#but my introverted ass can't anymore
malpractice-morale · 2 years
i simultaneously am really great at putting up boundaries and really shit. my body and mind are literally screaming at me to just hole up and isolate for a few days to GET SOME FUCKING RESPITE but my morals are like 'what do your exams mean in comparison to xyz' and i always come up with 'nothing'
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ajortga · 6 months
sweet pt.2
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
summary: jenna can't stop thinking about you, the coffee girl. she may or may not have asked you out on something her friends consider as a date.
word count: 3k+
read the other parts here! previous part: part 1 part 2 part 3
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It became sort of a habit for Jenna.
It would be music, think about you, eat, think about you, sleep, think about you, film, yay Jenna gets to see you!
Maybe she’s over exaggerating it, but at the same time she’s really not.
Jenna wasn’t the regular person to be a love bird. Head over heels for someone was barely something she was used to. Well sure she would pass some guys in the city or notice them on set and think, “Oh his hair is perfect” or “He’s kind of cute.” She’s dated a few guys, broke them off because they weren’t for her.
All of the guys only hung out with her knowing she was a celebrity, or she would really think they were the one, until they lost interest and treated her like some toy. She hated when they did that. In fact, she was disgusted by it so much that she didn’t even want to think of having a lasting relationship at all. She just had to find someone right for her.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Melissa nudges Jenna as they’re both in their Tara and Sam outfits.
Jenna hums, looking at the taller latina with a small roll of her eyes while their makeup is getting patched up, “Just hungry, I guess.”
She shifts in her seat, her earbuds in and waiting for this day to be over, she forgot an umbrella. Of course the forecast would show as non-stop rain the whole day with thunderstorms, she literally checked the day before and it said sunny.
“Well, we only have to shoot like, 5 scenes. You wanna go with Jas and Mason to the Italian place you like? On me.”
But Jenna’s mind has other plans. 
“I think I’m gonna drop by the coffee place next door, craving a latte you know?”
She sees the way Melissa’s face twitches upwards, almost as a confused yet searching look, “You don’t like coffee.”
“The shop changed my mind, Y/N recommended a latte that is actually really good.”
“Y/n you say?” And from Melissa’s sing-song voice, she knows what’s coming.
“Yes,” Jenna scoffs, she can feel her ears begin to heat up.
“I didn’t know you had a friend named Y/N.”
It’s a little quiet, the only noise is from Jenna’s half put in earbud, “I met her a couple days ago, she’s a barista that helps her parents run their coffee shop. Keeps the place cozy and organized.”
“So she’s a barista?”
“Yes,” Jenna replies, half distracted as she picks at her cuticles.
“Who helps run her parent’s coffee shop?”
“Next door?”
“Uh huh.”
“You like her,” Melissa smirks, it’s not a question anymore.
“Yes-Wait what? No!” Jenna slaps Melissa’s arm, caught off guard.
Jenna hears her laugh, half-heartedly, “I’m just kidding, but you do seem out of it, are you thinking about her often?”
She shrugs, picking off skin that she just scratched.
“Well I think you are, you’re nervous.”
Now the daydreamer turns to face Melissa, “No I’m not, I just think she’s sweet and she’s someone that already brought me out of that introverted lookin’ shell when I first meet people.”
It was true. It’s like you two knew each other when you first met, she hopes you thought of her that way too. She hopes you’re thinking of her as much as she thinks about you everyday.
Melissa looks down at Jenna’s cuticles, then back up at her, “You’re thinking about her, you’ve been quiet today and don’t think I didn’t see what song you’re listening to. You never listen to love songs!”
“What?! I have not been listening to love songs!”
“Lover by Taylor Swift? Lingers by The Cranberries? About you by the 1975?  Dark Red by Steve Lacy??”
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
“I just have taken interest in love songs I guess, it’s spring anyways right?”
“Spring my ass! That is bullshit!” Jasmine chimes in, making Jenna flinch and turn to the corner where Jas was hiding.”
“What the fuck Jas.. Are you eavesdropping?” Jenna shrieks.
“I know when a girl likes a girl,” Jas rolls her eyes and immediately stands up from her squatting position, “Don’t think me and Mason didn’t see you texting someone that you named mY y/N OOoO La lAAaAa..”
Jasmine shuts up with a slipper slapped into her face.
“Just go ask her out or something,” Mason says, popping behind Jasmine and getting the second pair of slippers thrown to his stomach, making him yelp.
“I barely even know her,”
“And there's no difference, you barely fall in love, girl, love at first sight for you means that she’s the one. You know your priorities and she checks all of them. If not, you wouldn’t be listening to those dumb love songs.”
“Gotta agree Jenna, what about this, we’ll go to the Italian restaurant first, then we’ll leave you alone with her in the coffee shop, you come out and tell us how it goes.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you love us.”
The alfredo pasta was twirled from the fork Jenna was holding, eating as the cast of scream 6 giggled and talked during their lunch break. It was a big bowl of pasta to say the least, she shared it with the whole cast but she was eating it up like there was no tomorrow. She knew around this time she came to your cafe, she only came around two times, but if you didn’t see her on a Thursday in the afternoon, she can almost feel the disappointment you might feel. Or hopes you feel, Jenna’s wondering to herself if you even think of her.
“Oh she’s falling hard for this silly Y/N girl,” Jasmine whispers to Melissa, to which she agrees almost immediately.
“No I’m not,” Jenna blurts, placing down her fork.
Everyone in the table clicks their tongue, a few, “Oh come on” and “Liar!”
“Well you wouldn’t have responded, we’ve been talking to you for the past 5 minutes and you only jerk your head when you hear anything about her!” Jasmine groans, showing her hands if they would somehow present something.
She signals for the check, she quickly pays, and as soon as that happens her real life core four push her out of the restaurant and to the outside of the coffee shop, like parents.
“Go,” Jenna’s shoulder was pushed into the door and it was too late to go back as she heard the familiar bell ring.
“I hate you Jas,” her hands flip the 3 people giggling behind the foggy window behind her as she hears the voice she’s been thinking about the whole day.
“Jenna!” Your tiny figure pops out from the coffee bean machine, waving to her happily.
Cute, she thinks to herself. You’re so cute.
“Almost thought you wouldn’t come today,” you murmur, making Jenna shake her head.
“Just had some lunch with friends, but I couldn't miss out on coffee on Thursdays though.”
“Ah,” you hum, your eyes focused on the latte art you were working on.
The only noise is the r&b music and the small chatter that keeps the environment comforting. 
A small bunny was being created, pouring the creamer carefully. 
“You’re almost looking as tiny and cute as that bunny,” your co-worker, Matteo says, a few feet away from you.
A soft laugh erupts in your throat, rolling your eyes from his compliment, but thanking him nonetheless. Jenna doesn’t know if she’s feeling a strong pit of jealousy that sizzles beneath the back of her mind. Her eyes train on the boy, hazel eyes, brunette hair. 
“Okay okay, stop that,” you grumble, a small smile plastered on your face as you playfully nudge him to show your annoyance.
“Feisty,” he chides.
“The only thing I did differently today is that I curled my hair. You can barely see it in this ponytail,” one hand is pointing to your hair while the other keeps concentrating on the bunny.
“You’re also wearing a bow, your freckles are more visible, mmm,” he thinks for a moment, “Oh and,” he comes closer, whispering in your ear so only you can hear. Your body almost shivers from it, “You’re staring at a new coming regular and smiling like a weird teenager.”
You stop your latte art, groaning in frustration since you were caught by a coworker that also is a kind friend of yours.
“No I’m not, stop whispering in my ear and let me do my latte art,” you shove him away and continue to work on your bunny.
Jenna swallows the prickly feeling in her throat, feeling herself scowl at some guy who’s name tag seems to say, “Mat ear.” Maybe she should switch out acting with latte art for a day.
The bunny looks complete. 
And perfect, you exhale a breath from pride, slide the latte and call out the person’s order with a warm smile.
