#but its still a nuisance
cheese-n-crack · 1 year
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sketch vs finished piece empireduo edition
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breezere · 1 month
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0/0 is.....
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foxytonic · 30 days
Not to be Naruto posting on main in 2024, but polyamory could have fixed them, actually.
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scarysanctuary · 1 year
Yeah, yeah, so maybe I have my own deep issues, but I can't help it, I love characters that are hopelessly devoted, in love, nearing on unhealthy or outright, obsessed with, one person that they'll always be loyal to above all else, because they are truly incomplete without them.
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desitenya · 2 years
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大迷惑 (omewaku)- great inconvenience; great deal of trouble; big nuisance; royal pain in the behind
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redrobin-detective · 10 months
You better learn it fast, you better learn it young 'cause someday never comes
Father was coming. Months and months of waiting for him to reach out and, finally, Father was coming home. It wouldn't be to stay, no, he had his own life outside of the ice. As much as Ice Thing who had once been Gunter and before that Orgalorg missed him, they knew father had earned his flesh and freedom back. The crown had been Father's prison but it was Ice Thing's bright new future. Once upon a time, they would have never been satisfied with this; paltry powers and a minor kingdom but Father's influence had shown them the beauty of a simple life.
"Come on everyone, Father and the others will be here any minute and I want this place spotless," Ice Thing announced, clapping their way through the hoard of penguins careful not to jostle them. They were the master now but Ice Thing would always be one of them.
"Wenk," Guntilla said, flapping her fins.
"No, he's just visiting and if we want him to visit again everything needs to be perfect," Ice Thing explained impatiently.
"Wenk, wenk," Goonder noted bitterly.
"Don't talk about him like that, he may look and act different but he's still our father. I expect all of you to be on your best behavior or we'll have no snacks or cuddles tonight and that's a promise," the rest of the penguins wenked in dismay and hastily went back to cleaning the Ice Palace. They were just putting the final touches on the charcuterie board when there was a knock at the door.
"Oh they're here!" Ice Thing exclaimed, "Gonther, Ginty, open the door and let our guests in." They stood in the entryway holding the ice board of snacks when the group shuffled in. Big sister Marceline - elder only in years as Father's child and not in age- and younger brother Finn were there followed by friend Jake. The Candy Princess was absent, Ice Thing was neither surprised or unsurprised given her bad history at this palace. Father was hanging towards the back of the group, looking shyly around the place. He had on an obnoxiously big coat with his hands stuffed under his armpits. He was using the coat more as a shield than out of any desire for warmth.
"Welcome! Welcome!" Ice Thing exclaimed, shoving the ice tray into Jake's hands so they could shake everyone's hands. "I was delighted to get your message; I'm so happy you guys could come. Please stay as long as you like, here have some snacks, have anything you want. The fruit of the Ice Kingdom is yours for the picking!"
"Thank you for having us," Father said quietly. His mouth quirked up into a little smile as some of the penguins waddled up to him and flapped at his knees. "And hello there, how have you all been?"
"Wenk," Gunder elaborated. Father blinked in confusion at the various chirpings. Ice Thing had worried Father would lose his affinity for Penguinese along with, well, everything else. The others would be so disappointed but they'd deal with that particular heartbreak later.
"He says he's better now that you're home," Ice Thing translated before hastily continuing when they saw father's grim expression. "Of course I've explained that this is just a visit." They reinforced to the penguins still mobbing Father. "Father doesn't live here anymore, he has his own home to return to. He's here to collect his things from the Past Room, remember?"
"Father?" Marceline muttered under her breath with a guarded look.
"I mean it makes sense, Simon or wait I guess he was Ice King back then was always babying these guys and calling himself Daddy and stuff sooooo," Jake continued. He opened his jaw wide and ate the entire charcuterie board, ice tray included. "So I guess you don't speak penguin anymore, huh?"
