#but my brain doesnt wanna cooperate
foxstens · 1 year
over 100 hours into this game and it still leaves me speechless
so i found out you can actually go to outskirts from outer expanse via this subarea called facility roots. the entire thing is literally like 4 screens but before you get to it there’s this long drop where pictures of the past plays. i knew it would happen since it was mentioned in the post where i even found out about this but fuck i still cried
and it leads to the one-way path and long swim section where spearmaster’s campaign starts. it was such a cool moment oh my fucking god. so then i proceeded to delete the save and restart bc i want to do a survivor run where i get all passages
then the opening cutscene played and i cried again and it got me thinking about how you go into this game thinking it’s about finding slugcat’s family but then when you talk to pebbles it turns into slugcat trying to escape the cycle BUT THEN when you dive into the lore and turns out it’s actually a story about these struggling supercomputers created by a previous civilization and slugcats are actually just their messengers.
it’s such a weird thing bc to me one of the things that makes this game so interesting and so fun to play (and probably so polarizing for everyone else) is the fact that it’s really not about the player. but then when you think about it, it kind of is? bc survivor and monk do actually have their own stories and they’re not messengers for the iterators so in their case this really is a rat-in-manhattan sim with a utopian sci-fi backdrop
whereas for every other slugcat (bar the one that doesn’t exist) their story revolves solely around what they have to do for someone else, whether that be delivering a message to pebbles or saving moon or ascending everyone - idk how to explain it but there’s a very big difference between the two and i freaking love it
ugh im so sad about saint. i wanna go back to moon and pebbles and i wanna go through rubicon and i wanna reach the ending myself so i can feel the emotions. but i do not have the patience and i literally can’t with the lag. and at this point i should be pretty much done with the game but i dont wanna be so i guess ill get all passages. and try artificer. and do gourmand’s food quest. and do smth with spearmaster bc i love him. ugh.
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semisolidmind · 1 year
due to personal reasons (stomach hurty) easter post is canceled
we'll return to your regularly scheduled monkey brain as soon as it passes
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aria0fgold · 7 months
Anyway all that to say that I (bi, aroace, president of the non-existent Going Home club at my school cuz that's my topmost priority once classes ended) am now wondering about what kinda dating history Ray (straight, allosexual, mister popular in school that also participates in parties and whatnot) has cuz I'm looking at him right now and I think, "He has never dated before...?" but I'm also unsure cuz at the same time...
I'm looking at his personality and everything and I'm just "He wouldn't have dated anyone cuz of Reasons but at the same time he could also have dated someone too cuz of Other Reasons but he is a confusing wreck that I do not know that much right now." So I am a bundle of confusion.
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ruinaerch · 2 years
hope is being moved to my multi @ofvalor
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kingprinceshadow · 2 years
I Am going to start barking
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transpockk · 2 months
Sigh okay ill see myself out
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calowlmitygoddess · 1 year
feeling uncreative bcs i dont feel like writing is literally the worst thing
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cheezyratz · 1 year
okok i just got here and my brain started buzzing how do you feel about this: ive been thinking about those typical cartoon episodes where somebody gets deaged through some means, and then it snowballed into a whole concept of Perma-24/7-Babymode Miguelito, like maybe he gets hit with something from a stray villain as theyre sending them off and like everyones trying to figure out what even happened and what to do next
i thought about Pete B being like "i mean look at him i havent seen him this chill since i met him, maybe we could just leave him like that for a week, could do him some good" *cut to mig being babie*
and i was wondering who could pick him up to move him around if hes not too keen on walking where they need him to be, and all i could come up with was that one big ole mecha suit spiderguy lmao cause i mean they do have superstrength i guess but it could get rough if he decides to not cooperate while getting picked up by someone a foot shorter than him and half as w i d e jgdghfgd
and then like. in the comics he had to learn to retract the claws so i thought what if he loses that and just always has them out now and they have to get some mittens on him to neutralize him cause. aint nobody wanna mess with that when he gets cranky gjfsfjfs and with the fangs?? he goes through 4 pacifiers a day probly
