#but it does it to protect you . -> shadow takes health to give you power
extravalgant · 1 year
(leans in your askbox like someone leaning around the corner)
Excuse me but did I hear correctly that uhm... .. . . you wrote something about Duncan? Duncan GruncanWuncan? And that you might post that? (holds out both of my palms like a starving child) Could you perhaps.. . . .. maybe spare me a glance? Just a silly willy little peak? Bit of aaaaaa preview?
(nah I'm just playing you don't got to if you don't want to LMAAAOOOOO but if you ever do post that thing about Duncan I would LOVE to consume that 👀 because I love Duncan and I love other people's writing a normal healthy amount)
ITS ALRIGHT BAHAHA I WAS GOING TO POST IT EVENTUALLY!!! nothing too long or big since it was just a couple musings i did about the necromancers in game when i was on my break at work >_^
i have written about him here and a bit here if u do wanna see more heehee hoohoo
since its so short i can share it right here and right now but some parts of the responses (particularly morganthes) might be wrong or i misremembered something just on the basis that i was too lazy to go back and double check LOL
necromancers always have something to prove
malistaire drake, who sets out to prove that the dead can return — that love would conquer all, that he could make deities older than him, older than the current spiral, bend to his whims and wishes. 
morganthe, who sets out to prove that she can master astral magic, that if she can't, then she'll force it to. to prove to merle ambrose that she's still the capable young wizard that was proud of her, once upon a time. that she didn't deserve to be casted out by her peers and stripped of the magic she loved so dearly. that she could spin a better spiral, weave a better world. 
duncan grimwater, who sets out to prove that he is useful. that it's not just the wizard (now savior of the spiral, now arcanum scholar, now arcanum liaison) who has the potential to take their magic to new, greater heights. that he is loyal, that everyone deserves second chances – that he wants someone, anyone, to look at him and see the potential for something more brimming underneath. that he is worth all the effort.
malorn ashthorn, who sets out to prove that if there is no one else to turn to, then he is there. to prove that his stay at the end of the path, where the old death school used to be, was purposeful. to guide and shepherd new and fresh novices, to become the gentle hand that nurtures the knowledge of death and the way it is taught. to stay as a constant, in everyone’s life.
and you... what were you trying to prove? it seems that everywhere you turned, someone was always doubting your intentions. shadow and necromancy were two sides of the same coin, parallels in the way they demonstrated their magic. shadow took and took and took, and all necromancy wants is for you to feel safe, to feel secure. even if it means taking it from something else.
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lendeah · 7 months
Wounded Love
Summary: Astarion and Tav are both struggling with their emotions as they journey through the Shadowlands. When Astarion gets injured, Tav takes it upon herself to nurse him back to health, in more ways than one.
Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Reader.
Word Count: 5.3k
Tags: Astarion gets hurt, Emotional Constipation, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Massage, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Tav takes care of Astarion, sub!Atarion, Light Dom/sub, bordering minimal really, Porn With Plot, Biting, Blood.
a/n: this is an old draft, so forgive me if there are any typos! Love ya🤍
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It had been a stray hex, a capricious twist of magic that had hurt him, as told by the doctor responsible for his care in the Last Light Inn. The tendrils of the hex had woven an intricate spell, rendering him unconscious. Right now, as his chest rises and falls rhythmically, you feel something like pain and protectiveness stir in your chest. Although you are aware that your connection is currently purely physical, you can't help but feel a flutter every time your eyes meet or a tightening in your chest whenever he faces danger.
Looking at his peaceful sleeping form, you reach out to touch his hair, keeping it out of the way of his eyes. Your fingers trace the contours of his face and down his jawline. You wonder what kind of dreams come to him in these tender moments. Dreams you would love to share. To know all the things that go through the elf's mind.
His eyes suddenly open, and you get slightly startled, your hand hanging mid-air.
"What are you doing?" He raises one judging eyebrow, and squints at you through his eyelashes, but doesn't move out of your touch. His lips are curled into a small, tight grimace, probably still in pain from his recent wound.
You reach for the mug of water near the bed. "You look so peaceful when you sleep. Maybe you should spend more time like that. I like you way more when you are quiet," you say, a teasing tone lacing your words.
Astarion rolls his eyes, but he's also smiling a little.
"Yeah? Well, if you're so keen on me sleeping why not do me a favor and knock me out? The pain is unbearable as of right now," he says, but his voice is still soft and quiet, almost as if talking is painful You know there is a bit of truth there. He takes the mug and gulps down the water, then sets the piece back down on the bedside table.
He does appear miserable, even though his beauty remains as striking as ever. His eyes, usually filled with energy and mirth, seem drained of life, carrying heavy bags underneath. Though he is already pale, right now he looks paler than ever, and even his distinctive white locks, typically immaculate, fall disheveled and unkempt over his shoulders.
Your chest tightens at the sight, a vivid flashback of watching him fall during the combat flooding your mind. One moment, he was bravely battling alongside Karlach and the next, he was sprawled on the ground, so unnaturally still that it hinted at something had gone fatally wrong. The memory of that moment lingers—the scream tearing from your throat, the frantic dash to reach him—where the world outside, the lurking shadow monsters, and your companions; all became a blur, drowned out by the overwhelming fear of losing him.
You release a shaky breath, and try to appear nonchalant "Well, I happened to leave my Warhammer outside, but if you give me a moment, we could arrange it," you say, a hint of playful sarcasm masking the genuine worry beneath.
Astarion snorts. "Please, I don't need the Warhammer. Just a firm slap should do it." He says while shifting on his bed.
The movement makes the bedsheets rustle and reveals the bandages encasing his torso. His chest had sustained the most damage, with a deep cut that refused to heal and oozed a dark, murky liquid.
"You were out for a tenday," you inform him. "A stray hex hit you during combat and left you out cold. The wound didn't close, even with your vampiric and elf powers, so it had to be taken care of manually."
"Well, that's just great." Astarion mutters. Then, he speaks up again, this time seemingly with some concern, "I'm alright, right? I'm not going to die? I mean, I know I can't die, but..."
You chuckle softly at his words, a mix of fondness and relief washing over you. "Not under my watch. I am an incredible healer, after all".
"And quite humble, at that," Astarion mutters, but there is a small smile on his face. Then, there is a beat of silence, as both of you take a moment to collect your thoughts.
Astarion's smile fades, and his eyes search yours for something, a reassurance perhaps. You can see the vulnerability hidden beneath his usual facade of confidence and charm. It's rare to see him like this, stripped of his usual bravado. Leaning closer, you reach out again to gently brush a strand of white hair behind his pointy ear.
"Hey," you say softly, placing your hand on his cheek. "You're going to be alright. We took care of your wounds, and Halsin says you just need some time to recover." You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you reach out and gently grasp his hand, intertwining your fingers. "You scared me, you know," you admit softly. "Seeing you fall like that... I thought I had lost you."
Astarion seems to freeze in place at that, as if he is unsure of how to react. You chuckle nervously, realizing you may have unintentionally crossed an unspoken boundary. Emotions are not your forte, after all. For a moment he simply stares at your intertwined hands. Then, he looks up to meet your gaze, and you see a flicker of some unreadable emotion there.
"Lost me? Come now, you should know by now it takes more than a measly hex to finish me off." His tone aims for nonchalance, but there is an edge to it that gives away his vulnerability. You offer a small, sheepish smile.
"Yes, well, you didn't die. So quit that moping and drink your water, or I'll let Shadowheart take a crack at healing you."
"From my point of view, this just means you just have to keep a closer eye on me from now on,"
You let out a small sigh and give him an exasperated look "I think I have done my fair share of caring for some time."
A look of realization crosses his face as if a puzzle piece has finally fallen into place. "Wait, did you stay here for the entire tenday?" he murmurs, his eyes widening with surprise and curiosity.
You clear your throat awkwardly "I mean, you were unconscious. Somebody had to keep guard, keep tabs on you, change your bandages..." you say, with a casual wave of your hand "Plus, I wanted to make sure you were alright. I'm not a complete monster."
But you are aware that it's not the whole truth. The real reason is that the thought of him lying in bed, wounded and vulnerable, causes a pain in your chest that you don't want to acknowledge.
Astarion's eyes widen slightly at your words, surprise mingling with something else. Gratitude, perhaps? It's hard to tell with him sometimes, but there's a softness in his gaze that tells you he appreciates your presence more than he lets on.
"Well, I suppose I should thank you then," he says, his voice softer than before. "I wouldn't have expected you to stick around."
You shrug nonchalantly "Had to make sure you didn't get yourself killed again," You reply teasingly, attempting to lighten the mood.
Astarion chuckles a sound that warms your chest. "Ah, so it was purely for selfish reasons then."
"Of course, can't have our token charming vampire biting the dust just yet"
Astarion rolls his eyes, a smile on his face "Charming vampire, am I? You really know just how to flatter someone."
"You're also our only rogue," you reply.
Astarion smiles. "So not only am I charming, but I'm essential too. Guess the group just couldn't do without me. Perhaps you should write me a thank you note instead."
You raise an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips. "Oh, don't worry. I'll be sure to draft up a heartfelt ode to your indispensability."
His smile widens, the playful back and forth easing the tension that lingered between you. It feels good to see him like this, even if he's still recovering from his injuries.
You've been through so much together, fighting against the darkness that threatens your world. And in those moments of battle and chaos, there's a strange comfort in he familiarity of this banter, with its playful jabs and sly remarks. You do this routine a hundred times, dancing around each other's feelings and skirting the edges of any true intimacy. And yet, it's still nice to pretend sometimes. Still nice to pretend there's nothing underneath all the playful words, that maybe this is all you need. But for once, when you are looking at him, you want to reach out to him. To tenderly kiss his forehead, rest your head on his strong shoulders, and be enveloped in his embrace and not just for physical pleasure. But you know better than to act on those desires. He has been so wounded in the past and it's not just the physical scars that linger. His past is a complicated web of pain, betrayal, and mistrust. You've seen the way his eyes darken when certain topics are brought up or how he flinches away from certain touches. So you will wait patiently until he opens up when he is ready, relishing in these small moments in the meantime.
"Well, charming vampire, it looks like I'll have to find some more enemies for you to sink your fangs into for breakfast," you say with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
Astarion grins, a little wolfishly with his fangs on display, "Oh, I think I know just who to take my fangs to," he says, his eyes appraising your neck.
You feel a shiver run down your spine at the intensity of his gaze. You roll your eyes and smirk. "Oh please, Astarion. I'm not that easy to sink your fangs into."
He leans forward, with a wicked smile on his lips "Oh, is that so?" Astarion says smoothly. A twinkle of desire flashes in his red eyes as he speaks, which only ignites your own thirst. You feel your heartbeat quickening, breath hitching in your chest. "You want to put that to the test?" His voice is lower now, a bit of a growl starting to creep into his tone.
You can feel the bed's cool, smooth sheets against your skin as you lean forward, your chest brushing against Astarion's. The energy between your bodies feels like a tangible force, one that you can almost reach out and touch. His face is so close, his red eyes bright and mouth slightly open, showing off two sharp fangs that would terrify most people but only send shivers of anticipation down your spine. There's something primal in the way you're looking at each other, and you can't help but feel a familiar wave of excitement and fear wash over you. Astarion's eyes flicker to your lips for a moment. You are waiting, wanting him to make the first move, your breath shallow and quick.
"Well? Still think you can bite me that easily?" you quip, teasingly, although your heart is pounding so loud you are sure it's deafening for him.
A mischievous smirk plays on Astarion's lips, his red eyes sparkling with amusement. Despite his injury, he moves gracefully and with supernatural quickness, catching you off guard. In the blink of an eye, you are pinned to the bed beneath him. Your back sinks into the soft mattress as Astarion's weight presses down on your body. His left arm is pressing into the skin of your collarbones, as his other hand holds your wrists above your head. Every touch from him sends electric jolts through your body.
Astarion's breath is hot against your skin as he leans in closer, his lips grazing your ear. "Oh, I am more than capable of biting you," he whispers, his voice husky with desire. "I might even leave you with a few bruises," he adds, his voice an intimate rasp that sends shivers down your spine.
Your heart races at his words and the thought of what he could do to you, at the weight pressing down on you.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Astarion murmurs against your skin, his lips trailing down your neck and leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
You let out a soft gasp as he nibbles on your skin, causing goosebumps to rise along your arms. His touch is electric and every nerve in your body feels like it's on fire. Without hesitation, Astarion's fangs sink into the soft flesh of your neck, and you let out a gasp as a mix of pleasure and sharp icy pain courses through you. You can feel yourself growing lightheaded as he feeds from you, his fangs sinking deeper and his grip on your wrists loosening as he savors the taste of your blood. The sensation sends waves of ecstasy coursing through your veins.
