#but only to make them do goofy things like getting burgers
bittybattyboo · 1 year
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There is no universe where Bruce doesn't get a hug in my agenda.
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hannahmanderr · 1 year
For @scarletsaphire's ask in response to this ask game. Prompt was #19 for Gray Ghost.
important blob ghost context here lol
“Danny, I swear there’d better be a good answer to why you brought me to the freaking dumpster behind the Nasty Burger at two in the morning.”
He turned back to look at her with a sheepish grin. “Aw, come on Val, I know how to show a girl a good time.” 
That earned him a thwack on the back of his head.
“Ow! Okay, okay, lesson learned,” he grumbled, rubbing where she’d hit him. 
“I’m still serious about having a good answer,” she said. She hugged herself tightly. “And thanks for warning me to bring a jacket by the way. Why can’t I put my suit on again?”
“You’ll scare them off.”
Valerie stopped in her tracks. “Them? Oh my God, do not tell me you brought me here to a dumpster to see ghosts!”
“Hey, you already established the dumpster thing!” he said, still wearing his goofy grin. “And I won’t tell you I brought you here to see ghosts, ‘cause I brought you here to meet ghosts.”
“... You are about three seconds away from getting shoved into your own thermos, ghost boy. Human or not.”
He finally dropped the grin. “Right. Sorry. Serious mode. But, uh, I am being serious about meeting a few ghosts.”
She frowned. “I thought we talked about this.”
“I know, I know. And I promise I’m not trying to change your mind or anything, I just… wanted to show you.”
He watched her carefully, trying to read her poker face. He hoped she believed him about not wanting to try and influence her. She’d made him promise, after all, and he didn’t break his promises.
Especially to someone like her.
Even if she was so close, yet still so far.
When she didn’t respond, he ventured further. “Think of it like evidence or something. Or - or when you go into a safari and you just watch animals do their thing in their natural habitat.”
“Isn’t their natural habitat the Ghost Zone?”
“Eh, sort of? There’s enough ambient ectoplasm around Amity for them to sustain themselves, I think. Plus I kinda get the feeling I’m like a magnet for the stuff, and since I’m always here…”
He tried not to shy away under her piercing gaze, as pretty as it was.
No. Bad Fenton. Friend.
Finally, she sighed heavily. “Alright. Show me what you got. But only because you already dragged me out here in the middle of the night, okay? This isn’t gonna be a regular thing.”
“Yes!” he said with a fist pump. He realized how stupid he probably looked, but he was too excited to care.
He turned toward the dumpster, trying to ignore the odor drifting out from the one opened side. Taking a deep breath, he put his fingers to his mouth, and with a little bit of energy from his core fused into his breath, he whistled soundlessly.
Soundlessly to humans, anyway.
Valerie tilted her head. “... What the heck are you doing?”
He shot her a grin. “Consider it the dinner bell.”
The first one faded into visibility right in front of Valerie’s face. She squeaked in very uncharacteristic surprise, and Danny didn’t miss how her hand twitched up to her bag, where he knew she stowed a spare blaster or two. To his relief, she didn’t move her hand any further and instead let the ghost drift towards him with a wary glare.
The little blob ghost was round, bright green and about the size of a grapefruit. Actually a pretty decent size for a blob ghost like this. Its core glimmered brightly from within its fluid body.
It floated towards him with curiosity brimming in its red, beady eyes. “Brrrp?” it ‘said’ as it bumped against Danny’s cheek. The sound could only be described as the perfect midpoint between a chirp and a purr.
He smiled widely and used one finger to scratch the underside of the blob. “Heya Jeff,” he said, making sure to pour as much affection as he could into his voice. In return, Jeff chirped again and nuzzled against his neck contentedly.
Valerie seemed to be frozen in place, not sure whether to be upset, disturbed, or endeared. Her eyes flicked back and forth between the blob sitting on Danny’s shoulder and Danny himself. “... You named a blob ghost Jeff?”
“Not me. Uh, Kat I think her name is. The cashier? In the year above us?”
Her eyebrows lifted at the name. “That’s who she’s been going on and on about? I thought she was talking about a puppy or something!”
“Mmm, nope. Probably this Jeff. I’m assuming anyway.” He scratched Jeff again. “Where’s everyone else?” he murmured, this time in ghost speak.
He didn’t really like having to speak ghost in front of Valerie, especially as she was still getting used to all his weirdness, but the blob ghosts didn’t really understand much beyond the common ghost language. Through some trial and error, he and Tucker and Sam had found that they seemed to understand human languages if there was enough emotion behind whatever was being said, but it had to be a pretty strong emotion, and even then it was hit or miss. They still always responded to Danny best, anyway.
Blob ghost communication aside, he couldn’t help but wince just slightly when he saw her troubled reaction to the ghost speak. Her face exploded with surprise before melting back into a guarded caution.
Jeff chirped a response before floating off his shoulder and zooming inside the dumpster. “Where’s he going?” Valerie asked quietly.
“Getting the rest of his family.”
Sure enough, a few seconds later, Jeff emerged from the open dumpster lid, followed closely by a dozen or so more blob ghosts, each of varying size and transparency, but all sharing the same green color. They all swarmed Danny, rubbing up against his face and shoulders and arms and brrrping happily.
He laughed at the ticklish sensation. “Alright, alright, cut it out guys!”
They in fact did not cut it out. If anything, they just cuddled up to him more. Excitement radiated from their tiny little auras.
Even through the bombardment of affection, he managed to catch a glimpse of Valerie’s face soften into slight amusement, even trying to stifle a laugh herself.
That alone made his heart and core soar far higher than any attention the blob ghosts could give him.
“Red, I’d like to formally introduce you to the Nasty clan,” he said proudly, attempting (and somehow failing) to gesture to the ghosts around him.
She pulled a bit of a face, but Danny didn’t sense any increase in hostility or wariness. “That’s not very nice.”
“I mean that’s what everyone calls them.”
“... Everyone?” Her eyes followed a particularly excited blob, only about the size of a grape, zipping around Danny’s head. 
“Yeah. A bunch of employees kind of took up naming them all, since they’re always hanging around here.” He glanced at her. “Honestly, I thought you would’ve known about them by now. Especially with your trackers and all.”
She scowled. “Daddy made me promise to keep them off during shifts after I got written up for ditching to help stop that one ghost who was tearing up the boardwalk.”
“Oh yeah, I remember that guy! You should’ve seen me trying to get off the Tilt-a-Whirl after they emergency stopped it so I could find a place to change. I just kept crashing into things.”
“Isn’t that what you normally do anyway?” she teased, a genuine laugh bursting from her lips. It sent Danny blushing deep red for more reasons than one.
Sticking out his lip in a pretend pout, he plopped down right onto the cement and folded his legs underneath him. “You hear that?” he asked the blobs, not caring that they probably didn’t understand a word of what either of them were saying. “She’s being mean to me.”
“Hey, you asked for it, bringing me out here in the middle of the night.” She knelt in front of him, nearly touching her knees to his. His heart skipped a beat as he realized how close she was.
No! We’re not doing this! Think of something else!
“They have a real name too,” he blurted in a desperate attempt to immediately derail this train, abort, abort -
“A real name?”
He cleared his throat as Jeff settled into his lap. His hands instinctively wrapped around him gently and began petting. “Well, like, an actual name. A ghost name.”
She watched as Jeff began to purr contentedly and flatten himself against Danny’s legs. “Will you tell me?” she asked quietly, refusing to meet his eyes.
Crap. Of course he didn’t think this through. Of course. “I - well, um, the thing is, there’s - there’s not exactly an English equivalent…”
“... Tell me anyway.”
His eyes jerked up to see her staring intently, a complete contrast to how she’d just been moments ago. The light of the blob ghosts’ glows cast a glimmer in her gorgeous green eyes, making him swallow thickly.
“Vakrot,” he whispered in ghost speech. “I… it kind of means ‘potato’? But not exactly? Ancients, I don’t know how to explain this…”
“Potato,” she repeated with a smile of disbelief. She shook her head. “Figures. They’re kind of shaped like potatoes anyway.”
He tried to calm his heart as another blob - this one nicknamed Pepsi, for some reason - nestled into his hair. They were way too tuned into emotions, and agitating them wasn’t going to do any favors. “I guess I never thought of that. I always assumed it’s because they like french fries so much? But now that I think about it, it’s not like there’s exactly a ghost equivalent of french fries - well, I did have these things one time at this little stand out past the Carnivorous Canyon, and they tasted a lot like fries, but they were in little balls, and Tucker -”
He blushed again when she held up a hand to stop his babbling. “Is that why you had me bring these?” she asked, pulling a paper bag out of her own.
He grinned. “Yeah. I thought you might like to try and feed them.”
“Feed them?” She raised an eyebrow. “Doesn’t that kind of go against the idea of it just being observation?”
Two of the blob ghosts were trying to squeeze themselves into the bag already. He snatched it away and held it shut tightly. Those things could be slippery when they wanted to be. “It’s fiiine,” he said with a drawl. “People do it all the time. It’s like feeding the ducks at the park or something.”
“You know that’s bad for the ducks, right? And wildlife experts are always having to tell people to quit feeding animals.”
He dropped his hands into his lap, bag and all, nearly squishing Jeff. “Killjoy.”
Now it was Valerie’s turn to grin sheepishly, though hers seemed far more timid. “Look, someone’s gotta keep you in check, Fenton. You may be trying to babysit Amity Park, but you need a babysitter of your own half the time.”
Hmm. He did not know how he should feel about her calling herself his babysitter.
Trying to shove those thoughts away too, he offered the bag out to her. “Come on,” he said, as if he were coaxing a puppy. “You know you want to.”
She stared at the bag, then at him. Then at the bag again. His heart thrummed faster despite himself.
After nearly a minute of contemplation, she slowly took the bag and opened it. The blob ghosts immediately caught a whiff of its greasy contents and drifted over, chirping and purring. Danny noticed how her muscles tensed ever so slightly, and he gulped.
He was worried for the blob ghosts, thank you very much. He was absolutely not thinking about how well-defined her arms looked in the pale glow.
Valerie, with a look of trepidation, took a single fry from the bag and held it out gingerly towards the tiny grape ghost that had been racing around Danny’s head. It didn’t need any more invitation before it simply stuck the end of the fry through its body, nearly running into its teeny core. 
Danny couldn’t help but grin wildly as Valerie’s face morphed into one of fascination. The best thing about blob ghosts was their translucent exterior, which gave them a perfect view of how the little ghost - Pipp, if he remembered correctly - swam its ectoplasm around the portion of fry it had absorbed. The little portion of fry dissolved away and funneled into its core, causing it to glow the slightest bit brighter.
His felt like his face was going to split open as her wide eyes found his. “Cool, right?” he asked eagerly.
She was already holding the fry out to Pipp again. “I… I never knew they could eat,” she whispered. “I never knew it could be so beautiful.”
If only you knew how beautiful you really are.
His stomach started doing somersaults. 
He was so, absolutely, 100 percent screwed.
He forced himself to swallow and grab a fry for himself, offering it to Jeff, who immediately absorbed the entire thing in one go. Much like Pipp’s, Jeff’s glow radiated stronger.
“These guys are the best kind of ghosts for converting stuff into ectoplasmic energy,” he explained. Was his voice really shaking that badly, or was it just his anxiety talking? “That’s why there’s so many of them. They can keep themselves going on practically anything. And then they like to kind of put themselves right around ambient ectoplasm and help feed back into it.”
“Like a weird, unalive version of a tree.” Her voice was breathy. “A tree that likes french fries.”
He couldn’t help but giggle. “That’s… surprisingly accurate?” he said as he made a grab for a few more fries.
