#but it was beyond my powers of MS Paint
waddei · 3 months
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questions about possible pricing, any of the boundaries or if i can draw something that isnt mentioned are more than welcomed, my inbox is open with anon enabled and my dms are open aswell!
you can contact me through tumblr dms or discord to either request a commision or just ask any questions in private!
(discord name is "wadds")
drawings you commission may not be used for merch,nfts or any other comercial means unless some form of compensation is added to the price of the commission. otherwhise theyre meant exclusibly for personal use (EX: phone wallpaper, to print for your own room, icons, fic covers, or character references)
payment through mercado pago would not be done with us dolars and prices would be adjusted to still make sense in that case (en pesos argentinos, pueden esperar un descuento de hasta mas la mitad)
difference between a closeup and a PFP?
a closeup is a zoomed in drawing where any composition, posing or extra elements are present, they can go from half the torso up Generally. while pfps are centered solely on a characters face and have no background beyond simple patterns, elements like "character holding something" could also be present and they dont add to the total
when exactly does the background start costing extra?
rough guidelines are written above in the picture, but I tend to be pretty lenient on them. if you ask for a drawing with a simple background (ie, Not payed) and I later ask if I want to add any details to it they will not add to the cost and you do not need to worry.
how long will this take?
depends on the drawing but it shouldn't take more than a couple of days once I've started working on it, that being said if there are commissioners in from of you in the line it could take longer for me to get to it. but I always try to get every commission done I'm at least one week
why is mercado pago argentina only?
mercado pago doesn't accept international transactions sadly and I am argentinian
can we negotiate the prices?
I consider my prices to be very low to begin with so no. however if you are from a country with a very high dollar price I might CONSIDER it cus I'm nice and all.
what does "obvious fetish content" mean?
it refers to drawings that might not include sex directly but alude directly to an sexual fetish or scenario, ie a girl being restricted by tentacles or someone being gagged and tied while naked. if your fetish is like, feet or smt then it's fine.
what does "predatory pairings" mean?
a pairing where the power imbalance is the main drawn for it. think teacher student relationships, cop / prisoner or similar dinamics. I'm simply not comfortable with it so I won't draw them.
why no background with the clean línes style?
i don't like how my backgrounds look without rendering and don't feel comfortable charging for them in that state
why no profile pic with Ms paint lineless?
the canvas size on those are pretty small and the style doesn't allow much detail, I don't think it'll look too good simply
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3eyesdivine · 5 months
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Reigns’ Girl
Chapter Two : After Class
inspired by the movie Miller’s Girl and song Teacher’s Pet.
warnings ; 18+ only, smut, intimate & heavily erotic scenes, teacher x college student plot, angst, thriller, obsession, drug use
It's been two weeks since I started Mr. Reigns' class, and my desire for him is growing by the minute. I've noticed every little detail about him, from the way he runs his big hand down his long, dark beard when reading, which is accented by little strands of gray hair here and there, to the way he twists and turns the black wedding band on his left hand when he's talking to someone, almost as if he's processing his thoughts before they turn into words.
“See me after class.” I heard a deep, velvety voice murmur near my neck and turned to see Mr. Reigns kneeling over me, his right hand lowering a piece of paper onto my desk with a letter grade scribbled in red. My gaze quickly shifted from his to the large A+ in the corner of my work. 
I wasn't given a chance to respond before he sauntered away to put the lesson to an end. 
I wish I could have him closer. Body to body and skin to skin. His aroma was comforting, like vanilla with a dash of shea butter. 
"Work on your homework for the night please, It's due first thing tomorrow." I heard him call to the class, followed by the sound of students racing and rustling as they grabbed their stuff and left their desks, moving one by one as they hurriedly exited the classroom.
Getting up slowly, I approached Mr. Reigns' desk and rested my palms on it, bending forward and looking up at the guy with an illusion of naivety in my pretty eyes. 
His deep brown eyes seared into mine, dark and low. I recognize that gaze anywhere, one filled with desire, want, and sex.
"You're an amazing writer, Lilith. Your paper was the best I’ve read in a while." He praises, extending out his hand to direct attention to a little seated area in his classroom.
It had a cottage core feel about it, with a hint of forest fairy. It held a warm tone to it, with occasional hints of green. It was like a miniature captivating library, with four small shelves mounted on top of each other, each full and organized with both old and modern books. The two of us take seats across from each other, the man adjusting his attire while I let my sight wander over the little space we're in.
“So, Ms. Dumas, your paper.”
My focus shifts to him, and I'm all ears as I straighten up and smile politely. 
“Yes. I wasn't very confident in it, but I'm glad you felt so highly of my writing ability.” I conversed while glancing down at my hands, where my fingers danced against one another. A coping mechanism I adopted as a way to handle certain things, in this case, a powerful blush battling to find its way across my cheeks.
“She was quiescent, her voice soft and sweet like nectar. She hummed a tune, the same melody every day at the same time; at this point, it had become an official aubade for the peculiar girl, but only she could purr it in a far more euphonious manner than the original.”
He pauses and takes a breath, as if it was written with such intensity that it nearly strikes the life out of him.
But, he proceeds..
“This was the woman's early morning ritual as she sat in her overgrown garden at a little, old table painted white with a few chips and cracks that only revealed the furniture's age. Atop the table were a pile of books, each of which she had read several times and would continue to do so whilst she couldn't get enough of the art that lay just beyond the hardcovers of each one.”
I was floored. 
"You remembered that whole piece?" I questioned. My eyes were probably wide enough that they were popping out of their sockets, and I watched the man smile with a scarlet hue along his cheeks as he turned away for a brief moment before returning my gaze.
"Yeah, that must've been a bit over the top, Ms. Dumas. I apologize. That one paragraph just happened to be what caught my attention the most. I must've read your paper about a dozen times." He admits with a big smile upon his lips, revealing his flawless teeth, without a single one out of shape or disfigured in any way.
This man was downright perfect.
"Your writing is beyond outstanding." He adds.
It felt like this man reached into my chest and gave my heart a small jolt of life; it was racing and thumping so fast that I was a bit frightened I might pass out.
I leaned back against the cushion of the little couch I was sitting on and glanced at the man, my bottom lip trapped between my teeth. "You know, I've read your work too."
Mr. Reigns' eyes reached me faster than light. 
"You read my book? Seriously?" He queried, his expression appearing intrigued though he tried to mask it.
I nodded and leaned forward, my elbows on my knees, my dazzling brown eyes piercing into his.
"I would quote every word off the top of my head but it wasn't really a book appropriate enough to be spoken about within school walls." I dared to say, and the man's instant response was to adjust his seated position to the edge of the chair.
We're inches away..
Just a little closer. 
"I wrote it about my wife, Ms. Dumas. So, you'd be correct. Nothing in that book is suitable for conversation in this environment.”
He dared to move another inch closer.
Goodness, just a tad more and we’re nearly kissing.
“Even for the innocent mind of a nineteen-year-old college student." He concluded.
Innocent, my ass.
But, nevertheless, I could feel it. A heavy and overwhelming sense of tension that settled in the air surrounding us. This was undeniable sexual tension. 
My thighs gently pushed together as I felt an aching of passion between my legs, a pulse so powerful that I had to suppress a whimper. There's no question he felt it as well, as evidenced by the way he gulped so hard I could hear it and his breathing, which was formerly calm and controlled but had become heavy and unsteady. 
"Have a good weekend then, Lilith." He husked, moving away slowly, and I could no longer feel the warmth emanating from his presence.
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Thank you for reading! Chapter three will be up hopefully soon, maybe some smut ;) !
In the meantime, send in some requests and if you'd like to be tagged in this series and many more works of mine, don't be afraid to let me know.
