#but look listen i dont mean weird in like the Problematic Way i mean fucking weird in the sheer amount of AUs way
bonetrousledbones · 2 years
tbh i miss when this fandom was just really fucking weird
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Hi pokies, as someone who’s been in the fandom for a hot sec I have some opinions
So buckle up or just scroll past because this is a long one it’s just me word vomiting into the void at this point
Burner account because some of y’all scare me 😘😘
1. Wtf is y’all’s hate boner with her?
2. I have no clue where y’all got the idea that ocean parents are like these horrible abusive people. Like neglectful? Definitely . But I don’t think that Mr and Mrs offers their kid to take a hit off their bong are going to be incredibly strict and physically abusive towards her.
3. Ocean just a shity person with a superiority complex and that’s ok. she doesn’t need horrible stuff happening to her to justify that
4.Ocean was a bad friend to Constance, she was constantly putting her down through back handed remarks and talking over her “ she has self esteem issues why wouldn’t she?” “ do we really need another organ donor?” And not to mention her say that she believed that Constance did nothing with her life.
1. For the love of god stop making him an uwu soft boy twink <- this is not directed at people who just draw/ Write him with more feminine traits I do the same. I’m talking about those who infantilize him as the helpless soft boy who just needs a big strong man (Mischa) in his life and suddenly everything will be ok
2. I hate The Noel is Talia through either a code name or straight up catfish theory
A. The catfishing theory is problematic at best. Yes let’s take the single openly gay character and have him prey on another man character for his own satisfaction. Idk if Mischa’s cool with it in your fanfic it’s still weird
B. To me at least, Talia as a code name for noel just takes away the whole meaning behind her character. Talia is Mischa’s last connection to Ukrain. We see throughout the musical he was constantly trying to text her meaning they spoke constantly. She was his one and only lifeline, something for him to focus on and push through his shity situation to get to
1. I beg of y’all stop himboafying this man, I get he’s big and strong but he’s not dumb😭
A. Mischas smart guys!!!! I get alot of actors portray him struggling with English at times but y’all got to remember fluency ≠ intelligence gance. it’s like his 3rd language cut him some slack. he speaks Ukrainian, Russian, English, and even some Dutch ( not even the Dutch speak Dutch)
B. Just look at his saw6 monologue! Man had an in-depth video essay explaining on a horror movie just ready to go when ocean put him on the spot
C. Mischa can be incredibly eloquent with his words when he wants to be. Ex his Talia monologue/ when he tells Noel he knows what clichés are
2. Listen Im obsessed with Gus halper so I get it we love his mischa BUT DONT COMMENT ABOUT HIM ON NON GUS MISCHAS
1. Stop 👏 hating 👏 on 👏 Talia 👏
A. I’ve seen so many people make Talia just a straight bitch in fanfics to justify Mischa not being with her and that feels weird to me
2. The amount of people I’ve seen straight up hating on Talia for doing absolutely nothing but “stand in the way of nischa” is wild. Like I don’t get how you can look at her, a character who doesn’t even have a single line and be like ya no fuck you
1. I revoke my previous statement , I’ve seen some people ( mostly rp accounts) be weird ableist to not only Ricky as a character but his actors and I don’t need to explain why that’s gross
1. Honestly I don’t have anything to say here I haven’t really seen anything granted it is pretty hard to mess up a character who’s whole point is shes a blank slate
1. I think a lot of the fandom is guilty of seeing constance as just the “ sweet nice wholesome mom friend of the group” when (to me at least) the whole point of Constance was that people thought she was this, was because the never bothered to get to know her past that .
2. In her monologue it’s heavily hinted at that Constance was suffering with depression leading up to the cyclone.
A. Ontop of this we can see throughout musical she was self deprecating “Lost her virginity in a crap box in a crappy town, why of course she did.” you should always laugh at guys jokes otherwise they’ll think your a cow” AND PEOPLE DONT TALK ABOUT THSI ENOUGH
3. Also I dont get the “mom of the group” thing. Like she was nice to everyone and ocean mentioned that she baked but that’s about it
4. I don’t thinks it’s acknowledged enough that Constance was SAd. I don’t care if she wanted to loose her virginity, shes under aged and by Constance’s own emissions the carny was in his 30s
The fandom
1. Listen I love some angst as much as the next person but there’s a difference between angst and just some straight up hurt p*rn (especially with ocean, again wtf is y’all hate boner for her) I’ve seen literal SA fics written about her wtf
2.This one goes out specifically to you rtc rp accounts😘😘😘 (both on and off this app) there’s a time and a place to rp guys
A. If you're talking to other rp accounts then pop off. But That being said I’ve seen a lot of rp accounts bleed over into non rp post/ videos, while this is normally fine I’ve seen quite a few accounts pushing their head cannons on other non rp accounts as if their facts or an authority on the matter. Again nothing wrong with rp accounts / sharing your head cannons, just time and place guys
3. Look I get it plenty of the actors/ actresses that have been in rtc are attractive but some of y’all need to remember the characters themselves ARE CHILDREN
4. On the topic of the actors/ actresses some of y’all need to learn what boundaries are 
5. I saw someone try to pull some pro ship bullshit with the characters once and it haunts me
Listen. I absolutely love ride the cyclone, I’ve been hyper fixatingon it for the past years now that being said I’ve seen more than enough productions to get my fair share of opinions on it
1. Real Ukrainian war footage in Talia
A. It feels in very poor taste at best and just strange up gross at worst to the situation at hand. I get it Mischa’s Ukrainian and that’s a very important part to his character but that doesn’t mean you need to throw real war footage to the end of the song.
B. Talia and mischa story as a whole is tragic enough as is. You don’t need to add in the fact that on top of Talia possibly not even being real we’re now throwing in the possibility that she died in the war? It just seems like over kill to me.
2: Ricky’s disability being written out of the script was really gross. Like I get it they wanted to avoid another yannick situation but this like the worst possible way to go about it
There probably more but I’ve been at this for like 2 hrs (I’m going to update this as things come to me so stay tuned)
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feral-cockroach · 1 year
okay i saw sth on pinterest ab Lolita (the book) and it rly annoyd me so i msgd my husband about it and he had the same lack of understanding of the book and it drove me nutty so imnputtng it here aswell. copied from my messages to my husband bc i convey my thoughts better in a conversational text manner. asterisks for emphasis as opposed to italics. open to good-faith conversations if i have gotten anything wrong or if someone disagrees, i am very open to having my perspectives challenged *in good faith, and by people who have read the book or engaged with the media in some direct way*. i know the book itself can be a LOT to engage with so if you have read it, listened to it, or watched videos on it i am open to good faith discussions. if your only engagement has been one of the movies please do not engage, as the movies have taken and deeply bastardized the message of the book, as have the redesigned covers.
biases i feel necessary to mention: i am a CSA survivor. i have been abused by a paedophile. i have survived CSA. i am autistic which may affect my understanding and my own ability to engage with literacy.
it is the book written by *someone condemning paedophilia* from the *perspective of an unreliable narrator* and the *narrator* NOT the *author* is a paedophile and it was *written* to show how *easy it is* for people to be *manipulated* by paedophiles and the like and how *easy is is* to fall into the ideas of victim-blaming and how *the patriarchy* will *intentionally portray women and ESPEICALLY young girls* as *evil, seductive, creatures* and *men* as *helpless victims to young girls and women* and its *never* the *mans fault* its the *fault of the young girl*
*the author wrote it to actively condemn paedophilia and to CALL OUT paedophilia and the patriarchy and how EASY it is for people to fall into the victim-blaming mindset*
because when you take out the context of "this is why it was written, it was intentionally written so that you DO NOT trust the narrator, this is a satirization of paedophile and rape culture" , you're left with "satire is inherently an endorsement of whatever awful thing it is satirizing and sociopolitical commentary means nothing"
and then you end up in a culture of black and white thinking
which is not to say that people (namely men) havent taken the book and removed all of that context and then turned the main character into a *hero* or someone to *look up to*, but that is why keeping that context is so important . removing that context in either direction, either to condemn the author or to idolise the paedophile, leads to the general public having a completely warped understanding of a story they have not read, which leads to uninformed opinons and leads then to an even bigger lack of media literacy, which leads to an uneducated public and an uneducated public that cannot critically engage with media deemed "problematic" and cannot engage in "problematic" media within the context it was produced is a public that is easy to manipulate, easy to control, and easier still to weaponise against each other/public enemies
i dont even fucking like the book. i ve read it and its not my favourite. i dont like it it makes me deeply, deeply uncomfortable. but the whole point of it *is* to make the audience deeply uncomfortable. its supposed to make you uncomfortable because its fucking weird and its creepy and youre supposed to examine that discomfort and figure out what about it is making you uncomfortable, and then take that into your real life to engage critically with things that you previously were comfortable with , so that you can determine if these things are actually things that belong in modern society, or *are you being manipulated again, like you were by the main character of the book*
media literacy and the ability to critically engage with media is so so so so so important and people today (and i do literally mean people today - people in our generations and younger) simply refuse to, which is a different symptom of the same problem. anti intellectialism is a massive , growing and genuine problem. and the inability to engage critically and the lack of media literacy is the same thing we see when your grandma gets messages from scammers and then falls for it and wires her entire retirement fund to some guy in korea because he definitely wants to come over to the usa and marry her. she doesnt engage critically with what is presented, and she doesnt have the necessary technological literacy to understand taht people will just fucking lie and scam you online. its that, but now it is in younger generations, and it is a result of political propaganda, and again , symptom of a much bigger problem, but one that pisses me off and concerns me alot
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
Okay, so... Closet Pervert!Deuce 👀 just basically stealing anything from darling from her newly bought handkerchief, straws from drinks she sucked from, hell maybe even sneaking into her room and stealing her underwear hngg.... AAAAAA i just love the idea of him finally having the privilege of fucking darling when she finally consents(or not, i love ur non con works ughhh 😩) when it's finally his birthday, for him to fill her up a bunch of million times and going feral when he thinks about his precious best friend getting knocked up with his babies-- GAHDHFKFHAKDHAKA BARK BARK BARK--
Baby, I smell your hornii from way over here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I, too, LIVE for yandere closet perverts ♥︎
Warning : Dub-Con | Yandere | Kleptomania (?)
LOL Deuce probably doesn’t even realize this creepy-ass behavior most of the time, since I can see it starting off really innocent and sweet. Like— He loses his temper one day and got into a fight with another random mob. He won, he always do but in this particular fight, he didn’t come out unscathed and blood was shed. Maybe his nose bled or there was a cut on his lip, but it caught your attention nonetheless and offered your own handkerchief to help wipe up the blood and cover the wound until you both reach the infirmary.