"I guess not," Father said, hands awkwardly hovering over the heads of his penguins, children who had not seen him for months on end and demanded attention. Some begged for forgiveness for whatever kept him away from home. Some screamed at his absence, at his change. Some wept, believing he no longer loved them. Father, ignorant to their chittering, looked up at Ice Thing with poorly disguised anxiety.
"Gunter," Ice Thing said to his second in command. "Please show our guests to the Past Room so they can get stared. Ice boxes are all set for you down there. I'll let Father take what he needs from his bedroom and he'll join you downstairs soon."
"Why the rush? I think we should all go together?" Marceline frowned. They didn't know what she was jealous of when Father clearly favored her best.
"Marcy, come on, let them have some alone time. I think they got some Daddy-Alien Penguin Child stuff to sort through," Finn loudly whispered which everyone heard. Father's tanned cheeks turned an embarrassed red but said nothing. "Alright Gunter 2, lead the way!" He spun around to follow after the penguin and the others followed leaving Ice Thing alone with his father. They'd missed him terribly but now that he was here, they had no idea what to say.
"Your room just as you left it, didn't touch a thing. It's always open to you, if you ever want to come back, for a visit or for longer. The Ice Kingdom will always be your home," Ice Thing explained cheerily as he showed him the path Father undoubtedly knew. Father was silent as he walked quietly behind them.
"The penguins have missed you," so did I, went unsaid. "I'm sure they would love it if stopped by more often, or even just called."
"I didn't mean to abandon them," Father said slowly, carefully. "I will admit I was scared of coming back, afraid that being here would - I don't know - make me turn into him again or something. I didn't forget about them or you, I-I guess I hadn't framed our relationship as you had."
"You hate the Ice King," Ice Thing said, their voice becoming rough and losing it's whimsy as they stood in the entryway of his father's former bedroom. Blue mumus, various colored pencils and cracked ice sculptures were littered on the floor, unmoved since their owner last threw them there. Ice Thing had stood in this doorway many times, intending on tidying up the space but found they could not touch their father's abandoned possessions. Then he really would be gone.
"I don't really hate-"
"You deny all the things he loved in order to separate yourself from him. You stay with sister Marceline and care for brother Finn but we were your children the longest and instead you shun us." Ice Thing stated coldly, staring ahead into the vacant room and not at the familiar imposter beside him.
"The Ice King was silly and kind and full of feelings he could not understand much less control. But he was, more than everything, my beloved father. I understand he was not you and you were not him but you are the only thing that remains of him and so I must either build a relationship with you from broken scraps or accept that he is lost forever." They finally turned to look at the pale, stricken human. "My daddy is gone but I am willing to make due with a father if you are."
"Gunter," Father whispered softly, staring into Ice Thing's crystalline eyes. Father may have changed but his eyes were still pale wizard blue and just as sad. He wordlessly opened his arms and Ice Thing -a king and a god but also a parentless child - shuffled forward into his embrace. He was warm. It felt wrong but also strangely right.
"I'm so sorry," Father took a deep steadying breath. "I don't mean to but somehow I end up leaving the people I love behind. I know it must be strange to see me like this but the man I was... I was so miserable and confused and out of control. It took so long to escape from the crown that I kept away from anything reminding me of my old life. I wanted to be my own person outside of his craziness but by doing so I lost my connection to all the good things I had as Ice King and you all were one of my good things." Father pulled back and looked up at them.
"I'll be better. I'll stop by more often and bring treats and generally be more present. I... Daddy promises," he said awkwardly trying to infuse his old self into the words. But the attempt fell flat into the air, sinking like the dust on his father's old life. Ice Thing appreciated it but they had already made peace with their loss. They had watched Father and Marceline circle each other miserably for centuries. That would not be them.
"Thank you, Father," Ice Thing said, gently squeezing his father's delicate human shoulders. "Please take what you'd like from this room but I'm going to leave for you in case you need it. As I said, the Ice Kingdom was once yours and its lights will always be on for you. And if you ever need to talk, let us say I know what it's like to have your loved one changed and gone before your eyes."
