#but like i also can't stress enough how much this ship wasn't planned
ok ok a real one: Seamus/Sinead obvs obvssss
Send me a ship for the ship bingo chart: Seamus O'Neill / Sinead Hanigan ( Original Characters )
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Before anything else I'd like to say I fully intended for this art to be just a little sketch like I've been doing for these, but then I got carried away and whOOps! Art! (still forced myself not to do detail work)
Seamus and Sinead! They make me feel INSANE! I am in no way normal about them. 
For those who don’t know, Seamus and Sinead are two of the main characters of the scifi-fantasy series Beth and I are writing. They also have a modern AU continuity that we’re writing for funsies and will post on Ao3 eventually. And OH DO I HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THEM.
On paper, Seamus and Sinead are a recipe for disaster. A rich boy involved in politics with buckets of trauma, a screwed up family, commitment issues, and a laundry list of addictions. A driven, optimistic small town girl with a lot of prove, naive eagerness to trust, and a bit of a savior complex now and then. It’s a textbook dysfunctional romance novel situation at a cursory glance. 
But Sinead isn’t really so naive, she just likes to try and see the best in people. And Seamus, while a mess, is proactive in seeking out help in getting clean and processing his trauma. Sinead, while keen for authoritative approval, will never seek it out to the detriment of her morals. Seamus commitment issues? Turns out he’s the most loyal person on earth when he’s actually in a relationship; he just hasn’t been in one in a long time.  And the love that grows between them is born first out of friendship. They support each other and inspire each other to learn and grow and change for the better. They bring out the honest in each other, and through that bring out the best.
They bond over a love of poetry, music, art, and literature. Over empathy and curiosity. Over the macabre, the absurd, and the hopeful. Over the ways in which they seek to make the world a better place. Seamus is Sinead’s tether when she shoots for the stars, keeping her from flying off into space in her optimistic idealism. Sinead helps pull Seamus to his feet when his grounded, practical nature spirals into pessimistic nihilism. They have an insane amount of respect for each other and balance each other out beautifully. They are partners in the truest sense of the word. They aren’t each other’s sole reasons for growing and changing, but they are positive catalysts of change in each other’s lives, and they support each other through that ever evolving process.
Not to mention the themes of trauma recovery that are involved in their story for both of them. Learning what it is to trust and to feel safe and loved and secure in a relationship which is like candy to me. I love putting a little of that in my stories and so does Beth so it’s little surprise trauma recovery plays such a large role in this one.
And there’s the whole families aspect of things of inserting Sinead into the O’Neill mess which is just a delight because she’s a huge wrench in Seamus’ father’s plans. Sinead’s parents are wonderful (honestly another favorite ship) and adopt Seamus so fast. Sinead’s dad and Seamus have one of my favorite relationships in the story actually. 
I had to also grab the “I could make it SO fucked up” and “I could make it SO stupid” for them because we’ve written an insane number of AUs about these two and there’s one where we tried to see if we could screw up their relationshi, but somehow they worked their way back around to being healthy about it again and that continuity now inspired some of the narrative choices in the main canon.
Look I could talk about these two for ages. I mean, we’ve got entire books about them. They’re just so *chef’s kiss* 
Thanks for sending these two in! ugh I love them so much
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percyaugod · 5 months
I fucking love your purple prime au!!!11!!!!!1111 anyway question time!!
is brother krang still alive because in some posts you say three new "kids" because if he is that adds a bit too the plot cause well they 100% thought he was dead
weve seen the turtles and caseys opinions what about cass's splinters draxums etc
does senior hueso ever appear? tbh most of my questions involve side characters because they would be so cool too see!!
and we know they can technically still talk too the ancestors if needed do they contact them?
Thank you! ^ ^
Brother Krang being alive is something I've been thinking about as a possibility but never fully decided or what would change. Sure we see him trapped in the ship, but we don't know if it was hard enough to crush him or if he died from the explosion as the portal closed. So he could be running around, watching and waiting as he heals.
This could lead Donnie to think him hearing the Krangs' voice is just him imagining things when he starts hearing another voice in his head. Since the brother Krang doesn't speak out loud the turtles don't know what he sounds like. Bonus points if he actually talks a lot in the hive mind, almost rivaling Leo.
He could just accept Donnie as the new leader, freaking out the others when Donnie brings home another one, or decide to go rogue. This is the turtle that took control of his ship after all. Leading to a situation where Krang one and the sister Krang have to fight their brother to protect Donnie.
If he did join the group the amount of times he scared the others by silently appearing behind them. Damnit Donnie! Put a damn bell on the thing!
Casey Sr would be the only thing Other than Donnie the Krang fear. She bit one of them, will at times just stand still for hours staring at them, those monsters she calls scouts, and Purple Prime has absolutely no control over her! Casey Sr thinks she can bear them in a fight and they're too scared to test her theory.
Splinter spends a lot of time in denial. These were the things that nearly took away two of his sons, there's no way his Purple would just-
He starts to wonder if it was all his fault. He just randomly appointed Blue as the leader and didn't talk about it with the others or ask if Blue even wanted to be the leader.
He had so much potential though! Always coming up with plans and knowing his and the others' strengths and how to properly use them. Not to mention the stress was obviously tearing his oldest apart.
If he had done some things differently, would none of this have happened?
By the time he sorts himself out, the kids have started a trial run with Purple and the Krang since they apparently can't get rid of them without negatively affecting Purple. Again they had to rely on themselves because he couldn't pull himself out of his own head. He regrets making them grow up so fast but is so proud of who they've become.
Draxum is working with Casey Jr on trying to find a way to separate Donnie from the Krang. He wasn't there to see what the Krang did, but the aftermath says enough. Draxum discovers the empyrean he used to create the turtles is of Krang origin and could be part of why Donnie integrated so well. The fear that this means the other mutants and yokai that also come from empyrean are also at risk.
Hueso would definitely be worried about the kids. He doesn't see them too often after everything and they look so beat up and tired. Not to mention Leo is apparently at home healing from injuries. When he does see him again there isn't any of that usual annoying, energetic personality.
For once, Hueso wishes Leo would complain and rant to him about his problems so he knew what was going on. Knew how he could help.
It's fine! ^ ^ Gets me really thinking.
Probably not the best idea to contact the ancestors. When asked about the Shredder they gave some of the worse advice. No one wants to know what they'd say about the same species as the one that created him.
They'd talk to Karai though. She'd do her best to try to comfort them and guide them. Donatello is still family and he sees them as such, his Ninpo proves that. So she tries to be there for him to know that he's still family to them as well.
She won't say it out loud, but she does worry about him losing himself like her father once did.
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minimag1c · 11 months
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Characters :
🇷🇺Russia |he/him (cis male/straight)
🇪🇦Spain |he/him (cis male/bisexual)
🇩🇰Denmark|he/him (cis male/gay)
🇮🇸Iceland |they/them (non binary afab/questioning)
Ship :
🇩🇰 x 🇪🇦
➪I tried to improve myself when it comes to writing chaos but I'm still learning since it's very wobbly, so yeah- (update : omg it's horrible. What did I just created I'm so sorry everyone-)
➪swearing and dirty jokes warning (well there's only an implied dirty joke but still-).
➪it's an au
➪I apologize for the nonsense, the ooc moment (I'm talking about the character's personality given by the request) and the degradation of my writing, It will happen again
➪Iceland wasn't in the request, I just wanted a sidekick for Denmark too so I choosed them lmao
➪enjoy I guess?
Request by LuckyLucy92 on ao3
"¡¿ESPERA YOU DID WHAT?!" Spain yelled but soon covered his mouth as he realized that the two were still in public.
Upon seeing the Spanish guy's reaction, Russia widened his eyes but eventually sighed and crossed his arms. "I've set you on a date, with someone" he explained a second time, earning another shocked expression from Spain.
"¿¿did you really matched me with someone I don't even know?? ¡¿¿And without my consent?? ! " the spanish repeated, offended, as Russia put his hand on the Spanish's shoulder, trying to reassure him.
"Okay I'm sorry for the consent part I wanted it to be a surprise." he paused a little before continuing. "But you really don't need to panic Spain, I knew him from a long time and I'm pretty sure you'll get along pretty well, he's a nice guy. " the Russian reassured but Spain didn't seemed to be relief at least.
"Russia, you're my friend you know it, I really like you, right?" he stopped talking then took a big breath before continuing. "But POR FAVOR why on EARTH did you even DO THAT-" the other man asked again but Russia cut him again, this time looking straight through his eyes.
"Spain, I'm going to go straight to the point : you know that you're my friend, right? I really mean it but you have to know that it's getting annoying when you constantly ramble about how you're single and 'can't find someone in your life in order to fulfill that emptiness in your heart.' " Russia quoted, making the other widened his eyes and laugh sheepishly, rubbing his neck. The Russian sighed.
"Look, I know you're stressed and all but you need to trust me. Denmark is not that bad and plus he's a gentleman, he will treat you right, perfect for you. " the slav said, smiling playfully at the end of his sentence. Spain kept looking at the Russian, torn between anger towards the slav, iffy towards this blind date or a little bit hopefully that... It will go well.
Still, Spain sighed and spoke again, a little bit convinced but not enough for him to actually says yes to that made up date, even if the idea now seemed... Okay.
"Russia, are you even sure that your friend will enjoy what you have planned because that doesn't only concern me but also him-" the Spaniard insisted. Russia smiled a little with an undertone of mischief behind. "Actually, Denmark was the one who had the idea first and he seemed pretty eager to meet someone he never met before." the Russian argued back. "and his type of men is exactly like you!"
"And how does you or he exactly define me as his type of guy?" Spain asked, raising an eyebrow as Russia crossed his arms, smiling wider. "Well, I can't tell you more, you need to this find out at the date."
When the Spaniard heard his response, he huffed in annoyance and lightly punched the other man who laughed lightly but soon, he comforted the red and yellow man again. "Spain, you need to trust me, this is going to end well, if you put just as much efforts as him into it, it will be going to be more than just a date in the future." he said, smiling fondly. Spain looked at him, still persistent to his main idea but in the end, he sighed and finally accepted, looking at Russia dead in the eyes.
"I'll only accept however, if it doesn't go well, you pay me a drink for 1 month." he said defiantly, holding his hand.
The slav was taken aback, surprised that the European accepted but in the end, he grinned in return and took Spain's hand and shook it firmly.
"Alright. Deal." he said as he walked away, satisfied. Spain kept looking at him walking way until something clicked on his mind as he widened his eyes and started to trail behind the taller man. "Wait, Rusia, YOU DIDN'T TELL LE WHERE DOES THE DATE TAKE PLAC. RU-"
If for Denmark, preparing himself was going well, on the other hand Spain was... How to say it...
Stressed. Very.
But it wasn't very surprising coming from someone like him.
"Do you think I should wear this shirt? Not it's too formal. Then probably a vest? But it's warm outside, I will melt if I put it! Then what about-"
He was searching around his wardrobe, sometimes putting the clothes in front of him to see in the mirror if this could fit him well or no but eventually he would find it too formal, too flashy or too much. His cat Jewel only stared at him, licking from time to time her fur while probably thinking in her head why on earth her father was stressing all of the sudden with a bunch of clothes.
In the end, after pulling out nearly all of his clothes in his wardrobe, the Spanish grunted and let out a breath in annoyance, turning his head to his cat.
"Maybe I'm thinking too much don't you think?" he asked as Jewel only stared at him before meowing and going to the other side of the room. He sighed before looking at himself in the mirror again, looking at his face and his hair, just in case. He took a big breath and looked at himself, trying to encourage himself.
"Come on España, stop trying to worry over everything. Rusia have told you that Dinamarca was a nice, laid-back guy, you don't need to over think too much." he tried to encourage himself as he slowly breathed in and out, calming a little bit himself down. A last time, he looked at his reflection in the mirror, a look of determination on his face.
"Alright let's do it."
Jewel meowed in approval, licking in between her toes.
"Are you sure you can handle my cat during the date?" Spain asked Russia who was holding a sleeping Jewel in his arms on his front yard. The slav nodded, smiling at the Spaniard.
"Да you can trust me Испания. Also, why are you saying THE date? It's YOUR date, yours and Denmark's! "he said, snickering a little when Spain punched him lightly on the shoulder, grunting a little while a small blush was across his face.
"Look I'm still not used to being set in a date with someone I don't even know, okay? I mean, it's not everyday that someone just decided to set a date for me."
Russia rolled his eyes.
"Oh please stop being so pessimistic and try to think about the better side. You will finally meet your potential future boyfriend! Isn't that great? Finally, you will stop complaining about how you are lonely-" he got hit again, this time the blush on Spain's face was visible as the Russian laughed again but soon regained himself.
"Okay on a more serious note, you need to think about the positive side. I'm sure it will go well, alright?" he reassured once again. Jewel already woke up but seeing that she was in Russia's arms who were warm, she just purred and made herself comfortable inside his embrace. The russ looked at the animal and smiled fondly at the cat as he patted her head and then he laid his eyes on the Spaniard again.
"she will be fine under my care, that's some stress you must pull out on your shoulders. Now, stop trying to find a way to only sulk yourself up and thrive at that date Мой друг (my friend)!" he finished, pushing a little the other European who blushed even harder as he regained balance and looked at the taller man, outraged.
"¡Don't push me off like that! "he spoke loudly as Russia dismissed something vaguely, gesturing with his free hand." Yeah yeah I'm sorry but still! Go on! I don't want you to be late! "he stated as Spain finally realized what he meant.
"OH SHI- uh thanks Russia anyway bye! " he said before dashing at the opposite direction of the russian, who stood still, looking at the Spanish, smiling a little.
He waited for the concerned to go completely away and held Jewel in front of him. The animal meowed in confusion.
"Are you ready to go after him?" Russia asked eagerly. Seeing that the cat didn't respond, he continued. "After all, I want to make sure that this date will go well with Spain and Denmark holding hands, looking at each other full of love.." he snickered like those damn high-school girls who shipped two random people in her class.
I know it from experience because I already got shipped with my ex best friend who abandoned me for a girl that used to be like me if I was obedient.
But that's not the main topic.
"Anyway. What I mean by that is that we're going to follow for any updates from the two. If they have made any progress, anything new, you know something in those lines... Are you agreeing with me?"
Jewel kept staring at him and proceeded to lick herself. Russia's enthusiastic smile dropped up but decided to relatilize and grinned again, looking at the feline with a flame of determination.
"Alright let's go. "
The Russian have let go of the mammal who instantly started to rub herself on his leg. Upon this action, the slav smiled as he went inside his house, the animal trotting behind, preparing himself to spy on this date that he hopefully want it to go well.
Because on the other hand, he didn't really wanted to waste his paycheck on Spain's cerveza.
Denmark was already at the place, adjusting a little bit more his white short-sleeve shirt in order to look a little bit more presentable. Despite the fact that him and Russia prepared the date of the two in a park, that wasn't an excuse for him to already be messier than when he arrived.
At least not yet.
He smirked to himself like an idiot because of his inside joke.
A tap on his shoulder took him back to reality. The Danish turned his head and let the gaze of his friend Iceland who smiled lightly.
"Are you ready for your date, bigboy?" they teased as the concerned one snickered a little and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah I sure am and stop calling me" bigboy" you know how weird that nickname sounds to me" he playfully punched them. Iceland snickered in return.
"Yeah I know but still, you didn't answered my question" the Icelandic stated. The Danish didn't hesitated a second and responded with a decent amount of confidence.
"Well, of course Island! (Iceland!) I mostly can't wait to meet this guy. According to Rusland (Russia), he's quite cute and have a calm personality!" the Danish grinned in a dorky way. Iceland raised an eyebrow, a teasing like smile spreading out in their face."Wow, I didn't knew you were into calm reserved guys" they said.
"Well.." Denmark paused for a second as he stretched herself for no reasons. "... It's true that I'm not the type of guy who would be into reserved one but hey! It's the first time someone actually prepared a blind date for me! I couldn't say no that offer"
Iceland looked at their friend again, their smile still not leaving their face. "Alright alright then if you insist, I'm going to leave then, you and your potentially future boyfriend" they accentuated the word in the end, backing away until they were quite far from the other Nordic.
"Tak Island (thanks Iceland)" the Danish responded, smiling back.
Iceland kept pretending to go further away until Denmark didn't mind them anymore. The Icelandic waited a few moments, carefully making sure that he didn't acknowledged them anymore as they pulled out their phone and went into their contacts, calling Sweden. Not a minute after, the Swedish woman responded.
"Hej? (hello?)"
"Hæ Svíþjóð! (Hi Sweden! ) Denmark is already at the place and he didn't saw me anymore. Now, what do I do??" they asked.
"Wait, it actually worked???" Sweden asked a little bit louder, in disbelief. Iceland nodded eagerly until they remembered that Sweden couldn't see them so they made a sound of approval. Sweden shrieked a yes before pacing a little bit around before talking back normally.
"Okay so Den is at the place right now? And he saw you going away?"
"Já (Yeah)"
"Okay good. Now, I'm going to ask you to go to the nearest hiding spot, I don't know something like a small spot to rest or a shop where he can't see you"
"Are you going to ask me to spy on him?" Iceland cut her off, raising an eyebrow. Sweden sighed and the icelandic swore they could hear Sweden rolling her eyes through the phone.
"Look Denmark planned this thing for a whole week and I've never seen him so invested into a thing like this! At least, I want to see if he actually put efforts into it!" Sweden immediately defended herself. The icelandic half believed her.
"Are you sure it's not because you and Finland had a bait on the fact that he will succeed in this date?" They asked, deadpan. The other Nordic country went silent for a while before speaking again.
"Could you still make sure that he gets that boy? I baited 10 bucks-"
Iceland sighed in exasperation but smiled slightly.
"Alright I'll do it, I don't want you to waist your money"
When Spain arrived, he had excepted a very romantic, cliché picnic date with petals of roses everywhere and a George Michael music style on invisible speakers as his suitor would lay on his side, a rose in his mouth.
Okay maybe he was exaggerating but still, he excepted it too be too flashy but to his surprise, it was simple and clean, no hint of a romantic date, as if it was just a picnic date with friends. On the napkin, a man was sitting, waiting (him probably) patiently. Spain raised an eyebrow.
"Wait, is this really the man Rusia depicted me? Wasn't he supposed to be flirty and other varient of that?" He thought to himself. To be honest, he was a little but like a veeeery little bit disappointed but hey, maybe that side of him was inside.
Speaking of the other man, Denmark looked at his direction and finally saw Spain in all his glory. Seeing the man for the first time, the Danish would have lied if he didn't find the Spanish attractive and cute at the same time and the simplicity of his clothes only accentuated his physique.
"Better found out if this body is just as good as his personality" Denmark though, starting to smile a little. "Oh well hello skat, I presume you're Spain, the one Rusland told me about?" He asked as he got up, going towards the Spanish.
The latter widened his eyes, even more surprised. He didn't excepted him to be smaller than him and yet he didn't seemed to be phased by the height difference.
"U-uh yeah.. You must be Denmark?" Spain asked. Denmark grinned. "Yeah it's me! Come, I started to got a little lonely here and I've made a few snacks." The smaller man invited as the other awkwardly nodded and followed him. "Also by the way"
Spain perked up and looked at the Danish who started to smile.
"I like your name, it's pretty"
Spain blushed lightly at the compliment and thanked him sheepishly. Denmark couldn't help but feel a warm feeling at his face.
"Damn, he is actually quite cute, I hope I'm not going to mess this up" Denmark thought to himself, leading the other to the napkin, starting this long (well not very long but you get the spirit) awaited date.
Russia hid his face behind the newspaper he was holding, checking from time to time the spot where the two had to meet each other but of course his memory had to play against him therefore he didn't remember where it was and had to go around the park for 15 minutes while nearly getting caught by some kid who pointed out the blue of his flag because of course he also forgot his device to activate his human disguise, like the genius he was.
But at least he had another way to hid his countryhuman form, well it wasn't better than the disguise device but it was mostly better than nothing.
Now he was sitting on a bench, Jewel purring in her sleep on his side. For now, no one have caught him except the kid and he was pretty sure that the tree that was a few feet away from him was the one. (the russian only remembered that the date he set was below a tree.)
"Rússland (Russia)? What are you doing here??"
The countryhuman froze on his bench and wanted to turn his head but he didn't had time when the person stepped out in front of him. The slav directly recognized Iceland's human form. He blinked his eyes in surprise before realizing that it was indeed Iceland.
