#but its also high energy enough that when its not packed into their bodies it becomes a gas
Hot take
Night furies are actually perfectly evolved for hunting and killing other dragons and the only reason they aren't a dragon-hunting species like the death song or deathgrippers are is because DreamWorks couldn't have their adorable main character dragon be a "cannibal"
(below I'm gonna try to summarize what we've figured out in a convo with friends on discord)
(also tw animal death via predator)
First of all yes I'm aware that pretty much every decision made about their design was with consideration of the effect it would make on human audiences but hear me out
Night furies are most iconically known as dive-bombers. They are built for speed, high maneuverability, night-time camouflage and for striking targets from above. If we remove human settlements out of the equation (which would not have existed long enough to actually influence night fury evolution, come on), what does that leave us with?
They aren't built for catching fish for sure, they aren't very hydrodynamic and their head is round, wide, and their teeth are dull. Honestly, the monstrous nightmare is much better suited for catching fish, with its long neck, almost pelican-like jaw and rhamphorhynchus teeth
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Compare to
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Yeah the jaws look kinda like a porpoise of some sort but for that the whole body would have to be a lot more aquatic imo. The light fury looks a lot closer to an aquatic diver, it has a sleeker body, rounded fins instead of spikes, and a long neck.
I don't really see them hunting land animals either, they just don't look like they're adapted for that minus the resemblance with large felines and even then, they're too large to effectively hunt in forests.
The one thing I can kinda imagine them hunting is large mainland megafauna, but we're working with a setting that takes place pretty much exclusively on islands. And overall, dragons are the only abundant species there with the exception of fish and human-bred sheep and chickens.
In general, night furies have duller teeth, smaller claws and are smaller than most dragons. Disregarding the movies making Toothless weirdly OP, a night fury would be disadvantaged against most dragons in a 1v1 fight and besides, it has four huge weak spots that would highly discourage it from a direct physical fight - the primary and secondary tail fins. One unlucky rip in the membrane and the night fury is fucked.
The night fury however noticeably resembles falcons, given their dive-bombing ability and high maneuverability.
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Falcons too have smaller beaks and weaker claws compared to most birds of prey, and for that they compensate by simply picking up speed, balling up their talons and Punching. Really. Hard.
And they use that ability to kill other birds, even much larger ones, by knocking them right from the sky.
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Here, the night fury's plasma blast works the same way as a falcon's punch. Dragons are fire-resistant, so what the plasma blast does is really just a densely packed bolt of energy that has the effect of either stunning or outright killing prey by damaging its spine. And what the plasma bolt doesn't do, rapid contact with the ground would finish. And if even that doesn't do it, the night fury's wide jaws and dull teeth are just fine for simply clamping around the unlucky dragon's neck and strangling it, like a lion or a pitbull.
The night-time camouflage allows the night fury to soar for extended periods of time perfectly unnoticed in the night sky, and by the time it strikes, the dragon wouldn't even know what's coming.
Say the hunting night fury is aware of other dragons sleeping under the trees, as most dragons probably would at night (village raids aside, most dragons seem to be diurnal), so how does the night fury get them in position where it can use its signature attack? Well, there's That Iconic Screech Of Death. Since in the movies it tends to appear not just during dive-bombings but also when charging up a blast, I imagine it's something the night fury is able to control to some degree. So by simply fake-diving in close proximity to sleeping dragons, it can effectively terrify them into leaving their hideout and fly out into the open where it can easily take them out.
I dunno, the possibility of night furies as predators to other dragons just makes so much sense to me, I really don't know what other reasons there would be for them to evolve these particular adaptations.
And one more little headcanon to add to this whole rant - since night furies are significantly smaller and less equipped for dragon vs dragon fights and are primarily speed-based predators, I imagine there is this very likely scenario:
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There is one dragon who resembles a hyena, a lil bit
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Ok, rant over
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jpitha · 1 year
It is unlikely that humans are the only predator species to achieve sapience in the galaxy.
In order to be a successful predator one has to be intelligent enough to learn your prey's movements and be able to think ahead to what they're going to do next but also be flexible enough in your thinking that you can improvise if the situation chances. If you don't have this elasticity, you won't be a very successful predator.
Humans are very successful predators.
Greg bent down low and spoke as quietly as he could to the worried Sefigan next to him. "I need you to stay as still as you can. I'm going to go around, and try and surprise the Gren guarding the exit."
The three Sefigans, caught between wanting to obey Greg and staying silent but also trying to communicate that they thought it was suicide to do so started shaking.
"No, no, it'll be fine. I've been watching him. He's not really paying attention." Greg stood silently and put one finger to his lips, then smiled.
Moving much quieter than one would think given his mass, Greg crept away, hunched down just a little to keep motion out of the tops of the bushes they used to hide. The Sefigans watched in horrified fascination as Greg would take a few steps and then freeze, not even breathing while he watched the Gren.
As he walked, he made no noise at all over the soft sand, his feet finding purchase slowly. The Sefigans, a small furry prey species from a rocky mountainous world felt very old fears from the most early parts of their brains while watching him hunt the Gren.
The Gren guard was panning slowly as he guarded the exit, his fur flat, his eyes dull and his mouthparts drooping. If one knew a bit about Gren physiology one could easily see that he was bored and tired. His shift wasn't due to end for another 3 demi-cycles and nothing usually ever happened on this exit.
When Greg was no more than 2 meters away, he reached down and picked up a stone, no larger than a comm badge. He raised his arm and in one silent fluid motion, tossed the stone high and far over his head, to hide its origin. It clattered against the wall on the far side of the pen, opposite to where Greg was standing. The noise and motion caught the Gren's eye and his whole body swung over to where the stone landed.
His back was turned to Greg.
Greg bent his legs low building energy and took two steps and lept onto the Gren's back. His higher mass bowled the taller but much lighter Gren over and the Gren's head hit the stone with a hollow thwack.
Greg jumped up off the Gren and checked him quickly. He was dead. Trotting quickly over to where the Sefigans were still hiding he motioned for them to follow.
Still terrified, they followed this... ambush predator they were scared of and by the time they reached him, he had gotten the comm out of the Gren's pack and was fiddling with a ring that had complicated studs all around it, fitting them against the door until one clicked and the door hissed open.
Minutes later they were all running across the desert to the canal below where they had hoped to cling to the side of a barge and float to the spaceport.
"Human Greg! Human Greg!" The smallest Sefigan called as they jogged down the sandy hill towards the canal.
"What is it Li? Can it wait?"
"That was amazing! I've never seen a human hunt before! Is that how they all do it?"
"Not really? Humans developed as persistence hunters, not ambush hunters, but as you well know, skills can be taught."
"Persistence hunter?"
"Yeah, my ancestors would pick an animal out of a herd and run after it. As long as we didn't overexert ourselves we could just... run until it died."
The three Sefigans looked at each other as they jogged. Greg wasn't breathing heavily as they went towards the canal, but all three of them were nearly at their limit and would need a long time to rest when they were safe.
"Human Greg, you scare us." The tallest Sefigan looked back at the holding compound and then back at Greg. "But, not as much as we were scared of what the Gren would have done to us."
Greg smiled showing his wide, large, white teeth. "In this world, sometimes you need to be scary." He looked at the canal. "Come on, the water isn't too cold, let's get in and swim towards that barge. It's not too far."
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dyaz-stories · 10 months
put your arms around me and i'm home || Cha Hyun-Su x Reader
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summary: In the dead of winter, you have to do a run to go get fuel for your generator. Things go wrong, but fortunately, Hyun-Su is here to save you.
word count: 3.7k
warnings & tags: canon-typical violence, gore, monsters, hyun-su and reader get injured, reader briefly thinks hyun-su is dead, monster!hyun-su makes a brief appearance, hyun-su needs a hug and he gets one!, angst, hurt/comfort, season 2 canon compliant.
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A/N: this can be read on its own, but there is another one-shot, if you're interested! for context, this takes place during season 2. reader and hyun-su know each other from high school and reader runs into hyun-su after the events of the first three episodes. reader also doesn't know that he is a monster/neohuman.
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You’re not one to get caught off guard, not usually. You’ve always been cautious, measured, far-sighted. It had been an advantage back in high school, and you’re pretty sure it’s what kept you alive thus far.
Yet, in this new world that you never asked to be a part of, unforeseen complications were the norm. You could plan, and plan, and plan ahead, but here you were, freezing in your living room, because the biting cold of the lasting winter meant that you’d run out of fuel for your small generator, and everything else you used to generate electricity wasn’t functioning the way it should.
If you didn’t want to freeze to death, you had to act, and act quick.
You’d already held out a few more days than was reasonable, hoping that the weather would clear and your solar panels would be useful again, or — but you hadn’t dared to voice that thought — that Hyun-Su would come by, and you could ask for his help. He’d offered before, after all, even if he had always kept you at arm’s length whenever you’d returned the favor.
But things were dire now, and you couldn’t wait any longer, so you’re kneeling in your living-room, preparing yourself for a hazardous trip in the outside, shivering as you do. Things are dangerous enough on a good day, but the snow that’s been continuously falling only makes you dread it more. It swallows sounds, means you’ll leave tracks behind you, and you’ll consume twice as much energy just to move around.
The last thing you pack is a map, which you make sure to keep available, though you hope you won’t need it in between breaks.
You’re heading for a four-stories parking lot, where you hope you’ll find fuel in one of the cars, but that’s not the dangerous part. What’s risky is that monsters love these kinds of places, with all their nooks and crannies, all the dark places to hide, and fear already has your heart beating twice as fast as usual before you’ve even opened your door.
Still, you take a steadying breath, haul the backpack over on your shoulders, and exit the house without making a sound.
Everything is quiet outside. Snow is falling gently, and the sight would be heart-warming, if it wasn’t for all the overturned cars, the gaping hole torn into the building opposite from yours by one of those missiles a few months ago, and the worrying fresh footprints going towards the river. The snow also covers the decomposing bodies, and you can only hope that you don’t accidentally step on one as you start walking.
At least it fills your tracks behind you. By the time you’ve reached the other side of the street, which was one once an impossible task due to how bad traffic you used to be, nothing leads back to your door, and you leave with, at least, the reassurance that home will still be here waiting for you when you come back.
If you come back.
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There’s comfort in knowing that you’d planned well, this time, to get to the parking lot. You get to your destination with only expected complications. You spot the monsters before they spot you. You have to reroute twice, but that had been accounted for, and you don’t even have to pull out your map. You reach the building right before noon, and after surveying it for a few minutes, you let yourself in before you can chicken out.
In the dark, you make your way to the first floor, where you will be able to have the greyish light of the day, instead of having to use precious batteries for your flashlight.
It’s not long before you’ve picked out the car, a familial minivan with an untouched baby seat in the back. You try not to think about the people it belonged to as you kneel by the side and prepare to siphon the tank. You make quick work of preparing it, with the tanks and hoses you’d brought for that purpose.
Maybe it’s your confidence that’s to blame for what happens next, or maybe it’s another one of these unforeseeable accidents. Either way, you catch movement from the corner of your eye and you jerk your head back as a reflex, but you’re not fast enough and unnaturally long claws dig into your cheek.
You manage not to scream despite the pain, scramble back and away from the van. There, standing on the roof, is a creature. Though it stands on two legs, there is nothing human about it anymore. The side of its face are sagging and drooping like it’s centuries old, covering where you assume its shoulders would be. It brings its claws to its lips, and your realize with horror that your blood is dripping from them.
Bleeding, in this world, might as well be a death sentence. You don’t bother wasting energy in stopping the tears from spilling from your eyes.
“Younnnnng,” the monster screeches. “Give— meeeeee…”
It at least snaps you out of the stupor, and you grab your bat, unwilling to go down without a fight.
But it’s not much of a fight, not when the scent and the noise are waking up all the other creatures hibernating around here.
You swing wildly as the thing, and manage to send it tumbling back. It’s only a short respite though, considering pain is only ever short lived for them, while blood is dripping down your chin and onto the concrete.
You throw your backpack on your shoulders with trembling hands and grab the first cannister that you’ve filled, abandoning the rest behind to start sprinting towards the exit.
You already know you won’t make it. You know you’ll have to run through the pitch dark ground floor, which is no doubt filled with more of those nightmares, and that the chances you’ll make it out on the other side are slim to none.
But you owe it to yourself fight until the very end.
As it stands, you don’t even make it to the downward slope that leads there. There’s the sound of something charging towards you, and then the— the head, it has to be, of a bull-like thing catches you in the ribs, and sends you flying into a car. Your breath is instantly knocked out of you, your vision goes blurry, your head starts reeling. You’re aware of the thing crashing into a concrete pillar. It at least stays there, struggling to pull itself out, but that’s barely any relief, because soon enough the first creature is calling out to you again, stretching out a skeletal arm towards you.
“Younnnnnng… Give meeeee…”
It kicks you in the ribs, and you roll onto your back, only to be met with the horrifying sight of its arm in the air, claws out and ready, preparing to cut your throat open.
You refuse to close your eyes.
And then, just as you think everything lost, someone steps in between you and the monster, blocking its arm with your very own baseball bat. You stare blankly at the large back, the unkept black hair, as the man forces it to step back and kicks it in the chest.
Then Hyun-Su turns around, and holds his hand out towards you.
He looks nothing like what you’re used to. He’s usually so lost, so hesitant, when he comes to you. Now he’s focused, purposeful, and in many ways, he reminds you of the boy you once knew, the captain of the football team who would without fail lead his team to victory.
“Let’s go,” he urges you, and when you weakly take his hand, he pulls you to your feet effortlessly.
You wheeze as the two of you run to hide behind a car. You press your free hand against your ribs, hoping to lessen the pain — it doesn’t work, of course.
“It’s going to find me,” you mumble to Hyun-Su as he keeps an eye on the thing. “It can— It can smell my blood.”
Hyun-Su’s head snaps towards you, and his expression darkens at the sight of the wound on your cheek. He lifts his hand halfway, as if to touch it, then lets it fall down again.
“You should—” Your voice breaks. “You should go. If it can find me… It’s not the only one.”
A strange expression that you can’t quite decipher passes on his face, before he shakes his head firmly.
“I’m not leaving you here.”
The relief you feel when he says those words is immediately overshadowed by embarrassment. You shouldn’t be happy. He needs to go, or he will die here with you, and what would the point be in that?
“What— What are you even doing here? How—”
You don’t know if he doesn’t answer on purpose, or if he hears a sound that takes his attention away from you.
