#but it’ll be a while longer before we catch up w them
aquaquadrant · 9 months
Thinking of Bravo promising to protect Timmy. Thinking of Timmy learning to trust and rely on Bravo relatively quick because he's gone unloved practically his whole life, and suddenly he's wanted? He doesn't need to know he's only a second choice to a version of him he couldn't feasibly ever live up to.
Thinking of a scenario in which Timmy is clearly struggling with his wings and asks Bravo if he knows anything to help. Thinking about the way a crow's wings have that gorgeous sheen to them, and how some even have hints of silver in their feathers. Thinking about how no matter how cared for Timmy will be, he'll always be Silver at Best and Never Gold.
An avian's pride is their wings, how would it feel to know even those are only second to someone else's?
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why would you do this…
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politemenacephd · 8 months
Arachnophilia: (Part Nineteen)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
Content: Plot time! Some fluffy conversation, Action, Some spider peril, aphrodisiac influence.
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Word count: 4100 Notes: Ok so I've had extra time off w being ill to re-cooperate and I've actually got chapters 20 and 21 done so hopefully those will be up sooner! Thanks for waiting <3
‘You ready?’
You were milling about the HQ entrance with Mig at your side, preparing for your first mission together. You’d got into your hazmat suit just fine but Mig was struggling with his. They usually came with attached leg parts and he didn’t exactly have legs to fit into one, so his had been hastily made to order.
‘Argh—I hate this, clothing, thing—how did I ever wear this every day?’
You snorted at Mig’s quiet grumbles as you helped pull the thick plastic material over his stocky belly.
‘I’ve brought up the possibility of making an exception for you, with the- clothing, thing, but they’re being weird about it’ you mumbled.
‘I don’t- want you to go through any trouble for me’ Mig said. His voice kept catching as he squirmed. You noted how tight his suit was compared to yours, how it clung to his enormous shoulders like latex. Clearly whoever had made it hadn’t paid close enough attention to how big Mig was.
‘What was it you used to say to me? Oh no, arañita, I like doing things for you—that’s me. That’s also me. I like doing things for you, it’s why I am—’ you paused to give his suit one final tug. ‘In a relationship with you!’
Mig totally ignored that his suit was on, instead doing a little wiggle with his abdomen to the word ‘relationship’. Hearing it made him so happy.
‘Mm. Yes, well- okay.’ He bent down and reached out his hand, baying you to give him yours. You did, and he gingerly kissed your fingers before squeezing them between his claws. ‘I suppose I don’t mind you doing a little for me. If it makes you happy.’
‘You’re so silly’ you chided gently. For just a moment, you got to stand and look up into his big red eyes without worrying about anything or anyone else around you. His eyes creased as he smiled.
‘Mi arañita’ he whispered.
 It was simple, short, sweet. To you, it was an affirmation. To him, it was a confession of love he just wasn’t strong enough to make overtly quite yet. You bumped foreheads, since the suits stopped you being able to kiss, before withdrawing from each other.
‘May I, make a confession to you, arañita?’
‘Yeah, of course. Go ahead.’
‘I… I am certainly, excited, to see a new universe again. I used to dream about this when I was human, and while I gave up on my dreams when I changed it has been… exhilarating, to feel like a scientist again. I just…’ Mig paused and gently rubbed his jaw. ‘I’m, nervous.’
‘About what?’
‘About… You’ he said, his voice dipping. ‘About, putting you in danger.’
‘Oh Miggy- I’ve been a spider a lot longer than you have!’ you insisted.
‘Yes. And on your first mission, you met me. Because you—got hurt’ he said bluntly. Your teasing smile turned to an awkward frown.
‘Oh… Ohh. Right. Yeah. Well… Look at it this way.’ You turned and gestured to yourself, lightly tapping your chest as you stared up at him. ‘I completed my first mission specifically because I had your help. So, now you’re here with me, it’ll be even better! And I promise, I won’t get headstrong and try to go around you. I will accept your help.’
Mig still looked perturbed but he seemed comforted at the memory of helping you. ‘Yes… Yes, you are, correct.’
‘As always.’
‘Mm. Very humorous. Regardless, you are right. I helped you then, and, I can help now. I appreciate you understanding my concern, arañita. I also, as a show of good faith, will not stand in the way of you doing this mission. I trust you.’
You beamed up at him, and he beamed back.
‘I’m just rather surprised we got put on it at all. I was quite prepared for my, other half to get in the way’ Mig mused as he shook himself off. Immediately your face fell.
‘Ah... yeah. Me too. Me too’ you said quietly.
You’d been surprised Miguel had even okayed the idea of you both going out. He’d been so weird about Mig joining at all, and then out of nowhere he was giving you both a mission right after Mig passed? When you joined it took months to get any mission at all. Deep down, this whole thing had you a little on edge.
You were trying to keep your feelings to yourself, though, since you didn’t want to upset or worry Mig. He was settling in so well and you’d hate to cause him discomfort for no reason. You liked seeing him happy. You liked seeing him thrive.
‘Mi arañita?’
You blinked and glanced upward, only to find Mig staring at you. You must have gotten lost in your thoughts.
‘Ah- hey, what’s up now pretty boy?’ you asked, forcing a smile. His lips didn’t return the same softness. Instead, his face remained serious.
‘You’re worried. Yes? About my counterpart, and how quickly this mission was given to us. You’re worried that he has some ulterior motive. You’re worried he might be, setting us up, rather than stepping back.’
You sighed. God damn it. While you appreciated how in-tune you were, it also made hiding anything a little awkward. ‘Yeah. Yeah, I—was.’
‘I... Yes. I, feel the same, though I do want to believe he’s actually gotten better’ Mig murmured sadly.
‘I’d like to believe it, but I’m also not stupid’ you snorted. The two of you briefly went quiet as a gaggle of spiders webbed past you down the lobby, before slowly drifting closer again.
‘We- are, very similar, you know’ Mig explained. ‘I told you, once, how our paths only diverged in life when we changed. He became, him, and I became… this. But before that we were… so, so similar. Almost identical.’
‘That change was a long time ago, though, right? Like, so long that you forgot what clothes feel like.'
Mig chuckled at your light teasing, but his brows remained tightly knotted. ‘Mm. Yes. But, it doesn’t change that we are, in many ways, the same person. He used that very fact to convince me that I’m a monster, to convince me to hide.’
You pursed your lips at the reminder.
‘So… If I don’t believe he can change, then, it… means he was right about me, too' he said. His voice was deeply sombre. 
‘Mig, that isn’t—I mean that isn’t entirely fair’ you said with an unsure shrug. ‘Like… Look, Miguel is a different person to you. I can see the argument that you were given the same, basic components at the start, right? But you're so different now. He's a.... dick, and you're... you! You're YOU! My Mig! The, most, perfect thing!' 
Mig chuckled again, looking almost shy at your praise. ‘Just- humour me, please. It is for my own benefit, not just for his. I have to believe I am not doomed to be a bad person, and, I want to believe he isn’t either’ Mig insisted.
You weren’t convinced, sadly, but you did relent. You held up your hands and smiled as you slapped them down on his furry abdomen. ‘Okay. I mean I’d like for him to get better too, believe me, God it would save me SO much hassle!’
Mig purred, and at last a smile broke out onto his face. His cheeks lifted as he chuckled. ‘Yes. Me too. He—’
‘You ready to go?!’
You and Mig turned in unison as Jess called from the other side of the lobby. She was waving one arm over her head with the other cupped her mouth to make the sound carry. You could see that she was standing beside an open portal. 
‘Shit… alright, time to go’ you said. You straightened out your suit and straightened his too, a motion he tried to return until you shooed him off.
‘No, no—I don’t need petting down, shh—I love you too. Right. You ready, Mig?’
He fixed his posture and nervously raised his claws. ‘Ah… yes. Yes. I am- ready to do, heroic activities. Yes’ he blurted in a fully monotone voice.
You buried your face in your palm. ‘Oh my god I love you so much you’re such a god damn dork—OKAY, lets go!’  
You tried to strike a pose like you were trained to do but almost immediately tripped, so instead you went straight into climbing Mig’s back so he could take the lead. It was easy to look majestic while riding your enormous spider partner.
You clung tight to his fur as he scurried forward, and dragged you both through the open portal into this new and unknown world.
On the other side you thankfully landed safely, with Miguel angling his paws to slow the impact. As you eyes adjusted you realized quickly that you were on the top of some enormous building, and so you hopped down from Mig’s back to see the view.
This world was strange, far stranger than either Miguel’s or Mig’s or your's. Before you was the full, shining vista of New York, but this one had been entirely drowned in enormous neon plants. You could see flower heads in the distance that looks like normal flower heads up close, implying that they must be the size of a house in their own right, blooming and fluttering on the side of a high rise building that'd broken in half and was now leaning on another. 
The sky above was also strange; it was red, darker on top and lighter as it drifted down towards the horizon, ending in a dull and foreboding pink beyond what the eye could see.
There was no sound. No cars, no people. Just the rustling of leaves in the wind.
You breathed in through your suit mask and turned to Mig. He was fixated on the red sky, his hand held out in front of his face.
‘You okay?’ you called up.
Mig nodded. ‘Yes… You- do you see these, particles, too?’ he asked. You followed his eyes and squinted at the air in front of your face. He was right. There were tiny, pink dots floating in the air, like dust particles, just barely viewable. You waved your hand and watched them bounce and dance as your fingers disrupted them.
‘Huh. Oh, weird. Yeah they um- they mentioned the pollen, it has... Like an overwhelming effect on anything with hormones. Aphrodisiac. Makes you lose it. It's why this worlds deserted now.’
‘Yes. I- believe we should leave here as soon as possible’ Mig said slowly. You didn’t argue.
You turned and leapt back up onto his back, digging your hands into his fur. You held on tight as he turned and descended the building via the stairway.
On a monitor in a dark and distant room, Miguel watched the blurry little figure of you and Mig strolled through the abandoned city. His eyes narrowed. ‘Go on’ he said, almost purring. ‘Go ahead. Fail, and then let me watch you get dragged out by your necks in a pathetic heap.’
The building was entirely empty, which made the sounds you heard all the more unnerving. You realized pretty quickly that the oversized plants filling the area would occasionally move, slithering across cracked windows and floors like great, fleshy, neon green snakes. The floors would creak like footsteps when no one was there, and occasionally you’d hear a low groaning as if the building itself was alive.
Mig began to walk slower so he could step over the vines. They hadn’t done anything violent, but, he’d rather be safe.
As you emerged out into the city from the ground the size of it became far more imposing. Seeing those giant flower buds from the top made them seem almost normal, but from the floor the shadow of that gaping botanical maw filling the sky made you feel utterly miniscule.
You drew your watch to your mouth and whispered into it. ‘Lyla- Lyla, have you got a hold on the guy who escaped?’
The little AI flashed up beside your head as Mig cautiously began to walk down the empty street. ‘You hopped in close. He’s been still for a while.’
‘Do you think he’s hurt?' 
‘Nah, I mean- maybe. But I doubt it’ Lyla said with a yawn.
‘Why do you doubt it?’ Mig asked. She flickered over to glance him up and down as he walked.
‘My god you’re big, it always surprises me- uhhh I said I DOUBT it because he was wearing his suit when he jumped in which should keep him safe from the pollen.’
‘Okay. What are we dealing with then? A vulture, a symbiote, a prowler?’
‘Prowler. He’ll be wearing his suit but I think we removed his weapons when we brought him in, so, should be easy.’
‘Huh… I wonder if Miguel gave us an easy one deliberately’ you pondered to yourself. It seemed unlikely, but, maybe it was intentional? Maybe he was changing. ‘Okay, uh- thanks Lyla, we’ll call if we need anything else.’
You shut your watch and gently tapped for Mig’s attention. You didn’t speak, but you silently gestured for where he needed to go. He nodded and crept towards the building Lyla had pointed at.
As you approached the bottom floor it was empty, with broken windows allowing easy access to the inner rooms. It was unnervingly dark inside. The sun was too high overheard to reach inside, leaving nothing but a faint red glow broaching the edge of the dirty, vines covered concrete before it descended into shadow.
You tapped your watch to create a small beam of light. You carefully scanned the room from side to side, your eyes squinting to see through the gloom.
It was quiet. Too quiet. You could hear water dripping somewhere but couldn’t find the source. As Mig went to enter the dark he rustled his abdomen, signalling for you to jump. You hopped to the floor and in unison you both ducked. Together, you began to do a wide circle of the space.
‘Hello?’ you called, your voice echoing. You faintly saw Mig rustle with discomfort at you speaking, so you gestured for him to continue instead.
‘Sir! We’re from the society’ Mig cried. ‘I know that you were- reluctant, to come with us, but you were at far more risk here.’
You were about halfway in now. You were descending into the thick of the vines.
‘This universe is abandoned. There is no way home without us. If you come quietly, we can—’
Midway through speaking the vines were suddenly cut right above your head, and in a flurry of chaotic movement and sound you were thrown across the room.
The unseen opposition dived forward and pinned your newly downed body to the floor, choking it out against one of the vines. You squirmed and kicked but you’d been taken off guard too fast.
A deep voice echoed from behind the attackers mask. Shit, you thought, this must be the guy.
Just as he’d tackled you the Prowler variant was tackled by Mig. In a blur of red and black fur your partner barrelled across the room and hooked the smaller man by the nape, and with nothing more than the strength of his neck he threw him up into the ceiling and then back down to the floor.
A low moan filled the air as you scrambled to stand.
‘Oh…. Fuck.’ You coughed and spluttered as Mig prowled towards the downed man. His venom was glowing where it’d leaked down his jaw, its viscosity appearing neon green in the dark. He had his claws raised.
Back in Nueva, Miguel continued to watch. He had his arms folded, his body stiff and unmoving, his eyes unblinking.
He was waiting for it.
‘Fuck… urgh, okay, um—you got the light cage, babe?’ you asked. You were wheezing hard from being pinned, and while Mig should have focused on containing the man on the floor he couldn’t help but be drawn to you.
‘Mi arañita? Are you okay?’
As Mig turned you raised your hand. You were about to say yes, you were fine. You were about to comfort him and remind him of what you had to do.
You didn’t get the chance, though.
The Prowler collected himself too quickly, and in a blind panic he leapt up and released the claws on his suit. He dove at Mig, the most obvious threat, hoping to get in a stab from behind, but luckily his claws weren’t strong enough to pierce.
He latched onto Mig’s back and he instantly began rustling and bucking, his size allowing him to quickly detach the attacker. You hastily threw a web out to pin him down to the floor again.
‘SHIT- Shit, baby, did he get you?! Did he—’
You froze. Mig had turned in an attempt to feel the back of his suit, and now he was facing the opposite direction to you. He was showing you his back. He was showing you, clear as day, the enormous cut marks in the plastic hide.
Slowly, Mig stopped. His arms fell to his sides, and he rolled his head to stare at you over his shoulder. His eyes were glowing the most unnatural pink.
‘Mig?’ you stammered.
He grunted, hard, and suddenly seemed to go down. His legs began to shake as his hands flew to his head. ‘MM—MM—’
You felt your whole body go cold. You knew what the air in this universe did. You quickly rushed to try and grapple him, hoping to either pin him with your webs or patch up the suit, anything your frazzled mind could think of, but Mig was quickly losing control.
‘MIG! Mig, hey! Stay down—let me help—’
‘AH—’ His body rustled violently as he panted. It burned. It was the most unbearable heat he’d ever felt, seeping through his veins like literal fire. His started drooling venom into the inside of the suit, coating the seethrough plastic on the front. ‘RRH—’
On the other side of the multi-universe, Miguel snorted. He didn’t smile, nor did he show any kind of outward joy. He just snorted.
What a shame that Lyla hadn’t been told about that prowler’s suit still had its claws intact when it was taken in. Claws that, while not deadly, were capable of still ripping an important piece of fabric. A suit, perhaps.  
Now you’d let the man escape into a dangerous universe. You’d have to crawl back with your out of control boyfriend. He went to turn when a cry drew his attention back to the screen.
Mig, in his panic, had pushed you back across the room.
Miguel frowned.
You were carefully shifting yourself up from the debris. You weren’t hurt, it hadn’t been a hard push, but just like the Prowler he hadn’t accounted for his own claws. They were painfully extended, viciously sharp on every end, and in just lightly pushing you with the last of his strength he’d ripped three big holes in your own suit.
You felt your heart thundering.
In a whimpering panic you tried to block the holes with your hand but it was too late. All too soon you felt the pollen in your nose, your brain, your blood, your body heating into overdrive. You were doubled over as if in physical pain as the urge curdled inside you.
Miguel stared at the screen, his eye twitching just a little. No, wait, he’d planned for one person to be able to call for back up. He’d planned this out perfectly, hadn’t he? Why was this happening?
‘Argh… Mig…’
You mewled pathetically as you crawled across the floor. You were throbbing everywhere, lightheaded from the blood flowing where it wasn’t supposed to, your insides clenching and pulsing and squeezing around nothing to a point that left you breathless.
Mig was no better. He was digging his claws directly into the concrete in an attempt to stay sane, to stay alert, but it wasn’t working. He drooled pools of spit and venom onto the floor as he ripped his suit aside completely. He had to bite. He had to pin. He had to unload. He could think of nothing rational in that moment. ‘AH—AH---’
In the panic your target had also cut himself free from the web. Still suited, still sober, he watched you writhe with narrowed eyes. He approached, curious, and delivered one kick to your exposed gut. You went down hard but didn’t have the strength to get back up off the floor.
Mig dove at the man and nearly clawed him to pieces, but the impact of the sweet, thick, dizzying scent was making it hard to see or focus. He swung blindly, teeth snapping, as Prowler backed away.
On the floor you whimpered, unable to move an inch from the multi-faceted pain. 
‘Wait, wait, no—’  
As he watched Miguel felt his confidence beginning to slip. You’d call for backup, right? You would. Yo had to. 
He thought about rushing in, but, if he did that, you’d know he’d been watching. Wouldn’t that look suspicious? Plus, it would ruin his plan.
His plan… What, exactly, was that plan anyway, some little niggling part of his brain asked?
Your cry drew Miguel back to the screen.
You were writhing on the floor as you struggled to breathe. You and Mig couldn’t even reach each other. He was now consumed by the primal, lustful urge to protect his mate, to fight an opponent, which was keeping him in the thralls of trying to spear your assailant on his claws.
No one had time to pull either of you out, and that Prowler was still hellbent on killing you both to protect himself.
‘No, no, no—’
The blurry image of your body on the floor began to distort. Miguel slammed the monitor but it just continued to fade.
He began to pant hard. He hadn’t wanted this. Not this. He just wanted Mig to fail his first mission, he never wanted anyone to get hurt. He’d just wanted an excuse to remove him. He didn’t want this. He didn’t. He’d planned it perfectly. This was supposed to work. It HAD to work. He was doing the right thing. He was smart, he was capable, he was rational—
The more he thought about it, the more his stomach turned. Wait, but, he’d released that symbiote, hadn’t he? He’d jumped in the way, yes, but it could have caused Mig real harm. It could have caused you real harm.
‘Oh no’ he whispered. ‘No, no, no…’
One final, horrible thought filled his head: What was wrong with him?
‘Every day I have to fight to be good.’
His words to Peter rang in his head as he paced back and forth. How had he forgotten that? The simple reason, that he really hated his variant? Because he was broken. They were both broken. Both of them.
He swung back to the screen. He had to go, right? He had to go, he had to go and extract you and Mig.
All that anger, that resentment that he’d made righteous, it was fighting the one part of him that he clung to. The part that wanted to save you, no matter the cost. The part that was still good.
He told himself that this self-sacrificial nature, that was him. The REAL him. That was who he was beneath the dirt and the dust and the bitterness. But, no. As he stared at you clutching the floor, struggling to breathe, he knew it wasn’t.
It was all him.
Without wasting a second, without even grabbing a suit, Miguel pulled up a portal to that universe and dove in headfirst.
The pollen hit him like a physical punch to the gut. He felt it coiling around every hormone in his touch-starved body, pushing his brain into override. As he hit the road right before the store you were in he had to curl in on himself just to regain the ability to breath.
‘MM—Argh, fuck—come on—you’ve dealt with this before!’ he seethed.
With fangs dripping he clawed his way into the building. To his utmost relief he saw you almost instantly, still curled up on the floor.
‘COME ON!’ he barked. Miguel grabbed you under the arm and began to drag, though it was slow progress. He kept having to pause and bite his own hands in order to temper the unnatural urges filling his brain.
You were utterly useless at this point. Your body was limp in his grip, moaning and whimpering and shaking. ‘Mig.... My Mig—’
‘He’s… fuck—MIGUEL!’ He turned and screamed into the dark as the plants whipped and writhed.
Mig burst through the wall with a violent crack, his paws skidding on the ground. The person you’d been chasing was frantically scrambling to avoid his open seething maw and swinging claws, like a rabbit fleeing a wolf. With the last of his strength Miguel threw a light cage at the panicking Prowler before depoying a web at Mig’s legs, helping to at least stun him into stopping.
‘Ah… Okay, HERE! OVERE HERE! EXTRACTION!’ Miguel cried.
Mig jerked his head up so fast it snapped. He saw him holding your limp body and immediately his eyes dilated into slits. He hissed, spraying venom across the tiles.
Miguel pulled up a portal and threw you into it before returning to grab the downed Prowler. He used it like a toy, lurning Mig up. The enormous man broke the webs around his legs with terrifying ease, and once back on his spider legs he stormed towards him.
Miguel led him straight through the portal at his back.
With a soft, otherworldly thwap, the portal disappeared. The world of plants was plunged into silence once more, and whatever chaos ensued, would ensue in Miguel’s office, back where it had all started.
Link to next part
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
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Jealousy Is... Adorable
Pairing : yandere!Bangchan x F!Reader
Word Count : 11.4k
TW : yandere!bangchan ; starts out with that best friends older brother trope ; heavily suggestive content in the beginning ; essentially kidnapping ; reader being locked in but not locked up ; highly manipulative ; underlying tones of extreme possessiveness ; let me know if there's more!!! ;
He loved visiting home, seeing his family, and being back in Australia whenever he could. It had been so long since he had last visited, it felt like he had so much to catch up on and not enough time to do it. There were friends that he wanted to see, he wanted to know how his siblings were doing, he wanted to visit all of his favorite places… There were so many things that he wanted to do, but he never thought that one of those things… would be you. 
The knock on the front door came when he was in the middle of doing a stream, Berry jumping out of his arms as she ran to the front door, and he quickly excused himself to go answer it. “Christopher!” You called when you saw him, a wide smile spreading across your face, and it took him a second to recognize you. “Oh, don’t tell me you forgot about me. Meanie. Where’s your sister? She told me to come over.” 
You had been his sister's best friend, despite the small age gap between her and you, with you being slightly older, but it seemed like even with the amount of time that he had been in Korea, you and his sister had stayed close. “I didn’t forget about you… You just weren’t cute the last time I came home.” He teased and you stuck your tongue out at him, crossing your arms over your chest. “Well don’t stand on the porch and wait, weirdo. You can come inside.” 
He took a step back, his eyes never once peeling from you as you walked into the house and made your way to the kitchen where Berry was, leaning over the counter and cooing to her. “Why don’t you take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You lilted, turning to look over your shoulder, feeling his eyes on your backside. “It’ll come at a cost though, about fifteen dollars for one. If you want me to pose, I’ll have to up the fee.” You continued to tease him, causing his cheeks to burn a bright red at being caught. 
“You’re so annoying, can’t believe I thought you were cute for a moment.” He retorted, scratching the back of his head as turned to walk away, but your laughter had him pausing, embarrassment growing inside him. “Plus, fifteen dollars is such a ridiculous charge, no one would pay that much for a photo of you.” 
“Yet here you are… still looking.” You sniped back, leaning against the counter and crossing your legs that climbed up to the short shorts that you were wearing. “It’s alright… I don’t mind…” You winked at him, licking your lips before turning back to Berry to give her your full attention while he ran up to his bedroom, focusing his attention on the tent that had been pitched in his sweatpants. 
It was wrong to think of you like that, you were his little sister's best friend, but you were egging him on, like you wanted him to do something. Why else would you be posing so seductively, and why the hell would you lick your lips at him? Ugh… he hated being teased, especially when he knew that he could do nothing about it. It felt weird to have images of you filling his mind as he dealt with his own problem, but it had never felt so good either, and it made him feel disgusting. 
You had stayed all day, joining them for dinner and even taking part in family game night, but to be fair, you were practically family considering how long you and his sister had been friends. During the game though, you kept peeking over your cards, giving him eyes that he could only interpret as you screaming at him to take you up to his bedroom and have his way with you, those eyes had him shifting in his seat, his knee bouncing rapidly as he tried to focus on the game. “Do you have to go to the restroom or something? We can pause the game for you.” You said, calling him out, and now all eyes were on him. God, you were annoying. 
“Uh… yeah… I’ll be right back.” He stammered, throwing his cards down on the table and rushing up the stairs, but not before casting one last look down at you to see the smug little look on your face as you watched him. “Bitch…” He muttered, going straight to the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. A little cold water and a couple bad thoughts would be enough to get him through the rest of game night, at least that’s what he hoped. 
Once he got back to the living room though, the game was already packed away and everyone was getting ready to head to bed. What the hell had happened while he was gone, it’s not like he was in the bathroom long. “Everyone is getting tired, and your sister said I could spend the night. Isn’t that great?” You said, leaning back on the couch and crossing your legs over each other, your eyes set on him, and he could feel them moving across him just as his were moving over you. 
“It’s wonderful.” He said flatly, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Don’t get too loud.” He added as he started walking away, but your giggling had him whipping his head back around to glare at you. Your hands ran over your thighs and down to your knees before you pushed yourself up off the couch, walking right over to him, it felt like he was about to combust. 
“You’ll just have to make sure I’m quiet then… won’t you?” You whispered, tapping your finger against his chest, but your words had him feeling faint, he could pass out right then and there. Oh, his sister would absolutely destroy him, but now thoughts were filling his mind of how he’d love to have you, how he’d make sure you were quiet as he had his way with you. “I’m joking, Christopher…” You murmured, rolling your eyes as you turned to walk away, but his hands were quickly on your hips, pulling you back against him as he pressed himself against your ass, letting you feel the problems that you were causing him, the problems that you had been giving him since you decided to show up at his front door. 
“You come to my room as soon as she’s asleep… If you don’t… I’ll tell everyone here just how much of a slut you are.” He warned, his lips dangerously close to your ear and his voice low. “Now go get to bed… and try to act like you aren’t already soaked just thinking about it.” He kissed the shell of your ear before smacking your ass, sending you up the stairs a frustrated, yet excited mess as you waited for the moment you’d be able to be with him. 
After everything had been done, you took the liberty of passing out in his bed, something that had him panicking as he thought about what would happen in the morning if his sister found out, but one look over at you had him going soft. You looked so comfortable, your lips parted and pulled up ever so slightly at the corners as your leg draped over his waist and your arm fell lazily over his chest. He didn’t want you to leave his bedroom, he wanted you to stay there with him until the sun rose and the golden light painted your skin that was barely covered by his blanket. 
At some point he dozed off, a light nap turning to full slumber until the sound of birds chirping outside the window had him rolling over, reaching out for you, only to find his bed empty. He could overhear you talking to his sister from downstairs. “No, because he texted me and said that he wants to meet up.” His stomach twisted at the thought of someone else talking to you, kicking the blankets off of himself and jumping out of his bed, pulling back on the sweatpants that he had discarded to the floor last night. “I don’t want to see him, you know what he did. Plus… I think I might… like someone else.” His heart hammered in his chest as he thought of who that someone else might be, fingers crossed that it would be him. “You remember Vince from work right?” And then it sank, it felt like it had stopped beating completely at the sound of another man’s name. 
He wouldn’t let it slide, he couldn’t. You had given yourself to him completely last night, his name leaving your lips were the perfect lyrics mixed with the melody of your moans. The way your hands clung to his shoulders, nails digging into his skin, holding onto him as if he were the only person in the world that could keep you from sinking, and he wanted to be your life raft. How could you think of someone else after what had happened last night? 
It wasn’t okay, he had made himself vulnerable for you, had given himself up completely for you, which was entirely against the rules of the company, but he had done it because that’s what he thought you wanted, he thought you wanted him… and now that he actually wanted you, you were gonna pull this shit? Absolutely not. He wasn’t going to allow it. 
“Good morning.” He tried to make his voice sound cheerful even though you had just unknowingly delivered him the biggest blow to his ego. “You two talk too loud, woke me up.” Yes he was letting on that he had heard you, and your reaction had him stifling a laugh as your eyes dropped to the floor and your tongue poked at the inside of your cheek. “So, what’s going on today? What are we doing?” 
His sister looked at him with narrowed eyes over the cup of water she was drinking, clearly confused as to why he cared. “Well, I’m going out and Y/N has to work soon, so she’s going back home.” She said after placing her cup down on the counter, crossing her arms over chest. “You’ll have the house all to yourself today. Lucky you.” 
He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you as he hummed softly, leaning against the counter with his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, fumbling with the little fuzz balls that clung to the fabric. “I get to have Berry all to myself then.” He joked, but with his eyes glued to you, he hoped that you could pick up on what he was hinting at. 
“I should really go…” You whispered, hugging his sister quickly before waving a quick goodbye to him. There was a feeling of sadness that filled your stomach when you thought about him and the moment that the two of you shared last night, and as much as you loved it, you knew that there was going to be nothing more of it than that. He was an idol who rarely ever got to visit home, and you didn’t want to waste your life waiting around for his visits, waiting for him. It wouldn’t be fair to yourself or him. 