"Yes, I suppose you do," Father muttered mostly to himself. "What did I ever do to deserve such kind children?"
"It was how you raised us," Ice Thing responded. They watched as Father took in the room, running his hands over the dust covered objects like they were ancient artifacts to be studied instead of his own belongings. He looked over at the drums hastily shoved into the corner and tapped a knuckle roughly on one of the cymbals which echoed through the room. "Do you still play?"
"I never learned how to play the drums," Father sighed. "Ice King did that all on his own. I never felt a calling to learn the drums but I guess it suited him. I-I think I remember songs, hours and hours of practice and how to hold a beat but I haven't touched them since I changed back. Not sure I really know how anymore."
"You taught me or rather you talked out loud enough as you learned that I picked up the basics. We could play together sometime, like you and Marceline do. Maybe one day we could play as a family." Ice Thing offered. Father smiled at him, sweet but also sad. 
"I would love to, honestly but I think I need more time before I'm ready to step back into those shoes again. I'm sorry, Gun- Ice Thing, really I am, but right now it's quite difficult to even stand in this room. I need to be Simon again before I can think about being Ice King." Disappointed but not surprised, Ice Thing led Father out of his former room and towards the stairs to the Past Room with the others.
Father was alive but it was different than before. Ice Thing had no hopes that he would ever return to being Ice Thing's beloved if complicated Daddy. It stung, an ache that reached deep into their icy heart. Father would visit and he would laugh with them and maybe, one day, he would even play the drums with them again. But it would never be the same. It was up to all of them to accept this new reality, for all the good and bad that came with it.
"Let's bring some more snacks down, if Finn doesn't have something to distract himself he's going to cause problems trying to get the car working," Ice Thing commented.
"The car?" Father blinked, "just what do I have down there? I can't even remember."
"I guess we'll find out together."
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ribbonknot · 3 months
sometimes i feel like rn it's really understated just how bad things could be if trump wins. like, actually. i feel like it's being forgotten that despite how bad things are right now, they would surely get WORSE.
#i dont want biden to win either#but is there really a big enough politician on the democratic party who the (still conservative) american population would vote for#HILLARY didnt even win and she's a generally non-offensive white woman#i know its like voting for 2 evils. but lest we forget there is definitely a MORE evil one here#and i think its the one who unabashedly tried to flush stolen documents in his toilet#i think its the one who wants to build the iron dome#i really wish i could say not to vote for biden. because trust i know very well all the shitty things hes done and stands for#(him clearly explaining ukraine & russia but dodging any questions about israel & palestine is enough proof of this)#but things around the world are going to get much much worse if trump wins#'cause hes just going to do whatever the republican party tells him to#downright evil those people could be at times#im still trying to gather my thoughts around this#as an outsider i cant help but be worried#because rn the us is a big factor towards the west philippine sea tensions#and honestly if we lose toast. like we're actually going to get colonized for the 4TH time#so im scared of what'll happen if trump were to ever take office again#00#sorry for the long tags btw#i fully understand that biden is a horrible person. i was pulling my hair out with all of you#but there are nuisances here that i feel shouldnt be forgotten#trump unfortunately really came out with a stronger swing after that debate#so i feel like everyone's sort of forgetting that no matter how horrible everything is right now#his only promise is to make things worse#and not voting only adds to his perogative
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sleetkissed · 1 month
@snugglyporos sent
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Yay! Pets! Pets for baby poros! Happy baby poros. Clearly, is not evil! cannot be evil and pet baby poros. Is impossible. So clearly, must be good! No doubt will find the poros exerting cosmic influence! Not that poros know they do that. Is silly.
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    𝙻𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 .   unprompted interactions
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     See   ?      She is not evil. She pets the Poros. She never did anything unspeakably evil. Never in her past. Nothing that let her family despise her. Nothing that led her to live in isolation.
