#but once those two get added we will have all of our absolute favorite classics in the game
ozlices · 1 year
we literally said on twt a WHILE back that we wanted them to add god-ish to the game with a nightcord cover, but assumed we wouldn't ever get it bc the song is so easily misinterpreted and thus could be controversial to add.
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lifetimeoftired · 2 months
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Now I rarely do character design, or draw for that matter, but when it came to Anthem of Our Dying Day, I felt a little inspired. Sam and Dani (called Elli in-story) haven't shown up yet, and won't for a few more chapters still, but they and Danny got the most changes to their overall designs. Yes because it's been 7 years since the events of the show, but the changes are for reasons that will eventually be explained in-story. I have more designs in mind of course, but I gave my poor hand a cramp doing just these three. So I'll have to come back with Jason's ghost form and Danny's eldritch form (possibly an update to Valerie's look, but honestly her outfit in the later episodes was incredible I don't think I can improve on that in any way shape or form) at a later date.
Anyway, thoughts behind why I gave them the designs that I did are A Lot so I figured I'd ramble in a tumblr post instead of in the AN's.
Listen to me. Listen. This man was raised on the vibes of the 90s and early 2000s. Long trench coats were PEAK fashion back then. We all saw the Matrix. Danny also was dragged to the Underworld movies multiple times while dating Sam (who's opinions on those movies are radioactive because they are cult classics and I'll die on this hill). So Danny absolutely thinks trench coasts are cool as shit and make him look cooler. And listen to me very carefully; They're still peak fashion. Slapping a leather trench coat on a mildly gothic character and you have cinema. Also he has a hood because hey! Hoods are so cool and perfect for us 90s kids.
As for the color choices, I didn't want to change too much from the classic black and white hazmat suit but honestly? He really makes it work. I also added the green because the color pop looked cool as shit but also because I felt like, as Danny gets older, he starts to produce his own ectoplasm in ghost form and, similar to how some ghosts have 'flaming hair' to show off their power levels, Danny's over production of ecto culminates within his outfit. This is in part due to him becoming the prince of the Infinite Realms, but also he's just a strong mfer.
Why's the coat torn? Spoiler reasons.
I'm actually really pleased by hers turned out because she was the one I was the least set on. The main vibes I wanted from Sam (who's hero name is 'Nightshade' btw) was 'Mad Nature Scientist'.
It's not easy to see, but the mask is actually meant to be flower petals like her skirt. The buttons on her lab coat are also leaves. This is in reference to her time as Undergrowth's chosen and of course her love of the environment, but she's also liminal enough to have a special way with plants. Not to the extreme Poison Ivy does (much to her dismay), but they're important to her and she wouldn't have a hero suit without them I believe.
As for the science bits, in story she's working with the Fentons to study ghosts. Also helps test their weapons (all non-lethal and exist to help her keep up with stronger ghosts), as well as picking up a lot of science-related skills thanks to her years of studying various biology in college and working with Jack and Maddie for several years. While Danny tends to handle the big fights while she runs support, but she's also acting as the brains when it comes to ecto poisoning, making more ecto-dejecto and understanding how ectoplasm reacts with living beings.
The corset is, of course, because she's goth. Why cover her up so much aside from the tiny tit window? That's story-related reasons and we'll get there when we get there.
My favorite outfit of the bunch tbh.
In-story Ellie (so I the writer don't get confused by two Dan-es) did eventually return to Amity Park and settled in to be adopted by the Fentons and go to school for realsies and in general get to live something of a normal life. But I maintain that Sam (Valerie too, but Sam was dating Danny and around quite a lot) was a big influence on Ellie once she settled in. She's more 'punk' than 'goth', but finding herself through changing up her fashion was heavily encouraged by Sam. And, of course, Danny's protective older brother dismay. Which is honestly a huge bonus to her.
Like Danny, she produces a lot of her own ectoplasm, but less than he does. And her's is a lot less pure so hers is a different green- She's not too broken up about it because it shows that she is different than her 'template', but also because it matches Sam's green better. (Sam and Danny might not be dating anymore, but Ellie still considers her to be an older sister figure and being more like Sam delights her). She does have 'fire' flicks on her clothes and tbh I actually messed up coloring those. I meant to stop coloring partway up to give a bit of a fade to white effect and make the flames white the same as her shirt, but, alas. I don't think the all black boots and gloves look bad at all.
As for the hair, Ellie's core has an element same as Danny's, but hers is Air. And being that her hero name in Wraith, I really wanted to go for, kind of a ghostly floating/flickering fire long streak. More like Starfire's big curly hair from the comics the shows are cowards give her the poofy hair back!. Also the 'non ghost' hair cut uuuh, I'm not an artits but it was supposed to be that side braid with bangs that fall over? But yeah that's her hair when she's in human form.
That's about everything for now! I'll definitely be coming back to this with more designs once I've jotted them down. Hope to get chapter 3 out soon but that fucker is fighting dirty :(
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gryffindors-weasley · 3 years
It’s Not Living If It’s Not With You
Young!Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: After several moments having gone by of the two of you skirting around your feelings, the right time finally arises.
Word Count: 5.9k oops
Warnings: mild angst, smoking, mutual pining, fluff, kissing
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It had been no secret that Sirius Black had a penchant for walking on the wild side, for being braver than most in nearly everything he’s done and will do. There were times where he had been perhaps too adventurous for his own good, but that would never stop him from continuing on with his habits. There was never a dull moment so long as he was around for it, but, over the years he’s come to realize those moments aren’t complete unless one person in particular is there to share them with. You.
October 19, 1977
You stood at the base of the carpeted stairs with your arms crossed over your chest, lips parted as you tried your hardest to mull over the words just spoken to you. The offer just given to you that required an answer of approval; anything other than yes simply wouldn’t be accepted. That would be downright ridiculous.
“On a what?” You ask once you’d thought about it for a few seconds, unsure if you’d even heard him correctly and immediately hushed for your nearly too loud tone of surprise.
Sirius stood before you with a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth as he tucked his hair behind his ear, a chunk falling back in his face. His smile was far more than telling that he was up to no good at all, but you were beginning to realize that he hardly ever was. He lifted his hand and swirled the lone set of glimmering metallic keys around his finger, his smile only widening at the thought running through his mind.
“A drive,” he said, speaking as if it were completely and utterly normal to be taking his best friends’ fathers car without permission. As if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
A laugh fell past his lips upon seeing your mouth open and close a few times in confusion, in contemplation, head tilted and brows furrowed as you looked up at him curiously. “You are planning on taking Mr. Potter’s beloved car?”
He nods, “yes, Y/n/n, that’s the one.”
“And you’re planning on dragging me along to get in the inevitable trouble you’ll be getting into once he sees it’s missing?”
“That’s the idea, yes,” he smiles.
You squint up at him and meet his gray gaze, his own stare holding something akin to mischief as he was rapidly growing more antsy and impatient by the second with your hesitancy. You turn and look over your shoulder, peering into the living room just mere paces away from where the two of you had stood in the Potter household. Mr. Potter had been reclined in his favorite chair as a miscellaneous television show had been playing, fast asleep with that morning’s paper in his lap and his glasses halfway down his nose. The setting sun had been spilling through the open blinds, casting stripes of orange on the walls as a lamp on an end table illuminated the room.
Mrs. Potter had taken her knitting elsewhere to avoid her husband’s very obvious snoring, presumably tucked away comfortably in their bedroom and would likely remain there except to wake her husband should he not be in bed by ten o’clock. James hadn’t come home yet, having been out in the town with Lily. Time never seemed to exist when he was with her, always finding himself returning home far past curfew to be teased by Sirius for being too lovestruck for his own good. Though, it was something James had readily fired back because he too was just as in love even though he’d denied it.
So, needless to say, Sirius was bored and itching to get out of the house.
You turned back to him with pursed lips, his brow raised in anticipation as he rocked back and forth from his heels to his toes.
“Why do I feel like this isn’t the first time you’ve done this?” You ask, voice just above a whisper.
“Oh, come on.” His eye roll is immediate as he grabs your hand, tugging you out of the door with a smile on his lips. You tried not to let your cheeks burn at the feel of his hand in yours, the hand that had yet to let go as he looked back and smiled at you. “And no, it’s not the first time.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes now as he let go of your hand in favor of opening your door with a dramatic wave of his hand to gesture towards your seat, nearly walking into the hood of the pristine car from being far too busy sending you a smile. He makes up for it as he hops over the door and into the driver’s seat with ease, flashing you a smile as he puts the keys in the ignition.
He pauses for a few seconds seemingly not of his own accord, momentarily taken by the way the setting sun glimmers on your skin and sparkles in your eyes. By the way you’re smiling at him even when he’s being a complete idiot who trips over his own two feet because he’s too busy doing exactly what he is doing in the current moment. Staring.
He often wonders how he manages to stay so collected around you, exchanging his fond feelings for charm and witty comebacks to your even wittier quips. But clearly, so clearly his attempts to appear so collected were rapidly crumbling around him with each passing second he spends staring at you. Though even so, he finds he doesn’t have it in him to cut it out.
“Well, are we going to drive or wait for Mr. Potter to catch us?” You tease, pinching his chin gently in your hand to further your taunting. “If you take a picture it just might last longer.”
He rolls his eyes and puts the car in gear, setting off down the road. You pretend your stomach isn’t a mess of butterflies at the way he’d been gazing, you try to keep your mind from playing into the flurry of possibilities of what it might mean. But absolutely nothing could stop the way your cheeks burned as a result, but the wind in your hair was easy to focus on, the wind pressing on your palms as you stuck your hands above you.
Sirius let out a holler as he sped off down the countryside, the breeze sifting through his hair as your brief moment of shared smiles only added to the exhilaration you felt having taken the car without permission. As he turned the radio up to an ever familiar classic rock song.
Yeah, it was totally worth it.
March 7, 1978
The common room was filled with giddy gryffindors and colored team flags that night, half of them still cheery over the outstanding victory of the quidditch team earlier that evening. Still dressed in their jerseys, their faces still painted red and yellow. The other half were having just as much fun as an endless amount of laughter filters through the room and bounces off its stone walls.
James, of course, had been amongst the happiest—it was his team that had won after all. And Lily had fallen close behind him, her fond gaze set on her lover as much as she would beg to differ. Remus was just happy to be there in the moment with his best friends, his smile near constant much like everyone else in the room.
Everything was a haze of gryffindor colors; red pillows scattered on the floor from those who’d stood on the couches, ruffled tapestries along the walls. The latest hits from Queen and ABBA had been playing on repeat as everyone in the room had been having the night of their lives in the name of victory, good natured fun filling boisterously in the cozy space. It was a good night really, but everyone you’d hoped to be there wasn’t in attendance, the one person you found yourself wanting to see most wasn’t there.
He’d disappeared shortly after the match, one he’d sat through with merely half as much enthusiasm as he’d usually had in support of one of his best friends. Of course he’d made it a priority to congratulate him on his winning, he always had and he always will, but you were quick to realize even amongst the bustling crowd of cheerful teens that he hadn’t made it back to the common room with the rest of the group.
It was entirely too easy to tell when he wasn’t around, it always was. Things had lacked a certain light, a certain energy only his charisma could bring forth in anywhere he’d gone. It wasn’t far off to say that he’d been important to your tight knit group of friends; he was chaotic, he was rebellious, he was Sirius.
You had barely gone ten minutes in that party before you found yourself slipping from the common room in search of your best friend. You knew just where to find him as you navigated the dimly moonlit corridors with purpose in your stride, the music still ringing in your ears despite your otherwise quiet surroundings. He was rather predictable to the select few who knew him almost better than he knew himself, but you still held hope in your heart that he’d be just where you’d felt he’d run off to as you climbed the spiral staircase.
You were right.
A soft smile tugged at the corner of your mouth when your gaze fell upon the raven haired boy, his dimpled chin in his palm as he sat alone. His gaze was set on the stars above, glimmering bright and high in the sky in the perfect view given from the astronomy tower. You sighed softly at the sight of him before you, shoulders slumping a bit as you approach him.
“The party is downstairs, you know,” you spoke lightheartedly, moving to sit down with him and nudging him with your elbow when you did so. “It happens to be one of our last here.”
“I’m not really in the partying mood, Y/n/n,” he grumbles with a soft huff, his gaze focused ahead of him and his jaw clenching. Though he finds himself nudging you knee with his moments later in hopes that it’d soften the accidental harshness of his tone. He hadn’t meant to sound so irritated, especially not with you.
You sigh softly, your eyes dropping to where he’d been continuously picking at a hole in the knee of his jeans before lifting to him once more. You were certain you knew just what was plaguing his mind for the entirety of the day, at least that long and possibly more. It wasn’t uncommon for him to linger on the past and rightfully so, but you decided against speaking further on the subject as a smile pulls at the corners of your mouth.
“Are you ever?” You jest, making light of the brooding expression on his face.
He finally looks at you then, his eyes narrowed in a gray stare at your words as he tries his very hardest to stifle his smile. “Have you come to bother me, Y/n?”
You shoved at his shoulder lightly as your mouth fell agape in only half surprise at his words, laughter leaving your lips nonetheless as you squinted up at him. “Sirius Orion Black, I wholeheartedly believe it is my job to bother you.”
He rolls his eyes then, a scoff sounding and soon to be followed by the laugh leaving his lips as he shook his head. “Well I’m wholeheartedly convinced that you’re doing a wonderful job.”
His quip is as lighthearted as your own as you share a look of scrunched noses and faux frowns, ones that fade into soft smiles as you bring yourself to look away before your cheeks burn redder than the crimson shirt you’d been wearing. Unbeknownst to you, and something that he doesn’t plan to shed any light on, he was grateful for the lack of proper lighting otherwise you just might see the matching shade of red on his face. Something only ever achievable by you even if you hadn’t known it.
Your mingled laughter had quieted as you sat with him, and you couldn’t help but to steal another glance in his direction. His lingering smile was evident even as strands of black hair splayed across his cheek from where they’d once been tucked behind his ear. One that just minutes before was far from making its appearance when he’d sat there by himself and drowned in the gravity of his past leading up to this point.
His closest friends had never failed to bring out the absolute best in him, something he found himself immensely grateful to have. To be able to be loyal to people he knows will always want what is best for him. But as he sits there, no longer alone as he had been in that tower for a short while, he’s with the one person he had hoped would come looking for him. The one person always stuck on his mind and he knows you always will be.
You found it in yourself to look away from your best friend just a little too late as you bit the inside of your cheek, having known he’d caught your stare but too prideful to check and make sure he really had. Instead, you drop your head to rest on his shoulder and grab his hand with a squeeze, the softest of reminders that you were there. It was an action that made his heart flutter and race all the same.
“Eager to hold my hand, Y/n?” He teases, his charm making its reappearance.
You lift your head and release his hand with a poorly attempted glare, holding his gaze only briefly before you fell back into your previous position. “You really do make it terribly hard to tolerate, do you know that, Sirius?”
His smile widens as your words, his laughter sounding once more.
“Well, I wholeheartedly believe it is my job to do so,” he states, repeating your earlier choice of words as he rests his head atop yours.
“And I’m wholeheartedly convinced you’re doing a wonderful job.”
He nudges your foot with his converse in response, cheek still pressed to the top of your head as he laughs when you do the same. You really were something else entirely and he knew that, you were witty and fierce and entirely too extraordinary for him to begin to fathom. He’s quiet for a moment as he thinks things over, as he enjoys your company and the way you chose to leave the fun of the party in favor of finding him. Yeah, he still can never believe it. He’s quiet for a few more moments as he mulls over his next words.
“I didn’t say you had to let go of my hand,” he mumbles, tossing it out as a suggestion he hopes you understood the point of.
He didn’t have to wonder too long as your hand soon slips in his once more, thumbs crossing over and fingertips curling over the backs of your clasped hands. A softer smile is shared but unseen, and he’s quickly reminded that a moment like this is much better than being by himself, than being at a celebratory party.
June 19, 1979
The lake. It was a meeting spot to rival all others the very moment your group of friends had first laid eyes on it. The discovery was entirely accidental, something stumbled upon in an attempt to find the absolute perfect spot to camp. In fact, it was so perfect that James had tied one of his old shirts around a tree branch for future visits, to unofficially claim it as your own. It was absolutely incredible and seemingly unknown to most anyone else which you found next to impossible—it was too amazing not to be. But, whenever the trip was made, which was more often than not, no one else had ever been there to spoil the fun.
Clusters of wildflowers and dozens upon dozens of trees lined the perimeter of the open water, each one a different height than the last but all extraordinarily beautiful in their own way. Those very trees were also perfect for tucking yourself against with your favorite book at the moment, the right amount of shade to combat the summer sun so long as you’ve got a blanket to sit on.
“Do you think they’ll ever get tired of throwing each other in the water?” Lily asks, a smile on her lips as she shakes her head.
You follow her gaze to the sight ahead of you, Sirius over James’ shoulder having had his fate set in stone as he’s thrown into the lake with an unceremonious landing. You watched as he rose to the surface, mouth agape in shock at the completely expected action as he’s quick to cast an aguamenti spell in his best friend’s direction. It wasn’t until his gaze fell upon you that you found it the right time to look away, his smile too distracting for your own good as your cheeks burned at the brief moment. One that most certainly did not go unnoticed by a very intelligent Lily Evans.
You were fairly positive that there wasn’t a single thing that could get past her, especially not the very obliviously in love friends she’s got. It wasn’t exactly hard to tell either, she’s sure that a complete stranger could even see it if they’d spent merely five minutes in the same room with the top of you. Your rosy cheeks and unbreakable smile were telling enough of that very fact, a reaction most always elicited by the dark haired goofball not far away.
“No, I don’t think they will,” you finally manage once you realize you hadn’t answered her yet. Your gaze darts to her once more and her eyes are already cast on you, her brow raised and the corner of her mouth quirked up. “What?”
She rolls her eyes, a laugh falling from her lips as she shakes her head once more. “You really are terrible at hiding your feelings, you know.”
Your mouth falls open slightly as your brows furrow, a scoff sounding as if she’d been entirely absurd. “Feelings? Don’t be ridiculous, Lily.”
“Then I suppose you’re blushing just for the fun of it, you’re smiling over absolutely nothing?” She says, getting up from her checkered blanket and walking backwards away from you.
“And where are you going?”
“Seems like someone can’t stay away from you!” She jests rushing off towards James after tossing a wink your way, leaving you to frown and scoff once more.
It wasn’t until you pulled your gaze from her that you understood what she was getting at, the very one in question making his way undoubtedly towards you. Your eyes rolled as you bit the inside of your cheek to contain your grin, your grip on your book clutching tighter as he approached you.
“You better not be looking to throw me in the lake,” you state, brow raised as you cross one ankle over the other.
“Are you going to read all day, Y/n?” He asks, snatching the sunglasses from the top of your head just to see your frown. His grin only became more teasing at the very audible huff leaving your lips at the action.
“Perhaps I just might be able to if you stop distracting me,” you quip, frowning as you watch the smile on his lips widen.
“Then I guess that’s just too bad,” he counters, fully realizing what you had just said in that moment as a smirk appears. “Wait a minute, I’m distracting?”
You shake your head and bite back your smile again as he sits the red framed sunglasses on his nose and roots around in his shoe, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter he kept tucked in there when he wasn’t wearing them much to your obvious dismay. And as if it weren’t already terribly obvious that he’d known of said feelings, his laughter before even seeing your expression was telling enough of that very fact.
“Sirius,” you start, frowning as his mischievous grey stare meets yours. “I told you not to smoke near my books. One wrong move and you’ll burn the pages.”
He’s quick to laugh as he lights it, nearly choking on the smoke as he’d done so and you laughed in response to it. “Y/n, that’s most definitely impossible and you know it. Besides, when have I ever followed the rules?”
He laid his head in your lap, his raven hair splaying across your legs and dampening the corners of your book pages and you’re absolutely convinced he’d done it on purpose. They’d warped almost in an instant and you huffed, knowing immediately that getting any form of quality reading done would be next to impossible beyond that point. Not with the smoke billowing away from you or your best friend making little effort to take your mind elsewhere.
“Those shades aren’t hiding the fact that you’re staring, you know,” you say, peering down at him over the wrinkled pages of your book.
He scoffed at your accusation, though a smile still tugged at his lips as he swiped the book from your hand and took another puff from his cigarette. “Was not,” he defends, though the way the very corners of his mouth quirk up and the softest of blushes stain his cheeks, you know you’d hit the nail on the head. He lifts the cherry red glasses and looks at you, no longer attempting to fight his smile before lowering them and letting his head fall back in your lap. “I definitely was not.”
“Yeah, whatever you say,” you sigh, grinning up at the sky as you toss your book to the side. “Whatever you say.”
September 30, 1979
The wedding of James and Lily was perhaps the most special event that was shared amongst your group of friends, the most celebratory. It had been a small one; you were quite sure there weren’t more people there than you could count in both your hands, just close friends and family.
The location was nothing short of perfect and familiar; the beloved clearing by that lake you all had treasured so fondly. The trees had begun to fade from rich greens to even richer reds and oranges, the wild flowers still in full bloom regardless of the cooling temperatures as fall began to become noticeable.
This was perhaps one of the few and rare occasions everyone had dressed up, and even then you’d have to say it was rather casual compared to most weddings you could think of. But Lily and James weren’t ones to follow the norm, though Sirius had most certainly been pushing the envelope. He’d showed up in a suit of James’, his grass stained converse not failing to make their appearance to top off the otherwise perfect outfit. Lily hadn’t been exactly thrilled at the best man’s choice in shoes, but she quickly focused her attention on more pressing matters. Marrying the love of her life.
It couldn’t have been more perfect than it was, having been surrounded by the people that mattered most to everyone. Not a dry eye was left, especially not from Sirius and Remus, even more so Sirius. He’d tried his hardest to deny the fact that he was absolutely most certainly emotional over the union of two of his best friends, having cleared his throat more often than nod to rid himself of the lump within it. But no matter how hard he’d tried to play tough, it was far more obvious that he wasn’t as he read his speech.
Now, as the sun had nearly completely set and the night had begun, it was then that you found yourself reunited with the one person you always seemed to think about. The one person that had joined James and Remus in being the life of the party. Not a dull moment would ever exist so long as they were in attendance.
“Might I have this dance with you, Y/n?” He asks, a goofy smile on his lips and his hand outstretched towards you.
You rolled your eyes at his rather disheveled appearance, his once pristine suit now looking worse for wear as he’d discarded his blazer somewhere that would probably take some searching to find. The top buttons of his dress shirt had been undone, the very collar ruffled and his sleeves rolled up and wrinkled. Not to mention it was half untucked ever since he’d gotten his start on karaoke; all else had become unimportant the moment Queen had come on.
Perhaps your most favorite part of his newfound look was the black tie that disappeared from around his neck in favor of being tied around his head. Either he had no clue it was there or he simply didn’t mind the fact that it was, and your bets were on a little bit of both. His hair was a bit of a mess as it fell over the fabric on his forehead, but one thing had remained constant the entirety of that day. His smile.
“A dance?” You repeat, unable to fight your own grin as you look from his hand to his gaze.
The corners of his mouth quirk up higher than they’d been in that moment as his eyes roll. “I’ve only been waiting the whole night.”
“Is that so?” You inquire, slipping your hand in his and you’re quick to be pulled closer. Your giddy squeal of surprise had sounded amongst the boastful chatter and cheer all around you. Not to mention the same ABBA song that’d been playing for what had to be the fifth time now as per James’ request. “I had no idea you were so eager to dance with me.”
He lifts your hand to twirl you, hands clasped and arms extending as he spins himself for the fun of it. He nearly tripped over his own two feet but if it meant he’d see you smile then it made the slight embarrassment all the more worth it to him.
“There happens to be a lot you don’t know about me,” he says, brow raised as he falls as seriously as he could muster which hadn’t been very much. “A lot.”
You paused in your tracks as his hands settled on your waist, a mild look of concern flashing across his face until he saw the expression he knew so well in yours. “That is entirely untrue and you know it. In fact, I know more about you than I ever cared to.”
His eyes roll once more at your teasing as he lifts you off your feet in a lighthearted retaliation, spinning you once and twice and even a third time as the breeze washes over you and your laughter mingles amongst everyone else’s. He finds himself staring again as he sets you back on your feet, busying himself with reciting the lyrics to Waterloo as long as it means you hadn’t noticed his admiration. You seem to be far too taken by the off key singing, though you couldn’t bring yourself to ever be annoyed.
His singing dwindled and his voice lowered after a short while, his arm remained hooked around your waist save for when he’d twirled you a few more times. You tried your hardest not to play into the fact that your heart had been racing for reasons other than the dance you’d been sharing. To not dwell on the fact that his hand was in yours and his absentminded hums of music had filled the space between you. Should another Led Zeppelin song come on, everyone will simply have to be subject to more singing. Or the fading scent of his cologne that wafted your way with every movement and every gust of wind.
A laugh fell past your lips in that moment, catching his attention immediately.
“What?” He asks, amused and curious. He knows the meaning behind that laugh and he knows surely you’ve got something on your mind.
“I thought you hated ABBA,” you jest, raising your brows. He tips his head back at your comment, his hair flopping backward briefly as a groan fell from his lips. “I’m starting to believe otherwise with the way you know just about every word to every one of their songs that’s come on.”
“Must you be so observant?” He huffs.
“How could I not be?”
He scrunches his nose and mocks your words, your laughter immediate as you return the gesture.
Things fell quiet between you after that for a while then, leaving you both to bask in the music that’d since been turned down, the conversations that since lessened the more the night continued on. Leaving Sirius to think for more than a few moments about just how many hours and minutes he’d waited to dance with you. Or how you rested your head on his chest and he hoped you hadn’t heard just how heavily his heart had been beating. If you had, he’d simply just blame it on the way he’d carried on that night. The adrenaline.
He knew in the coming days and weeks and months and years, ever since the day he met you, that you’d take up the forefront of his mind and he’s yet to be proved otherwise. You’ve made yourself be the calm to his chaos, the one he will always seek out even when he doesn’t realize it. He knows as he dances with you to a song he always swore he hated that he wouldn’t trade it for the world. Not even when you tease him for knowing every lyric. Not even when you tell him he smokes too much and he knows it to be true. Not even when you put those bloody flowers in his hair. Not even when you push his buttons and argue with him for being so foolishly reckless at times. You were just as stubborn as him and he knows he’s met his match.
He doesn’t know quite when he’s known himself to be in love with you, it’s all kind of faded and muddled together. But in the current moment as minutes collect and time passes with the laughter of his friends and newfound family, with you, he knows he’s got what he needs.
“Sirius?” You ask softly, curiously after a while, your gaze falling upon him.
He finds himself tucking your hair behind your ear, the tips of his fingers tracing over your flushed cheek. He was very much aware of the heat rising in your face at the action, very aware without the need to see it in the glow of the moon. Because there’s this thing you do each and every time you’re flustered, he’s noticed, and each time you look away and smile. You smile and purse your lips and it’s become painfully obvious to him that you were always trying to fight the crimson in your cheeks.
“Have you really wanted to dance with me all night?” You finally say, your smile soft as your eyes nearly sparkled in the moonlit glow you stood under.
A soft laugh leaves his lips as he himself looked away, knowing that habit of yours he knew so very well had rubbed off on him. But he turns back to you, eyes gray and full of something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. “Yes, Y/n. It’s always you that I want to dance with.”
You try your hardest to ignore the flutter in your heart at his words, to contain the butterflies in your stomach. The way he’d looked at you, a certain sincerity in his words and a certain something in his gaze making it near impossible to think straight. The way he looked, goofy and the embodiment of utter chaos—it had you unable to look at just anything else. Though you will admit, as of late it’s always seemed to be rather hard to look anywhere else for more than a few moments so long as Sirius had been close by.
So, as you stood there half-dancing to the melody of a song you hadn’t fully been paying attention to, you find yourself focused on him. Without second thought you lift your hand, grasping the tie around his head softly to you with the fabric between your fingers. He looked absolutely ridiculous and that was for certain, ruffles of black hair dusting his shoulders as that very tie tickled over his nose with every gust of wind. His cheeks were a bit rosy from the energy he put forth that evening you presumed, unaware that a good bit of it had been caused by you.
You tuck the charcoal colored fabric behind his ear, a laugh falling from your lips and mischief dancing in your eyes that told him surely you’d had something on your mind.
“Then I believe it is my duty to tell you that you really are the worst dancer.” There it is.
He pulls you closer, his laughter puffing against your skin as your own continues giddily. “And who’s to say I wasn’t just trying to give you a chance?”
You bite the inside of your cheek to stifle another bout of giggles, you refuse to give him that satisfaction. But the closeness between the two of you had proven to be far more effective in shutting you up as his nose nudged against your own. He couldn’t bring himself to refrain from resting his forehead on yours in a matter of moments, his lashes fluttering and mingling with yours. Your heart hammered in your chest yet felt calm all the same, as if this was exactly where you were meant to be. You knew it was.
“Well,” you start, voice soft as he smiles softly, more so when you accidentally step on the toes of his grass stained converse. “Then I’d say that was awfully nice of you.”
The scrunched noses and soft laughter you share only lingers for mere fleeting moments before his lips brush over yours, featherlight and hesitant. But it was then that you lean on your toes and kiss him fully, his hand squeezing yours as his smile presses against your lips as you continue to sway together. Never mind the three friends of yours watching that very moment with the largest of grins and maybe some teary eyes from James. Never mind Lily high-fiving Remus before extending their hands to James to collect their bet money. You were kissing your best friend, the raven haired wizard that never failed to get on your nerves in the best of ways. The one that could bring life into any room he’d walked into.
“Does this mean you love me too?” He asks, eyes crinkling from his grin and laughter immediate, “Because that would really be awfully embarrassing if—”
“Yes, I love you,” you laugh against his lips to shut him up, closing the space between you once more. “I love you.”
In that moment as he kissed you, as the tips of his fingers brushed across your cheek and the light of the moon washed over you, he knew. It has been you that ignites every moment into the light that it is, the one he finds he can’t ever stop thinking of.
It’s not living if it’s not with you.
Tags: @anchoeritic @gxtitobxby @vogueweasley @ch0colatefr0gs @amourtentiaa @hahee154hq @snitches-at-dawn @dracosathenaeum @harrysweasleys @awritingtree @writeroutoftime
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brockadoodles · 4 years
ho ho hopefully - t. seguin
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AN: This is like... PURE fluff. Pure soft, Christmas themed, fluffy fluff with our resident idiot, Segs. But like, kind of what we deserve for Christmas, no? Totally based on the BEST Christmas song in existence, Ho Ho Hopefully, by the Maine. Tagging the seggy queen @texanstarslove​ in this one, since I think she’ll enjoy it. It’s a bit shorter than most, but let me know what you think!