The handkerchief was so potent of your scent and realized how fond he is of this smell, somehow making him feel so nostalgic and soothes him up. You basically gave him the first item in his collection, despite Deuce saying how he’ll wash and return it afterwards. Surprise, surprise,he never did return it not that you minded anyway nor ever washing the piece of cloth because he didn’t want your scent getting washed away in the process. Now, it sits at the top of his collection, still stained with his own dried blood from that day...Deuce lowkey considers it his favorite lol
AND THUS, stealing shit you probably won’t notice gone became habit little by little, even becoming a daily basis. The eraser you dropped? Nope, gone. You tried looking for it in the place it landed but for some reason, it’s not there, like it was just been swallowed by the ground...weird. Oh, and that pen you were chewing on as a way to quench your boredom during history class? You looked away one moment to watch the birds outside the window and looking back— Yup, it’s gone. Sometimes, Deuce would even offer to throw your trash for you, specifically when you just finished drinking a special limited-edition milkshake, only for him to...casually slip the straw out of the cup and pocket it in to add to his growing collection. He’s a soft boi to blush at the thought of indirect kissing if he sucks on it right after.
But the real problematic issue comes in when he starts to come into your room at every opportunity he gets. Whether it’s because you invited him in, or he sneaked his way in, it doesn’t matter if he can find a way and he always will. He begins to steal stuff that was now making you suspicious, like— you’re pretty sure you dumped your underwear in the laundry basket just a few minutes ago...huh, where did it go? Socks?You’re missing a pair. Bra? It’s not difficult to count in one hand how many you have, and you SWEAR there’s one missing in your closet. Shirt, a full-set of your daily outfit?? Okay, this is getting weird, it’s clear to you now that someone is stealing from you after denying it for so long, and that’s not good, not to mention creepy.
But you don’t know that it’s him and you don’t have to know! You’re more wary of your surroundings but that’s alright...Deuce thinks as he listens to you complain about this stalker you claim to have, a smile slowly forming on his lips and sweat dripping down his forehead...You look really cute being all pouty about your lost items here, it’s difficult to resist the urge to just...steal you away for a change.
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED WHEN YOU FINALLY GIVE THIS “CONSENT”YOU SPEAK OF. Okay, maybe you developed feelings for him at some point, cool, that’s understandble— I mean, he’s a great listener, a sweetheart who’s willing to protect and provide for you, a true gentleman who wouldn’t hurt you ever. How could you not fall for this wonderful boi? So, as a birthday gift, you finally answered his call and tried quench his hornii, the thirst and give yourself to him...Well, yeah~ Maybe it’s great at first, since he’s really cute being inexperienced and wanting to learn more about pleasuring you sexually and all but...His actions surprisingly doesn’t seem to be that of an inexperienced individual at all, if you do say so yourself.
Once you give him that green light, there was no turning back as he, quite literally would pounce on you before you could even say anything else. His actions seem so practiced, like he was just waiting for this day to come, fantasizing every outcome and how to deal with it, what methods he should use. Deuce is that type of person to get lost in the moment after all, because goddamn you feel so good wrapped around his cock like this. He had been stealing from you for months without you ever considering him as a possible suspect, like a deranged kleptomaniac he is, but he could not describe the ecstasy he feels when the realization hits him of actually being able to steal your virginity away with mere words.
So, if you give consent, you can’t expect him to stop or to slow down at any moment, because— Um, you just can’t, Darling. Isn’t this supposed to be his birthday gift? Even you can’t shake him out of the goal of fucking you stupid, finding your special spots and thoroughly abusing those spots until it all goes sore that it would be difficult for you to even stand tomorrow morning. He wouldn’t be able to shut himself up too during an intense session most likely. Aggressively muttering about creating a family with you, and wanting you knocked up with his child, possibly suggesting more ones that sounded more like a threat rather than just dirty talking that you just clench against him out of instinctive fear. Unfortunately for you, it only motivates him further.
So, anyway— yeah...This happens.
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betweentheracks · 4 years
Heyo! Not to be too nosy here but you mentioned you're in bad health and recovering, and I just wondered what happened? Also how would it impact your career since, from how you've made it all seem thus far, it's a highly active and demanding job?
Hope you take care and get well! You appear quite strong and not like you'd take whatever has happened just lying down, so here's to you!! 🙏💓
No sweat and no worries here, I dont find this particularly invasive. If anything, I'm flattered you care to ask after me lol. 😁
A few weeks back I met a friend I hadn't seen in some time for lunch. This was against my better sense of caution that I've held firmly to throughout the pandemic, but I would feel regretful and dismissive if I didnt agree to see her while I had the chance. I should've listened my gut and stayed safely at work because this "friend" failed to mention she had tested positive (she knew already by the time of our lunch date, she has since admitted) and had figured since she had no symptoms there was no harm in being in public.
FF only a few days later and I was feeling a little unwell but had put it off as an effect of the winter blast that had just hit where I live. I'd spent half a day out in the cold and snow for a photoshoot only the day before and thought it was probably due to that since I'm susceptible to weather influenced head colds and bronchitis. Fortunately, my job mandates a rigid COVID-19 screening twice a week due to our high profile clientele and as an assurance of health and safety for us all. Mine read back with a positive and with the way I had been feeling I was immediately sent home and the company closed its doors while the building was sterilized and our clients notified.
Thankfully I managed not to infect anyone I work with nor my son. Regrettably, I did infect my best friend since we're horrifically incapable of maintaining personal space and have weak shit immune systems. We both agree it is a wonder we made it this far into plague times without it catching us.
So I went and got looked over and sent on my way with my prescription of potent anti-virals and steroids. I was well prepared to abide the quarantine guidelines and had sent my son to my mother's home for the duration so that he was out of the danger zone. It was fine, I was kinda cool and keen on getting a few days to myself to rest up and all that jazz. But it wasn't meant to last and I found trouble in the form of being unable to remain conscious much at all and would pass out constantly. After a few times of this I gave my brother (he's a doctor and vaccinated) a ring and told him that my fatigue was no joke dude and needed him to come give me a better once over than the one I'd gotten before bc I was sure I was not meant to feel this badly. He found me unconscious in the shower that night, my head battered from crashing to the basin.
After ensuring I wasn't concussed and jokes on what a hard head I have to take such a beating and show no signs of registering it beyond bruising (a joke between us due to him having once accidentally put a golf club into my forehead and fracturing my skull but that's a different story) he told me to call him regularly so that he can review how I feel and the progression of my symptoms and left. By the morning I had already had two more instances of sudden fatigue and collapsing in on myself. I had been posting on my main blog here about how I was doing and due to this I caught the concern of @peekbackstage and upon their suggestion to have my O2 levels tested it was revealed that I was having issues with my blood not circulating oxygen as it should and nearing hypoxia.
Here's the rub. I have a heart condition that is already very dangerous and bleak which limits my heart's capability of delivering blood through my body as it should. Cardiomyopathy or, as it seems better known, congestive heart failure. I've had surgery for it and it has been a while since it caused me any real issues as long as I stick to my routine of care and manage my health, but when COVID-19 infiltrated my body it immediately snagged upon this weak heart of mine and sank its fangs in.
Within a day of being admitted to the hospital I had a grand mal seizure due to the constant fluctuations of oxygen in my blood and the way my body was working double time to supplement for it. And only 2 days after that and when my nervous system had finally quieted down, I went into full cardiac arrest with a heart attack at my young age.
My next weeks were spent connected to machines doing more for me than my own body could. I developed pneumonia in my lungs, acute though it was it was still another complication that my wrecked body had to overcome as it made my already ragged breathing even worse. I was steadily shedding muscle tone and definition due to a lack of mobility and the fact that my body felt like a deadweight I could hardly take command of, and generally very weakened. My heart, the horrible thing, was inflamed and trying too hard by beating too fast, too hard.
FF some more and I was doing fairly well and treatments were showing some improvement. My heart was still being an ugly and gnarled beast in my chest and throwing weird spikes on the monitor that raised alarms. The pneumonia was retreating and I had no further seizures. It was the dawning light of my first signs that I was recovering!
It took a while more and so fucking many tests day in and day out for me get cleared for release. I tested negative for COVID-19 and was ashamed that I actually forgot that that was why I was even in the hospital to begin with, given all that happened. I have to undergo physical therapy and counseling; PT for heart happy exercises as well as to manage to my depleted muscles, counseling bc I was rocked mentally from all the almost dying and the depressive haze of being holed up in the hospital and surrounded by people who, like me, came in with COVID-19 but unlike me did not come out of it.
I'm home now. I had to have a pacemaker implanted and must stay vigilant for any showing that my heart is not performing as it should. I still have some severe inflammation and chest restriction in my airways as well as my blood vessels but nothing too daunting. I also have a full battalion of prescriptions, most for my heart, and a nebulizer to ease any breathing issues. The worst is honestly that I still am very weak and have severely limited reserves of energy.
My job is required to make me take 12 weeks of leave for rest and recuperation. This is very upsetting since I had been requested by name to be an assistant stylist at the Grammys this year which is truly a dream (especially with BTS in the mix 😩😩) and also bc I'm just a workaholic by nature and love my job. When I return I am expected to learn how to properly delegate tasks that do not directly require me to handle and slow down the pacing of my projects. My boss terminated a contract with a client that was nearing the scheduled end of our agreement and was also incredibly problematic to help lighten my workload. It's imperative that I reign in my stress levels or my heart will not last until the next surgery I'll need, so I'm gritting my teeth and letting my job be picked apart to reduce my responsibilities.
My post awaits my return but I will not be returning to full activity for a while after, which means no rifling through the racks for hours alongside the archivists in search of the perfect piece. I'll be welcome to meet with my clients and oversee the glam teams, will still be the command tower for final verdicts on which styles to use. But I will not be running around showrooms nor personally handling matters any competent trainee could be tasked with like I've always done. I will no longer be able to fly out anywhere for destination shoots or fashion shows.
If, after my next surgery, things are better and my heart stable to the point that they are hopeful of things will be reevaluated. While it is difficult beyond measure for me to relinquish the reigns of my career and be restricted in what I can do now, I am very thankful to be alive and upright when that wasn't a certainty just a little while ago. This is such a humbling experience to have survived when my stats kept dropping every day. I've been told to expect that I will never make a full 100% recovery and to expect to stall out around the 70%-90% range, with 70% being the most realistic.
