#but my fren showed this show to me and i really liked it...
cardo-de-comer · 5 months
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smiling friends! ...well at least one of them is smiling
also some process
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mosaicfangs · 4 months
I'm kinda annoyed that Winter didn't get to go to Pantala in book 15 and they chose Lynx instead idk. My guy has giga-autism about scavengers for the entire second arc and then he shows up in book 14 and...they don't give him a real chance to interact with Wren and Sky?
I want the version of book 15 where he walked in on the Queen's council and volunteered to go, partly because of Wren and Sky, partly because of Moon and Qibli. He's a character where so much of his development happens outside of his own book, let him have a character apotheosis more nuanced than like...2 lines. Let him actually work through his feelings. Augh.
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basofy · 10 months
how do you stop feeling self conscious about liking the same thing for so long
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bettyfrommars · 6 months
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Death Becomes Us
Part 10: The Man Who Made a Monster
vampire!Eddie x supernatural!Fem!Reader
masterlist playlist
WC: 7.6k
18+ONLY, MDNI, mention of wounds, car accidents, a bit of body horror, angst, guns, gunshot wounds, reader gets physically hurt (but bounces right back), blood, drinking blood, allusions to smut, evil men, supernatural powers, a demobat fren, fear of the unknown, a fire, werewolf!Steve, Dr. Brenner. References to one of my favorite 80's shows, the Incredible Hulk with Lou Ferrigno, and mid-90's MTV. Tiny references to FOI that you won't even notice if you haven't read the book.
Summary: Eddie, Jareth, and Steve come to your rescue, but do you even need to be rescued? Bad men surface and reader finds strength she never knew she had. Eddie confesses more than one secret to us, and the tension is thick. Reader is called Dove as a nickname.
Author's Note: I covered quite a few bases in this chapter, but there is still a lot to explore in the next and final part. We get to see reader in action and get some much-deserved satisfaction. I 've been staring at it for so long, I really hope you have fun reading this, love you. As always, Jareth's face claim is Jamie Campbell Bower.
this starts right where Part 9 left off
Eddie snatched his keys and shoved Steve out the door before he quickly put some food down for Dio and locked the dead bolt.  
Steve called shotgun in the air, vaulting over the hood like an extra from the movie Grease, making Jareth roll his eyes.  “Is he part werewolf or labrador?” Whispering under his breath to Eddie, but Eddie just nudged him out of the way.
Jareth paused on the opposite side of the Pontiac GTO.  “We should go on foot, it would be faster,” hinting to the lightning-speed with which vampires moved.
Eddie inclined his head to Steve.  “Not when we’ve got the pup with us.”
“Fuck you,” Steve sneered, brushing back a flop of hair from his forehead.  “I can keep up with you two geezers, trust me.”
“What if I just kill him and rid us of the dead weight,” Jareth grumbled.
“You can try,” Steve bit, growling deep in his chest.
“Enough!” Eddie snapped, swatting the top of the car with his hand.  “Everyone get in and hold the fuck on. We’re goin’ for a ride.”
Heat scorched through your veins like lava, and as your eyes fluttered open, you passively wondered if the car was on fire, and you were about to be cooked alive.
You were no longer in the vehicle.  Squeezing your eyelids tight to find the memory, recollection came flooding back as your fingers curled into dirt, cheek pressed into the forest foliage.  There might have even been a pinecone acting as a pillow at your ear.  
The muscles in your arms and shoulders throbbed, not to mention the feeling of your skull being cracked open by a catastrophic neurological event.  A migraine to rival all migraines.
You remembered being taken…the conversation about Brenner…and Bela…
You called her name, but it came out as nothing but a puff of air, a whine deep in your chest.  
What if she got hurt in the crash? What if she —
The crash!
Adrenaline flushed through you like a swarm of bees and you sat up, cracking your stiff neck as you went, and your head swam.  
Where the fuck were you?
A car passed a few yards away on the highway and you realized you’d been tossed into a ravine.  In the distance, the SUV you’d been kidnapped in was on its back and smoking as if something inside had caught fire.  Where was that awful witch and the man who was driving?
A memory of ripping the door off by its hinges and climbing out of the vehicle flashed behind your eyes, but that was impossible.  You must’ve been able to jump out and then hit your head or something. You weren’t turning green and ripping out of your clothes; you were no Lou Ferrigno.
You moved your legs to make sure they worked, and soon you were on your feet, using tufts of grass to crawl along as if you were about to fall off the earth.
In the distance, thunder rolled.
“Turn here, take the shortcut!” Steve shot his hairy arm between the two seats, pointing to right after the stop sign.
“I know what I’m doing!” Eddie roared.  “Just sit the fuck back and stay cool.”
Eddie could feel you, and his heart was jackhammering in his chest.
He floored the gas, tires squealing as they ghosted the road, peeling down the old highway through the woods that barely anyone used anymore.  The velocity shot Steve back against his seat, and Jareth’s fingers dug into the console while music from Sisters of Mercy blared from the stereo. 
“We’re close,” Eddie lowered his chin, laser focused on the scene ahead of him.  He could feel that familiar static fill his body whenever he was in your vicinity.  
You were not the first human whose blood he’d tasted, not by a long shot.  In fact, for the first few years after he’d been made vampire, he didn’t care about  himself or anyone else, and it seemed there wasn’t a willing human in a 100 mile radius that he hadn’t tasted.
But with you, it wasn’t even about your blood.
You made him feel a certain type of way that he’d been missing for over a decade, perhaps even his whole life.
The clouds trembled, and a crackle of lightning shot a silent burst of light through the midnight sky. All three of them could smell the wreck before it was ever in view, and Eddie released his foot on the gas to slow down a bit.
You stumbled onto the main highway, and the headlights came at you too fast to understand what was happening.  
Everything was so bright, it hurt your eyes. It made you swipe your hands in the air and groan, fighting the illumination as if it were a tangible enemy. 
The car coming at you screeched on its brakes, twisting to the side so that it wouldn’t hit you, skidding sideways.
In a blink, you recognized the stunned faces on the other side of the windshield.
The other two men in the car didn’t see that it was you at first—but Eddie knew.  He’d witnessed those shock white eyes before, void of color or pupil.
Electricity snapped off you, as if  you were a live wire. It crackled and skipped off of your skin like the lightning that appeared above them in the sky.
One of your arms was twisted unnaturally backwards at the elbow, but you somehow flexed the joint back into place as you stood there, correcting your posture.  You stood on one side of  your foot as if your ankle was broken, but then that righted itself with a sickening twist.  Your limbs jerked like the walking dead trying to move for the first time after reanimation.  All of this, and yet your face appeared unphased, as if you were impervious to the pain.
Your face was set in surprise and fear and confusion, and his heart nearly leapt out of his chest to be able to hold you.
With a curse, he slammed the GTO to a halt, tires burning rubber as they locked and skidded on the asphalt.  
Something told him you were fairly invincible, just like him, but he wasn’t taking any chances.  
Steve slid across the backseat, knocking his head on impact, and Jareth’s fingers dug so deep into the console that they left puncture marks.  
Eddie didn’t have time to think about what the other two were doing or the danger of leaving his car in the middle of the highway, he threw the gear into park and jumped out to check on you.
From above, there came a loud squawking, and Bela soared down from where she’d been circling in the sky to land on your shoulder with a weight that almost made you lose your balance.
Bela bared her teeth and screeched at whoever was approaching from the vehicle.  The headlights were too bright, and your ear canals were on fire with hot noise.  A loud, shrill ringing filled your skull cavity like sharp a million tiny pinpricks.
But then you recognized his silhouette
You’d know  it anywhere
“It’s me,” he assured you.  “Are you hurt?”
Bela settled once she knew it was him, lowering her wings, and his body came to block the light so that you could see the distress in his face.  He reached a hand out to touch your arm, but then he yanked it back with a hiss.  It was like you’d given him an electrical shock, with volts like those from a cattle prod or taser.  
“I didn’t mean to do that,” you hesitated, hoping he’d dare to touch you again. 
And he did, rushing closer without pause, not caring about how bad the last one stung. He cupped one hand at your jaw while the other went to your hip, searching your mouth for temptation's sake.  “Let’s get you home.”
He got zapped a few more times from seemingly stray sparks, in the chest and the side, making him wince, but he did not relent.  It was a good thing the violent stabbing did not force him back, because just then your knees gave out and you slumped into his arms. Bela took to the sky again before landing on the hood of the GTO with another high pitched wail, wings spanning out as if she were about to conduct an orchestra.
Eddie dropped to his knees on the ground next to you, careful to protect your head from the pavement with his hand.  In wolf form, Steve trotted over to nudge your face with his snout and lick your cheek with a whimper.
“She’ll be okay,” Eddie took his jacket off and made it into a pillow for you, before angling to sink his fangs into his own wrist.  “She needs blood.”
“Use mine,” Jareth hovered nearby, and you could vaguely hear them arguing as your adrenaline crashed.  “I’m older, my blood is stronger.”
“No,” Eddie growled, and then the two bared their teeth at each other.  
Eddie knew that, more than anything, Jareth wanted to be in  your head, to be linked to you in the same way he was.  To know where you were at all times and for you to have…those special dreams about him.  No way in hell would Eddie let that happen.
He’d already punctured a vein and had his tattooed wrist over your mouth, leaking his life force into your trembling lips until you were able to latch on and suck.  
Jareth’s stare bore into Eddie.  “Maybe I should tell her you’re the reason Brenner knew about her in the first place.”
Eddie glared at him.  “You don’t know fuck about it.”
Jareth smirked.  “I know more than you think about the little ‘job’ you were hired to do for him.”
Eddie’s eyes narrowed and he shushed him. “This isn’t the place for this, Jareth.”
A car had to navigate around the GTO to continue down the old highway, and the person shouted their disapproval, but then the driver slowed once he spotted you on the ground and the SUV that was rolled over on its side in the distance.
Jareth and Eddie turned to him and hissed with their fangs out, glaring at him with obsidian eyes, until he slammed on the gas and sped off in the direction he was headed.  Steve growled and chased after the car, keeping up with it for a while before hanging back to sniff around the wreckage that you’d managed to somehow survive.  
You mumbled, gurgling on a spurt of blood, and Eddie took his wrist away.  Your eyes were closed, but your tongue flicked out to lick more of his essence from your stained lips.  Were you conscious enough to know what they were talking about? He’d planned on telling you everything, but the time was never right.  He never expected things to get so…messy.  Never expected you’d become so…special to him.  
Some rich dude offers you to keep an eye on someone for a couple weeks for an abnormally huge chunk of cash, you do it.  He’d had no skin in the game when he initially accepted the offer.  
Caring about you as much as he did was the last fucking thing he’d expected to happen, but he didn’t know how to make it stop.
Jareth leaned over you to get closer to Eddie.  “If you don’t tell her soon, I will, and your little fairytale will be over.”
All Eddie could do was grind his teeth: Jareth was right, he should’ve explained the whole thing to you that night when he’d waited for you to get back from your date with Steve.  But by then, he was afraid he’d lose you.
Yet, how could you lose someone you never had?
“We need to get out of here,” Eddie eased you into a sitting position, your head flopped, and then held your chin in his hand.  Your eyelids were fluttering and your skin was beginning to cool as the healing properties of his blood took effect.  
God, how badly he wanted to press his lips to yours.
“What about the witch?” Jareth stood to full height to look over and see Steve sniffing around the crash. “What if they survived?”
Eddie had you off your feet and lifted in his arms by then, but Jareth was right.  As much as he wanted to get you far away from there, he’d watched enough horror movies to know that you never turned your back on a killer until you knew they were dead.  Knocking them unconscious with the back of a shovel wasn’t enough; you had to chop their whole head off and throw them in a cement mixer.
Steve morphed back into human form halfway back to the group, butt naked again, to report back on what he’d found.
Eddie waited for him to announce that there was no one in the vehicle and the bodies were gone…
But instead, Steve shook his head.  “Looks like they didn’t survive.  His neck is broken and she’s—-”
“Are you sure?” Jareth blurted with an air of irritation. “Maybe I should check for myself.”
“I think I know what a dead body smells like, asshole,” Steve grunted, pushing back on Jareth’s chest.
The headlights of another car was approaching, and Eddie reiterated that they needed to get as far away as possible from the scene of the crime. He threw the keys to Jareth, and made Steve sit in front so that he could crawl into the back with you while you healed.  Bela billowed into the sky and hovered there, waiting to see where they were taking you so she could follow.  
