#but one of my fav things is how all of the ace attorney characters are somewhat flawed
cowboysmp3 · 1 year
genuinely one of my favourite things about edgeworth is how morally ambigious he is in AA1. I love the ambiguity on wether or not he used falsified/illegal evidence during his earlier years (which gets a little ruined in the Lana Skye case but alas), I love that it is SHOWN how he pressures witnesses into saying what he wants, leaving out vital information, updating court information in his favour etc etc like its SO interesting!! And its all driven by a personal desire to win!! yes he hates criminals yes he wants to use the law in a rightful way but on many levels he is blinded by that desire and doesnt really take any time to doubt his own judgement or the system he is working for!! he just believes he is right!!! its FASCINATING to see and on a lot of levels you can be sympathetic to how he ended up that way, but when typically the people he is sentencing end up on death row, it makes his potential mistakes much much much heavier.
there is 5 years of people he potentially wrongfully sentences to death because of his flawed belief that he simply Cannot Be Wrong. and thats CRAZY!! it makes his redemption and desire to change even more compelling!! he is allowed wallow (run away for a year) but even more so he is allowed improve and move on, he is not condemmned forever, and instead makes intentional moves to improve himself and the system he works under! i love u miles edgeworth
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You know sometimes i like using my tumblr as like a brain rot bank? Like a time capsule for thoughts and opinion that cater to no one but everyone is welcome to enjoy and partake. And today i'll be doing just that because i have finally finished The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. If you've been following me for a while you know that this is lowkey monumental because (a) it means that i have officially played all Ace Attorney games, and (b) i have been struggling to finish these two games since their bundled release three years ago. So, i just wanted to share some general thoughts, some tier lists, and feel free to let me know what you think if you read what i have to say!
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Ok so, my main takeaway from playing the two games is that... Dr Courtney Sithe is a bad bitch deserving of the same praise as Franziska, Lana Skye, Justine Courtney, Dee Vasquez and Calisto Yew. I genuinely love her so much. Miss Buttplug Hair got her PhD in being a girlboss and i'm so upset she was only in one case. For such a cool character with an amazing design, she was criminally underdeveloped. Same goes for my other fav, Rei Membani. Soon as it was mentioned that Professor Mikotoba and Judge Jigoku were on their way to the UK, i was one hundred percent sure she'd accompany them, and i was ultimately disappointed. To have her right next to Susato on the game's cover art and give her such an amazing takedown of Raiten Menimemo... and then just not have her be anywhere else was such a shame. I need more Dr Sithe and Rei !
The rest of the games' characters were a bit of a mixed bag with some obvious (and some unexpected) stand-outs. Here's my tier list:
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The biggest surprise that came when i was making this is how high i placed Herlock. I started off hating him so much and then he just suddenly grew on me so quickly, i hadn't even noticed. One of my favourites for sure.
I think we can all collectively agree that we have, at some point in our lives, embodied Pop Windibank... poor guy...
I don't know what Kazuma's deal is. He starts off as Ryunosuke's Mia Fey before um... just becoming a jerk? Why does he have beef with his best friend who was literally mourning him for almost a year? Can't lie though, the bitch looks hot in his white uniform.
Some of the jurors made a bigger impression than actual characters/ witnesses, just by having cool designs. Mainly the green lady, who rightfully earned her spot in the third tier after i found out she's supposed to be a reincarnation of the teacher from PLvsPW !
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Eggert Benedict or whatever the fuck that rich breakdancing asshole is called, cannot be a final villain i'm sorry. Seriously, what were they thinking?
The two redheads are such a shameless rip-off of the Skulkins. Two ruffians taking the witness stand for the game's climax AGAIN !? And during the credits, they pose in their prison cell with "Gossip" in the middle the exact same way Eggert and the Skulkins did in the credits of Adventures, like no thank you.
I love how my overall bottom 3 are an annoying str*ight couple and a child.
If Stronghart wasn't in the second (very coveted) tier, he'd be in the bottom of 'like !' because he was ok. It's blatantly obvious he's the big bad from the second he's introduced but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Also, i need him and Damon Gant to have a fat titty bounce-off.
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Moving on to criticisms, i can't help but feel like the fact that Shu Takumi decided to split his original script into two games only served to hurt the entire project. Because, for starters, each game has a different feel and the two don't match. Adventures is reminiscent of PLvsPW, Takumi's whimsical and eccentric love letter to the UK that hinges heavily on exposition. Resolve, on the other hand, is a bit of a mix between its predecessor and traditional Ace Attorney, its cases focusing more on driving the narrative to its conclusion rather than experimenting on the classic formula (as with the first game). It also echoes aspects of the first Investigations, bringing in diplomatic immunity, international relations, "tracking down and going against the head of the evil organisation" (the Reaper storyline is very similar to the Yatagarasu one). Personally the two vibes don't mesh, even when Resolve tries to latch onto Adventures with Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro, for example.
Then, the pacing in both games is all over the place. Adventures is just so unreasonably and unashamedly long-winded and slow, it's the reason it took me literally three years to get into it. The game repeats the same lines of dialogue again and again until they're made painfully clear, subsequently making the player (or at least me) feel like an idiot who needs to read the same thing 13 times in order to get it. This, coupled with the fact that actual gameplay was almost nowhere to be seen and that progression in the courtroom almost always relied on not pointing out inconsistencies but pressing the witnesses adjacent to the one testifying, made the game such a slog to get through. And once the game started to pick up, it was over before i even knew it and in a very unceremonious fashion no less. In comparison, Resolve is very streamlined, albeit a bit too fast-paced. With the exception of Memoirs, which felt like shameless filler, it's clear that they wanted to waste zero time and crammed so much stuff into the episodes, to the point where it became difficult to keep track of everything going on. Because, keep in mind, the second game was tasked with tying up all the loose threads from the first one.
