#but mostly because of rat poison
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Sitting here paralyzed because my sister casually sent me pictures of an adorable 9 year old cat, asking me if i wanted to adopt her because she's the cat of a friend's grandma, and said neither the grandma nor the friend can keep her... Like yes of course i want to give this kitty a loving and comfortable home, but i am simply not able to be solely responsible for another living being ;_; that is just out of my reach
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arolesbianism · 4 months
Thinking abt my dupe ocs again, and I'm returning to my cringe fail silly ones who exist solely for me to have fun. Basically one of the colonies is sort of a lil experimental ground dupe wise where most of the dupes get to have some fun critter biology meshed in there, with most of them being fairly stable, but a few of them having a bit of a harder time for some reason or another. Such as having no bones and the most fragile skin known to dupe kind.
#rat rambles#oni posting#this colonies ada is the no bones guy shes mixed with a void bug#she actually is able to function mostly just fine its just that she has to be like super careful all the time#it doesn't help that her insides are mostly just foamy goo so the colony doctor doesn't rly know how to treat her wounds#on the bright side shes extremely light and can jump onto other dupes shoulders for fun#she cant fly tho very sad#even if she was the lightest thing in the world her wings are on the back of her head and arent as flexible as an actual shine bugs wings#she mostly uses them to gesture with like an extra pair of arms#and to paint with since shes also an artist#she's passionate abt her art but shes also super passionate abt being an engineer and a lot of her art ties back to that#mostly because she was printed only abt a month before the pod went offline so after that her fellow dupes became a lot more protective of#her since they felt that if smth went wrong now they wouldnt know how to help her#this frustrates her a Lot especially since prior to this she was mostly left to figure out how to manage this stuff by herself#she ends up tinkering in private when no one is around since she has a lot of ideas and wants to try making them#one of her biggest goals is to find a way to fly or glide without jetpacks since she's convinced she could find a way to#if she can be knocked off her feet by a light breeze then she can totally find a way to stay in the air longer shes sure of it#in the meantime the rest of the critter squad are trying to convince liam to not eat sand because itll just make his sensitive tummy worse#he knows this conceptually but his heart tells him that he ate a meal and started to feel sick so its clearly poisoned and the cook is#sick or trying to poison him and hes going to die if he keeps eating food from the fridge and so he must eat sand#unfortunately this is a fairly common anxiety of his since his stomach rly can only half handle anything ever#I imagine he and ada have a complicated relationship as while they do get along one of them has violent anxiety and the other is fragile as#hell but hates being babied so ada often avoids liam to his dismay
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safirefire · 10 months
It’s not just that Katniss used poison berries to outsmart the games it’s that Snow has seen it before. Back when he was still Coriolanus he saw the unfairness of the games and while it’s mostly self serving he still helps Lucy by sneaking her rat poison as a fuck you to the Capitol rules. So when Katniss pulls the nightlock stunt, he’s furious because he’s seen this before
He did it first
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radiance1 · 1 year
Killer Croc and Jack Fenton are brothers.
Killer Croc was the first born, just a about 5 years older than Jack. Their father was a large man, much larger than should be possible considering he never had a meta gene.
But oh boy would it have not surprised them if he did. Because that man was strong, 10 feet tall, and shrugged off things that would injure most people.
Like a brick to the head.
Croc was entranced with his younger brother; he was so small so much tinier than he had any right to be, and cuter than a button. He babbled like most babies do, but Croc wouldn't think twice before calling his baby brother the best baby of them all.
His dad could fit him in the palm of his hand easily! Which was just one of Jack's many great qualities in his opinion!
Croc and Jack's parents weren't really on the best of terms, Croc could tell. He didn't know why, really, but he didn't want his baby bro to feel unloved in any sort of way, and it's not like he really had friends to hang out with, plus his parents were busy with jobs.
So he mostly spent his time taking care of and playing with Jack. Changing diapers, feeding him, lifting him up and down with his tail, just the normal sibling stuff.
He feels kind of bad for his dad though, whatever kind of job he had didn't even let him come home most days, and when he did he could barely even walk upright without falling asleep and jolting awake. He still made time for them, however, when he got those rare few off days.
He's honestly surprised that man managed to drive a car properly in the state he was in.
Their mother was often out of the house, Crocc didn't know what she was doing but he just thought it was like his dad. Unlike his dad, however, she didn't really like him. He didn't really know why, nor did he really care either if he was to be honest.
Around a year later the tension between their parents got so thick it could be cut with a butter knife. Then it turned to arguments in the rare times they both were in the house, he didn't even know his parents could make such cutting remarks to each other, and then both of them being in the house less than before.
Then when he turned 10, and Jack 5. They got divorced. Croc was left with his mother and Jack got taken by his father. His mother didn't take the divorce well, really, probably because at the same time she got fired from whatever the hell she was doing and was left jobless.
Then she dropped the bomb on his that his dad wasn't even his actual dad and Jack is only his half-sibling and then promptly abandoned him in the sewers with the rats and what was most likely very poisoned water due to it being the sewers and Gotham.
Well. Fuck.
Croc thinks that Jack doesn't even remember him due to how young he was, nor did he ever see his dad again cause, y'know, being abandoned in the sewers and all.
Then multiple years later he ran into his brother again and got DAMN was he tall. Not taller than him, but it was basically the equivalent of a gut punch to Croc, because he remembers his baby bro being so tiny, so baby.
He blames his father's genes for him being 8 feet taller now. A head shorter than him, sure. But he wants back his small baby bro alright.
Then he finds out his baby bro has a family.
And fuck did he not want to involve himself anymore in fear of being a catalyst for tearing said family apart due to being, well, him and all. Then he was promptly (quite literally) dragged over to meet said family despite his stance on the matter.
Then he finds out he's just treated like a normal person with zero amount of fear. His wife? She had to have a giant in her family too because she was 7 feet tall and was smart enough to kick his ass.
His daughter? 6 feet tall and their first meeting she accidently became his therapist. Also, he was sure she was a meta of some kind, probably something to do with wolves.
Then finally, their son.