"Wait, Исландия (Iceland)?? No, what are you doing here???" He asked back. Iceland raised their eyebrows. "Don't try to ignore my question" they said, deadpan. Russia frowned before realizing why they were there.
"Hold up, are you also there because of Spain's date ?" The russian asked, bewildered. Iceland looked up, shocked too.
"Hold up, are you there because of Denmark's date??" They pointed aggressively at the other Eurasian country who nodded eagerly.
"And are you actually trying to stalk them in order to see if it goes well??!" They both asked simultaneously
"Because you baited with your relative that it will go well???" Iceland added in the end. Russia stopped talking and looked at the icelandic, concerned. They blinked a few times. "What ?" They ask, incredulous. Russia sighed.
"Nevermind, forget it." he huffed before having a revelation. "Wait so that mean we're both going to see their progress?"
"I suppose" Iceland shrugged before continuing "but I do have a question though, why are you facing away from their spot, the tree is just behind you?" the Nordic pointed behind the slav who turned his head and instantly deadpanned. Dammit, how could he be so dumb.
"... I have my ways-" He mumbled, looking away, hoping that the icelandic didn't noticed his sheepish stanve. Iceland was skeptical about his response but eh, that didn't really mattered right now, the thing that mattered to them now aside the picnic is that they have found another person who was also into this spying thing and knowing how this type of plan always goes, it would never end up well.
Yeah probably Iceland should think that if there's already someone on the run, maybe they should just give up? Most of the time,if something like that happen, either the two are extremely good or extremely bad, no in between but it was probably better if they just let him do i-
"Yo I have an idea wanna team up to stalk them?"
Well shit.
Turn out Iceland didn't only wanted the money but really wanted to know how this date will go too after all.
If Spain or Denmark really wanted to say something or even start the conversation in any way, none of the two dared to open his mouth first therefore it lead to a... quite awkward silence.
The Spanish looked away, scratching his arm because of the tense atmosphere, panicking inside while Denmark coughed awkwardly.
"Come on España do anything!! Say at least a word or anything, this is getting suffocating!-" Spain thought to himself, getting even more embarrassed each second that passed. "Okay, maybe try to do the first step? I don't know try to take his hand or speak! ANY-"
"So what have you been up to?"
"Oh okay he's the one who started. Good." Spain thoughts, his mind relaxed a bit but his stress didn't go away entirely. The Spanish sheepishly coughed a little.
"O-oh well you see- well- the usual I mean- you know-" Spain mentally slapped himself for stuttering so much before taking a big breath. Denmark slightly laughed at his attitude."... I worked with Russia in the same building for a few years now and uh I got promoted, made a few friends, a few enemies and- yeah the rest is- pretty much the same routine" he didn't wanted to ramble too much, just in case. However, during the whole time, the Danish was actually smiling with a mix of fondness and mischief and when he realized that Spain have actually finished. The latter blushed a little bit of embrasement. "Yeah sorry it's pretty boring."
The Danish chuckled a little. "Nah, you don't have to it's quite interesting actually" the Nordic country stretched himself as he laid in front of the tree. Spain couldn't help but think about his white shirt being stained by the grass and the tree's trunk. The taller one blinked a few times before stressfully chuckling a little. "U-uh well uh- gracias- I mean- sorry- well "thank you"- it meant... thank you-"
"God why is this so awkward-" Iceland said, cringing at the scene. Russia was behind them, holding Jewel who's only wish right now is to get out of here. The russian didn't noticed it as he only continued to stroke her while looking at the two men, also concentrated as well before answering.
"Well, Spain is known in our workplace to be somewhat clumsy and stuck up so I'm not really that surprised it start off in this way" he shrugged before continuing. "Still, since Denmark is an extrovert, shouldn't it supposed to be less weird and silent now?" He asked, turning his head to look at the icelandic. The Nordic sighed as they pinched their nose, massaging it a little.
"I know but Denmark doesn't even seem to be that comfortable enough to let out his extroverted side.." they mumbled under their breath while the russian eyed them. "Are you sure? I mean... I've known Denmark for a while now and I'm pretty sure that he's extrovert enough to make the first steps."
Iceland glared at him, frowning.
"Well, maybe I know him better than you because Den is not that open to continue" they argued back. This time, Russia was the one who frowned.
"Are you assuming that I don't know him enough?" He insisted.
"No it's just-"
"Well I heard-"
The icelandic and the russian were too busy arguing about who was more close to the Danish that Russia didn't saw Jewel slowly slipping away from his grip, getting tired of hearing their pointless dispute about a random country who was with the person who was supposed to be at her orders and since the dispute was starting to get personal, the female cat clearly didn't wanted to be involved in it.
Jewel walked peacefully around the park, occasionally sniffing around her in case if there was something more interesting than a pointless date with two random people who probably didn't consented into this bullshit but somehow in the end they would be in each other's arms, vacuuming the other's mouth.
Very glamour indeed.
Anyway, the female cat was living her life alone, looking at the park while stopping from time to time when someone would see her as they would pet her head, making her purr in satisfaction as they also occasionally give her a small treat. In short, despite probably making Russia and Iceland freaking out because they have lost Spain's cat, she was actually living her life.
But that stopped when the chihuahua of someone spotted her as it started to growl and bark at her.
At first, Jewel already knew that it was futile to even react that the small hound as she looked at him, uninterested before turning her head, continuing her path but the chihuahua only barked furthermore, the owner trying to calm it down with his leash.
"Easy easy- calm down Pepito- Pepito calm down please-" they pleaded, struggling to keep the hound in place who got even more agressive, trying to follow Jewel who only judged him. Jewel wasn't already a fan of dogs and mutts in general but chihuahua were definitely the dog breed she hated the most, those little monsters mixed with coffee, ankle biting demons from hell and overexcited children on sugar and crack as how she liked to imagine it in her head.
The cat's tail puffed out a little as she snarled, not missing it as an opportunity to taunt and sass the small dog but that only angered him even more as the owner was close to release him.
"Pepito- Pepito please no no no- Pepito please calm down- Pe- Pepito!" they ordered but Pepito didn't listened as he pulled out the leash even more.
Until the owner lost their grip on the leash, Pepito seeing this as an opportunity to chase off Jewel.
The cat, upon seeing what just happened, froze for a moment in shock before meowing in distressed and hissing as she ran away from Pepito's direction, the chihuahua hot on her heels, her hoping that he would get tired at least now or sooner.
"...And that's how Sweden ended up in a fight against Finland even though I was the one who started it" Denmark chuckled lightly at his memory while Spain laughed a little, smiling as well, thoughts rushing into his mind.
"Damn... Okay maybe he's quite funny... And cute!... Okay maybe he's also probably ho-" Spain stopped his thoughts when a crimson veil was on face, thinking about what he have just said to himself.
Fortunately, Denmark didn't seemed to notice the Spanish's sudden change of behavior as he eagerly asked back, leaning furthermore onto him.
"And you? Aside the story you told me about that day when you and Russia have accidentally broken the photocopy and instead, your boss have scolded Lithuania, don't you have another fun story to tell?" The danish asked. Spain thought for a second before nodding, smiling widely for the first time the date have started.
"Well, actually I do have a story similar to this. When I was little I-"
Spain didn't had time to finish or even start his other story that a ball aggressively hut him hard on the face.
Denmark didn't had time to react properly as he widened his eyes, shocket. The kid who kicked the ball quickly scurried towards the two of them, dead worried about what he have done as he looked at Denmark and flinched before wobbly apologize.
"Oh shit- I-I'm sorry sir I didn't m-meant to!!" The kid said as Denmark blinked a few times, not really knowing what to say. However, when Spain grunted in pain, holding his head. The Danish went to see the southern european, checking on him with concern as the kid continued to apologize quickly towards the two.
"Sorry sir! I didn't meant to hit y-you!"
Spain rubbed his face as he groaned in discomfort as he waved his hand to dismiss the kid. "N-no that's fine I'm okay" he forgave awkwardly, still rubbing his face. Denmark only took his shoulder, trying to give some sort of support.
The kid was still unsure and felt really bad for hitting Spain in the face but in the end, the countryhuman have finally convinced the teenager that he didn't get that hurt aside a barely visible bruise below his eye. Denmark slightly chuckled and awkwardly tried to convince the younger human to let it go because it was fine. As the kid walked away (more like ran away from the scene), the Nordic country checked up on his date partner.
"Hey, are you sure you're okay? It did seemed quite a hard shot.." he asked, worried. Spain stopped rubbing as he looked at the other man, a little bit surprised. Even though it has only been a few minutes (or an hour Spain couldn't keep track of the time who passed too fast) since they knew and talk to each other but the southern european only knew Denmark's flirty and playful side, not the worried one. He mentally slapped himself again.
"Mierda.. of course he would be concerned, I literally just got hit by a fucking ball right on the face!" He thought to himself.
Still... Denmark looked so caring and somehow, it mades Spain's stomach even more weird with that butterfly feeling inside.
"... Yeah I'm fine. It's only just a scratch" the spanish speaking country answered as he got up a d coughed awkwardly, trying to hide his forming blush. Denmark didn't really seemed convinced until Spain continued to talk as he dusted off himself a little.
"And plus, always sitting started to get my legs a little bit numb" he confessed as he rubbed his face one last time. Denmark thought about it until he spoke in his turn.
"Well, why don't we walk around then a little bit? Well if you want of course" the danish smiled. Spain widened his eyes before answering quite wobbly.
"Oh uh y-yeah uhm... Sure. Plus, I still need to tell you my story right?" The taller man said, smiling. Denmark's eyes lit up.
"Oh I would love to!"
Spain smiled. There it goes, Denmark's joyous side again. The Spaniard couldn't help but feel his cheeks getting hotter as he helped the other man to get up as well.
"..And that's why I think they wouldn't go this way! What do you think these two are?? Characters from a Collen hoover book??"
"Where the fuck did you even got that???"
Iceland and Russia were still debating regarding of Spain and Denmark. Well, at first, it was supposed to be only about the other's friendship with the Danish and how close they were but it escalated quickly and started to get personal.
Russia scoffed as he kept arguing. "It's a metaphor Исландия (Iceland). You should know that, even Jewel knows what is it! Right Jew-" the slavic stopped dead on his tracks and ramble as his face drained off of its colors. Iceland looked at him and the ground back and forth, confused.
"Wait, who's Jewel? Was it the cat that you kept holding when I saw you? Because I thought it was just a random stray cat that you found somewhere and decided to either adopt it or use it as some sort of way to make sure Spain and Denmark get to be closer and know each other" they asked. Russia only glared at them. The icelandic shrugged before looking around too, widening their eyes in surprise and slight horror.
"Uhm...Rússland (Russia) where are exactly the one that we were SUPPOSED to spy on to??" They asked tho their partner. Russia titled his head to the head until he realized what they meant.
"ЕБАТЬ (FUCK) HOW CAN WE BE SO STUPID. So now you're telling me we literally lost the couple AND the cat???"
"But that cat belongs to who anyway?? I really thought you took it because Denmark loves cat"
Russia grunted. "Jewel was Spain's cat Исландия (Iceland)! I brought her here in order to help me spy on him! " he exclaimed. Iceland gasped.
"You really bring a cat for your own purpose instead of hers??"
Russia deadpanned the other countryhuman. Iceland continued, less shocked and with a tone as bored as Russia. "Yeah I know, I should be more shocked about the fact that you lost Spain's cat but still..." They thought about a second about the situation before speaking, breathing out heavily. "Hey, maybe if I can help you find Jewel, it will be easier since I'm pretty sure none of the two would run away from each other, despite being so awkward"
"Don't bring up that "awkward situation" again, Iceland please I'm begging y-" Russia got cut off when the two anthropomorphic lands heard barking and hissing.
Instantly, Iceland and Russia turned their head simultaneously to search where the ruckus came from and was surprised to see a small hairless chihuahua chasing around a black cat, the owner of the dog, probably, running from behind and they seemed on the verge of passing out. The two countryhumans blinked a few times, not really processing the scene. The russian was the one to speak.
"Is Jewel really chased by a chihuahua who is getting chased by another human or is it just me seeing things?" He asked, rubbing his eyes a little. Iceland shook their head. "Nei (no), you aren't the only one seeing this"
Without waiting a further second, Russia suddenly got up, worried.
"I should get her, I know these little things from hell and they aren't going to stop their tracks soon!" He said but Iceland stopped him.
"Rússland wait, you forgot you didn't had your human form! You're literally hanging around with your countryhuman persona!" They resonated as they stepped up. "I'm going to get Jewel while try to find Spain and Denmark, okay?"
Russia frowned.
"Iceland, I don't think Jewel even remembered your face. If you also chase after her, she will probably consider you as well like some sort of threat too! Trust me, that's how she acted with me the first time I took care of her"
The icelandic personification waved their hand. "Please Russia, I will be fine! I've already dealt with animals before, Spain's cat is not different and I have still have my disguise! I think it's safer if I'm the one who do it"
Russia was about to argue furthermore but they had a point. He bit his lips, hesitating, before sighing and running on the opposite side, turning to look at the Nordic country one last time. "Alright then. But don't try to think that I didn't warned you!"
Iceland raised an eyebrow but shrugged as they made a salute before heading to help the female cat.
"Don't you think that it's so weird when every odd number has the letter e inside? Like three, seven, five and so on"
"Now that I think about it.." Spain said, a little bit troubled by what Denmark have just told him but that didn't meant he wasn't into deep thoughts like this too.
The two men were currently strolling around near the side of the park where there would be more tree next to a few ponds and the lake. It was quite calming actually and Denmark wanted to continue their conversation with unhinged facts and shower thoughts he always kept to himself. Somehow, Spain was also into that thing and now the two were talking about how hands hugged each other when they held or the fact that waffles are just pancakes with abs.
Probably, people who heard would question themselves but the two were more focused on their walk and getting to know each other. Spain didn't noticed it but his arm was crossed with Denmark's while the danish kept rambling until he looked at the taller one, smiling fondly.
"How's your face by the way? The bruise is not that visible like before but still"
The Spanish has almost forgot that event, if it wasn't for the faint sting sensation on his face.
"Oh well, it doesn't hurt that much anymore. Probably I still feel something it but it doesn't really bothers me that much. I'm just bumped that there will be an ecchymose right below my eye" he chuckled lightly. Denmark, his turn, laughed as well as the two continued to walk, not knowing Russia was secretly watching them behind, a smile of triumph on his face.
"Ha! I knew that in the end, they would be very much in love with each other!" He cheered before shutting his mouth, just in case if someone have heard him. When he realized that no one, fortunately, heard what he have said,the slav sighed in relief as he kept watching the two who kept chattering.
However, someone interrupted Russia's spying mission by starling him from behind. He turned his head and realized that the person was Iceland who was sweating and panting, their face and body full of scratches but they still had a wide smile on their face.
"I finally catches her! Done!" They said. Russia widened his eyes and blinked a few times.
"... You finally catched Jewel?" He asked back, in disbelief. Iceland nodded eagerly.
"Yeah, Pepito was quite very angry today and the fact that Jewel didn't recognized me made her scratch my face and defend herself! Luckily, the fact that I stopped their track have made Pepito's owner catch on us and calm him down. They were very nice!"
Russia was confused.
"Wait who's Pepito?" He asked. The icelandic blinked a few times before realizing as they clarified.
"Oh, it's the chihuahua's name"
"Ah. Aaand where's Jewel by the way?" The russian asked, quite worried at Iceland's ecstasic state. They smiled furthermore.
"Oh she's just below me, rubbing my leg right now!" They hung their head down as Russia did the same only to actually find Jewel purring, rubbing herself on Iceland's leg. The countryhuman smiled again.
"Isn't she just the cutest black cat ever??"
Russia restrained himself to snicker as he let out an unwanted snort, mostly because ironically Iceland had scratches all over their face and yet they kept complimenting Jewel.
But their moment was stopped again by familiar high-pitched barking sounds.
"Pepito please not again!!" The owner's dog lamented.
Russia widened his eyes as he saw the little ankle biting demon approaching vigorously the female cat who hissed even more, her hair going up. Iceland instantly took the hissing cat as they looked at Pepito, angry.
"No, Pepito! Stop it! You're a bad dog!" They scolded but the hound haven't finished his business with Jewel as he bark was harsher and even tried to bite Iceland's ankle. The Nordic yelped in surprise as they let go of Jewel out of reflex who jumped right on time and ran away, precisely, she ran towards where her owner Spain was.
"JEWEL WAIT-" Russia yelled but soon stopped when the chihuahua growled at him as he stood frozen, growing scared as the russian put his hands up.
"W-wait uh- Pepito right?- call down- you're a good boy, aren't you-? A-and good boys don't attack peop- Pepito please-" he pleaded. The chihuahua approached him like some sort shark or a hunter who cornered his prey. Russia backed up furthermore, his thoughts running quickly in his head. Pepito barred his teeth, about to attack until-
The owner got angry and annoyed at the dog, tired of his petty and hot-blooded attitude. Pepito stopped his tracks and looked at his owner, shocked but also outraged before whining sadly, his ears flopping. Russia looked back and forth at the hound and it's owner, still on alert as the human took the dog who kept whining for forgiveness but they didn't flinched at it.
"Nu uh, you deserve it Pepito. I told many times to stop attacking people! Now don't be surprised that it has consequences." They sighed before looking at Russia. "I'm sorry sir about what happened, I really didn't meant to. Usually, he's not that harsh!"
The personification blinked a few times before waving his hand in a sign of dismiss, still a little bit confused.
"U-uhm.. no that's fine. That's fine it's uh- it's okay-" he stammered. The owner nodded their head before heading away, wobbly apologizing to Iceland too, who was still frozen in shock, before being completely gone. Russia's eyes were still wide as a plate, not able to process what just happened.
"How in the- wait... Where's Jewel??" He asked to himself again as he turned his head and saw that Spain and Denmark were already quite far away. The russian chased after them.
"I admit, it was... Odd. But it was also funny so it's okay!" The danish lightheartedly laughed as well as the Spanish, who didn't minded the purely visible blush on his cheeks anymore. The two have now stopped themselves in front of a small pond, the two sat on a bench in front.
Denmark have put his arm around Spain's bulky body length while the other wrapped his around Denmark's waist. The two have also put each other's head on top of each other. The two were calm until Denmark realized something as he gasped got up, startling Spain.
"Wait I remembered something! Didn't you said earlier that you were into frogs??" He asked. Spain blinked a few times before answering.
"Uh yeah ? I mean I really like frogs yeah but- why?"
Denmark grinned even more.
"Well I remembered that in this park, there are a few ponds where you can see frogs. Either on the ground or inside and since we're in front of one of them, why not trying to look out for a few?" He invited before adding. "Well- if you want of course" he chuckled awkwardly, a blush on his cheeks. Spain's eyes were still wide before speaking, a more sheepish way. "Oh w-well I would like to! I mean- it will be cool- well more like cute since they're frogs but uh- you know what-? Yeah. Yeah I'll come" he ended, biting his lips as his face was a crimson red.
Denmark looked at him as his smile grew wider.
"Wow..." Spain sat in a squat way, looking at the pond with Denmark sitting half laying next to him. Despite the fact that the two didn't saw more than two small frogs, the small creatures were jumping around, making bubbles and sounds as the Spanish looked at them eagerly, focused.
"They're pretty cute not gonna lie" Denmark stated as Spain spoke, his eyes still focused on the frogs.
"Yeah these two are a pretty common specie of frogs but they're still very awesome to me" he said as Denmark hummed in agreement.
The two were still silent as ever, enjoying each other's company as the danish dreamily looked at the taller man, smiling. Everything, despite a few unexpected things that happened earlier, was going well and Denmark really think that he have probably found himself a boyfriend. Still, he didn't wanted to take things too quickly but- it was too tempting.
The concerned one hummed and turned his head to look at the other countryhuman.
"Yeah, what is it?" He asked, titling his head to the side. Denmark bit in lips, hesitating a little but he still gathered the small courage he still had.
"W-well, It has been a few while since we both met and talked to each other and I know that it's probably too soon but-"
Before the Nordic country could finishes his sentence, a cat hissing made them stop as it bumped on Denmark who yelped and fell in the pond with the feline, who was luckily not deep. Spain didn't had time processing what just happened but as soon as he came back to his senses, he widened his eyes in horror.
"¡Dios mío Dinamarca!" He yelled as he leaned down to see Denmark's state.
