#but original romance stuff or whatever you want to call it that he writes is sometimes weird
skania · 22 days
OnK Chapter 159 Thoughts
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It's been 159 chapters and Akane is still unrivaled as the best thing about this trainwreck of a manga 😭
My hopes for this chapter were:
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For once I got pretty much everything I wanted, so I should be counting my blessings.
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In an unexpected turn of events, I even more or less managed to call the Nino/Ryousuke twist 😂
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I was so ready to dive into this chapter, but...
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I just can't take that expression seriously 😭 How am I supposed to sit here and try to write a worthwhile post about this chapter when Mengo drew Kamiki making such a ridiculous face.
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There's so much wrong with Aka's writing that I don't even know where to begin, but I think the core of it is that this man deliberately withholds information in order to artificially create a sense of "mystery" and "twists". We can sit here all day dissecting everything about this chapter, but what it comes down to is that Aka can completely change contexts by simply revealing any of the stuff he has off-paneled.
Take the Kamiki "Twist" for example. When the text leaks originally dropped, there were no dialogues and no expressions, so I thought that maybe the twist would be that Kamiki doesn't intend to turn himself into the police and that he just wants to die instead.
With the full context however, everything points towards Kamiki being the big bad after all. So we got a two-chapter long twist involving Nino only to reveal that... no, actually, we're going back to Kamiki.
And it could have been good. Kamiki potentially managing to fool both, Aqua and Akane into thinking that he was innocent could have been great. There certainly are certain moments that only make sense if Kamiki isn't as innocent and as regretful as he pretended to be.
The problem is that it was so incredibly rushed that the detour feels rather... pointless? It's like Aka's main objective was to surprise the audience. But the audience wouldn't have been surprised if we had had any insight into Aqua's and Akane's research up to this point, so it's once again just Aka off-paneling stuff instead of writing things organically.
Another good example is the Kana graduation. Yeah, okay, she's graduating and Aqua isn't at the concert. That should be the last nail in that coffin, but Aka could just say that Aqua saw her before the concert. Or that he will somehow manage to see her after the concert. Anything to fulfill whatever it is that he wants to write, really.
So I'm going to leave Aka's lousy writing aside and focus on what I, personally, I'm hoping to see.
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The Nino/Ryousuke thing showed just how flawed Kana's line of thinking is. You aren't supposed to be the Oshi of your special someone, you're supposed to be their partner. Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding, and this chapter got that across very well.
While Kana was off dreaming of her shoujo romance with Aqua, Akane and Aqua were planning how to gather proof against the people who ruined Aqua's family. Akane's out there wearing an anti-stab vest to protect Ruby and bring Nino to justice, Aqua is out there facing Kamiki.
If Kana has had no contact with Aqua at all and only finds out the reason for his absence later, I'm hoping that this will help her release that they're in two different worlds. That there's an entire side to Aqua, a very complex side, that she has absolutely no idea about. Because all this time, she's been so busy dreaming of him that she has never taken the time to actually know him.
Another thing I'm wondering about is: if neither Aqua nor Akane expected this Kamiki twist, then where was Aqua during the beginning of the chapter? Could it be that he was tailing Kamiki because he already had an inkling about his true nature? If so, could it also be that whatever plan Kamiki was going to put in motion has already been stopped by the AquaKane + helpers tagteam?
I could go on all day, but I can't help but feel like the writing just hasn't earned being given that much thought. So I'm just not going to theorize anything and I'll simply read whatever Aka writes next week lol
I'm looking forward to seeing Kamiki's truth next chapter, and I'm also hoping that Akane will end up joining Aqua because I'd love to see her properly interact with Kamiki. But not going to lie, now more than ever I'm really only reading so I can see Akane be the amazing woman that she is and so I can hopefully see Aqua and Akane get back together so that at least the romance is salvageable, because everything else is a trainwreck.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
Update on the Bridgerton stuff: the online fandom is so homophobic and horrible, and the mods of stuff like the main subreddit refuse to do anything about it (but will remove comments by people upset about the homophobia for "generalizing") that LGBTQ+ fans have had to make their own spaces. There's a whole separate subreddit that bans homophobia called r/bridgertonlgbt, and of course the ones from the main one keep trying to get it banned with false reports by accusing them of "heterophobia" and "doxxing" (re: complaining about their homophobic comments in their own spaces). Assholes who are mad about them making a straight romance from the books lesbian in the show are also doing petitions and flooding like every Instagram post including one by the original author about how she was initially skeptical about such a big change from her books but she's had lots of talks with the showrunners and she trusts them, and has always supported greater diversity in the series. People keep misusing that stupid fucking George R.R. Martin quote (about how creators these days don't do anything original but just warp other people's existing works) when he himself has condemned "the show must be exactly like the books" fan attitudes, especially the racist tantrums around House of the Dragon casting a couple years ago. And on a post by the author HERSELF where she explains why she gave the go-ahead, supports these changes, and condemns homophobia in the fandom! How is she "warping" her own work???
I've heard about this all secondhand from my friend and it just makes me so glad I don't go on Insta or Reddit and instead keep my fandom activities to Tumblr or AO3. Where for all the drama over other things, at least this kind of rancid homophobia you get in spaces where everyone is cis and straight feels entitled to only ever consume straight and cis romance stories (they'll claim they "are okay with gay characters but new ones!" but their example is always like a side character who has an unhappy ending, can you really not get why queer fans are not satisfied with that?) at least that's not so much a thing here. Instead I'll be happily writing Francesca/Michaela and Benedict/male characters slash and ignoring and blocking the haters. And remembering that that show has way more fans than use social media and everyone involved is continuing to refuse to listen to the loud idiots online. Like everyone I talk to about it who isn't super online, most of whom are straight women, think the change is really cool and can't wait to see what they do with it. Some of them have read the books, but most have not.
But god, it just seems like toxicity from top to bottom over there. I really wish a lot of the straight women fans would just admit they don't like a lesbian romance because there's no one for them to find hot. And maybe consider why it's not a big fucking ask to "find something relatable" in gay romances, like gay people have had to do with straight ones for all time. Why must we continue doing that but you're entitled to whatever you want all the time? It's just so weird to see these attitudes still and in fandom in 2024!
These attitudes never went away.
On the fanfic side of things, the slashers just happen to have built the currently-popular platform, so the haters have to deal.
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Some personal headcanons of the Twisted Wonderland beta Designs:
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As mentioned, I get the vibe he's a bit bratty and too arrogant or spoiled, wither it's his birth or how his dorm treats him I dunno
Gives me sassy vibes
He gives me vibes of SIX's song "Get Down"
I have zero idea but the idea of shipping him and Beta Azul is cute
Like picture Fizz as Beta Riddle and Ozzy as Beta Azul doing normal morning schedules, cuddling and joking, and if Beta Riddle got hurt Beta Azul would be a worry wert/true mafia boss if the mafia vibes are canon (I also see him originally a lot more like Ursula)
Video editing by me btw
Everyone in his dorm loves him in different ways as I lowkey see our Riddle being kind of more based off Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland with his main core of why he's focus is cause he wants to be loved
Beta Ace:
More or less the same but the vibe I get from him is more a performer like a Disney employee.
You know how in that past I said this song was playing while writing the post? Well I can see him doing this whole thing of the scene during an assembly for shits and giggles
sorry i reference this movie twice, it's a good movie-
He's the one who will most likely be the next dorm leader after Beta Riddle
Beta Deuce:
Super serious
Would be offended with our Deuce lol
Most likely look good when his hair is down
Beta Trey:
More or less the same as now's canon
I get the vibe he's like the Twst's universe's version of the Queen's knave
Beta Cater:
Again, more or less the same as canon Cater
I get the vibe he was Riddle's childhood bestie than Trey
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Beta Leona:
Though this SUPER BLURRY pic I get the vibe he's way more arrogant than what we got now
Has way more Scar's sass we were blessed with in the movie
Why do I get the vibe he and the Beta Savanaclaw were in a open relationship???
