#but it's still an artistic achievenment
textuallee · 3 years
So this is just something of a rant while my other posts are slow-cooking in the pot, but...
I think saying that Raya and the Last Dragon should have been a series is like saying an epic poem should have been a novel.
I don't mean that one can't prefer novels. (I prefer novels and read hardly any poetry). And I don't mean that the world, its characters, and their stories wouldn't make a good novel.
(Editing belatedly to add: I also don’t mean to discourage discussions about how the movie could be done differently as a series. It’s another great way to share our thoughts on something we’re fans of. And it shows how creative works can inspire our own creativeness.)
What I mean is that it feels like people are pointing at an epic poem and saying, "This novel is too short and needs more fleshing out," while its finer qualities as a poem go underappreciated.
This film’s storytelling is a lot more substantial and sophisticated than it tends to get credit for. And I think that's because people expect it to speak like a novel when it speaks more like a poem.
Much of its language is coded—highly visual (and musical too), compact and layered, metaphorical and subtle. It relies on a dense network of repeated and overlapping images and motifs to carry much of its meaning.
And it asks for a lot of interpretive work (and curious and open engagement) from its viewers to learn what it says beyond a surface-layer action adventure story that can be enjoyed without too much effort.
All of this is just to say, I'm very glad they made Raya and the Last Dragon as a movie because I find it a fantastic work of storytelling.
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peculiarwem · 6 years
previously on day 555 + 556 and day 557
february 4 - february 6
This is gonna be a lot 
February 4
Goals: get phone from aunt’s, read (preferably My Girls or All Out)
Achievements: yes, yes but no
Book: The Throne of Fire
Pages: ........6
Music: I don’t think there was any?
Favorite Quote: it’s been a minute. I wouldn’t remember if I did have one. 
Yesterday’s Goals: read, more than TToF
February 5
Goals: read
Achievenments: nope
Today’s Goals: read
February 6
Goals: read
Achievements: :D
Book: All Out
Pages: didn’t record this, mainly because I had to go back and reread a story that I still skipped over. Never was it more clear that I was ace then when I read about artist boys drawing naked people (it wasn’t even the gay fantasizing part it was the body... part) I read as much of it as I could without getting uncomfortable, I finished the Robin Hood story (everyone who betrayed Robin and called him by Marion needs to die and I need a sequel yesterday) and then I started Willows which is currently very confusing. 
Music: It was ambient music, and then Enya, and now I’ve been listening to Cat Stevens’ Sad Lisa because it’s one of the most beautiful songs ever. I recommend it 
Favorite Quote: there wasn’t really one, but I need more Robin Hood. Like I said, yesterday.
Tomorrow’s Goals: read, more in general
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talesofmysdrym · 8 years
Mysdrym Meta
Worlds Intertwined
There are thousands of worlds throughout the universe. Fortunately, Tales of Mysdrym only deals with three of them.
Chaos The oldest world, it is a place of constant change and uncertainty, shirking off the laws that other worlds adhere to, including physics.
Order A place where everything must be balanced. If there is night, there is day. If there is light, there is darkness. Nothing can exist without a counter, and its inhabitants understand and respect this, revering their three gods who made them, ever in balance.
Originally, the World of Order was synonomous with Mysdrym. However, due to tragic events some four thousand years ago, the world has since split into three countries: Mysdrym in the northeast, Achieven to the west, and Kyvrell to the south.
Other-world In Mysdrian legends, this land is known only as a place of neutrality and science, a world where magick is nonexistent. We know this world as Earth.
The Races
Each world lays claim to its own sentient species. While not all of them appear in Tales of Mysdrym: Ancients Stir, here is a quick run down.
The Other-World Humans - quick learning creatures which have a decent aptitude for magick, able to tap into the surrounding pockets of the ethereal to use whatever is at hand.
The World of Order Drians - sharing many traits with humans, the one noticeable difference seems to be their connection to magick. They may only ever draw upon one element effectively. This is based upon the affinity they are born with and cannot be changed. Rhaek - a ratlike people, they appear to be made from the earth itself and have a deep connection with it. They rarely leave their mountain home. Demons - mysterious creatures who have an uncanny connection to the elements, they are dangerous monsters who nearly brought the World of Order to its destruction before disappearing just as abruptly as they'd appeared, almost four thousand years ago. They are rumored to have been similar to the daem.
The World of Chaos Daem - the oldest race of any of the worlds, the daem are said to be terribly powerful creatures, in tune with the elements on such a level that they can manipulate them as easily as they breathe. However, despite their power, they are very reclusive, rarely leaving their northern homes. Many drians consider them more the monsters of fairytales and bedtime stories than a real threat. Trey - the ancient guardians who watch over all the worlds, the trey are elemental spirits who are said to be more magick than actual living being. The fall into five sects: orr, emm, illur, syphon, and cahr. No trey of any type has been seen in the last thousand years. Fae - fairylike healers, the fae are rumored to consume souls to fuel their magick. Whatever their source, their ability to mend bones and other wounds is unprecedented. They have withdrawn from the World of Order, back into Chaos. Faedre - spiderlike creatures, they sometimes hoard souls of those who were moving on to their next life, in hopes of luring fae into their webs. Like the daem, they are very rarely seen in the World of Order. Graymists - batlike weavers of magick, they are rumored to be second only to the daem in magickal aptitude. However, while they once flew through the sky delivering messages and teaching drians of magick, they have not been seen in Order for almost four thousand years. Some wonder if they ever truly existed at all. Shifters - able to shift their form into anything of their choosing, the youngest race of Chaos is also the most volatile. They have plagued Order's southern border since the world's creation. Of all sentient species, they alone cannot weave even the simplest of spells.
