#but like yeh it was a very real thing that happened and I don't think gets talked about near enough tbh
dragontamer05 · 7 months
That said much as I know it's a minor detail that's probably not important in the grand scheme of things I am curious as to like what kind of mind set this world has towards handedness.
Now best case scenario would be assuming since no comment is ever made or brought about it in any context that in FMA or at least Amestris there isn't much discrimination when it comes to being right or left handed and no one gives a shit- which hey that's cool not saying there needs to be.
However on the flip side since FMA is sort of a parallel to our own world and reflecting back a lot of issues that are in our world why wouldn't it be possible for such discrimination to exist as well. Maybe it's quieter/ smaller scale compared to well the big stuff being dealt with focused on Ishval and such.
Not something the people are necessarily vocal on but might get you a side eye or otherwise unpleasant glances if scene. Most that aren't kids having long since learned either to hide and mask being a lefty or through forced teaching into having to use their right.
If you don't want to vocally have it stated just like a scene or two of Ed writing/doing something and having a background character looking at him funny idk
Mostly it's just not a topic or situation I've ever really seen brought up or used any where and think it could be interesting because as wild and dumb as it sounds to discriminate for a dominant hand it happened (happens?)
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syscultureis · 10 months
Im sorry if this isnt appropriate to ask, you dont have to answer considering you lean more anti-endo, but I dont understand what arguments are there for pro or even neutral endo? Ive honestly really tired to understand because ive seen quite a few systems now say things like "I use to be anti-endo but now ive been informed" or "I use to be anti-endo but ive been educated" and im just not getting? Whats compelling these people to start beliving in the existence of non trauma based DID? Have I just not been informed enough? I tired doing research about it but all I could really fine were people saying "Well we dont know everything about the human mind so you dont know whats posible, you cant tell people what their experiencing is wrong" (I just dont really agree with this point) or if someone just believes spiritually they have like ghosts in the brain??? (As an ashiest I just cant get behind that one) Or they seem to have a bunch of links to studies that supposably prove that scientists also believe in endos but ive yet to read all of them threw but from briefly glancing at a few of these links most of them dont even link to studies having anything to do with them. Its all just very confusing to be honest and I wanted to get someone else perspective on it.
I think most of it is people either A) being tired of getting hate and giving in and just saying they're pro-endo
B) They read the articles endos link, not realizing a majority of them are not made by unbiased people who have actually done proper study. Most of the articles I've seen endos and pro-endos link are not actually done by people who have the correct resources, or they go into a study already biased and instead of doing a double blind or keeping their biases out of their studies, they do the full study themselves and let their biases effect the results. But if you haven't taken actual psychology classes you likely don't know to watch out for these things, and it's easy to look at them and think "oh yeh, these are professional and real so they're right" even tho they're not
Or C) They doom scrolled through pro-endo shit so much that their brain started to agree with it because they were submerging themselves in the community, and when you do that with anything enough your brain will start to justify it, especially if it's causing you stress because the brain wants to solve the stress issue so it just starts to make you think you agree with what's being said
We've actually had C almost happen to us with a few things because some of us have issues with doom scrolling, but were lucky enough to be able to realize when it starts ro happen and take a step back from it
I really don't fault people for being tricked by the misinformation, or just giving up on getting hate for no reason
It's just frustrating to see people act as if because they used to be anti-endo and now they're not they're suddenly enlightened and must be right
We used to be pro-endo, and now we're not and we don't use that as a way to show our view point as the right one.
We will always encourage people to do their own research, and whether they end up pro/neu/anti endo we don't care after that as long as they've researched with actual good sources
If we could find good sources on non-traumagenic systems being possible we would absolutely change our views again, but we've looked. When we were pro-endo we were desperate to justify things, and we just could not find an actual reliable source
So yeh, always do your own research, form your own opinions, just always also make sure the research you're looking at is reliable
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Oohhh I get it now. But tbh if I'm going to be honest, at least proshippers hide their stuff away in their respective dark areas/behind safe walls and even tag and warn people about the dark content they make. Antis dont, they just invade places and engage in the said dark content just to get mad at it. At least from my own experiences from them. Idk I just see most proshippers as responsible in managing what they make, while antis don't. I actually got a taste of dark content from antis myself as a kid, in a lot of callouts made by antis lololol. And not because the proshipper were demanding their content be known. Its been like that even now actually, where dark content gets shoved in people's faces purely because an anti is trying to act like a hero. Though this is just my experience with them.
Another thing if you wouldn't mind, is that while it's true that dark content can lead to a lot of things in real life. I personally see that it has to be allowed to exist, because dark content shows the dark realities of life and that we shouldn't just leave it/ignore it. I seen victims of abuse for example, who had their experiences validated from reading dark content/about their abuse in stories. Or like the fact that a certain famous entertainment company doesnt want to show blood in their content because of "violence" in shows where kids and adults are watching, where some have pointed out that not showing even a small proportions of what violence can do (blood) will lead to a very naive understanding of the consequences of violence. Shocking because this is a western company, and the TV show in question involves guns and... you get the idea. Don't get me started on censorship and how that can get out of hand so easily.
I don't think I'm explaining this well but yeh. Dark content is needed and should be allowed to exist in my personal views, but should still be allowed to exist behind close doors and away from people who don't want to see it. You can delete this ask if it makes you uncomfortable, I'm just trying to put my two cents into this convo. But yeh, I prefer to live in a world where dark content exists and not one where its nothing but "wholesome" and "pure".
[Tone: calm and neutral]
Oh no yeah I agree with you 100%, this is my exact stance on things and is a mirror to most of my experiences- hell, I like exclusively dark content and part of the reason for that is bc I came from a psychologically/emotionally (and sometimes physically) where 'we're all just a big happy family and you're ruining it you little freak' was a big problem. Stuff that's just pure and wholesome actually makes me feel uneasy and on edge all the time because I always feel like the other shoe is about to drop, while horror is comforting because I can read the situation and know what's happening. Part of the issue in my household also stems from the fact that my dad has an issue with differentiating fiction and reality (he suffers from untreated ocd and paranoia and a whole slew of other issues), and he used to blame the stuff I was reading for making me 'disrespectful' and 'cold' whenever I dared to have a negative emotion- hence me just seeking out more and more fucked up shit so that I could vent my anger without getting cussed out (though it also was bc I wasn't allowed to watch anything over a G rating til I was fucking. 16.). Without going into more detail, he used extremely similar tactics to antis and that's why I have such a strongly negative response to them, discounting all of the times where I had nasty run-ins with them. I very much hate all of them and it is because I had to deal with people like them my whole life. It wasn't fun.
I have very few actual squicks, and if I'm in a curious mood I'll also read stuff even if it disgusts me- and hell, sometimes their are exceptions. Captive Prince is a series I'm very fond of full of rape, csa, incest, and psychological abuse, but the reason why I love it despite the content is because it is a very compelling story about how horrible all that abuse is and how deeply fucked up it can make a person, as well as how awful the victim can seem when your pov is being manipulated by the abuser. The problem I have isn't content-based as much as it is the people, and, to the lesser extent, the tone of some of what they make.
See, what soured me on proshippers aren't people who are quietly making darker content and posting/tagging it properly (those are just normal writers and artists imo), I'm talking those who proudly proclaim themselves as proship, aka the vocal few balls deep in The Discourse who make it their whole personality trait. They're mostly centered to Twitter rather than Tumblr nowadays, but the problem with said vocal minority is that they are. Well. Extremely fucking annoying, entitled, tone-deaf, and just overall awful people. Almost everyone who proudly flaunts that they're proship is so balls-deep in the discourse that they feel personally victimized by anyone who shows any negative reaction to the gross shit they're into bc that automatically means they're a puritan, when sometimes it really is just an expression of disgust. Twitter proshippers are a whole different breed than Tumblr ones after the porn ban, but unfortunatly I keep getting their arguments shown to me when I'm on the site scrolling for furry porn and its...bad. It's real fucking bad. Not as bad as antis half the time but certainly not much better in how they treat people and their personal boundaries.
It's also the people who will take content that's pretty fucked up and spins it through a fandom lens that also gets me, though most of the time I just block and move on with a bad taste in my mouth instead of getting actually angry. And by 'fandom lens', I mean people who will take a rape/abuse/etc situation and then go 'oh but what if they're a couple with only a few pokes at the fucked up elements in canon. Ex, some (admittedly few, but they exist) people ship Mohg and Miquella as a reciprocal pairing despite it being a kidnapping and nonconsensual body modification incest-for-power situation, and that just...it feels so wrong. It's just so shallow and such a bad take read on a complex situation that I cannot stand it, it makes me want to run the opposite way. I have zero authority to force people to not do things ofc, I'm not a fucking cop, but those people give me the vibe of someone who'd not help you out with an abusive partner because 'oh but his posessiveness and controlling nature is just so cute, and he clearly loves you so its okay!' and that rings the alarm bells of someone that I do NOT want to be around even if it logically means nothing.