This leads to my final criticism regarding the split: inconsistencies and unresolved mysteries. I think it reads as careless writing when questions keep sprouting everywhere and their answers are reserved for the final two episodes of the second game. Even Unspeakable, a final case, introduces mysteries tied to the overarching narrative just for them to be shelved until Twisted Karma, leaving the player with a sense of dissatisfaction when the game ends. Not only is it frustrating to keep track of all the unsolved mysteries, a chore which good writing would not expect from the player, but it also has you questioning whether or not some of them will get answered at all. Why was the selection of jurors obviously rigged? Why did Van Zieks stop appearing in court five years prior? Where did he lose his gun in Twisted Karma? Why didn't Stronghart assassinate Madame Tusspells as well? Why is Kazuma fully exonerated after admitting to his involvement in the assassin exchange? I grouped the unresolved mysteries with inconsistencies as one problem because the latter is a result of the former. The majority of mysteries spills over from the first game to the second, giving way to different phrasing, details getting glossed over and the plot's consequences getting ignored. There's a very apparent shift in Gregson's character, for example, going from uncooperative and rigid in Adventures to more forgiving and helpful in Resolve, all the while his misconduct from Unspeakable is seemingly forgotten and met with zero ramifications. There's also the government's secret message about the assassin exchange Herlock deciphered at the end of the first game, which sets up the second game nicely but then doesn't get mentioned until the very last day in court. Like, come on now. It feels like Resolve continues Adventures' story without wanting to acknowledge it because, in the grand scheme of things, McGilded and Eggert Benedict seem to not matter at all. And then there's Memoirs, which... Inconsistency City, honestly. This episode's lack of impact on the overall story allowed it to be literally anything else. It's such a bizarre choice to have it be something which only achieves in taking away from the first Clouded Kokoro case! Like ok, i can get behind it being a case no one wanted to talk about so it didn't make the first game. I can turn a blind eye to the inconsistent character development and timeline, whatever. But it absolutely drives me nuts that, for an Ace Attorney game where the murders are explained in full detail, they couldn't stay consistent with the direction Olive Green was walking in. Hate. Loathe. Get it away from me.
That pretty much covers it in terms of complaints, because otherwise i enjoyed my playthrough quite a bit actually. I know i've just spent like 3 mega-sized paragraphs complaining but the games have great elements as well. The Deduction dances are easily the best thing about the gameplay, especially when you didn't see them coming. They were so much fun to play, very animated and cartoony with amazing banter, and effortlessly accelerated the investigation segments. Equally, i loved Judicial Findings. Undoubtedly my favourite part of the courtroom sections and a welcome change of pace. I tended to stall a lot because the jury's music fucks so hard. While on the topic of what i liked, Ryunosuke and Susato's chemistry rivals what Phoenix and Maya have going on. Susato leaving at the end of Adventures was a genuinely effective point in the plot, even though i knew she'd be back.
Now, let's take a closer look at the episodes. Here's my overall tier list of all Ace Attorney cases, the Great Ace Attorney ones being highlighted in yellow:
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Blossoming Attorney gobbled the rest of the girls right up (a court-only episode, no less). They gave us Susato gameplay, what more can you ask for? An amazing case. Gay Women in STEM !!
Return kinda strikes a nice balance between the different feels of the two games i mentioned before. You've got exposition and world-building with the whole Great Exhibition, turn of the century mad science thing, but also classic Ace Attorney with tracking down Drebber (very Matt Engarde's apartment) and Madame Tusspells as just some witness (very Lisa Basil). A very fun case right before the clusterfuck of mysteries ensues. Also, Dr Courtney Sithe !!!!! Girl you're such a star and you don't even know it spit in my mouth
Was tempted to put Unspeakable in the second tier but i think it's earned its high placement on its own merit and not because of personal bias. It's a great case. Maybe not for a final one, but it's still great. It tries its hardest to tie up some loose ends before the game ends and that's worth something.
Resolve of Ryunosuke is objectively better than Twisted because i could not give less of a fuck about the purple guy's headache and Espella Cantabella selling firecrackers, but they're both very much one single package. Extra points to Resolve of Ryunosuke though for having its villain sit at the judge's seat. That was neat.
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The two Clouded Kokoros are giving stinky Bri ish culture with the whole apartment building background, like Ribena, bad teeth, rusty Union Jack, horseshit breath at the pub, you awrite luv? Slander, i'm sorry.
Slightly unrelated but when i was making this tier list it became so obvious that Investigations 2 is the crown jewel of the franchise. Like it has two cases in the top 5, how can you even argue against that?
Arriving to a conclusion, i'd say both games belong on the same level as Apollo Justice: a blend of good and bad. My experience playing the Ace Attorney franchise has followed this trend of attaching each game to a pivotal moment in my life. I finished the first game while i was still a soldier, Justice for All during my first year at university, Dual Destinies during Covid lockdown, Investigations while helping my parents set up their shop one summer. So i know i'll look back at playing The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles right after handing my dissertation very fondly. In other words, despite not quite sticking the landing, it's left a very pleasant aftertaste. Thank you for reading!
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ilovemyqueerattorneys · 4 months
So, I really like the whole franchise, despite T&T being my favourite game ( Very common opinion, I know). Investigations 2 and The Great Ace Attorney 2 are my other favourites ( Also very common opinion).
However, I really enjoy Apollo Justice and I do believe it might be my fourth or fifth favourite , pretty much equal to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney to me ( I’m aware THIS one isn’t a popular opinion at all). AJ soundtrack just slaps, it’s my favourite alongside TGAA2, the character designs are great and Apollo is my favourite defense attorney. I love Ema and Trucy too, and I really like Klavier, he’s refreshing. First and final cases are excellent to me, I really like them, but the middle ones are why the game isn’t higher in my ranking.
Now, I’m just curious as to how you feel about the AJ game.
** the last two options are for people who absolutely adore some aspects of the game but don’t have it as a favourite!
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guess what. I want to draw cute outfits I have beef with design decisions again. And again, I do not have any other arguments besides "I don't think the outfit is pretty."
