landed at Louis Armstrong National Airport. “Yeah, excited for damn good, seasoned food finally,” Javy joked as they walked into the airport. “Luggage first then food bubs,” y/n reminded him as she grabbed his hand and pulled him in the direction of the baggage claim.
Javy grabbed their bags, and laced his fingers through y/n’s as they walked through the airport and out into the parking lot.
When they walked out into the parking lot Javy pulled his sunglasses over his eyes and searched for his dad and his truck. “Look there he is!” Y/n exclaimed as she spotted her boyfriend’s father and the red Chevrolet truck they both missed so much. “Dad!” Javy waved excitedly and lightly pulled y/n behind him holding their bags in his other hand.
When they reached the truck Mr. Machado hugged both of them and tossed their bags into the passenger seat of the truck and they climbed into the backseat together. As they drove off the three caught up and talked about the plans for the day.
“Your mama has already got lunch cooked, she made gumbo and potato salad,” Mr. Machado smiled looking up at his son through the mirror. “Then we’re going to Jackson Square for beignets and a carriage ride, then I believe we’re going to the Roosevelt to see the lights, and we’re having dinner at Court of Two Sisters,” Mr. Machado explained their plans as they pulled up to Javy’s childhood home. The beautiful white French style home was decorated wondrously for the holidays.
Javy smiled widely when the front door opened and his mama came running outside. “My babies! You’re home, you’re home!” Mrs. Machado cheered with tears in her eyes. “Hi Mama,” Javy hugged her tightly when she barreled into him. “Oh my handsome son, welcome home baby.” Mrs. Machado wiped her eyes and hugged him one more time. “And my beautiful girl, you look stunning as ever y/n,” Mrs. Machado hugged the girl and patted her back. “Hi mama, how’ve you been?” Y/n smiled up at the lady who had always been like a second mother to her. “I’ve been great honey, just cooking and preparing for y’all to be home for the holidays,” Mrs. Machado smiled as they walked into the house.
Javy’s dad brought their bags up to his room as they joined his mom and younger siblings in the dining room. “JAVY,” His 12 year old twin sister and brother both cheered as they ran to their brother and jumped on him. “Hi crazies,” Javy chuckled and hugged them close. “Hi y/n,” they both hugged her and she giggled hugging them tightly before sitting at the table where lunch was already waiting. 
“It smells amazing Mama,” Javy smiled and laced his fingers through y/n’s under the table as they ate.  After lunch y/n helped Mrs. Machado with the dishes while Javy showered and got ready for their evening plans. 
“How’s the team been,” Mrs. Machado asked y/n as she saved up the dishes. “They’ve been great, Rooster and Phoenix got married last month. It was a beautiful and fun wedding,” she smiled at the memories of the November wedding of two of her best friends. “It’ll be you and Javy’s turn before you know it,” Mrs. Machado smirked. Y/n blushed and shook her head at the older woman, who she hoped was right. “Alright now, you go get ready young lady, I can finish the rest of this,” Mrs. Machado playfully told her. “Yes mama,” y/n giggled and jogged upstairs. 
She walked into the room just as Javy was coming out of the ensuite bathroom with a towel around his waist. “Well hello there,” she giggled at her boyfriend. “Hey love bug,” Javy leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Have a nice shower babe?” “The water pressure here is so much better than on base,” Javy chuckled as he grabbed his black pants, velvet polo, coat, and boots to get dressed. Y/n quickly showered and fixed her hair and makeup with a simple gold smokey eye. 
Javy looked up from his phone and wolf-whistled at his girlfriend who had her hair curled with her makeup done with just a towel wrapped around her. “I’m not even dressed yet goofball,” y/n giggled. “You look the best right now like this,” Javy smirked as she stood between his legs with his arms around her waist. “I can’t go in public like this though babe, so you gotta let me get dressed,” y/n giggled and leaned down to peck his lips. 
Y/n grabbed her red sweater dress, coat, tights, and booties from her suitcase before she walked into the bathroom to finish getting dressed. Once she had her clothes on she walked out to put on her earrings and necklace. “Javy can you help me with my necklace,” y/n asked him as she stood in front of him with her back to him. “Of course baby,” Javy grabbed her necklace and stood up behind her to help her clasp her necklace together. He pressed a kiss to her neck before he put her hair back down over her neck. “You look beautiful mon cheri,” Javy wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and stood with her swaying side to side. “I love you Y/n,” Javy said as he kissed her cheek. “I love you more Javy,” she smiled looking over her shoulder at him.
“You kids ready,” Mrs. Machado called from downstairs. “We’re coming Mama!” Javy called back as y/n grabbed her purse before checking her makeup once over in the mirror. “You go ahead babe, I’ll be right there,” Javy pressed a kiss to her head. Y/n jogged down the stairs and joined his family with a smile. Once she was out of the room Javy quickly grabbed the velvet box from his carry on bag and shoved it in his coat pocket before joining his family downstairs. 
