#but on the show they gave . absolutely no explanation as to how it happened LMAO
rise-my-angel · 8 months
The thing with R/L shippers and their annoying push back when anyone brings up the super dark undertones of that relationship is that they have convinced themselves the show depiction of R/L is more or less what will happen in the books/is GRRM's intent. Which is hilarious because the people who ship R/L are almost always Dany/targ stans who think Dany breaking bad, being the final villain, and Jon/the Starks being antagonistic to her and taking her down was complete Benioff and Weiss fanfic. Which...lmao...I have a bridge to sell them.
In general, I've noticed this with the remaining book fandom, there is very much an undertone in their 'theories' and 'speculations' of 'everything I liked in the last four seasons of GOT totally came from GRRM and will totally happen in the books, and everything I didn't like was total fanfic, not Martin's intention at all, and will not happen.' Which, once again lmaooo and good luck with that!
Side note, the show depiction of R/L was hilarious. The writers had to magic away Rhaegar's marriage in one of the dumbest plot points on that show, and then attempted to magic away Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon's existence/deaths. They also had to magic away Rickard and Brandon's existence/deaths. Gave zero explanation as to why and how and what happened between R/L. The writers really made R and L into two sociopaths who they wanted viewers to romanticize, but only the opposite ended up happening. The absolute dragging they received from the fandom was INSANE lmao.
Anyway, I think the lack of any development of R and L by the writers to the point where Jon didn't even state how he felt about their relationship might indicate that the book version Benioff and Weiss were told was problematic and they just didn't want to open up that can of worms. But instead their writing choices made R and L even more hated and worse than I think GRRM intended. Just the most hilarious writing choices.
The fact that where the first substantial introduction to the nuances of this plot was scrapped entirely tells me that Benioff and Weiss had no idea what kind of character they wanted Rhaegar to be. We don't truly see anything of the Tower of Joy until late in season 6 in some half baked Bran Greensight vision. But if they did it properly, that Tower of Joy scene should have been all the way in season 1.
Open episode 6 of season 1 with the Tower of Joy flashback as it is depicted in the books. Then slowly transition into Ned waking up in bed after his fight in the street with Jaime Lannister. That is how early in the books the seeds of that mystery were planted, but they never even begun to tackle it until the end of season 6.
Which is bizarre, beacuse they actually shot themselves in the foot already. Show Robert is so much more nuanced of a character in his book counterpart. The way he talks about Rhaegar and the way he lements a genuine heartache over Lyanna is so much more dynamic then what we got from book Robert.
What I could critizise from the books, should have been fixed in the show. They proved they could. They turned what is a pretty black and white unlikeable character in Robert to someone who is as problematic as he is tragic. He is so much more human and that should have been the perfect set up happening at the same time Ned is beginning to experience his traumatic dreams and flashbacks about Lyannas death.
That despite Roberts heartbreak, there is something so much darker then Ned is letting on that is now spiralling him into having consistent trauma reactions over it.
If this were a love story, why would Ned twenty years later be so utterly haunted by it in a way he had long since pushed down?
Also the annulment is...I don't have words for how impossible it is.
I'd literally have to make a whole separate post to explain why that annulment subplot literally could never have happened.
And like, Jon had no reaction because they did not care about using it properly. The revelation of who Jons mother is has always been about Jons personal journey with identity, and making sense the parts of his father he never understood and the sacrifices he made to protect him. It's supposed to be about Jon realizing he was never the bastard who accidentally ruined his fathers honour. It's about Jon realizing he had a mother who loved him and watched over him in their home his entire life, and that Ned Stark chose Jon to be his son all on his own.
It's about Jon learning his mother died loving him feircly begging to keep him safe, and that Jon wasn't Neds son by accident. He was Neds son by choice out of love.
But they only used it to fuel half baked drama about the Iron Throne because at that point all Jon was there to do, was act as an accesory on Danys arm. He was no longer his own character by then so of course he has no reaction. He wasn't told because it was meant to impact him. Jons secret was revealed soley to add drama to Dany's narrative.
R+L=J was never meant to be about Jon's Targaryean side. It was meant to be about Jon learning he had a mother who died protecting him, and that Ned chose to ruin his own reputation because he decided to raise and love Jon as his own.
It was supposed to be about Jon learning who his mother is, why she isn't here, and how that heals all of the hurt left behind that Jon didn't understand about Ned.
It was never supposed to be about Rhaegar or the Targaryeans.
But I mean the second I saw they aged Lyanna up to the the oldest in the show I checked out. I knew they did that beczuse they couldn't portray a 14-15 year old girl marrying a 25+ year old man without the obvious implciations of at the very least, grooming a minor.
They knew this wasn't a romance, but that is too hard of a story to tell, a forbidden romance is so much easier. It was done only out of convience. They had to do something about that mystery, and so they took the easiest route and only ever mentioned it when it pertianed to adding drama to Dany's personal narrative.
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rebelwhodoesntknow · 1 year
NOOO LMAO I have been really sick and haven't opened tumblr a lot 😭😂 you Karen bias is fine I have seen it before
It's sad Koharu always kind of felt like an afterthought to me.. Some things were different in the game than in the show and since there were no plots, she never went away, somehow she became one of the biggest fan favorites amongst kids and this happened pretty early on so... I'm really surprised it took them so long to bring her back and then they didn't do much with her at all 😭
She even won a contest irl for popular characters to get a new PR in parade, she got a cute one from rainbow berry parfait and then they never gave her a song with it in Parade or anything 🫠
She's really cute but unfortunately kind of forgettable because how little she got to do
I forget if I already said this but, the unit Baby Pirates were equal with the other main characters in the Friends' game until the anime started, they became recurring characters in like 6 episofes and that's it, no songs or anything!! Marin was actually one of my favorites and I adore her brand so that was kind of sad to see. Not sure if it was a typical Friends budget issue, like if they couldn't afford to pay more main voice actors or something (there were high hopes during Parade that they'd get a face-off song with Elza or something because pirates)
I hope you’re feeling better! Don’t worry I just worry like that sometimes I knew there was a totally logical explanation for that my brain just likes to be mean
Yeah, couldn’t they have had a Koharu original song in Parade? I would have liked to see what idol she grew into in the anime! At least the kids have objectively correct opinions on her and see her as important lol
I barely know anything about Baby Pirates because I haven’t watched much of Friends at all, but I’m already feeling bad about not seeing them!! I have a bit of a pirate obsession, so I would always see pirate coords and the like and wish they had done more with them. Elza’s pirate gear is not realistic, but it has a flair that would make any actual pirate supremely jealous. I always found it funny that her coords were royal and pirate themed considering the two did not like each other, but she looks good in both! In addition, her whole Sun Dress and Star Wings plot and her obsession with the dress definitely give off pirate vibes despite her being the idol queen.
I really wish we could hear what an Aikatsu sea shanty would sound like! We already have a Renaissance Fair-esque song so I think there’s a lot of untapped potential with that theme!
I also feel like pirates in general don’t have a strict typing, which is nice because a lot of fantastical themes seem to be exclusive to a type. Cute types get princesses and fairies, cool types get vampires, steampunk, and the gothic type in general, pop gets literally any fantastical concept that’s bright enough from nursery rhymes to clowns, and sexy types get queens, goddesses, and other beautiful ladies. Pirates, with enough tweaking, can absolutely fall into all of those categories!
TLDR: Piratekatsu spinoff when
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billerak · 27 days
Time for the sequel! My volume 1 post did great, a grandiose 3 notes. I can already smell the internet fame. Clearly, the fans want what I have to offer (That being: incredibly random thoughts and my always correct opinions), and I am here to give it to them.
Anyways when we last left off: We'd just stopped a grand robbery of dust in the docks! Well, Penny did most of the work, but it's the thought that counts. The ending was kind of abrupt! What wonders will V2 have to offer? How much of a mess will it make of things? I wonder!
Ep 1: We start the volume and the first thing Mercury does is… flirt? The way the line is read is so fucking awkward tho, lmao. I know the tukson scene was meant to be tense and menacing but, and I know I said I wouldn't do this much, but it's important here: The voice acting doesn't really sell the scene. It's not laughably awful or anything, it's just not very strong. Wow, Blake and Yang actually get an interaction where Blake actively replies to her! How wonderful. Thank you Ruby, that IS the current circumstances in which you find yourselves! The audience appreciates you for the explanation. Wow Neptune look at you I'm sure you'll be a super important character moving forward, relevant, always in the depths of the plot. No comments about the food fight. 10/10. Still my favourite secene from RWBY. Now Glynda I understand your frustration but everyone else ran away, these eight stuck to the food fight and wrecked each other's shit, I'd be impressed if I was the teacher of a combat school. I love Roman. He's a little shit. I'd bash his head in if I could, but that's why I love him. He's underutilized but his VA is clearly having a lot of fun and it seeps into the character. Do you think cinder uses her powers to make her eyes glow for effect at all times or only when she's tryning to be menacing?
On the Bees: Wow look an interaction! Clearly this has convinced me the writers had planned for it all along.
Ep 2: I do like Ironwood's always had that subtle tension to him. He's a man with good intentions but too much goddamn power for his own good. Leaving aside te absolute stupidity of a 'semblance' they gave him which was of course never mentioned in the show because it makes no goddamn sense. This is a general complaint I have, not only with RWBY but with pretty much all shows I've ever watched: JUST USE REAL BOARD GAMES. PLEASE. CALL THEM SOMETHING ELSE BUT MAKE THEM THINGS THAT ALREADY FUCKING EXIST. The only person I've ever seen who makes 'fake board/card games' funny is ProZD and dude literally makes a living out of playing and reviewing those. Anyways that's a me thing, otherwise it's a fine scene. Better than fine, really, because WHITE ROSE BABEEE THAT'S 2 EPISODES IN A ROW WHERE THEY'VE HELD EACH OTHER LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO "But Neptun-" Nepwho? Ah, blue haired guy. Right. He exists. Aight I'll just say my piece here because I don't wanna be saying the same through the whole volume: The whole Weiss/Neptune thing is just horribly heterosexual people writting terrible heterosexuality. Neptune's entire personality is being heterosexual. Literally. If a gay character acted the same as him, he'd be criticized for having 'gay' be his personality, or he'd be considered a token gay, or smth. Seen it a million times. Comes out of nowhere, any time Weiss does or say anything involving Neptune I wanna unalive myself, the two have the chemistry of water, and I consider this fanbase got off lucky that Neptune ended up being only a plot device to get Jaune to move along his own arc. So yeah any time anything happens with Neptune, unless I state otherwise, assume I'm vomiting loudly. … Honestly Blake and Weiss are kinda shippable here. 'Nooo blake why won't you talk to me- I mean us you promised' gay ass. Anyways while I understand Ruby and Yang going with the stupid plan and Blake has personal reasons for it… It does feel a bit OOC for Weiss to agree because, well, she's fucking right. These four are just students and they only managed to deal with Roman and the White Fang last time because Penny came in clutch. They're fucked if they do this alone. How… old is cinder? I'd say she couldn't pass herself for a student due to credentials but we know salem has Lionhart by the balls so… ???
On the Bees: Weiss and Blake had a nice moment.
Ep 3: You know, I never understood what Jaune saw in Weiss. Like, ok, she's probably cute at first sight. But she's fucking insufferable otherwise. Her team can deal with her but I'd fucking despise her v1-3 self if I went to the same school as her. I prefer the other outfits tbh. Where… Where was Sun hanging from? He was like, some ways away from the window, but there was nothing there to hang to. I guess his semblance could help but would he really- Yeah he would. Ruby here know's what's up and she wants none of it. NONE. It may look like Ruby is making fun of Weiss, but she doesn't understand that's just flirting. But her heart pulls her two ways, OH NO. By the end of this story, she must choose- Well, no, not really, since one of the options is literally twice dead. (yes I ship Nuts n' Dolts too, sue me) Weird that Weiss didn't ask to see Winter when the woman said she was around, given that later it seems like she'd give an arm and a leg to speak to her. Ok, the reveal that Penny is a robot rings a bit… hollow, since, uh, we already knew that. Her back literally opens into blades, the weird thing really is Ruby not knowing.
On the Bees: Nuts.
Ep 4: OOOOH that's why it's called Nuts n Dolts, innit. Normally I'd say the Ruby/Penny friendship feels forced, but this is probably the only two people in this show where something like this works. Penny has no real frame of reference for friendship and Ruby is just like that. Once again Blake and Sun out here exploring Blake's past together, nothing narratively important going on! Roman is so charismatic. Honestly I'd like to pound his- Oh hi Neo didn't see you there. Ok, see what I mean with "Adam could've made the jump"? Look at Blake and Sun here. Jumping gaps way larger here. I guess he was too stunned for too long or smth idk. Cool fight scene. Gonna be honest, I fucking hate that the fandom took these combo attacks for ship names. Like the concept is cool and all but at least back in the day following ship discourse could be so fucking annoying. Anyways here we have our first canonical explanation of how Yang's semblance works. "With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back". Which implies she needs to take the damage to get a boost, something something equivalent exchange, but it wasn't something that was happening first volume. Unless we count 'getting a hair cut' to be taking a hit. That being said, I still wonder what's stopping her from, idk, hitting herself or asking someone else to hit her before a battle (assuming she can predict a battle is coming, ofc) to at least have some energy stored up in a safe environment instead of having to risk tanking hits from her enemies. Never quite understood how Neo's semblance works. It's illusions but they leave behind a physical glass form. But how exactly does it make her vanish? In most cases it doesn't feel like she's creating a flat screen surface but just a second body and… teleporting away. Feels like Blake's semblance but more overpowered, but also she can make anything out of it as shown later… Ah, whatever, I don't think the writers think about it too hard, making sense of it is impossible.
On the Bees: Well, they had their ship name called out.
