#but it always makes me say ‘okay. have fun. i’ll just be…. *wayyyy* over here’ lmao
lyriumlullaby-ao3 · 1 year
an underrated line from Inquisition is one you get from Josie after ‘Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts’ if you tell her you felt out of place at the Winter Palace. She tells your Inquisitor that all sorts of serious conflicts have started over petty things like dropping the wrong spoon in Orlais, then says,
“Never underestimate the enmity of those for whom outrage is a sport.”
i dunno, i just feel like that… hits on… something relevant… can’t quite put my finger on it. no way to be sure. /s /lh
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aweridday · 3 months
When the arena is temporarily closed due to needing repairs, what are two armored hunters supposed to do with their surprise vacation time? Go to the Beach obviously!! (Well probably anywhere besides the beach, they’re coworkers, barely acquaintances. why would you want to go anywhere with this guy??)
I yawn as I leave my apartment, seems I have a day all to myself. What to do, what to do… could get brunch? but I’ve already had breakfast. maybe a walk? Yeah, that could be fun, I hummed an old song I used to listen to and waved when needed for when fans recognized me, But it was pretty uneventful.
Ah there’s my place of work, Balada wanted the Arena to be the main attraction, so you’ll always come back to it no matter where you go. hm maybe I’ll see how much longer until the Arena is repaired, yeah that’s what I’ll do. And maybe I’ll call to see if someone would like to hang out after I check in.
As I walked down near the entrance of the arena, simply wandering wasn’t fun after a while, there I see… Sentinel, leaning on the wall, who thankfully, seemed distracted. oh please don’t see me. And started to reverse my trajectory, but when he looked up from his communicator and sat up, I froze, He waved and started walking towards me, oh God, please no.
As I thought about using my jet pack, He closed the distance and reached around my shoulder, and put his arm around my neck “Hey! Any clue why the Arena is closed?? I was just trying to get in but it just says closed” I tensed up and looked at him in confusion “It’s down for repairs” his arm stiffened “Uh okay… any clue why someone didn’t tell me??” I stared at him in disbelief “It was said in the Arena group chat…”
We stood there in silence for 8 seconds before He murmured “I didn’t know there was a group chat…” I froze and sighed and grabbed his waist to pull us off the main road and into an alley, and then made him let go of me, just so I could put my hands on his shoulders. And took a deep breath “Listen, I think the reason nobody told you about the group chat was because they had asked me to say something to you, I don’t know why, but I forgot about it so I apologize”
We stood there quietly staring at each other before He started laughing, “Oh well! -Hehe pfff- And here I thought it was on purpose” his laughter died down slow enough to make me regret getting out of bed, and took my hands off his shoulders. And stepped away from him only for him to come inside my bubble “So are you doing anything today??”
I could only utter “uh” before he threw his arm around me once more and started making me walk somewhere as he started going on about how our day was going to get wayyyy cooler and could only think as he made me wait as he went in to get something from his residence, oh good grief I knew I should’ve stayed in bed today.
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As we walked down to the beach, the semi-permanent twilight sky looked down on us, I couldn’t help but regret that I wasn’t strong enough to refuse the offer of hanging out here, sand and armor don’t mix and like hell am I taking anything off! I turned to look at my Colleague, He had made me carry far too much stuff for just the two of us. He went to get Changed into a more relaxed outfit and looked comfortable, fit for the occasion Honestly. I, however, didn’t wear anything besides my armor.
He finally stopped talking about gun care when we near the restroom, and proceeded to drop everything he was holding in my arms, he only had one small bag with him. He yelled over his shoulder “Hey! Set everything up, I gotta go charge” I huffed and stepped on the stairs leading to my sandy Doom, due to the recently of the beach there wasn’t a lot of foot traffic, so I could start this… party
As soon as I had everything set up, That’s when this guy showed up, of course. I looked back at him to complain when I was shocked into silence, oh my god, is he? No way. He could probably sense the bewilderedness radiating from me because he started to laugh, And hell I had to laugh too.
Though a gasp I question “What-pfff hehehehahahah- what are you-you wearing??” I had to hold myself because I was laughing so hard, he had already calmed down and had his hands on his hips and Snickers. “This, my dear Mandalorian, is empire-sponsored swimwear. I haven’t bought a swimsuit since”
The blue Speedo showed everything, Everything. And He tried not to look down too much but Wow, He made it work. I chuckled as he struck a pose, and it seemed to make him feel justified apparently, as he came closer and said “Huh you know… I think that’s the first I ever heard you laugh that hard” I froze and turned away to look at the water, and could only mutter out “Uh yeah… not every day you see that” and felt warm in the cheeks, I pat the other sunlounger and lean back, he snorts and sat down.
He lifted his hand to where his chin would be and tapped it, he looked down, then up at me, then repeated that a few more times before he snapped his fingers. He jumped up and pointed at me, I pointed at myself and tilted my head. He nodded, and I shrugged, He sighed, but it didn’t seem like he was upset, more so amused.
“Dude, you gotta at least show a lil bit of skin, We’re at the Beach! You don’t see me hiding my amazingness” I felt my jaw drop, the Jackass had a smirk under that helmet, I just know it. And yeah, You can see the amazingness as he calls it, the only thing that wasn’t left to the imagination was his face! The Rest of him was revealing, seeing his naked form beside an-an speedo!! It was still as jarring as when he first came out of the restroom.
I huffed as he started to chant “Take, it, off! take, it, off! take, it, off! take, it, off! take, it-“ I slapped my hand over where his mouth would be, and said with exaggeration “Fine! fine, I’ll take something off. Just shut up!” I took my hand off his helmet and started to take off my gloves. And with flare, started showing off my unguarded hands.
He stared at my bare hands and tilted his head, my annoyance started creeping into embarrassment. As I wondered what he could be thinking, and was about to excuse myself and say the sand was getting into my armor so I could leave. when he grabbed one of my hands and felt it up, ohhh no what was he doing now?? He turned it this way and that way, and he muttered “Why are your hands so soft?” I shrugged “I moisturize”
He started to crack up about that, before letting go of my hand, and reaching into the cooler he bought, pulling out two piña coladas and giving me one. I stare at it, then at him when he puts a straw in, only to shake my head in humor when I realize.
And we remain quiet for about… 30 seconds, sipping our drinks, before he started up again “So, I have to ask, what’s with the armor? It’s pretty cool, but the helmet? I know my reasons, what’s yours?” I looked down at myself and felt some excitement as I launched into explaining the history of my clan, I couldn’t stop smiling
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He was quiet and very animated with his reactions, it was… nice. “Huh, well hot damn. That’s both really sad but also super cool, are you sure you’re the only one left?” He was closer than before as we were both leaning toward each other, his arms were on his knees, and I was messing with my arm guards. “Yes, sadly, But maybe I will be able to rebuild.”
My boots were off, and my pants sleeves rolled up. He was sitting down, then staged a cough, and then he changed the topic, I was thankful for it. sipping on my second cup of the day. It was nice, not caring for a moment, simply sitting while Sentinel went on about all types of things. I was leaning on my hand, nodding at times, He was extremely entertaining.
When he finally stopped talking, it was filled with a comfortable silence, only the waves crashing into the seabed, and the wind rolling the sand around, were heard.
He sat his drink down stood up, and started walking towards the sea. I watched as he jumped in the water, and watched some more as he started to get overrun by waves. I laughed as I too sat my drink down and walked to the water, letting the smaller waves hit my feet. Sentinel washed up near me, he was face down and unmoving. I snorted, He rolled over and crossed his hands over his stomach.
I offered a hand, and he took it. As we walked back to our stuff, I said “So, you got anything going on later?” He snickered “Aw, planning a date? Already?? How sweet.” I Stumble, and am flabbergasted! And-and why would I?? Well… huh- he laughed, and punched my arm, I didn’t feel it through the armor.
He let out a sigh and gave a look around the beach, I gave a look as well, people were arriving and filling up spots, and I knew it was time to go. I handed the rest of my drink to him and started putting my gear back on, he was gathering the stuff. I thought about what he said, even if it was only a joke, it was… an appealing thought, Hm I’ll have to come back to that.
Thankfully he only made me carry the cooler and one of the chairs. We made our way to the restroom, and he, once again, threw everything into my arms and went in to charge. I was alone with my thoughts for ten minutes, minutes I used to think about what to do about… him. It was only a joke, nothing more, but man was the possibilities endless.
He came out and took his belongings back, I waved, He wiggled his fingers, and we said our goodbyes and I went on walking, he went home. It was pleasant overall, and I thought about how I got a glimpse of dark stubble when he was chugging the rest of my piña colada, Yes… much to think about.
someone take this game from me, I already have too many games. but ngl this is an awesome game and I've been playing non-stop.
also I like to think they are friends that make fun of each other, and He makes him pay for all of their drinks when they go out, and so! They spend A lovely day at the beach because no one else was available, and…. they don’t really have friends outside of their coworkers.
Also, this isn’t that OOC, you just have to read Star Wars Hunters: battle for the Arena, and you’ll be surprised by how much it reads as an actor au >w<
Yes I know Sentinel doesn’t wear the helmet in leisure time but man do I love helmets :3 so wear it he will! Also Disney might remake it so you’re wearing shorts, but speedo storm troopers will always be my love
Ngl the thought of these two growing into a relationship makes me happy so have this where they instead grow into a friendship :) wanted to have something sweet and silly for people to read, so I made this. So hope you dudes like this!!
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jittyjames · 1 year
before you reached this final plot, what were the first planned major/somewhat major plot points, and how did they change over time while writing?
(sorry, idk if this doesn’t make sense, i’ll try to explain again if you don’t understand lol)
um yeah basically anything about your planning stage (like, your notes, anything really!)
-ok so in the original draft of mine to subdue there was never meant to be a sequel so it was going to be a thing where another person was captured by the redcoats in the same way alexander was and it was the revolutionary set's mission to rescue them and alexander dealt with his trauma in that way. then, the guy was going to turn up dead (with obvious signs of what happened to alexander having happened to him) and cause the really bad spiral that we see at the end of mine to subdue. this was going to deal a lot more heavily with survivor's guilt and having intense ptsd while on the move. like i had a scene i really liked where they were infiltrating a British camp and alexander starts freaking out and we had a fun silenced panic attack moments. but then i wanted to include characters from act 2 and means to go on was born and this was inevitably scrapped
-another mine to subdue abandoned plot was having the guy john killed's friend in the first few chapters be wayyyy more important than he was. so like i kind of wanted to hint at a romance between these two characters and have the friend really messed up over his death to the point he actually became a traitor. like he actually despised alexander and john so much that he began giving intel to the British about them. This ended with him being a part of a kidnapping plot to retake Alexander and Alexander promptly stabbing the friend to death in a really dark, panicky, gorey scene. This was going to be a moment where Alexander's downward mental spiral really became evident (the first draft had alexander being more unhinged than in the actual series. believe me, the current alexander is definitely more calm now)
-something i kind of touched on in mine to subdue was alexander's insecurity and jealousy over john and eliza being together and misunderstanding their intentions, but that was much more intense originally. Alexander was a lot more toxic (i mean hamboy was traumatized so he had a bit of an excuse but still). It ended with john and alexander getting in a huge fight, but i thought it made alexander seem really unlikeable and ooc so i cut it down for the most part. you can still see remnants of it throughout tho!!
-I WAS GOING TO HAVE THE REDCOATS BURN DOWN SCHUYLER MANSION OH MY GOD. it was such a dark scene y'all like redcoats broke in and it's only alexander and the sisters home. they immediately start accosting the girls and being very slimy and icky toward them. alexander needs to do something but he can't bc of his ptsd and he's frozen. THEN IT GETS WORSE BC THEY RECOGNIZE ALEXANDERRRRR. omg just thinking about this chapter still makes me feel gross bc omggg it was so bad. ok so then they say how they've heard of alexander's "services" and how they've always wanted to be pleasured like a king. they say they'll leave if he just gives them a taste of him (ew) and they command alexander down on his knees. AND THEN HE DOES IT BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY WAY HE KNOWS TO DEFEND THEM AT THIS POINT. AND EVERYONE IS JUST BEING HELD BY THE GUARDS THERE FREAKING OUT. OMGGG I'M NOT GOING TO GET INTO MUCH MORE OF IT BC I DON'T WANT TO POST THAT HERE but after it's over they think they're safe when they first smell the smoke. and then it dissolves into chaos. it felt a bit too dark (that's a lot coming from me) and i honestly didn't know how alexander would carry on after that when he was already so traumatized so i cut it and poof it was no more.
-now means to go on is the fic that changed the most. originally this was supposed to be yearsssss into the future instead of the five i chose. i wanted philip to be the same age alexander was when it was happening but then i thought it was a bit too much time and despite how crazy my king george is, i don't think he would manage to hold on for that long. but it was basically supposed to follow the plot of the musical and have philip wanting to defend his father after the reynolds pamphlet is released. only instead of alexander being the one to give him the guns, it was john (there was a lot of call back to the first fic and john's duel) i had everyyyything written for this. i had a confrontation between philip and eacker, i had john and philip's conversation, i had philip's death scene and his funeral. i spent so much time on these chapters, BUT i had to let them go in exchange for our baby philip instead. also this was going to be at the end of means to go on, and instead of seeing him early on, alexander would meet back up with the king at the end of the book. it looked a lot different than it does now.
-jefferson and madison were not the great guys i changed them to be in this story. they were sooo villainous but almost in a comical way. like initially they were the ones who found the king's letters in washington's office and thought alexander actually did have a relationship with king george (because they're stupid and couldn't use context to save their lives) but i thought them being morally gray and still respectful to alexander after they found out and sort of forming a bond was more interesting than having them be bumbling idiots. but they were definitely meant to be the comedic relief originally
-i was going to have some scenes involving yellow fever and alexander being delirious and having really fucked up dreams and eliza trying to console him but it's like he's actually reliving it, but it never really fit anywhere. i might actually release this as a oneshot just set in this universe at some point.
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katie-writes24 · 4 years
Say It Don’t Spray It
Pairing: John Laurens x reader
Warnings: Language, alcohol, suggestive material, FUCK TON OF ANGST KIDS, kinda sad, John doesn’t know when to shut up :,)
Part 2
Request: hey! my request was a laurens x reader where they're frenemies, n one day they get into this huge fight that stems from nothing, angst angst angst, and then he comes to her house to apologize. they simultaneously realize they have feelings for one another, and fluff fluff fluff...idek know after that lol - @notebookgirl30
Okay....WAYYYY OVERDUE I TOTALLY APOLOGIZE! Ngl this was a bit of a struggle to write because I just wanted to get a good feel of their “relationship/friendship” but I think I got it. Maybe? But I built a bigger storyline than expected so there’ll be a part 2. But yeah, hope you enjoy! Thank you @tinywhim for the title (you’re a real one, you don’t even know). Let me know if you want to be tagged! Leave me some feedback PLEASE!! And yeah! Enjoy!
“Has anyone ever told you you’re super boring?”
Y/N scoffed, “I’ve always loved your compliments, Angelica.”
She rolled her eyes, giving her coworker an exaggerated look. “You have nothing better to do on a Friday night. Normal people go out, and party and have fun! It’s the weekend, Y/N, you don’t have to worry about anything!”
That was an overstatement. Y/N actually did have lots to do, like finish her report and pay her bills and visit her parents and do actual adult things. Her partying days were over in college, and she knew that nothing good could come from a night surrounded by all of Angelica’s friends, some who happen to be their coworkers.
This was different though, in a way. Yes, it was Angelica’s birthday, but she was never good at social interaction, especially not at a club. These days she’ll go out with the Schuyler’s for a couple of drinks and go home and call it a day. That was enough for her, and she was okay with it. She was perfectly fine with her own friends telling her how she’s a buzzkill when it comes to partying. She was fine with not putting herself out there to guys because she didn’t think it was necessary right now.
She was comfortable at this point in her life, and she wasn’t going to ruin that over a drunken night at the club.
“Aren’t you two like best friends? You’re gonna miss your best friend’s birthday party?” Y/N turned to find John tutting in mock disapproval, swaying slightly on his chair.
“Will you butt out?” Y/N glared hard but it didn’t have the proper effect when he only laughed.
That’s the other problem. John is going to be there, which could only mean chaos. She’s been to enough office parties over the last two years to notice that he can’t hold his liquor and is incredibly loud. Not only were his obnoxious traits an issue, but there was something about him that got under her skin, not totally in a good way.
Eliza would never make her forget her little crush that sparked at the beginning of her job, when John was always nice to her and would give her this blinding smile. That sailed long ago, but apparently, a drunken night full of shared secrets was enough for the Schuyler to remember. Now, maybe there were some things that Y/N could pick out to prove to herself that he was an actual decent human being, but the John Laurens that had been sitting beside her for years was still John Laurens.
“I’m sitting three feet away from you,” He gestured at their desks that were only separated by a couple of inches. “I can literally hear everything you’re saying.”
“And he’s right!” Angelica reached over her desk and grabbed her hand. “It wouldn’t feel right if you weren’t there. Please, Y/N, it’s just a couple of hours. I promise if you really get uncomfortable you can leave, but I know you won’t because it is going to be amazing!”
Rolling her eyes yet again, Y/N did feel a little guilty. Angelica has always been there for her, through all the ups and downs, she’s been her biggest support system. It wouldn’t be fair to not celebrate her birthday with her.
“Fine,” Angelica practically squealed at her grumble. “But don’t count on me as your designated driver, because I might really dip out if it gets too rowdy for me.”
“Might as well not go then. Put me and Alex together, pshhh, you’ll be walking out the door as soon as you step in.” John winked, like he just knew how to get Y/N fired up and ready to argue back. Angelica knew too, as she pulled her hands toward her again, gaining her attention.
“Ignore him, I swear we will all have a good time! Plus, who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone there.”
She looked hopeful, almost as if this was her intention all along. But Y/N knew better, no matter how many times Angelica tried to set her up, she wouldn’t invite her somewhere only to be mislead and be set on a blind date.
“I am not interested, I am perfectly capable of finding someone on my own, if I choose.” She made sure to point out the last part so her friend would drop the subject.
“I’m just saying,” Angelica put her hands in up in defense, but still had that knowing look on her face like she didn’t believe her. Y/N sighed and got up from her chair, heading towards the break room for another coffee.
Upon entering, she noticed Thomas was already by the coffee machine, pouring his own cup. He looked up and raised a brow. “Long day?”
“And it’s only getting started,” Y/N rubbed a hand over her face and motioned towards the machine. “Are you done hogging that now?”
“Woah, woah, what did I do to be treated with such attitude?” Thomas chuckled and grabbed a cup for her.
“Sorry, I’m just...kind of stressed, not really looking forward to the weekend?”
“You mean Angelica’s party?” Thomas handed the cup over to her, nodding at her thanks and watched her add cream into the liquid.
“Yes, actually. I’m not really good at parties, I think they’re too exciting for me. Go on, say it, I’m a boring buzzkill.” It’s not like she’s ever heard anything different before when trying to explain how she’d rather stay at home and unwind while reading a book or watching tv and just relaxing, instead of being surrounded by sweaty bodies and drinking till she grows numb.
