#but it's lit asf in sevens
Stop discriminating against summoning types! They’re all great!
Fusion is inventive!
XYZ is easy to use!
Link is effective!
Maximum is powerful!
Tribute is classic!
Ritual has Hungry Burger!
Pendulum is unique!
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khristie16 · 8 months
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Your daddy Carlos paid for your visit to Paris as a birthday present for you and in order to make it better, he travels to you to show a side of himself not many people know
Warnings: just sweet asf
Based on this request ^^ : Meow
I’ll pick you up at seven at your place;)
You just were at your solo trip to Paris to explore the city you’ve always wanted since you were a kid. And today you were supposed to see your boyfriend. Just last week you had your birthday and Carlos made you decide on what you wanted for the gift. You liked jewelry and beautiful piece of clothes but you were really feeling to go travelling instead and that is why you’re right now in a fancy hotel at 15 place Vendôme.
Carlos wanted to spend your birthday with you and had a nice plan to visit you on your last two days to enjoy the time together.
You’ve put the last pieces to your fabulous outfit and waited for Carlos to arrive, already excited about what he planned for the two of you. You cannot wait much longer to see his beautiful big brown eyes and get lost in the warmth of them, as now when you finally meeting him in front of his car waiting for you. You kissed softly as he had a hold on you laying his hand on your waist to keep you close to him. You chuckled at his actions scratching your nails on the back of his neck. He groaned in response and closed his eyes.
“I missed you”
You smile and plant a kiss on his right cheek.
“Me too”
Smile was the first thing he saw after opening his eyes again and the light sparkled in them it warmed your heart.
“Let’s go”
Carlos opened the doors for you to hop in and be excited about what’s to come.
After few minutes the engine turned down and it made you wonder why you’re stopping. You turned your head to your handsome boyfriend to get some answers.
He was already smiling. “We’re here already”
The air outside was getting colder with each passing second as it was early spring. You hugged your arms and looked around. The moment you realised where he took you, he was already reading your mind and responding to you.
“I hope you haven’t been there yet?”
You shook your head with a smile on your lit up face.
Goosebumps on your skin disappeared the minute you went inside and walked together through the security X-ray.
“I didn’t know you liked art?”
A soft smile on his face and eyes on the floor signalled you it was not something he talks about much and your curiosity with this fact only grew. He had to chuckle to see you that way because he loved your curious nature.
“I’ve actually studied Art History back in home”
Your mouth fell open as you couldn’t put Carlos and Art together, but you closed it as soon as it opened so he doesn’t feel bad he told you. He just shook his head and shrugged.
“Let me show it to you my way”
Light beautiful decorations all around the space you two were right now standing in made you feel like you’re breathing a different type of air in here and lift you up with a different energy you immediately sensed all the possible symbolisms and meaning displayed on the canvas.
“That’s Luig Loir”
He nodded towards the painting on his right.
“Loir was a master of capturing everyday scenes with a touch of enchantment. Notice how his use of vibrant colors and soft brushstrokes brings life to the bustling streets and tranquil landscapes.”
You take a look properly on the painting and try to concentrate on those colors and contrast they give. You tilt your head slightly to see more.
“Do you like it?”
He suddenly asked you which made you frown and wonder where the urgency came from. When you looked at him you saw a slight worry on his face.
“Y-yes of course! It’s a masterpiece.”
You’ve heard a light sigh left his lips and his composure relaxed a bit.
“Whether it's a bustling Parisian street corner or a peaceful countryside vista, his attention to detail draws you into it and you can see how effortlessly he worked with lights and shadows”
You cannot hold back yourself to observe Carlos instead because you’ve never seen him like this. It made you feel intrigued?
“Does it make you feel anything ?”
Answer came to your conscious as you narrowed your eyes some more back on the painting.
“It all look so slow and simple. I feel kinda nostalgic to be honest.”
With the last words you snapped to him as if waiting to be corrected from your teacher. He smirked a little and nodded. You felt immense sense of pride filling your veins and you had to blush for yourself. Damn this guy is so much more than he let you know.
“In essence, Luig Loir's style can be described as a harmonious blend of realism and romanticism, capturing the beauty and charm of everyday life with a touch of poetic flair.”
His warm eyes landed on yours with a serious undertone.
“That’s why I like you. You’re like a piece from this old man. Real yet charming as the fairytale itself”
His broad shoulders were now facing you and closing the distance between the two of you. His hands cupped your face. Your eyes on contrary were wide open with so much admiration for this man and for the way he makes you feel. The presence of his eyes on your lips made you lick them.
“No, baby”
Frown appeared on your face, searching for answers in his warm eyes.
“If I kiss you, I won’t be able to stop.”
You bite your lower lip because you’re a brat that likes to play with your daddy Carlos. And he loves it. His low groan and amusement in his voice made you melt and wetter by the passing second as his scent filled your nostrils and let your imagination run wild as all those paintings here.
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rosietrace · 2 years
Melodic Misconceptions 🎹
Track 05: Seven divisions, one wildcard
Synopsis: Victoria Shard was a former member of the popular idol group [ Poisoner ] from NRC corporations. After discourse with her group leader, Victoria decided it was best for her to leave and pursue her solo career in a record label run by her parents.
It had been half a year since her separation from her old group, and Victoria had never been more successful. But now she has a new problem. She must return to NRC corporations in order to mentor the seven idol groups.
Ellis Clawthorne is a member of [ (Co)-connect ] the most recent group under NRC'S belt. With no experience as an idol, Ellis must persevere in order to succeed and pursue her dreams.
Will both girls be able to adapt to their current situations?
✐ ✎_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_✐ ✎
Author's note: Is this long asf? Yes. Did I write this just so y'all can have track 06 tomorrow on new years? Also yes. But this was a really sweet one to write because like- I don't usually write wholesome stuff for Yuuta, so it was nice to write something sweet for him and Ellis ^^ (warning tho, this hasn't been properly proofread-)
──ㅇ─────↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺───ㅇ────
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"We've already met the seven other divisions, correct?"
"Yup. All that's left is to wait until we finally meet the newest idol group under this company's belt."
Victoria hummed, scrolling through her phone while she and Zen awaited the arrival of [ (Co)-connect ] in their dance studio.
Zen hummed, placing a hand over his chin."Now that I think about it, I heard one of the members sprained their ankle and can't meet us today." He mentioned, catching Victoria's attention that said member couldn't arrive because of a sprained ankle.
"You've got to be kidding me. A sprained ankle isn't even that bad."
"Well, apparently it's bad for the company. But I heard she'll be better by tomorrow, though. So there's that."
Zen looked up at Victoria as they sat on the dance studio's floor, leaning against her and resting his head on her shoulder. The action made Victoria not help but smile.
"I wonder when they'll arrive…" Zen pondered.
Victoria didn't bat an eye, continuing to scroll through her phone."I'm sure they'll arrive shortly. I heard their manager's rather strict when it comes to scheduling." Zen snorted once Victoria finished her sentence.
"I guess…." Zen held her hand affectionately, squeezing it tightly. In return, Victoria did the same as a response.
And from there, they started talking about random topics to pass the time until [ (Co)-connect ] arrived.
The amount of time they took to arrive didn't bother Zen nor Victoria. If anything, they quite liked that they spent a bit of time just- talking about what's recently been going on in their lives.
It made the two of them feel even more at ease with each other.
Suddenly, the door slammed open, causing the two of them to flinch and instinctively stand up.
"I… DEEPLY… APOLOGIZE FOR US BEING LATE!" Filled with bewilderment, Victoria eyed the girl who she assumed to be the manager.
"No no, it's alright…. You're the manager, correct?" Victoria assured, with Zen quickly coming to their aid.
"What's your name?"
The manager's eyes lit up a bit, and they smiled awkwardly at the two of them."Mayuu… I'm the manager of [ (Co)-connect ]." Mayuu bowed slightly, feeling a bit awkward to finally be in Zen and Victoria's presence.
Soon enough, the other members walked in. Victoria hummed, finding each of them intriguing.
She already knew Yuuta, since they met earlier. There was another boy who was equally as fashionable, but he appeared… A bit more awkward and anxious.
As for the girls, one had brown hair with yellow-ish highlights, also wearing yellow with enough black accents to compliment the look. Another had black hair and wore glasses, with a more punk aesthetic to their clothing.
Lastly, the girl next to Yuuta. She appeared a bit annoyed by his smugness, and also wore glasses with a green outfit with black and silver accents.
Since Zen mentioned that one of the members sprained their ankle…. This isn't the whole group. Victoria thought, folding her arms and giving off an air of confidence.
Mayuu chuckled beneath her breath before turning to the rest of the group and clearing her throat.
"Everyone, this is Zenith Devi and Victoria Shard. They will be acting as your personal mentors from now on." She gestured to Zen and Victoria, and even though they were already aware, the second boy had his mouth agape.
Zen grinned."Nice to meet everyone! Well- Almost everyone." The girl in yellow giggled a bit, a soft smile on her face.
"Everyone, please introduce yourselves."
"Except you, Yuuta." Mayuu scowled at him before hearing her phone buzz and sigh,"I need to take this." She walked out of the room to resume the phone call.
Yuuta shrugged, knowing that it can't be helped that he already met them before everyone else. He simply walked off to prepare for their dance practice.
Victoria hummed, eyeing each of them intently. The first to introduce themselves was the girl in green.
"My name is Carol Ann, stage name 'Verde'. I look forward to learning from you." Carol smiled politely, quickly excusing herself so the others could introduce themselves as well.
