#but in the end they drive away in a calm yet painful acceptance..
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Bobby - Bohdi
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And what if the reader was also a vampire just as powerful as alucard ?
Genre: Hellsing Au, Fluff, Angst
TW: Blood drinking, violence, guns, fighting, Alucard being a total dick (but since when is that new?)
Anything you can do better, I can do anything better than you~
It’s a- metaphorical- dick fighting competition, no question about it (im sorry not really but i couldn’t resist making an abridged reference)
You two will always be competing on who is better. Which one of you is stronger? Who’s the fastest? Who can endure the most pain? Who is going to win the fight when you two go head to head?
The answer? Neither. Neither of you are ever going to win in a fight against each other.
So instead of fighting each other you have learned how to have fun fighting to see who can do assignments better.
But it wasn’t always like that, it was actually quite the opposite for the first four months of you being part of the Hellsing Organization. Your very existence vexed Alucard because after six centuries of being the greatest vampire of all time he refused to accept being anything less than. All he wanted to do is annihilate you, which you didn’t understand because you were nothing but civil, friendly even. Well that was until you weren’t.
Within a week you accepted the fact that he hated you without any explanation. But for the sake of keeping the peace you suggested the idea of coexisting, and his response made it clear that the offer was off the table when he shot you in the face. So after that day you made it your unlife goal to drive him absolutely insane with the fact that he is no longer the most powerful.
Though you went about it in a passive aggressive way, from then on you tormented him by refusing to ever acknowledge his existence. For those four months you pretend that you never noticed when Alucard shot a hole through your heart, or blew off your head. You would just regenerate and continue on with whatever you were doing like it never happened.
Alucard absolutely hated that. How dare you act as if the most powerful vampire there is doesn’t exist?!
But that’s what you did, until it eventually became too exhausting. The constant fighting had you questioning why this person who knows nothing about you is so angry at you and why is it to the point that he’s always trying to kill you.
You fought and fought and fought your anger, oblivious to the fact that you were at your wits end. You had enough of all the bullying you were being subjected to, without realizing it. All that you were doing was waking up every night just to be Alucard’s punching bag and he was getting no repercussions for his actions. You thought you were fine.
Then you just snapped, all at once, without any warning. One night you saw Alucard and before he even had a chance to notice you entered the room, you. lost. it. and all of Hell almost broke loose.
You never knew your strength until the moment a couch was thrown without you even thinking about laying a finger on it. Your hands never had the chance to touch it and yet, you somehow made the huge piece of furniture fly through the air towards him.
Anything and everything in the living room was about to get destroyed if it wasn’t for Integra being right there to command Alucard to his cellar. Walter instantly restrained you with his thread to keep you from chasing after Alucard because he knew if you two weren’t separated right away the mansion was going to crash to the ground.
Alucard loved that he was able to finally get under your skin enough to break you, but bitter that Integra didn’t let you fight him. He had been dreaming of the day you finally let your rage loose and he wasn’t even allowed to see it.
Once you were calmed you were set free and Integra ordered you to your room as well, without knowing that was a big mistake because now you aren’t leaving it. You shut down because there was no more acting like Alucard hadn’t emotionally damaged you.
Which is exactly what Alucard wanted, he wanted to damage you because now that you couldn’t hold yourself to a high standard. Thus making him the greatest again.
Integra didn’t care much for your emotions until it started affecting your work ethic, you for the past week you never showed up when called upon. That’s when she forced Alucard to go ‘fix’ you, which he didn’t want to do but had no choice. The only thing he could think of how to get you to show up was by forcing you.
The whole ordeal played out like this:
You’re lying face down on your pillow, your body completely still as you just keep letting the loneliness and isolation feel like it’s burning a hole in your chest. All you wanted was a friend because what is the point of being immortal if it means being alone.
Alucard enters your room through the wall and looks at your limp body, if you were a mortal he’d assume you were dead. But since you aren’t he can tell that you’re only like this because of him and knowing that fills him with pride. He put you in your place and made sure he was the greatest once more.
If he thought you wouldn’t notice him because he came into your room through the wall he was wrong but it’s not like you cared anyway. Let him be in here, let him try to kill you because he’s not like he can do it anyway.
“Integra is holding a meeting,” Alucard says plainly as if you cared to listen. He somehow thinks that now you’ve broken down you’d be more inclined to listen to him. “So get up and let’s go.”
As soon as you got sent to your room you laid down with your face in your pillow and hadn’t moved from that spot since. That is until now, you stay lying down and the only thing that changes is that you lean your head back then let out a laugh. You find it absolutely hilarious that Alucard thinks you’re going to listen to him. You have a good bit of respect for Integra and didn’t even listen to her when she called upon you for the meeting. So what in the Hell makes him think that you’ll let him order you around?
Alucard is quick to get aggressive, walking over to you and reaches for your head. You don’t fight back as he tightly grabs the hair at the top of your scalp and harshly pulls back so you’re standing on your knees. You tilt your head back so he can see the calm and tranquil look on your face as he threatens you by putting his gun against your chin.
“Do it-” you’re giving Alucard permission, not that it matters because he’ll shoot you if he wants to regardless, “blow my brains out as many times as you need in order to make yourself feel better. Shoot me however many times it takes until you finally accept me, even if it takes another 2106 times.”
That takes Alucard by surprise, he lowers his gun and lets go of your hair then takes a step back. He just stares at you because he doesn’t know how to respond to the fact that you’ve been keeping count of every time he’s tried to kill you over the past four months. After a moment he finally realizes what’s been going on, “that’s why you’ve been silent this whole time?”
You lower your head and sigh, feeling like you should just have kept your mouth shut but you can’t take it back now. You don’t turn your head to look at him as you give your explanation, “not at first… but after awhile, yeah. But I knew there wasn’t a use in saying anything because you wouldn’t stop and I figured I could take it… I guess I was wrong about that.”
Alucard stays silent, thinking about how much of an asshole he’s been, he should have been looking at you as an ally and not an enemy. Now that Alucard realizes that he hopes you can forgive him, he offers his hand for you to take and sincerely says, “I’m sorry, I hope you can forgive me.”
You look into his eyes for any hint of malevolence but don’t see it and decide to trust him. You take his hand and let him help you up, letting go of it once your feet hit the ground. You give him a soft smile and say, “we should get going, don’t want to leave Integra waiting.”
Alucard nods and you two go to the meeting.
Which brings you to today; three and a half years after Alucard accepted you as an equal, you two have been best friends and damn near inseparable since. If someone finds one of you two it’s safe to assume that the other is not far behind. You two are so far shoved up one another’s ass that Integra will send both of you on a mission when there is only need for one.
You and Alucard make eye contact with one another when Integra calls you to her office, without a word both of you bolt for the door. He gets out first but you quickly get in front by grabbing onto his shoulders and leap over his head to get into the lead. Though that doesn’t last for long because grabs your wrist and pulls you behind him. It’s a whole fight along the way to Integra’s office.
Integra sighs as she can hear you both running through the mansion because it sounds like a herd of elephants. Meanwhile the two of you are laughing your asses off along the way, and she isn’t surprised when both of her office doors are flung open. You and Alucard nearly crash to the floor as you trample each other to get to Integra first.
“I won!” You shout triumphantly, you only think your first because your feet are stabilized on the ground before his are. You burst out laughing because of the sour look on Alucard’s face.
Before Alucard has a chance to say anything, Integra speaks, “I’ve come to accept the fact that you two act like children when you’re around each other but instead of nearly breaking my doors why don’t you two use your powers to go through them?”
“We play fair,” Alucard states. You two act human around each other sometimes without even realizing it, well, as human as you two can get. Then there are times when you two use your powers without realizing it either. It all depends on the day and the situation, like when it comes to racing. When you two are going through a door to get somewhere you don’t think about going through walls after that.
Integra sighs, knowing that she’s going to regret this, “there is a mission.”
You and Alucard look at each other from the corner of your eyes with cocky smirks, time for another competition to begin. After Integra gives you and Alucard all the information needed to set you two loose, you both bolt out of her office at full speed.
Integra can’t help but find it the tiniest bit of amusing because she’s never seen Alucard so lively and it makes her happy for him to have a friend. Especially a friend who can keep up with him.
You and Alucard use powers to get to your target since that’s always the safest- and fastest- option when it comes to missions.
When Integra gets to the scene she sees how it’s an absolute blood bath, that’s how she knew Alucard won the ‘race’ that you two were having. Alucard is always messy with his killings, whereas you are not. You’re a clean killer who makes sure that you leave as much blood to drink as possible.
“You leave nothing for me, asshole!” You shout in annoyance, Alucard always hogs every meal whenever you two go on missions.
Integra sighs upon hearing the squabbling, this is another reason why she hates sending you two on missions together. It’s like when kids get mad at each other for eating the last cookie out of the jar, though it’s mainly you always starting the arguments.
“Be faster next time,” Alucard playfully and wipes a stray bit of blood from his lip with his thumb. He taunts you, saying with a smirk, “there is still some blood on the pavement that you’re free to lick up.”
You go to punch Alucard’s arm but he steps away before you can and when you try again, he steps away again. You go to chase after him but Integra yells for you two.
“Enough!” Integra shouts, making you both stop and walk to her. But you elbow Alucard and he elbows you back, then next thing you know you’re hitting each other. Integra sighs and pulls out her gun, shooting into the sky, “the time for games is over!”
You and Alucard stop for real this time, walking back to Integra without any shenanigans. As you both are standing in front of Integra, she begins scolding the two of you, “this is why I don’t send you two on missions! All you do is play games!”
“We did get the job done, did we not?” Alucard asks, he has a point. You two always get your jobs done and that’s what matters.
Integra growls, she knows there is no point in arguing and she didn’t have the patience for it either. She takes a blood bag out from inside her coat pocket and tosses it to you, “now you can stop acting like a fool.”
You waste no time opening the bag and taking a big sip out of it, this will make your bloodlust subside for a bit but you’re still mad Alucard didn’t share with you. After you gulp down the whole bag you look at Integra and smile wide, “thank you Sir.”
Integra just looks at you in disgust, you might be a good addition to the organization but that still doesn’t keep Integra from seeing you as a grotesque beast like Alucard. You are still a vampire that has consumed many souls like him in order to get as strong as you are, and Integra doesn’t excuse that, “you’re vile.”
You instantly stop smiling, remembering that Integra doesn’t accept you like Alucard does, no one accepts you like Alucard for that matter. You put your head down, “sorry Sir.”
“Get back to the mansion,” Integra demands, she’s dismissing both of you because she has had enough of the two of you and your antics for the night.
Alucard can feel a difference in you so he decides to just walk back to the mansion, with you right by his side. Once you two are out of earshot Alucard asks you, “what’s wrong?”
“Just hate it when I’m reminded that my diet isn’t socially acceptable,” you say in a playful tone. Though it does hurt a bit when you’re looked at like a freak, but not enough to ruin your mood. It’s something that you’ve become used to and let roll off your back whenever it happens.
Alucard says exactly what comes to his mind, “our entire existence isn’t socially acceptable.”
“Yeah, I know but thanks for the reminder,” you roll your eyes. Sometimes Alucard absolutely sucks at comforting you but at least you can always count on him to be honest about a situation. You let out a defeated sigh, “we’re never going to be accepted are we?”
“Most likely not,” Alucard shakes his head. He has already accepted that fact long ago, and is surprised you haven’t as well. “It’s because mortals fear what they know is more powerful than them. If we were of the same strength as them they still wouldn’t accept us, they’d try to kill us regardless.”
“This really isn’t making me feel better, Alucard-” you chuckle because you know everything he said is true, “-I appreciate you trying though.”
Alucard sighs, he wasn’t exactly good with words when it comes to situations like this, “at least I understand you.”
“Yeah,” you look at the ground to hide your blushing face and sweet smile. You’d be lost without Alucard because he’s made being immortal bearable and less lonely. He makes you feel like a kid again, filling your heart with pure joy and you always feel like you’re on cloud nine whenever you’re with him. Though your playful nature tends to hold you back from sharing such things but- for some odd reason- tonight is different. Maybe it’s the full moon or maybe it’s because you’re still coming down from the adrenaline high you got from the mission. You don’t know. But whatever it is, it makes tonight the night you’re finally ready to voice what you’ve been holding back for years, “hey Alucard?”
“Hm?” Alucard got lost in his own thoughts as well during the silence. You aren’t the only one who’s been holding back a confession that could make or break everything you have with each other.
You don’t stop walking, you don’t even look at him because with how nervous you currently are, doing that will make the situation too intimate for you liking. You would rather not see his face if you’re going to get rejected and the idea of ruining everything almost makes you chicken out. But you just take a deep breath and say, “I think that I’ve fallen in love with you over these past few years.”
Alucard nearly faceplants into the dirt path you two were walking because of how abruptly he stops after you confess your feelings for him. Especially because your feelings are as strong as his own, three years really gives someone time to have a spark ignite and evolve into a flame. And you just made the flame explode into a bomb fire that becomes too much for Alucard to handle all at once. All he manages to say is “well then.”
Just like that your heart crumbles into pieces and you want to crawl into a hole. But you can’t so you try to run away from your problems, quite literally. You go to dart at full vampiric speed to the mansion.
Alucard notices the way your feet change stance and realizes what you’re about to do, so before you even get a chance to take a step forward he gets in front of you. He looks down at you, a worried look paints his face and he anxiously asks, “where are you going?”
“Home,” you growl, using anger to mask your overwhelming sadness that’s starting to ache in your chest.
“Why?” Alucard asks, not realizing what he did wrong. It’s been a long time since he was last in love, so the feeling might as well have been brand new to him. Plus he was surprised by your sudden boldness that it caught him off guard and ‘well then’ was the first thing that came to his mind.
“Oh I don’t know! Maybe it’s because I confess that I love you and all you have to say is ‘well then’!” You bitterly shout. At this moment you are too blinded by your broken heart that you forget Alucard isn’t good in situations like this. If you did you would have remembered that Alucard is a bit of a dumbass when it comes to emotions other than violence.
Luckily Alucard understands that your violence is exactly what he’s going to experience if he doesn’t get out of your way. He knows he has to find a way to fix this and fast, “please wait, I didn’t mean to upset you!”
“Well you did!” You state, wanting nothing more than to punch Alucard in his handsome face and beat his wonderful body into a bloody pulp. “Now move!”
“No, let me explain please,” Alucard pleads as you try to push past him and he grabs your wrist when you manage to. He grows frustrated because you won’t listen and roughly pulls you towards him so you’ll face him, angrily saying “will you listen dammit! I’m trying to tell you I feel the same way!”
“Oh-” your attitude immediately changes, your features softening and you stop trying to run away from him. Alucard glares at you as he lets go of your wrist now that you stopped resisting, he’s still a bit irritated with your unreasonable behavior just because you didn’t get the response you wanted.
“Well… you didn’t have to be so mean about it,” you tell him, crossing your arms over your chest and childishly pouting.
Alucard rolls his eyes in annoyance but stops being as frustrated with you, now that you’re no longer being irrationally angry with him. “Well you weren’t listening to me when I was trying to be civil but I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?!” You glare at him, acting as if you don’t know exactly what he means.
“Because you never listen,” Alucard rolls his eyes. He wasn’t wrong, you jump to conclusions way too fast and it tends to be a source of a lot of fights you two have had over the course of your friendship.
“Well put yourself in my shoes, I confessed my feelings and got a ‘well then’ in response. That kind of thing hurts,” you admit.
“Because you never listen,” Alucard rolls his eyes. He wasn’t wrong, you jump to conclusions way too fast and it tends to be a source of a lot of fights you two have had over the course of your friendship.
“Well put yourself in my shoes, I confessed my feelings and got a ‘well then’ in response. That kind of thing hurts,” you admit.
“The last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt you,” Alucard says softly, holding out his hand for you to hold and smiles when you take it. He always has an overwhelming guilt from how he treated you at first even though you forgave him and since then he only ever wants to make you happy. Alucard loves to see your smile and your laughter is like music to his ears.
“I know,” you give him a small nod, Alucard isn’t the only one who is hopelessly in love. He’s the first thing you think about when you wake up and the last thing you think about before you fall asleep. “But you sure love to annoy me.”
Alucard scoffs, “that’s rich coming from you.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about! I’m a perfect angel!” You giggle and there is a slight moment of silence after.
“Yes, you are,” Alucard finally says, admiring the way your eyes sparkle in the moonlight. You don’t understand how true that statement really is to him, you are his angel. He loves nearly every little thing about you and he hates whenever you two fight. He hates whenever you two have to spend prolonged periods of time apart when you're sent out on separate missions.
You blush really hard, not knowing how to respond but you don’t have to give him one because Alucard passionately kisses you. Both of his rest on your hips while you already have your fingers entangled in his hair, it all happens so quickly and naturally that you don’t even notice.
All you can focus on is his soft lips against your own, that send goosebumps across your skin and your heart feels like it’s going to explode out of your chest. This is more than you could have ever imagined.
When your lips do finally part from his, you can’t help but get a bit bashful, which is an emotion you rarely feel. All you can do is look into his eyes and wish that you two could stay in this moment forever. But you start seeing the sky slowly getting lighter as the sun comes closer to rising from behind him. You softly say to him, “we should get back.”
“Indeed,” Alucard nods, letting go of your hips and taking a step back, he knows Integra is probably pissed at both of your absences right now, “and soon.”
You smirk, it’s time for another competition, “race ya!”
“Oh you’re on!” Alucard says with a huge grin.
You both take off at full speed back to the mansion, planning to beat each other to the front door but stopping when you see Sir Integra waiting outside of them. You two are in trouble, which is nothing new when it comes to Integra because you two don’t know how to stay out of trouble when you’re around each other.
Sir Integra can tell by the slight bow of both of your heads that you’re side eyeing each other with smirks on your face. She has honestly given up on trying to tame you so she can get Alucard back under control again because it’ll never work. You’re too much of a free spirit and Alucard can help but try to keep up with you because of the need to still prove he’s better than you even if it’s in an innocent way.
“What took you two so long to get back here?!” Integra angrily asks, knowing that she will only get part of the story because you two love to keep your secrets between each other.
“We were taking a walk and got distracted!” You quickly say before Alucard answers like you always do because he usually sucks at lying to Sir Integra.
Integra looks to Alucard and he gives her a nod, saving both your asses from having to confess every little detail of what actually happened. Integra would ask what you two got distracted by but she currently doesn’t care enough, as long as you two weren’t causing any chaos then she’ll let it go.
Besides, the sun was coming up soon, so with an annoyed sigh Integra waves her hand and says, “just go.”
You and Alucard both chuckle and go to the basement, doing what you usually do, which is hanging out in your room for a few hours before he leaves to go to bed. The reason your cellar is the designated room to hangout in is because you have furniture and appliances in it. Took you a while to convince Integra to let you have your semi-big cellar set up like a single room apartment but you were persistent and she finally gave in.