It felt like he was thrown back to his childhood when he saw him, he looked so much like Jack did, and he was so, so tiny just like his baby bro was. He had to physically hold himself back from doing anything with the kid because he feared he would accidentally break him or something.
Then he found out that apparently his nephew was half-dead and that his brother and his wife hated ghosts with a passion, built a portal to the other side, had their city attack by the ghost king and then promptly found out about their son's half-dead status and had to do a major revamp of basically everything they knew and acted upon.
Which they're still working on.
Oh and also their daughter is a werewolf, she had a meta gene from someone of his dad's side and only recently activated it.
All of that which was a lot to take in for old Killer Croc, also he knew his niece had something to do with wolves.
So, Killer Croc in all of his life from the point of being abandoned at up to now, decided to go screw the bats and whatever they're attempts of figuring out what the fuck's going on with him (look at you Red Hood.) and decided to try and integrate himself into this family and brother's life again as best he can.
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thagomizersshow · 1 year
I love when sci-fi/fantasy writers throw in a random fact about a fictional species that actually has big repercussions for that species' biology.
Like, there is a species in Star Trek called Saurians who are adorable dinosauroid looking dudes. They've had very little revealed about them despite having been mentioned as early as the original series by way of "Saurian brandy" — a drink that is so strong it can put a Klingon on their ass in one swig.
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Other than that, most of what we know about them comes from snippets involving a reoccuring character on Discovery named Linus, who is mostly a comic relief character. Now the reason I bring them up is that in one episode there's a scene where Linus is eating bamboo of all things, and I'm not sure the writers realized how telling this is about Saurian biology.
Bamboo is a damn hard food to eat, and us humans can only eat the shoots of a few species. Even then, raw consumption of shoots can lead to cyanide poisoning if you aren't careful. We still don't know how exactly a lot of animals that eat a lot of bamboo (bamboo lemurs, red pandas, bamboo rats, elephants, gorillas) are able to digest so much of it without getting cyanide poisoning. There is some sort of neutralization process in giant pandas involving the rhodanese enzyme that turns cyanide into the non-toxic thiocyanate that they just pee out, but the process is still poorly understood in other species.
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Bamboo is also hard to digest for the same reason all grasses are; their plant wall cellulose is hard as hell to break down. Like, your choices are:
a) you do a poor job of digesting it and just spend all day eating (giant panda, red panda, bamboo lemur)
b) you grow really big and have a big gut (elephants, gorillas)
c) you only eat the parts of the plant that are easier to digest (bamboo rats)
On top of that, bamboo is loaded with silica phytoliths that are like microscopic bits of glass. These evolved to make their tissues even harder to chew and metabolize.
It's hard to make out in the scene, but it looks like Linus is eating raw bamboo leaves. Just picking them up with his fingers and munching on them like it's nothing. That means his teeth and/or jaws would need to be very powerful (maybe hypsodont? or maybe tooth batteries?) AND, because he's eating it raw, he'd have to be immune to the cyanide in some way.
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One explanation could be in the Star Trek Adventures TTRPG, where Saurians are said to have an ability called "Enhanced Metabolism" where they recover from toxins faster than other species (my guess is this was meant to reference their brandy being so strong). BUT, that's not the same thing as the immunity real bamboo eating animals seem to have. My head canon is that Saurians have a diet similar to red pandas, where bamboo-like plants are their main diet on their homeworld, but they'll eat other stuff too when it's available, AND they've evolved some way to convert cyanide into a harmless chemical they excrete, like a giant panda.
All of these whacky biology shenanigans stem (hehe) from the casual writing decision to make a supporting alien character seem weird by eating a weird thing.
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marsprincess889 · 1 month
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Part 3
More random and messy but still true
DISCLAIMER: if you consider some of these positive and others negative, then I want you guys to know that they come from my personal observations of real life. None of the nakshatras are better or worse, or positive or negative, these are just aspects of them, but nevertheless, true.
Magha people can have such an ego omg like I've said that before with rat yonis but P.Phalguni I think is nowhere near Magha in that department. Ashwini can also come off as egotistical, but it's moreso that they're unintentionally(or sometimes, intentionally) ignorant. Mula can also have egotistical tendencies, esp cause the galactic center(the black hole) is in Mula nakshatra, so they can have this "I'm the center of the world" attitude, but in my experience it manifests as just them mainly trusting themselves. All Ketu nakshatras have this theme of going inwards and shutting the world out, but since Magha is in the Sun ruled Leo (sun=ourselves, confidence) it can come off as undeservedely egotistical, different from Ashwinis aggressively(Aries/Mars) ignorant and Mula's relentlessly preachy(Sagittarius/Jupiter).
The Ashlesha to Jyeshta pipeline is actually very obvious, they're more connected than people realize. Obviously they're both Mercury nakshatras, but Ashlesha is often seen in a very sensual, feminine light and Jyeshta in a no-nonsense, cut to the chase light. The difference is that all that bottled up energy of Ashlesha, that was either healing or poisoning the native is ready to fight and be more direct in Jyeshta. They're both laser focused on survival and protecting themselves, desperately trying to realize themselves in the proccess, so it's a struggle. Both are trying to preserve their energy, but Ashlesha was trapped in the confines of the 4th house(family, roots,mother) and the sign of Cancer/Moon(emotions, fliudity, sensitivity), either for its safety or to its detriment, and was trying to get their energy out in a correct way. Jyeshta is out in the open, thrown in the sign of Scorpio/the 8th house/ passive Mars (transformation, rebirth, purging, sex, death, warfare, survival, defence. You and the other are one and the same in the 8th house). For Jyeshta, the only way to survive, is to win over everyone else, and when they eventually win, they gain dominion over others. So Jyeshta is kind of about revisiting that Ashlesha state and having the revenge, so to speak, because after gaining strength on your own, you eventually have to face the ones who you were so desperately trying to get away from(ashlesha).
