#but its not the first time someones said something bitchy about it and it wont be the last
munch-mumbles · 2 years
trans people working retail should be allowed to tell one customer a day to ***
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notedchampagne · 2 years
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you say youre a kageyama fan but have you done THIS? anyway spoilers for season 4, episode 6 but in case youd actually like to see a transcript of my kageyama meta:
for reference in case you dont know exactly what happens in s4 ep 6, this is the Recrowning of Kageyama Tobio. hinatas silly little towel crown and tobio learning its okay to be kind of a king
after kageyama got shot down in middle school AND was unsynced with hinata the way he managed to make quicks with hinata work was after suga told him that a good setter sets the ball to what is accessible for the spiker, and not just the most opportune place at the time. following this kageyama was skilled enough to acclimate to the other spikers easily and there wasnt any kind of external pressure on him to revert to the king
HOWEVER after the national training camp kageyama was able to play with other extremely talented volleyball players so now hes USED to the level of skill from that week, which is shown in the way he noticed komori (the libero) moving out of the way and then noticed that in nishinoya
paired with atsumu calling him That: going back to my first point kageyama wasnt actually pushing the rest of the team, he was just doing normal setter duties. he was getting the ball to where it needed to be. atsumus bitchy little personality, god bless his soul i wish he were me and i want to maul him to death, TOLD him he was a goody two shoes because thats EXACTLY what kageyama was. if you look in the previous episodes you can notice snippets where kageyama directly asks feedback from asahi/tsukishima on his sets so that way they can spike easier
this is operating off of what i will affectionately dub the oikawa principle: by giving spikers the best sets they can receive, they will spike at their best
after the national training camp kageyama starts to display his more kingly traits not just because hes used to the higher level of skill from the past week, but also because despite giving his team the best sets possible theyre still failing. THIS is why he started yelling. behold the kageyama mental dialogue:
if my sets are good but the spiker is failing, that means the spiker is not doing enough. they either need to get faster (proven to fail), spike higher (learnt and acted upon) or simply Be Better 
if my sets are good but we lost the point, someone on the team isnt doing their job. it cant be me because im doing my job to the best work possible
now paraphrased he SAID "i KNOW my sets are good so PLEASE score the point" kageyamas confidence is NOT UNFOUNDED!!!! HE KNOWS HIS SETS ARE GOOD! THERE IS PROOF! the rest of the team failing is only dragging him down AND ITS AGAINST KAGEYAMAS PRINCIPLE TO ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN!
his entire heart and soul in the team dynamics of volleyball is rooted in bringing people up with him so they can continue playing better and better players and to keep playing more and more volleyball. its why he didnt let this pass by its why he has to SAY something
now hinatas literally his soulmate for this because he tells kageyama being bossy is OKAY because he honestly is saying... the truth. they just wont listen if hes being too rude which is fair. regardless hinata redefining the meaning of "king" and placing it upon kageyama is like the key that pretty much lets kageyama know its OKAY to demand more of his spikers if it makes them win. his job isnt just to give them sets they want its to give them the sets they NEED to WIN
hence why he started pushing tsukishima to spike higher to get past date techs blocks. hence why he learned the special toss for hinata to push him to spike better. hence why hes taking notes on being kinder to his spikers and communicating with them. deep down in his heart he truly cares so fucking much about his team and he knows hes good enough to start climbing the ladder but now he knows he cant get there solo which is why hes working to bring the rest of the team up with him
i literally love him so much. he makes me so emotional
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nafeary · 4 years
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“Therapy Session”
⚬ Pairing: No romantic pairing.
⚬ Characters: Dazai, Isaac (mentions of Arthur, MC, Leonardo, and Napoleon)
⚬ Word Count: ca. 2,5k
⚬ Warnings: mentions of anxiety/panic attacks
⚬ Genre: mostly angst, Confused Newt™️, fluffy ending
✧✎ Synopsis: Dazai refuses to open up. Isaac refuses to see people as humans instead of equations. Perhaps, the time was ripe for the residents to pull the strings behind the scene.
✧✎ A/N: @arsnovacadenza HERE IT IS!!! I haven’t written in ages, so after fending of good ‘ol writer’s block, it took a while to finish this. I hope that you will like this, sweets... I’m not usually self-conscious, but I’m just like 😣. ENJOY AND DRINK WATER!!! (I might change the mood board into a banner... I dunno man.) ALSO, pls tell me if the read more link isnt working... y’all know how bitchy tumblr is.
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Dazai couldn’t remember much of his mundane life; nay, he preferred not to.
Most of this mortal coil had been spent in debauch; whoring around, neglecting his studies, committing attempt over attempt at ending his breath. He wrote it off as a tragedy, preferring to build the plots of his own stories rather that the one of his being.
Life is fleeting. For some it is akin to the joy of chasing butterflies, flower fields embedded in their sundry wings, fluttering away with no worries plaguing their minds.
For most, however, these nonchalant butterflies aren’t an omen of euphoria and felicity. They are the begetter of anguish as it sails beneath the wrong colours, maelstrom’s created by the fortune of others. Destructive. Noxious. A storm ready to destroy one’s entire motivation and spirit. Whether it be in form of capitalism or a simple shtick.
Life is unkind.
Thus, the author didn’t see the point to relieve any of his memories... but one particular scene kept his mind awake. It was fuzzy, fuming paper assaying to its destruction.
But what he could remember was a certain tale relayed to him as the moon reigned mighty, futon feather-like below his boyish body, and a tranquil voice would envelope his senses until all he could see was the palette surrounding him sponged into shadows.
He remembered the fable of a celestial guardian, a dragon so gentle it prefers flying as to not bring harm to a single organism of life. The birth of a human signified the birth of such dragon, a Kirin. It acts in protection of benignant households, as the unseen force guiding them back to morality. He was told his cousin’s birth foretold the creation of their guardian.
As a mere child, he believed these words. He believed that someone would shield him, serve as a warning sign for impending danger.
He believed someone would come to open the cage he had locked himself in. He believed someone would burn its cover, guiding him to long-lost light. He believed someone would teach him to take flight again.
He believed.
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“Unlock the godforsaken door, you insolent fools!”
Sir Isaac Newton was annoyed. Horribly aggravated. Excruciatingly narked. And more so than usual. His ire had multiple fountains, one of these being these insolent fools that had chosen to bolt the room, muttering something akin to “therapy session”.
If he had to be plain, he expected such action from the frivolous author and his partner in crime (a young woman who had arrived a few months prior, the second humane addition to their otherwise monstrous community).
However, the physicist hadn’t expected Leonardo and Napoleon to agree to the couple’s notion.
Another cause fueling his irritation, like a mosquito buzzing to and fro and disregarding any clemency, was their reason for imprisoning him.
“You heard our condition, ‘ol boy,” the voice of the reformed Casanova reverberated. “Neither of you are leaving that room until you’ve talked. Thoroughly.”
That’s right. He wasn’t the only one.
His attention redirected to the owner of the lair they were currently stuck in, simpering away in his wonted manner. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that their predicament was the Japanese man’s fault.
Dazai Osamu was a pest. The neighborhood rascal ringing every door’s bell, pestering everyone’s existence with the sole motivation of garnering the final laugh. As of right now, he seemed to have succeeded in his mission.
“Are you satisfied now?” He couldn’t help the prominent sneer from forming. “If it wasn’t for your countless jests, we wouldn’t be here!”
Dazai spared him another nonchalant smile, moving to take a seat at the dark mahogany desk. “Do not fret, Ai-chan. They’ll open the door... eventually.”
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A few hours had passed, and the warmth in Isaac’s chest, welted into disdain and anger, had mellowed his mind. Enough so as to admit that he might have been one of the causes of their situation, too. Frankly, it was due to the atmosphere Dazai’s room granted.
Soft and gossamer strands of alabaster light enlightened the room in a serene glow, aiding to the eminent scent of books. The smell was slightly musky, akin to aged paper, but a comfortingly nostalgic vellichor. Outside, a symphony created by Mother Nature herself resonated; tree branches rocked against each other urged by the gentle breeze as insouciant hummingbirds frolicked their sweet tunes.
It wasn’t his first time to share the author’s company in his room; on the contrary, the well of his silent animosity sprang forth from their last meeting (which had rendered him drunk on accident). Seldom at most, Isaac would traipse across a formula he just couldn’t solve, but Dazai was without compare.
He had barely asked for a sliver of information, the wish to befriend Dazai more genuine than ever. Alas, aiming to divert the topic, he had been fooled into a lull of folklore.
Hurt. It pained him to admit it, but Isaac was hurting.
With nothing else to occupy his mind, his eyes wandered to the fibster whose orbs told fables of the sun. Clad in purple, his hand was infallibly hidden beneath the fabric of his traditional (and knowing him, probably slovenly worn) garment, choosing to hide his cards just like everything else.
The empyrean galaxy of spotted crystals did not appear unlike the author; thus Isaac always found himself discovering their contrasts. He didn’t like the man, but he was a sight to behold, just like his beloved sky.
Dazai was ethereal, be it his fluid manner of dipping his feather into the abyssal ink pot, his elegant smile adorning his cheeks, or his voice carrying the voice of chiliad angels, or—
“If you continue staring at me, you’ll make me blush~”
Having been caught red-handed, the exclamation sparked an oppugnant reactions, leaving his cheeks at the mercy of scarlet apples and making him want to bury himself beneath mounds of bedsheets.
Declining the teasing and averting his head to the side , Isaac said “I suggest we pretend to have discussed our... quarrel. You know they tend to worry endlessly.”
There was a subtle shift in the nuance of Dazai’s posture, almost resembling a covered bird’s cage, waiting for its turmoil to be revealed.
“Don’t delude yourself.”
It was barely a transient whisper, lightsome yet so immensely heartsore Isaac had to halt, processing if he’d heard correctly; the uncharacteristically deafening scratching of a pen sliding across paper deepened his shock.
...this was what Arthur had meant when discussing the possibility of Dazai’s mayhem. That void in his eyes.
Quite possibly, were the physicist to reflect upon his following thoughts and actions, cruelty and manipulation reigned the battlefield in his view. Oblivious as he was, he never realized his actions to have a much purer and innocent fount, rather than for the single desire of gaining knowledge.
After all, love was more than just a unique concept to him; whether it be platonic or intimate, it had always seemed so... afar. Unreachable even. An unfamiliar ground, ruled by sweet chaos.
...it was utterly absurd! He sank his brow into the the palm of his hand. Why was he so worried for the fellow vampire? They all had issues, didn’t they? They all carried baggage from their previous life... so why did he care so much about the author’s troubles?
Isaac couldn’t possibly still want to befriend him?
...Nay, it was his insatiable thirst to solve every equation, surely. And he was a scholar with the sole purpose to solve the equation of this world, and its variables finally seemed to arrange in his favour.
Said variable being Dazai’s unforeseen display of trauma.
“You cannot possibly believe that they’d ignore your vacant spot at dinner,” Isaac started, alert in his tone. “Especially Arthur’s... whatever-she-is-to-him will succumb to her usual tendencies.”
The other vampire wasn’t smiling at him, no, his facade was an eerily empty one, unlike any of his expressions he’d laid his eyes on. Not only his smile was void, his eyes had lost their habitual mirth as well. Black holes mirrored in the pupils of his eyes.
“Besides, it’s not like you don’t enjoy our company...”
By then, the black hole kept growing, threatening to swallow him. Its intense stare prompted goosebumps to litter his skin, vulnerable. He’d never seen this sorrow portrayed by the charlatan.
To hell with it. He wanted to leave the discomfort.
“Listen, I’ll let you jest me without complain— for today. So can we please just agree to have talked?” he asked. “Or we could talk... whatever makes you happy, I suppose.” He tilted his head, closing his eyes in thought, peeking one opened as he waited for Dazai to reply.
“Go ahead without me. I’ll stay here, Ai-chan,” he declared, glee pulling at his lips as if he wouldn’t have just waddled in some unknown swamp.
“They’ll ask me questions about it, you know?”
“Very well.” Isaac’s eyebrows shot up his forehead. That was all it took for him to open up? “Dazai Osamu isn’t my real name.”
He was about to snap, irritation bubbling in his voice at the useless information he used to dodge the topic once again, but was able to stop himself. Epiphany chasing away the storm clouding his mind, he realized an important piece to solving this equation.
It was something Arthur had droned on about, one of Dazai’s works, No Longer Human. The protagonist wore a facade of hollow jocularity as he was unable to present his true self. Additionally, a piece of yourself slithers it’s way into every piece of art you create... according to Leonardo, at least.
A facade of hollow jocularity... observing the male opposing him, that phrase seemed gruesomely familiar.
“You still haven’t answered me,” he told the Author.
“I asked whether you’d be happier wit—“
“My happiness mustn’t be your concern.”
Muscles tensed as these eerie words coursed through his mind, nature’s symphony from earlier drowned out by it’s unforgiving echo. Albeit, as much as he desired to crawl someplace secluded, apart from dealing with human emotion, his mind dictated his stay.
Mustering up the courage from the depths of his heart, he spoke, “But you aren’t weak, Dazai.”
The man visibly startled, arm jerking violently into the desk, garnering a quiet foreign-sounding curse. Isaac took the opportunity to join Dazai’s side, blasé to the anxious trembling of his own lip.
“Arthur is quite familiar with your works, and I kept one particular quote in remembrance.”
The Japanese almost seemed to cower in his seat, shoulders hunched as he held his throbbing elbow.
“The weak fear happiness itself,” he recited to the best of his abilities. “As far as I’m concerned, weak doesn’t exactly describe you.”
As if he’d burned a bird cage’s linen, breaking its lock open only for the bird to panic in distrust, Dazai flew up into a stand. Eyebrows scrunching as his mouth spit bigger poems.
“How could you know? How could you possibly know of all my fears?”
Isaac’s feeling of helplessness commenced its intensity, pushing his shoulders to earth’s core. But he couldn’t stay his efforts then.
“I don’t need to. Seeing you standing before me gives me enough reason to believe so.”
“I ended my own life.”
He had to control every fiber of his being to rule his body into submission. The waltzing hairs couldn’t be precluded from showing their discomfort, however.
“Do you realize what this makes me? I’m a coward— a coward who only stands before you to— to—“
Had he finished his sentence, it would have been incoherent at best. Isaac could only watch as the author’s shoulders sacked into themselves, chest jumping in no particular pattern. His fingers snaked around the pristine fabric, just above his heart, as though he tried to confine the bird once again.
He was having a panic attack, a foe not uncommon to the physicist himself. But how could he possibly act as a cure when he was the disease?
Barely conscious of the act, his hands curled around the man’s iron grip; they struggled to enshroud the pain of his throat constricting, mutating the simple feat of breathing into a conquest of charging air puffs.
This wasn’t his domain. He’d never had to be along side a troubled person, inclined to walk the earth alone. There was no need for a circle of brethren when he had his formulas that constructed his life.
Humans were no formulas. And Dazai was no equation. His feelings were no variables. Isaac battled to come to terms with the fact that he couldn’t continue striving in solitude.
He realised that that must have been their reason for locking him inside the vicinity. The constellation of empathy coming undone before him. They’d wanted him to accept the fact that he couldn’t live like the everything could be solved in the same manner as his mathematics.
He’d show them. He’d create a formula solely for him, just as he had created multiple ones for every other problem he had encountered.
“There is a phenomenon, a mirage at the end of a horizon—“
“Just keep quiet for one minute,” he snapped, “I know that is strenuous for someone as verbose as you, but right now, allow me to talk.”
If it was possible to solve an equation by keeping to a formula, surely it was the same for humans? But life was unique, every being disparate, an especial star.
“It distorts the objects, rendering it unrecognizable,” he elaborated. “Such phenomenon is referred to as Fata Morgana.”
He’d commit perjury were he to claim that he was calm. Forces of all kinds threatened him to collapse onto all fours, leaving him at the mercy of his lungs to commence his breathing. Yet, he kept his facade of cool determination, the fear of the man further breaking stronger than his own.
“I don’t know of all the horror you might have gone through,” he said. “But perhaps, it is distorting you to think that you are undeserving of happiness.”
“Perhaps, you simply don’t realise that you standing here doesn’t mean you are a coward, but that you are strong.”
Before he even realised his body’s efforts, he already felt silken fabric caressing his cheek as his arms pulled him toward the other man. Choosing to ignore the charlatan’s droplets of anguish falling onto his shoulder, he shuffled his feet as he didn’t know how he should position himself.
“As such, I believe that your happiness is indeed my concern.”
He made a mental reminder to thank Leonardo for his philosophy books later, grateful for the lessons he could convey.
A rough, yet mellifluent laughter enveloped his ears, the urge to scratch where bouts of air were tickling his ear were stilled by the comforting notes.
“Who knew you were such a charmer, Ai-chan?”
His blood running a marathon across the veins of his cheeks, he drew his face nigh into the men’s chest in an effort to mask his crimson shade.
“Shut up.”
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Dazai truly did believe in his guardian hitherto. Especially as the man brushed with the faintest of cherry blossom petals embosomed in his arms.
And Isaac might have been unable to teach the bird to take flight again, unqualified of the task himself, but perchance, they could aid one another to learn the art of raising yourself to face the winds, leaving them no choice but to carry you.
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grxceblqckthxrn · 5 years
hi @chocolatecarstairs came up with these post-CHOG questions and i really want to answer them because im sad that im finished reading it :((
what was your favorite part, 1 or 2?
Honestly I loved both parts, but I’d say I loved part two just a little bit more for the time that James wasn’t under the curse anymore and LOVED Cordelia
which scene in the book was your favorite?
EVERY scene that had Matthew and James being wholesome parabatai in it!!! my favourite chapter in this book was Blue Ruin, the one after Grace takes the bracelet back from James  (aside from the whispering room ofc).
what scene (or scenes) made you cry the most?
ok ngl i didnt spend much of this book crying, but the only scene that actually made me tear up was when james was dying and matthew could feel it and jesse (WHO I FUCKING LOVED MORE THAN I THOUGHT I WOULD) gave him his last breath :(((((
what scenes were unsatisfactory?
there were not enough Christopher scenes (but to be fair, even if the entire book was just Christopher it still wouldnt be enough for me)
but fr, i cant think of any off the top of my head but i’ll edit this if i do later
what made you laugh the most?
matthew!! james!! thomas!! christopher!! also some of the things Jesse said
what bored you?
this wasn’t boring, but the whole charles/alastair plot line didn’t have me very invested. I did love the alastair/ cordelia scenes tho, so it was just charles that was the problem
also no offense to james bc he was my first actual fictional crush after reading TMH/NBS but like whenever he talked about being in grace i would literally zone out lol the bracelet curse makes him so boring but whenever he isnt in the curse/ is with someone who is NOT grace i just!! love him!!
what disappointed you?
cassie honestly had me kinda shipping matthew/cordelia for a solid FIVE SECONDS there when he stepped in to dance with her after james left her standing there, but that was one of the only scenes that made me feel like they had natural chemistry (along with the scene where he drops her off at her house). I felt like the during the rest of their interactions in the book, cordelia was kind of uncomfortable, which made me really sad because even tho she has every right to feel that way, i felt bad for matthew. I kind of want him to fall for someone else completely and for it to be reciprocated. also, i just really want for matthew and cordelia to become good friends because i feel like they could have such great natural chemistry if matthew didnt love her.
what is the top thing you wish had been done differently?
see above.
what things did you predict that came true?
what are some things that were really unexpected?
ok there’s quite a few things here so bear w me babes:
- James genuinely loving cordelia from the start. I wasn’t expecting him to naturally feel nothing for grace at all, so i was expecting a slow burn jordelia, but finding out that he actually loves her makes me so happy but the end where cordelia thinks he was just pretending breaks my heart :(((
-matthew liking cordelia lol definitely was not expecting another parabatai love triangle but i hope it doesnt last. i do think it adds to the plot and i love it, it just hurts to see matthew so emo :(((
-I was expecting to like cordelia as a character, but i ended up LOVING her so fucking much???? she’s so three dimensional to me, and it’s interesting to see how her personality adapts around different characters as people adapt around different social circles irl
-liking jesse as much as i did
-ok so james’ entire character was a surprise to me. it’s so fascinating to see how the bracelet actually affected his personality.If you recall him in The Midnight Heir from TBC. he’s like an entirely different person. i still loved him in TMH but i went into CHOG thinking that if he was gonna be like that the entire time i’d probably get over him really quickly. i was pleasantly surprised by how much i ended up loving him even more tho
-i didn’t expect oliver hayward to die and im going to stay emo about it
- Christopher is so much more clear headed than he was made out to be prior?? like there were so many scenes where he was fully there and when he defended anna to alastair i just kfdsnfkld i love him
are there characters that you didn’t like before that you like now?
yikes umm... Alastair, maybe? he’s somewhat okay to me now, I dont dislike him as much as I used to. ooh and Hypatia Vex. the only scene i remember liking her in QOAAD was when she helped out kit, ty and dru (me, going a whole TSC post without somehow mentioning kit? not possible)
are there characters that you liked before that you don’t like now?
