#but like if red was friends with the wolf
melpomenes-garden · 2 days
All Things End
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Cregan Stark x Tyrell!Reader • Angst
Word Count: 576
She smells of woodsmoke, not flowers…”
When Cregan Stark had marched South with his men, he'd anticipated bloodshed and war, not to be enchanted by long dark hair and an even longer set of enticing legs. However, with the Hour of the Wolf upon him, Cregan Stark found himself bewitched by the lady Alysanne Blackwood.
Her laugh, her smile, the way she sat astride her horse…nothing about Alysanne strayed from his keen notice. And as such, Cregan sought out her company at every opportunity he could find.
The fluttering in his heart may not have been displayed with wide, besotted grins or flowery words, but when he sat in the throne room of the red keep and uttered those famously penned words -‘I claim your hand, I ask for all of you, forever’- he'd meant them from the utter depths of his heart.
Cregan intended to pass through life with the most vibrant of women by his side, one who understood him and matched his sensibilities.
Those plans, however, were rudely shattered when a paler flower barbed with thistles tore a nasty gash through the tapestry of his love story.
An insistent Maester from House Tyrell came to him, insistently waiving around documents, protesting his attempts to marry Lady Blackwood. Cregan had been incensed, sorely tempted to oust the man from his chambers, chain around his neck or no. It was, to his dismay, to no avail. Taking the documents in hand he had only to take a cursory glance to recognize his late father's mark at the bottom of the frayed page.
It would seem his father had in time past come across one lesser Tyrell and the two men had become quick friends. Before winter had passed they'd decided in a drunken stupor that should their first born be male and female, they should wed.
Why wasn't this brought to my notice before I married my late wife?
Cregan had asked a logical question. The maester had seemed hesitant to answer the stormy eyed young man, but he'd summoned his courage and cleared his throat.
There hadn't been time, my lord, both of our betters were long gone, Seven rest their souls, and this document wasn't discovered until after you'd already wed the late Lady Stark…by that time it seemed a moot point to insist on your father, and my master's oaths, but now…
Now, it seemed Cregan would be honor bound to make good on his late father's oath. Fisting the paper in his grasp, Cregan grit his jaw as he watched his new dreams go up in flames much like the ones in the fire before him.
Visions of being wrapped up in long sinewy limbs and lush dark hair that scented of earthy woodsmoke were dashed through with the sickening scent of flowers that wreaked of artifice. That bawdy tongue that spoke to him honestly to be replaced with one that spoke pretentiously.
Cregan knew deep down he was being unduly harsh in his judgments of the lady he'd not yet seen, but it wasn't to be helped. He'd marry this stranger, and he'd be civil, but Cregan would not be deprived of his private thoughts.
He'd marry this lady…this Lady Tyrell, and he'd do his duty and bed her, but he'd not love her, of that much he was certain.
How could he learn to love the scent of flowers when it was by woodsmoke that Cregan Stark was haunted?
Thank you for reading!!! Comments, Likes, and Reblogs always appreciated!!! 🥰
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onceupre · 1 day
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Chapter 1: The Story Begins! Enter: Cure Hoodie!
(Author's note: I'm not an experienced writer, this is mainly for fun and storytelling! I hope you enjoy! ^^)
~ As birds flew up in the sapphire sky, a celebration of sorts was occurring on land. A new bakery has decided to open its doors for civilians to eat their fill of pastries and breads alike.
The owners, Ichiro and Umeko Hotaru were conversing with potential patrons amidst this joyous occasion.
“Amazing, simply amazing! This bakery is just what Meruhen needs!”
“I’d say, and the theme of the establishment, Little Red Riding Hood, correct?”
Ichiro beamed with pride at the compliments.
“Yes yes, the theme was in honor of our little girl”
Umeko smiled.
“Yes, it’s her favorite fairy tale to date, speaking of… Honey! Are you coming out?”
A small brunette girl with twin braids looped around and came bustling out of the wooden structure, smiling and full of energy. She was on theme, dressed in a costume that made her look like Red Riding Hood herself.
“Welcome to Red’s Basket of Treats!” she beamed.
