#but it also shouldnt be taken too literally
77ngiez-archive · 2 years
nobody understands kanade like i do </3
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autisticlee · 2 months
I don't understand why so many religious weirdos claim dinosaurs never existed and the bones/fossils dug out of the ground were buried under rock by scientists and then dug back out. it makes no sense at all. does their religion book tell them they were fake? is that what it is? because they seem to love letting some old mistranslated book dictate their entire life, thoughts, feelings, actions, etc. they even make up stuff the book supposedly says to excuse their behavior and justify horrible things, which makes them hypocrites for not actually following their book they claim tells them exactly how to live their lives that they must follow exactly or they will go to hell. but they sure like to pick and choose what they follow and make up new rules. but anyway, why do they hate dinosaurs lmao
#rhetorical question. i dont actually care about their weird excuses. i know its probably weird anti evolution nonsense again#it's more of a why do they have the audacity to hate and deny dinosaurs and make up such ridiculous nonsense thats more unbelievable!#also by “religious weirdos” i mean mostly christians. its where i mostly see/hear this rhetoric. and the christian umbrella is large#but im sure other non christian religions have some book they follow that says dinos are fake or something so its#about them too#lee rambles#religion#people can believe in religion all they want if they arent harming others or forcing it on others#but i also think they shouldnt be allowed to deny reality and truth. some of them believe absolute fantasy and deny reality. its sad#and they often are the ones forcing it on others and harming others. because theyre so removed from reality they think#reality is an attack on their beliefs and think their beliefs are their life so they think we are trying to take their lives???? idk#do your thing but stop denying reality even if it contradicts your religion stuff. learn the difference between metaphors for#your religion and reality. maybe the book is fantasy that tells you stories with a moral lesson and arent meant to be taken literally#maybe they were never meant to replace reality and be seen as a real thing that happened#but no one who follows religion closely wants to criticize it by questioning things with logic#i guess it doesnt help we are taught to NOT question things of you go to hell. but i questioned anyway because my life is alreadg hell#and im doing way better now that i realized reality is better than a religion about sky daddy and his magic son#and following some outdated book about stuff that doesnt translate well to english or reality.#i rather feel like everything has its own energy/soul and we are all connected to the earth energy and a part of it because it feels nice#but i dont have to deny reality and force thst on others. you can think or do a thing that makes you feel better#but do it without denying reality or treating science and facts like an enemy religion or an opponent to take down#ah i could go on but this is getting long and rambly and off topic from main original topic. have many feelings about this#im glad at least my shoer religious family arent dino deniers. i grew up loving dinos so much and they let me love them#super* what is shoer 🤣
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mullettaegi · 2 years
yknow when i started my job (or when i was being interviewed) someone made an offhand comment about me still having a social life (i think they mightve even emphasised this that im still young). and i wasnt really too bothered cause i struggle to connect with my friends so i didnt think much of it, what with having a 20 hour contract. i knew there would be overtime too, thought maybe about 5 hours is alright, 25 hours a week in total. im going to work 91:30 hours in january. i have not worked since the 31st of december and will return to work on the 9th of jan. between the 9th and the 29th i will work that aforementioned 91:30 hours. i work 3 out of 4 weekends this month. what fucking social life is that, huh? thats fucked up.
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kinardsboy · 3 months
Prefacing this by saying i don’t hate Eddie or buddie in any way, im only tagging this as anti buddie so people can filter out criticism on a ship that they enjoy ❤️
This post doesnt really have a specific theme, I’m just kinda rambling here so bear with me lol
Something that has been bothering me for a while about the gay eddie hc, is that at least the canon basis/evidence for it, is honestly a little homophobic? Most often people claim he’s gay because of how he treats women poorly and how many failed relationships he’s been in and I just.. first off have you MET a straight man?? 😭 thats how they are..(For the most part). Secondly it’s a negative stereotype that gay men dont treat women well, so having that be one of your main points to make Eddie gay rubs me the wrong way, especially when it comes from non queer men. The other main point I see is the quote “it feels like a performance” but the thing about that quote is , its taken extremely out of context.
He was literally talking about being set up on dates, being FORCED to date instead of letting it happen naturally. Thats what feels like a performance.
I have never understood why Eddie also cant be bisexual if queer at all. he has been clearly shown to enjoy having sex with women.
And another thing that bothers me is that buddie fans shout all the time about wanting whats best for Buck, and then want him shoved in a relationship with a man that has never treated a romantic partner fairly. Again, this isnt Eddie hate but the guy needs serious therapy. He’s a good friend and a good dad, ultimately hes a good person too but he’s not a good partner and that wouldnt change just because he dates Buck.
Bob’s are constantly forcing a heteronormative role onto Buck, especially when it comes to taking care of Christopher and it just, thats not going to solve anything? Like at all? It really makes me feel like they dont understand mlm relationships at all, and what they look like and how they work, especially based on their reactions to how Tommy and Buck interact.
People probably arent going to like this take, but I see fics or posts that constantly put Christopher as Buck’s 1 priority and I just dont think its true. Dont get me wrong I really enjoy the relationship they have, but if any kid on the show has his highest priority, its Jee. Buck spends so much time with Chris because Eddie needs help, if Henren needed help or babysitting more often Buck would seem close to Denny and Mara as well. Im not saying Buck doesnt care or want to hang out with Chris of course, but I feel like people definitely overplay their relationship to an extreme extent. The same goes for buddie in general, especially these last few seasons I dont see buck and Eddie being any closer than eddie and hen or buck and hen or something. Especially considering in 704 Eddie literally didnt invite him to trivia which he knows (or should know) Buck likes lol
And another thing about Christopher is that they turn him into this buddie love child who is SO obsessed with his dad’s sexuality and its just so weird to me. They completely strip him of any independence and personality and turn him into this buddie advocate, and then put him away when he’s no longer useful or needed. Its ableism. Chris is his own character and his story shouldnt focus around Buddie or his dads romantic endeavors AT ALL.
Anyway if you read all of this thanks for indulging my rambling lol
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aestheteangel · 5 months
Synastry aspects that I personally don’t like.
before i start please read that I am not an official astrologer so take this with a grain of saltttt too haha. Just for fun.
North node square north node ( I’m sorry but each one lives in a whole different worlds, completely different perspectives, mindset, somehow not letting each other move to the next step)
Chiron in 7th house overlay. ( now Chiron isn’t always bad, but there’s kind of.. pain it gives , it’s not any better in other houses, but I’m saying romantically, there could be hurt during the marriage... if you want Chiron overlays in synastry please lmk)
Pluto/Uranus in 12th house overlay. ( now Mose of y’all know 12th house overlays arent so good eventually, but i think Pluto or Uranus being there could be harsher than any other planet , could indicate so many things, one of them unpleasant endings in the relationship, finding truth about something suddenly, betrayal..in worst cases you won’t be able to forget each other )
Saturn 8th house overlay. (Sure y’all know why..)
Mars conjuct Mc/10th house. ( uhhhh it just don’t give me nice vibes when both are seen in public eye. Could be arguing in public a lot, the mars person makes it hard for the 10th person to forgive them. Works even in composite chart )
Mercury square Saturn. ( a lot of judgements and misunderstandings)
Chiron opposite asc/Venus.