Oh, wait, l actually have one more this time. the vibes just ain't it. Athena's design doesn't feel ace attorney. If anything, the OG design had a feel of a pokemon character design, and it clashed with how Phoenix and Apollo look. And I don't like that personally.
So those are just some ideas I came up with.
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I think this design had nice elements, which just don't work together. I tried to keep the sci-fi thing Athena has going on in her design, and keep the vibes consistent. But really, that all was done just to draw pretty outfits. Yeah.
I like the first one the best, and it has been my fav since the begining, but I also wanted to try to make the other individual elements work (like the skirt, tie and the short jacket thing), but I think one ended up being way too profesional for Athena, and the other is just not profesional enough (and colours just aren't giving)
The funny thing is that I grew fond of the original design while working on that.
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Have you, like me, been submitting your favs to every poll you see only to pretty much never get in because you're, like, the only one to nominate them? If yes, then you've come to the right place!
This tournament is for underrated characters & ships (they will be separate polls within this blog) that you really want to have a chance but they just can't against the Doctor Who's and Critical Roll's of the world, all you need to do is submit them in one of the attached forms which you will choose based on what you want to submit. After that, when we've either reached the week mark or rounded up an appropriately daunting amount of submissions, whichever comes first, we will have prelims which will probably be the longest lasting round. All and I mean all submitted favs will be in the prelims pretty much no exceptions unless they break the rules. Speaking of!
~The Rules~
(sorry they're so long)
• While the media the favs come from doesn't necessarily have to be underrated the fav has to be. For example Ace Attorney in it of itself wouldn't be underrated but characters could be, you could theoretically submit Ron DeLite and have him get in but you couldn't necessarily submit Edgeworth and have him get in.
• That being said I will make some caveats for things from super popular media like Star Wars for example because while a character could be underrated when somethings that popular its bound to have a ton of people know it no matter how underrated or obscure, I may be swayed with some convincing but don't get your hopes up.
• Some things I will inevitably have to ask about, because while some things are super popular I inevitably will not know something, so if I ask about something that should be common knowledge please don't make fun of me.
• Harry Potter isn't allowed here both due to the super popular media clause and also because I'm trans and don't want to worry about that stuff in my silly little tumblr tournament.
• Don't go ham on threats no matter how joking please.
• I am one person and also I've never done a tournament before and therefore know practically nothing about setting up brackets, please take this into account if you want to criticize however I end up doing it.
• Feel free to send propaganda in my asks! Also please tag me in it! Reading propaganda is my favorite part of other tournaments!
Additional notes - Macaque, Sun Wukong, MK, Mei, and Red Son from Lego Monkie Kid are all confirmed entrants as is Sebastian Debeste from Ace Attorney.
Confirmed ships are Shadowpeach, Spicynoodles, and Chimera also from Lego Monkie Kid if you want to submit other characters and ships from Lego Monkie Kid go right ahead!
Mod is @melodemonica
Character Form
Ship Form
Since a lot of other blogs seem to tag other blogs for reach I'm just gonna tag my favorites - @powerpolyculeshowdown @autismswagsummit @angerissuescompeticion @i-need-to-fuck-that-old-man @qpr-competition
tags are in order: underrated adversaries - main tag/for character polls, adversarial relationships - tag for ship polls, olly commentary - pretty self explanatory just olly's (the mod's) commentary, underrated advertisements - propaganda tag, askversaries - ask tag, alternate adversaries - other polls
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darklight-owl · 9 months
Owl Reviews Stuff She Just Finished: Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright
So yk I didn't know what to expect going into this game, I'd seen really funny dialogue of it and mostly got it because I was extremely hyperfixated on Layton. But I did NOT expect such an emotional rollercoaster of a game with themes that tie into both Professor Layton and Ace Attorney and utilizes the strengths of each series so efficiently. I did not expect this game to make me cry. I did not expect this game to become one of my favorite Professor Layton AND Ace Attorney titles. But it did so I have to talk about it.
With two successful IPs on the cover this game could have easily been halfassed but every corner of it is full of passion for both titles. I mentioned before how they build off and complement each other and I think that's a result of the people working on this game having an in-depth knowledge of what makes PL and AA work and what their shortcomings are.
For example (I mentioned this in the liveblogs but may as well repeat myself here) Ace Attorney games are often limited to just the courtroom and investigation, not to mention you're not going to see 90% of the characters ever again after the case is done. This is serviceable for the kind of game AA is but it makes the world itself feel a bit uninteresting. However Professor Layton games have you confined to one town and make you explore it in depth, with recurring background characters who all have different (yet basic) personalities. Because of this, the Layton segments where you walk around town become crucial parts of the game where you can interact with future or past witnesses as they go about their lives, making these witch trials feel like they're taking part within an actual community, which make the emotional beats in the trials hit REALLY hard.
In turn, AA strengthens PL by adding variety. Layton games can be a bit monotonous if you're not engaged since the gameplay mostly consists of talking to people and solving an occassional puzzle, and there's a lack of interesting smaller mysteries to keep the audience engaged while they work on solving the bigger ones. But Ace Attorney games thrive on side stories, they're what make the trials so interesting! So by adding the smaller mysteries in the form of witch trials and mixing in clues about what the Hell is going on in Laberynthia you make a much more dynamic story that never feels like you're getting nowhere.
Enough about story structure and nerd stuff like that though, let's talk characters!
I love the main four and have always loved the main four so I'm not gonna talk abt them. The original characters for this game were freaking amazing. I see a lot of people really dislike Espella (which is understandable since she's probably the weakest of the cast) but she's pretty alright imo. She's going through a lot of things with the entire town despising her and [SPOILERS] so it makes sense why she would act the way she does, even then I feel like most heartfelt moments with her were a bit forced, which kind of lessens the impact of the last scene. I LOVE the relationship between her and [ANOTHER SPOILER] as well as the dynamic she has with Maya though.
