#but my nerd ass still insists on pretending I do
aimmyarrowshigh · 6 months
What are your thoughts on Kamala taking lead with the Young Avengers?
In the MCU? I like it -- I feel like her fandom of Carol and the Avengers makes it fit to have her go out and try to create a new superhero team of other young heroes, because she would be the one sitting there thinking about it and going, "The Avengers are gone, but the world still has problems. I can't solve them all on my own/learned teamwork with Monica and Carol/can honor Monica by being a hero/love other nerds who love superheroes," you know?
And especially given Secret Invasion, it wouldn't make any sense to have Fury be the one to put together the Young Avengers. Although the timeline with him is fucky because they switched the release dates of The Marvels and Secret Invasion, so whatever.
And in the comics, Kamala was the leader of the Champions, so it totally makes sense that she'd lead the MCU Champions/Young Avengers crossover team (because they're not going to have both, let's be real. There's also so many fucking movies/shows). Billy and Tommy are currently too young AND have THE most confusing backstory in comics, so putting either of them in charge wouldn't make the most sense. Cassie is on the West Coast. Kate is, as she tells Kamala, a bit older, and also Hawkeyes tend to be pretty solitary workers. Skar is... whatever the fuck is going on there that I'm pretending isn't going on over there. Peter is busy trying to eke out a living on his own in this universe, so he's probably both busy AND too traumatized to make new connections this soon. Eli hasn't made his heroic debut yet, although we've seen him. Yelena's a Thunderbolt. Love Thorsdottir is way too young. Phyla-Vel is in space. Toussaint/T'Challa and Morgan are too young. I feel like Kamala's the only one who COULD do it in a reasonable way, you know?
I feel like I'm forgetting someone. RIRI! Riri could do it, but again, she's older in this universe (college) and my insane "the MCU could make sense if they would do [X]" brain keeps insisting that she's going to be MJ's roommate at MIT in Ironheart or SM4. BECAUSE THEY'RE BOTH AT MIT. AND MIT CAN'T BE *THAT* BIG. IT WOULD MAKE SENSE, MARVEL. PLEASE MAKE SENSE.
I want the Young Avengers to be so good that it knocks me on my ass. I want it to be so good that it knocks Trendy MCU Haters on their asses. And I want Kamala to get to have that. Iman is SO wonderful and Kamala is SO great, and I want people to love her the way she deserves, dammit.
Also, if VisionQuest isn't canceled (which, who the fuck knows) -- I want it to be exactly Vision (2015), which is just exactly WandaVision but this time Vision's the one who created a fake family out of heartbroken madness. And I want Viv Vision in the MCU. I love Viv Vision so fucking much.
Also, I want My Blorbo Nadia! It could happen!!! Hank banged a lady named Linda while Janet was boinking Bill Murray in the Quantum Realm, so Hank could TOTALLY have a daughter that was in the Red Room (WHOM NATASHA AND YELENA FREED??? IN BLACK WIDOW??? MY HEART?!!?) and is a science genius who comes to find the Pym/Van Dynes and is just like, "Hello, I am here now, I love you, family!"
I don't know how they can reasonably have Hulkling after the MCU's version of Secret Invasion AND how the MCU Kree are so unilaterally evil. But also, the MCU is homophobic af so they probably won't have Hulkling anyway. >:(
I just want. The MCU. To be cohesive. And make sense. And close its plotholes in ways that are narratively satisfying. And also, Steve is on the moon.
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
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Reader has glasses that's it. I got sunscreen on my glasses and got pissed off at them so I'm writing stupid shit so I don't break them
If you ever loose them he'll put them on his head and pretend to be oblivious to where they are
Its gotten you a couple times. He thinks its the funniest shit
If he hasn't found them first he's just as lost as you but he'll know where to look first at least.
If he sees you struggling to clean them (that streaky oil shit that never comes off) he'll just take them from you without warning and try to do it himself. His cape works the best
Or you'll be in the store or whatever with him and just borrow it to clean them. He doesn't care
You think he might even need glasses himself. He admitted to seeing a little better so it's likely your prescriptions could be similar.
But he refuses to be bald AND wear glasses like some old ass. Absolutely not. He's gotten by just fine
He knows where your glasses are at all times, almost like he's got a tracker on them.
He can see a speck from a great distance and will immediately attempt to take them and clean them
Steam cleans them like brand new, only takes a few seconds
If by chance they get broken he will probably be able to fix them, but if not he insists on holding your hand or being by your side absolutely everywhere to "prevent any injury"
If you put them on him and tell him he's cute it makes him bashful, but you'll get a lengthy explanation of his flawless mechanics that allow him perfect vision.
Saitama (as you would probably be visiting a lot) will hide them in a difficult spot sometimes on purpose if he finds them first. So he can watch Genos and you look around like a pair of dumbasses
Has no idea how glasses work at all first off
"If you know how many fingers I'm holding up, how come you need glasses?"
You just stick them on his face and say to look around so he gets the message. He hated it, feels kind of bad for you.
If you loose them he can help find him quickly, if you can get him to help. He's a busy body.
He can't clean them I'm sorry he tries. There isn't much material he owns that works okay and he always looses the microfiber cloths.
Sometimes you can be sitting around or doing whatever and all of a sudden you can't see. He takes them and waits for you to hunt him down to get them back. Like hide and seek.
Contacts would make him cringe. A way to get him to do what you want is to threaten to take them out in front of him, if you really wanted to. Use sparingly.
Says you look like a nerd and pushes them too high or too low to tease you, but he thinks they're cute
Also didn't understand glasses at first. You had to do the same to him as you did with Sonic
If you can't find them it's because he's wearing them and throwing jokes around. Never directly mocks you, just stereotypical prestigious smart people
Has a little too much fun with them, and you're worried he'll end up breaking them sometimes
He only broke them once and tried to fix them without you noticing, but it was so obvious. He was acting goofy also avoiding the topic. They were wearable at least.
Otherwise he's careful and always cleans them before you put them on in the morning or while you're showering. That oily streak shit pisses him off just as much
Get him a pair of non prescription glasses and he'll think it's fucking Christmas. It gives him the perfect excuse to act a fool (this dude's inner child needs to have fun don't blow it)
He gets kind of weirded out if you wear contacts. Yeah, you're still cute, but it's just weird to him and he don't know why
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m1kedefendr · 2 years
Why Mileven is just not healthy (not about byler)
If you want to ship Mileven, go ahead. They’re cute, i get it. But you cannot sit here and tell me that canonically they have a healthy and happy relationship. You cannot tell me they are meant to be. Here’s why (without me mentioning byler AT ALL)
1. Eleven was literally trapped in a lab and traumatized for her ENTIRE life. from the moment she was born to when she was about 12, she was stuck in this lab. She had no real concept of family, friends, or relationships. She had no real concept of how the world worked.
2. Ben is the first instance of safety that she’s ever experienced, and he gets shot by the people who had her trapped.
3. Mike is the very second instance of safety, and her FIRST look into love. After Mike let’s her in his basement, he is now her main source of safety. He is becoming her comfort because he is NICE and he is CARING. yet behind the scenes, he’s agreeing to send her to a mental hospital where he thinks she escaped from…
4. Mike consistently is back and forth on El the whole time they’re looking for Will. One minute he trusts her and the next he’s asking “what’s wrong with you?” and “why did you lie?”. He parallels Brenner in s1 (and more throughout the show)
5. El was literally gone for almost all of s2. Mike cared a bit, yeah, but he was mostly focused on Will.
6. S3 is where they go even further downhill, its the first look we get into their actual relationship, and it’s literally all just making out and isolating from their friends. I get it, they’re like 13, but really? Look at Lumax. Lumax can easily navigate their relationship and friendships.
7. El is becoming her own person when she’s hanging out with Max, Max is encouraging her to be herself and find things SHE likes. Mike doesn’t like this, and consistently claims that Max is corrupting her.
8. Mike literally couldn’t care less when El dumped his ass. Look at his face. yeah i know he went and was asking how to fix it blah blah blah, but srsly? he just let her run away. (i said i wouldn’t mention byler but he literally biked across town in the rain to apologize to Will so we know he’s capable of apologizing on his own)
9. Mike might say “i love her and i can’t lose her again”, but what does he do when he finds out El heard it? He lies. “i don’t remember what i said”. She tells him she loves him too and kissed him, he stands there with his eyes wide open. He looks shocked. When she walks out he’s still staring, he looks like he just realized he fucked up.
10. S4, Mike can’t even write “I love you” to El. If he loved her, like he said in s3, why wouldn’t he be able to even write it?
11. My absolute favorite, the way the two of them cannot be themselves with each other. El is lying in her letters to Mike. She doesn’t have friends, she’s not doing good in California. She needs to make up new interesting things about herself because she lost her powers, and she thinks Mike only likes her for her powers. (she thinks everyone only likes her for her powers, it’s how she was raised) Mike is dressing up like some dad going to hawaii on vacation, and pretending he’s not some huge nerd because El never showed interest in his nerdy side. (in his true self).
12. Mike has another parallel with Brenner after he sees what El did to Angela with the roller skate. This reinforces El’s idea that Mike is scared of her, and only likes her when she’s using her powers to defeat monsters.
13. Mike and El argue about Mike not being able to say he loves her, and He is so insistent he does but will not say the words. Not even while she’s sobbing to him over it. He says she’s blowing it out of proportion. He tells her she’s a superhero, and she says “not anymore”
14. El writes that she’s gone to become a superhero again, this is the first time she doesn’t write love.
15. El’s entire time at area 11 and in NINA is her learning she has the power to control her own life. She can be who she wants to be, she can find her own identity. She is not a superhero. She is not a monster. She is Jane Hopper.
16. Mike’s monologue was nothing that El wanted to hear. It was so hypocritical. From the fact that Will was the one who had to urge him to say anything while she was dying, to the fact that he called her a superhero ONCE AGAIN. we can infer from earlier she does NOT want to be considered a superhero. she wants to be her own person, separate from her powers. that’s what she’s learned this entire season. Mike also says he loved her the moment they saw her, that his life started that day they found her in the woods. That is simply not true at all. If Mike had fallen in love at first sight, he would’ve never considered sending her to Pennhurst. If Mike’s life had started that day, he wouldn’t have been so easy to let her go when they saw the fake body get pulled out of the quarry. Even Lucas was telling him to lay off her in that moment, LUCAS. The guy who was the only one with real logical thinking the entire first season. He didn’t trust El from the beginning, but even he knew Mike was going overboard.
Let’s draw my conclusion from these little notes of everything i’ve written. El is traumatized. She is still figuring herself out and realizing what is friendship, what is family, and what is love. She didn’t know any better, so she got with Mike because she thought that because they kissed and he cares for her, that it’s romantic love. Mike, on the surface level (because i’m not talking about byler) got with El because she was the FIRST girl that ever showed interest in him, Lucas said it himself in season 1. Mike is canonically insecure about himself and he latched on to the first girl that liked him. Mike needs to feel needed, and he needs to know that someone loves him for who he TRULY is. El doesn’t want to need anyone. she wants to be independent and have family and friends. They just don’t fit together, they can’t support each other’s needs. With El’s character arc this season, mileven being endgame would be an assassination on her character.
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vibesandwonders · 3 years
“The what?”
“The Lord of the Rings,” Sam stops dead, and jogs back to him, “You serious? You said you read the Hobbit?”
“JRR Tolkien?”
“Yes.” Bucky runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
“But you don’t know The Lord of the Rings?”
“If you keep repeating it, maybe it’ll catch this time.”
Sam’s mouth falls open, “Mother of— they froze you before Lord of the friggin Rings?”
Bucky blows out a blast of annoyed air and moves to run, Sam grabs his forearm, “Stop that, we’re talkin—“
“—We are running.”
“Not anymore,” Sam leans his weight on Bucky and laughs, “Shit. I always forget that they popsicled you,” He shakes his head, “Tolkien, he wrote the Hobbit yeah, but like… ten years later he wrote a Trilogy, the Trilogy, like, the one to rule them all.”
“Are they any good?”
Sam practically squeals with laughter, his arm still looped inside Bucky’s, “Yes.” He says, emphatically, grinning so much that Bucky is tempted to smile back, almost, “The movies are good too.”
“Moving pictures?” Sam grins wider, “Talkies?”
Bucky tilts his head, rolls his eyes, already ready to run again, Sam’s having none of it, he starts pulling Buck back the way they came,
“What about the run?”
“This,” Sam insists, “Is more important, we gotta head back,”
“It’s 7am.”
“Exactly, which means we’ve got time to hit the store on the way home,”
“Provisions, we’re gonna be busy all day, we need to have snacks and keep hydrated.”
“Extended editions baby, this is a 12-hour Lord of the Rings lockdown,” He grins at Bucky, “Consider yourself absolutely blessed that I was nerdy as hell in high school. I gotta text Torres, tell him we are taking the day off.”
“You’re taking a day off, from being Captain America?”
“He’ll understand.”
~ Hours later~
“Bucky,” He sighs, and plants his palms on the kitchen countertop, “James Buchanan Barnes,” Nothing.
He takes his phone out and pauses the damn TV,
The man in question rotates very slightly, his eyes wide, red, in shock, also as pissed as Sam had quite possibly ever seen him, including the time he was kicked off a domestic flight home because of his ‘metal arm’.
“You good?” Sam asks,
“So they just left him? After he sacrificed himself to get them out and across the bridge of Khazad-dûm and away from the Balrog?”
Oh Jesus,
“The bridge of Khaza—" He stops himself, chuckles, can't help it, he shouldn't surprised by this and yet, "Yeah man, they couldn’t—“
“What? Walk out there and grab his hands? There were eight men,” He shakes his head incredulously, “Bilbo’s nephew, wouldn’t walk twenty feet to save Gandalf?”
“Wait wait, Are you crying man?” He smirks, teasing, “There are two and a half more movies to go Buck, and you’re already out here cryin’ your ass off, you gotta chill—“
Bucky regards him sourly, “Have you even read the Hobbit?”
“Not even gonna dignify that kinda hostility with an answer James.”
He unpauses the tv and digs through the fridge, a moment later, the TV pauses again,
“Sorry.” Bucky mutters, “I uh, I’m enjoying them.”
“I can tell.” Sam says, and again, a grown-ass man getting way too sucked in to a High Fantasy trilogy 60 years late shouldn’t be damn adorable, but it is, “You hungry, oh member of the fellowship?”
Bucky rolls his eyes, turns back around,
“Is there coffee?”
Sam grins, and starts filling the water kettle.
“We, are gonna take a break.”
Bucky spins, finger already on the remote to jump to the next movie, Sam shakes his head.
“You haven’t eaten yet, and this is our…shit, third pot of coffee.”
“But they’re taking the hobbits to Isengard.”
Sam cackles, “Yeah, you are indeed correct, that is happening, but, we got 8 more hours of cinematic masterpiece, and you— are gonna eat somethin’”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Would Aragorn not sustain himself while trying to rescue Merry and Pippin?” He asks dramatically,
Another eyeroll, but he stands and stretches, folding one of the new blankets that had somehow started appearing randomly inside his apartment.
“How do you feel about cookies?”
He watches the top of his head twist, but Bucky’s eyes don’t leave the screen, “Thought we were eating lunch?”
Sam laughs, “Thai?”
He texts Sarah, attaches a picture of Bucky swathed in a blanket, staring in fascination at the TV.
“He’s never seen Lord of the Rings.” And then a bunch of laughing emojis.
“So where’s Rohan in relation to Mordor?” Bucky asks over the top of the couch, “They keep talking about the Gap of Rohan, but then…”
“Google it.”
“You’ve got your phone.” Bucky argues, “Do library books still have the maps in the back nowadays?”
Sam’s already got his app open, Complete Works of JRR Tolkien, Hardback
He swipes and makes sure they have maps— New York freakin City, it’ll be delivered before they finish the second one.
“Sam needs to kill Gollum.”
He looks up at the mention of his name, grinning at the screen, then back at the microwave: he lost rock, paper, scissors, so popcorn’s on him.
Bucky purses his lips, unimpressed, “He is clearly untrustworthy, “
“Sam’s also a little jealous of Frodo’s attention, they’ve been one-on-one for a while now,”
“I guess,”
“Frodo also sees a lot of himself in Smeagol, what he could have become…”
Bucky pauses the movie, “they’ve still got those elf-blades.” He mutters, “He’s talking to himself, and creeping off in the night, Sam should kill him, and tell Frodo he found him that way.”
“He was Aragorn’s best friend,” Bucky murmurs, his voice is a little choked up, “He came to defend the men of Rohan.”
Sarah’s texted him back:
“Oh god, you found another geek.” She says, “Are ya’ll gonna like have a Star Trek themed wedding?”
Bucky’s got the second book open across his knees, his fingers holding it open so he can occasionally frown down at the maps.
“He died protecting him.”
“They had a bond.” Sam agrees, “Read the appendices, there’s loads more about the elves. Just wait until you get deep in the Silmarillion.”
“Yeah.” Bucky says, only half-listening, “Starting to think his ‘heir of Gondor’ schtick is getting old, man can’t even protect his friends— and where is Gandalf?”
“Are you shitting on Aragorn? Son of Arathorn?”
Bucky shrugs, “Just seems like he’s avoiding his calling, what he’s good at, born to do… running from it, cause he’s scared.”
“It’s a lot of responsibility he didn’t ask for.” Sam replies mildly,
“Tough shit. Sometimes you just gotta use the cards you’re dealt.” Bucky stands, “I gotta pee.”
“You think I should grow my hair out?”
Sam hides his grin, making an effort not to stare at Aragorn on screen, who is currently smoldering with the best of them,
“I think you should do whatever makes you happy, Buck.” He takes a sip of his coffee (decaf this time) and stares fondly (not really) at the side of Bucky’s face. Sure, he’s distracted, but at least this time it’s not damn mission files.
Buck grunts, they’re sprawled next to each other on the couch, knees touching, blankets shared and spread between them. Between bathroom breaks and Sam occasionally poking Bucky to make sure he was still breathing, personal space had become even less of an issue than usual. Not that Sam was terribly bothered by it. They’re roommates, sorta? Partners?
A couple of guys.
“So, Arwen or Eowyn?” Bucky asks, still unblinking, Sam is pretty sure he unleashed a monster, cause this boy is a nerd. He’s already googled other trilogies, on Sam’s phone. Sam is pretty sure movie night might become a thing.
Buck’s still waiting on his answer, it’s a timeless question to be sure, Sam pretends to ponder it.
“Eomer actually.” He says, keeping his eyes on the screen, “Loyal, strong, and the man knows how to ride.”
actual fic here plus others, leave some love, say hi,
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mypersonmyg · 3 years
cherry blossom | jjk
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pairing: jeongguk x reader
genre: fluff
rating: pg15
wc: 2k (yes it is a drabble shut up)
warnings: swearing
summary: spring is blooming and so are you OR he loves the beanie you knitted for his round ass head
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a/n: hello, hi, hey...is this good? idk, but i wrote it because im trying to do that again; this is based on the tebori tapioca couple because i really like them a lot...ALSO i said i would write about beanie boy and here he is :D
tebori tapioca
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Petals dipped in white are decorated in the jagged pink crawling from the root of thin strengthened stems fluttering like wisps from trees freshly bloomed to kiss at your cheeks, tilted upward toward a sky painted in streaks of voluminous clouds. You lift one hand to trace the expanse of day, finger a brush concentrated on the perfect mural, eyes zeroed to see the work of the blue plained aerial. You grasp a stray petal mid-air, charting the exposure of edges fragile and torn from the efflorescent cherry blossom, its trunk the perfect home for the boy whose head appears anywhere but the moment. 
You bring the petal to trace his cheeks seeking the protrusion of his nose, effectively startling the stupor that held him captive. His eyes dance the length of your arm up to your collar, landing on your own gaze in wonder, always amazed by  feelings that engulf him like licking flames. He tilts his head until the warmth of his cheek rests in the palm of your hand, cradling perfection and its questioning peep. 
“Sorry,” You murmur, thumb soothing circles into pliable skin, eyes doubled in apology despite the fondness stretching the muscles of his face, tugging at the edges of his lids. 
“Don’t be,” He hushes plucking the petal, blowing it into the subtle breeze that kicks at the skin of your ankles, traveling the length of your leg, ignorant to the tingle that already resides from the steady grip of a tattooed hand tracing the skin exposed from the ride up of your hoodie. “We came here to be together and I’m zoning out.”
You crook your arm into the grass, still damp from the press of morning dew, petals sticking to your palm as you push forward, Jeongguk cautiously tightening at your waist. The hand that still rests against his cheek sneakily climbs to tendrils peeking from beneath the beanie dressing his head, black knitted and all consuming, wrapping the strands of curls between nimble fingers and urging him to press his lips to your own. 