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   Because she pets the Poros.
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rubberbandballqueen · 8 months
when at the library today i picked up a book abt typography to pick up some more theoretical skills there and to no one's surprise it pretended that european languages were the only languages in the world which like whatever i'll still learn what principles it has to teach and then try to reverse-engineer applications to cn font design based on what i know.
despite not trusting the english-language resources available online to be as in-depth or technical as i desire, i got curious and googled "chinese typographic design" anyway n scrolling through the introduction to the first result, you can kind of tell it's not written with a chinese-speaking audience in mind, or at the very least an audience with some semblance of chinese cultural sensitivities bc its section headed by the words "navigating the simplified and traditional divide" goes on to basically say it's an Aesthetic Decision which. well. is certainly a way to pretend you're avoiding politics.
#mostly you get the impression bc one of the first sections is like 'so how do chinese words work?'#and goes on to explain the idea of radicals and components n stuff and it's like If You Knew Literally Any Chinese#even as a foreigner starting to learn you'd understand the concept of semantic radicals#the worm speaks#phrasing that heading as 'navigating a divide' feels like it's alluding to An Awareness of the political implications n stuff#which most people in the west are not actually aware of!! so then to go on and be like#'oh yeah simplified is like swiftly efficient and ~modern~ while traditional holds fast to its cultural roots from a bygone era'#like. this is some stares straight into the camera type shit to me. like you really didn't have to call us bygone y'know.#like i'd have been fine if they were like 'simplified is what's used in the mainland china n is thus used much more frequently'#'whereas traditional is used in taiwan hk and with older communities' like that's Fine you did it you Navigated The Divide#but if you frame it in terms of an aesthetic choice based in how ~modern~ or ~bygone~ you want to feel#then you're going to end up with people who are merely curious abt cn typography bc it's a very foreign language to them#who take that at face value. good lord#AND ALSO they have separate encodings in unicode. like just saying. they are also encoded differently and that's an important thing#you do not know how many times i've downloaded allegedly traditional cn fonts only to discover they expect simplified input#in order to display the glyphs which Are still designed as traditional to be fair but anyway. it's a nuisance.
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thedemises · 9 months
love y'all for being whatever and doing what makes you be you (<3) but the “haha zoro is lost hahahaha” joke is getting very tiring now—especially when he's featured in things that he's not supposed to be in (op girls posts (mostly fanart, from what i could see), a different show that isn't onenoiece related, edits (mainly on tiktok- if yk what i mean), etc.)
i understand why you guys do that for humor and shits and giggles, but it's getting pretty annoying to me to the point that im starting to hate zoro (rather slowly tho, he's a decent guy who can wield three swords and has bad sense of direction and will suck his captain's dick if told/asked to ig)
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beatcroc · 2 years
back in like march? i think? @britebuck convinced me to make a pokesona specifically of a legendary pokemon [my normal one is nidorinx] so i made the world's shittiest most off brand disgraceful ho-oh and had an Immense amount of fun with it for the like two weeks it occupied my brain
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it even comes with lore
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+origin for the 'name'
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and some other misc. fun doodles
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this one was gonna be a bigger thing with it defending some rando from ghestis but i didnt get farther than this.
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it may have learned 'no' from people frequently yelling at it to fuck off, but by the same quirk it also answers to 'no' when someome's like, indiscriminately screaming for help
i also wanted to do one abt it reviving peoples pets if they're brought to it but did not get 2 it at all. sad
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nyanspirals · 1 month
Question, is it that you like are attracted to england or do you relate to his character? It doesnt rlly matter to me but im curious and no hate to either option. Also can you explain what you like abt him for either option (if youre attracted to him what characteristics does he have that you like, if you relate to him why) tysm <3 :D
anon ive been trying to think of how to reply to this coherently and without sounding schizophrenic since you sent it
england or at least my version of england is literally me. like ID level. i do not simply kin and relate to this character i genuinely see him as me and as an extension of me. i think this for many different reasons which are all too psychotic to be shared publicly on the internet! but arthur kirkland is Me
with that being said i do also desperately want to fuck him in the ass crazy gay style but thats half an ego thing and half me just really liking him as a character and being attached to him
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marklikely · 1 year
sorry ive tried to avoid being a hater for no reason like . hating on stuff just bc i resent its popularity rather than actually genuinely disliking it. i try to avoid doing that now. but can the eras tour please just end already so i never ever have to hear about it again ever.