So you have your bed, dresser, nightstand, lamp, and a desk with a chair on one side of your room. Then you have a loveseat, with an end table that has a lamp on top of it on one side, then a mini fridge with a microwave on top of it on the other side. There is a coffee table sitting in front of the couch with a 48”in (121”cm) tv on top of it with a movie player sitting on the shelf below it. The reason you need to have a movie player is because you don’t get a signal when you’re in a basement, you’re lucky that you at least have outlets and electricity.
“Want to watch a movie?” You ask him while walking over to your dresser that has the movies sitting on top of it because you already know the answer. You two tend to watch a movie to unwind after a mission but sometimes end up talking through the whole thing because you’ve both watched them enough times to quote them word for word.
“Of course!” Alucard says with a smile and sits down on the loveseat, sitting how he always does- sprawled out. He sits very unprofessionally when he’s with you because well… you’re you and he knows he can sit comfortably when he’s with you. He sits with his body sunk into the corner of the loveseat with his legs spread apart and one arm laying across the back of it while the other is hanging off the armrest.
You grab his favorite movie along with a bag of microwave popcorn and go over to the couch, throwing the bag of popcorn in the microwave then putting in the movie. While you wait for the popcorn you grab your pjs and change right in front of him, like you have done a hundred times before now and before you two had feelings for each other.
Alucard was surprised the first time you ever changed in front of him and you told him it was no different from seeing someone in a bikini. So he doesn’t care anymore and is completely unaffected by it, though he has and always will be respectful and never look at you when you’re changing. Even if you’re always covered by a bra and panties.
By the time you’re done changing the popcorn is ready, so you grab it and sit how you always sit when you’re with him. Your body sunk into the other corner of the loveseat and with your legs draping over Alucard’s since his lanky ass self takes up so much goddamn room.
“Y’know,” you start to say after the end credits of the movie start to play and continue talking when Alucard looks over at you. With a playful smirk you say, “as my lover you should give me a foot massage.”
Alucard rolls his eyes but obliges and starts rubbing your feet, shaking his head in disbelief while doing it. He never would have thought he’d do such a thing especially for you. When he looks at the triumphant grin you have on your face he sarcastically says, “you’re spoiled.”
Your grin just gets wider, the idea of getting spoiled by anyone was never in your mind’s orbit. But now you’re being spoiled by the king of vampires, which is something you’re going to take great pride in. And of course you’re also going to reciprocate the gestures whenever you can, but for now you’re just going to bask in the glory of having such an amazing lover. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Alucard says sarcastically and continues to rub your feet, “just don’t let it get to your head.”
“Too late, it already has,” you playfully say and move your feet away from him because you were only joking anyway. Then you sit up and give him a kiss on the cheek, “now I know I got you wrapped around my finger.”
“You know, I can leave right now if you want to keep this up,” Alucard states and stands up, clearly not being serious by the smile he has on his face. You are right about the fact that you have him wrapped around your finger. He has been for awhile now, anywhere you go he’ll follow if he’s able, he’d be lost without you.
“Nooo!” You hold onto his arm and pull him back down onto the couch, “I don’t want you to go!”
Alucard laughs and kisses your cheek, “fine, fine, I won’t leave yet.”
“How spoiled would it be if I asked you to stay the day?” You shyly ask with no intentions of doing anything sexual, you just wanted to cuddle up in bed with him and fall asleep in his arms. There were a few times that you’ve accidentally fallen asleep on the couch in the middle of a movie with your legs still propped up on his. Which doesn’t seem like that big of a deal but it is because you need absolute silence in order to sleep. A water droplet could fall from the faucet from your bathroom sink and you’re up on high alert.
So it means something if you’re able to sleep through a movie filled with explosions only when he’s around and wake up as soon as he leaves the room. You might be as powerful as Alucard, but- even with how crazy it sounds- you feel safest when you’re with him.
Alucard smiles and wraps his arms around you to pull you closer. He gives you a kiss on the forehead and softly says, “of course I’ll spend the day with you.”
You smile and get off the couch, holding his hand as you walk over to the bed. Alucard undresses while he waits for you to get situated, but only down to his shirt and pants because he doesn’t want to possibly make you uncomfortable.
Alucard takes your hand when you hold it out to him and gets in bed, letting you lay on top of him with your face buried in the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms around you and the both of you drift to sleep within minutes.
On a side note there might be an NSFW add on to this and y’all shouldn’t be surprised by that bc I’m a degenerate for this mansss
Also I was mainly focused on chapter three of Red Ink so I haven’t touched the other asks I got. But I promise Imma get to them🥲
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lanawrx · 8 days
Initial D request for reader who has an unrequited love for ryosuke but knows his heart belongs to Kaori (dead or alive in this scenario). You can make it angsty or have a romantic ending or both! Love to see what you create :)
Reader in love with Ryosuke Takahashi who can't move on from Kaori
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I made Ryosuke have feelings for Reader but it's still angsty and he's obviously hung up over Kaori, hope that's okay! I sorta got caught up in dramatics, lol. Anyways, enjoy!
a/n: Can I just say that initial D women are SO beautiful. Every single one of them are so pretty and I looooove Shuichi Shigeno's old style. (fuck MFG, I hate their pit terrier heads 💀)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。
You stood on the hillside overlooking the town, the cool evening breeze ruffling your hair as you watched the sun sink lower behind the mountains. The view was stunning, but your mind wasn’t on the scenery. Instead, it was on him—Ryosuke Takahashi.
You’d loved him for what felt like forever. From the moment you met, you admired his intelligence, his calm demeanor, his unwavering drive. He was everything you weren’t—sharp, calculating, focused. And yet, despite all that, he seemed to carry a weight with him that never left his eyes, no matter how much time passed.
That weight was her. Kaori.
You’d never met her, but you didn’t need to. Her absence was a constant presence in Ryosuke’s life, and the few times he spoke of her, it was as if he was lost in another world—one you could never reach. She had passed away long before you came into his life, but she still held his heart. It was something you understood, yet it left you hollow all the same.
You often caught yourself watching him from across the room during team meetings, the way he would fall silent, his mind clearly elsewhere. You knew where he was—back in those memories, back with her. And every time, it crushed you a little more, knowing that no matter what you did, no matter how much you cared for him, you could never be her.
It was unspoken, but you had long accepted that your love for him would always be unrequited. Ryosuke had built walls around himself, walls that no one—not even you—could break down. He kept you at arm’s length, close enough to care about, but far enough to never let you in.
The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a soft glow over the empty parking lot where you and Ryosuke sat together, leaning against his FC. It had been one of those quiet, peaceful nights where words weren’t needed—just being near him was enough. You had started to wonder if, maybe, just maybe, Ryosuke was beginning to feel the same way about you. The way his eyes softened when they met yours, the comfortable silence that stretched between you—it all felt like a fragile new beginning.
“I’m really glad you’re here,” Ryosuke said quietly, his voice low and calm as always, but with a hint of something warmer tonight.
You smiled, your heart fluttering at his words. “Me too, Ryosuke. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
For a moment, you allowed yourself to imagine that this could work, that he could let go of the past and open his heart to you. He had been more vulnerable lately, more present. You could feel the walls between you starting to crumble, and you felt so close to him—closer than ever before.
"The moon is so beautiful tonight, isn't it?"
You held back a gasp at his words, eyes widening with joy as you hoped that this was leading to where you thought it'd be heading.
But then, in the middle of your contentment, his next words shattered everything.
Your breath hitched in your throat, and your smile froze as if the world had suddenly stopped spinning.
“What?” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
Ryosuke’s eyes widened in horror the moment the name slipped out, his face paling. “I—no, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”
But it was too late. The damage was done. You felt the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, the pain of his slip-up hitting you like a punch to the gut. All the hope you’d been nurturing crumbled in an instant, replaced by a raw, burning ache.
“It’s fine,” you said quickly, but your voice cracked as you forced the words out. “It’s fine, Ryosuke.”
Before he could say another word, you turned on your heel, your heart pounding as you hurried to your car, desperate to get away before you broke down in front of him. You couldn’t face him—not now. Not after this.
“Wait,” Ryosuke called after you, his voice strained with regret. “I didn’t mean to—”
But you couldn’t hear him. You didn’t want to. You just needed to run.
You slammed the door of your car shut and revved the engine, pulling out of the parking lot with a screech of tires. The moment you hit the mountain pass, your foot pressed down on the accelerator, the speedometer climbing rapidly as you tore through the winding roads.
“Kaori,” you whispered, the name echoing painfully in your mind. “It’s always her.”
Tears blurred your vision, but you didn’t care. You needed to let it out—the frustration, the hurt, the anger. You screamed, slamming your foot down harder on the gas as your car flew through the corners with reckless abandon. The tires squealed as you barely managed to control the turns, the adrenaline pumping through your veins as you pushed the car faster and faster.
He would never see you. He would never love you, not the way you loved him. Kaori’s shadow would always be there, lingering between the two of you, keeping him from moving forward. No matter how much you tried to be there for him, no matter how much you wanted to be enough, you would never be her.
The tears came harder now, and with them, a bitter scream that ripped from your throat, echoing through the empty mountain road.
You were angry—angry at him, angry at yourself for falling for someone who could never fully give himself to you. You knew it, deep down, but you hadn’t wanted to believe it until now. And it hurt.
God, it hurt so much.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you pulled over to the side of the road, your hands trembling as you gripped the steering wheel. You sat there, shaking, the sobs coming in waves now, the weight of your heartbreak crashing down on you all at once.
He didn't even go after you.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。
It was Kyoko who picked up when you called her later that night, your voice barely recognizable through the tears. She didn’t ask questions, didn’t pry. She simply listened as you cried, as you poured your heart out to her, telling her everything that had happened.
“I was so stupid,” you said, your voice raw and broken. “I thought maybe he could love me too. But he called me her name. I’ll never be enough for him, Kyoko. I’ll never be her.”
Kyoko’s voice was soft, steady, and full of sympathy. “You’re not stupid. You’re just in love with someone who hasn’t let go of the past. It’s not your fault.”
You sniffled, wiping at your eyes. “But he’ll never let go, will he? She took his heart with her when she left, and I’ll never have it. I’ll always just be a placeholder, a second choice.”
There was a pause on the other end of the line, and when Kyoko spoke again, her words were careful but firm. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe he’s not ready to let go. And if that’s the case, then you have to ask yourself—do you really want to keep chasing after someone who’s holding on to someone else?”
Her words hit you hard, and you fell silent, the reality of it all sinking in.
“I know it’s not easy,” Kyoko continued, her voice filled with understanding. “I’ve been there. I still have feelings for Keisuke, you know? Even though I knew I couldn’t have him, I still wanted him. But I had to respect his choice. He wanted to focus on racing, and that meant not being with me. It hurt, but… I had to let him go.”
You let out a shaky breath, trying to steady your emotions. “But how do I let go of Ryosuke?”
Kyoko’s voice softened even more. “You deserve someone who gives their all to you. Someone who’s ready to love you with their whole heart, not just a part of it. And Ryosuke… maybe he’ll get there someday. But right now, he’s not. And you can’t keep hurting yourself waiting for him to change.”
A fresh wave of tears welled up in your eyes, but this time they were quieter, less frantic. You knew she was right. As much as it hurt to admit it, Kyoko was right. You couldn’t keep chasing after someone whose heart still belonged to someone else, someone who was already gone.
“I just… I just wanted him to love me,” you whispered, your voice breaking again.
“I know,” Kyoko said softly. “But you can’t make someone love you. And you shouldn’t have to.”
You nodded, even though she couldn’t see you. “I guess I just need to move on, huh?”
Kyoko let out a small, bittersweet laugh. “Easier said than done, right? But yeah, maybe it’s time. And who knows? Maybe one day, Ryosuke will realize what he’s lost. But don’t wait for that day. Live your life for you. Love yourself enough to let go.”
As the conversation came to a close, you felt a strange sense of peace settle over you, even though the pain was still raw. You weren’t over Ryosuke—not yet—but Kyoko’s words had given you something you desperately needed: clarity.
Maybe you couldn’t change Ryosuke’s heart, but you could choose to protect your own.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。
The air was thick with tension as the usual hum of excitement surrounded the Project D meetup. Keisuke glanced at Ryosuke, who was leaning against his FC with a distant look in his eyes. He hadn’t been himself lately—his focus was scattered, and he seemed completely oblivious to the discussions and strategies being tossed around by the others. It was clear something was bothering him.
“Hey, Ryosuke,” Keisuke called, motioning for his brother to step aside. The others didn’t notice as they continued discussing their upcoming races, their laughter echoing in the air.
Ryosuke followed Keisuke a few paces away, his brow furrowed. “What is it?”
“You’ve been out of it. You’re not even coaching us properly.” Keisuke’s tone was firm, bordering on annoyed. “What’s going on?”
Ryosuke hesitated, the weight of his feelings pressing heavily on his chest. “It’s... it’s complicated,” he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Complicated how?” Keisuke pressed. “You’re usually so calculated. You’re acting like an idiot right now.”
Ryosuke flinched at his brother’s words, the sting of the truth hitting him hard. He was being reckless, and he knew it. “It’s about… her.”
Keisuke crossed his arms, his expression shifting to concern. “What happened?”
“I messed up,” Ryosuke admitted, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “I accidentally called her Kaori’s name. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out, and now she won’t answer my calls or show up to any of the meets.”
Keisuke stared at him, incredulous. “You called her by another woman's name? Are you serious? That’s a rookie mistake, Ryosuke!”
“I know!” Ryosuke snapped, his frustration bubbling to the surface. “I didn’t mean for it to happen! It was just a moment, and now… now she thinks she’ll never be enough for me.”
Keisuke’s expression softened slightly, but he remained stern. “You need to fix this. She’s not just going to come back on her own. You have to show her that you care—really care. Stop moping around and get out there.”
Ryosuke let out a heavy sigh, the gravity of his brother’s words sinking in. “But what if she doesn’t want to see me?”
“Then you’ll have to make her want to. For crying out loud, she probably thinks you don't give a single shit about hurting her with how long you've made her wait! Go after her!” Keisuke urged, his voice filled with urgency.
Ryosuke hesitated for a moment longer before the realization hit him hard. “You’re right. I can’t just sit here.”
Without another word, he turned and bolted toward his FC. He slid into the driver’s seat, heart racing, and immediately started the engine. As he pulled out of the lot, Keisuke watched him go, hoping his brother wouldn’t screw this up again.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。
The drive felt like a blur, the familiar roads leading him back to the emotions he had tried to bury. He raced through the twists and turns, adrenaline pumping in time with his heart. All he could think about was making things right, showing you that he was more than just a guy clinging to the shadows of his past.
Arriving at your house, he parked hastily and hopped out, his mind racing. He knocked on the door, anxiety twisting in his stomach. When there was no response, he knocked again, louder this time.
You sat in your room, the silence pressing in around you, a heavy cloak of loneliness. You didn’t know how long you could keep avoiding Ryosuke, but each time you thought about seeing him, the memory of that name slipping from his lips burned fresh in your mind. It hurt in a way that felt endless.
When you heard a car pull up outside, your heart raced—not with excitement but with dread. You peered out the window, and your breath hitched when you saw Ryosuke’s FC parked on the curb. The world around you faded as you felt the weight of his presence so close yet so far.
There was a knock on your door, firm yet hesitant. You didn’t answer, feeling tears well up as you hugged your knees to your chest, fighting the urge to break down.
Ryosuke’s voice came softly through the door as he called your name with a desperate plea in his tone. “Please. Can we talk?”
You stayed silent, not knowing what to say. You could hear the tension in his voice, the regret that laced every word, but the hurt still felt too fresh.
“Just… just open the door,” he pleaded, desperation evident. “I know I messed up. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that name. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
A lump formed in your throat as you held back the tears. “You did hurt me, Ryosuke. You hurt me a lot.”
The door creaked open, and there he stood, looking more vulnerable than you had ever seen him. The usual calm confidence was gone, replaced by an anxious energy. His eyes searched yours, filled with sincerity and remorse.
“Please let me explain,” he said, stepping forward, but you held up a hand to stop him.
“No,” you said, voice trembling. “You don’t get it. I don’t want to hear excuses. I don’t want to feel like I’m competing with someone who isn’t even here anymore.”
Ryosuke’s expression shifted, pain etched across his features. “You’re not competing. Kaori was part of my past. I’m here now. With you.”
“But every time you look at me, it’s like you’re seeing her,” you admitted, tears spilling over as you struggled to hold it together. “I’m right in front of you, and yet it feels like I’m invisible. It kills me, Ryosuke. I’m so deeply in love with you, and it hurts every time you’re obviously somewhere else, even when you’re right next to me.”
He took a step closer, desperation in his gaze. “I don’t want that. I want you. I’ve tried to move on, but I’ve been stupid. I let my past cloud my feelings for you, and I never wanted to make you feel like you were second best. You’re everything to me.”
Your heart raced at his words, hope and heartbreak warring within you. “Then why did you say her name? Why can’t you let go?”
“I thought I had,” he replied, his voice shaking slightly. “But I was wrong. I let my memories take over, and I hurt you in the process. I’m so sorry. I want to be with you, but I need you to understand that I’m still figuring this out. I don’t want to lose you, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m seeing someone else in your eyes.”
The raw honesty in his words struck you, and for the first time since that night, you felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe this wasn’t the end after all.
“Then show me,” you whispered, your heart aching with uncertainty. “Show me that you want me.”
“I will,” he promised, stepping closer, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek. “I’ll do whatever it takes to prove it to you. I don’t want to lose you to my mistakes.”
The warmth of his touch sent a rush of emotions flooding through you. With a shaky breath, you nodded. “Okay. Just… promise me you won’t ever let your past come between us again.”
“I promise,” he said, his voice firm. “You deserve all of me, and I’m going to give it to you.”
As the tension in the room began to fade, you felt the weight on your chest lift slightly, replaced by the warmth of his presence.
Kaori would always be a part of his past, but you were his future. And as you held onto him, you knew that the love you had dreamed of for so long was finally within reach.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。 Thanks for Reading! ˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆
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neartheeasternfence · 6 months
The Yakuza Prince
Impressions; Chapter 55
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Since there are three or more intermittent panels in which Doumeki is wide-eyed, he looks appreciably astonished to hear that Yashiro is impotent. He tries not to divulge the privacy of Yashiro that he knows, even though he is virtually ‘sharing’ Yashiro with Inami. But Inami must have caught it on. I like the way Doumeki described that Yashiro’s body cannot be helped (lustful) (ch.50, vol.8). He does not attribute Yashiro’s ‘lustfulness’ to a matter of personality. More precisely, I like the prudence of this author in these details. Doumeki would have thought that Yashiro’s body needed constant care for its ‘lustfulness,’ and he has taken on that task, and done it. And then he might well have realized that he did not want any other man to do it.
