#but now i want to rewrite the scene to be a sorority party and she's inexplicably wearing this. she's just killing it so hard
seekerstone · 6 months
can't stop thinking about fran fine sun. look at her
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she has got that shit ON
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pcktsprgrl · 6 years
New Recruit Part 7
Fandom: The Freshman/The Sophomore
Pairings: Becca X OC
Rating: general I think? I’m terrible with ratings
Publish Date: 4/19/18
Disclaimer: Most of the characters are not mine. The OC is though. :)
Authors Notes: Part 7. I didn't think it’d ever be here. I’m trying for a mostly total rewrite, I guess? It started out just reworking a scene but that kind of snowballed. :-/ ergh. Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive. It means a lot to have people enjoying my work. -_^
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
"Hey so we're going to this club to hear a live band play, if you don't have any plans." Kendra frowns at the text message. "Uh who is this?" she types and sits staring at her phone, her Business Law textbook lays open under her forearms. The ellipses appear then reappear several times before a new message appears. "Oh my god! It's Kaitlyn. Did Chris not tell you?”
Kendra quirked an eyebrow at the half question and sat for a minute.
“Oh hey Kaitlyn. I don't know if I can make it, but I'll try.” Kendra adds then presses send before humming. “And no Chris didn't tell me anything, but you can text anytime. :)”
Kaitlyn looked nervously down at her phone as the texts came in and smiled widely to herself.
The music blared and Kendra blinked trying to adjust her eyes to the strobe lights. Finally she sighed when she spotted Chris and the rest of the gang at a table and she made her way over.
“HEY!” she shouted and waved as she strode up to the table. Just then a person plowed into her and wrapped their arms around her. “Whoa I...” Kendra started staggering sideways.
“You made it!” Kaitlyn grinned. “Yeah I...” Kendra started and she heard someone violently clearing their throat on the other side of her.
“I finally found you.” Becca scowled and looked Kaitlyn up and down. “Looks like just in time too.” she frowned.
“Err..” Kendra started and Kaitlyn dropped her arms dejectedly. “Becca you know Chris. These are all his suite mates.” Kendra smiled looping an arm around Becca's waist. “Everyone, this is Becca.”
Kaitlyn stared at the table as she side stepped further away from Kendra.
“Hmph.” Becca scowled again. “Let's dance.” she smirked taking Kendra's hand and dragging her away. Kendra looked back at the table as Becca pulled her to the dance floor.
“She likes you, you know.” Becca said as she pressed herself into Kendra looping her arms around her neck.
“Who?” Kendra asked, bewildered as she slid her hands around Becca's lower back.
“Oh Kendra. Don't play dumb. It's such a bore.” Becca scoffed before leaning in pressing a firm kiss on Kendra's lips. As she pulled away she took Kendra's bottom lip between her teeth causing Kendra to groan.
“Are you.. Do you mean Kaitlyn?” Kendra's eyes widen. Becca rolls her eyes “Why are you talking about her when you're dancing with the hottest girl here?” she smirked and grinds her hips into Kendra.
“D-dancing? Is that what we're doing?” Kendra groans again sliding her hands up Becca's back.
“I think I need a drink.” Kendra gulps out when she feels Becca's tongue run up her neck. Becca huffs and steps back taking her hand as they walk off the dance floor and back to the table.
“I'm getting us drinks. Anyone want?” Kendra asks as she glances around the table at the awkward group.
“I'll uh.. help you..” Chris offers as he walks after Kendra.
“That was an interesting...er...mating ritual.” Chris says and Kendra chokes on air.
“I know she's got the idea Kaitlyn has a thing, I told her she was crazy but..” Chris starts laughing cutting Kendra off. “What?” Kendra quirks an eyebrow.
“Are you that oblivious? Kaitlyn does have a thing!” Chris says as the bartender walks off to get the drinks.
“What?! Noooo...Me?” Kendra stammers.
“Yes you.” Chris chuckles.
“Then why did you give her my number. Knowing I was with Becca?” Kendra asks incredulously. Chris shrugs and looks around.
“Speaking of which..” Chris nods to the group. “Becca is looking sort of murderous we better get moving.”
Kendra sighs and grabs half the drinks while Chris grabs the others.
“Hey Princess.” Kendra says as she kisses Becca's temple and hands her, her drink. “What were we talking about?”
“Oh you know.. I was just telling them about our first..” Becca pauses taking a sip of her drink. “...date..” she finishes with a smirk.
Kendra sighs then laughs. “I thought you'd hate me after that wall of water.”
“Who says I don't?” Becca quirks an eyebrow.
“Hush.” Kendra quips.
“Make me?” Becca challenges and Kendra kisses her.
Kaitlyn growls and downs her drink in one gulp causing everyone to look at her.
“So what's everyone doing for home coming?” Zach asks as he pokes his straw into his drink.
“Well I am hoping to get this hard headed jock to ask me..” Becca pouts as she leans into Kendra. “But so far she hasn't said a word..”
Kendra glances at her and a blush creeps up her cheeks. “I thought you were having that party at the sorority?” she questions.
Kaitlyn huffs. “Dance with me?” she demands and grabs Trish's hand yanking her off her stool.
“Don't they make a cute couple.” Becca comments with a smirk.
“Becca..” Kendra sighs
“What? They do..” Becca shrugs as she finishes her drink and takes Kendra's hand leading her back to the dance floor. Just then a slow song comes on and Kendra cringes.
“We better sit this one out.” she offers and Becca quirks an eyebrow but wraps her arms around Kendra's neck. Kendra sighs and starts swaying awkwardly. Becca tries to step and Kendra tramps down on her foot.
“ow.” Becca winces.
“Sorry.” Kendra mutters.
“Ohmigod. You can't dance!” Becca blurts out and Kendra cringes. “Not so much, no.”
“Here.” Becca moves slightly away “Follow my lead.” Kendra bites at her bottom lip trying to mimic Becca's movements, before she bumps heads with her.
Becca growls and rubs at her nose. Kendra shrinks back. “I might need your helmet.” Becca says with a smile.
“That could be arranged.” Kendra smiles broadly.
“You're imaging me in your helmet now, aren't you?” Becca teases.
Kendra just blushes.
“You're hopeless.” Becca scoffs before kissing Kendra's cheek.
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