Javy’s parents and younger siblings climbed into his mom’s Tahoe, while he and y/n climbed into his truck. “I’ve been craving Cafe du Monde beignets for sooo long,” Y/n giggled as they drove off from the Garden District into the French Quarter. “You and me both love bug,” Javy said as he held one of her hands and drove with the other. 
Javy parked right behind his parents on the side of the street right in front of Cafe du Monde. He got out and went around to y/n’s side and opened the door for her, helping her out of the truck. Y/n grinned widely as she smelled the sugary sweet donuts and coffee from Cafe du Monde and heard the sounds of jazzy Christmas music being played on the streets. “I missed New Orleans so damn much,” she said as laced her fingers through Javy’s own. He smiled down at her and twirled her as they walked down the sidewalk towards the famous New Orleans cafe.  
“Two orders of beignets and two coffees please,” Javy said as he held y/n close to his side. She smiled up at him and handed him his wallet from her purse so he could pay for their order. “I’m gonna go find a table for all of us,” she said softly as she put his wallet back in her purse. “Okay baby make sure it isn’t too close to the street,” he reminded her so his siblings wouldn’t be tempted to run off towards the art work and street performers. 
Once everyone had their orders, Javy and his parents and siblings joined y/n at the table she’d found in the middle of the cafe’s outdoor dining area, just close enough to the musicians performing, but far enough from the street. “Here you are my love, two beignets and coffee,” Javy kissed the top of her head and he sat down beside her. They all happily dug into their beignets, the adults all drinking coffee while the kids drank hot chocolate. 
Once they all finished their beignets and drinks, Javy tried to go back for more, but his mom reminded him of their scheduled carriage ride through the French Quarter. Y/n giggled at her pouting boyfriend but promised him to come back before they left at the end of the week. Javy chuckled as his siblings each grabbed one of y/n’s hands and pulled her along the sidewalk towards the horse drawn carriages. 
“Guess I’m not sitting with my girlfriend on this carriage ride, she’s been taken hostage by two gremlins.” Javy joked as he wrapped his arm around his mom’s shoulders and walked beside her. “Don’t worry son, soon enough you’ll have her to yourself for the rest of your life,” his mom reminded him as she smiled up at her eldest child. “I know mama, I’ve thought about this night since the uranium mission ended,” he smiled ahead watching his girlfriend and siblings skipping down the sidewalk as they approached the carriages. “Come on slow pokes!” The twins yelled back towards their parents and older brother. Javy chuckled and shook his head, as they caught up to the three of them at the carriage. 
“Y/n! y/n! Sit with me! Sit with me!” Javy’s little sister begged, Javy rolled his eyes and climbed in to sit beside his brother, while y/n and his sister sat across from them. “Don’t worry, I snuck around and booked one for us tomorrow evening by ourselves,” y/n leaned forward to whisper in Javy’s ear. “You’re an angel,” Javy whispered back and pecked her lips quickly. 
Javy reached over and held y/n’s hand in his as the carriage began to take off around the French Quarter. Y/n smiled widely, her eyes lighting up brighter than the Christmas lights as they rode through their beautiful hometown. Javy smiled watching her the whole time. Y/n felt a small body nuzzling against her side and wrapped her arm that wasn’t being held by Javy, around his little sister and smiled down at her. 
About 15 minutes later, they had arrived back at Cafe du Monde and the sun had long set giving way to the Christmas lights everywhere. “We’ll meet y’all at the Roosevelt,” Javy’s dad said as they all walked towards their vehicles. “See y’all there,” Javy nodded at his dad, silently reminding him to make sure y/n didn’t see that her family would be there too. Another surprise Javy worked out for her, he knew she wouldn’t want her parents missing the moment that was to come. 
“I miss home so much, I wish we could be stationed closer to home,” y/n said as they drove off towards the Roosevelt Waldorf Astoria. “I know baby, I do too,” Javy sighed, pressing a kiss to her knuckles.  “Maybe we could request a transfer,” she said hopefully. “We’ll see love bug, we’ll just have to do some research,” Javy smiled at her as they pulled into a parking spot across the street from the Roosevelt. 
Javy climbed out of the truck and nervously took a deep breath before walking around to the passenger side and grabbing y/n’s hand to help her out of the truck. “Let’s go ahead and walk through baby, Dad said they’ll catch up.” Javy explained as they crossed the street hand in hand. “Okay, I’m just ready to see the lights,” y/n giggled and smiled up at him as they walked through the doors of the Roosevelt. “Welcome to the Roosevelt Waldorf Astoria,” the door greeter smiled at the two of them. They both nodded and said soft “thank you’s” as they headed in the direction of the decorated lobby. 