His teeth sank into his bottom lip as watched you go, his legs wanting to go after you, but his sister was still right there and he knew that if he did, she’d just end up getting irritated with him about it… not… that it mattered though. He’d be going back to Korea at the end of the week, and he knew that if he let you walk out that door without another word he’d end up regretting it. “Where are you going?” His sister called out to him as he ran to the front door just as you were shutting it behind you, yanking it open and meeting you on the front sidewalk. 
“Do you really have to go to work today?” He asked breathlessly as he grabbed the back of your shirt, successfully causing you to stumble back so he could catch you. “And who is Vince? Why would you hook up with me if you were seeing someone else?” The questions rolled off his tongue at an alarming rate that had you fumbling to think of which question to answer first. 
You nodded your head to the first question, sheepishly moving out of the arms that had caged you, turning around to face him as you adjusted the strap of your bag on your shoulder. “You’re so nosy…” You mumbled, shuffling your feet, hyper aware of the sound that the rubber soles made against the concrete. “I’ve always had a crush on you… and I thought that last night would be the only time I’d be able to be with you… I didn’t even think you’d reciprocate so… Thank you for giving me something to remember you by when you leave again.” 
So that’s what it was about… The fear of not seeing him again, giving yourself away to someone that you were sure would be gone for what would feel like forever. How could he get mad at you for that? There was still one more question that you had left unanswered though. “Who’s Vince?” He asked once more and now you were rolling your eyes as you let out a big huff, your annoyance palpable in the space between his body and yours. 
“Oh my god, Christopher… I made him up! I knew you were listening, I heard the floor creak, so I said it to see what you would do.” Your tone was laced with the shame and embarrassment that you felt admitting such a thing, and you expected him to be upset with you, or maybe even laugh at you for doing something so dumb, but his cheeks rose with his smile as he stepped closer to you. 
His eyes sparkled with a glimmering hope as he stood in front of you. “Have you ever been to Korea?” He inquired, and now your eyebrows arched with confusion at the question, not sure why it really mattered. “Come with me, you can visit me instead… so that you won’t have to make up anymore people to make me jealous… you can just stay with me.” 
Your lips were pulled into the tightest line as you looked at him with disbelief, your eyes twitching side to side to see if there were cameras around, to make sure you weren’t getting Punk’d or something. “You’re not funny. You shouldn’t mess with me like that, especially now that you know I like you…” You said shyly, your bottom lip jutting out into a small pout, but his teeth showed and his eyes creased at the edges as his smile only widened. 
“You’ve liked me for a while now, Y/N… Let me steal you away for a bit… It’ll be a vacation for you, and it’ll make me happy.” He wasn’t exactly asking though, his tone was much more… authoritative… it wasn’t a request, but an order. “I’ll buy your ticket, we leave at the end of the week.” He finished, and you were absolutely dumbstruck, tripping over words that were barely coming out. “It’s okay, contain your excitement until we land in Korea, you’ll love it. And maybe you can… take today off… Come see me since I’ll be home alone.” 
A small vacation, that’s what you had told your family, your best friend, your coworkers and your boss. A small vacation that had started about… four years ago. A return ticket that kept getting pushed back and held off on, forgotten about until it was mentioned once more only for him to tell you that he didn’t want you to go again. A return flight that never happened. 
One small vacation full of passion, it felt like the beginning of Grease aside from the fact that it wasn’t summer, it was mid-November and once you had landed in Korea you felt the chill in the air and wanted to go right back home to the warmth that you oh so adored. A small vacation that left you covered in love bites and hickies, hand shaped bruises on your skin where he had held you too tight, bruises that didn’t start to hurt until he had to leave and you started to miss him. 
“A week…” He had said the first five days, but then the next two passed, and then the next week until you were celebrating Christmas and the New Year with him all while calls and texts flooded your phone asking where you were at and when you’d be home. “I don’t know…” You’d want to respond, but it would only cause worry. No one at home knew you were with him, and he said it was to protect his career and to protect you from the crazy fans that wouldn’t want the two of you to hang out.
Two years marked the time when you began to realize that… you just weren’t leaving, and a part of you questioned why that upset you. You liked being with him, and time had grown on you, and so had he to the point where you began to love him. Two years also marked the engagement, the beautiful ring slipped onto your finger over dinner one night, no speech involved, and no talking afterwards. One second it wasn’t there, and the next it was, and you didn’t argue it, and you hadn’t taken it off since. 
The third year marked the “wedding”, although it wasn’t big and it wasn’t grand, simply going to the courthouse to get the license because he started to worry that you’d be sent back to Australia if he kept you here too long. Now you were Y/N Bang… and no one knew about that either. “There’s no need to tell anyone, we’ll keep it a surprise until we can plan the bigger ceremony.” He had said, and you believed him because why shouldn’t you? He really seemed to love you, and you really loved him. There was no reason not to trust him… sure he… didn’t let you go back home after the “vacation” was over, but you chalked it up to him just loving you so much that he didn’t want to lose you. It made sense to you, and… well, why would he marry you if he didn’t love you? Surely he just wanted to surprise everyone in the best way possible. 
So another year passed, and still no grand wedding, but the idea of it had slipped your mind with all the other things going on in both of your lives… and by both of your lives, it meant solely him because he was the only one really living a life while you stayed in the house and watched his life play out through live shows on the television or through youtube. But, the two of you were married now, and his life was your life and you were proud to be a part of it nonetheless. Sure, it got lonely every once in a while, but he always came home to you at the end of the day and poured countless amounts of love into you when he was there, so you never had a reason to complain… until… 
“A tour through Australia?!” You couldn’t hide the excitement in your tone when you saw the upcoming tour they were going on, and you wanted nothing more than to start packing your bags already to go with him. Not that you ever went with him and the guys before, but… This time was different, it would be a tour in your home country, how could you not go? You’d be able to visit your family and let them know you’re okay, you’d be able to see your friends, and you’d even be able to see your best friend who probably wouldn’t be very keen of the idea of you having been with her brother secretly for four years and also marrying him… but now you were really sisters, just like she wanted to be. 
“Mmhm, isn’t that great, darling?” He hummed, working on his computer as your arms draped over his shoulders. “We’ll probably be there a few extra days as well so I can see everyone.” He added, and your heart swelled at the mention of we. He meant you and him, clearly… maybe… maybe you’d have your grand wedding ceremony there since all the guys would be there, and both of your families would be able to come as well. It would be amazing, the wedding that you always dreamed of. “Make sure you get the mail while I’m away, and I’ll have groceries and everything delivered weekly so you won’t have to go to the market.” 
The record scratch, the abrupt change in the plans that you had already started making in your mind, it was like hitting a dead end brick wall at full speed. “B-But you said we… you and me… Why would I not go?” You let your arms slip off his shoulders, slumping at your sides. “Don’t you think I want to go home too? I have people that I want to see as well, Christopher.” 
He slowly closed his laptop, swiveling his chair around until he was facing you, his elbows resting against his knees as he propped his chin up on his hands. “Now now, don’t get upset, darling. We’ll plan our own trip there soon, but this is a tour for the guys and myself. I wouldn’t want you to be trapped up in the hotel the whole time.” He cooed, reaching his arms out for you, but you shook your head incredulously as your eyes went wide. 
“I wouldn’t be trapped up in the hotel… I’d be visiting my family! They haven’t seen me in four years, they haven’t even heard from me. Don’t you think they’re getting worried?!” You screeched, but he simply shushed you, still wearing a smile as his dark eyes sparkled up at you. “I won’t shush… I want to go to Australia with you. I miss home.” 
He knew you did, and sometimes it hurt to see how much you actually missed it, but it hurt way worse to think of what would happen if you got back home and decided that you didn’t want to go back to Korea with him. “Your family does know that you’re here.” He lied, having to make it up on the spot so that you would hopefully back down from the impending argument. “I’ve told my family all about you, how happy I am with you, about our marriage, and I know they’ve told your family as well. You have nothing to worry about.” 
You blinked a few times, running your hand through your hair as you fell back onto the couch that was propped against the wall in his makeshift home studio. “That was my news to tell… I wanted to tell them that… I wanted them to hear it from me, not a third party source.” You mumbled, curling your knees up against your chest before resting your forehead against them. “Why can’t I just go? I’ve been locked up in this house for four years… and I haven’t complained about it once… can’t I just… go with you?” 
He shook his head, letting out a soft sigh as he got up from his chair to stand in front of you, lifting your head up to look at him, and his heart ached at the sight of your teary eyes and pouted lip. He never wanted to make you upset, and he hated getting into these kinds of tiffs right before he had to leave the country. “Darling… I promise you, we’re going to visit home together one day. You know how… distracting you can get when you’re around, and I know it’s not your fault but… I need to be as focused as I possibly can. How could I focus when all I would be able to think about is getting back to you?” Your eyes closed as you nodded your head, letting out a sigh through your nose when he pulled his hand back. “Now, you know that the cameras are installed all around the house, so I’ll be able to watch you, make sure you’re okay, let you know when deliveries come in.” 
Ah yes, the cameras that had been put up for your protection the first time he had gone on tour after you had come to Korea. “I know… We have this talk every single time before a big tour. I know where they’re at.” You muttered, glancing out of the corner of your eye at the one that was hanging on the wall in the room you were in now. “Will you at least tell my family that I’ve said hello, and that I miss them if you do see them?” 
He chewed his bottom lip as he thought about it, but ended up nodding his head anyway even though he knew that he wouldn’t. “Of course. Anything for you, my darling. Now, come help me pack my things, it’ll be quite cold there when we land.” There was that we again, and it was painful to hear it knowing that it didn’t mean what you had thought it did at first. You and him weren’t a we, you were just… Y/N and Christopher, Y/N and Chan… But never the two of you together as a whole. The longer you stayed with him and every single time you watched him walk out that front door with bags packed while you stayed behind, it only put things into perspective, making them clearer and clearer until the picture was so vibrant and crisp that it was almost blinding. 
There wasn’t much to do around the house while he was gone, you had paced the length of the entire home twenty times over, you had done all the laundry and polished all the furniture. You had rearranged the albums into alphabetical order, and then rearranged them again by color when you got bored. You had prepped all the meals you’d be eating for the week the first day he had left, and you had sat on the back porch to overlook the grass hedge fence that had been built up for privacy reasons. You had counted and named the birds that landed in your yard, and you had made friends with the squirrels that you fed peanuts to when they climbed along the hedged fence. When night time would come, you’d sit outside once more and wonder if he was looking at the same stars at the same time, thinking that, if he was, would it make you feel closer or further apart. 
He didn’t call often, but you knew that he was watching you, sometimes catching out of the corner of your eye the cameras moving while you sat on the couch watching a movie. Comfort they were supposed to bring, but it only made you feel uncomfortable, switching off the movie and heading for the bedroom where the blinking red light would flash in the darkness of the corner of your room as you tried to sleep. It was the only time you felt like you were actually alone, even if he was watching you, the darkness of the room was hopefully making it impossible to see you. 
Headlines would come up daily about him and the guys, what they were doing, and you’d catch snippets of Christophers streams when you had the chance to. Never once did he mention you in any of them, even when you were in the same home. Protection. The world didn’t need to know about you, it would only put you in danger from the sasaengs who thought that they owned him and the other guys. 
“Stray Kids Bangchan seen heading out on the town with mystery woman while on tour in Australia” The headline read, and you paused for a moment, clicking on the link and reading over the page multiple times. This is why he had told you the internet was off limits, why he told you that you weren’t allowed to use his computer, and why you weren’t allowed to use your phone unless you were watching videos of him or calling him, and he had a way of knowing, he knew everything… But you wanted to know what he was doing, and you had never gone so long without talking to him… Now it all seemed to make sense. 
Bile rose in your stomach, the acid of your empty stomach burning your insides as it made its way up into your throat, sitting in the back of it and making you gag. Did he do this on every tour? Had he just gotten too careless, too reckless and slipped up… It might be the first time he got caught, but was it the first time he had done it? Maybe that’s why he didn’t want you to go with him, because he didn’t need your company once he landed, he already had someone there waiting for him. 
The ring on your finger that had always been a cold sense of security now felt red hot, like it had been held over a burning torch and then slipped immediately onto you. The burn of jealousy, the burn of betrayal and heartache, the red hot flame of anger burning inside of you as you pushed away from the computer desk and slammed the laptop lid shut. 
The whirring of the camera's motor caught your attention, he was watching you. You slowly turned towards it, flashing him a big smile before slipping the ring off your finger and throwing it at the lens before flipping him off. Your phone began to ring immediately, only stopping for a mere second before ringing once more, always followed by the quick vibration of a voicemail being left for you. 
Could he hear you through the cameras? Did they have microphones? You weren’t sure, but the tangent that you were going on wasn’t exactly meant for him, it was to release the anger that you felt. “I fucking hate you!” You shouted, grabbing the picture of the two of you that had been framed and propped up on his desk, ripping off the back and tearing the picture in half before replacing the edge that was just him back in it. “You can fill the spot with whoever you’re fucking over there.” You muttered, ripping up your own half of the picture and throwing it in the garbage. “You’re lousy, you’re a shit excuse for a husband! I should have never trusted you!” 
And the cameras continued to follow you as you walked out of the studio, going to the living room and doing the same with all the pictures that had been framed and hung, propped up, and set around the entire home. All the while, he sat in his hotel room in Australia, smiling wide at the undeniably adorable portrayal of jealousy that you had been showing, happy for the moment that you hadn’t picked up the phone for him to try to ease your mind, this was much more entertaining. The way your face scrunched up with rage, the sound of your shouts were silent, there was no microphone, but the silence was deafening as he could only imagine how loud you were. How cute you were when you were jealous, going on a fit and destroying everything in your wake, he loved to see it. Only love would make someone react like that, a love stronger than anything ever felt before. If you didn’t love him, you wouldn’t be acting in such a way. That’s how he knew that you were his, truly his. 
The funniest part was that he didn’t even know what had ticked you off, he had only caught you on his computer, something that was off limits, but a subject for another day. He couldn’t zoom in enough to see what you were looking at, but whatever it was had you upset, and it had him wondering what on earth it could be. He was torn between leaving the entertaining stream of your jealousy induced destruction and going to the internet to find out what you saw, but he didn’t have to do either as a knock came to his hotel door. 
“Hyung…” Felix said breathlessly, his eyes wide with both worry and shock as he held his phone in shaking hands. “Did you see it? The headlines? The news is saying that you hooked up with someone and… the fans are getting really upset. There’s pictures and everything.” That would explain it, and now your rage was… terrifying. He hadn’t imagined it would be something like this that would set you off, and to be honest, he didn’t even know what the headline was talking about because he hadn’t been with anyone at all. He might be a liar, and slightly manipulative, but he wasn’t a cheater. “It’s saying that you’ve had a girlfriend here for a while and… Is it true?” 
“No.” He responded flatly, his eyes glancing back to his bed where the camera feed was still up, and he hoped that you were still finding more things to destroy, he was immensely scared of you walking out the door, walking out on him. How was he even supposed to comfort you, make you believe that the headlines were false when he was in another country? “I was with a friend, that’s all it was.” He added, although he didn’t have a reason to explain it to Felix or anyone else for that matter. 
“Right… well… the press is waiting for a comment from the managers and you… So, get ready fast.” He said, turning on his heel and walking away, no more need for explanation to him, Chan needed to explain it to everyone else, but all he could worry about was you. You were the only one who needed an explanation, and you hadn’t answered his calls the first two times, so he was sure that you weren’t going to answer them now. The rage he felt was different from yours, but it was all the same, and he wanted to find whoever had taken that photo and make them pay for potentially making him lose his precious darling. 
Every single picture was torn to bits, tired of replacing the frames with half pictures of just him and opting to tear up every single photo completely before sinking down onto the couch, surrounded by the destruction that you had caused. It didn’t make a difference though, it didn’t make you feel any better at the end, and now you were just encapsulated with shredded remnants of a relationship that you had believed in, that you held fell for completely only to be shown that it was nothing more than an elaborate four year ruse. But for what? 
The cameras continued to move as they watched you, but you didn’t even care, you had bigger things in mind, things that he wouldn’t be able to control, not from miles away, across the ocean. You carefully swept up the shredded photo paper, discarding it in the trash bin before going to your room. Your phone continued to ring incessantly, the sound of it annoying at this point, and you finally turned it off so you wouldn’t have to hear it anymore as you started packing your bags, taking the time to neatly fold the articles of clothing, outfits that he had bought for you over the span of four years, outfits that only he was allowed to see you in. He was watching, you knew he was, and you wondered if he was feeling the same thing that you were right now. 
Before you left, you made sure to wave to every single camera, leaving the cellphone that he had got you on the desk in his office. You didn’t need it anymore, and you knew that even if you did have it, he’d just continue to blow it up until he got home. It was liberating when you walked out the front door, waving once more to the camera that hung above the frame, dangling the keys on your finger before skipping to the car that was in the driveway. His bank card that he had left for you in the drawer just in case you needed to order something was now slipped into your pocket, and you knew that if you used the money straight from the card he’d know exactly where you were. You were smarter than that. 
You went to the nearest ATM machine, drawing out as much money as you thought you needed before going to a motel, not a hotel, a motel. Hotels were too grand and that was surely the first place he’d look for you, but motels were nice, usually far away from the hustle and bustle of city life, meant to be stopped at by travelers who just needed to rest before getting back out on the road. You could have booked a plane ticket, but as much as you wanted to go back home, you didn’t want to go to the same country he was in right now, you’d wait until the date that he was supposed to come home and then fly out as soon as you could. 
There was this… policy that you had, or better yet, zero tolerance policy in your relationships, and you had no patience for cheaters, and there were no chances to be had after one fucked up. You had been in a relationship like that before, and you promised yourself that you’d never go through it again. You thought that you’d never have to go through it again, especially not with Chris, but he had proven you wrong, shattered the trust that you had for him all in one go. You wouldn’t stand for it, and you shouldn’t be expected to. 
It was the first time he had felt so powerless, the knocks on his hotel room door unable to pull his eyes away from the sight of you packing your things. He couldn’t do anything, your phone had been turned off and all he could do was watch. Even if he had jumped on the next plane to Korea, he wouldn’t have been able to make it in time to stop you. The way you took your time packing each item, almost like you were going so slow just to fuck with him, to hurt him more. Every outfit was one that he had gotten you, including the lace lingerie pieces that were stuffed into the bag… why were you taking those? Who were you going to? 
The phone was left on his desk in the studio, you didn’t want to hear from him, but you weren’t done. He had been hoping that it was just some elaborate act to scare the hell out of him, and it was working, it was working flawlessly, but you continued. You grabbed the keys off the hook, the keys that he trusted you to not touch unless absolutely necessary, but now they were dangling on your finger as you waved to every single camera. “No… no no no no no…” He kept repeating the word, it was the only word he could say as he started panicking even more, watching through the cameras as the light from outside illuminated the room. You were leaving. 
He quickly switched to the outside camera, watching as you waved to it before going to the car. His fingers tightened around his phone as his teeth gritted together, eyes welling with tears. What the hell was he supposed to do?! “Chan! The press really want to talk to you!” Felix called from outside the door, and how was he supposed to have a meeting with anyone when he had literally just watched you walk out on him and he wasn’t even there. 
It was their fault though, all of this was their fault. He didn’t know where the hell you were and his mind was a mess thinking about what you could be doing but the knocking never stopped and it was only agitating him more. “Fuck! I’m coming!” He shouted, running his fingers through his hair, yanking at the strands that stuck between them as he got up, rushing to the door and throwing it open. “I’m not talking long, and I need to get home immediately afterwards.” He stated roughly as he pushed past the younger member who seemed more confused than anything. 
“Going home?” His manager asked, not even attempting to mask the annoyance in their voice. “You can’t go home after one concert, you’re supposed to do three. At least stay until the second one. I know that the press is a pain, but you can’t let it affect what you do.” They weren’t only affecting what he does, they were affecting his very private, very personal life back in Korea. He didn’t care much for anything else at the moment because right now you were missing, and you wouldn’t take his calls, and you had packed your things and threw your ring and to the world… you had no one, and maybe that’s how you felt as well. 
It’s not like he could actually tell the world about you though! If he did, you’d be in danger, and if he took you to concerts, other idols might look at you, and if he took you to practice with him, the guys might try to talk to you. If he told his family or yours, especially yours, they might try to get you back, and he didn’t want that. He kept you a secret for your safety… but now it seems like it was having a completely different outcome than what he had planned. 
Maybe he should have just let you come to Australia, taste a little bit of freedom before coming back to Korea and locking you in again… it’s not like you didn’t deserve it… but what if that caused a chain reaction of you wanting to go out when you got back home too? He couldn’t stand the thought of you leaving him, but that’s exactly what was happening… and maybe it was his fault. He tried his best to be… or seem easy going, to make you think that you were staying in because you wanted to, and that you always had a choice to go out… But whenever you had asked, he’d always find a reason for you not to, and whenever you wanted to go with him somewhere, he always told you it would be best if you didn’t… Maybe it was his fault, and maybe the thought that he had been cheating had been subconsciously floating around in your mind for a while, and this stupid press release had been the validation that you needed to finally think that you were right. 
“They’re affecting a lot more than what I do.” Chan said bluntly, slamming his finger against the elevator call button, he wasn’t even sure where he was going, but Felix and his manager followed him inside the lift anyway. “I am going home as soon as I’m done with this meeting. I want you to book me the next flight you can find back to Korea, and I don’t want anyone to say anything about it. I don’t have the time to try to push through fans when I do get home.” 
Felix eyed him curiously, but didn’t say another word, his lips practically sealed as he stood in the corner of the elevator. “With all due respect, Chan… Your absence might cause a bigger problem than even the headlines this morning. There couldn’t possibly be anything more important back at home, at least nothing that can’t wait to be dealt with.” He scoffed loudly, his levels of irritation rising as his patience dwindled. “Plus, if you leave now, can you imagine what the headlines would be? There'll be speculation that you have someone else back in Korea as well…” 
Chan rolled his eyes, a malicious smile creeping up on his lips as he side eyed the man beside him. “And what if there is? What are they going to do about it? My life needs to start at some point.” He stated and for the first time since he had left his hotel room, the manager was silent, most likely stunned into disbelief at the possibility, but the tiny square room of the elevator was filled with the sound of Felixs awkward intake of breath and then the tension, the unnerving, suffocating tension between Chan and the manager. “Now… I’d like my flight booked immediately, and my bags packed and waiting for me in the van. Thank you.” He said as the bell dinged above his head and the doors slid open. The faster he got this over with, the faster he could find you. 
The motel really was in the middle of nowhere, it felt like you had driven hours just to reach it, and the entire time you weren’t even sure how you had stayed on the road and not gotten into an accident. Your eyes were blurry and you could barely breathe, the seatbelt only constricting your chest more as it shuttered to take even a single breath. Your heart was broken, but only that, it felt like it had been stomped and stabbed and then spat on at the final cherry on top. 
When you walked up to the front desk, you were sure you looked like the picture perfect image of “just got cheated on, please don’t mind the zombie look”, and the way the lady behind the desk looked at you with eyes full of sympathy only made you more sure of just how hellish you looked. “One room please… I’m not sure how long I’m staying… I just need somewhere…” You whispered, your voice unable to get above that with how dry your throat was feeling. 
She didn’t say anything, simply sliding over a little book where you had to fill out your name, and you quickly signed it, using your maiden name because you didn’t belong to Christopher, no matter what the legal documents or your ID said. He had given up on you, it seemed quite easy for him to do it, so why should you not give up on the one thing that really connected the two of you together? “Enjoy your stay…” She murmured as she slipped the key across the desk, giving you an apologetic smile before you turned to leave. 
Freedom never tasted so… bad before. For so long you had wanted to leave the house, to do what you wanted, to go out with him like normal wives go out with their husbands, but he had always had an excuse, a reason for you not to do any of that. It always used to piss you off, irritate you, but now that you were actually out on your own… You were scared, you felt so… lonely. In the last four years you had never been out of the confines of the four walls of the house, you hadn’t been away from him for longer than his tours lasted, and now the thought of never being around him again petrified you. 
The motel room was nothing like your home, it didn’t bring you the same comfort and security that your house did. The lights on the bedside tables were dim, and the mattresses were squeaky and you could feel the springs through the padding. Of course, you had chosen a cheap motel because when you had left, you didn’t want him to find you, and you were sure that of all the places you could stay at, he’d never assume it would be here. 
The air smelled of mothballs and laundry detergent, and the lights above the bathroom mirror flickered as the bulbs buzzed. “I’ll go back home soon…” You murmured to your reflection, looking over your features that looked more shallow now, your face a shell of the happy woman that you used to see back in the mirrors at home. The smile lines were there, but the grin that had created them didn’t seem welcome on the grim face that you were wearing. Would he even care that he had caused you so much pain, or would he just question why you had broken the laptop rule, somehow twisting the blame so it all landed on you. If you hadn’t gone on his computer in the first place, you wouldn’t have seen the article and this wouldn’t have been the end result. Would he even try to deny what the article said, or would he just skip right over it, try to change the subject all while reprimanding you for finding it in the first place. You weren’t sure, and you weren’t sure why it even mattered. It’s not like you’d be seeing him again anyway. You were going home, and you weren’t going to let anyone stop you, especially him. 
Sat on the middle table of the nightstand was a telephone, one that you hadn’t seen in years, not just because you had been locked in your own home, but because they were obsolete. You didn’t even know that landlines still existed, but you quickly ran over to it, dropping down onto the edge of the squeaky mattress and picking up the receiver. You hadn’t spoken to your family in so long, and you had never been allowed to, and you were beyond positively sure that he hadn’t told them anything, so you quickly dialed in their phone number that you had remembered by heart, hoping that they never changed it. 
One ring, two rings, three rings… Silence… “Mom?” You whispered. A shaky breath, a sob, and then the sound of your mother calling for your father and your little sister. A slew of questions that you were sure had already been answered by Christopher when he told his family to talk to yours… Unless that had been a lie too… Had the whole relationship been nothing but a lie? “I’m alright… Mom… I’m okay. I’m in Korea…” Another array of questions. Why? How? With who? Since when? He hadn’t told them anything, and now it was all on your shoulders. 
With tears in your eyes you gave them the whole story, and for some reason you found yourself still trying to protect him, easing gracefully around the parts where he didn’t let you contact them, and the parts where you weren’t allowed to visit them or even go to Australia with him which they knew about. They had kept in close contact with his family the entire time you had been gone, and none of them knew where you had gone either. Even his family didn’t know about you and him being together. “When are you coming home?” Your mom asked, and you swallowed thickly as you answered. Two more days…
Two days and you’d be back in the safety and security of your own home, with your family who you knew now had never given up on finding you, who had spent four years doing all that they could to locate you, only to find out that you had essentially been kidnapped by the son of their closest friends, by the brother of your best friend. It was astounding, and once everything had been cleared and all the tears had been shed and everyone seemed to calm down as much as they could, your mother had said that it would make a very interesting Hallmark movie which had made you laugh for the first time that day. You couldn’t wait to see her, you couldn’t wait to be home. 
“What do you mean I have to wait two days for a flight?! That’s preposterous!” Chan shouted to the manager after finishing up the meeting which was even harder for him to do than he imagined. The sight of the reporters behind the cameramen that filmed him had him wanting to jump out of the chair and strangle them for what they had done. It wasn’t him that had broken your heart, it was them and their lies and their greed and their need for a cover story that would get enough views to fill their wallets. Their lives so mundanely boring that they had to destroy another person's life just to fill the void in their own. 
The manager rolled his eyes as he stood in the doorway to Chans room, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched him pack up his bags. “Exactly what you think it means. The next flight to Korea out of Australia doesn’t leave for another two days, so I guess you can make the concert. This is a good thing. You can be there for the guys, and you can be there for the fans. Now, calm down, eat something, and get ready for tonight’s show.” 
Tonight's show… Tonight's show that he couldn’t even focus on because all he could think about was what you could possibly be doing right now and where you could be. His phone had been empty of notifications, and while that would usually be a good thing on a good day, it was horrible, it meant that you hadn’t even tried to call him, you didn’t even care to contact him, and it only made him feel like he had really lost you in every sense of the word. The cameras back at the house had been free of any view of you for hours now, he had gone all the way back to the last time he had seen you on them and it had been when you had waved goodbye to him, the act feeling far more final now with the silence that followed. 
“The company contacted me and said that the meeting you had today won’t be posted until tomorrow afternoon, it seems like a lot more people are trying to buy tickets now hoping to catch a glimpse of the mystery girl that you were seen with. Also, the searches for you are skyrocketing, you’ve become even more popular than you were before.” That was the final straw, the nail in the metaphorical coffin. Was his personal life nothing at all to them? Did they really not care about what hurt him, what affected him, how he’d feel after something like this? That headline had ruined his entire life, his future, his everything, and all they were concerned with was ticket sales and search statistics? 
“Get the fuck out of my room. Now.” He said through clenched teeth, his hands gripping firmly onto the edges of his suitcase, so much so that his knuckles turned a ghostly shade of white. His back had been turned the entire time, but the lack of movement and the silence that followed had him whipping his head around to face the manager that was still standing in the corner. “Leave!” He shouted, anger and sadness colliding into one, creating a storm inside of him that wreaked havoc on every part of him. He watched his manager leave, and once he was left alone he broke down, letting out a shaky sigh as tears flowed in an endless stream down his cheeks, curling up into himself on the floor with his back against the bed. 
He loved you tremendously, images and thoughts of you filled his mind and his heart so much that there was barely any room for anything else. It was like you had been perfectly crafted by someone or something and then sent to him, for him specifically. He had known it immediately, and you had clearly felt it too, that same connection… a gravitational pull that had brought you together. You kept him centered, grounded, all while making him feel like he was floating at the same time. It was a euphoric feeling that couldn’t be compared to anything else. Being with you was like his own personal heaven, one that he didn’t have to wait to reach, but one that had been brought to him instead. He couldn’t lose that… He couldn’t lose you. 