The Characters
In Mysdrym's lore, people from a fabled Other-world appear in times of distaster and help to save the day through unconventional means. Past other-worlders in Mysdrym are rumored to have been architects and lawyers, among others.
Ella Wallen [x] A young woman who strives to keep her ambitions and expectations for her future practical, Ella cannot deny her secret love for magick. If only it were real. She has a fondness for fire and the imaginary, though she's ready to step up and be an adult as time marches her onward.
Nicole Hedgeway [x] Ever the dreamer, Nicole accepts magick's existence as a truth that doesn't need to be proved. To her, it's already echoed so strongly in her head that it might as well wind its way through the world she finds herself trapped in.
Samantha Hedgeway [x] Nicole's cousin, Samantha has a fiery temper and a strong desire to look after those she loves. She's content with her life, minus her increasingly frequent arguments with Nicole.
Zachary Hiyuzaki [x] Generally the buffer of the group, Zachary is an artist. While he's typically laid back, he won't hesitate to defend his loved ones. While he has always wanted some kind of adventure to inspire him, he's also happy enough with his life.
Weslyn Kagris [x] Rather than hailing from the Other-world, Weslyn is from Mysdrym's southern, hostile neighbor, Kyvrell. After throwing his lot in with the man who killed Mysdrym's ruler, he has found himself entrenched in Mysdrym's politics and is practically running the country himself.
Other Characters
Bhaevin [x] A noble from Mysdrym who seeks to unravel the mysteries behind what led to the coup of her country. 
Shai [x] The young grace’s older half-brother, a fiercely dedicated young man who wants to see his world restored to order, as it should be.
Lord Sehnswrift [x] The noble who staged a coup, killing the High Grace of Mysdrym and taking over the country, though his actions seem confusing at best. 
Ser Nadrynne [x] A fae who has come to assist in the fight against the demons. 
Jaq [x] A grave keeper who appears exactly as Mryskael should.
The Trey Orr of the Lovrei [x] An ancient guardian who lives in the caverns beneath a deep wood.
Vesper [x] The lord of the demons who rallied the monsters together to attack the World of Order 4000 years ago.
Kivane [x] One of the most brutal demons to ever walk the world, the Earth Demon is still greatly feared in Achieven and Kyvrell, even if Mysdrym has forgotten much of the horrors from the Demons’ War.
Marra [x] The Light Demon and demon lord’s mistress, she was another brutal beast who planned out some of the most deplorable attacks in Ordraic history.
The Cahrick [x] A cruel creature who worked under the demon lord during the Demons’ War, bastardizing a beloved and sacred system. 
The Time Demon [x] Little is known of this creature. Even its name is debated, as it showed up near the end of the Demons’ War only to be defeated and sealed away quickly. 
The Death Demon [x] Little is known of this demon, other than he assisted in some of the more horrific attacks during the Demons’ War. 
Hailel [x] A Life Demon who was loyal to Vesper during the Demons’ War.
Gryst [x] A lesser Earth Demon who followed Vesper.
Perth [x] A Wind Demon who followed Vesper.
Lithenial Wraithemn [x] An accomplished historian from Achieven, whose family has spent many, many years recording the events of the past so that the future might not make the same mistakes. 
Mysdrym Drabbles
Chocolate - Zach, Nik, and Sam all adjust to being heroes differently. The Beach - Nik’s had a weird childhood. Lie - Weslyn tries to reason with their resident fae. What Do You Fear? - Samantha Hedgeway is confronted with how much things will change for her and her group with high school ending.  A Moment of Weakness - lame title, Sam sees Weslyn crying and worries a bit.
The Lovers - A daemic tale. 
Little Things Little details about the various Mysdrym characters. [x][x][x][x]
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let-them-be-dogs · 7 years
The Kpop fandom is really out to get Twice and i'm so dissapointed that some army are participating in this. Yes, there were better songs than Signal by Twice but just because they won over others for SOTY doesn't mean you use this as an opportunity to bash them and their hard work. It's Mnet's fault, not Twice and not their fandom.
DOES NO ONE REMEMBER HOW THE FANDOMS GANGED UP ON BTS AND ARMY WHEN WE TALKED ABOUT WINNING THE SAME AWARDS? Does no one remember the countless posts saying "let's kick BTS and their achievenments out of Kpop"? Why the f*ck would army be proud to participate in this treatment of another group when not even last year we were facing the same drama and animosity? You can be mad, you can be dissapointed but don't be so freaking rude. Twice didn't do anything wrong and this is not their fault, Signal was a bop even if it wasn't the best. There are better ways to complain about the lack of justice for artists such as Red Velvet, Exo, Winner, Gdragon and BTS that did not win their categories than spreading hate and dissing others. We all knew Mnet was shit anyway, I don't get why people put so much faith in MAMA every year when it's always the same issues. Just get your selves together before you act so harshly, why is one group always targeted for their success like can't you just move on? And we still have 2 more days of this because MNET stretched out the award show 😐
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