I started CHOG ready to give Grace the benefit of the doubt, and I was surprised by how timid and shy she seemed at the start, but it was interesting to see how it was all an act and how she doesn’t have an actual personality yet. one could argue that she actually does love james, but i doubt it at this point. i dont hate her yet, even tho she IS fucking up james’ life, but she’s on thin fucking ice.
who was your favorite new character?
does new character mean completely new or just never been in a novella new? because for the first, it would be Cordelia (i LOVE her sm!!) and other wise it would be james, matthew and co. also!!! jesse!!
what places in the book would you like to visit?
that hell dimension sounds pretty lit ngl
did you like the ending?
ok so. we KNOW that jordelia is gonna be endgame. cassandra clare always takes the hardest path to get there, but when has she not delivered? it’s just a matter of waiting. so, yes, i did like the ending in sense of the plot because it was a great twist, but i also feel really bad for all of them even tho ik they’re eventually gonna be together :(((
what did you think of the epilogue?
i wasnt surprised, since we alr know that Tatiana is shady asf, but i just really wanna know how she partnered up with a GREATER demon like lol wtf. again, im really happy in terms of plot with this
what are your thoughts on the engagement?
i feel so. fucking bad. for cordelia. and james too, even tho he’s under the bracelet’s curse so he doesnt even KNOW he’s being manipulated. but i love how even through the curse, james still loves cordelia in his own way.
what did you want to see that didn’t happen?
matthew getting therapy periodt
umm honestly i just want more “merry thieves” content like i just love. all of them.
what do you wish had been resolved that wasn’t?
i really want matthew to tell james or cordelia what happened because i just need him to be loved and supported lol i want to give him a hug. 
what is your favorite pairing as of now?
jordelia!!! and lucie and jesse are kind cute rn, and i like them if theyre gonna be pining after eachother but i feel like if they actually get together i wont like the relationship as much.
which characters would you like to see more of in the next book?
ANNA!!! i lovED reading about her she’s so badass
matthew!! jesse!! also i wanna see more of those bitchy girls lol just so we can see anna or cordelia tell them to stfu
what is one character whose death you would undo if you could?
ok i know that jesse is still very much a conscious character despite being dead but like,,, i want him to be the way he was before and also i want him to come back to life
and barbara!! she seemed so sweet 
which characters got bad/unsatisfactory endings?
ummm barbara? i cant really say much on this yet bc its still only the first book and when has the first book ever ended up with anyone being happy.
oh but also can we sign a petition to make cassie let matthew actually survive the series because my heart aches just at the THOUGHT of eventually having to read a scene where he dies
which characters got what they deserved?
literally. none of them yet. :(
who should have died but didn’t?
Tatiana lol also lowkey charles but i also feel pity him to an extent 
what plotline are you most excited to see in the next book?
okay the entire jesse plot has me hooked because i LOVE his character. also i love the bracelet plot but its making me MAD because i just want james to be happy but
what is one scene that you wish hadn’t happened, but you know was unavoidable?
THE ONE WHERE GRACE PUTS THE BRACELET BACK ON JAMES. i mean obv there was no way he was completely done with grace, but i literally got so sad at that part like why HIM of all people smfh let him be happy
which pairing do you like the least?
alastair x charles, grace x james, lucie x matthew bc neither of them actually like either imo lol
what are some theories you have for chain of iron?
- not necessarily for COI but i think matthew is gonna get exiled and turned into made into a mundane
- the bracelet will break (?)
- jesse will come back to life (like actual life) at the end of the book
-grace is gonna do something to help the main characters, making it hard for us to hate her.
what characters do you think should have gotten more plot time?
lol are yall gonna hate me if i say christopher again (also anna)
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The thrilling adventures of a PA - Chapter One: A new job for a new life (Adam Sackler x Reader)
As you ented through the gates of the studio, you can't help but feel your stomach churn a bit, a mix of fear and excitment. It's your fist day as a personal assistant (or PA as you've been told), the new job that you scored unexpectedly after one of your regular at the coffee place you worked before offered you the sport. He did brush you a quick description of what it would entail and well, since you hated working there, you said to yourself 'why not'. It couldn't be worse than dealing with hipsters and grumpy karens all day long, day after day for a risible pay. Plus, you'd probably end up travelling outside of the Big City, which is one of your oldest dreams since you could recall (you never had the money to act upon it, obviously). So of course, the offer was too tempting to pass and that's how you ended up here.
You present yourself to the entrance, greeted by the receptionnist who asks what is the purpose of your visit and once you've answered her, you ask for directions, as you're supposed to meet your boss near the trailer park. Nicely informing you how to proceed, she gives you the ID badge you'll have to wear around here and off you go after you've thanked her. A minute after you've made sure you're going the right way, you walk towards your destination, looking around with amazement gleaming in your eyes. You're getting a glimpse of what is really behind the curtain of it all, hoping it wont ruin anything for you in the long run as you usually spend most of your free time watching tv shows and films on your bed, cuddled with a cup of tea in your hands. No way that after another draining day at the coffee shop you'd go with the others in a noisy and overpriced bar that doesn't even have any decent music playing. That, plus the fact that you simply didn't like getting out.
You see the first trailer a hundred meters in front of you and feel your heart beating faster again. How's your boss going to be ? Is she the type that makes you conmfy on your debut or the one that's all business from the get go ? But mostly, you're wondering about who you'll work for. They didn't give you any name so you just hope it'll be someone nice as you know that some actors can be difficult to handle when it comes to their demands. Just as you pass the first couple of trailers, you see a woman standing near by that waves at you as she gets its you she's waiting for. Waving back and smiling, you stop in front of her and introduce yourself, she does the same just after. Her name's Delilah, she's the head of HR and in charge of all the PAs. She's a little over 40 from what you gather about her just from her looks. A nice brunette with squared glasses, dressed in a red leather jacket that hopefully makes you think she's not one of the bitchy type of boss you've had in the past.
- ''Y/N, right ? Follow me, I'll show you around so you get your bearings as quickly as possible. Did Alistair told you about the job and what it consist of ?'' - ''He did, yeah. He said I'll have to run errands, make sure the actor I'm assigned to arrives on time on set, has everything they need and stuff like that.'' - ''Great, that's about it indeed. You'll have the full list of your attributions on your contract but we'll get to that later.'' She then proceeds to show you the main places you'll have to know in order to do your job without getting lost every five minutes. It's a good thing she makes sure you get a mp when you reach the main set because for now, it all looks like a maze to you and in all fariness, it is. Delilah leads you to the rest of the PAs, all set aside and chating together. Suddenly, you feel like you're back in seventh grade but you manage to smile and wave at them gently. - ''Guys, this is Y/N, your new colleague. I know I don't have to tell you how to behave so make her feel at home with us and I'll see you tonight in my office to sign your papers'', she tells you and you nod to answer as she's already out of the set after she's done introducing you to the others, speaking on her phone. - ''Don't worry about here, she's always like this. We've nicknamed here Speedy because she's always running around, never staying more than 5 minutes at the same spot.'' That's Stewart, one of the other PAs. He's a slim, tall blond 30-something guy that has some impressive neck tattos from what you can see and a couple of piercings on his left ear. He's the main character's PA, played by a new rising star. In fact, the cast of the movie is almost entirely made out of new names in the business, who made an impression lately in a way or another. - ''Just make sure you bring here some sweets from time to time as a bride and you'll be alright sweetie.'' That's Shirley, a young afro-american woman, nearly your age and you smile back at her, feeling like they won't hold against you the fact that you're basically a newbie compaired to them. They seem friendly enough, people you'd probably get along with once you'll get to know them. A few moments later, Delilah's back and heading towards you, saying she'll take you to meet Adam, the actor for who you'll be working for.
A quick wave to the group and you follow Delilah once more to the trailer that he's staying in. His name does ring a bell to you but you're not quite sure it's him. She knocks on the door and a deep voice invites her to get in. You both enter, greeted by an half naked figure, smilling at you as he grabs his shirt in front of him. - ''Hey Deli! I see you brought me some company, how thoughtful of you.'' He hugs her a couple of seconds while you're still recovering from the sight of him, that was quite a first impression you got to say and without any warning, it's your turn to receive a bear hug. - ''Adam, this is Y/N, your PA. Y/N, this is Adam Sacklet, one of the main characters of the movie", she says with enthusiam, "we're lucky he was still available as our director wanted him for the role. As for you, be gentle with her, it's her first day, don't scare her off like the previous one, ok?" she warns him, pointing her index at him as he raises his hands in his defence. They both laugh and you gather it's a private joke so you just smile. You're still a little bit distracted by what you just saw when you hear his voice again, now speaking directly to you. - "Welcome. I promis I'll behave...most of the time", he says with a grin and you can't help but feel your cheeks burn a little. - "That's my boy? I'm gonna steal her from you for a bit longer since she has yet to fill in some info but it won't be long, will you survive until then?" announces Delilah. - "I'll try my best", the tall actor replies dramatically and you smile seeing them act like this around each other, kinda reassured that you won't  be left in an unfriendly work environment like the one you just left behind at the coffe shop.
Just a moment after you both exited Adam's trailer, Delilah smiles at you, sensing that the exchange must have been a bit weird from your perspective. - "Don't worry about him, he looks awkward ans creepy most of the time but he's really a nice guy when you get to know him a bit more. Plus, he's easy on the eyes, so there's that working out for him too." You don't dare answer her assessment because you know that if you do, she could easily guess the effect your little introduction with Adam had on you. Luckily, true to Stewart's words, she doesn't linger on and you both crack on to her office where she drills you on some basic rules and makes you sign some forms. After that, you're now officially Adam Sackler's PA and you couldn't even imagine at that time, what impact that would have on your whole life.
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caramellody · 4 years
Yukari for the character ask!
do I like them: 
I do! They might not be my all-time favortie and can occasionally rub me the wrong way (although to be fair there’s always one thing in almost every character I love that irks me) but she’s not only a good character, shes a realistic one, and I LOVE grounded characters a lot
5 good qualities:
- Her ‘take no shit’ attitude is great because it’s not one of being annoying but of one that’s been built over years of trauma
-Something that’s generally in common with all SEES members: I like that she’s not close to anyone, because that just makes her warm up to people like Mitsuru, Makoto, Aigis, and even Junpei so much better it’s really good to see that character development in her!
-I’ve always been a sucker for Archer characters v_v I just. REALLY like the additional tidbit that is that she’s an archer and is part of the archery club despite having an outward ‘girly’ appearance 
-I like! her! attitude! in! the! Answer! It’s a hot take but for as much, as she can irk me at times, being annoyed at someones (realistic!) actions doesn’t mean I hate her! (being annoyed at how she acts because you may personally disagree with how she goes about things and liking her character because she’s grounded and realistic aren’t exclusive! you can feel both of these at the same time and that's okay!)
-Her relationship with Makoto and Mitsuru!!! They're so personal and sweet regardless of whether you see it as romantic or platonic
3 2 bad qualities:
- I think her ‘take no shit’ attitude is both a good and bad thing about her, for one I LOVE that’s she's this way because it makes her so realistic! on the other hand, my gut reaction will always be slightly annoyed by the way she acts (but my point in fact 4 still stands!), especially if its in a very ‘wrong place, wrong time’ situation
-Less about Yukari and more about ‘how Yukari is written’ but I do quite hate how sometimes the writing (in things like PQ and a little in P4AU) shoehorns her as the ‘bitchy’ type while ignoring that she’s more of an assertive type. (granted this is a problem with EVERYONE in the spin-offs some more than others)
- (oh god I don't have a third thing, I really like Yukari more than I give myself credit for hahah)
favorite episode/etc:
For as mixed as I am with the events in the answer, I still very much like the path they went with her because it's her way of grieving. Honestly, I think personally the reason people cling to hating Yukari is that it’s because she’s one of the more visible members who are grieving because at the end of the day everyone in SEES is grieving, Yukari’s just the most obvious out of all of them
Also! while I suddenly remembered it, that one scene in the movie where she watches the video of her father in the hospital bed during that already heartwrenching montage gets me every time
Yukari/Mitsuru. Harold.....
Yukari/Junpei in the overall scheme of things may not be my top tier first guy/girl dynamic duo (that would go to Ann and Ryuji) but there’s no denying that its a very good duo
Similarly Yukari/Makoto. Love them!!!
Nothing really comes to mind tbh! I honestly don't really see Yukari in a 3 person relationship
I feel like saying anything with Ken but like, that’s just an inherent given? (T_T I try not to hate a ship unless said ship is actually gross)
best quote:
“I think I understand. When your life loses its meaning. The fact of death can be kind of comforting. That lurking malice we’re unaware of is strong enough to give birth to such a huge monster. And maybe, that’s just how it is these days.”
head canon:
I think Yukari (around the time she becomes an actor) just very casually likes to spout featherman lines both as practice and as a spur of the moment thing since she knows most of them wont get it unless said people are Ken (certified featehrman fanboy)  or Mitsuru (actually watches the show and has memorized all her iconic lines)
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arkus-rhapsode · 6 years
Eden’s Zero Chapter 1 Review
Hey guys, now before I dive into this already longer than usual review, I did wanna take this time to mention something. Its been no secret that I turned on Mashima and FT pretty hardly after the end of FT and some of you may be aware that I was moderately active in the fanbase with putting out my reviews and such. That said some may liken that shift in mentality to me not liking how the story went and a common critique of fans is that when what they’re fans of doesn’t gel with what they want they wanna destroy it. As if the fan has ownership of the source of the fanaticism.
I admit there are times that I’ve question decisions on Hiro Mashima’s end and has posted rewrites, but that’s not me doing it out of a sense of ownership. I’m doing it because I have a standard. Being a fan of something and letting your disappointment get to you and fester into salty, bitchy purest is one thing, but being a person who’s judging what a series puts out and actually caring about the quality of what’s in the popular media is important. FT got negative reviews in its latter half because it was that bad. By the end of the series it was legit that bad. Now I don’t say that is someone who was in the fanbase and hated Hiro’s decisions cause they weren’t mine, I hated them because it was bad writing. I’m a reader with standards, as are all of you, and in the digestion of media we make distinctions between good and bad. I make this claim with more concrete surety now that I’ve been around longer and have reviewed more series than just FT, I think it be harder to believe if I made this case when I was just starting and all I was talking about at the time was FT.
Some of you might remember when I first started out on MHA, my second chapter I ever reviewed I had found it boring and mundane and to date its my least popular MHA review and I still stand by that assertion. I hold everything to the same standard, and that includes FT. The reason I write this is that while throughout this review I will mention comparison’s to FT’s first chapter (and yes, even ways Eden’s Zero improved on it), but I will be holding it to the same standard. So this entire review won’t be me holding a grudge against Hiro, but it will be me holding it to the same standard as I do everything I read. That out of the way lets dive in.
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We open on a hill side and met our MC named Shiki. Beside him is the mecha demon from the cover page and what they see is a... dragon. Yeah, Hiro I thought you wanted this to be wholely original?
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On the hand I actually like this scene in the sense robo demon here is actually encourging actual adventure (something FT lacked) and its kinda amazing listening to this demon looking guy talking about friendship, yet on the other hand, damnit Hiro. Is this the only thing how to write about? Like damn man.
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We cut to the future where we see our main female Lucy-I mean Rebecca! Y’know I could make a Rebecca from One Piece joke, but she’s kinda already a bit of a decisivee figure so I’m not gonna bother.
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I mean its okay. Its just castle theme park. Also Rebecca we find out is apparently a youtuber. Look if DBS can have GodTube then I can put up with Blue Cate (Aoneko) website. Also yeah Happy here, no sugar coating its just Happy. Also Rebecca here purposely made her skirt short. Just because you point out the sexualization in canon doesn’t make it better, ya still drew it, Hiro.
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We see that the theme park is full of robots and each one acts as an assist in sending the guest through some kind of medieval simulator. And if anyone has seen Westworld you know where this is heading. To be fair I love worldbuilding so please, explore!
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So we find out Rebecca’s dream is to have one million suscribers and now here’s where I gotta give props to Hiro because he actual made a dream for a character that doesn’t seem like it can be achieved a chapter from now. Granted this seems a bit hard to actually quantify, but this dream could potenially evolve into something of why she wants the suscribers and could be like Nami making the map of the world that getting video of unknown locations may actually be worth something to the general population.
We see that Rebecca chooses to go on a monster hunting quest and they encounter...
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...This thing. Also it seems Rebecca’s character quirk is she really likes cats I guess? But this doesn’t last long as someone crashes down on mecha cat.
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Okay that was kinda funny. I mean if this was FT would’ve actually gotten the panty shot so maybe Hiro has learned his lesson! Also note that wrench!
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Oh god damnit Hiro. So this tarzan guy after acting like an animal is knocked out by Rebecca. Y’know it took about 60 chapters before Natsu got all up in Lucy’s chest, guess we’re cutting straight to the chase here.
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Okay is joke with here just going be about here short skirt? Damning it with faint praise here, but at least he still hven’t flashed us them yet. Also Tarzan here is the only human on the island.
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We get some scenes of Shiki here wanting to be friends with Rebecca cause she’s a human and Rebecca isn’t interested and she returns to the Granbell town where Shiki is there and the robots know who he is.
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Shiki’s expressions and creepy advances really gives off this tinge of sci-fi horror, unfortunate Hiro doesn’t really go that route and we’ll get to it. Also that wizard looking robot from the color page is also here.
They then have a party where the robots all celebrate them having a costumer for the first time in so long they have a party being nice to Rebecca and lavishing her with stuff outside is robot that looks like Robin Hood and he reports to his boss this machine king.
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Oh look, Hades if he was a robot.
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We see Shiki trying to bond with Rebecca and it leads to him expressing he wants to leave the kingdom and see another country, but we also learn he’s in charge of fixing this and the robots are acting up lately. We find out that the one who was talking to Shiki and is his “Grandfather” was called the Demon King a robot designed for playing that role in the park.
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Umm Rebecca... That’s being a dick. So you don’t like it, so you decide to cut it, cause it bothers you. You could’ve framed it like, “If he fixes you up then maybe he needs better vision” or “He’s been so nice to me, let me do something for him.” And what makes this worse s that Shiki is asleep, so she doesn’t even consult his feelings. Like seriously, that’s not being a good friend . But for contrivances sake I’m sure Shiki will wake up and love it, won’t he?
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Huh? I was wrong instead we got shitty 80s comedy. I don’t know if that’s better or worse.
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Y’know I said I’d give Hiro atleast two free fanservice moments for his first 3 chapters. He’s now used all of them up in a single chapter. Also Rebecca is tied to a stake while robots with torches surround her along with the machine king.