Does that make sense? It's a convoluted mess, but I hope I made it more clear that it's not so much the content that bothers me as much as it is the people and how they use it.
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Do you have any adorable headcanons for Logan and Keegan? If you do I’d love to hear all about them!!!!
I literally think about them everyday so yeh.
Things were always very tense between them since the first meeting they had in the woods. (Tfw you've just been attacked and almost mauled to death by wolves so you look a mess but there is a cute mysterious guy who your dog seems to like so now you just gotta tap that ass.) (Tfw you just watched your teammate body slam an honest-to-god wolf and there is this rugged but cute guy staring at you real hard and also he has a cute dog so now you just gotta tap that ass.)
They actually get along rather quickly. Keegan's a private kinda guy and usually it takes a while for him to open up, but Logan was real quiet so he just had to fill the silence somehow. (He wouldn't mind sitting in silence but Logan also just s t a r e s at people in a way that urges them to speak. He doesn't do it on purpose.)
I can't actually see them having enough time to develop a solid romance, but definitely a quickly budding one, before Logan is abducted. (There's like two months between Brave New World and The Ghost Killer. When Logan+Hesh join the Ghosts to when Logan is abducted.) However, once Logan returns I can see a LOT of tension. Neither of them can really decide between killing each other or screwing. (Good lord, if Keegan gets captured and Logan gets to interrogate him it's gonna be like three degrees from a BDSM scene. /J)
Keegan keeps a photo of Logan on him all the time. He hides it, cus he kinda embarrassed about it? (Private man, again.) But he always has it. Keeps it in a waterproof baggie tucked inside his vest/jacket so it stays as safe as possible. If the above mentioned interrogation happens, then Logan is likely to find it, at which point he's gonna have some decisions to make.
Onto the less plot-thick headcanons now lmao.
Logan is a touch shorter than Keegan, so you might think he's the teddy bear, but no. It's Keegan. The man needs to be compressed like he is a panini or he gets fussy. (Cuddle fiend Hc go brrrr.)
On the topic of cuddling, Keegan sleeps really well when they're together. He just thought he was the kind of person to never really sleep well, but no. He just needed a cuddle-buddy. The fastest way Logan's figured out to get him to sleep is by having Keegan lay his head on his chest while he scratches/pets his head and hums. Motherfucker is OUT like three minutes in. Sleeping Beauty over here.
On princesses! Keegan fucking adores pet names. Not him using them on others, but others using them on him. Melts anytime Logan uses one. Honey, Dear, Love, and yes: Princess. Gets him every time. (Logan verbally saying them is an extra treat, due to the selective mutism thing.)
Keegan learned ASL before even meeting Logan because there was a Ghost before him who was also a touch non-verbal, which Logan is incredibly pleased to find out. Another reason they make quick friends and then more.
Date nights are rare because they're usually busy, but when they do get a chance they like to take it slow. Their life is chaotic enough, they don't need an amusement park to spice anything up. They're more prone to chiller activities, like takeout and a movie at home.
Regularly fight over little things, but not like legit fights. It's more like "I think orange juice is better than apple juice." "No it's not." "Well, I like it better." "You shouldn't." just because they find it amusing to mess with each other.
No pranks. Ever. Never. Neither of them can stand surprises.
Logan is a dog person, and Keegan is a cat person. This results in a compromise: They get a dog. (Logan used so many pet names to coax Keegan into it.)
Regularly beat the shit out of each other. (Play fighting. Logan has broken the bed before body-slamming Keegan on it though.)
Logan listens to music at un goldy volumes and Keegan just has to deal with it. (He has noise cancelling headphones, dw. Baby is okay.)
That's all I got for now!
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neptuniadoesstuff · 4 months
Things that somehow didn't traumatize me when I was younger
So.... Imma just talk about some pretty gorey & albiet... Mortifying stuff.. SO YEH UH! WARNING! THIS WILL MENTION OF DISMEMBERING OF ONE'S OWN HAND, GORE IN ANIMATION, & OTHER STUFF!
One of these uh... things that someone didn't frikin traumatized me was a yt vid I saw long time ago where a guy (I think) uh.... cut his own hand off in a "whats a drawing & what's real" thing.... WITH Q MACHETE! I don't think it's up on yt anymore when when I was younger IT WAS THERE! (Btw I'm very very iffy on gorey things happening irl)
Also yeh I saw a episode of happy tree frends on yt. It did kinda scare me but didn't traumatized me. (OK maybe a bit)
Also those things I saw that kids under 18 shouldn't see... well... I saw those vids as well... (Which I frikin regret still & I wish I didn't but I UNFORTUNATELY CANT FRIKIN CHNAG3 THE DAM PAST FOR SOME GOD FORSAKEN REASON!)
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mslanna · 7 months
The Devil Wears Nada
Chapter 6 of A Mortifying Ordeal ow up on AO3
Just a regular morning getting ready for a convention. Difficulty level: naked devil (IYKYK, it's a great mod.)
Strangely I wake before the alarm sounds which is in itself alarming. 'Specially 'cause I don't feel tired much. The world is warm and heavy and for a sleepy moment I wonder ifn I'm back home – tucked under my weighted blanket, forgot to turn down the heating overnight. But nah. My blankie doesn't breathe.
Reality rushes at me fast enough to give me whiplash. Oh dear. So that really happened. All of it. My face burns hotter than the rest of me which is already simmering. For hating sweating, this is surprisingly okay. Prolly because the heat is caused by devil man lying on top of me like the best weighted blankie ever.
So he's still here. Gotta put that on my small victories list. Last thing I do before blacking out is asking him to stay and he does. Gotta remember that. He feels so good. Solid. And, believe it or not, tucked my hands up on his back with his wings. I love it, let my fingers trace the joint of his wings.
"Do you always take this long to get going?" The words breathe into my ear soft and teasing. Unfortunately, he props himself up after that.
"Only when I'm comfortable."
That got a smile from him. Indulgent if I'm a judge of that.
Wanna drown in his eyes. Wanna caress that skin until it's time for bed again. Want to run my greedy hands over those swirls of ridges and smattering of hair. I tug my hands free and cup his face. An actual real devil. In my bed. Well. Whatever his plan was, as amazing as things have been, no presumed memories manifested.
Is it okay to treat your one night stand like a boyfriend? On the other hand, when will I ever get another chance? He doesn't react to the slight tugging, so I rear up and kiss him softly. "So, what's next?"
"I could ask you the same." Raphael rises and while the view is spectacular, I'm suddenly very cold and lonely. Something pinches between my legs because, however I had managed that feat, I fell asleep with cum seeping out of me. Must have been really knackered and happy.
My memory soars up and yeh, totes out of everything with bliss. Will miss the devil. Better get it over with. "I need to shower and see if I can grab a bite before breakfast closes." Running my hands through my hair. "And then I dress up again and return to the convention."
"You looked lost there," Raphael remarks and he's no wrong.
"Yesterday was the first day and I didn't know anybody. But today people will be back and now I know them."
"And you know me." Should get a licence for that smirk. Goes right to impolite regions it does.
I smile. "They know not I knew thee-"
I stop. Prolly not wise to quote Byron at the devil. "So, what about you? While I think there's some rather desperate people at every con, I don't think it's the richest pickings around here."
"I think I already have the richest pick." That red prick replies.
And I blush because of course, kind words are more embarrassing than lying buck naked before the devil with a cum-crusted cunt. At least this finally gets me going. Beeline to the shower is blocked by devil incarnate. I dare not run into him. The delays! Also, I'd like to be able to walk today.
"Sweet-talking won't get you anything you didn't have already." Trying to be suave and flirty here.
"That is where you err." He catches my chin between his fingers and smiles a kiss over my lips. He sure ain't got no problem with the rammies of being late.
But I got self-discipline, and the smithereen of that I cling to gets me into the bathroom. There's a worrisome moment where I think he might stick around and watch. Like, there's defs more aesthetically pleasing things than watching my scrubbing dried fluids from my cracks.
"I think I will investigative this Baldur's Gate 3 you mentioned. It will explain a lot of things."
