#but it doesn’t mean that Warriors won’t baby him from time to time
linkbetweenlinksau · 1 year
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Some more concepts. Sky’s outfit seemed plain to me without the sailcloth cape but I really hate the cape so I didn’t want to keep it. It’s folded up in his belt rn. But I did notice that the headmaster and the teachers for the knight academy all have that sash stuff around their shoulders, and since Sky more or may not be working in the academy at times, I gave him one. Idk, his design is giving me trouble lol. I need to figure out what he’s actually doing. I also moved his feather down on his belt cuz I can’t handle drawing that thing in his earring anymore. And Minish’s design also seemed plain so I gave it a more leafy texture to actually fit a Minish, plus darkening it cuz idk it kinda looked weird. I might lighten it a tad so that it doesn’t blend in with his headband. And lastly Windy…. I still don’t know if I wanna do this, but I kinda am playing with the idea of him being 14 instead of 17. Idk it’d just be easier not to try to fill in all those years you know? His design won’t change too much, but I did cave in and gave him a red bandana
And lastly Warriors and Time being brothers <3
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spacebarbarianweird · 8 months
The Dead, the Half-Dead and the Undead
Synopsis: Baby Alethaine is ten and, apparently, the thing she is a dhampir isn't the only problem Astarion and Tiriel have to face.
Tags: dadstarion, dhampirs, necromancy
Alethaine's age: 10
Thanks @queenofthespacesquids for beta-reading!
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Astarion immerses himself in one of his books. It is a complex text that has been written by some ancient magic who had probably been completely insane
Necromancy is an interesting subject, but damn difficult for those without an innate aptitude for it.
It's still midday, but out there in the underground part of Daggerlake, it doesn't matter. The city is divided into two parts, above ground and underground. The city is mostly populated
by dwarves, halflings, and humans but for some reason it feels like home for Astarion.
Besides, the town dwellers had decided they'd better have a vampire of their own than be threatened by other undead.
Astarion is still puzzled by this. Yes, these people should be grateful to him and Tiriel for saving them from a particularly nasty fairy pact. But letting them stay? Tiriel, a half-elven warrior, is one thing, but him, a vampire? Do they really want to share the town with him?
But they are fine. They treat him like others would treat some retired wizard or a former mercenary. But he knows he must be careful - one mistake and the neighbors will remember who Astarion truly is and that there is a reason why he never goes to the upper town in the daylight.
And there is a complication Astarion always has to take into account.
“Dad! Dad!”
Astarion looks up and sees ten-year-old Alethaine. She is upside down, but the hem of her dress brushes the ceiling, ignoring gravity. There's a bit of forest dirt on the girl's shoes, and he can distinguish the smell of wood.
“I told you not to go alone,” Astarion says. When she was younger, Astarion often found it difficult to parent her. The moment she asked something or started crying, he was ready to do anything just to make her feel better. It took him time to get a grip and establish boundaries. He is her father. If he wants the best for her, he has to be strict sometimes. Even if the response is tears and anger. 
“I didn’t go to the woods! I was in the meadow. It’s still in the town!”
Fair enough. The meadow is a favorite place for town kids since it is indeed the forest but their asses won’t get whooped by their parents.
“So, what is it, princess?”
Alethaine jumps on the floor with a soft “thump” and she inclines toward him making direct eye contact. Astarion still wonders sometimes if her eyes black because his eyes used to be, too, or because of her dhampirism. 
Half-undead. Does Alethaine even understand what it truly means to her? Town kids don’t really care and adore her ability to walk on ceilings and steal sweets for them. But will it last long? She is ten. When she and her friends grow up, they will notice things that make her different. Will they start fearing her the same way town dogs start howling if Alethaine or Astarion pass by? Will they avoid her? Will they force her out of town to go seek her own kind?
“I want a kitten.”
“Princess, last time I checked cats don’t really like us, either.”
Alethaine sits beside him and forces him to close the book. “No, you don’t understand! A week ago, I found a kitten! She didn’t like me at first but I’ve been bringing her food. And today Wyv let me hold her! She doesn’t mind me at all!”
“She is albino! She has red eyes and white fur! I think she went missing from her litter. Or maybe her mother's cat forced her to go. Please! Pretty please! She is so tiny, she won’t make it on her own! And I will take care of her!”
Alethaine stares at him with puppy eyes and her elven ears twitch with anticipation.
“Mum won’t mind, she will be happy there is an animal that doesn’t react to me as if I am some evil entity!”
“Princess, there is a very big chance this poor creature will run away once it senses me in the house. Last time I checked I am still undead.”
“And I am half-undead! Wyv got used to me, she will get used to you, too!”
Astarion flicks the tip of her nose. “But if your mother asks, you forced me to say “yes”.
Alethaine squeals and wraps her hands around his neck forcing him to drop the book. Astarion chuckles when he feels the soft prickling of her teeth on his skin. 
“I will be right back!” Alethaine rushes outside, slamming the door.
He had 200 years of pure misery and it still hurts him to see how much was taken from him. But then… Thirty years of something else. Something he hadn’t wished to have.
A woman to hold and to love who is brave enough to trust and care. 
Fifteen years of adventures, when they could go wherever they wanted and do whatever they desired. Then, they were offered to stay in Daggerlake, a small town near the Unicorn Rim.
Home was a concept unfamiliar to both of them and Tiriel sometimes begged him to return to the road.
But he was adamant. He needed a home. He needed a place to stay. To own. He wanted a place to stash all the artifacts and books they'd found, a comfortable bed to sleep and make love. 
Tiriel wanted it, too, though didn’t admit it.
And five years later the thing he’d least expected happened.
He barely remembers how it was - he was so drunk on blood, he felt his undead heart beating. Then he found Tiriel and dragged her home to pin her to the bed.
As a result…
His daughter. His flesh and blood. 
Sometimes he treats Alethaine as a matter of course. Most men in Daggerlake have children, and usually more than one. But sometimes Astarion gets distracted and forgets where he is, and only comes back to reality when Alethaine taps him on the shoulder and then Astarion looks at her in awe, wondering how he even deserves her.
Ten years. Such a tiny piece of time but Alethaine’s whole life. Astarion can already see the woman she is becoming. The woman he will be proud of, the woman who will have the freedom he had to fight for.
Suddenly, Astarion realizes Alethaine has been missing for far too long. The meadow isn’t really far away and it’s already sunset - Astarion feels it.
Astarion locks the house and goes looking for his daughter.
It's already night when he gets to the meadow. Alethaine is there sitting on her knees with her head bowed.
“Alethaine, what did we talk about not being outside after sunset?”
She doesn’t answer. Astarion comes closer and sees that her face is red as if she has just stopped crying.
“Princess, what happened?” 
“It’s my fault” she sniffs. “I should have taken her with me right away,” her shoulders tremble and Alethaine bursts into tears once again.
Astarion kneels beside her, not knowing what to do. He still hasn’t learned how to react to her tears properly - so he does the only thing that works all the time with both her and Tiriel and also works for him.
He hugs her.
Through her muffled cries Astarion manages to understand that the albino kitten got out of the shelter and someone kicked her with such effort she died instantly. Now the kitten’s body lies in a small hole in the ground with her mouth wide open and stains of blood on the white fur.
'It's not your fault, it’s the fault of whoever did this, not yours.’
“No, you don’t understand! I could have taken her with me! If you had said “no”, I would have given her to the neighbors! And now she is dead! She is dead because of me!” Now Alethaine almost screams with all the sorrow a ten-year-old girl is capable of.
Astarion hugs his daughter tighter. He often stays with her on his own when Tiriel leaves to do some adventuring job - and usually, Astarion has no trouble. But right now the only thing he needs is for Tiriel to be at home. Because she can find the right words. She always can. Because what exactly does he need to tell Alethaine? It’s the first time she’s witnessed death. And it was the vilest example possible. 
An innocent creature was killed for fun. 
Well, maybe he should find that person and break their legs. It won’t help but maybe it will make Alethaine feel better. 
“Alethaine, let’s go home.” 
Alethaine doesn’t answer. 
“Princess, come on,” he repeats.
His vampiric senses feel that something is wrong. As if something eerie, and unnatural has started to happen.
Astarion glances at the dead kitten.
Then the kitten moves.
“What in hell…,” he mutters. 
It opens its eyes which glow an unnatural green color. The paws twitch, and the mouth opens showing small fangs. 
“Dad! Look! Wyv is alive! She was just wounded! And I thought she was dead!” Alethaine exclaims, grabbing the dead kitten. “We need to show her to the healer!”
Alethaine’s eyes glow with the same eerie shade of green.
Alethaine has just used the “Rise Animal” spell.
A spell so difficult it takes mages years to learn it. 
Alethaine drops the dead kitten on the ground as if it were a poisonous snake.
“No… What is wrong with her, Dad?”
The kitten immediately sits up and freezes. Waiting for orders. 
“She is dead, isn’t she?” Alethaine sniffs. The kitten doesn't move, staring at her with its resurrected eyes.
Necromancer. If being a dhampir wasn't enough for her. Necromancers have always been outcasts with their abilities to raise the dead and cast the darkest of spells.
Alethaine is one of them. Twice an outcast.
“Alethaine '' Astarion makes her face him. “Listen to me carefully. There must be strings, connecting you with the kitten. Like a puppet doll. You need to cut them.”
“But she will die”
“It is already dead. it’s not a life. Put it to rest.”
Alethaine wipes tears and the weird glowing fades. Alethaine concentrates, looks at her hands, and then makes a movement with her fingers as if she were tearing threads.
The dead kitten falls on the ground like a puppet.
Alethaine sits down tired and exhausted. Resurrecting a creature, even small animals, is a difficult spell requiring much energy even from adult mages. For a ten year old it’s the equivalent of hiking in the mountains. 
Astarion takes Alethaine in their hands.
“Will you and mum still love me if I am a necromancer?”
“Of course, we will.”
“You can’t get necrotic damage, can you?”
“Well, I am very undead myself. So fear not, you won’t harm me even accidentally”
“And mum? She is mortal, she can get hurt.”
Astarion sighs. Damn, ‘Tiriel should come back sooner, I can’t answer all those questions’.
“You won’t hurt her. Don’t worry.”
Silence. The little dhampir doesn’t believe him. Alethaine sniffs again.
“Did it hurt when you were resurrected?”
Astarion has to make an effort to keep himself composed. It is still traumatic. Still hurts. Two hundred years of pain. Tortures. Isolation. Transformation.
“I am a vampire, not a ghoul. Ghouls don’t feel anything. They are already dead. you resurrected the flesh but Wyv didn’t feel anything.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am. Alethaine, promise me you won't try to practice alone, all right? No one must know you are a necromancer. People won’t understand. ”
The rest of the walk home is passed in silence. That evening Alethaine refuses to eat, and all attempts to cheer her up fail. She's heartbroken and scared, and whatever is weighing on her mind, she just can't process it. 
He needs to think something up. The sooner, the better. Before Alethaine harms herself or someone in the town.
Alethaine can't sleep. 
It's been a week and she feels terrible. There are whispers on the edge of her mind, dark and frightening, they call to her, they promise her something. 
Alethaine can't shut them up.
She sees threads stretching from her fingers to the dead animals. Worse, she feels the threads leading to living people.
Cause them necrotic damage, the darkness whispers. It is going to be fun! Strike fear in them, make them scream, make them cry! And drink their blood if that’s to your liking!
Tiriel didn’t say anything when she heard what had happened. But Alethaine sees uneasiness in her eyes. Of course, she is afraid! There are strings attached to her as well, one or two necrotic spells and she is dead!
Astarion left two days later - he said he would try to look for something. Alethaine cried and begged to take her with him, but he refused. 
Alethaine has locked herself in her room, barely leaving. But the silence and solitude are the fuel for nightmares. For the darkness. For tempting whispers.
The little dhampir gets out of her bed and goes to her parents’ bedroom. Tiriel is fast asleep under a blanket. Peaceful and quiet.
Alethaine fumbles at the door. She is ten, not three! She is too old to sleep with her mother. But the thought of spending one more night alone with those whispers feels awful.
“Kitten? Are you alright?”
“Mum… can… I…”
“Come here.”
Alethaine gets under the blanket and her mother’s arms immediately wrap around her.
“I am afraid,” Alethaine finally admits. 
“I know, Kitten. Dad will think something up.”
“What if I hurt you while he is away?”
“You won’t”
“How can you know that? I am a necromancer!” 
Alethaine turns around to see her mother’s face. 
“Alethaine, you are also a dhampir and I don’t remember you ever trying to drain me. And you’ve had your fangs since you were five months old.”