Saturn opposite Neptune. (Broo)
Moon opposite moon. (Now tbh Im not really sure of this one since nobody complained about it and it could indicate “slight” emotional understanding difficulties with each other that can also cause attraction. But I’ve seen this aspect with some couple that really can’t stop hurting eachothers emotionally . )
Another moon aspect, ofc moon is the first thing you should observe In synastry s, it simply represents how each other’s emotions play with the other. now moon square moon. Obviously most of y’all know why, literally each one is on different page when it comes to how they view emotions which makes it pretty hard to understand each other’s feelings with the square aspect. ( believe it or no I have this one with my man, even knowing it I’m still with him lol. yes the attraction is definitely there due to other loving aspects and also with this one, it gives attractive energy yes. but still, he don’t understand my emotions and my point of view, struggles with analyzing me sometimes or what I even think , even when I try my best to throw him an obvious sign about something, without me speaking, he don’t get it where everyone else does same goes for me 🤣😭. he sometimes thinks I mean something the opposite of what I meant. Bottom line is with this aspect you need to speak each other’s feelings and what you want to tell the other cause it’s way too impossible to understand eachother with no words spoken. 😓 AAAA THIS IS THE ONLY STRUGGLING PLACEMENT WE HAVE AND ITS NOT EVEN A SIMPLE ONE)
Mars in 5th house, ( Now this is NOT a red flag, bUTTTT i always read about this placement represents a “not lasting relationship “ and tbh every fling I had I had this placement with, literallyyyy very guy I used to dm or talk to even for a couple of days, attraction at first but then boom, you din yourself not talking to them anymore for god knows what reason lol, so there’s something interesting about this placement. 🤔🤣 ( pink for flings 🤣)
Mars 1st house.... ( uhh you know what? Wait for part 2 😛 )
But before part 2 I’ll make my next post positive I promise, I didn’t even want to write red flags placements because it shouldnt be taken seriously haha. So next post will be about .. hmm wait , what you guys want it to be about?
Synastry observations
Natal chart observations
composite observations
Solar return observations
— Y’all literally if u find one of these placements in your synastrys it’s totally okay lol, I have multiple of these w my man and tbh some of them don’t really play this negative way for us, but i just did them for fun , ofc don’t take these TOO seriously 🥰
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
Smg4: smg4 doesn't meme for 1 second
Mostly Gay Boys talk / and well lil bit of crew talk
The crew convinced three to take four in for a therapy session. Tho that didnt solve his problems on complete brain rot with all of the memes.
Three did try his best to make him stay a bit focused on the topic they were meant to discuss with four's own meme problems.
And that didn't work-
- after smg4 was sent to meme rehab -
Everyone in the crew were sitting in the gaming room watching some tv, they were seen bored as ever without smg4.
Even just a small glimpse with each memeber entirely they've missed smg4 as well. He was their friend, their leader.
Shroomy came in with the mention of "among us" everyone- as in EVERYONE looked at where smg4 is supposed to be sitting at- reminded them the times when he would laugh at couple of meme jokes.
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It is pretty much saddened by the crew how worse it could be in a day without smg4 is by at their side could make them feel miserable.
Then Meggy mentioned about missing smg4...
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You know who responded to that?
Three himself...
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"Yeah...like, if... er... smg4's stupid humor... like actually... made our lives more exciting...and we didn't like... realize it or something?"
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"We're going over to that facility... to get SMG4 back!"
Smg3 was the one who knocked the door, he wanted him to come back. Even the crew also needs smg4 back because he wasn't just any other leader. He was already part of them as well.
They could all tell so, even for smg3 too.
Smg3's character development has taken him way more better to where he'd come far off being the evil villain he used to be before then coming to how much important he chose his own path.
"Hi, how are you" gave them the shock on their faces. Like they felt it was already too late to take back the treatment he was given while he was away.
"Woah smg4! Look at the phone! Wow, sk---di! Yeah you like this! Wooh! Sk---di t--l-t! Hehe. Stinky, woaaaaahh!" ★(I had to censor this because I hate reading nor hearing [REDACTED])
Smg3 attempted to try and brighten out his mood. Gave it a chance who mightve thought would work, giving him those meme moments that definitely would make him laugh.
But three didnt even know he wasnt even sure- if he even liked sk---di t--l-t.
Last time we know is that four almost lost his sh-t during that one cintent farm episode, he cringed to the part of mentioning this kind of brain rot.
But now that his mind is not any other that he'd act at all, smg4 became the normal. The person he wasnt supposed to be. Who SHOULDNT be.
"What is... a meme..."
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Everyone didnt want to lose smg4's senses, they didnt want his own person to disappear SO. they went inside the lab to get back his uhh... meme... thing-
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Then- yeah he did-
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Some of their eyes were relaxed but still worrying for him, while tari and smg3's eyes were a bit widened in shock. (Three was more widened than tari btw)
This indicates that three may have grew tons of roots being there for smg4 as well. That their friendship they both have planted is far beyond than just "sticking" to the sides.
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Now that Four is back in his senses, everyone joined in including smg3 to do the... t pose? Whatever it's called.
Three was so happy- to finally get him back- speaking of having the role as a tritagonist, he really mustve took way more care and tells how important he already is to him. Even as a friend.
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Honestly the hosts here who've completely have done much was Meggy and Three. Well- mostly three since he'd been convincing the crew to not give up or regret the choices made.
He LITERALLY told them that they need to get him BACK.
And everyone did understood.
Mark my words they have to be- (if they dont become canon in wotfi 2024 i will cry and die)
There is literally no way you guys look at each other like that. Stare for atleast SIX MORE SECONDS. (/referring to Puzzlevision movie when FOUR HAD BEEN STARING AT THREE)
and then caring for one another so emotionally like- mate- THATS FRUITY ALREADY- ENOUGH- WITH THE "FRIENDS" WHERE IS THE "BOY" AND "FRIEND"??????
I cant- I cannot- thats how badly they both need each other and slow burn is just- literally... uuuuuurugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
They both mightve had the longest slowburn i have EVER seen in the sun and moon shipping history/silly
This mostly takes alot of time (judging by like lumity or catradora)
But i wouldnt mind with this also- its- well- kind of almost there but not yet...?
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
Hi love
I stumbled upon ur blog and ahh love ur writting i wad thinking maybe if ur requests are open that u could write a lil smth IF UR FREE OFCI
was thinking scaramouche x reader argument (angst to fluff :the ansgt shouldnt be brutal bc i dont hsndle it well)
Or if ur not comfy writting that u could doo
Scaramouche x reader scara accidentally confesses to reader??
Dont overwork urself and remember to eat <3
✿ 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 ✿
characters: scaramouche x nb!reader
warnings: just a cute fluffy fic<3333, a bit of a namecalling and cursing but then again it’s scara we’re talking abt, yearning, scara don’t knowing what to do with feelings, i say traveler so you can think of it as either sibling you want, it’s more from scara’s and 3rd pov
notes: hi hi hi! absolutely loving the fact i’m getting requests ehe~ i thought of going with the argument one but i’m afraid it might get a bit too dark bc i absolutely love angst😔 i’m sorry luv. but i hope you don’t mind this one cuz i literally started working on it right as i got it lmaoooo. also the song mentioned is “rises the moon” highly recommend
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“wait, hold, pause. you’re telling me that you keep staring at [name] is because you love them??? as in??? love love?????? as in romantically??? “holy shit i’m feeling emotions” way??? as in-“
“godDAMMIT TRAVELER YES! I LIKE THEM OKAY!” this was definitely not how scaramouche wanted his secret infatuation with you to slip out. so if you’re wondering just what in the name of all the dead or alive gods’ is happening then let’s rewind a little bit.
you were always with the traveler and their stupid little pixie. constantly supporting them, helping people, traveling around teyvat, making friends and some enemies and accidentally stealing the the heart of a certain bowl-cut head.