“I don’t mind, I’d rather sit with you in complete silence than listen to Jimin complain about whatever it is he was complaining about today.” You speak after the first heady press, foreheads gathered in collective rest, lashes just missing with each flutter. You can barely recall the words tumbling forward, but you can count on the attentive nature of your chosen lover to keep you on track, his eyes never missing the beat of your quivering lips. 
“Hmm, but i wanna give you all of my attention.” He pulls you so you’re falling, forcing you onto his lap of denim, your arms finding rest around his broad shoulders. He nestles his head into the crook of your neck, bringing light to the fabric engulfing his head of curls. 
It’s a recent niche, the adornment of the extra layer, a gift from you meant to reside on the side of winter wardrobe. It dresses him well, mirror selfies and dates spent walking the string lit streets of your cozy strip not without the attention of head-on-a-swivel passersby. You don’t mind the look or the attention that you believe present without the added statement, but you often miss the ease of a hand through thick curls and the added volume on humid occasions. 
“Now who’s zoning?” Jeongguk teases, nudging the underside of your chin, fingers retreating to avoid your gentle nip. 
“I was just thinking about you,” Your words are spoken with lips folding inward to rest between the set of your teeth, hands tugging at the top of his hat, almost pulling it free before he swats at your offending limb tugging it back into place. 
“Oh yeah?” You arch into him when a sudden gust of wind wraps around your bodies, biting at your arms left exposed by your insistence of warmth from the saturation of rays that swallow you whole, only missing direct contact by Jeongguk’s insistence that you seek refuge in the crowding branches of the beautiful earthy growth of the ascending blossom. 
“Yeah, you and your beanie. Why won’t you let me see your cute ass head, you nerd?” 
“Excuse me? I like the beanie, it was a gift you know.” 
He’s proud of his counter, head resting against the trunk of the tree before he’s suddenly guiding you from his lap to join in the jump to his feet. You’re like jello, too long spent lounging in the thick of your bubbled comfort, nearly knocking into him out of the habit of proximity and lack of control over your physical being. 
“Not only was it a gift,” He continues, clasping your hands, swinging it between you as you once more find the path riddled with abandoned flowers and the remnants of blades from grass freshly mowed, the smell still lingering with each foot forward. He brings your connected palms to press to his lips, holding them in place for a momentary hum before your nerves are tingling under the sensation and you're trying your hardest to pull away amidst  squealish giggling. “It was handmade.” 
You stutter, feet catching at the tip, threatening to eat concrete were it not for the quick reflexes and unbridled strength of Jeongguk’s arms. He drags you from the center of the path, the resounding tinkering of a child’s bike bell screaming to make way for the train of tasseled training wheels that are suddenly on your trail. It gives you time to recompose, Jeongguk far too busy waving in kind at each passing darling regarding him with various poked tongues and toothy grins. 
“Babe, you good?” He finally returns his attention, the rough pad of his thumb coming to swipe at the hairs that fall from the folded lip of the beanie, tickling at the plains of his forehead that hold just enough sheen from the day's heat to allow the dense fibers to stick to his skin. You fight the temptation to replace his hand with your own, always happy to feel him beneath you, feening for the closeness of closed doors and your head tucked beneath his chin, fingers tracing the ever defining muscles that tease through his t-shirt. 
“I’m fine...I just didn’t realize you noticed.” You shield yourself in the thick of his hoodie, tugging the sleeve to hide your eyes from his prying gaze and infectious grin. You question your own sanity when the remembrance of his attentive nature and the dreamy sigh he’d emitted upon the first snug of the thick fabric to his skull, only compliments spewing thereafter. 
“That I noticed...?” You’re dim witted to the point of ignorance, though his bait works as your face slowly unsticks from the dark material eating his chest, replacing your face with the wrap of your knuckles and the avoidance of eye contact in favor of tracking a peculiar worm inching toward fresh dirt. 
“Koo…” You whine, the nickname and high pitched yearning a new habit Jeongguk has taken in kind. His adoration for you only grows more with each day, your habits taking hold of him like the magnet that you are, an attraction unyielding and all consuming. Some would say that it’s a sickness, but the rapid pump of his love organ and the coos that ooz from him with the precision of a clock at your every utterance feels wholesome.
You’re home, a refuge after long days of piping tea and pounds of tapioca, waist deep in the give and take of the service industry. The only being that makes him feel like giving his all is no effort wasted, always looking for more ways to please even with your assurance that just  halfway makes your heart soar into a galaxy of his own making. 
So he grips you tight and reels you in, inhaling the scent of the light shampoo that laces your scalp and pretends that your whines are only an amusement, a reason for the further push of his pestering. His hands trace the peak of your shoulder blades, easing them of the tension from your bout of shyness. 
“Love, why wouldn’t I notice? Why do you think I love to wear it so much?” 
“Because you’re perfect,” You melt, shuffling on the balls of your feet, hands shoved into his pockets to hold steady in a world constantly rotating around you, dressed in whites and pinks, the songs of birds humming in the trees that arch above you. “But seriously, how did you know? I didn’t say anything because I don’t think it’s very good and I almost didn’t even give it to you because—”
“It’s perfect.” He cuts your words with his own followed by a kiss, much longer than the one previous, your face heating under the awareness that you’re no longer shielded by bud kissed branches in your own corner of the world. The same corner that started it all just months prior. 
Your palms rest against his chest, a gentle pat urging him to part from you despite your own inward cries of the opposite. He obliges, a smile of coyness splayed along his cheeks, pushing at the scar that kisses the apples of his skin. 
“I did notice an attempt at the stitching of initials under the lip...still need some practice I see—”
“Love, that’s so mean!” Your pats previously gentle now offer as much force as  you can muster, easily sending him staggering on his feet, too consumed by his own childish laughter at your rather rugged stitchwork, a poor attempt at further customization. “Ugh, I didn’t think you would notice.” 
He pulls the beanie from his head, hair falling in a mess of dark curl that traces the frame of his cheeks, somehow rounder today than the chiseled jaw that you often find ingrained in your memory. You ache to take him between your palms, a smattering of kisses stored for later use when you aren’t teetering the precipice of embarrassment. A feeling of routine self indulgence that is altogether useless under the watchful eyes of the dream before you.
He delicately dips his finger into the folded hem of the hat, lengthening the elastic trim that suctions around him to keep it secure around his head. He traces the thread that just barely makes out the letters initialling his name, imagining the formation of your lips as you repeat the two syllables with the puncture and withdraw of every stitch. 
It’s clear as the blue dyed sky, the vivid poke of your lips when you realize the curve of the ‘J’ is more of a divot than a definition but push on to the ‘K’. You only add the extra inches when your mind begins to overthink when in truth he’ll love anything from your hands, from your mind and the blood pumping through your veins. 
It wasn’t the accidental revelation of the stitching when he pulled it from the first wash that clued him in. The fabric unfurled from its position of origin, the letters staring back, accented with the perfect attempt at a heart stitched in white. 
No, he finds solace in the patch of thread missing from the edge of the shape meant to mimic the geometry of the organ itself.
It speaks true to the way he feels when he’s not with you, like his heart couldn’t possibly be whole when he’s not taking in the breathlessness of your laugh or the way you pout his name without warning. 
It was the tremor in your hands as you delivered the gift wrapped in faux gold, edges of the paper curled from the lack of a package and a mind too jumbled to think of a bag. Your delivery paired with the fumble of words hushed in rushed breath was clue enough of your attempt at discretion.
It’s in these moments, hat in hand and your eyes scrutinizing the thing when you’d told him how handsome it made him look just weeks prior. He gently pinches the scrunch of your nose, forcing your eyes to his own, hat pulled back over his head. 
He doesn’t miss the quirk of your lips, the hat no longer an object of disdain when it's a part of him. The day you met was the day that you made your place within him and it's in moments like these that he feels whole. 
“I can’t believe you thought for a second that I wouldn’t.”
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
How will the bros react to MC self-doubting themselves? Like saying bad things about them or can't be serious someone give them compliment.
Supportive demon bois coming right up! Sorry I took so long to write this anon! Thank you so much for the ask! (Also, thank you all for the love on my previous posts!)
The Brothers with an MC who self doubts themselves:
-As the embodiment of pride itself, Lucifer has an overwhelming amount of confidence, almost all the damn time
-So, he was flabbergasted to learn that you weren’t the same
-He always insisted that you aren’t anything but perfect, yet you always seemed to brush the compliments off with a shrug and an awkward smile
-Well, shit, we can’t have that
-Lucifer just got 10x more serious about the matter
-He pulls a really stupid concerned face whenever you insult yourself and he looks more and more like a 48 year old man/dad each time it happens
-He, as of late, increased the number of pet names he has for you and the amount of compliments he gives you each day
-He refuses to let you talk badly about yourself anywhere, at any point in time and encourages every little step you take towards bettering yourself like crazy
- Lucifer wants to prove to you that you are an absolute ray of sunshine and he will go to any lengths to do just that (do not ask)
-He’s even more affectionate than usual which confuses just about everyone in the House of Lamentation, yourself included
-His brothers are feeling a disturbance in the force and they don’t know how to feel about it
-You are possibly the best thing that’s happened to him since he fell as angel and Lucifer is ready to do whatever he can to help you realise that
-“You’re an idiot!”
-“*Sigh*, I know.”
-“Wha-Wait! Y-you can’t say thAT!”
-The Great Mammon is seriously worried about his human
-Being the dense motherfucker he is (i still love him tho) it took him weeks to realise you’re not all that confident in yourself
-At some point in your relationship, he jokingly called you annoying and you just went “Yeah I’ve been told. Sorry.”
-His jaw literally dropped and he almost cried
-He would have choked if he was drinking something
-Tsundere Mammon has gone bye bye and here comes the cuddling teddy bear that is your boyfriend
-He also doesn’t have as much self love for himself as he sometimes pretends to have so he’s kinda in the same boat
-Which means your boat is leaking and you’re perfectly fine with it while he’s panicking and trying to throw water overboard with his hands
-His brothers call him an idiot a lot but he’s a very sociable guy with people skills that he uses all the time in order to coax you out of your self pitiying shell
-Will whine every time you call yourself ‘useless’ or disagree with his compliments because what the hell, you’re literally the most gorgeous being ever let me love youuuu
-When it comes to you and your happiness, he ain’t fucking around. He will snarl at anyone that even looks at you in the wrong way
-Did that to Lucifer once, guess a what happened
-You’ve definitely helped him come to terms with the fact that he is loveable and not a good for nothing scum
-So now it’s your turn!
-Let him kiss your insecurities away please
-Your presence makes him feel wanted so he wants the same for you!
-Well then
-It takes two to tango ya know?
-He is the KING of self loathing and no confidence whatsoever in anything he does so every time you put yourself down, he counters it with a self deprecating insult as well
-“I suck.”
-“Nah, you’re pretty awesome normie. I’m the shut in, disgusting otaku who can barely set foot outside his bedroom without having an anxiety attack.”
-It’s like you’re trying to outdo the other on who is worse
-Truth is, he really admires you, especially knowing you chose to date him; an anime nerd with no social life and no communication skills whatsoever
-It hurts a bit, every time he builds up the courage to actually compliment you and you not taking it seriously
-That’s because he recognises that he’s the same and just as harsh on himself as you are
-Levi knows self hatred is something that takes time to demolish
-But you are his Henry after all (also his partner but whatevs)
-He’s not gonna leave you hanging when you need him the most
-He also gradually stops calling you a normie as your relationship progresses, though it still slips through every now and again
-Basically, the first time he realised that you think negatively of yourself, his immediate reaction was: Haha lmao relatable
-But now, every time it happens, he gets all serious
-Puts his controller down and everything, it’s like witnessing a very rare phenomenon and it’s creepy as shit
-He’s also made an effort to be more physically affection though he is kinda shy about it because damn it he just wants to hug you every time you speak badly of yourself
-Probably writes a list at some point stating all the reasons why you are better than him and Ruri chan combined, it’s rlly sweet
-He’s a bit curious as to where that mentality has come from
-What triggered you to be so self doubtful?
-He’s basically your psychotherapist and asks you a lot of questions trying to find different causes and solutions for your issues
-Honestly, he puts so much effort into trying to understand, reading books about it from the human realm and whatever he can find in order to help you
-He scrunches up his nose every time you call yourself an idiot or anything of the sort
-Satan knows that insisting you’re wonderful won’t exactly help you overcome this problem of yours
-But that doesn’t stop him from doing it
-It’s not like you can ignore his comments because he will keep complimenting you until you accept them
-He also repeats a lot of pick up lines but that’s just part of being his partner
-What do you mean you’re worthless?!! He would literally give away all of his books and his hatred for Lucifer in exchange for your well being!
-Satan is possibly the smartest out of all of his brothers, so he uses a tactical approach on this one
-Direct affectionate gestures don’t work on you so he’s gonna be more subtle
-Would slightly hint that you are amazing every time you do something for him, like fetching him a book or something
-“Ah thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you love.”
-He’s a lot smoother than he gives himself credit for
-He just appreciates your existence and that there’s someone out there that he doesn’t need to be act hostile or fake toward
-Satan is ready to sit down and listen to you talk about your insecurities for hours on end
-You would quietly say something bad about yourself and he would run through the House of Lamentation before bursting into the room you are in, shouting ‘No! That’s wrong!’ (going Danganronpa on your asses)
-“Welp, I fucked up again. I can’t do anything right.”
-And then, in the distance you hear boss music starting
-*Shocked Gasp*
-How could you say such things about yourself???? Is that even leGAl?
-Of course, the literally prince of Lust, with all of his narcissism, has never experienced things like ‘self doubt’ of ‘bad self esteem’
-Pfft, the fuck is that?
-He only uses the most positive of words when he describes himself
-So obviously he almost falls off the bed when he hears you insulting yourself for the first time
-But ya know, that would leave bruises on his beautiful skin
-“Oh darling, you’re not annoying or a moron! You’re not anything like Mammon!”
-That was a below belt fatal hit, press f in the chat for the second eldest
-At some point, he just genuinely believes you’ve been spending too much time with Levi and that his negativity started rubbing off on you
-But then you tell him you’ve always been like this and he almost has a crisIS
-He’s like ‘Haha, no, we’re going to get a spa day out tomorrow and a few shopping sprees so I can prove to you that you are magnificent in every way imaginable.’
-Asmo loves pampering you in general but on the days he sees you feeling extra sorry for yourself, he goes above and beyond
-Gets very hurt when you brush off his compliments because he just wants you to accept the fact that you’re beautiful
-He’s like a supportive mom lmao, whenever you’re feeling self doubtful, he goes “You’re doing great sweetie, keep it up I’m really proud of you.”
-It’s up to you to decide whether that helps or not
-He’s such a sweetheart in reality, it’s hard to remember that he’s supposed to be horny all the time
-Well he is but that’s not the point, you’re way more important
-Asmo is so much fun to write cuz I can make him so dramatic it’s hilarious
-Oh no :(
-He gets very sad everytime you self deprecate yourself
-You can’t do it with him in the room because he’s going to start crying and give you this kicked puppy stare, it will break your heart
-Beel kinda comes over and goes “If I give you some of my food will you please stop saying bad things about yourself? Because it’s not true.”
-Well you can’t say no to that face
-He feels like it’s his fault you’re this self doubtful even though you’ve tried to explain to him you’ve always been like this
-He goes crying to his twin half the time because he doesn’t know what to do
-“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to drop it! Fucking hell, I’m such a fucking klutz.”
-“Sniffle no you’re not.”
-He’s like, giving you large portions of his food now
-Because food makes him happy so he wants you to be happy too
-His brothers go in shock every time because the only other person Beel has ever shared his food with before was Belphie
-Physical affection goes through the roof with this guy
-Bone crushing hugs btw
-Your self worth is so immeasurable with him, you can’t even measure it
-W h o a
-I’m being serious, don’t talk badly about yourself in front of him unless you want to be hugged into next week
-You are a literal angel in his eyes, of course he thinks highly of you
-He’s just hoping his presence isn’t making your self esteem worse, that’s the thing that keeps him up at night
-Idk why but he does think that he is a bad influence on your mental well being since he’s a demon
-Beel gives you compliments all the time and it confuses him when you laugh them off uncertainly because he wasn’t joking or lying??
-He’s always supportive of your choices and encourages you to be more confident
-The same way you show your support everytime you come to his games to cheer him on
-Overall, he just wants you to feel special and appreciated
-Because you deserve it
-He feels like absolute shit
-Becuase he’s well aware he‘s called you a few...not so nice words in the past
-Back then, he only thought he meant everything he said but now that he’s hearing you accept his insults and actually repeating them yourself?
-It hurts his brain and he wants to smash his head against all four walls of the room for being such a cretin
-You do tell him it’s not exactly his fault you think so badly of yourself
-But he still believes he fueled it
-So now he needs to fix it
-He’s tried everything and I mean everything
-It’s kinda working, slow progress is made which he’s really happy about but you know, it’s gonna take a while
-He finally settles on physical affection as the best way to communicate his gratefulness for you being youself
-Oh, he wasn’t hugging you before? He is now, get your ass next to him and let him cuddle you
-Handholding has increased by 69% in the last month, sorry for the loss of your right hand with how much he squeezes it
-Sometimes, he can’t help but a throw an insult at you in a playful manner, because he’s an asshole
-But he always makes sure you understand that he was just joking
-He’s such a little shit, you would be having a chat with him and you would subtly drop a insult at yourself hoping he wouldn’t notice
-But then he stops dead in his tracks, kisses you, says “Shut up, you’re stunning” and then he goes right back to the previous conversation like nothing happened
-Accept his compliments damn it otherwise he will continue to bug you about it for the rest of the day
-He’s an eboy and he’s a dickhead a times, but he just goes soft for you tbh
-If you’re feeling really bad about yourself, he won’t even say anything
-He will just big spoon you for the next 24 hours, good luck going to the bathroom or any meals during that time
-Because once you’re in his grip, you’re not getting out that easily
-He gets so pissy if anyone says something even slightly negative about you to your face
-One time, a random demon called you stupid in one of the classes at RAD and he was like ‘bïtch excuse me what?’
-Snapped his head around at him and everything
-He would have done something worse but he was lazy and feeling really petty
-So Belphie kicked him in the privates from under his desk like a damn spoiled brat
-And then he turned his head back to you, all smiles and rainbows and puppies
-I’m simping so hard for a fictional character wtf
-I had to write more protective Belphie cuz I can’t find anything of the sort anymore and I need flUFF
(Haha, I don’t know what this post is, my writing has officially taken a shit lmao. Sorry this took so long to finish, I kept going back to edit all of them)
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roger-that-cap · 4 years
gold rush
everyone wanted steve rogers. as much as you liked to pretend that “everyone” didn’t include you, it did. but even thinking about being with a person that everyone wanted was more dangerous than everyone else thought, and you seemed to be the only one worrying about it. 
steve rogers x fem!reader
word count: 5k!
warnings(not warnings at all): college!au, blink and you miss him charming!steve, very sweet!steve, meddling!wanda, dumbass!reader, this is a fluff show! have fun because i did! this is probably my last song fic for right now lol
all mistakes are 100% mine!
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There was nothing about Steve Rogers that was a turn off, or anything about him that was a red flag. He was helpful and considerate. He took himself and others seriously and had a sense of responsibility. He had a great face and an even greater mind. He had the perfect group of friends and the perfect smile. He was a genuinely kind man. Nothing about him was unappealing.
Besides the fact, of course, that there was nothing about him that was unappealing.
The man was perfect. He was a perfect person who had no visible faults, so that naturally brought everyone to his feet, even if he didn’t want them there. There was no shortage of shameless suitors that wanted Steve, and that was the problem.
You didn’t like that, at all. You were never the type to run after someone just because other people wanted them, and you certainly weren’t the type that wanted to chase someone just for the thrill of it, and to maybe be picked by them. You weren’t someone who wanted to be picked, and you weren’t one who would think that you were special for being the one to be chosen over the absurd amount of people chasing him. And, his perfection frightened you a bit. 
You and Steve hardly knew each other. You had seen him in passing, just as everyone else had seen him. Your absolute best friend and also roommate, Wanda, was close with some really pretty girl named Natasha, who was from Russia. Natasha happened to be close to Steve’s best friend, James—Bucky—Barnes. Which, by extension, meant that Wanda hung out with Steve all the time.
Wanda just so happened to really want to go to a small get together that Steve was having at the bar down the street. She invited you like she did all the time, and like you did all the time in return, you opted out.