Beta Ruggie:
That one annoying kid who anime moans in the back of the classroom
The itty bitty bean
Probably more eager to follow Leona than the actual duo in canon
Beta Jack:
Will pick up people without warning or question
Drinks those weird smoothy drinks from the grocery stores with kale and garlic and shit for athletic stuff
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Beta Azul:
More or less the same just more Ursula???
Openly calls the Tweels his "poopsies"
Spends way too much money on stupid shit he doesn't need or want
Has way more people in his dept
Sings a lot in his lounge or casino or whatever, most this song
Beta Jade and Floyd:
The same person but one's left and the other's right
Silently but scary
Think my Ray twins OCs
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Beta Kalim:
Most like Aladdin
Maybe him and Jamil didn't know each other before NRC and rivaled until Kalim lied about being a prince and wins Dorm Head
Has the best parkcore skills
Sweet bean deep down
Has a weakness to shiny things
Beta Jamil:
Maybe was actually Dorm Leader instead of Kalim???
Was more sassy as Jafar
Has a Iago type of henchmen somewhere
Totally has sexual frustrations to Kalim like "Stupid sexy Kalim and his stupid handsome face-"
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Beta Vil:
Looks like he'd say schedule as "sheddjual"
Also gives me SIX's Get Down vibes
Will throw his wine glass at you if you offend him somehow
Too glued to the mirror
Beta Rook:
Based off the Magic Mirror in my opinion
Somehow even more arrant than Vil
Will be very toxic if he wants to be
A lot like Gretchen Weiners from Mean Girls towards Vil
Beta Epel:
Either a girl or crossdresser
A literal tease who starts romance drama but flirting and crying after like "He's picking on me and being weird"
I kind of think this one would have a lip gloss that is addictive to those who taste it from her kiss
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Beta Idia:
I was informed by @bestmannequin2018 and @porcelain-animatronic kindly in my original post, it seems this is Beta Idia and he's the youngest of the whole cast who skipped many grades cause of his big smart brain
I feel like he's more cocky than our Idia
Has super bad anger issues
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Beta Malleus:
Sexy sexy cocky arrant man
Very childish especially when he loses
Gets really petty real fast
Is very scary when mad
Looks scary but everyone in his dorm knows he's a cry baby
Beta Lilia:
Super childish
Is literally more daddy than our Lilia somehow
I think he was meant to be the raven in Maleficent
Beta Silver/Beta Sebek:
I only do them together cause I really can't tell who's who
Very different than they are now
I think Silver is thorns
Sebek is still thunder
I would be shocked if they are all cis and straight
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galedekarios · 7 months
hope you don't mind this completely unsolicited ask but anyway the constant "Gale is mean to sorcerers" discussion drives me nuts too. the Tav i made to romance Gale is a wild magic sorcerer because there are a couple of actually pretty sweet interactions between wild mages and Gale, i wish that was the dynamic people explored more often. my sorcerer thinks of magic as a hassle at best and a curse at worst and their relationship with Gale is what helps them accept it not just as a part of themself but as something to be embraced and celebrated (and helps them learn to control wild magic surges) - while they at the same time help Gale see his value *outside* of magic. i am so sorry for the ramble i just really like sorcerer/Gale stuff i wish so much of it wasn't about trying to "knock Gale down a peg" or whatever.
i don't mind at all, anon!
thank you for your message and i'm sorry it took me a bit to reply. i still don't have the spoons some days, but i'm trying to get back into writing more again (for asks and for meta, for hcs and for ficlets).
i do actually like the dynamic a wild magic sorcerer and gale can have as indicated by the wild magic sorcerer tags and gale's responses to them. i should have added that in my original post.
he's very good-natured, interested in their stories (stephanie the cow) or tries to emphasise with the things that was past their control sometimes (with gale emphasing again, given his own childhood and most recent magical affliction).
i think the dynamic gale and your wild magic sorcerer has sounds very sweet and definitely more based on mutual respect and helping each other.
my "complaints" - i don't even want to call them that because at the end of the day it's just a preference - are more about me being super tired of people taking the sorcerer options outside of the game at face value, not seeing how arrogant, rude and clownish they are, especially when they are aimed at a character like gale, who is leagues above and beyond in terms magical abilities and his very connection to the weave.
which again brings us back to the point where i think the real problem is for people: that a character is more powerful and capable than their oc and them not being able to stomach that at all.
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ravenmoon903 · 3 months
Headcanon Masterlist
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This is where I'm going to put new headcanons.
It took me an entire day to make this lol
This is long, be warned.
I edited it more right after I made it
Some headcanons changed from the original posts but whatev
Under the cut:
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Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!
Virtual Singers
Hatsune Miku
left handed
Kagamine Len
left handed
left handed
Ichika Hoshino
plays several instruments
joined the animators club in middle school and some kind of guitar group
when she was a bebe she had a miku themed nursery
Saki Tenma
Addison's disease (google it)
likes astrology and gemstones
Tsukasa sings her lullabies
Honami Mochizuki
baking club in middle school
hated apple pie til middle school
watches birds and has expensive equipment
Shiho Hinomori
secretly loves Wandasho and Momojan. Saki found out and told Shizuku
friends with Rui over Nightcord because they both like forensics
when she was a baby annoyed the hell out of Shizuku by touching her stuff
hates sudoku
More More Jump!
have a body positivity channel run by Airi
cooking with Airi and Minori at Minori's house (Samo got quite the attention, he has his own fanbase)
Minori Hanasato/Tenma
died from her bad luck and reincarnated into the Minori we all know and love /j
a Tenma sibling!
has a green hair feather
Haruka Kiritani
like to glassblow on a small scale
someone draw her as Elma from Yorushika please (begging)
when she was a bebe she had penguin themed toys
romance reader
Airi Momoi
actually Chinese (about the name, I can't explain it. Maybe her grandparents were Japanese and moved to China?)
likes to draw with Ena
when she was a baby she ate makeup
Shizuku Hinomori
likes sudoku
IQ of like 5 but EQ of 200
likes to garden
left handed
learned how to make hard candy
Vivid Bad Squad
Kohane Asuzawa/Tenma
her parents show her bebe pics to everyone they meet
played all the Mario games (Rae speaking here, Mario Odyssey is so good I could rant about it for hours)
likes to write fantasy stories at MEIKO's cafe
nothing scares her except public speaking
likes Taylor Swift but never told An
An Shiraishi
likes Taylor Swift but never told Kohane
loves kebabs but can't make them herself
Hand In My Pocket by Alanis Morissette represents her so well
gonna be called Taiga's lil girl even when she's thirty tbh
Akito Shinonome/Shiraishi
adopted by Ken because he was done with Shinonome papa's abuse towards Ena
left handed
gets a motorcycle for his 21st birthday (all the Tenmas and some of their friends chipped in to give it him. he loves it)
when he was a bebe pancake nursery
takes pride in not drinking water
Akikoha headcanon: he plays guitar for her
Toya Aoyagi/Tenma
left handed
fluent in Russian, English, German and French for classical music reasons
sees MEIKO as a mother figure
mystery reader
Wonderlands x Showtime!