Ep 5: While I love Pyrrha winning against team Cardinal, I have to wonder… why was she even fighting all four? Were the teachers like "Cardin your team is so shit all four of you against Pyrrha seems fair, go fight" or what. See what I mean? Mercury clearly thinks of his discovery of Pyrrha's semblance as something interesting, but Ozpin himself says they make extensive tests to the people entering Beacon. Even if semblances aren't a matter of 'public' record, Cinder later gets into the systems, so couldn't she just have just… checked then? I understand the 'blake needs to relax' bit but also, trying to force her into the dance? Sun clearly has a crush on her so him asking makes sense but the rest of team RWBY probably should've been more like "you need to fucking sleep" rather than trying to get her into a dance. I really like Pyrrha and I am really sad the crux of her character is "crush on Jaune." She has a lot of interesting shit to explore WHY IS THIS HER FOCUS. Like it's RIGHT THERE. A girl prodigy with an amazing semblance that everyone places on a pedestal. But instead of being about her it's about fucking Jaune.
On the Bees: Well Weiss continues to be the one pressing Blake to be more open. Is their ship name Checkmate? No, doesn't sound right. Uh… Black and White? No. Grey… Monochrome? That one sounds familiar. May be it (Yes, I wrote this as I thought about it. No. I'm not cutting it down). Anyways whatever the ship name is, so far I kinda dig it more than bumblebee. It's amazing really.
Ep 6: Here it is bois the big chapter for bumblebee oh boi let's gooooo Aight Yang attracting Blake with a laser is pretty hilarious. The Jaune/Ren moment did make me chuckle too. Comedy seems to be on point (for my tastes) this episode. Nora/Ren not being 'together together' is a point they make many times and I only ask… why? Nora isn't subtle about her crush on Ren. I guess Ren is quiet and timid but it's clear- Hey wait why is their ship name 'renora'. Don't they get a combo name? I know I complain about them but like. Feels unfair anyways. Other ships involving them get the stupid combo names. Why not them? What was I saying? Oh right it's clear they have a thing going on and like, they've known each other all their lives. This isn't made a point of until like, 7 volumes in. Eh, idk. Honestly, very impressive Pyrrha can just walk and talk normally with that knife—well, more of a fucking sword—on her back. Bla bla Bees conversation comments at the end let's move on. Oh hey that's Qrow's emblem isn't it? Who designs the emblems anyways. The owners of them? Some are unique, some are inherited. They're kinda like Cutie Marks tbh. Jaune offering a White Rose to Weiss, clearly a reference to THE BEST SHIP. MAYBE 2ND BEST SHIP IDK I'M TORN HERE. ENDGAME CONFIRMED BOIS. Blake's first dance is asked for but she still goes to the dance explicitly with Sun. Of course that is meaningless, nothing here ever built them up to have a thing and it is clear Blake never had absolutely any interest in him whatsoever. Anyways look at those background characters. All heterosexual, not a single w/w m/m pairing dancing, other than the 5 seconds of Blake and Yang. The pinnacle of queer representation right here, folks! Ozpin is a little lying shit but I guess experience does let him give good advice.
On the Bees: Ok. I want you to understand something. This? This is the F I R S T time Blake and Yang have a long, one to one conversation. In the show. Volume and a half in. They're not only teammates, they're partners. Ruby and Yang had a couple of conversations. Weiss and Ruby have had many. Even Ruby and Blake, famously interacting very little, had that conversation about books and fairy tales when first meeting. I don't care about the fact that they've spent months together at this time. That's not the point. The point is this conversation? It's the first actually shippable moment between them. Anything prior is /nothing/. You couldn't fucking write a developing relationship out of them with the interactions they've had before this point. From here on out at least there's a base to work with. That established, it's not the best base. Blake isn't her 'usual self' here. She's exhausted and in a terrible mood. The scene is mostly taken over by Yang's backstory. The conversation is Yang trying to make a point. It's a good conversation, and it finally establishes an interaction between them that doesn't feel loose. It's just a conversation I think would've been far more effective if we'd first seen them have more interactions under normal circumstances. Yang does wink at Blake and 'saves her first dance'. I believe this is the only time in this show where she's flirtatious towards a girl. Wonder why they didn't go togehter to the dance, instead of, well, I already said it above.
Ep 7: What was Jaune gonna do here? Beat up Neptune? Don't get me wrong I find him vomitive, as stated before, but the guy doesn't really deserve a beating for not agreeing to a dance, you know? Or was he heading towards Weiss? Kind of unclear, but he did look kinda angry so I assume he was going after Neptune. Like I get Pyrrha being drawn to Jaune for his ignorance of her and I do think that now it makes some sense she may be into him but I still don't buy how into Jaune she originally was. I do like this conversation between Pyrrha and Jaune, though. And, despite everything, this may be the only moment with Neptune that's genuinely funny. The 'I can't dance' part I mean. Usual applies to everything else. Nora and Ren are dancing, and Blake and Sun are… /still/ dancing? I can only assume they took a break, or they just really like dancing. Still not a single background gay! Dress moment is another Top 10 scenes of the show tbh. Throwaway gag turned funny/wholesome moment. Normally I'd call out the synchronized dance but these are hunters I can assume they have the reflexes to pull it off… assuming Jaune leads, anyways. Ah, yes, the legendary terrible running across rooftops scene. Here it is. It's legendary and terrible and funny. For real though I think I've seen worse animation moments before. I think it's just that this one likes like 5 whole ass seconds and gets full focus. Really? Karate chop? I know it's probably for the memes but girl, you can summon crystal blades at a distance. I reckon using those would be more effective. So… who picks the lockers and brings them back to the school after they hit, anyways? Is tehre a fine related to misuse of the feature? It can't be cheap, between reparations to the ground of wherever the locker hits, the damage to the locker itself, and the fuel used to launch it. RWBY giving pursuit and not immediately throwing away the shoes is the most unbelievable thing that has happened yet in this show. I… what? I don't understand teh architecture here. Did Cinder run all the way back to beacon? is the tower connected to beacon? That cut was real strange. Still no background gays! No but guys RT was really forward thinking they were totally queer-minded and had planned bumblebee from the beginning, clearly caring about rep and all that! They just coudln't be bothered to spend a single minute making two men or two women dance.
On the Bees: WAIT IT'S CALLED BUMBLEBY? NOT BUMBLEBEE? WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME, I MUST HAVE LOOKED STUPID! I'm gonna keep calling it bumblebee, idgaf. anyways I think this may be the only time we see Jaune's knees? I'll keep you posted.
Ep 8: APOLLO JUSTICE TRILOGY WAS CRACKED! I WAITED FOR SO LONG!!!! What has that to do with RWBY? Uh, nothing. What was I doing? Oh right rewatching. Anyways- Never fully understood why Ruby wouldn't go to Ozpin about the info before. Sure they were breaking rules but sis this is a lot bigger than you four. The dog. Right. Forgot he existed. I will forget it again. How… how does war work in Remnant, anyways? If you take to a battlefield, Grimm would eventually overrun both forces. It'd be a three-way fight constantly. You'd think kingdoms in general wouldn't ever bother with war. Right? Ozpin giving the job to RWBY instead of a more experienced team could be considered as the reason it all fell apart really.
On the bees: I actually just finished ep 10 and thought this chapter's notes looked weird and that's cuz this episode had literally nothing despite ample chance and I forgot to add this section.
Ep 9: I like Ooblek or however that's written. He's never relevant again aftert his arc but this is how you make secondary characters memorable. "By giving them a gimmick?" Yes! That's actually exactly how you do it! Ace Attorney is an expert at this! Still don't like the dog. Also no huntsman we've ever seen has a dog, right? Weird. See, this seems to imply the Goliaths here are like, the same as Beowulfs or whatever that just lived that long. but… This is later retconned. As far as we know, Salem just creates whatever the hell she needs, and Grimm don't change forms over time. It does appear like they gain more armor over time… sometimes anyways. Like, they probably do grow within a single 'species', but these goliaths aren't any different than the newborns we see later. I also do like Ooblek's motivation. That is a valid reason to be a teacher in this shitty nonsensical world.
On the bees: They, uh. Talk. For like one minute. Weiss is also there.
Ep 10: I appreciate this conversation but here's the thing: Blake speaking of her semblance this way implies they're aware semblances are, well, tied to their characters. This isn't necessarily a problem, if maybe a bit on the nose, but then… wouldn't it also imply everyone should consider what their semblance means? What does Sun's semblance say about himself? That he's always willing to lend a hand? What about, idk, Pyrrha? How does metalbending (And yes, it's metalbending, not polarity, she makes shit levitate not just attract or repel from herself) tie to her personality? Is it just a reflection of her prodigious skill? You'd think it was the other way around. Yang's is obvious (She prefers rolling with the blows), Weiss's too (it's a hereditary semblance), and Ruby's… well, depending on whether we consider the V7/8 development a retcon or not it could change meaning, but let's say it's meant to represent how she's always rushing ahead. So, this being said, woudln't character development change one's semblance? It would be interesting, in fact. Maybe Ruby's semblance wasn't always what it later is, but her experiences changed it. Maybe the inconsistency in Yang's semblance is a reflection of this. I know I'm thinking too hard and nobody ever thought about it, but it's sort of a Jojo's stands situation. In Jojo, your stand is a manifestation of your soul and can develop alongside you. Ruby, girl, NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY. Ruby, girl, you have SUPER SPEED. HOW HAVE YOU NOT TRAINED YOURSELF TO ACTIVATE IT WHEN SHIT LIKE THAT HAPPENS TO YOU. Ruby, girl: you. have. SUPER. SPEED. RUN AWAY. I know he says he's stupid but he really kind of is. Wouldn't 'underground city' be the first place you look at when looking for crime organizations?
On the Bees: Uh… yang calls out to Blake first? Sure, let's go with that.
Ep 11: RUBY GIRL YOU HAVE S U P E R S P E E D RUN AWAY FUCKING HELL YOU'RE NOT EVEN TIED YOU JUST WOKE UP SO YOU CAN'T BE SPENT Jesus, FUCKING FINALLY WHY EVEN TRY TO FIGHT IF YOU'RE THIS USELESS. Which makes no sense, tbw. Crescent Rose, even if it was built with ultralight metals, would still require strenght to use just based on the recoil those shots have and the balance of the whole thing. Ruby should pack a punch. Anyways giving your MC super speed in any capacity is a problem because of shit like this. Superspeed is the most powerful of the 'basic' superpowers (That is: Strenght, Flight, Speed and Endurance. Most stories with superpowers include these 4 in some capacity and speed tends to be the most limited one). I like the bombs moment. It's pretty funny. See what I mean? Ruby shooting herself like that means her arms must take the recoil! Even if we take Aura into account this girl should be at least decently strong. I… could do without the dog moment. Like… it's just more offputting than anything else. Ooblek does take another paladin by himself, which is nice to see, in the 'oh yeah he's a step above the MCs' way. Why does Weiss suddenly give Blake the dust bullets? Why not before? Why not… idk, talk to her about it? Why even make them? Did Weiss ask for them? If so, again, why not give them to her before? I mean I know the answer is probably 'Monty fight scene had this thing and writers had to scramble to fill in the gap' but still. Why does Yang have that moment with Neo? They've only had that one 'interaction' which wasn't particularly personal before. See? The WF leader(?) here makes some sense. We know the Schnees have beef with the Faunus and the White Fang (That being, they're slaver pieces of shit and all that). And, uh, Blake against Roman is… I get what they're going for, but… Idk, I feel Ruby and Roman would've felt more natural. Given they do have that in V3 so I'll let it pass. Man, I love Roman so much. Have I said that before? The biggest crime in early RWBY is not giving him enough screentime, really. I love the theory that he doesn't even have Aura unlocked, since he's clearly not the best fighter out there, man's just very skilled at doing his job. Which doesn't often involve fighting wannabe hunter teenagers. It's why he's basically knocked out after so few blows. Weiss should do the 'haste' glyph thing a lot more often really. Action economy, girl! Everyone knows it's the key to win! I wish Neo had more of a… thing. Like, in general. Her fight against Yang is great, but how the hell did she get that skilled? Why's she working for Roman? Why does she care for Roman so much that she later becomes obsessed with killing Ruby so hard that when she thinks she's done she loses all purpose in life? Not really sure how to feel abotu Raven here. At least we got the Yang backstory to even explain there's something going on there but it feels so… random. And why is Neo so scared? What does she know? Why would she know it? SHE HAS NO BACKSTORY And THIS is why you want your general population with their fucking Aura unlocked!
On the Bees: Man the second Dual Destinies turnabout is kind of a chore so far. Like, I figured pretty much everything by the middle of the first day and I still got another day of investigation and trial to go through? I think the case could be improved considerably by just not showing the face of the killer. I know it's ace attorney tradition to show you the first couple of killers, but still. I like Simon well enough I guess. What happened to Gavin? I don't remember him being fired at the end of AJ.
Ep 12: Jaune taking command, nice. Was that foreshadowing for Ren's backstory? Honestly, not a huge fan of this fight. It's supposed to be super big in scale but I guess the budget didn't allow it? It also feels like it kinda lacks momentum. Also didn't we just spend like 3 episodes exploring Ruby doesn't have physical strength? Why's she kicking the Grimm like that? Don't get me wrong, this makes more sense, I'm just confused. I know it's a common complaint that team Coffee shows up here to steal the show for a bit, since they barely get any screentime ever. It's a fine complaint, understandable. I… actually kinda like it. Also ONE OF THE GUYS IS HOLDING OATHBRINGER. WHAT'S HIS NAME. GREEN GUY. Based. I feel like we should have seen a few adult hunters showing up, though. Non-teachers I mean. Huh. Ironwood did always have his sinister authoritarian vibes. I like that. I still love roman. And that ending dream thing huh. I'm sure the eventual meeting of these two will be totally worth it.
On the bees: Did you know I have written more Ami/Minori (from toradora) than the rest of the internet combined? Irrelevant to RWBY I just wanted to let you know.
For an extra this volume: I watched some of the shorts! I think these were the ones around by V2? Or maybe up to V3? Idk.
WoR "Dust": I assume V6 retroactively kind of explains Dust as the literal dust old humanity was turned into? Which is why it can interact with Aura? Very fucked up, but I like it. I'm on the fence on whether I think they had the creation myth figured by this point or not, but I do think they probably had the rough draft for it. Anyways this short doesn't really add much? It explains the 4 basic types and that you can mix them to make new ones, but everything else we probably could've figured ourselves.