“How cute! Do you like Little Red?” a woman asked playfully.
“YUP! SHE’S SO COOL, SHE BEATS THE BIG BAD WOLF UP BY HERSELF!” The girl practically screamed with enthusiasm.
“HA! That’s not how the story ends…”
A boy with black hair slicked back snickered to himself with his arms crossed against his chest.
“...you just made that bogus ending up, Red!”
The girl stood silently before shifting her posture towards the boy and his blonde friend who seemed to be a bystander in the altercation.
“Yer RIGHT! I made my own happily ever after, you JER-”
“DEAR!” Umeko scolded, not in favor of her daughter’s poor choice of words.
The boy looked stunned as the girl donned in red pleaded with her mom in defense
“Heh, I like yer spunk kid!” he grinned.
“Ya got a name, Red?”
The girl looked taken aback, not expecting the warm response from the boy who just a second ago was picking on her. She smiled with a toothy grin.
“YEAH! I’m Akane, Akane Hotaru!” ~ 
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The sun shone down from the sky above and felt as warm as a fuzzy blanket on a cold winter’s night. It’s a fine spring morning in the small village of Meruhen, located in Panamaki, and the streets were crowded with its usual bustling markets
Nothing really new or exciting happens in this village: in fact, it’s the most easy-paced place you can think of.. Yes, the village filled with simple people with simple goals and simple lives was about to change.
One of the local hotspots of the village is a small bakery known as “Red’s Basket of Treats,” a little wooden bakery in the center of the village, decorated with a gifted steel sign hanging on the side of the building. It’s run by the local Hotaru family, one of the more known families in the village.
The family consists of a husband and wife, Papa Hotaru and Mama Hotaru, as they liked to be called, and their daughter who doubled as their speedy delivery girl! She’s very quick on her feet and isn’t afraid to get a little dirty on the job. The girl’s name: Akane Hotaru.
Akane is less feminine than a lot of the girls in Meruhen Village. She grew up socially awkward around any girl she knew, yet she befriended boys more easily. For this, she became more rowdy and scrappy than most other girls. She was also very… straightforward with her goals.
Papa Hotaru placed a hand on his brow and grunted in distress. “Akane, please, indoor voices. We don’t want to wake up the whole village.” he sighed with a hand risen to his browline.
“Why? More people means good business– Not that I’d care about that.”
“Akane, please!” He sighed. “Akane, I’m only telling you this for the greater good of the family business.”
“Don’t care. I got my own dreams, pops.” Akane said as she placed her hands behind her head and turned away, clearly uninterested in the conversation she found herself stuck in.
“What dreams? All you do is goof off with your guy friends!”
“Oh! So it’s a crime to have fun now??” she snapped back
“Akane Hotaru I do NOT appreciate your attitude!”
Akane’s mother enters the room, confused as to what the pair could be arguing about this time. 
“What is with all this ruckus?” she questioned
Akane swiftly turns away with a ‘Not my fault!’, clearly disinterested in taking the blame on their current heated debate.
Akane’s father, while leaving the room and situation to his wife, mutters a “Good luck, she just won’t listen”, as he forcefully SLAMS the door while exiting.
“Same to him! I don’t wanna take over the bakery!!” Akane hissed in anger
Akane’s mother pinched her nose in frustration, the same argument once again.
“Honestly Akane, we only ask of you this ONE thing. If you TRULY cared for the family name, you’d consider it…”
Akane felt dejected. She didn’t like to see her mother upset. She was usually more reasonable, but as of recently, Akane’s felt a bit unheard when it comes to her own dream.
…whatever that may be....
Wanting to be anywhere else but in her current predicament, Akane noticed something. There was a delivery box well packaged with scones behind her mother that Akane quickly pointed out excitedly, trying to change the subject.
“OH! A delivery? She asked inquisitively 
“Hmm? Yes, I was going to ask you to deliver it but it’s quite far-”
“Ah that’s never stopped me before!” Akane cut her mother off while grabbing the box and running out the door with an ‘IM OFF!’