They spent the next few minutes slowly feeding fries to the blob ghost clan, laughing as one named Bingus (God, that name cracked him up) nearly absorbed Pepsi in a rush to get to a fry first, cooing with pity at the ones who got left out, and chatting back and forth about ectoplasm and ghost biology.
That last one made his core sing with just how genuinely fascinated she was with the science of it all.
Soon enough, they were surrounded by brightly glowing blob ghosts, lighting up the area like tiny green fairy lights. Pepsi had nestled herself back into Danny’s hair again, and Bingus perched on Valerie’s shoulder. Each of them held a blob in their lap, and other than one that had randomly decided to stick itself to Danny’s elbow, the rest drifted around the two of them in a lazy, post-french fry bliss.
Danny offered his last fry to Pepsi as he watched Valerie gently stroke Jeff in her lap. His stomach was still doing somersaults, and the urge to say something - anything - to her was becoming impossible to resist.
“Hey,” he said quietly. Thank the Ancients he could do without a little less oxygen, because he was pretty sure he was breathing way too shallowly. “I… I’m sorry.”
She looked up at him in confusion. “For what?”
Breathe in, Fenton. “I promised you I wouldn’t try and push you. Back when we - when I finally told you the truth.” Breathe out. “You said you wanted time to figure things out for yourself, and you didn’t want to be rushed. And - and then I go and do something like this…”
She didn’t break her gaze on him. “I’m guessing… this isn’t just about the ghosts, is it?” she said with a quiver in her own voice.
He didn’t know how it happened. He couldn’t feel his own limbs. All he knew was he felt himself lean forward and she leaned forward just a split second later and her lips were on his and his lips were on hers and they were sharing the most tender, soft kiss he’d ever experienced under the warm glow of all the little blob ghosts.
He wanted to leap. He wanted to fly. He wanted to dive to the ground and pull himself up at the last second and laugh at the thrill it left in his stomach.
None of it would compare to the thrill he felt kissing her.
And yet…
Something in the back of his mind desperately tried to pull on the reins. This isn’t right. 
You’re still pushing her.
You’re taking advantage of her.
That had him crashing back down to Earth.
Shaking, his heart and core aching, Danny opened his eyes and pulled back just far enough to take his lips off hers. Valerie’s eyes flew open as she felt his warm kiss disappear.
Their foreheads were still close enough to touch. Desperately trying not to break down, he rested his against hers and gently grabbed one of her hands. 
“I… I don’t…” he whispered, struggling to find the words through the haze of his panging heart. “Are you… do you… really want to do this?”
He had to ask.
Even if the answer broke his heart.
For a few impossibly long seconds, her green eyes bore into his blue, and another pang rippled through him as he drank in the tiny galaxies he could see behind her gaze.
And then she had her hands on his cheeks and her lips on his again, kissing him with an insatiable fervor. He found himself too stunned to do anything at first, and as soon as he could comprehend the situation, he was reciprocating just as longingly, holding her waist as if his half-life depended on it.
If he had been flying before, he had shot beyond the stars now.
Something flickered behind his closed eyelids, but it was the farthest thing from his mind. This moment, right here right now, this was the only thing that mattered. The only thing that existed. The only thing he could ever want and need, filling his heart and core with a love he couldn’t put into words.
And if her kiss was any indication of how she felt, if the emotion radiating from her entire being was true, then she felt the exact same love in that moment.
This time when the kiss broke, it was mutual. They stayed there on their knees, foreheads pressed to one another, both catching their breath and trying to calm their fluttering hearts.
He kept his eyes closed. He wanted to savor this. Memorize every detail. Memorize the feeling of her mouth on his. Memorize each feeling soaring through him at top speed.
“Um, Danny?”
His eyes popped open. “Wha- oh.”
So that’s what the flicker had been.
The blob ghosts hadn’t moved, but now instead of their normal green, their cores shone in a glittery gold, piercing through their translucent skin and casting the two in a soft, golden glow.
He lifted his head as he stared at them in wonder. “Oh Ancients, of course.”
“What? What happened to them?” she asked. A distant part in the back of his mind trilled happily at how concern for the little ghosts filled her voice.
He grinned shyly. “Okay, so um… you know how I said blob ghosts can take like, almost anything and turn it into energy?”
She narrowed her eyes. “Yeah…?”
“I think, um… I think they might’ve felt our emotion? Since it was so strong? And converted it into energy?”
Red tinged her cheeks. “And what the heck did we do that made it turn gold?”
He was pretty sure he knew the answer. If the pull in his heart was anything to go by.
Instead, he let his grin widen. She was so going to hate him for this. “I mean, those fries came from McDonald’s right? The golden arches?”
As expected, her fist landed right on his bicep, forceful enough to startle the blob ghost latched onto his elbow but not strong enough to hurt. “Okay, yeah, I deserved that.”
Valerie shook her head with a blinding smile. “You’re such an idiot.”
She laughed and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him again in the light of the warm, gold glow.
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ᴍᴇᴀɴᴡʜɪʟᴇ, ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴀᴛ…
Pairing: Sambucky (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes) 
Summary: The world is ending. Love is dead and lives are being destroyed. Anyway, here’s two guys.
Bingo Fill: ‘Meanwhile, On the Boat…’ on my ‘Vacation’ card for @sambuckylibrary’s sambucky summer bingo!
Warnings: minor character death, grief, sadness, themes of fear, Thomas the train.
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Loki stood there, not sure what to say. Mobius..didn’t recognize him? This man—this man who had stuck his neck out for Loki, who had known basically every details of Loki’s existence—didn’t recognize him? 
He glanced out the large glass window at the statues of the Timekeepers. Except—it wasn’t the usual statue that stood there. It was He Who Remains—Kang. 
What was going on?
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Bucky whistled as he worked with Sam. He tightened some bolts and held some nails. Sam told stories about his childhood—the goofy things, like when he took care of a stray cat for a solid three years. 
Bucky couldn’t help but wonder if somehow Sam was trying to allude to Bucky being like the stray cat. 
He didn’t really wanna unpack that. 
“You’re doing it wrong.” Bucky commented as he glanced at Sam, who was hunched over a bolt. 
“What? No, I’m not.” Sam huffed. 
“Yeah, you are. Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey. You’re loosening it.” 
“No—“ Sam looked down at what he was doing before chuckling to himself. “Man..” 
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Wanda brushed her thumb against Vision cheek. She had just said goodbye to her boys—forever. Though the entire purpose of the Hex was to reverse death—it seemed like it only ended in it. 
“Well say hello again,” she whispered, knowing that if she attempted to speak any louder she would burst into tears. Her eyes were watering already. 
Vision was already beginning to fade away. And with him, her entire life. Everything she could’ve had—gone.
And merely a few moments later, it would be true. And she was alone. Again.
Seeing the concrete slabs where her future home had previously been made it all feel real. Because it was real. Deep inside her, she knew it was real. 
She knew this town would be better without her. The people would recover. The police would leave. Monica would move on. And she wasn’t worried about Agatha. As long as Wanda was alive, Agatha couldn’t hurt anyone ever again.
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“Do you boys want pizza or burgers for dinner?” Sarah asked, looking between Sam and Bucky and her two sons. 
“Pizza!” The boys cheered, somehow perfectly synchronized. Sam looked to Bucky, who shrugged. Sam took a moment to assess whether or not it was a case of ‘Bucky still struggles to make choices and just doesn’t know what to do’ or ‘Bucky genuinely doesn’t have a preference’. Seemingly satisfied by whatever he’d seen from Bucky, Sam nodded. 
“I’m good with pizza,” he grinned.
Sarah nodded. “Perfect. Pizza it is.” 
“I wanted pizza too, thanks for asking.” Sam groaned dramatically.
“Oh, hush, you big baby. I know you. I know you would want pizza, especially since I’m getting it from Luis’s shop.” Sarah smiled, looking back as she walked towards her phone to..pre-order the pizza or whatever. Bucky wasn’t entirely sure.
“Yeah, but it’s the principle of it.” Sam grumbled. 
Bucky watched, a warm feeling in his chest.
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After returning from Aunt May’s grave, he stopped in the coffee shop MJ worked at. He glanced at his two best friends—at his girlfriend and his brother, both talking about the college they were all meant to go to together. He stands awkwardly as he orders his plain coffee—he doesn’t even like plain, hot coffee. But if this is the closest he’ll ever get to be with them again, so be it. 
“No, just..coffee.” He says, his voice more rough and emotional than he wanted it to be. 
He could tell MJ and Ned. He knows he could. He doubts MJ would believe him, but Ned would be easy to convince. Ned—Peter could just say something that only Ned’s closest friend would know. And that would work. Surely. 
But he knows better than that. J. Jonah Jameson had said it himself: everyone who’s close to Spider-Man gets hurt. And Peter knows it. 
So maybe awkwardly ordering coffee he doesn’t like will be enough. And maybe he’ll just have to be okay with it.
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“You need more t-shirts.” Sam said suddenly as he and Bucky continued working on the boat. 
“What?” Bucky gave him a disagreeing look. 
“I haven’t seen you wear a t-shirt this entire time. I know it’s hot as hell down here, and everyone in town knows you’re sweating. Your stench is like a blanket over the entire state.” Sam snickered. Bucky just rolled his eyes.
“That was..that was real mature, Samuel.”
“And I know you only using my full name ‘cause Sarah said it. But your middle name is literally Buchanan.” Sam shot back, a playful grin on his face. “Who names their kid James Buchanan? Shit, are you named after a president?” Sam’s brows furrowed as he noticed it.
“Okay, Samuel Thomas.” Bucky grumbled, adjusting the way he positioned his left hand to hold the nail. “Who are you? Thomas the train?” 
“I—how do you know about Thomas the Train?” Sam paused what he was doing, looking up at Bucky.
“Not this again.” Bucky rubbed his face with his right hand, feigning annoyance even as he held another nail for Sam. 
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Yelena stood across from Clint, her eyes watering. “If I had been there, I could’ve done something, I could’ve stopped her—“ she began to spiral.
Clint shook his head. “Nothing was gonna stop her, ‘Lena. You know Natasha.” He said, his voice rough. His whole body ached. He couldn’t wait to go home. He didn’t wanna think about this, but part of him knew it was closure. For both himself and Yelena.
She let out a small squeak, accompanied by a few small sobs. 
“She made her choice,” he continued. “Now we’ve just gotta find a way to live with that.” 
“I loved her so much,” Yelena sniffled. Clint felt a familiar burning in his eyes, a lump in his throat. 
He looked up, nodding. “I know. Me too.” 
He looked down at his knees, before he noticed she was walking towards him. 
He heard her gun click. He silently sent an apology to his wife. And his children. Shit. His children. 
He glanced up at his soon-to-be-killer. Just to see that she had extended her hand to him. 
He took it, holding it for a moment as he gathered himself enough to stand up. 
He stood before her, looking down at her tear-stained face. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. She looked up at him, a sad, and silent rage in her eyes. She said nothing, merely turning around and walking away.
He supposed there was some sort of closure in that, too.
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“What are we gonna do about Karli?” Bucky asked as he continued to paint even streaks across the surface. 
“I don’t know.” Sam answered, his brows furrowed. “Walker fucked up. Badly.” Sam doesn’t miss how Bucky bristles at the mention of the man. 
“Understatement of the year,” he grunted. 
“Right. Well, until we have a lead, there’s not much we can do.” Sam explains.
Bucky is silent at that.
“I’ve got Torres looking for those already.” Sam says, and he watches as Bucky nods in approval. 
“I can practically already read that cyborg brain of yours.” Sam jokes. 
Bucky mutters something under his breath, but it’s clear he doesn’t take offense to the slight tease.