Until another ball hit him behind the head, making him fall into the water too.
"God damnit Franck can't you just try to not shoot elsewhere than the actual goal!?" One of the kid yelled at Franck who raised his hands in defense.
"Come on! At least, be glad it didn't end up in someone's face like that one where the two guys were literally on a date!" He argued and huffed, crossing his arms.
Denmark groaned in annoyance as he sat up, his clothes were now wet as almost all of his hair was on his face. He rubbed his eyes in order to see what was the thing who bumped him but instead he met Spain who fell face first next to him, coughing the water that was stuck inside his throat. That startled the frogs who decided to run away from the pod. Denmark looked very confused.
"What just happened?? Spain, are you okay??? How did-" someone interrupted him again with meowing and purrs. Spain gasped to take big breath and turned to his side as he looked around until he spotted a black cat meowing at him. He frowned from disbelief.
"¿¡Jewel?! What are you doing here???" He asked but then Denmark gasped in admiration and shock when he saw the female cat as he agressively pointed her.
"Is that a cat???" He asked. Spain eyed him, not really what to say.
"Uh yeah?" He added in a low whisper. "I mean I didn't even bring her with me and I don't actually know how did she got the-"
Denmark didn't let Spain finishes his sentence as he got up, ignoring his wet clothes, and started to caress the small feline in which Jewel accepted gladly as she purred. Spain didn't wanted to continue to sentence upon seeing that scene and he smiled a little, lying.
"W-well yeah actually she's my cat and she was supposed to wait for me next to my care but she probably got fed up and decided to come"
"Well she's very cute! And quite smart to come here" Denmark complimented as he continued to stroke her. Jewel eyed her owner in disagreement before letting the danish to caress her.
Their moment was soon interrupted when Iceland called out Denmark.
"Den! Are you there?!" They yelled. Denmark raised an eyebrow as he wanted to approach them but then realizes that his clothes were still pretty much wet. He grunted before answering back. "Yeah Island (Iceland) I'm right here! Look into the pond!"
Iceland did what he told and gasped.
"Holy- what the fuck happened to you??" They asked in horror as they went down next to the pond. Denmark lightheartedly laughed a little, removing the hair on his face.
"W-well it's a long story-" he coughed up. Iceland looked at him deadpan before looking at Spain as they waved. "Oh hi Spain, Russia want to see you"
Spain frowned in confusion even more.
"Wait.. first Jewel, now Russia??? Don't tell me-"
The Spanish didn't had time to finish what he have just said that Iceland's phone rang out. They took it, looking at the one who called them as they answered.
"Hello? Finland what's the matter?" They asked.
"Hey Iceland. Sorry I didn't meant to call you but Denmark's phone wasn't answering."
"Okaay? What's the matter then ?"
Denmark leaned on the phone a little bit more, slightly worried as Iceland turned up the volume. Finland but his lips before continuing.
"Well- uhm- we're in Denmark's house right now and-"
"NORWAY AND SWEDEN ARE IN MY HOUSE??" Denmark yelled in horror as Iceland winced Spain looked around, not knowing what was going on. The danish didn't waited for the Finn to continue what he was saying that he took the Nordic's phone and talked to Finland.
"It's me Denmark. Don't continue your sentence, I'm coming. NOW." he hang up before giving Iceland's phone back to them as he turned his head to look at Spain, an apologizing look on his face.
"Sorry for leaving you so abruptly Spain but I've already told how did it end when Norway and Sweden cooked in my kitchen. I'll be back alri- wait I have an idea! Iceland do you have a pen and a small piece of paper ?"
The icelandic hesitated a moment before nodding as they pulled out from their pocket a worn out black pen and searched for the other a small torn paper of a diary. Denmark thanked them as he quickly wrote his number and handed it to Spain who didn't reacted first. He then realized what the danish have done when he blushed hard. Denmark decided to ignore it on the current but still, he used this opportunity to kiss the Spanish's cheek quickly, who only had his mouth opened wide, unable to say anything, his face redder than ever.
"Iceland, you're coming with me. Bye Spain, I really loved our date!" He waved as he took the other Nordic country's hand who wanted to protest but then, it was Norway and Sweden therefore they couldn't wait furthermore unless if they wanted to have a great fire for the night.
Spain only stood there, the blush on his cheeks where brighter than ever, his eyes widely open while he still held the small paper with Denmark's number.
How in the-
Someone broke him from this thoughts and the first thing he heard was someone panting and speaking with a light russian accent.
"Spain, there you are! I'm so sorry the mess, I really didn't meant to- look. I'm sorry at first I just wanted to keep track on you and Den as I bring Jewel because I was also supposed to keep an eye on her but then things escalated quickly and-"
Russia continued to wobbly apologize and explain at the same time the context of all of this but Spain half listened to him as his mind went elsewhere.
Like the fact that Denmark gave him his number.
Or when he actually kissed his cheek.
Or the fact that despite being hit twice on the head, he actually enjoyed the date.
No. Enjoyed was just too little to describe what he actually felt today.
The concerned one stopped rambling and looked at the Spanish who kept looking at the horizon, gripping a little bit more tightly the small piece of paper. Soon, a small smile started to form on his lips as he didn't cared to hide his blush anymore.
"We're going to meet each other tomorrow night, I'm going to pay up your drink"
Russia was taken aback by what Spain have just said but upon realization, he grinned widely and spoke with triumph.
"Ah! I knew you two would stick to each other after all!"
"But still, in there, you're going to tell everything that happened and how come and why did you bring out of all things you could, you bring my cat."
Russia stopped celebrating as he froze in place, realizing how fast Spain have switched from a dreamy, in love tone to a ice cold one. He chuckled awkwardly, a droplet of sweat running on his face.
In the end, Spain have paid for Russia's drink but the slav was forbidden to approach Jewel for one week. It was quite a bumper for Russia because he really liked cats, especially Spain's but with more hindsight, he realizes that it was worth it to see Spain giggling like crazy when he was on the phone with his now Nordic boyfriend Denmark.
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I'm back from the dead with the shittiest writing ever y'all
Posted: 29/10/2023
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
5, 6, 7, and 10 for Meadow? :D
OC question list here!! <- send some in? :D
So this got really long because I never know when to shut up, so I'm putting this under a readmore lol
(Also, I explained some stuff in detail that I've already told you for the benefit of anyone else who might read this lol)
5. What are their regrets?
There's a lot of things Meadow regrets on a daily basis lol But there are quite a few long lasting big ones. Like the obvious enacting the Relic plan, not listening to Lucretia, and not being able to save Phandalin. Then there's two things he regrets from childhood: not running away from home sooner and simultaneously leaving his then six year old cousin whom he was pretty close to. He also regrets spending so much time fighting with himself during the decade post voidfishing and the fact that he was only able to get very little done and caused himself a lot more stress and heartache than was strictly necessary. And the fact that he can't just turn off his brain and go to sleep to escape his thoughts like other people can unless one of his bodies dies. And there's two things that happen during the fic that he comes to regret doing and/or not doing, but those are spoilers >:)
And then the two really big ones is the defining backstory moment of coming across the Word Weaver's Amulet (the Grand Relic they made) and giving it to Astra, their then best friend who I still haven't decided if they're just best friends or if there were romantic feelings involved. Every time I think I've decided on one, I end up changing my mind again, but regardless, they were really close. And Astra said she thought it was beautiful and really wanted it, and when they both came across it, they had been going on a walk to try and cheer Astra up and get her to clear her head because she was having a really bad day, so Meadow, famously unable to say no to anything even though they had the gut feeling that something bad was going to happen, gave it to her. The fallout of how she used the Relic and what exactly transpired is a spoiler, but she definitely dies which is how Meadow ended up with it again, and they've regretted everything ever since.
The second big one is, because during the Stolen Century, they were able to save Meadow's body from the Plane of Logic from the Hunger, and both of his bodies were on the ship for the rest of the century and until Lucretia dropped his Logic Body off in the Faerun's reality's Plane of Logic, Meadow was always up in one body or the other, by nature of that's just how he works, so he was awake when Lup was about to leave the Starblaster for the final time before she disappeared. He saw her before she left, and they had a short conversation where Meadow knew something was wrong, and he thought he helped her to feel better, which in all fairness, he did a little, but Lup still wanted to have some alone time and clear her head down on the planet and then everything that happened afterward happened. So Meadow regrets not stopping her from leaving or at least not going down to the surface with her.
And tbh, because of Meadow being awake 24/7, they had taken it upon themself/was designated to be the person on watch at night throughout the century after both of their bodies were on the ship because all of the others needed sleep and didn't have a fancy shmancy second body to be awake in after going to bed. So because they were up and because they had talked to Lup before she left, Taako mostly, but Barry too to an extent, kind of blamed them for her disappearance. Barry would never say it out loud, but I feel like Taako might have snapped at them once about it, but like, Meadow knew. At that point, they had known them for long enough that they could tell for sure it wasn't just their brain being mean and jumping to conclusions, they were acting a little hostile toward them toward the end there.
6. What are their biggest fears?
Everything lol They're a big ball of anxiety and stress-
No. Well, they are a big ball of anxiety and stress and are a very fearful person, but they aren't afraid of everything.
They are, ironically, very afraid of heights lol The only reason they agreed to go on the Starblaster mission was because they couldn't pass up the opportunity to go to space and explore the space between the planes and do all of that cool stuff. As soon as the opportunity came up, that was basically all they wanted to do and the thing they wanted to get most out of life because they love the stars and space and exploring and everything about it! And how they figured they could get around the height issue was that they could just stay away from the railing and stay toward the center of the ship, and maybe if there wasn't a ground or a metric in which to gauge how high up he'd be, he would be fine.
I think during the century he learned how to push past it mostly out of necessity, but by the time they made it to Faerun, and Material Meadow lost his memories, his issue with heights hit him full force again tenfold, and he has to fight to remain calm while traveling in the cannonball spheres and looking down from the moon base and all that lol
Then, of course, he has a normally paralyzing fear of failure that he has to push through to get literally anything done in the story and honestly, during the century.
And then they never had a good working memory before the voidfishing, so they already hated the idea of losing any more memories. The voidfishing exasperated that into a full blown near phobia of losing memories, especially really important ones.
And then there's the fear of losing everyone and everything permanently and the fear that everyone is going to leave him, especially for reasons they refuse to tell him, so he wouldn't understand why they decided to leave him in the first place.
And then there's the double related fears: Falling asleep while they're in danger because someone decided to wake them up on the other side, especially if they refuse to let them go back to sleep, and someone finding out about them having a double and attacking him or leaving him or ostracizing him because they either don't believe him, refuse to take it seriously, or outright hate him for it
7. How do they cope with stress?
List making! Mental breakdowns! But mostly they write. Poetry for the most part is their form of journaling, but sometimes they just write out their thoughts too. If they have an idea for a short story, they'll work on that too as usually a more maintenance kind of thing and not something they'd do in the moment of feeling very overwhelmed, and they never really have the time to try and write a whole novel or something. At least, for the most part they didn't. There was that short period of time during the decade where they were at the writing guild Lucretia sent them to in the Material Plane, the Ink Spill Guild, where they had the time to work on a novel because they were ignoring the instructions they were leaving for themself that they made when they actually remembered everything. And they might have been working on a novel, idk. Sounds fun and very much something I would do lol But after that, Meadow spent most of their time adventuring, and then when they got up to the moon base, trying to figure out where the second voidfish was and what the plan was going to be then now that they found Lucretia.
As for when they're in the Plane of Logic though, they didn't give themself as much time to write because they were struggling so hard to get their spaceship built and off the ground, both in the physical aspect of actually researching it and doing it and also fighting the paralysis they usually get when they get super stressed and scared/anxious about something. And the whole possibly being the only one of their family who remembers anything besides Lucretia, but only when they're on a plane where they can't really do much about it, and that means they might be the only person with a chance of stopping Lucretia from destroying the Material Plane and putting their family back together thing is kind of really stressful lol
To compensate for that, Meadow throws himself full force into building the spaceship when he's particularly stressed because it's something to do with his hands and is something that is supposed to get him closer to reaching his goal. Sometimes if they're stuck on how to do something to actually continue building onto the ship but can't focus on reading and researching or even thinking really hard, they take apart and put back together some other component that doesn't really need fixing.
He also sometimes lets Sparrow and their friends forcibly drag him away to hang out with them, and that makes him feel better and less alone. Also eventually talking to Barry helps even if when he does it, he doesn't remember their shared history, and Barry can't tell him anything about it yet, and also hanging out with Merle, Magnus, and Taako.
Back on the Starblaster, Taako and Lup also brought them into learning how to bake :>
And then when things are really shitty, sometimes they dissociate and just check out completely. On top of that, sometimes it'll happen as they are in an immediate stressful situation, especially if they're trying to talk to someone, much to their extreme annoyance because it's really hard to fight it off and come back to reality. They very rarely ever succeed at it.
10. Who is someone they miss?
Astra and Lup definitely, and Lucretia and Davenport and all of them. Even when he joins the Bureau and sees most of them again, he misses how their relationships with each other used to be and the fact that none of them, including him while he's actually physically there with them remember except for Barry and Lucretia. It's this weird feeling of simultaneously being super happy to see them while also still feeling very far away and disconnected when he's awake in the Plane of Logic because he's no longer there and he remembers Davenport being able to talk and Lucretia not holding them all at arm's length and lying to them all the time and being able to hug Barry and Lup being there and the other boys sharing almost everything and all of them being a family. He's able to enjoy being in their presence more, for the most part, while he's there and with them because he doesn't remember the history, but that just makes him miss them more when he wakes up and does remember.
They also really miss Fisher, and while they hang out with it and Johann sometimes, it's still not the same. Both because of the memory thing and also because, while it's Lucretia's fault for erasing everyone's memories, Fisher still had the power to do that, and it didn't broadcast it out after realizing no one could remember and that everyone was gone. So there's also a certain level of wariness and fear I think
And then they do miss their parents to an extent. I mean, they're their parents. And there were good times with them while they were growing up. And they also really miss their cousin that they were close to.
Also, even though Meadow is a self insert and I have siblings, I decided against giving Meadow siblings because, well, not only does Meadow run away from home and leave everyone behind when he's 14, but like, the Hunger and the end of the world happened, and it felt really gross and wrong to be like, yeah! Meadow is me and also all of his siblings died tragically during the apocalypse. I just can't do that. But! I needed a child relative substitute that Meadow would have been close to because an event that happens about them is the catalyst of Meadow finally deciding to run away. I felt like having them be a cousin was enough degree of separation for me to be more comfortable with especially since the event is probably only going to be referenced in a passing one sentence comment, if that, during the Chalice scene. So that's why the cousin exists
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stateofdreaming14 · 2 months
Ok so there's this post that I've been thinking about a lot that basically amounts to 'i can't believe ppl actually care that Rose was 19 and the doctor was 900' and I've been trying to ignore it bc I don't care that much for starting fights over something like this (can't stress enough that you can go ahead and like whatever ships you want whether I agree with the ship or not. Go off) but, I do have many thoughts on it.
First off, I'm the type of person who just hates doctor/companion ships in general. It's a type of relationship where the dynamics of power are clearly unbalanced. The doctor is always the one in control of their adventures. If they want to go they have to be nice to him, and if they don't want to be stranded fuck knows where then they better listen to him (the doctor might not actually do that but he has threatened it at times like in Father's Day). He is also always the more knowledgeable one and the one they depend on to save them in the majority of situations.
When it comes to Rose in particular, her being incredibly young is baked into her character from the beginning. She is introduced as an aimless 19 y/o with no ambitions, no marketable skills, and stuck at a dead end job (which got blown up like ten minutes in). That's the very reason she wants to travel with the doctor. She feels stuck in this awkward time of her life where she has no purpose. Running away on some adventure, then, becomes her avoiding the growing pains of that precise time in one's life. So when she is forced back into her normal life, she doesn't see the point of any of it. She would rather give up everything and everyone (even her own life) to travel with the doctor. Reminder that holding the keys to the tardis is a big power the doctor has over his companions, and he can (and does) take the privilege away at any time. So for Rose, who gets self esteem and purpose from traveling with him, this power is doubled.
Not to mention that season one reminded us of her age constantly. The big emotional through line for the doctor (besides him dealing with time war aftermath) was his need to keep rose safe. He felt immense guilt at putting her into such dangerous situations. Whenever it seemed like shed died he'd say with great emotions, "she was only 19 years old, and now she's dead because of me. Because I brought her here" (not an exact quote but an approximate recreation of something he said often enough). The first season took her age very seriously. It was only season 2 where that stopped. Likely bc they couldn't pass up the chemistry between the two actors. (Of course even 9 and rose flirted often but they both insisted nothing was between them until the season end kiss).
And, of course, the show messed up by starting comparisons between her and Martha in season three. Martha by comparison is a woman with her life together. She has so many things outside of the doctor, which is why she's one of the few companions who chose to leave on her own. She isn't dependant on the doctor for her self worth. She has her life planned to some extent. The most she can complain about is a complicated family dynamic that forces her to be the mediator. Even more, she is defined by being mature, capable, and intelligent. This isn't a dig at rose btw, but that wasn't her at all. Her strengths were more in connecting with people, and it was often noted that she started to treat their travels like a game as time went on. She was often making jokes and highlighting the fun side of the adventures. All of her moments of going off on her own were characterized by her repeating things the doctor has said or observing things to tell the doctor later. There is even a part where 10 says that he wishes rose was there instead of Martha bc she would have figured everything out, much to the confusion of everyone who I've ever watched that episode with. It might have been the most delusional thing he ever said, and forced the audience to focus on how blatantly untrue that is. She would probably be flirting, making goofy jokes, or, at best, throwing out any idea that pops into her head until something sparked the doctor's thoughts. There is no way she'd be any better than Martha (who has already proved how capable she is by this point).
This isn't really supposed to be a hate post for any character or ship. But it is worth saying that it's perfectly reasonable to hate doctor/rose and also very reasonable to be squicked out by the age gap. Acting like ppl who dislike aspects of your ship are all unreasonable ppl who can't differentiate between fiction and reality is such a cope. Aspects of the ship are bad/weird. If you still like it regardless then just own it. Not everyone CAN just ignore certain aspects and enjoy it without thoughts. I'm sure there would be things I can get past that they can't. Just don't try to pretend you're so prosecuted for enjoying the main ship of three seasons that the majority of the fandom like just bc some ppl can't.
Anyway, rant over. Like I said, the post annoyed me but it's not worth fighting over so I probs won't even add tags. If doctor/rose shippers find it and get offended that's on them.
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your post re canonbuddie stans ♥
you liking bucktaylor & megan west ♥♥
you liking bucktalia ♥♥♥
you not liking eddie ♥♥♥♥
you liking marisol ♥♥♥♥♥
your take on canonbuddie overall ♥♥♥♥♥♥
i agree with it all so wholeheartedly!!! buck and eddie literally feel like bros to me. yes, they are besties, and yes, buck has a very lovely bond with chris! but at every single point in the past 6 seasons that could have been used to give Hints to the audience that buck or eddie could ever be romantically involved with a man (or even each other), the show never took it. zero jealousy, zero hesitation to date somebody else, zero insecurity of their "family dynamic" changing when they date again, zero flirtation or appreciative looks or past experiences with men. buck and eddie are both so painfully heterosexual to this day that everybody who honestly thinks of buddie being a feasible option for a canon endgame couple is just delusional to me at this point. and i want to stress that this does not mean that people cannot enjoy and ship buddie to their hearts content! but i need people to fucking learn how to watch and comprehend a narrative realistically because things have gotten so extremely exhausting, even in the tags that are not even meant for buddie! it is everywhere, and i am so so so tired of it.
also, god, i am always so happy whenever i see somebody who enjoys buck and canon buck ships but also shares my disinterest in eddie dfjdsfk; i loved him sm in s2 but that love dwindled more with each new season, s4 and s5 eddie bored me to death. today, i am mostly just indifferent to him. i believe in marisol's power to make his scenes better lmao.
you have any wishes for bucktalia moving forward or some type of scene you'd like to see them in? i personally must see her in lingerie and/or in some really sexy outfit. i just want to stare at them being pretty and cute together, frankly speaking.
legit haven't gotten an anon ask in well over a decade hahaha so this was super neat to open the website and see <3
yes in s2, that character was one of the best male characters i had the pleasure of watching and that dwindled quickly, to the point i wish for the s1 118.
i don't wanna touch on the sexuality of anyone, even fictional characters but the writers have not gone out of their way in anyway to say they aren't straight and i think 7 seasons in, if it was in their plan it would've been done. it's a ryan murphy creation for goodness sake, if he wanted to he would've from ground zero.
i don't have much thought about them yet! they are very aesthetically pleasing. i just want them to stop having buck reinvent himself. we're on buck 345.0 at this point. (i love him and think oliver is GREAT at portraying him, but enough) i was really excited to see where buck and taylor could've gone especially given their history and how we had already been introduced to the audience and had a story independent of his. i also like how she wasn't falling at his feet and also in s4 when he basically used her and she called him out and told him he actually needed to treat her like a friend. why they just decided to take their story in the direction they did, i'll never know. they've written bathena AMAZINGLY and have done a wonderful job with madney, not sure why they aren't doing the same with buck. because after AB, PK, and JLH who came with an already established fanbase, buck/OS seems to be highly popular among the audience and deserves better writing. he was single majority of season 6, so i guess i can't say i wish he was single much longer. i hope natalia becomes a character we can invest in separately from buck. i'm pleased with what very little we've seen so far.
whoever, you are thank you for sending this! and here's to hoping we get season 7 by january 2024.
