#but it won't be like . super flashy or anything
ckret2 · 17 days
This is an earnest question - it came up in one of my fics and I'm curious how other people interpreted it.
I know that the Westmore-Backupsmore dichotomy is supposed to be a joke. It's a kids show, the depth of Ford's disappointment and failure has to be made obvious in the span of a few seconds, and hyperbole is funny.
However, it has always pushed my suspension of disbelief that Ford was being evaluated for a place that was supposed to be in-universe Stanford University or something, and when he didn't immediately get a full-ride scholarship to one of the best universities in the country, his alternative was a place with such a poor reputation that it was literally marketed as a backup plan.
I've seen several explanations for this. I've seen it suggested that he was just too arrogant to apply for a wide variety of schools, and by the time he realized he couldn't do Westmore he was scrambling for the only place with a long application window. I've seen it suggested that Backupsmore was actually a pretty good school, and that its poor reputation was unearned and due to classism because it made an effort to cater to lower-income students. The one I personally went for is that his family was skeptical about his academic aspirations, and as a result Filbrick would only pay the application fees for a small handful of schools.
Do you have an explanation?
When the principal calls the family in to tell them that Ford's a genius and has a shot at getting into West Coast Tech, they're all surprised and thrilled—including Ford. This isn't a case of "I just won't bother applying anywhere but WCT." All evidence suggests he didn't apply to WCT at all... since it seems like he'd never even imagined going until then. It sounds like, until then, Ford's post graduation plans really were sailing around the world with Stan.
I think it's the complete opposite of arrogance: I think he didn't apply anywhere because he assumed college just wasn't in the cards for him.
His family's poor. His family's also Jewish, which probably wouldn't actually impact anything in Friendly Disney Channel Show For Children but in real life it would be a reason for a lot of colleges to quietly turn down his application in the 60s. His family probably also knew that Ford was smart, but unless someone else told them, none of them—Ford included—had enough of a basis of comparison for just HOW smart he was.
They probably thought, sure, Ford's a bright kid, but, HOW bright? Yeah, brightest in the school, but that could be a "big fish in a little pond" deal, this doesn't look like the preppiest high school. Bright enough to be accepted into the fanciest schools in the country? They're not sure—until he's told he has a shot at West Coast Tech. Bright enough for his education to be worth the strain on the family that paying for a college education would be? DEFINITELY not... until that education became worth potential millions.
Bright enough for him to apply to the in-universe equivalents of Harvard and Yale and Columbia and Brown etc? Why bother? West Coast Tech was only interested in him when he had an amazing science project, and lost interest when he didn't. His stellar grades clearly didn't matter to them without that science project. No point in applying to the other equivalent schools now.
Or, hell, maybe he did apply—and, without a big flashy in-your-face wow-worthy science project, all they saw was a poor kid who got good grades from a mediocre school. Unless a poor kid is something really special, a 1960s Ivy League college would rather accept middle-or-upper-class kids with equally good grades—those kids will actually pay their tuition fees.
Or maybe they even did accept him! ... But, didn't consider him quite impressive enough for scholarships, and were too expensive without them.
Sure, we know Ford was a super genius—but a college would need some kind of proof he was a super genius rather than just Really Smart, and he didn't have that proof.
He didn't even consider going to college until probably late in the school year (assuming their science fair was probably in the spring). Within a couple of days he suddenly had WCT offered ("you're worthy of the greatest schools in the country!") and snatched away ("nvm you're not worthy"). Now suddenly, possibly for the first time in his life, college is on the table, and he's been told that he could be REALLY successful if he goes to college... but, the big fancy colleges won't take him. What does he do now?
Backupsmore might have been the best school that 1) he thought would take him (or actually WOULD take him), 2) he could still apply to, and 3) his family thought they could afford.
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niphredil-14 · 9 months
ROTTMNT With a Witch! S/o
Just a quick reminder that requests are open!
- we all know that Leo is a magic nerd, though he may have a slight preference for stage magic over the actual, less show-y magick.
-i feel like Leo would love to have a witch as a partner, and would probably get into some basic, low energy types of spells as a result. He would be your biggest fan, and would want to help with most of your spells.
-he will be devastated if you say no, but sometimes it's just easier without this tease-prone ball of energy inside of the circle, you know?
-will BEG for you to do spells for him!! even for the smallest issue, he would be kneeling at your feet giving them the biggest puppy eyes with a matching pout.
-i can see him getting into glamour magick as a primary form of magick for him.
-all the magick-themed pick up lines. anytime you do anything he just tells you how you've enchanted him and how he's completely under your spell, how he's convinced that he must have drank a love potion, etc.
-not a fan for a good long while. will go on about his "science is fa superior to your little dumdum magic!!" until you hit him with the "magick's success and cause and effect has stood the test of time, people would not use it if it did not work. and btw magick is just science that we don't yet have the technology to understand."
-after that he would be like "okay challenge accepted!" and would probably conduct a ton of experiments on the movement and manipulation of subtle energies, and how the placebo affect effects spellwork, etc.
-i feel like he wouldn't participate in any spellwork outside of his experiments, at least not until he got his ninpo, at which point he would do a ton of studying about the occult.
-he'll warm up to it eventually, but i don't think it would ever be something that he ever really found a passion in.
-i could see him combine some of his chemistry knowledge with your occult knowledge to help you with potions though!
-he might like tech magick, or adding spells/sigils in with his tech, but i don't think you'd ever find him doing any more than that unless you get him to.
-loves magick, loves mystics, loves you
-would take any and every oppurtunity to engage with/ help with your magick! He wants you to teach him everything you know, and I feel like he would learn a whole lot on his own, and the two of you would just bounce ideas off of each other.
-we all know that Mikey becomes a super powerful mystic, so with you by his side?? power couple!! (everyone is afraid of the two of you.)
-supportive but does not understand. like at all.
-will bring you every crystal he sees, every rock, every branch, every flower, and (if you're a vulture culture kinda witch) every bone.
-he likes to watch you do magick if you're comfortable with it, but wouldn't dare try to participate in the spell. he's just a big ol' fanboy.
-i feel like he would love protection magic, it's very important as someone with a job as dangerous as his. if you were to make him some kind of protection amulet, he would probably cry. He's the oldest, he's used to having to protect everyone else, he's not used to anyone trying to protect him. He would never take it off, and if it ever did it's job as much as it could, and finally broke, he would cry, please make him another.
-he would probably crochet some blank poppets for you, that could easily be customized.
-(please help her make fun and flashy assignments that won't backfire like Donnie's tech does!)
-I think she would love to help out in your spells as much as you'll let her, but knows better than to overstep. This is your thing, she understands that you're the boss when it comes to mystic stuff, and just enjoys being along for the ride.
-would pay you to do spells for her, she isn't a fuckin freeloader (like LEO), she knows that it's a craft, and that the hard work you do deserves to be compensated, and if you don't let her paay you for spells because you love her, then she'll just insist on paying for your next date, or buying you that trinket you've had your eye on for a while. you can't stop her.
-she only cares if you can do spells to help her conquer the world (and if you can hex her enemies c:<)
-no but forreal i think she would love to have a witch lover, and would want to participate, she'd be the BEST at raising energy for spellwork and ritual!
-i think she'd actually make a super powerful practitioner once she learned how to direct her energy
-she would 100% collect bones, so if you're the type of witch to like that, then she may just give you a few from her collection.
-bitch would SLAY at baneful magick
Casey Jr.:
-an alt boy and his witchy partner, is there a better combo than that?
-seriously though, I feel like he would love to just sit around while you were doing magick, he likes to watch, and likes it even more if you teach him anything.
-i feel like he would really only ever use magick for others though. Like if he was struggling, the thought of doing a spell to help himself doesn't even cross his mind, but one of his friends or family members has even the slightest issues and he's jumping for his athame (he would def mainly use an athame, a pretty basic and minimalistic one though).
-another one who just brings you anything he can find that's even slightly related to your craft, and brags about how amazing you are to everyone, all the time.
-please teach him how to use tarot, he wants to commune with the spirits. he'll be responsible, he swears c:
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paranoid-rhythm · 1 month
「Chaldea Treasure Hunting!」Takasugi Shinsaku Edition
Takasugi: Oh! You finally came, I've been waiting. 
Now then, as my secretary, you'll be responsible for the top-secret mission for Chaldea Heavy Industries.
What, going to look for the Holy Grail is just something we'll do on the side, or rather, let's just save that for later. I heard that the Holy Grail is located somewhere in a place called "Sky Island." Well, if it's called "Sky Island," then it must be in the sky, right? More like, seriously, it should be in the sky since it's called that way.
So, this is what we need right now! I took advantage of Chaldea's resources without permission to develop this! A special combat unit, Sora Habaki! This time, I also wanted to test the performance of this highly anticipated weapon.
Now, get behind me and get in quickly. Let's go!
Hahahahaha! This is bad! The power output is too high, I can't control it! Today may be the last day for you and me.
Guda: Can't you do anything about it?! 
Takasugi: Well, if you say so, then why don't I try something. However... I could use some help....
Hey, help me steer for a while, it's this leverー... Not that! The one to the right of that! No, the one right in between my legs, between my legsー... Huh?! Hey, you! Just where are you touching?! Just where?! Ah! Alright, that's it! 
Pull it as hard as you can! Make sure you hold on tight, I'll fly it right up!
Hm? Hey, hey, what in the world is that? Don't tell me that's thunder! I didn't hear about the weather getting this rough! 
This mana response... Things are literally looking bad right now... No, more like, it's becoming more interesting! Let's charge right in just like this! That Sky Island is surely just before us! I may not have any proof, but my intuition tells me so!