“I’m starting to think that the reason you say no all the time is because you’re avoiding someone,” Wanda sang your way, brushing her hair as she stood in her towel and looked at the vanity. “And I’m usually right.”
“Well, not this time. I don’t avoid anyone.” That was a total lie. You avoided Steve Rogers and his little group like they were the plague, and you weren’t planning on stopping any time soon.
“Did one of them say something to you?” Wanda asked, her brow quirked upward. It was unlikely for any of her friends to be anything less than mild mannered and kind, especially to strangers. Wanda was the company she kept, and Wanda was probably the kindest person you knew.
“No, no, that’s not it.” Damn. You cringed at the indirect admittance of there actually being a problem.
She wasn’t going to leave without an answer. You bit your lip before answering, debating on telling the truth or not. Evidently it didn’t matter, because the word vomit did the work for you. “The people that flock around Steve make me sick.”
Wanda didn’t even wait a moment for courtesy. She bent over at the waist, cackling at the words that escaped your mouth. “Y/N, huh? Flock?”
“They literally surround him like he’s some wizard or something, it’s weird!” You defended yourself, not wanting to back down. “He’s nice, but it’s like he’s a flame and they’re all moths. He’s the sheep herder, and they are loyal sheep. Why does everyone want him?” You knew why.
“I don’t.”
You rolled your eyes at her. Of course she wasn’t a t Steve, not when she had her oddly robotic and smart boyfriend that insisted on being called Vision. He was nerdy and sweet, just Wanda’s type. “Yeah, of course not, but I don’t trust something that everyone wants. It’s weird.”
Wanda made a face at you, looking you up and down twice. You almost grimaced when you realized that she was seeing through you. “I’m starting to think that you’re one of them.”
You made a face that told her that she was way off, even though she was far too close for comfort. “Wanda, no. Don’t suggest that ever again, yuck.”
She cocked a brow at you. “So you think Steve is unattractive?”
No. Of course you didn’t. You found Steve very attractive, actually. Everyone knew Steve was attractive, but that was the damn problem! You couldn’t let yourself be drawn into that, not when you had so much work to do. You had been avoiding being stuck to him like a fly to a web since you first saw him, and you weren’t stopping now. It was almost like a game after doing it for so long, and you weren’t going to lose.
“I know you think he’s hot.”
“So?” Wrong thing to say, totally the wrong thing!
You were worried that you were about to get teased until Wanda just looked at you with a look of minimal pity. “Why don’t you talk to him?” You shook your head hastily. “You might have a chance.”
“A chance,” you rolled your eyes. “Why would I want to be chosen to be with someone? Ever thought about the way people fight over his attention like we’re on The Bachelor? Why the hell would I want to be in line behind people for the attention of one person?”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” Wanda said teasingly, pulling out her blow dryer and politely waiting for your response before starting it.
“I just don’t see why I need to meet him and be enamored by him.” You knew that you would be. Even from afar, you couldn’t help but look at him and his hair, his eyes, his back muscles. Being close to him would be asking for the one thing you had been avoiding for so long.
Wanda gave you a long look, one that reminded you of one that a knowing mother would give her children when she knew how something would play out. You expected to get a lecture from her about judging people, but then she was turning her back to you, looking at you via the mirror. “Hm.” When she realized that you were still looking at her, she gave you a glance and playfully jumped at you. “Finish your newspaper column, nerd.”
You were in the café, looking like you had just came out of your dorm and like you didn’t want to be seen. You had your arms crossed because the vents were kicking in there like always, and you were shifting from left to right as you daydreamed.
You moved up in the line and looked behind you when you heard the squeaky door opening, not at all expecting to lock eyes with Steve Rogers. He was next to his best friend directly behind you in line. Bucky was whispering right in his ear. Steve’s blue eyes widened once you turned around and saw him already watching you, and then you gave him a sharp nod before turning away and facing forward again.
How did you not hear Bucky Barnes’ loud ass mouth anyway? He was always the first thing you heard when they were coming, and where he was, Steve was. If Bucky was doing things off campus, Steve was sure to be not even ten paces away. If Steve was doing something four states over, Bucky was probably there, too. They both followed each other like they weren’t allowed to be more than a mile apart before combusting. It reminded you of the way you were with your best friend back at home before you left.
You swiped your card when it was your turn, flashed the cashier a thankful smile, and then walked over to an empty table, opening your laptop and clicking away at the keys once you got into the right mindset to start. This week, you were charged with writing a piece about the swim team and their win, and it would be on the front page of the paper if it was good enough. You were going to make it good enough.
Ten minutes in, you noticed someone’s stare right on your face, burning red hot. You stopped typing and looked up, brows already raised at whoever was looking at you. You connected with Steve’s line of sight again, and he fumbled with his drink at the table he was at and looked away quickly, cheeks starting to glow pink. You saw Bucky laugh before rolling your eyes and mumbling under your breath, cracking your fingers and getting back to work.
You felt his gaze a few other times, well aware of it coming and going, and you were handling it just fine until you finally groaned and shut your laptop, putting it in your bag and rolling up your trash. You stomped towards the trash can than happened to be near Steve and Bucky, threw your trash away, and then went out of the double doors of the café.
The second you saw Wanda, you wanted to ask her what Steve’s problem was with you, but she was actually studying when you walked in. Wanda didn’t study unless she was in deep shit, so you just made a nervous face and sat down, quiet as a mouse out of respect your friend.
An hour passed with you just on your phone before Wanda’s textbook shut. She looked up at you, her face slightly exasperated. She blew a piece of hair out of her face and gave you a tight smile. “You wanted to say something when you came in, I can tell.”
“Yeah,” You said, leaning off of your bed a bit. “What’s Steve’s deal?”
She looked confused. “What about him?”
“He won’t stop looking at me,” You said with disdain, hating the way that your voice was bordering on being a whine. “I couldn’t even write anything good because he was staring holes in me.”
“Well, did you talk to him?”
You made a face. “Why the hell would I have done that?”
“So you wouldn’t have to rely on me telling you the answer to something I don’t know,” She pointed out, and you had to stop yourself from nodding. “Steve’s a really sweet guy. Just talk to him the next time you see him.”
“That would be the opposite of avoiding.” When Wanda made a face that said duh, you rolled your eyes. “And that’s what I do. Avoid.”
“Well, don’t avoid him. It’s mean, and… he thinks you’re… cool.” You couldn’t deny the way that your heart skipped a beat at him thinking about you positively, even if it was a lame adjective like cool.
But, you still hoped that you didn’t see him any time soon. You were certain that he was staring because you weren’t all dressed up and because you looked like trash in a common area, not because he thought you were cool. It wasn’t even that you thought that you weren’t cool, it was just that you definitely weren’t his type of cool.
“He thinks I’m cool?” You repeated slowly, and Wanda blushed a bit as you subtly mocked her. “Did he tell you this?”
She made a noise that meant exactly what she said next. “Not exactly.”
“Hm.” You turned your back to her, gathering papers from a binder and trying to forget about everything that had Steve involved.
“Look. You should just talk to him, it’ll be fun. You might even make a new friend around here.”
“Who needs another friend when I’ve got you?” You asked somewhat sarcastically, but both of you knew that you meant it. Wanda was the best friend anyone could ever ask for. She was protective, kind, understanding, and she could match anyone’s energy.
“Fine. The next time I see him, I’ll talk to him.” You knew that this was most likely a lie, but you had to say something to get Wanda off your back.
You were reading at the library intently, heavily immersed in the world of fantasy instead of the world of old authors who were already long gone. You had gone for an English assignment, but the Young Adult isle called your name, and it called it loudly. Your book was on the table as you leaned over it and scanned with your eyes, your mind long gone from reality.
“Is the book good?”
You nearly jumped out of your chair at the male voice behind you, and you sighed before turning around to see who it was. “It’s phenomenal,” you drawled, annoyed by the interruption.
Steve Rogers was standing right there in front of you, with his stupid, gorgeous smile and his naturally kind and inquiring yet never pushing eyes. He was standing in front of your sitting form, arms crossed but looking quite the opposite of hostile or standoffish. His hair was perfectly styled despite the way that he was dressed down, the way a college student typically dressed to go read a book at the library that was filled with peers that didn’t give a damn about anything but passing.
“What’s it about?”
Why were you talking to him? Why was he talking to you? It made no sense. He had no reason to approach you with all of his faultlessness, especially not while you were doing something that he no doubt found boring. Why was he even in the library?
You refused to be dumbstruck by him so many times, but there you were. “I- Yep.”
It was his turn to be confused. “It’s called “yep”?”
“Nope.” When you realized that he was actually asking a question that had an open ended answer, you shook her head from the cobwebs of nervousness. “It’s about two girls that fall in love during an apocalypse.”
You applauded yourself for getting out more than ten words in your stupor, and then frowned when you saw him walk around the table that was empty save for you and your things.
“Nice,” He said, and to your complete displeasure, he sat down at the chair right across from you, his kind smile never leaving his face. “Can we talk?” So that meant that he wanted to actually talk to you, not just small talk. Which meant that he had most likely looked for you.
“How’d you find me?” You cursed yourself for your lack of tact.
“You’re usually in the same three places.” It was true. You were either in the library, the café, or in your dorm. “I picked the lucky guess my first time.”
“Uh,” you couldn’t form a correct sentence. “Yeah. What’s up?” You were about to kick yourself.
“I just wanted to make sure that I haven’t done anything to you.” When you furrowed your brows, he dropped the smile and sent you a sincere look that melted your heart. “Wanda told me that you didn’t like me much, but I don’t remember formally meeting you. Have I done something that I don’t remember?”
Was he really asking that? Did he truly care about what a girl he had never had a full conversation with thought about him? And why did you feel like it was more than him just caring about the image that everyone in the small school had assigned to him?
How were you even supposed to answer him? He looked genuinely troubled by the way you had been avoiding him and what you said to Wanda. His concern almost made you go wild. “No. You didn’t do anything. It’s not you.” You scrambled with your book as you stood up fast enough to startle him. “Sorry. Gotta go.” You ran to the check out and checked out the book that you were reading, regretting leaving Steve there with every step you took.
He was too perfect.
“So don’t be mad, but I got you a date.”
Your head jumped up from your laptop. “What?”
“Yeah, I totally got you a date.” Wanda looked genuinely proud of herself, completely ignoring your horrified expression. “You get to pick the place and time.”
“Um, Neverland and at twenty- five o’clock,” you started, saving your work and closing your laptop. “Wanda, you can’t just get me a random date.”
“It’s not as random as you think.”
“You didn’t ask me,” you countered, giving her a pleading look. “Please cancel it.”
She winced. “About that. Uh, I can’t.”
“What do you mean, you can’t?”
“I said that you agreed. It took him a minute to believe me, but he said that he was excited.”
“I- why?” You stuttered, shaking your head. “I don’t like dates, Wands.”
“You’ll love this one. It’s basically like build your own date!”
“Yeah, I can choose everything but the person,” you scoffed, going to open your laptop again and sighing. “Please cancel it.”
“What if I told you that this person has had their eye on you for a long time?” Wanda’s words had your hand stopping right where they were. You hated that her words made you curious. She saw that you took the bait. “And has been trying to talk to you?”
You frowned at that. There was no one on the entire campus that was trying to talk to you, so now you knew it was horseshit. “No one tries to talk to me, I’m always in here. On purpose.”
“This guy has,” she insisted, her voice bearing desperate. “Please. He’s really nervous and he just wants to get it right this time.”
Nervous? You were making someone nervous? You were almost embarrassed with how flattered you got at that. “Wait, this time?”
“Yes,” Wanda breathed out. “He’s tried before.”
You went through your memories for a man on campus that tried to slide on you for a few seconds, and Wanda waited patiently. You couldn’t think of a damn one. “I don’t think so, Wanda. I don’t date people on campus. Or at all right now, honestly.”
“No,” Wanda dragged out dramatically, still not giving up. “Please, please, please! When have I ever steered you wrong?”
She was right, dammit. In every instance that Wanda forced you to do something extremely out of your comfort zone, you ended up loving whatever it was. She had you try food from a dirty gas station, something you’ve always been skeptical of, but damn, if that fried fish wasn’t amazing. She made you try a painting class where you drank wine at the same time, and you were afraid that you weren’t going to paint well enough. You ended up getting a membership at the place. She made you try salsa dancing. She made you try a Russian beer that nearly knocked you out of commission, but you still liked it.
There were many other things that Wanda made you try, but she was right. You never disliked what she had forced you to do, and she always forced your hand out of love. She had never steered you wrong once. That thought was made your scale of doubt tip.
“I- can I at least know his name before I go?”
She squealed.
You were not allowed to know his name, apparently. Not even on the day of the date. It was all a part of the mystery that Wanda set up for you, and she claimed that knowing who it was would spoil the entire thing. Because you were secretly so excited about going to find out who it was that had asked Wanda about you, you asked for the date to be sooner than later.
You were nervous, though. You hadn’t been on a date since high school, and that was just to the movies. You held the girl’s sweaty hand for two hours and kissed in her car until your mom told you that you had to come home. To make it even worse, you weren’t out yet, so you had to pretend that the girl who drove you home was just a friend.
You told Wanda that you wanted to meet the mystery man at a coffee shop. In your head, it was the perfect place. It was a place that you could leave early if the date was horrific, and a place where you could extend it if it—by the grace of God—went well. It also called for casual wear, and you believed that you could tell a lot about someone by their coffee order.
You didn’t even drink coffee. You drank hot chocolate.
It was the day of the date, and it was kind of cold outside. You grabbed a yellow sweater that was near the color gold and some jeans and cute boots, and made an outfit out of it. You were in the middle of leaving when Wanda was entering.
“Ah, you’re leaving!” She clapped her hands twice. “I can’t believe it. Thank you so much for agreeing to go.”
“You know, if this bombs, you’re gonna have a negative one on your record,” you teased, grabbing your small black purse and giving her a look.
“Negative one? Please. It’ll knock me down to like a fifty nine, if anything. But it won’t, because I know it’ll be great.”
“I hope so.” You were on your way out when Wanda called your name again, a hesitant look on her face.
“Just, give him a chance, alright?”
You stared at her for a few seconds. You knew she would never set you up with anyone bad, but that sentence made you hesitate. “Thirty minutes.”
A small smile grew on her face, like she knew that it was enough time. “Thirty minutes.”
It was a little colder than you thought outside, and it wasn’t even dark yet. You cursed yourself as you walked to the coffee shop, wishing you had brought the scarf that matched your sweater. You breathed out and watched your breath turn into smoke, a smile on your face as you pulled the door open and walked into the warmth of the coffee shop.
Everyone there was on their phones or laptops, working diligently. You assumed that he wasn’t there yet and sat down at a back table, so that whoever came close would be the one. You wouldn’t have to look up pathetically every time a person walked past you, and you grinned at the thought and tapped your temple, thinking in your head, smart bitch.
A few minutes passed in the quiet shop while you tapped away on your phone, playing a painting by numbers game that you were obsessed with, and that you had gotten Wanda obsessed with. You were thinking about hot chocolate while you finished coloring in the intricate flower. The chimes of the door went off, twinkling straight out of a fairy tale, and you looked up briefly.
Steve Rogers was standing with his hands in his pockets, looking around the shop nervously until he looked you right in the eyes. You held your breath. No way.
And then he took a step forward.
You kept your breathing as leveled as possible as he approached, walking past everyone else to stand near the table that you were at, eyeing the chair. When you said nothing, a pink flush worked up to his cheeks. “Can I sit?”
You were out of words. All the reading and writing you did was suddenly useless as you stared at him in complete and utter shock, finally closing your mouth again as you grappled for something to say that wouldn’t make you embarrass yourself.
“Yeah, of course.” The words left your mouth and he quietly pulled the chair out, sitting down rather sheepishly right in front of you. You swallowed at seeing him up close again. “Wow.”
“I know the whole one sided blind date thing was weird,” he blurted, some of his words a little rushed as he spoke. “But Wanda and I thought that you were most likely to show up if you didn’t know it was me.”
He took a second before answering. “I don’t think you like me very much,” he admitted quietly, a disheartened look on his face. “I don’t know what I did, but I want to fix it.”
So was this a date or an intervention for your own unstable feelings towards him? “I don’t dislike you.”
“You don’t?”
“No, you’re just…” you prayed that you wouldn’t use a word that was stupid when you stopped to think. “You’re very perfect.” You blurted, and when you saw the slightly startled look on his face, you tried to backpedal. “Not in a weird way. You’re just very um, the opposite of me, and everyone wants you. It’s kind of discouraging.”
“Discouraging?” He repeated, a confused look on his face as he tried to understand your babbling.
“There’s just-” you weren’t going to admit a thing until you heard what you needed to from him. “Wait did you ask me to come here because you wanted to clear the air, or…”
He cleared his throat. “I wanted you to come here because I think you’re cool.” You couldn’t help but laugh. So, he had said that. You smiled at him, a smart retort on the tip of your tongue, holding back the fact that you thought he was pretty cool, too.
But he kept going. “Yeah, I think you’re cool, and that your smile is gorgeous, but I also think that you’re incredibly smart. I like the articles that you write for the paper and that you’re really good with words. I think it’s nice that you tutor people for free around campus even though you could charge a lot. I think it’s cool that you didn’t rat Bucky out about the graffiti even though you saw him do it. I think you’re pretty awesome, and I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while now,” He admitted, talking even though your jaw dropped.
You couldn’t believe it. You physically could not believe it. Steve Rogers, the apple of everyone’s eye and honestly the one and only of yours (no matter how much you previously denied it) just gave you more compliments in thirty seconds than you gave yourself all year.
You supposed it was your turn to talk. “I thought you were looking at me because you didn’t like me,” was all you could say, forgetting all about your craving for hot chocolate.
He looked mildly appalled? “No, not at all. It’s just… I always wanted to talk to you, but you’re always so focused, and I didn’t want to ruin it. I felt wrong every time I came up to you.”
The golden boy of the university really liked you? It was too perfect. It was impossible. But apparently it wasn’t. Your heart was nearly beating out of your chest as you registered it all, and then one thought was in your head as you cracked a smile. Screw you, Maximoff.
“Steve I… honestly, you intimidate me.” He frowned. “You’re so- I guess I can admit this now that you said all of that, but you’re perfect. It scared me, and it kind of still does.”
“I have flaws,” he disagreed lightly, tapping his fingers on the table.
“What’s that?”
“I have really bad social anxiety-”
You gasped. “Liar,” when he looked at you like he was offended, you grimaced. “I’m not calling you a liar, I’m basically just saying no way, me too.” He brightened up.
“Why do you think I only go like three places on campus?”
He looked around the coffee shop with a small smile on his face and then looked back to you. “Make that four,”
“Make that four.” You repeated, smiling at him softly. You took a look at your surroundings and noticed that you still hadn’t gotten your drink yet. “Oh, yeah. What kind do you like?”
He grimaced a bit, looking at you from across the table with his pretty, blue eyes. “It’s um, it’s kind of embarrassing.”
You shrugged. “Don’t be embarrassed, I just get hot chocolate.” He leaned forward with a smile and lifted brows, sincerely excited about what she said.
“Me too.”
The rest of the date was nothing short of amazing. They drank two hot chocolates each, he paid for the first, and she the second (even after all of his insisting that he would rather pay). You talked about anything and everything, and you realized that Steve Rogers was actually really smart. He wasn’t as book smart as you were, but he knew a little about everything, and he was apparently a jack of all trades (but he didn't want to admit it, because he hated bragging).
He was nothing short of perfect. The good kind.
You extended the date to about three hours, and when you finally had to head home, it felt like three minutes in his warm presence. He opened the door for you, and you were slammed by the cold.
“Damn,” You breathed out, and he immediately shrugged out of his brown leather jacket and put it on your shoulders. You looked at him incredulously, trying to hide your surprise and the butterflies in your stomach with a question. “You’re not cold?”
He grinned at you. “I don’t really get cold much.” You slowly shrugged into it, and you melted at the warmth.
You walked together to your dorms, picking up conversation from the coffee shop. You couldn’t get over that it was all so natural. It felt so right and so easy to talk to him after that first awkward hump that you two had placed yourselves. It felt like you just, linked, all of a sudden. You adored it. You could see that Steve did, too.
He was standing in front of your door with you when you finally stopped talking, slight disappointment coming when you realized that this was it for the night. Maybe for forever. What if it hadn’t gone as well as you thought it had? Would he want to do this again? You sure did, after all that resistance.
You shrugged his jacket off, but only got halfway when he held his hand out, smiling down softly at you. “No, keep it.”
You felt the whole zoo come out and into your stomach. “A-are you sure?”
“Mhm,” He said, an innocent grin that you were coming to love way too fast on his face. “You look cute.”
