#but like if i had to hear me go off on infodump tangents i too would mayhaps pause and think about something else
willpowers · 10 months
sometimes i get all deep and philosophical in my friend's dms and i always imagine their faces like how ryuks is whenever light yagami goes on one of his cringe boy evil monologues
like ill be like "so metaphorically listening to a homie vent is the eqivalent to ancient humans helping an injured member to safety"
and like ill imagine my friends like
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spidey-bie · 1 year
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I actually don't do requests but since you asked so nicely (and I also already had this in my drafts for like the longest but I never finished it.)
Hobie x Black G/N Reader
TW: Physical Touch
Hobie Brown is a proud aroace relationship anarchist who's constantly sticking a middle finger up at amatonormativity. Idc idc.
You wanna have a qpr? Try and stop him. (Don't do that he's got Spidey strength.)
If or when you start living together you both either take turns cooking or you cook together.
(Also I feel like he can't bake for anything but his food is the bomb)
If you wanna share rooms he's cool with that.
If you want separate rooms he's cool with that too.
But either way y'all definitely have a big sleepover/movie night in the living room at least once a week.
"Mate, you just had to get in the car. You'd still be alive if you just used your head."
"Bie you know they had to kill the black guy first. It's a horror movie."
You hang out in the back stage during his shows and he takes you with him to go pub hopping afterwards.
You both infodump to one another. He can go off on tangents for hours about a lot of different things. Whether it's something political or just his favorite artists.
If you're not British then he teaches you British slang so you can understand what he's saying. (In turn you teach him some AAVE and y'all mess with Miles and Gwen by using both simultaneously.)
His love language is physical touch but not in like the traditional romantic sense. He's the type to just lay his entire body weight on you while your both lounging around. Or he'll drape himself up against you if your both standing.
If you don't like the word love he finds roundabout ways to tell you that he appreciates and cares for you. Or he just shows it via his actions.
Both of you go out on weekly outings together. (they're not dates because you aren't dating)
He either takes you to really obscure places or he sneaks you into his favorite artist's shows.
Let's you steal borrow his clothes. He knows if he's missing something he just has to go looking for you.
"Is that my jumper on your bed?" "If you mean our jumper then yes."
I just know that he knows where to find the best cheap hair products. (If you don't like to steal. Lame.)
I personally feel like he doesn't do much with his own hair. He got his locs installed one day and has just never touched it ever again but after hearing you lecture on about hair health he joins you on your wash days.
"I don't see why we have to feed into the idea of black hair being neat so that we can be palatable to those in power." He was leaning face first into the kitchen sink. "True. It doesn't have to be neat to be beautiful. But it at least has to be clean and watching you scratch makes me itch. Now close your eyes so i can rinse."
Edit: I modified the last one because I didn't agree with it anymore.
A/N: The autism won't let me hyperfocus on anything aside from Hobie at the moment. It's a curse but you don't hear me complaining lol. I looked into the difference between locs, dreads, and wicks for this and now I'm contemplating growing my hair out again.
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WOOOO!! Congrats on the 6,000!!!! 🥳🙌✨ I’m so happy for youuuuu~!!
Fandom I’d like to be shipped in: Baldur’s Gate 3 please 🙏
Gender I’d like to be shipped with: Any
Description of my personality:
Word I would use to describe myself: creative. Word others might use to describe me: friendly (alternatively: dramatic). I love people, but sometimes I get exhausted and need some alone time after interactions. Except with kiddos—I could play make-believe and be asked 9million questions by all the children all day and still be good to go on all the adventures. I have strong emotions but sometimes I get stuck in a dissociative state and have trouble expressing things—it takes some grounding for me to stay present. Music is my first love, but I’m studying to be a medical herbalist at the moment. Being outside exploring and foraging soothes me just as much as curling up inside on a rainy day with a good book and a cup of herbal tea. I tend to roam and don’t like to close myself off to different experiences, but at the same time I crave a safe place to call home, and I endeavor to make that place a safe haven for all who enter.
Who I would ship you with and why:
Okay, I kept going back and forth in my bed for your ship, so I’m picking two! 🤗
1. Astarion. Because I feel like you would get on like bread ‘n’ butter. Both respecting each others’ space but also being there for each other too when needed. You’d have a relationship based on deep understanding and mutual respect—you get each other. And neither of you judge the other for what you feel or the boundaries you both might have. Also, with his love for reading he’s definitely going to encourage you to finish writing your books so he can read them. Also, picture this: you writing away, Astarion’s head resting in your lap—every now and then you pause in your writing, absentmindedly running your fingers through Astarion’s soft curls as you think about what to put on the page next. You swear you hear Astarion purr like a cat. You look down at him and he’s the picture of pure contentment: eyes closed, body relaxed, face blissfully serene. He might not be moving from your lap for a while, but you don’t mind. You go back to writing, a sense of renewal I washes through mind as you feel the comforting weight of his body against yours.
2. Gale. Because I know you both are going to infodump on each other—and you both absolutely adore when the other is off on another tangent about something they’re passionate about. Gale feels utterly cherished when you listen him talk about the things near and dear to him. He’s never really had anyone listen to him as attentively as you do. He usually finds people are prone switching off and zoning out so he’ll cut himself off. But not with you. The look of genuine interest you give him, and the questions you ask never fail to warm his heart and spur his enthusiasm on. He is more than willing and happy to return the favor for you and finds himself more captivated by you with every word that passes through your lips. He also completely understands what he’s like to be lost in one’s own head. So he has no qualms about you needing alone time. Also it doesn’t hurt that Tara absolutely adores you—she even lets you rub her belly and she doesn’t even let Gale do that.