“Now why are you putting words in my mouth? I was actually going to say I agree with you.” Y/N looked up in shock, not believing that Thomas Jefferson was one to refuse a party invitation.
“Really? You don’t like parties?”
“Not that I don’t like them, sometimes they grow old. It’s the same scene over and over again and I’d rather switch it up a bit, change the location, you know?” He had a small smile on his face, looking like he was fonding over some memory.
“You’re right, it must be so hard being invited to parties all the time!” Y/N smirked as he gasped dramatically in mock offense. It only lead to them giggling to each other, only stopping when someone else cleared their throat from the doorway.
Y/N found John standing, his usual smile gone and replaced with a frown and furrowed brows. “Am I interrupting something?”
“No, no, I was just leaving actually,” Thomas made way to the exit before hesitating, turning back to look at Y/N. “I’ll see you at the party, Y/N.”
She waved shyly, watching him walk away. It was comforting talking to Thomas, in a way. They didn’t do it very often, but when they did Y/N felt relaxed.
Lost in her thoughts, a cough startled her and she realized she was standing in John’s way. Y/N stepped to the side, muttering an apology and thinking how Friday night might not be so bad.
It’s not that Y/N doubted that Angelica would not settle for less than a full out, top quality club. But she didn’t think that it would include a private floor, filled with a bunch of people that Y/N didn’t know. Luckily, she spotted the birthday girl herself from across the room.
“I’m so glad you’re here!” Angelica screamed over the music that was blasting from the floor below. She was well passed tipsy already, but she knew that Angelica would want to sober up before the night was over. She was never one to purposefully forget her birthday. “Come on, let’s get you a drink!”
She pulled her over towards the overcrowded bar, pushing passed drunks and couples dancing, Y/N even got stumbled into and turned to find a familiar head of curls.
“Watch it, Laurens!” The glare sent his way was enough to make him sheepishly smile.
“My bad,” John walked off towards a booth in the corner, surrounded by a few other men, one who she had recognized as a friend of Thomas.
A shot was shoved into her hand and soon enough, so were two more. Once a proper drink was in her hold, Angelica invited her to a game of pool with her sisters. 
Somehow, Y/N got surrounded by a bunch of people that she didn’t know. Angelica had been dragged over by a short man, which meant Y/N was dragged as well. It was the booth full of John’s friends, and they had made their impression, that was for sure.
“Ah, and who do we have here?” Thomas’s friend came over and smiled, making Angelica smirk and push his chest.
“Laf, this is Y/N,” Even though they had never met before, Lafayette beamed at the mention of her name.
“So, this is the famous Y/N we have heard so much about, heh?” He grinned devilishly, like he knew something that she didn’t. It was strange, what would Angelica have said about her?
“Nice to meet you,” Y/N stuck out her hand politely.
“Oh please, the pleasure is all mine, cherie!” He took her hand and placed a gentle kiss in her knuckles. She giggled at his performance, looking to see if anyone else was buying the act. But when she looked around to see if anyone else knew something, she only saw John glaring at his friend while sipping on his drink.
Her coworker’s odd behavior was enough for her to move herself to the bar, ordering another drink for herself. As the bartender handed her the cup, he told her that it was already paid for, pointing her in the direction to a man across the room. He was cute, and if the look in his eye told her anything, it was the words Angelica had said.
You don’t have to worry about anything.
Maybe you’ll meet someone.
Perhaps she was right.
She was tired of everyone telling her how boring she was.
Y/N found herself dancing with the guy, not bothering to learn his name and more focused on her hips moving with his. The lips on her neck gave her a rush, like she was finally doing something fun and risky.
His hands were pulling at the hem of her dress when she was jolted forward. The guy had bumped into her hard, and when she turned around she found out it wasn’t the guys fault, but John’s.
“What the hell man?” The guy got up in his face. Y/N couldn’t really hear what they were saying, but it looked like it was something threatening. Laf, the short man and another one of John’s friends appeared, trying to pull him back and tell him to just leave it alone. John wasn’t having it, took to pushing the guy hard once more.
It was a giant commotion that got security involved, and Y/N was over it. She ran out of the club, tears brimming her eyes as she thought about what exactly just happened.
John always had to ruin the night. John always had a problem with her.
John also stopped her from calling a cab, grabbing her hand just as she reached the sidewalk and calling her name.
“What the fuck, John? What the hell was that for?” Y/N screamed, wide eyed and wondering why when she was finally having a good time, he had to fuck it up.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry! I just- I couldn’t let him-”
“Couldn’t let him what? Touch me? Dance with me? Why? How does that have anything to do with you, John?” Nothing was connecting, there was never a time she could recall where John cared about her love life.
“He was an asshole anyways, alright? Was he really all that to you? Okay, if anything I was helping you!” If he could actually believe that, John was growing angry, too. He had no right to be, but his kept spitting out words that only made Y/N fill with rage.
“What did I ever do to you? Why? Why do you have such a problem with me?” While furious was an understatement, she seemed to be more confused as to why John got involved anyways. She was finally inching out of her shell and he just had to give her a reason to want to never leave her apartment again. 
“I don’t have a problem with you, Y/N. I’m drunk, I’m-I didn’t mean to do that, I just-”
“Just what?” While John was stumbling with his words, she knew better. “Being drunk is not an excuse against your actions!”
"I was just trying to make a point! He was all over you, I thought you were uncomfortable!” He narrowed his eyes, and he’d grown more angry than regretful only a few seconds before.
“Well, I wasn’t! I am a grown woman, John, I’m allowed to have fun and meet guys! I was having a good time until you had to ruin it!” 
“Jesus- I was just looking out for you! It’s not my fault you’re such a whore-”
The world seemed to stop as the two screaming voices died instantly at the sharp sound of the hit. John locked his jaw before he lifted his hand to rub his cheek. When he finally lifted his eyes, he saw Y/N pursing her lips in pure rage, a single tear streak ran down her cheek. She looked so small, fragile in a way that made him want to wrap her in his arms and promise that he would make sure that nothing ever hurt her.
He had already proven that he could never do such a thing. 
“Fuck you, John.” Y/N whispered and turned, leaving him standing alone, full of regret. 
Let me know if you want to be tagged!
Laurens taglist: @alievans007 @etjt1821 @dontblinkumightmiss @hj-creates
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angeltrapz · 3 years
howdy 💙 chainshipping ask time: on days when they’re feelin bad, what do they do for the other person? also favorite date night activities? + th first moment post-bathroom where they each realized they’d fallen in love w th other?
hi!! 💜
ooh I think abt this a lot actually. I think th two of them have a tendency 2 bottle things up, so it kind of takes a lil bit fr them to realize tht Hey, Someone Wants To Make Sure I'm Okay and fr them 2 then get to a place where they share how they're rly doing rather than bein like "no everything's fine wdym :)" but once they Do get past tht n r able 2 be honest w each other, it's a lot better fr both of them + honestly its own form of healing.
a lot of th time when Adam's having a bad day, he's either nonverbal or responds w as short of an answer as possible, so th big thing Lawrence does fr him is just let him know he's there when/if he's ready 2 talk + there's no stress 2 tell him what's wrong right away. tht's smth tht's rly important to Adam, n smth he appreciates greatly. often times, along w tht, Adam tends 2 seek out physical contact - so like coming up behind Lawrence while he's cooking breakfast n wrapping his arms around him, holding his hand when they're walking together, sitting close enough so their knees/shoulders/hips brush + just leaning into Lawrence's side altogether, etc. so another thing they do is either cuddle up on th couch or in th bedroom n they watch a few movies together. sometimes Lawrence will read 2 him too. it's rly all abt proximity + lil actions tht in reality r a wordless way 2 say "I'm here, it's okay, we'll get thru this together." Lawrence is patient, doesn't rush him, n stays close by. fr Adam, tht is more than enough + means th world. n it eventually leads 2 him being more comfortable voicing how he feels more often!!
Lawrence's bad days r a lil harder to catch bc even tho he knows Adam's there, he still feels a pretty intense amount of guilt + doesn't often feel tht he has like. a right 2 complain? bc I think, fr a long time, he views himself as th one most responsible fr what happened in th bathroom n how they got there. it takes a while fr him to break out of tht mindset, but th main thing Adam reminds him of is he's still here. bc Lawrence spends a lot of time thinking like, "if I wasn't a bad person, Jigsaw wldn't have chosen me or put my family in danger, therefore it's my fault + I need 2 atone somehow." Adam is aware of this, n they've found tht th best solution is fr him 2 just b very blunt n ask "well was I a bad person? was I so horrible tht Jigsaw chose me based on tht n I deserved what happened next?" n of course Lawrence will immediately be like "no of course not??? nothing u cld've done cld warrant tht?" (kinda like th way u mentioned Adam comforts William) so Adam gets to respond w "tht applies 2 u too, u know. yr not a bad person. nothing you cld've done wld warrant smth like tht, either."
n Lawrence mentally bluescreens th first time he hears Adam say tht bc it's just like. He's Right. if he doesn't think Adam is a bad person + deserved wht happened, why did he? so tht's like th big thing Adam does fr Lawrence. he reassures him tht despite his brain's best efforts 2 convince him otherwise, he is a good person who Adam loves n tht might've made mistakes, but they didn't warrant being chained to a pipe in a fucking bathroom somewhere w his family in danger + being tasked 2 kill his now-bf, christ.
favourite date night activities!! I think they're mostly p lowkey fr th most part just bc of like, th unease of potentially being around A Lot Of Ppl, but every once in a while they'll dress up a lil bit n go somewhere nice fr dinner bc Lawrence is a hopeless romantic + he likes being able 2 do tht fr Adam sometimes. Adam thought it'd be like, wayyyy too stuffy + uncomfortable esp bc it's not smth he's used to, but honestly it's rly fun n they get to spend time together, so in th end it's all fine! plus there's never any pressure 2 like, go all out w dressing up or anything, so tht's nice too. honestly, if Adam wasn't so in love w Lawrence, th way he holds his hand over th table while they skim thru th menu + talk abt what sounds good might make him think he was somehow th main character of a romcom.
a lot of times, too, they frequent this local diner tht Adam used 2 go to fr breakfast all th time when he n Scott were teenagers bc it was relatively cheap, th food was good, + th staff was full of kind ppl. the lighting is lowkey n they usually have some sort of seasonal decorations around th place, n it's just somewhere Adam feels Safe, which of course leads 2 Lawrence feeling tht way abt it too. it's rly nice fr when they still want to go out, but don't rly want to put too much effort into it (tht's not to say th diner is low-quality tho!). they're there so often some of th servers know them by name + are friendly w them, so there's tht too!
their favourite, tho, is nights in where they order takeout or delivery so tht neither of them have 2 cook (Adam is getting better w it, tho Lawrence still cooks fr th majority of th time) n they can just relax. sometimes they lay a bunch of blankets on th floor n camp out there, sometimes they make a pillow fort bc why not, n sometimes they just grab their favourite blanket n curl up on th couch while watching random TV fr background noise or movies. Adam’s head always ends up on Lawrence’s shoulder at some point. Lawrence will have an arm around his shoulder. sometimes Adam will rest his legs across Lawrence’s lap. it’s just being close + enjoying some downtime tht they both rly appreciate.
as fr th first time they realized they were in love each other... in all honesty, fr Lawrence, it was pretty much th moment Adam finally woke up in th hospital n looked at him n said “you came back fr me.” (like yr text game Still Life is Exactly how I see it happening!!) however, th first time Lawrence rly became CONSCIOUS of tht feeling n was able 2 put a name to it was honestly so simple and yet so meaningful. it was Adam standing in his kitchen th morning after he’d spent th night bc he cldn’t get to sleep on his own, too worked up n on edge n afraid 2 be alone.
it’s Adam in only a faded n too-big t-shirt n boxers trying 2 figure out how to use Lawrence’s keurig. it’s th sunlight streaming in frm th window above th sink n framing Adam’s face n turning his eyes this bright honey-green when Lawrence catches them. he’s in th middle of washing the dishes bc he’d been meaning to since th night b4, watching as Adam moves around n learns th placement of everything, his presence so natural-feeling tht it’s hard fr Lawrence to even imagine tht he hasn’t always been there. and then Adam turns 2 look at him bc he can feel him staring, his hands curled around a mug of hot coffee, eyes still half-lidded w remnants of sleep n hair a wild unruly mess, and he smiles - tht is when Lawrence truly realizes tht he loves him. he cldn’t imagine his life w/ out Adam in it. he can hardly remember how it felt to live w/ out him. tht’s when he knows.
I think fr Adam, th moment he became truly aware of how much he loved Lawrence was actually during one of his bad days where he was stuck in th mental bathroom, unable get out of his own head fr much longer than a few minutes at a time. he had gone mostly nonverbal n found the energy needed 2 keep up a conversation was just not smth he had, but instead of Lawrence being irritated by tht fact, he was going out of his way 2 be like, “I know yr not doing well, n tht’s okay, if u want 2 talk to me I’m here but if u don’t I’ll still b here anyways.” n tht’s like smth tht’s so foreign to Adam, ppl being willing 2 understand his struggles w things like speech n eye contact if he’s distressed + who don’t try 2 force him to power thru it, so tht first time he’s just sitting there on th couch, leaning against Lawrence’s side w/ his legs tucked up underneath him n w his weighted blanket covering them both, watching Lawrence fill out th crossword in th daily newspaper n just kinda coasting tht line between being present n checking out, he’s just like. Huh. This Is Nice.
bc no one’s ever rly offered tht kind of accommodation 2 him? esp not his parents, which is part of wht I mentioned earlier abt his tendency to bottle things up. neither of them have 2 say anything; it’s just comfy, reassuring, sitting so close + sharing a space while maintaining a comfortable silence bc Adam doesn’t think he can explain yet. n he looks up at Lawrence’s face, tracing th heavy line of his furrowed brows as he concentrates hard abt whatever word it is he’s trying 2 figure out, th tip of his tongue peeking out btwn his lips as he squints, occasionally mouthing a word or two, n tht’s kind of when it hits him. it’s just kind of like an internal ah, I see. Lawrence doesn’t mind tht he’s like this. he doesn’t badger him fr answers or expect him 2 be th perfect image of good mental health n is perfectly content 2 just sit w/ him as he rides it out. tht’s when Adam really gets tht this is love.
tysm fr this ask I had so much fun w it <3
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
ooooo fun fun here's some more because these are really fun ->
- favorite weasley?(i'd have to say ginny)
- hmm, who do you think is more evil? voldy-moldy or umbridge?(idk this is a hard one)
- favorite hp book and movie?(book is probably philosophers stone and movie is prisoner of askaban)
- james or lily?(james)
- fav canon ship / fav fanon ship(canon is ronmione and fanon is wolfstar)
- hermione or luna?(luna)
- nifflers or browtruckles?(nifflers)
- serious opinion on snape?(hehehe your username get it? no. okay.)
- seeker, keeper, beater, or chaser?(seeker)
I love answering questions so as long as you send them, I’ll answer!
- favorite weasley? I’ve always had a soft spot for George.
- hmm, who do you think is more evil? voldy-moldy or umbridge? This is hard to answer. They were both evil differently. I’m gonna say Voldy.
- favorite hp book and movie? I hate to be boring...but my favorite book and movie is Prisoner of Azkaban.
- james or lily? James. Next.
- fav canon ship / fav fanon ship? Canon is Hinny (book Hinny, not movie Hinny because we were robbed). Fanon is probably wolfstar.
- hermione or luna? Luna for me too. 
- nifflers or browtruckles? Nifflers. I’m scared of plants.
- serious opinion on snape? HAHAHA GOOD ONE. I’ll *try* to keep my answer short since it tends to be long. I personally love Snape. I don’t think he’s a bad guy, and there are SO many things about him that we don’t know about because JKR didn’t share everything. Over time, I’ve realized that you either love him or hate him. I think that he is majorly misunderstood and that a lot of people don’t make an attempt to break the surface to see what was really going on with him. At the end of the day, he made mistakes and bad calls just like every other character did. I think there are characters wayyyy worse than him, but in a general sense, I think it’s really childish to hate on someone for supporting a FICTIONAL character. To sum it up, I love Snape because I think he’s misunderstood and just never caught a break.
- seeker, keeper, beater, or chaser? Chaser.
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Fall For Me peter parker imagine
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 5.5k
Request: This is my first ever request so I hope this is clear, clumsy reader has a crush on the adorable peter parker and peter has a crush on the readers more confident superhero self. Kinda like miraculous ladybug if you've ever watched it? Both are like hero partners and peter really wants to know who she is but she thinks they shouldn't know eachothers identities because it might affect how they work. And somehow peter finds out her identity? Hopefully this is okay, I love your writing💌 
No FFH Spoilers (as I wrote this before I saw the movie) But I just finished playing “The Heist” dlc for the spider-man ps4 game, so this has small Black Cat vibes (and also a few other references in the game)
roughly edited
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Superhero name: Khaos (Chaos, but spelled in a greek wayyyy)
Y/N and Spider-Man both sat perched side by side on the edge of the dirty top of a New York roof under the dark sky. Well it wasn’t technically Y/N, it was her alter ego; Khaos. Spider-Man and Khaos, the famous dynamic duo of New York. They were the city’s protectors, and everyone looked up to them. Clad in her usual white full body suit, black boots and black domino mask (a mask styled like Robin’s), she gazed at the sky looming above her, starless from light pollution.
“I really miss the stars,” she muttered softly.
Spider-Man turned to face her with the mechanic eyes on his mask slightly widened. “Where’d you used to live before here? Ya know, where you were able to see the stars?” The man questioned, trying to get the smallest piece of information about who she was.
She glanced at him with a small smirk, “nice try, Spider, but I’m not telling you anything.” He huffed, looking down and shaking his head, “well it was worth a try.”
The masked girl raised a brow at the statement and sarcastically replied, “was it though?”  
“It’s always worth a try with you babe,” he cockily said, making Khaos roll her eyes and shake her head.
The girl jumped down onto the nearest lamp post to get closer to the group of men. Spider-Man followed her footsteps, but on a different post.
They both looked over the group, taking note on each man’s position. They’d recently discovered that one of New York’s famous mob families was trying to bust into a bank. They immediately thought of stopping them before the crime ensued.
“I got this one Spider,” Khaos muttered through the earpiece imbedded in her mask. She jumped down, knocking the man in the head before hiding to find her next target.
Spider-Man stealthily webbed the man up and sticking him to the lamppost. He jumped down, nearing closer to the girl. “Okay, what do we do now?” He questioned as he crouched down, looking at Khaos before looking around the entrance of the bank.
“There’s about twelve of them left, and they’re all clustered together,” she stated, looking above the crate she hid behind, “so there aren’t many options.”
Spider-Man looked around, seeing the dozen men, “go in guns blazing?” Khaos smiled at the comment, “well since you’re best at that, then by all means, let’s do it.”
He shot her finger guns, standing up straighter, “this is why you’re my number one girl, K.”
He walked closer and made sure the group of men would be able to hear him. “Hey, do you guys know the way to Rykers?”