Word Count: 2222
Warnings: None.
December first, I’m in a foreign state, I’m running late, I’m all alone, wishing I was home with you, baby.
It shouldn’t have mattered. It shouldn’t have been a big deal to miss it. It was one year, objectively, you could start on December second, or third, or fourth, or all the way up until Christmas Day and it shouldn’t matter. But there was something about December first, how the first signs of Christmas would start popping up, with lights beginning to pop up on homes and trees slowly starting to be seen in the windows, families decorating together. You probably liked December first more than you even liked Christmas because something about that transitional time from autumn scenery into snow-covered streets that actually made sense was comforting, and with everything going on in your life as of late, the only thing you wanted was to be home on December first, with him.
Tyler knew that December first was special. He knew from the years of knowing and falling in love with you how your eyes lit up at the smallest things, like the first snowfall of the season, even though Vancouver rarely got snow. He knew from the way his own heartbeat faster around you that first year you insisted he help you with a tree, his own love for you he was trying to keep at bay trickling through to the surface. He knew that being home with you was inarguably the one thing you wanted, and there he was stuck in an airport lounge in Boston feeling the farthest away from you he could possibly feel on your favorite day of the year. 
Tyler looked out the window. His eyes were still as he watched the storm get worse and worse outside. Muffled airport announcements in monotone voices announcing delay after delay in flights. Boston was an eight and a half hour flight from Vancouver, and reality was settling in that his chance at maybe, just maybe making it to you with an hour to spare was steadily decreasing with each inch of snow that was falling onto the ground. 
Tyler knew when you started dating that it would be hard. The distance between Dallas and Vancouver was already a hurdle, but the added layer of his career and your own job made the relationship seem nearly impossible. It felt at times like you were two people dangling from a rope, trying to balance too many things at once simply just to be together. But he’d hear your soft voice on the phone, “I can’t wait to see you” murmuring from your lips and it made it all worth it, it made the time difference, the traveling, and the hardships worth it anytime you’d utter those words. 
He wasn’t even entirely sure how it happened, him falling so hard for someone who was almost always half a world away. Everyone in his life cautioned him against it, saying that there was no way it could work, you’re too different of people and too different of lives and it wasn’t rational. But Tyler didn’t care to be rational, because you were his best irrational choice he had ever made, and he knew he was lucky that he got to love you. 
Tyler held his head in his hands and tried to tell himself that it would be okay. He was still getting to see you later that month for Christmas and that was what mattered. But he also couldn’t help being unfathomably irritated at the bad weather that he couldn’t control, the watered-down shitty Dunkin coffee sitting next to him, and the repetitive cycle of delayed flight announcements ruining what was supposed to be an incredible surprise. The Stars had been in Boston finishing up a long road trip where they would now have two days off before a short home stretch of games. The timing had lined up perfectly so that if he flew straight from Boston to Vancouver, he’d get almost two days with you, one of which being your favorite day of the year. But now as he sat in the terminal, the hope of seeing you just kept dwindling bit by bit, and he was coming to the deafening realization that maybe it just wasn’t meant to work out. 
“Any news?” Tyler turned his head quickly at the voice coming from his left. Jamie sat down next to his teammate with a soft frown on his face. Tyler just shook his head and took a sip of his coffee, growing more irritated by the minute. The only thing getting him through it was knowing that even though his surprise was crumbling, you at least couldn’t be disappointed in it since you had no idea he was even planning to come in the first place. But what Tyler didn’t know was that Jamie Benn loved a lot of things, one of which being a classic romantic Christmas surprise, and you had been scheming up a surprise of your own. 
It was a last minute surprise, an idea that you had panickingly called Jamie over just the week prior. You had been going through what might have been the worst day you’d had in months, one of those days where every single event felt like the worst thing in the world. You remember curling up on your couch and crying as you looked through the calendar and Tyler’s schedule, trying to piece together how you could swing a surprise visit between their pre-Christmas packed schedule and your own lack of vacation time from work. It felt like the pieces weren’t fitting, and you were desperate to try. So that’s when you called Jamie, and he patiently combed through the practice schedule with you, helped you book a flight and promised to keep it an absolute secret from your boyfriend. 
The thing that Tyler didn’t know was that you were also sitting in an airport terminal with a shitty coffee in your hand, waiting anxiously for a flight of your own, the first flight of two that in six and a half hours time would land you back in the lone star state. The main difference was that there was no snow where you were, and all that you had to do was board the plane and show up, Jamie said he would take care of the rest. 
You had everything worked out, Jamie had made sure he wouldn’t suspect anything, his dog sitter knew when you were coming, and you had even packed a goofy Christmas sweater for him to wear while you hopefully decorated together. Long-distance with him was hard, but when the schedule seemed to allow for a quick visit, you gladly took what you could get, willingly ready to be tired from the flights even if it meant just a few hours with him. 
Each visit you found yourself breaking more and more when it ended, the days between were starting to feel dreaded. Your work was no longer enjoyable. It felt like you were stagnant in Vancouver, with most of your heart nestled safely in whatever city Tyler happened to be in that night. If you were honest with yourself, you knew that this was going to burn out, the distance was going to take its toll on the both of you, and sitting in that airport ready to go see him for the first time in a few weeks, you found yourself thinking for the first time about the idea of not coming back to Vancouver. 
Your phone rang in your hand, Tyler’s photo filling up the screen. You set your coffee down and slid your thumb across to answer, smiling slightly in excitement.
“Hey.” you hummed, hoping that your headphones would drown out any announcements about flights that were periodically coming through the speakers around you. The airport was busy, as was to be expected this time of year, but you had worked hard to keep this a secret from him and the last thing you wanted was a muffled airport announcement blowing the surprise fifteen minutes before you were set to get on a fight. 
“Hi, baby.” He sighed. You could tell something was off, you could always tell. You and Tyler knew each other so well, the distance between you forcing you both to pick up on things between each other. The things that were highs and the shifts in tone that indicated something was wrong, you both knew. You had memorized all of his little habits, from the typical stuff like how he preferred apples in his oats or how he had to nap at the same time before every game, to the things that people who didn’t know him didn’t have the privilege to see. Like the way he lit up when his sisters would call, or how he was really hard on himself, even when he shouldn’t be. You just knew him, all of his good things and all of his flaws and you loved him endlessly through all of it. You frowned slightly and opened your mouth to speak but he started before you could.
“I’m heading back to Dallas. Our flight was delayed, big snowstorm here.” He groaned. He hated that he was telling you this without entirely telling you why he was upset. But Jamie was next to him, and even if Tyler didn’t want to believe that he was right, deep down he knew the surprise wasn’t going to work, and as much as it sucked, he needed to just go back to Dallas and accept the fact that he would have to wait a few more weeks to see you not through a phone screen. 
“I just really fucking miss you.” He admitted and your heart cracked. You could hear in his voice how bad it was, and it only strengthened the feeling of stopping all of the distance between you altogether. 
“I miss you, too, bub. But, only a couple of more weeks.” You raised the tenor of your voice a bit, hoping that it would get him a bit excited about Christmas together. 
“Yeah, wish it was sooner, though.” 
You talked with Tyler for a few more minutes, tapping your foot slightly as you waited for your boarding number to be called. When you ended the call and boarded your flight, that feeling came back. The feeling of wondering if Vancouver could really truly be your home anymore when half of your soul was in Dallas. You spent the whole flight thinking about it, even though deep down you had no doubts about your decision. All it took to confirm it was his strained voice on the other end of the line, the pent of frustrations he was feeling about missing you just as much as you missed him. 
Tyler carried his bags through the entryway, exhaustion finally setting in right next to his already bad mood. Gerry, Marshall, and Cash came running up to him, excited to see him and lifting his spirits just enough as he greeted them and then combed through his mail that was sitting on the table. He tossed his bags down and kicked off his shoes, not wanting to bother with taking them upstairs yet. He knew that the dog sitter had left, he had told her when he was coming in. He was honestly looking forward to just relaxing on his couch, face-timing you, and going to sleep. He was supposed to be in Vancouver, walking up to your door and seeing you, and he didn’t have it in him to not sulk about that. 
He walked toward the kitchen, freezing a bit when he saw bags of Christmas decorations on the counter. He poked around, sifting through the various bags wondering who had dropped them off or if he had somehow placed an order for Christmas decorations that he forgot about. He got to one bag, a small brown one with a ribbon on the side. It was probably a gift, but when he saw the note with his name scribbled on the front he quickly opened it. 
We go together like the winter and a sweater <3 
He recognized your handwriting immediately as he opened the bag, pulling out a bright red sweater, laughing softly at the horrible snow-related Christmas pun that was screen printed on the front. He felt warm at how you somehow must have known he needed the pick me up. He kept combing through the bags, various ornaments, and knickknacks, and other decors were littered throughout them. He knew it was you, he wasn’t sure how you coordinated this but he knew you were the reason it looked like Christmas was about to throw up in his kitchen. He smiled a bit, his bad mood lifting when he realized what this probably meant. You probably wanted to decorate on facetime together, a compromise for not being able to actually be with each other and the idea melted his heart. 
Tyler walked over to the fridge, cracking open a beer as he unlocked his phone to call you. As the phone was ringing, the dogs started barking like crazy, running back from the kitchen to the front door. He didn’t think much of it until he nearly dropped his phone when he heard your voice. 
“Shh, shh, hi boys. Hi! Oh my gosh, hi Gerry.” You laughed, petting each of the dogs as you walked further into the house. You had takeout in your hands and were so focused on not dropping it from the dog’s excitement that you didn’t even realize Tyler’s bags were sitting against the wall in the entryway.
“You’re here.” You jumped at the sound of his voice, smiling big as he walked over to where you were standing. You were wearing one of his sweatshirts, his name sprawled across your back, a sight that he never grew tired of seeing and you were carrying bags of what appeared to be take out in your arms. You had slippers on and your hair up, an indication of how relaxed you were. He couldn’t help but internally groan, seeing how comfortable you were in his house, the one he wanted to be your home, too. You quickly set the food on the kitchen table, meeting him halfway. He pulled you in tight and you listened to his heart beating against your ear. 
“Fuck, I can’t believe you’re really here. I was going to surprise you.” He whispered, tilting your head up to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss, your heart already telling you what you needed to talk to him about. You didn’t have any doubts about it anymore. Dallas was where you needed to be. It was where Tyler needed you to be, and standing there in his kitchen with Christmas decorations littered all around you and him holding you like this, you were ready. Every buildup to this moment had led you here, in slippers in his kitchen ready to ask him to take another step with you, hoping that he’d grab your hand as he did so. 
“I’m really here. Jamie actually helped, he made sure I could get in and made sure you had no idea.” Tyler had never been more appreciative of his best friend. He should have known Jamie would have a hand in a surprise like this, this had secret softie Jamie Benn written all over it, and he adored you, often warning Tyler not to fuck it up with you. 
“Remind me to thank him, because wow. Best surprise ever, honestly.” He melted into you. He didn’t care if it was cheesy, or something straight from a bad Christmas movie. He’d watch 100 of those Lifetime movies because the feeling he was experiencing now with you in his arms was probably the exact emotion those cliche Christmas films tried to convey. 
“Tyler, I wanted to ask you something.” You said, pulling back just enough to look at him.
“Anything.” He kissed you once more, still in disbelief that you had pulled off a surprise when his had fallen so flat. 
“I don’t want to do this anymore, the missed calls, the flights, all of it. I just want to be here, all the time with you.” You smiled. Your stomach was bubbling with nerves as you studied his face for any reaction or reason that maybe he wasn’t ready for that yet. It would be complicated, figuring out how to actually stay in Dallas and be together. But a strenuous Visa application was the least of your worries if it meant that you’d finally get to be with him. Tyler grinned, picking you up and setting you on the table, kissing you hard as he stood between your legs. 
“Please tell me that means you want to move here.” He mumbled against your lips. You just kissed him once more. 
“There’s nothing else I want. Well I kind of want the food I brought, and maybe we could decorate for Christmas since it’s my favorite day, but like, definitely want to move here the most.” You laughed slightly as you spoke. Tyler just smiled at you, a breathtaking, heartfelt smile that made butterflies swirl around in your stomach. It was an exciting step in your relationship, and you couldn’t help but think about how much you loved December first again, this time for a new reason, because now it was the signifier in a new start with the person you loved. You didn’t care that it was only December first, because to you, this was better than anything you could have received on Christmas Day. 
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daughterofluthien · 3 years
“decisions were respected” Sorry but didn’t Scott violently throw Isaac against a wall more than once just because Isaac liked his ex girlfriend in canon? That’s the literal opposite of healthy...
Hey, anon!
This is in reference to this post about Scallison for the shipping meme, where I said that one of my favorite things about Scallison is that the show lets them have a healthy breakup, and even date other people while still remaining friends. The scenes you are referring to are a pair of scenes in 3x13 Anchors.
So lets’s take a look.
(under a cut bc it turns out that when you try to be comprehensive, things get v long v quickly 😅)
The Scenes
I’m actually gonna copy/paste the dialogue of both scenes (along with minimal action/inflection notation for context) so that we can really make sure we know what we’re talking about here, so bear with me:
The first of these scenes occurs as Scott and Isaac are getting ready to head to school in the morning. After some initial ‘hey, what’re you doing, are you heading to school’ dialogue—during which both boys seem a bit awkward—we get the following:
ISAAC: [anxiously] Can I ask you a question? SCOTT: Okay... ISAAC: Are you angry with me? SCOTT: No! ISAAC: Are you sure? SCOTT: ...No. ISAAC: [awkwardly] What's that mean? SCOTT: I guess I'm not really sure how I'm feeling... ISAAC: [nodding] Okay. ...Do you hate me? SCOTT: [sighing] No, of course not. ISAAC: Do you want to hit me? SCOTT: [taken aback] No. ISAAC: I think you should hit me. SCOTT: I don't want to hit you. ISAAC: Are you sure? SCOTT: Why would I want to hit you? You didn't do anything, did you? ISAAC: [stammering] No. I mean, um... What do you mean? SCOTT: I mean, like, you didn't kiss her or anything, right? ISAAC: No! Absolutely not. No. SCOTT: ...Did you want to? ISAAC: Oh, yeah. Totally. [scene cuts to hallway outside the room. Isaac flies through the doorway and hits the wall] MELISSA: Hey! You two teenage boys? Don't test my entirely un-supernatural level of patience! ISAAC: ...Feel better?
The scene then ends, and we cut to subsequent scenes of Stiles and then Allison also getting ready for school.
The second scene is much shorter and happens later in the episode, after Isaac saves Lydia from an arrow that Allison fired while hallucinating. He and Scott are in Scott’s room again, and he’s telling him about the incident:
SCOTT: Right at her head? ISAAC: Almost right through it. And she keeps saying the same thing-- that she keeps seeing her aunt. Whatever's happening to you guys is getting worse. If I hadn't been there, then Lydia would be dead. SCOTT: ...What were you doing there? ISAAC: Uh... [scene cuts to hallway outside the room. Isaac flies through the doorway and hits the wall] MELISSA: [groaning] Oh, you guys, come on! This house does not have a supernatural ability to heal! So, stop it!
But of course just the text of the scene isn’t enough to accurately convey everything in even a tiny portion of a larger narrative, because nothing happens in a vacuum. With that in mind, let’s look at...
The Context 
The first of these scenes occurs immediately after the opening credits, and is the first time we see either Scott or Isaac this season. (Assuming you consider 3B a separate season, of course, which is a whole ‘nother can of worms. This tv show we all choose to enjoy sure is Something.)
Often, the opening of a season is used to reintroduce the audience to the main characters—letting us know where their characters arcs are starting, and what they’ll be struggling with this season. Teen Wolf did this previously (and did it well, imo) in 3x01 Tattoo. Act 2 of that episode begins with a series of four scenes showing our main characters getting ready for school in the morning, highlighting where everyone currently is, and setting up where their arcs are going to go.
Scene order taken by itself would seem to indicate that they were trying to do something similar in this episode. It starts off with the hook of Stiles’ extended nightmare sequence. He can’t tell dreams apart from reality anymore, and wakes up screaming. Cut to black, cue opening credit sequence.
Immediately after the first ad break, we get a sequence of three scenes. The first is the longer of the two Scott and Isaac scenes (which, as previously mentioned, occurs as they’re getting ready to head out to school). The second is of Stiles. He’s packing for school, and the audience learns that he’s been struggling to read when he’s awake as well. Finally, we see Allison leaving her and her dad’s apartment. She seems like she’s doing fine, if a little over-focused. But then she gets into the elevator, and has an extended hallucination/flashback of Kate.
We learn soon after this that all three of them (Scott, Stiles, and Allison) are suffering from the aftereffects of their sacrifice in the previous season. According to the explanations we get both from Kira and, later, from Deaton, they’re slipping into bardo, or the space between life and death, and there’s a door open in their minds. 
Okay, problem established.
It stands to reason, then, that all three of those opening scenes are supposed to serve to set up this problem. We’re shown, in three successive scenes, that all three of our sacrificees are, as the kids say, Not Doing So Hot.
(yes I know the kids don’t say that, let me be an increasingly out-of-touch millennial in peace)
This is all well and good, and honestly makes sense! Under this paradigm, the Scott and Isaac scene should be highlighting that Scott is Losing Control. Bardo is affecting him, and it’s causing him to be more aggressive. Giving in to violence in a way that he generally holds himself back from. Heck, the scene even starts with Scott flexing his fingers, and we (and Scott) see the shadow of a clawed hand against the door.
In the context of the narrative, it makes sense.
The Framing
The thing about the medium of television is that, when we’re talking about a scene, we can’t just look at the narrative structure. We also have to look at the scene itself: how it’s shot and directed, how it’s edited, even what music is paired with the scenes.
In the Stiles and Allison sequences, the scenes are very clearly shot for tension and horror. Long lingering shots on the things that Just Aren’t Right. Music that heightens the tension. Stiles gets some nice lil scare chords over the shot of the book that he can’t read, and there’s a very quiet droning in the background of the Allison nightmare sequence that slowly grows into some classic horror soundtrack music.
Okay. So far that tracks with the narrative thesis.
Now let’s take look at the Scott and Isaac scene.
We start out with some of those lingering shots I was talking about, as Scott is halted in his tracks when he notices the shadow of the clawed hand. We see his own hand is human and unshifted. There’s quiet, percussion heavy music over this portion of the scene that increases in tension at this point. Shaken, Scott closes his hand into a fist, and when he opens it, both the shadow and his own hand are smooth and human. The tense music fades out to silence, and he breathes a sigh of relief.
Scott opens the door to reveal Isaac, which startles him. There’s a short musical sting to underline this moment, and then the background music cuts out completely, leaving us (and them) in the awkwardness of this moment. 
You can kinda see the Awkwardness Inherent in the System in the dialogue that I pasted up at the top—it’s a lot of back-and-forth, short statements, trailing off... And both Posey and Sharman are playing up the awkwardness as well. Neither boy looks like they really want to be there, and that includes Isaac, who initiated this entire conversation.
But here’s the thing.
The thing that really frustrates me about this scene.
It’s not the sort of awkwardness that exists to increase the tension. The sort that builds and builds until it reaches a fever pitch and you know something just has to give. You know, the sort of tension that you would want to build if you were showing how the protagonist of your show is no longer fully in control, and is on a knife’s edge of lashing out at his friend and beta.
Instead, it’s played for comedy.
And once again, a lot of this is down to the music.
Before the dialogue that I quoted at the top even begins, the music starts back up, and this time the tense percussion has been replaced by light, pizzicato strings. (That may not be the exact right term, fyi, I only really know enough about music theory to be dangerous.) But you know, the playful, plucked strings that often accompanies comedic or otherwise not-serious scenes.
Background music tells the viewer how they’re supposed to feel about the events in a particular scene, and the music here is saying that we’re not supposed to find this whole confrontation that dramatic. In fact, we’re supposed to find it funny.
But it’s not just the music that that frames this scene as comedic. It’s also the fact that we don’t actually see Scott shoving Isaac. Instead, the scene cuts to the hallway, and all we see is Isaac flying through the doorway.
Now, obviously I don’t have a direct line to the director and editors’ minds here. But I would bet money that those particular shots were chosen 1). because it’s so much easier to do a wire pull stunt when you don’t have to show what it’s in reaction to, and 2). because it’s kinda difficult to show your main character directly doing a violence and make it funny.
But show someone yeeted into frame, and that’s funny. Right?
(Spoiler alert: not in this context, it isn’t)
Now, I know I’ve been focusing on the first scene a lot—partially because it’s longer and partially because it’s really the only reason that the second scene exists—but I do want to take a look at the second scene really quickly as well. It’s much shorter and generally adopts a more serious tone than the first one, mostly due to fact that we’re smack dab in the middle of the action at this point. The weird visions that the sacrificees have been having all episode have started endangering lives, and they can’t just wait for it to resolve on its own.
But then the focused, intent exposition is broken by Scott’s question of “why were you there.” Then smash cut to a near identical shot of the hallway,and Isaac yeeting into frame.
The thing is, this scene is entirely dependent on the previous one. It only “works”—and I use this term loosely—as a call back to the scene at the beginning of the ep. Heck, both even have the stinger of a frustrated Melissa at the end of both scenes, frustrated at all the boys-will-be-boys roughhousing going on in her house.
Much like the first scene, this one is also set up and framed for Comedy.
Which is um. A Choice. 
But What Does It All Mean
What frustrates me about these scenes, at the end of the day, is that the narrative intention and the directing/editing seem to be fundamentally at odds.
On the one hand, it makes narrative sense to say that the purpose of the scenes is to show that Scott is losing control. That he’s being affected by bardo and the open door in his mind, and it’s putting the people close to him in danger. But then on the other, the way the scenes are actually used are as comic relief. As a way to release tension between very tense, dramatic scenes. 
I don’t think it works, as I don’t personally find it funny at all. But that really does seem to be the intention.
Once again, absolutely wILD choices were made on the part of tptb, and I really wish anyone had thought for two seconds about the implications of all of this, but nO
So now (literally 2K words later I’m so sorry 😅) what does this tell us about the characters? Certainly no one here is arguing that shoving someone is a good or defensible choice, whether it’s due to forces outside the character’s control or not. But even taking the influence of bardo in mind, is it even in character for Scott in the first place?
Because canon can also be written inconsistently/out of character, especially when we’re talking about a long-running show like tw.
One’s an Incident, Two is Coincidence...
Well, we all know the end of that saying.
So let’s end by looking at a few patterns.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this, once again, eXCEEDINGLY long post, this is reference to a post I made about scallison. I said the following in that post:
And I also really like that they [Scott and Allison] didn’t get back together. That they were allowed to be friends. That even though sometimes it hurt to watch someone you love loved love become romantically close to another person, decisions were respected, and no friendships were broken over it.
The first pattern we need to look at, then, is this:
What’s Scott’s pattern of behavior toward Allison and Isaac’s relationship?
And does Scott’s behavior toward Isaac in these two scenes match the pattern, or is it an outlier?
3x11 Alpha Pact: Sacrifice Prep The revelation that Allison and Isaac have grown close enough for him to act as emotional tether for her is very visibly a blow to Scott. He looks like the rug has been pulled out from under him, but he doesn’t look angry or upset, just.... sad. In fact, it looks like he’s swallowing back tears. But he nods towards the two of them and just says, “It’s okay.”
3x12 Lunar Ellipse: “I look for my friends” This is the epilogue of the season. Scott walks into the hallway at all of his friends in turn. Satisfied. Happy. First at Lydia and Aiden, then at Danny and Ethan. Then he turns and watches as Isaac and Allison walk down the stairs, and they’re laughing, and so obviously happy, and Scott’s small smile grows. He isn’t jealous here—he’s happy for them. 
3x14 Illuminated: Mutual Recognition Scott and Allison are both at Danny’s halloween party, but they’re not here together. He sees her from across a crowded room, just like he did at the winter formal, so many months ago. But so much has happened, and they’re different people now. Allison’s with Isaac, and he’s starting to having feelings for Kira, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt, and that he doesn’t miss the relationship he and Allison had. For a moment, his fingers slip away from Kira’s, and he and Allison share a sad smile. 
Believe it or not, these are actually the only other examples I could find of Scott reacting to Isaac and Allison’s relationship. And uniformly across them, he’s sad, yes—after all, he loved her, and that relationship is very definitively over now. But he never seems jealous, and he isn’t angry.
So, if the Scott and Isaac scenes in Anchors don’t fit the pattern of Scott’s behavior towards the new couple, what pattern do they fit?
“Hit me.”
The teen wolf writers have a... really upsetting habit, honestly, of “resolving” interpersonal conflict between two characters by having the “wronged” party hit the other. Afterwards, the tension is almost completely broken between them, as if letting the person act aggressively in a way consensual to both parties has somehow solved the problem.
2x11 Battlefield: Derek and Peter After Peter comes back from the dead, he confronts the now pack-less Derek and offers to help him. Derek, likely remembering that Peter killed Laura and was responsible for most of the events of S1, attacks him instead. After taking a beating, Peter says the following:
PETER: Okay, go ahead! Come on, do it! Hit me. Hit me. I can see that it's cathartic for you! You're letting go of all the anger, self-loathing, and hatred that comes with total and complete failure. I may be the one taking the beating, Derek, but you've already been beaten. So, go ahead. Hit me if that will make you feel better. After all, I did say that I wanted to help.
3x13 Anchors: Scott and Isaac We’ve already discussed this scene in uh. Detail. So I don’t think we need to go into the specifics again. But just a reminder that this dialogue exists:
ISAAC: Do you want to hit me? SCOTT: No. ISAAC: I think you should hit me.
5x15 Amplification: Scott and Liam During the previous supermoon, Liam—swayed by grief, the full moon, and Theo’s manipulations—tried to kill Scott and take his power. They’ve since rediscovered an equilibrium in their relationship, and Liam’s back in Scott’s pack, but they’re both still dealing with the implications of that event. In this episode, they’re attempting to break Lydia out of Eichen, but they’re not as strong as they should be, due to the mountain ash laced through the building, and are having difficulty breaking down a door. Then, the following exchange occurs:
LIAM: Hit me. SCOTT: What? LIAM: Hit me! I'll get angry, then I'll get stronger. STILES: Hit him. Hit him! LIAM: I tried to take your powers. I tried to kill you. Hit me! STILES: He also left you for dead. LIAM: I wanted you dead!
6x16 Triggers: Liam and Theo No one actually directly says “hit me” in  this one, due to the circumstances, but the sentiment’s there. In this sequence, Liam and Theo are trying to convince Gerard and the hunters that the whole pack is hiding out in the zoo, so Theo goads Liam into hitting him, in order to stage a very audible fight.
THEO: Okay... Then they have to believe us.[shouts] Isn't that right? LIAM: [whispers] Why are you yelling? THEO: [shouts] You got a problem? Oh, that's right, you always have a problem! LIAM: [whispers] What the hell are you doing? THEO: [shouts] Shut up! [punches Liam] Yeah, you see that, Scott? Your little Beta can't even take a punch. And what do you think, Malia?
While there’s a variety of primary textual reasons here, all of them deal with personal issues between the pair, and all of them involve some level of catharsis for the person doing the punching. Taken all together, it’s honestly a pretty troubling pattern, especially given the inclusion of an actual canonical abuse victim initiating and receiving the violence.
This is a writer issue, not a character issue. The serious narrative context conflicts with the comedic framing in a way that is honestly baffling to me, and it doesn’t fit the established pattern of Scott’s character and actions. Moreover, it’s an example of the writers’ apparent belief that interpersonal conflict can and should be solved through consensual violence.
The pattern we do see, is that the Scott is saddened by the knowledge that Allison has moved on, but he’s glad that she and Isaac are happy. Similarly, Allison is saddened that Scott is moving on as well, because she does still care for him deeply. Despite their conflicted feelings, neither tries to disrupt the other’s new relationship.
On other shows, that would be a season-long, drama-filled plotline. Here, nothing.
And I legitimately love that so much.
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leverage-commentary · 3 years
Leverage Season 2, Episode 11, The Bottle Job, Audio Commentary Transcript
Johnathan: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Johnathan Frakes.
John: He’s the Director of this episode. My name is John Rogers, Executive Producer.
Christine: My name is Christine Boylan, I'm the writer on this episode.
John: Drinking left to right you have a screwdriver- a screwdriver, which is just a fistful of vodka with an orange in it.
Johnathan: It qualifies as a screwdriver! Look where we are, we’re at a wake!
John: I've got a Guinness, and Boylan’s having a little baby Guinness. Boylan what is a bottle show?
Christine: A bottle show is a show that tries to save a lot of money by shooting on standing sets. And not adding too many bells and whistles that can get expensive.
John: Not very easy on a con show, but we managed to pull it off, and by far, this is one of my favorite episodes of the two years. Nicely done, both of you.
Johnathan: And the irony of this being a bottle show about a bottle is not lost-
John: Yeah it's- the puns were running thick and furious because we wrote it in 72 hours. Love this- now this is actually a room in the bar we have not seen before.
Christine: Yes, this is the back room.
John: The back room we built. And it was a great little idea. It's an Irish bar, it's an Irish wake, we built the con up from there.
Christine: Creepy storage area.
Johnathan: Oh Alan Smyth, the wonderful and talented-
John: Mr. Frakes, why don't you tell us about this villain? Cause this is a really interesting- it's an  interesting reveal, interesting villain. It's not our usual type of guy. How'd you approach this?
Johnathan: Delightful guy, this guy’s been sent to Boston by his father from Dublin to check on his family's money, and how things are going. Decides to take things into his own hand, doesn’t know he’s gonna run into the Leverage team. He thinks he can muscle this poor girl at her own wake- her father's wake and-
John: Yeah, boy that's an asshole. We hate that guy.
Christine: I hate this guy.
John: This guy totally passes the ‘we hate that guy’. Now I'm gonna ask where this scene can run a bunch of different ways. It can run really creepy, it can run kind of light. Like, how do you design this when you're gonna shoot this?
Johnathan: This was as simple and clean as it can be. Here’s a set up, here's the teaser: he wants the money, you see where they are, we have the like this chick, which I think we do. This is Odessa Rae.
John: Yeah, she was fantastic for a character.
Christine: Lovely girl.
Johnathan: And a real redhead, clearly. 
John: And it's really- we really kinda dig in on the Boson heritage in this one.
Christine: Yes, and it was important that she fight back, to me, that was a big one, just take that swing.
John: She didn't want to be a schlub. And Liam and Liam’s brother is my favorite bit. How did- Boylan, how did you wind up with the money borrowing aspect of this?
Christine: The money borrowing- I had watched a really fantastic documentary by...oh god, what's his name?
John: The Ascent of Money?