Swiping his phone off the pillow at the top of his bed, he typed out the information for the next flight to Korea, finding one that left tomorrow night, he could be back home by 7AM. It was perfect, it would give him the entire day to find you… So he booked it, quickly sending a text to the groupchat to let the guys know that he won’t be there for the shows tomorrow or the next day, and none of them argued about it, all of them having already heard from Felix about what was going on. He’d be coming home soon, and then he’d find you, and he’d make everything right again. 
You’d be in Australia by 8PM or thereabout, catching the early morning flight gave you reason to sleep through the flight, having stayed up all night just to make sure that you’d not only get to the airport on time, but also be able to pass out once you got in the air. Your disposition with airplanes was long forgotten now as it was the only reasonable method of transportation you had that would bring you back home where you wanted to be, and nothing would stop you from getting there. It was the only place you wanted to be at this point, the only place where you would find the comfort that you so desperately needed right now. You needed to hear that it would be okay, that you’d be okay, for someone to tell you that the last four years didn’t define you and it wasn’t the start and end of your life, that you could pick yourself back up and still move on. You needed to hear it because you were so scared that you wouldn’t be able to get on with a happy life, at least not without Chris in it. 
The PA announcement was loud and rang in your ears as you walked through the doors of the airport, weaseling your way through the crowds of people as you lugged your bag behind you, cursing it for not having wheels and internally yelling at yourself for packing so many things just to prove a point to him when you had been on camera. Of course the gate to your flight had to be the furthest one away and the line through the TSA looked so hellishly long that you thankfully, no matter how much your eyes were burning, decided to get to the airport so early. Apparently the rest of the people there had the same idea. 
There was a long line of people, not even trying to get in through the TSA, they were just there, and they had their cameras out, and behind them stood a mass amount of people that you could only speculate to be fans. How lucky of you to choose to fly on the same day that an idol group was traveling. “Excuse me… Please excuse me… I’m sorry…” You mumbled as you tried to get through them all, but then they started screaming, and the name that they were shouting had you ducking your head as your heart and your stomach sank. He wasn’t supposed to be home until tomorrow, he was supposed to be in the air the same time you were landing in Australia, the only time your paths were supposed to even potentially cross was when you both were up in the clouds, yet here he was. 
You kept your head low, not wanting him to see you as you tried to make it to the TSA, that was the end goal, once you got there you’d be home free… literally, but the universe had different plans for you and you ran head first into his chest, not even realizing that it was his chest until you looked up with a mumbled apology and met his eyes. “What are you doing here?” He asked, his voice cracking, his tone and the way the whites of his eyes seemed to glow red made it painfully obvious that he had been crying. 
“I’m going home… Now please, I don’t want to be the subject of another one of your headline stories.” You said, your tone hushed as you tried to move past him. The TSA was right there, and all you had to do was get into the line and make it through. He couldn’t exactly follow you through the line without a ticket. He grabbed your hand to stop you though, his thumb instinctively brushing over the your ring finger just like he always did, but this time it was bare and you watched his adams apple bob as he swallowed thickly. “I have a flight to catch… Please… You’ve made me waste four years, don’t make me waste anymore time.” 
“It wasn’t true… You couldn’t possibly believe that it was, do you?” He whispered, gripping tightly onto your hand as you tried to pull away, and you knew that all the attention was on you and him as the cameras flashed in your direction. “I devoted those four years to you… Do you really think that I would do what you think I did? Have I not given you any reasons to trust me?” His voice was gradually growing louder and now you knew that the pictures would turn to video and the argument that you had been trying so hard to avoid in general would now be the subject of international interest online. 
“You devoted four years to keeping me locked inside a house 24/7.” You hissed, knowing that there really wasn’t much to lose now anyway. The quicker the argument was over with, the more chance you had to catch your flight. The world was going to see it anyway, so why not let it all out now. It’s not like you were going to be with him at the end of it all, and by the time the world did get around to seeing it, you’d be in the safety of your family’s home. “You’ve given me many reasons not to trust you. I never got to go anywhere, you never took me out, I wasn’t allowed to go on your tours with you… And it makes sense now. You didn’t want me to become the headline news that your other girlfriend did, you didn’t want any of them to see it… So… You’re not doing a very good job.” 
His jaw went lax as he stared at you, his eyes so wide that you could see them over his shades and you knew that the excuses would start soon, and while you had time to hear them, you didn’t really want to stick around and listen. “That’s on me… That’s all on me… I kept you locked inside… I did. I don’t expect you to understand why because it’s selfish and… I just wanted to keep you to myself, I…” He sighed loudly, his face contorting into one of disgust and desperation. “I didn’t want to lose you… But I never did any of it because I had other people on the side… I would never hurt you like that. I just wanted to keep you… I love you too much… I didn’t want to have to share you with anyone else… I…” 
The reasoning, the excuse that he gave you… It wasn’t any better than the assumption that had sent you to the airport in the first place. “My family… They’ve been looking for me for four years, Chris… four fucking years….” You hissed, and you watched for his reaction, but there didn’t seem to be one, only the sheepish nod of understanding as he listened to you. “You didn’t even tell your own family. You didn’t just lock me away… You hid me… You hid me from a world that was looking for me… And you could have told them, you could have eased their worries… You could have taken me to Australia with you just so they could see I was okay but you’re so… You’re so selfish and sick and possessive that you couldn’t even do that!” 
His head nodded faster as he ran his hand through his hair, and you could see the glimmer of the tears that started to spill down past his sunglasses. “I am… I’m all those things, and sorry isn’t good enough… It won’t be enough to make you stay…” His words almost came out as a whimper as ragged breaths had his chest shaking and his nose blushed pink as he began to sniffle. “I know I can change though… I can change for you… We can have the wedding you want… We can go to Australia and do everything that you want to do… I want to change, but I can’t do it without you here with me.” 
You shook your head, already feeling yourself getting reeled in by him, by his tears, by the display of sadness that he was putting on. You couldn’t let yourself fall fool to it, but you already were. “I promised my family I’d come home…” You whispered, letting him slowly pull you closer, your feet instinctively moving towards him. “I can’t miss the flight.” 
And now you were standing right in front of him, and no matter how hurt you had been, how betrayed you felt, how angry you were… Being this close to him made you feel centered, as if the entire time he had been gone the earth had been tilted off its axis, and now that he was back, everything was set right again. “We’ll go home to them together… We’ll tell them about the marriage, we’ll let them help plan the wedding, and… you can help me… We can help each other…” He brought your intertwined hands up to your cheek, brushing his knuckles against it, and it was only then that you realized you had been crying as well. “We need to go home first… I think we need time for ourselves more than anything, to make sure we’re okay…” 
And you nodded in agreement, because you couldn’t bear the thought of being away from him for a day longer, the thought of being miles away from him again now that he was finally home. He needed help, and you loved him enough, you loved him so much, that you wanted to be the one who was there to help him, and you truly thought that he could change, that he could get better. 
Now that he had you, he wasn’t going to let you get away again. He’d change, surely he’d change… but it wasn’t going to get better, not for you at least. He had almost lost you for good, and he would never allow that to happen. It was a turning point of realization for him, and now that the whole world would soon know about you, it only gave him more reason to hide you away, to keep you from the world and their prying eyes. He’d keep you safe from them, he’d keep you with him always and forever… But this time… This time he’d be better at it, he’d make you feel comfortable, he’d even let you keep in contact with your family… As long as you never left the house, and you never left him. He loved you, and would it be so bad if you fell prisoner to his love? He didn’t think so, and he wouldn’t allow you to think so either. 
Your jealousy had been… adorable… but now that he knew what it could lead to, it was petrifying, and the feeling of his own jealousy and fear eating away at him had been nauseating… Jealousy in fact was a useless feeling, it only caused pain and heartache to those that experienced it, and why would anyone ever want to feel that when they could feel only love?  
taglist : @goodnightlittleme @whatudowhennooneseesyou
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just-jordie-things · 3 years
Insecurities - Richie Tozier
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word count: 4319 warnings: swearing summary: Richie’s greatest fear is not being good enough for her- and It knows to use that against him ___
Richie Tozier loved his girlfriend.  He idolized her, he prioritized her, and every day that he was with her felt like a miracle.  She was his favorite person, the light of his life, and he was so goddamn in love with her that it consumed his entire being.
Thing was, (y/n) was out of his league, and his friends and peers reminded him of it, every, fucking, day.  Either with a joke about how he landed a girl like that, or a comment about how she’ll find someone better too.  His friends weren’t purposefully being assholes, and they never knew how deep their words could cut into Richie.  But he’d never told them how insecure he really was.
(y/n) never thought anything of it.  She loved Richie and that’s all that mattered.  He made her happier than she ever could have imagined herself being in this town.  In this dreary place she lived, he managed to be a ray of spontaneity and sun that she was grateful for every day.  She longed to tell him how much she loved him, she’d never gathered the courage to say it before, but always felt the words burning in her throat. She knew her friends were teasing, and never second guessed them or Richie’s feelings about it.  
That is, until Neibolt. ___
“This, is a bad fucking idea” Richie had muttered into her ear when they’d walked onto the property.
She wasn’t sure if it was out of annoyance for wasting a day that they could have spent at the arcade, or out of his own fear for trekking into the obviously haunted house.
If it was fear, she knew he wouldn’t say anything about it.  So instead, she grabbed his hand and gave him a smile.
“But it’ll make for a great story!” She’d declared.
(She has a tendency to reprimand him on his idiotic ideas, and he always argued that he would have a good story to tell later.  So when she repeated his words back to him, he glared a bit)
(y/n) winked, before giggling because Richie always made a funny face when she winked at him.  After dating her for a year or so, he has never gotten used to the sight of her winking at him.
But then again, a part of him was still in disbelief that she was his girlfriend and she was winking at him.
He tugged her closer to his side by her hand as they walked into the house.
“Oh, gross” Eddie winced, and continued to complain the further they walked into the hall.
The clubs’ steps gradually slowed.
“What the fuck?” Richie hissed, eyes narrowing while he looked around.  “This is a fucking crackhouse-“
He stopped abruptly when there was a loud creaking, and the whole group froze in place.  They went silent, ears on alert for the next haunting sound.
Richie’s hand tightened around (y/n’s), making sure that she was secure at his side.  She looked up at him, brows furrowed a bit, clearly conflicted about Bill’s plan.
Another creak sounded, and her eyes shot towards the sound, just in time to see a door slowly swinging open.  To their surprise, no one, or nothing, appeared in the doorway.  It only revealed an empty room.
When Mike took a few tentative steps towards it, (y/n’s) feet also began to move, as if on instinct, her brain told her not to let her friend investigate alone.
“(y/n)” Richie called for her in a hushed voice as she pulled her hand out of his hold.
She glanced back at him as if to say ‘I’m alright’, and then moved swiftly on the tips of her toes up to Mike.  They shared a look, before nodding their heads, and walking into the room.
As she examined the old run-down bedroom, she felt her heartbeat steady, as did her breathing.  The floorboards were worn and creaky, and the walls had indescribable stains on them, but there was nothing more to it.
“It’s just old” Mike said, a similar expression of relief on his face.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” (y/n) looked back out to their friends to assure them that they were safe.  “It was nothing-“
Before the word could even leave her mouth, the door creaked again, and slammed shut before anyone could move.
“(y/n)!” Richie was the first to leap to action, but by the time he’d gotten to the door, it was already locked.  And no matter how much he yanked and pulled on the rusty knob, it would not budge.
She was pounding her fists against the other side of it, and from the sounds of it, he was pretty sure Mike was trying to kick the door down from the other side.
“(y/n)! (y/n) it’s gonna be fine! I’m gonna get you out!” RIchie hollered, enlisting in the help of Bill and Beverly in trying to kick open the door.
But even as everyone was kicking, it was no use.  The door would rattle in it’s frame, and not crack even a little bit.
“It’s It!” Beverly declared, trying to get the boys to halt in their frantic kicking before they hurt themselves.  “Guys- Richie- we won’t be able to break it open, it’s like- cursed, or something”
He didn’t want to give up that fast, he wanted to keep kicking this door until his shoes were worn through and his feet were bruised, until (y/n) was free.
“It’s alright!” (y/n) called from the room.  “Mike found a part of the wall that’s caved in, we’re gonna try to break through it to the other side of the hall, okay?”
“W-we’ll meet you o-over there” Bill said, already heading around the corner of the hallway with Stan.  Even though it was clear she’d only been informing one person.
“Richie,” She spoke again.  “Go on, I’ll be fine, Mike’s here with me, I’ll see you in a couple minutes, okay?”
She was trying so hard to keep her voice brave, but he could hear it begin to crack, even through the door.
“I’m not fucking leaving you-”
“Richie, go, I don’t want you standing alone out there,” (y/n) ordered.  “I gotta go help Mike with the wall, see you in a minute”
He could barely hear her footsteps take off, and then leaned forward to press his ear against the wood, hoping to hear them breaking through with ease.  But now he couldn’t hear a thing.
Richie spun around, about to alert Eddie and Ben how oddly enough he couldn’t hear their friends tearing through a wall.
But Eddie and Ben weren’t there.
“Guys?” Richie hollered, breaking into a jog in hopes to catch them around the corner, where Mike and (y/n) were supposed to meet everyone.
But no one was there either.
“Hello!? Guys!? Where’d you go!?”
He began to yell a bit louder now, rushing around anywhere he could in search of his friends, but he hadn’t found, or even heard anyone.  How had they abandoned him so fast? Didn’t they notice?
“Richie?” A scratchy but familiar voice called from behind him.
He turned on his heel and was instantly relieved at the sight of (y/n).
“Oh, thank fucking god” He breathed out heavily, taking swift steps towards her.
She, however, took a sharp step backwards.
“Don’t come any closer” She snapped, and Richie froze on the spot.
“Stay the fuck back!” She screeched now, so loud that the harsh words echoed down the halls.  They seemed to ring in Richie’s ears for a lifetime.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” He asked worriedly.  But he did as she asked, and didn’t move any closer to her.  “Did something happen-?”
“Jesus Richie fuck off!” She snarled now, and if that wasn’t shocking enough, she stormed up to him, and shoved him against his chest with both hands, mustering all the force she could.
Richie stumbled until he tripped over his feet and fell to the ground.  He couldn’t believe she was strong enough to push him to the ground like that.  (y/n) wasn’t frail by any means, but she shouldn’t have been able to knock him down with such ease.
“Blabber and hover- blabber and hover with you!” She was yelling down at him now, and Richie pushed himself up on shaky arms.
This was incredibly unlike her-
“You can never just leave me the hell alone! Can you!?” She went on, voice booming unnaturally with each bark.  “Always on my ass, always crowding me!”
If he wasn’t so afraid, he would have noticed how with every word, her teeth turned more ragged, and sharper.
“Do you think I enjoy it? Being stuck with you? It’s a goddamn burden! I can’t stand to be around you- I fucking hate you Richie Tozier!”
“Y-you’re not- this isn’t-” He could barely speak his throat was burning so bad from holding back tears.
This couldn’t be (y/n)... (y/n) would never…
“What, I’m not real?” The word came out in a vicious snarl, and suddenly she warped into another figure.
He wasn’t sure if this one was worse.
“You piece of shit!” Henry Bowers barked.  “Haven’t I told you to stay the fuck out of this town!?”
Richie lunged himself backwards, trying to crawl away from this horrible nightmare as fast as possible.  But the more he tried to scurry away, the worse the image in front of him became.
“You’re a freak!” (y/n) screamed in his face again.  “You’re a loser, Richie.  You think anyone would want to be with you?”
He couldn’t breathe- the tears- the panic- it all welled up inside of him and he knew he was going to explode soon.
“This isn’t real, you’re not real, you’re not her”
“Aren’t I though?” Her voice dropped to a haunting whisper, and she leaned in close to him.  “Aren’t I!?” She screamed.
Richie closed his eyes, shaking his head rapidly and hoping that when he opened them again, she’d be gone, and he’d wake up in his bedroom.  This was just one terrible fucking nightmare, it’ll be over soon-
“The real (y/n) doesn’t have the guts to fucking tell you” She snarled, reminding him of his reality.
“Stop it!” Richie yelled, unable to hold back his tears any longer.
“She’s never been able to speak up and say-”
“Go away!” He begged, voice cracking in desperation.
“She knows she’s too good for you, and let’s face it fuckface, I am too good for you”
He didn’t have it in him to beg It to leave him alone, as he broke down sobbing into his hands, enduring the cuel wrath.
“She hates you, for dragging her down, for hanging off of her like a dog,” Her tone slowly warped into something more squeaky, and masculine, until she wasn’t exactly the image of (y/n) anymore.  “Ohhh… she haaates you Richie”
When he dared to look, he was met with the gruesome sight of a circus clown.  A rather large circus clown.
“But you can stay, Richie, you can float with us!”
“No- no…. no no no!”
He covered his face again as he pleaded and wept uncontrollably.  He wished that It would just get it over with, because he couldn’t take this torture anymore.
“Richie!” A voice screamed.  Not the scream that he’d heard just moments ago, but a worried shriek.
Even still, he kept his hands planted safely over his eyes.  It couldn’t get in his face if he couldn’t see the form it had taken.
“Richie- Richie,” The voice panted again, this time soft, and close to his ear.  “Hey, it’s me” She murmured.
Gentle hands grasped onto his wrists, and pulled on his arms until he revealed his face.
He was met with the concerned eyes of his girlfriend, her brow so furrowed there were lines on her forehead, and a pout on her lips that he’d never seen there before.
“Babe,” She whispered so soft he was certain that he’d imagined that too.  “What happened?”
He flinched when she reached for him, and the action shattered her heart to pieces, but she tried her best not to show it.  Tentatively, she reached her hand out to place against his cheek, pulling her sleeve over her palm to wipe away the flow of tears.
“You’re- are you-”
“I’m real,” She nodded, beginning to realize what had happened.  “It’s me, promise”
His eyes wandered her features unsurely, and she sighed.
“Do you want me to prove it?” She murmured, and began to speak before he could even nod his head.  “On our first date, you called me sweet cheeks, and then got so embarrassed about it that you tripped and dropped your ice cream” There was a weak smile on her lips at the memory, hoping that it would be enough to calm Richie down.
He let out a shaky whimper, before surging forward and wrapping his arms around her torso.  He held her so tightly that she had to control her breaths, but it was alright because he believed her and things were going to be okay.
“It’s alright,” She cooed into his ear as he cried into the crook of her neck.  “I know, it’s awful”
One of his hands cradled the back of her head, fingers tangled in her hair.  The other was fisting the material of her jacket.  He couldn’t speak, he was crying so hard, ut it was enough to know that she was here right now.
(y/n) rubbed his back in soothing circles as she held him for a few moments longer, until she knew it was time to go, and pulled away.
“Come on, we gotta get out of here,” She whispered, wiping his opposite cheek tenderly.  “Eddie broke his arm” She told him as she helped him to his feet, and intertwined their fingers as they raced out of Neibolt.
The others, besides Eddie, were standing in the front yard.
Eddie was being shoved into his mother’s car, while Mrs K was scolding their friends.
“I knew my boy shouldn’t be playing with the likes of you all,” She rambled, snarling at Beverly in particular.  “This is all your fault.  All your fault! I hope your proud of yourselves for maiming my boy!”
She stormed off to her car, and Eddie could barely wave out the window before she’d driven off.
“I know where It is,” Bill spoke after a beat passed.  “And n-next time we’ll come p-prepared”
Richie’s eyes widened before glaring at the boy, finding it ridiculous that he thought it was a good idea to not only come back, but to come back and retaliate.
“No next time, Bill!” Stan begged, shaking his head.
“We have to,” Beverly said.  “Ben, you said so yourself, It comes back every twenty-seven years-”
“Fine! I’ll be forty and far away from here!” He answered.
With his words, a layer of tension settled over the group.
“I’m sorry you couldn’t save Georgie,” Richie grumbled, pulling away from (y/n) to head to his bike.  “But you can still save yourself” He finished, brushing past Bill’s shoulder.
“N-no,” Bill stammered, pushing Richie back by the shoulder.  “T-take it back!”
“Face the truth, Bill! You’re chasing a lie-!”
He couldn’t even finish before Bill pushed harder, and swing a fist against Richie’s cheek.
“Bill!” (y/n) screeched, leaping forward to break them up before something could happen.
She grabbed Richie by the elbow before he could land a punch, and yanked him back while Mike grabbed a secure hold on Bill.
“Face it! We’re losers! That’s it!” Richie snarled.
He shrugged (y/n’s) hold off of him, and her eyes shot to his, broken, and hurt.
“I’m going home.  I don’t want to get fucking killed too” He muttered, and when he stormed off to his bike, Bill didn’t stop him this time.
“R-Richie?” (y/n) called brokenly, stumbling forward on wobbly legs, but it didn’t matter, he was already zooming down the street as fast as he could.
Before she could crumpe to the ground, Beverly grabbed a hold of her, hugging her against her side comfortingly.
It was silent as everyone dispersed, barely giving each other a second glance as they rode off.
Beverly hugged (y/n) tight before she got on the back of Bill’s bike.  Murmuring a soft, ‘see you later’ that (y/n) wasn’t quite convinced of.
She didn’t have the energy in her to bike home, but the only other option was to sit outside Neibolt, alone, and the sun was beginning to set, so she gathered what little strength she had left in her to slowly make her way home. ___
When she came home past dinner, covered in muck and bruises, her parents barely batted an eye.  Even as she let out a soft cry with every step up the stairs, it was like they tuned her out completely.
It had thrown her around like a ragdoll after she tried to defend Eddie.  As brave as she’d tried to be, she’d been terrified, shaking straight down to the bone as she forced herself to stand in front of him.
The demonic clown had simply swing an arm, and sent her tumbling across the ground.
It took a long shower to get all the dirt scraped off her skin.  But even as it was washed down the drain, the memories of this afternoon would haunt her for life.
Maybe Bill was right.  Maybe It needed to be stopped now, before he could just keep coming back and traumatizing a new generation of children every thirty or so years.  But even if she really wanted to kill the creature, she wouldn’t even know where to begin.  And her brain was already swarmed with a worse thought,
Was Richie done with me?
She sniffled a bit at the idea, but wiped her eyes before they could be filled with tears.
No, he was just angry, and scared, he would never… he wouldn’t just leave like that… would he?
A few knocks on her window made her jolt up in bed, nerves spreading throughout her body like electricity.  She instantly thought that It had found her, and was back to finish what he’d started.
But as she rushed to turn on the lamp sitting on her bedside table, her muscles relaxed to see it was only Richie, waiting rather impatiently for her to unlock her window.
She threw the covers off of her, and moved as quickly as she could to let him in.
As soon as she pushed the window upwards, he was crawling in, oddly silent.
“Hey,” She murmured, not wanting to alert her parents downstairs that her boyfriend had snuck in.
He’d done so a million times before, and they’ve never gotten caught, but today was a rather awful day and she didn’t want to have one more thing ruined.
“Are you feeling be-”
“We need to talk” Richie mumbled, effectively cutting her off with the upsetting words.
“O-Okay…” (y/n) answered, trying not to jump to conclusions.  “What… about..?” She asked slowly.
“I think-” He started to speak quickly, but just couldn’t seem to finish the sentence.
He couldn’t even look her in the eyes.
“We- we should- we need to break up”
It was like her heart plummeted right out of her body, sending every nerve to go numb.  She had to have heard him wrong- this wasn’t like Richie- maybe this wasn’t even the real-
“I- I want to break up” He added in an even quieter voice.  She caught the crack in his words, and she shook her head in confusion.
“What?” She could barely manage to say the one word.
“I know you heard me,” Richie sighed, eyes finally flickering up to hers.  “Come on (y/n) don’t make this any more difficult than it-”
“You’re the one being difficult!” She whisper-hissed, eyes widening a bit in frustration.  “What are you doing? Wh- why are you-”
“Come on,” Richie whispered.  “Don’t do that-”
“Give me one reason why we should break up” (y/n) crossed her arms.  She wasn’t going to let him walk away that easy.  Something was up, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.
“We’re not a good fit, alright?” He answered, volume raising a bit above his previous murmur.  “We don’t work, and I was a fucking idiot to think that we would”
“Richie…” (y/n) sighed in disbelief.
“You wanted an answer-”
“Where is this coming from?” She asked with a shake of her head.  “I know you don’t really want to break up-”
“Well we have to!” He yelled, and they were both silent for a minute, trying to see if her parents had heard him.
When there was no response from downstairs, she snapped back at him.
“Why?” She stressed the word, desperate for him to just fess up whatever it was that was bothering him.
“Why? Do you even have to ask, (y/n)?” Richie asked.
Her eyebrows knitted together as he spoke in such a harsh tone.  Richie never talked to her like that.
“Look at me, (y/n)! I mean, come on, it was only a fucking matter of time before you got bored and realized how much of your time you’ve wasted on me!”
If she’d thought him trying to break up was horrible, this was even worse.
“Oh, Rich-”
“I’m a loser, (y/n), don’t you see that? Don’t you see how terrible for you I am?”
He was breaking her heart with every word.
“Haven’t you heard them? What people say? What our own friends say?” He asks her, but she doesn’t answer, because she can’t.  “I am dragging you down with every second of being with you”
“N-no-” She can’t hardly choke out the word, but Richie vents on anyways.
“Might as well just end things now, before one of us gets hurt”
He turns around, as if to head back out her window, but (y/n’s) faster.  She wedges herself in between his body, shutting and locking the window before he could just walk away.
“No, s-stop running away,” She cried, and when she looks up at him, she realizes that he can’t look at her because he’s crying too.  “Richie,” She whimpers, shaky hands reaching up to cup his face, making him look down at her.  “That’s not true, none of that is true-”
“It is” He replies, brokenly.
She shakes her head, and steps closer to him.
“It lied to you,” She tells him.  “I know It probably told you some terrible, nasty things,”
Richie squeezes his eyes shut, and the next thing he knows, he’s falling to his knees.  But (y/n) follows, kneeling down with him and shuffling even closer.
“But babe,” She murmured, “It was lying, it was all a trick”
She could feel his tears slipping down his cheeks and over her fingers.
“I just- I don’t want to drag you down-”
“Drag me down?” She repeats in a whisper, thumbs stroking away his tears once more.  “Richie,” His eyes open when she says his name, soft and sweet-like.
She pushes his glasses up on top of his mess of curls so she can swipe away the tears under his eyes.
“You do nothing but lift me up,” She tells him.  “You’re my ray of sunshine in this terrible fucking town,” An anxious and uncertain smile trembles on her lips.  “And all those things you’re so worried about, I love about you,”
There’s a pause as her eyes flicker between his, before gently placing his glasses back on his nose.
“I’m in love with you,” She murmurs.  “I love you so much,” She repeats in a sigh, just in case he didn’t hear her the first time.  “So much”
A short breath of a laugh escapes him, and a small smile begins to tug on his lips as he looks at her.  He knows she means it, he can feel it, he can see it in her eyes that she’s being genuine.
He takes her hands from his face, setting them gently in her lap before cupping her face in his own hands.
“I love you too” He tells her, and before he can lean in, she’s shooting forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting her lips on his firmly.
It’s unlike any other kisses they’ve shared.  It’s desperate, and careful, and loving, and conveyed every last drop of fear that they’d had in losing each other.  She’s kissing him so passionately that her chest is heaving, but she can’t bear to pull away now.
Richie holds her in his lap, and she’s wrapped up in his arms so securely that she’s sure, and she hopes, she’ll never be able to get out of them.
When her lips are swollen and her lungs are burning for oxygen, she finally leaned back slightly, but only by a few centimeters.
“You can’t leave me,” She tells him through heavy breaths.  Her eyes are still closed, but he’s staring intently at her anyways.  “I need you too much- don’t leave me”
He nods in agreement, caressing her cheek affectionately.
“Okay,” He hums, and kisses her lips chastely.  “I won’t… I won’t”
She falls forward, and embraces him tightly.
Richie’s arms wind around her lower back again, and they sit for a long time like this, catching their breath and holding onto one another firmly, so that neither can leave.
“We have to go back” Richie says after a long time.
“I know” She murmurs against his neck.
“We have to kill that fucking clown” He says, voice dropping it’s gentle tone, turning hard, and final.
“I know” She repeats, the same vengeful tone in her own voice.
Nothing was ever going to come between them again, that was for sure.
taglist: @thegr8kush​
xoxo ~ jordie 
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Can I request a Compress x Reader? Babytrapping + Breeding?
Ohhh interesting, of course you can! I rarely write for the villains so this will be fun. You didn’t specify but because baby trapping I did fem!reader. I also just realized you might’ve meant reader baby trapping Compress but I wrote Compress baby trapping reader so I hope that’s what you wanted 😅
The following request contains dark content. Check the warnings before reading
Warnings for vomiting, pregnancy, manipulation, non-violent sexual assault (baby trapping), breeding kink, unprotected sex, oral (f!receiving), fingering (f!receiving), minor dumbification? (reader is very no thoughts, head empty during the smut), minor size kink, minor pain kink
Three years.
Three years together and yet you never would’ve guessed that your boyfriend is the notorious Mr. Compress of League of Villains infamy.
You first met Atsuhiro while working at a hole in the wall theater company. He came up to you after performing one night and had been so effortlessly charming that you’d instantly been put under his spell. He was more intelligent than all of your exes combined and could make you laugh like no one else could. It hadn’t taken long for you to fall totally and completely for the charming man you met that night.
But all of that came crashing down around you when he came home from a “business trip” with a prosthetic arm and no amount of half-assed excuses about an accident on stage could assuage your suspicions. He managed to dodge a confrontation with you for almost a week before you’d finally put the final pieces together and went to him to demand an explanation.
“You’re a terrorist Atsu!”
“That’s just what the heroes want you to think my love, don’t fall for their propaganda.”
“It’s not propaganda it’s just a fact! People have died because of your actions!”