Time seems to stand still as you remain locked in his embrace, your bodies tangled together on the bed. As he finally withdraws his fangs from your neck, he lingers for a moment, his lips brushing against the wounds he's left behind. You can feel the slight throbbing where his teeth had punctured skin seconds ago. A soft sigh escapes your lips as you feel him press his forehead against yours, his breath fanning against your skin.
You giggle a little, still coming down from the high of vampire venom.
"I will never get tired of that," The words slipped from his lips in a breathy murmur, one that was filled with awe and contentment.
"All it takes is a little blood to make our wounded vampire happy," You tease, giving him a small peck. His lips still taste a bit metallic, but you don't care in the slightest.
Astarion chuckles, "Ah, darling, we both know I am not the only one who enjoys that…"
He presses his body against your own, his lips suddenly ravishing yours with an intensity that steals your breath. The heat of his mouth sears through you, igniting every nerve and sending primal shivers down your spine. You cling to him desperately, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer until your bodies meld into one and your hands tangle in the soft curls of his hair. At this moment, nothing else exists except for the electric chemistry between you, overwhelming and all-consuming.
Out of nowhere, he recoils and lets out a sharp hiss. Concerned, you examine the bandage on his chest and notice a small black spot forming. "Oh shit," you curse under your breath.
You quickly slide out from under him and stand next to the bed. "Lie down," you tell him firmly, "I'll take care of it."
"I'm okay," Astarion lies, but complies, lying down on the bed with a sense of resignation. The soft sheets crinkle beneath his weight as he settles into a comfortable position. You hurriedly gather supplies before returning to his side, adrenaline and concern fueling your actions. With skilled hands, you begin tending to his wound as Astarion watches on with curious eyes.
"If you keep ogling me like that, I may just end up with a hole in my head," you quip.
The corners of both your mouths turn up in matching grins. The intensity of your gaze locks and it feels like the air is alive with electricity. With precision and care, you unwrap the bandage and clean the wound, hands steady despite your worry. As you finish dressing the wound, you can't help letting out a sigh of relief after realizing it was just a small tear, nothing too serious.
It's then that you notice you have been straddling his body over the crisp white sheets of the hospital bed and your cheeks flush furiously.
Astarion looks at you with a cheeky smirk, "Something the matter, dear?" he asks, his voice low and sultry.
You can feel your face turning even brighter red, but you try to shrug it off. "No, nothing's wrong."
Astarion lets out a low laugh, enjoying your flustered state. "Oh, I beg to differ," he teases, sitting up and leaning against the headboard.
"Shut up," you mutter, trying to keep your embarrassment at bay.
Astarion chuckles softly, a warm sound that makes your heart flutter. Why does he always make your heart flutter?
"Well, I have seen you in way more compromised positions than the one you are in right now," he says, a hint of mischief in his tone. "You're not one to be shy."
You can't help but blush even more at his words. His hand starts caressing your thigh, and your breath hitches slightly.
"I must say," Astarion continues with a sly grin, "I've never had such skilled hands tending to me before."
You roll your eyes at his flirting. "Well, I have been trained in basic care since I was young," you reply with a smile playing on your lips.
He raises an eyebrow in surprise. "And how else are you planning on taking care of me, exactly? Because I remain deeply wounded." he says with a mock pout.
A mischievous smirk tugs at the corners of your mouth as you reply, "You'll just have to wait and see."
Meeting his intense gaze, you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks. A sudden spark of inspiration ignites within you and you eagerly suggest, "How about a massage? I have been told I am really good at those."
He raises an eyebrow, "A massage, huh? It doesn't sound too bad."
A chuckle bubbles up from your chest and you swat him lightly on the shoulder. "Only 'not too bad'? I'll have you know, I'm excellent."
Astarion smirks, "Prove it then," he challenges, stretching back onto the bed, arms folded behind his head in a display of pure ease.
Squaring your shoulders in determination, you stand from the bed and walk to the other side of the room. You rummage through a drawer filled with various herbs and oils until you find what you're looking for - a small vial of calming lavender oil you had seen Halsin storing a few days ago. You just hope he won't miss it too much.
"You better not fall asleep on me," you call out teasingly as you make your way back towards him, shaking the vial in your hand for emphasis.
In response, Astarion chuckles lowly and flips onto his stomach without a word, waiting for your touch. The scent of lavender fills the room as you rub your hands together, warming up the oil before applying it to his skin.
As your hands start kneading into his tight shoulder muscles, he releases a sigh that is half groan, half purr. "Your touch is simply divine," he moans, his voice low and husky. "You really do possess a gift for caressing."
With a proud smile, you continue to massage his shoulders and neck, feeling the tension ease away. His eyes are closed, lost in the pleasure of the moment. Your heart swells with happiness to see him so content and relaxed.
You lower your hands slowly, massaging along the curve of his spine and drawing another low moan from him. The rhythm of your touch, the scent of lavender, and the quiet of the room come together to create a sense of calm and tranquility. You let your fingers brush against the edges of his scars, caressing them tenderly. Instead of flinching away, he leans into your touch, allowing you to continue your gentle exploration.
You continue to knead his muscles, working out any remaining knots and tension. And then, you lower your head and press a soft kiss to the bare skin of his shoulder, right above the bandage. Astarion lets out a surprised gasp at the unexpected touch of your lips. He turns his head slightly, his eyes opening to meet yours.
"Can't resist taking advantage, can you?" he teases with a small grin.
"I simply relish having you at my mercy for once," you whisper against his spine, taking in the sweet scent of lavender oil on his skin.
Astarion's lips curve into a playful smirk at your words. "Oh, do you now?" he asks in a husky voice, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You nod confidently, trailing light kisses down his spine and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "I always enjoy being in control," you reply, your tone laced with teasing.
He lets out a low chuckle, "And I always relish when you take charge," he purrs, his eyes closing in satisfaction.
With a last kiss, you gently pat his side.
"Now you turn for me."
Astarion eagerly flips onto his back, his eyes shining with anticipation. As you straddle him, you notice he has been affected by your previous ministrations, his hardness pressing against your core. A triumphant smile tugs at your lips. Astarion merely smirks up at you, not bothering to hide his interest.
"Seems like your skills extend beyond basic care," he teases, his voice dropping to a husky whisper.
You choose to ignore his comment and instead focus on the task at hand. Pouring more lavender oil onto your hands, you begin to knead his pectoral muscles, applying firm and steady pressure, avoiding the bandage covering it. Your hands roam over his chest with practiced ease until they find their way to his abdomen. You glide your fingers over each taut muscle, taking delight in the way his body responds under your touch.
"Enjoying yourself?" Astarion teases with a smirk.
A warm rush of joy spreads through you as you trace your fingers along the curves of his navel, softly giggling. His hands instinctively tighten around your hips, a desperate attempt to regain some control of the situation. A sly, self-satisfied smirk spreads across your lips as you slowly slip your hand lower down, teasing the sensitive skin just beneath the waistband of his trousers, towards the source of his growing excitement.
His breath hitches at your touch, his eyes now wide with surprise. "Oh, I see what's happening here," he says, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "You're getting into this caretaker role, aren't you?"
Your smirk deepens as you gently massage his hips, ignoring the suggestive implications of his words.
"I did say I'd take good care of you, didn't I?" you reply nonchalantly, as I continue with my performance.
Astarion lets out a soft chuckle and reaches up to cup your cheek affectionately.
"You certainly did," he murmurs, gazing up at you in admiration. "But what about you? Who takes care of you, dear?" he mumbles.
Your heart fills with sadness, at the thought of him only thinking of sex as an exchange, more than a pleasurable thing. You lean in to press a soft kiss into his neck, feeling his skin cold under your touch.
"Just trust me," you whisper, voice low and sultry, "I want to make you feel good." His breath hitches again, and you can feel him growing harder beneath your touch. "Trust me," you repeat softly.
You press your lips against his, softly at first, then deeper as he responds with equal fervor. Your hand swiftly opens his trousers, digging inside to grab his hardness, and starts a rhythmic movement, gliding up and down the full length of his member. As it reaches the tip, you twist your wrist slightly, eliciting a whine from deep within his chest. It's a sound you've never heard from him before, one that sends shivers down your and makes your core throb.
His body tenses beneath you, the feeling of your hand wrapped around him drawing a low curse from his lips. He arches into your touch, his grip on your hips tightening as he struggles to remain composed. He presses his lips against yours, the kiss becoming more fervent and demanding. His hands grip your hips tightly, pulling you closer to him, as if he can't get enough.
"Easy," you coo softly against his ear, an intimate tone wrapped around the single word as if it were a promise. Astarion's hands flex on your hips repeatedly, fingers digging into your flesh in a bid to ground himself. "Let me take good care of you," you assure him again, your voice low and breathy against his skin. His body tenses under your touch as he lets out a groan.
His breaths come in ragged gasps, punctuated by small moans of pleasure. "Faster," he pleads with a desperation that ignites a fire within you.
"My beautiful baby, so good for me," you murmur into his ear, your voice rough with desire and adoration. Without hesitation, you bring the pointed tip of his ear between your lips, savoring the delicate contours as you run your tongue along its edges. His body shudders in response, a high whine escaping from his throat as he gives in to your touch.
"Oh, sweet hells," he breathes, his voice barely a whisper.
You release his ear and lay back to take a good look at him, and you smile to yourself when you see his disveleshed hair, and red eyes hooded. And then, without hesitation, you sink down between his parted legs as your lips part and encircle his throbbing member. The taste of him fills your mouth, a mixture of salt and skin and something uniquely his. You take him fully into your mouth, relishing the sounds of his moans and gasps as you move your lips up and down his length. You swirl your tongue around him, teasing and coaxing every delicious sensation from him. His hips thrust upward, and his hands grip your hair, pulling you closer, but you resist, teasing him with your tongue. Your own body is humming with need and desire, but you push it aside to focus completely on him.
You slowly remove him from your mouth, teasingly drawing out the moment. "Beg for me," you whisper seductively, reveling in the power you hold over him.
Astarion's breath hitches as you pull away, and he meets your eyes with a mix of surprise and desire. He moans a deep, guttural sound that vibrates through you, and his hips buck upward, thrusting into the air. His hardness stands tall and proud against your palm, straining for release. It’s slick with your spit, and with a reddish hue that reveals his recent feeding. So damn beautiful.
"Please," he pleads "Please, please," he tries to repeat, but his words come out in a garbled, unintelligible moan as you take him deep into your throat and swallow hard, feeling his member pulse and throb slightly in your mouth.
His entire body trembles, his breaths quickening to the point where they are almost non-existent. His hands clamp onto your hair, yanking you towards him with a savage strength as he thrusts relentlessly, pushing himself deeper and deeper inside of you until it feels like he might tear you apart.
"Oh gods," he cries, arching his back and groaning in a way that makes you want to keep going. "That's so good, hells."
His words only drive you further, and you begin to pick up the pace, slobbering and sucking on him like a starving man to a feast. His body tenses as his release approaches, and you can feel him pulsing in your mouth.
"Please, please, oh my god" His words are now a jumbled mess, spewing out of his mouth in a frenzied stream. His eyes roll back into his head, a sign that he is close to releasing everything he has been holding in. "I can't... I can't take much more," he whispers hoarsely, "Please, please, let me cum. Fuck, I need to cum."
With this plea, you can feel the surge of his release, and your body responds with an exhilaration that threatens to overwhelm you. You can feel your body responding to his, your own arousal growing, and you rub yourself through your clothes, imagining the feel of him inside you. But that can wait - right now he needs you to take care of him. It's clear he's getting close now - his breaths are shallow, his moans low and desperate, his hips thrusting upwards in short, sharp jerks. With a final cry, you feel him tense, his entire body convulsing under your touch. You swallow hard, feeling the hot liquid spurt into your mouth, coating your tongue and throat in his essence. You can't help but groan in pleasure as it fills you, and you continue to suck and slurp, greedily devouring every drop he has to offer. His hips thrust upwards, bucking wildly as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him. You continue to suck and stroke him, milking every last drop from his throbbing length.
Finally, he goes lax, his body slack and exhausted while his breath comes in ragged gasps. You gently remove his now limp member from your mouth, wiping the remnants of him from the corners with your thumb. As he comes down from his high, his body relaxes onto the pillow, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. You lay next to him, your heart filled with a sense of contentment and satisfaction. You trace patterns on his chest with your fingertips, feeling the rise and fall of his breaths as he continues to recover from his release.
A spark ignites in his eyes as they lock onto yours, and for the first time, you see a glimmer of something. There is a tenderness and adoration in his gaze as if you are the most precious and captivating being in all of Faerûn. You smile and sprawl over his healthy shoulder, looking up at him.