All the men turned to face him, aiming their guns at the red and blue target. “No? Well I’ll guess you’ll find out soon,” he mocked, shooting a web at one of the men to grab the gun. Spider-Man swung it around, hitting anyone in a close vicinity.
He chucked the rifle at the man he stole it from, knocking him out. He shot webs at a bald guy, webbing him to the concrete beneath them. Bullets flew out of guns and due to his ‘spider sense’ he was able to dodge all of them.
Spider-Man shot a web, pulling himself closer to the group of men, dodging and throwing punches. “You know, you can join at any time Khaos,” he grunted, jumping over one man to web him with another guy.
He heard her chuckle into her mic, “why? It’s fun to watch you struggle.” He threw a web grenade, webbing most of the men, but still having to deal with five other lads.
“Please,” he begged, his voice straining. Y/N could tell that he sugarcoated his pleas and knew he could handle all of those guys, but she jumped in to help him. Or, flew down from where she was rather. “Hey guys,” she taunted as she levitated in the air, darkness clouding around her hands as the guns in the mob members’ hands were pulled away from them and behind the superhero duo.
“Now, I suggest you boys put your hands up,” she demanded in a sickly-sweet tone, and out of fear, they listened.
Spider-Man webbed them to the wall of the bank. “Why couldn’t you do that to begin with?” He suggested out of breath as he walked close to Khaos when she landed on the ground. Her eyebrows raised, the mask moving with them, “well you wanted to go in guns blazing if I recall.”
He scoffed, pointing to the men webbed to the wall, “what you can do is ten times cooler than what I can do, princess.” She blushed, but Spider-Man didn’t notice due to the nearby police sirens and flashing lights distracting him.
Khaos sighed and levitated in the air again, “gotta call it a night, Spider. Same time tomorrow?” They both knew that was just a harmless joke, as they fought crime together every day.
He smiled under the mask, “you know it darling. I’ll be counting down the minutes.” Khaos rolled her eyes with a small smile, “see ya Spider.”
She flew away into the dark sky as Peter leapt and swung in the opposite direction. He sighed, looking over the New York skyline, “one day, she’ll fall for me.”
Y/N jumped into her room, huffing as she pulled her mask off. “Another day, another city saved,” she mumbled while taking off the rest of her superhero getup. She plopped onto her bed, making sure to set the alarms on her phone. Closing her eyes, she slowly drifted off to sleep.
The next morning at school before the bell rang, Peter walked up to Y/N, Ned, with Betty glued to his hip, and Michelle. “Hey guys,” he approached, pausing the song that was blaring through his headphones.
“H-Hey Peter,” Y/N greeted, with excited nervousness lacing her voice and obvious bags under her eyes. Peter smiled at her, but then to the rest of his friends.
“What’s up?” He asked, stuffing his phone into the back pocket of his pants. Ned took this as his chance to speak. “Oh, we were just talking about Spider-Man,” he stated emphasizing the hero’s name with wide eyes at Peter, “and Khaos at some bank last night.”
The group of teens nodded as Peter glared at Ned. “Y-Yeah they stopped this mob family, and it was awesome,” Y/N said excitedly. The excitement diminished as she corrected herself, “it looked awesome! Do you wanna see the video? It’s security footage from the bank that was released this morning.”
Her smile was bright as the other three continued their conversation. Peter nodded and she eagerly pulled out her phone and went to step closer than him. MJ, watching her movements, took this as a chance to trip her friend, knowing what the result would be.
So, Y/N tripped over MJ’s foot, a small yelp escaping her lips. To her surprise, she didn’t hit the floor. She fell straight into the arms of Peter Parker. “Woah easy there,” he chuckled smoothly with his arms around her, trying to steady her. Y/N’s cheeks turned bright red, unknowing of the small smirk on Michelle’s face.
The group of teenagers paused their conversation at the scene unfolding between the two. Y/N slowly pulled herself from his arms, “s-sorry Pete.” She was so embarrassed, she didn’t know what to say, “I’ve just, it’s been a weird night. I’m really out of it.”
The statement caused Peter to raise his brows and their friends, yet again, went back to their own conversation. “What’d you do?” He questioned, moving his hands off her forearms.
Y/N’s mouth dropped, and she tried to find the words to say. “I, uhh, I stayed up really late… watching the Godfather.”
Peter felt skeptical over her response but quickly brushed it off. “Good movie choice,” he snickered. Y/N smiled and nodded her head, letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.    
She opened the video on YouTube, then handed her phone to Peter. She stood next to him and watched as the crime fighting duo fought.
“He’s so cool” he mumbled under his breath. “Yeah, but Khaos is ten times cooler,” Y/N stated matter of factually.
“Obviously,” he said with a playful tone, “she’s a total badass.” Y/N was beaming when she heard this. The boy who she has liked since freshmen year thought she was a badass. Or, well, her alter ego. But nonetheless, she would take that as a win.
What Y/N missed was the longing look in Peter’s eyes. He just wanted Khaos to feel the same way. He had a crush on her ever since they started fighting crime together. It was nice having someone to talk to about superhero stuff. She was so understanding and caring, and she cared about this city as much as he did.
Sadly, for him, she didn’t care about him the same way he did for her.
The bell rang, signaling the beginning of first period. They all bid their farewells as Betty, Ned and Peter walked down a different hall than MJ and Y/N.
“Did you really have to trip me?” She questioned on the embarrassing encounter that happened just moments ago once she was sure Peter was out of earshot. Michelle shrugged her shoulders and they rounded the corner, “oh come on. We both know you’d do anything to fall into his arms.”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed red, “I-I mean you’re not wrong.” She scratched the back of her neck, now wanting to have a different topic of discussion.
“And the Godfather? Really Y/N?” MJ judged. Y/N groaned covering her face with her hands, “I didn’t know what to say. I panicked.”
Michelle laughed lightly, “alright Khaos. Just try not to blow your cover next time.” She patted her friend’s back quickly with the sarcastic retort, Y/N rolling her eyes.
On the other side of the school, after Ned walked Betty to class, with Peter third wheeling, the two began to talk about something…chaotic.
“Ned, I can’t even begin to describe her,” Peter responded after Ned questioned Khaos’s character.
“She’s just perfect. I don’t know,” he stopped himself, realizing that he sounded kind of pathetic talking about a girl who’s name he didn’t even know.
Ned was slightly confused, “so why hasn’t she told you who she is?” They walked through the door of their chemistry class, and Peter just sighed as he dropped into his seat.
“She thinks it’s unprofessional and that it’ll do more harm than good,” he ran a hand through his brown locks, before leaning his chin on his hand. “And no matter how hard I try,” he continued, “She won’t tell me anything about her! She’s like-like a closed book.” He couldn’t think of the proper words, but he knew it’d get the point across.
Ned nodded his head understandingly as the bell rang yet again, causing a good portion of the class to quiet down.
After many tedious hours, school was finally over meaning one thing in Y/N’s mind; time to punch assholes. She made sure to get home as soon as possible to switch into her suit. Once she did, she, gracefully, jumped out the window and flew straight to 43rd street, to her and Spider-Man’s meeting point.
She landed on the top of the building, already seeing the blue and red suit. He was sat on the edge of the building, a pizza box on his lap with a few slices already gone. “Hey Spider,” Y/N, or Khaos, greeted, sitting right next to her fellow hero.
He looked up and nodded his head as a hello, with his mouth was full of pizza. “You wanna piece?” He asked, his mouth full of the cheesy treat. Y/N chuckled, “yes please.”
She grabbed a piece and started munching on the New York staple. “Any plans for today?” She asked before taking another bite. Spider-Man shook his head, “nah, just good ole classic crime fighting.”
“Ah, I love good ole classic crime fighting,” she stated over dramatically causing Spider-Man to laugh. She is amazing. His laughter died down and he just looked at her, through his mask, with an admirable look in his eyes.
It took Khaos a second to notice, “what?” Her voice was soft but was still able to be heard over the loud New York traffic.
He wanted to scream ‘you’re by far the best person in the world, please date me’ but decided against it. “Nothing,” he muttered, going back to enjoying the pizza before him.
“So, how was your day?” He asked, dragging out the final word. Khaos huffed, shaking her head as she finished the slice of the pizza.
“Remember that guy I told you I had a crush on?” She asked and he nodded. He was always so adamant to hear her stories. He liked hearing them because it was the least bit of info, he got from her.
“Well,” she cleared her throat, “I made an absolute fool of myself in front of him.” She groaned leaning her head on his shoulder for a second, recounting the beginning of the school day.
“And he brushed off my idiocy like it was nothing, so I’m gonna take that as a good sign,” she chuckled at herself. Spider-Man laughed too, wiping his gloved hands on the side of his suit.
“You want the last piece?” Spider-Man asked, holding the box so that she could grab it. She eagerly grabbed the food; her hunger soon satiated.
He momentarily left to throw the box away. “Best pizza in the city,” he complimented as he came back empty handed.
“Indeed,” Khaos stated goofily, finishing off the pizza and standing up next to her friend.
“What was you’re day like Mr. Man?” She asked, mocking the tone of reporters while pretending to hold a fake microphone in front of him.
He cleared his throat, “well, as you know, high school is a bummer.” His voice sounded comical, almost like a man from the fifties.
She nodded in agreement, giggling slightly at the current interaction. “Painstakingly long for who knows what? Teenagers don’t deserve this!”
His mockery tone got louder as the gag between the two proceeded. Khaos laughed louder at his newfound ‘anger’.
“Alright, alright easy there Jameson,” she retorted, noting the hero’s fake anger as one similar to the Spider-Man hating reporter. He let out a sigh, “can’t help it. High school certainly is a menace.”
Khaos smiled, shaking her head and looking at her lap. The pair looked up quickly at the sound of sirens. Spider-Man hopped up onto the ledge, now standing.
“Well,” he held out a hand for Khaos to take, “duty calls, love.” She took his hand, pulling herself up from her seated position. He jumped off the building quickly after, swinging through the buildings. Khaos followed hot on his tail, only flying instead.
Their night proceeded with fighting bad guys and helping drunk people get home safely. They both knew that this is what they loved doing, despite the fact that the pair always ended up in bruises, they knew they had to protect the people of this city. Cause at this point no one else could. And respectfully, being Spider-Man and Khaos was something neither of them would ever give up.
So, the next day during lunch, Y/N approached her group of friends at the usual table they sat at. When she appeared, they abruptly ended their conversation, awkwardly trying to pretend that they weren’t just being secretive. “Sorry I’m late guys. Had to talk to my math teacher,” she explained, taking a seat next to MJ and across from Ned.
With a raised brow, she questioned their odd behavior. “What’s up with you guys?” The three of her friends looked between each other mysteriously.
“Um we were just talking about Betty,” MJ saved, diverting Y/N’s attention to Ned’s absent girlfriend.
“Oh,” she acknowledged, “is she okay?” Ned was joyous at her concern and with a small smile he responded, “yeah she’s really sick, but she’s gonna be fine.”
Y/N nodded, taking a bite of her lunch. “Hey Ned, I completely forgot,” MJ’s voice overdramatic, obviously hinting at something, “I have something to do over…there.” She directed towards the back end of the cafeteria at nothing in particular.
Ned caught on, as well as Peter and Y/N but the two of them stayed silent. “Oh, yeah sure.”
Michelle and Ned stood up and walked across the cafeteria. “You gonna tell me what that was about, Pete?” She questioned with a quirked brow.
He sighed, brushing his hands off and leaning his elbows on the table. “S-So they’re trying to convince me to ask this girl out,” he explained, not noticing the small frown forming on Y/N’s lips. She constantly heard about him gushing over some mystery girl, but she never knew who it was.
Y/N nodded her head slowly as Peter continued, “and-and, oh God this is stupid.” He rubbed his hands over his face letting out a sigh.
“Do you wanna go to dinner with me tonight?” His voice was soft, and extremely kind. Her eyes widened and she was stunned. “W-What?” She whispered, leaning in as if she misheard him. He smiled at her action, “I just… I don’t know. It’d be nice to get to know you better. We’ve been friends for so long, but I feel like I don’t really know you.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
Y/N was still in shock, with raised eyebrows. Peter chuckled, now filled with anxiety, “what do you say?” She felt like this was all a dream. In what world would this ever happen?
She nodded her head, a lovely smile gracing her lips, “I’d love too.” Peter mimicked her smile, “that’s great! Send me your address and I’ll meet you there at seven thirty?”
Y/N was at a loss for words. The boy she had a huge crush on actually wanted to go out with her. “Yeah that sounds good,” she replied, grabbing her phone and going to his contact to send the message.
As if on cue, Michelle and Ned came back to the table. “Hey guys, sorry for that… kerfuffle,” Ned greeted as he took his seat next to Peter. MJ shrugged, “sorry Ned. I just really needed help...over there. As far away from this table as possible for roughly five minutes.”
Peter and Y/N shared a suspicious glance, both knowing the real reason why they left. “Yeah obviously,” Peter sarcastically retorted, going back to eating his meal.
The rest of the day pursued, and Y/N had a hard time focusing. She had a date with the Peter Parker for crying out loud. The boy she had a crush on for what felt like forever.
So, when the bell rang, she practically bolted out of the school, trying to finish the day as fast as possible. When she was certain she was in a safe ally way, she pulled out her suit and admired it. “God, I love this,” she whispered, quickly changing into the suit.
Grabbing the mask, she flew up and simultaneously put the black disguise on her face. She met up with Spider-Man soon after. “Glad you can make it Khaos,” he said sarcastically, but not with anger, with a playful tone.
“Ah well you know. Had to take my sweet time putting on the suit.” She dramatically retorted, twirling around to emphasize the suit while still in the air.
“And you look as gorgeous as ever,” he theatrically stated, directing his hands toward her to ‘point out’ her beauty. She chuckled at his dramatic flair.
“Come on, what law-breaking citizens do you got for me today Spider-Man?” She asked, finally landing in front of him on the roof top.
He gave her a rundown of the crimes in the city, since he had intercepted police radio stations months ago for this exact reason. So, for hours after this, the pair went around the city, helping people, punching bad guys, the standard superhero 101.
It wasn’t overly unbearable today, so it made the day kind of fun for the both of them. Patrolling was typically like that, though.
“Well, hate to break it to you Spidey, but I’m afraid I’m gonna have to cut today’s rendezvous short,” she confessed after hours of crime fighting.
He snorted, “why? You gotta hot date or something?”
She shrugged her shoulders with a smirk, “maybe I do.” Khaos shot back, walking closer to the ledge. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Spider,” she jumped off the building and from the place he was standing, Spider-Man stared in awe as she flew away.
Since Y/N got a little sidetracked, she got back to her apartment at seven seventeen. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she mumbled as she quickly tried to get ready. At seven forty, she heard her doorbell ring through the house. She squealed, practically running to the door.
Fixing her hair, she slowly opened the door. A smile appeared on her face as she saw Peter Parker look up at her. “Hey,” he greeted with a blush.
“Hi, Pete,” she awkwardly replied, holding onto the door handle still. “Oh, I got you something,” he said swinging his backpack in front of him. He unzipped the bag, pulling out a bit of unkempt flowers.
“They, uh, they kinda got disheveled,” he pointed out, embarrassed by the state of his small gift to her.
“I mean, I think they’re alright,” she giggled, and he blushed like crazy. It was cute. He handed her the flowers and she went to put them in a vase. “You can come in Peter, I’ll just be a sec,” she shouted from some random place in the apartment as she searched for a vase.
Peter walked in, still awkward, while pretending to go on his phone. Y/N came back, the vase with flowers now perched on a table. They soon left, walking to the restaurant that was roughly twenty minutes away. They had the typical random small talk ‘oh how is your day?’ or ‘how’s school been?’
But at the restaurant, which was nothing fancy other than being on the rooftop of one of New York’s tall buildings, it got more personal. He opened up about when he lost his Uncle and how he was an orphan most of his life. Y/N talked about her personal life, excluding Khaos. And it was nice, the date was going well, and the sun was already gone.
Their meals have been done and eaten, but their night continued. “Man, I really miss the stars,” she mentioned as she looked up at the dark, starless sky. Peter’s eyes went wide as he diverted his gaze from the stars to her, “what did you just say?” He couldn’t believe what he just heard. She sounded just like Kha-
His thoughts were interrupted as gunshots were heard. They shared worried looks with one another. Everyone on the rooftop ran inside as quick as they could while Y/N and Peter ran to the ledge of the building to see what happened, Peter grabbing his backpack beforehand.
There was a group of armed robbers, maybe a gang but who could tell, at the jewelry store across the street. “Peter, I think you should go,” she mumbled, trying to gently push Peter towards the door to go inside the building. He looked at her as if she were crazy. “No, Y/N I’m not leaving you. Let’s just both go inside. Khaos or someone will show up any second.”
“Peter,” she started, her eyes going soft, but he interrupted her. “I’m not leaving,” his eyes filled with this desire that she couldn’t explain, so she stopped her protest.
“Do you trust me?” She asked out of nowhere. Peter nodded his head as she stood on top of the ledge, “come on then.” She stretched her hand out for him to take and he looked skeptical.
“What are you waiting for?” She queried, shaking her hand slightly as an indicator for him to grab it, as time was sort of running out. He took her hand in his, climbing on the ledge with ease.
“You ready?” She questioned, preparing herself more than him. Peter raised a brow, “ready for wh-“
Before he could finish, she jumped off the building, dragging the boy with her. At the exact same time she flew up.
“Holy shit,” he shouted when they soared through the sky, and Y/N turned to look in his eyes. There wasn’t a trace of fear in his chocolate orbs, just pure fascination and wonder which slightly confused Y/N as most people she saved were afraid of the distance between them and the ground. That look though, it made her smile. She wrapped her arm around his waist to hold him properly, and he did the same.
She landed in a nearby ally way and brushed herself off. “Y-You’re Khaos?!” Peter questioned with a mix of wonder and surprise. Y/N unzipped her jacket revealing the iconic white body suit she always wore, gloveless of course due to her power. Out of her pants pocket, she pulled out her mask, the sleek blackness of it shining in the streetlights.
“Y-Yeah. Only you and MJ know so please don’t tell,” she pleaded, taking off the pants she wore to expose the rest of the suit. “We can talk about this when I get back.” She recklessly threw her pants onto the ground.
“Dude this is insane. I-I can’t believe that it’s you. I have the biggest crush on Khaos,” he rambled on as Y/N put on her mask, becoming the hero most of New York loved.
She tilted her head a little, out of curiosity and teasingly asked, “how can you have a crush on a superhero you’ve never met?” She waited for a response, but he took too long. As she walked away, he shouted, “wait! Y/N wait!” He ran in front of her, his back facing the direction that leads to the alley’s exit.
“Peter, I’m kinda in a hurry,” she said impatiently, but with kindness.  He shook his head, “no, you don’t get it, I-“
Cutting himself off, he held his hands up in a way to sort of push her from leaving, but without touching her.
“I don’t know how to say this,” he rushed, looking a round as he tried to gather his thoughts. Y/N sighed, “spit it out Pete.” He looked up into her eyes, and without saying anything he pulled his backpack off his shoulders, to unzip it.