Hey, wake up. It's not time for you to sleep right now. Oh, so you've woken up, huh? And your body... looks all good. Hahaha! That's great, isn't it? Looks like we've escaped death. It seems that you've got great luck, just like me. 
In any case, look, it seems that we've successfully landed in Sky Island. It's quite a nice place, isn't it, is what I want to say. But it looks like quite the violent welcoming party has come to meet us. Well, since we're here, let's give them a flashy greeting, shall we? I'll, no, let's both show them our grit!
Guda: Let's do it, Takasugi-san!
Takasugi: Let's do it super flashily! Break through them, Ultra-Advanced Reformation,  Kiheitai!
Phew, looks like we've taken care of all of them. Hm? 
Tezcatlipoca: Even though it seemed like you're holding back, that's still quite the firepower. You pass, Takasugi Shinsaku. With this, the joint agreement between Chaldea Heavy Industries and my company, Tezcatli Corporation is now finalized. 
Takasugi: I was wondering who it was, but it's you, huh? The person from the company who offered a business proposal contract with me. Aah, so it's like that, huh? You stole the Holy Grail, then created this Singularity to test me?
Tezcatlipoca: That's right. As the CEO, measuring the capability of a future business partner is the bare minimum of my job. As soon as you return to Chaldea, we'll proceed to signing the contract and establishing the business partnership. It's not a bad deal for both parties. 
Oh right. By the way, Master, if you want a business profile that's more trustworthy, come over to my side. Tezcatli Corporation is always ready to welcome you. 
Takasugi: Whoa there, I'll have to decline that. I won't just stand by and watch while you poach my most precious employee right in front of me.  
Tezcatlipoca: Heh, that's not how I'm seeing it though. After all, it's impossible to tell from the outside what's inside a person's heart. In any case, since you've retrieved the Holy Grail, hurry and return before the technical advisor catches you, or so says the Director. Adios!
Takasugi: Good grief, it sure felt like I was taken for quite the ride. But flying through the sky with you wasn't so bad. 
"If I had wings, I would fly for a thousand miles, and see countless countries."
Aah, why don't we fly, far, far away. You and me together, that is.
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suzyandthefox · 4 months
Boy and the wolf
Soft safe sfw g/t m/m vore, Nervous/reluctant pred/prey!
My first vore fic let's goooo
Inspired by @stormtheskyelf2 's post about nervous pred and prey
It all started with the accident.
Everyone has got out in time, except for poor,poor Oliver.
He brought his camera, thinking he would have the chance to take a picture, but never did he, at all, think he would be the first victim of the serum.
Let's rewind, turn back a few hours ago, and see what happened.
One of the greatest inventions of all time, The Shrinking Serum, was finally revealed to the public, ready to be covered by the media.
But something…happened, The police are still investigating, still unsure if it was truly an accident, or if the experiment was sabotaged.
Either way, the laboratory exploded, and everything went into chaos, the journalists got out safely and only minor injuries occurred.
But nobody remembered to grab Oliver, or to look for him in the -now wrecked- laboratory, as if he wasn't there in the first place.
Perhaps that was his fault for pretending he was something he wasn't,a journalist is not who he is.
What happened was, when the laboratory exploded, unlucky Oliver was the one who had the serum sample flying into his face, and he remembered going down…down…down…
Everything was getting bigger, as he was getting smaller, he remembered trying to get the attention of anyone, anyone! 
Screaming at the top of his lungs so that someone from the researchers, or the journalists, might hear the red headed boy.
Instead he was almost stepped on a thousand times, he then hid away where he thought was safe and cried.
Apple green eyes welled with the pain of betrayal, of insignificance, and the weight of the truth.
That was the end for him,he was sure, he was going to die here and no one will even notice it, just like no one noticed him before.
Oliver cried himself to sleep, fully believing he won't wake up again.
Immortal Oo'kami, In the age of super heroes, he was one of many.
Not so great as to be worshiped by the public, with a flashy, amazing power, nor so vile and destructive as to be feared.
His superpower was simple,as his title was, Immortality.
Regenerating from anything no matter how deadly it was, never growing,never aging, but the public didn't understand how strong that power was, did they?
The person behind the mask was just as simple too, only a college student, he didn't even reach his twenties yet, a boy named Ryan.
Yet he still was trying his best, after all, what makes a hero wasn't the fame or the praise, it was the help that he gave, right?
Oo'kami shook his head and sighed as these thoughts went through his mind, and he instead focused on the mission he came for.
Restricted area? Only for the common people,not for a superhero!
 Swiftly he hopped over the yellow tape,his padded ninja outfit,as silly as it was, was ensuring that not a single sound came out of him, and he was once again reminded to be grateful that he chose practicality over looks.
He stood in his place for a second, taking in the view of the wrecked laboratory, he was just here a few hours ago, not as Oo'kami, but as Ryan, with his currently missing friend, Oliver, and at least a hundred other people.
Now it was empty, desolate, not even the police stayed, and yet no one bothered to look for his lifetime friend, which yet again, reminded him of why he was doing all of this.
Deafeningly quiet, Oo'kami has focused his senses, searching for even the tiniest sound a human could pick up, and that exact sound came in the form of muffled whimpers under the rubble.
“Oliver…” he muttered, fist and teeth clenching, his heart weighing heavy with both anger and pain, but at least the boy was alive, he prayed that he wasn't hurt as well.
The hero focused his senses again on the exact place of the sound, and made sure that no one was around, it was three in the morning after all, surely no one was around, right?
He lifted a few bricks and fallen pieces of drywall, and there it was, the body of a familiar teenage boy, shrunken to the size of three inches tall, just a tiny bit bigger than a borrower, but still a painful sight for Oo'kami.
At least the injuries were minor, and he appeared to be asleep, rather than unconscious, also a great relief.
His theory proved correct when he poked the tiny boy and the latter jolted awake with a frightened yelp.
“Who-” Oliver blinked, and stared for a few moments at the giant, masked person that loomed over him.
Wait,no, he was the one who was tiny, but that person was…
“O…Oo'kami? Immortal…Oo'kami?!” Oliver blinked a few times and his eyes lit up as he realized that the hero he Idolized was truly here, in the flesh, coming to rescue him.
He stumbled in his steps and Oo'kami gently caught his form in his gloved hands, giving the boy a kind,if awkward look.
“The Oo'kami?! Is…is it really you?”
“Yes, It's me!” he gave a nervous chuckle as he collected the tiny bundle of a boy and lifted him off the ground.
“Are you alright…physically?” Oo'kami's voice was worried, he knew all too well how much of an awful situation this is, his fingertips searched carefully for any remnants of the drywall or the serum on Oliver's body.
The tiny boy nodded slowly. “I'm fine,Mr Oo'kami, thank you.”
Fortunately there were only a few scratches from where the bottle of the serum hit his face, he was, overall,unharmed and well.
The hero sighed in relief as he brought the boy to his chest.
“Please, Just “Oo'kami”, for all you know I could be as old as you are.”
“But first…What's your name?” Oo'kami asked even if he knew the truth.
“O…Oliver!” He said as he grabbed a fistful of the hero's outfit and held to it for dear life.
“Nice to meetcha,Ollie” 
Getting out was difficult for Oo'kami, he had to stealth his way out with one hand, and he had to make sure Oliver wouldn't get hurt, and now that he thought about it…
“That won't do…”
He sat down with Oliver, somewhere behind the wrecked building, thinking.
The whole situation was painful, his friend was now a tiny little thing that held to him for dear life, while simultaneously viewing him as the greatest thing that ever lived.
But he wasn't what Oliver believed in, he was a confused, tired boy that just so happened to have a superpower.
He sighed heavily, unsure what to do now, he was practically trapped here with his bite sized buddy unless he wanted to risk losing him. Yes, he had secret pockets but did he really want to stuff his friend into a such a tiny space? 
Wait…bite sized…
The idea was very strange at first, to the point where he wanted to completely ignore it, but it presented itself again.
It…could work, and for a temporary option…it's much much better than a tiny pocket with no room to breathe, and it's practically unreachable…unless someone decided to slice open his stomach.
He glanced at the curious Ollie, and Ollie glanced back at him, tilting his head slightly to the side.
God, he is so adorable… Oo'kami couldn't help but feel hungry…wait no, that's not right, they're both humans…
Deep breaths,Deep breaths…
“Oo'kami? Are you alright?” 
“I'm fine,Ollie, I'm absolutely fine.”
He looked back at the small boy.
“Could you keep a secret for me? Since you might be staying with me for a while…”
“Yes…but I don't understand ,a secret? And staying with you? What do you mean, Oo'kami?”
Oo'kami looked around warily, then took off his mask.
To his surprise, Oliver didn't look very…shocked? He gasped softly, like he realized something, but not out of shock.
“Something tells me you already knew the whole time,Ollie.”
“Yeah…You're kind of bad at keeping secrets, Ryan.” Oliver chuckled, his freckled cheeks gaining a reddish tint.
The way that the hero said “Ollie”, his voice, those few stray locks of black hair falling over his eyes, his striking electric blue eyes, they were very familiar to the shrunken boy, he already connected the dots a long time ago.
“That doesn't change anything though, you're still my best friend, and you're still my hero, you literally saved my life just now!” 
Oliver threw himself into Ryan's broad chest and gave him the biggest hug his current form can get him.
Ryan smiled sadly, and returned the hug, the urge to protect his friend was getting stronger every second, and they didn't have much time.
“Do you still trust me? Even after I…lied to you?”
“Of course! You didn't lie to me, it was out of your control!”
“Good.” Ryan brought the shrunken boy to his mouth, ready to proceed, “enough hesitation” he thought.
“Uhh,Ryan, what are you doing?”