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anyotherwriter · 3 years
What about the prompt "I need a hug. " ?
Masterlist / buy me a coffee? / art insta
Alright anon, they can't all be winners cause this is shit but I TRIED. I probably could've done better but I've also been trying to ship a car for three days and it's been v stressful and has consumed my every thought.
Okay, love you, bye.
Silence wasn't something you were known for around camp. You were a chatterbox, asking everyone and anyone who they used to be, what they did, what they plan to do once the world goes back to normal. It wasn't hard for some of them to get annoyed with you quickly. They didn't understand that you were trying to cope with the losses of your family so quickly, wondering every day if you were next, if you have enough food, why didn't you ever pack a go-bag? Why weren't you prepared more?
The talking and questions and attempts at games distracted you. But Shane didn't care when he screamed at you to just 'shut up'. He was adamant that no one cared about what you had to say and your voice was like nails on a chalkboard and that he wished you would just 'learn your place'.
But that was the thing now, wasn't it? No one had "places" anymore. You were all out here just trying not to die. But Shane still chastised you loudly in front of the whole group for acting like a child, more so than the actual children with you. It was humiliating and infuriating and you wanted nothing more than to take the small swiss army knife and dig the knife extension into his neck. But you didn't; you couldn't.
The fact that no one stopped him on his tirade is what bothered you the most. It's what made you decide to just stop talking. There was no point in making small talk when everyone wanted you to stay quiet, to stop annoying them, to mind your own business. And as the caravan traveled, and you slouched at the table inside the RV, you counted the passing trees, how many blue cars were broken down, how many walkers you saw.
And when you stopped because the RV broke down, you made your way out and away from everyone. You dropped the tailgate on an old pick-up and swung your legs as you watched the group talk and scavenge together without animosity.
Daryl had asked you casually as he started going through an older model red ford beside you. There wasn't much left behind except the corpse of the dead passenger and scattered clothes. You didn't answer audibly and that's what had Daryl turn to you. He knew that the episode with Shane was bullshit and he wanted nothing more than to break Shane's eye sockets, but Daryl knew he was already on thin ice with Shane, and also Rick by association. His need to survive outweighed his humanity and he felt guilty now seeing the defeated look your face wore.
He hadn't been a victim of your absurd chatter but he figured he may soon be next. Eventually. He hadn't planned to answer anything that anyone asked him. Nobody needed to know. What he didn't know, though, was that you were intimidated by him. Not in a fearful kind of way, more so in an abandonment kind of way, which is why you never tried to get to know about him.
And now he was the one asking the same question a second time after the first went unanswered like he gave a shit. He needed to know now.
You shrugged first and then your head dropped. All of the exhausting thoughts and needs and fears flooded your mind at the same time. As much came out in your jumbled words.
"I just.. I'm hungry and my shoes weren't meant for this and.. and… I wasn't meant for this and I'm afraid of waiting to die and I… I just.. I need a hug and a hot shower and to not be humiliated and shamed for trying to pretend shit is still normal."
Somewhere in your rambling, Daryl began chewing at the skin of his thumb. You assumed he regretted asking and quieted again. But he didn't regret it, he just didn't know what to say. He couldn't help you; all of your problems were everyone's problems. That didn't mean he didn't want to help.
Until the walkers came.
Daryl heard the whistle first, though he wasn't sure who it came from. And then he noticed the wave of walkers headed their way. He didnt think about it when he grabbed your arm and started to pull you down. He didn't hesitate to push you gently underneath the truck and then crawl under beside you. He rested on his stomach, propped up on his elbows, and ready to fire if a walker happened to reach down. His hip rested tightly against yours in the confined space and the smell of cigarettes and sweat and fear filled the small space as the shuffling of feet began to pass by. It started with one, then three, and the number continued to double until you couldn't see the tree line just beyond the road through their legs. You never imagined the dead would be so loud.
And then one stumbled just beside you and you thought for sure that was it. It's hand reached toward you and it's teeth snapped and it decided you were it; lunch, dinner, and dessert. You tried to angle your body quickly and quietly and hope at the same time that other walkers wouldn't follow this one's lead.
An arrow pierced through it's eye socket before you could take care of it yourself.
You looked up at Daryl, who was much closer than you thought, and habitually began to thank him. He quickly placed his hand over your mouth at the first movement of your lips, preventing you from thanking him or telling him that the calluses on his palm were scratching your upper lip. His eyes left your face to focus back on the shuffling surrounding them and all you could focus on was the weight of him pushing down onto your torso. He was warm, the pavement was too, and the air was hot. The sweat was beading on his biceps from anxiety and fear too and it started to run down and soak into your shirt.
It wasn't the hug you needed. It wasn't even a hug at all. It was protective weight and selfish at that. Because if you talked or moved, you would both probably die. He didn't protect you on purpose, you just happened to be close to him at the right time. So you let him clamp his hand over your mouth and rest more weight on you and you stayed there as still as you could until the hoard passed.
When the shuffling stopped and a few extra minutes passed, the weight left and he was gone and you still needed a hug.
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ootori-sibs · 3 years
I am once again thinking about kyoya's awful mental health in the anime
Tw for abuse mentions and also just a lot of mental issues.
The fact that despite kyoya's character arc showing how deeply flawed and hurt he was, and how disconnected he is from reality and how the people around him actually think. The fact that despite this, there was no real healing for him is infuriating. I know this is probably a show issue, Idk I haven't finished the manga. It just hits me sometimes how incredibly sad kyoya's arc is. Because it isn't his arc, it's just Haruhi learning that he's an actual person with depth. It's just her learning about how sad he is. There's no healing for kyoya; the closest he comes to healing is episode 24 and even that's just making a real friend- that isn't going to fix anything, it's just something else for him to fixate on. The closest Haruhi came to helping him was episode 8, where she called him out for trying to help tamaki in the stupidest possible way.
He's always portrayed as having his shit together and being the mastermind behind everything. But the fact that throughout the show, he was planning to throw his father's company back in his face is just sad, it's not a moment of victory- it looks like it, kyoya certainly will feel satisfaction and his father is proud of him for it. But the fact that this is the only way he can let go of something that he had wanted so desperately for years- in a spiteful and angry way. It's a step towards healing, but it's not a healthy way to go about it.
Now I want to talk about the finale, the cultural festival. Think about how stressed kyoya would have already been? Then his father hits him; something that kyoya said he had been expecting. This means that whilst planning and budgeting for the club's part in the festival, kyoya was planning and probably practicing how he would react to getting hit in front of his friends. And this wasn't fully addressed, which- yeah it's a kids show, bit you can't just have a detail like that and not address it.
Then you've got the eclair debacle, where this stranger threatens to take away kyoya's best friend. You can't tell me that wasn't the thought process kyoya went through, the boy has been shown to be protective and to care deeply about tamaki. So kyoya likely experienced a lot of anger and fear. In fact we know he was angry, because of how he dented that car. And let's ignore all jokes about the super human strength it would require to dent an armoured vehicles and talk about how strength like that is genetic, meaning that when Yoshio hit him...
But yeah, there wasn't enough of kyoya in that episode, but what worries me the most is the scenes we don't see; what did kyoya do whilst honey and Mori were fighting the bos? Did he just sit there? I doubt he could help them fight: those men were hired by the Ootoris, they likely know how to restrain the ootori children without hurting them- especially with the way we see Yoshio treat his children, he would absolutely use the bos to deal with tantrums. When we see Haruhi doing stuff around, trying to fix things and figure things out, we don't see the other hosts- we don't see kyoya. I always think he probably had at least one panic attack that day; the concept of your best friend losing (shipping or not), is traumatic, even if it had a happy ending. But adding the pending dissolution of the club? Kyoya's only thing he had going on other then school and buisness, no matter how dismissive he was, we know how much he cared about the club and we see how much work he puts into it. He's loosing what must feel like the only good thing in his life.
Then he sends Haruhi to save it all.
Haruhi; the one that's new to the club, the commoner in their world. The little time kyoya's spend with Haruhi has been Haruhi talking to him and either coming to the conclusion that he's a dick, or that he's a real person with real feelings. As far as we're aware, kyoya's only opinion of Haruhi is that she's sensible and fascinating- which as far as I'm concerned, it's enough to say that they're friends. Kyoya's seen the way that tamaki fawns over her, and we've seen him express being tired by the attention he received, so it's unlikely he feels bitter towards her, but instead solidarity. Although he is highly protective but by now we've established that Haruhi is good and sensible, and kyoya sees this. So when he sends Haruhi out to save tamaki, kyoya is sending the best person he can think of to reach tamaki on a personal level- and heaven knows she's better at emotions than he is. And they've had a conversation about kyoya being bad at getting points across on personal levels, and he knows that when he gets emotional he does stupid things.
So it's very likely that he sees Haruhi as what he could be if he had his shit together.
Kyoya's emotional issues are another thing I think we should touch on, he's really irrational when he's emotional. He threatens violence when he's tired and annoyed, he full on attacks tamaki when he can't process the emotions he's feeling in episode 24. Then in episode 8, the way he tries to convey a point to Haruhi is completely out of order, but when you look at the fact that he's so distant and analytical towards people, it makes more sense. He isn't familiar with people, he only knows how to manipulate them. Actually talking to people on a human level is foreign to him. We also know how irrational he is when emotional. So when he's just come down from being a little worried about her, and when he's annoyed that the one time tamaki tries to level with Haruhi, she gets mad at him. So he's just defending his friend and explaining a point to Haruhi, it doesn't even cross his mind that he is behaving wildly out of line.
Then there's the matter of family; we know a lot about kyoya's family, but also nothing at the same time. He's got three older siblings but we only see one in the show, from the scenes we get glimpses of his brothers, we see them together- perhaps they're close? But they definitely seem more laid back than kyoya from the scene in episode 24 where they're just lounging around, listening to tamaki play piano. They definitely don't have as much pressure as he does- from his perspective at least. We've seen how hard heirs have to work, we've also seen how much second sons fight against the first. So it's very likely that they're under a lot of pressure two, but it's also very likely that kyoya's only seen them at their best. He's the youngest, he's going through all his rough patches and awkward spots at the same time as his siblings blooming and coming into the spotlight, and he's surrounded by perfection. The only changes he got to see his siblings be awkward, would be when he was very young, so it's unlikely he remembers them as anything other than unattainable perfection. Fiyumi is the only one we see bonding with him in the show, and that's in episode 24, when he's in middle school. So it's unclear if she still spends as much time with him. Safe to say he's a little disconnected from his siblings, with a minimum age gap of 5 between them.
As for parents, we already know what yoshio's like; whether or not you think he's physically abusive, he's still incredibly emotionally distant and manipulative. He's only proud of kyoya when kyoya goes above and beyond to spite him. Yoshio treats his children like they're employees, except for social situations, in which we see him either boasting about them, or humiliating them. I would not be too surprised to find that every ootori child has daddy issues. Of course that raises the question; did they have any good parent? Where is their mother? We know absolutely nothing about Mrs ootori but the fact that she's never seen nor mentioned means that she was either a bad mother but not as notable as Yoshio, or not in the picture at all. Either way, that obviously isn't good for kyoya.
All of these issues, and no healing for kyoya? There aren't enough fix-it-fics in the world to help my boy.
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
masked in desperation
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Word count: 6044
Warnings: Verbal Degradation. Physical Humiliation involving Din making reader wet herself. Dirty Talk. Penetrative, Non-Protective Sex (wrap the shlong before you king kong por favor). Rough then Soft Din. Don't worry, this is consensual and there is aftercare involved.
No summary because I don't even know what to call this? All you guys need to know is that this fic is based on/inspired by the following asks [x] [x] [x] [x]
A/N: Uhhh this is new for me so I'm sorry if I didn't get the dynamic involved with a humiliation kink right. Please let me know how I could correct anything should there be something off. This was supposed to be rougher...but I turned soft midway because nervous Din makes me warm. I hope you like it nonetheless though. Comments are hella appreciated. And you can add yourself to the taglist here. Enjoy and please don't @ me once you finish this fic. And I apologize that it took long, this semester was hell.
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It was an act of crazed desire concealed beneath irritation and anger, irritation with you for managing to claw yourself into his heart and anger at himself for allowing you to do so freely. He couldn't deny his feelings anymore, not if he wanted to retain whatever sanity he had left around you. What started out as nothing but stress relief and a way to help with the pain left behind by Grogu leaving turned into Din wishing he could stake his claim on you every moment of every day so you wouldn't seek anyone else out. Not that he genuinely believed you would. Still...
And it wasn't like this was any different from what the two of you usually do. At least that's what he says to excuse his twisted behavior, to not dwell too much on his sick, possessive fantasies.
It was driving him mad. He wanted to mark you up, always did during those passionate nights, loved watching as you tried, and failed, to cover up his love bites and handprints from the guild members. But he also craved to feel the same way. He wanted to bear traces of you on him so people knew how much he cared for you, perhaps even recognized the hold you have on him. The only problem was, no one would ever see the angry nail scratches and bite marks you left every night on his skin because of his beskar. So this, this would do the trick, even if it was barely noticeable, even if it would be gone when he washed his beskar, even if the two of you would be the only ones who knew what happened behind closed doors.
The weird thing was, he doesn't even know how he got to this point. Well, that's not true. He can actually trace his way to this moment, but he feels ashamed to do so? Reluctant maybe. It didn't matter what he was feeling at this point. All he knew was that he needed to watch you as you humiliated yourself in front of him, and had no power to do anything about it. Perhaps it was because, deep down, he wanted to show you that he'd accept you no matter what. He wanted to prove to you that he may just be worthy of having you in his arms. He wanted to assure you that he would be committed to you until his dying breath. And this, in some way, was the solution.
Before he can reevaluate and dwell too much on his decision, he fills a cup with water and heads towards you, ignoring the Marshal's glances as he approaches you and taps on your shoulders.
"Yeah?" You turn around, and Din forces himself to stand his ground when he sees your smile growing wider as you take the water from his hand. "Oh aren't you sweet. Careful, or else they'll think you're growing soft." You tease him as you down the cup of water and hand it back to him before returning to fixing the ship. He says nothing as he walks back towards the cantina, and resumes his quiet meditation.
And that's how it goes for the next couple of hours. He brings you a cup of water every so often, murmuring something or other about how he doesn't have time to take care of you if you suffered from a heat stroke before leaving immediately. Din quietly thanks the maker for your discomfort with public refreshers, because this plan wouldn't have worked if you decided to go to the cantina or elsewhere to relieve yourself. He's locked his ship's refresher and made sure to not be anywhere in sight when you sought him out to ask about the issue with the door.
He feels himself grow harder when he notices you squirming as you work on the ship, softly palming himself through his pants when you halt your movements every couple of minutes to either cross your legs or push your hand between your thighs to attempt and alleviate some of that pain. A part of him feels horrible for putting you through this, but something tells him it will be worth it in the end. Din Djarin isn't a man of prayer, but he pleads to whatever higher power that created you that this wouldn't backfire and make you leave him.
As the twin suns slowly set beneath the sky, Din moves away from where he's been hiding and heads towards the ship, making sure he is in your line of sight as he walks up the ramp and towards his armory. He quickly takes out the durasteel cuffs from where he's set them, hiding them behind his back as he pretends to head towards the cockpit.
However, he stops when he sees you rushing past him and setting all of your tools aside. You're mumbling angrily beneath your breath when things begin to fall over, growling when you try to fix them a couple of more times, and they continue to fall.
"Motherfucking shit," Din hears you swear as you carelessly try to set the box again and it falls over. Shaking your head, you turn around and sprint past him again towards the refresher. His eyes never leave your shaking form as you push on the refresher button numerous times and nothing happens.
"Pfassk! Din, how angry would you be if I broke this fucking door right now?" You try to grab the gun on his holster but he is quicker than you, slamming his hand on your own to prevent you from taking it.
"Extremely." His answer is short and straight to the point, mostly because he can't trust himself to respond to you without giving himself away.
"God please I- I need..." You hesitate and try to remove your hand from him, only to feel his hold tighten around your wrist. He thought you'd break and confess what you needed to do due to your desperation, but you don't, holding your tongue and looking up at him quizzically when he removes your wrist and clasps one side of the cuff on them.
"Din, what- what're you doing?" You look down and watch as he clasps the cuffs on your other wrist and ensures that they aren't too tight around your wrists before he locks them. Before you can ask him again, Din drags you across the ship and into the cockpit, ignoring your annoyed murmurs as he sits down and pulls you onto his lap.
You squirm around and try to get up but Din’s hold on your waist tightens and he slides you against his beskar until you fall into his chest. He says nothing as you push away and try to maneuver yourself so your legs aren’t wide open. He chuckles lowly when he sees how much you’re struggling, finally allowing you to put some space between the two of you. You rest your back against the controls board and take a few deep breaths before you stare at him.
“Can you please let me go?” You ask patiently, and hope he sees how genuine and serious you’re being. When he sits back but keeps his hold on you, you know he isn’t going to make this easy.
“Because I- I need to take care of something,” you look away when you respond and Din feels his cock twitch in his pants at the sudden shyness taking over.
“How about you let me take care of you?” He takes his gloves off and throws them aside, smiling to himself when he sees you shiver as he moves his hands up and down your body. You watch him like a hawk and you feel yourself growing wet for a moment, but you realize this reaction is the last thing you want to experience in his presence right now.
“Wait Din- just...it’s not like that.” You bite your lower lip and stifle a moan when he cups your tits and softly flicks at your hardened nipples.
“No? And yet here you are melting at my touch...your body knows me mesh’la, it’s blooming for me and I’ve barely touched you. Sweet girl, don’t you want me to make you feel good? I’ve been thinking about you all day long, about kissing you until you’re breathless...and biting you until you have my mark everywhere. Don’t you want me to show you just how much I’ve missed you?” Din knows he’s not being fair but the way your eyes are glowing with lust is enough to ground him so he could carry out his plan.
“I- I do...fuck, Din- I really do. I barely think of anything else...but I really need to-” You shut your eyes and groan as soon as you feel Din’s hand descend down your chest and rest on your lower stomach. He supports your back as he slowly begins to push against your navel, watching with fascination as your face contorts from pain and pleasure the harder he pushes on your muscles. You’re not sure what’s happening for a few seconds until you manage to open your eyes and look at him. His visor prevents you from seeing what he’s thinking but none of it matters when you feel him shift underneath you before he eases up. You sigh in relief but Din repeats his actions, only this time, he’s becoming a little more aggressive with his touches.
"N-no wait please I-"
"What's the matter mesh'la? You're usually fucking me like a loth-cat in heat by now, begging for me to have my way with you...take what I want until you feel properly fucked and filled with my cum." Din leans forward, never once easing up as he begins to move you over his beskar-clad thigh. There’s not much you can do due to the cuffs and how much advantage Din has over you in terms of muscle and size so you do the only thing that’s left.
You beg.
"Please, please Din I- I just...I need to-" It takes every ounce of control not to let go of your body’s function and you realize you’re not making much sense when Din cuts you off again and asks you what you want.
"Need to what? Go on sweet girl, tell me. What do you need?" His motions become more rough as he alternates between shoving his hand against your bladder and moving your clothed heat across his thigh. Din wants nothing more than to push you to the floor and fuck you until you can’t remember anything but him, but he tries his best to keep himself in check until he gets what he wants.