I LOVE BARNHAM. He's one of my favorite prosecutors, he may not have any deep angst or trauma like so many of my favs do, but he's just a well meaning dude who thinks he's doing what he needs to to protect his town, even if it means casting wiitches into the flames. He also goes through a little character arc of his own where he also starts to bend the rules, the only laberynthian to do so. It's fun. Barnham is my best friend.
Unfortunately I can't talk about Darklaw or The Storyteller without getting into spoilers but basically: I love Darklaw and think she deserves the world, I'm on the fence about The Storyteller and feel like parts of his character were extremely rushed.
The secondary characters are also great, you have your classic goofy witnesses but also some really heartfelt characters and relationships in the trials, this is nothing new for Ace Attorney but when you include the conscious knowledge that these characters are going to be cast into the fire then these mini stories are enough to move me to tears (Looking at you, Golden Court).
Anyway, overall a fantastic experience that caught me completely off guard. No notes. I give it 10 burning witches out of 10.
Oh. And also:
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formleadsfunction · 5 months
Five Ships for Five Fandoms
tagged by @romanticslimecreature - thank you!
in no particular order:
Shi-Long Lang & Shih-na (Ace Attorney) - one of my all-time faves :] Very much not in a romantic way, but that's just kinda par for the course with me, so whatever. I just love how absolutely in synch they were. The trust, the relying on each other. The betrayal. One of the fav fics I wrote over the past few years was the one where she showed up with a bullet wound at his place bc she had nowhere else to go even post-game events. Plus, I just love spies.
SAYER & Sven/Hale (SAYER podcast) - also non-romantic, I don't think I like this much as a romantic ship, I'm very much a queerplatonic girly for this, but the fraught thing of Identity Issues and (re-)learning who you are across both characters, prompted and inspired by each other - very tasty
The Chime polycule + Orth Godlove + Ibex (Friends at the Table COUNTER/Weight) - listen. Hear me out. I know this sounds absurd/leaves open a couple of questions re: relationship constellation. To the latter I say: yes. In general I say: Please consider they're all everything to me
queerplatonic Warren Kepler & Alana Maxwell & Daniel Jacobi mess (Wolf 359) - I'll never be over the SI-5. I'll never stop thinking about how they kind of trusted each other more than the group of the Good Guys did. And how badly this ended despite and because of that fact
Orange Cassidy/Adam Cole (professional wrestling) - I'm struggling bc I neither ship a whole lot nor am I super invested in many things atm (I could have listed 5 fatt ships tho), so I'm afraid I gotta add one wrestling pairing here after all. In my mind, my touch averse!Cole/Orange agenda lives on
uhhhh I am tagginggg... this is hard too bc I hardly have followers/mutuals now kdksid - @chetungwan, @kalgalen, @sybilius, @zigzagzoom94, @pepsi-maxwell, @eclecticopposition
only if you guys want, obviously
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total-yuri · 11 months
i think one of my favourite things about total drama is how fandom-able it is. for one, it’s incredibly accessible which i think is really truly great :3 with all the episodes being available on youtube and elsewhere. the vast majority of the characters are very likeable…. the blorbos…. and another thing is that it is one of those cartoons where its like so amazing and so terrible simultaneously which i think lends itself really well to people making AU’s, canon rewrites where their favs win, headcanons, etc. idk i judt think its really fun :^) and along with ace attorney its been my longest standing hyperfixation for a whiileeee. lastly id say that the wide range of content (8 seasons and multiple spinoffs!!! i believe so anyways i might be forgetting something) does not let me be bored!! i get bored of non stop consuming content about tdwt??? ridonculous race time? yknow. anyways i am glad to now have a blog where i can talk about how much total drama means to me teehee.
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alexbutrandomthoughts · 5 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "alexbutrandomthoughts "?
"I was screaming your name through the radio" by ElectricSplatter a must-read for all soukoku fans, this shit is so good i reread it 20 times at least.
It's basically bsd retelling but they're all singers and it's focused on soukoku. Honestly writing is immaculate and i like the way it was told, format wise, like how we jump back in forth from present to past, and overall it has everything you could want from a story. I have this one saved on my phone and i reread my favorite chapters from time to time
"Time Speaks" by SmallMoon333 do not get fooled by that unassuming title, this fic made me physically incapable of reading any other Lawlight fic, bc this one is just too good. It's akin to trying a high quality steak and unable to eat any other meat anymore bc you know how heaven tastes (i obviously read other fics, they're pretty good too, but this one is just my personal favorite especially the characterization is so fucking good it's crazy)
"Electric touch" by bejeweledhaze okay so you know the feeling when you need something very specific, you go to store, and the stars align perfectly so you find that thing, just what you need it, almost feels like custom made. That's this fic.
So when Kaveh fans died (myself included) after that one official art with Kaveh as a mechanic, i just needed to fill the whole in my chest, after saving every single Mechanic Kaveh fanart known to men. I decided check out the tag, but i didn't really expect much, i mean it's been like what? Couple days since the official art was dropped. Sure there is probably couple of fics but not something i would like, right? Bejeweledhaze said "lemme cook" and turns out they were Gordon Ramsey in disguise. One chapter, 33k words of pure and unfiltered masterpiece.
"School watches Assassination Classroom" by TheSteinsGateFormula so I'm a sucker characters react to their show fics. What of it.
Yeah there are not many reaction fics that i like cuz personal preferences. But THISSSSSSSSSSSS ugh so good. And very much in character and i loved from start to finish.
"MSBY4's Lockdown Survival Guide" by mintberries
Okay so this was just good vibes. Social media aus fics for me is what Isekai is for Gigguk (but I'm also isekai trash person, their just fun) and this is ALSO a covid19 au???? With my favorite team????? This appeased my sakuatsu craving soul and it was just dumbasses having fun.