Tsukasa Tenma
left handed
was inspired by the Sing movies (guys they're fr so good anyways)
star themed nursery when he was a bebe
wanted a dog but his parents said no because they wouldn't be able to take care of it
good friends with Kanade because they both have a reason to be in the hospital a lot
Emu Otori/Tenma
when she was a bebe she also had a star themed nursery
Tenma sibling
IQ = 5, EQ = 200
cursed once and now everyone is scarred for life
Nene Kusanagi
extremely grumpy on her period
my wife :D
plays a variety of games on Steam, and has a Nintendo and a PS5
was born with gray streaks in her hair that faded as she got older
Rui Kamishiro
friends with Shiho because they both enjoy forensics
bribes An so he doesn't get caught doing things at school
took his mom's clock apart and put it back together at like 2 years old
Nightcord at 25:00
Kanade Yoisaki/Tenma
plays a variety of instruments but is mostly skilled in the synthesizer
was born with darker hair and eyes but they faded when she got older
has cuts from trying to cook
Tenma sibling
left handed
likes 80's music
Mafuyu Asahina
she can throat sing
plays electronic instruments and does vocals
she grew up eating spicy
Ena Shinonome
when Akito was born, she said 'bye bye baby' to him all the time (I did this to my own sibling so)
can't play instruments for the life of her
takes pride in not drinking water
Mizuki Akiyama
does ballet
plays a bit of saxophone
when they were younger their sister made them bows and such
is the type to go to a country once and think they instantly know everything about that country
Tenma Siblings
they have a van which they decorated with star stickers and Tsukasa even put a sticker that said 'Star On Board!'
The Tenma family is Saki, Minori, Kohane, Tsukasa, Emu, Toya and Kanade
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Stardew Valley
when he was a bebe hew had a frog themed nursery
had a salamander phase
hates mayo
keeps his room clean
left handed
reads comic books and magazines but also sneaks in some romance
hates tomatoes but likes pizza
Ado fan
had a very stereotypical childhood
left handed
her parents fought about what theme to make her nursery. Caroline wanted a purple theme and Pierre wanted it to reflect the grocery store.
Caroline used to leave amethysts in her room but Abby would always eat them before she came back
likes to cosplay
preppy. not up for debate. mf Stanley and everything
has a blog for fashion, and Emily makes clothes that she really likes to post about
even though that she says quinoa is weird, she secretly likes it
her actual favorite food is curry
had a goth phase lmao (Emily doesn't use it as blackmail though)
wanted to become an influencer, but realized the industry fucking sucks
Reddit lurker (meirl)
sharpie addict
Filipino (not up for debate) and can speak Tagalog, English, Indonesian and Spanish (Emily too)
types with ✨ too much
caffeine addiction for fun!!
can't swim. Willy teases him for it sometimes
imagine him in a momojan outfit
left handed
slight Southern accent
Jas and Vincent
likes to design buildings
dream of a proper school
made a terrarium but Jodi made them take it apart
Jas's full name is Jasmine
Vincent wants a dog but Jodi said no
they see Seb as a big brother, and Penny as a big sister
Australian accent
Dwarf and Krobus
Krobus is ambidextrous
Dwarf is left handed
left handed
left handed
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The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
has connections from her crystal ball
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Our Life: Beginning and Always and Our Life: Now and Forever
avid gamer
left handed
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please do not copy or repost my work, and only use with persmission!
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pro-anomalocaris · 7 months
Pinned Post Time
He/him Seth or Set or Setka or Jean-Set. I have a lot of nicknames ADHD haver/survivor (depending on your POV) Over 18 Jewish (Bukharan) Linguistics + Religious Studies double major, on accident In order to answer the "are you white or not" question we need to discuss the construct of whiteness as it applies to Central Asia in your country of origin and frankly neither of us has time for that.
Fandom stuff would normally go here but I bounce from fandom to fandom. I don't believe in shipping only one thing and I think calling yourself "a Zutara" or "a Reyfinn" or whatever is ridiculous. It's internet Barbies, not a religion. It's not that serious.
DNIs get ignored but for the record, I'm pro-MOGAI, pro-endo, pro-trans, pro-intersex rights, pro-self diagnosis (even if you don't get it right, turning to your provider and going 'I have the following symptoms' is useful), pro-whatever group of lesbians is getting dragged on tumblr today be they split attraction model users or ace or bi lesbians or what have you, radical inclusionist, anti intersexism and medical abuse, anti biological essentialism, you don't need dysphoria to be trans, respectability politics are worthless, men aren't inherently evil actually, pro-interracial couples because no matter what antis say people are equals actually, and pro-kink.
If you think legal = moral and illegal = immoral, you are wrong. There are four states in the US where you can marry a minor at any age as an adult and have sex with them. That is legal. That is immoral. There are many countries where being queer is illegal. It is illegal and moral. Appeal To Legality is a logical fallacy that refuses to acknowledge anything could be wrong in the legal system. I should not have to explain to you why that's an incorrect statement.
Black Lives Matter. Stop Asian Hate. Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women deserves more attention than we're giving them. ACAB. Never Again Is Right Now. Hamas is a terrorist organization and Palestine deserves to be free from them as much as it deserves to be independent, and if you excuse Hamas committing rape, child rape, and murder, you are not pro-Palestine, because Palestinians have condemned those acts and frankly, everyone should.
Death threats, rape threats and suicide bait are always bad. They further drive people into extremism when you do it to extremists, they harm people in any scenario, and they reveal to me that you never wanted to be a good person, you just wanted to be cruel in a way that you can excuse as being 'good'. You're not good. A good person does not do these things.
If your discussions around mental health involve demonizing people who are low/no empathy or treating people with psychosis as evil, please know you are displaying no empathy and being evil. And I find that genuinely sad, but I am also going to block you.
Sometimes I'm ignoring you. Sometimes tumblr genuinely eats asks. I have asks on my main that have been there, hovering, invisible, for a year. I don't know why. But also sometimes ADHD kicks in and I mean to reply and for that, I apologize.
If you start a conversation, you do not get to cry about people replying to what you posted publicly where anyone could reblog and reply. Pretending people are "harassing" you for replying is either an attempt at using language to manipulate the situation or a sign that you are highly immature even for a minor.
If you use the "haha me no read reading iz bad lmao" excuse, you have forfeited all right to being taken seriously, not just by adults, but by children. You are also going to be incredibly easy to manipulate by everyone around you due to your inability to read with comprehension. I pray no one uses this to abuse you, but I'm also going to block you, because frankly, I don't know how to help in this situation.
I have had an anti send me CSEM in the past to "punish" me for writing a romance between a 50 year old and a 56 year old. I reported them to the police. They are now serving 30 years for possession of CSEM and if you try anything similar, I have no problem doing the same to you. (If you're wondering why I don't believe antis when they say they're protecting kids, this is why.)
Depiction isn't synonymous with endorsement. Shipping isn't activism. Fandom isn't activism. One real person is worth the death of every blorbo you and I hold dear put together.
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kronofobia · 4 days
Hello sibling! >:D I have a few questions about Homu, if you don't mind 😏
1. What is his race? (I probably used the wrong word for this, but i hope you know what i mean xD)
2. His favourite animal?
3. His favourite music/songs?
4. Favourite movies/shows?
5. Is he married with Krux? And if not are they planning to get married?
6. What is his sexuality? (You probably wrote this somewhere and i forgot about it xD)
7. Does his name have a meaning?
8. How many languages can he talk?
9. Favourite food?
Why is he so hot??
10. What does he like to read?
11. How did he get the scar on his eye?
12. How did he met Morro? Aaand if he took care of Morro does that mean Morro never met Wu? (Hopefully yes)
I guess that's all (for now xD) I'm so sorry if this is too much. You don't have to answer all of them if you don't want :3 (i'm obssessed with your oc thank you)
Also sorry if some questions are kinda dumb, and you probably already answered them in some of your posts 😭😅 i'm dum and tend to forget stuff easily ;w;
Long post warning lol
1. His race... honestly, I didn't think about it. He's a ninjago oc, his race is up to your interpretation. That's one of the reasons why I usually stick to the lego yellow skin colour when it comes to drawing lego characters. Also, giving him a race AFTER I made him might not be the best choice either. His design and story was based on nothing, but my imagination. I didn't use any references. If I wanted to make a character with a specific race and nationality in mind, I would do as much research as possible BEFORE designing them. I wouldn't want to be disrespectful towards any cultures, even if it's just an accident.