“And how many more have suffered or died because of heroes and the society they created.”
“You’re deflecting. I have always indulged your rants about hero society but this is too far! The man I fell in love with would never stoop to this level!”
Atsuhiro crosses the room to you in two quick strides, cradling your face gently with his hand while you feel the cool metal of his other find your hip, fingers slipping under your shirt.
“I’m still the man you fell in love with (y/n), I can assure you of that,” he whispers, pressing his forehead to yours.
“How could that possibly be?”
“Let me show you.”
He pulls you into a gentle kiss, reassuring in its care. As his lips move against yours, gently coaxing them to open so he can deepen the kiss and slip his tongue inside, you struggle to maintain your earlier anger. It’s a distraction and you know it is but it’s hard to resist as he starts to move you both back towards your bedroom. He makes quick work of your clothes and by the time your back hits the plush of your mattress you’re both already naked. His mouth finally releases yours to travel down your body, leaving bruises in his wake as he marks you as his.
“Atsu, wait we should, ah-” you start but he quickly shushes you before licking a long stripe up your waiting sex.
“Just relax Angel, let me take care of you. Let your thoughts drift away,” he all but purrs.
You try to focus on the conversation you know the two of you need to have but it slips from your fingers like grains of sand as he brings one hand to your swollen clit and starts rubbing slow circles. Your hands tighten in the sheets as he draws a low, keening whine out of you. His hazel eyes dance with smug satisfaction as he watches you try and fail to form a coherent thought. He doesn’t let up the pressure on your clit for even a moment as he drops his mouth to your waiting cunt and plunges his tongue inside. Your hand flies down to his curly hair on impulse, tangling in the brown locks and gripping tight. Your nails scratch along his scalp and your tight grip tugs at the roots of his hair but he loves the pain of it, knows it’s a sign he’s doing well as he brings up his free hand to add two fingers inside you as well. After so long together he knows your body just as well as you do and it takes no time at all for him to find that one spot inside you that has you seeing stars. Your climax builds and builds until you finally crash through the peaks of your pleasure, walls fluttering around your lover’s tongue and fingers as he coaxes you through your orgasm.
You’ve barely had time to recover from your orgasm before you can feel his erection pressing at your entrance. “W-wait, Atsu, condom,” you pant, shifting in the bed to reach for the bedside drawer but Atsuhiro stops you. “We don’t need it baby, wanna feel closer to you,” he murmurs, pressing kisses along your face as he eases you back down to laying flat on the bed. “But what if-” “You’re on birth control right?” he cuts you off. “I mean yea but-” “Then it’ll be fine, you worry too much.”
Any further protests you might’ve had are immediately silenced as a snap of your boyfriend’s hips has the tip of his cock brushing your cervix. You gasp as your body attempts to adjust to his girth. “You’re taking me so well baby, isn’t this so much better? Feel how close we are. Nothing between us, just as it should be,” he coos and it does feel good, good enough that despite the voice in your head telling you you should be cautious, you only nod and beg for more. The grin Atsuhiro gives you is almost blinding right before he presses his lips to yours, kissing you greedily as he slowly withdraws his hard cock before pushing back inside you again. You whimper and whine into his mouth as he starts to pick up the pace, each thrust more brutal than the last. Eventually he leans back and away from you, shifting your hips so he can plunge himself in deeper, but with his lips no longer occupied with yours he’s free to let his thoughts spill out and into the room:
“Gonna fill you up so well, fuck, my beautiful Angel.”
“You and me forever baby, gonna look so good round with my kids.”
“Taking my cock so well, can’t wait until you’re full of my seed.”
The words wash over you but barely register. There’s no room in your brain left for anything else as Atsuhiro takes over every corner of it. Language becomes a foreign concept to you, barely able to articulate your own pleasure in more than the sinful sounds dripping from your lips, let alone trying to process your boyfriend’s ramblings. His thrusts start getting sloppier as he brings one hand between you both to stroke your clit and push you over the edge with him. “I’m so close angel, I’m so close. Cum with me. Want you to finish with me while I stuff you full of my cum,” he pants and all you can do is nod as the coil in your belly winds tighter and tighter. As you clench harder around him he goes toppling over the edge first, crying out your name as he spills his load inside you. You never would’ve anticipated enjoying it so much but it’s that feeling that sends you over the edge, falling apart around his cock as he finishes filling you with his cum.
He helps you come down from your high with sweet kisses and whispered words of encouragement, but as the haze of lust fades, you start to remember the fight you both were having before. As much as you would like for this to be the kind of thing you can just kiss and make up over, it’s not and you know it’s a conversation that needs to be finished. Looking at your boyfriend as he settles more comfortably on top of you though, you can’t bring yourself to ruin the moment. Sleep is weighing heavy on your eyelids anyway so you resolve yourself to bring it up the next day.
Except the next day ends the same way.
And the day after that.
And the day after that…
Every time you try to bring back up Atsuhiro’s secret double life as Mr. Compress he manages to distract you just long enough to get you back into bed. At first you tell yourself it’s not a big deal that the conversation’s been delayed a couple days, but then it turns into a week. A week of very hot sex, mind you, but if the existence of Atsuhiro’s double life was a red flag then certainly his insistence on avoiding discussing it is an even larger one. After two weeks you finally resolve yourself to talking to him the next morning over breakfast, no distractions and no avoiding the issue with sex. Cooking helps with your nerves, giving you something to do with your hands and a task to focus on to help you ignore your roiling stomach. You end up making almost an entire breakfast buffet by the time Atsuhiro emerges from your shared bedroom to join you in the kitchen.
He barely has time to tell you good morning before you’re rushing him to the table and setting plates full of food down. You know you have to tread carefully so you use the time you both spend eating to organize your thoughts. This time for sure you’ll talk to him. You finally open your mouth to confront Atsuhiro once and for all but as you feel bile start to crawl up your throat what comes out instead is “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
No sooner have you said the words are you shoving away from the table and rushing into the nearest bathroom. You get to the toilet just in time, fingers clutching the rim of the bowl as you violently eject the contents of your stomach into the water below. It burns your throat coming up and your eyes sting, but a warm, comforting presence is by your side in an instant, one hand coming up to rub your back gently as the other pulls your hair away from your face. Only once your stomach is thoroughly emptied does the heaving finally stop and you’re able to sit back and catch your breath. “Are you ok my love? What’s wrong?” Atsuhiro asks with gentle care as he pulls you close. You shake your head, unsure yourself of what had turned your stomach. Sure, you were nervous to talk to Atsuhiro but not that nervous. It can’t have been something you ate since all you’d had was the breakfast you made and you know everything was cooked properly. You rack your brain for an answer only to go rigid when you start to settle on one.
“Atsu what’s the date?”
“The 22nd baby, why?”
Your blood runs cold.
You’d been so preoccupied with figuring out things with Atsuhiro that you hadn’t even noticed how much time was slipping past but there’s no doubt about it. Your period is two weeks late.
“I think I need to go to the doctor,” you whisper. No way in hell you’ll leave this up to a drugstore test. There must be another explanation for your sudden nausea. Sure, you and Atsuhiro had pretty much abandoned condoms. Every time you started to reach for one, he’d remind you how good it felt not to use one the first time and convince you to forgo it again. But you’re on birth control! This isn’t supposed to be possible.
God bless him, Atsuhiro doesn’t press you any further on why exactly you want to go to the doctor instead of trying to find something at home to settle your stomach. He simply helps you off the floor and then grabs the keys to your car so he can drive you to the doctor himself. You’re incredibly grateful that he doesn’t seem to share your nerves. He’s a calming presence next to you as your anxiety kicks into overdrive.
You’d asked Atsuhiro to take a seat without you while you checked into the urgent care. You didn’t want him to hear you describe your symptoms to the nurse waiting there. The kind woman immediately suspects the same thing you do and leads you to the bathroom so you can pee in a cup. She’s sympathetic and reassuring as she tells you to return to the waiting room while the doctor runs the pregnancy test but it does little to soothe your frayed nerves. The air in the waiting room feels oppressive and when your name is finally called to go back and see the doctor, Atsuhiro’s hand in yours is probably the only thing that keeps you grounded. You take a seat on the examination table and instead of moving to sit down in one of the chairs in the room, Atsu stays by your side, whispering reassurances into your ear. “Whatever’s going on I’m here for you my love.”
The doctor strides into the room shortly afterwards, greeting you warmly even if somewhat absentmindedly as she moves to the computer to check for your details. She confirms your date of birth and then after scrolling for a bit her eyes finally land on the results of your test. She smiles and your heart sinks. “Well it looks like congratulations are in order, you’re pregnant!” she exclaims, beaming at you. A lump forms in your throat as tears threaten to fall, anxiety making your hands shake as the weight of the situation starts to crash down on you. The doctor misinterprets your reaction and as she leaves the room to get you pamphlets on what to expect and how best to take care of yourself during your pregnancy, her reassuring words that promise you’ll make a great mother are anything but.
As soon as the doctor leaves the room you break, tears cascading down your cheeks as your chest heaves. Atsuhiro pulls you into his embrace, letting you fall apart in his arms as you come to terms with the news. “I’m not ready to be a mom, I can’t do it on my own,” you cry, hands clenching onto his shirt. “I know my love, I know, but you’ll never be alone as long as you have me. I’m here for you. I’ll always be here for you,” he assures you, pulling you in even closer.
As you continue to cry into his chest, murmuring hiccuping thank you’s between heaving sobs, Atsuhiro can’t help but smile to himself.
He’ll have to remember to thank Dr. Garaki for the fake birth control pills later.
General Taglist: @ahtsuwu @oikawaandkuroostan @larkspyrr @oliviasslut @black-rose-29
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fungifanart · 3 years
The Devil’s Gospel (Interlude)
Characters: Albedo, Male reader, god!reader, Childe/Tartaglia, Kaeya, Rubedo
Tw: None that I’m aware of this time
Word count: 1.4K
Notes: Figured some of you might wanna see what happened between The Devil and The Tower. Also, apologies for the delay, my life’s gotten kinda hectic recently.
The Fool’s Journey
Albedo’s hands haven’t stopped trembling since he left the “city of freedom”. He can’t believe that this happened, that he’s holding His Grace in his arms after being stoned nearly to death by the people he thought he could trust. The very thought of it is almost enough to send Albedo into a blind rage.
‘They’ll pay.’ He angrily thinks to himself ‘They will all pay.’ He silently swears that he won’t rest until every face he saw in that crowd is contorted in fear and guilt, begging for any modicum of mercy.
‘But His Grace comes first’ Albedo reminds himself as he continues along the path towards Dragonspine. The base camp will be empty until evening because of the “execution” so the plan is for him to meet Kaeya there and then get His Grace to the lab together, where he’ll be able to heal in peace.
However, just as he’s nearing the base camp, he senses movement and just barely dodges an arrow charged with hydro energy aimed directly at his head. He spins around to see a flash of red hair barreling straight towards him and has just enough time to jump out of the way while making sure His Grace doesn’t sustain anymore injuries.
The red-haired man skids to a stop and turns to face Albedo with a look that radiates pure malice before he opens his mouth to speak “I’m gonna give you one chance to hand him over before I cut your arms off.” He says while brandishing two swords.
Wait…that face…
“You were in the crowd during the execution.” Albedo’s anger and indignation skyrocket upon this realization “What? Was it not enough just to stone His Grace within an inch of death? You hate him so much that you came all the way here to finish the job?!” Normally, he would take out his sword and prepare to fight, but His Grace’s safety takes priority so instead he readies himself to take off in a full sprint once an opening presents itself.
However, just as he’s ready to take off running, the red-haired man freezes, his face filled with pure shock at Albedo’s last statement “Wait…His Grace? He’s still alive?!”
“Indeed he is.” Kaeya says as he approaches the two other men “I began to worry when Albedo didn’t arrive at the agreed time so I thought I’d make sure he and His Grace were still in one piece.” He says in response to their shocked expressions.
“Wait, back up! How is His Grace still alive?!” The red-haired man exclaims in confusion, causing Kaeya to cringe in frustration.
“Normally, I’d LOVE to get you up to speed right now, but it’ll have to wait until we get him to Albedo’s lab in Dragonspine. We’re already in danger of being caught as it is and if that happens, then His Grace will die for real. Now get moving.” Kaeya’s voice was as light as ever, but his tone made it clear that the red-haired man had no choice in the matter.
So they walked.
In complete silence.
Only sparing the time for introductions.
“Can I ask how much longer until we reach the lab?” The man Albedo now knows as Childe asks after they reached the first mountain checkpoint.
“We’re roughly halfway there.” Albedo answers frankly.
Childe groans before asking another question “And can I ask why we need to get His Grace there in the first place?”
Albedo meets the other man’s eyes before answering “Because it’s the only safe haven he has left.” While beginning to walk again.
“That’s not—“ Childe tries to object whilst jogging to catch up, but his words are cut off by Kaeya.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but is not so that The Tsaritsa herself spearheaded the hunts for His Grace’s head that you harbingers carried out?” He says very pointedly towards Childe, his words as cold as the air around them.
“W-well…” Albedo can hear the guilt in Childe’s voice as he struggles to refute Kaeya’s claim.
“That leaves Snezhnaya out of the question along with Natlan, Fontaine and Sumeru, seeing as how their respective archons took very similar measures after the news about His Grace spread. Not to mention how he was chased out of both Inazuma and Liyue before ultimately being captured and sentenced to death in Mondstadt. It’s as Albedo says: There is nowhere else in Teyvat that His Grace will be safe except for his lab here in Dragonspine.” Kaeya concludes, his logic cold and unrelenting.
Childe grimaces before conceding with a sigh “Fine, you’re right. But you still haven’t explained how he survived the execution.”
Kaeya responds in a carefree tone “Simple, I fed Jean some made up speech about ‘wanting to see my own work bear the fruit of justice’ or whatever so she would give me free reign over the execution prep. I made sure that none of the rocks were large enough to cause any fatal damage and that His Grace was hanging low enough to withstand the fall. It needed to be believable, but survivable.”
Albedo still feels terrified at how calmly he’s describing the plan as if it couldn’t have gone horribly wrong at any point.
Childe sounds incredulous as he responds “Wait, so the rope being cut was planned?!”
Kaeya fires back with a chuckle that sends a chill down Albedo’s spine “Who do you think threw the rock?”
The walk continues with Childe in stunned silence and Kaeya leading the way as Albedo closely monitors His Grace’s condition before they finally reach the lab as the sun begins to set.
Albedo clears off one of the tables to carefully set His Grace down on before speaking “Now there’s only one thing left to do.”
“And that is?” Childe asks
“Sealing off the lab and feigning a cave-in.” Kaeya states matter-of-factly while already grabbing some wooden boards “Simply leaving His Grace here still leaves him in danger of being discovered. So we make it seem like there was a cave-in so that Albedo can monitor His Grace and provide medical attention without being caught.”
“But wouldn’t people notice his absence while he’s here?” Childe asks thoughtfully
“That’s where I come in.” A new voice states, the owner of which enters while carrying numerous medicinal herbs that Albedo had asked for.
“Oh I see— WAIT who are you?!” Childe asks incredulously upon seeing that the new arrival looks identical to Albedo himself.
Kaeya sighs at Childe’s confusion while continuing to board up the cave’s entrance “That’s a very long story that we have no time for right now, but the plan is that one Albedo will remain on the mountain to monitor His Grace whilst the other will stay in Mondstadt so no one thinks to look for him here. Now stop staring and help me get these boards and rocks in place.” Kaeya commands while handing Childe a hammer.
Their work continues long into the night with the two Albedos grinding up the herbs to make medicine for His Grace while Kaeya and Childe finish blocking off the cave entrance and adding a hidden door so only they can get in or out. And so, they finally finish getting the last of the rocks in place as the sun begins to rise.
“*phew* That looks like the last of it. Is there anything else for us to do now?” Albedo hears Childe ask from the outside of the now blocked-off cave.
“I still have to go with Albedo to report the ‘cave-in’, but as far as you’re concerned, there’s nothing left except for waiting for His Grace to recover.” Kaeya responds thoughtfully.
“I see…” Childe says with clear disappointment in his voice “Well, be sure to keep me posted on His Grace’s condition.” He says as Albedo hears him walk away.
“We’ll be leaving now too, Albedo. Take good care of His Grace, understood?” Kaeya says from the outside as he hears him and the other Albedo begin walking back down the mountain.
And so, Albedo has now found himself alone with His Grace once again. All he does for the longest time is sit there, looking at the broken form of the Divine Creator himself taking uneven breaths. This sight alone is enough to cause all of his negative thoughts to begin festering and swirling in his mind as his hands start shaking again.
However, he forces all the negative thoughts down as he remembers his purpose and brings up his hand to caress His Grace’s cheek “Rest as much as you need to, Your Grace. Once you’re healed, you’ll be able to see the farthest reaches of Teyvat, just like you wanted.” He says quietly.
‘And you’ll be able to be get revenge on those imbeciles who almost killed you.’ He thinks to himself.
It’s only a matter of time now.
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ayyezhongli · 3 years
horny hungry dom zhongli x innocent slutty childe
where zhongli is horny asf and childe has this lusty energy around him which makes it hard for zhongli to concentrate bc he just wants to ravage and fuck childe using him as a fucktoy
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ok so its late in the day n zhongli jus came back from a mission. he has paper work he needs to finish but forst he needs to shower bc he’s sweating like crazy.
so he says “good work today”
trying to contain himself with all this lust and sexual desire that was pouring out of childe. childe smiled saying.
“yeah thx, you too”
n zhongli walked over to take a shower. the lust was too strong. like a tornado. if he stood there any second longer he would’ve for sure fucked childe stupid right there. he turned on the shower water to hot and stripped revealing his member hard asf.
“fuck not again.”
so now zhongli steps in the shower, cheeks tinted pink and one of his hands against the tile wall.
“i’ll just get it over with now”
with his free hand wrapped around his dick, he starts pumping himself as images of childe flash in his brain. childe in a maid outfit. childe with a lewd face. childe moaning….all he could think about were these abstract images and dirty scenarios about childe he made up in his head mumbling childes name under his breath.
“Fuck! fuck! fuck!”
so zhongli cums shooting his load all over the tile wall panting. after a few minutes of washing himself he turns off the water and wraps a towel around his waist and gets out. he puts on a fresh pair of boxers and has the towel over his shoulders. when he looks up to his surprise, he sees childe standing in front of him with a bright red face.
“how long have you been here?”
“w-well i went to go shower bc i thought you were done b-b-but….”
zhongli stares childe down biting his lip. childe could see the hungry look in zhonglis eyes. he looked like a beast who captured his pret and ready to devour it any second. n he suddenly found himself backing up as zhongli approached him until he was pressed up against a wall kabedoned.
He’s gonna eat me alive!!
“u saw enough.”
zhongli couldnt hold back anymore. he jus couldn’t. he has been for so long and too long. and with the way how childe was acting, his flushed face. He REALLY couldnt.
childe was squirming around trying to escape and oh that turned him on so much. watching childe squirm underneath him. and so he fiercely attacked childes neck marking and claiming every spot he can which in response to this action childe gripped his shoulders letting out tiny little pants and moans right into zhonglis ear.
“Sensei p-p-pls stop”
childe begged while zhongli ignored him. childes begging only made him harder. there was no going back now. zhongli slid his hands up childes shirt mouth still attached onto childes neck. he went up pinching his nipples causing a loud moan to escape his mouth.
“F-Fuck Sensei!!”
he moved up to nibble on his ear and reached his hand down into his pants to palm him.
“you’re already so hard for me childe….”
childe moaned into his ear. childe had the lewd face that zhongli always dreamed of. It turned him on so much he almost came.
“D-d-dont to- Ahh~!!”
it was too late, zhongli had a tight grip around his dick and started pumping him fast. childe came within seconds all over zhonglis hand and in his pants. zhongli rid childe of his pants and started rubbing against him through his boxers.
“Mmmnn S-sensei dont stop ahh~”
“i never planned too”
He’s even hotter than i imagined
“kiss me.”
n so childe did. wrapping his arms around zhonglis neck kissing him passionately. he wanted to have all of childe for himself. have him all to his self. violate and claim every orifice or non orifice of his body. all of it should n would belong to him by the time he’s done. pulling away breathless a string of drool attached from the mouth he went back in and childe rubbed back harder and needier than before.
“S-sensei….i want you….”
zhongli felt himself blush but kept a calm composure.
“prostrate yourself in front of me and maybe i’ll consider it.”
childe did so all shame going down the drain. n zhonglis view was nothing short from perfect. it was beautiful. seeing childe’s pink innocent little hole with his ass high up in the air. he couldn’t hold back. it was so plump, so untouched, so round, so innocent looking he wanted to destroy it. and so he bit down marking and claiming what belongs to him which made childe yelp. with a loud smack childe came as a red hand print formed on his ass.
“you came just from that? what a slutty little masochist”
childe quivered while zhongli spanked him a few more times. he could feel his legs going weak until they finally decided gave out and he dropped to the floor unable to hold himself up any longer.
“i’m not finished with u yet. get back up.”
childe struggled to follow his directions but eventually did wobbling.
“good little slut.”
zhongli bent over and planted a gentle kiss on his head.
“turn around and suck”
zhongli said pulling down his boxers revealing his hard member. childe just stared. that wouldn’t be able to fit inside him!! how was he gonna take all that it!!
“stop gawking at it n suck it!”
childe gulped and started licking his shaft sucking on the balls from time to time. he slowly lowered himself down gagging at every inch. he wanted to see zhonglis reaction through it all so he maintained eye contact as he watched zhonglis face flush and his hand covering his mouth. it was hot ngl and childe could feel himself becoming harder. after a few zhongli came and he could feel the slimy liquid go down his throat and drip down the side of his mouth. he pulled away but before he could fully zhongli held him down.
“keep going.”
childe did the best he could. and he could feel zhongli’s throbbing cock in his mouth.
“stick out ur tongue”
zhongli said panting slightly
and he came all over his face and getting sum on his tongue. catching his breath he looked down at childe to see such a slutty cum covered face panting with his tongue sticking out and tears forming from the side of his eyes.
“you look so hot covered in my cum, such a slutty whore all for me~….”
zhongli put his fingers in childe’s mouth.
“suck and get them nice and lubricated.”
childe did so until zhongli pulled them out.
“prostrate yourself for me again.”
and when he did, zhongli shoved his fingers inside causing childe to moan in pain, crying.
“S-s-sensei it hurts…”
“it wont for long just hang in there. this isnt even the part that hurts the most.”
zhonglis fingers wiggled around inside childe
“god ur squeezing my fingers so tightly”
his fingers searched for that one g spot.
“where is it now….”
zhongli said still looking until childe arched his back and let out a loud moan drool dripping down the side of his mouth.
“found it.”
what was he feeling? what was this immense amount of pleasure? has he have no shame? it all felt too good childe couldn’t think straight. as a puddle of drool formed from the side of his mouth n on the floor zhongli pulled out and aligned himself.
“woah woah wait sensei thats not all gonna f- AHH SHIT!!”
but before childe could finish zhongli pushed himself inside him. all of him. and childe choked on his own spit, eyes widening and crying clawing at the floor to escape as zhongli thrusted into him fast and rough showing no mercy.
“Sensei it hurts! It hurts! It hurts so much!”
childe cried out clawing and scraping at the floor.as much as he tried to escape zhonglis grip on his hips was too tight.
“shhh its okay….it’ll feel better soon.”
and like zhongli said, the pain started fading away n all he could feel was pleasure. all he could think abt was zhongli. zhonglis dick deep inside him. destroying him. ruining him. claiming him.
childe moaned out.
“fuck that was hot. moan out my name again. moan the name of the person who’s fucking u stupid. claiming you for themselves.”
zhonglis pace quickened and by now he was slamming into childe ruining him like he always got off too.
and with that childe came dropping to the floor.
“this isnt over yet childe, not even close~….”
zhongli flipped him around placing each of his legs on his shoulder and pounded into him harder n faster than childe could ever imagine.
“I’m gonna cum again…”
“n im gonna cum too….”
giving a few more thrusts zhongli came inside him and childe came again on his chest cum dripping out of him and panting heavily and twitching.
“ur still so hard for me.”
zhongli palmed the twitching childe and he came once more all over zhonglis hand. zhongli lifted his hand up to childes mouth.
“lick it clean”
hesitating, childe sucked his hand clean tasting himself. the bittersweet slimy consistency. he couldn’t help but scrunch up his nose.
“good boy.”
zhongli said picking childe up and carrying him bridal style.
“lets take a shower shall we?”
and so they stepped into the shower to bathe but it turned out to be another round. the end :)
(but guess what- i wrote an alt ending so enjoy 😈)
“good boy.”
zhongli said picking childe up and carrying him bridal style. when zhongli raised his head he could see diluc standing in there eyes widen is shock to speechless to say anything. Childe looked at diluc face flushed
diluc was too speechless he couldn’t say anything.
“i’m just gonna-”
diluc said turning around.
“dont tell anyone diluc”
“i never planned too.”
diluc said walking out.
“Besides…i dont wanna risk the chance of me n kaeya getting out.”
(ok now thats the alt ending. hope you enjoyed the story. it’s pretty rushed but don’t mind that)
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wolfybugswriting · 3 years
Itadori/sukuna x reader
Summary: You go into a yearly rut, and this time Yuji catches you out of your room. He learns what's going on and decides to try and help you. Sukuna's a brat.
Warnings: amab gn reader(has a dick, but I try to not use gendered pronouns), masturbation, somewhat rough sex to even rougher sex w/ Sukuna, lots of biting, slight degradation? reader teases Yuji about wanting to fuck them, Sukuna is a brat, Yuji is super submissive, nice fluffy ending
Note(s): In this, the rut is essentially a side effect of your curse/cursed technique
Word count: 4.2k
With a huff, you slammed the snooze button on your alarm clock for the who-knows-how-many time - you hadn't been keeping count. Still foggy with sleep, and the side effects of your incoming rut, you didn't really care how late you slept in today. You'd managed to keep your situation a secret from your friends, feeling more comfortable dealing with it on your own. You told them that you were out on a mission, and would lock yourself up in your room until it subsided.
But now you were hungry, late in the evening; the others should be out by now, so you made your way to the kitchen. You took enough food to hold yourself over for a while longer, and it was a good thing too, hearing footsteps as you locked your door behind you.
Fucking hell- You could sense him from here, connected to both Itadori and the curse he hosted. You see, you were also a vessel. You housed the only curse that could rival Sukuna; one who was once his lover when they were human, until she was killed. She resented Sukuna for not trying to save her, but they were still connected to each other whether they liked it or not.
Shaking your head clear of your thoughts, you huddled into your haphazard mess of pillows and blankets. Maybe you could just sleep away your problem.
. . .
"Fuuucck..." You groaned, throwing your blankets off of you as your body was starting to overheat. This was one of the worst ruts you've gone through already, and knowing just how close Itadori's room was to yours certainly wasn't helping. You'd liked the guy for a while, his kind while sometimes a bit childish nature catching your eye. Then combined with your shared memories of Sukuna, thanks to your own curse, you were whipped to say the least.
Stumbling out of your room to get another water bottle to try and cool yourself off some, you froze at the sight of Itadori stumbling down the hallway towards you. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, jumping a little when he finally noticed you.
"H-hey, you're back!" His voice was lower, and scratchy from just waking up. You tried not to think about how else you'd like to hear his voice.
"Yeah... What're you doing up?" Leaned back against the wall, you made sure to keep some distance between the two of you.
Oblivious as ever, he moved to stand right in front of you, laughing a little. "Just getting a midnight snack, what about you?"
Gods he smells good- "Water." You grit out, unable to look at the other. Even in the dim lighting he looks good.
Shuffling back towards your room, you stuff your hands in your pockets. You couldn't be around him for too long; as in control of yourself as you normally are, you didn't trust yourself to not pin the pink-haired male to the wall and-
No, don't even think about it. You don't want to freak him out, you idiot.
"Are you ok? You don't look too good," the good-natured idiot came even closer, trying to look into your eyes. It was hard to see your flushed face in the dark, but he knew you enough by now that he could tell something was wrong.
You had to bite your tongue, not wanting to say anything about your rut, and besides you didn't want to focus on just how close he is, or how you could practically hear his heartbeat- or was that your own?
"'M fine. Just- I'm going back to sleep." You didn't wait for a response, though you could hear him ask about your water, and you quickly closed your door and dropped onto your bed with a heavy sigh.
. . .
"What was that about...?" he wondered aloud, a little worried. You were never really the super upbeat type of person like himself or Nobara, but you seemed grumpier than usual and he didn't like to see you upset. When you two had first met, he could hardly get a word out of you, but that was a long time ago; he hoped something hadn't happened to you, or worse that he'd done something.
Eventually deciding to get his snack, and a water bottle that he left by your door, Yuji went back to his room. He curled up on his bed with whatever he'd grabbed out of the pantry with a sigh. As a mouth formed on his hand, he frowned but waited for Sukuna to speak.
"You can tell something's different about them, can't you?" The curse grinned, knowing something his host didn't.
"Obviously. Why?" Though he'd gotten more used to Sukuna's presence, he still didn't trust him. To be fair, he hasn't given much of a reason to trust him.
Still speaking into the darkened room aloud, Sukuna pulled his memories to the front of his mind and sharing them with Yuji in turn. "You see, the curse your little friend shares a body with," an old memory, but it was clear as day. She had an almost scary resemblance to you. "We were lovers."
Yuji nearly choked on his food, surprised that the King of Curses could have had a lover, let alone said lover now inhabiting the body of his crush. It clicked in his mind after that moment why he always felt so drawn to you, even before the crush on you had developed.
"What happened?" While he didn't know why, he'd known of Sukuna's aversion to the other curse; he'd made it clear from the moment when you and Yuji had met.