“Can you run?” he asks you, glancing over the car.
Your body’s going to hurt like hell when the adrenaline wears out, but for now you give him a decided nod.
“Do you trust me?”
You should probably take your time to answer him, actually think about the question.
“Yes,” you answer instead, like it’s a reflex.
He exhales quietly, squeezes your hand in his.
“Then run.”
Then he’s pulling with him, running at full speed towards the open wall of the parking lot. Fear spikes through you. Even though you’re only on the first floor, it’s still too high to land comfortably. That fear is completely erased by the sight that greets you, briefly, of monsters stumbling and climbing all over each other to make their way up from the ground floor. There is a whole swarm of them teeming here already, and you can’t think of any other way to make it out alive — frankly, you have a hard time believing that this will work. But you cling to your faith in Hyun-Su like your life depends on it, because it does, and when he yells for you to jump, you do it without question.
While you’re flailing in the air, you feel him pulling you towards him. Strong arms wrap around you, and keep you caged and safe. You hit the ground brutally, rolling on the floor until you land on top of him.
“Fuck,” you mumble, painfully pushing you onto your elbows. “Hyun-Su, are— are you okay?”
The obvious answer to the question is ‘no’, and yet Hyun-Su doesn’t look worse for wear as he sits up, his eyes instead going over your body to make sure you weren’t too badly injured.
If you shiver when his hands run up and down your arms, it isn’t because of the cold.
“Let’s move,” he says, letting go of you all too quickly.
But, by the time you’re both on your feet, monsters attracted by the smell of your blood have started falling from the parking lot. The two of you sprint, but you’re no match for them and you know it. You regain the tiniest hope when you make it past a corner, thinking that maybe, just maybe, the snow will swallow your smell if you hide well enough — and then something wraps around your ankle.
In a second, you’re torn out of Hyun-Su’s grasp, and when you manage to roll onto your back to see who your assailant is, all you can do is let out an inhumane scream.
This particular monster has eight legs, like a spider, and its somewhat human torso  and head is completed by two long mandibles instead of a jaw. You manage to grab a knife from your pocket, but by the time you can cut its— web, you suppose, it’s charging towards you at full speed, and it’s close, too close for you to even get on your feet before—
When it attacks you, the first thing you see is what you first identify as a black wing, before you realize that it’s made out of a complex mix of flesh, bone and other materials that you can’t quite recognize, instead of feathers.
The wing pushes the creature back, and then Hyun-Su’s back is in front of you once more.
It’s his, you realize, brain awfully slow all of sudden. The wing. It’s attached to his shoulder, and all you can do is stare in confusion and horror. It flutters as he turns around to look at you.
You’re not fully in control when you scramble back, whole body shaking — because of the second near-death experience in ten minutes or because you’re terrified, you don’t know. What you do know is how hurt he looks, and how he turns his head the other way to face the monsters that are still coming after the two of you.
“You should run,” he says, low enough that you could miss it. He sounds hollow again. “Don’t turn around.”
You shake your head quietly, try to form some words. They all fail you. You don’t— you have no clue what’s happening. All that you know is that Hyun-Su is a monster and that he’s just used that to save your life.
The wave of monsters reach him just a few seconds later, before you’ve managed to decide anything. He pushes them back with practiced ease, one by one. You hate that you’re just sitting here, unable to move, as he fights for your life, yet your body just refuses to answer to you, even if you’re begging it to react.
Soon, the spider is the last one standing — or rather, the last one who hasn’t yet decided that you’d make a fairly meager lunch, considering how hard it is to get to you. It keeps attacking, and Hyun-Su keeps pushing it back, again, and again, until the creature manages to ensnare him in its web. Hyun-Su writhes, manages to pull his wing free, but it’s clear that he’s now at a disadvantage, and the mandibles click threateningly as the monster gets closer and closer to him.
Finally, your body agrees to react.
You run.
You don’t go very far though. You find the cannister you’d dropped and then you’re rushing back to throw the gasoline at the creature, half emptying it. The monster wasn’t paying attention to you, too busy trying to bite Hyun-Su’s head off, but its head snaps towards you when the liquid reaches it. It lets out a threatening hiss, which you ignore.
Instead, you find the lighter in your pocket.
And throw.
The screams start right away, but it drops Hyun-Su, at least, as it tries to escape the fire.
For a second, you think you’ve made it — you’ve both made it, that is. Hyun-Su pulls himself to his feet. The wing flutters again, slowly starts to retreat back into his body to go back to a human arm.
He looks at you, expression unreadable.
And then one of the spider’s limb pierces through his chest. It’s not even calculated this time — just a movement it’s making as it tries to free itself from the flames that are consuming it.
You hear yourself scream. You don’t remember asking your body to move, this time, but you know that a second later you’re reaching Hyun-Su as he falls to his knees, and your arms are around him while you cradle him, pulling his head into your lap. Tears fall down your cheeks and onto his, as one of your hands tries, and fails, to apply pressure to the gaping wound, even if you know there is no point.
“No,” you beg. “No, no, no, no… Please, please, someone, please…”
You don’t know how many times you say it, how long you stay there. Snow starts to cover both his body and yours, and you realize you have a decision to make, if you don’t want to freeze to death. You just can’t bring yourself to do it.
Until Hyun-Su’s lifeless body arches in your arms with a gasp.
When his eyes open, they’re a clear, cold, uncanny blue.
You don’t dare to do anything then — not to let go of him, not to move away, not to break eye contact. It makes no sense, but you’re afraid that the slightest movement would have him gone again.
Slowly, his lips curve into a smirk, an expression you’ve never seen on him before. You’ve seen him smile, bright and sincere, and more recently, soft and subdued. But this amused, flirtatious smirk, that is completely new.
“You’re still here,” he comments, casually getting up, like nothing happen, like he can’t feel pain, like there isn’t a hole in his chest.
Even his voice is different. There’s a drawl to it, light and lazy, like he has all the time in the world.
“Hyun-Su?” you say, unsure of what’s happening. He was dead a minute ago. Then again, now that he’s breathing again, your brain is able to form the thought that he is a monster. An abnormal one, sure, and you don’t know enough to draw any conclusion, but it could be an explanation.
The smirk widens.
“Close enough,” he answers. “Are you scared?”
You’re not sure. You think you’re too emotionally exhausted to be scared.
“Should I be?” you ask. Maybe you shouldn’t trust this version of him to tell you the truth, and yet— All your senses are telling you that this is still Hyun-Su. And you don’t think he’d do anything to hurt you. Ever.
“It would break him if you got hurt,” not-Hyun-Su says, tilting his head. He lifts his index finger to tilt your head up. “I don’t want him broken.”
“Is he—” You interrupt yourself, unsure of what even is happening right now. But before you can start asking for answers, there is something you need to know. “Is Hyun-Su okay right now?”
He scoffs.
“He’s taking a break,” he replies. “He’s worked hard.” A beat while he seems to think about it. “Also, he thinks you hate him now.”
“I could never hate him,” you say, too easily, because it’s just the truth.
“Well, he is a monster,” not-Hyun-Su says with a shrug. He doesn’t seem to mean it as an insult, just stating a fact. You suppose he’s not wrong, and yet…
“The people I loved all turned into monsters,” you whisper quietly. Your mother, before you even made it home. Your best friend, who begged for death so she wouldn’t hurt others. Your father, who disappeared to protect you. You miss them all so much it sometimes feel like your heart’s been ripped out of your chest, and you’d give anything to have them back. So, if there is any way that you can still have Hyun-Su… “As long— as long as he’s not trying to kill me, does it really matter?”
The man watches you with interest, tilting his head to the side. It’s interesting. You haven’t been hurt by this world the way others have. Monsters caused death and destruction, but you watched half-monsters doing their very best to avoid hurting others, not unlike what Hyun-Su is doing right now.
The monster in him wonders what it would take, to destroy that ill-placed trust in others around you. The rest of him… is far too intrigued to give in. He grabs your chin between his thumb and his index finger, pulls your face closer to his.
“Doesn’t it?” he echoes your words. “What if I do hurt you?”
You swallow, call back the images of Hyun-Su easily taking out these monsters earlier. But you can’t forget that he’d been doing it to protect you.
“Y–You won’t,” you reply, even if your stutter betrays your lack of confidence.
It’s a leap of faith, but it seems to amuse him.
“For now,” he says, before his eyes roll into his head and Hyun-Su collapses in your arms.
You stumble back, barely manage to keep him up, before he seems to regain some control over his limbs and starts coughing. Even then, you don’t let go of him. You wrap both of your arms around him, head resting against his shoulder, and keep him there, against you.
Hyun-Su remains still for a while, breathing pained and ragged. The snow is still falling, but his body is warm.
“Are you okay?” he whispers with a hoarse voice.
“I am,” you answer. “Thanks to you.”
He lets out a pained sigh.
“Did he— Did he hurt you?”
You shake your head, barely moving away so you can look at him. He doesn’t look at you, keeps his eyes — black again, you note — fixedly in the other direction.
Like he can’t bear to know which emotion is on your face right now.
“I’m so happy you’re alive,” you say quietly. “I thought— I thought I’d lost you forever.”
“Don’t leave me,” you beg, voice so low and broken you don’t think he’d hear if he wasn’t inches from you.
Hyun-Su’s body starts shaking against yours. Finally, finally, he wraps an arm around your waist, burying his head in your neck, and wet tears roll down your collarbone. In the freezing cold weather, they feel burning hot.
“Don’t hate me,” he begs in response, crying in your arms, fingers digging to the fabric of your clothes in a desperate attempt to keep you there, against him — even if there is no need for that right now.
You wish you could tell him that he just saved your life, that he’s been a guiding light in your cold, dark life this past few months, that you love him more than words can say. But that would take too long, and the situation calls for something shorter, more direct, and just as meaningful.
“You’re the only good thing about this world,” you say instead, and he sucks in a sharp breath.
Under the snow, for long minutes, Hyun-Su holds you like he never wants to let go.
When the two of you eventually detach from each other, he keeps your hand in his the whole walk home.
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i hope you liked this installment! i'm probably going to write something much softer next, still for this couple (but it's hyun-su so it's still going to be angsty). if you're enjoying this, please let me know your thoughts, reblog or send in an ask. hearing from readers is so motivating and makes me want to keep writing!
next part
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sentientgolfball · 10 months
sooo @rainyhoursinhell got me on a Sir Rain fix but then I thought too long about genderfluid Rain and the lunar cycle so now I give you Ma'am Rain..also go read their stuff!! They are THE Raintom person
18+ MDNI
Word Count: 2570
Pairing: Rain/Phantom
Tags: she/her Rain used, collar and leash, Phantom tries very hard to be good, mean Rain, pet play/pup used as a nickname, slight mention of daddy kink
Summary: It was a super full moon tonight and Rain had to get rid of the pent-up energy somehow
It was a full moon. 
A full super moon. 
Rain had been feeling the pull of the celestial body for the past few days, which wasn’t anything unexpected for a water ghoul. She was used to the push and pull of the moon's power. She knew how to handle herself in the presence of its light. 
Something Rain never could seem to get the handle on though was those few moments in the year where the cycle got interrupted. Eclipses, blue moons, super moons, those always caught her by surprise even if she had the date marked and highlighted in every calendar in the Ministry. She was still caught by surprise when she woke up dick painfully erect like she went into heat overnight. She could already feel that high that comes with the full moon and the sun literally just rose. She figured she needed to take care of herself before she got too high off the surge of magick and adrenaline. She ran straight to the shower and made quick work of herself, shooting onto the tile wall nearly piercing her hand with the effort of keeping quiet. 
When she left the bathroom with a puff of steam and saw her half-opened closet a grin slowly spread on her face. She knew exactly what to wear for the occasion. 
Short satin dress. Spaghetti strap. Black. Matching elbow-length gloves and choker. Opal stud earrings. 
She figured the effort it would take to keep her fins glamoured all day would be worth the looks she knew she’d get. Maybe if she were lucky Cirrus or Mountain would throw her over their shoulder to go rip the dress right off. Or maybe Dew would tease her all day until she decided enough was enough and bent him over the nearest surface. Oh or what about Swiss falling to his knees begging for permission to touch and taste? Rain had to bite back a moan at the thought as she looked herself over in the mirror, making sure each part of the outfit was sitting correctly on her figure. 
When she finally deemed herself the picture of perfection, she made her way to the kitchenette hoping to ruffle some feathers before slipping away to join the other water ghouls until she returned to the den when the moon was at its peak. She must have taken longer to get ready than she originally thought because the entire pack was out, spread between the common area and the kitchen. She tried her damnedest to keep a neutral expression when any conversation halted the moment she stepped into view. She could already smell the arousal on the whole damn pack. 
It was a super moon after all. It was the one lunar event that didn’t affect just water ghouls. Sure it messed with them the most, but still every ghoul of every element would be feeling the pull tonight. She knew this and she used it to her advantage. Every single time. 
She ran a hand over Mountain’s waist when she slipped past him at the stove. She made sure to reach for the glass on the highest shelf so Swiss could get a perfect view of her dress from where he was sitting at the table. She made sure to brush his arm and lean over Cumulus while she set the table. Her tail flicked when she heard a low growl from the common area. 
“Isn’t it a little early to start this Rainy?” 
Her eyes flick up to meet Dew’s glowing ones. 
“What? Am I not allowed to look nice?” 
He huffs “Not when the new kid is five seconds away from creaming his pants.” 
Rain can hear a small squeak followed by Cirrus 
“Sorry Ant but it’s kinda obvious, I can smell you from here.” 
Rain raises an eyebrow at Dew who returns the gesture with the slightest flick of his head. 
Looks like Rain found who she’d be celebrating the supermoon with. 
Rain had to admit, she was a little nervous at the idea of taking Phantom since this was only his second moon experience, but fuck the sweet smell of his arousal wafting over the others made her head spin and it still wasn’t anywhere close to sunset. 
She decided she’d play the long game with him when he couldn’t keep his eyes off her the entirety of breakfast. She’d glance at him and he’d look away with a deep blush and oh did she long to see how far she could push him. It got even worse when she realized his chores seemed to suspiciously line up with every spot the water ghouls decided to gather at to lazily make out or to expel the pent-up magick before the real show started. 
Enough was enough, though when Phantom ran straight into Rain after slinking away when he saw Rain was nowhere to be seen with the other water ghouls. 