"Duo Heroes, Double Black" by Yellow_Canna
It's bsd&mha crossover and it's beast!soukoku isekai/sorta reincarnation/technically regression do i need to say more
"No Water Is Enough" by Boomchick
Hualian angst, my favorite type of angst. It's sorta memory loss and i knew the suffering would be glorious once Hua Cheng remembered and it did not disappoint
"Pick-Up and Chase" by SKayLanphear was laughing my ass off with this fic. Marinette just constantly flirting with Adrien as herself and as Ladybug was a wild and hilarious ride
"one step at a time" by OuterWilde (foreverraugust)
Honestly, this was just good old slice of life and overall nice fic. I was obsessed with Ace Attorney at the time, and well with all the crazy shit that was happening in the games, this was a nice break from it.
"A Century Between Us" by Dulllull dead ass my favorite jjk fic. It's not finished, not by a long shot but it's so GOOOOD SHIT SLAPS SO HARD and well it's reincarnation fic how can i not love it and written so WELLLLL PLEASE READ THIS IT'S VERY AAAAAAAAAAA-
As for my name, originally i migrated from Twitter cuz fuck Elon, and had another blog which had my name and this was a side blog for me to scream about my hyperfixations, whichever i would have at the time and i ended up using this one more lol. Hence the "random thoughts"
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After the last chapter is it okay if we ask for your take on the AA argument? Or AA in general? Emma and Courtney’s convo maybe made me geek out a bit and now I’m so curious because there’s so many angles to take.
absolutely i love talking ace attorney! i started off as a miego shipper but then became a lanamia shipper so i can see both sides to courtney and emma's convo lol. i think mia and diego have more basis in canon for being a couple and i like how diego was intertwined with the fey family drama. however he literally did not tell maya about this plot to kill her and instead did convoluted stuff to protect her which still involved killing her mother when he could've prevented all of that in the first place. though my memory of that case is fuzzy and i understand there needed to be a murder for there to even be a case in the first place. but i think the writing could've been better bc it's hard to sympathize with diego after all that. also i don't know for sure if his misogyny is due to faulty translation or if it was the original writers' intent. as for lana, while her existence was a retcon (if im remembering right) i love her and ema and that whole case. damon gant is a big orange power man and he's going to beat the shit out of everyone (pbnt my beloveds). that intellectually attracted line is incredibly lesbian of lana and mia. they definitely dated at some point. it's also really funny to think of maya and ema's older sisters dating idk why. vibes. but yeah i think emma would see this emotionally repressed older sister character trying to protect her younger sister from all this trauma while being taken advantage of by an older man, hear the "intellectually attracted" line, and be like "oh she ABSOLUTELY had a thing with this hot smart spunky lawyer lady" while not realizing in the slightest that she's projecting. while i feel like courtney is very much someone who goes by canon and tends to enjoy canon relationships and shipping fanon relationships doesn't really occur/make sense to her. i think she also likes diego because he'll throw coffee mugs at the defense and she wishes she could be that violent in court one day. though by that criteria franziska would be her fav character. but i also think it would be funny if she found franziska really annoying and did not see the irony in that at ALL.
ANYWAY i love talking about ace attorney i love talking about what td characters would think about ace attorney please feel free to send me more ace attorney asks. those games got me through the height of the pandemic (in addition to total drama)
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unskippable cutscene time?
ok. this turned into me complaining about the fandom misinterpreting one of my fav characters, and only after all that did i actually start talking about said character. also i think this might actually be several separate reblogs because i talk way too much and it doesn’t all fit into one post
everyday i go on this website and i talk about my ace attorney faves. but look. godot. he's a very interesting guy. he's a very interesting Character. but no one fucking likes godot. it's just me and my friend who has a huge crush on him BUT LOOK. i dont need you to have a crush on godot. i just need someone to Think about him the same way i do. i need someone to actually think about his character for more than 2 seconds beyond the good looks and the asshole front. but because of a few mistranslations and scenes that just Read Wrong in an american setting, everyone thinks godot is a misogynist. even though he is SOOO not. like it;s literally not a thing for him in actual canon it's an actual mistranslation that makes people think he drinks misogyny juice instead of coffee every morning. my point is that godot is in fact not a misogynist, but my BIGGER point is: what if he Was. like if half the fandom thinks he hates women anyways, then why not make it interesting, you know?? like. look. obviously misogyny is not cool. but there are ways to write about it and to actually develop the character behind it. some of the fandom literally just reduces him to woman hater. like that's it? forreal? all im saying is if you're going to mischaracterize him that badly, at least make it INTERESTING. don't just make that his One Singular Trait. don't make him a misogynist because he hates every woman that's ever existed, make him one because he has good intentions but really warped ideas and worldviews. i don't know how well i'm explaining this, godot is just a complicated character, and everyone i see always simplifies him to The Asshole or The Misogynist. like yeah he CAN be those things if you want but maybe you could actually put some effort in deconstructing his biases and whatever. This is all a really long way to say that people mischaracterize godot very often and i hate it when they do that so if they're gonna do it so much they should at least make it fucking interesting (and i have a great example of a fic that does just that!! it's not godot-centered, and i just think that it's a really amazing fic in general and if you like ace attorney you should definitely read it. But like, back to godot: this fic does make him a misogynist, sure. it also Actually Explores how his toxic masculinity, his trauma, his loss of mia and his desire to protect maya all intertwine. he has good intentions and he's coming from a good place, and yet he's hurt and represses a lot and has some really fucked up ideas about what it means to be a man. he needs to protect maya not just because he failed protecting mia, but also because he's a man and she's a woman, etc etc. both of those ideas coexist for him. and i think it's really interesting to try and figure out where his "debt" and guilt about mia ends and where his toxic masculinity starts, where his need to protect maya because she's like a little sister to him ends and where the need to Protect Women(tm) in general starts. you know?? and then by the end of it he starts unlearning his bad ideas and starts coming to terms with his trauma!! Like holy shit can every godot is a misogynist truther start doing this please!!!!! i'm soo serious if you;re going to mischaracterize him at least make it fun to think about. but i digress. read the fic not only because it explores godot's character but also because it actually explores dahlia's character and backstory and explores the von karma family dynamic as well as many other things which the games never did. it's awesome)
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bloodofgrapes · 2 years
I’m so obsessed with the way you draw nrmt ;-; You draw them like actual men… it’s a huge problem among aa fans where one of the two of them (usually edgeworth) gets written or drawn as a tiny long-eyelashed hairless submissive twink and it’s like. They’re Grown Men. And no one will ever be able to convince me that edgeworth would let his guard down/let go of his control-freakiness enough for some of the shit he’s portrayed as doing lmfao 🫣 I’m certain a big part of it is that you’re gay and You Get It lmao.. I’ve sent you way too many asks in the past few days and i’m sorry if it’s weird but idk you’re my fav ace attorney artist and i appreciate you sm
Alrighty, finally free enough to tackle this anon. So, before I say anything, I want to preface this with my belief that there’s no right or wrong interpretation of a character in fandom—I love to see the immense variety of ways that characters are depicted, and I think it’s fascinating to get to see through the lens that people view them. What I will be talking about in this ask though, is my (and clearly anon’s) personal preference. I just wanted to get that out of the way, because I would be very unhappy if people read this and thought that I judge any interpretation of the characters I spend much of my time talking about on the hellsite.