Alethaine relaxes and hugs mother back. 
“Mum, did you always know dad was a vampire?”
“Hm, I learned it on the third day I think. Woke up to him trying to bite me. He is lucky I’d already liked him.”
“And you weren’t afraid to be with him?”
“No. Your father was a troubled person, not easy to handle. But he was worth it. I know you are scared. People don’t take it easy when someone can cast dark spells. But it doesn’t mean you have to be alone or be a bad person, even if it’s expected. You will meet people who will accept you for who you are. Who will love you. One of the kindest men I knew was a warlock with a devil pact. Things aren’t always what they seem.”
Your mother’s blood is so warm! You’ve tasted it once, remember? When you were dying of bloodlust! Bite her, take what is rightfully yours!
As if hearing the intrusive thoughts, Tiriel hugs her daughter tighter. 
“Whatever happens, we will always be with you. We will help you, we will support you, and no matter what happens, you can always trust us. Even if you do something really bad. ”
Alethaine sniffs and buries her nose in her mother’s neck. 
The darkness steps away, and the girl falls asleep.
She doesn’t have nightmares for the first time that week.
“Alethaine,” she feels a soft tap on her shoulder. “Wake up.”
Alethaine opens her eyes and sees she is still in her parents’ bed. Tiriel, fully dressed, stands at the doors.
“Dad is back. Could you go down to the basement?”
Alethaine, still half asleep, dresses up and goes down. Her senses immediately tell her Astarion isn’t alone. 
“Hello, princess,” Astarion strokes her head the moment she gets closer.
A man in a dirty red robe sits on the wooden bench. His head is bald and his right eye is missing. Instead, there is a blue gemstone with intricate runes. 
“Astarion, don’t you tell me she is a dhampir.”
“Oh, she very much is! Alethaine, this is Nris. He is going to be your teacher.”
“Astarion, I deeply appreciate you for saving me from that devil but I am not morally ready to teach a dhampir necromancy!”
“I doubt you will be able to pay me. My services are expensive. And I can always sell you back to the devils. I need you to teach my daughter necromancy. End of story.”
“For fuck sake… How old are you?”
Alethaine steps back. “T-ten”
“Fuck, this is the worst age ever! In a year she will hit puberty and it’s bad even without dhampirism and necromancy!”
Alethaine looks at her father.
“Dad, I don't like him.”
“He is a necromancer, princess. People aren’t supposed to like them.”
“Astarion, I knew I shouldn’t have made deals with you! A devil is better than a vampire! At least with devils, I know what to expect! Alethaine, you know what your father did? He took advantage of my desperate situation and forced me to make a pact with him.”
“Nris, don’t be stupid. It’s a working agreement!” Astarion grins. “And I can summon your former master any time, and, I fear, this time he will be harsher on you.”
Nris curses again, and Alethaine makes a note to use one of the slurs next time she gets into a fight. 
The necromancer stretches his right hand, covered in weird tattoos. “Come here, Alethaine.”
Nris sends a shiver down her spine, but Astarion only nudges his daughter slightly, forcing her to approach the mage.
“Dhampir, necromancer, and all this with Fey blood. You did pick the wild cards out of Tasha’s cauldron. What exactly did you do to make your father save my ass from the devils?”
“I-I revived a kitten.”
Nris flinches. “I hate sorcerers to my guts! I’ve spent decades learning how to revive small animals - and you did it just like that! But good for you that you didn’t resurrect a human because if you had, the townsfolk would have burnt you alive. I was trying to make the darkness talk to me and it still doesn’t answer back but it calls upon you like an old friend. Life is truly unfair, Alethaine Ancunin.”
Alethaine is silent, unable to stop staring at the gemstone in the eye socket. The runes move resembling trapped flies. 
“Very well, let’s start from learning the basics!”
Astarion leaves the basement. When he glances back he sees Alethaine drawing runes on the floor while Nris is giving her the lecture.
Astarion is tired. He didn’t have time to rest during the week, and besides, the worry of leaving a ten-year-old necromancer who didn’t understand how to control her powers alone with Tiriel plagued him like a nightmare.
Nris doesn’t look like the most decent or talented mage but he is bound to him by a pact and doesn’t have any desire to return to the devils. So, he is going to live in the secret basement under their house and teach Alethaine as much as he can. 
Wild cards out of Tasha’s dungeon. Yes, that’s true. An unlikely child with dangerous skills. 
Astarion finds Tiriel in the inner yard, throwing axes into the wooden wall. He approaches her and hugs them from behind, placing his chin on her shoulder.
“Tired?” she asks.
“Can I take your blood?”
She touches his curls with her tender fingers. “Of course.”
Astarion indulges his fangs in her neck. Blood streams down his throat, calming him down. Tiriel falters. He immediately releases her neck and takes her in his hands to carry Tiriel to the bedroom.
When they get there they lie together on the bed, their fingers intertwined. Due to sharpened hearing Astarion feels a distant echo from the basement. It seems like Alethaine and Nris have started a screaming match.
“You really didn’t warn him, did you?” Tiriel asks, drawing invisible symbols on his back.
“Maybe. Kind of.”
“Well, at least I won’t be the only mortal in the house.”
“Tiriel, don’t make him your drinking pal, I beg you!” Astarion laughs.
“What? A mug of ale after a difficult day hasn't hurt anyone yet.” Tiriel touches the tip of his ear. “Meditate. I will be with you.”
Astarion nods. Thirty years of happy memories are enough to give him bliss. He concentrates and lets the flow of memories take him to reverie.
Astarion holds Alethaine for the first time. A newborn girl is probably still in pain after being pushed into the world. He hears her fast heartbeat as her living heart pumps half-undead blood through her veins.
He cradles her in his arms. Alethaine is so warm, so delicate, so innocent. It’s not yet clear if she is a dhampir but Astarion knows he loves her. It’s a different form of affection, unknown to him. A selfless love for a child, a desire to make sure she won’t endure the same hardships as he did.
And she must not know.
Astarion gives himself a promise. His daughter will never know about his past. it will never taint her. The pain, the touches, the humiliation, the violence - she will not know a word of it. 
Her mindset will be free of that dirt and of that darkness. He won’t pass it. 
“Thank you, my love,” Astarion whispers. “This is a gift.”
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume
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rainbowchaox · 7 months
Qsmp! Missa and his Importance to Death Family
This essay I won’t lie primarily became a reality out of spite. People always forget about Missa when it comes to the dynamic of Death Family. Or act he doesn’t exist wanting to add new members. And this is a shame because Missa is so important to everyone that’s part of Death Family. And Missa storyline is about not feeling worthy enough to be with his family. It sucks to see people discredit his importance.
Missa always has and always will be integral to Death Family as a whole. In fact the name Death Family wouldn’t have been coined if not for Missa being part of it. In fact this is what Phil believes as well. They are death family because of Missa. Their family crest is literally a skull because of Missa.
Missa always even when he can’t be there is felt in the foundation of death family. He gets mentioned out of love. Everyone gets so excited when he does come online. And every character within the dynamic has trances of Missa.
People forget that when the egg event started that Missa and Phil were the pair everyone was jealous of. Fit numerous times have said he was jealous of their easy partnership. Missa and Phil had a couple of very good days. And Phil brain chemistry changed completely for his husband since. Phil adores Missa so much. Phil finds great comfort in Missa. Missa is his Sun. He lights up even the darkest days. And Phil always been loyal to a fault. Once you gain his trust it’s even harder for you to lose it. Once you are part of his flock nothing and I mean nothing can dissuade him. Phil is always so paranoid and so scared but Missa makes Phil feel like can just live. And not worry about every possibility.
Not to mention the children. People forget so many traits of Chayanne came straight from Missa. Missa taught Chayanne how to cook. He taught him lessons about being strong. He talked ages about what they are both scared of. Literally the first canon evidence that Chayanne is scared he won’t be able to save anyone. Or even the fact he wears a skull. People have forgotten the only reason he wears one is because of how much he loves Missa. And he does. He loves his papa. Recently it’s known that he goes to him when he is feeling vulnerable or sad. Missa brings him great comfort. He can finally feel like a kid with Missa. If Missa wasn’t Important this wouldn’t be a thing. And Chayanne is so protective over his papa. The most mad Chayanne has been is someone breaking up his dad’s marriage or someone making his papa Missa sad.
Tallulah also always knew how Missa important is to her family. Chayanne and Phil always only had good things to say about Missa. They never stopped considering Missa as part of the family (Despite Missa believing others lies easily that this wasn’t the case). Phil always saw Missa part of the family. So much he always considered Missa her father as well. And Missa because he is so GOOD. Such a great husband and great father. (There’s reasons why Death Family is called the Functional Family.)
And I have said this in my analysis about Tallulah. She NEEDED Missa. Missa loves her just for her. Chayanne gets to be the spoiled baby boy (which is always so cute and adorable, gives me cute aggression. He loves his papa so much.) and Tallulah gets to be the one protecting others. And Missa immediately calls her amazing and such a good protector. He draws the four of them as family. He draws his daughter. Not as the cute girl that loves flowers and nature. But as his warrior daughter that protects him. Tallulah always saw Missa as someone that is safe and someone that her family loves. And when Missa told her he always considered her his daughter. Tallulah heart was so full.
Missa in his family eyes is part of the family. No matter what. He is part of the family. Missa has trances on their house. He has trances on them as people. He is the soul of death family. He is their comfort. He is Missa. Their dad and Phil’s husband. Death Family wouldn’t exist without Missa. And people need to stop thinking Missa isn’t important. That he can be changed with anyone. HE IS DAD and THE HUSBAND. He is so important to Tallulah. To Chayanne. To Phil. He is the soul of death family. And he is so loved. Loved by his husband. By his children. They don’t want anyone else to be part of THEIR family.
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glittercake · 23 days
For Samtember Day 3: 'Costume' @samsseptember
“How long’s this going to take? Let me speak to Ayo.”
On his end of the line, Sam snorts, then does a quick scan of the workshop to see which Wakandan saw him smiling at his boyfriend this time. Okoye had already drawn an incredibly immature picture of Sam and Bucky and pinned it to the notice board in the palace foyer.
“Ayo doesn’t want to speak to you,” Sam says. He rotates his arm along with the hologram. It beeps a few times and records his biceps measurement, then moves to his chest. “Besides, it’s nice here. I ain’t in a rush.”
Bucky groans. Sam laughs again. “Yeah, you’re not. I’m dying over here.”
“Because you gotta work with Torres? Grow up, Buck.”
“He’s alright. No, I’m—”
“Before you say that, remember you’re calling on Wakandan tech, and if Aneka calls me Captain Lovey Pants one more time, I’m breaking up with you.”
This time, instead of complaining, Bucky cackles. It goes on for a few seconds. And yeah, Sam’s smiling again, all to himself.
“Stop,” he says fondly, listens to Bucky laughing on the other end. So maybe he lied. Maybe he could rush a little to get home. Maybe he misses this idiot just a little. Maybe he wouldn’t mind if they tossed this new suit through a speed cycle and threw him on a jet back home tonight.
“If you laugh, Captain, your chest expands and corrupts the reading,” Lerato tells him when she restarts the measurement. Again.
“Yes, ma’am. Sorry ma’am.” Sam holds still, bites back a laugh. “You’re getting me in trouble, man. I gotta go.”
“Yeah, alright. Gotta get started on my dinner for one, anyway.”
“You’ll be fine, baby. I’ll send an update later.”
“Later, sweetheart.”
“Cheers, Buck.”
“Finally. My ears can not stand another second of that.” Ayo has come to check on the suit’s progress and gives Sam a sideways look.
Sam sighs. “Of course you heard.”
“It’s custom here to give the new leaders as much grief as possible—this is looking good. Any requests? James sent a list, but it went missing. Strange, hm?” A smirk plays around her mouth.
Sam smiles. Bucky is still very much banned from Wakanda despite his letter of apology. “Yeah, if it’s anything like his shopping lists, that’s a good thing. Uh. Just one request, really.”
Ayo fiddles with the inputs and projections and slides a few specs around. “I can not turn Redwing into an actual bird, Samuel. We talked about this.”
“That’s what you claim, yeah, and I’m gonna keep asking, but no, not that.”
She gives him a suspicious look. Probably because whatever is upgradable on this suit has been upgraded, it even has an unimaginable amount of secret pockets and he won’t admit it out loud but he’s using those for lube and condoms and gum and there is nothing the Kingdom of Wakanda can do about it.
“Alright, the suit’s a little loose in the back. That’s all.”