“It's so beautiful,” y/n sighed as she let go of Javy’s hand and walked through the lights with a wide smile. “Yeah it is,” Javy said softly from behind her as he dropped to one knee. “Javy,” she turned around looking for him and gasped when she saw him on one knee, “oh my god,” she said as she was already tearing up. Javy chuckled softly and smiled at her, “Y/n M/n L/n, you have made me the happiest I’ve ever been in my whole life in the last few years. I’ve thought about this moment since we were just kids running through this lobby together at Christmas. I’ve wanted to do this since the moment the uranium mission ended, but Jake said I would hate myself for not giving you this perfect moment, and I also didn’t have the ring yet, so here we are,” he smiled up at her as she giggled and sniffled. He reached in his coat pocket and pulled out the velvet box and opened it to reveal a beautiful onyx and diamond ring, “love bug will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Machado,” Javy looked up at her with his own tears forming in his eyes. “YES! OF COURSE YES!” Y/n tearfully answered, placing her hands on his cheeks and pulling him up to her. 
Javy smiled so widely his cheeks hurt, he slid the ring on her left hand finger and kissed her deeply. “I love you so much baby girl,” Javy whispered through the kiss. “I love you more Bub,” y/n smiled into the kiss. Javy turned towards the end of the hall where both of their families were waiting. He held up her left hand in their direction, “SHE SAID YES,” he cheered happily. Their families cheered and ran down the hall towards them. 
“MOM! DAD!” Y/n exclaimed tearfully when she realized her parents were there as well. She hugged them both tightly and whimpered softly. “My baby’s getting married,” her mom cheered as she grabbed her hand to see the ring. “Congratulations honey,” her dad kissed the top of her head. 
Both of the families happily walked through the building to see the lights and Javy and y/n followed behind them closely. “Merry Christmas fiancé,” Javy chuckled and nudged Y/n with his elbow as they walked. “Merry Christmas Javy,” y/n smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him passionately. 
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2000scnt · 1 year
You can love me… but you will hate me more.
•Miles Fairchild Mini Series•
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¡¡//foul language//mental abuse//!!
Hello!! Took a very long break, but thankfully I’m back just in time for summer break! Hope y’all enjoy this new chapter. Forgive me if I don’t quite get it right, I don’t exactly remember what my plot was, but let’s move along! Once again, please be respectful.
•Chapter 4•
The standing trees passed in a blur as the sleek car sped down the highway. The sky above was cloudy and resembled a window through the thick sea of trees. Madeline sighed as she looked out the window in content. The day was done with and her stresses were left in the dust. She bobbed her head to the music that played through her headphones.
The drive was going to take a couple of hours. Her father would’ve let her use the private jet but she liked to keep it the old way, by car. The drive was soothing for her too. The scenery was what was most beautiful about New Hampshire.
The music flowed smoothly and before she knew it, Madeline had fallen into a deep sleep. She didn’t realize that they had driven miles and hours. She was suddenly awoken by a jolt and the car slowing down on a gravely road. Madeline was dazed when she rubbed her eyes are looked around. The windows were too foggy to see, so she wiped it clean with the sleeve of her hoodie.
Madeline quizzically looked outside, it still looked like New Hampshire. What the hell? It was night now, they should’ve been in New York. The car slowly passed a gate with a tall wall on both sides protecting the grounds. Beside them stood dark alluring woods that called to her. She shivered and pulled her eyes away to look at the grandiose mansion that came into view. It looked ancient. Like it held many secrets, it was definitely older than her school.
They passed another gate and got even closer now. Madeline could see the details of it all. The mansion was haunting almost as it reflected against her window. There were many glass windows that went from the ceiling to the floor, lights sparkled from the outside from every room. The structure almost looked like a church. Very gothic. It gave Madeline chills as the car came to a stop pulling around the home. The car stopped at the front door which was small in size compared to the rest of the home. Two planters beside it.
Madeline pulled out her headphones and stuffed everything into her bag. She looked at the rear view mirror. “Where the hell are we?” She questioned.The driver didn’t answer. Great, now his vow of silence didn’t come in handy. Madeline huffed and look at the door handle. She fought herself on opening it, what if her father sent her to a rehabilitation center for troubled teens… that quickly? She didn’t want to doubt it.
Madeline nibbled at her lip when suddenly the front door was opened and out walked an older woman wearing plain grey clothing with a grey wool sweater. Her hair was dark grey and curled in a hairstyle like in a 20’s film. She was eerie to look at even from afar. She stood in the light of the doorway almost like a shadow. “I’ll help you with your bags, Miss, Roth.” The driver spoke suddenly, causing Madeline to jump and look away from the woman. He got out the car and slammed his door shut. It seemed Madeline had no other choice as she heard him rustling around in the back of the car pulling out her Louis Vuitton suitcase. Her dad had packed some extra things for her in the car, how considerate.
Madeline gulped in fear when the driver pulled her door open. The cold air flooded in and tickled her thighs. She looked up at him with confusion as she moved out from her seat. The cold nipped at her cheeks as she stepped out from the car. The driver slammed the door shut behind her as he pulled her case forward and her along with it. This was all happening so fast she didn’t know what was there right thing to do, so she just followed. She hugged herself as their feet crunched against the leaves and gravel. Madeline was hesitant with each stepped and looked around her noticing a lot more windows and another small door across the way from her, good to remember.