Akane’s mother could only watch with concern. To her, what they were asking of Akane shouldn’t be unreasonable. Everything they’ve done up until this point was for her and her happiness…
“Sometimes… I just don’t know what to do with that girl…”
Somewhere in the nearby woodland, three creatures were flying hastily, as if they were in danger of being caught.
“How much farther, I’m hungryyyy ~lili”
“REALLY, we don’t have time for your complaining! ~lele”
“HUSH! Hurry hurry, we mustn't waste time, we need to find…..”
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After delivering the goods to the patron, Akane has a long trek home. She was too tired to run, at least that’s what she told herself, but really she was prolonging her return back, as she dreaded the consequences of her quarrel from earlier that morning. She walked on a path, then on a fallen log for a moment, passed a signpost with a few destinations at an intersection.
“Man….this delivery really WAS far away huh….” she mutters to herself.
Akane started in the direction of home, although with each step she grew more and more uneasy. It’s not easy to walk back to an unstable environment, but Akane just wants to be heard. She wants to be taken a bit more seriously with what she wants to do for her future….whatever that may be…
Suddenly the ground slightly shook, a tremor?? Akane got low to the ground, and waited out the sudden shaking. That was truly odd, this part of land usually never got any earthquakes, Akane thought…
With growing curiosity, and as another excuse to not return home just yet, she decided to do a bit of exploring, entering the nearby woodlands to try and see if there was a source to the sudden shaking of the earth. Maybe she was seeing things, but she could’ve sworn there was an eerie lighting coming from the woods during that tremor, too…
Through some shrubbery and thickets, Akane found herself alone. She wasn’t scared however, she knew she could handle anything that may jump out at her. At least, that’s what she told herself, as she heard three small high pitched shrieks of terror in the distance, slowly approaching her, until- BAM. Three small flying creatures hit her in the face, causing her to fall down!
Before Akane could shriek herself, one of the animals who appeared to be wolven in shape covered her mouth with a ‘SHHH’.
Quiet……..then, Akane heard what could only be described as…. A slithering sound? Was it a snake? No, this being sounded much too large. It stopped right behind them. 
“Hmmm~ Where did those three varmints go~? I wonder….” a sultry feminine voice said, before slithering off, away from the group.
Akane then had a moment to speak
“WHO-” before getting cut off with another ‘SHHH’!
“Do you WANT us to all die, ~lulu??” whispered the wolf
Akane gulped, then continued, with a whisper herself
“I ain’t no Lulu! I’m Akane, and what the heck kinda animals are you??”
And then it comes to her realization.
“WAIT YOU CAN TAL-” with another ‘SHHHH’!
“We can’t tell a simple girl like you about us! ~lulu!” angrily hushed the wolf
“This miscreant is gonna blow our cover, Lupo ~lele!” squawked the swan
“I’m hungry…~lili” Said the cub, clearly thinking more with his stomach as it growled quite loudly
Lupo then turned to his fellow fairy partners, and then to the girl who was a bit brash in his opinion
“We three are royal fairies. We don’t come from this world, girl. ~lulu”
“Oh really? Gee I thought you came from the next town over, OBVIOUSLY talking animals aren’t from this world?! What do you take me for, an idiot?” Akane puffed angrily
“Well you’ve nearly gotten us caught with your loud mouth twice now… ~lele…”
Akane got mad and screeched out without thinking
“My My~” a familiar sultry voice said with satisfaction, she had found her targets after all.
There was a swift motion in the air, as Akane looked up to realize that the top portion of shrubbery they were hiding in had been cut off by a woman…no.
A monster. One that stood up much taller than the mere human girl, by about a couple feet give or take. 
Akane quickly got up and ran ahead, quickly stopping to look back to get a better look at what that thing was. She was half human…kinda? With a serpent’s tail. That explains the slithering sound they heard.
Akane noticed the lavender scaled creature’s top half wore a leather crop top with a triangle shaped hole cut near the belly area, an emblem of sorts donned the center of the top, two scythes being held together by a red diamond shaped crystal.
The monster had deep turquoise hair pulled up into a long wavy ponytail, being held up by what seemed to be a sea urchin. Her red eyes pierced through Akane, while her darkly painted lips curled up into a wicked smile.