“... You're getting an inside shot!” Really? Really?! That's the best he could come up with?! The mental facepalm was so strong his face wrinkled.
“... What?” Poor Oliver just got even more confused.
“Look…I…I can't keep you in my pockets, Something will happen, I might fall, a bad guy might fight me,I might have to avoid the police, you get the jist of it…”
He tried to explain as he got the boy away from his face.
“And I need both of my hands, Okay? So I thought of an alternative_”
Oliver blinked slowly…then he realized.
“I…think I know what you're going to do,”
“Would you allow me to?” Ryan stroked the other boy's hair, his warm breath washing over him.
Oliver pondered momentarily.
“It’s safe, right?” 
“Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have even thought about it!”
“I'm just…I don't know,Ryan…there's so many things that's confusing me about all of this…” His voice was cracking, barely holding the tears as he realized just how grave his situation is.
“Perhaps…Perhaps it might help me think a bit clearer…not fearing for my life and being with you,even in such an unorthodox way,”
He took a deep breath and gathered his wavering courage.
“Go ahead,I trust you with my life, just be careful about it, okay?”
Ryan felt as if he was going to cry as well, he only wanted to protect his friend, keep him safe while he is in this vulnerable state, it didn't help at all that all he could see was the instinctual fear his friend was desperately trying to hide.
“I swear on my life, it's only to help you, I will never even think of hurting you,Oliver.”
He brought the small boy to his face again, and gave him an apologetic look.
Before he could even open his mouth,Oliver put his miniscule hand on Ryan's lips.
“Wait…before you do…”
He stood up in Ryan's palm, and lifted his arms. 
The hero understood his intention, and lifted him to his eyes, now able to see him better in the faint moonlight.
Oliver hugged his nose bridge,and Ryan closed his eyes and leaned into the hug.
There was a silence, both of them cherished this moment of affection, for it was the last moment they will get to be this close to each other, before layers of flesh and clothes separate them.
“I trust you.” Oliver repeated,and he meant it.
“I trust you as well.” Ryan replied, and he meant it.
Oliver sighed and let go, ready for what was coming next,and so was Ryan.
He first took away Ollie's jacket,glasses, and backpack, looking like toys in his hand, then he took his shoes and socks, the sensation no doubt a bit tickling, because Oliver let out a tiny,shy giggle.
It was cold that night, Oliver couldn't help but to shiver slightly now that Ryan took away his jacket, but not that it mattered, he was going to be somewhere warmer soon.
Ryan slightly parted his lips, just enough for the small boy to climb inside, as he didn't want to force him, he already had very little control over what's going on, it would be cruel to take away the rest from him.
For the tiny boy however, it was an invitation, the warmth that the hero's breath emitted was pleasant, gentle, different from the cold air that surrounded them, and it felt right to just get inside, where it was warm and soft, so it was exactly what he did.
Ryan -or was he Oo'kami at this moment?- was hesitant, unsure if what he was doing was even human, Ollie is already inside his mouth, so it's not like the smaller boy had any qualms with it.
But he…he was filled with dread, anxiety creeped up his spine and all sorts of fears filled his head.
What if he accidentally bit him? What if he choked on him? What if it didn't work as he imagined, and he was just dooming his best friend to a horrible, painful,slow death?
His anxious, intrusive thoughts were Interrupted by a tiny prod on his tongue, to which he responded by lightly pushing Oliver with his tongue towards his throat,and then fully closing his mouth, sealing his friend in darkness, but he wasn't ready to swallow yet.
“Ryan…I trust you,You can go ahead…” Oliver reassured, using the same words he used just a moment ago.
But they were true, he trusted Ryan with his life, he was ready to be eaten alive if it was what he believed was safe.
But the problem was,Ryan was the one who was scared, despite him being the one who suggested it in first place.
So the shrunken boy has decided to let Ryan swallow him when he deemed it necessary, and truth was, he was fascinated by the idea of being inside someone's mouth.
His curious nature made him ask himself “How do I taste like?”, but it was a question for later, when Ryan could answer him.
Could Ryan even hear him? He can hear him now, but what about when he was sent deep down to the stomach? 
“Ryan, when you do swallow me…Please stay with me? I know I would be literally inside you,but…like…”
His words was failing him, but it looked like Ryan was giving him the chance to speak first, or perhaps he wanted to speak as well, but all the words will come out as a garbled mess.
“Don't forget about me,I guess?”
Oliver felt defeated, he layed down on the tongue and tried to fight the urge to cry.
He let out a yelp of surprise when the muscle underneath him shifted and moved, and he fell back towards the throat, but still he allowed it to happen.
Ryan went with it as if he was swallowing a pill, instinctively his hand was lifted to his neck, to his Adam’s apple, as he felt the small weight leave his throat.
“I would never, I promise you not a moment will pass without me thinking of you, I'm here, both in body and spirit, you aren't alone, Oliver, I won't leave you alone”
His gloved fingers followed along the small warm weight, passing behind his heart, then dropping underneath it, to which he found himself rubbing his stomach as if to feel the shrunken boy within.
“Can you hear me?” Ryan asked softly “Are you alright in there?”
For Oliver ,the journey to Ryan's center was relatively short, it was only seven seconds, but they were long seconds…
Hearing all the body functions as they work was humbling, fascinating, especially the beating heart.
But his fascination was soon interrupted with him passing through a ring of muscle, and falling face first towards the fleshy ground.
Oliver heard Ryan calling, and he prodded the stomach to tell him he arrived safely.
“I'm fine,Ryan! Can you hear me?”
The hero focused his senses towards himself,his innards, giving all attention to his inner ear.
“I hear you, Oliver!” 
It was a simple statement, but it made Oliver tear up.
 He wasn't forgotten,he wasn't lost inside his friend's guts, the older boy could hear him and feel him…even when they are so far away from each other.
What a paradox it was, how he was so close to Ryan…and yet so far away.
“I thought I would sizzle like bacon on a hot frying pan, but it's like…a really soft and wet bed! You have to tell me how you did that!”
As Oliver's curious hands pawed at the new environment, he slipped and fell into one of the many folds of the stomach, and he just sat there, letting himself be lovingly held and hugged by the soft organ.
Perhaps it was him craving a gentle hug, to be held and soothed after the events of today.
“You haven't eaten anything all day,have you,Ryan?”
 He could tell by how the stomach was desperately trying to absorb him into it, but there were no acids, no way for him to be digested.
To think that Ryan is practically starving himself for his sake…
“Uhm…so you like it in there?” Ryan said as he put on his mask and helmet again.
“It's not bad at all…if it wasn't for your stomach trying so hard to digest me because you didn't eat anything!” Oliver grumbled and kicked lightly at one of the walls.
“For real, though, it's not that I hate it,It's more that I'm worried about you, so please, eat something when you spit me out,okay? And it better be real food and not instant ramen.”
Ryan listened and sighed.
“I tend to forget, Between college and being Oo'kami, I barely get any sleep…I often have to skip meals because of that.. Yeah, You are right, you are the only thing I've put in my belly since I woke up.”
“And you haven't fainted yet?!!”
“You definitely are!”
Ollie sat and placed both of his arms on each side of the stomach, and both of his hands barely touched the walls.
 He ran some math in his head, and then laid back against the greater curve of the stomach, like a soft fleshy hammock.
“Yep?” The voice echoed around him.
“I’m scared.”
“Scared of …what?”
“Everything? I mean, how do I even begin?”
“I got shrunk to the size of a few inches tall, you ate me alive, Nobody knows I even survived except for you…”
“My parents, are they worried about me? Are they looking for me?”
“Am…Am I going to stay tiny like this forever? Where am I going to stay after that? Can I go home like this?”
“You're tired,” 
“Yes, Yes I am,” Oliver closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax.
“I'm also scared,Ollie, but do you know what I think?”
“We can get through this together,I won't leave you until we find a solution to all of this.” Ryan reassured once again.
“Now if you can, get some sleep, you did say it was like a bed in there,”
“I can't” 
“It's just… New environment and all that…”
“I guess I'm going to bore you to sleep then by explaining to you how you aren't melting right now.”
They both chuckled, Oliver felt the whole place move with every laugh.
Ryan succeeded, for he kept rambling on,and on, and on, about the specifics of his power and how it's not actually ”Immortality” but a full control of his cells.
Oliver tried to be as attentive as he could, but listening to supernatural-biochemistry info dumping is sure to bore anyone to sleep, unless you were, like Ryan, passionate about the subject to the point of majoring in it.
Eventually all Ryan heard was soft breathing, poor Oliver slept ever so soundly it made him sad.
This is probably the most comfortable he had ever been in a long time. 
Ryan felt both honor that he was able to provide that comfort for his friend, and shame that he had to eat his friend alive to provide him said comfort.
At least he was safe and sound, at least both of them were.
He got up, pins and needles attacking his entire lower half, but it's nothing a little walk can't fix.
He moved slowly so as to not jostle the little friend inside, then thought of his next step.
Another patrol won't hurt, before he can get to his apartment and get some shut eye as well.
“We will pass these bridges when we get to them,” he thought to himself.
“Until then,you are safe with me.”
He said, both a reassurance to himself and his sleeping friend.