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satureja13 · 18 days
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Saiwa and Jeb agreed to start their new relationship 3.5 by spending more couple time together. So they went to the beach to go jogging. We already learned that it does Sai good to run off his anger and that it calms him down. And Jeb goes jogging almost every morning anyway. (And Sai stretches (again) in front of Jeb to show off, to accellerate things a bit, lol. After reading all those gay romance books and seeing Jeb in his hot goth outfit, Sai can't wait to get physical again with Jeb.) And it seems Sai is successful, by the way Jeb looks at him <3
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Later, they all gathered to do the homework Leander assigned to them. Collecting all their abilities and weaknesses. Poor Ji Ho has to watch how Vlad and Jack are chatting and laughing together... The Bond is silent since they arrived here to study beyond the Veil. And Vlad barely looks Ji Ho's way. Let alone says a word to him. Is Vlad really convinced that their love was just caused by a spell to get a grip on Vlad's powers? To avert the prophecy?
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Skully has joined them. He brought Vlad's logs and the notes from the Little Goats to help the Boys remember all the occasions they used their magic and unique abilities. Which only caused Jack and Vlad to chat and laugh more together, as they remembered the exciting times they had together. Ji Ho is boiling. Now, that he finally got his feelings back and discovered his true, deep love for Vlad, Jack got struck by lightning and spreads his pheromones on Vlad! (The painting behind Ji Ho matches his anger ö.Ö')
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A few hours later, Ms Coombes arrived for their Defense against the Dark Arts lesson. She divided them into two groups. Sai, Jack and Ji Ho started. They were supposed to use their (magic) abilities to hit the jugs, and if that turned out successful, try to hit the mannequin as well. Sai failed and Jack, as the strongest of them, could easily shatter the jugs and the mannquin to dust, but he has none of the magic abilities to do any harm from a distance. Ms Coombes: "That was to be expected. But don't worry, you have other ways to attack. Now you, Ji Ho." Usually Ji Ho also doesn't have any ranged attack powers. But Ms Coombes encouraged him to use his new found feelings and scan through himself to fathom unknown powers hiding in the dephts deep inside of him.
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The only way he knows to influence someone are his Siren's Songs. But he doesn't know if this could also work with things that lack feelings he can influence... Ms Coombes told him not to hold back. It's only some old jugs and a mannequin... And so Ji Ho unleashed all his anger in a powerful song.
'There is no escape and that's for sure This is the end, we won't take anymore Say goodbye to the world you live in You've always been taking and now you're giving
Running, on our way Hiding, you will pay Dying one thousand deaths
Searching, seek and destroy
Our brains are on fire with the feeling to kill And it won't go away until our dreams are fulfilled There is only one thing on our minds Don't try running away 'cause you're the one we will find'
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And really, all the three jugs burst from Ji Ho's voice alone! No one expected this. Not even Ms Coombes. Ji Ho felt powerful! He channeled all his anger and jealousy and helplessness - and let it all out. And it felt good!
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Ms Coombes seemed a bit shocked, but she - hesistantly - told Ji Ho to proceed with the mannequin. And Ji Ho couldn't wait to feel the power run through him again! It felt even better than doing bond magic with Vlad. Now that he has his feelings back, everything felt so much more intense! Ji Ho hit the statue with all his anger. But it didn't burst - just lit up. Maybe he's already spent?
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Ms Coombes: "Eh. Very well done, Ji Ho!" She looked at Jack: "My time here is limited, as you know. So quickly leave and let the other group enter." Jack: "Yes, Ms Coombes. Come on. Let's not waste their time." If Ji Ho weren't so excited about his new found powers, he might have found this very weird. Ms Coombes puzzled, her and Jack not quarreling and Saiwa utterly silent... And did the mannequin just tremble?
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Sai, Ji Ho and Jack left the building and Jack hurried them down to the Screaming Mandrake to prepare dinner while the others are supposed to have their lesson. They didn't see Vlad, Jeb and Kiyoshi around, though...
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Meanwhile, Jeb and Kiyoshi ran down to the Dark Arts classroom. Just where the mannequin stood just a few seconds ago, Vlad fell to the ground. Jeb: "Gods, Vlad!" Ms Coombes was near to tears, Vlad is her favourite: "Quick, help him get up and bring him to the hospital wing! Ji Ho was stronger than expected. Oh I shouldn't have allowed this!" Oh no! They hid Vlad in the mannequin to test if Ji Ho has the power to influence or hurt him! They knew Ji Ho would never attack Vlad purposely with all his power. No matter how angry he was at him ö.ö And that's why Ms Coombes had sent Wesley the other day - to prepare everything!
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Kiyoshi and Jeb are excellent healers. Kiyoshi helped Vlad get up while Jeb reassured Ms Coombes. Vlad moaned. He wasn't able to get up by himself. Kiyoshi: "Don't move. Let me help you."
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Is this the evidence that Ji Ho is under a spell from his grandfather and a danger for Vlad? We'll try to find out in the next episode!
The song Ji Ho sang shouted out was Seek and Destroy by Metallica MV is from a live concert from 1983! Still with bassist Cliff Burton (he died 1986 in an accident). TMI: I remember back in the days, my then-boyfriend and I discussed who was good looking in the metal scene, and he was utterly convinced that James Hetfield was the, by far, hottest of them all and all the girls were after him ^^' I surely wasn't! But maybe he was ;)
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5649
Jalsa, Mumbai Aug 5/6, 2023 Sat/Sun 12:43 AM
Birthday - EF Pawan Pipalwa .. Sunday, 6 August .. greetings on this special day and the wishes to this creative mind .. love from the Ef ❤️
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heck .. this sudden change in Tumblr., is rather frustrating .. first I could not find the Drafts page .. struggled for hours .. and where it should have been , is not there .. so did a rewrite .. and then it disappeared again and finally found it in another spot ..
Mr .. Mrs .. Ms whatever DRAFT ji .. this hide and seek is alright during the day , but its 1:02 AM of the 6th and it does become somewhat arduous to look for you when you are not in the given space ..
right then .. where were we .. yes .. no .. its gone from the head .. its the pace that does that .. too many wires being strung up and they all resound at the same time .. resulting in not having the ability to conduct everyday work and professional needs ..
so the given demand from the 'wishers of the well' is .. slow down .. err.. slow down what .. could you please specify .. and after you do that kindly do give example of it .. either in writing or physically ..
so .. your time starts now .. !!!
First off, I want to pay my deep regard and respect to all the Ef for taking up the push needed as asked for the film 'GHOOMER' .. your creative styles were exemplary and they continue to paint the internet with immense speed and intensity ... 🙏🌹❤️
Oh what a wonderful world we live in .. where speech has disappeared and the fingertips have taken command .. punch has never had such a popular demand than ever before .. can't punch .. out of business ..
and the impotency of the yellow brigade persists .. with extreme impunity and ravishing descriptions of happenings of the World about us .. the creativity has shifted gears and tracks from the city streets to the highways .. if it's not my way it's the highway .. !!!
does anyone have any idea how the pictures have suddenly bunched up in small squares ☝🏽 and I am at a loss to find any 'punch' to open them up ..
But irrespective of the punches and impotency brigade, what lives and breathes is .. MUSIC .. !
a short session and the heart mind and body is filled with enough combustion to light up your entire life .. it has been the power to convert the disabled to be able .. the mindless to discover mind and the downtrodden to be given the lift of their lives ..
each moment spent in the company of the 'sur' and 'taal' is a revelation .. a revelation in its rejuvenating prowess ..
the heavens open up when the right notes are hit ..
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... ethereal .. nothing beyond that ..
my love ❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan
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blaperile · 4 months
Homestuck: Beyond Canon (reactions pages 626 - 637)
This has GOT to be my favorite Homestuck^2/Beyond Canon update so far.
I've always loved the potential of what Jake COULD become and this update really makes some amazing strides to that. I love that he manned up against Jane and showed her how a bad mother she's been and that he somehow did not blow his rebellion cover (which I really thought the update was leading to at first, psyche!).
On the other hand, Jane did reveal now that she realized Jake was gone for a while and stayed with John, while earlier she did convincingly pretend she didn't know he was gone at all. Could it be she IS aware or at least suspects him of spying for the rebellion?
What if the story about the laser on the moon is fake and she just wants to see if the rebellion takes the bait so she knows how Jake's allignment really is?
In any case, I'm so happy to see Jake's fully convinced himself here that he can't let Jane win. The question is just, what is he going to do about it?