Christine: The Ascent of Money, Niall Ferguson, yes. The Ascent of Money talked about how loan sharks are alive and well all over the UK and in certain pockets of the US, allegedly. So I thought well let's do that, let’s take a little- let’s take the loan sharking and move it over. And also talk about the grand tradition of bookmaking as well, so we have all kinds of neighborhood cottage industries.
John: Yeah, and this is where we really dig into- this was important to do in the second half of the season, because we're really set-
Johnathan: We see every inch of this bar.
Christine: Yes we do.
John: We see every inch of this bar. You shot the hell out of this, man.
Johnathan: Here's a standing set, and snow! Check out those windows. That's what makes you think you're outside.
John: And by the way, this was the hottest week in Portland on record.
Johnathan: Unbelievable.
Christine: 107 degrees.
John: 107 degrees.
Johnathan: Everybody in layers.
John: This is our Life on Mars flashback. 
Johnathan: There we go.
Christine: Jimmy Ford.
John: This is Jimmy Ford and young Nate. And this was interesting, this was- we really need to establish just how close Nate Ford was to a criminal life, for us to do the season finale. 
Christine: Yup.
John: And it was interesting for a show that really came out and just came out of the ether, you came back from shooting another episode with this idea, this actually wound up doing an awful lot of work for us for the season.
Christine: I really like to dig in on Nate, his backstory, his troubles, because he's a wonderful shade of gray for us, so I was-
Johnathan: This also the beginning of his fall off the wagon.
John: Absolutely.
Christine: Yes, oh yeah. A nice swan dive off the wagon, actually.
Christine: With a graceful landing. I was up doing episode eight, The Ice Man Job, and I thought, you know, in between takes you’re sitting there, you're thinking how do- the challenge was, how do you do a bottle show? And I really wanted to do The Wire and we haven't been able to do the wire yet, so- 
John: The wire is the classic con in the opening of this episode, where using a delay in sports knowledge, you're able to con somebody. It's the big con in The Sting.
Christine: Yes.
John: It is the big con that everyone uses when they are ripping off The Sting, and they're not telling you. And so we actually made a point of making it text that we’re doing the wire and we’re doing it in this amount of time.
Johnathan: And you can't do it in less than 4 weeks, or 2 weeks.
John: No, no it's a long con.
Christine: A lot of preparation.
Johnathan: It's a long con and we do it in-
John: Yeah. This was the fun of this episode was basically taking everything that was possible-
Johnathan: We do it in 17 minutes.
John: The fun of this episode was taking everything that is impossible in a con and heist show, and making it text that's impossible for the team to do.
Christine: It’s super meta because the Leverage team does what we did, which is do this really, really quickly.
John: Yeah. Really, really quickly. We broke and wrote this episode in 72 hours.
Christine: Yup, I flew up here right before my birthday. 107 degrees at the end of July, and we had a blast. We had a really great time.
Johnathan: Liam and Liam's brother.
John: It was also good to kind of nail down Nate’s- why Nate chose this bar, why Nate- and we kinda touched on it, but the idea that he's got some sort of family history. And it was a big deal too, when we were talking about this bar. Tim Hutton as they were building the set talked about the bar that his dad used to drink in, in Boston. And talked about, like, remembering the pictures of the Irish rebels up in the men's room, and a lot of that stuff we used when we were designing the bar.
Johnathan: Tim Hutton himself owns a bar.
John: Tim Hutton himself owns a bar in New York, that's right. 
Christine: He does indeed.
John: And this is our classic vic scene, just a little bit later.
Christine: Yeah, she gave an amazing performance here, every take. Do you remember that? Unbelievable.
Johnathan: Fascinating girl, too; very interesting girl and a wonderful actress.
Christine: Yeah, truly a riot.
John: And you shot the hell out of the apartment. The apartment looks nice in this light. Actually, this was the one that made me want to shoot the apartment in this light on a regular basis.
Johnathan: Well this was Connell saying, if this is night and we can- if we can play the snow, we’ll turn the shutters down a little bit so we can see the snow. It’s- it feels like there's a fire lighting in here.
John: Yeah, it actually affected the way we shot a couple of the following episodes, because in the day, this- the great light wood gives you a lot of space, but it can feel a little too airy. This really made sections of the apartment look intimate.
Christine: The warmth is great.
Johnathan: Yeah, but also I think all of us have learned by this time if we isolate a section - like if we play a scene in the kitchen, it works, but keep everybody up in the kitchen. If you're gonna go down to the television room, we've gotta play that. Once we spread everybody out, you can't make your day.
John: Well Marc Roskin did something interesting in 213 where he used Nate as the hinge to follow people as they entered. But what he did was basically broke it up into mini scenes of that, as Nates starts the TV he's talking to Hardison, comes up at Jeri on the table, and then Parker and Eliot arrive, like on the fly, to land the move.
Christine: That's great.
John: But that- it’s the only time we've really pulled it off really, really well.
Christine: I will say that we did use the staircase a lot in this episode as well.
Christine: A lot of running up and down the stairs.
John: A lot of running up and down the stairs.
Johnathan: There happens to be an interior staircase in the building that is very convenient for us.
Christine: Yes.
John: Yeah. And that was a great design idea, actually. I remember when we originally stuck that in there, like, we don't know when we’re gonna use it or how, but it's always good to have some circular stairs. No, this is a lot of- this is a lot of fun.
Johnathan: Are you talking about the staircase we see? I was talking about the staircase we feel.
Christine: Oh.
Johnathan: Between the bar and the bar is literally downstairs in the building.
John: Oh of course, upstairs. That was a big deal was trying to figure out the geography of, like, how this bar’s connected to upstairs. 
Christine: Oh here we go.
John: This is my favorite- damn.
Johnathan: And give it to- props to Jeri Ryan, unafraid to play it, fully committed.
John: And then-
Johnathan: Takes the shooter, goes to work.
John: ‘My name’s Trish and I'm lonely.’
Christine: ‘I’m Trish and I’m lonely.’
Johnathan: And I get the girls up and out and here we go.
John: Yeah. She-
Christine: We were all distracted by the way Jeri looked this entire episode.
John: I love Jeri for doing that. I love Jeri for doing that. 
Johnathan: She was comfortable with it, embraced it, knows what she was there to play.
John: And it was- also says something about the character which is - you have given her precisely this much information; she is in a bar, she knows exactly how to run this con.
Johnathan: ‘Let me run with it, I got it, I got this one.’
Christine: What a gift the chemistry between Jeri and Alan was here. Fantastic.
John: Yeah, it's hard work flirting with Jeri Ryan. It’s all uphill.
Christine: Oh his days were terrible. 
Johnathan: Poor thing.
Christine: He had the worst job ever.
John: I love also- again, we try to differentiate between the jobs everyone has. Parker always does the lift. You know, Chris can do a drop if he needs to - Eliot can do a drop, but you have to make sure when you've got a five-hander, everyone’s got their jobs.
Christine: I like the lifts in this one; we see some of them, and some of them are magic tricks. So it works out well.
John: And now we’re using the phone to scan which is something that you can do. They actually just created a food scanner for the iPhone.
Christine: Really?
Johnathan: A food scanner?
John: You take the iPhone, you run it over the UPC symbol on the outside of food, and all the nutritional information comes up - the calories, that sort of thing.
Christine: As if I'm not neurotic enough. I totally need that app. Yeah, that’s great.
John: There you go. Also I love the choice- and again, it was a virtue of us writing this really fast, and also wanting to do a bottle show which is so constrained, which is - he's just going to tell her he's a loan shark. We’re just gonna- we’re gonna try to take all the pipe, all the stuff you usually try to hide, and sell it. 
Christine: He owns it.
Johnathan: Lay it out there, put it into the scene in act one.
Christine: There's something great about putting it forward like that.
John: It just moves. It just flies. And also, whenever you can give Hardison a recurring series of impossible tasks, it is inherently amusing.
Christine: Aldis is adorable in this.
Johnathan: Especially in a limited amount of time.
John: Well that's really what we've talked about on a couple of the commentaries; when you have the super team, it gets really, really hard to constantly challenge them. So it got more and more - how do we constrain them in time and space? And this is the ultimate example. You know, this episode runs essentially in real time.
Johnathan: It is; it plays in real time.
John: That's me drinking, pardon.
Christine: A lift.
John: A little lift.
Christine: Lift and replacement.
Johnathan: That was the replace. Yeah, the great chemistry between these two actors.
Christine: Alan’s worst day ever.
Johnathan: All day. All day with Jeri.
Christine: All day.
John: Sitting at a bar. 
Johnathan: Sitting at a bar.
Christine: Could be worse.
John: It's interesting because we had episodes with bigger Tara Cole roles; this is actually my favorite one of the Tara- of Jeri doing Tara. Because you- this is one of the few times we cut her loose and let her do what she's supposed to do and really put her insolation.
Christine: And she’s really fearless, just fearless, which is great.
Johnathan: She’s a pro, pro from Dover and-
Christine: Seriously.
John: What does that mean?
Johnathan: She knows this character-
John: I'm disturbed. I like, by the way, the bar thing of like, ‘Yeah, we’ll miss our flight.’ They look over, it’s Jeri Ryan, ‘Yeah, ok. We’ll blow it off.’
Christine: Yeah, seriously.
Johnathan: ‘Ooh, ooh!’
Christine: Because this guy, not only is he gonna own it, he’s gonna brag about it.
John: What I love is we actually had a discussion in the room, for some people who didn't use to drink professionally, about the viability of some of the gambling and the money and everything in a bar. And I was like, I was a stand up comic-
Johnathan: That would never happen.
John: I was a stand up comic in a mob bar for a long time. Trust me - this was a Tuesday night. 
Johnathan: This happens.
John: Yeah. I saw 20-30 grand go away at the bar several times on sporting events; just poorly thought out ideas. And this was a challenge for you, by the way, you were establishing geography that didn't exist. 
Johnathan: Well that's what we just did by going out the back door. We all bought- we all drank the kool aid and said there will be a back staircase, otherwise this story’s gonna be dull as dirt. 
Christine: Yeah, there’s gotta be-
Johnathan: Trying to get in and out the front door.
John: It's kind of Noises Off. 
Christine: Yeah.
John: Yeah, we're kinda doing-
Christine: Everything I write is a little stagey.
John: Everything you write is a little stagey.
Christine: A little farce-y.
Johnathan: Here's more of our traditional 360, well used.
Christine: This is beautiful here, yeah.
Johnathan: Standing them up. Keep them standing. Always good advice.
John: The actors?
Johnathan: Yeah.
John: The actors’ energy is part of the energy, right, yeah.
Christine: Yeah this- I just got a thrill off of this, watching this being shot. 
John: It's also- it’s fun because it was one of the purest versions. Again, because we’re in so fast of Nate Ford like ‘I am a genius. I am playing chess. I am playing speed chess.’
Christine: Yeah, right.
Johnathan: This is a great bit coming up this is- we come off this and we go back to Christian with the dart. He kept saying to me, ‘No, no, Frakes, I can do this; I can actually throw it.’ I said, ‘No no, you don’t understand Christain, it has to look like magic.’ ‘No, give me half an hour and I’ll make some- I'll make some bullseyes for you.’ I said, ‘No, no, no, I can do it as a special effect. It’s gonna look great; you're gonna look cool.’ I fought with him and fought with him. He said, ‘No, let me just look.’ I said, ‘The point is you don't look! You dont look when the dart goes in the wall!’
Christine: Christians tough, because he's good at everything. 
John: Well that's the trick. There’s- in a previous episode he jacks the slight on a gun and without looking catches the shell in midair as he’s doing dialogue. And it’s like- it’s hard to say no to him when he really wants to dig in in something, but yeah. This is also- I love- this is pure- this is pure threesome goodness. The kids are upstairs ripping apart dad’s apartment. 
Christine: Triangles.
Johnathan: It also tees up the ending which is great.
Christine: And this- I, you know, this is for the fans.
John: The idea that they have utterly co-opted-
Johnathan: Nate’s house? Yeah.
John: His house, yes.
Christine: Oh, the cereal boxes.
Johnathan: They’ve all got stashed money.
John: And this, by the way, is a callback, this is why Parker’s always eating cereal; she's planting money in there on a regular basis and hiding it. 
Christine: I think she likes the sugar as well.
John: She likes the sugar.
Johnathan: For anyone who’s watching closely.
John: And of course we finally solve the mystery of the picture.
Christine: Her look right there is great.
Johnathan: ‘Are you kidding me?’
John: I love the idea that she- for once, cause we often play Hardison as the kind of emotional one, and for once we remind everyone, no he's a thief. Yeah. This is just his gig. He will even upset Parker, occasionally.
Johnathan: Woo he got down there fast, didn't he?
Christine: Oh yeah, that staircase is magical. Well he's very fit; he’s taking them three at a time.
John: Here's the thing: I don't think Eliot took the staircase; I'm thinking Eliot probably just went out the window.
Johnathan: He jumped.
Christine: He just jumped.
John: Went out the window, landed in the snow bank. I think that's probably the best way to play that particular transition.
John: We don't- who cares about transitions? America is not sitting on their couch- 
Johnathan: Great extras, look at these-
Christine: Look at these extras, they’re killing me.
John: Look at these extras. They’re great. This was a really- you know, it's tricky because we usually shoot the-
Johnathan: Comedy. Sight gags.
John: Big comedy. I'm not afraid of the comedy. You know what? No one has ever stopped watching a TV show because it made them laugh.
Christine: Look at all these wires.
John: Yup, you have no idea what they're doing. 
Christine: Comedy wires.
John: By the way, that's roughly what the inside of my wall looks like; that's actually not bad.
John: I like that you had him play the whole way through with the helmet, by the way.
Johnathan: Yeah keep the helmet- once you got the helmet-
John: But we actually- 
Johnathan: How about the amount of wires? Come on, I’ve seen The Three Stooges!
John: It’s perfect, there's nothing like a pulling wire gag.
Christine: Look at all the ends, that's great.
John: It was interesting, breaking this up we eventually wound up in little strike teams like, ‘OK, you figure out how the wire works; you'll figure out how the Tivo- this part of the Tivo delivery system works; you'll figure out what the crime scene is.’ Yeah. 
Johnathan: Was this the writers room?
John: Yeah, this was basically, everyone got a piece of the script, come back in a day and tell me how it works.
Christine: We’re our own super team.
Johnathan: And you know what? It's one of the great things about this episode is the train leaves the station and there is no- there’s not much room for coming back and expositioning. 
Christine: It's the express train.
John: I love when he-
Johnathan: It is the express train.
John: And that's the idea is, again- and this could've been a nice passing episode, the ability to set up everything in this. This might be the most important episode before the finale, because you really see who this guy is.
Johnathan: It's also nice to see this guy go toe-to-toe with Tim.
Christian: Yeah.
John: Yeah, it’s was like with Riegert with 210; it's great when you get an actor who's not intimidated by Tim, because Tim, you know, he's a very gifted actor. He's very famous and-
Johnathan: Yeah, he's fabulous. And this guy could carry a show and he was so happy to be here.
John: Yeah.
Johnathan: And Tim liked him, and it worked out and it was a-
Christine: They had a great time.
Johnathan: It was a win, win, win.
Christine: They had a great time, we had a great time.
John: No, this was actually born from the fact that in an old apartment building I was in, people used to pirate off the main satellite feed.
Christine: Like you do.
Johnathan: Yeah.
John: So- as one does. The idea is you do it backwards.
Johnathan: As you do. We'd never do that in college.
John: No, no. Of course not.
Christine: Never.
John: Well satellite, I mean, back when we were in college were those giant sputnik things that we used to battle the Russians in space. 
Johnathan: This is meant to be the Celtics, but what are- we found footage from the Canadian-
John: The Canadian basketball-
Christine: We went back and forth, we made up names.
John: You do not want to buy the rights from the NBA; it is very, very, expensive.
Christine: And that's not the point. The point is the betting.
John: The point is the betting.
Christine: The point is the characters. 
John: Exactly, is the idea. And the only thing I'm kinda sad is, we run at 42 minutes and 30 seconds. There's an awful lot of stuff you would love to do, you just don't have time for. We had a great bit that we researched about the neuroscience of gambling, and how you can create-
Christine: Oh yes.
John: Remember? You can create feedback cycles with addictive behavior that- it’s very specific intervals of winning that hooks an addict in, in a way that they can't escape. And we were going to use that at the bar and it just, it just- 
Johnathan: There was no room.
Christine: It's like the random praise you give the writers.
John: Yes, it's like the random- the writers- writers were distressed-
Johnathan: Boom.
Christine: Oh, look at that.
John: Yes, the writers were distressed to find out that I was using neuroscience on them. It turns out that you should never praise constantly or never, you should praise randomly.
Christine: Praise randomly.
Johnathan: There are not many physicists that are showrunners.
Christine: It’s true, it’s true.
John: I was explaining the random praise thing to them one day, and suddenly they realized ‘...wait that's what you do.’ ‘Well yeah, it's how you train a rat, so why wouldn't it be how you train a writer? 
John: And it’s great- also the big challenge in the episode to keep the vic alive, to keep it emotionally anchored, and because we’re where she works, we can cut to her a lot and- 
Johnathan: We can cut to her a lot, and we put her in a lot of scenes that she wasn't originally in.
Christine: Yeah, just having her around.
John: It really just worked out. Cause you had her there, and you had the writer on set, makes a big difference.
Christine: So this is Brad Farwell and George Burich as Liam and Liam's brother, and George-
Johnathan: Not bad Irish accents for a couple of guys from the great northwest.
Christine: Pretty good. And I just had a drink with George in New York last week and he said, ‘Mention the toothpick! Don't forget to mention the toothpick.’
John: It's nice; it's a nice touch.
Christine: He's in love with that prop; adorable.
John: I remember how Liam's brother- Liam and Liam's brother was born, because we actually were trying to think of a name; it just hung in the room so long we were like, ‘Oh wait, that's the joke. This is Liam and Liam's brother.’
Christine: ‘That’s totally it.’
Johnathan: Worked on [unintelligible] for three years.
John: And beat, beat, beat. There you go.
Johnathan: Eric Bates, our prop man, said, ‘Frakes, should I get out the good money for this show?’ I said yeah.
Christine: The good, good money.
John: There's gonna be a lot of close ups.
Johnathan: He's got two qualities of money. Yeah I said, ‘Tonight would be a night for the good money.’
John: We’re a heist show. We have an awful lot of briefcases of money, and sometimes you just need the tops and sometimes you need to count it, yeah. 
Christine: A lot of cash.
John: And this was a nice beat and Tim really didn’t over play this. He really did a great job.
Christine: It's very subtle this episode.
John: He was really great and subtle.
Johnathan: Well, he's comfortable in a bar. 
John: Yeah and-
Johnathan: And I think a lot of us are, and I think that's one of the reasons-
Christine: I don't know what you're talking about.
Johnathan: Well, I mean, you can tell people who spend time in there. Even the shooters behind the camera, everybody was comfortable in there, everybody knew the way it should look, everybody knew the dynamic, everybody knew what the stuff would be like. I mean, there's something about being in a familiar place with a crew that makes you move faster and move with it as a team.
John: And also we've lived in this set a bit more. We set decked a little bit more, and again, it was like usually we meet the clients during the day, and looking at this was like, we should be there at night all the time.
Christine: Yeah, it's gorgeous.
Johnathan: There's a lot to be said for night.
John: Night is cheap rain. Or rain is cheap night. I can never keep that straight.
John: More great work by Derek, our visual effects guy. There's- it's really hard we do a life of computer gackery and it's really hard to make sure people understand.
Johnathan: Are we gonna go over the split screen again on the TV?
John: I don't know. No, no we're not gonna split-screen.
Johnathan: The big screen is- I've been watching a lot of these NCIS things-
John: The big screen, I think we're gonna go the big screen next year. 
Johnathan: That, I think, is the difference.
John: You know what? We just didn't have the tech. 
Johnathan: Yeah I know, that's what I'm saying. That’s what I’m saying, we do now. 
John: Yeah this was really- although it worked well for this, because it's one of the few times we pop up a bunch of different windows.
Christine: They're multitasking almost.
John: I think next year we’re gonna- and again there's an awful lot of stuff we’re kind of inventing on the fly. Yeah.
Christine: The hell you say?
Johnathan: It’s a TV show.
John: Yeah, it's like shooting a movie in 7 days, or 6 ½ occasionally.
Christine: 6 ½ in 107 degrees.
Johnathan: Don’t bring it up; don’t rub it in.
John: Now when you get two actors like this, you know, what's your job as a director? You go in, do you have a specific ‘I want to end this scene here’? Do you give them guidelines? Do you shoot-? What's your approach?
Johnathan: Well these guys both decided with our permission, your permission, that, you know, they would adlib. Here’s what needs to happen in the scene. If you have two good actors and you have the intention of the scene clear and you're at a bar and they're having a drink, and they're gambling, and they're watching, it’s safe.
Christine: It's nice to have actors who care about the rhythm of the dialogue. How it's said is as important as what's being said, and they will work with me every- the regular cast and the guest stars were happy to like grab me at any time. ‘Rewrite this. Can I say this? Can we do it that way?’ I love that.
John: Yeah, I know.
Christine: Woo, there's a lot of grabbing going on; very grabby.
John: Yeah we’re setting up Boylan; she's pretty open to it without all those lawyers getting involved.
John: But here's the thing, there's a lot of showrunners, and a lot of writers, and everything it's like ‘say the words, say the words, say the words.’ And you know what? At the end of the day it's a television show with actors and it's gotta-
Johnathan: It's really- in the defense of both sides, you really have to use it judiciously.
John: Yes.
Johnathan: I think that you have to know- Timothy Hutton can adlib. Alan Smith, I'd done four shows with, I knew he could. But you don't want to turn everybody loose, because everybody thinks they're funny, and only some people are.
Christine: Exactly.
John: You have to be open to it.
Johnathan: You have to be open to it enough to judiciously use whats good and what's-
John: And just not- and I'm just saying, I'm not one of those writers where it's like, you know what? If you wind up with the better rhythm, the better line, that's what matters. Because TV is radio with pictures. 
Christine: Absolutely.
John: You know, people listen to voices, people listen- they got their heads down, they're reading while they're listening to TV, you know, that's what drives television. It's nice when television is well shot, but well-spoken television works just as well.
Christine: Oh for me it works better.
Johnathan: They remember what happened.
John: Yes. It'd be nice if every now and then you thought about the fact that actors have to deliver your lines.
Christine: They love it.
John: Yes, they adore you.
Christine: I do think a good section of the writing process occurs on set, honestly. And it's something that I was lucky to learn in rehearsals doing theater: it’s gonna change every day and that's ok. Everybody’s gonna roll with it, it's gonna get better, and it has to be easy to say; it has to be easy for the audience to process and remember.
Johnathan: And also each character speaks differently. That's what happened in the second season in this show, is the characters have found their voices, the writers have found the characters’ voices-
John: Honestly we got lucky. They found their voices early, early, first season. They all had found their rhythms. Because we tend to pair them, and you tend to- and that's what happens is they find the rhythms of each other. That moment of celebration from Hardison is not just him, it's us for having pulled off the wire. Doing a con that most shows take an entire episode to do- 
Johnathan: We do it in less than half.
John: And labor the freaking point about it. That's right, in Leverage you get 3 or 4 episodes of television per episode. 
John: And we've won, at this point- and again, this is a hook on Nate’s illness this year. At this point he should walk away.
Christine: Absolutely.
John: There is no reason for him to do this.
Johnathan: But now it's a bigger deal.
John: And it's not just justice, it’s obsession, you know, and it’s vengeance, and it’s control and it's- you know, he's starting to see himself as his father.
Johnathan: And it’s alcohol.
John: It’s alcohol.
Christine: Is it hubris or moxie?
John: Well what the alcohol has done is kind of- hubris or moxie. As we say in the writers room all the time.
Christine: That’s it; it’s very important.
John: Is it hubris or moxie? And with him it’s hubris. 
Christine: Totally.
John: But we’re really- what the alcohol has done here is loosened up the reins he's had on what is a really- and what I love is Tim’s not afraid to play this is - Nate Ford is an unpleasant human being. He's condescending, he's sarcastic, he’s vengeful, he's judgmental. You know, I love the- and again Jeri- 
Johnathan: And he's not afraid of that.
Christine: No he's not.
John: Yeah, and the fact that when he sort of loosens up, a lot of other shows have ‘Oh he's loosened up, I like him more.’ When Nate Ford loosens up you actually see him see an uglier side of him. The professional thieves are much more likeable on this show than the protagonist, which is one of the reasons I think it kinda works. I love that, that is a great beat. ‘I’m claustrophobic.’
Christine: Liam's brother is claustrophobic.
Johnathan: What an absurd beat.
John: Well you know what? I'd just come back from Boston, I'd driven the Ted Williams tunnel to go to Logan.
Christine: It’s awful.
John: It's awful; you're underground forever.
Christine: It’s awful.
John: It's like, alright- that's one of the advantages of knowing the city you're actually writing about. Like, you know what, there's no other way to get to the airport.
Johnathan: But it's a wonderful thing to say about a character that has virtually nothing else.
John: Nothing to say. And that actor landed that look.
Johnathan: Exactly.
Christine: That's lovely.
John: Yes, and now we're giving Hardison yet another insanely impossible thing to do.
Johnathan: And we’re taking the leap that the audience knows what a green screen can do.
Christine: Yes.
John: You know what? I think everyone does now. 
Johnathan: I think they do. 
John: It really is- it’s always interesting to try to figure out, what do people know and not know and not know? And now a little something for the ladies.
Christine: Ahem, you're welcome.
Christine: This was a fun day on set.
John: Yeah I can imagine. ‘Why are all the PA’s here?’
Johnathan: He's been waiting.
John: He's been waiting for a while. Dude should not have to work out that much and not be-
Johnathan: Exactly. I said, ‘Will you take your shirt off?’ He said, ‘On camera?’ I said, ‘Yeah’. ‘Watch me.’
John: As opposed to usually where you're with actors ‘Will you take your shirt off?’ ‘Alright Mr. Frakes, if you want.’
Johnathan: ‘Can you really ride that motorcycle?’ ‘I said I could!’
John: Oh god! Oh this is unspeakable, oh man, this is why we drink during these! I love Parker’s little beat there of, ‘Yeah, like there’s a safe I can't pick, c’mon’. 
Christine: Seriously.
John: This is one of my favorites- and again, the second half of the season, we started pairing Eliot and Parker together.
Christine: It's a great pairing.
Johnathan: Yeah, and it changes the rhythm, but they are great together.
John: They're great together. And Chris and Beth are also getting to work together a lot and they- really whole cast really likes each other, so it was fun to watch.
Johnathan: Here's some comedy.
John: You know what, big comedy, half-dressed comedy.
Christine: Sexy comedy.
Johnathan: Weatherman comedy. 
Christine: Weatherman comedy.
Johnathan: Clothes are a little small because they're Nate’s clothes. Did we get that part?
John: Yeah, I noticed that. And also the whole idea that he could be pantless, you don't know.
Christine: He could be, they don't know.
John: No, this was an enormous amount of fun. This is just really one where we kicked back and put every con trope we can into this thing. 
Christine: And we got a lot of pleasure in the writers room of doing the ‘other side’ bit before it ended up in the script.
John: Other side.
Christine: ‘Seattle’. ‘Other side’
John: No this is- and again, it was a matter of controlling information. In theory, the bar- and it's tricky, cause, you know, much like earbuds have changed the way you write these shows in communication. When mobile phones start doing news better, we're gonna have to learn to write different stuff. 
Johnathan: Yeah.
John: The ubiquity of information is something that all con and heist shows- controlling information is what that depends on, and you can control information less and less and less. But again, because we were in one location, that was the benefit; it forced us to do something that makes our lives easier.
Christine: I'm a fan of putting constraints on them as much as possible.
John: Yeah. It’s- otherwise they need obstacles.
Christine: Now forget the weather, he’s gonna do whatever she tells him. Look at her, please.
John: Pretty much I think he would probably kill Liam and Liam's brother at this point.
Christine: In full view of everyone.
Johnathan: ‘I don't care if they are claustrophobic!’
John: ‘Put them in a goddamn tunnel!’ No. No it's what - we're watching this with the sound off by the way - and it’s one of my favorite bits about watching these scenes, is you can actually-
Johnathan: You remember what happened.
John: You remembered what happened, but also I like watching- without the dialogue it's easier to see the emotional moments, the choices the actors are making. You can see the swing moments in the scene. 
Christine: Oh yeah.
John: The acting- I actually enjoy it more with the sound off. Because you know what's going on here. With the sound off, you know how she’s reining him in, she's shutting him down, and then he’s pulling her in; she’s feeding his ego.
Johnathan: Look at how unafraid of her he is, which was nice.
John: That's also a big thing this year, is coming up with bad guys who were a little more physically confident, you know. It was a little too easy to have, like, old white dudes who were threatened by stuff.
Christine: See no tie. He's not wearing a tie.
John: No tie, he's not wearing a tie. We’ll have to remember that.
Christine: Leather jacket, no tie.
John: And then the stall almost works. And what I love is- Johnathan, you created an entire back to this bar between that drink room and the back room.
Johnathan: The drink room and the poker room.
John: And the magic area. There's no-
Johnathan: It’s huge back there!
John: It did not exist.
Christine: It’s so huge.
Johnathan: There's the whole first floor of that building.
John: Those sets aren't there!
John: It was nicely done. And especially since you bombed in on short notice too right? Was I supposed to do this one? I was supposed to do this one.
Christine: This all came together very quickly.
Johnathan: Yeah, I think this was yours.
John: This was mine, and I wound up writing another episode, so I couldn’t direct.
Christine: What you missed the 107 degrees in Portland?
John: Yeah, I don’t know if I could’ve- there's no way in hell I could have pulled this off.
Christine: I don't think you would have made it.
John: No..
Christine: I'm just kidding.
John: No, no, no Johnathan has a lot of experience, he's really confident and really great with actors.
Johnathan: Oh please, John.
John: No this- a bottle show is the hardest show you can do on television. Period. The end. And it's the simplest looking one, they are- go find the bottle shows to your favorite television shows and watch how much they suck.
Christine: They're often audience favorites, because you get to play character-
Johnathan: They've often been sidled with flashbacks.
Christine: Oh, that’s true.
Johnathan: And pieces of other shows because they are short as well as bottled.
Christine: No clip show here.
John: No clip show here.
Christine: Just that special Life on Mars flashback to Nate's dad.
John: Nate’s brutally corrupt father.
Christine: Look at these guys.
Johnathan: Joe Ivy, Hank Cartwright, Ted Rooney. 
Christine: Fantastic. Fantastic gentleman. Lovely, hilarious.
John: And this one keeps picking up on the entrances too. This really does run in real time, doesn't it? You think- there's a time dash in act four where we do the poker game, but that's it. Now I love- these guys were great. Oh my god, these guys were great.