My best friend (the one I gave the plague to) will be moving in with me so that I am never on my own if things go tits up and to assist in wrangling a toddler since I am currently without the energy to do so as my child is, sincerely, a crazy gremlin spawn with limitless battery life. Slowly, my life will regain some normalcy 💖
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misterbitches · 3 years
wait honsetly i do not give a shit if u like couples that i think are dumb or poorly written so if u get offended by this it’s ur fault
but im confused
am i stupid for not understanding the relationship between that high schooler and the old man? like....what am i missing here? it’s not healthy, or right, and it doesn’t really matter. it doesn’t mean no one can like it but i’m like confused at pretending that it’s like positive and healthy or whatever like at best it’s embarrassing and fucking stupid at worst it’s uhhhhh gross and probably illegal (not that it matterse bc crime is BS and this person wouldnt be persecuted anyway so)
like i know these writers don’t care, can’t write, think writing “shocking” things that everyone else has already done is like a big deal but they are doing the exact thing like with every ~pRobLEmAtIc~ storyline—which btw we need to start calling it what it is: misogynist, patriarchal, capital inducing, transphobic, toxic, fucking strange and also just a stupid way to get people to absorb information. like being specific about the actual problems not just atlking around it and alos breaking it down—it’s coercing people into liking it because it’s not about the content in their differences. they barely take that into account. i’m kind of surprised at the idea of longterm positivity in a relationship that cannot withstand that. and people do grow up and realize. 
i get their existence, i get why people would like it, but i don’t think you can sort of project positive things onto a relationship that is simply not positive and is not intended to be by the writers nature. even if it is accepted because harm is the norm, it upholds whatever power structures, so it’s like well fighting against that is the real story. like they exist but it’s not some statement about the lgbtq+ community particularly because that sort of relationship is common (in all communities) and uh not very good like i said and it NEEDS to be saved because that’s what these structures rely on it relies on being beholden to someone that you have no chance in matching at any point. it’s honestly a literal drag!
they dont hvae to break up or whatever but i kind of don’t get removing that reality from them. i mean i do because again this is what the writers do which is why it isnt effective, transgressive, or particularly fun (to me) and it’s so fucking common. it’s just like this IS the norm so it kind of needs to be pushed against.  i know they donnt give a shit but some of the comments im like.... am i imissing something did he like time travel to be an acceptable age or are we gonna accept he was lurking around a fuckin (immature as fuck) teenager. 
there’s def things that i like that i am also like “wow this is so gross” lmao there’s this brazilian movie about two brothers in a rship and they have an age gap and terrible parents and me and my best friend watched it when we were younger so we have like this place for it in our memory but we knew, and ofc back then, the immensely fucked up thing we were seeing. i can only stomach itif im extremely bored and it’s few and far between because IT IS S OFUCKING WEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD but they have good chemistry but it’s not like i dont see it. the film exists in a fake world too but idk enough about the background of the film and the filmmaker to know what their point was but i do know that it was a huge deal ther ebc gay and also the taboo nature and it was like. u know. bonkers lmao. also they were just two white brazilian dudes with money, probably some missing class commentary. in its nature everything about it is not something that i like (not reality of brazil idc abt white brazilians) and ummmm being fucking related. but look you know it was fucking fukced up and weird and the dudes did have chemistry. like seriously that movie so gross lmao so like we all have the capacity but im not gonna pretend it fucking makes sense like EW AND i wanted them to end up togehter but i still yell “EWWW NOOOOO NO NO but theyre so hot they have good chemistry OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO THIS IS OS BAD OH NO WHY IS THEIR DAD OKAY WITH IT OH NO WHAT AM I WATCHING?” and theyre so close it is SINCERELY creepy and the movie is like HERE U GO GUYS and u absolutely do not feel comfortable. it’s actually uncanny because everyone is comfortable with it in their lives that it makes it even more weird. it’s like picking at you consistently, you can’t ever forget. i don’t like that these shows make you forget. they allow you to remove this fucked up background and history and/or traumatic shit from your memory SIMPLY for enjoyment. and that’s not how life works, nor art. it isnt just there. and they say this has meaning. 
idk anyways that’s just how i feel cos i only thought whatshisface was like idk 5 yrs older than him and that wouldnt be better to me but i was rly like this nigga is 12 yrs older than him? bitch that’s literally r. kelly like im not joking LMAO im just like how r u pushing thirty dating a teenager my nigga i cannotttttt lmaoooo like ARE U NOT EMBARRASSED HOMIE? also like on a sociopolitical level this message actually fucking sucks like their marriage is shitty tbqh  lmao it took forever for taiwan to get to where it is and there’s still massive issues with their marriage laws (and what is afforded to people with marriage; just like eveyrwhere. marriage is important because of so many laws and rights and that is why it is necessary not just in the ceremony) so it’s like flabbergasting frankly people hav elike actually isssues or like papa+daddy about taiwan and these bozos are getting married like it’s boring at this point my god
go back to film school lmao
imagine if this world gave a shit about  minorities and poor people even it’s literally just ......fuck man lmao i just cant let things rest. i didnt get this stupid degree and also just live 29 yrs on this earth to be able to like.....watch garbage without a critique so the garbage can continue meanwhile artists who give a shit have a harder time making things like listen kid. WRITE YOUR SCRIPTS. THESE FUCKERS CAN, YOU DO IT. look at this garbage! u can!!!! this is the advice i do not take myself
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Druck is objectively better than all remakes at making a pointed effort to do better with their pic reps. They actually take in the feedback of their audience and try to execute a better product. There are problems with druck and 80% of it is the fandom. Ofc all remakes have issues tho, so ppl should chill. Druck fans unapologetically shit on other remakes while, wtfock fans and skam fr fans have the courtesy of slyly getting their digs in there. It's quite amusing to watch from the sidelines
this is super long but for you anon.
So I think we need to look at these three remakes as what I call the og period and the original period because they do change alot once they get more freedom some for the absolute worse. Ok so lets talk first about the OG periods. To be perfectly honest s1 in all these remakes are just ok. Jana & Jens are a bit unbearable but Jana as a whole is fine and am happy she doesnt end up with Jens. Same with Hanna and Jonas they aren’t unbearable per-say but I am also not gushing over them but I do like Jonas being a heart throb music man sometimes but once again they dont burn into my core but am happy they reunite. Love Emma and love Yann just not together its that simple. S2 is where we really start to see the difference. Charles is the devil so I hate skamfr s2 and like really Manon stays with him??? ughh why?? Daphne is right at almost bursting into laughter when he talks about doing philanthropy. Ok bruh....sure. Winterberg is fine I dont hate them and I dont love them they are just okay to me. S2 happens to be wtfock best season so its kinda hard to stack them up because this is the best they ever looked. All of the s3 for all these remakes are good. To say they aren’t would just be nonsense some are better then others but all are above average. Now S4....... well well well. What can we say the elusive goldstar Sana season is yet to be made (I will say the script for Italia s4 is fantastic, THE SCRIPT).
Skamfr s4 was a mess and ridiculous and Druck’s s4 was lazy and harbored accents of prejudice all over it.Both seasons undercut their woc and both miss the opportunity to write deep meaningful stories that explored the societal struggles of muslim women. Skamfr s4 just happened to really just shows us their colors but honestly am not shocked this is skam the micro racist decisions are all over the verse. TBD on yasmina season.
 NOW......this all changes when we talk about the original seasons because this is when we see the shows on their own and also we get to see if they have been listening and absorbing the fan commentary or not. So let’s get the obvious out of the way wtFOCK was an absolute mess and maybe the worse season ever created in the skamverse the only thing that made that season even slightly bearable was the Moyo arc which I hear it actually continues in s5 so in a weird way s4 is actually about Moyo since his story continues but we already know thats only because if the fans saw Kato on the screen for a matters of seconds the volcano of hate would explode. I despise how Noa has become the pseudo main of s4 but didnt get the credit. It kills me they did this to him. Maining Romi is the worse mistake ever made by any remake and thats just fact. Now do I want to see a newgen out of wtfock? hmmmm ask me after s5 but am leaning towards probably not but am on the fence. Now skamfr .....let me say this one thing skam fr is nothing without their cast. Talk about fucking talent. Those kids can act their ass off but their writing is atrocious. s5 could have been good they had all the ingredients but the writers bomb it. S6 once again flavie amazing the writing a shit show. S7 lucie was amazing the writing was better but still needs work I think it pretty obvious skam fr is going to step into the thunderdome and finally do what no skam has done before and main bilal but should I really applaud it taking 8 seasons and 35 plus skamverse seasons to get here??? Probably not, but since no one else is gonna pull the trigger I wish them well and at least skamfr listen and lamifex is super rich in diversity and they are honestly a fabulous newgen. They are such a ridiculous squad but god I love them and Jo is an angel. Please please skamfr please write a good story for a brown boy I beg of you!!! Now druck s5 all I can say is Bravo!! If skamfr is their cast then Druck is their writers. That s5 season is a fucking beast. Thats how you write an original skam season. They also listen the cast is super diverse. The girl squad feels natural and their age I actually like that the insta squad are problematic as fuck and happen to be queer. Like just cause your a gay baby doesnt mean you arent an ass. s6 for me personally was ok maybe its unfair of me but I expect amazing writing out of druck and s6 to me was not their best. It could have been amazing they touched so many topics but never deeply explored them and I wanted more for fatou. Also def got the vibes at the end they were panicking on who to main next season so everyone got a little plot thread but that also distracted me from fatou but I love the Mailin plot it was really smart and done well. I didnt hate her but boy did she bug the shit out me.That how you write modern day racism and white privilege. I just wish Ava’s plot was spread more onto fatou they were moments but i wanted more. So I guess I do think out of the original seasons druck s5 is the best. Nora being white didnt matter because she was written well but i do think Tiff being the main out of skamfr wasnt the best choice but then seeing Lucie act am like ok i get it but honestly I expect that from that cast they can all kill it so why not let someone else be the main and not tiff. BTW druck’s cast is good too I just dont think they are as good as the skamfr cast on the acting front but they are some members that are very very good. Like you said because Druck does listen I hope they listen to the honest criticism of s6. I know some people are like its the best ever but like its not....am sorry s5 was way better then s6 and that makes me sad because i want my black girl magic.... I do expect s7 to be good because when the writers for druck have the room to take their time they always kill it but I also feel like they are about to pull a Tiff on us and main Ismail(plus constantine as the side plot) but if I trust anyone with not fucking it up its them. Concerning the fandoms I live off tag and I do that for a reason. The fandom tags are alot but the druck one is almost hostile and honestly you would love the show more if you didnt interact with it. The skamfr tag is hilarious because they are no anti’s its just a bunch of arm chair critics making memes at how ridiculous the frenchies are but in away it makes the remake super fun because no one cares anymore. The wtfock tag has really high highs and really insane lows. When its low its really low so I have decided to live off tag. For those who haven’t..... god speed. Your brave souls!!
