#but not in a BAD way
aegagrusscholarship · 2 years
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this one post from @poryphoria has been living rentfree in my head for months. it’s so true. i am so normal about this concept and this theme and this fandom.
alt ending below the cut, based off the project nexus ending. while it’s cool as fuck, i am not sure if it conveys what i wanna convey!! so it’s just here as bonus content
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mx-jester · 8 months
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I created an older version miko from tfp a while back and realized I never finished the canvas, so here's the final piece!
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meadowsofmay · 8 months
it's such a wild contrast going into the mighty nein after vox machina — first of all the atmosphere and the feel is completely different, clear indication that you've entered a different story, of different people, on a completely different continent. and i can't say i do not enjoy it.
but what's getting me the most is a contrast between vax — jumping recklessly in front of everybody, less of his own person but an addition to someone's life, a secondary priority, — and caleb — bruised, beaten, a mess of pain and terror plaguing his mind, keeping to the outskirts of the battle like a coward. there's guilt and grief following both of them but so differently. liam o'brien... wow.
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pharawee · 7 months
Guys, I'm going to be honest. Maybe I'm still in shock because it's been like 2 minutes since I finished the DFF finale but
lmao that was so cheesy (affectionately)!
Come to think of it, with 50% of us screaming for blood and 50% of us (aka me) crying because why can't we all just get along, this is actually the perfect way to end things: make all of it become true and untrue at the same time.
The ending is so absurd and over the top and so predictable in being unpredictable that I actually feel well entertained. Just pure chaos. I don't know how else they could have let it end in only 30 minutes - except to not let it end.
Also, did I detect some Silent Hill 2 soundtrack vibes in those piano tunes when New was hallucinating? Because I appreciated that.
On a more serious note, the nightmare revelations were truly messed up and I appreciate that too. Psychological horror my beloved.
I guess in the end it's not about revenge or forgiveness or remorse at all but more about guilt and grief and punishment (and I guess that too is a lot like Silent Hill 2). A group of boys bully their classmate and in the process destroy the lives of a whole family. New gets his revenge on them, and more innocents die, and on and on it goes because no one ever truly deals with their guilt (and/or grief). Even in their drug-induced psychosis/happy ending Phee and Jin (whose nightmare is it anyway?) only wish they could help Tee... and then they do nothing. The whole thing literally becomes this beginning-less, never-ending miasma - a monster bearing Non's face (and now I'm just stuck on my Silent Hill 2 parallels and I should probably stop and listen to some Akira Yamaoka to get it out of my system).
*but also that Jin potentially hallucinated two whole years of uni is probably the worst punishment of all.
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breakandbuildfiction · 5 months
The Darkest Parts of King Lucifer
Shortly after being sent to Hell, Lucifer noticed that he was unable to let go of his anger and hatred from being kicked out of Heaven and punished by seeing only the worst of what Humanity did with his gift to them. Not wanting to have his wife suffer from his rage the new King of Hell used his power to cut the hatred he was feeling from his soul and cast it into the void between worlds. Unknown to him, that shard of himself would go on to gain sentience of its own and become known as the Tyrant King Pariah Dark.
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gaywiththesauce · 1 year
"I want you to know that whatever happens, I love you."
That text wasn't supposed to mean the world to Giyuu. It was sent to him at 1:47 PM on Tuesday, July 15th as a cute, lovely message to make Giyuu smile. He was having a bad day at work and Sabito's specific text ping always made a gear turn in his head. He was remembered. He was interacted with. He was loved.
He reread the text after nearly 30 minutes of scrolling. He had the screenshot of it as his lock screen, but he wanted to see the physical text right now. Movies didn't describe this type of heartbreak. It was more than his heart that was broken. His whole soul felt shattered. His throat ached from another hour of sobbing. His chest hurt from how much his heart yearned for something he could never touch again.
Someone he could never touch again.
Sabito was his joy. Sabito was nearly his husband, and he only found that out when the little black box was handed to him by the police officer. They asked one thing of him. He cried that day, and not because he would say yes to the proposal his boyfriend was planning. He could never say yes at all to that. He said yes for confirming that it was his cold body on the metal table.