“You’ve been watching me all day haven’t you sweet thing?” 
His Lichtenberg figure scars glow slightly as a small wave of quintessence ripples through his body. 
“I uh I don’t know what you’re talking about Rain. I was just you know…working.” 
She tsks “Who taught you to lie? Good boys don’t lie Phantom. I thought you were good?” 
His eyes go wide when Rain turns and begins walking away. 
“Wait! Wait Rainy where are you—?” 
“Back to the den. If you can’t be good I’ll just find someone who can.” 
She turns and meets Phantom’s eyes with a bored look when she feels him grab her wrist. 
“Come on Rain please let me be good for you. I promise I’ll be good. Gimme a chance, I’ll do whatever you say.” 
She raised an eyebrow “Whatever I say? Really?” 
He nods so fast it makes Rain’s neck hurt. 
“Hm,” she hums “Guess we’ll find out if you’re still lying to me.” 
The second they’re back in the ghoul den Rain quickly wraps a hand around his horns and pulls him down the hallway to her room. 
“Good luck Bug you’re gonna need it!” Swiss calls from where he’s pinned between Cirrus and Aurora on the couch. 
“Be nice.” Aurora hisses. 
That’s the last thing Phantom hears before he’s shoved into Rain’s dark room. The lock clicks and he doesn’t even have time for his eyes to adjust before he feels Rain grab and shove him against the door. She pressed her whole body into him, stealing what little breath he had with a kiss. She teases his bottom lip with her tongue, huffing a laugh when he immediately opens for her. 
Rain slips her tongue into his mouth, making an attempt to shove it down his throat before pulling back. 
“Stoplight system, okay pup?” 
He nods with a little squeak. Rain growls and places a little pressure at the base of his neck. 
“What was that? You know how to speak don’t you or are you a dumb little puppy?” 
Phantom whines and nods his head “Yes.” 
“To which?” 
“All of the above.” 
Rain smiles, flashing her fangs before leaning in to suck a deep bruise onto his neck. 
“Good boy. But I still think you need a little training since you decided to lie earlier.” 
Rain pulls away for a moment. She fishes something out from her nightstand that Phantom can’t quite see. She throws open the blinds in her room to let the full moonlight fill the space. Phantom’s cock kicks in his pants at the sight. Rain’s skin practically glows when it hits her. The black satin is a gorgeous contrast to her pale skin and oh the darkness in her eyes was too much for Phantom. She crosses the space to stand in front of him, only this time she keeps a bit of distance. 
“Eyes on me pet.” 
Phantom's mismatched gaze immediately snaps to meet her. She smiles and takes the thing from the nightstand from behind her back, clipping it around his neck before he can even process it. He instinctively reaches up to feel the material. He’s a bit shocked when he feels the leather, whatever was against his neck felt soft and fuzzy. 
Rain yanks on the leash he didn’t even realize was attached and he nearly falls on his ass. She pulls him over to the vanity letting him take a good long look at the two of them. Only Phantom isn’t looking at them. His eyes immediately fell to the collar. It was pink with a matching heart keychain on the leash clip. He squinted to read the words in the low light and nearly fainted when he realized what was written. 
Daddy’s girl. 
He felt another yank his leash. 
“What did I say? Eyes on me.” 
“I’m sorry!” His eyes immediately snap to look at Rain in the reflection. 
“I’m sorry…?” 
“I’m sorry ma’am” he whines. 
Rain steps back to sit on the edge of the bed pulling Phantom with her. He immediately moves to straddle her but Rain hisses, looping the leash around her wrist and yanking. 
“Nuh-uh, you haven’t earned that yet. You still need to be taught a lesson for lying. On your knees pup.” 
Phantom drops without a second thought landing hard. He’s going to have bruises for days after this is over. He looks up at Rain with those big eyes making her cock twitch. She shifts her weight just enough to lift the hem of the dress to expose her lacy underwear. 
“Sit on your hands pup. Since you wanted to use your mouth so badly that’s what you’re going to do.” 
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good boy. Now get to work.” 
Phantom leans forward till he’s slotted perfectly between Rain’s legs. He grabs the waistband of the panties between his teeth, careful not to nick her skin with his fangs. He slides them down just enough to free her cock. She’s already hard with a bead of pre pooling at the tip. He licks his lips and glances up at Rain, holding eye contact as he licks a long fat stripe from root to tip. Rain tightens his grip on the leash, letting his claws bite into his palm to keep still. 
Phantom laps at the tip before parting his lips and swallowing her down. Rain laces her fingers through his hair, gasping when her cock hits the back of his throat. He slowly pulls off, letting the flat of his tongue drag along the underside. He keeps his lips around the tip and holds for just a moment letting the anticipation build. He breathes deep through his nose before sliding down in one quick motion, burying his nose in the hair at the base. He hollows his cheeks and bobs his head. Rain moans and throws his head back. 
“Good boy. Good fucking boy pup. Do something good with that mouth.” 
Phantom’s tail snakes around to stroke and play with her balls. Rain hisses a curse and rips Phantom off her dick by his leash. He stares at her with wide eyes trying to babble out an excuse. 
“What part of mouth is so hard to understand stupid little puppy?” 
“Rain I’m sorry—“ 
“What did you say?”
“Ma’am! I’m sorry ma’am please” 
“Strip and get on the bed. Ass up.” 
Phantom jumps up and rips his shirt off sending buttons flying across the room. He almost falls on his face trying to get his pants off and onto the bed at the same time. Rain slips his panties the rest of the way off. She fishes out a half-empty bottle of lube, settling behind Phantom on her knees. She pulls one of her gloves off to pour a generous amount onto her hand. She pulls her dress up to sit above his hips. She jacks herself a few times to spread the lube and spit around. She lines herself up with Phantom’s waiting hole and slaps his ass. 
“Wait wait wait you’re not gonna prep first?” He yelps. 
Rain sneers “Do you really think you deserve it pup?”
She pushes the head in. 
“You spent all day stalking me.” 
She pushes in a little more. 
“You lie to my face.” 
She pulls all the way out. 
“And then you break two rules. So tell me pup do you really think you deserve it?” 
Phantom whines and writhes under her “No ma’am. You’re right I don't, I'm sorry.” 
Rain slams into him bottoming out in one thrust. Phantom howls at the stretch. Rain wasn’t big enough to really hurt him, but it still burned without any prep. He’d definitely feel her long after this was over. 
She gives him no time to adjust, immediately setting a brutal pace, one hand gripping his hip and the other keeping a tight hold on the leash. She yanks on it in time with her thrusts pulling strangled little moans from Phantom. 
“Ma’am please please. I’m good, I'm good, I promise.” 
He tries to grind his hips back on Rain’s cock, trying to get her deeper. 
“Are you?” 
“Please I am I am I’m good.”
“Then fucking take it.” 
She shifts her hips and the next thrust hits his prostate dead on. He keens and clenches hard around her. She groans and throws her head back. 
“Come on pup be a good boy. Be a good fucking boy.” She punctuates each word with a thrust, grinding her hips against his ass. 
She pulls hard on the leash until Phantom is pulled up and pressed tight against Rain’s chest. She licks and kisses over his shoulders before dragging her tongue up the column of his throat to his ear. She pants heavy and low in his ear and nips at the lobe. 
“You take it so well, slutty little puppy.” 
She pinches and twists his nipples. He whines high and feminine. Rain drags her hand down his body and grabs his dick. She jacks him as she grinds into him. It only takes a few more strokes and Phantom is spilling hot and heavy into her hand.
“Thank you ma’am thank you thank you thank you.” He pants and whines as Rain milks every drop out of him. She brings her hand to his face.
“Clean your mess puppy.” 
Phantom drops his mouth and wraps his tongue around her fingers when she shoves them into his mouth. He sucks until he feels her bite into his shoulder shooting into him thrusting her spend as deep as she can manage into him. 
She takes a moment to catch her breath before lapping at the wound to close it. She drops them onto the bed, kissing Phantom sweetly between the horns. She unclips the collar and kisses around the red marks left on his neck. 
“You were such a good boy for me pup. Come on let’s get you cleaned up.” 
Phantom whines and shakes his head burying his nose into her chest. 
“Wanna stay here?” 
He nods and tilts his head up to kiss the underside of her chin making her laugh. 
“You know we have to clean you up love bug.” 
“Aren’t you like a super water ghoul right now? Just” he gestures vaguely “magic it away.” 
“No bug, I can't magic it away, it has to go somewhere.” 
“Fiiiine” he groans. 
Rain just laughs and hauls him up, pulling him to the shower. She holds him close, swaying slightly to a silent rhythm. 
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heartsoji · 2 years
being the inarizaki vb club's precious manager hcs
summary: you sign up to be the boys vb team manager bc like why not you'd prob get some good organization skills but you end up gaining some bffs, some bruises, and a whole crew of bodyguards
warnings: a liiiiiittle bit of swearing and mentions of harassment also its not proofread
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you signed up to be the manager for the boy's vb team not knowing what it would be like
it was ur second year of high school and u had quit abt 7 clubs bc they just weren't that interesting
not like in a mean way like "ugh! this is too boring for my tastes smh" but just it didn't have any appeal so u smiled and resigned with no hard feelings yk
tbh u just didn't rly know what other club to sign up for and the boys vb team needed a manager soo..
they honestly should have just put "babysitting some brats that are somehow the same age" instead of "managing the boy's volleyball team"
they are so protective of you lol
like this one time you let out a little scream bc some random teacher touched your no-no square in a very intentional way
the vb team was THERE in 2 seconds flat
kita stares at him intensely while holding back the twins by their shirt to keep them from quite literally MURDERING THAT MAN
aran calms down ginjima and akagi who literally just start hyperventilating
suna stares at him. hard.
the twins who are unable to attack him just scream
the teacher got fired the next day funny coincidence huh ?
kita is actually helpful
he's canonically good at keeping ur fellow second years in check so lucky u !
hes also rly organized and tidy which is v helpful !
aran is such a sweetie
helps u out in any way that he can
also acts a pillow to some of kita's blunt blows
like "he means that he's sorry bc he realized that he seems kinda unappreciative of ur efforts sometimes" when kita says smth like "sorry for not saying nice words to you"
a translator for kita, basically
akagi shares ur puppy energy so the two of u get along rly well
ur both friendly ppl so its a v sweet and wholesome relationship
u sometimes have to stop gin from making bad decisions but ugs get along well
also ugs r both second years so ur classes r on the same floor so u see each other in school sometimes
as for the main 3 brats AKA some of your fellow second years who somehow become ur new bffs
atsumu is SUCH A FLIRT but like jokingly bc that's just how he is yk
always talking to you and annoying you like atsumu would u just like stfu pls and thanks
osamu is constantly slapping atsumu to provoke him (which is so stupid tbh but works every single time lmao)
is always eating like u turn around during class and he's just eating an onigiri behind his folder 😐
ugs like to gang up on atsumu its a great bonding activity
you and suna r sleep buddies bc u both r so sleep-deprived
well suna's just a sleepy person but u r sleep deprived so ugs will sleep side-by-side during free periods
suna always forgets his lunch so u've learned to pack extra for him
you let him sleep on ur lap and he lets u sleep in his
when the four of u take buses or trains to hang out u and suna always sit next to each other so that ugs can fall asleep on each other
if ur up for it he'll cuddle with u platonically
bc ppl r great body pillows and a good source of warmth
only if ur comfy with it tho ofc
the twins (mostly atsumu but a bit of osamu) will tease ugs abt being a couple but both of ugs just roll ur eyes and go back to sleep lmao
you ended up staying to be their manager for the rest of high school bc of how much fun it is
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dewedup · 1 year
scars inside you (swiss ghoul)
His body would feel exhausted, unable to manage the strength to make it out of bed. He would feign an illness, though ghouls rarely get sick, let alone to the extent of being immobile.
It was a process with an unknown duration. There were times when he was down for a week, and other times he would bounce back within a day. It didn’t matter what anyone did, though he appreciated each and every single one of his ghouls with his entire being for trying.
I am having a rough day and I headcanon Swiss as being slightly bipolar, he gives off such high energy I just picture the lows being extremely rough. This is one of those times.
words: 1,089
under the cut but can also be read on AO3 HERE
everyone gets low sometimes, but it gets better
if you're struggling, this might not be the thing for you, mentions of feeling unwanted, like a burden or inconvenience and a depressive episode
It wasn't often that Swiss felt off, like a black cloud of doubt was hovering over him. He usually overcompensated for those nagging feelings by being more boisterous than usual, grinning hard enough it hurt, blurting out the most ridiculous things he could off the top of his head to make his pack laugh. Faking his way through the day, he would wake up feeling normal.
Some days, though, it was hard to even do that.
His body would feel exhausted, unable to manage the strength to make it out of bed. He would feign an illness, though ghouls rarely get sick, let alone to the extent of being immobile. His pack would check on him, popping in throughout the day, seeing if he needed anything or just wanted someone around. He’d deny it all, wanting desperately to take the worry out of their expressions, but couldn’t even try to hold himself together enough to be in the presence of another person.
Sometimes he’d cry, full-body sobs into his pillow, or just tears streaming down his face as he silently stared at the ceiling.
His mind would fall into a spiral, a highlight reel of every moment he’d ever felt sad, worthless, unwanted or like a burden. He’d relive every terrible moment, punishing himself for being so weak. His room would fill with a rotten smell, like milk gone bad, sour, a foul scent clogging his nostrils.
He’d finally exhaust himself of feelings, mentally, physically, and emotionally drained, falling into a restless slumber.
He’d wake up feeling exponentially worse. Like he was stuck in a time loop that just got progressively more depressed. Days he’d wallow, stuck in the same clothes, his skin starting to stink with sweat and sadness. The concern of the pack would get almost tangible. He could taste it in the air, it only served to make him feel like more of an inconvenience.
He wishes he knew what he needed to break the cycle, when Dew would kneel beside his bed and beg him for a solution. He’d stare blankly in return, seeing the expression crumble from Dew’s face and his entire body slump like he was the one disappointing him.
Cumulus would knock lightly on his door, quietly announcing her presence without waiting for an invitation. She’d leave the door open for a minute, using her air magick to pull some fresh air into the dark room. She’d even bring in a candle of his favourite scent from her secret stash, placing it on the dresser and lighting it. She’d stop by his bed, sit beside his head and pet his hair for a while, softly running her fingers through the greasy strands. She’d whisper words of affirmation, that he was good, he was loved, and to take all the time he needed. She would then place a soft kiss between his horns and leave him to his thoughts.