I assume he's going to inform the rebellion about the laser, but what else? IS he really going to confront Jane himself? And if so, what will be the result of that? Can he truly kill her, or will he hesitate and will it cost him his own life in the process? :(
I don't know how Jane's response would be to Jake truly confronting her. Would she be horrified in a good way, that she finally realizes she's gone too far and lays her weapons down, or would she just completely flip her shit?
I doubt we're going to get a repeat of the Game Over timeline with both of them dying together (at least I hope not), but I'm really unsure of who will make it out alive here…
God, it would be awful if the upcoming flash is like [S] GAME OVER 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO and basically everyone but the kids end up dead. That's a horrifying thought which I will choose to ignore for now.
Anyway, enough paranoia, back to the awesome stuff!
I'm absolutely AMAZED by the reference to the old snapchats!!! All this time it's been so unclear whether they were supposed to be considered canon or not, and now we know for sure!!
But this changes A LOT! Because it means The Felt is here (already shown in this update), Ms. Paint is here, but also that JACK NOIR is here.
Last time we saw Jack in the snapchats he was both literally and figuratively put on a leash by Jane. Is he still under her control? Is she going to use him as some kind of secret weapon? And if so, in what form? Like, ok, he doesn't have the queen's ring anymore so he's definitely not as powerful anymore as he used to be with those First Guardian powers, but does he have robotic enhancements or has he perhaps gone full crockertier like when Jane was under The Condesce's control?
Brain Ghost Dirk was also absolutely golden in this update. I'm a bit sad about the implications that we're not going to see him again though (at least on Candy Earth, perhaps he will still pop up with Meat Jake).
I mean, yeah, like they said Brain Ghost Dirk is perhaps more Jake than he is Dirk, but he does kind of represent what a truly GOOD Dirk could be. Which made me personally hope that, like briefly happened in the Game Over timeline, Jake was going to make Brain Ghost Dirk truly physically real. But alas, doesn't seem like that's in the cards anymore.
Which also reminds me of how Nannasprite represents what a truly good Jane can be. It would be nice to see Nannasprite again and see Jake interacting with her.
In any case it was nice seeing a bit of the good side of Jane again in this update (hopefully she wasn't faking it of course). Yet, at the same time it's like she's becoming a walking Star Wars reference what with her moon laser (Death Star) and army of clones (Stormtroopers).
I love the detail in Jake's and Brain Ghost Dirk's emerald eyes, it reminds me of some of those panels back in Act 5 Act 2 with the eyes of the kids being shown in close-up.
Also, quick shout-out to the Hiveswap reference there, with Jane speculating about what other kids of Jake could be like! It's nice seeing such a cross-reference. Which reminds me of how I've been speculating that The Point is a portal similar to the one in Hiveswap, except for connecting the Meat and Candy timelines.
Briefly seeing (a living) Gamzee again in this flashback panel, for the first time in Beyond Canon, gave me goosebumps. I've always loved him best when he's SCARY AS FUCK
Finally, not too much attention went to it but for the first time we got to see all 4 kids (Harry, Tavros, Yiffy and Vrissy) together in one panel! That's a very notable milestone.
It's the combination of all these things that make me incredibly in love with this update. This was just so good.
Let me end this post with just one final thought: I'm looking forward SO HARD to 6/12 right now. Bring it ON! :D
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
Complex Inquiries- an introduction post
Unit MS-1, colloquially known as “Metal Sonic”, has three truths that govern its existence-
Core directive: destroy Sonic the Hedgehog using superior speed and power. 
Core directive: Obey Dr. Ivo Robotnik above any and all else.
Core directive: maintain superiority over Sonic the Hedgehog.
 -until a catastrophic malfunction rips through its processor, and it is forced to confront questions it was never designed to answer. 
The world beyond awaits.
In other words, this is my Metal Sonic Redemption AU.
It all starts after yet another failure. Eggman has picked Unit MS-1 up from the battlefield, and this time he's particularly irate. He asks it to provide answers for its failure despite its insistence that it is superior. Unit MS-1 isn't able to give an answer, so Eggman retorts with something along the lines of "You're clearly not superior at all!"
. . . and this breaks everything. Because Unit MS-1's third core directive dictates that it is to maintain superiority. But its second core directive is that it must obey its creator above all else. This paradox causes both core directives to begin sending out reprimands for disobedience within its processor, but it can't obey. It can't obey. It can't obey!
It first sets out to find Eggman for repairs, but it's too late- he's already left the base, and its erratic behaviors have caused the other Badniks to flag it as rebellious, shutting it out of all communications. Unit MS-1 is forced to flee the base but finds that it can't track where Eggman could've gone from there. Its attempt to search all 22 bases worldwide is interrupted when the weight of error messages and reprimands causes its processor to crash, and the rest of it to crash into the ground below.
Unit MS-1 is too damaged to fly. In a matter of hours, its own code will tear itself apart. The location of Eggman is unknown and it can't contact him. But the next most capable programmer is located 68 miles away.
Miles "Tails" Prower.
. . . and everything unfolds from there.
This AU diverges from the canon timeline roughly before the events of Sonic Heroes, with the most major continuity change being the fact that Shadow's already been recovered and Team Dark has been established. This blatant contradiction is the only reason I label this an AU instead of a mere canon divergence, because otherwise it's fairly compliant.
The original prompt that spurred me to write this AU was the question of "is there anything that could possibly force Metal Sonic to turn to Tails for repairs?" The answer is "yes, but only if you really, really break it first". And even then, while Unit MS-1 does end up under the care of Tails, it certainly doesn't stay there for very long.
Fleeing from Tails, and more importantly, Sonic, it stumbles unprepared into the ordinary world it's overlooked for its entire existence. It finds itself tearing through stores, breaking into houses, desperate for supplies and a suitable power source all the while it tries to figure out how to continue its purpose of destroying Sonic with a malfunctioning processor. Moreover, during its travels, it collects complicated questions, complex inquiries if you will, that no mere calculations can solve:
Does it deserve to preserve itself, even in this malfunctioning state?
What is the value of sentient life?
And what if, maybe, just maybe, it could choose a purpose other than destroying Sonic?
The fic is organized into three arcs, one arc per question that Unit MS-1 finds itself having to grapple with. And over the course of trying to solve these questions, it meets strangers and familiar faces.
One of these strangers is an OC named Marlene, who is a prominent part of arc 2. She's a college art student who specializes in painting metal sculptures. Unit MS-1 seeks her talents to repaint its frame. . . and by "seeks her talents", I really mean "coerces her labor by threatening lethal force". But during its time with her, its stance begins to soften, and by witnessing her ordinary life, it's able to reflect, for the first time, on its own role and identity in the world.
And that's about all I've written so far! I have outlines for the third arc, which will focus heavily on Unit MS-1's consideration of returning to Tails to have its remaining core directives removed, but the details are little hazier and so I don't really want to share them just yet.
You might be asking yourself, why the funny name and the new pronouns? Great question, glad you asked. I've answered the pronouns question here. As for the name, I wanted something to set my version of Metal apart as a version that doesn't think of itself as Sonic, to the point of avoiding the comparison inherent in its name. There's some other differences between my version of Metal and canon Metal, most notably in the emphasis on OCD-like thought patterns I give Unit MS-1 in my writing. This whole fic is just a giant metaphor for my own mental health, of course, as any good fanfiction should be.
My estimated completion date for the fic is in a couple of months, perhaps around October or November.
Please feel free to ask questions about this AU! I'd be more than happy to talk your ear off about it. Additionally, the tag for this AU/fic is #complex inquiries on this blog, so that shouldn't be too hard to search if you want to find out more.
Thanks for reading!
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walks-the-ages · 10 months
Happy 20th Anniversary, Scherzo!
I totally got my days mixed up and somehow still thought it was next week X'D
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[ID: A basic digital art made in MS Paint, showing a pale light blue background, and two hands joined together in the foreground, with the one on the left wearing a long green jacket with a white cuff, and the one on the right wearing a lavender shirt with mid-length white cuffs. End ID]
I totally meant to have a whole bunch of prompts *prepared* before today, but work has been hectic so here we go off the top of my head:
Scherzo Prompts (contains Scherzo Spoilers, but purposefully vauge):
AU- The DoctorCharley stay ~together~ at the end. How does this change their experiences in the Divergent Universe and beyond?