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Shiki is also there and here’s something that did remind me of rave, the tightness of the first chapter. Everything seems to flow like one continuous story and doesn’t seem to do some dumb interlude like FTs first chapter did with that awkward moment where Lucy leaves Natsu and she’s just randomly in the park reading.
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The King wants to use her ship to leave this world and we get som kind of motivation out of him.
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Oh wow, for a first chapter villain that’s actually a really deep thing to unload. That as amusment park hosts they must’ve just been seen as pleasure tools and with no one around these robots who seem to be senstinent must’ve felt betrayed and...
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Oooooor you cut out all moral ambiguity by just saying they have a virus. Sure. Trust me, this is where it gets stupid really stupid. And that’s the inconsistency.
So these robots I guess are like the ones from the Animatrix where they just kinda develop sentience out of nowhere. But unlike Animatrix it doesn’t seem to imply when they developed this sentience and that they began to think they were being abused.
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Tired of Friendship already, it ain’t leaving.
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So why do you hate humans? They abandoned you I guess, but there’s not other robot saying “hey our times were fun together” no everyone is like they left us to rot  so we hate them. Not like Humans did anything legitimate bad. We actually see that at the end of the chapter that there is some sort of central battery on the park that all robots are hooked up to. You could make their reason for hating humans that. That even though they left these sentiment robots still had a little kingdom to themselves, but realized that its all just going to end one day and humans didn’t even bother to unplug them. They’re existence is literally knowing when they’ll die, imagine that as why they harbor negative emotions and maybe Shiki actually fixing things might’ve actually been prolonging their lives so maybe that be why they kept him around. This whole sentience things just feels like Hiro wanted to do a trope of crazy robots and ended using multiple to fit the whatever story purpose at the moment.
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You do run the planet, dumbasses. This entire plane, apparently for hundreds of years, has been solely controlled by you. Maye this should be rephrased as, going to the place that built you to get revenge or as I spoiled with the battery we’ll take the ship to get more power for our kingdom?
Shiki doesn’t do anything and kinda lets the robots just wail on him as he found out all things in his life were a lie. Then Rebecca gives a friendship speech. A stupid stupid friendship speech.
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You’re right, Rebecca! Too bad we didn’t see that. I’m serious we barely see memories of Shiki with any robot outside of the demon king and Michael so there’s no weight to this conflict. We only get the vague sense they raised hm, but there’s no moments of Shiki really laughingg and enjoying their company outside of the party with Rebecca which rather is made more for getting Shiki to like Rebecca for this moment.
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Shiki remembers what his Grandpa the Demon King said and just blows them all away.
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We see Shiki’s hand and apparently he has these marks indicating he has Ether gear. The power system of this series.
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You’re sentiment! You have out grown your programming! You can choose to have a concept of friendship.
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So they fight with shitty action scenes (If I can give Horikoshi a hard time for how he draws his fight choreography, then I sure as hell will give Hiro the once over.) Happy manages to save Rebecca and like Happy from early FT, he basically spots off exposition on powers.
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So is it like a literal gear? Because Happy afterward destincties as the Gear of Gravity, so is it like a devil fruit? Is ether in all humans, but this specific gear brings it out in a certain way? If its internal then I guess its like the magic circuits from Fate? And then every of has their own unique variation like Nen? Like cause Happy gives it the distinction of Gravity it doesn’t seem like Shiki gives a reason why he has this power. I’m hoping \its like devil fruits, literal gears you implant and then it brings out your ether in a certain way.
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Shiki punches out the machine king and cause a massive collapse.
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Credit where credit is due, Hiro actually did build up the reveal of this power throughout the chapter and its actually really well done. Kinda reminds of something Oda would do with subtly building up a devil fruit power without revealing it. Like Crocodile drying out a flower but it isn’t stated his power is specifically sand.
They then flee when the other robots rally and Shiki takes Rebecca back to her ship.
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This scene would actually be really nice if we actually saw more young shiki actually having fun with the machines and not a being a creeper with them.
Shiki and Rebecca take off and we see the universe.
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Not gonna lie, that’s a really pretty shot. Like damn, I could get behind this.
It seems like worlds in this universe are basically like kingdom hearts worlds. They’re not real “worlds” so much as they are islands in space.
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Sure, keep the mystery alive why don’t you, no that be too much.
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Well great place to end the chapter. Little dry of a first story, but I definetly see that has room for improvment and there is something-Wait this isn’t the last page? But what else is there to talk about. There’s nothing left-
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Oh for fuck sake. That’s right they were trying to send SHiki away. Because apparently these robots thought there was no way to restore battery life even if stayed.
Here’s a tip, ifyou really care, and had such a close bond, maybe tell him to leave? Tell SHiki the truth that you guys are tied to a battery and instead of Shiki vowing to leave for the stars so he can make 100 friends (I’m not kiding that’s his actual goal here). Then this would be an interesting goal.
But no, you have to act like human hating jackasses and shatter the boy’s entire reality, just so you he would go out and “change the universe”
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This would be a really nice scene with a very nice amount of character development starting point, if we actually saw their past. All we know is they raised Shiki, but its never really seemed like they’re loving or caring or Shiki openly gets upset if one of them had a problem. Again the biggest flaw with this chapter is that it sacrifices seeing one potentially interesting relationship (Shiki and the robots) for another one (Rebecca).
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So we end on this page which reveals that Shiki’s goal is to have a hundred friends. Not going to say something snarky I just realized this is the same motivation as Yuki from future diary. Like before the crazy yandere shit.
Post Chapter follow up:
Lets be positive and look at the good stuff in this chapter. The first thing great about this chapter is it improved upon two of the biggest failings in the first chapter FT. Goals established and world building. Not only does this set up force Hiro Mashima to actually world build (literally) but each person in the first chapter has a goal that doesn’t seem like it can be accomplished quickly. It means we can have investment in the story.
Another thing I’ll give is Shiki is an okay MC. He has more personality than Natsu, but not as much as Haru and this first chapter is about him. Its easy to understand that Lucy is often considered the MC of FT because it literally focuses on her for the story than Natsu. But this chapter had a healthy balance.
Also the power system at least seems to have some definition. Unlike how anyone could have magic yet normal people just don’t choose to use it like in FT. Ether Gear seems to be a powersource that only a select few can use. Now we need to see first if there are ways of combating it like technology or such so a non ether gear person can still fight.
It also has its own unique aesthetic. Ft is a pretty generic fantasy world. It doesn’t have the bleakness of bereserk or the Japanese aesthetic of naruto. You could say Black CLover, Fairy Tail, and Seven Deadly sins all had their first chapter happen in the same world and I’d have trouble arguing it.
Now on to the crappy stuff. This series suffers from the usual Mashima foibles such as the sexual harassment, the stupidly way it tries to justify and give all conflict happy ending, not actually bothering to have a situation drawn out ad built up too, etc. I mean for the first conflict of the chapter its a heavy one, these guys raised SHiki yet their own mentality is against humans so Shiki has to choose, but instead of actually answering that question, it turns out there was no real conflict and the machines were just faking.
As for my like for Shiki, I flat hate Rebecca. She is so pointless and useless. Look I will defend Lucy and she actually can d things. First chapter she saved Natsu by using aquarius. But Rebecca? She’s just all of the bad traits of post timeskip Lucy. She is used for pointless fanservice, does nothing contribute, and becomes a mouth piece for friendship.
Speaking of friendship as a concept and goal here, Hiro just rewrite what you mean. Have deeper meaning than friends for once. There is ways you could take the motivation “I want to make 100 friends” in a compelling way. Prehaps Shiki is going out to make his own world where he can make a happy place for people where they can laugh and cry in harmony. Like story telling wise its pretty weak.
Like me personally, I would’ve taken the first chapter like this, the robots are sentinet and they are nice to Shiki and Rebecca and they have genuine fun together. They gradually reveal that they are shutting down maybe one starts acting wonky and tries to hide it and maybe the machine king is the real bad guy. He has sentinece and hates humans and he wants to eliminate SHiki and Rebecca and that’s because they’re shutting down. The other robots say they don’t care they were abandoned, they were mad at first but Shiki showed them that why they loved catering to humans. King and Shiki fight and they all reveal they’re shutting down and Shiki cries he doesn’t want them to go. The robots say its inevitable and they don’t hpw to recharge the battery and Shiki vows to leave the planet and search for a power source to bring them all back. Then that’s shiki’s goal and it even can cause questions like “Is it worth all this for machines?” or “who designed them maybe we can figure out the right substance to power them up?”
or if Hiro wanted to go a more darker route. Have the machines have no sentience and literally be dolls for the King who turns out to be a human who stayed here on Granbell and made his own little kingdom. Make it a bit meta on how Shiki’s only friends were just hollow imitations of people who were only friends because that’s what their programming dictated and they can all be switched off. It be meta as critiquing Ft and how all the guild characters basically had no conflicts, all got along, and were just friends with no depth or reason.
This all highlights the issue with Hiro Mashima and that’s he is not a good a writer. Hiro is an incredibly talented person and can come up with incredibly unique ideas and looks, which is why his cover pages are the best things he puts out because its him free forming. But writing. He has a limited scope on that and stuff like sci-fi and fantasy can be very morally grey things. But Hiro doesn’t seem to understand tragedy in the sense that its tragic because a person fails or dies unsatisfied. But he only seems to know how to write painfully obvious concepts like “save the world” or “friendship” instead doing a concept like “what it is to be a hero” like MHA does which can have a variety of answers to it.
So what’s the final verdict? Well I actually am going to do something different than usual. I’m going to say what I though the quality was compared to FT and then to what I’d consider this work compared to anything else.
In comparison to FT, Eden’s Zero gets a Final verdict of 8/10
Improves on a lot of FT’s first chapter flaws
Created a more unique environment for a story
And actually has a lot tighter narrative
But in comparison to everything else...
Final Verdict: 5/10
Even if it wasn’t Hiro, its a pretty generic start (some names aren’t even all that inspired like Machine King, Demon King)
Potential to grow into something better is there
Nothing is outright offensive
Cool concept
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rainbowglittr · 5 years
Senior Year: Chapter 26: pt1 cause it's so long
"Jaleia! Jaleia, wait!" Tyler yelled after me. I've been avoiding and ignoring Tyler for at least a week. I have to admit he is persistent- persistently annoying. I heard his footsteps get closer.
"What do you want Tyler?" I asked, bored of this game of cat and mouse.
"Can we talk later?" he asked, almost out of breath. 
"Why? I don't think we have anything to talk about." I started to put my earbuds into my ears.
"I know you're mad but I promise I will explain everything later. I hate it when you're mad at me."
"Oh now you care about me being mad? This should be good." 
"Seriously, Jaleia."
"I don't know what you expect me to say." I said while I picked out a song.
"Just let me explain, Jal-"
"Fine, Jesse and Kiara are going to be busy during lunch anyway." Jesse had to practice something for his music class, and Kiara was going to be writing an essay. And Robyn, well when has she been to lunch lately, might as well waste my time with Tyler.
"How's Jess?" Tyler asked with his voice low and his head down.
"Wouldn't you like to know? If you really want to know, you'll ask him yourself. I'll see you at lunch." I turned and walked away, my music blasting in my ears. Usually I'm a lot more forgiving, but Tyler, I want him to feel just as bad as he treated us.
The wind rustled the branches around us. I was with Tyler, we were walking to a cheap Pizzeria during lunch. I looked around, it was almost my favorite part of spring, when all of the flowers and plants come into full bloom. Right now, you could only see the buds of the flowers that were soon to awaken.
"Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not believing you about Mariah and not being around very much." Tyler blurted out.
"Okay?"I said, unimpressed by this confession.
"Look I just want us to be cool again, I'm sorry. I found out last night that-anyway. Are we cool?" I heard the hopefulness in his voice.
"I don't think so Tyler. You really treated me like shit." He suddenly stopped and faced me.
"I know and am sorry I'll never do that to you again. I know that you were just trying to look out for me." I crossed my arms at his words.
"What inspired this change of heart? And I'm not the only one you should be apologizing to."
"I know I know. There's a lot of shit going on with me okay?" His voice was slowly getting defensive.
"Who would know that but you Tyler? People tried to help you and you acted stupid and now you don't understand why you're on your own?"
"You know I hate talking about that kind of shit."
"Fine, but you don't have to be a jerk to everyone, everyone has problems but everyone doesn't act like a brat."
"Look my parents have gone fucking insane. Jaleia, they've been fucking fighting nonstop and they totally forgot I existed. I know that Mariah has been fucking other people. And I've been killing myself to get this basketball scholarship. It's been a lot." Two birds flew away as his voice got louder. We started walking again.
"I get that Tyler, but like that's what your friends are supposed to do-help you, but you wouldn't allow anyone to do that you just got sucked into the world of Mariah and didn't listen to anyone. You really screwed it up with Jesse. He didn't deserve that. We were only looking out for you."
"What do you want from me, I'm sorry! I don't know what else to tell you. I'm sorry for not believing you and ignoring you." Tyler raised his voice and threw his hands in the air.
"And being a dick, and for saying stupid things that were not true, for ignoring my feelings, for picking fights, for many more things, need I go on?" I rattled off. We stopped walking again. He turned to face me.
"I'm sorry for all that. But now I see what you were talking about. Now I know that there's better." He said sincerely as he grabbed my hand, stepping closer to me. I pulled away from him. I really couldn't believe him.
"Don't do that." 
"What?" he said, confused.
"Don't do that. I know you well enough to know how you try to hit on girls Tyler. I'm not your backup now that your first choice screwed up. This is what I'm talking about. You are so self absorbed! Spend some time dealing with the things that are clearly bothering you before you ruin another FRIENDSHIP!" I pushed past him and started to walk back to the school.
"Jaleia!" He said, trying to catch up to me. I turned around to face him.
"Stop trying to use people. You're not sorry, you're lonely. When you are actually sorry, come talk to me."
"Jaleia! That's not-I wasn't-I-" He stuttered, trying to think his way out of this.
I walked away. That's what I thought.
"You need to get your friend." I said as I leaned against a tree outside out school. Me and Jesse were in our usual meeting spot after school, waiting for the rest of our friends to come out so we could walk home.
"What do you mean? Who?" Jesse said, a little confused.
"Tyler, I think he's lost his mind."
"I don't fuck with him." Jesse said, flatly.
"He tried to apologize to me and hit on me at them same time. It's ridiculous. And I know you two will eventually make up. You can drop the macho guy act." Jesse rolled his eyes at me, then his eyes darted back at me."
"Wait, what the fuck did he do?" His head tilting as he said it.
"He was all like I know there's better now and tried to grab my hand. He's so stupid. Like I've known him for years I know what moves he tries on girls. That's classic "I'm pulling a move on you."
"What did you do?"
"I told him that he needs to figure out what's going on with him before he ruins another friendship."
"He's a fucking idiot." He sighed, shaking his head.
"Who is a fucking idiot?" Kiara said as she walked up to us.
"Tyler," I said. "He tried to apologize and hit on me at the same time. Who does that?"
"I can't wait for him to get it together. I don't know what's wrong with him."
"Well, apparently his parents are going through a thing. They have no idea what's going on with him. He realized that his little friend has been cheating on him, and been trying to get a basketball scholarship. So he's a little stressed right now we have to forgive him. No matter what he does. I Guess that's what he thinks." I said, while trying to figure out where I put my phone.
"He's a dick." Jesse said with a weird look on his face.
When I got home I laid on my bed and just thought about some things. It had been such a crazy year so far. I never thought that so many things could happen. Jesse and his brother fighting all the time, his sister getting sick, fighting with Tyler. Tyler dating a crazy girl, driving all his friends away, his parents fighting. Robyn-I don't even know what to say about her. So much has happened over the course of like six months. I think at this point me and Kiara are the only normal ones. All of a sudden I got a call from Tyler. It was 10 at night, one it's late, two, I have nothing to say to him, so I declined it. Like two minutes later it rang again, Tyler. I declined it again. Then got a sudden rush of text messages from him coming in.
Idk wat to do
So I texted back
What could be so damned important?
No, what do you want? Before I block you.
What, are you just wasting my time?
No, it's just that...
Mariah is pregnant 
I almost dropped my phone, I read it again to make sure I wasn't crazy. Pregnant? Pregnant? What the hell? Do they not know what condoms are? I get that she may not wanna be on birth control but damn no condoms? What the hell were they thinking? So many thoughts rushed through my head. What were they going to do with a baby? I guess I took too long because Tyler texted me to see if I was still there.
Shocked.... what do you mean like you saw the test?
Yes, positive
Your fucked
Thanks. that helps I dont know what to do
I dont know what you want me to tell you
Didnt she cheat on you?
Yeah but the timing....
Its mine pretty sure
You gonna tell your parents?
I dont know what the fuck to do
And no im not telling them
Your bro?
No. not yet. he wud tell them
Is she keeping it
Your fucked
Please help me
What do you want me to do? I didn't have unprotected sex and get someone pregnant. What am I supposed to do about it?
I dont know, im flipping my shit
I sighed, as annoyed as I am at him right now, I know that if I was in his shoes I wouldn't want the bitchy attitude I was giving him even though he completely deserved it. I would want a little understanding, so I decided to actually try to help him as best as I could. After all, when your friends are in trouble you're supposed to support them not tear them down. Right? Right? And I think at this point Tyler has literally reached rock bottom. I don't think he can go any lower. As much as I feel he doesn't deserve it, I'm going to help him. Then again this is not my responsibility. I don't even know what he expects me to do. I don't even know what to do. I don't even know why I'm so surprised.
You know I'm still mad at you right?
But I'm going to help you, cause I care about you and I think you've also suffered enough right now.
But you have to tell your parents, how can you even keep that a secret?
My parents dont care about me, her parents are always really busy. For the next couple months she wont show so...
And then whats the plan? Thats not a plan and its not smart.
Well she doesnt want to tell them until after prom.
What? Thats ridiculous and stupid
Well she has a cousin that works at planned parenthood that can hook her up until then
Please dont tell anyone. shell kill me and we dont want anyone to know
What if I tell someone that I know really well?
You can't tell anyone.
How am I supposed to keep this a secret? There is no way I can keep this a secret-no way. I have to tell at least Kiara, I know she won't tell anyone else and you know she won't.
Fine but if it gets out then Mariah and me are going to kill you
Ttyl, Tyler.
I sighed, what a mess. I can't wait to tell Kiara tomorrow. I don't even know how to feel at this point. I'm not even sure I want to be involved but I think it's a little late for that. A part of me can't even believe it. I hope it's just a late April fool's joke because... I don't know how this will end but they need to tell their parents for one. This whole situation is a mess. I grabbed the blanket on my bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
Jesse's POV
"Hey bro!" Shaun said as he opened the door to my room.
"What do you want?" I said, I didn't even look up from my laptop.
"Mom and dad are going out for the night, they sent Diana to Aunt Ebony's. You know I never had a chance to repay you for ratting me out. I know you told mom and dad about school and the car and all the other stuff. So don't worry the time has come for me to repay you for that."
"Just get out Shaun. You deserved it! You're not going to run all over me anymore."
"Oh I'm Not? Did you finally grow a pair?"
"Get out!"
"Make me, BITCH!"
I threw a shoe at his head. I ducked as he threw it back at me. "Fuck you!"
"Oh well I thought about all the ways to repay you and I thought what does Jesse care about the Most? And I found something. Those stupid guitars limited edition special bullshit-" I looked up at him.
"Shaun, what the fuck are you talking about?" I started to panic those guitars were so expensive I bought one and my dad bought the other for me. Special edition, gold trimmed, rare, Martin guitars. I have special cases, everything for them. They cost over a thousand dollars each. Those were not your average guitars. They are like collector's guitars, I very rarely played them.
"So I decided to fix them up for you."
"Leave them alone I swear, Shaun." I said as I got up to check for them in my closet.
"I already have them little bro, no need to look for them, I'll show you." Shaun smiled sadistically.