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losingmymindrn · 3 months
✨c o v e y
H e a d
C a n n o n s✨
○•ʚĭɞ•○ Covey headcanons ○•ʚĭɞ•○
Barb Azure
Has saved every drawing that the covey kids made when they were little
Enjoys writing poems
Teaching Maude Ivory how to sew
Likes to decorate everything in vintage items
Taught CC how to braid his own hair
Teases the kiddos about their crushes if they have one she likes
Likes candles, but it has to be vanilla scented
Tam Amber
Has a secret partner
He likes anything quilted
He is very good at downing any liquor
He has birth marks on his hands
He likes to style his hair
Hes a mama's boy, so he's super close to Barb Azure
his favorite books are the Frog and Toad series
Lucy Gray
Writes in cursive
She has very low iron, she's always falling ir feeling faint
can't swim, still can't swim even after Coral came along
Certified clothing thief
She likes to go on long walks in field of flowers with Maude Ivory, Barb Azure and sometimes Coral
She draws a lot, mainly birds
Shes basically Snow White with all of the animals that come around her
Didn't go to school, Barb Azure taught her her to read and write
Clerk Carmine
He has a leaf/rock collection
he's very flashy and loves to show off any outfits he gets
He likes to roll down hills, even though Barb azure keeps scolding him for getting dirty every time
Was tempted to cut his hair after getting bullied by some other guys for it, but Tam Amber went after the guys and CC never had another problem
He likes making crafts
Maude Ivory
Very cuddly, she rarely sleeps on her own bed anymore
She insists that she can drink some liquor, but everyone of the covey won't let her
Likes sweet tea
Catches butterflies and names them before letting them back into the wilds
Is an excellent sewing student
Her grades aren't the best but she trying
One of the crowd's favorites
She's going to be taller than Lucy Gray, much to Lucy Gray's disappointment
I hope you enjoyed that spark😙
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foxnikki · 20 days
HIHI NIKKI !!! i wanted to request a matchup 🤭
to start off, i’d like a romantic matchup! and for the fandom, i would love if you could give me a character from jjk, mha, haikyuu and kimetsu no yaiba BUT IF NOT ITS FINE!! and you can just expand on one if you do feel like giving me a character for each
if you just want one i’d like mha please !! and i have a strong preference for men 🗣️
personality wise, i’d say i’m very similar to jiro from mha !! im very reserved and kind of rude to everyone but my friends and i have a rbf majorly 😭 but with my friends i’m very loud and expressive most of the time !! (my therapist has also had a hard time believing im quiet outside of her office 😭)
i’m actually a very insecure person especially about my looks but i act super confident to hide that 😝
i’m also a very judgy person and i need someone to judge and gossip with 😞‼️
my love languages (giving) are gift giving and quality time !! and receiving are words of affirmation and physical touch !
i dress very grungy + alternative and my makeup also reflects that !! but i also love dressing up for dances and such
i try to be as feminine as i can with my style because i hate being perceived as masculine
it doesn’t take me long to open up once i’ve decided i’ve liked a person but sometimes that bites me in the butt so i’ve been trying to not do that 😭
i’m naturally very smart (not to brag) and i take a lot of pride in it!! i’m always the friend people turn to for help/answers in my classes and all my teachers love me 😭
okay i think that’s enough yapping!! lmk if you need anything else for this and thank you sm in advance 🤍🤍 AND LIKE I SAID ITS FINE IF YOU JUST DO MHA IM JUST CURIOUS ABOUT THE OTHERS AS WELL 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
a/n: don't worry, I'll try to do all of them! Hope you like this!
You Got...
Satoru Gojo !
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Seems you caught the attention of the strongest sorcerer in this era!
Very open to share some gossip.
He ends up calling you if he needs something or just wants to talk, in most cases the latter.
A great giver of physical affection, a few words of reassurance may fly from time to time - especially in times of stress. Also expect some gifts or/and treats.
He could probably come out with a “You cryin'?” just out of spite. Yes, he's a tease, but you could tease him back [*inserts evil laught*]
Denki Kaminari !
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The pikachu probably has a city for you for a long time, even if he hasn't said it, it's easy to notice.
Very extrovert, convinces you to be friend with the classmates - looks like you're being a good friend with Jiro too!
More into giving physical touch than words of affirmation, likes time passed with you. He's taking you around town with the others. The more the better.
VERY happy if he sees you start to open up with him.
Asks for the answer of the homeworks, but he still repeats he won't ask next time [we know it won't happen]
Keiji Akaashi !
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I honestly wasn't sure who to pair you up with, but in the end he seemed like the best choice!
Imagine having a yapper named Bokuto next to him and deal with his sudden mood swings. He is literally used and prepared to listen to everything you have to say. Yes, even gossip.
The type of person who is really good to comfort and reassure you. He doesn't mind to spend time woth you, a good company is still a good company
He would notice you start to open up around him but he would say nothing.
He's a pretty observant person, so if he notices even the slightest bit of insecurity he'll try to cheer you up. Honestly, he doesn't like to see you down in the dumps about something like that.
Tengen Uzui !
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The flashy ninja thinks you're cute and likes your style!
Having multiple wives I seem much more inclined to give physical affection and give gifts. Oh, did you give him a gift too? He kinda wish it's a shiny thing.
Admire that you're pretty smart and he likes to remind you it.
When he's talking to someone and you're nearby, he might come closer to you and come out with phrases such as "Look, isn't my girlfriend pretty?", "She's the one who won my heart," and stuff like that. He is sincerely fond of you.
Most of all, he protects you and helps you when you need help or are in danger.
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rayofmisfortune · 9 days
I remembered one of the questions I was going to ask, how does Dani/Ellie work when/if they exist later on? Will they also have the same sort of ghost form Danny has, as in the switch from Phantom to Fenton and all, or will Dani not be that?
Also I assume the whole thing with Super Danny and fun Danny doesn’t happen? And I mean if it does, the whole splitting thing, than how different would it be for them?
Dani/Ellie aka the clones and stuff
Vlad views Danny as... flawed due to the way the portal accident and mental trauma from it ended up splitting him into two people instead of just giving him flashy ghost powers like had happened with Vlad. Skill issue smh
Vlad would make clones of Danny and Phantom to... "fix" them. To make the perfect son. But he comes into too many problems while creating these clones.
About Ellie. Vlad is unable to create clones that are able to switch between forms. So then Ellie is created as a pure ghost clone. No human for her qwq (I guess if you wanted to go crazy with it she could have a human body she could possess and stuff kekw)
Identity Crisis
And to get into Identity Crisis! I've rewritren that one a bunch of times, tryin to find something that worked lmao this one is a lil more comolicated so bare with me here while I try to make it make sense
The Fentons find out Danny is Phantom. However, they think that Danny is being overshadowed by Phantom. They use the ghost catcher to separate Danny from that nasty no good ghost. They plan on using Phantom as a test subject for their experiments.
Shit happens. They do the deed with Danny kicking and screaming but at the same time thinking "Hey, if this somehow goes okay maybe I won't have to deal with constantly blacking out and feeling cold all the time!" Gotta look on the positives ykyk
Anyway, they separate. Stuff happens. A lotta stuff. Phantom flees. Danny copes, lives in denial. (They both do, let's be fr) Pretends like nothing's wrong, even when he's suddenly tired all the timey even after a good night's sleep and energy drink do shit. He felt okay for a little while, however that cold he felt whenever their ghost sense went off became a constant.
Phantom isn't doing much better. For a while he relishes in getting to just be around when there's no threat around. That ain't gonna last tho lol. It's been about a week since they've split and Phantom starts noticing his form growing foggy, drippy. Definitely not good.
When Technus shows up. Phantom is in no shape to take him on. He has no choice but to seek out Danny. At the same time, Danny's basically become a walking freezer, hasn't slept in days due to the cold and is out of options. Out of options, he reluctantly asks Sam and Tucker to help him look for Phantom.
They meet up, weird separation side effects go away and they realize that they kinda actually maybe really need each other.
The rest of the episode from here goes kind of as in the show. (Phantom doesn't try to overshadow Danny tho, he hangs around invisibly til they get back to FentonWorks)
They try to use the ghost catcher to get them back together again. That kind of uhhh effs up, they DO merge back. They merge back too well tho. Ahoy arc 3 and the best boys navigating stuff while learning to properly co-exist! Their first trial? Beating a high tech Technus while one of them has never done anything like that before! Nothing will go wrong I'm sure
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bahnloopi · 11 months
What advice would you offer anyone trying to make an AU that is wholly additive like your Sento Saiyans (as opposed to ones that focus on altering events like so many do)? Anything to try and avoid or lean into (e.g your Sento Saiyans lacking a SSJ form and the culture that builds because they all have access to emotion-driven forms in Oozaru)?
First, kinda have half a brain to say "fuck all" to canon. The AU will be a sandbox you craft of your own while "using" canon material as your "non-canon" if that makes sense. I included canon character (Goku, Vegeta, Whis, etc) as chess pieces for the world I craft around them. I myself know this is not canon, not true to any part of Super or the establish status quo. I just have to be mindful of characterizations. I fight the "canon police" on the daily who try and lecture me on "this wouldn't happen" or "why make this because blah blah blah and this happens instead" because I'm practically disrupting all established norms. I just don't give a fuck and decide to do it anyway because it's fun.
Second, I'd have to know more on what direction you're trying to go. Are you trying to make a fan race or anything OC x Canon related? I could better answer with a bit more info.
If it's a fan race, my best suggestion is doing your homework on at least most of the established DBverse so that way you have substance on what you're trying to do and it'd make sense for where it may be inserted in (og DB, Z, GT, or Super). This applies with my earlier statement because you will have people that will want to ask you questions and you'll have to have some consistency or you'll create (too many) plot holes.
Lastly, the reason for me NOT having Sentos inherit super forms naturally is because:
A: I'm kinda tired of the recolors. I love super forms, don't get me wrong, but every Saiyan type does Super Saiyan. I want Sento Saiyans to work like Ikari/Wrathful Broly where he still looked like his base but still has that power buff. The only exception is the Legendary, Orran, where he gets both Oozaru AND the Legendary form.
B: For them it'll be a "deception tactic" where you'll think they look weak visually but they still have that power boost of the super form under the surface. The hair won't change colors but the eyes will. Sentos will learn the super form (properties) and not change into the form itself if that makes sense.