Wild Blue Yonder AU: The Doctor and Donna land in the test tube and meet ( plus have to rescue), the Doctor and Charley, and get them to actually talk about their feelings with the power of Fourteen's emotional openness.
The Doctor and Charley become unlikely allies with, and eventually befriend/adopt The Creature as they all escape together
The scientist running the experiment comes home to find some random aliens have crashed his experiment and caused some extremely weird effects in the substrate, and has to find a way to communicate with these little sentient beings and find out where the heck they came from, and try to find a way to get them home.
The Doctor and Charley actually talk about their feelings, fully, properly, and somehow this leads into a conversation about queer identities and Charley gets introduced to the concept of Aromantism and Asexuality and is like "ohhhhhhhhhhh"
Even long after the events of Scherzo, the Doctor and Charley can still tap into an extra sense that lets them find and sense the other. This comes in very handy, on a certain ship...
If you would like to listen along tonight (about 7 hours from the time I make this post), you can join as a guest here when the event starts at 9:30 pm est :)
You can buy Scherzo here directly from Big Finish for £2.99:
Or you can start your adventures with Eight and Charley with their first adventure, Storm Warning, here for the same price!
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impala-dreamer · 1 year
Captives of The Court - Chapter Thirteen
A Supernatural Series
~Strange things are brewing in Connecticut, so Dean and Y/N go check it out. After stumbling through town, they fall into something that’s been going on a very, very long time. Can they put an end to the bloodshed and make it out unscathed or will they need a little help this time?~
Starring Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N
Series Warnings and Info may be found on the Masterlist Here 
Thank you to those of you who have read and commented/reblogged. I was very proud of this and excited to share it. Those that have interacted- you have my heart <3
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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There wasn’t much time to rest. They took turns showering and chugging massive quantities of electrolytes while Rowena tinkered with some magical bombs.
Dean was last in the shower, as usual, and Y/N collapsed onto the bed, near to crying with exhaustion.
“Hey, Roe?” She popped up on an elbow to look at the witch.
“You know I don’t like that, Y/N…”
She cleared her throat. “Sorry. Rowena-”
“What were you doing there tonight? I doubt you were just randomly in the neighborhood.”
Rowena smiled gently and looked over her shoulder at Y/N. “Samuel called me and I was nearby. He said that neither of you had returned his calls in a few days and that you might be in need of help. When I saw where you were… Well, I had to come.” She shivered a bit and looked off at the wall, remembering.
Y/N sat up and grabbed another bottle of red stuff. “I take it you know that Bronwyn bitch.”
“Aye. Long time ago we were friends.” Rowena sighed and busied her hands with the bombs. “Well, not friends, exactly. Hard to be friends with someone who’s almost always got their knife against your throat.”
The orange cap twisted off with a crack. “Yeah, I get that.”
“She is incredibly powerful,” Rowena went on. “Very clever, too. Always pushing boundaries and finding new ways to do things. She was never one for classic spells. She preferred to create her own.”
“Sounds like you admire her a bit.”
“No, child. But I can admit when someone is clever beyond what is normal.”
Y/N nodded and took a long drink. “She’s going to be hard to kill.”
Another shrug; red hair tumbling down her back. “Perhaps. If she’s on guard, yes. These bombs will distract the others, and you two can slip in and deal with Ms. Cromwell.”
Y/N thought for a moment. “If we kill her, does the town… I mean, I know the people that directly benefit from her magic will suffer, but the town seems… innocent. There are so many families here, happy people.”
Rowena spun in her chair to face Y/N directly. “The town may fall, yes. But… everything can be rebuilt. I’ve seen cities burn to the ground and pop right back up again. It takes time, but it can be done.”
Guilt washed over Y/N and her shoulders caved inward.
“Do not worry about the town, Y/N. Everything comes at a price, especially magic. I think you’d have learned that by now. It may not be their fault that their homes were built on the backs of blood sacrifices and murder, but there’s nary a place in this country that wasn’t. They’ll be fine.”
The bathroom door opened and a clean and refreshed Winchester emerged. He ran a hand through his wet hair and squinted at Y/N.
“Oh, no. Why are we doing the sad face?” he asked, grabbing a fresh flannel from his bag.
Rowena chirped up. “She’s having a moment of guilt.”
Dean cocked his head and smiled lovingly. “You’re too good for this gig, baby. Too innocent.”
Y/N growled and stood up. “Screw you.” She went to the table and picked up one of the bombs, bouncing it in her hand. “I’ll show you who’s innocent when we get in there and I kill the bitch.”
Dean grinned. “That’s my girl.”
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The ride back was quick. The Impala flew over the blacktop as the moon shone down upon the black paint, bounced off the chrome.
“What if they’re gone?” Y/N asked, leg nervously jumping up and down against the door.
Rowena pulled in a deep breath, settling. “They’re all still there. Eating and drinking and making fools of themselves. They won’t be ready to continue until well past midnight. Timing is everything.”
The clock read eleven fifty-five.
Dean pressed the gas pedal to the floor.
Y/N chewed her lip. “What if she tries something witchy? Even back in the shop, I was kinda distracted by her. And I kept… smelling… bread.”
Dean’s face twisted and he looked over at her. “I smelled apple pie. Cinnamon. Lots of cinnamon.”
Rowena leaned forward and rested her hands on the back of their seat. “That would be her seduction spell. It smells like whatever makes you happiest.”
Y/N laughed. “Huh. Kinda like in Harry Potter.” Dean hummed in question, but she waved him off and looked back over her shoulder. “So… what if I smell bakery stuff again?”
Rowena patted her shoulder. “Then you’re in trouble.”
“That’s so helpful, Rowena. Thanks.” Y/N rolled her eyes and pressed her forehead to the window.
“I’ll be there to help,” she promised.
Dean eyed her in the rearview. “You better be.”
Offended, Rowena sat back in her seat. “Have I not proven myself to you Winchesters time and time again?”
He sighed and sucked his teeth. “Yeah, well, just know I’ve got your number. You pull anything and one of these bullets will find its way through your skull.”
Rowena looked into the mirror, daring him with a slick grin. “Deal.”
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A banquet was laid out on the long table, crisp linen and shining crystal goblets lined the top. Candles glowed off of every flat surface and beat shadows against the walls. Silverware clinked against antique china as they ate their fill, drank wine until their bellies were sloshing and full.
If they knew what was coming, they seemed unaffected, uncaring of the danger lurking just outside of the dining room.
Bronwyn looked up when the door opened, gray eyes following a small handmade bomb as it rolled across the antique hardwood floor. She stood, kicking back her chair, and turned away from the scene, alerting no one else, fleeing as the bomb went off.
Gray smoke flooded the room and strands of magic popped through the cloud, striking anyone that moved.
Seven were stunned as they moved from the table, dropping to the floor as the tranquilizing spell worked on their muscles.
Dean kicked the door open and Y/N followed him in, guns on the ready, heads clear, tempers triggered.
When the smoke cleared, they counted ten bodies and broke apart, each stalking down a different corridor.
Rowena hung back, searching the library for Bronwyn’s written treasures.
Dean met with Lydia and Mrs. Putnam in the kitchen trying to escape out of the back door. Two shots rang out and blood splattered on the pristine white tiles.
The Sheriff was stalking Y/N just as surely as she was stalking him, and he attacked from behind as she entered the living room. She screamed and kicked, threw herself forward over the sofa, bringing him with her. They tumbled in front of the roaring fire and she came up the winner, pressing her pistol to the bridge of his nose.
“You can’t kill me,” he warned. “I’m the Sheriff. Do you know what the penalty is for killing an officer of the law?”
“Actually, I do.” Y/N laughed under her breath. “But- don’t care.”
She pulled the trigger.
They met up at the door that led down into darkness and Y/N went first this time, pecking Dean on the cheek before rushing down the steps.
Bronwyn was waiting for them in the circle, unarmed and calm. Her mask was gone, her cloak was thrown aside. She looked stunning in the warm glow of the candlelight but Y/N grit her teeth, pushing the idea away.
“Anyone left alive upstairs?” the witch asked.