“What are you doing?” He didn’t respond, only showing her the contents of the backpack. The Spider-Man suit just laying there. Y/N’s jaw dropped, searching his eyes as a bit of a confirmation.
“I’ll catch up with you,” he expressed softly, going deeper into the ally to quickly change and leaving Y/N stunned. She jumped into the air to go and fight the robbers.
As she got to the jewelry store, she saw the store clerk being threatened by the gunmen. “Come on, why do you guys always use guns? It gets really annoying,” Khaos mocked, using her telekinetic powers to rip the gun out of his hands.
She closed her eyes for a second, focusing on the power manifesting in her hands. As she opened her eyes, she mentally pushed the robbers onto a nearby wall, focusing on keeping them there. She noticed as she did this, a few glass cases broke before her.
“Sorry,” she apologized to the store clerk with a weak smile, who’s eyes were too wide with shock to even notice the damage. Just then, Spider-Man swung through the glass window, which was shot out by the robbers.
He webbed each of the men to the wall as they groaned and thrashed in frustration. Almost systematically, the police cars pulled up in front of the store, as Khaos and Spider-Man scurried from them.
They soared through the air, going to their building on 43rd, which wasn’t that far. She landed there first, taking off the black mask to reveal her face. As soon as Peter got there, he did the same, his hair bouncing as the mask came off.
“Oh my God,” Y/N gasped out of breath, covering her mouth with her hands from astonishment. The shock hit her as she saw the boy she was crushing on clad in her superhero friend’s suit. His muscles looked more defined in the tight spandex, and she couldn’t help herself from admiring him.
“T-This is unreal,” he mumbled nervously, brushing a gloved hand through his dark brown hair. “Part of the reason why I asked you out was because MJ and Ned wanted me to get over Khaos, and-and,” he rushed, but ended up not knowing what to say. “Well to get over ‘Khaos’ “he spoke, air quotes around her alter ego.
Y/N groaned, hitting on the ledge of the building, with her feet still touching the roof. “Does MJ know?” She asked, now looking up at him. He nodded his head and went to sit next to her.
She scoffed, “she knew I had a crush on you. Peter you. Is that what you guys were talking about at lunch? Why they left?” Peter looked down at his mask as he ran his fingers over it, “yeah. That’s why she was so adamant on getting me to ask you out.”
They both sat in silence for a minute before Y/N burst out laughing. “This is fucking insane. In what world would this happen? You had a crush on Khaos.” She couldn’t believe the likelihood of this.
“And you had a crush on Peter Parker,” he continued, looking up to meet her gaze. “If Khaos had to be anyone, I’m so glad that it was you,” he said softly, nudging her side.
Y/N hummed softly, “right back at you, Peter Parker.” As he looked into her eyes, he was entranced by the softness of her eyes.
He leaned in a bit closer, wanting to be as close to her as possible at this point. “I’ve liked you for so long Pete,” she murmured, leaning in closer to him as well.
With his empty hand, he brought it up to cup her cheek, watching her close her eyes in content. She let in a slow breath, enjoying the moment as best as she could.
“Can I kiss you,” he bit his lip as nervousness filled his body, “please?” She opened her eyes, nodding her head, “kiss me, Spider-Man.”
His lips crashed into hers, the nervousness turning into warmth as she kissed him back. He brought his other hand up to cup her cheek, still holding the mask. Y/N moved her hands to grip his biceps
His heart pounded in his chest as she moved from her spot and onto his thighs. Her hands now gripped his cheeks as his own held her waist.
 He pulled away breathless, his lips swollen, and cheeks red. Y/N’s features mimicked his, and to him she looked absolutely perfect. “So” Peter dragged on, “I’m gonna assume you wanna date me?”
Y/N chuckled, gently playing with the hair on the nape of his neck, “I don’t know maybe.” She teased playfully. She leaned in, to get one last kiss, but froze at the sound of sirens.
She whined, dropping her head onto Peter’s chest. “Why do we always get interrupted by sirens and gunshots?” Peter chuckled at her comment, lifting her from his lap to stand properly.
He smiled as she put her mask on, doing the same with his own.
As usual, they fought crime together. But this time it felt different. The bond between them felt stronger as they both now had full trust and honesty with each other.
If was well into the night, a little bit passed one am when they decided to go back to the infamous building on 43rd. It was around the time when they would typically part ways, but they wanted to continue their earlier engagement, even if it was only for a few minutes.
“Peter,” she spoke in between kisses. “I gotta,” another peck, “go,” with another peck, “go home.”
He caught her lips with his again, holding the kiss out a little longer than before. He pulled away, kissing down her neck. “Pet-“ she whispered, tugging his hair softly.
“Just a few more minutes,” he mumbled against her neck, undoubtfully leaving marks. Y/N let out a breath, “there’s a math test tomorrow, I gotta study.”
He pulled away, eyes slightly bulging from his head, “there’s a math test?!” His worried exclamation made Y/N laugh, “yeah, where have you been, Pete. Mr. Hunter has been saying this all week.”
He groaned, “but I don’t want you to leave. I finally got you.” That small display of affection melted her heart. “Trust me, I know the feeling,” she kindly said, understanding the situation and playing with his hair, “but we still have school.”
Peter closed, letting out a deep sigh, “okay.” He dragged out the ‘y’ playfully while it simultaneously held a small hint of disappointment.
She stood up, getting off his lap for the second time that night as she levitated in the air. “Pick me up before school Spider?” Y/N asked as she put the mask on. He smiled as he looked up at her, “you know it darling.”
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agreste-image · 4 years
☕️ your classmates!
Well, this is going to get a little long, probably. I mean, there’s 14 other people.
In general, I like them all to a degree. Some I consider my best friends, some I’m just not close to, others are...
Not nice people.
We’ll just go for a paragraph per person. Skipping myself, obviously, I’m not my own classmate.
Soooo... Chloe, then. She manages to fall under both not a nice person and a best friend. Even I’m not really sure how. She can be kind when she wants to be, and she was my only friend for years. I hope I can help her be more of herself, not just a little platinum blonde echo of Audrey, because I think she’s struggling too.
Alya, I’d like to think, I’m kind of close to. Not as close as I could be, considering she’s dating one of my best friends. She’s a nice person, wayyyy too freaking brave, though. How many time have Ladybug and Chat Noir had to physically relocate her out of the danger zone of an akuma? I guess it’s kind of admirable, though, that she’s willing to do that for the sake of providing information to the public. Sometimes, though... she needs to do actual research... I’m definitely a huge part of that whole nightmare situation, though.
Her boyfriend, though. That’s Nino! You guys have probably seen me talk about him on here sometimes. He was the first one to actually give me a chance when I started going to public school, everyone else just assumed I was going to be like Chloe. He’s kinda my hero? All he knew about me was that I was friends with Chloe but all it took for him to decide to befriend me was watching me try and get gum off a seat. He knows what his goals are and he goes for them, though he does get pretty frustrated when things don’t go the way he hoped, but he’s quick to forgive other people when they mess up and damn I know that’s hard to do. He’s ALSO recklessly brave, like Alya... I thought I was going to have a heart attack when Anansi was a thing. Augh.
Sabrina is... weird. You’d think I’d know her a little more, given she’s always with Chloe, but I really don’t? I don’t know if I’ve ever spoken to her one on one. She’s eager to please Chloe, but I don’t think that extends to anyone else, not quite the same way. I know a lot of people feel bad for her because she basically acts as Chloe’s servant, but I, uh. Don’t? Obviously it’s not a good relationship, but I remember bits and pieces of the One Time Sabrina was partnered with Marinette and Chloe on a project, and Sabrina’s capable of being just as mean and manipulative as Chloe. She’s just more submissive, for some reason. I dunno.
Rose is like what I would be if I was incapable of truly recognizing the cruelties of people. It is SO strange. I’ve never seen anyone as optimistic and bubbly as her. I like being around her, but in small doses. She can be a little airheaded sometimes, which makes planning things with her just a bit of a headache, because she’s always so excited about everything...? Once you get it all ironed out fully, though, usually it’s okay. She’s not a planning person, definitely spontaneous, or at least that’s the impression I get. She’s the singer for a rock band, actually, Kitty Section. I play keyboard for them sometimes.
I feel like I have to talk about Juleka after Rose. They’re a pair- dating, maybe??- I almost never see one without the other. Juleka’s pretty opposite to Rose. Rose is bright and loud, Juleka’s dark and quiet. Short and tall, outgoing and shy, confident and too hard on herself. She wants to model, or did at one point, and I fully believe she’d go quite far if she put her mind to it, but she is so. Painfully. Shy. It’s nice to see her with Rose and her other friends because she’s not trying to curl in on herself and not be seen. Unfortunately, because of that shyness, I really don’t know her very well. I’ve made some attempts to get to know her better, but, ah, to get her to talk requires Rose’s presence, and third-wheeling is awkward.
Kim is... yeesh. Competition is fun, but life isn’t a competition!! You don’t have to constantly dare everyone to ridiculous things. Sometimes it’s fun, but my god, Kim, dial it back. I’ll give him this, he’s calmed that down somewhat in the last few years. but beyond that, I barely know the guy. I’ll admit, my most prominent memories of him usually involve akuma, so that probably makes me subtly wary, but those weren’t his fault. I should try and hang out with him sometime, really, and actually get to know him.
I don’t know Ivan very well either. He’s quiet, seems grumpy a lot of the time, but I think that’s just his default expression. He and Mylene seem very happy together, which is. Surprising to me. Mostly because of how they got together. I know he’s ridiculously honest, I’ve seen him try to lie and it was... so embarrassing to watch. I should try spending time with him as well.
Max I’ve been around, but again, am not super close to. I’ll be perfectly honest, his intelligence is a little intimidating at times, while occasionally making things awkward when he takes stuff too seriously. But, wow, he made Markov. Who I would count as a classmate if he was able to participate, but he’s not, at the moment he’s... well, not recognized as a person, legally, yet. 
Alix is always the one taking Kim up on his dares. Usually, her conditions are that he stop making dares, which makes me laugh. She’s very comfortable and confident with who she is and doesn’t ever seem afraid to speak her mind, which does lead to some fights when she won’t admit she was in the wrong for a little while. She comes around, though. I admire that, and yet again, I realize I should probably try to spend more time with her.
Mylene, poor girl, she’s such a scaredy-cat. I’ve literally seen her jump at her own shadow before. From what I’ve been able to gather, she’s a very caring, kind person who will always do her best to help others, even when she’s on the verge of tears from how frightened she is. I wish I could help her with that, but I don’t want to give her a heart attack by approaching her. (She seems pretty easily distracted at times.) I think she could be an actress, if she wanted to be. She’s not half bad at it.
Nathaniel is a VERY talented artist, and I’ve encouraged him multiple times to at least consider doing it as a career, or side-job, at least. He’s shy about it, especially after Evillustrator regarding himself and Reverser with Marc (another class), but he’s been working off and on with Marc on a small series of comics. I swear, he never puts the pencil down, and I don’t ever want to interrupt him while he’s in the zone, so he’s another one I’ve mostly observed, but would like to know better.
Marinette. Where to begin with her? I can easily describe her as our everyday Ladybug. She’s a wonderful girl, always taking the lead, doing her best to help everyone within reason and not backing down when threatened. She’s gotten the attention of celebrities, for crying out loud, my own father and Audrey Bourgeois and Jagged Stone all acknowledged her talents and that makes me unbelievably proud of her. Sure, she...may not have been able to get a proper sentence out around me for a few years, and sometimes we don’t even say anything, but that’s alright. I know the reason behind it, even if I can’t do anything with that information, and I understand that feeling. Being around her is comfortable. But I don’t know her as well as I’d like to. I wish I could ask without making things potentially weird. Besides, she’s almost as busy as I am. Class rep, clothing design, helping with her parents bakery, helping all of her friends. Our schedules almost never line up, I think...
...Lila. I put off talking about her as long as I could, and that turned out to be a good few hours as I slowly answered this ask. She breathes lies that can be unraveled with the slightest bit of research, but nobody ever DOES and it infuriates me to no end. Lila made me regret being kind and giving her repeated second chances because my refusal to tell someone about the lies I caught her in got Marinette temporarily expelled and ostracized, and I’ll never forgive myself for my part in that. I have to be around her that much more than anyone else because of course she somehow managed to get Father’s attention and started modelling with me because for some goddamn reason she wants to be around me for some fame to rub off on her. Or wants me. One of the two. I legitimately hate every second I’m near her.
That should be everyone in my class other than my teachers. I realize, reading back over it, that I don’t know most of them too well, which makes me feel a little bad, but hopefully I can correct that. 
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theoceanswaves0 · 5 years
It’s been like four years since I did a post like this, so here’s me dumping my thoughts on various, random things I’ve been into/thinking about lately.
I’ll be covering Miraculous Ladybug S3, Fire Emblem Three Houses, My Hero Academia, The MCU, Chocolate/Zen: Warrior Within, Pokemon SwSh, Victorious, BtVS/Angel, and Star Wars: RoS so just a warning for potential spoilers. Also, there will be salt and gushing, so proceed with caution.
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--> Ok, so this show came out when I was already in high school, so I think some of my opinions and takes on the show are going to contrast with the general consensus.
--> But I’m firmly in the pro-Tori Vega camp. Do I agree with her kissing Beck in the pilot? No. But considering that Jade humiliated her in front of her class for a small misunderstanding that could have been easily cleared up if Jade took five seconds to hear Tori out, I find it difficult to feel bad for Jade. Plus, Tori gets called out for this a couple of times in later episodes anyway. 
--> As for Cat’s BF, yeah, that was shitty too but A. He was originally Tori’s BF and they only broke up a year prior to the episode and B. Not only does Tori feel immediate remorse for what she does (spraying Cat with cheese and then kissing her bf in front of her), but she apologizes and never does anything like it again for the rest of the show. BTW, these are both season one incidents, so clearly Tori grows out of this.
--> Plus, I can relate to some of Tori’s awkward traits, like being kind of annoying, not having the best verbal comebacks and feeling pretty average.
--> On the other hand, I can’t stand Jade. Her attitude reminds me of a girl I used to be on and off friends with in middle school. She ended up embarrassing me in front of the cast of our fall play in eighth grade and never apologized for it. Plus she would say or do things that, in hindsight, made it clear she didn’t want me around.
--> But I mean, at least that girl didn’t steal a pint of my blood meant to be used in a mutual friend’s operation, so...
--> Although clearly, Rex the Puppet is the worst character on this show. Jade at least does stuff, why do we need to have Rex around...?
--> My ships are Tandre (Tori/Andre) and Catrina (Cat/Trina)! Tori and Andre always look like they have fun performing together or just hanging out, and their friendship is just so precious. I wish Cat and Trina had more scenes together, because I loved their road trip in “Tori the Zombie” and they’re both dysfunctional in their own ways, but trying their best!! 
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--> Nothing new really. But my Tandre feels reminded me how much I also loved Gunn/Fred and wished that they stayed together. Even their ship name, Funn, is precious and gahhhhhhh breaking them up was a mistake!
My Hero Academia
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--> It took me like 3-4 years after watching the first episode, but I finally watched it.
--> I’m surprised by how much I really like Izuku. Like, I normally like the protagonist fine, but Izuku just really stood out to me. He’s socially awkward, but in a pretty understandable way, intelligent and passionate without using any of it to put other people down, and ofc he cares about his friends and saving other people because what shonen protagonist doesn’t? The only thing I don’t like about him is his hero worship of Bakugo, but that’s just my bias.
--> Oh, yeah, I don’t like Bakugo. 
--> Relating to Aizawa the most, and realizing that it’s because I’m getting older hukjdshfaskdnfj 
--> I don’t have a ship I’m the most invested in, but I like Izuku with both Todoroki and Uraraka, and I also like Uraraka with Tsuyu. Erasermic is also really good.
--> Not a fan of Eraserjoke. I don’t like the way she continues to ask Aizawa out and then plays it off as a joke when he rejects her like. Like, it’s such a high school thing to do, it’s so weird seeing two grown adults do it. Just take the L and move on, Ms. Joke. Not only is it creepy to continue asking someone out when they say no, it’s annoying to pretend that you didn’t really mean it because it makes it difficult to read you in future scenarios. 
Fire Emblem Three Houses
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--> Love it love it love it.
--> Like Fire Emblem has always been more of my brother’s thing, but with Awakening, Fates and Three Houses introducing easier difficulty options, I’ve found it much easier to get into the series. Like, I’m a pretty casual gamer so I’m not looking for anything too challenging most of the time.
--> Ofc I knew going in I was picking Golden Deer, and I was not disappointed. I love everyone every single student in there. The atmosphere was so chaotic, that I just knew recruiting everyone that I could to make it more so just had to be done.
--> Claude and Hilda are the best lord and “retainer” respectively, don’t @ me.
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--> Uh, I haven’t really kept up with MCU stuff since Endgame (which I didn’t care for tbh). I just wanted to remind everyone that I hate Tony Stark :)
Miraculous Ladybug S3
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(me @ this entire season tbh)
--> I don’t really post much about ML on this blog anymore because I ended up making a side blog (for salt mostly tbh). But in case anyone doesn’t keep up with what happens over there, I basically hated this entire season lol.
--> Ok, I loved Silencer. Best episode in the season period, no questions asked. I also really liked Kwamibuster and Startrain. Desperada grew on me over time, while Bakerix was... okay, I guess. And Felix was entertaining, even if I felt that the message that they were trying to get across was forced and meant to shut the fandom up. Oblivio was good until that ending, and once Silencer came along, I quickly learned I had no use for it anyway. It being an amnesia episode did it no favors, either.
--> Just as I feared, the season revolved more around humiliating or putting Marinette in really embarrassing situations for the same of “drama”. The Puppeteer 2 is a really good example of this. And it’s upsetting, because none of this actually does anything for Marinette’s character. She’s not even allowed to breakdown or be upset about anything that goes wrong for her until the end of “Heart Hunter” and even that only lasts, like, ten seconds.
--> Also, I don’t ship the Love Square anymore. Lukanette all the way, baby.
--> Let’s be real, Marinette/Happiness should be the real OTP of the show.
--> The fact that every episode of season 4 is supposed to be as dramatic as Chat Blanc does not leave me hopeful for the future. Like, really, you’re going to use an episode in which an entire timeline’s worth of events gets erased and leaves everyone with no memories of it as the basis of your emotional impact going forward? Um, thank you, next.
Rise of Skywalker
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--> Haven’t seen it and after seeing the spoilers, I don’t plan to. I really liked TFA, and was excited to see what they did with the Rey-Poe-Finn dynamic. I was not here for Kylo Ren or Reylo. I guess Finn/Rey is joining Tandre and Funn in my “missed opportunity OTPs” corner. D:
Chocolate/Zen: Warrior Within
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--> OMG one of my fave movies of all time. Like I appreciate it more and more with age. It’s basically everything I want in a movie.
--> The scene where Zen discovers that her mom’s hair is falling out and she blames herself for it always gets me. Like I always forget about it, so when I see it again, I can’t help but nearly breakdown myself, because I know exactly what Zen’s thought process is without her even having to say anything. I feel just as overwhelmed as she does in the moment and nearly cry every time watching it.