Then Jenna feels like a fool standing there because she just realized that she’s been staring at you making another person’s latte. Then you feel stupid for not sending someone over to serve her since you’re assuming that she wanted something.
“Sorry!” You apologize, smacking the top of your head as you lean across the countertop, “Hi Jenna, did you want something?” Jenna looks down at your lips for a moment, your teeth tugged on your bottom lip, then trails back up to the menu.
“No worries, I should’ve sat down, I just wanted to visit I guess. Sure. Um,” She doesn’t know what to get.
“Confused again huh?” You tease, looking at the menu then at the lattes. It makes her almost fan herself to know that you know she wants a latte today.
It takes a moment for you to think, “I don’t even think I put this up on our menu, but the other day when I was closing I tried a hazelnut caramel, you down to try that today?”
“That sounds pleasing, sure I’ll take that.”
“Okay, one hazelnut caramel!”
“Dude, I swear your cafe sells at least every pastry known to mankind. Those brownies and chocolate chip cookies look like it could make society salivatate.”
You laugh, “Thanks silly, I just experiment and make sure everyone in NYC can have a taste of home if they are from somewhere else. Sometimes I take my recipes from a past generation baking book, other times I just try baking from eyeing measurements.”
Jenna smiles at that, touching your hand with hers and pressing it down to the counter, “Well trust me, this is probably why you get a hell load of customers every morning.”
A light-hearted, non-forced, soft giggle comes from you, not moving your hand that is pressed from hers.
“As long as it makes others happy and continues a legacy while doing other things I love, and meeting sweet people that mark my memory like you, I think that I wouldn’t trade it. Did you want anything else?”
“I think that’s it today,” Jenna breathes, moving her hand away from yours. Immediately your hand misses the warmth and just wants to pull her back.
She can’t help but notice the smile plastered on your face, “Okay, hazelnut caramel coffee, on the house.”
“Nuh uh, not on my watch,” Jenna insists, pulling out a 10 dollar bill and immediately you shoo her away.
“On me! Honest! I own this place anyways and it happens at least twice everyday, don’t worry about it love.”
She hears a small “aww” come from her phone and she freezes, her cheeks heating up in an instant.
“I’m paying you one day,”
“If it’s banterings and consistent times that I see you besides Tuesdays and Thursdays, then okay,” your voice echoes as you begin to prepare her latte.
Jenna smiles at you and as soon as she turns around she picks up her phone and curses into it, “What the hell Jas? How the hell did you manage to call me before I got into the shop and stalk into our conversation??”
Snorts and laughs come from the other line, she immediately plugs her earphones in.
“On the house, hmm??” Mason teases, everyone in unison going “ooh la la..” 
“I’m going to chop your heads off-”
“And of course you place your hands on top of hers!! It’s like watching the corniest romance in front of my eyes!”
It had only been 5 minutes that Jenna had talked with you, and somehow she still got stuck and caught by her friends.
“Shut up,” Jenna says, her voice soft, but grumpily as she scoffs.
Melissa, Mason, and Mindy are shouting from outside, she can hear them screaming through the phone.
“Hey,” you say softly, bringing her latte with two wrapped pastries in hand and slide it to her front, “Try the brownies and cookies you were looking at and tell me what you think?”
Jenna wants to keep her cool and to smile politely, but the three crazy people outside that are listening in are making it hard. Especially with all the kissing noises she can hear, so she takes out her earbuds and tosses them in her hoodie’s pocket.
It takes her a while to realize she didn’t buy the pastries that made her hungry.
The way your cheeks curved upwards and your nose scrunched as you smiled made Jenna smile on the spot there, “Seriously,” you assured. 
“I hate you for this,” she says playfully, sarcastically.
“Who can hate two free pastries? That’s a win for me,” you pull the chair out, sitting down as you take a small break, exhaling.
There was a cute cat design on the hazelnut caramel latte, the steaming, sweet bitterness scent that wafts in the air makes Jenna shiver. She plays with the wrapping of the chocolate chip cookie before mumbling a soft, “Thank you.”
“Mmmhm, no problem.”
There's a quiet pause, Jenna sips her latte, looking up at you and seeing you giggle. It’s sweet, light, bitter, and perfect.
You hand her a napkin, there's a small white foaming mustache from the creamer.
It takes a moment as she takes the napkin before you speak again, “So, filming mm? Is it stressful, you know, having to wake up early and doing stuff like that?”
“Honestly, there are days where it can be too much and I need to wind down a bit. But I love seeing cameras and doing something that I have the fortunate privilege of doing, I know a lot of people don’t have that and it makes me grateful.”
You hum in response, nodding, playing with the nape of your shirt.
“I used to want to act and direct,” you smile.
“Really? Why not now?”
Your shoulders shrug, “I still do small stuff, holding cameras, auditioning for stuff, it’s just a little harder since I’m working here and making sure I can continue doing, you know, this. But I love working here, it heals something in me.”
It makes Jenna feel almost bad, not in an overly guilty way. She just can’t fathom feeling pressured to do something instead of going the way you want.
“You have coworkers, you don’t have to be here everyday, you know?” She tilts her head.
Her eyes meet yours, and again she sees those doe eyes, with nothing but something to make her own self melt.
But I'm in so deep
You know, I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger? 
“I know, sometimes I’m afraid this place will go haywire.”
She giggles at that, then thinks for a moment, “You know, I get on set tomorrow at 11, which is later than most days. Do you wanna, you know, just come and look around? The directors and producers are the sweetest people I know and they don’t mind a plus one. I would like, show you around and you can reach out to some people.”
It’s silent, your face is thoughtful as you’re processing what she said.
“I’ll stick by your side the whole time we’re not filming, introduce you to the cast, as long as you don’t do anything silly, which I highly doubt you might.”
“Okay, I’ll have to check in with Matteo, ask him to bring his sister that comes in on Saturdays and switch it to tomorrow.”
The brunette feels her heart flipping and she nods, burying her face in her hands to try and stop the redness that is invading her cheeks.
You come back soon later, beginning to talk about the plan of the coffee shop tomorrow, but Jenna gets distracted, it’s hard seeing Jasmine blowing her breath on the window, making hearts, then wiping the fog and seeing the way all her friends are making dreamy gestures to mock her. They’re all dancing and she wants to flip them off.
“I’ll be there tomorrow, could you by, um any chance, pick me up? I usually walk here and get my car repaired.”
Oh fuck, Jenna thinks, because she get’s picked up by Jasmine and tomorrow Melissa and Mason will be joining, like they do twice a week. She wants to face palm, she can almost picture the way when you make conversation with her in the car tomorrow, she’ll see in the corner of her eye Mason batting his eyelashes and sticking his tongue out.
“Sure, if you’re okay with some of my crazy friends.”
“Tomorrow it is,” you say, waving and ruffling your hair before waving and walking back to work.
Jenna looks down at her earbuds and she completely forgot she didn’t end the call, she just stashed it away, she’s bearing what is to come, putting her earbuds back in.
“NO WAY” (Jas)
“SHE’S A FOOL” (Jas)
Not to mention the way they are waving their hands outside, she can almost hear the screaming from here.
“There’s no way in hell you asked this sweet pretty girl to come on set tomorrow,” Melissa sing-songs.
“Paws off,” she grumbles.
“She wants her for herself, of course.”
“Shut up!”
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sparklefangs · 2 months
my library is saving my mental health
I was diagnosed with epilepsy in January and am no longer allowed to drive.
I live in the ass-end of nowhere - my town has about 1600 people in it according to the last census - and all the third spaces in a 45 minute drive radius, every single one, have been shut down by landlords who kept driving the rent up. (Seriously - a gaming cafe that had been there for 11 years and was always packed, a local institution, just closed a couple months ago because they couldn't afford the rent anymore.) I also can't walk anywhere at all because the roads have no shoulders, and locals in unnecessarily massive pickup trucks drive as though coming 3 inches from hitting pedestrians is their favorite sport.