“In the back? Samuweli, uthetha ngantoni?”
“You know. Part of this gig is the image. I gotta look good.” He motions vaguely to his ass. “This just needs to be a little… tighter.”
Ayo stares at him, then blinks. “That old man has got you good, doesn’t he?”
“Hey, I see how you look at Aneka. Yesterday she mentioned peaches and what did you do last night—” Ayo groans, rolls her eyes. “—no, tell me what you did last night!”
Her mouth twitches, but she schools her expression, points at him. “Wena. You are on thin ice.”
“You baked her a whole peach pie, that’s what. You feel me?”
“She likes pie,” Ayo says with a soft little sparkle behind her eyes, regarding Sam for a moment before returning to the monitors. “Fine. Tighter in the back.” She fiddles with two of the measurements on the suit hologram, then presses Enter.
Sam gives her his best grin when the machine circles down to his hips. “Thanks. I owe you.”
Ayo gathers her spear and clipboard. “We are hosting a few Ghanaian warriors tomorrow night. They would love to meet you. Wear the new suit.”
“I’ll be there.”
“I guess ‘Captain Lovey Pants’ has a whole new meaning now, eh?” Sam groans, and Ayo throws her head back and laughs and then some on her way out of the workshop.
The scanner zips into motion, and within seconds, the material tightens around his glutes, squeezing.
“Uh, Lerato! Ayo? Not this tight!”
“Hm,” Lerato says, titling her head and peeking around at Sam’s behind, smiles then shrugs. “I don’t see the problem, Captain. Didn’t you say it’s all about the image?”
“Ugh, I did.” Sam regrets everything. These folks are relentless.
“Well,” Lerato says, a sneaky, mischievous look in her eyes. “This is quite the image.”
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clangenrising · 3 months
Month 17 - Greenleaf
“You don’t have to come,” Goldenstar said again and Scorchplume lashed her tail in irritation. 
“I’ve already told you,” she huffed, stretching out of the nest they shared, “you’ll need my help if you want to find Songdust. I’m coming.” 
“Okay,” Goldenstar said carefully. “I just don’t want you to feel like you have to do this if you don’t want to.” She stood and stretched as well, brows furrowed.
“That’s just life,” Scorchplume shook her head dismissively. “We’re always doing things we don’t want to, that’s just how things are.” Goldenstar sighed sorrowfully and Scorch wanted to frown. She managed to keep her matter of fact smile in place. 
“I just hope you know that this isn’t one of those things,” said Goldenstar. “If this is too much for you you can stay in camp.” 
“Oh, you think I can’t handle it?” Scorchplume laughed and flicked her tail flirtatiously under Goldenstar’s chin. 
“Scorch,” Goldenstar said worriedly and pursed her lips and Scorchplume huffed. She hated when Goldenstar saw through her like that. She didn’t like the idea of someone being able to peek under her mask. 
“It’s not about if you can,” Goldenstar continued. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. That’s how it’s going to be from now on.” Despite the freedom being offered her, something she had wanted more than anything for the longest time, Scorch’s gut twisted at the words and she scowled disapprovingly. 
“I’m going, Goldie. End of discussion.” She turned and started towards the exit of Goldenstar’s den. Goldenstar trailed behind, chewing her lip. 
“Alright, alright. I’m happy to have you along,” she said. “Just let me know if you need to go home.”
They ate their breakfast quietly in the pre-dawn light. One by one, cats began to filter out of their dens to make dirt or get a meal. Bluekit and Yellowkit were already up and about, toddling around the edges of the clearing under Slatepaw’s supervision. Their little pine-tree-tails wobbled as they explored on unsteady paws that were only getting steadier.
Russetfrond emerged from the warriors’ den and seemed torn between going straight to the kits and joining Goldenstar and Scorchplume but eventually, he padded towards them. Scorchplume kept a pleasant smile fixed upon her face.
“Goldenstar,” he said as if he were reporting for duty, “you’re leaving today, yes?”
“Yeah,” said Goldenstar, licking the last traces of mouse from her lips. 
Russetfrond nodded grimly. “You’re sure you want me to stay behind?” 
“I am,” said Goldenstar. “If something happens to me, you’ll need to take my place. Plus, you should be spending time with your kits.” 
Russetfrond’s expression softened and he let his gaze drift over to the kittens. “I should be,” he agreed. “I just don’t want to leave you without the proper support.” Scorchplume started cleaning the fur between her toes to avoid huffing a laugh. He sure thinks highly of himself, doesn’t he?
“We’ll be careful,” Goldenstar said reassuringly. “If all goes well, we won’t need to raise a claw for anything.” 
Russetfrond huffed bitterly and glanced back at the elders’ den. “That seems unlikely to me.” 
“It’ll be fine,” Goldenstar said. “Stay safe while we’re gone.” 
“I will,” Russetfrond gave a dutiful dip of his head and then headed off towards his kittens.
“Look!” Slatepaw said excitedly, pawing Yellowkit to get his attention, “Here comes your papa!” 
“Hey, boys,” Russetfrond purred, lifting his tail over his back. The kittens smiled and wobbled towards him babbling in their indecipherable baby speech. 
Scorchplume glanced up from her grooming to say, “I’ll never get used to him acting like that.” 
Goldenstar laughed. “I think it suits him.” 
“Really?” Scorch raised her brows. “He’s not even scowling. I mean, look at him.”
“He wasn’t always so serious,” said Goldenstar. “It’s good to see him loosening up.” 
“If you say so,” Scorch smirked. Goldenstar leaned into her for a moment before standing and stretching in a long, beautiful arc, with one leg stretching back until the toes were strained. 
“I’m gonna grab the others,” she said. “Be right back.” 
“Alright,” hummed Scorchplume with a wave of her tail. As Goldenstar padded away, she switched paws and tried to puzzle through the attraction that had stirred within her when Goldenstar had stretched. It was… weird, and fairly new. Little surprise infatuations had begun to appear in the last month or two, seemingly out of nowhere, and it was upsetting her.
When she was younger, she’d been more accustomed to those kinds of simple pleasures - enjoying the way a tom’s voice sounded after he’d just woken up, stopping to appreciate the curve of a she-cat’s body, fantasizing about a less than chaste interaction with that month’s subject of fascination, and even indulging a suitor’s affections now and then - but those things had all stopped pretty definitively when she had met Razor and learned the truth. Whether cats knew it or not, those kinds of games were all power games and now that the veil had been torn from Scorch’s eyes, she just hadn’t had any interest in them anymore. They’d lost their shine and become perfunctory. Most of the time, the thought of engaging in them made her feel dizzy and sick to her stomach.
And that was why she didn’t know how to decipher the feelings when Goldenstar caught her eye in that way. She was beyond such animal desires. She had been fine for almost a year and then, suddenly, out of the blue, Goldenstar was tempting her in ways she never had before. It didn’t make sense. It hadn’t even started when she had agreed to be Goldenstar’s no-labels-sweetheart or whatever she was. That had been a mostly pragmatic decision to get Goldenstar to stop walking on eggshells. 
And, sure, it had been enjoyable, but it didn’t mean anything. Right? 
Movement in the corner of her vision snapped her out of her head and she tensed as a silvery pelt approached at speed. She whipped her head to see Fogpaw grinned widely at her, bounding over, characteristically energetic. Scorch let out a subtle, slow breath and smiled, chiding herself for even half-thinking it could have been Ghost. 
“Good morning, Fogpaw,” she said with practiced smoothness. 
“Morning, Scorchplume!” purred Fogpaw. She bounced playfully as she got close, rearing up like she were about to pounce, but when Scorchplume pulled a paw back in a small threat she giggled and corkscrewed over herself into the grass, twisting like a ferret for a few seconds. Scorch had gotten used to that kind of thing at this point and simply lowered her paw, tucking her smiling muzzle down to start grooming her shoulders. 
Eventually Fogpaw stilled and twisted her neck to look at Scorchplume as she asked, “You’re taking Mystique home today, right?” 
“We are,” Scorch nodded. 
Across the camp, Oddstripe was leading Mystique out of the elders’ den with a gentle smile. Scorch spared them a glance. It was still strange seeing Mystique so downtrodden. Her eyes were dull and rimmed with dark circles, her posture slack and disinterested. At least she had started grooming herself again, Scorch thought. 
Fogpaw was watching too. “She’s still not smiling…” she frowned, rolling into a sitting position. 
“Mm.” Scorch twitched her tail. 
“I should come with you,” said Fogpaw. “I need to put a spell on her den so she’ll feel better.” 
“She’ll feel better once she’s back with her Folk,” Scorch said firmly. “There’s no need for spellcraft.”
“It couldn’t hurt,” Fogpaw protested. 
Scorch sat up taller and fixed Fogpaw with an expression designed to convey how serious she was. “No. You’re not going to the city.” 
“Aw, come on!” her apprentice frowned and sat up in kind. “I’ll be good, I promise!”
“You’re not coming,” Scorch hissed firmly. “You’ll stand out like a sore paw, looking like your father, and it will put a target on your back. You’re staying here and that’s final.” Fogpaw’s mouth screwed tightly to the side and her eyes flickered over the camp in thought, tail tip twitching side to side. Scorchplume’s fur prickled in alarm.
“And don’t you dare think about trying to sneak off,” she snapped. “The city is almost a day away and if I get back and Pantherhaze says you’ve been missing, I’ll stop your training immediately.” 
“What?!” Fogpaw shrilled. “You can’t do that!” 
“I can,” Scorch smirked coldly. “Apprentices that put themselves in enormous danger get held back until they can understand the consequences of their actions.”
“Or they get their warrior names early,” Fogpaw scoffed.
“Sometimes,” Scorchplume said, “but most of the time they die. Or worse, they get someone else killed.” Fogpaw’s ears wilted a bit and Scorch decided to really drive her point home. “Your mother died because she went to the city without understanding how dangerous it was or getting permission to go and she put Songdust in danger in the process. Don’t make the same mistake she did.” 
Fogpaw’s grit her teeth, tail bristling. Scorchplume hadn’t expected anger there but, seeing the apprentice’s reaction and anticipating a blow up, she quickly adjusted course.
“Think about Slatepaw,” she said, lowering her voice to a more gentle tone. “If you get hurt or killed in the city, she’ll have no one left. She needs you, Fogpaw.” She watched Fogpaw swallow thickly, face paling. She shifted slightly to let Fogpaw peer around her to where Slatepaw was playing with the kittens. She noted the way Fogpaw’s brows furrowed and her posture shifted, ever so slightly, into something more guarded and knew that she had won. 
“Yeah, okay,” Fogpaw sighed.
“Thank you, Fogpaw,” Scorch said in relief, leaning in to touch her nose gently to the girl's ear. “I know it doesn’t feel fair but I promise you this is for the best. Part of learning to get better at not getting caught is knowing when it’s too risky to even try.”
Fogpaw seemed to respond to that, leaning into Scorch’s touch. “I just don’t get why you get to go but I have to stay.” 
“Because I’ve been living in the city for years and I know how to stay safe,” hummed Scorchplume. 
“What about Floodstrike?” Fogpaw whined. “He and Sparrowsway are going! How is that fair?”
“They’re warriors who showed they know how to fight city cats,” Scorch said. “And I can trust them to run home if I say so. Right now, I’m not so sure you know how to follow orders.” 
“But you’re always telling me about how to get around the rules,” Fogpaw frowned. “Why do I have to follow your rules but not the other rules?” 
Scorch chuckled a little and said, “You don’t have to. But if you don’t follow my rules then you don’t get to do certain things. You have to decide what’s more important to you, earning my trust or getting to disobey the rules.” 
Fogpaw hummed thoughtfully, chewing her lip. 
“Why don’t you think about that while I’m gone,” Scorchplume said. “And as a bonus assignment, try to figure out Russetfrond’s rules. When I get back, you can tell me what they are and which ones you think are worth following. How about that?” 
As expected, the idea of a secret assignment seemed to spark Fogpaw’s interest and she nodded dutifully. “Okay. I can do that.” 
“I know you can,” Scorch purred and flicked her tail against Fogpaw’s nose, eliciting a giggle. 
“Scorchplume!” Goldenstar called from across the camp. “We’re ready when you are.” Sparrowsway, Floodstrike, and Branchbark had gathered around her, Mystique hunched quietly beside them. 
“I have to go now,” Scorchplume said. “Good luck with your assignment.” 
“You too,” smiled Fogpaw. Scorch gave her one more gentle headbutt and slipped away to join the others. Fogpaw would be alright. Now she just had to focus on making sure everyone else got home safely. Goldenstar smiled at her as she approached and her stomach squirmed in fear - of what, she wasn’t sure. 