--> One of the few movies that I wish actually got a sequel. Like I have so many questions that could be answered. How do Zen and Moom adjust to living in Japan? How does Zen’s father try to relate to her and Moom? Do they make any other friends? Will Zen get access to resources that will help her? Will they be further ostracized because of their status as outsiders? As someone who already struggles verbally, how will Zen adapt to living in a country that primarily speaks another language? 
Pokemon SwSh
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--> Multiplayer is so much fun and wayyyy more accessible than in the past imo. A bunch of people at my martial arts school would do raid battles before classes, so I would always leave to get there early and play with them. 10/10 experience, and it makes me excited to get Animal Crosssing to do the same thing.
--> But on the other hand, I feel like this game has a lot less going for it than SuMo. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it feels like too much is missing. Like I still enjoy it, but it’s more for the gameplay and less for the story. I’m also not nearly as invested in my team like I was last time (I loved my Sun team so much, I basically kept it the same for US, minus one or two changes). I’m trying to change it fits a “Psychedelic Ocean” vibe (Water/Psychic), and then do an “Earth” themed team for my Shield run but I just haven’t picked it back up since beating the game.
--> The characters were alright. I wasn’t as attached to any of the rivals like I was in SuMo. Leon is my bro though.
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johannesviii · 5 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2007
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18 to 19 years old. Things were slowly starting to get better and better.
15 honorable mentions, but this is still only a top 10. What an incredible, amazing year for music. My favorite hit song for the entire decade is in there! I think everyone already knows what that is because I am, in fact, extremely predictable.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
Second to third year of my History studies. Met a great guy. So great, in fact, that I married him in 2019 because we’re still living together 13 years later. Got my first summer job but spent my first pay on driving lessons, because, again, I needed to get out of my parents’ appartment and knowing how to drive would be good to find a job. I had a much better access to internet. I still had great grades. Things were getting much better.
I stopped making my personal lists of favorite songs that year, and I had an mp3 player, which really opened a world of possibilities even if you could only put something like 40 songs on it, at best.
I was still reading Rock Mag a lot. As you can see, the biggest controversy at the time was what was emo and what wasn’t.
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We were alright.
As far as non-elligible songs go, well there’s I Still Remember by Bloc Party (and the fact I can’t put it on the list is a heartbreak and a half) and basically everything from Year Zero by Nine Inch Nails. Nightwish, Epica and Within Temptation all had pretty good albums too.
Here’s a metric ton of honorable mentions first!
Snow (Red Hot Chili Peppers) - Perfectly pleasant song.
D.A.N.C.E (Justice) - Never understood why this was so popular. Still good.
Love is Gone (David Guetta) - Heyyyy another repetitive dance track, perfect.
Miracle (Cascada), Smack That (Akon), Chasing Cars (Snow Patrol), SexyBack (Justin Timberlake) and Say It Right (Nelly Furtado & Timbaland) - Still elligible songs for that year. Still great songs. Still not making the list.
Butterfly (Superbus) - I didn’t like this band, but I liked that song.
Thanks for the Memories (Fall Out Boy) - Same here basically.
Who Knew (Pink) - Not her best, but not her worst by a mile either.
Walk It Out (Unk) - Stayed in my head for days, I swear. I have no idea what the general opinion about it is nowadays. Maybe that’s a humiliating pick and I genuinely have no idea.
Crank That (Soulja Boy) - I do, however, know that the fact this very nearly made the list IS hilarious.
Alive (Mondotek) - Laugh all you want about the tektonik phenomenon, this is still a banger and a half.
Sound of Freedom (Bob Sinclar & Cutee B) - Not as good as Rock This Party. That’s the only thing I can say against it.
Umbrella (Rihanna) - This is an edit because holy shit I forgot Umbrella. It very nearly made the list too. Sorry.
And now, possibly one of the best top tens yet.
10 - This Ain’t A Scene, It’s An Arms Race (Fall Out Boy)
US: #32 / FR: #71
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Almost everyone got the lyrics wrong. The title is way too long. I really don’t like this band of pretentious idiots; if you’re gonna be pretentious at least write about something more grand and epic than your own navel, and go all out (more on that later). Nobody ever really cared about their supposed feud with Panic! At The Disco. And, to make matters even worse, the singer looked exactly like the terrible ex I had punched in the face the previous year.
This is still a damn good song and it’s on the list instead of any of the honorable mentions.
RIP me.
9 - How To Save A Life (The Fray)
US: #24 / FR: Not on the list
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You already know I loved The Fray. This song could have apparently also made the previous list but it’s on this one instead. It was overplayed. I still loved it.
8 - U + Ur Hand (Pink)
US: #29 / FR: Not on the list
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In 2002, I bought Pink’s Missundaztood album and as you might remember this was the second album I ever bought in my life, right before the gigantic trainwreck that highschool was.
The fact that about five years (that felt like twelve) later, Pink was on the other side of that trainwreck, back in my earphones, just as energetic and fun as she was before, was nothing short of heartwarming.
7 - Je Suis Un Homme (Zazie)
US: Not on the list / FR: #43
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I’m not gonna beat around the bush. This song is terrifying.
Here’s a translation. Yeah, it’s about humanity destroying the Earth and itself in various ways, and it’s preachy, but holy shit, how can something be so bleak, so scary and still so catchy. It’s a mystery.
6 - Double Je (Christophe Willem)
US: Not on the list / FR: #2
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When I first heard this song, I genuinely thought that was also Zazie and I was like oh wow, she’s learned to have fun again after that bleak, bleak song.
But no. She only wrote it, and it’s sung by this guy. It’s relatable as hell (”When I grow up it’s gonna be easy, I’ll finally know what I am”, “Who’s fault is it? / I’m something and its opposite / Double me”). The fact that a guy had this kind of voice and that a ton of people loved it (enough for him to win a big talent show and make this the second biggest song of the year!) also did wonders for my dysphoria, by the way.
5 - Ta Meuf (Faf Larage)
US: Not on the list / FR: #19
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This is a song applying the most obnoxious rap and hip hop clichés about gangsters (and guys in general) to a woman, and she ends up terrorising all the guys and they’re realising these clichés might, in fact, be really toxic.
It’s a great song about gender roles usually seen in this kind of music and instead of being preachy, it’s hilarious, and well-written (I mean, it’s Faf Larage, it’s a given, but still). Check it out.
4 - Relax Take It Easy (Mika)
US: Not on the list / FR: #12
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All hail the new king of pop. He was here to stay and what a breath of fresh air he was. This was very much his year in Europe as soon as the album Life In Cartoon Motion dropped.
My significant other absolutely loved this album and we listened to it wayyyy, way too much, and even with all the radio overplay AND the overplay when we were together, I still can’t get enough of this album.
3 - Love Today (Mika)
US: Not on the list / FR: #39
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Here he is again!
If this was any other year this would top the list very easily. What were the US even thinking back then to not let this guy chart. Why isn’t Mika a huge star over there too. What is your problem guys. Do you have something against fun or what.
Anyway, here’s possibly the best comment on the music video:
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I mean. You’re not wrong.
2 - What I’ve Done (Linkin Park)
US: #38 / FR: Not on the list
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Aaaaaaand they’re back. And they’re once again topping my list. Lord have mercy on me. I loved them so much.
This was the first step into their modern sound, less raw, more U2. A couple of years later, when Lacuna Coil released Shallow Life, I used to joke that Lacuna Coil was trying to sound more and more like Linkin Park, that Linkin Park was trying to sound more and more like U2, and that U2 was trying to sound more and more like boring garbage and. I mean. I wasn’t wrong there.
My absolute favorite part of the song is at 2:24, when the music calms down a bit and the lyrics go “I start again / And whatever pain may come / Today this ends / I’m forgiving what I’ve done” and then the guitar explodes again. So powerful. Love it.
And now you’re probably thinking “so... Linkin Park was back, and with such a top quality song and it’s NOT your #1? After you put a Linkin Park song or a Linkin Park remix at #1 for three years in a row in 2002, 2003 AND 2004? What’s going on, Jo? Are you okay?”
Oh I’m more than okay. Friends and enemies, here comes the absolute best hit song of the entire decade and possibly of my entire life so far.
You probably already know what it is.
1 - Welcome to the Black Parade (My Chemical Romance)
US: #59 / FR: Not on the list (shame on you French charts)
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I know I keep complaining about stuff I love not charting, or charting but not high enough to make any year-end list, but... How was this even allowed to chart. Why and how did it end up on the US year-end list when so many more radio-friendly hits I loved couldn’t even scratch the hot 100.
I’m not complaining at all. I’m just baffled.
Play the first note on a piano and I’m already a wreck. Heck, I’m pretty sure everyone from my generation is. It was basically our very own Bohemian Rhapsody. It still is. Where do I even start.
Oh. I know. Look at this page from a 2006 Rock Mag, it’s gold.
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Yep, they highlighted The Open Door by Evanescence and praised it, and were like “this is very risky and ambitious and we’re not sure you’re gonna like this” for The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. Hilarious in hindsight.
A few months later, the same magazine was desesperately using double pages to interview them because everyone adored the album.
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So in case you’ve never listened to it (I’m... not even sure why I’m doing this since I’m pretty sure even people who don’t like this type of music have tried to out of sheer curiosity), it’s a concept album about a guy (...possibly. I mean there’s a lot of trans and/or nonbinary hints in the lyrics and did you really NEED to make all of this more relatable? What the hell guys) dying of cancer, remembering all the good and the bad things that happened in his life, and since his fondest memory is seeing a marching band once as a child, death arrives in the form of a marching band. He then settles some scores with his friends and family, says his goodbyes, and... and doesn’t die in the end. He ends up surviving the whole ordeal, and the last song, Famous Last Words, is one the most incredible things I’ve ever heard. It’s so propulsive, uplifting and motivating. “I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone”. Holy. Shit. Sadly, it’s not elligible.
Welcome to the Black Parade is basically the centerpiece of the album, as you already know or might have guessed, but here’s the thing. It also works out of context because there’s already an entire narrative arc within this one song. It’s larger than life. It’s about death and the meaning of existence. It basically contains all the stages of grief, and the conclusion it reaches is that this guy will be remembered and therefore, he will transcend death. It’s full of rage and passion and triumph. There’s key changes. There’s tempo changes. There’s everything. It’s a rock opera in a single song. I put it on my mp3 player immediately after listening to the album, and it’s still on my mp3 player today. I never, ever removed it. I listened to it countless times and every single time, it feels like rewatching one of my favorite movies.
Best hit song of 2007 by a mile. Best hit song of the decade, hands down, and now that the 2010s are over, I’m pretty confident in saying nothing has topped it so far. I’d say “fight me” if I thought this was a controversial opinion, but it’s not even that controversial.
And that feels damn right.
Next up: Is... is this a list with actual filler? Are you telling us there was ONE mediocre year for music in the 2000s? Sounds fake but okay
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 176: Delaware Smash: Air Force
Previously on BnHA: Class A finalized their preparations for the culture festival. Deku realized that the rope he was going to use to dangle Aoyama above everyone like a twinkling car air freshener was dangerously frayed. So he was all “looks like I’ll have to go buy a new one tomorrow morning at the store that’s conveniently right next door to where the villains will be having tea.” So he did. And conveniently ran into the disguised villains on his way back to U.A. To make a long story short, Deku offhandedly said something about tea, and Gentle got all excited and was all “DID YOU SAY TEA?!” and then Deku recognized his voice from the Youtube video that he had seen only a few days earlier. So now they’re gonna fight, because Deku has his cool new gloves that Mei made for him, and he’s not about to let any dumb villains ruin class A’s performance and Eri’s special day. So yeah. Go fuck him up, Deku.
Today on BnHA: Deku confronts Gentle, who sheds his disguise and tells La Brava to start filming. He then reveals his quirk, which can transform anything he touches -- even air -- to make it elastic. So he starts bouncing Deku all over the place, but then La Brava belatedly recognizes Deku from the sports festival and is all “holy shit Gentle, we don’t want to mess with that kid, he’s fucking crazy.” Deku is indeed fucking crazy, and he thinks back to all of his excited classmates who are looking forward to the festival and have worked so hard to prepare. With new determination, he takes aim at Gentle and fires his new attack, Delaware Smash: Air Force. He then leaps at Gentle and violently bodyslams him into a nearby construction site. Sorry about that, Gentle, but La Brava tried to warn you.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 200 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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guys. this is my new OT3 by the way. and has been for a little while, actually. I don’t know how, but I somehow got WAYYYY into Kacchako like out of nowhere maybe a month or so ago. but BakuDeku also owns my heart and soul, and I also can’t deny that Ochako is undeniably Into Deku any way you shake it, so. it just sort of happened. and I love them. so basically this cover is everything to me. AND THEIR SHIRTS SAY PLUS ULTRA YOU GUYS, I FUCKING CAN’T OMG
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okay so somehow I was expecting Gentle to be blond. I don’t know why I always assume anyone in manga who has light colored hair must be blond. but yeah. so now I know that he’s not, though! and that’s okay! now he reminds me of Alfred from Batman if he decided one day to go out and do some crimes
and La Brava. what can we even say about her except that she remains the best, and also I’m trying to remember if her hacking skills were actually related to her quirk in any way, or if her actual quirk has yet to be revealed. hmmmm
also do you guys think she’s possibly distantly related to Mei? just, idk. similar eyes, weird obsessiveness, technologically savvy... idk. not saying they’ve gotta be sisters or anything, but third cousins, maybe?
so Deku and Gentle are staring each other down, and Gentle’s all, “the boy catches on quick,” and yeah. when it’s convenient, lol
meanwhile La Brava is all
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do you recognize him?? I mean he is famous. not Kacchan or Todoroki levels of fame, but he’s up there
Deku’s looking around, but since it’s early on a Saturday morning no one else is in the area
and apparently there are no hero offices near U.A. (which makes sense, since U.A. itself is basically a huge hero office), so he probably isn’t going to get any reinforcements
this isn’t the first time that I’ve thought to myself that the kids really need some sort of panic button/emergency beacon/batsignal they can use to call for help if they need it. it really wouldn’t be that hard to do. something with a GPS that they can quickly tap and it sends out an encrypted SOS with their location. what with them running into villains every other week it’s basically a necessity at this point
you could always try texting Todoroki again in the meantime though lol. or just shout really loudly for someone to dial 110 which I believe is the Japanese emergency police number
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...okay then!
(ETA: in all seriousness, him making a deliberate choice not to call for help creates a lot fewer plot holes than him not being able to, so good call there actually)
Gentle is quick to adapt to this new development, and tells La Brava to start filming
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he’s telling the listeners that his plans were foiled and so they’ve ended up like this
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I can’t fucking believe this guy doesn’t have a larger audience
so now Deku is diving at him in full cowl and is all “AS IF I’LL LET YOU!”
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it only just occurred to me that we don’t actually know Gentle’s quirk either lmfao
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so he makes things stretchy, and this even extends to air. holy shit
(ETA: as the translator notes point out, apparently the words “gentleman” and “elasticity” are homonyms in Japanese -- they’re both pronounced “dansei” -- which is one of the cleverer things Horikoshi has come up with tbh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mangaka have as much fun with names as this guy does.)
so he should basically be able to fly with his quirk, no? just bounce around on air all the livelong day. that plus a built-in shield with offensive-defensive capabilities like what we just witnessed. this old man has got some skills y’all
(ETA: friendly reminder that I’m still convinced Gentle is actually 65 years old. there’s no fucking way he’s 32. just no way)
apparently he didn’t even mean to go that hard, because he and La Brava are kind of staring now in shock
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I guess Deku was coming at them more intensely than they realized, so the rebound was stronger
anyway so now they’re booking it because they realized how strong he actually is
so we’ve got villains who are looking to attack U.A., and a pissed off Deku who by now should be realizing that he can’t get in close, but who fortunately has JUST developed a brand new long range attack! oh my, kids. strap yourselves in
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yes, good point there. actions speak louder than words
but Gentle says that’s out of the question
and now he’s touching the ground and unleashing another attack
lol it’s a trampoline attack and Deku is flying into the air
what was that you were saying earlier Gentle? about how he catches on quick? eh...
now Gentle is telling Deku that when he was a young lad he poured his heart and soul into school events, and he understands that Deku probably feels the same way
however, “this old beard and spirit of mine will not be denied today”
he says this mission will inspire a story for the ages, and he’d appreciate it if Deku didn’t interfere
oh my god
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it’s like if Aoyama and Gai-sensei had a baby
and he can fly!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
and now La Brava remembers where she recognized Deku from, and that he’s the crazy kid who busted up his hands at the sports festival
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Gentle says they have to accomplish the mission before he pursues them any further
honestly, even if they did manage to lose Deku now, he’d just be forced to call U.A. after all and they’d put the school on lockdown. like hell they’re risking anything else happening to these kids
now he’s telling the listeners that the “attempt to enter U.A.” plan is switching to a “timed attack”, whatever that means
and meanwhile Deku is still up in the air, and I’m wondering how he’s planning to land. and also how Gentle knew that he’d be okay. because that does seem pretty damn violent, just launching him 70 feet up in the air and being all “well, good luck, bye now”
especially since all they know about his quirk is that it involves breaking a lot of fingers. so for all they know he’s about to be a splatter on the ground. smdh
so during his 20 minutes of free fall, Deku is having some flashbacks! Eri-related flashbacks! the most adorable kind!
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and now Mirio is spinning around in a circle
and he says that after Deku is done performing on the big day, the three of them should wander around again
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oh my god
so now Deku’s thinking back to “this old beard and spirit of mine won’t be denied”, and he has the most determined teeth-gritted look on his face
and we all know he’s thinking that Eri’s the one who won’t be denied! because she still hasn’t smiled yet! not a real smile! and weren’t they saying that their mission wouldn’t be complete until she finally did?
and now I’m thinking back to one of Horikoshi’s interviews, where he said that “a hero is someone who brings reassurance”
and basically, fuck yeah. this is why Deku has to start winning some of these types of fights. because that’s the goal here. that’s the endgame. win the day to save everyone
anyway, I got totally swept up in the “save Eri!!!!” feels, but the flashback is actually still continuing and now Jirou is coming up to Deku and asking how he organizes his hero notebooks
and he’s nerding out and he’s all “JIROU YOU HAVE A HERO YOU ADMIRE TOO??” lol
but she says no, she just meant that she has trouble condensing her own notes to make the important points easier to read
my god Jirou I can relate. try summarizing 15-18 page chapters in a single paragraph on the daily lol
anyways, Deku is looking at the notes she prepared for the other band members, and d’awwwwww
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LISTEN, JIROU. I’M SURE THEY’LL ALL LOVE IT. and if Bakugou gives you even a hint of attitude, you have my permission to smack him
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oh my god I love this arc so much. I’m learning so much about Bakugou’s musical tastes and they’re exactly what I would have imagined. WE ARE SEX BOB-BOMB AND WE’RE HERE TO ANNIHILATE U.A.’S EARS WITH THIS BADASS FUCKING RIFF!!!! ONE TWO THREE FOUR!!
also I’m more convinced than ever that they sound like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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notably more effective than Bakugou’s method lmao
so now he’s taking aim at Gentle while still in the air! at this point he just lives up there now huh
ahhh I’m too excited to sum all this up, I’m just going to post it!