It wasn’t his blood that healed your broken foot or your fractured arm though—you’d done that all by yourself.  Maybe you didn’t need him after all, maybe you’d be better off without him.
“Put your pants back on,” Eddie tossed the clothing from the back seat over to Steve.  “I don’t need you teabagging the upholstery.”
Next to him, you had your head on Eddie’s shoulder and your hand on his thigh when Jareth sped off just in time to miss being clipped by the oncoming semi truck.  It blared its horn just as you lifted your head to look up at Eddie with groggy eyes.
He licked his lips, feeling his throat close up at how near your face was to his.
“Did you save me?” Your voice was strained, sounding like your esophagus was constricted.
Eddie put his hand over yours and you interlaced fingers.  “I think you saved yourself,” he mumbled.  “You don’t need me.”
“I do,” you said it so fast, and he leaned over even more, thinking maybe he hadn’t heard you correctly.  “I do need you.”
Your hand in his, he brought it up to his chest, searching your eyes as an avalanche of words trembled at the tip of his tongue, right there wanting to roll out like a carpet of devotion to you.  
He took a deep breath to calm his nerves because he was shaking so fucking bad.
Jareth caught his eye in the rearview mirror and the two glared at each other before Eddie broke contact and wrapped another arm around your shoulders to bring you closer.  “We’re almost home,” he hushed, planting his lips to your forehead, blushing at the way you refused to let go of his hand.  “I won’t leave you.”
By the time you got back to the trailer park, your energy and strength had been fortified and you urged everyone to go home to let you get some rest, except for Eddie, who’s hand you were still holding as you got out of the car.
The witch and her companion being dead felt too good to be true, and a measure of palpable dread hung in the air.  It was unspoken knowledge that Brenner was still after you, and he knew exactly where you lived.  
Jareth stepped forward, tipping your chin up with the crook of his finger.  “Are you sure you don’t need anything, love?”
“She has me,” Eddie growled.
Jareth fluttered his eyelids in that bored way he’d mastered.  “If you’re so concerned, we’d be better off at Sacrament.  I can keep her safe there more sufficiently than she’d be in this…” he fanned his hand around a few times, “...this place.”
Bela landed on the railing with a swoosh and squawked.
“I hate to say it, after everything,” you angled toward the steps, exhausted.  “But I don’t think this Brenner person is going to stop until he gets what he wants.” You glanced sideways at Eddie. “I don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of me.”
“I’d like to meet this guy myself,” Steve said through gritted teeth.  
Jareth flipped the collar of his coat up and ran a hand through his golden hair.  “Well, my offer stands.  Sacrament is at your service if you should require shelter or protection.”
“Sounds good,” Eddie said dismissively, reaching for the railing to cage you away from the two men. “We’ll let you know.”
“Thank you, Jareth,” you told him, and he winked at you, returning the genuine curve of your smile.
And Eddie hated it so much, he wouldn't have been surprised if steam were coming out of his ears like a cartoon villain.
But he let it slide because Jareth could make things fucking awkward in that moment if he wanted to.  
You turned to Steve.  “Would you like to come in? I don’t have much by way of food, but—”
“He’s fine,” Eddie answered for him.
The two glared at each other for a beat, but then Steve relented.  “Thank you, but I’m not hungry.  Still, I think I’ll stick around for a while, check the perimeter,” he ignored the tick in Eddie’s jaw and waved at you as he backed up to disappear around the backside of the trailer. 
“Hey Harrington, my vest!” Eddie shouted, and it wasn’t long before the denim came sailing through the air to land on the dead lawn near the porch.  Eddie bent to pick it up with a huff, and by then Jareth had disappeared into the night.
Now you were finally alone, and as much as it was what he wanted, it made his stomach drop.
Eddie paced the living room a bit before taking a seat, perching precariously at the end of the sofa to bounce his knee and gnaw at his bottom lip.  
“Listen,” you took a beer and a half-full bottle of NuBlood out of the fridge to put it in the microwave for him.  “I figure there’s no use asking you to leave with people obviously hunting me down, but I really need to take a shower.  So just…make yourself at home I suppose?”
The microwave dinged and you walked the warm glass bottle over, and then waited for him to wrap his hand around it, fingers grazing yours, before you spoke. “I feel like there are some things we should talk about.”
Eddie was already nodding. “I’d like that,” he gulped.
Eddie waited until he heard the shower running before he sank down into the cushion and used the remote to turn the TV on.  He needed to distract himself from letting his mind wander to how you were absolutely undressing in there, about to be naked and wet and…
He squirmed in his seat and turned the volume up.  It was an MTV music video for Metallica’s Until it Sleeps, but he only vaguely cared as he puffed his cheeks for a forceful exhale. In his head, he practiced what he would say, how he would beg your forgiveness, and how he never really understood what this guy Brenner was all about until it was too late…
In the shower, you made the water as hot as you could handle it, leaning into the burn, and stood there for the longest time without moving. Eyes closed, you could feel Eddie step into the shower behind you, sneaking his hands around to pluck at your nipples.  “Room for one more?” He rumbled in your ear, just before he nibbled it.
He wasn’t really there, but you couldn’t help but touch yourself with a soapy hand as if he were, biting your lip around a moan.
The water ran cold by the time you were ready to step out, swooshing the curtain aside with a swift swipe of your arm.  
The thump of something heavy falling to the ground out in the living room had you straining to hear what it might’ve been as you pulled a clean t-shirt and jeans on.  Music videos were on, playing In the Blood by Better Than Ezra, and you called Eddie’s name.
The only response you got was from Bela, and she let out one long screech that felt like it had the power to break glass.
“Eddie?” You shouted this time, flinging the door open to let the steam roll out and fill the hallway. “Bela??”
The door to your trailer was wide open, but Bela was there, scrambling from the back of the couch to perch on your shoulder the second you came into view. 
“What happened?” You asked your demobat companion.  “He just left us here? Without a word?”
The potted terracotta plant that had once been above the TV right by the door was on the carpet, shattered.  
You crossed your arms over your chest, and shivered as you stepped one foot out on the porch to look around, a chill breeze nipping at your flesh.  “Eddie? Are you out here? Steve?”
The whole court was eerily silent, even the crickets and frogs were holding their breath.
You backed up into the house, pulling the door shut.
The TV screen went from MTV to static, and you stepped back to stare at it while Bela swished her tentacles around nervously, leaving red, raised scratches on your arm and neck.  She was heavy, but you’d gotten used to her weight and hitched our shoulder up to accommodate.
The static changed to the image of a man standing before a black backdrop.  He was tall and thin, wearing a business suit with a full head of silver hair. 
“Hello Dove,” the man on your TV said.
He was looking right at you.
You glanced around for a weapon, but as if he could read your mind he said.  “No need for that, I don’t want to hurt you.”  He was handsome in a “trust me”, evil doctor kind of way, but the last thing you felt like giving him was your trust.
“What did you do to Eddie?” It felt stupid, talking to an electronic device as if it were a person, but that was the situation you’d found yourself in.  
Brenner said nothing, but you got a bad feeling and swallowed to wet your dry mouth before taking cautions steps over to the window facing his trailer to peel back the blinds.
But you could already see the flames inside, and just then, you smelled the smoke.
His trailer
It was on fire.
“Nononono no,” You chanted, charging for the door.  
“Come with me quietly,” the man on the TV said, calmly. “Or your vampire boyfriend will meet the final death.”
You halted in your tracks, glaring down at the older man, nostrils flaring with anger.  “Come with you? Where are you hiding?” You chided; hands balled into fist as you cocked your head. “You’re not afraid of me, are you?”
Brenner looked down before meeting your eyes again.  “Your father underestimated the capacity for your powers.  I don’t plan to make the same mistake.”
“How did you know my father?” You barked.
Outside, one of Eddie’s windows blew out, glass shattering everywhere, and his curtains went up in flames.
You ran outside and flew down the steps before the man's voice could stop you.  Dio, Eddie’s cat, ran by to hide under your trailer.  
Maybe Eddie had gone in like a crazy person to save some photos or something, and somehow, he’d gotten trapped in there.   Bela took to the sky while you rushed to his door.
But then there he was, staggering out on a dark cloud of smoke, holding an electric guitar in his hand.
“My sweetheart,” he held it up.  “I couldn’t let her burn.”
He was smiling at you from the top of his steps, dimples popping, and you could help but mirror it, flooded with relief.  He really didn’t care that his whole place was burning, as long as he had Dio, his guitar, and you.
He’d lost much more in his life to a fire once when he was younger, so this one wouldn't sting half as bad.  
And it suddenly didn’t matter that some creepy old dude could somehow talk to you through your TV: Eddie was okay.  
But then something else happened. 
He took the first step, never taking his eyes off of you, but something knocked his shoulder back, like an invisible punch.  
And then another and another
The smile on his face quivered and his forehead creased, trying to understand what was happening.
He tucked his chin to look at his torso, and your eyes followed.
Dark blooms were appearing on his shirt like liquid spilled from an inkwell.  On his chest, over his heart, from his stomach.  
He stumbled down the last two steps and then fell to his knees, dropping the guitar so that he could brace himself with his hand.
Had Eddie been shot?
You didn’t have time to figure that out.  Some strange voice in your head told you there was a chance the trailer could explode—or maybe you’d watched too many movies—but you had to get him away from there.  He was a vampire, and even if he had been shot, he could heal, but you weren't sure how he would survive his body being blown to bits.  
The next thing you knew, you were carrying him, much like he’d carried you in his arms earlier.  You didn't need to summon the insane strength; it was just there. There was that buzzing in your skull, and you could feel violent sparks crackling through your muscles.
Everyone was coming out of their trailers at that point, and Dolores was screaming frantically into her phone wearing a nightshirt and curlers in her hair.  You didn’t know how long it would take for the fire department to get there, or if there was a possibility that the wreckage would spread to the other trailers.
You put Eddie down on the other side of your hearse and leaned him back against the tire to find there was blood trickling from his mouth, but he still tried to grin at you.
“See,” he sputtered.  “You’re like a superhero.  You don’t need me.”
“But I do,” tears clouded your eyes while another window blew out from the trailer.  You put your forehead to his and your lips brushed together.  “Please, don’t leave me.  Eddie I—”
“The bullets,” he winced.  “They’re silver.  My body can’t reject them.”
There were three or four different holes in him there that were steaming as the silver burned him from the inside.  You cupped your hand on his jaw, and he grabbed your wrist, turning his head to kiss your palm.  
“Here, take my blood—” 
You yanked your shirt down to give him your pulsing jugular, but all of a sudden you were forced back by some unseen force, flying through the air until you landed ass first in the gravel and skidded to a stop, rolling over to find yourself face first at the feet of someone wearing a pair of black, shiny shoes and slacks.
“Dove,” a familiar, deep voice said. “We meet again.”
You pushed back, scuttling away to find that it was the man from your TV; he was standing in your trailer park.  Flanked by two menacing looking men with bald, tattooed heads, wearing sunglasses.  Each of them in suits and ties as if they were the actual Men in Black.  
“I don’t know you,” you grumbled, getting to your feet that were bare and bleeding, but healing rapidly. You checked around each shoulder cautiously to see that there was a handful of other men in suits, all of them holding guns, and then a tall guy with a scalp of strawberry stubble, no more than 20, in a red jumpsuit. The guy had his chin down, eyes pinned on you as if he might shoot lasers from them.
His expression was deceivingly kind.  “My name is Martin Brenner.  I met you before you died the first time,” he said casually.
“You see, your father and I used to be friends,” he walked a circle around you, before coming front and center again.  “He stole valuable information from my laboratory in order to bring you back.  You're my property as well, but he decided to keep you from me.”  
“My father never mentioned you,” was all you could say.  In your peripheral vision, you could tell the others were inching close.
“We could’ve been so great together, Dove.  Imagine your contribution to science.  And you would not be so uncertain about your powers,” he stepped back to gesture at the boy in the red jumpsuit.  “I want to introduce you to Kane.  He was reanimated the same way you were, but under my expertise and supervision.”
Kane had a railroad scar on his forehead, and a hand that was a different skin color than the rest of his body.  It wasn’t just a different skin tone; it was a body part from an entirely different person.
You thought about all of the love you were raised with, and though your dad fumbled the ball on attentiveness quite a bit, you never doubted how much he cared for you.  You were beginning to understand that maybe he didn’t explain what abilities you might have because it would lead you back to Brenner somehow.