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Wanda collapsed to the floor, her wet cheeks and small sobs showing how distraught she was. Her terrified sons—no, they weren’t her sons at all—watched from the rubble of their home. It reminded her of her own childhood; the day her parents died. 
She was a monster. That was the truth. What had she done? 
She killed so many at Kamar-Taj, all of the Illuminati, and even all of the fighting with Stephen Strange. She had done nothing but destroy. Not to mention what she had intended to do to America Chavez. She traumatized her own—she traumatized children. 
What had she done?
The other Wanda, the bloody, beaten version of herself, crept toward her cautiously, ignoring the cries and pleas from her children. 
Wanda stood in front of the Scarlet Witch, before cupping her face gently. 
“Know that they’ll be loved,” was all she said. Her eyes were kind, understanding almost. It made sense, considering they had shared a consciousness for the majority of the day. Of course she had seen the Witch’s  thoughts. 
The Scarlet Witch let out another small sob as Wanda backed away and America began to close the portal. She knew what she had to do.
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“Where the hell did you even find this stuff?” Bucky asked as he duct-taped the mat to the tree.
“Sarah had some old junk in the attic. I have no idea why she even had these, but she said we could use them.” Sam said from another tree, his own roll of tape in his hand.
Bucky nodded, amused. 
“Ignoring my own deep love for the environment, I think she’d actually kill us if we ruined these trees.” Sam said sarcastically. 
Bucky chuckled, moving on to another tree.
“Okay, how the hell are you doing this so fast?” 
“Genius and finesse.” Bucky snickered as he walked past Sam. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Sam huffed. 
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graphics by @saradika-graphics
[bingo masterlist]
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kimberrysunwoo · 1 year
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pairing: best friend!beomgyu x reader
genre: fluff
summary: retro “date” with beomgyu
note: wrote this in one sitting 😵‍💫
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entering the restaurant, checkered tiles and bright red seats light up the scenery upon first encounters. coming in for a good burger and fries, this sure seemed like the right place.
taking many pictures and selfies (with your matching bandanas) is a must— by the jukebox, with the intricate and thought out decorations all around the place.
“gyu, we have to go order now” you said as he took the nth picture of the day, even though you asked him to.
“im sorry, i just need to find the most instagram-worthy angle right now” he said as he took a picture from another angle of your pouting face.
beomgyu also knew he was hungry so he decided to stop taking pictures for a moment and order. “do you want anything to drink?” he turns around and makes eye contact with you as you’re getting a table to sit at.
“no i’m good for now, i’ll get a milkshake before we leave.” you said as you made your way to the booth you were eyeing once you guys were inside.
he came back with a tray of food and just one drink for himself. “do you like the last picture that i took?” beomgyu asked as you scrolled through the many pictures that he took.
to be honest, your favorite were the selfies of you guys goofing around and being silly showing off your matching clothes. would it be weird if you made it your lock screen?
“yeah it looks really good gyu, it might be the one i’ll post.” then there came the infamous goofy smile from your best friend. he felt so proud that only he could take the best pictures of you. and to think that you would always call him if you needed help with picking a photo. he never hesitated to choose the right one but would always end up saying that you look good in all of them.
suddenly, your throat felt dry just by the way he was looking at you. “hey, can i take a sip of that? my-“ beomgyu didn’t falter to hand it over to you before you even finished.
“thanks” you said as you took off the lid and drank through there instead of through the straw. once you weren’t as flustered you put down the drink and just when you were about to put the lid back on, beomgyu grabbed the cup. he looked right at you as he twisted the cup and put his lips right where yours were and pretended to also be dying of thirst. his eyes never left yours as he did so, showing that he was not affected if you used the straw or not. or did he mean something else by it? could it have been meaningless?
one thing beomgyu loves to do is tease you, and it became a habit of his to do so. maybe this was just another one of his ways to annoy you. except it was the exact opposite, he could see the pink tint coming up to your cheeks.
“are you okay?” beomgyu feigned concern. truth is, he wanted to let you know that he has the ability to kiss you and doesn’t think of you as just a friend. it took all of his courage just to be that bold.
“yeah” you simply said and as you guys got ready to go, before you left you ordered your milkshake and set off to watch the sunset, sitting in the trunk and sipping on your milkshake.
it’s best to say that you guys also shared that milkshake and something else perhaps. this was just the beginning of a great relationship with your best friend, beomgyu.
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4ttack-ur-heart · 1 year
connie x y/n date at the zoom🦙
Lions & Polar Bears
Pairing: connie x gn! reader
Summary: You and Connie go on a cute date to the zoo.
Genre: Fluffy af
Warnings: none
authors note: glad I am finally posting this. It's been in my drafts for months and wanted to send it out earlier, but writer's block and a bit of seasonal depression hit and I wanted to end it good.
okay and ngl, towards the end it’s really fluffy and totally cringe and cliche so I’m excited. also i'm pretty sure I used only gender neutral terms in regards to the reader, but if you catch something I missed just lmk :)
——— he's literally adorable-
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“Babe, look at the wolves!” Connie gushes out to you and grabs your hand.
He’s been dying to go to the zoo lately, so he was ecstatic when you bought the tickets online to surprise him. Apparently it was the best gift you could’ve gotten him, as Connie turned into a kid going to Disneyland for the first time.
“I see, baby.” You smile at him and link your arms with him. A few people surrounded you, but thankfully you took a day off of work so it wouldn’t be as crowded as it would on a weekend. “What do you wanna go see see next?”
He hovers over your shoulder, glancing between the park map and the wolf enclosure. “The elephants are near by. Can we go see them?”
“Of course.”
Your local zoo was a popular tourist spot since it was also a rescue center for the animals, thankfully not just some poor creatures behind a steel fence.
It was pretty humid unfortunately, but you and Connie prepared. Both of you were twinning with a couple anime t-shirts and shorts with a pair of sunglasses.
He dragged you through the park, hand desperately clutching onto to yours in hope you’ll match his speed. “C’mon, slowpoke. Don’t make me carry you.”
“If you do in front of all these people, you can sleep with the polar bears tonight.”
“What’s the difference?”
He earned himself a light smack to the back of his buzzed head.
It was around noonish by the time your stomach started growling. Between the sun, the humidity, and walking, plus the water bottles you stored in your little backpack were rapidly declining.
“Baby, we should find somewhere to eat real quick.” You tell him as the smell from the food stands started to waft in your nose.
“Weak.” He replied.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Most people don’t survive off of Oreos and a redbull.”
“Ugh, fine- whatever Mom.”
Connie laughed at the glare you sent his way. He wasn’t wrong though. He sure acted like a kid rather than an adult, but his goofy personality was what you liked about him. “Okay, okay, what do you want to eat?”
After various glances between the different food stands, you both decided on getting burgers, which made your stomach growl even more.
Connie came up behind you and placed a hand tenderly on your stomach, “Hey quiet that thing down, it’s gonna attract the animals.”
“Sorry, my handler hasn’t fed me yet.” You let out a giggle as Connie places a small kiss on your cheek.
“Let’s go, babe.”
After a good meal of overpriced food, the hiking up the many hills of the zoo were no match for you two.
“You liked the elephants?” You asked and swung your clasped hand with his. He’s been in a great mood all day and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in yourself that you made the right choice in buying the tickets.
“Yes, you’re the best,” He gave you a kiss. “What do you wanna see?”
A confused look took over your face and your eyebrows raised from behind the lenses of your sunglasses.
“Uhh, it’s only like 2:00 pm…” You tell him. “Why do you think I spent the night at your place? I made sure I was going to wake your ass up early, babe. We’re gonna see everything.”
Connies brain felt like it was short-circuiting.
“You okay? You look liked you’re about to faint.”
His hand squeezed yours in response and he nods, a small tint of pink staining his cheeks. “Yeah.” He let out a small chuckle as you started dragging him toward the lion exhibit. “Never been better, actually.”
“C’mon! They have a show soon, let’s go watch.”
“This is Mila,” The zookeeper’s voice rang through the small headset from atop a podium. “She’s a lioness who was rescued from poachers about five years ago. We got a call from a rescue organization out there and we managed to send a team out to safely get her and her cubs out.”
The lioness sat comfortable on top of the large rock platform. Her eyes scanned the crowd of guests before sharply shifting her gaze to her cubs. The two smaller lions started nipping at each other playfully, definitely putting on a show for the crowd.
“They’ve grown a lot since they’ve been rescued, but a mother never stops being a mother.” The keeper laughs as Mila starts to trek towards them. The two quickly separated, their manes bustling with movement.
A deep and almost guttural noise echoed through the enclosure. Mila and the zookeepers attention shifted to the noise.
“How exciting, it looked like our male lion, Apollo, has woken up from his afternoon nap.”
“That’s something you two have in common.” You playfully elbow Connie in the ribs.
“Ha, you think you won, but I don’t see how being compared to a lion is bad.”
The crowd let out sounds of wonder as Apollo made his appearance. The lion stood strong with his large and dark mane.
“Apollo was transferred from another zoo due to issues with mating with another lioness. We were a bit nervous when he was relocated here, since we didn’t know how he would react to Mila and her cubs.”
While Connie pretty much had a front row seat, a few people started to trickle in closer and obstruct your vision, but you didn’t mind. He looked back towards you and pulled your arm to make you move closer as the crowd started to ‘aw’ at the lions. He pushed you in front of him so you could see what was going on.
A cub slowly emerged from under Apollo’s legs. The little cub seemed skittish from all the attention, but a slight bump from Mila encouraged her to move out from Apollo.
“As you can see, the two have bonded very well and had Serene. Normally, male lions won’t really take part in raising cubs, only seeing it as a the lionesses job. They mostly add protection and watch over the pride while the mothers go out to hunt. After Serene was born, he immediately showed signs of care, which surprised us, and he always has her in his sights. Talk about daddy’s little girl.”
“Dude, that’s so cute.” Connie wrapped his arms around your front and rested his chin on the top of your head.
As the show continued, the zookeeper gave out other information about the lions and Mila’s family.
“Hey, I think it’s ending soon.” Connie’s voice whispered in your ear. “Wanna beat the crowd and go check out the llamas?”
“Whatever you want to do, Connie.”
And with that, you both snuck out and headed for the llamas.
“Holy shit, they’re fluffy.” He gaped at the animals.
“Connie, there’s kids here.” You whispered as a few parents glanced in your direction at his profanity.
“So? Take them to Disneyland then. The animals won’t censor their lives, why should I?”
You shrugged off the glares, he did have a point. The pack of llamas and alpacas were sifting past each other behind the fence. The smell was… tolerable- kinda and globs of spit dribbled down some of their mouths. You decided it was safe to keep your distance.
“Would you like to pet him?” One of the handlers asked.
“Wait- yes, can I?” Connie asked.
You quickly take out your phone and snap a few pictures of Connie with the llama. His hand gently rubbed the furry muzzle and the llama bleated a bit at the touch. It was going great, until a large thick glob of spit trailed down Connie’s wrist and down his elbow.
“Careful-! Sorry, he’s drools a lot. Here’s a tissue.”
After many more hours of seeing the animal habitats, the sun started to set. The warm summer atmosphere started to glow dim with dark colors painting the sky. Torches and lamps illuminated the walk ways and guests were busy trying to catch the last shows and exhibits before closing.
“Babe, let’s go to the gift shop.” Connie drags you towards the small shop, like a little kid in a toy store… literally.
The shop was filled with souvenirs ranging from magnets, water bottles, and plushies. The cute jungle theme was spread throughout the store with bamboo flooring and vines hanging from the ceiling.