Inami also offers some business information. The two almost have reached the same view that Kai may have had something to do with the Niki kidnapping. And that about Okuyama, it appears he has been reclusive recently.
Hirata had temporarily occupied the position of a deuteragonist during his conflict, and from now on, it seems Tsunakawa will be so. He is an intriguing type of yakuza in this work. Yashiro, Nanahara, Sugimoto, Hirata, Doumeki, and probably even Misumi drifted into the yakuza world as outcasts with nowhere else to go, and then, they formed a pseudo-family there. But for Tsunakawa, it is the family business. He was born into a declining family as a scion. The baby grew up and undertook both obligations imposed on him and promised privileges without being daunt. Young Tsunakawa was an irreverent yakuza prince, radiating a glistening ambition to rebuild the small kingdom he was to inherit.
10 years later, he still “has forced himself” from the corresponding need (ch.37, vol.7), and the Sakura Family has many enemies. At the same time, he appears to be a pretty good family man. Since the Family has survived through a system of hereditary succession, it is likely that their patriarch, the clan leader for generations too, has managed to balance the family business and family life. At a very young age, Niki understood the significance of Doumeki’s missing small finger (ch.37). It is natural for her that men who serve Papa would attend to her as well. Do not know what kind of life she will choose for herself after she grows up, yet for now she has accepted the fate of the yakuza little princess. It was Tsunakawa himself who cut Kai’s left eye. Then it looked like Kai lost his left small finger and was excommunicated from the Family. When Okuyama-gumi became independent, he must have settled there. Indeed, Okuyama seemed to be calm, or “a man who does not know what he is thinking (ch.49, vol.8).”
Doumeki bowing to Tsunakawa, replying, “I understood,” it feels like all the more ‘manly.’ It would be partly because his neck looks thicker, but also because it can be figured readily that he is in control of his swirling emotions for Yashiro under the equable attitude he shows to his superiors. The car on the next page would be parked near the gate of the Tsunakawa house. Doumeki has the media in his hand, putting a pained expression on his face. Then he drives to Yashiro’s high-rise condo.
Four years ago, when Yashiro took a cigarette out, it was one of Doumeki’s functions to light it (ch.15, vol.3 or a line drawing end of vol.3). Yashiro neither asks, “Are you back?” nor “Why do you take it away?” He might have been surprised, otherwise centers on this moment. He must feel reluctant to let go of what their reunion and the ensuing concerted action have brought.
Yashiro and Domeki seem to be getting closer emotionally, not only physically. Concomitantly, Doumeki has been in a dilemma between his loyalty to the Sakura Family and his private emotions toward the former boss. On the other hand, Yashiro’s trauma has never been unresolved. That is why he has needed Inami for the last four years.
What Yashiro had undergone was too relentless to overcome as if nothing untoward had occurred. It should be impossible to do such. By all means, however, I do hope his severe psychological load due to the profound devastation to his fundamental sense of safety, security, and faith in others -- his anxiety and fear of his existence -- will lessen, and he will be able to deal with them more moderately. Expect how further the work explores it...
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usoppsfrog · 2 years
"they are brothers"? like, do you get distracted from what you are up to because your brother is occupying your mind frequently, do you try to kiss a girl just after kissing your brother accidentally to verify if you are in love with him or not, do you get shocked when you discover that you and a girl who has a crush on him are the same because you are desesperate for his acknowledgment just like her, do you act like a tsun idiot when he is around because you consider you can't befriend him yet since you aren't cool or as skilled as him, do you establish your principles of not running away because you learned so from him, does some guy attempt to separate you both because you are changing his heart, do you fake a smile while getting sensitive and just leave the room when you see another person hugging him after all the efforts you had put to save him, do you blush when he looks at you with a serious face, do you feel a «kyun» in your lower parts when you are about to fight him, do you say with a sad smile that you understand very well the crush a friend of yours has on him, do you cry rivers when you discover that he is calm while trying to hurt you, do you get obsessed with him, do you pursue him during years, do you lie about the feelings and thoughts you have for him when someone catches you thinking about him, do you panic when you find yourself saying out loud that he's cooler and more handsome than other attractive guy, do you get furious and crazy like shit and allow some demonic fox to control you when someone says he's theirs, do you state that you don't mind being chopped into pieces if it keeps him away from some other guy, do you discover the fact that your driving force in life is him, do you close your eyes with a cute smile and think about him when you see a shooting star under a starry night, do you accept getting tortured physically in order to prevent people from hating him or hurting him, do you bow your head begging to a whole group of people not to touch him and then fall into cold snow while crying and paining because some tough guy want to hurt him, do you find yourself pining for him when you are alone, do you hyperventilate and suffer a panic attack and then pass out because people are planning to hurt him, do you dream about him when you sleep, do people tell you that all you always think about is him, do you hate yourself because you never were honest about your feelings for him, do you think when you get to see him one more time you will know the answer to what to do next with your life, do you admit he is your goal, do you confess you are glad you met him because he saved you, do you imagine scenarios about how you could've ended up thinking the same things as him, do you propose a lovers suicide to him, do you want to stay with him in the afterline, does some guy laugh at you because you were shouting out his name repeatedly since this whole thing started, do you imagine him by your side when you are bathing and then be told that you seemed to be thinking about some pervert thing, do you keep replaying scenarios about calling out to him during childhood in your mind over and over again, do you spread your feelings for him to a whole nation and then they all react with a "...", do you share sun & moon matching tattoos in your hands because destiny loved pairing both of you together, does some genius get impressed at your perfect sync with him, do you have a nosebleed when you think about the kiss you had with him long ago, do you know his heart and he yours, do you tell him you are his one and only, do you simply resume your feelings as you get hurt when he is hurt because you don't know how to put in words them, do you ask him if you're in heaven just after completing your lovers suicide because you're watching together a beautiful dawn while bleeding out in the shape of a heart...?
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natashasnoodle · 2 years
A Promise | Natasha Romanoff x Reader
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Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
*REPOST* again because tumblr despises me
Words: 1.7k
Summary: When visiting a ghost of Natasha's past, she feels overwhelmed and you will be there to keep her afloat.
Warnings: Grief and mourning.
Grief is a unique thing. People say there are five stages to go through until you have "moved on". Not that anyone truly moves on, whatever or whoever is being grieved stays with a person for the rest of their lives, the pain lessens, but that is not to say that they are still not missed. People still grieve things they lost years ago, love perseveres through thick and thin and can never be taken away.
Love washes over a person like a tide, when you think you couldn't love them more they go ahead and prove you wrong. Grief then comes in like a tsunami, overpowering the calm manner of the tide and leaving destruction in its wake. Destruction and drowning are all that is known, pulling a person down as though they have an anchor attached to their leg.
There is no telling how long the tsunami will last, or how long it will take for the damages to be repaired, all that is known is that one day the calming tide will come back, and the love for lost things is ever prominent. The damage cast from the tsunami will always be remembered, but the tide is back, and calm can be found.
People can mourn over many things. Family, friends, pets, lost time, and even something or someone whom they never knew. The latter can be confusing for many, not understanding why they are mourning for someone they have never met or something that they have never experienced.
Natasha Romanoff was no stranger to this confusion. It had been eating her alive for as long as she could remember, and she couldn't figure out why. She wasn't a person who liked to show any weakness, so she never told anyone about how she felt on the daily, thinking that she was making a big deal out of nothing. She never knew her birth mother, so why was this feeling of mourning and longing for her? Why did she feel as though she had suffered a huge loss? Why did she feel a pain in her chest every night when her brain tormented her before going to sleep?
She didn't have a logical explanation for it and so she didn't tell anyone. But in 2013, when you were paired on a mission with her for SHIELD, she found that she liked your company, and so sought after it more often. This shocked you and everyone else who knew Natasha as she was notorious for not speaking to most of her mission partners after the job was done, and yet she was actively seeking you out. Not that you complained, you liked her company too.
A friendship was soon formed, and soon after a relationship. A year later it turned into a beautiful marriage. She trusted you enough to marry you, and so trusted you enough with her heart. It took a while but she did eventually explain to you her grief and experiences through life and being the first person that she told, you were the first person to reassure her.
To reassure her that it was okay to mourn someone you had never met. Regardless of the fact that Natasha had never seen her birth mother, she still played a big part in her life. She brought her into the world and passed on some of her looks, some of her personality. She had always been with Nat throughout life, the meeting part was redundant.
Your explanation allowed her to accept that part of herself, and in turn, allowed her to start loving herself. That night she cried in your arms for the first time, and you made a promise to never let her go. Nat needed you, and you needed her too.
When the Sokovia accords tore the Avengers apart, the two of you ended up hiding out in Norway. Not that it lasted long. Not even four hours into your stay and the fuel had run out, resulting in Natasha driving you to go and collect some more, though the car was blown up on the way, launching you into an adventure over to Budapest and then Russia to see Nat's family and end the Red Room.
They were an exhausting couple of days, but you were glad that Natasha was able to reconnect with her adoptive family, it was something that she needed, especially her younger sister Yelena. But Nat didn't come out of the adventure feeling peaceful that she had ended the organisation that had ripped her life away, a storm was brewing within her, and she didn't know how to stop it.
She was informed that her mother hadn't abandoned her like she had been told, but that there was a pay-off. One that her birth mother didn't want to go through with, and so persistently tried to track her down, ending with the death of a grieving mother who just wanted her baby back.
Her mother had loved her. She had loved her so much that she spent her last moments fighting hand, tooth, and nail to get her back.
The new information was overwhelming. For over thirty years Natasha had been coming to terms with something that had haunted her, and then she had to learn that everything she thought about her birth mother was not the case. So, you suggested trying to get some closure. One that would be able to stop the tsunami, and bring back the tide.
The next few months were spent gruelling away trying to track the grave of Nat's mother down, which was not an easy feat considering there was no name on the tombstone, and without knowing Natasha's mother's name in the first place. Whilst being in hiding, it was risky as well, they were constantly on edge about creating a digital footprint, but your years of training paid off, and you found the location of the grave without getting attention from the authorities.
So soon enough, the two of you were in Russia, parked down the road from a small field with a cherry tree, and a visible tombstone. You looked over to Natasha in the passenger seat and saw that she had paled as she started chewing on her lip looking terrified. "Hey", you spoke softly and got her attention, though even with the caution she still turned to you looking like a deer in headlights, "It's okay. It's gonna be okay", you cooed, "We can easily come back another time if you aren't quite ready".
She shook her head harshly and opened her car door, "I can do this". You tried to give a smile as you watched her clamber out of the car, but it turned into more of a grimace at her uncharacteristic uncoordinated movements. You opened your door a second later and walked towards your wife who was standing a few paces away. She looked at you with uncertainty, but her confidence picked up slightly when you took her hand. "Let's go", you gestured to the tree with your head, and she breathed out a heavy sigh whilst nodding.
The walk was incredibly slow as Natasha seemed to be doing everything in her power to delay the inevitable, which you didn't mind of course. This whole experience was for her, and so you would go at her pace. Your thumb lightly ran over her knuckles in reassurance as you neared the tree, and your heart broke when you saw the blank tombstone, so you couldn't even begin to comprehend how Nat was feeling as she stood next to you.
Her bottom lip ever so slightly protruded as she took in the sight of her mother's resting place, and silence overcame the two of you, both of you not daring to breathe loudly. Natasha's entire body was tense, and out of the corner of your eye, you spotted her pawing away at a stray tear she had clearly not been able to keep back.
"She's real", she whispered with a broken tone, and you turned to see Nat staring at you as tears filled her waterline. "Yeah baby, she's real", you affirmed and watched Natasha turned back to look ahead as she brought her bottom lip in with her teeth. The entire situation was just... sad. You didn't know what to say to try and comfort her, knowing that no words in this moment would. She just needed to process it all, and that could take months. You would just have to settle for being there for her, being her anchor.
Just as you thought that Natasha was finding some calm in where she stood, her body tensed up further as she let go of your hand and began walking backwards with large strides. "I'm sorry, I can't do this. I'll meet you at the car", she rushed out before turning around and speed walking back. You opened your mouth to protest but she was gone before you could even think of words to say. Sighing and pursing your lips, you turned back to the tombstone and offered it a fond smile and took a few steps forward.
You crouched down and plucked a few weeds away from the bottom of the stone and dusted the top off, trying to make it look more presentable. Your mother-in-law deserved a good resting place. Once you had deemed the area presentable and left a little metal bear figure you had brought a while back so that she had some form of decoration, you placed a hand back on the stone and looked at the car, before looking back.
"I'll look after her for you, always. I promise".
You gave another small smile as you stood and brushed yourself off, saying a small goodbye before walking away. The situation had broken your heart, so you ended up looking at the floor with your hands in your pockets, knowing that if you looked up and saw Natasha looking upset right now you would probably start crying yourself.
But because you weren't looking or paying attention to your surroundings, you missed the fast-paced padding sound of footsteps bounding towards you, and let out a squeaking noise when Nat barrelled into you, holding your entire body weight up as you were sent flying off balance with your hands tucked away. "Thank you", she mumbled into the crook of your neck whilst you worked on getting your hands out of your pockets and gripping Natasha back in a tight hold, rocking her side to side in a gentle motion.
Again there were no words to be said, you just nodded and squeezed her tighter trying to push the tsunami away with all of your might. 
Taglist: @fxckmiup
Natasha Romanoff Taglist: @diaryoflife
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rain-in-the-clouds · 1 year
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After Dark
Chapter 1: Dammit.
Warnings: Fluff, suggestive themes, swearing, reference to durg and alcohol use.
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Word count: 9,860
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Y/n, an art student who was once friends with twins Yuji and Sukana. When the three were children they spent all their time together, the boys acting as knights for Y/n, but she wouldn’t hesitate to tell someone off for crossing the boys, standing up to anyone even adults. But it was short lived. When they were fourteen, a few years after the twins mom died, thier dad got a better job far away at some prestigious hospital forcing them to move. It was a painful goodbye, filled with promises, some that were kept and others that felt to far to think about. In a rush watching them drive away, Y/n grabbed her bike and rode towards them, speeding faster then her legs have ever gone, ending up just behind their car, both boys watched and waved, some tears in thier eyes, Yuji’s more then Sukana’s. But she stopped just at the bridge, the end of town, skidding into a stop watching them leave finally.
10 years later.
Y/n now a fresh undergrad in the arts, followed a scolorship across the country to further her arts career. Over the years the twins and Y/n kept in contact, emails then texts later, at least once a month she’d call both Yuji and Sukana, catching up needlessly. The two had even video called her when their dad met thier step mom and thier new older brother, and then again after the wedding in junior high. For better or worse the three kept up with each other, but some things were kept secret, events and emotions both.
It was a Wednesday when Yuji got the call from Y/n, excitement spilling like a waterfall. Yuji quickly made plans to pick her up from the airport along with his dad, waiting to tell Sukana so he couldn’t back out at the last second.
That next Friday Yuji came bounding into the basement of his and Sukana’s shared house, thier small but tight-nit group was scattered about the large room. Startling half the group, causing Nobara and Maki to yell at him, but through his slight blush and goofy expression he happily proclaimed, “Todays the day!” Completely ignoring the confusion that hit in the room, even his twin was puzzled.
“What the hell are you on about now brat?” His was annoyed. But Yuji just waved off the bitterness in his voice.
“Y/n.” He said it as if it was the final puzzle pice, but everyone was still confused, except his twin. Who’s expression and body language suddenly changed, becoming calm yet ridged, his shoulders relaxed but back tense, unseen by the others, but Yuji saw many emotions cross over his brothers expression in a flash before a small, barely there smile appeared.
“You could have said that sooner!” He screamed, his emotions always coming out as bombastic anger, Yuji’s friends; Nobara, Inumaki, Maki and Panda made it a point to stay away from the easily enraged twin, going so far as to point out everything they don’t like about him. Megumi and Yuta, Yuji’s best friends, saw through Sukana and also found companionship in him despite his rough edges. It seemed Choso, thier older step brother and thier step mom where the only outsiders who accepted him without question. “Well is she here? What’s goin on?” He shot one question after another without care or pause. Yuji simply laughed.
“No she’s not here yet, but her planes gonna be landing soon, Dad and I were gonna go get her.” Yuji paused to give a smug shiteating look towards Sukana, “If you wanna come, I’m leaving for Dad’s now.” Sukana in a held back panic grabbed up his things before bounding towards the stairs. Before Yuji could follow, Choso called from his spot on the couch, Yuji didn’t notice him at first till Sukana started yelling. Yuji quirked his brow in question. But it stayed silent for longer then nessesary, something Choso did frequently.
“Don’t forget the party. Should bring your friend.” His voice was lazy, almost melancholy, stating something obvious, confusing his younger brother. Yuji just nodded, being pulled back to reality by Sukana screaming a string of courses at his twin till he was up the stairs leaving the house. The group looked amongst each other, baffled at what they all collectively just saw, and more confused as to who they were talking about. However Choso and Megumi knew, both having been told, several times, about Y/n from both Yuji and Sukana. The two sharing their own look, knowing they’d have to fill everyone else in.
Y/n was nervous, excited, happy, anxious, and everything in between. The trip had been more stress endusing then she’d had expirenced in a long time. Only sleeping a handful of hours on the plane, by the time she’d arrived her body was sore and mind starting to blow out. Trudging through the terminal till she had to sling her heavy bags over her shoulder, luckily the rest of her things having been mailed to her new ‘affordable’ apartment, with that in mind she moved onward to departcher. So lost in tired thought she wasn’t sure who she was looking for, just knowing someone was bound to be there, but she just couldn’t put it together. It wasn’t until she was through a crowed of people, smushed together and into herself, a familiar voice shouting her name. At the gate stood three pink haired men she never thought she’d get to see again, they were standing side by side; Mr. Itadori, the twins father, was in the middle holding a small cardboard sigh with Y/n’s name scribbled on it. Yuji was jumping, waving his arms with the biggest smile on his face. Sukana was on the opposite side of his dad, one arm waving, still calling her name out. It felt like years passed while she stood thier, longer then normal, watching the three, their unique smiles and energery bringing a comfort and warmth she’d forgotten about in all the years apart.