"And here I thought I was the master at lovemaking," he teases. "Ever so surprising, my dear."
"Oh, you're easy to please, my love. But I do admit, you taste absolutely divine." You giggle and place a soft kiss on his lips.
He chuckles deeply, running his fingers through your hair. A moment of silence passes between you before you find the courage to break it with a quiet question, "Did you truly enjoy it?"
Conversation after sex is rare for you, but something about today feels different, almost intimate. Like something has shifted, an unspoken understanding or connection.
There is a pause, and Astarion looks at you, seeming a bit awkward. He appears to be having some sort of internal struggle at the moment. But then, he relaxes a bit and nods his head.
"Yes, I did," he says. He smiles at you. "It was... mediocre. Which is quite good for your usual performance"
You raise an eyebrow in mock offense. "Excuse me? You were practically begging me to cum moments ago!"
"Was that begging?" he asks innocently, "I thought I was just doing a demonstration" His eyes twinkled with amusement as he looked at you, his lips curling up into a smirk.
"Oh, really?" You raise an eyebrow playfully. "Well, you sure seemed to be enjoying it"
Astarion chuckled lightly, running his fingers through your hair. "I suppose I did, you know me, I can't resist a good show. And in case you're wondering, that was definitely begging. You just have a unique way of making me forget my manners."
You snuggle closer to him, basking in the softness of his skin. "I'm glad I can keep things interesting for you."
And then, to your surprise, he silently embraces you in a warm hug, pulling you close to his chest. The feeling of his strong arms encircling your frame is unfamiliar but comforting at the same time. You have never held each other in such an intimate way before, but in this moment it feels like the most natural thing in the world.
As the two of you lay intertwined and content, you can feel a sense of peace wash over both of you. For once, no worries or fears are clouding your minds - just the simple pleasure of being together in this moment. You close your eyes and let out a satisfied sigh, wondering if this newfound closeness is a sign of things to come, and the thought brings a smile to your lips, before drifting off into a peaceful sleep wrapped in each other's embrace.
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onejellyfishplease · 10 months
So if you dont mind me I was just going to ramble about my ideas surrounding This post.
long post!
... so it takes place in the far future, where humanity has mived on to live with the planet and live harmoniously (think solar punk). the reason for their success as a species can be traced back to these mysterious heroes, who have vanishes from the world and are now mostly regarded as myth.
the turtles themselves have aged weirdly. without the stress and tremendous pain of the apocalypse they do not seem to age like humans do. much like the Yokai they are based upon they find they have incredibly long lifespans.
and as they age, they move away from what ties them to being human.
they become mythic and ethereal.
I didnt have clear cut plans for most of them, but heres what i came up with:
Raph never stops growing, ever. while his brothers find suitable hights he gets ever taller. eventually he becomes too large to move about safely.
When this happens he voluntarily sinks into a deep sleep. his physical body becomes part of the landscape as the world carries on around him.
But Raph's not gone. he can still send out his projections, which without a close bond with his physical form become more and more abstract as time goes on and Raph becomes more separated from his physical body, still embedded in the landscape.
The locals call these forms their 'red angels' as they commonly lead lost children back home and protect wanderers from falling rock slides. they also look almost incomprehensible, their abstract forms overwhelming to the human eye, such a display of mystic power.
Donnie never stops working. his need to create insatiable. So he never stops. From the shadows he helps humans build their technology, expanding their collective knowledge with his own.
he pours his soul into his work.
his technology becomes inseparable from humanity.
and so does he.
Donnie's soul is present in every computer, interface, and screen. watching over humanity behind a curtain of coding.
hes spent so much time watching over humans and creating with them, that hes kind of... forgotten... what he last did with his body.
oh well. he can always build a new one.
Mikey never stops helping
Mikey has committed himself to the restoration of nature. during humanities growing pains a lot of the planet had been scarred by their errors.
So Mikey has been helping them fix it.
with the help of his mystic powers, which have evolved beyond all recognition, he twists the environment back to the health of its prime.
(large machines a big as skyscrapers aid him, purple light flooding their servers as they trudge through the landscape)
he gives so much of himself, so much of the light of his soul to nature that its started to give back. flowers grow where he stands, the wind ruffles his hair. he snores in whalesong. he can speak in the light trills of birds. the wind gales when he sneezes. and his scales become soft with moss
Leo has grown with the O'Neil bloodline. All his brothers startes distancing themselves from the family once April passed, unable to look at the faces of her descendants without being over come by grief. but Leo stays.
he looks the same as he did a thousand years ago.
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sagethegaywitch · 5 months
Yandere Scarabia Headcanons
GN reader
TW: yandere behavior, hypnotizing mentioned, stalking, poisoning mentioned
Genre: yandere
Kalim Al-Asim:
A sweet guy who genuinely wants your affection.  He’s a family-oriented fellow so he doesn’t realize that stalking someone and writing love letters to them was considered inappropriate since he’s so used to openly sharing his love around friends and family.
He’s probably one of the most clingy yanderes at Night Raven College, and he throws small fits when you have to leave his company to go to classes or back to your dorm.
If he’s not busy, he’ll follow you around to ensure that you don’t get hurt while you’re out of his protective arms.  He’s aware that many people want to assassinate him for his power and position, so he’s afraid you might be targeted because you’re the object of his interest.
Will get Jamil to watch over you when he has time, but he’s usually a very busy man.  Jamil, at most, will just quickly walk by where you are, ensure you’re safe and return to his duties.
You practically live at his dorm because he always insists that you stay over for a celebration of some kind.  Even if you try to decline with a good excuse, he’ll just drag you along anyways and sit you right next to him at the banquet table.
Enjoys it when you sit in his lap with his arms around your waist and uses the position to feed you meals when you visit his dorm.
Jamil always taste tests Kalim’s food, and Kalim will make Jamil taste test your food as well.  Kalim is concerned about your health and safety when you eat food that Jamil doesn’t make because he doesn’t know who could’ve sneaked poison into your meals.
You have a spare bed in his room because of how often you sleep over.  If you insist on another room, Kalim will counter back and force you to stay in his room so you can spend the night talking.
Gives you very expensive gifts, all shipped from the Scalding Sands, and they will often involve a lot of gold and shiny gems.  He may not be aware why he loves to give you jewelry, but deep down it’s because it’s his special way of marking you as his property.
Most of the items you receive from him stay in your room because of how delicate they look and you’d feel bad if you damaged something so pretty and lavish.
He will often wonder where all his gifts went and tells you that he’d prefer you to use them cause he can just buy more if they broke.  In the end, he’s touched that you value them and plan to take good care of them.
Overall, Kalim is a very clingy boy, and he has the power and wealth to ensure that you stay in his presence.  He has a Danger Level of 1/10 only because he’d have Jamil hypnotize any rivals to stay away from you.  He loves to spoil you and will shower you with his riches if you accept his love.  Probably the safest yandere to have, although his whines for attention might become annoying.
Jamil Viper:
Similar to Leona, Jamil has spent most of his life in someone else’s shadow. When he realizes his feelings for, he knows he does not want to share you with Kalim or anyone else.
You’d probably befriend him after his overblot only because he’s been so focused on helping Kalim through the school year to really take notice of you before the event.
While he remains polite and well-mannered in public and in front of Kalim because of his upbringing, when he knows for sure that you two are alone, he’ll let loose and release all his tension.
You two have private talk/therapy sessions that allow him to vent his problems with his dorm and with Kalim.  If you offer him a shoulder to cry on, you’ve made a friend for life.
What started as a friend trying to help a friend, will soon develop into something much more unhealthy.
Because you’re one of the few people to acknowledge him as his own person rather than an extension of Kalim, he’s always craving your attention.  He feels special when you talk to him because he knows the relationship you two have will be something that Kalim never has with you.
He definitely stalks you around school when he has time.  Since he’s so busy with his school work, taking care of Kalim, and running the dorm, sometimes the most he can do is just spare a passing glance.  Other times, when he escapes his duties, he’ll be able to follow you around a bit and make sure that you’re not meeting up with a secret lover.
Mostly only jealous of Kalim because of how he’s had to serve the heir his entire life, but also won’t tolerate other people trying to ask you to be their partner.
He’s fine with you hanging out with your first year gang and classmates, but when people try to get romantic with you, that’s where he draws the line.
He will absolutely not tolerate Kalim trying to get your attention.  He will not have his one pride and joy get ruined by the carefree heir.
He’s a really tolerant man, so only if someone tried to ask you out would he lash out.  He’d probably only hypnotize them using his unique magic and force them to make a fool out of themselves to defuse any feels you may have had for them.
He’s always working behind the scenes when he gets rid of rivals because he wants you to see him in the best light.
Would never use his unique magic on you unless you tried to leave him.  The worst he’d probably do is erase your memory of an argument you two had so that you’d forget why you tried to leave.
Since he cooks for Kalim, he’d probably pack you meals as well because food giving is his love language.  He’ll say that it’s because the cafeteria food is not good enough for you and how could you refuse a free homemade meal?
Will cook you your favorites and will eat them with you even if he doesn’t like them that much.  He would change his preferences to match yours so you guys seem more alike.
Overall, he’s very desperate for attention because he’s never gotten it before.  He's finally got something that Kalim can’t have, and he’d do anything to protect that obsession.  He has a Danger Level of 5/10 because he’d only hypnotize people to do his bidding without using violence.  He might make them do something stupid in front of a large crowd or might make them admit to some kind of rumor, but he’d never kill anyone.  As long as you offer him your love, you’d never be lacking a friend and protector.
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watermelonsloth · 4 months
naruto was the hokage but shikamaru was the one running konoha all the time, so it was like naruto wasn't really the hokage but the face. he was there to fight and play the hero but never to run anyone. he would just say “put the police at my house on watch” but nothing else (he's the ninja with the best sensory abilities in the world but the poor guy couldn't handle it).
a hokage needs to be someone outside to protect the village like the trump card. no one chooses a weak hokage no matter how good a leader he may be, he needs to have some defensive skills. that's why they even have two assistants/advisors. for naruto it was shikamaru the main one and then shizune who lived for two reigns, but shizune was removed to put her as sakura's assistant instead.
a hokage needs to be a konoha shinobi and needs to go through all ninja stages genin (beginner), chunin (team leaders above average ninja) and jonin (military large scale leaders and elite ninja). naruto left, he's good a talk-no-jutsu and he wanted to surpass the other kage and be acknowledged and he did.
shikamaru, sakura, rock lee, neji (rip), temari and hanabi, the main konoha jonin have these skills. team ebisu too but they're frauds who are very weak.
shikamaru made it to jonin which means he's cut out for military level leadership, so hundreds and thousands of people. he is made to lead others to victory, to save people if his friends help him with their combat capabilities. that is why he is an excellent advisor, he relies on others while he's the mastermind.
idk if you read boruto but having a weak hokage is the reason why konoha is doing so extremely bad right now. shikamaru is an amazing leader, the best in konoha, but he is physically weak and in real combat he is useless unless he already knows his enemy's abilities and has some good teammates to help him. he should have stayed as advisor and have the hokage be kakashi again or better sakura, who has the most powerful defensive ability in the world with katsuyu (the village will be destroyed pain level).
sasuke is a good choice. he has been a good leader of taka, he's the strongest shinobi in the world next to naruto and he's also leader material but only in battle. sasuke doesn't have the patience to talk to daimyo or do business, inaugurate a building, take pictures, etc. he fights for others but he is not cut out to lead an evacuation without jumping right into the action. he's not cut out for a chair either, neither were naruto or kakashi for that matter (kakashi always begged to leave his office). they're men of action.
he would be great if he also wasn't too haunted by his previous ideals of what hokage meant and moved forward (kishimoto's sasuke would move on) but he's also the kind of man that wouldn't do it alone unless it's with naruto or his teammates, like he does now as shadow hokage.
and while sakura is also a woman of action, she's more cut out to be hokage. not just because her two masters are hokage, but also because her training and her lifestyle are more suited for combat and office duties. she's used to working in a hospital since she finished her training with tsunade and was already vaunted as the top 3 as a teenager, to handling tsunade's paperwork while she was hokage, to being present in the office when important matters had to be discussed and giving her opinion, she founded her own mental health clinic so she knows how to handle for the public, etc.
she also made it to jonin, the only k12 with shikamaru and rock lee, which contrary to her chunin comrades who lead small teams of 4 to 5 shinobi, the three are military leaders. sakura is one of 4 (counting temari) who can lead and protect a village. they're large scale leaders and sakura was already aiding shizune handle the several injured in her camp, and when she was promoted she was already leading teams of medics she chose on her own. she's currently the head of a whole department and a hospital full of people. she's leading a mini konoha inside the walls of the hospital, inside her office but also acting on her duties herself.
also, kishimoto said of team 7 sakura would be the best instructor.