P.S. I’m waaay more active on my side blog @i-cast-bardic-inspiration but I can’t send asks from there…I didn’t know side blogs couldn’t send asks until after I established mine :’) so anyway, if I reblog or respond from that one, just know—it meeeee~! ✨
P.P.S. Congratulations again—you deserve all the best!! Because you are:
✨ T h e B e s t ✨
I ship you with Wyll
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You two strike the perfect balance of wanting the same things out of life while also being different enough to keep things interesting.
Wyll wants to help people, first and foremost, but at the same time, wants a home he can call his own. With you, he can have both.
You two could have so many adventures together. He would be enraptured by your knowledge of nature and how you use it to help cure others. He'd want to show you everything, telling tales of his own travels and promising to take your there to see them for yourself.
At the same time, knowing he can build a home with you is everything to him. He would love nothing more than to be able to curl up with you after a long day and drink tea. He will dance with you in the kitchen, humming a song into your ears. Just imagine the two of you playing with a bunch of kiddos. You're everyone's favorite baby sitters!
It's the place the pair of you can retreat to when it gets to be too much. He knows it's sometimes difficult for you to experience all the emotions you feel as deeply as you do. He'll be more than patient, allowing you to work through them rather than force you to pretend they don't exist. It's one of the things he loves about you.
In conclusion, let this prince charming sweep you off your feet. He is begging to!
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I'm weeping. I love them both so much. Thank you! This is a polycule I can get behind.
6k Follower Celebration (requests are still open)
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mikiruma · 1 year
alright meet the robinsons headcanon dump bc i had a LOT of thoughts at work. mostly laszlo and tallulah. ok so they're basically all laszlo and tallulah but hear me out (wall of text below)
courtesy of me always seeing them as twins before learning laszlo was older: they are often mistaken as twins
> sometimes tallulah will refer to laszlo as her "baby brother" for no other reason than to confuse/piss him off
they don't hate each other but bothering the hell out of each other is an olympic sport and they're both going for gold
yeah they get on each others nerves but for the most part its for The Bit. also depending on who started it they have a tendency to forget where The Bit ends and Being A Jerk begins
that being said they are so tight you rarely see one without the other
i mentioned this before but they're huge film nerds. mainly anything with practical effects and cheesy costuming and etc etc. they give me huge "backyard film production" energy too. they definitely have embarrassing old movies they made as kids/teens hidden somewhere, but would absolutely get back into it if they weren't so caught up in their current hobbies
also HUGE sci-fi nerds. i'm still convinced they're trekkies
they're both autistic and get caught in feedback loops of just infodumping back and forth with each other
laszlo looks/sounds like the nerd emoji but tallulah is the one going "WELL ACKSHUALLY" (although not in any effort to be a know-it-all)
joe and/or billie babysat them maybe once or twice when they were younger. legend says that's why they decided not to have kids (although unproven.) laslzo and tallulah say "thats fair"
also they're both trans, they traded genders :)
they probably did a lot more collaborating growing up but since they have their own lives they kinda just fell out of it. their comeback is on the horizon though. someday...
laszlo specific thoughts
transmasc + gay + he/him (his gender is probably something really esoteric he doesn't really care to get into but he's got secret they/them locked and loaded for emergencies. which emergencies? idk)
brain tangents aplenty (adhd comorbidity lets goooo), and has a tendency to miss the bigger picture. at least he squashed that bad habit... with finishing art pieces. mostly inspired by the video game
watches 60s-70s action movies w/ art
dabbles in any medium he can get his hands on but feels the most at home painting
he's actually kind of nosy, but great at keeping secrets
an awful chef but halfway decent with presentation
prefers demonstration/instruction before attempting something new- not out of anxiety, he just loves seeing how other people do things
legally blind without his goggles/glasses
tallulah specific thoughts
transfem + aro pan + she/her (gender is less abstract but she also doesn't care what gendered terms you use for her)
the first to correct someone if she knows they're wrong
laszlo's the only one allowed to mess with her. not bc of any protectiveness she just genuinely doesn't care what other ppl have to say about her
prefers to learn through experience (whether she reads instructions/asks for help first depends on.. idk. the cosmic forces)
please ask her about the art deco movement she is so normal about it please pleaseplease
she's a waaaaay better designer/model than a seamstress. yeah she hasn't gotten around to fixing her sewing machine. yeah this dress she made is held together by hot glue and prayers. she didn't ask you though
LOVES to travel. part for inspiration, part for expanding her collection of tacky souvenirs
almost never seen without some sort of hat. extravagance unrelated her head just feels naked without one
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I actually just read part of your cataplexy post a few days ago, and started to read the one for gastroparesis but had to save it for later, so now theyre just waiting for me to go through my 'read later' list. Im pretty excited actually, cause ive been able to relate to people with gastroparesis in the past. So since you said that you covered a variety of symptoms i think ill be able to see some of myself in that post too. And then the cataplexy one was so just so cute and sweet, i loved it!!
Gastroparesis, in particular, has a lot of overlap with other GI disorders and it’s actually normally the last thing you’re tested for when you’ve got issues with your guts. At least, that’s how it was for me, but given my family’s history and whatnot, assumptions lead to other disorders first. Not to infodump about my disorder, but yes, so many of the symptoms are things that a lot of people can resonate with. 
I’m just glad to hear that people have read those and have enjoyed them in particular as I go to extra lengths with posts like that just out of my need to make everything look spiffy, lmao. I’m trying hard to show people that even though my condition has me talking about things that aren’t socially acceptable, that doesn’t make me gross. Cause, sometimes I do feel gross because I can’t talk to people about what’s wrong. 
Anyways, before I go off into a wild tangent because I have the tendency to talk too damn much, I’m glad that you’ve enjoyed my content and I hope you’ll continue to read and enjoy my work! It makes my day to know that I’m helping others.
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