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silver-wield · 4 years
About your Aerith post... i have to confess that her behavior triggered my anxiety so i really dislike her. I remember in the OG i never cared about her, i dont know why in my 10 year old mind she was *mean*, but now I am almost 30 and in this remake i just... can't stand her, i guess is because i have bad experiecies with people like her, so i don't see that as just a minor flaw, but a big RED flag
i felt bad for Cloud, because I suck in that part and like him i was muttering please don't hear me and that was a really bad expierence *to me*, (i know people love her and that doesn’t bother me, i am not like those crazy antis who can’t stand people who like Tifa or Jessie more than Aerith), i had to quit the game for a few hours… i know it seems like a really extreme reaction, but it just hit me harder than expected.
It's not the first time I've brought this up with her behaviour, but what's interesting is the first time I did it I got called toxic and was told "that's an extremist way to view an OG canon scene". Well, I'm sorry, but actually it's not because that's what happens, and just because in the OG it wasn't as explicit that Cloud was sneaking out and people didn't understand it was because he wanted to leave, that's their damn problem.
It's funny how a couple of months later those same people who were saying my take on it was wrong are now saying Aerith's behaviour is problematic and it's a triggering scene for people who understand abusive situations.
I'm used to being ahead of the curve though lol
I didn't care about OG Aerith either when I played. She just rubbed me the wrong way acting all weak and pathetic and then tormenting Tifa, who'd done nothing to deserve it. Maybe the translation was just bad, but Aerith doesn't come across as a nice person in it and I couldn't see why people said Cloud "loves" her. Pity, I got. Like, during the cosmo canyon bit, he feels sorry for her after hearing her history and because he's an awkward dork he tries to comfort her. But I really didn't care about shipping back then, so I wasn't looking at it as a pt scoring thing where his every word is microanalysed as proof he loves one girl more than the other. I just assumed when I saw the lifestream scene and HW that he's in love with Tifa. I still don't see why people argue and act like the choices they made to fuck with the narrative of real Cloud mean they were right. They weren't right. Because if they were the HW wouldn't exist at all. It'd be the high affection or no HW if player choice mattered. But all they did was make Tifa too reluctant to share her feelings. It didn't change Cloud's feelings because he's there either way.
I'm glad the devs showed from Cloud's pov just how bad this bit is. He can't leave because he needs directions home and Aerith isn't giving them over and Elmyra already decided they should wait for morning, even though she changes her mind later. The fact he asks for directions proves that's why he stuck around, along with him not wanting Aerith to spread gossip about him taking a date for his services. Reno already called him weird for it and if it got back to the people who mattered to him that he did this his reputation would be ruined. That's why he stays. And then after he gets directions there's no hesitation. He leaves. He agrees when Elmyra asks him not to see Aerith again. It's not like with Tifa when her father told him to stay away, because there's clear hints he still sees her. Why did she go to the water tower dressed like that if an almost stranger called her out? She says "what did you want to talk about?" in a way that suggests they talk often enough for her not to find it strange.
The only reason Cloud let Aerith go with him after she ambushes him at the exit is because she looked upset. She has tears in her eyes and he makes this yeesh face after he agrees. Because he's a good guy and, even after everything she put him through that day, is guessing she has issues, so humouring her can't hurt. Then she leads him through a dangerous route, despite knowing there's a safer, quicker one, and then she makes him feel bad for not high fiving her, and reminds him of Zack with things she says and then refuses to listen to him when he says no, he wants to leave. It's really only after she mentions a boyfriend that he eases up on his guard and switches posture, then when she says Zack's name he possibly got a trigger from real Cloud telling him to stop being such a dick to his best friend's girl. But then she's an afterthought the second he sees Tifa, which shows who he really cares about in a romantic sense.
It's not anti to call out a character's canon toxic behaviour when there's literally proof of it in game that we can screenshot.
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ok like. if i may ask since i believe you have good takes on things. what in the hell is going on with beastars. i read all of it like a few months ago and i was consistently baffled by like the political implications of everything. i couldnt tell what the intentions were or what was allegorical or whatever. its ok if u dont really like have an answer to this like if u just read it for the characters and stuff but im just curious as to if u have a take on it
well i think the thing that makes beastars unique among “Animals Are People” universes is that not EVERYTHING is a metaphor. allegories can carry some heavy weight in stories, but people are not animals and insisting that every animal thing has a human parallel can easily become all kinds of problematic. paru itagaki is wise because she didn’t try to do that. she had specific things she wanted to make allegorical but she also just genuinely loves drawing animals and loves animal behaviors! if she wanted to write about humans she would have done that
for instance, many aspects of interspecies relationships are obviously supposed to be allegorical for interracial couples. i.e. not being able to legally marry (in certain circumstances), being discriminated against by friends, family, and society as a whole, the way leano and melon were treated growing up, the way gosha lost his best friend for marrying a wolf. but other parts - like melon’s instincts and sense of taste - that’s just weird fantasy animal stuff and trying to make it fit into a metaphor will just make your head hurt.
i also think the devouring is kind of an ever-changing metaphor, which is why it can be so confusing. when applied to legosi and haru, it could be a “men are violent towards women” thing, when applied to the black market it’s probably a drug addiction thing, and when applied to legosi and louis...fuck if i know. they’re literally just gay
louis’s initial anger at legosi for shunning his privilege as a large carnivore is an example of something that CAN be directly translated to human terms. louis has had to fight his entire life to be respected, and the fact that even carnivores look up to him is an accomplishment most herbivores will never experience. but legosi literally just exists as a wolf - a shy antisocial one, too! -and everyone respects him immediately. but instead of using his privilege for good, he just wishes he was never born. of course louis is upset with him
the scene with sebun and legosi in the shoe store is a PERFECT example of this - she’s more than 10 years older than him, college educated, AND actually knows these guys; meanwhile legosi is a poor teenage high school dropout  and who do the carnivores listen to? him. 
gosha complicates things. he is a carnivore, but because he is a poisonous reptile, even other carnivores shun him. he is not allowed in restaurants without taking certain precautions, and being in public with his grandson is a hazard to them both because of how often he is verbally or violently attacked for no other reason than existing as a komodo dragon. the discrimination fits, but not everything does. there are probably arguments to be made about what poisonous reptiles represent but i’m not gonna get into that
but the stuff about haru’s intincts, and feeling calm when touching your own species, and canines chasing balls, and komodo poison being useless against family members, etc etc...that’s all just fantasy stuff. and that’s okay! and that’s good! trying to force metaphors onto shit like that is why so many other animals-as-people stories fail
so things like sebun's story and the descrimination against interspecies couples and the other examples i provided are very obvious allegories to racism and i think anyone who decides that paru didnt mean it that way is being wilfully ignorant. i also think that people who try to find meaning in the purely fantastical and/or literally animalistic traits that are completely unique to the beastars universe will just end up confused and probably won't enjoy the series very much. sometimes sloth tattoo artists accidentally kill people because they are so slow and thats just how it is
anyway! to answer your question yes beastars is a political series but it’s also literally just a silly manga about animals who eat each other because paru started writing it when she was in middle school and started publishing it when she was 22 and she thought it’d be cool. i like the writing but mostly i read it because it’s fucking insane and the art is great and the characters are cool
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eternitas · 4 years
Okay listen up
"Fiction can affect reality" , "just because you read about something doesnt automatically mean you condone it in real life, even if you enjoy it" , "there is a correlation between what people consume and their behavior or way of thinking" and "most people should be able to put fiction and reality apart"
Are all statements that are true at the same time.
People are different, psychology is weird, the human mind is weird. so seeing something as just black and white and treat every person like they need to abide to some morality code is peak hashtag REPENTyouSINNERS
Look. Childporn is bad. No question. I wont be making an excuse for people drawing it, nor for those consuming it. However there are people who dont seem to realize that not everything is automatically pedophilic in nature.
The romantization of abuse is an atrocity, 50 shades showed how aweful it is. Doesnt mean that every couple that safely does consensual non consent roleplaying or reads fanfiction about dubious consent also condones that shit irl.
Otherwise, hell lets get everyone locked up who enjoyed the SAW franchise bc it is a gore fest and most only cared about the traps and how cool they are. Anyone who ever enjoyed something with problematic content in it? Jail.
The thing is: people are versitile and not everyone is a) young and prone to influence b) not aware enough to make a clear cut between fiction and reality and c) fucking stupid.
Do i enjoy a villain from time to time? Yeah sure. Would i lust for a real person doing something absolutely horrific? Fuck no.
More than half of the deadly sins are /mental/. Greed, Envy, Pride, Lust, Wrath-
And i hate how it seeped through the ages now into fandoms where you are executed on sight if you think a ship that isnt fluffy and pure would be interesting to explore.
People like to make statements that are all encompasing and clear cut. If you like this then you're fine. If you like this, you are an asshole. In some cases it is easy to make that distinction. If you enjoy racist, fachist, homophobic or sexist jokes then maybe you're an asshole. Or maybe not educated enough. But we cant stretch this to /everything/ because fiction and its correlation to reality is so deeply complicated and versitile.
in short: dont be assholes and use that brain of yours a bit more.
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So I watched The Ancient Magus Bride ⚠Spoiler Warning⚠
When I saw the ad of this show on Instagram I said in the comments if that girl doesn’t fall in love with the skull man I’m going to be very disappointed. I WAS NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST! I’m gonna talk about this very differently and this might be really long so I’m sorry. So here’s my thoughts on the anime.
Firstly the opening. I don’t really pay attention to openings because I’m on my phone but this one made me stop everything and shush my boyfriend. Talk about something that grabs you. The singer’s name is Junna and she’s only 16 years old. The guitar is amazing and the visuals during it are great and those opening lyrics. WOO! It’s something new and fresh. Get away from the rock style music in a anime about step sisters in love (Citrus) or some dude singing high pitched with a great guitar riff and that be the only part I enjoy (Tokyo Ghoul). I love this opening. I listen to it in my free time and it just fucks me up.
WATASHI WA KOKO. Fucks me all the way up.