Mulas can be so gentle and honestly at first I did not know where that came from, but since the last third of nakshatras are about transcending and mastering their ruling planet in a sense(btw, that does not mean that they embody the energy of the planet more, or that they're better) and Ketu is about primal instincts, then Mula is the place where the individual centers themselves in their truth and is unmoved by others, thus, avoiding unnecessary energy drainage. Of course, they can also be the most untamed of all, but in our civilized(mostly🙁) society, their natural demeanor is extremely calm.
Chitra natives are soooooo chaotic like calm down jesus. It makes sense when your consider that its gunas are TTT(tamas, tamas, tamas). Among the planets, Ketu is the most tamasic one(Chitra's ruler_Mars is also tamasic), but each nakshatra has their own guna(Ashwini is Rajas x3, Bharani is Rajas-Rajas-Tamas, Revati is Sattva x3, you get it). So Chitra people are the most chaotic, if I may say so. (Gotta credit The Hidden Octave's Chitra video for the observation). There are a lot of indicators that explain this but I've already written a lot in the previous ones😭 if you know basic vedic, this observation is of no surprise to you. They can also be prone to anxiety, but often they're unaware of it, so that has a detrimental effect on people around them.
Uttara Bhadrapadas are VERY hard to order around. Impossible even. Idk why someone would want to order someone else around but nevertheless, these natives can deal with any kind of unfairness with such grace, self-mastery and quiet strength that eventually nothing gets to them anymore. So if you see an U. Bhadra child disobey their superiors calmly and in a controlled but determined manner, you know why.
I really have a lot of respect for Uttara Ashadas(not all, lmao), because they just deal with stuff alone. And it's natural for them, and they don't do it for a goal(like in Jyeshta, which is not bad, it's just different) or for attention, it's just a way of life for them. Simplicity and stoicism 🤌
Okay, now a fun one: Moon girls (Rohini, Hasta and Shravana) are the blueprints of Y/N. If you guys don't know what Y/N please look it up. Not just Y/N, but characters like Bella Swan(hasta moon, rohini asc actress) and Elena Gilbert(shravana moon anctress) come to mind. Even popular instagram users who parody those movies/fanfics/characters have moon placements(@laframbuesaa_ rohini moon if i remember correctly and @yasmine_sahid_ shravana moon(?) on insta). Even Harry fcking styles, who is probably the most common love interest in those fanfics has hasta moon. If you know a little about nakshatras, this makes sooo much sense. Moon is something that masses can understand and digest easily, so it's not complicated and sometimes, it can verge on delusions(or an insane sensitivity and receptivity and the ability to read between the lines, but that's just for a number of their natives). Other nakshatras that can fall into the Y/N trope are venus and ketu nakshatras, but moon is the most classic example of it.
I want confirmation in the comments/reblogs for this one: Bharani natives love high fantasy, history(esp medieval), fantasy in general and/or just everything/anything with that vibe. Cause I'm bharani moon and I do, and I've seen some other examples. If not, then the Bharani natives themselves seem like they're out of those times/stories. I can't explain it in any other way. (This might be true for Bharani Ketu too.)
Alright, this is all. Reblog, comment, like. Interact please
Take care
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ataraxiaspainting · 9 months
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Yan Gojo x F Reader.
Synopsis: It was easy to find you.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, manipulation, and major power imbalance.
Word Count: 700.
Satoru left the door unlocked again. He also left the keys on the table and some money. It was so obviously a trap. But how could you resist such an offer to get away from a man who has taken control of your entire life and forced you to be his little stay-at-home girlfriend? When you think about it later, after you were caught a few weeks later, after emptying every ATM you come across, using Satoru's stolen credit and debit cards, after buying yourself a motel room and passing out drunk, after buying one train ticket after another with the aim of getting to Japan's border and either sneaking onto a boat or purchasing a pass to get on. You thought of how to divide your stolen money, whether to sneak onto the ship or buy a ticket to not be arrested and thrown back into Satoru's suffocating arms. Unfortunately for you, Satoru already knew where you were, what you were doing, everything. He was always one step ahead of you.
You never know what is going on inside his head. It is both a blessing and a curse. You never know what he is going to do to you. But you also are not broken because Satoru, ironically enough, still has enough self-control to let you have some independence. Emphasis on some. It is mostly shown through moments exactly like this. But the independence is still false, like a painting of a door on a wall. 
It may look good from afar, but it is unusable. It is only good for looking at and hoping that whatever higher power there is will eventually turn into a real door because you are not God. You are not God, and you cannot create things, living or not. Satoru knows this. You come to know it. In this world, Satoru is the closest thing to a god, you think. 
He expects you to worship him as one too.
You used to, long ago. How could you resist being captivated by him, with his radiant presence and gleaming white appearance, emanating a comforting warmth and possessing eyes as vast as the boundless sky? Though his teachings were cryptic and filled with bewildering references to cursed energy and haunting visions, you swallowed them like sacred doctrine, like the finest wine in all the land, embracing him as your rescuer. He had liberated you from darkness and vowed to keep you immersed in luminosity. Whatever his true nature, it was divine enough for your devotion.
But you don’t anymore. You don’t know whether Satoru misses your praising words or not. But you don’t see him as the devil either, anymore. You blame him for the bottles and bottles you drink and drink in those motel rooms, using abandoned restrooms infested with rats, and soon having nothing to eat because you used all of your money out of impulse, out of fear. But deep down, you blame yourself for being caught back in Satoru’s web. Because, against everything and everyone telling you not to, you tried to get past security and sneak onto a boat to South Korea.
It made finding you all the easier, Satoru told you. He knew what you were doing the whole time, when you bought enough beer to nearly give you lethal alcohol poisoning, when he came to rescue you from the nearest police station, from the police officers interrogating you and threatening violence and insulting you with every word in the book. As much as you want to blame him entirely, you know some of it was you. He didn’t force you to do anything. You could have just stayed where you were placed and waited for him to come back. You are human, not immune to sin indulgence, and selfishness. So is Satoru. Neither of you are God, and neither of you are Satan.
But oh how you wish that either of you were. No matter who gets the power, at least there is some difference between you. 