"Shaun, what the fuck are you talking about. This is not funny, do you know how fucking expensive those are. I will-"
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Why do we feel the need to do updates when we haven't been on an app for damn near a year? Anyway-
Doing better health-wise. Lungs aren't falling apart so much anymore, I'm coughing up much less gunk and I can breathe better again. I'm going to take this opportunity to try and not be so doom minded anymore. I figure as corny and cliché as it is to be so happy in the face of a much shorter life expectancy, I may as well try to make something of it for others before I die.
I think that's what most people fear when they really think and realize it too. It could be dying alone, or in front of their lover, or without ever getting to say their proper goodbyes to their lover. However all of that is rooted so deeply in the memories that those two have created with each other.
Getting tangential, I'll bring it back around. I've just got some things I need to write out of my head.
I lost the girl of my childhood's adoration recently to very selfish and self-centered desires and idealogies on her behalf. I decided to let her take reigns if her own decisions and she decided I didn't to be a part of her life to be fulfilled or happy as a person. I felt entirely abandoned and dropped off yet; From the very first moment we met on the swingset at Knox Elementary School in Chandler, Arizona I knew I wanted to be with her and make a life with her and maybe even a kid or two after we got the fuck out of the desert we were in and maybe even get our own house with a bunch of animals and a pool and all the cheesy shit that makes a lump form in your throat and cry when you say it out loud, fuck me dude.
I really thought through all of the California shit we could finally grow old and grey together and for the past 3 years we fucking were dude. We ran through the the streets at night together, ran our fingers through each others hair, held each other and felt each other in such sensual, non-sexual ways, we learned each others minds and bodies, we learned each others inner thoughts about the world around us. We went out to the desert where the surface streets ended and just stared up at the night sky in each others presence. We literally owned the night and no one had more fun with each other than we did, fight me over it. We laughed and cried together, watched our friends leave us and find others together, watched fires and floods together, been on top of and beside each other, rolled on the floor like we were ferrets together. Made love and didnt just fuck each other, unless we both knew we wanted it. And when we did, we knew the difference between the physical and mental meshing and bonding of a body and spirit, and pure primal and corporeal pleasure. We knew each others flaws and utmost weaknesses and we never went at them just to feel dominant to the other. We just, lived and loved together.
But now that's all gone. Has been for almost two months now.
Now I don't know if I should take the chance on my love life anymore. Not so much out of cowardice and the fear of being hurt. Neither of those feelings exist within what I recognize to be the core of my being anymore. She took those with her when she left. In many ways you could say she's made me more immune to feeling things than I ever was before we got together.
Which in itself is an oxymoron but like... What else is there to say to describe when you were born into this world with an innate sense of ambivalence towards others and literally only two people have ever stuck out among the hundreds you've come into pass with? With outstanding exception none the less.
I can say shamelessly that I've been with someone just for the sexual gratification of feeling desired by another but only because it was with just that one. And God damn did I learn my lesson with being with someone without feeling for them. Her name was Ariela and I was literally a God to her. She was submissive to a fault. Not to mention very co-dependant on penis being in her to have any sense of self value or worth. I did everything in my power at the time to help her mentally and help her become better as a person morally and value-wise. She didn't want it. She wanted to be the center of pity and negative attention at every chance so she could feel justified in snapping back at the slightest resistance to anything she held valuable. She drained me of too many necessary emotions that I needed to have about me to function as a young man and it absolutely had a hand in pulling me away from my friends in California.
And yet as sad and regressive as it is. I don't know if I can properly explain it, but I do still have love to spare within me for another. Im more than willing to create memories with this outstanding individual. She probably knows it but is significantly more than likely no longer interested in a future with me if ever at all to begin with. And I know this. And I don't have any say in changing that because if I'm being honest with myself she's literally the closest thing to a perfect human being in terms of intelligence, awareness and compassion for other outstanding humans that I have ever been graced with a "Hey" by; And I'm literally just a plain-faced caveman in comparison. And like, that's life. I fucked up on my end more than enough times than she should ever have to put up with from a friend.
All of that said, we never communicated properly what was in our heads about how we felt specifically about each other. We both were afraid of certain aspects of changing a friendship and out of that fear we- well, I cant speak for her but I- know that I decided to be passive and on the sidelines when I should've been more, well less of a bitchy and emotionally needy teenager about everything. Not so much making any moves in terms of making myself stand out amongst a literal crowd of others that were vying for her genuine attention. But out of all that I learned that I needed to be more of a man amidst the boys I was also around.
The adults in my life have always pointed out that I'm more mature than others in my generation, yet when it came time to BE the more mature amongst the others in my generation I failed. Failed hard. Failed so hard I doubled down on the bitchy and emotional-ness and more or less let those particular people in California try to live their lives like I'd never been in them, just as they were before I moved to California.
And I think it was then and there that I realized it. The being remembered thing.
I've had friends, and friends of friends, and "best" friends all come on to me, sexually. As in the dance with no pants variety of coming on to me. And I shut them down, dead in their fat assed, busty tracks. Because for one, I didnt want the sex. I wanted the connection, affection and attention. And two, the feelings for my childhood love and at-the-time crush (God I hate and love that word, it really truly does only work for highschool sweethearts doesn't it?). And all of those particular people were able to pass me up and drop me after the sex was denied. They didn't want to remember me, they wanted to remember the novelty of the orgasms and fleshly pleasure I gave them in the taboo of the social circles we were in. One in particular I knew just wanted to fuck me to piss off another, and that stuck out in my mind.
My point being! Those people haven't talked to me since I moved and those people didnt talk to me when I was there. They lacked a fear of not being remembered that I think the two mentioned far above did. I know that for a fact about Desiree. But I could be entirely wrong about the California girl in every which way, but ya know what dude? When you sit and watch sunsets with a guy every day for almost 3 weeks in a row and most of that time is spent talking about each others day, what's going on in our lives and awkward arm-over-the-shoulder cuddling; Spend a large number of nights watching anime and poking each other, spending many an overnights conversation with each other in person and over the phone. It's kind of bass ackwards to say there wasn't a flicker of something going on there.
And for me, those two are always going to be quite literally burned into my memory above others. Not all of them, more like aside from them. Congruent if you will. Because we made unintentionally or otherwise, very potent memories. On my end they did at least. See that there? That's what the purest and most potent form of fear inside an eternally broken man's heart looks like on paper. Well, screen.
Indiscernability of the soul.
Not really knowing. Anymore or to begin with.
These things literally kill us every day. Inside and out. Not risking the pain, not seeking the truth. Being afraid of losing and tarnishing a connection with someone you say you can love shouldn't be allowed-
Is what I would've said had I never gotten to feel what I knew was true love with the love of my life. If I hadn't been given a genuine shot with an outstanding and beautiful in every aspect individual. If I hadn't been given the chance to fuck up, I wouldn't have been given the chance to feel. This is equivalent exchange at its finest and if I could tell you both face to face, our time with and around each other was not a faustian bargain. Because even if I didn't get the future I envisioned with one of you, and another any future at all. I still got memories that will never not be a part of me and if I can offer you two anything,
You wont be forgotten. You will be remembered. So no longer live your lives with the fear of not being. It's an enormous weight off of your conscience.
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clown-bait · 6 years
A Very Monster Christmas (Monster Roommate AU) Pt2
WOWW I finally got this out. This one was hard cause theres so much dialogue and I’ve also been dealing with a lot of vacations and work shit going on in my personal life. Finally getting this done though! Lots of Freddy in this chapter. 
Charles Lee Ray sat up from his bed with a scream. The doll frantically checked his body where moments ago clown/vampire hell spawn had been tearing into his rubber synthetic skin. His wife groaned and rolled over greedily pulling the sheets with her, it was too damn early to deal with Chucky’s bullshit.
“J-just a dream just a fuckin’ dream” he mumbled Tiff flipped onto her back and stared at the ceiling through her eye mask. “It’s six in the damn morning Chucky” she growled.
“I’m gonna go downstairs and everything will be fine and normal and Fangs will be smoking a bowl and not filled with demons.”
“And they wont explode out of her and eat me alive.”
“And Jingles wont be fuckin’ laughing at me”
“CHUCKY!!” Tiff ripped off her eye mask as she sat up. “IT’S SIX IN THE FUCKING MORNING.”
The killer doll stared shocked and silent at his enraged spouse.
“Go back to sleep.” she grumbled as she attempted to lay down again.
“Look its a valid fear.” Chucky began to ramble and Tiff’s eyes slowly rolled back open. “You saw what happened when we had the twins!! Think about what their hell-spawn will look like!”
“Most of what happened was your fault dear.”
“Ok but Jingles and Fangs are both twice as unstable as we are! At least I don't look at a fuckin toddler and think breakfast!”
“I think you’re letting him get to you. By the way did you tell the clown the kids are coming?” Tiff asked deciding that going back to sleep wasn't an option at this point. Chucky’s eyes went wide.
“YOU FORGOT?! If he tries to eat them you're gonna be in a load of trouble!”
“Tiff! it'll be fine! At the worst he’ll just eat Glenn and thats not so bad is it?”
“All right, all right! I’ll let him know sheesh.”
The doll slipped on a Christmas sweater depicting some sort of reindeer gang bang and shuffled down the stairs of the old house. He heard a loud pleasured groan coming from the couch which usually meant one of two unsavory things in this house both of which Chucky would rather not witness.
“Hey Jingles put your dick away my kids are coming over!” he shouted down from the middle of the stairs deciding that proceeding any further would result in seeing something that would ruin his holiday before it even began. The doll was answered with a gruff swear and grumbling.
“Did you hear me clown?” he called down the steps again.
“Shut up Chuck I'm trying to enjoy my holiday!” a shout called out through the rotting halls.
“Krueger? The fuck are you doing here?” Chucky groaned walking down the stairs and into the room then quickly turned around and swore when he saw the scene on the couch.
“Getting laid jackass what does it look like?” Freddy grumbled zipping up his pants as Chris popped his head up his hair a total sweaty mess under Freddy’s signature fedora.
“You have your own damn house for that shit! Where the fuck is Jingles?” the doll turned away. Great holiday already ruined.
“He’s throwing up with Fangs in the basement.”
“And here I thought you were the freak.” Chucky rolled his eyes.
“He is.” Chris added wiping his mouth.
“Oh come on Chrissy you haven't been complaining.” the dream demon swung a clawed hand over his shoulders in a way that came off more as threatening than affectionate. His knife tipped fingers dug slightly into the humans shirt and a disgusting rotten tongue peaked out from between Freddy’s ruined lips.
“I’m fucking you cause I have nothing left.” Chris flinched at Freddy’s touch.
“Isn’t he great?” the dream demon grinned.
“Yeah pretty sure you traumatized this guy.” Chucky folded his arms over his chest
“Nah Fangs traumatized him, I just cleaned up her mess and stole her leftovers.”
“Your friends are awful people.” Chris hissed at Freddy.
“You’re not wrong buddy! Speaking of I need to find Jingles before he eats my kids or whatever.” Chucky turned to make his way to the kitchen.
“Wow you're a real model parent Chuck.” Freddy called after him striking a nerve.
“Like you know anything about being a dad.” The doll turned around and snapped.
“I do! I was great at it!” Freddy leaned back clicking on the old tv.
“Didn’t your kid try to kill you?” Chucky squinted.
“Didn’t your’s?” Freddy cocked a ruined brow.
“I’m sensing a trend here within our community and our parenting abilities.” the doll said deep in thought.
“So how long do you think Jingles and Fangs will last?” Freddy smirked placing his hands over his head.
“I’ll give em a week.” Chucky laughed.
“Eleven minutes.” Chris chimed in and Freddy laughed.
“Harsh Chrissy. You're probably right.”
“Wellp I’ve lost focus back to bed for me.” Chucky stretched and yawned.
“You’re not going to tell Jingles to forgo the Christmas dinner? Tiff’s gonna cut your nuts off.” Freddy began making a dramatic snipping motion with his claws inches from his human’s nose for dramatic effect.
“Eh knowing Glenda she’ll probably scare him first.”
Freddy laughed and placed his arm around his captive once again as the movie he was looking for began to play. “There goes a very brave and stupid man Chrissy.”
“Fuck you too Fred.”
“Hey Pen? Is there any way you can make me forget that?” Leech groaned her back against the clown’s as the pair waited for the nausea to die down in the basement. One of his eyes peeled open and a single molten pupil rolled back in her direction. Pennywise let out a long disgusted growl at the memory he'd just received.
“I’d like to do the same for myself” he finally muttered out and felt a chuckle vibrate against him.
“Well I got the next best thing if you’re interested.”
The eldritch exhaled a gravely sigh “For once, I'm not in the mood.”
“Yeah wasn't talking about that Pen. Sheesh and you say my mind is the one that’s always in the gutter!”
“It is.”
The clown sat up and turned his head to his mate as she pushed off him to walk over to a pile of ancient junk. Penny began making clicking vocalizations indicating interest and skittered up to her the sound of insectile limbs that weren't there trailed behind him as he moved. His noises got louder and Leech felt a large presence behind her trying to nose its way into what she was doing. The vampire batted the giant beast away.
“No peeking big guy and no mind reading this is a surprise.” she scolded him Pennywise grumbled and turned around as she dug into her hiding place. He began to ponder how she was able to get past him when suddenly he got an idea and a faint glow began to illuminate from his eyes. “You have no idea how hard it was to keep this from you, I wanted to give it to you at the end of the celebrations but Fred had to go and be gross.” she rambled not even noticing that her mate had vanished. “I know you collect this shit so I threatened and tortured several people to get this done since you're incredibly hard to shop for.” she continued to ramble to nothing as she pulled out a large flat gift.
“Ok you can look n-Pen?” the nosferatu looked around behind her. “Pennywise?” she called out to him but got no response. “Oh come on I worked really hard on this!” Leech snarled in frustration. “Pen for real this is important to me where the fuck did you go?” after more silence the vampire sent a cacophony of curses into the air before letting out a frustrated screech. Leech felt her vision blur and her offspring threaten to take hold of her again as her temper flared. She grabbed her abdomen and fought them back. “Kids mamma loves you, but we have got to talk about our tantrums.” she grated out against their hold on her, trying to calmly slide Penny’s gift under her arm and climb up the stairs of the basement.
“I take back what I said about your father being a good mate, fucker has the attention span of a goldfish.” she felt a swell in her mind and slammed the door a little too hard behind her. “What don't agree with me? Please don't tell me you've already inherited his superiority complex, some of you gotta be at least a little like me to balance this household out.”
“WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO FANGS?” Freddy yelled from the couch.
“My spawn Freddy go back to getting your dick sucked!” she snarled at the dream demon.
“Man those kids are going to be fucked up!” he laughed “I’m already finished with that anyway get in here were watching Grinch!” Freddy heard a sigh and Leech grumpily placed the unopened christmas gift by the tree before flopping next to her friend and the man who cut off her finger only a few hours ago.  
“So you're dating someone.” the vampire side eyed the dream demon and made a face when she saw he hadn't bothered to put pants back on.
“You can talk to me too you know I'm right here.” Chris grumbled.
“I’m fucking someone theres a difference Fangs.” He huffed.
“If you were just fucking you wouldn't have brought him home.”
“Wow again right here-”
“Be grateful I didn't eat you too Chris.” Leech snapped.
“What a surprise, the vampire is getting moody. This is why Im fucking a human way less bitchy.” Freddy rolled his eyes and cleaned his fingernails with his claws.
Leech hissed low in her throat as her upper lip twitched over her fangs in warning. Chris quivered a bit in fear remembering the last time he heard such noises. Her mere presence alone made him even more uneasy in this house now it sounded like she was about to snap again.
“I-I oh god how did I end up here what have I done.…” the human ran his fingers through his hair and Freddy rolled his eyes. Great another damn break down.
“All right babe deep breath daddy Freddys here shhh.”
Leech looked up from the dusty decrepit tv “Wellp I’m leaving.”
“Oh yeah like I don't have to endure this all the time from you!”
“Daddy really?”
“You call the clown Snuggle Muffin!”
“Yeah when were alone. By the way Chris, Fred can regrow his fingers. Do me a favor since you owe me one and put him in his place.”
“Sheesh you're grumpy Fangs” Freddy rolled his eyes and placed his gloved hand around the human that Leech was pretty sure experiencing some form of Stockholm syndrome.
“All my friends are dead.”
“Did we traumatize him?” she asked the dream demon.
“I dunno probably. Rides a dick like a slut though!”
“Well I'm glad someones having a Merry Christmas.”
“Hey fangs do me a favor and open the damn red box already I'm getting real tired of your moping. Put up with that enough from Drac.”
“Look behind you moron.”
Leech glanced behind her and saw a perfectly wrapped gift sitting in the center of the archway a balloon tied to it sitting unnaturally still in the dim light of the house.
“That motherfucker!” the vampire swore as she stood to pick up the package. It was impossibly light in her hands and there was a little tag hanging off the end. The nosferatu gently opened it and her scowl shifted into a warm smile
Me first Peachy.
It read in poor crimson handwriting with a smiling heart shaped balloon in the corner. The nosferatu’s un-beating heart was practically singing as she tore off the wrapping. She didn't even expect Pennywise to participate and yet he got her a gift! Leech lifted the lid and was flung backwards as something enormous sprung from the present like a giant demonic jack in the box. IT cackled with glee through its horrible rows of sharp teeth as it shot up almost too big to fit in the room. Leech scampered back in surprise and shock claws tearing into the couch as she screamed in reflex to being caught completely off guard.
“I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU” she yelled at the cackling clown that was swaying back and forth holding his sides. Behind her Freddy snorted joining in on the laughter and chris had fainted from shock. “That was fuckin amazing Jingles!” the dream demon shouted to the clown who couldn't stop his cackling.
“YOUR KIDS ARE GOING TO GROW UP FATHERLESS CAUSE I’M GOING TO KICK YOUR RUFFLED ASS ALL THE WAY BACK TO WHATEVER HOLE YOU CRAWLED OUT OF YOU MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF- whats this?” Leech began to scream at him but stopped when a huge box was presented to her, the fang filled grin on her clown growing even wider.
“Take iT!” the beast hissed.
“I don’t trust you anymore” Leech narrowed her eyes at him.
“Take iiiitttt!!!”
“If anything jumps out at me or bites me or screams at me I am not letting you have the second half of your present.”
“Mouth or ass Fangs?!” came a shout from the couch.
“FREDDY I SWEAR TO GOD! ……………….mouth….”
“Heh nice.”
Penny’s smile closed in realization “Wait ass is an option now?”
“We’re not going there.” Leech sighed not wanting to discuss THAT again with him. She opened the large case then quickly shut it. “PEN! This is a fucking guitar case!”
“Oh shit looks like Jingles is getting both tonight eh sweet lips?!” Freddy elbowed the dazed and traumatized human who was currently questioning every choice he had made in the last twenty four hours.
“I only had to threaten one person to get your gift” Penny smirked, finally climbing out of the small red box and shrinking back to what could be considered normal size. He shook himself a bit and begun to fix his hair “Your servant scares easy, I almost made a meal of him.” he snickered while twirling the top of his baby curl into place. “Well go on then play us a tune Peachy.” he grinned a little too satisfied with himself for Leech not to be suspicious.
Leech took the instrument out of its case and inspected it carefully. She certainly wasn't amazing at guitar but after traveling with a band for so long she picked up the ability to play a few songs. Her fingers ran up along the neck and brushed a small chain she quickly pulled her hand back in fear that it was another trick from the clown. Which it was judging from the excited grin on Penny’s face as his mate’s fingers traced solid gold chain.
Leech glanced up and glared at him. “What the fuck is this? Where the hell did you get this Pen?”