WoR "Kingdoms": Ok so, Vacuo and Vale share a continent, while the other two are in split continets. Just taking note for later, not sure how relevant it becomes. In a worldbuilding sense, I don't think it's very reasonable to actually believe small towns could ever be built outside of big cities protected by natural barriers. Most people are clearly useless in a fight against Grimm, and honestly, just leaving the city shoudl be more than enough nervousness and doubt to attract hordes of them.
WoR "Grimm": Not much to say here, other than just generally wondering why Salem wouldn't just wipe out humanity herself sans a small amount of people who she could pin as Oz and the maidens. And don't say she couldn't have: If she can create that giant whale thing she could've done so a couple thousand years ago when technology wasn't so advanced. If you told me she was purposefully playing this game with Ozma, trying to keep it somewhat fair, I'd understand, but she clearly isn't. Oh well.
Anyways, I think I enjoyed this volume more than the last! Which is weird, I think people consider this to be the weakest of the first three. Idk, despite everything, I found the overall pacing to be slightly better, and we get some deeper info on our characters which is always appreciated. Not much else to say in general, but hey. Also yes, it's still a mess.
Also I'm fairly certain Pyrrha still not passing the bechdel test.
Also, if by any chance you're reading this, Crimson: 1) Why. Why do that to yourself. 2) Last volume you kept flipping your shit at me shipping whiterose and such (and other stuff but idrc about that). You seem to be unaware of the concept of chemistry. Ruby and Weiss are shippable because they have chemistry. Ruby and Penny are shippable because they have chemistry. Actually, all the characters I mentioned as potentially shippable displayed fair amounts of chemistry. And that's always my main concern with bumblebee. Sorry, but "vibing" while not interacting is very much NOT chemistry. It's kind of the opposite. Right now, with the information these two volumes have offered, I could write a lot of dynamics with a certain amount of ease. Bumblebee… not so much, because their interactions are still blank fucking slates. And I'm sorry to say this, but no, emptiness isn't 'complexity' or 'depth'. The only complex thing here is the fucking mental gymnastics you're doing to justify not only every bumblebee moment but also the show's writing as if it was flawless and perfect lmao.
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amane-kamisama · 5 months
I swear I dreamed the weirdest dreams I ever had in my whole life-
The first dream is about a Disney princess, which is Rapunzel but not actually Rapunzel at ALL. The second one isn't too weird but just flat-out terrifying and confusing, rich people buying with credit cards. I was more of a family to them but not blood-related, something like a relative relationship. I was the poor using cash lmao-
As for the Disney princess dream, it's not really Rapunzel, but instead, I dreamed about Louis 😭💀 I was not there physically since I was a wandering spirit, looking at the perspective both at the same time. The tower does indeed looked similar but still different. The tower has black vines surrounded the entire place, I'm not quite sure how it works but it was slithering with negative energy. Louis was stuck in that tower, he had no idea and why he's there, that poor man woke up and got manipulated for no absolute reason😭. The second dream gives me the creep, there's no any weird things happening except the first.
I gave a whole detailed story about the first dream in my diary, here's a whole explanation about it:
"Once upon a time, there was a young boy stuck in a trapped tower. For some reason, there was no purpose of killing him at all so he was just there, stuck forever. Rumors were told that those who rescued him will have the biggest rewards, yet, rescuing a boy trapped in a tower is highly impossible."
It means that Louis, who is trapped in a tower is not like Rapunzel. If we're talking about his appearance, then he had no long magically hair. My dream only focused on him, there are no other accessories or anything else.
"Different methods were try and failed, those who seek the young boy was none other than his own family and friends."
Knowing Louis's reputation, he's not as popular like his older brothers, he's only known for his beautiful face due to the resemblance like William. Louis could never live without his family, his attachment to them are the reasons why William is still there for him. Hence, he's the only person wanting to stick by William's side, it's natural for them to get worried for Louis if he ever disappeared.
"During his confinement, he mostly clean the tower and make delicious food, the stocks always came back, it feels like someone is watching him."
For this one, I wasn't sure who is monitoring him since the person didn't showed up. I'm just gonna assume it's Milverton keeping him confined in a locked place with no escape. Or maybe— he did something to Louis and manipulated his mind, considering he is a king of blackmail after all.
"The first person who came to the trapped tower was Albert, who brought William and Louis into his family. Upon inspecting at the tower, there was a black vines, it could mean it doesn't allow any people to come in very easily."
As I said before, the black vines are negative energies, Milverton possibly reached out a fucking witch so that Louis could never get rescued. And yes, I feel bad for Louis.
That's the end of the full explanation, my dream ended so abruptly that my first thoughts when I woke up was: That was fucking wild.
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staroflightning · 2 years
TV Shade 🤝 Comics Shade
Accidentally sending a loved one to the Shadowlands and feeling guilty about it
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tofuxtea · 3 years
[ OCT 8 ] THIGH RIDING | diluc ragnvindr
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+ pairing: diluc ragnvindr x fem!reader
+ warnings: nsfw, thigh riding, that’s kinda it LMAO
+ notes: this is so short i apologize💀 but i did say some will be drabbles so yeah (NOT PROOFREAD AT ALL LMAO)
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diluc is a relatively reserved man. he’s never one to come right out and say what he wants. you know that, you’ve been dating him for almost a full year now and he still can’t take the time to communicate many of his intricate thoughts to you. it isn’t that he doesn’t want to, far from it, in fact. he’d just much rather you tell him what you would like to do. and you do.
boy, you do. he loves when you go into detail about your stories, your desires, your wants. it lights your eyes up - sometimes darkens them with a deep, needy lust - and diluc absolutely adores it. he especially loves when you take the time to bring them to life, no matter the form.
one day you’d come to him with a brand new thought entangled in that pretty head of yours, eyebrows arched with consideration. the redhead was open to anything you had to offer, awaiting your explanation. “diluc…” you started.
tucking a finger beneath your chin, you hummed to yourself. “how do you feel about thigh riding?” his stoic features didn’t budge, although you did notice a small shift upwards of his left eyebrow. curiosity.
“what’s that, love?” diluc’s tone was slightly playful, making you think he’d already known what it was. he wasn’t an idiot, after all. nor was he ignorant to the world of sex, that was evident to you. he brushed a strand of red hair from his face and crossed his arms. his lips turned just barely up when he saw the sudden reddening of your face.
you stuttered out a feeble explanation of this thing you’ve heard of while at the tavern. a group of women not too much older than you had been discussing their escapades rather loudly and you happened to hear while finishing your glass of wine. ‘once you introduce your man to thigh riding, you won’t ever go back from it. believe me.’ that was enough to convince you to explain it to your boyfriend.
“you wanna do that?” he questioned. his red eyes had a slight glow to them, mischievous looking. from where he sat on the couch adjacent from you, he was relaxed: his legs crossed and arms resting on the back cushions. his red hair had been pulled into a ponytail higher than usual.
you nodded. diluc hummed for a moment, as if thinking about it. his legs slowly uncrossed and spread before he met your gaze again. “well? aren’t you going to try it?” his hand patted the front of his clothed thigh as if it was an everyday thing. your mouth fell open but no protest came out.
“what if someone walks in?” you asked, like you didn’t want to go through with it although your body had lifted from the couch and headed towards him. diluc chuckled, reaching out and laying a hand on your hip.
“we both already know you like that.” recalling the times that the two of you had been walked in on and how well you’d reacted to it, you blushed furiously. the man pulled you into his lap, helping you get comfortable on his muscular thigh.
“now.” he said lowly. “show me what this ‘thigh riding’ is, love.” your skirt had ridden up to your hips, revealing the skimpy panties you had on underneath. one of diluc’s favorites. you could tell you were already soaking through them under his lustrous gaze alone.
complying, you started to peel your shirt off and you heard diluc suck in a breath. he was always captivated by your body alone. the soft feeling of your skin, the gorgeous curves you adorned, the way you reacted to his touches. it was hard for him to resist touching you right away, wanting to hear instructions from you explicitly. but you never gave them when your hips started moving.
you ground down onto him, eliciting gasps and moans from both of you. steadying yourself on his chest, you started at a slow pace, dragging out each thrust. it was almost embarrassing, the way you were rutting on him like a bitch in heat but it felt so good. “diluc.” you moaned his name mindlessly, a silent beg.
he caught the message, bringing his hand underneath your skirt and circling your clit. you gasped at the contact, suddenly moving faster. diluc’s cock strained in his pants, aching to be relieved. “you can do it, love. make yourself cum for me.” his enticing voice was like pure velvet.
“y-yes, diluc.” face redder than ever, you listened to him. with his finger massaging your sensitive clit and the feeling of your cunt rubbing mercilessly on him, you were about to come. diluc whispered sweet nothings into your ear while he sucked deep bruises into your neck. he was definitely getting a bit carried away.
your orgasm was quick, rocking your body hard and you grasped diluc’s shoulders for leverage. hushed curses fell from your lips and your hips rutted ever so slightly, milking the pleasure. diluc held you at the small of your back, his eyes screwed shut as a wet spot formed at the front of his slacks.
his finger now lazily rubbed at your throbbing clit, listening to your pathetic whimpers at the sensitivity. “did you like it, love?”
you could only hum an agreement, collapsed on diluc’s chest. knowing well your legs would be weak and shaking, he carried you to your room and tucked you in for a nap. “we can bathe together later, alright?” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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this was assfart😞 -r
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inukag · 3 years
The more I watch that reunion scene the angrier I become. Kagome babe, you don’t need to apologize for something your idiot half brother in law did! Why are you sorry? Go murder Sesshomaru for peats sake!
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Honestly the only thing Kagome can kind of blame herself for is not staying with Moroha when Kirinmaru & Sesshomaru showed up. She didn't even have her bow & arrows with her, there was no reason for her to stay and not leave with Moroha... and I think we all know canon!Inuyasha would NOT want her to stay if the situation was too dangerous (especially since she just gave birth??). He would have made sure at least one of them stays with Moroha because he knows what it's like to grow up alone not knowing your parents and he would never want that for his daughter. But no, instead we have Inuyasha and Kagome just standing there yelling at Kirinmaru and Sesshomaru instead of fighting back and immediately getting sucked into the black pearl 🙃
There's also other things that still don't make any sense about the separation scene: 1- How did Sesshomaru even know the black pearl was in Inuyasha's eye? He wasn't there when Hosenki II gave it to him. 2- How tf did Riku find the rouge that Inuyasha gave to Kikyo and that Naraku destroyed, why did he give it to Hosenki II and why was he standing there when Inuyasha and Kagome got sealed? And y'know Inuyasha should have been able to smell him but it seems like his nose just doesn't work anymore in Yashahime.
Also I just love how some people try to defend Sesshomaru's actions by saying he "protected them from Kirinmaru's attack" when 1) Kirinmaru was literally chilling on his boat and Sesshomaru had to GO SEE HIM and ask him to go attack Inuyasha with him and 2) Kirinmaru didn't gave a damn after Sesshomaru sealed Inuyasha instead of killing him, so clearly killing Inuyasha wasn't that important to him at the moment. Inuyasha could have stayed in hiding with Kagome & Moroha somewhere and it would be the same.
I'm also going to throw out there that Sesshomaru had the option to seal Zero instead of Inukag. If he thinks Zero is going to go after inukag and they would be forced to fight her, then just... seal her? Why did his dumb brain go "I'll seal my brother and sister in-law" and not "I'll seal the woman who's threatening my family"??? Also Zero was simping for Inupapa so just send her to his grave and let her pay respect over his grave, lmao. The worst that could happen is Zero killing herself out of pettiness, but if that happen Sesshomaru could just revive her with Tenseiga like he did in season 1. Literally just lie to her and tell her you can revive her infinitely, so she won't try to kill herself again.
There's a billion different things Sesshomaru could have done in the situation he was in, instead of sealing inukag because he's incapable of having a conversation with them, leaving them to rot in there for 14 years and doing absolutely nothing to help Moroha (apparently Sesshomaru is rich so why can't he pay off Moroha's debt instead of letting her starve and be in indebted servitude?). HNY!Sesshomaru is the absolute worst and Sunrise has yet to give me a valid explanation for his actions.
The only thing I can see right now that would "explain" Kagome's apology to Moroha..... is Sunrise telling us Inuyasha and Kagome actually had the opportunity to talk to Sesshomaru and they just... agreed to get sealed 🙃 That would be awful and of course canon!inukag would not accept to get separated from their daughter, but I wouldn't put it past Sunrise to do something like this. Because as it is, the separation scene makes no sense and Sesshomaru is a villain.
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imasimpforshanks · 4 years
Hello, I just saw the alphabet requests. Could I please get the fluff alphabet with Luffy? Thank you sm!
Fluff Alphabet - Monkey D. Luffy
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a/n: hi hi hi! thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy 💗
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A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
Luffy is a complete child at heart. He enjoys doing anything and everything! So long as you are there with him, he doesn’t particularly care what it is you are doing – if it’s with you he knows he’ll have the time of his life.
However, if Luffy were to pick something as his favourite activity to do with you, he would choose a water fight (weird considering his vulnerability to water but that doesn’t cross his mind in the moment). Chasing one another around, stomachs aching from laughter, cheeks sore from grinning too much. He’s never had so much fun, and he can’t tell if it’s because of the activity itself, or because it’s with you (ultimately, he decides that it’s both).
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
One of the things Luffy admires most about you is your unquenchable thirst for adventure; it’s own that rivals his own. You want to explore, live life freely and on your own terms. In Luffys eyes there is nothing more wonderful than that.
Honestly, Luffy thinks everything about you is beautiful. Every. Single. Thing. Right from the top of your head to the very tips of your toes. But, there is something about your laugh that he just finds so unbelievably intoxicating. When he hears you laugh - so carefree and so happy - his grin grows even wider. He wants nothing more than to hear that laugh for the rest of his life.
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
This captain is a lot more emotionally intelligent that people think. He’s very in tune to what people like and dislike and he uses this knowledge to help comfort people. For example, on thriller bark after they find Zoro injured luffy attempts to give him a whole ass barrel of sake because “Zoro likes sake so it’ll make him feel better.” This same logic would apply when he’s trying to comfort you. He’ll find or do something you like because well it’ll make you happy. If food makes you happy, he’ll get you some food. If cuddles make you happy, well then you best be ready to be suffocated.