"I'll do anything Din just...need the- the refresher. I'm so- so...maker, please wait-" The controls dig into your back the more you lay on them but you can’t find it in yourself to care because a different kind of pain shoots down your spine when Din brings you closer to him and hikes your shirt up. His palms are warm against your skin and you hate how good they feel because this was not how you saw the day going with him.
"You know the safeword. Say it if you want me to let you go and I will." His tone shifts and you throw all caution aside as you confess to him why you need to leave.
"Din please...I really need to pee. I- I'll come back right away but I- oh it's too much, t-too much." You think he’s going to apologize and let you go when you tell him but all your admission does is cause him to momentarily stop before he wraps his arms around you and stands up. He’s pushing you up against the wall, not caring for what you just said to him or how rough he’s being as he nudges his leg in between your thighs and resumes his antics from before.
"I know."
The curt response washes over you like ice and your eyes begin to water as soon as Din takes off his helmet and you see him smiling down at you. You don’t know that you’re shaking in his arms but he leans down and nuzzles into the crook of your neck to commit the moment to memory. He loves the effect he’s having on you and although a small part of him feels bad, he doesn’t bother or care to hold back as he brings himself flush against you, the action causing his beskar to push deeper against your navel and have his desired effect.
"Din?" He thinks your whimpers might make him cum right then and there but he takes a deep breath before he pulls away and looks down at you. He’s sure that his eyes don’t convey an ounce of guilt at the moment, the opposite actually, and it only brightens his smile as he pulls down your tank top strap far enough to give him access to the top of your breasts. Din moves closer to you and lays lazy kisses across your heated skin, all the while attempting to grab your attention so he could tell you what he wanted.
"Why do you think I kept handing you water all day ner ka'rta?"
"W-wha-?" Your sniffles pull at his heart but he knows that you’re not in any physical danger and that all you need to do is whisper your safeword and he’d let you go. When a tear drop trails down your chin and hits his forehead, Din has to pull away to take a better look at you. He hates how much he loves the way you’re looking at him right now, like he’s simultaneously a villain and a savior to your predicament.
"And who do you think locked the refresher? Sweet girl… I thought you were smarter than that." Your surprised gasp adds more to the innocence he’s seeing in you and it’s the last straw before he holds onto your waist and begins to move you across his thigh again.
"You what?"
“Go on pretty, I know how much you’re trying to hold it in. ‘m not letting you go any time soon,” Din talks down at you and if you weren’t trying to prevent yourself from embarrassing yourself in front of him, you’d think it was the sexiest tone he’s had with you yet. But it’s getting more difficult to control your bladder and even though you get the sense that he will probably win in the end, you still try to hold off as much as possible.
“Look at you trying so hard...prettiest fucking sight in the galaxy. And do you know what makes it even better? I can smell how much you want me...this tight, wet cunt is begging for my cock. You can have me sweetheart, you can have me right now if you want. But you know what you have to do.” You’re shaking in his arms and plead pathetically when he applies more pressure on your navel. You try to ask him why again but you can’t find the words and resume moaning his name as he uses you.
And that’s what he’s doing. He’s using you. Like he owns you. Like he has the right to control every muscle in your body. You’re not sure what it is that made him act like this all of a sudden and you know it ultimately doesn’t matter because like he said, he won’t be stopping any time soon. It’s just strange that he wants this. He wants you to embarrass yourself. He’s practically helping your body let loose so you could wet yourself. You try to convince yourself that nothing about this should be turning you on, but the way his eyes are hazed with lust and desperation makes you reevaluate your thoughts and you manage to look up at him as he begins to speak again.
“It’s okay mesh’la, you can let go. Let go, now! Make a mess sweetheart. Make a mess of me, I won’t fuck you till you ruin my beskar and make this ship dirty. Go on. Or do you want me to help you again?” Din isn’t sure what’s come over him but he doesn’t hold back anymore, slipping his hand underneath your pants and pushing hard on your bladder until he feels your thighs squeeze around him.
“D-din fuck...oh- my...maker I- I can’t-” You throw your head back as you fist your hands into his cowl, holding on to that last bit of self control before you’re no longer able to. As he lifts his hand and pushes again, the thread breaks and tears slowly roll down your cheeks as you frown up at Din when your bladder gives out. Din looks into your eyes one last time before his attention moves south and his jaw clenches tightly when he notices the material of your pants grow darker the more you relieve yourself.
He doesn’t bother to stop, continuing to apply pressure on your lower stomach as a day’s worth of water floods down your legs and onto his beskar. He watches with fascination as his pants grow wet as well before he hears the faint sound of droplets falling onto his ship. You follow his line of sight and whimper in embarrassment when you notice just how big of a mess you made. There’s a small puddle forming where the two of you are standing and your nervousness only grows when you see how wet Din’s pants are.
When there’s nothing left and your shaking subsides a little, Din removes his hand from you and returns it to your waist, squeezing the skin he has access to so he wouldn’t strip you and fuck you in the middle of your mess. Every time he moves his foot, he can hear the soft splashing sound of the puddle underneath him and it only makes him harder. When he finally looks at you, he’s met with the most vulnerable expression he’s ever seen on you and although he wants nothing more than to kiss you and apologize, he allows himself to go just a little further until he sees you’re no longer able to put up with him.
“D-din...you- you made me, I-”
“Oh sweet girl, I made you do nothing.” The look of shock on your face is worth the hassle and he watches as you pout your lower lip before more tears leave your gorgeous eyes.
“You’re just a filthy girl, wetting yourself in the middle of my ship and not caring how dirty you’ve become...you really couldn’t hold it in cyar’ika? Look at this, look at the mess you made of my armor. You know how valuable beskar is and yet you pissed all over it. And my ship!? Didn’t we just clean this ship pretty?” Din could feel you melting into him with every word that passes through his lips and when you look away from him, his smile falls and he quickly grabs your neck, turning it straightforward so he could look into your eyes.
“No, you don’t get to look away from me when you’ve just pissed all over yourself and me. Maybe I should change your name, call you ad’ika from now on.” He has to hold back from smiling when he sees the moment you recognize the word. He’s only ever used that word whenever he talked with Grogu and you knew exactly why he was bringing it up now. “You’re my little girl aren’t you? My filthy, pretty little ad’ika who can’t fucking control herself and marked me up like she has the right...like she owns me.” Din watches as your expression softens a bit at his last admission and he trails his gaze down your nose until he is only focusing on your lips.
You can’t help but also stare at his lips and Din uses the brief moment of distraction to unbutton your pants and slip his hand into your panties, humming in approval when he feels the wet fabric scratch deliciously at his knuckles. You gasp when you feel his fingers softly rubbing your slit and as you look into his dark brown eyes, Din slips two fingers into your wet cunt and stops.
“Fuck, you’re so wet ad’ika, so warm and wet and ready for me.” He nudges his fingers deeper into he finds the spot that makes you see stars. You know immediately what he wants to do and reach for his arms as he grows closer to you. When they begin to get in the way, Din takes hold of the cuffs and raises them high above your head until the cuffs are glued to the wall. He can’t stop from smiling down at you, all stretched out and ready to be thoroughly fucked. But he doesn’t give in just yet.
“Din it’s...you’ll get dirty. I- I don’t want you to-”
“I don’t fucking care,” he growls as he leans down and bites shoulder again, moaning against your skin when he feels your cunt clench around him. “That’s it, open up for me...let me make you feel good. I- I want you to scream my name sweetheart, scream my name as you make a mess of me. Please...I need it, need- maker...need you to drench me again.” His words twist something inside of you and you lean back as he moves his thick fingers in and out of you until you feel that familiar pressure all over again.
“Oh Din...your fingers f-feel so- so good.”
“That’s right ad’ika, only I get to touch you. Only I get to watch you come undone...only I get to wear your scent, your beautiful fucking wet scent. I- I won’t wash this armor sweet girl, not when you’ve marked it...marked me, this much. Go on, be a good girl and make a mess of me. Let me walk around with the smell of you etched on my fucking beskar.” You whimper at the filthy whispers Din breathes against you and just as you’re about to come, Din grabs your pants along with your damp panties and pushes them as far down as he could. You bite into your lower lip as he tries to push his digits deeper into you, and when you finally manage to turn and look at him, you hold your breath as you see the way he’s looking at you, into you.
“Cum for me. Now.”
The quiet order, along with the pace of his touches, breaks you and you force yourself to not shut your eyes as your pussy throbs around his fingers, a wave of euphoria washing over you so swiftly you think you’ll faint. Din momentarily turns his attention to your heat once again and he hisses when he feels you coming on his hand just as you squirt on his beskar and the floor of the ship. You’re unable to form a coherent sentence as Din refuses to slow down and your eyes water again when the hold he has on your waist becomes more painful than before.
“Maker...you’re perfect.” Din kisses your neck as he finally decides to slow down but the way he continues to rub your clit with his palm does little to calm your nerves and you don’t realize how much you’re shaking until everything quiets down and all that you can hear is the sound of Din’s heavy breathing and your own heaving and sniffling. You wince when he fully removes his hand from you and helps you out of your pants and shoes. He takes a step back and groans when he sees how spent and ruined you look as you stand on your tiptoes and try to calm down.
As you try to catch your breath, Din unlocks both cuffs and throws them aside, reaching down and grabbing your ass so he could support your weight against him. You jump on instinct and moan when you feel the cold beskar against your skin as Din grinds into your soaked heat. He doesn’t waste another moment, diving in and claiming your lips until he could feel your teeth nipping at his tongue. He makes sure he has a good grip on you before he moves to the refresher and as soon as the two of you are standing in front of it, he pushes a code into the pad and unlocks the door. You pull away for a moment to look into his eyes, the silence of your gaze knocking the breath out of him as you hide into his neck. It takes but a second for Din to realize that he shouldn’t try to push your limits any further for the night.
His touches grow softer as he carefully sets you down on the floor of the refresher. Din can see you’re shivering from the cold room and makes quick work of his clothes and armor, choosing to leave his boxer briefs on so you wouldn’t think of anything else. He leans down and taps twice on your shoulders so you could raise them above your head. As you do, you look everywhere else but him and the gesture is a little too raw for Din because as he strips you down to nothing, he’s leaning down and kissing your forehead until he feels you relax in his arms.
When he’s satisfied with your slowing heart rate, he stands up and turns on the water, making sure to stand in front of you and block you from the cold water until it turns warm. Even though he doesn’t particularly enjoy it, he turns the hot water just a little further, knowing how much you preferred it when it struck your skin.
Grabbing the bar of soap you bought from the last hunt, Din sits down and rests his back against the cold metal of the wall before pulling you towards him.
“Come to me mesh’la.” His voice is much more controlled and mellow than minutes before and you melt back into him as soon as his skin comes into contact with yours. You rest your back against his shoulder and sigh heavily when his hands begin to massage your arms. The scent of flowers hits your nostrils in seconds, making you relax even more as the soap washes away any trace of what you and Din had just done.
Din kisses your shoulder and neck as he rubs the soap on your chest and stomach, keeping his touches as appropriate as possible to distract himself from the hardening issue he was struggling with. Although he prefers you all sweaty and dirty, he makes sure to wash every inch of you, knowing that you probably needed to feel clean after...after what he’s done.
He pushes your back until you’re leaning forward far enough for him to wash your back as well. His breath hitches when he sees evidence of his touches on your skin from previous nights. Some of them have turned a light blue color while others were still purple.
Fuck. He didn’t know his grip was this harsh. He was a little guilty for bruising your skin, your lovely, beautiful, gorgeous skin. But the more he saw as he rubbed the soap over your back, the more pride he felt in his chest at the knowledge that he was the only one allowed to mark you.
“D-din…” You moan his name when he pulls you back into his chest and you feel his hands descend lower to wash your thighs. You think that he’s going to touch you where you ache for him but when he focuses on your thighs, you realize that he wasn’t going to go anywhere near your throbbing cunt.
“I’m here sweet girl, let me take care of you.” His whispers are laced with promises and affection and you’re not sure what to make of it. He’s never been this intense, this touch-starved, even this controlling. There’s something about the events of the night that tug at your heart and you wish you could ask him what has changed all of a sudden. But you don’t, instead repeating his words from earlier over and over again as he continues to wash you.
He told you, although indirectly, that you had the right to...to mark him, to own him. He begged you to drench him so everyone would know that he’s yours. That you’re his.
“Din please,” overcome with emotions, you slap the bar of soap away from him and use his surprise to your advantage, quickly turning around and holding onto his broad shoulders as you straddled his thighs.
“Ner ka'rta, we don’t have t-” Din keeps his hands to himself as he feels you rub yourself on his clothed cock. You instantly cut him off, molding your lips with his in a bruising kiss until his arms wrapped around your back. When you knew you had him, you pulled away and laid kisses across his handsome features. He was a moaning mess in no time and when you took hold of his chin and pushed it back, Din felt like he was travelling through the stars, the rough nips you were leaving across the jugular of his neck making him notice just how needy you were.
The hot water cascaded down your back as you assaulted Din’s skin and when you felt him grab your waist and begin to move you across of him, you knew he wasn’t going to deny you from what you wanted. Needed. Craved.
“I need you...now, please Din. I need to feel you inside me.”
“Please? Oh maker, I- you said...you said you’d give me your cock if I wanted. And I do. I want you, I want your cock. I- you promised. I- I’ll do anything.” The sound of your desperate pleas sends a shiver down his spine and Din nods frantically just before you pull him out of his briefs.
“You- you’ve done enough for me cyar’ika. So so much. And I- I...oh-” Din throws his head back and shuts his eyes as soon as you lower yourself on his hard cock. He thinks he’s going to cum right then and there, but then you’re moving on top of him and squeezing him so tightly and he realizes that he needed to feel more of you. You cry out his name over and over again as he twitches against your tight walls, and when his eyes snap wide open and look at you, you can’t help but lean forward and bite into his shoulder to keep some semblance of control.
“S-sweet girl...lovely girl, tell me you’re mine.”
The short request causes you to falter in your pace but Din decides to take over again, wrapping his arms around you as he begins to move you on top of him.
“I- I’m yours Din, I’m yours. No one else can fuck me like you, n-no one can kiss me and touch me and take care of me like you...gods, you’re amazing. And you’re mine,” Din groans when he hears the last of your words and he nuzzles into the crook of your neck as you continue to whisper sweet things to him.
“You hear that Din...you’re mine. You- you belong to me, you touch only me...you, oh maker, you fuck only me. This cunt is yours baby and your cock was made for it. Made for me. You l-love only me. Right Din? P-please I’m...already so close. Tell me Din because you know...know that I love you. I love you. No one else. J-just you-”
Din is sure he might be suffocating you with how hard he’s hugging you right now but he doesn’t seem to notice because all he can hear is your declarations of love and commitment. Neither of you have ever come close to being this intimate but his earlier actions apparently unlocked something in the two of you.
You loved him. Even though he could be kinder, and was definitely too broken. You still loved him.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. P-pfassk...I love you mesh’la. Only you...always you.” Din comes with a cry when he feels your nails digging into his back and he growls as his cock throbs inside you until he’s filled you with his cum. But he doesn’t stop, instead maintaining his pace just to see you fall apart one last time. It’s all too much and not enough, and he’s already oversensitive from coming but he has only himself to blame considering how much he edged himself the entire day. When he hears your gasps turn quieter, he knows you’re close and slithers his hand between your bodies to flick your clit. You moan into his shoulder as you quickly peak one last time, the touch of his fingers reminding you of what he’s done earlier and in a matter of seconds, you’re clenching around him so hard to the point where you’re not sure if you’re experiencing pain or pleasure.
Neither of you say anything as you slowly return to yourselves. When Din moves to try and turn the water off, you accidentally dig your nails deeper into his shoulder and make him hiss.
“S-sorry.” The small apology does something to Din and he decides that he needs to do this now and not when the two of you are in his cot. Twisting his hand into your hair, Din pulls it back until you’re forced to look at him. You stare at each other for what feels like hours before you lean forward and kiss him. It’s much slower and kinder than the earlier kisses and you smile when Din unintentionally thrusts into you. He pulls away and returns your expression when he sees how genuine it is.
“I think I should be the one apologizing ad’ika.”
You know what he’s referring to and you think that perhaps he’s beginning to feel more guilt at what he’s done but you brush it aside with a joke so he knew there was nothing of concern.
“Not sure what you’re talking about Din,” you leave a quick peck on his nose as you rest your cheek on his chest and hug him tightly. He recognizes what you’re doing right away and decides to not fight you, instead maneuvering you off of him to shut the water off. You try to stand but your legs give out immediately. Forutrantly for you, Din is there to catch you and he ignores your complaints as he carries you out of the refresher and into his room. You watch as he brings two towels and proceeds to dry you off, handing you the other one to dry your hair. You giggle when he almost stubs his toe as he comes back with a set of new clothes.
Din ignores your comments when you ask him why he was handing you one of his long sleeve shirts instead of your own, quickly putting on a pair of boxers before throwing the towels back into the refresher. When he comes back, you’re already comfortable and warm in his bed, the sight of you sniffing his pillows causing him to think of a multitude of thoughts. He brushes them all aside when you make room for him and ask him to come to you.
As he slithers underneath the covers, you waste no time and move closer to him until you’re sure you’re touching every inch of his skin.
“Are you okay mesh’la?” Although you know what he’s referring to by that question, you don’t bring up the topic, instead nuzzling into his chest. The sigh of content you hear tells you that he’s not overthinking what happened too much, and it signals for you to do the same because even though you never expected the day’s events, you can’t help but admit to yourself that one thing which you know Din will bring up when the two of you have properly rested.
As strange and sudden as it was, Din’s treatment of you turned you on.
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Mesh'la - beautiful
Cyar'ika - beloved
Ad'ika - little one
Ner ka'rta - my heart or my soul
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum - I love you
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Some tags aren't working!
Pedro Pascal (and any of his characters):
@pastel-0-princess @feelmyroarrrr @libbymouse @its--fandom--darling @spideysimpossiblegirl @princess76179 @cheekygeek05 @miraclesoflove @purple-mango @freeshavocadoooo @metalarmsandmanbuns @acthenerd @greeneyedblondie44 @cannedsoupsucks @purplepascal042 @talesfromtheguild @f0rever15elf @vibin-hippie @onesmokinbabe @leaiorganas @words-way-of-life @kideyz @lovesickmadsadpoet @niall7inches @rosiefridayrogersunday @tati-adventures @sleep-tight1 @itsfreeekinbats @cybergroupie @marsplsstop @ezrasbirdie @diogodxlot @janebby @juletheghoul @bii-aan-ckaa @nohartandsole @djjarins @lamelyssher @giselatropicana @pescopadral @blackmarketmummy @laviipopii @ew-erin @fan-of-encouragement @melody13522 @clydesducktape @planetariumx @sambucky21 @thirddeadlysin @leannawithacapitala @fangirl-316 @thou-creature-of-the-deep
Din Djarin: @a--1--1--3 @tanzthompson @mrs-ghuleh @caitlynmarty
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anaer · 2 years
batflash for the ultimate ship meme please?
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? Hard to say. They could barely last, or they could last ten years. I don't think they last forever; I don't think Bruce is capable of not self sabotaging enough for that.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? Slowly, because they've known each other for so long, and it wasn't even a consideration for MOST of that. Quickly once they were actually like...thinking about it due to having known each other for so long.
How was their first kiss? Downright dirty disgusting filth, not for the eyes of children, clothes were immediately lost, mouth fucking.
Who proposed? Neither. They don't get married. Wally generally doesn't believe in marriage (which is something he came to terms with for Linda, but in this version of events is different), and I don't see Bruce really pushing the wedding thing forward. He's weird about committed relationships in general. (But for the sake of this, Bruce.)
Who is the best man/men? - Bruce and Wally fight over who gets Dick for a best man.
Who did the most planning? - Bruce, 100%. Bruce can't not plan things. Bruce is a control freak.
Who stressed the most? - Bruce, always.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? John Constantine. There's a story there that no one should ask about.
Who is on top? -  Both, but mainly Bruce.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Wally, for sure.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? WALLY CAN'T LAST. THIS IS CANONICAL. But he can at least get it up again really fast.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? Absolutely impossible. Wally comes way too fast and can orgasm more than the average person. Bruce can generally go once, maybe twice on a good day. 