“I’m ready,” she lied.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
hello. i have come to the realization that you also think Warriors has a bunch of sisters.
as someone who is a firm supporter of this headcanon, I want to hear your thoughts because it's such a fun idea.
i mean. if you'll thoughts. pls thoughts.🙏
That man has the energy of someone who was raised by a bunch of women /pos he has sisters, SEVERAL of them, and I will die on this hill
I headcanon he’s like, the dead center middle child with three older sisters (if you count Linkle being his slightly older twin as an older sister) and three younger ones, and he’s the only boy. I know everyone keeps saying Wars has that “Eldest Daughter Trauma” energy and yes i see it however i like the idea that he had older sisters and a mom around when he was growing up. he’s got plenty of trauma in every other aspect of his life let him have this 😭/j (i do headcanon his dad is dead tho. rip Wars, you grew up without a father-)
Like yes he’s an older brother, he’s got that chronic older brother disease bless his heart, but hear me out and consider: Little Wars who had the love and support of older siblings and who tries to be like them every time he tries to comfort any of the chain. They’re all jealous of what a soothing presence Wars has and they’re all like “What would Wars do?” when they’re out of their element and don’t know what to do, but WARS is like “What would my older sister do-”
He was definitely pretty close with them before he left for the army, and though I headcanon he hasn’t physically gone back to see them since he’s definitely sent them letters and it makes him really happy to hear back because at the end of the day he’s the little brother who gets excited to talk to his older sisters because he STILL thinks theyre so cool and awesome (theyre a few years older than he is) and he’s glad they’re all finally old enough that they aren’t just looking at him and seeing stupid baby brother (they’re VERY proud of him, and they miss him a lot)
Also I love the idea that somewhere out there in a village on the edge of Hyrule kingdom is at LEAST one lady who every time someone mentions the hero of hyrule goes “you mean that dork ass little brother of mine? oh no, I’m VERY proud of him, but that doesn’t erase the time he threw a tantrum in the middle of the kitchen at age three because he was bored and I didn’t want to play with him. Absolute brat that one” or “Hero of hyrule? Little nerd got himself locked in the bathroom once when he was two and we couldn’t unlock the door from the outside and his dumb ass couldn’t figure out how to undo what he did so we had to break the door down to get him out. Very glad to hear he’s gotten at least a little smarter”
his younger sisters all definitely miss him too, so does his mom because i WILL give that man a living mother if its the last thing i do he’s EARNED it 😭
Plus I think it’s more tragic that his family (except his dad) IS alive but he feels like he can’t go home because he’s Different now and he’s been ruined, and that if he goes home it won’t be the same and his family won’t be able to love him for who he is now and they’ll grieve instead the boy who went off to war so he keeps himself away out of fear (he’s wrong and they want him back more than anything)
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pastelpinkkadan · 6 months
What Elriels have no issue with:
Gw*nriels - “I just think Az and Gwyn might be cute together! I love Gwyn and her warrior/priestess plot, as well as her survivor storyline! Azriel and Gwyn had a fun moment and I want to read a “what if” scenario in fanfic. Plus, their intimate scenes would be hot.”
El*ciens - “I just like the idea of Elain and Lucien accepting the mating bond and growing together! I love a Fox and Fawn aesthetic for them. The “what if” scenario of them and the Day Court is really cool! They’re both great characters and I want them to be happy, and I believe they can find that in each other.”
What Elriels have an issue with:
Gw*nriels - “Gwyn and Azriel are 100% MATES! They are canon! Elriel died in the bonus chapter! In fact, Elain and Azriel never had any romantic chemistry or moments at all! Ever! Azriel only lusts for Elain! Elain can’t have Azriel’s babies, but Gwyn can because of her “pliant bones”, so they’re obviously endgame. Elain and is boring and useless so Azriel deserves better! Gwyn is going to save Illyria and solve the Koschei plot and her and Az are going to train and have kinky sex the whole time!”
El*ciens - “LUCIEN deserves happiness! Poor sweet Lulu deserves a mate, so Elain HAS to give him a chance! She needs to beg him first, though. Lots of groveling, and only THEN will they live happily ever after. AWAY from the Night Court, of course! Elain can’t be with her family or friends anymore, or enjoy the life she’s made, even if she has said she belongs in the Night Court. She doesn’t mean it! She needs SUNSHINE, because she likes(is??) a flower! So her and Lucien will somehow take over the Day Court (Helion won’t die though because he’s hot). Elain is too boring/useless/feminine to be anything besides some sort of court lady for Lucien. Seer powers? Koschei? Hints of spy work? Not important! She just needs to support Lucien as his story is told and he gets what he’s owed (Day Court? Spring Court? Autumn Court? Can’t keep up at this point…). Elain was always going to be with Lucien BECAUSE THEY ARE MATES AND SHE HAS TOO, and thinking she would ever be with Azriel is delusional!”
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doodle-pops · 7 months
Dating Ecthelion Would Include...
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A/N: You wouldn’t believe how long I had this waiting to be posted along with the other Lords.
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➳❥ He is someone who follows the rules of the city and society and cares about how society views him, so he hates the idea of taking risks in public. With that being said when it comes to you, he’ll make the exception and break a few rules here and there and if anyone has anything to say they’d have cold-looking Ecthelion staring at them.
➳❥ He adores giving you gifts whenever the occasion calls for it or even if it doesn’t. It’s the way your eyes light up when he sees that you love your gift and how you don’t hesitate to throw yourself into his arms to thank him.
➳❥ You have the luxuries of experiencing a free performance as well as his latest pieces he composes as the ‘flute master’. You have the tendency to call him a charmer anytime he plays his flute since you are…charmed.
➳❥ He enjoys going for walks with you around the city, mostly in the evening when fewer people are walking about and to mostly avoid a certain golden hair oaf that loves to trail behind you two claiming that he feels left out.
➳❥ Dating Ecthelion means being around Glorfindel, Galdor, Egalmoth and Rog quite often and they are always quick to share info about the stoic lord with you. They’d share all the embarrassing things he’s done from small come all the way up till yesterday.
➳❥ You two are frequently invited to dinners and lunch dates by the other Lords since when you’re around he suddenly becomes chattier and more whipped, and they love to tease him about this. You’re going to find lots of invitations arriving at your doorstep.
➳❥ The two of you enjoy slow dancing on evenings in the confinements of his quarters, knowing that no one in their right mind would barge in and interrupt. It’s one of his most favoured peaceful moments with you.
➳❥ The first time you asked him to train you, you and everyone else that was around saw his hair turned grey at the thought of you fighting. He doesn’t like the idea and thinks of you fighting because why would you when Gondolin was safe?
➳❥ You may or may not turn to Glorfindel to ask for help which just makes Ecthelion combust and jealous and threatens Glorfindel to bury him if you return home bruised. He spends the entire time eyeing him like a hawk ensuring that he does slip up, when he could have been training you instead.
➳❥ After your first three training sessions with Lord Glorfindel, and praising how wonderful of a warrior he was, Ecthelion blew a fuse and changed his mind. From the next day, he began training you in the basics and helped you to work your way up in strength and skills.
➳❥ At least with him as your beloved, you get the opportunity of a lifetime to have unlimited access to his fountains as your swimming pools. If he doesn't join you, drag him in by pretending to drown and watch as he becomes the epitome of a wet cat.
➳❥ He’s someone who didn’t realise that he would enjoy cuddling so much after hearing the activity being something popular couples perform. The first time you two cuddled, he literally melted into your embrace like a puddle and refused to depart from your arms.
➳❥ Hates to admit that he turns into a baby during cuddling and would launch into battle mode if anyone interrupted his pampering moment.
➳❥ All his kisses are done in private, and you can’t fight him to change his mind. Man is just stubborn. That’s something you’d have to learn how to deal with when dealing with him as well as his propriety-like behaviour. He won’t hesitate to give you a little scolding here and there. You’d probably have to tell him to loosen up a bit (A lot).
➳❥ You also get the opportunity to witness his drinking abilities with the other Lords. It’s the one time when he was unrestrained and would perform non-Ecthelion acts. Cue him and the other Lords skinny-dipping in his fountain while you look on ready to blackmail him with the info in the future.
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Admiral, my Admiral (1/2)
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x [gender neutral] Admiral! Reader Words: ~ 2 500 Summary: An unusual relationship that starts with a deal. Tags: no talk to him (ace) he angy / he gets to be babied tho / um, there's angst if you don't mind
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• Ace could remember passing out during a fight. His division wasn’t able to defeat the marine because they happened to run into a fucking strong division
• He tried his best to fight, but he just ended up getting weak when the spear of Sea-prism stone touched his chest and there was nothing else he could do, not even burn the ship so he would die uncaught, in the bottom of the sea; the last thing he could see was the fucking admiral walking towards him before he passed out. Where did the admiral come from, anyways?
• He woke up in a room he didn’t recognize, but could feel the familiar movement of the sea under him, so he was a little relieved he hadn’t been taken anywhere on land. Or maybe it was actually worse, if he thought well
• The whole place was too... patterned. Minimalist. It seems like a guest room and, when he leaves the room, the place keeps the same dark gray, white and blue colors. He keeps going until seeing a sign with the Marine symbol on it makes him shout and try to start lighting everything on fire until he notices the anklet on his leg and it is made out of that goddamned stone
• It is stupid, but he still jumps on you in an attempt to kill you with his bare fists at the moment he finds you at the desk only to be sent flying into the sea with a kick and rescued by your subordinates
• Ace is so full of anger, so small compared to you as he stands on the deck and stares at you—if only looks could kill...—while you don’t even bother to order him to be chained or anything. He feels like he will combust when you look at him and have the audacity to grin
• Your subordinates seem to know something that Ace doesn’t, but none of them pipe a word about it, all of them always talking the minimum possible with him and ignoring his comments whenever they get him food. He almost feels like when he was taken in by Whitebeard all over again, but this time, the feeling isn’t exactly welcoming because the only one being nice to him there is the fucking admiral, even if you can get on his nerves with your sarcasm and superiority complex. That is living hell
• At first, he thinks you will execute him—doesn’t happen. Then, you’re probably taking him to some headquarters to make him prisoner or something—also wrong. He tries to bribe one of your subordinates into telling him, but it never happens; not like he has anything that may interest them
• All he needs to stop fussing around so much is a letter from Garp telling him to trust you; not really the most convincing thing, but surely does leave a thought in the back of Ace’s head
• If you don’t kill him and have a goal, then the logic is simple; you need Ace alive, so you won’t kill him even if he’s the most insufferable fucker in the whole world
• Spending a few weeks on your ship does make Ace soften, though. He ends up finding himself in late night talks with you on the deck because, as much as he doesn’t want to chat, your sweet talk does keep him going. Not to mention the way he finds comfort in you, somehow
• Ace softening up doesn’t mean peace. His way of showing he is more comfortable around you resolves itself around Ace suddenly falling asleep in the most inconvenient spaces and following you around while making the most annoying comments. It doesn’t matter that you’re an Admiral and the power you have—he will get on your nerves because that’s just how he is, even more knowing he won’t get killed no matter how much he annoys one of the strongest, best known marines and warriors out there
• “What’re you doing?” “...Paperwork.” “Well, that I can see. What’s it about, though? Can I see the files about me? You better have everything right. I’m sure my bounty would be higher if you knew everything I’ve done!” “Why don’t you go take a nap or something? Leave me alone, fire boy.” “You’re so annoying! I can’t even—” You look up from your papers and he is... sleeping again. Okay.
• “You must be receiving a great amount to be taking care of me.” “Oh, I wish I were...”
• The relationship between you two turns into something like; Ace: Yo, I’ve broken about 20 important things, almost sank your ship again and made one of your subordinates almost give up on being a Marine You: I know this and I love you
• Ace is a little suspicious if you really have any real destiny—you’re sailing without stopping at any island for longer than a couple of days and never going to any of the headquarters. Are you going against the rules and acting in secret? Really??? For real??? Damn it, someone for once should tell Ace a word about what’s going on. Not only would half of his doubts go away, but also something interesting would happen in that godforsaken ship before he went crazy
• Although, watching the admiral is quite interesting. Well, the admiral is quite interesting...
• He grows quiet for a while, spending some days processing how you are always checking on him every morning and every night before he goes to sleep, sometimes bringing you food in person and spending some of your time with him
• Why do you want to know if he is emotionally okay and has everything he needs? It's almost like you care
• Then there are those long, uncomfortable silences in which he doesn't know what to do because, maybe unintentionally, those little comments of yours and light smirks have his face turning bright red and something stirring inside his chest
• How did he even allow the admiral to get into his head like that? He can't let it continue this way, though
          “(Y/n)!” Ace whined as he walked into your office and didn’t even care about what you were doing before he threw himself on your lap, holding onto your shoulders as he dramatically leaned back.