"...She died." The curses voice rang in his head, the lips on his hand pursed into a frown. "She died, but even then our bond didn't break. Though she surely hates me now." He huffed and though he acted like he didn't care, Yuji could feel his concern, as strange as it was.
Though he could barely wrap his mind around all this, Sukuna still hasn't told him what was wrong with you. "So why are they so upset?"
At that, the mouth on his hand shifted. "They're going through a rut because of the nature of their curse, and they don't want to get you involved. Some ridiculous self-sacrificing act I'm sure." Yuji opened his mouth to ask what he could do, but Sukuna got there first. "It'll pass on it's own, though it won't be pleasant. There is something you could do though, if you can convince them."
He waited, getting impatient for the curse to get to the answer he was looking for.
"If you fuck, the rut will pass after." The blunt answer made his whole face and neck flush a dark red.
It took a minute to process the idea, letting everything sink in. You were ok, thank goodness, but because of your curse who also happens to be the lover - ex-lover? - of Sukuna, you are going through this rut and if you, his crush, fucked him it would pass. It was a lot to take in, so he decided that he'd sleep on it, then go to you tomorrow night. Obviously you didn't want them to know about this, but if there was something he could do, even if he was a little lot nervous to ask, he wanted to do it.
. . .
You couldn't stop thinking about Yuji. Your heart was pounding, and though it has since calmed down you certainly haven't. He was close enough you could see flecks of red in his eyes, close enough that you could've kissed him. You'd wanted to, that was for sure. But you didn't want to ruin your friendship with him, afraid of any number of things.
The two of you had a rocky start; you knew about him, and being Sukuna's vessel, though he had no idea of your existence until you'd met. With only what you knew about Sukuna, both from other sorcerers and your own curse, you were wary of the boy and didn't stick around him long enough to give him a chance to explain. But eventually, with a little help from Gojo, you two made up and became fast friends, the group often having meals together when no one had a mission.
It took awhile for you to realize what your feelings were on Yuji, simply writing it off as a different brand of friendship. It wasn't until yuji nearly died for a second time, and you weren't there to save him; you were so afraid that you'd never get to see him again, never hug him, never make dinner for the others again, laughing about this or that. You realized that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him, and you were afraid you'd miss the chance to tell him.
"You love him." The curse had said. "You're meant for each other. Like soulmates." She'd said, telling you what you were coming to realize yourself.
But you shook your head now, feelings not something you wanted to dwell on as it got later into the night.
Tossing around for a while in the messy sheets on your bed, you finally gave up and threw them off along with a majority of your pajamas, body too hot for comfort. Left in a pair of boxers, you buried your face into your pillow and groaned. Your thoughts drifted for a while between being too hot, sweat still sticking to your skin despite the fan at top speed, and your pink-haired crush.
You've always thought he was attractive, even before you got to know him. His bright smile lighting up any room, an aura of innocence around him. Then his strong physique, though you usually don't see it much between his hoodies and the Jujutsu tech uniform, but man, when you did; you'd like to run your hand over his abs, curious if they feel as strong as they look.
You wanted to touch him in a lot of places, really. His arms, definite muscle, but not too ridiculous like Todo's(Sorry Todo simps). His soft hair, though you've felt it before patting his head, being a bit taller than him and teasing him about it. His thighs, and definitely his ass. And you could only imagine the size of his package.
Biting your lip, you hadn't realized your hand drifting down your body as your thoughts turned, letting out a shaky breath. You'd definitely feel bad about it later, but right now you could only think about your hand being Yuji's as it rubbed against the bulge in your boxers. Flipping onto your back and pulling your underwear to your thighs, you shivered as the cold air hit your skin, sweltering as it was.
Even with your room being fairly soundproof, you kept your voice low, the idea of the object of your thoughts catching you both exciting you and making you anxious. You stroked lazily along the shaft, hips stuttering into your hand the closer to the edge you got. The thought of Yuji crying your name sent you over, dropping your head back as your orgasm washed over you.
After calming your breathing down, you cleaned yourself off. Despite feeling all sweaty, you didn't want to get up. Sighing, you decided you'd shower in the morning after the others left. It didn't take much longer to fall asleep, thankfully.
. . .
You woke up laying half off the bed, even the natural warmth your pile of blankets held getting to be too much during the night. You felt gross. Luckily, you couldn't hear anyone, probably out for lunch, so you could shower in peace.
Leaving your room in just a thin pair of sweatpants and a tank top, your grumbling stomach making your hunger known - you apparently didn't get enough food like you'd thought. You noticed a water bottle beside your door, grinning slightly as you knew who put it there. Shaking your head, you picked it up to bring with you; Yuji would probably try to talk to you when he got back, clearly worried about you. It's cute, but you wished you had a good way to explain your situation without him trying to help.
As much as you would like the idea, you didn't want to make it seem like you just wanted to use him to get through your rut. You wanted him so much more than that, but you couldn't say that, could you.
Quickly grabbing some more snacks, you hid away in your room again, growing tired of your four walls. With your ruts usually lasting around a week, you dreaded having to stay in your room for much longer, but you didn't want to be going on missions in your state.
. . .
The day seemed to go by agonizingly slowly, for the both of you; you in your room with only what you had with you for entertainment, and Yuji waiting anxiously to talk to you. Sukuna had told him earlier that it'd be best to try to talk to you once the others were asleep, as you'd probably be asleep most of the day anyways. That was usually the case, if you could you'd sleep as long as you could to avoid dealing with your body all out of wack.
Finally though, just as you were going to try and go to sleep, a knock sounded at your door. Yuji had to hype himself up to do it, with roundabout encouragement from Sukuna, his thoughts running rampant. 'What if you thought he was weird for asking? What if you got upset with him? What if it ruined your friendship? What if, what if, what if?' He was still fiddling with the hem of his sleeve when you opened your door, a faint look of surprise on your face. You'd started to think you were wrong, that maybe Yuji had forgotten about your interaction the other night or thought he'd dreamed it.
"Hey." You spoke softly, looking him over. He wasn't wearing much, similar to what you had on. He looked good in it.
"H-hey, um, sorry if I woke you, I just kinda wanted to talk?" Yuji smiled, anxiously rubbing the back of his neck.
You sighed, but nodded.
"So, y-you're," he blushed a little more, his cheeks already having been red, thinking about you most of the day - as well as what he planned to ask you. "You're in a rut, right...?"
Eyes widening, you blushed a bit yourself. "How'd you..." Your voice trailed off, confused.
Yuji tapped his cheek, "Sukuna, he told me. So... are you, o-ok?" He still wanted to make sure, even if he knew now what was happening and you confirmed it with your unsaid question.
After a moment, you opened your door wider and nodded your head back. "Y-yeah, just, come in and we can talk." You were careful to sit at the edge of your bed after closing the door behind Yuji. "What all did he tell you?"
"Everything, I think. The rut, the whole lovers thing between them," he gestured between you and himself, "and, um..." He looked away, unable to meet your eyes as he mumbled, just loud enough for you to hear. "The s-sex, thing."
Nodding in turn, you ran a hand back through your hair. "Right. So, why're you here then?" You could apologize for being harsh later, you wanted to make sure you didn't pounce onto him. And fuck the look he makes when he brings his eyes back to yours.
"I wanna help, a-any way I can." His face is completely red, so innocent looking, you bit your lip.
"I appreciate you wanting to help, but I can handle this on my own, Yuji."
You watched as he shuffled closer to you, take a breath and grab one of your hands. He looked into your eyes, so cute.
"Please, I want to help you! S-sukuna told me what it's like when this happens, and if I can help it, I don't want you to have to deal with all that!" Only Yuji could manage to look so sweet and innocent when talking about having you fuck him, even if it was just because of your rut.
He would look even cuter all fucked out, crying for you. You swallowed, looking him over again. You wanted to have your way with him, so badly, but you never wanted to put it on him like that. But... if he's asking you to fuck him. Well, maybe you could have him after all.
"...Are you sure about this, Yuji? I don't want you to do this just for me." But you do, really.
He nods, almost excitedly. To be fair, he'd be lying if he said he hasn't thought about you on top of him, fucking him into the mattress. He wanted you to feel better, and if he got to be with you in the process it was a bonus.
You smirk. "Words, Yuji."
His eyes widen, but he stammers out a soft, "Y-yes."
You bring your free hand to his waist, leaning in a bit closer. "'Yes', what?" Your eyes were darker than usual, clouded with lust, and it made a shiver run down the pink-haired males spine.
"Yes, I- I want to do this."
"Good." You press your lips to his, hungrily running your hand along the contour of his back.
He lets out a little noise as you kiss him, eyes fluttering closed. Fumbling with the hand not holding yours, he finally places it on your shoulder. You could hear his heartbeat, this time sure it was his, though yours was quickly picking up to match it. His lips are so soft, just like the rest of him, a bit of squish to him along with his muscle; you gave in to your wants and felt everything, moving from his back to his arms, down along his chest, squeezing his ass. He yelped at the feeling, and you took the chance to slip your tongue into his mouth.
Submissive through and through, he didn't fight it, but it was clear he didn't quite know what he was doing. But you didn't mind teaching him, spurred on by the little sounds he was making, almost whimpering. Unclasping your hands, he moved his opposite his on your shoulders and you let yours to wander beside the other.
His body was more than you'd imagined, and his sounds were downright sinful. You were just getting started though, pulling his shirt off and pressing not-quite-rough kisses along his jawline and down his neck to his collarbone. You hit a spot that made him whine, and you grinned, kissing and biting there. You could just see his expression from where you sat, pressed into his skin, and it sent heat straight to your core.
Gripping at your back, Yuji pulled you closer, entranced by you. "F-fuck, (y/n)..." His voice was soft, almost shaky as his breath stuttered the longer you nipped at his neck. He tugged at your shirt and you pulled away just long enough to take it off, taking his turn to admire your body.
Leaning forward, you caged your hands around his head, his wrapped around your shoulders. You kissed down his chest, taking off his sweats, surprised to find that he hadn't put any underwear on, and when you looked up at him he had his head turned to the bed.
You hummed, raising a brow at him. "You really wanted to get fucked by me, huh? Ready for me and everything." You lightly traced random shapes on his now bare thighs, watching his cock twitch in response.
Yuji whined, nodding, but kept his face turned away from you. You gripped his chin, turning it back. "Words, remember Yuji?"
He did his best to not just whine again, "Y-yes, yes I want you!"
You just hummed again, "Say it."
This time he did whine, long and drawn out, "Ahh~ I w-want you to f-fuck me! Please!"
You kissed him, muffling his noises, only pulling away when you needed to catch your breath. "Good boy." You didn't give him a chance to respond, wrapping one hand around his length and pressing a finger of the other into his hole. Yuji shuddered, his words cut off by a shaky moan.
It didn't take long before you had three fingers in, with the way he kept begging for more, pawing at your pants. Taking the hint, you stripped down, your own dick mostly untouched now very hard. You look at him, making sure he still wanted this. He nodded, muttering 'please's under his breath between moans.
You kept stroking his weeping cock as you pressed into him, until you bottomed out and you let him rest for a moment and get used to you inside him. He surprised you, rutting his hips into yours as his head dropped against the bed, body quivering under you.
"Fuck, fuck me, fuck me-e p-please!" Yuji whimpered, words punctuated as he grinded against you. You were right, he looked so pretty when he was whimpering and moaning for you.
Something in his voice made whatever restraint you'd been holding onto snap, thrusting into him at a merciless pace, though he didn't seem to mind, moans rising in volume and pitch. His eyes rolled back, and all you could hear besides his moans were broken pleads and your name. You had your head in the crook of his neck, and you growled, going from nips and kisses to biting, leaving large hickeys in your wake.
"I- I'm g-gonna- F-fuuu-uuu-ck-" The loudest moan he'd made throughout the night interrupted him, hips stuttering as he came, painting his stomach white. You came not long after, his body clenching around you so well. You were both panting, at some point Yuji had wrapped his legs around your waist, and you slowed to a stop still inside of him.
You pulled away to make sure he wasn't hurt, and you stopped when you saw tattoos that hadn't been there a moment ago. They must've switched accidentally, if the faintly confused look was anything to go by. But when the curse started bucking his hips, you growled.
"C-come on, I know you can take me too," he taunted, but the effect didn't work as well as he wanted when his voice was so broken and he moaned when you hit that one spot.
You huffed, but you grinned. "Who knew the king of curses was a fucking brat?" Thrusting once to make a point, he shuddered, still full of you. "At least I won't mind if I rough you up a bit."
Sukuna chuckled, sharp nails digging a little more into your shoulders. "You c-couldn't break me if you tried."
With that, you started up that same rough pace, smacking his ass. It was almost strange, not quite muscle memory leading you, moving to make him cry out the most. It was still Yuji's body, but with Sukuna in control, it snapped something into place between both of you.
'Soulmates'. You were brought together like this for a reason.
He kept trying to taunt you, but his words would always break away into a whine when you bit in just the right spot, or you'd smack him a little harder. Finally, he couldn't speak anymore than moan, pulling himself into you as he clawed at your back and shoulders. His voice broke as he came again, nearly crying as you sped up even more as you got close to finishing. You bit into his neck as you came, riding it out, slowing down to a stop for the second time.
"Satisfied now?" You taunt, and he whines.
Slowly pulling out, both of you moaning at the loss, though he was much louder, you relaxed. Yuji switches back after a moment, shuddering at the feeling of your cum leaking out of his hole. You sigh, standing to go run a bath for the both of you, letting Yuji know before he closes his eyes just in case he falls asleep in the meantime. He nods, so you know he heard you.
. . .
You ended up curling up next to each other, wearing some of your clothes, after you pulled off the dirty sheets. As the sunlight streamed through your window, you woke to your arm wrapped around Yuji's side. It was a peaceful scene compared to last night, though you definitely enjoyed yourselves.
"mm... Morning." Yuji looked up at you, a small smile on his lips.
You hum. "Morning. You alright?" He chuckles.
"I should be asking you that. But yeah. 'Lil sore, but yeah."
Nodding, you grin in turn. He probably won't be walking straight for a little while. "Good... Thank you, for helping with- this." You frown a bit, gesturing to yourself. He cups your cheek, waiting for a moment before smiling wider.
"'Course. I wanted you to feel better," he blushes a bit. "Aaand I might've been wanting you to- f-fuck me for a while..." His voice trails off at the end, pulling away nervously. But you pull him closer.
"I'm glad, cause I've been wanting to fuck you for a while too. Probably cause I like you. A lot."
He grins. "Me too."
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dajaregambler · 2 years
HeliosR - Keith Max Card story ‘‘Acting as a “Major Hero”’’
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Translation of Keith Max’s 2nd anniversary card story from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
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Junior: Uoooooh….!
Junior: Take this! And this…!
Keith: Hup… Hm…
Junior: HOW ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!
Keith: Down low, too slow
Junior: Gwaah!!?
Junior: Damnit… Lost again…
Keith: Need to remind ya that yer dealing with one of the great major heroes? Don’tcha think you can beat me that easily now.
Faith: A great major hero, hm?
Keith: What now, Faith… Anyway, s’time to swap out already. Ya gotta be bored of just sitting there and watching, yeah?
Faith: What makes you think that? There’s finally a mentor around here, and you should be the one training with u-
Dino: Huh, Keith!?
Keith: !?
Dino: Are you guys training for the Rookies League!? And you’re even doing it together with Junior, Keith!
Keith: The noisy one showed up…..
Dino: All talk about how you won’t be bothering with them, and despite the fact you left up everything to Faith too, you still came to look out for them…
Dino: This is the ultimate love and peace, Keith!
Keith: Yea, yea…
Dino: Huh, where are you headed off to?
Keith: I was just working for the sake of havin’ a tasty drink. I kept them guys busy for long enough, so I’m heading back
Faith: Hold on, it hasn’t even been 5 minutes since you came
Keith: Faith… you…
Dino: Then, you were all just getting started. I’ve also come to keep an eye out. I’ll pitch in if there’s anything I can do
Junior: Hey, wait a sec…
Junior: Keith and Dino are all full of energy, but I’ve been training for nearly two hours here y’know…
Faith: Well, you were going at it on your own until Keith showed up
Junior: Yep. That’s why you gotta let me catch my breath for a little bit…. And once my power’s replenished I’ll go for another round…
Dino: Junior… You truly are working hard…
Dino: Awright! I’ll support Junior and Faith with everything I have in me! Go, go, let’s go! Rookies-
Faith: That’s all well and good but I’d like for you to demonstrate us something.
Dino: Eh… demonstrate?
Faith: Yeah, demonstrate♪
Keith: Why do I got a bad feeling ‘bout this-....
Dino: It’s been a while since I sparred with Keith for realsies
Keith: Why the hell do I gotta fight ya when it’s training for the rookies…
Dino: Because the rookies asked for it. And there’s no reason to refuse, yeah?
Faith: Hearing 100 times doesn’t compare to seeing once, as they say. A demonstration by our mentors will answer our questions about how we should fight and what not
Faith: Ochibi-chan’s also interested, no? 
Junior: …Guess so. Haven’t seen Dino and Keith go at it seriously before either
Junior: I’m super curious about how it’ll play out
Keith: Guh, goddamnit… Why am I the only one who don’t got a say in this----
Dino: Let’s go, Keith!
Keith: Eh!?
Dino: I’m super duper excited about this! I won’t be going easy on you either…..!
Keith: Uooh!?
Dino: Haaa….!
Keith: Gah, wait wait…!
Dino: Don’t you run, Keith! Fight me!
Keith: Wait-... I told ya to wait---
Keith: GUAAH…!
Junior: Awesomeeeee…..!
Faith: Dino’s strength really is no joke. Keith just felt like he was at his wit’s end the entire time
Dino: No, not at all…
Junior: The hell was with all that oh so great major hero stuff! Acting all high and mighty and then you just get your ass handed to you, you should be embarrassed!
Keith: Guh…
Dino: W-wait a sec. I’ll have to stop you right there with how you’re implying that Keith is weak
Junior: Eeeh- wasn’t that a big loss for him though
Dino: It just happens to be that I’m pretty good at sparring where you focus on martial arts. …Well, I do wish he held out a bit longer though.
Dino: If this was a match where you prioritize your powers instead, we could’ve done endless rounds and I still wouldn’t have won against him.
Junior: Are you for real?
Dino: Mhm. Even with using my powers, the fundamentals of my fighting style wouldn’t differ much compared to earlier.
Dino: For someone like me who uses his whole body, going up against Keith’s power, psychokinesis, is the worst offender possible. Once you’re stopped in your tracks, it’s over.
Junior: I-I see…
Junior: Still, I’m here doing everything I can to get stronger, so knowing there’s times where you won’t win no matter what… It kind of dampens my motivation a bit.
Dino: I think it’s actually interesting instead. Everyone’s respective capabilities all differ from each other, so if you feel that you can complement the places you’re lacking in-
Faith: Then, maybe my power would be effective against Keith
Keith: Kuh!
Faith: Even if you stop me from moving, as long as the sound hits, I’ll still be able to pack a punch, yeah?
Faith: …Actually, can’t you also say the same for Ochibi-chan’s power?
Keith: ………
Junior: If we challenge him by using our powers from the start, then maybe we could win against Keith… is what you’re saying?
Faith: It will increase our chances, basically.
Keith: O-oi, oi, since when did you fellas make it yer goal to win against me?
Keith: We’ve been training for the Rookies League up until now, don’t get things all jumbled up now
Junior: Nah, I wanna atleast win once
Keith: Uuuh…
Faith: Well, it’s not as if we’ll be winning that easy now, right…?
Keith: Y-you guys…
Junior: I’m fully charged!! Got enough energy in me so let’s fight already, Keith!
Faith: I’m also feeling a bit energized so I guess I’ll join in
Keith: Wha-... we really going for two versus one!?
Faith: We’re rookies, and you’re the great major hero, no? We need at least that much of a handicap, or am I wrong?
Keith: Gh……
Keith: Dino!!!!
Dino: I’ll just mess up the whole power balance if I join. So instead I’ll be here on the sidelines cheering for you all♪
Dino: Go, go, let’s go! Rookies! Go, go, let’s go! Keith!
Keith: Gah, shiiiit…!
TL note:
“Hearing 100 times doesn’t compare to seeing once” is actually a Japanese proverb that’s equivalent to “Seeing is believing” in English. However due the fact that Japanese proverbs are often brought up throughout Helios stories because of Brad dropping them around (and there mention being that it’s because of Brad), I kept the literal translation of it. 
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zuluc · 4 years
@kookieyachi​ requested: i hate to be that one person but i doubt they'll increase the rate but imma try my best & start saving for zhongli & childe 😼🤚 anYWAY-, i was wondering if u could write another diluc x reader whr they're in a secret relationship (only kaeya knew somehow-) & one of the mcs & paimon heard rumours of diluc having a s/o & decide to follow him, to see him gg on a date w the reader or summ,,, hope its not too confusing haha🥺💖
pairing: diluc x gn!reader
style & genre: written; fluff
warnings: none
notes: i meant rng rates those screw me over when it matters but i hope we get good ones when their banners come in, i wish the best of luck to everyone pulling may we get our dream teams; THIS IS CUTE ty for all your requests you know what’s good 😪😪
the mc in this is aether because i love aether
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“I hear someone has Master Diluc’s heart!”
“Is that so?”
“Aw, man! I wanted him...”
It’s been the talk of the town for longer than he expected and wanted it to be: Diluc’s love life. He was always the private one and never shared anything about his personal life so it was only natural that no one, minus Kaeya it seemed, had a clue as to who took Mondstadt’s most wanted bachelor.
“Are they sure he’s even with someone? Isn’t it just a rumor?” Paimon asks her travel companion as they make their way into the tavern for a late night drink. The pair had travelled back to the town for a few days and while walking through they listened in on what the townspeople were gossiping about this time around.
“Not sure, he doesn’t seem like the type. Why not ask him, Paimon?” 
Paimon flies in front of his face and places her hands on her hips, “You don’t just ask him! He’s so secretive and... and well just that! Also, Paimon thinks he’d just avoid the question.”
“You won’t know it’ll work if you never try.” Aether suggests and opens the door to the tavern. He himself actually wanted to know the truth to those rumors because, well think about it, it’s Diluc and any information that made him seem more emotional than he let on was interesting. He steps inside, seeing the people inside drinking and laughing. They all greet him with their cheerful, yet drunk replies, and Diluc nods his head in acknowledgement. 
“Welcome back. What’ll it be for tonight?” He asks them. Aether places his drink order and Paimon hovers over the bartender with a judging look on her face. Convenient that he is working tonight. He raises a brow, “Can I help you?”
“U-Uh,” she turns her attention to Aether who simply looks back at her and sips his apple cider vinegar, a look of you’re on your own for this one on his face. “Have you heard what’s being said around Mondstadt, Master Diluc?” She asks in a way to slowly lead into the main question. Diluc picks up a glass and shakes his head, turning around to place the item on one of the shelves. 
“I’ve never paid attention to gossip if that’s what you’re referring to. And like I’ve said before,” he eyes the emergency ration suspiciously, “I don’t dwell on idle chat.” Those words, while they weren’t intended to be as cold as they sounded, prevented Paimon from pressing on. She pouts while flying, but her gaze lands on his hands. They are void of his usual gloves and Diluc wore them even while working. She brushes it off as a useless observation and the door of the tavern opens. 
“Evening!” Charles greets them. He waves a hand to Diluc who finishes the last of the glasses he is cleaning, silently thanking the bartender for taking the rest of his shift. He walks out the back and Paimon floats up.
“Does he have something else to do? He usually stays for the rest of the night.” She questions Charles who shakes his head in amusement.
“He must be working hard,” Charles comments, “or maybe taking some time for himself.” Paimon perks up at what he says and she looks at Aether. The traveller finishes his drink and narrows his eyes at her.
“What?” He barely gets another word in before she is rushing out the door. “Paimon!” He places mora on the counter and bids Charles a good night before following her. The door swings open and Aether is met with Paimon flying in front of his face.
“We’ll follow him!” She states confidently, a glint in her eyes.
Aether stares at her blankly. “Uh, why?” Again, she doesn’t give him an answer when she sees a flash of red hair behind his head. They keep quiet and hide behind the stone building when they see Diluc look side to side, almost catching them in his sight.
“He’s definitely going somewhere!” She is much more invested in this than Aether thought, but his own curiosity was overpowering the possibility of getting caught by the pyro user as well. He wordlessly agrees and they quietly tread behind him through Mondstadt, hiding behind every pole and wall whenever they thought he believed someone was following him.
Minutes into their mission Aether catches sight of the Knight of Favonius building and his suspicions are raised. Diluc wouldn’t be caught dead near this place, what more just by walking by it? He stops at the side and Aether tugs his hovering companion away from Diluc’s line of sight when it opens, a familiar person stepping out.
“Honorary Knight!” Huffman interrupts Paimon’s exclamation as he rushes to the both of them. “Would you be able to help us out near Windrise? Quite a lot of slimes showed up and the other knights are preoccupied with their own missions. I know you just got back but...”
“We’re good!” Another knight shows up, running to them, “Captain Kaeya helped us out!” Aether looks back and forth between then before looking at the door. It seems that the person and Diluc had already left. 
“Ah, I see. Sorry to intrude on your evening.” Huffman excuses himself and leaves with the other knight. Paimon flies towards the empty stairs, floating around premises as if looking for clues.
“Paimon saw y/n! Do you think they’re together?” She questions. 
“Isn’t that too much of an assumption?” Paimon floats to Aether’s face with mock anger on her features. “Maybe they could just be well-acquainted.”
“Let’s just see who’s right then! I bet...” she places a finger to her chin, “...5000 mora!”
“You don’t even carry mora.”
The commissions burned you out but you are more than happy to see what awaits you after you leave the building. Bidding Jean goodbye, you settle into your coat and push the doors open. He’s standing there waiting like he said he would and you notice there is no one around, though you had an inkling that someone was watching you. You are broken out of your thoughts when Diluc’s warm hand cups your face. He was initiating more touches after becoming comfortable in your relationship, so you felt happy that he could do so outside though with no one to see.
To you, it was hard to believe that you managed to attract him in the first place, considering his many suitresses, but despite that he insisted that it was you he was after.
“Something the matter?” He asks gently, removing his hand when he could hear steps behind him. You shake your head and smile at him causing his heart to warm at the sight. “Good, shall we?”
Your dates aren’t like the usual ones. You walk around the sides of Mondstadt when everyone is asleep as you both share what has gone on in your day. Sometimes, you even take a stroll outside the city and sit under the large tree in Windrise, watching the stars twinkle. Going on many secret rendezvous were fun and brought an excitement and mystery to both of your lives when they occured. 
But even so, sometimes you wondered what it would be like if the townspeople knew. 
Diluc never explicitly mentioned that he wanted the whole town to know and you both came to the conclusion that keeping your relationship from the public would be beneficial. He was known to be aloof yet protective of Mondstadt. He had a reputation to uphold and the enemies would otherwise have vital information to his weaknesses if they came to know of your connection.
You know he loves you, he tells you every night before you have to part until you see each other the next day. And any doubt in your mind is gone when your hand is held tightly in his.
“Paimon, we’ve been following them for too long. They’re just talking.” Aether felt uncomfortable doing what they were doing and spying on the both of you. He watches the both of you engage in a regualr conversation. After losing sight of you at the Knights of Favonious building they glided around trying to track you both. He couldn’t see that your hands were intertwined due to how your coat concealed it. 
“Ahh! Fine, we should go rest,” Paimon says defeatedly, “Paimon can’t believe she lost 5000 mora!” Aether rolls his eyes and jumps down from the roof to head to a nearby inn. The streets are quiet but there are audible footsteps from their right as they move through the houses.
“Hey, it’s nice to see you back in town.” Kaeya greets him with the usual lilt to his voice. “Why are you two still up?”
“We were following Master Diluc because we think he’s seeing someone!” Paimon really has no shame, does she? Aether thinks to himself and he looks up at the Cavalry Captain when the latter lets out a light chuckle. 
“What an interesting activity... I do hope you find your answer,” Kaeya nods his head to direct it behind them. Aether and Paimon follow his direction and see the two they had been trailing for the past hours. “Good night.”
“I almost forgot!” The duo’s ears perk at the sound of your voice. You and Diluc are at the front of your home and their eyes widen at the sight of your hand in his. You reach into your coat pocket to pull out his gloves, “You left them here.”
“Thank you,” Diluc replies, lifting the hand he held to his lips and kissing the back. “Good night, my love.”
“Good night, Diluc.” The smile on your face is ever radiant and he leans down for his kiss. You oblige but pull away to lean closer to his ear, “It seems that we have company.” Your hold leaves him and you open your door, disappearing inside. Diluc turns his head and sees the shocked faces of the traveller and ration. 
“Paimon wins.”
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
A continuation on the cheating Lucifer post plzzzz x
Mystic Rhythms (Lucifer x GN!MC)
A/N : I fell up my stairs today and bruised my kneecaps and my forearms when I tried to catch myself... That shit is embarrassing, especially when everyone runs out of their rooms to see you laying there trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. My knees hurt. But, anyway... The title is a song that I was listening to while I wrote this... It doesn't have anything to do with the writing at all, it's just a damn good song. Mystic Rhythms by Rush, highly recommend.
Part 1
Word Count : 2k T/W : cheating ; mentions of cheating ; Lucifer being a flat out dickhole ;
There was no way that you could possibly leave. Lord Diavolo wouldn’t allow it, would he? Of course not. In a matter of days you would emerge from your room, running back through the doors of his office to tell him how much you missed him. He was sure of it, his pride wouldn’t let him think any different. He would go about his days as if nothing happened, because in his mind, nothing happened at all. It was a little bit of fun to take his mind off of the stress that came along with his work, and yes, he could have gone to you for that kind of fun, but he also needed a little bit of change, a little bit of something to keep things interesting. It wasn’t exactly his fault that you happened to catch him having his fun. You shouldn’t have been out of the house anyway, a matter that he would have to handle with his brothers. They should have been watching you, making sure that you didn’t leave the house at all. Surely they know how dangerous the Devildom is outside of the House of Lamentation. It was everyone else’s fault but his own, and he’d stick by that until you and everyone else believed him.
