#but maybe be a little bit more informed before u speak on smth like gun violence like that. just a thought.
otrtbs · 1 year
“you can just take guns to music concerts in the united states” some of these bitches need to never speak again and i’m so serious about that.
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2 big posts in one day? it’s more likely than you think!!!
Moze gameplay breakdown babey here we go
shit sorry i forgot my tl;dr the first time i posted this: the tablet is big important and might have eridian writing on it, it ties into the temple, the loot gun, the tablet in tannis’s infirmary on sanc-iii, and the planet holograms in Eleseer from TPS. also you get a special melee tool to break the purple crystals that i'm like 70% sure are Eridium and also, you’re never gonna believe this, but I talk about Atlas for a little bit because of it.
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“lair of the harpy”
ah harpies. I’m shifting into Percy Jackson mode
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just putting this out there
anyway as for what “Lair of the Harpy” means in bl3? Well we’ve seen in the We Are Mayhem trailer a bunch of flying Maliwan bots (i am assuming rn that those are Maliwan, anyway)
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these green fucks
(u can tell that’s Jakobs Manor cause of the railing on the left) so i imagine that’s why it’s called the Lair of the Harpy. Could also be the lair of some evil woman character, idk lmao. 
Far more interesting than the Harpy thing, to me anyway, is this:
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i wonder if that’s gonna lead us to the psycho basement with tv heads being hanged where the Hammerlock siblings are standing in front of the fireplace
i wonder...
nah but for real. I would almost bet money that the Vault on Eden-6 is in that giant volcano/mountain area. It just feels right. we’ve seen it both dormant (the leaked footage) and active (the 3rd trailer) so I imagine opening the Vault would cause it to activate. Tho I’m still hoping onto the hope that it’s a moon pool. Just saying, Randy, if you’re reading this... just saying.
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we also see this glowing sparkle icon again, which I think pretty much confirms from the We are Mayhem trailer that those will show us where the Moxxi crew quests are.
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we see an enemy called “Shredder Fanatic”, personally I’m a fan of Splinter, but to each their own. Uhhh but for realsies they probably deal some blade damage or have a high RoF weapon. 
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a cool detail I noticed about the minimap is that elevated areas won’t get discovered until you reach that level. Thank god lol
part of this camp is made out of an old sailboat, which i think is pretty fuckin rad
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makes me wonder if we’re ever going to see the areas of Pandora affected by the flash freeze again. How long do seasons last on Pandora again? I swear it was like 5 years or smth. oh well lol
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i wanna know what this big thing is!! it looks cool. they mentioned that eden-6 was going to have a shitload of broken-down ships, so maybe this is related to it?
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another look at what i'm assuming is Jakobs Manor. this is very hard because I keep getting distracted by the gameplay lol I’ve seen this video seven times! it shouldn’t be that enthralling!! and yet!
the combat music in this area is so fucking solid btw i am jamming the hell out
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in awe at the size of this place. I’m digging the elevated hallway. i am very much getting a hogwarts vibe from here. the far right looks like an observatory, even.
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“Big Donny’s Chop Shop - Open 7 Days” lmao
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a gramophone and it looks like we can interact with it! i hope it plays classical music while we go on a murder spree
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some sort of bridge? i assume that’s how you actually get up to Jakobs Manor. that may be why our quest is “go to Jakobs Manor”, we gotta fix the bridge before we can.
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A Typhon journal!!!
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No audio, though :( 
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From the radio: “catastrophe lead [???] to a lets play (flay?). Craving some meat in a bite sized package? then try festy flesh meats with a bandit on the go. hey, we know you want it, but do you have the time to hunt it down? ...”
-moxxi speaking about her crew challenge i can’t understand the radio here-
[different voice] “... for an exciting announcement from the CoV’s own ministers of murder: Pain and Terror! Those guys are cooking up one hell of a sh-” [player turns off radio] I gonna assume he was about to say “show” cause they’re a Penn and Teller reference. These are the guys from the arena with the giant skull thing, i think i have talked about them before?
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Eden-6′s version of the shock cactus?
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El Dragon Jr.
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OwO are those the same purple rocks as Promethea?
They look like they are growing out of a stone tablet, i mean look at the green light. also they have that same star pattern inside them as Amara’s arms and Maya’s phaselock!!! Which makes me think it’s raw Eridium just... growing out of a stone tablet. which IS WILD!!!
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that is not her normal melee weapon, BY THE WAY
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she normally uses her Stab! knife!!!
when u try to break the purple rocks on Promethea, iirc the player character can say something to the effect of “have to come back here later”, so it’s possible later in the story we get something (the glowing red/orange/yellow) energy sword to break the purple rocks (eridium???). and yes you KNOW i pointed out the colors because Atlas.
After meleeing it, Moze says “let’s open you up” so im wondering if maybe those stone tablets come into play later? the (eridium?) crystals explode into sparkly purple powder
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glowing green!!!! It’s weird, I feel like these are eridian ruins/tablets growing eridium or some shit. we’ve seen the ruins have lines of color across them before, but never strictly on one side. and also never saw them grow eridium. i wonder if that is a reaction to us opening the second vault on pandora? eridium grew on pandora from the 1st one, now it’s spreading because of the second? I deffo think Eridium is from the second dimension (it started growing on pandora after the opening of the Vault) and it’s our key to getting there. 