The surge of power was growing inside of you, and instead of pushing it down, you let it grow and churn and spill out, creating a type of electrical force field around your body, a vibrating aura of protection.
“Show her what you can do, Kane,” Brenner said.
Not sure what to expect, you watched Kane rubbed his hands together, creating a bright bolt of lightning from the friction, his eyes went milk white, and then he shot an arm out towards the nearest hulking security guard, palm open, and it sent the man in black off his feet, sailing back as if he were hugging an invisible beach ball.  He smacked into the side of the opposite neighbor’s trailer with a bone to metal thwack.  
Your eyes were fixed for too long on the man slumped in the gravel, and when you turned to face Kane again, he was a few steps closer, peering through his lashes at you with an evil twitch of his lips.
Apparently, you were the next example in his bag of tricks.  
Your feet were off the ground before you could process another thought, catching air like a rag doll only to drop down and skid face first into the cold, dry earth.  
Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be, eh? Lifting into a push up position, you spat dirt and blood from your mouth with a curse.
Gathering yourself up and into a crouch, you vaguely heard Eddie call your name, but he was still rendered temporarily helpless by the silver, and your head was spinning.  Not so much from confusion and fear this time, but more…anger.
You nailed Kane with a heated look, and then your hand lashed out in his direction, though he was yards away, and actual sparks flew from your palm, spitting like fireworks.
Kane was pummeled in the gut with a force he obviously wasn’t expecting, and you kept going before he could find his footing again, knocking him down before he could raise a hand at you again..
“How does that feel?” You bit, towering over him. 
In a heartbeat, you lifted Kane’s limp body above your head with a roar that you could not believe came from your own mouth.  Arching back, you aimed to drop him over the nearby trailer hitch, which would surely break his back, if not kill him, but then you remembered who you were and faltered.
Blinking, trying to quiet the buzzing in your skull, you knew you did not want to kill this boy.
You understood, even under such duress, that he was only doing what he was told.  
But Brenner was actually applauding you, pupils blown from the intensity, urging you to keep going, to murder this stranger at his bidding.  
You could’ve very easily ended up just like Kane, if not for the love and protection of your father.  
Heaving, trying to calm yourself, you threw Kane’s body in the opposite direction, so that he landed on flat ground that would absolutely hurt, but he’d be able to walk away.  
Brenner beamed at you like a parent watching their child take their first steps.  “You’re stronger than I’d imagined.  Your powers have somehow increased since your inception, and I’d love to know why.”
You squared up with him, making him step back to avoid the sparks actively snapping off of you.  “What do you want from me?”
You didn’t have to look to know that all of the guns were trained on you.  
“I want you to work for me, Dove. We could change the world together, you and I.”
It felt like he was trying to sell you a car, not asking to hook you up to electrodes and make you his own personal soldier.  
“Never,” you were calm now, and you wanted nothing to do with this man or whatever he thought he could do for you.
The flames went higher on the trailer, and in the distance, wails of a fire engine could be heard.  
You caught sight of Eddie, but he was flat on the ground now and no longer sitting up.
You rushed by Brenner, slamming into his shoulder as you went, but two of the guards caught you by the arms.  It felt like they were stronger than normal men, and when they bared their fangs, you realized they were vampires.
Growling, you flung them off of you, and they went stumbling back as if they weighed nothing, as if you were suddenly impervious to their supernatural strength.
“Kill the boyfriend,” you heard Brenner bark at the men.  “Use the wooden bullets this time.”
A gun cocked, and you ran a few steps, but then vaulted over Eddie’s body, arms wide, using yours as a shield.
You felt the bullet impact like a dagger in your back, but it was as if it bounced off somehow instead of penetrating.  Eddie barked in pain as you covered him, but then he clung to you as you rolled him under the hearse, away from the gunfire.  
Caging yourself on top of him, knees on either side of his hips, and stomachs touching, you could feel how weak he was; the silver enabled his body from healing, and you had to find a way to get them out.  
You watched the feet of the one with the wooden bullets approach the vehicle, thinking of your next move when Eddie whispered into the side of your neck: “You’re so fucking beautiful—”
If this was the end for him, this was how he wanted to spend it: with you, being able to see your face one last time.  
Before you could respond, there came a shrill, tortured scream, and the booted feet you had your eye on stumbled back.
More agonizing screams, until the body in question dropped to the ground, limbs writhing, and you could see that Bela had attached herself to his head like an Alien facehugger.  
Only because he was a vampire, he was able to pull her off, but she took most of his flesh and his nose off with her.  
Bela took to the sky again, out of view, and they aimed their guns up at her.
“Not so fast, boys,” a new voice rumbled from the shadows. “I want to play, too.”
Eddie’s shallow breaths moving under you, it was all you could do not to cheer out loud when you realized the voice belonged to Jareth.
And apparently, Jareth brought friends; enough to fill the entire courtyard.
They were crouching on the roofs, on cars, everywhere.
Brenner and his crew were surrounded; Bela had gone to get help.  
In the woods, a pack of wolves howled their attendance as well.  
Jareth pierced the closest vampire in the heart with a wooden stake and he exploded, guts flying everywhere.  
As far as the human bodyguards went, the rest was a bloodbath.  
From what you were told later, Kane ran, and Brenner tried to get behind the wheel of the SUV, but instead he was dragged into the war zone and drained dry before being ripped limb from limb. 
Jareth wanted to keep the doctor in his dungeon to torture him, but a few of the vampires knew of Brenner and the experiments he’d done on their kind over the years.  It was all nothing short of sadistic torture, keeping them barely alive so that he could run experiments on them over time and sell their blood for a profit.
They’d been wanting to get their hands on him for a long time.
By the time the rescue team and fire truck showed up, all of the vampires had evaporated into the shadows, and you’d snuck Eddie up into your bedroom, carrying most of his weight as he was only able to hobble.  You collected his guitar as well, and brought Dio inside, since those were the only two things from the burning wreckage, he voiced a care about.  With the lights out and the curtains closed, you used a modest bedside reading lamp to assess the damage.  While you were concentrating on him, his eyes never left your face, his heart bursting. 
“You might have to suck them out,” he cleared his throat.  “The bullets I mean.  I’m sorry if that’s weird.”
“You mean, weirder than all of the other shit that happened tonight?” You mumbled, coming back from washing your hands.  There was still dirt caked under your nails, possibly some blood, but whatever.
“Good point.”
Until you got the bullets out, any blood you gave him would be useless, so without another moment of hesitation, you crawled up on the bed, springs bouncing, and knelt next to his torso, bracing a hand at either side of him. He was burning up around the sight of each wound, and the skin sizzled as the alloy continued to roast him alive.  
The first one was at the surface and came out fast, hot metal on your tongue.  The next one, under his right nipple, was deeper and you had to suck harder, making Eddie’s toes curl.  You spit each out onto the floor, and strings of his blood mingled in your saliva.
One hand behind his head, the other rested at his hip with a thumb in his belt loop.  “So, you’re like…the incredible Hulk, but with powers.  That’s pretty badass.”
“I don’t know what I am,” you scoffed, sucking out another, and then pausing to watch the openings seal up and heal.  “I’m a waitress, that’s all.  That’s all I want to be.”
He nodded, musing on how many times he’d wished he could go back and not be a vampire. He wanted to tell you the story of when he was reborn, but that could wait for another time.  Now it was time to put some very messy cards on the table. 
The last bullet was deep, and you had to swirl your tongue around in the hole to loosen it.
“I have something I need to tell you,” he blurted while your lips were near his belly button.
Fuck, here it goes…
“First, I just want to say that I had no idea who this Brenner guy was before, like, a few months ago,” his next swallow felt like he was chugging a grapefruit. “If I’d have known what a creep, he was I never would’ve…”
You stopped what you were doing to raise your head, waiting for him to finish, the final bit of silver still lodged in his abdomen. “You knew of Brenner? Before all this?”
He couldn’t look at you, he had to stare at the ceiling.  
“Uh, yeah, that first week you were here, he tracked me down at the chop shop and said he’d pay me a shit ton of money to keep an eye on you. I didn’t ask a lot of questions.  As far as I knew, you were his long-lost daughter, or some shit and he wanted to make sure you were safe.”
You sat back on your knees, trying to let that sink in.
He lifted up to brace himself on an elbow, wincing at the sting of the remaining bullet.  “I didn’t know you then, that was before we were…” he fumbled with what he wanted to call you and what you actually were, “...a friend.”  
“So,” you frowned down at your hands.  “You’re the reason I was kidnapped tonight? The reason all of this happened?”  Your wide eyes snapped to him.  “Did you set me up?”
He sliced his hand in the air a few times, shaking his head vigorously.  “No..nope…I had nothing to do with any of this,” he pleaded.  “I only reported back to him for a couple of weeks, and then I stopped, really.  After that night I first took you to Sacrament, I told him I was too busy to—”
All of the horrific memories were rushing back to you.  “What about the Klemp’s? Did you pay them to hurt me or something? So that I’d have to drink your blood and let you into my head?”
Eddie spoke so fast; he stuttered over his words.  “No, absolutely not, never! I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I would never let anyone hurt you like that.”
“But they did hurt me,” you muttered.
Now it was you who couldn’t look at him, working your jaw muscles as you tried to decide which emotion you should be feeling.
“Why should I even believe you?” Your voice was small.
“Please believe me I—”
“If you knew this guy was stalking me, why didn’t you tell me sooner? If you’re as concerned for my welfare as you claim to be?”
You couldn’t tell if you wanted to cry or scream; maybe both.
Eddie didn’t have a chance to answer.  You were on your feet at the end of the bed with your arms crossed.  
Suddenly, you were shaking, and you couldn’t control it. “After Sacrament, I didn’t see you for a long time, it felt like you were avoiding me.  Was that because you no longer had to fake interest in me for your scam?”
Eddie pushed himself up into a seated position, blinking back the memory of how painfully hard it had been to stay away from you for all that time.  “No, you have to trust me, that had nothing to do with—”
“Trust you?” You barked a sarcastic laugh.  “Tell me why then? Why avoid me for so long, huh? Because you weren’t getting paid to—”
Eddie’s voice wavered and he spoke in a rush.  “Because I started to have feelings for you, that’s why. Happy? Because ever since that first day I saw you, you’re all I can fucking think about.  Because I can’t even look at another woman without seeing your face, and believe me, I’ve tried. I’ve gotten real good at disappointing people and leaving people behind, and all I know is, I don’t want to disappoint you.”
Your lips parted to say something, but he figured what the hell, he might as well scare you all the way off while he was at it.
He relaxed his shoulders and wet his lips. “I never told you that I was made vampire against my will.  I died and was brought back, but my heart went cold, and I never thought I’d feel anything for anyone ever again.  I didn’t want to feel anything.  I should’ve stayed dead, I wanted to be with all of the people I’d lost…”
His suede brown eyes sought your face.  “When I’m with you, I don’t feel dead anymore. When I think about you, I feel fragile and human again.  Like maybe I’ve got something worth giving away.”
Silence filled the room like helium in a balloon about to burst.  
He’d gone for broke, and there was nowhere left to hide. He was officially at your feet, where he’d always been.
“You don’t have to say anything,” he whispered when you didn’t respond right away. “I get it.”
You tilted your head all the way back to stare at the ceiling.
“I dream about you every night,” you admitted on an exhale. “Logically I know it has to do with ingesting your blood, but it’s…it’s more than that.”
He bit at the inside of his cheek, picking at a thread on the comforter.  “Every night, huh?”
You gave a few slow nods, and you could almost hear the smile pull across his teeth. 
“Yeah, so, blood induced dreaming should only happen a handful of times after it’s ingested,” he said, shifting in his seat. 
You kept nodding, since that was something you’d already suspected.  “The dreams are always so vivid, I wake up…”
He dared to finish for you after a long pause. “Wanting more?”
“No,” you corrected, turning to face him.  “I wake up wishing they were real.”
I la la la love you all who have reached out to me about this story and continue to cheer it on. Comments, reblogs, and asks about this world mean everything to me.