The driver stopped in front of the woman awaiting them and nodded at her silently before leaving the things there and walking back to the car quickly. Madeline didn’t even watch as he jumped into the car and hauled ass out of there. All she could hear was the roar of the engine turning and the tires driving him further away. Madeline just kept her head down as tears began to escape. She was scared and alone, not having any idea where she was.
The woman noticed her sniffling and cleared her throat. Madeline sheepishly looked up, the red around her blue pupils causing the woman to raise a brow. She slowly walked to Madeline. Not knowing what to do she stayed still in fear. But she’s of no threat, instead she softly grabs Madeline face. “What peculiar eyes you have, my dear, such a deep blue…” She lingers off with her words and then let’s her go. Madeline sniffles from the cold. The woman feels sympathy for the girl, she’s probably frightened to death. “Please, come in, I am no harm to you, I will explain why you’re here.” Madeline was hopeful now. The woman grabbed her case and began to guide her in. Madeline smiled but turned to look out into the night. She didn’t know why, she just felt like she needed to one last time. There was nothing but the road, the trees and the moonlight. She then turned back around and followed the older woman inside, in which she also gave one last look into the night, seeing something much more sinister.
Madeline followed the woman into the home, a grand foyer, grand chandeliers and light fixtures that stood out and screamed wealth. Everything was extravagant. It definitely wasn’t new wealth either, it was money that had been for generations. They walked down a small hallways for what seemed a while after leaving Madeline’s luggage by the stairs to be left in her room later. Madeline had no time to question why she had a room of her own. She was still so confused she didn’t know where or when to start asking questions. “Let’s fetch you something eat, my dear, you must be famished.” Madeline couldn’t argue with that realizing she hadn’t eaten since this morning before classes.
The woman brought her to the kitchen that seemed more homey compared to the rest of the home. It was painted yellow and drawings stuck to different parts of wall, there were dishes stacked and small trinkets here and there. It smelled of apple pie and onion soup. She was left her standing as the woman grabbed some things for her that had been left from earlier what seemed. She set it on a plate nicely. She quickly heated it up as awkward silence ensued them.
The woman set the plate down carefully on the counter. “Go ahead.” She insisted. Madeline walked towards the counter and leaned against it looking down at the plate of ham, beets and some kind of mashed food. It smelled good at least. She sighed and looked up at the woman. “I need answers… Why am I here? Where am I?” She questioned. The woman weaved her fingers together and sighed. “Welcome to the Fairchild estate. I am Mrs. Grose, I am the caretaker of the grounds and I take care of Miss Flora Fairchild.” Madeline stilled. Fairchild? Are you serious? Madeline thought for a moment and then pushed the plate away quickly and stepped back. “So you’ve kidnapped me!” She accused as she looked around frantically. The woman sighed shaking her head. “I want to speak to my father!” Madeline demanded as the woman watched her. “Your father knows.” Madeline looked at the woman as though she were crazy. He’d never do that would he? He doesn’t even know these people? “How does my father know?” She questioned. “Mr. Fairchild, sent a request to your father to have you spend the weekend here at the estate as a guest.”
Madeline didn’t want to believe it. “My father wouldn’t allow this, he doesn’t even know you crazy people.” Mrs. Grose raised a brow. “I suggest you be careful with how you speak to me young lady.” She warned. Madeline huffed. “Let me speak to my father.” Mrs. Grose pointed a thin finger to a landline that stuck to the wall. “Now when you’re done with your fit, I’ll be waiting in the hallway.” Madeline watched the woman walk out the doorway and close the door behind her.
Madeline ran to the phone and frantically began to type in her fathers number. It rung a couple of times and then relief flooded over Madeline when her fathers voice was heard. “Hello? Hello?” It sounded like he was at a concert or something. “Daddy? Dad? It’s Maddy! Daddy where the hell did you send me??” Madeline cried as she clung to the phone. She was alone and stranded here with her worst enemy as of today. Could it have gotten any worse. “Oh darling! I’m so glad you made it, I was becoming worried!” Madeline groaned. “We’ll you should be worried! You’ve left me stranded with some strangers!” Her father chucked at the end of the line. “Hardly darling! Aren’t you excited to hang out with your best friend? Such a sweet boy for taking you off my hands for the weekend!” Madeline rolled her eyes, of course he’d jump at the opportunity of her not being stuck with him. “But dad! This guy is a total creep and I literally just met him today!” Her father huffed in agitation on how long this call was. “Listen darling, he sent me a cordial invitation to my secretary requesting that I allow you to stay the weekend at his home with his family, and that you both had planned it! So I thought since you’d been having issues making friends that you’d be just as excited as I am!” Madeline tugged at her hair. This dude was crazy? How did he even get the connections to be able to reach her fathers secretary? The bitch doesn’t even answers her phone calls to the office and she’s his own daughter.