Over the last 7 months I've felt my soul slowly leaking out like a nosebleed. There's so much I can't do. I can't go anywhere. I don't have friends or family to visit. Have you ever had a mental breakdown because you physically couldn't go buy a half gallon of milk? It's not great. I mean, obviously, a fair number of people experience that, but if you haven't, and suddenly that's your reality, it's pretty jarring. Even if you're an introvert, you still have the option available to you. Now imagine you don't anymore, even if you feel like you could. You just legally and by circumstance of location cannot leave the house unless someone takes you.
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So, once a week, my partner drives me the half hour to our tiny little library and drops me off. It's not in walking distance of anything, so I sit there for six hours reading. Just chilling out in my favorite chair with a book. It's great.
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I'm not the only person who does this. No matter what day of the week I'm there, I see the same people sitting in their favorite spots, doing the same thing I am. It's mostly older people, but also younger folks with various visible disabilities, and I assume others, like me, who probably have less visible disabilities and nowhere else to go.
This is an extremely conservative area but the staff managed to find a corner of the YA section for a tiny little pride-themed book display. I thought it was just for June, but it's mid-July and the display is still there.
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I'm so grateful for this library. Even if you buy a lot of books or mainly use audible or kindle, go visit yours from time to time. Check out books, even if you don't get around to reading them. Sign up for events they might have - ours does a monthly "blind book date" thing where you tell them what you like to read, they pick out a couple books for you, and give you a few little themed extras in your box. Show that they're important so they can keep getting funding.
They need to stick around and you might not even realize how important they are until, like me, you have nowhere else to go. I've always valued libraries but now I find myself one of the people who actually really, truly needs it in a very personal and immediate way.
PS - And tell the library staff how much you appreciate what they do. They get yelled at all the time by jackasses who probably don't even use the library but are mad because they heard there are rainbows on some of the books.
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haechurch · 1 year
Its mark lees bday (ystd) and i recalled the fact that mark says hes quite obvious if he liked someone, and the fact that i see him kinda obsessed with butts and all those videos where he groped members cheeks never fails to make me drool..... ah i need him in lyfe fr. Also istj♡
So thats why i made this smut based on those^ happy mark day<3
Your roommate is a famous jock, who is currently not home for celebrating his birthday at some party that throws just for him. Honestly, you didn't know it was his birthday until one of your friends that went there told you so. You're known as someone who doesn't like parties, although surprisingly enough, your mbti says that you're an extrovert, but you always find that you're too lazy to do the stuff.
So you're wondering when this your famous roommate will come home from his party, and think of something you could do for him as it's his birthday. He's home pretty late when he finds you watching spirited away in the living room.
"Hey, i thought you were asleep," he said. You munch on your popcorn and replied as your eyes glued to the tv, "hm, how's your party, birthday boy?" He chuckled and took off his cap, throwing it softly on the couch beside you, and heavily seat across from where you're sitting. He leaned back and spread his legs while his hand brushed his messy hair. "Cool, kinda tiring. Feels like my energy's being sucked," "well, that sound sucks." Both of you chuckled, he's so introvert for that (lol).
"I understand," you hum. "You know," you shifted on your seat, and as mark was clearly aware since he saw you in the living room; dressed so loosely only in your camisole (braless) and short pants, showing him a pose that makes you utterly look fuckable, you blurted out, "...do you have any idea what else that can be sucked at this moment?"
"What?" His tone was confused and he's kinda taken aback by your words.
You swear to god that teasing him is the most fun thing to do in this world. You laugh your ass off and brush him away, saying that you need to take a shower since you haven't done that today. I mean, why take a shower when you're literally at home all day?
"Since it's your birthday, why don't you tell me your wish? Or something that you wanted? Think about it while i'm in the shower." You wink at him playfully as you hopped into your room.
Mark's head is full of thoughts right now. He didn't know he would ask someone for giving him a birthday present, but he knows that he really needs that. He's thinking about it so hard as he cooling his head down in the shower too, until he decided on what he wanted for his birthday, especially from you.
Fyi, you can always hear when mark lee is jerking off in his room (or bathroom) when you're home. Of course, the wall is pretty thin and he's just too loud. So when you finished your quick shower and heard him in the bathroom, you knew exactly what he need the most for his birthday.
Later, you knock on mark's door, asking for permission to barge in. "Can i come in?"
"Uh-uh, yeah, sure," when you entered his room, you saw his hair is already half dry, and he is wearing a tight black t-shirt with shorts.
Holy moly.
Honestly, no one in the world would disagree that mark lee is hot.
You're making a bee line to where he stand beside his desk, and started talking next to him. "Sooo have you decided?" He chuckled nervously and started to act like an idiot. "Decided what?"
You frown an eyebrow, "your wish? You can tell me what you want for your birthday?" You reminded him. "Oh that, yeah, um-"
He placed his hand on his nape and be looking so awkward right now, but that's why you like him.
You bit your lips in amusement. Now it's getting harder to hold back.
You can't take it anymore and lean closer to him. He didn't even budge. "Mark.." you place your hands on his torso, and he slightly flinched at your action. "Tell me.." your hands caressing him down his abs, and stop at his groin. "Your wish." You whispered in his ear, and he swear he was getting goosebumps, his breath hitched when you place your hand on his center and gently cupped his bulge.
"Wait, wait, wait, hold up hold up," he's panicking as he points a pointless finger in the air, and you went crazy because of it. You're definitely a simp for mark lee.
"I-uh, hold up a sec, are you for real?" He's questioning instead.
"What do you mean?" You smiled at him. He's so adorable.
"I mean, why are you... i feel like.. this isn't it-"
"Just tell me, please? What do you want right now?"
You glanced at his boner and it's so fucking obvious. God it must be hurt. He has to quit playing dumb and ask for it when he knows he needs it more than anything.
"Fuck, help me with these," he gestured upturned hands right above his legs.
"How, mark? Tell me how do you like it, hm?" He has no idea how you had so much fun teasing him.
He got short-circuited again when you press your body against him and crane your head up, about to kiss him, "wai wh-" he backed off a little and placed his hands on your waist, both eyes finding each other as you hum before slowly close the gap between your lips and kissed him.
A short one. And then your eyes meet again, and he give you another kiss, this time out of his control. He basically pressed his face against yours, hands on your jaw before he put it all over your body and proceed to push you against the wall. You hang on him by grabbing at his nape and head, ruffling his hair into a mess. The kiss never breaks, he kiss you like he mean it, now he pressed his body on yours, and you can feel his big cock, hard as a rock. He's not that silent when kissing too, you can hear his breathy grunts and the fact that he's also a moaner. He tilted his head back and forth to kiss you at different angles, his tongue all over your mouth.
Both of you squirmed uncontrollably against each other when you make out against his bedroom wall, he squeezed your ass before he tapped your thighs for you to jump on him and bring you onto his bed.
He didn't waste his time pulling down his shorts and breathily plea, "suck me off."
You delighted hearing his request, overjoyed to finally have him asking for you to please him, "as you wish, sir."
You immediately take him into your hand, eyes locked with him as he winced, groaning when you suck his tip and swallow him into your mouth. When you started to bob your head, he throw his head back with a sigh, his neckline is prominent and his adam's apple bob deliciously.
You can feel your lips torn up because of how big he is, and you can feel the veins as you drag your tongue along his shaft. "Oh, fuck, that's it baby, you're doing so good," he hissed sexily and it almost made you cum. Embarrassing.
Considering how much you are already wet for him from just sucking his cock is insane. He face fucked you as he let out his honey moans and groans, every time you find his tip meeting the back of your throat and you felt like swallowing it, you try your best not to choke miserably on his cock.
"Where do you want me to cum?" He asked. "Of course, you can't talk." He chuckled as he mocked you. "You have to swallow it like a good girl, you think you can do that?" You nod your head eagerly. "Alright."
"Good girl." Every time he spits those words from his mouth, you felt your pussy clenching and it hurts.
His thrusts are getting faster and faster when warm loads run down your throat as he grunts loudly while throwing his head back again, then when he look down, you already gaze into his eyes and barely lick your lips, mouth full and smudged with his cum and your saliva.