Another way I can see Luffy comforting you is by trying to make you laugh and smile. When people are laughing and smiling, they’re happy, right? So, by that logic all he’s gotta do is be goofy and then you’ll laugh like you usually do!
D-Dreams (how do they picture they future with their s/o?)
When he becomes the pirate king, you are right there with him. He can’t see himself settling down (by this I mean living in one place permanently). Luffy wants to travel the seas with you forever, going on adventure after adventure after adventure. He hasn’t really thought much about kids or anything like that, but all he has thought about is you and him growing old together.
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?)
Luffy is definitely not the passive one in the relationship, but I also wouldn’t say he’s the dominant one. He’s dependent on you and you’re dependent on him. It’s a relatively equally balanced relationship but it could even be argued that it’s only that way because of how Luffy is. He often just does what he wants when he wants regardless of your opinion. However, he also allows you to do the same. That’s not to say he doesn’t sit back and listen to your concerns if you voice them.
F-Fight (would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?)
Fights are a very rare occurrence in your relationship. Luffy isn’t one to maintain an argument for very long often cracking a joke or doing something silly causing you to laugh and break the tension.
On the very rare occasion that you are having a serious fight, Luffy can be extremely stubborn. Once he’s got something in his mind, its hard to make him think otherwise, so more often than not you will have to be the one to apologize if you want to move on from this.
G-Gratitude (how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
Luffy is very aware of everything that you do for him, and he absolutely gushes about it to everyone he comes into contact with. He can’t stop talking about you. People who have never met you before suddenly seem to know about every single time you gave up a portion of your dinner to Luffy because he was still hungry but Sanji wouldn’t let him have anymore because dinner was over.
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
Luffy is an open book. He cannot keep a secret to save himself. Not even a good secret like a surprise party for you or something, in fact, the crew have to be the ones to plan surprise parties for you on luffys behalf cos he gets too excited and just blurts it out straight away. Basically, if there is something he isn’t telling you the only explanation is that he genuinely forgot. But as soon as you ask him, he’ll tell you - without hesitation.
I-Inspiration (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
Being with Luffy has helped you to be a little more carefree. He has taught you to embrace your youth. What’s the rush in growing up? Why does everything need to be so serious all the time? It’s okay to loosen up, and goof around as long as you are still dependable.
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
Luffy does get jealous. But, not in the usual sense. He doesn’t get jealous of other people interacting with you, or with you interacting with other people. He trusts you fully, so there’s no reason for him to be jealous in that front. However, what he does get jealous about is you spending time with others, without him. Luffy gets serious FOMO, so if you’re doing anything and he’s not invited, that is when he gets jealous. This sweetie just wants likes to be included! On the off chance that you are doing something without him and Luffy starts to feel jealous, he will simply insert himself into the conversation or the activity. He does NOT care (LMAO).
K-Kisses (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?)
Luffy is a very energetic kisser. There’s no real rhyme or reason to his movements he just smashes his lips against yours. He’s eager and enthusiastic, which can make him a bit sloppy at times, but he doesn’t care.
Your first kiss took you completely by surprise. The two of you were just hanging out then before you knew it, he had kissed you. It happened so quickly they you barely had time to process what happened, but he was just sitting there looking at you while giggling his little heart out.
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
When it comes to telling you how he feels, he approaches it as he does everything else; directly. He’s never been one to beat around the bush, rather always speaking his mind and being up front. With you it’s no different. The second he realizes how he feels about you, he’s on his way to tell you. No hesitation, no doubt, just 100% honesty. It doesn’t matter where you are or who might be around, Luffy will tell you in that very moment.
M-Marriage (do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
Marriage isn’t something Luffy has really thought about. The two of you are together constantly, you know you love each other, so why would you need to get married? It’s not that he’s against getting married, it just isn’t something he’s particularly concerned about. Well… that is until he hears the words ‘wedding’ and ‘party’. Once he’s heard that Luffy is set on getting married right then and there (that’s basically his proposal too). Any excuse for a party.
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
To be honest, Luffy mostly just uses your name. He likes it because it belongs to you which makes it special. He does like to find out what nicknames you had as a child, he thinks those a pretty fun and makes him feel as though he’s known you for your whole life, so he does also use your childhood nickname/s.
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
Luffy gets even more clingy. Clingy may not be the right word, but it’s the best way to describe it. When he’s in love he feels an overwhelming urge to be near you all the time. He craves your presence and your attention so is constantly asking you to play or chat or anything! He really just wants to spend time with you, more so than usual. The whole crew actually picked up on it quite instantly because they noticed the lack of Luffy in their day-to-day schedule. They knew it was more than platonic relationships Luffy had for you when he was five minutes late for lunch because he was too overjoyed by your attention.
P-PDA (are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?)
He’s all about showing affection both platonically and romantically. He catches you (and others) so off guard because one moment its silent and the next thing you know you’re hearing “gomu-gomu no…” and being tackled to the ground by a pair of rubbery arms. If Luffy wants to kiss you, he’s going to kiss you. He doesn’t have a care in the world about who may see.
Q-Quirk (some random ability they have that is beneficial in a relationship?)
Can promise you a life full of excitement. You never need to worry about your relationship getting ‘boring’ or ‘being stuck in a rut’ because that will never happen with Luffy. Each day is filled with adventure and something new to experience. There’s a whole world out there that you can experience together.
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
Many people wouldn’t expect it, but he is indeed romantic. It’s far from cliché and strays from the typical notions of ‘romance’ but it’s romantic, nonetheless. Luffy is just unapologetically himself. Because of this anything he does for you (even the littlest of actions), you know it’s sincere and comes from the heart. That is what makes Luffy romantic.
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?)
Not supporting you in your goals and dreams goes entirely against Luffys character. He truly believes you, and anyone else for that matter, can do whatever they put their minds to. He is your number 1 supporter, actively helping you every step of the way. No one believes in you more than Luffy.
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship or do they prefer certain routine?)
When you’re with Luffy you don’t need to worry about spicing up your relationship. You will never once experience a boring day. The relationship is constantly filled with new places to go, and new things to see, and you’re fortunate enough to be able to do all of it together.
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
Contrary to popular belief, Luffy is very emotionally intelligent (I said this earlier actually). He can read people freakishly well, and his s/o is no different. In fact when it comes to you his emotional intelligence only multiplies.
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
As with most of the other relationships (platonic and familial) in his life your relationship is very important to him. For Nico Robin, he declared war on the world government. For Sanji, he went up against a Yonko and her crew. You would be no different. He would go to the ends of the earth (maybe further) for you. It’s just how he is. His relationships and his dream to be pirate king are not mutually exclusive, meaning, he can’t have one without the other.
W-Wild card (a random fluff headcanon?)
Brings you random little knick-knacks, or like a little memento from EVERY SINGLE island you go to. The items range from a pretty shell he saw on the beach to a funky looking figurine he spotted in a market.
X-XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
Luffy loves to kiss and cuddle. He’s an extremely affectionate person. He practically clings to you like a koala bear. That physical contact is something he enjoys a lot; it’s really reassuring for him.
Y-Yearning (how will they cope when they are missing their partner?)
As long as Luffy is distracted and kept busy, he’ll be able to cope. He entertains himself and slowly counts down the days until he can see you. He builds up the excitement and he becomes like a child the night before a school unable to sleep or keep still; he just wants to see you.
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
This has been established already. All relationships (platonic, romantic, familial) hold a special place in Luffys life. He declared war on the world government, fought countless fearsome opponents all for the sake his friends (sometimes even people he just met). Your relationship with Luffy would be no different at all. In fact, for you, he would do all of that and much much more.
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shy-and-bubbly · 4 years
Summary: Local demon boy had absolutely no idea what tickling was until he saw it in action. Confused, he couldn’t understand what was happening. Perhaps his best friend will know what he’s talking about if he asked. Nothing wrong with asking, right?
Warning: If it wasn’t obvious, this is a tickle fic featuring my favorite mcyt duo. It’s my first tickle fic to be exact, so I hope I did well lmao.
Bad stepped out of the nether portal appearing back to the outside world. He was busy collecting quartz to make some repairs to his and Skeppy’s mansion. Walking along the bridge path, he went to a nearby crafting table to craft the quartz into quartz blocks.
His crafting was disturbed however when he suddenly heard a shriek. He whirled his head to the right, alarmed that something terrible was happening.
...He was bewildered to say the least from what he saw.
Bad only stared at Tubbo and Tommy, tilting his head in confusion. He was far enough away from them to not catch their attention.
Tommy was rolling on the grass, spitting out cuss words and laughing his head off, while Tubbo… he has no idea what Tubbo was doing. He sees that he has his hands on Tommy's sides, but he can't tell what's happening or why Tommy was acting like that.
Tubbo had a grin on his face. "So are you going to take back what you said to me, bitch?" His hands moved to Tommy's stomach area, almost getting kicked by Tommy in the process. "FUCK! NAHAHA!"
Bad's tail swished from side to side for a moment. Even though he has no idea what's going on, he was intrigued. Whatever they were doing, it looked like they were having fun. Especially Tommy, judging by how hard he's laughing.
After a few more seconds passed, Bad finished crafting what he needed and walked back to the mansion. Skeppy was already there and was making progress with the repairs on the roof.
"Geppyyy, I'm back!" Bad greeted with a sing-song tone in his voice. Skeppy looked at Bad, smiled, and came back down to see him. "Hey! Did you get more quartz?"
"I got more quartz!" Bad happily announced while his tail swished about.
"Finally! I was running low on slabs. What took you so long?"
"Hey! I was getting as much as I can, you mutton chop!"
Skeppy giggled and thanked him when Bad split the amount of blocks between the two. They talked for a long time while building together. Skeppy would bring up random topics to talk about, and Bad brought up potential improvements on their estate.
During a period of silence between the two, Bad thought back to that scenario he saw with Tommy and Tubbo. He paused in thought, wondering if he should bring it up.
A part of him didn't want to, because he himself wouldn't even know what he's talking about. Then again, maybe Skeppy can clear up any confusion if he talks about it as best as he can.
"Hey, Skeppy?"
"Mmm?" Skeppy was only half paying attention, trying to make a nice staircase to give their mansion a more modern look.
"So.. you know how on my way back, I stopped by a crafting table to turn the quartz I mined into blocks?"
"Uhh yeah?"
"Well, while I was crafting I saw Tommy and Tubbo on the ground. And I saw something very peculiar.."
Skeppy paused with his building for a moment and looked at him. "Go on?"
"Tubbo was doing something to Tommy, but I don't know what he was doing. I don’t know how to describe it other than he had his hands on him."
Skeppy frowned a bit, not knowing where Bad was getting at. "What? What do you mean? Was he hurting him or something?"
Bad eyed to the side and thought about it. "No, I don't think it was anything like that. Tommy was laughing a lot so he didn't seem like he was in pain.. I guess?
"Laughing.." Skeppy started slowly, trying to put the pieces together. "So you mean that you saw Tubbo tickling him?" He watched as Bad tilted his head in confusion.
"Tickling.. You know, when someone tickles another person and..?"
A moment of silence has passed as Bad still held that confused look on his face. "Wait a minute. You don’t know what that is?"
Skeppy was absolutely dumbfounded. "What?! You seriously-.. How?!"
Bad's tail twitched nervously as a tinge of red appeared on his face. "I-I don't know! This is probably the first time I'm hearing this word Skeppy!"
Skeppy took a moment before continuing. Now that he thought about it, Bad did grow up in the Nether. It may not be too far fetched to assume that stuff like this just never happens. On top of that, English isn't the demon's first language either. It's believable that he's never heard the word "tickle" either.
"Does this mean you've never been tickled before? Not even when you were a child or..?"
Bad shook his head. "How does tickling even work?" He asks ever so innocently.
"Oh god how do I even.. Uh, you see.. tickling someone basically means that you.." Skeppy warily puts his hands up, struggling to come up with an explanation "..use your fingers.. to touch someone where it makes them laugh."
Bad thought back to when he saw Tubbo tickling Tommy. "Okay.. but why do they laugh? I don't get what's so funny about someone's touch."
"It's not that it's funny. It's because it feels.. tickly or tingly or.." Skeppy lightly facepalms. "I'm really bad at describing it. It's like one of those things that people generally know about, that it doesn't need to be explained."
"So what you're saying is if I touch, um, if I tickle your shoulder, that means you're going to start laughing?" Bad curiously put a hand on Skeppy's shoulder.
"Uhh that's.. not exactly how it works."
"Hmm.." Skeppy can see the genuine confusion in his face. Bad doesn't even know how to tickle, or what it even felt like. Skeppy’s eyes widened as a smile appeared on his face. This gives him an idea!
"Actually, why don't I just show you! That would be way easier than just trying to explain it!"
"Show me?" Bad's tail wavered in the air for a bit.
"Yeah! I'll show you by tickling you! ..If you're okay with that?"
"Oh! ..Hm.." Bad wasn't sure about it. He thinks he feels okay with it, but he's never been tickled before, so he doesn't know. Then again, it didn't look like it was a bad thing. Right?
Skeppy could tell that Bad was uncertain, so he gave him a patient smile."If you end up feeling uncomfortable, I'll stop tickling you. All I'm going to do is a demonstration, okay? Think of it as a test! Do you trust me?"
Bad smiled and nodded as his tail continued to swish from side to side. A demonstration sounded fine to him, and he trusted Skeppy. He would never purposely harm him. "Okay, I'm okay with it."
"Alright then! Keep your arms up and try to stay still!" Skeppy grinned wanting to jump right in.
"Just lift your arms up a little bit." He giggled.
Despite not seeing the point of this, he did as he was told, standing still while Skeppy was contemplating where he should start. "You see Bad, when you tickle someone, you have to go for specific areas like riiiiight here."
He began by lightly poking and prodding Bad's stomach. Bad didn't know what he was expecting, but he let out a small gasp when he started feeling.. a strange sensation.
This new sensation was pleasant yet somehow unbearable. For some reason he had the urge to laugh, feeling the sniggers build up inside his chest.