Madeline was about to go off again when her father beat her to it. “Listen, we both know you wouldn’t have had fun out here with me anyway, your old man.” Madeline knew it was more just him not wanting to be a father and cheat on his mother in peace. “Just have fun this weekend, I’ll have Evan pick you up Monday morning! Enjoy my dear, call me anytime!” He hung up the phone before Madeline could say anything else. She was left standing in shock as the line went dead. She stuck it back onto the wall and sighed. She was left defeated.
Looking out the window she could see the entirety of the grounds, some stables from afar. Suddenly, the door creaked open and she jumped around to see who was creeping up on her. A tall blonde woman looked at her curiously. “Who-who are you?” Madeline didn’t mean to stutter, how embarrassing. The woman looked at her like she was a wounded puppy. “I heard you on the phone… kind of just walked into it.” Madeline looked at her cautiously. “I’m Kate, Kate Mandell.” She introduced herself. Like was she supposed to know who she was. “I’m the new governess!” Madeline didn’t understand this pilgrim rich people lingo. Kate could tell and laughed. “I’m a live in nanny basically.” Madeline ‘oh’d in response.
There was an awakened silence as they stood there not knowing what else to say. Mrs. Grose walked in just in time. She looked Kate up and down. “Shouldn’t you be going to bed yourself? It’s not safe to be wandering at night.” She warned to Kate with some sincerity to her statement. Madeline raised a brow, why was it unsafe? Kate smiled and said goodnight before walking out.
Mrs. Grose guided Madeline to her new bedroom for the next couple of days. They stepped up that stairs and Madeline halted just as they stopped at the top. The wind flowed through the small crack of the door making a whistling sound. It looked to be a darkened hallway leading to another part of the house she was sure. Madeline walked towards it but Mrs. Grose beat her to it and slammed it shut before her. “Do you always go sniffing around other peoples home where your nose doesn’t belong?” She asked with anger. “I didn’t ask to be your guest.” Madeline sneered. Mrs. Grose leaned towards her. “You should be honored that you were even brought here, child.” Madeline rolled her eyes. Like she knows who she is, all this riches wasn’t new to her, all they had was a title.
Mrs. Grose stepped away and walked down the hallway. Madeline angrily followed after her. She led her to a door beside two others. “The governess is just up the step from yours if you need anything, Flora is beside you, so be silent for her sake. And call for me, I will come.” Madeline recorded everything but remembered one thing. “And miles?” She asked, dreading having to see him again, but so far relieved that she hadn’t yet. “Just down the hall, beside Flora.” Madeline looked down the hall while chewing on her lip. “Such a bad habit, my dear.” The woman tsked. Madeline instantly stopped. “Don’t think about sneaking around. I know what it’s like for a young woman, but I will know.” Madeline almost threw up in her mouth. “With that spoiled brat? I don’t think so.” Mrs. Grose fixed her sweater as she stood straight. “He needs a woman of his status. One that will bring good fortune to his name and reputation.” Madeline almost laughed, this woman was insane. “Yeah, whatever.”
Mrs. Grose was tired of the girls attitude and bid farewell as she watched the girl walk into the room shutting the door behind her. “Brat.” She huffed as she walked away to her own quarters for the night, wondering what Miles was up to dragging this girl here. For what purpose? But she couldn’t him, he was head of the household now. She just had to follow orders.
Madeline sighed as she put her bag on the stool that sat at the end of her bed. The room was so coquette. Pink cotton pillows and a white soft linen that covered the tall bed. Little yellow flowers and purple Lilly’s embroidered on it. The tall wide window gave a view of the open grounds that seemed like it went on forever. White curtains with yellow stitches seemed heavy with dust. The floor had a soft rug that felt good against Madeline’s bare feet as she slipped off her heeled shoes.
She sighed in relief from the pain on her toes. She then walked to the closet and pull it open. There was nothing but hangers. And a small forgotten hat. It was pink with a red rose on it, shaped like a beret. “Interesting, this person definitely liked pink.” Madeline voiced as she picked it up and blew the dust off it, it was still cute. She walked to the gold freckled mirror in the corner of her room and modeled it. Pretending as though she were Aubrey Hepburn posing for vogue.
She then threw it onto the bed and began to tear off her clothing. She was tired of this uniform. She huffed and threw everything on the floor leaving her in her underwear. She sighed and threw herself on the bed. Her stomach rumbled angrily. “Fuckkkkkk” She mumbled, remembering that she refused to eat what Mrs. Grose offered. Well, she was going to sleep hungry tonight. She was beyond exhausted. Before questions and worry flooded her mind, she fell asleep to rumbling of her stomach.