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I’m not even surprised that once again Mina is the lowkey hero of the whole damn arc
so now there’s a whole page devoted to Deku very dramatically flicking his finger
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lmao Deku is CACKLING
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(ETA: I just realized this is a straight up Kacchan face and even his trademark “hahh.” now I love it even more)
Gentle’s jacket is all torn up omg
but he says that won’t be enough to stop him!
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La Brava status: still the cutest
Deku is shouting at Gentle that the sentiments he has are shared by everyone. okay lol
and Gentle is gritting his teeth and he’s all “how disrespectful!”
and now they’re flying into the under-construction building Gentle mentioned a few chapters ago
and La Brava is watching in distress
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why does a cute little girl have to end up sad no matter what!!
I’m sorry La Brava. but your dude has to lose, because he’s in the wrong and he’s trying to needlessly traumatize a bunch of excited kids and ruin a kindergartner’s day. sorry kiddo
BONUS: Toga Himiko preliminary sketches!
god I love Toga so much
I’m assuming these notes are also preliminary, just like these are his preliminary designs. so he knew exactly the type of character he wanted her to be right from the start
but can she actually use someone’s quirk if she transforms into them?? is this confirmed, or did he drop this idea eventually? because if that’s true, it would be huge. that would make her one of the most powerful characters in the series, full stop. but given that we haven’t actually seen her use anyone else’s quirk, I’m gonna go ahead and say he dropped this for the sake of not making her too overpowered. I’m honestly not sure if I’m disappointed or not lol
I really like this messy bun look. it’s pretty similar to what he ultimately went with in the end, but he combined that with the pigtails look. but I’m just saying, if she ever wanted to change things up and go with just the single messy bun in the back, I would 100% be here for it. my god
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Dandelion | (the shortest) Short Story Update + publication!
Hey People of Earth!
***UPDATE: I wrote this update wayyyy back in September, and waited to post it in case I went down the publication route. I am so glad to announce that this story has been featured in Germ Magazine (a lit mag super close to my heart)! The link to read it will be at the end of this post!***
Guess who’s back to spill the tea on another writing project (its ya boy). 
It’s been a while since I’ve updated you all on a writing project, so I thought it’d be fun to make a come back with an all new piece! 
The piece I’ll be discussing in this post is a flash fiction piece I wrote called Dandelion. This story came to fruition because it was my first major writing assignment in my writing class. The guidelines went as follows: 
Draft a 300 word story based on a writing prompt in order to better understand showing and telling
Try to Make It Work 
The prompt:
A harried waiter or waitress serves a party of six rather unruly diners. 
The only thing I was having some reservations about is that this story is supposed to have six characters (seven including the first person narrator) and it’s 300 words long. < the death of me??
I honestly don’t have very much experience in writing short fiction. I’ve written a lil somethin somethin for school, and for contests here and there, but it’s never been very good. I especially have 0% experience in flash fiction. Nonetheless, this seemed like perfect practice. 
I dashed out the semblance of a beginning yesterday before I went to work which went:
There’s pizza stuck between his teeth, but he’s seven, so I shouldn’t blame him. His mother’s name is Matilda. She goes in for a handshake when I reach for my notepad, and her palms leave mine smelling of dollar store cucumber melon.
“Would you like a napkin for that, hon?” I mean to ask the boy, but the mother answers a curt, we’re okay, always grab extras at the drive-thru! 
like ew no lol
I was literally only on the third sentence when I decided I wasn’t digging the POV. So after getting some advice from @sarahkelsiwrites, I decided to scrap that, and start over today!
OH BOY was that not as easy as I thought!
I’m just sort of disgustingly horrible at writing openings. I have a hard time coming up with ideas and most importantly getting past the first sentence. When the opening is rolling, I’m good to go, but until then, it’s just a gruelling process, ha. I thus, turned to the library, re-borrowed all of my faves (@ the girls @ demi-gods @ history of wolves), and did a two second pass over a few paragraphs from each. 
@sarahkelsiwrites had previously given me an idea to make the six unruly guests members of a cult so I had an aha moment, however, I realized this cult angle was not working as I’d intended, and the characters were definitely taking me in a very different direction than I’d planned. 
However, I definitely thought playing around with setting could be really cool! I chose 1969 because a lot of very different, but very important things happened in that singular year (which I do mention). I think the late 60s is a super interesting time period and it was super fun to explore in this story particularly. 
I thought I’d do a quick tag yourself for you to get to know the characters:
slightly roasty
is Not Having It but is lowkey too much of a pushover to say anything
silently judging u
so coordinated ooh
‘want to see my rock collection’
that one weird friend who no one invited to the party
the EDGE is so SHARP
#i smoke cuz the aesthetic
patriarchy? fuck itttt
talk to my lipsmackerssss
can I talk to ur manager
will drag u
insta baddie
will trade life for pachinko
(i’m johnny but also unnamed pachinko boy is a forever mood?)
This is the part where I link you to the story! If you want to read this piece, you can check it out HERE. Thanks so much to Germ for featuring me! Hope you enjoy. :)
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candi-girl · 6 years
KH3: Hollower Than Any Toy Review **Minor Spoilers**
I just beat KH3 yesterday. I came out of it feeling a bit disappointed. The game is beautiful and the mechanics are still fun but everything from the story to the boss fights felt a bit lackluster. The last boss fights were extremely easy and did not feel as epic to me as KH2's last boss fights. In fact, I liked KH2's ending way more. I haven't played KH2 in years and I still remember exactly how it goes and how I felt after beating it. After what felt like an eternity of reflecting and deflecting light beams back at Xemnas, Sora and a badly wounded Riku sit hopelessly on the shores of the Realm of Darkness. Suddenly a letter in a bottle with a familiar seal emerges from the dark sea. A light shines, a slowed down piano version of "Sanctuary" plays and we are back in the welcoming and colorful world of Destiny Islands. Donald and Goofy lovingly embrace Sora. His eyes then lock-on to Kairi's, Roxas and Namine's eyes follow suit. This felt wayyyy more emotional than KH3's ending which I struggle to remember even though I beat it today.
Before I go any further, I feel I must preface this especially for a post about KH. No, I haven’t played all the spin-off games but I AM A PASSIONATE FAN of the main games in the series. I played the first one for PS2 at 11 when it came out and I was absolutely blown away and in love. I played KH2 at about 14 and got sucked in all over again. In college, I would play Birth By Sleep in between classes. I played 1.5 for PS3 sometime in college as well. Most recently at 27, I played 0.2 from the "The Story So Far" bundle for PS4. I have tried playing Chain of Memories numerous times on an emulator but couldn't stand the Card System and never got very far or finished it. I've also tried 358/2 on an emulator and I've even tried watching it but never got far with it either. I have skipped Re-coded altogether and as soon as I saw the Dream Eaters Link mechanic in DDD I stopped playing that too. I have played a little bit of the mobile KH game but not for long. Suffice it to say, I'm not into mobile games or games for portable devices. The only 2 games I can recall that I have beaten on a portable device (besides Pokemon games on Gameboy) are Birth By Sleep and FFVII: Crisis Core (both PSP). Generally, I get more immersed in games on a TV screen.
Okay so background out of the way, here is what bothers me about KH3 and probably why KH3's ending didn't make me feel as much as KH2's ending. And let me just say, I know this might not be a problem for others who have played all the games, read all the news and external books, probably follow Nomura on Twitter but I don't do that. When it comes to gaming, here is my process: I see a cool game, I want it, I buy it, I play it, I judge whether I like it based on the content in the game, nothing external. I don't follow any gaming news or actively pursue it. If I happen to have the time I’ll watch E3 and hear about things here and there but mostly, when I pick-up a game, I'm hoping it can be self-contained. So, knowing that about me, you can see why I absolutely loathe that if you haven't played KH DDD, KH Recoded, KH 358/2 Days, KH X (the Foretellers lore stuff) you're missing out on like 3/4 of the story.
Chain of Memories being between KH1 and KH2 irked me but I forgave it because the characters and story were still basically the same. Lock keyholes to protect various worlds from being consumed by darkness, help characters in those various worlds with their problem, stop main baddy from opening up Kingdom Hearts, and don't forget that friends are your strength and light. Nothing is wrong with keeping a story “Simple and Clean” and in fact, I think if a story is simple you can focus on making stronger character arcs and make the game super character driven so that the dangerous stuff that happens to characters IS actually scary and emotional! (Side Note: I also believe that because of the association with Disney, the KH franchise feels like it cannot tackle more mature themes like actual death of loved ones, failure, betrayal, etc. which really holds back what a game about the Heart could explore in a more serious, sophisticated manner. However, games like “Ni No Kuni” still find ways to talk about death, depression and grief in ways that are appropriate for younger audiences so it’s possible to do it, KH!)  
And I know that KH3 pokes fun at itself for having so many different titles in the franchise and I know it tries to get you up to speed but it cheapens the experience when SO MUCH of the story-telling and lore heavily relies on externalities and not the self-contained game. It seriously becomes a hindrance and emotional barrier when #1 I don't know know what's going on (or don’t understand/feel the extent and impact of something that's supposed to be dangerous), #2 don't know characters well enough to care about them and #3 there are no real stakes in the KH world because every game you fight the same goddamn enemies. I don't know all the Organization members like the back of my hand so their deaths don't do anything for me plus you fight them at least twice throughout the series (maybe even more) so that shows that they can always come back. The rules and logic in KH are very fast and loose. It's like playing a game with a child and when they are losing they make something up. And all this "I think I should know this character but I don't remember" dialogue is so cheap. Stop with the amnesia story-lines! Games like Chain of Memories and Re-Coded, that are made for portable devices are made to hold fans over until the big main game comes out. Let’s be real, KH: Re-Coded might as well be called “KH: Re-Sell” because it’s KH one all over again but on the DS. Now there’s nothing wrong with a company re-branding and re-selling a product if they know fully-well that there is a market for it (in the words of Cutler Beckett, “it’s just good business”) but for the love of all things good, DO NOT PLACE INTEGRAL plot points in them that the main games will gloss over. And don't expect me to read Jiminy’s Journal! 
Who is this game for? It plays like a casual game but feels like beginning a story at it’s falling action point. I can’t imagine being a newcomer to this series and playing this game and understanding it. I played the game super slowly, exploring each Disney world thoroughly, trying to take it all in but there is so little KH story given throughout the game. Once I moved on to the Badlands, the actual main KH plot began to unfold. When I first started playing KH3, my gf (who has only played a few hours of the first KH) asked me "so why are you going to other worlds if you're not locking keyholes?" I stumbled on my words to give her an answer. I replied "Sora needs to regain his strength and get the power of waking." She nodded but I knew it sounded kind of stupid. "He looks pretty powerful already!" She said as she watched me defeat hordes of enemies in the first world, Olympus. And that was another thing. I felt super overpowered from the beginning all the way up until the end. When fighting Xehanort all I could think was "that's it?" The game is all about Sora regaining his lost powers and learning the power of waking but you start off super powerful anyway. 
This may be a bit of a tangent but in Final Fantasy X, Yuna started off as the weakest, most feeble, docile character in personality and combat as she is just a white mage. I avoided using her at all costs. I had Lulu for black magic and switched Yuna in only when I really needed Protective magic or healing. However, by the end of the game, Yuna with her fully decked out Nirvana staff, third tier white and black magic, double-cast, and ultima became my most valuable and dangerous character. Not only does she literally become stronger in combat, but her (dare I say it) heart becomes stronger too. She becomes bolder and braver. She starts questioning her religion and the society and world she grew up in. She grows in every sense of the word. Yuna’s character trajectory is one of the most poetic I’ve ever seen and experienced in a game and I absolutely love that it’s FELT both in the combat of the game AND the story. I guess the point I’m trying to make is there should be growth in the character’s development but also growth in the game mechanics and combat. FFX is a game that intertwined both forms of growth organically and I think KH3 really should’ve done that as well. Starting off weak and THEN becoming powerful enough to take on the big baddy in the ending rewards the players for their efforts and also feels way more satisfying. Also, a certain character that begins with “K” and ends with “airi” could’ve EASILY been the Yuna of this game. But once again KH3 repeats the same old ideas over and over again. Also, speaking of Final Fantasy, where are my Final Fantasy characters in KH3??
I know this sounds like a negative review but overall, I actually did enjoy playing KH3 and it was great to see all my favs and like I always say, it always feels like home. I'm definitely not done yet (gotta synthesize ultima, collect all treasures and lucky emblems, reach level 99, and maybe play some mini-games). But ultimately it did not have that emotional impact on me like the first 2 KH's. Maybe I AM too old and broken. Maybe when I replay it one day I'll feel differently. Anyway, see you in 2040 when KH4 comes out!
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hyuwujin · 7 years
train rides
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pairing: reader x felix
genre: the fluffiest fluff :)
length: 2.5k words
warnings: none
summary: Spending the day with Felix is always a blast but your feelings for him certainly give you an internal conflict. Should you risk ruining a meaningful friendship by confessing or remain in the safety of the friend-zone by keeping quiet?
a/n: wOAHHH this is probably the fluffiest thing i’ve ever written but i hope y’all like it! honestly, this took me wayyyy too long but here it finally is!! i’d like to thank my fav bbs @hyyunjinn @hyunjinh @seungchanie bc i’ve been hyping this up for a while and you had to deal with it asdfgh;;;thank you for giving me the motivation to finally finish it!! ILYYYY<333
also @straykidzz and @ultnamjin i dont think i ever mentioned my fic to you??but i love and appreciate you soooo much! (pssst we should also talk more bc ily)
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“C’mon Y/N! This way,” an eager Felix pulled you by the wrist into the train station. Furrowing your brows at his enthusiasm, you looked around the nearly empty train station for a sign of anything worth enthusing over. 
“You still haven’t even told me where we’re going,” you grumbled, dragging your feet against the stained orange floor tiles. 
“It’s a Wednesday afternoon. There aren’t many people on the train since they’re already at work,” Felix grinned, guiding you into one of the train cars. You looked around the close to empty car––a mother and a child sat at the far corner and a well dressed man staring down at his brief case in the middle of the car––and shrugged with a nod of acknowledgement. 
Felix let go of your wrist to grab one of the poles inside the train car. He spun around the metal pole, effortlessly, and motioned around the empty car with his hand. “See?”
“Where are we going?” You couldn’t contain your curiosity and wondered what was making Felix so excited.
“The train’s last stop is at that theme park you mentioned last week. I know you wanted to go so–o let’s go!” Felix settled down in a seat and patted the seat next to him with a smile.
“Felix, you do realize it’s freezing out, right?” You pointed to the jackets you were both wearing. 
Adjusting the beanie on his head, Felix sighed. “But the park’s open! Besides, all that walking will tire us out anyway.”
“If I catch a cold, I’m blaming you,” you squinted your eyes and pointed an accusing finger at Felix. 
“Then I’ll be the one to take care of you,” Felix winked with a cheeky smile, causing you to snap your gaze away from him to avoid him seeing the blush creeping up your neck. 
“No–o. I’ll get you sick so you’ll suffer with me.”
“You would do that to me?” Felix placed a hand on his chest in feigned hurt. 
Looking back at him, you stared blankly at his obviously fake pained expression. “Yes.”
Scoffing at your reply, Felix looked away from you and towards the closing train car doors. “Stand clear of the closing doors please.” 
Plopping in the seat beside him, you nudged him. “It’s a long ride. You sure you made the right choice?” Throwing him a grin, you continued to nudge his side with your elbow.
“Now that I think about it…” Felix trailed off, looking up as if in thought. Looking back down at you, he scrunched his nose up and nodded. “As annoying as you can be, how many Felix and Y/N days do we have nowadays?”
“Hey! If anything, you’re the annoying one in this friendship!” 
“Yeah right,” Felix chuckled lowly, causing your stomach to do a flip. Can he not do that? “You’re definitely the annoying one. Who’s the one who showed up at the dorm at two am because you wanted to be fed?” 
“Hey! I was hungry, alright? You show up at my place at unusual times, too!”
“For good reason!” 
“You know you can send memes by message, right? You don’t have to come over and show me them!”
“I like to see your reactions,” Felix softly smiled at you and you felt yourself smiling, too. 
The train stopped at its designated stops, hence more people entered the train car and soon, you found yourself squished next to Felix with strangers sat on either side of you. 
“There aren’t many people on the train since everyone’s at work, huh?” You mocked, glancing at Felix.
Unplugging one of his earphones from his ear, he sighed, “I didn’t think it’d get this packed! Besides, our stop is soon. Don’t worry.” 
“You’re lying aren’t you?” You asked, monotonously.
“Psh, no…maybe.”
You huffed in response and crossed your arms stubbornly over your chest. Rolling his eyes with a smile, he returned the earphone to his ear and nodded his head along to whatever he was listening to. 
Without him noticing, you peered at Felix and watched as his eyebrows furrowed and his nose twitched as he continued to listen to music. 
“Excuse me,” you felt a nudge on the other side of you. Turning your head, you smiled politely at the old woman who was beaming at you.
“You two are very cute.”
“Excuse me?” You raised your eyebrows in surprise at her statement. 
“You are dating, aren’t you?” The old woman raised an amused brow and glanced over at the oblivious boy beside you.
“What? Me and him? No. No way! W–We’re just friends,” you shook your head profusely at her accusation. She thought you and Felix were dating? On what planet would your interactions make it seem like you were dating?
“Oh, that’s a shame,” the woman looked down at her lap with a sad smile.
That only confused you further and you furrowed your eyebrows. “Why?”
“My husband and I…we were the same way when we were kids. You two bickered and teased back on forth just like we had so it was quite easy to assume,” the old woman looked back up with a soft smile.
“Really?” You turned your body away from Felix to face the old woman and stared at her with curious eyes.
“Mhm,” she hummed and looked up in reminiscence. Leaning closer to you, she mumbled with a nudge, “You also look at him with desire, love.”
Choking on a cough, you leaned back away from her. “W–what? No, I don’t!”
“Well, of course you say that. But you can’t see how others look at you. Does he not notice?”
Slumping your shoulders in defeat, you sighed. “If I made it that obvious to strangers in a train, he probably does. Annnnd that means he probably chooses to ignore it.”
Swatting your hand with a scoff, the woman shook her head. “How old are you? You’re in your teens? Boys at this age can be very oblivious. Believe me, I have my fair share of grandsons and they don’t know the difference between having a girl look at them and having a girl really look at them.”
Laughing lightly, you nodded in understanding. Looking back at Felix, you wondered if that was the case. Maybe he didn’t notice.
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“Are we there yet?” You nagged, playfully smacking Felix’s arm in impatience. 
“Y/N, for the millionth time, two more stops!” 
The train ride was much longer than you thought and it didn’t help that Felix was practically ignoring you to listen to his own music. Rude, you thought to yourself with an eye roll. 
Most of the people had left a few stops earlier than yours, including the old woman who was sat beside you––she left patting your hand and wishing you luck, whatever that meant–––and now it was back to you and Felix in the train cart alone with the exception of very few people.