I’m gonna assume that this is a response to my post about Naruto not being a good leader and that you sent this as an ask because you wanted a response of some kind. If not, feel free to ignore this.
Here are my ramblings about the Hokage and what I think makes a good one.
Just to make my thought process easier to understand, I’m gonna do a quick rundown of what I interpret the responsibilities of the Hokage to be. (Keep in mind, I’m taking this from the Naruto manga, a little from Boruto, and nothing from the novels.) Because I’m American and this is the easiest way for me to wrap my head around how the village works, I think of the Hokage as being a mix of the shogun from when Japan had shogunates and the president. So, basically: they have full or mostly full control of the military, they (theoretically) answer to the daimyo, they don’t make or pass laws but they play a large role in enforcing them, they aren’t diplomats but they are expected to maintain relations and support major political alliances, they are public figures both to represent Konoha/the Land of Fire and to act as deterrents to war (and thus can’t be pushovers in skill or personality), they decide how dissenters are dealt with, they’re responsible for maintaining national security, they command forces during war time, they stay in the village to protect it against threat, etc. etc. etc.
TL;DR A good Hokage is someone who’s good at politics, a skilled military commander, and isn’t someone people want to fuck with.
For the most part, the Hokage fit this well.
Hashirama is a charismatic leader who was commanding the Senju clan for who knows how long before building the village, and he’s so strong that he can get away with his goofball antics. Plus, we know from his fight against Madara at the Valley of the End that he is not a pushover, knows when it’s time to get serious, and is absolutely not afraid to be ruthless.
Tobirama is Tobirama. He’s far from being a pushover, seems like a Lyndon-Johnson-esque political leader who’s willing to step on a few toes and use intimidation if he deems it necessary, has about as much experience as a shinobi as Hashirama and likely acted as a general during the warring states era, and even if he isn’t as strong as his brother, he’s still smart enough and has enough variety in his skillset that most shinobi aren’t gonna want to fight him.
Hiruzen is liked by the people of Konoha (and probably the daimyo) and is strong enough to protect the village in case of an emergency. However, it also seems like he isn’t a good leader and doesn’t bring the intimidation factor a Hokage should (at least from what we’ve seen, this could’ve been different when he was in his prime). I think he got away with lacking in those areas for three reasons: 1. Konoha had many jounin/rising shinobi who were more competent leaders than him (the three sannin, Sakumo, Minato, Fugaku, Shikaku, etc.) who could cover for his failings on the field. 2. Hiruzen was following Hashirama and Tobirama (two stronger and much more intimidating Hokage), so villages would’ve been hesitant about messing with Konoha even if Hiruzen wasn’t a walking deterrent like they were. 3. Danzo covered his weaknesses (say what you want about him, but Danzo was the head of anbu, knew how to get what he wanted, and had enough of a presence that even Tsunade didn’t want to get in his way too much).
I think I’ve made my point enough that I don’t need to get into Minato and Tsunade, so let’s get back on topic and talk about the characters you brought up.
I’ve already mentioned that I don’t think Naruto would make a good Hokage. He’s definitely strong enough that defending the village/intimidating other nations wouldn’t be a problem and with some more maturing I can see him being able to act as a political figure, but I’ve already said that he isn’t much of a leader and I doubt he’ll ever not get restless being cooped up in the village doing the day-to-day work.
When it comes to Sasuke, I think that he could be Hokage since he meets all of the requirements, but he wouldn’t be the best because of his personality. I think he could be a reasonably good public figure and handle the more tedious parts of being Hokage fine, if he thought they were important. If he thought they were necessary or would have a positive impact, he could do all of those things fine; but he probably wouldn’t bother with them at all if he didn’t see the point. There’s also a problem with what he would find important because, like Naruto, he tends to treat important matters as personal responsibilities. That’s fine if he’s off wandering the world alone or if he’s on a small team, but that doesn’t work if he’s supposed to be running an entire system’s worth of people.
Shikamaru and Sakura would make bad candidates for similar reasons. Yes, they both meet certain requirements and I can see why people think they’d work—both can be very charismatic when they need to be and they take charge when the situation calls for it or they’re personally motivated to, Shikamaru is probably the best strategist in the series, and Sakura has the strength and skills to protect the village in case of emergency—but people also tend to overestimate how much charge they actually take. Shikamaru only acts as a leader when he’s ordered to and when Asuma died; Sakura only acts as a leader when nobody else can or will. They also both tend to abandon those leadership positions as soon as someone they think is more qualified steps up to the plate. Basically, they’re both too much of pushovers to act as Hokage (hence why I think they work much better as enforcers or advisors). If either were to be Hokage, it would have to be a Hiruzen situation where they have someone right next to them to cover their blind spots.
(Also, I’m not sure why you brought up Kishimoto saying that Sakura would be the best teacher of team seven because that’s a fundamentally different career path.)
As for Kakashi, I’d actually say that he makes a damn good Hokage. He has years of experience working closely with previous Hokage and leading different teams, he has the notoriety to act as a deterrent, he has the skill to protect the village, he knows how to get (very important) people to listen to him, he knows when and how to make difficult decisions, he takes charge at a moments notice, he maintains self control and levelheadedness under pressure, he asks for second opinions and knows when he can/should rely on others, he is stubborn in his beliefs but he still knows how to compromise, and he’s incredibly smart. He knocks it out of the park in all categories, even personality. If I had to choose someone to be Hokage in Naruto’s place, it would be Kakashi. The main issue with him being Hokage is that he doesn’t want to be the Hokage.
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Tamlin Week, Day 5: Purpose
Question: Tamlin seems to have lost his purpose, if you could give it back to him what would his new purpose be?
“I never expected—never wanted—my father’s title. My brothers would have never let me live to adolescence if they had suspected that I did. So the moment I was old enough, I joined my father’s war-band and trained so that I might someday serve my father, or whichever of my brothers inherited his title.” He flexed his hands, as if imagining the claws beneath. “I’d realized from an early age that fighting and killing were about the only things I was good at.”
“I doubt that,” I said.
He gave me a wry smile. “Oh, I can play a mean fiddle, but High Lords’ sons don’t become traveling minstrels. So I trained and fought for my father against whomever he told me to fight, and I would have been happy to leave the scheming to my brothers. But my power kept growing, and I couldn’t hide it—not among our kind.”
~ A Court of Thorns and Roses
The most common suggestion I have seen for what should happen to Tamlin’s character is that he should step down and become the traveling minstrel he always wanted to be, and let Lucien and Elain take over the Spring Court. Because they represent sunlight and flowers.
Ship wars aside, I will admit that I entertained that thought for a short while, because Tamlin has been through so much, and I'd love to see him do something he loves. However, I fear that would be the last we see of him in this story, and I think there's more for him to do. The evidence?
My power kept growing.
In a fantasy series where one's destiny is determined from birth, or at least their mate is, then it seems plausible that the Cauldron does not choose a new High Lord at random. I believe that Tamlin was always meant to be the future High Lord of the Spring Court, or at least he was chosen when he was very young.
By the time the story starts, we don't know how long Tamlin has been High Lord, only that he's been at it for a while. At least a few decades, if not a couple centuries. (He and Rhys are over 500 years old, after all.) Several courtiers defected to other Courts once he assumed his role, since they didn't want to be ruled by a "warrior-beast" who didn't know how to play politics.
When human Feyre shows up, there aren't many people left, but it would seem that whoever is left is loyal. His sentries willingly crossed the Wall to give him a chance to break the curse. Alis joined the Spring Court as a servant to save her nephews' lives, and Tamlin protected them. His people danced with him on Solstice. When the curse was lifted Under the Mountain, Spring courtiers fought back against Amarantha’s guards, "their masks clattering to the ground". For all intents and purposes, Tamlin was loved and respected as High Lord.
However, as of the events in ACOSF, his Court is in shambles, and he is a shadow of his former self, prowling the ruins in his beast form. The Inner Circle, especially Rhysand, thinks he deserves this fate. They tolerate his existence for as long as it serves their purpose: peace.
So what is left for a beastly High Lord to do? Find someone or something to care about. Whether it is another person, a place, or a thing, allowing himself to care about something--anything--else will help him break out of this downward spiral. It could be as simple as tending his mother's rose garden, or nursing a wounded creature back to health, or caring for any faeries who might still live within his territory.
I might even go so far as to suggest that a certain character introduced in ACOWAR (Briar, one of the Children of the Blessed who was rescued from Hybern's camp) might be involved. It would not be her job to save him, of course, but for someone suffering from depression, sometimes it takes someone else being there to hold out their hand and help them up. More on that tomorrow (Day 6, Future).
As I mentioned in my essay for Day 3, I think Tamlin has already been redeemed. That was Step 1. Now he needs to heal (Step 2). Step 3 involves him finding his purpose i.e. something to care about. And I believe that something will eventually extend to the entirety of the Spring Lands. Then, it's just a matter of reaching for his crown with both hands (not paws) to resume the role he was always destined to fill: High Lord of the Spring Court.
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nihils-trolls · 1 year
Deeds Done In Shadow
Nyxtra Eidwyn | Present Night | Eidwyn Estate
Finally, the night had come. Both moons were high in the sky, and both at their fullest. The sky was clear in the valley clearing, and not a single other soul was nearby. Nyxtra toiled away to prepare a ritual- one of great importance.
With the end of the staff she carried, she finished drawing out the large magic circle. Eight black candles, placed at eight directions- salt lining the outermost ring. In each direction were also engraved eight runes. To the north, gold. Moving clockwise, a barrier. Then salt, to represent the body. A rune to increase the strength of the barrier, and then silver- purity, wisdom and protection of the spirit. Next was a sigil of rejuvenation, to ensure her good health. Then black sulfur, the element connecting the above and below realms. Lastly, another enhancement rune to channel more mana, increasing the strength of this complicated ward.
Standing in the center of it all, Nyx inspects her work to ensure its quality. Satisfied, she sits down, crossing her legs. Reaching into her shirt, Nyxtra pulls out a periapt hiding below the neckline- then opens it to pour out the contents in front of her. A black, viscous and odorous substance falls out, splattering the ground. As it does, the clear weather begins to shift- clouds suddenly forming and rolling in to cover the moons. The lines she just drew begin to shine a faint lavender, seeming to shift their positions just slightly.
The wind begins to howl as the ichor-like substance rises from the ground, expanding and contorting into a vague shape of some… thing. An arm, then a torso. Then a head and some legs below- if you could truly call them that. Broken appendages at best. As it finishes its formation, Nyxtra meets what little, lifeless gaze the being has to acknowledge it.
A rasping, almost scratching whisper reaches the woman's ears.
"What dreadful purpose have you released me for this time, Gloaming?" The entity spoke slowly and meticulously- but with no uncertain feelings of disdain towards the goldblood. After all, she is the one that contained it.
"You have drawn out and forcefully taken what power I once held already. I've nothing left to give you, not that I would be willing to do so in the first place."
"You have knowledge-" Nyxtra finally replies. She's clearly doing her best not to be impatient, with the being enuncing every syllable with a contemptuous inflection. "Experience. And I know for a fact you've been holding out on me in strength as well. Lies will do you no good here, daemon."
The being makes a low thrumming growl. The ichor slowly solidifies into a black, squishy flesh with fungi sprouting in various places. As a result, the horrid and rotting stench begins to waft away. It looks down at its new features, a scowl now visible on its non-rotten face.
"Going as far as to seal away my very essence, I see."
"Well, I can't have you destroying the very environment I live in. Or my own body," Nyx says with a huff. Shouldn't that be obvious? This daemon is in no position to argue with her. However, she'll let it complain.
"Disgusting." It says, picking at the vessel it's now housed in. The skin pulls off in a chunk, only to reform mere seconds later. "So it's more power you want then?"
Nyxtra crosses her arms now, not breaking eye contact with the entity. "More or less."
"Why." it states, not like a question at all- more like a demand to have an answer.
And Nyxtra humors it. "You're not getting another chance to use it, for one. Two, these nights are… complicated. Society has advanced far beyond what I used to think possible. My kind now flies amongst the stars, albeit without knowing their stories, or even what lies behind the veil.
… I fear my time is too short. I do not want to take any risks further down the line, and I want to ensure I can protect that which I hold close. To aid those that I am able."
The thrumming from the daemon starts up once more. "A noble effort. Or a selfish one? I am in no place to judge, nor to bargain. But I am curious, if you'll humor me once more."
The witch pauses a moment to consider, then nods.
"Is your stomach as strong as your will, dear mage?" It repeatedly clicks, knowing the answer to this question already. It has foreseen this inevitable moment, its own end.