It’s only been a few months of you two dating, but you’ve both have been inseparable. There was never a dull moment with Connie. Weekends could either be going to a dive bar or watching Netflix with takeout, which both of you never minded. He was also treated you like royalty too, always opening the doors, complimenting you when you’re feeling down, fuck- even tying your shoes.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Connie shoved a monkey plushie in your face. Blinking your eyes to focus, you took in it’s abnormal appearance: wide body, small head, scrawny legs.
“Look how ugly this thing is!” He laughed and tossed it back in the basket with the others.
You chuckled at him and glanced at the other plushies. An adorable lion caught your eyes and you picked it up. The soft fuzz from the mane tickled your fingers. “You’re coming home with me.”
Connie bumped into you and you both made eye contact, a light blush heating up your faces. He cradled a polar bear plushie in his hands.
“That’s the one?” You asked, your gaze fixed on the stuffed animal.
His eyes never left you. “Y-yeah.”
After paying for both the plushies, it was finally time to go home. The plushies rested under your arm as the two of you walked back to Connie’s car hand in hand.
The other families were trailing slowly to the exit with exhausted kids sleeping in their parents arms and strollers.
“Thank you for today.” He said once you two reached the parking lot.
“Of course, baby.” You squeezed his hand tighter. “I’m glad you had fun.
“Nah, like…” Connie trailed off for a moment, biting his lip. “You don’t understand.”
Your head creaked to the side in confusion. “Understand what?”
“Fuck, like other people I’ve dated in the past never really enjoyed doing stuff like this.”
He walked you to the passenger door of his car.
"The zoo? Who doesn't like the-"
“Nah, they’ve always wanted to go clubbing every night or go to five star restaurants- and like don’t get me wrong, I like to go out and get fancy once in a while too.”
“But it’s draining. Overall it wasn't what you wanted to do, was it? Plus we’re young and broke, who can afford it in this economy?” You finished for him with a giggle.
A sigh of relief escaped him. “You get it.”
Your hand reached up and swiped through his hair. “I do. Wanna get Taco Bell on the way home?”
“Dammit, how are you-”
"So perfect for me," he wanted to say. “Fuck it, Y/n, I love you.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and Connie looked like he was about to pass out- again. A warmth flooded through your body and you couldn’t help the smile forming.
“I love you too.”
He was wide-eyed. “R-really? You aren’t just saying that cause I did? It’s okay if you don’t yet- or if you never do- wait…”
A loud laugh escaped you as he continued to ramble. “Connie, I love you too.”
Connie let out a heavy sigh. “That’s a relief, the drive home would’ve just been...” He whistled lowly.
You leaned up to kiss him. “Get in the car, I’m hungry again.”
Connie finally pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex. The music was playing lowly in the background and his hand never left your thigh the entire drive. Taco wrappers and hot sauce packets littered the floor by your feet and both plushies resided with you under your seatbelt so they could be safe.
“Y/n, babe, wake up. We’re home.” He gently shook your sleeping form.
A grumbled left your lips, but you didn’t stir. Connie grabbed the trash and threw it out in a nearby bin then opened your door. He reached over and unbuckled your seatbelt. The two plushies found their way into your tiny backpack which Connie reluctantly put on.
“Come on, my little polar bear.” He laced your arms around his neck and edged you off the seat. Your legs wrapped around his torso and his arm secured itself under your butt to support you. You hummed into his neck, ever so grateful he was carrying you.
“Fuck, maybe I should’ve called you a koala instead.”
Taglist: @cullenswife @sad-darksoul @laylasbunbunny @kokosmiles
(Lmk if you would like to be added or removed)
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Throwing in some headcanons for the season 1 Archive gang
(As always, these are just silly goofy fun, not meant to invalidate anyone's characterization of the archive folks, we're in season 3 so if any of these contradict with canon, it's probably bc of that or memory failing us/personal preference sooooo, lesgo)
cw: alcohol (very lightly mentioned) and spiders
-Jon tends to wander when drunk, it's a good idea to keep an eye on him. He's gotten lost in campus during his college days but always comes back unharmed (somehow).
-He thought his grandmother made up grass allergies to keep him from getting into dangerous places as a kid but his family has a genetic grass allergy, nothing fatal but recently cut grass does make him v itchy when it touches bare skin.
-He uses pen grips, i think he's developing arthritis so he owns some comfortable rubber ones. There are a few bite marks on em, but if you confront him he will gaslight you
-Jon's bones also crack very easily, when he gets up you can hear it. It gets worse throughout the seasons
-Jon uses transparent nail polish. He started doing it to avoid nail biting but started the habit of chipping it off. In college he wore colored nail polish but he ditched bc he doesn't consider it v professional on himself.
-He's a responsible sunscreen user, he applies it whenever he needs to be outside but he uses a regular drugstore one since i don't think he believes in skincare being a thing. IN THE SAME VEIN: he doesn't think that body wash works, he only believes in soap.
-He had a bowlcut as a kid.
-He gets shorter by 1 inch per season.
-Jon, even though very good with tech, prefers to do things on paper because he likes the feeling. He prefers pencils over pens, but uses pens because they are more professional
-Jon would love smash burgers, i'm not giving more context.
-Sash started training a couple years ago to improve her posture (she tended to go shrimp while doing deskwork) and now she could crush a lemon with a single hand. She and Tim go to the gym sometimes and she can lift way more than him
-To counteract the smash burger hc above, she would love Shake Shack.
-She's scored pretty high on IQ tests every time she has to take them but she doesn't believe in their validity.
-She used to go spelunking on internet forums a lot.
-I think she would have enjoyed well planned ARGs and things that involved solving mysteries before it became her full-time job to deal with horrors.
-Sasha owns comfy shoes she wears in the office. Wearing heels during a whole workday isn't worth it and she knows this.
-Shes a bit of a stationary fan, she would have all of the really nice highlighters and notebooks
-She chews her lips pretty often, especially when she wears nice chap sticks
-She likes furbies.
-He hates furbies and dolls, truth be told it is more fear than hatred.
-He's been on commercials as a kid at least once. Somewhere on youtube there's a bubblegum commercial with a preteen Tim on it and Jon found it while looking for background info about nearly everyone in the archives in season 2.
-Tim has a small collection of fucked up Rubik cubes. He has a knack for solving them, the more alien-looking, the better. He finds solving puzzles stimulating but also gets fed up with them easily. Having something to do with his hands helps him think.
-He's an excellent draftsman, took an art course pre college and he indulges in it every now and then. He has no issues with people looking through his sketchbooks and all of the building facade sketches he has there. He's the kinda guy to sketch random people he sees in public and all of the archives gang has been drawn by him before
-He would love cockatiels, but he doesn't own any animals. He birdwatches quite a bit and has books/a special sketchbook just for birds/landscapes. He also purple columbine flowers, even though he is really bad with plants. He's foraged before but he ended up in emergency care bc he fucked with something he shouldn't have XD
-Tim got his tongue pierced some time ago, it suits him well.
-Will absolutely WRECK you in karaoke and then act like he isn't that good after (he was a theater kid)
-He's the most seasoned traveler among everyone in the archives. Tim's ideal vacay would be going around the world
-He would have enjoyed streaming games as a hobby (am i bringing up Mike LeBeau? probably. In a different world we would have Tim playing The Sims 2 with all of the mods on Twitch). He's also had pink hair before!!
-He's a bit of a polyglot to me (so far The Eye makes you understand other languages but it doesn't give you proficency over them! That's all his own talent)
-Mart's worked at a blu-ray rental before the Institute. He came out of that job decently well-versed in 80's-90's movies. He's the opposite of a film snob and probably loves The Princess Bride and other bangers
-Martin's the kind of person that would cut an apple for you but he'd eat a tangerine with the rind on without hesitating. After you have a fight with him he brings you cut fruits and crackers
-He also writes prose and has finished nanowrimo during company time.
-Martin wears graphic tees under shirts under sweaters at work, but for very nerdy and obscure things
-Martin does the little dinosaur hand things often when he is walking, heh
-He's kept house spiders in glass jars with little holes and fed them bugs. Many of those spiders gave birth inside those jars. He's moved places a couple times as a kid so he's probably responsible of scaring a landlord or two by greeting them with a roomful of spider jars (and it was deserved).
-Martin owns tea pets!! He shares a cuppa with them every now n then
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bobburgerenthusiast · 3 months
Season 1 Episode 1: Human Flesh
I've seen this episode so many times and it never gets old. I don't remember how I felt watching it the first time, but I always enjoy it as if I am looking back at old home movies. The nostalgia I get from the opening credits music to the animation is so amazing. Every time I see a clip of this ep I have to rewatch it it's just so funny. This pilot episode has got to be one of my top 5 as far as pilots go.
Rat's All Folks! Exterminators
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Not even a minute in and we have the infamous "my crotch is itchy :-/" scene from BB. Already in under five minutes the show manages to capture how goofy and close this family is. I also really miss the face zoom ins with the background music to go with it lmao.
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First and only time I can recall Bob calling Linda baby and its so cute.
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Burger of the day: "New bacon-ings" comes with bacon?
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The Ch*ld Mol*ster comes with candy?
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ah yes the autism toothpick scene. Took over tiktok for a bit and people complained saying "tHe OtHeR sEaSoNs ArEn'T aS gOoD" just cause they're different doesn't mean it isn't good OKAY!
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Gene looks so cute in his little burger fit. 🫶🏼 I love the way Mort yanks Gene into the building after delivering his food. Then he deliver's that dead body with a bow to the restaurant's front door.
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When Bob goes out to confront Hugo and Ron in their van then grabs Hugo is so funny. That's one thing I wish was a bit more consistent, I love when Bob has his deranged moments lol. But I get it he's a tired old man! Helping Hugo get out of the spot is too real. I don't know how to parallel park. I barely know how to drive. Took me three tries to pass my driver's test. I fell victim to the California roll 😔🤚. Every time I'm driving someone around I always make them park for me so I get it.
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Bob talking to himself into the reflection of the window is so fucking funny. My favorite scene in the episode.
Overall I give this episode a 8.5/10. I do wanna establish now that my favorite types of episodes are the emotional ones that make me feel like I swallowed the sun. These funny ones are a close second though. This episode perfectly sets up the wholesome but crackhead family dynamic shown throughout the rest of the show and really gets your attention. One of the reasons I find it so hard to start new shows is because it starts out so SLOW but this is a cute lil episode that has too many iconic moments to just have it as background noise. Seeing Bob and Linda on the ferris wheel makes me so excited to start a family and grow old w my man 🥹 they are such couple goals AND parent goals.
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cosmo112 · 7 months
@junobutterflyden + @juno-of-wonderland
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Jack -
He thinks you’re so amazing, usually to himself he thinks it’s odd a SavannahClaw student looks after cacti.
He wants to make your coffee for you and jogs to your house to make sure it stays warm
He drinks healthier stuff though. Probably some natural remedies because it’s gentle on his sensitive senses
He surprisingly isn’t scared of cats. And they aren’t scared of him (minus grim) so he just feeds stray animals and sends you cute pictures.
He does have a pout when you pet other dogs- I mean. You didn’t hear that from me
Idia -
He thought he’d like a cringy relationship. Before realizing it’s so annoying to trying to pry a chick off him. And the smol owo nonsense
He has cat ears that match his hair color. Almost burned them by accident while blushing.
He’s got amazing contacts for cosplays and wants matching costumes with you so bad he wants to be your princess peach to bowser :((
He takes you home to his parents and freaks out while you just chat with his family. (You met after STYX)
He drinks G-Fuel and calls it basically water. Worm man
Floyd -
You wake up with scratches and drool all over you because he uses you like a pillow and sniffles sadly when you try and get up.
Scary guard dog
He can and will use the squeeze card to keep you out of classes. Or threatens to eat the freshmen if they try and take you lmao.