Days passed and the armchair across from his desk began to bother him. It was empty, the entirety of the office was empty. Things were quiet, not a peep from even his brothers who would usually barge in and bother him at any given moment. It used to be annoying, but now it just seemed strange that it wasn’t happening at all. Not only did the lack of his brother's constant interruptions cause him unease, but the lack of you. Was he so used to you being there that the absence was this bothersome to him? It shouldn’t be that way, it shouldn’t bother him at all, but he was finding it increasingly difficult to focus on his work without some sort of distraction. These distractions gave him breaks, they allowed his mind that tiny bit of time to relax, to ease the stress. Now there was nothing, nothing but the work in front of him, and it was, in a sense, almost worse than before you got there at all. Even then, he had his brothers to agitate him. Now it just seemed like they were avoiding him, or doing everything in their power to drive him nuts by not being around. It made no sense to him, none at all. He should be thankful for the silence, for the uninterrupted time that he was being given to finish his tasks at hand, but he wasn’t. His phone vibrated on the desk, and in the complete silence of his office it sounded so loud, loud enough to make him jump back for a moment before fumbling forward to grab it. There was no reason to be like this, his mind was reeling for no particular reason at all, at least that’s what he told himself. He told himself a lot of things, most of them were based on his pride, or they were based on the image of himself that he wanted everyone to believe was real. Much like the whole cheating thing, something that he’d never willingly admit to, he didn’t want anyone to think he was the kind of demon to do such a thing. Not only would it ruin his image, but it would ruin the image of Lord Diavolo who he was around more often than not. A little harmless fun shouldn’t potentially ruin the image of the Future King, should it? There it was again, his subconscious mind speaking what he couldn’t out loud, taking his mind off of the phone that was now in his hand until it vibrated again. He assumed that it was you, prideful assumptions based off of thoughts that held no reason. If he were to be honest with himself, he knew that there was no reason for you to call him at all. If he were to be fully honest with himself, he knew all too well that there was no way for you to call him or message him at all if you had really done what you said you would do. But being honest with himself isn’t something that he’s good at. Being honest with anyone isn’t his best skill. There was no need to be honest when lies are much easier to live with. “You’ve been silent for a while, is everything alright?” The message read, and the name at the top wasn’t one that he’d like to see, but it was one that he knew well. Silence, it was becoming something that he was surrounded by. He wasn’t silent, but the world around him seemed to turn that way. It was penetrable and unbearable, he couldn’t take it for a moment more. With the push of a button and a swipe of his gloved finger, he quickly turned off his phone and placed it back on his desk. They could bear the silence for a little while longer, but he couldn’t. He needed to talk to someone, he needed to talk to you, even if it meant that you were yelling at him, screaming at him for the acts that he committed. His office wasn’t the only room that way empty, the house itself seemed to have been abandoned. There were no sounds of life coming from any of his brother's rooms, and he found it hard to imagine that all of them had a place to be that wasn’t inside these four walls, especially Leviathan. This only had him moving faster down the corridor until he finally reached the door to your room. He didn’t bother with knocking, the sound of his knuckles against the wood would be deafening in the silence. With a quick turn of the doorknob it was pushed open, revealing to him the truth of
the words that you had said when you walked out of his office. You were gone, you had actually left, and whether you had actually gone back up to the human realm or just gone somewhere else in the Devildom, one thing was clear. You didn’t want to be around him, you didn’t even want to be under the same roof as him, and it seemed that his brother’s felt the same way. He was alone, and as pleasant as the thought seemed to him before, now it scared him.
You sat on the bed in your room, looking up at the six demons who refused to let you go alone. They had tried to make you stay in the Devildom, but upon hearing about what Lucifer had done, they completely understood why you’d want to leave, as hard as it was for them. It didn’t change the fact that they cared about you though, far more than anyone you had ever known, and they weren’t going to leave until they knew for a fact that you’d be safe without them. “Is there any way that you can fix her D.D.D so that it’ll work up here?” Satan asked, looking over at Levi who was awkwardly looking around your bedroom. You weren’t sure if his demeanor was based on the fact that he was in someone’s room other than his own, or if it was the fact that he was in your room, but Satan’s question had him stumbling over his words for a second before answering his brother. “I’m… I’m not sure. I-It’s never been done before, I’ve never had to do it… It might take a couple days… J-Just to figure everything out… You know…” He ran his hand through his hair before sitting down on the floor, nervously twirling the drawstrings of his sweatpants around his finger as the motors in his mind seemed to visibly turn. You didn’t want him to overthink it, and you didn’t want him to stress himself out by thinking too hard about it, so you quickly slid off the edge of your bed to sit next to him on the floor, patting his knee and giving him a little smile. “Don’t worry too much about it right now, alright? We’ll figure something out.” Your hand on his knee had his cheeks burning bright red, but he quickly nodded in agreement, and you could almost see the stress leaving him as he finally relaxed. “So, since you all are here… I can order some food to the house for dinner?” It was strange having them all there, well, all but one of them… It was strange, yet comforting. You didn’t want to be alone, not right now, not after everything that happened, so you were grateful for their presence. The mention of food had Beel lighting up, practically dropping to the floor next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. “Dinner and movies? Human world movies? And since Levi said it could take a few days, we can all stay here and sleep in your room, right?” It was impossible to tell him no, he looked so excited at the thought of it, and everyone else in the room had perked up at his words. There was no way that they would all be able to fit in your bed though, and all of them sleeping on the floor didn’t sit right with you. You’d have to figure something out, and it would most likely turn into a shopping trip to buy more blankets and pillows just so they’d be comfortable. The thought of a sleepover, in a sense, was nice though. It would be the perfect way to keep your mind off of everything, for you to relax, laugh, and have some fun with your six favorite demons.
The door knocked just as the six of you settled into the couch, the movie had just been unpaused and everyone was taking the first bites of their pizza slices. Everything had been delivered, there was no reason for the door to knock, so you decided to ignore it, just as all the other brothers did, hoping that whoever it was would take the hint and go away. That wasn’t the case though, and the knock came louder this time, almost like whoever it was was trying to break down your door. “You don’t have to pause it… Maybe it’s the delivery guy… Maybe I forgot something…” You shrugged, pushing yourself up from the couch and walking over to the door. You weren’t expecting anyone, you weren’t expecting anything, and you surely weren’t expecting him. Your stomach dropped when you saw him, his crimson eyes boring into your own. “I see you have quite the party going on here. Shame I wasn’t invited since I am the reason for this gathering, am I not?” It seemed that in that moment, time stood still. The wind that had been rustling the leaves of the trees had suddenly come to a stop, the sounds of the movie behind you had gone silent, even the sound of fabric brushing against itself whenever the brothers shifted on the couch wasn’t heard anymore. Everything had gone still, everything had become eerily quiet, and the only things you could hear was Lucifer’s voice and the sound of your heart beating faster in your chest. “Oh, don’t worry darling. I only had to take care of a few minor details, just to make sure our conversation wasn’t interrupted by my brothers.” His smirk sent shivers down your spine and had your stomach doing flips. This was the last place you expected to see him, but then again, you had told him that you wanted to leave. The only thing was, you didn’t expect him to follow you. It had taken days for you to convince Lord Diavolo to let you go back to the human realm, especially with all the other brothers begging you not to, begging Lord Diavolo not to agree, but he had finally allowed it, and that was the day that Lucifer decided to come to you. It was pathetic, and seeing him made you physically ill, but you had to stay strong just as you had before. “What are you doing here?”
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Nat... 👉👈 since requests are open can I please request some Gojo fluff? If you need a little inspo maybe like, reader and him meet after they were abroad for a mission or something? I'm in love with this funky man and I just wanna give him kiths
sweet tooth - gojo x reader, sfw, 2.5k
the early bird catches the worm. or the cake, you guess.
(just a lot of talking about food tbh . . . i dont get to write pure sfw fluff much, thank u for letting me indulge in my jjk brainrot NFJVND. gn reader! )
You know as well as anyone how little free time a jujutsu sorcerer has. You’ve spent most of your past few years rushing around from place to place, calling it a good night’s rest when you manage to fall amongst your coverings before the clock strikes three in the morning. You think this probably has to go double for somebody in such a constant state of being needed as Gojo – but still, he’d shown up outside your room this morning, bright and early, and said; “We’re going out!”
He hadn’t mentioned that you were still clad in pyjamas, your hair still a mess about your face, eyes still sleep and shadowed. You had jumped out of bed at the knock, of course – you’re used to being needed at the drop of a hat – but there is nothing at all in the way Gojo is looking at you to suggest there’s any kind of danger brewing.
He got in last night at the same time as you, after an exorcism had dragged on longer than expected – you know this. So how is his skin still glowing like moonlight, his voice still so bright, his hair still falling over his blindfold in that effortless perfectly-styled-without-being-styled way?
If he’s slept, he’s gotten the same hour and fifteen minutes you’ve gotten.
“Not even a warning?” You sigh, stifling a yawn. “I haven’t had time to clean my weapons or anything--”
“Woah!” Gojo’s grin doesn’t fade, but he holds up his hands as if he’s trying to avoid a savage attack. “Just you and me. No curses, promise. You won’t be needing those.” He cocks his head to the side. “Unless you wanna try and take me. I think you’d lose!”
Your brow furrows. You know you’d lose, and so does he.
“Have you seen the time?” You ask him, instead. You don’t question why or how he’d gotten into the hallway to stand like this outside of the room you’re renting in Tokyo for a while. You’ve learnt after knowing him for a while that what Gojo wants, he gets – besides. If he’d sweet-talked your landlady into letting him in, you couldn’t blame her for falling for his charms.
He sticks his head into your room and turns his face towards the clock on the wall, ticking merrily away, mocking you. You had hoped, after last night, the next time you saw a clock the hour hand would be well past twelve again. He pulls back.
“Now I have.”
“. . . aren’t you tired?”
Gojo shrugs, maddeningly. Half of what he does is irritating to the highest degree – the other half makes your stomach do strange somersaults that you try and push away. Getting a crush on Gojo Satoru is just going to lead to disaster. Although at this point, you have to admit to yourself that it’s more a case of ‘having a crush’ – there’s not much denying it, when he twinkles at you like this.
“You’ve gotten a good hour of beauty sleep,” he chirps. “Not that you need it. Let me take you out!”
You’re still focussing on the compliment, slipped into his words as if it’s as simple as breathing, when he enters your room full-on and is opening your wardrobe.
“H-hey,” you say, weakly. He’s rifling through the rack without a care in the world. “I—I can dress myself--”
“It’s quicker if I do it,” he replies, pulling out one of your favourite shirts. “Here, catch--!” Your reflexes allow you to not make a fool of yourself in front of him. “The colour of that one’s pretty! It’ll look nice on you.”
You’ve had more clothes piled into your arms before you can blink. You guess that Gojo must know his way around clothes – you’ve seen some of the brands and price tags of things he wears – but you can’t help but be a little flabbergasted by just how casual he is about everything. Maybe it’s the fact that your brain is still short-circuiting after being woken up earlier than you were expecting.
He finishes and walks over to you.
“I’ll wait outside.”
“W-what a gentleman,” you manage, and he throws his head back and laughs, and the laugh feels like it lodges warm in your chest. “After waking me up, bursting into my bedroom--”
“I’ll pay for everything,” he promises. He saunters out of your room, pulling the door closed behind him, calling; “I’ll make it up to you, promise!”
You stand there for a few more moments, still struggling to process the whirlwind that is Gojo’s presence in your life – half joking, half serious, half making you think that maybe you stand a chance, when he calls through the door;
“I can’t hear you moving!”
You jump. You wriggle out of your nightwear, your cheeks heating up, as you snap back;
“You said you were going to wait out there, not that you were going to press your ear to it and listen like some kind of stalker--!”
You stare in confusion at the fancy window in front of you, decorated with swirling cursive in gold. From outside, you can see into the establishment – the white scrollwork chairs, the cake stands, the menus standing up in their pale white leather covers. The early morning sunlight from outside is reflecting off a perfectly organised display case teeming with tiny little perfectly formed cakes.
“If you were craving something sweet,” you say, eventually, “surely there was an easier way to get it than this.”
Gojo grabs your arm cheerfully, pulling you towards the entrance of the patisserie.
“Well, I got the first sweet thing I was craving,” he ticks it off with his other hand. “But then I had one of my patented brainwaves.” He elbows you. “Put them both together!”
“I’m not feeling very sweet after you interrupted my sleep,” you mumble, but you know that there’s no real bite in your words. You hope Gojo doesn’t notice the reaction that you have – you know he’d never let it go. You often don’t know how to respond to his flirting – he has a reputation, after all, and you are just . . . you.
“We had to get here early, anyway,” he says, as he stands before the counter. The man in the apron and chef hat behind it recognises him immediately, lighting up – you wonder how much money Gojo spends on expensive patisserie. Everyone knows he has a sweet tooth. “They sell out of some of the best stuff well before ten!”
Gojo knows exactly what he’s doing as he points out various desserts from the display case, the man falling over himself to get the – frankly absurd amount of sweets – carefully packaged up for him. You’re not surprised, knowing Gojo, about the cute animal-shaped cakes that he chooses, the smiling bears and cats with ears made of sliced strawberries. You’re a little more surprised by all of the fancier pieces he chooses that you don’t recognise, but you don’t have much time for dwelling on it.
Spoils in hand, you peer further into the establishment to choose a table.
“Nah, don’t worry about that,” Gojo says cheerfully. “We’ll find somewhere outside to sit. It’s such a nice morning!”
You don’t miss the grin he shoots you as he says ‘morning’, the sidelong tip of his head as if he’s waiting to see if you’ll scold him again for interrupting your sleep. You do no such thing, content to be pulled along behind him again as he goes off in search of a place to enjoy his spoils.
People just tend to be pulled along by Gojo’s magnetism, you’ve discovered – and you are, hopelessly, no different.
He finds a quiet bench in a shady corner of one of the local parks; the only other people going past occasional elderly, walking their little dogs. He pats the wooden frame of the bench next to him, smiling.
“You’re not going to make me eat all of this by myself, huh?”
“It’s enough for eight people,” you say, sighing and resigning yourself to your fate as you take the place. He’s lucky you have a sweet tooth too; if he’d brought someone else, they’d probably be shirking back in horror at all the sugar. “You could probably eat it by yourself anyway.”
He pouts.
“I want to share it with you,” he says, cajoling – his fingers hover over one of the smaller cakes, a perfect bite-sized morsel. You try not to think about the elegant lines of his fingers and the power behind them as he plucks it up and offers it to you. “This one’s really good.”
You bring up your hand to take the sweet from him, but he laughs as your fingers bounce away from him, not quite able to get a purchase.
“Let me feed you,” he says to you, and blood rushes to your face all over again.
“I—I can feed myself,” you say, swallowing thickly. Gojo’s smile, on full, sculpted lips, makes butterflies crash into one another in the pit of your stomach.
He brings the treat to your mouth and he’s right, it does look really good. It’s a neat little roll cake, small in Gojo’s fingers, with the green colouring so many sweets you’ve eaten in Japan have been – you hope it’s not matcha, knowing the flavour will surprise you and Gojo will probably laugh, but you open your mouth in defeat and let Gojo pop it in there. His fingers linger a little too long against your lips, his expression fluttering so quickly you don’t quite catch it.
If you didn’t know better . . . you’d say that he had just fought back a blush.
“Is it good?” He asks, and his voice sounds a little strangled. You bite down on the cake, the juice of the strawberries coating your tongue – it is matcha, but the flavour is offset by the sweetness of the vanilla and fruits, and you’re glad about it. You nod enthusiastically, and he laughs.
“I told you!” He taps your cheek. “I know what I’m talking about!”
“You’re so smug,” you tell him, unable to hold back the laughter that’s bubbling out of you. Alright, maybe he woke you up too early and maybe he’s dragged you outside and maybe he’s been haunting your daydreams for months now, but . . . you think he means well. And you can’t deny that the sun is shining and the cakes are really delicious.
“If you were me,” he says, stretching out his arms over the back of the bench, “you would be smug too.” You shake your head at him, but he has a satisfied smile on his face. “Feed me one!”
“Are you going to let me?” You ask. “Or are you just going to bounce it away with your Infinity to make fun of me?”
You hover over the selection yourself, considering what to choose for him. In the end, you go for one of the mini slices of mille crepe cake, reasoning with yourself that even if it’s unusual to be eating so much cake this early, at least crepes are a traditional breakfast. Gojo obediently opens his mouth wider as you lift the slice.
You falter.
“You really want me to feed you?” You ask him, unsure. He laughs, grabbing ahold of your wrist – you almost start as he takes a bite from the treat, his lips tantalisingly close to your fingers. Another bite, and the cake is gone (you’ve never seen slices of mille crepe so small – but then again, judging by the eye-watering amount Gojo paid for his spoils, you’d never be able to afford to buy from a place like that).
“Mm,” he smacks his lips together. “It’s good.”
You swallow, noticing that there’s a smear of the cream between layers at the corner of his mouth. Gojo notices you staring, and quirks his lips into a smirk. “You’re staring,” he says. “I know I’m gorgeous, but--”
“You’ve got . . .” You say, awkward, motioning to his face. Somehow, it feels too intimate to lean forward and dab it away yourself – he’d asked you to feed him, after all. If you did it of your own accord. . .
“Huh? Oh,” He moves one of the arms casually draped over the bench to his face, and you think he is going to wipe it away – but instead, he hooks his thumb under his blindfold, pushing it up casually so the light hits the swirling colours in his eyes.
You’ve seen them before, of course – you’ve seen Gojo at work, after all – but they’re still a surprise, a bright moment of swirling starshine dropped on you when you’re least expecting it. Your stomach does that flip-flop again, the one that you try so hard to ignore – but when he’s looking at you like that, curious and smug all at once, you don’t really know how to handle it.
You’re glad you’re in a secluded spot. There’s nobody to see the embarrassing display of you not quite knowing what to do with yourself.
“You can get it,” he says to you. “I don’t mind.”
“Look.” His other hand rises, cups your face, thumb ghosting across the same spot on your cheek that he’d tapped earlier. “I left icing sugar on your face. I’ll get that, and then we’ll be even.”
(Did he do that on purpose, you wonder? You wouldn’t be surprised.)
Your hand is trembling as you reach for the cream. You try and force your fingers to be still as you lean in closer to him, eyes concentrated, as you wipe the little splotch of cream from his mouth. You’re so close you can see galaxies in his eyes, the fan of white lashes, the way that his throat bobs when he swallows as if he’s nervous--
Nervous? Gojo? That can’t be true.
“I got it,” you breathe, though you don’t move. Your faces are so close together. You could lean forward, just a bit, and meet his lips with your own. Gojo’s eyes stay trained on you, not faltering in the least. His thumb is still on your cheek. Your own finger hasn’t moved from the corner of his mouth.
“Wanna know what it tastes like?” Is that a falter, in his voice? You’re stuttering all over the place, but Gojo--
“I’m not gonna put that in my mouth after it’s been on your face,” you tell him, without moving. Your heart is beating ten to the dozen. Gojo’s eyes crinkle at the corners.
“That’s not what I meant,” he says – and he breaks the distance himself, and suddenly he is kissing you. The hand on your cheek cupping your face into his, the other hand going about your waist, holding you tightly against him like he’s been wanting to do it since the moment he woke you up that morning.
(The mille crepe cake is delicious, you find out, from the lingering taste on his lips. Next time you two go there in the early morning rush, Gojo buys two slices.)
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scummy-writes · 3 years
Better in The Morning
Rating: Explicit (Minors dni)
Words: 5703
Pairing: Theo/Arthur
Tags: Jealousy, Drinking, Blood Drinking, Anal Sex, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Light Angst, Choking, Idiots to Lovers, Biting, Theocona
Full fic under the cut!
The feel of Theo’s tongue against his drew a shudder out. Arthur twisted his fingers into Theo’s shirt, head beginning to spin as Theo’s kisses grew rough, more demanding, making Arthur’s hands shake as he blindly searched for the buttons of Theo’s shirt and clumsily worked them. It was difficult to concentrate or even attempt taking back control when Theo kept stealing his breath, and Arthur was pleased; safe from the burden of thinking past impulses.
Three buttons undone, and Arthur’s palms spread out against Theo’s chest as they finally broke apart, gasping for breath. He watched as Theo surveyed him, taking in the sight of his hair disheveled, his slick and swollen lips. Arthur knew the heat spread across his cheeks was obvious, and when a ghost of a prideful smirk took over Theo’s features, Arthur wrapped his arms around his neck with a strained chuckle.
Sex was just a formula in the end: Flirting, enticing, tempting touches. Hushed promises breathed against heated skin, the shuffling of clothes along with the creak of a mattress. Slow, purposeful touches that crept faster, until thinking wasn’t needed as instinct took over.
Or, most of the time it’s how it went.
Arthur hazily looked at the woman laid bare in front of him, sweat shining on her breasts while her hands dug into the sheets. Her eyes were squeezed shut, mouth hung open as her gasps and groans began to rise higher in pitch. With such a pretty little bird beneath him and pleasure making his mind spin, how was it that his thoughts kept flitting elsewhere? Making his breath catch for other reasons; movements falter.
What a disservice to the one calling his name…
Arthur leaned over her, making her shiver with the playful nips he drew along her jaw, trailing further and further below until he could nose her pulse, sighing at the fragrance of perfume mixed with such a lovely drink. He timed his bite with a harsh thrust of his hips, feeling her nails dig into his back as she clenched around him.
It wasn’t as if it was a bore, but the only thirst quenched tonight was that of his throat. He found himself getting dressed rather quickly after discarding the condom, and the woman hazily reached out to him, barely having caught her breath and struggling to keep lucid with the pleasure still trembling through her.
“W-where are you…?”
“Ah, sorry luv,” He feigned a pout, giving a quick kiss to her cheek, “got a rather busy morning tomorrow, can’t quite risk being late.”
Granted, he wasn’t a total ass. Arthur made sure to clean up the mess they made without disturbing her too much as she faded out, but he was still out on the streets faster than usual. Huffing to himself, he stretched as he walked.
When was the last time sex felt so pitiful for him?
Deep down Arthur knew the reasons why, but he was stubborn, if anything. Refusing to give his feelings a name as they steadily bubbled within him, begrudgingly recalling a scene from earlier this afternoon. Where he had finally caught a glimpse of Theo after days on end of elusive misses; the man having been too busy to even linger for breakfast- or rather, linger long enough for Arthur to wake up and join.
He had been so excited too, walking up to try and ask the art dealer for some of his time. Only to stop when a woman seemed to join Theo, watching as her bright laughter brought on a smile he had never seen from Theo before.
It was such a small scene, and truly, shouldn’t he feel happy for his stoic friend? Instead, his throat had felt tight, a wash of bitterness overtaking him as he turned back around, finding himself heading towards visiting his favorite pub.
Now, Arthur kicked a pebble ahead of him as he walked home, unable to properly distract himself as he played the scene out over and over in his mind.
Arthur sighed, dropping his pen aside as he took his glasses off. Crumpled papers were littered on his desk, and his current sheet in front of him was just filled with scratched out words and ink blots. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to produce, after being awake for well over a full twenty-four hours now. It wasn’t as if his eighth cup of coffee would magically yield better results than the last.
It was too late to go out of the mansion at this point, far too late to see if he could even swoon some minx into a distraction- and the appeal of that dwindled down as he remembered the pisspoor attempt from last time…
Standing up, he stretched his back before slumping.
Running from troubles were always temporary, in the end. After a while, they caught up, and Arthur knew when he had to settle in and let them run their course. It didn’t mean he wouldn’t be sour over it, hating the way his anxieties and fears would churn in his stomach, but at least his reluctant acceptance still gave him a vague feeling of agency over his own mind turning against him.
The parlor felt like a breath of fresh air in comparison to his stuffy room, and Arthur placed the decanter of whiskey he snatched on the side table, knowing he could be left alone to ruminate over his childish feelings in peace, nursing a glass and hoping to fall asleep. The warm glow the light gave off certainly helped him feel a bit drowsy, even if his wandering thoughts were working against him in that regard.
Arthur settled himself into the chair, pouring himself a drink as he surveyed the cover of a book. Just a harmless collection of poetry, but recalling the way Theo seemed so absorbed reading it in the salon made his stomach stir. Against his better judgement, he opened the book and flipped through the pages, scanning each stanza and wondering.
Was Theo reading this and thinking of that woman? Each flowery bit of prose bringing that same smile she had managed to drudge out as Theo thought about her?
Arthur knew he had no right to be so torn up about this, not when he had a body count that was too high to remember, but…
It still stung regardless. Pooling in the pit of his stomach, making his breaths harder to take in the longer this feeling ruminated inside. He knew that, even if he weren't so cowardly, that he hadn't a hope of pulling those smiles out of Theo. That his refusal to admit his feelings, even to himself, was what had landed him in this mess.
Of course, while he sat there bitterly overlooking poem after poem, the man he had been lamenting about comes into the parlor. At the height of Arthur’s self degradation, nonetheless.
A gruff sigh spilled out of Theo once Arthur wearily met his gaze. He didn’t say anything at first, eyes glancing at the bottle resting beside Arthur, then towards the book he held. If Theo had any strong feelings towards the poetry, he didn’t show it as he walked over, taking the seat beside him.
“Didn’t think you read the stuff.”
Didn’t think you did either. But Arthur shrugged, setting the book aside, “someone left it in here.”
It was quiet. Theo didn’t seem to have any reason to come into the parlor, but he sat patiently beside Arthur regardless, toying with the decanter’s top as time ticked by.
“How long have you been here?”
“Mm. Dunno. Long enough to wonder how long until le Comte updates his library,” he gestured his glass towards the book resting between them, “that book is older than the both of us.”
Arthur could feel Theo’s gaze on him. It wasn’t like the man was attempting to hide it, but he kept silent as Arthur took a slow sip of his whiskey with a sigh.
“Couldn’t find a ‘bird’ to put up with you tonight?”
And deal with another woman with a mothering complex trying to ‘nurse him’ back to whatever his normal was? No. He just shrugged at Theo’s question instead, raking a hand through his hair as he slouched in his seat, shaking his head, “wasn’t in the mood.”
“Mm. Finally gaining a conscience over leaving those women alone in the morning?”
The gentle prod was obvious, but Arthur ignored it as he poured himself another glass. He wasn’t sure what brought forth concern on Theo’s end. Did he look as haggard as he felt? Sleep had never came last night, and he knew that much was obvious, but what else was causing Theo’s eyes to narrow while Arthur stared into the amber liquid?
Downing it in one go, Arthur made the motion towards the decanter but felt Theo’s hand on his.
The warmth of Theo’s hand stole his thoughts away. He was so used to wearing gloves that he found himself unable to recall a moment where they had skin to skin contact before now. Skinship that wasn’t drunken brushes between each other. Arthur swallowed thickly, mind overcome with imaginings of Theo holding that woman’s hand and smiling- smiles Arthur could never evoke from him, feeling his chest clench again.
Drinking suddenly felt like a need, rather than a want.
Theo blinked, swallowing when his eyes wavered with something Arthur couldn't catch, “we both know you’re a lightweight, slow down on the drinking.”
Arthur’s brows furrowed, shaking Theo’s hand off, “we’re at home, anyway, ‘s not like I’m going to cause trouble.”
“Bloody hell, what is it?” Theo recoiled at his tone. He took his time with a response, ruminating on the words for a reason Arthur couldn’t fathom, but the words just made his sudden temper worse.
“Drinking isn’t going to help whatever mood you're in.”
Silence stretched out between them as Arthur held his breath, his glass still resting on the table as they looked at each other. Theo’s concern was evident, and deep down Arthur knew that it was genuine; possibly even what had prompted Theo to come into the room to begin with, but jealousy kept skewing his perception. Arthur clicked his tongue as he finally tore his gaze away.
“It’ll help me sleep tonight,” another pause, then Arthur rubbed his eyes with a huff, annoyed at himself, “I haven’t slept for ages-”
“Drinking will knock you flat on your ass, but you know as well as I do that it’ll make you go through hell when you finally do wake up.”
“Maybe I’m just a glutton for punishment-” It certainly felt like it when he couldn’t stop himself from deliberately pushing people away from him, but Theo ignored his depressive tone, yanking the decanter out of his grasp.
“Then, view this as a punishment.”
"For God's sake- you're going to do this all night aren't you?"
It wasn't so much a question, not with how Arthur rolled his eyes, finishing off his glass before Theo could think about grabbing it. "You do know there's more booze in the mansion, don't you?"
Theo shrugged his shoulders, "I know that if you're too lazy to go distract yourself with one of your 'skirts', you're too lazy to scour for more."
Arthur didn't respond, eyes closed as he leaned upon his elbow, propping his head up with a sigh.
"... What do you propose, then?"
At Arthur’s first stumble out of the parlor, Theo tsked and wrapped his arm around his shoulders, huffing a reprimand in the process. It was an accident, Arthur really hadn’t drank that much yet, but… He let himself be led towards his room, feeling careless ideas come to mind the longer he let Theo keep his grip.
Each step closer, Arthur considered his options, feeling his emotions battling out his rationale. What proof did he have of Theo really getting with that woman? A quick glance and Theo had no lipstick markings on his cheeks or neck, no scent of perfume… Most people were quick to spend as much time with a new partner in the beginning stages. Given that Theo rarely had any breaks from work and didn’t appear to spend his rare day off with the woman Arthur had saw, it opened two possibilities.
Either they had yet to breach the hurdle of admitting their feelings towards each other, or they had been together for longer than Arthur realized.