The second boy was next."Miren Lockhart…. Looking forward to working with you guys." Miren sent them an awkward laugh, before quickly sidestepping away and to prepare for their dance practice.
The next was the girl in black."Chizuko, I'm the bassist for the group. The two people before me are the pianist and guitarist of the group respectively." Zen nodded at the piece of information Chizuko gave them.
She hummed before opening her mouth to speak again."And one more thing, please don't be upset by Miren. In case you're wondering, he's simply awkward to be in the presence of more experienced idols." That was all Chizuko said before excusing herself to join the rest of the group.
Leaving only the girl in yellow to be the last one to introduce herself. The girl's smile was pure, tender even, and Victoria couldn't help but fight back a smile as she walked towards her and Zen.
"It's lovely to finally meet you two, my name is Juvia. I'm the lead dancer for the group." Juvia greeted, sending them a closed-eyed smile shortly after.
Zen chuckled."Nice to meet ya too, Juvia! We look forward to helping you and your group mates improve!" He exclaimed, clasping his hands together.
Juvia's smile transitioned into a grin."I see. Well, I look forward to learning many things from you and Shōri-san, Zen." The two of them smiled at each other, before Juvia turned to invoke eye contact with Victoria.
"U-Um…. May I say something, Shōri-san?"
"You may." She quickly replied.
Juvia inhaled a bit."Well- I wanted to greet you and Zen on behalf of my friend. Specifically you…" Juvia explained, scratching the back of her head.
"I see…"
"Yup… Ellis was so excited to meet you two! She felt really unhappy when she learned she couldn't meet you today due to her sprained ankle."
She couldn't help but cringe."We should agree that a sprained ankle isn't as bad of an injury as this corporation would think, don't you think?"
Juvia snickered,"Yeah, it's a pretty stupid protocol…." She agreed, and the two girls giggled.
Zen didn't bother to bite back his grin. It was nice to witness his best friend getting along with others. Especially in the idol industry.
Mayuu returned from outside of the room, putting her phone back in her pocket before clapping her hands."Places! It's time to show them what you're made of!" Everyone quickly translated that as something along the lines of 'show them your dance rehearsal'.
Victoria and Zen smiled at each other and sat down, ready to watch whatever performance [ (Co)-connect ] will give them.
──ㅇ─────↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺───ㅇ────
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Ellis turned off her phone and laid down on her bed in frustration."Why won't this stupid injury heal already…" she murmured.
She jumped a bit at the sound of her door being knocked on. Assuming it was Juvia, Ellis grinned.
"Come in!" She exclaimed.
When the door opened, it wasn't Juvia.
It was Yuuta. And Ellis didn't mind, it wasn't like she was gonna be upset that Juvia wasn't the one to visit.
"Hey Ms. Pink." Yuuta greeted jokingly, holding a tray of the necessary tools needed to treat Ellis's sprained ankle.
Ellis rolled her eyes playfully."G'day to you too, Mr. Fanservice." She greeted back equally as jokingly as Yuuta.
He sent her a deadpan expression."It's night time, y'know." Yuuta placed the tray close to Ellis's feet and sat on her bed.
"I mean I know but-" she was quickly cut off by Yuuta shushing her, picking up the ice pack from the tray and placing it over her ankle.
He snorted when he heard her inhale sharply."You should think of yourself as lucky, y'know. If this were a more severely sprained ankle, you would've had to wait twelve weeks to meet your idols." Ellis quickly whined to shut him up, making Yuuta sigh.
"You'll be fine, Ellis. You shouldn't worry too much about meeting them."
"You and Juvia keep telling me that, but… I'm still a little worried."
"About what-"
"About the possibility that they might not like me!"
The two fell silent for a moment, before Yuuta opened his mouth to speak again."Why would you think that's a possibility?" He questioned.
Ellis looked away, embarrassed."I-I don't know… I figured that they wouldn't be that impressed by my skills since I'm basically an amateur compared to them…." She quietly responded.
He pursed his lips."Ah…" since it had been more than a couple minutes already, Yuuta put the melted ice pack back on the tray and allowed Ellis's ankle to compress via an elastic bandage until the swelling stopped.
"You shouldn't think that way, Ellis. I'm sure they wouldn't care if you're an amateur or not. Besides, you're still more talented than most of the trainees.."
"By a couple levels!"
Yuuta let out a huff."Ellis-"
"You don't get it, Yuuta. I know I might come off as overly positive but… I'm still scared at the end of the day. Compared to you and the others, I'm the one with the least experience." She continued.
"It's just…. The thought of one of my idols saying I'm not good enough for this industry…. Scares me." Ellis admitted, and the silence quickly returned while the swelling of her ankle disappeared.
It was quiet for at least 15 minutes, if not more… It wasn't like they were counting the minutes that passed.
The silence would've lasted longer, had Yuuta not poke Ellis's forehead.
"Ah- Yuuta why the-"
"Don't doubt yourself."
Ellis raised an eyebrow, a little confused by what he meant."Huh?" Was what she let out, and Yuuta straightened up.
"I'm not the best at advice, but… I think it's better for you if you just- Accept that you don't need to be 'good enough' just so certain people will like you."
Ellis felt her mouth agape. Just a little.
"If Victoria doesn't like you for… You, then you shouldn't prioritize her over everything else. Hell, you should be focusing on healing instead of worrying about meeting her."
Yuuta gently patted her head, messing up her hair a bit. Before she could protest, Yuuta was about to leave the room before saying one more thing,
"Get well, Ellis."
When the door closed shut, Ellis felt a small smile form on her face.
".... Thanks, Yuuta."
──ㅇ─────↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺───ㅇ────
Tagging: @starry-night-rose @nem0-nee @authoruio @windbornearchon @sakuramidnight15 @twsted-princess @geminiiviolets @knights-escort @fumikomiyasaki @crazyyanderefangirlfan
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miiamour · 3 years
fem!reader x sirius black
summary: sirius black didnt love you, or at least not as much as you loved him.
warnings: angst, cheating, illusions to smut, self indulgent asf, y/n being stupid.
word count: 0.8k
italics: flashbacks
a/n: im sad so i put it into words lol
⊱ ──── ˗ˏˋ✧*♡*✧´ˎ˗ ────⊰
out of all of the seven billion people in the world, you managed to fall in love with him; the boy with long black hair who wore a stupid leather jacket.
the boy who’s smile lit up the room, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
the boy who would laugh so loud that entire common room would hear but nobody would complain, simply because his laugh was too beautiful to disrupt.
how could you give everything to someone and receive nothing in return, but in all honestly you were kind of okay with it. you were glad to love him even if he didn’t love you back.
he said he loved you, but his words meant nothing compared to the melancholic actions. although he would never technically cheat, flirting with other girls was just as bad.
“it meant nothing” he cradled your cheek in his hand as he reminded you while watching you sob about how he didn’t love you. it was pathetically vulnerable of you, you didn’t care though.
he leaned down, ear pressed against your chest, hearing you rapid heartbeat and placed a kiss under your collarbone. “there, all better” he smiled.
except that it wasn’t all better. with every suggestive look he gave another girl, every wink, every smile, your heart broke into another tiny piece. it wasn’t all better— he simply just put a bandaid over it.
it was a friday night, gryffindor had just won a quidditch game and james threw a party in the common room to celebrate. you had decided to skip out on it; it somehow felt better to stay up in your room while sirius flirted with girls opposed to having him doing in front of your eyes.
you laid in bed, wondering which girl he could’ve possibly been flirting with at the moment. maybe it was marlene, or that girl lucille from his potions class you once caught him winking at.
you decided to take your mind off of it by rereading little women. you searched through your books but you couldn’t seem to find it, then you remembered, you had lent it to remus.
they were all at the party so you decided to go up to the boys’ dorm and steal it back from remus.
as you left your dorm, you heard the piercing music and the smell of alcohol drifted up the toward the dormitories.
the music was so deafening that you couldn’t hear the moans coming from the boys’ dorm. you never believed it when people would say that their world came crashing down in seconds. it seemed impossible for so much to go wrong in so little time but alas here you were: eyes full of tears, shaking, and heart shattered— you felt the bandaid slip off.
neither of them even noticed that you had entered until the cup of firewhiskey near his bed exploded; your magic had a tendency of going haywire when feeling strong emotions.
the girl under him— lucille from potions— jumped and quickly covered herself with a blanket. sirius looked back to see you, the look in your eyes would be something he would never forget; it wasn’t shock, there wasn’t even a glimpse of it. it was pure disappointment and regret.
you weren’t even able to put into words on how upset you were with him, so you walked away. you turned your back on him— never wanting to see him and his stupid face again.
your vision was blurred with tears and your ears blocked out every noise that you didn’t hear sirius call out your name. you reached your dorm and slammed the door shut only for sirius to stop it with his foot.
“y/n, love, let me explain” he pleaded. his hair was messier than usual, his shirt was wrinkled and his pants weren’t even buttoned up.
“don’t love me!” you seethed at him as you sat on your bed; if you stood up for any longer you’d probably collapse— you’re mind was foggy with emotions
“i’m sorry, alright! i’m so sorry” he fell to his knees, taking your hand in his, “i’m a horrible boyfriend. i’m so sorry— it didn’t mean anything, i swear to you”
he placed kisses all over your hand. his eyes were glossy and his lips puffy; you could still see the pink lipstick on his face and the fresh hickeys on his neck. his hair was messy, she probably ran her hands through his hair as he thrusted into her, you wondered if he had scratches on his back, if she had hickeys all over her chest like he’d do you to you.
but most of all, you wondered if he was actually sorry. if it actually didn’t mean anything. but you didn’t really wonder, because you knew the answer.
he wasn’t sorry he did it, he was sorry he got caught. and it didn’t mean anything, because nothing meant anything to him. he never loved you— he never loved anybody; so what you did next surprised the both of you.