"Shit.." he's savoring the sight before him for a while, and then he asked.
"Can i fuck you?"
You cracking up in front of him, it's not funny at all but-
"I told you, your wish is my command, baby." You started to strip and show him your naked body, prettily exposed on his bed, ready to be used.
"Fuck, isn't this my best birthday ever?" You laugh at him again.
"I know. Happy birthday, now eat your cake." You said jokingly.
He sneered and take his remaining clothes off, then crawl into the bed, and started kissing you from head to toe. He played with your tits, fumbled them here and there, pinching your nipples, nipping and licking. He sucked on the flesh just right above your chest, your throat, your shoulder, marking his mark.
"This tells that you're mine."
Your voice hitched and your neck arched when he lick your pussy, eating you out. You squirm under his touch and pull on his hair, only making him more passionate to giving you pleasure. He abused your clit and folds in the most delicious way that made you a moaning mess, the sound of him slurping your juices and his moan was making you beyond aroused. His tongue and lips find their way to clean up and suck every fold, fucking your hole. You whine when you feel like you're about to burst.
"Wait, mark, i wanna come around your cock," you asked him with a pout, and he can't really resist that.
"On your knees, pretty girl." You do as he says, eagerly arching your back and showing him your ass. He slapped it. Twice.
Mark rubs his tip sensually up and down your entrance before lining his cock to your pussy, he's doing that for a while, making more juices leaking from your core. But suddenly he put his cock between your ass cheeks then poked on the entrance, but never really thrust them. He's such a tease.
"H-hurry, please.."
"Hm? It's kinda nice to hear you begging like this, you know? What is it, pretty?"
"Please, mark, just fuck me," he never felt this victorious before.
He smirked and wet his lips, "gladly."
You moan as he rams into you, he picked up a steady pace as he fuck you from behind. He got your eyes rolled to the back of your head, drools are already all over your mouth and chin.
"Fuck, mark," "it's so good. So good, so good, so good," you cry over his cock, you heard him grunt heavily and he felt you tighten when he land another slap on your ass.
"Yeah? You like that, huh? Tell me you like it."
"I like it, i love it, ah-"
He's fucking you so good you felt like you're gonna cum soon. Your pussy keeps getting tighter as it swallows him, wrapping his cock like a gift.
"Are you gonna cum? Come on, cum around me, pretty girl," he squeezed and slap your ass, his thrust never faltered, bringing you into your climax. "Ahh- i think- i'm gonna cum, mark-"
The moment he played with your nipples, you lost it, you came so hard your vision got white as he keep thrusting into you, chasing his high.
"I know baby, i know, just, try to take this one okay, please,"
He pleaded. And you moan even harder. He piston in and out until you heard his deep groans as he cum inside you. Both of you were too immersed in the sex that you didn't realize what was just happened. He quickly pulled out though.
"Shit, i'm sorry,"
"It's okay. I'm on the pill anyways,"
When you glanced at him, he was breathing heavily, sweat covering his body, making him glow under the dim light. Mouth agape, hair's disheveled. Perfect.
"Uh, thank you, for the present. This is what i wanted from you. I guess.."
You smiled fondly at him. He has always been just a hot roommate to you although he's actually attractive in many ways, but you might really, really like him more than you thought.
"You know what?" You get up on your elbow, "you were always loud when you jerked off."
Oh, he's freaking out.
"And that's.. with you almost every time calling my name.."
He's swearing in his head.
Mark lee, aren't you just too obvious?
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luvyeni · 1 year
Do you think you can think of anything to do with perverted obsessive vampire bsf Felix? with reader who is sorta like han? Like reader is an introvert but because of how close and how comfortable she is with Felix she seems like an extrovert. This has been on my mind for waaaayyyyyyy too long and I know damn right I am so messed up for this. Like some headcanons or a drabble, whatever you prefer.
Nah because imagine how many people would think you guys are a couple because of how close you are and how clingy he is with you and than when you shyly try to tell them you are not a couple Felix immediately tells them that you are a couple.
Also reader is the only one who knows he is a vampire and he legit only drinks from her. Like imagine he is just cuddling and drinking from her like usual and when he is finished drinking instead of pulling his mouth away he just starts kissing up her neck and aaaaaa you know and then he confesses his love and shit.
I am so so so so so so sorry for how long it came out. You don't have to do this and I know that you are very busy so don't do this if you are feeling pressured and uncomfortable. <3
you being a introvert is good for felix , because when you go out in public , you stay close to him , your touch alone makes him horny as hell , but he's willing to put up with a boner , rather than someone flirty with whats his.
plus he loves touching you, groping you , smiling when you turn to him shyly telling him to stop , you're in public. "baby , i can't hear you , you have to speak up." he smiled , knowing you won't.
when the older group of ladies come up to you are you a couple , he's quick to say yes , even though your shaking your head no , they don't even notice , because they're too busy praisng felix for being such a good boyfriend , he'll turn to you , noticing the frown. "are you gonna explain to them are situation , go head call them back over , try and speak to them." he loves to use the fact you don't like to speak to people against you.
you don't care that he's a vampire , it doesn't bother you at all , you even allow him to feed off you , cuddling up against you , his fangs sunk into your neck , drinking everything you have to offer him , this time , when he pulls away , he doesn't pull all the way, he kisses your neck , grinding against your ass. "fe..felix."
he finally gives in , he's tired of playing house , he wants something real with you. "sh..shit , i can't take this anymore , i need to make you mine." he said , lifting your leg up. "wh..what are you talking about." it feels good , him grinding against you like he's doing.
"i mean , i love you so much, and i need to fuck you to show you how much i do , baby i need to cum inside you and make you my wife forever."
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mins-fins · 1 year
❛ admiration ❜ — zhang hao
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| synopsis . . . people always ask "why do you admire him so much?", zhang hao could never give a straight answer.
| tags . . . zhang hao x m!reader , established relationship , tooth rotting fluff , zhang hao-centric , more description than dialogue , zhang hao is simply super in love , introvert x introvert dynamic , i love zhang hao everyone
| warnings . . . none!
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"why do you admire y/n so much?"
where would zhang hao begin?
when he began dating y/n, he realized that the boy was much more introverted than he himself was. it's honestly really funny, zhang hao has been surrounded by many extroverts in his time, and after stressing out about everything all day, when he goes to y/n's place, it's always quiet and peaceful.
y/n himself is also the epitome of those words.
he doesn't talk much, but when he does, his voice is soft and simple, zhang hao finds it nice to listen to.
y/n is always willing to listen to him, he won't ever interrupt him, he'll just sit down and listen to him complain about his day, especially if it was a bad one.
zhang hao can't remember how many times he found himself in y/n's house complaining about something horribly wrong with his day and the boy just listened whilst giving him advice.
in all honesty, he admires everything about him. it's like he was simply made to be admired, he has so many amazing qualities that it's hard not to admire him.
so when zhang hao storms, yes storms into y/n's house because something else went wrong with his day and he's pissed off, y/n is immediately ready to listen, patting the spot beside him.
"what happened now?" he asks, scooting over so zhang hao can sit down. he lets out an insanely loud sigh and sits beside his partner, covering his face with his hands.
"my boss is such an ass" zhang hao says, clenching his fists as his boyfriend gives a small hum.
"mind telling me how?"
zhang hao, like usual, starts with his ramble about how his boss is an asshole and literally will not let him have a break even though he had to eat lunch at some point. he was clearly super frustrated with how his day went, and y/n slowly reached over to run a hand up and down his back.
"and then, he blamed me for not doing enough, when i was doing all the work!" y/n hums as he listens to his lover complain, he saw a small sigh escape his lips.
y/n listens attentively to his words, humming as he listens to zhang hao continue to complain. slowly, he lays the older onto his lap, combing his hands through his hair. "you need to relax, babe".
"it's hard when i've had the absolute worst day at work" he mutters, basking in the way y/n brushes his hair with his hands. "i just wanna rest".
y/n stares down at his lover, a small smile coming to his face as he catches zhang hao's eyes. the older feels his cheeks go red as y/n just chuckles at how he looks.