What felt like hours of watching the flame from the candle flicker, Mountain would come to visit, a plant from his greenhouse in hand. He’d make it a nice home on his bedside table, replacing the one from the last episode without scolding Swiss for its poor condition. He’d crack the blinds slightly, just enough to shine a tiny bit of sunlight on the new life. He’d crouch near Swiss and relay some of the drama he’d been privy to. For such a tall ghoul, people seemed to overlook his presence frequently, making Mountain the best source of news within the abbey. He wishes he had the strength to laugh at the mishap of a new sibling of sin, involving some inappropriate usage of the confessional, but Mountain doesn’t take offence to the lack of reaction. He’d finish his story and grab Swiss by the hand, placing a kiss along his knuckles and letting him know he’d fill him in on any updates before taking his leave.
It was only a matter of time before the sun Mountain let in went down, leaving the room in its darkened state. Rain and Dew would enter together, Dew relighting the candle Mount had extinguished on his way out of the room. Dew had the hardest time of them all when Swiss got like this, feeling helpless against his friend’s own head. Nevertheless, he still came over, lifting the blanket to blow some hot air into Swiss' cocoon, running his fingers over Swiss' grown-out stubble, before resolutely walking out of the room. Rain would stay longer, depositing some easy-to-eat food on his bedside table and curling up beside him. He’d hum softly in Ghoulish as he held him close, dusting kisses over his cheeks and forehead as he was just there. And if Swiss let out a tear or two, he’d say nothing, kissing them away and humming a little louder so that his chest would send vibrations through the multi ghoul.
Swiss would wake up to an empty bed, the water ghoul’s warmth still lingering along with his scent. If he looked over, he would see the plant beside his bed freshly watered.
Phantom would come in the early morning hours, sleep still heavy in his face as he dropped into the bed beside Swiss. He’d worm his way under the covers and attach himself to Swiss’ back, letting off soft waves of quintessence magick until he was fast asleep, soft snores falling against Swiss’ neck.
It was a process with an unknown duration. There were times when he was down for a week, and other times he would bounce back within a day. It didn’t matter what anyone did, though he appreciated each and every single one of his ghouls with his entire being for trying.
He’d wake up one morning, the feeling of dread still lingering slightly but he could breathe.
A shower would have him feeling cleaner, like he was washing off the depressive episode with water and soap, watching it all swirl down the drain. Everyone would look up from their breakfast, eyes shining happily as he took a seat at the table.
No words needed to be said. 
Aurora would place a bowl of his favourite cereal before him with a kind smile, her hand squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. Cirrus would inhale her breakfast like a wild animal, quickly taking her leave and flying down the hallway to the dorms. She’d disappear for quite some time, but when Swiss retired for the night his entire room would be clean, curtains pulled wide open and fresh sheets for him to fall into.
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world-of-aus · 1 year
Love & Barbells - Pt. 5
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky (gym crush) x Reader
Warnings: Pinch of angst.
Authors Note: Hoppy Easter little Buns! Here is part 5 of Love & Barbells! I honestly took the energy I had to write and ran with it, I hope you all enjoy this part and for those asking to be added to a taglist for this series I'll start adding those that ask or have asked! Many thanks and Happy Readings! Also All other parts can be found on @worldofausupdates (Any and all mistakes are my own)
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Two days had turned into a week, your body finally feeling the fatigue of the strain you were putting it. through six days out of the week. The first day was always odd, your body thrumming with the need to get into its routine, body restless as you forced yourself to stay in bed for the day. And as the first day melted into the second day you found the soreness had begun to creep in, the ache settling heavy in your muscles as you moved around your space. Day three and four were spent like days one and two, in bed beneath your covers with minimal movement, and a mug of coffee in your hand. You knew you needed this time to give your body its rest, to allow yourself to recharge not only physically but mentally. Day six and seven had you preparing for your return, you knew you needed the rest and recovery, but you knew that it could also be a setback in your weight, so you also spent these days doing at home workouts you favorited on YouTube. 
There’s a knock on your door pulling you from the TV screen, your roommate pops her head in, “hey you,” she grins, “you ready to hit the iron tomorrow?” 
You laugh pausing the video a light sheen of sweat coating your skin, “more than ready, I honestly thought two days would be good enough, seems like my body had other ideas.” She steps into your room, “you needed the break, and it was your body’s way of telling you, you’re at it six days out of the week only allowing yourself a day of recovery I think it was about time already, finally caught up to you.” 
Your snort, “you’re not wrong, m’just worried these many days is going to be huge setback on my progress in weight I’ve made.” She gives you a look, “aren’t you always telling me to keep it low weight, but high repped when I can’t do my usual weight?” Your tongue pokes out, “practice what you preach.” she throws back, “going down in weight isn’t the end of the world.” 
You nod your head, “no you’re right,” you laugh when she flips her hair “I’m always right, now how about you go get showered and ill order from that diner two blocks down, get you some heavy protein so you can be charged up for tomorrow? 
“I’d love that, meet you in the living room?” 
“I’ll see you in twenty,” she responds back before taking her exit from your room. As you gather your things for your shower your mind drifts to tomorrow, were you ready to go back and hit the iron, were you ready to go back and see him?” 
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Stepping into the gym the next morning, your bag sat high on your shoulder; you knew you were ready to hit the iron, but the way your eyes threatened to scan the area for him told you maybe you weren’t entirely ready to see him, your heart racing at the mere thought of him alone. 
Scanning the gym, you set your eyes on an empty squat rack towards the back and all but ran for the equipment, while it wasn’t too packed just yet you knew if you didn’t claim a rack, you’d never get a set in once the morning grew later. Placing your things down on the floor, you grab your headphones slipping the bud into your ears as they automatically pair to your phone. You’re searching through your apps pressing your preferred music streaming app, finding your go to playlist. Music floods your ears, a breath of air pushing out of your lungs as you shake yourself off pushing to your feet as you go to warm up. 
Your eyes are focused solely on yourself, watching your movements carefully in the mirror as you get yourself stretched out and warmed up before you begin your first reps. Stepping closer to the rack you decide to start your first set of reps with your body weight alone, this was to warm yourself up the movement and wake your muscles up for the heavier sets that were to come. The music pushed you past your warmup count, an ache settling in your legs as you pushed to full height; time to rack. You moved around the rack choosing the lighter weights first, you would build up to your heaviest weight throughout your sets. Slipping the weights onto the bar, you round the rack again to get yourself situated under the iron bar, you test out the weight by pushing up under it, the weight feeling light as you dismount it. 
You take your stance, feet moving, legs opening as you brace yourself, you breathe in, eyes catching your own gaze in the mirror as you go down.  
Getting yourself to fifteen is easy, barely any strain on your muscle as you rerack the weights moving around to add more. You go up in five, attempting to hit 15 reps every set, until you hit your max weight. The weight before your max has your legs trembling, the strain hitting on the last rep as you find yourself getting stuck just before you went to rerack. Mounting the bar back on you drop into a squat, your breaths heavy as you try to catch it. The music is still pulsing through your buds, your eyes focused and dazed on a spot on the floor as you let yourself come down from the high, heart thumping like a wild drum in your chest. 
You're feeling the music, your body slowly recharging as the bass pumps in your ears, you're moving to push yourself up to add more weight to the bar, but a finger tapping on your back has you stilling. Your head tilts up, stomach dropping into your ass when you meet her eyes. She’s smiling, her lips moving, though you can’t hear here over the music in your ears, you shake your head pulling a bud from your ear, “m’sorry, what was that?” You question not quite believing that this was happening. The redhead chuckles, eyes gleaming, no wonder Bucky’s taken with her you think, she's gorgeous, “was wondering if you would mind me working in, all the other racks are taken.” Your eyes flit around the gym finding the other racks in fact taken, each rack having at least two to three gym bros working their sets in with one another, not one of those racks containing the brunette in mind. 
A part of your mind, the self-deprecating part, is telling you to tell her you wrapped up, the rack is all hers, but the logical part of your mind, the one that outweighs the other tells you to stop being a child, so what if this was your gym crushes girlfriend? There was other fish in the sea! An opportunity was presenting itself to you in the form of a possible new friend, one that you could ask for a spot if the moment ever presented itself, and the way you saw it was you would rather ask her for a spot then the blue-eyed brunette. “Sure,” you say with a smile, “jump on in, do you need me to add more weights?” You question head tilted to the racked bar. There's an expression that comes over her features, one you can’ quite read, she’s shaking her head, “No, that’s actually okay, you planning on going any heavier?” 
You’re nodding, her brows flitting up as she sets herself up under the bar, you see her feel out the weight as she unracks. It’s second nature for you to assume your position behind her, she’s smiling at you through the mirror, you return the sentiment watching as she shifts into a focused mind as she goes down for her first rep. The longer you stand behind her following her movements the longer you allow for the insecurities to build up, she was making this look easy, barely even breaking a sweat as she surpassed your usual rep. You move forward with her when she reracks, stepping back when she slips out tilting her head to it, “your turn.” 
Your nerves are lit as you go to add the weight for your max, she offers her aid by getting the other side for you making your turn come quicker than you’d like. You move back between the rack adjusting yourself under the bar and testing the weight out. It’s heavy, but not enough that it won’t budge when you push up to unmount it. The redhead is a good spot you note as she assumes her position behind you, you wonder if she’s spotted Bucky before? Shaking the thought away you focus on the music still pumping through the headphones, sucking in a breath and bracing your core as you go down for your first rep. 
You’re pushing yourself, breathing in and releasing out through each rep, she’s encouraging you like Bucky would, God they were perfect for one another. The thought is enough to push you despite your legs threatening to break way and bring you down with the added weight. She stumbles forward with you as you rack. You're dropping to the floor, the ache in your legs blinding as you try to catch your breath, she drops with you, her gaze finding yours, “Bucky mentioned to me how well disciplined you were, and I gotta admit, you surprised me.” 
Your heart jumps to your throat at the mention of the brunette, he talked about you to her? Is that why she was here, to tell you to stay away from what was hers? “You ever think about competing?” 
A record scratches somewhere in the back of your mind. 
“Competing,” you question. That’s not what you were expecting.  
She’s nodding as she stands hand held out to you, you grab it letting her pull you up, “yeah, we have a team here that competes in powerlifting, we go to competitions held at other gyms, unfortunately one of our members is out for the season, and I think you’d be the perfect fit – if you’re interested.” 
You don’t know what to say, the words caught on your tongue as you watch her take her spot under the bar, you go up behind her. “You don’t have to have an answer right away, the season hasn’t begun just yet, but from what I'm seeing right now, and from what Buck has told me about you – well I would consider, I think you’d bring a lot to the table.” 
You’re nodding your head, licking your lips, you couldn’t help but to wonder what Bucky had told her. Your focus gets shifted from the conversation to the exercise at hand when you see her brace herself. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but her failing the first rep was not it. You didn’t think it was possible with how effortlessly she made her first set look but she’s getting caught less than midway on her way back up. You want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but when her face goes red, her lips pushing out your name along with the world help you’re stepping right up into her space to help her. 
“Oh god no,” she groans as she still struggles to get her legs up, your pressed to her back your hands coming up to the bar as you try to alleviate the pressure of the bar off her back. The two of you fall into a struggle, when had you gotten so far from the mount? Just when you’re about to tell her to just let it drop a body is pressing to your back, large hands falling close into yours, you don’t have to turn to know who’s they are, you’ve watched them lift weights for months now. Steve and Sam come up just as quickly as he did each flanking a side to grab the bar where the weights sit, they’re telling the redhead who you discover is named Natasha to drop down, you wonder if you should drop as well, but then you’re being pressed forward with them to place the bar back on the mount. 
For a beat nobody moves, all eyes falling to redhead that sits on the floor struggling to catch are a breath, “are you okay?” You’re the first to break the silence, her eyes flit to yours, then to the man behind you, you wonder what she must be thinking because neither you or Bucky have moved since mounting the weight and while you’ve considered moving, he cages you in. “Just fine,” she breathes through a strained laugh, “is that your max?” she questions pointing to the weights. “Yeah, the plan was to go up another five this week, but I took a week break, so I wasn’t going to risk failing by ego lifting.” 
Her laugh is genuine this time, Steve leaning over the rack to help her up, she’s looking at Bucky who still is behind you, more relaxed you imagine with how he leans on the bar – still caging you in! “I really do like her Barnes, think she’d make a perfect replacement for Maximoff for the season, you should ask her to join, maybe we can make her a full-time member.” 
Sam snorts off to the side drawing your gaze, and apparently Bucky’s, “m’right here wilson, you got something to say?” Sam meets both your eyes, “no but do you got something you want to ask y/n here, unless you want Tasha to do that too.” 
Your brows furrow, confusion only growing, “wait - hold on I'm a little confused here, what’s going on, what does Bucky want Natasha to do?” 
Before Bucky can even tell Sam to shut his mouth the words are already spilling from his lips, “Barnes here has been to chicken to ask you to compete with us, he was going to ask you last week that you were here since he was able to give Natasha a preview of you -” “but you were with your friend so he didn’t want to intrude, and I didn’t want to make you nervous by coming up to you,” Natasha adds. “Then he didn’t see you for the rest of the week, so he figured it was a sign to hold off on asking,” Sam continues, “a stupid sign if you ask me, man needs to learn how to read the room.” “That he does, and I told him as much last week,” Natasha says an amused glint in her eyes when you meet her gaze. 
“Literally right here,” Bucky says from behind you, and this time you turn your head to meet his gaze, “sorry about them,” he murmurs. You’re breathing out a laugh, “it’s okay, Steve told me to be ready,” you tease recalling the bearded blondes words from the last time you had worked in with them “I wouldn’t have minded you asking,” you continue, “I would have considered.” 
“You would have?” 
You’re nodding your head, wanting to break his gaze to look elsewhere but he has you locked. “As long as I wouldn’t be breaking any pairs up, and your friend Maximoff wouldn’t mind me stepping in I don’t see why I couldn’t consider, as long as you guys are sure you want me.” This time you do break his gaze to look at the others. Natasha is the one who answers, “If my partner could see how you trained, she wouldn’t mind at all.”  
“At least with y/n as your partner we won’t have to be yelling across the gym for the two of you to stop locking lips.” 