“it’s ok, sirius.” you moved a strand of hair that had been in front of his face, “i forgive you”
taglist: @keepawaythenargles @anywherebuthere @myloveforluna @ga-bitch @starlight-writes-stuff @miss-starkov @m4r13l3y @mollysolo @kenzie224
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iheartgirlymcs111 · 3 years
just downloaded ikemen prince and oh boy...
New hyperfixiation here we go!
Enjoy my first impressions of each character
Please note that this is based off literally they’re looks the most basic information besides a few headcannons (never too early in the game to start looking for fanfiction lmao) and ✨vibes/aura✨
And obvious disclaimer these are my personal opinions feel free to agree/disagree and i’d love to hear yours maybe i’ll do an updated one once i get more familiar with all of then
Jin: I’m sorry but I literally cannot get over his head to body ratio/proportions like he looks like sirius from ikerev but just with a tiny ass head lmao but personality wise seems the most intriguing and most like my type he’s the more chill flirt especially if you were to compare him to arthur or nokto just the casual “yeah i get women” lmao also whats his reasoning behind not wanting to fall in love with belle? I mean he will obviously but i am interested
Leon: cute i like his hair nobunga vibes starting with his route first the lion predator x prey thing kinda gives me the ick the way they do it but i like lions so- he’s charming but kinda is bland and feels like at some points he’s just there and kinda falls flat
Rio: kiro from mlqc but worse and charles ikevamp maybe it’s me projecting bc i’m not used to having loyal people in my life nor people with a bubbly personality but he sus asf I don’t trust him fully i feel he’s up to something- definitely the possessive yandere type if pushed and i think he would be like nico from midnight cinderella and i could see him being secretly in love with mc in every route i will say tho i do appreciate mc/belle has someone she’s familiar with and has a friend so she won’t be so alone when literally being thrown into the hands of 10 princes in a completely separate environment cybird said besties who stay together get kidnapped together 😌
Chavalier: i like his design although i keep mixing him up with yves lmao they run out of hair colors or something? although he has a library which is lit and belle loves books so that’s a good jumping off point for them to get to know each other definitely the most serious and most guarded major tsundere i’m intrigued but kinda annoyed at the same time like dude lighten up sometimes “eat a moon pie, drink a seven up, quit murdering people.” LMAO iykyk
Yves: really like his earring fr something with men and wearing dangly earrings man- just a shorter chavalier looks wise lol jonah vibes with like vanity and sweets? I think? I read one hc is he the sweets guy?! i think he’s empathetic just really guarded and introverted and seems like iyasu in the blunt way speaks but his actions mean 1000 words
Licht: mitsunari vibes looks but also aura? but he’s more reserved in a don’t bother me way and just seems uninterested in everyone and less angelic he just seems to keep to himself and kinda reminds me of sai from naruto with him being mysterious and a blank slate when it comes to facial expressions and personality probably the one I don’t know what to expect from the least hella mysterious dude
Nokto: arthur 2.0. That’s it. It’s that office meme “they’re the same picture” i mean the mole/beauty mark, cool toned clothing/color scheme, a shameless flirt? ngl tho i love arthur and i am such a sucker (as much as i hate to admit) for the playboy/flirt finding his one true love and becoming loyal type beat so his route is on slightly higher on my list
Clavis: chavalier? Clavis? I’m sorry maybe it’s my poor memory retention and the fact that i can hardly remember names of people i just met in real life but like man i can’t keep all of them straight definitely not the same as chavalier just the C names with pretty much the same letters throwing me off he seems nice, kinda flirty but honestly the hardest to get a read on he just seems chill and like a mix of all the other guys attributes I don’t know where to place him or what to think of him yet seems like the guy to just go with whatever the mood is or change it in an impactful but subtle way like by being observant or saying something if that makes sense
Luke: aww I already love this fool he really is just a teddy bear fr so I couldn’t imagine his corresponding animal being anything else and i love his little bear keychain would 10/10 go to build a bear or go squishmallow hunting with him we’d be homies fr also i love the fact that he literally is just lazy and doesn’t care and whenever he enters on screen he just seems like he woke up from hibernation definitely would be a good friend and good pilar/support to mc if they didn’t go down the romantic path
Sariel: hello Sebastian?? Both from ikevamp and bb? I mean the game made it clear this dude is incredibly sus and dangerous also just like unhinged?! Like he literally just kidnapped belle and like didn’t bat an eye he’s just like “yup i liked how you slapped that drunk guy and now you’re belle no if’s and’s or but’s” and that’s like so funny to me for some reason lmao not that belle got kidnapped just the way this guy is so just offputting but in a way where i almost wanna root for him??! faust vibes fr seems the experimental type plus the glasses plus the devil thing and maybe this is me just playing devil’s advocate *wink* but i think they’re dramatizing how “bad”or truly “evil” he really is like his route isn’t out yet (i follow the english games so idk about his original release in japan yet if it’s out or not) but if the whole game is the beauty and the beast theme maybe on the inside or from a psychological standpoint from how he views himself he’s like jean d arc
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Drunk Confessions - IwaOi
Warnings: swearing, drinking, this is cute asf
Summary: Oikawa can’t have Iwaizumi, so he gets drunk off his ass to try and forget. The only problem is, Iwa comes to take care of him in his drunk state. Thank goodness Iwa likes him too
Oikawa Tooru was LONELY.
Having an insufferable crush on your best friend for the past five years made it hard to not feel lonely.
His heart felt so full when he was with Iwa, but at the same time so empty.
If he didn’t have a crush on his best friend, wow how things would be different. He had plenty of fangirls (and some fanboys even) who wanted to date him. He wouldn’t sit alone on a Friday night and scroll through his best friend’s snapchat stories and feel his heart break every time he hung out with people and Oikawa wasn’t invited.
Yeah, this sucked.
Well, his parents were away for the weekend, so what else could he do to fill the empty hole in his heart? He’d play a game: how many shots does it take until I forget his name?
He couldn’t even be positive Iwa was attracted to boys. He had never told him explicitly. Shot.
He knew everything about Oikawa, even the small things that would make him cringe. He knew how to cheer him up. Was that just a friend thing? Who would he even ask? Shot.
“Yamaguchi!” He cheered over the phone, facetiming the first year.
“I, how did you get my number?” The boy asked awkwardly.
“You and the glasses kid are childhood friends, right?”
The boy smiled. “We’re boyfriends now actually!”
“Fuck my life.” He hung up. Shot.
The radio was playing Ed Sheeran. Dammit. Although he’d never admit it, Iwa listened to Ed Sheeran a lot, usually while he studied as background music. Perfect by Ed Sheeran. That would be their song.
Everything was Iwaizumi Hajime. The blanket he always stole when he came over. The blue cup he used and dubbed his own. The dent in the wall from the one time he tripped and fell down the stairs. The spiderweb cracks in the back window from when he threw a baseball a little too hard when they were kids—his parents never got to fixing it. Dammit.
Shot after shot for everything that reminded him of Iwa. But it only made it worse. He didn’t fill up the spot in his mind that Iwa occupied with the alcohol, but instead filled up his mind until Iwa occupied it all.
His fingers were tapping on his crush’s contact before he even comprehended what he was doing.
“Oi, Oikawa, what is it? It’s almost midnight.” It was dark wherever Iwa was, his face hardly lit up by the screen.
“Iwa-chan,” Oikawa slurred excitedly. “Just wanted to seee what was up!”
There was silence for a brief moment.
“Did you drink?” His eyes were serious.
He sighed, shaking his head. “Your parents are out of town, aren’t they?”
“Mhmmmmmm. Don’t worry about me Iwa, I’ll be okay! Just wanted to see your handsome face before bed,” he chuckled. The words brought a ping of pain to his heart, but he ignored it, pouring himself another drink with one hand.
“Hey! Cut it out. I’ll be over in a few. No more drinks til then, alright?”
“Okayyy. You know I can’t say no to you.”
“You know what? I’m staying on the phone with you til I get there,” Iwa decided. He held the phone in his hand and it shook slightly as he walked, his face being illuminated with streetlights every few seconds.
“Awwww so protective of me.”
“Fuck off,” he grumbled. Then a pause. “How much did you drink tonight?”
“Seven? Eight? I dunno.”
“You shouldn’t be drinking alone. It’s not healthy or safe,” he scolded Oikawa gently.
Oikawa frowned. “I know. But you seemed to be having fun on your story so I didn’t wanna bother you.”
“Idiot. You’re never bothering me,” he said under his breath.
“Awww, Iwa Chan, you’re so sweet! You’re making me blush.” Oikawa moved haphazardously to the couch, collapsing onto it.
“You’re ridiculous. I’ll be there in just one minute, alright?”
“Okay. The door’s-“
Why was the line silent? Iwa clutched his phone tighter. Did he lose service? No, the picture was still there. Did this idiot really pass out? God. He should have been there for him. If anything happened to Oikawa he’d- well, he’d be pissed with himself. He ended the call and sprinted to his friend’s house.
He pushed the front door open urgently, shutting it behind him in one quick motion, and made his way to the living room. “Shittykawa!” He called, plopping on the couch next to the sleeping man.