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The woman giggled.
“Three fairies and a girl who clearly found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time? How conveniently easy for me~”
“Uh, what? Wrong place is right, for YOU, you freak of nature!” spat Akane, thinking before speaking again
The woman raised a huge scythe up to Akane, who gulped.
“Such insolence to involve yourself and THEN insult a beauty such as me.”
Akane was a bit shaken by the giant weapon being held in front of her trembling body, was that real metal? It’s definitely not a prop, the reflective nature of the blade was far too realistic 
“Eugh, well at least you have confidence with that fishy smell you have-”
The woman’s eyes grew intense, and swiftly swung her weapon at Akane, who dodged while instinctively grabbing the fairies. She gets the sneaking suspicion those three are not in the wrong in this scenario they’ve found themselves in.
“A brat I see, and a quick one at that. Mock my beauty again and you’ll be the one swimming with the fishes, child” the woman sneered.
Akane was scared. She was just attacked, and threatened by a monstrous serpent woman. And on top of that, there are three talking animals she's trying to protect too.
“Who the heck are you??” she questioned both out of curiosity and also to gain a sense of understanding from this entire mess of an encounter.
The serpent like woman chuckled and did a bit of a glamorous pose at the question that allowed her to talk of herself, even if just for a bit.
“I am Operetta. One of the Grimm Mistresses of the Grimm Empire. And you, insolent brat, are protecting my prey. Now be a good girl, and hand over the animals, maybe then I’ll let you live with your life….for about a few seconds longer than I’d like~”
Akane was shaking, the fairies were too, unable to stand up to the beastly woman in their current state. They were seemingly at a complete disadvantage.
“N-no! I won’t let you have them. Someone who has beef with small animals clearly has something mental going on!” Akane exclaimed without thinking again.
Operetta frowned, clearly not amused anymore with Akane’s pure cocky attitude 
“Then I’ll just kill all FOUR OF YOU!” she screeched angrily.
Operetta charged at Akane with her scythe, who kept barely dodging her swings and advances, and ultimately ended up tripping, knocking Lupo away from their group. Operetta took notice of this opening, and swiftly slithered towards the excluded fairy, large weapon in hand just itching to be used.
“Oh~ Well, a fourth of the job done would still be good work~” Operetta said while raising her scythe high at the meek wolven creature, ready to strike.
Lupo cowered in fear, accepting his fate at the hands of the enemy. When suddenly Akane charged in and kicked Operetta in the gut, knocking her back and dropping her weapon in the process.
“PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE, F-FREAK!” Akane sputtered, clearly sounding more afraid than she would like.
“Lulu~….” Lupo was stunned. For a girl he judged as brash a moment earlier saved his life just now… maybe she could become….
“I’LL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THAT, CRETIN!” Operetta screamed while charging at Akane, who was too stunned to move. Operetta got close to attacking her when a high pitched scream caught them off guard.
Lupo flew to Akane’s side, as a large beam of pure white blasted down onto the two. The light seemingly appeared out of the heavens, leaving Operetta taken aback.
Operetta gasped at the sudden realization of what was occurring. 
“Damn it, don’t tell me this pest is….”
In this white space, Akane felt…safe? Like all time has stopped around her. She felt warm, and cozy, as if she were huddled within some blankets near a bonfire against a cold winter’s night. And then she noticed Lupo, who flew up to the front of her.
“Akane, right? ~lulu I am Lupo, one of the fairies and royals of Everafter Garden.~lulu.”
“....O-ok??” she could only agree, unsure of what was going on now in this moment.
“I’m recruiting you to become a legendary storybook vigilante, known as a Precure! ~lulu! It should grant you powers to help us get rid of this snakely fiend. ~lulu!”
“Pre…cure? Powers??” Akane was surprised at what she was hearing from the small wolf.
“Do you accept? ~lulu” he said, his eyes filled with resolve and anticipation to the brunette’s response.
“Would you stop calling me that!....”