"What exactly are you suggesting?" Nyxtra questions, getting part of the hint. But not all of it.
The daemon makes a noise akin to a chuckle, amused at the thought of what is about to transpire.
"Partake in the way of daemons, killing and consuming one another to exceed their limits. That is the only thing left I have to offer you."
It's then that a switch clicks in her mind. "Dear gods. You mean actually eating you. Don't you?"
A shiver runs down Nyxtra's spine. Gross. Disgusting. Eating an embodiment of.. rot, of decay? To gain power? She cannot state enough- Eugh.
But… it seems logical. That it would work, that is. Mages before had bargained with other entities for power. Even mundane folk were able to wield arcane force through deals. Consuming was like… an advanced version of that, right? Though, it must have its own stipulations. Consequences. Limits. Ones she was not aware of, and doubted the daemon would tell her.
"Do you wish to proceed in this matter, Gloaming?" it interrupts her thinking- the tone it carries, almost goading. "You do not have all night to think it over."
"Oh hush up," she retorts, sighing as she makes up her mind.
Nyxtra stands, pulling a dagger out from her sleeve. She moves in closer to the daemon that slowly sinks to her level, looking deep into its eyes.
In them, she finds only resignation. "Get it over with, witch."
She raises her dagger, plunging it deep into the skull of the beast. And as it slumps over onto the ground, a deep gnawing pains her stomach.
Nyxtra drops to her knees, hunched over the blackened creature, slobbering.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
I know you're planning the main Finale Westhallen Fix-It AU (which I'm very much looking forward to) but I also want to know - how would you have done the Cobalt Blue storyline? Like if you'd been writing it, in what season would you have had it and how would it have played out?
I have a few different ideas on that. :D
1.) Armageddon would have been the changing of the guard. Eobard starts as the main villain with hints of someone else at play, slowly revealing Malcolm Thawne - Barry's long lost evil twin like in the comics - who steals Eobard's speed using his Blue Flame, introducing it's power-theft abilities from the start. It's other powers would get revealed over the course of the rest on Season 8 - the ability to create temporary objects and healing powers. It would have given Grant a second change to be both the hero and the villain in the same season - S3 might not have been great, but Savitar had a lot of promise to him and a significant part of that wasn't how he was written but how Grant played him and played Savitar and Barry off each other.
I like keeping the Thawne connection, but it does raise the question as to why Eddie never mentioned having a cousin who looked exactly like Barry. Though the show's had worse plot-holes. And, honestly, I couldn't identify my cousins on sight anymore, so I'd give Eddie not recognizing the similarities a pass.
2.) E2 Eddie in S2 would have made for an interesting Cobalt Blue. Forcing Barry to confront his feelings of guilt about Eddie's death in S1 and opening the possibility of Zoom being after Cobalt Blue for his healing powers as a potential fix for the Velocity induced power incontinence and health problems he's suffering from. If E2 Eddie is morally gray that adds another wrinkle to the whole protecting him thing, as Barry would have to confront and overcome his own tendencies to be kind of a hypocrite about certain aspects of his (and Oliver's) vigilantism.
This opens up the option of E2 Eddie sticking around for S3, assuming the show runners could resist the urge to kill him off too. (And makes me consider E2 Eddie/Barry/Iris... Westhallen of a slightly different flavor?)
3.) Post multiverse reboot, Eddie never came to Central City and is in Keystone instead, alive and well. Maybe a scientist here instead of a police officer. A lab accident triggers his previously dormant powers and he saves his lab-mate's life. Which leads him to seek out the Flash - Keystone's Flash, Jay. This could play out different ways, with this Eddie having led a different life. And maybe Eobard's out to make sure his ancestor doesn't bite it this time, blaming Barry for his own mistake of driving his ancestor to suicide in the pre-reboot timelines. This idea is a lot more nebulous to me, but still an interesting one.
4.) Malcolm, Eddie's younger brother, shows in S3 instead of the Savitar arc. He wants to know the truth about his brother's death and Alchemy - a legitimate threat here - turns Malcolm into Cobalt Blue. Malcolm winds up a dragon ascendant type here, going from lackey to leader and taking out Alchemy in the process because he blames the Flash for Eddie's death. Learning the truth, that Eddie killed himself to stop Eobard, just cements the blame in Malcolm's mind - especially if he's made aware Eobard is still alive. Perhaps driving him to blame Iris too, now that she and Barry are dating. (Not engaged, let them actually date first.)
This would probably also toss out Flashpoint and the needless drama of Dante's death. Or at least push Dante's death to further down in the season so that it's not an off screen event that causes much viewer confusion.
5.) Alternatively S3's version of Malcolm Thawne is just Eddie by another name from Earth-19. HR and Cynthia show up on E1 because she's looking to track down the dangerous breacher and HR was able to get permission from on high to shadow her for a novel. Which she's very unhappy about. This could allow for the re-imagining of the Collectors as a somewhat more ethical and less hypocritical organization, making it less of a protagonist centered moral quagmire that Cisco nearly gets sucked into while dating her.
Malcolm initially tries to pull what Black Siren did over on Arrow - convince everyone he's Eddie back from the dead. Team Flash is suspicious, of course. And that's before they team up with Cynthia and HR to expose and capture the fraud. It could also have Cobalt Blue teaming up with Central City's Rogues would also make it a Rogue season, which the show needed and deserved.
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Main Tittle: Letting Go: How Harboring Grudges Damages.
Subtitle: Breaking Free: Why Holding onto Grudges Costs You Your Peace and Relationships.
Chapter 1: Understanding the Nature of a Grudge
Explore what grudges are and why we hold onto them.
1. What is a Grudges?
A grudge is more than just temporary anger or disappointment; it is a deeply rooted feelings of resentment that lasts long after the initial hurt has occurred. When someone wrongs us, we might feel anger or sadness in the moment, but a grudge takes this one step further-it's when we can't let go of that hurt. Grudges live in our minds and hearts, keeping the emotional wound open.
Unlike fleeting anger, a grudge persists. It can be as small as holding resentment toward someone for an offhand comment, or as significant as carrying the pain of betrayal for years. The key element that defines a grudge is its longevity-it sticks with you, and the emotions tied to the hurt become a part of your daily experience.
How does a grudge differ from short term anger or disappointment?
It's natural to feel hurt, angry, or disappointed when someone wrongs us, but most of these feelings fade with time. In healthy situation, we express our anger, process it, and move on. However, when those feelings of anger remain unresolved, they harden into grudges.
Short-term anger: You might be upset with a friend for canceling plans at the last minute, but after some time, you forgive and forget. You move forward without dwelling on it.
A grudge: On the other hand, if you continue to hold onto that anger-perhaps feeling that your friend doesn't value you-you start to harbor resentment. You replay the situation in your mind, allowing negative emotions to build up over time.
In essence, short-term anger or disappointment is like a passing storm, while a grudge is like a lingering cloud that refuses to lear, constantly casting a shadow over your thoughts and emotins.
2. The Psychology of Holding Grudges
Why do we hold onto grudges when they clearly harm us? The answer lies in the complexities of human psychology. Harbouring a grudge often gives us a false sense of control or power. When we feel wronged we may hold onto the resentment as a defense mechanism, where we think, "If I stay angry, I'm safeguarding myself from being hurt again."
Desire for justice or revenge:
Sometimes, people hold grudges because they feel that justice hasn't been served. They believe that holding onto the resentment is a way to balance the scales.
Unresolved hurt or trauma:
Emotional wounds, especially deep ones, are difficults to heal. When we feel betrayed or wronged, we may not know how to address those feelings, so they linger and fester.
Feeling of powerlessness: In situations where we feel powerless or victimized, a grudge can give us a sense of regsining control, even if that control is rooted in negative emotions.
Grudges can also act as emotional armor, making us feel protected. We tell ourselves, "If I stay anger, I won't let them hurt me again." But in reality, holding onto that resentment keeps us trapped in the past and prevents us from truly moving forward.
3. The Emotional Impact of Grudges
The emotional toll of carrying a grudge can be overwhelming. It weighs down your heart and mind, often without you even realizing it. Holding onto resentment consumes energy and mental space, leaving little room for positive emotions like joy, peace, or love.
Bitterness: One of the clearest emotional outcomes of harboring a grudge is bitterness. You may find yourself feeling cynical, distrusting, and emotionally guarded, even in situationas that aren't related to the original hurt.
Stress and Anxiety: A grudge can keep your mind constantly replaying the hurtful event, leading to heightened stress and anxiety. Your body and mind remain in a state of tension, unable to relax or find peace.
Impacts on Phisical Health: Prolonged emotional stress can also have physical effects. Studies have shown that holding onto negative emotions like resentment can increase that risk of heart problems, weaken the immune system, and contribute to chronic illnesses.
For continuation
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guidanceonpetwelfare · 6 months
Keeping Your Fur Baby Safe: Why Every Pet Owner Needs a Pet Tracker
Owning a pet comes with immense joy and responsibility. As a pet owner, ensuring the safety and well-being of your furry friend is a top priority. While many pet owners rely on traditional methods like collars and tags, advancements in technology offer a game-changing solution: pet trackers. These innovative devices provide real-time location tracking, giving pet owners unparalleled peace of mind. Let's explore why every pet owner needs a pet tracker.
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Stay Connected Anytime, Anywhere with a Pet Tracker
One of the most significant advantages of a pet tracker is the ability to stay connected with your furry companion no matter where you are. Whether you're at work, traveling, or simply at home, a pet tracker allows you to monitor your pet's whereabouts in real time. With just a few taps on your smartphone, you can pinpoint your pet's location instantly. This level of connectivity ensures that you're always informed and prepared, minimizing the stress and worry that often accompany pet ownership.
Protect Your Fur Baby with Advanced Technology
Traditional methods of pet identification, such as collars and tags, have their limitations. Collars can easily break or fall off, leaving your pet vulnerable and unidentifiable. Tags can become worn or illegible over time, making it difficult for others to contact you if your pet goes missing. A pet tracker, on the other hand, utilizes cutting-edge technology like GPS and cellular networks to provide accurate and reliable location tracking. This advanced technology offers a robust layer of protection for your fur baby, increasing the likelihood of a swift and safe return if they ever wander off.
Peace of Mind: The Ultimate Gift for Pet Owners
The bond between a pet and their owner is built on love, trust, and companionship. However, the fear of losing a beloved pet can cast a shadow over this special relationship. A pet tracker alleviates this fear by providing unmatched peace of mind. Knowing that you can quickly locate your pet in the event of an emergency or escape brings a sense of relief and security. With a pet tracker by your side, you can enjoy every moment with your furry friend without the constant worry of what might happen if they stray too far.
Embrace Freedom While Keeping Your Pet Safe
Pets, like humans, crave freedom and exploration. However, giving your pet the freedom to roam doesn't have to come at the expense of their safety. A pet tracker enables you to strike the perfect balance between freedom and security. Whether your pet loves to explore the great outdoors or prefers to cuddle up indoors, a pet tracker ensures that they can do so safely. With the ability to set virtual boundaries and receive instant alerts if your pet crosses them, you can grant your furry friend the freedom they desire while staying in control of their safety.
The Future of Pet Care: Harnessing the Power of Technology
As technology continues to evolve, so too does the way we care for our pets. Pet trackers represent the future of pet care, offering innovative solutions to age-old challenges. With features like activity monitoring, health tracking, and even temperature alerts, pet trackers provide comprehensive support for pet owners. By embracing these advancements, pet owners can not only keep their pets safe but also enhance their overall well-being and quality of life.
Conclusion: Safeguard Your Pet's Future with a Pet Tracker
In the modern world, ensuring the safety and security of our furry companions is more important than ever. With the help of a pet tracker, pet owners can protect their fur babies like never before. From real-time location tracking to advanced safety features, pet trackers offer a range of benefits that traditional methods simply can't match. By investing in a pet tracker, you're not just purchasing a device – you're investing in your pet's future and your peace of mind. So why wait? Take the first step towards a safer, happier future for you and your pet today.
Must Read: Safeguard Your Pet: Explore the Latest GPS Tracker Technology
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ardathksheyna · 10 months
On So-Called "Feminist" Writers
So Sarah J. Maas is considered a feminist writer, huh?
Yeah, and I'm sure Andrea Dworkin was really a pro-sex-work/pro-trans feminist in disguise.
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For those who don't get sarcasm, here's a hint: Dworkin wasn't. SJM isn't a feminist, and Stephanie Meyer is really a man *snark*. Yes, I'm being an asshole, but the thing those three have in common is that they've pushed forth and promoted toxic femininity, and essentially set women back—Dworkin in particular.
I've already ranted about Andrea Dworkin being the prototypical man-hating feminist, so I'll leave that alone for this post.