“I am afraid I am about to die! Your ship is so, so boring and your subordinates never talk to me!” He closed his eyes, making a face as if he were under a lot of pain—or at least trying to—, with no regard for the documents he almost made you ruin. “Like, why can’t they give me the combination to the vault? Or let me mess with the sails? That’s no fun!”
You would’ve chuckled if Ace weren’t being so obnoxious, so you just leaned back on the chair and observed him; he pouted at the silence and sat up properly on your lap. He takes in a breath, but you never allow him to voice whatever it is.
“Look, I am throwing you in the sea if you continue like this!”
“As if!” Ace chuckles. “You can’t k...”
Oh, it can’t be. Still, the soft snoring that comes from Ace confirms your theory and you roll your eyes, bouncing your leg lightly.
“Oi! What do you think you are doing, Ace?” You finally let go of your pen and your papers, shaking Ace a little. “Get lost, fire boy! I already forbid you from interrupting me while I’m on my paperwork! Why don’t you go read the books I lent you, hm? Go sleep in your room, at least. In the kitchen. I don't care.”
“It’s no fun without you.” Ace groaned, and you couldn’t help but to smirk and raise an eyebrow; a red tone took over his cheeks. “I—I mean, you’re the one who—”
“The one who?” You nodded for him to continue, resting your cheek against your palm. “Go on.” Ace exhaled, pressing his lips together as he looked away, and the lack of answer made you chuckle while wrapping an arm around his torso. “Oh, you don’t know what to do now that you have my full attention? Just wasting my time? I gave you rules to stay on my ship, Ace.” Your fingers held onto his jaw so he would look at you. “And I—”
Lips pressed to yours interrupted your words. Ace’s lips. You couldn’t help but to kiss back because he kept pressing his lips to yours for a few seconds, dismissing your hesitance, and even daring to hum softly once you started to kiss him back.
None of you stop. It started a chain of kisses that was enough to make you forget about your paperwork, lost in kissing the lips of a filthy pirate that fell in your hands because of a deal. Both of you had this same feeling; the spark of knowing that this was wrong and forbidden was what ignited your feelings for each other. Ace’s lips tasted like the sea, like the sweets he was eating earlier, but also tasted like freedom. A little bit of power that you had over the Marine and the World Government because no matter what you did, you knew no one would agree to have you dismissed from the Marine and they couldn't control every single action of yours.
Your fingers hooked with the hair on the back of Ace’s head to pull him away from the kiss a little. “You are down bad,” you mumbled into his ear.
• Once, Ace hears you talking to Sengoku. He sees you in your office, back to the door and with a den den mushi in hand. Your voice is calm, but not the sort of calm like you are when you raise an eyebrow at Ace then shrug in dismissal before you tell him to do whatever he pleases, no; it is the type of calm when your subordinates do something you don’t like, so you suppress your annoyance to long glares and pursed lips
• “No...” You say to the snail, “I am busy. I won’t be there for the next meeting. You already know my position in this. It is the same as Garp’s. And you know I haven’t seen Fire First. I would’ve reported already. Has he disappeared or something? You haven’t heard a thing about him for weeks.”
• And he doesn’t listen anymore. He doesn’t want to. Either way, it is enough to change the context again, from “stop locking me here” to “thanks for keeping me safe”
• You don’t understand what’s up with Ace being softer around you, but it is well welcomed. There’s something sweet about how he places a chair next to your desk and folds his arms over the table with his head on them, quietly observing you work until he falls asleep
• Actually, one night, Ace knocks on your bedroom’s door. He just walks past you and collapses on the bed at the moment you open the door. And fuck. That boy’s audacity. Whatever. It’s nice to hold onto something while you sleep
• And the fact your subordinates will walk into you making out with Ace on your lap while you’re in your office and just ignore what is happening is just... Hell, you love it
• There’s a whole new routine with Ace by your side
• The moment Ace has to leave comes quicker than you expected. It’s already time for you to return to your usual admiral duties and also for Ace to go back to the sea because there’s no longer a threat
• He can’t believe that keeping him was a whole plan to keep him safe while you, Garp and a few others did your best to convince the Marine that Portgas D. Ace was not a threat, so he shouldn’t be executed
• Ace is at loss of words, unable to formulate a thanks that’s genuine enough and expresses all of his feelings because you only fucking let him know about it when you’re dropping him at an island where Whitebeard already awaits for him. He wants to cry, to hug you, to kiss you, to ramble about how thankful he is, all at the same time—but he can’t
• You chuckle at how lost he seems, grinning happily and telling him he can go because he is safe now
• Ace doesn’t leave without giving you a kiss, a deep one
• What seemed to be a short-term thing, ends up leaving your hearts aching for more once you’re away from each other, in the sea. It is risky, it is dangerous, difficult to manage, even, but you’re picking Ace up in a random island to spend the night with you whenever you are able to, with excuses to the marine that you ended up letting him escape because your priorities were others. Sometimes he will just show up randomly with that devilish smirk on his face
• As much as you’re an admiral, your little relationship does reach the Marine’s eyes and ears, and it doesn’t seem to help them in the slightest bit because you’re not only with one of their highest potential enemies; your behavior also encourages other pirates a little too much, as if it gives them some sort of excuse or extra freedom. You’d always been a little rebel considering the Marine and World Government’s rules, so maybe you’ll go a little too far soon—if you haven't already
• Getting rid of Ace wouldn’t mean just getting rid of a big threat—it also would have you under the Marine’s control once for all
• First of all, the Marine can’t get rid of an admiral so powerful like you, so it isn’t a choice to dismiss or execute you, so that leads to Ace. Given the way you are lovesick, getting rid of Ace will teach you a lesson—and a lesson to every other marine and pirate as well—, and your head will be focused on doing your job. You won’t rebel against the only people who know your weaknesses and help you be stronger
• The new census doesn’t need you and Garp to vote; it doesn’t matter what a small biased minority things about such a threat
• You already suspect what's going on when they send you across the ocean, and it gets worse when they start to guide you to a weird island you’ve never seen before
• Held. You’re being held across the ocean because they know you can save Ace if you have the opportunity, because you’re too precious to be wasted for such an insignificant matter. You’ll just be force– I mean, invited to a confidential meeting later to establish that your relationship with Ace will be forgiven and forgotten since they know it won’t happen again and you’re such a great admiral that they can’t risk losing you. You will have to sign a few documents and be under constant watch for a few months after it
• For now, you will just sit in this cold cell knowing your love is being executed
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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the-great-papyru · 6 days
i hate being a flowey fan istg i will see your posts and go "FLOWEYYYY!!! FLOWEYYYY!!!!!!" it is pain
ok but on a related note what if. flowey was just a little guy. what if he was a little guy and he ate his raisin cookies and he made fun of people who don't like raisins and called them babies and he's mean??? let my man REST.
ok ok stay with me but. flowey friday. flowey friday and you have to be nice to him. it's not his birthday or anything but you have to be nice to him it's his day no mean posts. that would be a good holiday i think
Flowey Friday!! FiNaGLC is banned on Flowey Friday. Let the guy have silly little timelines where he doesn’t do much at all. He chooses the funniest possible dialogue option every time. He speedruns. He reads books. He acts out 1-man Shakespeare plays and everyone applauds. He calls Sans Smiley Trashbag and laughs at his jokes when he thinks he isn’t looking. He takes a nap. He wakes up early and catches Sans napping and draws on his face with marker. He doesn’t realize that his own face already has a overly detailed mustache on it. He “psychologically manipulates” Papyrus into getting a cookie from the cookie jar. (He asked politely.) Frisk ropes him into their overelaborate Warrior Cats roleplay. He hates every moment of it but that won’t keep him from having fun. He and Papyrus play sudden death frisbee (nobody dies). Everyone has an art contest and Flowey vandalizes the winner’s art. Everyone agrees it looks better that way, much to Flowey’s annoyance. Alphys and Undyen hatewatch MMKC 2. Flowey accidentally catches a glimpse, and even though he doesn’t at all care about anime obviously he just can’t believe that they forgot all about the main cast and that it’s been two whole seasons and he still hasn’t seen his favorite character from the first movie so he just has to watch this show because it’s just that bad and he’s angry and—What do you MEAN, he was the twist villain? And before he knows it he’s having an angry discussion about the ramifications of the antagonist’s character and his relevance in that role. Also, he kicks Frisk’s butt at Smash.
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starsurface · 3 months
Maybe if you could, a CG mk1 Shao Kahn and a clingy, toddler space reader who likes to act tough with Shao. Monkey see monkey do situation because reader loves Shao so much that they wanna be just like him. Jljkjljlhlhkhl okay have a good night or day 🩷
I hope you know, I loved the idea of this request so much that for two weeks I literally couldn’t put it into words, but trust me, a smile spread across my face every time I thought of it. <3
Also hope you have a good day/night, Sugar. <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Shao MK1 w/ Clingy Toddlerspace Regressor Hcs
🛡️ AHBDGS, he adores you!!
🛡️ He thinks you are highly entertaining!! A mini him, how proud he is!!
🛡️ . . . Until you copy his bad behaviors 😮‍💨
🛡️ Its all fun and games until you ‘order’ him to get you a refill because your ‘in charge now’ 🙄
🛡️ Honestly though . . . I think he’d find it entertaining too (although he will put ‘bad’ behavior in check)
🛡️ Shao isn’t one to curse, he’s better than that, but he’ll still make sure to watch what he says around you, just incase you decide to repeat it
🛡️ He also makes sure to watch who he complains about, or just what he speaks about, because he’s overheard you talk to your stuffies using his . . . not very nice words
🛡️ No but shouting his MK9 Babality “You suck!” at your stuffie! They were totally out of order, can’t have that around here! >:(
🛡️ His favorite regressor activity with you is imagination playtime
🛡️ Why? Because you can be just like him!! A very serious, very strong, war General, prepared to send your stuffies- Uh, soldiers into actions!
🛡️ If you ask him, he might even let you borrow his helmet!! :o
🛡️ Not his battle ax though, your too small for that, awesome general or not :\
🛡️ Sometimes you have to play with Reiko, because being a war General is actually a very important job, and sometimes Shao has to do actual work :(
🛡️ So when your reeeeally clingy, he’ll let you borrow his helmet because then you can ‘continue your duty’ and be just like him!
🛡️ ^ He doesn’t like leaving you when your small though, and only trusts Reiko with you when your tiny (don’t worry, Reiko’s also very good at pretend war games or storytime)
🛡️ If your big enough, or willing, to play wrestle, Shao . . . is a bit nervous
🛡️ He’s a big guy, a very big guy, and can easily hurt you if he’s not careful
🛡️ But that doesn’t mean he won’t do it!! All good soldiers need ‘training’, how else are you going to be just like him if you don’t ‘train’ with him?
🛡️ He’ll make sure to keep an eye on you though. You might be ‘tough’ but he doesn’t want you to hold back any tears just because ‘Papa doesn’t cry over a papercut!’
🛡️ Tough big kid or not, your still his baby, and he’ll be damned if he let you not cry over something, even if it’s ‘silly’
🛡️ If you do get injured, he’ll help you make it into a big story!! That papercut from earlier? You actually got it from fighting off a tiger, Shao saw it happen himself
🛡️ Not the best with sensitive littles, especially when they try to hide their emotions to act all tough, but he’ll try to make sure your okay with things
🛡️ Not much of a wrestling fan because fighting is scary? Well, a pillow fight is just as warrior like!! Or maybe you could ‘battle strategy’ with some board game pieces!!
🛡️ If your different while big, more defiant or snarky to him, he’ll tease you about how loyal you are when your small
🛡️ Many kinds of nicknames!! Little Warrior, Best Soldier, he’ll even call you General!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Soooo, I use to do all my Hcs on my school chromebook. But I graduated, so now I’m doing it on my tv . . . Hope these are good still 😅
^ This is also why I haven't updated. Other than all the precollege stuff and everything else, it's so difficult writing on my tv. :/
Also y'all, the gif I used??? The lighting??? It's actually so pretty???
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Porco Galliard Fluff alphabet ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・
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This is my first official headcanon so I take recommendations/feedback by ask or dms if you’re nice lol. Keep in mind these are canon!verse headcanons. I feel like we don’t have enough of those. We love Porco over here so this was fun to make.