Your head shot down as you felt yourself get flustered. “Thanks,” you murmured quietly, smiling again when you heard his hearty laugh. You looked back up at him. “Thank you, for tonight. Thank you for asking.”
“Thank you for agreeing,” he countered, soft voice somehow still echoing in the halls. “I don’t think I’ve ever been on a date like this.”
“I know I haven’t.” And then, he did what would have made your heart stop, if it would stop beating so fast in the first place.
He took your hand in his and brought it up to his mouth, kissing the back of your palm gently, a fleeting touch that was just enough to make your brain have a malfunction. You swore that you saw a smirk on his face for the smallest of moments, and then he was stepping back with his typical smile. You loved that smile, now.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“G-goodnight!” You replied a little too loudly, causing him to laugh again. You did too. “Goodnight,” You repeated, this time in an exaggerated whisper as you unlocked your door and let yourself in, casting a glance at him one more time before shutting the door behind you.
Wanda’s reaction was immediate, and expected. “Oh my god, you’re wearing his jacket!”
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yanagiin · 3 years
𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
a!peter parker x o!reader omegaverse au, seggs
contains-marking/biting,bondage,oral (m&f),unprotected seggs(on the pill)
“Yo penis parker!” Flash yells from the other side of the cafeteria. When Peter didn’t pay mind to what the other was going to say, Flash throws a meatball to the back off his head. The young hero was having a bad day as it is. Plus the fact that Ned is not there to suffer with him, leaving him to eat lunch alone to run some errands before the next period.
“What do you want Flash?” Peter says, not turning around.
“How does it feel not to have an omega?” Throwing his arm around the brunettes shoulder.
“I don’t know you tell me.” He says shrugging off the arm on his shoulder.
“Oh? So you do have an omega, bet she’s a nerd like yo-” Before Flash could finish his last word, he was kicked to the ground. Peter turned around to be met with you.
“geez for an alpha, you’re pretty pathetic for bullying. maybe i should try it too.” A young girl intervenes and proceeds to step on Flash’s back.
“Who the hell are you?!” She walks in front of flash and leans down to meet his eyes.
“Hi! I’m Y/n Stark, Peter Parker’s omega” she says with a malicious smile. She steps on his back again running to her beloved alpha. Others were in awe, her body underneath a blue long-sleeve crop with a white mini skirt and white high tops. Some would think she is a model. The other alluring fact was her scent. Out of all the omegas present, her own stood out the most. A strawberry scent that makes you crave.
“PETER!!” She jumps into the said boy’s arms and gives him pecks all over his face.
“Y/N!” He chuckles at his girlfriend’s clingy actions and sets her down to give her a kiss on the forehead. “I thought you were going to work for your dad?” Wondering why she was not in the lab with his boss, Mr.Stark.
“Yeah but, he said I should spend my last year of high school having fun and sent me here.”
“Wait wait. You’re-” Flash says, now off the ground and pointing a finger at Y/n slowly drifting it to Peter. “Dating that?”
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because he’s a nerd, loser, ugly, pathetic.” She felt her boyfriend’s grip on her waist loosen, she walks out of his arms. “Ha! See she was just ly-”Interuppted again, a meatball was shoved down into his mouth. Walking back into her boyfriend’s arms and burying her chest, her head in the crook of his neck. “Don’t ever let go again you bitch”
“Yes ma’am” Peter replied kissing her temple. They started to head out of the cafeteria hand in hand. Flash comes up from behind to grip Y/n’s butt, but he was stopped when Peter’s hand gripped flash’s wrist with such strength and bringing him face to face. Such hatred and anger in the brunette’s eyes. “Touch her once, and I’ll break all the bones in your body.” He said in a low voice
The young girl knew her boyfriend would protect so she turned around and flipped Flash of with two middle fingers. “Suck dick bitch” She stuck her tongue out. This made Peter laugh and push Flash to the side. He walks up to his girlfriend, who is still taunting Flash, and squishes her cheeks.
“Come on now, you’re dad will scold me for you getting in trouble on your first day.” He said turning her back to face forward and interlocking side by side. Once they were out of anyone’s sight.
“That was hot” Y/n says, smacks and grabs his ass, with no shame.
“Y/N!!” Whipping his head to meet her eyes, he blushes harder seeing the lust in her eyes. His becoming the same. “You have no shame do you?”
“Nope!! Now, one more class then lets go home.” Now back to her usual self. Heading to their next class.
“Wrong way y/n”
“I knew that” Going the opposite way she was first heading.
“Is May home?” Y/n asks as they both enter Peter’s apartment.
“She won’t be back till tomorrow or Monday” He says fixing both their shoes as she flops and spreads out on his bed.
“Haahh… it’s finally the weekend.” She giggles as Peter flops on top of her in between her legs. He wraps his arms around her waist and snuggles his face into her stomach.
“So that’s Flash huh? Kind of a loser” the boy on her stomach laughs and picks her shirt up to place playful kisses on her tummy. Placing a few hickies here and there. She runs her fingers through his hair and grips a little once he gets higher.
“Can we do it tonight?” Licking the valley of her chest.
“Yeah” She silently moans out. He moves to suck on one nipple and fiddle with the other one between his fingers.
I feel myself start to grind up into his growing bulge in his pants. Trying to get any friction going on. He grounds his hips down on mine. He groans and releases my nipple with a pop. He licks his lips as his hand starts going down to my soaking core.
“You’re so wet baby.” He goes to pull off my clothes leaving me just in my underwear. Going to my neck and starts licking and sucking, knowing exactly where my sweet spots are. I start running my hands in his shirt, insisting he removes his clothes too.
“So eager huh baby?” “Shut up” Once he’s left in his boxers, I bring his lips to mine as we go into an intimate make-out session. He slowly pulls down my underwear and my strawberry scent fills the air.
“Fuck baby, you smell so good bringing his head down to lean on my collar bone and starts rubbing on my cl!t.
“Stop playing Peter.” I moan as he sticks a finger in.
“Woah! It just slipped in, it looks like we don’t need foreplay today.” He stands to remove his boxers and get back on the bed. I was picked up and straddled his lap. He picks me up and positioned me on top of his member. I guide it using my hand as I slowly start to sink down. My back arches and leans back to grab his ankles for support.
“Shit. Baby it’s so deep. Please move” He listens to my pleas and slowly starts thrusting in and out. My breasts moving in rhythm with our hips. All that can be heard is the slapping of our skin. The mix of our strawberry and cinnamon scents together.
He leans forward to suck on the other nipple and abuse it just like the opposite side. His hands now supporting my body, I run one hand through his locks the other encouraging his hips to go deeper. The coil in my stomach builds up fast. I start clenching around his member. I felt him twitch
“You’re sucking me dry baby.” He pulls out and lays me down on my back. He gets on his knees and roughly thrusts back in me, pulling me by my waist. Peter’s tip kissing my cervix. I tell him I’m going to cum and he says he’s close too. He twitches again when I clench around him for the second time and we both release. My legs start shaking vigorously as I orgasm. He pulls out and watches his come spill out of me. I swipe my fingers on it and lick it. He gets hard and red quickly.
Now, on my hands and knees, I feel him start spreading the come dripping out all over my thighs and cvnt. He digs into his nightstand and quickly grabs his webshooter. He grabs my wrists and lets my top half fall and bond my wrists behind my back.
“You look so good right now love” His member quickly slips in and pulls my hands to move me on him. He moves my hair to see his mark on the back of my neck. Seeing this, I feel him grow bigger. His nose taking in my scent and marks spots on my backs. He sneaks back up to my neck and bites his previous bite that was healed from when he first marked me.
I moan and scream his name as he arches my back and rub my nipples on the sheets. We both come as he throws me off his c0ck to look at my shaking pleasure. I look up to see the blood on his mouth and wipe it off with the back of his hand. He leans down to press kisses on my cheek and heads out to start a bath.
I was drawing shapes on his knee as he washed my hair from behind. I hissed at the shampoo touching my fresh bite. He apologizes and rinses my hair. After he carries me out, and onto the counter wrapped up in a towel. Moving my hair to apply cream on my neck, amused that when people see this, they know you are his.
“You didn’t have to go too hard.” I pout pretending to be mad and turn my back to him. He wraps his arms around me, spooning me and laughs.
“Now they know who’s mine.” I laugh with him and turn around to meet his eyes. Brown eyes shining under the moonlight. I bring my hands up to his face and dance my fingers on his smooth skin.
“Goodnight alpha…”
“Night night omega”
It was gym for the first period of today and luckily y/n and Peter had the same schedule.
“Penis parker, where’s your little ‘girlfriend’? Are you sure she’s not forced?” Flash back to his annoying self. Finding it hard to believe that the nerd had a hot, rich girlfriend. He went back to changing into his gym clothes but turned back around when he heard Peter and ned’s conversation.
“Woah dude you got a cat and didn’t tell me?” On peter’s back, prominent fresh red scratches on his back.
“Nooo- OH yeah yeah uhm aunt may brought her in last night.” Quickly he pulls his shirt over his head, wanting to change the subject. Feeling the stares of his classmates. Peter leaves the locker room just to be met with others looking at him and to his girlfriend. Wearing the gym uniform. Marks littering her neck, thighs, and calves. Her hair was still down covering the bite mark.
“Love! What-” The young girl gives him a slight glare leaving chills down everyone’s spines.
“How am I supposed to cover this up!?! I really want to play volleyball in gym today too!” He sweatdrops at his girlfriend but blushes when she ties her hair up into a ponytail. Not only him who blushes but, almost everyone around them start blushing red and turns away. He runs back into the locker room and runs out with a jacket. He sees Flash on the floor with his girlfriend stepping on his back.
“Yo Petey! He was being a loser again and it was getting annoying. Let’s go I wanna stretch before we start playing.” He shakes his head and helps her put the jacket on. They walk away stepping on Flash and into the gym.
“Good luck kiss?”
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myriadxofxmuses · 2 years
[ FIVE CALLS ] for Ethan
The phone bounced against the palm of his hand as he paced through his living room.  The tv droned on softly in the background.  His siblings' laughs could be heard along with their friends' drifted through the air as they swam in their pool. Everyone was out enjoying the sunshine while Ethan was cooped up inside, ready to explode from anger over the recent lull in acceptable prey.
He needed a fix and he needed it fast. His mind raced through a myriad of women who would be a close second to his chosen type, but would ultimately be an allowable substitute, thus sufficing his need until one could be found.
His thumb scrolled through his phonebook until slowing down when his eyes caught sight of Rose's name. A smirk tugged at his lips.  She was quite a contender when it came to the finalists in his game.  She knew more about him than anyone else - having seen his most sacred secret with her own eyes. She knew enough to end him should her little black heart ever desire and that was mrore terrifying than his actual, inevitable death.
He clicked into her contact info and pulled up the number, ready to touch call, when Kelly's name overtook the screen.
"Kelly!," he said with expertly feigned joy when he answered. "I was just thinking about you," he seductively lied. "That offer for Netflix and chill still stand?" An evil smirk overtook his lips when she expectedly said yes, offering a time to meet. "Sounds good.  See you then," he said hanging up the phone. "Guess fate has decided to save you my little raven," he mused at Rose's name when it returned to the screen before clicking it off and getting ready for his night.
His entire family sat at the dinner table, a rare occassion, discussing the upcoming familial event of the year - the grand Harrison family reunion.  A get together Ethan despised since he was a child.  It was a bunch of nobodies with the same last name that he had to pretend to care about.  He didn't even know most of their names and yet his parents insisted on the whole lot of them going and participating in such an antiqudated tradition.  Why coudn't they just all admit they cared even less than he did about this bullshit?
To save face, that's why.
"I don't see why I have to bring anybody," he countered his mother's request, picking at the food on his plate.
"So people don't think you're some weird homo," his sister teased, Ethan glaring her way. "Although I'm pretty sure you're too weird even for them," she added with a smirk carryign devilish undertones. 
"Fuck you nerd," he countered feebly.
"Ethan, language," his mother tried correcting him.
"Oooo ouch," his sister said feigning offense. "Take you long to come up with that?" she asked rhetorically.
He simply rolled his eyes and continued trying to ignore her. "I'm not bringing anyone to witness this disaster of a family," he insulted, motioning to not only them, but the rest of the clan. "It's bad enough I have to show up.  We don't know any of those people. Why does it matter?"
"You know why it matters," his brother chimed in, focusing more on his food than them.
"Yea, yea, reputation, tradition, blah, blah, blah. Well, I don't care about any of that. Just leave me here."
"You know we can't do that," his father started.  "We are a family and I expect us to act like one. One weekend with us won't kill you Ethan."
"It just might," he grumbled.
"Stop being so dramatic and buck up," his dad ordered. "We all have to deal with this and so do you. So if your mother wants you to have a guest like your siblings, you'll find one. End of story."
And that was that. 
Ethan angrily pushed away from the table and stormed off to the guesthouse he'd claimed ownership of - or rather the space his parents allowed him to use.  He yelled out in frustration when the front door slammed shut.  He was fuming. 
Here he was, a grown ass man, still relying on mommy and daddy and forced to obey their rules.  If it hadn't been for their substantial bank account he would have walked away from all of this years ago.  His financial dependance sickened him, but it was the one and only sacrifice he beleived in making.
"You want me to bring a date mommie dearest?" he asked the air as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts to Rose's name. "Then a date you'll get, but I don't think you'll be very happy with my choice of mate," he said through grit teeth as his thumb hovered over the number.
A fleeting thought passing through his mind made him hesitate hitting call however. He was trying to ruin the reuninon by bringing the loudest outcast he knew, but what if it made Rose think there was more between them? What if there was? After all, she was his first choice when the demand for him to have a plus one was given. Did that mean she was actually important to him?
No. It couldn't.
He shook the pondering thoughts away and scrolled back through his phone book and dialed a for sure, no strings attached, wham bam thank you of a maam date - "Kenzie, my favorite girl," he lied with convincing desire when she answered. "Free for some fun this weeknd?"
His head rolled back against the couch. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. His hands heavily found their way to his face and drug themselves across it, letting out a small groan. His world was reeling - alcohol and barbituates his poison of choice for the evening, feeding his recycled need to end his existence.
He forced himself to sit forward and stared at the blank television attempting to steady his double vision, the room around him buzzing in and out of focus. It wasn't that he felt any kind of remorse or regret for his actions.  Nor was it any sort of depressive feelings that drove his suicidal tendencies.  It was the heavy realization of life's mediocrity. 
Money, girls, friends, cars, clothes. He was free to come and go as he pleased, never having to worry about the consequences. For all intents and purposes he had it all. But he wanted more than easy nights and lazy days. 
He wanted a challenge.
And life was pointess witht one. Cheating death had just about the highest odds of failure, winning allowing for the satisfaction of his needs.  But it never lasted.
Sloppily he grabbed his phone from the coffee table and blinking his eyes clear he dropped his gaze to the screen. 
Usually when he was deep within a therapy session he just waited for the darkness to swallow him whole, only worried whether or not this would be his first loss. Tonight however was different.  Tonight a million thoughts ran through his mind.  Tonight a million things he wanted to say just in case came rushing to the forefornt.  Tonight he worried about losing.
He unlocked it and pulled up her name. His eyes began to flutter, weighed heavily with sleep as his toxic cocktail began seeping through his veins. He opened her contact info, a momentary half smirk trying to lift his lips at the irony of Ethan finally feeling like he had a heart when he was trying to stop it.  A slow chuckle escaped him as he fell sideways onto the couch, his phone dropping to the floor before he could hit call and tell her what she'd done to him.
"Aarrggghh!" he roared, roughly tossing the woman's body into the chair and hurriedly strapping her in.  Searing pain shot through his side with every movement. Once she was secured he finally looked down at its source. Two long prongs of a sefl protection keychain stuck out of his side, buried six inches deep.  He angrily yanked it free with a gutteral growl, keeping it securely in his hand once removed. 
He harshly grabbed the woman's face and forced her back awake. "Look what you did bitch!" he snarled, forcing her to look at the heavily bleedin wound before forcing her attention back to him. "This could have been so easy for you, Kenzie," he said through grit teeth. "All you had to do was put out and you'd be sound asleep in your cozy little bed, home, right now.  But noooo. You had to be a fucking cocktease WHO ATTACKED ME WHEN I GAVE YOU WHAT YOU WERE ASKING FOR!!"
He grimaced, shifting to stand and gare down at her.  His hand instinctively went to cover his wound, the metal of her weapon cold against the hot blood seeping through his shirt.
"You know, it's not every day someone such as youself is graced with the presence of a Harrison. Let alone all of us. A nothing fuck was the least you could have done for such an opportunity.  Why else do you think I invited you in the first place?" he grumbled rhetorically, his chest heaving from both fury and pain as he glared at her.
Her whimpers turned to sobs as he stood before her, covered in blood and terrifyingly manic. His body quivered from adrenaline as it electrfied his veins.  His blood boiled as he glanced once more at his side.
"Should just gave it up," he said with a eeriely calm huff of a chuckle as his eyes watched the blood pour from his side. "You should have been the good little slut that you are," he growled bringing his attention her way before jamming her own protection through her throat.
He stumbled away toward his table of tools and fished his phone out of his pocket.  it took three tries to unlock the screen, his blood covered fingers' touch unregistering.  His eyes quickly looked to his side as his thumb instinctively pulled up his recent call list, a choked back grimace of pain falling from him as her turned to lean against the table. 
His sight began to blur and his head felt as if it was swimming. He needed help. And fast.  
He couldn't focus on the names scrolling past, passing Rose's name more than once as he searched for it.  Tossing the phone on the table he forced his feet to shuffle across the room to a second, much smaller table, almost hidden in the corner - dropping to its chair and opting to stitch himself up instead of waiting.
He dropped onto his couch with a sigh and turned on the t.v.
Talk show.
Judge show.
Talk show.
Kid shit.
Each channel was worse than the last.  He switched over to Netflix and began scrolling through his list of movies, all just as unsatisfying, not a single title catching his interest.
Hulu was a bust.
And Tubi was just as useless. 
He settled on a documentary he'd seen a million times, tossign the remote next to him on the couch.  He pulled his phone out and began scrolling mindlessly throgh his socials as he ate his takeout, the t.v. softly droning on in the background. 
He needed stimulation. The thought drove his thumb to back out of TikTok and pull up his phonebook, silently deciding which girl to offer the chance to do so.  Ashley? No, too clingly. Erin maybe? Eh, too basic. Mary? Too stupid. Susie? Too innocent.
None of the names flying by his gaze did nothing for his temptations.  He ate another bite of food, going back to the beginning with the thought over that new girl. The weird gothy bitch as Cole had so eloquently called her.  Ethan hadn't shared his setiment, but she was new so it was his duty to get her number before anyone else. And that he did. 
He found the newest addition to his list possible booty calls and hovered over her name.  Taking another bite of food he pondered whether he really wanted to take that step with her. To invite her into his life and onto the waiting list for a tour of his inner sactum down by the lake. She did seem like she'd be fun to say the least. Something tugged weakly at him when the image of their bodies tangled under the sheets flashed through his mind.  Something miniscule that would, unknowingly to Ethan, grow to a nearly overwhelming weight. That something was true desire, though he ignored it, unconvinced the newbie was worth the wait or the effort of finding out.
Deciding against calling her, he shut off the screen to his phone and tossed his food onto the coffee table. He changed the t.v. to his favorite skin-o-max channel and just took care of himself, going right back to being useless and bored once finished.
"We really do have our pick tonight, huh?" Taner half shouted over the music. 
Ethan leaned on his elbow against the bar as eyes scanned the club before them - one group of girls after another empowering themselves by proving dressing like a slut doesn't make you one. And one group after another being infiltrated by males intent on proving them wrong.
He smirked and lightly chuckled to himself. "We sure do," he said just before drinking.
"Mm mm mm," Tanner added, lustfully sizing up his options.
"You look like a dickhead," Ethan teased when he saw the look on his friend's face. "But you are one, so I guess it works," he poked further, taking another drink.
"Yea and you're a douche," he countered.
"Can't argue with that," Ethan feigned agreement, laghing. "You find her yet?"
"Yea. I think so," he replied, his gaze locked on a blonde he motioned at not far ahead. "Wish me luck asshole."
"There's not enough in the world for you to score her, but have fun trying," he half lied, tipping his glass his way. 
He finished off his drink and ordered another, leaning on the bar as he waited.  He pulled his phone from his pocket and began mindlessly swiping left and right, bored out of his mind.  He thanked the bartender for his drink with a small nod and turned to leave when he was stopped by a bruntte.
"Not going to buy me one?"
"Buy you what? A drink? Now why would I want to go and do that?"