2. FENNEC FENNEC FENNEC!! He absolutely LOVES them! Also, desert rain frogs. Silly tiny squeaky fellas.
3. Ooohhh, he's an absolute sucker for old love songs! "Everybody Loves Somebody" and "The Way You Look Tonight" are probably his favourites. He loves to sing along with the songs while working on his lampwork projects.
4. He doesn't really watch TV. But one thing I can imagine is after Acronix returns from the time vortex and discovers modern technology, he forces Homuko and Krux to watch "How It's Made" with him, because he knows that they would actually like it. (This can also work as a headcanon for the twins, without my oc. This series is literally 32 seasons of autism, of course both of them would love it.)
5. They aren't, but they... pretend to be...?
After losing Acronix to the vortex, they didn't think about officially marrying. Even if they wouldn’t had a typical big ass wedding anyways, without Acronix, they rather not even thought about it altogether. And as for the "pretending" part: having a loving husband fits for the sweet and kind dr. Saunders persona.
"If dreams can't come true, then why not pretend?"
6. Unlabeled/genderblind/doesn't give a damn💪
I honestly don't remember mentioning it anywhere, so fair question xD
7. Uhhhh... *nervous chuckle*
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Aw yeah lack of creativity💪
Fun fact: originally, I wanted to name him Sandy or Sander. Which I quickly discarded of course💀
I really wanted to stick to the sand part lmao
8. Whatever language they speak in Ninjago. And a few Serpentine words due to Krux's obsession with Serpentine culture. (Yes, I hc Krux loving Serpentine culture. And Serpentines in general.)
9. Any type of noodle. But especially spicy ones.
10. Mostly non-fiction, but he would read anything if it's well-written. As long as it's not some cliché romance book. He absolutely hates them. He even mocked Krux when he found out he secretly enjoys romance novels in their late teenage years. But Krux also found out Homuko's appreciation for romance songs, and of course he immediately called him out. What a hypocrite smh
11. I would LOVE to drop this part of his lore here, but I also want to write a whole ass oneshot about it and now I feel conflicted. Let's just say he did everything to protect Morro. He's a cinnamon roll as long as you aren't a threat to his kiddo.
12. Morro did meet Wu and everything that happened in canon, happened in this AU too. Except Morro dying in a cave, of course. Homu and Mo met shortly after the time twins' battle. As a way of coping with losing Acronix, Krux and Homuko decided to mediate. While Krux meditated at home, Homu was drawn to the desert. And after meditating (which also helped him remember some stuff about his early childhood, but that's just more random unimportant lore), Homuko met Morro. In the desert, yes. Morro was still obsessed with proving Wu wrong, they wanted to train themself in the most unforgiving parts of nature. Such as a desert. And when these two met, they were extremely confused (*insert spidermen pointing at each other meme*), because what would bring someone to a desert?
After a bunch of talking and venting (mainly from Mo), Homuko went home and they just followed him. Without him noticing. The next morning, when Homu left the house to go to his workshop, he met Morro again. You can imagine Homuko's dumbfounded face.
"Why would a random kid follow me home?" Because you were the first person who actually understood them and not just pretended. You didn't say "everyone experiences that" or "you're just overexaggerating". Of course they got attached immediately.
So basically it was Morro adopting Homuko as his father, and not the other way around lol
Thank you so much again for your questions and feel free to ask more questions about this silly guy 🥹🫶
Also, don't you dare to apologize. I know where you live °^° /j /lh
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
speaking of misinformation, i saw a lot of people say the devs removed handholding between leon and ashley specifically bc they wanted to keep their bond platonic / didn't want people to think it was romantic. finally found the article with this supposed quote and all it said was that one guy veto-ed the handholding bc he "thought it looked like they were too close and didn't like it" which is very vague. i don't care for word of god but i'm curious as to what you think they meant by "too close"
It's impossible to know without seeing what was actually said in the original Japanese.
I also don't care LMAO
The only person who has word of god is Shinji Mikami, and Mikami doesn't give a fuck. Hasn't given a fuck in almost 20 years. Is retired now and played the remake of the game that defined his career and went "I enjoyed that" and then went back to taking pictures of ramen.
Since Mikami's departure from Capcom, RE has passed through so many different directors and producers and dev teams that all have had conflicting visions and creative directions for the series that there is no such thing as "word of god" in Resident Evil.
Dev interviews don't matter because chances are that dev in question won't even be working on the next game -- or, if they are, they won't necessarily be in the same role.
Supplementary materials aren't canon because none of them are written by the same person or approved by the same team. RE doesn't have a Kazushige Nojima like Final Fantasy does, who's writing all the supplementary stuff all on his own and keeping it in line with each other.
So, chances are, all that shit ends up blatantly contradicting what's shown canonically in the games -- because, that's usually what happens. So you can't take it as canon.
(Remember, kids: If it's not said/written/shown in any of the essential canon games or movies, it's not canon.)
And in this case, like. Even without knowing what he meant by "too close" (again, we need to see the original Japanese, because he might have meant "too close" in a very literal sense and having them be that close to each other cluttered the screen and made it hard to see) either way, people saying "they" -- as in, a majority of the dev team -- didn't want the handholding to happen is disingenuous. It wasn't "they." It was "he." Because "they" rendered Leon taking Ashley by the hand in the first place -- he said to take it away.
So, like. Okay. He did that. That's cool. Good for him.
Still kept in all the shit about Leon being the knight rescuing the princess, though. And you know what happens at the end of the story, after the knight saves the princess? THEY FUCK They live happily ever after.
So whatever. If his intention was to not have Leon and Ashley read as a romance, he fucked it up by keeping all of the actual literal romantic elements in it, AND THEN RELEASING A MATCHING SET OF ALTERNATE COSTUMES FOR THEM LITERALLY CALLED "ROMANTIC" LIKE WHAT THE FUCK LMAO THIS JUST OCCURRED TO ME
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ursafootprints · 2 years
Hii, firstly I wanna say ynyd is probably the best fic I have ever read love it so much❤️❤️ idk if anyone asked this before but what are the other pairings you like? Also what do you think about stony, spideydevil and spideypool, would you ever think about writing a fic with one of those pairings?
Awww thank you so much!! 💖💖💖 I'm so glad people are enjoying it; I didn't know if anyone else would want to go down the "let's grab this silly porn trope and take it to its dramatic and logical extreme" rabbithole with me, haha.
I don't particularly have strong MCU shipping opinions (and have zero shipping opinions that don't include Tony or Peter)-- like I mentioned in my Starker-shipping origins post, I've watched a lot of the solo films but have only actually ever watched the ensemble films on what could be called a technicality if we're being generous, so I'm guided a lot more by general Vibes and Potentials than what was actually present in canon and therefore also not super… invested?? even in the things that I think could be interesting.
For Tony, I like the idea Iron Husbands and Tony/Peter/Pepper. I like Pepperony as presented in canon but I don't tend to get fandom-y about canon ships because, like, they're canon! I don't need to dig up outside explorations of 'em. I've read a couple of good Stony fics just based off of interesting premises, but it's not really a ship that does anything for me specifically. I'm not really into any other Tony ships!
For Peter, I am a lot more flexible just sheerly by virtue of Wanting That Twink Destroyed, lmao. I do like Peter/MJ, and I think the idea of Peter/Ned (and poly trio!) is super cute and kinda wish there was more out there! I do also actively enjoy Spideypool, SpideyFlash, Spiderio, Spideydevil and ???whatever the ship name for Peter/Venom(/Eddie) is????, and I like Peter/Thor through the lens of like, casual sex and Peter Getting To Hit That vs romance.