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? Zero.
How many children will they adopt? Considering Bruce has already adopted a whole brood--
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? Neither. There are no babies in this equation.
Who is the stricter parent? - Bruce because they're all his kids and the thought of Wally trying to be like "Dick I'm your stepdad now" makes me cackle maniacally, Dick is older than Wally and his best friend, like--
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Let's just say Bruce they're all Bruce's kids Wally does zero parenting here for the rest of them.
Who is the more loved parent? -
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?
Who cried the most at graduation? - 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - 
Who does the most cooking? -  Alfred. I mean...
Who is the most picky in their food choice? -  Bruce. Wally will eat anything.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Alfred, again. Bruce is out here like that "how much does a banana cost, $10?" gif. Wally is a broke ass bitch living off of Bruce's money.
How often do they bake desserts? - Alfred bakes EVERY DAY.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? -  Why are these the only two options; there is a world of difference between them. Salad is, like, the worst vegetarian option possible.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Bruce, definitely.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? -  Wally, for sure. Wally doesn't sit in one place for too long.
Who cleans the room? -  Alfred.
Who is really against chores? -  Bruce.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Alfred.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Bruce.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Alfred.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Alfred.
Bruce has a butler, guys. Poor Alfred.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? -  Bruce. Wally would, except Wally lives on super speed so he can think he took an hour when he really took like two minutes but got the vibe anyway.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Wally takes the dog out for a walk, but does he actually walk the dog? He walks himself while carrying the dog. Not even exaggerating, it's what he did that time he had a dog.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Wally decorates for EVERY holiday. It takes like two minutes for him and he changes it five million times before the season ends. Bruce's manor gives him MORE PLACES TO DECORATE and Bruce is like sigh.
What are their goals for the relationship? I don't think they have goals. I think they're going with the flow.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Bruce because he doesn't go to sleep until like five am on a good day and Wally barely needs sleep in comparison.
Who plays the most pranks? Wally, no question. Bruce doesn't prank (except when he does).
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healpeony · 3 years
Love Story
Levi Ackerman x reader
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; Levi's and Y/n love isn't accepted by many specially Y/n's parents, an Eldian and a Marleyan? a great represention of Persephone's and Hades love.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; profanity, angst, scene of smut (not explicitly described), violence, blood, being called whore (by her mother), homophobia (also used by her mother), spoilers.
Taglist; @icedkoffees
Note; she/her pronouns used for the reader as well as female anatomy. Also I'm using what Isayama said about how Levi would act shy around his crush and him being uncomfortable with sexual intercourse. And I also want to add that I don't know much about what happens when the Marleyans invaded Paradise, and I also added my own thing to help with my plot so this could be call a cannonverse!au.
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PERSEPHONE a young women who's innocence was taken from her the moment she was kidnapped by her uncle, who fell in love with her. Despite her mother's (Demeter) attempts to fully get her back right away from the hands of her brother, it was too late that wasn't going to happened not after Hades persuaded Persephone to eat four seeds of pomegranate, which forced someone to have a connection with their captor, making them come back to them.
Each spring time Persephone would be living with her mother on earth, while in winter she was with Hades in the underworld.
Levi was the Persephone to Y/n's Hades, she being the one who used him and their love for each other was the pomegranate making Levi come back to her.
It's ironic how their love story started with y/n getting taken away from Marley, a place she called home.
Even though she wasn't necessarily kidnaped, she was sent away to accomplish a mission in a place called Paradise, she found it ridiculous how it was named that way when that land was full of devils.
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Y/n was shipped to Paradise along with the warriors. She was going to infiltrate into the Survey Corps where she would hopefully sabotage every expedition without getting caught.
Her mission was to make sure none of the warriors get too cozy in the foreign place, and to focus on their mission, but it was impossible to do so when all the people who were described as devils, were actually just like them. Humans.
She was older than those kids being 22 when they were still 15, y/n loved them, they were like little siblings to her and it hurt when they lost Marcel, the jaw.
"Oi brat! Stay focused" the voice of her captain took her out of her train of thoughts
Captain Levi, he was called humanity strongest and was also what everyone called their only hope. At first Y/n didn't understood why he needed such a big tittle, but after being in his squad and witnessing him showing his skills and his hatred towards titans, she got why.
"I'm sorry captain" she saluted, which was dismissed by him
"You called what you did back in the kitchen, cleaning?" he asked pointing towards the place he just mentioned "There is dust everywhere, go and clean everything again, I don't want to see any dust in there again. That's where our food is made, you idiot"
Without another word he left, and when she felt like he was out of earshot, she kicked a chair, breaking it. He might be Humanities strongest, but he was soo irritating, so obsessed with cleaning. That's what they always did for the most part of their time.
"there is dust everywhere my ass" she mocked Levi's voice while looking around the kitchen she just finished cleaning minutes ago
She had made sure everything was left without a spot of dust, how in the world did Levi saw dust anywhere.
After she had cleaned the kitchen area, Levi had send her to clean the stables which took a lot of time since he told her to clean alone. It was already sun down when she had finished.
She was exhausted, her clothes were pooled with sweat and glued to her skin making her uncomfortable, she really needed a shower.
"Go take a shower" the sudden voice of the raven man scare the hell out of her
"Fuck Captain!" y/n yelled, putting a hand on her chest as if that would calm her speeding heart beat
"Go now, and then come to eat dinner with us" he continued, the blank stare he gave her when they made eye contact given her chills
"Yes, sir" she saluted, before leaving
The mess hall was well a mess, the cadets eat like animals. The same soup and bread they always eat, Y/n found it extremely annoying how the Military Police get all the meat when the Survey Corps were the ones doing the only brave work inside the walls.
"Y/n if you're not going to eat your soup can I have it?" Sasha asked
Oh, how much she wanted to say no, but she had a reputation to hold and she didn't want the soup anyway.
Y/n faked a smile, (one that everyone thought that was genuine) before saying "of course, Sasha" passing the bowl full of hot soup to the girl
Y/n felt how eyes were burning through her skull and turned her head to look down the table, just to see Captain Levi staring at her with a suspicious look in his eyes.
Oh shit, if he in some way found out about who she really was, she was fucked. The young women tried her best to stay seated, but her nerves didn't let her making her stand up.
"I'm exhausted, I think I'm going to sleep"
It wasn't a lie she was tired from all the cleaning, but she didn't want to sleep, she just needed to desperately get out of there.
When she was finally outside, y/n leaned against the wall, sliding down while taking a deep breath.
"You know, it isn't good to fake smile to your friends"
Y/n immediately turn around at the sudden voice of her captain, he did it again, he scared the living shit out of her.
"Captain!, Stop doing that!" her face felt warmer than usual for some reason
Was she blushing?
"Why did you do it? Are you sad?" Levi asked putting down a handkerchief on the ground before sitting next to her, looking over at her examinating her face
"Oh it's just stress" Y/n replied, praying that he would just believe her
"I see.." he turned towards the sky where the moon shined brightly along with the stars
What Y/n thought that would be a awkward silence, turned into a comfortable one. They just stared at the sky above them, it remind Y/n that she had a family waiting for her outside the walls and she was not going to disappoint them by getting comfy with the captain, even though she didn't know what his intentions were.
"I'm going to take a nap" she stood up, and called over her shoulder "Have a good night, captain" before proceeding to walk towards her room
"Good night, cadet..."
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Y/n didn't know when it happened, was it when they continued sitting together and looking at the sky in complete silence, or was it when in some of those same nights they spoke more and more about each other's personal life (in none of those conversations she mentioned Marley, but still talked about her family). She didn't remember how her feelings for him changed, but they did.
Right now she was there, in the same spot on the wall with Levi next to her. They were even in first name basics with each other.
The raven man cleared his throat catching her attention, turning her head to the side to look at him she noticed how he was blushing.
"I.. I think is pretty obvious what I feel for— about you by now"
A surprised noice escaped Y/n mouth, she expected to have that talk with him some day, but not today or Levi being so straight forward with the subject.
The women could only nod, her brain still processing what he just said.
"I was wondering, if you felt the same.." his voice dropped to a whisper, while he looked down
"No" she shaked her head, making Levi looked up at her eyes widened with embarrassment at the rejection "Look, Levi.. it's just that I have done terrible things that you're not aware of. You don't want to be with me"
"Then tell me what terrible things you have done and let me be with you after your done" Levi said
"No, Levi you don't understand" tears pooled in her eyes, y/n didn't even remember the last time she had cry "I can't be with you"
"Why? Is it because of the terrible things you have done? Well guess what everybody has their own flaws, everybody in this world is an angel, at least until they get tired of the cruelty in it and let the demons take over" Levi grabbed her face between his hands, wiping the falling tears from her face "I want to be with you, wether you have let your demons take over or not"
Y/n felt the man lean in to place his lips to hers, they stayed pressed together without movement, before Levi pull away and kissed her again this time letting his emotions be known through the kiss.
Passion. Love. Care.
This is a moment in her life she would never forget not even when hers and the warriors mission is over.
Retaking of wall Maria
"I let you. I fucking let you in!"
Levi stood infront of her heartbroken, she told him, now he knew everything..
"Levi-" however she wasn't able to continue speaking since she received a kick right in the face making her fall on her side
She looked at Levi surprised, he had kicked her. Y/n knew she deserved, but it still hurt to have someone you loved hit you.
"You lied about everything didn't you? For what, to get information?" his voice was cracking slightly with each word he said "Was it necessary to use me for your stupid plans?"
"I didn't use you!, What I felt for you was real" y/n said defending her feelings
"I don't even know what is real about you anymore, is Y/n actually your name? Or is it just another lie?"
"It is my name.." she weakly murmured tasting blood in her tongue, she figured that her lip might have been split open from the impact
"Oh good to know"
Sarcasm tried to cover his hurt voice, which actually didn't work, since Y/n could clearly hear his shaky breath and it made her feel soo guilty.
"I hate you"
Those three little words were enough to make her world come crashing down, he hated her. Of course he did, it hurt so much but she had seen this coming, and she still didn't felt ready for it.
"I'm sorry, Levi"
That was all she said to him, before she was grabbed by a titan being controlled by Zeke, taking her away from the place where she meet someone who meant so much to her.
One thing that she was sure of was that
She will never forget Levi Ackerman.
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Screams, that was what was heard everywhere. Kids either with their parents or alone were running desperately trying to find shelter, and that broke Y/n's heart.
She was tired of all the fighting, she was tired of pretending to be stronger than she felt. For once she just wanted peace and happiness, something that she didn't quite have the past four years.
How did they got here? That was one of the many questions going through her head, but one that she paid more attention to was the most important
Was he here too?
"There you are, piece of shit."
That voice, it was him. It might have changed, but she could recognize it everywhere, the same voice who used to startle her everytime they saw each other, the voice that bought her comfort, the voice of the man she fell in love with.
It was Levi.
Slowly she proceeded to turn around, the fear for what might happen next running through her veins. She was ready to be killed by him.
Finally she look up and saw the same man she fell in love with, the only change that she saw was the uniform, apart from that he still seem like he had the same height as before and from the look on his face he still had the same temper.
"Nice uniform, I like it" she told him quietly not knowing what to say
Levi scoffed at her statement, taking his blade out. So he was going to kill her.
"You can go ahead and kill me, might as well add another ghost to haunt you"
Did she felt fear? Yes she did, but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing it.
"Shut up" that was his response, before he connected his blade with her cheek leaving a long but not deep cut "You're going to come with me"
"I'm not going anywhere!"
The last thing he told her was that he hated her, why would he want her to come back to Paradise?, Was it to use her for information? Or because he missed her? It was stupid to think of the latter question, but she was still hopeful.
"I'm not asking, you brat"
That was the last thing she heard before he knocked her out.
"How could you be with a devil?!"
Her mom's scream hurt her eardrums, Zeke had told them about how she had been in a relationship with a so call devil. That seem like the only thing Zeke could do apart from throwing rocks, snitch.
"You were send there for a reason Y/n! No child of mine should've or should be with one of those devils!"
"Mother, I'm so sorry it's just that it would be easier for me to get the information about them that I wanted"
That was a lie. She loved Levi, even though she didn't get the chance to say it to him. She did, and that feeling wasn't going to go away anytime soon.
Her father stood next to her mother quietly looking at her with disgusts as if she was the trash people get rid of because of the smell, she hated that, it hurt to have your own parents hating on you.
"So what? For a piece of information, you had to go and whore yourself in there?"
Y/n gasped looking at her mom shocked "What? No mother, I didn't do anything like that with him!" she argue
That wasn't a lie, Levi was uncomfortable with sexual intercourse, since his own mother worked in a brothel and he had been the witness of how much that act hurt his mother, he had trusted her enough to tell her that.
"Good, you still have your purity." her mom nodded, before letting out a sigh "At least it wasn't with a women, you would've been completely kicked out of this house young lady"
"Now go take a shower, make sure to wash away every memory in that land while doing so." her mom smiled softly her hand reaching out to touch her cheek, before hugging her "My poor baby, having to live with those devils for so long. Don't worry you're home now, you're safe with us"
What once was her home didn't feel like home anymore, her house was just a place, her home was the person she left behind in Paradise.
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Y/n didn't remember how many days have passed or what was going on outside of her cell. She didn't know in what prison she was in, but just a few days ago it had seem like there was a whole damn war going on outside.
She hasn't seen Levi since he put her into the cell, and she was scared that something might have happened to him. She heard the door of the corridor open, Y/n stood up walking towards the bars to see who it was, it was Hange.
"Y/n" Hange nodded at her as if they were saying hi "He said your name, so we think it would be good if you saw him"
"Who are you talking about?" Y/n asking looking at them confused
Her heart immediately speed up, something happened to him. Her anxiety grew each passing second as she took step by step through the halls, Hange having a hold of her arm to make sure she didn't try to run away.
"What happened to him?" Y/n questioned scared for what the answer might be
"Explosion" was all they said, before entering a room that seems to be Levi's, there was only a nurse sitting in a chair probably just there just in case Levi needed something
"Thanks, you can stand outside. We would call if we need you" Hange told the nurse who nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her, but not before throwing Y/n a look of disapproval about her being there.
Y/n ran to Levi's side as soon as the nurse was out, he had bandages in one side of his face, and on his hands. Tears started sliding down the young women's cheek while Hange looked at her with pity, but also cautiously not wanting her to do anything that might hurt Levi.
"Levi.." she whispered, even though
y/n felt bad about disturbing him from his sleep knowing how difficult it was for him to do so, she wanted to hear his voice, reassuring her that he was going to be ok "Everything it's going to be fine, right Hange? Tell him"
“Yeah, I agree with you y/n”
She didn't knew who she was trying to convince herself or Levi, but that didn't matter, because she felt a squeeze in one hand and immediately look down to see that Levi was the one holding it. Y/n look back up to his face seeing how his eye was open and he was staring directly at her.
Y/n smiled "Hey darling, you're okay now" she let out those word between sobs "— I'm sorry for everything Levi, for not telling you where I was really from, for letting you fall in love with me when I knew how it was going to bed. I'm so sorry for every misery that I have put you through"
Levi squeezed her hand again "- 's ok, I f—orgive you" his words came out has a whisper and he struggled to speak but she heard him clearly
Hange watched the scene playing out infront of them, they could see how much those two loved each other. They were like a puzzle, that could figure each other out, knowing each piece of themselves like the back of their hands.
It has been a month and a half exactly since Y/n had seen Levi in the bed witnessing how helpless he looked, she had never seen him like that and wasn't planning to anytime soon, since then she hadn't left his side.
He was currently touching her bare back leaving kisses down her neck, their naked chest pressed together, hot and sweaty.
"Levi..." she moaned softly
This was their first time being intimate, and she didn't want him to feel pressured into anything.
"I know what you're going to say, and I want to how much as you" he said before continuing marking her, claiming her as his
Each move of his hips against hers, reminded her of who she was with. The gentleness in his touch making her forget about the world around them. The softness of his lips against hers taking her breath away.
It wasn't just the pleasure that made Levi take the decision of doing this with her, this was his own way of showing how far he would go just to be with her, to come out of his comfort zone just to shower her with intimate kisses and touches that he and neither would she forget.
“I love you Levi”
Her skin was the canvas, and his lips was the brush painting each part of her body.
“I love you too...”
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“You will come back with us immediately young lady!" her mother said trying to remain calm infront of the devils
The rumbling was over, Eren Yeager was killed. Paradise and Marley were allies, but that doesn't mean they have forgiven each other for what each have done. Many Marleyans and Eldians from Marley came to visit out of curiosity, while people from Paradise went to explore the world (if we are talking about visiting the outside world and finding new things as much as possible), but they never want to visit Marley afraid that they might get turn into titans and angry for what those monsters have done to other people.
"I'am old enough to make my own decisions, mother" Y/n had answered, wanting to remain as calm as she could
"His manipulating you isn't he?"
"How dare you!—" Y/n yelled, before regaining her composure, her voice going back to calm but being loud and firm at the same time "I love him, he didn't manipulate me into anything. It's bold of you to assume that, mother"
"We're your family, your place it's with us!"
Some of the Military Police who were there scoffed along with some of the scouts, they have warmed up to Y/n already, but the Marleyans didn't seem to accept that one of themselves loved an Eldian, specially from Paradise.
"You're my family? Then where were you when I needed you the most?, All I needed when I returned to Marley four years ago was my mother!, The one who an illusion of my mind created, a sweet mom who would love me for being her child, and not see me as an object" Y/n couldn't remain calm anymore she needed to let everything out "— The time I spent with him, I got to truly know what comfort was, what being loved and being needed felt like! And you—" with tears in her eyes she turned to her father who was quiet, like he always was "You're so afraid of mom that you don't even dare to speak for yourself!, You did nothing to help your own daughter!, You just watched as she was raised to be something she didn't want to be!"
She spoke out her mind finally letting out those built up words that haunted her, needing to be said "— I thank you for everything though, despite not given me the love that I needed, your own choices took me to where we are now. Without those decisions, I wouldn't have met Levi so I thank you, for what you both did" she smiled at them
Her mom stood there quietly, before turning around and walking towards the door, her father following close behind "Don't bother returning home" was all her father said
"I won't"
She was already home, she was standing next to it. Holding his hand, Levi Ackerman was the safe place she will always and forever need.
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“— And they lived happily ever after”
Y/n closed the book, looking at the twins, her daughter and son who had fallen asleep half way through the story.
“Please tell me you didn't read to them the explicit parts”
The voice of her husband scared her and she turned to him, who stood by the door leaning into it.
“Of course not you idiot!”
She stood up turning off the lamp and given both of the children kisses on their head, before going out of the room with Levi.
“I still think we should publish this book” Y/n smirked, a mischievous look in her eyes
“Absolutely not”
Yeah, their Love Story had a happy ending after all.
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This was so much fun to write! I wrote 4k words and I'm proud of that! I feel like my writing has improved in the past few days, and this might be one of the works that will show it, and I hope future ones show the progress too! Also I want to punch y/n's mother in the face.
Thank you so much for reading, you can support my work by hitting reblog or liking! But don't repost to other platforms!
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My Love| Echo (part 6 beejesus...)
Notes: this ones short my bad, also this way shock you. I also have a strong urge to make hondo show up perhaps in the Future
Warnings: sad flashbacks, death and disease mentioned, cannablistic mentions (not eating anyone but like the word), cursing,
Reader: Male
Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 5 | 6 (you're hah here)
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That wasn't possible.
"What a shame." Maul spoke, turning himself around and walking away the Pyke leader following him.
This was wrong.
"If we came for this it better be important." Hunter spoke snatching the drive, "we leave now,"
"Me and Jacob they'll return you to your ship." The teen spoke up, "but be quick we'll need to leave with the transports."
It was a silent stealthy journey back to the ship, Echo being pushed along the way by Wrecker mostly as he was trying to process what was being told to him.
So...Y/n was dead? No that was possible- they couldn't of killed everyone.
He walked onto the ship the twins wishing them luck as they rushed back off into the darkness. He took a seat on his bunk, removing the head gear and mask, his gaze trapped within the grain of the metal.
"Tech get us out of here." Hunter demanded.
Wrecker watched Echo, his brows furrowed and in conflict.
"Hey. Kid." Wrecker spoke nudging Omega softly, "Good job out there."
"I just stuck to the plan." She smiled.
"Wanna do one more mission?" He asked playfully she nodded happily.
