#but like it’s chu wanning i get it
skylark325 · 5 months
2Ha be like
Chu Wanning: I like him so much but I must be honourable. How can I be so shameless as to ever have feelings for my disciple? I must control my mind and keep these terrible primal instincts at bay and be happy with the tolerable bond we have right now.
Mo Ran: I WANNA FUC-no no respect him he’s my shizun i must-HIS LIPS ARE SO PRETTY I NEED TO EAT HIM-no stop it i decided to respect him-FUCKING HELL HE’S TOO HOT FOR CONTROL -i need to cherish and respect him and-SHUT UP MO RAN
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Chu Wanning, kit-tea man. (Part 2)
(for @onionlings)
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sinna-rou · 2 months
okay but WHO WAS GONNA TELL ME that luO YUNXI!!!! is cast as ChU WanNINg? I BEG YOUR FINEST PARDON?
someone’s gonna need to wipe me off the floor if Immortality ever airs because i am not ready
so you’re telling me that this
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is the man gonna be playing THE pathetic wet cat, the “no one could ever possibly love me”
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the stoic, the graceful yuheng elder
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the desperately repressed
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The White Cat, Chu Wanning????
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i’m done. deceased. wake me up when it’s out
image credits: gifs 1&2 @xiaosean - 3&4 @kimp05 - 5 @trendingdrama - 6 @yilinglaozu - image 7 @inthefaceofadaffodil (also OP of the inciting post mentioned in the tags) - 8 official image
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hualianisms · 10 months
on twitter here and here, forayuarchive has been talking about how LLH & FDB really act like an old married couple, and i couldn't stop thinking about it too. as a native chinese speaker, the level of informality, familiarity and bickering, in how FDB and LLH speak to one another (especially in the later episodes) are reminiscent of how bickering old married chinese couples are often depicted.
when FDB is angry/upset at LLH, he calls him "死莲花" - "Damn Lotus/Damn Lianhua". the way FDB says it is in a manner where you might imagine old spouses scolding one another when nagging/bickering (to clarify, it's not romantic per se, but it's extremely informal & familiar).
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for example, in ep 35, FDB calls him Damn Lotus in the note he left LLH when he went to look for the styx flower. CN fanghua fans on weibo managed to painstakingly transcribe the note (see forayuarchive's tweet about it here with the eng translation) - it's extremely informal and reads like a short note a spouse/partner would write when leaving their shared home in a hurry.
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i also still can't believe LLH calls FDB "xiaobao", it speaks for itself. 小宝 Xiao Bao (literal meaning is "little treasure") is usually something you call literal babies/children AND is FDB's family nickname for him so if you're calling a grown man that in front of his parents and his colleagues and strangers and literally everyone, then he's either your biological family or he's your bf/partner. (it's a level of intimacy that would make me feel embarrassed as a third party hearing LLH call FDB that in front of everyone😭)
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and not to mention the deleted line of FDB calling a sick/unconscious LLH "xiaohua'er". (see video & meta of the deleted line by forayuarchive here, translation of the deleted line by ttiesanjiao here). xiaohua'er is so intimate, definitely something one might call a lover 😭
(*for more name meta, see forayuarchive's twitter thread meta about all the names that FDB and LLH call one another, and in what situations each particular name is used)
in any case these are NOT what a disciple calls his shifu or a son calls his dad. these nicknames are far too informal and familiar - no son talks to his father like that and no disciple talks to his shifu like that. (now, an angry spouse however...)
(there's also the fact that FDB explicitly rejects their relationship as being anything other than that between 2 adult equals - when LLH jokes that FDB should bow to him as disciple, FDB immediately rejects the idea, saying that he was only joking about wanting to be LLH's disciple, that FDB is too old now. he firmly sees himself as an adult equal to LLH.)
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tl;dr within months of knowing each other, LLH & FDB act as familiar as an old couple 10 years married, skipping the entire courtship stage 😭
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domo-arts · 3 months
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His terrible temper and autistic swag have captivated me body and soul
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raisomething · 27 days
Happy birthday @eggsolotl !!!
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this birthday art was kinda rushed but I hope it's alright!—
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they would tbh TVT
Also if you like jiuyuan you can read their fic!
