#but it ended sweetly
madmarchhare · 2 years
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I like how they also had the other Misfits try and check if he was alright and just try and help. It's important and meaningful that it was Agares who came, but also that the others also wanted to make sure Gaap was ok to.
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miyakuli · 5 months
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skcirthinq · 2 months
So. The Neon Void by @sugarpasteltmnt has officially ended.
And I. Definitely didn't get so excited that I filled like 5 sketch pages.
Spoilers for the last few chapters ahead!
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So like. The whole story has been so much fun, so well written; there's been fun call-backs both to the show itself and to earlier in the fic, amazingly balanced action, comedy, emotions.
Honestly, thanks so much to Sugarpastel for writing this, it's been an amazing ride!
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tuituipupu · 1 year
ok so after the past weekend’s shenanigans, my mind drifted back to this video i saw around eurovision time of him addressing how it feels to be referred to as a ‘sex symbol’ or ‘sexy’ symbol as he puts it which 🤧 makes it sound even cuter
source: [x]
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yourlocalabomination · 7 months
Sometimes even sleazeball’s get lucky.
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+ Bonus:
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specialagentartemis · 27 days
“This Planet Needs a Name” is another fun one where the premise is fantastic and then the execution completely falls on its face.
TPNaN is the story of a cryo-ship launched from a dying Earth to try to re-populate humanity on another planet, out of the fear that Earth is not going to be habitable for much longer. It’s a one-way trip. The people who volunteered for this mission can never go back. It’s unclear if, when they wake up, there even will even be an Earth in any meaningful manner anymore. They’re going out of any reasonable communication range; they’ll never know.
This ship is flying to a distant, selected planet with a compatible atmosphere for humans. Aside from the atmosphere, though, it’s expected to be a bare lifeless rock. The core crew of seven are awoken from cryo-sleep once they arrive, preparing to spend the next decades terraforming the planet to meet human needs, and only then wake up the ten thousand humans in cold sleep below to have a new planet to live on.
But when they arrive at the planet, when the crew wake up… it’s not a lifeless rock at all. It’s a planet with a complex, vibrant, living ecosystem, full of complex, vibrant, living beings.
This is a GREAT setup. What a difficult story there is here about hope and horror, wonder and fear, trauma and duty, the realization that you’ve committed the rest of your life to a plan that’s been blown out of the water, that your responsibility to the people in your hold cannot be your only responsibility anymore, that you have so much to learn about this place and you can’t just change it to your will, it already exists. What is your duty to the people you brought with you for a promise of a new, better life, vs. your responsibility to the forests, the oceans, the animals, the whales and the dragons, that already live here? What do you do now when this is not what you planned for at all?
And TPNaN answers these questions by going :) it’s fine :) the fact that it’s already ready for them is awesome and great :) they’ll just terraform a LITTLE bit of the planet :) just enough for a human city :) they all compromise very quickly on this plan :) every conflict is resolved quickly and easily by being nice to each other :) these people do not owe jack squat to anything that already lives here and they are perfectly in their right to treat them like wild animals, curiosities at best and threats that need to be fought off at worst :) they never ever once wonder about their responsibility to learn about this place before they plop down and start terraforming it :) this is a wonderful gift just for them :) this planet needs a name. nobody ever once even slightly wonders if the inhabitants of this planet have a name for it. They’re not people after all
(when they learn that oops these native inhabitants are conscious, thinking people, this prompts a reckoning from nobody because hey look they’re friendly and happy to help)
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hoarder-of-dragons · 5 months
Finally watched The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals and now I'm mentally ill...no one touch me
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pomodoriyum · 2 months
the thing about tozer is that he’s kind of a massive raging dick to anyone not in his ‘in’-group
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902186 · 4 months
thinking about kurapika and chrollo and parallels and this circle of horrors where they are the victims AND the tools of their fates.
they both think they are neither or more like they don't care about it at all. they don't see themselves as victims, and they see absolutely no other way to live other than this role they took upon themselves. kurapika had such a strong sense of identity and what he wanted to do with his life and understands himself perfectly at all times. he was a part of his clan, but he was more an individual than anything else. kuroro, on the other hand, never knowing, never thinking what his motives are, deliberately not understanding himself and desperately holding on to the spider. he can't be an individual but with others, he can be the spider.
and for both of them, it all started on vengeance. kurapika abandoned himself in order to become a tool, a weapon, to avenge his clan, and to collect scarlet eyes. he stopped being himself and became his people. kuroro didn't know his family, didn't know where he actually came from, didn't know who he was or what he was supposed to be. so growing up in meteor city, he held on to his people strongly. and in order to avenge and protect his people, he would become a tool, a weapon, he would give himself to them. he started being himself as he became his people.
kuroro could be something for his people. and kurapika could be nothing for his people.
kurapika took on the role of judgement for vengeance. kuroro took on the role of villain for vengeance. kurapika acted his part by diminishing everything he was, and kuroro acted his part by filling up his identity with it.
but one thing stays clear and fixed with them throughout it all. they would do anything for their people. for whomever they consider their people. "he'll put his friends before his mission." a weakness kuroro sees in kurapika so quickly and so easily. but the same thing he considers a strength in himself. "i am not your top priority. it is the spider that must be kept alive." as long as his people are alive, his identity will live on. and as long as kurapika is alive, his people’s identity will live on.
"now you will get to experience the pain of losing your home." kuroro (and the spiders) killing the kurta clan set this parallel in motion for himself as the circle began for kurapika. and (speculatively) kurta clan hurting his people was what set the circle in motion for kuroro, too. now thinking about where they are in the story and how their end could be, it is very clear that they are finally ending up in a place where they mirror each other (as they have from the beginning) and they can recognise it in each other and themselves. kurapika ending up empty after his mission and kuroro ending up empty after losing spiders. both of them purposeless and with no self left outside of it. in a way, this is how the circle ends. "i can hear that he accepted death." they walk with death every day with no fear and full acceptance and after losing the only thing they live for, not even something they hold on to because they don't see a point in being alive outside of the fact that they must keep going for their people, for their purpose, and if not then there's no reason to exist, they are meaningless.
kuroro's vengeance left kurapika all alone, with everyone he knew dead, and feeling hollow at the end. by fate, he ended up all alone, with everyone he knew dead and feeling hollow at the end.
and at that point, they will have to start a new page and build a new self for themselves.
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shadystranger · 2 months
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the way he changes his expression in a split second to be lightful and assuring when he turns sam's way
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z0mbievomit · 4 months
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fisheito · 8 months
will i ever stop thinking about little red riding yakumo and the big bad fox.?hm. no... no, i don't think i will
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deviousdevilx · 1 month
OMg House asked if Wilson would be moving back in with him, and Wilson is like "that's not a good idea" and HOUSE POUTS. He wants his house husband BACK. Well next time treat him better you asshole!
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like look at his expression! the disappointment!
then the "but we're okay?"
omg you're so needy for your bestie lol
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robinsnest2111 · 4 months
in another universe.... Benson and Randy could've befriended each other, Randy would've mellowed out Benson while Benson would've pushed Randy back into life. Benson could've grown and evolved right alongside Randy blossoming into a full human being. Together they could've discovered the big and small joys of life, found peace and love with each other. Trust and safety, but also adventure and excitement. They could've strengthened each other, maybe eventually opened up about their respective traumas when they felt ready and strong enough, worked with it, growing together, taking care to not trample all over their respective tender spots. learning to take even better care of each other and that thing developing between them.
in another universe......
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ennaih · 9 months
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Not Every Film I Watch In 2024
5. Eileen (2023)
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infectedpaul · 26 days
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a few redraws from madoka for an au ........
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