“Boys!” She called back, her voice braking slightly, with whatever enegery she had left she spent waving back to them before dropping her luggage and charging towards them. Mr. Itadori was laughing, a small part of the past coming back from the shadows of thier memory, bounding at them without pause. Yuji took one step forward, his arms extended out to meet Y/n half way, but Sukana had the same idea, the two ending up bumping into each other. Sukana was about to push his twin away but Y/n was already to them, jumping at them with all her tired might. Small tears created by exhaustion and joy pricked at the corners of her eyes as she connected with the two. Wrapping her arms around their necks, pulling them to her, but they were heavy and off balance, the three only standing for half a second before they went tumbaling backwards. Both Yuji and Sukana were holding onto Y/n taking her down with them, the three old friends found themselves on the hard ground in a tangled mess of limbs. A second fell where they were silent, eyes shifting between each other before a roar of laughter came from them. Mr.Itadori just stood a moment and allowed them their enjoyment, but he leaned over them a second later, a soft smile on his sweet expression.
“It’s good to see you again Y/n, but I think it’s time to get up.” It was said softly, but enough to shock the three into standing abruptly, splitting apart just enough that the boys could sling an arm around her shoulders, caging her between them. Both seemed so boyish in that moment, innocent, happy, time having stood still between them. Y/n, however, was suddenly stuck again with exhaustion, hitting her in waves. In an instant she was actually using them for support, both caught, Sukana broke away to grab Y/n’s small luggage, but was back helping hold her up.
To Y/n it was a haze, the walk to the car felt hours long, but then a blink later she was at her new apartment, sitting on her half unpacked couch. Sukana and Yuji moved around the cluttered space, assumingly clearing a path, or just setting her carried on luggage somewhere in sight. But both said a half goodbye, the words coming to Y/n in mumbled sounds.
When she woke up it was mid evaning, still sluggish but recovering better then she expected. Like she thought, the boys left her stuff in front of the couch, as well as locking the door when they left. Y/n found her phone, seeing five separate text, two from Sukana and three from Yuji.
Yuji’s came seconds after he left, a long poorly written pharagraph explaining what happened, though the information was scattered throughout. Next came 20 minutes later, an invite to a party he and Sukana were holding that night. Five minuets later was an apology, realizing she might not be up to it after all the travaling.
Sukana’s text were to the point, but sweet in his own way. The first was sent the same as Yuji’s, but his was a simple, “Glad you’re back.” Then a few hours later, possibly the notification that woke her up, was the same invitation, but different in that he was more adamant that she stay home and rest. Something she half expected from the fiery twin. She didn’t reply immediately, first washing herself up and stripping of her dirty sweats and t-shirt.
Though she was tired the boys party was in the back of her mind as she moved about the space, from the small kitchen to her one person bathroom, the idea of a night out was quickly becoming appealing. “Putting off unpacking couldn’t hurt”, was her thought. Before she could change her mind she fired off two text, one to each of the boys. To Yuji she wrote, “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’ll be there, but I need the address.” Seconds later she got the address along with a big smiling thumbs up sticker. To Sukana, “I’ll be coming to the party. You better introduce me to everyone.” A nonthreat, poking fun at his hatred for large groups and small talk. He only replied with an exasurated angery face. She giggled to herself about the twins, all to happy to be around them again, despite moving thousands of miles away from her family home, she felt like she already knew everything. A glance at the clock told her she only had two hours to get ready. Not having much of her stuff unpacked she was left with few options, settling for a pair of snug taddered shorts and a slim fit graphic tee. She thought herself funny, the shirt was a gift from her friend Tanji, it was white with 90s style art, the words “The world does revolve around me,” was printed across it. At first she thought it was a bad joke, but now seeing where she was and how things have shaken out so far; it made her laugh. Y/n was grabbing up a small purse when a knock came from her door.
Yuji was at his shared house, running around the place setting out stuff for the expectedly big party, music area, alcohol and food, the works. Panicking about a million things, despite having thrown such events many times before, creating a reputation for himself. Their group of friends had left hours prior, off to prep and primp, the only one who stayed behind was Megumi, helping out the twins. Sukana was setting up the music area, moving furniture, placing way too big speakers up in the corners, and setting up an hours long playlist, but he still sent out a mass text with a link to the playlist, allowing people to add or ‘request’ songs, something a rando suggested during one of their first parties, it stuck. Megumi was locking up anything valuable, as well as locking up most of the bedrooms, ending back downstairs with Sukana and Yuji.
Yuji was in the kitchen near frantically putting whatever he could think out when his phone began to loudly ring. Swiping it from his pocket he answers slightly out of breath. “Hello?” It came out as a question through a heavy half gasp.
“Hey Yuji,” It was Y/n. “I need some help-“ She tired to continue but Yuji suddenly worried cut her off in a rush.
“What!? What’s going on?” His voice spiked in that boyish way when he was genuinely freaked out, the volume of his voice had Sukana and Megumi rushing themselves into the kitchen. Sukana looked like he was about to combust, while Megumi found Yuji’s gaze, seeing the panic there.
“What’s wrong?” Sukana questioned in a forceful huff. Yuji threw a hand up towards his brother, waving him over. He was next to him in a heartbeat, both listening to Y/n intently, who had been telling them to calm down from the second Yuji started to worry.
“Will you two stop for five seconds!” Even Megumi heard. “I’m okay you dorks! God you two I swear, always jumping to the worst thing.” She began a ramble, something that had Megumi unexpectedly laughing, the twins both looked like a deer in headlights. For a flash they didn’t register what Y/n was saying. “Boys!” Got their attention back finally.
“Sorry!” They both shouted in unison.
“Look I messed up during the move. My complex is getting fumigated. Apparently they sent out warnings weeks ago, but mine got sent to an old address. I’ve pretty much been kicked out for a week.” She explained in a rush, standing on the sidewalk outside her apartment, one duffel bag on the ground and a small backpack slung around one shoulder as she paced back and forth.
Yuji interrupted again, after clapping a hand over Sukana’s mouth, only somewhat muffling his yelling. “What? How’d that happen.” Yuji was almost scary calm, nonchalant even. “It sucks but, why don’t you crash here for a week?” He spoke similarly like his Dad, soft, kind, but an ernest demand. Sukana stilled and Yuji dropped his hand, but his eyes were the same, a fire behind them. It was silent, the three thinking.
To Megumi it seemed like the three were somehow communicating telepathically. From a glance it looked like Sukana was glaring at Yuji, but recalling he’s stairing at the silent phone. Yuji, who was a little easier to read, was staring at the ground, digging an invisible hole. But what felt forever long, was only a minuet of quiet thinking, Y/n answering.
“Yeah..Okay.” Her voice was calm, relieved even. The twins both relaxd as well, but were still doing the silent talking thing they do before Sukana cut in.
“Yuji will come get you, we have a guest room and everything.” The other boys squinted their eyes at the tatted twin, both confused about what he thinks ‘everything’ is. Another beat, “Well? Go!” He gestured wildly towards the door, supersizing Yuji back into the moment.
“Wha- The party? Dude?” He wasn’t stoping Sukana from ushering him towards the garage door, but was puzzled nonetheless. Y/n was still on the phone, clearly hearing all of this. Sukana again spoke in a huff.
“Gumi and I got it, just go before traffic gets bad.” Yuji shot a glance to the aforementioned friend, who simply shrugged.
“Okay.” Yuji nodded to Sukana before holding the phone back to his ear. “I’m leaving right now, just wait by the gate. Yeah, I will, o-okay- bye.” Sukana was curious but didn’t stop his brother. As fast as the call came in it was over, Yuji leaving for downtown, while Sukana and Megumi were left to finish setting up the house. But in the back of all fours minds was this lingering question, an odd awkward feeling.
Some 40 minuets had passed, Y/n stacked her bags and was sitting on them, lazalie leaning against the metal gate. Checking her phone ever few minuets, but even with the busy traffic Yuji was their faster then she anticipated. The drive back wasn’t nearly as long, but it was full of a so for table warm silence between the two. It was changed when they arrived back at the boy’s house, the party was past full swing, the house overtaken by what seemed like half the collage. Yuji pulled into the garage, the music was muffled, but the intense bass and fast beat still came through. But both just let it roll off them with a rocous of laughter.
“Will just lock your stuff in the car for now.” Yuji said sheepishly, eyes scanning his phone. “Well let’s go meet the gang.” He said though there was a layer of nerves behind his expression. Y/n didn’t call attention to it, just let it sit in the back of her mind.
The two made their way through the main room, once big and roomy now packed and cramped, bodies smushed together, sweaty and dancing; the music so load it felt like her eyes were shaking in her skull. Yuji led her to a thin set of stairs, the walls lined with faux wood panaling, and it had no light except for the upstairs that leaked down; through the thin door was the basement where Yuji and Sukana’s friends were congregating.
The vibe amongst the group was vastly different then the raging party just up the stairs, it threw Y/n off. For the first time in a while she felt uncomfortable under the groups gaze, though she wasn’t sure who was who yet. But the twins were right there, Sukana appeared out of thin air beside Y/n, opposite Yuji.
“Guys, this is Y/n.” The spunky twin gesture to Y/n like she was a new invention, it made her smile. Sukana was not smiling.
“Fuck, how lame can you be?” He was glaring again, a natural state for him, overly annoyed with the situation. Y/n just started laughing again, truly she’d missed these moments with them.
“You two haven’t changed, ya know that?” She spoke through burst of laughter, clutching her stomach for support. Not really composing it herself, Y/n waved at the group. “Hi everyone. Sorry bout that.” A few forced deep breaths and she was back to a semi calm state. Some of them waved in return and some said their own ‘hello’ back. Yuji’s smile grew while Sukana rolled his eyes, Y/n couldn’t prove it but she’s sure Sukana was remarking under his breath. Yuji gestured again but this time to the group.
First point to a lithe brunette, “This is Megumi.” He planned on introducing them one by one. Sukana held it back, but in his mind he was laughing uncontrollably. Megumi gave a soft smile and an even softer, ‘hey.’ Next to him was a slightly taller brunette, he was skinnier in the face though. But he interupted and introduced himself first.
“Yuta.” He extended his hand that Y/n took, he was kind, Y/n could easily see why Yuji liked them. The next were two who kept shifting from anilitacal to reserved. Yuji just looked at the pair with the same expression Y/n has seen him give teachers in the past.
“This is Nobara and Maki….Why do you two look like that?” Both just scowled at him.
“Like what?” Nobara said, squaring up like she was going to throtal him. “Sorry Y/n, I just can’t imagine these two having a childhood friend who hasn’t strangled them!” What was first directed towards Y/n quickly came back to Yuji, who was obviously holding in a laugh.
After a bit and all the introductions out of the way, Y/n was standing with Sukana and Megumi, the two halfassed explaining the set up of the house, ultamitly confusing Y/n, but she let if go, knowing she could always explore later. It was turning late into the night and Y/n had a spike of energy.
“Ya know I feel like goin upstairs for a while.” She proclaimed to the two next to her, but loud enough that Yuji heard, he simply waved in response.
“Know the way?” Sukana asked, it could have been a teasing joke, but he was serious. Y/n nodded.
“I’ll be fine.” She patted his chest before turning for the stairs, stopped by Megumi.
“Stay away from any punch.” It was a genuine warning, the sudden vibe that hit the boys was sad but not shocking, they could hope that nothing could happen, but, though the boys would never admit it aloud, were relived that Gumi voiced the concern and warning.
After Y/n was gone Yuji and Sukana let out a sigh, one of relief and one of exhaustion. Maki asked the obvious question. “What’s going on now?” Neither answered, Yuji was rubbing his neck with his eyes closed while Sukana grabbed up a loose pack of ciggertts, Yuta answering for them.
“I believe their reeling.” He said so matter-of-factory, yet so sweet. Megumi nodded along.
“Yeah, been a busy day.” If this group was having a conversation, somehow they made it seem like it was never actually with each other. “Go outside to smoke!” He suddenly shouted, not having to look behind him to know what Sukana was going to do. The fiery twin’s eyes flared, but nothing came of it, he opened the one window and crawled out of it to smoke, effectively leaving the conversation entirely. Yuji chuckled while dropping his hand and head.
“Yeah it has been.” He leaned back on the couch his body relaxed, “Just glad it’s done.” His friends could guess, Megumi and Yuta especially, but ignored his vege sentence. The lull in the conversation didn’t last. Yuji glanced around the room and between his friends, noticing someone missing. “Where’s Choso?” He directed his question at Yuta.
He paused while gazing at the ceiling, genuine or not, he was thinking. “He said he had to do something at the shop….I think he should be here by now.” The words left him in a quizzical tone, leading Yuji to believe he wasn’t actually sure. But nothing came of it, not immediately; Yuji pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to his older brother.
Y/n nodded earnestly, “Will do.” Was last said before she was up the stairs. It was still packed, but the groups of people had become closer, but more spread out, allowing some space to open up. It took a second for Y/n to make her way to the kitchen, but was happily surprised to see it mostly empty, except for a few people huddled in the corner near an open window. She found a cooler filled with cans and bottles. She grabbed three small cans of a salty seltzers, gorse but will give a nice short buzz. With that thought in mind Y/n waisted no time in slamming all three of them, standing a moment, allowing her body to process the alcohol. While standing there she focused on the music, it was still so loud but it felt far away; the closer she listened the louder it got again, but any annoyance was wiped away when Heat Waves, a favorite came on. Not thinking she quickly made her way to the living room where meny people were dancing and lazalie swaying to the music. It was a slowed remix of the song, but it still pulled Y/n into dancing. Unbeknownst to her, a dark pair of eyes found her from across the room, following her to the ‘dance floor’.
Choso stood against the mantel, his large frame slouched forward as he watched and took large slugs off his cheap beer. That’s when he saw her, totally unaware of who she is, but he had this feeling, recognition when he saw her, but he also knew he’d never met her before. When she was near the center, having danced her way there, a thought came into Choso’s mind. But he was abruptly stopped by his phone vibrating against his leg. He thought about ignoring it, stairing at his leg for what felt like forever, but he begrudgingly pulled it out and scanned the text that was sent to him. Yuji.
“If you’re here come down to the basement.” It was straight forward indicating how serious he felt. Choso sighed dramatically to himself, roughly scrubbing a hand over his face. Discarding his beer he slung his jacket around his shoulder and headed for the basement; all the while his eyes would drift and sway back towards the mystery girl still dancing away. He scrunched up his face when he finallly rounded the corner down the stairs, confirming to himself that he’d be back up in no time; with that in mind he picked up his pace and strode through the door.
The group in the basement had thinned out, half passed out, Maki and Nobara, while the others were on and around the couch. Sukana and Megumi were the only two standing, by the ‘bar’. Choso’s entrance had the awake ones shifting their collective gaze to him. His brain froze for a second, but the blaring music behind him kept him semi focused on getting back upstairs. He continued further into the large basement, discarding his coat behind the bar with Sukana, before heading for Yuji and Yuta on the couch.
“I’m here?” Choso was always quiet, distant, especially when he was getting annoyed, but if he was comfortable around someone the more he’d relax, say more the five words. But his question was left hanging in the air. “Yuji?” He said with a bit more force behind it, causing Yuji, Yuta and Sukan to raise their brows at the eldest. “You told me to come down here. Why?” Choso always felt like he was speaking another language, having to brake everyone of his thoughts down. Yuji finally got the hint and remembered what was going on. It was at that moment Choso realized Yuji was drunk, or stoned, some combination of the two. Yuji having the highest tolerance in the group, was also the easiest to hide his intoxication.
“Thas’ right…” Yuji blinked, forcing his eyes to focus, but still having to glance to Sukana to remember what he was saying. “Our friend is here, I, I wanted you to meet ‘er.” The longer he spoke the more his words blended together, he was starting to lean against Yuta who was dead eyeing Megumi, his eyebrows raising and glaring at the younger brunette in a frantic manner. Megumi was holding in a laugh, having to grip the bar’s edge for support.
Sukana was smiling to himself, pouring he and Megumi another shot, having enough with the beating around the bush he proclaimed as loud as he could, “Just don’t hit on her dude!” He was so loud even the passed out girls heard him. Choso’s expression turned to frustrated shock, rarely does he get angry or annoyed with his brothers, but whenever they even insinuate that he sleeps around it boils his blood, its just not the truth. The room was. silent, Sukana was staring Choso down, Yuji was lazalie nodding along, drifting further by the second, trapping Yuta on the couch till he was completely passed out. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t want to defend himself again, didn’t want to let Sukana get to him again. Instead he huffed to himself, a growl like sound leaving him before he left the basement.
Upstairs the music was bumping so hard it felt like the house was shaking, which it probably was; Y/n was still in the living room converted dance floor, ignoring the world and others close around her. Choso had to wade through the crowd, people passed normal intoxication were bumping and crashing into each other left and right. When he got back to the living room it had repopulated a considerable amount, the music having called the herd of 20 something’s to rymithcly bounce around. Near the center was the mystery girl; Choso was surprised to see someone let go in such a way, it fascinated him to no end. Choso stood out of the way for a bit, watching the mass of bodies move around, eyes losing and finding the girl, he wanted to talk to her, but she seemed so far away. But the change in music was to his favor, lulling him out of his corner and into the sea of people. His tall frame had him towering over most, but he ignored the awkwardness that seemed to cling to him, and began to move with the music. The song itself was odd, off beat, Sail, a remix of the song; it was his perfect rhythm.
He was able to let go, something about the moment had him dropping walls, the deep base drop into the rapid change called Choso to continue forward. Though he was egaarly enjoying his time, even with the crowd bumping into him, it all felt right. But the middle of the song threw him off, the speed picking up for the climax was almost hypmatizing, so much that when he bumped into the mystery girl, her side into his front; both were jolted back into the present. Something that’d been happening a lot that day. Choso was lost in her eyes and expression. Sweet and far off, but her eyes held a thousand stories, a color like gold highlighted by blue flecks; so starkly different from Choso’s own gray ones.
Y/n had been in her own world while she danced, losing herself to the music, oblivious, unaware; uncaring who she collided with. Until she rammed into the sturdy frame that had been pseudo dancing with her. All at once she was struck with many feelings and vibes that oozed off the man. He was familiar to Y/n, but she couldn’t place him. Something about his stoic yet soft expression reeled her further in, the way his eyes bore into her, it suprisingly had her feeling shy. Time stood still between them while the rocous of people around them moved onward. Choso was a master of micro expressions, but his control failed, a smile charming and swave bloomed across his lips while he gazed down at the mystery girl. In response Y/n uncontrollably, awkwardly laughed out, a nervous sound that caught in her throat. Choso found the sound to be too cute, his own laugh leaving him in a roar. Before either one knew it they were both laughing, red in the face, but still oddly swaying to the music.
A bit of time had passed, a few songs at least, they were both sweaty, breathing heavy, and bursts of laughter still came from them. But the entire time neither of them spoke a word, a whole conversation having been had stricktly through body language, expression, sounds of affirmation; it was strangely intimidate, but totally comfortable. It stopped when there was a longer then average pause in the music, whether it be an odd song coming up, or the playlist resetting, a beat passed between Y/n and Choso.