I know I missed the SJM hate-train by a few years. I think had I found out about Rowan earlier when I was still trying to work on Silent Shadow back in 2013, I would have jumped on that bandwagon then.
Or probably not—there's a greater likelihood that I would have ignored it since after graduating in 2010, I could never find the time to work on Silent Shadow like I wanted. I was too focused on leveling up my coding skills and nurturing the beginnings of a now fruitful long-term relationship. In fact, it was in 2013 that I decided to lay Silent Shadow to rest—a decision that I realized earlier this year was a bad one and might have saved my mental health by giving me a creative outlet other than writing code.
Sarah J. Maas has what I've started to call the Anne McCaffrey syndrome—creating powerful women but nerfing them by needing men to complete their lives and save them—sorry to both ladies, relationships are two-way streets. Sometimes the man does the saving, sometimes the woman.
Basically, it's nerfing strong women by using their relationships. It's lazy writing and it's an unrealistic trope that should have died out years ago.
As much as I loved the Talent series and the Dragonriders of Pern, those were the first books on the chopping block when I had to lighten my treasure trove of books for the move. The concepts presented in both series were nice enough for 15-year-old me, but had worn flat by the time I was in my late 20s.
As far as protag likability, looking back on it, I think Anne McCaffrey suffered in that area as well. I didn't like how Lessa seemed argumentative at times for no reason, or Anghariad's (yes, another character named Rowan) "fit throwing" (the opening of Lady in the Tower—from Get Off the Unicorn).
Actually, the other thing that bugged me about Lessa was her relationship with F'lar—something I didn't catch when I was 15 but made me go "hold up" when I was in my late 20s.
The only female Anne McCaffrey protagonist I like—and she may not have been written by McCaffrey, but by Elizabeth Moon (who actually has military experience and you can definitely see it in the book)—and that was Sassinak.
Side-note: Sassinak struck me as a woman that could easily stand next to Kirk, Picard, or Sisko if she were in the Star Trek universe.
The biggest problem with Stephanie Meyer was promoting a relationship that by even the standards of the day when the books were published, was considered toxic and abusive—scratch that, that dynamic was considered toxic twenty years before Twilight came out.
The biggest problem I have with authors that are considered "feminist" like Maas is that they continue to push shitty gender stereotypes at a time when we as a society need to grow beyond what defines a woman's place or a man's place.
Comparing Sarah J. Maas with another YA author—Mercedes Lackey—who actually writes about strong women and doesn't nerf them in lazy ways. I ended up loving her books—at first, it was her almost scientific approach to the magical system of Velgarth. Then it became the introduction of gay characters at a time when there were very few in the media.
What Lackey did with Valdemar was basically take the good parts of America and put it in a fantasy setting where you have an incorruptible group of people who protect those good parts.
It's not a surprise that despite her short-comings, Mercedes Lackey has been an author that has stuck with me well into adulthood. Though honestly, Glen Cook and his approach to fantasy with The Black Company runs a very close second.
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Evil Dead The Game GOTY Edition Review (Steam)
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 Join our Evil Dead The Game GOTY Edition Review as we step into the shoes of Ash Williams or his friends from the iconic Evil Dead franchise and work together in a game loaded with over-the-top co-op and PVP multiplayer action! Play as a team of four survivors, exploring, looting, managing your fear, and finding key items to seal the breach between worlds in a game inspired by all three original Evil Dead films as well as the STARZ original Ash vs Evil Dead television series.
Evil Dead The Game GOTY Edition Review Pros:
- Decent graphics. - 15.76GB download size. - Steam achievements. - Steam trading cards. - GOTY edition also includes six DLC packs. - PvP and PvE gameplay. - Full controller support. - Controller settings - Invert axis and sensitivity sliders for both first and third-person perspectives. - Graphics settings - Gamma slider, resolution scale, view distance, v-sync, shadows, textures, effects, tessellation, shading, and post-processing. Screen resolution can be changed when in windowed mode. - Tutorial play mode for each type so survivor and Kandarian Demon. - Four survivor roles - leader, warrior, hunter, and support. - Missions are little 10-minute single-player bite-sized experiences with key moments from the franchise. - Has a humor element to it. - Takes characters, Items, and locations from all the films and TV shows. - Nine characters - Annie Knowby, Ash Williams, Scotty, Henry the Red, Kelly Maxwell, Ed Getley, Cheryl Williams, and two other versions of Ash. - Weapon rarity levels - common, rare, epic, and legendary. - The game does go for shock value and jump scares. - Powerful soundtrack. - Fully Voiced characters. - Amulets work like a shield giving you extra protection against attacks. - Combat is very hack and slashes with heavy and light attacks, finishers, and dodge. - Mark items in the world for other players to see. - Shortcuts for health and items. - Well thought out the tutorial. - Love the tutorial pop-ups as they look built into the world. - Upgrading within the level is quick and simple and can be done at any time. - As a survivor, you need to find the pieces of the map so you can find the lost pages of the Necronomicon and the Kandarian dagger. - Supply crates (loot chests in-game) come in rarity aswel and are the same as the weapons. - Pink F can be collected and used to upgrade stats for the rest of the game. - Pop up over items for a brief description, Weapons give a red or green number to say if it is better or worse. - Demons can drop items. - You use the pages to find the dagger then use your dagger to fight the Dark ones that then have you defending the Necronomicon until victory. - Fear plays a big part and you have a bar that fills up, and lights fires to decrease fear. - Three types of demons - Warlord, Puppeteers, and Necromancer. - Nine demons to choose from, three of each type. - When in spirit form (demon) you are invisible and can move quickly. - Your job as a demon is to stop the players from getting the pages of the Necronomicon. - Infernal energy is needed for Demon attacks and you build this up by finding orbs around the location. - Possession of Deadites or survivors is possible if you have enough Infernal energy. You can at any time drop the possession and return to spirit form. - Portals can be placed by Demons and act as a spawn point, the unit's and unit's effectiveness is determined by upgrades/buffs applied. - Four types of portals can be cast - basic, proximity basic, elite, and proximity elite. - Vehicles can be driven by survivors but also possessed by a demon! - Possess an evil tree and lay down traps. - Booby trap supply crates - Ash's hand trap will scare (fear) and damage you whilst mini Ashe's trap will scare (fear) and steal items from you. - Proximity portals are traps that once triggered will spawn enemies. - Demons can gain upgrade points to make them deadlier and this is done by scaring survivors and raising your threat level. - Daemonic dash into a survivor to raise their fear significantly. - Dripping with atmosphere thanks to the lighting and impactful soundtrack. - Demons can summon and become the boss to which you then must destroy the final Necronomicon sequence. - Overall player rank with unlock rewards. - Five ways to play the game - - Play as a survivor. (online) - Play as a demon. (online) - Exploration. - Play as a survivor. (Vs Ai) - Play solo. (vs Ai) - Private match. - Splatter Royale. - The collection menu lets you see each survivor's skill tree and outfits. - Deadites are Ai enemies unless possessed. - Can rebind controls for the keyboard. - Crossplay support. - Handy mute button in-game for individual players. - A very intense experience. - Hilarious yet gory finishers and executioner moves. Evil Dead The Game GOTY Edition Review Cons: - No matter what the game is dark. - There is no tutorial or I fo on what all the modes are especially the splatter Royale mode. - Cannot rebind controls for the controller. - Doesn't allow any save migration from the Epic Games Store version. - When in spirit form the motions are really floaty like you are on a boat in a storm with a drunk captain at the wheel. - You have to hold down the button to pick up and interact with things. - The Mark system isn't like pinging, it's a hard lick on and stays marked until you mark a new thing. - The first few games will constantly bang-up text and icons trying to help. - Fear builds up really fast. - Vehicles are hard to drive and far too squirrelly. - The camera is all over the place. - Just feels like you go from one wave-based encounter to the next with some light looting in between. - Execution moves cannot always be done as the final blow which is kinda the opposite of the point. - The mouse cursor stays on the screen when using the controller. Related Post: Alekon Review (Nintendo Switch OLED)  Evil Dead The Game: Official website. Developer: Saber Interactive Publisher: Saber Interactive Store Links -  Steam Read the full article
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solarcitymarine · 2 years
Cool for the Summer! Tips on How to Combat the Heat During Your Camping Trip
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The sun’s out, the temperature’s getting high, and the summer holidays are just around the corner. Why not treat your young ones or your friends for a camping trip near the mountains, in the forest, near lakes and rivers, or even near the beach? This is the perfect time to do it as the weather gets clearer and drier. If you’re an avid camper, you know how to keep yourself cool under the merciless sweltering heat of the sun but if this is your first time, you need to know all the things to keep cool and avoid getting ill such as getting sunstroke. So before you take out your Nova caravan to your destination, plan and prepare first to ensure you’ll stay safe from the sun. Below are some tips you can do:
Set Up Under a Shade
If you can find a camping spot in the shade, take it. Letting trees absorb the sunlight, instead of your tent and your caravan will go a long way in keeping you cool. You can also save your battery’s energy by not keeping your caravan on at all times.
Use Sunshade to Keep The Sun Out
Using a sunshade is one of the best tips for staying cool while camping. These covers reflect sunlight back up to the sky, leaving anything in their shadow that much cooler. The idea when camping is to use them to block your tent or social area from the sun’s direct light. You can either use a reflective sunshade or a tarpaulin or canvas material. Use trees, stakes or poles to tie the shade above your tent. If you don’t have a tent and just use your caravan, you can install the sunshade on the edge of the vehicle.  
Take Advantage of Mesh Covers
The fine mesh walls of a tent offer protection from biting insects while also allowing a breeze to pass through, thus providing the best of both worlds to add to your warm-weather camping gear. It is advantageous to choose a tent with mesh walls. You can also purchase a mosquito net.
Get a Portable Fan
Portable fans provide a blissful, battery-powered breeze that runs all night. A good camping fan will be lightweight, quiet, portable and able to attach to the tent’s floor, wall or ceiling. Find a fan with foam
Keep Well Hydrated at All Times
Hydration is the most crucial part of staying cool, safe and healthy on camping trips. Since your body is made of about 60% water, keeping it properly hydrated is one of the best weapons against overheating. Dehydration can lead to many problems and health risks, so try to drink at least 64 ounces of water per day or more. If you are feeling thirsty, that means you are already dehydrated, so try to sip water throughout the day consistently. Before you go camping, try to get used to drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. This will give you an idea of how much water you should be drinking while enjoying the fun and sunshine on your camping trip.
Use a Damp Towel to Cool Off Your Skin
If it is particularly stifling hot outside, and the heat is making you feel hot and your headache, laying a damp towel across the back of your neck and on your forehead is a great way to beat the heat during the day. Use cool water to freshen up your skin. The damp towel will allow it to suck quite a bit of heat out of your skin before it gets warm. When it does, just flip it over and enjoy the process all over again.
Take a Cold Shower Before Going to Sleep
If there is a shower facility or even a cool body of water nearby, try immersing yourself in it before going to bed. Cold water will bring your internal temperature down and turn your body into a self-contained air conditioning unit for a while. That means when you go to bed, you will feel cool and comfortable and will be able to fall asleep easier.
Pack Light-Coloured Clothing
Pack only light-coloured clothes on summer camping trips. Yellow, white, khaki, turquoise, fuchsia, and pastel colours are great to wear during your camping trip as this will keep you much cooler during the day. Don’t forget to choose fabrics that are breathable and absorb moisture. Wear loose-fitting clothes as tight-fitting ones can be constrictive and warm.
Don’t Forget Wear Sunscreen During the Day
Protect your skin from sunburns, blisters, and rashes from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun by wearing sunscreen or sunblock. The UV rays from the sun can cause premature skin aging, skin cancer, and other damage to the skin. Apply sunscreen throughout the day to make sure you’re always protected. Fortify it by wearing a hat to protect your head and face and sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun’s glare.
Keep the Bugs and Pests Away From Bothering You
Make sure you pack plenty of bug spray for your camping adventure to protect yourself from harmful diseases. Insects are more active during hot summer months, but bug spray will keep buzzing pests and itchy bites from hindering your camping experience.
Taking your trailers, campers, or caravans in the Australian outback or in the lush jungles, there’s no doubt you’ll be treated to a fun and exhilarating adventure. So go out and have the time of your life. 
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callme-barnes · 3 years
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*Pictures are not mine*
Summary: Demons can be fun, at least you know you can be. When you go out to claim a soul as yours, Bucky finds you and it only adds on to the fun.
