#but one of my fics on my main blog has an explicitly demisexual reader
mando-forgive-me · 2 years
Hi Emma! 🥺
Long time fan here! :) I really love your writing, and I really love your spicy blog, and I think you seem very very cool!!
I've been wanting to send you a message for a while, but I'm not sure if it is ok to interact with personal posts or talk about my own stuff in your inbox. If it's not ok I'm so sorry!!! stop reading here!
It's just that that thing about sex with strangers REALLY got me today. I relate to that SO much. It's EXACTLY how I feel. I love reading fanfic, and I love to daydream about fictional characters, but as soon as it comes to real life and real people... Even though I'm horny ALL THE TIME, I cannot fathom even just kissing someone I don't know, much less doing anything else with them... And it is so fascinating to me that people can actually want to hook up strangers??? It's almost inconceivable.
I think I'm demisexual, or somewhere in that vicinity, but I've never talked to anyone about it. And as cliché as this may be, my whole point in sending this is -- it is so comforting to know that someone else feels the same way. And it's that much more powerful when that validation comes from a favorite fic writer on tumblr rather than a subreddit in the depths of google search.
Your blog is such a huge comfort to me 🥺
I hope I didn't overstep any boundaries with this ask, and I am so sorry if I have.
-too shy to come off anon but sending all the good vibes 💙
Oh my gosh this is so sweet! 🥹
I’m so beyond honored and touched that you find comfort in my blog. You are absolutely not alone, love. Demisexuality is real and valid, as are you, even and especially when it can make sexual intimacy a bit challenging.
It was very considerate of you to put all the dashes and give me a heads up, but I’m happy to talk about personal stuff. If you ever want to talk more about this, my inbox and DMs are open. 💖
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