Skeppy observed Bad. Seeing that he was slightly squirming with a wobbly smile on his face, he beamed. Bad was ticklish!
"Come on Bad hold still! I'm trying to show you how this works!"
"I'm t-trying." He broke into a grin. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stand still. He was slowly moving backwards, not that it mattered anyway. Skeppy would follow, not making the tickling disappear.
"Skeppy, ihit feels strahange." Bad felt his back being pressed up against the wall as titters started to pour out of his mouth.
"Good strange or bad stange?" Skeppy chuckled a bit while scribbling his fingers on Bad’s stomach.
"I.. Ihi dohon't know?" Bad answered truthfully. Skeppy only smiled at him. Since Bad didn't ask for him to stop, he took it as a sign that it was okay to continue.
"Hmm.. Let’s try another spot then?" He stopped tickling his stomach and moved to his sides. The reaction was almost immediate.
"Oooo now we're talking!" Skeppy couldn’t help but smirk.
The tittering turned into squeaky giggling as these tickly sensations became stronger. His face was starting to flush up and even his tail was being twitchy. Skeppy started giggling along with him, seeing the adorable state that he’s in. “It looks like this is a good spot for you Bad!”
"Skehehehee! Ihihihi cahahan't!" His knees gave up as he slowly slid down to the floor. “Curling yourself up on the floor isn’t going to help you Bad.” Skeppy teased, and it turns out that he was right. He was still helplessly giggling as Skeppy was attacking his sides.
“Hey wait a minute. Didn’t I tell you to keep your arms up mister?” Skeppy decided to grab one of Bad’s hands, lifting it up above his head. He was tickling his now exposed side with the other hand.
“Wahahahait! I'm sorreheehee!” Bad squirmed for a bit and tried to pull his lifted up hand away from Skeppy’s clutches. He was also trying to bat Skeppy’s merciless fingers away with his other hand. None of that was very effective.
Skeppy couldn’t really help himself. He always loved toying with Bad, and this was a fun new way to do it. “Uuuup annnd dowwwn annnd uuup annnd dowwwn and-” Skeppy felt Bad go limp, his giggling becoming more squeaky and high pitched. Even his tail was wagging on the floor.
“Are you enjoying yourself Bad? I’m gonna move to the next spot now. You’re okay with that?” Bad was covering his face with his free arm, but he saw him nod even though he was such a giggly mess. That was surprisingly adorable to Skeppy, giving him permission to tickle him silly.
Skeppy was caught off guard and, cackling at that embarrassingly loud squeal. "What the fuck was thahahat?!" Skeppy apparently found a sweet spot. He was pinching both of Bad’s hips. Bad let out another squeal before dissolving into hiccupy high pitched laughter.
"LAHAHAN- *hic* AHAHAHA!" The poor guy couldn't even get his language remark out. His tail was spazzing out, hitting the wall and floor repeatedly with small thuds.
"Awww Baaad!" He cooed. Skeppy didn’t know what was cuter. Bad’s hysterical laughter or the fact that Bad is holding still while covering his face with both hands. “You know, I think you should laugh more often Bad. It’s cute.” Skeppy started drilling his thumbs into Bad’s hips, making Bad’s laugh nearly silent.
"Awe does it tickle too much for youuu? Is the wittle badboyhalo too ticklish?" Bad swears that Skeppy was making this worse the more he talked as he felt his face get even warmer.
"YeheHEE YEHEHEHEHES! ..*hic*"
Skeppy giggled a bit at his honesty. "Aw, how cute." His fingers skittered across Bad's stomach and sides, making him let out a whinny squeal. It was a little bit of break for him since his laughter became less intense.
After a few more seconds, Skeppy slowly came to a stop. "Okay okay, I think you had more than enough.”
Bad was catching his breath, slightly laughing because of the ghost tickles. He was hiding his face in his hoodie, leaning against Skeppy. "You were having fun, weren’t you, you muffinhead."
Skeppy giggled in response as he hugged him. "I'm sorryyyy. Did I go too far?"
“That was.. a lot. But I guess that wasn’t so bad..” Bad admitted. “So what you’re saying is, you liked it?” Skeppy grinned. Bad peaked out of his hoodie before responding. "I uh.. I thought that it was interesting and I didn't.. hate it."
"Dude you totally liked it. It was kind of obvious since your tail kept wagging."
"Wh- No it wasn't!"
Skeppy laughed as he saw Bad's flustered face. "Yes it was. Now come on, let's finish building already!" He pinched Bad’s side making him squeak before standing up and offering a hand.
Bad let out an embarrassed “grr” before he took Skeppy’s hand to help him stand up. A few more seconds of silence and passed. Then, Bad suddenly had an important question in mind. He asked Skeppy the moment he thought about it.
"Hey Skeppy, are you ticklish?"
Skeppy hasn't denied something so fast in his entire life.
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akajulester · 3 years
further thoughts on Higurashi Gou/Sotsu (spoilers for Higurashi and Umineko ep3)
warning: long rant incoming haha
I think my two biggest problems with these seasons is how they focused way more on the supernatural/magic elements of the When They Cry franchise and less on the original Higurashi’s emphasis on natural explanations, and how the characters were completely devoid of the life they had in the original.
I’ve only just started getting into Umineko and I understand it also leaves a lot of room for a non-magical explanation, but you can’t deny it focuses way more on magic than Higurashi ever did.
The thing I found most interesting when I first watched Higurashi was how the mystery had a very human and realistic explanation. While a mystical divine curse is cool, the whole plot being the result of a human character taking advantage of a fictional parasite and medicine to essentially create the mystical divine curse is far more compelling - the audience is allowed to piece together the mystery along with the characters and isn’t shut down by “a wizard did it.”
And that isn’t to say Higurashi is completely devoid of magic or the divine. Hanyuu is some kind of mystical deity who gave Rika a supernatural power (looping) and is able to manifest in the real world and directly affect the course of events (such as making Takano miss her shot). Higurashi is just a perfect blend of supernatural and more realistic storytelling.
Gou and Sotsu, on the other hand, went much harder on the supernatural/magic aspect seen in Umineko. Not only is it a worse magic vs human mystery than Umineko, it’s just completely different from what Higurashi is at its core. The complex, interweaving mystery that at first seems unsolvable but later makes sense was replaced with a much simpler “whodunnit” where the answers were obvious, especially after Satoko was revealed to be the second looper. The introduction of straight-up magic and powerful witch entities dumbs down the story, in a sense.
To be fair, Gou and Sotsu do have a human explanation as well, specifically in the vein of the human explanations seen in Umineko. Just as Eva-Beatrice in Episode 3 can be interpreted as a personification of Eva going crazy and murdering her family, Rika and Satoko’s big magical-girl fight could be interpreted as a metaphor for their fight. However, this rings a little hollow when the last episode essentially says “nah, they definitely turned into Bernkastel and Lambdadelta.” It feels like there’s almost no room for a true human explanation.
The other thing I found most compelling about Higurashi is the characters, more specifically how they interacted with each other and felt like very real people. I want to read the sound novels at some point mainly because I’ve heard the anime didn’t fully do the characters justice by cutting out small but important moments. Mion and Shion especially were amazing, their dynamic as twins was probably one of the best I’ve ever seen in storytelling. Also, the main message of Higurashi is literally about the power of friendship, and it portrays it in such an amazing way you forget the sentiment is a bit cheesy.
And yet, Gou/Sotsu ignored every single character who wasn’t Rika or Satoko (except maybe Hanyuu and Eua). While I can understand the decision to focus on them since the only point of the show was apparently to set up Bernkastel and Lambdadelta, it actually makes them feel more hollow and lifeless, to me at least.
Keiichi’s lack of presence was especially baffling in this regard. He was arguably the main reason Rika was able to break out of the loops at all, as he helped inspire her with the idea a miracle could happen if their entire group of friends worked together. And with Satoko, he became her big brother figure! The fact that Gou/Sotsu not only push their relationship off to the wayside but also have Satoko get Keiichi murdered in horrifically brutal ways AND purposely inject him with Hinamizawa Syndrome without any shred of remorse or guilt is disgusting. Are you seriously telling me Satoko had a massive internal struggle over taking advantage of Teppei (y’know, the guy who abused her and her brother and severely traumatized them), but felt absolutely nothing over torturing Keiichi, the boy who she knows has fought to save her from said abusive uncle in multiple worlds and would literally kill for her??? Wtf???
The same thing goes for the almost non-existence of Shion in Gou/Sotsu. Shion also has a very strong relationship with Satoko (except for the worlds where she goes crazy and brutally murders her lmao) and has ALSO threatened to kill that abusive uncle for hurting Satoko, something Satoko would know full well after watching all of Rika’s loops. It’s reasonable Satoko would have more ambiguous feelings about Shion (since, again, Shion has killed her in Watanagashi arcs), but I find it bizarre she would be this willing to brutally murder, torture, and directly cause events leading others to murder/torture her surrogate big sister and surrogate big brother.
The whole story in general is baffling when you consider Satoko’s character. Are we seriously supposed to believe her drifting apart from a close friend is somehow more traumatic to her than the isolation and exclusion she experienced from her entire town and the literal abuse she went through from her aunt and uncle? You can’t even really use the “oh the town didn’t actually want to persecute her family tho” argument because that doesn’t negate Satoko’s experience of living through it. It’s especially dumb when you consider Gou/Sotsu somehow make Satoko’s argument “I don’t wanna study waaahhhhh” as if it makes any sense when you know these characters.
Don’t even get me started on how nobody even reacts to Satoko’s bullshit. The original Higurashi had characters sometimes remember past arcs/worlds, and Gou explicitly stated Satoko’s loops meant characters would remember even more. And yet, all that happens is Takano and Teppei reforming. What??? I expected the ending to involve Keiichi, Rena, Mion, and Shion realizing what Satoko had done to them and getting rightfully angry with Rika over what Satoko did to all of them. The show should’ve ended with the group cutting her off for being so fucking awful to them. Jfc...
In the end, I think Gou was fine and Tatariakashi-hen in Sotsu was cool, but this show just felt so empty compared to the original Higurashi and Umineko. Both stories are focused on the CHARACTERS, and while there are main characters in both who get more focus than the rest of the cast, every single character’s interactions with each other are vital to what makes their stories compelling. Dropping all of that to hone in on 2 specific characters actually robs even those characters of their depth and vividness.
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
"for one muse to kiss the other's scar" w satan pls? 👉🏻👈🏻
masterlist / 600+ followers event
Thank you for your request, anon! No pronouns were specified so I hope you don’t mind masc mc :’)
I kept getting scared that this was getting too lengthy (i have a short ass attention span so ik i cant read long stuff LMAO) so I redid a bunch of parts, i hope it’s not too apparent!
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Anything with history is an eye-catcher to Satan.
Just like a good novel, things with meaning and origins deeper than surface level are so much more enjoyable and genuine than things that simply are there. Who says an Avatar of Wrath can’t be poetic?
But it’s often that things with such overwhelming sentiment that Satan feels become an eye sore much quicker than anything else. Some things of personal importance are meant to be remembered, but not belabored to the point of ruin.
He is forced to face this fact today when Lucifer pushes a boundary that may not have even existed before. At any rate, it does now. Skipping past the point of negotiation entirely, Satan now finds himself pacing his room, cursing his brothers name under his hissing breath.
MC patiently watches as Satan goes through his breathing exercises on his own, knowing that if Satan has learned to calm down on his own before, he can do it again. Just being in his room with him is enough.
On the other hand, Satan isn’t too keen on that idea.
Things have become enstranged between him and Lucifer— Even more so. At this point, it’s hard to tell that MC’s help had brought them any closer at all.
The recent fights and arguments continuously end in Satan peering at the long, winding scar wrapping around his wrist and forearm like a ravenous snake. Just its faded presence is enough to make him conflicted.
He received this scar long ago, at least thousands of years ago. From a day that Lucifer got a bit too close to Satan when he was angry.
Maybe that was the day that set the precedent. The precedent that stated that no matter how smart or calm he presents, there will always be some turmoil within him brewing like a storm.
The disappointment and weariness that shows in his own family’s faces when he gets worked up is so evident he wishes he could be anyone else than who he is. Even if just for a day. But isn’t it unfair to only expect chaos from him? Certainly he’s been doing better to keep his anger in check... Right?
Besides... It’s just his nature to be angry. So, maybe... No, he still is held accountable for his actions. He definitely should just—
“Satan? Are you... Are you okay?” MC quietly calls his name from his bed. Perhaps he should have called Satan’s name a little earlier? The demon stood staring at his clothed arm in absolute silence for a number of minutes until now.
Satan’s eyes open a little wider. “Huh..? Oh, I’m sorry. I must have spaced out... How uncharacteristic of me.” He can’t find it in himself to smile, and instead uses his left hand to hold onto his scarred forearm, pushing it aside in hopes to shake off his intrusive thoughts.
“Moreover... I feel like I have calmed down significantly. Thank you for being here MC, but perhaps you’ve been bored out of your mind here.” He gives a firm smile and quickly looks away. “You may leave if you’d like.”
MC doesn’t quite listen to his offer. Satan seemed more tensed than normal when he would have “calmed down”. If he were a danger to be around at that moment, he would have said so, anyways. And if there was any chance of being able to help him before he does something risky, MC would take it.
“Well... It wouldn’t hurt to stay just a bit more, would it?” MC gave him a small smile, in which Satan seemed to become a bit flustered upon seeing.
Satan wonders how to respond. MC was right. And it may just hurt more if Satan is alone with his thoughts. “Oh, MC.” He sighs with unsaid appreciation, then makes his way into bed beside the human, who is still sitting on the edge. “Sometimes I wonder who truly are the angels of the exchange program.”
MC giggles, rolling over so that the two males lay side by side. “I’m no angel, but humans aren’t so bad... Occasionally.”
Satan smiles to let him know that the response was well received. Lord knows how grim his expression was while he was subconsciously considering his past just moments ago.
“But, that aside...” MC turns his head to look at the blonde. “What’s wrong, Satan? I’m not forcing anything out, but I’m thinking I should start to worry.”
Satan could almost laugh at those words. Worry? For him? A demon who embodies fury and unrelenting rage? It’s... A little odd to picture.