he first met you during his plan in mondstadt to ambush the traveler. just as he was about to strike them, your claymore was thrown in front of him, blocking his path and the astrologist managed to escape with the traveler and the chatty girl. immediately sending electro strikes to your presumed location only to find a scorched jacket instead.
the second was during the delusion factory incident. when the balladeer charged at the weakened and drugged traveler, you appeared once again, protecting your companions and clashing against the harbinger. even after the traveler passed out and the drugs was starting to make you see hallucinations, you still fought earnestly. and that was the first impressive thing about you. the second being, you, a lowly mortal being able to fight toe to toe against a hundreds of years old merciless harbinger like him. and the third was how incredibly loyal you were. while he shot electro made weapons at you, the balladeer had briefly wondered if you were his friend, would you have protected him just like how you were protecting the traveler and their pixie.
the third time, he was no longer a harbinger but a god. the everlasting lord of arcane wisdom. since he has ascended to godhood, he would have followers and he had proudly asked you if you would become one. but you were headstrong and still disgustingly loyal to yourself and to your friend, the traveler. the everlasting lord has never felt more jealous of someone since his disposal as a failure.
after the battle ended and the dust cleared, his gnosis was taken away.
how dare they! how dare those weak, disgusting pests! how could the world be so cruel! why does it keep taking away things that are rightfully his! it wasn’t fair!
as he fell from the destroyed mechanical robot, the broken puppet felt himself being caught and cradled in someone’s arms. he was too tired to even care but he hoped it was you.
the fourth time was when he met you as the wanderer. not the manipulative, blood thirsty harbinger but simply as scaramouche, the wanderer. the boy who regained his heart. at first you kept your guards up. anyone who isn’t stupid would. yet slowly your little group began to feel more and more like a group of friends just traveling around the world together. paimon, traveler alongside yourself taught scaramouche about the humane side of things, while he would help with battle tactics, training and sometimes keeping guard during the night. it was oddly… sweet.
during your travels together, the purple eyed eccentric learned more about you. you liked slow dancing under the stars sometimes, you didn’t like the hot sun of the afternoon, loves to make silly, meaningless little things such as flower crowns and wood carvings. hates how your friends or companions would injure themselves during a fight. it was all so very strange but so, endearing.
one night, the traveler couldn’t fall asleep due to nightmares plaguing their mind and you hummed a gentle song to them. something about closing their eyes, going to sleep and the moon will surely rise again. he wondered if you would sing to him if he were to cry in his sleep or grew restless due to nightmares.
the wanderer would watch as you chide the traveler and paimon for walking into danger like idiots as you clean their wounds with the gentlest touch. he thought of how you would treat him if he was injured.
scaramouche saw how the traveler and their companion would joyously yell your name and throw themselves at you shouting “catch!” as you three would reunite with a hug after doing some commissions separately.
he wanted to be the one to be hugged by you instead. he wanted to push the traveler and their loud pixie away and throw himself into your arms. how warm you would feel, how you would remind him of a warm summer night filled with laughter and story telling, how he wanted to close his eyes and drown himself in your everything. your smile, gentle humming in the night, silly little antics, weird 3am thoughts, your kiss until every sense and thought of him is just filled by you and only you. only you and no one or nothing else.
scaramouche soon understood what this longing feeling was. it was called “love”. but how can a puppet ever learn to love? aren’t puppets just a hollow being made only to follow their orders and entertain? would he be no longer a discarded puppet if he were to feel emotions? would scaramouche be seen as human if he fall in love with you?
and he concluded that he was no puppet. he was no hollow husk of a being for he had a heart. he was no being made to entertain for he had cut his strings. he was no puppet for he had emotions. he was scaramouche. and scaramouche fell in love with you.
ever since he realized his feelings and his desires, he would always stare at you. his mind filled with daydreams of how it would feel like to kiss you. his body feeling a little colder without you to gently hold him. his heart feeling twisted whenever he sees you smiling at someone that wasn’t him. his hand feeling empty because you weren’t linking yours with his.
dammit all. he was hopelessly, foolishly in love. and that is where it leads to the current situation. the traveler noticed how the wanderer would always stare at you whenever you didn’t notice and they decided to confront him of it. turns out it was the complete opposite of what they were thinking. sadly it seems like the victim in questioning shouted a bit too loud because now you were standing beside them in your sleepwear, wide awake and clearing your throat.
you woke up because these three idiots wouldn’t stop chattering in the middle of the night and your light sleeper self had woken up. just as you were rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and grumbling curses under your breath you heard scaramouche’s not so secret confession. now don’t get me wrong, you had feelings for the purple eyed male but due to all four of you traveling together, you didn’t want to make things awkward. well, seems like that just got thrown out the window.
“ahem” three different reaction happened all at once. scaramouche looked like he wanted to bury himself right then and there, paimon gasped dramatically and the traveler gave scaramouche a knowing smirk. that little shit.
“traveler, paimon could you two please excuse us for a while?”
“sure. but don’t get too heated you two” oh that little pesky traveler. you’ll get them back for this. after waiting a while for them to disappear out of sight, you faced the tomato faced scaramouche. he didn’t know what to think, say or what kind of an excuse to come up with to save his life. so he tipped his head down, hoping you won’t see his red face but that hope was squashed when he felt you hand on his cheeks. tilting his head to look at you, he saw a smile on your face.
with the moon shining on you and him and the soft glow of crystalflies floating around, you looked even more ethereal. if true beauty were to be sculpted, it would be you. so incredibly flawed, humane but so incredibly otherworldly.
cupping his cheeks in both of your hands and tilting his face, you lowly whispered if it would be okay to kiss him. all he could do was nod like a meek, shy boy. and when you finally, finally kissed him after his months of longing it felt like all of the crystalflies around were now floating around in his stomach. his mind getting filled by the thoughts of only you and him in this moment and his heart racing miles a minute. when you pulled away, he chased after your lips like a depraved man. throwing his arms around your neck and pulling you back towards him, it felt like everything was right.
he is scaramouche. and he fell in love with you.
“awww, two lovers connected by fate. PAIMON WANTS TO BE INVITED TO THE WED - bonk”
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HI i am having Thoughts about your necromancy au and i need to talk about it. i was trying to convince my sister to read it so that i could have someone to talk to about it. but then i realised. yknow who definitly also has Thoughts about YOUR necromancy au? you. feel free to delete this ask i just wanted to ramble(about the later chapters specifically)
Call this my toxic trait buttt I dont think Rae did anything wrong in raising his mom from the dead. LIKE why the fuck shouldnt he?? His mom(and grandpas) didnt deserve to die, why the fuck should he let them, when he HAS the power to bring them back?? like??? Also not Momboo being a massive bitch telling Isla her son deserved to die. LIKE GIRL. i know you have issues but that is NOT how you talk to a grieving mother. ABSOLUTELY DESPICABALE behaviour. ALSO im pissed off at Fenris, Caspian and Aax. Like not them confirming Rae's worst fears when he actually tells them about Momboo and sends HIM away. and blah blah blah its their magic reacting badly but they dont even TRY to sympathise with him. Als.o like Fenris you are literally dating another necromancer. You cannot give Rae shit for being a necromancer without then applying that to your BOYFRIEND???
ALSO funny how when Rae raised HIMSELF from the dead, taht didn't trigger their magic or whtv, but when he was revived by Momboo it DID. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 (I dont think this will go anywhere but. thats beside the point.) Actually wait no maybe im onto somethign here. Maybe its because momboo fucked him up while reviving him!! maybe she did this on purpose!!! wait no i think im wrong. whateverrrr im being silly 😋
i cant wait to see how other characters react to Rae's new situation. I think(hope) that Athena and Jamie will still eb on his side.... actually maybe not. But i will hope.