Pairing: Demon!Bucky x Demon!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: SMUT (Demon!Bucky is a sin), oral sex (f! receiving), rough sex, slight daddy kink, blood kink (if you squint), talk of religion (not much), dirty talk
A/N: Again, this work is 18+ only!. Do not repost my work anywhere! This is a one-shot based off of a series I really want to put out at some point. I've been having a tough go of it and this work Ade me feel better to write. Please do not judge my smut writing as I am still pretty new to it. All mistakes are mine. But otherwise please enjoy and feel free to interact with me if you liked it! Enjoy ladies & gents!
Y/N watched from the comfort of a dark corner at the bar at all the bodies dancing underneath the strobe lights of the club. It had hit its peak at about 1 in the morning, and it was the right time for you to strike the target you had come here to find.
His name was John, a pretty good looking man by human standards. Tall, dark and handsome as you once would’ve described him. Had a beautiful pregnant fiance at home by the name of Lily who was ready to give birth to a handsome baby boy any day now by what you could gather from Lily’s pleas for help. You had overheard her one night, crying herself to sleep as she prayed to God to help her make sense of her situation. She was stuck at home, waiting for a man who would go out and have fun with his friends. And other women.
She had prayed for clarity, safety and a change of heart for him. And strength and courage for herself. To be able to keep her fiance and to change what was wrong with her. Of course nothing was wrong with Lily. She was pregnant, ready to burst at any second. She was bringing a life into this world, risking her body and her health and for what? For a man who refused to change his way of life because that’s what he had grown accustomed to? Or in his words, “To be a slave to a family?”
You had found yourself in that situation once, praying to God for a man that couldn’t give a shit less if you had dropped dead. As long as he maintained his freedom and habits all was well. Instead the man you had grown to love had left you for a cute petite brunette, claiming you had been smothering him with your “jealousy” and your “excessive” calls when you only wanted to be with him.
Your praying touched upon deaf ears of course and it was then that you realized no one was out there to protect you. You were on your own to deal with the hardships of your life.
Until you met him. James Barnes.
He had been your savior when you were ready to give up all hope. Bucky, as you’ve grown to call him, had given you strength and a new life. A life devoted to taking what you wanted and not being sorry about it. A life devoted to him. But that was a tale for another time.
That’s how you ended up appearing to the poor young woman. Sat in her bed, in pain both physically and emotionally. You had appeared before her dressed in a beautiful black dress, the slit high up your thigh and a pair of your favorite black stilettos. She had been scared. As she should have been. Your power emanated before her, putting her in a trance before you disappeared into the shadows, sending her a small devilish grin.
You set your plan into motion when you saw him headed for the restroom area. He was intoxicated beyond his logical mind, which was just the way you liked them. Downing the remainder of your drink, you made your way to the back area, the sea of people splitting as you walked past them making a direct walkway to your destination. When you stood in front of the mens room, those who waited in line stared with hunger. Intensity. Desire. Your hand reached out to touch one of their gawking faces before sending him a wink and walking in after John. The light cheering on the other end of the door made you smile as you locked it behind you and walked towards the sink counter. You perched yourself on top of it, the red lights casting a hellish glow across your skin.
The stall door opened and you felt your insides twist in anticipation as John walked out, his eyes blinking to focus and his hands holding onto the wall for stability and guidance.
You watched as John made his way to the sinks before finally realizing he wasn’t alone, stopping just a foot in front of you. Your leg shifting up to cross over your other, the slit in your dress falling to either side to give him a nice little peek of your ass.
“Hey there handsome”
You were laying it on thick sure, but you weren’t going to lie, you were excited for this one. It hit a little too close to home for you and you were practically bursting open at the seams.
“Who...who are you?”
“I’ve been watching you all night you know. Trying to muster up the courage to approach you and talk to you”
He almost immediately dropped his guard, his vibrations shifting from reserved to open and ready. Good.
“Well hot stuff here we are. And you found me, here all vulnerable. Naughty girl”
You smiled at him as you stood up, your heels clicking on the tile as you reached over to grab his shirt and pull him close to you, pressing your body up against his own.
“Oh I can be very naughty”, you said and leaned up to kiss him. Your tongue slithered against his own, your pace slow waiting for him to respond. Which he did and quickly. His hands reached out to rest on your ass, his hands squeezing and bringing you in to rub against the hard on he was sporting. You sent him a small moan in response, obviously fake but that only spurred him on further.
His hands reached down to just underneath your ass before you pushed away from him and moved to perch yourself back up on the counter making sure to make a show of opening your legs to invite him in.
“I’ve been really lonely. I haven’t had a man in so long baby”
He was entranced by you, his focus resting on your open thighs and practically foaming at the mouth.
“You know how hard it is to find a single honest man in this city? I noticed you weren’t wearing a ring and you came here by yourself. Are you lonely too?”
This was it, the opportunity for your prey to make amends. You weren’t completely heartless, you had been human once. You had made mistakes too, so you always gave them a chance. Yet 99% of the time, they failed. So you got a chance to have some fun. Your eye contact didn’t falter as you ran your hand down between the valley of your breasts, the other trailing up to reveal the lacy thong you were wearing.
“Fuck...yes I’m....I’m so lonely”
There it was. The opportunity you were looking forward to because let's face it you knew this piece of shit was too set in his ways to repent. You sent him a smile as your fingers began to rub at yourself over your panties, letting out a small moan to coax him in.
“You wanna fuck me? It’s been so long since I’ve had a real man fuck me good”
He closed his eyes, letting out a shuddering breath before walking over and settling himself between your open legs, his hands grasping at your thighs, “Fuck me Johnny boy”
You moved up to kiss him again, this time more aggressively as your innocent facade began to slip away.
“Now I know there’s a God”
You stopped yourself from laughing or scoffing as your hands moved down to rub at his cock through his jeans, watching him as he tore his lip open with how hard he was biting down and you leaned up, making sure you pressed your body against him to give him one last little feel, moving your lips to his ear
“No God here John. Only me”
As you made your way to unbuckle his pants he hesitated a bit and you leaned back “What’s wrong baby? I thought you wanted to fuck me? Don’t you want to?”
“Yes I...fuck I do. Did you ask my friends my name? I don’t think I ever got yours?”
You watched a shadow move from behind John and before you could respond you saw him. Coming out of the shadows looking as handsome as the devil himself. Bucky.
“What does it matter? Don’t you just want to get inside me?”
As you spoke you made eye contact with Bucky from behind John’s shoulders as you leaned back and opened your legs up to give him a view. You smirked to yourself as Bucky’s demeanor changed and before John could get another word out you watched his eyes widen in fear, finally catching onto Bucky in the mirror’s reflection but by then it was too late. Bucky’s hand had reached into John’s back and grabbed onto his heart, squeezing tight before John collapsed lifeless onto the floor.
You watched him, standing up and looking down at him before shifting to Bucky with a smile, “That was my soul to take”
Bucky watched you, his eyes darkening in discontent “I really wish you’d keep your hands to yourself when taking your souls babygirl”
You leaned against the counter and shrugged, “Where’s the fun in that? Besides, how else would I get you all riled up and angry?”
Bucky was in front of you in a blink, his hand wrapping around your throat as he pressed himself up against you. The proximity of the man in front of you made you melt, your body immediately submitting to him as he stared at you. If you had a soul you were sure he’d be looking into it.
“Is that what it is? You like when I’m angry and jealous?”
You fluttered your eyelashes at him, “You’ve been so busy baby. I’ve had to fill the void with what I could take”
That didn’t make him loosen his hold or react, he just kept staring at you as if to say it was your move now and who were you if not an amazing actress.
“We both know I belong to you. And I wouldn’t want to fuck anyone else but you”
You moved your hand to grab onto his own that was pressed against your neck, leaning down to take two of his fingers into your mouth and began sucking on them. Bucky’s chest rumbled with a growl as he stood before you mesmerized, his dick twitching against his black dress pants he had on.
“I brought us an audience daddy,” you said when you pulled away from his hand a small trail of spit following your lips “You know how much I love it when people hear us fucking. It gets me so wet just thinking about all those guys out there wanting to get in my panties while my one and only is fucking me stupid”
That had done it for him, he slammed you against the mirror behind you causing it to break and fall around you as he took your lips in his, kissing you sloppy and animalistic. You let out a moan and a smile in victory, pressing your body into him not caring if you cut your hand on the shards that surrounded you. Bucky grabbed onto the point where your dress slit ended on your hip and tore the fabric open, making you gasp “This is my favorite dress”
“I’ll buy you another”
His growl tore through you, going straight to your aching core causing you to begin grinding against his dick for some relief. You reached your hand up to lick the trail of blood from your hand that was cut open making a show of it, your tongue trailing against your finger before motioning for him to get close. You pulled him into you and kissed him, hearing him moan into your mouth as you shamelessly continued grinding against him
“I want your dick daddy. Fuck I want it so bad. Need you to fuck me please. My pussy is so wet for you”
Bucky reached down and tore your panties from your body, his fingers trailing along your slit and gathering your wetness onto his fingers before slipping them into his mouth, moaning in response “Fuck you know just how to get me going little one. Want me to eat you out you little minx? Do you want to come on my tongue?”
You whined as you nodded and lifted your legs, your heels propping themselves up onto the counter to open up for him “Please. Want to cum on your tongue daddy. Make me cum please”
Bucky kneeled down in front of your open thighs and wasted no time as he leaned in and began to lick at every crevice he could reach and even some you didn’t know he could reach. His tongue worked from your entrance all the way up to your clit, making quick work of it. You moaned out obscenely, your hand reaching down to grip his hair and pressing him further into you as you grind your pussy down onto his face. You pleaded and moaned louder as he sucked and licked at you, your heels falling onto his back and digging into his skin. He hissed in response but otherwise kept at it, licking and sucking and repeating until you felt that familiar twist in your stomach.
“Oh fuck...yes please. Please give it to me, make me cum for you daddy. Shit yes!”
You made sure to be as loud as you wanted knowing the audience that had gathered on the other side of the restroom door. Bucky hit that one spot on your clit over and over again, causing your toes to curl in your heels and your back to arch up dramatically. Your eyes rolled up as you came loud and hard, your body convulsing and your thighs squeezing his head as he continued to suck. You attempted to push him away as you felt your body become too sensitive which only caused him to pin you down harder on the counter as he continued
“I...I can’t. Wait….oh fuck”
But he was a demon possessed as he kept going before you felt yourself come again, harder this time as you gripped onto the sink the pressure causing you to snap one of the handles clean off. You felt your release flow out of you as Bucky pulled away and wiped his lips with the back of his hand “Shit I love it when you do that for me”
His shirt was wet with your orgasm and he sent you a smirk as he undid his pants, bringing his cock out as he stroked it. You watched him in awe as you smiled at him, your eyes just as black as his as he reached over to pick you up and slammed you against the nearest wall. You gasped, wrapping your legs around his hips to bring him close, feeling his cock hard against your core.
“Fuck me. My pussy wants you so bad”
Bucky smirked at you before lining himself up and pushing into you fully in one thrust. You let your head rest back against the wall, unable to form a sound when you tried to moan before he began to slam up into you. He fucked you like an animal, all teeth and hands and no emotion. The air of authority fell off of him and made you moan and squeal every time he slid past that spot inside of you. Your nails made work, scratching at his neck when you tried to hold on, at his back causing his shirt to rip open and at the upper part of his ass so you could bring him closer to you.
“I want another out of you little one. I want you to cum all over my dick before I cum inside of this tight pussy you understand me? You gonna do that for me baby? Gonna….shit, gonna give me another one?”
“Oh fuck yes daddy I’ll do it. Anything for you, anything”
He pounded into you at a relentless pace, the vibrations coming off of the two of you causing the lights to flicker in small space and the doors to the stalls to shake on the hinges. When you felt your third orgasm coming you leaned in to kiss him and bite at his bottom lip roughly. You graced him with the most pornographic sounds you had in you, urging him on before you came, your walls gripping onto him like a vice not wanting to let him go. Bucky groaned and let his head fall back before he gripped your hips and began to take full control, using his strength to pull you down on him harder to get into you deeper. The force caused you to slam against the tile wall as you held onto him for salvation.
“Talk to me baby” he said as he used a hand to grab your jaw and made you look at him, “You know how much I love hearing you talk filthy to me”
Your walls spasmed around him as you felt what could have been another orgasm coming as you kept eye contact with him
“Oh daddy, I want you to come inside me. Want you to fill me completely with your cum. I want to be able to feel you inside of me for days. Please give it to me, please cum for me. You make me feel so good baby. Give it to me, fuck give it to me”
Your words drove him to the edge, his hips stuttering as he pushed into you again and he spilled himself inside of you, his orgasm also spurring on another of your own. Bucky’s hands grabbed onto you and pulled you in tightly as he rode out his release into you, pulling out slowly and pushing any cum that was slipping out back into you. You had a dumb smile on your face and you kissed him and pulled away.