"You swiped right," she said wiggling her phone and motioning to his with her eyes.
He looked down and saw that he, in fact had done so.  "It's the least you can do before you try and get in my pants don't you think?"
A smirk tugged at his lips and he quickly closed out of the app, unknowingly dialing Rose in the process. "Yes I do," he drawled out slightly as a plan for the evening began to form.
Perhaps this night wasn't as shot as he thought.
He flagged the bartender down. "I gotta say, for someone as beautiful as you," he started flirtatiously. "You sure are a cheap date if only one drink is all it takes to get a taste," he added as he closed the gap between them. "Must not be very good if you give it up that easily," he added challenging her initial confidence with him.
He gave her his most convincing, non threatening smile. His hand found its way to her face and cupped her cheek, her hand covering his instinctively. His aura forced her eyes to remain locked with hishe newly served drink ignored. He bit back at his bottom lip as his eyes danced to hers.
"How about a preview?" he asked rhetorically, bringing his eyes back to hers.
A soft smile tugged at her lips as she let out a shuddered breath, nodding slightly.  He let his smile widen before pressing a kiss to her lips.  Her tossed a twenty on the bar and grabbed hold of her hand, leading her out to his car - unbeknownst to him that his phone was recording his hungry, passionate fuck session the entire time.
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Rewind Chapter 11 - Epilogue
“Will I remember any of this?”
Ford paused, hands stilling on his workbench as he considered the question. “…I don’t know.”
Stan swung his legs idly from where he was perched on another table in Ford’s lab, watching the nerd fiddle with his vials. One of them had a glimmering rainbow liquid in it that kinda looked like unicorn blood. “You said when I was an adult we were fighting. Do you think we’re just gonna keep fighting?”
“We’ll always be fighting a little bit.” Ford hedged.
“No, I mean real fighting. Not just arguments and stuff.”
“Then… no, not if I have any say in it.”
“Good.” Stan folded his arms. “Adult me kinda sounds like a jerk, so you gotta tell him I said to be nice. And you’ve been kind of a jerk too, so you also have to be nice.”
“I doubt a grown-up you will follow the instructions of a baby.”
“Hey! I’m not a baby!” Stan found a crumpled piece of paper nearby and lobbed it at Ford’s head. He missed, but it was the thought that counted. Ford let out a huff.
“Don’t throw things when I’m working with chemicals, Stanley. Unless you want me to spill it on myself and also turn into a baby. Then who would cure you?”
“Not a baby!”
Stan didn’t throw anything else, though. Only because there was nothing nearby to throw.
“I honestly don’t know how much you’ll remember.” Ford admitted after a while, twirling a test tube to mix its contents. It looked pretty boring for what was basically a magic potion, just clear and grey. It wasn’t even bubbling. “You might completely forget everything that happened when you were de-aged. In which case, I don’t know how I’ll explain everything.”
“Just start with the story of how I defeated an evil dream demon. It’s the coolest part.”
“It’s the most exciting part of the story,” Ford allowed, “But not the best place to start.”
“It’s the hook! That’s the best part of a story, you know.”
Ford lifted the boring test tube up to inspect it in the light. When Stan looked closer, it didn’t seem as clear – as he watched it was slowly getting cloudier, more silver than grey. He vaguely remembered something about that from science class – did that mean there was a chemical reaction? Or a physical reaction? He could never remember the difference between them.
Ford stared pensively at the vial, and after a few moments Stan cleared his throat. “Is that it?”
“Yes.” Ford started to turn to him and then hesitated again. “You just have to drink this to go back to your real age. I… hm. Are you ready? Do you want to have something to eat first? Or maybe go to bed and have it in the morning?”
Stan blinked. “It’s gonna make me older again, right? Why wait?”
“Well, I don’t know.” When Stan made grabby hands Ford relented and handed over the vial. It was cold to the touch, like it had just come from the fridge. Stan stared at the thick, silvery liquid and wondered what it would taste like. “When you touched water from the spring of youth you passed out for several hours. The same thing could happen now, so we should move you somewhere comfortable before you drink-”
Stan tipped the vial and swallowed its contents in one big gulp. Ford shrieked.
“Stanley! Why would you do that?”
It tasted kinda like dirty, metallic oranges and Stan screwed up his face. “Ew! Couldn’t you at least make it taste nice?”
Ford retorted something, but the sounds were a bit wobbly in his ears. Stan blinked hard to try and make his vision make sense. It was just a little bit off, fuzzy in the corners of his vision.
“…getting dizzy?” Ford’s voice swam through the air, thick and swampy, like Stan was breathing treacle. “…lie down…”
And then, quick as blinking, he was on the floor. That was rude, for the world to just flip over like that. Everything was clouds and Stan was very, very sleepy.
Something else was said, but he was too far away to hear it.
When consciousness came – and it did come, as much as Stan wished he could sleep forever, dragging him up from the depths of hazy dreams he couldn’t remember – he knew exactly where he was.
There were soft sheets against his back, the faint whistle of wind through the pines outside, the taste of copper on his tongue. The spare bed felt smaller, now, and when his head shifted his stubbly cheek scratched against the pillow. It smelled faintly like dust.
“Stan? Are you waking up?”
Okay, that was Ford’s voice. But, there was still the possibility that this had all been a weird, vivid dream! That’s right, everything from the last couple days had been a dream. There were no gnomes, no dream demons, and in a moment Stan would open his eyes and be back inside the Stanleymobile.
He cracked his eyes open, blinking at the assault of light, and saw his brother’s face looking back at him.
“Stan? Are you alright?” Ford was tapping his cheek, looking for a reaction. Stan grumbled and brushed him away.
“I’m fine. Hands off the merchandise.” His voice was rough with sleep, and Stan was almost surprised by how deep and gravelly it was compared to the childish squeaking he’d been doing lately.
Ford made a face, somewhere between worried and amused – an expression that Stan was familiar with from the last couple days. Dammit. He just had to remember all that. Ugh, and now Ford would want to talk and get all mushy.
“I’m fine.” Stan repeated, with nothing else to say. He got up on his elbows, and a quick glance around the room confirmed they were in the spare room he’d been sleeping in the last couple days. Still, he asked. “Where are we?”
“How much do you remember?” Ford asked urgently, making Stan blink. “Since you arrived here, I mean.”
“Uh… nothing.” He lied, like a liar. Ford’s face fell.
Yeah, there was no way he could tell the truth here. He would die of embarrassment if he had to admit he remembered acting like a child and being all…sappy. Ford would look at him all weird and they would have to talk and that was just… ugh.
“Yep! I just remember getting here and then – poof! Nothing.” Stan went for a carefree laugh. “Man, did I get hit on the head with a coconut or something?”
Ford lowered himself onto the edge of the bed, looking crestfallen. “No, not quite. Do you – remember the argument we had?”
Nope, nope, feelings alert. Stan did not want to delve into that conversation.
“What argument? Probably about you being a nerd, huh? Jeez, am I hungry, you got any food in this joint?”
Stan was already throwing the covers off (thank god he was wearing a nightrobe underneath, he didn’t think his pride could survive another hit). Ford spluttered as he got to his feet.
“Will you slow down?”
After a couple tests which were obviously unnecessary (but Ford insist on anyway, the nerd) Stan was finally free to pull on some actual clothes and follow Ford to the kitchen. He hadn’t been lying earlier, hunger really was gnawing in his stomach, and he made a beeline for the fridge.
“-and so you were reverted back into a child,” Ford continued. The guy had absolutely no showmanship. Way to lose an audience, Stan muttered to himself as he grabbed the fridge door. He’d told him to start with the demon bit, but noooo. “That was a couple days ago. There have been some – well, it’s been eventful. I doubt you’ll believe me if I told you.”
“You’d be surprised.”
“By the way, my friend is on his way.” Ford added. Stan ducked down to inspect the fridge’s contents – at least it was better stocked than when he first arrived. He hummed in acknowledgement. “You – well, I suppose you won’t remember him. You’ll like him though. You did.”
“Is he a nerd liked you?”
Ford snorted.
Stan grabbed a box of leftover pasta and then went in search of a fork. “Well, let’s hope this Fiddleford guy can tell stories better than you, ya almost put me to sleep with the way you tell it.”
When he turned around, Ford was staring at him.
It took a moment for him to realize his mistake – by the time Stan opened his mouth to spew out some bullshit excuse, Ford was pointing an accusing finger at him.
“I didn’t tell you his name!”
“Yes you did!” Stan spluttered. “I mean, how else would I know his name unless you told me, huh? You ever think about that?”
Ford narrowed his eyes. “Stanley.”
“Stanford.” He parroted right back. The staring match continued for a few moments before Ford threw up his hands.
“Unbelievable! You’re such a liar.”
Stan took a large bite of pasta. Because he was hungry, not because he didn’t want to answer. Ford glared at him.
“I should have known you’d try to wriggle your way out of this. ‘I don’t remember’ my ass. What, were you just going to leave and pretend none of this ever happened?”
Stan shoveled more pasta into his mouth.
“Don’t think you can avoid talking with me. We are having this conversation whether you like it or not.”
‘No, we’re really not’ is what Stan meant to say. Unfortunately, the moment he took a breath to speak he started choking. Ford scowled and thumped him on the back as he coughed, getting bits of pasta all over the kitchen floor.
“Unbelievable.” The nerd said again.
 Well, so much for that.
Stan squirmed under his brother’s glare – the whole ‘pacing and towering over him while Stan sat on the couch like a scolded child’ schtick was uncannily similar to what their mother would do when they earned her ire.
“So.” Ford began. “You remember childhood.”
“Yep.” Stan grumbled.
“Your adult life?”
“Mm hm.”
“The last couple days here and everything that occurred while you were reverted?”
Ford stopped his pacing to turn to him. “Then why on earth did you try to pretend you didn’t? We even made up!”
Stan buried his face in his hands to try and hide its burning. “I don’t know! I knew you’d try and get all…” He shuddered. “Mushy. Feeling-y.”
Stan could just feel the flat look his brother was giving him.
“Okay, fine, look. You forgave me for breaking your project, I forgave you for being a jerk. We’re good. Now, I’m just gonna head home-”
“You’re homeless.”
“You don’t know that!” Stan looked up from behind his hands to see Ford folding his arms. “I could have a, a house, a mansion even!”
“You have a mullet.”
…okay, Ford had him there. Stan scowled. “What’s the plan then, smart guy?”
Ford’s eyes gleamed, and he immediately regretted asking.
“I’m glad you asked, Stanley! I’ve had plenty of time to think over these last couple days. First of all, the Duskertons are looking for someone to help around their store, and no one in Gravity Falls cares much about credentials – I’m pretty sure the man who works at the post office is just a bunch of gnomes in a trench coat ­– so your lack if identification shouldn’t be a problem if you’re looking for a job. There’s also Boyish Dan, his family owns a logging company and I’m sure you could get a place there if you wanted. You’re welcome to stay in my house for as long as you need – I’m sure there are some places in town if you want to rent instead, though. If you choose to stay I might ask for your help in some of my research, since Fiddleford has decided to take a break from studying Gravity Falls, which I don’t blame him for.”
Stan blinked, but Ford wasn’t finished, ticking things off on his fingers as he went.
“I’ll also need to keep you under observation for a while to ensure that there are no side effects from the fountain of youth water, so I’ll ask you to stay around for at least a couple days. If you decide to leave Gravity Falls after that period, you’ll need to give me your phone number so we can keep contact. Oh, scratch that, I’ll make a new one – I’m sure I can work up a design that isn’t as flimsy as the current models going around.”
Stan was saved from having to answer (answer? There wasn’t much of a question but Ford was looking at him expectantly and he didn’t know what he was supposed to say) by a light knock on the door. Ford perked up and rushed to answer it.
“Am I intruding?” Fiddleford’s hesitant voice rang out. Ford shook his head and stood aside to usher the smaller man inside.
“Not at all, come in. It’s good to see you.”
Fiddleford stopped in his tracks when he laid eyes on Stan on the couch.
Ugh, he was already getting a headache. Now came the judgement. Stan looked like a mess, he knew he did – unshaven, with bags under his bloodshot eyes and ragged hair and old scars crisscrossing his arms. Some small, childish part of him wanted to jump up and hug the guy. Gross. Instead he shoved down the nervousness, stood, and gave him a lazy two-fingered salute.
“…Stanley?” Fiddleford tilted his head, eyes scanning him. Stanley shrugged uncomfortably. It was weird, towering over the small guy like this.
“Well, you grew up big. The spittin’ image of yer brother.” Fiddleford gave a little smile and stuck out his hand. “Pleasure meetin’ ya, officially this time.”
“Eh, you too.” Stan shook the offered hand. It was small, frail, but gripped his firmly.
“So are you stickin’ around?”
Stan hesitated. He glanced from Fiddleford’s earnest face, to his own rough hand, to Ford’s careful expression – the look of someone trying hard not to look like they were listening.
“…yeah. Yeah, I think I’m gonna stick around.”
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Day five of Horror on Cherry Lane Challenge! Today’s prompt was monsters!
Little brat’s been in the school ten minutes after the bell.
After they both broke curfew, Max staying out late trick-or-treating and going to one of her little friends’ house to trade candy, and Billy crashing at the lingering party until he was sober enough to come home and not get his ass kicked, they were supposed to be straight home today. Used up all their free time for the week apparently.
Max knew that this morning, he already told her to forget about the damn AV club. If he had to cancel on whatever chick he was going to take out (was it Carol? No, Carol is Tommy’s girl. Fuck he doesn’t know anybody yet) Max had to give her shit up to.
He gets bored of waiting for the little twerp and tosses his cigarette to the ground, marching in there his damn self.
Only time he’s ever been in this building was to pick Max up from AV. His dad made him come all the way inside and give his assessment on the teacher. Asked (slapped him and demanded it) that he do so to check on Max. Just to be sure. Like he cares.
But it works out anyways that he knows the way now that Max has decided to disappear and it’s up to him to track her down. Only problem is he gets there, and the room is empty. Not even just that Max isn’t in there, there’s no damn kids or teacher or nothing. Just a knocked over lamp and some shit on the floor.
He ain’t trying to hunt her down, but he has to get her back home in like, the next half-hour, and she’s somewhere she ain’t supposed to be. The school isn’t very big, half the damn building is closed off for the school board to use, so there isn’t much ground to cover.
He’s not trying to get himself arrested either, so he makes quick work of the school, checking all the places Max might be. Still, he comes up empty, and he’s about to just give up and let whoever she was with keep her when he sees something scurrying across the floor out of the corner of his eye.
It’s not really any of his business whether or not the middle school is infested, but it catches his eye for the wrong reasons.
It’s a gnarly little thing, a cross between a frog and rat or some shit, but Billy’d recognize that thing anywhere. It’s a fucking monster, crawling around the halls of his sisters school.
Purely on instinct, he tracks the thing to where it cornered itself, taking advantage of the fact that it’s still small and growing into its demon teeth to stomp on the gross monster. He stops once he’s positive it’s dead and not just faking him out like they do sometimes, he’s not gross or something, but he nearly jumps out of his skin when behind him, Max shouts, “Billy!”
He turns, ignoring the pile of goop that was one of those things to face his, apparently, from the flush on her cheeks and the bitterness in her tone, “Jesus, shitbird. What is wrong with you?”
He’s hardly even got the question out before Max snaps at him, “Why would you kill it!”
“Do you even know what that thing is?” Billy raises eyebrows, no patience for Max telling him what to do, but she counters with something that surprises him, “It was Dustins, he discovered it, you jerk!”
“Yeah, no. These things’ve been around longer’n any of us have been alive. And I don't care who found it first. They’re fucking monsters.”
“How do you even know what he was? You killed him.”
“It. Not him. Don’t humanize them.” Billy hisses, warning Max, “And anyways, I seen some shit kid. Don’t ask. And don’t play around with anymore of these little fuckers. Give ‘im a day or two ‘n he’ll be the size of a gray wolf. Another month or so and he’s seven feet tall.”
“But what is he?” Max demands stubbornly.
Billy answers simply, “Something you don’t want anything to do with.”
By now, the rest of Max’s friends have followed the sound of her yelling to their little showdown, and it’s Dustin, the owner of this thing, that chimes in, “But wait, does that mean you know?”
“Know what?” Max huffs, but she gets ignored, Billy firing back at Dustin, “Do you?”
All four of the kids nod at once. Billy sighs deeply, “Jesus, how the fuck did a bunch of little kids get caught up in this bullshit?”
“How did you?” These kids aren’t very original coming back at him with his own questions like this.
Again Max interjects, being left out of the questioning just making her more confused. “Excuse me, but what exactly are we talking about?”
But again nobody acknowledges her, Billy busy answering the boys’ questions.
“Had a friend came from that lab. You know about that part too?” He clarifies, getting three attentive nods, and this time one disapproving scowl, as he explains, “Well the monsters followed ‘im. Through their portals and his head and shit, they were out in California too. That’s how I know I was right to kill that thing.”
There’s a moment of stunned silence before Mike insists, “I don’t believe you.”
“I don’t know, man. How else would he know about everything?” Lucas shrugs, exciting Dustin and promoting him to ask, “Do you think he knows about Eleven too?”
“I’m still here too you guys. What is going on?” Max interrupts, serving only as a reminder, Lucas turning the conversation back to Billy as he asks, “Why haven’t you told Max?”
Billy smugly tries their little deflecting shtick on them, “Could ask you the same. Why are you showing her the monsters if you ain’t gonna tell her jack about ‘em either? I was keeping her safe. You assholes were keeping her stupid.”
Max interjects, “Hey!”
“No, that’s not fair. We had to sign an NDA.” Dustin corrects, very matter of fact for a kid who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
“Yeah, me too kid. It wasn’t any secret that number six escaped. I’ve had those assholes watchin’ over my shoulder for years and I didn’t even do anythin’.” Billy feels like he’s having a trauma competition with a bunch of middle schoolers, and he hates it. His tone is harsh as he demands, “Which brings us into, what the hell did you do to get caught up in all this?”
“None of your business.” Mike spits, but for the first time in the conversation, Will chimes in, “I got taken. By the demogorgon.”
“Okay. What’s that got to do with this, kid?”
“The demogorgon is what we called the big one. Before El killed it.” Lucas explains.
“Look, I don’t know who El is, but believe me when I tell you, you brats don’t know nothing. There ain’t just one of those, you know. Every last one of those annoying little fuckers like the one I just squished’ll turned into a ‘big one’.” They all look collectively defeated by that, maybe because he knows more than they do, or maybe just because they didn’t want to admit it was that bad.
But none look more ghastly than Will, who barely manages to inform them, “That’s bad. Last night, I heard them while we were trick-or-treating. They were everywhere.”
“Then we’re gonna have to do something.” Dustin declares determinedly, but Billy shuts it down right away, “No. Seriously, what the hell? All you sorry little punks are going right the fuck back home and pretending none of this never happened. If you don’t provoke ‘em, they’ll stop.”
“But they weren’t provoked when they took Will.” One of then argues, but Billys ignoring them now, turning back to a no less calm Max, “I don’t care. I ain’t doing this shit all over again. Come on, Maxine. Gotta leave your little friends to their baby ‘demogorgon’ and their world saving bullshit.”
Max scrunches her face up and argues, “Um, did you forget that I still have no idea what the hell is going on?!”
“Honestly, yeah.” Billy admits, “But s’better if you don’t ask questions. Now if you please, we gotta go.”
“No. You’re being a jerk.” Max crosses her arms and glares at him, a clear sign shes refusing to leave with him.
Billy just shrugs, “M’always a jerk. Thought you’d know that by now.”
“I do. And that’s exactly why I’m not listening to you. If my friends are going to do something, I want in on it.”
“Look what you little fuckers did.” Billy grumbles at the boys before trying to reason with his sister again, “Max. We only got fifteen minutes out of an almost half hour drive to get home. Come on.”
“This is so much bigger than that! I don’t care what your stupid dad says, I want to do something!” Her attitude gets on Billy’s nerves. That’s definitely deliberate if the spite gleaming in her cold eyes is any indication.
“You don’t even know what it is!”
“Then I deserve to find out!”
Billy sighs deeply, done doing this with a bunch of little kids in over their heads, “You know what, fine, but we’re stoppin’ at a payphone and you’re gonna be the one to tell my old man I’m takin’ you out for.. I don’t know, fucking ice cream or some shit. And if we get in trouble, I’m blaming you. Deal?”
Max smiles to herself at having gotten one over on him, “Deal. Where are we going though?”
“I dunno. Ask your nerds. S’their big fucking idea.” Billy grumbles, matching Max’s bitterness.
“We’ll have to call a meeting.”
“Will my basement work?”