Well! This is mostly a filler chapter! But good to remember a small pieces even if not important! Hope this keeps y’all fed, be prepared for next chapter where the real shit happens! Much love:)
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A Little Honey - Background
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Pairing: Josh X Reader
Series list
Warnings for series: 18+, Alcoholism, toxic parents, domestic abuse, drug use, alcohol use, explicit sexual content, NSFW, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, oral, blood kink, praise kink, daddy kink, and probably so much more that I am forgetting
Word count 1.9 K
July 2021
It is a hot and humid July day in Nashville, though you have never been one to mind the heat. Summer days were your favorite for sitting out on your balcony with a good book and a cold drink. Todays drink of choice was a lavender lemonade mock tail. Condensation collected on the glass the second you stepped outside. Finding a shaded spot to move your chair, you settled in with your new book. You had a few hours before your shift started that afternoon at the bar.
You have been a bartending ever since you could remember. Your dad owned a bar growing up and he often relied on you to cover shifts. Completely illegal but it was such a small town and most of the patrons were unbothered by your age. Many praised you for working so young. Though you never really had a choice in the matter. Your dad was a bad alcoholic and you knew upsetting him was dangerous. He eventually lost the bar when you went to college. He blamed you for its closing. At times you felt guilty for letting him down. But as you got older and your relationship with him grew apart. You realized how toxic he was. Leaving you with nothing but childhood trauma and daddy issues.
When your parents split you went with your dad and your younger sister went with your mom. You can still picture your mom packing up the old ford truck. She took whatever she could fit. Which meant only one of her children. Your sister was 4 years old and you were 8. Your mom knew you could take care of yourself. But your sister was still to young. Or at least that is what she told you before sitting your sister in the truck and driving down the dirt driveway. She flew down it so fast a dust cloud was tossed in the air losing all visibility of the truck. That was the last time you saw your mom.
For years your parents kept you and your sister from being able to communicate. You both tried to find ways to build a relationship with one another. Following each other on social media or finding Chatrooms and forums to try and talk when you could. Eventually your mother disconnected the internet to prevent your sister from connecting with you. Until one day when you were in college you received a phone call in the middle of the night from an unknown number.
October 2015
“Hello?” You grumbled half awake.
“Y/N???” A young voice on the other end cried.
Confused you pulled your phone away from your face to check the time
12:51 am
“Who is this? Why the fuck are you calling me at midnight? Rachel this better not be you trying to prank me. You know I have a fucking exam tomorrow.” You had been up studying all night and finally just got to sleep.
“Y/N I am so sorry! But I have no one else to call. It’s me Y/N, it’s Nora.”
You were at a loss for words. Your eyes glazed over and your jaw was limp.
“I need your help! Mom just fucking left me at a truck stop with a disposable phone and the only number in it is your’s!” She was crying as she spoke.
You knew your mom was evil but this was a new low. You stumbled out of bed turning on the light and trying to steady your mind. You ran your hand through your hair nervously.
“Where are you?” You said as you slid on pants, trying to locate your shoes.
“I think I am in Illinois, somewhere outside of St. Louis. She stopped to get gas and I went to go pee. When I came back out to where the car was parked all of my stuff was laying in the empty parking space with this phone.” She quickly stated. She was clearly panicking.
“Fuck, well I am in Manhattan, Kansas so it is going to be at least 6 hours before I can get to you. Can you find somewhere safe to stay until then?” You ran out of your dorm with keys in hand. This was not ideal, and there is no way you would make it to class tomorrow. You didn’t even have somewhere for her to stay since guests were not allowed in the dorms.
“I am so sorry Y/N! I do not want to fuck up your life too!” She was in a full blown panic attack at this point. Her words trembling with fear.
“I need you to take deep breaths with me. Can you do that?” You knew you had to calm her down to be able to find her.
You hear her crying slow down.
“In. Out. In. Out.” You repeat while you take loud synchronized breaths.
She begins to match your breathing.
“I will be in St. Louis is 6 hours and I will call you once I am there. I do not know how long the battery will last on that phone so only call me if its an emergency. Try to find somewhere safe and figure out where you are. Look for road signs, land marks, anything at all. You got it?”
“Y-Yes. I can try. I am so scared.” You hear her begin to cry.
“Hey, I know you are, but right now we have to get you safe.”
“Thank you Y/N.”
“Nora you are my sister, I would never leave you alone. I love you and I will call in a few hours.” You hang up the phone as you get on the road.
Ever since that night Nora has lived with you. You moved out of the dorms and got an apartment together that week. You dropped out of school sophomore year of collage so you could support the two of you. You were 20 and Nora was only 16. You had to go to court and become her legal guardian which was easier than it should have been since neither of your parents wanted her. You began bartending again at a few local bars to make ends meet. You had a hard few years until you met Chris.