Writes letters to you in crayon bc of the fun colors and he wants the wax to stay forever. Unlike pen ink which feels professional and strict.
He doodles you in class and shows it to you, then pins it up in his room when you praise it. His artwork will never be touched by the hands of mortals. Unless he moves out of his dorm, he takes it everywhere.
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Beel -
He is like Floyd but much more gentle. He nibbles on you while you sleep especially around his pact mark
He sometimes wishes he was your first but is happy where he is with a burger date <3
He’d go anywhere with you, and probably knows the most about calories. Like those memes of certain nationalities being able to do incredible math really fast when it comes to certain things? He can count calories and be 99.99% accurate
He would read his own fanfics and take that for note. Yes
He actually prefers flat drinks. He doesn’t DISLIKE, sodas, he just like how he can drink more without making his tummy ache.
Mammon -
He’s your FIRST. And will take more of your firsts aggressively first save, first time with a certain game, etc
He would feel pouty if he loses a game and tries to play it off how the game is either impossible or he let his younger brothers win.
Secretly learns your favorite food and brings you burnt mush instead :3
He would love a band with you, or if you made a devil-patreons so he can make so many accounts and buy you out.
Number one crybaby.
Leviathan -
Drinks sodas daily and claims its water with extra ingredients
He enjoys the texture of fish and scales. Though he hates animal fur
Probably also allergic to drinking anything that isn’t carbonated, he likes the bubbles and the fizz. Makes him feel energized
Though he hates burping. He feels like it’s such a normie thing.
Refuses to hold your hand. Instead he will wrap his tail around you, claims it’s how he’ll remind these idiots that you’re the only human he likes.
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Xiao -
He only shared his Almond tofu for one, that’s you bb <3 though he’ll act like it’s nothing
His name means speed for a reason, he’ll give the smallest and fastest kisses, nervously yelping when you kiss him
He squeals and disappears. And goes to cry to cloud retainer and Zhongli that his human’s too brave :((
He sniffles when you try and defend him. He’s a freak 2 me so he probably loves that you, a mortal human, can defend him, an adeptus
He’d be a freaky Yandere. He has no idea what humans do and he gets a pass bc of it.
Kaveh -
Mr.Perfectionist? That’s what safari says anyways.
He’s got pretty blonde syndrome, everyone thinks he’s goofy. I THOUGHT HE WAS A SILLY GUY. Turns out he’s a perfectionist.
He wants your outfits either to match or to be nothing alike unless with a theme. You cannot have both.
He would prefer flat drinks like Beelzebub, makes him feel civilized and fancy. But he’d either want to chug as much wine as possible. Dryer the better. Or despise alcohol no in between
He needs predictability. So much please don’t surprise him much :(
Bennet -
He’s such a goofy boy! I haven’t met him but I understand, he’s Kalim shaped.
He giggles and kisses your cheeks and hugs you after adventures well done. When he comes home from commissions.
He also probably drinks apple juice and giggles after shaking it up and making it look like fizzy beer and drink it and use the apple juice as a pretend being drunk
He looks into our world. Seeing all the bad, frowns and says “you guys don’t have adventures?”
He gives off the vibes of younger brother who gags when being fed greens, gotta make it into something else
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Checkmate >:3
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alex-a-fans · 9 months
BTTF Year-End Tag Game!
AAA THANK YOU @cheriboms AND @bttf-dork FOR TAGGING ME!!
This year:
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie?
Too many times to count...
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what!
Yes! BTTF Playmobil advent calendar and an off-brand Funko pop Doc!
How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year?
Pepsi free? None. Normal Pepsi on the other hand.... Over 50 cans for sure.
What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year?
There were so many good ones, but if I had to choose... I choose 3!
Oh, How the World has Changed by @itsthemorph I just love the idea of Clara in 1985, even if it's only one chapter, I am sure the other parts will be great :)
June of Doom: let the Suffering Begin by @unknooooow. Now these ones are dark. They have become my Roman Empire, so I think about it once every few days. But again, I love angst, especially realistic. :)
Double Visions by @daryfromthefuture. While there were many good ones this one stuck out due to it having the talk of Citizen Brown (the not-so-silly doc). And it's also very touching and captures the friendship spirit greatly!
A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!)
this one by @future-boi LITTLE MARTY LITTLE MARTY
this one by @maxintime Cause Browns my beloved <3
this one by @bttf-dork (do u have any idea how long it took for me to find it, I thought I imagined it) THE COLORS, THE SHAPES AAA.
This one by @cheriboms The silly, the goofy, the little Baby Emmett (I WILL EAT THE FANART)
Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of?
My time to shine :) /j
I am especially proud of June of Doom chapter 11 (Better known as Doc Has a Stroke literally). It took me two months to write, and it is still the longest one chapter I ever wrote (3k words). Also! I am afraid of hospitals and blood, so I have no idea how I wrote it. Also believe it or not, it was inspired by the animated series...
One more writing project I am proud of is Alteration. It is not because of how much I wrote, but how much I am still planning, and how many Ideas I have for it. I have every single detail planned :)
With art it's a bit more tricky. Since I am not THAT proud of any of them, but BTTF 2 end scene redraw is still one of my favs :)
How many times were you late for school this year?
At least three times, due to reasons outside of my control. But I hate being late.
Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them?
My Favourite Martian (1999) Where Lloyd plays an Alien. I watched it because of my silly alien doc au. And I had an amazing angst idea out of it (I wrote it for June of Doom)
That is about it...
Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year?
In the car. My parents are tired of me ranting about BTTF so Imagine me (not a singer) scream-singing Back In Time. :DDD
How many times did you fall down this year?
Honestly, either I didn't. Or I did too many times to count. Cause I don't remember
Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like!
How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met?
Not many, maybe once.
If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be?
This one is the toughest.
It will either be "I repeat, Verne, this is a fool's errand." "Does that mean you're coming?" I always tagged along when I knew my friend was making a dumb decision.
Or “Why do we have to cut these things so damn close?”
⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
To the dance, I even went as Marty McFly. (Even if it was 80' themed I did not win, they did not get the joke :(
Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year?
More art. Even more angsty fanfiction :)
I am tagging @unknooooow and I believe everyone else has been tagged. Maybe @jayisnotdrawing @bri-to-the-future @brinkle-brackle and @bentothefuturee @pine-killer55
Game by: @mjf-af
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rottmnt-hc · 1 year
Entering the Bay
Warnings: mentioned kidnapping, mentioned killing, Author's Note in the end
New York had been in relative peace since (out of the shadows) the turtle brothers came into the light.
Though there was still the threat of the Foot Clan and their leader Karai, who's been planning her revenge.
Trying to find the perfect weapons to wield against her enemies, the most powerful.
She found them, in the form of children. More turtles, but different.
She lost the two she took with the most promising outcome, to a creature.
And she hates losing…
Far from the crazy assassin lady, were two young teens and their gruff father.
Raphael, named after an angel per his mother's request, stood proudly in his bright red hoodie. A grin on his face as he victoriously carried three bags of McDonald's, each carrying something different. He is a blasian male (all pronouns actually) that has his hair braided in the front only to stop into a puffball at the back of his head, being held by a red scarf. Standing at 6'5, he has a faint scar on his left eye, a tanky exterior and sharp looking teeth.
Walking in the dead of night with his younger brother, to a rooftop
In front carrying a suitcase was Donatello, named after a famous Renaissance artist as per father's request, walking quickly with excitement. Royal Purple hoodie and a sly grin as the two walked towards the Hudson.
Donatello was a blasian kid (they/him) with an afro puff at the back of his head held in place by a pair of custom goggles with a purple bandana. He is 5'5 with a muscular build and deep faint scarring on his back and equally sharp looking teeth.
They were curious about the so called heroes of New York but didn't seek them out, instead the two looked for a way home.
Their true home…a different dimension, their dimension.
"Raph, I'm telling you stargazing isn't going to help anyone with anything." Though the smile on his face was telling.
"Yea, but Barry is going through it and I think we deserve a break, home school is hard man." He took the lead and led his brother to a rooftop.
Once the coast was clear, Raphael summoned his Ninpo and carried the cargo to their roof.
They claimed this rooftop as their own day three of being here, noone disturbed them and they kept to themselves.
Both kids refuse to admit they needed this, their Big Brothers day…which is actually a few months but needed.
Serious talks quickly turned stupid and goofy as the days went on. Learning more about each other since their last BBD.
As Donnie set up his telescope, Raph decided to start the random questioning.
"Okay, if you had to pick, would you rather prank a soap factory or a fireworks factory?"
"What made you think of that? Fireworks, especially before 4th of July, fill all of it with either whipped cream or oil. I both love and hate them. What about you?" 
"Soap, especially that one soap that dries out my hands. Look, I steal all the glitter in New York, and throw it in the soap mix. Everyone gets pranked now."
"You are by far the most evil person I know, glitter? Yep, thank whoever's listening they didn't give you the energy to commit these high acts of crime against humanity. They should've arrested you on the spot."
They laughed faintly noticing a moving shadow but ignoring it as they continued their game, "Ok, ok, how about super powers? What would you pick?"
"Not Strength? Dude you're a muscle guy, I would have never figured flight."
"Okay listen, I might not be able to bench press a bus, but I'd be happy zooming around in the air. What about you? And don't say super smart, you don't need twice that."
"Haha laughing sarcastically, telekinesis so I can do a bunch of things at once…but thanks for saying I'm super smart."
Raph passed his brother his bag of plain burgers and fries (he did make a fuss about the plain and got it plain), "Okay time for the moment of truth, evil villain knows where you live and what your family looks like, what do you do to him after getting him down."
"That's a hard one, on one hand…murder isn't good, on the other hand I'd kill for you. Pros, world's safe, no one else gets hurt, my family is safe…cons, that shit will live with me, might be considered a villain afterwards, still might get my family hurt, they have kids."
"....I didn't say you'd be a hero dumbass."
"Murder. That fucker messed with the wrong family."
Taking a bite out of a burger, Donnie and Raph stared at the in coming stars on the screen in silence.
The shadows behind them got closer, so Raph shifted a bit forward to look at the screen.
He always thought the galaxy looked pretty and grinned, "I think I could rock a dress in those colors." (Do you think we'll have to fight?)
"Really? I mean you could if you had the right cut." (Probably not, we'll have to wait)
"Ooh, so apparently people eat turtles…should I add that to the bucket list?" (They smell like turtle, maybe won't be attacked?)
"I don't know how to respond to that, maybe. Should we head home? I think I got a full scan." (We should leave.)
Raph stood up and started cleaning up their mess while Donnie packed his equipment and decided to walk along the rooftops.
At the corner of his eye he sees a shadow move and decided to play along, his head quickly turned towards the hiding places as a quick scan.
"Phae? What's up?" Donnie sounded monotone to everyone who didn't know him, but he sounded amused.
"Thought I saw something, nevermind I guess. Come on, let's get to populated roads please."
"I don't think you should be going anywhere that way little bros." A voice called out from the shadows.
There was a thump before a soft "ow" followed.
Donnie was the one to answer, "Oh yea? Why not?
"Uh, dangerous people? Kidnapping? Why are you even here alone?"
Raph's face morphed into confusion, "Why, you gonna kidnap us?"
Donnie narrows his eyes, "That's creepy, our kidnappers talking to their victims before kidnapping us. Bro I'm fifteen, I don't need this drama. If I'm getting kidnapped just do it."
"We're not kidnapping you-"
"That's exactly what a kidnapper would say, the suspense is killing me."
A gruff "That's not the only thing gonna kill you-"
"Did you bring an army with you!? And you're skipping the kidnapping!?" Raph managed to keep his voice even enough for it to sound hurt.
"They must know you're a tank, they need friends to take you." Donnie sounded a bit high pitched, he was trying not to laugh.