"I hope you have a pocket dimension stashed away in which time doesn't pass." I grab the mat from the shower and place it before it, then reach for the neatly folded towel in the cabin and turn beet red because did he think I just pushed my bare ass up at his face? Time to ignore. "The game takes around 100 hours to play."
"Is that so."
"You can always speed up by watching vids of the important bits." For a moment I try to shrug out of clothing I am not wearing. When my head catches up with that fact, my brain restarts with a few blinks. "Anyway, I can show you if you wanna."
"After you showered." He points out.
Oh. Oop. "Yeh. And brekkers," I add as the pieces of my plan come back to me. "In the meantime-"
"I am well capable of entertaining myself," he interrupts me. "Do not worry."
"Kk. Hands off my phone tho. I mean it."
He leaves with a chuckle which isn't a promise. And we both know I'll never catch him rifling through the remainder of my apps unless he wants me to. Smug bastard. I try to shower fast. There's a number of thin cuts on my skin I have only hazy memories of receiving. Plus bite marks of deep red when I scrutinise them in the mirror. I run my index finger over the one at my throat.
None of it will show once I have my costume on. I am at the same time relieved and disappointed. A quick check-in with more private parts find them unharmed if a little pommelled. I lick my lips and quickly mess up my hair into what passes for a hairstyle.
When I return to the room, Raphael lounges in the lone comfy chair of the room – now devoid of heaps of clothing that lie haphazardly on the bed – reading. I can't remember ever being so glad I didn't write a diary. Or journal ifn I wanna sound all grown up. Not sure what a devil finds in sci-fi with eldritch horror, not to mention The Fallen is the second book in the trilogy. He looks up and rises. My skin is dry within the moment. Hot. Damn.
I slink over to the tiny excuse for a desk face red again. As if there's anything he didn't see, touch, lick already. Raphael takes it as invitation and try to ignore how he presses against my back especially when I lean over to open the laptop. Gotta remember the rammies and quencies. Gotta get to breakfast before they close. Time to talk a million words a minute and concentrate on that only.
"Here's were you turn it on," I push the power button thinking about the words I am using more than I wanted but well. At least my background isn't artistically naked devil any longer. I exhale slowly. At least the motivational is fully dressed if fully cringe.
"Be the devil you want to see in the world?" Raphael chuckles and I feel it in my bones.
"Trying to motivate to finish sewing," I get out. "Worked, too. Costume is all done. Not gonna wear it tho, mind you." I mean, how could I? With the real thing here and breathing down my neck? I think not.
"It worked in more ways than that, I would say." His lips graze my ear and I have to get outta here before I bang him senseless.
"Anyway. This is how you go online and that is the video site. You can just type your search here. Anything with your name and 'all scenes' or such should work. When you done, you can just close the lid."
I straighten and feel his chest against my back the whole way. He could take a step back. He doesn't. Puts an arm around my waist instead and turns me to face him. Who had the smart idea to show him tech before putting on pants? Doesn't matter. If he looks at me a little longer, I'd have had to change them anyways.
He doesn't look though. Plants one on me is what he does before moving me out of his way. Not sure this will work out. He's driving me crazy. And, judging by his self-satisfied face, that is on purpose. Could really do with a memory of whacking him right now. Anything to belie the fact I'm utterly gone for him.
I thrown on sweatpants and a wide shirt just so I can get going already. Raphael sees me off with a light slap on my ass. I move, mostly driven by thinking really hard about the prices of food at the con. Horrendous. Over my budget. Definitely not as tasty as the devil at home. Oh dear.
Breakfast is decent, but then I am easy to please. Give me scrambled eggs and buns and I'm happy. If there's cut fresh fruit with yogurt I m in heaven. The fruit here isn't fresh, at least the cut version isn't, so I'm hanging somewhere between. Not for long, though because I inhale my food and wash it down with two generous mugs of tea.
This whole devil in the morning thing cost me time and I don't want to be late. Not to mention that Raphael sitting in my room, with my computer watching BG3 clips is giving me all kins of feelings, not all of them good.
My own fault, really. Could have sent him off with information instead of sabotaging myself by giving him access to all my files. I'm looking at myself from outside shaking my head at my predictability and how desperately I try to go opposite directions at the same time.
I want him gone fast so the pains won't be so bad. I want him to stay forever because – gods! Why wouldn't I? He's perfect! I wanna go with him, but I can't because I'm not the person he came to find. I want to be somebody else with all my heart, but that at least is a familiar feeling.
I return to my room slightly breathless and fidgety and slam down a second keycard next to Raphael before I think better about it. "Told reception I forgot mine in my room," I say at his frown. "They didn't disable mine either. So. Here you go. Free access."
I regret my last words immediately, because the whatever Raphael did in my absence, getting dressed was not it. If he wants to put his ass on the suspicious surface of an upholstered hotel chair, far be it from me to question it. Only maybe, he will have to wash before I bite. Anyway. Well. At least he wasn't doing anything exciting? I swallow and drag my eyes back up to his face.
"My, my. You were in a hurry to return." He looks at me, not even up though he's fucken sitting. "I appreciate the thought, though I can let myself in whenever I want."
"It's different when you're invited."
Raphael raises a brow. Probably wondering what difference that is. He reaches for the white card and his hand gets close enough to my pussy for it to perk up full of hope. The devil just picks up the plastic and eyes it with mild interest at best. It contrasts really nice with the red of his fingers. I stare. I know what those fingers do.
"Anyway. I'll get ready now and go to my con. You do – whatever you please."
"I will."
He rises and for a moment I think that maybe I'm what he wants to do. I might. Even if I'd drip cum from my cunt for half a day and hate every second of that. But Raphael just looks down at me, perfectly aware of his effect. Bastard.
I huff to myself and get on with putting on my costume. Smart little me made sure it was not more layers than absolutely necessary. It gets really hot in those halls and thinking of Raphael doesn't lower the temperature any.
Quick thanks to my docs for removing my tits so I don't have to wear a binder any longer. I loved those stupid things more than life, but they do add an extra layer of mostly plastic. The things we do for love. Seems I am already used to sweating for it. Nice.
When I pick up my trustee foam war hammer I pause. Paint is already peeling off the edges. Am I too lazy to make another one? Gods yes. That fucker is a piece of work. I mean, I could have chosen a different one from the game, but the huge and decorated maul one is my absolute fave. I pry at the gold and silver paint because I can which means I have to.
"Not as sturdy as you are sued to?" Raphael's voice drops down my neck and spine hot and gravelly.
Lucky I like him because otherwise intrusion of my personal space like that gets the war hammer in the face. He really lucky because magicking the foam prop into an actual weapon would have slowed me down, not stopped me. I lower the heavy thing to the ground. No need to dent the floor. Then I turn slowly.
Hell, he's in my space alright. There's no space left which he does not occupy. Wish I'd complain but the main danger is that I just climb him like a tree again. I take a deep breath which helps a little. Not as much as I hoped because now my nose is also full of devil. What a life.
"Raphael." Ahahaha, that is not just resigned, that tone is downright sad-horny. "I can't bring an actual weapon with me. The con has rules and 'no real weapons' is one of them."
"You don't like it?" He raises a brow which doesn't make him any more readable.
My hands easily sneak around the handle again, even though I can't see it behind me. It feels good. Solid. Strong. Tempting. I turn again to raise it and give it an experimental swing. The war hammer lies in my grip with soft reassurance. It's a thing of beauty. I can't help but smile.
Well, maybe I shouldn't because that thing needs to have blood and entrails all over it. Those protrusions on the head are made to break and maim. Yet it feels no more dangerous in my hands than a dance partner.
"It's lovely. But I can't take it with me." I am glad for the no-weapons rule because I sure as hell would have arms longer than noodles if I tried to carry this hammer.
"A pity." Raphael points to my right where my slightly rumpled foam hammer appears on the floor.
The weapon I hold doesn't evaporate. It doesn't vanish when I put it down between us either. And now I kissblocked myself stupidly because I'm too short to grab the devil over the long handle. I know I only have a single braincell, but being around Raphael makes my disregard its use even more than usual.
I don't wanna seem ungrateful. Given the chance I will keep this megaton trinket and schlep it all the way home. I place my hands on the end of the handle. It fits my palms a little too well. "I'll just – put it over there with the rest of my things," I say lamely.
On the other hand, I could just stand there and stare at him for the rest of the day, but that's not very productive. Also, he needs to get some pants on. Devil dick is distracting, even if it's just hanging out. But I am being very brave about it and turn my back. The foam hammer is ridiculously light in comparison.
Then I stand in the door like a fool. Does one kiss their devil goodbye? I wanna because I wanna smooch him 24/7 all day every day. But I also don't wanna because what if it really a goodbye-kiss?