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hey doesn’t that look familiar? I’ll give u like
10 seconds
yeah it’s the symbol from the gun
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OKAY SORRY I GOT EXCITED but uh yeah idk if that writing/those symbols being the same was intentional or not but it exists and i'm losing my mind over it
i also just wanna know why the rocks are growing eridium and glowing green like what the fuck are your SECRETS 
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Aurelia shows up as you cross the checkpoint at the bridge, so it’s pretty much 100% confirmed the Hammerlocks are helping us with the jakobs thing. considering Aurelia is contacting us and not Alistar, im REALLY worried about the shot in the We Are Mayhem trailer where he has red eyes. please don’t hurt him. also i love how Aurelia calls herself a rich bitch. she makes that shit rhyme lol
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another look at that big tower thing. May be a different one, actually. idk!
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round the corner and see a little camp on the left. through that tunnel up ahead leads us here
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we head to the right and Zer0 ECHOs us, asking us to kill someone to complete a crew challenge
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The target’s name is Heckle (and his rage name is Hyde)
Interestingly he has a megaphone strapped to his mouth
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Lots of stuff! Zer0 sends you mail for killing the target and you are informed that the Crew Challenge is completed. You also get a challenge completed for doing it. You ever notice the actual gameplay of borderlands is very tied to yellow and blue? the color of the title is yellow and the vault symbol for it is red (except for TPS). just odd to me idk
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looks like a little envelope icon appears under your minimap when you have mail in your inbox!
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we can see some cryo freezing the swamp water here! that’s my favorite thing. the electricity is cool, but ice is cooler.
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i love the way this dude runs. also we now know that his pickaxe is to burrow his way into the ground
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looks like it will create a huge pink cloud so you know when its about to happen, giving you time to stop it. nice.
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getting closer. guess that wasn’t an observatory after all. Awww mannn
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lootsplosion from the loot tink
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bigger lootsplosion from his bag
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i believe this is our first look at an ‘artifact’ which are replacing relics from bl2 and oz kits from tps. and like the interviews said, they’ll be effecting movement! this one turns your slide damage into cryo damage, lets you deal more radiation damage overall, and allows you to slide faster and further. i wonder how broken this can get on a downwards slope with a super high level slide relic. let’s break the sound barrier!
anyway, that’s all i saw that caught my eye. I still haven’t completed my Mask of Mayhem analysis, I was kinda hoping something during E3 would help me figure out who those mystery robed maliwan guys are on it, but alas we got nothing of real substance. oh, i also gotta finish that mural piece... aw fuck
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spoks-illogical-art · 7 years
a really badly explained plot of Invasion AU below
Roswell, Vincent, Laionel, Nekro, Newt and Ryland are the main cast
there’s no Drew, Chester, Nestor, Kate and Liam
Kendrick and Nyssa appear at some point, 
Vincents’ parents are dead and his brother Joel is missing, 
well Laionels’ parents are obviously dead too
Gordon, Ramsay, Erwin and Chris appear 
I still didn’t decide what about Mattie
basically there’s no Howard too, he doesn’t appear till the very end
Roswell is married to Ryland yaayy *but the media doesn’t know*
it takes place on Beta 5 (the canon main human cast home planet)
Beta 8 is the Greyhound home planet 
!quick reminder! Barons full name is Timothy Roswell and his undercover name is Aaron Dantes 
well the basic idea was that B8 invades B5 like in canon, but earlier 
when Vincent was like 28 and Lai 6
but it starts just like canon - Ryland meets Tim that’s working on creating a breach between Beta8 and some other planet that ends up being Beta5, because their home-planet is being destroyed by meteor showers
(actually during this AU B8 gets completely destroyed by an asteroid after everyone moved to B5),
then Howard appears, he’s a lil shit as usually and would mess up with Roswells’ plans *bcs creating breaches in time an space IS ILLEGAL* so he kicks his ass and throws out of B8 plus creates a power-field around the planet that keeps the red shrimp away so he can work on his *not so* mischievous plans in peace, 
there’s of course the civil war and the formation of the rebel groups against Baron
his *not so* evil plan was to make a deal with B5 humans to lend Greyhounds some of their land to move on to//and later on they could maybe build a city on the sea? like on a fake island or smth? idk// well they could live together - in return Greyhounds would give them their technology
what a damn utopia, he tried 
at the other hand that  deal was still kinda an ultimatum, Greyhounds had no choice, they needed to move on B5 even If humans liked it or not, because their planet was for sure going to get destroyed sooner or later, 
so they invaded them. i guess. lol.