I'm playing a mind-game. "What? Saiyans that can't go SSJ? How does that work? That's what Saiyans do." Nah. That's called creativity. I call it the "Rock Lee" effect. They don't have to rely on being flashy or ki-driven to box. They're different. It's how you create skills and unique abilities that could stand in the same lane as SSJ but on a different branch. It's not to replace the forms, but how to bend them in different directions. Add different ways to utilize forms or transformations.
Sorry this is so long but my goal is to technically break the status quo and start looking at other ways to mold an established factor so that way new things can keep the air fresh and creativity flows freely. Research and think on it. DB is a giant sandbox that a lot of the fanbase tends to box themselves into corners and won't venture out because they believe it's cringe or taboo. There's a lot you can do if you have the mind for it. Toriyama himself can't remember SSJ2 even existed, you'll be fine.
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parab0mb · 6 months
So, now that I finished the game (again) and the DLC chapters, I'm going to ramble about Crosscode C:
This game is really bizarre in the sense that, to be completely 100% honest, there isn't any particular part of the game that I think is all that mind-blowing. But all the individual elements (heh) of the game come together so well that the resulting product ends up being so much stronger and memorable than the sum of its parts.
Like, most indie games have one or several notable flaws or shortcomings (and understandably so) but this game is such an airtight experience that I can't help thinking about it and just being like "the how HECK is this game so GOOD?!"
...I am of course just getting started, I've got a wall of text of things I liked and thought her just "meh" under the 'keep reading' if you're interested (you've been warned (also spoilers obviously)):
The combat is definitely one of the strongest elements of the game and probably one of my personal favorites; its brutally difficult and sometimes feels like bullshit (and maybe there is one or two instances where it actually is just bullshit) but once you get the hang of it is really is flashy and satisfying and makes you feel badass to pull off. Plus its got the whole easy to learn, hard to master thing going on (like most of it is just charging SP and pressing the space bar, but knowing what moves to use and when def play into things).
I dunno how much of a hot take this is, but I really liked the puzzles in this game! I won't deny that they can sometimes drag on and interrupt the pacing of a temple, but personally I didn't mind. And just like the combat they're so well constructed that, while you'll spend minutes staring blankly reminded that you're a simple-minded creature and that the human mind wasn't made for this and you should be foraging for mushrooms in the woods and risking death over your next meal, they rarely feel impossible to solve without having to resort to a playthrough and are really satisfying to finally figure out (not to brag but there was exactly one puzzle in the game where I had to look up the solution and another where I did solve it on my own but then looked it up cause I thought I cheesed it by mistake). At first I wasn't a huge fan of how fast/precise you have to be for some puzzles on top of just finding out the solution in the first place, but after a while you kinda get used to it (and there is an option to slow things down which is really nice of the devs to include).
The story is... pretty alright. Yeah. I honestly don't have much to say about it. Bit of a slow pace, does the job, and has it's share of twists and emotional moments, but the narrative itself doesn't really do anything mind-blowing either so... you know. I definitely think it's the characters themselves that are memorable and prop up an otherwise average story. I mean every single one of them is just the hugest goober and even characters who initially seem forgettable or one-dimensional end up subverting your expectations and being super endearing/compelling/layered. Oh yeah, and Lea is a character that can only say like 10 words and SHE DESERVES THE WORLD I WOULD KILL FOR H-
Also, since the DLC is brand new to me I do wanna say that the ending was the tiniest bit underwhelming. Like you break into Vermillion Wasteland, fight a (surprisingly easy) boss, and that's... just it. Like 20 minutes top. I dunno, it feels like... something was missing. Still thoroughly enjoyed the entire thing and it is nice for the cast to get their happy ending (not quite as emotionally impactful as the base game's end imo, but still great and I'm glad they gave us more time with these dorks).
The platforming and navigating the overworld is tedious, which sucks a bit since that makes up a good chunk of the game. Idk man, having to scale different elevations of platforms is made frustrating by the fixed camera and the fact that the different "levels" of platforms aren't distinct from each other at all, so its easy to get duped by the perspective and jump to something you can't actually reach (yes you can use projectiles to check but it still isn't fun). Even without everything blending into each other visually, trying to find which obscure paths from four rooms ago will bring you to a chest just isn't all that enjoyable (some of the later maps like Sapphire Ridge were okay though, if only cause they started to have actually interesting puzzles to do). Basically they're just... there, between the actually fun stuff.
The trading system and farming for resources is confusing and kind of a chore. That's all I got.
Guess I'll touch on the art/music since I don't have too much to say about them. To be perfectly honest I'm not actually super crazy about the artstyle (blasphemy!), but I won't deny that the sprite-work and overall aesthetic are still super-well done, even if they aren't my personal taste (tl;dr I'm neutral on it). The soundtrack isn't something I'd put on my phone and listen to in the car, but like the art it's still well-made and perfectly suits the mood of/drives the emotional impact of the game, and there are still a handful of standout bangers (Lea's theme will live rent-free in my brain of course).
One last thing I'll say (that I mentioned before) is that as fun as this game is, it feels like a commitment to get through at times. Even when I first played it and had more free time, sometimes this game just felt "imposing" to pick back up after a break. Idk its hard to describe, but at least for me it was hard to play any other games alongside this (especially with my limited free time) which kinda sucked a bit.
To wrap things up, if I had to give the game an arbitrary number rating, I have to give Crosscode a 0/10 because its an indie game that doesn't have a fishing game (smh honestly how could they make such an obvious mistake 😔).
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yakuzacanons · 10 months
Good day. Nobody requested Kashiwagi and Watase yet? Well, if possible may I request dating headcanons for them? Thank you.
Now THIS is a rare treat of an ask. Happy to throw some love to these two oldies. Let's get cracking. Some NSFW below btw.
Osamu Kashiwagi
Like Kiryu, he's strong and silent. Emphasis more so on silent. The fellow really do not be talking all that much. Pretty straight laced, isn't a heavy flirt. Communicates candidly and honestly.
The easiest way to find out if he's interested in you is just to watch how he behaves. If he's going out of his way to engage in conversation with you, especially if he's regularly interested in your personal life, chances are he's pretty serious about you.
When dating, Kashiwagi is a class act. He's a pretty traditional dinner date type of guy. Picks nice places but nothing over the top level of lavish like Ryuji might. Is always on time. Always holds the door open for you.
Despite being a more restrained guy, in a serious relationship Kashiwagi will not hesitate to verbalize his affections to you. Don't expect like full blown sonnets from the guy but his "I love you"s are pretty regular.
Physically, he's not super into PDA but he does have a particular penchant for giving you a kiss on the hand. He actually does this more often the longer you two are dating. Also really likes putting his arm around you or putting his jacket over your shoulders if it's cold or raining out.
In bed, Kashiwagi is still pretty quiet but he is intense. Prefers it if you can't see his face during sex because he's worried the scar is a turn off.
It's important to note that Kashiwagi likes really weird food combinations. He will also eat just about anything or at least try it once so don't be surprised if he's casually like "Yea, I've eaten fried spiders. Why?"
Masaru Watase
He's old school in a similar way that Kashiwagi is but Watase is more talkative. He can be pretty humorous if he wants to but he does value respect above all else. He really likes a romantic partner that is indepedent and charismatic, kind of like he is.
Loves having a partner that can challenge him in multiple respects, someone that pushes him to try new things or that engages with him mentally. He isn't against a more docile partner but someone who lacks significant personal interests, hobbies, or the like are a total turn off for him.
Most dates with him are just going to a really nice bar, having some drinks, and chatting. Doesn't believe in dates being flashy and values quality time and good conversation over everything else. Bonding time is his priority.
Physically, he has two moods: respectful hand holding or a total teddy bear. In public, it's the former. In private, it's the latter. He can be pretty playful in private and won't hesitate to just pick you up and carry you around. Might even use you as a weight while working out if you're not careful.
Commands that the utmost respect be given to you by just about everyone he knows. You are not just some random date or some floozy, hell you aren't even just his partner, you're your own person deserving of respect, acknowledgment, and admiration. Because of this type of thinking, he's not the type of guy to put his arm around you to show that you belong to him. Instead, you're more than likely to be walking hand in hand, step in step with him. He sees you entirely as an equal.
Mostly a top in bed and be a bit of a dom. Intimacy is a private affair for him so things like car sex, office sex, or public sex are pretty much off limits. Like I said, quality time is a must for him.