With that out of the way, I do agree with you anon. I’ve hesitated to answer asks like this in the past (you’re not the first to say this), but you have put it in a way that I think fits how I feel about them. I am a gay man—I love men in any shape or form they come in, but I truly adore masculinity. Hairy belly and ass, boxy builds, square jaws and hands, receding hairlines, deep voice, the works. This is not to say that these characteristics cannot also be feminine, but I am approaching this in the context of speaking about male characters, and the things I enjoy from them—but make no mistake, I love effeminate men just as much, especially in the variety of ways that they can manifest.
Which is a good lead in to something I have always loved about Edgeworth, from the first time I played these games nearly twenty years ago: Edgeworth has always struck me as inherently traditionally masculine, even in spite (or perhaps because) of his more flamboyant tastes, such as wearing a bold pink suit, jabot, preference for frilly things and flowers, etc. He’s not what any boomer would call a man’s man, but I feel like a lot of fandom overlooks that he’s barrel chested, deep voiced, stoically cold, and prone to masking or outright shutting down his emotions. As a gay man these traits really resonate with me—I embody many of the same things, while also having a certain air of “fruitiness”, if you will.
I’m in my mid-thirties, and while I believe it’s never too late to have heroes or feelgood characters, it’s a little unusual for me to have a character that makes me feel “seen”, at least in the way he does. Being a trans man specifically, I’ve spent much of my life grappling with the inherent masculinity and femininity I was born with, so it’s always been a comfort to me (even if I didn’t quite realize it when I was younger) to see a man that sacrificed absolutely none of his masculinity while wearing frills and a bright pink suit. So I love depictions of him (and Phoenix, because I think he’s viewed not dissimilarly in this fandom) that lean away from the typical shiny smoothness of most anime, and more into making them standard 30-something males. As I said in the first paragraph of this, it's all personal preference, there’s no right or wrong way to vibe with these characters, but I appreciate you anon, because I do think that we’re in a very small minority in this fandom, and while that’s not a bad thing by any means, it’s nice to see a kindred spirit <3
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walugus-grudenburg · 4 months
This is a question whose answer changes approximately every two hours, so I may as well answer it now before it changes. I'll start with stuff I'm currently into, by how much I like them RIGHT NOW because that's easier (not that I truly get too far "out of" most things I love...)
Siffrin (In Stars and Time). He's just so, well, look at my post history this month. You'll know. They are, they're so. Just. Yeah. I have no coherency. Might be the recency bias speaking, though.
Basil (OMORI) I... Probably don't have to explain this one to you. I think you Know. Probably. Perchance.
Estuary Irad (Rogue Legacy 2). This one I'm not sure I could explain. There's just, so much tied into it. Also Nostalgia™. That's important too.
As for characters of all time... Hmm.
Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System. That's right, GLaDOS!!! (Portal). My memories of her are fucking core. I'm not sure she's that much above the rest, but she is way earlier in my life than the rest. So it's no contest who has shaped my life more. She earns first place.
Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney). So many spoilers to get into here. But besides that. She is so autism, she is so gender, she is so pretty, she is so goshdarn emotional and tragic, just, everything. Good lord. Her and GLaDOS I both heavily attribute my genderfluidity to. Feminism wins.
Siffrin, Again. Still might be recency bias, but JESUS CHRIST THIS FELLOW. AGHHHH
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livingfictional · 2 months
hiii i love your rdr2 writing & matchups!! if your still accepting requests i'd like to make one (⌒▽⌒)
i don't use labels for gender & sexuality (aside from being asexual) but am pretty masculine and like all, regardless of gender, and my pronouns are he/him :3
about me, uhh,, im vegetarian, my favorite animal is the octopus, ive actually recently started playing rdr2 (after playing rdr1 quite a bit on my switch), my favorite characters so far is arthur of course but also javier (whenever i can find him?? i hardly see him in game </3), my dream job would be to be a paramedic if not for aforementioned chronic illness, i have a weird paradox of being somewhat strong (yayy muscles slowly growing from like half workouts and walking) while also being weak, and i cant rly do things for a long time lest i get a 200 bpm, but can still pick people up. im also punk!! better yet actually cripple punk :3
for hobbies, i enjoy reading, especially non fiction; classic lit, and danmei my friends have forced me into, video games as aforementioned (hades, gi, and ace attorney being other favs), i make art of many kinds but mainly physical sketches, i loovvvee music despite knowing absolutely nothing about it mechanically, i enjoy writing literally just fanfiction and some cringy poetry here and there, and i do tarot!!!