Raphael kindly solves my problem by retreating into the bathro om. I try to get the image of him squeezed in there with his wings smushed flat against the tiles out of my head all the way to the convention.
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Hey hey! I've missed your writing! Do you think you could write a story about kk3 Terry and his beloved at an event he's hosting at his home. She's a little bit sad and wants to have him to herself for a moment so she trys to provoke him and get his eyes on her by showing off some skin😏he does get provoked and ends up taking her upstairs for a little while to "fix" her dress. He knows she's a little down but gives her the well deserved attention she needs. A little steamy is you will! Thank you💚💚💚
Aww thank you anon 🤗 I can absolutely do that for you 💚 I hope you enjoy 💚
Tonight was the night of Terry's house party for all his friends and workmen, he had been planning this for a long time and you were both very excited. You loved events like this because it gave you a good excuse to use make up and wear one of your many gorgeous dresses Terry had bought you. He was all ready in his cream and red coloured suit, and you had just walked out in one if your favourite blue dresses.
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"Wow baby girl! You look absolutely stunning" "Thanks babe, you are looking very nice yourself" He gives you one of his cheeky smiles before planting a kiss on your lips, and his hand resting on your hip. "There are days where I look at you and think to myself, how the hell did I manage to land you" "That's because your the most wonderful man I have ever known babe....plus your 'stamina' is insane!" You both share a little laugh, he knew he was good in the bedroom, but hearing you say little things like that really made his day. "Oh yeh baby, this is all for you-" Terry us suddenly cut off by the sound of the front door bell ringing. "The first people are hear! Are you ready baby?" "Absolutely, let's go"
The evening was wonderful, there were nearly 30 people there and everyone was having a nice time. There wasn't many chances for you and Terry to be close to eachother, but that was mainly because his business partners were pitching ideas and keeping him busy. And you knew a handful of people there too so you were charging to them as well. You were just getting another drink from the counter when a young woman approached you, she looked about 20 years old and she was wearing a very bright pink sparkly dress. "Hey!" "Hi, I'm not sure we've met before. I'm Y/N" "Hi Y/N I'm Gina! I was just wondering if you've seen Terry around?" "Oh yeah, he's just talking to that guy over there by the indoor fountain. It he looks really focused, if I were you I'd wait to talk to him" "Oh really? I was really hoping to get him alone" "I'm sorry?" "You know...have you seen how sexy he is?! I'd love to see if I could try my luck with him. And the fact that he's super rich too is amazing!" Is this girl for real? You really try to keep your cool and tell her what the deal is. "Gina, that's not going to happen I'm afraid" "What? Why?" "Because I am with Terry. He's my fiancee, hear the ring to prove it"
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Gina gasps when she realises what is happening, she feels embarrassed as well as many other emotions. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't realise!" "Its ok Gina you didnt know, I was just being honest with you" "Oh god I feel so bad, I thought you were his assistant, or maybe his cleaner?" "You thought that?" "Well yeh, you also seemed to be a lot older than me and I thought he would want someone olde-" "Wait wait wait, how old do you think I am?" "I don't know, 35 maybe?" "I'M 27! I'm only one year younger than Terry!" "Alright maybe I got that wrong-" "Did you just come hear to try it on with Terry? Tell me the truth" "Kind of yeh, but-" "But nothing. Adam!" One of Terry's bouncers approaches you. "Adam would you please escort this girl from the house, she is not welcome hear" "Of course miss L/N" "Hey hey wait! I didn't mean-" But she couldn't finish her sentence before Adam dragged her out of the house, leaving you feeling quite sad about the whole thing.
You just stood there agsint the kitchen side, everyone else was enjoying themselves while you just held yourself as this overwhelming feeling of insecurity came over you. You could see Terry talking to someone on the other side of the room, and you were in desperate need of some comfort from him. When he looked over to you, you try to catch his eye by pulling the strap down a little from your shoulder, this definitely got his attention.
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But he could read you like a book, your body said come hear, but your eyes said please I need you. "Would you excuse me Harry? My fiancee needs some help fixing her shoulder strap of her dress" He leaves this man and walks straight over to you, not caring who tried to talk to him as he walked past, you were his only priority. "Hey baby, come on let's go somewhere a little quieter shall we?" You give him a silent nod as he delicately took your hand and guided you to the stairs. "Edgar, please make sure noone comes up the stairs to the next level of the house. Me and Y/N need a private conversation" "Of course Mr Silver" This was another bouncer in Terry's house, he had a few, and Edgar was making sure noone was snooping around his home. Once Terry took you upstairs, he opened the bedroom door and yly both walked in once he closed the door behind him. You sat on the bed twiddling your thumbs when he could see something was up with you.
"Baby? What's the matter?" "Terry...do I look old?" "What? Of course you don't, your younger than me remember? Why would you think that?" "I don't think that but, there was this girl downstairs who didn't realise I was with you, and she was quite open when she said she liked you and wanted to get you alone" "Seriously?! I hope you told her that I belong to you!" "I told her that I was engaged to you yes, but she thought that I was way older than I actually was, and she thought I was your cleaner, not your fiancee" "How dare she say that to you! How old did she think you were?" "She thought I was 35" "35?! Your nowhere near 35! I'll make sure she's removed from this house right now!" "Terry it's ok, I've beaten you too it. I asked Adam to take her out of the house" "That's good, I'm glad you did that. Baby listen to me" He says kneeling down infront of you and holding your hands in his. "Don't listen to what that stupid girl said ok? She was probably just jealous because she knows that she can't have me, I'm yours and only yours, and that's the way its going to stay. And by the way, weather your 27, 35 40, 60 or even 100! I'll always love you and that will never ever change. And by the way, 35 isn't old at all"
"I know, I know...it just put me out of sorts that's all. I just wanted to have you to myself for a few minutes. It always makes me feel better" "Aww my poor baby, come hear" He kneels up a little and gives you a sweet hug, it was instantly making you feel more at ease and relaxed. What you weren't expecting though, was during this hug, Terry started kissing your shoulder and down your arm. "I'm sorry baby girl, but your just so beautiful that I can't help myself. You know...Edgar is on duty downstairs making sure noone disturbs us. Why don't I spend this little time we have, making you feel better? I can show you just how lucky you are to have me, to be the only woman who will ever have me..." "Terry....that sounds like a very good idea..." He gives you a delicious smirk before he locks his lips with yours, he could always make you feel light headed weather it was a kiss or more. His hand comes up past your thigh and up to your chest, he slowly and gently pushed you to lie down on the bed as he stayed in place, still kneeling inbetween your legs.
"This dress your wearing is giving me this primal feeling inside baby girl, but...we also can't get you too untidy can we? It's better to keep this dress on" "I don't understand? How can-" He stops you mid sentence by grabbing your hips and pulling towards his chest in one quick pull. "Were going to have to look presentable when we go back downstairs don't we? So just lie back and enjoy..." His finger pulls your underwear to the side, and be slowly round his tounge agsinst your sensitive and swollen clit. It makes you shudder and he starts going a little faster, just giving you a moment to get used to his tounge. But it appears he simply can't control himself as he buries his face inbetween your legs and holds you closer by grabbing your hips and not letting go. No matter how many times he does this, it always feels electrifying, and you know your hips are going to be bruised by his fingers but you were so far from caring. A strong orgams starts to build as he tounge shows you no mercy, and your grab and pull at the bed sheets, desperate to hold onto something as it builds more and more. You wanted to pull at his hair, but you know if you did, it would mess it up, so bed sheets it is.
"Oh jesus! God Terry!" You try so hard to keep the internal scream inside of you, but when he makes your legs shake and your body feel waves of ultimate extacy, you can't control yourself. He never let's go and he never stops despite you writhing on the bed and moaning and whimpering. You didn't think you could cope with this orgasm, that was until he finaly stoped after making you feel another 2 earth shattering orgasms. You were lead on the bed trying to catch your breath as he leaned up over you. "My god baby girl, you taste so sweet. Let's take a few minutes for you to get your breath back and we can head back to the party. Bit don't worry, when everyone goes home, I'll give you even more of what you deserve, and there will be no need to hold back either" "Now that Terry, sounds like a very good idea..."