Another record scratches in your mind, as you take Sam’s words in, but you don’t let it show, choosing to laugh it off instead, hoping it doesn’t sound forced. “So y/n,” Natasha directs, “what do you say?” 
“Sure, I’m in.” 
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Your roommate is home before you that afternoon, her form perched on the couch as she watches the latest episode of her favorite show. She turns her head when she hears you come in smile on her face, “Hey you, your home late, good gym session?” You laugh as you drop your bag down, locking the door behind you as you deposit your keys into the glass bowl. “Yeah sorry about that, I got a little caught up with Natasha.” 
You capture your roommates attention, her body jerking in your direction, “Natasha as in – no!” You nod your head as you round the couch plopping down, “You talked to Bucky’s girl, what the hell y/n what happened?” 
“Yes and I did, and no she’s not Bucky’s girl,” you reiterate chuckling at your roommate's reaction at the mention of the redhead not being Bucky’s girl “but rather a part of his competition group, that I have seemingly agreed to join.” 
“y/n,” she squeals jumping across the couch to you, “you joined a competition group?! But how, why, is Natasha really not with Bucky, so you have a chance again!” You laugh moving away from the hand that excitedly swats at you, “I wouldn’t say there’s a chance for me again, but there is a chance for me to compete again.” Your roommate seems to understand what this means for you, her excitement calming as she finds your hands, “that’s wonderful y/n,” she murmurs squeezing your fingers, “and hey remember this isn’t that gym, and they’re not brock.” 
You nod looking down at your entwined hands, “I know they’re not, but what if I see them again, what if I see him?” She’s shaking her head fiercly, “If that time comes, we will face it, but right now you don’t need to worry about that, right now I need you to focus and tell me more about how Natasha is not with Bucky and how we still have a chance!” 
She’s pulling another laugh from you, her hands untangling from yours to pull you to her side, the two of you melting into the couch as you recall your morning return to the gym. 
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waterparksdrama · 4 months
waterparks blurbs from their fbr press release pack (2022)
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For as much as Waterparks is a genre-busting collective of three friends who play music, hang out, and constantly flip the script, Waterparks really represents a bigger, dare we say, movement. The Houston trio— Awsten Knight, Otto Wood, and Geoff Wigington—have unassumingly brought vibrancy back to rock. (The only thing bolder than their melodies is whatever hair dye Awsten opted for this week!) Their strange magnetic pull has attracted a growing cohort of fans who pack sold out shows, stream their songs like crazy, and have even elevated them to multiple Billboard charts. 
However, the next era begins with the band’s fifth full-length and debut album for Fueled By Ramen, headlining the Sad Summer Festival, an arena tour with My Chemical Romance, and even more adventures…
“Waterparks is so much fucking bigger than Otto, Geoff, and me,” muses Awsten. “However, it wouldn’t be Waterparks without the fans at the shows. It wouldn’t be Waterparks without the presence online. It wouldn’t be Waterparks without this awesome community. There are so many people who are a big part of this. It has completely evolved from where it started, and it feels massive to me. I’m lucky enough to guide it.”
Waterparks might just be the biggest band of tomorrow. They reached unprecedented heights with 2021’s Greatest Hits. Don’t let that title fool you—it didn’t collect their best-performing songs at a discounted price, but it did showcase their best material to date. As such, it moved 15K units first-week, cracked the Billboard Top 200 and landed in the Top 10 of the Top Alternative Albums Chart and Top Rock Albums Chart. In the wake of its release, they impressively eclipsed half-a-billion streams thus far. Beyond acclaim from Rolling Stone, MTV, Kerrang!, and Alternative Press, they graced the cover of V Magazine and Upset Magazine (who also awarded the record a “five-out-of-five star” perfect score!). Perhaps, NME summed it up best though, “Instead of celebrating the past, ‘Greatest Hits’ is opening the door to what comes next.” Along the way, they sold out various headline tours. 2022 saw the band sign to Fueled By Ramen and turn the page on a new chapter.
“Whereas I saw Greatest Hits as a dark indoor album, I see this next body of work as a light outdoor album,” he reveals. “There’s a bright vibe with very high energy to it. So much of what we do is about how it’s going to be experienced by the community. We did a lot of programming on the last record. I wanted to get more tactile and touch shit now,” he laughs. “I needed to hold a guitar and have the strings vibrating on my fingers.”
That brings us to the first single “FUNERAL GREY.” Powered by four different guitars (including a toy guitar for the main riff), the track swings like a wrecking ball from a buoyant verse into a distortion-lifted hyper-hypnotic hook, “She wore a sweater in summer weather. She wore a sweater. It was FUNERAL GREY!”
“This is—and I fucking hate the term—more love-driven,” he confesses. “It’s a reintroduction, and it’s more about other people than just me. When I wrote the song, I was walking around my friend’s neighborhood. I was laughing, because it looked so haunted—like something out of an M. Night Shyamalan movie. I thought, ‘If this was an Instagram filter, it would be ‘Funeral Grey’.’ It’s got a dark title, but I love how bright it sounds. To me, that’s Waterparks.”
In the end, the new music is meant for the people comprising this greater movement—like everything Waterparks do.
“When you listen to us, I just want you to feel good,” Awsten leaves off. “It’s bouncy shit. Even if it’s aggressive, it’s enthusiastic. There’s a lot of energy behind this. I try to make music that tingles people’s fucking brains, which is what my favorite music does for me.”
For as much as Waterparks is a genre-busting collective of three friends who play music, hang out, and constantly flip the script, Waterparks really represents a bigger, dare we say, movement. The Houston trio— Awsten Knight, Otto Wood, and Geoff Wigington—have unassumingly brought vibrancy back to rock. (The only thing bolder than their melodies is whatever hair dye Awsten opted for this week!)  Waterparks might just be the biggest band of tomorrow. They reached unprecedented heights with 2021’s Greatest Hits. Don’t let that title fool you—it didn’t collect their best-performing songs at a discounted price, but it did showcase their best material to date. As such, it moved 15K units first-week, cracked the Billboard Top 200 and landed in the Top 10 of the Top Alternative Albums Chart and Top Rock Albums Chart. In its wake, they impressively eclipsed half-a-billion streams thus far. Beyond acclaim from Rolling Stone, MTV, Kerrang!, and Alternative Press, they graced the cover of V Magazine and Upset Magazine (who also awarded the record a “five-out-of-five star” perfect score!). Perhaps, NME summed it up best though, “Instead of celebrating the past, ‘Greatest Hits’ is opening the door to what comes next.” Along the way, they sold out various headline tours. 2022 saw the band sign to Fueled By Ramen and turn the page on this next chapter kickstarted by the single “FUNERAL GREY.”
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Afflicting tim with Gender and In Your Twenties because, well. (+ jaytim) (idea 1)
Tim is in her early twenties and fresh out of an identity crisis that she has a feeling she’s been putting off for almost a decade at this point. It’s a good feeling, but its also new and solely hers. She doesn’t feel like sharing. She wants to get acquainted with herself. (A few people know. Tam’s actually the first person she told. She helped pick out a cocktail dress and they went out to a fancy bar and had a few drinks and just hung out. Tam held her hand and didn’t say anything when Tim cried on the taxi ride home. Kon, Bart, and Cassie know. Their hugs are as tight and reassuring as ever.) 
Therese Dho has a modest, comfortable apartment the bats don’t know about, full of posters and comfortable furniture, strewn with piles of clothes and disassembled tech. It feels homey, like she can breathe, in a way that the nest didn’t and it's jarring to realize how contained she’d been keeping herself even in her own space. She’s about two months into her new job as a forensics technician at the GCPD, and thanks to her terminally untied converse and habit of tripping into cops wandering into the forensics labs, evidence tampering is on the decline. She’s sarcastic and blunt the way she couldn’t be at WE, letting her results speak for themselves rather than waste energy soothing egos that don’t deserve it. It’s not like she’s the only colorful character there, and she is happily absorbed into the department (not so)lovingly referred to as the lab rats, despite her relentless attempts to afflict her own organizational methods on the other techs. (It’s almost like you want samples to wander off she says, looking directly at the tech she knows is on Two-face’s payroll. He is sweating. Therese’s supervisor, who adores her new grumpy tech and does not want her new favorite to get shot, is also sweating.) 
The day she’s called into the commissioner’s office, she contemplates exiting out the window and making for the roofs right there in broad daylight. Closing the door to his office feels like the sinking pit in her stomach when a mission’s gone south and she’s failed to consider a crucial contingency. Between the lab coat, reading glasses and her hair being grown out long enough for the loose fraying braid its in, Therese is telling herself there’s no way Gordon recognizes her, but he’s also giving her a long hard look she doesn’t know how to interpret. And then he’s telling her that her supervisor is singing her praises and he has high hopes for her. And to maybe stop being quite so brazen about calling out her coworkers and just let Gordon know instead. There may or may not be a comforting hand on her shoulder, she’s slightly too lightheaded to tell. By the end of the meeting she still can’t tell if he knows who she is or not, but he’s not demanding she pack up her desk and get out so Therese will take it.  On her way back to the lab, the detective who occasionally brings her coffee and lets her ramble about the fallibility of bloodstain pattern analysis winks at her as she passes, and Therese feels herself blush. He’s tall and broad, more vanity muscles than somebody really putting their body to use all day, but not dirty according to what digging she’s done, and if he’s just flirting with her in the hopes of expediting his cases, at least he’s smooth about it. Her being attracted to men didn’t blindside her quite as badly as the whole gender thing did; less something she buried deep deep down and more so something she’d simply let herself glance past, though she would also like to be done Realizing things about herself. Not that she’d ever start anything with him anyways, for multiple reasons.
She’s making a life she thinks she can live with, though. The lab goes out for drinks and trivia night. She’s making time for friends and hobbies. Helping teach coding and computer literacy at her local library branch. Red Robin is still mostly a solo act; the person she’s shared patrols with most frequently in the past year, of all people, has been Red Hood. So long as she responds to requests for assistance, either in the field or behind the scenes (mostly remote), the bats seem content to leave her be. She doesn’t poke too hard at the question of whether her Major Life Changes have been noted or if, so long as she’s still providing support without a fuss, anybody has even noticed. She’s clear headed enough these days to know it's a two-way street and she’d been pulling back for years. She’ll probably always be involved with vigilantism in some way, but the network she’d put so much time into reinforcing around Batman and Gotham was always meant to keep on growing without her. She’s not hiding, literally underneath their noses every time one of them responds to the bat signal. If anyone really wanted to find her, they could. She’ll help whenever they ask for it, but the rest is for her now. She’s earned that.
And then one day on a coffee excursion she watches Jason Todd get hauled into the station, cursing up a storm, cuffed and incandescently angry between two nervous cops. She hears the grating voice of one of the more unpleasant cops in the station gloating that they caught this creep dealing to kids and he should be grateful that its the cops that got him and not the red hood, didn’t you hear that psycho kills people over shit like this? Therese deserves a medal for not bursting out laughing right then and there, though it gets less funny when Jason snarls that they know damn well they’d been the ones harassing the kids, and planted the bags on Jason when he got in between and told them to fuck off. She’s gotten behind the cop and plucked a little baggie from his back pocket very clearly not labeled as evidence by the time they’ve tried to slam Jason chest-down onto a desk. The whole bullpen is watching when Therese asks if this was the cop’s personal stash or that he’d decided to keep this guy’s product for himself. Jason is also watching, and possibly falling in love, when he sees this girl not even flinch as the cop tries to lunge at her before getting hauled back himself. It’s a big flurry then but he finds himself loitering awkwardly until he can talk to her, and asks if he can buy her a coffee as a thank you. He notices the styrofoam cup in her hand after the sentence is out and manfully doesn’t wince.
Therese is too focused on the high pitched ringing in her ear to figure out if Jason has already clocked her and is using coffee as an excuse to grill her on what the fuck she’s doing. She rolls her eyes and tells Jason he should check up on those kids. Excuses herself since her labs are almost done and she needs to dodge her supervisor because she refuses to fill out another incident report, leaving jason mildly heartbroken at the front desk and the secretary giving him a sympathetic look, saying ‘you know how those science types can be. Therese may not have even realized you were asking her out.’ And, well, maybe he can try one more time tomorrow. At least check in and make sure she’s not facing any retaliation from other cops.
So he shows up the next day at what he assumes is a reasonable time for a lunch break with a coffee and a few pastries in hand, receiving a thumbs up from the same secretary for his troubles. Except when Therese comes out to see why she was called to the front desk there’s such a clear flash of panic on her face at seeing him that Jason is already apologizing and turning for the door. He makes it out and is shortly followed by the sound of the door opening and closing again. Therese is there, wearing a very familiar steely expression, stomping past him with the curt order to follow her in a lower register that he’s heard before. She guides him to an alley and he’s pretty sure he knows where this is going but also what if he is actually about to get shanked?
“Jason” is the stern response to his hesitation, and oh yes, jason knows that tone.
“Look,” he says, joining her in the shade of the building, “if you’ve got an undercover thing going on in there, I swear I didn’t know. That trip to the station yesterday really wasn’t intentional.”
“I’ll read you in if you swear to not tell the others until I give the okay,” is the response and her expression is giving Jason absolutely nothing. He actually can’t remember the last time Tim was this blank with him and its unsettling. 
“Come on, baby bird, you're the only one of 'em I even talk to. How many times have you kept my shit off their radar? Of course I won’t go blabbing” Their rapport had only been getting better with each collaboration over the last couple years, built off of Red Robin’s stone cold professionalism that Hood could trust to see them through city wide crises in a way that he couldn’t working closely with Bruce or Dick. From there they’d gained a real respect for each other, Tim always willing to hear him out if Jason also promised to listen in turn. They’ve got similar mean streaks and senses of humor, with open invitations to any respective safe houses and first aid kits. Red Robin had given Jason a tenable source of backup in Gotham, in a way he hasn’t felt like he’s had since coming back. Jason had just been thinking last week that he hadn’t heard from Red in awhile, and that they were due for a check in. Tim shouldn’t have to ask Jason whether whatever this is will stay between them; it should be a given. He doesn’t hold onto those feelings of offense or fear for long as Therese starts explaining, though. This isn’t a case, it's her life. Of course this happens on her terms. Of course he’ll follow her lead and he says as such. 