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sharknark · 7 months
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fem ranwan week 2024 || day 5 || glass of wine 🥂😎
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raddestrose · 28 days
I am Chu Wanning in the sense that I can’t keep my room clean
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fanfictionroxs · 1 year
Chu Wanning 🤝 Wei Wuxian
Inventor boys who don't need no golden cores to fuck shit up.
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anqelbean · 10 months
"Oh haha, Mo Ran fucked that old man—" that "old man" was 33 when they got together
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corduroyserpent · 5 months
Idk if you've read erha but i thought you might enjoy this thought I had: Zhuzhi-Lang would quickly become attached to Chu Wanning. Nevermind that Tianlang-Jun is Xue Zhengyong but with way more free-time and looser morals, Zhuzhi-Lang would take one look at the guy sitting quietly while everyone else parties and feel some sort of kinship. He'd see the nervous glances people throw him when he stands from his seat and admire his apparent fearsomeness. He'd be caught out in the cold one day and devote himself to Chu Wanning for lending him his cloak like he isn't prone to getting sick. Zhuzhi-Lang would fall for Chu Wanning's unintentional wiles just like all three of his disciples and it would be the end for him.
Also, Tianlang-Jun and Xue Zhengyong would have a great time together. Birds of a feather of whatever.
i absolutely love 2ha! and this gave me such powerful brainworms that i wrote a little zzl & cwn ficlet about it I HOPE THAT'S OKAY
Chu Wanning’s hands are red from the cold. It is not the first thing Zhuzhi-Lang notices once he has poked his head free from the soft white cloak that had been tossed over him—that honor goes to the intensity of Chu Wanning’s eyes—but it is the most pressing. Low temperatures can be harmful to humans. And it’s been snowing all night.  “Chu-zongshi is too kind.” Zhuzhi-Lang swiftly slides the cloak from his narrow shoulders. He doesn’t wish to lose the warmth but he’s a heavenly demon; the cold may be an inconvenience, especially being part serpent, but he can manage. He’s always been able to. “This humble one is grateful for your consideration but there’s truly no need.” “You don’t want it?” Chu Wanning makes no move to take the offered cloak. His expression grows a touch cooler. “Is it the wrong color?” Zhuzhi-Lang blinks. While it’s true that he tends towards wearing black, he doesn’t dislike white. But that doesn’t matter at the moment! The longer they stay out here pushing a cloak back and forth, the higher the chance of Chu Wanning getting sick from the weather.  “It isn’t that I don’t want it,” Zhuzhi-Lang assures. He subconsciously presses it to his chest. It’s so soft. “Then wear it. Sect Leader sent word that he and your uncle won’t be back for another hour. If you continue to wait out here, you’ll freeze to death.”   “But what about you?” “What about me?” Chu Wanning sniffs. The tip of his nose is terribly red. “Won’t you be cold?” “It’s only a brief walk to the Red Lotus Pavilion. A little snow won’t kill me.” Chu Wanning turns to leave. Then, face stern, he takes the cloak and flips it around to drape it over Zhuzhi-Lang’s shoulders. He nods once, the motion tinted with a slight awkwardness. “Good night.” Zhuzhi-Lang watches him head off into the snow. To be sensitive to the cold and still give away his cloak…what incredible kindness. Zhuzhi-Lang burrows into the gifted warmth, pulling it tighter around him, and thinks about how he might begin to repay Chu Wanning. 
and then zhuzhi-lang accidentally becomes mo ran's new worst enemy asdfgjkl
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yumemiruuuu · 8 months
“2ha moments that tainted my mind like how the Flower of Everlasting Hatred tainted his heart”
Part One because there is NO WAY that I will not have any more thoughts after re-reading and reading volume 5 like what the fuck, what the actual fuck.
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“Chu Wanning, watch me fuck you to death”
Butterfly Town corpse procession where they both switched places and STILL ended up getting paired up and “married off” together, like just fucking kiss already LAWD.
The way Chu Wanning LITERALLY HAS THEM IN HIS ARMS???? WITH TIANWEN IN HIS OTHER HAND??? BECAUSE HE LITERALLY LOOKS OUT FOR THEM????? AND PROTECTS THEM???????? anyways, I love Chu Wanning. Chu Wanning my beloved. He is literally so gorgeous and I don’t care what everyone says in that universe about him because like if I saw him, I would literally also pull off a Mo Ran and beg for him to be my shizun.