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hellsxgate · 3 months
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hello hello, i'm real psyched to be here! i'm sarah (she/they) & i'm here with my spunky girl, choi minsi. i haven't rp'd in forever so bare with me as i get used to it again; i also work a full time job but i will certainly try my best to take time off of my day to dedicate to writing! i have minsi's background all figured out but i haven't had the time to really write it all down so it's not on any pages however! i have her profile with me and mostly completed so you're welcome to check that out. in the meantime, i'll put a bit about her under the cut and hoping i manage to spark up any interactions from it. feel free to like this post if you're interested in plotting and i'll come to you directly ( with other means of contact if you prefer that ).
minsi was not born into a family of fame nor luxury even though her family lineage was fairly well known far into the past since it has been about a decade since their family line had a metahuman born into the world. the last known one happened to have been a super villain and from her father's side of the family and they would much rather keep that buried but they get reminded of it on occasion. her great grandfather however, was a pretty well known aeternal who was a force to be reckon with, literally.
her parents appear to be pretty normal but they were pretty flashy during their time as metahumans themselves; they would much rather live a much quieter life after some years however after minsi was born, they would rather have her thrive despite their uncertainty regarding their own family lineage. her grandfather did have fame and then their family name practically fell ( what a tragedy ~ ).
at first... she didn't think her ability was all that special when she manifested it at the age of nine. they reported her missing at one point and it wasn't until 2 hours later that they found her in a completely different neighborhood ( she came out fine, just they found her exhausted af then continued to sleep the entire day ).
for awhile, she didn't have the greatest control of her powers until she started training at the academy or at least a little before that. her parents always had to watch her like a hawk. at the age of 16, she decides then to get a motorcycle license against her parents wishes. they got mad but y'know, ultimately just wanted her to be careful but then after a month of riding it, she got into a minor little accident while riding it and fell off as it slid across the sidewalk with her still on it, yikes! but thankfully she hit no one, only just a little busted up knee and scratch damages to her motorcycle ( she was wearing a helmet, no worries! ). this was also the time when she used her minor ability to alter movement ( a minor ability that i decided last minute because i am a mess, oops! ) ; this actually saved her from hurting someone too so... yippee?
between that motorcycle incident until she was about 18, she wants to chalk it up to bad luck or something like that. she always seemed to have problems running into bad dudes and delinquents on occasion because she keeps appear in the wrong place at the wrong time trying to use her portals ( recognize her face but can never seem to catch her ). and yeah, a lot of stuff happen as it became a reoccurring thing for awhile but i won't describe them all and make this an even longer post!
her parents became increasingly frustrated of her dumb little antics, which were mostly an accident, mind you and she starts losing more control of her life in a way ( she's tired, man ). she's not sure if she calls herself a hero or anything, thinks that creating portals is something a sidekick would do and a lot of the kids at her school and those around her seem to think so and she didn't seem to mind back then but now she's just conflicted.
around 18, she starts learning mixed martial arts. takes taekwondo classes and practices kickboxing at the gym. this was because she wanted to be able to handle herself better when facing baddies, y'know? and she has gotten quite good at it after committing to it for several months. the people around daemon consider her a very quick opponent because you never know where her punches or kicks are gonna land. think of tifa lockhart from final fantasy 7 and that's how she fights... but without the backflips, she's not that agile.
also since her parents kept bothering her about the training academy, she decided to enter eventually and making waves as a field supporter only to get her rejection letter after graduation. confusion all around because minsi genuinely thought she did a terrific job? and no, she didn't tell her parents about it because she was miffed.
minsi basically moved into the silverline apartments because she mainly wants to find some answers in terms of what kind of hero she actually wants to be or whether or not she wants to be a hero. you'd think after all those encounters with delinquents that it would sway her, right? even after supposedly failing the final assessment no less. maybe being around other metahumans will give her a change in perspective but right now, she harbors slight resentment for aeternals for the moment. from then to now, she had already begun rebuilding herself up and minsi sure did make a name for herself as a metahuman and a fighter.
she of course developed normal person hobbies, mostly streaming. she's a fighting game streamer... games like tekken, guilty gear and street fighter she definitely plays. and occasionally overwatch. she likes comfy cozy games and rpgs too when the mood strikes but she plays that on her own time.
most likely always keeps a snack on her person or candy.
rides a motorcycle! her prized possession pretty much and her main source of transportation. she crashed the very first one she got, now with a new one, by the way. she likes cool cars too but her motorcycle is precious, lmao.
usually has a smile on her face, be it real or faking it. i can say she's friendly? but she doesn't really go out of her way to befriend strangers randomly or anything. when she does interact with someone, purely out of interest / curiosity or something else, she always gotta add some sassy comment. some things coming out of her mouth could be rude but she never rly means it; her intentions are always good. she's truly happy when doing what she enjoys and by eating good food.
possible plots and connections and stuff, yaaay ~
you're a fighter at daemon too and you want to go head to head? or maybe you both happen to have been watching each other's matches for awhile?
of course, of course someone she trained with at the academy and you wonder what she's doing now, wondering if she passed?
you’re also a frequent visitor of pc bang? what game you playin’?
maybe you vaguely remember her on the street before some years ago but never got a chance to talk to her to ask what the hell was going on because she was preoccupied with running away from some bad eggs / maybe small time villains or thugs. you’re thinking, that girl is trouble, right? well, she is. it’s not that she wants to be that person.
that person who she almost ran over with her motorcycle. she didn’t though because of her motion alteration ability so lucky you! she’s okay, if you’re wondering!
i’m always down for having someone that minsi calls a “partner in crime” and also a friend who she can do crazy stuff with. you may be asking, what kind of crazy stuff? well we can think about that!
minsi isn't looking for a relationship or any dates but if you are down for something along those lines, i don't mind it! she'll just be very tsundere about liking someone romantically.
the resident who has been complaining about her the most. she yells sometimes within the comfort of her own room because she was playing an intense game of tekken or something.
thank you so much for reading this, i rambled on a lot and if you have other things in mind, i am open to brainstorming! ~
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It is 2:56a as I write this, I’m high 🍃 right now for pain management & mental health reasons. They’re edibles with a CBD (numbs pain, relaxes) + CBG (similar, but mental clarity, numbs pain (I get pleasant tinglies), clarity of sensory & where it came from (but still get overstimmed), etc.) blend, not just THC. But also the THC is fun. It helps me relax a bit. But really it helps me unmask (auDHD, tics) & lets the synesthesia flow. Like—
My voice sounds like bubbles gurgling at the surface of a small creek in the soft calm pockets surrounded by white water rapids. Hydrated skin (jiggly) feels like a marshmallow wobblin’ round (last 2 words are a reference, but fr that’s what it feels like) on my bones. The skin on the top of my foot feels like vanilla ice cream tastes.
Music has feelings too but I turned the music off to make myself get ready for bed so I can’t reference one currently. But I noticed a couple weeks ago that ¡Stairwells by Nick Pitera is super pretty!! His voice is gold swirls rising into the sky, & the background music is blue sparkly magic whirling like a hurricane, but protective & safe lullaby. It looks like a hurricane hugging a tornado, but not dangerous. It’s fast spinny so it’s difficult to describe as anything less traditionally-destructive 😅
Oh & I finally found my proper photography camera day before yesterday so ¡I have ✨fancy✨ pictures! But I of course took many silly ones, ¡especially of Lili🐱! I also have some more serious ones of my bestie & of me, & of the park around us, but I’ll share the silly Lili ones 💖
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& then here’s the silliest:
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& the one actual portrait:
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She doesn’t normally let me photograph her, but this camera does a red dot flashy flash (shs loves laser pointers) before it takes a photo so it gets her more focused on that, & easier to photograph 💖☺💜
Anyway, I hope you're having a nice day/evening (whatever time it is for you)! ☺💜
What a beautiful cat! I've never been into weed, but it sounds like you're having a good time, and that's great! Here it's noon and I'm just chilling in bed with a coffee. I went to a party yesterday, so I'm really tired, and I'm also a bit sick, so today I won't be doing much beyond fucking around on tumblr and otherwise relaxing!
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greenbeany · 1 year
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [keeps dragging it out]
wanna recommend your favorite mcyt animatics? :3c I've seen a few really cool ones since last time and the artists are insane
THERE IS NOOOOOTHING I WANT TO DO MORRRRE THAN TALK ABOUT MCYT ANIMATICS. Most of my animatic knowledge is towards the DSMP side of MCYT so I hope you're not looking for anything hermit related 😅. I'm assuming you've seen the SADist animatics, but if not, those are your starting point before ANY of these. Gogogo.
Innocence by LateAugust
One of a six part series with absolutely beautiful colours that tells the whole story of the DSMP. Uses music from two of my favourite artists (Madeon and MISSIO). This one tells the story of the first season and is also how I ended up finding out the lore. I highly recommend all 6.
Vibrant Eyes by CG5
It's a CG5 song (he's the fnaf music guy) about Ranboo, the only blorbo ever. The animation is by Shyshui who destroys me :D. CG5 has a few really good ones, like Lonely King, but this is my favourite.
I Know Who You Are by Knp!
Knp is the artist of all time and they have way more flashy exciting animatics than this (like 'I'll never die' and 'Ashes') but this ones my favourite because of the song choice and the characters. It's to the song Dear Wormwood by the Oh Hellos and it's about the guy of all time, Tubbo.
100 Days by Cryingwyvern
Absolutely nothing to do with the DSMP, this is a super new one about Charlie Slimecicle's video of the same name. Sososo iconic and dramatic and honestly the talent with this one is insane.
Theseus by Iopichio too
This won't make sense without context, which honestly makes it funnier to watch. You'll understand once you're ten seconds in.
Your (obedient) servant by Linktoo
An iconic one in the fandom for its psychocompetetive nature. Hope you like Hamilton.
Creature by WolfyTheWitch
Again, this one's not about the DSMP, but rather about Philza's hardcore Minecraft world. The art and scenes in this one are DELICIOUS. I really recommend this one to anyone.
Cool thats my animatic starter pack for MCYT. If you're looking for Hermitcraft animatics, Life series stuff, talking animatics rather than music stuff or Fanfics and Artists to follow, send me another ask <3
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aciddaffodil · 1 month
Summer 2024- What I Dropped
Wistoria : Wand and Sword
I was so here for this anime; the animation is stellar and magic society interesting. A very simple concept of MC wanting to be with his childhood friend but doesn't have a lick of magic. Cool- until there's no likeable characters and it just feels like its showing off flashy sakuga fight scenes. Not to mention the fucking fantasy racism with the dwarves which is just...gross? Who knows, I may binge the rest of it once its fully out? I definitely want to try watching it again.
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No Longer Allowed to Live in This World
A Dazai-like Sensei character does not successfully die by double suicide with his beloved and is reincarnated into a fantasy world. He constantly uses his power of negativity and absorbing sleeping pills/poisons as his ability against monsters. Everyone fawns over him, and he can offer some good advice...on occasion. I just didn't see the point to keep watching it and dropped it after 5 episodes.