No warnings very sfw
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
So i def see Porco as a super romantic guy when he’s head over heals for his s/o. Not that he’s doesn’t put efforts on dates otherwise but if he IS he’ll organize walks around his city, picnics, restaurant dates, he’ll buy them flowers pretty much every time they hangout as if he’s on a first date trying to impress them
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He thinks that the way his s/o looks at him longingly is the most beautiful sight ever.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Realistically, during a panic attack, he wouldn’t know what to do or say in the beginning of the relationship. He would be so awkward and just hold them the entire time but as he gets to know them better and their relationship gets stronger, he starts to help them slow their breathing, help them focus on the present moment and give them reassuring words like : “There you go, baby.” “I’m so proud of you. You’re doing great.”
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Ok so obviously canon!verse Porco sadly only sees the relationship as short term since he knows he won’t live for long. Part of him wishes there could be a cure or something just so he could live a long life with them but, hey…
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
I picture Porco as rather passive because despite his tough/cocky exterior, when it comes to his lover he very much turns into a puddle. You’ll hear “yes ma’am 🙄” a lot if they’re a girl lol.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Yes!! Because of what I said above. They would have to say something very insulting for him to have difficulty forgiving them. A scenario I imagine would tip him over is if his lover is not Eldian and shares how they are tired that the people of Paradis get treated as a punching bag and abruptly cuts him off when he tries to retort by asking him how he can speak about his own people that way. They call him a “self-hating Eldian” and he very much takes it the wrong way. It would take him a couple days before he forgives them but at least it would make him think. (Should I turn this into a fic?????)
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is very grateful but honestly just for their existence??? For being his partner?? Having someone love him in that way and getting to have a passionate romantic relationship even tough he’s a warrior makes him feel really privileged. He legit worships his beloved because of that.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Not necessarily secrets but he has a hard time expressing/sharing his emotions and fears.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
They made him better </3 He is clearly happier, let’s people into his life more, they’ve made him think about how he was groomed from a young age to pay for the sins of his ancestors and how messed up that is. But mostly, they made him feel like a human being.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
YEEEESS is that not obvious I mean look at him
It’s def so much fun to watch him try to hide it tho
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Yes, he’s a great kisser. The first kiss was very tender and sweet. He really couldn’t believe his life at that moment (lol) and wanted to savour every moment.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
“It’s hard for me to describe how I feel and I have no real future ahead of me, but you’re everything to me”.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes!!!!!! He dreams of it. The wedding would be small with just his warrior friends and his closest family members but all he wants to do is to stare at the ring on his partner’s fingers at the end of the ceremony.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
“Babe”, “Baby”, “Beautiful” in the morning AaahHhGhh
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He tries to keep the relationship lowkey because… he is who he is BUT it’s actually hilarious how obvious it is to his friends and comrades that he’s head over heels in love.
He expresses his love physically the best because he lowkey hates how red and hot he gets when he has to tell his lover how much he adores them.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Like I said earlier he is trying to keep things under the radar BUT he always compliments them whether they’re in the room or not to a point where Zeke rolls his eyes at the millionth mention of how “smart” and “brave” they are. So no PDA.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship
His commitment
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
VERY, VERY cliché romantic guy think roses, cute nicknames, cooking, drawing a bath for you, foot massages😮‍💨❤️‍🔥
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He doesn’t really have the time to help them but is always supporting them and reminds them that they can achieve anything they put their heart into.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Unfortunately, because of his lifestyle he cannot afford to “switch it up” here and there but he would definitely prefer to.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows them better than anyone else whether they’re an open book or more reserved. He doesn’t even have to spend a lot of time with them, he just does.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Warriors don’t have a lot going for them aside from shallow admiration from fellow Eldians, and the love from their family and friends (if they have any). That is the reason why after his relationship with his mother, his genuine, heart felt romantic relationship is the most important.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
So one time after a warrior mission, he came home very wounded to the point where he was healing very slowly and his titan scars were still on his face. Fortunately, his s/o was there and took care of him also drowning him in kisses. He was taken aback by the fact that despite his very hollow cheeks and overall scary titan-esque look, they still wanted to show him affection that way.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yes it’s his favorite thing to do he’s legit a teddy bear
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He will read the romantic letters they send him. He’s not really one to write letters but he will enjoy reading them before going to bed.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Yes he will make sure by any means necessary that you work out what’s wrong in your relationship. Like that man would stop at nothing it’s kinda scary.
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Thank you for reading!! Prompts by @/snk-warriors
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bliss-wily · 7 months
More hcs from my silly little head - seems to be the direction this is going in and I’m going to run with it. Using this as my space to let me thoughts run wild as I deal with lovely headaches~
This time? Frieza and maybe his family! Read below to find out~
Note: In my mind Cooler and Kuriza are canon. I know they aren’t but this is my version so meh.
•Smooth yet scaly skin.
•Don’t talk to him until he’s had his grape juice.
•And yes, grape juice.
•No wine for the space lizard - his father wants all the wine for himself.
•King Cold is a wine mom. And maybe a soccer mom, Freezy Pop is his little boy.
•Also, definitely still calls King Cold ‘daddy’.
•A daddy’s boy.
•Frieza had Kuriza simply to have an heir.
•Ends up loving the little brat but won’t admit it.
•Zarbon is designated babysitter.
•King Cold definitely had Zarb babysitting his two boys as well.
•And yes, every elite is older than Frieza~
•My proof? Broly! I took plenty of screenshots of one part of that movie because…Frieza Force! Can’t find the rest of my screenshots but just some cans several of the elites are present.
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(Also for some reason Jeice’s arm is not covered in his spandex? Oh well, think it’s an error as he is covered in other parts of his cameo. Also Zarb has white shoes instead of brown. Ah excuse my rambling!)
•Anywayyy…Berryblue was basically the nanny for the two boys (Frieza and Cooler).
•Also, Freezy Pop is very insecure of his height - hence why his aides are shorter than him.
•Zarbon and Dodoria are his right hand men, they are allowed to be taller.
•Despite being expendable, I think Zarbon was Frieza’s closest confidant.
•And by god - no one insults his two right hand men. Sorbet got an earful for comparing Tagoma to them after all, only he gets to speak bad about them!
•If you’re good to him, he will be good to you. Unless you become a threat and stand in his way of course! Can’t have that!
•Heavily relies on Zarbon and Berryblue respectively. I think Zarbon is tasked with anything and everything, whether that’s changing the emperor��s bed or helping him with his sense of style.
•The two are friendly BUT IT IS VERY CONDITIONAL.
•Keeps Zarbon close as I feel the two would agree on certain things: skincare, presentation, aesthetics…plus both nepo babies in my opinion. They’d have plenty to talk about.
•Dodoria can be Karen, it’s like space Mean Girls.
•Future Warrior from Xenoverse can be Cady.
Now I’m getting off track…I’m sorry these are always rambly, I’m very unprofessional.
•Frieza still acts like a child and the universe to him is his toy box.
•His favourite toys are closest to him though.
•Blinded by his obsession to beat Goku.
•And due to this blindness I think Cooler has the potential to be stronger.
•Cooler I imagine is the more mature and less sadistic of the two.
•Cooler is more well rounded; better to his men, and despite the fact he would and could kill Frieza - anyone else touches his little brother? Oh there’s hell to pay! Only he’s allowed.
•Highly unbothered that Frieza is the favourite - if anything, to Cooler, that just means more freedom to an extent.
•Actually takes his role seriously.
•Salza is his Zarbon in this scenario - he doesn’t need a Berryblue though as Cooler is mature enough to lack a babysitter.
•I think Cooler would be a good uncle to Kuriza, I don’t think he would hold a grudge towards the little one.
•Speaking of Kuriza…this boy I imagine to be a ray of sunshine!
•Just to totally go against Frieza’s personality - Kuriza loves sports, art, games, playing with toys, etc.
•Just a sweet kid but has combat prowess.
•And his cuteness means the members of the Force let the little Lord get his way.
•Zarbon especially, he wouldn’t let anything happen to that boy.
•Nor would Ginyu, I think he would be the honorary sixth member.
•Although I think Zarbon, Frieza, and Bonyu would discourage the posing aspect.
•Kuriza will be the only ‘sane’ member of the family.
•Loves his daddy, uncle and gramps - and his other uncles and aunties in the form of the elite force members.
•Well mannered and behaved.
•I will assume much like the Namekians, Frieza’s race/Icejins/Frost Demons reproduce asexually. Sure Cold and his two sons are highly attractive but I doubt they have the time.
•Now for Cold! Wine mom as I said. Loves wine, loves retirement.
•Calls Cooler by his name, Frieza gets all the nicknames from ‘Princess’, ‘Freezy Pop’, ‘Prince’, ‘Free’, ‘Freezy Baby’, etc. super embarrassing dad vibes.
•At all royal/political/whatever events the PTO are involved in just know this man is coming with all the most embarrassing pictures of his two boys. Frieza especially.
•A very proud daddy, doubt he ever let Frieza out of his sight when the tyrant was young.
•Also, raising Kuriza most of the time. I don’t think he wants to see his grandson getting hurt.
•Rarely sober, always at least a little tipsy.
•Very refined, expensive taste, probably had Zarbie as his favourite minion as well.
•His private residence is family photos, definitely had to bribe Frieza into behaving.
•Also…loaded but in an old money sense.
•Could be stronger than his two boys, but who’s got time for that? Or need? Nah…wine, luxuries; and his boys. That’s what matters most.
•Wine snob - whole family are. Well apart from Frieza and Kuriza - expensive grape juice!
•Sees Cooler as an adult, sees Frieza as his precious little baby.
It’s like nearly 3am here; these are all over the place and I should probably sleep, but that’s my contribution for this early morning~
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distortedclouds · 2 years
Mr Leonhart wasn't redeemed and I refuse to accept him as such
If you’ve been anywhere near my blog, you’ll know that I don’t tolerate that guy in any way, shape, or form, nor accept his apology to Annie
I have multiple reasons to believe his apology wasn’t sincere/well-intentioned.
He had the worst motivation out of all warrior parents
I think the reason I'm angry with Mr Leonhart the most compared to other Warrior Parents, even though they're all shit (I guess with the exception of Pieck’s father) is that the rest of them believed Marley's propaganda
They believed in the whole Eldian sin and Island Devil thing. Most parents of warriors, even kids training to become warriors, believed their kids were giving away their lives for a good and honorable cause. This is still abuse and it’s gross, but really, it’s not out of the “ordinary”
Parents place ridiculously harsh and harmful expectations on their kids all the time. Plus, I don’t think they would’ve straight up abandoned their kids if they didn’t make it as warriors
Mr Leonhart, however, never fell for Marley’s shit version of history nor did he care. He came from abroad and Annie once said he was in the same situation as her (mixed parents), when he took her in as a baby for a purely selfish reasoning
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While it’s easy to put some distance since the situation of the warriors is nothing like in the real world, I’ll give you an example:
Someone adopts a puppy and then trains it for underground dog fighting to make money and better their financial situation. If the dog loses/isn’t good enough, he’s gonna throw it out. This also puts the dog at risk of injury, shortened lifespan, and overall reduced quality of life
I don’t feel hesitant using an animal in this example, because Annie was merely a tool, and like all tools, if it’s not doing its job, it gets thrown out
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His apology wasn’t for Annie
Annie only miraculously became his daughter that he loves and cares about only after he’d gotten what he wanted: an irrevocable(?) Honorary Marleyan title. Doubt he would’ve had the same “revelation” had Annie failed her candidacy
Two aspects of his apology, in particular, piss me off: the timing and the rootcause/motivation
If Annie’s 13 years of titan shifting end when she’s 22, that means she got her titan powers when she was 9 years old. But the attack on Wall Maria happened in 845, when Annie was 11
Why the two year gap??
It’s not like military work as a titan shifter is a part-time job or a 9-to-5. She probably went away for days if not weeks at a time during Marley’s countless expansion and invasion efforts. She could’ve died or been captured during all of those and yet that still wasn’t enough for Mr Leonhart to realize his fatherly feelings towards her
I think it’s control
In the Lost Girls manga, Annie says her relationship with her father was “one of absolute obedience.”