Taglist: @trixyvixx@sllooney@writinginthetwilight@sidthedollface2@atomickaratel8dy@probablyin-bed@kiyastrf94@briamunson92 @joannamuns9n@jasminelafleur @@bellalillyrose @dashingdeb16 @alba8688 @corrodeddeadlydoll@brassreign@likedovesinthewnd @ilovetaquitosmmm @skrzydlak@onegirlmanytales@angietherose@probablyin-bed@reidsbtch@moonbeamsandmayhem@eddiesxangel@hideoutside@secretdryrose@nailbatanddungeon@thorfemmes@corkadymu@kellsck@mrsjellymunson@poofyloofy@dream-a-little-nightmare
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whoopsyeahokay · 5 months
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October Sun
summary: you and Wally had finally had a chance to talk, reviewed the information at your disposal, which, by then, had included the text you'd received from Xavier. Even with everything you'd been taught, had researched, had a profound knowledge of, things still hadn't made sense. Had Mr. Anderson really been the Big Bad of your Nancy Drew story? Or had something darker been afoot?
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
bon reading, frens
"—and then this morning, Zav texted—"
"Xavier? Maddie's boyfriend?"
Recognition dawned, "Oh, yeah. I know him," spoken with a sour inflection.
"Yeah, him. He's like my brother from another mother." One who'd flounced out of Xavier's life in 8th Grade and had taken half the family assets with her to Milwaukee.
"Anyway," You resumed your summary of events, "He sent me this." Leaning forward, you showed Wally the picture of Maddie's ticket on your phone. "They found it in the woods not too far from here."
After yesterday's series of unfortunate interruptions, you and Wally had ensconced yourselves halfway up the rows of spectator seats in the stadium. Apart from a groundskeeper on the field and a maintenance worker floating about the upmost level of the grandstand, you were blissfully alone.
You sat sideways, Wally's varsity jacket balled up and shoved behind your back so the armrest wouldn't dig into your spine (his idea). Your knees were bent over the armrest that divided your seat and Wally's, socked feet on his lap, lounging as comfortably as was possible in your position.
Wally, meanwhile, held your ankle, thumb occasionally stroking under the hem of your jeans, and had his legs splayed wide to accommodate their length in such a tight space. Arm stretched across the backs of your seats, fingers of his other hand absentmindedly lifting and placing strands of your hair at the back of your head.
It was nice. Casual.
You and Wally were totally and utterly attuned as if sharing space was a regular occurrence. As if he'd always been part of your story, alongside Xavier and Hana and Lucas, trading easy touches and unfiltered thoughts the way people did when they'd known each other since baby teeth.
It was the connection, of course. A tequila glow under the skin that removed the awkwardness of getting to know someone new and replaced it with the opinion that everyone was ohana.
Once again, you'd spent the night with your nose in the gutter of every book you'd thought could be relevant, and not one had had the insinuation of an answer. If you'd been allowed to ask Nanna, you knew she'd say something ridiculous about soulmates, or twin flames or some other buzzword for 'meant to be'.
She was a diehard romantic like that, despite having suffered the loss of Grandpa Jack mere days after your uncle Andrew was born. She'd never remarried. Never dated. Was content to wait until her body expired and she reunited with Grandpa Jack in the afterlife.
It wasn't fair that Nanna couldn't Travel. That she couldn't see ghosts like you and your mother and Ginny. That the family rule prevented you from speaking to Grandpa Jack so you could relay his messages to Nanna.
In the absence of the swarms and storms and squalls you'd been threatened with if you ever spoke to the dead, you were beginning to hate that rule.
Wally pinched the top knot of your spine, lips swept into a roguish grin. "Lost you for a second there, pretty girl."
Deep brown eyes roamed your face for signs of where your mind had drifted. Having Wally's full attention made your heart beat a little faster, your stomach squirm, your breath catch. It brought with it a sense of empowerment; Wally, former star athlete and school hero, looking at you like you'd hung the moon.
"Uhm~." Eloquent.
Wally chuckled, breezy, and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. "I feel it, too." He admitted, catching his lip between straight, white teeth and glancing away with a blush. "It's not as crazy as it was yesterday, though."
"True." You said, "But it's still pretty intense. It's like taking one shot. You aren't quite tipsy, you're just vibing and it's—"
"Nice." Wally cut in, sloping a few inches forward.
Heat rose in your cheeks and you knew your eyes had gone honey-soft and dreamy under Wally's gaze. "Yeah. It is."
You gave yourself a moment to take in the feeling—sit with it, and accept it—before you decided it was time to get back to business.
"Alright," Wally crooked his arm at the elbow and propped his head on his fist, "Things we know so far: Mr. Anderson paid Maddie off."
"But he's paranoid, so he decides to tie up loose ends and remove Maddie from the equation."
"He lures her to the boiler room, attacks her, manages to hurt her enough to get blood on the walls, and then..." Wally's voice and expression turned dubious, "Maddie runs?"
You quickly picked up where Wally left off, "She heads through the woods where she drops her ticket, and then she makes it to the service road."
"Where Mr. A finds her—"
"Drugs her into a coma." You and Wally said together before he continued alone.
"—and then he brings her back here?"
You tried not to sound too hopeful when you asked, "How do you know he brought her back here? Did Maddie tell you?"
Wally had mentioned that Maddie couldn't remember anything about what had happened to her last Friday, but if she'd started to get her memory back, maybe this whole thing would be wrapped up before the weekend. Simon would have his best friend back, Xavier wouldn't be looked at like the school pariah anymore, and you and Wally could...
Focus on each other? Mathilda's face smirked at you in your mind.
Or something, You snapped back as you pictured yourself using a chalkboard eraser to erase Mathilda's image from the inside of your skull.
"Nah, babe," Wally said, "She still can't remember anything. At least, not that she's told me. But it doesn't matter because she's haunting the school, right?"
You peered at Wally who looked so eager to be helpful, and tried to fit the puzzle pieces together. Unfortunately, the pieces you had were turning into blobs of color without a picture for reference.
"Well, I mean, it could mean something," You supposed, willing to approach the theory from a new angle. "But she also could've followed him back here without realizing she wasn't in her body."
Wally's hand slipped up from your ankle to your calf where he began to massage the muscle, almost sympathetically. Like he was about to say something offensive and wanted you to be calm when you received it.
With mild suspicion, you listened to what he had to say, though by the end, you couldn't conceal your shock.
"I don't know what you read about ghosts, baby, but we can't move around like that. We haunt where we die. If Maddie's ghost is in the school, it's because that's where she left her body."
Internally, the blue screen of death crashed down as a bullhorn shrieked fatal system error.
Wrong Wrong Wrong.
Grandpa Jack had died in New York and you'd seen him plenty of times in Wisconsin. Hell, you'd seen American ghosts in the UK when you'd visited your dad. American ghosts who'd died on American soil. The books in your family's library verified that ghosts were at liberty to go wherever they pleased, having earned the right after they were relieved from the 'burden of living' (as one rather staunchly Catholic author had written).
And then you remembered, "You mean more trapped than the rest of us?" Wally had said yesterday.
Jack-knifing into an upright position, you gasped, "You're stuck here?!"
Slowly, as if scared to animate you further, Wally said, "Yeah. Whenever we step off school property, we end up back where we died." He glanced at the field warily. "It sucks."
"Wally," You breathed in and out deeply, heart hammering for a reason that had nothing to do with Wally's closeness, "That's not normal."
also available on AO3!
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merakiui · 11 days
Mera. Mera. Mera--
That new riddle fic, MERA!!!! OTL OTL
Bestie, I have no words to describe how I felt after reading that—literally the ending got me staring at the wall like,,, "lord, what--??" but HOLY SHIT DID YOU DO A ONE HELL OF A WONDERFUL JOB WITH THIS PIECE LIKE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Anyway. I am still speechless, but this part stuck with me the most so i just had to draw it:
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RIP to Azul. You will be missed our dear italian fren u_u
BESTIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! AAAAAAAAA OMG OMG OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! KHEYY, YOUR BEAUTIFUL ART BLESSES MY EYES ONCE MORE!!!!! THIS IS GODLY, AMAZING, STUNNING, SHOW-STOPPING, AND SO MANY MORE ADJECTIVES BECAUSE WOW!!!!!! I spent so much time staring at this when I read your ask because it's truly a masterpiece. I feel like I'm in a museum pondering the meaning of it because it's just that wonderful!!! I gasped in delight when I saw it!!!! (≧ᗜ≦)
Did you grab the image directly from my brain........ this is exactly how I imagined Rido sitting there on the steps, eating his tart while covered in blood. >:D ohhhhhh he is so cooked. I love him and I love your art so much WAAAAAA!!!!!! His tired eyes, the blood on his clothes and shoes, the blue lights from the police, the lighting (shadows) itself, the bright red tart, his nonchalant "guess I'll just eat this fucking tart" LOL everything about this is scrumptious. I'm devouring it with rapture!!!!!
Thank you so much for reading the fic and for drawing such a beautifully haunting picture!!!!! (✿´꒳`)ノ💖 I was actually going to write him eating an apple instead of tart, but I thought that would feel too Death Note hehe. If Riddle had the Death Note, he would scribble Azul's name one-hundred times just to get him out of the picture....... he is obsessed. My dissociating king. orz I just love when those nerds are playing complicated mind games. They're both smart enough to keep up with each other. It's really fascinating!!
(rip Azul indeed,,, he will be missed, but not by Riddle... ;;;;;)
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terras-domain · 11 months
Rev It Up, Baby!
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Characters: Jung Eunbi (Eunha)
Tags: teasing, thighs, car porn, street racing, male reader x gg idol, slight plotted smut, mechanic y/n, sex in and outside of car (if that makes sense lololol)
Words: 3813
Note from author: Halloooo! terra here. Been a while, this one is from a fren's request (well they just want eunha tbh) but THE CAR PART is basically y/n (you, YES YOU) tuning up her car for a street race she'll be doing and the reward, is ummm well...you can guess it,right? ANYWAYS ENJOYYYY (hopefully..?)
Reader's POV
"Boss...business hasn't been rolling today. Think we should call it a day a bit sooner?" Ken, one of my workers started to complain, the boredom was clearly making the guys at the workshop gloomy. "Fuck no Ken. We gotta business to run, so go jerk off or something if you're that bored kiddo" a puff from my cigarette flew in the air, disappearing in seconds. The kid's not wrong, we haven't had some serious customer coming in today, or even in a few weeks. Just some boring ass family sedans and some basic repair shit, nothing too fancy so far. But that all change when a loud rev roars towards the workshop. "My~ hello sexy"
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Loud roaring fills up the workshop, making me throw the cig in my ashtray. "Ken! Your entertainment is here!" I smirked looking around the big boy shining in the dusty workspace. "Alright man, welcome welcome. How can I-" My words got caught in my throat the moment I saw the driver step out of the door. Thought it'd be some rich old bastard; but the smoking hot chick coming out looks nothing like the image I had in mind. "And I thought the car was sexy~" One of the boys cracked a chuckle. The car now looks like junk compared to the lady standing in front of me, pretty face, thick body and not to mention the shorts showing off those thick thighs. "Well hello beautiful~ welcome to the shop" I smirked, lighting up a second cig as the pretty girl walked over to me, while she does so it's obvious how thick she was judging by how those legs were jiggling.
"Did daddy buy you the cute ride you got here?" puffing out another wave of smoke, I looked around the car while she still remained quiet. After a few more glances on the car, my focus was still on her. "You know it's dangerous for a pretty girl such as yourself to be driving a beast like this you know?" I grinned, putting away the cigarette away from her as I tower over her cute figure, looking down at the cutie in front. "I'm a racer," she finally let out her voice, if I were to be honest I'd bust a load there and then on another day from how hot she is, but I gotta play it cool in front of this chick. "Oh really~! Well I'm sure you're a great racer ain't you, Miss...." I gave a long pause, giggling to tease her so called racing abilities. "Eunha. And don't act cocky, dirty hands. I'm not some whore for you~ I'm here to mod this car." Eunha clicked her tongue, clearly a bit annoyed, but fuck do I care. The more annoyed she looks, the cuter; I like that. "Oh really? Where you going so fast? Walmart?" I chuckled, making the tiny Eunha lose her patience and turn her face bright red. "I'm here to make Lloyd eat my dust!"
The laughter, the teasing, everything stopped. All eyes were on Eunha, almost choked by the ludicrous words coming out of her mouth. "That Lloyd? That dude's crazy dangerous y'know?" Bob, the old head in the office started talking, the teasy and all-jokes vibe suddenly blew away from the room. "I know. The more reasons to kick his ass." The cutie's little words attracts me more, love me a strong woman. "Well then missy, what do you need?" I asked, throwing the cig to the floor, stepping on it to extinguish the smoke. "I need it to be faster." Hearing her replies only makes me smirk as i moved towards the black beast parked in the garage. A little smack on Eunha's cute butt made her squeak, making me laugh a bit as I shifted my focus to the guys. "Time to get to work, boys!"