At least Rae has Isla, even though everyone thikns hes a monster(THE EPIC PARALLELS ARE REAL) at least his plan didnt fail and his mom;s alive. slight consolation.
If i was Isla i would be HOSTILE to the afformentioned people (Fen,cas,aax momboo) if the situation gets resovled and doesnt end with Rae's eternal death. Hell id be hostile the entire fucking time. I want to see ISla kick someones shit for Rae because how DARE they call her son a monster for saving HER. do you think that would cause her guilt though? since she kinda maybe sorta ruined her sons life? that he ruined his own life to bring her back?
OKAAY ANYWAY thats most of my thoughts. can you tell that Rae is my favourite character no matter the universe? Can you also tell how unwell i am about this au? i think about it..frequently.... again feel free to delete this i just needed to share my thoughts ad feelings with SOMEONE
I also have so many thoughts about my necromancy au, it's just rotating in the back of my brain 24/7. I'm really hoping this all makes sense.
I agree with you, there's very little reason that Rae shouldn't bring his family back and Momboo's reaction (while coming from a place of trauma and fear) was unreasonable. However, I raise this to you, Rae is dead, he can not age or die. At this moment with how it stands he is going to watch Isla grow old and die, if he brings Raemond and Everett back the same thing will happen. He brought Isla back and he's going to loose her again and why would he be any better at processing his grief. Necromancy can not stop old age.
As for what happened with Momboo bringing Rae back and then Aax/Fenris's magic reacting badly to that, I have so many thoughts about it bc it's also how I imagine magic working in this au. I'm going to try to make this make sense.
I imagine that everyone's magic inside them is like a well, you can take water out of it (to perform magic) and more water will flow in to replace that lost water. You can deepen the well to increase how much water can be taken out of it without it running dry (strengthening your magic) however, if you try to deepen the well too quickly then parts of it might cave in (think exercising without warming up leads to hurting yourself, you try to perform too much magic that you're not ready for and you get weaker because you pushed yourself too far). The thing is is that you don't want your well to collapse or run dry. Rae bringing back Isla caused both to happen. When Momboo brought him back she just refilled his well with water so he could rebuild his well (bring himself back to life because Rae relies completely on his magic to live, other people can survive their well of magic being emptied but he can't). Because of that there was life magic in a well meant for necromancy, it was like dumping a bucket of muddy water into a mountain spring, and it will take days for Rae's magic to replenish and wash out the life magic. Fenris and Aax sensed the life magic in him (magic that wasn't supposed to be there, magic that was wrong for who Rae is) and it set alarms bell off in their heads because that's Rae's body but that's not Rae's magic that's reanimated his corpse. That's what Len's magic and reanimating the hordes felt like, that was a necromancer's magic filling bodies not meant for that form of magic.
The same thing didn't happen when Isla or Centross were brought back because they are both necromancers and so is Rae. That is necromancy magic filling wells meant for necromancy. I don't think Momboo felt as much "wrongness" with bringing Caspian back either because of a combination of Caspian not having magic and Momboo being a life witch.
Rae being called not human is a correct statement because he's dead, he's a corpse that's walking around. He's an abomination/unnatural because he's "living" off of magic that is nothing like his own.
Rae is an abomination, he is a monster. He is both Len (the traitor, the monster, the original sin) and the hordes (the horror, the grief, the terror) that marched on cities. He is a reanimated corpse with the singular goal of bringing his family back no matter the cost.
This is not because of what type of necromancer he is (because there are types, I just haven't been able to talk about them yet), he brought Centross and Isla back with both of their desires being completely separate from his own. He has no control over them. His situation is a bit more like Len and the horde which Len has/had complete and utter control over. Rae didn't have enough magic to bring himself back to life completely (hence the no heartbeat/breathing/just being alive) but he did have enough magic to bring himself back as one of the "mindless undead" which have singular goals according to the necromancer who raised them, his goal being bringing his family back. He's not being rushed into doing that/given the illusion of free will because his "soul" inhabits his body since it was reanimated. Think of it like Rae's soul/ghost is possessing his body, if that helps, but ghosts usually are formed with some goal in mind like revenge, in Rae's case that goal is simply bringing his family back.
Anyways, I could keep talking about this but I feel like I'm making less and less sense as I go on. I'm always happy to answer asks about this series bc I am unwell about it. I hope this made sense and I'm glad you're enjoying the series!!
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leebooposting · 1 year
ahahaha partickles
summary: just a small silly fic of ran getting gotted by the particles ..
characters: lee!ranboo, ler!chat/particles [ STRICTLY platonic/sfw, do NOT touch this post if ur a nsfw blog i will break your fine china ]
w/c: 806 i think i forgor
a/n: i hate this i shouldnt have finished it while super tired but take it anyway also HOW DO YOU TITLE FICS
Ranboo wasn’t sure where the particles came from, or why there were so many, but he made it clear he really didn’t mind having so many little buddies floating around his home.
He had just ended his stream, with about 7 particles hovering around him and watching him do so. He closed Twitch and looked up at the particles. “That was a fun stream, don’t you guys think?”
“It was,” one agreed. “Should’ve said gay rights like the dono said though.”
“When..?” He questioned, scrolling through his donations for confirmation. “..Ah.”
The particles around him burst into tiny giggles in response. “I didn’t see it!” Ran defended themselves. “I was in the middle of a horror game!”
“Excuses excuses.” Said the particle sitting on his shoulder. “We know where your true loyalties lie.”
“Guys- c’mon.” Ranboo sighed good naturedly, rolling their eyes. “You’re being ridiculous.”
A few gasps sounded from the particles. “Well, how dare you!” He heard one of them say. He chuckled as he stood up, turning off his pc and heading out of his office. The particles hovered behind him, a few others joining in as they spotted their streamer.
“You know I love you guys.” Ranboo said, an amused smile on their face. They got a series of varying responses. Many ’aww’s and ’i love you too’s were thrown back at them, leaving them with a happy grin on their face. 
They took off their varsity jacket, hooking it on the side of his wardrobe before flopping down on his bed with his phone. 
“I miss Ranboo.” He heard a particle say. 
He gave a blank response. “Guys, I’m right here.”
“It’s as if I still hear their voice..”
Ranboo shook his head with a fond laugh. “You guys never fail to amuse me.”
A few of the particles following him around had nestled by his shoulders now. Some of them falling asleep, other’s watching what he was scrolling through on his phone. He jumped a little as he felt a particle land on his stomach, looking down at them as they smiled right back at him knowingly. “What was that?” 
The realisation that he was utterly screwed began to set in. “Uh, nothing? You just startled me a little bit. I didn’t see you landing so the sudden contact just- yknow.”
The particle continued to smile at them. A couple other particles had begun to catch on - mainly just the ones awake - and lay there watching their streamer get bullied™ by someone much smaller than him.
It wasn’t long before said ’bully’ particle was rubbing their fuzzy body on his stomach, causing them to let out a small gasp. “Hey- hehey!” Ran yelped, almost dropping his phone. “Dohon’t- wahait!”
The other particles sprung into action - nuzzling against his neck and sides. Ranboo had to fight against rolling over out of fear of accidentally hurting any of the boobers. 
“Don’t wait?” He heard one of them say. “Well, if you insist!”
“Thahat’s not whahat I- hEY-!”
Suddenly, the feeling got so much worse when the particles thought it would be a good idea to blow little raspberries over his sides and stomach, resulting in him kicking out his legs with a squeal. “NohoHO-! GUHUYS! WaHAH- WHY?”
The only response he got was ’funny.’