As far as writing! I either have ideas for or am actively writing for Spiderio, SpideyFlash and Tony/Peter/Pepper. I also have an idea for a fucked-up Peter/Vulture fic where Toomes is a lot more persuasive about his threats against Peter/his loved ones so Peter doesn't actually leave the dance, and Toomes takes advantage of the fact that he now knows he's got effective leverage for Other Stuff until Peter finally can't stand it and goes to Tony for help, but idk if that will just stay in my brain or not haha.
I prooobably would not write for Spideypool just because I don't think I'd feel confident writing in Deadpool's voice, but the rest are all maybes? If I got a really solid idea I could def see myself writing for them, but I also don't spend tons of time in those corners of fandom to get inspiration either, so idk! Somewhere between "never say never" and "but they're not really on my radar" I guess.
Thank you for the ask! 💖
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misiwrites · 2 years
today turned into more of a fic editing night because all of these chapters were a little trashy. but hey. better fix them now than never
Chapter 18: max makes a bet with rei that's "going to be an easy win", then proceeds to lose the bet 50 chapters later
i've always enjoyed including the detail that giancarlo has taught max to sneak out of the house. because gianni does it in canon. it's just perfect and i can't believe these two prob don't even talk to each other once in canon
and now max is starting to roast ralf too but also, nice foreshadowing there
“It’s just not right,” he said, “for a royal knight to not be by his master’s side at all times.” “You’re starting to sound like Ralf!” I congratulated him. “Incredible.”
holy shit max being like "idk what rick dislikes me for. maybe he's mad i'm cuter than him"
he also just flat out calls takao obsessed with kai. already
i forgot about this thing of them betting about kai's visit to cherrywood
max says he's jealous of takao! takao just said some chapter back that he's jealous of max! funny how that works
hmm. this was very cheesy
Chapter 19: takao-sensei teaches us world geography
thank you takao. i didn't remember some of the worldbuilding stuff in here so like. good to know. actually the thing he's saying about the east believing there to be three mountains that holy beasts originate from, i found those three things from wikipedia the other day and was like ah. did i intend to use these for something or.
i also forgot takao here talks about mao like oh she's so pretty. she so curvy. NFDBGHSDGSD
Whatever, I'd show them later - then they'd admit they were wrong and I was right, and they’d apologise for having been so silly and prejudiced. Yeah. “Sorry, Takao! You were right all along!” and so on. “We’re sorry for ever doubting you! You were steps ahead of us with your thinking!” Like that. […] I’d show them, I’d make Kai my new best buddy, and then we’d have so much fun together every day.
i may have kind of forgotten this subplot about all the mentions of kai's absence in southern media, i mean it's still gonna be relevant but i forgot this was. one part of it. yeah
this chapter wasn't very well written tbh so i spent like an hour fixing it just now. where were we again
Chapter 20: just a stinky pile of reimax fluff
the one where they stand on water holding hands. this is some aladdin&jasmine shit. these two got intense very fast
As soon as he was back on the veranda, he let out a sigh of relief. Then he immediately recollected himself, straightening his back and trying to look brave. “That was fun,” he said without a hint of fun is his voice.
rei you are so pathetic
oh this is a drop that i enjoy:
I shook my head and turned my attention back to Rei. “Doesn’t matter. I was just thinking that you could end up such a powerful magic-user. And yours seems like the offensive type. You could become a real fighter!” “A fighter?” Rei repeated the word as if sampling its taste. “Like the knights? Do you think magic could be used with a weapon?”
i know i had the major points of this story planned beforehand but i'm still all LOOKKK I KNEW TO FORESHADOW THIS AND THAT! OH HOORAY! like i had no faith in myself that it was in there. IT'S JUST LIKE MAX SAYS TO REI IN THIS CHAPTER have faith in yourself!!
i very much love the robot koi fish of rei's pond
Chapter 21: kai arrives at takao's house and it's. not so fluffy
the plot moved a lot faster back then, now kai is already coming to cherrywood! i could just do a time jump in my current chapters too tbh
so like, about the first 1-on-1 interaction in person between takao and kai that they ever have, is this:
Kai slid it open a few inches, just enough to glare at me through the narrow gap like I was a cockroach that he couldn’t quite reach. Or didn’t want to. “Hey,” I whispered. “I wanna talk. Could you let me in?” “Why?” Kai bellowed, not lowering his voice at all.
i am great at writing romance yes.
takao realises that kai has probably never had a single friend……… /plays the world's smallest violin (and, any extremely handsome and sexy person who has read my other tales oneshots, knows that kai literally asked johnny what a "friend" is)
Chapter 22: takao gets nothing out of kai, surprise
yeah this is the point with double takao chapters! this is my own story where i'm the one who did the decisions yet i keep imagining this being like a wrestling match between rei and takao where they fight which one is the protag---
this chapter is really just description of cherrywood and the garden. the highlight is takao deciding he needs to try if the triangles on kai's face are paint or not
i wasn't very good at describing things in these chapters, i remember struggling with that and rewriting things a hundred times actually. well, the good news is that it comes easier to me now so clearly something has improved.
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greaseonmymouth · 1 month
🍉 🍒 :D
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
both! I think I do prefer shorter standalones, and with the exception of this year which is dominated by one novel length wip, the past five ish years or so that's what I've been doing. shorter fics that I can crank out in a week or less in between all the other stuff I'm filling my time with. not to imply those fics are 'lesser', just that I write for fun and in recent years that fun has primarily taken the shape of short fics when inspiration strikes.
🍒 What’s your favourite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
*looks at body of work* I suppose the evidence speaks for itself. I like writing friends-to-lovers or established relationship, for ships where the characters are deeply committed to each other. that doesn't necessarily mean their relationship is uncomplicated, just that I want to dig into the way they are with each other and delight in it. I mean, nobody in their right mind would call Daniel Larusso/Johnny Lawrence uncomplicated, it's unhinged even at the best of times, but platonic or not they are deeply committed to whatever the fuck it is they've got going on between them. Duncan/Jimmy isn't uncomplicated either, but they are committed to the partnership they've struck up over the years. Caius/Al my beloved <3 you could say they are enemies-to-lovers or enemies-to-something, but I think that is a lie, I think they are friends, and they are ride-or-die for each other from the get-go. Danny/Rusty are probably my oldest OTP as I've been obsessed with them since the Ocean's 11 reboot movies came out (I haven't seen the original and I don't care) and listen, they invented drift compatibility before we had a word for it. uncomplicated? hell no. committed? hell yes. I have only written one fic for them but still. and then of course. Carl/Assad. definitely not uncomplicated. committed? what else *would* you call it? I rewatched Journal 64 the other day because of course, and even with the shipping goggles off you have on one hand Assad desperate to get Carl to admit their partnership means something (anything, at all) and on the other hand you have Carl so upset and traumatised that Assad is leaving their partnership that he tries to push him away first, and in the background you have Rose saying things like 'he's only upset because you're getting divorced'. (fantastic Danish word that, 'skilles', which can mean split apart, separate, divorce depending on context, and grammatically the way she is using it it can only really mean divorce. I need to lie down.) you know how we talk about Venom being a romance movie because Eddie and Venom's plotline follows classic romance beats? yeah so does Journal 64. the resolution is of course, a recommitment.
so yeah. dynamic of all time. complicated commitments. with a big helping of romance on top.
fruity ask meme
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calico-heart · 1 year
About Me
🦄 Hi, call me Wyn! 💜Agender (She/They) // Late 20s 🌈Episcopalian & LGBTQA+ // Furry, Whump, & Kink Enjoyer 🟣 Art Tag 🟣 Writing Tag 🟣 Linktree 🟣 Ao3 🟣
🔞 This blog may include NSFW and controversial content. It is not intended for minors. 🔞
I do art and writing. This is mostly a space for me to share stuff I like, like frogs and the color purple! I make original content as well as fanart. You can generally expect things like Fallout, FFXIV, Baldur's Gate, and Star Wars. There's also furry stuff now and then.