The latter stung at the back of his throat as he swallowed the thought down, focusing on the first. Because if they had yet to get together… Well, Arthur could do what he does best.
He smiled bitterly to himself, playing up the role of a drunk as they neared Theo’s room.
Excuses. That’s what Arthur needed; something to make his behavior forgettable in the morning. Something to make his shame easier to deal with the next day. He took advantage of Theo’s dazed state after they stumbled into his room, cupping his cheeks mid-scold and stealing a lingering kiss. At first, Theo seemed frozen, unsure of how to react, and Arthur’s fear exacerbated. He nipped at Theo’s bottom lip, feeling his shoulders drop with relief when the man finally kissed him back.
Theo was hesitant, his grip unfocused as Arthur managed to take the lead; distracting him as he slowly backed Theo into his desk chair, straddling him easily. When they broke apart, panting as Theo’s confused look swept over him, the taste of him still lingered on Arthur’s lips as he nervously licked them, “don’t you want a distraction too?”
Theo’s gaze narrowed for a moment. The threat of getting an answer he feared pushed Arthur to act impulsively, crashing their lips together in one fluid movement.
Regardless of how clumsy it was, Arthur was thankful when he felt Theo’s grip focus on his ass, pushing their bodies flush together and dragging out as gasp when his fingers threaded themselves in Arthur’s hair; holding him in place as their rushed kisses deepened. Every heavy breath between them reeked of ethanol, and as Arthur felt Theo slowly get harder, he pushed the thoughts of their crumbling friendship aside.
The feel of Theo’s tongue against his drew a shudder out. Arthur twisted his fingers into Theo’s shirt, head beginning to spin as Theo’s kisses grew rough, more demanding, making Arthur’s hands shake as he blindly searched for the buttons of Theo’s shirt and clumsily worked them. It was difficult to concentrate or even attempt taking back control when Theo kept stealing his breath, and Arthur was pleased; safe from the burden of thinking past impulses.
Three buttons undone, and Arthur’s palms spread out against Theo’s chest as they finally broke apart, gasping for breath. He watched as Theo surveyed him, taking in the sight of his hair disheveled, his slick and swollen lips. Arthur knew the heat spread across his cheeks was obvious, and when a ghost of a prideful smirk took over Theo’s features, Arthur wrapped his arms around his neck with a strained chuckle.
“You’re not going to stop there, are you?”
With a slow blink, Theo finally came back to the present and slid his palms over Arthur’s ass again. A surge of heat rushed through Arthur, making him bite his lip in pleasure.
They weren’t sober by any means, but neither of them were drunk. Yet when Theo suddenly began pressing his lips against Arthur’s neck, he let out a breathless, excited laugh with his groan, Arthur’s head spinning as if he had drank his limit three times over.
A brush of Theo’s fangs against his skin made Arthur thread his fingers through Theo’s locks, shivering with the teasing waves of pleasure it brought. Slowly, the chair they sat on began to creak as Arthur rolled his hips, grinding their clothed erections together with an open moan. It only took a few more desperate pushes to coax Theo into changing positions.
Arthur nearly yelped as Theo abruptly stood up, carrying him over towards his bed with much more ease than expected- only to drop Arthur onto the mattress.
“Bloody hell, Theo, I’m not a toy-” but his flash of annoyance disappeared as Theo straddled him, working his shirt off. Unable to look away, Arthur’s eyes raked over Theo’s chest, a hum of appreciation unabashedly slipping out, “... maybe we should have done this sooner.”
Theo scoffed, beginning to roughly unbutton Arthur’s shirt, looking pleased when Arthur arched into his touch. Excited, Arthur smirked as he slid his hands between them, deftly unbuckling Theo’s belt.
It was rushed, and Arthur liked it that way. Dragging out teasing touches just opened up the chance for his unwanted thoughts to consume him and take him out of the mood. Arthur wanted to speed this up, drive Theo mad enough to shove his face into the mattress and give him the mindless pleasure he craved. So he tugged Theo’s zipper down and cupped his length, a breathless laugh escaping him when Theo briefly thrusted against his palm with a low grunt.
Arthur took Theo’s open pleasure in stride, grinning as he slipped his hand into Theo’s boxers, grasping his cock and giving a few loose strokes. Already, precum was leaking from Theo’s slit, and Arthur couldn’t help the soft groan he let out when he felt it wet his palm, “all because of me, hm?”
“Something like that.”
The unintentional pout he gave made Theo bark out a laugh, which caused his lips to twist into a frown. ‘Something like that’. He’ll make it because of him, regardless of Theo’s pride.
Running his thumb over Theo’s slit, he dragged the precum gathered there in a slow, teasing circle along his glans, loving how Theo’s eyes fluttered shut with a moan, “mm, are you sure?”
Theo’s eyes snapped open in annoyance, and suddenly Arthur’s belt was roughly being undone and tossed aside so Theo could yank his pants down enough to take his cock into his hand, mimicking Arthur’s earlier motions. Giddily, Arthur thrust into Theo’s grip, letting out a content, low sigh, “finally.”
He had to wonder what he looked like to Theo, a man he was unsure of would even find pleasure in any of this before now. A flushed, sultry mess like the minxes Arthur happily devoured, tempting Theo to explore new sinful approaches to their relationship?
Arthur almost scoffed at himself, but he still played his part; tugging Theo down by his arm, demanding another flurry of biting kisses as their cocks brushed against each other. He took delight in the strained moan Theo choked on when Arthur reached between them, grasping their throbbing cocks in his hand. There wasn’t any need for words. Theo quickly began to slip his tongue back into Arthur’s mouth, thrusting in time with Arthur’s strokes, swallowing their muffled moans.
But then Theo’s fingers pried Arthur’s grip open, threading their hands together and instead forced Arthur to stroke them like that- as if they were holding hands. It shouldn’t have tripped Arthur up, not when the move made it easier for them to chase after their release, but he found his thoughts slipping back towards a different type of neediness.
It took a lot to break apart from Theo, who quickly busied himself nipping at Arthur’s neck while he caught his breath long enough to speak, “H-hey, surely you don’t want it to- ahn, end like this?”
“Mm, think you can handle otherwise?”
Arthur just chuckled, running a hand through his sweaty bangs, “don't make me beg, Theo, I'm not sure either of us could take it.”
The cocky tone earned him a harsh nip to his pulse, making Arthur let out a choked noise when Theo paired it with a squeeze to the tip of their cocks. Theo finally let go after a moment and carefully got off of him, reaching into his nightstand to pull out a jar of lube.
"I can't believe you jerk off more than sleep around, ' Arthur mused and removed his undergarments as Theo rolled his eyes, '...what does the stubborn Theodorus Van Gogh get off to, hm?"
His question seemingly went ignored as Theo came back to him, fingers slick with lube. Gently he rested his knees on the bed, nudging Arthur to spread his legs before he spread lube around his hole.
Arthur hated this. He hated the careful way Theo pushed a finger inside of him, watching as Arthur held his breath. It’s not as if it hurt- god only knows how often Arthur’s been more adventurous- but the process takes time. And asking patience from a man who was struggling as much as he was torture.
“Better tell me if it hurts, klootzak.”
He nodded, knowing Theo would stop otherwise. After a few careful pumps, Theo pressed another finger inside, drawing a content sigh of his name from Arthur. By the time the third one was in, Arthur slowly began to stroke himself, shooting a smile Theo’s way when he watched intently, “enjoying the show?”
“Wondering how you manage to keep from being a quick shot.”
"Believe it or not, I do have some self control."
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” he scoffed.
The way Theo smirked as the tip of his cock started to push into him made Arthur’s arousal flare, and… Well, it didn't feel bad, but Arthur winced as Theo inched deeper, his length thicker than Arthur had initially believed.
With that slip in confidence, Theo stopped abruptly, making Arthur grumble impatiently.
"Come now, you're not going to tease me this badly, are you?"
"You're already wincing-"
"Well, I didn't realize your thick-headedness extended that far down, Theo."
Regardless, Theo carefully pulled out of Arthur, evidently ready to settle on a different method of getting off.
“If you’re that worried then,” Arthur sat up, stealing another kiss before muttering against Theo’s mouth, “lay down.”
The look Theo gave was skeptical, but he backed off. Laying down he eyed Arthur, his caution ebbing away as Arthur threw a leg over his waist, straddling him with a grin. He kept one hand on Theo's chest as he reached behind him, giving Theo’s thick length a few good strokes before steering the tip of his cock to his entrance. The anticipation that had built up in Arthur’s abdomen dissolved into a fiery heat once he gingerly lowered himself onto Theo’s cock, his quiet gasps making Theo grab onto his thighs in a flash of worry.
“Hey, don’t push yourse-,” but Arthur’s hips sank down in one fluid movement before Theo could finish, taking Theo’s cock in as deep as he could manage.
“F-fuck, Theo, I-” a shudder overcame Arthur as his own cock throbbed with need.
“Yeah? Thought you said you could take it?”
He shot Theo a bleary-eyed glare, one that barely lingered, his expression morphing into one of pleasure as he tested a roll of his hips, loving the way Theo’s length pushed back into him impatiently.
Arthur spread his hands out on Theo's chest, doing his best to ignore how fast Theo's heart was beating as he used the leverage to start an unsteady pace.
It was difficult to quip about Theo's flushed features, not when his head was already spinning from finally getting Theo tangled up with him like this. Each bounce on Theo's cock slowly made Arthur's composure slip, his speed faltering when he managed to plunge Theo's cock in deeper on some thrusts more than others.
Admittedly, it drove Arthur nearly mad; getting Theo just where he wanted him, only for Arthur to clumsily take his cock like this. Whereas Theo… Arthur hesitated, shivering from the excitement buzzing throughout him, Theo still wore a confident smirk with his skin just as flushed as Arthur’s.
"I thought you've done this before?"
"I have- y-you're just so bloody thick-" Theo's rough hands grabbed ahold of his hips, interrupting Arthur as Theo pulled him down just as he thrusted upwards, drawing out a strangled cry from the writer, "Theo!"
“Does it hurt?”
“Then,” Theo tightened his grip, keeping up the pace and covering the speed Arthur was lacking, “stop complaining.”
And maybe Arthur really had too much to drink; he couldn’t focus on anything but chasing the pleasure of this secretly harbored fantasy coming to life. He was unable to care about the noises spilling out as Theo roughly guided Arthur’s hips to meet each thrust he gave.
The throbbing arousal coursing through him reached a dangerous peak not too long after, and Arthur’s nails dug into Theo’s chest as he attempted to regain some clarity and control himself better. But Theo slowed and stopped moving, causing Arthur to pant out a curse.
"Y-You're such a devil-!"
"Mm, doesn't seem to stop you from mewling."
Arthur’s head spun as Theo pulled out, drawing an embarrassing whine out until he was pushed onto his back. Theo's palms slid along the underside of Arthur's thighs, ass, until he grabbed his sides, pushing in deep with a lazy roll of his hips.
"Uhn- ah! Theo-" Arthur’s voice was already strained, but another groan bubbled up when Theo picked up the pace. It was obvious Theo was getting close, his jaw clenched tight as his thrusts delved deeper, harsh enough to make the bed creak in tandem.
Fumbling, Arthur tugged on Theo’s locks to crash their lips together again. Nails dug into his hips for a moment, and then Theo broke them apart, eyes narrowed at Arthur’s chuckle.
Finding a hand at his throat, Arthur lightly gasped as Theo’s barely-there grip focused on the sides of his throat. It was enough to give Arthur a chance to rasp out any type of rejection to the idea, but instead the writer dug his heels into Theo’s ass, urging him to keep going.
At first, Theo kept his hold as it was, but as he began to get closer to his release, he tightened it just enough for Arthur’s knees to press against his waist, Arthur’s eyes going hazy at the new pleasure.
And then he let go, permitting Arthur to take in a deep breath, “fuck…”
“Tell me if I need to stop,” Theo warned, but Arthur just chuckled.
“Don’t stop until you cum. You’re, ahn, just as close as I am, h-huh?” Arthur gave him a smug look despite the flush on his cheeks, despite the way his bangs were ruffled and damp with sweat; Theo gripped him tight as he leaned over, nipping and sucking a mark onto his neck, right where his collar couldn’t reach. Arthur’s cock throbbed at the sensation, feeling as though he was being claimed.
“Then- Tell me where you want it.”
"I-inside! Oh hell, Theo, I want to feel it-"
Arthur's back arched as Theo's grip tightened again, feeling Arthur clench around his cock.
"Feel what?"
Release, Arthur sucking in air as he spoke all at once.
"Want to feel your cock throb- a-as you cum, mmph. Make me feel- ghk-!"
Another tightened grip, and Arthur's eyes welled as Theo slammed into him, heavily panting as Arthur shook with each thrust. The lack of air nearly became unbearable, but just before it was too much, Theo let go. Instead he pushed on Arthur’s thighs, nearly folding him in half as he thrusted once, twice, and then spilled inside with a rasp.
The faint smell of ethanol lingered between them, mixed into the way Arthur desperately tugged Theo close, smashing their lips together in clumsy kisses. He threaded his fingers through Theo's hair, keeping him in place for just a moment, to meet his gaze when they broke apart.
His name is muttered as a lovelorn sigh, Arthur's eyes searching his for something, but Theo dipped his head against Arthur's neck, avoiding the unspoken confession as his fangs broke skin.
“Ah-Ah! Oh gods-” Arthur’s nails dig deep into Theo’s back and scalp, his noises turning into choked rasps as Theo reached between them, jerking Arthur off to the timing of his slowing thrusts.
Arthur lasted just long enough for Theo to pull his fangs out, to let out a string of curses as he tensed and spilled over Theo’s hand, and then Theo pulled out with shuddering breaths, forehead planted against Arthur’s shoulder.
It took what felt like ages for the two of them to catch their breath. As soon as the afterglow fades and a slow ache replaces it, Arthur found his thoughts immediately settling onto his current issue: Theo. Who was refusing to look at him, head still pressed against his shoulder.
Embarrassment started to creep in the longer they refused to speak.
What did you do, Arthur?
"Well, that was a nice bit of fun," he swallowed thickly, hoping Theo can't feel the hammering in his chest, "perhaps we should do this again sometime…"
Theo groaned, frustration clear, "is sex the only thing that's ever on your mind?"
"You weren't complaining before-"
But Theo finally got up, sitting back on his knees, "can you get up?"
"What, kicking me out so soon? No wonder you can only get with your hand."
"Bath, Arthur. Trying to see if you can make it to the le therme."
Shame struck Arthur once they both sink into the water, the heat drawing attention to all the parts of him that ache. He was lucky his job wasn't anything like Theo's, and that he could get away with sitting on his ass all day.
Getting here wasn't as easy as he thought. All his bravado fizzled away when it became apparent just how hard they had gone at it, and Arthur's stumble when getting up prompted Theo to…
Well, he's just thankful no one saw how pathetic he looked getting here.
Arthur sank a little deeper into the water as the silence between them stretched out, glad the heat was helping his lower back. But the longer they were quiet, the more Arthur’s thoughts rushed; had anyone else heard them? What was Theo thinking right now?
Had Arthur just ruined whatever was built up between them, or were those feelings completely one-sided?
An annoyed tsk caused him to glance at Theo, who was rubbing his neck.
“Did you have to leave a mark so high up? How am I going to explain this…”
Ah… now that he was looking at Theo in the light, he noticed his desperation all over him. Lovebites along his neck and collar, Theo’s hair still mussed and scratches along his shoulder… At the thought of others catching a glimpse, Arthur felt his jealousy simmer.
“I think it looks good,” looked like he’s taken, at least.
"I feel sorry for all those women you sleep with if they wake up like this. Tch, I look like a fool."
Arthur wasn't sure what to feel. Proud? Sated? There was a sliver of joy humming inside of him; he finally got a taste of what he'd been craving for so long. But guilt and fear were quickly taking ahold of him, unable to keep himself from wondering just how bad he screwed things up.
"What does this mean now?" The question slipped out as soon as he thought it, and Arthur felt his ears burn as Theo shrugged.
"You said you wanted a distraction, and you got it."
Ouch. But he did deserve that, he supposed.
"So… We just go along like this never happened?" Theo gave him a noncommittal grunt, and Arthur kept on, "Theo, just humor me, will you?"
There was a sigh, Theo rubbing the back of his neck, "I don't know what answer you want, Arthur. For fucks sake, neither of us were thinking."
"Doesn't this have higher stakes for you? What about that pretty bird you keep taking strolls along the Seine with?"
Theo froze, giving Arthur an incredulous look, "you mean Mr. Garnier’s wife?"
Arthur went quiet, feeling heat in his cheeks as he processed Theo's words, and the accompanying embarrassment. Weakly, he stammered, "i-is that the only woman you've… you've been seeing?"
And Theo, the bastard, burst in laughter as a response. Not quietly either; loud enough to make Arthur's ears ring as the foolishness of this situation sunk in.
"Theo, for gods sake-"
"Is that what this was all about? Is that why you were in such a mood earlier?"
Arthur covered his face, his pride washing away, "my god man, do shut up."
His laughter continued until it faded off into a chuckle. Seeing Arthur still unable to look his way, Theo finally relaxed, wrapping an arm around Arthur’s shoulders and tugging him close.
“Come ‘ere.” Arthur still doesn’t speak, but Theo slowly continues, choosing his words carefully, “is this really why you’ve been moody lately?”
“At this point, does it really matter if I give an answer?”
Reviewing tonight’s events should have been enough of an answer, but with the reluctant confirmation, Theo just gives Arthur a half-hearted squeeze. It made Arthur finally relax his shoulders, no longer hiding his face.
“I’m… Not good with these things, Arthur,” No, he wasn’t. It was another reason Arthur had been so surprised to see him happily with another woman. But now, knowing all of that jealousy was pointless, to an extent, well… Arthur kept quiet as Theo continued, “even before arriving here, when I didn’t have so much weighing me down, I wasn’t good at this. But…”
Theo trailed off before taking another deep breath, “if this is genuine... then I’m willing to give it a try. With you.”
Surprised, Arthur looked over to meet Theo’s gaze- only to see the man was turned away, the tips of his ears reddened.
“‘I’m not good at these things’, he says…”
Theo turned to shoot him a glare, only frowning when he realized it let Arthur see just how badly he was blushing.
“I’m trying.”
Chuckling, Arthur felt his anxieties start to ebb away, “you really want to do this? With a mess like me? If this thing goes south, well…”
“I’d be handling this ‘mess’ in one way or another, regardless.”
“Very romantic, Theo. Thanks.”
The quip eases them both with the laugh it brings, and this time the quiet that stretched out was comfortable.
“We’ll need to talk about this more, in the morning, but for now,” Theo slipped his arm around Arthur’s waist, relaxing, “don’t work yourself up. We’re fine.”
“That obvious, huh?”
“You’re not the only one good at reading others, you know.”
Arthur merely hummed in response, letting that comfortable silence come back.
It felt odd, to say the least, to even consider getting into a serious relationship. Years of waving off most chances at happiness caused an almost knee-jerk reaction to do the same here; to chase Theo off with showcasing the worst of him. But Theo had already seen all of that.
There was still the chance of this not working out, or working out in the way they planned, but Arthur finally let himself rest against Theo, choosing to ignore those obnoxious worries at least for tonight.
I've discovered a friend can innocently send me a song saying it makes them think of a shared favored ship, only for me to dumbly open a word doc to scramble in a fic inspired by it.
I've wanted to write a longer Theocona fic for a while now, I didn't think it'd be like this, especially given how it's. Rusty. But if you read through it all: Thank you!
While I love these fools, I'm not too sure when the next time I'll write another fic for them. Theo's really hard to write, and I have so many older wips I need to finish... Maybe sooner than later I'll have another, but an established relationship themed one...
Thank you again for reading!
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drakenology · 4 years
A B C’s with Todoroki Shoto.
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hiii! so I got this little idea while leisurely scrolling through bnha smut. idk if this creator is the originator of the trend but I wanna give credit anyways so shout out to @nillabeam​ for inspiring me to drabble on and on about my shoto doin the dirty. 
warnings: smut (obvi so 18+ please), slight daddy kink, all characters are aged up, and some swearing cause I feel like it. 
enjoy my little heathens!
A- Aftercare
Oh don’t be fooled by Todo’s calm and stoic demeanor. He is fucking insatiable in bed. 
But after a long night of ravishing you until you’re drunk on his cock, he’ll run you both a bath to soak your muscles in and relax.
Would help you in and out of the bath as he washed you up, rinsing your back for you. 
He’d leave kisses where he left harsh hickies. 
Would tell you how much he loved you, and gush about how delicate and pretty you were. EEK!!
B- Body Part 
He loved your breasts. 
You would often catch him staring at them as you talked to him, earning a stern look on your face to remind him to pay attention to you.
Would fuck you on your back just to watch them bounce and jiggle around 
He felt like your boobs were always so happy to see him, perking up when he would grab them. 
Would kiss them during sex and loves playing and sucking on them. 
Most of your hickies were all over them 
As for his own body, He really likes how toned and strong his arms got. 
He wants to protect you, so he got stronger so he can beat people up for you if he needed to. aww how sweet. 
C- Cum
He cums all over his favorite part of your body (see B). 
He also likes to cum inside you, cause he’s got a small teeny weeny breeding kink. 
You always cum first.. like it’s mandatory. He simply can’t bring himself to do it knowing you haven’t had your fill. 
When you go down on him thoooooo..
He loved to cum all over your pretty face. He always thought you looked gorgeous painted in his cum. 
He’d kiss your lips after you gave him head if a little bit of his hot cum was still on your mouth. 
D- Dirty Secret
As I said, Todoroki was a stoic and cool person out in public. 
He didn’t appear to be as sexually savant as he is 
but BABY
I’m tellin you, in the bedroom Todo is a beast. 
He really liked being called daddy.
It was something about watching your cute little face twist in pleasure whine and beg for him to fuck you. 
“Address me right, princess.” ASDGFJKF
HUGE daddy kink, da fuqq.
E- Experience 
eh.. some.
He had another girlfriend before you; some girl Endeavor set him up with. She cheated on him. 
but yeah.. my baby knows what he’s doing.
He loved showing you his moves. Watching your amazed and fucked out face was his favorite part of fucking you. 
F- Favorite Position
He loved them all tbh. 
He liked to experiment with a lot of different positions, getting bored pretty quickly.
But his tried and true is missionary.
He got to watch your face react to his every maneuver, kiss your neck to mark you up as his territory as he whispers in your ear sweet praises 
“Good girl, kitten.” “So good for me.” “You feel so good, baby”
Also your luscious breasts were front and center for him to stare at as he pounds you ooooooooo. 
G- Goofy
Yeah soo.. Shoto is a little serious. A little too serious in fact. 
Once when you two were making out he lifted you up, trying to carry you into your room as he bumped your head on the door frame. 
God it was like you were on life support or something
He apologized a million times, blaming himself as if he severely hurt you. 
You just giggle and kiss him in hopes it’ll shut him up and calm his worrying. You knew it was just an accident. 
H- Hair
He kept himself pretty trim, not really liking having a lot of hair on his body, for the exception of his arms and legs. He couldn’t help that he was a hairy guy (I imagine Endeavor being a lil hairy under his hero costume soo genetics?)
I- Intimacy
 he’s such a hopeless romantic it’s adorable.
he dotes on you the whole time, ensuring he’s not hurting you too much 
would kiss you over and over again
wants to you be comfortable at all times. 
in moments like these you’re the only thing that matters. 
J- Jack off
If for whatever reason he’s away, he always calls you. 
“I need you baby, what are you wearing right now?” He’ll ask, no matter if he’s in an important meeting or away on business, if he’s horny he’s horny.
Needs your voice to help him through his orgasm. 
Loves to facetime when he’s away so he can see your face and your body. 
“Yes, god Y/N you’re so perfect. Bend over for me.. yes..” He groaned, sloppily palming away at his length as he comes to his climax.
K- Kink
he’s got a lot sksksns
definitely a fucking dom
loves telling you what to do, always calling the shots in bed most of the time
Loves pet names, “baby girl” “kitten” “princess” 
overstimulates you sometimes just to see you squirm under him, the sick bastard. 
high key a sadist.. he’ll never openly admit to that tho
L- Location 
anywhere, surprisingly. 
If you two were out with friends and he felt an urge to taste you, he’d simply say you two are going to the car to get something, only to start having sex with you in the back seat. 
Fucks you in his office
Fucked you in his childhood bedroom once as a fuck you to his father. haha.
down for whateva.
M- Motivation
one thing that always got him going was you acting coy. Like you don’t know that what you’re doing is turning him on. 
You lean a little more, your blouse unbuttoned so he can see your ample cleavage. 
“What do you mean, Sho?” You bat your eyelashes, smirking at him as you watch his face turn red. 
“Fuck Y/N, don’t be cute. You’ll be sorry when we get home.” He would hiss at you, secretly not wanting you to stop teasing him.
He loved your sexy ass.
he hated excessive hitting or pain play.
he was always too scared to hurt you, knowing he could by mistake at any given point. 
he just won’t hit you.. so don’t ask.
O- Oral
he loved sloppy, degrading head from you. 
fucks your throat sometimes, loves hearing you gag. 
when he gives you head though, he’s relentless.
he wont stop until your sobbing, begging him to fill you as he ate you out, shallowly fingering you with one finger to make you.
“Aw.. look at you. So desperate. You want me inside you, kitten?” UGHHH
P- Pace
depends on the situation or what mood he’s in. 
when he’s making love to you, his pace is slow and methodical, wanting to savor the moment
however when you’ve been bad... FUCK
he’s gonna pound you into the mattress until you’re a fucked out mess underneath him, begging him to slow down so you can catch you breath
“Don’t cry now, princess. You had so much mouth earlier.” He would mock you, smirking at your weakened state. Yall I-
Q- Quickies
as much as he loved taking his time with you, quickies were something that were quite vital for you two.
Shoto was always busy with something as he always kept himself occupied to provide for you two. 
Whenever the opportunity arises, you two strike while the iron’s hot
R- Risk 
Shoto likes to explore every aspect of sex, so that leaves for lots of room for exploration.
Finding new spots to touch and lick and suck on. 
He loved taking risks if it meant he got to listen to your sweet moans. 
S- Stamina
uhm.. yes. 
he had a fuck ton, you often cumming multiple times before he did. 
“I hope you’re not tapping out on me. I’m not through with you yet.” He would coo to you, urging you to yet another orgasm. 
he almost felt bad for you, as you twitch and shake overstimulated from his stamina being filled to the goddamn brim. 
T- Toys
he used them on you a lot.
loved little bullet vibrators, they were so handy in helping him send you into a frenzy. 
one night he had made you squirt when he used one on you as he fucked you senseless. 
“Ooh I know you’ve got some more in there for me, kitten. Be a good girl and do that again.” 
he also liked to watch you fuck yourself with a dildo. 
he found it pretty easy to degrade you as he watched you try mimic his thrusts with it. 
“You wish that was me don’t you, kitten? Too bad.” 
U- Unfair 
he totally LOVES teasing you
in public especially, loving to see you flustered and speechless as you try and talk to others. 
“What’s wrong, princess? You seem a little hot.” He’d say, caressing your inner thigh under the table at dinner. 
V- Volume
todo isn’t very loud in bed.
he’ll grunt and groan against your skin has he fucked you 
definitely cussing a lot under his breath and whispering praises or obscenities in your ear as he took you. 
“Ugh..baby. You feel so good.” “You’re mine..all mine.” “Shit, you’re so wet.”
W- Wild Card!!!
todoroki’s favorite memory of one of your ventures was when he had you bent over the kitchen sink. he didn’t think you could cum that hard around him, the feelings almost sending him into his own release.
he loved when you wore dresses to give him easy access to your pussy. 
loved fucking you in them, something about pulling it up to reveal you cheeky little panties made him feral. 
X- X-Ray
todoroki is PACKIN okay? 
i don’t imagine him being extra long, but he had really nice girth
still to this day you’re left speechless when he pulls that glizzy out his boxers. 
shoto loves you.. like a lot.
everything you do kinda sends him into a frenzy, wanting you right then and there. 
he wants sex pretty much all the time, I think the only time he’s not horny is when he’s working. 
Z- Zzz
you always fell asleep first, being that shoto wears you the fuck out
he liked to watch you sleep, leaving soft kisses all over your face. 
“I love you, Y/N.” He’d whisper, holding you close as he drifted off to sleep with you. AWWWW 
whew this shit took longer than I thought. hope yall liked this. i’m finally starting to write about more characters other than my baby daddy katsuki. bye! 
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obae-me · 4 years
Tail Wagging Wing Flapping Fun
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This idea is thanks to @astaroth1357​ ! It’s a short guide on how to influence their demon forms to do something...embarrassingly cute. I write this fluff with no regrets. Enjoy. 
Sure, it might be a bit disconcerting at first getting used to the sight of humanoid creatures having unusual things like horns and wings and tails (oh my), but it comes with a benefit. While their words and demeanor might suggest otherwise, their demon forms might involuntarily reveal some of their hidden feelings--or not so hidden feelings. Your new mission, should you choose to accept it, is to figure out what sort of scenario sets off these uncontrollable actions. Let’s get some tails wagging and wings flapping, shall we?
Note: Difficulty ranges from 7 being the most difficult and 1 being the easiest.
Extra Note: Seems the brothers happened to come across this guide, hopefully they didn’t mess with it...
Difficulty: (7/7)
Hands down, this man is the hardest one to get a reaction out of seeing as he is always aware of how he is perceived, probably due to that prideful nature of his. Not to mention, he’s only ever in his demon form on rare occasions such as parties or political events. Or, most often, if he needs to use it for intimidation, and you’d rather not get a good look at his wings when he’s ready to obliterate someone or yourself for that matter. So, it goes without saying that this might take some planning or some timely good luck. Perhaps begging if you’re not above it. 