"stop it y/n.."
"stop what, hao?"
"your flustering me.." zhang hao mumbles, face only growing redder as y/n continues to run his fingers through his hair.
"i'm distracting you" y/n simply explains. "you had a bad day, it shouldn't be on your mind anymore".
you see, y/n is just too hard not to fall in love with. when he does stuff like this zhang hao just wants to melt into a puddle because of how much his face heats up each time. y/n could say the simplest compliment and zhang hao would still stutter and start blushing.
zhang hao seriously does admire him, the way he'd do anything to make his day better, it was enough to make him giggle every once in a while.
honestly, he's just so grateful to have a boyfriend like y/n.
"y/n i love you" zhang hao mutters, his face heats up at the words, even though he's said them thousands of times before.
"i love you too".
he says those words so genuinely,
and zhang hao feels his heart warm even more.
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lxkeee · 8 months
Francis,azrael and [name] is dazzlings coded trio you can't change my mind dude.
I mean cmon azreal and francis are aria and sonato while [name] is adagio.The other two would fight while [name] just watch with bored look on her face..
And what if when they are in their human forms.They sing like the dazzlings just for fun duhhh and don't get me wrong these three would just giggle and shit for the choas/dramas they had made XD
And just imagine thoo feancis is like just don't care about anything what will care if it's serious.While azrael would be exposing that they are angels which [name] just says it's joke:P
I might make drawing of these three thehehe:3
Have amazing day/evening/night<3
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Azrael and Reader met Francis when they were on earth, the poor dude just so happen to bump into them lmao and a very weird friendship happened.
Francis, a lower ranked virtue angel. Same height as Husk. Azrael is literally looming over him. Slightly tanned skin but not enough to be considered like brown, just a little bit. Dark brown hair with hints of black, wolfcut hairstyle. Black eyes. Wears a white t-shirt with a knitted dark brown sweater on top and some black pants. Two pairs of wings, one on his jack and one small ones behind his head. Soft looking facial expression, looks tired 24/7. Very introverted. Dissociates a lot.
Yes, I am basing him off the gorion bird or also known as house sparrow lmao.
Very introverted, accidentally got adopted into the group by Azrael and Reader.
Azrael pissed off Francis as the taller man would mock the other man's height.
The two had this weird love-hate relationship.
Francis after getting added to the friend group, gets dragged to very important seven duties.
The seven virtues ft. Francis.
He's just there offering emotional support.
Azrael and [y/n]: *doing their jobs*
Francis (at the sidelines cuz they dragged him with them): 😐👍
“I love his lack of energy, go boy give us nothing!” —Azrael, maybe
Francis often spends the majority of his free time in his bird form. Often can be found nesting in Azrael's hair.
Azrael won't push him away but will complain.
“I swear to our creator if you shit on my hair I'll fry you and eat you.”
“Don't worry, I'll shit on your shoes instead.”
Man has no fear.
Reader is tired if their banter.
Francis and Reader gets along well as they are depression buddies as what Azrael calls them.
If Francis accidentally trips he won't move because his motivation disappeared the moment he lost control of his body because that means he lost control of his life and therefore don't feel like doing anything anymore.
Literally, he won't move for days.
Azrael had to pick him up like a sack of potatoes to move him.
Francis sleeps a lot, anywhere and anytime.
Azrael is tired of his dry ass humor 😭
Reader likes it though cuz she has the same humor as Francis.
God please help Azrael's poor soul.
All three of them have the humor of a middle school boy.
“Look at how big that clock is in hands.” -someone
*cue the muffled laughter*
Laughs at the sentences "It's very hard" or "I'm coming" even if the context is innocent.
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mulderscully · 11 months
okay whatever i'm high and oversharing, so i am once again thinking about whether closure is something worth pursuing with my ex best friend.
brief summary. ex bestie was always prettier and more popular than me. she is a huge extrovert while i'm an introvert, you know the deal whatever. so somehow we're best friends in 6th grade. like idk in a few months i would've walked over hot coals for this girl. did i have a gay crush on her? i truly do not know. i think abt is constantly and i have no idea! but her love and approval was like... i NEEDED it.
then after a while she would get annoyed with me and drop me as a friend entirely. for months. no contact, nothing. then she'd tell people i was up her ass etc while we weren't friends.
then, she'd come back. she'd start talking to me like nothing happened and i'd come crawling back to her with open arms every damn time.
this went on for YEARS. months of promises to be maids of honor and friends til we die and sleepovers and laughing til we couldn't breathe. then she'd drop me. suddenly and entirely. this went on til the summer my mom died sophmore year.
those last 3 months my mom was alive we were not talking because she was mad at me for god knows what knowing my mom is ACTIVELY DYING. then the night my mom died she was the first person i called and she just immediately knew and RAN over to my house for like the first time ever. and she stayed with me all night and we became friends again.
then she never dropped me again. she went off to college and i stayed at home working and she'd call me every night, she'd come visit me, i would visit her. FOR FOUR YEARS. the longest we ever went.
then she went to grad school in miami and i cried the entire day she moved bc i knew she would never come back. this was her dream and she got it. and she asked me to come with her. for free. i said no, okay. i said no.
then we stopped talking. not a dropped thing just. she got a girlfriend and a busy job and it was just natural. but it hurt to call her and feel like i didn't know this person anymore, esp with how our friendship started and i started getting freaked out tbh.
so one december. i think 2018? i can't even remember! she comes to visit for christmas. we make plans for dinner and i made reservations and like. i'm literally at the restaurant when she texts me that she can't come bc she's too exhausted. and i just immediately started crying and left and decided i would never talk to her again.
and i only really believed that when i checked insta that night and she was out partying instead of with me.
and i was like i'm never talking to her again.
and i never have.
she texts me. says happy birthday. tells me she misses me.
but... i can't talk to her now. because i miss her so much and i hate her so much and i hate that she doesn't even KNOW i'm mad and i'm mad because i feel like she SHOULD KNOW. she should be sorry for EVERYTHING and she just is completely unaware and i don't know if that's unfair or not.
she invited me to her 30th bash in miami this december and i'm like so you still know i exist. what am i to you? did i ever matter to you as you did to me? why did you walk all over me and why did i LET you?
i just so badly want to ask her these things and still never talk to her. but i know... idk she makes me weak in a way i can't even explain to myself so idk if closure is possible or worth pursuing. but if i truly never talk to her again, it'll plague me til the end of my days that i didn't try? god i don't know.
broken hearts on christmas are 0/10 bc it comes back every year
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minzart · 2 years
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Will's birthday jacket/union
11 of May of 2021- first time their oficial desing was made and posted here!
Background template isn't mine and can be found here I only edited the color
Will: All clean, now to move the furniture back- eh? Someone's at the door?
Idia: Morning...
Will: Idia? What are you doing here so early?
Idia: sigh* let's get this over with... I'm your gift-giver today, happy birthday and all that
Will: ... pfff did you came early just so you could avoid the party?
Idia: bingo! Now let me in I can feel people staring....
Will: great seven, come on in, you know that Ortho will insist you come anyway
Idia: butttt I would've already given you your present, soooo I tecnicaly don't need to show up anymore! Here
Will: ah... oh! A headphone... I forgot those existed haha
Idia: yeah Ortho told me you didn't had one, and you are more of the introverted type so... you know... one of our essential survival items just seemed fitting, fits my theme so no-one found it weird I bought another one
Will: ... it has background canceling noise?! How? it's so tiny!
Idia: eheh, I may have done some modifications, here, you can turn off and on that feature in this button, the wires where trash and I had some spares, and free time, so those will probably last way longer too, don't worry in binding it around it's very resistant
Will: you realy are amazing...
Idia: oh? Praising me prefect I'm honored
Will: I take back what I said. Your grin makes me wanna punch you
Idia: waah so cold and unfair to your gift-giver after all that trouble I had to be here instead of seding this by the mail and sending the questions by email, so mean~
Will: sarcastic ass
Idia: anyways gonna let me do my side quest or no?