Because Satoru and you are many things, but self-sacrificing isn’t one of them. Both of you know that, and you hate it. Satoru loves it.
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lullabyes22-blog · 11 days
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO - Ch: 27 - Progress
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"She is no such thing." Silco’s half-smile shades. "But thank Kindred she has good taste."
Thank Kindred, too, she hasn't a taste for patricide.
The past weeks, she's kept Silco on tenterhooks. His bruises and blows were all but healed thanks to a dosage of Shimmer. But his private life was a wreckage with no end in sight. After the disastrous confrontation with Vi, Jinx had barred him entry into the Aerie. Stayed holed up there day and night, with Magnus guarding the staircase. The workshop door was always bolted. Her path seldom crossed Silco's. If she deigned to communicate with him, it was through the rare stickynote left on the kitchen counter. On the rarer occasions they were together for a public engagement, her smoldering glares made for dark quarter hours and darker quarters. Sometimes Sevika would subtly interpose her body between father and daughter, as if to thwart an assassination.
Silco didn't pretend Jinx wasn't a ticking timebomb. But he couldn't blame her, either.
He'd tried countless times to talk to her. Lurked by the Aerie, hoping to waylay her when she came out. Left her favorite dishes outside. Passed envelopes under her door. It made no difference. Jinx never made an appearance. The food stayed untasted. The envelopes were returned. Her room at the penthouse suite remained empty.
She couldn't forgive him for keeping her in the dark about Vi. Treating her like a child. Worse than that—a jinx to be sidelined, suckered, hoodwinked.
Lied to.
Her initial shock had, in the passing days, blackened into rage, and then hardened into a bitterness so profound that it verged on cold war. The first week, she'd been possessed by those sharp-toothed childhood chimeras that, for so many blessed weeks, had stayed dormant. Burned half the furniture in Silco's study: three Ionian paper lamps, a month's worth of cigars, and a reading chair he was particularly fond of.
Subsisting on nightmares, she no longer slept, and instead covered half the walls in his headquarters with a tiny, jagged script he recognized as presaging a psychotic break: LiArlIArLIarlIaRLIarRIeliAr. He'd found her, eventually, on the rooftop, smudged in glowpaint and streaked with tears. He'd dropped to his knees beside her. But Jinx had screeched and shrunk away, huddling into a ball.
When Silco touched her, she lashed out—protectively, spitefully, aggressively.
The crew weren't spared, either. For playing complicit cogs in Silco's scheme, they'd each been given a dose of the same medicine. Sevika's brand-new arm had malfunctioned in a shower of sparks two days after the incident. Lock was hit with a bout of violent food poisoning that turned out to be barium salts; he spent the rest of the week getting his stomach pumped. Ran came home to find their apartment overrun by a horde of sump-rats. Dustin was struck out of nowhere with a brick that nearly split his jaw; as it was, he was lucky not to lose any teeth. Lockjaw followed within a few hours.
They could each laugh about it now. But beneath the humor, they were terrified. For months, Jinx's moods were on an even keel. Now she'd relapsed into violent mania. Silco knew they dreaded the worst. That she'd turn on them all, tear apart the entire operation.
Destroy everything they'd rebuilt.
Silco dreaded it too. Mostly: he mourned. Jinx’s breakdowns were his personal failure. And the more she suffered, the more he suffered in turn, a sense not just of unworthiness but worthlessness.
Because they are family. All the family each of them has.
Then Vi ripped them apart with a single blow.
AO3 - Forward, But Never Forget/XOXO
FFnet - Forward, But Never Forget (XOXO)
Playlist on Youtube
@the-blue-quetzalcoatl @frostybearpaws @klorophile @kothelina @lilyreira @hannibalcatharsis @tiredblueann @typewriteringalaxy @theillestofomens @erikadarleyensis @testsubject24601 @elviriel @inconspicuouspotatosack @heroinejinx @aliaa-j @zaunite-leo @silcodependent @karnaca78 @aeolid-funkt @me-and-my-hyperfixations @yes-these-obsessions-are-healthy @medic-simp @cthezaunite @evren-d @flower-of-zaun @villainsidechick @spoczkotszcz @realitycanbewhateveridesire @opheliawillowbrook @nogurlstoy @mj678 @revelisms @shahs1221 @gingersforeverbox @inkshine @silcosmoke @ravenkinnie @letters-to-rosie @lbulldesigns @slavicbeastie @constantfragmentation @danally20 @thatlonelyweeb @callmeanifan-blog @thekelpiekid @not-yet-the-wolf @beardedladyqueen @littledollll @gritzzlybear @catgoblinchelly
Thank you for lending your lovely OCs for this tale @lbulldesigns and @saviourofzaun <3
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dewsgremlin · 5 months
What the ghouls daily eat for breakfast
Rain: lucky charms. But with water because he hates milk. (He also hates the yellow marshmallows - he says they taste like dry clue but with the consistency of rubber, so he picks them out and gives them to Dewdrop.)
Cumulus: wholecorn bread with cheese and cucumber, yogurt with fresh fruits out of the garden and a cup of coffee and a big glass of self-pressed orange juice.
Aether: pancakes with fresh fruits and syrup. (made by Mountain - he is the best cook.) And a cup of coffee with sugar and a few glasses of juice.
Dewdrop: mostly just two cups of black coffee, a cup of filmjölk and a cigarette. (And he eats the yellow marshmallows Rain gives him. Dew thinks they taste the same like the other marshmallows in the lucky charms, but he would never say that to Rain, because he knows that Rain is a picky eater.)
Swiss: pancakes with jam (made by mountain of course), baked beans, five toasts hawaii with ham, pineapple and cheese, a hard boiled egg, a glass of apple juice, two cups of coffee with milk. (The boy needs energy for the stage lol)
Cirrus: scrambled eggs with a lot of bacon and black coffee.
Aurora: no breakfast. Only tea. Sometimes a cup of vanilla oat milk.
Sunshine: toasts with chocolate cream, honey and strawberry jam, chocolate croissants and a cup of chocolate milk.