"ENOUGH!" This new voice has the two flinching and it continued a bit softer, "You kids should head home, and don't come back. Gangs like to appear here."
Raph groans, "We've been coming here for months now, no gangs!"
Though the thought did run through his head, were they being hunted?
Donnie huffed obviously perturbed, "Fine, I think I got what I need. Come on Raph."
"Wait, what's your name!?" It was the lighter voice again that Raph assumed was this world's Michaelangelo.
"The fuck are you asking my name for?" He felt really defensive all of a sudden.
There was silence before they continued, "My name is Michaelangelo, what's your name."
There were hushed scoldings before Raph huffed, "Raphael, yes named after an Angel."
"Donatello, mostly cause dad was an art dweeb." There was a gasp of air before Raph's phone buzzed.
"Dona, we gotta go. Pops is freaking out." Raph said after reading the message.
Donnie gave his brother a look before starting to climb down the building.
They started walking away when they heard a huge thing behind them.
It took everything in both their powers not to move.
A more analyzing voice, being directly behind them, spoke, "You didn't run, why?"
"Honestly, we don't know if you have guns. Besides you just said gangs like to show up here, running will just make them notice us." Donnie sounded confused so Raph picked up
"Also, we are new to New York and I wanna stop by the corner store."
"Really? You took down ten double cheeseburgers and three large fries, how are you still hungry?!"
"How do you know I didn't want something to drink? I mean I am getting some chips but I'm actually pretty thirsty."
Three more large thuds made themselves known, "Dang kid, you play sports?"
"Nope? At least not yet, but I'm kinda going to work my way into working with kids." It was true, Raph was a great assistant teacher when April needed him.
This time Donnie's phone vibrates, Barry's panicked words flashed across the screen.
The two finally turned towards their "stalkers" and did a quick look over.
They were all big and bulky, they probably have Raph beat in height but he's got them all in bulk.
With a grin Raph nods, "I can take you. Most definitely."
The red bandana, Raphael, grinned, "You wanna test that? I will be happy to give you a shot."
The analytical one, Donatello, hit his arm, "Well my name is also Donatello, I'm Michelangelo's older brother. This is my twin Raphael, don't let his appearance fool you, he's a softy."
Raphael gave a growl that sent shivers up Donnie's spine but Raphie stood his ground with narrowed eyes.
The blue mask sighed, "I am Leonardo, the leader of the group. Because my brothers introduced us to total strangers, means we'll be seeing each other again. We'll make sure you make it home."
There was a silent conversation that was missed but nonetheless they kept their word and escorted them home.
Once inside Raph pulled his little brother to the side to huff, "We literally just showed them where we live…should I be worried."
Donnie groaned and shrugged, "Probably, welp, let's face the music."
They entered the apartment to see Baron Draxum in his human form glory, he looked more startled than actual concerned.
With a sigh of relief he hugged them, "Boys, what did I say about texting me whenever you're out."
"Sorry Barry, we didn't mean to worry you."
"We got caught up in the stars, which I think I have enough data for my project!"
The old goat groaned with a smile, "Go wash up, you might be homeschooled but I want to relax this weekend."
The two washed their faces and brushed their teeth and hair.
"You finishing up tonight or tomorrow?" Raph was putting on his pajamas, a large grey t-shirt and bright red shorts, and grabbing his phone from the counter.
"I'll do it tomorrow, tonight was kinda draining. Weird encounter though, honestly I didn't expect it." Donnie was in silk purple pajamas and phone in hand.
The two went into separate rooms to sleep, unknowing the true dangers they'll be in.
A/N: Originally, Big Mama was supposed to be the one in the Bayverse with the boys, but then I would have written her joining Karai for her machine just to get double and triple crosses...
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purpleyin · 2 years
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Stranger Things moodboards: Stoncy - Christmas long distance
Christmas moodboard + the described scenario for it behind the read more, of their first Christmas while doing long distance. Made for the Stoncy Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2022 back in January.
Their first Christmas together doesn't actually happen on Christmas day, it comes four days earlier; a compromise so that they can have some time to themselves before the big day with the rest of their loved ones. Steve drives 17 hours from Hawkins and Jonathan about the same from California, while Nancy gets several coaches from her college to their midway point, intending to share a ride back to Hawkins afterwards with Steve.
All they have is one day in a crummy motel room meant for two but they make the best of it. They get a tiny Christmas tree from a local shop and sneak it in. It comes with a few baubles but no lights, but Jonathan says he prefers it that way so they leave it as is. As simple and unimpressive as their little tree is, Steve decides he'll take it home with him, a more cherished alternative to his parents' showy tree he has no attachment to. Nancy cuts out lots of very precise snowflakes from note paper of hers to decorate the room with and Steve reveals some home baked cookies he brought with him, having thankfully only eaten about a quarter on the drive there.
There's no way they can do a proper Christmas meal in the room even if they had brought a minioven or hotplate to plug in, and it wasn't safe to bring the cooked food with them on such a long drive. Instead, they find some cranberry sauce, tinned green beans, a pecan pie, and rotisserie chicken at the nearby 7/11 and get plenty of fries to go from a burger joint – the latter two are kind of cold by the time they get back to the room, but they don't care. They sit cramped around the tiny table with two chairs, moved across to by the bed so that Nancy can sit on the edge of the bed in place of a third chair. They wolf the food down to the sounds of Jonathan's carefully curated Christmas mixtape on a boombox Steve brought. She's pretty sure by Jonathan's slightly tense expression at times that there are some songs on it he genuinely hates, included just because he knows how much she likes them, but he says nothing about that and looks pleased to see her and Steve singing along to several.
Steve has a new Polaroid camera and is keen to take pictures of everything. Most of the time he takes a picture with himself in, he can't help but pose dramatically or make a goofy face, which makes Jonathan roll his eyes at first but he's grinning at the antics by the end of the meal, just pleased to be with them both, to see them safe and happy. Jonathan does show Steve a few tips for how to take better photos, though he's not used to the Polaroid format so they're just as much muddling through together and it's nice to see a shared interest for them.
After the meal, they chat to catchup for a bit but they're all so exhausted from travelling they quickly collapse into a cuddle pile on the bed. When they wake up next morning, it's to the surprising news of snow – something that happens once a decade at best where they are but it's hardly that strange a happening considering what they've been through together in Hawkins. It's unusual but still perfectly normal and a comfort to have a surprise be good for once. A stereotypically snowy day together makes the meetup more Christmassy and is also the perfect excuse to stay a little longer than originally planned, easy to blame their late returns on car troubles.
Steve disappears to get breakfast and they assume he's simply going to get vending machine food, but he's gone rather long, causing them to get worried until she notices his car keys are also gone. He comes back laden with a selection of baked goods and thankfully still warm cocoa in a flask which he deftly decants into three camping mugs. Given that they'd not seen a bakery or coffee shop anywhere around the motel area when they explored it the evening before, he must've driven out of his way in the snow to find something good for them. Steve also produces three candy canes from a pocket that begins a fervent discussion on whether they're an appropriate accompaniment to cocoa or an abomination like Nancy believes.
After breakfast, Nancy is intent to do something to take advantage of the festive weather. Neither Steve or Jonathan were prepared for such cold, but Nancy rummages through her luggage to find three pairs of gloves she'd expected to need once back in Hawkins. They head out to walk to a park they drove past the previous day and it isn't long before snowballs are flying. Nancy and Steve run around after each other, getting out a breath for a bit, with Jonathan just watching, amused at their competitiveness. Until a snowball she throws hits him squarely in the chest and he finally joins in, intent for payback.
When they are too tired, and their hair thoroughly wet from melted snow, to continue, they retreat back to the motel for warm showers. They don't know how much hot water there is, and the stall is too small to share, so they only manage brief showers one after the other. Steve doesn't have a change of clothes with him so he makes do with a towel around his waist and one of Nancy's oversized sweaters while he waits for his damp clothes to dry out. Even though they can't have long showers like would be ideal, there is a hair dryer to get their hair warm and dry. Steve offers to dry Jonathan's for him before his own, relishing the chance to show his care for him in that small gesture. As she sits waiting her turn and watches her two boyfriends, she thinks it might not be the perfect Christmas but it's a small taste of domesticity to have this time with them alone here. It warms her in another way to think of what they have to look forward to once college is done and they can hopefully be together again more permanently.
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
ok i'm on a bob's burgers kick again and
do the kids feel bad that they don't have as much as some of their friends? This is probably me projecting but I was watching the episode where Rudy breaks his arm and at the end, he mentions to Louise that he's keeping his new bunk bed and his dad got him a trampoline. Watching that, I felt sad because that's something that would never be a possibility for the Belchers.
One of the reasons I like bob's burgers so much is that it's the only show I've found that's about working class people. They live in an apartment, not a house, have crappy phones and struggle to pay rent. And they make jokes about it and go on crazy adventures bc of it but it’s also so real.
Tina can’t go to the fancy horse camp or get a phone like her friends. Louise wanted a bunk bed so bad and it took them forever to get it bc it’s expensive. In one of the Christmas episodes, Bob was so genuinely excited that they could afford nice presents for the kids this year. They’re always having to choose between doing smth for the kids (like going to trampoline land) or keeping their business/house functioning (like fixing the deep fryer) bc there’s not money for both.
My family is working class and all of these things are so real. We’ve driven around and looked at the rich houses and pretended they were ours like the Belchers. My phone is secondhand and six years old just like theirs. We don’t go on vacation bc it’s too expensive so we just do activities within the city like they do. Idk it just makes the show so much better for me than watching another show abt a rich suburban middle class family. Tv almost never presents lower class ppl in a fun goofy light like the Belchers that doesn’t also make them feel lesser than the other characters bc of it. Idk where I was going w this anymore, I’m just so glad they wrote them like they did
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nellie-elizabeth · 9 months
Bob's Burgers: Mission Impossi-Bob (14x11)
A very fun episode!
I really have no complaints at all. I could have used even more fun weird times with the crazy bunker man, I wanted to know his whole deal. Maybe if Teddy keeps doing work for him, he'll come back later.
The main plot features Bob going on a rescue mission to find Teddy, who has trapped himself in a panic room/safe thing that a wealthy client has asked him to help with. There's all this convoluted information presented to us over a series of phone calls with Teddy, whose phone is in danger of dying as he rambles on about seemingly irrelevant things in an attempt to explain to Bob how to find and rescue him.
I loved the chaos of this, of Teddy freaking out and Bob trying not to get stressed. I also like that it's a success. Something I think this show does really well is you often see the Belchers embarrassed or overwhelmed or stressed, but often you also see them win, after unexpected challenges are set in their way. It's not that we never see the failure version of a story like this, but this time, Bob does in fact put the clues together and find Teddy, and not only that, when the owner comes home and nearly catches him, they come up with a clever idea to hide Bob from him and save the day even more!
Teddy is a character who I feel like is always on the edge of being too much, too annoying, but they always pull him back from the edge just enough. His strange mix of devotion and trust, but also misunderstanding and dismissiveness of Bob, always gets a laugh out of me. He thinks Bob is financially stable, but also seems not to understand his work at the restaurant. He believes in Bob's ability to find him, but wants to help walk him through how to download a song on his phone. It's such a funny mix!
The subplot features the kids and Linda making a giant burger to serve to a group of over-forty athletes who have just won a tournament. Again, you might expect this to become some sort of escalating disaster, and in a way it does, as they struggle with how to flip the giant patty, then run into a problem with their giant bread idea. But when it comes down to it, they do actually manage to serve the burger, and the group does in fact eat about half of it, which was better than I was expecting! The Belchers will be having leftover burgers for a couple days, it looks like.