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Chapter 17
Word Count :2296
There’s not much warning needed for this chapter it’s all just talking and understanding unless honestly needs a tag then it’s fine
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Matty's POV
I spent a lot of time that afternoon in my room, I'd received a few texts from Ross asking if I'm okay and if I'd told my mum what was up, I told him that everything was good and that my mum knows but that I never told her about the coke use yet because I can't do it yet, As well as that my dad phoned me just telling me that he's proud of me , and that he's always going to be there for me , I'm his son and that he loves me and that he'll speak to me once he's home because I hopes I'll talk to him a bit more I you know all that stuff , and I thank him and chat to him for a bit about what he's up to at work. Later on that day George messaged back
"Good afternoon love , I'm sorry to hear that everything's been all over the place for you today, I know that your struggling but once I'm home we can call again and talk about what happened , I miss your voice and your face", This is when we start Snapchating again because honestly I miss his face too. After seconds of seeing his face appear on my screen and face splitting grin appears on my own face, I sent him back a picture of myself so he can see me, I might not look or feel the best right now but I understand that and he's not going to see me as any different. We snap chatted all afternoon about nothing and everything all at the same time . Right now we're talking about a game that we'd like to play
"Yeh oh my god did you hear that street fighter 6 is going to be out soon, apparently it's got new game modes coming out aswell", Video games is always something I can talk about from dawn till dusk , losing yourself in another world , and if you mess up you can try again another day nothing to be anxious about. Very different from real life.
He snaps right back that smile of his makes everything in my life just feel like it's a million miles away and I don't have to worry about it "didn't it say that it's got like a new mode where your like touring the world and you can play against others online right ?". If he's anything like me this game is going to melt our brains when it comes out , I know it's literally just an online game but I've played every single one, and I love them all, Any new realise melts my brain, I get lost in them for days , there were times when I was younger the guys would come over and we'd cabin ourselves up in my room and we'd play every walk through of the game and make sure we'd find every single hidden gem and watch people play them online. Those were the days, where my mum would come in to make sure we were all okay but we'd be too engrossed in the game to even notice she was there or we'd all be passed out on the floor because we'd been awake for two days straight, my room would be an absolute midden. When there parents came to pick them up I'd sulk for hours, cry to my mum because I'd want them to come back, always been the sensitive kid I guess. Then I'd be so tired that night I'd sleep for hours and wake up at like lunchtime the next day and my dad would spend all day trying to cheer me up. Come to think of it I'd always been sensitive , I know I'd cry about stupid things as a really young kid, I'd built a fort with my dad when I was maybe 4 but when we had to take it down I'd thrown the biggest conniption fit, screamed the place down which in turn caused my mum to have to buy one of those silly little TP tents for my room which I still have now.
A few moments later I get another Snapchat through from George "are you still there love" , I blush at the use of the pet name , I feel like that will always make me blush I then snap a picture of myself and reply
"Sorry darlin , I was just thinking about stuff and got lost in a day dream , but yes I did read that somewhere" I send it off and decide to get dressed , I just noticed the time , Louis will be home soon and probably will want to play for a while. I slide on a yellow T-shirt and some black shorts. Just like I'd said Louis knocks on my door and slides his little head round the door "Mummy said you were sad so I was wondering if you wanted to play angry birds that always makes me happy". He comes in now and climbs onto my bed waiting for me to sit with him.
I skulk over to him and sit next him "come on then show me how to play" , I hand him my iPad and slide onto the bed properly , leaning against the headboard and pull him onto my knee, He easily navigated his way through my iPad finding the game he needs , watching his little hands working there way through the screen.He pauses for a moment to look at me "Why are you sad ?".
I tap his head and play with his hair "it's okay little man we don't need to talk about it , I'm just being silly , how about you show me how to play". The games page loads up. He turns back to it and starts showing me how to play. I know how to play but he loves this game and I love watching him play. George replies midway through this game . I open it he must be on his way home now because he's outside and the sun is shining , brightly into his eyes making them shine "what where you thinking about love". That brings a smile to my face, I snap a picture back of me and Lou he's sat on my knee and he's too engrossed in his little game to notice that I'd taken his picture. It's actually a sweet one, I save it. "Just reminiscing about how I've always been a kind of sensitive guy really, we can talk about it when you call later if you like" . I put my phone down on my bed and pull Lou close to me hugging him "I love you little man"
"I love you too Maffu" , he hands me the iPad means he's struggling with this level , so I take it and I show him how to do it talking him through it "Fanks, you're really good at this , you can do the next one too" , we go through a few more levels together taking turns , George has replied but I'm lost in my time with my little man.
I pause the game after a while "Hey kiddo, do you have homework", I know he's only young but he might have class reading to do and I love hearing him read he's such a good little reader. "Go get your bag and I can help you with it yeh ?"
"Okay", he jumps off the bed , scrambling to go get his bag , while he's gone I reply to George, he's still stood outside but has a joint in his hand "If it's something you'd like to talk about then we can , how's the little man ?" , he's so darn pretty , how can some that looks like a literal angel just be allowed to walk the earth and not have a partner like it doesn't make any sense. The fact that he cares about me and even ask about Lou is also something that I can get down with
I snap back , I'm probably blushing because the picture he sent was really pretty , "I would really like it if we could talk about it , also he's doing grand , we were just playing angry birds , im about to help him with his homework , you look really pretty today by the way George x" , I hope that makes him smile even just a little bit.
He replies instantly he looks to be home now, he's sat on his couch has his headphones in and there's a tinge of red adorning his cheeks and he's smiling "says the pretty boy on the other end of the phone , would you like to call when you've finished with the little man then !?x"
I send him just a quick text this time because I can hear Louis running back up the stairs shouting to my mum that I'm going to help him do his homework "I'd like that alot x" , he send back just a quick alright then I plug my phone in to charge and then loius comes running back into my room "I got it", we end up setting his little books on my desk and he climbs up onto my knee so we can read his book, I remember reading this one when I was his age. He's reading away, he gets stuck on a few words but he honestly does so well , it's only a small book , ten pages at most but I'm so damn proud of him. This grown up little man is going places. The next part of the homework is where the issues began , neither of us a very good and maths it may seems, I'm trying to help him with his times tables as he has to learn them before he moves up to year three , I'm doing my best to try and help him where going through the 8 times table because that's the one he struggles with , and although I'm 17 going on 18 years old , I really should know my 8s but I don't not by heart anyway. I start panicking when I'm trying to explain how to do it, because I can tell he's getting upset about it , again another similarity we have is we both get upset quite quickly over small things , it's stupid how fast I get panicked over this and it's even more stupid how quickly we both get frustrated at it. I do try to keep my cool but eventually after about half an hour where both just frustrated messes and I don't want to see him upset anymore so we pack his things away and I let him go play for a while. I go to talk to my mum. I make my way down the stairs to see that my mum is working in her office but my dads home and sat on the couch flicking through the channels
"Hiya dad", I stand at the doorway slightly flustered, I lean against the door frame. I can feel myself getting a little twitchy but I force it down
"Alright yungun, what's up?", he's looking at me , I can see he's a little bit on edge trying to work out what's going on and trying to figure out if I'm okay.
"I just um came to tell mum something but she's busy so could I tell you ?", after I few silent moments I stride over to the sofa and sit next to my dad. "I think , I may need a little bit more help than mum thinks"
"Why's that yungun", he puts the remote down and sticks it on the arm of the chair. Paying close attention to me now .
"It's just everything stresses me out , small things that mean nothing to anyone, and when I get like that I can't do anything. It's like I try to speak but when I try it's nothing but a squeak in my own head , like I'm living in a house with just three walls and everyone can see me falling apart" . I don't want to cry right now, I can do this , I can have one conversation about how I feel without crying Jesus I need to do it "like everything is changing , there's this pressure in my head that's telling me I need to keep everything the same and not let it change and obviously I can't do that and when it starts getting to much my whole system just shuts down and I feel like I'm gunna explode" , I take a breath that I'd been holding , letting out a sigh at the same time rubbing my hand over the back of my head violently.