When to do it: Your best chance of success is to catch him when he’s either distracted, so sleep deprived he can’t even see straight, or just flat out drunk. If you choose the first option, chances are, once he’s back in his own head he’ll recall the event and make a mental note to never do it again. With the second, he’ll be at the point where he can no longer care as long as he can get his work done, but then there’s the more likely scenario where he’ll decide to kick you out entirely so he can focus. Lastly, if he’s drunk, not only will this be super effective, but he’ll cuddle you all night long. He might not even remember every embarrassing thing he did the following morning--which never happens, just for everyone’s information. Even in an intoxicated state, he’s in complete control with no embarrassing moments to speak of--Anyway, this is your best choice, but even then he only gets really drunk when he’s with Diavolo, not to mention refraining from coming home until the late...very late hours of the night when he knows no one will be awake to watch him stumble to his room. So, you’ll have to be diligent. Maybe take a nap. 
How to do it: You might think it would be praise, him being Pride and all, but Lucifer knows after so many years that words can often be hollow. Compliments and sugar-coated phrases are mostly used as a means of manipulation or getting something in return. Don’t get him wrong, he does like them, might even give you a slight smile and a pleased hum if you tell him how stunning he is, but he will know you probably expect something in exchange. So, for him, the best way to get his wings aflutter is to do something for him. Actions speak much louder than words and are much more precious to him, especially if you do so unprovoked. Make him some tea! Bring him food in bed! Dust his record collection! Sweep the floor in his study! The list can go on, it’s all up to you to decide what to do, but make sure he knows it's for him. He likes to be pampered--I mean, served. 
What happens: It will take him a moment to register. He’s not used to someone doing something for him so freely before. As a punishment, sure, but of your own volition? You did look expecting, no matter how hard you tried to hide it, but the only thing you were anticipating was his happiness and reaction, nothing else. The wings against his back have no choice but to twitch and shift, and he notices you eyeing them each time they move. As they fluttered, you beamed, and all he could do was roll his shoulders to try and keep the infernal things tucked against his back. The more you smiled, the more they were restless, feathers falling from their place as they twitched with emotion, threatening to wrap around you, to shield you, to envelop you, all like he was a hen protecting a baby chick. Depending on how weakened he is, or how much he cares for you, he might do more than just some shifting wings. He does his best to control himself, he really does, but the joy and warmth flooding his body from all his affection for you can make him do the unthinkable. His entire body will shutter, shaking and rattling him like a wet dog. His wings will jut out from his back, quivering in the air. When all is said and done, the black feathers coating his wings are extremely puffed up, a stunned and embarrassed expression hidden behind his new unruly and disheveled countenance. 
Difficulty: (1/7)
If Lucifer is the hardest, Mammon rolls in as the easiest to get a reaction from. He’s very expressive in everything he does, and his demon form doesn’t change that. If it’s not gambling, he has no desire to keep himself under control, and he’s very much an ‘actions now, thinking later’ type of demon. In fact, when you’re around it nearly ends up worsening, he ends up being so flustered and distracted he’s usually unaware of the things he does or says, which gets him in a lot of trouble. However, because of this, it’s so easy to get him to do all the cute things you want. 
When to do it: Honestly, it does not matter. The only things required are himself and you in the same place, and the two of you are already basically attached at the hip. Truth be told, you don’t even need to be near him to get him sheepish, but that’s a secret he tries to keep to himself. You two could be alone in your bedroom, out for a walk in the garden, in Diavolo’s castle, even in the back parking lot of a cheap run-down restaurant. It is not important to him. As long as he has you, anywhere is a party. Public? Private? No matter. Either way his brothers will find out and tease him about it. Getting him in demon form isn’t an issue either. He’ll transform at the drop of a hat if you asked him too. 
How to do it: Much like Lucifer, the most obvious answer is incorrect. You can buy Mammon all the stuff in the world, but his Greed will still want more. Besides, that’s all anyone expects him to enjoy anyway. Everyone thinks just giving him money or gifts will make everything better, but he’s more complex than that! Well, it kinda does make him feel happier, but--oi, that’s not the point, we’re supposed to be gettin’ deep here!--What will really make him melt for you is compliments. This demon loves to be praised, because it doesn’t happen often. Why? Cus he’ll get a big head about it, but that’s Lucifer’s problem, not yours. Tell him how proud you are of him. Let him know how handsome he looks. Assure him you know he’s smart, and how much you look up to him. Tell him how grateful you are that he’s your ‘first’. It’ll get to him instantly and fuel his self esteem for weeks. 
What happens: The skin stretched over his wings will contract, causing his wings to fold into themselves only to burst open again. It’s this strange sort of flapping motion that reminds you of an umbrella opening and closing. Mammon won’t even notice, not until you gush over it. After that, he’ll be so flustered by his involuntary movements that he’ll try to chase his own wings, circling around on his feet while cursing. He’ll do his best to keep them hidden from you behind his back, but you can still hear the fluttering. Pretending like he didn’t hear you, he’ll attempt to get you to repeat what you said. This is your chance to take things to the second stage. If you bombard him with enough sweet words, he’ll have no choice but to bounce from foot to foot, shifting the weight on his feet as joy floods his body. The wings attached to his back will then waggle up and down, waving themselves in the air. You’ll be permitted to watch this for a while before realization dawns on him and he goes back to manhandling his blasted demon form. At one point he managed to grab one of them with his mouth and growled even. You have it on video. 
Difficulty: (2/7)
The second easiest. Just above Mammon in difficulty due to the fact that he’s in his room all the time and does his best to get himself out of humiliating situations. However, he’s truly an open book, and an emotional one at that, which is why he and Mammon tend to butt heads so often. They’re more alike than either of them will ever admit--w-which is not at all! How anyone could--could see similarities between Levi-chan and stupidmammon is ridiculous!--Similar or not, you could simply look in Levi’s direction and he would blush, and so of course when he’s in his demon form, there will be no hiding his emotions there either. 
When to do it: It will have to be in his room, it’s his safe space and so he’ll be more open to expressing himself when he’s in his sanctuary. There’s no real way around this. It will have to be a good day, so try to prepare by keeping his meddlesome brothers away. Keep an eye on how much internet they’re all using, and then try to monitor them so they’ll use less, making Levi’s loading times effortless. Let Levi know in advance that you want to hang out, that way he can get his mental state in check! This should be good enough to influence a happy tail-wagging Levi for when he permits you to enter his room. 
How to do it: Safety and comfort are the name of the game. Let him do whatever he wants and don’t make fun of him for it. It’s hard for him to be passionate about the things he truly enjoys without his brothers picking it apart or ruining it altogether. Let him speak. Be patient with him as he tries to string together a coherent plot with fragmented statements like “Oh, but there was also when-”, or “Oh, and how could I forget this happened! I’ll need to go back a bit!” If he ever says sorry, assure him there’s nothing to worry about. You don’t necessarily have to be interested in the things he likes, but if you listen to him and let him feel safe enough to be vulnerable, you’ll have him in the palm of your hand. 
What happens: It will happen the longer he rambles. His tail will start to slowly sway across the floor, the gentle sheer sound of smooth scales brushing across smooth tile. The more he feels safe around you, the more traction the tail will get, happily snaking back and forth as the glint of light off his scales reflect back on the ceiling. Of course, you can’t help but stare, which he notices. He’ll grab his tail in his arms, preventing it from moving as best as he could while being a mortified mess. Although you can still see the tip of it twitching, rattling, and quivering. If you comfort him in knowing you aren’t there to make fun of him, that you think it’s actually sweet and cute he feels that protected around you, he’ll let his tail drop to the floor. Only because his hands are now being used to cover his blushing face. The pounding in his chest is drowned out by the intense thumping of his tail against the floor. At one point you managed to pet it and could’ve sworn you saw Levi’s tongue dart out of his mouth, but Levi denies it ever happened. 
Difficulty: (6/7)
Right under Lucifer as the second most difficult to provoke a physical reaction from. He’s spent millennia doing his best to keep his wrath under control, so controlling other emotions is even easier for him. Although, he’s second in difficulty only because he doesn’t care as much for appearances as Lucifer does. I mean, if his attire is anything to prove--I mean, of course Satan is the bigger man in this aspect, truly. It’s foolish to be so caught up in how you look to other people. He’s not that vain, so if anything, he’s better than his brother. Your main worry is being able to see these emotions in his demon form. Demon form usually equals violence in Satan’s case. Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that. 
When to do it: Make sure it’s a day he’s calm, obviously. Ideally, you’ll both be in a quiet place like his room or the library. If you can, make sure it’s a day where there are no distractions and no noise, which in the House of Lamentation unfortunately only comes by once every century. So, if that means paying Mammon to go on a little shopping spree, making Asmo go with him since coincidently he’s run out of his favorite perfume that you totally didn't use for this excuse, informing Beel that there’s a special going on today of his favorite snacks, bribing Belphie to go along since he’s about to get the show of a lifetime, and then ‘accidently’ letting Lucifer know Mammon stole his credit card, well then, that’s what you’re going to have to do to get some peace (sorry Mammon). Just pulling that off alone will get you some extra brownie points with Satan. 
How to do it: Be inquisitive! Ask him about anything, and it’s likely he’ll know the answer. In fact, he’s almost amused when you treat it like a game, quizzing him about any obscure and specific topic and seeing what he knows of it. If there happens to be something the two of you are unsure of, he’ll find the book and you’ll both learn together. In return, he’ll have you talk about the human world, about cultures, about topics you’re interested in. Asking questions is your ticket into getting him into demon form as well. If you simply tell him you’re dying to get a closer look at demon features because you’re so fascinated, he’ll be inclined to transform for you. Satan encourages and rewards curiosity. Of course he knows your plan already, but all your efforts just because you were eager to note how his demon form would react? Well, he’s willing to give in just to observe your feedback as well. It’s also worth noting that bringing up Lucifer in the conversation will immediately ruin your plans. Satan wants to feel special, so give him your full attention!   
What happens: You had to first coax the tail he so often kept wrapped around his leg to come loose. Once it did, it enjoyed flicking itself back and forth every so often when he was amused, the end curling up and down when you said something particularly enjoyable. They were small simple gestures, but you wondered if you could draw out more. You threw out a sudden ‘psst psst psst’ like one might do to a cat. His tail shot up straight in the air before he glared at you, albeit with a slight smirk. With a new playful expression on his face, his tail whipped back and forth harder, sharper, convincing you that he might pounce were you not careful. Although, he still seems very aware of his movements, which defeated the purpose of the involuntary aspect. So, acting like there was something on his face, you stepped over. You struck by scratching the underside of his chin. His entire tail quivered, trembling, the bony skeleton-like structure of his tail rattled. Pushing you away, he’ll marvel at his own demon form which seemed to have a new mind of its own. It tucked itself between his legs for a few seconds after the initial embarrassment, then continued to shiver and shake anytime he looked at you. This is exactly why he keeps it wrapped around his leg in the first place. 
Difficulty: (4/7) 
Amso is another expressive individual, in fact almost more so than Mammon. However, Asmo is a master of the body, and is absolutely aware of how he moves and acts in front of other people. Every movement he makes is completely intentional, it adds to his charm, to his popularity. Every eye flutter, every finger curl, it’s all purposeful. He can’t accidently slip up in his body language! Who do you think he is? He can’t afford to do anything embarrassing, it’ll ruin his reputation. However if you get him alone--not like that, this is a wholesome guide--he might not have to worry about his image so much. 
When to do it: This part isn’t hard, just tell him you want to spend time with him, in private. After thoroughly getting it across to him that, no, it’s not as dirty as he’s making it out to be, he’ll still be happy to squirrel you away for himself. His brothers are running you ragged, they’re such brutes. He’ll make sure to take good care of you...Sometimes you wonder if he can’t control the way his suggestions sound. Perhaps interest him in the idea of a self care day. He’ll be more than happy to paint your nails, style your hair, whatever you feel comfortable doing. You might have to continuously lead him away from the idea of letting him bathe you, but he truly just wants to treat you. However, the more you spend time alone together, the more he acts a bit more like himself. When he’s around you and not in the public eye, he can let himself relax a little, instead of always needing to live up to those social expectations. 
How to do it: This is the trickier part. As Asmo is the demon of lust and a certified social media star, he gets compliments daily, several gifts from potential lovers, and all the physical touch he could ever need. At a glance, he gets enough attention than any one person should ever need. However, he secretly craves quality time together, and no not like what you’re thinking--Unless you want it to be, and then he’ll happily oblige~-- He needs time to destress, to wind down, to spend time with someone who doesn’t care if he’s perfect all the time. Make him feel comfortable in his own skin, and I don’t care what he says, because there’s a hidden part of him that isn’t. So sit him down for a movie night, convince him to take off his makeup. Let him relax in his demon form since not only is it truly him, but you’ll need it for your plan. Brush his hair while he tells you about his day. Get him away from social media as best you can so he can “detox”, making sure it’s simply you and him. He doesn’t need Likes to be Asmo, he doesn’t need to be perfect to be worth it. 
What happens: He will act like he has no idea what you’re talking about for sure. Imperfections? He doesn’t know them. Truly he’s not so insecure as you think he is? Like Levi? Please...But your words have gotten through to him. The soft actions and...chaste time together that you’ve shown him throw him for a little loop. It’s like aftercare but...all the time with you. His wings can’t quite contract like Lucifer’s or Mammon’s, so they just bob up and down, flapping occasionally which messes up his hair. He looks on in confusion. Since when had he been so focused on you that he forgot how to present himself? It drives him insane, how embarrassing! And of course, the more you convince him he has nothing to be worried about, how it’s actually adorable, the more flustered he gets. You always knew how to compliment with no other motives. Instead of a wagging motion, his wings will move from side to side, hitting against each other. It sounds like light clapping. Asmo hates how his wings move like this, striking against each other when he’s pleased. He’s worked so hard on controlling it, and now he’s doing it in front of you. He’s immediately going to go hide, but it doesn’t prevent you from hearing the adorable sound of tapping. 
Difficulty: (3/7) 
The third easiest demon to get those special demon form movements from. He really cares for you, like a lot, and he’s the only one who isn’t afraid to say it and show it. In fact, the only reason why he isn’t ringing up at number one is due to the fact that he’s not overly flustered by his movements, he’s doing them on purpose to show you he cares, which is kinda what you’re going for here. Getting a reaction out of him without him being in full control is going to be a little bit harder, which is why he’s coming after Mammon and Levi. You want to catch him off guard, making him do things he wouldn’t normally do.
When to do it: You don’t have to try to sneak and lie and trick him into doing anything. He’s not worried about a ruined image or anything like that. Just make a day to spend time with Beel, tell him you’re bringing snacks, and tell him it would make you the happiest human in the Devildom to have him be in his demon form. That’s all you have to do, Beel loves your honesty, it lets him know you trust him and in return he trusts you. Super easy. 
How to do it: Bringing him food will definitely achieve putting a smile on his face and getting him in a better move, but it won’t bring out the soft side of him, and you want maximum softness. Beel is always taking care of his brothers, being the backup when Lucifer cannot, and just generally doing his best to keep the peace in the family. He’s the big strong bodyguard, the protector. So, to really throw him for a loop, to make him act beside himself, you’re going to protect this boy. Let him feel small even though it’s physically impossible with how large he is, especially in demon form. Let him be weak and vulnerable and safe in your arms even if they’re half the size of Beel’s. Give him snacks, make him sit on the floor and tilt his head back into your lap. You can try to have him sit in your lap-- Just be careful, the last thing he wants is to hurt you, seeing as how you’re so fragile…--He rarely ever drops his guard, so it’s a nice change of pace for him. Plus, he finds it absolutely adorable trying to be his protector, attempting to act three times your size. But he truly appreciates what you’re going for, and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t feel nice to be taken care of for once. 
What happens: You’re able to hear the deep buzz of his wings as they flutter against his back. He frowns, immediately causing the noise to halt. He still doesn’t particularly care for these new ones compared to his older ones. However, the pleased look on your face along with glimmering eyes causes a touch of pink to grace his cheeks. Alright, he can’t deny you what you want. So he lets his wings do what they want. They vibrate intensely, a small whirlwind kicking up in your bedroom, the buzz turning into a deep hum. Your eyes go wide, at least until the intense winds almost knock you to your feet. Then the air stops and you’re wrapped up in his arms. You have to squirm out of his arms to prevent him from becoming the shield again. He’ll try to tell you that he’s not cute, so persuade him he is. Sometimes he wishes he had wings like Lucifer’s so he could wrap you up in them, but he supposes his arms will have to suffice. Every so often now, he lets his wings buzz for you, grateful you accept him for who he is. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, he always goes back to being the one protecting you. Although, every so often now he’ll come to you to feel safe. 
Difficulty: (5/7) 
The demon of sloth is far too lazy to even walk most of the time much less moving his tail. A lot of times, when he is in his demon form, it ends up dragging itself across the floor. Not to mention he’s got a nearly indestructible emotion wall built up around him in the form of apathy and a bit of bratiness. Getting him to become so physically and emotionally moved by you to lose control of himself is going to take some work. 
When to do it: He’s asleep during the day mostly, so if you attempt to do it during normal hours, you’ll need to have a crazy amount of luck. So, it’s suggested you approach this demon at night, very late at night. So late, you know you’ll have regrets in the morning, or hopefully no regrets if you manage to pull this off. It will have to be past curfew, because if there’s anything Belphie loves more than sleeping, it’s opposing Lucifer. Get him alone where the sky is full of stars and the house is plunged into slumber. 
How to do it: Let him feel validated. Of course, there’s a lot of...grey area around him for some things, but in the here and now, just listen to what he has to say. He has seven older siblings, it’s easy for his voice to get lost in the clamor. Maybe if someone had just listened to his woes before taking action, things wouldn’t have gone the way they did. And, he did spend a lot of time alone, where he wasted countless nights hoping someone would just talk to him. So he appreciates how you can sit there, staying quiet--which nearly every one of his dumb brothers seems to be incapable of except his twin--letting him be heard. Who knows, if you feel vulnerable enough to share some of your deeper problems, he’ll find a newfound respect for you. There’s something about being able to relate to someone, to be able to spend hours just going back and forth where each party just makes them feel accepted. Of course, he’ll act like it’s no big deal, that this isn’t special, that this means nothing to him. 
What happens: It’s slow, like almost everything about him. But, you can see his tail lift itself up off the ground, the end curling. It likes to slowly sway, the furry end gently dangling back and forth in a soothing motion, like it was being blown by the wind. That’s all you can really get out of him, since anything more would be too much effort. It’s very subtle, but you notice every detail. Like most things about him, it makes you sleepy somehow, the placid rocking motion. It takes a very long time till he realizes what he’s done. Then his tail will hit the ground with a faint thud. If you ignore it long enough, out of the corner of your eye, you’ll watch it drift back and forth against the ground, a barely noticeable pink hue to Belphie’s cheeks. The more you look away, the more it’ll curl around to where you’re sitting, making the demon of sloth blink, attempting to tug his tail back away from you. It’ll crawl back, moving so slowly you can’t notice the changes anymore, but he does, and he can’t tell why it keeps trying to protect you from behind. Oh well. Best to not think about it. Right? 
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lazywonderlvnd · 4 years
Hi, if you are still taking prompts; A magically powerful Harry not noticing that his magic does things to make Draco happy. This can be pre-relationship or established relationship. Like it starts of with his tea being exactly as he likes and always the right temperature. Then evolves to rooms changing colour or weather changing or people being unable to invade Draco’s personal space due to an invisible barrier or something ridiculous. Btw Draco doesn’t notice as well.
anon.....you really killed me w this one. i’ve been so emo over this wyugeahrwiw might end up writing smth longer tbh bc this concept is literally the only thing that matters to me!!!!!!! i hope u enjoy i had so much fun with it ❤️❤️❤️
“Harry, you do it. Please.”
“We’re fucking watching something, Draco!”
“So just pause it!”
Harry grabs the pillow on his lap and slams it onto the sofa next to him. Hermione can see dust rise in its wake. He pauses the telly. 
“Are you doing it?” Draco asks hopefully. Harry scowls at him. 
“Well you won’t shut up until I do, will you?”
“Definitely not.”
Harry disappears into the kitchen and Draco sits there looking smug.
“It’s kind of sick how you get off on bossing him around,” says Ron, his tone one of simple observation. His fingers are idly playing with Hermione’s hair, but she doesn’t think he notices he’s doing it. 
“If I’m not mean to him a few times a week I break out in a rash, Weasley,” Draco says blithely. “Besides, he makes it perfectly. I don’t know how he does it, it’s always exactly the right temperature and sweetness and all that. I s’pose his years as a house-elf for those Muggles gave him plenty of time to perfect the art.”
“You’re a twat,” says Ron. “And my mum makes tea better than him.”
“Well you’re just a pitiful little mummy’s boy, aren’t you, Weasley? We can hardly trust your opinion.”
“Hark who the hell’s talking,” Ron scoffs. “Least I’m not twenty-three and still calling my mum ‘mummy’ like the world’s biggest bloody ponce.”
Draco splutters but before he can retort Harry’s coming back into the room hovering four cups of tea that float placidly to each of them. Draco looks exactly like a satisfied cat as he takes his and Harry drops back down onto the sofa next to him. Not too close, but certainly not too far, either.
“Literally exquisite,” Draco declares after he’s taken a sip. Ron rolls his eyes.
“It’s just tea, Draco,” says Harry, and he grabs for the remote to turn the film back on. “You’re such a demanding little brat. Merlin’s fucking tits.”
But Draco looks happy and Harry looks suspiciously content as well. Ron turns to her and makes a silent gagging face. Hermione snorts and puts a finger to her lips. They’ve decided not to say anything yet.
“Wasn’t this place a lot … uglier last time?”
“What?” Harry says absently. He’s not listening — he’s got all his attention zeroed in on a stack of parchment he’s holding. They’d only barely dragged him along to lunch; earlier the captain of the English National Team had apparently owled him a great number of brand-new Quidditch plays and required Harry’s extensive thoughts and notes before their next practise, which was tomorrow morning. 
“Uglier,” Draco says emphatically, and Ron mutters something she doesn’t catch. “Remember? The walls were that tragic egg-yolk colour.” He shivers. Hermione thinks it might have been an honest-to-god shiver of revulsion. She also thinks she knows what’s happened, even though the extent of it surprises her.
“Maybe someone heard you whingeing and changed it,” Ron apparently can’t stop himself from saying with a snigger. Hermione elbows him hard and he shoots her a glare, mouthing, he doesn’t know!
Harry would usually be the one to take the lead and get them a table when all four of them go out to eat together but today he’s too wrapped up in his Quidditch plays, so Ron steps forward and does it, which makes Hermione’s chest flutter pleasantly. He’d blush down to his bones if she ever said it aloud but he’s quite capable of being a leader in Harry’s absences. 
“Whatever happened,” says Draco pointedly as they’re led to their table, “it’s a great bloody blessing, I was genuinely unsure I’d have the mental fortitude to survive another assault like that on my delicate senses. And, I mean, this —” he gestures to the walls, which are now an admittedly pleasing dark teal above a white trim “— is stunning. It’s my favourite colour.”
“Is it? So weird they picked your favourite colour completely by coincidence,” Ron says, and Hermione elbows him again. Draco notices nothing and neither does Harry, although he does finally set the plays aside once they’re seated at the table.
“Are you complaining about the wall colour again?” he asks drily. They would both be extremely displeased to know they sound like an old married couple. Draco snatches haughtily at the paper napkin on the table and unfolds it to place over his lap. The first time he’d ever done this at a regular, decidedly not upscale restaurant Ron had taken it upon himself to spend the entire meal adopting a posh accent to match Draco’s and saying things to the waiter like “Don’t you have crystal?” while holding up a glass cup full of Pepsi and then commenting “These aren’t real silver, you know” after making a show of inspecting the titanium utensils. 
“I can complain about hideous design choices if I want to,” Draco tells Harry with his nose in the air. “Thankfully they’ve rectified it this time.”
On the other side of the restaurant, Hermione sees two employees talking, one of them gesturing at the wall with utter bewilderment. She doesn’t point it out.
“Twelve o’clock,” says Ron, nodding past Draco’s shoulder. “Some bloke staring you down hard, Malfoy.”
Draco looks excitedly behind him, but what Hermione takes more notice of is the way Harry’s face falls a little. She can’t help but wonder if he even realises it’s happened. She’s almost certain he’s aware of his feelings for Draco even though he still hasn’t said anything to her (and she’s been waiting months now, the effort of holding her tongue growing only more difficult by the day, and she knows Ron’s always seconds away from shouting at him) but she doesn’t think he knows how obvious he is. Draco doesn’t seem to know either, but she thinks that’s because Draco feels exactly the same way. She’d have called them morons, but she remembers too well how long it had taken her and Ron.
“What the fuck, Weasley,” Draco hisses, turning back around with a scowl that makes Ron laugh and Harry perk up again a little bit. “He looks like he hasn’t washed his hair in weeks.”
“Now, now,” says Ron, “mustn’t judge books by their greasy covers.”
“Then you go shag him if you think he’s so fit.”
“Maybe I will,” Ron says airily, as if he really is considering it, and Hermione can’t help chuckling and kissing his cheek. Then his expression changes to one of wicked amusement, which makes all of them look round to see the bloke coming their way. Hermione glances at Harry to find that — oh yes, he looks flustered and vaguely upset.
“Hullo,” says the greasy bloke to Draco as he comes up beside him at their table. He’s really not terrible-looking, but if she’s learned anything about Draco in the last couple years it’s that his standards amount to models and Harry Potter, so this man has almost no chance.
“Hello,” Draco drawls, reminding her fiercely of his younger self at Hogwarts. “I’m not interested.”
“Right little narcissistic bugger, aren’t you?��� the man says. And now, finally, he’s begun to look as revolting to Hermione as he’d done initially to Draco — a repellent personality can do that. “Maybe I just wanted to come and have a chat.”
“Then why aren’t you looking at any of the rest of us?” Ron asks, sounding halfway between amused still and a little put off.
“Can you leave, please?” Draco interjects, cringing away from the man encroaching slowly on his personal space. And suddenly, as he looks on the verge of antagonising Draco further, he shifts his feet and slips, landing right on his bum with a yell of surprise. All four of them get to their feet to see, but there doesn’t seem to be any liquid or even slimy food for him to have tripped on.
“The fuck ...?” the man says, getting back to his feet. But when he moved towards Draco, he only slips again, on absolutely nothing at all. Something clicks and Hermione looks at Harry: he seems as confused as anyone else (if obviously pleased).
She looks at Ron then, who catches her eye and lifts his brows like he’s thinking the same thing.
Draco’s suitor gets up once more and steadies himself, looking a bit dazed. Some deep animal instinct seems to tell him to stop trying, and with a wary glance at Draco he finally leaves.
“Well that was a bit of a fucking scene,” says Harry. Draco, coming out of his own startled daze, laughs.
“Yeah,” Ron says sarcastically, “wonder what could’ve possibly happened.”
“I really thought it was going to rain,” Draco mopes where he’s standing at the window. It’s grey outside but it definitely doesn’t look like rain and Draco appears so upset about it that Hermione actually feels badly, even though she’s quite glad for the clear weather. 
“Just shut the curtains,” Ron suggests from his place on the floor. He’s sorting through Harry’s collection of VHS tapes, trying to decide on a good Halloween movie. Not that he’s ever seen any of them, and Hermione suspects he’ll end up choosing whichever cover he likes best.
“It’s not the same!” Draco wails. “The thunder and lightning is all part of it, you uncultured pillock! The atmosphere is all wrong.”
“It’ll be just as good when we shut off all the lights and draw the curtains,” she assures him, but it doesn’t remove the look of disappointment from his face. It’s a pouty sort of thing that echoes the brattiness of his youth; she imagines a five-or-six-year-old Draco giving his parents similar looks when he wasn’t getting what he wanted.
 At that moment the front door opens and Harry walks in carrying two grocery bags, one of which contains alcohol, which Hermione can tell by the way the plastic is bulging around the cans.
“The fuck are you all doing here?” he says by way of greeting.
“You said eight o’clock, fuckhead,” Ron tells him without looking up. “But it’s fine, I’ve had time to pick a film and Malfoy’s had time to moan about the weather.”
“What’s wrong with the weather?”
“I wanted a storm!”
At that exact moment, a flash of lightning lights up the sky behind Harry where he hasn’t even closed the door yet. Seconds later a downpour begins, and then there’s a rolling crash of thunder.
Hermione’s eyes widen and once more she finds Ron’s gaze, who looks about as shocked as she feels. Draco, meanwhile, has his hands over his mouth and looks like a child on Christmas morning.
For the first time since his magic had begun picking up on Draco’s wishes and granting them of seemingly its own accord, Hermione sees Harry look suspicious. He peers behind him at the storm suddenly raging outside his house before slowly closing the door. When he turns back he looks directly at Hermione, who looks away quickly.
They set up the food Harry had gotten — all kinds of Halloween-themed sweets — and once everyone has their drinks (“Make mine,” Draco tells Harry, “you do it best”) and is comfortable on the two sofas in the room (Harry and Draco are, as usual, as close to each other as they can get without actually touching) they start the movie: The Thing, which Harry swears is one of the greatest horror films of all time.
Funny thing is, an hour and a half into it she looks over and, with a jolt, realises the two of them are kissing half-covered beneath a blanket. She elbows Ron, who positively beams when he notices.
“Fucking finally, dear sweet Merlin,” he whispers, the sound muffled by the continued rain and thunder. “I nearly hit him upside the head when he made it rain, are you fucking kidding me?”
“Shh!” Hermione hisses, though she’s smiling. “They’ll hear you. We’ll rag him about it tomorrow.”
A soft sound of laughter comes from the other sofa that Hermione identifies as Draco’s, and when she risks another peek after a moment she sees that Harry has a hand on Draco’s jaw, and that he’s smiling.
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