Akane thought… she really doesn't have much of a choice right now, she needs to save herself and these fairies from the beastly foe that nearly had her head just a moment ago…
“Alright! I gotcha, power me up!” Akane said with a newly found confidence.
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With that, a red book materialized with a flash of light. It had gold plating on the edges of the cover, and a matching plate in the center that read “Precure Storybook”. Akane hesitantly grabbed the item, as it opened, to reveal a phrase and a slot to insert something.
Lupo reached into his little mirror shaped broach, and pulled out a charm that slightly resembled him a bit. It looked like a wolf’s head with a red ribbon held together by a pink heart jewel at the base of the charm’s center. The edges of the golden base looked scalloped as well.
 He reached out to give the charm to Akane with a proud grin.
“Use this charm and put it into the Precure Storybook, and chant the phrase written inside to transform! ~lulu!”
Akane was a bit annoyed at being called ‘Lulu’ again, but took the charm and read aloud the phrase written in the book.
“Precure! Curetime Everafter!”
Akane entered the charm with a harmonious ping, and a pen popped out of the mirror of the storybook! She grabbed it, and swirled the tip of the utensil inside the small inkwell on the left page, allowing the tip of the pen to absorb an energy, turning it into a sparkling red color.
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With that, she could draw small lines of energy onto herself, with swift and intense motions. It’s as if she had done this a million times before, but for the first time ever. She criss-crossed and swirled, adding bits and pieces of a costume onto herself, one that resembled Little Red Riding Hood, with pink ribbon accents with scalloped white edges against some portions, and peru brown ribbon crossing other portions.
She flicked up her iconic red hood around her head, incentivising her brunette hair to glow, and change shape into a pale pink, with a red gradient. After which small wolf earrings pinged into existence on her ear lobes.
A small woven basket flashed onto the side of her belt, and inside it the Precure Storybook flew, the quill pen not too far behind. The basket clipped shut with a familiar red ribbon with a pale pink heart jewel adorning the center of it.
“Hooded in red, journeying towards victory! Cure Hoodie!”
As the beam of light dispersed, Operetta was stunned at the outcome of what unfolded. The annoyance of a girl who once stood before her had now looked entirely different, and more powerful than before.
“Cure….Hoodie? As in, PRECURE?” Operetta exclaimed, in disbelief of the unfortunate turn of events on her side of all of this.
Hoodie took on a more battle-ready stance. It was time for her to let loose all of her anger, and protect the small creatures that stare in amazement behind her.
-End Chapter 1-
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moocfitab · 11 hours
You guys ever think abt the fact that while he was a wolf- Fenris had nobody.
No human could understand him.. Vikesh was dead, and No other wolfs wanted him in their pack, recognizing the bastardized version of Delta's power.. He was alone, after being surrounded by people for so long.. He was a lone wolf.
Until, he met a human that was nice, one with firery red hair that treated him with kindness, took care of him.. The two were friends for a while, until he was alone again..
Do you ever think abt the fact that He must have gotten so used to being alone?
He had met a bear for a little while, the creature treating him with kindness he hadn't had for so long.. He had hoped this one would stay.. But they didn't...
Then he was alone again, do you ever think about how the gods didn't even know how long he wandered, slowly forgetting who he was, who his loved ones were.. He forgot he was ever human in the first place..
You ever think about the fact that the only instinct he had was to from the rain inside a shallow cave..
You ever think about the fact that he stayed in there for *gods know how long* before another Human, one with hair darker than the midnight sky and a bright lantern ventured into the cave.. This human was kind, giving him steak and bringing him to the warm place..
You ever think about the fact that- For the first time in a long time, he had a name again.
It wasn't his real name, something deep in his chest told him that, but it was his name..
You ever think about the fact that this human treated him with kindness? A wolf who had been shunned by all the other wolfs.
You ever think about the fact that Void probably felt like they had finally found a pack member? After being alone for so long?
Star took care of void, playing in the snow, feeding him meat that tasted better than he had ever tasted before..
Star would lock himself away.. Void wanted to follow, to lay on the starmans chest and show him the appreciation he felt, but every night, the iron door would stay locked..