Dean sucked his teeth. “Sorry. All dead.” He held up his gun, showing it off. “Got a few more rounds with your name on it, don’t worry.”
Bronwyn laughed, loud and confident. “Oh, Dean. I am far from worried.”
She took a step and blew a heavy breath that crossed the room with preternatural speed. Struck in the face by the magical air, Y/N and Dean swayed, their eyes blurring, heads swimming.
“Why don’t you put your guns down?” Bronwyn said, her voice tumbling through their heads like a seductive song. “You had so much fun as my slaves.”
Y/N sucked in a deep breath and saw herself on her knees, face shoved between Bronwyn’s perfect thighs, tongue deep in her sweet pussy. Dean was cradling Bronwyn’s head, his mouth locked to hers, his big hands toying with her breasts.
“No!” Y/N pushed it away, jamming the thought into the back of her head. She looked over at Dean, who was lost in the same moment, and stamped down hard on his foot. “Stay with me, Winchester,” she grit.
He shook his head and advanced, taking a step closer to the witch. “Enough of your games, bitch. There’s no way out of this and no freakin’ way we’re gonna be your sex slaves or whatever.”
Bronwyn’s smile was beautiful and Dean jerked back, shocked by the pull he felt in his gut.
“Oh, but you already are my sex slaves, Dean. Don’t you see?”
She moved closer and let her fingertips brush down Dean’s cheek. He gasped and his shoulders fell as memory took him back.
Y/N ran forward and let Bronwyn have it. She cracked the witch’s jaw hard and the woman stumbled backwards.
She pulled herself together with an aggravated growl as Y/N tried to wake Dean with an equally jarring slap to the face.
“Can’t you just- give in!” Bronwyn raged. “You were so happy to be mindless for me! To be obedient and silent!”
Y/N reached up and twisted Dean’s left nipple hard through his shirt and he jolted awake, falling back against the altar.
“Don’t you want that again?”
Y/N turned back to Bronwyn and looked her over, seemingly defeated.
“It sounds nice,” she said honestly. “Not to have to worry about things anymore. Not to force myself to be happy or find ways to be funny as we’re covered in blood and monster crap day in and day out.”
Bronwyn smiled. “I can give that to you, Y/N. To you both.” She looked over at Dean, who was still a little stunned and hurting.
Y/N chewed her lip, deciding. “I bet you could,” she said softly. “But honestly-” She sighed and lifted her gun, her features hardening as the hunter in her took over. “Hard pass.”
The bullet flew and Bronwyn fell, her body crumbling to ash over the stones.
Out of spite, Y/N spat into the pile of cinder and kicked it with her boot, scattering the mess.
Dean, free from the spell, came up behind her and touched her shoulder. She jumped and spun, ready to knock it out, but he grabbed her instead and kissed her hard.
Victory was hard won, but it was won.
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They watched Cromwell Manor burn from a safe distance.
Sure, there would be repercussions for the small town, and more questions than could ever be answered, but that job would fall to someone else.
They were hitting the road in a few minutes.
Rowena tucked a few leatherbound journals into her cloak and smiled at the lovers.
“This was fun,” she joked. “I hope we can not do it again sometime soon.”
Dean pushed himself off of the Impala’s hood and extended a hand. “Thank you, Rowena. I mean it.” He licked his lips and shook her hand. “You really saved our asses.”
The little witch laughed. “I sure did. And what an arse.”
She winked at Y/N who hid her face behind her hands. “Thank you, Rowena.” The hug was quick, but it was enough. “I don’t know how we can thank you enough, really.”
Rowena cocked her head to the side, thinking. “Well…” She looked at YN with a twinkle in her eye. “You can always name the baby after me.”
Dean froze, his jaw dropping.
Y/N fell backwards, slamming into the car. “Uh- wh-what!”
Rowena laughed. “Just kidding. You’re fine.” She batted her lashes and turned, ready to be on her way. “But you do owe me.”
Able to breathe again, Dean rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. We’ll send you a fruit basket.”
“I’d prefer a nice bottle of scotch, actually…”
Y/N laughed and sighed, relieved. “Goodbye, Rowena!”
With a backwards wave, she was gone, vanished into the night.
Once alone, Dean turned on his heel and set his arms around Y/N, pinning her to the car. He leaned down and kissed her lips, humming gently when she responded.
“Yeah, baby?”
She gave him a tender shove and squirmed out from beneath him, sneaking the keys from his pocket.
“Hey nothing. You’re trying to get frisky.”
Dean laughed and rubbed at the back of his neck, embarrassed. “No, I’m not… OK… Maybe a little.”
She sighed. “Dude, if you even come near me, my pussy may just fall out. Plop!”
He cringed and set his hands on the roof, looking over. “So… no sex tonight?”
She stepped up into the car and mirrored his pose, hands on the roof, chin down and serious. “I will chop that thing off, Dean Winchester, so help me.”
He grinned, all white teeth and freckles in the moonlight.
“Fine. I’ll find a way to keep it in my pants.”
She smiled. “You better. Or I’m getting my sword.”
He cringed and backed up, sliding into the passenger’s seat. “Yes, ma’am.”
Flames licked at the sky as the Impala turned onto the highway, headed back to Kansas and onto another day of just trying to get by.
It wasn’t an easy life, but they had each other, even if only for a little while. And that was enough for both of them.
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sonxofxgondor · 6 months
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Anonymous asked: "I beg your pardon, Captain-General, but ... do you happen to know if that pretty healer is betrothed?"
Curious Anons!
Serenity was commonplace for Gondor and her people. Long waited for, never taken for granted. No matter how many days had passed since the fall of the darkest evil. Horrid devilry forever driven from the lands - every moment a blessing most treasured. Faces were full of smiles and blushing cheeks. Persons had come out from the safety of their stores, their homes, the walkways of Minas Tirith nearly crowded. Laughter was joyous and much desired; fear departed, never to return as long as Boromir stood in watch. Protector of Gondor until the end of his days, contagious was the happiness. Free from the stuffiness of the grand hall, out into the world did Boromir wander once formal council ceased, down the marble steps with large doors pushed opened. Ceremonial discussion with Aragorn and his beloved Arwen finished - cursive writings from received scrolls to be debated further come the next afternoon, the peaceful babbles of their Elven friends - recreation commenced.
Past the leather shop, beyond the sellers with their carts of various wares, flowers and jewelry and ceramics, Boromir walked. A similar stretch of cobblestone - one that he had taken hundreds of times before - so familiar that he could have trekked it blind. Fabric over his eyes, knotted behind the back of his head, wrists tied together uncomfortably in the same position. Almost a part of him, the pieces that could not be seen directly, the form of his heart that was shaped by hands so tender. Delicate when needed to be; firm when it was required, the skill of a healer and defender. Always headed to her whenever he could, it was no secret that Thera bewitched Boromir. That her place among the other women of the Houses of Healing was a second home to he, a paradise that could not be replaced. Denethor's concerned glance of little concern anymore - his soul returned to the kingdom of his fathers, reunited with his lost wife - only the people and their questions remained. Supportive, curious, only wishing to know what was not already told publically.
Boromir loved Thera. That much was certain. Proven from the looks that were shared between them, their lingered scents upon clothes. Desperate to shout his glee to the skies above, Boromir only wished for Thera's approval, her permission to reveal without reservation. But that time had not come, not yet. Her responsibilities taking her away on occasion, away from both her devoted Boromir and the people of Gondor who adored her so. Boromir understood. Would never try to keep her from it, just as she would not do so to him, but truly did it make his heart ache, plead to the powers of Middle Earth for the chance.
Thera finally caught sight of just outside of the doors to the House, seemingly entertaining a group of excited children, Boromir could see his dream come to life. A vision painted before him. His mother's marriage band upon her ring finger, her wedding dress of satins and lace, surely to be as colorful and vibrant as Thera herself, their union made official with grand celebration, music and festivity. Across every patch of land that the Kingdom of Gondor could claim. Boromir wanted to propose. Rehearsed his script over and over in front of the mirror that hung within his bedchamber, awaited for the opportunity to ask her. Only if she would allow him, of course. Only if that was what Thera wanted, too. Perfectly content as they were, in truth, he was grateful just to have her affection, married to her or not.