“Hmph. Well... Now that I have to put it in words, it seems a bit silly when it really shouldn’t be...”
MC raised a brow. “Based off of how you were glaring at your hands earlier, I doubt that this is about it being silly, and more about you trying to downplay it. But I’d say that’s a rather common coping mechanism.”
Satan felt as if he were see through. A mere glass pane. How could someone see into his mind so well? He had barely gotten into his explanation at all. “Er. I guess you could say that...
“It would appear that the tension... Between Lucifer and I has caused some rather distasteful memories to surface.” Satan mumbles the words as if they would reflect his character poorly. As if they were something to be ashamed of.
MC picks up on this, and a frown deepens his features. “Satan...” He pauses to think about what to say next, “You see, this is the part where I have no idea what to add because you guys have thousands of years of age on me.”
Satan ruffles the male’s hair when he sees the small pout on his lips. “You’ll come to learn that most demons are petty, shallow creatures with personalities about as deep as a puddle,”
Coming to a stop, the Avater of Wrath subconsciously began to pull up his sleeve to reveal the very edge of his scar. However, he hesitates, and his throat tightens just barely.
What in the hell was he doing?
“...” MC can’t look away from Satan’s hands, and it seems that time has stopped for a moment. Even the air that previously entered and exited MC’s nose seized.
Satan suddenly relaxes. It’s just MC. A human that knows all too well that this household could be dangerous and frightening. So he continues to pull up the bit of cloth covering peach skin.
“And sometimes, we tend to give into vainglorious temptations that only end up hurting someone, or everyone.” Satan finishes, voice barely breaking the border between a whisper and mutter. “I suppose I could have gone about pushing Lucifer’s buttons in a smarter way... But I didn’t, unfortunately. So I’m left with this loving scar from my brother.”
MC supresses a gasp, and gently takes hold of Satan’s arm. “It looks like it was super deep... I’m sorry this happened to you Satan.”
Satan watches MC trail his fingers calmingly along the edge of his river-like line along his arm. He rotates his forearm so that he can follow its path all around his arm.
“I appreciate that, MC... But I’m ‘over it’, for lack of better words. You see here, the scars actually make the silhouette of a cat on the untouched skin. It’s rather cute.”
MC laughs at the revelation. It was cute. But as much as he could admire Satan’s turning of an unfortunate event into a moment of entertainment for the two of them, he couldn’t ignore the weary look on Satan’s face.
“Awh... That’s adorable.” MC lightly mocks a babyish tone, and rubs his finger on the head of this imaginary feline. “It’s like a mini Satan cat.” He feels Satan’s shoulder move as he chuckles breathily.
“I value your adoration for my unsightly skin, MC. But if you’re so affectionate to this mere imagery of ‘mini Satan’ , perhaps you could spare a moment or two paying more attention to me.” He’s not sure if Satan means to sound dismayed rather than playful, even through the smile on his lips.
So he decides to gently grab onto Satan’s arm and press his lips against the indented skin on his forearm.
“M-MC-..!” Satan jumps, free hand freezing mid-air. His body heat is rising, and he’s sure MC can feel it.
“You’d better not be talking about Mini Satan like that, Satan.” MC mumbles against his skin. “He’s not unsightly. He’s wonderful and handsome, just like you.”
Satan can’t find a way to respond. Was he supposed to feel his heart squeeze? This seemed too menial of a response from MC for his heart to be racing like this. He simply smiles and shakes his head helplessly.
“Thank you, MC...” He lets out the breath he had been holding in.
Perhaps he could afford to be transparent every once in a while.
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lunarticxenia · 3 years
okay but what if you have mars square pluto in your own chart and what if you have a mutable mars that squares everyone’s pluto? i have it with my sister and mars square pluto went completely different than what it’s usually interpreted as. i notice that with really heavy aspects, a LOT of the time the explanations just resort to the most dramatic outcomes. i’ve seen/experienced that with mars square pluto it can mean mutual trauma that you share from your past or it will be something you go through together and due to it being mars and pluto it’s usually sexual, sadly. on another note, i noticed that if you lack mars, pluto, and sometimes 8th house then squares to pluto will just not work out for you simply because it’s too much to handle healthily because of how heavy synastry like that can be.
i’m sorry if this comes off as rude. that is not my intention at all. i once had someone get absolutely freaked one time when i sent in an ask with a question in regards to a kpop stars asc not making any sense and how the source wasn’t credible, along with some some theories to start a convo. (i’m still pressed btw. they gave a degree, not a time. why would you trust as rando that says…🙄 ugh. moving on.) i have an aries mc with saturn and jupiter there. so… literally just a clusterfuck of coming off rude due to the fact i don’t bother to mince words or appear fake nice. they had a very similar chart to yours so i wanted to clarify that i don’t mean to offend in any way. i have a cancer asc but that can’t be seen so all i can give is the aries that constantly bites me in the ass.
and for another conversation starter, have you noticed water risings are peak examples of what you see is usually not what you get? I’ve had so many people that were my friend and expected me to be soft, sweet, and unthreatening, only for them to get disappointed with me when my aries mc, heavy aquarius, and saturn in 10th shows up. they get mad at ME when i don’t fit some weird vague ass expectation that’s based purely on an ooga booga small asian girl = pushover sweetheart mindset. and with pisces asc i notice that the flighty “pixie girl” interpretation of them is shattered by the sag mc because they’re so intelligent and philosophical and they ponder over everything. they put so much thought into what they do and why things are the way they are but everyone assumes they’re just soft goofballs. scorpios different but still reminiscent. they’ve got it worse. if you meet them face to face, they’re seen as very serious, controlled, private and obsessive about how they handle everything. it’s almost weird to others that they’re perceived as fun loving and attention grabbing by the public because of how guarded they come off. and then the opposite happens if you see their public persona first. artistic, fun, wild, and showy is juxtaposed by how much thought they put in being perceived that way.
it’s infuriating how infantilized pisces and cancer are when they can be some of the most guarded and out of touch people when it comes to emotion. degrees and decans matter, i’m tired of being written off as a literal infant. scorpio is luckier but not by much. they’re taken seriously at least. anyway, i’m sorry for the rant, i just have a lot of thoughts out of nowhere. i’m truly sorry that you were my outlet.
Well hello, lmao. I'll try to answer everything.
1.) Of course you can't avoid Mars Square Pluto when it's in your own chart and it being in your synastry, that's common to happen. It's more forgiving in that case when it happens. However, this is still an extremely difficult placement, and it can of course be dealt with, but I think it takes certain placements like you said to be able to deal with it. If it's in one of your natal charts already, then I'd say you're more likely to get through it. For example, I've had Moon square Venus in my synastry charts before and I have it in my natal chart, and it makes things extremely difficult for those who I have it with. Impossible no, but difficult, yes. So it's definitely something to be aware of because Mars Square Pluto is intense, and individuals who have it tend to be, so you need someone like you said who has their own intense energy in their chart. It also boils down to developed and underdeveloped placements. Developed Mars Square Pluto placements would be better with this synastry aspect, however the undeveloped ones can be straight up dangerous. So I do label it as a red flag, just because it's something to be wary of.
2.) You're good, dw. I'm not offended LMAO. You raise a very good point, Mars Square Pluto can be difficult to avoid when dealing with Mutable Mars. So I should probably bump it down to a less severe degree because of that. (We'll go from three flags to two).
3.) I definitely agree, water risings are very mysterious, especially Scorpio risings. You never know what they're thinking. I kind of think of it as the ocean, like you never know which way the water is gonna flow, and I think that's the same with water risings.
4.) I definitely agree, as a Cancer I'm sick of being called a crybaby LMFAO. I really don't cry that often, if anything I usually tend to avoid crying and I just don't deal with my emotions. Granted, not the best, but still. I def agree about Scorpio risings, I also feel that they're s*xualized a lot.
Anyway, these were really great points you made, and I very much enjoyed reading it! Let me know if you have any other observations or anything! <3
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bondsmagii · 3 years
I’m rereading Vicious and after knowing everything about Vengeful everything that Eli did on vicious makes so much sense.
The first time I read Vicuous I always wondered what exactly went through Eli’s head, what was he thinking? When he looked for Victor when Victor was about to replicate his experiment? Was Eli concerned about Victor or was Eli was acting for selfish reasons? What was he thinking and feeling after he got his powers? What was he thinking when Victor attacked him and why was he so quick to think Victor was a devil in disguise? What was his last thought when he was about to become an Eo and how does it relate to healing? What was his thought process when he was trying to give up his life to god and when he decided that killing EOS was the “right” thing to do?
And after reading Vengeful everything becomes so much clearer, his last thought was probably about how he wanted to be “healed and saved” he internalized so some much religious trauma that it affected the way he acted and his thogught porcess, he witnessed his mother suicide on a bathtub and that’s probably why he chose that method both times before and after becoming an EO, his father used to beat him as a kid because he supposedly “had the devil in him” and he does feels like one through his life, doing his best to act as “normal” as possible.
His mother death also explains why he was so worried about Victor and even in the first book Eli talks very fondly of him even referring to him as his best friend and he explains to Serena he thinks Victor died and something sinister replaced him after becoming an EO and this conclusion although rash, it make sense he would try to rationalize and in a way justify the awful things that Victor did after turning into an EO.
And even in vengeful he started imagining Victor to kept him company when he was going through hell, he admits to himself that Victor was the only person who ever truly “saw” him and understood him, pretty much confirming that the “rivalry” Victor and Eli had was mostly one-sided and Eli really did loved him and consider him his best friend.
This also explains his weird behavior towards Victor when Vic himself was trying to turn himself into an EO, Eli witnessed his mother death and probably didn’t wanted the same to happen to Victor after Eli himself almost died trying to recreate it.
The first book also explains that he tried to take his life a second time after Victor got arrested begging for God to take away his power if it had been a mistake, he seemed to externalize all of this negative experience and feelings through his purpose of exterminating the EOS because he sincerely believed that was the right thing to do, his faith although horribly used and mishandled seemed to be genuine based on how we was him literally begging to god to take his life back if everything had been a mistake.
Everyone one of his actions seem to be driven by his childhood and religious trauma and it’s incredible sad to me, he wan’t a sociopath or a psychopath he was just very broken and delusional individual.
And his experience with Serena who forced herself into him also didn’t helped the whole “EOS are devils in disguise” perspective , even since I read the first book (when I didn’t knew anything about Eli yet) I was very repulsed by what Serena was doing to him, to the point that even though I greatly disliked Eli at first I kind of hated Serena more for what she was doing to him. I am also a little disappointed in how the fandom barely acknowledges that what Serena did to Eli was incredibly wrong and messed up.
I have already said this, but the fandom seems to treat Eli very unkindly, they brush over all of his story and just label him as a “sociopath” or “psychopath” barely understanding and completely missing the point of why he behaved the way that he did.
I don’t mind if people hate his character, I did so at first, but the way everyone brush over all of his trauma and the way people completely misinterpreted his character and actions don’t set up right with me.
It’s a little surprising how people can praise Serena, Victor and Marcella despite their awful actions while they hate on Eli for the same reason, overall Eli seems to have been the one to receive the shorter end of the stick by the fandom.
honestly I've read this so many times because you're so right and it's such a relief to know that somebody else out there is capable of critical thinking skills lmao. I think the problem with people's response to Eli is that they think his backstory is an excuse, when in actual fact it's an explanation. go figure, kids who grow up in abusive households will turn into adults with a boatload of issues, and some of those issues are more likely than not going to cause harm of their own. it's totally possible to be both a victim and someone who causes harm; yes, Eli thinks he's in the right, but his actions are still wrong. it's possible to understand both of these things and it's possible to still like his character and sympathise with him, while still understanding that damn, he maybe needs to chill on the serial killing.
it wouldn't bother me as much if people didn't think that Victor was absolutely innocent. people seem to revere him, and it's because in the narrative he's set up as Eli's opposite. the whole point of the story is that there's no good men in the game, but because Victor wants to stop Eli, people see him as the good guy and overlook how cruel he was to Eli throughout their entire friendship, and also how cruel he is to the others. (Mitch is probably the only one there of his own free will. Sydney was an injured 12-year-old child when Victor picked her up, and he did so only because she had information that he wanted -- his first thought was to torture it out of her, but when she gave it willingly and kind of hero-worshipped him in the way a neglected child would hero-worship their saviour, he decided she could stay. Dominic is there by force, because he's a disabled man in constant chronic agony that Victor fixes with his EO abilities, and if he does something to displease Victor or leaves him, Victor has threatened to bring the pain back even worse.) people rewrite both Eli and Victor's personalities to fit this, with Eli being cast as this unfeeling psychopath and Victor the person standing up to his evil, and in actual fact Eli is absolutely not a psychopath -- he's a traumatised adult recovering from a highly abusive childhood -- and Victor is not standing up to evil; he's settling a score. a score he kind of started in the first place, by being a jealous asshole towards Eli's thesis, trying to dominate it because his own sucked, seeking glory off the back of Eli's hard work, and then when he succeeded in his goals and became an EO, immediately murdering Eli's girlfriend and torturing Eli because he was jealous Eli's idea was correct. like, Victor Vale is a little bitch, on god. the reason it ended like this was because he was a god-awful friend to Eli, who was literally Victor's only true friend because he was the only person who would put up with him. go figure that the only person who could deal with Victor's behaviour was a grown abused child. nobody who hadn't been indoctrinated into believing that behaviour was acceptable would ever voluntarily deal with Victor.
literally every decision and action Eli takes can be traced back to his trauma, but go figure that nobody on this website can treat trauma with the nuance it deserves. people on this site seem to think that if you're traumatised you're always innocent and vulnerable; if anyone acts outside of this idea, they're written off. I take Eli's treatment very personally because I've seen people quite literally do this to real life people, myself included. because I wasn't a quiet, easy-to-deal-with traumatised person, I got all kinds of shit. it's the exact same with Eli. because he acts badly, because he does bad things, people seek to dehumanise him and set him aside because he apparently makes abuse survivors look bad or whatever -- when in actual fact acting badly is a very common response among abuse survivors, because we were brought up in an environment where that was normal and we don't know otherwise. not to mention the fact that the kind of mental illness Eli shows -- PTSD, mainly -- has many symptoms that make for unpleasant actions. it's not a crime to show the impact these things have, but people take it so personally. I've even seen people say it's ableist to portray characters like Eli because it gives people with trauma or mental illness a bad name, but no. that's literally not how it works. people with trauma and people with mental illness act badly, they fuck up, they can abuse people, sometimes they do harm or even kill people. ignoring this isn't going to get us anywhere, and if anything's ableist, it's looking at a clearly traumatised, mentally ill person and saying that he's a psychopath and evil and irredeemable. like, come on.