I always love the energy of this family, this thing where the kids have a wacky idea and the parents actually, when reasonable, allow them to do it. There's something heartwarming about the idea that if you're going to make your kids help out with the family business, you might as well let them have some goofy fun with it once in a while.
So yeah! This was a fun one. This show usually finds a way to make me smile.
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orleans-jester · 2 years
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Valentin Vultur Junior at Halloweentown High Replication Charming Art-Boy, Confident, Happy Go Lucky, Rulebreaker, Handsome, Discheveled.
Nikolai Vultur Senior at Halloweentown High Pain Resistance, Fungal Arts Tortured Soul, Arrogant, Broody, Romantic, Will sink to a low level for the right price, Sarcasm.
The Vulture Brothers. Okay, so they’re not really brothers. Just close cousins. But they might as well be brothers with how close they are, their parents being close siblings. They couldn’t look much more different or act much more different when they are apart but when they come together - that’s when the predatory nature comes out.
Halloweentown is unique for many reasons. It’s the premier witching high school in not just New Orleans, not just America, but the world. Oogie does not keep it a secret. She’s a high-profile rock star, a sex symbol, someone who has an in with the inner-city politics and often gets her way by making deals, doing favors, throwing the dice down and working with what she gets, even if it’s snake-eyes. This is the kinda school where people want to send their kids. For this upcoming school year, Oogie had to add another building just for extra dorms since there were so many enrolled. Expansions had to be made. Taking foreign students to build a world-wide reputation and extend her power throughout the continents. So two Russian boys? Good looking, powerful Russian boys? Gods, yes, accepted, get them in, give them a double-dorm room to themselves, give them a fun education then release them into the world.
Valentin was the more charming of the two. All sparkly eyes and oozing cuteness, the messy voluminous boy-band hair style, the goofiness. The more likeable one. He was the one who played guitar, who could sing, who was the star of the art class. He didn’t do so well with the learning, usually joking around with people in class rather than paying attention but he did alright, he skimmed by. With that face, what would he need a degree for anyway? His powers are based in replication, which comes in handy for a lot of things. Hungry? He only needs to press a finger on a classmate’s burger wrapper and there he has it, a tasty meal all wrapped up. Not enough money? Same with dollar bills. Not so good at doing it with people, he’s certainly no Ace. But he likes to have fun with this kind of thing. If you get a gift from him, you can guarantee, it’s not an original.
Nikolai was darker in both appearance and in nature. He had his own sort of charms, a really nice smile when he chose to show it, a sarcastic nature, and a way of making one feel almost special if he chooses to pay attention to them. Very focused. If he’s listening to you, he makes sure that you know it. He heard people once or twice compare him to Chip Laveau but he doesn’t really know what that means. Not just because of their looks or the way that they sort of isolate, but because of powers. Chip has earth? Nikolai has fungus. May sound sort of lame but he knows how to wield it. Does he want something gone? Fungus grows over it. Fruiting bodies. Spores all over an environment, infecting everything, weakening everything. Causing rot. Mold. Making people sick. Goodbye home. Jock would love this guy with how he could just create hallucinogenics at the snap of a finger, strong enough to affect someone by just touching the skin.
But together? They’re attracted to trouble. It’s like they have a sixth sense for it. As a pair, they sometimes get attached to people who tend to be on a downward spiral. Is it because of them? Or do they just choose wisely? Even they don’t know. They don’t understand. They watch things from afar, taking advantage any way that they can. When they were children, they watched a girl fall down a well and did nothing to help her. Just watched over the side. Valentin was grinning. Nikolai was the more serious one. Coming to Halloweentown felt like the initial scene in Final Destination 3 - just watching the roller coaster when it was about to come off the tracks and watching life pick off the others one by one.
Scavengers, these two. Already, they charmed their way into distant family member’s lives, got themselves put into their wills, and inherited quite a bit of old white man money for it. Watching them in the throes of their deathbed, the rattle coming from their lungs. And then went in like the vultures that they are. Taking their bits and leaving the bones. So who can tell what they’d do with the chaos that often ends up around New Orleans. Around Halloweentown. All they know is that Oogie had given them a fine opportunity in letting them enroll and they aren’t going to waste it.
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book-place · 2 years
Louder Than Words
Warnings: mentions of child abandonment, cursing (?), mentions of character death and being shot (nothing too graphic I don’t think), nightmares, traumatic mutism (not stated but implied), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Marc Spector x reader platonic
Request: uhh are you still taking requests for platonic moon knight?? if so, could you do a Marc x gender neutral!teen!reader who is selectively mute? they never talk to anyone and Marc or Layla or Steven have to say things for them when. it co.es to ordering food. One night they end up having a nightmare about Marc dying or getting hurt. He ends up calming them down and Y/n says something along the lines of "I love you" for the very first time and those are their first words to him? I just think it would be a very heartfelt idea and it would show that overtime reader grew to trust him and he wants to do everything in his power to keep that trust.
(I hope that this is okay- sorry if it’s not what you had in mind- and I’m sorry that this took so long)
Request by: @mukbee
*not my gif*
Summary: Trusting people was hard for you, no matter who it was. But then again, there was always one person you could count on. No matter what.
A/N: I’m back, bitches! Finally got another Moon Knight request out even though it’s short!!
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“They’ll have a burger and fries.”
“Could you repeat that for them?”
“They need to know which way to go.”
“They want the blue one, please.”
Those were some of the many, many phrases that were heard when you were with Marc.
The two of you had met ten years ago, when you were merely six years old, when he saw you sitting all by yourself in an alleyway with dirty clothes, messed up hair, no shoes, and a rumbling stomach.
He had carefully approached you at the time in the most unmenacing way that he could, and he had asked you if you were all by yourself, which looking back now was not a great thing to ask a kid who had probably heard things like ‘stranger danger’ all their life.
You had just stared at him with wide eyes fearfully and had slowly backed away. And it wasn’t until he pulled an unopened candy bar out of his pocket that you actually stopped moving.
He had watched as you locked your eyes onto the chocolate and only then did he realize how hungry you truley were, to drop all of your survival instincts for a pice of candy that wasn’t even king sized.
Making his movements slow so as to not frighten you any more, he reached out his hand with the chocolate bar and gave it to you.
You didn’t waste another second as you dove into the food, leaving it to be all gone within ten seconds.
“What are you doing out here?” Marc tried again after a moment of silence. Again, you just stared at him, “Are you by yourself?”
He could see the hesitation written very clearly across your face as you had a mental debate with yourself, then you nodded your head slowly.
And that was the moment that Marc Spector had taken you, Y/n L/n, in as his own child.
He had never been one to go soft for anything, but then you came into his life and the second that you did, he knew that he would do anything for you. Anything.
After about two weeks of you not talking- at first he just assumed it was because you were getting used to everything- Marc came to the conclusion that you were mute. Whether it was selective or not, the man had no idea. But he also never pushed you to talk, figuring that if you ever wanted to or felt the need to, then you would.
And that was how the feared and cold Marc Spector became a protective and caring father to a six year old kid that had never even said a word to him.
It had taken you a little bit of time, but you had slowly come out of your shell around him and he got to know the goofy and sarcastic side of you that he wouldn’t have known was there otherwise.
He also learned that since you didn’t speak, you preferred to use sign language, leading to countless sleepless nights of Marc trying to learn it behind your back so that he could communicate with and understand you better. But if anyone ever asked him about that, he would deny all of it.
It had been ten years since the night that he had made the decision to take you in, and as far as he was concerned it was the best decision of his life.
Currently, the two of you were staying in a rental home in Florida for Marc’s job that constantly had him moving around.
Before he had taken you in, he had just grabbed a hotel room every time he had to move, but he didn’t want you to have to deal with that like he did. So everytime he would rent a new house, even if it was just a small one.
It was well past midnight when the two of you had finally crashed and put a pause to your epic monopoly battle to get some sleep, with you having school in the morning and Marc having work.
He would admit, not one of his best parenting moments, but he wasn’t about to let your cheeky little ass beat him in a board game that he’d been playing longer than you’d been alive.
It hadn’t even been five minutes before Marc’s earth shaking snores were bouncing off the walls, a sound of which you were used to by then and barely even registered. But you were already asleep as well, anyway.
A half an hour into your dreamless slumber, images started flashing before your eyes, but not nice ones that would make you feel good inside in the morning when you would wake up, they were nightmares that always left you shaken to the core.
That night you had one that had been a recurring one for you years ago, but you hadn’t had in a while, and then, it seemed to have come back worse than ever.
What Marc did for work was never a secret to you, and though he never lied to you about it, he still did everything in his power to protect you from that dangerous life.
And that night you had a nightmare of your greatest fear. The one that always had sat in the back of your mind from the moment you found out what the man did for a living.
For the next hour you had images flashing across your mind of Marc being shot and killed in your arms because of his line of work.
All you could do was watch helplessly as the life drained from his body and his eyes went wide and glassy, breathing coming to a sudden and very unwelcome halt.
And it kept replaying over, and over, and over, and over again. Never giving you a break until you shot up in your bed, drenched in a cold sweat and panting heavily, trying to catch your breath as if you had just run a marathon.
Taking some gasping breaths, your head whipped around the room as you tried to gather yourself, repeatedly stating in your head that it was just a dream and you were in your rented house. Both of you were safe and sound.
But for some reason your mind didn’t want to listen to you, instead opted to begin to freak out even more and you realized that the only way that you could calm down was to see Marc alive and well.
So with that, you threw your legs over the side of your bed, ignoring how your whole figure shook as you moved, and hurried out the door and down the hall to where the rumbling snoring had been taking place earlier. And the lack of it made your heart drop even more.
Without a second thought, you burst into the room, stumbling clumsily through the door and looked around in terror, sighing a breath of relief when you finally saw the man sitting up in his bed while looking at you with wide eyes, alive and well.
“Y/n?” Marc immediately stood up, rushing over to you in a panicked state, “What is it? What’s wrong?” His words came out rushed as he gently gripped your shoulders and scanned over you for any signs of injuries.
Sighing a breath of relief and shaking your head slightly, you didn’t think twice before collapsing into his arms, letting him rub your back up and down soothingly.
Slowly, he led you to his bed and lied down, pulling you against his chest, once he figured out that there was no immediate danger, not caring if at this age you would be deemed for being too old for something like that.
After a few minutes, he spoke up again, voice softer this time, “What’s wrong, n/n?”
Your hands shaking significantly less than before, so you raised them and signed to him that it was just a nightmare, causing him to give a slight nod of understanding, hugging you tighter.
“Anything you want to talk about?”
You shook your head, eyes wandering his ceiling as you felt sleep beginning to tug at you again, urging you into its dark abyss, because you now knew that Marc was safe.
As your eyes began to flutter shut, something happened that neither of you thought ever would, but you were too tired to acknowledge or even realize it.
“I love you, dad.”
It was the first time that he had ever heard your voice, and it was more amazing than he had pictured, though it was quiet and barely noticeable.
His wide eyes snapped to you, only to see you already peacefully asleep, most likely unaware of what had just taken place.
“I love you too, kiddo.” His voice broke a little as tears welled up in the usually tough man’s eyes, and he leaned down to kiss your forehead, “I love you so much.”
From the first time that Marc Spector had met you, it had been clear that no matter how close the two of you had gotten, there would always be part of you that didn’t fully trust him, even if it was just the smallest amount possible, because of everything you went through in your past.
But now, speaking up to him like that, he knew that he finally had your full trust, and he vowed to do everything in his power to keep that trust. And never break it.