“No offense, but I don’t think he’s getting past your mom.” Dustin nods towards Billy, the older boy rolling his eyes even though he’s not wrong, then offers, “My mom doesn’t like visitors. Maybe Will’s?”
“Yeah, Mrs. Byers will let anybody come over.”
“And she already knows what’s going on.”
They all nod again, and Billy rolls his eyes at them again while Lucas relays their decision to Max, “Alright, meet us at Will’s in an hour.”
“Why that long though? We’re all here right now.”
“Gives us time to cover our tracks, shitbird.” Billy hums in response to Max, stepping forward and asking, “What’s the damn address?”
This ‘meeting’ the twerps called was pretty much everyone in this hick town that knows the same dirty little secret as he does getting together in a tiny house and panicking. Billy and Max get fully interrogated like, a dozen times, once by the damned chief of police himself, all the while everyone is coming up with theories and plots and arguing. So much fucking arguing among this lot.
It gets to be too much pretty quickly, day five in this place and he’s already having to jump back into some of the worst things that ever happened to him. None of these people realize how big this is. Especially not the kids who just think it’s badass to fight monsters.
He leaves without telling anyone, or without anyone noticing among the chaos, to the back porch to light one up. There’re ashtrays all over the house he could use, but looming smoke in that cramped little kitchen wasn’t going to be any better than watching it curl upwards to the stars. So outside it was.
He leans against the wall, gaze fixing straight to what’s above him. He doesn’t notice the presence of another person until he hears them speak, startling slightly at the sound of a voice breaking the calm silence of a humid November night.
It’s Steve, sitting on a rusty and banged up glider at the opposite end on the porch, lit up just like he is. “So, uh. I guess you’re a part of this now?”
“I guess I am.”
Steve just nods and responds simply, effectively ending the conversation, “Right.”
But that’s not satisfying to Billy. He might appreciate peace more than what’s going on in that house, but he doesn’t like empty silence either. “What’re we all awkward like this for, Harrington? Spit out what you’re thinkin’.”
“I dunno, man.”
Billy frowns, prompting, “Come on. I know them gears are turnin’ over there. You've been quiet since we all got here.”
Steve looks away from him, but he does answer, “I dunno it’s just.. We’ve lost so much. People died because of this. People I knew. And I don’t like that anyone else is involved I guess.”
Billy scoffs, “Even me? You don’t even know me other than the asshole you met at the party last night.”
“So? What do you mean even you? I don’t want anyone anywhere near those fucking monsters. Could be my worst enemy and I’d still save them. I’d protect anyone from those things.” The haunted look behind his eyes, which seem so tired the longer Billy looks, tells Billy everything he needs to know.
He doesn’t mean to sound so soft when he asks, “What makes you so confident you can? Save ‘em I mean.”
“I fought a demogorgon myself. Well, not really by myself. Nancy and Jonathan were there. But I took a nail bat to its fucking face. Like hell I’d just let one of those things get anyone. Even you.” Steve
Billy flicks away his burnt out cigarette, sitting next to Steve on the old glider. “That’s real touching H, but I ain’t letting nobody sacrifice themselves for me. Need I remind you I’ve fought these assholes too.”
“But you told the kids you didn’t. Said it was all your friend.” Steve looks at him, sort of doubtful, but Billy blows off the remark, “No shit Sherlock. I ain’t airing all my business to any nosy brats like them.”
“I get that, but.. “ Hesitantly, he clarifies, “Is.. your friend, you know, even real?”
Billy must look at him like he grew a second head, “Shit, man, you think I’m one of those freaky experiments? No way. ‘Course he was real.”
“Oh. You said ‘was.’ Does that mean...” Steve’s voice trails off, sparing him hearing the words out loud.
“Don’t know. He got caught about two years back. Haven’t heard from him since. They might’a brought ‘im back here, they might’a killed him. I dunno.” Billy shrugs, picking at his nails while he talks so he doesn’t have to acknowledge Steve, or the fact that he’s even admitting this shit to him, “That’s why we’re here in Hawkins though. Susan’s got family over in Hope and a little ways up by Indie, so I suggested Hawkins. Just to come see where he came from. Get some closure I guess.”
“Guess he was really important to you then?” Steve smiles softly, but Billy only sighs through his nose, “You got no idea, Harrington.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I’m sure you’ll meet someone like him again.” He offers.
Somehow that sentiment immediately sets Billy on edge though, something about his tone implying that he knows, knows him and six were more than just friends, and Billy really doesn’t want to face that kind of monster tonight. He snaps, suddenly defensive, “What the hell’s that s’posed to mean?”
Steve’s face falls a little, evidently surprised by how upset Billy is, and he tries to fix it, “Oh I just thought that, the way you talked about him- and you look so sad when you do- that he was, you know, special to you.”
“So what? You gonna leave me to the monsters or some shit for that?” Billy growls, quickly warranting more defense from Steve, “What? No way. No I.. I get it, Billy. I do. More than you probably think I do.”
Billy half nods, his shoulders untensing as he slowly recognizes Steve’s genuinity. He mumbles eventually, working through what he needs to in his head to be comfortable talking openly with him again, “Didn’t expect to be getting relationship counseling too. That your assignment on the team, mister romance expert?”
“Shut up. You’ve never seen me swing a bat before.”
“Oh believe me, I cannot wait to.”
Steve’s smile returns, something Billy is personally glad for, though he might not be ready for that realization yet. He bumps their shoulders together, to hold Billy's attention and let him know he’s genuine, “Still, in all seriousness man, I hope you can find someone else like that for you. I know it’s not really easy pickings around here.”
This time, Billy’s tone is light, his features soft and vulnerable for the boy next to him, for the way he makes him feel less weighed down, less alone in this, “You got no idea, Harrington.”
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Physical Fatality Part 1- Respectable
Summary: You’re a rising star in All Might’s agency. Hawks is the darling of Endeavor’s. By virtue of your job descriptions, the two of you are supposed to hate each other, or at the very least be cautiously neutral. For a long time that’s exactly what the two of you did. You stayed out of each other’s way and formed little opinion of the other. One fateful night at an HPSC gala changes all that.
If you don’t want to see Physical Fatality content blacklist #hopelesspf
This story will have multiple NSFW parts so it is 18+ ONLY minors dni
You sit down at your desk staring almost blankly ahead. “Hey Katsuki, can I borrow your hoodie really quick?” you ask the man whose desk has been next to yours for almost a year now and who just so happens to be the number three hero. He looks at you, then the leather jacket you’re clearly wearing, and raises an eyebrow. “What the fuck are you talking about?” he asks. “Bakugo. Hoodie. Now,” you try again, extending an expectant hand out to him. He notices the diamond engagement ring that had made its home there for the past couple of months is gone so he takes off and hands over his hoodie. “Thanks,” you tell him giving him a smile, before carefully folding up the hoodie and then promptly shoving it in your face to muffle your frustrated scream.
“Are you ok (y/n)?” a different voice asks full of concern. You lift your head out of the sweatshirt to find a freckle-faced man hovering in front of your desk. “I’m fine Midoriya,” you sigh. “Liar,” Bakugo scoffs. You glare at him before throwing his hoodie at his face. He still manages to catch it, the bastard. “You and Monoma broke up didn’t you?” he asks without missing a beat as he puts his hoodie back on. Midoriya’s eyes get wide as he turns back to you to confirm. “Yea, we did. For good this time,” you relent. “What happened?” Midoriya asks with sad eyes. God you’re too sober for his pity, but you’re also still at work so you guess you’ll just have to power through because there’s no way he’ll drop it now. “The usual. We fought and he got mean the way he always does. I just finally had enough,” you shrug. “Don’t do that (y/n), you know you can talk about it with us,” Midoriya insists, grabbing a chair from a nearby desk and pulling it up to yours. As he sits down you realize there’s no talking your way out of this. The lower ranking heroes were taking all of the patrols today so the three of you had plenty of time to go over your failed engagement.
“Fine! Geez, he basically called me a slut with no friends,” you finally admit. “What? None of that’s true!” Midoriya protests. “It’s kind of true,” you shrug. “Bakugo and I are your friends!” Midoriya insists. “Don’t rope me into shit you damn nerd,” Bakugo scowls. “He said you two don’t count cause you’re my coworkers and I almost never see you guys outside of work,” you reply. “That’s just because we all basically live at work,” Bakugo says rolling his eyes. “So we are friends then?” you smirk at Bakugo. “What are you on about?” he scowls. “You didn’t contradict the friends part of that sentence,” you point out. “Obviously we’re friends, dumbass. Shouldn’t have to fuckin tell you all the time,” he huffs, slightly embarrassed by the admission which makes you laugh. “You know you’re not a slut either,” Midoriya cuts in. “Nah, she was definitely a slut.” “Kacchan!” “What? If anything she should go back to being a slut. She was way more fun then,” Bakugo shrugs. “I agree with Bakugo on this one. Monoma is an asshole and I never would’ve gotten engaged to him in the first place if All Might hadn’t pressured me into a relationship with him,” you point out. “Wait, All Might is the reason you two got together?” Midoriya asks. “Did you not know this story? The tabloids were eating me alive because of all the one night stands. Monoma was the quote, unquote ‘perfect opportunity to make me respectable’ and get the tabloids off my back. I didn’t care but the agency has a reputation to maintain,” you explain. “Speak of the devil,” Bakugo suddenly says. You turn to see where he’s looking only to groan as you notice your now ex-fiancé storming into the room.
“We weren’t done talking (y/n)!” Monoma shouts as he rapidly approaches your desk. You quickly spin around so your back is facing him. “Do you think he’ll go away if I pretend I didn’t see him?” you ask Bakugo conspiratorially. “Doubtful,” Bakugo scoffs. You groan in response just as Monoma finally gets to your desk and spins your chair around to face him. “You’re being unreasonable, just take the ring back,” he insists as he holds the obnoxiously large diamond out towards you. “No Neito, I told you we’re done,” you sigh. “You don’t mean that. Baby, please,” he begs and it’s starting to tug on your heart a little bit. For one tiny moment you think maybe you’re being too harsh. After all, in spite of the circumstances from which it all started, you had grown to love him over the years of your tumultuous relationship. For just one moment you consider saying fine and taking back the ring. Then Monoma does what he always does: he opens his stupid fucking mouth. “I could make you golden if you’d just show some respect,” he promises and it’s so ludicrous you could almost laugh. Almost. “You know, I’d tell you to shove that stupid ring up your ass but I’m afraid it would never fit with your head already stuck so deep in there. Fuck off Monoma,” you tell him.
He looks like he’s about to protest again but Midoriya and Bakugo both are stood beside you in an instant. Having the number one and number three heroes as your closest friends has its perks. “Walk away extra,” Bakugo warns, his palms sparking. You see the green sparks of Midoriya charging up his own quirk out the corner of your eye and you’re sure Monoma must be shitting himself at least a little bit. “So you’re trading me in for some of the wondrous 1-A boys then?” he asks and it makes you roll your eyes so hard it’s a wonder they don’t fall out. “No Neito. I’m just done with you and your bullshit,” you insist. “Please don’t go away,” he finally begs as one last ditch attempt to win you back. “It’s too late,” you tell him. He opens and closes his mouth a few times before finally giving up and walking away.
When the door finally shuts behind him you sag in relief with a sigh. “Did he just refer to you guys by your class name from fucking high school?” you ask in disbelief as Bakugo and Midoriya finally relax and go back to sitting. “He did,” Midoriya sighs. “Jesus Christ I almost married that guy. I was prepared to have kids with that guy!” you groan. Midoriya gives you a reassuring pat on the back. “Why couldn’t All Might have tried to set me up with you instead Midoriya,” you pout. “O-oh! I’m flattered! But uh I really don’t think of you that way. Not that you’re not attractive or anything! I don’t mean it like that! Just yknow I see you more as a sister and uh-“ he stutters as his face goes red. His rant is cut off by the sound of your laughter. “Oh my god, Midoriya relax! I’m kidding! I know you’re very happy with Uravity. The two of you are adorable together it’s disgusting,” you assure him. “Hey why’d you say that shitty nerd over me?” Bakugo cuts in with a raised eyebrow. You roll your eyes. “You can’t fix my reputation Bakugo. The only reason you don’t have to fix your own is because you’ve had the same shitty one since high school so it’s just part of your brand now,” you point out. Bakugo doesn’t particularly like that answer but you’re not wrong so he doesn’t contradict you. “Whatever, at least there’s that dumb ass HPSC masquerade thing tonight,” he grouses. “How is that an ‘at least’? Those things suck,” you groan. “They aren’t that bad! A bunch of the retired heroes are gonna speak!” Midoriya tries to encourage. “That’s exactly why it’ll suck,” you sigh. “Wrong as usual, dumbass,” Bakugo smirks. “Oh really? Enlighten me then oh wise explosion murder god,” you say, turning to face him. He glares at your use of the old moniker but decides to give you a pass this time since Monoma was such a brat. “You only hate them because you’ve only been with the stupid respectable copycat where you had to make stupid respectable small talk to create a stupid respectable reputation. This time you’ll roll in with us, we’ll get drunk on the company’s dime while Deku fusses, and we’ll be anything but respectable. Fuck being respectable,” Bakugo asserts. “You know what? Fuck it and fuck being respectable,” you agree. Bakugo grins at you as Midoriya looks between the two of you concerned. “I guess you earned it,” he sighs and your grin only brightens.
Tonight is going to be one to remember.
Author’s Note: I honestly feel like Monoma is more of an asshole here than he is in the anime/manga but I mostly just needed someone to fit into this role and I couldn’t bear to have any of 1-A do it cause I love them too much so here we are 😬
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Meeting and Dating Brian Johnson
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(Not my gif)(Requested by @bloodrosered )
(Up next is the Austin Powers headcanons I promise!)
- You meet Brian in detention. You’re one of Allison’s only friends and she managed to convince you to come and hang out with her. You’d never been to a weekend detention so you figured you’d give it a try, your best friend was there, how bad could it be?
- When you got there, Bender immediately started to flirt with you. Andrew was preoccupied with talking to Claire, and Brian... well Brian was staring at you.
- Bender takes notice of his staring and after he does he’s all sarcasm and asshole jokes from then on.
“Is she a part of the physics club too?”
“Wha? N-No, why?”
“We’ll you’re looking at her like she is.”
“I’m not looking at anyone.”
“Do you want to get in her pants Brian? Wanna feel her up? How about you sweets? Would you like Brian here to feel you up?”
- Allison tells him to shut up but she’s kind of amused. Brian feels like there’s steam coming out of his ears with how hot his face is. He’s so afraid that he’s blushing and making a fool of himself in front of you.
“Sure, why not? Sex is all ‘nerds’ think about isn’t it? Makes them good in the sack.” Allison joins you as you laugh.
“Well Brian... go on, make your move. She’s given you permission.” Bender smirks at him as the boy turns bright red.
- The two of you chat a bit during detention, learning more about each other and connecting on some things. By the end of the day you sort of feel something for the boy.
- When detention is over he nervously stops you outside and asks for your number. He’s shuffling awkwardly and his cheeks are pink, it’s really quite adorable. He melts at the sight of your smile.
- On the car ride home he’s staring at the numbers written on his arm and wondering if he’s dreaming or not. He can’t believe he went to detention and came out with a girl who actually thought he was cute.
- When he calls you the next day he almost expects the number to be fake. He still has to jump around his room, phone in hand, to round up the courage to call the number regardless of his suspicion. He gets yelled at for making so much noise from his jumping.
- You pick up just in time to hear him yelling an apology to his parents. You awkwardly asked who it was and he couldn’t help but smile when he heard your voice even though he was slightly embarrassed. You can’t deny that you had the same reaction when you heard his voice.
- He asked you out to the movies, a horror movie. He didn’t anticipate that it would be the worst movie that either of you had ever seen. The both of you were laughing at the excessive horribly fake looking gore and crappy acting.
- You were so bored that you just leaned over and kissed him. He’s shocked but kisses back although it’s sort of messy and awkward since he’d never kissed anyone before. He learns quickly though and it’s better than watching the movie.
- When you pull away you go back to watching the movie with a little smile. You’ll probably have to pull his arm around your shoulder since he’s too shy to do it himself.
- By the end of the night he kind of expects you not to want to see him again. He thinks he’s totally fucked up his chances but then you kiss him on your porch and tell him to meet you at the school doors in the morning. He can’t believe his luck, he’s smiling and jumping around all the way home.
- When you first start dating he tries to impress you a lot. You have to reassure him that you like him just the way he is.
- Allison thinks you two are cute and jokingly says you should thank her for finding you a boyfriend. She’ll still brag that’s shes the one who got the jock.
- Brian is a little too shy for Pda but he’ll hold your hand or wrap an arm around you occasionally. You’ll have to kiss him if you want one.
- He does calm down around you, you’re actually able to get him to goof off and be himself without being embarrassed.
- Study dates. He never minds helping you with your homework.
- When the two of you are cuddling he likes having you as close to him as possible.
- Dancing together.
- Every week you get together and watch movies, comedies are his favorite. He has a collection and he insists that you watch all of them with him at least once.
- He’s the pouty kind of jealous. He just mopes around and feels bad whenever he thinks you’re interested in someone or someone’s interested in you.
- Obviously he can be pretty insecure at times. He can’t believe you would go for a nerd like him in the first place and actually stick around after getting to know him.
- You guys probably smoked together at some point. God knows he needs a little something to help him relax.
- You help him loosen up and teach him that it isn’t the end of the world if he has a little fun. What his parents don’t know can’t hurt him, right?
- He compliments you a lot. He just wants you to know how great you are.
- Cute bashful smiles.
- You probably join some of the clubs he’s in to try and spend more time with him.
- Borrowing his jackets and sweaters. They’re all really soft and smell like him, he thinks it’s cute that you like to wear them.
- Double dates with Allison and Andrew.
- You occasionally talk with Carl the janitor because of him. The two of them are friends so by default you form a sort of friendship with the man as well.
- Sometimes he’ll quote old plays to you, he’s a fan of Molière.
- Hes not good with sarcasm. Be kind to him for he is a mere child, full of innocence and naivety.
- Going to rallies with him, he’s very passionate about the state of his country.
- Helping him get a proper fake ID...so he can vote.
- Pulling him in by his scarf for a kiss.
- He doesn’t like conflict and will actively try to stop you or his friends from arguing/fighting.
- He’s tried to cook you dinner and it’s either gone really well or really badly. He is confident in his spaghetti making skills, everything else is murky water.
- He’s usually pretty hesitant and anxious so he’ll ask you a lot of questions about what you’re doing or for your opinion on things.
- Standing up for him against bullies. You can practically we him melt whenever you do.
- The people in your school are kind of assholes and have definitely asked you why you’re dating him. Some even go as far as to say that you should date someone more popular or “in your league”. You tend to not tell Brian because you know it won’t do anything besides upset him.
- Although he has found out about it and surprised you with the question of whether you’d leave him for someone “better than him”.
- Sometimes you’ll just have to reassure him that you love him. Everybody needs a little reminder, especially when things get tough.
- Arguments hardly ever happen between the two of you. You rarely get mad at each other in general.
- You say ‘I love you’ first. He’s glad because he’d definitely be too nervous to say it before you.
- Allison threatens to beat his ass if he hurts you. He’s kind of afraid of her.
- Dates are going to movies, the arcade, and diners/fast food places; just fun things that you can do without blowing all your allowance/paycheck.
- Brian kind of has no backbone and is easy to manipulate. All you really have to do is compliment him and he’ll do whatever you ask. Be nice to him, he trusts you.
- You explain that he doesn’t need perfect grades to be considered a valuable human.
- Always knowing how to cheer him up and make him smile.
- You’re both just really supportive of each other.
- Unless you’re in the physics club or a straight A student His parents probably don’t like you because you distract him from his studies and seem like “a bad influence”.
- Depending on how confrontational you are, you’ve probably stood up to his parents before and they’ve banned him from seeing you. He’s afraid to defy his parents but they get rid of the ban after his grades drop and he’s miserable all the time.
- When he’s finally allowed to see you again he kisses you really hard and hugs you tightly. He almost seems scared to let go of you. His parents tolerate you after that but there’s still a bit of tension; it’s a love hate relationship.
- He can be pretty cheesy sometimes because half of his romance tactics are from movies and word of mouth by Andrew or Bender.
- At some point he’s asked Allison; she takes pity on him and genuinely tells him to just be himself because you love him for him. She surprisingly never tells you about this conversation.
- You find out from Brian later on and thank her. She just rolls her eyes and says the boy is hopelessly in love with you. You smile and say you feel the same about him while she pretends to gag.
- He loses his virginity to you at some point.