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Failure Frame
The Isekai(?) Overpowered MC who is dark and edgy and wants to cause ruin upon the Goddess who brought him to this fantasy world, and most of his classmates who abandoned him to die as a "low" ranker with skills that cause harm. What bothered me most was 1) the 3D CG shots just don't blend and make all the monsters look awful and its BLAUGH and 2) having to hear about men npc's wanting to rape a female npc character just is annoying and gross.
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Plus-Sized Elf
I think the only thing noteworthy is all the workout advice in it- of which I won't retain anything of it and the plus-sized fanservice exists. I personally just didn't want to waste my time with it anymore even though the episodes are short.
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2.5-Dimensional Seduction
It was a cute nerdy experience of them first meeting but honestly, I did not vibe with this show. I'm sure this show is enjoyable, as people have compared it to Dress Up Darling and like it.
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The Ossan Newbie Adventurer, Trained to Death by the Most Powerful Party, Became Invincible
I gave this like 5 episodes? But finding out the dude is actually super over-powered and not just trained to death...was disappointing. For a trashy fantasy series, it was pretty good and fun to watch. I just have a habit of rage quitting if something frustrates me or if you listen to how cheesy and horrendous this opening is, that will do it as well lmao. Rick and Raenette's friendship is really sweet. I think him having the same dream as these S-tier adventurers is cool and I do hope they achieve their goals by the end of the series.
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Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World?
I attempted to watch this 3 times, but it kept putting me to sleep so I dropped it.
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Narenare Cheer for You
The only P.A. Works anime I've ever dropped. It was because of how irritating the line art is in color and how ALL the outlines of literally everything is in color. And when it comes to specific scenes, it gets muddled and that's why I couldn't stomach it past 2 episodes. I'm sure it's a cute cheerleading anime but the style of it was awful to me personally. WHY CAN"T THERE BE CRISP OUTLINES WHYYYYYYY.
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Tasuketsu- Fate of the Majority
Ah yes, death games premise and where deaths aren't permanent cause you can ask a question and have loopholes which take away from the emotional impacts some character deaths have. I.e., the protagonist's best friend who came to life again with no reasoning behind it. The rules are so dumb but the power system interesting, I just didn't care to keep watching.
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It is frankly terrifying how much anime I'm keeping up with this season...my count is at 26 and even the most mediocre I have brainwashed myself to not give up on cause they all have some sort of redeeming factor. CURSES.
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lifesliced · 4 months
nonverbal prompts. accepting !! // * @omniterror
[  playlist  ]  sender  curates  a  playlist / jessica to josh!
okay, if josh were to guess jessica's top three genres, he would probably take a gander at something like bubblegum pop, modern pop, and dance-pop. anything with a super catchy beat, shallow lyrics, and a hot set of backup dancers in a flashy music video.
so, he's a little surprised at the mix she's got hooked up to his sound system via her phone. the aux cord is brand new, like everything he owns, and it's oddly just the two of them. this never happens, he considers, but here she is. here i am. everyone else is gone ...
and the last few hours have actually been nice. if anything, it's given josh a better glimpse into the most popular girl in school. psychologically speaking, she's got an edge. he wonders just how hard he can push the envelope ... ??
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❝ jessica riley, ❞ he teases, ❝ you didn't tell me you had such an eclectic taste in music. i'm a little surprised. ❞ he pauses. ❝ hey, you know? uh, i won't tell anyone that we spent some much-needed quality time together. ❞ he's messing with her, nudging her shoulder with his own before settling in at a comfortably amicable distance. ❝ it'll be our little secret, okay? ❞
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
OF Character Rankings and Ramblings - Ep 10
Last week, everyone decided to be mature and actually talk to each other for a change and it was very jarring. Mew boomeranged back to being sensible, Nick and Sand tried to feel the power of love with each other and failed spectacularly (and were very adorable about it), Top and Ray did some boundary pushing that the people they were infringing on were into in spite of their protests, and Cheum was back to her usual MO of having three lines if she's lucky. Atom was very creepy and I looked at him and said oh boy you're gonna cause all the trouble. Boeing showed up to prove that Top has a type and also to make us all understand exactly why Sand's still pissed. I get it, Sand. Also, Nick decided to move on with Daddy Dan but still made time to stalk Boston and a hookup to the toilets and give him a heartfelt speech that was actually really sweet and clearly got to him, and Ray and Mew finally fucking broke up thank all the gods in every universe. They had a great conversation that was my second favorite thing about the episode. There was lots of great communication happening.
So of course we had to make up for it this week with a lot of people being very stupid.
And be forewarned, I am very ornery today and also frustrated. So maybe don't read if you don't want to see that frustration expressed. That said, if you continue and you want to talk about any point, that would be a lot of fun. I'm always up for a friendly exchange of views.
So let's get to it, shall we?
Character Rankings (Fave to Least fave atm)
Boston. Nope, nope, and nope. Fuck you show. Fuck you for having your characters imply or outright state that Boston's sluttiness means he's on par with being a sexual predator. And fuck you for the "Atom likes girls. What did you do to him?" line. I really hope that this isn't going to be left at that, because I'm incredibly over the constant conflation of Boston's promiscuity with deviance or some sort of moral failing. He's an asshole. He likes to sleep around. The two things aren't actually related and I'm SICK of seeing them treated like they're one in the same. STOP IT. And don't think I don't see parts of fandom doing the same, because I do. People really need to stop treating promiscuity or lack thereof as though it has anything to do with morality.
That done with, I have to say that I've been super impressed with Neo and with Boston as we've gone on. I don't need or want some big sob story to be the reason that he's an ass, and I am tentatively hopeful that it won't be the case. But I have been enjoying the way we're seeing him grow by increments. Boston's not nice, he's not a very good person generally, and I think that he's been coming to terms with that and with how he feels about it as the series has gone on. It hasn't been flashy - in fact it's been subtle enough that I almost didn't notice it - but the Boston that he was in episode one is not the one we're looking at in episode ten, and I love it to bits because the type of reflection he's doing is the type I've done with myself. I really really REALLY hope they don't pull the "reformed character is now monogamous" thing because as I've said, that's not actually a problem and shouldn't be considered one. But I do really love that he's clearly reflecting on some of the choices he's made and trying to decide if maybe he doesn't want to keep making some of them in the future.
Also his reactions when he realized that his friends really believed he could do what Atom was accusing him of...just great work.
Simply put, I adore him.
Sand. My ride or die baby, this one. I've already said it, but I'll say it again. I do not care what this man does. I support him. Every stupid decision, every misstep, every ridiculously misguidedly noble thing. I will just be like "you do you baby, because you are amazing."
Was he dumb to not keep Ray's daddy's money? YES. Did I actually expect him to? Lol no. That's just not my man. Not even a little bit. It's not just limited to Ray, either. Sand has some noble ideas about money that I really would like to smack out of his beautiful dumb head because that kind of thinking only really works for people who can afford it, but I love him anyway. That said, I will maintain until that I am blue in the face he did nothing wrong (maybe that's my bias showing but let's be real here, whatever Ray's dad said Sand's desire to help Ray was always going to come from caring for him first and foremost). Honestly he should take the money as reparations for all the shit Ray's put him through. Putting the blame on him for Ray's hurt boggles my mind, because something hurts you it doesn't automatically make the other person wrong. That's a lesson a lot of people could stand to learn, frankly. But I half expect Sand to blame himself for it anyway, because that's what he does. He internalizes, blames himself, subsumes whatever he may be feeling in favor of the other person. I no longer think he's going to snap (although who knows a lot can happen in two episodes in this show) but I still think the man could use a good hug, and for someone to tell him that his constant care for people who like to throw it in his face is appreciated. You know. To him, and not an imaginary version of him that can only be full of calm acceptance.
Now, when it comes to the alcohol business. While yes, that is a source of income for him, if he's serious about helping Ray and it's going to be a real problem for him to do that (and there's every indication that it is), if he chooses to get rid I will not blame him or consider it particularly stupid. To me, it's different from dad's money because one hurts Ray's feelings, the other could legitimately fuck with his road to recovery. If he wants to stay with Ray (and there is no indication given by him that he doesn't, even after that fight), then that is a step he might need to take to help him, if he can safely do it. And to be fair, we've been given no indication that he can't do that, either. Although it would be interesting to explore what might happen if he couldn't, I don't think we have enough time for that.
Mew. God help me, I love a petty bitch.
Look. I don't do the OF tags anymore because I've found it's better for my peace of mind overall, but I've seen enough around here and elsewhere to know that a lot of people are now sick of him (although a lot of people were sick of him from episode one, lol). They think that this episode he took the petty shit too far, and that if he's not going to just take Top back he should tell him and let him move on. There's also a lot of annoyance with the way he acted during the confronting Boston scene.
To all that I say I hear you, but I'm going to have to disagree. I get him a lot with the Top thing, in fact. He was hurt, but worse, he was humiliated, and all this is because he doesn't want to be fooled again. He still doesn't trust his own judgment. He's back to testing everything Top does and says now because he wants to believe him, but if he believes him and Top does it again, then it's no longer Top who's to blame. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And Boeing is really really good at playing with those fears.
I do feel a little more iffy about the Boston thing, though. The little pat on the shoulder amused me at the time, I won't lie, but the more I think about it the more annoyed I get. He had no right to open his mouth, and he wasn't really there to give moral support to Cheum or even because was concerned about Atom. He was there to watch Boston suffer. Not cool, my dude. I'd be more amused by the whole thing if not for the SA subject, and for the constant slut shaming that goes along with it.