AND THEN like what does the squad do about him do they just tell? the whole spidersociety to take a holiday?? i mean the boss is?? out of commission currently??? does jess take over? probly yea
and when does he get back?? to Biguel mode??? (hehe) would they try to figure out how to make it happen or just wait it out? would Lyla just. have his brain stored on a pendrive somewhere??? would it happen gradually bit by bit everyday? or does he just wake up one morning and suddenly the gang has a whole lot to explain and a lot of pics to prove it fjzfgjdgk WHAT ABOUT RAPTURE do they have to give him the injections?? he was taking somethin in the movie what happens if he doesnt take itttt
fjfsfhy theres a whole movie happenin in my brain ok ill leave now
Anona you are so creative I am giving you and your brain big, platonic kisses ❤️❤️❤️/p
after the injections he gets lollipops
pacifier graveyard
when you say de-aged do you mean mentally and physically or just mentally? Because usually in cartoons the character is mentally and physically regressed (or at least in the ones I watched 🤷🏾‍♀️) but in your ask you say something about Miguel being bigger than the other spiders. Sorry I’m just a little confused >-<
i like the idea that one day he just wakes up and is like “why do I have a pacifier???? Why am I in a crib???? And how do I get out????” lol
also ye Jess would def take over
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
Okay okay noted
And if you want my explanation, first ur smaller than me so u instantly getting placed closer to the cute category
Second i wanna take your face and give you headkisses like a cat or actually any animal, another point for cute in my brain
Third, i would be allowed to use u as a heater laying on top of you, which is similar to one of my big pillows i use to cuddle into and they are soft, soft = cute, cuddling = cute, so that concludes to cuddling with you as cute, -> you = cute
Sorry if it doesnt make sense bc this is unfiltered my brain at work xd
This was some kind of advance mathematics lmao but yeah~ I understood ☺
Came back from gaming as a writing break, now im gonna go back to it, that is if my wrist decides to cooperate 🙃
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rosalieplots · 6 months
Rosalie plot page
Name: Rosalie Lauren Cooper
Age: 29
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Hometown: Cleveland, OHIO
current home: Los Angeles
occupation: Photographer/Model
3 pos traits: Super Loyal, Loving, Reliable
3 neg traits: Insecure, self deprecating, Defensive
Bio: Rosalie grew up as an only child and was raised by her dad and grandmother due to her mother being ill and in and out of the hospital alot of her childhood, causing her to have quite a bit of issues with a hard relationship with her mother. She moved to LA when she was 21 and has made her way up in photography and modeling. she is unfortunetly very defensive due to being more sensitive than she will ever admit, and she can be very closed off with other people when it comes to letting them in. She has a huge heart and would do anything for those she loves but doesnt like letting anyone help her she is stubborn, heard headed exterior with a soft interior.
FWB (0/3)
(0/1)MORE THAN FRIENDS BY LUKE NELSON AND LAINEY WILSON-Let’s “pretend we’re more than friends tonight,Let’s pretend and let each other Forget tomorrow ”- someone that Rosie is good friends with that maybe both have feelings for one another but dont want to ruin their friendship along the way but then one night happens and well we can go from there.
(0/1)THICC AS THEIVES BY LAUREN ALAINA-’Thelma and Louise and some faded blue denim’- this is basically Rosalies Ride or Die and she is theirs, someone that she would do anything for and is her entire best friend/life and knows everything about her.
(0/1)SHE NEVER CRIED IN FRONT OF ME BY TOBY KEITH: ’How was I supposed to know,She was slowly letting go,If I was putting her through hell,Hell, I couldn’t tell,She could’ve given me a sign,And opened up my eyes,How was I supposed to see,She never cried in front of me’- maybe this is where your muse was closed off in a relationship with rosalie and they were on and off for awhile before she finally has enough of it and let them go.
(0/1)HELL OF A MAN BY ELLA LANGLEY:That somethin’ about me can’t stick around,He’s all the way in, and I’m on the way out,Am I just a runner runnin’ from another?“- being closed off makes it harder for Rosalie to trust someone else, so this could be someone who is actually a really good person and tries hard to show her that trusting can be an okay thing.
(0/1)INSIDE YOUR HEAD BY WARREN ZEIDERS-I wanna know what’s goin’ on inside your head,Are you thinkin’ about him when your clothes are on my floor?”- rosalie had a bit of a rough past and made some decisions she isnt proud of, but this could be someone that rosalie cheated on a partner with in the past or they cheated on theirs or both, this could be someone who is her kryptonite and she falls into the same pattern whenever they are around.