I try to tag intuitively. Followers are welcome to send me asks to tag specific things if they want to filter something!
While quite introverted and sometimes slowed down by a physical disability, know that I appreciate you stopping by my hoard of shinies, and any likes/reblogs/comments/asks you leave behind!
Fanart/fiction is welcome as long as attribution is given! Reblogs are welcome and encouraged, but please do not repost or reupload my art or writing anywhere.
Previously @lookbluesoup
Major Ships & OCs under the cut:
All FF14 Characters All DnD & BG3 Characters
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Main OCs
main tag includes everything + aesthetics, fandom tags are au-specific only
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Nate ( ffxiv / bg3 / fo4 ) The hero with a bleeding heart, Nate is a charismatic leader who loves animals and struggles with severe PTSD. He will do anything for family.
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Lyra ( ffxiv / bg3 / starfield ) Lyra is a wiley and temperamental villain who's dragged kicking and screaming into a change of heart when she's forced to team up with the "good guys."
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Tsimh ( ffxiv ) Tsimh is a blisteringly confident healer and bard with an amorous streak. While the matriarch lacks her little brother's wanderlust, she'll come to Nate's aid when asked.
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Mal Belongs to my partner @seasaltandcopper :3
Multi-Universe Ships
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SILVER LININGS : Nate / Mal Nate is a hand reaching out and Mal is a knife in the dark. At first glance, they have little in common. And yet, in life after life, incarnation after incarnation - even when they should be enemies, when they have every reason to hate one another, they choose love.
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FIREWHISKEY : Lyra / Mal Two hotshot rogues form an alliance of convenience, and then inconveniently fall in love. Even worse, they might just start to bring out the best in each other. They're not exactly good people... but hey, what's life without a little mischief and murder now and then?
Final Fantasy 14 Ships
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VERHEART : I'lyrha / X'rhun Tia X'rhun Tia saves an injured lass, and she asks him to teach her Red Magic. It's a common enough tale, except this time the damsel is really a notorious pirate in disguise. I'lyrha thinks this will just be another easy con... but she might have met her match in a charming Crimson Duelist.
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SILVER FULLER : Nahte'to with: A'mahl / Haurche / Aymeric / Alisaie / G'raha / M'naago + Persephone / Kore / Hades A catch-all for the various romances and trysts of two polyamorous catboys who travel the world (and save it a few times.) Variety mix. Love, loss, hope, tragedy, snark, slow burns, friends to lovers, lovers to enemies...
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GUIDED BY MOONLIGHT : Tsimh / Thancred Tsimh and Thancred are determined to make no promises to one another, except that whatever is between them is to be nothing more than a fun, temporary, diversion. Menphina laughs.
Baldur's Gate 3 Ships
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BLOOD OF MY BLOOD : Lyra / Astarion Used to looking out only for themselves, Lyra and Astarion know a thing or two about manipulation. Oh yes, they know exactly how to sacrifice, seduce, and satisfy. They're so good at their tricks, in fact, that they trick themselves right into falling in love.
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STILL WATERS RUN DEEP : Naithan / Gale Lonely hearts don't mend easy. For wandering Druid Naithan and master of the arcane Gale, navigating the intricacies of romance poses a challenge most formidable. They'd both do anything for someone they love, and desperation to save one another may ultimately be their undoing.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Really been sitting here reviewing WHY Zenthus is almost a quarter century old IRL. The first few years like 1999-2001 was just scrap ideas from a tweenager, before Szurane proper was made. Other characters from that era didn't survive and instead fell into his shadow where they cameo THROUGH him.
2001-2007 was his original true campaign group that started with him in party, and went all the way into watching his dark rise, stopping some things, failing others. They were the people that knew his origins which are actually critical in both portraying him and defeating him, but it always ended up having to be condensed down to "he's possessed by negativity, break the stick" tiredly and people still failing to be smart to approach him about even that.
A few times he was just called TO be a final nigh unbeatable threat in friends TTRPGs, and thats fine, I mean it means I left my mark beyond an anime nobody remembers and a poster nobody else has,. Then Silmataurea, that first breakup with shea, and the period I developed Kion and the concept behind it.
But every time Kion was sent somewhere people paid even less attention to HIS nuances. Oh, you mean the 12 year old trained in weird ways thrown into a world full of war is sculpted by that war when people let him do whatever the fuck he wants not realizing he's just a kid? Tell me fucking more. So then Kion gets stuck in his own cycle of this shit, even narratively by someone else's application of his stuff, so great, now they're both in the spin cycle.
But then when I started building my own campaigns I realized if I literally removed them from fuckaround political elements Kion trashed people in every time and made them focus on existential threats within chaos itself, and forced them to *explore him literally*, as a body of memory, people would either fucking learn what they needed to do or die, and at least my shit would stop getting reduced to absurdity for people who can't be arsed, just to die dumb deaths anyway.
but Noiz actually came in giving a shit. Noiz wanted to change things. Noiz recognized the complexity and tried to find all the parts under a stopwatch, and has taken leadership IC and OOC both to keep people on track, to knock down Zen's pillars to make him accessible, to pay attention to his cues and riddles and phrases to understand what the FUCK is actually happening without me having to fucking handhold them or soften the blow to a whiny wife that wants shortcut romance 1v1. So even after several of these setups failed because people just be like that, here comes Noiz.
And it's truly funny how much of him held on. In 2004 the heroes made it to the crown prince Zenthus, formerly their friend Zento, only to be thrown into a chaotic chess-like game as their first challenge, which traced back to his history and so on. WHY he got so fucked up. Trying to end the wars and end the conflict by getting people to agree to a little game, and that heresy didn't stand. And now here we are 20 years later still moving chess pieces, dealing cards, flicking pebbles and rolling dice even in cosmic combat, all while reaching in to the source of discord in everyone--- who are you, what do you want, what do you fear, what are your dreams, let me be the one to take it away.
And deep down he truly is my bard-priest still. Backwards jigging to his own discordant tune while slapping them in the face with living metaphor, all trying to let fate actually decide itself while fighting to return to the one, whether he took creation with him to the void or not. And the choices he made to be replaced, without anger if done correctly, to keep the cosmic function he got tied to flowing, because yeah, there's still that old dragon that just wanted to play a game and now he's just cosmically haunting the void, he still wants to play a little game and a little song, my friends.
Anyway it's been interesting to think of and I've truly enjoyed writing him again.
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erotica-hooligan · 2 years
2020 Fic Roundup
Repost for record keeping
This is the first year I've really been able to do this, so here is my 2020 writing round up. The fics below are largely all rated E. Many of them are in the second person, a few are in first. They contain everything from sweet romance, incest, age play, to very dead doves. Mind the tags!
Original Fiction
Dizzying Rewards
M/M Ficlet, Rated E
A young submissive experiences a new milestone at a play party with his older dominant partner. CW/TW for some under negotiated stuff with the trans character's binder (but no overt dysphoria or distress).
Shore Leave
  M/NB, 3,500 words, Rated E  
A PWP quickie, originally written for Shousetsu Bang*Bang. A young lieutenant in a space military visits a brothel and has a sadistic tumble with a beautiful sex worker. Co-written with my spouse.
Glory in Your Own Ecstasies
  NB/NB 5,500 words, Rated E
 A religious sex worker and a worshiper come together to worship the God/dess of Spring. Co-written with my spouse.  