They now wished they hadn’t taken their jacket off. Kinda.
“Hohow is thIHIS FUNNY?” They spoke, but got no response. Only a look from one of the particles as if it was the most obvious question ever.
“You’re literally giggling yourself silly.” The particle answered, punctuating their sentence with a raspberry right on their navel just to make them squeal again. “It’s gotta be somewhat funny.” 
“B-BEHECAUSE- yoHOU guhuys are mahAKING ME LAHAUGH-” Ran yelped, covering his face with his hands. “What? No we’re not!” A particle by his ear spoke up, causing him to jump a little. “Where’d you get that idea from?”
“Nuh uh.”
By now, the sleeping particles had been woken up by the noise, and a few others floated over to investigate the chaos. Ranboo heard a series of coos and compliments coming from the particles, causing his face to go a deeper shade of red.
Soon, though, the boobers understood their streamer had a limit, so they let up, as he let a few stray giggles spill from his lips.
“Are you okay?” A particle asked, to which Ranboo gave a thumbs up. “Yeheah, yeah.. I’m all tired out now..”
The particles seemed to agree with that. “Us too.” One mumbled, nestling in the space between his neck and shoulder. Eventually, they were completely surrounded with particles nestled around their bed, falling asleep cuddled up against them.
Ranboo wasn’t sure where the particles came from, or why there so many, but he wouldn’t give them up for the world.
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brainrotdotorg · 2 years
im making this post for. fucking NO ONE LMAO but i saw @sydmarch's fucking bonkers post about measurehead being openly racist to "his babe" (named katya) and it boggled my mind so much that i was like. yanno what. I'm gonna find out more about this chick. so strap in because the patented Niche Character Lover is gonna do some digging on this extremely niche character.
Let's get started by checking her wiki page! Here is what we have to work with:
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Literally fucking nothing. Okay cool. Here's the very little amount of information we have:
Her name is Katya
She's Graadian
She's in a relationship with Measurehead (and calls him by his real name, Jean-Luc)
She is one of multiple "measurehead babes" it seems
cool okay so theres some preliminary information. all extremely basic stuff. I dove into FAYDE to see what I could find, and there are a few details to be gleaned.
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Our explanation for why she's with him in the first place! She buys into the bullshit, "craniometric perfection", a fellow believer of racist bullshit. She buys into it hard core, as seen here:
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"Transcends the merely sexual"-- she worships this guy!
Anyway, she's also into 'men with guns and power', implied here she may be flirting a little bit even with the lil hair twirl. Makes some idle conversation with Harry and Kim as they wait:
[Og]996.MEASUREHEAD'S BABE - "Don't worry. Physical stuff like this is *really* easy for Measurehead. Mental stuff too. He's really spiritual, you know." She looks around.
[Og]2.MEASUREHEAD'S BABE - "It's late outside, isn't it? You guys must really like doing what you do. To be out so late..." She turns to behold the behemoth appearing around the corner, approaching the gates.
(good with the mental and spiritual... sure, okay)
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They seem to have some level of... I guess "tenderness" for each other? Calling one another pet names and whatnot, okay, I guess we could call it that. Interesting to see her not be a million percent on his side all the time, she actually asks him to give Harry a chance.
In fact, she's quite amenable to a shift in control. Loyal, she is not!
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She did say she was into power, to be fair, and Harry's the new guy on top once he beats MH's ass, so that makes sense.
Katya is also sometimes used as a mouthpiece for ALL the babes (iirc there are 3?) as seen here
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god they are down FEROCIOUS!!
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Cockmanship above all else!! (this could just be a biased harry-ism ofc so. grain of salt!)
But here's the thing- you know the dick isn't even good, because, as syd brought to my attention... MEASUREHEAD CAN'T SEEM TO FUCKIN GET IT UP FOR THEM BECAUSE HES SO RACIST.
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(screenshots taken directly from their post) ... so, like, what the fuck, right? Well, apparently when you go off to talk to Measurehead privately, it's about the babes. Lets see what he has to say.
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She also doesn't seem to like being ogled by guys other than Measurehead. At least, not by Harry, who she views as genetically inferior.
(This is gonna veer less into Katya-specific territory, but is gonna lean into more about MH's views on women. Which I was actually wondering about earlier tonight, how serendipitous)
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This isn't relevant, it's just table setting. I thought it was funny. Anyway, once you get through some nationalist BS, we get to the meat of the matter. Or should I say the meat and potatoes of the matter? no i shouldnt
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okay. so. lots going on here.
uh. after this he starts talking about semen retention yeah man we've all heard it you don't bust nuts yadda yadda semen reserves whatever. this is pretty much as close as we get from measurehead himself about what... that whole deal is. he lied before, about not being able to get hard for his babes, at least thats the context that im getting. he's TURNED ON by them, he says so himself. but he won't admit it in a public forum, only when its just him and harry.
he... he literally cant justify himself how he's racist AND attracted to those in the racial group he demeans. it's just all faux-intellectual bullshit. i don't know what else i expected! this leaves a lot of questions, though-- did MH and his babes talk this out? do they realized just how hard theyre being fetishized? i mean, they buy into the race pseudoscience shit. oh, god, its most likely a case of "im special, im different, im the exception" that happens too often. thats all speculation; but in my mind, thats the most likely result.
This has strayed away from Katya, let's bring it back to our gal. What else can we learn about her?
Well, unfortunately, not much. I tried my hardest to look for every other instance where she speaks, and there aren't many. Only 65, from my count, and a good chunk of those are just lil dialogue blips.
These last two facts are what I could find that seemed significant:
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When Harry says that he's going to stop drinking, she gives us the only real indicator we have of her personal past- her mother was an alcoholic, and she's pretty blasè about it. Okay girl casual loredrop
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...and Measurehead eats her out. And apparently she enjoys it. okay. (or she could just be posturing, notice she doesnt say that it makes HER pussy say "yes plenty" so...)
and hey, just to tie it all up, here's all the shit that katya and the other babes just say casually when you walk by em:
 "Measurehead crushes all."
"More than enough to please a woman." (further proving the theory that they do fuck, still not enough to support any hypotheses that he's any good at it)
"Measurehead is a powerful man."
"The future belongs to Measurehead."
"Nobody comes close to Measurehead."
"You're the right stuff, Measurehead."
"No man matches Measurehead."
"Measurehead makes all men quiver." (sus)
 "Oh, Measurehead!"
 "Measurehead is *law*."
 "Everyone should try to be more like Measurehead."
"No one will get past you!"
"Just look at him, the wonderful hunk."
"Not soft and weak like other men."
 "Measurehead's amazing!"
"I dream about you all the time."
I don't really know what I did this for or even if i found out anything significantly new but. god. so many questions. what are the other babes like? what are their names? how did measurehead find/indoctrinate them? were they already brainwashed? so many questions!!!!!!!!
IN CONCLUSION i think katya and the two other babes should unionize and start their own polycule without him and also get. un-brainwashed. thanks
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lizpaige · 3 months
hiiiii thanks for the ask
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
okay AH I don't think it's too unpopular of an opinion tbh but... bear with me.
I don't think pynch should have gotten together at the end of greywaren (pre-epilogue!! they can still have their happy ending). but the reunion they had they did not SPEAK. NO COMMUNICATION was had. and adam literally told us in cdth that he felt like he had NO ONE and was alone, lying to everyone, and was overall a mess. The man needs therapy. Now, he probably doesn't have the money for therapy, but maybe he should take a gap year and work and just get some counseling to go through all the shit he had to put up with as a child and now and work through some stuff. i think ronan also needs therapy, but we leave him at sort of a better place at the end? like he has a support system at least and a new sense of self. i think ronan will be booked and busy and adam is still trudging along making ronan the center of his universe which is like... ick.
tldr: pynch should've taken a break after reuniting in greywaren, the boys need therapy, they can still have a happily ever after, and adam shouldnt be a fed.