MCU Taglist: @lovanitu @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker
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infernalodie · 2 years
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 || 𝐊𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚
“𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘴 𝘐𝘧 𝘐 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯! 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘐𝘧 𝘸𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯.“
Inspo: Jon Bellion - One More Time Kid Travis - Butterflies
Pairing: Kiara Carrera x Black!Male!reader
Summary: The relationship between you and Kiara, simply put, was complicated. You were a kid from the Cut who she’d spotted while hanging out with the rest of the Pogues and you had seen her at the Boneyard. But her parents knew your business as a drug dealer and didn’t like the idea of her being around you. What is life if you don’t take a couple risks, right?
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Warnings: Passionate smut, fluff, angst if you squint hard enough, and a pretty funny ending
Words: 2508
When Kiara first encountered you, it had been at her family’s, The Wreck. It was near closing time and the minute you had walked in, Kiara picked up on two things. The first was that you were from the Cut by the dirt that splotched your legs and the rest covering your arms. Your clothes weren’t as fancy as the ones a Kook would wear and a few of your friends from what she had guessed was work, had come in with you. The second had been how unbelievably high you were just by the goofy smile that formed on your face when you saw her.
Kiara couldn’t hold back the smile that etched itself onto her lips as you walked up to the counter. She approached as well, using a cloth to dry her hands.
“What can I get you?” She asked, slightly amused by the shameless stare you held with her. Giving her enough time to see that your eyes were indeed bloodshot, indicating you were higher than a fucking kite.
“A cheese burger with some fries as well as your number.” The forwardness did surprise Kiara, who continued to hold a grin of amusement.
Deciding to play hard to get, she turned around and gave the order before turning back to you. Bracing her hands on the edge of the counter. “And why should I give you my number?”
“’Cause you are the most beautiful girl on this island.”
That may have been the moment Kiara had been hooked. Not from the corny pickup line, but from your state and that funny smile you wore while saying it. More confident than half the guys who have tried hitting on her. But even then, you had said it as a joke and she didn’t hold it over your head. Nonetheless, she did end up giving you her phone number and that brought on a whole new world.
Whenever you were off work, not constructing houses on Figure Eight, you were texting her. Kiara would be lying if she said she didn’t feel something stir in her stomach whenever she saw your name pop up on her phone. Or even when she would see you riding your dirt bike whilst she was with the Pogues, who had taken a liking to teasing her for her crush.
Her parents on the other hand didn’t share the same type of enthusiasm. Constantly telling Kiara to not get involved in whatever you were doing and that you were nothing but bad news. And Kiara always told them she would and that she would block your number. But let’s be honest, she wasn’t going to keep that promise.
When she did ask what it was that you did beside drugs, you had confessed, “I sell weed. When I can’t make ends meet, I sell so I can help my parents with bills.” That was enough to sooth Kiara’s worries and only pull her in to your alluring world of mischief and chaos you constantly embarked on.
Soon enough, after a few drinks one random night, the both of you were on each other. Clinging at one another’s bodies for dear life and shedding any article dividing the both of you. And after that, feelings had been laid out.
From there, your guys’ meetings became more frequent and parties were the only areas the both of you could be together and intimate. Besides when you actually spent time with the Pogues who had welcomed you in with open arms. So, one night, when Kiara had gotten drunk from a kegger at the Boneyard, you had driven her home. Let’s just say, that it didn’t exactly go as planned.
“This is me.” You slowly pulled the rusty Buick to a stop and put it into park. “Thanks for the night. School has been a pain in the ass.”
“Same here,” you sighed. “Haven’t been able to get any rest for the past couple days.”
She never understood why you constantly piled responsibilities on to your shoulders. But then again, she didn’t live in the Cut and she didn’t fully understand the troubles that went on over there. Though, she did wish you gave yourself more time to relax. It made her guilty for making you come out to these parties when you had work and school the very next day.
“You should use your sick days.” She grabbed her bag and pulled it up onto her lap. “I’m sure your boss would understand with you having to balance that and school.”
“Yeah, go tell that to Ward.” You laughed. “That fucker doesn’t give a shit about his workers. Especially if they live on the Cut.”
Kiara scoffed. “Tell me about it.”
As she was getting out of the car, the porch light of her house turned on with the front door swinging open. Her father and mother stepping out with looks that weren’t hard for you to see were angered.
Almost seeing exactly what would happen, Kiara glanced back at you. “Have a good night, Y/n.” She leaned over, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “And don’t piss my dad off, please.”
You gave a smirk and wave as she shut the door and walked up to her parents. They whispered hushed words as you watched. Mike, Kiara’s father, turned his attention to you and quickly made his way down the steps. As horrible as it sounded, the whole schpel from girls dads weren’t new to you. You had dated and had sex with enough dad’s that you knew what to expect at this point. The empty threats, the warnings, the wanna-be intimidating looks. None of them freaked you out or changed how you may feel about that girl.
And Mike wasn’t going to change the fact that the girl you liked, his daughter, wanted to spend more time with you and you with her. The both of you already had feelings for one another and had confessed them a while ago, but you guys wanted to take it slow.
Coming to the passenger window, he leaned down and looked inside. You watched him inspect the vehicle before his gaze landed back on you. “Stay away from my daughter.”
“What if I told you I love her?” You raised a brow, holding back the urge to smirk.
“Well, then I would say I would break your legs with a shovel.”
“I could still marry her.”
Mike hadn’t known how to respond to that and you took it as your chance to drive away. A smirk crossing over your face as you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.
Ki Ki: you are going to get us killed!
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“Y/n, hurry.” Kiara giggled as you tumbled through her window. Knocking over a few items from the small desk. Praying that the thud that your body had generated wasn’t loud enough to wake your girlfriend’s parents.
When you got to your feet, your lips were on hers in an instant. “I think we should skip the foreplay, right?” You mused. “Just save that for later. I don’t need your dad following through on his threat.”
“Oh, yeah. Totally has nothing with the both of us being horny tonight, right?” She teased but a gasp leaving her lips when your lips attached to her neck. Biting back a grin as her hand held the back of your head, keeping your lips attached.
It had to be at least 6:13 AM in the morning and the both of you hadn’t been able to sleep well. And the constant dirty talk had led to Kiara suggesting the idea that you come over and sneak inside. Who were you to deny such a perfect offer that stood by everything you were? A risk taker. A delinquent. You were made for this type of shit.
Pulling your shirt from your head, Kiara was quick to run her hands up the expanse of your stomach. Fingers tipping between each ab, completely perplexed by your physic. Your dark skin being the only thing she ever cared about whenever she slept Guess this is what came with working construction for Ward Cameron.
Her hands then grabbed the hem of your shorts and pulled them down to the middle of your thighs. Hand coming around to the back of your neck and kissing you with her other hand palming you through your briefs. A groan slipped out your lips as you leaned forward, far more needier with her hand now on your dick.
Your tongues battled against one another in a sloppy and unorganized kiss. It always felt like bliss when the both of you sought for the same thing. A release from the stress that had been going on and a bit of fun. Because fucking Kiara in her house, at 6:13 AM with her parents only a room over did get you excited a bit. And judging by the eagerness that Kiara showed from over the phone, she shared it.
Having had enough with the foreplay, you pushed your shorts off and grabbed Kiara by the waist and pushed her onto the bed. She lifted her hips as you quickly grabbed her pj shorts off and discarded them across the room, along with your favorite black lingerie panties.
“You look beautiful, Kie.” You whispered, kissing along the inside of her thighs. Biting just hard enough that it made her whine before you licked to ease the pain.
“Y/n, c’mon.” She whined impatiently.
“What do you want?” You murmured, kissing her other thigh with tenderness. Eyes flickering up to the girl who watched each movement eagerly.
“No foreplay. Just fuck me.”
That had you nearly pulling away in surprise, but you decided to oblige. Pulling your boxers off before sitting on your knees on the bed. Her legs spread wide and open for you. You could never get over how beautiful she looked like this. So eager for you to give her exactly what she wanted while you got indulge in her beauty. It wasn’t even the sex that drove every pleasure through your body. It was purely the love that she held in your eyes every time the both of you had ex.
Pulling her panties to the side you angled yourself perfectly with your entrance. With a tiny jab to remind her of what was coming, you thrusted in down to the base of the tiny hairs above your dick. Kiara, lost in the bliss, let out a moan that you had to interrupt with your hand clasping over her mouth.
That’s when you felt a something wet trail across your palm making you recoil. “Did you just fucking lick my hand?” You laughed, still rocking your hips slowly to ease her into the size her pussy had never been able to get used to.
She laughed with a nod as you shook your head and leaned down, kissing her passionately. Grabbing her hands you lifted them above her hand and pinned them with one hand while the other rested underneath her right knee. Keeping it up as you sped up your thrusts.
Kiara’s moans were swallowed by your lips. Making sure she felt every inch of your dick and for you to feel her walls tremble around you. “I love you, Kie.” You slammed your hips into hers, hearing her let out gasps. “I love you so much, baby.”
“Ah- Y/n!” She moaned, her back arching off the bed with those earth shattering thrusts slamming into her g-spot. Her walls clamped around you repeatedly, only egging you on to go harder.
You leaned over her, momentarily stopping your thrusts. But right when Kiara was about to protest, she was silenced by you continued. Mewling at your lips attaching to her jaw. Feeling your hot pants against her skin as you groaned at her walls clenching around you.
It all felt primal to you. The fucking, the intimacy from loving one another, it all had felt different with Kiara. And the way she pleaded for you to go harder, faster, and then moan in thanks for her requests, it was just right. Her quiet whimpers, “I need you.” It hasn’t been anything what you’ve experienced, but it felt so right.
When Kiara had inevitably came with you cumming on her stomach, you had quickly ran to her bathroom and grabbed a dirty towel to clean her off. Smiling when she grabbed you and kissed you. You could get used to this.
But, through all the blissful pleasure and mindless fucking, you hadn’t heard a door swinging open and loud footsteps approaching Kiara’s room until it was too late. The door swung open with Kiara’s mom screaming at the sight of you being naked and her daughter laid out in such a sinful position.
“Mike! Mike, Y/n’s in your daughter room!” Anna yelled as Maddy was quickly slipping on some sweat pants with you grabbing your boxers and shorts, shirt in hand.
“Hurry!” Kiara ushered as you jumped, tying the loop on your shorts.
Glancing up, you saw Mike entering the room with a bat. “Woah, woah, woah!” You yelled, stopping the man.
There was beat of silence with Kiara quickly slipping some shoes on. When she did so, you gave Mike a smile. “Can I marry your daughter?”
“Oh, you sonofabitch!”
You scrambled out the window and quickly climbed down. “I’ll get you, Y/n!” Mike yelled as you hit the ground with a grunt, scrambling to your feet as you looked up at the window.
Giving a mock bow, you smiled cheekily. “Sorry to disturb your morning, Mr. Carrera. Have a good rest of your day.”
The front door to the house swung open with Kiara racing towards you. “Get in!” She laughed as you raced around your car with a grin. Staring the vehicle up with Mike and Anne rushing out the front door, hoping to stop the both of you.
Thankfully, you sped out the area, tires squealing loudly with yours and Kiara’s laughter filling the early morning air.
He was surely going to break your legs now.
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The ocean waves crashed loudly with your eyes fluttering open. Sniffling as you looked down at Kiara’s body laying against yours. Chest resting yours with her hands holding tightly onto you.
Since the both of you escaped her parents, you guys decided to spend the rest of the morning somewhere relaxing. It wasn’t often either of you got to do this unless Kiara was able to lie to her parents and say she was sleeping over at the Chateau when she was actually staying at your place.
A buzzing sound grew your attention and you groaned, reaching to the cup holder and finding Kiara’s parents to be blowing up her phone. A grin formed on your lips at some of the threatening texts that Mike had sent whilst Anne’s were far more worried.
Oh, the life you lived loving a girl, who you were willing to die to be around and be with.
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