Choso had another moment of charm brake out, leaning down to be eye level with Y/n, his voice was low, “Wanna step outside?” He was pointing towards the balchony while he spoke, small beads of sweat trickled down his brow, Y/n was also sticky from the continuous dancing and later laughing. The quiet didn’t last more then 10 seconds, roaring back to life as Stressed out pumped everyone back up.
Y/n had to shout her reply, “Yeah that’d be nice-” but she didn’t get the sentence out before someone bumped into her, sending her into Choso’s chest once again. However this time he caught her, loose arms wrapping around her own frame.
Another bout of laughing came from Choso, the rumbaling feeling moving into Y/n while she was pressed into his chest. But through the loud of it all, she could feel his heart beat. Calm but hard, like a deep beating drum; she found it soothing. Choso’s grip tightened slightly around Y/n, he began leading them through the living room, but not towards the balchony doors, but to the stairs. Y/n didn’t question it, but kept observant; mostly of the others around them. But he stopped once they rounded the corner, just inside the staircase.
“Sorry about that,” He was rubbing the back of his neck and face of sweat, flustered or nervous Y/n wasn’t sure, the staircase now almost pitch black just behind him. Y/n waved it off.
“Oh don’t worry about it..” But she trailed off, also suddenly uncirten. However Y/n wasn’t allowing another beat or lull to happen. “But what are we doing here?” She quirked her brow, leaning against the wall as she did so. Her question seemed to have remained him of why they were they to begin with.
Choso took a few large steps down before calling back up to her, “Just need my jacket, be right back.” He was again down the stairs and behind the door in seconds flat, but Y/n appreciated the moment of alone, a moment to quickly compose herself. Her heart was pounding against her chest, and she was unnessesarilly hot. The cool wood paneling helping her relax and calm her nerves.
Choso however was met with a strange sight in the basement. Maki and Nobara had disappeared, or left he didn’t care which in that moment. Inumaki and Panda were planted on the floor, one playing a game on the old crt and the other laying on his back zoning out towards the ceiling; Yuji was full passed out, splayed out over the whole couch. Yuta wiggled free at some point and found a spot in the beat up recliner, he too asleep. But the true oddity was Sukana and Megumi, neither were there. Choso took all of it in but immediately put it on the back burner, beelining to his jacket then back to the stairs.
Y/n was still in the stairway, watching the few people who walked by, the sounds of the door suddenly opening and closing called her attention back to the now ready Choso. The two watched a cluster of people move through the hall back into the living room, all the them clutching onto each other, like a school of fish riding the current. Once the hall was clear enough the two left the stairway for the balcony.
Day was gone and night had set in. Without looking Y/n guessed it was around midnight, the air was starkly cooler then the humidity in the house. The balcony was big, double opposite staircases, it didn’t match the rest of the house, but it matched the garden below. The two weren’t alone out there, a few people were sitting on the stairs and some down on the grass, but it was quieter and calmer. Y/n moved to the railing immediately, leaning over to see below, though it was unecessary. Choso found her odd antics endearing, watching her live in her own reality. He didn’t put his jacket on, just layed it over the retailing while digging out his pack of ciggeretts. For a second he glanced to Y/n feeling an underlying insecurity; but she didn’t bat an eye at him. Shockingly she watched him in the queer ritual of lighting a cigarette, snagging when his lighter started to go out, more suprising to Choso was her pointing to he pack in his hands.
“Would you mind if I bum one? I left my purse with my friends and I don’t know where it is.” She was being sheepish, her own similar insecurity, her eyes looked everywhere but Choso, the closest thing being his hand. Choso was taken off guard by that, but thinking about it he wasn’t the only smoker in his circle of friends. He chuckled at her, causing her to reel back, finally making eye contact again. “What?” She questions as a reaction.
He waved a hand, “Nothing.” He passed one to her. “Don’t worry about it.” In that instant so much weight and awkwardness was washed away but such small actions and words. Y/n gave a shy smile in return, but when she tried to light it the lighter was completely dead. She grumbled and cursed under her breath to herself, another quirk that had Choso looking closer, smiling more, something was so familiar; but he just couldn’t place it. It had him leaning in, cigarette between his lips, a quiet “here,” as he gently pressed the cherry of his to her’s, sucssfully lighting the wanted nicotien. Y/n was locked into his grey eye’s. In the night light they looked like a brightly lit moon, glowing against his dark eyelashes and strip tattoo. All the small details of his face were etched into Y/n’s mind in that micro moment. Ending as fast as it began Choso was leaning with is back against the rail staring up at the house, Y/n decided to hoist herself up on the railings edge; sitting beside Choso, but just far enough that she could swing her legs freely.
In the house Megumi and Sukana were walking through the house slowly gathering people up, shooing them out of ‘restricted’ rooms, and outright sending them home. Those who were too drunk shared cabs and Ubers. By the time the two met back up in the living room half the party was gone or unconscious.
“No ones left upstairs.” Megumi spoke like he was reporting in from a mission, his own little quirk. “I think everyone else is leaving on their own.” He seemed annoyed by that fact, but it also seemed to be purely surface level. Sukana sighed, the tension he’d felt slowly leaving him.
“Good.” Sukana was dramatic in his body language, he turned around the room, his gaze sweeping over everything, hands firmly on his hips. “Okay, should we get the others up?” He half turned to Megumi to ask his question, somewhere in his head he knew what he wanted but knew he couldn’t just do what he wanted.
Megumi let out his own sigh, “Yeah probably.” Megumi rubbed his hands over his face and through his hair the craving for sleep creeping into his eyes. Sukana clapped a hand on his back, starting to lead him towards the basement.
“Let’s go.” He half mumbled out, but as they walked he continued to scan the rooms, looking for anything out of place or broken. What he wasn’t expecting to see was Choso leaning over a girl that looked like Y/n; but it was too fast, doing a double take showed him no more then his older brothers back. “What the fuck.” He spoke aloud, much louder then he thought, startaling Megumi.
“What?” His brows were knitted together and eyes slanted into a quizzical glare. He darted his gaze around, head turning to see, but he found nothing off. They’d stopped just in the hallway, Sukana was staring at the floor, rationalizing what he maybe just saw.
The fiery twin shook his head, “Nothing, just tired.” He forcefully shrugged it off. “Let’s go.” Again he led them to the basement. Megumi stayed a step behind, looking behind, curious as to what threw Sukana off.
Outside while the two relaxed, simply enjoying the night air, they both noticed the party starting to thin out, even the few people outside with them were starting to scurry away. Yet the music played on, the lights stayed dim, both had long been done smoking, just sharing idle conversation.
“Do you go to the art school?” Choso was facing the opposite way now, leaning over the railing, eyes lazalie sweeping over the garden. Y/n nodded first, half glancing behind her before hoping off the railing.
“Yeah I do. Moved here for the school, among other reasons.” She was a little vege but Choso didn’t push. “I mostly work with paint, but I’ve been studying dance too.” She was gazing up towards the sky as she spoke, something in her eyes was hopeful.
Choso smiled, his eyes soft, “That’s cool, are you entering the scolorship contest?” Absentmindedly Choso reminded himself of a current stresser. “It’s gonna be starting soon.” He was forcing back a grumble, frustratingly nervous about the whole debockle. Y/n shook her head while leaning a bit closer, baring her weight on one foot.
“Nah, not my kinda thing, despite the opportunity, I don’t do well under pressure like that.” She admitted, more to herself then to the man next to her. It had Choso letting out a laugh.
“I feel that.” His smile was bright and genuine. “It really is a bitch, but-“ He cut himself off to mull it over in his head, “It’s fun somehow.” Y/n turned her eyes to him while he spoke, seeing the sine that came from his random enegery. It was like he was convincing himself and well as Y/n.
Then the information sank in, “Oh- You’re in the contest? What’er you studying?” A part of her was excited that she might get to see him again after that night.
“Yeah I am. But I don’t actually go to the school. I take elective classes, kinda. There weird but I enjoy it. Figured the scolorship would help out with my work.” Choso felt like he hadn’t talked this much in months, his voice was starting to feel rough, but he felt so comfortable and welcomed, he found himself furthering the conversation far more then he normally would. Y/n was growing more fascinated as they continued, the more she learned the more she wanted to learn.
“What do you do for work? Tattoo artist?” She questioned half joking, her big smiling eluding to the fact, but the silence that came from Choso told her she was right. A uncontrollable laugh spouted from her. “Wait really? I was just guessing.” She was beaming, “That’s awesome.” Choso gladly returned the smile and laugh.
“Yeah I am.” He spoke through the end of his laugh. “I own my own shop.” Y/n was stunned by that.
“Really? But-“ She stuttered to find her words. “You’re so young.” It was a fact, but it was suprising to Y/n nonetheless. “That’s amazing.” She said finally, her astoninship shown clear in her complamint. Choso was surprised by her reaction, expecting the usual unsatisfied or disinterested comment.
“Thank you. But I’m not that young, unless you wanna say 27 is younger then whatever the average is.” He was sporting a cocky almost smug expression, fully swear he was able to again his dream sooner then most. Y/n lightly nudged her arm against his.
“Whatever, gonna act like thats not impressive. Psht.” An unserious scoff was her final rebuttal. Choso just shook his head half heartedly. A final lull washed over them but it felt okay, natural. Behind them the party was about over, but music still played though muffled. A covered song, Dammit (After Dark) began to play, one both of them knew; unknowingly between the two of them both had voted for it to be played near the start of the party. The intro had them swaying slowly as they stood. When they glanced at each other another small laugh came from it.
“Would you like to dance?” The words surprised Choso as he spoke them, but no part of him questioned it, leaning into the feeling, taking that first step closer. Quietly Y/n’s breath caught in her chest, suddenly not feeling the cold of the air.
“I would.” Slipped from her as she stepped closer, barely touching his chest. the song grew quiet, he wrapped his arms around her again, holding her completely against himself. When the final couros came on the two stayed moving at thier own slower speed, finding solace in this unique moment. Neither heard the song change, just knew it was slower, totally lost in the sight of the other, not realizing they were closing the small gap between them. Choso was leaning down before he could think about it, his hands gliding up her fram to hold her face, guiding her into a kiss. She followed his movements eagerly, following but allowing to be led, until thier lips were connected.
The kiss started soft, tentative. His were slightly chapped, his face cold. Her whole being was on fire, warm and so welcoming. The tenderness of it was a surprise, but that quickly melted into something more passionate. To deepen the kiss Choso leaned further in, one hand leaving her delicate cheek, smoothly drifting down her neck and top her back, stopping at the small of her back. He fiddled with the hem of her shirt and shorts, dipping under the fabric with just the tips. Y/n let her hands roam up his chest over his shoulders and into his long black hair; pulling him closer as she went, though she was still having to stand on her toes to fully deepen the kiss. Hesitantly Choso slid his hand lower, asking for permission to continue, her reply was swiping her young between his lips. He cupped her ass and pulled her closer, dropping his other hand to her hip her held her from to him. Both explored each others mouths, Y/n letting a moan slip between them when she felt his tongue piercing against the flat of her tongue. The sweet moan that came from Y/n had Choso groping her ass a little harder, his other hand dipping under her shirt, splaying out over her ribs. His hands were cold, so cold Y/n gasped, a shrill sound but one of pleasure.
However the moment was cut short there, the small second of separation had both of their eyes open, and out of their peripheral they both saw someone. Y/n snapped her head to the side first, squinting at the glass door, Choso followed suit, but when they both looked, no one and nothing was there. Y/n even blinked a few a times, trying to reset the image in her brain, whereas Choso just focused through the glass, a small thought that maybe it was one of the guys, but he couldn’t be sure. Both were now catching their breath, Y/n’s whole face was tinted pink, Choso’s black strip was highlighted by the blush of his cheeks.
Neither knew what to say, but neither of them wanted the situation to turn awkward, both ending up saying in unison, “I’m sorry.” Earning a giggle from Y/n and and chuckle from Choso.
“Don’t sweat it.” Choso tried to seem cool and collected but his smile and glowing eyes said otherwise. “I mean it was forward of me.” He was struck with a ping of concern, not wanting to come off as that guy who can’t take a hint. But Y/n surprised him again.
“Maybe a little but I wanted it too.” Y/n was still in his arms, something Choso wasn’t thinking about, not until she affirmed the mutual desire. It had a relief filled smile take over Choso. “Though…” Y/n spoke then paused, wondering if the man holding her was having the same realization; but looking up at him told her he was clueless, in fact he seemed worried. He let go of her but only took a small step back, no longer caging her against himself. Y/n rushed to answer, “Well it’s just that,” she paused to motion between them, “We, or at least I don’t know your name.” She was bashful about it, a feeling embaressed that she never asked. But Choso was hit with the realization in that moment, a silent ‘oh’ left him, but was clear in his expression.
“We don’t do we. Ha.” He was speechless, not sure what to say. However Y/n knew what was on her mind.
“What’s odd to me is this weird feeling,” she again gestured to Choso, more in his general direction, “About you, like I know you or something.” Her eyes were squinted, as if inspecting him. “But I don’t think we’ve met before…Have we?”
Choso shook his head. “No I don’t think so.” He ducked his head and dropped his eyes, “But I know what you mean. Since I saw you in the living room I thought I recognized you.” He admitted, something about the candor of this conversation was opening both of them up.
“Thought?” She asked in return, though she wasn’t truly expecting an answer.
“Well- Like the feeling is still there-“ Choso cut himself off, looking closer at Y/n’s face. “I don’t know but I think it’s your eyes.” Y/n absentmindedly opened her eye’s wider. “They seem so familiar to me.” That charming smile returned, he couldn’t help but wiggle a complement in, “Or maybe they’re just that unique.” He was almost smug about it. Y/n scoffed.
“Whatever. “ She very jokingly shoved at his chest. “Smooth.” But she still couldn’t help the smile or rush of blood from her face. “Seriously though. It’s a little odd, right?” She swayed where she stood, “Kinda like dejavu but not exactly that.” Choso nodded along.
“Yeah I get it.” He let out a coy chuckle to himself, “Maybe we have somebody incommon.” He wasn’t being serious, a part of Y/n knew that, but it made something click in her brain.
“What if we do?” She said as if it was the missing number in a calculation. Choso was skeptical.
“Yeah but what are the odds?” He exaggerated his expression of disbelief. “Like didn’t you just move here?” He looked around to emphasize his point. “Not trying to sound like a dick here, but how many people could you know yet?” It was then, Choso’s words triggered something in their brains. Both looked each other dead in the face, then their eyes darted to the house, then back to each other.
“Holy shit.” Y/n was more than shocked, her eyes were wide, but suddenly so many things made sense. Choso was equally if not more stunned.
“Oh…” He’d taken another step back, one hand on his hip and the other nervously pawing at the pack of his head. Y/n had her hands cupped over her face, the only thing visible was her wide eyes. But a part of Y/n was also relentless, needing solid proof she said one thing.
“Choso?” Though his name came out as a question, and the situation did not call for it, it had a shiver run up his spine.
“Y/n.” Was his answer, though he couldn’t look at her, fearing he might implode from embarrassment alone. It was all that she need for confirmation.
She nearly threw her hands to her hips, eyes boring into the concrete, “This is awkward.” It wasn’t a question, nor was it directed at Choso, but the simple fact stated aloud allowed both of them of let out a sigh of half relief. “Well…”
“Yeah…” Choso was had turned a full 180 and was facing the house. “I-um… I’m sorry about this.” He glanced to Y/n who was also looking at the house. She turned to him when he apologized.
“No. Don’t be, I mean we didn’t know. But I-I get it, I’m sorry too. Sorry it’s awkward at least.” She admitted the last thought, unsure of how she feels. “But what, what’er we supposed to do about..” Y/n gestured with her head towards the house, “With them.” Choso let out a fast forced breath, internally he wanted to explode.
“I don’t know. Do we say something? Keep it to ourselves? I don’t know.” Choso listed the options the two had, but none of them made the two feel any kind of ease. He rolled his head back and let his arms drop to his sides. “Do we even have to say anything?” He said somewhat defied.
“It’s not not an option…Right?” Y/n was rationalizing, but she still gave voice to the idea. Choso looked towards Y/n.
“Seriously?” Y/n nodded in response. “Well, yeah, that’s not- it wouldn’t be lying, not technically.” Even he didn’t believe what he was saying. Y/n nodded again.
“We just bumped into each other.” Y/n had her hands out and was again facing Choso. “We just started talking and introduced ourselves?” Choso was now the one nodding.
“Yeah, and now…” He ducked down a bit to get a better look through the glass door. “We’re just meeting back up with them?” He stood up, his brows upward in that, it’s a vegue explanation but not unbelievable way. Y/n was almost mimicking his expression.
“Yeah. Okay. Well, we should probably go in.” She took the few steps towards the door but stopped short, looking back and waiting for him. He snapped to it, swiping his jacket again then he was behind her in three steps. With a deep breath both went through the door and almost bolted for the stairs to the basement. Neither one paying any mind to the now virtually empty house, or the fact that the music had stopped long ago. They stopped just shy of the door, the dark staircase nearly completely concealing them both, neither could make out the others face. But both let out a breath, calming themselves the best they could before walking into the basement.
Whatever they were expecting was not what they walked into. The basement was essentially empty, Yuta, who was just starting to walk up, was still in the recliner. Sukana was sitting at the bar, facing away from Megumi who was behind the bar. The enegery of the room was weird. Their entrance just added to it. Sukana sipped around to face them, his face in a scowl. No one had to guess what he was thinking.
“Where have you been?” It was more a command then a question, and it wasn’t clear who exactly he was asking. But neither of them got to answer, “I don’t care. It’s late.” He wasn’t making the best sense for being the only totally sober one, but the three assumed he was just barking out his thoughts. Y/n saw the oppratunity to jump in.
“I still don’t know where my room is.” It was ment to be a question but it was more a statement left in the air. Choso snapped his attention to Y/n.
“Your room?” He did question.
She nodded in the affirtive. “Yeah my new place is being fumigated, I’m stayin here for the week.” She said it as if she’d simply forgot to mention it. Choso was the one failing at hiding his surprise. But he nodded as if he just didn’t hear the first time.
“Makes sense.” He said with a shrug. Sukana interrupted the small conversation, grabbing Y/n’s hand to place a set of keys in her palm.
“Come on. I’ll show you.” He began to walk away knowing Y/n would be just behind him. And she was, but she did stop.
Not fully turned around she looked at Choso, “It was nice meeting you, Choso.” A soft smile and small wave and she was gone up the stairs with Sukana. A barely audible “You too.” Left Choso, but it was for only him to hear. Now it was only Himself, Yuta and Megumi in the basement. Feeling maybe a bit to comfortable he let out a deep long sigh before flopping on the empty couch.