“I do have one question, though, and if now isn’t the time you got full permission to dump this coffee on my head.” (I would not need permission but thank you, she mutters. Jason gamely plows on) “I didn’t recognize you yesterday. I just saw this little spitfire stand up to a cop almost twice her size on his turf to keep me out of trouble and not flinch. I came by today to ask if she wanted to go out for a coffee,” Jason is briefly reminded of the secretary’s previous comment as Therese stares at him. “I’m asking you out on a date, T.” And there’s the blush he’s managed to pull out of her once in a while, from previous light flirtations that were only mostly jokes she’d never seemed to reciprocate. But she is now, agreeing shyly to try it out. 
And it just, settles. Vigilantism is in their blood at this point, and they’re each other's backup. But they help each other be people too. There’s routine, bringing Therese her lunch at work, farmer’s markets and trivia nights and local theater productions. Kids at the skatepark who hassle Therese to teach them tricks. Jason comes home gushing about how well the kids he tutors are improving. They support each other through the bad days. An up and coming drug dealer gets it into his head that all the other entities in Gotham have someone on the payroll, a pet geek on the inside of the GCPD should be easy enough to bribe or intimidate. T kicks his enforcers’ faces in and while they’re trying to breathe through the blood pouring out their noses, Red Hood comes up behind them with a choice. Either they can deal with him, or he’ll drop them off at the police station, where they’ll spill everything their boss is up to. They can even say Hood did it and not a 5’6” nerd in a star trek hoodie. Once they’re among the other failed henches, they make sure everyone knows that this one is Hood’s insider and anybody who tries anything will not be living to regret it. 
They go home and Jason motherhens over Therese recovering from top surgery. T draws up new plans to reinforce Hood’s helmet. It’s all one and the same. They look out for each other.
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Fear Me Not - Swiss
Summary: Fears are not to be taken lightly; sometimes what people may think is stupid can be a big impact on another's mental state of mind. When your job is managing the lives of others through social media sometimes the reality of how big a job it can be really takes a toll! When Aurora thinks she's a strong woman good at her job...she gets a reality check that humbles her and gives her a new appreciation for her work...even if it means facing her fear. At least she isn't alone.
Phobia: Social phobia (social anxiety disorder)
Pairing: Swiss x Aurora (Manager!Oc)
Support My Work!
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When you are stuck in the moment of a hectic schedule, adrenaline, and the sheer magnitude of work that time costing you don't often have the moment to step aside and breathe! Not that Aurora had minded; she loved her job and she loved the chance to travel with her Ghouls and Papa while doing her job she knew she was damn good at it. But it takes a toll on one's mental state; especially if you don't take the time to stop and smell the roses every once in a while.
Unlike the rest of the girls Aurora was never apart from her lover. That knowledge is a double-faced coin. On one hand, it's always amazing to be able to get back to the hotel or the bus at the end of a show and cuddle but at the same time; there isn't a lot of time to breathe away from each other - everybody needs alone time at some point. That often means tempers get high. Aurora knew this more than anybody how stressful it could be on one's relationship. She and Swiss often were known for being the cat and dog sort of couple; even when there is respect and affection between the pair (not always outwardly shown to the public) they were people with high energy and sometimes well...heads get bonked quite often while on tour.
So you could say Aurora felt a sense of peace when her eyes opened to find the familiar room of the Multi-Ghoul staring back at her in all its dark-colored glory instead of the cramped bunk bed on the tour bus or bland colorations of a hotel room. She always loved Swiss' room, it screamed him. From the posters and maps on the walls to the knickknacks the man had on his shelves and the multiple of a different array of instruments lying in the corner. It also was rather messy, the floor was covered in clothes; both from the pair of them last night to those clothes he'd strew around while packing - he had the worst time when it came to packing for tours and since no one was really allowed into the ghoul's wing while they were not there it was clear to say his room was a mess.
The gentle puffs of Swiss' breath against the back of her neck made her smile as she nudged herself back against his chest and curled up; content to be the little spoon as she hugged his arm across her chest and played with his long fingers. His fingers had always fascinated her. Long and thick but so expert when it came to his instruments. He sure knew how to play her as much as he did his guitar.
The room was a bit cool from the fan in the corner of the room so she pulled the covers that were resting low on their waists up to her shoulder. Swiss gave off sleepy body warmth that kept her relatively warm but she always did love snuggling under the blanket with him for that extra comfort. He had one of the softest blankets she'd ever cuddled with and that was saying something because despite Dewdrop's firey personality he was a fan of soft blankets too - a fact she'd found out when months before he'd given her his favorite blanket after they got caught up in a thunderstorm having to cut their outdoor concert short.
Aurora expected that she'd be laying in bed for a while even as the sunlight streamed through the cracks of her lover's window but she did not mind it; she didn't have to do anything for work today. A fact she was grateful for - Sister Imperator had been generous when it came to the band's recovery after tours, enough time for them to relax and decompress before getting back to work. So she was happy to just lay there and maybe go back to sleep.
But that idea got thrown out the window when she felt Swiss' lips press to the back of her neck; following the curve down her shoulder before his head popped into view and he gave her a sleepy smile. Gone was his usual flirtiness and the sleep-drugged smile that rested on his lips was soft and dopey as he gazed down at her. He was feeling the effects of being home too; she could tell and it made her smile up at him.
"G'morning beautiful," he mumbled resting his chin on her shoulder to peer down at her with his whiskey-colored golden eyes.
"Morning." Aurora covered a yawn before letting him go and stretching with a groan.
Swiss rolled her over onto her back; resting on his forearms as he hovered above her. His fingers gently brushed away the mess of tangled hair from her face before a fingertip stroked down a spot on her neck.
"You gave me a hickey didn't you?" she sighed in faux frustration.
"Well...." Swiss craned his head studying the dark mark. "Not... quite a hickey..." he pressed down on it and she hissed at the ache of the tender spot.
"You motherfucker bit me." she gruffed out with a huff as she reached up to feel the mark too. Yep, definitely teeth imprints.
"Sorry." Swiss chuckled as he nuzzled against her jawline. "You weren't complaining when I gave it to you last night. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure I recall you pulling me closer and-"
Aurora's hand flew to cover his mouth; her cheeks flushing a bit as she gave him a half-hearted glare. "Don't you dare finish that thought, Swiss."
The multi-ghoul grinned behind her hand and licked her palm making her squeal and yank her hand away; wiping it aggressively against his bicep as if she could wipe his saliva away...even saliva was somehow worse than any other bodily fluid they'd shared in the past.
"You monster that's gross!" she whined playfully and her lover laughed as he pressed his face into her neck again; pressing gentle kisses along her exposed skin until she was giggling along with him.
"I'm still your manager sir! Behave yourself!" she chided playfully pushing at his shoulders.
The ghoul's grin turned a little mischievous as he hovered over her again before knocking their foreheads together gently; the nudge of his horns against her forehead was like a playful cat - a feat she thought was only Dewdrop's personality. But it was cute anyways especially as he started purring against her.
"Your my manager when we're on tour, ma'am. But when we're back at the Abbey. You're my girlfriend."
"Oh? Am I know? Did we actually decide to label us as such?" Aurora challenged playfully.
Swiss' face grew a little serious as he stared down at her; his voice dropping a few tones as he murmured. "Would you rather I mark you as mine and call you mate?"
she swallowed looking up at him and feeling her heart rate pick up. It wasn't a conversation they had often besides a few bantering comments. The thing was Aurora and Swiss never actually discussed what they were. Some would say they were dating. Others would say they were just fuck buddies. At times it felt like both. They slept together a lot but to the public, they never showed any signs of affection towards each other - behind closed doors only other team members on the Ghost project got to see Swiss' affection towards her. But there was no real label.
When she didn't say anything his face softened and the usually playful Swiss returned and he rolled off of her. "Come on, I got some stuff planned for today!" he told her excitedly as he climbed out of bed butt naked.
Aurora watched him in a daze still rolling his words around in her mind as she watched him trope towards his bathroom to take a shower; it was only after the water started running that she finally sprung into action. Dragging the sheet with her like a makeshift dress she walked into the bathroom, propping her shoulder against the doorframe as she watched the ghoul grab them stuff for a shower.
"Oh? What happened to take it easy today?" she quirked a brow.
The ghoul spun on her and grinned wide in that signature Swiss grin that was all teeth. "Aw baby you know my way of taking it easy is having fun! Now knowing you won't be breathing down my neck for the next month we can go out and have some fun!"
She snorted shaking her head. "I'm your manager it's my job-"
The male walked over to her and wrapped his long arms around her waist hugging her close to his naked frame. "No, baby girl. You're not my manager today...You are going to relax and have some fun today with me."
He bent down to drag her into a lazy kiss. "As my best friend." he kissed her cheek. "As my partner in crime." he kissed her other cheek. "And as my special girl." he pecked her lips with a smile before he yanked the sheet from her body and tossed it back inside the room.
"Now get that sweet little ass in the shower so we can get ready!" he gave her ass a quick swat before he was jumping into the steamy shower.
Aurora smirked in amusement before stepping in behind him and under the spray. They made sure to have some 'morning fun' to get a little dirty before they got clean; unwilling to leave their little bubble of domestic bliss behind in favor of going out just that second.
She didn't know how he managed it. Maybe he'd bribed or weaseled Papa into letting him borrow the car for this. But he managed it. Swiss has always been a smooth talker like that; what Aurora wasn't used to though was seeing him in his glamor. It was like sitting next to a stranger - a very attractive stranger but still. She'd only ever seen the ghouls in two forms. The ghoul uniform and unglamored in all their ghoulish glory. But he had to do it. The only way for him to leave the Abbey and dress normally was to glamor. Not that she was going to complain. What she was going to complain about was the freaking secrecy of this outing.
"Where are we going again?" she prodded his bicep as he drove down the road.
"You'll see." he flashed her a brief little smile.
"Swiss...." her tone was a warning. She hated surprises because they usually meant bad things when on the road.
"Aurora~" he sang back at her with that cheeky grin causing the woman to sigh and cross her arms.
The soft music of the car lulling her into a sense of relaxation as she watched the scenery. Until she realized there were too many cars going the same way as them and she looked up to find they were in some sort of double line heading inside a...was that an outdoor venue? She blinked at the ghoul owlishly feeling the familiarly dreadful friend she kept hidden raise its ugly head.
"Swiss are we at a concert?" she asked trying to keep her voice even.
"Yep! Surprise!" he nearly bounced in his seat as he was directed to a rather crowded parking area in an open field for the overflow of cars here for the venue.
"There's this new local up-and-coming band that's playing tonight! I've listened to a few of their singles and they are epic! You have no idea how excited I was when I realized they were coming into town; although this is their last day playing so I'm glad we managed to grab a few tickets before they were sold out."
Yep here comes the panic. The one thing Swiss didn't realize about Aurora despite the years of knowing each other was...well she hated crowds. She hated large social gatherings with strangers. The idea of being packed elbow to elbow and jostled around made her skin crawl and her heart rate skyrocket. It was an irrational fear of hers - you'd think she'd be fine with crowds like these, comfortable even seeing as she was a manager for a band whose venue was triple that of this place. But you'd be wrong. Aurora always worked behind the scenes. She was never out in the crowd and when the concerts were over; she was always the first one out of there so she didn't get stuck in the crowd of fans leaving while the band made it to the bus.
The anonymous work of things that she did made her happy; being in the background and making sure her boys shined knowing she did her part to get them the love and support they clearly deserved. Being part of the crowd below looking up at them...well that was not something that made her happy. It made her feel sick. But he looked so happy. His dark eyes shone with glee and excitement for the show and having the chance to support an up-and-coming band like he once had been with the Ghost band many years before made her choke down her fears; Aurora couldn't deny him this. Being able to spend a day out with this man doing something that clearly made him happy...what kind of best friend would deny their other half such a thing? She wasn't going to start being that kind of person. So she choked down her words and plastered a smile on her face.
"Okay. Let's go then."
She stuck close to him. Her smaller hand clasped in his tightly (too tightly that she feared he'd catch on to her nerves) as they walked through the isle of cars and through the line of people to the ticket booth where they were let in after Swiss handed over their papers.
He stopped at the cantina first though, purchasing a few beers for them before his arm wrapped around her shoulders - dragging her along as he bounced from one merchant stall to the next browsing the merch the band had for sale. She was happy to see him acting like a child - he always knew how to make her laugh and he'd even made her forget the crowd of walking people mulling about for the time being.
That was until she saw where he was dragging her towards. The mosh pit. The fucking mosh pit in front of the stage where the band would be playing any minute now. Her guard was instantly up and her grip on his hand tightened even more as he pulled her through the packed area; mumbling 'excuse mes' as she went as Swiss pretty much shoved his way in.
They'd gotten up close to the fences up front and Aurora had to hold her breath steady; Swiss was right there with her and the crowd was behind them. It would be okay as long as she didn't look anywhere but the stage in front of her. But that solid plan got thrown out the window just like her last thread of sanity when Swiss bent down to speak in her ear; still having to shout over the sound of people cheering and talking that he was going to go grab them another drink and to have her hold his spot.
He was gone seconds by the time she'd spun around to try and catch him. She was ready to beg him not to leave her with any excuse that came to mind. But he was already gone and the show was about to start any second now. Body of strangers were milling too closely for her comfort and the sounds of their combined voices trilled in her ear until it deafened the pounding in her ears from her thunderous heart.
Her palms began to sweat and the panic lodged in her throat. When a blast of entertainment fire shot into the air with the entrance of the band coming on stage she let out a little scream that was drowned in the scream of fans while she jerked backward; her body slamming into someone behind her and the feel of cold liquid - sticky and fowl got poured down her front.
A hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her around making her face the disgruntled figure she'd involuntarily hit and made spill their drink looked down at her pissed and very much drunk already. The man was a good foot taller than her and looked like your typical biker with long hair pulled back into a low ponytail and tattoo-covered arms exposed by the simple vest he wore with nothing underneath.
"Hey what the fuck was that for bitch? You made me spill my drink!" he snarled at her before his drunken eyes scanned her figure and a new look came across his face when he registered the pretty face in front of him.
He didn't seem to realize the tears brimming her eyes or that the rapid rise and fall of her chest in her simple tank top was from fear - not something else entirely. But in his drunken state, the stranger didn't seem to realize the woman was having a panic attack as his hand grabbed her wrist and tugged her closer.
"Well, looks like that was in my favor huh missy? Can I buy you a drink?"
her head shook from side to side rapidly as she tugged her wrist within the man's iron grip trying to get loose. "I'm sorry...I-I need to go now. I need to go find my friend and-" She tried to diffuse the situation even when she could see some other fans were watching them instead of the band on stage right now.