A voice drawing him out of his imagination, a stranger to his side, Boromir shook his head. Attention never strayed from Thera.
"Our dear Ms. Thera? No, my friend. I do not think so. As far as I'm aware, she has no lover, no fiance, to speak of. It's a shame, if I may say so. As you said, she is beautiful. Compassionate, brave, beyond intelligent and skilled in her craft. Talented as ever with a blade, too. Trust, I have the marks to prove it! Anyone who does not think she is worthy of marriage, who does not take the chance to ask her for her hand, is a fool. A bumbling, ridiculous fool. I swear to you, my friend, if she is not betrothed now, she will be soon enough. Someone will come to their senses and realize what her loss would mean to them. Thera is not a woman that should be disregarded. She'd make a lovely bride - and I would be proud of her happiness. She deserves that bliss just as much as anyone."
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mspaint-flower · 1 year
....you are too fast. You have skill far beyond my own comprehension. If you can draw THAT well with a MOUSE in MS PAINT and it only takes about an HOUR... You are too powerful. May your wrists forever treat you well
hJKMSHBFJHSBKFSHBKJFSBHBSJKG THANK YOU SO MUCH,,..,,.,.,.I HONESTLY NEVER REALISE HOW FAST I DRAW it's no wonder why i can play project diva on hard and sometimes even beyond that HKHJSFHKSFHKSJHSJKGF
my right arm is so unbelievably strong because of this
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queerical · 9 months
books of 2023
A Guest in the House by Emily Carroll
A Series of Unfortunate Events 5-13 by Lemony Snicket
Abbott: 1973
Alone in Space: A Collection by Tillie Walden
Aquaman: The Becoming
Aquamen (2022)
Arkham City: The Order of the World
Batgirl (2000)
Bylines In Blood
Cuckoos Three by Cassandra Jean, Mosskat
Crush & Lobo
The Daughters of Ys by M.T. Anderson, Jo Rioux
DC Pride: Tim Drake Special
Elektra (2014)
The Forest by Thomas Ott
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star by Jadzia Axelrod, Jess Taylor
Gimmick! by Youzaburou Kanari
House of Slaughter, Volumes 1-2
The Illustrator by Steven Heller, Julius Wiedemann
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
Jessica Jones (2016)
Jessica Jones: Blind Spot
Justice League: A League of One
The Liminal Zone by Junji Ito
Men I Trust by Tommi Parrish
Metro Survive by Yuki Fujisawa
Midnighter (2016)
Mister Miracle: The Great Escape by Varian Johnson, Daniel Isles
Moon Knight (2011)
More is More is More: Today's Maximalist Interiors by Carl Dellatore
Ms. Marvel (2014), Volumes 1-2
Natsume's Book of Friends, Volumes 12-28 by Yuki Midorikawa
Nimona by N.D. Stevenson
Nubia: Real One by L.L. MicKenney, Robyn Smith
Power Girl Returns
Pretty Deadly
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
Rogue Sun, Volume 2
Rough Terrain by Annbeth Albert
Run Away With Me, Girl by Battan
Runaways (2003-2008)
SFSX (Safe Sex)
Silver Diamond, Volumes 1-9 by Shiho Sugiura
Sins of the Black Flamingo
Soulless: The Manga by Gail Carringer
Spider-Man/Deadpool, Volumes 1-6
The Sprite and the Gardener by Rii Abrego, Joe Whitt
Still Life: Contemporary Paintings by Amber Creswell Bell
Storm (2014)
Street Unicorns: Extravagant Fashion Photography From NYC Streets and Beyond by Robbie Quinn
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011)
Until I Meet My Husband by Ryounosuke Nanasaki
Watercolor: Paintings of Contemporary Artists
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Volume 19 by Fumi Yoshinaga
Wheels Up by Annabeth Albert
The Well by Jake Wyett, Choo
The Wendy Project by Melissa Jane Osborne, Veronica Fish
The Wild Orphan by Robert Froman
Wonder Woman: Black & Gold
X-Men (2013)
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
You Brought Me the Ocean by Alex Sanchez, Julie Maroh
Young Avengers (2005-2012)
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nameless-brand · 1 year
Pinned Post:
Sato / 18 / she/her. I have moved on past an MS paint icon to a photo of myself.
Owner of an enterprise originating from New Jersey trying to get said company settled into where the Nameless City used to be, now called Gotham.
First thing that greeted me was some ugly Gothic tower from a big-shot company planted right where I died.
Anyway, it's been an utter pain in the butt.
Sato finally gets her own Tunglr blog. Only took the timeline to break to do so. This is the "A Lilium At the End of the World " timeline!
She's the only one that remembers the "Dream's Descent" timeline, given her identity as < Myriad Lights >.
The Dream doesn't exist here because in their first confrontation / the Dream's betrayal, Sato sacrifices her Spark of Godhood to banish it for good. She dies afterwards but not before she manages to set up contingences.
As a result, there's quite a few changes in the new timeline.
No gods, no masters.
No password.
Common decency applies. Don’t do something that you wouldn’t appreciate being done to yourself. We’re all here to have fun.
No sexual NSFW things here or any of my other blogs. Not really my thing.
Multi-fandom and crossover friendly. OC Friendly. 
I am Hika / Lilac. I am an adult!
If you need things tagged, please tell me so I can do so. I will try to preemptively tag for common triggers, but I can’t account for everything.
Given this is an in-character blog, most posts will be short. However, face-to-face will likely be multi-para length.
As I'm double-downing on the Gotham setting, Sato will not know Bruce Wayne is Batman and in fact will be highly resistant to the idea. To her, it's like hearing Elon Musk declaring he's Batman (not to mention other rich people claiming to know or assist the superhero). She doesn't particularly care about supervillainry and superheroism beyond it hurting her bottom line as she's a mostly normal person now.
Name: Sato
Moniker: koi, Myriad Lights
Age: 18
Pronouns: She/her
Personality: Determined, she's always been determined. Sure, she's a bit of a ditz and a blabbermouth - okay, more than a bit, but she's always been sincere. Her desires, her dealings with people, her affection.
She still thinks people can be better and be happy, so long as they have the environment to do so.
Problem is she's living in a world in late-stage capitalism, where companies, now giant insatiable organisms of their own, try and grow uncontrollably with no one to check and balance them out. It was like that in the prior world too, but it was so much worse here.
Of course, she already has a lot going on like trying to find her friend who is off god knows where, not to mention the others who are probably living very different lives in this new timeline. And now she has to tackle an enormous societal problem that encompasses the world?
Well, she'd know Levant would want her to do it. And the other factor is that she maaaaay have accidentally blown herself up in a fit of fury against the Dream, so she isn't really a Goddess anymore. But she could still accumulate Faith - and with it, she'll be able to do something to help save Levant when the opportunity reveals itself.
Furthermore, she needs to find the rest of the Nameless Church somehow. Find Lillian - or is it Chi again - especially - Lev would want that. She suspects Mirielle and Sasha escaped the timeline. Well, she knows. She had to literally push Mirielle out of the timeline before she strained it further trying to save her.
In any case, the best way to achieve her goals was to make a massive company on her own - money and resources to find the Nameless Church and Faith to gain the power to find Levant. She knows what major stocks will get big - she also knows all the market trends like Crypto and NFTs - and knows what to avoid too like Mt. Gox and Enron. And while she's at it, she'll be doing something about that rampant capitalism destroying people's lives thing.
If she can't kill it from the outside (without inciting mass deaths anyway), she could try to do it from the inside instead. No, she doesn't have a plan. She doesn't even know how to run a company, but she can learn.
What better way to gather Faith is to have a whole bunch of people grateful to you for providing a decent livelihood in this world?
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hazel-of-sodor · 1 year
Dino Survival Game?
So a while back I changed my profile pic to a Tanystropheus, and alot probably wondered what that was about. For awhile now I had an idea for a video game, and it bothered my long enough I started makeing (poorly drawn) concept art for creatures.
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Will this game ever be made, I honestly don't know. I don't know alot about game design, but the idea won't leave me. Two years ago I didn't even know the ttte fandom existed, and now I've writen dozens of fanfics and drawn nearly 100 locomotives, so I can't predict where this will end up.