as for personality: with strangers i can range from actually rather confident to a bit shy but willing to talk (contributed by my goal of complimenting least one person each time i go out, its great!!), quite intuitive, can improv quite well in many scenarios, mainly w humor, friends would call me.. probably laid back with a big heart, also easy to talk to—thats actually something ive been told a few times. but i also have this lovely habit of bottling up my feelings to no end for a negative trait—and though thats been getting better, i can still never cry in front of ppl. i can also get irritable rather often because of adhd and anxiety </3. and ihave a potty mouth which i have to control around others,,
for likes: loud music/concerts but quiet rooms, cats, nu metal, uhh....what do i like... aforementioned video games, cold treats (though its not like i can eat/drink hot things..) plushies, trying new foods and going to restaurants!!! my idea of a fun time is an interesting restaurant/cafe. i also like matcha a lot, just odd foods in general, i also have chickens and they are an absolute blast to have long as they arent acting up (which i suppose would be relevant in the rdr world), and an odd love: yogurt/white chocolate covered pretzels. its delicious you gotta believe me
as for dislikes: rude people. not nice people. bigots. assholes. any variation or synonym of the type, also people who mistreat kids and dont know how tf kids brains work too—personal pet peeve. and people who dont like cats. always a red flag. but other than that not many things,, i consider myself open minded
woaw didnt mean to write an essay;,, augh anyways thank you for even reading my request, much love (*´ω`*) and no pressure to write anything relating to disability if ur not comfortable/confident/just dont want to!!
Maaaan, having chickens sounds so fun. They're so cute 🥹
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I match you up with... Charles!
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Charles, just like you, is quite open minded as well.
The kind of person to go for quiet walks with you, never rushes you. He likes to just stroll through the forests near Valentine with you, just talking about anything and everything.
Well, he doesn't talk that much, but he definitely listens.
On the subject of that, he's a great listener. Mutter something quietly about craving a certain food, he's on his way to get it, if possible. You saw a thing you liked in the store window? Let's go in and get it.
Charles just wants the best for you, trying to spoil you as much as he can.
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aceoflilies · 2 years
Welcome to the Ace Space!
Call me Ace! I use she/him pronouns and I'm 22.
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This is my primary blog! If you're looking through my profile because somebody's been liking your Pokéblogging posts, my active Pokéblogs are @humming-pokemon-helpers, @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour, @wigglytuff-guild, @pkmnathlete, @malie-city-library, and @mc-pokeprincess. Happy to talk about them OOC here too!
Otherwise, this blog is where I reblog stuff (sometimes with commentary), talk about my favorite fluff ships & series info, post the rare fics I complete, and sometimes even talk about life!
My main fandoms are Pokémon (most common), Undertale/Deltarune, Ace Attorney, Fire Emblem, and Splatoon (mostly for Pearlina content), but occasionally I'll talk about other series that interest me. Under the cut for post-shortening's sake.
Most of my ramblings are pretty much just character headcanons/interactions, but at times i like to focus on world-building/larger theories, and I'd love to connect with other people with those interests in my fandoms (especially Pokémon SWSH and SV!!)
Also, if anybody ever wants to toss me some writing requests, feel free! Just know I make no guarantee of speed. (If you want to see my writing, here's my AO3!)
A few things to note about me:
This should generally be a SFW blog! Please keep any asks/requests or the like SFW, but as long as you're respectful, anybody can interact.
I post a lot about ships I like! More below the cut. I try to tag 'em.
I try to be canon compliant. I make no guarantees of that.
Maybe I'll post OC stuff here one day???
If you're discriminatory towards any marginalized groups (racism, sexism, homo/transphobia, ableism, fatphobia), I reserve the right to block freely. Likewise, if I say/repost something that makes folks uncomfortable without realizing it, please let me know! Happy to correct myself.
Other reasons I'll block people: being rude, posting pro-ED content, posting pedo stuff, actively hating on my faves. Probably other stuff that squicks me I'm forgetting right now, too.
That's most of the important stuff! Please feel free to reblog, I'd love to find some mutuals here I can talk about shared interests with!!
Favorite characters/pairings/hobbies below the readmore! It's a lot. You have been warned.
My Faves!
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Characters (top favs in yellow, sorry the list is so long,,,):
Hop (Pokémon SW/SH): I could rant about this boy for days and still not have said enough about how much I love him as a rival and character. He is the best thing to come of out SW/SH. And besides, we love Wooloo enjoyers.
Nemona (Pokémon S/V): She has so much passion and energy for battling!!! She genuinely just wants to connect with someone even though she's so misunderstood!!! Also, she can't handle exercise. I feel you, girl.
Hanamaru Kunikida (Love Live! Sunshine!!): I'm not much of a Love Live fan anymore, but I still love Hanamaru so so much. She is sunshine and light and sweetness and a bookworm and she gets so much joy out of enjoying food and spending time with her friends. A comfort character of mine.
Noelle Holiday (Deltarune): She's such a nervous little dork who's actually just a freak (affectionate), and honestly that is peak young lesbian representation.
Kris Dreemurr, Ralsei, Susie (Deltarune): Please ask me to rant about them individually. I love all of their writing.
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon): I live for her gremlin energy. Yes, even the eating mayo straight from the bottle. I also admire the fact she managed to pull Marina.
Marina Ida (Splatoon): They really did make the coolest, prettiest hacker girl who loves anime and manga and said "make her fall in love with the scrungliest little squid".
Ashe Ubert (FE3H): He's just a little guy!!! A little fella!!! Love his voice acting, his love for books, cooking, and honor, and his tragic backstory. Poor boy.
Ibuki Mioda (SDR2): Is Danganronpa a great series. No. Did Danganronpa give us the most beautifully chaotic lesbian I have ever seen and then cruelly rip her from my hands far too soon. Yes.
Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney): Please, Capcom, please remember she exists, I am begging you. Yes she's another "teenage assistant putting on a brave face so she can help solve the mysteries". But I love her magic tricks and her interactions with Phoenix and Apollo, so here she is.