So in the beginning we see a girl with red hair and green eyes from Japan whose name is Chise (like cheese and say) and she’s selling herself because she wants to feel wanted and almost jumped from a building because she hates how she’s treated like an outcast. The scene then goes to Chise in chains walking through this auditorium like place with other creatures and this is the first indication or how visually amazing this anime is. Behind Chise are like giant wolf creatures and the reflection of the light from aquariums just….this anime is stunning. The animation quality of this show is 16 outta 10. I usually dont like when a serious anime turns chibi for light banter but when this anime does it I have no issue. The design of Chise, the vibrant colors, the lighting, reflection is absolutely gorgeous.
People are bidding on Chise and a man with a red blanket over his face and antlers bids 6 million on her. In this scene she’s sold to people in a…illegal magic auction i assume and Chise is a Sleigh Beggy.
A Sleigh Beggy is a person who has overwhelming amount of magic flowing from them but the amount of magic is so much that their bodies can’t handle it and they die in a year or two which is weird by the way because if Chise has been a Sleigh Beggy all her life and has lived this long you’d think shed be okay to live a little longer but whatever. Plot holes are like pot holes you can ignore them when you know where they are.
Throughout the show it’s implied but never directly said that there have been other Sleigh Beggys but nobody has really seen them in person. This is mostly because of how every new person she meets is shocked and amazed at her.
Back to the auction after a man bids 6M he wins her and we see that hes maybe 6'11 or 7 ft tall and has a wolf skull as a head (yes I looked it up). His name is Elias and they call him the Mage of the Thorn. We see why later in the episode and in episode 7 when Chise gets stabbed by a giant mantis and he looses his shit. Turning into this creature that I wish I could explain.
Immediately after the auction Elias takes her to his house and removes her chains with a touch. The house is adorable and I love it. I couldn’t live in it by myself though. Elias has a maid named Silver but Chise calls her Silkie. She cooks, cleans, and tends to the garden. In episode 15 we learn that Silkie is a Banshee and she fell into a catatonic state after her first family died. This Faire spirit leads her to a new house and he asks why she was there and Silkie says “I want my family.” this is the first time we hear she has a voice. And that she can talk. Being a banshee though I doubt she really could without breaking stuff or warning of death. 
Even in the short lived sentence Silkie is whispering. The Faire dresses her as a Victorian era style maid with a bonnet and wide dress and names her Silver. In the same episode we gets lots of quiet time with her as she sits around an empty house waiting for Elias and Chise to return. When Silkie was first introduced in the show I thought she would be the quiet character that doesn’t have emotions but everyone would love. In the first few episodes when she gives Chise her plate of breakfast she wraps her arms around her shoulders and rests her chin on her head. In the quiet segment with Silkie she shows that she is bored and misses Elias and Chise in the house. When they return Silkie is happy and hugs Chise. I love Silkie as a character. She takes care of both Chise and Elias which is adorable and she has a scene where she stands outside Elias’s bedroom door with a bat and that got a chuckle from me. Hell I rewinded that scene a few times.
After being taken home ,in the first episode, Chise, while in the bath internally monologues, reveals that her mother tried to kill her and her father and brother left her at a young age. She was bullied in school and pushed to the point of almost jumping off of a building then bringing us to the introduction of the anime.
While Chise is in the bath faire sprites come to greet her and call her Robin and say her red hair means she’s got great magic abilities. Later on in the night one of the faire sprites invites her for a walk in the forest to go outside. Turns out it’s a trap to lead Chise into what’s called “The Other Side” which is basically a relm where Faires live in meaning shed be a Faire. Chise choses not too because Elias is the only home and family she knows so she tells them no and then Elias comes to save her and we see his magic for the first time. Aftrr this scene we get to the meat and gravy of what this show is about. Elias says he will train Chise as his apprentice and he wants her to be his bride.
As Im sure you can tell this anime is about magic but unlike the successful Fairy Tail and the failure (in my opinion) that is Black Clover this is something very different and new. There are mages, sorcerers, witches, dragons, faires, centaurs, and demons in this world and we see so many variations and different kinds of each of these things. Even knew kinds of magical creatures that I’ve never seen before. You can truly see the time, effort, and dedication to this show and its absolutely amazing. I wish I could think of another word but this show is just amazing.
The first episode is very good about making you want to watch the next episode so find out more about the characters and story. It’s also very good at not revealing too much but just enough about Elias that not only makes Chise want to know more but also you.
Elias Ainsworth is a creature of some sort but nobody really knows what. He doesn’t know what but he is half fae. The first memories of his existence are of him walking. He can go into the shadows of people and hide in them (something he does with Chise a lot) and also has this weird ability to change his form from something wolf like with a fish tail, to something snake like, and in episode 18 he turns into this mass where he tries to eat Chise because he’s throwing a temper tantrum. Why? Cuz Chise had a friend over. No I’m not joking. 
In episode 3 Chise meets Lindel who is the caretaker of the Land of Dragons and she goes back to him in episode 12 and this is when Lindel explains how he met Elias. Elias unsure of what he is, is very confused. He thinks he used to eat humans which seems like a stretch but sometime in an episode when Chise sleeps in Elias bed with him (the same scene with Chise and the bat) and he’s threatening to eat her. Not a personal kink of mine but I don’t kink shame. In the beginning it seems that Elias just wants to help her but then it turns into Elias learning emotions and more about humans. It’s adorable really but often problematic.
I say problematic because and @redslayvega talked about this in their post about how both Chise and Elias have mental issues. A summary of their post is that Chise is willing to do anything to make anyone happy besides her while Elias is very dependent on her and has separation anxiety. Anytime Chise leaves to do her own thing he pouts and that affects Chise however she does keep doing it. I forget which episode it is, but when Chise hangs out with Alice on Christmas Eve he says she should’ve done it and he doesn’t trust her to go out alone anymore. In episode 21 the dude takes one of Chise’s dear friends to trade places with her when she gets the dragon’s curse. I mean jesus Elias. Chise rocks his jaw and is pissed. I would be too. She gets angry saying that she wanted to think about it with him. He can’t stand the thought of her leaving him. 
Besides that Chise and Elias’s relationship is very adorable and I absolutely love it. It changes from student and teacher to mother and son, to father and daughter, and in reality their just two kids who need to figure out what emotions really are. Chise doing more than Elias. The sound Elias’s skull makes when he rubs it on Chise’s face is a small but awesome detail. There’s a love between them and it’s not the main focus of the show however a very important aspect and also a good way to build character development and make good relationships between people. The two of them are just too cute. In Episode 6 Elias takes Chise to “The Other Side” to heal her and when they meet the Faire King and Queen the two talk about what kind of kids Elias and Chise should have. Then they bet on how many. Chise blushes at the possibility of having kids with Elias and Elias starts to feel things in his stomach. Butterflies. Elias protects Chise as much as he can and Chise helps Elias when he throws fits i.e. the temper tantrum we talked about earlier.
Chise gets a familiar and names him Ruth in episode 7. Ruth is a black dog who is tormented by the death of his master who was run over by a carrige. I think. He doesn’t remember what he is and it isn’t until episode 8 that he remembers and the two bond and he becomes her familiar. When she dies he dies and they are emotionally connected. I think Chise calls him her brother but I can’t remember. In the same episode of 7 and 8 we also meet the main antagonist of this series.
It threw me for a loop when they introduced an actual antagonist . Up until the point it seemed to be episodes of small missions and favors and days of shopping. If that’s all the show was going to be about I would’ve been okay but them throwing in this was amazing. It happens so suddenly too and there’s no preparation.
There’s a sorcerer named Renfred and he and Elias dont seem to be on good terms but have a good enough relationship to work together when needed. He has an apprentice named Alice who is hot in a suit and generally V attractive. In her backstory she was just a kid on the streets doing drugs until Renfred found her. We first meet the two in episode 4 and 5 when there’s a black mass in the land of cats and while Chise wants to destroy it without hurting the cats Alice and Renfred think to destroy everything. Then in episode 7 Alice is trying to kill Ruth (before he became Chise’s familiar) and Chise uses a potion on her that puts people to sleep. Alice wakes up and explains she’s looking for this kid who’s apparently evil and when she says this a giant mantis mean to stab Alice stabs her and then we’re introduced to the villain and main antagonist. 
His name is Joseph (my boyfriend’s name) but it seems his...demonic name is Cartaphillius. He gets mad when you call him that. He is a sorcerer who wants to make a chimera for some reason. He doesn’t even remember why in this scene. I forget who explains this but Joseph is immortal cuz of someone who cursed him and can’t die. The bastard gets his arm ripped off and just says “Oh silly me.” Like dude. Joseph really does have a reason for what he does or a “goal” of his. He goes around doing fuck all just because he can. We see him mostly doing “experiments”. In episode 4 and 5 we found out he’s the reason for the black gelatinous mass in the land of cats and that was a failed experiment. In episode 19 some goons of his (or people he possessed not sure) take dragons and he kills one for some reason. I dont remember if he just wanted to or if he had a reason but he puts the other one on auction THE SAME AUCTION CHISE WAS AT BY THE WAY. 
In that same episode Chise has a dream with Joseph in it and it seems like there’s another form like some sort of demon or monster inside of him. In the dream when they first start talkig he sounds like a sweet but confused kid then he starts to loose it and pins Chise to the ground and his eyes turn hollowed out. That leads me to think maybe he and Chise are connected somehow. It’ll be interesting to see how what his story it. Something tells me however that Joseph really just wants death. He’s been around so long that he just wants to die fucking around until he finally does. If that’s the case Chise will grant him that death because that’s just how her character is.
I absolutely love this anime. It’s visually amazing. The characters have so much depth and story that I just want to see more of. The plot is simple on the surface but it’s so much more. This is a very different and new anime that I’d recommend to anyone. This anime breaks the 13 episode rule so I’m hoping this show just does the entire manga in one go like Twin Star Exorcists did. I absolutely love it to the core. The animation quality is 10/10. The design is amazing. The colors. The textures and backgrounds give me a feeling. There’s a scene where Chise falls into a river and she sees this giant river dragon and it’s absolutely breath taking. The background music gives this ambiance. So much stuff in this anime is perfect and is done right. This is how you do a magic anime. Agree with me on some things or not. This is a good anime. This is a great anime and I love it with every fiber of my being.
16 outta 10. I’m ready to bleed for this bitch. I know this was sloppy and all over the place but understand one thing. I’m ready to bleed for this show.
Next review will be on Citrus (part 3) and the problem child that is Black fucking Clover and I have some choice words. My boyfriend says hi.