"Hey yungun come ere", he pulls me into a tough hug, his strong arms holding me still as I am still trembling "we'll get your sorted won't we, you just need to keep doing this , talking about what's going on"
"I'm trying dad I promise I'm trying", once I've pulled away I give him a soft smile and thank him for listening, on my way back to my room my mum calls through to make sure I have my cheeseburger so I do I pick up the paper bag and bring it up with me and slowly make my way through it, I know it's literally just a cheeseburger and kids eat them but it takes forever to get through, it takes an age actually. I don't feel that great after it, bloated to all hell actually but I guess that's my own fault. I ponder for a while why it's so hard for me to just do things that I'm supposed to do to live bit I think about it for long because if I spiral I won't bounce back for a while
"I'm ready to call whenever you are Georgie x"
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the-firebird69 · 22 days
Really The medicine is on won't last forever the lipoma won't last forever but if it starts melting away like it did and his fecal matter starts turning light and it did a little bit recently and it's because when it breaks down it comes out if it doesn't too rapidly he could get very sick now it is going to be interesting because it has to be done carefully if it comes out too fast it will mess up his bio production temporarily it's just a signaling it doesn't affect the body too much at this time there needs to be opened so if it comes out and it's floating around in a small dose of uranium or radiation it's it will probably just that stuff which is a good idea it's kind of happening that way you got a pretty good dose today but it was earlier on and he didn't notice he was getting it on the ride over and in the afternoon it was lower and that's the cycle only takes an hour or two and then once released get hit and it went from about a 1.2 to a 0.3 to a 0.1 and that's what he needed it does it every time this is not easy to do we do believe that he is under extreme duress and we do know from who and we are going to stop them and we're gonna stop them now they're kind of sick of it. There's some other things that are happening we're approaching nightfall and a new set of events will occur in the West. We are ramping up to meet them with any force necessary if needed as it is we are in need of making things and we don't need their interference
--- We are sending a ton of whiskey to them it's a huge amount huge amounts of whiskey I going to them it's probably about a month supply to California it's leaving the Midwest right now and it is headed towards the East Coast the South and the West Coast and some to Mexico We have a huge shipment of it OK it's enough to supply those areas for about three days but we are shipping shipments everyday mostly the same size and we were told that we probably would have to ship it everyday and we probably will never catch up and we think they might be right people are consuming more and more of it we're making humongous batches Enough to supply the Western continent for a few days and we're gonna continue doing it as demand increases we also have other products that we're making it's other alcohols they're making rum and we're making scotch whiskey we are making vodka and tequila a lot of tequila by the way yes mostly South America and a lot of rum nearby FL huge amounts Will they make about 20 specialty alcohols on top of the basic alcohols and big brands the small ones can't swing. it we're also making a lot of beer and they are decent beers. And we're making enough to supply the entire perimeter for a day each day and we are not ahead of it and demand is going to increase twofold probably today and threefold tomorrow and it's going to be intense. We have a lot of customers looking for the brands of the two we now have a lot of people interested in being management and we will start hiring people and paying them to try and get it going and our son and daughter say it's not real brain surgery they start making it in a solid to your own areas that's why you would make it. There are more things we're doing but we're going to print
Thor Freya
we dont go crazy on eacch ohter and you say it well ok dont mean it and yeh ok you see
Hera and mop was one you jerk lol
hmm ewll i say a mistake of miine and it is ok i say Hera yes me ok and you said that ifrst part good
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irdk6969 · 25 days
well i saw them too and personally in my opinion i don't believe the allegations at all listen Atticus is my favorite MBAV actor and celeb crush from the cast cause i think he's cute hot and funny plus i don't think it's real and true and that the video is just about a woman scorned because there's nothing sexual like nudes posted if that was the case i'd believe it and not support him anymore but no i still do another thing is he's not even been to court and taken to jail to prove it so until that happens i'm on his side plus he's never treated me or talked to me that way as a fan ever so i still like him and will continue to no matter what anyone else thinks
WHOA SRY I DIDNT READ THE WHOLE THING I JS SKIMMED THAT WAS VERY RUDE OF ME, MY APOLOGIES!, I like the cast 2 but I will support the victim 1st, if it was not true I would b sorry that I believed them in the 1st place but there isn't rlly much I can do so yeh
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tobeornottotc · 2 years
So do you think vegas was attracted to Pete from the start & just had manipulating Porsche on his mind to do anything about it ??
Yeh I think both Vegas and Pete have been very attracted to each other for a while I would say Pete more but once Pete was in his vicinity yeah Vegas was hooked by him too, and he acted on it, he made it known, he played around with it, and he wanted to use the attraction to amuse and keep him distracted, however yeah Vegas's focus was always on his father's love and ambition to succeed and take over Kinn and become the head mafia family instead, to bring his father to victory and to make his father stop hurting him. That's the focus for him in the show, to make his father stop hurting both him and his brother, and Vegas has been obsessed with that and Porsche was one of the keys as it's one of the jobs his father gave him to do, and we know his past with that that he always fails doing that (hedgehogs) and he gets berated and abused for it, so I think Vegas had no choice but to have Porsche only on his mind, and not to focus on anything that was going to ruin his plans, because again Vegas may be attracted to Pete but he was always being there ruining his plans, trying to stop him from eating with them in episode 5, spying on him and then ruining and exposing everything after ep 10, so Vegas was always on edge with Pete because his loyalty to Korn/Kinn made him an enemy hence why he always switches or becomes brutal each time he thinks Pete shows that loyalty which is what made him snap in episode 13, and go back to calling him a pet. So yeah essentially Vegas has been wanting and attracted to Pete from the start but he doesn't have time or energy to put into the things that do intrigue or interest him unless they force themselves to get his attention and that's what Pete's spying does, it opens up that door a potential/risk to his plans and so he starts to then act on that need to touch, see or seduce him, and we see that happen immediately after episode 6. With Pete, same but different, Pete's own thing is loyalty and need to be seen as the good guy, his legacy and reputation being honest and cool, however he also knows and has been into Vegas from probably the moment he knew of him, I think people don't get this cause it's very subtext but show Pete is into Vegas pre the spying and he is attracted to him and wanting him he's always seen and noticed him and just left it at that, he gets nervous, and crush like when he's near him and I really am suspicious about why they keep letting him see VegasPorsche moments, will this build up to something in episode 13? cause most changes have been to do with that, him always seeing VegasPorsche work together, flirt, or escape. It's interesting. Pete regressed immediately after he acted on his attraction because he got chained back up and his fear of being used by his enemy was stark and real and he also felt the safe house wasn't permanent or healthy to stay in, this is all to do with that need for his duty and obligation and his reputation to be good, and that's what broke him. That's how Pete survives though his own issues, and Vegas on the other survives his by focusing on pleasing his father which is why it's refreshing to see them move from regression to growth at the end of episode 13, without fully knowing where the other one is at. Man I love them
Thanks anon, hope this long winded answer helped, yes they both are attracted but their survival adaptabilities are in the way and it's making them miscommunicate and misunderstand and hurt each other, and it's been what's been holding them back from acting on it. Episode 13 finally exposed those things and showed them they want each other more... so we'll see where they go from there cause now it's time for Pete to tackle his loyalty and duty issues. And Vegas to truly cut away from his father that will be powerful indeed. Hope you have a good day anon.
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nysus-temple · 2 years
BEHOLD ! My bullshit... Again.
i probably shouldn't be showing this and keep it a part of my private life, but have ya'll heard of Miitopia? No? Great. Then this will be worse, have fun listening to my... thingies !
If you own a Switch i REALLY recommend getting the game, you could literally make your cousin fight your cat if you wanted to, you create the characters of the entire game and the gameplay style is REALLY fun.
In my case, well, i have two teams: the main gang of this blog and a Greek heroes gang. i apologize for the randomness. Also money doesn't grow on trees and therefore i don't have a way to post the direct screenshots from the game, so i apologize for the bad quality since you can't see very well the details and the effort i put onto them. Cries.
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Apollo is a mage! ( come on, it fits him ) He has a little drawing of the Sun around his left eye and loves shiny things !
Artemis is an archer ! ( well, an elf, actually, since only that class allows said unit to use a bow ) You know all the times she's represented with a moon around her head? Well, she has one on her forehead and the bow she's actually using is called a Moon Bow.
Hermes is a warrior ! ( i WAS gonna make him a thief, but it was a weaker class and for me Hermes is strong as hell, but with a good heart ) He has freckles messy hair and i love his armor. Can't say the same about the sword, but out of all of them, it's the one that fits him the most, so here we are.
Dionysus is a chef ! ( because him slapping enemies with a frying pan is pretty neat, it's something he would do ) i wanted his hair to be longer, but it was very similar to Apollo's, so he ended up like this. His frying pan is purple because who doesn't associate Dionysus with purple. ( no it's not because of the grapes )
Now, the second team, THE HEROES !
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i don't think i ever got to say who were my favourites... so here they are xD
Odysseus is a scientist ! ( he WOULD be one if he could ) He throws a literal black whole onto enemies and the jar he uses is the closest thing i could find to a vase, or an amphora- yeh.
Medea is a mage ! ( like Apollo, but what else was she gonna be? A cat? ) For some reason i made her blonde, she's... NEVER depicted as such, if i'm aware. i apologize for that.
Atalanta is a warrior ! ( LIKE HERMES I KNOW but what else could she be? A tank? ) Again she's never depicted as blonde, as long as i know. And even worse, who wore twintails back in those times? No one. But here she is. Being something. i was trying really bad to be creative.