Phantom: He is scared to miss something, so he wants to try everything for breakfast. One day he eats lucky charms (only once because Rain doesn't want to share with him anymore since Phantom said that the yellow marshmallows taste better than the others), the next day he eats baked beans, vanilla ice cream, corndogs or cheesecake. He loves coffee but only with lots of sugar and milk. (He once took a sip of Dew's coffee, immediately spat it out again and accused Dewdrop of trying to poison him.)
Copia: pancakes with mable syrup and a big cup of coffee with oat milk. (And little cheese pieces, which he shares with his rats.)
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nikomedes · 6 months
ive seen some great bingo sheets going around for malevolent s5 but i would ask you to go further. lets invent some new 13th century miseries for our failsons arthur and john
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EDIT: people in the notes have mentioned they don’t know what some of these are, so i jotted down some quick and dirty explanations below the cut.
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the bubonic plague or black death is pretty well known, a horrific illness mostly transmitted by fleas and rats that was responsible for mass death in europe.
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marginalia are funky little drawings made in the margins of illuminated manuscripts, largely by bored monks and scriveners. my favorite is the penis beast.
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a medieval lord’s military might wasnt made up mostly of knights, who were typically low in number and expensive to field. they largely relied on levies, groups of able-bodied men raised from their land holdings and basically given a pike (a long spear), the bare minimum of equipment/livery, and a slap on the ass, and sent to fight one of the many english civil wars.
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leprosy was another greatest hit of medieval diseases that fucked your whole life up.
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catholic heresies are super fun! christianity has existed in a sort of perpetual state of “fuck around and find out,” but the medieval period saw a supreme amount of fucking around. here’s a great post rating many of these heresies. check out marcionism for some great Demiurge Discourse
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middle english was the form english took at this time. it can be very musical, but its, uh, yknow. difficult to parse these days.
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crusades were basically the greatest pastime of medieval rulers. not sure what to do with a heap of gold and all your vassal lords getting antsy and potentially fomenting ANOTHER civil war? ship them off to the middle east to fight a holy war on any pretext you can think of, including “because i can.”
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tunic malfunction is mostly a goof, but between hose, sumptuary laws governing specific colors and items different races/religions/classes could wear, tunic length discourse, and how expensive making clothes could be, well. it could be a hurdle
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legal proceedings weren’t just for people back in the day. sometimes animals would be dragged to the stand and accused of crimes. pigs in particular were often accused of eating limbs, children, and promoting sin.
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13th century well water is your one stop shop for some all-time hit fatal diseases, such as cholera and dysentery! also, even if it didnt kill you, frequent contamination means it usually smelt or looked bad. poisoning wells was a common warfare tactic as well.
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mintsuwu · 10 months
IRENE STORYTIME BECAUSE IT WAS ABOUT TIME I am deeply sorry this will be a little long;;
Irene Relda, also known as "Mademoiselle Ratler" (based on a headcanon by Frankilew on DA in which the mice society changes the last names of those who are of different species, for example Ratigan instead of Flanigan) or "The Witch of Geinburg Street" is a female rodent born as a cross between a rat and a mouse, who lives apart from society due to discrimination and therefore is tired of everyone and everything(?
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She is usually quiet and reserved, not showing emotions too often... But she's a gentle sweetheart deep down. And despite having quite the character and strenght, she is always willing to lend a helping hand to those who are not hostile towards her.
VOICE HEADCANON: Miss Spider (Voiced by Susan Sarandon in "James and the Giant Peach")
Irene´s mother was a rat of French origin who worked as a maid after moving to Mousedom, where she hoped to have a good life that unfortunately, she did not find. The father on the other hand was a well-to-do man, a prestigious professor or investigator at Scotland Yard…. But obviously, he could not accept the fact that the world knew that he had had a daughter with a maid who was, on top of that, a rat, so he fired the mother immediately and she took their child with her.
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Irene didn't have the best childhood, but she was happy as long as she could be with her mother despite the difficulties she had to face (being a rat in a mouse society, single woman with a daughter who is a crossbreed, etc.). Sadly, there was a point when Irene's mother passed away and the girl had to raise herself from then on.
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As she grew up, Irene acquired skills such as cleaning, sewing, and generally doing other household chores. She also knew a lot about herbs since, due to not having many resources, she could not afford to get sick often, so she could resort to the use of plants and natural healing methods.
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Thanks to her skills she was able to follow in her mother's footsteps and worked as a maid, offering a good service regardless of the salary, but for various circumstances she was mostly dismissed: either because of her condition, because she was accused of acts she had not committed or simply because the ladies of the household did not like her (or were envious of her for a reason she could not understand).
She worked for a duchess at some point, who was actually a covert criminal who went by the name "Dolleyes" (huge shoutout to @rexmk0153universe-blog for suggesting her name and for helping me come up for so many ideas for this sequel au!!): her plans were based on getting in touch with or marrying rich men and then murdering them in order to keep their posessions.
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One unfortunate day Irene witnessed one of the Duchess' crimes, so in exchange of her silence, she was fired (although she took revenge later… Let's say she offered Dolleyes an apology cake that had a dirty surprise and that hurt the noblewoman's ego while the queen of Mousedom witnessed everything (?) basically that cake scene from "The Help".)
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From that humiliation, a lot of rumors about Irene began to spread. They said things of the sorts that she was a witch who stole valuables, tricked and seduced husbands, kidnapped children and ate them, or poisoned and even cursed those who upset her.
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From the moment the rumors began, Irene had more difficulty getting a job because no one wanted to hire her, so she lived hand to mouth, and (perhaps do clothing comissions from time to time). The only hope she had was to be able to save enough money to go to France, which was her mother's homeland and where they wanted to return years ago before she died.
What Irene did not know though, is that shortly after she was going to help a very injured person one rainy night without knowing that it was a criminal mastermind. And from then on her life changed and she went from living alone having to endure the antics of a villain 24/7.