Fanfiction   CQL (The Untamed)/MDZS (Mó Dào Zǔ Shī)
Love, In Whatever Way I Can
WangXian, 5,000 words, Rated E
Modern AU The five times Wei Wuxian absolutely does NOT have a daddy kink. Or, the unbearable ordeal of wanting to be taken care of by your boyfriend. Co-written with my spouse.  
I Didn't Know What I was Harboring (It's Called Desire)
XiYao, 5,500 words, Rated E
 Modern AU. In which Lan Xichen, after several months of taking T, develops a sex drive that slams head first into his attraction to the very pretty and absurdly clever Jin Guangyao. He doesn’t think there’s anyone in the world he’d rather explore it with. Or, Netflix and Chill. 
Give Me Something to Scream About
   XiYao, 6,200 words, Rated E
 Sequel to I Didn't Know What I was Harboring, things get a little kinkier between the two.  
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
XiYao, 5,200 word, Rated E  
Lan Xichen, Zewu-jun, in bondage, in submission, in deep subspace. Canonverse  
shadows in our hearts XiYao, 10,000 words, Rated T       The ceremony installing Jin Guangyao as Sect Leader is nothing short of stunning perfection, the shared private tea between sworns brothers after leaves much to be desired. Canonverse   contradictions (the only thing i know how to give)   XiYao, 11,400 words, Rated E   Follow up to shadows in our hearts. A visit to the Cloud Recesses. A discussion on the nature of kindness; masks dropped, and words shared that cannot be unshared. Co-written with my spouse.   >
(trembling ever so little) XiYao, 13,000 words, Rated E This is Jin Guangyao without his layers of protection. This is Lan Xichen given the framework to love as deeply as he desires. This is an exploration of little space and a great deal of love. Canonverse, co-written with my spouse.
my love is building
 XiYao, 1,400 words, rated E  
A coda to (trembling ever so little). This is Lan Xichen utterly in awe of the man he loves.  
Dawning Awareness
Jadecest, 3,100 words, Rated E.  
Modern AU. Touch starved Lan Xichen.  
Silent is blue
 ZhuiYi (Lan Sizhui/Lan Jingyi), 7,500 words, Rated E
  This is a story about young lovers. This is a story about lessons in love and bondage. This is a story about Lan Sizhui discovering a piece of himself. Ultimately, this is a story about the many ways you can love a person. (this story hints around Or, Lan Wangji teaches Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi how to safely do bondage.  
you always open petal by petal
ZhuiYi (Lan Sizhui/Lan Jingyi), 650 words, Rated E
  Lan Sizhui comes home to the Cloud Recesses. A filthy coda to Silent is blue.    
your eyes have their silence
Lan Sizhui/Lan Wangji, background ZhuiYi, 4,990 words, Rated E  
This is about love that crosses a line but remains tender and precious. An optional coda for Silent is blue.  
funny that they say they belong to one another when one is married
Qin Su/Jin Guangyao, XiYao, Qin Sun/Jin Guangyao/Lan Xichen, 10,000 words, rated E
Qin Su and Jin Guangyao invite Lan Xichen into their marriage bed. Modern AU. A part of the WHAT ABOUT QIN SU collection.
Lessons in Belonging
Lan Qiren/Lan Jingyi, 1,800 words, Rated E
Cultivators joke that Lan Jingyi is the most un-Lan, but that's not the truth of the matter. He's exuberant and playful, yet he's Lan to the bone. Rules are comfortable guidance, and he flourishes under a firm hand. Canonverse  
The Love you Long to See
 XiYao, 1,800 words, Rated E
 Lan Xichen makes a request and Meng Yao attempts to give him what he needs. Modern AU  
  Lan Wangji/others, 1,300 words, Rated E  
Transcript of a Twitterfic for Kinktober Day 6: Lan Zhan organizes a gangbang for himself.
First Jadecest, 2,600 words, Rated E BDSM AU. There is a first time for everything, this is Lan Xichen's first taste of real submission.
Twenty-Three Jadecest, 800 words, Rated E BDSM AU. Lan Xichen's 23rd brithday.
Fifteen Lines XiZhui (Lan Xichen/Lan Sizhui), XiYao, 5,300 words, Rated E BDSM AU. Lan Sizhui takes an important step in his training at the Cloud Recesses.
Twenty, Ten XiYao, 1,500 words, Rated E BDSM AU, Coda to Fifteen Lines. The morning after.
Formation Jin Guangyao/Lan Sizhui, background XiYao, 3,000 words, Rated E Kushiel's Dart Fusion AU. The Lans are trained to obey. Lianfang-zun pushes Lan Sizhui's obedience to the very edges of his limits on his virgin night and Lan Sizhui learns a great deal about himself. (Can be read without context for the Kushiel series).
borderlines of dreams XiYao, 3,000 words, Rated E DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. Modern AU for the EAT ROCKS, TROLL exchange.
A-Yao laughs and gives you a push into the elevator. You almost fall over. "You're drunk, er-ge."
 "Oh, am I? I feel dizzy." You have no tolerance for alcohol.
 The next thing you know, you're inside of a hotel room. There is your suitcase, resting on the rack at the foot of the bed. You're out of your shirt, and you don't remember—
Enough to Go By NieYao, 1,200 words, Rated T Canon divergence. A wedding night discussion. WRITTEN UNDER AN ALT Enough Arms to Hold Tentacle Monster, XiYao, WangXian, Lan Sizhui, 3,700 words, Rated E Humans can only develop their golden cores so far before they need to  seek out an Ancestor to receive their true power. The Lan Ancestor is   benevolent and loving toward its children and particularly the Twin   Jades and their soulmates.
Cauldron XiZhui (Lan Xichen/Lan Sizhui), 5,300 words, Rated E DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. Lan Xichen will bring Lan Sizhui home alive, even if it breaks them both. A kink meme fill. Let Go Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing, 900 words, Rated E Kinktober Day 1: Omorash: Jiang Cheng needs to learn to let go and give up control and Wen Qing forces the issue.(ageplay) Hungry Lan Sizhui/WangXian, 450 Words, Rated E A-Yuan finds a surprise waiting for him when he slides into his fathers' bed. Strange Intimacy Lan Sizhui/WangXian, 900 words, Rated ESizhui likes this, he likes this a lot. Likes the messy heat of  Wei-qianbei's body, likes how he's already been fucked open, how he's  eager for more even after being so thoroughly wrecked by Hanguang-jun.  This is a strange intimacy, they all know it's a queer and complicated  thing, but it's working for the three of them. A secret, sacred bond.
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shirbertshitposts · 4 years
I haven’t watched the Sullivan films in a while, well I did watch the first half of the first one a few months ago, but I’ve forgotten some of the scenes and like *deep sigh* choices were made that I Do. Not. Get.
Specifically I was just reminded of Sullivans adaptation of how Anne and Gilbert finally become friends and it involves Gilbert caressing Anne’s cheek and calling her carrots.
Let’s break that down. 
Anne has been holding a grudge against Gilbert for FIVE YEARS because he called her carrots and the moment she finally accepts his friendship Sullivan thought oh Gilbert should call her carrots but affectionately and she won’t get mad this time...like bitch what? Anne was deeply upset not only when Gilbert called her carrots but also when Rachel Lynde called her carrots. Clearly she takes deep offense to this seemingly innocent characterization of the color of her hair. Why would anyone ever want to bring that up again knowing that? In the books Anne is still sensitive about the color of her hair well into adulthood, so much so that here is a quote from 15 YEARS into Anne and Gilbert’s marriage, in Anne of Ingleside 
"Oh, it is too bad my hair is red," said Anne icily.
Gilbert thought he was wise in dropping a dangerous subject. Anne, he reflected, had always been a bit sensitive about her hair.