“Oi,” he flicked Oikawa’s forehead, causing the boy to jump awake, startled. “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Iwa!” Tooru exclaimed, pulling the man in tight for a hug, keeping him locked in his grip. “Missed youu.”
“Missed you too. But you can’t freak me out like that. I thought you died or something.”
“I knew you had a soft spot for me!” Oikawa exclaimed, poking his chest playfully.
“I always have,” Iwa smiled, shaking his head. “But I’m only telling you this because you won’t remember in the morning.”
He forced his way out of Oikawa’s grip and started cleaning up the spilled alcohol on the table. “Wanna tell me why you were drinking to make such a mess?”
“The guy I like doesn’t like me back,” Oikawa pouted.
Iwaizumi paused, then quickly picked up where he left off. “I didn’t realize you were gay.”
“Duhhh. I don’t just swoon over your muscles for nothing.”
“Sh-shut up,” Iwa stuttered, feeling a blush creep onto his cheeks. “Sorry about the guy though. I thought everyone liked you.”
“I know. I’m as shocked as you are. Hey! You know the kid with the glasses from Karasano? He’s been friends with their pinch server since they were kids. They’re dating now. What bullshit.”
Iwaizumi had no clue who Oikawa was talking about but nodded. “Uh huh, bullshit.”
“It sucks to see someone living out the life you want to live,” Oikawa groaned, flopping dramatically on the couch.
“You like glasses guy?” Iwaizumi felt himself stiffen.
Oikawa started cackling. Not the response he was expecting. “No.”
“Pinch server? When did you even hang out with these Karasano guys to know them well enough to form a crush?” He shouldn’t have felt so offended by Oikawa liking someone, but Oikawa never told Iwaizumi his feelings. Girls would always swoon over him, but he didn’t seem to care. He never told Iwa about his crushes, and so hearing it now made him even more uncomfortable.
He had always hoped that Oikawa never talked about crushes because he liked him back.
“Hey, you’re not even listening to me!” Oikawa pouted. Iwaizumi turned his attention to him and smiled, putting his hands up defensively.
“I don’t know them well enough to form a crush.” Oikawa repeated himself.
“Okay? Who do you like then?” Was it probably bad to be working this information out of a drunk Oikawa? Yes. But he needed to know so he could move on.
“Iwa-Chan.” His voice was gravely serious.
Oikawa shook his head. “No, like that’s who I like. You won’t tell him, right?”
“Are you stupid? I’m literally Iwa-Chan.” He almost cringed at calling himself by the nickname, but he knew it was the best way to get the information to Oikawa’s brain.
Oikawa looked sick very suddenly, his face paling. He stood up and stumbled to the bathroom, Iwaizumi following quickly behind him, getting there just in time to see the intoxicated man throwing up. He rubbed his back gently, trying to get his stomach to calm down. They sat like this for a few minutes until Oikawa felt okay enough to break the silence.
“Iwa,” he grumbled. “Please forget I said that. Literally pretend I said nothing. Please. I don’t want to lose you as my friend because something so stupid slipped out.” His eyes were teary as he looked up at his friend, face still pale as a sheet and sweaty.
“No, I-“
“Please!” He called out, tears falling now. “Please. Please try and forget. I can’t wake up tomorrow morning and have no memory of tonight and all of a sudden you’re gone and-“
“Tooru,” Iwaizumi said firmly, hands reaching to cup his face to make him look up at him. “You never were good at letting me get a word out.” He joked, a small smile on his face. He used his thumb to gently wipe away the tears that fall down Oikawa’s cheeks. “I love you too, Oikawa.”
“You don’t have to say that ‘cause you feel bad.”
Iwaizumi leaned forward and kissed his forehead. “I’m not. I’m in love with you.”
Oikawa tackled him into a tight hug, almost knocking them both over. He then began to pepper kisses all over his crush’s face, while Iwa tried to pull him off. “Stop!” He laughed. “You just threw up. I don’t want kisses right now.”
“Booooo. You’re no fun.”
“I’ll kiss you tomorrow, ‘Kay?” Iwa said softly, brushing some of Oikawa’s hair out of his face. “We need to get you to bed.”
“Stairs plus me is not gonna work.” Oikawa said matter-of-factly
Iwaizumi grumbled. He was still as stubborn and annoying as ever when he was drunk. He stood up and knelt down, back to Oikawa. “Fine, get on, but only this once.”
“Awwww, is my Iwa Chan giving me a piggyback ride?”
“Better than you falling up the stairs.”
Oikawa leapt onto his back, causing Iwa to sway a little bit at first, but he quickly steadied himself and began slowly walking towards Oikawa’s bedroom.
“Wow, look at those muscles!” Oikawa swooned, poking around at Iwaizumi’s biceps. “What a man.”
“You’re such a pain in the ass,” Iwa chuckled, letting the man poke and prod up his body.
Finally he got to Oikawa’s bed, letting him go to collapse onto the piles of pillows and blankets. Oikawa squealed as he landed, letting out a few giggles.
“You’re too adorable,” Iwa commented, looking at the man in front of him fondly. He then also collapsed on the bed, joining Oikawa. They had shared a bed plenty of times before, but this time was different. They weren’t just best friends. Maybe they were boyfriends? Iwaizumi would ask in the morning. His heart was racing thinking about it.
Oikawa tore him out of his thoughts, readjusting and flipping face first onto Iwaizumi, head nestled in his neck.
“You comfy?” Iwaizumi teased.
“Asshole. Yes I am.”
“Okay. Good night Oikawa.” He wrapped his arms around the boy, pulling him closer.
“Your heart is racing. Is that because of me?”
“Shut up and go to bed before I knock you out myself.”
Oikawa’s brain felt like putty in the morning. What the hell had even gone on last night? Bad decisions, that was what. He kept his eyes shut tightly, not ready to wake up to the blinding sun quite yet, and reached his hand around to feel for water on the nightstand.
And then he accidentally smacked someone in the face.
“Asshole.” They grumbled. That was... definitely Iwa Chan’s voice. And... did he have his arms wrapped around Oikawa? What happened last night?
He forced his eyes open to figure out what position exactly he had put himself in, and was shocked to see himself buried into Iwaizumi’s chest, laying on top of him, with the man’s arms wrapped around him.
His heart told him to stay cuddled up in his embrace, but his brain told him WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING.
“You’re up,” Iwa grumbled sleepily. “Feeling okay?”
“What in the fuck did I miss?”
Iwaizumi chuckled. “You got really drunk last night.”
“Well, duh.”
“And uh...” Iwaizumi couldn’t meet Oikawa’s eyes as he spoke.
“Uh what?”
“You might have drunkenly confessed to me.”
“Oh, fuck.” Oikawa hid his face, unable to meet his friend’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Tooru. I’m in love with you too.”
Oikawa sat up quickly, shocked, straddling the man beneath him now. “You what!?” His hand rushed to his head to hold it, the quick motion causing his head to pound.
“I love you too.”
“For real?”
Iwaizumi sat up, face only inches away from Oikawa’s. His eyes softened, and he reached out to touch Oikawa’s cheek gently. “For real,” he whispered.
Oikawa’s eyes were trained on Iwaizumi’s lips. He was going to kiss him. He was going to kiss his best friend, his crush, the man who he loved and who loved him back.
“Oh, hell no.” Iwa held his face back, palm of his hand squishing against the boy’s cheek, refusing to let him get closer. “You threw up last night and never brushed your teeth.”
“Okay!” Oikawa stumbled out of bed, almost falling flat on his face as his head spun from getting up. “Mhm, going to go brush my teeth. Wait for me okay?”
“I’m waiting. Make sure you get your tongue too!”
“I love you Iwa Chan!” He called. Iwaizumi could hear the faucet running.
“I love you too.”