(0/1)**MARRY ME under the stars- Rosie moved to LA when she was 21 and was sort of just surviving trying to find her identity and escape her past, this could be a muse who she met and things moved quickly, to one night they just decided to get married at a small chapel somewhere and then things ended and either they signed divorce papers or have just been seperated for years we can brainstorm things for this~
(0/3)Best friends to enemies- This could be someone whom rosie trusted with all of her heart, but they lost her trust and she turned cold and maybe both did things that they didnt find themselves proud of.
(0/2)ENEMIES TO LOVERS-this could be someone that Rosalie literally despises and they also despise her but the chemistry is insane and the sex is better, but maybe they can work out their differences .
(0/1)**BABY DADDY PLOT: This could potentially be a one night stand type of plot, or added to any of the above plots, even the husband plot they could have a night of reconciliation, again open to brain storming this!
(0/?)Colleagues- this could be someone that she coordinates her photography with and can be anyone!!
ESCAPE THE PAST: Rosie grew up with a dad who worked to much and a mom who was in and out of Mental Health hospitals (TW mental health) and a grandma who raised her alot of the time, but they didnt have alot of money so when she was18 she started as an escort going on dates with men for money, to help her dad with the bills. she doesnt tell people this and maybe this is someone who actually knows the truth about her life before she got it together.
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green-roc · 1 year
More Art/Screenshots coming!
so... I’m back to Tumblr. Been a great, life-changing few years on Twitter, but that old ship has gotta go, new pilot at the helm, and he aint got my safety in mind.
So, one thing that bothered me so much(outside of Elon’s range of control), was the demand, the expectation for alt text. Like, I get it, some people cant see, and so some people need descriptive words to explain what is visible... a disability, handicap, busy or what ever your real very real reasons, actual real impairments compared to other people. I get that, like I got my impairments too, a thing about me...
Words are my primary handicap
Strange I know isnt it?
Look at me, posting all these words. but thing is, words are not just words. There’s meaning behind the words, there’s motivations and interpeetations...
I have always been terrible at visual interpetations. Taking what I see and putting into words... Might as well take a whole minecraft world, and summarize it into two words. I uh, cant really. Not easily, like I feel like using  aparable abotu blind man leading a deaf man, so, something like that for me. Asking me to describe, in words, what I see? My brain somehow fails to translate.
I am in the moment when I wanna post an image... and by the time I find words to post the alt text, a whole hour or more has passed.
I’m sorry all you blind folk, please do both of us a favor can you find someone to describe the thing because I’m terrible at it, like, mind-numbingly handicapped terrible at taking what I think, and putting into words.I dont think I should be watched by visually impared people. I love you, I do, but, I feel I would be horrible at translation, because I know my ilimits, and I am not here as a worker, I’m trying to enjoy life with whatever little scraps I get. I seem to be chronically depressed from being chronically poverish living autistically in a world not designed with my kind of mind in mind. Do please follow somoene else, my desire to share visuals could use a relief.
I wish my mind would cooperate to translate, but, it doesnt really vibe well with most of the world anyways.
Something gets lost in translation.
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rubiesintherough · 2 years
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i wanna work on short replies but brain doesnt wanna work on anything i have??   may i pretty pls request memes for any of my muses?  see if a couple new things help kickstart them into cooperating?    i’ll toss you back memes as a thank you!   offer’s open to any and all mutuals
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whumpwillow · 3 years
okay yes, the inherent drama of a villain living in a lavish, upscale mansion or a tower that has a secret elevator leading to their underground base, but what about villains in worse circumstances?
villains in small, run-down apartments on the dingy side of town, somewhere far removed from the high life of the heroes society, somewhere no one would think to look. Or perhaps, they just haven’t gotten around to robbing a bank, as that sort of thing would be hard to pull off as a solo operation. Maybe they’re just not that good at it. Whatever the reason is, they’re in a place Hero wouldn’t expect of their nemesis. One that Villain has to return to after every fight to patch up their wounds and collapse on a lumpy couch or mattress that’s falling apart.
villains hiding in abandoned subway tunnels, falling asleep to the steady drip of a leak somewhere. villains living in their cars (or cars that have been left for a long time, rusted to the core). villains living in shipping containers. in attics. in secret rooms of community buildings.
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orcelito · 2 years
oh i am to the “is it really such a big deal if i miss this assignment?” stage already
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koorinohebi · 3 years
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Ah yes, the Hydra strikes again. UwU
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starcatcher-psywurm · 4 years
I just need 500g more for veil con if only I wasn't dumb and could do math then I could trade my 600kt for g on the forums
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