Void probably thought that this routine was simple, it was nice.. He took care of Star, just as much as Star took care of him.. Like a real pack member would.
Then, a library, one that smelt of old books and parchment paper..
Star read a book, a book that seemed so familiar to the wolf but he couldn't place his paw on it.. Until Star read that name..
Void felt himself grow, the normal wolf form he had been used to now changed, back into his old body- one he didn't remember, his own skin felt foreign to him.. He was no longer Void, to Star- To *Rae* he was Wolf..
You ever think about the fact that for the first time in what felt like eons, he was a person to someone again..?
...Yeah no, me neither. :]
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wings-of-ink · 1 day
i looked at your ask guidelines and figured i’d ask for the 3 ro we have so far (oswin,zahn,and duri), but how would they act if in a group setting, mc was asked who their favorite is, and mc said their name?? (love your writing to the moon and back 💖💖💖)
Awe, thank you Anon! I'm so glad you enjoy it! This is a very cute question, and I feel like shenanigans could break out...
Let's set the scene for this too. Say, the gang is on their travels and sitting around the fire at night. They're eating and chatting and the mood is good - things are going well. Pretty sure ??? has been observing everyone's interactions, and he's the one that asks the million dollar question - let the (cute) chaos begin....
Oswin immediately chokes on his drink - the water invades his lungs and he coughs hard. He's spilled it as well, soaking his tunic from the neck down. The others stare and Duri is snickering uncontrollably.
"Me!?" Oswin yelps in between hacking coughs. He looks to the others. For what, he does not know.
MC smiles and nods. "Well, yeah - you. If I had to pick one of you as my favorite, it's you. Always."
Oswin knows his ears are going red - he can feel the heat already. He can hardly fathom why he'd be the favorite. He's been so...
"Grumpy," MC says.
"I said, you're my favorite even when you're grumpy." They smile at him.
Oswin smiles back, and he thinks he feels the prick of tears at the corner of his eyes - no doubt from choking earlier... "Well, you're my favorite too..." he says quietly.
??? snorts, breaking the tender moment as Rune shoots him a glare. "Well, duh - as if you haven't made it obvious."
Oswin grips the hilt of his sword.
A zing of energy immediately races through Zahn as they hop up from their seat. "Me!?"
MC laughs. "Yeah - you."
Zahn doesn't remember ever being a favorite before. What does that mean now? Are they best friends? ...Are they more now? Could they be? They have so many questions and so many thoughts. "So what now?" Zahn asks.
MC shrugs. "What do you mean?"
"If I'm your favorite, do I get a prize or anything? Oh! Should we have a ceremony - a feast or something - to celebrate."
Oswin scoffs. "Hey now, you're not uniting in marriage, and this isn't a competition anyway."
??? snickers. "Says the guy that lost."
Oswin glowers.
Everyone can practically hear Rune roll their eyes. "Can you two just let them be and enjoy their moment? I'll separate you again if I have to."
Zahn ignores the others and plops next to MC, pushing Duri out of the way after a brief struggle. They smile big at MC, their heart racing in wonder and gratitude. They wonder if MC would allow a little peck on their cheek...
Duri snorts ungracefully and begins to cackle.
Rune raises a hand and lightly slaps Duri's upper arm. "Duri'naan," they say in a harsh whisper.
MC looks around at the others wondering what was so funny.
Duri looks up and sees everyone looking at them with equal parts curiosity and pity. "What?"
"Why did you laugh?" MC asks, looking a bit hurt.
Eyes shifting around from MC to ??? and back to MC, Duri fidgets. "That...was a joke right? You're pulling my leg..."
They shake their head. "No, genuinely - if I had to choose - it's you."
Duri looks back at ??? who wears a sly smile. "Is this...are you messing with me right now? Both of you? I guess I win and I should whisk you away or something then?" Duri laughs again, the sound is strained.
??? lays back on his perch. "No little wolf - no one is tricking you - not this time."
Duri meets MC's eyes as they begin to nervously pick at their fingernails. "Um...thank you. Sorry I laughed..."
MC approaches Duri with a soft smile, gently grabbing their hands to stop them from hurting their fingers. "It's okay."