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assorted marauders headcannons
random marauders headcannons about james, remus, lily, marlene, mary, dorcas, alice, frank, narcissa, lucius, bellatrix, andromeda, regulus, sirius, and peter (in order) :)
- james never actually asked lily out directly (except for the time in fifth year) but just made vague jokes 
- he did actually like her a lot
- james was a chaser starting second year
- he became captain as a fourth year,, the youngest ever
- james was jewish but his family also celebrated christmas
- remus was jewish
- in first year around christmas time they boys were discussing christmas presents and sirius asked remus what he wanted and remus said he didn’t celebrate christmas and peter flipped out and remus became really embarrassed because he was already different and didn’t want to add on but hesitantly told them he was jewish and james was like awesome !! me too!! and suddenly remus felt better
- james’ parents sent james a menorah and the boys lit it together before they went home
- remus and james taught the boys all about hanukkah 
- lily’s mum was christian and her dad was jewish so they always celebrated both
- lily became friends with remus in third year because they had arithmancy together but never made it well known
- lily became friends with sirius in fourth year when he found her after a particularly bad letter arrived from petunia
- lily became friends with james in sixth year because he apologized but he was still on ‘probation’ as lily liked to tell him
- lily became friends with peter in fourth year when she found out his parents were also divorced
- lily’s parents divorced when she was 10 and petunia was 12
- part of petunia’s resentment towards lily revolves around the fact that she had to deal with the beginning alone
- lily also had issues accepting her feelings for james because she was scared to end up like her parents
- lily was supposed to be a bridesmaid in petunia’s wedding but she was invited as just a guest last minute
- lily took james because they were dating and hadn’t met her parents or petunia yet
- lily’s parents were immediately won over but petunia was not
- it took lily a little while to make friends because of her friendship with snape but marlene mckinnon was the first one to take the risk
- marlene convinced mary and dorcas that lily is actually really great
- marlene was a gryffindor beater, starting second year
- marlene was halfblood and had one older and one younger brother
- mary was muggleborn had three younger sisters and her mum was a single mum
- she always felt guilty about leaving her but her mum never wanted her to
- mary secretly worked in hogsmeade on the weekends, beginning when she was 14 (mcgonagall helped her) and she sent money home to her mum every month
- dorcas was a ravenclaw who became friends with marlene and mary because she met them on the train
- she was halfblood and an only child
- alice was pureblood
- alice had an older brother that was killed in the war or disappeared
- alice and frank were two years older than the marauders
- frank never got along with his mum and didn’t want neville to have to spend more time with her than needed
- narcissa was three years older than the marauders
- she was a slytherin prefect
- narcissa was secretly fascinated with muggle things
- lucius was two years older than her
- they had an arranged marriage in 1976 and narcissa learned to love him for the sake of her family, but it always felt wrong to her
- bellatrix was five years older than the marauders
- she was a slytherin prefect and head girl
- andromeda was seven years older than the marauders
- she was a slytherin prefect and head girl
- she ran away the last day of school (1972) -- she apparated away with ted before her family found her
- they got married that summer, and she also got pregnant shortly after
- she wrote regulus, sirius, and narcissa and apologized to them
- all three of them regularly corresponded with her, but the others didn’t know because they were scared of getting in trouble
- regulus was a slytherin seeker
- regulus was slytherin prefect
- sirius and regulus met under the tree by the lake once a month every year until the day regulus told him he had become a death eater
- kreacher was actually nice to both regulus and sirius and never listened to walburga but sirius became hostile after azkaban because he had no one else in his family to take his anger out on, so kreacher retaliated 
- sirius ran away over christmas break in fifth year because he just couldn’t take it anymore
- yes, english people are formal asf and it was the 70′s but sirius called euphemia ‘mum’ and fleamont ‘dad’ and it was completely normal
- sirius was a gryffindor beater starting third year
- sirius’ position was revoked in fifth year after the prank and re-instated for the last game of sixth year and the entirety of seventh year (with remus’ permisson of course)
- peter was a halfblood, his dad was pureblood and his mum was halfblood
- peter’s parents were also divorced 
- his mum took off when he was 9 and moved to america and occasionally wrote him and sent food and clothes from there like a normal mum would
- peter’s dad remarried a muggle when he was 12 and he had 4 step-siblings and one half sister that was much younger
- he always felt over looked by them, and then the marauders when he went to hogwarts
- peter’s jealousy and insecurities led to him betraying the marauders
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mayonaka-no-ame · 5 years
1, 9, 15, 18, 21, 28, 30, 34, 62, 69. For the ask thing! Sorry there were so many lol ❤️
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffe mugs for tea
Water bottles for errthing else
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Cherry bakewells, vanilla, or coconut
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Honestly one of the hardest questions (As an english student) ...Probably Harry Potter -Literally just finished that one for my children's lit assignmentBut i also wanna add that i kinda liked reading Wuthering Heights - Didnt think i would but yeah And Frankenstein!! Really enjoyed that one
18. ideal weather?
Warm enough to just wear a hoodie and pants, but not humid! and a lil sunny
21. obsession from childhood?Bakugan? ...yeahh....i fucking loved that show!
28. five songs to describe you?Think ive done this recently *sweat* Still hard asf
One day ill fly away - Moulin Rouge/Vaults
Rise Up - Andra Day
Somewhere over the rainbow - Judy Garland
Imaginary - Evanescence
Both sides now - Joni Mitchell
30. places that you find sacred?
My room...and the earth in general
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Every so often, i recall various Japanese adverts ive seen...but have NO IDEA wtf theyre about or how to even describe them..
62. seven characters you relate to?
Miranda Hobb - Sex and the City 
Willow - Buffy the vampire slayer 
Emily - Corpse Bride
Wednesday Adams 
Chandler Bing  - F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Sally - Nightmare before christmas
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? ....yeah i dont know this one. I usually google random shit and find out random shit but ...idk Thank you ...and sorry it took so long to actually answer ._.;;
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mystic-pen · 6 years
Daddy Jumin as an Actual Dad
AAAH. My other post where Jumin has baby fever got hella positivity so here this is. this might be my last post for a week or two.
When Jumin found out you were pregnant, he flipped like 20 shits (in the most excited way)
wow his dream of being called daddy by both his kid and his spouse is finally coming true
I think he would be the one in the relationship who knits those baby socks that never get used so they’re just kinda there. You know what I’m talking about.
When you lie in bed with him, he just puts his head in your shirt against your belly.
Your baby announcement would be like a picture of Elizabeth with her paw on your stomach or something.
Speaking of announcements, your gender reveal party will be the most lit thing let me tell you.
Stop him from buying a pink yacht when he finds out it’s a girl.
Idk I just feel like Jumin would have a daughter first
Your baby’s room will be like made out of diamonds. Diamond encrusted changing table, diamond encrusted crib. Your baby will have it all.
Your baby herself will be decked out in Prada.
Elizabeth is salty asf bc she’s not the spoiled baby anymore.
Speaking of spoiled baby, Jumin cannot say no to his precious girl~~~
When you see her sitting in her daddy’s lap while he’s working, you can see the focus on her face. It’s like when Elizabeth does something cute and they both make a face of sheer admiration.
She really is Jumin’s kid.
When she grows up, she had long, black hair with Jumin’s hair part and cowlick. She looks just like him.
She has a cute and quirky personality like her mom that shifts into her dad’s stone cold fox face in serious times.
For her 10th birthday, she got a chubby orange kitten who was named Butterball.
Even when she is old enough, Jumin doesn’t allow her to get her driver’s license. It’s too dangerous for his sweet baby!!! Maybe if you convince him, he might change his mind.
Uncle Zen will give her the “All Men Are Wolves” lecture but how did that turn out for you?
Auntie Jaehee is like the cool Aunt that makes sweets. Like a country grandma!
She doesn’t even call Yoosung ‘Uncle’ and it makes him so sad.
Her favorite is definitely Uncle Seven!!! Chips and soda past bed time!!!
She doesn’t see V very often but when she does, he’s like a second dad. “Stop growing, you’re making me feel old!!”
Though she might not have any ‘real’ aunts and uncles, she has a whole family of RFA members! The parties are just like family reunions!!
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yungtal333 · 6 years
Hey gyals,
Welcome back to Roseconnexa for another blog post.
How are you feeling today? 
Before we continue; we should take a moment to center ourselves.
Focus on your breath and release any tension in you shoulders. 
Alright now..
Today’s topic is about some of my travel experiences.
I’m giving you guys my Top 5 Places to Travel.  
If you’re looking for a dope vacation spot for the summer; then this is the right post for you.
Traveling is definitely a hobby of mine. I try to travel as often as I can.
And, when I do, I like to emerge myself in the moment and in the culture.
I talk tons of pictures of course but I do it for the purpose of keeping memories.
I try to stay off my phone as much as I can while on vacation too.
So, traveling to another country works for me because I usually don’t have service unless I’m on Wifi.
Attending a Caribbean medical school; gave me the great opportunity to actually live in another country.
I lived  in Anguilla for almost two years. And, Anguilla is definitely on my top 5 list.
Now, I get to travel with my fiance!
His football journey has allowed us to move to Richmond, Va and now to West Virginia.
We love the experience, because we get to see new places. And, we get to travel with each other.
I couldn’t imagine sharing this journey with anyone else.
AND, when I pass my exams; we will have to move to Chicago. I literally can not wait for that!
Okay enough of all that… let me gave you guys what ya came for.
Here’s my Top 5 Places to Travel this summer. 
    Anguilla is my #1 place to travel.
Anguilla is a small Caribbean island that’s located next to St. Maarten.
It has some of the world’s most gorgeous beaches.
The local people are so nice. The local food is delicious and fresh.
Anguilla should really be on everyone’s bucket-list!
Living in Anguilla; I got to experience the culture, the beaches and, really the Caribbean way of life all together .
I LOVED living there.
I love Anguilla so much that I plan on getting married there in Februrary of next year.
This summer, my fiance and I are planning to take a trip to Anguilla ourselves.
We have to officially start the wedding planning process.
YES, a destination wedding in Anguilla. Sounds like a fairy-tale to me. Thank you Hubby!
My favorite thing to do while in Anguilla is of course to, hit the beach.
Anguilla has sooo many beaches to choose from. It’s pretty ridic.
Most of them have bars and restaurants too! So, you’ll be great hands.
The resorts on Anguilla are something spectacular. And, the villas OMG! My favorite would have to be the Four Seasons. Which is on one of Anguilla’s most popular beaches; Meads Bay.
I experienced so much in Anguilla. This blog would be way to long if I kept going on about it. So, I’ll save the rest for another blog post.
But, to sum everything up; Anguilla is one of my favorite places in the world.
It’s a small island with a lot to do. The beaches are breathtaking and to die for. The locals are welcoming and there are so many great restaurants to dine at. There are two islands around; that you can visit too while spending time in Anguilla.
It can be a little expensive but it is so worth it. You can get some great pictures in Anguilla too.
And, better yet you can get some much-needed rest.. if the chickens permit.
If you want to have some real fun; visit Anguilla during carnival week. Their carnival is during the first week of August. When I tell you that its way too lit!!
I never seen so many people on the island before attending Anguilla’s carnival. You will have the time of your life. Trust me.
  My fiance and I, got to visit Belize during a seven day cruise for his birthday.