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The Xia Sini arc. That’s it. Literally my favorite arc, I WILL NOT fucking shut up about it. That arc healed something in me if you exclude the murder mysteries slasher movie elements to it. Ask me about it and I will answer every single one of your questions including the meaning of life.
MengMeng. Just… MengMeng because he occupies 28% of my thoughts following closely to Jiang Cheng who occupies 37%.
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“Ah, JIANGUI!!” and then everyone clapped.
The Lake Jincheng moment when they get drugged and put to sleep and Mo Ran having that incredibly vivid dream about Chu Wanning getting violated by someone else and so he’s enraged and is like “I’M THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS TO VIOLATE CHU WANNING”??? Like, what the hell was that?? Actually, what the hell was that whole Lake Jincheng arc????
On the topic of the Lake Jincheng arc, that whole bit with Xue Meng and him getting crushed over the fact that not only does he NOT get a holy weapon because everything was a lie, but also the fact that his previously orphaned nephew who came from such… horrible background got the only remaining true holy weapon?? I felt his pain so hard, dude. Like, Xue Meng, I feel you. I understand your pain.
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Shi Mei feeling up Mo Ran because he wasn’t paying attention to him and was being extra nice to Chu Wanning instead???? Like… what??? Can’t you be normal please???? I’m so sorry, I genuinely dislike the “sweet like honey” type characters because they always turn out to be assholes and I just can’t trust them maybe it’s also trauma and my trust issues but like goddamn Mo Ran literally have bad tastes if he liked Shi Mei I’m so sorry for saying this
Mo Ran having SUCH anxiety with his food to the point that he would literally WOLF IT DOWN in less than a day, and anything else, he hides because he’s so used to having his things taken away from him, and the relief he felt when Chu Wanning told him that there’s no need to rush because there’s always more for him when they’re eating together and just… brb I am genuinely going to cry.
The chapter title change from “This Venerable One…” to “Shizun, Won’t You Pay Attention To Me, Please Pay Attention To Me.”
Chu Wanning not knowing how to react to Mo Ran (seemingly) suddenly manifesting in front of him: “who the fuck is this child and where did he come from” ←this is totally a canon quote
“…he came with a low guttural roar.”
Mo Ran’s pronunciation guide
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Anything beyond this point is Volumes 3/4 Spoilers so…
You’ve been warned (lol)
I am never getting over looking up Yuwu and 2ha connections, ONLY TO COME BACK FROM GETTING SPOILED THAT CHU WANNING IS MADE FROM WOOD?????
On a similar note, I was looking up Nangong Si because I wanted to see official art of him and found out that not only A) does he die (I actually went through a whole bit of copium this morning in the shower ober this because I randomly remembered it and was like “no he doesn’t… wait… does he… noo.. no… nooo…) but also B) Ye Wangxi is a female????
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Now that I know about Chu Wanning literally being carved from wood, I can’t stop agonizing over Chu Wanning’s thoughts where he would compare his features to someone like… say, Shi Mei. How pained must it feel for him to have these thoughts knowing that he was MADE BY HAND. The facial features on him such as nose, jawline, chin… EVERYTHING was deliberately carved to look that way. That would honestly fuck me up so badly, especially since I also have my grievances about my appearance.
Although,,, to be honest, I actually don’t know if Chu Wanning is even aware of his own origins but IF HE DID, it probably fucks him up a ton. And I agonize over this every. single. day. Oh god, I just also remembered the part where Mo Ran specifically says to him: “Chu Wanning, are you made of wood?” Ohhh OHHHH OUCHIEEEE. VERY. OUCHIEEE.
Another thing that drove me insane is the scene in volume 3 (I’m pretty sure?) with the wontons where Mo Ran is narrating and lamenting over how he couldn’t remember what his shizun’s expression looked like when he shoved off the wontons Chu Wanning made… because he just…. couldn’t care less….. and just…. Knowing that Chu Wanning was the one who has been making Mo Ran’s wontons this entire time knowing that he would like them?? I literally CANNOT even begin to imagine the types of expressions that he could have possibly been making.