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And Annie was never a rebellious kid. She only went against him once (when she broke his leg) and never again
While in the military, Annie was being constantly monitored by her commanding officers. She had rules to follow and consequences for disobeying
But leaving for Paradis on a longer mission? She’s free
She’s free from him and from Marley and he knows she won’t care for her mission the same way Reiner, Bert, and Marcel cared, because she doesn’t believe in the Island Devils propaganda in the first place
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I highly doubt the Paradis mission was announced to them the morning of their departure. They’ve known for a while, and yet he waited until the morning of her departure to say something
To be fair, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’d gotten somewhat attached to her over the course of 11 years. The other warriors still had families to return to, but once Annie is let go, she’s gone. So that might’ve played a part
Another part that pisses me off is that his regret never seemed like he was sorry for Annie, but for himself, for the type of person he'd become
After all, no one likes to believe that they’re evil/the bad guy
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Considering that he still lives in the same rundown house as before, I don’t think(?) he’d taken advantage of any/many of the perks and privileges awarded to the parents of warriors during the 10 years Annie’s gone
But this all strikes me as self-flagellation, that he’s more concerned with feeling better about himself and his own past deeds, and not really the entire life he’d ruined and the child he’d mentally, emotionally, verbally, and physically abused since day one
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It was always about him, and it's still just him
There’s this shot during the rumbling that MAPPA added, in which we see Annie’s old house right before it’s stomped:
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Those are the same padded polls Annie used to train with. He hadn’t removed them
At first glance, this looks like a way for him to not sweep his past/guilt under the rug. To face what he’d done to Annie every time he’d step out of the house or even look out the window.
Shows his remorse, right?
Sure, but what about Annie? What if she had returned with Reiner 4 years ago?
She finally manages to get home to her father, her family, the only reason she kept going, only to find her open-air torture chamber still up, like it’s been waiting for her return all along
I’m not saying he was planning on getting back to his old ways as soon as she got back not at all!
But even with his bad leg, over the course of 10 WHOLE YEARS, he could’ve dug them out. He could’ve asked it as a favor of Reiner and I know Reiner would’ve absolutely done it had they the smallest doubt Annie might come back and see them
But he didn’t because it’s about him feeling like he’s not escaping from his past mistakes, facing them head on like an honorable man
Annie? she doesn’t matter
Her return as his daughter is also another way for him to feel better about himself and that he’s actually making it up for his actions; atoning for his sins
Also, note the difference between how Annie remembers the apology:
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vs how Mr Leonhart remembers the apology:
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(those two shots are from the same chapter)
It really feels like his perception of that day is completely different from Annie's. She looks at him directly and smiles, while Annie mostly remembers herself still being in shock even as she promises him to come back
Final thoughts
I’m not saying his apology was entirely a manipulation technique. But Annie was and still is a tool to him, this time with the fancy title of “daughter”
If her previous purpose in life was to become a warrior and complete her mission, then her current purpose is to become a good daughter so he could feel like a good father
Post-canon, this would likely take most (if not all) of the verbal and physical abuse out of their relationship, but I can’t say the same for more covert types of mistreatment: mental and emotional
I think it’s important to respect/try to understand Annie’s point of view as well, for still loving him, since he was the reason she survived and come to think of her life as one worth living, even if only to return to him and be his daughter
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Still, I wouldn’t really say that Annie has forgiven him. Not really
I doubt she even realizes she was hurt in a way that matters. Simply disassociating from that whole aspect of her life—blocking it out. Especially considering how she was able to tell her story to Hitch
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The chance of simply “having a father” and be something more than a tool, was enough for young Annie to not even think about all the harm he’d done to her
It was always about him, and it's still just him
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ma3-author2 · 1 year
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GIF by Ma3
Part 5 of Visionary.
Pairing: Lo’ak/Neteyam x Omatikaya Reader
Summary: Two months have passed since the Sully family arrived, and you decided to go and escape this "war" they called to start a "new beginning." To seek nothing but peacefulness. With this time, your legs have gotten stronger, you're better at holding your breath longer than before, and you've even gotten closer to the Metkayina Na’vi. Except the two Omatikaya boys don’t like your closeness to one specific Metkayina boy.
Theme: Angst, confusion, lost of focus, a new discovery, riding an ilu, Teacher Tsireya! 
Extra: Adviser Ao'nung (He upgraded ya'll!)
Word count: 3k
Warning: Expect some English errors, as English is not my first language.
Part 1 of: ✧Visionary / Part 2 of: ✧Visionary / Part 3 of: ✧Visionary / Part 4 of: ✧Visionary
The first month of staying at Awa’atlu the clan of Metkayina, you learned many things thanks to the two children of the chiefs and their friends. They taught you their culture, how things work, and the differences between your own kind. But that doesn’t mean that you are different from them because you are now one of them.
Due to your legs, you didn’t get to learn half of what makes the Matkayina clan different among the forest Na’vi. You're not a late bloomer per se. But the only thing you didn’t get to learn is how to ride an Ilu. You did get to explore every corner of the sea and the island because of Ao’nung, as he insisted on showing you.
You let him because he did teach you, and this is your payment, as he suggested. Furthermore, you also want to explore this new place. At first, Lo’ak and Neteyam are against the idea of leaving you alone with this boy, but you insisted that if Ao’nung did something, you could handle him even if your legs aren’t healed yet.
You’re a trained warrior, for fuck's sake, even if you lost one arm. You could still move.
Today will be a very different and special experience for you. Why? Well, to answer that, as soon as your legs begin to move without any support and the throb, numbness almost makes it seem like it wasn’t there, unlike before when it still hurt. You can finally ride an Ilu. Just watching them ride one made you a little bit jealous, but now you can finally ride one.
However, you still need Jake and Neytiri's approval before they let you. You don’t have anything against that; instead, it made you feel the need for their acknowledgment and let you think that you were still there with them, kicking and alive.
"How are your legs?" Neytiri asks after giving you your daily medicine.
"I feel like I could ride an Ilu now," you replied, chuckling as you swallowed the tablet.
Neytiri laughed at your remarks. She knew how much you really wanted to ride an Ilu; she could see it in your eyes. It’s already obvious as she and her mate (Jake) watch your eyes gazing from afar inside the Marui. Neytiri was glad that you were there to help any chorus, but it saddened her to see you like that.
So she promises herself that once you're healed, she won’t hesitate to let you do as you please.
You've got to thank Norm and Max for the medicine they gave you, even if it tasted bad. It helps you heal faster. To Ao’nung and Tsireya, as well, as they showed you a method to make your legs stronger and go back to their original strength. Of course you didn’t forget about Sully’s children, as they helped you walk again in a steady manner.
like a baby taking their first steps.
"Is there any numbness or throbbing?" Jake asks checking if your legs are stable enough to go and ride an Ilu or even take a short swim without support.
"Aren’t you two babying Y/N too much? She’s fine. She even got to walk on her own yesterday," Kiri snorted as they eyed her in a disapproving way.
"They’re just making sure that she could ride an Ilu. But for real, you can wait. I don’t know, maybe a week or so." Lo’ak added, eyeing you while shrugging his shoulders.
You rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head before saying, "Thank you for supporting me, Kiri. Lo’ak." eyeing him as you pursed your lips.
"What I’m just looking out for you," He said he was mumbling something that you couldn’t hear, but Neteyam and Kiri heard him. That made the two of them glance at one another, giving one another knowing eyes.
Only for Neteyam to clear his throat as Kiri eyed him, she know he had the same thoughts as Lo’ak.
"So.. can I ride an Ilu?"
"Well, seeing that your legs are steady, yes, you can." You were about to celebrate when Jake stopped you.
"But it’s not completely healed yet. There are still some limitations that you need to look out for"
"Don’t worry, I will take it easy. Thank you!" You were about to hug him when you halted. Now, you don’t usually hug Jake or Neytiri; most of the time it will be Tuk, Kiri, or the two Na’vi boys.
So when he opened his arms for you, you accepted his invitation. Then to Neytiri, who almost tear down. How long has it been since they've seen you smile like that? As for the two boys watching, they couldn’t help but subconsciously smile at your big smile.
They find it beautiful, just like you. Oh, how they want to be with you... but can't, as only one could have you. They made an agreement even before they left the forest. Whoever your choice is, they will need to respect the Na’vi. However, there wasn’t any agreement that another party could join the stage. It was only for the two of them.
"This is exciting! You can now join us! There’s a lot of things I want to show!" Tuk exclaimed, tagging you along with her, excitement visible in her face.
"I know! But Tuk, can you slow down a little bit—" Your words caught up inside your lungs as you lost your balance because of her constant pulling. Your legs may be healed, but they're not completely healed yet. You didn’t blame her, as she was just as excited as you.
before any of them could catch you.
"Woah, easy~ If you do that, you might have to wait another month to ride an Ilu." If you could have seen Neteyam and Loak with laser eyes at Ao’nung, you could have scolded them again.
"Thanks for catching me. And you're right. But good thing you're there" Now your relationship with him is labeled as enemy to frenemies. Sometimes you two can be seen debating if one is incorrect or insulting one another while hanging at the seaside having a normal conversation, leading to the first sentence again.
"I’m sorry, Y/N," Tuk said with a frown on her lips.
"Tuk, it’s okay. And you're just as excited as me... Thanks to him, I could still join you."
"Yeah, thanks to him." Lo’ak and Neteyam mumble, earning a smirk from Ao’nung. Oh, how they wanted to wipe that off. Kiri, who could only give them an exhausted sigh,
"Let’s go before it gets dark." Neteyam, who quickly went to your side, removed Ao'nung's grasp from you. giving him a glare and continuing to guide you.
The first thing you know is that you are now in front of Ao’nung, calling for an Ilu. You find it amusing how they called an Ilu. Maybe you could ask Ao’nung or Tsireya to teach you. While you're waiting for an Ilu to show up, just behind you are two forest Na’vi boys watching every movement of Ao’nung.
Now they already have their own. Lo’ak and Neteyam just wanted to make sure that Ao’nung wouldn’t try to do something like last time. The last thing they knew before they called you home was when they thought Ao’nung was kissing you.
Oh, how it made them feel very dreadful inside. But in reality, it’s just the angle, as he was just checking if your breathing was right. Because your breath was quiet. For a second, he thought you were dead, though you can’t blame him as you taught yourself to be quiet, even your breathing. He leaned forward to hear it only for you to push his face away from you.
"Sorry, your just so quiet that I need to lean in to hear it. Why is that?"
"So an enemy can’t spot me easily. That’s how we hunt for prey as well."
"Huh. Hey… if ever we visit your hometown. Could you teach me?"
"I could teach you now if you want."
"Nah~ I will feel motivated if I am there. Like how you’re here now."
"You've got a point."
"See~ so, can you explain to them that we’re only discussing this and not doing any sort of stuff?"
Until now, you've found it funny and cute how they thought Ao’nung did something to you; you almost use the crutches to shield Ao’nung from them.
"You already know what an Ilu is, right?"
You deadass drop your eyes because of his remark. He almost replaced your excitement with an annoyed one.
"Yes." You replied thriftily.
Ao’nung chuckled at your reaction and then raised his hand. "I’m just making sure."
The Ilu had made its way to where you were. It was a very beautiful creature, and hearing its happy chirp made you squeal at how cute they are. Before you could ride one, or Ao’nung helped you get on.
Lo'ak moved forward, gently raising Tsireya's hand. "Hey, Y/N! Tsireya said she wants to teach you!" before she could deny it and tell you that she didn’t say it but would gladly teach you if you let her.
"Sure." You interfered, giving her a smile, but your eyes rested on their hands, and you quickly averted your gaze to look at her. This wasn’t unnoticed by Kiri.
Ao’nung couldn’t help but roll his eyes; he already knows this will happen, which made him snort at how these two Na’vi are so obvious. We know that he just wants to annoy the brothers, but he will be lying if he says that he has no affection for you. You’re the first Na’vi girl to ever be brave enough to face him, while the others quiver away from him.
Just because he is the son of the chief, are they scared of him? Or is it because they find him annoying and rude because he always pulls these pranks? But why didn’t you?
"Make the bond gently. Feel her breath, feel her strength." Tsireya genlty said teaching you how to mount one. Once you felt the Ilu bonding with you, you couldn't help but crack a smile. It reminds you of how you got I/N.
"Hold here"
The handle has the same similarity to how you ride. I/N only the difference of the two. One is surfing the sky while the other is flying in the ocean.
"Now, Y/N don’t feel pressure. Just take a deep breath." Lo’ak exclaimed, "You can do this, Y/N!" followed by Neteyam as well as Tuk and Kiri.
It made you nervous all of a sudden, having the thought that you would mess things up, so when a second passed by and you didn’t move, this made them confused, only to be replaced by cheering once you took off. What made you go forward? Who made you feel assured? Who took that nervousness away from you?
Oh, right. They should have known already. Just what did he do that they couldn’t?