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Irene's relationship with Ratigan fluctuates. They generally argued and disagreed in nearly everything- But there was a point when she realized the subtle detail that he never called her "rat" or something negative in relation to that aspect of her being, which she found strange considering he seemed to detest rats and he flatly denied being one himself… But out of respect, Irene didn't call him that any longer (although there were many times when she made him angry on purpose because knowing that he couldn't do anything to her in his current state amused her and one time she even used his old bell to tease him, which she took from Basil's house).
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Regarding Ratigan's bell, the detective planned to search for it himself, but just then Olivia arrived with a reformed Fidget and volunteered. The bat, however, told her not to do it since he was paranoid that the professor was alive, even though he had been presumed dead after his fall from Big Ben… But Olivia's curiosity was greater and she prepared to investigate on her own. In fact, upon hearing the rumors of the witch she felt more convinced to continue (in some Disney Adventure comics, she and Fidget investigated paranormal events, so I imagine she likes that stuff).
In the end she arrived at Irene's house, but the woman tried to intimidate her and throw her out without Ratigan finding out that the girl was there. To her surprise, Olivia returned a few days later and repeatedly.
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Ratigan eventually found out that Irene was talking to Olivia, but suddenly offered the lady a deal… If she approached Basil through Olivia and managed to get the detective to lower his guard in order to take him down, Ratigan would leave her home as soon as he recovered, never to return, and would give her the money she needed to travel to France.
Irene, in order to get the professor off her back, accepted, and technically the scheme worked through the means of seduction (to Ratigan's confused displeasure because he had mixed feelings about Irene as the plan went by) but Basil snapped out of it soon enough and Ratigan lost again and fleed… He didn't give Irene the money however-
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She and Basil talked things out later though, apologizing for trying to trick him. Despite how the two would clash at times, Irene and the detective got along rather well, and from that point she helped him and Dawson with some of their cases, one of them which involved Dolleyes, who intended on marrying Ratigan only to kill him and pull out a Corpse Bride kind of plan after...
She also grew close to Olivia and Fidget, specially the latter since he ended up becoming like an adopted son of hers. So in their own ways, slowly, they heal together from the loneliness and mistreatment they had recieved on their lives.
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(Also yes the "caling people by any last names but their actual one" thing will be a running gag hehoo)
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laterreurofficial · 1 month
hiii !! I’m absolutely loving this au so far, so audial I have a shit ton of questions about worldbuilding n such. Ty in advance for taking time to answer mine and everyone else’s questions :))
Do the kwamis at all experience the “side effects” the wielders get, since the effects the the first place are a result of the kwami and the wielders souls mixing? Or do the effects happen because of weird magical and non-magical soul mixture fuckery. Or perhaps a bit of both
Is rejecting akumas a thing in LT? You said some people think of hawkmoth as the devil, so if someone was like. Hyper-religious could they just pray the akuma away or something lmao
Has Fu wielded the Turtle in the past in LT, and if so, does he have more advanced effects?
The desc of LT mentions it’s a campy retelling of ml, but so far we’ve seen mostly horror and kinda angsty stuff. Can you say anything about the campy elements you have planned for LT? (I may have just missed them by thinking too seriously about it lol)
Nah. The kwamis are the things giving the wielders soul radiation poisoning, and besides that their sort of cosmic essence is way 'bigger' than the human soul. It would be like squeezing a singular lemon into the ocean. You can’t make lemonade that way there’s way too much water.
Not necessarily? People can overcome hawkmoth's temptations, we see it in canon, but that sort of emotional bulwark doesn't need to come from religion. People think hawkmoth's the devil because he's scary and magic.
Funnily enough, we've made the turtle the chillest kwami ever, so Fu's actually doing fine, although he does carry the marks of a wielder. Namely walking slower and having a hankering for entire heads of lettuce.
It's mostly just the sillies on the side. Luka rat eating, hivemind in the background, Fatherbot3000.
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merakiui · 2 years
scaramouche thought catalogue.
(cw: yandere, nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, stalking, kidnapping/captivity, mention of baby-trapping, mention of murder/violence, mostly gender neutral, although a few thoughts written with implied female reader, mention of implied baby-trapping)
✧ prince scaramouche who you are in a secret relationship with. perhaps you're one of his attendants, or maybe you're a royal from a neighboring kingdom who occasionally comes to visit. the two of you probably hooked up at the gala in your kingdom. it's easy to lose yourself in good drinks and company. when you and the prince from a land of endless thunder and lightning retreat to a dark, abandoned corridor, fueled by the warmth of high-quality liquors and lustful attraction, you allow yourself the temporary comfort of sloppy kisses and wandering hands. no one's allowed to know of your scandalous relations with prince scaramouche, especially not when (many years later) your kingdoms are at war and the both of you are still in a secret relationship. scaramouche is on the path to murderous tyranny, and when he captures you as a spoil of war you assume he's merely pretending in an effort to cast any suspicions aside. but then you find yourself locked away in a private slice of the palace, and your only visitor is the wicked prince who wants more from you than just loveless sex.
✧ stalker scaramouche who keeps a list of everyone who has ever wronged you. whether it was a date gone sour, an old bully, a hateful ex... he’s organized his list by how much of a threat these people are to you and is willing to go to extremes to ensure they never hurt you again. scaramouche does whatever it takes to keep you safe. after all, you were the only one who extended your hand in friendship when he was labeled the “weird” kid in primary. you were the one who shared snacks and stories with him, who made sure to bring an extra lunch because he rarely came to school with one. he’s loved you for years now. unfortunately, when his mother was consumed by her grief and his aunt miko took him out of school, he never got to see you again. but now that he’s found you years later he’s started protecting you from the shadows. he’s even applied to work at the same place as you so that he can continue to look after you. scaramouche will leave home-cooked meals at your desk or doorstep or even in your work locker. you never touch them. it annoys him when you dump his hard work into the trash all because you think something nefarious has been added. he’d never hurt you...until he does. you’re getting too friendly with a coworker; scaramouche hates it with a passion. the next meal he makes comes with a note written in handwriting that perfectly mirrors your coworker’s. you eat that meal without any hesitation; funny how a little note changes everything. scaramouche doesn’t want to hurt you, but sometimes chewing glass is enough punishment for you to realize that everyone else in this world is rotten and that he’s the only one who can save you. when you’re hospitalized, he’s the first to send flowers and a card without a signature. written in the same script as your coworker are the words: if you don’t want to eat rat poison next, i suggest you stop talking to that person. and then a final line: get well soon. :) 
✧ trust-fund kid scaramouche who uses his status as ei’s son (she’s a ceo of a very successful company and miko is second-in-command) to bully you into submission. you’re hard-working and determined (two qualities scaramouche despises). he’s rich, so he doesn’t have to bother with work. he forces himself into your life, always insulting you with a cheeky smirk. he could be nice and give you a cushy life. all you need to do is agree to a single date with him and he’ll put you in a nice apartment, cover your bills, pay for your groceries. just one date. is that really so much to ask for? he’ll flex his wealth whenever he’s near you, as if that will push you closer to agreeing. you always decline his offers. scara’s beginning to grow frustrated. what must he do to have you all to himself? since you’re always overworking yourself, he’ll just force a break on you so that you’ll have no choice but to rely on him. maternity leave will give you plenty of time to realize you’re better off choosing him. 