The car is honestly pretty much in great condition. There's not many that needs to be fixed, just things to upgrade. The spark plug of the car needs some changes, a change of exhaust which thankfully Eunha brought for us so it's no issue for us to wait too long to order a new one. One thing left is the engine, we gotta tune it up to get that Acura a winning chance. "This is a problem." I puffed after a deep breath. Honda engines in general isn't really the best, especially if it's for a car back in 1992, but oh well. If that hottie wants to win, might as well do it with a sick ride. "Why didn't you change the chassis?" Eunha asked. I mean, I don't blame her for asking, but clearly if she wants to race this car against a bastard like Lloyd, she needs a car that can take a beating. "Well sweetheart, if you wanna live long enough to win that race, this car gotta make sure it didn't trip over itself in the middle of the road." I shook my head while I approached her, grabbing a hand towel to clean my dirty hands, I need to lead her to my office.
"Imma keep this to you straight cutie," I paused, looking at Eunha, looking at her adorable cheeks when she looks serious, it made me smile. "Your chances of winning are slim if you keep this engine. You know the type of guy Lloyd is known for. He'd kill to win" I went fully clear to her, clearly makes her a bit frustrated. "Well...tell me what I gotta do." She answered short, this bitch sure is persistent. "Well, I first need to know how serious you are in this." I inched closer, grabbing her shoulder, waiting for her nodding response which she did immediately. "Well your engine needs some work, some mods actually. And the money...well I'm pretty sure you know how that goes. But that's not all" I paused looking up and down. "You clearly don't know what you're doing...telling me to change a car chassis when going against a road killer~" A sighed as Eunha finally got her needed reality check, it's almost impossible to win if she relies 100% on her knowledge, which clearly not enough.
"Tell me what I need to do then." She persists on further, she sure is confident on doing this. "Well first of all, you need a co-pilot. Someone who knows how to drive." I suggested, inching closer as our shoulders now touch, I think we both know where we're leading. "And I know a person who could teach you a thing or two" I chuckled, with Eunha slightly pushing me away only for me to hold her hand so I kept my distance close, our faces just a finger apart. "Men sure are greedy." She sighed after whimpered, trying to break free. "Relax, we're partners anyways. You need to trust your co-pilot Eunha." Those were my last words before my lips reached hers, which I can feel a reply coming. Glad to know my hard work is paying off. "You aren't a bad kisser aren't you" a soft chuckle escaped my mouth when I pulled away, looking at her soft pale face blushing. "I just did it cuz we're partners" She replied, her chest pumping from the rush of emotions. Holding her hand and intertwining them together, I inched for another kiss. "Just follow my lead, your co-pilot got this~"
Her smaller body makes it easy for me to lift her on my office desk, resting her body on the solid wood while I kept my lips glued to hers. My hands travel to her shorts, aiming to play her mind a bit more, just to ease her up. With one hand I easily unbutton her shorts, pulling them down to her ankles, revealing her soft cotton panties, hiding her most prized treasure, a little circle soaking in the middle. "Clearly you're enjoying this~" my fingers pulled her panties to the side, revealing her lower lips soaking wet, pretty in pink. A slight touch with my index finger makes her whimper, she sure is sensitive. "Awww~ I love that sound. I want more" I circle around the entrance of her pussy, slowly inserting it inside. "Ngaaah~ y/n!" A little scream lets out of her mouth which I immediately cover with my free hand. "We don't want the boys to hear you do you?" She shook her hand, knowing we're both on the same page. Now in control, I started putting another finger in, pushing in and out of her tight pussy. Her hands forming knuckles to endure the pleasure she's receiving, my hand covering her steamy moans, I finally pulled my fingers out just to switch with my hard shaft inside her.
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With my thick cock now fully inside you, i start to slowly thrust, pushing and pulling at a slow tempo as my new partner, Eunha, whimpers and muffles her moan as her voice is suppressed with my hand, the other hand holding her in place by grabbing her tight waste. The guys at this point are already starting to work on the car, they know Eunha will agree with my terms and modify the engine. Besides, it was her only shot of winning. But the car is probably the last thing in her mind right now. With my shaft in her tight pussy, her eyes looks dazed, almost as if she's drunk. Her moans were just getting louder as I gradually picked up a pace. My cock just got stiffer and more sensitive, getting close to climax. "Nghhh~ Eunha, I wanna cum." I moved my hand away from her mouth, just to let her respond and tell me where she wants it. "Nghhh~ just cum inside y/n~ I can't have your cum on display....so just do it in me~" she bit her lower lip, hoping her moans didn't attract the attention of the workers, my workers as they tune up the car. After a few more thrusts, I finally couldn't hold it any longer. "C-cummiiiiing~" I grunted, trying not to moan too loud, with the help of Eunha's small hand covering my mouth it did indeed help me not to make a scene with my moans as I filled her up with cum. The two of our moans were luckily synced with a loud noise coming from the work, so we didn't cause any of us getting caught. "So...hopefully we'll work well, partner~" I sighed, smiled as I ended with a smile.
A few days pass, filled with work to mod the car and also some 'team bonding' time, but we finally got to the race, revving up to the venue. The car felt much lighter, yet still easy to drive as Eunha looked confident on the wheel. "Someone looking pumped!" Being on the passenger seat I can see her smile, not a sweet one, more like a determined one. Just hope she realizes the dangerous guy she's up against. The crowd was cheering for her, praising the crazy ride she brought roaring through the night life of the road. All that attention began to fade away as the person everyone was waiting for finally drove in. A mean and intimidating rev fills the night air, lights flashing as if a high beam was put on the back of Eunha's Acura, mocking her. we both looked back, knowing who's here. "Well welcome to the game Eunha. Here's your challenge." I sighed, looking a bit shaky as the big and bad Ford GT LMT 2022 driving in.
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As Lloyd's mirror slides down, the arrogant young adult smirks, looking up and down. "This better be worth my time, slut" A teasy smooch came from him which clearly made Eunha's heart filled with disgust. "You know he's a road killer right?" I tapped on her thighs, giving her a call to reality so she doesn't get too caught up in the mood. Yes, Lloyd is notorious for road killing, crashing into his opponents or forcing them into difficult spots which are impossible to get out of a serious accident, sometimes even lethal situations. I figured this was the reason Eunha wanted to beat her, as a humbling statement for this jackass. Personally, I don't give a fuck about Lloyd's behavior as long as they don't harm people I care, but now since I'm in the same car that Lloyd might kill, I have to care. Plus, can't risk losing a cute bunny like Eunha to an asshole that has the attitude of a 10 year old. After aligning our cars, the crowd cheers, hyped for the race. "Hey cutie! Try not to kiss my ass okay? I'm not into that weird shit, unless it's your face~" Lloyd's torment kept coming, but Eunha didn't care. She even let the window down, letting all of Lloyd's words come into her ears but not her mind. She seems locked in.
The race gets closer to it's beginning. Ready. Revving sounds roars as smoke fills the back of the two monster cars. Set. The two racer stops talking, both Eunha and Lloyd lift their windows up, ready for the final call. Go. As the call goes, tires screeching fills the ear lobes of the audience, silencing the crowd for a second only to make them cheer louder as they lift off, both Eunha and Lloyd are now off, starting the race. " Now just like I told you Eunha. Keep your distance bunny" I let out a little reminder, and important one if we both want to stay alive. Of course the futuristic Ford was on the lead from the get go, but it's a long 20km race, this is just the beginning. Eunha's Acura got an advantage with a smaller body frame, which made it easier to slide between traffic. The road has a lot of sharp turns so Eunha has to be careful with her speed, not to go too much and keep control.
A race will never be a safe race if it's Lloyd we're up against. His constant brake checking and closing in to Eunha whenever they're side to side is surely dangerous, making Eunha scared and hit the brakes, getting a bit too far behind half way through the race. "Fuck!" The stressed out Eunha shouted as she had to pick up pace to catch up, she's starting to lose focus. "Relax, we're still in the game cutie." A soft finger flick snaps her out, making Eunha look at me. We both smirked as she stepped on the gas and caught up with Lloyd. We were approaching a sharp slope, so we need to be extra careful not to cause some serious damage to the car and ourselves.
In the sharp turn, Lloyd fucked up, taking a turn too early resulting his car to drift a bit to the far end of the roadside. It gave a tight chance for Eunha's smaller car to slide in and cut past him. "Fuuuckk yeaah!" Eunha cheered as the road got back in a straight line, a wide smile appears on her face and beaming at me. "Cool down bunny~ we're not done yet." I sighed and pat her head as she kept on the drive, dashing through traffic to lose Lloyd off her tail. But with the horsepower of the Ford beast, it's nearly impossible, Lloyd caught up just moments after. With his car literally behind her, Lloyd's infamous behavior starts to reveal. Speeding up while tailgating Eunha's Acura, running over her and trying to knock her out, the scariest part of Lloyd's dangerous race driving. Panic rises, Eunha trying her best to keep the wheels steady but Lloyd's relentless driving, hitting the tail of her ride makes everything so scary. "Hang in there Eunha" I pat on her soft thighs, letting her calm down and wait for a moment to break free. And there was the moment we both hoped for, a truck right in front of us. We went to tailgate the truck which Lloyd didn't realise because well, either he was too busy trying to destroy Eunha's car or he's just pure stupid. Once we were close enough, we made sure to wait for a moment where Lloyd's Ford GT to ram up Eunha. When he did, Eunha swiftly took a sharp turn to switch lanes, forcing Lloyd to hit the truck. "Noooo!" The shocked Lloyd was terrified, having to run over the slow moving truck and crashed, not serious enough to immediately eliminate him from the race, but enough to buy us some time away from that asshole. Victory is now in Eunha's hands. Didn't take long before the Acura reached the finish line, Eunha won.
Eunha kept driving, trying to slow down. As the meter slowly goes down bit by bit, it finally reached zero as we stopped at an empty parking lot. "I won....I actually won..." Eunha muttered her words, her eyes looking at the steering wheel, still in shock and couldn't believe the outcome. She won, and that realisation soon hits as she screams out and hugs me. "WE WOOOOONNN!" Her soft cheeks touches mine, rubbing our faces as we hugged. Before we even noticed, the emotions, the adrenaline, every single drop of chemical clicked in. That satisfaction of victory turned into lust, and we have each other to fulfill it. Eunha's lips reached mine and before we knew it, we're already making out and enjoying each other, our tongues battling as we hold each other. I grabbed her tight waist as I moved her on top of me after leaning my seat lower so we can both fit on one seat.
With Eunha on top of me, I could feel her thick thighs pressing on me. It felt so smooth as she was wearing short jeans. As she leans her body on mine, our lips meet again. Feeling our kiss connecting our two bodies, I hugged her tight, holding her as we enjoy each other's mouth, tasting each other. "Y/n, I need you~" Eunha plead, and I could never say no to her. I opened the door and helped her off, kneeling on the floor. "Wait, Eunha." I took off my jacket and put them on the floor to make it less uncomfortable for her to be kneeling on the tarred floor. She grabbed my pants and guided them down to my ankles, pulling out my shaft that sprung out, pointing to Eunha's cute face.
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With the cute little bunny on her knees, level with my cock, there's only one thing coming for her. Her mouth starts to open wide, taking my cock and slide it slowly inside her mouth as I feel her soft mouth slowly taking my length, with her plump lips enveloping my shaft. It felt like heaven and back, making me throw my head back as she slowly bobbed her head, slurping the taste of my cock slowly. As a source of motivation, I pat her scalp, encouraging her to go deeper. "Fuuuck yes Eunha pleaseee...go deeper oh my god!" Her lips, her mouth, my tip poking her throat, everything about this felt so good I need to do my best to contain myself just so I don't cum too soon. My words backfire as she only doubles her efforts, making it harder for me to last even though I try, holding it in before eventually, she pulls out and smirks and spits on my cock to make it wetter than it already is.