"Way to go, Y/N!" Ao’nung cheered watching your success riding an Ilu. You moved forward because you had a glance at him, and when he gave you a nod, that was like the biggest hint for Neteyam and Lo’ak. They knew that they had already lost.
Kiri was eying Neteyam and Lo’ak and seeing their defeated looks; she couldn’t help but get sad because of it. She needs to talk to you after you're done, or rather, after the breathing lesson with Tsireya and Rotxo.
Even if the two Na’vi boys are happy that Ao’nung wasn’t present, their feelings of loss are still within them. This wasn’t unnoticed by you. You quickly felt the heavy atmosphere. Or maybe it was just Tsireya teaching Lo’ak to breathe.
"Imagine flickering a flame. You must slow down your heartbeat." Tsireya shared how it would be supposed to feel. For some reason, your eyes twitched when she touched Lo'ak's chest.
"Lo’ak, your heartbeat is fast. Try to focus."
"Sorry, okay."
As Rotxo and Neteyam eyed one another with knowing eyes, his eyes then landed on you, hoping to get the same reaction that you two always displayed when Lo’ak was talking to his crush. But why do you have that expression? That longing gaze and huffing sigh?
Kiri also saw this, and being the Na’vi close to you, she whispered, "Are you okay?"
Snapping yourself out of it, you finally realize that everyone is now looking at you, and without letting them ask you again, you stand up with Kiri supporting you. "I’ll go first. Riding an Ilu tired me. Haha," you lied, and as you laugh it out, you stretch your arms to cover your ears.
They will know that you lied if they see your ears twitching. It's sort of a mechanism to know if you're lying or not. Neteyam and Lo’ak were about to volunteer to bring you home, but you already sensed them from the fact that you spoke first.
"I need to stretch my legs, and this is a good way to do that."
"Are you sure? You might stumble or fall again." Neteyam said, followed by Loak, who nodded.
"Relax, If that happens, then I’ll just stand up again. It’s time for me to learn. I’ll see you back at home."
That was weird and unsettling for them. Did something bother you? That you look tired as you walk away? Maybe it was just riding an Ilu, as it was your first time riding one, but for the forest Navi, they knew something was up.
Instead of following you, they let you be. They respect you, and it is better to ask if the right time has come or if they have gotten the chance. Just like back then, after your father died, they feared that if they quickly made a move, it would trigger something.
The only good part was that it wasn’t the same thoughts, and they hope that the thoughts you have now aren’t worse than before. All they really want is to help you, and one day you will no longer hide in your past.
You did plan to go home and rest for the day, but you encountered Ao’nung who invited you to go to the seaside.
"For a first timer, you did good riding an Ilu~" He complimented you, but rather than receiving a rolling eye or any sort of remark, you only gave him a big sigh.
"Everything okay?"
"Maybe? I don’t know... I’m confuse"
"Riding an Ilu? Or walking?" He joked only to cough it away as you weren't playing with his games.
"Can you be serious at least once?" you commented.
"Sorry… So what are you confused about?"
"...Maybe you are right about the walking part... It’s been a long time since I really walked without support." You joked around by throwing some pebbles at the water.
Ao’nung began to talk after the peddle made its last bounce, "I feel like you're confused about something else. I’m being serious now."
"How did you know if it was something else?"
"Your ears twitch; you avoid eye contact; you laugh?"
"Really?" You deadpan ask thinking if you really did that. Maybe he was right, as you did that multiple times, but on another occasion.
"And I presume that this confusion is something close to Sully's."
You thought first... Maybe it is; maybe it was just you you were confused about? All this thinking made your head hurt, so you decided to sit on the sand. "Maybe… I don’t know. I’m really confused."
For a warrior and competitive what more fast mind of a girl as you. You don’t know the answer to it. This made Ao’nung sigh while rolling his eyes. How did he admire you again? Oh, right.
"You have much time to think about that... Take it slowly and when you think about it. Then write it down so you don’t forget it. To start with, when or where did this confusion happen?" He asks, twirling his hand and figuring out the correct terms to use.
joining you on the sand.
You almost widen your eyes and are surprised that he could also be serious if he wanted to. "Are you really Ao’nung?" you ask, covering your gaping mouth. Then, eyeing you in return, he sighs, shaking his head.
You snort "Sorry, I was trying to think, but you suddenly got serious... I didn’t know you had that in you. Who would have thought?"
"Ha. Ha… so? What made you confused?" How many times did he ask that question? What really made you confuse and act like this?
It wasn’t only for today.. no, it already happened before. But you're so good at hiding things that they didn’t notice it.
It happened way back in the third week when Neteyam suddenly left early before the lesson began. You thought he was just excited and wanted to explore, but one day you saw him talking to a Metkayina girl.
It wasn’t Tsireya, as this Na’vi has a small waist line, and her hair was wrapped in a ponytail. You saw how he helped this Na'vi, and you should be smiling as he is a very kind Na'vi.
Like he is, but when she rested her arms on his forearm and then laughed at each other, it made your chest heavy. It happened again when you saw Lo’ak holding Tsireya's hand and her resting her hand on his chest.
There wasn’t wrong to that. She’s just doing what she needs to do, but after she commented on those phrases and his eyes started shaking,... That was like the final blow, or was it when Neteyam and Rotxo gave each other knowing eyes? A hint per se.
It made you curse yourself. Why do you even feel that way when, in the first place, you didn’t even acknowledge them when Kiri already told you about them and the only missing part was you noticing them and when they’re attention might now have been captured by others?
You just noticed them? How fuck up are you?
"Hello, I’m still here..."
"Can I ask you something? Hypothetically?"
"It depends~"
You simply ignore him, saying, "What would you do if you already knew that this Na’vi has feelings for you... but you didn’t acknowledge them because you were busy thinking about other stuff and this stuff is like it can’t just be thrown away?"
Ao’nung let out a huge breath as he didn’t expect that kind of hypothetical question, but he tried to think of an answer. "Whew, that’s a long question... Well, if that happens to me, wait. That’s so complicated... Give me a minute."
"Take your time, as I’m still thinking about it--" You quickly coughed as your tongue slipped, just seeing his side eye give you this, ‘Oh, so it’s you? And not any hypothetical question?’
"Just answer it."
"Well~ to start it off. It’s best if this Na’vi will help them with that stuff. Isn’t it better to have a helping hand? Rather than doing it alone?"
"But what if these Na’vi aren’t used to having any sort of helping hand? As they did it fine... until now, that is."
"Then she’s an idiot. Okay, sorry. Haha, why are you glaring at me? This is just a hypothetical." Ao’nung raised his arms, preparing himself in case you suddenly attacked him.
He then continued once he saw you sigh.
"Maybe because they are already tired and need to let this stuff out... or rather giving it away... They’re already at their limit, and the only thing that will make them feel at ease is for someone to take it away from their hands. They could give it back, but with less weight, you know?"
You couldn’t help but smile at him. He may be a jerk sometimes, but when it comes to this sort of stuff, he becomes normal. "Thanks… You just answered my question."
"So I was right; it’s not just hypothetical?" Ao’nung chuckled, raising his eyebrows at you.
"Now you've lost my momentum... and here I thought that you will be a great Omatikaya someday." You snort and roll your eyes, deciding that it’s best to go home.
As you stood up, or as he stood up first, then assisted you, and before you two returned to the village.
"Nah~ I can’t even think about myself as one. But if you think of it that way, why not give it a try? Thats if you become a Tsahik" Ao’nung jokingly said only to widen his eyes when you stared at him for a moment, titling your head.
It looks like you're giving it some thought; not only that, when you squeezed his hand, which is still holding yours,
"Sure, why not?" You took a long pause, wanting to admire his shocked look, and as you took your hand back, you quickly patted his shoulder, saying, "And that’s how you make a joke. Did I get you?"
Only for him to grunt as your joke went too far but quickly laugh.
"Yeah, you got me."
He already knew that it wasn’t him who this Na’vi girl has in mind, nor was it someone else who made her this confused. He didn’t even have to say a word to who you will throw this stuff to... He could only laugh at this throbbing in his chest and watch you walk away to go to them.
Maybe he too will need to throw some stuff for "them" to know what really happened before "they" scramble away.
‘Maybe she is right. I will be a great leader one day...'
Ps: Don't forgot to re-blog and heart! thankeee~!!
Yey! I updated hahaha!
Oh no! What a triangle! not!! There would be like parts for Neteyam or Lo'ak when MC chooses which one is which.
Ao'nung in serious mode is very a leadership! 
Other One-shot's
✧ Encounter /// ✧Sightseeing /// "Over the summer"
Do check this out if you have some spare time: Some books of mine
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cienie-isengardu · 9 months
I could definitely new timeline Bi-Han being jealous honestly. Not to mention I imagine New Era(NE for short) Bi-Han was kind of... aggressive as a toddler given his current personality. Hell, when Bi-Han was sent to test Raiden and Kung Lao, he shows way more aggression than Smoke and Kuai do so I imagine this sort of thing was always there.
He's not evil(he's a literal toddler) but I imagine he wasn't fond of Kuai at first sight and he doesn't get what is special about him or why he's 'hogging' mom's attention.
Which is why he doesn't see any problem with poking a newborn Kuai in the eye and not understanding why he can't roughhouse him as play. Kids tend to not understand how delicate babies are so I could easily see him doing something like this.
I respect your opinion but it seems we will need to agree to disagree about that one.
Bi-Han as an adult being frustrated and aggressive does not automatically mean he was that kind of child to begin with. And honestly, I wish the fandom's tendency to reduce character to only one(1) trait displayed at certain and a very specific moment of their life (story event) will die with Extreme Prejudice. A sweetest child can turn into a bitter adult, the same as the problematic kid can become the most kind, responsible person and it is as much about their nature as much about the upbringing and circumstances that shaped them. Because even the most pure person can be radicalized into a hateful being if said person fell into the wrong crowd or was raised in such a toxic environment. 
Bi-Han being angry now is closely tied to long-term frustration, both shown by story mode and specifically mentioned by Kuai Liang and so far, the only mention of his childhood behavior is him being cold to Tomas, which again is not the same as open aggression and bullying tendencies. So no, I don’t think just because Sub-Zero is now bitter and prone to violence, he was an angry toddler back then.
What is even more, we don’t have any clue how older Bi-Han is than Kuai Liang - if the difference is about two years old, I think he wouldn’t be old enough to hate baby on the first sight or roughhouse him in play, as I doubt their parents would left any of them without a proper supervision, whatever their own or nanny’s. If he is older than let’s say 5-6 years, he may as well already started his Lin Kuei training and not have time to play with baby nor reason to think the baby takes all the love and attention from him, as I imagine Grandmaster would have a special spot for his first-born son, if not the boy himself then his  education but also, the man was leader of the whole clan, and duties could keep him busy and away from both children. So kinda hard to hate a baby on sight, if the baby himself doesn’t get any special attention and its arrival doesn’t change much in regard to your own life. The attention of mother may be a different thing, but then again, the woman was a fighter, so why assume she was there to babysitting both boys all the time and not have a nanny to take care of Bi-Han and Kuai Liang, so she could fulfill her own share of duties, as a great warrior and Grandmaster’s wife? 
And you know what I also dislike about the whole jealous kid Bi-Han or general angry kid Bi-Han takes? The erasing of his parents’ contribution to the situation. Why are people so set on demonizing kid Bi-Han, even if just as “kids know no better and have a hard time to understand their feeling” way, but won’t include his father and mother into the picture? When I hear things like  Bi-Han poking a newborn Kuai in the eye or roughhouse him as play, I don’t wonder if the boy was jealous or cruel or purpose, only why a parents would left a baby and a few years older kid alone, without a proper supervisions or why they didn’t set a rules for little Bi-Han to know how to act and treat a new born brother and so on. And if he was jealous or unhappy, why didn't they help him process the negative feelings. Like, why do people exclude father and mother from such scenarios, as it is them who should be there for both sons and ensure their safety alike yet it is always somehow just Bi-Han was a bad, angry or difficult child?
I’m here for “innocent until proven otherwise” in regard to Bi-Han as a child but also, if only to spite the fandom, I will say this: for all we know kid Bi-Han could be truly happy to have a younger brother and helped his mother taking care of the baby as much as a few years kid could. And the bitterness and anger came when he was much older and had a better understanding of Lin Kuei's servitude to Earthrealm and Fire Lord. Here, you all will need to pry it from my cold, dead hands as I won’t change my mind unless the lore provides me irrefutable evidence.
As you see, I’m done with the jealous, abusive, bad kid Bi-Han. If someone wants to see him like that? Go ahead and have fun! But on this one aspect I can only agree to disagree.
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