We absolutely fell in love with the island.
Well, Belize is actually a mainland that’s on the east coast of Central America.
Spending one day in Belize was not enough. We def plan to visit Belize again.
Maybe for our honeymoon or something! We shall see.
There is literally so much to do in Belize.
Things like visiting the Mayan ruins, ziplining, and ATV tours.
My fiance and I didn’t have a lot of time to do everything so, we just stuck to cave tubing.
Funny enough; we actually thought that we choose a tour that would take us to the Mayan ruins.
But, caving tubing worked out for the better because it was so HOT.
And, cave tubing was cool asf. In both temperature and in sights.
We didn’t try any local food but we were able to eat local fruits and plants. Which were very delicious, I might add.
Overall, I think Belize is a great place to travel to because it is huge!
And, there is so much to do and see. Even while just driving around we saw so much.
Our tour guide was really great too.
I literally can’t wait to go back.
St. Kitts & Nevis
  It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t put my dad’s home country on my top 5 list.
St.Kitts & Nevis is actually pretty close to Anguilla. On a good day, you can see St.Kitts from Anguilla. It’s quite cool.
I have visited St.Kitts (SK) so many times throughout my life.
Nevis is a sister island that is literally right next door. I’ve visited there I think only once for their carnival. It was SOOO fun.
I love SK because it is literally home to me. I first visited when I was 9 months old.
And, growing up we would visit at least once a year. We would stay for a month or two!
One of the best experiences I can remember in SK is when, my family and I climbed through the volcano.
Yes a VOLCANO, you guys. It was about the coolest thing that I have ever done.
We climbed to the top and had lunch on a ledge at top of the volcano (where lava spits out at). Don’t worry though, the volcano is dormant! We were safe but, not safe from the monkey’s who decided to throw half eaten banana at us.
That adventure inside the tropical rainforest and through the volcano took all day! And, after, we all slept like babies. It was a big deal hike. A hike that I would do again and again if I could.
SK is truly a beautiful and upcoming place. So much to do and see. And, the local is amazing.
SK has a cool downtown area which is usually busy during the day. They even have a movie theater there (well last time I went they did!).
When we visit we usually stay at our family home. The home my father and his siblings grew up in.
But, I have stayed at the Marriott Resort in SK. It’s beautiful and very private. And, great place to stay on vacation!
Like my Anguilla experiences; I could keep going on and on. But, I’m keeping it short for the sake of my hands and for you guys.
I will have another post about that’s all St. Kitts in the future. So please stay tuned.
Overall, SK is one country that you have to see in this life.
The culture and the land is beautiful beyond words.
And, having monkeys throw stuff at you or steal your alcoholic beverages is a just plus!
  Toronto is probably one of the coolest cities that I’ve gotten the chance to visit.
The city is so inspiring and they have legalized medical marijuana. So, that’s a big plus!
I didn’t have a lot of time in the city. But, I got to see so many cool things.
I took a picture of the CN tower but unfortunately I cannot find it. BOOO!
Toronto is such an artsy city. It almost reminds me of Philadelphia in a way.
It’s a great city to visit; especially during Caribana.
When I visited Toronto; Caribana had just ended.
But, trust that I got the festival vibes.  There were decorations still hanging up around the city. So, that was pretty cool to see.
If you go in during the summer; be prepared for some serious heat though.
And, find this place called Graffiti Alley.
Graffiti Alley has some killer killer artwork.
I took so many pictures of all the creative pieces. They still inspire me to this day!
I also saved a Canadian five dollar bill as a souvenir. Their money is super cool.
St. Lucia
  Oh St. Lucia, how I love you so.
St. Lucia is one of the most greenest islands that I have ever experienced.
It also has so many mountains. Like the famous Piton Mountains.
I went to St. Lucia with four of my classmates.
We decided that after our hardest semester of medical school; that we would take a seven-day cruise around the Caribbean.
It was a great experience to say the least.
We miss cruise!
While in St. Lucia, we did so many things.
We went to the Sulphur Springs to indulge in super hot volcano water and a mud bath.
When I tell you that that water was HOTTTTT. But, it felt sooo good beyond good.
Definitely visit the mud baths while you’re in St. Lucia.
We also took a tour around the island.
We stopped on the side of the road a couple of times too.
Once to take pictures with snakes and some locals.
And, another time to try banana flavored foods; like banana ketchup!
It was surprisingly really good (in my opinion). I bought some home for my family to try!
St. Lucia is known for their banana industry in fact
There are so many banana farms; it’s actually kind of crazy.
The adventure in St. Lucia were truly unforgettable.
I hope to visit again one day. I need a week vacation there. That would be LIFE.
There you have it loves.
My Top 5 favorite places that you should definitely visit this summer.
If you want more information about any of the places on my Top 5 List; then please contact me. 
You can write me, DM me or comment in the section below!
I want to help you reach your travel goals.
I have been to more places than the ones I’ve listed today too.
So, if you are interested in me sharing more of my travel experiences then COMMENT IN THE COMMENT SECTION BELOW.
I’ll definitely be sharing more about Anguilla and my experience while living on the island as a Caribbean medical student.
I also want to share more about my experiences growing up and being blessed and able to visit St. Kitts every year.
Thank you for reading this far. You’re support means the world to me.
As always dolls,
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Until next time….
Stay Happy, Grateful and Aware. xoxo
With love,
  Travel Blog: Top 5 Places You Should Travel To This Summer (With Pictures) Hey gyals, Welcome back to Roseconnexa for another blog post. How are you feeling today?  Before we continue; we should take a moment to center ourselves. 1,896 more words
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bizmediaweb · 6 years
Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Video in 2019
Since the launch of LinkedIn native video in 2017, LinkedIn has proven that it’s more than just a platform for long-form B2B content.
In one year, LinkedIn video posts generated more than 300 million impressions on the platform. They also earn an average of three times the engagement of text posts. Plus, early findings from LinkedIn’s beta program show that LinkedIn native videos are five times more likely than other content to start a conversation among LinkedIn members.
Impressive engagement stats aside, video marketing has been shown to boost revenue across social platforms. According to Aberdeen Group, brands that use video marketing grow their revenue 49 percent faster than companies that don’t.
Ready to get on board yet? This guide will cover everything you need to know about LinkedIn video, from the basics on how to use LinkedIn native video, to technical specifications.
And if you’re looking for that spark of inspiration, scroll down for a round up of examples and ideas.
Bonus: Want to know how a viral social video creator makes millions of dollars in sales? Download the free guide now.
Types of LinkedIn video
Embedded videos
It’s still common practice for many brands to upload to a video-hosting platform such as YouTube or Vimeo, and then share the link on LinkedIn. This works, but for many reasons, LinkedIn native videos tend to be a more effective strategy.
LinkedIn native video
“Native video” is video that is uploaded directly to LinkedIn or created on the platform itself.
Unlike embedded videos, LinkedIn native video autoplays in-feed, which is more likely to grab attention. Metrics show that Facebook native videos garner 10 times more shares than linked videos, a boost that likely also holds true for LinkedIn native videos.
LinkedIn video ads
LinkedIn video ads are sponsored company videos that appear in the LinkedIn feed. Video ad campaigns have greater potential to increase brand awareness, brand consideration, and lead generation since they are typically served to a larger, more targeted audience.
Unlike LinkedIn native video, which can be a maximum of 10 minutes long, LinkedIn video ads can run for up to 30 minutes.
Company page administrators can set up a video ad campaign using Campaign Manager, or elect to sponsor an existing post.
How to use LinkedIn native video
On desktop or mobile, sharing LinkedIn native video is pretty much a three-step process. Mobile allows you to record and post in-app and add text and stickers, whereas desktop requires a pre-recorded video.
On desktop: 1. From the homepage, click Share an article, photo, video, or idea. 2. Click the video icon. 3. Upload the video you want to share.
On mobile: 1. Look for the share box (iOS) or post button (Android) at the top of the feed. 2. Tap the video icon. 3. Record a video in the app, or upload something you re-recorded. 4. Tap the filters or text button. 5. Add filters and/or text.
After posting a video you’ll have access to audience insights, including how many views, likes, and comments your post is receiving. You’ll also be able to see the top companies, titles, and locations of viewers. Learn which video metrics matter most.
How to launch a LinkedIn video ad campaign
Here’s a quick guide to setting up a LinkedIn video ad campaign:
1. Log in to Campaign Manager to create your campaign. 2. Select Sponsored Content. 3. Name your campaign. 4. Choose your main objective. Options include: get website visits, collect leads, or get video views. 5. Select video as your ad type format and click Next. 6. Click Create new video. 7. Fill out the form, upload your video, and hit Save. 8. After your video has uploaded, select the video by clicking the checkbox next to it and then hit Next. 9. Choose your target audience criteria and click Next. 10. Set up your bid, budget, the duration for your campaign, and click Launch Campaign.
LinkedIn video ads provide richer analytics than LinkedIn native video. Learn more about LinkedIn video ad analytics here.
LinkedIn video specs
Plan and adhere to these technical specifications when creating video for LinkedIn.
These specifications vary between standard native videos and LinkedIn video ads, so make sure to take note of the difference.
LinkedIn Native Video Specs
Minimum video length: 3 seconds
Maximum video length: 10 minutes
Minimum file size: 75KB
Maximum file size: 5 GB
Orientation: Horizontal or vertical. Note: Vertical videos are cropped into a square in the feed.