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lollytea · 8 months
I love Waffles she's so silly looking. But GOD I do mourn the wolf palisman era he could have had a ouppy 🥺
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flame-cat · 3 months
doug eiffel vs dexter grif lazy-off who wins
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Brainrot = Profit
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ej-artyarts · 1 year
Day 10 - HOMIE
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"All about theatrics and evil- always listening to music made for sad people!” — MUSIC FOR SAD PEOPLE - Zalinki
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konako · 2 years
"Hi, gorgeous." Ruby hummed, sitting in front of the makeshift nest in the living room. The large wolf gave a huff, big brown eyes blinking away sleep. "Y'know, you're really cute as a wolf."
Regina licked the woman's cheek, standing up and shaking herself off, Ruby laughing as she too stood.
"Any luck transforming back?"
The wolf growled.
Ruby hummed. "Blue says the spell should wear off in a week so we're already halfway there. It'd be nice if we could get you out of this form though. Can't imagine not being able to make out with me is fun for you." She winked.
The wolf huffed.
Ruby smiled. "How about we try?"
Regina's ears twitched and she whined.
Henry came home to annoyed growling.
"Ruby? Mom?"
The tall brunette came around the corner, shirt torn and covered in fur. "Hey, Hen."
"Uh...what happened?"
"Y'know how your mom had a bad temper?"
"And now she's a giant wolf?"
"Those two don't mix well."
Henry chuckled. "What'd you do?"
"I tried to get her to transform back."
"By using her magic that's in me now."
The boy tilted his head. "You and Ma really have to learn how to use magic better."
"Listen, I actually managed to make a fireball. Emma took weeks to do that--"
"--why'd you have a fireball?"
"It was supposed to be a transformation spell--"
Angry grumbling came around the corner and there stood Regina, blanket wrapped around her naked form.
"Honestly, Miss Lucas, that was the worst attempt of a fireball--"
The two nearly tackled the woman, hugging her tightly with choruses of 'Mom' and 'Regina!'
"You're back!"
Regina blinked, realizing she wasn't a wolf after seeing her own hands. "I--oh... I am."
Ruby laughed. "Told you I knew what I was doing."
"I must've transformed back subconsciously? How does that--?"
"Same here. After a while, it just happens." Ruby supplied, pressing a kiss to her girlfriend's lips. "But, fuck, am I glad to see your sexy face, again."
"Eww!" Henry groaned.
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askethandothers · 2 years
Decided to make another gift for @pangea-the-enderman this time it's gea with the royal ender m!a bc.. Why not I kinda wanted to get creative
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Please don't ask why I'd cut off the bottom part of the paper ;_;
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glitchedfoxx · 2 years
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big scrunky man
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It’s Nice To Meet The Demon Breathing Every Breath You Breathe!
OH WHAT ANOTHER ANIMATIC RIGHT AFTER YESTERDAY’S?? IT MUST BE CHRISTMAS. Anyways. Silly thing with Bo Peep cause I’ve been dying to play with her character more often and making an animatic was a good excuse to also get the hang of drawing her! This also gives some subtle hints to her tale… wonder if it means anything more? Maybe it’s obvious? Who knows!
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erythristicbones · 1 year
baffling conversation i just had with one of my friends/i guess new coworker
me: -just sitting at a table writing-
him: you know, you'd make a cute japanese person
me: ???
him: like. i just think the people in japan would think you're cute
me, again: ???
him: i dunno man, im just saying words recreationally at this point. things to keep in mind the next time you're in the character creator of life
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shadyhouse · 2 years
“I need to make a loser oc” tagged on that post made me think of badass demon powers emo deviantart wolf type dude but with shit personal hygiene and mange and no personal skills or accomplishments. thank you for this vision I’m enthralled
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6okuto · 2 years
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here to remind you once again that friendship is still real and powerful and true and it's with every friend who remembers another's faves without getting into the media themselves
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ravenwolfie97 · 7 months
im so fucking mad at my brain for making such convincing genshin dreams i was so sure that it was real and then i woke up ;;
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