✧ catboy scaramouche. you find an injured stray cat with the most beautiful, albeit matted and tangled, fur and so you bring him back to your home. you give him a bath (even if he protests and scratches your arms ferociously). you brush his fur, you bandage his wound, you feed him, you allow him to explore your house. he’s suspicious of you, but eventually he warms up to you and is not as averse to your presence as he was before. imagine your surprise when you return home, fully expecting to see your cat, when instead all you see is a man with cat ears and a tail dressed in an apron and attempting to follow a recipe. you learn that he was cursed to be this way after offending a god and now he must live out his punishment as a cat-human hybrid. you don’t mind it very much; in fact, you’re just glad to have a roommate. but this friendship soon turns dark when scaramouche starts returning home late at night, often smelling suspiciously of blood. he’s just hunting birds. it’s just cat instincts. that’s what he tells you. but when you find a shoe box tucked away in your closet and it’s filled with human teeth, some chipped, some with nerves still attached from where they were ripped from the gums, and some looking like they were nearly shattered into dust you start to realize something’s very wrong with your usually grumpy catboy. when he returns at midnight months later, dragging something heavy in a black bag, you fear the worst. he’s not hunting birds. he’s hunting humans. you have no idea why and you’re too scared to ask.
✧ scaramouche railing you in the mech. there is no plot to this thought. just,,, the two of you hidden within the mech; he tells you to be quiet unless you want the sages to hear your lewd sounds. unless you want them to hear their soon-to-be god fucking you into an incoherent, babbling mess. you’re pressed against the interior of the mech, with scaramouche pounding into you from behind, his hands wrapped tightly around your throat. he’s telling you of how, once he beats the traveler and that useless god of wisdom, the two of you will be free to bask in divinity for all of eternity. he’s rougher than usual; you suspect he’s fucking the frustration and nerves away. not that he has anything to be nervous about, though, right? he’ll win, right? (he does not win.)
✧ on the subject of god!scaramouche, consider a cult au in which dottore is the leader of a cult that worships scaramouche, a slumbering god who is prophesied to awaken when enough sacrifices are offered to him. every ritual, each devoted follower, is all part of dottore’s secret experiment. when he convinces you (a friend from university) to visit after you’ve confided in him about the...strange dreams you’ve been having (dreams involving a being who calls himself shouki no kami, who warns you of impending doom, who says the only way out is through him), you quickly find yourself wrapped up in something much larger. what starts as good-natured fascination with your uni friend’s unique and covert hobbies and a natural cleanse from the nightmares devolves into horror when you learn he plans to use you as the final sacrifice to reawaken shouki no kami. unbeknownst to him, scaramouche has been communicating with you for months now and has found himself enthralled. after you’ve been trapped within the cult, with your death looming ever nearer, scaramouche visits you in your dreams once more and begins to plot an escape with you. he’s been so sweet to you, so you trust him. he’s all you have. and he’s all you’ll ever have after he slaughters the cult and takes you as his prize. he needs a bride, after all, and you’re just perfect for him. they say the sky reflects the color of the earth the day shouki no kami awoke. it was a dreadful, horrifying crimson.
✧ also another concept without much plot, but consider a situation in which the different versions of scaramouche somehow become their own beings. there’s kunikuzushi, the puppet who was set free by ei. there’s scaramouche, the sixth fatui harbinger. and there’s wanderer. all of them love you to extremes in their own special, unhealthy ways. <3 and the three scaramouches always bicker over who is more deserving of your love. kuni is softer, but stiflingly obsessive and clingy. scaramouche is cruel and possessive. wanderer is sweet, a menace most of the time, but still not to be trusted, especially not when a vision allows him to have so much fun.
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estelle-skully · 5 months
Ramshackle tickle headcanons
Ohh god
oh goodness
its time
gadies and lentlemen, I now present to you, my ramshackle t-word headcanons (but just for the main three bc idk enough about any other characters yet)
First off: Vinnie!
she’s like 90% ler, doesn’t despise being tickled but she sure as hell will get revenge no matter what; she adores wrecking people because she thinks seeing people being tickled to pieces and laughing their asses off is some of the funniest shit ever
Girly pop is the kinda person to hear someone snort while laughing and point it out- same for people who blush a lot
she loves pissing people off and getting em hella flustered, again because she finds it funny
on occasion she gets really intense ler moods and will target whoever is closest to her
sometimes when she sees Stone being extra angsty she will wreck him
Skipp often goes to her when he is in a lee mood and she always teases him about it (“You know, for someone who lives on the streets, it’s pretty funny that you actually enjoy something as childish as tickling! How adorable!”)