Also have you ever had someone you JUST became friends with lovingly caress your cheek? That’s weird as hell. You’d probably slap their hand away. There is literally a scene in Anne of the Island, at which point in the story Anne and Gilbert have been best friends for two years already, where Gilbert touches Anne’s hand and she immediately rejects his touch.
Gilbert suddenly laid his hand over the slender white one lying on the rail of the bridge. His hazel eyes deepened into darkness, his still boyish lips opened to say something of the dream and hope that thrilled his soul. But Anne snatched her hand away and turned quickly. The spell of the dusk was broken for her.
In the Anne of Green Gables scene of them becoming friends they say non-offensive things to each other and shake hands. You know like friends would, because they’re friends now. There’s not supposed to be romantic tension between them yet. 
Here is the Anne of Green Gables scene this is supposed to be based off of:
Halfway down the hill a tall lad came whistling out of a gate before the Blythe homestead. It was Gilbert, and the whistle died on his lips as he recognized Anne. He lifted his cap courteously, but he would have passed on in silence, if Anne had not stopped and held out her hand.
“Gilbert,” she said, with scarlet cheeks, “I want to thank you for giving up the school for me. It was very good of you—and I want you to know that I appreciate it.”
Gilbert took the offered hand eagerly.
“It wasn’t particularly good of me at all, Anne. I was pleased to be able to do you some small service. Are we going to be friends after this? Have you really forgiven me my old fault?”
Anne laughed and tried unsuccessfully to withdraw her hand.
“I forgave you that day by the pond landing, although I didn’t know it. What a stubborn little goose I was. I’ve been—I may as well make a complete confession—I’ve been sorry ever since.”
“We are going to be the best of friends,” said Gilbert, jubilantly. “We were born to be good friends, Anne. You’ve thwarted destiny enough. I know we can help each other in many ways. You are going to keep up your studies, aren’t you? So am I. Come, I’m going to walk home with you.”
Marilla looked curiously at Anne when the latter entered the kitchen.“Who was that came up the lane with you, Anne?”
“Gilbert Blythe,” answered Anne, vexed to find herself blushing. “I met him on Barry’s hill.”
“I didn’t think you and Gilbert Blythe were such good friends that you’d stand for half an hour at the gate talking to him,” said Marilla with a dry smile.
“We haven’t been—we’ve been good enemies. But we have decided that it will be much more sensible to be good friends in the future. Were we really there half an hour? It seemed just a few minutes. But, you see, we have five years’ lost conversations to catch up with, Marilla.”
Yes, Anne blushes in the scene but I think it’s more out of embarrassment that she’s been so mean to someone who is willing to do something so nice for her. She is embarrassed that she held onto her grudge for so long. And look at the way Gilbert speaks to her. It’s just friendly. Gilbert literally uses the word friends three times. I mean it’s a little bit funny that he doesn’t let go of her hand after shaking it, but he’s not flirting with her here. Even though he is in love with her, he is not actively flirting with her in this scene because he knows she wouldn’t be receptive to it. She has just accepted his friendship. It took them five years to get to this point. He wouldn’t want to jeopardize that in any way after it took them so long to get there. Gilbert is receptive to Anne’s response to him and he knows the boundaries he can’t push with her. In the later parts of Anne of Avonlea and the beginning of Anne of the Island we him struggle with trying to push their relationship towards romance but Anne responds negatively each time so he keeps toning it back until the fateful first proposal where he can’t take it anymore and ignores all Anne’s signals telling him to stop and just steam rolls ahead declaring his love. And that ends badly for both of them.
Also let’s talk about how in the Sullivan scene Gilbert rode up on a fucking horse literally like a hero out of a romantic story. The WHOLE CRUX OF ANNE BEGINNING TO REALIZE SHE LOVES GILBERT IS HER SAYING THAT ROMANCE ISNT LIKE A GAY KNIGHT RIDING DOWN
Here is that quote from Anne of Avonlea
For a moment Anne’s heart fluttered queerly and for the first time her eyes faltered under Gilbert’s gaze and a rosy flush stained the paleness of her face. It was as if a veil that had hung before her inner consciousness had been lifted, giving to her view a revelation of unsuspected feelings and realities. Perhaps, after all, romance did not come into one’s life with pomp and blare, like a gay knight riding down; perhaps it crept to one’s side like an old friend through quiet ways; perhaps it revealed itself in seeming prose, until some sudden shaft of illumination flung athwart its pages betrayed the rhythm and the music, perhaps . . . perhaps . . . love unfolded naturally out of a beautiful friendship, as a golden-hearted rose slipping from its green sheath.
Ahhhhh what the fuck
I would say why would Sullivan do this when there is so much textual support against it in the later books but I bet that motherfucker hasn’t even read most of the later books because they butchered Anne of Avonlea and Anne of Windy Poplars and the Continuing Story is not based on any of the books at all so clearly they give no fucks i guess???
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Why do the adaptations insist on making Gilbert into a romantic hero when the whole conflict of Anne and Gilbert’s relationship is that he isn’t one. He’s just a regular boy who becomes Anne’s best friend, so she doesn’t realize how much he loves her and that the way she loves him isn’t purely friendly.
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ot3 · 3 years
Do you think that Narumitsu is queerbaiting?
This is kind of a difficult question to answer because I think whether or not something is queerbait depends really heavily on the intent of the writers. A lot of the big picture stuff about narumitsu was a result of kumiko suekanes feedback/suggestions (I believe it was her idea to both make edgeworth phoenixs age as he was originally much older, and for them to have some sort of pre existing connection, because she thought they needed to be peers with history for people to get properly invested in their story. Which I agree with!) Suekane drew yaoi doujinshi so I don't think it's impossible or even unlikely that she was intentionally playing into more romantic character tension there. but she's not a writer ever! Shu Takumi is responsible for all of the trilogy writing and I dont think he was ever even a little bit trying to play into the desires of narumitsu shippers.
If memory serves I think he was like, at least aware that some people saw phoenix and edgeworth romantically but I don't think that in any way influenced the way he wrote his characters. It just does not strike me as the man's style, from everything I've read. Hes not immune to fan feedback (I believe some pretty big stuff in dgs2 was a result of fan reception of dgs1) but I have just really never gotten the impression from anything that takumi is interested in pandering to his audience.
I think he's like hirohiko araki where he just keeps writing these insanely charged feeling relationships between men without the question of whether or not they're kinda gay literally ever crossing his mind. Ace attorney as a franchise is also very devoid of any current romantic relationships for members of its main cast. The series is so unconcerned with romance as something in most of these characters lives that I think it'd be hard to make them date each other in a way that didn't feel strange even if you were going to make them gay.
However, past the trilogy, I think you'd be safe to call it queerbaiting. There's literally no reason for edgeworth to keep showing up like he does other than to roll into town, have some pandery conversations with phoenix, and then let the plot keep chugging along. Capcom knows that that character dynamic is a huge part of what has kept their franchise relevant for the past 20 years. Shu takumi was adamant that phoenixs story was done after tnt- he only put him in aa4 because he was made to. Aai2 cleanly tied up edgworths arc. There's nothing left to do with these characters other than parade them around to be like "hey, remember these guys? Now they're calling each other daddy in court" or whatever. And to me that's bait.
But make no mistake I am taking this bait. Phoenix calling edgeworth daddy in court lives on in my heart as a triumph. Queerbait really isn't the end of the world to me, and I think the critical thing with recognizing queerbait isn't to try and blacklist franchises for this crime, but rather to make you aware of what expectations you should have going in. Knowing when something is queerbait vs queer coding vs textually queer vs none of those things but you could do a meaningful queer reading of it if you wanted to is REALLY important. There aren't hard lines between these concepts but a lot of fan spaces fail to meaningfully distinguish between them at all and you end up with a lot of bizarre and incoherent critical analysis as a result.
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