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year
☆ How The Boxers Drive ☆
made this bc evil (im running out of excuses) this has been rotting in my queue for a while now
Glass Joe
- Really paranoid, i dont blame him cars are really flammable
- will panic if even one scratch gets on his car
- Just really careful with where he parks & when he parks
- if anything suspicious is on his windshield he'll panic because what if its used to mark him for something
-you know how moms go "slow down your gonna crash!!" if you speed up while driving? Yeah thats him
Von Kaiser
- unhinged driver, he'll go 50 kilometers a hour with the most bored expression ever
- put on your seatbelts because he loves to take sudden turns
- you have to hold on for dear life to anything because he doesnt understand what the words "slow down" means
- do not turn on the lights, just dont or he'll literally hiss at you
- driving like hes in a police chase, damn peepaw slow down
Disco Kid
- blasting his ears out + also going ridiculously fast
- you better hope the radio stops after a crash or you'll die to california girls
- doesnt do sudden turns thankfully
- drives even faster at nighttime, disco is really out for blood
- dont even bother honking at him, he cant hear you over his 92827298272 hour playlist
King Hippo
- he cant drive, what are you all on
- no literally, even if he could find a car to fit him, he still wouldnt be able to operate it
- too overwhelming for him anyways
- He gets carsick too easily
Piston Hondo
- actually responsible & obeys traffic laws (LIKE A LOSER!! BOO TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO RUN OVER PEOPLE INSTEAD!!)
- cant listen to music while driving, it just doesnt work for him
- if you honk at him he'll stare into your soul
- actually reading the road signs (LIKE A NERD!! BOO TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO THE LAW SUCKS)
- overall responsible driver
Great Tiger
- another driver from hell
- honks to communicate with people, at some point you'll have to consider ripping off the steering wheel or your ears
- blasting his music, he has damaged hearing because of that
- speed limits are for cowards,he'll gladly go 100 in a 30 zone
- reading road signs but not caring at all
Bear Hugger
- oh no.
- okay driver but wont shut up, bear we get it you shouldnt piss off or piss ON a moose you couldve ended it there
- eating snacks in the backseat makes him do the ultimate dad move™ (the hand thingy dads do when you eat snacks)
- "yeah you can push those to the side make yourself comfortable" as his backseat is filled with maple syrup bottles, a pair of moose antlers and the weirdest shit you can imagine, bear im really sure you dont need a entire ass stop sign
- doesnt speed but takes sudden turns way too often for your stomach to stay in one piece (can we get much higherrr, so highhh)
- also honks to communicate
Don Flamenco
- this fucking menace needs to be stopped
- He sings in the car, Don nobody needs to hear you sing poker face please dont crash
- unintentionally speeding, always 5 km over the speed limit
- holy shit he needs his license taken away
- He texts while driving, how worse can you get??
- you know "get in loser, we're going shopping."? yeah thats him whenever he comes to pick someone up
- Does more singing than driving
Aran Ryan
- wait what
- He actually obeys traffic laws & is okay with speed limits? What a switch
- He knows how to shut up too
- He may be a nuisance but he keeps it off the road because nuh uh no one is dying in a car crash today
- has sobbed in his car multiple times (mostly while driving) thats the most you can get him
- him & his car have been through thick and thin, he has laughed in that car, cried in that car, screamed in that car, sung in that car, he has went through everything with his car, it legally counts as an artifact
Soda Popinski
- license, on the kitchen table, NOW.
- he used to drive when drunk when he was a alcoholic (hence his past name, vodka drunkenski)
- doesnt use any kind of navigation when driving, he uses his gut feelings & they either: work, fail miserably or have you end up in a seperate country and either way its concerning
- has crashed into multiple signs & trees
- speeds when bored
- oh my god this man is a mess
Bald Bull
- calm the fuck down
- same deal as kaiser, unhinged driver with the most bored expression ever while asking you "how was your day?" like dude please slow down
- hes the reason the term road rage exists
- will gladly get out of the car to fight someone
- honking at him is a one way ticket to fucking die - land
- i hope awkward conversations are your thing because he'll try to do a icebreaker and ask stuff
- keep the lights off unless its the night or he'll chuck you out of the car like you're a McDonald's™ napkin
Super Macho Man
- jail.
- hes driving on the sidewalk. DRIVING ON THE SIDE FUCKING WALK.
- drives even if hes tired
-suprisingly brash with his car considering it costs a fortune
- He didnt hit the street lamp, it hit him
- blasting the worst music ever as he goes through a quiet neighborhood at 3 am
Mr Sandman
- oh my god finally a good driver
- hes a law abiding citizen
- hes the only one allowed to drive
- the only thing you can get him on is slamming his car door a little too hard but thats better than going 92827281962629912619916281972729229 in a 30 km zone or stopping halfway through to fight someone
- will not talk, ever.
- hes the first option when the wvba needs to ride somewhere and cant find a driver
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amigac0debasic13 · 10 months
inhaling so heavily so so heavily,, hey guys its me im back. ninjago. This is just a huge rant about me HATING how trauma is handled in this show. ignore this if you do not want to see my HORRORS.
WHY. IS TRAUMA NOT A FUCKING THING IN THIS STUPID ASS SHOW. Im on another rewatch because im FUCKING INSANE but it drives me actually mad that there are so many downright horrific things that happen to these characters that are just NEVER addressed. lets talkabout the fucking first one that caught my eye when I was first watching the show!!! Im basically going from least infuriating to most infuriating, im trying to cut this show some slack but dear god. !!WHY IS COLE OKAY MAN. HE LITERALLY DIEEED. HE TURNED INTO A GHOST. listen Iknow ninjago death means nothing, and im going to talk about that too but he literally could have ceased to exist if he so much as touched water. after he got his body back, why was this never FUCKING mentioned. I think. if I was in a perpetual state of being horrified my existence would amount to nothing and id just stop BEING when I touched some clear shit coming out of my sink id be pretty scarred for life. I loved possession man, but this happened to TWO CHARACTERS. TWOOO. AND THE OTHER CHARACTER IS LLOYD. lets not even MENTION that hes been exploited the moment everyone found out he was a green ninja, and before that a bunch of grown ass people were bullying a CHILD WHO IS ACTUALLY HOMELESS, lets talk about how his fucking body was taken over by Morro while he ALSO worries about his DAD BEING STUCK IN THE FUCKING UNDERWORLD. IM LOSING IT. IM LOSSINGG ITT. On a smaller note, MISAKO ABANDONED LLOYD. KILL HER. I am the hashtag misako hater garmadon deserves better. The show made no attempt for them to bond or try to make amends for what happened when Lloyd was a kid, she barely appears at all really and it just makes me fucking despise her. ALSO MORRO. this kid. reminding you, CHILD, fucking died in a cave. the cave we SAW in the pilot, if i remember right which is FUCKING INSANE>,,?? we SEE HIS SKELETON. THAT IS A CHILDS SKELETON. never mentioned again after episode 8 I don't think. now the MEAT. THE MEATT. whatever the FUCK went on with garmadon after he got resurrected. They actually did cover this a bit with how Lloyd acted around garmadon, but crystalized also sucked ass and really gave us nothing on how Garmadon felt about this. on god im so sick that hes so normal shaped in crystalized too, He was literally growling with every breath in sons of garmadon why is he normal now. Its been years, i get it. also the Garmadon comic. but he SHOULDNT be a normal person whos just an asshole, I want him to be feral okay?? ok??? I am playfully gesturing to Devils Horns by TeuthidaRegina (did i spell that right. idk man. Its a super fucking good fanfic.)