Eli didn't catch a single break for his whole life. everyone he's ever met has abused him horribly. you don't have to like him, but the people who can look at this and see nothing sympathetic about him? genuinely I don't trust them.
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ary-se · 4 years
Mankai with a roach
some of these are based on irl experiences so i hope y'all enjoy reading this as much as i did writing it LMAO no braincells were involved in doing this i am so sorry.. also tagging @tsum-uwu-gi for some of the totally whack ideas, tysm 🥰
🐪 the mankai dorm never really experienced having a roach flying all over the place that much, and even if it did, they're immediately dealt with by the moms of the dorm
🐪 that was mostly the case until that one specific day arrived, when the reliable people were gone for different reasons. tsuzuru was in his part-time job, omi was getting groceries, tasuku was a guest actor for another troupe, and no one knows what in the world sakyo was up to
🐪 anyways the first one to notice was azuma, he walked in the bathroom probably to take a dump or something - who knows really lol - when he found himself staring at a roach that was literally on the toilet.
🐪 azuma literally has no idea how or when it got there, but the fact remains that there is no freaking way he is going to use the toilet unless he wants a death sentence. the logical choice was to close the toilet and flush it, but at that moment he kinda lost his shit, both literally and figuratively, and so all he did was act composed as he quickly left the bathroom
🐪 "azu-nee, why do you look so pale?" yuki asked him out of curiosity in the dining room, but azuma is hella smooth so he just laughs it off and acts as if he totally wasn't horrified at all, "it's nothing, you're probably imagining things."
🐪 after that incident, nothing happens for at least an hour. unfortunately, a roach doesn't simply disappear just because you want them to, which was why azuma's efforts of not letting the roach escape from the bathroom were in vain...
🐪 for some apparent reason taichi sometimes has this tendency of holding his own pee before he sprints to the toilet and just bursts in there, so when he ran to the bathroom and immediately let out an ungodly screech, it's all fucking over
🐪 did taichi piss himself? who the hell freaking knows. if he did, mankai would normally either laugh or feel bad for him or both, but at that moment nobody cared about that. what actually mattered was that taichi left the fucking door open so the moment he screamed, the roach already started flying EVERYWHERE
🐪 the one who was nearby the bathroom that time was kazunari. even if kazunari acts like he is scared of roaches, he actually isn't and he is capable of killing a roach in sight. would he help taichi, who has his fly almost open, by killing the roach and call it a day?
🐪 the answer is hell no. killing it doesn't even cross his mind. kazunari thinks this is really hilarious, and if he finds something funny he doesn't do anything to solve the problem. kazunari would basically make things worse by going live on his instablam to record what is happening. in this case, it is all about the unwanted creature and where in the actual world it is gonna land
🐪 gladly, kazu's sanity is still intact that he didn't include taichi in his live for the first few minutes. if kazu did, taichi better say bye bye to his remaining dignity and write his last will so he can finally dig his own grave. people will forever know him as the ugly sobbing, screaming dude in the bathroom with his fly open, and that is honestly the last thing taichi wants to be known for
🐪 sakuya goes to where the chaos is, poor boy was legitimately confused as to why two people are yelling and laughing at the same time. it is normal in mankai but every time it happens, somewhing whack is happening. unfortunately for sakuya, he was completely unaware of the roach flying behind him
🐪 "hi kazunari!" sakuya greets, and the roach lands on the sleeve of his hoodie. sakuya is a pure little bean, he is ALWAYS a pure bean but if kazu was being honest, the current image of sakuya smiling widely while a roach is chilling on his sleeve was really unnerving in its own way
🐪 kazu started to laugh so hard that he is physically unable to explain to sakuya what was happening, and he felt so bad about it. sadly, kazu doesn't have the capability to stop laughing by force, does he? because of the lack of explanation, it took sakuya approximately 7 seconds of obliviousness before he notices
🐪 tenma arrived right after that, and the roach flies off sakuya's hoodie after he jumps from surprise. high and mighty carrot boy is now in for a storm cause the moment he appeared, the roach lands on top of tenma's freaking head out of all places
🐪 "hey guys, what's happening?"
🐪 "there's a flying roach. and it is now on your head." kazunari deadpans. he always tricked tenma when it comes to these kinds of things, but he is serious this time
🐪 tenma literally HUFFS as if he doesn't believe kazunari in the slightest, and tbh you can't blame him cause summer troupe gave him trust issues from their pranks. sorry mister. unlike their old pranks, it is actually real right now... kazu ain't joking, please believe him now
🐪 tenma shrugs and places a hand on his head nonchalantly to ~prove his point~, "you won't fool me again-" he froze the moment he actually felt something moist moving under his hand
🐪 at that moment tenma screamed one hundred fucking times louder than the entire mankai company could, the entire neighborhood would learn their lesson to bring earplugs wherever they go cause his screams are literally ear-splitting
🐪 tenma should say goodbye to his reputation as a k00L b0y 4ct0R😎 that he has maintained for so long cause a lot of people are already watching the live. also rip to the people who were using earphones... at least you have witnessed tenma's most unglorious moment on public. from that moment he is already and permanently a meme and there is no going back
🐪 "STOP SCREAMING HACK!!" yuki yells at him with all of his might, but it was super inaudible because his scream still reigns. the roach lands on the wall, so yuki grabs whatever was on the table. it was banri's fashion magazine, which is fucking useless by the way, because he still can't dress himself up no matter how many fashion magazines he purchases. good job yuki for using it as a sacrifice
🐪 yuki rolled the magazine and repeatedly whacked it to the wall out of pure annoyance so he can kill the roach. in all honesty, the roach would've been dead by now from yuki's wrath, but curse his height cause he can't reach the freaking roach no matter how hard he tried. sorry yuki, your courage and bravery were all in vain
🐪 amidst all the chaos, nobody freaking noticed muku, who was deadass in the living room the whole time. question is, how is muku not aware of what was happening? how did he manage not to hear taichi's and even the mighty tenma's screams? the answer is simple. HE WAS TOO ENGROSSED IN HIS SHOUJO MANGA.
🐪 when yuki was about to finally hit the roach, it flew to the cover of muku's shoujo freaking manga. for an unknown reason, muku doesn't even flinch. HE JUST KEPT ON READING. muku, everyone adores you especially with your love for romance but the kissing scene isn't important right now, PLEASE STOP READING THIS INSTANT
🐪 everyone literally went silent, nobody had the heart to tell muku. they just watched the roach crawl slowly to muku's fingers in suspense. after what seemed like forever, muku closed his book while giggling, but that didn't last forever cause he saw the roach and in a split second he dropped his book without any hesitation
🐪 muku got so freaked out they all felt sorry to the poor boy. he just stared at the shoujo manga that is now on the floor, endlessly mumbling about having to buy a new one because the roach already cursed his book and he will become unlucky and he might pass on the curse to everybody else and they will fail all their upcoming shows and---
🐪 anyways. the roach lands on citron's palms, and citron... surprisingly doesn't freak out. he doesn't care. actually, CITRON'S HAPPY??? he just looks at the roach in fascination and if it were any other creature it would look so adorable. but no, it had to be a ROACH and it's absolutely whack and disgusting. please remember that it is the same roach that came from the freaking toilet. citron, please wash your hands RIGHT NOW.
🐪 "NO, NO! POOR COACH!" citron shakes his head, reluctant to kill it. he kept the roach in his hands so nobody would be able to kill it... he was oddly protective of it and NOBODY KNOWS WHY. THEY ALL DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHY EITHER. citron please stop, what you're doing is making everything way worse. let go of that roach this instant and be hygienic just PLEASE oh my god
🐪 everybody already lost hope on trying to kill the roach, citron and his questionable logic is beyond their comprehension. but they refuse to waste their time fighting him about it because it will fly everywhere and no one wants that... lucky for them, tsuzuru finally arrives the dorms. HE IS EVERYONE'S SALVATION! SOMEONE WHO CAN FINALLY KILL THE ROACH! FREAKING FINALLY,,
🐪 yeah no, nevermind that. tsuzuru was so fucking tired from his part-time job that he just collapses right after he closed the door. please let the poor man sleep, don't even bother on trying to wake him up to kill the roach cause there's no way he is gonna wake up any time soon. cut him some slack. they felt bad for him but it happens way too often so they just left him on the doorway and that's it.
🐪 a few minutes after tsuzuru passed out, banri got back from no one knows where, probably shopping for more animal print clothes... who the hell knows. unlike the others, banri already knew what was happening without asking cause he has been watching kazu's live for like ten minutes already. if he was being honest, the whole thing was making him lose his shit so he tried to go back to the dorms asap to not miss out on anything good
🐪 coincidentally, juza also left their room from his long ass nap to see wtf was happening cause they were being hella noisy. after some explaining, when juza already fully figured out what was going on, he was aboutta kill it, ACTUALLY KILL IT, when banri stopped him. "you get out of this. i am the one killing it."
🐪 "get your own roach for you to kill, settsu"
🐪 curse their competitive asses cause it has reached to the point where they're already starting to beat each other up to death. the goal here is to kill the roach, not each other you dumbasses, get your brains straight please that's not helping anything don't be stupid for once
🐪 the roach flew from citron's hands and everybody screeched but finally, FINALLY AN ADULT walks in. tsumugi went in the dorm from the garden with a bottle of pesticide in his hand. once everybody noticed what he was holding, they were all getting panicky so they angrily screamed at him to spray it to the roach, it was too chaotic
🐪 tsumugi was so confused??? why was everybody angry at him?? what did he do to deserve this?? he doesn't actually think his pesticide works on roaches, but it was probably better if he stays silent about it since everyone will not listen and would force him to spray it on the roach anyways, what's the point
🐪 and so he did. at first, the roach stopped moving, so they assumed it was already dead. tsumugi then sprayed a lot more to make sure it actually was dead and everybody collectively sighed in relief. finally the fiasco is over. everyome can go back to their normal lives before this fucking happened
🐪 or not. the ROACH DEADASS FLEW AGAIN AND THEY ALL PANICKED. funny enough tsumugi calmly explained amidst all that, and it turns out tsumugi's pesticide was weak, and to top it all off it was water-based so it had no freaking effect on the roach whatsoever. too bad, so much for everybody getting false hope, huh. they wanna blame tsumugi for not saying anything before spraying but it is also their fault for getting worked up so whatever
🐪 itaru arrives from work, and one quick glance on what everyone was yelling about tells him that he refuses to participate in this crap. give him a freaking break please. he was dealing with work and you're telling him that he has to put up with this, too? hell fuckin no. he manages to quickly escape to his room to catch up on his games and it is a good thing that no one really noticed. they're too busy screeching every time the roach just flies outta nowhere.
🐪 masumi was deadass watching them from the sidelines. he could tell them to open the windows and just wait for the roach to fly outside so they can get it over with and call it a day. what a joke though, masumi giving helpful tips so everyone can calm down? yeah right haha no. he doesn't want to waste his energy on doing that even if their noise was actually getting into his nerves, so the whole duration he stays silent while he watches them lose their shit
🐪 this is one of the moments where they all legitimately wished misumi was here right now. him blabbing about triangles every second made them think that the roach kind of looks like a triangle when its wings are out. misumi what did you do to them to make them think this way?? did you make them do the triangle calisthenics or cathletics or whatever the heck that is??
🐪 knowing misumi, he can catch the roach in a matter of seconds. so where in the world is misumi? he is out again for his daily triangle hunting, obviously. come back, misumi... literally everything would be over in a flash if misumi decided to stay in the dorms today
🐪 despite this, for some apparent reason homare manages to find inspiration in all this. look, mister. the dorm is a fucking chaos. actual chaos. kazunari is somehow still live on instablam, wheezing so hard like he is gonna die any second now. the scene is literally just teenage boys screaming and running all over the place. two of said teenage boys are beating each other up... and one (1), ONE roach flies on top of everything, still fucking alive. EXACTLY WHAT PART OF THAT MAKES YOU FEEL INSPIRED HUH HOMARE!!! SPEAK UP!!!
🐪 the noise levels of mankai dorm is practically a headache at this point, if sakyo was here his boomer brain would be having a migraine that would be worth a week of pure pain and agony. for some reason, hisoka, who is on the sofa in the living room, literally in the MIDDLE OF THE CHAOS, just sleeps through it all.
🐪 how does he do that? just what kind of marshmallows does he eat?? do they permanently damage a person's hearing?? no matter how many times they woke hisoka up, he doesn't budge. what the actual fuck. and tsuzuru is still sleeping in the freaking doorway. at this point they could cuddle each other for all they want until they fucking die cause no amount of noise is gonna wake them up from their eternal slumber
🐪 after what seemed like forever, sakyo arrived and everybody immediately went silent. they stopped what they were doing except kazu, who was either incredibly stupid or incredibly brave, nobody wants to answer that right now. he is still live on instablam. even the live chat went silent.
🐪 sakyo still doesn't know what was happening but he knows it is BAD news, so he glared right at kazunari's camera and the last moments before the live ended was sakyo angrily stomping his way to kazunari and the screen blacked out
🐪 after learning that everything was only caused by a roach, sakyo got so mad that he managed to snatch a flip flop out of nowhere and killed the roach until it was completely crushed. it was safe to say everybody felt bad to the roach despite being the cause of everything. by the way, whose flip flop was that? nobody knows.
🐪 tasuku, misumi and omi arrived in the dorms while sakyo was lecturing everyone, and they still got dragged in without knowing what in the world happened. please pray for these poor souls they have to deal with his yelling without even being a part of it.