Leaning your head back, a sigh escaped your slightly chapped lips. Feeling your eyelids become heavier, you fluttered your eyes shut. You listened and focused on the squeaks of the train against the tracks, the light chatter of other passengers and Felix’s foot tapping.
A light shake to your shoulder woke you up. Humming in response, you slowly blinked awake. 
Chuckling at your sleepy expression, Felix pointed to the open train car doors, “We’re here.”
Leaping up from the seat, a grin found it’s way to your face. “Finally!”
“Come on. This train’s going to get full soon from people leaving the park,” Felix tugged you by the hand closer to him and guided you out of the train. 
“Wha–” you trailed off when exiting the train station. Looking up at the already darkened sky, you pouted. “If was daytime when we left!”
“You said it yourself; It’s still cold so it’s still getting dark early,” Felix looked away from the sky to glance at you. 
“Well, what are we waiting for then? We’re here finally!” You pulled Felix toward the entrance––you didn’t even notice you’d been holding his hand since you left the train car––and grinned widely. 
“See? Even thought it’s chilly, people are still here,” Felix motioned with his free hand toward others strolling down the boardwalk leading to the games and rides. 
“They’re crazy,” you instinctively shivered, causing you to shove your own free hand into your coat pocket. Acknowledging your slightly quivering nature, Felix put his hand up and took off the dark beanie on his head and placed it on yours. 
“You’re here, too, aren’t you?” You didn’t have to look at Felix to know he was smirking. 
“Only because you dragged me,” you reminded with a pointed expression. 
“Now now, we’re here to have fun! Where’d you like to go first?” 
Felix looked down at you with a soft smile and you couldn’t help but mirror it.
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“Okay I’ll admit, that was probably the most fun I’ve had in a while,” you laughed, heaving the large stuffed pink giraffe over your shoulder into the train station. 
“Me too! I’m glad we finally got to hang out again. You know, since the debut is coming closer, we haven’t gotten many chances to see each other,” Felix smiled, sadly, lugging his own giant teddy bear on his shoulders. 
“Hey! Even with you and the guys’ debut coming, there’s no way I won’t still see you! Hell, I’ll come by the studio or practice rooms every day if I have to!” 
Stopping in his tracks, Felix turned around. “Really?”
“Of course,” you furrowed your brows, wondering why he’d question it. Before Felix could say anything else, the train car caught your gaze and your face fell. More specifically, the packed train car.
“We won’t have seats!” You whined rushing past Felix and grabbing his hand on the way. Entering the cart, you both looked around for any seats and your shouldered hunched in defeat when neither of you found one.
“It’s okay. We’ll just stand until people get off,” Felix shrugged, guiding you through people near an empty space for standing. 
“Dude, do you know how lazy I am?” 
Rolling his eyes, Felix nodded slowly, “Y/N, I was the one who carried you on my back for the past two hours.”
“Oh,” you looked away, bashfully, “…right.”
“So where you going to put these?” Felix flicked his head toward the giraffe you held close to your chest and the teddy bear under one of his right arm. 
“These? It’s just the giraffe,” you scrunched your eyebrows and looked down at the stuffed toy.
“There’s no way this giant teddy bear is going to fit in my room. You should have it.”
“And you think I have the room?” After a moment of silence, you gnawed at your lip and tapped your foot against the train car’s floor. “Well, if you insist.”
Felix smiled to himself in victory and took a step closer to you. Widening your eyes, you instinctively took a step back. Furrowing his brows at your antics, Felix put his hand up and grabbed ahold of the bar above your head. 
Oh, that was what he was doing.
You mentally scolded yourself at where your thoughts went.
“Hold onto me.”
Blinking rapidly, you looked up at Felix. “Huh!?”
“The train’s going to leave soon. You don’t have anything to hold onto,” Felix continued to stare at you in concern. Were you okay?
“Oh,” you took one hand off the giraffe and grasped onto his arm. A blush crept up your neck and you looked down and stared down at your shoes as if they were the most interesting things you’ve seen all day.
The train jerked forward causing you stumble…right into Felix’s chest. If you weren’t blushing before, your face was probably as red as a tomato now.
“Uh,” you stuttered, looking up at Felix’s own widened eyes. “S–sorry.”
Just as you were going to pull away, Felix wrapped his free hand around you. “I got you.”
Great, you thought. Now I’m hyperventilating.
You stayed like that for a while and you couldn’t complain. As much as you were flustered, you enjoyed being this close to Felix. He smells good.
After some passengers had left the train at their stop, you both sat next to each other at the nearest open seats. 
“Huh? What?” You shook your head out of the trance you were currently in and smiled apologetically at the boy beside you. “Did you say something?”
“What’s going on in that head of yours? It looks you’ve been having a mental battle,” Felix lightly tapped at your temple and smiled. 
“It’s nothing,” you shook your head with a wave of your hand. 
“You sure?” Felix pressed. He needs to stop looking at me like that.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.”
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“You know I could’ve walked home alone, right?” You raised an eyebrow as you and Felix stood in front of your house. 
“It’s late. Gotta know you’re safe.” Felix shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and rocked back on forth by the heals and balls of his feet.
“Thanks,” you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and unlocked your front door. Pushing the giant stuffed animals into your house by your feet, you entered your home.
“Hey, wait,” Felix called out, causing you to turn around.
“Hm?” You turned around.
“When’s our next date?”
Choking on a breath, you blinked, “Sorry I don’t think I heard you right. Say that again?”
“Our next date?”
“This wAS A DATE!?” You felt the blush you managed to keep away from your face for the time being begin to slowly spread to your cheeks.
“Come on, Y/N. I spent my money on you, held your hand, hell, I even carried you but let’s not get into that, and won you stuffed toys. Doesn’t that sound like a date to you?” Felix smiled, cheekily, still rocking forward and backward.
“I uh––” you averted your gaze to look at the ground. “You mean, you feel the same way?”
“Same way? Of course, Y/N. Not gonna lie…you’re pretty obvious,” Felix shrugged.
Widening your eyes in surprise, you shouted, “You mean you’ve known? This whole time?”
“Everyone knows by now,” Felix rolled his eyes with a smile at your expression, “the guys were practically begging me to hurry and man up and tell you my feelings.”
“…I really don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t say anything. How ‘bout I pick you up tomorrow morning for some breakfast? We could chat about us then. Now, rest up,” Felix turned to go and you opened your mouth and closed it multiple times though no words came out.
“Goodnight!” You finally managed to shout after him. 
“Night Y/N,” Felix said in a singsong voice without bothering to turn around. “See you tomorrow for our second date.”
You closed the door behind you with a sigh and leant against it before looking down at the two large stuffed animals on the floor. Could I get any more cliche than this? 
Ignoring your thoughts, you squealed and scurried up to your room not able to wait for the next day.
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showcub · 6 years
boyfriend!au shownu
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you were working as a part-time barista at a small cafe near your uni 
because you were always broke as hell and the financial aid was not enough
also you did not want to burden your parents to cover your monthly expenses 
studying + working + extra curricular activities took up a lot of your time that you never even had a crush on a guy eVER
like sure that one guy in programming is fine but you knew you were wayyyy out of his leaugue
your friends set up different blind dates to widen your dating experience but they never work out
like that one guy is okay but he never pay for any your meals and is conSTA NT Ly brOke and always trying to get on your nerves
the other guy was sO full of himself and that just disgusts you and never saw him ever again
but one day you sat there behind the counter and then you heard the bell rang and your head instantly moved to look at the door
and goddamn
what a hot guy
with muscular arms wearing a white shirt and some ripped jeans
with his bed head he sO CUte but also hOT like the duality
and he came straight to you and you words get twisted and got some lump up in the throat
“h-hi, h-how can i-i help y-you?” 
he chuckled (tHAT CHUCKLE) and you felt that cupid arrow shot right on that spot on your heart
“one iced americano, please.”
and you took the cash with your trembling hands and he just look at you
“first day, i guess?”
and you’re like…………………….no//…………………………………..
and he’s like……………second day????
and you’re like no………………….probably 87th day………………………….
anyway he picked up the pager and went to sit at one of the tables and wait
and you immediately squealed and hide behind the counter and your coworker looked at you like “don’t tell me you don’t know who that is-”
your face were so blushed and you’re just like “JUST TELL ME WHO THAT IS”
“he’s shownu you dumbass, he goes to your uni and apparently the guy every girl is chasing after”
then you realised that he was just another guy out of your league 
you got up and saw he was picking up his drink and when he was about to make his way out of the cafe you shouted “HAVE A NICE DAY”
he turned around and smiled and winked and your heart,,,,,,your pitiful heart,,,,,,the merciless wink…/.///..
and the very next day he kept coming back and that it became a daily routine and a necessity for him to come and get himself ‘the usual’
and you’re just like please have mercy on my weak heart don’t make me fall for you every single day and he just kept coming back everyday
and one day you were sick and had a day off and your coworker texted you “y/n!!!!!!!!!!!! the g OD shownu came looking for you”
so you squealed jumped screamed let out the biggest uwu ever then you’re like please don’t make this kind of joke 
but she’s like i’m not kidding………………………
then the next day you came to work and HE CAME 
he went like “you weren’t here yesterday”
and your heart went boom boom BOOM BOom MOVOVMDBEBJKA 
“i was sick” then he gave you the cash as per usual but he slid a piece of paper between it and when you were counting the cash
you saw it and read the paper
“i’d like to get to know you better. meet me down the street when your shift is done tomorrow so that i’ll know the feeling is mutual”
you could’ve sworn your cheeks were the pinkest pink and he just smiled and said “get well soon”
and you looked over to your coworker like yOU DIDNT JUST TELL HIM WHEN MY SHIFT ENDS
and she’s like thank me later ok
so the next day you didn’t contemplate at all to meet him or not 
but after your shift ends you and your coworker like fixed your hair and sprayed some mist and changed to your outfit (read: a shirt, a pair of jeans and converse)
and she’s like you knew you were going to meet him yet you dress so boring
but you just shook it off because it’s freaking 10 PM and you just gotta be yourself ladies ;)
so you grabbed your bag and nervously walked down the street to find him leaning over the lamp post while watching you walked over to him
and he flashed that smile and he’s just like i should introduce myself properly so he cleared his throat and lend out his hand for a handshake and goes “i’m shownu and i’m an actuarial science major”
hOL UP i thought you were into some PE shit or something but instead you took his hand into a handshake and just said “i’m y/n and i’m studying software engineering”
and you guys walked around the city playing 20 questions (but it was more than 20) to get to know each other and good lord you learned a lot about him
said his hobby is dancing and he was in a dance crew and entered a lot of underground dance battles and he wasn’t into sport that much just he likes to work out to be fit 
and he looked at you with full awe and adoration 
whenever you guys walked side to side your hand brushed with his and gave you a tingling sensation 
the temptation to intertwine your hand with his is real
when it was almost 12AM he brought you to a diner where you guys shared a vanilla milkshake because you insisted that it was violating your diet but he’s just like you know you beautiful whatever size you are
and it was almost 1AM that both of you were back at the dorm where he showed you where to sneak into the uni compound without getting caught 
and he’s like jump i’ll catch you but you were so scared to jump off that 5 ft wall but you jumped anyway
and he caught you and you both stared into each other’s eyes and just 
you cleared up your throat and he put you down and he was just awkwardly scratching the back of his head
and you gave your phone to exchange numbers 
and you guys said goodbye once again and he just pulled you closer and leave a kiss on your cheek and bring his lips to your ears and whispered looking forward to more dates
and he turned around and gave you a wink and he shouted “HAVE A NICE DAY”
so the months passed by and you guys went on a lot of  d a t e s but one day he was waiting you at the iconic lamp post and he said “i’m going to do something and only react if you feel the same”
he cupped your face and brought his face closer to yours and his eyes were staring at your lips which made you did the same thing so you closed your eyes
he gently crashed his lips against yours and your lips danced with his 
and he stopped and you opened your eyes just to see that SMILE and he’s like “be mine?” and you just “yes please” and kissed him once again
so dating “the guy every girl was chasing after” was pretty wild like the news spread throughout the uni like realllly fast
and they were some girls like quESTIONINg,,,, why,,,,, y/n,,,,like ???? the audacity ???? really ???????
but your friends were the happiest
because y/n………….finally……..hAS A BOyfrIEND and thE bOYfRiEnD was g0d shownu himself like///
anyway every saturday night is the “new restaurant tryout” and most of the new restaurants you guys went to were good and shownu being shownu would 11/10 come back
and you would come over to the dorm and binge on pretty little liars which shownu never watched
and you ACCIDENTALLY spoil the plot for the next episode and he was like pouting 
sometimes you two got very busy with uni that you guys almost didn’t meet for one whole week and he missed you
so he came over to your dorm and cuddle in bed while catching up with each other while giving you back rubs
he ’’’’’’’’’’lends’’’’’’’’’’ you a lot of his sweatshirts and once you gave it back to him and he said keep it but you were like i’m not giving it back
and he scrunched together his eyebrows what do you mean?????
so you explained “i’m returning it so you can wear it and have your scent on it and give it back to me” and he smILED THAT SMILE and gave you a peck on the lips
when the finals were coming up you two would hang around in the library to have a revising session and five minutes in he already put his head on the table
and you keep encouraging him like WE CAN DO THIS
and he’s like yes YOU can do this
and you’re like NO WE CAN DO THIS
and he’s just like……………..ok……………………………….and he let out the loudest WE CAN DO THIS and the everybody were looking at you two and the old library lady literally gave you the first and last warning
you two would just go on lunch dates and he got his phone out and facetimed his mum just to show how beautiful his girlfriend is
you love subway rides with shownu because you would share the earphones and let him pick the music and the music always suit the vibes
sometimes you would follow him up to his dance practices you definitely swerve when the beads of sweats would cover up his whole body and how his dance moves were really sharp and smooth and.......hot
that one time he came over to your dorm and once he hugged you he could feel,,,,,the wet vibes.,,,, like sHOWNU IS CrYING WELP
and you just hold him tight and and caressed his body and kissed his forehead and he got all soothed up
you rarely fight with him but whenever yall fight he’ll be so frustrated and couldn’t even leave you alone
when you said “leave me alone” he was thinking hard if it was a sign for him to leave or to just hold you tight
but he’ll be the one to apologise first and you....would always feel sorry about that.....because sometimes....you know....it wasn’t his fault....but your ego
he’ll be the first one to say i love you and his face got all red and he started beating himself up when you didn’t say it back and you found it cute and beautiful and you just love him so fucking much
he likes to play with your hair a lot so you taught him how to braid and do fishtail braid
and sometimes you would find random tiny cute lil braid on your hair and it’s just too cute
it would be so fun to cook for him because he eats everything, anything
one time he said he craved homemade pancake so bad
so you decided to make one for him for breakfast but you definitely forgot you put it on the stove
so one side of the pancake is burned
but he still eats it and gives you forehead kisses for cooking for him
shownu: it’s made out of love
this is my first time writing an au! if you all have any request, i’m always open and i would love to get some feedback or critics in which i can improve. please bear with the grammar and the tenses i was so into it i didn’t even know when to use present or past tense!
find more from the series: boyfriend!au wonho, boyfriend!au minhyuk, boyfriend!au kihyun, boyfriend!au hyungwon, boyfriend!au jooheon
boyfriend!au i.m coming up soon!
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Detective Rinoa
Squally better fucking gather info together with Camp B or I will kill him. I won’t be the only one pulling weight in this. 
Detective Rinoa is on it. 
First things first need to dress for the occasion. I find my best biker shorts, my tightest tank top (might need to use my womanly charm for info), my apple watch, three pens, my pocket journal and a short sleeve cargo vest for all my accessories. 
For protection I bring along Angelo and pepper spray. Plus my shooting star blaster edge. Hair tie on and I am set.
I make a list of all the people with possible info. Christian obviously, J, Tidus, Noah. Also Jenn and Yuna with questions marks after their names. Those two I doubt have any info but maybe since Jenn was dead she’ll remember something. Also I am suspicious of what Natsu was yelling about. Darn if only we had just a little more time together with Camp B I coulda got more info. Maybe they separated us for that reason.
Yuna I put down cause I don’t think she personally had any information but she hung with Eli a 
lot and he knows something. Or at least pretends to know. 
They shut off any way of talking to B. Our phones don’t work trying to call or text them. We obv can’t send letters. I even tried like hacking the system and using email or facebook when I really wanted to talk to Zidane but no that was all blocked. I just don’t get it. When we were in San Diego we were still able to talk to each other just not live together. Now they have us completely separated! Like we been with these people thousands of years and outta nowhere BOOM! Separated. They claim its cause we got “too rowdy” but we were like that forever so something musta changed. 
I bet Ulquiorra knows something about all this spirt stuff but not like I’ll be able to get anything out of him. Or maybe I can? He does have a weak spot for attractive woman. I add him to my list and check myself if the mirror. Yea you got it girl. 
okay who to start with? Christian I probably get most info outt a but I am not in the modd for his cryptic speech pattern right now. So no I wait on that. 
Me and Jenn are friends so I decided to knock her out quick. Okay Rinoa you got this. I whistle Angelo along and head towards her room. 
“Knock knock its me girl!:
“Rinoa!” She runs up and hugs me. She's so cute. I love her. 
“Isn’t this so shitty ! Its like I finally getta be back with Aiden and then they take us apart again ! How could they be so cruel? She pouts and sits on her bed. 
I have been trying the last hundred years to get her to dump that creep but no she's wayyyy into his flaming ass. He;s like a literal monster and fucking killed her! Jenn.  Sweet, innocent Jenn! But she doesn’t listen to reason just with her heart. I admire that in ways but just wish her heart was head over heels for not such a piece of shit as a person. Gray warned me if Aiden found out about what i was doing he would send me straight to hell. He’s not gonna do shit he's a pussy and so what if he does. He doesn’t have shit on me and even if he does that just proves to Jenn he is a fucking monster. Whatever. Fuck Him. 
“I know girl this is so fucked up!! Least we’re on the same camp side!!”
“Yea totally and I guess besides Aiden and Namine I am not really friends with any of them.” 
“Oh you have more friends then that!!” I tried to think who wasn’t a dirt bag piece of shit on that side of the camp. They definitely had wayyyy more then we did. 
“I mean I guess Marcus is like sorta my friend but it always seems like hes making fun of me.” Jenn looked upset at this and began messing with her nails.
You could always tell how anxious she was by how long her nails were. They were like stubs now. It was probably hanging with Aiden. He’s so stressful for her. 
“Yea I feel you girl him and that slut Lana just walk around like they are better then everyone and pretend they are like this power couple when aha- yea no.” (word from narrator. She said the last part with a scoff and a very pronounced “aha: in about the bitchest way you can imagine it) 
“Yea she like hung out in here other day and it was just weeeirdddd.” 
“That is weird why was she in here?”
“I don’t even know she was like asking me about how I feel about Aiden having Harry suck his dick, which I thought was super weird she was thinking about that. Like is she trying to imagine Aiden’s penis or something.” Jenn paused to grab her box of nail polish outta side table drawer. “Anyhow I told her its like fine cause Harrys so weird its like who cares about him.”