ALSO Vinnys apartment is very inaccurate there should be scratch marks on the walls and then they should kiss. ANYWAYS Besides this, Lloyd being mad at Garmadon was really all we got for how *he* was effected by his once loving father now randomly coming back with his ribs exposed and only being able to say like. 3 words. and also him immediately trying to kill Lloyd. I feel like we should have gotten a LOT more man. Now this isn't really a problem with the show (Its a huge problem in crystalized but that's a given) but more a problem with the fandom, so that's why I'm putting it at the end. this does not hold relevancy over garmadon becoming a BEAST. (also garmadon becoming a beast is the best thing that ever happened in this show btw. you all are wrong and he should have been animalistic from the beginning. still nice. but he should have also growled. all the time.) My issue is with how people portray harumi. I already had my Harumi spout in a post I made earlier, but I only mentioned the toxicity of the ship with her and Lloyd a little bit. Let us THINK BACK on how she literally feels nothing for Lloyd at all. He was a stepping stone in getting Garmadon back, and she probably straight up hates him. She pretends to like him to manipulate him into helping her resurrect garmadon ok?? do we understand?? Ive seen actual tags on AO3 that say "no harumi hate here" and I am so done. all the harumi hate. dont FUCKING talk to me if you want to justify the downright horrendous things shes done. That ship is toxic as hell and Lloyd is downright being abused AGAIN for like the FIVE BILLIONTH TIME IN HIS LIFE. I dont care man. shes an abusive bitch. i HATE HER. Crystalized made the worst fucking decision trying to justify her and I genuinely hate whoever thought that was a good and right decision to make. If she comes back in dragons rising i hope she dies AGAIN, but Im honestly rooting for them to ignore crystalized's existence. Now finally, this is the absolute peak of how Ninjago shittily handles trauma. the ICE EMPEROR. Zane was stuck in a fucking hellscape of a realm for like. what was it. EIGHTY YEARS??? he went fucking mad man, he turned into a bloodthirsty tyrant during that time. and when this seasons conflict was fixed with the "power of friendship" the show literally mentions that the ice emperor is STILL INSIDE ZANES NOGGIN. AND WHAT DOTHEY DOO?? THEY MAKE IT INTO A FUCKING JOKE. its honestly almost disgusting to me how they handled it, Zane has DIED BEFORE. that's bad. he should have trauma. BUT Zane LITERALLY HAS A BLOODTHIRSTY KILLER IN HIS FUCKING HEAD. DO NOT JOKE ABOUT THIS SHIT. ACTUALLY. HE SHOULD HAVE SOME RELUCTANCE TO USING HIS POWERS OR SOMETHING, ANYTHING MAN. HE KILLLED AN ENTIRE RACEE. Genuinely this is one of my favorite shows, and I love adding onto the shaky ass plot and making it better, but I cannot DEAL with this. Im going to throw in the shit that happened in the spinjitzu brothers book, because oh my god Wu and Garmadon should be fucked up with all the stuff they have had to deal with for like. 5 thousand years. but its fine. its okay. its the book series. I wont mention it. (that book series is so good please release the final book please) ((I LOVE wu and garmadon they are some of my favorite characters in the ENTIRE series im blinking my eyes at you. please go indepth on those two. also give Wu a dragon form, or an Oni form, or literally anything he IS NOT HUMAN.) Also if anyone tells me im ignoring skybound its because I do not need to say anything about skybound. we all know what happened. we ALLL know what the fuck they did to Nya. and fucking. mister possibly a pedo creep man who does not care about consent. I dont even remember his name thats how bad I hate him .
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lichtecht · 5 months
@is-this-taken-too-questionmark the entirety of my dfk 2023 notes are a bit too long and incoherent and unstructured, so i figured i'd try to compile some topics ive thought about
putting it under a cut cause its still very long
jo and martina get a scene that directly parallels the martin/jonathan bedside scene from 2003. i would also change the way jo’s backstory is shared. and the backstory itself „my mother abandoned me in a disco“ is hilariously iconic, but it doesn’t have any emotional impact. it makes you laugh, even though it’s meant to be sad. instead, jo shares her backstory in the aforementioned parallel. and instead of telling her why SHE is sad, jo comforts martina by, idk, taking her to the lake. -„i always come here when im sad. or when i want to be alone.“ -„its beautiful.“ bonding moment basically. maybe they stumble over the Externs and overhear their plans or something, and thats how we make the shift to action and plot again
some things i wrote down:
Martina/Jo lesbianism
bedside scene
"I'll just stay here. At home. With you."
Lowkey breakup
jo gifting martina the phone
Justraucher Reunion. Obvsly
Expand on how Robert & especially JUSTUS feel afterwards (cause we dont see justus again until they meet at the hospital)
also on what happened back then
more detailed backstory
(Note -> i have a whole other document with just things about Back Then, i'll get into that later (possibly in a seperate post so it doesnt get *too long*)
Jo & Nichtraucher bonding at the piano
gay mentorship
-> after Jo/Martina’s breakup
show him being bullied more
make it more of an actual internal conflict
uli being assigned to lead the distraction - would i keep that? i feel like him running away when hes in a leadership role and for everyone to see cheapens his character. and i feel like it doesnt fit with the perception of his character if the others have trust in him. in the 2023 film, its seemingly just the externs who make fun of uli and bully him? so the „enemies“. i feel like its quite important to ulis character that everyone doesnt take him for full, even people on „his side“, even his friends. its a nice gesture from martina to assign uli that role, but it doesnt make sense character-wise. uli isnt used to leading. or even stepping up. the kids should theoretically not have trust in him to be able to do this. it also doesnt make sense to award someone like that with a leadership role, even if its an attempt to help them stand up. (which it didnt seem to be? or am i missing that? maybe it was.) it just… doesnt make sense. and it does uli dirty. when i watched the movie for the first time, i said „thats what you get when you cut sebastian.“ because someone from their group needs to be at the battle and direct it, someone is captive, and several people need to free them. it wouldnt work if only martina stormed the boat house. you need multiple people, and martina and matze need to be there. uli, however, should not and would not lead the attack. thats what we’d have sebastian for. (wonderful, cynical, bitchy sebastian) instead, uli would TRY to partake in the attack, chicken out, and run away. you know. like in the book
The Legend???
the reveal was literally just stupid.
I mean, you could keep that the legend is made up, but it should still have some kind of impact on the other students
like "yeah ok the legend is fake, but dude, he still climbed up there, that was crazy impressive"
Dont know how to feel abt Uli planning the whole thing. Doesnt feel right.