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It was feeling so good, but there's no way we're stopping there. I stepped out of the car and guided Eunha to be putting her hands on the door, bending over. I need those thick thighs sandwiching my cock so bad. Holding her hips I slowly guided my cock between her soft meaty thighs. "Mmmh your cock is so wet~. Fuuuck it feels good~" Eunha bit her lips, feeling me thrust back and forth slowly as I moaned, being out public late at night in a parking lot like this, it's so risky yet so good, I love it. Her hands on the winning Acura as I kept on thrusting back and forth, moving my hips swayed and my face glued to hers, kissing her cute puffy cheeks. My hands got bored too and wanted some actions, travelling towards Eunha's soft upper body, groping them softly which made the bunny whimper. "Mmmmh~ yeaah y/n just like that~ oh god~" the cold breeze of the night didn't help settle down the mood either. it just made us more and more lustful, feeling the need to express our emotions physically out in the open on the car.
We both couldn't take it any longer. The expressions we were making made it clear we want to fuck. And we'll do just that. Holding Eunha's tight body, I carried her as I laid her on the back seat, her legs exposed out in the open while her upper body is in the car. I quickly align my cock with her entrance and thrust it in as fast as I could, the wetness of my cock surely helped. "Fuuuck~ y/n! It's so fucking goood!" Eunha screamed out as we're alone, we don't need to hold back, we just let out all that bottled up lust and excitement over the win. "Eunha...you're so tight~ fuck I'll fuck you all day if I could" I grunted as I started going back to a fast pace holding her legs as I piston my cock in and out of her, feeling her tight pussy wrapping my shaft, denying me to pull out. With each thrust getting closer to my climax, I just held her tight while grunting as I stared into her lustful eyes. "Fuuuck Eunha, I wanna cum for you so bad~" I grunted, my hips barely moving because I don't want to cum just yet. "Fuuuck~ just cum in me y/n. Fill me up~!" Eunha ordered, and what she wants is what I'll give. A few more deep thrusts and my load couldn't be held back anyore, I just let it all out and shoot every load of it inside her. "Cu-cummiiiiing~!" I exclaimed as I held her tight, hugging her tight waist as my cock spurts cum deep in her pussy, covering her insides while Eunha screams in pleasure and fills her tight pussy receiving every single drop of cum, leaving my balls emptied.
Both exhausted, we got in the car and cuddled, laying on the car's back seat, huffing and puffing to catch our breathe. "What a mess" Eunha broke the silence, ending up with both of us kissing whilst we cuddled, trying to cool down and relax. "Congratulations on your win, partner." I had to say it, she fully deserved it so a congratulations is much deserved. But I'm pretty sure what happened here was a congrats gift in her books~
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sgrplmjnxxx · 10 months
Hey fren, is there a possibility you could show us how you draw Fort Max’s big ass head? I struggle with the little overhang in the front - loveofbots
Waaa! Hello there! Im glad you asked and Im willingly here to help you with that!
Although,Im not a really an expert for tutorials. So please bear with me with some grammatical errors qwq
long post ahead!
Okay,so here it is: I. Angles and shapes
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First off,you need to determine his head angle. I used some angles from the existing pics of Fort Max from MTMTE for this owo When you do,try to make a basic shape. In other words,draw a box. So when you draw a box,it should be look like 3D-ish like my illustration above. Fortress Maximus has a very Square-shaped individual and his head shape could vary in some angles and may inconsistent. (my brain is not brainging atm)
II. Drawing For drawing,now I picked the 3/4 angle because it's easy,lol.
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I started sketching his head with a circle first and then proceed to add the box shape. The top of his head is not completely flat,but more like curved. But it won't be neccessary later on,I think? (It's just my liking when sketching tho qwq). Then you see a shaded part so it looks like 3D-ish,and I added a jawline and neck.
Next,drawing his face and neck. It didn't go the way the base looks like,but you could overlap on some areas if you needed to (such as chin,jawline,forehead,etc..). Btw,you can use the lasso tool and transform tool to adjust the angle for you liking.
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Then,you draw a slightly elevated angular square for his brim.(similar to this lego piece,lmao). Also,you can add his side thingy-stuff (ii have no idea what are those called). I preferrably draw those things angular,but you can draw it straight up a rectangle and more easier.
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Then add that little thing in the middle like most every cybertronian have. Again,repeat the same "Slightly elevated angular square" but its now a triangle-rectangle hybrid.
Also,try to make it look like buried within the brim. (It still depends on you if you want it on top or look pushed down)
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I erased some of his forehead and jawline. And Ta-Da! This looks cursed af,but we're getting there! Final step is to add his antlers or horns.
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I finally added his horns/antlers! his horns/antlers could vary in shapes too! some examples seen on the lower right,but ive seen more than that!
keep in mind that to flip/mirror the canvas if you drawing those so you can be aware if it looks weird
Add that smol half square between his helm and antlers
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and we're almost done! added some details too You can also add those "shadows" on his eyes,like in the idw comics. Max eyes looks a bit small and weird,but it can be fix by erasing some parts to make his eyes looks better.
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I made some few minor adjustments for my liking.
I hope you find this tutorial helpful,this is my first ever tutorial i made. It may not be 100% percent accurate,but you get some ideas. Also,I really appreaciate that you asked me for this and it makes me very happy!
Also some bonus side profiles sketch i made last week or so:
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Fort max,Inferno and Red alert
my brain is not entirely functioning since i woke up middle of the night and,decided to make a tutorial instead of staring in the darkness qwq
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whipped-cheese · 6 months
Grrrgrgr it has been a wip for decades-
My fish babies!! Aaaa :D
Aaaaaaaaand Sulien!! :]
[click for quality]
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Fish Duty au
EEEEEEEE!!! *Confetti!!*
Ramblings of a madman underneath-
-So, originally- just going to make sun- since I drew him in the little comic I made a while back, but then I decided , why not make a moon too
you know-
no sun is complete without their Moon /silly
So rambling rambling rambling time, info dumping mmm
Wanted to distinct them with their own names-
Esmeray! (or just Ray) -(Sun)
Sulien! (or just sully/sul) -(Moon)
Esmeray means dark moon and Sulien means sun born c:
Sometimes I'll forget so if a say sun and moon at some point it translates to Ray or Sul-
-So the same logic as last time applies,
the lighter size of their face and body is damaged/very sensitive, so the eye that's on the lighter side of their face is very very foggy so essentially, they're blind on that side of the face, soooo half blind. Often causing them to bump into fish or other random things in their enclosure sometimes.
-Usually you only see ONE at a time, but NEVER BOTH.
Often leading visitors to assume that there is only one clownfish in the enclosure that transforms or something when it's night, but really, when it's daytime Esmeray is out y'knoww, entertaining, doing tricks, swimming around while Sulien sleeps and when it's night time, Esmeray sleeps and then Sulien is entertaining, or just glowing around, looking pretty.
You never see them both out at the same time, rarely.
Really unless it's something important or it's something special.
Sometimes they'll both cuddle together in their little cove..🥺 on their sea anemone bed
usually in the late evenings 4-5pm before Sulien gets to go out and roam for the night.
(ray can't fall asleep comfortably, without being close to his brother [happening since they were young] so sulien snuggles with ray until ray falls asleep)
-as I said before- later on down the line, when y/n begins working at a janitor at the exotic fish aquarium, our lil fishy frens kinda gets the memo after a while and starts to draw on a little area of sand that's infront of the glass to communicate and y/n started fogging the glass and writing on it to communicate, Ray (sun) doesn't understand words so they both do little drawings instead.
No one really knows where he learnt it from- but Sulien (moon) knows a bit of English, only a few simple words (hello,bye, mad, you, me, us, angry, food, help, feel,etc.) he also uses the sand.
Performance wise, esmeray does lil heart water bubbles, (or really just any shape, kinda like how clowns do balloon animals and other items) it's something he usually does for visitors, kids mostly. He'll wave, bow, press his face against the glass to be funny, do silly faces that makes the kids laugh, even some regulars that really want to become marine biologist, etc. that often visit the aquarium on weekends that he's very very fond of. He does loads of shows and tricks for people when they walk up to his case, very very active lil fella
the clown fish must perform!! :]
Sulien on the other hand, usually comes out when it's night time, so it's quite rare to see him considering he's mostly active during practically closing time- up until opening hours.
When people do have the rare chance of seeing him at the front of one side of their enclosure, he's not really that active in terms of show BUT he will put on a very pretty light show.
It's absolutely mesmerizing.
Those who get to stay and finish watching it atleast-
The guards are pretty avid on getting everyone out of the aquarium at the designated time.
He also sings sometimes, which is extremely extremely rare-
Guards working there for years have probably only ever heard it twice-
I'll be drawing (mostly sketches) more of them for a little<3
Also- before, I'd prefer posting stuff about my other au 'A Bad Teaser au /lust au' somewhere separate because it's slightly,eeeehhh just a touch suggestive- BUT
I'm gonna redraw and start posting stuff about it here.
Sooner or later (very soon- like I have loads of drawings of them but no where to put it, and I wanna share my suggestive whore men /pos /silly )
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ch0cocrave · 11 months
Introduction thing
I guess I'll do this so you know what to expect from me...
. I REALLY LOVE BIRDS. ( like a lot, it's not funny/j )
. (Bird)day: May 12
. I'm part of many fandoms so this blog will be all over the place. ( I'll list a couple main ones below )
. Paper puppets take 2 ( dies )
. The Four Moons Initiative
. Burger brawl ( DIES AGAIN )
. It's time for the-
. Inanimate insanity
. Bfdi/bfb/tpot
. Gob ( I need more stuff from this show but its not popular... T^T )
. Burner
. Oso ( also not popular... )
( Other stuff I can't categorize lol )
. Cuphead
. Murder Drones
. Kinda TADC ( but the content farms have me in a death grip... )
. I've seen solar balls stuff and now I'm kinda invested
. and many more that you might see me reblog stuffs from
. I have ADHD ( diagnosed ) so I can be pretty hyper and annoying. ( Don't hesitate to tell me to calm down. )
. And uhhhh yes! I do post art if anyone is wondering lol but I just might kinda forget about it from time to time because uhhhh brain don't work XDD
. And speaking of art, art requests are open, they just might take awhile, because ughhhhhh school is the devil, and my life is kinda busy lol ( i'll tell y'all when they're closed )
. I'm also a MINOR ( 15 yrs old ) so no disgusting stuff please! ( So like no pedos, zoos, or any of that crap:3 ) Including age regre because I have my reasons...
. Don't take any of the stuff I say seriously because I'm just here to have fun idk
. I also go by Choco so if your referring to me, pls use that name!
. I am a really nice person, ( all my friends have at least said something like that XD ) but I do have really terrible mood swings, so If I seem mad at you, I'm probably just acting up...
. My best IRL frens are @daaxolotlartist and @stikytheblue ( aka ppl ive known for 3 years ) And @craftyworx!!!
They the most pretty borb-
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. I will probably change this in the future to match with myself more
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Some links to certain posts that I think are important :)
And If i just randomly disappear either while I'm texting you or just GONE, this is probably why...
( pspspspspspspspspspsp alsoooo ) ↓
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^ help I think that's a threat ;-;/JJ
OH! also- If I leave a discord server, its most likely because I never talk in it and uhhhh talking to people is rlly hard sometimes for me so I just leave to save myself the struggles... TwT
I also tend to use XD a lot lol
That's about it 😁 👍
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maveras-posts · 3 months
Terrifying Slasher House
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Slasher House Pt: IDFK Anymore
Art is a Goofy Goober
All he does is troll, he literally trolled ghost face for months online💀
That’s how everyone met, he trolled everyone and they try to find him
It was ON SITE
Let’s just say they saw who exactly was trolling them (ITS FUCKIN ART—WHAT DO THEY EXPECT)
He can really be a conniving bastard (he haunts my dreams 😒)
Honestly I think Art would grow on Micheal if they met
Art is much more expressive but is mute
“can’t live with them, can’t live without them”
Micheal will never show it but he really likes Arts bubbly personality
They admire Arts sadistic style, but they respect him out of fear
Everybody is highkey scared of him, Freddy saw Art in the dream world and said nope 🚶
Art literally hit the gritty towards him😭
Art doesn’t understand social queues so literally thinks everyone is his fren💀
Pennywise and Art are good friends( the clowns must stick together )
He’s excited to learn there’s others similar to him
Sam and Little Pale Girl actually vibe HARD
Michael gives Art his daily “throat hugs”
He lives in the basement but tbh he wrecks havoc on the town and isn’t there as much
Peepaw likes his recliner chair and watches the news
“Oh so that’s why Art getting “milk” is taking so long”😐
They have to send someone to supervise these grocery trips—SMH
Art is a ride or die tho if one of his fellow slashers is insulted or they are threatened with being found…he will take care of them
Ghostface can pretty much be friends with anyone so Art is always in his room playing with all his horror memorabilia
Sam also likes the magic tricks he can do
The only one that really beefs with Art is Freddy (I think it’s because Art was never fazed by him in his dreams😂)
Everybody comes to accept him but his unpredictability terrifies them—🥁
Special thanks for the inspo!