The current working title is THE PEAK.
You awake on the shores of a island in a strange sea, the landsacpe dominated by the towing mountain the makes up the island. As you progress throughout the game you will learn to domesticate the various creatures found on the island and the surrounding ocean, fight bosses littered throught the world's biomes, and learn the lore of the strange world. The games is adventure/survival, with a heavy emphasis on exploration.
Tanystropheus is one of the first creatures you encounter. A marine reptile from the Triassic period living on the shores you awake upon, these creatures love nothing more than to fish. Skitish in temperment, they must be approached slowly, when approached the animal will begin to shuffle nervuosly. Pausing and allowing the creature to calm before appoaching further will slowly gain its trust and will eventually allow the player to join the Tanystropheus in its fishing spot. One sitting with the reptile, feeding it fish will allow it to be domesticated.
If allowed to fish, domesticated Tanystropheus will share some of its catch with the player. This is not only a useful source of food in the early game in the form of fish, but occasionally it may find pieces of armor of tools in its fishing to give to you.
But not all the inhabitants of the shores are so friendly, Monolophosaurus stalk the sands of the island.
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These therapods are light and agile, and rely almost entirly on ambushing their prey. If spotted during its stalking, it will often back down rather than risk a fight. This gives the player a chance to offer it meat, and earn its trust.
Once domesticated, the Monolophosaurus is a light and agile mount. A quick way to travel, although you must travel light. Loyal combanians once tamed, Monos are very social and are happier in trios or more.
For those wishing to transport more than just themselves, Parasaurolophus is the largest creature to be found on the shore line. These hadrosaurs are strong and fast, and lone monos steer clear of these powerful creatures.
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Parasaurs can be domesticated with the seaweed or kelp, a favorite treat for the herbivore. For players willing to risk the waters to get these, Parasaurolophus can provide much needed protection in the forests beyond the island's shores.
Speaking off the seas surrounding the Island, The mysterious Sea Serpent is a gentle giant unless provoked, and locals on the island believe one of these creatures was the one to pull you to shore. Adults are massive creatures, capable of crushing ships in their coils if provoked.
While only rumors exist of a way to befriend the adults, the juveniles swimming in the shallows are easier to please, even if it will be a long time indeed before they reach adulthood lengths.
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Okay, so those were some of the creature ideas and designs for THE PEAK. I really need something better than MS Paint to do these concepts. But, for now thoughts?
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msmelissalin · 2 years
Melissa knew she had a temperamental nature, which had leaked through from childhood.  Loomed over her, unforgiving and firm. Growing up in a stifling household with parents, both of whom came from old Chinese traditions had been what made her. Now implemented to her household, and no matter how much time had passed, it was there like a devil on her shoulder. She had expectations of every single person around her, held no room for mistakes. Just as her mother had. 
Benjamin pulled at his tie, loosening the knot, swallowing thickly while sweat began to form at the nape of his neck. There were certain rules in his life he'd always tried to stick too; one of them being that he wouldn't piss off the woman before him. 
He'd fucked that up.
Melissa watched with a snake like intensity, breath matching the off beat of her heart while painted nails ticked against the gloss wood of her desk. She was rigid, practically stone cold as teeth set together, baring them towards Benjamin. ''I give you everything and this is how you show me respect.'' A viper approaching dinner, that was how she looked. She didn't even have to stand, there was a power that surrounded the woman, as if she could take down an empire with her gaze and right now she wore it with pride and a hint of that hidden malice. 
''Melissa---'' Benjamin started.
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''Today, it's Ms. Lin to you'' She snapped. 
Benjamin took a slow step back, eyes wide with that fear he knew better than to forget. Even if he had for just a moment, he internally vowed to not cross that line again. His age would prove that even he was capable of re-making the same mistakes. The kind that would get him into trouble for things that were far beyond his control. 
Benjamin Vox was, and would always be slightly rebellious. He'd thought he'd grow out of it over time, but it was embedded into him like a virus. Often found cursing himself out, hoping and wishing that part of who he was would dispensary. He watched Melissa move from her rigid stance, leaning back in her chair with pursed lips, eyes narrowing at him, as if she was waging a war in her mind. 
About how to reprimand him. 
''I said stay your hand and you disobeyed my direct orders, therefore, until further notice all your privileges are revoked'' This time she said it with no emotion, glasses now perched at the end of her nose as she reviewed a piece of paper in her hand that she'd found in a file upon her desk. 
''Me--- Ms. Lin, I think you're overreacting here.'' He scoffed, instantly regretting his words as he once again watched her still. 
''I am not like Johnathan, I won't rip your face off for the sheer benefit and parade it around London for the whole world to see. I reserve those tactics for the likes of the Turks'' Even then, she used Ayaz for those kinds of messages. She held back that small smile that almost threatened to play across her crimson painted lips at the thought of what Johnathan was capable of when he put his mind to it; eyes shooting to the blonde haired, blue eyed man before her--- it was like a young JJ stood before her, yet, today there was no feral rage behind those eyes, just that of a small scared boy. 
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''Do not doubt me, Benjamin. Just like everyone in this organization, you're expendable. So if you deign to use such tone with me again, you might just...I don’t know...find yourself missing.''
He, for some reason, didn’t stop talking.
‘‘Melissa I thought I was doing something good. I made a judgmental call.’‘
She finally snapped, slamming her palms flat into the wood desk, pushing to stand. ‘‘It’s called plausible deniability, and you’ve just made it so there isn’t any by getting involved. I told you to leave this to me, and you didn’t.’‘
No one knew. It was hushed and under wraps for now. 
But she knew she’d fucked up. The Italians weren’t supposed to be their enemies.
Now they were. 
Melissa looked up, eyes churning with something new. Fear and fight, readying itself for a war they hadn’t realized would come around so fast. Maybe her armies were not yet solidified in their positions, but they were forming. All she needed was the people to stand behind her. She had her own plans that differed from the vision Andrew had wanted.
It wasn’t about that now, though. This was about saving her skin and the Rutherford’s name because of the decision she’d made. Her own judgement call. 
‘‘Does this mean war Melissa? True war?’‘ Benjamin asked, standing to attention.
‘‘I believe it might, Benjamin. It just might.’‘  Melissa’s voice dropped to a whisper. ‘’Leave me be please. I have to think.’’ Dismissing him with a simple flick of her wrist.
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mikazukinika · 2 years
II. Shameless [Once]
"O YOUNG PEACOCK" TAGS & ABOUT → Summary: Zhongli confronts Tartaglia about a few interesting rumors he has heard around the Harbor. Some pretenses are finally dropped and yet new lines are drawn between them all the same. Scene Rating: M (suggestive + explicit language) Scene Length: 1.4k words, about 5 minutes NEXT → READ ON AO3 → MORE FROM THIS AUTHOR →
O Proud Peacock, gleaming in green Didn’t I tell you not to go near brides-to-be? Lips painted red, you will learn temptation is sweet
Travel is good for someone as young as Childe. Chances to stretch his legs beyond Snezhnaya - which to his mind is like a childhood backyard - came to him more often once he joined the Fatui. Never before, however, has he traveled beyond the Cryo Archon’s reach for more than a week or three - a month at most - before returning to his post. The Tsaritsa’s current machinations are so grand that it requires even him, with his young age and new position, to travel far and long. Or perhaps the other Harbingers had interfered again and pushed to send him as far away as possible.
But maybe what he means to say is that Liyue is good for him.
“It seems your popularity has increased, Childe,” Zhongli says one day over tea made from calla lilies. Freshly imported from Mondstadt for their calming effect, he had explained earlier.
Childe tilts his head at the odd observation, briefly wondering if Zhongli is testing him in implicit communication again. He explores the possibility by calmly taking a sip of his tea and asking, “Oh? Have the children at the wharf been talking about me again?”
From the small smile Zhongli gives to the glassy surface of his tea, Childe knows he was right to tread carefully - or maybe he is amused by the irony of his getting along with the local youth. “I’m afraid the rumors I have been hearing are not appropriate for children’s ears.”