Johnathan: Local again.
Christine: Local?
Johnathan: God bless the Portland hires.
John: Again Portland, we thought we'd be flying up 3 or 4 actors a week, we flew up one on average.
Christine: Yup, it's that Portland, and then access to Seattle; it's two cities just full of terrific actors.
John: Now they're scheming, now they are working together. These two guys were great, they were really telling their own story back there.
Johnathan: Well it’s again, once they were cast and they started to hang together, and you hang together for a week, and you're on location together, and you're in a show. I've done this, I've been that actor; there's nothing better, there's nothing better than being number 7, 8, 9 in the call sheet.
John: You've got their moments.
Johnathan: On hold. You get your per diem. You've got your moments, you're in the family for a week, it's a great thrill.
Christine: And everybody got really close. You know, it was a heat wave, we’re all in it together, everybody’s going out for drinks, everybody hanging out afterwards. It was nice.
Johnathan: I went home and worked.
John: You did. You go home every night.
Christine: I think I saw you out once or twice, Mr. Frakes.
John: You went home to prep your shot list for the next day. Of course, you're brutally devoted sir, you are brutally devoted. I like the mislead here, this actually wound up- again, we jumped through so many hoops. ‘How do we put his poker game together? Where do we find it?’ ‘Oh wait, we’ll just establish it early and use all the available resources.’
Christine: And this is where the improv-ing really came into play during the poker game, it was kind of terrific.
John: Well also because this was based on bars where I used to hang out in Montreal where the cops- cause the place-
Johnathan: The cops were in the back.
John: Well, you know, where I hung out at- Montreal, that part was controlled by the Irish mob. So, it was a lot of Irish bars, a lot of cops, a lot of Irish mob guys hanging out in the same place. 
Christine: Sort of neutral ground.
John: Yeah, exactly.
Christine: Or a neutral zone.
Johnathan: Newspaper recycling plant right here, ladies and gentlemen.
John: Don't do that.
Christine: Don't say neutral zone?
Johnathan: Right there that's all newspaper. 
John: That's all newspaper? That's cool, where'd you find this? 
Johnathan: In Portland.
John: No, I meant the-
Christine: Portland warehouse.
Johnathan: Portland warehouse. And that is a sugar, what they cut- What's it called? 
Christine: Sugar cane?
Johnathan: They used to cut cocaine with it, it’s-
Christine: Oh.
Johnathan: Baby laxative.
John: Oh wow.
Johnathan: It’s put into-
John: Now I know. How do you know- wow it's almost like you were an actor in the 80s. How do you know so much about cocaine, Johnathan?
Johnathan: I'm just telling you what I learned on the location scout, they told me all these things.
John: All these things you pick up along the way in your long career.
John: Things happen. And the fact that he is- and again, interestingly, if you go back and rewatch the back six episodes, just Jeri’s role, you can actually track her coherent decision points.
Johnathan: This is a good shot. Aaand boom. 
John: And through the door.
Johnathan: We wanted to see the shots cause we know, it’s not really about the shots, it's about the story.
Christine: The shots support the story. 
John: No, no, the episodes where Dean does commentary it’s all about the shots. With you, we hammer you with a story.
Johnathan: If you see the shots there’s a problem really, isn't there?
John: If you notice a shot, that means you're not paying attention to the story. But I love that. By doing that push in, you connected that door to a room that is actually on the other soundstage.
Christine: Far away.
John: You have to walk another 150 yards.
Johnathan: Another part of the world! It’s another day!
John: This room actually sold us.
Johnathan: Look at this stage, it’s setting you up for something this season. Look at that stage.
Christine: We got- seriously I got a couple pictures from that stage.
John: I’m sure you do.
Christine: Oh baby, do I.
Johnathan: Does it involve comedy? Cause John Rogers has not made it-
John: Oh no.
Christine: It involves musical comedy.
John: Musical comedy.
Johnathan: What about stand up?
John: Yeah, well I’ve worked that room.
Johnathan: That’s what I’m saying!
John: Fairly sure I’ve worked in that room.
Christine: There's a flashback episode coming up.
John: Yeah- yeah, we do the writer's flashback, the audience would love that.
Johnathan: Nothing indulgent in here.
Christine: No one wants to see that.
John: No, I don’t think I'm going to go the Steve Cannell playing poker at the table route just quite yet.
Johnathan: Castle.
John: And I say that and the man is a walking god of writing, but no I'm not gonna go there.
Johnathan: And James Patterson as well.
John: James Patterson was there, too. We actually like those show- it's interesting it’s- you know, a lot of commentaries go out of their way to not talk about other shows.
Christine: We like other shows.
John: You have to be a fan of the genre to write the genre.
Christine: Absolutely.
John: You know you have to be. Otherwise you won't know when you're crossing the streams, won't necessarily have the toolbox.
Johnathan: Here's an example of what we were talking about earlier. We gave the three local cops, Alan, Tim, the poker game. Here's what has to happen, we have to have two cons that are positive, and a con that's negative. And we played- we played 6, 7, 8, 9, minute takes.
Christine: Oh yeah, we sat back and laughed our asses off afterwards, they were great.
Johnathan: Sat back and laughed, and cut it together and you go where we see it in the scene.
Christine: Some brilliant cutting here, actually.
John: It’s a really nicely shot poker game, actually. I'm watching it now, this is really really nice.
Johnathan: It’s because we had all the time in the world because we had- we finished the scene and what I needed was the poker game, and what we needed was the story points in the poker game. Instead of trying to find them I said, ‘Why don't we just play hands out?’ And so the camera men, to their credit, Connell and Camp- 
John: And again, I love Beth bringing a creepy sexual vibe.
Johnathan: A creepy sexual vibe to a safe.
Christine: It’s great.
John: Yeah, that's really nice. And she does the same thing- it's interesting. It’s kind of another beat that she played with Eliot in the Lost Heir Job where she knows violence is about to happen, and she gets a little buzzed by it.
Christine: A little excited about it. I don't know anybody like that.
John: Yeah that's not, not at all.
Christine: Not at all.
Johnathan: Isn’t that what you write? That's your strongest suit?
John: Creepy sexual violence, that's what Boylan-
Christine: I don't know what you're talking about.
Johnathan: That's the Boylan way.
John: No the-
Johnathan: By this time Nate is fully into the [unintelligible].
Christine: I mean he's just- 
John: Boom boom boom.
Johnathan: He made the decision early, which actually we glanced over. That was a wonderful beat, which he did not overplay. 
John: When he goes and gets the booze and brings it over? Yeah.
Johnathan: No no, in the bar when he decides to have the first drink.
Christine: The first drink.
John: Yeah. Well you know, I don’t think it’s in the script to look to Odessa? Just having Tim glimpse over.
Christine: That was all Tim.
John: That was- looking over he was like ‘Oh man, I have watched this little girl since she was 5 years old. I'm not gonna let her down now.’
Christine: Beautiful note.
John: Good fight here, too.
Johnathan: Good fight.
Christine: Great fight. Look at this guy. Oh my god
John: Yeah this is a nice- this is like a toe to toe. We don't do a lot of these.
Christine: This was the first day shooting I think?
Johnathan: Not only first day of shooting, this is-
Christine: Morning right?
Johnathan: This is doubled up with- weren’t we doubled up?
John: Yeah, another show was shooting.
Christine: Oh god we were. I blocked that out.
John: You guys overlapped.
Johnathan: We overlapped, and the crew was on its way to do another thing. 
John: Oh wow, I didn't know that.
Johnathan: Remember that?
Christine: That's right we lost some of the crew.
John: Oh wow, nice snap. I don't remember seeing this version of the cut; this is great. Oh both good spins.
Johnathan: This is, what’s his name? This is Paul Bernard’s stunt buddy from New York; he did a great job.
Christine: He’s fantastic.
John: Yeah and Kevin, our stunt coordinator, did a fantastic job. 
Christine: Great job, look at that.
John: That is a great fight. That might be one of- that's my favorite stick fight, and the fact that they're both very good-
Christine: Look at this guy, this guy’s the best.
Johnathan: Look at this guy. ‘Oh, oh no. Ahhh!’
Johnathan: Moe, Larry, Curly
Christine: Fantastic. Comedy, Frakes, comedy.
Johnathan: Second Three Stooges reference. 
John: Yeah.
Christine: Oh boy.
John: Yeah. 
John: Yeah, and just Parker’s building frustration here. 
Johnathan: Like, ‘Can you guys shut up?’
Christine: She does a great job. Beth is terrific.
John: As Chris just takes him apart.
Johnathan: This is exactly the tone of this show.
Christine: Oh.
Johnathan: Right here.
John: Did she kick him?
Christine: The flick of the ponytail.
Johnathan: Yeah, she worked the heel.
John: Yeah, just fantastic. And- I'm- wow, this is a great sequence. This is the first time I've seen that fight cut. That was wonderful.
Christine: It's good cutting in there, too.
Johnathan: The good money.
Christine: The good money, the good, good money.
John: Brian Gonosey right? Brian cut the hell out of this.
Christine: Brian, yes. My friend Brian.
Johnathan: Repeat on the snow.
John: Yeah. You only have so much- so much snow.
Johnathan: I know we need to get some more Boston shots for next year.
John: Totally legally, of course.
Christine: I don't know what you're talking about.
Johnathan: It takes place in Boston, right? Shot in Portland.
John: Yes it does. Shot in Portland.
Christine: Look at the look on her face.
Johnathan: How convenient is this? ‘She'll be here in a minute.’ Door opens, she comes in, she’s got a bag of money.
Christine: Only got so much time.
Johnathan: Exactly.
John: Hey 42 minutes. 42 minutes, kids.
Johnathan: 42 minutes.
John: We’re moving. 
Johnathan: It would've been cut anyway.
John: I know! It would've been cut.
Christine: I love how Alan just let the panic kind of- when we cut back to him, he just lets the panic kind of rise from his chest up to his face, essentially.
John: This was a big thing, too, figuring out exactly what the mark was, how-
Christine: Every mark I pitched was the most elaborate, most flirtily designed-
Johnathan: I know, in real life it should be the subtlest mark of all.
Christine: I was all over that.
Johnathan: It should be the most subtle mark of all.
John: Look at that, look at that.
Johnathan: This is a wonderful beat. This, and what Tim does after this, is fabulous.
John: And- but I love- just the way he just wipes his mouth as he gets up, he's like, ‘Alright, we're gonna have to do some violence.’
Christine: ‘We’re doing this. We're doing this.’
John: ‘Don't want to do this, but we have to do this’. And then the-
Johnathan: ‘Ok fine, let me talk my way out of it, if not-’
John: This is a man with a back up plan. Yeah, and Alan really dug in here, sort of just the rage of having his beautiful little plan taken away.
Johnathan: He's a stage boy. This is Eugene O'Neill stuff coming up.
John: Yeah exactly, park your cameras and let the people talk. And these guys were great.
Christine: These guys-
John: Also, great physical casting on these guys.
Christine: Second time he admits he's a loan shark right there, it's great.
John: They look like cops. I mean, it was really brilliant casting- they look like both cops and thugs, it was really nicely done.
Christine: They look like guys from the neighborhood. It worked out really well.
John: And again, one of the themes of the show is the bad guy is always hung by his own sin. You know, it's whatever sin you see him commit early has gotta be what shows up. Yeah, and this guy is fearless, I love this guy. I love them all. 
Christine: He's hilarious, look at that.
John: We have to bring these guys back.
Christine: We should.
Johnathan: They live there, they could easily-
Christine: I really think we should.
John: Actually, that was a problem, Odessa was from LA, and we want to recur the character and getting her up was impossible.
Johnathan: She wasn't from LA.
John: She was from LA.
Christine: Um, I don't know.
John: Pretty sure, yeah.
Johnathan: No no, she came in-
John: And I love he kind of drops the- he’s got that -
Johnathan: He’s like Muldoon.
John: He's got that long Dublin face. He's got the long, yeah.
Christine: He does, he's like a Joyce character, he's terrific.
John: He is.
Johnathan: No, she's a local who had moved to LA after.
John: That's right, that's right.
Christine: Oh that's what that was.
John: Yeah, he's got the Flanner O'Connell thing going on.
Johnathan: All three of these guys could easily come back. 
John: Yeah.
Christine: Oh yeah.
Johnathan: It’s like Fred Guinn on the right, look at that.
John: Wow, you found the Portland Fred Guinn, amazing. This is one of the longer explanations-  this is actually one of the longer flashbacks we do.
Christine: I love doing these flashes, and they- we always have to cut a whole bunch every time I write.
John: I know, I know.
Johnathan: This is a bleached bypass.
Christine: The first draft of this outline had so many flashes in it.
John: There was-
Christine: The handwritten one that I did-
John: To be fair, Boylan, sometimes you will write an episode which is mostly flashes, with only two or three things happening in modern times.
Christine: I don't know what you're talking about. I'm trying to screw with your perception of time.
John: The theater thing sometimes gets a little out of control.
Johnathan: Well you milked that Guinness, didn't you?
Christine: What? It was a tiny Guinness.
John: It was a tiny Guinness. She is a tiny girl, it was a tiny Guinness.
Christine: It was a baby Guinness. 
John: And this is- this is great. I love the fact that Nate becomes physically violent here. 
Christine: Oh man.
Johnathan: Yeah.
John: This is- and I'm trying to remember where that came up in the room.
Christine: I forgot who pitched the finger breaking thing.
John: Cause it was originally the cops.
Johnathan: Tim got really involved in this. Tim was very excited about this part of the character, and this moment that's about- that we're all about to see.
John: I think I was the finger breaking, just because of the various times I'd seen it done.
Johnathan: Well no, it's a call back to the finger breaking, a callback-
John: No right, that's why we put it in the old days. But I was trying to remember exactly how we- we had multiple ways to get him out of this room. And then it was like, you know, we really- you really can't just chase him out.
Christine: Yeah.
John: You need somebody to lay the hurt on him. 
Christine: He’s gotta have some damage.
John: And the person who has to do it has to be Nate. And that's great. Again, it backed into the whole- there's a seething angry vicious criminal under Nate Ford at all times.
Johnathan: Here it is- bam and bam!
Christine: Look at that.
John: He so digs in on the- 
Christine: Look at Alan.
John: And Alan is so- cause I’ll tell you, and that was the advice I got back when I was in Montreal. A guy was in the mob, he was a bouncer, told me ‘You know what, all you gotta do is break a man's finger to get his attention for 5 minutes.’ I was like, wow.
Christine: That's good advice.
John: Really good advice. There's no pain like-
Johnathan: And ooh lights out.
Christine: He let loose with so many unholy screams during-
John: And there's something- actually important here, he breaks his finger at the end of the conversation. 
Christine: Yeah.
John: That's an unpleasant thing to do. And the great bit, ‘You're exactly like your father.’ Ahh, that's so great.
Christine: Great breath there.
Johnathan: ‘None of us- I was at the ball game. Were you guys at the ball game?’
John: Huh? No.
Johnathan: That's what they're saying.
John: Oh!
Christine: Yeah ‘I was at the movies. Oh I was at the ball game’
John: ‘I was at the ball game.’ Oh, that's right
Christine: So the families can get the money back.
Johnathan: And then we tried desperately to get the snow to blow into the door on the exit. I’m not sure that we got it.
John: I don't think we got it. Why? ‘Cause it was 107 degrees in a warehouse!
Johnathan: It's 107, where are you guys going?
Christine: The backdoor to the alley, we covered it.
John: And the book, the ledger. And that was again, it's one of those things where you do research, how do loan sharks keep their records? They keep them in stupid coded legers!
Christine: Coded leger. It’s written in stupid pen and ink.
Johnathan: And here's the one of our regulars.
John: Yeah. 
Johnathan: She's so reluctant to give up the money, it's brilliant.
Christine: It’s great.
Johnathan: Here's a callback to the people in the beginning who have been ripped off.
John: He’s one of our regulars- if you watch, every episode he's at the bar. He's great; he's a local extra who kinda became the- mascot’s not the right word, but he really became, kind of, the extra heart, you know. And booze. Booze for everyone.
Johnathan: Shooters for everybody.
Christine: Hey, you know, end with booze we do get to [] here.
John: Somebody actually asked who drinks, who doesn't drink. Eliot drinks, Hardison doesn't drink well, Parker drinks but it doesn't affect her, Tara drinks a lot, and Nate of course is an alcoholic, just if you're keeping score.
Johnathan: What about Odessa?
Christine: Sophie?
John: Oh Sophie drinks but she only drinks girly- socially.
Christine: Socially. That's my girl.
Johnathan: You think?
John: Well when she's- yeah. She can put it away, but she prefers-
Christine: But she doesn't need to.
Johnathan: But she drinks neat booze.
John: She drinks neat booze. But you know, she's a woman who's trying to escape her past. You know, whatever she used to drink she doesn't drink anymore. I just- ‘No, no, I'm not gonna sleep with your niece at all.’ That was actually- in the original version was, she wandered off, you know, what you need to close up this beat. Yeah.
Johnathan: Ok let's sit down, we've-
Christine: Here we go.
John: She's great, she really is great. And the whole fathers thing here.
Johnathan: We even milked it with the look to the empty father’s seat.
Christine: Oh yeah, look to the chair.
Johnathan: Hopefully it stayed in the cut, let’s see.
John: I don’t know.
Christine: I believe it did.
John: They don't listen to you Frakes. 
Christine: I don't know, we were both adamant about that.
Johnathan: Still doesn't matter.
Christine: Doesn’t matter.
John: We’re just puking up raw material for the brilliance of the editors. 
Christine: The director was here and that chirpy girl, I don't know what they were saying. I think she was drunk, I'm not sure.
John: There's a lot about fathers in this season. Sort of looking at it there's a lot of- there’s Lost Heir, there's the season opener...
Christine: Every good show has daddy issues.
John: Wow that was a really weird voice you said that in; that’s a little disturbing.
Johnathan: My fathers the reason I'm here.
Christine: Aww.
John: Yeah, there you go.
Johnathan: Chair.
John: Chair, there you go you got the chair.
Christine: Cut to the stool. Dad’s office.
John: And he's gonna drink to it, yup.
Johnathan: Cause he hasn't had enough to drink today.
John: No he has not. Well once you start, really-
Christine: Really, what's the point of stopping?
John: Oh that's nice, they've cleaned up behind them, while they're talking.
Johnathan: High and wide.
John: High and wide.
Christine: Times out really nicely.
John: Nicely done.
Christine: Real time.
John: Anything you wanna say to the nice folks?
Johnathan: See you next season.
Christine: See you next season.
John: Thank you Mr. Frakes, that was wonderful. Thank you Boylan, that was wonderful.
Christine: Thanks guys.
John: And again an almost impossible show to do. Usually an impossible job on any show and- on any series and you guys made it one of the best of the 2 years, congratulations.
Johnathan: You're a gentleman and a scholar and a physicist.
Christine: And a bit of a comedian as well.
John: Every now and then.
Johnathan: I can see you on that stage in the back room.
John: I'm not doing it.
Johnathan: What do you mean?
Christine: You are doing it.
Johnathan: John. 
John: You know what? This screams for a Gilligan cut, ‘I’m not doing it!’
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years
breathe me in - ws pt. 4
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A/N: I feel like this is a boring chapter, and it’s a little shorter than usual, but omg the smut. I hope you all enjoy this, and thank you so much for being so patient with me. I am hoping that life mellows out sooner rather later! I hope you enjoy and don’t be afraid to let me know what you thought about this chapter!
Word Count. 7.7k 
Warnings: Smut, alcohol, i don’t think there’s anything else tbh 
Bea’s POV 
It was loud on the side stage. 
Harry had to yell in my ear for me to understand anything that he was saying, but I found the entire thing to be exciting. He kept his arms around me, holding me against his chest as he sang along to every word of every song. I knew a few of her songs, but she’d only played one that I was familiar with so far. Harry’s margarita disappeared quickly, so I handed him mine to finish off. I didn’t want to be hammered for his performance, so I decided to stop drinking for about an hour or two. Instead, I was nursing a bottle of water while Harry squeezed me tight.
“Are you having a good time, honey?” His breath was hot against my ear as I nodded, a smile on my lips. “You look like you’re having a lot of fun.” 
“I am.” I chuckled, turning my head back to him. 
He pressed his lips to mine, stealing a few pecks before the crowd cheered for the ending of Kacey’s song. I turned towards her, watching as a stagehand walked towards Harry with his guitar. I felt his arms tighten around me before they released me. I grabbed his drink, holding it as he put his guitar around his body, a pick hanging between his teeth casually. 
He explained that normally, Kacey would come out during his set to sing with him, but tonight it was different. He had a surprise planned for the end of the show, and it would take up a lot of time in his set. So instead, he was joining Kacey on stage for one final rendition of their cover song. I smiled at him, taking a deep breath as I prepared myself for the emotional duet. 
Harry leaned closer to me, ducking to my ear. 
“Be good for me, yeah?” He said. “I’ll be right back, honey.”
He pulled back, landing a soft kiss to my lips before a few soft pecks. 
When he pulled away, he winked at me before turning towards the stage. 
I watched him hug Kacey, moving around as his guitar was attached to the amp cord lying on the ground. Kacey waved at me from her spot on the stage, and I waved back with a smile. I met her right before she went on for her set, and I adored her personality. She was just like Harry, positive and bright and funny. Harry’s eyes darted over towards me, and he tried to fight off a smile as Kacey started talking into her mic, but he couldn’t do it. 
I pressed my lips together, holding his drink to my chest as he strummed over his guitar strings. 
As the music began, my heart started to beat faster. 
This was the first time that I would see him singing in person. I couldn’t believe how close I was to him, his facial features still perfectly clear from my spot on the side stage. He gave Kacey a quick nod, his fingers forming the G chord on his guitar before he strummed out. As the rest of the band joined in, I became more excited to hear them sing a classic country ballad from my childhood. I didn’t have too many memories of the song, but I knew it by heart. It was one of those songs that played on the radio non-stop, but somehow, it never got old. 
When Kacey opened her mouth to sing, I felt my eyes begin to water. 
I wasn’t one to cry easily, but this was such a sweet song. 
Kacey kept her eyes on Harry, the two sharing a few smiles here and there as they performed together. I watched Harry as he leaned towards the mic as the chorus started. 
“You’re still the one I run to, 
The one that I belong to, 
You’re still the one I want,
For Life”
Harry’s attention was divided between the audience, Kacey, and me. 
I felt my heart soaring in my chest, the attention he was giving me enough to send my mind flying off into space. Each time he smiled at me, I felt like I was the only person in the entire world that mattered to him. I wondered if I was bewitched by the entire production, or if it was just Harry that had me so emotional and flustered. His eyes met mine, and I felt the air leave my lungs as he sang out a particular line.
“They said, “I bet they’ll never make it” 
But just look at us, going strong.”
I pushed my bottom lip out in a soft pout as Harry winked at me, turning back towards the crowd in front of him. I sniffled, swiping away a few stray tears as he finished out the song. 
When he handed his guitar off to a stagehand, he gave Kacey a quick hug before waving once at the audience. He ran back to me with his head ducked down, watching his feet. I didn’t wait for him to pounce on me first, this time. I looped an arm around his neck the second he was in reach, pressing my lips into his as his hands fell to my sides. He pushed his hands under my jacket, his fingers digging into my sides as he pulled me into his body. 
“That was beautiful.” I exclaimed, a wide smile on my lips as Harry ducked down. “You winked at me.”
“I did.” He laughed, holding me tighter. “I saw you getting emotional, I thought I could make you smile if I did that.”
“It worked.” I pulled my head back, receiving another kiss before Harry moved behind me. 
“She’s going to play your favorite now.” He said in my ear. “I asked her to play it now, because I have to be off stage after this.”
“Thank you.” I kissed his chin before turning my attention back towards the stage. 
When Butterflies started to play, I clapped my hands together. 
Harry swayed our bodies back and forth as we both sang the lyrics together. At one point, he took the margarita from my hand before twirling me around, pulling me back into his arms as we slowly moved together. He sang into my ear, his voice sending shivers up my spine. 
When the song was nearing an end, I pulled back from him with a giddy grin.
“You give me butterflies.” 
Harry repeated my facial expression from earlier, his eyes going soft as he looked at me singing to him. During the last line, he pulled me into him for one more kiss before we were being guided off of the stage. It was hectic backstage as crew members raced around to get things in order. Harry made me stand in front of him, guiding me with his hands on my hips through the maze of people and equipment. When we finally broke into the back hallway, I let go of the breath that I didn’t know I was holding.
“Harry, we need you with the rest of the band.” Jeff pointed at Harry before looking at me. “Bea, Dave is going to take you down to the barricades with the rest of the group. Claire is waiting for you down there with Gemma and everyone else.”
“Cool.” I nodded, turning back to Harry.
“Give us a minute, Jeff?” Harry asked his friend as his hands pulled me closer. “I swear, it’ll just be a quick goodbye.”
“You have two minutes.” Jeff’s brows lifted, adding some edge to his new stern expression. “I mean it, H.”
“I understand.” Harry said. “Two minutes.”
“Go.” Jeff nodded, turning around to talk to someone else behind him. 
Harry spun me around, his hands lifting to cup my face. 
“I’m gonna miss you while I’m up there, but I hope you have fun.” He brushed his thumbs over my cheekbones. “You look beautiful, and I swear that I won’t be able to keep my eyes off of you for the entire night. I don’t know how I’ll make it through my set honestly.”
“You’re going to do such a great job.” I said, tilting my head to the side. “I’m really proud of you for making it this far, and I can’t wait to see you up on that stage. Break a leg, yeah?”
“Kiss.” He mumbled as he ducked his head down, connecting our lips. 
This wasn’t like our other kisses shared throughout the day. 
This one was tentative, and slow.
Our lips moved together in perfect harmony, pushing and pulling like ocean tides as his hands kept me anchored. I opened without hesitation when his tongue swiped over my bottom lip, and I moaned when it slipped into my mouth with ease. Harry tasted like tequila and mint, an absolutely intoxicating flavor that I never wanted to forget. 
“H, we gotta go.” Jeff pulled us from our little paradise, causing Harry to pull away with a small frown.
I lifted my hand, brushing my finger over his chin before landing a peck on his lips. 
“Go on, darling.” I said. “I’ll see you after, okay?”
“Stick with Dave.” Harry said. “Have fun, honey.”
“Bye.” I whispered, offering him a soft wave as Jeff started to pull him away. 
I turned to Dave when Harry was out of my line of vision, offering him the best smile that I could muster as the butterflies in my stomach started to flare up again. 
“I think I need a drink, Dave.” I said. “Can we make a stop before we go to the barricades?”
“Absolutely.” Dave chuckled. “I’ll show you the way.”
Harry’s POV
The crowd roaring always made me feel nauseous. 
It was insane to think so many people wanted to see me perform my songs on stage. I was just Harry, a boy from a small town in England. I didn’t have anything important to say, and most of my songs were about frivolous things like love and partying. I was just me, not the bloody queen. But people were still cheering for me as the screen lifted, the lights cutting completely as I moved towards my mic out of pure habit. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I tried to take in the moment as it was unfolding before me. This was my last show of my first solo world tour. I had made so many memories that I hoped would stick with me until my dying day. 
My favorite memory was standing in the barricades, waiting for me to give her the show of a lifetime. I was most worried about disappointing her. Not only was she a true fan, but she was my girl. I had to give her a reason to be proud of me, to be proud of her man. I smiled at the thought, reaching up to adjust my in-ear as I approached the mic. 
The music was loud as it played through, blaring into my ear over the sound of the crowd. I lifted my left in-ear up, stuffing it in as I stood in front of the mic. As the lights flicked on, I sang into the mic before moving backwards to the beat of the song. I knew this was one of Bea’s favorites, so I really had to impress with my performance of Only Angel. I glanced towards the barricades as I sang into the mic, fiddling with a few things to get them properly set. 
I saw Gemma first, nursing a gin and tonic as Michael bopped his head along behind her. I noticed Claire and Niall chatting, and I especially noticed Niall’s hand on her ass and the grin on his face. I decided to deal with that later, my eyes trailing over Kendall and a few other people until they landed on her. Dave was guiding her towards Gemma, his broad shoulders blocking her from the crowd as they moved closer towards the end of the line. 
She settled next to my sister, looking up at the stage with a bright smile as I sang. 
I nearly lost my wits when she stripped her coat off, her bare arms on full display in that little, red lacy thing that I adored so much. I licked over my lips, smiling in her direction as she looked up at me. I knew that she noticed my smirk, one that was meant just for her. She sang the words back to me as I all but screamed them into the mic, her hips swaying to the beat. 
Any meaning that this song had before was now completely erased. 
This was her song now. 
She owned it, just like she owned my heart. 
Bea’s POV 
Harry sang Kiwi three times. 
By the time he dropped to his knees on stage, I was practically a goner. I was indeed dripping down my legs for him, just like he’d promised. With every song played, I felt that knot in my stomach growing tighter and tighter. Each dirty smirk or sly wink sent my way only made it worse, my fingers gripping the empty glass I had finished during the first four songs. I was stone cold sober, and absolutely drooling for the man I was lucky enough to call my boyfriend. 
“Did you have fun?” Gemma asked as Dave guided us backstage, her hand tightly gripped in mine as I led the group. 
“He’s so fucking amazing, Gem.” I called back to her. “He was born for it, I fucking swear.”
“Don’t tell ‘em that, it’ll go to his big head.” She laughed, stumbling into me as we stopped in the hallway. “I can’t believe his first solo world tour is over. Seems like just yesterday he was auditioning for the x-factor.”
“Alright, Bea-” Dave turned around. “I need you to go in Harry’s dressing room just there. His car is going to be the third out of the venue.”
“And the rest of us?” Gemma asked. “We’re gonna be stuck here for ages, aren’t we Davey?”
“No, you’re going now.”  Dave laughed. “Claire, Niall, Gemma, and Michael are all in one car.”
“Where are we going?” I looked back at Gemma. 
“Probably back to Harry’s.” She shrugged. “Maybe out to a bar, I don’t know.”
“Dinner.” Dave said. “Well, a late dinner and a tiny celebration.”
“Oh, food.” I sighed happily. “I can’t wait.” 
“Well, get on with it then.” Dave gestured towards the door. “Everyone else, follow me. You guys are going out before the band. They’ll meet you there.”
Dave opened the door, and I stumbled in before he pulled it shut. 
Lou was wrapping up hair tools, and Harry was slumped over on the couch as Jeff talked. 
I could tell that Harry wasn’t really listening to Jeff, however. 
I bit the inside of my cheek, carefully walking over before I sat down next to Harry. He lifted his water bottle to his lips, nodding as if he were listening to Jeff. His hand found my thigh, giving it a quick squeeze as Jeff rambled off a list of things that still needed to be taken care of. 