Boeing. Speaking of petty bitches. This man is out here doing the most for this episode at least, I'm not mad about it (he hurts Sand though and all bets are fucking off, did you not read what I wrote about him?). I wish that he'd been brought in a little earlier, mostly because he feels extremely plot devicey, but I can't say I don't like looking at him or don't admire just how petty he can be. I genuinely don't know if he actually wants Top back or if he just wants to break him, and that's kind of fun. Also his little digs at Mew were hilarious. I kept trying to manifest a threesome between him, Mew and Top but I guess I wasn't doing it right because the show did not oblige. There's always Ray and Sand or my personal favorite, a flashback to one with Top and Sand. And that's why Sand doesn't do threesomes.
Ray. Oh, Ray. Raymond. Here's another one that I came out of the episode with initial thoughts and then the more I sat on them, the more they changed. Or not changed but. Sigh. Okay, let's try to be coherent here.
I want to start off by saying I do not blame Ray for going off the way he did when he thought that Sand was taking money from his dad. I know that sounds contradictory when I have also said Sand was stupid for not taking the money, but being able to see why Ray was upset doesn't mean I think Sand should pretend he couldn't use the money. And as I already said he kind of deserves it for all the shit Ray puts him through.
Anyway, I don't blame Ray for his upset, mostly because I really do think he was coming at it from a place of hurt, because look. I am not Ray's biggest fan and probably never will be since he is constantly hurting my personal favorite, but it seems extremely clear to me that what went down with Ray is the same thing that happened with Sand in episode 5: he found out a piece of information that made him recalibrate his entire relationship with Sand, and he came some very unhappy conclusions. The fact that he's wrong doesn't change that. Because from Ray's POV Sand went and made him fall in love with him, convinced him he cared, and now Ray's doing this huge thing for him (which is part of why I love that first therapy session - Ray treats it like a chore, like something he has to get over with so that he can appease Sand and fulfil his end of a bargain he half thought Sand would back out of, and that's EXACTLY how he should have treated it because that's how he felt about it then) and the whole time Sand wasn't doing any of it because he cared like he made Ray believe, he was just doing as his father paid him to do. He was always gonna find a way to get out of it initially anyway, but this was delicious to me personally because god help me, I love the kind of anguish that comes with caring so much for someone and then having to suspect that every time they claimed to feel the same they were doing it under false pretenses. Sue me. Only don't because I don't have a lot of money.
And I do think deep down he probably knew better. But when has rationality ever gotten a look in with Ray? He's a live wire, he's too fucking reactive to sit down for two seconds and think. Which is where my issues come in but just a sec, we're not there yet.
I really liked his second therapy session. I liked how different it was from the first, how obvious it is that he's now determined to at least try, even if he still doesn't think that he needs to be there. He's still doing it for Sand, but less in a "I'm going to tick this box so he'll shut up" way and more in a "I want to try to be better for him" way, which to me does make a difference. As the therapist said, people go to rehab for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes it's for themselves. Often it's for someone else. And that's okay. Sometimes it's easier to fight for someone else than it is to fight for yourself.
The entire last scene with Ray breaking down was painful to watch, and like everyone else I have to commend Khaotung for his performance. He really went all out and that's what makes the scene so powerful. I commend First as well, because I can't imagine how hard it was to walk the line he had to walk as imaginary Sand, and also not start crying in sympathy. I mean, it got me and I wasn't even in the same room, and we all know how First gets whenever Khaotung cries. They've certainly talked about it enough. I swear, this drama is a crash course in forcing First not to cry.
The scene was raw and painful, and I really felt Ray's desperation and sadness and remorse.
That said, I can't help but have trust issues. Ray is very good at apologizing and then demonstrably learning nothing. With one exception (Sand told him to stop throwing money at him because it makes him uncomfortable, and to my knowledge Ray has not made a habit of doing so since), Ray seems to think that apologizing means that he can go right back to the same behavior. This one does seem different in that he's way more devastated, and it was clear enough that he was apologizing for a lot more than going off at Sand in his apartment, but I can't help but worry that he'll just retreat back to form when Sand inevitably forgives him as he has so many times before (and that we'll never hear him say even a fraction of that to Sand's actual face, which if he doesn't I really hope bites him in the ass later).
I want to believe in Ray, I do. Despite myself I like the guy and I would really love to stop seeing him take one step forward, two steps back all the time. But as I said I have trust issues.
Ray's Dad. I knew he actually gave a shit. He's horrible at expressing it and he's clearly at his wit's end with Ray and his self-destruction, but he cares. And I believe him when he says that he wanted to pay Sand because he admires him. Here this dude is out here doing so much for his unappreciative son, and he clearly doesn't have the same resources that this man has. It'd impress me too. And frankly for that much alone he should have offered him money. I get that he thinks that Ray will be more likely to listen to Sand than him but also he's asking a twenty something year old to do something that he apparently can't. Hell yeah he should have put money on the table. I appreciated him setting Ray straight. I can definitely see why his way of dealing with Ray doesn't work, though. Still, it's nice that he's not the stereotypical only cares about his reputation guy he appeared to be at first, especially when seen through Ray's eyes (although I already suspected he wasn't, since Sand was so adamant that Ray's dad gave a shit. I loved the "I don't want him to end up like his mother" line, too - it made me think that maybe her death haunts him just as much as it does Ray).
Top. Still rooting for him, like I am every week. Would love to know why he's so damn passive with all of his exes. Think he's aware of exactly what Mew is up to and has decided to weather it out. That's about all I got for him this week, though.
Nick. For some reason he just didn't work for me this week, which is weird because I think his scene on the roof with Boston is one of the best of the episode. I think I wanted him to make Boston work for it more but well, that's not my pathetic dude at all. It'll never be in him to make Boston work for it, lol. Oh, Nick.
Cheum. Okay, before I say anything else I want to say that I get where she was coming from, going at Boston. I also get her not being able to calm down enough to register that not only is Atom not nude in any of those pics, he also looks the complete opposite of coerced. She's already mad (whether fairly or not) at Boston for what happened with Top, and now she's got her baby bro telling her that Boston not only sexually assaulted him, but that he's trying to continue doing so via blackmail. It's no surprise that she's so mad she can't think.
That all said, I'm still not pleased with some of the things coming out of her mouth. I can understand where she is coming from and still not like the way she's expressing herself, and boy howdy is that the case here. I've said it before, but I am SO done with the slutshaming. And I was really not down with that "Atom likes women. What did you do to him?" line. Fuck all the way off with that shit, too. I am actually really worried about what she's going to do about this, because I actually don't think she's gonna calm down and have a think before she does something really fucking stupid.
Atom. Oh, this little fuck. I knew he was gonna pull some shit, I could feel it in my bones, but I didn't expect him to go quite that low. More fool me. I don't care how upset he is, going around accusing Boston of SA because he wouldn't fuck him again is vile. Just gross. And he knew what he was doing. This shit was planned and purposeful. Vile. Just vile.
Relationships (Most to Least Fave atm)
There weren't really any friendship moments this go around (well, I guess you could say the core group had a moment, but uh), so I'll just be doing the couples this time.
TopMew. What can I say. It's still the one. I've already explained how I see things above, and I still think that these two are definitely end game. I do think that by next ep they'll be actually working things out though, as opposed to Mew paying lip service to it while he tests the fuck out of Top to see what he does. I appreciate that this ship isn't for everyone but it is for me, apparently. Come on, guys, I believe in you.
Threesomes - the order in which I crave these is TOPSANDBOEING followed by TopMewBoeing, but honestly SandRayBoeing will do in a pinch, even though I'm still in camp "Ray says he wants the threesome but what he really wants is to scare the third party off." Boeing is the last person to be scared off by that though, I feel, so. We'll see what happens. That said, Sand really doesn't appear to be Team Threesome nowadays and hopefully his opinion matters, hence my desire for a TopSandBoeing flashback.
SandRay. Yeah, I know. I'm surprised too. Still think they're made to break, but I liked their stuff this time. Everything about it was really good from an angst lover's perspective. Preview wants me to think that Sand and Boeing have a chance (and honestly I would not say nay) but let's be real here, Sand ain't going there. He might have conflicted feelings about Boeing but he's far too focused on Ray now to be with anyone else. If anything, we'll see Ray fuck Boeing first. And Boeing does seem to like going after the love interest...
BostonNick. I don't know why it wasn't firing for me this ep, but it wasn't firing for me this ep. Still think they deserve each other. Still rooting for them. But for this episode only, they did less for me than Ray and Sand.
SandBoeing. The way I need these two to kiss on the mouth. Look, my GramYok heart wants what it wants. I thought they were gonna kiss in Not Me and I was denied. Actually, they denied me a lot in Not Me. Asshole show (not really). But now that Mond's here and actually kissing guys instead of faking me out this needs to happen (and I think it will. Via flashback, most likely).
BoeingMew. What? I could get behind this. That one brief moment where Mew kissed him back really worked for me, although I don't think Mew could go through with it.
In Conclusion
I really liked this episode. The apartment fight and Ray's end scene were particular standouts, but so were both BostonNick scenes. I will appreciate it if Boeing has more to do than just cause stupid mess, but I'm guessing that he's mostly here to cause mess and either kiss or try to kiss every one of these dudes. There are worse things to exist for. Plus he's pretty.
I'm kind of glad that we only have two weeks left. I suspect that this is a show that might do better on binging overall, so if the ending is good (and by good I mean something that I personally find satisfying - I'm not claiming any objectivity here) I will probably do that. A week between episodes leaves us all with too much damn time on our hands to come up with dumb shit (ask me about how I have convinced myself Ray and Boeing are gonna do the do).
If you made it this far, thanks for reading. See you next week.
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