Vinnie isnt really the kind of individual to deny being ticklish, but if someone asks then she’ll instantly reply “are you?” Without giving a clear answer; you pretty much have to figure it out yourself
she gets pretty violent when shes being tickled- theres a very high chance that you’ll get kicked or maybe even bitten 😭 she doesn’t actually intend on hurting anyone, its all instinct
speaking of violence, she also swears a lot and will throw every threat in the book your way
all in good fun tho <3
teehee next is Skipp
This little shit is a lee leaning switch- 60% lee, 40% ler
Even though he loves when he’s the lee, he also really enjoys pretending to be a tickle monster or some shit because it embarrasses his friends
mostly he goes after Stone because the tickle monster thing mostly works on him (also partially because one can’t really tickle Vinny for more than like ten seconds before she pulls a fucking uno reverse card 😭)
Skipp is the only person who can tell when Stone is in a lee mood (more on that later 🤭)
He isn’t embarrassed in the slightest about being ticklish but he is usually shy when he’s in a lee mood, hates straight up asking to be tickled so he usually drops little hints, which his friends quickly catch on to
he isn’t very mean as a ler, usually he’s more playful than relentless and occasionally will make little comments but doesn’t tease often
but as a lee
cutest little fuck EVER
he doesn’t try very hard to stop the tickles so he’ll either just kick his legs or do a lil happy stim of some kind
his laughter is all giggles and it’s just the sweetest ever
sometimes when he gets extra flustered he’ll cover his face with his hands
and he loves tickle hugs or cuddly tickles; prefers that over being obliterated, which is why sometimes Vinnie goes easier on him
Oki lastly, Stone!!! (My pookie!)
for him I dont actually know, he’s giving big switch vibes so i think i wanna say hes like 50-50
like I mentioned earlier, Stone is sometimes tormented by lee moods, which he is immensely embarrassed by. Skipp almost has a super power to sense lee moods in people though, so even though Stone is good at hiding it, the lee mood inevitably is relieved by Skipp, and sometimes Vinnie, which he’d constantly deny but he really appreciates it
lil bro secretly doesn’t mind being tickled because he’s pretty touch starved, and in general he doesn’t really get to laugh/smile often because he usually isnt in the mood.
again, he would rather drink gallons of rat poison than admit that, though
he tried his best to hide his ticklishness from his friends the first few months they knew each other, keeping the secret like his life depended on it
of course, they found out eventually, though
(do yall want me to write a fic with the “trio finding out stone is ticklish” scenario because id love to)
most of the time his laughter is very loud, and like Vinnie, he swears at his ler, too
but a certain thing one might notice while tickling him is that he doesn’t really do much to fight back at all
that’s probably the biggest giveaway that he actually enjoys the tickles
buuuut also, if one were to get him in one of his less ticklish spots (like his belly and sides or something) he giggles and its SOOOOO CUTE
if you want to get him flustered, then comment on his giggling- he cant stand it
He also goes crazy over compliments and cute nicknames (call him pretty boy and he will die)
and also his face will go bright red (which im pretty sure is canon when he’s embarrassed, by the way- remember that scene in the thesis film, where the three fell through the clothesline and Stone was in the maid dress and Vinnie smirked at him? His face went BRIGHT red and he looked so pissed 😭)
when he’s in a ler mood, though…
bro is fucking terrifying
somehow he’s able to guess someone’s worst spots almost instantly and uses that against them
On occasion he will start something with Vinnie just to get tickled by her but its actually shocking how he can successfully get her pinned down, so their tickle fights are actually pretty equal
Any time Skipp shyly approaches him and does whatever it is he does to hint at his lee moods, Stone can’t help but be a bit envious that the guy can even give hints- he’s to embarrassed to give any indication whatsoever
but yeah sometimes he’ll tease Skipp a bit, but he wouldn’t dare tease Vinnie because she knows EXACTLY what makes him flustered and is not afraid to use it against him
he can say the dreaded t-word most of the time, but not when he’s in a lee mood. Cant stand hearing it either
andddd thats all i got!!! Man i love these three pests (compliment) so much they have my whole heart
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fyloe · 4 months
Hello! How do you characterise your Lamb? What is the AU that has two Lambs here? One seems to have a history with Heket. What is your favorite weapon and curse and relic? Who is your favourite NPC? Drink water and eat your vegetables daily.
This took me a while to answer because I was gonna draw art for it but I felt bad for making you wait after begging for asks so I'm answering anyway.
The Lamb is my au is just a tired little creature they go by both They/them and He/him, mostly they/them though. They only really give a shit about their Mom, Uncle (Jay), and their grandpa Ratau. Lamb is literally their name. Like, that's their full name. But, Marrei calls them Lamby sometimes. They're always tired and sort of stoic, they get annoyed easily, and are full of teens angst despite being forever eighteen. They're SOOOOO a Mama's Boy it's a chronic condition actually. They love naps and slaughtering those against them, also homemade food and sewing. They like to garden, and cook but aren't good at either.
If you're talking about my drawing of my Lamb meeting canon lamb it's because it was just a "how would those two react upon seeing each other" kind of scenario, but if you're referring to the drawings of Marrei (his mother) she was presumed dead thousands of years ago by Leshy, Kallamar, and Shamura because that's what Heket told them so that's why she's still around. When they executed Lamb they truly figured they had the last lamb.
She does have a history with Heket as she used to be her consort and is still devoted to her after all these years despite her sadness about their fallout. Marrei is the only one allowed to worship the Old Faith in the cult because Lamb can't find it in them to get mad with their mother.
I think my favorite weapon is the poison sword but the godly version and I despise the axe. I'm a "need for speed" kind of person. It's not the dagger because the strong attack is horrendous when trying to break shields.
Curses I think is the four tentacles in each direction, relic is the one where it strikes lightning on a random enemy. It helped me kill Kallamar and my wife Heket.
Ratau is pretty high for NPC but if Heket counts I choose her every time, but I assumed you mean the friendly ones. I like the clothing lady she's fun, but still. Ratau is my little man. I love rats a lot. I've had three. I also am interested in Aym and Baal, I have Baal in my cult rn and he's so cute. I fw the fox so hard he's so mysterious I think he'd be my favorite IF HE DIDNT EAT MY GRANDPA!
Ty for the reminder to drink and eat I have a chronic problem of forgetting lmao
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Little preview of a comic coming out for such a great ask~
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