#but it's not like the navy or sakazuki would consider something like this
laws-hat-headcanons · 4 years
Second commission for @beastofflevance featuring Sakazuki again!! I hope he isnt too ooc - since a lot of these word prompts are s/o relevant I didnt want them all to be like "no he is mean and doesnt like people >8(" so there are a few liberties I guess!! Anyway! Hope you like it!! đź’™
Sakazuki - Blood, Snow, Ice, Silver, Heart, Hand, Flower, Gold, Glass, Bone
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Blood: How did they react the first time their S/O got badly injured??
. At first he doesn't really know how to react.
. Sakazuki always thought that the thing he cared about most was the Marines and his absolute justice, but as he watches his partner fall to the ground, red already blooming across her chest, he's not so sure.
. But there are still enemies to fight, and Sakazuki will always do his duty – but maybe he dispatches his foes with more speed and ferocity than usual, a little more desperation than before.
. He is by her side as soon as he can be, directing the troops under his command to get the injured to the infirmary. Not specifying her, obviously, but if she happens to be the first one seen then that's his business.
. Sakazuki can't be by her side much during her recovery. He has so many responsibilities to see to but he makes sure he gets frequent updates on her progress from the head medic.
. He visits when he can, but it is infrequent. Partially because of his time constraints and partially because he feels this boiling feeling in his chest when he sees her lying there. He hates to see her in pain.
Snow: One thing they love about their partner?
. Sakazuki appreciates confidence.
. In his partners self, in her looks, in her kindness, in her mind, in her morals or her decisions and actions – it doesn't matter which.
. As long as she can show him conviction in some part of her life he will stand by her always.
. Physically he loves her eyes.
. There is something genuine about the looks she gives him that makes him need to look away or risk that hot feeling that she sometimes elicits from him. Sakazuki is not a man who blushes easily.
. He would never admit it, but he could lose hours staring into those eyes.
Ice: One thing they dislike about their partner?
. For someone to catch his interest in the first place they have to be something special, but Sakazuki is very picky.
. He will always find something about his S/O that bothers him, but it will be small.
. If he finds something big about them that he doesn't like he won't be with them for long. He's just not tolerant enough to stay in a relationship with someone who can bother him that badly.
. So for Sakazuki it's something small about her that bothers him.
. Something like biting her nails or kissing her teeth. Humming while he's doing paper work or running her fingers through his hair to distract him.
Silver: Do they keep their promises?
. Sakazuki considers himself a man of his word so he doesn't make promises he can't keep.
. If his partner wants something from him Sakazuki is always realistic with her. If her request clashes with a pre-existing commitment he will be straight up and decline it.
. But he is organized enough to plan ahead. If he knows there is an important date coming up for him and his partner he will keep it free so when she asks if they can do something he can say yes.
. Sakazuki won't say “I'll try.” He either can, or he can't and he doesn't see the point in mincing his words.
. So he doesn't make promises often, but the ones he does make he always keeps.
Heart: When did they first realise they were in love?
. Sakazuki might not be the most emotional person, but he knows his feelings, so it doesn't take long for him to realise that it's deeper than just attraction.
. It's probably a quiet moment between them that does it though.
. He's been working for hours, bent over a desk trying to sort through all the mission reports that have been submitted to him.
. He hasn't eaten or had a drink in hours, but he's too intent to stop now, ready to work through the night – so when she appears he's surprised, thinking she would have gone to bed hours ago.
. She brings a steaming pot of tea and a small plate of food that she puts on his desk, watching him as he stretches from his hunched position.
. And she rubs a hand across his shoulders, gives him a peck on the cheek and leaves him to get back to it. She doesn't ask him to stop and come to bed, she knows him better than that.
. Sakazuki feels content in that moment. He isn't used to having someone look after him like that. And he is surprised to realise how much it meant to him.
Hand: How do they show affection to the people they care about?
. Sakazuki has such a stern personality that it is very hard to pick up when he is being affectionate.
. He's very private so he doesn't really like to show too many feelings in front of other people, he keeps most of his affection for with his partner behind closed doors.
. But there are small things.
. When out with his partner he will place a hand on the small of her back, keeping her close. He will pull out her chair when they sit down for dinner, and makes sure she is served first.
. Sakazuki will always put her before himself. Will try to maintain a presence and ask her about her day. Will always try to spend time with her when he can.
. He doesn't believe in frivolous gifts and he will never buy her trinkets – he hates clutter – but if she shows an interest in something when they are out and about he will remember it for a later date.
Flower: How protective are they over their loved ones?
. Oh, so protective.
. Sakazuki can count on one hand the people he cares about – with digits to spare.
. His preferred method of protecting his special people is to keep them out of harms way in the first place.
. If he can keep his partner from the front lines then he will. He doesn't care if it hurts their feelings, he cares that they don't get injured.
. There aren't many people in the Marines that are dumb enough to threaten Sakazuki's S/O, so he doesn't have much to worry about on that front.
. But if someone outside the Navy were to become a problem Sakazuki wouldn't tolerate it for long.
. And his brand of retaliation will leave the other person drinking through a straw.
Gold: What was their first kiss with their S/O like?
. Sakazuki is the kind of man who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to get it, in relationships and any other aspect of his life.
. So he isn't at all hesitant at the thought of kissing his S/O for the first time.
. Until he is face to face with them, looking into those beautiful eyes and that hot feeling is bubbling inside him again.
. Sakazuki moves in slowly, giving her the opportunity to pull away if she desires, but he feels her hands on his chest as she goes up on her tip toes to meet him.
. The kiss itself is short and sweet, lingering a little at the end.
. He feels a little hot under the collar with the warm feeling of her lips against his, but he doesn't let it show.
Glass: Are they open with their partner? Do they allow themselves to be vulnerable around them?
. Sakazuki doesn't talk about his feelings, even with this partner - unless it directly effects them.
. He is so private and he doesn't like involving other people in his life if he doesn't have to. He doesn't enjoy letting people in and he doesn't enjoy sharing how he's feeling either.
. His partner would have to be something very special or they would have to be together for a long time in order for him to open up about his emotions.
. Unfortunately Sakazuki is not in the habit of being vulnerable in any way, shape or form. It just.. is not something he is willing to do. He will never willingly make himself look less than the controlled and powerful person he has built himself up to be.
. If emotional intimacy is important to his partner they will find Sakazuki somewhat lacking.
Bone: How do their react if their S/O gets hurt because of them?
. Sakazuki is furious. He's furious that he is always so careful and meticulous about keeping his S/O safe, and then he is the one that injures them? Ridiculous.
. He has very good control over his moments, so Sakazuki knows he didn't hurt her badly. But he did hurt her and he hates that.
. That feeling of embarrassment and worry that mingles within him is not a feeling he enjoys, and he is angry at himself. Unfortunately it seems to translate that he is angry at her.
. He will tell her to get up, will brusquely check over her injury and treat her if it's required, all the while glowering.
. Sakazuki will berate her for not being more careful, that she is lucky that the wound was so minor – but really these are things he should be telling himself. He won't stick around for long, feeling foolish and guilty.
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