You meet Chris through a friend. He seemed harmless at first. All you really knew about him at the beginning was that his family had cattle and money. You agreed to a blind date with him that went surprisingly well. Chris was tall and muscular. He had dark hair and blue eyes. He never grew his facial hair out but you always loved him with a stubble. He was not your typical type but you quickly fell in love despite that. The first year was fun and easy. But that all changed when you moved in together. Nora was 19 when Chris asked you to move in with him. You told him that you didn’t feel like you were ready to leave Nora. After weeks of arguing about it he finally agreed that the three of you could live together. Chris purchased a house with some land for you to all move into. He used his family money and agreed to keep cattle on the land to pay it back. You were still bartending, now at a local dive in your little country town in Nebraska. Chris hated the attention you would receive at the bar, but he never minded the free drinks. He often told you to change before your shifts because he deemed your outfit too revealing. About six months after you had moved in you noticed Chris had started drinking more than normal. You tried to discuss this with him but he told you to mind your own business. Nora could tell you were upset so she would try to get you out of the house when he was particularly intoxicated. All of the money you were making was going towards her schooling. She wanted to be a social worker to help kids who had similarly shitty childhoods. Two years into your relationship with Chris he became violent. It started with an unwelcome grab here and there. Quickly escalating to much more dangerous situations. You had been left broken and bloodied too many times to count. Each time trying to hide it from Nora, but she knew.
December 2020
“Fuck this Y/N!” Nora screamed busting into your room. Her short Blonde hair flying behind her as she ran to you.
You were in the bathroom trying to clean up your bloody nose and tear soaked skin. You jumped as she came through the door. All you could do was fall to the floor, ashamed of your sister seeing you this way. You were always the strong one. You had to keep it together for the both of you.
“Nora I am fine. Please just go before he comes back. I do not want you to get hurt!” You screamed at her through your tears.
“Stand up right fucking now! We are leaving! Pack whatever you can and I will meet you in the car in 10 minutes!” Nora grabbed your hands standing you up as she spoke. Her green eyes piercing into you. You could see the hurt she felt seeing you like this.
“Where will we go? We have nothing? No one! No one gives a shit about us Nora!” Still screaming at her.
She pulled you into a hug, crying into her you softened. Your head resting into her tall frame, just about at her shoulder.
“We have each other. And we always will. I fucking promise you. You saved me all those years ago. Let me save you!” She cried as she held you tighter.
That night you packed up a few bags of clothes and cosmetics and you drove to Nashville with a few thousand dollars and a beat up ford truck.
Nora and you had a rough start, renting rooms for weeks at a time. Working at multiple bars and clubs. Nora worked as a server and you a bartender, as always. It took you a few months to get an apartment but you finally did in April of 2021. you both worked your asses off for months until July came around and you finally began to feel settled. Nora was able to get a serving position at a fancy restaurant downtown which allowed her to have a more consistent schedule and even enjoy some free time. For the first time you didn’t have to support the two of you. This allowed you to resign from the shitty clubs and dive bars you had been working. You found a great bar in east Nashville that practically hired you on the spot after seeing your resume.
Life had become peaceful for Nora and yourself. You cherished your evenings together when you were not working. Spending time listening to music, cooking and catching up. You would often have coffee dates and go for walks at local parks. Camping was your favorite thing to do together when you could escape to nature for a few days. You would pack up the truck with your tent and various supplies and drive to one of Tennessee many state parks. You would hike and cook over the fire together. Often sharing too much wine and the perfect amount of laughter. Life was finally no longer a game of survival.
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (16-22 Jul 2023)
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legit obsessed with this show right now
😊 Hi Honey, I'm Homo!: Sitcoms, Specials, and the Queering of American Culture (Matt Baume, author & narrator) - interesting look at queer rep on sitcoms starting with Bewitched - focused on shows with substantial content so it was very white (which does reflect the TV landscape) but doesn't really address that -- I would have liked at least some mention of the lack of intersectionality tbh - but still an interesting and entertaining overview
🥰 Hurts that Time Alone Cannot Heal (E_Greer) - 44K, post WS recovery wingfic
🥰 come hell or high water (helix_stomper) - 66K, pt 3 of boots & budweiser’s miraculous misadventures - steddie D/s - after weeks of falling for each other thru anonymous glory hole sex, they finally meet and really get started
💖💖 +194K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Ill With Want (thedoubteriswise) - MCU: pre-war stucky, 27K - incredibly well written delicious angst from Bucky's POV [reread]
the slow death of Steve Rogers [at the hands of the stupid, sexy, considerate stripper] (MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)) - MCU: modern no powers stucky, 5K - very hot stripper!bucky AU [reread]
D20: Dungeons and Drag Queens - "In The Heart Of Death" (s18, e4)
D20: Adventuring Party - "The Gaming Super Bowl" (s13, e4)
Um, Actually - s8, e9
D20: A Crown of Candy - s5, e5-14
D20: Adventuring Party - s1, e5-14
⭐ Vibe Check - A Special Conversation with Jenna Wortham
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! - Patti LuPone
Re: Dracula - July 18: Trouble Ahead
Into It - The Enduring Appeal of Barbie
⭐ How To! Plus - How To Make Aging Easier for Everyone
The Sporkful - Why Ice Is This Summer's Hottest Trend
What Next: TBD Plus - America’s Killer Car Problem
⭐ Vibe Check - All I Have Faith in Is Art, Orgasms, and Friendships
Re: Dracula - July 19: Present Craving
Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà News - Episode 5: Taken for a Ride
Stuff The British Stole - Zero Marks The Spot
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Coffee Palace
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - A house move like no other
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Darién Gap
Outward Plus - The Pleasures and Politics of Cruising
Re: Dracula - July 20: Most Difficult and Vital Aspect
Pop Culture Happy Hour - A Barbie v. Oppenheimer Game
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Face to Face
50 MPH - 6 MPH / A Workhorse Takes the Reins
⭐ 99% Invisible #545 - Shade Redux
Dear Prudence Plus - How Do I Disclose to My Kids That I've Had an Abortion–Twice? Help!