Where the hell was the security when you needed them? Weren't they supposed to be watching the crowd?! But no one was coming to her aid; not even other fans and Aurora felt suddenly very very alone and fragile swimming in the sea of people.
But then, the hand on her wrist released her, and a strong arm wrapped around her waist; tugging her against a body. Her first instinct was to fight off her attacker but a familiar scent filled her senses; like warm sugar, sweet vape juice, and something spicy tinged beneath it.
The woman could feel the rumble against her back as Swiss' voice spoke near her ear; loud enough for both her and the stranger to hear. A sound tinged with deadly intent as she imagined his dark eyes brewing with warning as they pinned the stranger.
"I think the lady said she was with someone, pal. Why don't you leave my girl alone before I make you."
A sudden feeling of relief nearly made her knees buckle and she gripped onto Swiss' bicep draped across her chest protectively. She didn't know what else was said because she was turned around and quickly marched through the crowd until they left the ocean of bouncing and shouting fans.
Swiss carefully sat her on a picnic bench off to the side by the food trucks catering to the venue and crouched in front of her. He saw the way her face was pale and her eyes wet with tears she was too stubborn to let loose and cursed himself for letting her out of his sight. He noticed the spilled drink all over her tank top and grabbed a few napkins from the holder on the table to dab away the access although it didn't really help much; she'd need a shower when they got back to the Abbey unless she wanted to walk around smelling like cheap beer for the rest of the day.
"Oh, baby girl," Swiss murmured when he noticed her lip trembling and her hands clasped tightly; white-knuckled in her lap. He grabbed her hands and lifted each one to press a warm kiss to her palms; the stubble on his glamoured skin was scratchy but comforting to her as she finally raised her eyes to meet his worried expression.
"I'm sorry." she finally murmured shaking her head. "I didn't know-" she took a shaky breath.
"Hey hey hey. Look at me, I'm right here." Swiss rested his hands on her legs and scooted closer looking at her with regret. "I should be the one apologizing...I didn't know you didn't like big crowds. I didn't think..." he trailed off.
Oh, she knew, he didn't think she had social anxiety because of the nature of her job. She couldn't blame him - it wasn't as if she had told him ahead of time. But she wanted to be here for him and she hoped he understood and didn't think it was his fault.
She gently cupped his face and brought him closer; pressing a firm kiss to his lips and holding onto him like she was trying to convey something to him. When she parted from him she rested her forehead against his and breathed him in.
"It's not your fault...I should have told you beforehand...B-but you looked so happy to be here and I didn't want to ruin the surprise since all you wanted was to spend a day with me outside of work," she said earnestly.
"I know I don't say it enough but I appreciate the effort you put into when it comes to putting work behind us. Especially after tempers get so high on tour and stuff; wanting to be normal for a day isn't a crime...I'm just sorry I ruined it for you." she sighed.
"Aw baby you didn't ruin anything." Swiss soothed pulling her head down to his shoulder as he stroked the silken locks. "I promise. I don't need to have a day out like this just to feel normal...spending any time with you is special," he assured kissing her head.
"So you're not mad at me?" she lifted her head to look at him again; her expression resembled an abandoned puppy and Swiss wanted nothing more than to curl up around her and reassure her over and over again she was precious to him until she believed it.
"Of course not silly girl." he bopped her nose before pressing a kiss to her lips. "I would be happy to laze around with you all day doing nothing if that's what you wanted," he promised.
"Yeah?" she sniffled feeling her eyes sting again at his sweet words.
"Of course." the multi-ghoul chuckled smoothing his hands down her arms until he could hold her hands in his; marveling not for the first time they started getting together just so small but strong she was.
"So...You wouldn't be mad if I asked to go get ice cream instead?" she asked almost sheepishly. "After a shower, of course." she added with a bit of a laugh as she looked down at her ruined outfit.
Swiss' warm laugh echoed hers as he pressed another endless kiss to her forehead. "Absolutely! Come on, let's head back home and get changed. How about I call ahead and see if one of the siblings can pick us up a few cartons of ice cream and then after our shower we can sit down and watch a movie; your choice." he offered rising to his feet and pulling her with him.
"I'd love that." Aurora replied feeling relieved as she walked with him until they got to the car.
Swiss was a gentleman as he opened the door for her and let her in but before he closed it he leaned down. "Hey, silly girl. You know I love you right?"
Aurora looked up at him a bit stunned at the words but her eyes shone with adoration as she smiled up at him and nodded.
"I love you too."
Taglist: @strawberry-moonpies, @darklylucid
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#Onthisday: Aug 31st, 2017
Title: Akatsuki Gumball - True Gold Version -
Gumball's Akatsuki Armor showing the true gold color makes it more brighter and better than his personal color. 🎖️🐱 And with the same packs and same armaments, his armor hasn't change since. 🙂
I never get a chance to reveal his armaments & special features, so I'll bring it down, anyways.
Akatsuki Gumball (with Oowashi sky pack and Shiranui space pack) Based on the real: ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam
• Type 72D5 "Hyakurai" Beam Rifle The Akatsuki is equipped with a "Hyakurai" Beam Rifle as its primary ranged weapon, it has an excellent rate of fire and is stored on the right side armor when not in use. The rifle also has a slot below its barrel for equipping the Experimental Twin Beam Saber, turning it into a gun-sword.
• Type 73J2 Experimental Twin Beam Saber The Akatsuki is equipped with an Experimental Twin Beam Saber for close combat and it is stored on the left side armor when not in use. The Twin Beam Saber can detach into two individual beam sabers when required. It can also be mounted to the bottom of the "Hyakurai" Beam Rifle, turning the latter into a gun-sword.
• Type 71 Experimental Defensive Shield For added protection, the Akatsuki can mount an experimental shield on its left forearm or carry it in hand. It has the same anti-beam reflective coating as on the suit's body and is capable of deflecting or reflecting large beam blasts, including from the Positron Blaster Cannon. Unlike the armor on the suit's body, the shield is also strong enough to withstand physical attacks, such as missiles and other projectile weapons, and is mainly used for this purpose.
• Type 73F Kai High-Energy Beam Cannon Mounted at the bottom of the "Oowashi" Sky Pack, the pair of High-Energy Beam Cannons is the Oowashi Akatsuki's strongest ranged weaponry. They are positioned under the shoulders when in use, and can extend to reveal a handle each on the bottom side. However, holding this handle is not required for firing the cannons.
• M531R Guided Mobile Beam Turret System The seven remote weapons mounted on the "Shiranui" Space Pack, they are comparable to the first generation DRAGOON System. Each unit mounts a single beam cannon, which can also function as a beam shield emitter when used together with the other two beam shield emitters at the side. By using these emitters on all the seven remote weapon units, a large beam shield can be created to provide protection for about one to two battleships.
Special Feature(s):
• Striker Packs System A specially designed auxiliary armament units that allows a unit to adapt to a number of different roles. Originally developed for the armor “Strike”, it is also used by its mass production counterparts and their successors. Similar armament units are subsequently used by other factions and they are given different names.
• "Oowashi" Sky Pack Attached to the back, it is an optional backpack unit for atmospheric flight. The Oowashi is equipped with four jet engines and two rocket boosters, allowing the Akatsuki to fly at subsonic speeds. Like the armored (ZGMF-09A) Justice's Fatum-00, the Oowashi can detach from the suit and change into an unmanned aircraft to support Akatsuki in battle. In this scenario, it can either function independently due to its AI system or be remote-controlled by the Akatsuki's pilot.
• "Shiranui" Space Pack Attached to the back, it is an optional backpack unit for space combat. Besides boosting the suit's mobility due to the added thrusters, it is also equipped with the DRAGOON system in the form of seven M531R guided mobile beam turret systems. The Akatsuki can use these remote weapons for either increased firepower or defensive capabilities.
• "Yata-no-Kagami" Anti-beam Defensive Reflection System The Akatsuki's golden armor (including those on its armaments and backpacks) is a mirror surface armor composed of nano-scale beam-diffracting lattice layers and ultra-fine critical plasma suppression layers. It not only protects against incoming beams by deflecting the beam fire, but can also use the Akatsuki's sensors to track enemies and automatically redirect these beams back at them, thus combining offense and defense. This armor also allows Akatsuki to block a Positron Blaster Cannon blast and gives it the ability to penetrate specific beam shields or beam reflectors. However, the armor provides no protection against melee attacks such as direct strikes from beam sabers or beam boomerang. Additionally, its manufacturing and maintenance costs are enormous. The amount spent on equipping one mobile suit with this armor is said to be equal to producing more than 20 (MBF-M1 M1) armored Astray armies.
Gumball Watterson - The Amazing World of Gumball © Cartoon Network, Ben Bocquelet Armor (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny) - Gundam Series © SUNRISE, Sotsu, MBS
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bellasuv · 1 year
How To Lose Weight Fast Naturally?
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1. Dietary rhythm
The key thing is not to skip meals (as I'm sure you've been told often enough!). You need to eat four times a day: morning, midday, 4 PM and 8 PM. This is an important foundation for giving your body a nutritional rhythm." For people wanting to lose a few kilos, the fitness coach generally recommends reducing their fat and sugar intake. He recommends eating very specific foods at different times of the day.
2. Reduce Sugar Intake Drastically If You Can't Completely Avoid
You have to be mindful when it comes to sugar. Trust me, this is literally the fastest way to lose weight. The first awareness is that 90% of everything that you eat contains sugar which increases your sugar intake and is that little monster that quietly contributes to you putting on weight. The can of Coke that you pick up during lunch or the pasta that you eat for dinner, or even the cereals that you have for breakfast, contains large amounts of sugar and you don't even realize it. The first thing to do every time you head to the grocery store is to check the sugar contents on the pack and the next step is to consciously avoid your regular high-sugar items. No one can completely avoid sugar and should not also. Eating sugar in its natural form is still fine as opposed to refined sugar which is definitely bad for your health.
3. Energy in the Morning, Light Meal in the Evening
So what should you eat to lose weight?
Before training, a small protein bar would be a great idea for a good session, and a recovery drink or water rich in mineral salts will allow you to cope with exertion. For further advice and a personalized diet plan according to your objectives, don't hesitate to consult a nutritionist!
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diaetolinreviews · 1 year
Diaetolin erfahrungen Forum, Diaetofit, Diaetovita – boost their confidence Scam or legit?
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Click Here To BUY Diaetolin From Official Website
➢Product – Diaetolin ➢Results - 8 to 12 weeks ➢Main Benefits – Rapid Weight Loss ,Increase Energy ➢Ingredients – All Natural ➢Side Effects - No Major Side Effects, (100% Natural) ➢Rating - ★★★★★ ➢Availability – Online ➢Location - DE,AU,CH ➢Price - 29.90 per Pack ➢Where to Buy Online – www.diaetolin.com
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The Diaetolin capsule should make it possible to achieve faster and more permanent weight reduction. With this statement, the new slimming product is advertised, at least on the Internet. According to the manufacturer, taking the pills every day should be enough to fight unwanted fat deposits. This is achieved through a unique combination of all-natural active ingredients that not only boost metabolism but also minimize hunger, allowing the user to lose weight faster.Due to the many weight loss solutions available on the market, we conducted a more in-depth study of Diaetolin and put the pills to the test.
What is Diaetolin?
Diaetolin is an all-natural weight loss pill that can be purchased over the internet. Regular intake, on the other hand, causes your body to produce more leptin and, as a result, boosts metabolism and fat burning. Users eat less food, resulting in lower calorie expenditure and reduced cravings for refined carbohydrates. Because these are often major difficulties when trying to achieve targeted weight reduction.
According to the manufacturer, the capsules are a proven appetite suppressant and can therefore also be used by people who are overweight or obese. The natural composition of Diaetolin ensures good tolerability even with long-term use, which is proven by the study.
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How does Diaetolin work?
Diaetolin is packed with ketone stimulants. Ketones are responsible for the phenomenon of ketosis, which promotes the burning of fat in the body. Weight loss supplements help the body enter a state known as ketosis, which helps it burn fat faster. Ketosis also focuses on areas of the body where it is difficult to lose weight, like the face and hips. The brain, stomach, arms and thighs change the composition of the body. Serotonin levels drop, making people hungrier, and the body focuses on eating just enough. Diaetolin is a keto diet supplement that can help you lose weight.
The effectiveness of Diaetolin Pills is related to the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), which is the main ingredient. The body is more likely to focus on the fat it has stored when this weight loss pill is taken. It inhibits the absorption of carbohydrate and high-energy meals, preventing the body from getting new sources of energy. The conversion of layers of fat into glucose is aided by the use of amino-3-fatty acids, which help the body convert layers of fat into glucose, which is used to power the body's activities. Being in ketosis increases your metabolic rate, which makes food easier to digest and doesn’t accumulate layers of fat. This is called ketosis.
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What are the benefits of using Diaetolin?
• As a result, health and wellness problems associated with obesity are significantly reduced.
• It reduces cravings while keeping you fuller for longer.
• Diaetolin tablets are an easy way to maintain a healthy and balanced metabolism on a daily basis.
• It increases a person's self-esteem.
• It improves the overall endurance and strength of the body.
• It has been shown to help with a variety of mental health issues.
• It is said to be one of the most effective weight loss strategies because it relaxes the entire body.
Ingredients of Diaetolin
The Diaetolin capsules are made from all-natural ingredients that have proven to be very effective in treating diabetes. In high doses, the precise combination of active ingredients boosts the metabolism and reduces appetite. It supports the body optimally. In addition to flavonoids and pycnogenol, the following active ingredients are identified by the manufacturer:
· L-Carnitine: The Endocannabinoid system is a system that regulates lipid metabolism. The vitamin-like substance helps move fats in the blood so they can be broken down and burned effectively.
· L-arginine: It acts like L-arginine in cell metabolism and promotes muscle growth with a similar effect. This ingredient in Diaetolin supports weight loss and physical performance by supporting muscle growth.
· Garcinia cambogia: Garcinia is a genus of plants in the Clusiaceae family. It can be found in places like the tropics where there are multiple subspecies. The mangosteen fruit also belongs to the same genus, although it is commonly known as "Garcinia mangostana". The active ingredient of this exotic fruit is hydroxycitric acid. This has been used successfully for weight loss for many years, as it not only promotes metabolism and fat burning, but also has a positive effect on the feeling of satiety.