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william-s-churros · 6 years
random very personal post i guess
like back in the day or what the fuck ever and even like... recently i was still upset about shit but weird- i dunno. i guess i’m pretty old now lol and im just kind of like. i dont care. i mean, no one really bothers me about anything and im really glad about that and i kind of like being a weird hermit in my little corner of the internet because i absolutely never want to be involved with the shitshow that i went through back in like 2010-2013 or whatever
anyway... time makes it easier to realize how irrational you’re being; grinding, horrible, i-want-to-kill-myself-tier shitty work environments where you sit there ruminating over every single fucking thing that’s ever happened in your life all day every day. you’re like, why did that hurt me so much? why did i get upset about this thing? why do i fixate on this pain? like, no, i was hurt, but does that justify me perpetuating nonsense and rehashing shit and causing problems for people that hurt me in the past? i mean, that isn’t really what i want to do with my life.
the problem with the internet really is that it propels interpersonal drama into a spotlight for all to see and then people pick it apart in kind of a... i don’t know... shameful way. it’s very understandable actually; people get curious about human relationships, their ins and outs, the issues we all face as people. i really don’t think it’s surprising. i think the fixation on it as a form of entertainment is a bit alarming; but it is what it is. 
where am i going with this... i have no idea... this is really very vague. i mean, if you knew me from before then you know i was a mess back in the day; im still a bit of a mess, more of a like, small, smouldering trashfire as opposed to the gigantic fully-ablaze dumpster of a human being i used to be. i mean, that’s kind of what growing up is. i know when you’re like a teenager, 20-24 year olds can seem like adults but holy shit, they are definitely not. they are idiots (source: me) i don’t feel like an adult now and im 27. it’s not like i feel like i’m a kid either-- don’t get me wrong. im not trying to infantilize myself, but a lot more of adulthood is figuring shit out than you might expect, and the concept of an adult that you had as a kid is very different from the reality of being an adult. and i mean, your 20s are just a horrible decade as far as i can tell haha. you’re just going to go through a lot and learn a shitton about yourself and the people around you. i can only hope that when i’m 30 i won’t be such a fool, but we’ll see.
in any case, i don’t want to be the excuse anyone makes to hurt another person, no matter what i have said or complained about publicly in the past. a lot of people have done a lot of things to me that i didn’t like but how many of those things were honest mistakes, i’ll never know. how much of that was just the two of us not jiving as people as opposed to an active desire to be cruel, you know what i mean? how much of it was merely my interpretation of the world that influenced my understanding of the things that were happening to me because of my paranoia and my neurotic tendencies? how much of what i was interpreting was just carelessness or their own paranoid, neurotic tendencies? i know i’ve hurt people, too, and not on purpose. it’s not that i’m trying to shift responsibility from myself, but sometimes it’s a part of being alive and being who you are. people are complicated and shit happens and things you expect to work just don’t. you want to do things but you can’t, sometimes. you are the person you are and that doesn’t gel.
that said if you have ever listened to me about people, please note that i will never be offended or hurt if you went and did independent research, you know what i mean? in fact i want you to do that. if someone hurt me but you have a good relationship with them eventually i’m not going to be like “oh you’re a terrible person.” like, some people are just not compatible and that’s okay. you don’t have to like everyone you meet and no one has to like you. being hurt by a person=/=this person is completely irredeemable forever and ever you know what i mean? i don’t know. i’m probably never going to enjoy being around this person again, but how should i know? maybe they grew up and changed too. maybe we can be chill.
in essence, though, what i’m saying is that most times i have found that my name is invoked not in my best interest or with any particular concern for my well-being but rather to further a goal in humiliating another person or proving they are a bad person. i don’t really want anyone to do that. if anyone does that, they’re being a dick probably. people can hurt you and not be bad people. i don’t know. use your brain, theres times when shit is legit bad and the people who do it are bad and there’s times when it’s not like that but people get hurt anyway. i dunno. call-out culture isn’t like, bad inherently or anything but it’s something that can absolutely used for evil and sometimes im just like... please look into things. believe people but realize that means believing yourself and other people as well.
anyway... my point is mostly-- and this is coming from a person who has been like specifically named a victim in callout post-problematic human-whatever the fuck you call it stuff; please look at the people you are being told are bad as people, with empathy. i mean this sincerely; nothing anyone has done to me has ever warranted the prying and boundary violation that people that have had to endure with my name invoked against them, even if mine was one of many. 
so i guess i was wrong, i know i said i don’t care but i do! i do care that people are being made to feel bad because they maybe hurt my feelings like honestly that’s not much of an excuse for hundreds of people to decide a person is a bad person idk. not to be cheesy but be excellent to each other idk. just... idk. forgive me my trespesses as i forgive those who trespass against me. love and peace and chicken grease and all that jazz. 
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lvtvr · 7 years
s4 thoughts under the cut
i have criticism and i have praise, but most importantly i have common fucking sense and i dont lose my mind if a kids cartoon doesnt go my way so dont worry about that palios
please read this post in a neutrally speculative tone because that’s my voice in my head as i’m typing it. also of course my opinion is just a star in the sky and your mileage, as always, may vary. warning its the Great Wall of Text
sweet stuff
most importantly its a great time to be a lotor stan. i love my boy my problematic trash fav i love him so much hes officially my favorite character now 1000000000% (it used to be lance, but he’s been dethroned for real now)
not only is he a fucking babe but whenever he appeared the plot was guaranteed to move forward so every time he came onscreen i got my two favorite things in one
listen im just not going to go overboard w this but lets just say i think about him and grin a lot what a fucking GREAT character he’s so MORALLY GREY so FUCKED UP so INTERESTING so sexy
matt holt is in fact a meme! good job fandom, well predicted. the allura heart eyes stuff was lame stock cartoon humor which imo added Nothing of value, but that aside he’s an angel boy and brilliant addition to the recurring cast and i love him
i thought the rain and the big no during the cemetery scene were kinda over the top cheesy but that episode was, overall, really great
okay but real talk that one dog looking captain has to be somebody’s fursona???????????? somewhere a furry is fucking thriving right now
fighting animations and space backgrounds were gorgeous, as always
i adore where they’re taking keith’s development!!! i had some pretty serious concerns post s2, but they’re taking him in exactly the direction i had hoped for
i feel like he’s honestly really happy with the blade, their style really suits him and i mean that both figuratively and literally *wink wonk*
he’s a loner, but he’s not alone. he’s in a position where he’s expected to function as an independent unit within a team, instead of being literally connected to the others in his squad; at this point in time that autonomy is what’s important for his development. he has both the insight to realize that and the empathy to be concerned that it might be selfish or wrong in the eyes of others
but his friends support him!!!!!!!! the group hug oh my god
his self sacrifice... i almost died that was just so. beautiful
im just really emo about keith
why does zarkon hate lotor SO much? i have a feeling it must be connected to the circumstances of his birth. SOMETHING is up and i can’t wait to find out WHAT
and what the fuck is going on with haggar
shes still the most aesthetic character in the show sjlgdjsdgjsg PURPLE WITCH PURPLE WITCH
LANCE AND ALLURA!!!! OMG IM CRYING honestly i am still rooting for no canonical romance but at this point i wouldnt even mind canon allurance, because the way they’re having lance mature and act around her is just... im still crying dont look at me
that said i think its beautiful how canon lance, in stark contrast to the awful character that is fanon lance, is a selfless and insightful boy who -- once he steps out of his theater-kid attention-seeking leo persona -- has a better grasp than perhaps anyone of the true dynamics of the team
he gave allura the speech that shitty lance stans want the rest of the team to give him. i can’t believe he single handedly screwed over all bad characterization. im so proud of him.
salty stuff
lance’s sweet moment at the end of ep6 aside, i’m still pretty bitter about the fact that we know virtually NOTHING about either lance or hunk. to some degree shiro is also still a mystery.
the reason it’s so frustrating is because to varying degrees, keith, pidge, and allura all have some sort of backstory and ongoing arcs
in comparison, hunk and lance have been kind of stuck in support roles for four seasons now. they are occasionally shown maturing, but im just lacking a foundation for what’s driving them?? besides lance’s insecurities, what do we really HAVE?
episode 4 was a waste of time that i hope the under-12 demographic enjoyed more than i did. the meta wasn’t on point like, for instance, the avatar theater episode. also, it treated hunk terribly. like, lampshading how horribly he’s treated as a fat comic-relief character isn’t funny when your writers are the ones giving him that treatment in the first place lol???
it was, how u say, a shitty filler that could have been dropped entirely without affecting a thing
the sailor scout poses were pretty okay tho
why would you create a setup for whatever is going on with shiro and then not so much as allude to it during an entire season? 
like, a forty-second scene implying some weird juju would have been enough, but completely dropping one of the plot threads for six consecutive eps makes for a pretty porous story-tapestry. im assuming they’ll pick it up again but this season is just... a gaping hole, dramaturgically speaking.
if i had written it i would be kicking my own ass for lack of continuity
seriously this makes me feel less bad about my first-draft mess of a fanfic because holy shit lol its a lot tighter than this was
lotor killing narti came literally out of nowhere, and im not saying this to defend him (she was my favorite general and im incredibly sad she’s gone?? im lowkey hoping haggar’s mojo will revive her tbh) -- but, again, we have some really weird writing decisions going on here
lotor was set up in season three as someone who values mercy and explicitly orders his people not to kill. like, im not trying to excuse what he did -- im just saying it seems like a contradiction, based on what we’ve been shown
why wouldnt he just incapacitate her or kill kova instead?? the nature of the psychic bond was never addressed enough to make killing her seem motivated, and his character was never built up as someone who would succumb to a random murderous impulse, so tl;dr I Don’t Get It
also we havent been given enough background on the team to be able to say for sure, but what i assumed was a tight-knit elite group with history seems to have actually been a ragtag group of neutral-aligned mercenaries, temporarily banded together for personal gain.
while i’m okay with a plot-driven show that doesn’t spell things out and leaves most things as implied subtext, i still feel like there is such a thing as being too subtle
like you can’t set up plot threads only to put them completely on pause to have some ships blow up, it will only frustrate the audience and make the action seem like a cover-up for the writers having no idea what the fuck is going on
its not hard!!! to just throw in allusions to things!!!! like we’re talking literally just tossing out HINTS so people remember that “oh yeah that thing existed at all” @ dreamworks please uh... do that?
the pattern seems to be that we get a mindblowing season followed by a mediocre season so time to hype s5!