“Alright, so we’re going to Wise Guys next.” Jeff looked at his phone. “I’ve arranged for a cake there, and a little birthday cupcake for Mitch and for Claire.”
“That was sweet.” I said softly. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” Jeff nodded. “The band just left, and everyone else is following behind. Your car is gonna leave in twenty minutes.”
“Thanks.” Harry sounded spent, his voice hoarse and low. “I appreciate everything, mate.”
“Anytime.” Jeff smiled, lowering his phone. “You did good tonight, Gary. I’m proud of you.”
Harry gave Jeff a small smile. 
When Jeff was gone, Lou turned to us with a soft smile before she disappeared. 
I didn’t say anything to Harry as he sipped at his water. I merely rested my head on his shoulder, slotting my fingers between his as we sat there in silence. The sound of the crowd rumbling was still vibrating through the floors, but it was quite otherwise. Harry let out a soft sigh, tossing his water bottle to the coffee table before he started to shift around. 
“I want a shower.” He mumbled. “Can you join me?”
I rolled my lips in, debating on whether or not I was comfortable enough to do that yet. 
After a few moments of careful consideration, I finally lifted my head up. 
“Yeah, let’s go.” I said, patting his thigh before I stood up. 
“I’ll have Jeff bring you some merch to wear when we get out.” Harry smiled, standing up after me with a groan. “S’not as easy as it used to be, I’m getting old.”
“You’re twenty-four, not eighty-four.” I chuckled, wrapping my arms around him for a quick hug as he laughed. “You were the picture of a perfect rockstar tonight, Harry. I had an amazing time watching you on that stage, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.”
There was a knock on the door that interrupted Harry’s response, his brows furrowing. 
“Didn’t know Jeff and I were telepathic now.” He mumbled. “Let me go see who that is.”
He pressed his lips to mine as I untangled my arms. 
I moved aside, watching him open the door slowly. 
“Hey, I just thought I’d stop by and-”
“Oh, I’m kind of busy.” Harry said quickly, interrupting Kendall’s sentence. “I’m actually kind of knackered, Ken. Probably gonna go home and go to sleep.”
“You’re not going out?” She sounded shocked, and a little hurt. 
I wasn’t one to gloat, but a small smile creeped onto my lips. 
“No, Kendall, I’m not.” He said sternly. “I have to go. I need to shower before my car leaves.”
“Is she-”
“Goodbye, Kendall.” He shut the door, turning around with an exasperated sigh before he met my eyes. I raised my brows, pressing my lips together as he rolled his eyes. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be.” I said softly. “You’ve had a really long day.”
“Yeah.” He mumbled half-heartedly. “Let’s go before we run out of time.”
I nodded, walking towards the bathroom as he grabbed his phone. 
I started the water while he texted Jeff, his hip pressed against the sink as his fingers moved rapidly over the screen. I turned around, offering him a tiny smile before I tilted my head forward. I reached for the elastic on my wrist after I gathered my hair into a messy bun. 
I didn’t feel like dealing with wet hair at a restaurant, and I hoped that I could keep my face out of the spray to avoid losing the makeup still on my skin. Harry was still texting when I finished with my hair, so I dropped to my knees in front of him to help him out of his shoes. I pulled the zipper down as Harry shifted, clearing his throat as he adjusted in his pants. 
“Hmm, I said a shower.” His lips curved into a smirk as he focused on his phone. “We did that earlier, didn’t we honey?”
“Don’t be cheeky.” I snorted. “I’m just taking your clothes off.”
“I can do it.” He mumbled. “Just gotta finish a few more texts.”
“I’ve got you.” I shrugged, patting his leg. “Lift your leg.”
I pulled both shoes off, tossing them aside before I made my way up to his pants. 
I pulled his zipper down before undoing the button. 
Harry set his phone on the countertop, looking at me fondly as I finished pushing his pants down his legs. He kicked them aside as I tugged his boxer briefs down, letting them fall to the floor. I lifted my hands, my shaking fingers working on the buttons to his top as I held my breath. It was so intimate, undressing him while he watched me with hungry eyes. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered, brushing his knuckles over my cheek. “I can’t believe that I’m this lucky.”
“I think I’m the lucky one.” I mumbled. “My boyfriend is a musical sex god, so I think I win.”
“And my girlfriend is a sweet, southern minx.” He chuckled, brushing the strap to my bodysuit with his fingertips as I undid the last button on his shirt. “It’s my turn now.”
I inhaled sharply, nodding my head as he dropped to his knees. 
I felt the air leave my lungs the second he glanced up at me with those beautiful green eyes. 
He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my stomach as he closed his eyes. I couldn’t move a muscle as I watched him, his fingers fiddling with the zipper on my boots before he tugged it down. I bit the inside of my cheek, feeling the heat coursing through my body as he tugged my shoe off slowly. He ducked his head down, resting his forehead on my hip as he tugged my shoe off. He tossed it aside to join his own shoes in the corner of the room before he pulled my other shoe off just the same. 
“You have another tattoo down here.” He mumbled, tracing his finger over my ankle before he started to stand. “What does that one mean?”
“It’s a lily of the valley.” I mumbled, my eyes glued to his as his fingers occupied themselves with my pants. “It’s the flower of my birth month.”
“When were you born?” He asked softly, leaning his forehead against mine. “Talk to me.”
“May.” I mumbled, closing my eyes as he tugged the zipper down. “May fifteenth.” 
“A spring baby.” He sounded happy at that. “That explains why you’re always glowing.” 
“Shut up.” I laughed, opening my eyes again as he tugged my jeans down my legs. 
I shimmied a little pushing them aside with my feet as Harry’s fingers immediately started to knead over the globes of my ass. I gasped as he hitched my hips closer to his, digging his fingers harder into my bum as I gripped onto his shoulders for support. 
“You’re sexy.” He ducked his head down, peppering kisses over my shoulder. “I was so fucking hard on stage, because of you. I saw you take your jacket off, and I fucking lost it.”
“Can you imagine how I felt?” I asked him, closing my eyes as I felt his hand slide around my waist, ghosting over my thigh. “You made good on your promise, at least.”
“What promise was that?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm, as if he didn’t know exactly what I meant. “I can’t recall.” 
“Why don’t you move your hand up and find out?” I asked him, pulling my head back as I sucked in a deep breath. “We have time.”
Harry’s lips were pressing into mine moments later, the pent up frustration from our day leaking into every movement. I gasped when he raked his teeth over my bottom lip, pulling it away from my teeth before he let it snap back into place. His fingers were digging into my sides, helping me roll my hips as he pressed his thigh between my legs. I whimpered, dropping my head back as his lips started to trail down my neck. Little nips and harsh suction greeted my sensitive skin, leaving a trail of damp and sore skin in his path. I didn’t care about it though. I only cared about the pleasure I was receiving as my body limply rested in Harry’s arms. 
“I want to make you cum.” He gasped, lifting his head up, his eyes trailing over my body like a madman. “How do I get this thing off?” 
“Zipper on the side.” I turned, lifting my arms as his fingers fumbled for the zipper. 
Moments later, it was stripped from my body. 
I couldn’t think about being insecure when Harry was guiding me towards the shower, my feet moving backwards as he stuck a hand out to feel for the glass. He pulled the door open, lifting his head for long enough to guide me over the small. He snaked his arms around my body, keeping me close as we entered the warm spray of the shower. His naked body pressed against mine was a completely foreign feeling, and I didn’t know how to respond to it. 
Luckily for me, Harry made sure that I didn’t have time to think about anything besides him. 
“M’gonna try something with you.” He pulled away from my lips, pressing his forehead to mine as I tried to catch my breath. “If you spread your legs just a little, I can slip between your thighs and…we can um-” 
He stuttered, the tips of his ears going red. 
“I know what you’re trying to stay.” I said. “Do it.” 
“Yeah?” He asked me. “Are you sure?”
“Positive.” I dropped my arms over his shoulders, tangling my fingers into his hair as the water cascaded over him. “Let’s try it.”
“Fuck, okay.” He nodded, sliding a hand between our bodies. 
I felt him shift his cock around, wincing softly when it brushed against my hip. 
I nearly lost my legs when he brushed the tip of his cock over my clit, gently massaging the bundle of nerves between my legs until I was crying out, my fingers grasping at his hair. 
“Fuck.” I whimpered, clenching my eyes shut as he kissed over my jaw. “Harry, I-”
“I’ve got you.” He grunted out, sliding his cock fully into the small space between my thighs. “Oh my god, that’s so good, honey.” 
He dug his nails into my hips, holding them as he pulled his hips back. 
I bit my lip at the feeling of his cock sliding over my lips smoothly, coated in the arousal that he caused. I dropped my left hand to his shoulder, my nails digging into his skin as I tangled the fingers of my right hand in his hair. He ducked his head down, resting his forehead on my collarbones as he continued to move his hips at a slow pace. 
“I’m not gonna last very long.” He kissed over my shoulder, pulling my hips against his with a little more force. “I’m so fucking close.”
“Cum.” I said softly. “Cum for me.”
“No.” He lifted his head, his eyes staring into mine with a burning determination. “I want to make you feel good.” 
“I promise I feel fucking fantastic.” I chuckled softly. “But I don’t know if I can cum from this alone.” 
Harry didn’t say anything. 
He merely pulled himself away from my thighs before he turned me around. I felt a new wave of excitement wash over me as he guided us towards the shower wall, his hands pushing me gently against it before his feet pushed mine aside just a little. I gasped when his fingers dipped into the sensitive skin of my hips, pulling them up just a little so that my ass was perched up for him. I felt him dip his finger towards my mound, slowly easing it between my lips to collect a bit of my arousal before he slid his finger  back up to circle my clit. 
“Fuck.” I dropped my head forward, pressing my palms into the wall for support. “Harry.”
“That’s it.” He kissed over my shoulder blade, sealing our bodies as he aligned his cock with that little space between my thighs and my cunt. “Do you feel okay? Is this good?”
“Perfect.” I nodded. “Please, do something.” 
From there, all I could hear was the sound of our bodies colliding and a mixture of our moans.
We sounded so beautiful together, the perfect mixture of soft and rough as he took me to a world I’d never known before. It was different than having his fingers in me, and I did miss the full feeling that came with penetration, but I was getting off on the motions of our bodies as the tip of his cock massaged my clit. He held onto me with his left arm, keeping my body supported as my knees started to grow weak. He could tell that I was close when I started to get quiet, a few squeaks and moans coming out in between long periods of holding my breath. 
“Let go for me, angel.” He gasped. “I’m right behind you.”
The feeling that erupted throughout my body had my jaw practically unhinging, a desperate cry spilling from my mouth as I dropped my hands to grip at his arm. I felt my nails dig into his skin as he stilled his hips, his cum shooting onto my thighs in thick, warm spurts. 
“Bea.” He buried his nose into the crook of my neck, holding me upright as his hips jerked in quick motions. “Yes, angel.” 
When Harry finally stilled behind me, and I finished unraveling under his touch, I let out a series of giggles. Harry held onto my tighter as I dropped my head back against his shoulder, his lips pressed against my neck as he laughed along with me. I felt like I was fucking floating on cloud nine after that, and I didn’t even know it was possible to feel that good after doing something so simple. Harry playfully bit at my shoulder to get my attention, but I groaned. 
“I have to actually shower now.” He whispered. “And I think you might want to tend to your makeup.”
“Do I look like a racoon?” I asked him through another giggle. 
“You look like a very pretty raccoon.” He squeezed me gently, kissing my cheek. “Jeff should have left the clothes out for you by now. I’ll be out in just a minute, okay?”
“Okay.” I turned around, tossing my arms over his shoulders before I kissed him. “I’m leaving now.”
“Okay.” He pressed his lips to mine again. “Bye.”
“Bye.” I responded with another kiss, a smile breaking out on my face. 
‘“Bye.” He mumbled into my mouth, dropping his hands to my hips. 
“I’m going now.” I whispered as he pressed my back against the wall, ducking in for another kiss. 
“You really should.” 
But I didn’t go. 
Not for another fifteen minutes. 
And Jeff was kind of pissed about it.
Harry’s POV
“I just want to thank each and every one of you for making my dream come true.” I lifted my glass, looking around the private room as everyone stared back at me. “Without you, I would not have been able to do the thing that I love most in the world, and I am forever grateful to you for being a part of this journey. I am so grateful to have found a chosen family that understands me for who I truly am, and I cannot wait for our next tour to start so that we can make many new memories together. I love you all, and I hope to see you again very soon.” 
I lifted my glass of champagne before taking a sip as everyone clapped. 
When I sat down next to Beatrice, my hand rested on her thigh as she continued to talk with Claire about something. I was beyond exhausted, especially after our little shower tryst. I squeezed Bea’s thigh at the thought of her soft moans, tossing the remaining contents of my drink back with ease. I saw Bea turn her head towards me with raised brows, but I merely shook my head before leaning over for a quick kiss.
“You two might be the most handsy couple I have ever seen.” Claire said. “Harry, I didn’t peg you for a PDA man.”
“I’m not.” I said. “But I don’t mind it so much with Beatrice.”
“Oh, barf.” Niall scoffed, rolling his eyes at me. “I can’t believe you’re that guy.”
“Fuck off.” I flicked my middle finger up at Niall as he lifted his pint glass to his lips. “She’s extremely gorgeous, and I just can’t help myself.”
“Oh, Squid.” Beatrice dropped her head to my shoulder with a soft coo. “That’s so sweet of you.”
I felt my cheeks heating up as she looped her arm around my own. 
I loved feeling her warmth surrounding me.
She had such a warm and comforting presence, and it made me want to spend my entire life wrapped up in her arms. She was a lot like the sun, beaming down on me in scorching hot waves of good vibes. I turned my head, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head as Niall and Claire picked up their conversation. I watched Niall laugh at something Claire said, his head dropping back and his eyes crinkling at the corners. He wasn’t one to open up to someone new so easily, but apparently Claire had quite the effect on him. They spent most of the concert in close quarters, yelling in each other’s ears and laughing while I sang on stage. I could have sworn I caught them sharing a kiss at some point, but that had to be in my head. 
Niall didn’t do one night stands anymore. 
He was still healing from the last one that left him battered and broken.
I inhaled sharply, looking at the remainder of Bea and I’s food as I felt her weight pressing into my side just a little harder than before. I tilted my head forward, glancing at her face. I tried not to laugh when I realized that she was fast asleep on my shoulder, her perfect lips pushed out into a cute pout. I squeezed her thigh one more time before I turned to Jeff on my left. 
“I think we’re gonna head out.” I said softly. “Someone is a bit tired.”
“Glenne and I were just talking about ditching.” Jeff shook his head, laughing as he lifted his drink up to his lips for a quick sip. “It’s been a long run, man. I don’t think anyone would blame you for disappearing into the night with your beautiful new lady.”
“I’ll text you about our farewell get together.” I said softly, carefully sliding my left arm around him for a quick hug. “It’s been a good run, mate. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without by my side.”
“We make a good team.” Jeff smiled. “Go home, Styles, you look like the walking dead.” 
I chuckled, shaking my head before I turned back to Bea. 
“Honey, it’s time to wake up.” I whispered, pressing my lips to the soft hair on top of her head a few times as she stirred under the palm of my right hand. “We’re gonna go home now, okay?”
“But Claire-” 
“Claire is gonna go home with Gemma and Michael.” I said. “They’re going back to the air bnb because they want to surf tomorrow morning.” 
“Gemma is going to surf?” Beatrice lifted her head, a confused look on her face that made me want to laugh. “She doesn’t seem like the type to surf, and I mean, I’m not either but-”
“She’s got a good book and a nice little umbrella to sit under.” I leaned forward, kissing Bea’s lips softly. “C’mon, let’s get home. I’m absolutely knackered.” 
“You’re so cute and so british.” Beatrice giggled, leaning forward to press her lips to mine. “I like you.”
“I like you too, honey.” I chuckled, watching her as she slipped out of her chair onto wobbly feet with a large yawn. 
I followed suit, tossing my napkin down to the table before I turned to Gemma and Michael who were sitting in front of Jeff and Glenne. Gemma smiled at me before giving me a soft wave. I smiled at her as Beatrice walked around the end of the table until she was standing behind Claire. She wrapped her arms around her friend's shoulders, leaning down until she kissed her cheek. Claire rubbed her forearm gently, talking softly as Beatrice nodded at her. 
“I love you, C.” Bea gave her one last squeeze. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I doubt it.” Claire chuckled. “Please, have fun tomorrow.” 
Beatrice pouted, but Claire merely rolled her eyes and told her to go. 
“Don’t worry about me, I’m spending my day in the ocean.” Claire called out.
“Have fun, don’t forget your sunscreen.” Beatrice smiled at her friend. 
When Beatrice was finally by my side again, I reached for her hand, slotting our fingers together. 
Dave was going to drive us home in the Tesla so that I didn’t fall asleep at the wheel. 
As Beatrice and I walked towards the exit of the restaurant, my nerves started to flair up. I knew there would be paparazzi standing outside of the restaurant waiting to get a glimpse of Beatrice and I. I turned my attention to her as she slowly walked beside me, her eyes heavy. 
“Beatrice.” I said softly, stopping just in front of the exit. “We’ve never talked about the media, and the influence it’s going to have on our relationship-”
“There won’t be any negative influence if I can help it.” She looked up at me. “I know what being with you entails, Harry. I’ve never experienced it, but I’ve seen it tear couples apart from a fan perspective, and I like to think that I’m stronger than the pricks with cameras standing outside.” 
“I know that you are.” I cleared my throat. “But you won’t have any privacy, Beatrice. People are going to dig into your life, and they’ll use anything they find to tear you apart. If you step outside with me now, holding my hand, it’s all fair game. It’s going to be the beginning of a shit show that will disrupt your entire life-”
“But at the end of the day, I get you.” She squeezed my fingers, moving closer to me until her hand was pressed to my cheek. “I get to be with the kindest, and sweetest man I’ve ever met. I think it’s worth it, and I’m not afraid of the price I have to pay to be yours.”
I felt my heart squeeze in my chest, the doubt still settled in my chest. 
It was going to be hard. 
But I had to trust her on this. She knew her limits better than I did, and I had no reason to doubt her word. I inhaled, holding my breath as she stared up at me with those soft, blue eyes. 
“Alright.” I nodded, exhaling quickly. “Let’s do this then.” 
Bea’s POV 
I absolutely fell asleep on Harry during the car ride to his house. 
He didn’t say anything about it when I rested my cheek on his shoulder. He merely adjusted his body until I was wrapped in his arms with my head in the crook of his neck. I didn’t even remember Dave taking off from the restaurant parking lot. I only remembered the scent of Harry’s body wash and the warmth of his arms around my body as Dave merged onto the freeway. I felt Harry’s cheek press into my head at some point, soft snores rousing me slightly before they lulled me back to sleep. 
I had a vague memory of Harry and Dave talking, and it reminded me of being a kid in the backseat of my parents car when we got home. I was awake, but not really all there. I felt Harry moved from under me, leaving me propped up on the seat for a second before I felt him pulling my arms around his shoulders. I clamped his legs around my waist, whimpering as I buried my nose into the soft material of his Treat People with Kindness hoodie. 
I fully woke up when Harry walked into his large kitchen, dropping his keys down on the granite countertop before he started walking through the open floor plan. 
“Put me down.” I mumbled, wriggling in his grasp. “I’m gonna break your back, squid.”
“You’re fine.” He snorted out a laugh. “Light as a feather, you are.”
“Harry, I’m serious.” I frowned as he walked towards the stairs. “I’m too heavy.”
“I bench press five times your weight, honey.” He turned his head to the side with furrowed brows. “You’re okay, I promise.” 
“Beatrice, I’m being cute here.” He said softly. “I’m just giving my girlfriend a piggyback ride before I tuck her into bed.”
“Don’t come crying to me when you wake up with a sore back tomorrow, darling.” I rolled my eyes, letting out a sigh. “It won’t be my fault, I warned you.” 
“I promise not to complain to you.” He dug his fingers into my thigh just a little harder, hiking me up before he started to take the steps. “Hold on tight.”
I rolled my eyes, tightening my legs around him as he started to walk up the stairs. 
I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that we didn’t fall backwards as he took each step. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust him, it was that I didn’t trust the concept of him carrying me up a flight of stairs after putting on a concert for thousands of screaming fans. He was tired, and I was just weighing him down...literally. I heard him let out a soft chuckle when I gasped as he adjusted his hands under my thighs. I thought for a second he was going to let me fall. 
“I’ve got you, honey.” He whispered. “Won’t ever let you fall.”
I felt my heart melt in my chest, my bottom lip pushing out into a soft pout. 
I ducked my head down, kissing his shoulder. 
When we finally made it to the end of the hallway, Harry pushed the white wooden door open with one foot before he walked into the darkness. I was afraid of the dark, but with Harry holding onto me, I didn’t feel nearly as freaked out by the absence of light. He turned around when his shins collided with something, his hands squeezing my thighs before he whispered. 
“M’gonna put you on the bed, okay?” He whispered. “Do you want to sleep on the right side, closer to the bathroom.”
“Yes, please.” I nodded, loosening my arms from around his shoulders as he lowered my body down gently. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, honey.” He turned around, dropping a kiss to my forehead. I heard something shifting around, and seconds later, a light came on. “That’s better.” 
“Much better.” 
“Are you comfortable in what you’re wearing?” I felt his eyes trail from my legs back to my eyes, examining my comfy outfit I put on in his dressing room before dinner. “I have your bag downstairs that Claire packed for you if you want something else.”
“This is fine.” I moved myself back towards the headboard, stretching my legs in front of me with a soft groan at the ache in my muscles. “You should get ready for bed, darling.”
“I’m ready.” He smirked, glancing at his hoodie before looking back at me. “Gonna sleep just like this.”
“I was hoping you’d be naked.” I tried to hide my smirk as I mumbled, watching Harry’s lips part slightly before his brows lifted towards his hairline. “But I guess sweatpants are okay.” 
“Oh, you little brat.” He kneeled on the bed, reaching out to brush his thumb over my cheek. “If I wasn’t about to fall asleep standing up, I’d wreck you.” 
“I’m looking forward to the day you come through on all of these promises you’re making me.” I narrowed my eyes at him as he snapped his mouth shut, exhaling through his nose as his jaw tensed. “Did that make you mad, Harry?”
“It made me want to pin you against the mattress.” He moved his second knee onto the bed, crawling towards me as I lowered my back against the pillows piled on his bed. “You’re trouble.”
“I know.” I dropped my head back as he pressed his palms into the mattress beside my ribcage, his body hovering over mine. “You like that about me though, don’t you?”
“You have no idea.” 
He pressed his lips to mine in an innocent kiss, pulling away after a second before he tilted his head. He went back in with a little more vigor than before, his lips pressing hard into mine as I lifted my hands to grip at his sides. I let his tongue dip into my mouth, massaging over my own in a sensual dance as he kept his body above mine. I pulled at his hoodie in attempts to get him closer to my body, but he didn’t budge. I whined out, pulling my lips away from his. 
“You’re starting something we can’t finish.” He whispered. “I should lay on my side of the bed, Beatrice. If I -”
“I just want to feel you on me, that’s all.” I shook my head. “I want you to lay on me, Harry.” 
“Trouble.” He stressed the word with a pained look on his face, lowering his hips between mine before he pressed the rest of his body against me. “Is this what you wanted? I’m not crushing you, am I?” 
“No.” I smiled, sliding my hands under his hoodie, brushing my fingers against the warm skin of his back. “I like the weight of you, it’s comforting.”
“Your hands are cold.” He hissed out. “They’re like blocks of ice.”
“Sorry.” I whispered, lifting my head to kiss his lips. “Maybe they’ll warm up if I keep them here.”
“Or maybe, I’ll get frostbite.” He brushed the tip of his nose over mine. “I can’t believe I’m about to say this, because it’s so cheesy, but I’m so happy that I met you. Being with you makes me feel so...content and carefree. I feel like I can be myself with you and that’s so hard to find these days.” 
“You can always be yourself with me, Harry.” I giggled when he pressed his lips to my forehead, pulling away with a soft mwah. “I like who you are, inside and out.”
“Good.” I felt him shift around, lowering his body until his head was tucked into the crook of my neck, a soft sigh escaping his lips moments later. “I like who you are, too.” 
“Goodnight, Harry.” I turned my head, kissing his temple. 
“Goodnight, Beatrice.” 
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bonnyskies · 4 years
come back to me [four] ⇢ jjk
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you’re willing to do anything to save your marriage, even if that meant you’d have to sacrifice your own happiness to do so.
pairing — husband!jungkook x malereader, ft. ceo!jaehyun
genre — angst, sexual themes, idol au, exes to lovers-ish au, open relationship au, marriage au, parents au
series warnings — infidelity (kinda?), swearing, bisexual!jungkook, jealous!jungkook, insecure!reader, unhealthy relationship, unrequited love-ish, slow burn, use of alcohol, mentions of divorce problems, (more could be added in future chapters)
word count — 2.8k
author’s note — this is lowkey my favorite chapter and i’m very happy how it turned out so i hope you enjoy it as i had writing it.
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Jungkook felt like he didn’t belong here.
When entering the grand hall, Jungkook couldn’t help but feel like he didn’t fit in when seeing the dozens of people around him dressed in the finest suits and dresses, decorated with in all kinds of jewelry.
“Do we have to be here?” His question came out quiet, careful that none of the other people heard him. “I’ve already met your boss.”
“Yes, we do.” You answered with a smile, silently greeting your co-workers as you two passed them and made your way to the center of the hall. “Mr. Jung is retiring and he’s passing the title down to his son, and I’ve got to meet him.”
Jungkook sighed, tensing at the sight of some women staring at him, checking him out. “He’s giving his CEO job to his son? But isn’t his son like our age?”
You shrugged, glancing up at him. “I’m not sure,” you then grinned, “But don’t worry, all we have to do is just greet them and then we can leave, okay?”
“Alright,” Jungkook nodded, bringing your hand up and pressing a delicate kiss on your knuckles. “Lets get this over with.” You couldn’t agree more, you despise these type of events just as much as he does.
As you two approached the center of the banquet hall, your eyes fell upon your new and former boss speaking with some of the other employees. When your gaze shifted onto the young man standing beside your former boss, you couldn’t help but take in his appearance. He looked to be around Jungkook’s age, his hair being a light brown color and skin pale, and his build seemed strong, define. The suit he was wearing made the muscles he has appear more evident.
“Oh, {Name}.” Mr. Jung, your former boss spoke up, noticing your presence. He bid the other employees farewell before approaching you with the young man following. “I’m so glad that you were able to make it.”
“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world, sir.” That was a lie. If you had a choice, you’d much rather have stayed at home with Jungkook and your guys’ one-year-old son Minho instead of coming here.
“I’d like you to introduce you to my son,” he then gestured towards the young man standing beside him. “This is Jung Jaehyun, your new boss and CEO of Jung Enterprises.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” You greeted, holding your hand out.
“No please, the pleasure is all mine.” You expected him to shake your hand back, but instead he ended up taking it and placing a soft kiss ontop your knuckles, shocking both you and Jungkook. “My father has spoken very highly of you, and I’m looking for to be working very close with you.”
That made Jungkook’s eye twitch, his grip on your other hand tightening. Even though you two were practically attached by the hip, his presence wasn’t even acknowledged by your new boss.
“I-I’d like you to meet my husband, Jeon Jungkook.” You turned towards Jungkook, hands going up to rest on his chest, noticing his tensed stature.
“Oh yeah, you’re part of that boy band right?” Jaehyun asked, hints of teasing in his voice. Jungkook clenched his jaw, eyes burning into him before nodding. You could practically feel the heat between them. “You’ve got lots of children as fans. Do you guys have any adults? Teenagers even?”
“We have a wide range of fans,” Jungkook practically sneered, eyes flaring. “Of all ages.”
Sensing the tensed atmosphere forming between his son and Jungkook, Mr. Jung spoke up. “Well, I’ve got to go greet some of the other employees and their families that just arrived. Son, why don’t you come with me and introduce yourself to them?”
Jaehyun nodded and left with his father, not before scanning your figure with his eyes, checking you out obviously. That didn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook.
“Your new boss is an asshole.” Jungkook spat the moment you two were alone again, eyes still focused on the man who made his blood boil and skin crawl. “An absolute dick.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his insult, shaking your head before leaning up on your tiptoes and placing a quick kiss on his cheek. “I know, but he’s my boss now and that means I’ve got no choice but to deal with him.”
Jungkook pouted, turning his head to stare down at you. “Can we go home now?”
Now it was your turn to pout. “Can we dance at least once before going, please?” Your hands slid up from his hand and placed them on his hard chest, softly grinning at his playful eye roll. You didn’t need a verbal answer, because he was already gripping back onto your hand and pulling you towards the dance floor where some of your co-workers and their spouses were already at, dancing.
“You know I can never say no to you,” Jungkook smirked, hands resting on your waist while yours were on his broad shoulders.
The two of you began to dance slowly to the sound of classical music playing in the background. With your head supporting against his chest and his arms around your body, holding you close to him, it felt like you two were the only ones in the room. Nothing else mattered right now, not your new asshole boss or the seductive glances Jungkook received from your female co-workers. The only thing that mattered right now to him was you, and only you.
Jungkook pressed his lips against your hair, whispering “I love you” to you while swaying the both of you at the beat of the calming music.
You smiled into his chest, hiding your face as heat spread across your cheeks. “I love you too,” you said back, pulling your head away and tilting up to meet his gaze. You then leaned up and pressed your lips gently onto his, kissing him softly which he gladly reciprocated instantly.
When Jungkook pulled away, your head went back against his chest, making him smile. But that smile instantly dropped when he noticed a familiar pair of eyes staring at the both of you—more specifically, on you from across the hall.
Those wandering eyes belonging to none other than Jung Jaehyun.
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“Why the fuck was he here?” Jungkook spat, jaw clenching and eyes flaming with anger.
“He drove me home and I only invited him in.” You answered bluntly, crossing your arms over your chest and staring at the ground, avoiding his rageful gaze.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and scoffed. “What happened to we can’t bring our ‘hookups’ here because this is our house?” He reminded, using his fingers to emphasis his words more dramatically.
“I didn’t bring him here to have sex,” you snapped back at him, “We were just talking.”
“Oh please,” Jungkook sarcastically laughed. “He’e been wanting to get into your pants ever since the day he met you. He saw this as an opportunity to do exactly that.”
“That not him—” you tried to argue but Jungkook continued, cutting you off.
“He’s nothing but a spoiled, selfish asshole, and the moment you let him fuck you.” Jungkook was now shouting. “He’ll throw you out and treat you as just another one of his employees. You’ll be nothing to him.”