- He definitely wants to marry you in the future, get a good job, maybe have some kids and a cat or something. He just knows he wants you and whatever comes with loving you.
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amphii-writes · 4 years
Random Haikyuu Head Canons I Have
these are all taken from my discord server cause i remember to write them there, if you want to request fanfics, my requests are W I D E open! there is also nO order! these are just all the headcanons i could find tbh
warnings: mentions of blood, and just overall wild times, swearing
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Asahi loves knitting sweaters because his shoulders are broad and he also loves seeing the reactions from his teammates when they get a sweater from him! He says he buys them but he doesn’t
Aone likes knitting socks because he has big feet and he loves fluffy knee high socks but his team will never know
Asahi and Aone regularly hang out and knit together! (after asahi wasnt scared of him anyways)
Nishinoya gives you shiny rocks he finds because “your eyes shine like them!”
Yamaguchi likes to have your head rest on his chest while cuddling!
Aone likes to bake
Aone dressed like a polar bear because koganegawa told him to- halloween was amazing
Daichi secretly can make some kick ass steak and is amazing at grilling sorry
Okay but real talk, Kenma and Yaku swear like sailors and it scares everyone because they always whisper the most foul, insulting things under their breath. Hearing it is like seeing a cryptid
Speaking of cryptids, Fukunaga and Shibayama are THE most true crime, mythology, and mystery obsessed fanatics on the team and often fanboy about it together 
Fukunaga’s obsession with moth man has gotten to an unhealthy stage
Kenma absolutely had a vampire phase and has read twilight. Only Kuroo knows and has sworn to secrecy via blood pact
Kuroo’s a musical nerd. Knows all of the lyrics to Hamilton, BMC, DEH, Heathers, Rent, Beetlejuice, Etc. Kenma considered dropping him because of it
Iwaizumi tells the worst dad jokes and Kyotani, wanting to beat him, started doing it too and it drives everyone insane
Yahaba and Matsukawa get along surprisingly well. Both are true crime freaks and bond over their forensic files obsessions
Matsukawa didn’t really like his thick eyebrows so he got one of his female friends to pluck it for him, but almost cried and gave up after the first hair. Oikawa called him a pussy for the next year
Hanamaki jokingly flirts with everyone on the team so most of them just got used to it, but it still confuses Kindaichi to the point of mental breakdown
Makki called Kyotani ‘puppy’ as a joke once and now mad dog is truly terrified of him
Kyotani’s dog absolutely ADORES Oikawa and it’s the funniest shit to the rest of the team
Mattsun and Makki play DnD and once convinced Yahaba and Kyotani to join. Kyotani kept rolling to fight everyone and Yahaba was a bard that kept rolling to seduce everyone. They kept yelling across the board so they had to kick them out
Outside of his school uniform, Goshiki specifically wears only plaid
Tendou makes little chocolates for the whole team every once in a while so they don’t think he’s scary
Semi and Shirabu once had a fistfight in an abandoned McDonald’s parking lot while Tendou filmed and Goshiki cheered them on
Everybody makes fun of Shirabu’s haircut but nobody dares to say it to his face. its gotten to the point where they say he got it done by a blind old lady
There’s a running joke about Shirabu also getting his haircut from prison but Goshiki is starting to suspect that it may not be a joke
Yamagata and Tendou are good friends with the mutual goal of collecting as much blackmail on their team as possible
Tendou loves animals generally considered to be ‘ugly’ like rats, crows, reptiles, etc.
80% of Goshiki’s playlist is shit overplayed on the radio. Him, Shirabu, Tendou, Kawanishi and Ushijima have a permanent ban from the aux cord
Nobody watches YouTube with Ushijima because he never skips the damn ads (other than tendou)
Suna once said y’all’dn’t’ve unironically and made a first year cry
Akagi once said UwU unironically and had an identity crisis.
Osamu has one of those rainbow gaming keyboards and is constantly on a discord call. Atsumu always yells weird shit in the background to embarrass him and once pretended to be him
During Seijoh group chat arguments. Hanamaki and Mattsukawa like to drop facebook minion memes in just to piss everyone off even more
mattsun and maki both have separate photo albums in their phones labelled ‘minion memes to piss everyone off’
Hinata carries a pocket knife and no one has no fucking idea why
mattsun and maki both have matching rat fursuits that look like they actually where in a sewer- they chased oikawa around
For all his talk of plant analogies and metaphors, Ushijima cant grow shit
Goshiki’s Bangs are the way they are because his favorite character was Rock Lee from Naruto
Oikawa has watched Ouran High School Host Club front to back so many times and he can quote all of Tamaki’s lines by heart -He keeps bothering Iwaizumi to “be his Haruhi, since you’re shorter than me”
Koganegawa has definitely gone as an Angry Bird for Halloween
Fukunaga has those reflective cat eyes, and he has terrified Yamamoto on several occasion
Hanamaki and Matsukawa have a teddy bear that they pretend is their child and they share custody
Suga always sprays whipped cream straight into his mouth whenever he sees a can
Nishinoya definitely bit people as a kid
Nishinoya would be the guy to wear shorts all year round and even if it's snowing, he'll insist he's not cold
Tendou is still stuck in his emo phase and would fangirl over Creepypasta with me and I appreciate that (me too buddy, me fuckin too)
Kyoutani LOOKS like he’d listen to viking death metal, but in reality he listens to Mother Mother and knows all the words to Ghosting
Sugawara would definitely encourage me to dumb shit and not stop me, and you’re all dumb for thinking he wouldn’t 
KENMA IS NOT ‘uwu owo’ SHY, HE IS ‘your fucking gross’ SHY SO LITERALLY STFU
Bokuto listens to Nicki Manaj. And knows all the words. To every. Single. Song.
Ushijima for some reason knows an odd amount of 90′s-2000′s R&B and he will hum along to the songs if they come on the radio (he also loves Dolly Parton) ((he says he relates to her music))
Bokuto once ate instant ramen for an entire month
atsumu let’s you put makeup on him and pretends to eat the brushes (do yk what im talking about- like n o m)
tendou ran for school president as a joke but actually won
i 100% believe that all of karasuno’s third years apologize when they bump into inanimate objects, but when suga is really tired or stressed out, he’ll yell at them instead.
Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Taketora have a group chat called "Bros who want sum hoes" and they send each other hypebeast memes and shit
Sugawara knows how to do a bunch of flexible shit because he sometimes goes to yoga with daichi and asahi's moms, its fucking hilarious
tanaka and noya both breakdance- they work as a team and sometimes go to tokyo for underground competitions- saeko drives them
Daichi knows a little ballet- nobody other than Kiyoko knows because they saw each other at the ballet class and had to work together- dont tell tanaka and noya that he lifted her though
Osamu once put glitter on Atsumu's pillow- he still finds hot pink glitter on shit
kita knits and crochets with his grandma
Kita's grandma knows everyone's names because kita talks shit bout them, her favorite is Aran
Kuroo has burnt his eyebrows off doing an experiment. His goggles didn't cover all his brows,,, so he just showed up to practice like that. No eyebrows and a chemical burn
kenma has played all kinds of games, but he was dared to play corpse party by kuroo. He wasn't scared because of the gore, he was thinking about the trauma the characters went through. Punched kuroo the next day because that game was fucked up
Lev isn't a strong swimmer, so he often grabs people by the head to keep himself up. happened with kenma and lev couldn't walk due to the force of kenmas suprised water kicks
akaashi has those fancy pens that you have to dip in ink and they're so nice
Bokuto has and will eat pencil erasers again
Daichi once almost lost his shit at his team but instead he lost his shit at the door that decided to stub his toe on the way out of the gym. not the best thing to be found yelling to.
Yamaguchi for sure has been dragged to one of terushimas parties because he didnt wanna say no. oh and terushima has like frat boy level parties too. Yams has for sure had some wild nights and doubts anyone other than Tsukishima and the party-goers will ever know
Akaashi can actually flirt very well! He reads romance novels sometimes and has analyzed any and every book in his possession! so he's actually quite charming
Daihsou unironically posted on twitter after mika broke up with him "I still see her shadows in my room"
Mattsun and Maki run a fake oikawa account; its been going ever since twitter even started getting popular and they even started sending messages in spanish. The posts would range from "I love all my fans!" to flirting with them :) Oikawa is pissed cause the account got verified before he did and most of his fans also follow the fake oikawa. Tooru has no idea who runs it JUST IMAGINE OIKAWA JUST LIKE RANTING TO THE SEIJOH 3RD YEAR ALUMNI AND JUST "no Iwa-chan, you dont understand! they run a fake account and pretend to be me!" while makki and mattsun laugh their asses off
Oh, kenma for sure has pretended to be a girl on discord and has gotten someone to buy him stuff. after they do he says in his normal voice "fucking simp" and then hangs up and blocks the other persons discord
Yamamoto, despite his rough appearance, loves kids and has and will be a human jungle gym
suna in middle school had a game with his friends about who could make kids cry the fastest
The twins switched places back in middle school and nobody could tell because of how great they are at acting like eachother
Daichi once arrested coach ukai for public intoxication after a game :|
Daichi has arrested many people from his old volleyball team but the most memorable case was when he arrested tanaka and noya for reckless driving. poor idiots got so scared when they saw their old captains face in their mirror and started to pray
tanaka, while trying to intimidate someone, once said "You dont gotta tell me twice, i may be straight but these hands are bisexual" and he often cringes at night thinking about it
Kageyama, as a comeback to Tsukishima, said "one thing about us royalty is that we love to feast" and he also fuckin hates what he said
the third years made a cult for Kiyoko. they chant every wednesday "i'll do anything for kiyoko, she makes me go loco"
oikawas fangirls are known to be fucking rabid
Makki and mattsun sang two trucks in front of the entire team. everyone was so confused. Makki: "twO TRUCKS HAVIN SEX!!" Mattsun: "oH yEs!"THEY'D SWITCH OFF AND HAVE LIKE CHOREOGRAPHY TOO LIKE THEY'D DO A TANGO WHILE THE SONG IS LIKE "two beer trucks, making love"
tendou once called Oikawa "mr. no-nationals" and got kicked in the shins before iwaizumi could save him
Tsukishima had a my little pony phase
you work with matsukawa at a morgue and he makes dead people jokes while you fix some dead guys face with wax and makeup he'd be like "so didnt he like,,, stick his head out of the sunroof of a moving fuckin car??" he'd be singing dumb ways to die the entire day
i feel like Kuroo has one crazy accident a year. like it might not be deadly but its fucking crazy like for example: Kuroo for sure has ridden in a shopping cart at past midnight with kenma (who pushed him down a hill) causing Kuroo to get scratched up hella well. he lied and said he spent the night with a girl and kenma fucking hated himself cause he would be the girl if that was true
Mattsun has flirted with the 4th years moms before (AS A JOKE), and because of this: he is known as “fuckin milf hunter” sometimes by the team
Warning, this next headcanon is talking about cannabis, weed, mary jane, the zoink root. so if your uncomfortable, please dont read below :)
dude i wanna get high as SHIT with Asahi 
i think Asahi would be one of those mfkers who takes one hit and is gone 
IMAGINE HIM SEEING TSUKISHIMA AND JUST "he looks so judgemental,,, im scared" 
OR LIKE A MAD DAICHI AND JUST "i'm gonna,,, im gonna go jump out the window now" 
Noya and Tanaka would know tho, i feel like they'd have a 6th sense when it comes to weed. they probably get some from Saeko cause she'd rather they do it in the house. they'd smell asahi like fucking dogs and just so,,, big guy had fun without us huh? 
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fookinfandoms · 4 years
When in Rome | Samuel Drake
Part One! Next chapters will most likely have smut. 
Posted on Ao3! Find me on there!
Warnings: Language, mentions of violence.
Taglist: @courtenbae <3
You weren’t sure why Nate had asked for you to fly to Italy of all places. 
But you weren’t exactly complaining. Italy had always been on your bucket list, but you wouldn’t be lying if you thought you’d be here under different terms. The hotels were booked under your name, and Sully had organised the limo. 
It had been some time since you had done any jobs for your friend, and the idea of dressing up always excited you. You were an I.T specialist, and Nate specifically favoured your hacking skills. 
Having hacked the auction system, you had successfully gotten not only your name, but Sully’s on the guest list. Nate insisted he had his own way in, and you didn’t question him.
You had been friends with the Drake since you were both teenagers, having met him when he was running around with his older brother Sam. Speaking of the older Drake, reading over text that Sam was alive and well wasn’t exactly something you were expecting, but it made you happy nonetheless. You hadn’t seen him since before his departure to Panama, and that was well over fifteen years ago. 
Fifteen years. 
You were 34 now, and at 19 years old you were always the butt of every joke with Samuel. He would tease you constantly about preferring the technical side of life, or how your glasses were to big for your head, or how you dressed like a grandma. 
That part of you was gone. Doing the hard labour as well as the hacking was apart of your resume, Nate even using you as a distraction a handle of times during his work. You just prayed that the night didn’t end bad, not exactly liking the idea of having to climb or shoot your way out in such a tight outfit. 
Dressed in a floor length red dress, your back exposed and the neckline a little too deep for your liking, you make your way across the floor with Sully at your side. He was to open a window and let the brothers in and so you excused yourself, making your way to the bar. Your heels clicked against the ground, and you ignored the eyes on you as you stand by a stool. 
Ordering yourself a scotch on the rocks, the bartender makes some comment about ordering such a strong drink, and you laugh him off. It was a ‘look the part - play the part situation’ and he winks at you as you say thank you in Italian. Taking the drink and waiting near the bar, the doors in the back open, and you spot Nathan before you spot Sully and Sam.
He looked good. Unfortunately for you, there was that small part of you that had crushed on the older man. He wasn’t older than you by a lot, but when you were 19, the idea of liking your friends older brother never felt right. Age had been kind to him, and It didn’t help that the added years of muscle and tattoos made your eyes wide. 
Stop it. 
You’re not some horny teenager.
Ordering another drink for Sully, you continuing eyeing your friends before making your way over. Nate spotted you first, offering you a friendly smile as Sully copies him. Sam’s back was facing you, and as you’re about to stand between him and his brother, he turns around. His eyes roam every inch of your body, focusing a little more on the areas that would have earned him a slap had you been somebody else. 
“Well hello gorgeous,” His accent was thicker than you remember, and you thought he was kidding until you saw Nate cringe from beside him. “Can I help you?”
Even Sully frowns at the Drake, and you raise your eyebrow at the man, realising he was in fact, not kidding. “Sam? It’s me… (Y/N)?”
His eyes widen, giving you a once over once more. He shakes his head at you, looking back at your companions as if waiting for one of them to say you were lying. “No fuckin’ way.”
“Yeah, guess getting old is fun huh?” You hand Sully his drink while Sam still looks at you in shock. 
“I asked (Y/N) to give us a hand in all of this, she’s been quite the help over the years.” Nate speaks up, and you smile at him.
“Hang on a minute here, I’m still wrapping my head around the fact that this,” He waves his hand in your direction. “Is (Y/N), our little nerd (Y/N) with the big ass glasses.” He then shapes the glasses with his hands, and you can’t help but roll your eyes. 
Still the same Sam. 
“Yeah, it’s called contacts, they work wonders.” You chime in, and Sam just sighs, his hand sliding over his chin as he looks at you.
“Well you look stunning (Y/N), the years have definitely been good to you.” He, once again, glances at your body, eyebrow raising as you huff at him.
“You’re saying I was an ugly kid?” 
“Not ugly at all, more that y-“ Nate interrupts his older brother, stopping him from embarrassing himself any further. You hate to admit it, but you definitely missed Sam and his stupid way of talking. He had always been the cocky bastard, and you were pleased that prison hadn’t killed that part of him.
“We gotta figure out how we’re getting in that door.” Sully points towards the door behind them, and you eye it, noticing its electronic. 
“Give me a bit and I could get it open.” You offer, and Nate nods.
“That could work, you have your phone on you?” Nodding at him, you pat your small purse, but you quickly pretend to converse with Sam as the exact door you were talking about opens, a waiter leaving. He eyes your little group before making his way to the crowd. 
He places his keycard in his back pocket, and you tilt your head towards it. “Or we could just take the card, that’ll save time.”
“(Y/N) thieving? You have changed.” Sam pipes up, and you wink at him.
“This isn’t my first rodeo.” It was true, you had a number of successful jobs up your sleeve.
“Do tell.” His voice get’s a little lower, and Nate clears his throat.
“We gotta get our hands on that keycard.” He points to the waiter, ignoring whatever conversation he just had to hear.
“Then what?” You ask, eyeing the waiter in the crowd.
“Sam’s going to play dress ups and Nate’s going to cut the power.” Sully answers, and you give him a slow nod. 
Sounded like an easy plan. Both brothers go to move to pickpocket the waiter, Sam letting Nathan take the first attempt. Everybody watches as he sneaks up behind the man, but evidently fails as he walks off. 
“Oh, real smooth.” Sam quips, and Nathan replies something about ‘not even trying yet.’ 
He tries again, and fails once more. The drake at your side chuckles at his brothers failure, looking down at you as he winks. “Wanna see something impressive? Keep watching sweetheart.” 
Sam takes over, stalking the waiter as Nathan rolls his eyes. You cross your arms over, watching as the older brother attempts to pick pocket. Just like his brother, he fails and you chuckle, giving him a thumbs up as he frowns. He tries again, and the waiter turns around, looking at Sam in confusion. He says something to him, and the waiter points to the staircase. 
The Drake excuses himself, making his way back to your group. “That was impressive Sam, I haven’t seen you eat absolute shit in fifteen years.”
He scoffs as the other men chuckle, and you sigh, handing your purse to the older man. Sully takes it, eyeing you as you fix your hair and perk your breasts up in your dress. Both Nate and Sully look away as they awkwardly cough, but Sam watches intently as you roll your eyes at him yet again. 
“You’re gonna do a lift sweetheart?” He asks, and you ignore him, making your way over to the where the waiter was last standing. 
He had walked further into the crowd, and you grabbed a glass of champagne from another passing waiter as you spot him. 
“Does she know what she’s doing?” Sam asks his brother, and Nathan nods before shushing him, focusing on the lift.
You make a beeline for the man, and before you know it you’ve stumbled into him, right hand grabbing the keycard from his back pocket as your left hand raises the glass higher. He turns around instantly, and you’ve already shoved the keycard up your sleeve when your right hand grabs onto his shoulder in a fake attempt to steady yourself. 
"Mi dispiace!” You purposely make the pronunciation sound loose, and immediately his attention is on you. Eyes wandering over you as you give him your best smile. Drama was never your specialty, but men were stupid when it came to a pretty face. 
Your boys watch as the waiter attempts to make sure you’re okay, staring up at you in your high heels. You’re touching his shoulder still, apologising profusely for running into him, blaming it on somebody who pushed you.
“Oh she’s good,” Sam remarks, and Sully nods at him, all still watching you. “Now why can’t you do that Nathan?” 
“Because I don’t have boo-You know what? Shut up.” Nathan scoffs at his older brother, and before he knows it, you’re already on your way back the them. 
Pulling out the keycard from your sleeve, you hand it to Sully, an amused expression on your face. “Never send a Drake to do a woman’s job.”
“Your words hurt me.” Sam holds his hand over his heart, and you scoff at him, nudging him with your elbow.
“Nice work,” Nathan nods at you. “We ready?” 
You all nod at him and as Sully goes to open the door, you stop him, pulling out a bunch of earpieces from your purse. “We’ll still need these.” 
Nate mutters a ‘great’ as they all take one, placing in their ear. You do the same, hiding the piece with your hair. The brothers leave through the door, leaving you with Sully. 
“Testing that you boys can hear me.” You speak casually, your older companion nodding at you as you hear Nate through your earpiece. 
“Loud and clear (Y/N).” His voice comes out clear, and you smile to yourself. 
Sam however doesn’t say anything, and apart of you was worried you had gotten a faulty piece. “Samuel?” 
“Yes princess?” He chuckle comes through, and you sigh. Pet names? Gone were the days he called you four eyes.
“Asshole, answer me when I talk.” You order, not liking the idea of being left in the dark.
“Demanding, I like it,” He replies, and you’re about to say something when you hear a thump, and Sam grunts. “O-Ow, what was that for?” 
Both you and Sully roll your eyes, knowing Nathan must’ve smacked upside the head. 
“Thank you Nate.” You reach for another champagne, Sully sticking close to you.
“Again, your words hurt me.” Sam mumbles, and you go to speak again when an unfamiliar woman comes up behind Sully.
“Hands in the air,” You tense as Sully turns around. “Hi Victor.”
“Hello Nadine, pleasure to see you again.” He greets her, and you relax a little realising he knows her.