"Go find Lula. I think someone needs her." Wrecker spoke as Omega nodded rushing to find the Tooka doll.
Wrecker walked over to Echo, sitting across from the reg, Echo kept his gaze down.
"I don't, I don't understand." Echo responded, "I- I don't..."
"It's okay-" Wrecker tried to speak.
"But it isnt." Echo seethed.
The sudden jolt told them they had jumped to hyperspace. Echo rubbed over his eyes.
"What was Y/n's family doing associated with the Empire..." Echo spoke, "I...I don't..."
Wrecker frowned, Hunter watching the cockpits doorway, his brother lost and confused, let down and heart broken.
Walking into the cockpit the door closed behind him.
"You'll want to see this Hunter." Tech spoke, "Echo was right."
Hunter took a seat, "Y/n's code name is Rosyln then?"
"In a sense yes, yet It is many things." Tech informed, "It's multiple things, a name, a code name, a secret military operation."
" a what." Hunter demanded answers now.
"On this disk it says Project Rosyln was ment to help in implicating...hunger in a sense.."
"Hunger?" Hunter asked, "Hunger for what?"
"Flesh, sentinel flesh," Tech responded, "They had many failis dead on contacts, until. Rosyln."
"The dead brother of Y/n's Echo mention." Hunter spoke as Tech nodded.
"He survived it, partially, resulting in an outdated inner rim disease known as Cancer." Tech responded, "though it is not sepcified what type, he died young."
"So how does Y/n fit into it?"
"Rosyln was Y/n's younger brother by adoption law on corosaunt, and the Zabrack was not lying when he said The L/n family was ontop the imperals kill list, it was ment for them to go into hiding, to essentially metophorically and phsycially slip into the dark." Tech contuined.
"Okay so the kids?"
"Test subjects." He responded, "farm animals, future death troopers fueled by anger and loss, much more. Hunter, They weren't a family, those people they called there parents? Used them."
"Can we save any of them? Y/n? The older kids? The young ones? Anyone?" Hunter questioned.
"This here is a list of kids of Y/n's family," Tech spoke, plugging into the panel infront of him as the hologram formed, "red are dead, there eay of leaving is by there name. Jay here died of rejection of food, he starved to death. Siora drowned herself in the shower room-"
"Thats enough Tech. Who's alive." Hunter demanded.
"Y/n here is still alive, but that is all." Tech responded opening the file, "but has a number of unstablizing test ran on him, it shows here his diet was starting to change from normal foods to sential flesh, but before they could change him fully he escaped."
Hunter was silent, for a moment as Tech closed the file, going through the others, "This also contains other information, such as helpful codes the imperals are now using, current inflation in imperal troopers, comn chatter and resources-"
"Don't let Echo see this." Hunter spoke.
"Hunter, I. I don't think this is a good idea." Tech told him, "You'e seen what he'll go through already to see him again. Hunter that was a sith he went up on, a Pyke leader."
"He doesn't need another thing to have a mental break down on. What happens if we find Y/n? Dead in a ditch-." Hunter argued, "if we can't fix him- we can't even help Crosshair None the less ourselves!"
"Hunter, he deserves to know." Tech defended, "let's be real here Hunter, we've nevee been there for him, we saved him from one hell to put into another, we can't help him because we don't understand him."
Hunter was silent, he knew Tech was right, "You're right." Hunter told him.
Tech pulled the disk from the panel looking back at Hunter, "Hunter I know this is hard. But this is his family. And I wish for a time in my life, I was wrong."
Hunter stayed silent walking out the cockpit, and down the small hallways, Omega trying to cheer Echo up with Lula and Wrecker with a supportive smile.
Echo looked back, "Tech wants to uh...show you something."
Echo got up without a word walking into the cockpit.
"Is he gonna be okay?" Omega questioned looking up at Hunter.
"Sure he will!" Wrecker tried to stay postive looking back at Hunter who kept his gaze down.
"Not this time Omega." Hunter told her, as she leaned in for a hug, he patting her head as she hug his stomach.
Tech walked out the cockpit, the doors closing behind him, "Echo wishes to take first watch while we rest," Tech informed.
"Where do we go next from here?" Omega spoke looking up at Hunter.
"We'll keep working jobs for Cid, seeing what we can do." Hunter responded, "Tech when Echo is done with that disk, see if anything on there has Crosshair on it."
"I have alredy copied the disk, I will look through it more on my watch after Echo's." Tech responded.
Hunter nodded
"hey kid." Wrecker spoke up, "lets go play a game together."
Omega nodded as Wrecker picked up Omega the two walking away to her room, Hunter mentally thanking Wrecker.
"How'd he react." Hunter responded.
"He hasn't." Tech responded, "I left it plugged in. He has the option. I just don't know if he's used it."
It was true, Echo had the option, the wanting, but he sat in his chair, staring at the disk sitting in the panel.
This was it.
This was the ticket, he could know, move on, grt some type of closure either Y/n was dead or alive. Even if Y/n was dead or alive he let Y/n's biggest secret slip.
'Just...I don't like people to pity his name.' Y/n told Echo, the two standing in all black together and umbrella over head as they walked the cemetery, 'he fought hard, that's all that matters, and there's no reason you should pity someone for when you loose,'
Echo nodded at him, 'I won't tell anybody, I understand to a degree, but if you need to talk, I want to listen,'
Y/n nodded, 'Thanks again for comin along Echo, not the best way to meet my baby brother,''
'I was glad to meet him, either way,'
Echo rubbed the back of his neck, finger's scratching at his nape. Standing up and walking over his hand hovered over the disk, should he pull it out? Should he press that small white button to let every fear he's had consume him?
He pulled the disk out, this was the right choice. Whatever he needed to know. He'd learn from y/n when he'd see him. Rubbing over the disk he slid it in his belts pouch and sat in the piolts seat looking out into the blue swirls. He was doing it again.
Sitting in silence, watching nothing new pass him by. Y/n was alive, if the others believed it or not was there choice, it was there opinion, he knew what he was saying was a fact, and he didn't need no disk to tell him so.
But the question still remained, Why was Y/n involved in crime syndicates and with Sith?"
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The male turned himself around shoulder hair length, strings of white in his hair; stress induced.
"It's done." Lom Pyke spoke, "The kids are out, where is the spice."
"It's on the ship don't you worry." He spoke.
"You've returned the favor after I've said you returned the favor."
"Then we've returned the favor." Lom Pyke argued.
"I did everything you asked!" Lom Pyke argued, "I've stuck my neck out for you more than you can imagine you cannablistic bitch!-"
The pyke leader was cut off, lifted into the air as he gripped at his neck, and brought forward quickly, choking on the lack of air.
"Do you know who I am?" The man questioned quietly.
"L-let-" the pyke tried to speak stratching at his neck for breath, "let me g-go!"
"Oh...you don't?" The man questioned, "I was afraid once...not to long ago, afraid as you are now..."
The sound of choking made him pause adding slight pressure, "p-please!"
"I am no longer afraid...I am..." the man thought, any more and the pyke leader would die, "Well, funny thing is, I don't even know who I am anymore...but I do know, that, you, owe me much more than you think."
The man was dropped to the floor, attempting to catch air, "Perhaps, you wish, once to see who I was, to see how I became this thing you call a cannablistic bitch!"
"Please! No-" He defended, raising his head to look up in plead, "Not again! Not that place!"
A hand was placed on his head, as the Sith lord walked in. Within a matter of seconds the Pyke fell limp, the man pushing him over as he fell and rolled down the small stells of the elevated ledge.
"You're here for a reason Maul?"
"I am indeed, that clone, you told to meet us on Zut, there were clones."
"Entertain me Maul." He spoke, walking down the small steps, the hells of his boots clicking as he made it down the steps.
"Seems you're little buddy Captain dipshit isnt the only clone that's defected. That little Ray shit of your's hacked the imperal files." Maul spoke, his tone as usual, dark, broody, annoying to the mans ears, "Clone force 99, may just be on our side."
The man snatched the datapad from him, "and they have a child with them. How wonderful."
"Status' as of current."
"Like I said that dipshit of yours sursingly has his corners covered. Ray's tracking them as we speak." Maul told.
The man looked through the photo's there he was in all his glory, sure angry but just as remembered.
"Lets hope an ex sith lord, a fucked up group of clones, a cannablistic bitch kill, and some kids can help kill your old ass wrinkly master." The man spoke Maul snatching the data pad back and making his leave.
"Oh. And one know's who you are." Maul responded standing in the door way, "Before I gave them anything, one knew Rosyln is Y/n,"
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pedropascalssimp · 4 years
Boba fett x fem reader
Summary: boba is a grumpy man but we love him... Also for a real summary: the reader is annoying, always talking and being a goofy person. And boba only tolerates it because he loves her.
Warnings: slight language I think? Slight jealous boba, he's also a bit insecure in this one. Fluff, FLUFF.
Pic credit to @xxrosaaa29xx I'm using your pic for scientific research purposes 👀
Also dala means "woman" in mando'a incase whoever reads this didn't know and found themselves in confusion like I do most times....
I know I also said I'd write for din more but, c'mon! My bestest friend ever here inspired me to write this!
Thank you my amazingly beautiful friend @friendscall-me-mom this was spurred on because you 👀
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Boba was a busy man, he couldn't seem to hold still for more then two minutes. He always had something keeping him busy or somewhere to be, but that's the way he liked it. So ever since boba claimed the throne that once belonged to jabba the hut and later jabba's companion Bib Fortuna, boba found himself almost never leaving the palace, it was relaxing yes, a nice relaxing thing actually, but also a little too... Uneventful for his liking. So after leaving Fennec in charge over the palace, someone he knew he could trust, he brought you along with him to venture away from tatooine to accompany him on his first bounty hunt in almost six years.
When he had gruffly asked you to join him, it left you baffled. You thought he'd enjoy a nice time away from you considering he always spoke of how annoying you are, he always ignores you are tries putting a distance between the two of you. In your eye's he hated you, his actions displaying such. But in all honesty? Boba fett found himself attracted to you, his brown eyes always glued to you when you walked into the room, gaze unable to leave your figure for a second. His heart always doing the annoying flip it does whenever he hears your laugh or catches a glimpse of that beautiful smile adorning your face.
He pushed you away because he didn't know how to love you like you deserved, you was always so... Happy, bubbly personality and jokes putting a smile on everyone's face. He was afraid that if he let you love him, his usual grumpy and hardened personality would dent your chirpy one. So... He pushed you away.
But you didn't ever see the adoring looks he gave you, or the faint tug of his lips when you told a joke. All of those things went unnoticed by you, partly because the helmet he wore and the fact he always hid his emotions well. Something you found infuriating. But despite that, and his constant grumpy behavior towards you, you found yourself intrigued by the man, you couldn’t deny he was a handsome man. Dark eye's that seemed to sparkle whenever the light hit them just right. And although his words was always short, sometimes even harsh on the more stressful days for him, you found yourself hanging on to every word he spoke, his voice intoxicating, beautiful. You scolded yourself many times for falling in love with boba fett, but then again how could you not have? When he showed you rare moments of kindness - especially when you had both met on tython, you having permission from your friend din to stay with boba. Because din saw how you looked at boba, he knew you was in love with him.
But damn was boba oblivious, or either he knew you was smitten with him and just hid it well. Whatever the case, you was slightly hurt by the fact he always found a way to either distance himself from you are push you away.
Slave I was quite, boba sitting in the co-pilot seat while you let your mind roam freely to dwelling thoughts. But you let out a little laugh, the sound drawing boba's attention as he tilts his helmet in your direction.
"what's funny dala?" he asked, speaking mando'a, a nickname you've learnt well. He often enjoyed using it in a mocking manner though, it usually rolled off his tongue whenever he was annoyed or like said, mocking someone, aka, you.
You shrug, a grin on your lips. The reason you was amused though, was today's previous events played on your mind. You and boba had both stopped by a cantina on Batuu, only stopping their for fual and a bite to eat. Because you wouldn't shut up until boba finally gave in and took you somewhere to eat. And as you was both enjoying a meal, boba choosing a nice empty booth in the dark corner as he took his helmet off. A man had been flirting with you, it was harmless really, a few compliments on your beauty and a few hints of how the man genuinely wanted to get to know you better. Although he seemed nice you didn't really want to speak with him, so let him down easy.
But boba was, for some odd reason to you, pissed off with the man's constant talking. He didn't like how his eyes roamed your body, didn't like how you indulged him, and he really didn't like how he talked to you, using those flirty little comments and jokes, coaxing a laugh or two from you. Boba hated it, he was fuming. So without hesitation, boba threatened the poor man's life with a cold hard stare causing the man to flee the whole planet with fright.
Although you was slightly mad at boba in the moment, you found it hilarious now. Letting out another laugh you try and cover your mouth, stifling the laugh. "what is it?" he seemed genuinely curious but his words came out bitter.
"you scared that poor man to death boba... He literally left Batuu because of one simple glare and a few threats!" you laughed, grabbing your side because of how hard you was laughing now. "di - did you see his face!" you wheeze out through laughter, "he almost pissed his pants!" you shake your head and your laughter dies down.
Boba, unknowingly to you, had a smile on his face, Almost prideful. He focuses his attention on you now, loving the sight of your wide smile now. He had thought he angered you with how he scared the man off, he thought you was actually attracted to the other man. But seeing you laughing about the situation put him at ease, you wasn't mad at him.
"I thought he was bothering you, he was surely bothering me with his jabbering" boba tried to brush the topic off. He felt slightly annoyed he was jealous over the fact the man had made you smile and laugh. And the man was younger, his face not as scarred or aged as boba's. He didn't want to admit it, but he felt a little insecure when around you, why would you want him when the galaxy had so much more out there for you?
"oh he wasn't jabbering, he was being nice... But you scared him enough to flee the planet" you giggle, amused by the situation.
He only grunts in response, one of many signs he was in a grumby mood. You flicker your eyes down at his side, the side his beskar failed to cover.... Grinning you reach over and poke him.
"stop being grumpy" you muttered playfully, his visor snapping in your direction before falling down to look at where you kept your hand, ready to puke him again.
"I'm not grumpy princess" he harshly grunts out while taking your hand in his and throwing your hand back into your lap. "don't touch me..." he muttered. He may have came off as angry, but under the helmet he was flustered, your touch sending a delightful warmth spreading all over him, turning his face red.
Your smile filters for a moment, thinking you may have infuriated him. The sight makes him guilty until he sees you grin again. "you have to be ticklish, everyone is. I'm now making it my goal to find you're ticklish spot!" you declare cheerfully. Boba shaking his head.
"I'm not ticklish. let me be dala" he spoke while putting the ship on autopilot as he went into hyperspace. Standing up he leaves the cockpit, you following him. He walks into the cargo area, plopping down on a crate as he takes his helmet off, usual stoic expression on his face as he cleans his helmet off. A act he does out of boredom you've grown to discover.
"not ticklish eh? So you won't mind..." you sit beside him making him go stiff visibly, his hand freezing as he wiped the visor off. "this!" you slither your hand on the spot between his neck and shoulder and start tickling, but he does even smile, much to your dismay.
"please stop" he deadpanned. And you do so with a huff. "I'm not ticklish so stop" he continued wiping his helmet off.
You sigh deeply and cross your arms. "I've never seen you smile nor laugh, If I can't find you're ticklish spot then I'll tell you joke's!" you state, his face slowly morphs into one of annoyance.
"please don't... I left tatooine for two reasons: peace and to be able stretch my legs for a bit" he said while looking up at you, his dark eye's capturing you for a bit.
"then why did you invite me to join you? You know I annoy you with my presence" you say, arms crossed.
He invited you because he knew how men eyed you on tatooine with hunger, with a undeniable look of lust. He hated it, wanted to rip all their eyes out for doing so. He knew that if he left any man could waltz up to you and flirt their way into your heart. So he brought you with him because he'd be damned if he left you on tatooine, he never wanted to leave your side.
"because I knew that if I didn't you wouldn't shut up, I've heard how you wanted to leave the place for a little vacation as you put it and I had already planned on hunting so... I invited you" he muttered, blowing on the visor to ensure its clean before sitting it aside, now cleaning his blaster. It wasn't a lie, he heard you telling Fennec how you wished to escape the sands and scorching hot heat for at least a little bit.
Your heart swells at his words, to anyone it was nothing. to you... It was his way of showing affection. He knew you wanted a vacation so he took you with him, if you didn't know any better you'd say he even planned this hunt because that. But that was wishful thinking.
"did I ever I tell you the story of how Mando got zapped by those jawa's?" you snicker, knowing that would at least make him smile. But he nods, confirming you have.
"more then once mesh'la" he didn't mean to let that one simple word slip from his mouth, but it did, and from the beaming smile and small blush on your cheeks, he knew you knew what it meant.
"oh you think I'm beautiful now?" you tease, seeing the way he tensed up whenever the word rolled off his tongue, you knew that you turning it into playful banter would ease away whatever it was that made him tense like that.
"shut up girl" he grumbled while standing up, you doing so making him huff. "don't follow me around like a damn lost child!" he snaps, taking you aback slightly. But you shrug his words off, although they did hit pretty hard.
He saw that and grumbled something before continuing whatever it was he was doing. "what if I don't wanna stop!" you say with a giggle, following him to the poor excuse for a bed he used.
"then I guess I'm gonna have to face the fact you're goal and life purpose is to annoy me" he said, sitting on the bed, slowly stripping the beskar off piece by piece. You could only watch as his soft shirt he wore under it exposed the softness of him, his tummy practically begging for you to reach out and tickle it -
You grin at the thought his tummy would be ticklish, it was a mischievous glint in your eye that alarmed him. "oh no" he muttered as you grin at him and flop down beside him on his bed.
"admit it boba, you enjoy my company" you sigh with a big smile, his scoff only making you giggle. He opens his mouth to respond but whatever he wanted to say was forgotten the moment you tickle his belly, soft and adorable like you always thought it would be.
His eye's widen as he finds himself laughing, a smile on his face. He falls backwards on the bed as you crawl on top of him, straddling him as you continue tickling his belly as your heart flutters at the sight of his smile and sound of his gruff laughter.
"you do have a ticklish spot!" you laugh, his large hands resting on your hips as he flips you over, now he was hovering over you.
"you are relentless" he mused, his smile now gone and replaced back with his grumpy expression. "don't ever do that again mesh'la" he grumbled. But he couldn't deny how being so Close to you makes his desire to kiss you grow strong. Once he catches
"oh Stop being grumpy, it’s lame." you tease him, cheeky smile. He shakes his with a huff.
"You're an idiot" he retorts while rolling off of you, much to your dismay. He sits up and back in the position he was once in. You sit up beside him.
"but you love me" you said it before you could register what exactly fell off your tongue. Boba seemed to freeze beside you, making fear settle deep within your very core. "I - I didn't mean - like -
Your stuttering was shushed by the smile boba gave you, it was soft, didn't quite reach his eye's but it was still genuine. "unfortunately dala I do..." he didn't look you in the eye, instead, his cheeks starting to turn a little pink as he fiddle with a piece of his armor he picked up off the floor, he didn't want to see you possibly reject him, he didn't want to see your face when you laugh at him for confessing such a thing.
But maker was he surprised when you scooted closer and gently cup his cheek making him look at you, the genuine soft smile on your face different from the cheeky ones or mischievous ones you'd always offer the bounty hunter.
"do you mean it?" you ask him, voice barely above a whisper as your eyes search his dark brown ones for the answer, and you saw it, swimming amongst the endless brown hues of his eyes. A truthful, raw emotion besides being angry he showed you, displaying it before your very eyes. Love, adoration, truth....
"I have loved you since the moment I saw you, although I'll have to admit I thought you and you're mandalorian friend was already a couple. That's why I hesitated to talk to you so much" boba confessed, a smile beaming on your face as your eyes glow with joy. Your thumb subconsciously stroking one of many scars on his face.
"likewise, I've never seen someone quite as handsome as you before, nor as intriguing" his snort of amusement made you give him a confused look, wondering what he found funny.
"oh so you find me intriguing?" he smugly replied causing you to roll your eye's. Your free hand that wasn't holding his face, fell to his soft tummy. He tenses up and gives you a warning look. "don't" he muttered.
But you only grin at him, "why not? If you want to laugh at me I'll give you something to laugh at" you slip a hand up his shirt, his warm skin soft. Your touch had his heart doing a flip, if not for the fact he knew you planned on tickling him, he'd find this soothing.