Pennywise placed his finger on her cool lips stopping the confused swearing from pouring from her mouth. The clown gave her a cheesy wink and with his other hand reached into his ruff. He gave a quick tug and plucked out an ancient tarnished silver bell which he presented to her in his palm not saying a word. Penny’s great blue eyes seared into hers in anticipation as Leech reached to take it but pulled her hand back with a hiss when the silver singed her skin. Pennywise seemed caught off guard then came to a realization swiping the gold chain from his mates hands. His large fingers closed around both objects and squeezed when he opened them the bell shined gold like his eyes before the kill. Pennywise fastened the bell to the necklace and held it up again this time with his signature goofy smile in place. “Pen seriously what is this?” Leech asked quietly now as she took the necklace and slipped it on.
“For you.” the clown grinned wider. “It’s part of me!”
“Just get married already!” Freddy yelled from the couch turning up the volume of the old tv.
“You motherfucker you know how I feel about sappy shit.” the nosferatu grinned twirling the bell in her fingers “Well? Go on get over here.” she smirked glancing up at him. Penny snaked his arms around his mate and held her against him “I hate you” the vampire mumbled into his costume rubbing her nose into his chest. “I hate you too.” Pennywise replied warmly he pulled her back and leaned in but Leech stopped his lips from pressing into hers.
“Hold that thought! I need to finally give you yours!”
“This is disgusting, were trying to watch a movie here!”
“Oh yeah says the guy who just moments ago was getting sucked off on my couch!” The vampire flipped Freddy’s hat off his head as she passed by him.
“At least we weren't doing any romcom crap!” He called after her
“You could always get out of my house.” the clown grumbled
“Nah I keep my bong here! Plus your sofa’s more comfortable than that victorian era piece of junk Drac has.”
“You people and your antique furniture. Ikea exists you know!” Chris grumbled.
“I’m cultivating eeriness human, also there better not be any stains Krueger.” Penny snarled.
“Like you'd be able to tell Jingles, this thing could probably get someone pregnant just by sitting on it…..wait is that what happened to you Fangs?”
Leech rolled her eyes at him while shoving her gift into Penny’s arms. “Freddy for once in your life just shut up.”
the clown clicked and rumbled tearing open the package with claws and teeth. then held the large frame out in front of him. “the derry circus!” he said excitedly and he viewed the poster. “featuring me!” he giggled with pride at the picture of his likeness grinning back at him and beckoning for someone to step closer.
“Had it custom done! Its not as amazing as what you gave me but I hope you like it.” Leech leaned back against the edge of the sofa behind her overly pleased with herself. Pennywise set the frame down and stalked forward pinning his mate against the couch with his hips long limbs wrapping around her. “You’ve given me plenty.” He grinned placing his large hand on her abdomen. “I didn't plan on that part.” the vampire smirked thumbing his ruffles in her fingers. “Comere asshole.” Leech hissed and pulled his ruffles. The clown leaned down and kissed her dipping her back so she could wrap her legs around him as he explored her mouth.
“Look I'm not complaining about the sex but this asshole’s about to swoop in and ruin Cindy Lou Hoo’s day and you two tend to get way too loud.”
Pennywise bit down on his mate’s lip then sunk his teeth into her neck bucking his hips sharply against her making Leech moan. “Ahhh! Penny!!” she shouted enthusiastically.
“I’m warning you Jingles if I miss the damn song I'm gonna be pissed!”
Penny clamped down harder and growled, loudly smacking Leech’s ass through her thin pajama shorts. The vampire hissed in response spurring her mate on to make deep lust filled vocalizations into her skin.
“FINE FUCK YOU THEN! Come on Chris if we hurry we can at least catch the ending.” the dream demon grumbled and yanked the human up who was eager to leave. A moment after their departure the vampires eyes flew open.
“Are they gone?” Leech panted claws running through her clowns hair. Penny grunted and retracted his fangs from her flesh. “Fuckin finally, the couch is ours!” she shouted hopping over the side. “I’m telling ya if I had to sit through The Grinch one more time this week I’d probably go postal.” Pennywise grumbled in agreement and stretched his back shaking himself out his after his spine made a series of loud pops and cracks. “That sounded terrible.” Leech commented thumbing through her movie collection.
“You kept me waiting in that box forever.”
“Aaawww does Pennywhine need a back rub?”
The impossibly tall monster leaned over the edge of the couch to glare at her. Leech grinned up at him and tapped him on the nose with a dvd sticking her tongue out to mock him. Penny snarled and lunged over the edge of the couch at her the two aggressively wrestling trying to pin the other against the sofa. Pennywise was on his way to victory as per-usual, when he saw his own eye color flash through Leech’s glossy blues. Suddenly his back was against the old couch claws pinned against the top his eyes narrowed at his captor.
“Using my offspring against me is cheating!” he snarled at her.
“Cheating? I call it leveling the playing field!” Leech scoffed. She planted an obnoxiously rough kiss on his lips and released him flopping over to the side and crossing her legs over the eldritch’s. The vampire picked up her white and black guitar and thumbed out a cheesy romantic christmas tune, softly singing aloud. Pennywise watched her for a moment taking note of the soft glow peeking out from under her shirt almost flashing to the rhythm of the music. She had a belly full of future dancing clowns. He smiled to himself, leaning back and shutting his eyes. In this moment things were absolutely perfect.
All until there was a honk and a banging at his front door.
Awww Pen’s so nice when he wants to be. 
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hockeyandstuff91 · 6 years
How did this happen? - Part 3
Word count: 2,403
Players: Tyler Seguin, Alexander Radulov, Jamie Benn
Authors note: Woo for part 3! I have written both parts 3 and 4 all at once so both of them will be out together yaaay! haha I hope you guys are enjoying this series as much as I am!!!!
Part 1    Part 2    Part 4
(Brooke’s POV)
Ashlyn and I found our way down the steps towards where our seats were located, setting my purse on the floor where we were standing.
"This is so cool," I smiled over at Ashlyn, so excited to be sitting this close to the ice.
"I know! We're going to get so many good pictures!" She said.
We both sat in our seats while we waited for the guys to start coming out from the locker room. It was still pretty early, the doors had just barely been opened and people were slowly starting to make their way into the rink. I watched as some took their seats while others made their way down to the glass so they could put their signs up against the glass and hope for a selfie or puck from one of the players.
I looked over and saw that they were stepping out onto the ice, skating around a bit and knocking the pucks onto the ice before taking a few warmup shots. Ashlyn and I stood up and got closer to the glass. Immediately to my right I hear a squeal and some giggling. I groaned and rolled my eyes knowing what I was going to see when I looked over. So instead I looked over to Ashlyn and I saw her trying to hold back her laughing, watching my reaction.
"I'm right aren't I?" I asked.
"Ooooh yeah.." she said as she laughed, shaking her head and turned her attention back to the ice.
I turned my head back towards the ice but my eyes continued to move towards my right, looking at the two girls standing next to me. They had on Dallas shirts that they had modified to make them more.. revealing. They had about a pound of makeup on and fucking heels?! Are you kidding me to a hockey game? I laughed a bit and shook my head. To each their own but that was a broken ankle waiting to happen.
"Yeah.. yeah I was right," I said. I had known there were going to be puck bunnies here tonight but boy were they out doing themselves this time. I managed to look over again as they were pulling a sign up that when I read it made my eyes go wide.
"What?" Ashlyn asked, leaning over seeing the sign but not able to read it now that it was plastered up against the glass.
"You don't even want to know," I let out a sarcastic laugh. Before I could even continue to tell her what it said they looked over at us.
"You got a problem?" The platinum blonde one questioned.
"Me?" I asked pointing to myself. "Nooo," I faked a smile. They just looked at us with a bitchy face and I ignored them.
"Tyler's out on the ice," Ashlyn said, nudging me.
"Aw yeah there he is! Rads is right behind him," I smiled nudged her back. I smiled and watched him for a minute.
"Like he would ever pay attention to you two," I heard one of them mumble and the other one laugh.
I bit your tongue not wanting to start anything, knowing that they wouldn't be sitting next to you tonight anyways so I only had to deal with them for the rest of the pregame warmup.
I leaned down and grabbed my phone out of my bag and turned it on. I looked down and saw that Tyler's name popped up on my screen with a text from him, my phone making your notification sound.
"Did he already text you back?" Ashlyn asked looking over, seeing who it was.
"Yeah I guess so," I laughed.
I heard a gasp to your right and I looked over. The girl closest to me was looking at my phone with a surprised expression, seeing Tyler's full name on the screen. She looked up when she realized I had looked over at her. "That's obviously not him," she said pointing to Tyler who was skating around the net.
"And why do you think its not?" I asked.
She looked me up and down and looked away, that was clearly enough of an explanation for me to know exactly what she meant.
"Remember my face sweetie you might see it again someday," I smirked and turned my attention back to the ice.
"Ha," she laughed and rolled her eyes.
Ashlyn was about dying at this point, wishing that she would be able to see the reaction later on when she did see my face again.
I saw Jamie over by Tyler, whispering to him with his glove over his mouth and motioning in the direction of us, knowing he was pointing to the girls sign. Tyler rolled his eyes and shook his head. He looked over and saw that we just happen to be standing right next to the puck bunnies and he calls over to Radulov to get his attention, motioning to us. I hear the two girls gasp, thinking that hes talking about them but I knew better.
I smiled as I grabbed my phone, watching as the two of them skate over. I saw out of the corner of your eye the girls pulling down their shirts and fixing their hair. I smile through the glass at them, waving. They wave back and Ashlyn and I turn around so that we can get a selfie with them. Just as you go to take the picture Jamie skates over and gets in the back. I turn back around and the boys give you a thumbs up.
"What the fuck?" The girls to your right say as they skate away totally ignoring them.
"Aw whats the matter your sign didn't work?" Ashlyn smiled at them.
"Shut up. The only thing you two would get from any of them is a picture anyways."
Just then Tyler and Alexander skated back over, both with a puck each. Alexander tossed his first, Ashlyn catching it, smiling big at him and he returned the smile. He pointed to it and made a flipping motion with his hand. Ashlyn turned it over and gasped, wide eyed seeing that his number was on the back.
"Brooke!" was all she could get out and showed it to me, making sure the other girls couldn’t see it.
"Ooooh!" I giggled and she grabbed her phone to text him right away so that he would get it when he went back to the locker room.
Tyler then tossed his over the glass and both the blonde girl and I went to catch it. She grabbed it out of my hands saying "That was for me. He did see the sign," She smirked, all proud of herself.
Just then you both heard a tap on the glass and looked over to see Tyler looking at the blonde girl and shook his head. He pointed to me and mouthed "It's for her," with a disgusted look on his face.
She matched his face with one of her own and gave me the puck.
"Make that a picture and a puck," I smile as I watch them both stalk up the stairs, mad.
I laugh and turn back, smiling at Tyler who smiled back at me. I just about melt into a puddle right there. He and Alexander for the rest of the warmup hung around over near us, stretching and acting silly. Ashlyn and I took lots of pictures and videos, laughing so much when they would do something dumb on the ice, knowing they were trying to make you laugh since they kept looking over and smiling when they saw our reactions. Right before they headed off the ice to get ready for the entrance for the game they both tapped on the glass with their sticks to us and skated off.
The game went amazing, Alexander got the goal that tied the game and Tyler ended up getting two more right before the 3rd period ended. We grabbed our stuff and made our way back up the the suite that we had spent time in between the periods to hang out and have some snacks.
I set my stuff down and sat on the couch and sighed "That was so great," I smiled and rested my head against the back of the couch.
"I know that game was so intense but so amazing. And both Tyler and Alexander kept coming over to tap the glass every time they got a goal that was so cool," Ashlyn smiled as she joined me on the couch.
"So you got a text from Raddy saying to not leave the suite right away?" I asked her.
"Yeah he said they were going to change and shower really quick and come up to meet us in like 15 minutes," she said.
We sat there just talking about the game and re watching some of the videos and snapchats that we had taken. I heard a knock at the door and it opened, seeing Tyler peek around the corner.
"Heeey," he smiled as he entered the room, Alexander right behind him.
"You guys did so good!" I smiled at them.
"Thank you! It was a fun game," Alexander responded.
"So you girls want to go grab something to eat somewhere?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah that'd be great!" I smiled and stood up, grabbing my things.
"We'll take my jeep and then come back here to drop you off later if that's ok?" He asked as we walked out of the suite and started down the hall towards the stairs.
"Yeah that sounds great," Ashlyn responded.
"Oh.. I do have to warn you we are going to be walking by a line of fans and we will stop and take some pictures and things but it wont be too long," Tyler smiled, walking next to me, standing close, which I enjoyed a lot.
"That's ok," I smiled up at him, he was quite a bit taller than me. Actually he was almost a whole foot taller than me, being that I’m 5'3" and he's 6'1".
"So I saw you had a little run in with some puck bunnies earlier?" He laughed and I nodded, rolling your eyes.
"Yeaaah. Surprised she actually gave me the puck back and didn't run away with it," I laughed.
"Yeah she was a little surprised when I told her it wasn't for her. Especially with what that sign said," he said rolling his eyes again.
"Yeah that was gross," I responded.
Ashlyn nodded "Well you can tell they aren't very creative if all you can come up with is 'puck for suck?' like really?" she laughed.
I laughed, hearing it from someones mouth just made it even more funny. "At least she knows how to rhyme," I said after I finally stopped laughing, wiping I eyes as you had started crying you were laughing so hard, as were the rest of them.
We all took a deep breath and settled down, still laughing a bit as we rounded the corner, seeing a line of fans. There were some kids, some older people, and then I saw them again. The lovely puck bunnies from earlier.
"Oh speak of the she devils," Ashlyn groaned.
I saw that they weren't paying attention at all until people starting screaming once seeing Tyler and Alexander. I saw that Jamie had just finished going through the line and waved back at us. "See you in a few minutes dude I'll get us a table!" he called as he headed off to his car.
The two girls turned back to see who he was talking to and smiled seeing it was  Tyler. Then they noticed Ashlyn and I again and their eyes went wide, their jaws wide open.
"Looks like we got to see their reaction to seeing our faces again after all," I laughed and Ashlyn smirked, loving this whole moment.
As we made it down the line, Ashlyn and I following behind the boys slowly so they had time to get to everyone and we didn't get in the way, we finally made it towards the end where the two girls were at. They got their shirts signed and took a picture with the two of them.
Tyler saw the girl's glances over to you two, whispering something to each other that you couldn't hear but he obviously did. He smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and started walking out with me, watching the girls faces drop again and watched as we walked by them and out to the parking lot where we all got into Tyler's car.
"Oh my god their faces were priceless when you did that!" Ashlyn laughed.
"I had to. They are not nice girls. I don't think they realized I heard what they had said so I wanted to prove them wrong," He smiled at me two in the review mirror as he started the car.
"Oh? What did they say?" I asked him.
He shook his head "Doesn't matter."
"Tyler.. it's ok I'm sure I have heard it before," I said.
"They just were for whatever reason shocked that you two were actually with us. They thought that you had just followed us or something," he said and drove out of the parking lot.
"Yeah not surprised. She made a number of comments to us back at warmups."
"Sorry about that. I don't know why girls like that are so mean to other girls." Alexander said.
"Yeah sadly its normal," Ashlyn said.
"Yeah its why I'm not usually friends with girls. Unless we are similar," I nod towards Ashlyn and she nods back in agreement.
"Well either way I was happy to prove them wrong," Tyler smiled again as he pulled onto the highway.
The rest of the night was amazing, Ashlyn and I got to hang out with the boys and a couple of their other teammates at the restaurant and had some food. After a couple hours the four of us made our way back to the AAC and Tyler dropped us off at Ashlyn's car. We all said our goodbyes and both Tyler and Alexander said they would text us later on.
"How did this happen?" Ashlyn laughed as we pulled out of the parking lot and headed back towards her house.
"Your guess is as good as mine," I laughed.
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abitofafatass · 3 years
11-17-14 Grif and Kaikaina ( @bluegrif) (hsau)
Abitofafatass asked:  ((brother/sister angst ahoy!)) What did you do?
My muse visits yours in hospital.
“Grif?” Kai asked, leaning in the door. She wasn’t exactly sure what happened, but once she heard her brother was in hospital, Kai hauled ass. What did she do? More like what did he do? It was Simmons- she thinks- that told her that Grif was in hospital, but she doesn’t remember. Kai sat down and stared, confused and emotional. “What the fuck, Grif?”
Grif had a rather sour look on his face, and had one leg propped up in a cast. “I didn’t do anything. Some dickhole thought it was going to be funny to loosen the front tire of my bike before we started riding them.” But that didn’t seem to be the only reason he was here. They didn’t hook that many machines up to someone with only a broken leg. Also, he’d already been here a night. Didn’t they normally send people home once the cast was on?
She tried to put her hands on her hip, bumping her elbows an casually moving them back, her point failed. “Okay, but did you like, make him?” Kai tried. “Did you fuck with his shit first?” She leaned back, taking it in. “Can I draw on your cast when we get home? Cause, you’re all patched up, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.” She paused. “Wait, when are you coming home? I don’t see a release date…”
“No I didnt make him! I guess he thought it was a joke or something. Or maybe he was trying to get brownie points with Sarge…” Grif shrugged, and then bit his lip. “Well… I might not be getting out of here for a while, Sis. Turns out that my kidneys suck major cock, so… Gonna have to wait for a transplant…” In a way, it had been kind of a happy accident. Having to go to the hospital caught the problem before it started to actually get really bad. But that also put him at a low priority on the transplant list.
She frowned. “Awww, Grif! Why don’t you look after yourself? I mean… you look after me…” That deepened the frown. Since their mother fucked off, he had taken good care of her, and it was kinda upsetting that he hadn’t done the same for himself. “How many do you need?”
“Like, one working one.” He shrugged, “I guess they’ll see if you’re a match since we’re siblings, but it’ll suck since then you’ll only have one, and shit.” He leaned over to pull her into a hug, “Dont worry, ok Sis? It’ll be fine.”
“Just one?” She asked, practically squeezing her brother. “I mean, we only need one, right? Each, So I guess you could have mine. If it fits.”
He laughed, “It doesnt quite work like that, but yeah, thats the idea.” Grif rubbed her back comfortingly. “You gonna be ok at home by yourself?”
“Pfft, obviously. I’ll be fine, we have plenty of frozen shit. And it doesn’t take a genius to work the oven, right? I mean you do it every night.”
“Just dont forget about the food in there. And if the smoke alarm goes off, dont just unplug it because its annoying.” Grif was going to need to make a list of everything she needed to watch for, now that he thought about it. “Maybe I should just have someone stay with you.”
“Ew. No. You’ll pick Sarge or Simmons.” She wrinkled her nose. “I can be fine at home. Trust me. I swear I won’t have any wild parties again. At all. Not even a little one.”
“Like fuck I’m letting Sarge in my house.” Grif shook his head, mimicking her distaste. “Whats wrong with Simmons? Sure, he’ll make you healthy food, and try and make you do your homework… Actually, Simmons wouldnt be a bad idea.”
“No, no. He’s really dorky. No.” She pouted. No way was she letting Simmons in the house without Grif. He’d rearrange everything. Alphabetically. “Oh hell no. If Anyone, Make it Tucker, or Donut!”
He gave her a long look, “No. If I let Donut stay with you, I’d come home to a redecorated house by Martha Stuart or some shit. And if I let Tucker stay… Its best if you two arent even in the same room alone.”
“-But Simmons is your friend, and he’s not even the hottest.” She pouted. Okay, maybe Donut would take house sitting a little too seriously. And Tucker… Well, she wasn’t that smart, be she knew what her brother was getting at. Fucking like rabbits. It wasn’t even surprising. “Well, What about Church? He’s not really that good-looking, and he’s boring as shit? Or Caboose..?”
“Ok, maybe Church or Doc,” Grif conceded. Having Caboose over would be like the blind leading the blind. “Church is kind of a prick, and probably wont do that much, but I think he’ll manage to keep you out of too much trouble, and make sure the bills get paid on time.” He tucked a bit of hair that had gotten in Kaikaina’s face behind her ear and smiled. “Hopefully it wont take too long before I’m back home.”