#its bad enough it keeps popping up on all my social media feeds but now that stupid movie is completely dominating my movie app#so im like can i get tickets to see a movie this week and its like sure but only if you scroll past like 5 taylor swift ads. is that ok#yes the movie isnt out for over a month but we're still going to keep it parked right at the top. in front of the movies that ARE playing r#also when i went to the showtimes screen it just. automatically took me to the showings for oct 13th bc thats when her movie is out#not. showings for this week. which it always used to do by default. no. showings for 10/13 for her movie#like omfg i know its not a big deal but i am so sick of hearing about this tour already#so for it to be adding this many minor nuisances & obstructions to me going to the movies this week is just like. go awayyyyy#like twice as frustrating as it would have already been -_- maybe more.#avpost#me: can i see a different movie please#theaters: see taylor swift? buy the taylor swift popcorn bucket? oops you almost saw showtimes for the movie you wanted#not to worry we replaced those with the showtimes for taylor swift. which you obviously want to see.#we are going to shove this extremely average pop musician down your fucking throat for the entirety of 2023 is that okay.#beyonce is currently also on tour. the highest grossing tour of all time. and i dont hear abt it even a quarter as much as i hear abt eras.#so like. no this is not in correlation to her popularity its too fucking much. please leav me alone.
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secret-keeper-speaks · 9 months
hello again. apologies, i haven't been very active. here's some christmas news for you all because it's in two days: i've been keeping myself quite busy. my mother bought the wrong cake mix for her rum cake, so my father and i had to go get some for her. he's lucky i have a good memory, otherwise he would have made the same mistake she did, mixing up golden cake with vanilla cake. after finishing that, we did a typical christmas tradition. well, another one, technically, since the cake was ALSO a christmas tradition... THE POINT IS, we made gingerbread. we have to let the dough chill overnight, however, so don't expect to see many pictures of them, because they havent quite been made yet.
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hollypies · 1 year
Artemis is a lapcat now???? Cat experts if you see this why is a cat who used to absolutely despise sitting on someone now trying to sleep on me everytime I sit
Btw there'd been like.. no change at all that would stress her out?? And she's not sick. Maybe she's just getting old and sentimental but she's only five so I don't think so🤔
Only thing I can think of is she had some springtails living on her but I took care of that problem. Not that the springtails were hurting her, they are non parasitic and the only reason they were here is because my dumb bitch of a brother had the thermostat at 78 in the middle of a heat wave. So. It was kinda humid in the house. Which spingtails thrive in!! After I finally turned down the heat they started hiding in my cats fur because warm. But they aren't parasites, so they weren't biting her. She was prolly judt itch !
Sorry for the rambling about bugs . They're judt neat
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llitchilitchi · 6 months
You can mute/blacklist certain words and tags. So when those people use certain tags you can mute it and you won't see it
I know, but unfortunately the way tumblr handles it is shit, plus it doesn't work if people don't tag this stuff.
plus, and I know this will sound petty, it does get really, really annoying when I'm scrolling through my dash and all the posts are just a grey square that just says 'POST CONTAINS TAGS YOU BLOCKED: DISCOURSE, QSMP' like that's nice but that's still 30 posts in a row that are greyed out and taking up space. I might as well just J past the posts after catching the first signs of it covering something I do not want to see
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