That’s when you started to raise your voice. “He’s not like that anymore! He’s not that arrogant, snobby rich boy you met five years ago. He’s different now, he cares about me unlike you.”
“Unlike me?” Jungkook repeats with venom, pointing at himself. “How can you say that? You know that I care about you, {Name}. That’s why I’m acting like this, because I don’t want to see you get hurt by that little prick.”
“You don’t need to protect me anymore, Jungkook.” You sighed, feeling your eyes already start to brim with tears. “We aren’t together anymore, atleast, not in that way.” Just hearing yourself say that made your heart clench inside your chest.
“Why are you so infuriated by him anyway?” You continued, raising a brow at him. “I don’t understand why you’re so against the idea of me seeing him. I don’t stop you from being with Yeonha.”
Jungkook sighed, running his hands frustratingly through his hair. “Because it’s different.”
“How is it different—”
“Because it just is, {Name}!” Jungkook shouted, hands resting at his sides, clenched into fists. “Jaehyun has been trying to get with you ever since that banquet, even after knowing that you were happily married.”
You remained silent, biting down on your lip.
“Yeonha at least was respectful about us,” Jungkook continued, his words making you roll your eyes which didn’t go unnoticed by him. “It’s true. She didn’t try anything with me until she knew about our new open relationship. She’s a way a better person than Jaehyun—”
“Shut the fuck up!” You suddenly snapped, making Jungkook’s eyes widen.
“She took you from me...” Your voice was low, trembling as the tears that were glistening in your eyes began to escape and slide down your cheeks. Jungkook’s glaring eyes instantly softened and his furious demeanor vanished, replaced with sympathy from your words. “Don’t you dare try to tell me she’s a good person when she’s the reason that we aren’t together anymore.”
Jungkook felt guilt flowing through his veins, heart breaking at the sight of your teary face. You were right. She is the reason why you two aren’t together anymore. If he hadn’t grown feelings for her, you two would most likely still be happily married instead of being in this troubling relationship right now. Sometimes Jungkook couldn’t help but wonder if he had never met Yeonha, would you two still end up getting a divorce? Or is she the sole reason for your guys’ downfall?
There was nothing more he wanted to do than to take you in his arms and comfort you. But he knew that it would only cause more damage between the two of you because it would just remind you both that you weren’t officially married anymore. You two are just parents who are still pretending that they still together for the sake of your child’s happiness, that’s all.
“{Name}...,” Jungkook’s voice was now soft, gentle.
Before he had the chance to apologize, you were already walking off, leaving him alone in your guys’ living room, utterly speechless.
“I’m going to bed. Good night.”
As you laid in bed, alone, you couldn’t help but stare at the pouring rain happening just outside through your partially closed curtains. You’d be crying right now if you could, but you were completely exhausted, drained, both physically and mentally.
You didn’t know what to think right now. There’s a large part of you that’s furious with Jungkook, angry at him for being against the idea of you possibly dating Jaehyun. But there’s also that small part of you that feels your heart skip a beat at the thought of him being jealous if you were dating someone else.
But then again, he’s with Yeonha. He’s happy, so why can’t you be too? It’s not fair that he can date someone else while you’re alone, watching him do things with her that he used to do with you. It angers you that he’s fine with the thought you being alone while he’s in a happy relationship—
A flash of lightning and sound of thunder suddenly happened, taking your breath away making your heart stop beating completely.
You couldn’t breathe, and sweat began to form and spread all over your body, making your clothes stick uncomfortably to your skin. And with wide eyes you stared at the window, watching as the once simple rainfall turn into a booming thunderstorm.
You’re terrified of thunderstorms.
As another sound of thunder echoed throughout the sky, you clasped your hands over your ears and closed your eyes, attempting to muffle out the sounds of the deafening storm happening just outside.
Back then, Jungkook would hold you close to his chest, and sooth you with gentle back rubs and lingering kisses on the back of your neck. And if he wasn’t home because of touring, you’d have Minho sleep with you in your bedroom.
But you couldn’t have any of those two. Because one, Minho was with your mother. And two, Jungkook and you weren’t together anymore, and it would be wrong for him to comfort you since he’s with someone else now.
You have to face this alone now—at least, that’s what you thought.
With your ears blocked, you weren’t able to hear the sound of your bedroom door opening or hear your husband’s approaching footsteps until you felt the bed dip and him slipping underneath the covers beside you.
You jumped at the feeling of Jungkook’s strong arms wrapping around you, making you try to turn around to face him but was stopped when his grip tigthened, keeping your clothed back flushed against his bare, muscular torso.
“Hey, it’s okay.” His voice was soft, calming as his hands began to rub soothingly up and down your back. “I got you.”
The tears that were threatening to escape finally spilled, sliding down your cheeks. “Thank you,” was the only thing you found yourself able to whimper out, your own hands grasping onto his wrist and bicep tightly. You were scared that he’d leave you again in the middle night, and you didn’t want that happen, especially tonight.
Jungkook knew about your fear of thunderstorms, never forgetting the reason behind it. When you were seven-years-old, your parents left you home one night because they had to work late, and an unexpected thunderstorm happened that day. It was bad. The skies were flashing constantly with lightning and the ground would shake whenever thunder would erupt. The power in your entire neighborhood went out and you were left in complete darkness until your parents came home, which wasn’t for another five hours.
Ever since then you’ve been utterly terrified of thunderstorms. When you and Jungkook first started dating, you weren’t planning on telling him about your phobia. But when you spent the night with him one day, a thunderstorm happened and then you had no choice but to tell him. You were scared that he’d think you were some freak and break up with you, but he was quick to reassure you that there was nothing you had nothing to be embarrassed about. After that, he was always there to calm you down whenever one happened, whether that be holding you in his arms or staying on a video call with you if he was away on tour until you fell asleep.
He’s always been there to make you feel safe.
“I got you,” Jungkook repeated again, pressing his lips gently against the back of your neck, something he knows that calms you down. “Just breathe, okay? Breathe.”
And you did exactly that, slow inhales and exhales would leave your mouth and your chest slowly began to return back to it’s healthy rhythm.
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook spoke up after some silence, hands nonchalantly running down your sides. “It was wrong of me to get upset about you and Jaehyun. You should be able to date anyone you want, I just—” he suddenly paused, hands stopping at your waist. “—I just don’t want you to get hurt, that’s all.”
You turned your head back to glance at him, lips curling up into a small grin from his words. “I don’t even think I’m into him like that,” you told him honestly, lifting your hand to run your fingers delicately along his jawline. You expected him to pull away but instead he nuzzled himself more into your touch, making your heart skip a beat inside. “I just think it’s too soon—for me at least,” you knew from the way Jungkook’s eyes clenched shut your words hurt him.
“Kookie,” you softly called his name, hearing him hum in reply into your neck. “Can you please stay with me until I fall asleep? Then you can go back to the guest room if you want.”
“Do you want me to go back?”
His question took you off guard, making you freeze in his arms. Did you want him to leave? Of course not, but you knew that this was a bad idea. He wasn’t yours anymore, and cuddling with your ex would be considered as cheating. And plus, you’d be the only one in pain afterwards. Because while Jungkook was in a happy relationship with Yeonha, you’d be left alone by yourself, again.
You should say yes, that you want him gone. But as you turned your head around and stared into his dark brown eyes, the same ones that you fell in love with all those years ago, you found yourself only able to answer with one word. “No.”
“Then I won’t go.” His answer came out fluent, as if he already had his decision made before you even had yours.
Everything felt normal again, with you in his arms and your head resting against his toned chest. The two of you fell asleep with ease after that, never once waking up abruptly at the sound of thunder again for the rest of the night.
You wanted this moment to last forever. But you knew that it wouldn’t.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Joy keeps yelling at me to update this story, so here I am. Updating.
Here is the original plus add ons, and Here is where you can read it on ao3 (eventually, still uploading chapters lmao). This is a long chapter, my apologies.
First Date
“All right, ready to go?”
Toph muttered and grumbled obscenities under her breath in the passenger seat, and Aang just chuckled as he started the car up and drove off to their first date destination.
After sitting in silence for a few minutes, Toph finally spoke. “Where are we going?”
“A special breakfast awaits us.”
“You sure you’re not just gonna kidnap and kill me, Twinkles?”
“I mean, let’s see where the day takes us, don’t you think?”
Despite her sleep-deprived state, Toph couldn’t help but laugh. Aang seemed to have that effect on her.
When they arrived at their destination, Aang quickly hopped out of the car to meet Toph outside her door because he was giddy with excitement. Toph raised an eyebrow at her potential kidnapper. “You’re awfully excited for some breakfast food.”
“What, are you telling me that you’re not a fan of,” he paused for dramatic effect, “breakfast food??”
“I am, but unless I’ve stayed up all night, I’d rather not get up at seven to eat,” she groaned.
“Not to worry, date buddy,” Aang began as he wrapped an arm around Toph’s shoulder. “This food will not only wake up your taste buds, but it will fill you with all the love and happiness you’ll need to continue on with the day!”
Toph sighed, “You really are a morning person, aren’t ya.”
“Oh, yeah. If that wasn’t clear earlier, I am most definitely a morning person.”
Aang continued to grin like a 3rd grade schoolboy and led Toph inside the establishment.
When they settled in their seats, Toph leaned across the table and asked, “Alright Twinkletoes, how are their eggs and bacon here?”
Aang hummed, “Eggs are good, can’t say I know what the bacon is like. I’m a vegetarian.”
Toph’s mouth was agape. “What?”
The man chuckled. “Is that a problem?”
“I mean I’m on a date with a fuckin’ plant eater!” She practically yelled at him, but her tone was facetious and the smile that played across her lips told Aang that she only pretended to care.
“Don’t worry about food though, Toph. I’ve got it all planned out.”
And he did. At the crack of dawn, Aang called the restaurant owner to relay his brilliant breakfast sampler idea.
He also made a few other calls, but those date activities were for later.
An amused but skeptical look graced Toph’s face, and it didn’t leave until the food was presented in front of them.
“Okay,” Aang began to explain. “We’ve got lots of options to sample in front of us, all meat free sad to say for you, but all food items are absolutely delicious and have the owner’s honor on them.”
Toph laughed. “What does that even mean, Twinkletoes?”
“Uh, just that he vouches for the food!”
She let out a sigh. “All right. What should I try first?”
And so they sampled everything on the table, smelling and tasting every item with precision and order. Aang somehow planned out every bite to be better than the last, culminating to the pièce de résistance: Belgian waffles.
Now, that wasn’t to say that the other food was subpar. Far from it. But as far as Toph was concerned, the owner of the establishment knew his way around Belgian waffles and it was the absolute best breakfast food she ever had.
As Toph leaned back in her chair, stuffed, she wondered what else could be on the ‘date list,’ considering they just spent almost 2 hours over indulging themselves with breakfast food. Not to mention the pair had spent the entire day yesterday talking to one another. There wasn’t much else to talk about, and Toph was worried they might lose their momentum for the remainder of the date.
She was wrong.
Their second stop on the date was a music museum. One that carried a collection of songs and instruments from around the world.
“Okay, date spot number two, let’s go!”
“And what’s the plan here?”
“We are gonna be traveling all over the world, Toph!” he exclaimed. “And we’re gonna do it in style.”
All of a sudden, a popular trumpet melody and lick blared around the entire museum (empty museum. Apparently it was closed to all except Toph and Aang).
Because of the oh so mushy and romantic gesture, Toph had to scoff at the song selection. “'Come Fly With Me' by Frank Sinatra?” she teased. “What are you, 80, Twinkletoes?”
“Hey! I’ll have you know that this is a classic and it was my foster father’s favorite song!” he defended. “And, it is the perfect song for this, because we are going to fly.”
“Well, not really, but use your imagination will, you?”
So she did.
They walked around the museum, listening to different types of music around the world. Aang made her pay special attention to the different rhythms of the world, and they went back and forth listening attentively for special sounds in the songs. The museum curator, Chong, apparently gave Aang a list of facts and interesting tidbits about the music as well. It certainly added to the experience, even if Aang was just reading what was on the cards. And while they ‘travelled’ to different parts of the building, Aang put on his cheesy Sinatra song and even skipped around the museum to the beat of it.
It was absolutely ridiculous hearing him dance around the museum, but also absolutely endearing.
When they completed their trip around the world, Toph and Aang drove twenty minutes off campus to a small vineyard. Toph raised a skeptical eyebrow toward her date, then asked, “What’s all this about, Twinkletoes?”
She could practically feel his grin from where she stood. “We’ll find out soon! Come on, I think you’ll really like this one.”
“Well if we’re at a vineyard, you’re damn right I’m gonna like it.”
Aang clicked his tongue at her. “Not like that, Toph. Just wait.” He grabbed her hand and led her into the building. Aang led her through the building and suddenly stopped the two of them. His hand squeezed hers, motioning her to reach out in front of her. What Toph found was something that felt like a large, metal tub. She wrinkled her eyebrows and turned the corners of her lips down. “What is this?”
“It’s a tub filled with grapes. We’re gonna crush them.”
“Crush them?” she questioned. “Like, with a grape stomper—”
“—With our feet!”
The woman maintained her skeptical look. “Don’t they have machines for this?”
“Yes, but stomping grapes with your feet gives the winery more control on the seed separating process. They can control the amount of tannins—”
“—Okay too many fancy words, Twinkles.” Toph playfully put a hand up to stop his ramblings and smiled at him. “What are we waiting for? Let’s stomp some grapes!”
So they did.
They stomped, smashed, and crushed grapes with their bare feet as Toph and Aang held onto each other for support. The grapes poked and tickled at their feet, but it was such a fun experience. Toph even challenged Aang to goof around and jump in the vat of grapes to crush them. A silly dare that ended in near failure (Aang almost landed in the crushed grapes and juice on his ass), but all was well and no clothes were stained during the dare. Toph even promised she wouldn’t hold it over his head… Well, not for long at least.
Once they finished their stomping session, they cleaned off their feet and ventured into the restaurant part of the winery for dinner. This time, Aang promised Toph that she could choose her own meal, and she was adamant on getting a plate that served some sort of meat.
“You deprived me of meat all day, Twinkletoes,” she began. “If this was an all-you-can-eat buffet, my plate would be stacked this high with meat.” Her hand went above her head for her meat tower reference, and Aang laughed at the visual aid.
“Hey, you have to admit, those waffles were good though!”
Toph smiled genuinely. “They were.”
They spent the next five minutes going over the menu and choosing their respective meals and drinks.
“Hey, do we get to taste the grapes we just stomped?” she teased. “Hmm,” Aang jokingly pondered. “Maybe in a couple years, but we can buy a bottle right now to remember the experience,” he offered.
“Make it two.”
Dinner was a delight, and so was the company. It seemed that conversation topics were in abundance for the couple, and the only time they were silent was when they ate their meals (which were delicious). Then, it was time to go home.
As they were driving back to Toph’s apartment, Toph’s mind simply wandered back to all the activities and things they accomplished in the last few hours. It was a sensory overload kind of date. Every activity focused on a different sense, and Toph loved every second of it. So much thought and care went into this day, and she only gave the man 6 hours at most to prepare it all. Needless to say, Toph was impressed with Aang.
When the night came to a close and they were preparing to say their goodbyes at Toph’s door, it was only fitting a bit of banter was thrown around.
“Thanks for not kidnapping me.” She grinned.
“I was close near the middle when we went to Peru, but by the time we were in Acapulco Bay, I decided against it.”
“Hey, at least I didn’t nearly stain my entire outfit by taking a swim in freshly squeezed grapes!”
“I take no blame for that you egged me on! And I didn’t fall in, so it’s not as funny.”
“Still, the thought is funny enough.”
Aang chuckled and smiled at Toph. “I suppose.”
A comfortable silence fell between them, and now was the time for sincerity. For the first time in a long time, Toph didn’t want the day to end. She didn’t want the date to end. Toph broke the silence and began by saying, “Aang.”
Aang looked at her. Even though she only made up a nickname for him yesterday, it was weird for her to use his actual name. He stopped talking and looked at her. “This was…” Toph paused to form the right words, and a great big smile grew across her face. “This was the most amazing day ever. Thank you.”
“I’m so glad you liked it, Toph. It was the best day ever for me, too,” he grinned.
“How did you even reserve some of these activities? I mean, the stomping grape shit? C’mon.”
Aang shrugged. “I’ve volunteered at a lot of places around campus. I guess you can say I’ve got the connections.”
“Wow, who would’ve thought being a good samaritan would pay off?”
“Pretty sure Jesus did, Toph,” he teased.
And for that, he received a good punch to the arm.
“Whatever, Twinkles,” she jabbed. “But if that was the first date, can’t imagine what the second date will be like. High expectations, my fancy dancer.”
“Oh, so there will be a second date?”
It was Toph’s turn to shrug. “Well, you said there was more to me, and there seems to be more to you that I would like to find out.”
Aang couldn’t help but smile at Toph. Goodness, she was something else.
“Date number two can be arranged,” he began. “Although it sounds like maybe this is your date to manage.”
“Absolutely not, I already challenged you to outdo yourself,” she smirked.
Aang playfully groaned. “Fine! But… There is one last thing we have to do before date night is considered over.”
Toph raised a skeptical eyebrow at her date. “What else could you possibly have planned for—”
Her sentence was interrupted by his lips. It was just a light peck on her lips, and when he pulled away, Toph immediately dragged him back to her to kiss him. This time, it was longer and harder, and she pulled him just a little too hard, because they stumbled into the apartment door. But they didn’t break apart for a second. The most exhilarating first date culminated into the best first—er—makeout session?
Their little stumble into the door must’ve been interpreted as a knock, though, because suddenly Katara opened the door and the couple nearly fell into her arms.
“What the fuck?! You guys!” Katara exclaimed. She was rather surprised by the scene in front of her, but not completely taken aback. She playfully chastised her friend and yelled, “Quit defiling my roommate, Aang!”
Aang turned beet red, but Toph just cackled at the inconvenience. She straightened herself and called back to Aang as Katara pulled her into their place. “Night night, Twinkles! Bring your A game next week, will ya?”
The door was shut in his face before he could reply.
But Aang was pretty sure he floated back to his car. He was on cloud nine after that kiss, after the most perfect day.
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lesbianlotties · 4 years
supercut of us - The Old Guard (2020) - TOGFemslashFortnight
@tog-femslashfortnight - Saturday's Prompt: Free Choice
This is especially for everyone at the TOG Femslash Discord <3
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Andy | Andromache the Scythian/Quynh | Noriko, Andy | Andromache of Scythia & Nile Freeman & Quynh | Noriko Characters: Andy | Andromache of Scythia, Quynh | Noriko, Nile Freeman Additional Tags: TOGFemSlashFortnight, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, ish, Headcanon, Friendship, Team Bonding, World Travel, Fluff and Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff Words: 3517
Inspired by 57 headcanons shared on the TOG Femslash Discord... (which you can find along with their creators here)
After Andy and Quynh are reunited they decide to travel the world with Nile. Andy deals with her uncertain mortality, Quynh deals with the twenty-first century, and Nile... deals with both of them. It's fun, exciting, sweet and never boring.
There was just something about the way Quynh was holding Andy’s hand, which was perfectly complemented by the exact pressure of Andy’s hold, but defied by the purposeful pattern that Quynh’s thumb was drawing on the back of Andy’s hand. Then, of course, there was also something else to be said about the particular arch of Andy’s eyebrow, or just a flash of a frown in Quynh’s face, followed by Andy biting her lip, and answered with a brief pout from Quynh. Which lead to-
“What are you guys doing?” Nile blurted out, finally exasperated by the way the two women had been silently staring at each other for four minutes doing nothing but exchanging microexpressions and holding hands. “Did you guys changed your mind?” she tilted her head.
“No,” Quynh replied slowly, “I was just asking Andromache if she’d like me to stab her just once more to check if she is still immortal.”
Andy rolled her eyes, not very happy to be reminded about the fact that she still couldn’t figure out if her immortality was back or not. She had scars now, but still healed much faster than she should. It was complicated. “We’re ready to go, Nile,” Andy grumbled, as they finally followed the younger woman to the plane. With just one look Quynh had let her know she wasn’t feeling particularly great about being locked in that small plane for a long period of time. Andy was comforting, and reassuring, let her know that she disliked it just as much. “It’s safe though, trust me, I’ve only crashed one without meaning to once, or twice. And it was back when they were considerably less safe,” she added.
“Without meaning to,” Quynh shook her head fondly, “And that wouldn’t even be you at your worst now would it, my heart? You love falling from high places.”
Before Andy could protest, Nile was exclaiming, “Oh you have to tell me about that Quynh.”
“Not again,” Andy groaned, falling into her seat in the plane.
Once inside, it was obvious that Quynh’s anxiety of the reduced and unfamiliar place was kicking in again. With a smile as kind and bright as ever, Nile offered her her phone and headphones and said, “You know what I think could help? Music. And I have just the right-”
“Just the right kind of meaningless, over simplified, repetitive-”
“Oh, excuse me, I forgot classic rock was the only valid form of music. Andy, you’re a cliche grandma.”
“I told you to stop calling me that.”
“Quynh agrees with me!”
Their always-loving, never-ending bickering stopped for a moment, so they could both look at the third member of their group looking for her evaluation of the argument. Quynh, who had been so completely engrossed in Nile’s favorite playlist of pop music that she had missed the take-off of the plane entirely, only looked up when she took notice of the silence around her. “Hm, what?” she took off one earbud, looking from one face to another and nodded, “Yes, my heart, you are too old to understand. And this is actually really good.” She went back to her music and, by the end of the flight, she may or may not have accidentally started listening to a jazz music playlist, and ended up absolutely loving that too.
During the first hour of their hike, Nile tried to remember that she was exploring the world with the two oldest women on Earth, women who could teach her absolutely everything, women with knowledge so invaluable it was difficult to comprehend. Women who, also, sometimes acted like annoying children. 
“You slipped on a little bit of mud and broke your skull when you fell down, that’s worse,” Andy argued.
“Not as bad as dying because you failed to balance your own axe on your head! Even after I told you not to do that, Andy,” Quynh insisted.
Teasing each other like that was as natural as breathing, but that little detail of Quynh calling her just Andy, it had the oldest woman narrowing her eyes and suspecting it was better to give up the fight. “Anyway, it was Nile who shot herself in the foot for no reason at all,” she mumbled, attempting to change the subject.
Except, “Yeah, but it didn’t kill me,” Nile raised her hands in faked innocence while the three of them started laughing. As annoying as it could be to travel with the oldest couple on Earth, it was also a lot of fun.
Quynh had opted to stay behind to rest and look over their camp, so it was just Andy and Nile slowly riding their horses around. 
“You’re doing great, kid,” Andy sent a smile her way, “Just a little more practice and you can join me on the Mongol Derby next year.” The younger woman replied with a genuinely frightened expression. She was just learning how to do that, she didn’t need to think about the absurd things that Andy, who apparently had loved and befriended horses before anyone had even thought about domesticating them, would do. Still, she knew she’d probably end up joining her and being dragged into whatever chaos that experience would entail. “I hope Quynh will join too, she’d be amazing. Though, I didn’t tell you this but, she used to be terrified of horses,” Andy finished with a soft chuckle.
Nile laughed along with her and as a reflex she looked back in the general direction of where they’d last seen Quynh. When she looked back at Andy she was surprised to find a not entirely unfamiliar look of melancholy on her friend’s face. Before Quynh came back, that was Andy’s usual look, but it had been a while since Nile had seen her like that. She took the risk to say, “I can’t even imagine what it must have been like for you, when you lost her.”
For a second, Andy looked surprised to hear those words. “Good,” was the first thing she replied, wholeheartedly hoping the young woman would never even have to imagine that sort of pain, that absolutely devastating loss of having your universe ripped to shreds, decades of looking over your shoulder to find out your better half is no longer there.
But, on second thought, she remembered how closed off she had been when they all first met Nile, and in a matter of months Quynh was back and everything had changed too quickly. Perhaps she owed her some part of the story.
“I never really stopped looking for her, you know?” Andy took a deep breath, her heart warmed by the genuine interest in Nile’s gentle eyes. “Just weeks before we found you I was still trying… It was hell though, back then, when it first happened. I got my revenge and a little too late I found out there was no one alive who could tell me where she was. Then I had to accept she was impossible to find, and accept I’d never be the same again. I shave this whole thing off,” Andy ran a hand through her hair, making the most of that brief moment to try to soothe her raging emotions, and remind herself she was just remembering, and this time Quynh really was back, waiting for her nearby. “I got into piracy for a couple of years, still bent on revenge and staying closer to, you know, the ocean. And a lot of regrets.”
“It brought all of us here though, right? She’s back,” Nile added with a smile that she hoped could cheer up her friend at least slightly. It worked though. Andy, not for the first time, found herself not only endeared by the young woman’s optimism, but surprisingly agreeing with her.
This time it was Andy and Nile waiting for Quynh by the beach. The island was just big enough for the three of them to hide without worrying that someone would figure out if was Quynh it was who had just killed one of the wealthiest men in the world. When she arrived at their spot on the beach and took a seat by the fire, she was still impeccably dressed, barely a hair out of place.
“Well, that felt good,” she sighed, getting comfortable in the sand, “Also, you’re welcome. Unless you had stock in his company. Actually, I don’t know how that works. It doesn’t matter to me, and I bet it doesn’t matter to any part of him left.”
Despite Nile’s shocked, slightly disturbed, and somewhat confused expression, Andy smiled, completely smitten by the woman beside her. “Take a look,” she told her lover, nodding her head toward the sky, not taking her eyes of Quynh, “Beautiful, isn’t it.”
“Mesmerizing as always,” Quynh replied in a whisper, leaning back on her hands to look up at the stars above them as the two of them always loved to do. “Always changing…”
“Wait, what?”
Smiling at the younger woman’s confusion, Quynh added, “Hey, Nile, bonfires are perfect for some good stories. What do you think, are you interested?”
Nile agreed immediately and Quynh expertly launched herself into dozens of epic tales that, with the power of only her words, took the three of them all over the world and all over history. She reminded Andy that this wasn’t the first time they took care of greedy dictators. She talked them through the discovery of lands for the very first time. She brought legends back from the dead and left Nile speechless. She even indulged herself in sharing one or two of her favorite stories of Andy and her, including her time spent as a sculptor with her obvious muse being Andy, and also all the myths she personally started with one of the many special swords Andy singlehandedly created for her.
A very important part of the stories was the interaction between Andy and Quynh. It didn’t take long for Nile to understand how whenever Quynh hesitated on some part of her magnificent stories, Andy was always there ready to provide the missing piece of the puzzle. It might have to do with some part of Quynh’s mind perpetually lost to the unforgiving ocean. But, judging by the way it looked like Quynh expected Andy to fill in the blanks for her, it suggested that this habit of sharing their memories as one wasn’t new at all. 
Quynh was an expert in the art of storytelling. She knew exactly how to tease the knowledge only she had about Andy’s life before immortality, including their birthdays, and yet keep it all still a mystery. She knew just how to bring Nile close to tears with the tale of the Scythian warriors’ welcoming arms giving Andy her first family, and her longest-lasting name, and yet keep to herself the memory of it being just the last name Lykon got to call her.
When Nile can’t help herself anymore and falls asleep, Andy half expected Quynh to be just as tired, but she wasn’t all that surprised when instead the love of her life stood up and offered her a hand. “Are you joining me?” Quynh asked, nodding her head toward the sea, the gentle waves crashing on the shore.
“Are you sure?” Andy asked, but immediately took the hand offered and followed the other woman’s lead in taking off their clothes and walking to the shore.
“It’s terrifying, I admit that. I wouldn’t dare do it without you,” Quynh looked unusually bashful and vulnerable for a moment, the moonlight catching the precious light in her eyes just right, “But there’s just something about it… I need to prove I’m stronger, you know?”
“I am completely certain of that fact, my love,” Andy replied with a smile, taking Quynh’s hand and going into the water with her. And she meant her words. Five hundred years of torture beyond human comprehension, and Quynh was still here, still alive, still herself. There was nothing in this world stronger than her, Andy knew that as a fact.
Taking some time to finally stand still and relax in a safe house was a great idea for several reasons. Firstly, Nile would be lying if she said she didn’t miss a stable internet connection, which she made quick use of to sign up for an online Art History course. Plus, the isolated charming little cabin near the woods was the only place where Andy could possibly get away with adopting an actual wild bear cub.
“You stole a baby bear?!” Nile exclaimed, lowering the sword and giving up her training for a moment, because the sight of Andy arriving at the house carrying a bear in her arms was a little too much to easily comprehend.
“She lost her mother,” Andy shrugged, as if it was the most common thing to go around the woods picking up orphan bears to raise like pets.
“She does this often,” Quynh mentioned to Nile, lowering her own sword and instead picking up her recurve bow, “Personally, I prefer big cats. But it’s cute, isn’t it?”
Nile narrowed her eyes and looked at Andy. “I mean… look, that’s not normal. I love penguins, they’re my favorites and I’d love to have one, but they’re not pets. Dogs are my favorite pets, that’s normal!” Before she could get to her arguments about bears not being fit for keeping as pets, she was interrupted by Andy’s newest friend running toward her and instinctively hugging her leg. “Oh… okay, fine, it’s cute but…” But this was her life now, and she wasn’t exactly complaining.
Life in the various safe houses they stayed was fun, pleasant, and a very particular kind of peaceful that was only possible when living with actual immortal warriors. It was, at least, never boring. And sometimes it was also surprisingly sweet.
Nile had the brilliant idea of introducing Quynh to many, many things about modern culture. This included a quick review of the twentieth century, and Quynh reacted horrified by world wars, fascinated by 1920’s style, and skeptical about the moon landing. This, somewhat accidentally, involved introducing her to hitmen, leverage, other shows and movies that she passionately loved or disliked, and it was hilarious to watch Andy and Quynh bicker about how attractive or definitely-not-attractive the actors and actresses were. And there was also the occasional video game. Though Quynh definitely developed a love-hate relationship with Candy Crush, often saying to Nile “I’m your friend, your family, I teach you archery tricks that no other person alive knows, and this is how you repay me? You give me this devilishly addictive little game?!” 
Later, Nile was pleased to find out that both women were skilled in doing hairstyles for her, and, even better, since they had learned with Lykon thousands of years ago, they knew ancient styles that thoroughly impressed the young woman. Cooking was, more often than not, a struggle for the three of them. Baking, on the other hand, was a wonderful experience. Maybe Andy didn’t do much beyond distracting Quynh and eating the majority of everything they made, even before it hit the oven. But it was still a good time and, judging by the way Andy nearly burst into tears whenever Quynh offered her any sweet pastry, it was easy to guess there was some sort of meaningful history behind it.