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney): Please stop giving him backstories.
Bianca, N, Yancy, Skyla (Pokémon B/W/B2/W2)
Gloria, Marnie, Victor, Bede, Leon, Raihan (Pokémon SW/SH)
Arven, Penny, Clavell (Pokémon S/V): If you want more Penny and Clavell, I write them constantly on @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour.
Lillie (Pokémon S/M)
Nagito Komaeda (SDR2): No defense here.
Komaru Naegi (DRAE): I do not like UDG for many reasons. I do like Komaru.
Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Rin Hoshizora, Umi Sonoda, Kotori Minami, Ruby Kurosawa, You Watanabe, Emma Verde, Rina Tennoji (Love Live!): My grab bag of gay people. I also generally love most of Aqours.
Edelgard, Caspar, Linhardt, Mercedes, Annette, Marianne, & more (FE3H)
Pretty Much Everyone In Undertale.
Dusa, Artemis, Zagreus, Thanatos (Hades)
My OCs! Feel free to ask about them.
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Personal ships!
Mostly in the "I like the dynamics" sense, rather than the "I think these two would be perfectly well-adjusted together" sense. Ships with minors in them are purely fluff.
Hop/Gloria/Marnie (Pokémon SW/SH): Hop/Gloria is my main focus, just because I think their high energy (in my headcanons, anyways) play off of each other really well. I also like Gloria/Marnie for sunshine/serious. I also like Hop/Victor. I think about the Sw/Sh characters a lot.
Nemona/Juliana (Pokémon S/V): After 君と雨上がりを and Biri-Biri, they're canon. But also, you can't just ask someone to be your best rival like that!!!
Pearlina (Splatoon): They were literally built for each other. They are perfect. I will pull out a thesis on the Octo Expansion and Splatfest dialogue. Do not make me do that.
Caspashe (FE3H): Three words. Gay cat dads. (I also like Casphardt.)
Edeleth (FE3H): Yes, I'm basic. Speaking of basic:
Wrightworth/Narumitsu (AA): Like I said. Basic.
Klapollo (AA): I just find 'overly flirty guy and straight-faced serious guy who believes not a word of it' such a fun dynamic.
Suselle (DR): May I please point you to the ferris wheel scene as a whole.
Alphyne (UT/DR): Just a classic. They're cute and complement each other really well.
Komahina (SDR2): In the sense that "I think if you leave them in a room for enough time the room will literally explode". They're fun because they're so terrible. And on very, very rare occasions, fool you into thinking they're not.
Mikan/Ibuki or Band-Aid (SDR2): Let's be honest, 2-3 was a cop-out.
Rubymaru (Love Live! Sunshine!): Sunshine and sweetness.
Standard Love Live ships (When I say standard, I mean basic.)
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Hobbies/other interests! (Alternatively: Ace Touches Grass)
Cooking/baking! I don't post my food much, but I do tag food.
Writing: I started out with Club Penguin fanfiction at age 8 so you know I'm the real deal.
Practicing Japanese! I like to practice by listening to Japanese music (Ado/Suisei/Polkadot Stingray/Aqours/Vaundy/King Gnu/YOASOBI) and playing games in Japanese.
Archery! I got to try out kyudo in Japan. Best thing I ever did.
Sightseeing, trying new restaurants and foods!
Libraries, I work at one!
Reading (one book, in two days, every 6 months.)
Psychology! Mainly clinical and developmental psych.
Collecting stuffed animals and other cute things!
Animals! Favorite are penguins and foxes :)
RTGame, the Drift King Himself
Bad Karaoke (in Japanese.)
If you got this far, thanks for at least skimming over my post! Hope to make some new friends, allies, or maybe at least queer-coded rivalries here on Tumblr.
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pirdmystery · 9 months
franziska von karma
franzy my beloved!!!
first impression — you know i honestly don’t really remember, when i first got into ace attorney i was so ravenous for fan content that i’m pretty sure my first impression was from art and fic before i played aa2 i just took it for granted that i was gonna love her
impression now — i was right! i love her so so much. style queen bastard woman. when will she return from war (be in a new aa game)
favorite moment — here is where i risk something actually unpopular by outing myself as a fan of the anime 😭 but my honest first thought here was in the babymode anime ep where the von karmas are at the mall and baby fran goes “i wanna wait for miles!!” it’s just SO CUTE it killssssss meeeeee esp in contrast to what their grown up relationship is like. to see tiny fran talk about her “little brother” like that. the anime has a ton of problems but it has so many superb character moments and giving us little sib things like that that build on their canon relationship is just. so so great.
idea for a story — these asks are reminding me of how many abandoned aa wips i have… anyway i have this short little one of she and edgeworth at a cafe in berlin in the rain. nothing really happens it was kind of just an atmospheric character study of the two of them. i remember liking it 🥺
fav relationship — obviously she and edgeworth are the siblings of all time. there is never enough to say about that. but. i am such a huge huge huge fan of she and phoenix being worsties. everyone please send me your fran and phoenix worsties content. their investigation together during bridge to the turnabout is like my absolute favorite thing in the series. the mlm wlw hostility is so strong and it’s so funny how they’re both antagonistic to each other the whole time while still being clear that they don’t like. ACTUALLY resent each other at all and they both want to solve the case. and they both care about that miles edgeworth guy.
unpopular opinion — i’m sorry that my answer to this is always “i don’t care for their most popular ship” but that’s what i’ve got here too. not a big franmaya fan. i don’t have any specific objections to it and i’ve seen some really cute art i just don’t personally see it myself and in most fics they’re just there to pair the narumitsu spares. now fradrian on the other hand…
fav headcanon — i just love thinking of her as this big shot cool ass jetsetting interpol agent. she’s got pied-à-terres in so many countries. she flies trucy to milan for a shopping trip even tho trucy doesn’t even wanna buy anything she just hangs out with her cool aunt.
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