Idia: so first question, if you could have a sibling, who would it be? You can't choose someone of your own dorm tho
Will: I literaly only have only one member and he's practically my little sibling already
Idia: rules are rules! And I don't make then, so who would it be?
Will: hm.... sibling... Ortho.
Idia: eh-?
Will: Yeah, Ortho, of everyone Ortho would be the least annoying one hopefully
Idia: pfff trying to get rich fast~ I can see your game, but you are right, Ortho is an amazing little brother... to me at least
Will: rich? Buddy if I wanted to get rich I would seduce Malleus, Leona, Vil or even you, easier that way, I already have trauma as it is I don't need your family's one on top of that. Besides you said someone to be my sibling, singular, so you are out of the question
Idia: pfff don't want me as your brother then?
Will: I probably can't be useful to you, and for more of an amazing brother that you are to Ortho I doubt it would be the same to me
Idia: oh? Full of assumptions aren't you?
Will: and you are gonna tell me I'm wrong? Magicless, unknowledgeable of the world and certainly know practically nothing compared to you, I wouldn't be usefull in anyform to you, to Ortho I at least could make an attempt but even for he I might not even be usefull
Idia: you know that siblings don't need to be usefull right? I care for Ortho not bc he's usefull to me, but bc he cares for me as well.
Will: If you had my luck I doubt you would be saying that with so certainty.
Idia: alright next question, since you weren't sorted in a dorm, what dorm do you think you would be in?
Will: ... that's a very specific question
Idia: sounds like someone made this with you in mind
Will: alright, alright, dorm...the shape of my soul or whatever... heartslabyul.
Idia: so fast, did you actualy thought about it?
Will: I don't mind following rules and don't feel like I stand out enough to be in the other ones
Idia: hehehe insulting heartslabyul's students now? How bold~
Will: don't twist my worlds Shroud, you know very well that that's not what I meant
Idia: funny, I thought you would say Diasomnia or Octavinelle... I can tecnicaly see you in Ignihyde too tho
Will: eh? Why?
Idia: Diasomnia since you are friends with Malleus, Octavinelle is a comun pick from what I heard, wich is fair I mean they have a fucking restaurant and Azul is more merciful to his students than to the other's
Will: Ignihyde?
Idia: .... I'm gonna be honest, I think you give yourself little credit, besides following rules or whatever you meant by that bc I remember you not caring a single bit about those, you are creative
Will: creative...?
Idia: yeah, Azul couldn't stop screaming in our matches at the club about how you and kingschoolar destroyed his hard work. It was a creative plan, clever could also be used to describe it, but that's not all that defines you, you tell stories very well, I have heard you and Grim talking around school and Ortho recorded one of your hangouts, you have a creative soul when you get in the right mood, one of the things my dorm is know to have, so yeah, Ignihyde sounds like it fits you too... tomeatleastImean-
Will: ... it's weird when you get honest
Idia: ahem. Anyways, now to the tradition!
Will: tradition? Is that! ... you bastard THAT'S WHY YOU CAME HERE AFTER ALL!
Idia: I have no idea what you mean~
Idia: noooo It's tradition I swear! Any extra satisfaction I get from it is merely coincidence~
Will: I should have punched you after your overblot
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I can't help but pick apart characters I like and resonate with. Where RE is concerned, it's kinda infamous to offer only little insights and tidbits. That personally leaves me to deepdive into fanbase opinions and thought pieces. Anyway, my question is, do have any favourite headcanons about Leon and his lifestyle/personality? :)
My two cents is that he's very introverted and a little bit awkward and lonely. Idk if that's obvious, or maybe you disagree? Just curious, if you'd like to weigh in with anything extra. :)
The thing about Leon is that I don't think he's introverted by nature; I think his emotional breakdown and subsequent depression and drinking problem sort of forced him into that lifestyle. This is for both versions of Leon, too -- Remake and OG. I think that pre-RE2 he was fairly extroverted (OG moreso than Remake, but still both) and would've rather gone out than stay in.
And while his actual nature hasn't changed, his mental health and lifestyle both have. On some level, he'd still prefer to go out than stay in, and he'd rather be with people rather than be alone, but his job keeps him pretty socially isolated, and the depressive part of his brain doesn't have the energy/doesn't want to be bothered with trying to navigate around it, because he also has a newfound sense of paranoia and self-loathing to fight through, too. So his brain just kind of goes "it's not worth it" now.
I think it's gotten worse as he's gotten older, too. OG RE4 Leon still seemed to want to try to hold onto some part of who he was before Raccoon City -- ID Leon, too. But then we start getting into Damnation and then RE6 and then Vendetta, and he just seems to crawl further and further into whatever post-trauma hole he's dug for himself.
Remake Leon is a slightly different beast in that regard; his character arc seems to have been accelerated a bit compared to OG, and he just went straight to the level of cynicism and self-isolation that his OG counterpart doesn't hit until RE6.
He's definitely lonely, though. There's no denying that. Leon exists in a world so far removed from the average person that he probably doesn't even remember how to have a normal conversation anymore.
Could you imagine post-RE4 Leon trying to just like... date normally...? Leon, who was kidnapped and coerced via the threat of violence against a child into his career -- a man who's been completely estranged from his family since 1998 -- just sitting there listening to some girl talk about how her boss is a dick and she's having problems with her sister or something. He's just like "... yeah that sounds... that's crazy :T" He's the personification of can'trelate.jpeg
And the people who do understand him are so physically far from him (I think Chris and Jill still live in Europe, at least for part of the year, if I'm not mistaken) and have their own lives that it's not like he keeps in touch with them very well.
Most of Leon's life probably blurs together, and he has a horrible concept of time as a result. Like, he'll go several years between actually physically seeing/hanging out with Claire, but every time he sees her, he's like "I just saw you last summer" -- but no, he very much did not.
Very few of his days are different from the last. He wakes up, works out, showers, goes to the office, comes home, has a few drinks and dicks around, then goes to sleep. Every day. And he doesn't really do anything much on the weekends, either. He cleans if he can muster the will to do it (fuck it, if not; it's not like he lives with anyone or ever has guests), and then he drinks and dicks around some more. And then the weekend is over. And the cycle repeats.
And when I say "dicks around" I mean that Leon has watched so many movies at this point in his life that he actually could be fun for conversation if he would just pull his head out of his own ass and realize that even normal people have, like, hobbies and interests and shit.
And while I make fun of him for being a dumbass idiot butt monkey all the time, I do genuinely think he reads a lot -- both fiction and nonfiction. Especially once ebooks really start taking off and becoming a thing.
I like to think that the big secret that he'll never tell anyone is that he's a sucker for a good romance. It's not his preferred go-to genre or anything, but every once in a while, he'll self-indulge and live vicariously through a romance story.
This next headcanon is 100% just me projecting, because this is what I did during and after my own breakdown when I still lived on the east coast -- but when he does want to get out of the house, he waits until late at night (like 11pm or later) and then goes and just. Watches the ocean.
And thinks about throwing himself into it. But never does.
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The more I interact with people the more I realize that extroversion is completely unnecessary and unnatural.
No, you do not need social interaction constantly. No you do not need hundreds of friends. Wtf is even small talk.
Humanity flourishes with small familial/found familial groups/friendships, and everyone needs alone time. Very few jobs ACTUALLY require extroversion to thrive. No, I don't want to have a conversation wirh my cashier or barista. We are making a transaction. We don't need to interact. And as time progresses with self service eventually we won't need even that. Don't speak to me if I'm purchasing something from your company. You're not my friend; you exist simply to give me what I am spending money to have. That is your purpose. I know you think becoming my friend will endear me to you so I can save you from the hellscape of boredom your job is, but that's not my obligation. This isn't Great Expectations. Being nice to a stranger won't give you a better life. Getting off your ass and applying yourself will; stop expecting introverts who are independent to do it for you.