Into It - Culture Is Back: Why We Love 'The Golden Bachelor' and Those Weird TikTok Livestreams
What Next: TBD Plus - America’s $5 Trillion Grid Problem
Hit Parade Plus - Lenny on Mars Edition
Re: Dracula - July 22: Rough Weather
ICYMI Plus - The Day AO3 Went Down
⭐ The Sporkful - Why Barbie’s First Dreamhouse Didn’t Have A Kitchen
Switched on Pop - How Louis Armstrong invented the modern pop star
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1986: "No Sleep Till Brooklyn" by The Beastie Boys
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1987: "Paid in Full" by Eric B. and Rakim
⭐ Decoder Ring Plus - What's Really Going On Inside a Mosh Pit?
Best Of '81 To '85 [Y&T] {1990}
Pop Radio • 1970s
That! Feels Good! [Jessie Ware] {2023}
Jessie Ware
Get Pumped: Rock Anthems
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Day 159: Thursday June 8, 2023 - “This was 23 Months”
Play, travel, and potty training - the benchmarks of William’s last month before turning two.   From here we stop measuring his growth in months.  He’ll just be “two” for the next 12 months and it causes some reflection on how much I’ve enjoyed these little monthly check ins to show the more mundane, day to day inching forward of William’s little life.   Its amazing to look back even on just how much he’s grown and changed in the last six months when he was just starting his climbing phase.
In this past month, William got a new pair of big boy tennis shoes to help him keep up with all that energy and being on the go and we spent much of this 23rd month, out rambling. He spent more than a week in Phoenix with his cousins, and then put his 20th state on the map with Wisconsin before spending Memorial Day under the Arch in St Louis.  He’s now been to five big league Zoos and Baseball Parks (8 MLB games).
He is starting to eat a wider variety of foods, but anything that involves a dip in ranch is the easiest to go down - that is if we can get him to settle down long enough to eat.   This little boy wants to keep going from one thing to the next.  A very busy, and independent bee on our hands.  He sure does love a good playground!  And I think imaginative play will be one of his stronger areas going into his twos.   
We’ve been a decision here to not label anything as terrible twos and whats nice is that with that perspective, we’re not seeing anytihng all that terrible yet.  Thats not to say he isnt a DFK (Deeply Feeling Kid), we’re just expecting it and rolling with it when those big Actingham emotions come.  We’re letting him explore and meltdown and supporting him in that knowing that his tides very quickly break in the other direction and that overall he is a very lovable and affectionate sweet boy.  He’s sleeping well on his own now, napping real good, and communicating well and is an energetic bundle of joy and entertainment in our house even with all the UtOH messes that come with naked time and potty training.   We have a vibrant happy and secure two year old in our house and with closing reflection on the 23rd month, I can also share that I am pretty proud of where Ive come as a Dad, and where we are as a family.   We’ve made it through these complex, trying first 23 months with only a few bumps and bruises to show for it.  We’ve built a family system, and our little lion is thriving in it.
Favorite Food: Cup of Ranch Dippa from BWs or especially Mod Pizza.  
Favorite Song:  Laurie Berkner Band - Moon Moon Moon
Favorite Book: Goodnight Baseball
Favorite Show: Miss Rachel on Youtube
Favorite Toy(s):  Race Cars - He got plenty of new cars and trucks as potty prizes. Lining them all up like trains.
Favorite Word:  Daddy! or Mommy! at the top of his lungs to get your attention, no matter how close you are.
Favorite Favorite: Riding Choo Choo and Trains -> all things trains
Least Favorite: Being touched when he doesn’t want to be touched (independence starting to shine through - really great when stuck in a middle seat on an airplane together!) “William Do It!”
Song: Leah Blevins - First Time Feeling
Quote: “our jobs don’t stop at protecting our children’s physical safety—we are also their emotional caretakers. This is where two other important job duties come in: validation and empathy. Validation is the process of seeing someone else’s emotional experience as real and true, rather than seeing someone else’s emotional experience as something we want to convince them out of or logic them away from. Validation sounds like this: “You’re upset, that’s real, I see that.” ― Becky Kennedy
This was 22 Months This was 21 Months This was 20 Months This was 19 months This was 18 months This was 17 months This was 16 months This was 15 months This was 14 months This was 13 months This is 12 Months This is 11 months This was 10 months This was 9 months This was 8 months This was 7 months This was 6 months This was 5 months
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