so anyway those are my two cents ("its more like ten dollars char" yeah yeah i know!!!) and i’m very happy to discuss the events of this season, and for people to disagree with me (as long as its polite and... at least relatively motivated lol)
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misterbitches · 3 years
@flootweed ​
That's super fucking romantic? Like tragic but in a nice way. i love that shit. i'm a monogamous slut for romance pghiosuag even tho we have to learn to live alone too but it's just like the NOTION is nice?!??! awwww i told my mom that SOPHIE's gf was like "she died taking a picture of the moon" and how it was like idk. the gf was just processing it and she thought it was romantic and my mom was like "wow.....depressing" bc think she thought it was stupid millenial shit i was like no mother doent u see she died in the BEAUTY LMAO but then i told her jessica walter's husband died the year before and then she died and she was like "aw...kind of romantic" LMAOOOO i guess two people have to die. why did i tell this story? i am so sorry. the show ended today right (ep 10?) i didn't realize it was that short. so i hope it was a happy ending? (tell me) i understand why you love the atmos! it's like, not really been done. there's this BL that i hear isn't too great but it does take place in a rural part of thailand and there's way less budget. a lot of ppl seem to like it. ep 6 LW / LW in gen gotta be honest, rushed through it. i knew spoilers from jump cause BL spoilers are just absolutely nothing and sometimes ur just like i need to know. i do not understand the ~silently lookin 4 u~ trope it always backfires and is also DUMB. so happy about tiffy. a girl who likes girls but ends up with a man bc of mommy and also the man is ok....it's me. she's gorgeous and actually [h*lf] gay so it's great. god ok i feel so old again. lmaooo but i was like obsessed with lady gaga for that reason (dont ask...also how i got kinda popular on tumblr way back in the day) and shes just absolutely fucking beautiful and bad ass. (which kind of doesnt helpcos they r all skinnty but that's FINEEEE) right? i mean like i guess cos we knew abt it? i can see why he was so pissed off, too? i mean i'm so fucking like...sensitive to being told what to do so i was angry for him from jump. i guess i was also looking at it different wholetime cos i knew the spoilers? i'm assuming u did too lmao. so we knew hed be pissed and leave. and frankly that's what sib gets. just for you my friend i will watch it and update. i think MANY times in shows in gen but it is something you notice a lot in BL bc they are just absolute novices most times. in this case, gene's actor mostly well (and i like him as a person just cos he was on that thai 3 girls in a car show and used to date on eof them lmao) can act so i will look over that scene to see how sib's actor plays off him. but the pausing in between sentences or for so long even decent actors or actors doing better. kao is not bad, not great so they will talk slowly because dramatic acting but the problem is most times it's too long. even if the person is an adept actor it won't always work and YES THEN THAT MEANS THE EDITOR COMES IN AND SNIP SNIP SNIP! it's too long. and sometimes it just does not work even if you can act. but it is GLARING when they cant or are average (someoe said this about tharntype and my god lmao tharn..is...so...slow...in...talking...the actor idk his name it's one of em, the other one with the nose (type) is....different not better but he certainly does not talk as slow. they arent bad but they are not good so.) also sometimes they are forgetting their lines. some ppl find this charming. clearly we do not lmao. what is their relation? what is going on there? i don't have a problem with stepbrothers as long as they didn't grow up with that sibling bond. many times blended families really have to watch out for that kind of fraternizing but it's always when theyre older and teenagers bc they didnt grow up w/ each other....i mean they have chemistry so i'm whatever. but. hennYYWAYYYS.actually it's bc im an idiot i didn't read it as Mhok (singular) and aey's father. Yes and his sister who i think i may hate? im like bitch okkkkkk but. his name is lhong. and he is a psycho. i mean so is type. so. oooh it could be that he stole! but also i'm pretty sure cos hes gay lol or did they
not make that explicit? the thing is i had to skip through most of that scene too because the drama was WAY too much for me. too much. lmao. the sister thing i got and it made sense and iliked that. oh yea he is gay and they know. that's a big one.
haven’t watched color rush! did you like it? i have seen wyel, parts of mr heart, and ofc to my star :) 
ohhhhhh ok. i get you. yea he definitely wasn’t being ooc cos i think that....what u said. and also like....ugh i cant even think rn. i like sam lin a lot so i like gao shi de but i gotta say. lmao. hm. first of all. yes it is creepy what he did. it’s fucking weird. and sad that his whole life revolves around him. it’s not as fucking weird as LW but still like when he did the door thing. i was like UMMMMMMMMM cos i really didnt want it to be constructed. and when it was i was like imma suspend my disbelief. but if anyone dared...
and so what he did in s2 i think he just couldnt realize that he was loved back which is why it’s good he WAS ALONE for 5 yrs imo. but he gave shu yi 0 choice and for that i am pretty sure i would be even angrier. i do think though that the father’s role is pretty important but i can see how the show is like....letting that go? bc as fucking weird as GSD is, he was still like...20? i guess and shu yi’s dad is like. crazy? i am also like he really had to fucking start a company to get noticed like are u joking? is it also that easy? and also why? lmao i just. ugh. i think that probs bothered me the most...priorities.
i like the show! well idk if i love it but sure. i think it’s decent lmao. i understand what you’re saying. for here it bothers me less but i certainly don’t think it was OOC. immature and stupid but like...that’s.....what they are. i also don’t have a problm with the timing from a technical point.
however, when i started the show? i had NO clue what concept of time it was. and that was very annoying. tehy redeemed it bc of the comedy aspects (the first time shu yi sees shi de is so fucking good, i really loved the shot and editing; it’s hilarious and silly) and i started to go with the flow of the show through that. but the fucking concept of time in the show in general esp with repetitive outfits (i understand that they are more likely to wear multiple outfits as well, it’s just that you have to split it up or it i sconfusing visually and looks like the same scene twice or just a full day of shooting which it could be but then something should change in the clothes. this is just an ex~~*~*) and partof that is they have this already controlled narrative i guess. 
i have to admit as well...i skipped episode 1. and most of 2. i was like i rly dont want to see someone slap a pereson even if they were like. not together. it’s just not cute also not in front of ppl. and then when they were yelling and bla bla i was like listen ladies lets calm down. too much angst in a boring way. what they have now is good. also they should probably like estrange the father but i doubt they will. 
i cannot make up my mind totally now bc i see what ur saying i guess i just don’t feel that way as much but i guess i have to think about it more, too. i do think he was contorlling in getting him or like when he didnt want shu yi to find out whwatshisface liked him. i guess for me it would be if he is still that way in the rship. but even tho he’s at fault for what happened, i’m also like but his dad? but also like...did he try? why did he just stop contacting? but then i guess he emailed everyday? DO U C MY QUANDARY.
alsoi have to say i do not care abt their backdoor being opened lmao like wow business? no thanks
LMAO. did they cry a lot in UWMA? i only know the teamwin parts. which one is fluke the really pale one who died? idk what it is about that kid but i just cant watch him. it’s not his fault it’s mine.
DUDE i still dont understand the husband and wife thing and ive looked into it multiple times. ive kinda just classified it as one of those things that make me uncomfortable but arent problematic lol. it you have any insight about it id love to hear it tho !!
it’s stupid. that’s what it is (husband and wife.) it’s just something they say like many gay couples may use pejoratives in conjunction with them, the f word etc. or even imply something about being a top and a bottom. whatever. but these arent gay spaces or gay storylines. sure gay men may direct them but since BL operates and relies on patriarchy without a doubt and also stereotypes poorly kathoeys or won’t cast trans women in anything substantial and use them as jokes (and see this is one of those things where it’s like...ud never see this in the US tho like our concept of third gender or kathoeys but life stillBOOOOO.) so it’s just useless when they put it into the scripts because it’s for people to consume and lots of girls are. obviously. so the idea that if you are being penetrated and u r the wife and this is used like literally anywhere but not from gay or whatever men is gross. are cis women’s vaginas sieves to them? are trans women not women? do we have to categorize people by PHALLIC OBJECTS IN OUR BODIES SPECIFICALLY A WOMAN? it dont make no sense. plus really most ppl just experiment, there’s more ways than one to have sex, we have lives so most times it’s not just full penetration for hours anyway. it’s just so gross. like oh that’s really funny lol ur the wife cos his dick goes in ur butt XD i get it, same. i say “i’m wife’ whenever there’s a penis in me. fucking kill me. it’s not a big deal but it’s just dumb and gross. if they use it they could try and subvert it too like i like how my engineer has  a whole absurdly stupid episode about it. but in TT the dad says “if ur the wife i wont accept it” and i was like u know what gals? im good. goodbye.
pgojaihousgajigko THAT’S SOOOOOOO OOWIEOFUGHOIJ WEIRD. FANDOM IS REALLY WEIRD. i have read rpf and written it once upon a time but dont do it anymore  uch. i mean it’s weird. no doubt about that. invasive, weird, strange. but very unreal anyway. it is. plus i dont like celebs or fame and think of it as a gross capitalist scheme so i had to stop (also so weird?) but i know very many people like lean in. lean in. LEAN IN. this youtuber i watch did a video on like insanely popular ships (like that 1d one) and their insane fandoms and i just couldnt. it’s so embarrassing? and then they’re so bold????? about it? 
yea it would be cool (more queer men or visibly we should say or like out whatever.) but it doesnt necessarily mean that will be good or beneficial i guess? i mean like. i dont know. so much about the genre is about wish fulfilment for young girls. its literally selling some fantasies because the other thing is for BL (i read a paper on this...) esp for girls in more conservative societies they cna maybe replace themselves in the character? but they may not feel a threat as a woman or like their life will fall apart if they engage in sexual things with anyone really. and that’s where i’m like....for a lot of these are they just writing a story and just replacing two men? bc they also seem to think it owrks like that. and in a way that’s what it is bc of the writing and how they use certain terms. you can tell the piece is about pushing a product and less about the real affects of a story. i think ITSAY is a great example of a really intelligent great piece of work that contains multitudes. and the girl was amazing. it just depends on the goal. and for most of the ppl the goal isnt...to do anything. so i dont know. idk how to talk abt representation anymore. it both is and isnt.
 i really liked tingting from my engineer a lot (idk if u have seen) she’s so fun and unapologetic. i love how much she drinks and if someone tells her to be ladylike she says no. and i appreciate that in the show when girls were rude to her she said nothing about the girls but said “NO IM NOT LUCKY TO HAVE ALL MALE FRIENDS?” i really want to see her more in the next season. obviously tiffy is goat. super excited to see how their rship develops.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Today’s weirdass yokai watch fact I have learned: Agent X is Injun Joe. He’s just.. Injun Joe. His japanese name is goddamn Injun Joe.