Office work probably needs even less interaction. There's no reason FOR office work at all. It's a fact work from home was more productive. Most jobs don't actually need in-person work and if they do they definitely don't need you to be social. If you're in healthcare you fix my ass up and that's it. We dont need to chit chat. We don't even need to go out anymore tbh; that's why have the internet, online shopping, and DoorDash and Instacart. If it is required to go out, shut the fuck up and get back home asap. If you need to be social, go home and talk on the phone or use the internet or text. Nobody wants to hear your squawking laughter at restaurants and unintelligent gabbing at parks and stores. If you can't be noisy at your apartment or house, too bad. Should've bought your own hoke in a more secluded area. Don't make it pur problem. Cell phones in public should be for texting, dipshit. That's why it was invented. If you're waiting for an important phone call, STAY YOUR ASS AT HOME. I don't care about your problems! I don't know you! I don't want to overhear your cunt ass speak!
Any job that """requires""" talking to individuals in a conversational way is bullshit and it isn't actually necessary. Extroverts FORCED it to be a requirement by their nonstop yammering and FORCING people to put up with their look at me look at me main character syndrome. NOBODY should be making friends in a workplace environment anyway. Do you want to be betrayed and manipulated? Wait you're an extrovert. You're the one throwing us under the bus.
Do you think cavemen were partying and laughing noisily as possible and bragging about how social they are? No they were being quiet so they could hunt to survive. I guarantee that extroverts were killed by bears in the past. You think peasants and servants were making asses of themselves in public and forcing everyone to pretend they weren't annoyed? Do you think slaves were walking slow on sidewalks and taking up space in aisles to chat and never getting their work done because they were playing around but get away with being lazy because they're ass kissing their bosses with their extroversion? No. But you know who was doing that shit? Their rich ass elite royals and slave owners. Servants mind their business and Eat the Rich sociopaths were gossiping. Extroverts will manipulate everyone around them by playing invented games like "how to act exactly as society demands and say all the right opinions without offering an actual opinion" to get everyone on their side then you'll see how they act off the clock and they're totally different. This is SOCIOPATHY. You're a schmoozing sociopath who fucking lies and everyone thinks you're annoying and hates your fucking GUTS but Society demands we can't tell it how it is.
TLDR; extroversion is an invented word to cover for psychopathy, manipulation, and coercive control over the masses.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Match-up event - Jez
(Nyx and I decided to match each other up for lols)
Let's go. I'm twenty, agender (afab), somewhere between bi and pansexual, poly and somewhere under the aromantic umbrella. Don't mind any pronouns in particular. I want one match-up with a human and one with a ghoul (let's see how you handle it babes). I study writing, might pick up a second major in journalism, dunno yet. Theistic satanist. Monsterfucker. Mask kink af.
I'm 164 centimeters tall (I'm not looking it up in feet). I've got a soft tummy and pretty good ass (lmao). You know how I look like, though I am planning to dye my hair blue.
They're not done yet, but I wanna include this anyway: tattoos. I'm not including any that could guide you to a potential result :p
Little cartoon seal on my right arm (for my sister)
Little cartoon panda on my right arm (for my brother)
Spider-Punk emblem on my left shoulder
666 under my left collar bone
A little plague doctor on my right arm
Also planning to get a shit ton of piercings all over my body. (Not just face and ears if you know what i mean), but that's for later. I like getting my nails done, usually to colors are symbolic or just a reference to something.
I usually wear skinny jeans and hoodies with some weird print. I love oversized hoodies, they are like my main source of comfort. I have chains attached to my pants, and I love wearing too many necklaces. I usually have ghearrings (the ghost crosses) in my ears and another one on a chain around my neck. Also wearing a Baphomet (like the goat head in a pentagram) necklace, a pride heart one, a matching besties necklace with Vic and occasionally a choker. I do occasionally do all out, wearing a white dress shirt, black skinny jeans, a leather jacket and the listed jewelry with my favorite rainbow sneakers and round sunglasses. With lots of rings, mostly something skull/plant/occult themed. Always silverish color, never gold. I don't like gold.
Outside from Ghost, I mostly listen to rock and different kinds of metal. And FNaF songs.
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I was a Creepypasta kid. Aside from Polish and English I speak some German and bits of Italian, but very little. I can read most arabic letters (as in I know what sounds they make).
I have lots of different posters on my walls and I have stickers on my furniture because I grew up too fast and I'm catching up on my childhood now. I've got mental issues, including but not limited to autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, mommy issues and daddy issues. I like calling them my pokemon.
I like writing (though I barely have time for that) and re-watching Total Drama (watched it 8 times just this year) since it manages to keep my attention, something most movies fail to do, which is why I barely watch anything. I get bored very easily. I play the Sims 4 a lot, but I can't build in it for the life of me. I'm amazing at building in the Sims 3. Big fan of Assassin's Creed (I don't like the new ones, though, since it doesn't feel like AC anymore to me). I own many true crime and paranormal activity books, though I can barely read at this point. I like manga, though. Currently collecting the Soul Eater series. I love plushies. I got a new one today. Their name is Pyza. (Yes, they're enby, I even got them a pin)
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I know way more about butterflies than I should. I know lots of useless trivia in general. Most of it disturbing. I'm tired 24/7, but my body either wakes up before 7AM or after 6 hours exactly and it's impossible for me to fall asleep again. My room is usually a mess, but that's okay, so am I.
I'm a total introvert, but I'm also so tired with life I forced myself to become the extrovert of the group. I'm really loud if I like people, although my affection is usually random touches on someone's arms and shoulders with a strange noise. I make noises. A lot.
For some reason, babies love me. Even though I personally dislike children. I love pets, though. All sorts of pets. Cats, dogs, snakes, spiders... Anything. If I can pet it, I want to pet it. I love moths from the attacus family, I mean just look at this gorgeous girl!
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As for my personality, aside from daily mental breakdowns, I'm relatively chill, just... Very unhinged. I talked about Secondo's dick piercings in McDonald's. Compared to the shit I say, Terzo's an angel.
I think that's all. Have fun babes <3 - Jez
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Anonymous OC question of the day!
If you could make a character real, which of your OCs would be:
your bestie
your spouse/partner
your secret lover!
your friendly rival
your enemy!
BONUS: do this for other people’s OCs too!
Pass the game along (anonymously or not)
oohhh what a thought provoking game!
my bestie
i would probably go with beth. she is pretty introverted like myself, but will absloutely defend her (correct) opinion with her life. she isn't afraid to stand up for what's right and has morals that align closely to my own.
my spouse
who doesn't want a man that's entire purpose is making you happy? so i'm definitely going with my wife-man lawrence. although, it's kind of funny, i only recently realized that some lawrence's quirks mirror my fiance's and i basically already have my own modern day lawrence.
my secret lover
this is 100% my girl millie. there is something about her that makes me feel like she would perfect for this type of thing. it might be her eyes? they're so expressive and alluring to me, i just can't help but have a crush on her. which, fun fact, i actually toyed with the idea of giving this type of plot to winifred & millie but realized it would be more to please my own curiosity of what dating millie would be like vs something i could actually see winifred doing.
my friendly rival
this archetype was basically made for valerie's hard headed ass. she is sweet & caring in her own way but jesus does that woman love a good argument. she, like beth, is also very opinionated but way more close minded. she has sort of an old fashioned way of viewing things and in modern day, she would probably be considered a bit of a pick me lol
my enemy
this one will probably come as a shock to y'all but it would probably be winifred. we're alike in many ways & i don't tend to get along with other people that are too similar to me tbh. i think we both are too antisocial for own good that a friendship with winifred would just turn into us ignoring each other for months at a time, and eventually turn into us thinking we didn't like each other anymore. although, i will say, enemy is a bit of a strong word to use here & i don't think i'd be TRUE enemies with any of our main cast (some of these new side characters though.....most definitely)
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Tell me something about the kids that surprised you after you started Sins of the Father? What quirk in them came out of left field or a dynamic that surprised you?