it’s earlier so the rebels forces weren't so well military equipped and just ready to stand against Baron, but still had spies among his forces, while he was trying to make this deal with B5 they started to encourage others to rebel *because it was taking a lot of time and humans are so fragile and it would be easier just to take the planet by force right duh* 
in a result they actually /did that/ 
all Greyhounds are really short-tempered and impatient lol 
well then there was no chance no finish the deal, it was cut off and humans basically run away? ? at one side that’s what you do when you get attacked and ur damn planet doesn’t even have an army, but at the other hand that was actually a really dumb decision made by humans?? bcs Baron was maybe not on their side, but also against rebels after all ?? ? heh
so his own forces go rogue and start mass murdering humans, stuff gets out of control for few days
well until the ones in charge of the riots are taken down by what was left of Barons forces still at his side
still not everyone responsible for it dies and later on takes over the government to form the new Council, *do they ever learn?? no, they don’t* 
so the riots stop *more or less*, before humanity is wiped out and they make an agreement - humans can live alongside them, can’t be enslaved, but basically have no other rights, and have to live in the specific parts of the town, mostly outskirts
and u know who came up with this agreement? It was Tim, but Greyhounds don’t talk about it, some still hate him for not letting them just kill everyone and be done :U
after that he was thrown out of his position of a leader and just came back to being a scientist
and that would be from Barons point of view
meanwhile back at the beginning Vincent was working as cop for mere 4 years when it all started
and as B5 didn’t have a proper army, police was the only institution that could stand against the Greyhounds *not for long tho* and was mostly in charge of the evacuations 
well long story short he bumbs into that kid left alone on the street and adopts him. done. sdhfjkdshfjkhsdjk the city is burning!! gotta run away!!
and through the entire AU everyone keeps asking why the hell did he do that, that was so stupid, he just made a problem for himself wtf, 
would u leave a kid in the burning city invaded by evil dog aliens?
and they run away and just travel a lot, trying not to get killed, that keeps going for few years, until they meet and join Nekors group of rebels that’s trying to take down the government
good idea
that would be enough for the exposition pff
----- present time -----
which is like 8-9 years after the invasion
everything takes places in the newly built by Greyhounds Capitol City, that’s where Barons Lab Center is 
and Nekor and the rest live on the outskirts
 it's the human part of the outskirts, but poorer greyhounds live there too or just the one that aren’t so against humans
so like they have this sort of a bar, not everyone can get inside tho,
the bar is just in the front, its kinda like a basement ?? but not basement basement, they have gun storage in the basement, and in the back part of the building, they all actually live there or in the buildings around so no government spy gets inside lol idk, but it’s old, like made of bricks
im bad at describing stuff especially buildings 
Nekors’ in charge alongside with Newt, Vincent sometimes gets to speak for himself as /a human/,
Laionel’s just sort of a there, they are keeping him as long as Vincent’s alive,,,
it took Baron some time to track down the rebels and they were the closest group so he just went to them
*imagine Baron thinking about how rebels dress to match with them dfhdksj* 
he goes undercover *i just love this prompt fight me*
and it starts really cheesy with him saving the child from some Greyhounds on the street
 later on Nekor n the rest take him hostage as a spy, but the child is like /ay he helped me/ so Vincent’s like/ ay wait let him speak/ 
he introduces himself as one of the Barons scientists that could provide them maps or other useful information
so the irony is that both Baron and Vincent have to work with those who started the war
I mean it really is, Nekro, Newt, Hicks and the rest were rebels back on B8 so for quite a long time and it’s their fault too
Vincent doesn't know about it tho
Nekor as a long term rebel stil didn’t get over is hate towards Baron even tho he haven’t been important at all for a long time now and has no control, but Nekor is incredibly stupid in this AU and doesn’t recognize him
like everyone, but just, let’s say he should. at least a little bit. 
they work together for over half a year (up to 8 months I don’t know)
during this time Roswell has to sneak out of his lab, sometimes few times a week
poor Ryland doesn’t know about anything and starts to worry quite fast when he starts to disappear for whole days :U 
well until he finds out //that was like the first thing Ii posted with this au lol
it’s when rebels decide to ‘hey let’s just? attack Barons lab? I mean he’s not doin shit now, but he used to be a jerk right?’ good idea huh?’ 
but I have few other versions of how he could find out so that may change
 *AUs for AUs for days*
same goes with how Nekor and the rest finds out
i just can’t decide which is canon in this au dksf
there’s at least 5 versions now 
kill me
there’s also a part when the child gets taken into custody and Baron has to get him out of there. as himself. not undercover. that’s pretty ridiculous I gotta say
but what is this Barons long term undercover game even for 
well there's another tower that emits a power-field that keeps Howard away from Beta5 too, so they have to destroy it/turn off, Baron can get inside because he projected and built it and does check ups once in a while, but can’t mess with it, 
the council just waits for any mistakes he would do to shut down his lab or even get rid of him in any other way,
so he needs a backup like a group of rebels that would burst into the government building, make a mess, give Tim some time(lol) to turn it off, they would take the council hostage and wait for Howard to do his job. 
 well Tim should die in effect, because he kicked his ass in the first place so eh.
the only AU where Howard is actually NEEDED and WANTED what a plot twist 
but how the hell can you fix a planet completely taken over by a race that can’t go back to their home planet *bcs it doesn’t exist*
isn’t that too much even for The Watchman
no srsly i don’t know how to end it
???? ?
that’s it
i guess
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