“No way! Not Doc.” She retorts. “I don’t him doing all that pilates shit, or eat organic stuff. Gross.” She sighed. “fine. Church or Simmons.” A moment later, she gave a small smile. “You better get better soon, you know.”
Grif nodded, “Of course I will. And I’ll see if Simmons can stay with you soon. It might take a little convincing to get Church to do anything.” Now that that was settled, he leaned back in his hospital bed and relaxed. “So, how was school?”
“It sucks dicks.” She replied. “You won’t believe this, but they kicked me off the cheerleading squad again.”
“Really?” He heaved a huge sigh, “What happened this time?” How many times did this make? He couldnt remember.
“It’s the third, or the fourth. I can remember, but they were really bitchy.” The was an aggravated sigh. “Oh well, I guess I’ll just join the nerd club or something.”
He gave her a long look, “I’m sure there’s other clubs you can join. I don’t think the nerd club is ready for your type of awesome.” Or ready for a girl to be in their midst at all, really.
“No.. But I’ll be bored sitting at home.” She replied. “I mean I could invite people over, but Simmons will have an aneurism or something.”
“Simmons has an aneurysm every four minutes anyways.” Grif shrugged. “No wild parties. Dont do anything that would get you in a hospital bed, or the clinic.” She knew what he meant.
“Really? Maybe he should be in hospital too!” Kai gave a sigh. Crossing her fingers. “Fine. No parties. And no… Other stuff… Not like Simmons will let me anyway.” The last part grumbled.
That made him laugh, “I don’t think Simmons gets the whole talking to girls thing. He’d probably faint if you were just walking around in a bikini.” Besides, he was pretty sure that Simmons wasnt as straight as he made it seem (no he was not just hoping for his own sake).
“No shit. But It’ll be funny, so I’ll record it and take it in to show you. Maybe it’ll help your fucked up kidneys. Or made you giggle… And you totally know which one I’m talking about..”
He grinned and nodded, “Just make sure you dont kill the poor asshole. He may be a nerd, but… he’s not the worst guy in the world.” Grif felt bad for Simmons, almost. But what were friends for if not to take care of promiscuous younger siblings?
Kai wouldn’t be that bad. Not enough to kill him, obviously, because she didn’t want to go to prison. BUt that wasn’t the point, he seemed okay, but he was kinda a stickler for rules. And Kai, if not anything else, was one for breaking them. “Sure. No murder. Totally got it.”
“Good.” he nodded, and pulled her close for a hug again. That should take care of just about everything, he thought. “Sooo…” Grif started, “Anything, or anyone new in your life?” He may be taking care of her, but he was also her nosy older brother.
She raised a brow. “You wanna talk about boys?” That was new..
“Why not? Its not like I have anything better to be doing.” He was purposefully ignoring the stack of binders Simmons had left him that contained school work that he was going to miss.
“Awesome.” She replies, grabbing a marker and taking it to the cast. “Well, you know about Tucker. I mean that guy isn’t the worst I’ve had -  You remember that last one right?” Kai spoke loudly, working with the pen.
“You mean the one I told you was bad news, but you said he had a cute ass so it didnt matter?” He couldnt see what she was drawing from here. At least he could trust her to not draw too many dicks.
“Yeah, him! He was kinda cute. I suppose Tucker is better. Well, he seems kinda desperate, but it’s cool. He’s nice really.” She nods, writing ‘Kai was here.’ In block caps.
“As much as it pains me to say it, Tucker is the better option of the two of them,” and that really was difficult to say. At least he was sort of friends with Tucker.
“Yeah. I think that guy does hard drugs now.” She smiled, finishing up a drawing of a smiley-faced dick with a hat.
“Yeah… I think now would be the time that I say stay the fuck away from that.” Grif nodded, craning to see what she was drawing. “Awesome. That looks absolutely awesome.”
“Thanks! I called it Simmons… Cause his name is Dick, right?” She grinned. “But yeah. Not cool. Not hot.”
Grif snorted, and leaned forward to give her a high five. “Nice one! And nice choice. You usually dont get over someone like that this fast. Could it by my baby sister is finally growing up?”
She slapped his hand and grinned. “Ain’t I just?… And I’m not a baby. You’re like…. Only some years older than me. But Yeah. And that means I don’t have to be baby sat, right?” Truth be told she wouldn’t mind an extra person wandering around the house whilst Grif was gone.
“I’m still gonna ask someone to stay with you, just because I know otherwise the bills wont get paid, and then you’re going to complain that you dont have any lights. Or food because the fridge would be broken.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know..” She pretended to pout. “Suppose it could be awesome for you to come home to a place tidy and that.”
“I think it’s going to have to be when I get those transplants done anyways…” Grif shrugged.
“Still, that’s plenty of time for him to clean up the whole entire house.” She grinned before adding. “-And I bet he will.”
He laughed, “He’ll clean and actually like doing it. Why do you think I suggested he stay with you?”
“Yeeahh. But Donut likes that shit too. And he’s not as… Obsessive. ”
“Yes and no. Donut may not be as big a neat freak, but I bet you anything he’ll want to redecorate, and paint and shit. Be a lot more work in the long run.”
“As long as its him working, why would you care….” She paused. Donut seemed to favour ‘lightish-red.’ “Okay, fair point.”
“Yeah…” he nodded, “I know it wouldnt make much difference to you, but I do not want to come home to a pink house.”
“What, why?! You’re hurt. Why do I still have to do homework?”
Grif gave the stack of binders on his bedside table a sour look. They seemed to be multiplying already. “I dont get out of classwork either, you know. Some dickhead thought that he was helping by getting the work I’ll miss.”
“…Is it the same dick that’s on your leg…” Kai asked, he would get it. “I don’t wanna. Maybe I can talk Simmons into doing it all too.”
“Kaiii,” he whined, “You cant do that when that’s what I was gonna try to do! I’m the sick one here! And yes, its the dick on my leg.”
“Well, we can both do it. He can practice with mine, then do yours afterwards. See, easy? How else was I gonna pass Algebra?”
“I don’t think Simmons is going to think like that. I think he’s going to think this is the perfect opportunity to tutor you.” He smiled, “I think its kind of a good idea.”
“Urgh… Don’t go all ‘Mother bird’ on me, Bro. Not cool.” Kai shook her head. “When do I get tested?”
Grif just laughed, “I’m still your big brother, no matter how cool I am.” Then he grew a little more serious. “I’ll make an appointment for you this weekend so you dont miss anything for school. Or anything else important.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a dork, you know that?” OKay, so maybe it was probably better that she stay in school. Simmons would be too, and if she stayed home, there probably won’t be anyone there, unless she convinced Tucker to bunk off. “Okay, fine..”
Grif smiled and gave his sister’s hand a squeeze, “Thanks for being willing to go through that for me Kai. Even if we’re not a match, it means a lot to me. I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah. You big dork. Ditto.” Kai gave a smile, and nudged her brother with her shoulder. “I mean you would do it for me.. Though mine are probably healthier…”
“Probably.” He agreed. “I dont want this to be you in the hospital bed for the same reason a few years down the road, ok? Dont do whatever it was that turns kidneys to shit.”
She frowned. “…What does turn kidney’s to shit? I have no fucking idea… But yeah. I’m not going to bust my body, so it’s all cool.”
“You know… I actually dont know what does that… They said it was genetic, but I dont know if that means that we both have shitting stuff, or what.”
“Nah.. I’ll be fine, Bro. Don’t worry about it, yeah?” Then she sighed. “Trust our mother to fuck us over one last time, I don’t care how cool the circus is, that’s fucking mean.”
Grif bit his lip, and shook his head, “… She had to go follow her dreams man. Where else is she going to be able to show off those wonderful talents of hers?”
“Yeah, I know.” She agreed reluctantly. “I mean who else can be fa,t and bearded, and a woman all at the same time? I don’t think I can..”
“I wouldnt want you to try, either.” Grif laughed. “It seems like it’d be fucking difficult, doesnt it?”
0 notes
beabeyonce · 7 years
"dear talia." "Yes, I know your name." "You have become someone I have been very very aware of for a little while now." "And let me just say, it's...amazing that you do what you do." "The fact that you don't give any fucks, is incredible." "And frankly I'm in awe of you." "You sit there on your tower, and you look down at the people below, Like...some queen." "Like...some queen." "and you are a queen, really." "It's amazing how you can command anyone's attention with your behavior." "A queen." "a queen, loved by so many." "loved by so many." "It's amazing just how much- I have to admit how much shock it puts me in to see the support given how strong of a personality you carry." "It's unheard of." "Such a fucking queen. God." "Or should I say: such a tyrant." "Allow me to rephrase my first sentence." "Yes, I know your name. Mostly because you've been a ratchet bitch." "who for the first time in my life has made me so ashamed to be a POC." "That I no longer wonder just how it is that some people look at POCs with hatred." "And let me say, I'm disgusted by your actions." "not you , don't get me wrong, but your actions." "Because actions do not define a person, but they do define themselves." "and right now they define the biggest fucking bitch I have ever wanted to fucking punch in the face." "And right now, they define the biggest fucking bitch." "the biggest fucking bitch." "Well done, Puta." "well done." "Puta." "You've gotten a pacifist to actually want to reach through the screen and sack you with your own monitor." "The fact you don't give any fucks is abhorrent." " and you really ought to be ashamed of yourself." "The fact you don't give any fucks is abhorrent, and you should be ashamed of yourself." "And I'm in awe of the fact that you have somehow managed to actually have a sway in the ( tumblr rp  ) community." " Like some...tyrant." "Like some bully." "Like some...Tyrant. Like a bully." "Like a bully, who literally does not give a who she fucking hurts." "and seems to forget that they are people...just like her." "Who speaks about equality, and yadda yadda." "Who speaks about equality, and yadda yadda when she's a bigger bully than any white person I've ever come across." "and I've come across a lot." "You sit there on your high tower, and you judge every person and condemn them, and ruin their reputations and then say, 'Damn bitch deserved it'." "You sit there on your high tower." "and you judge every person and condemn them." "and ruin their reputations." "Damn bitch deserved it." "It's amazing how you manage to outyell everyone who comes in contact with you." "and still somehow people seem to lose their morals and feed it." "Incredible." "You go out of your way to push people out in the same of doing the right thing." "... of protecting pocs." "and somehow you've forgotten that everyone is actually a fucking human being." "oh. my. god." "Want a novel idea?" "You mean that... everyone is a person who deserves an opinion whether you agree or not?" "Oh my god, amazing. Groundbreaking." "Oh by the way, I have a question." "Why do you attack people who can't fight yo back? Hmm?" "Coward much?" "Attacking innocents, stealing ideas." "Do not for one second try and make me think you haven't." "Or should I point to..." "Which was such a fucking blatant rip off you made me gag." "which was such a fucking blatant rip off." "You made me gag." "Or..." "Which was...again such a rip off." "And you know it! That's the amazing part." "and you know it!" "That's the amazing part." "You know it. And you just sit there like 'bitches shut up'..." "Oh sweetheart. Baby girl. What don't you fucking get?" "Oh sweetheart." "Baby girl." "what don't you fucking get?" "Oh right, that you're human just like everyone else, and completely mortal." "Whoops." "As I was saying." "Where was I again?" "Oh right. You seeming to forget that all those people you've chased out of the community are people too." "Awww, sweet [ enter name ] , what exactly needs to be pointed out to you so you'll stop picking on the rest of the schoolyard,, Hmm?" "You just can't leave people alone, can you?" "And god, the people who support you- you all ought to be ashamed of yourselves." "Let me ask you something, for all your support, exactly what are you trying to prove to them?" "That POCs are Ratchet bitches who need to put every white girl in their place?" "That you are the few who ruin it for the rest of us because you bitches be sittin there like, 'Oh well they said something racist?" "That you are the few who ruin it for the rest of us." "Because you be sittin' there." "Oh well they said something racist?" "Oh shut the fuck up." "Let the fucking Hatchet be buried." "Because goddamn!" "You are all up in here." "when is emma gonna release her damn url so that someone better can take it?" "Like you know what?" "That ain't your url." "That ain't your call." "And you lil sweetpeas need to calm your fucking tits and think about what the fuck you're saying." "calm your tits." "Think about what the fuck you're saying." "I don't give a fuck who you guys are bully." "I don't give a fuck." "But it's disgusting, it's vile, and y'all be sitting here pretending to be something you ain't like yall are saints or something." "But it's disgusting." "It's vile." "And y'all be sitting here pretending to be something you ain't." "Like yall saints or something." "Saints." "Hold on, I gotta catch my breath from the laughter." "anyway, I think I'm done." "I don't have much else to say to you expect that you reeaaaallly done it this time." "Its a pity that people can't just leave other people alone..." "but oh well." "If you wanna act like you're a 5 year old nobody can stop you." "sadly. I mean, I'm here because apparently no one want to lower themselves to your level and call you out." "Which leaves some of us less than willing to bow to your eternal bitchery." "chomping at the bit in annoyances." "Because they wont stand up for themselves enough to fight you." "and to fully give their two cents." "Me? Psh." "I don't give any fucks." "You've taken any fuck I had to give, and flushed them down the toilet with all your pushing."? "And frankly? Well... I'm happier for it." "Finally I get to relax." "So, I'll go now." "I've gotten almost all my rage out." "Still wanna slap you, [ enter name ]..." "You sweet lil munchkin queen who apparently was raised so backwards she don't know no better." "*pats your cheek*" "Have a nice, lonely, bitchy life." "and enjoy yourself." "You've earned it." "I'd answer you...But sorry I'm out of fucks to give. I'd go to fuckmart but fucks are really expensive." "nah. Its really easy actually." "I just think the fact that you've driven people out of this community because of 'racism' and all of a the sudden its like magic." "
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madelineeclairee · 5 years
trap princess
I think I'm cosmos top reader for “top ten signs you know someone likes you” I mean I seriously feel like I am in Middle School and I want to know if the boy in math class who pulled my hair thinks I’m cute. Yes, I know this is not necessarily the audience of this reading, but that's what it feels like. I mean I'm 20 years old and I can know how someone feels about everything else in the world besides how someone feels about me. It's so nauseating lol. I realize I have never actually been in a relationship because that probably helps you understand people's true intentions when you are talking or whatever. But besides the fact, I just can't figure out for the life of me. 
So Yes, I have been chasing. It's just so fun I can't help it. The little crush I had could not be contained and now I am full-on head over heels. Don't worry, I'm not surprised this is just like what I do. But every time it ends up being a good flirting stage that's enjoyable but the guy never commits and welchs out on the feelings that I thought were there. It makes the chase so much more fun because that's the furthest I've ever gotten. But why or what factors make this always happen? It's so confusing sometimes because is it really the obsession with the chase or is it who chase. I will admit I am known to fall in love with my guy friends which end well for a lot of people but not me. But this one is different. I met him through mutual friends and I guess we built a friendship but we (or I at least) always have known there's a little something it's just not moving fast or in a path that I can understand like at all. 
In the beginning, there was a girlfriend he had (about 5 months ago or so) and they broke up for good after a very unfortunate series of events. They dated for like 2 years and then she started cheating on him...with girls. Yeah, that could hurt an ego right there. And honestly, it really did. But this was not an ordinary break up, they live together in a one-bedroom apartment. Which obviously not just like terrible for him but also it pisses me off. He sleeps on the couch which is good but like also sucks. Not to mention, she is honestly just like a monster of a human being. Never in my life have I heard so many terrible stories of her being a complete bitch for pretty much no reason at all. Only met her once, but fucking hated every second I was around her. Also said by many, including all his friends, all of his frat brothers and more. At one end I am happy she is a piece of shit so he won't go back to her. But on the other end, she's just so damn manipulative and rude to him I just want her gone. It constantly pisses me off how she treats him I just can't stand it. Not to mention, see all of her shit in their apartment made me want to explode just a little bit. Seeing that I could treat him so well and he has his life still consumed by this cheating fucking dyke ass cunt, sad. 
Well, there is a little background to this story which could be a big part of getting him to want to get into a relationship again, especially after that. They broke up in October and my crush was clear by then but I just acted tough that I just wanted to fuck him. Not going to lie, he definitely not that into it at first. But around late November into December, he started opening up to me a lot about all of the things going on with his ex and one of our first in-depth conversation was about his happiness and doing things for himself after being in a relationship where there was co-dependent reliance that now doesn't exist. He began to confide in me and tell me about his dreams (which I made appearances in sometimes). But I began to hear about all of his goals in life and I started to become invested by encouraging him throughout whatever he wanted me to. And for this, I had to ask myself why did he choose to confide in me? I mean he could've decided to do this to anyone else, but he wanted to talk to me, and it felt so good. 
When we got back from winter break things were different. We got a lot closer for some reason and really fast honestly. I had known some of the things he had gone through but the extent of his family loss, addiction, depression and more was so touching to me. He had never put on a face like he wanted people to pity him for his problems, like that he didn't have a dad. He opened up to me to the point where there were things he said he hadn't even told his best friends. I had a talk with him about his ex, moving on, helping himself and more which was bringing both of us practically to tears. I had gone into his head and told him what I thought he was feeling so he could hear this out loud. I left him sitting speechless (which is so uncharacteristic because he truly does not stop talking) because I had said all of the things he was thinking but wasn't able to fully process. I saw him and I think he finally knew it. Even though I really did have no idea how he felt about me, but I had pretty much everything else down. Instead of having a little sexual attraction we had emotional attraction too. This is really when things took a turn. I started hanging out at our friend's apartment a lot and together all the time. I am just so damn happy around him I can't help it and I swear its more addictive and better feeling than drugs. His validation is like a line of coke for me. His teasing drives me crazy but also makes me smile like literally nothing else. I just have to get him sometimes cause he gets me allllll the time. And it's a  mutual thing that we only do to each other. We make the same faces to each other that I know we don't do to anyone else. My personal favorite of his is his little eye roll with a smile when I embarrass him, validate him in front of people, or mention something a little sexy hehe. I could be dead tired and if he comes in I can stay awake just to hear him talk or sit with him for hours. And I do like my sleep schedule is low key fucked lol. 
I just want him to be direct now. There's so obviously something there and day by day it just feels better and better. I've gotten better about not begging for his attention and to make him work for it because I am subservient girly. But when he talks about other girls being hot on the low key it pisses me off a fuck ton. I get very annoyed and I either ignore it because if I don't the influx in my voice is super high pitched and bitchy. But I am just going to start ignoring and if he doesn't get a rise out of me then maybe he’ll quit that shit. I know boys do this to flex and make it a jealousy thing and it fucking works but I hate it!!! Besides that, he doesn't talk about his ex unless its negative which is so nice cause it was all we heard about for a fucking while and that got annoying but it started to go away thank god. And even though it might seem clear as day that someone just needs to say something, that's where the whole current problem is. Who is going to say something that is not an innuendo which is sexy but sometimes very confusing. I even called him out last night and I was like you only speak in innuendos and sometimes they are confusing and I just want to know what you really mean. followed by *wink* “you know what I mean” like NO I DO NOT! please tell me because I want you to say it directly because I will probably fuck you in the exact position if you're sitting in if you do. 