Perseus is a thief ! ( THANKS i'm aware this should have been Hermes' class, it's just very weak and not that useful, as i said ) He has freckles just like Hermes, because i thought that was nice. i also love his clothes.
Some shenanigans that happened in the game:
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The main bosses were Cronous and Chaos using Rhea's face. And believe me, that was pretty funny to watch.
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Apollo cooked something for Hermes, but apparently he got the sugar and salt wrong and it didn't end well.
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Odysseus and Medea were on that boat, but Odysseus started doing acrobatics for some reason and fell. Medea didn't feel like rescuing him, apparently.
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Dionysus and his mom, Persephone ! Her hair strands aren't white, they're a more light purple, it's the camera dskdjkdf
Also, yeh, they have a horse. i named him Pegasus like the one we know, his bestie is Perseus and he only shows his wings with Apollo because no one else can imitate Zeus' fury and start throwing lighting towards the enemies except him. No, that's- for real. He does that. Also he has horns because... Horns !
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Persephone's eyes are really pretty and i wanted to show them too
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The story of this picture is Dionysus holding a very, VERY big gurdge towards Apollo, to the point were he didn't want to attack the enemies ( Achilles moment? Kind off ) and Hermes had to, literally, slap him in order for him to stop behaving like that.
He still didn't forgive Apollo until THREE days had passed. Holy.
BONUS ! My hermenysus scrumbs:
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Imagine lurking through the "greek mythology" tag and you find... This.
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rosesastrology · 3 years
Do you have any tips on improving your mental health?
As always, the standard answer I give you is therapy and/or coaching. But as for my personal experience, I have a few things. Even so, know everyone is different!
Work on identifying the emotion that's bothering you most. Emotions are like plugs to your motivation to do anything, the brain tries to be efficient. It doesn't necessarily try to do what's good for you. Note that 'dumb' is not an emotion! No, neither is 'stupid'! Work from core emotions: Shame, guilt, anger, sadness, grief, shock, joy, etc. You can still keep those other words in mind, but yeh
Notice if your mind tells you particular things about yourself or you act in ways that insinuate certain things about you. As in, "I can always be better" is sometimes just "I'm not good enough" wrapped in sugar. Now notice that the concept of "good enough" has been taught to you, and there is no real "enough", etc. You can work from these sentences and it's really weird, and will take time before you notice it. All these emotions come from a time and place when they were adaptable and needed. And sometimes your core issue is also your driving point. I've met so many successful people who are successful because they hate themselves and can't afford to take a break, because they always feel like failures or like theyre behind the curve. The reason it stays is because it drives them to be better in the material world, to demonstrate their worth, to prove their mind wrong over and over. It's a game that can't be won. Even so, it's adaptive, and in a way it helps them.
When did you start feeling [that way]? When were you taught to feel [that way]? When was doing that toxic thing helpful for you? How does it help you? Who taught you it? Are there memories coupled to it?
If you notice you have repressed emotions, it's healthy to process those in a manner where you still try to hold compassion towards yourself. Meditation also helps (in my experience) with loosening up those emotional knots. Don't try to process all your traumas or emotions at once, give yourself time and space between it. Emotional processing is very tiring.
Even when you notice you have an issue, or notice what you're doing is bad, know that it probably won't change overnight. All you have to do at first, is notice it. Notice what emotion is driving your actions, what memory. And then you can be like "This is 6 y/o me who is trying to protect me, because I was told I was never good enough by my parents at that time." And u can even comfort yourself like "Bro, I know you're looking out for me but we're safe now and you're here. I'm proud of you." Idk, talking to myself in 2nd person feels less cringy to me than 1st person. Also, that example was random and not personal/disclaimer dhkdkd. If you can't be nice to yourself, you can be neutral! "No 6-year-old deserves to feel ashamed of themselves."
When you learn to be nicer and more compassionate towards yourself, eventually you cultivate a nice voice. Sometimes that nice voice will try to fight the mean voice. Don't fall into this, be a spectator. Notice it's happening, and then be nice to both—they're both looking out for you. No, unfortunately killing your demons or trying to smack them with a bat doesn't actually work.. just makes 'em more hurt💀.
I've said this multiple times, but interviews by healthygamergg have made such a difference in my mental health. Especially when I first found them. You can find them on Twitch and YouTube❤️
This is just general things that came to my mind.. Also, watch this if you're even thinking of attempting any of this.
This is just what's helped me personally, and maybe it'll help some of y'all too~
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raplinesmoon · 3 years
Okay, I think jinkook would be for desi-boyz, for 3-idiots maybe the maknae line or joon/jin as rancho, suga as raju and hobi as farhan.. I think jimin/tae would really suit any srk character because they have a very natural/genuine flirty charm with is a must for romance flicks.. 94 line for student of the year —munda 6 foot da *kukkad plays* that's our boy joon right there! Or even tae/jk? Or tae/jimin?
I don't why but suga or jin for lootera(?) Jin/joon for ra one —I've watched one too many chamak challo edit on instagram for the boys. Tae for jab we met.. koo for wake up sid and rockstar —i think jungkook really could take up any role because he's such a versatile personality in real life that I think it'd translate well over screen too. You can have him as a Don, as ranbir in yeh jawaani hai deewani or even barfi or tamaasha or rockstar or bachna ae haseeno. I think jungkook could pull off many ranbir kapoor movies. Joon/jin for Krish, those broad shoulders and physique is required for the very few superhero-ish movies that we have. Again Jin for Dhoom 2, I can see him being the white sculpture in that museum very clearly! Hobi or Jimin for Kaabil, Jinkook for war, Jin for guzaarish, Joon for ghajini, Jimin for fanaa, tae for Taare Zameen par!
I haven't really watched much bollywood movies in the recent years 😅 so all my thoughts are from older movies —but I'd like to know what you think, maybe on a later date I'll make a better list and send in another ask but this all from the top of my head!
I hope you are doing well and thank you giving me a good brain exercise while I commute to university 😂
OMG HELLO HI!! I just want to say, I appreciate how you went in on this ask and left no detail untouched! It was so much fun to read.
I'm gonna put my response to everything (yay!!) under the cut:
2) Rapline as the 3 idiots pls 🥺🥺🥺. I think Joon is perfect as Rancho... just the right amount of cute and awkward. I think Yoongi seems like more of a Farhan to me though!! I always see him as the introspective one.
3) YESSSS.... I always imagine Tae as Raj from DDLJ (this is partly based on that clip of him playing the violin in a beret lmao) but he fits the nostalgic romance vibes so well. I see Jimin as more of the flirty, fun SRK roles like Dil To Pagal Hai or KKHH!
4) 94s in SOTY would be so interesting! I can definitely see Joon in Sid's role, but I'm unsure about Hobi as Varun. I like to imagine Taekook in those roles haha... all the girls would go crazy over them LMAO
5) OK this is shameless self-promo but I've actually always loved Hobi for Lootera. So much so I even wrote an entire fic, Autumn Leaves with him as the protagonist in Varun's role (it's one of my favorite things I've ever written). I think Yoongi/Jin would also be great choices though.
6) Maybe I'm a diehard hyung line stan, but I want Namjoon as Aditya! I actually think Tae would be more perfect in Geet's role - how fun would it be to see the roles reversed between them!
7) Jungkook is so versatile - he'd be perfect for wake up sid... or even Rockstar (I am a secret devotee of that movie I think it's so underappreciated). I've also imagined Yoongi in the Rockstar role. The one role I think JK totally embodies is Bunny in YJHD though, so you hit the nail on the head with that (it's one of my favorite movies!)
8) JOON FOR KRRISHH!! We've all seen his body. Nuff said.
9) I think maknae line would be so fun for Dhoom 2! Like maybe Vmin as Jai and Ali, and Kook as Hrithik?? I just see them being both comedic but also good eye candy for those high octane-action scenes.
10) I haven't watched Kaabil! I totally agree with JinKook for War though, that would be a great role, especially because they have such a good hyung-dongsaeng relationship, so it'd be interesting to turn that on its head.
11) JIN FOR GUZAARISH THO??? ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME CRY (Seokjin angst is my fatal weakness).
12) Jimin would be so good for Fanaa... i'd love to see his transformation from the flirty tour guide to (no spoilers).