Yuta, now fully awake, was leaning on his knees, a hand rubbing at his eyes. “What happened?” It was a question, but it was perpousfully vegue. Choso just scrunched his nose, propping his head up on his hands, eyes barely open despite being wide awake.
“Nothing. Just a long night.” It came out far more defensive then he wanted. From the bar Megumi scoffed loudly.
“Bullshit. You walked in here like you had a rod for a spine.” Megumi knew better, so did Yuta. “What did you do?”
“Did you hit on her?” Yuta asked, needlessly leaning closer to ask his smug question. Megumi moved to stand behind the couch, looking down at Choso.
He groaned out, flustered, dropping his head face first into the learther. He didn’t know how to answer, knew these two would see through him immidatlly. They took his actions as a half answer in the affirmative.
“So what did happen?” Megumi asked, baring his weight on the back of the couch. Yuta leaned in again, percosionary to hear better what Choso might say.
“It’s not- It wasn’t- I don’t want to talk about this.” Choso was having an argument with himself by that point, a losing one. “Just…flirting. Okay? It was awkward and I just want to forget it.” It was his way of telling them to drop it. Yuta and Megumi shared a look, acknowledging the weird vibes their elder was giving off, his vegue defensive answers. They knew something was up.
Sukana gave the quietest house tour ever, walking Y/n through the house, in and out of the living room and back down a hallway she didn’t know was there, to a short staircase leading up to a three door hallway. Sukana opened the one closet to the stairs, a fairly big room on the other side that was modestly furnished. A twin bed and a small desk with matching nightstand, Y/n’s bags were on the bed. Y/n turned to thank Sukana but he cut her off.
“Did something happen?” He was stoic and serious, his eyes anylitcal. He stood in the doorway, unmoving like a wall. Internally Y/n screamed and panicked, but she held her composure.
“What? Nothing happened? What are you talking about?” SHe played the confused cared, fanning the idea that he could be talking about anything that happened that night. But he wasn’t havin it.
“I dont really believe that.” His words cut through like a hot knife. “I know him and I know you.” He spoke in facts, but Y/n was gonna deny till she was blue in the face.
“What are you on about? Seriously, nothing happened.” Y/n leaning against the doorframe in the hopes it would make her words seem more genuine. Sukana shook his head.
“I know what he’s like, people fall for him left and right. And its not like your looks are a secret-“ Sukana cut himself off quicker then a match could’ve been lit. Y/n gave him a coy look.
A cocky smile gracing her face. “My looks? Aww, thank you, Kana.” Using this as the perfect moment to slip his nickname in. And like she expected he clammed up.
“Don’t, that’s not what I ment.” His tone turned whiny, shoulders dropping. “Whatever, just- I’m leaving.” Sukana quickly turned to leave was almost down the stairs.
“Night Sukana.” Y/n called to him from the doorway.
Y/n was now alone in her tempoery bedroom, in a rush of excitement layed in exhaustion she crashed onto the small bed, eyes gazing out one of the windows. She couldn’t help but replay the night in her mind, analyzing every decision she’d made, everything that led her to that moment. The only conclusion she could make was that she was excited for the next day.
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[Loulou*di S3V2 L 3-9] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:ARK Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Project Archive: L 3-9
Setsuna: Hey, what did the situation earlier mean? Do you know?
Rui: It’s nothing to concern yourself over.
Setsuna: I’m curious. After all–
Rui: That was just an impulse from the mention of Anthos*.
Setsuna: But…
Rui: Ageha speaks the truth. The flower is not much of an outside threat even during the window when it is at its most potent. Furthermore, internal wounds are barely noticeable when the situation is stable.
Setsuna: Internal…wounds?
Rui: Take care that you head off in the right direction. But that aside, the tea must have scalded you earlier on.
Setsuna: Not at all. Anyway, Mahiro–
Rui: That conversation ends here.
Setsuna: …
Rui: There’s no need for you to mention Yuuki Mahiro the next time you see Ageha.
Setsuna: Is it okay to break my promise with Ageha then?
Rui: Why did you even make such a promise with Ageha in the first place?
Setsuna: Hm? ‘Why’?
Rui: You’re not plotting something with Ageha, are you? As far as I know, you two had no interaction when we were at the training academy.
Setsuna: Are promises something you only make with people you’re close with?
Rui: Considering the risks, the question is why would you make a promise with someone you don’t know and what can you hope to gain from it? It’s beyond my comprehension.
Setsuna: Risk?
Rui: You let slip a job that has yet to be publicly announced. If anybody knew that word of it reached Ageha, you’ll be first one to be suspected by Anthos*. Are you okay being branded a traitor?
Setsuna: A traitor? Will Mahiro doubt me?
Rui: Likely.
Setsuna: I don’t want that.
Rui: That’s why I’m telling you to stop.
Setsuna: Okay, I understand. Thanks.
Rui: No need to thank me.
Setsuna: Huh?
Rui: ?
Setsuna: Just now, you looked just like him. Like Ryoga.
Rui: Kagekawa Ryoga?
Setsuna: Your aura is a little similar to his. When I talk about Mahiro to Ryoga, he makes a face like he’s kind of irritated.
Rui: I… don’t really care about Yuuki Mahiro, or Anthos* for that matter. Besides… (winces)
Setsuna: What’s the matter?
Rui: No, it’s nothing.
Setsuna: Hmm… Then, I’ll be going.
Rui: Setsuna.
Setsuna: I didn’t get burned so I’m okay. Bye-bye.
(Setsuna leaves.)
Rui: (winces in pain) What is this…? I don’t care about Anthos*, yet… why do I…
(Sound of a device being activated.)
Staff Member A: Medical team. What’s the–
Rui: Why was Yashiro Setsuna here?
Staff Member A: …The notification didn’t arrive on time. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Rui: Please answer my question. Why was he here?
Staff Member A: I apologize.
Rui: The application for all personnel to be vacated should have been accepted.
Staff Member A: You’re right.
Rui: Then why?
Staff Member A: I will explain shortly. Please calm down. He sometimes is allowed to be away from the facility as part of his retreat. His cultivation programme is different from the other members.
Rui: In other words, he’s more of a guest than we are.
Staff Member A: We made sure that his schedule wouldn’t allow him a chance to meet you. Apologies.
Rui: He mentioned that he came for maintenance that was scheduled earlier than usual. Does that have something to do with Anthos*’ appearance on Dream Drama Festa?
Staff Member A: Yes, we were doing some adjustments for his condition.
Rui: My understanding is that Dream Drama Festival is traditionally held every year outdoors. Am I correct?
Staff Member A: Yes.
Rui: For the sake of clarity, how about Loulou*di’s offer?
Staff Member A: For the time being, none has been made.
Rui: It would be better to have an understanding with a head start.
Staff Member A: We have not received any information in detail since yesterday.
Rui: Understood, doctor. Thank you.
Staff Member A: Don’t mention it. On another note, has he given you any trouble lately?
Rui: Not particularly.
Staff Member A: Then, has anything happened the past few days that has caused you distress?
Rui: Why do you ask?
Staff Member A: The medical research team has been carefully monitoring your brain waves. 
Rui: I think I heard about that being possible through the seed implanted in the body.
Staff Member A: Exactly. Over the past few days, your ERP[1] has been showing waveforms that have not been observed until now.
Rui: That’s…
Staff Member A: ERPs are thought to halve when facing inhibitory stimuli and secondary stimuli. The measurements recorded from the seed are still somewhat of a mystery to unpack, and with the possibility of noise…
Toki: (in the distance) Rui-san?
Rui: Toki-bou.
Toki: Oh, there you are. I thought I heard you talking. What are you doing here? …Who is this?
Rui: A member of the emergency staff from the medical facility.
Toki: Oh. One of those people butting in just because I’ve been complaining that I haven’t been feeling so good lately, right?
Staff Member A: As mentioned, you appear to be doing well.
Toki: But of course. Rui-san and Ageha-san are with me here, after all. Right, Rui-san?
Ageha: Just what are you all gathering here for?
Toki: Ageha-san!
Ageha: I leave for a minute and come back to this… (to the staff member) Hello, thank you for your hard work. 
Staff Member A: You look like you’re in high spirits as well.
Ageha: Thank you. It wouldn’t have been possible without such a serene environment.
Staff Member A: About… Yashiro Setsuna’s case–
Ageha: I don’t really understand what’s the point of this meeting, but could we just end the correspondence once and for all? Actually, this is the first time the three of us have seen each other today.
Toki: Exactly. We finally got to get together, so please don’t get in our way.
Ageha: I was just thinking about enjoying some precious time with this modest happy few.
Staff Member A: Heard loud and clear. We hope for nothing less than the best for both your body and mind.
Ageha: Thank you very much. Then, please excuse us. 
(Ageha ends the call.) 
Ageha: (sighs) Seriously. Those fools from the research facility… How many times must I tell them to stay out of this?
Toki: They don’t even respect Ageha-san’s instructions. They should all just be sacked.
Ageha: You’re being lively as always today.
Toki: Right? It’s ‘cuz I took a nap and rested up a lot!
Ageha: Mm. It’s good that you’re following instructions.
Toki: (giggles) 
Ageha: If you’re well enough for it, let’s go have a meal. Go and change.
Toki: Okay!
Ageha: Rui bought some souvenirs this afternoon. The sweet things are what you requested, right?
Toki: You managed to buy them? Yay! …Rui-san?
Ageha: Rui.
Rui: … Sorry, did you say something?
Toki: Ageha-san said you bought souvenirs for me.
Rui: Ah, of course. Cake, pudding and macaroons, right?
Toki: Eh? All of them?
Rui: I wasn’t sure which would be the best choice. I couldn’t pick just one. Do you not want all of them?
Toki: I’ll eat everything! Rui-san, I love you!
Ageha: Toki, before that, go freshen up.
Toki: Got it, I’ll go change my clothes now! (leaves)
Ageha: Let’s head back to the living room. 
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: I don’t need an explanation or excuses. I knew you were sneaking behind my back and talking with the medical research team. For now, just focus on humoring Toki. I’ll take responsibility for–
Rui: Ageha!
Ageha: What’s with that face?
Rui: Right back at you. Why are you looking at me like that?
Ageha: Ah. Unfortunately, I can’t see my own face without a mirror.
Rui: Ageha would never turn around for me. He would move forward even if it meant trampling me. He wouldn’t normally cross paths with me, much less turn my way. Up until now, there wasn’t a single time when those things–
Ageha: You… Do you really want to be stepped on so badly? You truly are a freak. Listen well, Rui. This isn’t reality. It’s the inside of an ephemeral dream.
Rui: Ageha…
Ageha: It won’t be long before we will leave. We have to take up our responsibilities as Loulou*di. But now… in this moment, we’re inside a special dream. Peering from inside an isolated illusion. This is a nice, relaxing dream.
Rui: Stop it.
Ageha: Listening to the sound of the wind, feeling the ebbs and flows of an invisible stream… In the arts, such a serene feeling would be poured into music, written onto a music sheet with the heart still weighing heavy. If I think about all the smiles the sound I create will bring, I believe that even now, I will be able to leave behind my greatest song. There won’t be a second for–
Rui: Ageha!
Ageha: (sighs) Your wish will surely be granted soon. I will disgracefully flail and struggle to breathe, and then finally die. My body will cease as a beautiful corpse, mounted on a magnificent frame, and placed as a grave marker[2]. That’s what you want to see, isn’t it?
Rui: That’s…
Ageha: I will wait for that day. This must have been the path Chihiro sprinted on.
Toki: Ageha-san, Rui-san! Let’s have tea!
Ageha: Let’s go, Rui.
Translator’s Notes:
ERP likely refers to ’Event-related potential’.
Ageha’s word of this album is ‘bohyou (墓標, meaning gravestone)/bouhyou (妄評, meaning unfair criticism)’. Unfortunately I was unable to discern which is which between this drama track and the previous one where he mentions it again in his long monologue in the art museum. I don’t believe the context changes a lot but I thought it was important to highlight this recurring word used.
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golexusu · 1 year
My Lobotomy Corporation Custom E.G.O.!
Here are some of the EGO I made for my OC + one for one of my viewers! Felt like it would be nice to share some of the short story here. I'd like to expand it into larger writings in the future so look out for it! (if you think it's cool enough haha...) Blossoming Butterfly [E.G.O. Suit]:
The dress of a purple haired young girl, she was held, bounded by a destiny that broke her in three ways. Her body burnt to flames, leaving only one memory, her mind was corrupted by the dark lord, forever cursed to consume, and her soul couldn't take it anymore, empowering her to be the end of all things.
All of this pain yet she is unaware of it all…
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Blossoming Butterfly [E.G.O. Weapon]:
The true weapon of the purple haired girl, who went through each and every trial presented to her, healing the wounds of the past, bringing peace to the stories that have ended.
Her body was burnt, bringing her the drive and ambition to move on.
Her mind was corrupted, bringing her more in-tune with her own emotions
And her soul couldn't take it anymore, accepting herself for who she is.
At last she has been made aware of her faults of the past. Now the world presents new pain she must fight against. The pain of the world has brought her to the peak of her power.
With this staff holds the will to protect the ones she cares about the most.
"Atarah", will be the witness to the end.
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A Memory Eternal:
The flames of the burnt girl dimmed the room. They were flames amongst the dark that spoke of a name. A name that was engraved into this very weapon. "Faust… You're finally here with me…"
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A Path Eternal:
The flames were calmed, the burnt girl made her second decision. Her life didn't end up the way she wanted, she's been groomed to be nothing but a cold killer, leaving her mind in shambles. She didn't want to face the sins she committed, so she turned her head away into fantasy.
But she realized that she could carve her own path with her own flame. The black flame still lingered with her, but no longer did it show emptiness. For once her life forfeited despair and gave her hope.
Looking at the flame, she saw that she was given a second chance, She realized she was finally here with herself intact. "Lets go, my faithful flame, lets face the world, together."
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The one for the viewer! It's a little grounded to what they told me about the weapon but here it is regardless! Flightless:
A gift from the birds of the Black Forest. The birds took care of the white fox for a long time and the fox has done a lot for the three. So a gift was presented, it's a surprisingly well made scythe with a gold-tinted blade.
Typically weapons from the outside aren't accepted, but it seems like it got approval somehow…
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Thank you for reading! Here are all of the weapons together in one image. Credits: The Flightless EGO was heavily referenced from the Predation EGO from the Midnight EGO mod make sure to check them out on Nexus mods!
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cryo-lily · 2 years
Odd Ask
🍋,🍒,🍰,🍟 for Issie?
Thank you @magicallulu7 for the ask!! Some of these were really really fun to answer.
🍋 What is your OC’s most painful memory?
So I’m going to skip Tilera’s death for this one, and say just before that when a young Isadola was taken away from her mother and subjected to tests about her species’ force sensitivity, by those who have a very rudimentary understanding of Miralukas. It was a few days of numerous experiments, to better understand what made the Miralukians so different from Humans. Along with the possibility of understanding how their ability to see with the force works and what could be discovered from such understanding.
Isadola still bears the scars from those experiments, it’s been suggested to her a few times that she could easily have them removed but declines the offers each time. Even if she got rid of them, the memories of the numerous experiments with no sedatives or painkillers would still linger.
Issie has grown to accept the scars and the painful memories they are connected to. While she may never really get over what was done to her, she’s learned to wear them with some pride. Though the experiments practically broke her, in the end Tilera still sacrificed everything to rescue her daughter. And having the scars to remind her of it all drives some part of her to at least dent the cycle that made her go through all that.
So yea Issie totally doesn’t get a little carried away a lot of times taking down such similarly brutal “scientific” experiments that mostly just serve to satisfy someone’s morbid curiosity (if you asked her) or otherwise.
🍒 Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who?
Yes she has! Well in her case it took place before her Consular class story would start. It happened a few years after the Jedi found her and took her into their order after rescuing her from the ruined HQ of the slaver group that attacked her village.
Anyway- it was with a fellow padawan that was put in her group after they themselves were also brought into the order. Quite a bit of time and a lot of chaotic events have caused Isadola to unfortunately forget her name, but Issie never forgot her face (My poor excuse for not fleshing this out more but leaving myself an open door to flesh out the entire thing more later lol). Isadola and her mirialan friend were very very close until their Jedi teachers caught on and put them in separate groups but not before giving them another lecture on the “No attachments” rule of the Jedi code.
I’m sorry if this wasn’t a detailed as the other questions, I’m still trying to flesh out more/better details about little parts of Isadola’s past such as this.
🍰 What’s something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Hurting Lana in any form, or hell any of her friends or family for that matter. She already lost her loved ones once, and she got lucky reuniting with RE-1, she won’t lose them again. The “No attachments” rule of the Jedi code was never one of Isadola’s strong suits.
Perfect example of this, when Theron tried to shoot Issie on Umbara and shot Lana instead. Yes Isadola does go on forgive Theron down the line after, but just on that one part he’s always on thin ice. To keep things civil and the fact that she does still love him like a brother and he’s one of her closest friends she tries to let it go. On the off chance Theron brings it up, Issie is VERY quick to remind him in a scarily calm tone, that stun blaster bolt or not, of how lucky he is she didn’t just snap his neck in that moment.
It easily took Issie at least a year or so to fully forgive him after that, and that’s someone she likes. Anyone else that isn’t even as remotely close to her that tries anything similar would not get the same benefit of the doubt.
🍟 What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
As silly as it sounds, singing and playing some instruments. Isadola isn’t exactly into most of the types of music that plays in most cantinas she’s been to in her travels. So when it comes out that she actually loves performing either by singing and/or playing some of her preferred genres she gets very embarrassed, even if she’s actually not too bad at it.
Down the line she eventually learns to accept it a little after reuniting with her childhood friend Taskar (Task for short), even if most of that road was paved with him either getting Issie either drunk or high off her ass during their shenanigans across the galaxy.
Yes Task has more than one holo as blackmail just in-case Issie needs to be roped into a job he needs help with, He would never post them but it still works every time he needs help when roping her in on a more sketchy or dangerous job she’s being stubborn on helping him with. Always as a last resort though, since Isadola almost always helps out Taskar when he asks; after all he was her first best friend that wasn’t the family droid (RE-1).