I see it right in front of me every day that we even act like we're a couple and yeah I do it a little more than he does but its there and reciprocated. We look out for each other and want to hear about each other's days. We don't usually go a day without taking in some form and it constantly makes me so happy. Not going to lie I am smiling so freakin big right now. I just need him to break through his hold back and open himself up to me because then that's my cue to be full-on girlfriend because I want it so bad. I will hold off for a while but when I have a sign to move in, I will. In just two weeks' time, we will be getting in the car and be taking a 13-hour car ride together to Alabama for spring break where we have our own room and bed. I am not going to lie to you this is something out of one of my dreams that I would never think to happen. But it is, and I get to spend a very good amount of time with him which I am absolutely so excited to do. This also comes with a lot of anxiety, I mean if he didn't want to do this or spend this much time with me he wouldn't. Especially because we are stopping on the way back to spend the night with my best friend that none of my friends here have met yet. but still anxious, I just want things to work out, and that's the bottom line. I really just want us to sleep together on the trip and realize we are meant to be together and all the happily ever after shit, but what if that's not in the cards and I get my heart broken again. It wouldn't surprise me by any means and honestly, maybe I’d even expect it. So is this where the real anxiety is? I always expect things wont work out but what if, god forbid, it just did? To be with someone like I have wanted for such a long stretch of my life. It would be so different and fulling and exciting and worth it. So I am guessing, secondary to this, I don't want to mess it up. I want to do everything perfectly because that's what's gonna get me to him. But I am starting to realize more and more, that being myself whos stupid when shes high, a strong conservative fighter and a heavy toucher gets us to the closest place we can be. We bicker about stupid things but end smiling and I like him even more for being so passionate about something so small and stupid. 
He's just so different. Couple inches shorter than me but a much, much bigger ego is not someone I could say that I think I’d fall head over heels for but I have. His hard to appeal nature with a pompous attitude turns me on so much. It makes his validation worth it and when he gives out compliments it makes a difference because he never does that stuff. He's hard to please and it makes me want him more. He's so freakin smart too and it has to make me think that he has everything planned out in his head of this will go. He often will say “I know exactly what you think about me” and I'm like fuck you I have no idea how you feel about me but in reality I said “you have NO idea”, but I know he does! Its almost just not fair at all, I'm too transparent with my feelings so now he's the one that can take his time because he has my feelings calculated, little science bitch. I guess a lot of this anxiety comes from not knowing and wishing I did and trying to find out how he feels but I can figure it out for the life of me like have writer's block or lost a puzzle piece. I'll get him to open up about anything else in the world but only his eyes and innuendos will speak to me so that's all I got. 
I started this feeling a lot more anxious about where I saw my place in his life. And It gets like this where one day I will feel so secure with how we are communicating and other days I just get scared that I’m doing something wrong or too much. It just makes me think about it so much. I don't reject the positive thoughts and it usually brightens my day thinking about him, but when they are negative or confusing it's really hard to focus on anything or be motivated to do anything but something like this or just lay down and think. I liked searching for an answer for a while because it was fun to figure him out but I'm ready for an answer and an action because I just want to be all over him knowing that he's finally mine. I don't want to think of it as wishful thinking but it can really feel like it sometimes. It's hard to determine too much because even though it has gone on for some time, the development has really only been in the past month and waiting for a couple weeks for an environment that will kind of create a forced answer. I'm just so ready for this to happen and have the opportunity to spend the amount of time together that couples do. My mindset will be optimistic, not anxious. Let things come as they will. If they are supposed to come and create a world, then they will. Obviously, I will push it little bit but fighting for the ones you love is a tale as old as time. 
So, Alabama here I come. Do not try to dissect everything he says. Find your center. Feel secure in the relationship you have now and then hopeful and optimistic about what could happen. Let our emotions go together as they always do. Express my emotions the way they need to be and not be scared of what could happen because it’s not a blind confession because there are obviously feelings that I will pry if I need to cause we have a soft side for each other. Its the time to make him fall head over heels for me like I did for him too damn long ago. 
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kaywritesthings · 7 years
God and country 6
Gabe: Gabe looked over and kissed Clyde’s temple. “You did,” he said and leaned in to pet Clyde’s cat as well. She was a sweet old cat, as far as Gabe could tell. She purred so loud Gabe was sure he could hear it from a few rooms over. He smiled when his kitten started attacking a string that was hanging off of his pants. “They have two different temperments,” he said and laughed, shaking his head. “But it’s good. It won’t be a dull moment around here again.” He kissed Clyde. “I love you too. And that sounds great! I’ll go get the little tool box.” He grabbed it and started opening the box for the cat house and shook his head as Raven kept meowing loudly and tried to get in the way.
Clyde: Clyde went to put a cat bed in their room and one in the guest room for them to have opitions. He loved how happy his old cat was. She was sleeping so well. He felt good. He did a happy dance into the living room and held out the instrctions. “Your sister is coming back after she sets up jedi.” That was what she named her cat.
Gabe: Gabe let out a happy laugh when Clyde came dancing out of the bedroom and had to grab him around the waist and kiss him again. “Oh that’s fine,” he said and laughed. “I don’t mind. I just love seeing you this happy. It makes you even more gorgeous,” he said, and kissed Clyde again before Raven let out a yowl and jumped on his back with claws extended making Gabe cry out.
Clyde: Clyde went to pick the cat off his back. “We should… get him declawed. He wont be an outside cat.” He laughed. “I will make the appointment” He said
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh and winked over at Clyde. “Yeah maybe we should. Since he’s a menace.” He scratched behind Raven’s ears. “He just wants all the attention.” He grinned. “You have compettion for my affection now.”
Clyde: He didnt want the cat to scratch everything. He knew he would need to neuter him soon, so he would request the declaw too. He ksised Gabe’s chee. “Ohhhh, I am not scaed. I know what to do to pull focus back. I am going to order pizzza for dinner. What sounds good?”
Gabe: Gabe laughed and stroked his cat’s head against before setting him down and throwing a cat toy to try and distract him so they could put the scratching post together. “That’s true,” he said and kissed Clyde again. “You pull focus just by being here.” He kissed Clyde’s nose. “I could go for Hawaiian.”
Clyde: He ordered hawaiian. He ordered meat lovers and cheese He hoped that his ssiter like one of those. He ordered breadsticks and salad too. He went to look at hte bar, he had plenty of liquiorHe grabbed rum and put it in club soda, and took it to Gabe. He made one for himself and for Gabe. “Heere love.” Your sister is coming over!“
Gabe: Gabe started to put together the post and smiled at Clyde. He wasn’t very handy and the post was easy to put together, but he felt accomplished when it was done. And Raven looked almost deleriously happy and started crawling all around it, scratching contently. He took the drink. "Thank you,” he said and smiled, taking a sip. “So, do you think you’ll be okay if i go back to work tomorrow?” he asked softly. “You have to kids to look after now. Well a kid and a cut little old lady.”
Clyde joined the chat
Clyde: “Yes, I will miss you very much, but I will be fine. I will be busy. Your sister will entertain me tomorrow. ” He kissed his cheek. He would have to get use to having Gabe back at work while he stayed behind at home. “What time do you get home from work, so I can have dinner ready?” He asked as he wrapped his arm around his shoulder and looked into his eyes
Gabe: Gabe smiled and kissed Clyde back. “Good I’m glad,” he said, and laughed. “But I’ll be a little bit jealous.” he wrapped his arms around Clyde’s neck and kissed him gently on the lips. “I’ll be done at the office at 5:30. So I should be home around 6. Are you sure you want to cook for me? I can pick something up for both of us on the way home.”
Clyde: “I want to cook for you, you just come home and rest? Ok. That’s your only job after work.” He kissed his lips “I will make meatloaf. ” He smiled and kissed his cheek. Gabes pone started to go off His ex texting him about meeting up and talking. He missed him and he had something to tell him
Gabe: Gabe couldn’t help but be tickled at the idea of Clyde wanting to cook for him. He smiled brightly and kissed him, sucking gently at Clyde’s lower lip. He pulled back when he heard his phone go off and went to look at it. He immediately frowned and tried to text back an answer without drawing Clyde’s attention. “We do you have to tell me? I am sorr if you miss me, but I’ve moved on. I’m happy now.”
Clyde: clyde went to go change into pjs and put the laundry together to send it out tomorrow. They had someone that did laundy for the people in this building.(IDK HIS EX NAME UHH JASON) Jason text back. “I messed up with you and I miss you. I really think we could work it out. I been thinking about you since I saw you last. Please can we meet up?”
Gabe: Gabe saw that he hadn’t drawn CLyde’s attention and took his phone into the kitchen, his kitten trailing behind him, purring loudly and rubbing aggainst his leg. “No. We can’t. I told you, Jason, I’m with someone now. Someone I love very much.”
Clyde: “you dont know him. We dated for longer and I loved you. I jut was shit at it. Please, one drink? You arent married to him yet, right?” Clyde looked around for Gabe. He popped his head in the kitchen. “Love! I was thinking we could build the star wars legos thing!”
Gabe: Gabe sighed. “No. I can’t talk right now. Clyde and are are going to play with star wars legos,” he texted and then closed his phone. Jason was never open to the nerdier things he wanted, so he figured that was a good thing. “Yes lets! We might have to get my cat high on catnip first though, or he’ll swallow the pieces.”
Clyde: “Yes! Let’s do that.” He laughed and went to get the catnip. He had a starwars shirt on and his hair in a bun. He had socks to his thighs. The dooor rang telling them they had someone at the entrance for them. It was the pizza. Gabes phone rang. It was Jason, he left a message “Please, he’s a child. I am our age almost and we had a lot in common. One drink?”
Gabe: He smiled and had to snap a few pictures of Clyde in the starwars shirt and his bun, laughing. He was hot and adorable at the same time. He loved it. He kissed Clyde’s neck. “What time is my sister coming, do you know?” he asked and sighed when his phone rang. He typed back a quick message without really reading it. “Stop. We can open it up to being friends, but not right now. I’m sorry, and I care for you, but that time is over.” He smiled at Clyde. “Do you want a beer?”
clyde saw he was on his phone a couple times. He pouted.“who is texting you so much? Should.. should I be worried?” It could be work or his sister “No, I want vodka! He smiled. He hoped that was ok. He was already getting things different than gabe ands eeing it was ok.
Gabe: Gabe shook his head and gave Clyde a smile. "No, its just something annoying. They can deal with me not talking back for the rest of the evening,” he said and poursed Clyde some vodka. “Just straight vodka, honey?” he asked and laughed. “Or do you want a chaser?”
Clyde: “I want a chaser. I wasn uh 7 up?” He smiled. “Or club soda” He sat on the sofa. “Are they upsetting you? Do you want me to talk to them and tell them to leave you alone?” Hea sked. “I will. I can be really bitchy.”
Gabe: Gabe grabbed a club soda and handed that and the vodka to Clyde, before grabbing himself a beer and popping the top off. He took a sip. “No, no,” he told Clyde, probably a little too quickly. “ No, don’t get involved. It’s fine. I just want to have a nice night with you and the cats and pizza and my sister when she gets here.”
Clyde: “But who is it?” He pouted. He didnt want secrets. It made him nervous. “Can I see?” He said reaching for his phone. “Yes, shes on her way! who is talking to you, you seem upset. Is it Johnny?”
Gabe: Gabe sighed, and wished Clyde wasn’t so worried about this. He ducked his head and sighed. “It’s not Johnny. Just…promise me you won’t be upset?”
Clyde: “I wont get upset. I promise.’ He kissed his cheek. "Unless its another lover?” He teased knowing it couldnt be. He kissed his forehead. “I jsut.. I am worried about it.. ” He pouted
Gabe: Gabe laughed. “No it’s not another lover. It’s one of my ex’s. That one we saw in the park once. He just wants me to get back together with him and keeps pestering me about it. I told him no.” He reached for Clyde’s hand. “Okay? You can read the texts if you want,” he said and offered his phone to Clyde.
Clyde: Clyde frowned and read the text. He nodded. He turned the camera around ont hem and kissed his cheek and took a photo. He sent the photo and handed it over. “I’m not too worried. You are mine and I am yours… we are ok.. and I wont worry” Je worried a little bit. But gabe got cats with him so that meant something.
Gabe: Gabe waited, worried for Clyde’s reaction. He was trying to be as honest as possible so Clyde wouldn’t get upset. He was surprised at the photo but tried to smile. “Good. Don’t be worried. I’m yours and thats it. Whatever happened in the past, whoever I was with…it doesn’t matter. Just me and you matter.” He took Clyde’s hand and kissed it, before kissing Clyde on the lips again.
Clyde: “I know.” He smiled and kissed his forehead. “You’re just really hot. See? People want you'He was abit nervous, but knew that Gabe would be honest with him. He showed his phone. He had to trust him. "Am I the love of your life?”
Gabe: Gabe rolled his eyes. “No, it’s probably about money,” he said and flushed a little. “Even if I am hot, you’re the only one that made me feel that way.” He kissed Clyde again and smiled. “I’ve never loved anyone like I love you. And I know I’ll never love anyone like this again. It’s just you.”
Clyde: “But are you in lvoe with me?” He pouted He wanted that answer. He rubbed his head. “Baby, you are SO hot. Like damn hot. I wantt o have sex with you right now, if we didnt have compnay coming over, I would.” He smiled “I am in love with you, the first time I realize that… is when you brought that flower to me on the water slide.”
Gabe: Gabe laughed and sighed. “Honey, that’s what I was saying. I love you and I’m in love with you. I mean it both ways when I say it.” He kissed Clyde long and deep on the lips. “We can have sex later. After,” he promised. He stroked his fingers through Clyde’s hair and smiled brightly. “Come on honey. Let’s relax and eat some pizza. We can be gross and in love all night and make my sister annoyed.”
Clyde: “I shuld try to find your sister a nice man.’ He smiled and kissed his lips "We better have sex before we sleep. It will help you feel better.” He said and went to the kitchen to get piza. He took a piece of hawaii and meat lovers and matched plates One meat and one hawaii for them both. He handed the equal plate to Gabe. “I am working on it” He said and went to sit down to eat his pizza. His sister was running late.
Gabe: Gabe laughed softly. “That would be nice of you,” he said and nipped at Clyde’s lower lip and smiled. “I think you’re right,” he said, and took the plate, taking a bite of the hawaiian. “I know, Clyde. "You’re doing great,” he said and lifted his beers. “We have different drinks and everything,” he said and laughed. He looked up when he heard a knock on the door before his sister burst in with her key. “Hey!”
Clyde: “We do. I dont really like beer. I mean I like the girl beer.” He smiled when his sister came in. “Hey, we got pizza in hte kitchen. Gabe’s ex boyfriend is tryign to get with him. Do you remember him? Jason?” He called out. “Should I be worried?” He puted when LEigh came in the room, he had a pout of his face.
Gabe: “Oh the girl beer?” he said and laughed. “I’ll make sure to get you some. And for you too, Leigh. But for now-” Gabe said and Leigh laughed and grabbed some pizza. “For now I’ll have a vodka cranberry.” Gabe made her a drink and smiled, but then frowned when Clyde asked about Jason. Leigh shrugged. “Jason? I don’t know. Was he the blonde?” Gabe shook his head. “No, curly dark hair.”
Clyde: “Who is the blonde one!” He asked. He wanted to know everuthing. “Am I the cutest one hes ever had?” He asked. He knew Jason was very pretty. “What did the blonde one look like?” He asked. He sighed. He drank his drink and set it down to chew on pizza
Gabe: Gabe sighed heavily. “Do we really have to talk about everyone I’ve ever dated?” he said. Leigh laughed brightly. “I don’t remember his name or I would tell you! But you’re definitely the cutest. By far,” she said. “And if Jason is the one I remember, you don’t have anything to worry about. He’s definitely not as cute as you.”
Clyde: Clyde squeaked and hugge dher. He went over and hugged Gabe. He ksised his cheek. He was glad to be the fairest of them all. He went to take another shot. He was a bit tipsy. They all laid out the legos and started to look over the plans on how to build. Both cats were asleep. Maggie in her big pink bed, and Raven in the middle of the bean bag sound asleep.
Gabe: Gabe was glad his sister was standing up for him like that, becuase he didn’t want Clyde more worried. He held Clyde tightly and kissed him softly on the lips before kissing his sister’s cheek in thanks. He was glad to sit down with Clyde and his sister and work on something peaceful like this, chatting softly about nothing important.
Gabe: f
Clyde: Clyde didnt worry anymore. His boyfrined loved hima nd got them cats. He wanted him to stay in the house. Even if gabe cheated, Clde thought he wouldnt leave then too. He would stay around because he loved htis safe life. He just hoped Gabe didnt cheat. He would be hurt. He startd to build he botton of the lego building. He would work out as often as posible to stay thin and hot for Gabe’s eyes and desires.
Gabe: Gabe still had a hard time believing this was his life. He didn’t know how to really reconcile it with what it had been in the past. Being happy and feeling safe and secure and like someone loved him. He laughed and joked and kissed Clyde when he could, putting little parts of the lego together. It was getting late, and he had work in the morning, but for the moment, Gabe didn’t care.
Clyde: Clyde noticed it was getting late and he made his boyfriend get ready for bed “go brush your teeth. We will do part two tomorrow.” He told Gabe. He kissed his cheek and stood up. He and his sister would have a sleep over tonight in the living room. They pulled out the bed on the sofa and set up a makeshift bed on the side sofa. “I will go tuck him in."He winked and went into the bedroom to brush his teeth. "Alright love, how can I help you sleep?” He asked laying in bed. “Your sister and i will have a sleep over, but we wont be loud. WE are gonna watch a few rom coms.. but i want to make sure we get some time … to sleepy kiss and more?”
Gabe: Gabe didn’t really want to go to sleep but he nodded and reached his arms up and stretched before letting out a sigh and nodding. “Okay, okay,” he said and laughed. “I guess I should. But I feel old,” he said as Clyde led him to the room. “You can always wake me up before you go to sleep,” he said and winked, pulling Clyde in and kissing him hard and deep on the lips.
Clyde: Clyde moaned and kissed his lip. He made him go to the bed. He straddled his lap and rubbed his cock against Gabes trying to ge thim hard. He removed his shirt and ran his hand down his chest. He rolled his hips and made his chest move like waves to put Gabe in a tance to be ready for fucking. He rolled his hips and grabbed Gabes hand to touch his winding hips. “Mmmm Gabe… I cant wait.. for you to be inside me”
Gabe: Gabe shuddered when Clyde straddled him and let out a breathless laugh. “Clyde, my sisters right outside,” he moaned, and squeezed his hips. “And you said you’d watch movies with her, so its not even like she’s asleep-” he said, moaning a little as Clyde rocked over him. “Please. That’s not fair.”
Clyde: “Oh..” He rubbed Gabe’s growing cock. “ok, you’re right.” He tossed his head back and pressed his chest forward. He rubbed his butt over his cock before unstraddlig him and getting off the bed. “Since you are worried about it. I will go. I was thinking we could be quiet… but yeah, I better go watch movies.” He said as he bent over to show his ass perky in the air. He bent in a way that opened himself up and showed his newly shaved entrance. He picked up a shirt and pulled it over his body. “ok, see you in the morning?”
Gabe: Gabe had no idea why Clyde wanted to torutre him. It wasn’t very nice of him at all when he knew how self conscious he was about having sex when there were other people in the apartment. Espeically people he knew were awake. And he was related to them. “She’s going to know what we’re doing,” he hissed and sighed. “I told you to wake me up when she goes to sleep,” he pouted.
Clyde: Clyde pouted. He wanted to tease Clyde and have him grab his hips and tel him to get to bed right now. “I thought you meant in the morning. I wont wake you up .” He felt his cheeks go red. He was trying to be fun. He sighed. “Good nigth gabe.” He said and felt his feelings were hurt He shut the door and went to sit by Leigh. “Your brother and I had a fight” Room contains 309 KB. Click here to view previous content
Clyde: “No, I have a date!” She said/ I was going to, but.. yeah.“ She left. She promised to text later and to text if it was going back. Clyde smiled and kissed Gabe’s lips. "It’s just us, is that ok?” He asked. “After dinner we can go to the hot tub?”
Gabe: Gabe smiled and nodded. “Of course it’s okay if its just us,” he said and smiled, kissing Clyde again a few times. “The hot tube sounds like a great idea. I just want to keep kissing you. You’re the best thing to come home to.”