How to take Diaetolin capsules?
The manufacturer recommends taking 2 capsules twice a day before a meal. They should be eaten whole with enough water, but at least 500 ml. The capsules can be opened and dissolved in water if the user has difficulty swallowing. For best results, the manufacturer recommends taking Diaetolin regularly over a long period of time.
Where can you buy Diaetolin?
On the manufacturer's official website you can buy Diaetolin easily, conveniently and without a prescription. The website also provides information on the application process. You will also learn details about the effect, intake and other experiences with the use of the drug. The manufacturer has also made various media publicly available on its website, including videos and images of men and women describing their experiences with Buy Diaetolin Switzerland.
Diaetolin Capsules Reviews - Conclusion
The dietary supplement for weight loss Diaetolin is out now and offers fast results in reducing body fat and weight. The Diaetolin pills have been evaluated in a clinical study and are said to help in weight loss through the use of natural compounds. Diettoxil tablets contain only natural substances and do not have any negative effects on your health. It's a fat burner that works in two ways: it burns fat and calories, and it helps your body maintain a healthy weight for a long time.
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hrt-shpd-systm · 1 year
Shadow Work Prompt - 4/14/2023
So I have done the cannabis ritual and I want to start off with my feelings after doing the ritual. First of all, I did not match its energy. I may have packed my bowl and smoked with the intention of doing shadow work. However I did not continue to actively pay attention in the immediate aftermath. I became distracted by my phone. It was an immersive experience. But I have shifted my attention away from my phone and I'm ready to do some shadow prompts.
What are some traits of me that I feel negatively towards? Should I fix those traits? Why or why not? How do I go about accepting the traits that shouldn't be viewed negatively? Or fixing those traits that need to be fixed?
I'll list a few.
My curly hair
My self harm scars
The fact that I don't shower at least every other day
The way i binge eat
The way I use cannabis to cope most of the time
My body fat
my impulsivity
On The Topic of Curly Hair
I feel like I should accept my curly hair. But it's difficult because I find it near impossible to shower on a regular basis. I can only imagine if I could just shower regularly, I would be able to have a curly hair routine. It's not that I don't have a routine. I do. I just don't shower enough for it to work out. which brings us to our next subject
On The Topic of Showering
I think this is something that needs to be fixed for a variety of reasons. Presentation is important, which is a value my mom has tried many years to instill in me. But also, it's a way of purifying oneself each day. It's a way to wash wash away your negativity if you have any built up. throughout the day. It's a way of literally and metaphysically shedding off the skin of yesterday to make room for the skin of today. I think I just need a reason to every day. I need something to look forward towards every day. Maybe college will help with that. I'm starting in May.
It is the afternoon now. I have redone the ritual. I feel better now. I approached it with more of a balance between our energies. It also helped that I was sober at the time I smoked this morning. It's easier to give it your energy when you're not already engulfed in its energy. I have yet to become distracted. Though my attention is divided between this and a friend, I still feel more ready to take on more shadow work. Same prompt. Just continued.
On The Topic of Cannabis Use
So I know it's kinda hypocritical to critique my use of cannabis while also promoting it on my blog but let me explain. Using cannabis everyday is not inherently a problem. Using it to relax after work or school is fine. However, the problem with my cannabis is that I don't use it the way it was intended to. No one is meant to be high all day everyday. I'm not suppose to be using this to cope with life stressors all the time. Stress is an important emotion. I have no stress tolerance. Up until I quit vaping pens, it was every minor inconvenience, every good moment, every neutral moment, I would hit my pen. I think it's part of the reason I dropped out of trade school. But now with flower I have limited myself to only smoking at home, but since I'm home all the time, me smoking less hasn't worked out. I still go through roughly the same amount of weed a week, but i just use it less throughout the day. I need to change to just smoking at nights and after work and school work is completed. I need to start using the coping skills I have learned in therapy. I actually did use those skills right before I used cannabis but I need these skills to be independent of cannabis. I need to start doing other spells that don't require psychoactive ingredients. That way I get more practice with my therapy skills.
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hanabiira · 2 years
Abilities + Zanpakuto
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Miki has a high speed style of fighting, favouring smooth and fluid movements. Her objective is to make it hard to predict her next move. She will flit around and is known to not stay in one spot too long. Miki has excellent mobility and has a high tendency to get behind people’s backs. Her acrobatics, flexibility and incredible speed make her a difficult target without luring her in close. Purposefully, she attempts to keep a distance from her opponents in order to have the upper hand. She has high stamina but low resiliency, meaning she can take less direct hits compared to someone who is more durable. Close combat can leave her in a vulnerable situation due to low physical strength. She is more reliable if wielding her zanpakuto in close range, as she has excellent technique. Plus, having a sword gives some additional reach/distance when in close.
Master Swordsman: As with most captains of the Gotei 13, Miki became a master before she even considered herself eligible to become a captain. However, despite having a strong and stable technique, her hits do not pack as hard of a punch as other lower-ranking shinigami due to her small size and little physical strength.
Shunpo Master: Miki’s speed is crucial for her to have the upper hand in a fight, as she has low physical strength and lacks the ability in close-range combat. She can maintain high-speed movements for extended periods while using the least amount of steps to achieve said movements. As a result, it is not uncommon for her to travel a sprawling distance with very few steps involved.
Kido Master: Miki has a substantial grasp and expertise of many hado and bakudo. Her knowledge of kaido is sufficient enough for light and superficial healing. With her finite control, she can perform a handful of high-ranked spells without incantation and several low-level spells wordlessly (spells only practiced to the point of instinct). Miki has a good memory for memorizing incantations which allows her to remember many kido and utilize them at their highest power. Beyond this, she also has created a number of her own spells.
Droplet bomb (雫爆弾, Shizuku bakudan): It is a spell that condenses spiritual energy to a tiny orb in such a dense and small size that it contains power 100x relative to its size. Nearly invisible to detect, Miki can create several of these orbs. Until she decides to release them, they can float around until she chooses to detonate them. Once triggered, they cause a massive explosion, consequently destroying anything that comes within its radius. This Kido took her seven years of testing to develop.
Disintegration ring (崩壊, Hokaiwa): A neutralizing kido. Upon activation any other kido caught within hokaiwa’s radius will be broken. It will not work on certain very high leveled spells.
Calming wave (穏やかな波, Odayakana nami): A direct contact kaido that is used on a person to induce a sense of calm and peacefulness when someone is experiencing mental trauma, panic, stress, or sadness. An effect that only lasts three hours but can be used indefinitely without any ill effect.
Hakuda Practitioner: Miki’s hakuda is very weak in terms of technique and physical prowess. Therefore, to compensate for her lack of strength in hakuda, she incorporates kido into her blows.
Hakuda-kido system: To compensate for her lack of physical strength, Miki combines Hado #1, Sho, which sends whatever the user points at backwards with a significant amount of kinetic force and Bakudo #8, Seki, which repels opponents away from the user. Any sort of offensive maneuver she uses, she generates Sho from whatever extremity she is using. If it lands, the opponent is sent back several feet, pushing them away from her and leaving them open to attacks. If anyone throws any maneuver toward her, she can counter it with Seki anywhere on her body. Seki makes the opponent bounce off her without any damage, again leaving them open for attack. This has become less the use of two different techniques but one whole system she can efficiently use. No incantation is needed, and she can activate the effects of the original spells anywhere on her body in rapid succession. This technique doesn’t damage opponents but gives her the chance to overpower opponents much more significantly in size and physical strength.
Immense spiritual pressure : Miki has excellent control over her spiritual power. She uses her spiritual power to enhance her abilities during combat, and she has the ability to affect the surrounding environment on a controlled level. Miki’s high level of spiritual power is essential for her Bankai to be wholly effective and last long enough in combat.
Miki’s reiatsu can accelerate the growth of plant life near her and is part of why her garden became so lush in such a shockingly small time frame. She is not barred by seasons, being able to bloom fall flowers in summer or spring flowers in winter. Miki cannot, however, produce plant life out of nothing and must have the seeds, bulbs, or cuttings of whatever she may be growing. So, for the most part, she lets the plants in her garden go through their life cycle naturally, only accelerating the growth when she requires something.
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Hanabira (花びら, Flower Petal): When sealed, it takes the form of a regular katana with a round bronze tsuba, purple weaving around the hilt, and a dark plum coloured sheath. Within the tsuba is a carved pattern of cosmos flowers. Miki carries her Zanpakuto on a cord that she wears over her shoulder.
Shikai: Miki's shikai command is Full bloom (満開, mankai). Upon command, Hanabira’s blade does not change appearance, other than growing a bloom of cosmos flowers around the tsuba to indicate release. When Hanabira is released, four extremely large cosmos flowers erupt from the ground. A sweet scent is emitted when the flowers bloom. The flowers themselves do not technically move from the spot they have grown from, but have various applications available to Miki.
Shikai special ability: Miki has total control over these four flowers and can control each one independently. The petals can be broken off into thousands of smaller petals as an extension of her blade. When desired, the blossoms can act like homing missiles. If they stick to the opponent, they can explode. Besides detonation, they can function like average flower petals by getting in the way, sticking to people and weapons, and obstructing vision. The stems and roots of the flowers can grow exponentially at her will. If she limits the number of stems and roots she manipulates, they will be quicker and more destructive. Likewise, if she sacrifices power, she can produce more roots for more range. Roots help immobilize and hold opponents and can modify terrain and create obstacles. They are extremely difficult to cut and, when done so, grow back quickly.
Blossom impact (花衝: Kasho): The four flowers surround the enemy. Miki creates four projections of herself, attacking the enemy with hundreds of quick strikes, trapping them from the inside.
Bankai: Kaika Kuchikukan (開化 駆逐艦: Blooming Destroyer): Miki’s Bankai has an overall effect on the environment which aids as a distraction to Hanabira’s true power. When released, it causes a sudden overgrowth of all plant life in the area to encroach on a victim. With the influence of her bankai, she can control the plants within the environment to aid in combat. When in bankai, the cosmos that bloom around Hanabira's tsuba grow further to wrap up around the hilt.
Bankai special ability: Unique pollen is emitted from her zanpakuto, which spreads itself through the environment. This pollen, if breathed in, forms a seed within the body. It feeds on the spiritual energy of the host, causing a plant to begin to grow within them, tangling its roots within the host's body and tearing apart their insides until it sprouts from its host to bloom. Since the flowers feed on spiritual energy, the more a person exerts themselves or has more spiritual power, the quicker the flower will grow. Victims likely do not know what is happening until it is too late. The pollen is invisible and nearly undetectable aside from a vaguely sweet scent, which could be falsely attributed to the sudden surge of plant life in the environment instead of the pollen itself. The pollen has a certain radius of which it can travel independently but can be pushed by the wind to increase that range. If one is aware of her ability, one can avoid the radius of which the pollen can travel or blow it away.
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junesmith · 17 days
What to Eat on the Gokyo Trek?
The Gokyo Trek in Nepal is a challenging but rewarding adventure, filled with stunning views of lakes, glaciers, and towering peaks. As beautiful as the trek is, one thing that often gets overlooked is food. The meals you eat on this trek are more than just fuel for your body — they become moments of comfort and connection, especially when the altitude starts to take its toll.
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Breakfast: The Start of Your Day
Breakfast is incredibly important on the Gokyo Trek. You’ll need energy for the long walks ahead, and the lodges offer hearty options. One of the most common meals is porridge, served warm and filling. I remember mornings when I didn’t feel like eating much because of the altitude, but the creamy porridge, sometimes with honey or fruit, gave me just the boost I needed.
Another popular choice is Tibetan bread — a kind of flatbread, fried and crispy. Eating it with butter or jam felt like a small luxury in the mountains. Eggs are also readily available, often cooked as an omelette or scrambled, giving you a much-needed protein kick to start the day.
Lunch: Refueling Along the Way
Lunch on the trek is usually eaten in small tea houses along the trail. One of the most common dishes is dal bhat, a traditional Nepali meal consisting of rice, lentil soup, and vegetables. The best part? It’s usually served with free refills! I quickly realized why trekkers swear by dal bhat — it’s nutritious, hearty, and perfect for keeping you going for hours.
Another great option is noodle soup, often called "Thukpa." Warm, hearty, and filling, it’s perfect for those cold, windy afternoons when you’re craving something to warm your insides. I still remember the comforting taste of hot noodle soup in a quiet tea house, watching the snow-capped mountains in the distance.
Dinner: Warming Up After a Long Day
Dinner on the trek is usually a cozy affair, enjoyed by the fire in the common room of your lodge. One of the dishes I loved most was Sherpa stew (called "Shyakpa"). This thick, vegetable-based soup with meat or noodles is both filling and soothing after a long day of walking. The warmth of the stew, combined with the warmth of the people I shared it with, made me feel at home, even in the middle of the mountains.
Pasta, rice, and potato-based meals are also widely available and can be comforting choices when you’re looking for something familiar. In many places, I found fried potatoes with vegetables or spaghetti were easy on my stomach, especially at higher altitudes where you sometimes don’t feel like eating too much.
Snacks: Keeping Your Energy Up
Bringing your own snacks can make a huge difference on the Gokyo Trek. While meals at the lodges are hearty, the walks can be long, and it’s nice to have something to nibble on between stops. I packed energy bars, nuts, and chocolate, which gave me little bursts of energy throughout the day. On the tougher days, especially as the altitude increased, these snacks became my lifeline, offering quick calories when I didn’t have the appetite for a full meal.
The Importance of Hydration
While food is important, staying hydrated is even more critical. At high altitudes, you lose more water than you might think, and drinking enough can help prevent altitude sickness. Hot tea is a staple on the trek, with many types available like ginger tea, mint tea, and my personal favorite, masala chai. Sipping on a hot cup of tea while resting was one of the highlights of my trek — the warmth, the taste, and the view all came together in those small moments.
Final Thoughts: Food is More Than Just Fuel
Eating on the Gokyo Trek is about more than just keeping your body going. Each meal is an opportunity to rest, to connect with fellow trekkers, and to appreciate the simplicity of life in the mountains. In those quiet moments, over a bowl of hot soup or a plate of dal bhat, you begin to understand the importance of nourishment — not just for your body, but for your soul as well.
So, as you prepare for your trek, take some time to think about the meals you’ll eat along the way. They’ll become an essential part of your journey, giving you strength when you feel weak, warmth when you’re cold, and a sense of connection when the trail feels long.
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