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moon-cycling · 2 years
today i feel a real heaviness around me. things that could be contributing:
i have felt really calm, at peace, and happy about life for the last week
i have friends going through some serious life struggles that are in a way triggering my own thoughts about myself and my life path
my dad is losing his brother to addiction and watching the way he handles the situation as a parent would, with so much love that it actually breaks your heart. this made me cry (sob) on my drive home from our walk yesterday, and then in the bath when the end of the stutz doc was dedicated to hill & stutz's brothers who they had lost. death and loss are hitting me in a whole new way that maybe is an opportunity to face it
i spent last evening cooking soup and baking cookies for like... 3 hours or something. because i was really taking my time but i was so tired by the end of it. an example of doing something with or without expectation. just make the soup and cookies, enjoy. i enjoyed the process but at the end felt like - what did i do that for? which is kind of silly because like - its food. purpose certain. but i felt weird after and i feel weird this morning.
my period was maybe two weeks ago now, so my hormones could be shifting around. which takes me to my next segment...
quarter moon thoughts
the stutz documentary kind of echoed everything in my last new moon intentions, almost as if i further called the ideas into my life or picked up on them ahead of time
the negativity sentiment struck me last night, as i walked with my dad and looked at the moon and said something kind of meaninglessly negative about harry styles. just that i was confused as to why he was so famous because i don't know anyone who can name one song of him. just a thought lol because my dad is always talking about music news. but anyways i remembered the yoko ono quote and how easy it can be to continue that old mind pattern. i listened to an interview with someone from love is blind yesterday who was a therapist, and she was talking about how you can actively change your brain patterns, if you keep doing it.
i would watch that doc a million more times, there was so much to sit and bask in the beauty of. it made me feel like i do have control over my life, and that working on the most simple things like feeling my best all of the time is worthwhile and actually the only way to get better.
also his thoughts about people and how you need them. my inward fall certainly got me somewhere emotionally and creatively, but now i think i can find better balance between with others and with out. and don't need to have such hard rules about being alone. life can be so beautiful and simple. i want winter to be a time of communing with the people i am closest to in this world. surrounded by pretty twinkly lights and the heaviness and lightness of life itself in one season.
i am finding a better work/life balance and am comforted by stutz's sentiment of constant work. pain, uncertainty, constant work. 100% always there. i accept the work, and will do my best to have the best relationship with all of the work i do. on myself, my home, my relationships, my body, and my passions. and i feel lucky to have a people job once again. i feel proud that my work is real and matters. people matter and making people feel loved and cared for is one of the only things we have in life. i love not having a made up egotistical job, although i am heavy in the midst of trying to separate my identity from work. because ego is always there.
creativity: i am gearing up to make a real piece of art that i am proud of. all of the elements of my creative forces are coming together to create something that i love and find compelling. i have the fear of not liking it in the end, but that is the attachment i need to move away from (or the nonattachment i am moving towards rather). i will do it to enjoy the process, not feel my ego fulfilled by a certain outcome, that you can't even yet fathom. it's that little snapshot stutz was talking about
content: a constant back and forth between creating and consuming. i created soup and cookies while consuming that therapist interview and another funny one. i have begun being more intentional about what i am listening to, and actually am planning to trade in my iphone for a flip phone here soon enough. thank god i have this lovely laptop. the stutz movie and the madonna doc made me feel so much more satisfied with things to think about, not something that i want to forget like the real housewives of salt lake city lol. i love the bonding aspects of reality television amongst women. like, it is our sports and i value that and will not trash that medium. but, when i am alone and what i can encourage others to do is to watch better art, because it does have a different effect on you.
and i want to write every day. i preparation for this art piece, and for my own healing
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Shut Me Up
Billy Butcher Masterlist
Summary: Butcher needs information on a supe. He hates that he has to go to her to get them, especially because of how it ended last time. Fortunately, she’s easy to find. It’s not everyday that you see a woman amongst other bikers.
Pairing: Billy butcher x F!Biker!reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 1854
Warning: Smut, unprotected sex, rough sex, angry sex, p in v, facial
Square: @anyfandomgoesbingo​​ The Boys Custom card: enemies with sexual tension
A/N: Hey people! So this fic is for @fictional-affairs​​ 500 readers challenge! I had Biker!Reader as the AU character. Also, remember this is an AU, so some things don't follow the tv show!
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He hated that he needed her help.
There was a big, endless list of people he could go to to ask for that favor. People he had by the balls, scared of what he knew about them, frightened of how much he could destroy their life with proof of their dirty little secrets.
Butcher could go anywhere, threaten some people, force them to spill out the beans, but yet, he ended up choosing to go to her. 
Maybe it was because he wanted to see her again, but then, no, it couldn't be the reason. She was everything he hated in someone, someone that wasn't a supe, that is.
Maybe he enjoyed being an ass, and it was so easy to piss her off.
Or maybe… the anger, the rage, even, she had to feel after what happened last night would be enough for her to say yes.
Finding her was easy. Already, a woman driving that kind of bike was not something he saw often. But a member of a biker gang? 
One of the chiefs, even?
Y/n was the only one.
"Bunch of cunts," was what Butcher thought as he approached the place. The thought was so loud, he could almost feel the words leave his lips.
"Hello lovely people. I'm here to see Y/n. I don't believe I have an appointment, though," he said instead.
The headquarters of the Bad Moon Rising gang was hidden in the far end of the state. At first glance, it looked exactly like a place where homeless people were living, well, if it wasn't for all the bikes resting at the entrance.
The moment Butcher pronounced the name of the woman, he was now circled by men, all ready to beat the shit out of him. It didn't matter what he wanted from Y/n. The simple fact he was there and said her name was enough to be sent to the hospital.
"Easy," Butcher sighed, lifting both hands in the air to show he meant no harm. "Here to talk, is all," he muttered next, but it didn't seem to calm down any of them.
"Everyone, put your dicks away," a feminine voice finally made from behind him. A shit eating cocky grin stretched Butcher's lips at only hearing her voice. "You're not welcome here, Butcher," she ended saying once all the other bikers were gone.
Butcher turned to her.
Not at all hiding his interest, he let his gaze wander up and down her body without any shame. Enemy or not, she was bloody sexy. 
"I'm not here to feel welcomed, luv," Butcher grinned as finally his eyes settled in hers. "I need infos. A favor."
"You always fucking need something," she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest. "I got nothing for you, get the fuck out."
She turned on her heels to leave but his voice made her stop immediately. What he said then immediately froze her.
"One of your guys got killed last night," he grinned, knowing he got her. As he spoke, Butcher walked closer to her and she didn't make any move to stop him. "I know who did it and why. What I want to know is… What you and your lovely gang or bikers know about him. And if you're finally ready to accept the deal I made to you 6 months ago. And then maybe, I would finally be able to catch the fucker."
Y/n was still frozen on the spot. The mention of the person they lost last night was still fresh, so fresh and painful, it was like Butcher was stabbing her in the back again and again. 
God, she hated him so fucking much. If she wanted to know who killed Zach, she had to make a deal with Butcher. Fucking hypocrite.
"Come in," she ended up saying. Without waiting for his answer, she headed towards her room, knowing he would follow.
"So," she said once they were in her room. The door was closed, locked, so if one of them wanted to kill the other, it would be too late for anyone to intervene. But right now, she didn't really want to kill him… Well, not unless all he said was bullshit. "Who."
"Soldier Boy," Butcher said, simply. His lips curved downwards, grimacing his clear disgust and anger just at saying the name of the supe. Y/n's body tightened with rage. "Cams took pics of what happened. I can send them to you if you don't believe me-"
"I believe you," she said. With the anger that was building inside of her, it was impossible for her to say more than those two words.
"He was bored, if you wanna know the reason," Butcher continued, staring at her, hoping to force a reaction out of her. Make that anger explode somehow. He knew it was boiling inside of her. Ready to explode at any time. "See, luv, that's why I wanted you so bad to join us." Taking a step forward the woman, he tapped his finger on her shoulder. "Those cunts kill because they are fucking bored. If your guys only agree to keep their eyes open when they drive around, with a little camera on their bike, we could have more evidence of what they're fucking doing. And this wouldn't happen again."
Until now, Y/n was staring out the window. Outside, bikers were walking around, pushing each other playfully, others were washing their bikes, it was peaceful here. Okay, sometimes they caused some chaos and drama here and there, did some not really legal stuff… but they never hurt or bother anyone. 
It was so fucking unfair.
And then, there was Butcher.
Butcher that came here, 6 months ago the first time, with a proposition. His group and him would defend and protect her gang if her guys would accept to add cams to their bikes and film everywhere they went.
She answered they could take care of themselves alone and he could go fuck himself.
The second time he came around, it was to ask for help. The latest guy in his group was in deep shit, and he knew for a fact one of the bikers had evidence that could get him out of trouble. She accepted to give it to him, and to thank her, he fucked her hard, right here in this room, pinned against the wall.
The third time, it was her time to ask for help. There was a war between gangs, and she needed more arms to fight and get back her territory. It wasn't something Butcher did usually, but because he owned her, he accepted. With two men and a woman, he arrived to the fight, and Y/n was about to beat him for showing up with only 3 people when she witnessed them fight.
They won.
Between Butcher and her, it was more hate than love. He worked for the CIA, fought supes, and her, well, she was against the law in a way. 
But in the end, they were even. Until today.
The day after a fucking supe, the cunts Butcher were hunting, killed one of hers.
"Okay," she said.
Butcher blinked multiple times, clearly not expecting her to accept so easily. "That is an unexpected answer, luv, and here I was with more to offer to you," he muttered, walking even closer to her now.
What could she do? She was pissed. Angry. So fucking angry, at the supes, at that supe that killed Zach, at Butcher for always getting what he wanted…
She pinned him to the wall of her place, and it was so sudden and brutal, she could hear his breath getting cut at the impact.
"Shut the hell up," she ordered. But her mouth could say one thing, her eyes were telling a different story. And as her hands tightened around Butcher's stupid Hawaiian shirt, hey gaze shifted down to stare at his lips.
"Shut me up yourself, dove." His lips curved up when he said that, grining. Clearly, he knew what he was doing to her, what power he had on her. Anger mixed with arousal and the simple and primal need…
Her lips crashed on his, effectively shutting him up. No more words left his mouth, well nothing else that grunts as he kissed back with as much anger.
His hands were already on her waist and lowered down to her hips, squeezing. An almost quiet moan left her lips, and he swallowed it as his hands went more to the South to grab her ass firmly. This time, her moan was louder. Just like he wanted.
Their clothes didn't stay on for long. Buttons and tissue got ripped apart until there was only flesh on flesh. Once again, neither of them could make it to the bed, there was no time for that. They needed it now.
Butcher grabbed her ass once more and incited her to jump in his arms, pinned her back to the wall, and in one swift motion, entered her wet channel.
Usually, during sex, Butcher would talk dirty quite a lot. But with Y/n, there was no time to talk. No time to say cocky things or pet names. She was tight, so fucking tight around him, and wet, and needy for his cock that was stretching her so good, but he didn't say any of that. Instead, he grunted, groaned and cursed as he fucked her hard and fast against the wall.
She was a mess of moans and whimpers, and the whole leader facade she had was completely gone as he drove his cock in and out of her. It was barely if she could breathe, that was how rough it was, the need to feel something else than what life brought them. Feel the other, fucked the other, hard, fast, and cum an impossible amount of times.
It wasn't long before her first climax, and then Butcher forced a second out of her immediately after the first one. She cried out, her body shaking and then going softer under his grip. In a breathtaking kiss, he thrust deeper into her, and when he felt like his climax was close, he pulled out and forced her on her knees in front of him.
She took the cue, opened her mouth and accepted his release like it was the only source of water in the whole world. Butcher jerked his cock until he reached his own end and painted her tongue and lips white with his seed.
"Fucking whore," he panted, his whole body covered in sweat, muscles bulging, cock twitching in his hand.
"I hate you," she said, licking her lips slowly.
"Shut the fuck up," Butcher groaned, lifting a brow when he saw her remove his hand from his cock to replace it with her own.
"Shut me up yourself."
It was her turn to grin, her plump lips parting to swallow his sensitive cock between them.
Butcher gasped, fingers tangling between her soft, messy hair.
"Oh, luv, you didn't see anything yet."
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Forever taglist: @nitnat6245​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​ @eevvvaa​ @fictional-affairs​ @wickedinspirations​ @awkward-and-indecisive​ @cryptichobbit​​
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finelinevogue · 3 years
What if a security guard wouldn’t let you back in the arena if you went out to get something. And they didn’t believe that you were harrys gf and just thought you were a crazy fan
oooh it’s been done before but here’s my version!! ;
You were running late.
It was already 7pm and you were only getting out of your car in the car park. Harry was due to be on stage in an hour and you hadn’t even seen him yet. The traffic around Dallas today has been awful. Chocker block. You’d been with Harry all day, up until 3 hours ago when he had to leave the hotel to come to the stadium for rehearsals. Normally you’d go with him, but you were so tired that you wanted a little nap before coming. The problem here was you overslept.
There were no Ubers available and a taxi would be far too expensive at this time, so you drive in Harrys car instead. You’d been following Harry on tour in his car, so when you get to different destinations you can go out on ball day trips if you want to without the obscenity of a huge tour bus or paying for Ubers everywhere. It was the main reason you were so tired though, travelling across country and into different time zones. It would be so much easier if this was the UK.
You grabbed your purse and your jacket, locking the car as you got out and started running for the backstage entrance. It was easy to make it there and you noticed security guards already standing there.
“Hi!” You smiled, slightly short of breathe. You were about to move past them when one of them shoved your shoulder back, making you stumble back unbalanced. “Wha—”
“ID and backstage pass to get through here.” One of them said, looking you up and down as if you were nothing.
If anything, you were quite shocked on how they just treated and continued to treat you. Normally, Harry would show a picture of you to these backstage security guards to make sure you’d be able to get in no problem, but it seemed like today Harry might’ve forgotten to show that photo. This was going to be a problem for you, because you’d forgotten to bring your backstage pass.
“I normally just go through? I’m Harry’s girlfriend.” You tried talking your way around the situation, not appreciating behind held up so close to show-time.
“Oh you’re Harry’s girlfriend? You must be the 7th one we’ve met tonight.” The security guy laughed and so did his friend, making your blood boil with how annoying they were being. Harry would be so pissed if he heard the way they were treating you.
“No but I actually am.”
“Then, ID and backstage passes.” One of then held out his hand whilst the other crossed his arms over his chest to make him look intimidating. Dickheads.
“I have ID just not the backstage passes.” You answered honestly, holding out your ID for them to check. They collected it and asked you questions on it, you answering them all perfectly.
“Well you definitely know you, but you have no proof you’re supposed to be where you claim to be.” They handed you back your ID and you huffed in stress.
“Well what can I show you? Photos of me and Harry together? Text messages?” You waved your arms around, getting really pissed off that this was actually happening. You’d probably miss Jenny’s whole set because of this and then 15 minutes before show-time Harry gets transported under the stage. So you only really would have half and hour with him, and that’s just not enough time. You wanted a safe and warm hug off him. You wanted a kiss. You just wanted him.
“Everyone knows they can be photoshopped.” One of the guys scoffs at your notion.
“Listen. You either show us your backstage pass or we’ll escort you off site.” The other one says a lot more firmer this time. It made you quite anxious for what you’d do if they did that - or maybe when they did that.
“Well I don’t have the backstage passes.” You sighed, rolling your eyes at the way this was going to end.
“Then let’s go.” One of them pointed to where you came from and to the car park, stepping forwards as he did so.
“I’m not leaving until you let me through those doors. My boyfriend is waiting for me.” You answered, taking a step back in stress of what they might do.
“Harry ain’t your boyfriend. Now let’s go!” They stepped forwards again and reached for you.
You swung your bag at one of them, hitting him in his side and he grunted because of the impact of your water bottle with his chest. The other one grabbed your arm and you couldn’t shake him, since you were not trained in any way for situations like this at all. His fingers dig into your skin and it made you scream out a cry, trying to kick him in any way to escape. The other one recovered ever ordered the guy holding you to escort you away whilst he stayed and guarded the door. The one holding you tugged your arms behind your body and held them tight there, it really fucking hurting. He didn’t care though and continued to walk you, asking you where your car was so he could get you out of here.
Once you reached your car he let you go and you wrapped your arms around you as he walked away again, not verbally saying anything but his eyes saying enough. Stay away. You shakily got your keys out of your bags and unlocked your door, climbing in and just sitting there. You could feel your hands really shaky and achy. Looking down with tear clouded eyes, you saw the red marks over your arms and slight bruising already. Your arms and shoulders hurt from being bent in an uncomfortable position.
You cared less about the pain though and how much of a disappointment of a girlfriend you were going to be to Harry. He was going to think either the worst for you or the worst of you. You reached in your bag on your lap for your phone, throwing your bag on the seat next to you afterwards. You wiped your eyes with the sleeve of your t-shirt and unlocked your phone to text messages, sending Harry a quick text.
To Harry: Are you free to call? x
No response. You sat there for a few minutes in silence, still shook up and teary. That had been a really awful situation to be in and you hated that you were nowhere near Harry to fix it. Your phone vibrated 3 minutes later, finding a text message from Harry. You sighed and felt safe when you saw his icon light up your notifications, knowing he was in contact with you.
From Harry: Of course, you okay? xx
You didn’t open your phone because you didn’t know how to respond. How do you tell him you’re not okay, only 20 minutes before he’s meant to be ready to go on stage? You didn’t want to worry him, but you also didn’t want him thinking you were a terrible girlfriend either.
Another vibration.
From Harry: Lovie? xx
Your eyes watered at that simple word, meaning so much more to you than five letters. It made you feel so much comfort, you only wished you could get that hug and a kiss now.
From Harry: Love, you’re worrying me now.
From Harry: Let me face-time you, hang on.
His icon lit up the screen; Incoming…
You shakily accepted, wiping your eyes quickly before. When he answered you could tell he was still in his dressing room, sat on the sofa that you wish you were also sat on with him. He looked so beautiful. His hair was perfectly styled and he was wearing a pearl coloured silk shirt and you knew he was wearing white silk pants to co-ordinate. You thought he looked ethereal. A glowing beacon of hope and beauty.
He didn’t say anything to you at first and you nothing to him. He just looked at you and instantly knew something bad was up. He kept eye contact with you and it was as if he was having a telepathic conversation with you, understanding that you needed him and just him.
“Hey, Mitch man?” Harry asked, turning his head to somewhere else in the room. “Could y’just give me a minute. Please.”
“Sure, sure.” Mitch answered and all you could hear was the sound of shuffling and the door shut. As soon as he was gone you started crying all over again. You cupped your hand over your eyes and your body shook as you just cried. Harrys heart broke that you were alone and he couldn’t hug you close to his chest.
“Y/N, baby. Look at me.” He asked urgently and you just shook your head, embarrassed that this was happening to you. “You’ll be alright lovie, I promise. Just look at me, beautiful.” You moved your hand away from your face and wiped your eyes and nose to try and make you look slightly better - not that it helped. “There’s my pretty girl.”
You smiled. He smiled.
“I-i’m so-rry H.” You whispered, sniffling in between words because of how shaky you felt.
“Hey, no. None of that. It’ll be okay.” He reassured you, keeping eye contact with you to try and decipher what was wrong. “Where are you, lovie? You’re in the car, yeah?” Harry asked, recognising your surroundings but you could get anywhere. You could have been in an accident for all he knew, but he was remaining calm so he didn’t send you into a panic.