Clyde: He giggled and was glad Gabe liked coming home to him. He kissed his lips and nodded. “Come sit down. We can talk and kiss for 24 minutes?” He suggested as he pulled him down on the bean bag chair. The cat jmped off his shoulder and went to run around. He kissed his lips and smiled. “How was your day?” He asked as he took his hands and ran them up Gabe’s shirt.
Gabe: Gabe nodded and went to sit down, let out out a soft laugh, watching his cat start to run around. “Oh it was fine. A little dull. Just a lot of phone calls and paperwork. And I talked about you a lot,” he said, shivering happily as Clyde ran his hand up his shirt. He rocked his chest forward and leaned in to kiss Clyde’s neck. “I even missed how good you smell.” He kissed Clyde’s neck. “What did you do all day?”
Clyde: “I need to get a photo of us for your desk. I want to see your office tomorrow if thats ok? I woke up and took the laundry to the laundry cleaner place downstaris. I went to work out for an hour. I cleaned up and then watched a movie with your sister. We prepared dinner. Taht’s pretty much it.” He kised under his neck. “Mised you a lot..”
Gabe: Gabe laughed brightly. “Yes I want to have some photos of you at my desk,” he said and stroked his fingers gently through Clyde’s hair. “How many people oogled you while you were working out?” he asked and laughed, running a hand over Clyde’s chest. He loved Clyde’s abs. “I misseed you too. I’ll definitely take you to work with me tomorrow. So I get to see you more.”
Clyde: “A few people. Brandon tried to corner me in the elevator, but I got out. He’s very determined.” He told Gabe. He kissed his lips. “Hmm, I will love to go and see your work and hang out in your office.” He heard a loud hiss. He looked up to see Raven hissing at his shadow. “He’s an odd cat, but I love him.” He laughed.
Gabe: Gabe frowned at that and groaned. “Well maybe I have to have a talk with Brandon. He needs to realize that you belong to me,” he said possessively and gripped Clyde’s hips and kissed him hard on the lips. He pulled back when he heard his cat. “He’s just a little…excitable,” he said and laughed. “Maybe he had too much catnip today.”
Clyde: “Yeah, he has. He is a bit drugged.” He got up to go answer the timer going off. He was a little hard. Gabe saying he was his turned him on like nothing else. He rubbed his cock to go off the tightest part of his pants to his thigh. He grabbed a couple pot holders to get the meatload out to cool. “We need more pots and pans if I am going to cook more. I might go to the cook wear store tomorrow if thats ok?”
Gabe: Gabe watched as Clyde pulled the meatloaf out of the oven and watched his ass and smiled brightly. God he had the best life now. He grinned. “Yes of course you can get some more pots and pans. I don’t have a lot.” He hummed. “Maybe I can take you by the bank tomorrow too before work. I want to put your name on one of the accounts so you can get your own credit card.”
Clyde: Clyde smiled. He couldnt believe he could get his own. His aunt wrote him about needing help, and he would send her a couple hundred tomorrow. He didnt want her to suffer. She said she was hungry, he ordered her a pizza tonight. He meant to tell Gabe. “Great, ok.” He smiled. “I uh, helped my aunt today by ordering her pizza and might send her 200 tomorrow? Is that ok?” He asked and put the meat loaf out.
Gabe: Gabe was glad that Clyde didn’t fight him. he was worried he would say he needed to work. Gabe wanted to take care of him, in whatever he wanted to do. He got up and went to kiss Clyde’s cheek. “Oh, honey of course,” he said when Clyde mentioned sending money to his aunt. “Yes you can. I want you to help her.” He smelled the meatloaf and groaned a little. “It smells so good.”
Clyde: He maybe would send her three hundred But he would work for Gabe, do all the house work and cook dinner. That was like work , right? He served up Gabes plate and his plate. He tried to do the different meals, but he wasnt ready, but he did have different drinks and he gave Gabe more meatloaf, so that was someting He set the food down on the table, and went to go light the candle he set out. He sat down and smiled. “I like it here.”
Gabe: Gabe loved how domestic all this was and was so excited to realize that this was his life now. “Aww, Clyde,” he cooed when Clyde lit a candle too. He leaned over and kissed Clyde softly on the lips. “I like you here. I love you here,” he said and put a hand on his knee. “I want you to always be here.” He took a bite of the meatloaf and groaned happily. 'Oh my God, Clyde. This is fantastic.“
Clyde: "Thank you, I used a lot of spices in it.” He kissed his cheek that was full of food. He loved feeding Gabe and hoped that Gabe was so happy. He looked incredibly happy. He knew after pie they could brush their teeth, go to the hot tub, then come back and make amazingly slow love in bed…. until they came and passed out in each others arms. That is how he wanted the evening to go. He ate his meal and asked about work and talked a little about tomorrow and going with him. He cleaned hte plates, and set them to the side. He served the pie and ate that with him too. He cleaned that up “Lets go to the hot tub?”
Gabe: Gabe ate happily and kept one hand lightly on Clyde’s thigh as they ate, and felt like he was falling more and more in love with Clyde at every second. He was just…so perfect. Gabe could only dream of this kind of life before, and now he had a beautifl person who wanted to take care of him. He was giddy all through dinner and then took Clyde’s hand and took him to the bedroom. “Maybe in a minute,” he said and kissed Clyde hard on the lips. “I think we have something else that needs to be taken care of first,” he said and kissed Clyde harder.
Clyde: Clyde moaned and nodded. He would skip the hot tub in a heart beat to have a nice slow sex session. He kissed him back and wrapped his arms around his neck. He presed himself against Gabe and wanted to grow against his body. He kissed his lips while sliding his hand down to undo his own pants, then turned his wrist to start working on Gabes.
Gabe: Gabe moaned when Clyde started to kiss him back. He pushed Clyde back to the bed and started undressing, falling against Clyde once he got his clothes off and moaning gratefully. He moaned and started to kiss down Clyde’s neck, grabbing his hips possesively.
Gabe joined the chat 5 hours ago
Clyde joined the chat 5 hours ago
Clyde: “Oh hello, someone’s missed me?” He teased, he felt his cock at his thigh and rubbed Gabe’s amazing thick cock He had no rode it in a couple of days, and was ready to do that. He hoped Gabe wanted sex right now, foreplay was AMAZING and he loved it, but he also LOVED his huge dick. He kissed his lips and rolled over on top of him straddling his waist.
Gabe: Gabe moaned a little and nodded. “Yes very much,” he murmured and groand when Clyde rubbed against his cock. He moaned again when Clyde rolled on top of him and shivered, gripping his hips tightly and leaning up to kiss him hard and needy on the lips.
Clyde: “Baby…” He moaned. “I really want to have sex.” He confessed so that Gabe knew He wanted that large important cock inside him so bad. He dreamed about it all day. “Is.. is that ok with you?”
Gabe: Gabe nipped at Clyde’s lower lip and nodded. “Yes, I want you too-” he said and rocked his hips up hard, reaching his hands down to grab Clyde’s ass and squeeze it. “Can you feel how much?” he asked and rocked up again, wanting Clyde to feel all of it.
Clyde: “Yeaass it’s sort of NOT hard to miss. You are so big. I dont know how… you walk around all day with that.” He laughed softly and lean in to kiss his lips. He loved how it stretched him out so much. How did anyone give that up? He pushed his ass back against Gabes hands. “Do you want this?”
Gabe: Gabe chuckled a little and kissed Clyde back, breathing harshly against his lips. Clyde made him feel so sexy. He wasn’t used to it and he didn’t know how to deal with it most if the time. He squeezed Clyde’s ass again and nodded. “Yes,” he breathed and started to pull at Clyde’s clothes. “Yes I do, I’ve bene thinking about it all day.”
Clyde: He moaned when he said he thought about fucking all day. “Me too Baby, I been craving you.” He licked his lips and grabbed the lube and handed it to Gabe to lube himself up. “I need you so badly…” He moaned sitting straight up and rocking back and forth against his hips.
Gabe: Gabe grabbed the lube from Clyde and stroked it over his cock, and then used his fingers to press against Clyde’s entrance, wanting to make sure he was perpared and wouldn’t get hurt. He kissed at Clyde’s neck and teased him gently with his fingers for a few minutes. “Are you ready?”
Clyde: “Yeah, I been ready.” He moaned and rode his fingers to show it. He couldnt wait to have Gabe inside his wanting body. He moved his hips so taht his cock lined up with his entrance. He moaned as he lowered himself onto his cock and felt it push heavy inside his body
Gabe: Gabe let out a loud moan when Clyde lowered himself down onto his cock, his fingers finding Clyde’s hips and gripping them tightly. He loved it like this, having Clyde over him, and seeing how beautiful he was like this, over the top of him, glistening and gorgeous like he’d jsut stepped out of an exotic ad somewhere. Gabe kieed his neck and started to rock his hips up, moaning desperately.
Gabe joined the chat 11 minutes ago
Clyde joined the chat
Clyde: Clyde tossed his head back and started to scream in low oh and ahs. He took deep brathed, lifting his chest as he did and lowering it. He felt completely undone. He loved his stomach and how it wasnt perfect, he had handlebars to grab onto. Gabes body was paradise Clyde started to take his cock in and out really fast, wanting it to burn and wanting to get use to it really fast. “Gabe..” He shouted. “Oh god..gabbbeeee… oh yessss.”
Gabe: Gabe let out a loud moan when Clyde started to move so fast so quickly, and felt like he couldn’t do much more than hang on. He panted out breaths and when he thought he had it under control enough for a few seconds, he reached out and grabbed Clyde’s cock and stroked it, whimpering Clyde’s name.
Clyde: “Gabeee. ” He let out loud breaths as he slammed his hips up and down, taking his cock as his sex object. He moaned and lean down to kiss his lips. He ran his hands up his sides and around hia shoudlers. He kissed his lips harder and faster… He found his own prostate real fast and started to rub himself against Gabe’s tip and shaft. “Gabbbeee.” He bit his lower lip.
Gabe: Gabe tried to contribute as much as he could, rocking up into Clyde, but he had to work really hard to do it without falling apart completely. Clyde was too good and he was often too overcome to make sex last very long. He shuddered and stroked Clyde’s cock harder, moaning against Clyde’s lips and sharing his breath when he pulled back just a little. “God, Clyde you’re so perfect,” he moaned, and thrust up into Clyde has hard as he could.
Clyde: Clyde moaned as he felt close with each press to his prostate. He smiled when he said he was perfect. He kissed his lips and cupped his cheek “Thank you, love.. You too.” He said as he kissed his lips. “Do me a favor? Spank me.” He begged. “Please?”
Gabe: Gabe shuddered and wondered what kind of favor Clyde could want right now. He kissed Clyde hard when he gave it and did his best, slapping Clyde’s ass in a way tha the hoped he enjoyed.
Clyde: Clyde moaned loudly when he slapped his ass. “It turned me on earlier, when you said I was yours.your property.” He moaned and archd his back. “One more time. Spank me.” He loved the sound of a spank and the way it jolted him.
Gabe: Gabe didn’t like to think of it as property at all, and faltered for just a moment, but he liked the way Clyde moaned about it and slapped his ass again, burying his face in Clyde’s neck.
Clyde: Clyde wondeed if he upset Gabe, he hoped not. He tried to hard to be sexy and perfect boyfriend and hopefully husband material. “mmm.. umm make love to my body, i do love when you do that.” He said trying to talk more Gabe like.
Gabe: Gabe stroked a hand down Clyde's back and leaned up and smiled at Clyde, kissing him slow and deep on the lips. "Of course I do.  You're perfect."  He kissed his lips.  "I love you too."  He sighed and then grinned.  "I think we should go to the hot tub for awhile and then come back and have sex again."
Clyde: Clydes jaw dropped. "Again?" He smiled. He didnt think they woul have sex again. He sat up. "You arent too tired, honey? I can help you get to sleep?" He said.
Gabe: Gabe smiled and winked, sitting up and kissing Clyde again. "No, I'm not to tired," he said and grinned.  He got up and tossed Clyde some swim trunks.  "Come on lets go!"
Clyde: "You HAVE a lot of energy for a old man." He teased. He texted Leigh to see how she was, she said great and this guy she was with was SUPER CTUE. She'll text him later. He sent her a 😄 gave and set the phone down as he went to put on swim trunks
Gabe: "Sometimes, I do," he said and shook his hips at Clyde, and got dressed in his swim suit.  He grabbed some towels and took Clyde's hand.  "Come on, lets go!  I'll grab a bottle of wine for us too.  Or vodka if you perfer."
Clyde: "Wine sounds great. Let's do wine' He smiled and went over to him and kissed his cheek.He told  Gabe abou his sisters text. He heaed for the hot tub.
Gabe: Gabe grinned and got a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses and joined Clyde in the elevator to take them to the hot tub.  "Well thats good.  I'm glad she found someone she likes. She hasn't told me about anyone she'd dated in years."
Clyde: "She just met him. Probably because you dont ask! You should ask. We can have them over for dinner if they work out? Double dating is fun! I never did it before, but it sounds fun." He said before leaving the elevator and headed to the hot tub
Gabe: Gabe laughed a little, knowing that wasn't it.  She just didn't see Gabe like a friend like she saw Clyde as one.  He would have to get a friend someday.  It sounded nice.  "Yeah that sounds fine," he said and smiled. "I've never done that either.  But it does sound like it could be fun," he said following after Clyde and slipping into the hot tub.
Clyde joined the chat 11 hours ago
Clyde: Clyde slid into the hot tub and curled next to Gabe. He loved being around Gabe all the time. He kissed his right nipple and looked up at his profile. "I am super glad tou didnt drown in the wave pool, and that I could save you." He kissed his chin.
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft sigh and sank into the water, letting out a started laugh when Clyde kissed his nipple.  "Yes, I'm super glad I didn't drown in the wave pool either," he said and turned his head up to Clyde and kissed him softly.  "But I would have drowned over and over again to try and get your attention."  He kissed Clyde's nose.  "Are you sure you want to go with me to work tomorrow?  It's probably going to be boring."
Clyde: "Did you really drown, or was that to get my attention? How long did you try to get my attention? I noticed you wer there all week.. before you drowned" He laughed. He kissed his lips. "I want to see your office I wont be bored. I'm not 6."
Gabe: Gabe chuckled.  "I did really trip and couldn't catch my breath.  But I did try all week to get your attention.  But even when I was talking to you, it was like a wall or something," he said and chuckled.  "I know that," he said and laughed. "But you live an exciting lifestyle.  My office isn't that."
Clyde: "I'm sorry baby, I am. I get hit on a lot at the water park, most guys just want a one night stand an I was sick of it. I didnt mean to be rude at first. I just wanted to work and save money for pasgettis and day dream about my real life now." He sighed. "Well, I still want to se it."
Gabe: Gabe smiled a little and kissed Clyde's cheek.  "It's okay.  I was used to hot guys ignoring me at that point," he said, and kissed Clyde agian.  "But that's changed now," he said and smiled. "I'll take you.   But we have to be there at 9.  Can you get up that early?"
Clyde: "Yes, I can. I can get up. Maybe we can get breakfast somewhere first? I can be up by 7 if you want?" He yawned and sipped on wine. "Hows that sound, do you not want me to go?"
Gabe: Gabe nodded happily. "That would be great!  It's not a sit down breakfast or anything, but there's a cart in front of the office.  He makes the best omlettes and pastries.  His coffee is only okay," he said.  "And then I can show you around the office.  it's right there in Time Square."  He smiled. "No of course I want you to go."  He sipped his wine and tickled Clyde's side.  "I just want you to be happy."
Clyde: "I am happiest with you. I want to go!" He sang out. "And if I get bored, I can walk around time square. It's not a bad thing!" He kissed his lips. "Ok? Stop worrying. I will be ok." He rubbed his head. "And I can warn everyone that your mine and to back off!"
Gabe: Gabe did worry about Clyde walking around Time Square all by himself, but he had to remember that Clyde was an adult and could take care of himself.  "Just remember to always walk away from the people trying to give you things for free.  It's not really free and they get aggressive, okay?" he said, worried about Clyde's midwest charm alone in the city. He laughed brightly when Clyde went on and grinned.  "I would like that.  I think some people at the office think I made you up."
Clyde joined the chat 43 minutes ago
Clyde: "Well, let's show them I am not made up."He ksised his cheek and sighed. He was excited that they may have sex again soon. He loved sex with Gabe more than anything. He was so happy and he knew he smield way too much He rubbed his curls. "Your ex still wanting you? Did he text today?" He asked a ittle worried that he might have a threat.
Clyde joined the chat
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audiovisualrecall · 6 years
she’s just. so DIFFICULT sometimes
like she decided that i hit my own head as a ploy to get dad to yell at her.
like??? what??? 
i do it bc i get REALLY frustrated, and or beyond words, and/or because i regret something i did/said and am punishing myself, and/or because i dont want to exist suddenly.
like, its my issue, its a problem im WORKING ON, really, its not a PLOY you dumbass. and dad yelled at me first, but steph kept going and he lost his temper and yelled at her....for yelling at me.... yeah idk but still thats on him, he should apologize, i apologized earlier EVEN THOUGH she was butting in and being a real shithead and i didnt do anything wrong, but i DID apologize bc i DID react and kept going too and didnt just. let it go sooner or ignore her nonsense. so yeah he has to apologize for reacting too and losing his temper over it and yelling/screaming at her. but she’s not little miss innocent who everyone always blames for everything. like... someone could say ‘well mimi did x thing wrong and dad did y thing wrong and steph you did z thing wrong’ and all she hears is ‘steph you did thing wrong’ and refuses to take ANY blame at ALL 
and is denying that she called me crazy/insane. like say u dont remember it. but you did say it. dont make me feel like i am crazy that im imagining things. that was like, the main issue i had?? she called me crazy because she misunderstood me.
but anyway the main thing is that she feels like everyone blames her all the time EVEN IF someone calls out the other involved persons too!! AND since she feels like everyone (dad particularly) is blaming her she wont take ANY responsibility AT ALL and ITS DRIVING ME UP A WALL
also i threatened to keep my gifts for her for myself bc she said she’s gonna return the gift for dad and so she threatened to destroy the wafflemaker she got me (its hidden unintentionally anyway) and take back the notebooks she got me. like i know i started it! welllll actually she did start it by saying she’s returning dad’s gift. but come on! she wanted to get it for him bc his old work bench was broken and tried to drop out from under him while he was working on something and hurt his back a bit, and she thought what if it happens when he’s using the table saw and he hurts himself worse, so lets get him a new one! 
...idk i shouldnt have said it i shouldve been like okay, fine, you can return it if you want. because i could always get him something else on my ownand he can buy himself a new work table if he has to.... and i shouldnt have threatened to keep her gifts for myself. that was mean. and she has a right to be mad at him, like, regardless of the fact that i have a right to be mad at her, too, and she isnt miss innocent can do no wrong herself, she can be mad at him, he screamed at her, and lost his temper, and he’s more of an adult than us he should be better. or whatever. idk. but yeah so she has a right to be like nevermind no gift for u. she doesnt have to forgive him or whatever. it just bothered me. like im just... i dont hold grudges. i dont stay mad. i burn angry and bright and hot and then its done. if i feel hurt it stays, but i forgive easily mostly because its just....easier? and we HAVE had this tendency as a family, that once the Anger Time is over, and everyone has ahd a chance to cool down, then its all forgotten and we move on. even if we dont right away, its not like.. we’ve had arguments before, worse ones, and then come back and started talking like nothing happened. usually i follow that lead. this time she came in the house and i stayed quiet but then she was joking with ma so i was like okay! that’s my lead for the mood! so i told her about a funny video i found and acted like nothing happened and she was suddenly cold and nasty about it and?? i was so thrown off by that!!! how do you go from laughing w one person to bitchy with another???? obvs i misread that and so i got mad again bc like really? dont confuse me like this!!!
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