She says some more, as does he and you step closer to your friend. The woman, Nadine, eyes you warily, and Sully clears his throat. 
“Nadine, this is my goddaughter, (Y/N),” He then points back at the woman. “This is an old associate of mine, Nadine.” 
“Goddaughter?” She asks, and you nod at her, smiling up at Sully.
“That would be me, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise.” Her accent was thick, and she turns her attention back to the older gentleman, talking more about the event and being dressed up. She offers to buy him a drink and he accepts, and she surprises you as she offers you one, but you politely decline.
She walks off, and Sully immediately warns the boys about her and her organisation ‘Shoreline’. It was an army for hire, but Nadine herself looked like she can handle a fight if need be. 
“Come back to us in one piece boys.” You mumble, taking another sip of your champagne. 
“Have some faith princess, we’re pros.” Sam answers, and you bite your tongue to refrain from bringing up the whole ‘incarcerated for fifteen years’. 
All within an hour, you and Sully had a run in with a Rafe Adler, and at first he seemed alright until he threw Sully’s drink from his hand. He was a rich little daddies boy who had a hard on for Avery’s treasure, and the idea of competition didn’t excite him. 
He even went as far as to try and converse with you, asking why such a pretty thing was hanging around Victor. Rafe didn’t buy the goddaughter story, but he continued talking to you. If it weren’t for Samuel yelling in your ear telling you to walk away, you would’ve stuck your heel in his foot instantly. 
Rafe excused himself when the auctioneer announced they were starting, threatening Sully once more before walking off. 
“Asshole.” You muttered, sending daggers in his direction.
“You alright (Y/N)?” Sam asks, and you notice his voice sounds a lot clearer.
You look around spotting him in a waiters uniform, you nod at him with a small smile. “I’m okay, nice outfit.” 
He rolls his eyes as he lifts a tray in his hand. “Might keep it, you into role-play?” 
Sully clears his throat, and you both chuckle at the man. 
Some time passed, both Rafe and Sully bidding against each other for the cross. You made your way towards the backdoor, waiting for Nathan to cut the power. As if on cue, the power goes out and you open the door, Sam and Sully behind you in what seemed like seconds.
The lift went smoothly. The power turned back on, and you hear Rafe shouting from the other side. As the three of you begin to walk fast, you take off your heels, holding them in your hand as you follow after the men. 
A fight in heels didn’t sound particularly fun, and you stop when you reach a corridor. “Sully,” You nod towards the door. “We’ll get Nathan, think you can get a car ready?” 
“I can do that.” You hand him your heels, and he shakes his head at you, taking them carefully. He runs into the direction of the door, and you bend over, ripping the side of your dress so you could run. 
“Wow-wow, not that I’m complaining but what’re you doing?” Sam watches as you tear the other side, and you kick your legs out, making sure you have room.
“I get those pants are tight, but you try running around in this thing.” 
He thinks over your answer, and you both begin running again. 
After some climbing, window breaking and a gunfight, the four of you make your getaway in a limo, cross in hand.  
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between-two-fandoms · 4 years
Thunder In His Mind
Another Franken Fic for your reading pleasure, brought to you by @thesevenumbrellas and @random-nerd-3, sponsored by the JatP 18 + Discord.
Ao3 link here
cw: past-gaslighting, trauma, ptsd
There's more to Willie than what meets the eye and Alex has to find out in one of the worst ways possible. It's all Willie can do to not fall apart in his arms during a thunderstorm.
The worst part about being a ghost Willie thinks, is - that he knows - is that you can’t really check the weather. There are plus sides to it sure, skateboarding wherever he wants - but not whenever because that’s something Caleb controls - an extremely cute Hot Dog ghost boyfriend? Also a plus to being undead. The weather is an issue though, it had been for years. Ever since the day he died in that car accident. Being dead meant you can’t feel anything physically; you can’t feel the heat of the sun against your skin or the wetness of the rain when it fell from the sky.
The issue at hand is the thunder.
It’s the thunder because the loud echoing booming claps of the storm reminds him of the ear shattering crack that cut through the air when he died. When he skated into the road to save the life of a little girl who forgot to look both ways. “My name is Rose,” she whispered, tightly squeezing Willie’s hand between her tiny fingers. He can remember struggling to breathe - he found out later in the medical report that his ribs were shattered. Another boom of thunder sounded over head and Willie couldn’t help but wince slightly at the sound of it.
“Roses are strong flowers,” Willie managed to say between his hyperventilation. “You need to be strong,” he can remember saying. The shadow touch of the blood caked to the side of his head made him reach up to place his hand against it as he began to scratch at the side of his head.
“Willie?” Alex asked the question as he gently pulled Willie’s hand away from his face. Willie wasn’t dying all over again. He was here in the present with Alex, his amazingly awesome boyfriend who made him question whatever cosmic being ran the universe because in no possible world did he deserve someone as amazing as the drummer. “You okay?” Alex asked again, snuggling closer into him, wrapping his arms around Willie like he was a koala. They’re curled up in the dark corners of a Pride art exhibition together, broke in after it closed early because of the storm. The walls are painted with rainbows, filled with bright colors and Willie could feel hope sneaking through the pain he locked away long ago when he first signed onto the club. It was after hours so they spent time walking through the exhibits acting as each other’s tour guides only to end up snuggling together on the floor once the storm started to get more serious.
He wants to say no I’m not. He wants to say help me Alex, please. He doesn’t though because like Caleb always says, outside of skating he’s a coward through and through. Willie exhales slowly and when he spoke he tried to make it sound like he wasn’t lying to the only person who loved him back. “I’m fine,” Willie says, his voice dry and cracking and he knows Alex won’t believe him in a thousand years. Another clash of thunder sounds overhead and Willie couldn’t help but flinch again, he pointedly avoided looking Alex in the eyes.
“Yeah, I know,” Alex says softly. They were lying so close to each other that Willie could feel the vibrations in Alex’s chest when he spoke. The low timbre of the beat of his heart reminding Willie that he was safe . Reminding Willie that he was loved outside of whatever relationship he had with Caleb. Then Alex presses a soft kiss to the top of his head and whispers, “it’s okay not to be though. You know that right?”
Willie wants to be okay, he wants to keep pretending. That he hasn’t been . He's been dead the longest between the two of them after all, Alex needed him to be his grounding force and he couldn't be that for him if he was weak. But Willie was tired, he was so tired of being a ghost. He was tired because Caleb had been breathing down his neck recently, working everyone in the club to the bone after Alex and his friends escaped. Not that Willie blamed Alex because Alex was kind and Alex was good and he didn't deserve him . But apparently Alex had other plans in mind because suddenly Alex wrapped his arm around Willie and held him close, like he was something cherished, like he was precious . It wasn’t at all like Caleb’s cold shoulder pats after a long night of entertaining the guests or Caleb’s short worded compliments. Alex was warm.
“I’m sorry,” Willie whispers, turning to bury his face into Alex’s sweatshirt like they were a secret meant only for Alex to hear. He lets himself curl into his boyfriend, legs tucked in as close as possible, fingers clinging to the warm familiarity of the pink sweatshirt. He can hear Alex’s heart beating a gentle rhythm over the thunder. Just rest for a moment, Willie thinks to himself, still keeping up his guard. Caleb is going to want him back to the club after the storm ends. He doesn’t want to show up with bloodshot eyes and a tear streaked face - it would be hard for the makeup girls to get him ready for tonight’s performance. Willie waits, his shoulders tense in anticipation but Alex doesn’t speak. Instead he presses his lips firmly to the top of his head, reminding him that he wasn’t alone. For the next few minutes they stay like that, curled into each other with Alex wrapped around him protecting him from the harm of the outside world.
Then lightning flashes and Willie braces himself for the clap of angry clouds over their heads but it doesn't come. Which didn't make any sense because thunder always comes after lightening. Willie’s conditioned to it, anxiety building up in his chest as he waits for the tell tale sound of a car cracking his helmet in two. Willie fools himself, letting Alex's low hum wash over the eerie silence of the museum and then - and then... right when Willie let himself relax completely the loudest fucking thunderclap in the whole world cracks over head and Willie jumps, poofing out of Alex's arms and somehow manages to solidify across the exhibit, knees pulled into himself tightly, his fingernails digging into his skin; a welcome pain to distract him from the onslaught of memories and pressing his hands against his ears in a weak attempt to block out the memories flashing through his eyelids.
In times like these, times where he’s stuck and he’s trapped and he can’t find a way out are the worst. He has to remember though, to remind himself that he isn’t alone anymore and that even though he felt like his world was crumbling around him that it actually wasn’t. That Alex was there and Alex was solid and Alex was - well, he wasn’t alive but he was warm. “Shh, I’m here,” Alex murmured, his voice a blessing in the chaos of Willie’s mind.
“I’m sorry,” Willie whispers again, this time voicing his apology louder. He lets Alex hold him, wrapping his arms around him like he’s a child being comforted. “It’s so stupid I -” Willie starts before Alex cuts him off with a light tsk.
“It’s not.”
“It is ,” Willie insists, unsure of how Alex couldn’t see how foolish it was that he, a grown ass man, was afraid of a little storm. Alex wraps his arms around Willie, rocking him gently to the rhythm of the rain hitting the roof above them.
“You help me when I freak out,” Alex points out and well… yeah he does but that’s different. It’s different because he’s Willie and Alex is Alex. Alex, who never deserved to die just as his dream had become tangible. Alex, who Willie had betrayed and hurt. Alex who he almost lost because like Caleb says… Willie’s selfish and stupid and desperate for anything remotely beautiful in his life. Alex is so beautiful. He knows that to be true even now, as the thunder rolls overhead and the lighting falls around them. He’s so beautiful it hurts to look at him sometimes. His smile is so earnest, his concern so genuine. He holds Willie like he’s worth protecting, like he’s the only thing that matters in the world. Like… like he’s something precious meant to be treasured and protected and kept safe.
Willie’s not anything Alex thinks he is. He knows how much pain the world can give, how much more pain he’ll have to live through. As terrifying as knowing the pain is, it's even more terrifying because he knows the second he leaves here - the second he leaves the warmth and the safety of Alex and goes back to Caleb - the second he goes back home he'll lose this. He'll lose the safety net he built for himself because Alex doesn't like Caleb for some reason well no. Not for no reason. Alex has a very perfectly logical reason to hate the man who Willie saw as his surrogate father - even if their relationship seems a little too one sided at times- and he can't fathom a reason why Alex didn't hate him too because he had played a huge fucking role in getting the boys to the club and convincing them to sign their fucking souls over for the soul purpose of his selfishness. For thinking Alex would run the first chance he gets the second he realizes just how messed up he really is.
“You’re thinking too hard,” Alex says, finally breaking the silence between them. The sentence is said so matter of factly, Willie almost laughs. Almost being the key word in that sentence. Despite feeling like the world is crashing around him Willie lets a smirk cross his face as his eyes sparkle mysteriously.
“You can read my mind?” Willie asks, wincing at how intense it sounded, no sense of playfulness in the words at all. Alex doesn’t seem to mind the cutthroat question. He just hummed thoughtfully as he considered.
“It’s part of my ghost powers,” Alex answered back, Willie felt his smile against his shoulder.
The answer makes Willie snort which in turn makes Alex laugh and maybe Willie can finally let him have something nice and keep it . Alex’s giggles echo throughout the exhibit and Willie let the sound wrap around him, a blanket of warmth surrounding him in his cold.
“Oh yeah?” Willie manages to ask, the words sticky and dry. He swallowed thickly to hide the surge of panic in his throat. “What am I thinking of?” He asked, letting Alex press a kiss against the back of his head, his fingers starting to comb through his hair . Alex’s whispered suggestively into his ear, his throat ghosting against his neck when he placed a kiss against the exposed skin. Willie couldn’t help but let out a laugh, his heart beating a little faster. He didn’t deserve any of this, to be comforted during a storm when hiding in his HGC bedroom had worked just fine in the past. “That new trick you still haven’t shown me? The picture you laughed at because it looked like an upside down dog head?” Alex asked. The compulsion to look up overpowers his fear of the dark and when he finally does shift his head. Alex is almost shining in the light of the storm, his smile stretching across his face. In the midst of the storm he’s still shining brighter than Willie could ever shine himself. Alex smiles at him, his eyes twinkling in the reflection of a flash of lightning. “I’m thinking about how beautiful you are,” and there’s another clap of thunder but it isn’t as bad this time. Here, snuggled on the floor of a museum tucked between Alex’s strong arms was starting to help him relax more, keep his focus off the storm.
Suddenly, the shadows disappear and Willie's mind is cleared more than it's ever been before. There aren’t any expectations for Willie here. Alex isn’t Caleb. He doesn’t order Willie around or tell him to shush because he sounds like a whiny little boy when he complains about complicated choreography that was hard to nail down and the exhaustive rehearsal schedule that sometimes ended in Willie passing out in his room for over twelve hours straight before poofing into the middle of rehearsal to watch Alex kill it on his drums.
His world is once again centered on his gravity, his world, his boy in a pink sweatshirt.
Willie turned around, sitting so he was criss crossed on the floor and his fingers were intertwined with. Their noses brush together. He can feel the tickle of blond hair against his forehead where it’s escaped from the cap. “You good?” Alex asks, leaning forward slightly so their foreheads touch. Willie knows what he means the second he asks it. Sometimes it’s hard to forget that not everyone is like Caleb. That not everyone hides their intentions behind carefully crafted spiderwebs of lies. So at the next thunder crash Willie nods in response, his stomach still twisted in his gut but he was able to ignore it this time; ignore the pain he felt in his mind in exchange for Alex’s presence.
“Yeah, I’m good...” Willie says, nodding his head. They were close enough for their noses to brush against themselves. He’s surprised to discover how much he believed it even though he thought it was a lie. He’s good here with Alex. He’s good with a body protecting him from the thunder outside. He’s good to curl up here and dot kisses down his boyfriend’s jaw until he’s a blushing mess.
Because this is what home is, this is what he remembers his home being. He remembers the warmth and the kind eyes and the strong hugs and the pitter patter rabbit-like beat of his heart. Alex pulls him close again, Alex will always pull him close. And he's breathing. He's breathing. And Willie turns to smile into the nape of Alex's neck, letting the drummer tie off the braid with a spare hair tie and the drumming of his heart overpowering the sound of the clapping thunder echoing overhead. "Her name was Rose," Willie said suddenly, intertwining their fingers together, placing them over his heart.
"Rose?" Alex asks, his confusion masked by a hint of recognition in his voice. Willie nods as he plays with Alex's fingers, distracting himself from the distancing storm around them. She was so young , Willie could remember the flash of her smile, brighter than the sun had ever been. Ten years old was too young.
"The girl I saved when I died, when I raced into traffic? She was just standing there in the middle of the road alone and I - holy shit, Alex I died, " he said, the realization actually settling into his chest and he suddenly felt the weight of the car crush into his chest again.
Alex looks at him and for a split second, Willie can’t read his expression. “C’mere baby,” Alex whispers, pulling him in again. Willie collapsed into his chest, wrapping his arms around Alex’s back to twist his sweatshirt into his fists. For half a second the brief fear of pulling away flashes in his mind and Alex tightens his grip. Willie would never think about trying to pull away. “Willie you’re so brave, you know that? You’re so amazing. I mean me? I died eating a hot dog. You died saving someone, Willie. You’re incredible ,” Alex whispers and Willie can’t help but tense because baby.
Willie can't help the shudder that runs through his body hearing the pet name escape through Alex's lips. "Don’t - Don’t call me that," Willie said, starting to feel like he’s losing control again. He flickered and fell through Alex’s body landing on the floor in a heap. Caleb's warped whispers snaked into his ears, wrapping around his mind like a vice. William baby don’t you want to make me proud tonight? Caleb asks as he straightens Willie’s suit for him. Baby those steps were a little behind tonight. You need to pick up more rehearsal hours baby. I don’t need my best performer slacking off. What would my clients think? Caleb asked, his voice coiling around Willie’s thoughts and snaking through the cracks his fears left behind.
"Willie I'm sorry I -" Alex started, only for Willie to cut him off with a shake of his head. His hair fell in front of his face so Alex used his hand to hesitantly tuck it behind his ear.
"It’s fine. Pet names I mean just…” He trails off, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in his own skin. Thunder crashes again and Willie jumps before finishing his thought. “Just not that one okay?” Willie asks, hoping Alex wouldn’t pry. Hoping Alex would never have to see how horribly rotten he really is from the inside out. Alex’s forehead wrinkles in confusion but like Willie hoped he didn’t pry, but he knew the conversation was just getting tabled for a later date. “You got it,” Alex promised, leaning forward to seal it with a kiss to Willie’s forehead. Willie feels himself flicker and his hand passes through Alex’s. Thunder claps at the same time Willie flinches and he has to hope Alex thought he flinched because of the storm and not his touch. It wasn’t fair how deep Caleb has his claws into Willie, using him to hurt the people he loves.
Willie hates how hard he has to fight the tremble in his limbs as he clings to Alex like a lifeline. He inhales deeply, breathing in the perfume Alex somehow managed to get his hands on. Alex smelled like peaches and summertime and everything Willie used to love when he was alive. The smell helped ground his mind, keep him in the present instead of spiraling into worst case scenarios. Think, Willie thought to himself, one again breathing in the smell of peaches off the nape of Alex’s neck. His eyes are diamonds, his skin feels like silk, his heart beats to it’s own rhythm and you’re the one who gets to hear it. Willie thinks, trying to calm the twisting panic and rise of bile stuck in his throat. “I’m sorry,” Alex says, the words whispered quietly between thunder cracks. When he peels his eyes from the ground and finally looks his boyfriend in the eyes again he’s met with hard pressed diamonds reflecting in concern.
“Don’t be,” Willie says back and Alex’s concern warps into something akin to festering anger.
“I am . I -”
“ - I know.”
“ I’m sorry ,” Alex says again, like if he heard it enough he’d actually end up believing it. Willie just shook his head - another clap of thunder sounded so loudly it shook the walls of the museum. Willie tensed, his shoulders tightening despite knowing that he was safe here.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Willie points out. If anything he should be apologizing to Alex. He should be groveling at Alex’s feet begging for forgiveness because he was selfish and almost had him sell his soul over to Caleb.
Something reflects in Alex's eyes that Willie can’t quite place. It isn’t just confusion or concern or anger. It looks like Alex is feeling a mix of all three, with a twist of cold understanding layered on top of it. "You know you can trust me right? This relationship works both ways," Alex says softly, his voice starting to tremble. Willie didn’t understand why he was acting so... so sad. Willie let them fall into a comfortable sort of silence, tense but easy at the same time. The sound of the thunderstorm filling the museum in their quiet.
"I should... I should get going. Caleb lets me out during storms cause he knows about uh... but he'll be wanting me back." Willie says, pulling himself out of Alex's soft sweatshirt covered arms and away from the beating of his heart. Alex's eyes furrowed in confusion. He always did look cute when he was confused, like a puppy dog. The storm’s far enough away that the soft dribble of light rain is the only thing left behind in it’s wake, which means Caleb would send someone after him if he doesn’t show up in a few minutes.
"What do you mean? Willie, if I said something wrong I -'' Alex stammered out before Willie leans forward to press a chaste kiss against his lips, lingering for a few minutes when he finally pulls away. Alex knew about the car crash now, the real reason he was really dead. He knew he was afraid of storms - William not even children are afraid of storms. It's about time you grow up - Caleb's voice whispers in the back of his mind, cutting into his spiraling thoughts.
Willie stumbles to his feet. He’s still shaky, but he can walk. He doesn’t want to risk angering Caleb more than he has to. “You didn’t do anything wrong,” he says. The words feel flat even to him. Alex knows it all now - well not all of it, but enough - and that knowledge is almost too much to take. His boyfriend stares at him, big green eyes confused and sincere... and so unlike anything Willie has seen in a long, long time.
“I can help,” Alex insists, refusing to let go of Willie’s hand. It pains him, but he has to leave. Caleb might be evil, he might be the cause of all of their problems… but after everything the ghost club was still the only thing Willie had left to call his home.
“Sometimes there’s nothing you can do Alex,” Willie whispers, gently placing his hand against Alex’s neck. Alex leans into his touch as he wraps his own hand around his.
“Willie-“ Alex starts again but before he hears Alex ask him to stay again because he knows he would. He’d do anything Alex asked him too if it made him happy but he owes Caleb his life and that’s not a debt he forgets easily. But Willie resorts back to his instincts because well, they haven’t led him astray yet and he keeps Alex at arms length when the familiar tug in his gut pulled him back to the Hollywood Ghost Club in time to get ready for Caleb’s opening act.
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