"I wasn't laughing, just simply asking a question"
"after you let out a little laugh" you point out, he shakes his head ready to protest, but you had already begun your assault, tickling his belly. Practically in his lap again as he fell back.
You both knew that if he really wanted, he could stop you easily. But hearing his thunderous laugh echo across the ship and seeing his beautiful smile? It made you beam with happiness, a sight boba couldn't get enough of.
Needless to say, after the hunt you and boba has shared a kiss, slept in his arms every night as he claimed you as his. When you both arrived back on tatooine and into the palace you called home, Fennec had seen how boba had became extra protective over you, seeing how he couldn't seem to leave your side. She knew the hunt brought you both together, it was a relief, now she didn't have to see you both dance around your feelings for each other.
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Ultimate Ship Meme: Azulaang
Rate the Ship -  
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Until I say so. I can see them being together after death as spirits.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Ooooh boy. Azula struggles to understand friendship. I think she'd fall in love fast and hard but take the longest to realize. Aang wouldn't let himself get attached at first because Azula is unapologetic and one of the things I like about Azulaang is how it would push Aang to deals with the nitty gritty gray, not in a The Fire Nation was right all along way but in how even Kyoshi and Roku's conflict resolution let to disagreements. I think it would take Aang longer to fall in but once they reach a semblance of common ground he'd be well aware he's falling in love and would enjoy the ride.
How was their first kiss? - Let's see my fanfics. In Blue it was awkward. In Weightless it was sweet. In Smut it was horny and hate filled. In canon I think their first kiss would be very passionate and then they snap back to reality and Aang would evade while Azula denies so they wouldn't talk about it but they'd for sure be thinking about the kiss.
Who proposed? - Technically Azula. As soon as Aang hears about a Fire Nation wedding, either his friends or he learns about Ozai and Ursa's wedding, his mind would be set on a wedding. He wouldn't say anything but he'd squirrel away relevant wedding information like he'd hear a song and go "I want that instrument to play at my wedding." But Azula would have her life planned out by other people and there'd be a set date where Ozai now Zuko are supposed to comb through suitor requests (it was probably Ursa's role. If she's there she'd talk to Azula directly instead of Lo and Li. I don't think Lo and Li are high enough rank to determine the suitor but I think it would be customary/expected for their input to be asked). Azula would tell Aang something along the lines of "I should be wed." and he'd agree and then Azula will spend an abnormally long time wondering if he married her because he liked her or because it's his duty until she asks him while he's discussing potential baby room colors pre wedding.
Who is the best man/men? - Sokka and Toph. Azula was going to pick Momo but he made a better flower girl. Yes she did this to annoy Zuko (and because Toph didnt want to wear the bridesmaid outfit) it's okay though Fire Lord Zuko was the guest of honor.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Katara, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee. Mai pretends she hates the outfit but she's secretly pleased.
Who did the most planning? - Aang did the most thinking but Azula did the most planning.
Who stressed the most? - Externally Aang. Internally Azula.
How fancy was the ceremony? -
Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
100% Azula's fault. Aang has no clue what Fire Nation weddings are supposed to be like.
Aang: Wow I can't believe all weddings in your Nation are this big.
Azula: They're not. It's because I'm Royalty and you're the Avatar.
Though I hc that Aang wants to get married in all the different Nations and Azula secretly wants to experience a small wedding so they get married 3 more times with one of them being a very small Air Nation wedding.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Hmmm I'm not sure. On one hand, Ozai redemption. On the other hand, Ozai death.
Who is on top? - Aang. Azula thinks she wants to be on top but she'd rather be pampered and Aang is more comfortable communicating and attending to needs. Aang has no strong preference either way and they do switch but this is their usual dynamic.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Azula but she denies it.
How healthy is their sex life? -
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
I think it's up to the reader's preference but I can see them being very private (Azula) and naturally talented (Aang) to the point where they assume every couple has sex daily. Hc that Aang and Suki talk about sex freely (ex: When I do __ should I __ or do girls prefer ___? I can never tell with Azula. Why do guys do ___ after ____ ? I've tried asking Sokka but he doesn't give me a straight answer.) Much to the fear of Sokka and Azula.
How kinky are they? -
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
Again up to the reader. They both like learning new things and are prodigies so I think they'd end up reading about things to try in bed (Azula) and would try things out to see what they like (Aang) until they learn what they and each other generally like/dislike.
How long do they normally last? - 
Does the Avatar State remove your refractory period? >;3c
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - No. Aang likes overstimulating.
How rough are they in bed? -
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
Neither can dirty talk. Azula is rougher. Aang likes to take it slow. She sets the pace in the beginning but he decides when it ends.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
Azula refuses to cuddle in public but in return they cuddle all night.
How many children will they have naturally? - hc them having twin boys at first with one firebender and one airbender because poetry. But Azula really wants a girl so they have a third child she is an airbender with Aang's charm and knack for getting in trouble and Azula's ruthlessness. Amon kidnaps her and instead of easily escaping (Aang's genes) she instead viciously mocks him the way only a preteen can (Azula's genes.) It's traumatic enough for Amon even before the parents show up. Then Aang wants another one and Azula wants another firebender so they do the do and surprise triplets! (maybe it has to do with ejaculatimg in the Avatar State lol) So 6 in total and lets say its 3 boys 3 girls with 3 airbenders 3 firebenders.
How many children will they adopt? - None. Azula is wary of motherhood and I know people like to hc Aang as adopting and while I can see him acting as a father figure to several kids I think he'd greatly prefer biological kids especially airbenders. It's a flaw that was barely touched upon and def not handled well in Legend of Korra.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Servants or Aang. After a kid or two Azula would be comfortable enough to change the diapers but it would still be mostly Aang.
Who is the stricter parent? - Depends on the kid. Aang is more lenient with airbenders and Azula with firebenders or girls. I can see Azula being strict with training & studies but not with sharing whereas Aang would have less rules but they'd be more heavily enforced (ex: no airgliding without supervision until you've mastered the safety course)
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Azula. She's pretty lenient with the term dangerous esp. when it comes to firebending as long as basic safety measures are applied (ex: you can pracrice lightning as long as it's not pointed towards yourself aka dont be Zuzu) but Aang is of the mindset "How are you gonna learn airbending without dangerous stunts?" And after the first few incidents she started stepping in.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Azula but Aang cooks them.
Who is the more loved parent? - Appa
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Azula. When Aang attends the teachers shower him and his kids with compliments ("You're doing so well teaching your kids the values of the Air Nomads. It must be so hard being The Last Airbender"). They do the same with Azula but unlike Aang she sees through it and manages to get an accurate assessment of how their kids are doing.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Aang was more happy than sad. Azula cried before and after.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Aang. He is a notorious lawbreaker. Azula would bail the kids and she could do so quicker than Aang in a few cases because of her connections but she'd be mad so their kids would rather call Aang or break themselves out.
Who does the most cooking? - Tied. Aang at first but then Azula wants to learn and after Aang teaches her since she has less experience she finds more enjoyment in cooking.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - 
Technically Aang since he's a vegetarian. Azula hasn't tried as many foods and she's used to not making a fuss at the family dinner table to the point of which Aang notices.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both. Aang has a better eye for vegetables/fruits and Azula is better with prices (it's not about the cost it's about the value).
How often do they bake desserts? - Aang bakes them when he can/weekly. They're fruit based so if Azula doesn't want dessert he gives it to Momo or flings it at a target.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Gee I wonder. Aang eats salad Azula eats meat.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Aang but Azula tends to figures it out. Azula is more likely to plan a dinner but she wouldn't make it a surprise.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Aang but Azula is a close second. It would be a tie if it wasn't for the bathhouse.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Accidentally? Aang. On purpose? Azula.
Who cleans the room? - Servants or Aang.
Who is really against chores? - Azula hates cleaning up but she's neater.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Aang.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Aang.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Azula.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Aang.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Azula. In the Fire Nation Palace Aang has taken to chatting with Azula in the Royal Spa while he feeds her (and mostly himself) cherries.
Who takes the dog Appa out for a walk? - Aang
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Never. Once they like the room they like the room. If its an event they'll go to a different location for it or leave the Air Temple as is.
What are their goals for the relationship? -
To stay together.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? -
Aang slept for a hundred years so I'll give it to him.
Who plays the most pranks? - Tie. They've both pulled elaborate pranks as kids.
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9h4mn · 4 years
you, who | sf9
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➞ sf9 as the type of guys you had a crush on
➞ fluff, pinning, slight! angst, unrequited love
➞ in filipino, they call it kilig and its basically like that butterfly in your stomach exploded which leaves you a flustered mess. what are some of the nine different types of guys that causes you to feel that way?
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warnings: insecurity, mentions of divorce, mentions of kidnap attempt, ghosting
the senior type
this type of crush is older by a year or two and has this sort of vibe. in school, he has this dazzling smile, kind personality, and an easy to approach demeanor
also known as this genius gentleman
you can see that he isn't like your previous crushes who were rude to you
he drinks respect women juice on the daily
at one point, he will most likely be the one who helped you in a problem regarding school
again he is easy to approach and conversations can flow so easily between the two of you
on inseong's graduating year, you had gained enough courage to try and confess to him
the plan was simple: approach him when he's free, bring him somewhere private, then confess your feelings
its simple — you thought it was simple — but things aren't that easy
of course he would end up liking her, the perfect girl and your classmate
she was beautiful, smart, kind, and tall
you can't even hate her when you want to
but you hope, even just once, that someone out there would choose you over her — its unfortunate that this someone isn't inseong
the brother's best friend type
this type of crush is someone your family has known for some time. he has also most likely saw you in your awkward phrase
don't worry the both of you have seen each other's awkward phrases
your brother always has youngbin over and if not then its your brother who is at youngbin's
they were two peas in a pod never to be separated
however, if your brother teases you too much youngbin is there to the rescue
something about how your brother shouldn't stress our sister
thats right, he had already sisterzoned you but despite that you still like him
your friends helped you in getting over him and all he had to do was smile for that wall to crumble
you were hopelessly in love with a guy who will never see you as a woman
when a few years have passed and you're already living in your college's dorm, you had received an invitation
what was it you ask? youngbin's wedding invitation and you were invited
even until the very end, he had always seen you as his little sister
the boy next door type
this type of crush is your neighbor from a much better family. of course your family is nice but they were almost like the picture perfect family
you and jaeyoon happened to be of the same age so when your parents found out they urged you to befriend him
you were lucky that jaeyoon was as sweet as he appeared to be because if he was wicked in the inside you would't have able to survive
staying over at each other's house and watching movies became your thing until jaeyoon's perfect family cracked
his father got swamped in heavy workload and what did his mother do? she cheated on him and got pregnant
his parents' fights were really terrible while they were processing the divorce
at times he would even sleep over at your house with his sister following him
in his time of need, you never once abandoned him
it didn't came as much as a surprise when you and jaeyoon began to date
time may choose to be cruel but when you have each other, everything will be ok
the class clown type
this type of crush brings life inside the classroom. everyone laughs at his jokes, even teachers, and he is safe from many things because they just like him like that
you are probably the class president and what does it mean when dawon is your classmate? headaches
seriously though you're the one who gets embarrassed for him
through the years you have been the class president, dawon was always your classmate
it was expected that you'd be annoyed of his antics with how long you've been dealing with him
your relationship changed when he crossed the line and made you cry
since that day you met a new side to the class clown, a boy with a broken past and high expectations — that was the true dawon
hurting you was never his intention. he had also thought that you found things annoying
as he spends more time with you, many classmates begin to notice how that strict and stern president softened
during school festival, you had held his hands and confessed, all while the fireworks began
who would have thought that the class president and class clown would be a good pair?
the unattainable type
this type of crush is always taken by your sister or best friend. it doesn't matter which one of the two, he will always date someone close to your heart
you had met him as that person's crush and as a good friend/sister you tried to find out more about this guy
approaching him, sharing conversations, and finding out his interests were your priority
so when you fell for him and find yourself unable to sleep at night due to thinking of him? you knew you were doomed
everything began for her so why were your feelings acting up?
seeing the obvious sparks, you had continued with your original plans and even began to play the role of the matchmaker
you see both zuho's and your friend/sister's struggle with expressing their feelings for each other
they were shy and reluctant, without you it would have been hard for them to strike a conversation without getting flustered
eventually they began to date
and what does it leave you?
the one who gave up on love for the sake of her other loved ones
the popular type
this type of crush is always receiving confessions but for some reason is still single. he is the epitome of a perfect guy sculpted by the gods
there is a high chance that he even has a fanclub of some sort going on
rowoon is that popular
so you liked him because he is popular? no, there is more to rowoon then just that
he is caring, he likes to nag, sometimes he boasts himself too much for your liking, he is almost like a mother too
why do you know all that? you are rowoon's shield against his fangirls
and it all began simply because he noticed how indifferent you were to him
at one point he had even proposed a fake dating idea
seokwoo, you naive fool. thats how shojou love stories begin
of course you declined and he knew how to respect that
your relationship stayed that way until you began to get a fanclub yourself
rowoon only knew the extent of his feelings through jealousy
it had reached a point where he had accidentally blurted out his feelings
well remember that fake dating ploy? there was no need when both your hearts were already beating for each other
the closed off type
this type of crush is like a loner. he isn't necessarily avoiding people and he's more on the shy side. his height and gaze just makes him look intimidating
you sat behind him in class and though it seems stupid since he was tall and could cover your entire body — it was the exact reason you liked sitting behind him
you could draw during class and not get your sketchbook confiscated because of him
the day had come when you would absentmindedly draw taeyang
at first you could defend it as you appreciating pretty things but when you had stopped to draw in class just to stare at taeyang during class? uh-oh
it worsened when you saw taeyang dance for the first time
imagine his surprise when that smol girl who sits behind him began to talk to him nonstop and even does her best to include him
people had began to talk but you weren't the type to get bothered
instead it was taeyang who got worried and even told you to stop talking to him
what did you do? you straight out confessed to him
if he wasn't going to notice all the signs you've given then its time to just blurt it out
you succeeded in flustering him but not at making him believe in your words
maybe one of these days yoo taeyang will understand your feelings but for now you could just settle with this — the silent boy all flustered because of you
the "i always see him" type
this type of crush is someone who doesn't go in the same school as you but somehow the both of you always cross paths
and no neither hwiyoung or you are intentionally following each other
you first crossed paths with him at the playground and you two merely walked past each other
then many more circumstances began to present itself and now you and hwiyoung can't help but make faces at each other when you locked eyes
yes, while technically strangers you can act like that with him
the first moment the both of you truly talk to each other was when someone tried to kidnap you
you would have fought back but it was nearly impossible with how sudden you were grabbed
hwiyoung then arrived for your rescue. he simply kicked that kidnapper and you were free
that night while you two were waiting for the police, you shared jokes and laughter as if you both knew each other for a long time
there were more moments of you and hwiyoung but alas it was just memories of your youth
years and years have passed but you could never forget the boy who made your heart race back in high school
you don't know what happened to him
he just stopped appearing one day and since then you haven't saw him again
it was as if he never existed and he was just your dream
the childhood friend type
this type of crush is someone you had known since you were young and you even grew up alongside him
for sure both your families shipped you
yeah its kinda weird how adults are rooting for a relationship between their barely 5 years old children
both of you were like the butt of the cooties joke, i know immature children at it again
also can see you two having those cute matching clothes when you were much younger
now sometime before high school the both of you got in a huge argument and it ended in bad terms
people who knew you two were shocked on how you became enemies
heated glares and rude remarks were thrown to each other at every moment possible
you don't know how it got to this point. it was a stupid argument and the fact it was enough to end years of friendship? just how little does chani think of you?
but of course this anger slowly turns into pain
you just want your best friend back
and luckily for you, he thought the same
it was a slow process for the both of you to mend things to the way it was before
the argument, though stupid, really caused a heavy rift
when you and chani had gotten close again, it was the first time spring became clear to you
you like your best friend — that was even the reason you argued with him
however, despite being aware of your feelings, you never made a move
maybe if you were braver back then you could have known that he had also liked you
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©9h4mn | all contents belong to me. do not modify or repost.
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ariparri · 4 years
Veruca Then vs Now
Hello! Not officially back because I'm still taking my break from here but I wanted to share this. As the title suggests, I will be sharing all the things about Veruca that I've changed throughout the year. I recently started looking back on Veruca's character on when I first made her and realized just how different she is to the Veruca everyone knows today.
Not sure how many facts I'll be going over, but this will be interesting. Let's get started!!
Before officially becoming a Hogwarts Mystery OC, she was made for the Golden Trio Era. She was three years older than the trio and hung around isolated places such as the astronomy tower or the owlery.
Veruca was originally a daughter to deatheaters but was later disowned when she refused to follow in her family's path. She was then forced to become a deatheater when they ambushed her during the attack at the Quidditch World Cup.
Veruca was originally supposed to be shipped with Carson but I ended up liking some characters a lot more than I initially thought. And now I can't view the two as anything BUT siblings.
Veruca's old concept design had her with slightly tanned skin with black hair. And you can't really tell from the image, but she also originally had fiery orange eyes. Clearly different than the Veruca we're all used to today.
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Veruca's personality had her much more colder and intimidating due to her being a daughter of death eaters and then eventually disowned by them. She also preferred being alone, even telling Carson she didn't want any rumors about him going around. She was also much more moodier than how she is now, quickly losing her temper at the slightest thing.
She was originally skilled at 'dual wand wielding' after stealing someone else's wand and practicing with both of them. That was later swapped for wandless magic.
She originally hated her brother Coby. Their relationship wasn't exactly great. With Coby being the pride and joy to their mother, was always being neglected by her mother. Veruca's relationship with her mother was very bad. Wilhelmina outright telling her that Coby was the only child she was proud of and that Veruca was merely a child who kept making mistakes. The neglect made Veruca desperate for her mother's affection that when Coby went missing despite being happy about it Veruca didnt hesitate to try to find him hoping that by finding him her mother would love her. Now her relationship with her mother isn't entirely great now, but it's clearly a lot better than before. Wil does love her daughter, but as an Irish woman, they tend to favor their sons more.
After changing Veruca's backstory, she was also going to have an older sister named Cerise. Technically that was a placeholder name but let's roll with it. She was disowned and never mentioned by the family due to her psychotic and sadistic view. Veruca never liked her as she was always physically or verbally abused by Cerise. During the search for Rakepick in the forbidden forest, instead of her showing up Cerise does leaving Veruca frozen in her spot. She tried to fend Cerise off but eventually fell short when Cerise casted a spell towards Rowan to distract her before Cerise casts a spell strong enough to send Veruca flying back badly wounded that she needed to be sent to St. Mungo's for recovery. This was now changed to be more of an au and the original storyline was scrapped.
Veruca runs away from Hogwarts and everyone after she couldn't take any more of the dangers and stress from searching for the vaults, and the fact her friends were slowly turning their backs on her after hearing them talking about how much she just needed them for the vaults or how she didn't really care about their feelingswith the exception of Carson. This was scrapped in favor of the one now, this is now an au idea instead.
Veruca was planned to die within the final vault where she materializes into nothing right in front her friends' eyes. Has now become an au idea. And a drawing idea
The original idea for the final vault was to have Veruca sacrifices herself from her friends' memories so they no longer remember her. She doesn't bring herself to interact with them again, and would rather suffer alone with her own memories of everyone else. Also now has become an au idea in favor of her story now.
Veruca was also supposed to have another sister for her deatheater backstory. Her name was Heidi and she was 8 years younger than Veruca. Their relationship is a little rocky as they used to be close when they were younger but Heidi was always told not to play with Veruca. When Veruca was disowned, Heidi was told Veruca had betrayed the family which angered her.
Well, that's all the things I was able to recall for Veruca's past concept. I'm sure there was more hidden in my memories somewhere but these were the ones that I remembered the most
I definitely like how Veruca is now as compared to back then. She has definitely gone through a lot of changes throughout the year. And I'm glad that there are people who actually like her character! I was a little worried about that honestly xD
I'm also working on a new post regarding genderbent Carson and Veruca. And maybe I might also make a Then vs Now post for Carson too!
What are your thoughts on Veruca's character back then? Do you like her now or did you find her past portrayal interesting? Do you have anything to share about your MC from how they were when you made them to how they are now? I'd love to read about them.
I'm just gonna tag this as #MC Then Vs Now for future reference because I know I'll make a similar post for other characters of mine =w=
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