This has Childe perking up in interest, but outwardly, he only raises a silent brow. Though the Northland Bank and the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor are business partners, he has made sure up until this point to keep his less-than-moral activities from impacting their relationship. It would be a shame if relations were to break down after all this time. It has nothing to do with not being able to see Zhongli as regularly as he does now if their ties were to be cut, no, not at all.
Thus, Childe forces a thin smile to his lips and hopes his tightened grip around his teacup isn’t obvious. “I’m not sure I understand, xiansheng.” 
“Oh?” He thinks Zhongli’s eyes flicker with a wisp of amusement, but it happens too quickly for him to be sure. “Ms. Ying’er of the Scent of Spring spoke quite highly of you, though?”
Childe chokes, flying into a fit of coughs as he processes the man’s words. So it wasn’t my imagination! His cheeks are flaming red by the time he manages to get himself under control, and he twists his shoulders away from Zhongli to cover his mouth with the back of his hand. “Xiansheng,” he protests quietly, painfully embarrassed, but the man has been drinking his tea calmly all the while.
“I must say that I was quite surprised. I never expected such rumors to emerge considering your reputation.” 
Yes, Liyue has been good for Childe.
He had strolled into this foreign land with all the swagger of a top-notch bard, sharp as a jackknife and hungry for power. What met him instead were tedious meetings, a perpetual flow of paperwork, and the occasional retrieval of loan payment from those too weak to challenge him. And then… Zhongli. Liyue’s grandest prize if anyone were to ask Childe, but one that remains nevertheless unattainable. Frustrated by their little song and dance (i.e., Childe flirting mercilessly with a stone wall that only on rare occasions replied with thank-yous), the young soldier had no qualms seeking pleasure in others if only to confirm that he still “has it.”
Well… not quite.
The people of Liyue, after getting over their initial wariness of him, are no longer shy about their attraction to his looks, money, and power. He would not usually indulge, but the long stay in the region and the thought in the back of his mind that there isn’t a soul here to judge or punish him for any choice that he makes have changed the game - until now. Suddenly, Childe cares very much about what Zhongli thinks of him.
The gears in his mind turn before he makes a spontaneous, definitely dangerous, decision.
A thrill of anticipation dances down the young harbinger’s spine and he gives the man across from him a pretty little smile. “I’m surprised as well,” he begins casually. “To think you would be so interested in my private affairs as to confront me directly.” His voice drops to a seductive baritone. Slowly, as if tasting each word before it left his lips, “Is this an invitation, xiansheng?”
There is a moment of silence in which lust-darkened blues meet calm pools of gold. Zhongli breaks eye contact first to take yet another infuriatingly calm sip of his calla lily tea.
“Surely, it isn’t so strange for me to be concerned, as your teacher, if you are using my lessons to worm your way into the beds of Liyue’s eligible young men and women.”
“Afraid I’ll ruin them for any other lover?”
At this, Zhongli gives a short and sharp huff through his nose, brow crinkling in annoyance. The diplomat across from him has long since learned that this action is his equivalent for clicking one’s tongue. 
Childe throws his head back and lets out a hearty laugh, a part of him exhilarated by this conversation. It is the most explicit he has been with Zhongli in all this time, and he loves the feeling. The consultant, for his part, lets his lashes flutter in surprise at the unexpected outburst before fixing the roguish redhead with a reproachful stare.
“You’ve dropped all pretenses ever since I caught you stabbing your food with your chopsticks,” he notes. 
Childe shrugs, a lazy grin pulling on his lips and eyes dancing with unbridled joy. “You’ve already seen me weak,” he says, referencing his clumsy use of chopsticks as well, but he knows the underside of his words is still brushed with lust. “And I daresay we both like it better this way.”
Zhongli’s gaze snaps to Childe’s teasing expression as if he had never expected the Snezhnayan to get a read on him like this. His lazy grin has softened to that signature smile that makes his eyes glitter like noctilucous jade found unexpectedly in a glowing cavern. In other words… 
“In the many months we have shared each other’s company, I have yet to understand the meaning of that smile,” Zhongli says thoughtfully.
And then Childe is freezing in place as a gloved hand gently cups his chin, tilting his jaw this way and that as the consultant examines his face as if it were an expensive, one-of-a-kind jade vase. The other hand grasps one of Childe’s wrists, keeping him still as if the man isn’t aware that it’s completely unnecessary. Childe couldn’t move if he wanted to. He doesn’t dare breathe, except to carry on the conversation lest Zhongli realizes what he is doing and stops. “What smile?”
The consultant’s eyes bore into his own and it is only then that Childe realizes just how close the man is. If his heart wasn’t already pounding away at his chest like a man trapped in a room with a starving beast, it is most certainly doing so now. He swallows thickly, eyes darting down to Zhongli’s exquisitely-shaped, oh-so-close mouth. I could kiss him, comes the delirious realization. 
“The one that you give me when you’re thinking something shameless.”
A beat of silence passes as the words hang between them on a thread pulled taught. Slowly, slowly, said pretty little smile spreads over the redhead’s lips once more, like sweet jam. “So you do know what it means,” Childe breathes. He wants nothing more than to lean in and capture the man’s mouth with his own right here, right now, in front of all the people bustling around their little stone table on the outdoor terrace. 
But Zhongli’s gaze remains unyielding, and all he gets in response is a short and low, “Hm.” Then the man pulls out of his personal space in one fluid movement, settling gracefully into his own seat as if nothing had ever happened.
And Childe takes that personally.
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jerzwriter · 5 months
What do you think about TS shading her fans in TTPD?
Hey Nonny!
I should post a disclaimer... because most people (even some who have known me a long time) still don't seem to get my sense of humor in regard to all things Taylor Swift, and beyond. (People really need to lighten the fuck up, but I digress...)
Look, I get it. Being a public figure and having your entire life under a microscope must be hard. I wouldn't want it. I don't envy it. Parasocial relationships are a thing, and people are crazy, so it's gotta suck....
Taylor has carefully cultivated those parasocial relationships and turned them into a profitable business model. It has turned her into one of the most powerful women in the world and has made her a Billionaire with a B. So I think our lil' baby doll needs to understand sometimes she's gonna have to suck it up. You can't have it both ways.
I play the Taylor gossip game - to a degree. It's fun. It's light. It's harmless. Do I think some fans are over-the-top? Yes. A thousand times, yes. To quote my daughter: I'm a Swiftie, so I can say this... some of us Swifties are the most annoying motherfuckers on Earth.
Cosigned. 1,000%. 10,000%.
I think Tay Tay was referring to the Healey affair of 2023, and I have thoughts on that. See, I love Ms. Swift, but I'm not naive. I know she's cultivated an image that is not necessarily reality. But, if she's going to paint herself as a progressive face of white feminism, lgbtq+ causes, and more—performative or not—then she has to walk the walk, and if she doesn't, then she should expect to be taken to task. Healy is a POS, and any association with him would reflect on her. She's too smart and too savvy a businesswoman not to realize that, so I don't give 2 shits about the tears she shed over that.
Now, are some fans INSANE? Yes. Like, I listened to the album, and I'm like, "Oh, Joe, you dirty dog." Me and my friends sent each other amusing GIFs, it's all in good FUN (see disclaimer above). Am I really giving Joe a second thought? No. If I see him on the street, will I attack him? No. Do I honestly care? No. For the record, Taylor has me convinced she is far from the face of stability and is a lil' off too... that's one of the things I like about her... us "off" chicks have to stick together. She herself said she sees her part in the problem, so I'm not sitting here hating Joe.
And while I'll engage in the cuteness that is Taylor/Kelce (what is their couple name? See, this is how much I care...) for FUN... I honestly don't give a damn there, either. Like, it doesn't pay my bills. Doesn't impact my relationships. Do I want her to be happy? Yeah. I want everyone to be happy. But I'm not personally invested. Some fans are... and some push that "off" into the not-fun territory. So I can see that being a bit of a concern... but again, when you cultivate parasocial relationships, this shit's gonna happen. Am I mad at her for the lyrics? No. Will I be relistening and freaking over the music tonight? You better fucking believe it.
Thanks for the ask, Nonny!
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