“Want to finish this somewhere a little more private?”
Bucky listened to you finally hearing the cheers on the other side of the door and he smirked to himself as he leaned in to kiss you once again and set you on your feet so he could adjust himself, “You really are a bad girl”
You hummed in response as you looked in the mirror and fixed your eyeliner a bit, stepping over the dead body on the floor and you looked down “Almost forgot he was in here”
Bucky chuckled to himself and moved to take a hold of your waist. “What did this poor bastard do?”
“He has a pregnant fiance at home. Figured someone should teach him about consequences so he could use it in his next lifetime”
Bucky let out a deep but loud laugh as he squeezed you to him, “Let’s get outta here”
You smiled as you moved to unlock the bathroom door and allowed it to open a bit before walking back to Bucky and shifting out of the bathroom. You stood right outside and when you heard screaming and commotion you grinned in delight before walking towards Bucky who was waiting for you.
“Thank you”
You leaned up to kiss his cheek and looked down at you with admiration, “What for little one?”
“For blessing me with a new life worth living”
Bucky smiled as you both made your way down the busy street, ignoring the looks you got at your obvious physical state. His lips kissed your temple and he pulled you closer into him, “You deserve it. Now, my place or yours?”
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helianthus04 · 2 years
Okay so that one scene in Merlin s4 ep2 where Merlin and Lancelot are talking and:
Merlin: You don’t have to continue on this journey with me, you know.
Lancelot: *laugh* Try and stop me.
M: Why? Because you’re a knight, you feel honour bound?
L: You wouldn’t understand. It doesn’t make any sense to me either.
M: Gwen?
L: I made her a vow I would keep Arthur safe.
M: You don’t have to worry. I’ll keep him safe.
L: I made a vow, Merlin.
M: Do you still think about her?
L: No. Arthur’s… a better man than me.
M: I’m sorry.
L: Why? He loves her and… she’s happy.
Sounds a lot like they’re on two sides of the same situation (with Gwen and Arthur respectively):
- Firstly, there’s the parallel of them both making a vow to the person they love and being willing to follow it to the end; Lancelot vowing to Gwen, and Merlin to Arthur (both times that they would protect Arthur’s life with their own (although Lancelot was asked by Gwen, and Merlin made the choice himself; since (aside from the influence of destiny + the dragon) he could have walked away or chosen to protect in another way but he always put himself right at Arthur’s side and promised to him that he would look after him, in sickness and in health))
- The easy way Merlin says that he will keep Arthur safe, that because Lancelot knows about his magic, he knows Merlin is more than capable of protecting Arthur himself, and because Merlin sees Arthur’s safety as his responsibility, and Lancelot as a friend who shouldn’t have to help him bear that weight, but Lancelot just insists that he made a vow, and it’s his duty now, so that he can stand alongside Merlin and maybe make his job a little less lonely for a while
- The way Merlin looks to the side when he asks if Lancelot still thinks about Gwen, almost like the question isn’t really directed at Lancelot, but is him trying to compare his own feelings (like when he asks Gwen who she would choose between Arthur and Lancelot ‘for the sake of argument’)
- The fact that Lancelot says he doesn’t think about her even though it’s so clear he still loves her, but he’s willing to give up being with her to let her be with Arthur; in the same way Merlin gives up everything he could have with his magic - fame, power, recognition for everything he does - in favour of staying at Arthur’s side, and in his shadow, to protect him over and over and over again with no thanks
- Merlin saying he’s sorry suggests that he knows how Lancelot feels and recognises that he loves Gwen still (because he loves Arthur and is also standing aside)
- LANCELOT NOT BEING ABLE TO SAY THAT GWEN LOVES ARTHUR BECAUSE HE’S STILL IN LOVE WITH HER AND THE IDEA HURTS TOO MUCH TO SAY OUT LOUD and maybe he’s still holding out a bit of hope that she actually loves him after all
- The silence after Lancelot’s last line where Merlin looks down to the side like he’s considering that himself, and why would he be thinking so hard about it unless he was applying it to himself and Arthur
[Side-note which is just about Merlin and Lancelot, but I honestly believe that Lance was maybe the person who understood Merlin the best out of all of them (he knows about Merlin’s magic from very early on in their friendship, he can see how loyal and brave Merlin is, and he can probably see, at least in some way, how much Merlin loves Arthur (and can understand how he feels because of his own situation with Gwen)), And that when he sacrificed himself to fix the veil it was for Merlin, not for Gwen; he knew that Merlin would give his life for Arthur’s, and their conversation there ^ makes that clear, so when Merlin has Arthur out of the way so that he can sacrifice himself, Lancelot takes his place.]
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crimeronan · 4 years
Ok so I’m into the dreamer trilogy and haven’t read the Raven cycle...what is Declan’s characterisation/journey there?
also declan’s TRC storyline is like. equal parts horribly fucking sad and unbelievably fucking hilarious so. i will try to strike a Balance
FIRST OFF.  there is exactly one (1) declan POV chapter in the entire series. it happens toward the end of the last book. up until then, everything we know about him comes from the observations and narration of others.
he is also a very minor character.  his importance grows throughout the series, but almost all of his actions happen offscreen.  it’s not until the last book that we know exactly how much he’s been dealing with the whole time.
when he’s introduced in the first book, he appears as a plot device.  here is a two-dimensional horrible controlling hardass who doesn’t give a shit about anything but his future political career.  look at his fake, smug fucking grin.  how did someone like ronan end up with a brother like him??  doesn’t matter.  it’s a convenient excuse for ronan to live with his best friend in a drafty warehouse, which means more room for YA hijinks!
declan’s introduction scene is Embroiled in Capital-D Douchebaggery. according to the narration (from gansey and adam), he loves to fuck women and then never call them back, cozy up to powerful people, and bitch about how ronan’s ruining his life by being sad about their dead parents.  SOME people can just get over their dead parents, ronan!
this intro scene is also Extremely Funny i 100% recommend reading it even if u don’t read the actual series.  ronan makes a nasty comment, declan goes “why are you the way that you are” and tries to salvage his date, gansey utters the phrase “man whore”
then later that night things go like. actually bad.
declan shows up at the same pizza place where ronan is with his friends.  this scene is gansey pov.  gansey runs out to the parking lot to find the two of them Very Literally Trying To Kill Each Other.  you don’t see that violence in cdth - there’s only the TINIEST shadow of it when declan confronts ronan over matthew - so i Cannot Express Enough that someone is going to end up hospitalized at BEST. ronan’s already slammed declan’s head on the car, declan’s already grabbed ronan and beaten the shit out of his face, like.
you do not get good old-fashioned Declan Lynch At His Actual Worst in cdth. u might be thinking, THAT guy???? doing THIS????
oh yeah. things are real bad between declan and ronan.
after gansey breaks up the fight (and gets punched in the face for his trouble, albeit accidentally), declan tells ronan that their dad would be fucking ashamed to see him now & that he’s washing his hands of it & basically if ronan wants to go off and fucking die, he can.
this is like. just a couple months after the magical suicide attempt referenced in cdth
in the aftermath of that scene it becomes clear that ronan absolutely unequivocally 100% will kill himself if he has to live with declan. hence. why he’s living with gansey instead.  gansey spends that whole night petrified that the declan altercation will lead to another attempt, and for Good Reason
so like, that’s how we first meet declan. he’s an uncaring wannabe corporate asshole who does not give a fuck and who only exists to exacerbate ronan’s mental health issues.
but then the opening of book 2 gets real interesting.
book 2 is where we start learning more about the lynch family.  we learn that ronan’s father was a dreamer who sold his creations on the black market, we learn that that’s why he was murdered. we learn that ronan’s a dreamer too. we learn that there are very powerful people looking for the greywaren, an artifact that takes objects from dreams. those powerful people just don’t realize it’s a person, yet.
so here’s the assassin who killed niall lynch.
he goes to declan’s dorm.
with everything we know about declan, the kid should be completely unprepared.  he can box, but the assassin knows that, so there’s no real advantage.  he’s alone, and he doesn’t have an escape route.
declan pulls out a gun.
this is an unexpected turn of events.
unfortunately he ends up getting beaten half to death with the butt of said gun, because he loses the ensuing physical struggle for the weapon.  the assassin is like, i need the greywaren.  declan is like, i know it exists but i don’t know what it is.  i’ll find it for you.  i’ll get it to you.  then you’ll leave me the fuck alone
now with everything we know of declan at this point - his attitude toward ronan, his general demeanor, and this new knowledge that he knew about the black market - there’s one obvious question.
will declan sell ronan out if he finds out about the dreaming.
and like, okay. their relationship is antagonistic in cdth but it is NOT what it is in trc. believe me when i tell you that at that point, when you’re reading, you can pretty reasonably go, “oh, god.  oh god.  oh god please no one ever tell declan what the greywaren is.  oh god.”
declan has some other interactions with ronan and the gang throughout the book, mostly where he’s just a hardass who tells ronan to stop causing trouble.  adam’s the only one who notices that declan is scared.  like bone-deep shaking to the core petrified.  about Something.
probably getting beaten to within an inch of his life by the man who murdered his father.  that’s the reasonable reader conclusion.
so imagine how everything changes when you find out that declan already knows.  that declan’s known about ronan’s dreaming for longer than ronan has.  that declan knew exactly what and who the greywaren was, and he lied to a man who was ready to torture him for information, and he got away with it.
suddenly a lot of things recontextualize.
“keep your head down and stop making trouble”? people are gonna NOTICE your magic bullshit, ronan, we do not have time for this!
“stop hanging with that loser druggie friend of yours”? you mean the loser druggie friend who sells on the magic black market and doesn’t care about protecting himself or anyone else?
“i got super weird for no reason about ronan sleeping close to adam”? i don’t have fucking TIME to be homophobic i’m busy with your POTENTIAL TO MANIFEST NIGHT TERRORS IN FRONT OF WITNESSES IN BROAD DAYLIGHT
“i’ll find out what the greywaren is and bring it to you”? i’ll die. i’m making a bargain to die. i’m never giving you the greywaren and i know you’re going to kill me about it and that’s fine as long as my brothers are safe
ronan doesn’t know that he dreamed matthew.  declan knows.  he’s known the whole time.  declan tells ronan in book 3.  and then things recontextualize even further, because ronan’s death is also matthew’s, and matthew IS close to declan in trc.
but declan never tells the goddamn truth unless it’s his last option.  he doesn’t tell ronan that he knows about the dreaming and he doesn’t tell ronan what specifically wants to hurt him and the lack of communication fucking destroys both of them.
in the last book, ronan realizes declan loves him.
more than that, he realizes declan’s loved him the whole time.
this is when declan finally tells the truth.  things are getting bad, plot-wise, and declan is scared, so he comes clean.  he tells ronan that niall specifically tasked declan with protecting ronan from the market.  he begs ronan to run from the danger.  “let’s pour gasoline on everything dad left and start over.”
this is also when ronan realizes that declan’s childhood was very different from ronan’s own.  and that niall and aurora lynch were not the same people to declan that they were to ronan.  and that their father’s decisions are what’s driven the wedge between him and declan all this time
(he’s still struggling with the cognitive dissonance of this in cdth. i don’t think he knows how to adjust his perception of declan to fit this new information.)
aaaaand the final scene with declan makes me cry every time i read it so instead of summarizing, here’s the important part:
Ronan delivered a sharp tap to the object, and a small cloud of fiery orbs sprayed up with a sparkling hiss.
“Jesus, Ronan!” Declan jerked his chin away.
“Please. Did you think I’d blow your face off?”
He demonstrated it again, that quick tap, that burst of brilliant orbs. He tipped it into Declan’s hand, and before Declan could say anything, jabbed it to activate it once more.
Orbs gasped up into the air. For a moment, he saw how his brother was caught inside them, watching them soar furiously around his face, each gold sun firing gold and white, and when he saw the spacious longing in Declan’s face, he realized how much Declan had missed by growing up neither dreamer nor dreamt. This had never been his home. The Lynches had never tried to make it Declan’s home.
“Declan?” Ronan asked.
Declan’s face cleared. “This is the most useful thing you’ve ever dreamt. You should name it.”
“I have. ORBMASTER. All caps.”
“Technically you’re the orbmaster though, right? And that’s just an orb.”
“Anyone who holds it becomes an ORBMASTER. You’re an ORBMASTER right now. There, keep it, put it in your pocket. D.C. ORBMASTER.”
Declan reached out and scuffed Ronan’s shaved head. “You’re such a little asshole.”
The last time they’d stood on this roof together, their parents had both been alive, and the cattle in these fields had been slowly grazing, and the world had been a smaller place. That time was gone, but for once, it was all right.
The brothers both looked back over the place that had made them, and then they climbed down from the roof together.
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