Nile was also lucky enough to witness the moment Quynh found out that same-sex marriage was a perfectly legal thing in some places. Maybe she couldn’t marry the love of her immortal life as soon as she would have liked, maybe they would need to fake a few documents or even try to take advantage of some odd American laws, but she couldn’t wait for the moment it’d finally be official. Andy perfectly understood how she felt. Maybe they had absolutely no need for anyone or anything to certify their love for each other, but it would surely be fun to get to do something that for centuries was denied to them. That was partly the reason why Andy had attended college a handful of times, as soon as it was legal for women to do so, just to proudly get kicked out.
As perfect as the dynamic between the three of them was, they all needed their moments to themselves, and Nile had learned when to give the couple the space they needed. Plus, she also got time to herself. This entire life was a, literally, never-ending adventure, but it was necessary to take the time to breathe, take a step back, and think about things. One of Nile’s favorite things to do to achieve some peace of mind was journaling. Truthfully, it started as a desperate attempt to write letters to her family that she would never send. But it soon became a helpful habit that kept her grounded. And also busy, on those times when Andy and Quynh disappeared for a handful of hours at a time.
It was starting to happen less and less, but it was still a common occurrence for Quynh to wake up feeling the weight of the entire ocean on her chest. She’d wake up startled, a desperate scream already halfway through her throat, and already halfway prepared to die again. Some nights were harder than others, some nights it took several minutes for Andy to convince Quynh she was safe and alive and far from the sea, and get her to calm down. But then, of course, there were some easier nights, when the warmth of Andy’s body beside her would quickly bring Quynh back to her reality. She’d be shaking, frightened, afraid. But she’d turn to Andy, even with tears and in her eyes and smile in relief.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m here, you’re safe Quynh,” Andy immediately whispered in the softest tone she could manage, wrapping her arms around her lover, bring her closer, letting her find comfort in her touch and the sound of her heartbeat.
After a few moments, with her face pressed against Andy’s chest, Quynh wondered, “I’m sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Nothing to be sorry about,” Andy promised, kissing the top of her head, “And no, as a matter of fact, you didn’t. You fell asleep and I was just reading.” That got Quynh’s attention, getting her to finally meet Andy’s eyes. “It’s been a long time but… The Odyssey, remember that one?”
“Your favorite,” Quynh said softly, granting the other woman a genuine even if small smile, before cuddling closer to her. “Read it to me?” she asked, knowing nothing would make her feel safer, feel better than that. This moment, this connection brought by holding each other tightly, reminded both of them of a time in their past. Shortly after losing Lykon, they would embrace each other just like this, usually after a battle, and it was the only way to soothe their fears, it was a silent promise. The painful memory was gently replaced by Andy’s words recounting her favorite story, a different reassurance, a sweet gesture, and everything Quynh needed at the moment.
“You,” Andy said, and kissed her, “are wearing my shirt,” she added, kissing her again.
“Well,” Quynh returned the kiss, “It’s obviously not mine, Andromache,” she teased her, and bit her lip. Pleased with Andy’s eager reaction, Quynh continued kissing her, and let her hands start roaming her lover’s body. She was sitting on Andy’s lap, always more comfortable there than anywhere else. She kept one hand on the other woman’s short hair, since both equally loved it when she played with her hair, and with the fingers of her other hand she caressed Andy’s jaw, her neck, shoulders, and finally arrived at her upper arm. Then she pulled back from the kiss just enough to say, “You have a new scar.”
“Do I?” Andy replied and when she tried to go back to another kiss she was gently rejected.
“I notice, you know?” Quynh added. She had a somewhat complicated relationship with Andy’s scars. They represented a new and interesting part of her lover for her to cherish, so she enjoyed checking up on these small changes every now and then. But it was impossible to ignore that they stood for the love of her life getting hurt, and being, more or less, mortal. She still healed, slowly but surely, and certainly faster than regular people, but… Before her thoughts spiraled out of control, Andy’s gentle hand on her cheek brought her back to their conversation. She had been mindlessly tracing one of Andy’s scars with her fingertips, a new habit that turned out to be comforting for both of them.
“I know,” Andy said with a small smile that was quickly returned. There was more she wanted to say, both of them, but in their case, it could perfectly well be said silently. Starting with resting their foreheads together, taking a deep breath, and holding each other just a little tighter. It was enough, because their love was loud enough to fill the silence for thousands, and thousands of years.
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abiteofnat · 4 years
If you’re reading this, I’m coming back to Chicago, beetch
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The non-existent rumors are true. After a brief 10-month exit from the city to soak up the fresh air and social distance-friendly suburbs, I am now returning to Chicago as a single, slightly more anxious version of myself. While I’m still trying to kick some of the anxiety and OCD that COVID-19 pushed from “lifelong tagalongs” to “all-controlling demons”, I feel 97% ready to be back where I feel most myself, and cannot wait to welcome that change. While that 3% still makes me a little uncomfy and hesitant, I’m a believer in pushing your boundaries to allow yourself to grow, and also, I am really sick of suburbs food. 
Ha! I joke. I wouldn’t move downtown simply for access to more diverse & higher quality food... or would I? All I know is while there are plenty of gems in the North Shore, I’ve eaten take out from all of them ten times over, and I did not foster my dislike of cooking out of nowhere. My parents do not enjoy cooking, my sister pretends to enjoy cooking, and I will cook if it is 5 ingredients or less. My latest speciality is a toasted bagel with butter, hummus, and EBTB seasoning. Voila. So when it comes to dinner, we are living off of a carousel of suburban favorites, and are losing steam as we are still not comfortable with dining inside (or dining inside in the city, where the fun food is). 
All of this to say, it’s exciting to imagine what life is going to be like in a few short weeks. While I’m still extra precautionary, I can’t wait to have my own space downtown, where I can enjoy coffee on my little balcony (!!!) and dream of the days friends can come squeeze into my studio safely while I lay out an entire table of sharable spreads and snacks from Ema (Charred Eggplant Spread is the best one, don’t fight me). 
So you may ask, how did you come to this decision to move to the heart of downtown out of seemingly nowhere, you hermit? 
It starts with my mom and I having a brief, simultaneous breakdown and coming to the conclusion that we would both feel comfortable doing a staycation downtown, as long as we wore masks, sanitized always, and braved the cold to eat outside. This was big for me! As a person with real OCD, not cute TV show “I have to keep my pens straight” OCD, this would be the most exposure I’d had to a lot of uncontrollable variables since the pandemic started. If you’re thinking, “you get to spend a weekend downtown in a hotel with your mom, shut up”, know that I hear you. I am unbelievably grateful that I’ve gotten this time with my parents, and that we can do a staycation. However, having anxiety comes at a cost, and that cost is blowing everything way the fuck out of proportion instead of being able to rationalize it sometimes. Let’s! Normalize! Having! This! Discussion!
So, we went downtown in early March for a two-night stay, and oh my goodness. The realization that we got to be in a different space, and do different things, and eat different food for a weekend made it feel like a legit vacation, and not like we drove 30 minutes to get there. The view from our room was of Michigan Ave, and hearing the traffic and seeing the people out and about instantly made me feel a sense of peace I wasn’t expecting. I’ve lived downtown for 6 years, but it always shocks me how much the city feels like an extension of me once I’m in it after being away. My mom and I went out for a walk (gentle yet forceful reminder to please wear a mask), then decided to grab dinner while we were out. The plan was to bring it back to the room, but there was a warm spell, and there just happened to be a table for two at Topolobampo on Clark, and suddenly we were sitting on the patio under the lights eating masa quesadillas dipped in a spicy salsa verde. It just happened!!! 
Before getting downtown, I was tentatively looking at apartments for the spring. I was looking at Lincoln Park, Old Town, maybe Lakeview, and came across a listing in the Gold Cost that caught my eye. That one was swiped out from under me within days, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the area. Then I discovered another unit that was available, and couldn’t shake it from my mind. Over mushroom tacos I discussed it with my mom, and we decided to go see it. Totally not what I had been planning for in terms of location, but why not? 
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Once we polished off breakfast the next morning (Eggs Benedict with fried eggs, extra hollandaise) we headed out to see the place. Let me say I have never seen my mom fall in love with a single apartment I’ve lived in, and she was ALL. FOR. IT. Unreal reaction on her part. Once I saw the west-facing views and the incredible natural lighting, I was 100% in as well.
We spent the rest of the weekend wandering the downtown area, enjoying another dinner outside at The Gwen and my mom’s first visit to the Starbucks Reserve Roastery, which was 95% more empty than I’ve ever seen it given we went in a pandemic at 8:30PM. Shit on Starbucks all you want, but that Roastery is an incredible use of space (in non-pandemic times) and the coffee & Princi pastries are really, really good. 
When we got back home feeling refreshed and like we had actually gone on a vacation, I jumped into apartment shark mode real fast and signed as many documents as the very kind realtor could send over. One week later, whabaam, I was a Gold Coast girl. Ahem, *lady*. What better way to celebrate than going to Somerset and having the Rapini & Roasted Garlic Flatbread and Wild Mushroom Risotto? No clue. As I sat outside, yet again with my mom, I felt a wave of excitement come over me and realized, this is it. This is the sign and feeling I’ve been waiting for, telling me it’s time to move back to the city and start over. The creamy, herbacious risotto also helped solidify that. 
SO. After all of that, the news is I’m moving, and you’re probably wondering why I shared all of this on a blog about food. I meant for this post to be about everywhere I ate during my staycation, but realized quickly we ate at some very basic places - DELICIOUS, but still basic. Oops. Below are all the dishes I had and a rundown of the flavors, textures, etc., however don’t expect to find any new, revolutionary restaurants. Sorry! 
1. Topolobampo 
This Rick Bayless restaurant has been around forever, and unfortunately, you can tell by the interior. We’ve eaten here as a family a couple of times before, but never had a noteworthy experience. I can confirm that in a pinch, the patio covered in fun lights & mini piñatas, and the sharable, filling bites will do just fine. This was my first time going to a Mexican restaurant as a non-alcohol drinker, and instead of my typical mezcal margarita, I opted for a Fresh Limeaide which was refreshing and flavorful. We split the Guacamole and Chips, which if you’ve ever stopped at the Frontera in O’Hare, you know is good as fuck. It’s smooth, creamy, tangy, and topped with chopped onions and cilantro for a little crunch. It’s not the most life-changing, but it is consistently satisfying. Next, we got the Mushroom Tacos and Masa Quesadillas. The Masa Quesadillas were a fun surprise, as instead of a tortilla, the masa is what makes up the outside. They are almost like empanadas and stuffed with gooey, melty cheese, and come with a spicy salsa verde on the side. I would come back for these alone - they’re rich yet light, warm, and comforting, all the things you would want when dining outside when it’s still a little chilly. The Mushroom Tacos were quite frankly unreal, because whatever they seasoned the mushroom slices with and grilled them on made them taste unlike any mushroom I’ve had before. There was definitely some meat crossover on the grill, so don’t order those if you’re vegan, or ask them to prepare the mushroom separately. I however was LOSING MY MIND. Over mushrooms. The joys of being vegetarian! 
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2. The Gwen
On a happening Saturday night in Chicago, Upstairs at The Gwen is sure to be a packed scene. Located in River North, this hotel bar/restaurant offers a somehow cozy rooftop filled with loungey couches, fire pits, and ambient lighting, even though you’re surrounded by apartments and skyscrapers and there is nothing “cozy” about River North. Every table was filled, yet since you’re outside and it’s fairy spread apart, it still felt safe. I got my new classic, a Lemonade, and we got the Burrata to start. With sourdough, roasted beets, squash, pomegranate, pistachio, & arugula, this plate was nothing short of mouth-watering. It has textures! It has flavors! It has pomegranate seeds, the TikTok must have of the moment! The bread was 10/10, the burrata was 8/10, and all of the toppings made for a very find bite of salad on their own. For my main I got the Lobster Fettucine, a beautiful bowl of “charcoal fettuccine with saffron-tomato sauce, lobster, calabrian chili butter, and basil-brioche crumbs” as listed on their website. Take any of those ingredients and it’s going to be delicious, but all of them TOGETHER? INCREDIBLE. The chunks of lobster were huge, absolutely making the dish worth its price tag, and the sauce was flavorful, unique, and unlike any sauce I’ve tasted in the last few years. It’s typical to do a squid ink pasta with seafood and tomato sauce, but the saffron added a new element I very much appreciated. 
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3. The Starbucks Roastery 
I KNOW. THIS IS A TOURIST DESTINATION. All I am saying is if there’s no line, go get an iced latte with two packets of sugar in the raw. That’s all. It’s really good after something like, I don’t know, Lobster Fettucine. 
4. The Penninsula 
You cannot go wrong with hitting up The Penninsula for breakfast or brunch, especially if you are staying there and have the option to do room service. Typically we would go to Pierrot Gourmet, the cafe in the ground floor of The Penninsula, however it has been closed temporarily. If there’s one thing to order with your breakfast, it’s the smashed fingerling potatoes. Delish. 
5. Somerset 
Somerset is becoming a quick go-to of mine for an impromptu dinner downtown, given it’s in the heart of Gold Coast and is cute if you’re sitting indoors or outdoors. The food is nothing too innovative, but it is done well, which is the most important part with “cuter” restaurants that may focus on the Instagram appeal over the food sometimes. Each time I’ve gone I’ve gotten the seasonal flatbread and a pasta or risotto, usually something with mushrooms, and it’s always been plate-licking good. To drink, I got -you guessed it- a Lemonade! For dinner I went with the Wild Mushroom Risotto which was everything you could hope for in a risotto, topped with olive oil, herbs, and local parmesan. We split the Rapini & Roasted Garlic Flatbread which was as it sounds, flatbread covered in rapini, garlic, and ricotta, which added a nice crunch and had enough rapini to feel like it was replacing a boring vegetable side dish or salad. The patio vibes were wonderful, the judgemental girls in the greenhouses looked like they were having a good time, and our waiter couldn’t have been sweeter. I will be going back to try the Fontina Arancini, which I just noticed on the menu. FRICK. 
So there you have it, a very long-winded explanation of the last few weeks of my life and where you can find me on a staycation in Chicago. Hopefully once I move back to the city I’ll have endless new spots to try and won’t be basic anymore! 
Until next time, Happy Eating!
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ofwizardsandmen · 3 years
Foreign territory
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Pasión de Gavilanes AU
Characters: Tara (OC), Mark Lee, Sungjae Lee, M, Emily
Word count: 2,6k
Genre: fluff, angst(?)
(Part of a larger story and multiple AUs, but can be read on its own)
“Our favorite girl is here!” An excited voice exclaimed causing Tara to spin around scandalized, her abundant jet black hair whipping about her head and eventually falling down her shoulders in a nearly cinematographic way.
Across the room, the owner of the voice—a tall, long-necked man of pretty dimples,—stood by a massive wooden staircase, keeping an educated distance and looking puzzled. Considering that his last encounter with Tara Lee had been anything but peaceful—the night ended up in chaos, with her cousins storming out of their own party,—he wasn’t expecting to find her pacing up and down the foyer of his house with a toddler in arms.
“I- I meant Astrid, of course,” The man, M —as his closest friends and family called him— added, nervously looking away from Tara’s judging glances. For someone who barely knew Tara and whose only “interactions” with her had consisted in cold remarks and snarky comments —from her part—the man still took offense in the way her expression contorted into something mildly similar to disgust. “Anyway… Thanks for coming”
Tara who couldn’t quite believe she’d dared to set foot in that house—if her mother or any of her aunts found out she was there, she’d be kicked out of the Delacroix State in a heartbeat,—and was still surprised by how majestic and prosperous everything seemed, only responded with a single acknowledging nod of the head.
“Wow Astrid, you’re growing so fast” M chose to ignore the fact Tara was looking around the house, seemingly unimpressed and held out both arms calling his niece’s name. In an effort to cut the distance between them, he also gave two short, cautious steps forward. “It was about time you were allowed to visit your dad and uncles,” he said, his voice changing drastically to what was supposed to be a child-friendly tone that, Tara thought to herself, was hard to emulate with his deep voice.
However, Astrid, the one-year-old toddler—daughter of Minah and Sungjae—was easy to impress. She cooed cutely waving her tiny hands around in the air as if trying to reach for the crystal lamp—or probably just her tall uncle.
The scene was sweet enough for Tara to relax and let out a soft chuckle as she made the mental note to tell her cousins about this later. There was no doubt Jane and Minah would go in a long rant about how Astrid was turning into a little traitor. They would probably have two different people to blame, but it would obviously involve the Lee brothers.
According to Tara’s cousins, M and his brothers, Sungjae and Mark, were the root of all evil, the equivalent to Satan on Earth and the reason Delacroix Group was bordering bankruptcy. And truth to be told, once upon a time, Tara herself was convinced of it and she had even go as far as campaigning against the three brothers. Tara hated each of them: Sungjae and whatever it was that had Minah acting like some hormonal teenager, M and those dimples that seemed to erase all traces of judgment from Jane's brain and above it all, Mark Lee and that stupid smile of his.
But lately, things didn’t seem so black and white anymore. Tara had promised Mark—the same Mark Lee she hated to the bone once upon a time— not to jump to conclusions when it came to their intentions anymore. And at least for now, she was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
For now, Tara had even offered to take Astrid to visit her dad and willingly drove 10 miles to the brothers' ranch. That was a weekly task Jane had taken upon herself, but that she refused to carry out after the fiasco at the Delacroix fashion show.
Tara didn’t blame her.
After all, the image of Astrid’s little arms moving up and down, desperately trying to reach for her uncle would have probably caused her cousin an aneurism.
Tara, on the other hand, was much more collected, wise, and less visceral. She was also the only person in Delacroix Manor willing to see the Lees. And anyhow, Tara wasn’t pleased with the prospect of spending another afternoon with her cousins if that meant having to act sympathetic when Jane complained about how that “deceptively handsome devil”—M, her husband— showed up unannounced to their collection’s launch party and “ruined” her date with Jaehyun Jung, a textile industrial she had been frequenting. Tara wasn't sure if Jane’s complained because—she claimed—M was the last person on Earth she wanted to see or because he looked so devastatingly hot that day, dressed in a classic Ralph Lauren suit that was a striking contrast with the clothes he usually wore, or because up until that day Jaehyun had no idea Jane was—technically—married.
Then there was Minah, who despite being less vocal on her complaints, lately looked so lifeless that her mere presence seemed to drain all the energy out of the room. Tara had vainly tried to play the role of supportive cousin who offered words of consolation and encouragement, but Minah always brushed her off. Unlike Jane, Minah avoided mentioning the Lee brothers at all costs. The last time Tara asked about Sungjae, Minah got angry and claimed to be absolutely unaffected by his new romantic relationship with Ashleigh Hastings. Of course, watching her drown herself in work and rosé suggested otherwise, but Tara didn’t dare to point out the flaws in her argument. Tara was also unwilling to spend another afternoon pretending not to notice Minah’s eyes filling out with tears every now and then.
“So, Jane won’t come anymore?” M asked, clearing his throat casually as if to get Tara’s attention. It worked because Tara snapped from her thoughts and looked back at him.
“What do you think?” She replied sarcastically. M opened his mouth to say something, but Tara signaled him to hold Astrid before the hyperactive toddler decided to jump off her arms. Once M was jiggling Astrid up and down and her laugh echoed down the hallway, Tara went on as if nothing had interrupted them “If you don’t want me to come here, next time-“
“For god’s sake, Tara, don’t be ridiculous” Another familiar voice spoke from behind her. Tara was quick to notice two things. The first one was that the man’s voice dripped exasperation, the second that her heart did a wild flip when he pronounced her name. “Of course we want you to come, especially if you’re bringing our niece to visit.”
Tara gulped quietly and slowly turned around.
She was greeted by a close-up of Mark, M’s younger brother and the owner of the vast lands adjacent to Delacroix State—where Tara and her extended family lived. There, smiling that exasperating smile—confident, but warmth-inducing and absolutely gorgeous—Tara had hated for months—years, probably—, Mark Lee stood blocking the sun rays filtering through the windows. The light gave him an angelic aura. It didn’t help he was suited in a beige suit that made his back look broader than Tara could remember.
“Hi Tara, nice to see you,” Mark said simply, a full smile still present in his face.
“Hey, how are you?” Tara mentally kicked herself thinking of how awkward and unnatural she sounded, how his simple words had her feeling all sorts of nervous.
Thankfully there was no time for further regret because Mark’s older brother, Sungjae, materialized at the top of the staircase and practically flew down the stairs, pulled his daughter from his brother’s arms and smothered her with kisses.
Astrid cried solid ten seconds but then burst out with loud contagious giggles.
Watching the Astrid & Sungjae show was oddly endearing, but somehow felt like an invasion of privacy. For a second or two Tara looked around trying to find a place to sneak to while Sungjae caught up on the missing time with his daughter. But when she started to move, Sungjae’s voice stopped her in her tracks.
“Ummm, so Minah is not coming?” He asked as Astrid played with a strand of his hair “She’s never talking to me again or what?” Sungjae’s eyes bored into Tara’s as if trying to get an honest answer from her.
“I did everything possible to bring Astrid” Tara replied with a frown, she hesitated before adding “I really don’t think I can convince Minah to come”
It resulted impossible to ignore the shadows immediately invading Sungjae’s eyes. Tara wondered if talking about her cousin had put them there or if there was something else worrying him. The man already looked a bit haggard when Tara first saw him, but upon further inspection, she realized he looked particularly hollow-cheeked and pale “It’s fine, I’m still thankful you brought my daughter, Tara” There was a pause where Sungjae looked at Astrid with a faint smile “I really mean it. Thank you”
“Well, don’t thank me…” With a slight tinge of guilt, Tara added “We really can’t stay long. I promised to take Astrid back before our aunts notice we’re gone. You know what they think of…” she trailed off, realizing how inappropriate it was to complete that sentence. Telling the Lee brothers how much her aunts despised them seemed unnecessary and somewhat repetitive considering those four women were not exactly subtle and never missed the chance to let M, Sungjae and Mark know they were as welcome in the region as a plague was in their fields.
Sungjae’s expression dropped considerably.
“Tara, you just got here” M protested, though he kept his kind smile plastered on the face “Sungjae hasn’t seen Astrid in weeks, he won’t admit it, but he was going insane”
Mark chuckled at his brother's comment, knowing Sungjae wouldn’t appreciate being exposed like that, but looking away when Sungjae frowned at him.
“No, I am serious, guys” Tara said apologetically “We have to go soon”
“Tara, don’t be so impatient” it was almost ironic that Mark let out an impatient sigh just after calling her that. Tara looked away to hide the smile tugging at the corner of her lips
“Yes, Sungjae deserves some time with Astrid” A female voice coincided, taking Tara by surprise. When she looked up to the second floor, she found a beautiful young woman—Emily Choi—smiling down at them and leaning against the banister. Emily was the only daughter of Madame Elsie Choi, a wealthy and old land-owner who was too close of a friend of Tara’s aunts for her liking. However, as of recently, Emily had officially moved into the Lee residence, God knows why. Rumors said Emily was actually related by blood to the Lee brothers, but Tara was not one to listen to gossip or care about other people’s affairs.
And yet, she still supposed the change of air had been beneficial to Emily because the girl looked happier than Tara remembered her to be when she was still living with her old mom and those two annoying cousins of her. Emily smiled at her and waved a hand cordially.
“I was just dropping by to say the staff prepared a little tea party at the terrace, if you want to join me and Lucas,” she announced happily.
“Oi, he’s coming today? Again?” Mark questioned, eyes narrowing a bit comically.
“He was here yesterday and the day before. At this rate I think it’ll be better to have him moving here” M said with an eye roll
“I was just being nice” Emily scoffed, but her smile did not vanish from her lips “You’re welcome to join, but if you don’t want to, then” she shrugged casually. “I’ll be at the terrace if you need me” She made a fake reverence and before disappearing, she briefly added a “nice to see you, Tara.”
“And that’s our cue to leave” Tara attempted to move forward to retrieve Astrid from her father’s arms when a hand wrapped around her wrist, keeping her in place. The woman didn’t need to turn around to know it was Mark who was holding her back, partly because M would’ve never dared to touch her and partly because her pulse accelerated inexplicably.
“I-“ Mark looked at his hand, as if startled by his own actions “I would like to talk to you before you go, Tara” he let go of her wrist and gave her a quick apologetic curtsy that caused his brothers to raise brows and share incredulous looks. “If you follow me-”
Mark led Tara through the stables and horse training facilities of his ranch. “El Dorado” was undoubtedly the greatest horse farm in the region, sprawled for miles and neighboring the Delacroix Ranch. Mark—and by default his brothers—had become the owner of this billionaire property through what people considered to be a questionable marriage that didn’t even hit the 24-hour mark. Tara had recently found out that the story was not as simplistic and accepting that the Mark she claimed to hate for years was not a gold-digging bastard had been quite of a ride. It started with him showing up at some of the most exclusive events in the region, avid of revenge and acting like he was beyond the rest of land owners. Then Tara nearly killed him, knocking him off his horse. And ended up with Tara saving his life from some lowlifes who attempted to kill him. All in the span of a month. Now, Tara followed him God knows where and for some reason she couldn’t completely grasp she didn't even protest.
“The Ranch is spectacular, you really manage it properly” Tara commented, mostly because the silence was starting to stretch for too long.
“Well, it still has nothing on yours” The man gave her a lopsided smile. It was not a secret that Tara was—or at least used to be until very recently—the real mastermind behind the Delacroix Ranch's prosperity.
“Well, lately we’ve had-“ Tara paused “a few setbacks, as you probably noted”
“It’s Julien’s fault, no?” Mark wasn't subtle, but it was an open secret that Julien Toubeau—Minah’s ex-husband and one of the most despicable humans on Earth—had recently been appointed Deputy Finance Manager of the Delacroix Group and things had gone downhill since.
Tara didn’t deny it “Mostly” she nodded “but the girls —she said referring to her cousins Jane and Minah— and I have a backup plan to save the ranch” Tara explained.
“And I’m sure you’ll do great” Mark reached to pat Tara’s shoulder, causing her to stop walking and freeze on the spot. “Especially you, Tara” he said, moving so they were facing each other “Everybody knows you’re brilliant and hardworking”
Tara looked down, afraid that if she allowed Mark to look into her eyes, he’d noticed the effect his words had on her.
“And I was furious when Julien tried to take your position from the board of governors, you know?” Mark also looked down in an attempt to find whatever it was that Tara found so interesting on the ground.
“Thanks, that means-“ she took a deep breath and raised her head “a lot to me, Mark”
“You have nothing to thank me. In fact, I should be thanking you for bringing Astrid to visit.”
“Honestly, I’m not doing it to ingratiate myself with you or your brothers, Mark” Tara suddenly turned serious “I did it because I knew Sungjae would do anything to see her and I didn’t want more problems. Things are-“ she hesitated “very complicated right now and I don’t want our families to start fighting again and-” Tara trailed off when she noticed Mark slipping a hand into hers. “And it’s not right for you to hold my hand” she added, without concealing a giddy smile making its way to her lips “The workers can see us and God knows what they’ll think. I don’t want any rumors floating around”
“And you know, I’d do more than just holding your hand,” Mark said leaning closer and closer to Tara.
“Don’t even think about it, Mark” Tara chuckled, her face a mixture of amusement and regret “It’s really not the right time”
“So, you don’t let me send you flowers, you won’t let me thank you for saving my life, Tara-“ Mark inhaled loudly “I’ve been meaning to ask you out-“ Mark could almost hear an excuse escaping from Tara’s lips, so he hurried to place a finger over them “You can’t say no, the only valid answer is a place and a date”
Tara shook her head defeated “Is it supposed to be a date?” She dared to question although she knew very well it was.
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demifiendrsa · 4 years
Ghost of Tsushima – Version 1.1 Update Trailer
Ghost of Tsushima version 1.1 update will launch on October 16 and add the Ghost of Tsushima: Legends cooperative multiplayer mode, New Game+.
Overview via PlayStation Blog:
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■ Ghost of Tsushima: Legends
As we announced in August, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends is a brand new, online cooperative multiplayer experience that will be a free update for all Ghost of Tsushima owners. A classic element of some of our favorite samurai films is warriors standing together, ready to fight as a team. In Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, you can fight side-by-side with your friends, which is such an important part of fulfilling that samurai fantasy in a whole new way. We’re so excited to hear from everyone who teams up with their friends and jumps in.
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Ghost of Tsushima: Legends features two-player story missions and four-player survival missions, as well as a Raid that we’ll release in the weeks following launch. After you’ve downloaded version 1.1 of Ghost of Tsushima, you can visit the PlayStation Store from your PlayStation 4 to download a free unlock for Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, which will allow you to play. Keep in mind that an internet connection and an active PlayStation Plus subscription will be required to play with other players.
Once you have version 1.1, you’ll notice a new character at various towns and locations in Tsushima… Gyozen the Storyteller! He’s heard the rumors about the Ghost of Tsushima, but he has a different perspective about what’s actually happening in his homeland. Gyozen is the author and gatekeeper of the stories you’ll find in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, and when you talk to him, he’ll be happy to share one of his transportative stories about the “Ghosts.”
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Speaking to Gyozen will give you access to the Ghost of Tsushima: Legends lobby, but you can also get there directly from the title menu or the pause menu… or by accepting a PlayStation Network invitation from a friend!
In Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, you’ll be able to pick between one of four classes. Each one has their own unique advantages. When you start Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, after a short tutorial, you’ll choose which class you want to unlock first. As you rank up, you’ll unlock each of the remaining classes.
In addition to each starting with their own unique ability, each class can unlock an alternate ability as you progress, as well as earning class-specific Charms and ranged weapons.
While playing with friends, you can mix and match classes however you’d like, whether that’s a party of four all playing the same class, everyone playing as a different class, or any combination in between.
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Samurai players can run straight toward combat and stay there, sustaining their health while chopping enemies down left and right. When you’re overwhelmed, use the Hachiman’s Fury ultimate attack to slash through enemies in a flurry of strikes.
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As a Hunter, you can stand on the edge of combat and snipe enemies before they even see you. You can also use explosive arrows to slow down groups, and when the combat gets really fierce, the Eye of Uchitsune ultimate attack will unleash multiple arrows straight at your enemies’ heads.
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Ronin players can revive their entire team with the Breath of Izanami ultimate ability. You might play Ronin because you want to help your human friends… or you might do it because the Ronin class is also able to summon a Spirit Dog. (And yes, you can ABSOLUTELY pet your Spirit Dog!)
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If you prefer doing massive damage with a single attack, you’ll love the Assassin. The Shadow Strike ultimate attack will allow you to teleport across the battlefield and directly strike your enemies. If that’s not intimidating enough, wait until you see the terrifying masks the Assassin gets to wear!