Yorick’s goddam anxiety & Rhaella having the most elaborate self-insert OC that's out here putting my own childhood efforts to shame. I had such vivid ideas in my head of what they'd be exactly like & their trajectories, & that stuff is still there (at least in spirit. There's a little cut content that just doesn't exist anymore), but I got taken by the hands & these co-dependant 7-year-olds were like "we must show you the way."
Like, Yorick was always going to be the quiet & introverted one of the duo that kept a lot of shit internal & just kind of didn't really open up/wasn't 100% honest to protect people's feelings, but writing his chapters just kinda carried me away & had me giving him the most "oh, he's an old soul" trauma spirals of hyperawareness. It's honestly kind of interesting that this has happened? Sad, but interesting.
I can't really speak on TF is going on with Rhaella. It started as a silly little one-off to fill space in a game they were playing early on in the first chapter (just because I take how absolutely wild the soap opera ass plots little girls give their dolls very seriously), & now it has spiraled into "there is canon lore to Ella's games & stories that I keep dropping & she names her future daughter after this self-insert OC from her childhood." I don't know what's going on with how I keep pulling this stuff out of my ass, but I'm invested.
I can't say much for Aemon yet, because in narrative he's currently 2. I am very much looking forward to where exactly he winds up going if it's gonna be as wildly unexpected as things have been for his older siblings!
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
Hi! Please call me Frosch, she/they! Er... I think ask is still open? But if not, please ignore me. Thanks, and stay hydrated, fam!💮
So, um... could I please request a match-up? For such fandoms such as one piece, demon slayer.(and I noticed people usually ask for 3, so haikyuu?). Thanks!
So... a bit about me. I'm Gemini, INFP, and I am an introvert, plus a tad shy. Hmmm... I won't call myself kind, but I guess I'm a bit into "fairness" and whatnot. I try to help people in need but hate being tricked or being lied to, hate cheaters and playboys and etc etc. Meeting such people, my last screws gets loose, and i turn into an angry chihuahua. No shyness anymore, only a female Hulk. XD But anywho! I also adore my family and close ones, even if I don't show it by expressing it by words as often as others do. Usually, I just try to show it by gifting or getting to know their likes and dislikes? My temperament is melancholic one, but usually, I'm the one who cheers up the people around me. So I guess I'm a very adaptable person who can get on good terms with anyone, as long as I try. A bit of an easygoing person but petty at the same time? All in all, one big contradiction. I guess Geminis all like this? At least all Geminis around me are chaos incarnations.
Um. I have a huge sweet tooth, I love manga(yes, I'm also cap obvious XD), video games, comics aaaand novels. A big foodie. Hmmmm... Oh, I also try to write and draw too! But usually, I just give up, not liking how it ended up. XD Hmmm... my style is a mix of everything? Expect I don't wear dresses and skirts. So I'm a tomboy? Hmm... but I do wear some more feminine clothes too... Oh yes, I also hate pink. My favorite colors are black and white. I listen to pretty much everything, but I can't stand country. It's just... too depressing for my ass, thanks. X) Oh, I'm also love watching cartoons, horrors, comedy, and some other genres. Uhhhh... I don't know what else to write about me...
That's it, I think? Thank you, and have a great day! Thanks for the match-ups! Oh, and I hope it's okay if I go anonymously? A bit shy, sorry! If not, please just ignore my request! Again, bye and have a good day! Stay safe!🌻 (Sorry for all the mistakes. English is not my native language! Okay, bye for real now!♡)
Matchup for Frosch!
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One Piece: Shanks
Food is something the two of you share and enjoy together. Whenever the two of you are out at a new city or island, the two of you rush off to go eat something, needing some sort of food in your stomachs. He loves taking you to fancy restaurants and seeing the smile on your face when seeing your food, it always makes his heart beat faster.
Shanks was never a man to care for clothing or what people wear, that was until he saw your style quickly falling in love with it. When the two of you go off to shop, he usually has you pick out his outfits, loving everything that you pick out for him.
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Demon Slayer: Mitsuri
Gift giving is a strong trait for Mitsuri as well. One day, she found a small box on her doorstep with a little trinket from her significant other and she immediately found something to give back as payment for the generous gift. You guys have gifting wars, always wanting to one up the other.
I can see Mitsuri having a sweet tooth and that doesn't help with yours. The two of you spend days at cafes, eating all of the delicious treats, wasting all of your guys' money on the small items. You guys always come home and get confused, unsure of where both of your guys' money went, but when the notification of the payment being sent to the cafe was found, you two instantly knew the cause of your guy's problem.
Movie dates are adorable and can be spent together during any movie, especially with Mitsuri who will go out and see any movie, all except horror movies. Before meeting you, Mitsuri hated horror movies, always getting scared of them and never getting the concept behind them. Then, you came into her life and now she goes to see the movies no longer feeling afraid or fearful with someone strong by her side.
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Haikyuu: Asahi
You both are definitely introverted, having all of the signs of one and that only makes your relationship stronger, knowing that the other experiences the same thing. You guys prefer having indoor dates and creating pillow forts in the living room only to watch all sorts of movies. (Another character who hates horror movies, but still refuses to watch them when your around getting to scared)
Helping people in need is a strong trait within the two of you showing the most when around your guys friends and families. You're always there for each other's events cheering them on, or when the other is in need of some help the other is there ready to be of assistance. You attend all of his games, making sure to be the loudest one there just so he can hear you and be proud of how far he has gotten.
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runa-falls · 1 year
Hi Em😌❤️ love your fics on Miguel and Cevans characters and here for the shipping game👉👈
I'm 167cm so about 5ft6? Asian with glasses (like typical Asians sjsksjksksjsksk) A dog person but really can't resist any fluffy animals (cats, bunnies, etc) but I'm okay with reptiles too. Snakes always seems to have a huge interest in my house.?(can always see them at the stairs or sneaking into our porch every two years or so) I'm more of the museum type when I'm traveling and not keen on hiking. And I love water, swimming, kayaking, and always hope to live near the water in my future. I prefer novels more than non-novel books, and I try cooking in my spare time. Not a great cook but I'm pretty good at making Chinese food since I'm studying abroad in the UK. (Though I'm okay with steaks and spaghetti and "western food" too (sry for being stereotyping in advance)
Oh! And I'm INTP in the 16 personalities for MBTI. More often I'm an introvert and I enjoy the silence between me and my partner if we ever go out on a date. I don't feel the need to chat to fill the void.
(Could you pls ship me with one of the Cevans characters?👉👈
of course, i don't write fics for his characters anymore, but i'm totally fine writing the odd blurb for requests!!
i ship you with ari!
(ngl i haven't watched the movie so i'm basing his personality off of my fics lol)
ari is definitely a dog person, i mean he's practically a golden retriever himself. he'd probably be the type of guy to surprise you with a dog when you get home for dinner. like:
"ari, what the hell???"
"what do you mean, what? you got us a dog?!"
"oh, that old thing? yeah, that's pirogi"
"-.-, really? you named our dog after a dumpling?"
he loves traveling and is definitely into water activities, i mean his whole movie is about being a sea resort right (idk i haven't seen it 😭 i just skipped to the parts where he's shirtless and/or neked AHH WHY AM I EXPOSING MYSELF RN)of course, he wears his small-ass swim trucks for all your adventures.
he can be romantic (sometimes), like he'll kiss you under a waterfall, take you out on a row boat for a lake picnic, and take you to museums while holding your hand through every exhibit. but he'd also chuck you into the water just so he can jump in an pretend to save you, or tug on your ponytail just to annoy you lmaoo.
ari is happy to taste test your experimental recipes, he thinks it's adorable how determined you are to cook more! he can cook some stuff and he tries to help out in the kitchen, but he only has two or three things he's actually confident in, so usually he'll just stick with washing the dishes (house husband fr).
also he doesn't mind the silence either, he just enjoys holding you or hanging out in the same room. your dates are pretty lowkey bc he's not a very fancy guy. you both know that you don't need to do anything extravagant to impress each other, you just like being with one another.
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