“Hey what’s an american thing? Men In Black and uhhhh RACISM”
His entire design is just fuckin Injun Joe, the version from a very particular tv show in japan, just fuckin recoloured purple. I never would have even known!!
So uhh yeah, good on you dub team for removing all that loaded roulette of a thing, holy fuckin shit...
I feel kinda bad for the japanese developers though because there’s no indication they really uhh.. KNEW anything about the whole native american situation at all. Apparantly the tales of tom sawyer was one of a few classic american books that got a kids show in japan, so the thought process behind this was probably just “this was my first childhood impression of what america is like, i should give it an affectionate reference”.
Which is uh.. its the same reason we have Jynx. Seriously! “Little Black Sambo” was another “classic western franchise” that japanese kids read in the 50s and 60s. Taking it completely out of context like that, the racist stereotype design of the earliest illustrations became seen as an iconic cartoon character and the japanese audience had no idea of its origins in anything negative.
This is why i really hate that whole “its a classic, so you’re not allowed to complain about the racism”. like there’s a big ol fat difference between simply understanding that the racism is a product of its time, vs YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO BE SAD ABOUT IT. Teaching friggin “classics” in this atmosphere of out of context dancing-around-the-elephant-in-the-room is how we get situations like this where people who don’t already know the context can just pick up the racism accidentally. Also seriously if we even had the slightest fuckin warning or even ACTUALLY TAUGHT KIDS that the racism is bad and its only here because this is an old book, then maybe itd be less goddamn traumatizing for the actual non white kids in the damn class...
I can still remember how my high school did this with of Mice Of Men, regarding ableism. Like it was friggin HIGH SCHOOL, there’s less of an excuse of ‘oh we cant explain, its too complicated for kids’! (Which is dumb anyway cos kids not already knowing about racism is like THE BIGGEST REASON you should tell them the thing is wrong/take the thing out when you talk about the book, otherwise it just goes into their brain unquestioned) Anyway, if you didnt already know, Of Mice And Men is a story all about a Scary Developmentally Disabled Man who is Just Like A Big Adult Child and is Big Scary Murderer and Too Dangerous To Live and The Only Way For Him To Be Happy Is To Die and Everyone He Ever Loved Is Finally Free Of The Burden of Him And He Would Be Happy That They Can Finally Be Happy. Yeah. Its fucked up and I hate it and I hate that it was just taught unchallenged and unquestioned. I didnt know I was autistic until i was an adult and this sort of message was the only perspective i was ever being given on what mental disabilities were, which probably contributed a whole lot to why i never got diagnosed and why i was goddamn terrified when i did finally find out. I’m so fuckin glad that being autistic is just.. like.. exactly the same as how I fuckin think, instead of this ridiculous gross fatalistic stereotype. And I hate looking back on how i blindly believed it and how i was rude to other autistic kids cos i fuckin DIDNT KNOW I WAS ONE OF THEM and thought it was a goddamn death sentence i had to avoid by being Aggressively Neurotypical At All Times.
But yeah this was indeed a book made in an older time where autism hadnt even been properly investigated by medical science and didnt even have a name. And by the standards of the time it’s comparatively progressive, because the story does indeed say this mentally ill man isnt actually evil, he’s just ACCIDENTALLY dangerous, and you’re supposed to feel sad that he has to die. But that doesn’t mean its goddamn true, it doesnt mean it should be taught as true, and it doesnt mean its not harmful to real people with real disabilities who are very likely sitting right there in this classroom listening to this tripe. I’m not saying don’t read any “classics” in class, just itd be nice if the teacher remotely aknowledged the problematic shit instead of reading it out as-is and not discussing a single thing. Like seriously it could flesh out the curriculum quite a bit if you added some essays like “explain why this thing is bigoted and the cultural context as to why it happened”. Or even just a goddamn warning at the beginning of the lesson that this chapter is gonna contain emotionally harrowing stuff! And its not even like its JUST “classics” that do this, the book directly after this in that same year of highschool was a modern thing about “oooh the scary inner mind of an autistic”, full of loads of stereotypes and weirdass child abuse apologism cos ~oh the kid was such a burden~ :/
So yeah. That stuff. Its bad.
It can lead to super outdated horrible stereotypes getting reintroduced into the brains of kids who dont know any better, or in this case foreign audiences who arent familiar with the cultural context. So that’s why I don’t blame nintendo for making a random villain named after the really insensitive name of an old not-exactly-well-portrayed villain from a “classic”. Instead I blame the people in the west who act so flippant about racism/other bigotries as long as its “classic”, its our fault that we’re sending this impression out to other countries.
Also its super depressing imagining this dude is meant to be the ghost of a guy with the same backstory as that dude from tom sawyer, aka a half native american mixed race man who only turned evil because he was treated like shit by racist bastards. Seriously it sucks how unsympathetically and scarily ‘ol IJ is portrayed in tom sawyer, but i guess again its a ‘for its time it was ahead of the curve’ sort of thing. Still not good though. The only thing more not gooder than that is if after he died with no sympathy from anyone forever he also came back as a weird purple slime ghost and continued suffering for more centuries :(
Man i usually love learning development trivia about games but this was really one of those facts thats more of a cursed thing :(
Aaaand ending with a random piece of trivia his japanese name is Injaneno which is a goddamn pun on That Damned Name mixed with a stereotypical italian mafia speak version of “dontcha know”. Or, well, the japanese stereotype of what italian mafia speak sounds like in japanese. Apparantly hokkaido accent is their equivelant of the ‘this character is foreign’ accent! Like how texas accents are for america and literally-everywhere-except-england accents are for britain. Its such a dumb trope, isnt it? “How do we know this character isn’t from this country? Cos they speak a very specific local accent of this country.” Its just the dumb stereotype of certain accents being uncultured or stupid or whatever so its a shorthand for ‘not fluent in the language’ even though being not fluent in the language sounds entirely fuckin different.
So yeh. Facts. Some of them kinda cursed. Also even more reasons to cry for goddamn MIB slime man...
oh and also his slime form in japanese is just “Demon Injaneno” instead of “The Executor”. which is an added layer of pun thats just like ‘dontcha know’ with an even more heavy accent. So i’m glad they kept the idea of scary alien blobman doom agent having goofy cute puns, and the whole X obsession is a nice way of punning without all them layers of weirdness.
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1nfamous-cvpidz · 7 years
Week 2: Unhealthy Relationships
Red Flags: Your Warning Signs
The major topic this week is Unhealthy Relationships. So, what exactly is an unhealthy relationship? There are plenty of different ways to answer this but here’s the most important part: If you feel like a majority of the time you are unhappy, miserable and exhausted from your relationship and/or that you don’t have any autonomy in your relationship, it’s most likely unhealthy.
My topic this week are red flags. Red flags are basically your warning signs that something is wrong. If you don’t know what to look for, you’ll never know the danger you could potentially be in.
Ironically enough, there are tons of red flags to watch out for and you may already know a few. Let’s go through a few.
Red Flag: They don’t respect your privacy.
This can include going through your phone and/or things without permission or barging into your room or space without knocking all the time for whatever reason.
This can make you feel paranoid at the inability to have your own space or even have your own things. If your partner and/or friend is constantly doing this and they don’t listen to you even when you’ve already communicated that this is not okay, here’s some things you can do to combat that:
Have a lock on your bedroom or space that only you have a key to. If they try breaking in, get rid of that person (No! I dont mean kill them. This is not the Godfather????). Kick them out, move out, disconnect all communication, etc. Get them out of your life (again, no murder). If these seem a little extreme, you can try having a conversation about the problematic behavior.
-Change the passwords to everything and keep a code they wont recognize in a place they won’t find. If you have that whole touch ID, delete their fingerprints as well.
If you are in a space and you know this person, constantly barges in, (this goes without saying but…) lock the door and make it difficult to open. They will probably give up. If not, earplugs until you’ve finished what ever you had to do. ‘What if they pick the lock?’ I’ll be honest, pick new people to be around in all seriousness. Also, a restraining order and several locks may help. Get a guard dog if you have to. As stated before, you can also talk to the person and explain why this behavior is so problematic. Perhaps you can come to a compromise?
Red Flag: They embarrass you in front of other people and they never apologize, even when you call them out about it.
Simple solution: Leave them. Leave them and never look back. That person is dangerous to your being and you should get away while you still can before they take your confidence, self esteem and self worth.
'But King, she/he/they does apologize and they make up for it doing X’ Sweetie, if someone apologizes and then does the same damn thing, their apology is worth nothing. Its doesn’t matter what they give you, get you or do for you. Words are nothing if their actions don’t match. Now, if they never do it again, good for them. Still watch your back.
Red Flag: When they get angry, they yell and destroy things.
Unless you’re in a relationship (friendship. romantic, etc.) with the Hulk, that’s fucking unacceptable. Even Bruce Banner has manners. No, but seriously, that is incredibly dangerous. At any moment, that anger and destruction can be directed at you. Unless you signed up for Mortal Combat when you started hanging around this person, I suggest you find a way to distance yourself and your things from this person. I also suggest taking a self defense class. You never know…
On a more serious note, if this person can’t control their emotions, you are on a fast pace towards verbal, emotional and even physical abuse. Things can go bad very quickly. Sure, you can talk to them about this but 99.9% of the time, this is probably how they have always coped with their emotions.
Red Flag: They make things all about them, all of the time.
If you have never heard of a narcissist, well, here’s your first experience. So, why is this dangerous for you? Simple: They won’t really care about you or how you feel. Everything will always come back to them in some way or form. That can be physically, mentally and emotionally draining. If you signed up to have the life drained out of you, there are much more interesting ways to do that… Google it.
Red Flag: Non-consensual contact.
This one is kind of self explanatory. If you did not ask and did not want the thing to occur, then it was non-consensual and it’s wrong. Easy example: Your coworker walks up and fondled your chest. Not only is that hella weird, you didn’t want nor asked for it. So that “friend” that’s always going in for bear hugs that are a little too tight and hold a little too long even though you’ve communicated you don’t like them or want them? They’re an asshole and should be avoided. They don’t respect your space or your autonomy and that can be incredibly dangerous. Get other friends that can be barriers between you.
While I have only mentioned a few red flags, there are so many more. I’m sure there are books dedicated to the topic.
To sum up all of this, if you feel consistently uncomfortable about a situation or person, listen to your feelings and find ways to either distance yourself from that person/situation or eradicate that situation entirely. (As stated previously, we do not condone murder and we highly suggest against it.)
Have a question about this? Did I miss something you want me to elaborate on? Send us a question or fan mail! We can probably point you in the right direction.
~Cupid King 👑
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