Story Missions
Ghost of Tsushima: Legends Story Missions are designed for two players, and take you through Gyozen’s stories about what’s really happening in Tsushima. When you unlock higher difficulties, you’ll face new encounters, tougher enemies, bonus objectives, and greater rewards.
Survival Missions
In Survival, you can team up with three other players to fight off waves of enemies while defending different locations in Tsushima. You and your team can activate blessings to help yourselves, like “ignite enemies” or “summon a Spirit Bear.” The longer you survive and the more bonus objectives you complete, the more rewards you’ll earn!
You’ll need all your skill, top-tier gear, and a great four-player team to be able to survive in Iyo’s realm! The Raid is an epic three-part adventure that will require excellent teamwork and communication to overcome. It will be released in the weeks following the launch of Ghost of Tsushima: Legends.
Other Features
Ghost of Tsushima: Legends also has a few features you’d expect from Ghost of Tsushima. Our robust Photo Mode is still present here (as long as your teammates opt in) and you’ll be able to show off all the new masks, armor, and emotes you’ve earned.
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Legends is packed with new cosmetics, and they’re all unlocked through gameplay without any microtransactions. Looking cool is important, but Ghost of Tsushima: Legends gameplay progression really centers around the gear you’ve equipped and the techniques you’ve unlocked. You’ll be rewarded with increasingly rare and powerful gear as you take on greater challenges, and you’ll unlock new techniques as you gain experience with each class.
We’ve also added some new Trophies for Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, which will appear in a separate section of your Trophy list and do not count toward Ghost of Tsushima’s Platinum Trophy.
■ Ghost of Tsushima Single-Player Campaign Updates
In addition to Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, version 1.1 will include new updates for Ghost of Tsushima’s single-player campaign based on your feedback.
New Game+
If you’ve already beaten Ghost of Tsushima, you’ll find the option to re-embark on Jin’s Journey in New Game+. You’ll start New Game+ from the release to the open world, shortly after Jin’s initial confrontation with the Khan. You’ll keep all of the Techniques, Gear, and Vanity items obtained in a previous playthrough, and difficulty will be increased to provide a new challenge (but you can still adjust it down in the menu).
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You’ll also find yourself with a brand new New Game+ horse, which features a vibrant red mane and unique saddle. There are also new, extremely powerful Charms available that can help Jin unleash devastating attacks and may change the way you play. You’ll also be able to unlock an additional upgrade for your sword, bow, and armor.
We’ve also added some new Trophies for playing Ghost of Tsushima on New Game+, which will appear in a separate section of your Trophy list and do not count toward Ghost of Tsushima’s Platinum Trophy.
—Ghost Flower Merchant
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Exclusively in New Game+, you’ll be able to earn a new type of flower: the Ghost Flower. This new type of flower can only be earned in New Game+, and is accepted by a mysterious new merchant that you’ll find in Ariake. If you complete a Tale or activity and already have the reward, you’ll earn Ghost Flowers in its place, so even if you’ve completed Jin’s journey before, it’s still exciting to explore Tsushima once again to collect as many Ghost Flowers as you can.
You can exchange these flowers for new armor dyes and other vanity gear only found in New Game+, featuring much more elaborate designs than those found in your first playthrough.
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The merchant will also offer an array of powerful new Charms intended to create new combat experiences, empower existing playstyles, and allow you to customize your experience for even greater challenges!
Other Features
Once you’ve installed version 1.1, you’ll now find the option to enable Armor Loadouts, which allow you to assign all Charms and vanity items to each armor set to quickly swap between loadouts to match your playstyle and roleplaying preferences.
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You’ll also find that your total play time is now displayed when you select a saved game file to load, and new options have been added to Photo Mode.
These features will apply to your existing game, or to a New Game + playthrough.
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For the prompt list, maybe ”I'm sorry for asking.” with an s/o that asks to be in a poly relationship with Tenko and Himiko after realizing they're in love with both of them? I think this would be a pretty cute idea. 🥰
Oh my god you're right that is a really cute idea anon! I hope I do it justice. ;v; Sorry if Tenko and/or Himiko are ooc btw, I dont know too, too much about their in-game personalities. This is also probably my longest post so far, so yeah. Lemme know if you want a rewrite! Stay safe!
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S/o confesses to Tenko and Himiko and ask to be in a poly relationship after realizing they're in love with both of them
You had begun talking to Tenko because she had been walking around the school advertising a magic show between classes. She pretty much went up to every person she saw and at least gave them a flyer. When you saw her walking up to you, you were actually kind of excited. You honestly had your eyes on her for the past week or so. She had just. Caught your eye if you're being honest. You weren't entirely sure why. Maybe it was her enthusiasm.. or maybe her beautiful long hair put into those twisted twintails.. or-
"Hey, there's going to be a magic show on Saturday! You should totally come!"
"O-oh.. uhh.. yeah! Yeah, I'll be there!"
"Seriously?! Thank you! Here's a flyer with more info!"
She hands you a flyer that's pretty well made.
'Come see the amazing Himiko preform tonight!'
That was the header of the flyer. The rest was some info about 'The amazing Himiko' and where she was performing. There was also a picture of her in the middle doing a magic trick.
Oh fuck shes actually kinda cute-
What the hell? You thought you were attracted to Tenko?! Welp. The only way to find out if you're actually attracted to 'The amazing Himiko' is to go to her show.
Well.. you were already planning on going, but you know what you mean!
Saturday comes faster than you anticipate, and you already find yourself in the school gymnasium where the magic show was being held. You walk in and see at least a small group of people in some chairs. You take a seat and like the others wait for the show to begin.
After about 5 minutes, the same girl on the flyer appears on a small stage. She gives an introduction speech and the show begins. She actually performs some really cool tricks!
After the show, everyone else leaves, but you figured right now was better than ever to confront Tenko. And now that you knew you seemed to have a crush on this Himiko girl, might as well talk to them both.
So you walk over to them and introduce yourself.
"Uh, hey, my name is y/n. I just wanted to say that that was really impressive!"
"Nyeh? You really think so?"
"Heck yeah!"
After that, you started talking with the two in the halls, going to lunch together, then outside of school, and soon enough, you three would all hang out often.
Tonight was movie night.
You were so excited, you could barely sit still in your seat during your classes. When lunch came, you noticed Tenko wasnt there.
"Hey Himiko, where's Tenko?"
"Nyeh? Oh, she's sick."
Sick? On movie night? Would it be canceled?
You ask Himiko if movie night is canceled, hoping it's not, as it was the only thing you were looking foward to today.
"Well, I thought we should let her get better and reschedule, but Tenko said she was fine, and that if it got worse, she would reschedule."
Oh thank heavens.
After school, you and Himiko walk to Tenko's house together, which is where you three decided to have movie night tonight. You two walk in and see Tenko on her couch, seemingly half asleep.
"Huh..? Oh!"
She immediately jolts up after realizing it's you two.
"Sorry theres no snacks, I'll go get some."
She gets up and slowly walks to the kitchen as you two walk in and close the door. You stop Tenko before she reaches the kitchen.
"You sit down. I'll handle the snacks."
"No buts. You're sick. Now go, sit."
You turn Tenko around and lightly push her towards the couch. She complies and sits down next to Himiko, who begins talking to her. You begin making snacks. Popcorn, some drinks, etc., plus some soup for Tenko. (It was canned, so you weren't sure if it was actually gonna do anything, but the gesture was still there.)
After you're done making snacks, you sit down next to Himiko. You realize Tenko had gotten up. You look around a little trying to see where she went, when you suddenly see Tenko headed straight for you two with a giant blanket. You barely have time to react before Tenko tackles you both, hugging you close.
Tenko begins laughing and you two join her. Once you three get settled in the blanket on the couch, you begin to pick out a movie.
You three decide on watching the classic, A Nightmare On Elm Street. After you three watch that, you kinda just put on a cheesy romance film so you can just relax.
You three end up snuggling up close and falling asleep. Before you fell asleep, you had a thought about how nice this was, and how you wish it could last forever. After you fell asleep, you had an amazing dream where all three of you were just huddled close and sitting peacefully in a field.
Then, Himiko kisses you.
You immediately shoot awake, your face going red. As you begin to calm down, you start to think about it.
You absolutely had feelings for both of them.
You didnt wanna choose between them though...
Was there a way to..?
You doubted it.
But the thought just kept appearing. It had literally been two days and you kept wondering.
Alright, that's enough.
As soon as you got home, you got onto your computer to do some research.
It only takes you a few minutes to find out about polyamorous relationships. You do some deeper digging for about an hour before coming to the conclusion that you think you want to be in a polyamorous relationship with the two people you love the most.
But would they agree on it?
You hoped so, especially since the two had known eachother for longer than you had known them.
You decided to wait until your next hangout to ask them. Luckily, the next hangout was at your house, so you decide to do something special.
You three were supposed to have a study session together and then have a sleepover.
So you decide to add a few things you hope mix all three of your personalities and interests.
You three had given eachother access to each others music playlists, so you decide to take a bunch of songs from all of your playlists and put them into one special playlist. You even add in a few songs that just remind you of the three of you.
You buy some magic supplies that Himiko particularly likes, and you also grab a spare yoga mat you have so you can make some padding for Tenko to practice some of her moves on. You had also added a few things you liked.
You had also decided to buy a little projector that projects a galaxy onto the ceiling as if you were stargazing outside. The galaxy even moved as if it were the real sky! A few shooting stars pop up as well at some points.
And to top it all off, you had bought everyone's favorite snacks.
*Knock, knock, knock*
You answer the door and see two beautiful smiling faces that you adored.
"Come on in!"
You three complete your study session in about three hours, with Himiko almost falling asleep about four times.
At this rate you were afraid Himiko wasnt even gonna stay awake long enough for your confession.
They were also a little shocked by the special playlist.
"Who's music are we gonna play for this session?"
"Well actually, I made a special playlist with a mix of our songs on it, if you'd like to play it."
"Woah, really y/n? Of course we're gonna play it! You worked hard on it afterall!"
You play it, and you find its actually really nice to have a mix of songs you all love.
After that, you three head to your room for the sleepover part of your hangout.
You tell the two about your setup of activities and they both smile.
"Wow y/n, you really did a lot for this hangout!"
"Yeah.. just felt like doing something special today."
"Well me and Himiko really appreciate it!"
Tenko then grabs you and Himiko and hugs the two of you close.
You feel your heart stop and your face grow red.
Oh my god they're sO CUTE-
You three each do separate activities and show off for a few hours while eating snacks. Himiko didnt even seem to be tired, so you hoped she would last until your confession.
After you three show off to eachother, you all lie down and you turn on the little projector, to which you smile.
This is perfect.
"Hey, are you guys still awake?"
"I wanted to ask you guys something really important."
Tenko sits up.
"Yeah of course, what's up?"
Your heart begins racing faster than Usain Bolt and you can feel your face grow as red as an apple, and you are so glad the other two cant see you right now.
"I- er- uh..."
You sit up as well.
"I... like you guys.."
You barely whisper it, but they seem to hear you.
Himiko sits up surprisingly quick and you can see Tenko go wide eyed.
You get up and turn the light on so you can see their faces.
Tenko is indeed wide eyed and her face looks like someone had painted it red.
Himiko is also wide eyed and almost as red as her hair.
"Are.. are you serious y/n?"
"Yes. One hundred percent."
"Well.. I think I like you too. I just never really wanted to acknowledge it.."
"Nyeh.. I uh.. I like you too.."
So that part went well.
Now for the bigger question.
"Do you guys wanna.. be in a polyamorous relationship?"
Both of them seemed to grow confused.
"I'm sorry for asking, that was kinda sudden!"
Tenko gets up and walks towards you.
She has a soft smile on her still flushed face.
"We have no idea what that means y/n."
You sit back down and end up explaining what a polyamorous relationship is, and throughout it you can feel your face get warmer, and you can see the same happening to Himiko and Tenko.
After you're done explaining, the room is silent, but all of you were extremely red.
"I agree."
Tenko said that and you looked up to see her looking at you with the same soft smile.
You loved that smile.
She took both of your hands into hers.
"I really do like- no- love, both of you. I've honestly had a crush on Himiko for the longest time. I just couldn't bring myself to say anything like y/n. But.. now that you're both here, my life truly is complete."
Wow. You had always suspected Tenko had a thing for Himiko.
"Nyeh.. I swear, if you two get any cuter, I'm gonna kiss you."
You turn around to look at Himiko who was smiling.
"I love you both as well."
You're heart flutters at this.
The two people you loved the most were now your lovers.
Lovers. Heh. You never thought this dream would come true.
Himiko did in fact kiss you two, and you both kissed her back. It was really cute, but clearly none of you knew how to kiss.
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Lazerquest - part 4
Alex Turner x Reader
Chapter 4/?
Description: you are an impulsive bartender who recently moved to London after traveling across the United States and living on the road for a few years. You befriend Alex, a musician who recently got out of a long term relationship, and you show him the ways of your free-spirited lifestyle in an attempt to help him move on from his ex. However, you become more of a muse than a friend for Alex and all is revealed when he releases his band’s fourth studio album, “Suck it and See”.
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: none
Tag list (msg me if you would like to be added):
@lolurnotmileskane @imagine-that-100
Updates whenever the heck I please (at least once a week) 
Author’s note: hi friends. This is a sucky chapter because im brain dead from work, but i promise things will pick up soon. Ive got big plans for this bad boy, i just need to figure out how to get there.
“Here she is,” Alex burst, and stopped in front of a beautiful vintage Porsche. Your jaw dropped as he leaned up against the car. It was a beautiful deep green color with tan leather interior, and although it was obviously an old car, it was in pristine condition. 
“Oh my god, Alex, this is yours? Is this a 1969 convertible 911?” You inquired, but you knew the answer. You were a bit of a car geek, and Porsches were some of your favorites. You ran your fingers lightly across the hood in awe, you couldn’t believe you were actually touching such a classic car. Alex had a proud grin on his face.
“Yes ma’am. One of my larger purchases after Favourite Worst Nightmare went platinum. She’s my baby,” Alex beamed, and opened the passenger door for you. “Your chariot awaits, Milady.” 
“Why, thank you Sir,” you imitated Alex’s accent, before stepping into the car. He shut the door behind you and went over to the drivers side.
“I got a brand new sound system put in, it has an auxiliary cord and everything. You can go ahead and hook your phone up to it if you’d like, it’s your adventure so you can pick the music,” Alex said, and handed you a cord. He then turned on the car and shot you a huge grin. You pulled out your brand new IPhone 4 - a going away gift from your best friend back home - and scrolled through Itunes. You settled on another album that reminded you of home: Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Californiacation. As the opening track, Around the World, began playing through the car’s speakers, Alex drove off and out of his apartment complex’s garage. 
“So, where to?” Alex had to yell over the music.
“You know the vintage shop by the place I work?”
“Yeah, the one with all the leather and costumes and shit right?”
“That’s the one!” You chortled. Alex and you exchanged knowing glances before he stepped on the gas and you turned up the music. 
The two of you were speeding through the city, and you thought you looked quite good. Your hair was flowing in the spring breeze, and your leopard fur coat matched the interior of the car perfectly. Alex looked cool as all hell in his oversized aviator sunglasses, and his toned arms resting on the steering wheel of the car made your insides weak. When you’d stop at a traffic light, the people in cars around you would stare and smile at you, and to be honest you liked the attention. You liked being the mysterious girl in a Porsche with Alex Turner. As the 911 pulled up to the vintage shop, you clapped your hands in excitement. 
“I hope you brought your wallet, Turner. We’ve got shopping to do,” you winked at Alex as he opened your door and put a hand out for you to hold onto as you exited the car. What a gentleman.
When you entered the shop, you grabbed Alex’s hand and dragged him towards the huge section of racks containing leather jackets.
“Alright, Al. Remember when I said I knew how to make your outfit perfect? Well here we are. You need a good vintage jacket to match that vintage shirt and vintage car of yours,” you smirked. Alex gave you a massive grin before practically diving into the massive collection of jackets.
“You go look around, Y/N, and I’ll show you the one I choose once I’ve found it. Like some sort of big reveal,” Alex instructed. You ruffled his hair and squeezed his arm before skipping away.
You found yourself in the dress section, like usual, and began digging. Most of them were rather cheesy numbers from the 80’s, but just as you were about to give up and move on, you found a stunning 60’s Mod style dress. It looked like a checkerboard, it was 4 huge grids alternating between black and white. It was a rather stretchy material and was a bit short, which you thought was unusual for the time period, but you knew that it’d just make the dress far more flattering. A huge grin appeared on your face, and you darted to the dressing rooms to try it on.
 Just as you had slipped the dress on, you heard Alex calling your name. You were so eager to see the jacket he had picked out that you didn’t bother to look to see how the dress looked, you opened the curtain to go find Alex. You were surprised to see him waiting for you right outside of your dressing room. Both of your jaws dropped at the sight of each other. Alex looked amazing in his jacket, he had picked a rather worn one in a biker style that looked to be around the 1950’s era. 
“You look like a greaser, Al. Like a modern Danny Zuko or something. It’s fantastic,” you gushed. Alex hadn’t said anything yet, he just looked at you with wide eyes and a little smirk.
“And you look like a modern Twiggy. Absolutely brilliant,” he breathed, before taking a step towards you. He traced the outline of the dress with his large hands, before reaching for the price tag. He was so close you could smell him, this time the sandalwood and cigarette was accompanied by the smell of worn leather. “I’m buying this for you.” 
“Oh no you aren’t, you can buy your own jacket and I’ll buy my own dress. Oh and those SHOES!” you gasped and practically ran to the wall of shoes. You pulled down a pair of chunky soled white go-go boots and squealed when you discovered they were in your size. You put them on right there in the middle of the shop and gave Alex a huge smile. “Thoughts?”
“I don’t think you want to know what I’m thinkin, Love.” Alex’s eyes were glued to you, the corners of his lips curled up into a devious smile. 
You rolled your eyes and gave him a little nudge. “Stop playing, Alex. I’ve got to go take this beauty off, then I want to go look at costume jewelry. Then our day can really start.”
“Be back in a jiffy.”
When you had come out of the dressing room, you found Alex at the front of the shop looking at jewelry. The man behind the counter was showing him a gorgeous yellow diamond choker with a black diamond in the center.
“It’s a 30’s era piece, one of my personal favorites. I think it’d look absolutely lovely on your bird, there,” the man said and nodded towards you and then back at Alex. 
“I think so too, Sir. I’ll take it,” Alex beamed. You blushed when he looked down at you and bit his bottom lip. “And don’t let her pay for those shoes and that dress either, I’ll take care of it.”
You frowned. “Alex, seriously. I can buy my own things.”
“I don’t care, I want to buy them for you.”
“You don’t need to do that for me.”
“Al. I’m being so serious.”
“Do I need to show you my bank statements? Trust me, it’s nothing. Think of it as a little thank you for staying up with me last night.”
“Cut it out and move so I can pay for my shit.”
“Nope. I’m buying them for you.”
“You’re impossible, Al.”
“You love me, Y/N/N.”
Once Alex and you had returned to the car, he took the necklace out of the bag and instructed you to turn around. He wrapped it around your neck and gently moved your hair out of his way so he could fasten it. Once it was on, he turned you back around, and fixed your hair. He was still wearing his new jacket, and you took the moment to admire how good he looked. Neither of you spoke, he just stood there with his hand on your shoulders, smiling down at you. You could feel your cheeks turning pink as the two of you locked gazes. After what felt like an eternity of blissful silence, he chuckled and shook his head.
“You’re an interesting one, you.” He muttered as he opened the door of his car for you. “So, where to next?”
“Not sure. Just travel East till you reach the water. I want to go for a swim,” You hummed. 
Alex looked at you, rather amused, before starting the car. “I know just the place.”
By afternoon time, both you and Alex had shed your coats and were driving down a windy, narrow, road, soaking in the sunshine. You had taken off your shoes and your seat belt so you could lounge your legs up on the dash and look up at the sky above you. Alex had put on Room on Fire by The Strokes, and the two of you sang along as you sped towards the beach. He had one arm draped over the steering wheel, the other alternating between playing chords on the air guitar and messing with your hair. 
When the two of you made it to the beach, it was nearly sundown. Alex had taken you to a small village perched on a cliff above a large and sandy seashore, and the two of you parked on a small bluff before hiking down towards the water.
“You know, you said you wanted to swim, but neither of us have swimwear,” Alex called after as you ran down the bluff and onto the beach. You didn’t answer him, though, you just turned to face him and took off your top. Alex was extremely taken-back by what you had just done at first, but when you continued to slip off your shorts and skip down the beach, he caught on and took off his own shirt and jeans. You were quite a bit closer to the water than him when he had done so, but just before you were about to stick your toes in the cold water, a pair of muscular arms wrapped around your waist and lifted you off the ground.
You let out a little shriek as Alex threw you over his shoulders. He adjusted his arm around your thigh, and began walking deeper into the water.
While helpless in the arms of the musician, you couldn’t help but notice his boxers. “Nice dino undies, Al. Very badass of you.” You gave him a playful slap on the bum and he slightly tightened his grip on your legs.
“Well I’m sorry that I didn’t expect to be getting naked in public today, Y/N. Not all of us can wear an Agent Provacateur set on some random Tuesday.”
You knew Alex was referring to the undergarments you had chosen this morning, and you laughed. Sure, it was a black and lacy number and looked a bit fancy, but it definitely wasn’t Agent Provacateur. “For your information, Al, I got this at Target. And watch your mouth, Buddy, I’m not some slut that just expects to end the night in her bra and undies. I just like to feel put-together.”
“Oh, trust me Y/N, I’m not complaining,” Alex smirked. He was now waist deep in the waves, and still had you on his shoulders. He shifted you down so he was carrying you bridal style, and grinned at you before biting his lip. “Now are you ready to get wet?”
You smirked to yourself a bit. If you had held my thighs like that any longer, Turner, you wouldn’t have had to put me in the water for that to happen.
“Ready as I’ll ever be, Alex,” you laughed. When he told you to hold your breath you did, and at that he tossed you into the water. The cold of the ocean bit you the moment you hit the wave’s surface, and you gasped in shock. 
“Jesus it’s cold,” you shrilled. Alex laughed hysterically as you tried to climb on him and out of the water, still shaking due to its temperature. He pushed you off of him, and when an exceptionally large wave came your way he completely submersed himself under it. 
“Bloody hell, you’re right. Fucking freezing.” He yelled as his head popped out from the white caps surrounding the two of you. “Why’d you want to do this, Y/N?”
“Well, you’re having fun, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am!”
“Well then there you go, my plan worked out  perfectly,” you beamed. The late afternoon sun gave Alex a golden tint, and with the combination of his wet curls and the waves surrounding him, you thought he looked something like a Greek god. The thought made you let out a breathy laugh, which caused Alex to scrunch his nose at you. 
“Making fun of my Dinosaur boxers again, Y/N?”
You faked a gasp and put a hand over your chest dramatically. “I would never!”
“Then why are you staring, Love?” 
“Just trying to figure out how I can get you back under the water,” you sniggered. Alex began swimming away from you, so you chased after him and when you were close enough you put your arms around his neck. “Gotcha!”
“Oh, do you know?” Alex chuckled, and hooked his hands under your armpits. He lifted you all the way up and out of the water, causing you to giggle like a schoolgirl. When he put you back into the water, you wrapped your legs around his torso and placed your hands on either side of his face. Alex pressed his forehead to yours, and you looked into each other’s eyes.
The two of you were so close you felt like you could feel the atoms between you, and a massive smile painted itself across your face. 
“You’ve got gorgeous eyes, Y/N,” Alex whispered, just barely loud enough for you to hear over the roaring of the ocean. His comment caused your cheeks to turn as pink as the sunset behind you. 
“As do you, Alex.” The two of you were still wrapped in each other’s arms, forehead to forehead and nose to nose. “Now, take me back to shore before it gets too dark. We’ve still got items left on our agenda.”
Alex furrowed his brows before turning around and allowing you to climb on his back. “What more could you possibly have in store for us, Y/N.”
“You’ll see.”
“You know, being with you is like constantly getting left on a cliffhanger.”
“I like that, Al.”
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Never Going Anywhere Again - A.K.A. The Engagement Fic - Alistair x Wallace
A/N: I've finally got it down! It took me forever because I wanted it to be perfect, and I am very, very happy with this one. Sorry if it has any technical mistakes though, I get a bit giddy reading it and may have skipped over some stuff in my excitement, haha. For those that haven't seen, my pinned post is the official announcement for this, and I'll be adding this fic to it, so go check that out as well for more details. As always, I hope you all enjoy! I know I'm over the moon over this :)
Warnings: Discussions of marriage? Obviously. If you need anything tagged that I didn't cover let me know!
Tagging: @sacredempressnatlyia @imagine-your-love-story @shinypeony (if anyone else would like to be tagged in future works, let me know, or if you would no longer like to be tagged, let me know!)
"I'm glad you're taking the chance to get out. How are the negotiations with Nevarra going?" I walked alongside Alistair as we made our way out to the castle gardens. It was difficult to maintain an air of professionalism with him, especially when he was finally taking a break from his responsibilities, but I certainly wasn't about to risk our secret by slipping up.
"Decently. I was actually hoping to ask for your input, would you mind if I ran something by you this evening?" It wasn't hard to tell that it was difficult for him, too.
"You need only ask. And what about the new recruits for the king's guard? I heard there were quite a few of them, do you have any idea how that's going?"
"I was actually meaning to ask, do think there's any way you could get out to the training yard in the next couple of days, show them a thing or two? Last I heard, they could use some help."
"Of course, I'd be happy to. I'll set aside a day for it."
"Thank you. Your help is invaluable."
Being me, of course the compliment threw me off, and I did my best to deflect it in an attempt to shake off my embarrassment, "It's good that you're getting out for a bit, staying holed up inside that castle for too long isn't good for you."
He sighed softly, "I know. I would more if I could."
I immediately regretted my comment. The last thing he needed was me pointing out his lack of freedom, "I'm sorry to have-"
"No, it's alright. You're the one that helps me get out, after all. I should be thanking you for that."
"You thank me far too much-" We'd had this conversation a million times - he'd tell me how he couldn't do this without me, and I'd tell him all the reasons that wasn't true. This time, before I could even begin, he grabbed my hand and entwined his fingers with mine.
"Um, Alistair?" I was extremely confused. We weren't even close to being clear of the public eye yet, anyone could stumble upon and see us - and this was something we most certainly never did in public.
"Humor me?" On any other day I would have shrugged him off, told him he could hold my hand later, but there was something about the way his voice begged and his eyes pleaded with me that had me caving.
"Fine, but I don't want to have to be the one making excuses if we get caught!"
He sighed heavily, "I don't want to make excuses."
"It's your idea! It's only fair that you be the one to handle it!"
"That's not what I- never mind. Come on, there's something I wanted to show you." I ignored his deflection, I did it all the time after all, and followed after him anxiously as he dragged me along, constantly looking around for anyone that could spot our careless mistake.
The farther out from the main building we got, the more I relaxed, but the further we walked through the garden, the more perplexed I became. I knew that look on his face well enough to know that he was on a mission, and had a destination in mind. It's a good look on him. Still, I couldn't fathom what he was so determined to show me.
Until we rounded the corner into a secluded area of the rose garden. This wasn't an area I visit often, but I appreciate it's beauty nonetheless - surrounded by tall hedges, it makes a beautiful sanctuary for any weary soul, and the stone bench in its center is beautifully engraved with classic Ferelden designs. However, my curiosity was peaked by the vase sitting on top of it, filled with... blue roses?
"Al, what is this?"
"Blue roses? I had the gardeners cut and dye some of the best ones that came in, I thought you'd enjoy a mix of two of your favorite things. You do, don't you?"
"Of course I do, they're magnificent! But why? That sounds like a bit of trouble all for no reason!" I was absolutely floored by the gesture. Dyed flowers have always been a rare commodity in Ferelden, typically more of an Orlesian practice. I couldn't understand why he'd go to such lengths.
"It's not for no reason. I-" He stopped and sighed once more, finally letting go of my hand, electing to pace for a moment. I gave him the time, recognizing that he needed to collect his thoughts, even though my curiosity was burning.
In time, he grabbed one of the roses, and held it out to me timidly. I took it, gently, and let him lead me to sit down on the bench with him.
With a deep breath, he began, "I told you earlier I don't want to make excuses anymore. That's true. I really, really don't. I'd like to hold your hand in public, and not be terrified of the repercussions. Every time I have to call you 'my dear friend and wartime companion' I feel near sick to my stomach. It doesn't feel right, hiding you. Every day, I wake up, grateful to have you with me, and then immediately bitter that there are conditions to having you here. I just... I can't do this like this anymore."
My throat ran dry then. I was starting to have some idea of where this was going, but the hope was almost unbearable. I didn't want to believe. "So what are you trying to say?"
"I know why we do this this way. It's all for good reason, and in so many ways, I'm so glad we've had this time away from all the judgement. But the agony isn't worth it anymore. I couldn't do any of this without you - stop it with that look right now - you are quite literally invaluable to both the running of this country and my sanity. I run everything I do by you. You have a more personal relationship with the common people than I've been allowed in years, you help them, just because you can. You're extraordinary, and you deserve recognition for your part. Darling, I-"
He stopped for just a moment, shifting off of the bench and onto his knee on front of me, grabbing my hand again, "What I mean to say is I want to be honest with the world, and I want you to be the Queen of Ferelden. I want you to marry me."
It was all I could do to keep my composure to press my hand, still holding a rose, to my chest, and to squeeze my eyes closed, tightly. I wasn't sure what my raw reaction would be if I didn't, but I knew it was the only thing I could do to keep it contained.
I heard his voice even more clearly when he spoke again, like the only sense that was turned on was my hearing, "No pressure, of course, if that's not what you want, I know it's a lot, and I know you see me terribly upset over my position every day, so I'm sure it doesn't exactly sound appealing, but I just think that together-" His words faded with the sound of my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.
What is he thinking this will be a disaster this can't happen oh by the Maker what is he-
"Yes, Al."
"Yes, Alistair. My answer is yes. I'll marry you."
I opened my eyes then, and his slack-jawed look was almost enough to have me laughing, had I not been shaking uncontrollably.
"Yeah, Al. I don't want to hide you anymore either." I spoke in a whisper.
It was his laugh that broke the silence, joyful, and perhaps my favorite sound in the world. I almost didn't register it when he swept me into a hug. I didn't really know what else to do other than cling to him like a lifeline.
"So I got this right then? I did it right?"
My laugh was weak, "Yes, love, this was perfect."
He pulled away, pressing his forehead to mine, "You're sure? You really want this?"
Despite my shock, all I could think was that this seemed so obvious. We had been through so much, where else was there to go from here? I knew it would be hard, of course, but for him? I was quite sure I could brave just about anything.
"Yeah. I'm never going anywhere ever again."
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