Just… like… Imagine being Chu Wanning, and you care SO MUCH about Mo Ran to the point that you are willing to sacrifice your own feelings for the sake of his happiness knowing that he likes your other disciple that is “much better looking”, and despite that, go out of your way to make him spicy wontons, even though you are not that good at making food AND dislike spicy foods. And then you make his favorite food to try to get him to cheer up even a little bit when one of your disciples (and your crush’s crush) dies and you proooobably blame yourself for it and not only does he essentially say “fuck you and your food” but he blames you and basically tells you that you’re a horrible person (which you most likely already blame yourself for and agonize over so now it also feels like someone else is confirming your sense of guilt) . Like, I would NOT be okay after that. I’m usually good at not showing my feelings but this would truly devastate me and fuck me up a lot to the point that I wouldn’t even know what to do.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Mo Ran fails to master the art of pspsps (continuation of this)
(For @airagorncharda)
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unforth · 7 months
Actually, I really wish Tumblr as a whole was less comfortable using feminizing language for gay men, especially gay East Asian men.
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Okay so if you haven’t seen, but I’m like a big fan of how so many Danmei characters have like animals that can like represent them (I just imagine them all in like some kind animal crossing world and it just makes me happy!)
So I wanted to put out a list of the ones that I’m pretty confident on, but I’d also love to hear any other opinions! I am going to put the list below the cut! I also wanted to pose two questions.
Question one: Okay so I have begun Clear and Muddy loss of water (what can I say, I’m a hopeless sapphic, it was basically a requirement at this point) and I’m not far enough in yet to come up with any animal match ups for them! I would love to hear from anyone about your opinions, what animals would you associate with Qiyan and Jingnu? I’d love to hear in the comments or feel free to message me in either tumblr messaging or from my ask box! I need to know others opinions!
Question 2: Is there other Danmei / Baihe novels that you all recommend or any poll ideas you want to see? I am all ears! Like above, reach out in the comments, messaging, or askbox! I look forward to hearing from people!
Onto my list! I am currently sticking to the official couples, though I would love peoples opinions on some of the other ships and characters!
So for Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan, I feel like there are 2 common ones. One of course is the ever popular and official on the special edition book cover bunnies, which I love! I have also seen them as a fox and dragon though, which I am not opposed to!
Hua Cheng is a fox and I have seen that Xie Lian Is a ferret/weasel, though my friend brought up that they say someone say he was really a stoat, which I personally love and agree, cute and stuff, but can also take down a bunny twice it’s size with ease, I feel like it is Xie Lian Vibes!
Shen Qingqui is a cat, and Luo Binghe is a fluffy dog, nuff said!
Mobei Jun was pretty unanimously a snow leopard, and Shang Qinghua is very much a Hamster!
Mo ran is a husky and chu wanning is a white cat ( the title totally didn’t give anything away…)
Shen Qiao is a deer is what I’ve seen most often and Yan Wushi is a wolf (GAHHH I LOVE THOSE TWO!!)
When I solidify more of the animal match ups of different characters (including the non canon ships) I will reblog the post and add them on!
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holygroundgone · 6 months
bed sharing is too stimulating, going on and on about his youthful high temperature and his scent, his unique scent, his male hormones
#'pressing his lips to the side of xie qingcheng's neck and letting the tips of his teeth brush up against the older man's skin-#meatbun are you trying to kill me?#meatbun what does he yu smell like?#what is his unique scent#see; chu wanning smells like haitang; xqc smells like medicine#and i always picture mo ran having an incredibly musky and animalistic scent; enhanced by an exotic mix of cinnamon and oud#(extremely specific thank you 🥰 i even have meanings behind it)#because cinnamon is spicy and sweet and is so often used in cooking and baking and even has medicinal purposes#and oud as the infected heartwood of a specific tree; described as black and strong and animalistic#anyways#what does he yu smell like? am i going to end up brainstorming up an incredibly specific scent for him#mo ran is never specified to have such a scent anyways but it's my interpretation and i can do whatever i want!!!!#throws a dart it's because of his demon heritage!!! he gets special abo traits as a treat for the man who mentally is already living in abo#oud is also frequently used for incense; so i think cinnamon and oud suit mo ran's dual nature extremely well#i keep getting distracted#for fun..... he yu smells like smashed blueberries; a bit sweet a bit sour a little musky#and blood 😊#the sweetness of blueberries covering up thick salty copper musk of blood#perfumes are one of my special interests; so i like to get carried away 💝#i feel like my scent profile for he yu might change as i read though
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