Aspect ratio: 1:2.4 or 2.4:1
Resolution range: 256×144 to 4096×2304
Frame rates: 10 – 60 frames per second
Bit rates: 192 kbps – 30 Mbps
File formats: ASF, AVI, FLV, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, MKV, QuickTime, WebM, H264/AVC, MP4, VP8, VP9, WMV2, and WMV3.
Formats that are not supported include: ProRes, MPEG-2, Raw Video, VP6, WMV1as.
LinkedIn Video Ad Specs
Minimum video length: 3 seconds
Maximum video length: 30 minutes
Minimum file size: 75KB
Maximum file size: 200MB
Orientation: Only horizontal. Vertical videos are not supported by LinkedIn video ads.
Pixel and aspect ratio:
360p (480 x 360; wide 640 x 360)
480p (640 x 480)
720p (960 x 720; wide 1280 x 720)
1080p (1440 x 1080; wide 1920 x 1080)
File format: MP4
Frame rate: Maximum of 30 frames per second.
Audio format: AAC or MPEG4
Audio size: Less than 64KHz
Planning to serve your video on more than on social network? Check out our complete guide to social media video specs.
10 LinkedIn video best practices
1. Optimize your setup
Before going into selfie mode and hitting the record button, here are a few things you should consider.
Lighting: Choose a well-lighted place. Natural light is often best, but artificial light can work in a pinch—just look out for shadows. Also, make sure subjects aren’t back lit, otherwise they’ll become a silhouette.
Camera position: No one wants to see up your nose. Take a test video, and adjust the tripod or add or remove a few books under the camera setup as needed.
Camera: If recording from your phone, use the rear camera. Most phones have larger apertures and offer higher resolution from the rear cam. Use a tripod or makeshift mount to keep the camera steady.
Background: Avoid a cluttered or distracting background. Also, if you’re shooting in an office environment, make sure confidential materials and other brand logos are tucked away. You don’t want to inadvertently endorse another brand on your company’s behalf.
Body language: In his research, psychologist Albert Mehrabian found that 55 percent of communication is transmitted through body language. Only seven percent is given through words, and 38 percent through tone. Maintain a relaxed presence by rehearsing your script. Look directly at the camera, smile, and breathe naturally.
2. Aim to capture attention from the start
LinkedIn recommends that videos include a hook within the first 1-2 seconds.
3. Put essential information upfront
Attention that wanes after the first few seconds will typically drop off after the 10 second mark, LinkedIn research finds. That’s backed up by Facebook findings, which show 65 percent of people who watch the first three seconds of a Facebook video will watch for at least 10 seconds, while only 45 percent will watch for 30 seconds.
Plan to share your message, or show your audience what you want them to see, early on. That way you increase the likelihood of leaving an impression with more viewers.
4. Design for sound off
Up to 85 percent of social media videos are played with no sound. That means most LinkedIn members will be watching your video as if it’s a silent film. Prepare accordingly by including descriptive images, explanatory infographics, and even expressive body language.
5. Include closed captions
Even if your video isn’t speech heavy, closed captioning will make them more accessible. Plus, since LinkedIn just added a closed captioning feature, there’s no excuse for your videos to not have subtitles.
To add captions:
Click the video icon in the share box on desktop and choose the video you want to share.
When the preview shows up, click the edit icon on the top right to see the video settings and then click select file to attach the associated SubRip Subtitle file.
6. Vary the shot
A single shot video can get boring, and with viewers dropping off by the second, varying the shot is one way to keep them engaged. Even if you’re shooting an interview, borrow a second camera to record from different angles. Or, film some b-roll to use under voiceover.
7. Choose the right video length
According to LinkedIn, the most successful video ads are less than 15 seconds long. But lengths can vary when it comes to LinkedIn native video. Here are a few things to consider:
For brand awareness and brand consideration videos, LinkedIn recommends to keep length under 30 seconds.
Videos that meet upper-funnel marketing goals should stick to a 30-90 second video length.
Opt for longer-form video to tell a brand or product story. A LinkedIn study found that long-form video can drive as many clicks as short-form video if it effective tells a more complex story.
Don’t exceed 10 minutes. LinkedIn considers 10 minutes the informal cut-off point for video.
8. Close with a strong call to action
What do you want viewers to do after they’ve watched the video? Leave them with a clear direction. Here are some tips for writing CTAs.
9. Don’t forget supporting copy
A recent study from Slidely found that 44 percent of video viewers on Facebook read caption text often, and 45 percent of viewers read captions sometimes.
The same likely goes for LinkedIn, so don’t miss this opportunity to describe your video or drive home a message. But keep it short and direct. We recommend 150 characters or fewer.
Adding LinkedIn hashtags and @ mentioning relevant companies or members in your caption is a useful way to increase reach and expose your video to more viewers.
And don’t forget to include a link, especially if the point of the video is to drive visits to your website or product page. As a bonus, LinkedIn finds that posts with links tend to have 45 percent higher engagement than those without one.
10. Use the word “video” for promotions
LinkedIn’s Video Ad Guide notes that promotional posts or emails that include the word video “can vastly increase the click-through rate.” If you’ve put in the effort to create a video, make sure to promote it—and use the keyword.
12 ideas for LinkedIn native video
Typically, most branded video content on LinkedIn falls into four main categories: culture, products and services, news, and events.
If you have a company blog, you can also analyze your best performing content and consider how it could be transformed into a LinkedIn video.
1. Share company news and updates
Changes to the board, new initiatives, acquisitions, partnerships, and more are all fodder for video content.
Example: Coca Cola company news
Bonus: Want to know how a viral social video creator makes millions of dollars in sales? Download the free guide now.
Get the free social video guide now!
2. Announce the launch of a new product or service
Use LinkedIn video to get customers excited with an announcement of things to come.
Example: MyTaxi city launch
3. Take customers behind-the-scenes
Show viewers where the magic happens. This is a great opportunity to impress customers with the skill, craftsmanship, or technology behind your operation. Or, show off your super cool office culture.
Example: Lego Behind the Scenes
4. Offer an explainer
Instructional or educational videos are particularly useful if you’re in an industry that uses complicated jargon or involves complex understanding. See this as an opportunity to teach your audience something new.
Example: The World Bank for the African Green Revolution Forum – AGRF:
5. Preview an upcoming event
Looking to register more attendees for an upcoming conference? Create a video guide or highlight some of the reasons they may want to enrol.
Example: MicroStrategy
6. Provide insider coverage of an industry event
Speaker highlights, product demos, and interviews can form a winning package of an event’s top moments.
Example: Pulse Africa
7. Introduce C-suite members
Position your company as a thought leader with interviews that share the vision of executive team members.
Example WeWork:
Example: Bill Gates
8. Tell a story with a case study
Testimonials are a great way to share how your products or services have helped customers.
Example: Philips
9. Let your customers know what you stand for
Use LinkedIn video to let your clients, employees, and prospective employees know what your company stands for.
Example: Boeing Pride
10. Spotlight inspiring employees
Introduce customers to the people who make things happen.
Example: GE
Example: UN Women
11. Highlight the good you’re doing
Videos about corporate social responsibility initiatives can bring attention to the social good your company is doing, and more importantly, to a good cause.
Example: Cisco
12. Share something fun
If your company gets mentioned on Jeopardy, you kind of have to share the video.
Example: Sephora
Manage your brand’s LinkedIn presence the smart way—use Hootsuite to schedule videos and updates, target posts, engage with followers, and measure the impact of your efforts. Try it free today.
Get Started
  The post Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Video in 2019 appeared first on Hootsuite Social Media Management.
Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Video in 2019 published first on https://themarketingheaven.tumblr.com/
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unifiedsocialblog · 6 years
Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Video in 2019
Since the launch of LinkedIn native video in 2017, LinkedIn has proven that it’s more than just a platform for long-form B2B content.
In one year, LinkedIn video posts generated more than 300 million impressions on the platform. They also earn an average of three times the engagement of text posts. Plus, early findings from LinkedIn’s beta program show that LinkedIn native videos are five times more likely than other content to start a conversation among LinkedIn members.
Impressive engagement stats aside, video marketing has been shown to boost revenue across social platforms. According to Aberdeen Group, brands that use video marketing grow their revenue 49 percent faster than companies that don’t.
Ready to get on board yet? This guide will cover everything you need to know about LinkedIn video, from the basics on how to use LinkedIn native video, to technical specifications.
And if you’re looking for that spark of inspiration, scroll down for a round up of examples and ideas.
Bonus: Want to know how a viral social video creator makes millions of dollars in sales? Download the free guide now.
Types of LinkedIn video
Embedded videos
It’s still common practice for many brands to upload to a video-hosting platform such as YouTube or Vimeo, and then share the link on LinkedIn. This works, but for many reasons, LinkedIn native videos tend to be a more effective strategy.
LinkedIn native video
“Native video” is video that is uploaded directly to LinkedIn or created on the platform itself.
Unlike embedded videos, LinkedIn native video autoplays in-feed, which is more likely to grab attention. Metrics show that Facebook native videos garner 10 times more shares than linked videos, a boost that likely also holds true for LinkedIn native videos.
LinkedIn video ads
LinkedIn video ads are sponsored company videos that appear in the LinkedIn feed. Video ad campaigns have greater potential to increase brand awareness, brand consideration, and lead generation since they are typically served to a larger, more targeted audience.
Unlike LinkedIn native video, which can be a maximum of 10 minutes long, LinkedIn video ads can run for up to 30 minutes.
Company page administrators can set up a video ad campaign using Campaign Manager, or elect to sponsor an existing post.