So I am back at it again, I’ve had to take time off from writing recently as more life tingz have gotten in the way. I thank those who have given me support even in my absence and you have not gone unnoticed! I love you all and I will bring more content soon! See you Boo!
Stay spooky,
@vampirecatprince @mangledcreatureboything @toydynesianimation13
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angeart · 2 months
:o are we allowed to ask about Mr Beak?? Because I have been dying to but I figured it was for Future Rambles so I've been holding back.
Especially because both you and Link drew Grian with his wings out, no cloak, and Grian actually using his wings for a smol hug in your bit.
yes you're allowed! it is for future rambles, but we made a concession if you promise you'll still read the rambles as well when they come out! :D
mr beak gets acquired in vex arc, part titled "a night for living". let me take you through Never Before Seen basics! just a quick little rundown :3
grian and scar get accepted adopted into a vex commune! which is a pretty safe place considering that it's full of vexes who are seen as warriors. it's settled in the forest, in what used to be a hunting village. (it was taken over.)
now i won't say exactly how things go, but- there's definitely an adjustment period! especially since grian is an avian in a place filled with only vexes, and scar is... well, not a typical vex!
but they settle in. and they start to tentatively have some security. their own walls, and a bed! there's a LOT to say about the whole vex arc, and i can very easily be swayed, but i'll skip to mr beak. (under the cut because this is getting rambly <3 expect RP snippets too)
there's a big night at the vex commune, one they meticulously prepare for. make sure there's no hunters anywhere nearby, brew homemade alcohol, etc. they make a huge bonfire, set up various games (prizes are mostly more alcohol, lol. special bottles of types from rare fruits and stuff, with a strip of fabric/ribbon tied to them to mark them as the victory bottles) and just... go wild!
it's during this night when scar and grian challenge two other vexes (frens???? 👀) to a game of (drunk) archery. scar pretends he can barely hold a bow. it's very funny when he shoots a bulls eye, trust me.
scar kind of jokingly asks if there are other prizes - like big stuffed bears, for example. and once he wins, the best out of three shots, he again jokingly says he'll take the bear as his prize. and grian joins in, asking for the bear!
(mini rp bit!!)
Excitedly and triumphantly, Scar loops his arms around Grian as well, lower and more securely wound, and lifts, spinning him around like a loon just because he wants to and he can. “The man wants a bear!!” he announces to the world, boisterous and goofy.
anywayyy... yeah, no, the vexes don't have a stuffed bear. but there's an idea. and someone digs out a discarded plush from somewhere.
it's a chicken.
kane is meant to hand it over, but... he's very hesitant. and he wouldn't be if it was a couple of weeks ago, but! he's been learning! about avians and things that upset grian. about how sensitive he is about other birds or bird-like things.
uncharacteristically hesitant, he calls scar over first, trusting scar's judgement on these things much more than himself.
aaand. what if i throw more rp snippets at u? 👀👀👀👀 (1,7k words because my hand slipped— enjoy :D)
Kane waits until he's sure Scar's body and wings block Grian's view, and then he tentatively unfurls his own wing, showing the worn plush toy in his arms: a pale brown chicken, a little clumpy, but soft-looking. Squishable. "We have... this," he presents, a bit flatly, waiting for reaction.
It’s unfortunate, really, because in any other circumstance Scar would not hesitate to give the awkward little chicken to Grian. It’s so adorably lumpy, and he wants to squeeze it immediately. 
“Let me see,” Scar says, taking it from Kane. He appreciates the hesitance now. Despite claiming victory during their previous dispute over insensitivity, Kane clearly cares to get this right, and it warms Scar’s heart to no end.
Kane keeps the doll hidden as he passes it over to Scar, who analyzes it carefully, squeezing at the center and feeling the material. It’s soft, not at all feathered, and the insides seem to be cotton, possibly with beads interspersed for weightiness. 
But it’s still a bird.
Scar looks to meet Kane’s gaze, both of them uncertain, but Scar sighs and offers a weak smile. “You’re a good man, Kane,” Scar declares, nodding appreciatively at him. 
Ultimately, it should be up to Grian if he wants this. Scar can look out for potential triggers, but it’s not his place to decide for him. 
Scar can’t protect him from everything. Shouldn’t either.
(Plus, it is cute. Scar hopes that fact overwrites any potential anxieties.)
Scar turns around, offering the plushie over to Grian with that same timid smile. “What do you think, G?”
nico's murmuring things to grian, praising his and scar's aim, wanting to know where they've learned to shoot like that. it distracts grian sufficiently, thrown off and glancing at the targets where someone was collecting their arrows now so they could keep playing.
"we... had a lot of practice," grian replies, unsure how to phrase it any better. to say that they didn't need to worry about running out of arrows—or lives—ever was something too bewildering to put out there. "it's just been a while," he adds, grimacing at where a vex was trying to climb a tree to reach the arrow grian shot first. 
nico laughs, amused but bright and kind. "well, you know. as long as you don't lose the arrows, you guys can come here and shoot at the targets anytime."
grian perks up at that, but before he can answer, scar's turning to him and offering something to him.
grian's gaze lands on the bird-like heap in scar's hands, and his head short-circuits.
it's a bird.
memories of [REDACTED] slam into him, and he swallows thickly, rebooting. 
a bird.
this world doesn't have birds. but here one is, silly-looking and soft, offered to grian to hold. (to cherish. to protect. to keep.)
with gaze solidly focused on the toy, grian hears himself try to joke. "i think that's not a bear."
kane huffs, although there's something tentatively relieved in the sound, possibly at the lack of a more outward freak out on grian's part. "i told you we don't have bears."
grian's only half-listening. his chest feels askew and tingly, wings semi flared out, but he's taking a step forward and reaching out his hands for the plushie.
Scar is about to say they don’t have to take it. They could easily accept one of the prize bottles. He could even make a show of tying the decorative ribbon on one of Grian’s fingers as a silly romantic callback.
But Grian is reaching out and Scar doesn’t have it in his heart to deny him. He offers the toy to him gingerly, still nervous, but willing. 
“Not a bear, but… look at its little beard!” Scar tries, letting his index finger fiddle with the red tufts of fabric as he pulls away. “…do you like it?”
wordlessly, grian takes it, holds it out, feels its weight settle in his hands. his fingers squeeze lightly, testing it out, feeling its softness. (it's not made of feathers. not feathers.)
some tightly held knot in grian's chest unspools, and he finds himself laughing a little unsteadily at scar's silly gesture.
his hands flap the chicken's wings, and unthinkingly, grian's own wings mirror the motion. there's a part of grian's brain that's happy at this, already growing attached, and it's probably weird, for a toy to trigger instincts that whisper flock against the nape of his neck, but the affection and protectiveness rise up in him anyway.
he pulls the chicken tightly to his chest, his gaze flicking up, meeting first scar's eyes and then swivelling to kane's. "... i can keep this?" he asks, a bit shyly, even as his hold signals that he would not let go even if he was told no.
Scar’s heart swells again at the sight of Grian flapping the doll’s little wings, and gosh it’s unfairly adorable when he does the same with his own wings. Scar grins, leaning back into Grian’s space as he turns to regard Kane. 
“We’re taking this,” Scar declares.
Kane scoffs, cheeks heating up as he takes mostly fake offense. “As if I’d take it back, come on!” And then he’s grinning as well, clearly satisfied that the prize went over well, all sourness from the competition completely faded away. “You won it fair and square, mister liar.”
“Sober liar,” Nico tacks on, earning a bark of laughter from his mate.
“Hey, I’m getting there, I’m getting there!” Scar insists, leaning down to reclaim his and Grian’s bottles. He hands Grian’s back to him with a bright smile. “…It’s precious.”
grian instantly slots himself next to scar as he returns to his side, still clutching the bird tightly. 
"mister sober liar," he repeats teasingly at scar, nudging him a little and giving him a big, bright grin.
no matter how the others want to spin it, the fact is that they did win, and scar did insist on a prize for grian. (and man, the way his hands were capable with the bow is hot. although it's not something grian'd admit out loud.) he's grateful for it, a bit of playful games and a reward at the end of it, presented with such care. 
with boundless affection, grian leans against him and presses his wing against scar's lower back, under his vex wings, in a little squeeze. hoping his thanks translates. 
he untangles one hand from the chicken only to reach for the bottle, and he lets it clink against scar's. "cheers, to our victory." 
nico's ushering them a little bit to the side, to make space for new contestants, while kane lifts his own drink, cheerfully joining in with drinking. 
"there's more games to play, if you want," nico remarks with a chuckle, then adds: "but no more non-bears to win."
grian glances at him. "what about yes-bears?"
kane sputters a laugh, almost choking on his drink.
nico offers a grin instead, with a small chuckle. "none of those either, i'm afraid."
"bottles, mostly," kane says all too happily. "but some games have donation piles and if you win, you can pick something someone else left behind." he shrugs a little, clearly much more interested in the drinks the vexes worked so hard to make. "mostly useless stuff. wood carvings, dull daggers, scraps of clothes, chipped mugs. things people found and don't have use for, or that they don't want anymore."
“What you’re saying is we get to thrift shop for prizes?” Scar asks excitedly, wings fluttering before one slots over Grian’s head in a purposely goofy manner. “Whatcha say, G-man? More games? Want to see how red in the face Kane can get if he keeps losing?”
“Hey!” Kane shouts, grabbing at Scar to try to dig his fist into the top of his head playfully. Scar unfortunately allows it, not willing to give up his spot next to Grian and how his wing is tucked under him so tenderly. But he laughs at the abuse, clearly unbothered.
grian ducks a little at the wing over him, but then he straightens up, chirping and meeting it. he has his prize chicken in one hand, still pressed to his chest, and a bottle in the other, wing still slung across scar's lower back in a casual, if a little clingy way.
"more games!" he cheers, toothily looking over kane and nico. "so what's next, fellas? what do you want to be beaten at this time?"
nico's chuckling, lips curved in a smile, taking this for friendly jest, but kane's getting riled up. his tail swishes aggressively. "you can't thrift prizes if you don't win first," he accuses.
"what game?" grian presses. "what do you think you have a chance at?"
it's a cheeky jab, and grian's delighted as he sees it work. 
"sparring!" kane huffs out, clearly ready to tackle them until he can prove his dominance or something.
"or obstacle course," nico offers as a counter argument.
"sparring!" kane repeats, insistent, shooting his mate a glare. "we win at this one!" 
Scar yawns exaggeratedly. “Drunk sparring? Sounds like a vex slapping fest to me.” He waves his hand with the bottle dismissively at that, eyeing Grian as he does. Then he takes a large sip of his drink and flares out his free wing. “What kind of obstacle course we talkin’?”
Both sound less fun than archery to Scar, but he has a feeling the obstacle course would be preferable to Grian. Sparring just sounds like an invitation to get hurt.
grian is honestly glad scar is steering this away from a fight competition, but kane deflates, looking like he was just betrayed. "you don't want to spar?" his ears flick, then he crosses his arms, upset. "it's 'coz you know you'd lose. you're just picking what you're secretly good at!"
"i dunno, you could've been better at it," grian brushes him off, referencing kane's archery skill in a way that makes kane sputter.
"the obstacle course," nico takes charge, starting to walk in a more solid direction, "has many things. some you get under, some you get over. gliding is allowed." he eyes grian. "outright flying might be considered as cheating."
grian gasps dramatically, his wing losing connection to scar only to flap in playful offense. "i'd never!" and honestly, it's hard to think of himself actively flying, so it's not exactly wrong. it's not just theatrics, but they make it easier to bear, to hide behind.
i was gonna stop earlier but figured maybe you'd like to see the banter :3 maybe you'd like to see the new characters and these dynamics. (they're all tipsy at this point and scar and grian have been living here for a while, just to be clear.)
other big things happen that night besides winning mr beak :3 just sayin'
vex arc is fun <33
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mcrinmyhead · 4 months
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Hiya, my name's Dee or you can call me Dead! instead, cuz that's what my name is in Tumblr. I'm sixteen. I'm an Indian, racists better fck off. I like to draw, sing and write songs and poems. I mainly post my art here and I have two side blogs too, which are @mcrinmyheart (idk what I post there :D) and @shesacomplicatedpoet where... Er, you know it. And when I say "art" I usually draw My Chem, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Bring Me The Horizon and a few other bands, but you can always leave a picture in the "Ask me?" box if you really want me to draw something that you like :). Just make sure it isn't something s!utty, cuz my parents like seeing my sketchbook sometimes, haha.