🐪 omi just bought groceries for dinner, he didn't waste his time to do that just to have no dinner tonight oh my god please give this man a break from everyone's bullcrap. tasuku's role in the other company's play was some random teen whose parents were mad at him for doing shit. he doesn't have to deal with sakyo actually getting mad too please let this man live in peace. and misumi? he isn't happy that he got dragged in, too. this is not very sankaku of you, sakyo
🐪 the lecture lasted for 5 hours and nobody ate dinner that night. everybody was so tired after that. nobody was allowed to speak and if someone mutters, sakyo will yell at them next. can sakyo still lecture you for another 5 hours even after that long ass session? unfortunately yes.
🐪 everybody was banned from eating meals the next day. the resident moms reached an agreement that at least one of them always stays in the mankai dorm so this never EVER happens again. once is enough, they do not need another fiasco like this one.
🐪 oh and was it mentioned that kazunari doesn't have a phone for a solid month? cause that happened, sakyo banned him. you bet he managed to live a phoneless life by logging on his social media platforms on other people's phones without sakyo knowing,, not really the definition of "phoneless" if you ask him..
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kazuhasbunny · 3 years
Ok Im back from listening to all of the songs u recommended forgive me in advance bc this is kinda long but I decided to comment on all the songs individually 😭
I can't fix you - I feel like Sister Location was the first game to mostly give the lore upfront and not make people do research ? Like you still might have to but it's more direct than the other games like with the marionette I had no idea what the deal was til I looked it up 😭 I've heard it before and I downloaded it years ago but I still absolutely love it the lyrics and the voice 🙏🏻 the way it gets kinda quiet and sad but then goes back to being louder and aggressive 👌 I'm abt to go play it on loop lmao
I got no time - I really like this one, if I remember correctly some people say it's probably about the crying child and it probably is which makes it sadder I felt so bad for him
:( that must've been scarring also the fact that the phone guy (I believe it was another phone guy) says that it's amazing how humans can live without their frontal lobe ??? Omg poor child :/
Die in a fire - The kids' spirits or whatever all being there after the animatronics are broken...aaaahhh I love all these songs so much 😭
Join us for a bite - I don't even know what to say bc I can't explain it but I love this one so much 😭 along with I can't fix you it might be one of my faves I just love the vibe baby and Ballora have it's so sad yet sweet? I feel bad for baby but the way she talks about the day she killed Elizabeth is so ugh she sounds like she was so happy but then that happened 😞
Stay calm - I love the repetitiveness of it if that makes sense?? Like obv they're gonna repeat it a few times but i rly like the vibe when they do + I love how the animatronics each have their own voice too 💀 I forget Foxy was supposed to be a pirate sometimes lmao
Five more nights - Omg I remember when I first saw Balloon Boy I thought he was so cute ☺️ then he turned into that monstrosity lmaoo I remember when I was first going through my fnaf phase I watched this one vid (not this song btw) but every time he showed up youtube would crash and it was just ??? I also had no idea what Marionette's relevance was until I did some research and found out it was Henry's daughter's spirit that possesses it and it sounds sad bc Marionette was made to protect her as far as I'm aware going by the canon voice lines and theories, I like the fact that they put both the discarded versions of the animatronics and the new ones! Kinda weird that they removed Chica's beak when she's a literal chicken but whatever 😭 phone guy omg the memories..."they get a bit quirky at night" 💀
The Bonnie song - I really liked it tbh I like the newer versions of the animatronics (like in Sister Location and Security Breach) but at the same time I feel like the old ones gave it a much creepier vibe bc they didn't have the same shine ? It's a good song the broken Bonnie (idk what it's called) reminds me of a toilet seat 👩🏻‍🦯 I'm kinda upset they didn't have Bonnie or Foxy in SB bc I loved them so much a few years ago 😭
can i smooch u maybe😢😢 this literally made me tear up ur explanation is so cool………… and so detailed……. made me feel better about how i always go insane over these 😢 but yes omg sl gave off most of the lore tbh.. u didnt have to really look into it that deep thats why i love it sm 🔥
YEA OMG i got no time is crying child’s song and it made me cry the first time i heard it cause he died in such a painful way… boy got the bite of 83 😢😢 ik it was scarring for him since he was literally afraid of animatronics.. so his death hurt me the alot
i also lovee join us for a bite 😢 the change of music and also tone on certain times just fits so well one times its sad and then it just turns happy again..
TRUEE the lines being repeated did caught me off guard at first until the animatronics started singing omg i love that part sm how they all have their own voices JSNSHW its so sillay and also cute BYE
BALLOON BOY SCARED ME NOOOSHJSW its design just… makes me cry it reminds me of something but i cant clearly make out what… it was… and yes marionette lore 😢😢 i love how she’s like. protect the dead children (i believe?? because in fnaf 3 in the minigames..) i cant believe henry’s daughter got killed though pls it hurts so much. william u crazy .. and true omg chica without a beak PLS why did she look like that 😭😭 goodnight HSNSW also the animatronics get a bit quirky at night. bye. what an iconic line
OMG SAME idk the old animatronics just … scared me alot 😢😢 thats why i didnt slept for the whole night because of freddy fnaf behind my back when i’m taking food from the fridge NIOO or or when i go pee 😓 dont fnaf on me i beg of u. PLSS THE BONNIE TOILET NOOOJDGW😭 i thought the same aswell no wonder i kept laughing ok i feel bad now 💔 so mean.. AND TRUE NOOOOO yk i was so happy to see bonnie again when i saw bonnie bowl in the trailer… just to not see him at all?????? cried so hard. where’s my oomf bonnie and foxy..😢 foxy would fit in the daycare theatre tbh because how he is a pirate and like. was made to entertain aswell since the beginning??? so not including him was ☹️☹️ crying
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this how i look after nerding out the whole ask (insane)
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yonqha · 4 years
—- 📞
speed dial
the light bulb in your room goes bust, and you needed someone to fix it fast. you had absolutely no clue on how to change a light bulb. but allen ma, your ex-boyfriend, knows how.
allen x reader oneshot (requested) // semi-angst, fluff (?)
word count: 1.9k words
a/n: this was just lightly edited (i got too lazy) lmao so pls excuse any errors >< and :D let me know if y’all want an alternate ending for this i might write and post one soon ^^
heavy hands on the keyboard, the smell of coffee suspended in the air, and light illuminating your weary face. this was the current situation as you were busy typing away your report for work. your hours at the office were seemingly not enough for the amount of tasks you needed to do, hence the urge to continue work at home instead of taking your time to rest.
you gave yourself no breaks, wanting to finish this as quickly as possible to stay on track. the only breaks you considered were mini sips of the instant coffee by your side and fast trips to the bathroom. notifications from your phone didn’t bother you at all, you were that driven to finish this report as soon as you could.
but the main light in your room didn’t seem to favor that. after taking a sip from your coffee mug, it flickered a few times and decided to die on you. the room suddenly went dark, minus the light coming from your laptop. this made you groan in frustration. standing up, you went to the light switch just by the door to check. you turned it on and off but to no avail-- it’s a busted light.
a loud sigh came out of your mouth. out of all the things that could happen, your light had to die on you. you thought of just continuing to work without the light, but your eyes were starting to get strained from looking at the screen for hours. this made you regret not buying a desk lamp in the first place.
you had to think of a solution, you didn’t want to stall for too long as you might lose your energy to work. grabbing your phone from the desk, you opened your contacts to try and see if you could call an electrician. but upon seeing the time, you immediately gave up.
there is no way an electrician would go to your place at 2 in the morning.
plus, the time for them to get here? you couldn’t wait that long.
so you decided for plan b: going to wikihow to search how to change a busted light bulb. scrolling through the steps, you just got more and more confused. you don’t even know how to differentiate light bulbs, how on earth are you going to change one by yourself?
so you settled for plan c: finding someone on your contact list that knows how to change a light bulb (and is possibly still awake at this hour). you paced back and forth inside your room, scanning each name in your contacts to find anyone that can help you.
your eyes then fell on a certain name, making your feet halt immediately. does this person know how to change light bulbs? yes. is this person still awake at this hour? you’re definitely sure about that. does this person live relatively close to you? yeah, somewhat.
but are you sure you want to call your ex-boyfriend to help change your broken light bulb? no answer.
you didn’t want to bother him, probably cooped up in his studio busy producing tracks like he always does. but you have no other option, well, unless you want to cite the rest of the alphabet starting from the letter d for other plans.
you took a deep breath. ‘you have a report to finish, y/n. get yourself together.’
you dialled his number and put the phone to your ear. it only took a couple of rings before the male answered. “hey, allen? i need some….help.”
just a few minutes after the call, allen was already by your doorstep ringing the doorbell. you took one quick look at the mirror to fix yourself, thinking you might be a complete mess from doing work, and opened the front door.
your eyes met and you swear you could feel the butterflies enter your stomach. those same pesky butterflies that gave you that fluttering feeling whenever you were with the male. you mentally cursed. you thought you’re already moving on from him, but it seems not. your body can’t lie, what else could be a possible explanation for this? the coffee?
yeah, probably.
“hey, y/n.” allen greeted, giving you a small smile.
“hey.” you replied back. sensing the forming awkward atmosphere, you moved aside to give allen space to enter your unit. it honestly felt weird for you to be letting allen in like this, especially when you’re used to him just entering the unit without your help. after all, this used to be allen’s apartment as well. the both of you lived together in this space you both could call home.
without hesitation, allen headed to the room just by the kitchen. “everything’s still here, right?” he pointed at the door. standing by the kitchen counter, you nodded in reply.
“i never really touched that room, you were the one who took care of it after all.” you commented as allen turned the knob. he opened the door to see that his arrangement of the supplies inside remained as it was. he let out a chuckle. “i can definitely see that.”
after getting the brand new light bulb and a flashlight from the stockroom, the two of you headed over to your bedroom to have the light bulb changed. allen grabbed a spare chair from the room to stand on and proceeded to work. you sat on your office chair, taking a sip of your already cold coffee.
“just an idea but, i think you should be teaching me how to change a light bulb,” you set down your mug. “or any home repairs in general.”
“i’d be willing to offer you lessons,” allen replied as he unscrewed the broken light bulb. “that’d be 5 bucks per lesson. deal? we can start now if you want to.”
you kicked his leg from your seat, and the two of you laughed at the exchange. “i can’t believe you.” you muttered and shook your head.
it was just like how it was before— exchanging jokes, having playful conversations. except, you two broke up. it reminded you of how the two of you first hung out together, enjoying each other’s company through hours of talking and joking around. but that reminder came with the small pang in your heart, another reminder that it is now just a memory living in your head. something you don’t experience as often as before, and something you have to get used to not having.
allen took out the new bulb out of its box, and broke the momentary silence. “so, how have you been?”
it took you quite a while to answer, coming up with something that isn’t about you thinking about your breakup and starting to move on. “i’ve been….well. just busy with work as usual. you?”
“just the same. i’m finishing up an EP, just a few final touches and it’s ready for release.”
hearing that made you smile instantly. allen’s music was your favorite, and hearing that he’ll be releasing new songs soon brightened up your mood. “oh? that’s great! finally, i have something new to listen to.”
“and something new to have on repeat for hours.” allen remarked as he started to screw on the new light bulb. you rolled your eyes at his words and at how he still remembered your habit of leaving songs on repeat.
“okay, done.” allen turned off the flashlight, got off the chair he was standing on and went to turn on the light. the room was illuminated, and that meant you can finally start working again.
“thank you so much, allen. i’ll treat you to a meal for the help.” you stood up from your chair, watching as allen returned the chair to its earlier position.
“no need, y/n. but thank you.” he flashed you a smile and exited the room. you followed shortly behind.
allen went to return the flashlight back in the stockroom. closing the door once he was done, he suddenly searched for something in is pocket. seeing as he couldn’t find it, he faced you and asked for a favor. “can i borrow your phone? i think i left mine in the car. i just have to make a quick call, if it’s alright?”
“oh, sure, it’s in my room.” you replied as you made your way to your room, grabbing your phone from your desk and heading back to allen. you unlocked your phone and handed it over to the male.
as he was busy inputting the number and making the call, you awkwardly looked away and gave him the space to make his call.
soon after, you heard a phone ring beside you. you turned to face allen who just fished out his phone out of his back pocket. the confused look on your face made allen chuckle.
“here, thanks.” he handed back your phone. “i placed my number on speed dial. so if you’re ready for those lessons, or just need some more help in general, just give me a call.”
taking your phone from his hands, you smiled. “thanks, allen. i appreciate it.”
allen paused, gathering his words, and spoke. “i…know you’re trying to move on and maybe you don’t wanna see me,” he started. “and you’re probably still a bit sensitive from the breakup. but i hope you know that i’m still sorry for the way i acted that day.” his eyes met yours, showing how much he means it. “we both weren’t in the right minds to talk, and it led to...this. maybe it’s for the best, but, i wish i could’ve handled my emotions better. and i’m truly sorry for that.”
as if on cue, your brain played the memory of that day. two stressed individuals fighting with each other under the control of raw and ugly emotions. you both decided after that it wasn’t working anymore, and it led to a mutual breakup. it still hurts for you, though. someone you held so dear to your heart suddenly leaving just like that. the two of you didn’t meet ever since that day. well, until your light bulb decided stop working. is this fate doing its work?
“as cliche as it may sound, i hope we can stay friends at least.” allen smiled at you, hoping you would agree to the idea. it hurts for you knowing the most you two can become are friends, but you thought that maybe this is for the best. maybe this is what it should be. and i guess it’s better than losing allen in your life. besides being your partner, he was like a best friend to you. why waste this chance?
“can i still be your best friend?” you asked after a short while, and allen gave a lighthearted laugh.
“that would be great, y/n.”
the thick air between the two of you dissipated, and the heavy feeling in your heart started to fade away. meeting allen one more time was what you needed all this time.
you escorted allen to the door and bid him goodbye. the apartment was now empty again besides your presence, but it felt much more lighter. like the invisible cloud of black smoke around your unit was finally gone.
with a light feeling in your heart, you went back to your room. you headed to your desk, the laptop screen flashing for you to finish the report. after giving it a good stare, you closed it.
you deserve a break. the report could wait.
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