How to use LinkedIn native video
On desktop or mobile, sharing LinkedIn native video is pretty much a three-step process. Mobile allows you to record and post in-app and add text and stickers, whereas desktop requires a pre-recorded video.
On desktop: 1. From the homepage, click Share an article, photo, video, or idea. 2. Click the video icon. 3. Upload the video you want to share.
On mobile: 1. Look for the share box (iOS) or post button (Android) at the top of the feed. 2. Tap the video icon. 3. Record a video in the app, or upload something you re-recorded. 4. Tap the filters or text button. 5. Add filters and/or text.
After posting a video you’ll have access to audience insights, including how many views, likes, and comments your post is receiving. You’ll also be able to see the top companies, titles, and locations of viewers. Learn which video metrics matter most.
How to launch a LinkedIn video ad campaign
Here’s a quick guide to setting up a LinkedIn video ad campaign:
1. Log in to Campaign Manager to create your campaign. 2. Select Sponsored Content. 3. Name your campaign. 4. Choose your main objective. Options include: get website visits, collect leads, or get video views. 5. Select video as your ad type format and click Next. 6. Click Create new video. 7. Fill out the form, upload your video, and hit Save. 8. After your video has uploaded, select the video by clicking the checkbox next to it and then hit Next. 9. Choose your target audience criteria and click Next. 10. Set up your bid, budget, the duration for your campaign, and click Launch Campaign.
LinkedIn video ads provide richer analytics than LinkedIn native video. Learn more about LinkedIn video ad analytics here.
LinkedIn video specs
Plan and adhere to these technical specifications when creating video for LinkedIn.
These specifications vary between standard native videos and LinkedIn video ads, so make sure to take note of the difference.
LinkedIn Native Video Specs
Minimum video length: 3 seconds
Maximum video length: 10 minutes
Minimum file size: 75KB
Maximum file size: 5 GB
Orientation: Horizontal or vertical. Note: Vertical videos are cropped into a square in the feed.
Aspect ratio: 1:2.4 or 2.4:1
Resolution range: 256×144 to 4096×2304
Frame rates: 10 – 60 frames per second
Bit rates: 192 kbps – 30 Mbps
File formats: ASF, AVI, FLV, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, MKV, QuickTime, WebM, H264/AVC, MP4, VP8, VP9, WMV2, and WMV3.
Formats that are not supported include: ProRes, MPEG-2, Raw Video, VP6, WMV1as.
LinkedIn Video Ad Specs
Minimum video length: 3 seconds
Maximum video length: 30 minutes
Minimum file size: 75KB
Maximum file size: 200MB
Orientation: Only horizontal. Vertical videos are not supported by LinkedIn video ads.
Pixel and aspect ratio:
360p (480 x 360; wide 640 x 360)
480p (640 x 480)
720p (960 x 720; wide 1280 x 720)
1080p (1440 x 1080; wide 1920 x 1080)
File format: MP4
Frame rate: Maximum of 30 frames per second.
Audio format: AAC or MPEG4
Audio size: Less than 64KHz
Planning to serve your video on more than on social network? Check out our complete guide to social media video specs.
10 LinkedIn video best practices
1. Optimize your setup
Before going into selfie mode and hitting the record button, here are a few things you should consider.
Lighting: Choose a well-lighted place. Natural light is often best, but artificial light can work in a pinch—just look out for shadows. Also, make sure subjects aren’t back lit, otherwise they’ll become a silhouette.
Camera position: No one wants to see up your nose. Take a test video, and adjust the tripod or add or remove a few books under the camera setup as needed.
Camera: If recording from your phone, use the rear camera. Most phones have larger apertures and offer higher resolution from the rear cam. Use a tripod or makeshift mount to keep the camera steady.
Background: Avoid a cluttered or distracting background. Also, if you’re shooting in an office environment, make sure confidential materials and other brand logos are tucked away. You don’t want to inadvertently endorse another brand on your company’s behalf.
Body language: In his research, psychologist Albert Mehrabian found that 55 percent of communication is transmitted through body language. Only seven percent is given through words, and 38 percent through tone. Maintain a relaxed presence by rehearsing your script. Look directly at the camera, smile, and breathe naturally.
2. Aim to capture attention from the start
LinkedIn recommends that videos include a hook within the first 1-2 seconds.
3. Put essential information upfront
Attention that wanes after the first few seconds will typically drop off after the 10 second mark, LinkedIn research finds. That’s backed up by Facebook findings, which show 65 percent of people who watch the first three seconds of a Facebook video will watch for at least 10 seconds, while only 45 percent will watch for 30 seconds.
Plan to share your message, or show your audience what you want them to see, early on. That way you increase the likelihood of leaving an impression with more viewers.
4. Design for sound off
Up to 85 percent of social media videos are played with no sound. That means most LinkedIn members will be watching your video as if it’s a silent film. Prepare accordingly by including descriptive images, explanatory infographics, and even expressive body language.
5. Include closed captions
Even if your video isn’t speech heavy, closed captioning will make them more accessible. Plus, since LinkedIn just added a closed captioning feature, there’s no excuse for your videos to not have subtitles.
To add captions:
Click the video icon in the share box on desktop and choose the video you want to share.
When the preview shows up, click the edit icon on the top right to see the video settings and then click select file to attach the associated SubRip Subtitle file.
6. Vary the shot
A single shot video can get boring, and with viewers dropping off by the second, varying the shot is one way to keep them engaged. Even if you’re shooting an interview, borrow a second camera to record from different angles. Or, film some b-roll to use under voiceover.
7. Choose the right video length
According to LinkedIn, the most successful video ads are less than 15 seconds long. But lengths can vary when it comes to LinkedIn native video. Here are a few things to consider:
For brand awareness and brand consideration videos, LinkedIn recommends to keep length under 30 seconds.
Videos that meet upper-funnel marketing goals should stick to a 30-90 second video length.
Opt for longer-form video to tell a brand or product story. A LinkedIn study found that long-form video can drive as many clicks as short-form video if it effective tells a more complex story.
Don’t exceed 10 minutes. LinkedIn considers 10 minutes the informal cut-off point for video.
8. Close with a strong call to action
What do you want viewers to do after they’ve watched the video? Leave them with a clear direction. Here are some tips for writing CTAs.
9. Don’t forget supporting copy
A recent study from Slidely found that 44 percent of video viewers on Facebook read caption text often, and 45 percent of viewers read captions sometimes.
The same likely goes for LinkedIn, so don’t miss this opportunity to describe your video or drive home a message. But keep it short and direct. We recommend 150 characters or fewer.
Adding LinkedIn hashtags and @ mentioning relevant companies or members in your caption is a useful way to increase reach and expose your video to more viewers.
And don’t forget to include a link, especially if the point of the video is to drive visits to your website or product page. As a bonus, LinkedIn finds that posts with links tend to have 45 percent higher engagement than those without one.
10. Use the word “video” for promotions
LinkedIn’s Video Ad Guide notes that promotional posts or emails that include the word video “can vastly increase the click-through rate.” If you’ve put in the effort to create a video, make sure to promote it—and use the keyword.
12 ideas for LinkedIn native video
Typically, most branded video content on LinkedIn falls into four main categories: culture, products and services, news, and events.
If you have a company blog, you can also analyze your best performing content and consider how it could be transformed into a LinkedIn video.
1. Share company news and updates
Changes to the board, new initiatives, acquisitions, partnerships, and more are all fodder for video content.
Example: Coca Cola company news
Bonus: Want to know how a viral social video creator makes millions of dollars in sales? Download the free guide now.
Get the free social video guide now!
2. Announce the launch of a new product or service
Use LinkedIn video to get customers excited with an announcement of things to come.
Example: MyTaxi city launch
3. Take customers behind-the-scenes
Show viewers where the magic happens. This is a great opportunity to impress customers with the skill, craftsmanship, or technology behind your operation. Or, show off your super cool office culture.
Example: Lego Behind the Scenes
4. Offer an explainer
Instructional or educational videos are particularly useful if you’re in an industry that uses complicated jargon or involves complex understanding. See this as an opportunity to teach your audience something new.
Example: The World Bank for the African Green Revolution Forum – AGRF:
5. Preview an upcoming event
Looking to register more attendees for an upcoming conference? Create a video guide or highlight some of the reasons they may want to enrol.
Example: MicroStrategy
6. Provide insider coverage of an industry event
Speaker highlights, product demos, and interviews can form a winning package of an event’s top moments.
Example: Pulse Africa
7. Introduce C-suite members
Position your company as a thought leader with interviews that share the vision of executive team members.
Example WeWork:
Example: Bill Gates
8. Tell a story with a case study
Testimonials are a great way to share how your products or services have helped customers.
Example: Philips
9. Let your customers know what you stand for
Use LinkedIn video to let your clients, employees, and prospective employees know what your company stands for.
Example: Boeing Pride
10. Spotlight inspiring employees
Introduce customers to the people who make things happen.
Example: GE
Example: UN Women
11. Highlight the good you’re doing
Videos about corporate social responsibility initiatives can bring attention to the social good your company is doing, and more importantly, to a good cause.
Example: Cisco
12. Share something fun
If your company gets mentioned on Jeopardy, you kind of have to share the video.
Example: Sephora
Manage your brand’s LinkedIn presence the smart way—use Hootsuite to schedule videos and updates, target posts, engage with followers, and measure the impact of your efforts. Try it free today.
Get Started
  The post Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Video in 2019 appeared first on Hootsuite Social Media Management.
Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Video in 2019 published first on https://getfblike.tumblr.com/
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