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About me...
Name: Dead! / Dee
Age: 16
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: listening to music, art, singing, music bands, food, sleeping (I'm a very eepy person), travelling, reading, etc.
What kind of art do I do? Fanarts mainly.
Dislikes: peanuts (yea I don't like 'em, so if you know me irl and try to feed me peanuts, I'm gonna fcking stab you, you little shit), pedos, homophobic fcks, MSI apologists, basic DNIs, etc.
Am I single? Yes, and that's because I don't want to date anyone. Nvm, I'm taken :]
Music bands/artists I like:
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+ twenty one pilots, p!atd, Bring Me The Horizon, Glass Animals, Bad Omens, Sleep Token, etc. I also liked The 1975, The Nbhd, Joji, Driver The Era, Arctic Monkeys and Chase Atlantic before, so I really don't mind if you wanna talk about them too. I'm basically a music addict who has listened to a whole lotta music genres throughout my life. But I'm currently into rock music rn. Yeah, I can't stop talking about music if I start.
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My favourites:
Books: Agatha Christie's books, Heartstopper, Five Feet Apart, The Fault in our Stars, Crime/Horror/Mystery books (there are many but I can't remember them), etc.
Movies: anything horror, mystery, crime, sci-fi, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, from the 2000s and 90s, etc. (How do people actually choose a favourite movie??)
Shows: Loki, Heartstopper, Young Royals, Marvel shows, etc. (I literally like all the shows I watch)
Albums: My top 10 rn (June 2024) are like- Three cheers for sweet revenge (my chem), POST HUMAN: NexGen (BMTH), XO (LeATHERMØUTH), The Black Parade (my chem), I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love (my chem), Clancy (Tøp), A Thousand Suns (Linkin Park), Danger Days (my chem), Folie a Deux (FOB), and Pretty. Odd. (P!ATD).
Colours: (Bury me in) Black, Blood Red and Lavender.
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Where else can you find me?
At home, in my room 95% of the time. Nah, just kidding.
Discord: mcrinmyhead
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Tags I use:
My art: #art
Asks: #asks #asks <3
Scroll down for more facts about me...
Or don't. I really don't care.
Fun facts about me ^^:
I'm a really joyful, chaotic, kind, funny and a sweet person! :D (according to my frens)
Until and unless you get me on my nerves. Trust me, That's when I go insane.
If you know me irl, hi... Uh, I know I don't talk much in person but I'm sorry. That's just who I am. But if you want to be my friend, you can start by texting me lol.
I'm a music addict who likes to annoy people by talking about music bands 24/7.
I have an unhealthy obsession over My Chem.
I'm a huge nerd (according to every person in my class) and I like Math and Science (but I don't really talk about it unless you are someone who is into math and science as much as me).
I'm also a sarcastic and sassy person. So if my words ever offend you, I'm so sorry bbg. Deal with it.
I'm a vampire (I have fangs and I will bite you to suck that blood your body holds, RAHHH).
Other than drawing and singing, my hobbies are fangirling, sleeping, reading books, travelling and sometimes even cooking.
I might be surrounded by many people who I call my "friends," but in the end it's just four people who are actually my friends.
I'm mostly an introvert, but I'm an extrovert when I'm with my friend.
Yikes, this list is still going on!
I lived in Germany for two months along with my parents, but we moved back to India because I couldn't handle the bullying and all. But it was fun there, ngl. Having a new name was the worst part though (it was Diana, which I still use sometimes, and my aunts pronouncing it... was er... shit).
I suck at socializing btw.
But I like to annoy people at the same time.
Wait, does Tumblr have a word limit on a post?
Ah, yeah, I forgot to mention this but I'm a really curious person. I like trying out or experimenting on stuff. It's fun, okay?
I can be smart and an idiot at the same time B)
I write poems but I don't like showing them to others cuz I feel like they're stupid. Any tips on poetry from the poets of Tumblr?
I love cats. Cats or get tf out.
Am I annoying rn?
This was fun.
Alright, that's enough fckery for today. Farewell my little kittens <333
So long and good night!
29 notes · View notes
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Did you know that in 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important before…
The Loife Show
Hi! I’m Loife. I’m a 14 year old girl and my birthday’s June 24th. I’m really weird. I love books and writing. I play the viola, I dance, I can speak Tamil, French, English and Hindi (sort of) and can write and read for all of the above. I’m also a daughter of Apollo! writing blog here- @loife-writes
Anyone except Zionists, Homophobes, Transphobes, and the Government
I’m in-
Oh boy.
My irl besties (love you both)- @4114yunique @zoesim5
now my online besties-
@moondust-on-the-hijabi- ma lune 🌙 🤭
@that-multi-fandom-hijabi- nova 🍡 🤭
@heartstars- phora 🌻 🤭 (my platonic girlfriend so everyone back off)
@reyna-obsessed- min 💜 🤭
@hijabi-desi-bookworm- esme 💅🤭
@fish-ofishial123- tai 🐟 🤭
@mxnkeydo- rithi 🧍‍♀️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (she’s my child she gets special treatment)
@queenofapeacefuldawn- dawn 🌅🤭
@the-princess-fangirl- alice 🫶✨
@/queenie-blackthorn- 👑 🤭
@/tinadablackthorn- 🐸 ❤️
@/itadori-yujiii- leta 🩵 🫶
@queenpiranhadon- kae ✨🤭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (tamil and phineas and ferb bestie, and my child so she gets special treatment)
@labaguetteisdabest- nyota 🦜🫶
@iam1withthepeggy- kate 🐽❤️
@torifuckingspring- 🥳❤️ (mosquito killer ayyyyyy)
@owocontroversy- PINEAPPLEEE 🍍 ❤️
@daydreams-from-the-void - OPHELIA <33 🥳❤️
@someonewhogotanaccount- my archenemy (jk ily) 👹❤️
@violet92959 - Violet BEST FREN’ 💜💜
(none of the above are ordered specifically, they’re just coming from memory. I’m so sorry if I missed you, I have bad memory! Please tell me and I’ll fix it)
The Loife Show is basically a concept I made up since my life is pretty interesting and practically like a show. It is under my own entertainment, LOIFE Entertainment.
Also watch:
The Nova Chronicles, an official side show of The Loife Show, under LOIFE Entertainment.
The New Summer Days, ^^^
#the loife show- episodes or parts of episodes of the loife show
#loife updates- shitpost
#loife answers- I answer asks
#thefivemusketeers <3- my irl friend group, often associated with #the loife show
#lemon dude <3- my (BLEH EW EW EW EW) boyfriend (YUCK STFU)
#loife writes- self explanatory
#TLEOT <3- my book TLEOT
#100%|an aru shah au- my book 100%
Welcome to hell, bitch. Happy watching.
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quinloki · 7 months
Quin, my beloved precious amazing and absolutely stunning fren!!! Have any Fineapple thoughts to spare? It’s Marco hours always *longing sigh*
Hmmm... spare fineapple thots...
Ah, sometimes you'll see Marco's phoenix fire flare up even though you're not scratching him, and it's because he's healing you a little in bursts. Mending tiny friction tears and keeping you from chaffing.
You might be exhausted by the end of it, and your muscles might be sore for a day or two, but you're not going to ache in the places the bring you pleasure. There's not going to be a soft hiss of pain from you when he sinks into you slowly the next day.
He might have to manhandle you a little, muscles too tired to help much, but that's okay, he's got the stamina to spare to treat his sweet little bird well.
I also think the more you're together the more he likes to touch you. He's solid on communicating, even non-verbally, and he'll watch you as his hands wander more and more.
What starts as seemingly shy moments of brushing your fingers against one another while you're idling on the deck, turns into his hand lost deep in your thighs when you're at the mess hall having breakfast. Half the crew's too sleepy to realize what's going on and the other half's smart enough to not pay attention.
He could bend you over the table and take you right there, and gods he wants too, but you'd have to be begging him for it and he'd give the crew a minute to clear out. Whoever wanted to stay could, and whoever didn't want a show needed to move their own ass.
I don't think the crew just goes at it randomly like that as a rule, but I do feel like they're all pretty open and candid about it. It's not as rough and out in the open as it would be on, say, the Victoria, but there's no one that's really shy on the Moby. (Just so long as you're not anywhere Pops could walk in on your on accident, idk why but I feel like that's taboo as hell on that ship).
I just think he likes to use his hands more than anything else. Just having your skin against his fingers, or his fingers in your mouth, being able to curl them inside you and watch your eyes glaze over with pleasure. He just strikes me as very tactile - playing with your hair randomly, giving little squeezes and small hugs.
His affection is kind of similar to his demeanor - subtle and subdued most of the time, but fierce and passionate and unquenchable for sure.
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spagheddiesquash · 3 months
so today i was in the mw oc server talking abt some stuff i noticed about jawbone (+ some other theory stuff as well!!)
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so first of all. two kind of obvious details:
he is green (“yeah no shit sherlock” i hear u thinking. trust me there is a reason why im pointing it out)
his pupils are triangular. nobody else in the show so far has had triangular pupils. (well. i mean commander tezzoree’s eye has a triangular pupil but she hasnt made an appearance in any episodes yet and i doubt the two characters are connected)
just making this point known for now. we will hold this thought for later in the post.
another thing: so in the ref sheet of him posted to the mw tumblr back in september i believe(?), his name is written as “jawbone (a.k.a. scythelord)”
you know where a character by the name of “scythelord” has shown up already?
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on a wanted poster, thats where!! he has a bounty on his head!!!
which means that tyneen and her crew are probably after him, which probably explains why they’re at the thicc chicc casino. (how do i know jawbone is there? because ricket is there, which i know because he is shown interacting with both shrike and tyneen, who we know are both there)
now. remember that thought from earlier that i told you to hold until later? now is the time to bring it back.
ok so. we already know that colors and shapes each have their own respective significance in this show, and colors and shapes are chosen deliberately.
with that said:
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correlation?? maybe???
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this further cements my belief that ep 4 will have a LOT in it regarding the cataclysm or some other related thing. why?
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(2nd pic comes from the VA application doc. unfortunately i dont have any better quality pics of it)
despite the poor image quality in the second pic, you can still tell that both of these characters have some sort of magenta (or pink i guess?) type of theming going on in their designs.
also if we look at campions, like, the flower
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you can see where im trying to go with this idea.
i did a whole bunch of examining colors today in light of this, actually!!! quick fun fact for those unaware: RGB and CMYK invert into each other.
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and then after i made that image i started sorting things into what colors they are. (white and black have been omitted from the screenshots simply because there doesnt seem to be any significant things tied to them)
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obviously this list is probably incomplete and i will continue to add to it, of course.
(my main inspo for even thinking about CMYK for theories in the first place was @toastedclownery btw!! GO CHECK OUT THEIR BLOG IF U HAVENT ALREADY THERES SO MANY COOL THEORY POSTS THERE!!)
one final not-as-relevant theory that’s really more of a prediction: i really think joel vargskelethor is gonna be in this upcoming episode, whether it’s in whole or in part. i mean, he already voiced the duende in ep 3, so it’s not like its impossible or anything. also “scythelord” happens to be the name of joel’s band as well (which you should DEFINITELY check out if ur into metal!!!!! absolutely amazing stuff) OH OH AAAAAAND
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id like to direct your attention to the title of this update, which is “the bone zone,” which i believe to be a skeleton metal reference.
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also jawbone/scythelord has the little sweden viking helmet thing on the wanted poster. AND HES GREEN! LIKE FREN!!
for those who dont know, this is fren (also known as vargfren i think)
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so yeah. these evidence pieces combined with the fact that zeurel has made dozens of “vargskelethor animated” videos (which is how i got into zeurel’s animations in the first place actually!!) are what led me to make this prediction.
anyway, i hope you guys liked this theory post. it’s not an update on the web, but i figured id try doing something new. though, if youd like to see the web, here’s a view of the full thing currently:
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but yea thats all i really had. ill reblog with some additions if i think of anything else. bye for now!!! :^D
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