Fr. Kreuzkamm not as ridiculous. Like she still has a sense of humor and her style stays the same (ms frizzle fashion) but she should at least have some respect from the students
Bökh shouldnt be a school director
Bökh Vertrauenslehrer. (dont know how to translate that. like an official teacher who's supposed to be a confidante for the students (although at least i never went to any appointed confidants. but maybe that depends on the person))
school director always threatens to close the boarding school, Bökh stands against it and supports the students
the strict one and the nice one should simply be 2 separate people
would a nicer 2023 Bökh still have acted so shitty regarding Robert and Marie though? it kind of only feels right if he sucks a little bit
(although he obvsly could have changed in those years. but he doesnt seem to regret it or feel guilty so i doubt he feels bad abt it)
i was thinking i'd give this new strict boarding school director the name of the headmaster in the book (grünkern), but grünkern just isnt that kind of person. he's someone the students laugh about. which is more like frau kreuzkamm is in the movie
so i figured i'd call the boarding school director professor kreuzkamm and have frau doktor kreuzkamm be called frau doktor grünkern instead
(and take some more inspirations from book grünkern as well, with how the students treat him)
ruda would be called ruda grünkern then too. she doesnt really need to be kreuzkamm anyway
… i guess kreuzkamm would just be one of the internals then. or i suppose the externs would work too, if kreuzkamm is just a background character. i havent thought about if i would change who gets kidnapped
about that.
im still struggling with figuring out how i wanna do the conflict. i was thinking maybe i should throw the whole conflict out cause i find it entirely annoying. but it is a really big part of dfk 2023 wether i like it or not, and it's really hard to change it when i dislike fundamental parts of the way it is written.
first, i had the idea to make it about a conflict between the rich kids from the city up in the boarding school and the less wealthy kids from town, but im not equipped to write about classism and i dont want to be an asshole on accident
maybe instead, it’s a rivalry between the students from the school in town and those in the boarding school. yes, that sounds like it’s exactly the same, but i would make the boarding school be an actual school on top of the hill, not just a place where the students sleep.
i'm definitely keeping the part about it being two separate schools though. it would be a bit more close to the book in that way. (i would also give the other school the name from the the book, but i couldnt find it. it might not have had one?? would appreciate some help here if you know a name)
and ig the easiest way to explain the animosity is also like in the book. that its a thing between the schools which predates any of the students involved. they just carry it out.
but would they make up in the end then?? im still not sure. it's so hard to find some kind of middle ground between the way it is in the book and in dfk 2023 !!!
(which is because they have a fundamentally different understanding of how this conflict ends!!!!!!!! in dfk 2023, its a thing of overcoming differences and making peace, while in the book that was never the goal to begin with!!! they start and end as enemies!!!!! carolina!!!! carolina, you dont get it at all!!!!!!!!)
to tie it back in with the 2023 movie, you could make it so that the two schools are still doing some kind of "friendship project" to bury the hatchet. although that probably wouldnt come from the schools themselves if theyre so hostile towards each other...
(MAYBE. its a thing that frau kreuzkamm, or rather, frau grünkern started. but none of this is thought out rn, i’m getting away from my goal with this post)
like i said, i would make it two separate schools. town school vs boarding school prehistoric feud boarding school director kreuzkamm; i kind of see him as an old man with balding white hair and a big moustache. wears black suits. never laughs. closer to book kreuzkamm, but less sympathetic. he's supposed to fill the role of the antagonist within the boarding school. instead of justus (who's supposed to be a safe place for the students) threatening to close the boarding school, it's direktor kreuzkamm. frau professor grünkern, headmaster of the town school. (she needs a first name. (i made a note here to consult the dfk girlies (gn) so please drop your suggestions? how do you feel about friederieke)) mother of ruda, still. wears colourful shirts, is basically like in the movie. although i still stand by what i said earlier about making her less of a comic relief
OH!! i completely forgot to tell you about that. i had a thought when i made part ... i think it was part 27. where i wrote in the tags #now that i think about it #WHY is frau kreuzkamm not sitting with her family?? #girl you have a husband and kids stop making eyes at your colleague whos gay anyway and my thought was a big WHAT IF. what if frau kreuzkamm cheated on her husband ties together ruda’s disappointment in her, frau kreuzkamm making eyes at justus und justus perhaps trying it with women to get over/ignore robert that might be a bit too much if we’re talking about a realistic rewrite, but let me engage the thought for a moment back to what i was saying
if i want to go with the cheating-storyline; justus has caught her eye. EVEN THOUGH she has a stay-at-home-husband. the second child doesn’t seem to have saved the marriage i am still unsure about her role in the conflict between the schools. cause in the movie she's both „everyone be friends 🥰 we don't need to continue these disputes!“ and "your INMATES are HURTING my SWEET CHILDREN you need to CLOSE THE BOARDING SCHOOL" and i still don't know how to deal with that. but now i had the thought that maybe she's the one who wants the opposing schools to make up Still thinking about that
i have a lot more notes, especially about matz, and i haven't even touched on my thoughts about the justus-robert-marie situation. but i will put that in a reblog or something. this is getting too long.
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buggybambi · 6 months
do you think we’ll see a claire apology from carmy or literally anyone in season three because i feel so bad for her as i rewatch:(
okay yes thank you for asking me this i would love to share my thoughts (this may be long so pls read under the cut!)
i do feel conflicted on seeing claire in season 3. i think that it will probably pick up from the fridge scene and how everything ended from that, maybe in a quick narration style or a “then vs now” setup
but, i do agree. claire deserves an apology. carmy obviously wasnt prepared for a relationship (the man gave her a fake phone number but thats neither here nor there), but claire also shouldnt be responsible for deciding that for him. i have been *in my personal experience* with people who have appeared to me to be ready for a relationship but then spring it on me that they arent.
and as someone who has been on both sides - both the side of the person not ready for a relationship vs the person with someone whose not ready for a relationship - i can say it sucks. and claire at least deserves an apology.
BUT, i will say i don’t think her coming back as a regular/more than a few episode type of character would make sense. she really doesnt have much. most of the show revolves around the staff at the bear + the berzattos and i think that she just doesnt fit into that. i dont like how they introduced her to begin with, i felt like we didnt know enough about her and carmy but thats just my opinion!
and i do agree!! i feel bad for her too when i rewatched but i feel like there were a few signs that carmen just wasnt ready for a relationship that i will admit, claire should have taken (again i point back to the fake number situation!!!)
overall i think that we should see her get somewhat of an apology but i don’t think it’d make much sense for her to be in more than one episode in season three. if anyone has any other opinions pls let me know, i love interacting with these kind of questions!
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allamericansbitch · 10 months
All of this in another universe would be laughable, because how can a fandom lack so little self awareness and so much hypocrisy. Today I see a lot of people be like yeah we are part of the problem we shouldnt care so much about her relationships, but that's all you have been doing with her ex and her current one. Literally yesterday you were fuming in the mouth against her ex and next week you forget about what Tree said and will go back to do it again.
Now I don't think you are the only one to blame though and that's why the issue doesn't stop. Because in one breath Taylor is like please don't speculate on my private life but she's also like oh but on this specific part you can. And my boyfriend will keep on talking about me on his podcast every week, I make my concert about him so like ship us and love us. Then you keep on having articles being released from her publicist about christmas plans and whatever the fuck else, so you keep having your fandom invested and obsessed with your relationship and at the same digs at your ex. Remember the days when Taylor said on main, if I talk about my relationship people think it's up for discussion and that's not the case and there's a boundary because I want my life to be manageable. People still talked about them, but it was so dialed down because they protected it. Idk what she's trying to do now, maybe finding a middle ground but that seems to be last thing happening. We have been informed of pretty much everything happening in their relationship. You have media outlets on main using jet tracking information. Currently there's more than 35 million people following the jet tracking Instagram, because of this relationship. And thousands of comments are just completely deranged. Before all of this happened each post had like no one more than a dozen comments.
I was criticized for saying they were opening too much room for speculation and crazies from the get go and once they decided they wanted privacy no one would listen anymore. I hate to say I told you so but...in fact Joe himself said we live in a culture where the more you give and even if you don't give, the more will be taken so he was just choosing to give the least possible.
These two decided to give too much, they still do in fact, so now people feel entitled to more and more
Nothing to add really but I completely agree 100%. I literally have no idea what she’s doing anymore but what she is doing is feeding the stuff she swore she hated
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