“Yeah. In the stadium car park.” You saw Harrys eyes momentarily light up at that, before he remembered that you weren’t okay.
“Okay. Tell me why you’re upset, love. Help me understand.” He sounded urgent, just wanting to know so he could help you out. He wanted you to be okay. He wanted you with him.
“The security guards wouldn’t let me in, backstage I mean. I didn’t have my backstage pass. But..” You choked on a sob and Harry told you to just breathe. You were okay. “One of them g-grabbed me and escorted m-me of sight.”
“Baby, are you hurt? Is that why you’re upset?” Harry asked, standing up now in panic. His face looked angry, but you could tell he was trying his best to be a comfort for you. “Y/N?”
“Y-yes. Yes Harry, yes.” You voice wobbled out and you let out an exasperated sob. “I’m s-sor—”
“No don’t you dare. Don’t apologise for this. Not ever. You understand me?” He made very clear he wasn’t messing around.
“Yes.” You nodded.
“Alright. Now, you gotta be strong for me okay?” He asked, before asking, still checking that you were okay. He knew you would be though, because you were his bravest girl ever - stronger than you knew.
“You’re going to make your way back to the backstage entrance, alright? I am going to be there, before you get there. Those security guards won’t be there I promise. You’ll be okay. Can you do that for me?” He asked, moving around the room and then out of the door. He was walking down the corridors, ignoring the people shouting his name. He was only focused on you.
“Yes. Okay.” You nodded, wiping under your nose again.
“I love you.” He kissed the camera of his phone, looking like he was kissing you instead.
You returned the gesture, kissing him virtually back. “I love you.”
He told you that it’d be alright and then ended the call, explaining how you didn’t need to hear him get angry when he found these security guards. They would be fired even if they weren’t on his tour crew, he’d make sure of it. You made your way back to the backstage entrance again, slowing down before you rounded the corner. Taking a deep breathe you walked around and were met with exactly what Harry promised; him.
You smiled and broke out into a run to get to him, your bag weighing on your shoulder. Once you reached him your bag was thrown on the floor in front of him and you jumped into his arms. He lifted you up to sit you around his waist, keeping his arms tight around your waist and squeezing the biggest hug out of you. Your arms tightened around your boyfriends neck and you buried your face into his neck, and god he smelt like everything homely and sweet. He felt just like home.
“See, you’re alright now lovie.” He assured you, kissing your cheek that wasn’t quite buried into his neck.
“Th-ank you.” You muttered, kissing his neck in appreciation which made him hum in delight. He tasted so hot and lush. He was insatiable. You then felt him start kissing your arms, where the harsh red and purple marks were.
“Sorry y’had to go through this.” He kept kissing your arms, until you moved your head up and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“If I can’t say sorry, then neither can you.” You shook your head, kissing his nose softly. You watched his eyes flutter close and felt so special that only you could do that to him.
“You’re so amazing Y/N. Truly.”
“You’re pretty special too, my love.”
He didn’t need to hear anything else from you, those words were enough, so he pressed his lips to yours softly, filling you with the love you’d been waiting to feel all day. You smiled into the kiss and he just felt so amazing. He was so soft and gentle with you - as smooth as the silk that dressed his body. He was so pretty to watch melt away under your spell and delicious tasting. Strawberries, was that?
He was everywhere. He was everything. He always would be.
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There you are my love (Din Djarin x f!reader)
Summary: Post season 2 and little reference to TBOBF Ep. 5. Basically Din struggling with his religion, grieving Grogu and falling in love. I just want to hug him and tell him everythin will be okay, he's been through a lot
Warnings: None really. Implied sexy times but nothing explicit, but it is there. ANGST
f!reader cos I use she/her pronouns but no description whatsover is in Din's POV
no beta'd, I just finished it and thought why not sharing it
word count: 865
She leaves him bare. Mando has never been this naked, vulnerable, unprotected.
M-A-N-D-O, five letters that hide him as the helmet over his head. Mando is no one, Mando is undefined, a wall of beskar and weapons. A presence that comes and goes, does the job and then disappears, most people will only get a few words from him and then he’s gone. But not her. She peels him, layer by layer, she has crept inside the crooks of his armor until he’s just skin and bones, a man. Din, three letters that he thought long gone, a dead name since the last he heard it pronounced on the lips of her mother.
“Din, it is okay” she repeated many times
She said it when he had to leave the kid with his kin and he kept quiet, words and feelings muted by Beskar. She saw him burying down the pain, the domino effect that saving Grogu had created had come to an end, the baby had broken down many things he thought sacred and then he had Grogu no more and his creed meant nothing. So he had to build himself up again even if the rules that form him didn't make sense anymore. She saw him battle against himself in silence. He had broken his beliefs. Without them what was left?
“Din it is okay” she repeated, what is?
Without a house, the Razor Crest, they are forced to wander, clandestine transport, credits exchanged in some questionable places with questionable people just to get a small cot to sleep. She sleeps stuck to him, holding him against her chest. Sometimes he needs more, and she doesn’t ask, she opens herself to him, hands lurking under his nape, not yet trespassing, but she caresses the skin there, the few centimeters of skin he lets her see and accepts his thrusts with sweet words and his name on her lips, that name he thought dead is now full of life, of heat and hunger, a tidal that crushes him down to her, that leaves him empty and full at the same time, his mind is clouded and yet he has never seen anything clearer. She’s dangerous, Din knows, she’s getting under his skin, hitting something deep and unknown inside of him.
Din tries to control her, pin her down, and submit her body to him when it is him who’s surrendering. Calm the need and let go was easy once, bodies unknown, a brief primal encounter that ended fastly leaving Din, no, Mando still being a momentaneous thing, he was still no one. But now, sex is chaotic, her eyes pierce the black visor of his helmet and he swears she can see him Din, Din, Din; his name pours out of her mouth like a siren’s call take the helmet off, take the armor off, throw the weapons, come to me.
She doesn’t say any of this, but he feels it anyway, the eagerness to throw everything he holds to him, every hard piece that forms Mando, everything he thought made him who he is. Throw away the Creed and show her your face, you already gave her your name when you first sank into her.
Din gives, gives and gives until he’s weightless and she takes it all. Her sweet palm is hot on his neck, and she could so easily remove the helmet, get under it. But she doesn’t. She doesn’t ask for more and that drives him mad
A word from your lips and I’ll do it
Din knows it, that he’s no longer strong enough to not collapse to her, to cave in and give her his all.
Push me and I’ll do it
Beg me and I’ll give myself to you
Her feverish skin of her forehead is pressed against his visor until both of them have recovered their breath. In the silent of a dusty old room rented for hours, she assumes the same position of every night, a hand against his chest plate, her chest going up and down softly behind him
“I miss him too”
the words said softly in the silence linger above him. She doesn’t see but Din closes his eyes strongly commanding his brain not to think about him, of those big dark eyes that started his collapse and the death of Mando.
“There is no sin in a father showing his son his face before bidding him goodbye, not matter of what they said, Din”
He scares her when he suddenly raises up, her hand taps him on his back “Din, I’m sorry if I have…”
Din does it suddenly, like removing a scab from a wound, and leaves the helmet on the ground beside the cot. She is silent when he lays down again, this time face to face, but he dares not open his eyes just yet.
Her soft fingers trace down his cheeks, his nose and his eyes, pressing softly against his muscles, tense and tight
“There you are my love” she says “My Din”
She kisses the warm salty trickles that run down his cheeks, a soft kiss until he sleeps, weightless and free of sin and shame.
Tag: @littlemisspascal
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natashasnoodle · 2 years
A Promise | Natasha Romanoff x Reader
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Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
Words: 1.7k
Summary: When visiting a ghost of Natasha's past, she feels overwhelmed and you will be there to keep her afloat.
Warnings: Grief and mourning.
Grief is a unique thing. People say there are five stages to go through until you have "moved on". Not that anyone truly moves on, whatever or whoever is being grieved stays with a person for the rest of their lives, the pain lessens, but that is not to say that they are still not missed. People still grieve things they lost years ago, love perseveres through thick and thin and can never be taken away.
Love washes over a person like a tide, when you think you couldn't love them more they go ahead and prove you wrong. Grief then comes in like a tsunami, overpowering the calm manner of the tide and leaving destruction in its wake. Destruction and drowning are all that is known, pulling a person down as though they have an anchor attached to their leg.
There is no telling how long the tsunami will last, or how long it will take for the damages to be repaired, all that is known is that one day the calming tide will come back, and the love for lost things is ever prominent. The damage cast from the tsunami will always be remembered, but the tide is back, and calm can be found.
People can mourn over many things. Family, friends, pets, lost time, and even something or someone whom they never knew. The latter can be confusing for many, not understanding why they are mourning for someone they have never met or something that they have never experienced.
Natasha Romanoff was no stranger to this confusion. It had been eating her alive for as long as she could remember, and she couldn't figure out why. She wasn't a person who liked to show any weakness, so she never told anyone about how she felt on the daily, thinking that she was making a big deal out of nothing. She never knew her birth mother, so why was this feeling of mourning and longing for her? Why did she feel as though she had suffered a huge loss? Why did she feel a pain in her chest every night when her brain tormented her before going to sleep?
She didn't have a logical explanation for it and so she didn't tell anyone. But in 2013, when you were paired on a mission with her for SHIELD, she found that she liked your company, and so sought after it more often. This shocked you and everyone else who knew Natasha as she was notorious for not speaking to most of her mission partners after the job was done, and yet she was actively seeking you out. Not that you complained, you liked her company too.
A friendship was soon formed, and soon after a relationship. A year later it turned into a beautiful marriage. She trusted you enough to marry you, and so trusted you enough with her heart. It took a while but she did eventually explain to you her grief and experiences through life and being the first person that she told, you were the first person to reassure her.
To reassure her that it was okay to mourn someone you had never met. Regardless of the fact that Natasha had never seen her birth mother, she still played a big part in her life. She brought her into the world and passed on some of her looks, some of her personality. She had always been with Nat throughout life, the meeting part was redundant.
Your explanation allowed her to accept that part of herself, and in turn, allowed her to start loving herself. That night she cried in your arms for the first time, and you made a promise to never let her go. Nat needed you, and you needed her too.
When the Sokovia accords tore the Avengers apart, the two of you ended up hiding out in Norway. Not that it lasted long. Not even four hours into your stay and the fuel had run out, resulting in Natasha driving you to go and collect some more, though the car was blown up on the way, launching you into an adventure over to Budapest and then Russia to see Nat's family and end the Red Room.
They were an exhausting couple of days, but you were glad that Natasha was able to reconnect with her adoptive family, it was something that she needed, especially her younger sister Yelena. But Nat didn't come out of the adventure feeling peaceful that she had ended the organisation that had ripped her life away, a storm was brewing within her, and she didn't know how to stop it.
She was informed that her mother hadn't abandoned her like she had been told, but that there was a pay-off. One that her birth mother didn't want to go through with, and so persistently tried to track her down, ending with the death of a grieving mother who just wanted her baby back.
Her mother had loved her. She had loved her so much that she spent her last moments fighting hand, tooth, and nail to get her back.
The new information was overwhelming. For over thirty years Natasha had been coming to terms with something that had haunted her, and then she had to learn that everything she thought about her birth mother was not the case. So, you suggested trying to get some closure. One that would be able to stop the tsunami, and bring back the tide.
The next few months were spent gruelling away trying to track the grave of Nat's mother down, which was not an easy feat considering there was no name on the tombstone, and without knowing Natasha's mother's name in the first place. Whilst being in hiding, it was risky as well, they were constantly on edge about creating a digital footprint, but your years of training paid off, and you found the location of the grave without getting attention from the authorities.
So soon enough, the two of you were in Russia, parked down the road from a small field with a cherry tree, and a visible tombstone. You looked over to Natasha in the passenger seat and saw that she had paled as she started chewing on her lip looking terrified. "Hey", you spoke softly and got her attention, though even with the caution she still turned to you looking like a deer in headlights, "It's okay. It's gonna be okay", you cooed, "We can easily come back another time if you aren't quite ready".
She shook her head harshly and opened her car door, "I can do this". You tried to give a smile as you watched her clamber out of the car, but it turned into more of a grimace at her uncharacteristic uncoordinated movements. You opened your door a second later and walked towards your wife who was standing a few paces away. She looked at you with uncertainty, but her confidence picked up slightly when you took her hand. "Let's go", you gestured to the tree with your head, and she breathed out a heavy sigh whilst nodding.
The walk was incredibly slow as Natasha seemed to be doing everything in her power to delay the inevitable, which you didn't mind of course. This whole experience was for her, and so you would go at her pace. Your thumb lightly ran over her knuckles in reassurance as you neared the tree, and your heart broke when you saw the blank tombstone, so you couldn't even begin to comprehend how Nat was feeling as she stood next to you.
Her bottom lip ever so slightly protruded as she took in the sight of her mother's resting place, and silence overcame the two of you, both of you not daring to breathe loudly. Natasha's entire body was tense, and out of the corner of your eye, you spotted her pawing away at a stray tear she had clearly not been able to keep back.
"She's real", she whispered with a broken tone, and you turned to see Nat staring at you as tears filled her waterline. "Yeah baby, she's real", you affirmed and watched Natasha turned back to look ahead as she brought her bottom lip in with her teeth. The entire situation was just... sad. You didn't know what to say to try and comfort her, knowing that no words in this moment would. She just needed to process it all, and that could take months. You would just have to settle for being there for her, being her anchor.
Just as you thought that Natasha was finding some calm in where she stood, her body tensed up further as she let go of your hand and began walking backwards with large strides. "I'm sorry, I can't do this. I'll meet you at the car", she rushed out before turning around and speed walking back. You opened your mouth to protest but she was gone before you could even think of words to say. Sighing and pursing your lips, you turned back to the tombstone and offered it a fond smile and took a few steps forward.
You crouched down and plucked a few weeds away from the bottom of the stone and dusted the top off, trying to make it look more presentable. Your mother-in-law deserved a good resting place. Once you had deemed the area presentable and left a little metal bear figure you had brought a while back so that she had some form of decoration, you placed a hand back on the stone and looked at the car, before looking back.
"I'll look after her for you, always. I promise".
You gave another small smile as you stood and brushed yourself off, saying a small goodbye before walking away. The situation had broken your heart, so you ended up looking at the floor with your hands in your pockets, knowing that if you looked up and saw Natasha looking upset right now you would probably start crying yourself.
But because you weren't looking or paying attention to your surroundings, you missed the fast-paced padding sound of footsteps bounding towards you, and let out a squeaking noise when Nat barrelled into you, holding your entire body weight up as you were sent flying off balance with your hands tucked away. "Thank you", she mumbled into the crook of your neck whilst you worked on getting your hands out of your pockets and gripping Natasha back in a tight hold, rocking her side to side in a gentle motion.
Again there were no words to be said, you just nodded and squeezed her tighter trying to push the tsunami away with all of your might. 
Taglist: @fxckmiup
Natasha Romanoff Taglist: @diaryoflife
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rain-in-the-clouds · 1 year
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The winner is in, (a few days late on my part lols.) But with this done here’s a sneak peek at what’s to come!
Choso/Reader College AU fic. After Dark.
Y/n, an art student who was once friends with twins Yuji and Sukana. When the three were children they spent all their time together, the boys acting as knights for Y/n, but she wouldn’t hesitate to tell someone off for crossing the boys, standing up to anyone even adults. But it was short lived. When they were fourteen, a few years after the twins mom died, thier dad got a better job far away at some prestigious hospital forcing them to move. It was a painful goodbye, filled with promises, some that were kept and others that felt to far to think about. In a rush watching them drive away, Y/n grabbed her bike and rode towards them, speeding faster then her legs have ever gone, ending up just behind their car, both boys watched and waved, some tears in thier eyes, Yuji’s more then Sukana’s. But she stopped just at the bridge, the end of town, skidding into a stop watching them leave finally.
10 years later.
Y/n now a fresh undergrad in the arts, moving to Empire City, on a scolorship to further her arts career. Over the years the twins and Y/n kept in contact, emails then texts later, at least once a month she’d call both Yuji and Sukana, catching up needlessly. The two had even video called her when their dad met thier step mom and thier new older brother, and then again after the wedding in junior high. For better or worse the three kept up with each other, but some things were kept secret, events and emotions both.
It was a Wednesday when Yuji got the call from Y/n, excitement spilling like a waterfall. Yuji quickly made plans to pick her up from the airport along with his dad, waiting to tell Sukana so he couldn’t back out at the last second.
That next Friday Yuji came bounding into the basement of his and Sukana’s shared house, thier small but tight-nit group was scattered about the large room. Startling half the group, causing Nobara and Maki to yell at him, but through his slight blush and goofy expression he happily proclaimed, “Todays the day!” Completely ignoring the confusion that hit in the room, even his twin was puzzled.
“What the hell are you on about now brat?” His was annoyed. But Yuji just waved off the bitterness in his voice.
“Y/n.” He said it as if it was the final puzzle pice, but everyone was still confused, except his twin. Who’s expression and body language suddenly changed, becoming calm yet ridged, his shoulders relaxed but back tense, unseen by the others, but Yuji saw many emotions cross over his brothers expression in a flash before a small, barely there smile appeared.
“You could have said that sooner!” He screamed, his emotions always coming out as bombastic anger, Yuji’s friends; Nobara, Inumaki, Maki and Panda made it a point to stay away from the easily enraged twin, going so far as to point out everything they don’t like about him. Megumi and Yuta, Yuji’s best friends, saw through Sukana and also found companionship in him despite his rough edges. It seemed Choso, thier older step brother and thier step mom where the only outsiders who accepted him without question. “Well is she here? What’s goin on?” He shot one question after another without care or pause. Yuji simply laughed.
“No she’s not here yet, but her planes gonna be landing soon, Dad and I were gonna go get her.” Yuji paused to give a smug shiteating look towards Sukana, “If you wanna come, I’m leaving for Dad’s now.” Sukana in a held back panic grabbed up his things before bounding towards the stairs. Before Yuji could follow, Choso called from his spot on the couch, Yuji didn’t notice him at first till Sukana started yelling. Yuji quirked his brow in question. But it stayed silent for longer then nessesary, something Choso did frequently.
“Don’t forget the party. Should bring your friend.” His voice was lazy, almost melancholy, stating something obvious, confusing his younger brother. Yuji just nodded, being pulled back to reality by Sukana screaming a string of courses at his twin till he was up the stairs leaving the house. The group looked amongst each other, baffled at what they all collectively just saw, and more confused as to who they were talking about. However Choso and Megumi knew, both having been told, several times, about Y/n from both Yuji and Sukana. The two sharing their own look, knowing they’d have to fill everyone else in.
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