“Totally girl.” My nails needed some color too. I searched through her colours till I found a really lovely silver. 
While we both painted our nails and updated each other on our feelings about the newest bachelorette. I felt like Todd should totally get with Kaitlyn but Jenn felt Winston was the better match. Todd was just so cute. Okay now that thats all settled I needed info.
“Hey so like before we got split up Natsu yelled something about you being like a dark thing or like idk what?”
“Yea I don’t know what he was saying it was just like weird and its like how can I be that? Doesn;t make any sense to me”
Rats no info. 
“Yea I wouldn’t worry about it Natsus an idiot and probably just misheard something.”
“Yeah, your probably right.” Jenn looked a bit worried though.
Well this wasn’t getting me anywhere I should go see Yuna next just to get both the easy ones outta the way. 
“Hey girl I gotta go, I am trying to figure out whats going on in this camp. Somethigns fishy and I am going to find out what. Maybe if I do they won’t have us spilt up as much.”
“Okay yea, good luck to you! I know you can figure it out!” Jenn flashed her teethy grin at me. She lead me to door gave me a big hug and sent me on my way. 
Okay next stop stonerville
I tried her room but she wasn’t in there. Fuck hopefully she didn’t go anywhere I guess if she did I could just go to someone else on list. I saw Neji down the hall “Hey Neji have you seen Yuna?’
“Yes she was in the living room watching tv and smoking weed with a ton of people.”
“Thanks!” He seems less angry lately which is nice cause he was getting pretty flippin weird with all his hubris yelling. 
I walked into living room and Neji wasn’t joking there was like 10 people in here. I spotted Yuna squeezed on couch next to Lana and Naruto. Gippal lay sprawled on the couch with his legs on all of them. Such a lazy fuck couldn’t sit up for people. Um Rude!
I didn’t want to talk to her here and have everyone yelling their opinions at once. So annoying. Once I received more information I would relay it to rest of camp but not yet. 
“Rin No Na! What it be what it do?” Jesse yelled. He would be kinda cute if he wasn’t so obnoxious. 
“I am fine, no don’t move over I am not staying.” I looked at tv they were all watching the hangover. I did want to watch it with them but I’ve seen it like 5 times and my mission was important. I sat on coffee table facing Yuna “Psst hey Yuna can we go somewhere to talk’
“WHAT YA GUYS GONNA TALK ABOUT?” Naruto yelled. Great just fucking great now everyones gonna start yelling other annoying things. 
“I bet its period stuff.” Natsu yelled
“No I bet its woman stuff” Naruto yelled
“Periods are woman stuff you dumb fuck” Sasuke yelled
“Shut up all of you its none of your fucking business!.”
Some mumbles and a few more yells how we were gonna have sex and scissor each other. Everyone is so moronic here, it's sooo aggravating. 
“Yea of course Rinoa!” Yuna squeezed herself outta the couch with the grunts from Gippal. He better not vomit on the fucking couch again that was so fucking gross and disgusting.
I guided Yuna to my room which was the safest room to talk. No one ever came here except Zidane but he was with other camp so I am safe. 
“Oh I love what you’ve done with the room!” Yuna smiled and sat on the end of bed . She just sat there smiling. I wonder how her face isn’t stuck in that position from how much she does it. I dug around in my desk until I found my one hitter and a lil bit of weed. I didn’t smoke much so this was probably months old but whatever it will do. I hand the packed pipe to Yuna whose face lights up at it “Oh thank you Rinoa this is so thoughtful!” She takes down the whole bowl in one huge hit. Packing it again with her own personal stash. She hands it towards me but I wave it off. Have to keep my brain clear. 
“So whats going on? Is everything okay?” Yuna asked. Okay good the weed didn’t make her retarded. This stuff wasn’t that strong so that probably helped, also her tolerance I bet is wayyy too high for this cheap stuff to effect her much. 
“Yeah I am fine, everything is good with me. I am just, well I been thinking about all that stuff that happened before they split us up, like about the darks spirits, I was wondering if you knew anything about that?” 
“Oh yes it was such a terrible thing that happened to Jonis dear daughter, I am so furious with Gray and how it all happened. Just so Gray could oh I don’t even know what he wanted out of it which makes me even more mad! “ Yuna huffed a little after all this, its probably from the weed and she didn’t take a single breathe while talking but I liked to believe it was from the extra pounds she carried around with her. Ha chunky Yuna huffing away. Okay Rinoa focus
I didn’t really care about all the stuff with Jonis daughter but I needed Yuna to stay on my side so I said “yea that was so fucked up of Gray, Just cause hes sad and miserable doesn’t mean he needs to bring everyone to his level.” I scoffed and Yuna nodded in approval “So yea anyhow about dark spirits you know anything?”
“Its a horrible place. I don’t know a lot but I know a little bit.” Yuna drank some water and continued “So usually souls are sent to their worlds version of the after life”
Rinoa interrupted “- so its like hell?”
“No I mean hell still exists in some worlds but their soul is still intact for lack of a better term. It can still be retrieved and brought back.” 
“Ok so this place is like totally different from other afterworlds, its like its own entity?” 
“Precisely! Its its own separate place! I am not sure where it came from or how long its been around, Elis I know speculates it formed when the worlds collided, yet I know Aiden was there before that so I don’t believe that is true. Christian told me once its always been around, and after Eli heard about that, he speculated that the reason the worlds collided had to do with this place. I am not sure about any of that. What I do know is the place consists of dark magic and dark beings dwell there. Any soul who steps into that place becomes tainted. So what happened with Lily is because she was killed with dark magic she was tainted and had to be sent there. No other afterlife could handle such a dark being without becoming dark themselves. I don’t exactly know how it all works though.” Yuna looked down seemingly flustered with it all
I pondered on this for a while. She gave me a lot more information then I could have hoped for. 
“So its pretty much the worst place in the universe? No wonder Aiden is so fucked up!”
“Yes it is, Eli told me once anyone who goes there becomes tainted in a way, incomplete rather. Like they aren’t all together human anymore. He couldn’t tell me how or why. He also said anyone who goes their becomes trapped but Aiden is intact and he has his soul still, so Eli must be wrong about that. Or perhaps thats what usually happens and Aiden somehow beat the system? I don’t know its all so horrible I don’t like to think about it!” Yuna took the liberty to pack herself another bowl to smoke. 
“Hmm so if thats the case and J was there and also got out there must be some way.”
“Yes they must be! Ya know I can feel souls with my summoner ability and I have always sensed J’s soul be off. Like it just feels wrong but now that I know he was in that place, thats probably why it feels that way!” 
“Yea and thats why spirits don't seem to want anything to do with him and let him get away with so much shit because they don’t want him around. He probably terrifies them!” 
 I began jotting down things in my journal and Yuna finished off her bowl. 
“Hey Yuna no offense but I gotta go. I need to figure out more about all this and I have quite a few more people to talk to!”
“Oh of course I will leave you, if you need anything more I will be in living room!”
“Okay yea thanks” Just before she left room I thought of one more thing “Hey real quick so I am gonna talk to Noah, Tidus, J , Ulquiorra and Christian , know anyone else in Camp A that would know something?”
Yuna pondered for a second “Perhaps try Sasuke? He seems to know a lot about everything. Oh and try Jet! He was an old commander so perhaps he knows something from his time in charge.”
“Okay yea i put them down, thanks see you around! “ Yuna waved and headed out 
No way in hell was I talking to either one of them. Especially if I didn’t have to. Wasn’t in the mood to get groped and deal with the biggest asshole in camp. No thank you. 
Next stop Noah! 
I found him in his room laying in the dark with his covers up. He looked briefly at me when I entered but turned around to continue staring at his wall. 
I took the liberty to let myself in. I slid out a chair and opened the blinds up so I could see. He looked like shit. 
“Hey I know you probably don’t want to talk about this but I need to know about the dark spirit place or whatever its called.” I paused looking at him “Its important.” I added 
No response. I couldn’t wait for him to get over whatever this was.
“Noah, I need to know, help me out here” 
“Why would you wanna know about that place?” He said it in a whisper 
“I, no we, as a camp need to know!” This came out a lot more harsh then I meant it too. Whatever. Usually the guy was so dumb you asked him anything and he replied. No filters. But now when I need him to talk hes understanding what silence means? What the fuck. Where's lady luck and why isn’t she on my side?
“No you don’t need to know, you think you need to know but it won’t help anything, it won’t change anything. It will just bring pain and destruction. 
I was geting so annoyed at his inability to just answer a fucking question I blew up. 
“OMG are you mansplaining to me? I know what is good and bad for me to know. Fuck right off Noah. I can handle myself, I can handle this, I am not a moron.” 
He sat up slightly at this and sighed “ No you can’t handle this, you or anyone else in camp that isn’t already involved in this doesn’t need to be. Theres no reason for anyone to know anymore then you guys already do. Now please leave me I am not in the mood.” 
I wanted to freak out at him, yet I realized that would get me nowhere. ;”Fine be that way, go fuck yourself Noah!” I slammed his door as hard as I could manage . I sat in the hallway and cried for a little bit. Why can’t I know? He obviously told Joni or else she wouldn’t have had him kill her kid. Or maybe he's the only one that takes orders from Joni. She's such a junkie cunt I bet even if she was here she wouldn’t give me any answers either. Just yell about needing more booze and making stupid inside jokes with jesse that no one else finds funny. They are the worst set of twins I have ever fucking met .
This was pointless. I went to my room and screamed in my pillow for a few minutes. When I was done my throat hurt and Angelo looked worried. 
Sign this whole thing was stupid why did I even try it? No I have to keep going. I decided to go see Tidus when he actually took his meds he was pretty cool and we hung out. When he was off them though it was fucking annoying as shit. Lately he seemed normal so lets hope for the best. I can’t have two let downs in a row. 
I found him in his room lifting weights, his room looked mostly clean which was a good indicator on his saneness. “35, 36, 37,-”
“Hey Tidus its me can I come in?”
“Oh yea Rinoa let me just finish these reps. 38, 39- I waited till he counted to 50 and set the weight down before speaking 
“Hey so I gonna cut right to the chase, your a spirit and everything so I wonder if you know anything about all this dark spirit stuff they were talking about?”
 He was drinking out of his water but stopped after i said dark spirit and his face fell. Oh he totally knows something. 
“Umm no I don’t umm sorry,” He faced away from me and I saw in his mirror him muttering to himself.
“I know you know something Tidus, just tell me I can take it.” He fidgeted around picking up random objects then setting them down. 
“I mean well I wanna tell you but I am not suppose to talk about it” 
“What? Who says you cant talk about it?” Now I was super curious a secret dark spirit place that he was banned from talking about. Oh this was juicy. 
I heard people out the door talking and heard my name so my ears perked up, it sounded like Jesse and Yuna 
“You were talking to Rinoa? Egh talking to her is like I have an itch on the roof of my mouth that only a shotgun can scratch.” Jesse said loudly 
“Oh shes not that bad!” Yuna replied
What a fucking asshole, I made a mental note to go chew him out after this but I didn’t want to wreck my flow I had going here. 
Tidus looked at me sympathetically and I waited till they passed by before talking again
Tidus spoke first tho “Hey don’t mind Jesse he’s just an asshole”
“Uh Yea duh I know that and why would I be bothered by what a lonely wannabe says about me?” My eyes challeneged him to say something stupid. Wisely he changed topics
“Well um what you been up to today? 
“Well I been trying to get people to tell me about the dark spirit place.” 
He looked uncomfortable and said “Uh huh I see, why is it you wanna know so bad?” 
“Because I, or well camp, has the right to know about this, I mean like shouldn’t we do something about it or like go save people from it.”
“You can’t get rid of it that's not how it works, its like saying your gonna blow up hell, its not possible. ANd saving people, why would we have to do that? No one we know is there so that just be a suicide mission.” He shook his head and drank down the rest of his water. Going to refill it in the water jug he had in his room he added “Even if we did have someone to save, we couldn't. It would just be a waste of lifes and resources!” 
“Well Lily got there why wouldn’t we go save her?”
“You know why Rinoa, she doesn’t matter to camp, she's just a kid with no powers.” 
“Omg why didn’t I think of that!” If someone that camp needed or cared about went there we would have to go save them and have to go there! I refrained from saying this out loud though so no one could hear my scheme and block it. Tidus just assumed I didn’t realize Lily was useless which I mean duh, I let him think that though. Makes things easier. 
“Yea I mean maybe she would have powers later but she was only in camp like an hour and I mean like Yuna liked her and- He started rambling about how great Yuna was and I spaced out. Who should I get killed though? It would have to be Noah killing them and use his weird demon thing inside him to do it, can’t be a gun, no pretty sure it have to be Virgo inside him. Hmm who to kill though? My first thought after what Jesse said was him but no he was immortal that wouldn’t work. I don’t know if immortality worked against this but I didn’t want to risk it. Only have one go at this. Hmmm maybe Aerith? She was important plus easy to kill plus Sasuke would go insane and make people go save her with him. Yes, Aerith would be perfect. I almost think Jenn would be funnier to fuck with Aiden but shes useless, so the commanders might not let us go and then Aiden probably just convince himself she never existed and we all would just move on in our lives. Wait, Aerith is a spirit though, that might safeguard her. Not sure but once again don’t wanna risk it. Fuck who then? 
“And shes so caring and pretty and- “ 
“Tidus shut up I am trying to think”
He stopped talking and made a face at me. “You coulda said that nicer” 
“Yea okay I am sorry, whatever, “
“What are you thinking about anyhow?” Tidus inquired. 
Was it safe to tell him? Probably and I would need help with this so bing bing hes the winner! I decided to ease into it though and gauge him out. If he seemed hesitant I would have to find someone new to ask
“I was just thinking how shitty it would be if someone from camp was killed and sent there.”
“Oh yea that would be horrible we wouldn’t see them ever again!”
“I mean never again?” I asked as innocently as I could manage “I mean Aiden got out of there didn’t he?”
“Yea I mean yea but he has Christian helping him when Christian still had access to virgo or well access to his powers”
So thats how it happened hmmm 
“Well couldn’t he access them again?” I inquired 
“No cause Virgo is in Noah.” 
“What about J? He got taken out too? 
“Yea I don’t know how that worked I only just found that out today, I assumine G accessed the igndaemoni stone. I heard that has to do with it” “ I also hear- all of a sudden Tidus’s face just stopped moving 
“What the hell?” I asked and just as I did I saw J walk into the room. Oh so he paused time. What an asshole 
 “J what the fuck!!!! I was so close!!” I pouted and waved my notebook around and my pen flew out of my hand as I flayed around 
“A little too close” His nasally voice said. God his voice was so fucking annoying
“Lets go to kitchen to talk” I followed him in there and noticed quite a few people in there all paused 
“Stop while your ahead Trist me on this.”
“Omg you fucking too-- omg look at grays face!!” 
His face looked like he was just about to sneeze. Contored and retarded looking. 
J let out his shrill laugh while Rinoa laughed like she was actually saying the words heehee     
“Wait Wait look at Lana!” Her face looked like it was turning both ways and her hand was in her butt cheek.
Rinoa and J continued to point out others with dumb expressions on each letting out their different but equally annoying laughs. 
J wiped a tear from his eye “Oh that rich thats just great.”
I decided to try again “So J what the fuck why did you pause everyone.” 
“For my own safety that's why!” He yelled back. God did he not know how to get his voice at a reasonable level 
“You’re safety from what ?”
J looked around like a paranoid drunk. “Just trust me bitch, you don’t want to go down this path.” J himsellf knew hardly anything about this, he had to take a class in it at the spirit university but he fell asleep half way through and skipped the next two classes and the final class he was so lost on the exam he decided to get drunk in the bathroom and have G make sure he got a passing score. What he did know though was that Ulqiorra would kill him if Rinoa started some shit up. Partly why they let Harry and him spy on everyone was for security reasons and as long as everyone behaved themselves, at least a little, they were allowed to continue being camp security.                                        
“DON’T CALL ME A BITCH!” Rinoa stormed, proving J’s point in her screams of rage if she classified as a bitch or not. 
After her yells subsided with some throw ins of “clay piece of fuck,” “get new friends” “your an fucking asshole” she sat down and crossed her arms and started pouting. 
“I don’t see why I can’t just know, I am not gonna do anything with it I just want to know”
“No you definitely want to do something and I can’t risk you knowing too much and fucking things up for me.”
“For you what the fuck do you mean?”
Shit J thought didn’t need to add that last part “I just mean me as like everyone in camp its won’t be good and Ulquiorras gonna flip out if you unite everyone in some doomed mission.”
 Rinoas face contorted but then twisted into a devious smile. “Okay fine I won’t do anything” She said as innocent as she could manage.
J stared at her with a look of disbelieve but he also was just about to go to Milwaukee with Paine, Yuna and Gippal and he really wanted to get to that. Distancing himself from harry has really done wonders for his social life. He gets to hang out with Gipplal, GIPPAL! His dreams were coming true. 
As J daydreamed about his perfect day with Gippal and how maybe they could break off from the other two and get ice cream and Gippal would get some in his beard and J would slowly wipe it off for him-- Rinoa was thinking of how to get j out of camp so she can continue getting answers. “So can you unpause it, I get it okay?” 
“Yea Yea fine,” J took out a device in his pocket and hit the button. Everyone instantly started moving. 
“What where did you guys come from?” Gray asked 
“WE BEEN IN HERE FUCK OFF” J replied and left to go find his new friends. 
“Yea lay off the dope its making you stupid.” Rinoa shot back at him 
“I don’t recall you guys being in here either” Lana stated
“Whatever you guys are all dumb then” Rinoa flipped her hair and walked out of the room, forgetting about Tidus for the moment and headed back to her room 
In Tidus’s room he was quite shocked by Rinoa disappearing and was terrified he had hallucinated the whole conversation “Oh no Oh no, she was here, wasn’t she? No nonononono! “ Tidus yelled and began searching around his room for her. Looking under his bed and in his closet for obvious places but then under books and his lamp thinking maybe she somehow shrunk. Moving on from schizo boy we head back to Rinoa. 
“Okay I just have to find a way to get J to leave. hmmm “ Rinoa mindlessly pet Angelo while brainstorming. Suddenly Yuna walked in. 
“Hey Rinoa is was lovely talking to you earlier, I hope you figure out what your looking for!” 
“Yea yea I am trying to think now so can you like leave?’
“Oh okay yea no I can’t stay I am going to milwaukee with some friends!” As yuna turned to leave Rinoa yelled for her to stop
“Wait who are you going with?” Rinoa asked, she had to get J to go with them somehow. 
“Oh um Paine, Gippal and J” 
Rinoa jumped up and ran and hugged Yuna “OMG I could kiss you thats fantastic! Don’t let me keep you go go” Rinoa shooed out the very confused Yuna. 
“Okay Angelo we are back on track!” Rinoa jumped for joy grabbed her notepad and ran to go find TIdus. 
-- And that finishes Part 1 of this story-- I will either finish it or can have Rinoa explain how rest of it went when I see ya tomorrow! Probably do the latter so we can move on with plot! 
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