His funeral is today, and there's nothing more that Giyuu wants to do other than stay home. He wanted to wait for Sabito to come home- to their home- from his run to buy them ice cream and jam out to the newest album their favorite creator released. He wanted to dance in the kitchen one last time. He wanted to hide in his shoulder at the scary parts of the horror films. He wanted to kiss him goodnight as Sabito helped him fall asleep.
He got one last chance to hold his cold hand in the open casket. Beautiful purple, pink, and blue flowers sat in a bouquet in between Sabito's cold hands. His makeup was done terribly wrong. Giyuu cried until he was pulled away.
He had a pain in his chest ever since the funeral. He knew that the pain would never go away in sickness or in health, for as long as he alone shall live. Never again would he be loved, no matter what happened.
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squoonsquoon · 4 months
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billpottsismygf · 5 months
Episode 5 (Dead Dragons) is now done with and it's another good one! In terms of fun stuff, I loved the gang terrorising twitchy ritchie. They should haunt people more. And Niko and Jenny are both so funny; they make a really great comedic duo. (Though I didn't love the whole 'you won't be alone forever' tack Niko took with convincing Jenny to go on the date.)
Speaking of the date, the whole idea of a secret admirer who's watching you was so incredibly creepy to begin with that I was kind of confused when it seemed to be going well. It was kind of cute, then things started to get a bit too cute and I was waiting for Maxine to be revealed as some kind of creature. It seems the answer is just creepy human stalker, but at least I feel vindicated about it being weird. Maybe there's more to it. I shall have to see!
Oh my god, we're really going down a whoooole route with Edwin and Charles. I wasn't sure about it to begin with, but I'm very on board with the drama of it if nothing else. They're really beginning to ramp up the tension with the 'of course you fell for a living girl' (it's giving Martha in Human Nature) and the 'you're the best person I know' hug and the 'sometimes when you admit something to yourself, you have no desire to live with it as a secret'.
Then, there's the final scene with the one-two hit of Edwin having feelings he thought were 'never to be spoken of, but once you have them, it's hard to hold them back' and the heartbreak of his response to Monty. I was so happy at the start of the episode when we got an indication that, yes, Monty actually likes Edwin for real and might even betray Esther for him. If I ship anyone at the moment, it's Edwin and Monty, but you know what, I'm here for the drama and the heartbreak. It's a lot, but I'm desperate to see where it will all lead.
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every time himmel shows up in frieren's flashbacks i cry my eyes out
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yeetacai · 3 months
Scrolling thru my dash when a nude body photo appears.
"Ah, yes, I see my dash is healing. Nice to see some body positivity in its most raw and honest form- oH SHIT--"
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"Huh. That's girldick, alright... Based."
As I was saying, "my dash is healing, nay flourishing."
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linden-after-hours · 1 year
7/10, could have been worse, but I would not like to do that again
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shkika · 1 year
Wanna quickly send some love your way. Love your art and love the way you characterise the iterators. Beautiful stuff keep it up!
Also your very good at making me cry about sad video game robots so props for that!
Aaaa!! Thank you, thank you so much.
Everyone has been so nice and lovely and interactive and it's been a blast making content for this fandom, I appreciate your words a LOT.
I wish I could talk personally with everyone from the fandom it's that good aah
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alequipe · 1 year
tfw you try to sleep but your brain decides to instead focus on every single piece of auditory, visual, and tactile stimuli that it possibly can
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abluehappyface · 1 year
The final Nue! It's an Asteroid cover! This kind of cover feels perfect for Nue in my opinion. A bit faster than what we're used to, but I like it! Feels pretty balanced in terms of what's Rock and what's Space themed. It does end abruptly, but all the Nues do. Onto Flandre next 😈
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cotton-candy-jester · 5 months
y'all is it normal for your brain to go blank when you're drawing
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twobeesinatrenchcoat · 6 months
Y'all I'm so tired
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