13) TAE IN TAARE ZAMEEN PAR YESSSS. I can't watch that movie without crying and now thinking of Tae makes me cry even more he'd be so perfect
Thank you so much for sharing all your thoughts, I appreciated the amount of effort you put into thinking this through and it made me happy to respond. Glad I could keep you occupied for a little bit with some fun <3
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wings-of-a-storm · 3 years
When Victor says to Rahim that Benji "wasn't too thrilled that I told you about AA", I get so frustrated with him, because of course Benji wasn't happy about it. Victor told a virtual stranger, at least to Benji, about a part of Benji's life he's made clear he hates, is embarrassed by, & doesn't like talking about, & what's worse is Victor acknowledges more than once that he shouldn't have done it, but he still did it. If it wasn't for that, I don't think Benji would've suggested a break.
I've been thinking about this particular situation a lot, to be honest. I was nervous to put my feelings down on paper until now though because I wanted to try and be as fair as I could to human error. But…it’s kind of inescapable that Victor was in the wrong, so being ‘fair’ will have its limitations…
Okay, here are my serious feelings about all of this, so like, brace yourself.
The thing that sucks about this whole situation is that Victor telling Rahim about Benji’s drinking problem/mental health came from a good place. He was really worried about Benji -- the type of worry that takes over your every thought and you can’t shake it off no matter what you do. Victor has a huge heart. He was struggling with that worry and in a weak moment, in a room that gave the illusion of privacy, like a dark and secluded tunnel deep underground, he needed to express those feelings.
Another factor was that Victor's emotions were out of control because they had just been compounded by the shock of hearing Mia was leaving. That’s now two big shocks to process in a limited time. And as far as the Mia news goes, Victor would have wanted his boyfriend there to process it with him and comfort him. Like Victor has said in the past, he and Benji tell each other everything. And like Benji has recently said, Victor needs to talk things through a lot with Benji to unpack and process. Victor needed his boyfriend on his own emotional level but he didn’t know where he was and if he was doing okay and it was a lot to feel.
So on a human level, I do understand why Victor let slip a very personal secret at a time of overwhelming distress. I really want to make that clear.
HOWEVER, I also am very disappointed that Victor did that because there are ways to unload emotion without setting loose confidential information. Benji missing from school and un-contactable after a big fight is an incredibly valid cause for concern in its own right. For further context, Victor could have added some vagueness like ‘I’m really worried because Benji’s struggled a lot with stress in the past and I don’t know if he’s doing okay’. Something like that allows the catharsis of expressing the depth of your worry without compromising your partner’s privacy.
I’d like to think your partner deserves more consideration than just blurting out his dirty laundry, especially when it is something that clearly stresses the hell out of him if he couldn’t even disclose it with his own boyfriend and that he has specifically verbalised is something he is very embarrassed about. It was a clear line drawn that Victor stepped over.
And to me, it kind of reflects that Victor doesn’t respect Benji’s feelings as much as he thinks he does because if Victor had really taken Benji’s feelings into consideration, it wouldn’t have happened. There would be enough of a voice in his head saying ‘be careful what you say, you don’t want to betray your boyfriend’s deep embarrassment to anyone’ because you’d understand where your boyfriend was coming from and want to protect him from further pain.
So at first I was glad Victor acknowledged to Rahim that he shouldn’t have told him about Benji’s alcoholism. It felt a bit like vindication for Benji, like Victor did now understand the hard way not to dismiss Benji’s feelings and need for privacy.
Well, that was until the next sentence that came out of his mouth! “But it’s not just that [behind out break], we’ve been fighting about everything lately.” That reallllllly went beyond frustrating for me because it pretty much contradicted what Victor just said. I was like: Okay, so you don’t actually understand the gravity of the error you made! Because like you, anon, it was pretty obvious to me that the breach in trust was exactly why Benji had enforced a break.
Yes, they had been fighting a lot, and yes Benji expressed he was concerned by that, but he was also holding close the good memories like the soft-serve day and was feeling things while looking at the sweet candid photo that had been taken of them at school. It was only the reveal of the breach of trust that had Benji up on his feet and truly distressed.
And the thing is Victor had already absolved Rahim of any guilt for being the proxy recipient of Benji’s secret, so what Victor said about the breach of trust not being the main reason for the break was something he really did feel. In Victor’s head, their past fights must have deserved equal condemnation (the cultural differences tension, undermining the coming out to Adrian, etc), which lessens Victor’s role/responsibility for Benji needing a break. And yes, those fights were factors in the current state of their relationship but the deal-breaker was the breach in trust, not Benji’s patience eroded over time after the cruel treatment and constant invalidation from Victor’s mother.
Were the writers trying to balance things out with the undermining of Adrian’s Finding Out versus Victor’s alcoholism slip? Since neither were deliberate/malicious slip-ups and both occurred after losing control of emotions? Because the thing for me is that those two situations are not proportionate in impact -- Adrian finding out that Victor and Benji were dating affects Victor indirectly (Victor wanted Adrian to know anyway, which Benji knew; the slip just affects his mother’s plan and rate of processing things), while the alcoholism slip to Rahim affects Benji directly:
A) It’s a real threat to Benji if his alcoholism becomes public knowledge in the rumour-saturated environment (ie. Creek Secrets) of their high school. Your image/identity is so fragile at school and crucial to your self-esteem and mental health. Benji has worked incredibly hard to make sure even his accident was kept secret. His personal mental health would take a massive hit if any of those secrets got out. It would be ruinous. It could even be life-threatening.
B) It was a significant breach of trust from his significant other. His struggle with alcohol was something so personal and held so tightly to his chest that he couldn’t even handle his boyfriend knowing about it. And it only took like a day for his boyfriend to pass that information on to a peer at school. How can you be in a relationship with someone who couldn’t even respect your feelings enough to hold onto your secret for more than a day? How could you tell them anything after that?
So yeh, if the writers were wanting things to look balanced so the ‘break’ appeared more mutual and complicated to lessen Victor’s culpability with the upcoming wedding kiss, I didn’t really vibe to it…
Well, it looks like my frustration matches yours, anon! We feel what we feel, I guess. :)
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the-firebird69 · 25 days
You might laugh but these things are very serious to us and are getting worse and worse and he's stuck in a similar problem and yes has been to the castle at Disney and willing to bet he's been near Mar a lago somehow and he says ohh and that's not good maybe it was the trip to the keys so we're really going to have to have a bad day unfortunately this blows we know what part of the place it could be it gets us together and he says I'm in it and I'm doing a tour and I go there and I do a tour and then he's not sure which one this one could be the first movie. So he's gonna take a look at it. But But this would be the movie that's part of the assembly of the structure and I'm starting to look at those things and I have a lot of notes and a lot of things put together of what it could be and why and I probably should get a scale model sent together so I can remember it and I can do before and after and that would be great and it's inside and outside and that's pretty cool too and I'm gonna go ahead and do that. There are a lot of people who are not doing anything you're gonna be sickened and amazed at the same timehttps://youtu.be/2cBja3AbahY
and we have seen it there are some elements from prison there. yes.
Tumblr media
I think I agree with him that this is part of the Elsinore mansion and it is what the bottle has on it there is something going on here that's very strange these people are possibly around getting revenge on us and having us do the job and we are blaming our friend here for it and I don't think he's to blame So we are seeing stuff but we we think we're right we don't really want to be but this makes a lot of sense And that they probably are prisons from Bavaria and we think we become criminals there today and that we probably do stupid things and we investigate the area these as we probably push people out and they go to the kill zone and I do see something there is a big kill zone there and I had didn't done an overlay and it's real
and it's real
So you say we go out there and might find them trying to get us to go there that we might try and get them to go there to see what it is and they're locals possibly foreigners and our people and some some Macs and we get them out there and it works but not enough of them and we're probably not doing it on purpose so much he says which might not be true he doesn't know we've gone to areas like this and told them we know about it and they started screwing around with us and we insist they go there and this is going to be an issue and a really big one these people are very mean already but this is going to be extremelyrude
jason again
we do this. it is my creature too nope but is haha lol and mine is nearby as in right next to his behind him not where the blade is. and yeh a creature like this destroyed the titanic. and they say this one. and probably and returns to its origin, and froze and we do agree
Hera Zues and mine awakens and hits. takes out Jaeger like they were nothing. and at the same size. then use weaponry, and yeh shuold not work and i se it is a game ok and not ours yet
w use this it is evidence and theya re tampered iwht and we find out who therer now
need it in a weaon and he said it there is one. and ok biomechanical so. and we use that. and below the city ad ok that too. shit. fried out the mac stuff and this blows
we do this need it in now and all of it
and so be it we hit you then
and we need you in jason. as you say to me we try for you. and over and over. you go there and get irate yes. and mean yell and kick scream and are grabbed. lots of times.
sure will happen and to stan. need you in lol
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